diff --git "a/amr30_es_test_predictions-preds-only.txt" "b/amr30_es_test_predictions-preds-only.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/amr30_es_test_predictions-preds-only.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,38198 @@ +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / apply-02 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG2 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s / start-01 + :ARG1 (t / thread))) + :manner (r / resolute)) + :snt2 (c / compute-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (p2 / poem) + :ARG2-of (r2 / respond-01))) + +(s / strive-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (d / defend-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (i / island + :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Diaoyu" + :op2 "Islands")) + :op2 (i2 / island + :ARG1-of (r / relate-01)))) + :manner (d2 / die-01 + :ARG1 y)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (s / swipe-01 + :ARG1 (f / fleet) + :ARG2 (s2 / ship + :ARG0-of (f2 / fish-01))) + :snt2 (g / ghost + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :mod (e / evil) + :mod (l / little) + :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (t / trouble-05) + :op2 (t2 / trepidation)))) + :snt3 (d / display-01 + :ARG0 (t3 / they + :ARG0-of (h / have-03 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (h2 / heart + :mod (p / person + :ARG0-of (r / rob-01))) + :op2 (f3 / form + :mod (a3 / arrogant))))) + :ARG1 (l2 / look-02 + :ARG0 t3 + :ARG1 (w / wolf)) + :mod (a4 / again))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (r / return-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG4 (a / and + :op1 (t / time + :mod (t2 / that)) + :op2 (a2 / appearance + :mod (h / humble) + :poss w + :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG1 (s / sign-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (t3 / treaty))))) + :time (e / ever) + :mod (a3 / again)) + :snt2 (a4 / and + :op1 (s2 / strong-02 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China"))) + :op2 (s3 / sharp-02 + :ARG1 (s4 / sword)) + :op3 (s5 / shine-01 + :ARG0 (k / knife)) + :op4 (g / go-02 + :ARG0 (e2 / enemy + :ARG1-of (n2 / near-02)) + :ARG4 (o / over)))) + +(d / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 11 + :year 2010) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / agree-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (a2 / analyze-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s / start-01 + :ARG1 (t / thread)))) + :ARG0-of (d / decide-01)) + :snt2 (l / like-02 + :ARG0 (i2 / i) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Hua_Mulan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hua" + :op2 "Mulan") + :domain i2) + :condition (c / come-01 + :ARG1 (w / war-01) + :ARG1-of (r / real-04)) + :purpose (a3 / and + :op1 (p3 / protect-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 (h / home + :poss (w2 / we))) + :op2 (d2 / defend-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 (m2 / motherland + :poss w2)) + :op3 (s2 / spread-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 (p4 / prestige + :poss (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :op4 (p5 / pledge-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG2 (f / fight-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG2 (d3 / defend-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 (d4 / dignity + :mod (n3 / nation) + :poss w2)) + :duration (d5 / die-01 + :ARG1 i2)))))) + +(w / wish-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (b / bear-02 + :ARG1 i + :time (t / time + :mod (t2 / that) + :mod (p / person + :wiki "Mao_Zedong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mao" + :op2 "Zedong")) + :mod (u / upstanding) + :mod (p2 / passionate))) + :op2 (l / lose-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (h / head + :part-of i)) + :op3 (s / shed-03 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (b2 / blood + :poss i)) + :op4 (e / extinct + :domain (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (e2 / enemy)) + :ARG0-of (h3 / harm-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China"))) + :mod (a2 / all))) + :op5 (e3 / extend-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (p4 / prestige + :mod (d / dragon) + :poss (w2 / we))))) + +(t / tolerate-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :time (a / amr-unknown)) + +(c / citizen + :mod (f / fellow) + :poss (i / i)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (h / hello) + :ARG2 (e / everyone)) + :snt2 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (k / know-01 + :ARG0 (w / we + :mod (a / all)) + :ARG1 (i2 / incident + :wiki "September_18_attacks" + :name (n / name + :op1 "9 /11"))) + :ARG2 (p / plan-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (i3 / incident + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "9 /11") + :location (s2 / sea) + :mod (a3 / another + :mod (y / yet))) + :op2 (i4 / incident + :wiki - + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Plaudiu" + :op2 "over" + :op3 "the" + :op4 "sea") + :mod (a4 / another))) + :mod (a5 / again) + :time (n5 / now)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (d / defy-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :ARG1 (c2 / condemn-01 + :ARG0 (w / world + :mod (e / entire)) + :ARG1 c + :mod (h / heavy))) + :op2 (i / invade-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (t / territory + :mod (h2 / holy) + :location (c3 / country + :poss (w2 / we)) + :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 + :ARG2 (i2 / island + :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Diaoyu" + :op2 "Islands")))) + :manner (o / open-04)) + :ARG0-of (a2 / amaze-01)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (k / know-02 + :ARG0 (w / we + :mod (a / all)) + :ARG1 (p / persecute-01 + :ARG0 (i / island + :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Diaoyu" + :op2 "Islands")) + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")) + :time (a2 / always))) + :snt2 (b / become-01 + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG0-of (b2 / belong-01 + :ARG1 (w2 / we) + :time (o / original))) + :ARG2 (c2 / controversy) + :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (r / reason + :mod (h / history))))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (n / need-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (n2 / negotiate-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (v / very)) + :mod v) + :ARG2 (c / citizen)) + :snt2 (g / go-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :ARG2 (f / far + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 g + :ARG3 (m2 / more + :mod (e / even)))) + :topic (w2 / want-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (c3 / create-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (f2 / fact + :mod (o / occupy-01))))) + :snt3 (a / and + :op1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / allow-01 + :ARG0 (w3 / we) + :ARG1 (t / this))) + :op2 (h2 / have-polarity-91 + :ARG2 - + :mod (a3 / absolute)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG1 (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (m / militarism + :poss (c2 / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Japan"))) + :ARG1 (d / disaster + :ARG1-of (s2 / serious-02)) + :beneficiary (p / person + :location (c3 / continent + :wiki "Asia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Asia")))) + :ARG2 (c4 / citizen)) + +(s / suffer-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG1 (h / havoc + :poss (c2 / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Japan"))) + :duration (s2 / several + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (d / decade))) + :mod (e / especially)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (e / experiment-01 + :ARG0 (m2 / military + :wiki "Japanese_Union_731" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Japanese" + :op2 "Union" + :op3 731)) + :ARG1 (b / body + :mod (h / human)) + :ARG2 (p / person + :ARG0-of (l / live-01) + :source (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Korea" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Korea")) + :op3 (c3 / country + :mod (o / other)))) + :manner (c4 / cruel) + :manner (m3 / method + :ARG1-of (b2 / brutal-02 + :degree (e2 / extreme))) + :location (n4 / northeast)) + :snt2 (a2 / add-02 + :ARG0 (e3 / event + :wiki "Nanjing_massacre" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Nanjing" + :op2 "Massacre")) + :ARG1 (l2 / layer + :consist-of (b3 / blood)) + :ARG2 (c5 / city + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (c6 / capital) + :time (f / former)) + :ARG1-of (f2 / fade-01 + :polarity - + :time (e4 / ever)))) + :snt3 (a3 / and + :op1 (l3 / leave-13 + :ARG0 (b4 / battle-01 + :ARG0 (a4 / and + :op1 (c7 / city + :wiki "Hengyang" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Hengyang")) + :op2 (c8 / city + :wiki "Changsha" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Changsha"))) + :mod (b5 / bloody) + :mod (b6 / big) + :ARG0-of (b7 / bleed-01)) + :ARG1 (b8 / bone + :part-of (p2 / person + :ARG1-of (d / die-01))) + :location (a5 / along + :op1 (d2 / distance-quantity + :quant 1000 + :unit (k / kilometer)))) + :op2 (e5 / end-01 + :ARG0 b4 + :ARG1 (e6 / everything)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (h / have-quant-91 + :ARG1 (e / example + :example-of (c / crime-02 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :mod (a2 / atrocious) + :location (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :ARG3 (t / too) + :ARG6 (c4 / cite-01 + :ARG1 e)) + :op2 (h2 / hard-02 + :ARG1 (s2 / search-01 + :manner (s3 / spend-04 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (s4 / strip + :mod (b / bamboo) + :mod (a3 / all)))))) + :ARG2 (c5 / citizen)) + +(r / resemble-01 + :ARG1 (i / it) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (h / harbor-01 + :ARG0 (s / soul + :quant 10000000 + :mod (t / that) + :ARG1-of (f / fail-01) + :ARG0-of (l / lose-02 + :ARG1 (l2 / life + :poss s))) + :ARG1 (o / ocean + :wiki "Pacific_Ocean" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Pacific" + :op2 "Ocean"))) + :op2 (f2 / find-01 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (d / difficult + :domain (r2 / rest-01 + :ARG0 s + :manner (p / peace)))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / remember-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (l / live-01 + :ARG1 (t / time + :mod (t2 / that))) + :mod (a2 / all)) + :ARG1 t + :manner (v / vivial) + :mod (s / still))) + :op2 (c / cry-02 + :ARG0 (g / generation + :poss (w / we) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (y / young) + :ARG3 (m / more)) + :mod (e / even)) + :manner (t3 / tear-03 + :ARG1 g) + :time (a3 / and + :op1 (g2 / go-back-19 + :ARG1 w + :ARG2 (p2 / page + :mod (t4 / this) + :part-of (s2 / story))) + :op2 (r3 / read-01 + :ARG0 w) + :mod (a4 / any)) + :mod (a5 / also))) + +(w / want-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :ARG1 (r / reverse-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (v / verdict + :topic (h / history + :poss c + :mod (a / aggression)) + :domain (w2 / wake-up-02 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China") + :mod (c3 / compatriot) + :location (c4 / continent + :wiki "Asia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Asia"))) + :ARG1 c2))) + :ARG1-of (r2 / real-04) + :time (n4 / now)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (d / deal-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG2 (i / it))) + :ARG2 (p / pain-01 + :ARG0 (r / remember-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG0-of (e / embarrass-01) + :mod (t2 / this) + :duration (t3 / temporal-quantity + :quant 100 + :unit (y / year)))))) + :snt2 (a / and + :op1 (b / believe-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y2 / you) + :ARG1 (h2 / history)) + :op2 (c / choose-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 y2 + :ARG1 h2) + :concession (s / solve-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (i2 / issue-02 + :ARG0 (h3 / history))))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (f / fear-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (r / responsible-01))) + :snt2 (c2 / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (s / small + :domain (t / territory)) + :ARG2 (r2 / relate-01 + :ARG1 t + :ARG2 (i / issue-02 + :ARG0 (d / dignity)))) + :snt3 (g / guarantee-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (i2 / interest-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / country)) + :op2 (u / unity + :mod (n / nation))) + :ARG1 (h / honor-01) + :concession (a2 / and + :op1 (c4 / change-01 + :ARG1 (w2 / wind)) + :op2 (c5 / change-01 + :ARG1 (c6 / cloud)))) + :snt4 (p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (l / let-01 + :ARG0 (w3 / we) + :ARG1 (s2 / separate-01 + :ARG1 (l2 / land + :mod (n2 / native) + :poss w3))) + :concession (f2 / fill-01 + :ARG1 l2 + :ARG2 (i3 / injure-01)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (m / mean-01 + :ARG1 (a / advent + :mod (d / date-entity + :century 21)) + :ARG2 (t / time + :location-of (a2 / and + :op1 (h / harass-01 + :ARG0 (h2 / hardship + :mod (d2 / domestic)) + :ARG1 (w / we) + :time (p / press-01 + :ARG0 h2 + :ARG2 w + :source (o / outside))) + :op2 (f / face-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (c / challenge-01 + :quant (l / lot)))))) + :ARG2 (c2 / citizen + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / and + :op1 (i / issue-02 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Taiwan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Taiwan"))) + :op2 (i2 / issue-02 + :ARG0 (p / province + :wiki "Tibet" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Tibet"))) + :op3 (i3 / issue-02 + :ARG0 (s / sea + :wiki "South_China_Sea" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "China" + :op3 "Sea"))) + :op4 (e / environment + :ARG1-of (s2 / surround-01)) + :op5 (f / force-04 + :mod (f2 / foreign) + :mod (a2 / aggressive + :prep-against (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "China"))))) + :snt2 (r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (t / take-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (r2 / road + :mod (a3 / amr-unknown))))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 (c / citizen + :mod (f / fellow)) + :ARG1 (a / amr-unknown)) + :snt2 (l / look-01 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (m2 / map + :mod (w / world) + :ARG1-of (m3 / mean-01 + :ARG2 (c2 / cover-02 + :ARG1 (m4 / moon) + :mod (t / that) + :ARG1-of (s / shape-01 + :ARG2 (m5 / middle))))) + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (b / breathe-01 + :ARG0 y) + :op2 (s2 / strangle-01 + :ARG0 m2 + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (d2 / develop-02 + :ARG1 y) + :op2 (g / greed + :poss y)) + :location (t2 / territory + :poss (n / nation)))))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (w / want-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (w2 / we) + :ARG1 (m2 / make-01 + :ARG0 w2 + :ARG1 (e / enemy))) + :ARG2 (f / fear-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 w2 + :ARG1 e + :time (e2 / ever))) + :snt2 (h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (f2 / fear-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (w3 / we) + :ARG1 (w4 / war-01) + :time (e3 / ever)) + :ARG2 (f3 / fear-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 w3 + :ARG1 w4 + :time (e4 / ever)))) + +(o / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (a2 / arm-01 + :ARG0 (w / we)) + :op2 (s / strengthen-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (f / force + :mod (m / military) + :mod (a3 / all) + :location (a4 / and + :op1 (l / land) + :op2 (s2 / sea) + :op3 (a5 / air)))) + :manner (u / urgent))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (f / flourish-01 + :ARG1 (n / nation + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China"))) + :duration (m / multiple + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1000 + :unit (y / year)))) + :ARG2 (a / ambition + :polarity - + :domain (e / expand-01 + :ARG0 n + :ARG1 (t2 / territory + :poss n) + :direction (o / outside)) + :time (b / before) + :time (e2 / ever))) + +(p / philosophy + :domain (r / respect-01 + :mod (s / strategy) + :mod (s2 / security + :mod (f / foreign)) + :ARG0-of (a / apply-02 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (g / good-02) + :op2 (v / virtue))) + :ARG1-of (f2 / follow-02 + :ARG0 (w / we))) + :manner (f3 / force-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (w2 / want-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 w)) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :mod (o / other)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (r / resemble-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (t / tolerate-01 + :ARG0 (c / country)) + :op2 (l / liberal-02 + :ARG1 c)) + :ARG2 (i / individual)) + :op2 (c2 / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / avoid-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (h / hurt-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (o / other))) + :ARG2 (r2 / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (i2 / insist-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (h2 / harm-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 w))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (f / fear-01 + :polarity - + :domain (t / tolerate-01)) + :op2 (o / obligate-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (s / sincerity) + :ARG2 (c / cowardice)) + :mod (c2 / certain)) + +(s / service + :mod (p / peace) + :domain (d / demand-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG1 (r / repair-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (w / war + :wiki "World_War_II" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "World" + :op2 "War" + :op3 "II"))) + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Japan"))) + :mod (p2 / peace + :mod (b / benevolent))) + +(s / story + :ARG1-of (c / condense-01) + :topic (f / fight-01 + :ARG0 (n / nation + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China"))) + :ARG2 (o / overtake-01 + :ARG1-of (c3 / continue-01))) + :domain (b / building + :wiki "National_Monument_to_the_People's_Heroes" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Monument" + :op2 "to" + :op3 "the" + :op4 "People's" + :op5 "Heroes"))) + +(r / represent-01 + :ARG0 (p / posture-01 + :mod (s / solemn) + :mod (m / magnificent)) + :ARG1 (e / expect-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / peace) + :mod (s2 / sacred))) + +(a / and + :op1 (f / flail-01 + :ARG1 (m / memory + :poss (i / i)) + :mod (a2 / around) + :frequency (t / time-to-time)) + :op2 (a3 / arise-02 + :ARG1 (s / scene + :mod (h / hero) + :mod (p / poignant) + :mod (t2 / tragedy) + :quant (m2 / many) + :topic (a4 / and + :op1 (s2 / spear + :ARG1-of (b / bright-02)) + :op2 (h2 / horse + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-03 + :ARG1 (a5 / armor))))) + :location (m3 / mind + :part-of i))) + +(r / run-04 + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (t2 / think-01 + :ARG0 (i / i))) + :ARG2 (p / page + :mod (t3 / that) + :part-of (h / history) + :mod (b / brown)) + :example (a / and + :op1 (s / see-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Kangxi" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Kangxi") + :ARG0-of (r2 / rule-03) + :ARG1-of (f / fame-01) + :poss (g / generation))) + :op2 (c / contemplate-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (a2 / achieve-01 + :ARG1 (u / unify-01 + :ARG1 (t4 / territory)) + :location (r3 / room + :mod (h2 / hearing-02) + :poss p2)) + :mod (j / just) + :time (b2 / before + :op1 (n2 / now) + :quant (m / multiple + :op1 (t5 / temporal-quantity + :quant 100 + :unit (y2 / year))))) + :op3 (s2 / see-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :wiki "Abraham_Lincoln" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Abraham" + :op2 "Lincoln") + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States")) + :ARG2 (p4 / president) + :time (f2 / former)) + :ARG0-of (r4 / roam-01 + :ARG1 (d / darkness + :poss (s3 / salon + :mod (g2 / grand))) + :mod (b3 / by-oneself)) + :ARG0-of (t6 / think-01 + :ARG1 (i2 / integrity + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Union"))))) + :mod (a3 / also)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (e / endanger-01 + :ARG0 (f / forget-01 + :ARG1 (w / war))) + :ARG2 (p / peaceful + :domain (w2 / world))) + :snt2 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (w3 / want-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / citizen + :mod (f2 / fellow) + :poss i) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (d / develop-02) + :op2 (p2 / peace))) + :ARG2 (r / recommend-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (e2 / exercise-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (t / tolerate-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :manner (b / blind-02)) + :time (e3 / ever)))) + :ARG2 c2) + :snt3 (a2 / aggravate-01 + :ARG0 (b2 / book + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "The" + :op2 "Boxer") + :ARG0-of (b3 / betray-01 + :ARG1 (n2 / nation)) + :ARG0-of (h2 / humiliate-01 + :ARG1 n2)) + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (p3 / poor + :domain (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "China"))) + :op2 (b4 / backward + :domain c3)) + :time (t2 / time + :ARG1-of (m2 / modern-02)) + :ARG0-of (m3 / mean-01 + :ARG1 (l / lead-03 + :ARG0 (l2 / leave-11 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (b5 / behind)) + :ARG1 c3 + :ARG2 (i2 / intimidate-01 + :ARG1 c3))))) + +(c / come-03 + :ARG1 (p / peace) + :ARG2 (a / amr-unknown) + :condition (f / force-04 + :polarity -)) + +(a / and + :op1 (r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (f / focus-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG2 (e / educate-01 + :ARG2 (d / defend-01 + :ARG1 (n / nation))))) + :op2 (b / build-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (w2 / wall + :mod (g / great) + :location (h / heart + :part-of (p / person + :quant 1300000000)))) + :op3 (r2 / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (e2 / establish-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (s / scope + :mod (e3 / entire) + :poss (s2 / system + :ARG2-of (d2 / defend-01 + :ARG1 (n2 / nation)) + :ARG0-of (c / capable-01 + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (a3 / attack-01 + :ARG0 s2) + :op2 (d3 / defend-01 + :ARG0 s2)) + :mod (b2 / both))))))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (d / defend-01 + :ARG3 (a / attack-01 + :ARG0 (w / we)) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (g / good-02 + :ARG1 d) + :ARG3 (m2 / most))) + :snt2 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (s / strengthen-01 + :ARG0 (w2 / we) + :ARG1 (f / force + :ARG0-of (d2 / deliver-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / attack-01 + :ARG0 f + :ARG1-of (r / range-01 + :ARG2 (l / long-03 + :degree (u / ultra)))) + :ARG1-of (p / possible-01)))) + :op2 (i / improve-01 + :ARG0 w2 + :ARG1 (c / capable-01 + :ARG1 f + :ARG2 (c2 / combat-01 + :ARG0 f + :location (a4 / and + :op1 (s2 / sector + :mod (a5 / aerospace)) + :op2 (s3 / sector + :mod (d3 / distance + :ARG1-of (w3 / wide-02))) + :op3 (s4 / sector + :mod (d4 / distance + :ARG1-of (w4 / wide-02))))))))) + :snt3 (p2 / premise-01 + :ARG2 (a6 / and + :op1 (s5 / stop-03 + :ARG0 w2 + :ARG2 (i2 / influence-01 + :ARG0 w2 + :ARG1 (d5 / develop-02 + :ARG1 (n / nation)))) + :op2 (i3 / increase-01 + :ARG0 w2 + :ARG1 (a7 / and + :op1 (i4 / invest-01 + :ARG0 (i5 / industry + :mod (d6 / defend-01))) + :op2 (c3 / construct-01 + :ARG0 i5))) + :op3 (a8 / accelerate-01 + :ARG0 w2 + :ARG1 (a9 / and + :op1 (m3 / modernize-01 + :ARG1 (e / equipment + :mod (m4 / military))) + :op2 (i6 / internationalize-01 + :ARG1 e))) + :op4 (e2 / establish-01 + :ARG0 w2 + :ARG1 (d7 / division + :mod (e3 / elite + :mod (q / quality + :ARG1-of (h2 / high-02))) + :mod (t / tech + :ARG1-of (h3 / high-02))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (g / go-off-16 + :ARG1 (b / battlehorn) + :time (a2 / about-to)) + :op2 (e / equip-01 + :ARG1 (p / person) + :ARG1-of (c / complete-02) + :time (a3 / already)) + :op3 (r / ready-02 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (g2 / go-02 + :ARG0 p))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / accomplish-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (a2 / anything) + :condition (s / support-01 + :ARG0 (p / person) + :ARG1 w)) + :snt2 (p2 / powerful-02 + :ARG1 (w2 / we) + :condition (s2 / support-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 w2) + :degree (a3 / all))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (w / we + :mod (c / citizen)) + :ARG1 (n / no) + :ARG2 (e / everyone + :mod (e2 / else)) + :time (n2 / now)) + :snt2 (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG1 (n3 / need-01 + :ARG0 (w2 / we) + :ARG1 (g / get-01 + :ARG0 w2)))) + +(a / and + :li 1 + :op1 (e / establish-01 + :ARG1 (f / fund + :ARG1-of (g / guarantee-01))) + :op2 (i / improve-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (e2 / environment) + :op2 (m / mechanism + :mod (w / work-01)))) + :op3 (r / recruit-01 + :ARG1 (p / professional + :topic (t / technology + :mod (i2 / information)) + :quant (m2 / multiple + :op1 100000) + :ARG0-of (i3 / immigrate-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US")) + :op2 (a4 / around + :op1 (w2 / world)))) + :ARG0-of (s / stay-01 + :location a3)) + :ARG3 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")) + :direction (b / back))) + +(c / create-01 + :li 2 + :ARG1 (g / group + :mod (s / some) + :purpose (b / battle-01) + :consist-of (c2 / carrier + :ARG1-of (p / power-01 + :ARG0 (n / nucleus))))) + +(m / manufacture-01 + :li 3 + :ARG1 (p / plane + :quant 5000 + :purpose (f / fight-01) + :ARG1-of (a / advanced-02) + :mod (t / type + :mod (v / various)))) + +(a / accelerate-01 + :li 4 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (r / research-01 + :ARG1 (m / missile + :mod (b / ballistic) + :mod (i / intercontinental) + :ARG1-of (s / speed-01 + :ARG1-of (h / high-02)) + :ARG0-of (b2 / break-up-08 + :ARG1 (s2 / system + :ARG2-of (d / defend-01 + :ARG3 (m2 / missile))) + :ARG1-of (p / possible-01)) + :ARG1-of (r2 / range-01 + :ARG2 (m3 / more-than + :op1 (d2 / distance-quantity + :quant 10000 + :unit (m4 / mile) + :mod (n / nautical)))))) + :op2 (d3 / deploy-01 + :ARG1 m))) + +(a / and + :li 5 + :op1 (r / resume-01 + :ARG1 (e / experiment-01 + :mod (n / nucleus))) + :op2 (e2 / establish-01 + :ARG1 (f / force + :mod (m / military)) + :location (s / space))) + +(a / and + :li 6 + :op1 (k / keep-01 + :ARG1 (b / bomb + :quant 1000 + :mod (n / nucleus) + :ARG1-of (e / equal-01 + :ARG2 (p / product + :wiki "Treaty_on_the_Non-Proliferation_of_Nuclear_Weapons" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "NPT") + :quant (m / mass-quantity + :quant 10000000 + :unit (t / ton)))))) + :op2 (i / install-01 + :ARG1 (w / warhead + :mod (n3 / nucleus)) + :ARG2 (m2 / missile + :ARG1-of (r / range-01 + :ARG2 (s / short-07)) + :mod (a2 / all)) + :time (n4 / need-01))) + +(r / retain-01 + :li 7 + :ARG1 (s / submarine + :quant 30 + :mod (n / nucleus) + :ARG1-of (c / capable-01 + :ARG2 (i / inflict-01 + :ARG1 (a / attack-01 + :quant 3 + :ARG1 (e / enemy) + :mod (n2 / nucleus) + :ARG0-of (d / devastate-01)))) + :mod (s2 / strategic))) + +(c / cease-01 + :li 8 + :ARG1 (c2 / commit-01 + :ARG2 (u / use-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (w / weapon + :mod (n / nucleus)))) + :time (f / first)) + +(r / retain-01 + :li 9 + :ARG1 (r2 / right-05 + :ARG2 (a / attack-01 + :ARG2-of (p / preempt-01))) + :time (t / threaten-01 + :ARG2 (s / security + :mod (n / nation)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (h / have-condition-91 + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (s / strive-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (s2 / strong-02 + :ARG1 w))) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (c / confident-01 + :ARG1 w + :ARG2 w) + :op2 (o / overtake-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1-of (p2 / personal-02))) + :mod (o2 / only)) + :snt2 (u / unify-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :wiki "Qin_Shi_Huang" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Qin" + :op2 "Shi" + :op3 "Huang")) + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China"))) + :snt3 (r / recover-02 + :ARG0 (p4 / person + :wiki "Zheng_Chenggong" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Zheng" + :op2 "Chenggong")) + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Taiwan" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Taiwan"))) + :snt4 (r2 / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (k / keep-01 + :ARG0 (w2 / we) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (f / foresee-01 + :ARG0 p4 + :topic (f2 / future)) + :op2 (p5 / perspicace) + :op3 (w3 / will + :ARG1-of (s3 / strong-02) + :poss (p6 / person + :ARG1-of (p7 / precede-01 + :ARG2 w2))))) + :topic (r3 / responsible-03 + :ARG0 w2))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (p / piece + :mod (l / land) + :ARG0-of (t / tremble-01 + :direction (a / away + :op1 (h / hug-01 + :ARG0 (m2 / motherland)))) + :ARG0-of (c / counce-01) + :ARG0-of (d / dance-01) + :ARG0-of (c2 / call-02) + :mod (t2 / that) + :time (n / now)) + :snt2 (a2 / and + :op1 (t3 / take-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (c3 / citizen + :mod (y / you)) + :ARG1 (d2 / desire-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (g / general)) + :time (p3 / previous)) + :ARG1-of (e / exhaust-01))) + :op2 (m3 / move-02 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 c3 + :manner (b / brave-02)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (b / become-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (g / grief) + :op2 (a2 / anger-01) + :location (h / heart + :part-of (i / i + :part h5))) + :ARG2 (c / concern-01 + :ARG0 (n / nation)) + :time (r / read-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (h2 / history))) + :snt2 (h3 / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (w / will-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (s / serve-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG2 n + :ARG1-of (v / voluntary-02 + :ARG0 i))) + :op2 (r2 / regret-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 r2 + :concession (e / even-if + :op1 (d / die-01 + :ARG1 i)))) + :ARG2 (a4 / and + :op1 (b2 / bear-02 + :ARG1 i + :manner (c2 / clothe-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (c3 / cloth))) + :op2 (p / person + :mod (c4 / common) + :domain i) + :purpose (p2 / prosper-01 + :ARG0 (c5 / country)) + :purpose (m2 / make-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (s2 / splendid + :domain c5) + :mod (a5 / again)))) + :snt3 (h4 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (h5 / heart + :mod (p3 / patriotic) + :mod (s3 / sincere)) + :ARG2 (m3 / much) + :ARG3 (e2 / enough) + :ARG6 (s4 / show-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 h5 + :ARG2 (h6 / heaven)))) + +(w / write-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (p / poem) + :manner (f / fashion + :mod (c / classical)) + :purpose (e / express-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a / aspire-01 + :ARG0 (h / heart + :part-of i))) + :location (h2 / here)) + +(p / paint-03 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (l / lipstick + :ARG1-of (r / red-02 + :ARG1-of (i / intense-02)))) + +(p / protect-01 + :ARG1 (i / island + :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Diaoyu" + :op2 "Islands"))) + +(l / lose-02 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (i / island + :wiki "Ryukyu_Islands" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ryukyu" + :op2 "Islands") + :poss w) + :degree (b / bitter)) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (l / let-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (f / fall-07 + :ARG1 (i / island + :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Diaoyu" + :op2 "Islands")) + :ARG2 (i2 / in-ones-hands-07 + :ARG0 (c / country + :mod (o / other)) + :ARG1 i)) + :manner (a / amr-unknown))) + +(m / multiple + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 10 + :unit (y / year)) + :mod (v / vicious)) + +(p / pursue-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (s / smoke) + :op2 (c / cloud)) + :ARG1 (w / wave + :ARG0-of (f / fly-01))) + +(r / remain-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG2 (b / brother)) + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (y / young) + :ARG3 (m / more))) + :ARG3 (t / tyrant + :mod (y2 / young)) + :mod (j / just)) + +(a / and + :op1 (g / go-02 + :ARG1 (d / direction + :mod (a2 / all))) + :op2 (c / carry-01 + :ARG1 (s / stamp))) + +(l / look-01 + :ARG1 (f / flag)) + +(a / and + :op1 (b / block-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (g / gun + :poss w)) + :op2 (c / cross-02 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (e / east))) + +(l / let-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (d / drink-01 + :ARG0 (h / horse) + :ARG2 (o / ocean + :wiki "Pacific_Ocean" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Pacific" + :op2 "Ocean")))) + +(d / date-entity + :day 26 + :month 6 + :year 2002) + +(a / and + :op1 (a2 / article + :mod (o / other) + :domain (a3 / and + :op1 (b / book + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Uncle" + :op2 "Doom" + :op3 "to" + :op4 "the" + :op5 "Taiwan" + :op6 " Party")) + :op2 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Ban_Ki-moon" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Ban" + :op2 "Ki-moon")) + :ARG1 (m / meat) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Hiroshima" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Hiroshima"))) + :op3 (n4 / need-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (b2 / build-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (o2 / or + :op1 (m2 / museum) + :op2 (t / temple)) + :ARG3 (h2 / hero + :mod (n5 / nation + :mod-of h2)))) + :op4 (c2 / condone-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 h2 + :time (a4 / amr-unknown)) + :op5 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (c3 / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (h3 / hope-01 + :ARG0 (c4 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG1 (g / game + :wiki "Olympic_Games" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Olympics"))) + :ARG2 (b3 / beg-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 c4 + :ARG2 g + :time (e / ever))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :wiki "Li_Yinhe" + :name (n8 / name + :op1 "Li" + :op2 "Yinhe") + :ARG0-of (w / write-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / thing + :ARG1-of (c5 / crap-01) + :mod (c6 / contemporary)))) + :ARG2 (k / kid)) + :op6 (a5 / and + :op1 (h4 / have-mod-91 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (c7 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n9 / name + :op1 "China"))) + :op2 (h5 / have-mod-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (n10 / nation + :mod n9)) + :op3 (c8 / culture + :mod n9 + :mod (o3 / only)) + :op4 (p3 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (f / fall-05 + :ARG1 (s2 / state) + :ARG2 (o4 / or + :op1 (r / rich) + :op2 (s3 / strong-02) + :op3 (f2 / functionary + :mod c3)))))) + :op7 (s4 / say-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (a6 / and + :op1 (d / disgust-01 + :ARG0 (p4 / person + :wiki - + :name (n11 / name + :op1 "Ren" + :op2 "Zhiqiang"))) + :op2 (s5 / shut-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (m3 / mouth + :part-of p2 + :ARG1-of (d2 / dirty-02))) + :op3 (d3 / dirt + :topic (p5 / price-01 + :ARG1 (h6 / home) + :ARG1-of (h7 / hate-01))) + :op4 (r2 / regret-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 p2) + :op5 (c9 / company + :wiki "Google" + :name (n12 / name + :op1 "Google")) + :op8 (g2 / give-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (t3 / thing + :ARG1-of (c10 / comment-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1-of (r3 / responsible-02 + :polarity -))) + :ARG2 c4 + :time (a7 / amr-unknown)) + :op9 (c11 / condone-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (c12 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n13 / name + :op1 "US"))) + :op10 (a8 / and + :op1 (g3 / give-01 + :ARG0 (c13 / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n14 / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :ARG1 (b4 / bomb) + :ARG2 (w2 / we)) + :op2 (o5 / oppose-01 + :ARG0 w2 + :ARG1 w2 + :ARG1-of (s6 / strong-02))))))) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a / amr-unknown) + :ARG1 (f / fight-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Japan") + :mod (l / little)))) + +(t / tolerate-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :mod (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China"))) + :ARG1 (a / amr-unknown) + :mod (s / still)) + +(r / ride-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (o / over + :op1 (h / head + :part-of (w / we)) + :mod (e / even))) + +(t / thing + :ARG1-of (d / do-02 + :ARG0 (p / person + :mod (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China"))) + :ARG3 (g / guts)) + :domain (t2 / this) + :mod (s / still) + :polarity (a / amr-unknown)) + +(r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (t / tell-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (i / intimidate-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :mod (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China"))) + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :mod (o / other)) + :mod (a / at-will))) + :ARG2 (w2 / world + :mod (w3 / whole)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (t / time + :time-of (s / show-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (s2 / strong-02 + :ARG1 w))) + :snt2 (c / calm-03 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG1-of (l / long-03 + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 c + :ARG3 (t2 / too))))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (c / care-04 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (l / life + :poss (c2 / citizen + :poss (w / we))) + :time (c3 / current) + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 l + :ARG3 (t / too))) + :snt2 (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG2 (o2 / outlandish) + :ARG3 (t2 / too))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (h / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (c / cohere-01) + :time (n / now)) + :snt2 (n2 / need-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG1 (s / start-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (w2 / war-01))) + :snt3 (s2 / slap-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :ARG0-of (f / follow-02 + :ARG1 (r / rear + :poss (c4 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "US"))))) + :ARG1-of (h2 / harsh-02))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (l / let-know-07 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (t / they) + :ARG2 (c / cure-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "America")))) + :snt2 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (i / increase-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (i2 / influence-01 + :ARG0 (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :op2 (i3 / improve-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (c4 / cohere-01 + :ARG1 (c5 / citizenry)))) + :condition (l2 / lose-03 + :ARG0 w)) + :snt3 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (c6 / clean-up-02 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (b / bureaucrat + :ARG1-of (c7 / competent-01 + :polarity -) + :mod (t2 / that))) + :op2 (g / get-04 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (c8 / come-out-09 + :ARG1 (t3 / thing + :mod (t4 / that) + :ARG1-of (c9 / crap-01))))) + :condition (l3 / lose-03 + :ARG0 w)) + :snt4 (l4 / let-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (w2 / we) + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (f / fresh-04 + :ARG1 c3) + :op2 (u / update-01 + :ARG1 c3))) + :snt5 (s / say-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y2 / you) + :ARG1 (p3 / pick-up-04 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (c10 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG1 y2) + :ARG2 c10)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (g / go-02 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China"))) + :ARG2 c) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (s / suggest-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (r / reinforce-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG1 (g / guard-01 + :location (i2 / island + :wiki "Senkaku_Islands" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Diaoyu" + :op2 "Islands")))) + :op2 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 g + :frequency (r2 / rate-entity-91 + :ARG3 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (d2 / day)))) + :op3 (p / protect-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (f / fish-01)) + :op2 (s2 / sovereignty + :poss (c2 / country + :poss (w / we))))))) + :snt2 (f2 / fight-01 + :ARG0 (c3 / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :ARG2 (i3 / invade-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (t2 / territory + :poss w) + :instrument (f3 / force-04 + :ARG0 (m2 / military))) + :condition (d3 / dare-01 + :ARG1 c3 + :ARG2 (w2 / war-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 c3 + :mod (d4 / defend-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (s3 / self)) + :mod (s4 / small-scale)) + :ARG1-of (r3 / regardless-91 + :ARG2 (c4 / cost)))) + :snt3 (p3 / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (l / lose-03 + :ARG0 (c5 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "China"))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (n / need-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (s / show-04 + :ARG1 (b / broadcast-program + :wiki "The_Da_Vinci_Code_(film)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "The" + :op2 "Da" + :op3 "Vinci" + :op4 "Code"))) + :time (l / live-01 + :ARG0 w)) + :ARG2 (r / reality + :domain (s2 / show-01 + :ARG1 (y / you) + :manner (h / hug-01 + :ARG0 (s3 / someone) + :ARG1 y)))) + +(b / by-the-way + :domain (i / i) + :mod (j / just)) + +(r / resemble-01 + :ARG1 (s / society + :mod (w / whole)) + :ARG2 (t / that) + :mod (m / mention-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (s2 / star))) + +(d / damn + :mode expressive + :mod (s / sexy + :polarity -)) + +(p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (a / accept-01 + :ARG1 (i / it)) + :manner (t / total)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / agree-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (c / cheer-02) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cheap-02) + :mod (o / only))) + :snt2 (s / sense-02 + :ARG1 (r / reputation + :poss (t / they) + :topic (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China") + :mod (f / feudalism))) + :mod (s2 / some))) + +(s / seem-01 + :ARG1 (g / glorious + :domain (l / life + :poss (h / he)))) + +(g / group-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (p2 / profess-01 + :quant 9))) + +(h / hard-02 + :ARG1 (l / live-01)) + +(s / shock-01) + +(n / normal-02 + :ARG1 (c / case-04 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (o / out-06 + :ARG1 (s / slut)) + :op2 (j / just-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (e / entertain-01)))) + :time (a2 / always))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (w / want-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (m / money)) + :ARG2 (w2 / want-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (f / face))) + +(a / and + :op1 (l / look-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (l2 / lob + :mod (g / glasses) + :ARG1-of (n / near-02 + :ARG2 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Ms." + :op2 "Fan"))))) + :op2 (k / know-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (o2 / obligate-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (a2 / act-01)) + :ARG2 (d / drink-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG2 l2)) + :op2 (f / force-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 p2 + :ARG2 (o3 / out-06 + :ARG1 p2)) + :op3 (o4 / offend-03 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 p2 + :mod (e / even))))) + +(p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Sollozo")) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG1 (o / okay-04 + :condition (a / as-long-as + :op1 (e / eat-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / something)))) + :ARG2 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Loveliness"))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (e / easy-05 + :ARG1 (n / no-one)) + :snt2 (r / resemble-01 + :ARG1 (l / life) + :ARG2 (s / spectacle) + :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG1 (y / you) + :ARG2 (w / watch-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (s2 / screenplay) + :purpose (l2 / learn-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (a / act-01 + :ARG0 y))))))) + +(p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "S.B.") + :domain (t / they + :mod (a / all))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (h / have-degree-91 + :mode expressive + :ARG1 (p / point + :mod (e / exam) + :mod (u / university + :wiki "Imperial_College" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Imperial"))) + :ARG2 (g / good-02 + :ARG1 p) + :ARG3 (m2 / most) + :ARG5 (b / board + :mod (l / life + :quant 360))) + :snt2 (b2 / behind + :op1 (p2 / point + :mod (e2 / exam + :mod (u2 / university + :wiki "Imperial_College" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Imperial"))) + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (g2 / good-02 + :ARG1 p2) + :ARG3 (m3 / most))) + :mod (e3 / effort-01 + :degree (s / so)) + :ARG0-of (o / overwhelm-01 + :degree (s2 / so))) + :snt3 (h3 / humiliate-01 + :ARG0 (w / word + :mod (s3 / string-entity + :value "frying")) + :ARG1 (t / this))) + +(h / haha + :mode expressive) + +(o / overkill) + +(r / reality) + +(s / stop-03 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (h / hooligan + :mod (t / that))) + +(a / artist + :ARG1-of (c / cheap-02)) + +(p / person + :ARG0-of (a / art + :ARG1-of (c / cheap-02))) + +(a / and + :op1 (d / dirty-02 + :ARG1 (c / circle + :mod (e / entertain-01))) + :op2 (a2 / and + :op1 (b / bird) + :op2 (b2 / beast) + :op3 (s / scum) + :domain (m / man + :location c + :mod (a3 / all)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (b / bad-07 + :ARG1 (t / they)) + :ARG2 (f / fault-01 + :ARG1 (a / amr-unknown))) + :snt2 (e / easy-05 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (s / star + :mod (w / woman) + :mod (t2 / that)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 (e / everyone) + :ARG1 (t / this)) + :snt2 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (m2 / make-05 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (m3 / money) + :condition (d2 / do-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (i / it))) + :manner (a / amr-unknown))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (p / pride-01 + :ARG0 (s / she) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :mod (o / other))) + :ARG2 (d / display-01 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (m / melancholic) + :time (r / run-07 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (a / alone + :domain s)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (h / have-mod-91 + :ARG1 (s / star + :time (n / nowadays)) + :ARG2 (p / person + :ARG1-of (p2 / popular-02) + :ARG0-of (p3 / prostitute-01)) + :mod (j / just) + :time (t / time + :mod (a / ancient)) + :ARG1-of (p4 / put-02 + :ARG1-of (c / clear-06))) + :snt2 (r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (n2 / normal-02 + :ARG1 (d / drink-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG2 (p5 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (o2 / official + :mod (s2 / senior))) + :quant (s3 / some)))) + :op2 (s4 / sleep-02 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 p5 + :mod (e / even))) + :time (n3 / now + :time-of (p6 / person + :ARG0-of (p7 / prostitute-01) + :ARG1-of (f / fame-01) + :domain y)))) + +(s / stop-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (o / other)) + :mod (b / by-oneself) + :mod (j / just)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (a / amr-unknown) + :time (f / future)) + :snt2 (h / have-degree-91 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (c / capable-01 + :ARG1 (s / she) + :mod (a2 / alone)) + :ARG2 (m2 / much) + :ARG3 (e / enough) + :ARG6 (s2 / succeed-01 + :ARG0 s)) + :snt3 (f2 / face-01 + :ARG0 (w2 / we) + :ARG1 (d2 / decide-01 + :ARG0 w2 + :mod (d3 / difficult + :degree (s3 / so))) + :polarity (a3 / amr-unknown) + :mod (t / too))) + +(s / suffer-01 + :ARG0 (u / under + :op1 (d / disguise-01 + :ARG1 (l / look-01 + :ARG1-of (g / glorify-01)))) + :mod (m / more) + :ARG1-of (f / fact + :ARG2-of (d2 / dispute-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1-of (p / possible-01)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (b / bad-07 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (i / it)) + :snt2 (p / play-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :manner (c / circle + :poss t) + :mod (j / just) + :location (o / outside + :op1 (s / sight-01)) + :manner (m2 / mindless))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (b / behave-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Zhang_Jizhong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Old" + :op2 "Zhang" + :op3 "Jizhong")) + :ARG1 (m2 / man + :mod (f / foot)) + :location (c2 / circle + :poss p)) + :ARG2 (t / think-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (v / virtue + :domain p + :ARG1-of (h / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (t2 / talent + :mod (a / any)))) + :mod (a2 / also))) + :snt2 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 (h2 / he) + :ARG1 (s / series + :medium (t3 / television)) + :time (d2 / do-02 + :ARG0 h2 + :ARG1 (n2 / nothing) + :ARG2 (r / ruin-01 + :ARG0 h2 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :location (a3 / around + :op1 (c3 / country))))))) + +(t / take-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / they + :mod (b / both)) + :ARG1 (t3 / thing + :ARG1-of (n / need-01 + :ARG0 t2))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG1 (g / girl + :ARG1-of (p2 / pure-02) + :ARG1-of (i / innocent-01))) + :time (a / amr-unknown)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (s / shock-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / story) + :degree (v / very) + :time (t / today) + :location (w / world + :mod (s3 / show-04))) + :snt2 (r / rumor-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (t2 / throw-out-06 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hsu" + :op2 "Yuki")) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (r2 / refuse-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (d / drink-01 + :ARG0 p + :accompanier (g / guest)) + :ARG1-of (c2 / conform-01 + :ARG2 (w2 / will-02 + :ARG0 (c3 / company)))))) + :op2 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (w3 / work-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (a2 / assist-01 + :ARG1 (l / lawyer))) + :purpose (m2 / make-02 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (m3 / meet-03 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (e / end)))))))) + +(e / encounter-01 + :ARG0 (s / star + :mod (s2 / super) + :ARG1-of (e2 / envy-01 + :ARG1-of (h / high-02))) + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (c / commit-01 + :mod (s3 / social)) + :op2 (c2 / circumstance + :ARG1-of (d / dislike-01 + :ARG0 s) + :ARG1-of (j / join-04 + :ARG0 s + :ARG2-of (o2 / obligate-01 + :ARG1 s)))) + :frequency (o3 / often)) + +(t / thing + :quant (l / lot) + :ARG1-of (d / decide-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / they) + :ARG1-of (p / possible-01 + :polarity -) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (h / have-to-do-with-04 + :ARG0 t2 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (a2 / aspect + :quant (l2 / lot)) + :op2 (i / interest-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :quant (m / many))))))) + :mod (a3 / after-all)) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (s / simple-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (d / dinner + :mod (o / ordinary + :ARG1-of (s2 / seem-01 + :ARG2 (w / we + :mod (p2 / person))))) + :ARG3 (s3 / star) + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 d + :ARG3 (e / equal) + :ARG4 (i / imagine-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 d))) + :frequency (s4 / sometimes)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / and + :op1 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 (s / star) + :ARG1 (c / contract + :quant (p / plenty))) + :op2 (r / rise-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / source-02 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (m2 / money)) + :condition (d / do-02 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (i / it) + :ARG1-of (w / well-09)))) + :snt2 (h2 / have-condition-91 + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (f / force-01 + :ARG0 (i2 / it) + :ARG2 (g / go-out-17)) + :op2 (d2 / discriminate-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :mod (e / even)) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (s3 / stand-08 + :ARG0 i2))) + :ARG2 (l / look-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 (g2 / good-02)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (s / star + :quant 2 + :mod (f / female) + :ARG1-of (s2 / smart-06) + :mod (k / kind)) + :snt2 (a / and + :op1 (k2 / keep-01 + :ARG0 (o / one + :mod (s3 / sort + :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity + :value 1))) + :ARG1 (i / integrity + :mod (u / upper + :degree (v / very))) + :time (a2 / always)) + :op2 (r / reject-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (i2 / invite-01 + :ARG2 (t / that + :mod (a3 / all))) + :manner (s4 / severe)))) + +(g / good-02 + :ARG1 (g2 / guy + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 2)) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (d / do-02 + :ARG1 (t / trick-01)) + :op2 (a2 / achieve-01 + :ARG1 (g3 / goal + :poss g2) + :instrument (c / capital + :mod (i / initial))))) + +(r / rumor-01 + :ARG1 (g / get-01 + :ARG0 (s / star + :mod (f / female) + :mod (s2 / super) + :quant (s3 / some) + :mod (e / even)) + :ARG1 (r2 / role + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1) + :poss s) + :manner (w / way + :mod (t / this)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (t / take-advantage-02 + :ARG0 (o / or + :op1 (c / company + :ARG0-of (a2 / advertise-01)) + :op2 (c2 / company + :ARG0-of (s / sponsor-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / program)))) + :ARG1 (o2 / opportunity) + :purpose (o3 / or + :op1 (s2 / shrug-03 + :ARG0 o + :ARG2 (s3 / shoulder + :part-of (s4 / star + :mod (w / woman)))) + :op2 (t2 / touch-04 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (c3 / chin + :part-of s4)) + :op3 (k / kiss-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (c4 / cheek + :part-of s4)))) + :time (a3 / after + :op1 (d / drink-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (a4 / alcohol + :quant (b / bit))))) + :op2 (a5 / attitude + :domain (r / resist-01) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (a6 / adopt-01 + :ARG0 s4) + :ARG3 (m / most)))) + +(s / same-01 + :ARG1 (t / they) + :ARG2 (p / person + :part-of (p2 / profession + :quant 9 + :ARG1-of (i / inferior-01)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (p / pretend-01 + :ARG0 (s / star + :mod (t / that)) + :mod (o / only)) + :snt2 (l / live-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / they + :mod (a / all)) + :ARG1 (l2 / life + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (g / good-02 + :ARG1 l2) + :ARG3 (m2 / more + :quant (m3 / much)) + :ARG4 (l3 / life + :mod (t3 / this)))) + :ARG1-of (a2 / actual-02))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / agree-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (c / cheer-02) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cheap-02) + :mod (o / only))) + :snt2 (s / sense-02 + :ARG1 (r / reputation + :poss (t / they) + :topic (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China") + :mod (f / feudalism))) + :mod (s2 / some))) + +(a / agree-01 + :mode expressive + :ARG0 (i / i)) + +(e / easy-05 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (g / get-03 + :ARG2 (p / person + :ARG0-of (a / act-01))) + :mod (o / oh-well + :mode expressive)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (d / deserve-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (i / it)) + :snt2 (a / ask-02 + :ARG0 (t2 / they) + :ARG1 (t3 / that))) + +(r / realize-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (e / easy-05 + :ARG1 (n / nothing))) + +(a / and + :op1 (a2 / and + :op1 (b / bird) + :op2 (b2 / beast) + :domain (w / woman)) + :op2 (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (m / man) + :ARG2 (b3 / bad-07 + :ARG1 m) + :ARG3 (m2 / more) + :ARG4 (a3 / and + :op1 (b4 / bird) + :op2 (b5 / beast)))) + +(b / bravo + :mode expressive) + +(b / bravo + :mode expressive) + +(p / pass-03 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (t / time + :ARG1-of (l / long-03))) + +(s / start-01 + :ARG1 (r / road + :wiki "Virginia_State_Route_288" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ruta" + :op2 288 + :op3 "," + :op4 "Virginia" + :op5 "Urban" + :op6 " Corride") + :ARG1-of (r2 / run-04 + :ARG2 (q / quarter + :mod (s2 / southwest) + :part-of (c / city + :wiki "Richmond,_Virginia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Richmond" + :op2 "New" + :op3 "Urban" + :op4 "Regiment")))) + :ARG1-of (r3 / run-04)) + :time (l / late + :op1 (d / date-entity + :year 2004))) + +(a / and + :op1 (m / make-02 + :ARG0 (i / it) + :ARG1 (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (p / pattern + :mod (d / develop-01)) + :ARG2 (b / bad-07 + :ARG1 p) + :ARG3 (m2 / more))) + :op2 (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (c2 / congestion + :mod (t / traffic) + :ARG1-of (l / localize-01 + :ARG2 (a2 / around + :op1 (e / exit-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / they)))))) + :time (a3 / already)) + +(t / tell-01 + :ARG0 (n / newspaper + :wiki "Richmond_Times-Dispatch" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Richmond" + :op2 "Times-Dispatch")) + :ARG1 (s / story + :topic (i / impact-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / trail + :wiki "Huguenot_Trail" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Huguenot" + :op2 "Trail") + :location (c / county + :wiki "Powhatan_County,_Colorado" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Powhatan" + :op2 "County"))))) + :time (t3 / today)) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Will" + :op2 "Jones")) + :ARG1 (d / double-01 + :ARG1 (t / traffic + :location (s / section + :part-of (r2 / road + :wiki "Huguenot_Trail" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Huguenot" + :op2 "Trail")))) + :mod (m / more-than) + :time (s2 / since + :op1 (o / open-01 + :ARG1 r2 + :quant 288)))) + +(u / up-02 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s / speed-01) + :op2 (a2 / accident)) + :mod (a3 / also)) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG1 (a / accident + :quant 17 + :ARG1-of (c / compare-01 + :ARG2 (a2 / accident + :quant 12 + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2004 + :mod (a3 / all))))) + :time (s / so-far + :op1 (y / year)) + :ARG1-of (n / near-02 + :ARG2 (i / intersect-01 + :location (r2 / road + :wiki "Winterfield_Road" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Winterfield" + :op2 "Road"))))) + +(p / point-out-02 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Dale" + :op2 "Totten") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Virginia_Department_of_Transportation" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Department" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Transportation") + :mod (s / state + :wiki "Virginia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Virginia"))) + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (e / engineer-01) + :ARG0-of (r / reside-01)))) + :ARG1 (h2 / have-condition-91 + :ARG1 (g2 / give-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (l / lane + :quant 4) + :ARG2 (r2 / road) + :ARG3 (a / about + :op1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 13000000 + :unit (d / dollar)))) + :ARG2 (h3 / have-03 + :ARG0 (h4 / he) + :ARG1 (m2 / money + :mod (m3 / more))))) + +(h / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "VDOT" + :name (n / name + :op1 "VDOT")) + :ARG1 (m / money + :mod (m2 / more) + :purpose (c / construct-01 + :ARG1 (r / road) + :location (l / local-region + :wiki "Richmond,_Virginia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Richmond")))) + :mod (o2 / of-course)) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (s / spend-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "United_States_Department_of_State" + :name (n / name + :op1 "VDOT")) + :ARG3 (m / money + :mod (f / fucking + :mode expressive) + :mod (a / all) + :poss g) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2008) + :time (i / instancias + :poss (a2 / and + :op1 (p / politician) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (s2 / support-01) + :ARG1-of (l / local-02)))))) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Homer_Simpson" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Homer" + :op2 "Simpson")) + :ARG2 (a / amr-unknown) + :time (n2 / need-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 p)) + +(m / moment + :mod (g / great) + :domain (t / this) + :mod (a / ah + :mode expressive)) + +(g / generate-01 + :ARG0 (r / road + :wiki "Ruta_288" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ruta" + :op2 288)) + :ARG1 (d / develop-02 + :ARG2 (r2 / residence) + :location (a / area + :ARG1-of (p / populate-01 + :ARG1-of (r3 / rare-02)) + :location (a2 / around + :op1 (e / exit-01 + :ARG0 (y / you))))) + :manner (o / overload-01 + :ARG0 r + :ARG1 (r4 / road + :ARG1-of (l / local-02))) + :ARG1-of (p2 / predict-01 + :ARG0 (w / we))) + +(h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (d / decide-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :mod (o / other)) + :ARG1 (l / location + :location-of (a / and + :op1 (l2 / live-01 + :ARG0 p) + :op2 (w / work-01 + :ARG0 p)))) + :ARG2 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / provide-01 + :ARG0 (r / road + :mod (r2 / road) + :ARG1-of (l3 / limit-01 + :ARG1 r3)) + :ARG1 (r3 / relieve-01 + :ARG1 (t / traffic)) + :ARG2 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (d2 / drive-01 + :ARG1 (r4 / road + :mod (b / between + :op1 (c / county + :wiki "Chesterfield_County,_Virginia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chesterfield")) + :op2 (c2 / county + :wiki "Goochland_County,_Virginia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Goochland")))) + :manner (a2 / and + :op1 (b2 / back) + :op2 (f / forth))))))) + +(a / and + :op2 (c / create-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (c2 / congest-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / traffic)) + :location (p / place + :ARG1-of (n / new-02)))) + +(s / surprise-01 + :ARG0 (q / quick-02 + :ARG1 (e / event + :mod (t / this))) + :ARG1 (i / i) + :mod (a / all)) + +(t / think-01 + :ARG0 (i / i + :mod (e / even)) + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (d / delay-01 + :ARG1 (i2 / it) + :ARG2 (o / or + :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 3 + :unit (y / year)) + :op2 (t3 / temporal-quantity + :quant 4 + :unit (y2 / year)))))) + +(t / think-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (p / passive + :ARG1-of (c / create-01 + :ARG3 (w / way + :purpose (e / exit-01 + :ARG0 y + :mod (a / all))))) + :condition (c2 / create-01 + :ARG0 (r / road + :wiki "Ohio_State_Route_288" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ruta" + :op2 288)) + :ARG1 (r2 / road + :ARG1-of (w2 / worth-01 + :ARG2 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 13000000 + :unit (d / dollar)))) + :time (a2 / already) + :mod (t2 / this) + :mod (a3 / alone))) + +(p / predict-01 + :mod (a / another) + :location (h / here)) + +(s / skyrocket-01 + :ARG1 (n / need-01 + :ARG1 (i / improve-01 + :mod (v / via) + :ARG1-of (n2 / new-01))) + :time (a / after + :op1 (a2 / and + :op1 (d / develop-02 + :ARG1 (s2 / subdivide-01 + :ARG1-of (d2 / divide-02)) + :duration (f / few + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (y / year)) + :mod (m / more))) + :op2 (a3 / approve-01 + :ARG1 (p / project + :mod (t2 / trade) + :mod (m2 / mega)) + :location (s3 / site + :mod (m3 / main) + :quant 288))))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (s / see-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (e / exceed-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / passive + :ARG1-of (f / fund-01 + :polarity -)) + :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 400000000 + :unit (d / dollar + :mod (o / original)) + :ARG1-of (t / take-10 + :ARG0 (b / build-01 + :ARG1 (r / road + :mod (o2 / original))))) + :mod (m2 / more-than))) + :time (b2 / before + :op1 (e2 / end-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / decade))) + :mod (w2 / well + :degree (v / very))) + +(t / think-01 + :ARG0 (c / cerebrum) + :ARG1 (i / idea + :mod (g / great) + :domain (r / road + :wiki "Ohio_State_Route_28" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ruta" + :op2 288)))) + +(t / thank-01 + :ARG1 (y / you) + :ARG2 (n / nothing)) + +(t / think-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (s / spend-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG3 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 400000000 + :unit (d / dollar)) + :ARG1-of (g / good-02 + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 s + :ARG3 (m2 / more))) + :location (e / elsewhere)))) + +(t / think-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (b / blame-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :quant 288) + :ARG2 (c / create-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :mod (t2 / that)))))) + +(a / alternative + :domain (a2 / amr-unknown) + :condition (h / have-quant-91 + :ARG1 (t / they) + :ARG3 (e / enough) + :ARG6 (c / create-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / congest-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / traffic) + :ARG1-of (n / new-01) + :location (p / place + :ARG1-of (n2 / new-02)))))) + +(h / have-quant-91 + :ARG1 (t / traffic + :location (p / place + :mod (o / old))) + :ARG3 (m / more) + :polarity (a / amr-unknown)) + +(u / understand-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "TMT")) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Fairfax,_Virginia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Fairfax")))))) + :time (n3 / now)) + +(t / take-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (p / position-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG2 (f / favor-01 + :ARG1 (c / carreer))) + :ARG1-of (t2 / typical-02)) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (o / over + :op1 288 + :domain (i / it) + :mod (d / definite) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (n / need-01 + :location (p / part + :mod (o2 / other) + :part-of (s / state)) + :ARG1-of (o3 / obvious-01))))) + +(h / have-03 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (c / city + :wiki "Richmond,_Virginia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Richmond") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (t / traffic) + :degree (v / virtual)))) + +(l / last-01 + :ARG1 (h / hour + :time-of (r / roll-01)) + :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 30 + :unit (m / minute))) + +(a / and + :op2 (g / give-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (e / echo-01 + :ARG1 (t / they) + :ARG2 (a2 / area + :mod (r / rural + :mod (m / most)))) + :ARG2 t)) + +(w / way + :destination (n / nowhere)) + +(t / think-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (t2 / truth-value + :polarity-of (s / spend-01 + :ARG3 (o / or + :op1 (g / go-02 + :ARG1 (a / across + :op1 (r / river + :wiki "Potomac" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Potomac"))) + :mod (a2 / another)) + :op2 (i / improve-01 + :ARG1 (t3 / track) + :ARG1-of (n2 / need-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / state + :wiki "Nova_Scotia_(U.S._state)" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Nova" + :op2 "Scotia")) + :ARG1-of (d / desperate-02)))) + :ARG3 (m / money + :mod (t4 / this)))) + :mod (j / just)) + +(a / and + :op1 (h / help-01 + :ARG0 (s / state + :mod (r / rest)) + :ARG1 (p / pay-01 + :ARG0 s + :ARG3 288 + :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 288 + :unit (d / dollar)) + :source (a2 / agree-01 + :ARG1 (b / budget) + :time (y / year + :mod (l / last)))) + :purpose (l2 / lump-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / debt))) + :op2 (s2 / say-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Virginia" + :op2 "Centrist")) + :ARG1 (l3 / lie-08))) + +(k / kind-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (p / please-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (w / we)) + :degree (v / very)) + +(h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (s / sense-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (i / it) + :degree (m / much))) + +(i / issue-02 + :ARG0 (i2 / it) + :mod (o / old) + :ARG1-of (s / same-01)) + +(a / accuse-01 + :ARG1 (y / you) + :ARG2 (p / provoke-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (e / expand-01 + :ARG1-of (c / control-01 + :polarity -))) + :condition (g / go-03 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (n / need-01))) + +(p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (p2 / pave-02 + :ARG1 (w / way) + :ARG2 (o / out-06 + :ARG1 w + :ARG2 (c / congest-01))) + :ARG1-of (a / argue-01) + :condition (b / build-01 + :ARG1 (i / it) + :location (h / high-02 + :ARG1 (n / need-01) + :time (a2 / already)))) + +(a / anonymous) + +(p / point-04 + :ARG1-of (g / good-02) + :domain (t / that)) + +(p / point-04 + :ARG1-of (g / good-02) + :domain (d / date-entity + :time "5 :26")) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (e / evidence-01 + :ARG0 (s / situation + :mod (t / this)) + :ARG1 (v / valid-02 + :ARG1 (t2 / thing + :ARG1-of (r / report-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / state)) + :ARG0-of (f / find-01 + :ARG1 (i / instead-of-91 + :ARG1 (f2 / fund-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (o / organization + :wiki "Central_Transportation_Organization" + :name (n / name + :op1 "CTB")) + :op2 (o2 / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Department_of_Transportation" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "VDOT"))) + :ARG1 (p / project + :mod (t3 / transport-01) + :ARG1-of (b / base-02 + :ARG2 (p2 / plan-01 + :ARG0 (s3 / state) + :ARG1 t3 + :mod (c2 / comprehensive))))) + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (d / do-02 + :ARG1 (w / work-01 + :ARG1 (l / lobby-01) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (g / good-03 + :ARG1 w) + :ARG3 (m / most))))))))))) + +(m / maintain-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (s / situation + :ARG0-of (d / disgrace-01) + :domain (t / this) + :ARG1-of (t2 / tolerate-01 + :polarity -))) + +(a / and + :op1 (w / worsen-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki "George_Chichester" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chichester") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (s / senator))) + :op2 (a3 / adjoinder + :poss p)) + :ARG1 (s2 / situation) + :manner (p2 / put-01 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 (m / money + :quant (m2 / more)) + :ARG2 (i / institution + :ARG1-of (f / flaw-01) + :mod (t / this))))) + +(h / have-purpose-91 + :ARG1 (e / expend-01 + :ARG1-of (r / relate-01 + :ARG2 (t / transport-01))) + :ARG2 (a / amr-unknown)) + +(a / and + :op1 (h / have-purpose-91 + :ARG1 (i / it) + :ARG2 (b / benefit-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (p / plan-01 + :ARG1 (b2 / business) + :ARG1-of (p2 / private-03)))) + :op2 (h2 / have-purpose-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (s / serve-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG2 (i2 / interest + :mod (p3 / public))) + :polarity -) + :location (s2 / state + :wiki "Virginia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Virginia"))) + +(w / wrong-04 + :ARG1 (y / you + :mod (a / all)) + :ARG1-of (c / complete-02)) + +(h / have-quant-91 + :ARG1 (n / nothing) + :ARG3 (l / less) + :ARG4 (s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Walter_Stoch" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Walter" + :op2 "Stoch")) + :ARG1 (p2 / pay-01 + :ARG1 (m / money + :quant 288) + :ARG3 (d / develop-02 + :ARG1 (e / economy))))) + +(c / come-on-25 + :mode imperative + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (f / friend)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG1 (u / understand-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (p / point-04 + :ARG0 (y / you))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "TMT"))) + +(a / and + :op1 (t / time + :mod (l / last) + :time-of (s / stick-01 + :ARG1 (h / he) + :ARG2 (t2 / traffic))) + :op2 (b / be-located-at-91 + :polarity - + :ARG1 h + :ARG2 (w / way + :direction (o / or + :op1 (b2 / business + :mod (a2 / any)) + :op2 (t3 / traffic + :source b2))))) + +(s / seem-01 + :ARG1 (h / have-purpose-91 + :ARG1 (r / road) + :ARG2 (m / make-02 + :ARG0 r + :ARG1 (e / easy-05 + :ARG1 (i / interest-01 + :ARG1 (p / public) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (c / come-01 + :source (f / firm + :ARG1-of (p2 / private-03))) + :op2 (c2 / come-01 + :source f))) + :ARG2-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG3 (m2 / more))))) + :ARG2 (i2 / i)) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (w / walk-01 + :ARG2 (m / mourn-01)) + :op2 (t / trip-03 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG2 (g / grandmother))) + :ARG1 (h2 / home)) + :op3 (p2 / play-01 + :ARG1 (f / football)) + :time (t2 / then) + :mod (o / of-course)) + :ARG2 (n / need-01 + :ARG1 (s / support-01 + :ARG1 (b / business)) + :ARG0-of (o2 / overwhelm-01) + :mod (s2 / still))) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / close-10 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (e / expend-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG2 (r / road))) + :ARG2 (i / increase-01 + :ARG1 (p / product + :mod (d / domestic) + :poss (o / or + :op1 (b / business) + :op2 (s / state)))) + :mod (a / at-all)) + :ARG1 (w2 / wonder-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (r2 / run-07 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (p2 / problem + :topic (c3 / congest-01))))) + +(r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :quant 2)) + :condition (r2 / recognize-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (b / benefit-01 + :ARG0 (r3 / road) + :ARG1 (b2 / business + :mod (p / primary))))) + +(l / let-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p / pay-01 + :ARG0 (c / company) + :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :ARG1-of (b / bill-01 + :ARG2 y + :ARG3 (t / transport-01))) + :ARG3 (m3 / most))) + :ARG1-of (p2 / pass-05 + :ARG2 y + :mod (o / of-course))) + :op2 (i2 / insist-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (l2 / location + :location-of (p3 / pressure-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (s / system) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (b2 / bad-05 + :ARG1 l2) + :ARG3 (m4 / most)))) + :concession (e / even-if + :op1 (m5 / mean-01 + :ARG1 l2 + :ARG2 (t2 / travel-01 + :mod (m6 / more) + :ARG1-of (g / general-02))))))) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a / amr-unknown) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :mod (d / difficult) + :ARG1-of (u / understand-01) + :degree (s / so))) + +(s / solve-01 + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (p / pattern + :ARG0-of (f / function-01) + :mod (s2 / settlement + :mod (h / human))) + :op2 (b / balance-01 + :ARG1 (c / capable-01 + :ARG1 (s3 / system + :mod (t / transport-01))) + :ARG2 (d / demand-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / travel-01) + :ARG1-of (g / generate-01 + :ARG0 (u / use-01 + :ARG1 (g2 / ground))))))) + +(t / thing + :mod (o / other) + :mod (a / all) + :ARG1-of (s / spin-03)) + +(p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "EMR")) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "TMT")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (h / have-purpose-91 + :ARG1 (i / it) + :ARG2 (b / benefit-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (p2 / plan-01 + :ARG1 (b2 / business) + :ARG1-of (p3 / private-03)))) + :op2 (h2 / have-purpose-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (s2 / serve-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG2 (i2 / interest + :mod (p4 / public))) + :polarity -) + :location (s3 / state + :wiki "Virginia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Virginia")))) + +(s / see-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (p / point-03 + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (s2 / state-01) + :mod (t2 / this))) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (s3 / seem-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (d / demonize-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (p2 / plan-01 + :ARG1 (b / business + :ARG1-of (p3 / private-03)))) + :op2 (p4 / put-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (i2 / interest + :ARG1-of (p5 / public-02)) + :ARG2 (b2 / before + :op1 (e / everything + :mod (e2 / else)))))))) + +(t / think-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (t2 / they) + :ARG2 (s / string-entity) + :ARG3 (s2 / so) + :ARG6 (s3 / same-01 + :ARG1 t2 + :degree (p / pretty-much)))) + +(p / problem + :ARG1-of (l / local-02) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (t / thick-03 + :ARG1 (m / masa + :purpose (c2 / cookie) + :mod (t2 / this))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (d / discover-01 + :ARG0 (w2 / we + :mod (a / all)) + :ARG1 (w / work-01 + :ARG0 w2 + :ARG2 (p / person + :wiki "Devil" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Devil"))) + :time (e / eventual) + :condition (p2 / plow-01 + :ARG0 w2 + :ARG1 (b / business) + :time (t / time + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (l / long-03 + :ARG1 t) + :ARG3 (e2 / enough)))) + :ARG1-of (j / join-01))) + +(s / see-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (s2 / sense-02 + :ARG1 (c / claim-01 + :ARG1 (b / balance-01 + :mod (d / dynamic) + :mod (n / nature) + :ARG0-of (c2 / change-01 + :time (a / always))) + :ARG3 (s3 / solve-01)))) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / center + :mod (j / job) + :ARG0-of (p / promote-01 + :ARG1 (d / demand-01 + :mod (d2 / dynamic) + :mod (r / railway))) + :domain (r2 / railway + :location (c3 / city + :wiki "Dulles,_Ouest" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Dulles")))) + :ARG1 (s / see-01 + :ARG0 (y / you + :mod (e / even)) + :ARG1 r2 + :ARG2 (t / thing + :mod (p2 / positive)))) + +(a / agree-01 + :ARG0 (i / i)) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (t / that) + :ARG2 (r / reason) + :ARG3 (e / enough) + :ARG6 (b / build-01 + :ARG0 (h2 / he) + :ARG1 (i / it) + :mod (b2 / by-oneself))) + :mod (i2 / in-fact)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (a / apply-02 + :ARG1 (l / logic + :ARG1-of (s2 / same-01 + :mod (e / exact))) + :ARG2 (r2 / road))) + :mod (a2 / all)) + +(o / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (h / have-03 + :ARG1 (d / destination + :location (e / end + :mod (b / both)))) + :purpose (t / take-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (i / invest-01 + :ARG0 w) + :degree (m / maximum))) + +(n / need-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (p / place + :quant (m / more) + :location-of (c / close-06 + :ARG1 w + :ARG2 (b / balance + :ARG1-of (n2 / need-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1-of (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (y / you))))))) + +(c / check-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (r / reality) + :location (h / here)) + +(p / pass-02 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (l / landmark + :wiki "Watkins_Landing" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Watkins" + :op2 "Landing")) + :frequency (r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG4 (a / and + :op1 (d / date-entity + :dayperiod (m / morning)) + :op2 (d2 / date-entity + :dayperiod (n2 / night))))) + +(r / ride-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (w / walk-01 + :ARG2 (c / city + :wiki "Huguenot" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Huguenot" + :op2 "Trail")) + :direction (b / back) + :destination (w2 / work-01)) + :op2 (w3 / walk-01 + :ARG2 c + :direction (a2 / around)))) + +(s / see-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (a / anything + :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 + :ARG2 (f / flood-01 + :ARG1 (t / traffic)) + :degree (r2 / remote))) + :time (e / ever)) + +(a / and + :op1 (a2 / area + :mod (r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG1 (s / speed-quantity + :quant 55 + :unit (m / mile-per-hour))) + :domain (i / it)) + :op2 (r2 / rate-entity-91 + :ARG1 (c / car + :quant (b / between + :op1 75 + :op2 100)) + :ARG2 (d / date-entity + :dayperiod (m2 / morning))) + :duration (a3 / amr-unknown)) + +(p / plan-01 + :ARG1 (w / widen-01 + :ARG1 (r / road + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Huguenot" + :op2 "Trail"))) + :time (a / already) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (d / demand-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / develop-02) + :mod (h / heavy) + :location (s / side + :part-of (c2 / city-district + :wiki "Chesterfield" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Chesterfield"))) + :time (b / before + :op1 (n3 / now) + :quant (m / multiple + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (y / year)))) + :ARG1-of (c3 / channel-01 + :ARG2 (r2 / road + :wiki - + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Robious" + :op2 "Road")) + :time (t2 / then))))) + +(w / wonderful-03 + :ARG1 (i / it) + :ARG1-of (i2 / instead-of-91 + :ARG2 (l / look-02 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c / city + :wiki "Powhatan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Powhatan")) + :op2 (c2 / city + :wiki "Chesterfield" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Western" + :op2 "Chesterfield"))) + :ARG1 (f / flatten-01 + :ARG0 (l2 / lack-01 + :ARG1 (r / road)) + :ARG1 a))) + :ARG2 (p / person + :mod (t / that) + :ARG1-of (i3 / include-91 + :ARG2 (w2 / we + :ARG0-of (u / use-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG1-of (a2 / actual-02))))) + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 288)) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / pull-off-03 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (d / develop-02 + :ARG1 (c / commerce) + :mod (s / some))) + :op2 (c2 / capable-01 + :ARG1 w + :ARG2 (w2 / work-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (c3 / close-10 + :ARG1 w2 + :ARG2 (t / thing + :location-of (l / live-01 + :ARG0 w))) + :ARG3 (m / more))))) + :mod (i / in-fact)) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (t / think-01 + :ARG0 (o / one) + :ARG1 (u / use-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / planet + :wiki "Earth" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Earth")) + :ARG1-of (r / rational-02 + :polarity -) + :domain (t2 / that)))) + +(d / desire-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (l / live-01 + :ARG0 i + :location (c / city + :mod (a / any)))) + +(w / work-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :location (a / area + :ARG1-of (c / center-01))) + +(u / use-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t / transport-01 + :ARG1-of (p / public-02) + :mod (s / safe-01 + :polarity - + :ARG2 (w / woman + :ARG0-of (t2 / travel-01 + :ARG1 (d / day + :mod (e / every))) + :ARG0-of (w2 / work-01 + :ARG1 (h / hour + :mod (l / late) + :ARG1-of (r / regular-03 + :polarity -))))))) + +(a / and + :op2 (c / cause-01 + :ARG1 (l / like-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (d / develop-02 + :ARG1 (l2 / lot + :mod (b / big)))))) + +(u / understand-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (r / resemble-01 + :ARG1 (s / suppose-02 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (k / keep-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (h / horse) + :location (l / lot + :mod (a / area-quantity + :quant "1 /4" + :unit (a2 / acre))))))) + :mod (e / exact)) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (r / reach-01 + :ARG0 (g / gasoline) + :ARG1 (r2 / rate-entity-91 + :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 10 + :unit (d / dollar)) + :ARG2 (v / volume-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (g2 / gallon))))) + +(a / and + :op2 (p / pay-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG3 (l / live-01 + :ARG0 i + :location (c / countryside)) + :mod (s / still))) + +(h / have-03 + :ARG0 (p / person + :quant (m / many)) + :ARG1 (p2 / prefer-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s / sling-01) + :op2 (h2 / hunt-01) + :op3 (g / garden-01) + :op4 (k / kind + :mod (b / business + :mod (s2 / small)) + :mod (c / certain))) + :ARG0-of (m2 / make-02 + :ARG1 (w / want-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (l / live-01 + :ARG0 p + :location (c2 / city + :mod (i / inner))))) + :ARG1-of (l2 / legitimate-02))) + +(b / baffle-01 + :ARG0 (e / enamoramiento + :mod (t / this) + :topic (l / life + :location (c / city))) + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG1-of (r / real-04)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG1 (r / right-05 + :ARG1 (y / you) + :ARG2 (l / live-01 + :ARG0 y + :location (c / countryside)) + :condition (w / wish-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (l2 / live-01 + :ARG0 y + :location c)) + :mod (e / every)) + :ARG2 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "6 :37") + :mod (a / anonymous))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (e / entitle-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (f / fund-01 + :ARG0 (s / state + :mod (r / rest)) + :ARG1 (c2 / construct-01 + :ARG1 (h / highway + :mod (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 400000000 + :unit (d / dollar)))) + :purpose (m2 / make-02 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (e2 / easy-05 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s2 / shop-01) + :op2 (g / get-05)) + :ARG2 (w / work-01) + :ARG2-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 a + :ARG3 (m3 / more))))) + :ARG2 (y / you))) + +(g / go-over-30 + :ARG1 (d / debate-01 + :ARG1 288) + :ARG2 (t / thing + :ARG3-of (s / spend-01 + :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 400000000 + :unit (d2 / dollar) + :mod (t2 / that)) + :ARG1-of (p / possible-01)) + :mod (m2 / more)) + :frequency (c / constant)) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (r / relieve-01 + :ARG1 (c / congest-01 + :ARG0 (t / traffic)) + :ARG2 (m / money) + :condition (a / apply-02 + :ARG1 m + :ARG2 (o / or + :op1 (p2 / project + :ARG0-of (p3 / press-01) + :mod (o2 / other)) + :op2 (p4 / project + :mod (t2 / travel-01 + :polarity -) + :mod (e / even))))) + :quant (a2 / amr-unknown) + :ARG1-of (f / forbid-01 + :mode expressive + :ARG0 (p5 / person + :wiki "God" + :name (n / name + :op1 "God")))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (d / direct-01 + :ARG0 (c / comment-01 + :ARG0 i) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (i2 / invest-01) + :ARG0-of (p2 / push-02 + :ARG2 (p3 / plant-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (r / road) + :ARG2 (n / near-02 + :ARG2 (p4 / property + :poss p))))) + :op2 (s2 / system + :ARG1-of (c2 / competent-01 + :polarity -) + :ARG0-of (f / fund-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / request-01 + :mod (t / this)) + :manner (o / or + :op1 (l / link-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 s2 + :ARG2 (p5 / plan-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / transport-01) + :mod (m / master))) + :op2 (l2 / lack-01 + :ARG1 p5))))) + :ARG2 (p6 / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Ray" + :op2 "Hyde")))) + +(a / and + :op1 (a2 / age-01 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 24 + :unit (y / year))) + :op2 (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (b / boy + :age (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 2.5 + :unit (y2 / year))) + :ARG2 (m / mother))) + +(b / break-heart-31 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (s / son))) + :ARG2 (f / father))) + :ARG2 i + :time (s2 / since + :op1 (d / date-entity + :month 8))) + +(a / and + :op1 (w / want-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (s / start-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (d / date-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (p / person + :mod (o / other))))) + :op2 (s2 / say-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (s3 / son))) + :ARG2 (f / father))) + :ARG1 (h3 / have-to-do-with-04 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 p3 + :ARG2 (n / nothing) + :condition (d2 / date-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 p)))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p / possess-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :degree (v / very)) + :op2 (c2 / control-01 + :ARG0 h + :degree v)) + :ARG2 (r / right-05 + :polarity - + :ARG1 h + :ARG2 a + :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (t / together + :polarity - + :domain (w / we))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 (r / right) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (h / have-quant-91 + :ARG2 (m / much) + :ARG3 (t2 / too))) + :time (n / now + :mod r)) + :op2 (t3 / think-01 + :ARG0 (h2 / he) + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (w / work-01 + :ARG0 (w2 / we))) + :time (t4 / tell-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (l / love-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 h2) + :op2 (l2 / love-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 h2 + :ARG1 i)) + :ARG2 h2 + :frequency (s / several)))) + +(w / want-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (t / there) + :beneficiary (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (h2 / he) + :ARG2 (k / kid))) + :manner (n / need-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 i + :mod (t2 / too)))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (h / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (h2 / he) + :ARG1 (a2 / anyone)) + :op2 (h3 / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (f / family + :poss h2) + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 h2 + :op2 (h4 / he))) + :op3 (h5 / have-03 + :ARG0 h2 + :ARG1 (p / problem + :poss h2)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (w / want-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (h / have-mod-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (m / miserable)) + :time (n / no-longer)) + :op2 (c / correlate-91 + :ARG1 (m2 / more + :ARG3-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (h3 / he) + :ARG2 (a2 / around)) + :ARG2 (l / long-03 + :ARG1 b))) + :ARG2 (m3 / more + :ARG3-of (h4 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (m4 / miserable))))) + +(w / want-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (i2 / it) + :ARG2 (t / there) + :beneficiary (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (h2 / he) + :ARG2 (k / kid)))) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (o / or + :op1 (g / good-02 + :ARG1 (p2 / parent + :domain p)) + :op2 (t2 / try-01 + :ARG0 p + :mod (a / at-least))))) + +(t / think-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (n / need-01 + :ARG0 (c / child + :mod (e / every)) + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 c + :ARG2 (p2 / parent)) + :mod (b / both)) + :ARG1-of (r / regardless-91 + :ARG2 (o / or + :op1 (t2 / together + :domain c) + :op2 (t3 / together + :polarity - + :domain c))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (t / think-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (h2 / have-03 + :ARG0 (n / no-one) + :ARG1 (i / i)) + :condition (p2 / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (h3 / have-03 + :ARG0 h + :ARG1 i))))) + +(d / do-02 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (a / amr-unknown) + :ARG2 (g / get-on-21 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (l / life + :poss i))) + +(t / threaten-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (y / you) + :ARG2 (s / significant-other) + :time (e / ex))) + :ARG1 (u / use-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 y + :ARG2 (c / child))) + :ARG1-of (b / bad-07) + :ARG1-of (b2 / bad-07)) + :ARG2 y) + +(o / or + :op1 (p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (g / give-in-09 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (t / that))) + :op2 (w / worsen-01 + :ARG1 t + :mod (j / just))) + +(r / right-05 + :ARG1 (y / you) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (l / live-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (l2 / life + :poss y)) + :op2 (h / happy-01 + :ARG1 y)) + :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG1 (g / give-in-09 + :mode imperative + :polarity - + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (t / threaten-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / they) + :ARG2 y)))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (s / see-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (c2 / child) + :mod (a / anyway) + :condition (l / love-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 y + :ARG2 c2)) + :ARG1-of (r / real-04))) + :ARG2 (m / method + :ARG1-of (t / typical-02) + :mod (c3 / control-01) + :ARG1-of (u / use-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01 + :ARG2 y))) + :mod (j / just) + :domain (t2 / this))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (o / other) + :ARG1 (k / kill-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (i / i) + :condition (l / let-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 s))) + :snt2 (f / feel-01 + :polarity (a / amr-unknown))) + +(f / Fecha) + +(k / know-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (p / person + :mod (k2 / kind + :mod (a / all)))) + +(d / do-02 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (w / want-01 + :ARG0 y))) + +(g / good-02 + :ARG1 (i / it) + :mod (p / probable) + :condition (p2 / price-01 + :ARG2 (d / drive-02 + :ARG0 (h / he + :ARG1-of d) + :ARG2 (o / off + :op1 (l / life + :poss h)) + :ARG1-of (v / voluntary-02 + :ARG0 h))) + :ARG2-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG3 (m / most)) + :condition (h3 / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 h)) + +(a / and + :op1 (a2 / agree-01 + :ARG0 (i / i)) + :op2 (t / thing + :mod (a3 / another) + :domain (c / concern-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (t2 / they) + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (c2 / come-out-09 + :ARG0 (y / you)) + :op2 (e / exit-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 y))))) + +(t / tell-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (h / he)) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / cause-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (t / threaten-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / they))) + :ARG2 (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (c4 / concern-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 t2 + :ARG1 (l / life + :ARG1-of (p / personal-02) + :poss (y / you))))) + +(p / possible-01 + :polarity (a / amr-unknown) + :ARG1 (d / document-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (t / threaten-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / they)))) + +(n / need-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1-of (r / real-04)) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / stop-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (c / call-02 + :ARG0 y)) + :op2 (s2 / stop-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (m / mail-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (v / voice-01)))) + +(m / make-02 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (s / send-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (e / email) + :op2 (m2 / message-01 + :ARG0 h + :medium (t / text))) + :ARG2 y)) + +(h / hold-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (r / record + :mod (t / that))) + +(a / and + :op1 (g / get-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (l / lawyer)) + :op2 (d / divorce-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 y)) + +(t / test-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :manner (a / assist-01 + :ARG1 y + :ARG2 (l / law)) + :condition (p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (a2 / afford-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (o / one)))) + +(t / tell-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG0 (g / go-through-20 + :ARG0 (a / attorney) + :ARG1 (c / communicate-01 + :mod (a2 / all)))) + :ARG2 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 y + :ARG2 (s / significant-other) + :time (e / ex)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (w / want-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (d / drive-01 + :ARG1 (b / bus))) + :ARG1 (c / change-01 + :mod (e / exact))) + :op2 (w2 / want-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (s / stock-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / package))) + :ARG1 c) + :op3 (w3 / want-01 + :ARG0 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (d2 / deliver-01 + :ARG1 (f / food))) + :ARG1 c)) + +(r / realize-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (r2 / receive-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (a / amount + :ARG3-of (c / change-01)) + :ARG2 (b / bank)) + :polarity (a2 / amr-unknown)) + +(o / obligate-01 + :polarity (a / amr-unknown) + :ARG1 (a2 / anyone + :location (s / somewhere)) + :ARG2 (t / take-01 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 (n / note))) + +(g / get-03 + :ARG1 (p / person) + :ARG2 (l / lazy + :domain p)) + +(l / like-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (g / get-05 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 g + :ARG2 (c / close-06 + :ARG1 i) + :ARG3 (e / equal) + :ARG4 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 g))) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (l2 / like-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (l3 / look-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (p2 / police) + :duration (d / day + :mod (a / all)))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (t / take-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (t2 / ticket + :mod (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 20 + :unit (p / pound))) + :ARG2 (b / bus)) + :op2 (t3 / tell-01 + :ARG1 (g / go-02 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (u / up)) + :ARG2 y + :mod (o / only) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (l / lazy + :domain t2)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (l / legal-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (p / pay-01 + :ARG1 (a / amount + :mod (c / certain) + :prep-in (m2 / monton + :consist-of (c2 / coin))))) + :snt2 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / pay-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (s / something + :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 + :ARG2 (r2 / rate-entity-91 + :ARG1 (m3 / monetary-quantity + :quant 30 + :unit (p4 / penny)) + :ARG2 (m4 / monetary-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (p5 / ps))))) + :mod (o / only)) + :ARG0-of (e / exemplify-01))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (h / hi) + :snt2 (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (s / start-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (u / university) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 9)) + :ARG1 (o / obvious-01 + :ARG1 (a / adapt-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :time (r / right-away) + :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01 + :ARG2 (a2 / adapt-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :mod (m2 / most)))))))) + +(k / know-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t / take-10 + :ARG0 (a / adapt-01 + :ARG0 i) + :ARG1 (t2 / time + :mod (s / some)) + :ARG2 i + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (i2 / introvert + :domain i + :degree (v / very)) + :op2 (c2 / coy + :domain i) + :op3 (a3 / anxious + :domain i + :degree (e / especially)) + :op4 (a4 / all) + :time (a5 / always)))) + :ARG1-of (h / have-concession-91)) + +(a / and + :op1 (l / leave-11 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1) + :op2 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 o + :ARG2 (m / mate)) + :mod (h2 / house) + :mod (a3 / all))) + :time (d / date-entity + :dayperiod (n / night) + :ord o + :location (h3 / here))) + :op2 (h4 / hard-02 + :ARG1 (i / it) + :ARG2-of (h5 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG3 (m2 / most) + :ARG5 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (d2 / do-02 + :ARG0 o + :ARG2-of (o2 / obligate-01 + :ARG1 o) + :time (e / ever)))))) + +(e / enter-01 + :ARG0 (y / you + :ARG1-of (d / drunk)) + :ARG1 (b / bar + :location (f / facility + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "SU") + :mod (a / alone)))) + +(h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (f / fact + :location (h2 / here)) + :ARG2 (m / more-than + :op1 (p / point-04))) + +(a / and + :op1 (e / enjoy-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (u / university) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (h / here) + :duration (a3 / about + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 5 + :unit (m / month)))))) + :op2 (a4 / and + :op1 (d / disappoint-01 + :ARG0 (c / course) + :ARG1 i) + :op2 (e2 / enjoy-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (p / project + :ARG1-of (r / raise-01))) + :op3 (d2 / dislike-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (t2 / teach-01 + :ARG1 c) + :degree (m2 / much + :degree (s / so))))) + +(s / show-01 + :ARG0 (u / university + :wiki "Pennsylvania_State_University" + :name (n / name + :op1 "University")) + :ARG1 (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (i / it) + :ARG2 (g / good-02 + :ARG1 i) + :ARG3 (m / more + :quant (m2 / much)) + :ARG4 (l / look-02 + :ARG1 i))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / and + :op1 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (s / start-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG1-of (b / bad-07)) + :time (q / quarter + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1))) + :op2 (r / refuse-01 + :ARG1 (f / finance-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s2 / study-01))) + :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG1 (i2 / increase-01 + :ARG0 r + :ARG1 (l / level + :mod (s3 / stress-02 + :ARG1 i)))))) + :snt2 (a2 / and + :op1 (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (i3 / i) + :ARG2 (t / trouble-01 + :ARG1 i3) + :ARG3 (s4 / so) + :ARG6 (p2 / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (p3 / progress-01 + :ARG1 i3 + :topic (w / work-01 + :ARG0 i3)))) + :op2 (p4 / pile-up-02 + :ARG1 (e / everything) + :mod (c2 / conclusive)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / assign-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (c / counsel-01)) + :ARG2 (i / i) + :path (u / university)) + :snt2 (s / see-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (s2 / she) + :duration (a2 / about + :op1 (b / between + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 5 + :unit (w / week)) + :op2 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 6 + :unit (w2 / week)))) + :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG1 (w3 / work-09 + :polarity - + :ARG1 s + :ARG1-of (r / real-04) + :condition (h / honest-01 + :ARG0 i) + :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (o / open-05 + :polarity - + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 s2 + :time (e / ever))))))) + +(h / half + :mod (o / only)) + +(a / and + :op1 (g / get-05 + :ARG1 (b / burden-01 + :ARG2 (w / work-01)) + :ARG2 (u / up-to + :op1 (n / neck + :part-of (i / i))) + :time (n2 / now)) + :op2 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (d / deadline + :ARG1-of (m / major-02) + :ARG1-of (d2 / deliver-01 + :ARG0 i))) + :op3 (d3 / depress-01 + :ARG1 i) + :op4 (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / anxiety) + :ARG1 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (m2 / miserable + :domain i) + :time (t / time + :mod (a3 / all))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (c2 / counsel-01)) + :duration (s / session + :quant (n / number + :ARG1-of (l / limit-01)) + :mod (a2 / at-once-02)) + :mod (o / only))) + :ARG1 (h2 / have-03 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (c3 / counsel-01)) + :time (n2 / no-longer))) + :op2 (d / doubt-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (h3 / help-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG2 y + :quant (l2 / lot) + :time (t / time + :mod (t2 / this)) + :condition (h4 / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 p3 + :time (a3 / already))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (l / lack-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (m / motivate-01 + :ARG1 i)) + :op2 (c / comfortable-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (t / teach-01 + :ARG2 i) + :mod (a2 / any)) + :ARG1 i) + :op3 (c2 / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (w / want-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (g / give-in-09 + :ARG0 i)) + :ARG2 (p2 / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 g + :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a3 / and + :op1 (e / end-up-03 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (j / job + :ARG0-of (h / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (f / future)))) + :op2 (a4 / aspire-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (s / someone + :domain i))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (p / prefer-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (d / die-01 + :ARG1 i) + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (e / educate-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 i) + :op2 (l / live-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (l2 / life + :ARG1-of (w / want-01 + :ARG0 i))))) + :op2 (w2 / worsen-01 + :ARG0 (d2 / drop-out-04 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i) + :ARG1 (t / thing))) + +(a / and + :op1 (a2 / age-01 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 21 + :unit (y / year))) + :op2 (t2 / take-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (t3 / temporal-quantity + :quant 22 + :unit (y2 / year)) + :time (y3 / year + :mod (t4 / this))) + :op3 (a3 / and + :op1 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (t5 / time + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-quant-91 + :polarity - + :ARG2 (m / much) + :ARG3 (s / so) + :ARG6 (f / fail-01 + :ARG1 i)))) + :op2 (n / need-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (s2 / something))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (t / try-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (u / university) + :mod (a2 / again)) + :op2 (t2 / take-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (c / course + :mod (a3 / another)) + :purpose (g / get-05 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 u)) + :op3 (w / want-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a4 / and + :op1 (g2 / go-through-20 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (s / system) + :frequency (t3 / time-and-again)) + :op2 (f / fail-over-03 + :ARG0 i + :frequency (c2 / constant))))) + +(p / possible-01 + :polarity (a / amr-unknown) + :polite + + :ARG1 (a2 / advise-01 + :ARG0 (s / someone) + :ARG1 (i / i) + :mod (a3 / any))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (g / go-02 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG4 (s / see-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (d / doctor))) + :op2 (s2 / see-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (t / truth-value + :polarity-of (w / way + :manner-of (e / extend-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (t2 / term + :poss y) + :purpose (t3 / try-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (a2 / alleviate-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (p2 / pressure) + :mod (s3 / some)))))))) + :polarity (a3 / amr-unknown)) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / send-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (e / email + :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 + :ARG2 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (p / post-01) + :mod (t2 / this)))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (t3 / tutor-01 + :ARG1 y)) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (s2 / see-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (i / it + :mod (a3 / all)) + :time (b / before)) + :op2 (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (a4 / admit-02 + :quant (f / few)) + :ARG2 (c2 / comfortable-02 + :polarity -) + :ARG3 (m / more + :quant (l / lot))) + :ARG1-of (k / know-01 + :ARG0 (i2 / i) + :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (w / work-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (d / department + :mod (u / university)) + :ARG2 (p4 / professor))) + :time (u2 / use-03))))))) + :op2 (c4 / consider-02 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (c5 / circumstance + :ARG0-of (e2 / encourage-01)))) + +(s / split-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (j / job + :poss y) + :ARG2 (p / part + :ARG1-of (h / handle-01 + :ARG1-of (p2 / possible-01)))) + +(f / focus-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG2 (p / part + :quant 1 + :part-of (w / work-01)) + :mod (a / at-once-02) + :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 + :ARG2 (t / task-01 + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (u / urgent) + :ARG3 (m2 / most)) + :ARG1-of (o2 / obvious-01)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / isolate-01 + :mode imperative + :polarity - + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 y + :ARG2 (m / mate)) + :location (h2 / home))) + :op2 (k / keep-up-10 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 i + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (t / try-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (t2 / thing + :ARG1-of (n / new-01)) + :time (s / start-01 + :mod (v / very)))) + :ARG1-of (r / real-04))) + +(r / recommend-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (s / see-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 y + :ARG2 (d / doctor))) + :mod (t / too))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (b / benefit-01 + :ARG0 (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 (h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (t2 / therapy + :beneficiary (a3 / anxiety) + :poss (g / government-organization + :wiki "National_Health_Service" + :name (n / name + :op1 "NHS"))) + :ARG2 (n2 / normal-02 + :ARG1 t2 + :ARG1-of (r / real-04))) + :ARG2 (s / someone)) + :ARG1 (y / you) + :condition (p / person + :mod (a / anxious) + :time (a2 / always) + :domain y)) + :snt2 h) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / and + :op2 (t / try-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (e / expand-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (t2 / term)))) + :snt2 (s / sure-02 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (a2 / allow-01 + :ARG0 (u / university + :poss (y2 / you)) + :ARG1 (i2 / it) + :condition (h / honest-01 + :ARG0 y2)))) + +(h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s / stay-01 + :ARG1 (y / you) + :ARG3 (s2 / strong-02 + :ARG1 y)) + :op2 (s3 / stick-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (l / life) + :ARG2 (a2 / ahead))) + :ARG2 (h2 / hard-02 + :ARG1 a) + :ARG3 (m / more)) + +(d / divorce-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (m / mum))) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (h2 / have-03 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (b / bad-07 + :ARG1 (d2 / divorce-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (s / stepdad)))) + :degree (v / very))) + :op2 (m2 / make-02 + :ARG0 (f / free-04 + :ARG1 p + :ARG1-of (n / new-01)) + :ARG1 (c2 / crazy-03 + :ARG1 p))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (h / hypnagogia) + :op2 (m / mania + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-03 + :ARG1 (p / problem + :mod (a2 / anger-01) + :mod (h3 / huge)))) + :domain (i / it)) + +(a / awful + :domain (s / she) + :prep-with (i / i) + :frequency (c / constant)) + +(p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (t / take-02 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (b / banter-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / they)) + :op2 (c / comment-01 + :ARG0 t2 + :ARG3 (h / hate-01) + :mod (n / nasty))) + :time (b2 / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (h2 / home)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (a2 / age-01 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 18 + :unit (y / year))) + :op2 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s / study-01 + :location (s2 / school + :ARG1-of (p2 / private-03) + :mod (p3 / pressure + :ARG1-of (h / high-02)) + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-03 + :ARG1 (s3 / scholarship + :mod (p4 / percentage-entity + :value 95)))) + :mod (g / grade + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 6)) + :mod (f / full-time)) + :domain i) + :op3 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (l / limit))) + +(p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (w / work-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :location (h / home)) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (s / shout-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / she) + :ARG2 i))) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG1 (a / anger-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (t / teach-01 + :ARG1 (i / i + :ARG1-of a))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (l / lovely + :domain (s / she) + :time (p / point + :quant 1)) + :op2 (r / resemble-01 + :ARG1 s + :ARG2 (t / take-01 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (m / mum))) + :ARG3 (b / back))) + :op3 (b2 / become-01 + :ARG1 s + :ARG2 (b3 / being + :mod (h2 / human) + :ARG1-of (h3 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (n / naughty) + :ARG3 (m2 / most) + :ARG5 (w / world))) + :time (n2 / next))) + +(a / and + :op1 (p / pass-07 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (e / exam + :mod (s / score-on-scale-91 + :ARG1 "A2") + :poss i)) + :op2 (a2 / accept-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (d / defeat-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG0-of (m / make-02 + :ARG1 (f / fail-01 + :ARG1 i) + :time (y / year + :mod (t / this) + :part-of (l / life + :poss i)))))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (g / get-05 + :ARG1 (h / he) + :ARG2 (o / out-06 + :ARG1 h + :ARG2 (t / this))) + :ARG1-of (k / know-01 + :ARG0 (a / amr-unknown))) + :snt2 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (h2 / have-03 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (o2 / offer-01 + :ARG1 (u / university) + :ARG1-of (h3 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (i2 / incredible) + :ARG3 (m2 / most)))) + :ARG2 (p2 / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (a2 / accept-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 o2 + :mod (e / even))) + :concession (g2 / get-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (g3 / grade) + :time (e2 / ever)))) + +(w / wish-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (d / delete-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (s / she) + :ARG2 (l / life + :poss i))) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (t / thing + :condition (h2 / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 s)) + :ARG2 (g / good-02 + :ARG1 t) + :ARG3 (m / more + :quant (l2 / lot))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (t / think-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (s / selfish + :domain i)) + :time (t2 / then)) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (m / mean-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (l / life + :poss (i / i)) + :ARG2 (t / this) + :ARG1-of (s / sure-02) + :polarity (a / amr-unknown))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (i / it) + :ARG2 (g / good-02 + :ARG1 i) + :ARG3 (m2 / more + :quant (m3 / much)))) + :snt2 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "B"))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (f / feel-02 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (c2 / control-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (s / spiral + :mod (d / descendant) + :mod (t / this))))) + +(a / and + :op2 (k / know-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (d / do-02 + :ARG0 i)))) + +(t / thank-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (y / you) + :ARG2 (r / read-01 + :ARG0 y)) + +(g / good-02 + :ARG1 (d / disagree-01)) + +(p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (p2 / put-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (i / it) + :ARG2 (d / down)) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (t / that))) + +(h / have-03 + :polarity (a / amr-unknown) + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (h2 / history + :mod (i / ill-01 + :ARG1 (m / mind))) + :op2 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (d / diagnose-01))) + :mod (e / even)) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (s / sure-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (g / get-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (n / note + :ARG1-of (g2 / good-02)))) + :ARG1 (t / take-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (p / place) + :condition (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 t))) + +(t / throw-01 + :ARG0 (l / life) + :ARG1 (t2 / thing + :mod (a / all) + :ARG1-of (c / crap-01)) + :ARG2 (y / you) + :time (t3 / time + :mod (a2 / all))) + +(s / strange + :domain (s2 / someone + :polarity - + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (f / family + :poss (y / you)))) + :condition (h / have-polarity-91 + :ARG1 s2 + :ARG2 -)) + +(a / and + :op1 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (d / deal-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a2 / abuse-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (f / father))) + :ARG1 i + :mod (v / verbal)) + :duration (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 8 + :unit (y / year) + :ARG1-of (l / long-03)) + :time (b / before + :op1 (g / get-05 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (u / university))))) + :op2 (b2 / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (h2 / here) + :mod (o2 / only) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (w / way + :mod (o3 / out) + :domain (i2 / it) + :mod (o4 / only)) + :ARG1-of (h3 / honest-01 + :ARG0 i)))) + +(w / work-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1-of (h / hard-02) + :condition (w2 / want-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (g / get-05 + :ARG0 y + :ARG2 (o / out)) + :degree (r / really))) + +(s / seem-01 + :ARG1 (n / need-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (s2 / support-01 + :ARG0 (s3 / somewhere + :mod (e / else)) + :ARG1 y) + :condition (p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (p2 / provide-01 + :ARG0 (s4 / she) + :ARG1 s2 + :ARG2 y + :ARG1-of (c / consistent-02)))) + :ARG1-of (r / real-04)) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (c / call-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (o2 / organization + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Childline")) + :op2 (s / something + :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 + :ARG2 o2)))) + :polarity (a / amr-unknown)) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (g / go-02 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG4 (l / library) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (s / saturday))) + :op2 (s2 / study-01 + :ARG0 y + :location l + :duration (a2 / about + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 8 + :unit (h / hour)))))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (g / go-02 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG4 (h / house + :poss (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 y + :ARG2 (f / friend))) + :mod (a / any)) + :purpose (f2 / form-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (g2 / group + :ARG0-of (s / study-01)))) + :polarity (a2 / amr-unknown)) + +(i / infer-01 + :polarity (a / amr-unknown) + :ARG1 (w / want-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (s / select-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (s2 / she) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (a3 / annoy-01 + :ARG0 s2 + :degree (b / bit)) + :op2 (b2 / blame-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (p / problem + :mod (a4 / all) + :poss y) + :ARG2 s2)))))) + +(k / know-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 (y / you)))) + +(p / put-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (m / mum))) + :ARG2 (h2 / hell) + :mod (t2 / too)) + +(a / advise-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG2 (s / start-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / smoke-02)) + :ARG1-of (e / earnest-01)) + +(a / and + :op1 (g / grow-up-04 + :mode imperative + :ARG1 (y / you + :mod (t / turd)) + :mod (o / oh + :mode expressive)) + :op2 (s / stop-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (d / deny-01 + :ARG0 y)) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (j / joke-01 + :ARG2 (i / it)))) + +(t / think-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (b / become-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (w / weak-02 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG3 (m / more + :quant (m2 / much))))) + :op2 (b2 / blunt-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (p / personality + :poss i) + :degree (s / sort-of) + :purpose (t2 / try-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (m3 / make-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (f / friend + :quant (f2 / few)) + :location (u / university))))) + :time (o / or + :op1 (y / year + :mod (l / last)) + :op2 (t3 / temporal-quantity + :quant 2 + :unit (y2 / year)))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (l / lead-03 + :ARG0 (k / kind-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG2 (p / person) + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 t + :ARG3 (t2 / too))) + :ARG1 t + :ARG2 (b / believe-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (t3 / tell-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (t4 / thing + :ARG1-of (w / want-01 + :ARG0 t)) + :ARG2 (i / i)) + :op2 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 t4)))))) + +(s / show-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (r / respect-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 t + :mod (a / absolute))) + +(e / exemplify-01 + :ARG0 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (g / greet-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (s / someone + :mod (u / university))) + :op2 (i2 / ignore-01 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 i)) + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (d / decide-01 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (w / want-01 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (h / help-01 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (j / job) + :ARG2 i)) + :time (a3 / after + :quant (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 30 + :unit (m / minute)))) + :op2 (g2 / give-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 h + :ARG2 s)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (i / it) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (a3 / anger) + :op2 (d / distress-01) + :quant (l / lot)) + :location (l2 / live-01 + :ARG0 (i2 / i))) + :op2 (s / start-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a4 / affect-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (c2 / concentrate-02 + :ARG1 i2 + :location (u / university))) + :ARG1-of (r / real-04))) + +(o / or + :op1 (e / experience-01 + :ARG0 (a / anyone) + :ARG1 (h / handle-01 + :ARG1 (t / thing + :mod (s / sort + :mod (t2 / this))))) + :op2 (t3 / thing + :ARG1-of (d / do-02 + :ARG0 a + :ARG2 (g / gain-02 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (r / respect-01 + :quant (s2 / some)) + :mod (a2 / again)))) + :polarity (a3 / amr-unknown)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (n / no) + :mod (j / just)) + +(d / do-02 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (i / it) + :manner (g / gradual) + :condition (t / thing + :polarity - + :ARG0-of (c / comfortable-02 + :ARG1 y + :ARG1-of (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 y + :manner (p / particular))))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (s / start-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG2 (s2 / say-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (s3 / sorry-01 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :concession (b / busy-01 + :ARG1 i)) + :mod (n / no)))) + +(s / stop-01 + :polarity - + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (p / pass-by-17) + :mod (o / of-course) + :purpose (g / go-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 y + :ARG4 (d / direction + :ARG1-of (o2 / opposite-01) + :ARG1-of (c / complete-02)))) + +(h / have-condition-91 + :ARG1 (s / say-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (i / it)) + :ARG2 (t / think-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (n / no) + :ARG1-of (m / mind-05 + :ARG0 y))) + +(s / start-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (r / respect-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (y / you) + :quant (m / more)) + :time (s2 / start-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (r2 / realize-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (d / do-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (e / everything + :ARG1-of (d2 / do-02 + :ARG0 y + :ARG2 t + :ARG1-of (p / possible-01))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (a2 / attitude + :ARG1-of (b / bad-07) + :ARG1-of (r / real-04) + :domain (t / this)) + :op2 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / respect-01 + :ARG1 (k / kind-01 + :ARG0 (y / you)) + :condition k) + :condition k) + :ARG2 (l / let-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 (a3 / anyone) + :ARG1 (a4 / anything) + :ARG2 y) + :condition k + :ARG1-of (i / instead-of-91 + :ARG2 (k2 / kind-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 y))) + :mod (o / of-course)) + :op3 (f / fool + :domain y)) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (k / know-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t / truth-value + :polarity-of (r / read-01 + :ARG0 (s / someone) + :ARG1 (t2 / this)))) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (d / desperate-02 + :ARG0 i)) + :op2 (f2 / feel-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (n / need-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (t3 / tell-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 t2 + :ARG2 (s2 / someone)))))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / and + :op1 (l / leave-11 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (h / home)) + :op2 (s / start-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (u / university)) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 9 + :mod (t / this))) + :snt2 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / anxious + :domain i + :topic (d2 / do-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (t2 / this)) + :degree (i2 / incredible)) + :ARG2 (d3 / delay-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (t3 / think-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG2 d2) + :ARG2 (u2 / until + :op1 (g / get-05 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (h2 / here))))) + :snt3 (a3 / and + :op1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (i3 / i) + :ARG2 (h3 / here) + :time (n / now)) + :op2 (b2 / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 i3 + :ARG2 h3 + :duration (o / over + :op1 (t4 / temporal-quantity + :quant 2 + :unit (w / week))))) + :snt4 (a4 / and + :op1 (o2 / overwhelm-01 + :ARG0 (i4 / it + :mod (a5 / all)) + :ARG1 i3) + :op2 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 i3 + :ARG1 (a6 / and + :op1 (i5 / intelligent-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 i3) + :op2 (a7 / awkward + :mod (s2 / social)))))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (s / struggle-02 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :manner (e / emotional) + :duration (l / live-01 + :ARG0 i + :quant (m2 / majority)) + :time (s2 / since + :op1 (m3 / move-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (s3 / school + :mod (s4 / secondary)))) + :concession (a / and + :op1 (l2 / lose-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (d / dad))) + :time (a2 / around + :op1 (a3 / age-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 9 + :unit (y / year))))) + :op2 (b / blame-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 i) + :time (a4 / always) + :time (u / use-03)))) + :snt2 (h2 / have-03 + :ARG0 (i2 / i) + :ARG1 (p2 / period + :quant 2 + :consist-of (c / counsel-01 + :ARG1 i2) + :duration (r / roughly + :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 15 + :unit (m4 / month))) + :time (d2 / date-interval + :op1 (d3 / date-entity + :month 12 + :year 2009) + :op2 (y2 / year + :mod (t3 / this)))) + :time (l3 / live-01 + :ARG0 i2))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (o / overwhelm-01 + :ARG0 (i2 / issue-02 + :ARG0 (l / live-01 + :ARG0 i)) + :degree (i3 / incredible)) + :op2 (m2 / make-02 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 (d / doubt-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (e / esteem-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 i + :ARG1-of (l2 / low-04 + :time (a2 / always))) + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG3 (m3 / more + :mod (e2 / ever)))))) + :time (m4 / moment)) + :snt2 (a3 / and + :op1 (c / capable-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (i4 / i) + :ARG2 (c2 / concentrate-01 + :ARG0 i4 + :ARG1 (w / work-01 + :ARG0 i4))) + :op2 (f2 / find-01 + :ARG0 i4 + :ARG1 (q / quiet-04 + :ARG1 i4 + :time (o2 / occasion-01 + :mod (s / society)) + :degree (v / very)) + :frequency (o3 / often)) + :op3 (d2 / doubt-01 + :ARG0 i4 + :ARG1 i4 + :topic (a4 / anything)))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (d / diagnose-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / counselor) + :ARG2 c2)) + :ARG2 (d2 / depress-01 + :ARG1 (i / i))) + :op2 (s / suggest-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of h + :mod (b / both)) + :ARG1 (s2 / suffer-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 d2))) + :ARG2 (c3 / concern-01 + :ARG0 d2 + :ARG1 i + :mod (b2 / big) + :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (c5 / cause-01 + :ARG0 d2 + :ARG1 (d3 / die-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (f / father))) + :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 + :ARG2 (s3 / suicide))))))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / and + :op1 (t / try-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (s / solve-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (p / problem + :poss i)) + :time (b / before)) + :op2 (f / find-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (u / useful-05 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (e / exercise-02 + :ARG0 i) + :op2 (m2 / meditate-01 + :ARG0 i)) + :mod (p2 / particular))) + :op3 (t2 / try-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (t3 / thing + :example (a3 / and + :op1 (h / help-01 + :mod (s2 / self)) + :op2 (b2 / book) + :op3 (t4 / tape))) + :mod (a4 / also))) + :snt2 (f2 / feel-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a5 / and + :op1 (t5 / thing + :domain (t6 / this) + :ARG1-of (l / live-01 + :ARG0 i)) + :op2 (w / waste-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a6 / and + :op1 (c / chance-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (e2 / exist-01 + :ARG1 i) + :mod (o / one)) + :op2 (c2 / chance-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (m3 / man + :mod (y / young) + :domain i) + :mod o)))) + :ARG1-of (g / general-02)) + :snt3 (b3 / beat-02 + :ARG1 (f3 / feel-01 + :mod (t7 / this)) + :ARG2 (a7 / away + :direction (i2 / i)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / and + :op1 (k / know-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (d / do-02 + :ARG0 i)) + :mod (j / just)) + :op2 (f / follow-through-07 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 t + :time (e / ever) + :condition (t2 / think-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 t))) + :snt2 (a2 / and + :op1 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (f2 / friend) + :ARG1 (l / lazy + :domain i) + :frequency (o / often)) + :op2 (p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (d2 / disagree-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 f2 + :ARG2 l) + :time (t3 / time + :quant (l2 / lot)))) + :snt3 (f3 / feel-01 + :ARG0 (i2 / i) + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (t4 / try-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person) + :ARG1 (e2 / everything + :ARG1-of (d3 / do-02 + :ARG0 (a4 / anyone) + :ARG2 (h / help-01 + :ARG0 a4) + :ARG1-of (p3 / possible-01)))) + :op2 (f4 / fail-01 + :ARG1 p2 + :mod (a5 / again + :op1 (t5 / time) + :op2 (t6 / time)))))) + +(h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 (m / mess + :mod (t / this)) + :ARG1 (d / despair-01 + :ARG0 m) + :ARG1-of (r / real-04)) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (s / sorry-01 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (a2 / anyone + :ARG0-of (r2 / read-01 + :ARG1 m))) + :op2 (f2 / feel-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (r3 / resemble-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (w / whine-01 + :ARG0 i + :mod (s2 / selfish)) + :degree (k / kind-of))))) + +(r / rare-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (b / become-01 + :ARG1 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG2-of f)) + :ARG2 (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 f + :ARG2 (i / intense-02 + :ARG1 f) + :ARG3 (m / more)) + :time (b2 / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (s / situation + :ARG1-of (n / new-02)))) + :op2 (f2 / feel-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p2 / pressure-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (s2 / socialize-01 + :ARG0 p + :accompanier (s3 / stranger)) + :op2 (a3 / adapt-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG2 (r2 / role + :ARG1-of n + :example (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (s4 / study-01 + :location (u / university)))))))))) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / professional + :polarity - + :mod (h / health) + :domain (i / i)) + :op2 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (s / speak-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (e / experience-01 + :ARG0 i) + :ARG1-of (p3 / personal-02 + :ARG2 i)) + :mod (o / only)))) + :ARG1 (s2 / suggest-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (s3 / see-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (p4 / professional + :mod h + :ARG1-of (q / qualify-02)) + :topic (a2 / and + :op1 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (d / depress-01 + :ARG1 y)) + :op2 (c2 / concern-01 + :ARG0 y))) + :ARG2 y + :ARG1-of (e2 / earnest-01))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :mod (m2 / most)) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (i / intelligent-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 p) + :op2 (a2 / awkward)) + :time (g / get-05 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (u / university) + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1)) + :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / alone + :polarity - + :domain (y / you) + :mod (d / definite) + :location u))) + :snt2 (c2 / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (r / recommend-01 + :ARG0 (i2 / i) + :ARG1 (g2 / get-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (a4 / appointment-02 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (s / service + :ARG0-of (c3 / counsel-01 + :ARG1 y) + :location (u2 / university + :poss y)))) + :ARG1-of (r2 / real-04))) + :snt3 (a5 / and + :op1 (m3 / matter-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (t / truth-value + :polarity-of (t2 / tell-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / someone) + :ARG1 (d2 / depress-01 + :ARG1 y) + :ARG2 y))) + :op2 (a6 / and + :op1 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (p2 / problem + :mod (s3 / some)) + :time (n / now)) + :op2 (p3 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (u3 / use-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (s4 / support-01 + :mod (s5 / some))))) + :snt4 (h2 / have-degree-91 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (l / label-01) + :ARG2 (i3 / important-01) + :ARG3 (e / equal) + :ARG4 (e2 / experience-01 + :ARG0 y)) + :snt5 (h3 / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (b / beat-up-05 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (y2 / you + :ARG1-of b) + :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (f2 / feel-01 + :ARG0 y2 + :ARG1 (m4 / motivate-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 y2 + :ARG2 (d3 / do-02 + :ARG0 y2 + :ARG1 (s6 / something))))) + :time (p4 / point + :mod (t3 / this))) + :ARG2 (o2 / obligate-01 + :ARG1 y2 + :ARG2 (s7 / seek-01 + :ARG0 y2 + :ARG1 (a7 / and + :op1 (h4 / help-01 + :ARG0 y2) + :op2 (l2 / life + :ARG1-of (g3 / general-02))) + :purpose (g4 / get-05 + :ARG1 y2 + :ARG2 (t4 / there + :mod (s8 / some)))))) + :snt6 (h5 / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (h6 / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (p5 / punish-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (y3 / you) + :ARG1 y2 + :ARG2 (f3 / feel-01 + :ARG0 y2 + :ARG1 (g5 / good-02 + :ARG1 y2) + :ARG2-of (h7 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 y2 + :ARG3 (m5 / more))))) + :ARG2 (o3 / obligate-01 + :ARG1 y2 + :ARG2 u3))) + :snt7 (a8 / and + :op1 (k / kind-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y4 / you) + :ARG2 m5) + :op2 (g6 / get-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 y4 + :ARG1 (h8 / help-01 + :ARG2 m5)))) + +(l / luck + :ARG1-of (g / good-02)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (t / think-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG1-of (h / have-quant-91 + :ARG2 (l / lot) + :ARG3 (m2 / more))) + :ARG1 (w / way + :ARG1-of (s / same-01 + :ARG2 (f2 / feel-01 + :ARG0 (y / you))))) + :ARG2 (m3 / medicate-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG2 (u / use-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (f3 / friend))))))) + :snt2 (h3 / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (s2 / solve-01 + :ARG2 (i2 / it + :mod (p3 / probable + :polarity -)) + :ARG1-of (h4 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (g / good-02) + :ARG3 (m4 / more) + :ARG4 (a / and + :op1 (a2 / alone + :domain (y2 / you)) + :op2 (d / depress-01 + :ARG1 y2)) + :mod (d2 / definite)))) + :snt3 (f4 / feel-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y3 / you) + :ARG1 (f5 / free-04 + :ARG1 y3 + :ARG3 (m5 / message-01 + :ARG0 y3 + :ARG2 (i3 / i) + :ARG1-of (p4 / private-02))) + :condition (f6 / fancy-02 + :ARG0 y3 + :ARG1 (c2 / chat-01 + :ARG0 y3)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (f / focus-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG2 (i2 / idol) + :condition (y / you + :domain i)) + :snt2 (s / someone + :ARG1-of (a / aspire-01 + :ARG0 (y2 / you)) + :example (s2 / someone + :ARG1-of (c / come-03 + :ARG2 (b / background + :ARG1-of (b2 / bad-07))) + :ARG1-of (e / end-up-03 + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (s3 / succeed-01 + :ARG0 s2) + :op2 (h / happy-01 + :ARG1 s2) + :op3 (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG0 s2 + :ARG1 (f2 / family) + :ARG2 (m2 / member)) + :op4 (m3 / marry-01 + :ARG1 s2) + :op5 (e2 / et-cetera))) + :ARG1-of (w / want-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 y2 + :ARG1-of (c2 / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (s4 / someone + :ARG1-of (a3 / admire-01 + :ARG0 y2) + :ARG1-of (r / respect-01 + :ARG0 y2))))))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (f / focus-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (a / achieve-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1-of (w / want-01 + :ARG0 y) + :time (l / live-01 + :ARG0 y)))) + :snt2 (s / state-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (y2 / you) + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (t2 / thing + :ARG1-of (s2 / study-01 + :ARG0 y2)) + :op2 (t3 / thing + :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG1 s2)))) + :snt3 (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (w2 / want-01 + :ARG0 y2 + :ARG1 (e / experience-01 + :ARG0 y2)) + :polarity (a2 / amr-unknown)) + :snt4 (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (w3 / want-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 y2 + :ARG2 (m2 / mum))) + :ARG1 (g / go-02 + :ARG0 y2)) + :polarity (a3 / amr-unknown)) + :snt5 (c4 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (n / need-01 + :ARG0 (y3 / you) + :ARG1 (d / degree) + :purpose (c5 / career + :ARG1-of (d2 / do-02 + :ARG0 y3 + :ARG1-of (w4 / want-01 + :ARG0 y3)))))) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (g / get-01 + :ARG0 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 y + :ARG2 (t2 / there)) + :ARG1 (s / something + :ARG1-of (s2 / say-01 + :ARG0 b + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (f / fail-01 + :ARG1 b) + :op2 (w / work-01 + :ARG1-of (h / hard-02) + :domain b) + :op3 (a2 / approve-01 + :ARG0 b)) + :ARG1-of (p / possible-01))) + :time (g2 / get-01 + :ARG0 b + :ARG1 (d / degree + :poss b))) + :ARG1 (s3 / sum-up-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (t / thing + :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG1 b)) + :op2 (w2 / work-01 + :ARG1-of (h2 / hard-02) + :purpose (g3 / get-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (g4 / grade + :ARG1-of (h3 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (g5 / good-02 + :ARG1 g4) + :ARG3 (m / most)))))))) + +(s / string-entity + :value "x") + +(h / hope-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (h2 / help-01 + :ARG0 (t / this))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (a / autist + :polarity - + :domain (d4 / doctor) + :ARG1-of (t / typical-02) + :example (d / diagnose-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (d2 / disease + :wiki "Dysentery" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Dysentery")) + :concession (t2 / think-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (d3 / diagnose-01 + :ARG0 d4 + :ARG1 d2 + :ARG2 d2 + :ARG1-of (m / mistake-01))))) + :ARG2 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (p / path + :mod (p2 / punt)) + :time (t3 / time + :mod (a2 / all + :mod (a3 / almost))))) + +(h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (i / it) + :ARG2 (c / comfortable-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (i2 / i)) + :ARG3 (m / more)) + +(g / get-04 + :ARG0 (a / amr-unknown) + :ARG1 (d / decide-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (s / signal-07 + :ARG0 (w / walk-01 + :instrument (p / peck)) + :ARG1 (a2 / autism))) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a3 / and + :op1 (s2 / seem-01 + :ARG1 s + :mod (r / random + :degree (s3 / so))) + :op2 (i / indicate-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 w + :time (a4 / always))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 (h2 / he) + :ARG1 (s / signal-07 + :ARG1 (s2 / something) + :ARG2 (s3 / spectrum + :mod (a / autism))))) + :ARG2 (h3 / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (a2 / amr-unknown) + :ARG1 s)) + +(k / know-01 + :ARG0 (y / you + :mod (g / guy)) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (m / mean-01 + :ARG0 (i / i)))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (s / symptom + :topic (a / autism) + :domain (w / walk-01 + :ARG2 (p2 / peck)))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (s / symptom + :mod (t / tumor + :mod (b / brain)) + :domain (p2 / pain-01 + :ARG1 (h / head)))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (s / symptom + :mod (d / disease + :wiki "Leukemia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "leukemia")) + :domain (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (t / tire-01 + :ARG1 y + :degree (r / really))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (a / apply-02 + :ARG1 (s / symptom) + :time (a2 / always + :polarity -)) + :ARG2 (w / worth-02 + :ARG2 (p / point-out-02 + :ARG1 s) + :condition (a3 / apply-02 + :ARG1 s + :ARG2 (c2 / case + :quant (m / many)) + :ARG1-of (r / recommend-01 + :ARG1-of (c3 / clear-06))) + :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (d / diagnose-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (a4 / anything) + :time (e / ever) + :condition (h / have-polarity-91 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 -))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (w / walk-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :manner (t / tiptoe-01) + :time (u / use-03)) + :ARG2 (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (b / bear-02 + :ARG1 i + :manner (t2 / toe + :mod (w2 / weird) + :ARG1-of (c3 / curvate-01 + :direction (d / down)))) + :op2 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (s / string-01 + :ARG0 i + :time (b2 / before + :op1 (n / now) + :quant (t3 / temporal-quantity + :quant 2 + :unit (y / year))) + :instrument (s2 / surgery-01 + :ARG1 i)))) + :ARG1 w)) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (a / autist + :domain (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (b / brother))) + :concession (n / notice-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 a + :mod (e / either) + :location p)) + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (b2 / broad-02 + :ARG1 (s / spectrum) + :degree (v / very)) + :op2 (l / likely-01 + :ARG1 (h2 / have-03 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Asperger_Asperger" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Asperger") + :ARG1-of (m / minor-01)) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a3 / and + :op1 (h3 / have-03 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (i2 / issue-02 + :ARG0 (c3 / communicate-01 + :ARG0 i))) + :op2 (g / grasp-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (r / react-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / society)) + :op2 (l2 / language + :mod (b3 / body)))))))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (h / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (d / diagnose-01 + :mod (p / proper)) + :time (t / then)) + :op2 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (m / mean-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (h2 / have-03 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (s / symptom + :mod (s2 / some))) + :ARG2 (h3 / have-03 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (c2 / condition + :mod (c3 / certain))) + :mod (e / even))))) + +(w / walk-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG2 (r / round + :mod (f / feather) + :ARG1-of (h / have-quant-91 + :ARG2 (m / much) + :ARG3 (s / so))) + :time (s2 / since + :op1 (t / tell-01 + :ARG1 (d / do-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i) + :ARG2 i + :duration (m2 / multiple + :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (y / year)))))) + +(h / have-03 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (d / dispraxia)) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (w / will-02 + :ARG0 (y / you)) + :op2 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (t / tendon + :ARG1-of (s / short-07))))) + +(h / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (p2 / practice-01 + :ARG1 (s / slash + :op1 (d / dancing) + :op2 (g / gymnastics) + :op3 (b / ballet) + :mod (e / et-cetera)))) + :ARG1 (i / it) + :ARG2-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG3 (t / to-the-point) + :ARG6 (f / find-02 + :ARG0 (i2 / i) + :ARG1 (c / comfortable-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 i2 + :ARG2-of (h3 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG3 (m / most))) + :time (n / now) + :mod (e2 / emoticon + :value "=P")))) + +(m / make-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / it) + :ARG1 (d / deal-03 + :ARG1 (n / nonsense + :mod (r / random) + :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01 + :ARG2 (t / that))) + :mod (m2 / much))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG1 (a / addict-01 + :ARG1 (g / girl + :age (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 12 + :unit (y / year)) + :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 + :ARG2 (a2 / age-01 + :ARG1 g + :ARG2 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 13 + :unit (d / day))))) + :ARG2 (i / injure-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (s2 / self))) + :ARG2 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hila"))) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / start-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :time (a2 / age-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 7 + :unit (y / year)) + :time-of (c / cut-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (f / finger + :mod (e / every)) + :manner (i2 / individual) + :instrument (b / brush)))) + :op2 (g / go-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :time (e2 / ever) + :time (s2 / since + :op1 a2))) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (s / scar + :location (l / leg + :part-of i)) + :time (c2 / cut-off-04 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (n / name-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (b / boyfriend) + :time (e / ex))))) + :ARG2 (t2 / this))) + :ARG1 (g / get-03 + :ARG1 (i2 / it) + :ARG2 (b2 / bad-07 + :ARG1 i2) + :condition (s2 / stop-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (c3 / cut-off-04 + :ARG0 i + :condition (b3 / blood + :polarity -))))) + +(h / have-03 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (h2 / hole + :mod (s / several) + :location (a / arm + :part-of i))) + +(a / and + :op1 (h / heal-01 + :ARG1 (t / they)) + :op2 (c / cut-01 + :ARG0 (i / i + :ARG1-of c) + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (g / grapefruit + :ARG1-of (s / steal-01 + :ARG0 i + :location (s2 / school))) + :op2 (r / razor)) + :time (t2 / then))) + +(a / and + :op1 (t / take-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (p / paracetamol + :quant (a3 / about + :op1 5)) + :op2 (d / drug + :mod (o / other)))) + :op2 (t2 / take-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a4 / and + :op1 (a5 / alcohol) + :op2 (v / vodka) + :mod (m / more))) + :time (f / find-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a6 / anything + :instrument-of (c / cut-03 + :ARG0 i)))) + +(t / tempt-01 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG3 (o / or + :op1 (c / cut-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a / arm + :part-of i)) + :op2 (b / burn-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 a)) + :time (w / write-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (t2 / this)) + :degree (r / really)) + +(a / and + :op1 (a2 / addict-01 + :ARG1 (i / i)) + :op2 (c / cut-01 + :ARG0 i + :mod (a3 / again) + :frequency (r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG4 (c2 / cure-01 + :ARG1 (o / one))))) + +(t / think-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG2 (i / it) + :frequency (r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG3 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (d / day)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (a2 / age-01 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 12 + :unit (y / year))) + :op2 (f / feed-up-03 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (l / life + :poss i) + :time (a3 / already))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (b / be-from-91 + :ARG1 (t / this) + :ARG2 (t2 / that)) + :snt2 (a / and + :op1 (l / leave-11 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (d / dad)))) + :op2 (w / want-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (m2 / meet-02 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 i) + :time (a2 / age-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (t3 / temporal-quantity + :quant 7 + :unit (y / year))) + :time (a3 / already)))) + +(w / worry-02 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 h + :ARG2 (d / daughter)) + :ARG1-of (n / new-01)) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 h + :ARG2 (w2 / wife))) + :op3 (l / life + :ARG1-of (n2 / new-01) + :location-of (w3 / want-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (i / i)))) + :mod (o / only)) + +(d / die-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (f / friend + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (g / good-02 + :ARG1 f) + :ARG3 (m / most))))) + :time (a / age-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 10 + :unit (y / year)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (r / relation-03 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG2 (g / guy + :age (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 16 + :unit (y / year)))) + :op2 (b / ban-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / talk-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (e / event) + :op2 (d / differ-02 + :ARG3 (a3 / age))) + :ARG2 g) + :ARG2 g)) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / suffer-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (m / mom))) + :ARG1 (b / bipolar)) + :op2 (d / depress-01 + :ARG1 i) + :mod (t / too)) + +(k / know-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :purpose-of (i2 / it))) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / care-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (d / do-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG2 i))) + :op2 (w / want-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (d2 / do-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 t + :frequency (o / over-and-over) + :purpose (t2 / torture-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 i))) + :op3 (h / hate-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 i)) + +(h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (l / love-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (f / friend + :ARG1-of (h3 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (g / good-02 + :ARG1 f) + :ARG3 (m / most))))) + :degree (h4 / high-heaven)) + :op2 (m2 / mean-01 + :ARG1 f + :ARG2 (e / everything + :beneficiary i)) + :op3 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (s / something) + :condition (d2 / do-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (s2 / something))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (t / tell-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG2 (s / she)) + :ARG2 (b / be-done-08 + :ARG0 s)) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (w / want-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (h / hurt-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (h2 / he))) + :ARG2 (w2 / want-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (h3 / hurt-01 + :ARG0 h2 + :ARG1 h2))) + +(d / do-02 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (a / amr-unknown)) + +(t / thank-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (y / you) + :ARG2 (r / read-01 + :ARG0 y)) + +(o / or + :op1 (t / take-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (d / drug + :mod (s / some))) + :op2 (g / get-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (t2 / therapy + :mod (s2 / some))) + :polarity (a / amr-unknown)) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (i / idea + :domain (a / and + :op1 (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 (g / general) + :ARG2 (o / or + :op1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (n / nurse-01) + :location (s / school + :poss (y / you))) + :op2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 y + :ARG2 (p4 / practitioner + :mod g))))) + :op2 (t2 / tell-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (e / event) + :ARG2 o)))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (t / teach-01) + :location (s / school) + :ARG1-of (t2 / trust-02 + :ARG0 (y / you)) + :ARG0-of (t3 / tell-01 + :ARG2 y + :ARG1-of (p3 / possible-01)))) + +(d2 / dog + :ARG0-of (b1 / bark-01)) + +(h / have-condition-91 + :ARG1 (l / likely-01 + :ARG1 (w / worsen-01 + :ARG1 (p / pen-up-03 + :ARG1 (i / it)))) + :ARG2 (k / keep-02 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 p)) + +(h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (s / sort-out-02 + :ARG1 (t / thing + :mod (t2 / this)) + :ARG1-of (i / instead-of-91 + :ARG2 (l / let-01 + :ARG1 (w / worsen-01 + :ARG1 t + :mod (e / even)))) + :time (s2 / soon + :ARG2-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 s + :ARG3 (e2 / equal) + :ARG4 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 s)))) + :ARG2 (g / good-02 + :ARG1 s) + :ARG3 (m / more) + :ARG4 (b / believe-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (i2 / i))) + +(d / do-02 + :polite + + :polarity - + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (t / this)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / age-01 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 17 + :unit (y / year))) + :snt2 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (s / start-01 + :ARG0 (i2 / i) + :ARG1 (h / hurt-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 i2 + :manner (d / do-02 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 (a2 / arm + :part-of i2) + :mod (m2 / most))) + :time (y2 / year + :mod (l / last))) + :ARG2 (q / quit-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 h + :time (s2 / since + :op1 (m3 / month + :mod (r / recent)))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (h / hard-02 + :ARG1 (i / it)) + :ARG2 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 i))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (h2 / happy-01 + :ARG1 i) + :ARG3 (m / more + :quant (m2 / much))) + :ARG2 (t / thing + :time-of (r / remind-01 + :ARG1 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (w / want-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (d / do-02 + :ARG1 (s / something + :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01 + :ARG2 (t2 / that))))) + :ARG1-of (f2 / feel-01 + :ARG0 i)) + :ARG0-of (p / pain-01)) + :domain (s2 / see-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (s3 / scar)) + :mod (s4 / simultaneous))) + +(a / and + :op2 (a2 / and + :op1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (i / it)) + :mod (a3 / also)) + :op2 (f / find-01 + :ARG0 (i2 / i) + :ARG1 (s / save-02 + :ARG0 (a4 / and + :op1 (w / write-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / poem)) + :op2 (c / carry-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / diary))))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (a / addictive-02 + :ARG0 (h / harm-01 + :ARG1 (s / self))) + :ARG2 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (o / over-02 + :ARG1 (y / you) + :ARG2 a))) + +(r / remember-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (d / define-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (h / harm-01 + :ARG1 y) + :ARG1 (p / person + :domain y))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (o / over-02 + :ARG1 (y / you) + :ARG2 (i / it))) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (d / discover-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / anything) + :ARG1 (c2 / check-out-05 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG0-of (b / belong-01 + :ARG1 a2)) + :time (a / always) + :purpose (e / ensure-01 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (l / lose-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 a2) + :op2 (l2 / leave-12 + :polarity - + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 a2))) + :time (g / go-02 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG4 (u / university + :mod (e2 / especially)) + :ARG4 (o2 / out))) + :time (y / year + :mod (l3 / last))) + :ARG1 (b2 / believe-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (f / form + :mod (d2 / disease + :wiki "Obsessive-compulsive_disorder" + :name (n / name + :op1 "OCD")))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (c / check-01 + :frequency (o2 / often) + :frequency (r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG1 2 + :ARG2 1))) + :op2 (p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (r2 / resist-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (c2 / check-01 + :mod (a2 / again)) + :time (t / then) + :time (a3 / after + :quant (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 30 + :unit (s / second))) + :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (r3 / reason + :mod (s2 / some)))))) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a / amr-unknown) + :ARG1 (t / this)) + +(a / amr-choice + :op1 (g / go-08 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (m / mad-02 + :ARG1 i)) + :op2 (s / something)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (i / it + :frequency (o / often + :ARG2-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG3 (m2 / more))) + :time (c / carry-01 + :ARG0 (i2 / i) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :quant (l / lot)))) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (r / rare-02 + :ARG1 i) + :op2 (c2 / check-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 i + :frequency (r2 / rate-entity-91 + :ARG3 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (d / day))) + :mod (e / even) + :frequency (t3 / time + :quant (l2 / lot))))) + :snt2 (a2 / and + :op2 (d2 / disease + :wiki "Obsessive-compulsive_disorder" + :name (n / name + :op1 "OCD") + :domain (t4 / this) + :degree (e2 / extent + :mod (a3 / any)) + :polarity (a4 / amr-unknown)))) + +(d / do-02 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (a / amr-unknown) + :ARG2 (t / this) + :ARG1-of (p / possible-01)) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (h / have-condition-91 + :ARG1 (b / become-01 + :ARG1 (g / go-01 + :ARG4 (a2 / away) + :time (a3 / after + :quant (b2 / between + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 15 + :unit (m / minute)) + :op2 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 30 + :unit (m2 / minute))))) + :ARG2 (a / anxious + :degree (v / very))) + :ARG2 (l / look-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (i2 / it)) + :ARG1-of g) + :ARG2 (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (a4 / anxiety) + :ARG2 (m3 / much) + :ARG3 (s / so) + :ARG6 (p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (w / wait-01 + :ARG1 g + :degree (m4 / much + :degree (s2 / so)))) + :frequency (o / often))) + +(f / feel-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (d / doom-01 + :ARG1 i) + :op2 (s / sorry-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 d) + :condition (l / lose-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (o2 / or + :op1 (w / wallet + :poss i) + :op2 (p / phone + :poss i))))) + +(w / wish-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (g / get-05 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (o / out) + :manner (w2 / worry-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (o2 / or + :op1 (g2 / go-02 + :ARG0 i) + :op2 (l / lose-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (s / something))) + :ARG1 i) + :frequency (r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 2 + :unit (m / minute)) + :ARG2 g))) + :mod (j / just)) + +(a / and + :op1 (k / know-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (d / do-02 + :ARG0 i)) + :degree (r / really)) + :op2 (t2 / terrify-01 + :ARG0 (g / go-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG4 (p / practitioner + :mod (g2 / general))) + :ARG1 i)) + +(a / and + :op1 (h / hear-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (c / compel-01 + :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 + :ARG2 (t / this))) + :time (e / ever) + :ARG1-of (l / likely-01)) + :op2 (k / know-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t2 / thing + :ARG1-of (d / do-02 + :ARG0 i)) + :mod (j / just))) + +(h / have-03 + :ARG0 (a / any + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (y / you + :mod (g / guy)))) + :ARG1 (r / ritual + :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01)) + :polarity (a2 / amr-unknown)) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (t / think-01 + :ARG0 (p / person) + :ARG1 (c2 / crazy-03 + :ARG1 (i / i))) + :ARG2 (h / hard-02 + :ARG1 (g / get-05 + :ARG2 (o / out-06 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (t2 / this))) + :degree (s / strange))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (g / give-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (a / advise-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (a2 / amr-unknown)) + :ARG2 i)) + +(d / do-02 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t / this + :ARG0-of (m / mean-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (l / list + :consist-of (i2 / item + :ARG0-of (t2 / take-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG1-of (k / know-01 + :ARG0 i)))) + :op2 (r / review-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (b / bus) + :manner (f / frantic))))) + :time (u / use-03) + :time (w / way + :direction (c / college) + :poss i)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / and + :op1 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (a2 / anxiety + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (s / severe) + :ARG3 (m2 / more))) + :time (n / now)) + :op2 (t / think-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (s2 / signal-07 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 (w / warn-01) + :mod (j / just) + :domain (t2 / this))) + :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG1 (t3 / try-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (q / quit-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (h3 / habit)) + :time (r / recent + :ARG2-of (r2 / relative-05))))) + :snt2 (c2 / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (g / go-02 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y2 / you) + :ARG4 (d / doctor + :poss y2) + :mod (d2 / definite)) + :ARG2 (r3 / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (r4 / remember-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 y2 + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (c3 / continue-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 y2 + :ARG1 (c4 / control-01 + :ARG0 y2 + :ARG1 (t4 / thing + :mod (t5 / this)))) + :op2 (h4 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (s3 / say-01 + :ARG1 c4) + :ARG2 (e / easy-05 + :ARG1 s3) + :ARG3 (m3 / more) + :ARG4 (k / know-01 + :ARG0 y2)))) + :mod (a4 / also)))) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (s / see-01 + :ARG0 (d / doctor) + :ARG1 (c2 / case + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (b / bad-07 + :ARG1 c2) + :ARG3 (m / more + :quant (f / far))))) + :ARG1 (w / worry-01 + :polarity - + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (t / that))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (c / concern-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (d / disorder + :wiki "Obsessive-compulsive_disorder" + :name (n / name + :op1 "OCD")) + :time (t / today)) + :ARG2 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "psychopathy"))) + +(h / have-manner-91 + :ARG1 (r / rid-01 + :ARG1 (h2 / he)) + :ARG2 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (a / avoid-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / act-02 + :ARG0-of (c / compel-01)) + :mod (j / just)) + :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (l / look-01 + :polarity - + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (l2 / lose-02 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (s / something))) + :op2 (g / give-up-07 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 h2 + :mod (j2 / just)))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (i / increase-01 + :ARG1 (l / level + :mod (a / anxiety) + :poss (y / you)) + :duration (w / while)) + :ARG2 (d / decrease-01 + :ARG1 l + :manner (g / gradual) + :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / disappear-01 + :ARG1 (d3 / disorder + :wiki "Obsessive-compulsive_disorder" + :name (n / name + :op1 "OCD") + :poss y) + :ARG1-of (h / hopeful-03) + :time (e / eventual))))) + +(s / sound-01 + :ARG1 (t / that) + :ARG2 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (a / anxious + :domain (y / you) + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 y + :ARG3 (t2 / too))) + :ARG2 (h2 / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (a2 / accident + :ARG1-of (s2 / serious-02 + :degree (r / really))))) + :ARG3 (i / i)) + +(o / obsess-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1-of (r / real-04) + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG3 (t / to-the-point) + :ARG6 (g / get-05 + :frequency 20 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (u / up) + :purpose (c / check-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (c2 / close-01 + :ARG1 (h2 / house + :poss i) + :manner (w / way + :mod (c3 / certain)))) + :time (d / date-entity + :dayperiod (n / night))))) + +(c / convince-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / close-01 + :ARG1 t) + :ARG2 (l / lock-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (t / they)) + :frequency (s / sometimes) + :concession (k / know-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 c2)) + +(t / think-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (b / become-01 + :ARG1 (i2 / it) + :ARG2 (i3 / issue-02 + :ARG1-of (r / real-04)) + :time (b2 / begin-01 + :ARG0 (o / obsess-01) + :ARG1 (d / disrupt-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (r2 / routine + :poss (y / you) + :frequency (r3 / rate-entity-91 + :ARG3 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (d2 / day)))) + :ARG1-of (a / actual-02))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (i / insane + :polarity - + :domain (y / you) + :mod (d / definite)) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (w / worry-01 + :polarity - + :mode imperative + :ARG0 y) + :op2 (s / sure-02 + :ARG0 (i2 / i) + :ARG1 (u / understand-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 y + :ARG2 (p2 / practitioner + :mod (g / general)))) + :ARG1 (p3 / problem))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (g / go-02 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG4 (t / therapy) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (r / reason + :mod (o / other)))) + :op2 (c2 / cheer-on-04 + :ARG0 (t2 / they) + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (c3 / choose-01 + :ARG0 i + :frequency (r2 / rate-entity-91 + :ARG1 1 + :ARG2 (t3 / test) + :ARG1-of (o2 / obvious-01 + :ARG2 (l / less-than + :op1 20))))) + :op3 (a2 / and + :op1 (s / stick-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (h / he)) + :op2 (r3 / reduce-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 h) + :manner (w / way + :mod (t4 / that)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (t / think-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (i2 / idea + :domain (t2 / teach-01 + :ARG2 i))) + :op2 (g / good-02 + :ARG1 i + :mod (s / still) + :condition (g2 / glance-01 + :ARG0 i + :frequency (o / or + :op1 5 + :op2 20)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / improve-01 + :ARG0 (i2 / i) + :degree (m / much) + :time (s / so-far)) + :op2 (t / think-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 (h / hopeful-03 + :ARG1 (i3 / improve-01) + :beneficiary (a2 / anyone + :ARG0-of (w / want-01 + :ARG1 i3)) + :mod (d / definite)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / calm-03 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (t / thing) + :degree (p / pretty) + :ARG1-of (n / normal-02)) + :op2 (l / like-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (t2 / take-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 t + :manner (c2 / come-01 + :ARG1 t)) + :op2 (w / worry-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 i + :degree (t3 / too))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (a2 / anxious + :domain i + :degree (v / very) + :topic (t / thing + :mod (s / some))) + :time (b / before + :op1 (n / now) + :duration (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 2 + :unit (m / month)))) + :op2 (t3 / talk-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (f2 / feel-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (n2 / nervous-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG1-of (e / expect-01 + :polarity -)) + :ARG1-of (s2 / simple-02))))) + +(b / begin-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (p / panic-01 + :ARG0 (t / thing + :mod (v / variety) + :ARG1-of (w / worry-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (m / much) + :ARG3 (t2 / too))) + :ARG1-of (r / run-08 + :polarity - + :ARG2 (h2 / head + :part-of i) + :mod (e / even) + :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01 + :ARG2 (s / something + :ARG0-of (m2 / make-02 + :ARG1 (a / alarm-01 + :location (h3 / head + :part-of i)))))) + :time (a2 / at-hand-14))) + :ARG1-of (r3 / rational-02 + :polarity -))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (s / sure-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (c3 / change-01 + :ARG1 (l / lifestyle) + :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 + :ARG2 (s2 / switch-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s3 / study-01)) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG1-of (e / employ-01 + :polarity -) + :ARG1-of (g / graduate-01)) + :ARG3 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of s3)))) + :ARG1 (t / this)) + :op2 (s4 / signal-07 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (p4 / problem + :mod (o2 / other))))) + :ARG2 (b / begin-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (b2 / bother-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 i) + :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a / affect-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (c5 / confident-01 + :ARG1 i) + :op2 (h / happy-01 + :ARG1 i)))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (i2 / it) + :ARG2 (p / person + :mod (s / some) + :ARG2-of (i3 / include-91 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (p3 / parent)))))) + :ARG2 (t2 / think-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (t3 / thing + :ARG1-of (s2 / same-01)) + :ARG2-of (i4 / include-91 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (g / go-12 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (p4 / phase + :mod (r / random))) + :op2 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (w / wait-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (a2 / act-02 + :ARG0 i + :time (u / until + :op1 (c2 / clear-06 + :ARG1 (p5 / problem + :ARG1-of (s3 / serious-02))))))))))) + +(w / wonder-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (d / do-02) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (g / good-02 + :ARG1 t) + :ARG3 (m / most)) + :ARG1-of (p / possible-01)) + :ARG2 (i / i) + :time (t2 / then)) + +(a / and + :polarity (a2 / amr-unknown) + :op1 (t / talk-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (i / it) + :ARG2 (d / doctor)) + :op2 (s / see-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (t2 / truth-value + :polarity-of (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / alleviate-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / pill + :purpose (a4 / anxiety)) + :ARG1 (t3 / thing)))))) + +(s / see-01 + :polarity (a / amr-unknown) + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (t / truth-value + :polarity-of (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / talk-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (c / counsel-01 + :ARG1 i)))))) + +(o / or + :op2 (r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (f / follow-02 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (a2 / advise-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG1-of (c / close-10 + :ARG2 i))))) + :op2 (w / watch-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a3 / anxiety) + :mod (j / just) + :time (u / until + :op1 (b / become-01 + :ARG1 a3 + :ARG2 (i2 / issue-02))))) + :polarity (a4 / amr-unknown))) + +(a / and + :op1 (t / try-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (m / monitor-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a2 / anxiety + :poss (y / you))) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (m2 / make-02 + :ARG0 m + :ARG1 (t2 / tense-03 + :ARG1 y)))) + :op2 (l / likely-01 + :ARG1 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (p / panic-01 + :ARG1 y + :mod (m3 / more)) + :ARG1-of (m4 / mean-01 + :ARG2 (c2 / clause + :topic (d / disappear-01 + :location (t3 / there))))) + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 f + :ARG3 (m5 / more))) + :mod (w / well + :mode expressive) + :ARG2-of (b / begin-01)) + +(t / try-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (c / concentrate-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (s / something + :ARG2-of (g / guarantee-01 + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (m / make-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (s2 / smile-01 + :ARG0 (y / you))) + :op2 (m2 / make-02 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (h / happy-01 + :ARG1 y + :ARG2-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 y + :ARG3 (m3 / more)))))) + :time (a / as-soon-as + :op1 (s3 / start-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (p / panic-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 y + :quant (b / bit)) + :ARG2 (a2 / anything))))))) + +(o / or + :op2 (h / have-04 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 y + :ARG2 (f / friend)) + :ARG1 (l / laugh-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG2 (p / person + :quant 1 + :ARG0-of h2 + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 y + :ARG2 (f2 / friend)))))) + :condition (p3 / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (t / that))) + :time (s / start-01 + :ARG0 h2 + :ARG1 (f3 / feel-01 + :ARG0 h2 + :ARG1 (p4 / panic-01 + :ARG1 h2))) + :ARG1-of (w / work-09 + :ARG2 (i2 / i) + :concession (s2 / suffer-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 (a / attack-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :mod (r / random)))))) + +(s / start-01 + :ARG1 (c / come-01 + :ARG1 (t / this) + :ARG4 (i / i + :location-of (s2 / start-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a / anxious + :degree (v / very) + :domain i) + :concession (s3 / sound-02 + :ARG1 (t2 / thing + :mod (s4 / small)))))))) + +(t / think-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (u / useful-05 + :ARG1 (t2 / talk-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (t3 / thing + :ARG0-of (m / make-02 + :ARG1 (a / anxious + :domain (y / you)))) + :ARG2 (s / someone + :mod (e / else)) + :mod (j / just)) + :ARG2 i)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (m2 / make-02 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (m3 / mention-01 + :ARG0 (m4 / mum) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG0-of (w / worry-01 + :ARG1 m4)) + :ARG2 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 m4 + :ARG2 m4)) + :manner (c / calm-03 + :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 + :ARG2 (r2 / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (r3 / react-01 + :ARG0 p))))) + :op2 (s / see-01 + :ARG0 m4 + :ARG1 (r4 / react-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (s2 / situation) + :manner (c2 / calm-03 + :ARG1 p)))) + :ARG1 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (g / good-02 + :ARG2 i + :ARG2-of (h3 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 f + :ARG3 (m5 / more)))) + :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (k / know-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (t2 / that)))) + :ARG2 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (t3 / thing + :mod (b / big + :polarity -) + :domain (i2 / it)))) + :snt2 (n / need-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (w2 / worry-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 i))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (h / have-condition-91 + :ARG1 (g / go-02 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG4 (d / doctor)) + :ARG2 (w / worsen-01 + :ARG1 (i / it)))) + +(h / have-03 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s / suffer-01 + :ARG1 (a / anxiety + :mod (s2 / severe) + :ARG0-of (s3 / stop-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (l / leave-11 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (h2 / house)) + :op2 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (t / thing))) + :ARG1-of (p2 / possible-01) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (w / worry-02 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (t2 / thing + :ARG1-of (g / go-08 + :ARG2 (w2 / wrong-02) + :ARG1-of (p3 / possible-01))) + :degree (v / very)))))) + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (f / friend)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (g / give-01 + :ARG0 (d / doctor) + :ARG1 (m / medication) + :ARG2 (s / she)) + :op2 (i / improve-01 + :ARG0 d + :ARG1 s + :degree (m2 / much))) + +(n / need-01 + :ARG0 (s / state + :wiki "Texas" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Texas") + :ARG2-of (i / include-91 + :ARG1 (c / city + :wiki "Austin,_Texas" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Austin")) + :mod (e / especially))) + :ARG1 (h / help-01 + :ARG2 s)) + +(h / have-purpose-91 + :ARG2 (h2 / help-01 + :ARG2 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s / survive-01) + :mod (w / world-region + :wiki "Gulf_of_Mexico" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Gulf"))))) + +(l / link-01 + :medium (s / site) + :mod (m / mega)) + +(u / url-entity + :value "http://www.keshertalk.com/archives/2...ghurrica.html") + +(h / help-01 + :ARG1 (r / refugee + :mod (h2 / hurricane) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Austin,_Texas" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Austin") + :location (s / state + :wiki "Texas" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Texas")))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2005 + :month 9 + :day 3)) + +(a / and + :op1 (l / live-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Austin,_Texas" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Austin") + :location (s / state + :wiki "Texas" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Texas"))) + :time (u / use-03)) + :op2 (g / get-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (e / email-01 + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (s2 / synagogue + :time (o / old) + :poss i) + :op2 (c2 / community + :mod (o2 / online) + :mod (h / huge) + :location c))) + :time (j / just))) + +(a / and + :op1 (o / overload-01 + :ARG1 (c / city + :wiki "Houston" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Houston"))) + :op2 (h / head-02 + :ARG0 (r / refugee + :quant (m / many)) + :ARG1 (c2 / city + :wiki "Austin,_Texas" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Austin")))) + +(l / list-01 + :ARG1 (r / resource + :quant (m / many)) + :ARG2 (e / entrance + :ARG1-of (o / open-09)) + :condition (a / and + :op1 (l2 / live-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :location (a2 / area + :mod (c / city + :wiki "Austin,_Texas" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Austin")))) + :op2 (w / want-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (h / help-01 + :ARG0 y)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (p / person + :mod (r / religious-group + :wiki "Jews" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Jew")) + :location (a2 / area + :ARG1-of (a3 / affect-01)) + :ARG1-of (n2 / new-01)) + :op2 (t / teodicea + :quant (s / some) + :purpose (c / counter-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (i / idiocy + :mod (t2 / theological) + :ARG1-of (f / float-01 + :ARG1-of (f2 / free-04)))))) + +(r / raise-02 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :mod (r2 / religious-group + :wiki "Jews" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Jew"))) + :ARG1 (f / fund + :mod (a / aid-01))) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (c / church) + :ARG2 (s / south + :part-of (s2 / state + :wiki "Texas" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Texas"))) + :ARG0-of (t / take-01 + :ARG1 (r / refugee))) + +(h / have-condition-91 + :ARG1 (l / list-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG2-of (e / evacuate-01)) + :op2 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG2 (a2 / amr-unknown)))) + :ARG2 (n / need-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (n2 / news + :topic (o / one + :ARG1-of (l2 / love-01))))) + +(c / coordinate-01 + :ARG0 (u / university + :wiki "University_of_Texas" + :name (n / name + :op1 "University" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Texas") + :location (a / and + :op1 (c2 / city + :wiki "Austin,_Texas" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Austin")) + :op2 (u2 / university + :wiki "Rice_University" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Rice" + :op2 "U")) + :op3 (u3 / university + :wiki "Texas_A&M_University" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Texas" + :op2 "A" + :op3 "&" + :op4 "M" + :op5 "University")))) + :ARG1 (s / sign-up-03 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s2 / study-01 + :location u) + :ARG1-of (d / displace-01 + :ARG0 (f / flood-01)))) + :ARG2 (u4 / university + :wiki "Tulane_University" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Tulane"))) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Trinity" + :op2 "U")) + :ARG2 (c / city + :wiki "San_Antonio" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "San" + :op2 "Antonio")) + :mod (a / also)) + +(c / contact-01 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (c2 / chapter + :part-of (o / organization + :wiki "American_Red_Cross" + :name (n / name + :op1 "American" + :op2 "Red" + :op3 "Cross")) + :location (c3 / city + :wiki "Austin,_Texas" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Austin"))) + :medium (p / phone-number-entity + :value "512399 -1229") + :condition (w / wish-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (v / volunteer-01 + :ARG0 y) + :time (i / immediate))) + +(a / and + :op1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (n / need-01 + :ARG1 (l / leave-02 + :ARG1 (m / message-01)))) + :op2 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (t / take-10 + :ARG1 (u / up-to + :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (d / day))) + :ARG2 (r / return-02 + :ARG1 (c / call-02) + :ARG2 (h / he))))) + +(c / coordinate-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / city + :wiki "Austin,_Texas" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Austin")) + :ARG1 (r / relieve-01 + :ARG1 (n2 / natural-disaster + :wiki "Hurricane_Katrina" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Katrina")))) + +(l / look-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (v / volunteer-01)) + :location (h / here)) + +(l / look-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG2-of (e / evacuate-01)) + :ARG1 (h / here)) + +(l / list-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (e / effort-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / aid-01)) + :op2 (f / fundraise-04 + :location (c / city + :wiki "Austin,_Texas" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Austin"))) + :quant (m / many)) + :ARG2 (h / here)) + +(l / list-01 + :ARG1 (t / thing + :quant (m / more)) + :location (h / here)) + +(u / update-01 + :ARG1 (w / website + :poss (o / organization + :wiki "Austin_JCC" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Austin" + :op2 "JCC"))) + :ARG2 (e / effort-01 + :ARG1 (r / relieve-01) + :ARG1-of (l / local-02))) + +(p / provide-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "JCAA" + :name (n / name + :op1 "JCAA")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (a2 / access-01 + :ARG1 (f / facility + :mod (f2 / fitness)) + :ARG1-of (f3 / free-03 + :ARG1 u)) + :op2 (u / use-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (t / towel) + :op2 (s / shower)))) + :mod (a4 / also)) + +(a / ask-02 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (i / information + :mod (m / more)) + :ARG2 (p / phone-number-entity + :value "7358000 ")) + +(c / coordinate-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Jewish_Family_Services" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Jewish" + :op2 "Family" + :op3 "Services")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (a2 / advise-01 + :ARG2 (h / house-01)) + :op2 (a3 / assist-01 + :ARG2 h)) + :medium (p / phone-number-entity + :value "512 -250-1043")) + +(l / line + :mod (h / house-01) + :domain (t / that) + :mod (a / also) + :ARG1-of (d / direct-02)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / and + :op1 (d / drop-in-02 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (m2 / message)) + :op2 (c / contact-01 + :ARG0 (s / someone) + :ARG1 y + :time (s2 / soon + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 c + :ARG3 (e / equal) + :ARG4 (p / possible-01))))) + :snt2 (o / or + :op1 (c2 / call-02 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 (y2 / you) + :ARG1 (p2 / phone-number-entity + :value "512 -250-1043")) + :op2 (t / text-01 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 y2 + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mitch" + :op2 "Sudolsky")) + :ARG3 (p4 / phone-number-entity + :value "Mitch.sudolsky@jcaaonline.org")) + :condition (o2 / or + :op1 (n2 / need-01 + :ARG0 y2 + :ARG1 (s3 / space + :location (o3 / or + :op1 (a2 / apartment) + :op2 (o4 / office) + :op3 (r / room + :mod (h2 / home)) + :op4 (e2 / et-cetera)))) + :op2 (p5 / possible-01 + :ARG1 s3)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / close-01 + :ARG1 (s / shelter + :poss (f / facility + :wiki "Burger_Center" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Burger" + :op2 "Center"))) + :time (n2 / now)) + :op2 (s2 / send-01 + :ARG1 (t / they + :mod (a2 / all)) + :ARG2 (f2 / facility + :wiki "Center_of_Conventions" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Convention" + :op2 "Center")))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (u / use-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Capital_Area_Food_Bank" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Capital" + :op2 "Area" + :op3 "Food" + :op4 "Bank")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (d / donate-01)) + :op2 (t2 / thing + :ARG1-of (v / voluntary-02))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / collect-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (b / box + :mod (f / food + :ARG1-of (p / perish-01 + :polarity -))) + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (s / shelter) + :op2 (p2 / program + :mod (f2 / food) + :ARG1-of (l / local-02)))) + :op2 (s2 / set-up-03 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 b) + :op3 (h / help-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (e / effort-01 + :ARG0 (n / natural-disaster + :wiki "Hurricane_Katrina" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Katrina"))))) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (e / expect-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / company + :wiki "Goodwill_Industries" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Goodwill" + :op2 "Industries")) + :ARG1 (d / donate-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c3 / clothes) + :op2 (i / item + :mod (o / other)) + :quant (a2 / amount + :mod (l / large))))) + :ARG1 (t / time + :ARG1-of (g / good-02) + :time (n2 / now) + :purpose d + :condition (a3 / and + :op1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (y / you) + :ARG2 (c4 / city + :wiki "Austin,_Texas" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Austin"))) + :op2 (p / plan-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 d)))) + +(b / be-from-91 + :ARG2 (o / organization + :wiki "Oak_Hill_Baptist_Church" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Oak" + :op2 "Hill" + :op3 "Baptist" + :op4 "Church"))) + +(h / have-03 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (h2 / house + :mod (i / independent)) + :location (g / ground + :mod (c / church + :poss w))) + +(h / have-03 + :ARG0 (i / it) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (b / bedroom + :quant 3 + :mod (s / slash + :op1 (a2 / a) + :op2 (c / cr))) + :op2 (k / kitchen))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (c / carry-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :quant 6 + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 w + :ARG2 (m / mom))) + :op2 (b / baby + :age (u / under + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 6 + :unit (m2 / month))))) + :condition (h2 / have-03 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (r / room)))) + +(s / start-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (l / list + :mod (w / wait-01)) + :mod (a / also)) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (a2 / accept-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (o / or + :op1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 o + :ARG2 (b / boyfriend))) + :op2 (s / something + :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 + :ARG2 p2))) + :ARG1 (m / man)) + :op2 (p / prepare-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 o + :purpose (s2 / safe-01 + :ARG1 w))) + :ARG2 (w2 / want-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (s3 / secure-02 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (p3 / privacy + :poss (w3 / woman + :mod (o2 / other)))) + :mod (m2 / main))) + +(t / try-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (f / find-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (r / room + :ARG1-of (n / near-02 + :ARG2 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / pope)))) + :location (c / church + :poss (w / we))) + :time (a / after + :op1 (w2 / week + :mod (t2 / this)))) + :condition (p3 / possible-01 + :ARG1 f)) + +(t / try-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (g / get-04 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (f / find-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :mod (t2 / this)) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (j / job) + :op2 (h / house-01 + :ARG1-of (p2 / private-03))) + :time (s / soon + :ARG2-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 f + :ARG3 (e / equal) + :ARG4 (p3 / possible-01 + :ARG1 f)))))) + +(m / material + :ARG1-of (n / need-01 + :ARG0 (w / we)) + :example (a / and + :op1 (a2 / and + :op1 (c / chair + :purpose (b / breastfeed-01) + :ARG1-of (c2 / comfortable-02)) + :op2 (f / fork)) + :op2 (p / pillow + :purpose (f2 / foot + :part-of b)) + :op3 (p2 / product + :wiki "Puppee" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Puppee")) + :op4 (p3 / product + :wiki "SLINGS" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "SLINGS")) + :op5 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (c3 / clothe-01 + :ARG1 (b2 / baby))) + :op6 (d / diaper))) + +(t / think-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (e / elástica) + :condition (a / and + :op1 (a2 / and + :op1 (t2 / toady + :ARG1-of (w / wet-01)) + :op2 (t3 / toy) + :beneficiary (b / baby)) + :op2 (t4 / thing + :ARG0-of (c / change-01)) + :op3 (t5 / thing + :ARG0-of (c2 / change-01 + :ARG1 (d / diaper))) + :op4 (b2 / barb + :mod (b3 / bed)) + :op5 (f / futon) + :op6 (s / sheet) + :op7 (a3 / alla) + :op8 (t6 / thing + :ARG2-of (c3 / clothe-01 + :ARG1 (m / mom + :ARG1-of (n / new-01))) + :mod (b4 / breastfeed-01)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (w / wear-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / ass + :mod (b / big))) + :op2 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / hold-01 + :ARG1 (b2 / breast))) + :op3 (d / disc + :ARG0-of (a3 / absorb-01) + :mod b2)) + +(i / imagine-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (c / camp-out-01 + :ARG0 y + :accompanier (p / person + :ARG1-of (b / bear-02 + :ARG1-of (n / new-01)))) + :mod (b2 / basic)) + +(o / or + :op1 (s / send-01 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (i / it) + :ARG2 (c / company + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Convict" + :op2 "Hill" + :op3 "RD" + :op4 "Austin" + :op5 "TX" + :op6 " 78749"))) + :op2 (s2 / send-01 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 c) + :op3 (p / phone-01 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Ann_Bennett" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Ann" + :op2 "Bennett")) + :ARG2 (p3 / phone-number-entity + :value 3 + :month 2 + :year 2003) + :purpose (i2 / information + :mod (m / more))) + :op4 (s3 / send-01 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 c)) + +(s / station-01 + :ARG1 (t / truck + :mod (c / company + :wiki "United_Van_Lines" + :name (n / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Van" + :op3 "Lines"))) + :ARG2 (o / organization + :wiki "JCAA" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "JCAA")) + :purpose (c2 / collect-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (i / item + :ARG2-of (i2 / include-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (o2 / or + :op1 (c3 / clothe-01 + :ARG1 t + :ARG1-of (n3 / new-01)) + :op2 (c4 / clothe-01 + :ARG1 t + :ARG1-of (u / use-01 + :ARG1-of (h / hard-02)))) + :op2 (g / good + :mod (b / basic) + :example (a2 / and + :op1 (b2 / brush + :instrument-of (t2 / tooth-01)) + :op2 (p / pasta + :source-of (t3 / tooth)) + :op3 (d / diaper) + :op4 (i3 / item + :instrument-of (t4 / touch-01)) + :example (a3 / and + :op1 (w / water + :ARG1-of (b3 / bottle-01)) + :op2 (b4 / butter + :source (h2 / ham)) + :op3 (b5 / bean) + :op4 (s2 / slash + :op1 (g2 / granola) + :op2 (d2 / dairy))))))) + :ARG1-of (a4 / approve-01 + :ARG0 (o3 / organization + :wiki "American_Red_Cross_and_Red_Crescent_Movement" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "American" + :op2 "Red" + :op3 "Cross" + :op4 "and" + :op5 "Red" + :op6 " Crescent"))))) + :ARG1-of (s3 / start-01 + :time (d3 / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 2))) + +(a / and + :polite + + :op1 (s / separate-02 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (c / clothes)) + :op2 (s2 / style-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 c + :beneficiary (o / or + :op1 (c2 / child) + :op2 (w / woman) + :op3 (m / man)))) + +(o / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (s / separate-02 + :ARG1 (c / clothes) + :ARG2 (o2 / or + :op1 (f / food) + :op2 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (n / need-01) + :mod (o3 / other))))) + +(d / distribute-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "JCAA" + :name (n / name + :op1 "JCAA")) + :ARG1 (p / product + :mod (t / this)) + :time (a / available-02 + :ARG2 (i / information + :topic (a2 / and + :op1 (o2 / organization + :ARG0-of (a3 / accept-01 + :ARG1 p)) + :op2 (t2 / thing + :ARG1-of (n2 / need-01 + :ARG0 (a4 / and + :op1 o2 + :op2 t2))) + :op3 (t3 / thing + :ARG1-of (n3 / need-01 + :ARG0 (r / region))))) + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG3 (m / more)))) + +(o / or + :op1 (g / get-back-25 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Liza_Levine" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Liza" + :op2 "Levine")) + :location (p2 / phone-number-entity + :value "101 to 58078")) + :op2 (g2 / get-back-25 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :wiki "Alan_Potash" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Alan" + :op2 "Potash")) + :location (p4 / phone-number-entity + :value "101 to 58012")) + :op3 (g3 / get-back-25 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (p5 / person + :wiki "Hayley_Wasser" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Hayley" + :op2 "Wasser")) + :location (p6 / phone-number-entity + :value "101 to 58012")) + :purpose (i / information + :mod (m / more))) + +(a / available-02 + :ARG2 (r / room + :mod (h / hotel)) + :time (f / from + :op1 (w / weekend + :mod (t / this)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (o / organization + :wiki "Holiday_Inn" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Holiday" + :op2 "Inn") + :ARG3-of (c / collaborate-01 + :ARG1 (o2 / organization + :wiki "International_Red_Cross_and_Red_Crescent_Movement" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Red" + :op2 "Cross")))) + :snt2 (r / road + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Business" + :op2 "Park" + :op3 "Drive")) + :snt3 (s / slash + :op1 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 49 + :unit (d / dollar)) + :op2 (m3 / monetary-quantity + :quant 59 + :unit (d2 / dollar)) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :dayperiod (n4 / night))) + :snt4 (p / phone-number-entity + :value 343-0888)) + +(m / monetary-quantity + :quant 59 + :unit (d / dollar) + :domain (h / hotel + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Renaissance" + :op2 "Austin" + :op3 "Hotel") + :location (s / street-address-91 + :ARG2 (r / road + :wiki "Arbortum_Boulevard" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Arbortum" + :op2 "Boulevard")) + :ARG4 (c / city + :wiki "Austin,_Texas" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Austin")))) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 6 + :day 26) + :dayperiod (n4 / night)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (h / hotel + :wiki "Doubletree" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Doubletree") + :ARG1-of (s / start-01 + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (s2 / sunday)))) + :snt2 (c / call-02 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Jon_McFarland" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Jon" + :op2 "McFarland")) + :ARG2 (c2 / cellphone + :poss p)) + :snt3 (p2 / phone-number-entity + :value 470-57 + :ARG9 (c3 / company + :wiki "IH35" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "North" + :op2 "IH" + :op3 35))) + :snt4 (p3 / phone-number-entity + :value 3612 + :ARG9 (c4 / company + :wiki - + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "AmeriSuites")) + :beneficiary (o / or + :op1 (p4 / person + :wiki "Linda_Wilson" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Linda" + :op2 "Wilson")) + :op2 (p5 / person + :wiki "Joan_Buquet" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Joan" + :op2 "Buquet")))) + :snt5 (p6 / phone-number-entity + :value 231 + :ARG9 91) + :snt4 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 49 + :unit (d2 / dollar) + :ARG1-of (r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG2 (n7 / night)))) + +(c / call-03 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "All_Parties_Hurriyat_Conference" + :name (n / name + :op1 "AAIM") + :part-of (a / area + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Austin,_Texas" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Austin"))) + :mod (i / interreligious)) + :ARG1 (m / meet-03 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (c3 / cleric))) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 i)) + :op3 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c4 / community + :mod (f / faith) + :location c2) + :ARG2 (m2 / member)))) + :location (w / worship-place + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "First" + :op2 "Baptist" + :op3 "Church")) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 15 + :year 2005 + :weekday (t / thursday)))) + +(s / start-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG2 (s2 / serve-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (r / reflect-02) + :op2 (s3 / sing-01) + :op3 (p / pray-01)) + :mod (i / interreligious))) + +(h / have-03 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (s / session + :mod (s2 / strategy) + :ARG1-of (f / focus-01 + :ARG2 (d / develop-02 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (i / infrastructure + :ARG0-of (a / attend-02 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (r / refugee + :ARG1-of (g / get-05 + :ARG2 (s3 / state + :wiki "Texas" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Texas") + :part (c / center)))) + :op2 (r2 / refugee + :ARG1-of (s4 / stay-01 + :location (s5 / state + :mod (h2 / home) + :poss r2))))))))) + :time (s6 / subsequent)) + +(f / focus-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG2 (d / develop-02 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (t / team + :consist-of (p / person + :ARG0-of (r / rescue-01) + :ARG2-of (t2 / train-01 + :ARG1 (c / care-03 + :mod (s / spiritual))) + :ARG2-of (a / available-02 + :purpose (m / meet-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (n / need-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :mod (c2 / crisis)) + :ARG1 (p3 / pastoral))))))) + :mod (a2 / also)) + +(a / and + :op1 (e / event + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Interreligiose" + :op2 "Services" + :op3 "Meeting")) + :op2 (e2 / event + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Strategic" + :op2 "Meeting")) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 15 + :month 9 + :year 2005 + :time "5 :30" + :weekday (t / thursday)) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :time "6 :30" + :timezone "RPM" + :weekday (f / friday)) + :location (a2 / amr-unknown + :domain (f2 / facility + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "1 st" + :op2 "Baptist" + :op3 "Church") + :location (s / street-address-91 + :ARG1 9)))) + +(a / available-02 + :ARG2 (l / lot)) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (c / Confid-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (a / assist-01 + :ARG0 y) + :ARG2 (i / i) + :medium (e / email-address-entity + :value "aaim@aaimaustin.org")) + :snt2 (p / phone-number-entity + :value "512 -386-9145" + :purpose (p2 / provide-01 + :ARG1 (f / food + :ARG1-of (c2 / cost-01 + :ARG2 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 3.00 + :unit (d / dollar))))))) + +(p / post-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Judith_Giuliani" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Judith")) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 3 + :month 9 + :year 2005 + :time "15 :23")) + +(h / have-purpose-91 + :ARG2 (h2 / help-01 + :ARG2 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s / survive-01) + :mod (w / world-region + :wiki "Gulf_of_Mexico" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Gulf"))))) + +(l / link-01 + :medium (s / site) + :mod (m / mega)) + +(u / url-entity + :value "http://www.keshertalk.com/archives/2...ghurrica.html") + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (s / show-01 + :ARG0 (n / news + :ARG1-of (l / local-02)) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (v / volunteer-01)) + :op2 (f / food) + :ARG1-of (h / have-quant-91 + :ARG3 (m / more) + :ARG4 (p2 / person + :ARG1-of (v2 / victimize-01)))) + :location (h2 / here)) + :ARG2 (s2 / send-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (e / everything + :ARG1-of (h3 / have-03 + :ARG0 y)) + :mod (o / of-course))) + +(u / use-01 + :ARG0 (s / someone) + :ARG1 (i / it)) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (b / buy-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Bill")) + :ARG1 (h / home) + :beneficiary (v / victim + :mod (e / every) + :ARG1-of (c / come-01 + :ARG4 (h2 / here))))) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (s / section + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 9) + :location (a / above + :op1 (a2 / area + :wiki "Léogâne" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Leogane"))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (h / hunger-01 + :ARG0 (w / we)) + :op2 (d / destroy-01 + :ARG1 (h2 / home + :poss w))) + +(h / help-01 + :polite + + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (w / we) + :quant (s / some)) + +(d / date-entity + :time "20 :51" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 9) + +(n / need-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (m / medicine) + :op2 (t / tent))) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a / ask-02 + :ARG0 (p / person) + :ARG1 (f / find-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (m / material + :mod (t / this))) + :ARG2 w) + :ARG1 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (h2 / help-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / they) + :ARG1 w))) + +(r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG1 (d / dish + :ARG1-of (h / hot-05) + :consist-of (f / food)) + :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (d2 / day))) + +(t / thank-01) + +(d / date-entity + :time "5 :49" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 19) + +(a / and + :op1 (l / lose-02 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (f / family + :mod (e / entire) + :poss i)) + :op2 (f2 / find-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a2 / anyone + :ARG0-of (h / help-01 + :ARG1 i)))) + +(k / know-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t / time + :time-of (e / eat-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (s / something) + :mod (l / last))) + :ARG1-of (c / clear-06 + :polarity -)) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 27 + :time "12 :16") + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (m2 / morning + :ARG1-of (g / good-02)) + :snt2 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (c / city + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Pelerin")))) + +(n / need-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (f / food + :mod (s / some)) + :op2 (w2 / water + :mod (s2 / some)) + :op3 (t / thing + :ARG0-of (s3 / supply-01 + :ARG1 (h / hygiene)) + :quant (s4 / some)))) + +(c / come-on-25 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG1 (y / you) + :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (l / let-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (f / fall-07 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (d / die-01 + :ARG1 w)))))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "8 :17" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 20) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (n / number + :mod (t / telephone)) + :snt2 (g / get-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (w / we + :mod (t2 / that) + :location (r / relative-position + :op1 (r2 / road + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Rue" + :op2 "Petrel")) + :direction (b / behind + :op1 (b2 / building + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Mevar" + :op2 "Colegial"))))) + :ARG1 (h / help-01 + :ARG2 w + :mod (a / any)))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "13 :51" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 20) + +(m / morning + :ARG1-of (g / good-02)) + +(h / hear-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (b / broadcast-program + :wiki "Voice_of_America" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Voice" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "America"))) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (s / section + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 24) + :part-of (c / city + :wiki "Gresye" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Gresye"))) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Tiboukan"))) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / starve-01 + :ARG1 (w / we)) + :op2 (n / need-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (m / medicine)) + :op3 (n2 / need-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (f / food))) + +(h / help-01 + :polite + + :ARG0 (y / you)) + +(d / date-entity + :time "13 :19" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 22) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / saint-mark + :domain (i / i)) + :op2 (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (u / university + :location (c / city + :wiki "London" + :name (n / name + :op1 "London"))) + :ARG2 (p / professor)) + :op3 (m / make-02 + :ARG0 (e / earthquake) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (c2 / come-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG4 (b / back)) + :op2 (f / find-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (m2 / mum)))))) + :op4 (p3 / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (a3 / anything) + :ARG2 i)) + :op5 (n2 / need-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (l / land))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "14 :23" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 23) + +(c / condition + :mod (b / bloody) + :location (p / process-01 + :ARG1 (d / deliver-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / child + :location (a / and + :op1 (c3 / corner + :op1 (c4 / city-district + :wiki "Delmas,_Ouest" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Delmas" + :op2 31))) + :op2 (s / street + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "rue" + :op2 "Marien"))))))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "11 :09" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 24) + +(a / and + :op1 (t / take-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :mod (b / big)) + :ARG1 (i / it) + :ARG3 (p2 / prear) + :purpose (s / sell-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 i + :ARG3 (v / volume-quantity + :quant 250 + :unit (r / rubber)) + :location (s2 / street-address-91 + :ARG1 32 + :ARG2 (s3 / street) + :ARG4 (r2 / road)))) + :op2 (f / find-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (b2 / boukman + :location (s4 / street)) + :ARG1 v)) + +(d / date-entity + :time "9 :17" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 23) + +(n / need-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (w2 / water + :ARG1-of (d / drink-01 + :ARG0 w))) + +(t / tell-01 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (p / pray-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (b / believe-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "God" + :name (n / name + :op1 "God")) + :mod (a2 / almost)) + :op2 (g / get-05 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (p3 / pray-01 + :ARG0 w) + :ARG2 p2 + :time (e / ever)))) + :ARG2 (w / we) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 a)) + :ARG2 w) + +(d / date-entity + :time "9 :45" + :year 2010 + :month 3 + :day 8) + +(a / afternoon + :ARG1-of (g / good-02)) + +(l / live-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :location (m / mountain + :wiki "Dubois" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Dubois") + :location (t / top + :part-of (m2 / mountain + :wiki "Saint-Another" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Saint" + :op2 "Antoine"))))) + +(k / kill-01 + :ARG0 (h / hunger-01 + :ARG0 (w / we)) + :ARG1 w) + +(n / need-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (h / help-01 + :ARG1 w)) + +(d / date-entity + :time "13 :20" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 19) + +(a / and + :op1 (o / organization + :domain (o2 / organization + :wiki "Office_for_Community_and_Co-operation_in_Europe" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Office" + :op2 "for" + :op3 "Community" + :op4 "and" + :op5 "Co-operation" + :op6 " in" + :op7 " Europe")) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Léogâne" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Leogane") + :location (a2 / area + :mod (c2 / city + :wiki "Duffort,_Ouest" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Duffort"))))) + :op2 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (f / family + :quant (a3 / about + :op1 800) + :ARG0-of (n4 / need-01 + :ARG1 (h2 / help-01 + :ARG2 f)))) + :ARG2-of (t / thank-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (y / you) + :mod (m / much + :degree (v / very)))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "0 :29" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 7) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (a / and + :polite + + :op1 (n / need-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :location (r / road + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Carrefour") + :part-of (r2 / road + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Magloire" + :op2 "Ambroide")))) + :ARG1 (s / shelter-01 + :ARG1 p)) + :op2 (g / get-05 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (a2 / aid-01) + :ARG2 (a3 / area + :mod (t / this)))) + :snt2 (m2 / make-01 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (s2 / shelter-01 + :ARG1 y + :quant (s3 / some) + :ARG1-of (n4 / near-02 + :ARG2 (c / church + :wiki - + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Salem" + :op2 "Church")))))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "10 :45" + :day 21 + :month 1 + :year 2010) + +(a / and + :op1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (c / commune + :wiki "Croix-des-Bouquets" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Croix" + :op2 "de" + :op3 "Bouquets"))) + :op2 (n2 / need-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (t / tent) + :op2 (s / stamp)))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "9 :04" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 16) + +(t / talk-01 + :ARG0 (n / no-one) + :ARG1 (d / destroy-01 + :ARG1 (h / home + :location (c / city + :wiki "Kenscoff" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kenscoff"))))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "15 :24" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 23) + +(r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (t / track-01 + :ARG0 (w / we + :ARG1-of t) + :purpose (h / help-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 w + :ARG2 (c / city + :wiki "Boston" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Cite" + :op2 "Boston") + :location (r2 / road + :wiki "Ohio_State_Route" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "National" + :op2 "Route") + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1))))) + :polarity (a / amr-unknown)) + +(d / date-entity + :time "14 :22" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 20) + +(h / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (w2 / water) + :op2 (f / food) + :op3 (s / shelter-01 + :ARG1 w))) + +(f / find-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (h / help-01 + :mod (m / medicine))) + +(h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (f / find-01 + :ARG0 (p / person) + :ARG1 (b / box) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Brat_Darbonne" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Brat" + :op2 "Darbonne"))) + :ARG2 (h2 / hard-02 + :ARG1 (i / it) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Pond_Branch,_Ouest" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Pond" + :op2 "Branch")))) + +(i / import-01 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (s / some) + :mod (t / too)) + +(d / date-entity + :time "13 :11" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 5) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (e / evening + :ARG1-of (g / good-02)) + :snt2 (l / like-02 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (s / see-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (m2 / message-01) + :mod (t2 / this))))) + +(p / place + :wiki "Fort_Jacque" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Fort-Jacques" + :op2 "(Donte)")) + +(r / receive-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (p / person + :mod (t / this)) + :ARG1 (a / anything) + :time (e / ever)) + +(s / send-01 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (m / message-01) + :mod (t2 / this)) + :ARG2 (i / i)) + +(d / date-entity + :time "10 :38" + :day 15 + :month 2 + :year 2010) + +(h / help-01 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (i / i)) + +(s / send-01 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (s2 / slash + :op1 (h / help-01 + :ARG0 (h2 / help-01 + :ARG0 h2)) + :op2 h2) + :ARG2 (w / we)) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (z / zone + :mod (c / city + :wiki "Mandine" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mandine")) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Petion-Ville" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Petion" + :op2 "ville")))) + +(t / thank-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (y / you) + :mode expressive) + +(d / date-entity + :time "14 :32" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 26) + +(a / and + :op1 (n / night + :ARG1-of (g / good-02)) + :op2 (h / hope-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (k / keep-in-mind-08 + :ARG1 (t / they) + :ARG2 (e / event + :wiki "The_Tortue" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Tortue"))) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / come-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG1-of (h2 / hurt-01) + :quant (l / lot) + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (t2 / thing + :ARG1-of (c3 / clothe-01)) + :op2 (f / food)) + :beneficiary p)) + :ARG3 (i2 / island))))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "17 :40" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 19) + +(a / and + :op1 (l / live-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Plaine,_Louisiana" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Plaine"))) + :op2 (i2 / impregnate-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (w / wife)))) + :op3 (h2 / hurt-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (f / fall-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG4 (b / block-01 + :ARG1 p)))) + +(p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (w / walk-01 + :ARG0 (s / she))) + +(f / find-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (a / anyone + :ARG0-of (h / help-01 + :ARG1 w))) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (z / zone + :wiki "Moya_(city)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Moya"))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "8 :36" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 18) + +(a / and + :op1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (r / repos) + :ARG1-of (g / good-02)) + :op2 (v / victim + :domain w) + :op3 (n / need-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (w2 / water)) + :op4 (a2 / anything + :location (a3 / amr-unknown))) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 24 + :time "5 :15") + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (c / city + :wiki "Léogâne" + :name (n / name + :op1 "leogane") + :location-of (s / section + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 3) + :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity + :value 1) + :mod (c2 / commune) + :mod (r / river + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Grand" + :op2 "River"))))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "2 :01" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 19) + +(a / and + :op1 (n / need-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "SOS" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "SOS")) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (w / water) + :op2 (f / food))) + :op2 (a3 / around + :op1 (p / phone-number-entity + :value 95) + :location (n3 / next-to + :op1 (m / market + :mod (w2 / world-region + :wiki "Caribbean" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Caribbean")))) + :time (a4 / after + :op1 (b / bridge)))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "7 :10" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 24) + +(a / and + :op1 (p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (r / resist-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1-of (b / bad-05)) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (e / exhaust-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / resource + :poss i + :mod (a2 / all))))) + :op2 (h / help-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (a3 / anyone) + :ARG1 (w / we) + :time (e2 / ever) + :location (a4 / area + :mod (c2 / city-district + :wiki "Croix-des-bouquets" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Croix-des-bouquets")))) + :op3 (u / use-02 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (s / see-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (g / go-01 + :ARG1 (t / thing) + :ARG4 (e3 / elsewhere))))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "12 :41" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 19) + +(n / need-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (f / food) + :op2 (t / tent) + :op3 (h / healthcare)) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Port-de-Paix" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Port-de-Paix"))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "21 :22" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 6) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (c / city-district + :wiki "Delma_a_1" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Delma" + :op2 "a" + :op3 1) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Pinson,_California" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Pinson") + :ARG1-of (l / local-02)))) + +(n / need-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (f / food) + :op2 (w2 / water)) + :degree (g / great)) + +(d / date-entity + :time "11 :18" + :month 1 + :day 21 + :year 2010) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (c / city + :wiki "La_Plaine" + :name (n / name + :op1 "La" + :op2 "Plaine") + :location (s / street-address-91 + :ARG2 (r / road + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Bon" + :op2 "Ravine")) + :ARG4 (c2 / city + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Moleya")))) + :op2 (s2 / street-address-91 + :ARG2 (r2 / road + :wiki - + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Ruelle" + :op2 "Mackendi" + :op3 "(calle)" + :op4 "impasse" + :op5 "Celeste")) + :ARG4 (s3 / street-address-91 + :ARG2 40)))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "10 :34" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 19) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (d / die-01 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (t / thirst-01 + :ARG0 w)) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Martyrs'_Hospital,_Blackburn" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Martyrs") + :location (c3 / city + :wiki "Port-au-Prince" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Port-au-Prince")))) + :snt2 (b / bring-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (f / food) + :op2 (w2 / water)) + :ARG2 w) + :snt3 (m2 / medicine + :mod (b2 / border + :polarity -))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "13 :54" + :day 21 + :month 1 + :year 2010) + +(a / and + :op1 (l / live-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :location (c / canal + :wiki "Cape_to_the_New_Orleans" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Cape" + :op2 "to" + :op3 "the" + :op4 "New" + :op5 "Orleans") + :mod (s / sea))) + :op2 (n2 / need-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (w2 / water + :ARG1-of (d / drink-01)) + :op2 (v / vengeance)) + :purpose (k / kill-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (t2 / tax-01))))) + +(l / live-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :location (a / amr-unknown) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (h / help-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 w + :mod (s / still)))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "13 :01" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 5) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (n / near-02 + :ARG2 (m / military + :wiki "History_of_Libya_under_Muammar_Gaddafi" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Gulf" + :op2 "Coast" + :op3 "Guard") + :location (s / state + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iraq"))) + :direction (u / up) + :ARG1-of (m2 / mean-01 + :ARG2 (c / company + :wiki - + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Electric" + :op2 "Company") + :location n)) + :ARG0-of (s2 / send-01 + :ARG1 (a / authority + :ARG0-of (h / hold-02)) + :ARG2 (d / down) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (b2 / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 w + :ARG2 n)))) + :ARG2-of (t / thank-01 + :ARG0 w)) + +(d / date-entity + :time "13 :24" + :month 1 + :day 21 + :year 2010) + +(a / and + :op1 (f / footnote + :mod (c / center)) + :op2 (c2 / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / come-along-19 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant (l / lot) + :ARG0-of (c4 / call-02 + :ARG1-of (h / help-01 + :polarity -)))) + :ARG2 (c5 / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (s / stop-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 p) + :ARG2 (w / want-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (s2 / sell-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (i / it) + :degree (p2 / part + :mod (a2 / another))))))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "3 :19" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 9) + +(h / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG1-of (i / injure-01 + :location (h2 / hospital + :wiki "Saint_Michele_Hospital" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Saint" + :op2 "Michel")))) + :ARG1 (m / medicine)) + +(s / seem-01 + :ARG1 (t / this + :part-of (t2 / thing + :ARG1-of (m / message-01) + :ARG1-of (c / cut-02)))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "7 :07" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 18) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (s / street-address-91 + :ARG1 32 + :ARG2 (c / city + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Thomassin")) + :ARG4 (a / area + :wiki "Pyron" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Pyron")))) + +(l / like-02 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t / take-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (w / water + :quant (s / some)))) + +(t / thank-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "God" + :name (n / name + :op1 "God")) + :ARG2 (n2 / need-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (w2 / water) + :ARG1-of (d / desperate-02))) + +(t / thank-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (y / you)) + +(d / date-entity + :time "3 :35" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 17) + +(s / state + :ARG1-of (b / bad-07) + :domain (w / we)) + +(g / good-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (c / condition + :mod (l / live-01) + :poss (w / we)) + :location (p / pond + :poss w)) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (s / sign-01)) + :ARG2 (c / city + :wiki "Silo" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Silo"))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "6 :55" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 19) + +(a / and + :op1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (r / road + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Route" + :op2 1)) + :op2 (r2 / road + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Route" + :op2 2)) + :location (c / city-district + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Fontamara")))) + :op2 (r3 / receive-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (a3 / anything)) + :op3 (n4 / need-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (w2 / water))) + +(w / wait-01 + :ARG1 (w2 / we) + :ARG2 (y / you)) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 22 + :time "12 :36") + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (h / hunger-01 + :ARG0 (w / we)) + :snt2 (h2 / help-01 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (s / situation + :mod (t / that))) + :snt3 (a / address + :poss (i / i) + :domain (s2 / street + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "-1" + :op2 "Street" + :op3 "Angosta" + :op4 "de" + :op5 "la" + :op6 " patience")))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "13 :27" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 20) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (e / evening + :ARG1-of (g / good-02)) + :ARG2 (c / company + :wiki "Digicel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Digicel"))) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (h / here + :location (l / level + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 2) + :part-of (w2 / worship-place + :wiki "Saint_Bernard's_Church" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Saint" + :op2 "Maire" + :op3 "Church"))))) + +(n / need-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (g / get-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (a / anything + :ARG2-of (e / except-01 + :ARG1 (w2 / water)))) + :mod (s / still)) + +(d / do-02 + :polite + + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (a / amr-unknown) + :ARG2 (h / help-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG2 (w / we)) + :ARG1-of (p / possible-01)) + +(d / date-entity + :time "0 :50" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 9) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (w / we + :domain (p / person + :ARG0-of (d / deal-01 + :location (c / city + :wiki "dessaline" + :name (n / name + :op1 "dessalines"))))) + :ARG1 (r / rue + :ARG2-of (p2 / perodin-01)) + :ARG2 p) + +(h / have-03 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (p / problem)) + +(h / have-03 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant (l / lot)) + :location (h2 / house + :poss i)) + +(h / help-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (i / i)) + +(d / date-entity + :time "21 :50" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 19) + +(c / call-02 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Society_of_Orange_Crosses" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Society" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Orange" + :op4 "Crosses"))) + +(l / live-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :location (l2 / location + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ruelle" + :op2 "Alix" + :op3 "Roy"))) + +(a / and + :op1 (f / find-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (h / help-01 + :ARG1 w) + :time (e / ever)) + :op2 (h2 / have-05 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (b / baby) + :accompanier w + :mod (t / too))) + +(d / do-02 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (s / something) + :ARG2 (w / we)) + +(d / date-entity + :time "1 :16" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 3) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (l / live-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Bon_Repos" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Bon" + :op2 "Repos") + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Croix-des-Bouquets" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Croix-des-Bouquets" + :op2 "highway" + :op3 "National" + :op4 1) + :location (a / area + :mod (c3 / city + :wiki "Moya,_Ouest" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Moya")) + :ARG1-of (m2 / mean-01 + :ARG2 (s / station + :mod (s2 / station + :wiki - + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Comissariat")) + :location c)))))) + :snt2 (n5 / need-01 + :polite + + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (h / help-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (e / everything)))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "16 :33" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 18) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (c / city + :wiki "st,_Missouri" + :name (n / name + :op1 "st"))) + +(n / need-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (w2 / water) + :op2 (f / food) + :op3 (m / medicine)) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (h / hospital + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Saint-Marc" + :op2 "Hospital")))) + +(a / and + :op2 (l / leave-11 + :ARG0 (p / person + :quant (l2 / lot)) + :ARG1 (c / city + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (c2 / capital))) + :purpose (a2 / and + :op1 (c3 / come-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG4 c) + :op2 (s / send-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (a3 / aid-01 + :ARG0 p) + :ARG2 c)))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "17 :49" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 19) + +(g / get-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (w / we + :location (s / street + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Clercine" + :op2 26))) + :ARG1 (h / help-01 + :ARG1 w + :mod (a / any)) + :time (e / ever)) + +(n / need-01 + :polite + + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (f / food) + :op2 (w2 / water)) + :ARG1-of (n2 / near-02 + :ARG2 (v / village + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Theodate")))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "13 :52" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 8) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (h / hospital + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Immaculate" + :op2 "Conception" + :op3 "Hospital") + :location (c / city + :wiki "Les_Cayes" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Les" + :op2 "Cayes")))) + :snt2 (a / address + :mod (f / full) + :domain (r / road + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Rue" + :op2 "Duvivier"))) + :snt3 (t / thank-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (y / you) + :mod (m2 / much + :degree (v / very))) + :snt4 (b2 / bless-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "God" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "God")))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "13 :29" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 20) + +(f / find-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t / tent) + :beneficiary (p / person + :ARG0-of (l / live-01 + :location (c / coast + :mod (c2 / city + :wiki "Delmas,_Ouest" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Delmas" + :op2 2)))))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "15 :39" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 19) + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-SMS-093") + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-WP-03") + +(s / string-entity + :value "m3807") + +(k / know-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (d / do-02 + :ARG0 y))) + +(s / sleep-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :location (p / place + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Canape" + :op2 "Vert") + :location (o / outside))) + +(f / find-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (t / tent + :location-of (s / sleep-01 + :ARG0 i))) + +(h / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (f / food) + :op2 (m / money))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "13 :29" + :day 21 + :month 1 + :year 2010) + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-SMS-094") + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-WP-04") + +(a / amr-empty) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (c / city-district + :wiki "Carrefour,_Ouest" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Carrefour") + :location-of (f / facility + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Monrepos" + :op2 38)))) + +(h / have-03 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (w2 / water + :quant (m / more + :polarity -))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "8 :34" + :month 1 + :day 21 + :year 2010) + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-SMS-095") + +(a / amr-empty) + +(s / string-entity + :value "m3519") + +(a / and + :op1 (l / live-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Plaine,_Louisiana" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Plaine"))) + :op2 (s / sleep-01 + :ARG0 w + :location (s2 / street) + :time (s3 / since + :op1 (d / date-entity + :weekday (t / tuesday))))) + +(d / destroy-01 + :ARG1 (h / house + :poss (w / we))) + +(d / die-01 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (t / thirst-01 + :ARG0 w) + :op2 (h / hunger-01 + :ARG0 w)))) + +(p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (h / handle-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (t / this) + :degree (f / further + :mod (a / any)))) + +(l / like-02 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (k / know-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (t / time + :time-of (a / arrive-01 + :ARG1 (h / help-01))))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "13 :26" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 18) + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-SMS-096") + +(a / amr-empty) + +(a / amr-empty) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (p / people + :mod (r / renacent) + :location (r2 / road + :ARG1-of (n / new-01)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (s / starve-01 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :mod (l / line + :mod (c / cry)) + :ARG1-of (h / help-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / state + :wiki "Tennessee" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tennessee")))) + :snt2 (h2 / highway + :ARG1-of (n2 / new-01) + :ARG1-of (b / build-01 + :ARG0 (a / army)) + :ARG3-of (l2 / link-01 + :ARG1 (t / town + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Solei")) + :ARG2 (h3 / highway + :mod (s3 / state + :wiki "Tennessee" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Tennessee"))) + :ARG1-of (d / direct-02))) + :snt3 (r / road + :mod (s4 / state + :wiki "Tennessee" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Tennessee")) + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1))) + +(t / turn-02 + :ARG1 (v / village + :mod (p / person + :ARG0-of (w / work-01 + :ARG1 (s / sugar-cane))) + :mod (f / former) + :quant (m / many)) + :ARG2 (o / or + :op1 (s2 / slum) + :op2 (n / neighborhood + :mod (p2 / poor) + :ARG1-of (r / reside-01))) + :location (a / area + :mod (t2 / this))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "8 :45" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 20) + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-SMS-097") + +(a / amr-empty) + +(s / string-entity + :value "m3311") + +(a / and + :op1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG2 (z / zone + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ranche" + :op2 "Croix" + :op3 "des" + :op4 "Bouquet"))) + :op2 (h / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (w2 / water) + :op2 (f / food)))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "8 :52" + :month 1 + :day 21 + :year 2010) + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-SMS-098") + +(a / amr-empty) + +(s / string-entity + :value "m3031") + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (a / alley + :location (a2 / affirmative-action)) + :ARG1-of (t / think-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 i)) + :ARG2 (n / need-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (h / help-01 + :ARG0 i) + :mod (a3 / also))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "13 :25" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 9) + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-SMS-099") + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-WP-09") + +(a / amr-empty6) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (f / find-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (h / help-01) + :op2 (f2 / food)) + :location (r / relative-position + :op1 (r2 / road + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Fontamara")) + :quant (l / less-than + :op1 (d / distance-quantity + :quant 43 + :unit (f3 / foot)))) + :manner (a2 / amr-unknown))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "19 :08" + :year 2010 + :month 3 + :day 21) + +(a / amr-empty) + +(a / amr-empty) + +(s / string-entity + :value "m3812") + +(n / need-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (h / help-01 + :ARG1 t + :mod (m / more) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Gros" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Gros") + :location (p / province + :wiki "Artibonite_(department)" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Artibonite")))) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (n4 / need-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (h2 / help-01) + :op2 (m2 / medicine) + :op3 (f / food) + :op4 (w / water)))) + :ARG1-of (s / say-01 + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Sivilien" + :op2 "Sagesse")))) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 21 + :time "12 :33") + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-SMS-101") + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-WP-02") + +(s / string-entity + :value "m2839") + +(h / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (t / tent + :mod (f / food)) + :location (s / street-address-91 + :ARG1 75 + :ARG2 (c / city + :wiki "Mahoisie" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mahoisie")))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "16 :00" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 6) + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-SMS-102") + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-WP-03") + +(a / amr-empty) + +(a / ask-02 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (h / help-01 + :polite + + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (m / mosque) + :op2 (m2 / mosquito) + :location (s / shelter-01))) + :ARG2 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Ministry_of_Health_(Haiti)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ministry" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Health") + :ARG0-of (p / publish-01))) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG2 (c / country + :wiki "Canapé_Vert" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Canapé" + :op2 "Vert")) + :degree (e / especially)) + +(d / date-entity + :time "0 :13" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 4) + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-SMS-103") + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-WP-04") + +(s / string-entity + :value "m3411") + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (s / sleep-01 + :ARG0 (i / i))) + :snt2 (h / help-01 + :mode imperative + :polite + + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (i2 / it) + :ARG2 (i3 / i)) + :snt3 (b / bless-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "God" + :name (n / name + :op1 "God")) + :ARG1 (a / all)) + :snt4 (w / wait-01 + :ARG1 (i4 / i) + :ARG2 (a2 / answer-01 + :ARG1 i4))) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (c / city + :wiki "Saint_Louis" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Saint" + :op2 "Louis" + :op3 "du" + :op4 "Sud") + :location (c2 / country-region + :wiki "South_Dakota" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Dakota")))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "7 :53" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 16) + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-SMS-104") + +(a / amr-empty) + +(s / string-entity + :value "m3554") + +(a / and + :op1 (h / hi + :mode expressive) + :op2 (r / rain-01 + :ARG1 (w / we)) + :op3 (h2 / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (c / carpet) + :op2 (t / tent)) + :location (s / street + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Boukman" + :op2 "Street") + :part-of (c2 / city-district + :wiki "Delmas,_Ouest" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Delmas" + :op2 33)))) + :op4 (n3 / need-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (h3 / help-01 + :ARG2 w))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "16 :45" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 19) + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-SMS-105") + +(a / amr-empty) + +(s / string-entity + :value "m0851") + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (p / problem) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Paco_Lazon" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Paco" + :op2 "Lazon"))) + :snt2 (d / department + :mod (p2 / police + :mod (g / general)) + :domain (t / this)) + :snt3 (w2 / want-01 + :ARG0 (w3 / we) + :ARG1 (k / know-01 + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (r / run-out-05 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (f / food) + :op2 (w4 / water)) + :ARG2 (w5 / we) + :degree (n2 / near))))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "6 :46" + :year 2010 + :month 1 + :day 17) + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-SMS-106") + +(a / amr-empty) + +(s / string-entity + :value "m3422") + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "St.")) + :ARG2 (a / amr-unknown))) + +(f / find-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :mod (c / city + :wiki "Marc_de_Port-au-Prince" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Marc" + :op2 "de" + :op3 "Port-au-Prince"))) + :ARG1 (f2 / food)) + +(h / hunger-01 + :polarity (a / amr-unknown) + :ARG0 (w / we)) + +(d / date-entity + :time "20 :51" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 12) + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-SMS-107") + +(a / amr-empty) + +(a / amr-empty) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (d / doctor)) + :ARG2 (h2 / have-03 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (w2 / water))) + :snt2 (f / find-01 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG1 (w3 / we) + :time (t / today) + :location (a / address + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Brochet" + :op2 99 + :op3 "Andre" + :op4 "Street") + :location-of (c2 / church))) + :snt3 (t2 / thank-01 + :mode expressive + :ARG0 (i / i))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "1 :42" + :year 2010 + :month 2 + :day 9) + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-SMS-108") + +(s / string-entity + :value "SetC-WP-09") + +(a / amr-empty) + +(h / hear-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (y / you) + :time (d / day + :ARG1-of (g / good-02))) + +(l / live-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Canape_Vert" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Canape" + :op2 "Vert") + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Saint-Hilaire" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Saint-Hilaire")))) + +(a / and + :op1 (n / need-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (h / help-01 + :ARG1 w)) + :op2 (g / get-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 h + :time (e / ever))) + +(d / date-entity + :time "13 :17" + :day 13 + :month 2 + :year 2010) + +(f / form-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s / study-01) + :quant (a / about + :op1 2500) + :mod (u / university + :mod (m / most))) + :ARG1 (c / chain + :consist-of (c2 / character + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Japan"))) + :ARG0-of (d / denounce-01 + :ARG1 (w / war + :polarity -) + :location (c4 / city + :wiki "Osaka" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Osaka")) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :weekday (s2 / sunday)) + :purpose (p2 / protest-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (a2 / against + :op1 (c5 / campaign-01 + :mod (m2 / military) + :time (c6 / current) + :ARG1-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG0 (c7 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "US"))) + :location (c8 / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Iraq")))))))) + +(t / tell-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Jiji" + :op2 "Miyako" + :op3 "Fuji") + :age (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 20 + :unit (y / year)) + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (o / organize-01 + :ARG1 (r / rally-01))))) + :ARG1 (p3 / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (f / forgive-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG2 (w2 / war + :mod (t3 / this)))) + :ARG2 (a / agency + :mod (n2 / news))) + +(w / want-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (u / unite-01 + :ARG1 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 (w2 / we + :mod (e / each) + :manner (i2 / individual + :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (w3 / war))))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Jiji")) + :ARG1 (c / carry-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (p3 / protest-01) + :ARG0-of (s2 / surpass-01 + :ARG1 (p4 / person + :quant 2000 + :ARG1-of (e / expect-01 + :ARG1 (s3 / show-up-02 + :ARG1 p2 + :location (p5 / park + :wiki "Osaka_Castle" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Osaka" + :op2 "Castle") + :location (n3 / neighborhood + :mod (d / downtown)))))))) + :ARG1 (b / banner + :ARG0-of (s4 / say-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (e2 / end-01 + :ARG1 (w / war-01)) + :op2 (a2 / and + :op1 (l / love-01) + :op2 (p6 / peace))))) + :time (f / form-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (c2 / chain + :mod (h / human)) + :time (a3 / after + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :time "15 :00" + :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 + :ARG2 (d3 / date-entity + :time "6 :00" + :timezone "GMT"))))))) + +(f / follow-01 + :ARG1 (p / protest-01) + :ARG2 (s / series + :consist-of (o / other + :ARG0-of (i / involve-01 + :ARG1 (a / activist + :mod (p2 / peace) + :quant (m / multiple + :op1 10000) + :location (a2 / across + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Japan")))) + :time (s2 / since + :op1 (d / date-entity + :month 1)))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / poll-01 + :ARG0 (a / agency + :wiki "Kyodo_News_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Kyodo" + :op2 "News" + :op3 "Agency")) + :ARG1-of (r / release-01 + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (s2 / saturday)))) + :ARG1 (o / oppose-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :quant 78 + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :quant 100 + :ARG1-of (s3 / survey-01)))) + :ARG1 (a2 / act-02 + :ARG0 (m / military) + :location (c / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iraq"))))) + +(s / show-01 + :ARG0 (p / poll-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Yomiuri_Shimbun" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Yomiuri") + :mod (m / major)) + :ARG1 (a / adult + :quant 1846) + :ARG1-of (s2 / separate-02) + :ARG1-of (r / run-01 + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (t / tuesday)))) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (f / feel-02 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :quant (p3 / percentage-entity + :value 64)) + :ARG1 (h / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :ARG1 (o2 / option + :ARG2-of (e / except-01 + :ARG1 (b / back-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States"))))))) + :op2 (s3 / say-01 + :ARG0 (p4 / person + :quant (p5 / percentage-entity + :value 12 + :mod (o3 / only))) + :ARG1 (h2 / have-03 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (r2 / reason-01 + :mod (a3 / all) + :purpose (b2 / back-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (w / war))))))) + +(a / appoint-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Gordon_Brown" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Gordon" + :op2 "Brown") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_Kingdom" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Great" + :op2 "Britain")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :topic (f / finance)))) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / head-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / company + :ARG0-of (r / regulate-01 + :ARG1 (e / energy)) + :poss c) + :time (c3 / current))) + :ARG2 (h3 / head-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Financial_Services_Authority" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "FSA") + :ARG0-of (c4 / control-01 + :ARG1 (f2 / finance)) + :ARG1-of (n4 / new-01))) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (t / tuesday))) + +(s / start-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Callum_McCarthy" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Callum" + :op2 "McCarthy") + :ARG0-of (b / bank-01 + :time (f / former)) + :mod (s2 / senior)) + :ARG1 (j / job + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (j2 / job + :ARG1-of (i2 / important-01 + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 j2 + :ARG3 (m / most))) + :location (w / world + :mod (f2 / finance) + :location (c / city + :wiki "London" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "London")))))) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 9) + :time (l / leave-15 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Howard_Davies_(banker)" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Howard" + :op2 "Davies") + :ARG0-of (h2 / headline-01)) + :ARG1 (j3 / job + :poss p2))) + +(w / wander-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Alan_Davies" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Davies")) + :ARG1 (b / become-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (c / chairman + :ARG2-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (s / school + :wiki "London_School_of_Economics" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "London" + :op2 "School" + :op3 "of" + :op4 "Economics") + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / part + :ARG1-of (k / know-01 + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (g / good-02) + :ARG3 (m / most))) + :part-of (u / university + :wiki "University_of_London" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "University" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "London"))))))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Gordon_Brown" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Brown")) + :ARG1 (c / contribute-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Mitch_McCarthy" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "McCarthy")) + :ARG1 (b / blend-01 + :ARG1 (e / experience-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (s2 / sector + :ARG1-of (p3 / public-02))) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (e2 / experience-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (p4 / professional + :mod (s3 / senior) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (i / industry + :mod (f / financial))))) + :op2 (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :ARG0-of (r / regulate-01) + :ARG1-of (s4 / succeed-01 + :ARG1-of (h3 / high-02))) + :ARG2 (p5 / president)))) + :ARG2 (o2 / organization + :wiki "Financial_Services_Authority" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "FSA")) + :ARG1-of (e3 / equal-01 + :polarity -))) + +(h / head-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "David_McCarthy" + :name (n / name + :op1 "McCarthy")) + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (o2 / organization + :wiki "Office_for_Gas_and_Electricity" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Office" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Gas" + :op4 "and" + :op5 "Electricity")) + :op2 (c / company + :wiki "Ofgem" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Ofgem")) + :ARG0-of (r / regulate-01 + :ARG1 (i / industry + :mod (e / energy) + :ARG1-of (p2 / privatize-01) + :poss (c2 / country + :wiki "United_Kingdom" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Britain"))))) + :time (c3 / current)) + +(s / serve-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Timothy_McCarthy" + :name (n / name + :op1 "McCarthy")) + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Department_of_Trade_and_Industry_(South_Africa)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Trade" + :op2 "and" + :op3 "Industry" + :op4 "Department")) + :mod (s2 / senior) + :ARG2-of (e / except-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / position-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (b / bank + :wiki "Barclays_Bank" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Barclays" + :op2 "Bank")) + :op2 (b2 / bank + :wiki "BZW" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "BZW")) + :op3 (b3 / bank + :wiki "Kleinwort_Benson" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Kleinwort" + :op2 "Benson"))) + :time (p3 / previous)))) + +(b / become-01 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Financial_Services_Authority" + :name (n / name + :op1 "FSA") + :ARG0-of (t / take-04 + :ARG1 (f / function-01 + :ARG0 (a / agency + :quant 9 + :ARG0-of (d / depend-01 + :polarity -)) + :mod (v / various)))) + :ARG2 (b2 / body + :ARG0-of (r / regulate-01 + :ARG1 (s / service + :mod (f2 / financial) + :poss (c / country + :wiki "United_Kingdom" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Britain")))) + :mod (o / only)) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :month 11 + :year 2001) + :prep-under (w / watch-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Davies")))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / police) + :ARG1 (k / kill-01 + :ARG0 (m / mob + :mod (t / tribe)) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :quant (a / at-least + :op1 3) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (f / family) + :ARG2 (m2 / member)) + :location (s2 / state + :wiki "Tripura" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tripura") + :location (n2 / northeast + :part-of (c / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "India"))))) + :ARG2 (m3 / machetow) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / practice-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (b / bruise-01) + :ARG1-of (a2 / allege-01)))) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (t2 / thursday))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (s2 / spokesman))) + :ARG1 (a / attack-01 + :ARG0 (g / group + :consist-of (m / man + :quant (b / between + :op1 25 + :op2 30)) + :ARG1-of (a2 / arm-01)) + :ARG1 (h2 / house + :ARG0-of (b2 / belong-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (v / village) + :ARG2 (d / doctor + :mod (w / witch))))) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Tultuli" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tultuli") + :location (r / relative-position + :op1 (c2 / city + :wiki "Agartala" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Agartala") + :ARG0-of (h4 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (s3 / state + :wiki "Tripuras" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Tripuras")) + :ARG2 (c3 / capital))) + :quant (d2 / distance-quantity + :quant 60 + :unit (k / kilometer)) + :direction (s4 / south))) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :weekday (w2 / wednesday))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (s2 / spokesman)) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Agartala" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Agartala"))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / pull-01 + :ARG0 (m / mob) + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :quant 3 + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (f / family) + :ARG2 (m2 / member))) + :ARG2 (t / track)) + :op2 (k / kill-01 + :ARG0 m + :ARG1 p3 + :instrument (a2 / and + :op1 (m3 / machete) + :op2 (s3 / spear)) + :time (b / before + :op1 (f2 / flee-05 + :ARG0 p3 + :ARG1 (a3 / area))))) + :medium (t2 / telephone)) + +(i / include-91 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nityalila" + :op2 "Naotia") + :age (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 55 + :unit (y / year)) + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (s / son + :mod (t2 / teenage)))) + :op2 (m / member + :mod (a2 / another) + :ARG1-of (i2 / identify-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 p) + :part-of (f / family))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG1-of (d / die-01))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (s2 / spokesman))) + :ARG1 (b / believe-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Naotia_(witchcraft)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Naotia") + :ARG0-of (p3 / practice-01 + :ARG1 (w / witch))) + :op2 (t / throw-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (c / curse-02 + :ARG0 p2 + :mod (e / evil)) + :ARG2 (v / villager) + :instrument (m / magic + :ARG1-of (b2 / black-04) + :poss p2) + :ARG0-of (l / lead-03 + :ARG1 (g / group + :mod (i / inside + :op1 (v2 / village))) + :ARG2 (e2 / eliminate-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 v)))))) + +(a / arrest-01 + :ARG0 (p / police) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :quant 4 + :ARG2-of (r / relative-05 + :ARG1 (m / murder-01)))) + +(i / integral + :prep-to (c / custom + :mod (t / tribe) + :location (a / and + :op1 (p / part + :part-of (c2 / city + :wiki "Tripura" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tripura"))) + :op2 (s / state + :mod (o / other) + :location (n2 / northeast + :part-of (c3 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "India")))))) + :domain (a2 / and + :op1 (b / believe-01 + :mod (s2 / supersecular)) + :op2 (m / magic + :ARG1-of (b2 / black-06)) + :op3 (d / demonology))) + +(p / practice-01 + :ARG0 (t / tribe + :quant (m / many)) + :ARG1 (r / religion + :ARG1-of (a / thing + :ARG3-of (m2 / mix-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (m3 / magic + :ARG1-of (b / black-06)) + :op2 (s / superstition)) + :ARG1-of (b2 / believe-01))))) + +(d / die-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 30) + :time (w / week + :mod (r / rain-01 + :mod (s / season + :polarity -))) + :location (c / country + :wiki "Oman" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Oman"))) + +(c / city + :wiki "Mascate,_Louisiana" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mascate") + :time (d / date-entity + :day 19 + :month 4)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / police) + :ARG1 (d / die-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :quant 30 + :ARG2-of (i / include-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p3 / person + :quant 5 + :mod (c / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n / name + :op1 "India"))) + :op2 (p4 / person + :quant 4 + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Pakistan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Pakistan"))) + :op3 (f / family + :quant 1 + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "United_Arab_Emirates" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "UAE"))) + :ARG1-of (s2 / sweep-02 + :ARG2 (c4 / car + :poss f))))) + :time (r / rain-01 + :mod (h / heavy) + :mod (u / usual + :polarity -) + :duration (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (w / week)) + :location (c5 / country + :wiki "Oman" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Oman")))) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :weekday (s3 / saturday))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (d / die-01 + :ARG1 (f / family + :ARG1-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG0 (o / overflow-01 + :ARG1 (r / rain-01 + :location (p / province + :wiki "Saif_al-Majiat" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Saif" + :op2 "al-Harthy") + :ARG1-of (n2 / near-02 + :ARG2 (b / border-01 + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_Arab_Emirates" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "UAE"))))))) + :ARG2 (m2 / member))) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 o)) + :snt2 (r2 / recover-02 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (b2 / body + :quant 7 + :mod (d2 / die-01) + :location (a / alongside + :op1 (v / vehicle)))) + :snt3 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Abdullah" + :op2 "al-Harthy") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (p3 / police) + :ARG2 (s2 / spokesman))) + :ARG1 (d3 / die-01 + :ARG1 (b3 / body + :quant 7 + :mod (b4 / body))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (e / embassy + :poss (c / country + :mod (b / both))) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (i / include-91 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :quant 5 + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n / name + :op1 "India"))) + :op2 (p3 / person + :quant 4 + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "Pakistan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Pakistan")))) + :ARG2 (p4 / person + :ARG1-of (d / die-01 + :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / storm-01)))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Bhupinder_Singh" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Bhupinder" + :op2 "Singh") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (e / embassy + :mod (c / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "India"))) + :ARG2 (s2 / secretary + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1)))) + :ARG1 (f / find-01 + :ARG1 (b / body + :poss (p2 / person + :wiki "Dharam_Datt_Choyal" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Dharam" + :op2 "Datt" + :op3 "Choyal") + :ARG0-of (w / work-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / construct-01)) + :location (s3 / state + :wiki "Rajasthan" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Rajasthan") + :location (w2 / west + :part-of c))) + :ARG1-of (r / rot-01)) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (f2 / friday)))) + +(m / miss-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 2 + :ARG0-of (w / work-01) + :mod (o / other) + :mod (c / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n / name + :op1 "India"))) + :mod (s / still) + :time (a / after + :op1 (w2 / wash-01 + :ARG1 (t / truck + :mod (c2 / city + :wiki "Choya" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Choyal"))) + :ARG3 (f / flood-01 + :location (c3 / city + :wiki "Mascate" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Mascate") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (c4 / capital))) + :manner (s2 / sudden)) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (m2 / monday))))) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG0 (p / police) + :ARG1 (d / die-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :quant 16) + :time (s / since + :op1 (b / begin-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / rain-01) + :time (b2 / before + :op1 d + :quant (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 2 + :unit (d2 / day)))))) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :weekday (w / wednesday))) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / come-out-09 + :ARG1 (s / sun) + :mod (a2 / again) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (s2 / saturday))) + :op2 (c2 / circulate-01 + :ARG1 (t / traffic) + :ARG1-of (n / normal-02) + :location (c3 / city + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (c4 / capital))))) + +(a / appear-02 + :ARG1 (e / end-01 + :ARG1 (r / roll-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / rain-01) + :ARG1-of (b / begin-01 + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (m / monday)) + :ARG1-of (h / hard-04)))) + :ARG1-of (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (o / official + :topic (w / weather)))))) + +(r / reopen-01 + :ARG1 (m / market + :wiki "Muttrah_Souq" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Muttrah" + :op2 "Souq") + :location (c / city + :wiki "Mascate,_Spain" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Mascate")) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (l / large) + :ARG3 (m2 / most))) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (s / saturday)) + :time (a / after + :op1 (i / inundate-01 + :ARG1 m + :degree (u / up-to + :op1 (k / knee + :part-of m))) + :quant (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 3 + :unit (d2 / day)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / police) + :ARG1 (s2 / sentence-01 + :ARG0 (c / court + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Pakistan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Pakistan")) + :location (p2 / province + :wiki "Punjab" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Punjab") + :location (c3 / center + :part-of (c4 / country)))) + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :mod (r / religious-group + :wiki "Christian" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Christian"))) + :ARG2 (l / life + :location (p4 / prison)) + :ARG3 (b / blasphemy)) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (s3 / sunday))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Shahid" + :op2 "Rafiq") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (j / judge-01))) + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / court + :mod (d / district) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Faisalabad" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Faisalabad") + :mod (i / industry))))) + :ARG1 (g / guilty-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Ranjha" + :op2 "Masih")) + :ARG2 (d2 / desecrate-01 + :ARG0 p3 + :ARG1 (v / verse + :mod (b / book + :wiki "Quran" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Koran"))) + :time (d3 / demonstrate-01 + :ARG0 (c3 / community + :mod (r / religious-group + :wiki "Christian" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Christian")) + :mod (m / minority)) + :purpose (p4 / protest-01 + :ARG0 c3) + :time (d4 / date-entity + :year 1998))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (o / order-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG3 (j / judge-01))) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Maryam_Ranjha" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ranjha")) + :ARG2 (f / fine-01 + :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 50000 + :unit (r / rupee))) + :mod (a / also) + :time (v / verdict + :ARG1-of (i / issue-01 + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (s2 / saturday)))))) + +(a / accuse-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ranjha")) + :ARG2 (b / bring-down-03 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (s / sign + :ARG0-of (c / contain-01 + :ARG1 (v / verse + :mod (b2 / book + :wiki "Quran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Quran"))))) + :time (r / rally-01 + :ARG2 (r2 / religious-group + :wiki "Christian" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Christian")) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (k / kill-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / city) + :ARG2 (o / obispo))) + :ARG1 p2 + :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (l / law + :topic (b3 / blasphemy) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 1985)))))))) + +(s / shoot-02 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "John" + :op2 "Joseph") + :ARG0-of (c / campaign-01 + :ARG1 (a / against + :op1 (l / law))) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (r / religious-group + :wiki "Catholic_Church" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Catholic")) + :ARG2 (o / obispo) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Faisalabad" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Faisalabad")))) + :ARG1 (h2 / head + :part-of p) + :location (i / in-front-of + :op1 (c3 / court + :mod (d / district + :wiki "Sahiwal_District" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Sahiwal")))) + :time (c4 / convict-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (j / judge-01)) + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :wiki "Christian_Ayub_Masih" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Christian" + :op2 "Ayub" + :op3 "Masih")) + :ARG1-of (a2 / accord-02 + :ARG2 (l2 / law)) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 1998))) + +(c / charge-05 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Ayman_al-Ayef" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ayub" + :op2 "Masih")) + :ARG2 (b / blasphemy) + :ARG3 (d / defend-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Salman_Rushdie" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Salman" + :op2 "Rushdie") + :ARG0-of (a / author-01) + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "United_Kingdom" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Britain")) + 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/ person + :wiki "Muhammad" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Prophet" + :op2 "Muhammad")))))) + :time (y / year + :mod (l / last))) + +(p / punishable-02 + :ARG2 (b / blasphemy) + :ARG3 (d / die-01) + :prep-under (l / law + :wiki "Criminal_code_of_Pakistan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Penal" + :op2 "Code") + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Pakistan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Pakistan")))) + +(h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (e / execute-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (p / person + :mod (a / any) + :ARG1-of (c / convict-01 + :ARG2 (b / blasphemy))) + :location (c2 / country) + :time (e2 / ever))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (a / activist + :purpose (r / right-05 + :ARG1 (p / person + :mod (r2 / religious-group + :wiki "Christian" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Christian")))) + :ARG0-of (c / campaign-01 + :ARG1 (o / oppose-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (l / law + :ARG1-of (i / introduce-02 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Ziaul_Haq" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Zia-ul" + :op2 "Haq") + :ARG1-of (l2 / late-03) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (d / dictator + :mod (m / military))))))))) + :ARG1 (u / use-01 + :ARG1 l + :ARG2 (o2 / or + :op1 (p3 / persecute-01 + :ARG1 p) + :op2 (s2 / settle-02 + :ARG1 (d2 / dispute-01 + :ARG2 (l3 / land)))) + :mod (p4 / primary))) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG0 (n / newspaper + :wiki "Los_Angeles_Times" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Los" + :op2 "Angeles" + :op3 "Times")) + :ARG1 (n3 / negotiate-01 + :ARG2 (s / sell-01 + :ARG0 (g / group + :wiki "Vivendi_Universal" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Vivendi" + :op2 "Universal") + :mod (m / media) + :ARG1-of (b / besiege-01) + :mod (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "France"))) + :ARG1 (b2 / business + :mod (p / park + :mod (t / temantic)) + :poss g) + :ARG2 (c2 / company + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "U.S."))) + :ARG3 (a / about + :op1 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 1500000000 + :unit (d / dollar)))) + :ARG1-of (a2 / advanced-02)) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :weekday (f / friday))) + +(c / come-01 + :ARG1 (r / report) + :time (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (g / group + :mod (d / debt)) + :ARG1 (p / plan-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (s2 / sell-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (u / unit + :wiki "Vivendi_Universal_Entertainment" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Vivendi" + :op2 "Universal" + :op3 "Entertainment") + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States"))) + :op2 (a2 / asset + :mod (o / other))) + :purpose (f / focus-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG2 (a3 / and + :op1 (a4 / activity-06 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (t / telecommunication)) + :op2 (b / business + :mod (t2 / television + :mod (c3 / cable)) + :poss (c4 / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "France"))))))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (n / newspaper + :wiki "Los_Angeles_Times" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "The" + :op2 "Times")) + :ARG1 (n3 / negotiate-01 + :ARG0 (c / company + :wiki "Vivendi_Universal" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Vivendi" + :op2 "Universal")) + :ARG2 (s2 / sell-01 + :ARG1 (p / park + :mod (t / temmy) + :mod (e / emblematic) + :poss c) + :ARG2 (f / firm + :wiki "Blackstone_Group" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Blackstone" + :op2 "Group") + :ARG2-of (i / invest-01 + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "New_York_City" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "New" + :op2 "York")))) + :ARG4-of (s3 / step-01 + :ARG2 (d / dismantle-01 + :ARG1 (e2 / empire + :mod (e3 / entertainment) + :poss c)) + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1))))) + +(a / available-02 + :polarity - + :ARG2 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Vivendi_Universal" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Vivendi" + :op2 "Universal")) + :ARG2 (o2 / official)) + :location (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States"))) + :time (i / immediate) + :purpose (c2 / comment-01 + :ARG0 p + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (f / friday)))) + +(t / tell-01 + :ARG0 (s / source + :ARG1-of (c / close-10 + :ARG2 (n / negotiate-01))) + :ARG1 (p / purchase-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / company + :wiki "Blackstone_Group" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Blackstone" + :op2 "Group")) + :ARG1 (d / division + :mod (p2 / park + :wiki "Vivendi_Universal_Studios" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Vivendi" + :op2 "Universal" + :op3 "Studios") + :mod (t2 / theme)) + :ARG2-of (i / include-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p3 / park + :wiki "Universal_Orlando" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Universal" + :op2 "Orlando") + :location (s2 / state + :wiki "Florida" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Florida"))) + :op2 (p4 / park + :location (a2 / and + :op1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Spain" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Spain")) + :op2 (c4 / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Japan")))) + :ARG1-of (o / own-01 + :ARG0 c2)))) + :ARG1-of (c5 / conform-01 + :ARG2 (p5 / plan-01 + :ARG1-of (r / report-01)))) + :ARG2 (n8 / newspaper)) + +(o / own-01 + :ARG0 (c / company + :wiki "Blackstone_Pipeline" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Blackstone")) + :ARG1 (s / stake + :quant (p / percentage-entity + :value 50) + :prep-in (p2 / park + :quant 2 + :ARG0-of (m / make-up-07 + :ARG1 (p3 / park + :wiki "Universal_Orlando" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Universal" + :op2 "Orlando"))))) + :time (a / already)) + +(c / confirm-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / company + :wiki "Vivendi" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Vivendi")) + :ARG1 (p / plan-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (r / rid-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (a / asset + :mod (e / entertainment) + :ARG2-of (i / include-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (s / studio + :mod (c3 / cinema) + :poss c2 + :ARG1-of (f / fame-01)) + :op2 (a3 / asset + :mod (t / television) + :poss c2)))) + :time (b / by + :op1 (e2 / end-01 + :ARG1 (y / year))))) + :time (b2 / begin-01 + :ARG1 (w / week + :mod (t2 / this))) + :medium (p2 / press)) + +(t / tell-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Jean-René" + :op2 "Fourtou") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (o / officer + :mod (c / chief) + :mod (e / executive)))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (t2 / target-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / company + :wiki "Vivendi_Universal_Entertainment" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Vivendi" + :op2 "Universal" + :op3 "Entertainment")) + :ARG1 (s / sell-01 + :ARG1 c2) + :ARG1-of (m / major-02) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2003)) + :op2 (u / underway + :domain (n3 / negotiate-01) + :time (a2 / already))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / hold-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / share))) + :location (a3 / assemble-02 + :ARG1 c2 + :mod (g / general) + :frequency (r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG3 (t3 / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (y / year)))) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :weekday (t4 / tuesday))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Fourtou")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (r / receive-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (o / offer-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / company + :wiki "Universal_Music_Group" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Universal" + :op2 "Music" + :op3 "Group") + :mod (g / giant) + :poss p + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "America")) + :mod (m / music)) + :ARG1-of (s2 / solid-02)) + :time (y / yet)) + :op2 (m2 / make-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (d / decide-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (f / future + :poss p) + :mod (f2 / final)))))) + +(n / need-01 + :ARG0 (g / group + :mod (u / utility + :time (o / once)) + :mod (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "France"))) + :ARG1 (r / reshape-01 + :ARG1 g) + :purpose (r2 / reduce-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (b / burden-01 + :ARG1 g + :ARG2 (d / debt) + :mod (e / enormous) + :mod (a / about + :op1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 18000000000 + :unit (d2 / dollar)))))) + +(r / record-01 + :ARG0 (g / group) + :ARG1 (l / lose-02 + :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 23300000000 + :unit (e / euro) + :ARG1-of (s / sell-01) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (l2 / large) + :ARG3 (m2 / most) + :ARG5 (h2 / history + :location (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n / name + :op1 "France"))))) + :mod (n2 / net)) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2002)) + +(e / emphasize-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Silvan_Shalom" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Silvan" + :op2 "Shalom") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :topic (f / foreign)))) + :ARG1 (r / role + :poss (c2 / country + :wiki "Qatar" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Qatar")) + :beneficiary (p2 / process-02 + :ARG1 (p3 / peace + :mod (w / world-region + :wiki "Middle_East" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Middle" + :op2 "East"))))) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (w2 / wednesday)) + :time (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG2 (p4 / person + :wiki "Hamad_bin_Jassem_bin_Jabr_al-Thani" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Hamad" + :op2 "bin" + :op3 "Jassem" + :op4 "bin" + :op5 "Jabr" + :op6 " al-Thani") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 c2 + :ARG2 (c3 / counterpart))) + :location (c4 / city + :wiki "Paris" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Paris")))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Shalom_Ahmad_Badawi" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Shalom")) + :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (b / boost-01 + :ARG0 (r / relation-03 + :ARG0 (s2 / state + :mod (s3 / small) + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Persian_Gulf" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Gulf"))) + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :wiki "Mahmoud_Abbas" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Mahmud" + :op2 "Abbas") + :ARG1-of (a / appoint-01 + :ARG2 (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG0 p3 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "State_of_Palestine" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Palestine")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p4 / prime))) + :time (r2 / recent))) + :ARG1-of (s4 / strong-02)) + :ARG1 (p5 / peace))) + :location (c2 / conference + :mod (j / joint) + :mod (p6 / press))) + +(d / dispute-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG2 (p / process-02 + :ARG1 (p2 / peace) + :location (w2 / world-region + :wiki "Middle_East" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Middle" + :op2 "East")))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Shalom_Shalom" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Shalom")) + :ARG1 (c / claim-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (w2 / will-02 + :ARG0 (s2 / side + :mod (b / both) + :ARG1-of (m / mean-01 + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :op2 (w3 / world + :mod (e / ethnic-group + :wiki "Arabs" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Arab")))))) + :ARG1 (e2 / effort-01 + :ARG0 s2 + :ARG1 (r / return-01 + :ARG1 s2 + :ARG4 (t / table + :location-of (n4 / negotiate-01))) + :mod (a2 / all))) + :time (t2 / talk-01 + :duration (t3 / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (h / hour))))) + +(c / country + :domain (c2 / criminal-organization + :wiki "Al-Qaeda" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Qatar")) + :ARG1-of (i / important-01 + :degree (v / very)) + :topic (t / this)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / she) + :ARG1 (k / know-01 + :ARG0 s2 + :ARG1 (r / relation-03 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Qatar" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Qatar")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :topic (f / foreign)))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :wiki "Abu_Mazen" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Abu" + :op2 "Mazen")) + :ARG1-of (s3 / special-02))) + :manner (u / use-01 + :ARG0 s2 + :ARG1 (n3 / name + :mod (a / alternate) + :poss p2))) + +(m / meet-03 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "lom_Shalom" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Shalom")) + :ARG1 (c / counterpart + :mod (e / ethnic-group + :wiki "Arabs" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Arab"))) + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1 + :range (s / since + :op1 (t / take-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p2 / premiership + :mod (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :ARG2 (m2 / minister + :topic (f / foreign))))) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 2 + :day 27)))) + :domain (m3 / meet-03 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 c)) + +(m / maintain-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Qatar" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Qatar")) + :ARG1 (t / tie-01 + :ARG1 c + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :mod (e / economy)) + :manner (m2 / maintain-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (r / relation-03 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (d / diplomacy))) + :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (c4 / criticize-01 + :ARG0 (c5 / country + :mod (e2 / ethnic-group + :wiki "Arabs" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Arab")) + :mod (o / other))))) + +(f / fly-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Sydney_Shalom" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Shalom")) + :destination (c / city + :wiki "London" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "London")) + :time (a / after) + :purpose (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Tony_Blair" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Tony" + :op2 "Blair") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_Kingdom" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Britain")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p3 / prime)))) + :op2 (p4 / person + :wiki "Jack_Straw" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Jack" + :op2 "Straw") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 c2 + :ARG2 (s / secretary + :topic (f2 / foreign))))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "White_House" + :name (n / name + :op1 "White" + :op2 "House")) + :ARG1 (t / tell-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "George_W._Bush" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "George" + :op2 "W." + :op3 "Bush") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "US")) + :ARG2 (p2 / president))) + :ARG1 (e / expect-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (s2 / see-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (n4 / nation + :ARG1-of (i / industrialize-01)) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :mod (t2 / top)) + :ARG2 (s3 / summit + :topic a + :mod (n6 / next)))) + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :wiki "Jean_Chrétien" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Jean" + :op2 "Chrétien") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Canada" + :name (n8 / name + :op1 "Canada")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p4 / prime)))) + :medium (p5 / phone-01) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (m2 / monday)))) + +(d / discuss-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :quant 2 + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02)) + :ARG1 (m / meet-03 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Group_of_Eight" + :name (n / name + :op1 "G-8")) + :mod (n2 / next) + :topic (a / and + :op1 (r / relation-03 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "U.S.")) + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Canada" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Canada"))) + :op2 (i / issue-02 + :ARG0 (i2 / international) + :ARG1-of (i3 / interest-01) + :mod (o2 / other)))) + :time (a2 / ahead + :op1 (s / summit + :time (d2 / date-interval + :op1 (d3 / date-entity + :month 6 + :day 1) + :op2 (d4 / date-entity + :month 6 + :day 3)) + :ARG1-of (h / hold-04 + :location (c3 / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "France")))) + :quant (m2 / multiple + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (d5 / day))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (t / they + :mod (b / both)) + :ARG1 (e / expect-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (s2 / see-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 t + :location (c / city + :wiki "Evian" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Evian"))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Jean-Louis_Fleischer" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Fleischer")) + :ARG1 (a / address-02 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "Afghanistan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Afghanistan")) + :op2 (s2 / situation + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Congo" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Democratic" + :op2 "Republic" + :op3 "of" + :op4 "Congo"))) + :op3 (e / economy + :mod (w / world))) + :mod (a3 / also))) + +(a / and + :op1 (p / postpone-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "George_W._Bush" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Bush")) + :ARG1 (v / visit-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Australia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Australia")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p4 / prime)))) + :ARG2 (i / indefinite)) + :op2 (c / choose-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (r / receive-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :wiki "John_Howard" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "John" + :op2 "Howard") + :ARG0-of h + :ARG0-of (b / back-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / campaign-01 + :mod (m2 / military) + :mod (t / that))))) + :ARG1-of (i2 / instead-of-91)) + :time (c4 / cool-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / relation-03 + :ARG2 (w / war + :location (c5 / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Iraq")))) + :ARG1-of (o / oppose-01 + :ARG0 (c6 / country + :wiki "Canada" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Canada"))))) + +(t / tell-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "David_Chrétien" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chrétien")) + :ARG1 (d / discuss-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 p + :op2 (p2 / person + :wiki "George_W._Bush" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Bush")) + :ARG0-of (s / speak-01 + :polarity - + :time (s2 / since + :op1 (l / late + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :month 2))))) + :ARG1 (r / range + :consist-of (i / issue-02 + :ARG2-of (i2 / include-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iraq")) + :op2 (s3 / summit + :mod (o / organization + :wiki "Group_of_Eight" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Group" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Eight") + :mod (i3 / industry)) + :ARG1-of (c2 / come-01)) + :op3 (a3 / aid-01 + :ARG2 (c3 / continent + :wiki "Africa" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Africa")))))) + :ARG1-of (w / wide-02)) + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (r2 / report-01)) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :weekday (m / monday)))) + +(t / term + :ARG1-of (g / good-02) + :time (a / always)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Canada" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Canada")))) + :ARG1 (d / disagree-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG2 (p2 / point-04 + :quant 1) + :mod (o / only))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (r / report) + :ARG1 (t / tell-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / head-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / party + :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01) + :part-of (p3 / political-party + :wiki "Indian_National_Congress" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Congress") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "India"))) + :mod (p4 / premier))) + :mod (p5 / province)) + :ARG1 (s2 / suffer-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (d / damn-01 + :ARG0 (n3 / nature) + :ARG1 c) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (s3 / single-03 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p6 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p7 / president))) + :op2 (p8 / person + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p9 / prime)))))))) + :time (r2 / rally-01 + :ARG2 (e / elect-01))) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :weekday (s4 / saturday))) + +(q / quote-01 + :ARG0 (n / newspaper + :wiki "The_Times_of_India" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Times" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "India")) + :ARG1 (o / offer-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki "Atal_Behari_Vajpayee" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Atal" + :op2 "Behari" + :op3 "Vajpayee") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p2 / prime)))) + :op2 (p3 / person + :wiki "Abdul_Kalam" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Abdul" + :op2 "Kalam") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p4 / president)))) + :ARG1 (g / god + :wiki "Sunflower" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Sunflower") + :mod (r / religious-group + :wiki "Hindu" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Hindu"))) + :ARG3 (r2 / remain-01 + :ARG1 a + :ARG3 (s / single-03 + :ARG1 a))) + :ARG2 (p5 / person + :wiki "Parma_Gandhi" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Digvijay" + :op2 "Singh") + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (s2 / state + :wiki "Madhya_Pradesh" + :name (n8 / name + :op1 "Madhya" + :op2 "Pradesh") + :location (c / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n9 / name + :op1 "India")) + :mod (c2 / central)) + :ARG2 (m2 / minister + :mod (c3 / chief))))) + +(r / rule-03 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / president)) + :ARG1-of (s / single-03 + :ARG1 p3)) + :op2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p4 / prime))))) + :ARG1 (c / country)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Manmohan_Singh" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Singh")) + :ARG1 (s2 / say-01 + :ARG0 (b / book + :wiki "Hindu" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Hindu")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (f / favor-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (t / this) + :degree (v / very)) + :op2 (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 f + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (h / heatwave) + :op2 (d / drought) + :ARG1-of (s3 / spread-02 + :ARG1-of (w / wide-02))))))) + +(a / add-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Vajpayee" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Vajpayee") + :mod (p2 / premier) + :mod (o / only + :polarity -)) + :ARG2 (r / return-01 + :ARG1 (s / status + :mod (s2 / single-03) + :poss (p3 / person + :wiki "Shaileslav_Kalama" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kalama") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p4 / president)))) + :ARG4 (c2 / country + :ARG1-of (d / dry-02) + :mod (a2 / arid) + :mod (i / infertile))))) + +(r / remark-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Pramod_Mahajan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Pramod" + :op2 "Mahajan") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (p2 / political-party + :wiki "Bharatiya_Party" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Bharatiya" + :op2 "Janata" + :op3 "Party") + :ARG0-of (r2 / rule-03) + :poss (p3 / person + :wiki "Vajpayee" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Vajpayee"))) + :ARG2 (s / secretary + :mod (g / general)))) + :ARG1 (a / above + :op1 (c / contempt) + :domain (t / thing + :ARG1-of (s2 / state-01 + :ARG0 (p4 / person + :wiki "Manmohan_Singh" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Singh")))))) + +(a / affect-01 + :ARG0 (h / heatwave + :ARG0-of (k / kill-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 1403)) + :time (s / since + :op1 (m / middle + :op1 (d / date-entity + :month 5)))) + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n / name + :op1 "India"))) + +(p / prepare-02 + :ARG1 (s / state + :wiki "Rajasthan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Rajasthan") + :mod (d / desert + :location (w / west))) + :ARG2 (d2 / drought + :time (y / year + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 5) + :mod (i / in-a-row))) + :mod (a / also)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (f / find-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / skeleton + :part-of (b / baby + :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity + :value 2))) + :location (h2 / home + :mod (r / rural) + :location (s3 / state + :wiki "Wisconsin" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Wisconsin")) + :location-of (d / discover-01 + :ARG1 (b2 / baby + :ARG1-of (d2 / die-01) + :poss (w / woman + :age (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 22 + :unit (y / year)))) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :month 6 + :day 8) + :location (c / container + :consist-of (p2 / plastic + :mod (b3 / blue)))))) + :time (d4 / date-entity + :weekday (m / monday))) + +(t / tell-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Kristin" + :op2 "Scott") + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG2 (m / mother))) + :ARG1 (s / secret + :domain (a / and + :op1 (b / bear-02 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (b2 / baby + :mod (b3 / both)) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 1 + :day 14 + :year 2001) + :location (h2 / home + :poss (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (p3 / parent))) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Byrds_Creek,_New_Jersey" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Byrds" + :op2 "Creek") + :location (c2 / county + :wiki "Richland_County,_New_Jersey" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Richland"))))) + :op2 (b4 / bear-02 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (b5 / baby + :mod (o / other) + :ARG1-of (s2 / sex-01 + :ARG1-of (k / know-01 + :polarity -) + :time d)) + :time d))) + :ARG2 (p4 / police)) + +(a / arrest-01 + :ARG0 (p / police) + :ARG1 (s / she) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Abilene,_Texas" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Abilene") + :location (s2 / state + :wiki "Texas" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Texas")) + :ARG4-of (m / move-01 + :ARG0 s + :accompanier (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 s + :ARG2 (f / friend))) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 2 + :month 6))) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :weekday (s3 / saturday))) + +(d / detain-01 + :ARG1 (s / she + :ARG1-of (c / charge-05 + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (h / homicide + :mod (d2 / degree + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1)) + :mod (r / reckless)) + :op2 (h2 / hide-01 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (b / body) + :time (d3 / die-01 + :ARG1 (b2 / baby + :ARG1-of (b3 / bear-02 + :time (d4 / date-entity + :month 1)))))))) + :ARG3 (b4 / bond + :quant (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 50000 + :unit (d5 / dollar)))) + +(t / tell-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Rick_Scott" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Scott")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c / care-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (b / baby)) + :op2 (d / die-01 + :ARG1 b + :time (a2 / after + :quant (u / up-to + :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 30 + :unit (m / minute)))))) + :ARG2 (p2 / police)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (i / it) + :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (d / die-01 + :ARG1 (b / baby)) + :ARG1-of (s2 / say-01 + :ARG0 (c / complain-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / criminal-03))))) + +(f / find-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "William")) + :op2 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Nancy" + :op2 "Scott")) + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (w / woman) + :ARG2 (p3 / parent))) + :ARG1 (b / body + :ARG1-of (r / rot-01) + :part-of (b2 / baby + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1))) + :location (c / closet + :poss w) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (s / search-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG2 (t / thing + :ARG0-of (s2 / source-02 + :ARG1 (o2 / odor + :location (h2 / home + :poss w))))))) + +(t / tell-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Scott")) + :ARG1 (m / move-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (b / body + :mod (t2 / that)) + :time (b2 / before + :op1 (m2 / move-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG2 (s / state + :wiki "Texas" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Texas")))) + :location (a / and + :op1 (c / closet + :part-of (h / house + :mod (b3 / byrds))) + :op2 (c2 / compartment + :part-of (c3 / car + :poss p)) + :op3 (c4 / closet + :part-of (a2 / apartment + :location (c5 / city + :wiki "Richland_Center,_Texas" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Richland" + :op2 "Center")))) + :frequency (s2 / sometimes))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (i / investigate-01)) + :ARG1-of (s3 / say-01 + :ARG0 (c6 / complain-01))) + +(r / release-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (s / sheriff) + :ARG1 (d / detail + :mod (f / further) + :topic (b / baby + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 2)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / source + :mod (s3 / security) + :mod (c / country + :wiki "State_of_Palestine" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Palestine"))) + :ARG1 (r / return-01 + :ARG1 (f / force + :mod (s4 / security) + :mod c) + :ARG4 (p / position-01 + :ARG1 f + :location (c2 / country-region + :wiki "Gaza_Strip" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Gaza" + :op2 "Strip")) + :time (b / before + :op1 (b2 / break-out-30 + :ARG1 (r2 / rise-up-03 + :ARG0 c + :duration (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 33 + :unit (m / month))) + :time (r3 / remove-01 + :ARG0 (c3 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :ARG1 (p2 / point + :mod (a / all) + :mod (m2 / main) + :location (t2 / territory + :location (c4 / coast))))))) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (m3 / monday)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / source) + :ARG1 (p / position-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (p3 / police) + :ARG2 (o / officer))) + :ARG2 (c / country-region + :wiki "Gaza_Strip" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Gaza" + :op2 "Strip") + :mod (w / whole)) + :time-of (e / enjoy-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (f / free-04 + :ARG1 p2 + :ARG3 (m / movement-07 + :ARG0 p2) + :ARG1-of (k / know-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 p2 + :time (s3 / since + :op1 (e2 / erupt-01 + :ARG1 (e3 / event + :wiki "Intifada" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Intifada")) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 9 + :year 2000)))))))) + +(a / assume-01 + :ARG0 (p / police + :mod (c / country + :wiki "State_of_Palestine" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Palestine"))) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (p2 / position) + :op2 (p3 / position-02) + :mod (a3 / all) + :ARG1-of (o / occupy-01 + :ARG0 p + :time (b / before + :op1 (d / date-entity + :day 28 + :month 9 + :year 2000))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / source) + :ARG1 (t / time + :mod (f / first) + :time-of (f2 / free-04 + :ARG1 (t2 / they) + :ARG3 (a / and + :op1 (c / car) + :op2 (w / weapon)) + :location (r / road) + :time (s3 / since + :op1 (s4 / start-01 + :ARG1 (e / event + :wiki "Intifada" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Intifada"))))))) + +(m / mark-01 + :ARG0 (m2 / move-02) + :ARG1 (s / step-01 + :ARG2 (i / implement-01 + :ARG1 (m3 / map + :mod (r / road) + :beneficiary (w / world-region + :wiki "Middle_East" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Middle" + :op2 "East")) + :ARG1-of (b / back-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "US")))) + :ARG0-of (a / aim-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (e / end-01 + :ARG1 (b2 / bloodshed + :duration (m4 / multiple + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (m5 / month))))) + :op2 (c2 / create-01 + :ARG1 (p / peace + :mod (d / durable) + :mod (b3 / between + :op1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :op2 (c4 / country + :wiki "State_of_Palestine" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Palestine")))))))) + :mod (g / great)) + :direction (f / forward)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (f / follow-01 + :ARG1 (p / place-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / police) + :ARG1 (p3 / position-01 + :ARG1 p2 + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (t / there) + :op2 (c / city + :wiki "Beit_Lahiya" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Beit" + :op2 "Lahiya") + :ARG1-of (n2 / neighbor-01))))) + :ARG2 (w / withdraw-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (t2 / troop + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Israel"))) + :ARG2 (c3 / city + :wiki "Beit_Hanoun" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Beit" + :op2 "Hanoun") + :location (n5 / north)) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (s2 / sunday) + :dayperiod (n6 / night))))) + +(d / deploy-01 + :ARG1 (t / they) + :ARG2 (a / along + :op1 (b / border-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Israel")))) + :mod (a2 / also)) + +(p / prove-01 + :ARG0 (d / deliver-01) + :ARG1 (c / credibility) + :ARG2 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Palestinian_National_Authority" + :name (n / name + :op1 "PA") + :ARG0-of (p2 / prove-01 + :ARG1 (s / serious-01 + :ARG1 g + :time (c2 / come-12 + :ARG1 (c3 / curb-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (g2 / group + :mod (h / hardline) + :ARG0-of (p3 / plan-01 + :ARG1 (a / attack-01 + :ARG0 g2 + :ARG1 (s2 / state + :mod (r / religious-group + :wiki "Jews" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Jew")))))))))))) + +(a / allow-01 + :ARG0 (m / military + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Israel"))) + :ARG1 (c2 / circulate-01 + :ARG1 (r / road + :ARG0-of (c3 / cross-02 + :ARG1 (c4 / city + :wiki "Gaza_City" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Gaza")))) + :ARG3 (p / person + :mod (c5 / country + :wiki "State_of_Palestine" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Palestine"))) + :ARG1-of (f / free-04)) + :time (l / leave-11 + :ARG0 (t / troop) + :ARG1 (p2 / point + :quant 3 + :mod (c6 / check-01) + :ARG1-of (m2 / major-02) + :location (a2 / across + :op1 (t2 / territory + :location (c7 / coast))))) + :time (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1 + :range (a3 / almost + :op1 (t3 / temporal-quantity + :quant 3 + :unit (y / year)) + :duration-of (e / event + :wiki "Intifada" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Intifada"))) + :mod (a4 / another))) + +(f / flow-01 + :ARG1 (t / traffic) + :manner (f2 / free-04) + :path (a / and + :op1 (r / road + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Netzarim" + :op2 "Cross") + :location (r2 / relative-position + :op1 (c / city + :wiki "Gaza_City" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Gaza")) + :direction (s / south) + :mod (j / just))) + :op2 (r3 / road + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Kissufim" + :op2 "Cross") + :location (n4 / next-to + :op1 (p / person + :wiki "Deir_al-Balah" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Deir" + :op2 "al-Balah")) + :location (c2 / center + :part-of (c3 / country-region + :wiki "Gaza_Strip" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Gaza" + :op2 "Strip"))))) + :op3 (r4 / road + :wiki - + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Guesthouse") + :location (r5 / relative-position + :op1 p + :direction (s2 / south) + :mod j + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (r6 / retire-01 + :ARG0 (a3 / army))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (t / transform-01 + :ARG0 (p / post + :quant 3 + :location-of (c / control-01 + :mod (m / military)) + :location (r / road + :ARG1-of (r2 / run-04 + :ARG2 (t2 / throughout + :op1 (c2 / country-region + :wiki "Gaza_Strip" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Gaza" + :op2 "Strip")))))) + :ARG1 (t3 / trip-03 + :ARG0 (t4 / test-01 + :ARG1-of (h / hard-02) + :duration (o / or + :op1 (t5 / temporal-quantity + :quant 2 + :unit (h2 / hour)) + :op2 (t6 / temporal-quantity + :quant 3 + :unit (h3 / hour))) + :mod (u / usual)) + :ARG2 (s / south)) + :ARG2 t4) + :op2 (c3 / come-04 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (s2 / symbolize-01 + :ARG1 (h4 / horror + :mod (o2 / occupy-01)) + :ARG2 p))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / source + :ARG0-of (n / note-01 + :ARG1 (p / phase-out-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :ARG1 (s3 / standpoint + :mod (m / military) + :location (a / and + :op1 (b / bridge + :wiki "Kissufim" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Kissufim")) + :op2 (b2 / bridge + :mod (g / guesthouse)))) + :mod (s4 / still)))) + :ARG1 (i / implement-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (i2 / include-91 + :ARG2 (a2 / accord-03) + :ARG3 (m2 / most)) + :ARG2-of (e / except-01 + :ARG1 (i3 / issue-02 + :mod (s5 / some)))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (h2 / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (c / close-01 + :ARG1 (r / road + :mod (o / other) + :quant (s2 / several)) + :duration (t / temporary)) + :ARG2 (c2 / circulate-01 + :ARG1-of (f / free-04) + :location (a / along + :op1 (h3 / highway + :wiki "Trans-Gaza_highway" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Trans-Gaza" + :op2 "highway")))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / she) + :ARG1 (c / close-01 + :ARG1 (r / road + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Karni-Netzarim" + :op2 "highway") + :ARG1-of (r2 / run-04 + :ARG3 (w / west) + :ARG4 (r3 / route))) + :mod (s3 / still) + :ARG1-of (r4 / resemble-01 + :ARG2 (s4 / section + :part-of w + :ARG1-of (b / border-01 + :ARG2 (s5 / settlement + :mod (c2 / city + :wiki "Kfar_Darom" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kfar" + :op2 "Darom")))) + :location (r5 / relative-position + :op1 (c3 / cross + :mod (g / guesthouse)) + :direction (s6 / south) + :mod (r6 / right)))))) + :op2 (a2 / add-01 + :ARG0 s2 + :ARG1 (l / likely-01 + :ARG1 (o / open-01 + :ARG1 (b2 / both) + :time (w2 / week + :ARG1-of (c4 / come-01)))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (o / open-01 + :ARG1 (h2 / highway + :mod (a / another) + :ARG3-of (g / go-01 + :ARG1 (t / town + :wiki "Rafah" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Rafah") + :location (s2 / south) + :ARG1-of (b / border-01)) + :ARG2 (c / city + :wiki "Khan_Yunis" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Khan" + :op2 "Yunis")))) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (n3 / now) + :quant (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 10 + :unit (d / day))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / confirm-01 + :ARG0 (s / source + :mod (m / military + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Israel")))) + :ARG1 (s2 / set-up-03 + :ARG0 (t / troop) + :ARG1 (d / door) + :location (a / and + :op1 (r / road + :wiki "Interstate_65" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Netzarim" + :op2 "Cross")) + :op2 (r2 / road + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Guesthouse" + :op3 "boundary"))))) + :ARG2 (s3 / say-01 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 t + :ARG2 s2 + :time (n4 / need-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :mod (r3 / religious-group + :wiki "Jews" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Jew")) + :ARG0-of (c4 / colonize-01)) + :ARG1 (u / use-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (r4 / road))) + :mod (o / only))) + :ARG2-of (r5 / respond-01 + :ARG1 (g / gripe-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :mod (c5 / country + :wiki "State_of_Palestine" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Palestine")))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (e / effect-03 + :ARG1 (p / prohibit-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (m / move-01 + :ARG0 (m2 / man + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "State_of_Palestine" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Palestine")) + :age (u / under + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 35 + :unit (y / year)))) + :ARG3-of (f / free-04)))) + :mod (s / still)) + :ARG2 (e2 / expect-01 + :ARG1 (r / rise-01 + :ARG1 (h / he) + :time (a / after) + :time (o / or + :op1 (e3 / early + :op1 (d / date-entity + :weekday (m3 / monday))) + :op2 (e4 / early + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :weekday (t2 / tuesday))))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / source + :mod (s3 / security)) + :ARG1 (h / hand-01 + :ARG0 (a / army) + :ARG1 (c / control-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (b / border-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / city + :wiki "Rafah" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Rafah")) + :ARG2 (c3 / country-region + :wiki "Gaza_Strip" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Gaza" + :op2 "Strip")) + :ARG3 (c4 / country + :wiki "Egypt" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Egypt")))) + :ARG2 (p / person + :mod (c5 / country + :wiki "State_of_Palestine" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Palestine"))) + :mod (a2 / also))) + +(a / allow-01 + :ARG1 (r / return-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 6 + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (p2 / police + :mod (c / country + :wiki "State_of_Palestine" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Palestine"))) + :ARG2 (o / officer))) + :ARG4 (s / section + :mod c + :part-of (c2 / crossroad) + :ARG1-of (t / take-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / troop + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Israel"))) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (s2 / start-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / rise-up-03)) + :ARG1-of (s3 / short-07)))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (a / agree-01 + :time (d / date-entity + :year 1993) + :ARG0-of (g / give-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / autonomy + :mod (s2 / some)) + :ARG2 (p / person + :mod (c / country + :wiki "State_of_Palestine" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Palestine"))))) + :ARG1 (h / handle-01 + :ARG0 (a3 / and + :op1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :op2 p) + :ARG1 (c3 / cruise-01 + :ARG1 (c4 / city + :wiki "Rafah" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Rafah")) + :ARG2 (c5 / country + :wiki "Egypt" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Egypt")) + :ARG3 (b / border-01)) + :manner (j / joint) + :concession (c6 / control-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (a4 / area) + :mod (f / final)))) + +(h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (c / control-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :ARG1 (s / section + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "State_of_Palestine" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Palestine"))) + :duration (o / over + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 2 + :unit (y / year)))) + :ARG2 (o2 / open-07 + :ARG1 (c4 / cross-02) + :ARG2 (m / move-01 + :ARG1 (b / between + :op1 (c5 / country + :quant 2))) + :mod (i / in-principle) + :concession (c6 / caveat-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :mod c2) + :ARG1-of (c7 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (r / reason + :ARG1-of (e / explain-01 + :ARG1-of (r2 / rare-02)))) + :ARG1-of (f / frequent-02)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (w / witness-01)) + :ARG1 (k / kill-01 + :ARG1 (c / civilian + :quant 5 + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iraq")) + :ARG2-of (i / include-91 + :ARG1 (w2 / woman + :quant 1))) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (m / monday)) + :time (r / reach-01 + :ARG0 (m2 / missile + :ARG1-of (f / fire-01 + :ARG0 (j / jet + :ARG0-of (f2 / fight-01) + :poss (c3 / coalition + :ARG1-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG0 (c4 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "U.S."))))))) + :ARG1 (h / home + :poss w2)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (h / house + :poss (t2 / they)) + :ARG2 (a / area + :wiki "Al-Azamiyah" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Al-Azamiyah") + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (a2 / area + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (p / populate-01 + :ARG1 a2) + :ARG3 (m / most)) + :part-of (c / city + :wiki "Baghdad" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Baghdad") + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iraq")) + :ARG2 (c3 / capital)))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (d / destroy-01 + :ARG1 (h / house + :quant 1) + :time (a2 / attack-01)) + :op2 (e / evacuate-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / area) + :ARG2 (v / victim))) + +(l / launch-01 + :ARG0 (f / force + :mod (c / coalition) + :ARG1-of (l2 / lead-02 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S.")))) + :ARG1 (r / round + :ARG1-of (n2 / new-01) + :mod (r2 / raid-01 + :ARG0 f + :ARG1 (c3 / city + :wiki "Baghdad" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Baghdad")) + :path (a / air))) + :time (d / date-entity + :time "14 :30" + :weekday (m / monday))) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (h / hear-01 + :ARG1 (e / explode-01 + :mod (h2 / huge) + :location (p / part + :ARG1-of (d / differ-02) + :part-of (c / city + :wiki "Baghdad" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Baghdad") + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (c2 / capital))))))) + :op2 (b / blare-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / siren + :ARG0-of (r / raid-01 + :mod (a2 / air))) + :location (a3 / around + :op1 c)) + :op3 (a4 / add-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (b2 / begin-01 + :ARG0 (a5 / artillery + :mod (a6 / air) + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iraq"))) + :ARG1 (r2 / respond-01 + :ARG0 a5)))) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG1 (d / die-01 + :ARG1 (c / civilian + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iraq")) + :quant (a / at-least + :op1 130)) + :time (s / since + :op1 (b / begin-01 + :ARG1 (w / war) + :time (b2 / before + :op1 (n2 / now) + :quant (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 5 + :unit (d2 / day)))))) + :concession (a2 / assure-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 (c3 / coalition))) + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (e / effort-01 + :ARG1 (m / minimize-01 + :ARG1 (c4 / casualty + :mod (c5 / civilian) + :time (w2 / war + :mod c2 + :time (c6 / current)))) + :mod (e2 / every) + :ARG1-of (p2 / possible-01)) + :ARG1-of (r2 / repeat-01))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (r / report-01 + :ARG1-of (a / arrive-01 + :ARG4 (h / here)) + :mod (o / other)) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (k / kill-01 + :ARG1 (p / passenger + :quant 5 + :mod (b / bus) + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Syria" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Syria")))) + :op2 (i / injure-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :quant 10 + :mod (o2 / other))) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (s2 / sunday) + :dayperiod (m / morning)) + :time (r2 / reach-01 + :ARG0 (m2 / missile + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "U.S."))) + :ARG1 (b2 / bus + :ARG1-of (t / travel-01 + :ARG0 p) + :ARG1-of (n3 / near-02 + :ARG2 (b3 / border-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Iraq")) + :ARG2 p)))))) + +(c / carry-01 + :ARG0 (v / vehicle) + :ARG1 (p / person + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Syria" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Syria")) + :ARG0-of (f / flee-05 + :ARG1 (w / war + :location (c3 / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iraq")))))) + +(k / kill-01 + :ARG0 (t / tornado) + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 16) + :location (e / east + :part-of (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")))) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG2 (c / city + :wiki "Houston" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Houston")) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 9 + :month 7)) + +(a / and + :op1 (k / kill-01 + :ARG0 (t / tornado + :mod (f / fierce)) + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 16)) + :op2 (i / injure-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :quant 162)) + :time (l / late + :op1 (d / date-entity + :weekday (t2 / tuesday))) + :time (s / sweep-02 + :ARG1 t + :ARG2 (c / county + :wiki "Wuwei_County" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Wuwei" + :op2 "County") + :location (p3 / province + :wiki "Anhui" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Anhui") + :location (e / east + :part-of (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "China"))))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (b / bureau + :mod (p / province) + :ARG0-of (r / relieve-01 + :ARG1 (d / disaster))) + :ARG1 (h / hit-01 + :ARG0 (t / tornado) + :ARG1 (c / city + :quant (s2 / several)) + :time (a / and + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :time "23 :10" + :weekday (t2 / tuesday)) + :op2 (d3 / date-entity + :time "2 :00" + :weekday (w / wednesday))))) + +(t / treat-03 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant (a / and + :op1 50 + :op2 7)) + :ARG2 (w / wound + :ARG1-of (s / serious-02)) + :mod (s2 / still) + :location (h / hospital)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (a2 / affect-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / storm) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :quant 23681)) + :op2 (d / destroy-01 + :ARG0 s2 + :ARG1 (h2 / home + :quant 715)) + :op3 (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 s2 + :ARG1 (l / lose-02 + :ARG1 (e / economy) + :ARG1-of (d2 / direct-02) + :ARG1-of (e2 / estimate-01 + :ARG2 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 24000000 + :unit (y / yuan))))))) + +(m / move-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 1686) + :ARG2 (p2 / place + :ARG1-of (s / safe-01)) + :time (t / to-date)) + +(a / arrive-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (t / team + :ARG0-of (r / rescue-01)) + :op2 (p / personnel + :mod (m / medicine)) + :op3 (m2 / material + :ARG2-of (r2 / relieve-01) + :ARG2-of (i / include-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (t2 / tent) + :op2 (f / food))))) + :ARG4 (a4 / area + :ARG1-of (a5 / affect-01))) + +(a / attribute-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / accident + :mod (a3 / avalanche) + :location (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China") + :location (n2 / northwest))) + :ARG2 (l / lack-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / caution))) + +(c / city + :wiki "Menchuan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Menchuan") + :location (n2 / northwest + :part-of (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "China"))) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 5 + :month 4)) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / continue-01 + :ARG1 (s / search-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 2 + :ARG0-of (t / tour-01) + :ARG1-of (m / miss-01 + :location (a2 / avalanche + :location (p2 / province + :wiki "Qinghai_Province" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Qinghai") + :location (n2 / northwest + :part-of (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "China")))))))) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (t2 / tuesday))) + :op2 (l / list-01 + :ARG1 (l2 / lack-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 t) + :ARG2 (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 l2 + :ARG1 (t3 / tragedy + :ARG0-of (l3 / leave-13 + :ARG1 (d2 / die-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / person) + :time (a3 / already)))) + :mod (m2 / main)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Deng" + :op2 "Haiping") + :ARG0-of (h / head-01 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (a / administer-01 + :ARG1 (m / mountain)) + :mod (p2 / province) + :ARG0-of (c / charge-05 + :ARG1 (o / operate-01 + :mod (r / rescue-01)))))) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (e / experience-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :quant 6 + :ARG0-of (t / tour-01)) + :ARG1 (c2 / climb-01 + :ARG0 p3 + :ARG1 (m2 / mountain + :ARG1-of (c3 / cover-02 + :ARG2 (s2 / snow))))) + :op2 (k / know-01 + :ARG0 p3 + :ARG1 (g2 / ground) + :quant (l / little)))) + +(h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG0 (p / person + :quant 6 + :mod (a / all)) + :ARG1 (c / club + :mod (s / sport) + :mod (o / outdoor) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Xining" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Xining") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (p2 / province + :wiki "Qinghai" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Qinghai")) + :ARG2 (c3 / capital)))) + :ARG2 (m / member)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Lu" + :op2 "Shimin") + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :quant 3 + :ARG0-of (s2 / survive-01)))) + :ARG1 (c / climb-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :quant 2 + :ARG1-of (i2 / include-91 + :ARG2 (t / they))) + :ARG1 (m / mountain + :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 + :ARG2 (t2 / that))) + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Deng")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (h / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (c / compass) + :op2 (d / device + :instrument-of (m / measure-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / altitude))))) + :op2 (h2 / have-03 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (e / equipment + :instrument-of (c2 / communicate-01) + :ARG1-of (s2 / special-02) + :ARG1-of (u / use-01 + :ARG2 (m2 / mountain) + :ARG1-of (t2 / typical-02))) + :mod (l / let-alone)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (l / lead-03 + :ARG0 (i / idea + :ARG1-of (b / bold-02) + :topic (s2 / slide-01 + :ARG2 (s3 / snow))) + :ARG2 (a / avalanche + :ARG0-of (k / kill-01)) + :mod (a2 / also))) + +(c / crash-01 + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (s / saturday) + :dayperiod (a / afternoon)) + :time (s2 / slide-01 + :ARG1 (t / thing + :quant 6) + :ARG2 (m / mountain + :wiki "Daban_Mountains" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Daban") + :location (c2 / county + :wiki "Ertanggou" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Ertanggou") + :location (c3 / county + :wiki "Menyuan_Hui_County" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Menyuan" + :op2 "Hui") + :location (p / province + :wiki "Haibei" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Haibei" + :op2 "Prefecture") + :mod (a2 / autonomy)))) + :ARG1-of (h / high-02 + :ARG2 (d2 / distance-quantity + :quant 3700 + :unit (m2 / meter)))))) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (s / survive-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :quant 3) + :ARG1 (a / avalanche)) + :ARG2 (p2 / police + :ARG0-of (s2 / start-01 + :ARG1 (o / operate-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :mod (r2 / rescue-01 + :ARG0 p2))) + :ARG1-of (h / help-01 + :ARG0 (v / villager)))) + +(f / find-01 + :ARG1 (b / body + :quant 1) + :time (e / early + :op1 (d / date-entity + :weekday (s / sunday)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (c / center + :ARG0-of (r / rescue-01)) + :ARG1 (h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (d / define-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (i / identity + :poss (c2 / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong")))) + :ARG2 (b / be-from-91 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 1 + :ARG1-of (i2 / include-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG1-of (m / miss-02)))) + :ARG2 c2))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Deng") + :ARG0-of (a / add-01 + :ARG1 (t / try-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01) + :ARG1-of (l / local-02)) + :ARG1 (f / find-out-03 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (i / identity + :poss (g4 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong" + :op3 "Special" + :op4 "Administrative" + :op5 "Region")))) + :ARG2 (g3 / government-organization + :ARG0-of g4))))) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / carry-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (d / document + :mod (i2 / identity) + :poss h))) + :op2 (k / know-02 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (n3 / name + :poss h + :mod (o / only) + :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Hung" + :op2 "Zhihua")))) + :location (l2 / language + :wiki "Mandarin_Chinese" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Mandarin"))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / send-01 + :ARG1 (t / team + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 5) + :ARG0-of (r / rescue-01)) + :purpose (s2 / search-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG2 (p / person + :ARG1-of (m / miss-02)))) + :op2 (i / involve-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of r + :quant (m2 / more-than + :op1 140)) + :ARG2 (o2 / operation))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Deng")) + :ARG1 (h / hamper-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (s2 / snow + :ARG1-of (t / thick-03)) + :op2 (s3 / sign + :poss (a2 / avalanche + :ARG1-of (n2 / new-01)))) + :ARG1 (w / work-01 + :ARG1 (r / rescue-01)) + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-concession-91))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Deng")) + :ARG1 (f / find-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (t2 / tip-05 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG1-of (m / miss-02))) + :ARG2-of (e / except-01 + :ARG1 (c / casco + :quant 2))) + :time (b / before + :op1 (n2 / now) + :duration (t3 / temporal-quantity + :quant 3 + :unit (d / day))))) + +(l / look-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / city + :wiki "Los_Angeles" + :name (n / name + :op1 "LA")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (w / way + :manner-of (r / reach-02 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG2-of (e / evacuate-01 + :ARG1 c) + :mod (n2 / natural-disaster + :wiki "Hurricane_Katrina" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Katrina")))))) + +(c / city + :wiki "Los_Angeles" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Los" + :op2 "Angeles") + :time (d / date-entity + :day 6 + :month 9)) + +(t / try-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / county) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / city + :wiki "Los_Angeles" + :name (n / name + :op1 "LA")) + :ARG2 (o2 / official)))) + :ARG1 (d / determine-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (w / way + :manner-of (c3 / crowd-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :ARG2-of (e / evacuate-01) + :quant (a2 / at-least + :op1 2000) + :ARG1-of (b / bring-01 + :ARG1-of (e2 / expect-01) + :source (c4 / country-region + :wiki "Gulf_Coast_of_the_United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Gulf" + :op2 "Coast")) + :time (a3 / after + :op1 (n3 / natural-disaster + :wiki "Hurricane_Katrina" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Hurricane" + :op2 "Katrina")))))) + :ARG1-of (h3 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (g / good-02 + :ARG1 w) + :ARG3 (m / most))) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :weekday (t2 / tuesday)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (o / official) + :ARG1 (m / meet-03 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki "Gloria_Macapagal_Arroyo" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Gloria" + :op2 "Molina") + :ARG0-of (s2 / supervise-01 + :ARG1 (c / county + :wiki "Los_Angeles_County,_California" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "LA")))) + :op2 (p2 / person + :wiki "Antonio_Villaraigosa" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Antonio" + :op2 "Villaraigosa") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 c + :ARG2 (m2 / mayor)))) + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (a2 / administrate-01 + :ARG1 p)) + :ARG2 (m3 / member + :ARG1-of (k / key-02)))) + :time (w / weekend + :mod (e / event + :wiki "Workday" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Workday"))) + :purpose (a3 / assess-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (p4 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (h3 / house-01 + :ARG0 (a4 / and + :op1 c + :op2 c) + :ARG1 (f / family + :ARG1-of (d / displace-01) + :quant (m4 / multiple + :op1 1000) + :ARG0-of (s3 / survive-01 + :ARG1 (h4 / hurricane + :mod (d2 / disaster))))))))) + +(p / pledge-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c / city + :wiki "Molina,_Spain" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Molina")) + :op2 (c2 / city + :wiki "Villaraigosa" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Villaraigosa"))) + :ARG2 (h / host-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG2-of (e / evacuate-01) + :quant (a2 / at-least + :op1 2000)))) + +(a / announce-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :mod (o / official) + :ARG1-of (l / local-02)) + :ARG1 (c / create-01 + :ARG1 (o2 / organization + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Work" + :op2 "Group" + :op3 "on" + :op4 "Hurricane" + :op5 "Katrina")) + :location (a2 / and + :op1 (c2 / city + :wiki "Los_Angeles" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "LA")) + :op2 (c3 / county + :wiki "Los_Angeles_County,_California" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Los" + :op2 "Angeles" + :op3 "County"))) + :purpose (a3 / assist-01 + :ARG0 o2 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (s / survive-01)) + :ARG2 (a4 / assist-01 + :ARG0 o2 + :ARG1 p2 + :ARG2 (t / transition-01 + :ARG0 p2) + :mod (i / immediate) + :duration (l2 / long-03)))) + :time (p3 / previous)) + +(c / coordinate-01 + :ARG1 (e / effort-01 + :ARG1-of (l / local-02)) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (g / government-organization + :wiki "California_Emergency_Service" + :name (n / name + :op1 "California" + :op2 "Emergency" + :op3 "Service" + :op4 "Bureau")) + :op2 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01) + :mod (f / federal)) + :op3 (d / department + :mod (c2 / city)) + :op4 (c3 / county) + :op5 (o / organization + :ARG0-of (p / profit-01 + :polarity -) + :example (o2 / organization + :wiki "American_Red_Cross" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "American" + :op2 "Red" + :op3 "Cross"))))) + +(a / activate-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / city + :wiki "Los_Angeles" + :name (n / name + :op1 "LA")) + :ARG2 (m / mayor))) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (s / supervise-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / county)))) + :ARG1 (f / facility + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Los" + :op2 "Angeles" + :op3 "Emergency" + :op4 "Operations" + :op5 "Center")) + :purpose (p3 / prepare-02 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 a2 + :ARG2 (r / respond-01 + :ARG2-of (i / involve-01 + :ARG1 (h2 / help-01 + :ARG1 (p4 / person + :ARG2-of (e / evacuate-01)))) + :manner (i2 / intensive))) + :manner (j / joint)) + +(a / and + :op1 (t / travel-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :quant (m / multiple + :op1 12)) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (s / state + :wiki "Louisiana" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Louisiana")) + :op2 (s2 / state + :wiki "Alabama" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Alabama")) + :mod (b / bugger)) + :ARG2 (c / county + :wiki "Los_Angeles_County,_California" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "LA")) + :time (a3 / already)) + :op2 (s3 / shelter-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (f / facility + :wiki "Dream_Center" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Dream" + :op2 "Center") + :domain (a4 / agency + :ARG0-of (p2 / profit-01 + :polarity -))))) + +(p / prepare-02 + :ARG0 (f / force + :ARG2-of (t / task-01) + :ARG1-of (f2 / form-01 + :ARG1-of (n / new-01))) + :ARG2 (h / help-01 + :ARG0 f + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s / shelter-01) + :op2 (s2 / service + :ARG0-of (s3 / support-01)) + :op3 (i / information) + :op4 (c / coordinate-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / assist-01 + :ARG0 (s4 / sector + :ARG1-of (p2 / private-03))))) + :purpose (f3 / find-01 + :ARG0 f + :ARG1 (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (l / live-01) + :ARG2 (p3 / permanent) + :ARG3 (e / equal) + :ARG4 (p4 / possible-01 + :ARG1 l)) + :ARG2 (p5 / person + :ARG2-of (e2 / evacuate-01)) + :time (s5 / soon + :ARG2-of (h3 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 l + :ARG3 (e3 / equal) + :ARG4 (p6 / possible-01 + :ARG1 l)))))) + +(a / ask-02 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki "Sharon_Molina" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Molina")) + :op2 (p2 / person + :wiki "Las_Angeles_Villaraigosa" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Villaraigosa"))) + :ARG1 (p3 / provide-01 + :ARG0 (a5 / and + :op1 (s / sector + :ARG1-of (p4 / private-03)) + :op2 (o / organization + :ARG0-of (p5 / profit-01 + :polarity -))) + :ARG1 (n3 / need-01 + :ARG0 (a3 / and + :op1 (c / child) + :op2 (f / family) + :ARG1-of (g / get-05 + :ARG2 (a4 / area + :mod (c2 / city + :wiki "Los_Angeles" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "LA"))))))) + :ARG2 a5) + +(d / die-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant (a / at-least + :op1 33)) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (f / flood-01 + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Tajikistan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Rajastán"))))) + +(c / city + :wiki "New_Delhi" + :name (n / name + :op1 "New" + :op2 "Delhi") + :time (d / date-entity + :day 22 + :month 8)) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (r / reach-01 + :ARG0 (t / toll + :mod (d / die-01 + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (f / flood-01 + :ARG1 (s / state + :wiki "Rajasthan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Rajasthan")))))) + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 33)) + :ARG2 (s2 / sweep-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :quant 5 + :mod (m / more)) + :ARG4 (s3 / state + :mod (d2 / desert) + :location-of (f2 / face-01 + :ARG0 (d3 / district + :quant 9) + :ARG1 (r2 / rage-02 + :ARG0 (r3 / rain-01 + :mod (m2 / monsoon))))) + :time (b / before + :op1 (n2 / now) + :duration (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 48 + :unit (h / hour))))) + +(r / remain-01 + :ARG1 (s / situation) + :ARG3 (b / bad-07 + :ARG1 s) + :location (a / and + :op1 (c / city + :wiki "Udaipur" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Udaipur")) + :op2 (c2 / city + :wiki "Dungarpur" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Dungarpur")) + :op3 (c3 / city + :wiki "Barmer" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Barmer")) + :op4 (c4 / city + :wiki "Pali" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Pali")) + :op5 (c5 / city + :wiki "Sirohi" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Sirohi")) + :op6 (c6 / city + :wiki "Jalore" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Jalore")) + :op7 (c7 / city + :wiki "Kota_(city)" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Kota")) + :op8 (c8 / city + :wiki "Jhalawar" + :name (n8 / name + :op1 "Jhalawar")))) + +(r / remain-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (v / village) + :op2 (c / city) + :quant (m / more-than + :op1 1500) + :ARG1-of (s / spread-03 + :location (d / district + :mod (t / this)))) + :ARG3 (s2 / submerge-01 + :ARG1 a)) + +(h / hamper-01 + :ARG1 (o / operate-01 + :purpose (r / relieve-01)) + :location (p / place + :quant (s / some)) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (r2 / rain-01 + :ARG1-of (c2 / continue-01))) + :mod (a / also)) + +(d / disrupt-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (n / network + :mod (e / electricity)) + :op2 (n2 / network + :mod (t / telephone))) + :location (a2 / area + :ARG1-of (a3 / affect-01 + :ARG0 (a4 / and + :op1 (f / flood-01) + :op2 (f2 / flood-01 + :ARG1-of (s / spread-02 + :ARG1-of (w / wide-02))))) + :mod (a5 / all))) + +(c / close-down-04 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s / school) + :op2 (u / university) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Udaipur" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Udaipur") + :location (l / lake))) + :duration (i / indefinite)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Vasundhara_Raje" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Vasundhara" + :op2 "Raje") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (c / chief)))) + :ARG1 (r / remain-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / situation) + :ARG3 (d / dark-03 + :ARG1 s2) + :location (a / area + :ARG1-of (a2 / affect-01 + :ARG0 (f / flood-01))))) + +(q / quote-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Indoasiatic_News_Service" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Indo-Asiatic" + :op2 "News" + :op3 "Service")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (i / improve-01 + :ARG1 (s / situation + :mod (f / flood-01)) + :ARG1-of (s2 / slow-05)) + :op2 (f2 / flow-01 + :ARG1 (w / water + :quant (l / less)) + :direction (d / dam + :location-of (s3 / see-01 + :ARG1 w + :manner (c / constant))) + :time (e / ever))) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p / prime))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Raje")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (a2 / assess-01 + :ARG1 (l / lose-02 + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (f / flood))) + :time (s2 / soon)) + :op2 (s3 / send-01 + :ARG1 (m / memorandum) + :ARG2 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "India")))) + :purpose (r / request-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / assist-01 + :ARG2 (a4 / and + :op1 (o / operate-01 + :purpose (r2 / rehabilitate-01)) + :op2 (o2 / operate-01 + :purpose (r3 / relieve-01)))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / continue-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / army + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n / name + :op1 "India"))) + :ARG1 (o / operation + :purpose (r / relieve-01)) + :location (a3 / area + :ARG1-of (a4 / affect-01 + :ARG0 (f / flood)) + :poss (s / state))) + :op2 (t / throw-01 + :ARG0 (h / helicopter + :poss a2) + :ARG1 (p / package + :mod (f2 / food)) + :location a3)) + +(a / and + :op1 (d / die-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 7)) + :op2 (w / wound-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :quant 98)) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (t / tornado) + :location (e / east + :part-of (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China"))))) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG2 (c / city + :wiki "Houston" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Houston")) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 4 + :month 7)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (a / authority + :ARG0-of (r / relieve-01 + :ARG1 (d / disaster))) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (c / confirm-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / die-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 7))) + :op2 (i / injure-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :quant 98 + :mod (o / other)) + :ARG2 (t / tornado + :ARG0-of (h / hit-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / city + :location (e / east + :part-of (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")))) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :weekday (t2 / tuesday))))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Provincial" + :op2 "Fire" + :op3 "and" + :op4 "Disaster" + :op5 "Assistance" + :op6 " Office")) + :ARG1 (f / find-01 + :ARG1 (b / body + :poss (p / person + :quant 7 + :ARG2-of (i / include-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (b2 / body + :quant 3 + :poss (t / township + :wiki "Renhe" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Renhe"))) + :op2 (b3 / body + :quant 4 + :poss (t2 / township + :wiki "Qinlan" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Qinlan"))))))) + :location (r / rubble + :part-of (b4 / building + :ARG1-of (c / collapse-01)))) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (w / wednesday)) + :medium (s2 / state-01 + :ARG0 g + :mod (p2 / press))) + +(t / treat-03 + :ARG1 (v / villager + :mod (a / all) + :ARG1-of (w / wound-01)) + :location (h / hospital + :ARG1-of (l / local-02))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (d / doctor) + :ARG1 (c / condition + :ARG1-of (c2 / critical-03) + :domain (p / person + :quant 1 + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :quant 10 + :ARG1-of (i2 / injure-01 + :ARG1-of (s2 / serious-02))))))) + +(c / calculate-01 + :ARG0 (a / authority) + :ARG1 (d / damage-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / city + :wiki "Tianchang" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tianchang") + :location (p / province + :wiki "Anhui_Province" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Anhui") + :location (e / east + :part-of (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :location-of (a2 / and + :op1 (d2 / destroy-01 + :ARG0 (t / tornado + :ARG0-of (h / have-03 + :ARG1 (w / wind + :quant (r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG1 (d3 / distance-quantity + :quant 100 + :unit (k / kilometer)) + :ARG2 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (h2 / hour)))))) + :ARG1 (h3 / home + :quant (m / more-than + :op1 100))) + :op2 (f / force-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (e2 / evacuate-01 + :ARG1 (v / village + :quant 3) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :quant (a3 / at-least + :op1 1100))))))) + :mod (s / still)) + +(l / lead-02 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Zhao_Shucong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Zhao" + :op2 "Shucong") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (p2 / province) + :ARG2 (g / governor + :mod (v / vice)))) + :ARG1 (t / team + :ARG0-of (r / relieve-01)) + :ARG2 (c / city + :wiki "Tianchang" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Tianchang")) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (w / wednesday) + :dayperiod (m / morning)) + :time (p3 / promise-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (f / fund-01) + :op2 (m2 / material) + :op3 (a2 / assist-01 + :mod (m3 / medicine))))) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG0 (p / province + :quant (m / many) + :location (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China"))) + :ARG1 (w / weather + :mod (d / disaster)) + :time (w2 / week + :mod (r2 / recent) + :time-of (c2 / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (a / affect-01 + :ARG0 (w3 / water + :ARG2-of (f / flood-01)) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (c3 / center + :part-of c) + :op2 (s / south + :part-of c))) + :ARG2 (p2 / persist-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / drought) + :location (n2 / north))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (o / office + :mod (s2 / state) + :ARG0-of (p / prevent-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (f / flood-01) + :op2 (d / drought)))) + :ARG1 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (w / water + :ARG2-of (f2 / flood-01)) + :ARG1 (d2 / die-01 + :quant 231)) + :op2 (d3 / destroy-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (h / home + :quant 118500)) + :location (a3 / area + :quant 18)) + :ARG2 (l / leave-13 + :ARG0 (d4 / drought + :location (n / north)) + :ARG1 (h2 / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :quant (a4 / almost + :op1 7400000)) + :ARG1 (w2 / water + :ARG1-of (d5 / drink-01 + :ARG0 p2) + :ARG1-of (c3 / clean-01))))) + :time (a5 / as-of + :op1 (d6 / date-entity + :weekday (m / monday)))) + +(e / evacuate-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (r / reside-01)) + :time (a / after + :op1 (l / landslide + :mod (h / huge) + :location (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China") + :part (c2 / center))))) + +(c / city + :wiki "Andichi" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Andichi") + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Hubei" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Hubei")) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 20 + :month 4)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (a / authority + :ARG1-of (l / local-02)) + :ARG1 (e / evacuate-01 + :ARG2 (p / person + :ARG1-of (t / threaten-01 + :ARG0 (l2 / landslide + :mod (m / massive) + :ARG1-of (g / go-on-15) + :location (p2 / province + :wiki "Hubei" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hubei") + :location (c / center + :part-of (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")))))) + :quant (s2 / some + :op1 200))) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (s3 / sunday) + :dayperiod (n3 / night))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Du" + :op2 "Honghui") + :ARG0-of (h / head-01 + :ARG1 (o / office + :mod (l / land) + :mod (r / resource)) + :location (c / county + :wiki "Xingshan_County,_Hunan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Xingshan")))) + :ARG1 (e / evacuate-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :quant 200 + :ARG2-of (i / include-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (t / teach-01)) + :op2 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (r2 / reside-01))))) + :ARG2 (h2 / high-school + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Gaoyang" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Gaoyang")) + :mod (s2 / secondary)) + :purpose (s3 / shelter-01 + :ARG1 p2))) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (r / rain-01 + :ARG1-of (c2 / continue-01)) + :ARG1 (d / desprendite-01 + :ARG1 (l / land + :quant (v / volume-quantity + :quant 60000 + :unit (c3 / cubic-meter))))) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (v / volume-quantity + :quant 2000 + :unit (c2 / cubic-meter)) + :ARG1 (f / flow-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (m / mud) + :op2 (m2 / mud)) + :ARG0-of (i / inundate-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (s / school + :mod (e / elementary) + :ARG1-of (n / near-02)) + :op2 (v2 / village + :ARG0-of (h / have-03 + :ARG1 (h2 / home + :quant 37))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / cover-02 + :ARG1 (c2 / classroom + :mod (p / plant + :mod (d / down)) + :part-of (b / building + :mod (t / teach-01) + :part-of (s / school + :mod (p2 / primary) + :location (c3 / center + :part-of (c4 / city + :wiki "Gaoyang" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Gaoyang")))))) + :ARG2 (m / mud + :mod (s2 / subway + :mod (s3 / shallow)))) + :op2 (d2 / damage-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (w / window + :poss (p3 / pupil)) + :op2 (d3 / desk + :poss p3) + :op3 (c5 / chair + :poss p3))) + :time (d4 / date-entity + :time "10 :00" + :weekday (s4 / sunday))) + +(f / flood-01 + :ARG1 (p / playground + :ARG0-of (h / have-03 + :ARG1 (m / mud + :quant (b / between + :op1 (d / distance-quantity + :quant 30 + :unit (c / centimeter)) + :op2 (d2 / distance-quantity + :quant 50 + :unit (c2 / centimeter))))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Du")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (g / go-on-15 + :ARG1 (w / work-01 + :ARG1 (r / rescue-01))) + :op2 (m / monitor-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / situation + :mod (l / landslide)) + :manner (c / close-10)))) + +(r / report-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (c / casualty) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (c3 / class + :polarity - + :location (s / school + :mod (p / primary)) + :time (w / weekend)))) + +(d / decide-01 + :ARG0 (a / authority) + :ARG1 (s / suspend-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (c / class + :mod (p / primary)) + :time (s2 / since + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :weekday (m / monday))) + :duration (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 3 + :unit (d3 / day)))) + +(f / fall-01 + :ARG1 (r / rain-01) + :ARG4 (d / distance-quantity + :quant 1060000 + :unit (i / inch)) + :time (s / so-far)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (m / meteorologist) + :ARG1 (c / continue-01 + :ARG1 (r / rain-01) + :time (d / day + :ARG1-of (c2 / come-01)) + :ARG0-of (c3 / continue-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / rise-01 + :ARG1 (r3 / reservoir + :consist-of (w / water) + :mod (u / underground)) + :ARG4 (m2 / mudslide))))) + +(e / expect-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (r / relieve-01)) + :ARG1 (w / worsen-01 + :ARG1 (a / area + :mod (s / slip-01)) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (w2 / weather + :ARG1-of (b / bad-07))))) + +(k / kill-01 + :ARG0 (s / storm + :quant (u / up-to + :op1 (d / distance-quantity + :quant 141000 + :unit (m / millimeter))) + :time (b / before + :op1 (n / now) + :duration (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 3 + :unit (d2 / day)))) + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 2) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Hubei" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Hubei"))) + +(d / drag-01 + :ARG1 (m / motorcycle) + :time (p / pass-03 + :ARG1 m + :path (b / bridge))) + +(d / die-01 + :ARG1 (o / other) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (f / fall-01 + :ARG1 (l / lightning)))) + +(a / affect-01 + :ARG0 (s / storm + :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG1 (f / flood-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / area + :quant (s2 / some)) + :ARG1-of (f2 / flash-02)))) + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant (n / nearly + :op1 8300000)) + :location (o / or + :op1 (c2 / county + :quant 16) + :op2 (c3 / city + :wiki "Hubei" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Hubei"))) + :ARG1-of (s3 / say-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 c3)))) + +(c / city + :wiki "Sukabumi" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Sukabumi") + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Indonesia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Indonesia")) + :ARG1-of (m / moderate-03)) + +(c / city + :wiki "Jakarta" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Jakarta") + :time (d / date-entity + :day 27 + :month 10)) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "British_Meteorological_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "BMG" + :op2 "Meteorology" + :op3 "and" + :op4 "Geofísica")) + :ARG1 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (s / strike-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / city + :wiki "Sukabumi" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Sukabumi") + :location (p / province + :wiki "West_Java" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "West" + :op2 "Java") + :location (c3 / country + :wiki "Indonesia" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Indonesia")))) + :ARG2 (e / earthquake + :quant (s2 / seismic-quantity + :quant 5.2) + :ARG1-of (m / measure-01 + :ARG2 (r2 / richter))) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (m2 / monday))) + :ARG2 (r3 / report-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c4 / casualty) + :op2 (l / lose-02 + :ARG1 (m3 / material)))))) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (e / epicenter + :poss (q / quake-01) + :time (d / date-entity + :time "16 :12" + :ARG1-of (l / local-02) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :weekday (s / sunday)))) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (l2 / lattitude + :quant (a2 / angle-quantity + :quant 7)) + :location (s2 / south)) + :op2 (l3 / longitude + :quant (d4 / distance-quantity + :quant 107.23 + :unit (d5 / degree)) + :location (r / relative-position + :op1 (c / city + :wiki "Sukabumi" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Sukabumi") + :location (w / west)) + :direction (s3 / southwest))) + :op3 (r2 / relative-position + :op1 (c2 / city + :wiki "Bandung" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Bandung") + :location (w2 / world-region + :wiki "West_Java" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "West" + :op2 "Java"))) + :quant (d6 / distance-quantity + :quant 13 + :unit (k / kilometer)) + :direction (s4 / southwest)) + :op4 (l4 / level + :mod (s5 / sea) + :quant (d7 / distance-quantity + :quant 12 + :unit (k2 / kilometer)))) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (i / island + :wiki "Indonesia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Indonesia") + :mod (a / archipelago + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (l / large) + :ARG3 (m / most) + :ARG5 (p / planet + :wiki "Earth" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Earth"))))) + :ARG2 (e / edge + :part-of (p2 / plateau + :mod (t / tectonic) + :ARG1-of (p3 / prone-01 + :ARG2 (s / suffer-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / turmoil + :mod (e2 / earthquake))))) + :mod (o / ocean + :wiki "Pacific_Ocean" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Pacific" + :op2 "Ocean")))) + +(h / hit-01 + :ARG0 (e / earthquake + :quant (s / seismic-quantity + :quant 5.0)) + :ARG1 (i / island + :wiki "Solomon_Islands" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Solomon" + :op2 "Islands")) + :ARG2 (s2 / strike-01 + :ARG0 (e2 / earthquake + :quant (s3 / seismic-quantity + :quant 5.0)) + :ARG1 i)) + +(c / city + :wiki "Wellington" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Wellington") + :time (d / date-entity + :day 18 + :month 12)) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / strike-01 + :ARG0 (q / quake-01 + :quant (s2 / seismic-quantity + :quant 5.0 + :scale (r / richter))) + :ARG1 (n / nation + :mod (i / island + :wiki "Solomon_Islands" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Solomon" + :op2 "Islands"))) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (t / thursday)) + :location (o / ocean + :wiki "South_Pacific_Ocean" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Pacific"))) + :op2 (r2 / report-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (c / casualty) + :op2 (d2 / damage-01)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "United_States_Geological_Survey" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US" + :op2 "Geological" + :op3 "Survey")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (e / earthquake + :time (d / date-entity + :time "19 :22" + :timezone "GMT") + :location (c / country + :wiki "New_Zealand" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "NZ"))) + :op2 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (e2 / epicenter) + :ARG2 (r / relative-position + :op1 (c2 / city + :wiki "Honiara" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Honiara")) + :quant (d2 / distance-quantity + :quant 455 + :unit (k / kilometer)) + :direction (n4 / northwest)) + :location (d3 / depth + :quant (d4 / distance-quantity + :quant "145,5" + :unit (k2 / kilometer)))))) + +(h / hit-01 + :ARG1 (n / nation + :location (c / country-region + :wiki "Vanuatu" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Vanuatu") + :location (o / ocean + :wiki "South_Pacific_Ocean" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Pacific")))) + :ARG2 (q / quake + :quant (s / seismic-quantity + :quant 5.3 + :scale (r / richter)) + :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (o2 / or + :op1 (c3 / casualty) + :op2 (d / damage-01)))) + :time (b / before + :quant (m / multiple + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (h2 / hour)))) + :mod (a / also)) + +(a / and + :op1 (h / hit-01 + :ARG0 (q / quake) + :time (d / date-entity + :time "16 :20" + :ARG1-of (l / local-02 + :ARG2 (c / country + :wiki "New_Zealand" + :name (n / name + :op1 "New" + :op2 "Zealand")))) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :time "3 :00" + :timezone "GMT")) + :op2 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (e / epicenter + :poss q) + :ARG2 (r / relative-position + :op1 (c2 / city + :wiki "Port-Vila" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Port-Vila")) + :quant (d3 / distance-quantity + :quant 90 + :unit (k / kilometer)) + :direction (n3 / northeast))) + :op3 (d4 / deep-02 + :ARG1 q + :ARG2 (d5 / distance-quantity + :quant 258.5 + :unit (k2 / kilometer)))) + +(r / relate-02 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s / survive-01 + :ARG1 (c / cyclone))) + :ARG1 (t / tragedy + :poss (c2 / country + :wiki "Nargis" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nargis")))) + +(c / city + :wiki "Yangon" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Yangon") + :time (d / date-entity + :day 13 + :month 5)) + +(r / recount-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s / survive-01 + :ARG1 (c / cyclone)) + :quant (s2 / some) + :ARG1-of (o / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (w / walk-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG2 (p2 / path + :mod (d / difficult)) + :source (r2 / region + :poss p + :ARG1-of (a / affect-01 + :ARG0 (d2 / disaster))) + :direction (a2 / away) + :purpose (s3 / shelter-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (r3 / relative)) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Yangon" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Yangon"))))))) + :ARG1 (e / experience-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (b / bitter) + :time (r4 / recent + :op1 (s4 / storm + :wiki "Cyclone_Nargis" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Cyclone" + :op2 "Nargis") + :time-of (h2 / hit-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / area + :poss p))))) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :weekday (t / tuesday))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (v / villager + :ARG0-of (s2 / survive-01) + :location (d / district + :wiki "Laputta_District" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Laputta") + :location (s3 / southwest + :part-of (c / country + :wiki "Myanmar" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Myanmar"))) + :mod (d2 / delta + :wiki "Ayeyarwady_Delta" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Ayeyawaddy" + :op2 "Delta")))) + :ARG1 (e / experience-01 + :ARG0 v + :ARG1 (t / tragedy + :mod (h / human) + :ARG1-of (t2 / terrible-01))) + :ARG0-of (e2 / escape-01 + :ARG1 (d3 / die-01 + :ARG1 v) + :manner (d4 / difficult + :quant (l / lot)) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (p / phenomenon + :wiki "Cyclone_Nargis" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Nargis"))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s2 / survive-01) + :ARG0-of (f / farm-01 + :ARG2 (v / village + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Laputta") + :location (c / city + :wiki "Pinzalu" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Pinzalu")) + :ARG1-of (l / locate-01 + :location (f2 / far + :op1 (t / town)))))) + :ARG1 (h / hit-01 + :ARG1 v + :ARG2 (h2 / home + :poss v + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-03 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c2 / collapse-01 + :ARG1 h2 + :degree (t2 / total)) + :op2 (w / wash-01 + :ARG1 h2 + :ARG2 (s3 / seamoto + :mod (d / distance-quantity + :quant 20 + :unit (f3 / foot)) + :ARG1-of (h4 / high-02 + :ARG2 (m / more-than + :op1 (d2 / distance-quantity + :quant 6 + :unit (m2 / meter)))) + :ARG1-of (b / bring-01 + :ARG0 (s4 / storm + :mod (c3 / cyclone)))))))) + :ARG1-of (h5 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (b2 / bad-04 + :ARG1 h2 + :ARG2 v) + :ARG3 (m3 / most) + :ARG5 (t3 / township)))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (m2 / manage-02 + :ARG0 h + :ARG1 (e / escape-01 + :ARG0 h + :ARG1 (a / away) + :manner (s2 / swim-01 + :ARG0 h + :ARG2 (w / water))) + :manner (c / carry-01 + :ARG0 h + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 2 + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 h + :ARG2 (d / daughter)) + :mod (s3 / small))))) + :snt2 (d2 / die-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :quant 1 + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 p)) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (s4 / storm + :mod (v / violent)) + :ARG1-of (s5 / short-07)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (h / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (h2 / he) + :ARG1 (a2 / alternative + :mod (o / other) + :ARG2-of (e / except-01 + :ARG1 (l / leave-12 + :ARG0 h2 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG1-of (d / die-01) + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG2 (d2 / daughter))) + :ARG2 (h4 / heat))))) + :op2 (t / try-01 + :ARG0 h2 + :ARG1 (a3 / afloat-01 + :ARG0 h2 + :ARG1 p + :ARG1-of (l2 / long-03)) + :manner (c / clutch-01 + :ARG0 h2 + :ARG1 (b / branch + :part-of (t2 / tree + :ARG1-of (f / fall-01 + :location (n / nearby))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (f / find-01 + :ARG1 (d / die-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (h2 / he) + :ARG2 (d2 / daughter)) + :mod (o / other)) + :location (h3 / hand + :part-of h2)) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (c / cease-01 + :ARG1 (w / wind + :source (s / storm)) + :time (p2 / point + :quant 1)))) + :op2 (s2 / scream-01 + :ARG0 h2)) + +(c / continue-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (r / remember-01 + :ARG0 h + :ARG1 (l / leave-14 + :ARG0 h + :ARG1 (a / alone + :domain h + :mod (l2 / life)) + :time (w / wash-01 + :ARG0 (t / tsunami) + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 h + :ARG2 (p2 / parent))) + :time (b / begin-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / tragedy)))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / she) + :ARG1 (d / drag-01 + :ARG0 (s3 / stormwave) + :ARG1 (o / other + :quant (m / many) + :location (v / village + :poss s2)) + :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01))) + :op2 (a2 / add-01 + :ARG0 s2 + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (w / walk-01 + :ARG0 s2 + :destination (t / town + :wiki "Laputta_Township" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Laputta") + :subevent s4) + :time (a4 / after)) + :op2 (s4 / see-01 + :ARG0 s2 + :ARG1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (h / house + :mod (v2 / village) + :mod (a5 / all)) + :ARG2 (u / under + :op1 (w2 / water))))))) + +(t / try-01 + :ARG0 (s / she) + :ARG1 (s2 / survive-01 + :ARG0 s + :manner (d / drink-01 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (j / juice + :source (c / coconut + :ARG1-of (f / fall-01))))) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (f2 / find-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (w / water + :ARG1-of (d2 / drink-01 + :ARG0 s)) + :op2 (f3 / food) + :ARG1-of (d3 / drink-01 + :ARG0 s))))) + +(t / tell-01 + :ARG0 (v / villager + :mod (a / another)) + :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (e / escape-01 + :ARG0 v + :ARG1 (l / lie-07 + :ARG1 v + :ARG2 (r / roof + :part-of (c / cabañas)))) + :concession-of (h / hit-01 + :ARG1 v + :ARG2 (b / bamboo + :ARG1-of (d / drop-01 + :ARG0 (w / wind))))) + :ARG2 (m / media + :ARG1-of (l2 / local-02))) + +(s / sweep-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s2 / sustain-01 + :ARG1 (s3 / strike-01) + :ARG1-of (p2 / possible-01 + :polarity -))) + :ARG3 (s4 / storm + :time (d / date-entity + :dayperiod (n / night))) + :ARG4 (a / away)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (h / he + :ARG0-of (e / estimate-01 + :ARG1 (d / die-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :poss (v / village + :poss h)) + :ARG3 (p3 / percentage-entity + :value 25))) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / storm))))) + :ARG1 (s3 / see-01 + :ARG0 h + :ARG1 (d2 / die-01 + :ARG1 (p4 / person + :quant (m / many)) + :location (p5 / path)) + :time (w / walk-01 + :ARG0 h + :ARG2 (c2 / city + :wiki "Laputta,_Lapuda" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Laputta"))))) + +(f / follow-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (d / describe-01 + :ARG0 h + :ARG1 (l / live-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :quant 5 + :mod (o / only)) + :mod (s / still) + :location (v / village + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Yway" + :op2 "Ywa") + :ARG1-of (n2 / near-02 + :ARG2 h))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / speak-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (t / teach-01) + :location (v / village + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Yay" + :op2 "Wai" + :op3 "Ywa"))) + :ARG1 (d / drunk + :domain (v2 / village + :poss p) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (s2 / start-01 + :ARG1 (s3 / storm-01)) + :quant (m / multiple + :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (h / hour))))) + :ARG2 (n2 / newspaper + :wiki "Weekly_Eleven" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Weekly" + :op2 "Eleven" + :op3 "News") + :ARG1-of (l / local-02))) + :op2 (a3 / add-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (w / woman + :quant (m2 / most) + :domain (p2 / person + :ARG1-of (d2 / die-01))))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / she) + :ARG1 (c / cry-02 + :ARG0 (p / person + :mod (a / all)) + :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 + :ARG2 (d / devastate-01 + :ARG1 (w / world))) + :time (s3 / storm))) + :snt2 (d2 / die-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (f / family) + :ARG2 (m2 / member)) + :quant (m3 / many)) + :manner (t / together) + :location (r2 / road) + :manner (s4 / series))) + +(e / exclaim-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (f / find-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 h + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG2-of (r / rely-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / relative)) + :ARG1-of (i / instead-of-91 + :ARG2 (r3 / rest-01 + :ARG1 p + :location (p2 / pailllón + :mod (p3 / pay-01) + :ARG1-of (d / deteriorate-01) + :mod (s / some)) + :purpose (s2 / shelter-01 + :ARG1 p)))) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Laputta,_Louisiana" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Laputta")))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG1 (i / i) + :ARG2 (w / wait-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (g / get-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (i2 / it))) + :concession (d / donate-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s2 / support-01) + :quant (s3 / some)) + :ARG1 (c / cannon + :mod (g2 / gingham))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / concern-01 + :ARG0 (p / problem + :topic (h / hygiene) + :ARG1-of (d / derive-01 + :ARG2 (r / remove-01 + :ARG1 (u / urine) + :ARG2 (v / victim + :quant (m / multiple + :op1 10000)) + :location (s / street)))) + :ARG1 (d2 / doctor + :ARG1-of (l / local-02))) + :op2 (t / threaten-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (h2 / health + :poss (b / body + :quant (m2 / multiple + :op1 1000) + :ARG0-of (d3 / disturb-01))) + :mod (a2 / also))) + +(a / and + :op1 (h / hit-01 + :ARG0 (c / cyclone + :wiki "Cyclone_Nargis" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nargis") + :mod (t / tropic) + :ARG0-of (k / kill-01) + :location (o / over + :op1 (b / bay + :wiki "Bay_of_Bengal" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Bengal")))) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (d / division + :quant 5 + :domain (a3 / and + :op1 (c2 / city + :wiki "Yangon" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Yangon")) + :op2 (c3 / city + :wiki "Bago_Township" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Bago")) + :op3 (c4 / city + :wiki "Ayeyawaddy_Township" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Ayeyawaddy") + :part t2) + :op4 (c5 / city + :wiki "Kayin_Township" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Kayin")) + :op5 (c6 / city + :wiki "Mon_Township" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Mon"))))) + :time (a4 / and + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :day 2 + :month 5) + :op2 (d3 / date-entity + :day 3 + :month 5)) + :ARG1-of (s / serious-02)) + :op2 (e / encompass-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (a5 / and + :op1 (t2 / town + :mod (c7 / coast) + :example (a6 / and + :op1 (i / island + :wiki "Haing_Gyi_Island" + :name (n8 / name + :op1 "Haing" + :op2 "Gyi" + :op3 "Island")) + :op2 (c8 / city + :wiki "Pathein_Township" + :name (n9 / name + :op1 "Pathein")) + :op3 (c9 / city + :wiki "Myaungmya_Township" + :name (n10 / name + :op1 "Myaungmya")) + :op4 (c10 / city + :wiki "Lautta_Township" + :name (n11 / name + :op1 "Laputta")) + :op5 (c11 / city + :wiki "Mawlamyinegyun_Township" + :name (n12 / name + :op1 "Mawlamyinegyun")) + :op6 (c12 / city + :wiki "Kyaiklat_Township" + :name (n13 / name + :op1 "Kyaiklat")) + :op7 (c13 / city + :wiki "Phyarpon_Township" + :name (n14 / name + :op1 "Phyarpon")) + :op8 (c14 / city + :wiki "Bogalay_Township" + :name (n15 / name + :op1 "Bogalay")) + :op9 (m / municipality + :quant 45) + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (l / large) + :ARG3 (m2 / most))))) + :op2 (d4 / damage-01 + :ARG1 (i2 / infrastructure) + :ARG1-of (r / record-01 + :time (e2 / ever)) + :ARG1-of (h3 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (h4 / heavy) + :ARG3 (m3 / most))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (t / toll + :mod (d / die-01) + :mod (o / official) + :ARG1-of (u / update-01 + :time (u2 / until + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :weekday (m / monday))))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (l / lose-02 + :ARG0 (p / person + :quant 31938 + :ARG2-of (t2 / total-01)) + :ARG1 (l2 / life) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / cyclone))) + :op2 (m2 / miss-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :quant 29770) + :mod (s2 / still) + :ARG2-of (t3 / total-01)) + :op3 (i / injure-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :quant 1433)))) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 8 + :day 21) + +(c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (w / weapon) + :op3 (p / politics) + :op4 (p2 / proliferate-01) + :op5 (e / energy)) + +(r / reach-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Atomic" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Agency")) + :ARG1 (d / deal-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG2 (o2 / official)) + :ARG0-of (s / state-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / remain-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (i / issue-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (p2 / program + :poss c)) + :op2 (a2 / ambiguity + :polarity - + :topic (a3 / activity-06 + :ARG0 c + :mod (n3 / nucleus))))))))) + +(s / suspect-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S.")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / continent + :wiki "Europe" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Europe")) + :ARG2 (o2 / official)))) + :ARG1 (m / mask-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / program + :poss (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :mod (e / energy + :mod (n4 / nucleus)) + :mod (c4 / civilian)) + :ARG1 (e2 / effort-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (o3 / obtain-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (t / technology + :ARG1-of (u / use-01 + :ARG2 (p4 / produce-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (b / bomb + :mod (a2 / atom))) + :ARG1-of (p5 / possible-01))))))) + +(s / suspect-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S.")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / continent + :wiki "Europe" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Europe")) + :ARG2 (o2 / official)))) + :ARG1 (m / mask-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / program + :poss (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :mod (e / energy + :mod (n4 / nucleus)) + :mod (c4 / civilian)) + :ARG1 (e2 / effort-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (o3 / obtain-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (t / technology + :ARG1-of (u / use-01 + :ARG2 (p4 / produce-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (b / bomb + :mod (a2 / atom))) + :ARG1-of (p5 / possible-01))))))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (i / impose-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :op2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / continent + :wiki "Europe" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Europe")) + :ARG2 (o2 / official)))) + :ARG1 (r / round + :quant 4 + :consist-of (s / sanction-02 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (c3 / city + :wiki "Tehran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Tehran")))) + :time (c4 / consider-02 + :ARG0 (o3 / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Security_Council" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "UN" + :op2 "Security" + :op3 "Council")) + :ARG1 (i2 / issue-02 + :ARG0 (p4 / program + :mod (e / energy + :mod (n5 / nucleus)) + :poss (c5 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Iran")))) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 9 + :year 2007) + :manner (l / likely-01 + :degree (v / very))))) + +(d / distribute-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Atomic" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Agency")) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (c / copy-01 + :ARG1 (r / report-01 + :ARG0 (o2 / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "IAEA")))) + :ARG1-of (l / limit-01)) + :time (a / ahead + :op1 (m / meet-03 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :quant 35 + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 o2 + :ARG2 (m2 / member))) + :ARG1-of (h2 / hold-04 + :time (d2 / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 11 + :year 2007))))) + +(r / reflect-01 + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (f / find-01)) + :ARG2 (a / agree-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / agency) + :ARG1 (b / begin-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (p2 / publish-01 + :ARG0 p) + :time (w / week + :mod (d / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 8 + :day 12))) + :ARG2 (c2 / city + :wiki "Tehran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Tehran")) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 8 + :day 21))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (d / deal) + :ARG1 (r / remain-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p / problem + :polarity -) + :op2 (a2 / ambiguity + :polarity -) + :topic (a3 / and + :op1 (p2 / program + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :op2 (a4 / activity-06 + :ARG0 c + :mod (n2 / nucleus)))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (r / report-01 + :ARG0 (p / publication + :wiki "Reuters" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Reuters") + :mod (a / agency + :mod (n2 / news)))) + :ARG1 (s2 / say-01 + :ARG0 (r2 / report-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "IAEA"))) + :ARG1 (s3 / step-01 + :ARG2 (p2 / plan-01 + :ARG1 (w / work-01)) + :ARG4 (f / forward) + :ARG1-of (m / major-02)))) + +(q / quote-01 + :ARG0 (p / publication + :wiki "Reuters" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Reuters")) + :ARG1 (s / slow-down-03 + :ARG1 (e / effort-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")))) + :ARG1 (e2 / enrich-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (u / uranium)))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "UN")) + :ARG2 (o2 / official + :mod (s2 / senior))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (r / report-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "IAEA"))) + :ARG1 (o2 / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (c / continue-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG2 (o3 / official))) + :ARG1 (b / build-02 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (c3 / confident-01 + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (s2 / scope + :poss c2) + :op2 (n3 / nature + :poss (p2 / program + :mod (n4 / nucleus) + :time (a2 / and + :op1 (p3 / present) + :op2 (f / future)) + :poss c2)))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (o2 / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "IAEA")) + :purpose (a / avoid-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (s2 / sanction-02 + :mod (i / international) + :mod (r / round + :ARG1-of (n3 / new-01)))))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 8 + :day 30)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Ali_Asghar_Soltanieh" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ali" + :op2 "Asghar" + :op3 "Soltanieh") + :ARG0-of (r / represent-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG2 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "IAEA")))) + :ARG1 (e / emphasize-01 + :ARG0 (r2 / report) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (o2 / or + :op1 (s2 / signal-07 + :polarity - + :ARG0 r2 + :ARG1 (d / deflect-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (a2 / activity-06 + :ARG0 c + :mod (n4 / nucleus)))) + :op2 (e2 / evidence-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 r2 + :ARG1 d)) + :op2 (a3 / audit-01 + :ARG1 (m / material + :mod (n5 / nucleus) + :poss c + :mod (a4 / all))))) + :ARG2 (a5 / agency + :wiki "Fars_News_Agency" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Fars" + :op2 "News" + :op3 "Agency") + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Tehran" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Tehran")))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01 + :ARG2 (p2 / proliferate-01 + :polarity -)) + :quant (s2 / some)) + :ARG1 (g / give-in-09 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "IAEA")) + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 o + :ARG3 (t / too)))) + +(w / write-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki "David_Albright" + :name (n / name + :op1 "David" + :op2 "Albright")) + :op2 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Jacqueline" + :op2 "Shire")) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (r / research-institute + :wiki "Institute_for_Science_and_International_Security" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Institute" + :op2 "for" + :op3 "Science" + :op4 "and" + :op5 "International" + :op6 " Security") + :ARG1-of (b / base-01 + :location (c / city + :wiki "Washington,_D.C." + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Washington")))) + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01 + :ARG2 (c2 / control-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / arms)))))) + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (v / violate-01 + :ARG0 (i / idea + :topic (c3 / close-01 + :ARG1 (d / dossier))) + :ARG1 (p4 / principle + :mod (f / fundamental) + :poss (s / safeguard))) + :op2 (s2 / specify-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (a4 / accord-03) + :ARG1 (p5 / provide-01 + :ARG0 a4 + :ARG1 (a5 / access-01 + :ARG0 a4 + :ARG1 (a6 / and + :op1 (p6 / person + :mod (c4 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :op2 (f2 / facility) + :op3 (d2 / document + :ARG1-of (k / key-02)) + :ARG1-of (r2 / require-01 + :purpose (v2 / verify-01 + :ARG0 a4 + :ARG1 (a7 / answer-01 + :ARG0 c4 + :ARG1 (q / question-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "IAEA")))))))) + :ARG2 o)) + :ARG1-of (p7 / publish-01 + :time (w2 / week + :mod (d3 / date-entity + :month 8 + :day 19 + :year 2007))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01) + :ARG0-of (d / depend-01 + :polarity -)) + :ARG1 (m / meet-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (d2 / deal-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "IAEA")) + :mod (l / last) + :ARG0-of (g / give-01 + :ARG1 (a / access-01 + :ARG0 (n3 / nucleus) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (s2 / site + :mod n3 + :quant (m2 / more)) + :op2 (i / information + :quant m2))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (i2 / inspect-01)))) + :ARG1 (d3 / demand-01 + :ARG0 (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "West")) + :ARG1 (s3 / stop-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (p3 / produce-01 + :ARG1 (u / uranium + :ARG1-of (c2 / concentrate-02) + :ARG1-of (u2 / use-01 + :ARG2 (b / bomb) + :ARG1-of (p4 / possible-01)))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Tom_Casey" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tom" + :op2 "Casey") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :wiki "United_States_Department_of_State" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Department") + :poss (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "US"))) + :ARG2 (s2 / spokesman) + :ARG3 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (a / administrate-01) + :mod (p2 / person + :wiki "George_W._Bush" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Bush"))))) + :ARG1 (c2 / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (o / offer-01 + :ARG0 (r / report) + :ARG1 (o2 / or + :op1 (d / detail + :ARG1-of (n5 / new-01) + :quant (s3 / some)) + :op2 (i / information + :quant (s4 / some)) + :topic (d2 / develop-02 + :ARG1 (p4 / program + :poss (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Iran"))))))) + :ARG2 (m / meet-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (p5 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 c3 + :ARG2 (o3 / official))) + :ARG1 (o4 / obligate-01 + :mod (i2 / international) + :topic p4)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "J._K._Casey" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Casey")) + :ARG1 (s2 / show-01 + :ARG0 (c / continue-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / program + :mod (n2 / nucleus)) + :manner (a / advance-01)) + :ARG1 (c2 / continue-01 + :ARG0 (r / regime + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :ARG1 (p3 / path + :mod (c4 / challenge-01 + :ARG0 r + :ARG1 (c5 / community + :mod (i / international))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n / name + :op1 "West")) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01 + :ARG2 (p4 / proliferate-01 + :polarity -))))) + :ARG3 (m / most))) + :ARG1 (c / contain-01 + :ARG0 (a / accord-03 + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 8 + :day 21)) + :ARG1 (l / little + :ARG0-of (d2 / deter-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (r / responsable + :mod (p5 / politics) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Washington,_D.C." + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Washington"))) + :op2 (r2 / responsable + :mod (p6 / politics) + :location (c3 / city + :wiki "London" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "London"))) + :op3 (r3 / responsable + :mod (p7 / politics) + :location (c4 / city + :wiki "Paris" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Paris"))) + :op4 (r4 / responsable + :mod (p8 / politics) + :location (c5 / city + :wiki "Berlin" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Berlin")))) + :ARG2 (p9 / pursue-01 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 (r5 / round-05 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Security_Council" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Security" + :op2 "Council")) + :ARG1 (s2 / sanction-02) + :mod (a3 / another))) + :ARG1-of (p10 / possible-01))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01)) + :ARG1 (r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / resolve-01 + :ARG1 (i / issue + :topic (t / transparency) + :quant (m / many) + :ARG1-of (r3 / resolve-01 + :ARG0 (a / accord-03 + :time (d / date-entity + :month 8 + :day 21 + :year 2007)) + :ARG1-of (a2 / allege-01))) + :time (p2 / previous)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Daryl" + :op2 "G." + :op3 "Kimball") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Arms_Control_Association" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Arms" + :op2 "Control" + :op3 "Association") + :domain (g / group + :consist-of (p2 / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01) + :mod (p3 / partisan + :polarity -)) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Washington,_D.C." + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Washington")))) + :ARG2 (d / director + :mod (e2 / executive)))) + :ARG1 (a / address-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (d2 / deal) + :ARG1 (p4 / problem + :topic (s2 / seek-01 + :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Iran")))) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (t / technology) + :op2 (c3 / capacity + :mod (e3 / enrich-01)) + :ARG0-of (l / lead-03 + :ARG2 (p5 / produce-01 + :ARG1 (m / material + :purpose (b / bomb + :mod (n5 / nucleus)))) + :ARG1-of (p6 / possible-01))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Kimball")) + :ARG1 (d / design-01 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")))) + :ARG0-of (d2 / divert-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c2 / criticize-01) + :op2 (p2 / pressure-01))) + :ARG0-of (c3 / claim-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / progress-01 + :ARG1-of (p4 / progress-01))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (r / reduce-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (i / inspect-01))) + :condition (s2 / sanction-02 + :mod (m / more))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (v / vote-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Security_Council" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Security" + :op2 "Council")) + :ARG1 (f / further-01 + :ARG1 (s / sanction-02 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")))) + :manner (u / unanimous)) + :ARG2 (l / limit-01 + :ARG0 (d / demand-01 + :ARG0 (c3 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States")) + :prep-under (p / pressure-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c4 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "China")) + :op2 (c5 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Russia"))) + :ARG1 c3)) + :ARG1 s)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Ali_Asghar_Soltanieh" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Soltanieh")) + :ARG1 (m / make-02 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (r / report-01) + :op2 (m2 / measure-02)) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (r2 / relevant-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (i / intervene-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :mod (i2 / international) + :mod (a3 / any) + :ARG2-of (i3 / include-01 + :ARG1 (o2 / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Security_Council" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Security" + :op2 "Council")))))) + :op2 (j / justify-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 i))) + :medium (i4 / interview-01 + :ARG0 (t / television + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :ARG1 p)) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 9 + :day 30) + +(c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Israel")) + +(a / and + :op1 (p / proliferate-01) + :op2 (t / technology) + :op3 (i / international) + :op4 (p2 / politics)) + +(d / distribute-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / document + :ARG0-of (o / outline-01 + :ARG1 (p / propose-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :ARG1 (a / allow-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (t / transfer-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / technology + :mod (n2 / nucleus)) + :ARG2 (s / state + :ARG0-of (s2 / sign-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (s3 / standard + :mod (p2 / proliferate-01 + :polarity -)))) + :mod (i / international)))))) + :ARG2 (o2 / organization + :wiki "Nuclear_Power_Group" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Nuclear" + :op2 "Power" + :op3 "Group"))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (c / complicate-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / propose-01) + :ARG1 (e / effort-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG1-of (a / administrate-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :wiki "George_W._Bush" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Bush")))) + :ARG1 (o / obtain-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (e2 / exempt-01 + :ARG2 (p4 / participate-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "India")) + :ARG1 (t / trade-01 + :mod (n3 / nucleus)))))))) + +(c / convince-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (g / group + :ARG1-of (k / key-02) + :consist-of (n2 / nation + :ARG1-of (i / involve-01 + :ARG2 (t / trade-01 + :mod (n3 / nucleus))))) + :ARG2 (a / adopt-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (g2 / guideline + :ARG1-of (n4 / new-01) + :ARG0-of (a2 / allow-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / transfer-01 + :ARG1 (t3 / technology + :mod n3) + :ARG2 (s / state + :ARG0-of (s2 / sign-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (s3 / standard + :mod (p2 / proliferate-01 + :polarity -)))) + :mod (i2 / international)))))) + +(b / ban-01 + :ARG1 (p / participate-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "India")) + :ARG1 (t / trade-01 + :mod (n / nucleus) + :mod (i / international) + :ARG2-of (i2 / include-01 + :ARG1 (b2 / buy-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (r / reactor + :mod (u / uranium)) + :op2 (f / fuel + :source u) + :op3 (y / yellowcake)))))) + :ARG2 (c / country + :example (a / and + :op1 c2 + :op2 (c3 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :op3 (c4 / country + :wiki "Pakistan" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Pakistan"))) + :ARG0-of (s / sign-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (t2 / treaty + :wiki "Treaty_on_the_Non-Proliferation_of_Nuclear_Weapons" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Nuclear" + :op2 "Nonproliferation" + :op3 "Treaty"))))) + +(d / distribute-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / document + :ARG0-of (o / outline-01 + :ARG1 (p / propose-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :ARG2 (o2 / organization + :wiki "New_South_Wales_Nuclear_Weapons_Corporation" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Nuclear" + :op2 "Weapons" + :op3 "Group") + :consist-of (c2 / country + :quant 45 + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 o2 + :ARG2 (m / member))))))) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :month 3 + :year 2007)) + +(p / produce-02 + :ARG1 (d / document + :mod (o / official) + :ARG0-of (a / allow-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / deny-01 + :mod (o2 / official)))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Israel")))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (l / letter + :time (d / date-entity + :month 3 + :day 17 + :year 2007) + :source (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (p2 / publication + :wiki "Globonews" + :name (n / name + :op1 "GSN")) + :ARG2 (p3 / president)))) + :ARG1 (o / offer-01 + :ARG1 (p4 / present-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Israel"))) + :prep-in (c2 / context + :mod (d2 / debate-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (p5 / propose-01 + :ARG0 (p6 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "India")) + :ARG2 (o2 / official))) + :ARG1 (o3 / obtain-01 + :ARG0 p6 + :ARG1 (e / exempt-01))))))) + +(q / qualify-02 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n / name + :op1 "India")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :mod (o / only) + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (n3 / nation + :ARG0-of (s / sign-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (t / treaty))))) + :ARG2 (a2 / admit-01 + :ARG1 a + :ARG2 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Government_of_Palestine" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "GSN"))) + :ARG1-of (s2 / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / propose-01 + :ARG0 c2))) + +(o / offer-01 + :ARG0 (p / plan + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Israel"))) + :ARG1 (c2 / criteria + :quant 12) + :purpose (a / allow-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (t / trade-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG2 (s / state + :ARG0-of (s2 / sign-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (t2 / treaty))) + :mod (n2 / nucleus)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / indicate-01 + :ARG0 (c / criterion + :mod 1) + :ARG1 (h / have-condition-91 + :ARG2 (s / state + :mod (w / weapon + :mod (n / nucleus) + :ARG1-of (d / declare-02 + :polarity -))))) + :op2 (s2 / say-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / allow-01 + :ARG1 (p / participate-01 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (t / trade-01 + :mod (n2 / nucleus))) + :condition (a3 / apply-02 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (a4 / and + :op1 (m / measure-02 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (p2 / protect-01 + :mod (p3 / physical))) + :op2 (c2 / control-01 + :ARG0 s) + :op3 (m2 / measure-02 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (a5 / account-01 + :ARG0 s))) + :ARG2 (a6 / and + :op1 (w2 / weapon + :mod (n3 / nucleus) + :mod (a7 / all)) + :op2 (f / facility + :mod n3) + :op3 (m3 / material + :mod n3 + :mod (b / basic)) + :op4 (m4 / material + :mod n3 + :ARG1-of (s3 / special-02)) + :location (t2 / territory + :poss s))))))) + +(c / circulate-01 + :ARG1 (d / document) + :location (g / government-organization + :wiki "United_States_Congress" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Capitol")) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :month 9 + :year 2007) + :time (w / work-01 + :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (a / administrate-01) + :mod (p / person + :wiki "George_W._Bush" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Bush"))) + :ARG1 (r / reach-01 + :ARG0 g2 + :ARG1 (d3 / deal-01 + :ARG0 g2 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "India")) + :ARG2 (o / official))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Daryl" + :op2 "Kimball") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Arms_Control_Association" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Arms" + :op2 "Control" + :op3 "Association") + :location (c / city + :wiki "Washington,_D.C." + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Washington"))) + :ARG2 (d / director + :mod (e / executive)))) + :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (a / affect-01 + :ARG0 (d2 / document + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Israel"))) + :ARG1 (d3 / debate-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "India")))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Kimball"))) + +(d / dynamic + :location (p / publication + :wiki "GSN" + :name (n / name + :op1 "GSN")) + :domain (w / want-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (h2 / hinder-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "India") + :ARG1-of (h3 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (b / big) + :ARG3 (m / most))) + :op2 (c3 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "US") + :ARG1-of (h4 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (p3 / powerful-02 + :ARG1 c3) + :ARG3 (m2 / most))))))) + +(d / difficult + :domain (r / reach-01 + :ARG1 (c / consensus + :topic (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n / name + :op1 "India")))) + :time (m / meet-03 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Government_of_South_India" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "GSN")) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 11))) + +(g / give-01 + :ARG0 (p / propose-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Israel"))) + :ARG1 (g2 / ground-02 + :ARG1 (s2 / specific-02) + :purpose (s / suggest-01 + :ARG0 s2 + :ARG1 (a / approach-02 + :ARG1 (e / exempt-01 + :ARG1-of s2) + :mod (a2 / alternative)))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :mod (s3 / some)) + :ARG2 (o / official)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (g / good-02 + :ARG1 (r / record + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Israel")))) + :op2 (g2 / good-02 + :ARG1 r + :topic (f / follow-02 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (s / standard + :mod (n2 / nucleus) + :mod (i / international))) + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 r + :ARG3 (m / more) + :ARG4 (r2 / record + :poss (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "India")))))) + +(t / turn-down-05 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (a / administrate-01) + :mod (p / person + :wiki "George_W._Bush" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Bush"))) + :ARG1 (p2 / propose-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Israel"))) + :concession (l / link-01 + :ARG1 c + :ARG2 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "America")))))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (c / complicate-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / propose-01) + :ARG1 (e / effort-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG1-of (a / administrate-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :wiki "George_W._Bush" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Bush")))) + :ARG1 (o / obtain-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (e2 / exempt-01 + :ARG2 (p4 / participate-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "India")) + :ARG1 (t / trade-01 + :mod (n3 / nucleus)))))))) + +(v / view-02 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki "George_W._Bush" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Bush") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / president))) + :op2 (p3 / person + :wiki "Condoleezza_Rice" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Condoleezza" + :op2 "Rice") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (s / secretary + :topic (f / foreign))))) + :ARG1 (m / military + :wiki "United_States_Pact" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Pact")) + :ARG2 (h3 / have-part-91 + :ARG1 (l / legacy + :mod (p4 / policy-01 + :ARG2 (f2 / foreign)) + :poss (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (a2 / administrate-01) + :mod p)) + :ARG1-of (i / important-01))) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / controversy + :domain (d / deal-01) + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n / name + :op1 "India"))) + :op2 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :wiki "United_States_Congress" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Congress")) + :ARG2 (p / pass-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 d))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (a / affect-01 + :ARG0 (d / delay-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / approve-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / deal-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n / name + :op1 "India"))))) + :ARG1 (l / legacy + :poss (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (a3 / administrate-01)) + :mod (p2 / policy-01 + :ARG2 (f / foreign))) + :ARG2 (n2 / negative-02 + :ARG0 d + :ARG1 l + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 d + :ARG3 (m / most)))) + :prep-as (a4 / affect-01 + :ARG0 d + :ARG1 (y / year + :time-of (e / elect-01) + :quant (u / up-to + :op1 1)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Tom_Casey" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tom" + :op2 "Casey") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :wiki "United_States_Department_of_State" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Department")) + :ARG2 (s2 / spokesman))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c / consider-01 + :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "US")))) + :ARG1 (u / unique-01 + :ARG1 (d / deal-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "India"))))) + :op2 (s3 / see-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 g2 + :ARG1 d + :ARG2 (p2 / precedent + :beneficiary (c4 / country + :mod (o / other + :mod (a2 / any)) + :ARG2-of (i / include-01 + :ARG1 (c5 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Israel")))) + :domain d)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "David_Siegel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "David" + :op2 "Siegel") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (e / embassy + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Israel"))) + :ARG2 (s2 / spokesman))) + :ARG1 (a / accurate + :polarity - + :domain (s3 / suggest-01 + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (d / demand-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 c)) + :ARG1 (e2 / exempt-01)) + :op2 (l / link-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (e3 / effort-01 + :ARG0 g) + :ARG2 (i / issue-02 + :mod (o2 / other + :mod (a2 / any)) + :ARG2-of (i2 / include-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / debate-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "India")))))))) + :degree (t / tremendous))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Frank_Seigel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Seigel"))) + +(a / and + :op1 (d / demand-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Israel")))) + :ARG1 (e / exempt-01 + :ARG1 (g4 / government-organization + :wiki "Government_of_Palestine" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "GSN")) + :ARG2 (g3 / guideline + :topic (s / supply-01 + :ARG1 (n2 / nucleus)))) + :ARG2 g4 + :time (e2 / ever)) + :op2 (r / request-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 e + :ARG2 g4 + :ARG1-of (s2 / specific-02))) + +(r / recognize-02 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :ARG2 (a / adhere-02 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (g / guideline + :poss (g2 / government-organization + :wiki "Government_of_Palestine" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "GSN"))) + :ARG1-of (f / fledge-01 + :degree (f2 / full)))) + +(u / urge-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Israel")))) + :ARG1 (g3 / government-organization + :wiki "Government_of_Palestine" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "GSN")) + :ARG2 (c2 / consider-02 + :ARG1 (a / adopt-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / approach-02 + :mod (g4 / generic) + :mod (l / level + :quant (m / multiple)) + :ARG1-of (b / base-02 + :ARG2 (c3 / criteria + :purpose (t / transfer-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / technology + :mod (n3 / nucleus))))))))) + +(s / suggest-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :poss (g / government-organization + :wiki "Georgian_Security_Service" + :name (n / name + :op1 "GSN"))) + :ARG2 (o / official)) + :quant (s2 / some)) + :ARG1 (a / approach-02 + :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 + :ARG2 (p2 / plan-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Israel"))))) + :time (p3 / previous)) + +(i / improve-01 + :ARG1 (r / regime + :mod (p / proliferate-01 + :polarity - + :mod (n / nucleus))) + :degree (g / great) + :condition (a / amend-01 + :ARG1 (g2 / guideline + :poss (g3 / government-organization + :wiki "Government_of_Palestine" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "GSN"))) + :ARG3 (l / line + :ARG1-of (p2 / propose-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :ARG2 (o / official))))))) + +(d / date-entity + :day 26 + :month 7 + :year 2008) + +(c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (p / proliferate-01)) + +(a / announce-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ahmadinejad")) + :ARG1 (e / expand-01 + :ARG1 (c / capacity + :ARG0-of (p2 / produce-01 + :ARG1 (u / uranium)) + :poss (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran"))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (r / refuse-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (c3 / commit-01 + :ARG1 c2 + :ARG2 (s / stop-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (e / expand-01 + :ARG1 c2)))) + :ARG2 (i / intimate-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (s2 / stop-01 + :time (f / future) + :ARG1-of (p / possible-01)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mahmoud" + :op2 "Ahmadinejad") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG2 (p2 / president))) + :ARG1 (e / expand-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (a / arsenal + :consist-of (c2 / centrifuge + :ARG0-of (p3 / produce-01 + :ARG1 (u / uranium + :ARG1-of (e2 / enrich-01)))) + :poss c) + :ARG4 (m / more-than + :op1 5000)) + :ARG2 (s2 / scholar) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 7 + :day 26) + :location (c3 / city + :wiki "Mashbad" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Mashbad") + :location (n4 / northeast))) + +(s / state-01 + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1) + :domain (s2 / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ahmadinejad")) + :ARG1 (e / expand-01 + :time (s3 / since + :op1 (a / announce-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / approach-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG2 (i / implement-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / centrifuge + :quant 6000))) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 4 + :year 2008)))))) + +(a / artize-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (a2 / aim-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (i / install-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (c2 / centrifuge + :quant 50000) + :ARG2 (p / plant + :ARG0-of (e / enrich-01) + :ARG1-of (n2 / near-02 + :ARG2 (c3 / city + :wiki "Natanz" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Natanz"))))))) + +(d / demand-01 + :ARG0 (c / community + :mod (i / international)) + :ARG1 (s / stop-01 + :ARG0 (p / produce-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (m / material + :mod (n2 / nucleus))) + :ARG1 p)) + +(d / dispute-01 + :ARG0 (r / report-01 + :ARG0 (m / media)) + :ARG2 (n / number + :quant-of (c / centrifuge + :ARG1-of (c2 / cite-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Ahmadinejad")))))) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG0 (a / agency + :mod (n / news) + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :ARG1 (s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Ahmadinejad")) + :ARG1 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (c2 / centrifuge + :quant 6000 + :ARG1-of (o / operate-01)))) + :concession-of (r2 / remove-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (s2 / state-01)) + :ARG2 (i / internet) + :time (a2 / after))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (a / agency + :mod (n / news) + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :mod (a2 / another)) + :ARG1 (r / refer-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Ahmadinejad")) + :ARG1 (c2 / centrifuge + :quant (m / multiple + :op1 100000)))) + +(d / dismiss-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01)) + :ARG1 (i / important-01 + :ARG1 (s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ahmadinejad"))) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (l / lack-01 + :ARG1 (i2 / information + :topic (f / function-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / centrifuge))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (d / diplomat + :mod (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n / name + :op1 "West")))) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Tehran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Tehran"))) + :ARG1 (i / important-01 + :ARG1 (n3 / number + :quant-of (c2 / centrifuge)) + :ARG2-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 n3 + :ARG3 (l / less) + :ARG4 (h3 / have-condition-91 + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (o / operate-01 + :ARG1 (m / machine)) + :op2 (e / efficient-01 + :ARG1 m)))) + :concession-of (h4 / hinder-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / state-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Ahmadinejad"))) + :ARG1 (r / resolve-01 + :ARG1 (s3 / standoff + :mod (d2 / diplomacy) + :mod (b / between + :op1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :op2 w))))) + :condition (a2 / anonymous + :domain p)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Jeffrey" + :op2 "G." + :op3 "Lewis") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "America_Foundation" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "America" + :op2 "Foundation") + :consist-of (g / group + :ARG1-of (n3 / new-01) + :consist-of (p2 / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01)))) + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :ARG1-of (e2 / expert-01 + :ARG2 (c / control-01 + :ARG1 (a / arm)))))) + :ARG1 (r / realize-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (t / target-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (a2 / assemble-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (c3 / centrifuge + :quant 6000)) + :concession (k / know-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (s2 / state + :mod (o2 / operate-01 + :ARG1 c3)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (d / diplomat))) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01 + :ARG2 (c / control-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / armament))))) + :ARG1 (h2 / hamper-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / problem + :mod (t / technical)) + :ARG1 (p4 / program + :mod (e2 / enrich-01) + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran"))))) + +(c / claim-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (t / target-01 + :ARG0 (p / program + :mod (n2 / nucleus) + :poss c2) + :ARG1 (p2 / produce-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (e / electricity) + :mod (o / only))) + :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (c4 / contradict-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / produce-01 + :ARG1 (w / weapon + :mod (n3 / nucleus))) + :ARG1 (p4 / principle + :poss (r / religious-group + :wiki "Islam" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Islam"))))) + :ARG1-of (r2 / repeat-01)) + +(b / believe-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :op3 (c3 / continent + :wiki "Europe" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Europe")) + :op4 (p / person + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01 + :ARG2 (c4 / control-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / armament)))) + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "West")))) + :ARG3 (m / most)))) + :ARG1 (s / seek-01 + :ARG0 (c5 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (c6 / capable-01 + :ARG1 c5 + :ARG2 (p4 / produce-01 + :ARG0 c5 + :ARG1 (b2 / bomb))) + :condition (d / decide-01 + :polarity - + :time (i2 / immediate)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01)))) + :ARG1 (p3 / produce-01 + :ARG1 (u / uranium + :mod (w / weapons-grade)) + :ARG2 (m / material + :mod (r / reactor)) + :ARG1-of (s2 / simple-02 + :ARG2-of (r2 / relative-05)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ahmadinejad")) + :ARG1 (s2 / seek-01 + :ARG0 (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "West")) + :ARG1 (r / resume-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (n3 / negotiate-01)) + :mod (s3 / still) + :time (a / after + :op1 (r2 / resist-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (d / demand-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (s4 / stop-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (a2 / activity-06 + :mod (n5 / nucleus)))))))) + +(o / offer-01 + :quant 2 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Javier_Solana" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Javier" + :op2 "Solana") + :ARG0-of (h / head-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / policy-01 + :ARG2 (f / foreign) + :mod (o2 / organization + :wiki "European_Union" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "EU"))))) + :ARG2 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :time (r / recent)) + +(t / thing + :ARG0-of (i / incentivize-01) + :ARG1-of (b / back-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US"))) + :ARG0-of (s / stop-01 + :ARG1 (p / produce-01 + :ARG1 (u / uranium + :ARG1-of (e / enrich-01))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (p / period + :time-of (f / freeze-01 + :manner (f2 / freeze-02)) + :time (p2 / prior + :op1 (n / negotiate-01 + :duration (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 6 + :unit (w / week)))) + :time-of (a2 / and + :op1 (a3 / add-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (c2 / centrifuge)) + :op2 (r / refrain-01 + :ARG0 (w2 / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "West")) + :ARG1 (p3 / promote-02 + :ARG0 w2 + :ARG1 (r2 / round + :mod (q / quarter + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 4)) + :mod (s / sanction-02 + :ARG0 w2 + :ARG1 c + :mod (e / economy))) + :ARG2 (o2 / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Security_Council" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "UN" + :op2 "Security" + :op3 "Council"))))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S.")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (b / begin-01 + :ARG1 (n2 / negotiate-01 + :ARG0 p) + :time (b2 / before + :op1 (s2 / stop-01 + :ARG0 (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (a / activity-06 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1-of (r / relate-01 + :ARG2 (e / enrich-01)) + :mod (a2 / all) + :ARG1-of (v / verify-01 + :ARG1-of (p3 / possible-01))))))) + :ARG1-of (r2 / repeat-01)) + :ARG2 (a3 / and + :op1 (a4 / accept-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (a5 / administrate-01) + :mod (p4 / person + :wiki "George_W._Bush" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Bush"))) + :ARG1 (p5 / propose-01 + :ARG1 (f / freeze-01 + :manner (f2 / freeze-02))) + :time (r3 / recent)) + :op2 (s3 / send-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (b3 / burn-01) + :ARG2 (c4 / city + :wiki "Geneva" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Geneva"))))) + +(r / refuse-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (r2 / respond-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (o / offer-01 + :ARG0 (m / military + :wiki "Solana" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Solana")))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 7 + :day 26) + :time (t / talk-01 + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Geneva" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Geneva")) + :ARG1-of (a / attend-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "William_J._Burns" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "William" + :op2 "J." + :op3 "Burns") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "U.S.")) + :ARG2 (s / secretary + :mod (s2 / state) + :mod (d2 / deputy))))))) + +(f / form-01 + :ARG0 (t / talk-01) + :ARG1 (c / contact-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US")) + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :mod (d / diplomacy) + :mod (l / level + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (h2 / high-02) + :ARG3 (m / most) + :ARG5 (b / before + :op1 (n3 / now) + :duration (a / almost + :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 30 + :unit (y / year)))))))) + +(s / set-02 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki "Javier_Solana" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Solana")) + :op2 (p2 / person + :wiki "Charles_Burns" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Burns")) + :op3 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / continent + :wiki "Europe" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Europe")) + :ARG2 (e / envoy)))) + :ARG1 (t / time) + :ARG2 (r / respond-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :manner (p4 / positive) + :time (b / before + :op1 (b2 / begin-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (s2 / sanction-02 + :ARG1-of (n5 / new-01) + :ARG2-of (i / include-01 + :ARG1 (b3 / ban-01 + :ARG1 (s3 / sell-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (p5 / product + :mod (o / oil) + :mod (v / vital) + :ARG1-of (r2 / refine-01) + :poss c2))))))))) + +(r / refuse-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (c2 / commit-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (o2 / or + :op1 (s / stop-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (e / expand-01 + :ARG1 c)) + :op2 (r2 / respect-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (t / term))))) + +(s / seem-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / suggest-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ahmadinejad")) + :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (s3 / stop-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (e / expand-01 + :manner (n3 / number + :quant-of (c2 / centrifuge) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (l / large) + :ARG3 (m / more) + :ARG4 (e2 / expect-01 + :time (p3 / previous))))) + :mod (p4 / potential) + :duration (o / over + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 6 + :unit (w / week)))))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 7 + :day 26)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ahmadinejad")) + :ARG1 (c / consent-01 + :ARG0 (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "West")) + :ARG1 (o / operate-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / centrifuge + :quant (b / between + :op1 5000 + :op2 6000) + :ARG1-of (e / exist-01)) + :condition (i / increase-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (n3 / number))))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / produce-01 + :ARG0 (c / centrifuge + :quant 5000) + :ARG1 (m / material + :mod (n / nucleus) + :ARG1-of (h / have-quant-91 + :ARG3 (e / enough) + :ARG6 (o / or + :op1 (p3 / plant + :mod (p4 / power)) + :op2 (b / bomb + :mod (a / atom))))) + :condition (e2 / enrich-01 + :ARG1 (m2 / material) + :degree (a2 / abundant)))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / produce-01 + :ARG0 (c / centrifuge + :quant 6000 + :ARG0-of (c2 / continue-01)) + :ARG1 (u / uranium + :mod (w / weapons-grade) + :ARG1-of (h / have-quant-91 + :ARG3 (e / enough) + :ARG6 (b / bomb + :quant 1))) + :time (a / after + :quant (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 6 + :unit (m / month))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Atomic" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Agency")) + :ARG1 (p / possess-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (c2 / centrifuge + :quant 3500 + :ARG1-of (o2 / operate-01))) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 5 + :year 2008)) + +(d / date-entity + :month 11 + :day 14 + :year 2008) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russian" + :op2 "Federation")) + :op3 (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "China")) + :op4 (c4 / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "France")) + :op5 (c5 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States"))) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (w / weapon) + :op3 (p / proliferate-01) + :op4 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :op5 (p2 / politics) + :op6 (e / energy)) + +(c / conclude-02 + :ARG1 (m / meet-03 + :mod (d / diplomacy) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Paris" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Paris"))) + :ARG2 (a / agree-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (m2 / measure-02 + :ARG1 (p / pressure-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG2 (h / halt-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (e / enrich-01 + :ARG1 (u / uranium) + :location (f / facility + :location (c4 / city + :wiki "Natanz" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Natanz")) + :poss c3)))) + :ARG1-of (n4 / new-01)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (d / diplomat))) + :ARG1 (r / reach-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :op2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / continent + :wiki "Europe" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Europe")) + :ARG2 (o2 / official))) + :op3 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (h4 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG2 (o3 / official))) + :op4 (p5 / person + :ARG0-of (h5 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c4 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG2 (o4 / official))) + :time (m / meet-03 + :location (c5 / city + :wiki "Paris" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Paris")) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 11 + :day 13))) + :ARG1 (a2 / agree-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / act-02 + :ARG1-of (n6 / new-01) + :ARG0-of (p6 / persuade-01 + :ARG1 (c6 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG2 (s2 / stop-01 + :ARG0 c6 + :ARG1 (e / enrich-01 + :ARG1 (u / uranium) + :location (f / facility + :location (c7 / city + :wiki "Natanz" + :name (n8 / name + :op1 "Natanz")) + :poss c6)))))) + :ARG2 (m2 / media) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 11 + :day 14))) + +(p / process-02 + :ARG1 (e / enrich-01 + :ARG1 (u / uranium)) + :mod (t / technical + :degree (h / high-02)) + :ARG0-of (p2 / produce-01 + :ARG1 (f / fuel) + :ARG3 (p3 / plant + :mod (p4 / power + :mod (n / nucleus))) + :purpose (m / material + :mod (f2 / fissile) + :purpose (w / weapon + :mod (a / atom))) + :ARG1-of (p5 / possible-01))) + +(e / end-01 + :ARG1 (m / meet-03 + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 11 + :day 13)) + :manner (h / have-03 + :polarity - + :ARG0 m + :ARG1 (m2 / measure-02 + :ARG1-of (n / new-01) + :ARG1-of (a / announce-01 + :ARG0 m)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_(France)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Foreign" + :op2 "Ministry") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "France"))) + :time (a / after + :op1 (m / meet-03 + :time (d / date-entity + :day 13 + :month 11 + :year 2008))) + :medium-of (s2 / state-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (r / reaffirm-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / community + :mod (i / international)) + :ARG1 (i2 / important-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / approach-02 + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (c3 / collaborate-01 + :ARG1 (c4 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :manner (d2 / diplomacy)) + :op2 (w / work-01 + :ARG1 (i3 / impose-01 + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (s3 / sanction-02))))) + :mod (w2 / way + :quant 2)))))) + +(r / resist-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China"))) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (s / sanction-02 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :ARG1-of (n4 / new-01))) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / close-13 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (p / politics) + :op2 (t / trade-01)) + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :op2 (f / feel-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (p2 / pressure-01 + :ARG1 c2 + :ARG2 (a3 / act-02 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (a4 / against + :op1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Islamic" + :op2 "Republic") + :poss c2))) + :mod (i / internal))) + :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / tie-01 + :ARG1 (c5 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG2 (c6 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG3 (p3 / politics)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (l / link-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US")) + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :mod (p / politics) + :mod (t / trade-01) + :ARG1-of (c3 / close-13)) + :op2 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (p2 / pressure-01 + :ARG1 c + :ARG2 (a2 / act-02 + :ARG0 c + :prep-against (r / republic + :mod (r2 / religious-group + :wiki "Islam" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Islam")) + :poss c2)) + :mod (i / internal)))) + +(h / have-03 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China"))) + :ARG1 (p / power + :mod (v / veto) + :topic (d / decide-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Security_Council" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Security" + :op2 "Council"))))) + +(q / quote-01 + :ARG0 (a / agency + :wiki "Interfax" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Interfax") + :location (c / city + :wiki "Moscow" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Moscow")) + :mod (n3 / news)) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (r / reach-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (p / party) + :ARG1 (a3 / agree-01 + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (s / sanction-02 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Iran"))))) + :time (m / meet-03 + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 11 + :day 13))) + :op2 (s2 / support-01 + :ARG0 (c3 / country + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "West"))) + :ARG1 t + :concession (s3 / support-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (a4 / and + :op1 (c4 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "China")) + :op2 (c5 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Russia"))) + :ARG1 (t2 / thing + :ARG2-of (s4 / sanction-02 + :ARG1 c2))))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n8 / name + :op1 "Sergei" + :op2 "Ryabkov") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c6 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n9 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG2 (d2 / diplomat)))) + +(p / participate-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Serguéi" + :op2 "Ryabkov")) + :ARG1 (m / meet-03 + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 11 + :day 13))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (r / report + :ARG1-of (r2 / release-01 + :time (w / week + :mod (t / this)))) + :ARG1 (p / progress-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1-of (s2 / significant-02) + :location (f / facility + :poss (r3 / reactor + :mod (r4 / research-01 + :ARG1 (w2 / water + :mod (h / heavy)))) + :ARG1-of (n2 / near-02 + :ARG2 (c2 / city + :wiki "Arak,_Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Arak")))))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / produce-01 + :ARG0 (r / reactor + :location (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :purpose (r2 / research-01 + :ARG1 (w / water + :mod (h / heavy))) + :ARG1-of (n2 / near-02 + :ARG2 (c2 / city + :wiki "Arak,_Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Arak")))) + :ARG1 (p3 / plutonium + :ARG1-of (u / use-01 + :ARG2 (w2 / weapon + :mod (n4 / nucleus)) + :ARG1-of (p4 / possible-01))) + :time (e / eventual))) + +(s / show-01 + :ARG0 (i / image + :source (s2 / satellite) + :ARG1-of (p / publish-01 + :ARG0 (r / research-institute + :wiki "Institute_for_Science_and_International_Security" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Institute" + :op2 "for" + :op3 "Science" + :op4 "and" + :op5 "International" + :op6 " Security")))) + :ARG1 (p2 / progress-01 + :ARG1 (c / construct-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / reactor + :mod (r3 / research-01 + :ARG1 (w / water + :mod (h / heavy))) + :ARG1-of (n2 / near-02 + :ARG2 (c2 / city + :wiki "Arak,_Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Arak"))))) + :ARG2 (s3 / significant-02) + :time (d / date-interval + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :year 2004 + :month 2) + :op2 (d3 / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 10)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "David_Albright" + :name (n / name + :op1 "David" + :op2 "Albright")) + :ARG1 (a / attend-02 + :ARG0 (c / community + :mod (i / international) + :topic (s2 / security)) + :ARG1 (r / reactor + :mod (r2 / research-01 + :ARG1 (w / water + :mod (h / heavy))) + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1-of (n3 / near-02 + :ARG2 (c3 / city + :wiki "Arak,_Iran" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Arak")))) + :ARG1-of (c4 / care-04))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "David_Albright" + :name (n / name + :op1 "David" + :op2 "Albright")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / progress-01 + :ARG1 (r / reactor + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG0-of (r2 / research-01 + :ARG1 (w / water + :mod (h / heavy))) + :ARG1-of (n3 / near-02 + :ARG2 (c2 / city + :wiki "Arak,_Iran" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Arak")))) + :ARG1-of (s2 / significant-02 + :ARG2 (i / image + :source (s3 / satellite)))) + :op2 (m / move-01 + :ARG1 r + :ARG2 (s4 / structure + :mod (c3 / construct-01)) + :ARG3 (f / facility + :ARG1-of (c4 / complete-01 + :mod (p3 / practical))) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (n5 / now) + :quant (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1.5 + :unit (y / year)))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "David_Albright" + :name (n / name + :op1 "David" + :op2 "Albright")) + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Institute_for_Science_and_International_Security" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Institute" + :op2 "for" + :op3 "Science" + :op4 "and" + :op5 "International" + :op6 " Security") + :ARG1-of (b / base-01 + :location (c / city + :wiki "Washington,_D.C." + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Washington" + :op2 "DC")))) + :ARG2 (d / director) + :time (f / former)) + :op2 (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 o + :ARG2 (i / inspector + :mod (w / weapon)) + :time (c2 / current))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (s2 / seek-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (t / technology + :mod (n2 / nucleus) + :purpose (a / and + :op1 (p / produce-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (e / energy)) + :op2 (r / research-01 + :ARG0 c))))) + +(s / suspect-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States")) + :op2 (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "West") + :ARG1-of (a2 / ally-01 + :ARG2 c))) + :ARG1 (e / effort-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (p / produce-01 + :ARG0 c2) + :mod (p2 / precede-01 + :ARG2 (c3 / create-01 + :ARG1 (i / infrastructure + :mod (w2 / weapon + :mod (n4 / nucleus))))))) + +(l / legal-02 + :ARG1 (p / produce-01 + :ARG1 (u / uranium + :mod (q / quality + :ARG1-of (l2 / low-04)))) + :ARG1-of (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (r / regulate-01 + :ARG1 (c / control-01 + :ARG1 (a / arm)) + :mod (i / international)))) + +(s / show-01 + :ARG0 (e / event + :mod (l / last) + :topic (d / develop-02 + :ARG1 (t / technology + :mod (n / nucleus) + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran"))))) + :ARG1 (c2 / complex + :mod (d2 / difficult + :mod (d3 / diplomacy)) + :mod (t2 / technical) + :ARG1-of (f / face-01 + :ARG0 (t3 / team + :mod (n3 / next) + :consist-of (p / person + :wiki "Barack_Obama" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Barack" + :op2 "Obama") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States")) + :ARG2 (p2 / president + :ARG2-of (e2 / elect-01)))) + :purpose (p3 / policy-01 + :ARG2 (f2 / foreign))) + :time (t4 / take-01 + :ARG0 t3 + :ARG1 (t5 / task-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / stop-03 + :ARG0 t3 + :ARG1 c + :ARG2 (d4 / donate-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (t6 / technology + :ARG1-of (u / use-01 + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (m / make-01 + :ARG1 (w / weapon + :mod (n6 / nucleus))) + :op2 (t7 / transport-01 + :ARG1 w))) + :ARG1-of (p4 / possible-01))))))))) + +(s / succeed-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (a / administrate-01) + :poss (p / person + :wiki "George_W._Bush" + :name (n / name + :op1 "George" + :op2 "W." + :op3 "Bush") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "US")) + :ARG2 (p2 / president))) + :time (m / month + :mod (l / last) + :time-of (p3 / power + :domain p))) + :ARG1 (r / realign-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (p4 / policy-01 + :ARG0 c) + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (p5 / policy-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "European_Union" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "European" + :op2 "Union"))) + :op2 (a3 / and + :op1 (p6 / person + :ARG0-of (l2 / lead-02 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_Kingdom" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Britain")))) + :op2 (p7 / person + :ARG0-of (l3 / lead-02 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "France")))) + :op3 (p8 / person + :ARG0-of (l4 / lead-02 + :ARG1 (c4 / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Germany"))))))) + :purpose (p9 / pressure-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG2 (a4 / and + :op1 (s2 / sanction-02 + :ARG1 (c5 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (t / tough-02 + :ARG1 s2) + :ARG3 (m2 / more))) + :op2 (a5 / act-02 + :ARG1 (d / diplomacy))))) + +(e / expect-01 + :ARG1 (r / release-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Atomic" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Agency")) + :ARG1 (r2 / report-01 + :ARG1-of (c / critical-02)) + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :time (w / week + :mod (n3 / next)))) + +(w / watchdog + :mod (n / nucleus) + :poss (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Nations")) + :domain (o2 / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Atomic" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Agency"))) + +(d / decline-01 + :ARG1 (h / hopeful-03 + :ARG1 (i / impose-01 + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (s / sanction-02 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Security_Council" + :name (n / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Nations" + :op3 "Security" + :op4 "Council"))) + :quant (s2 / series) + :mod (a / another)) + :time (b / before + :op1 (e / end-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / term + :poss (p / person + :wiki "George_W._Bush" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Bush") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / president)))))))) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (l / law + :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / arise-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (i2 / initiative + :topic (p3 / program + :mod (n3 / nucleus) + :poss (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :ARG1-of (n5 / new-01) + :source (t3 / talk-01 + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 3 + :day 11) + :location (c4 / city + :wiki "Paris" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Paris"))))))))) + +(c / continue-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (w / work-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (d / dominate-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (t / technology + :mod (n2 / nucleus)) + :op2 (t2 / technology + :mod (m / missile))))) + :time (h / hold-01 + :ARG1 (m2 / maneuver-01 + :mod (d2 / diplomacy)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Israel")) + :ARG2 (o / official)) + :quant (s2 / some)) + :ARG1 (a / alarm-01 + :ARG0 (l / launch-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (r / rocket + :mod (s3 / stage + :quant 2) + :consist-of (f / fuel + :mod (s4 / solid)) + :ARG1-of (r2 / range-01 + :ARG2 (d / distance-quantity + :quant 1200 + :unit (m / mile)))) + :purpose (t / test-01 + :ARG1 r) + :time (w / week + :mod (t2 / this))) + :ARG1 p)) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (c / city + :wiki "Tel_Aviv" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tel" + :op2 "Aviv")) + :ARG2 (r / relative-position + :op1 (t / territory + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :quant (l / less-than + :op1 (d / distance-quantity + :quant 650 + :unit (m / mile))))) + +(d / date-entity + :day 6 + :month 4 + :year 2002) + +(c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russian" + :op2 "Federation")) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (s / science) + :op3 (e / energy) + :op4 (w / weapon)) + +(f / face-01 + :ARG0 (c / complex + :consist-of (l / laboratory + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG0-of (s / safe-01 + :ARG1-of (h / high-02)) + :ARG0-of (s2 / store-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (a2 / anthrax) + :op2 (d / disease + :wiki "Plague_(disease)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Plague")) + :op3 (b / bacterium + :ARG0-of (k / kill-01) + :mod (o / other)))))) + :ARG1 (l2 / lose-02 + :ARG1 (e / electricity) + :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (p / pay-01 + :polarity - + :ARG2 (c4 / company + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Mosenergo") + :mod (u / utility)))))) + +(f / face-01 + :ARG0 (d / depósito + :mod (v / vast) + :consist-of (a / and + :op1 (a2 / anthrax) + :op2 (d2 / disease + :wiki "Plague_(disease)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Plague")) + :op3 (b / bacterium + :ARG0-of (k / kill-01) + :mod (o / other))) + :ARG1-of (s / store-01 + :ARG2 (c / complex + :mod (l / laboratory) + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG0-of (s2 / safe-01 + :ARG1-of (h / high-02)) + :location (r / relative-position + :op1 (c3 / city + :wiki "Moscow" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Moscow")) + :quant (d3 / distance-quantity + :quant 100 + :unit (m / mile)) + :direction (s3 / south))))) + :ARG1 (t / threaten-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / run-out-05 + :ARG1 (e / electricity)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (a2 / arrive-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / company + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mosenergo") + :mod (u / utility) + :location (r / region + :mod (c2 / city + :wiki "Moscow" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Moscow")))) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG4 (c3 / complex + :mod (l / laboratory) + :mod (c4 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Russia"))) + :time (r2 / recent)) + :op2 (t / threaten-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (c5 / cut-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (e / electricity) + :ARG1-of (c6 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / pay-01 + :polarity -))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / campus + :consist-of (b / building + :quant 90) + :domain (c2 / complex + :mod (l / laboratory) + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia")))) + :op2 (s / serve-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (l2 / location + :location-of (p / program + :mod (w / weapon + :mod (b2 / biology)) + :mod (s2 / secret) + :poss c3) + :time (e / era + :mod (c4 / country + :wiki "Soviet_Union" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Soviet" + :op2 "Union")))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (h / headline + :ARG1-of (c / correct-02 + :polarity -) + :poss (n / newspaper + :wiki "Izvestia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Izvestia"))) + :ARG1 (t / threaten-01 + :ARG0 (v / virus + :ARG0-of (k / kill-01) + :source (d / deposit-01 + :ARG2 (c2 / city + :wiki "Moscow" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Moscow")) + :mod (r / region))) + :ARG2 c2)) + +(v / virus + :polarity - + :location (f / facility + :wiki "Obolensk_State_Technical_Center_for_Microbeology" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Obolensk" + :op2 "State" + :op3 "Technical" + :op4 "Center" + :op5 "for" + :op6 " Microbeology"))) + +(f / find-01 + :ARG1 (b / bacterium + :mod (d / disease + :ARG0-of (k / kill-01)) + :mod (k2 / kind + :mod (a / all)) + :ARG1-of (s / study-01 + :purpose (u / use-01 + :ARG1 b + :ARG2 (p / program + :mod (s2 / secret) + :mod (w / weapon + :mod (b2 / biology)) + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Soviet_Union" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Soviet" + :op2 "Union")))))) + :location (r / research-institute + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Microbiology" + :op3 "Aplicate" + :op4 "Research" + :op5 "Center"))) + +(b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (d / depot + :mod (v / virus) + :mod (l / large)) + :ARG2 (c / country-region + :wiki "Siberia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Siberia"))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (o2 / official)) + :mod (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "West")))) + :ARG1 (l / likely-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (r / result-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / cut-02 + :ARG1 (p3 / power-01) + :location (f / facility + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Microbiology" + :op3 "Aplicate" + :op4 "Centre"))) + :ARG2 (t / threaten-01 + :ARG1 (h3 / healthy + :domain (p4 / public)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "West")) + :ARG2 (o2 / official)))) + :ARG1 (h3 / have-quant-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / certainty + :polarity -) + :ARG3 (e / enough) + :ARG6 (s2 / sure-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (l / lose-02 + :ARG1 (p3 / power) + :location (f / facility + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Basic" + :op2 "Microbiology" + :op3 "Centre"))) + :ARG1 (t / threaten-01 + :polarity - + :ARG2 (h4 / healthy + :domain (p4 / public))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nikolai" + :op2 "N." + :op3 "Urakov") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (g / general))) + :ARG1 (p2 / provide-01 + :ARG0 (r / research-institute + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Microbiology" + :op3 "Center")) + :ARG1 (s2 / system + :ARG0-of (p3 / protect-01) + :ARG1-of (r2 / rely-01 + :mod (q / quite))) + :time (e / emergency)) + :medium (t / telephone)) + +(h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nikolai" + :op2 "N." + :op3 "Urakov") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (g / general))) + :ARG1 (r / research-institute + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Microbiology" + :op3 "Aplicate" + :op4 "Science" + :op5 "Center")) + :ARG2 (d / director) + :ARG1-of (l / long-03)) + +(w / work-01 + :ARG0 (c / center + :mod (s / state) + :mod (b / bioscience + :ARG1-of (a / apply-02))) + :ARG1 (c2 / convert-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (c3 / complex) + :ARG2 (c4 / center + :mod (p / produce-01 + :ARG1 (b2 / biomedical)))) + :ARG3 (s2 / scientist + :mod (w2 / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n / name + :op1 "West")))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nikolai" + :op2 "N." + :op3 "Urakov") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (g / general))) + :ARG1 (f / fear-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG1-of (e / employ-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Chinese" + :op3 "Academy" + :op4 "of" + :op5 "Applied" + :op6 " Sciences")))) + :ARG1 (t / threaten-01 + :ARG1 (c / cut-01 + :ARG1 (e2 / electricity) + :mod (s2 / sudden))) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / pressure-01 + :ARG1 p2 + :mod (p4 / psychology) + :mod (k / kind)))) + :medium (t2 / telephone)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nikolai" + :op2 "N." + :op3 "Urakov") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (g / general))) + :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (d / destroy-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / scientist) + :ARG1 (e / experiment-01 + :mod (b / bacteriology) + :mod (a / all) + :ARG1-of (g2 / go-on-15))) + :condition (c / cut-02 + :ARG1 (p2 / power-01) + :location (f / facility + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Microbiology" + :op3 "Science" + :op4 "Center")))) + :medium (t / telephone)) + +(w / wish-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nikolai" + :op2 "N." + :op3 "Urakov") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (g / general))) + :ARG1 (c / contribute-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States")) + :op2 (c3 / country + :location (w2 / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "West"))) + :ARG0-of (c4 / contribute-01 + :ARG1 (s / some + :op1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 6000000 + :unit (d / dollar + :mod c2))) + :ARG2 (t / transform-01 + :ARG1 (c5 / complex + :mod (w3 / weapons-grade) + :mod (o / old))))) + :ARG1 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 500000 + :unit (d2 / dollar + :mod c2) + :mod (a2 / another) + :frequency (r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG2 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (y / year)))) + :ARG2 (p2 / pay-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG3 (a3 / and + :op1 (b / bill-01 + :ARG2 (o2 / organization + :wiki - + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Machine" + :op3 "Biological" + :op4 "Science" + :op5 "Center")) + :ARG3 (e / electricity)) + :op2 (b2 / bill-01 + :ARG2 o2 + :mod (b3 / backward)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / scientist + :mod (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US")) + :ARG0-of (w / work-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / collaborate-01 + :ARG0 s2 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "State_Microbiology_Survey" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Microbiology" + :op3 "Survey")) + :ARG1-of (c3 / close-10)))) + :ARG1 (r / responsible-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c4 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Russia")))) + :ARG1 (p / pay-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG3 (b / bill-01 + :ARG2 o + :ARG3 (e / electricity))))) + +(c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (l / learn-01 + :ARG1 (o / offer-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (b / buy-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (e / expertise + :poss c2)) + :ARG3 (g / government-organization + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Medical" + :op3 "Center" + :op4 "of" + :op5 "Applied" + :op6 " Sciences")))) + :ARG1 (r / reach-01 + :ARG0 (a / aid-01 + :ARG0 (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "West")) + :ARG1 (c3 / convert-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Nikolai" + :op2 "N." + :op3 "Urakov") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (g2 / general))) + :ARG1 (l2 / laboratory + :mod (w2 / weapon + :mod (b2 / biology)) + :mod (o2 / old)))) + :ARG1 (p2 / peak-01 + :ARG1 a + :time (d / date-entity + :year 1991)))) + +(k / know-01 + :ARG1 (o / orchestrate-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (s / scientist) + :op2 (p / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 (m / military + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia"))))) + :ARG0-of (r / rely-01 + :ARG1 (f / fund-01 + :ARG0 (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "West"))) + :ARG2 (d / destroy-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (w2 / weapon + :mod (n3 / nucleus)) + :op2 (w3 / weapon + :mod (c2 / chemical)) + :op3 (w4 / weapon + :mod (b / biology)))) + :time (n4 / now))) + :ARG1 (s2 / sense-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / crisis) + :purpose (i / increase-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (f2 / fund-01))))) + +(w / work-01 + :ARG0 (s / scientist + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Randall" + :op2 "Lee" + :op3 "Beatty") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "America"))) + :ARG1 (r / restore-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / center + :mod (s2 / state) + :mod (m / microbiology) + :ARG1-of (a / apply-02 + :ARG2 (u / university + :wiki "University_of_London" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "obolensk")))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Beatty")) + :ARG1 (c / crisis + :domain (t / threaten-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / cut-01 + :ARG1 (e / electricity) + :location (f / facility + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Medical" + :op3 "Center" + :op4 "for" + :op5 "Applied" + :op6 " Microbiology"))) + :mod (t2 / this)))) + +(h / head-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Randall_Lee_Beatty" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Randall" + :op2 "Lee" + :op3 "Beatty")) + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Centre_for_Science_and_Technology" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Centre" + :op3 "for" + :op4 "Science" + :op5 "and" + :op6 " Technology"))) + +(f / fund-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Center_for_Science_and_Technology" + :name (n / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Center" + :op3 "for" + :op4 "Science" + :op5 "and" + :op6 " Technology")) + :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :ARG1-of (b / budget-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Nikolai" + :op2 "N." + :op3 "Urakov") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (g / general))))) + :ARG3 (a / approximately + :op1 "1 /2"))) + :purpose (s / support-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (w / warfare + :mod (b2 / biology) + :mod (s2 / scientist + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Russia"))) + :quant (a2 / about + :op1 350)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Randall" + :op2 "Lee" + :op3 "Beatty")) + :ARG1 (k / know-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / pay-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Microbiology" + :op3 "Aplicate" + :op4 "Science" + :op5 "Center")) + :ARG3 (b / bill-01 + :ARG2 o + :ARG3 (e / electricity)) + :duration (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 14 + :unit (m / month))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Randall" + :op2 "Lee" + :op3 "Beatty")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (i / include-91 + :ARG1 (f / facility + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Biology" + :op3 "Applied" + :op4 "Science" + :op5 "Center")) + :ARG2 (f2 / file + :topic (p2 / pathology + :ARG0-of (e / endanger-01)) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (i2 / important-01 + :ARG1 f2) + :ARG3 (m / most) + :ARG5 (w / world)))) + :op2 (s2 / shame-02 + :ARG2 (d / destroy-01 + :ARG1 f2 + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / pay-01 + :polarity - + :ARG3 (s3 / service + :mod (e2 / electricity)))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / store-01 + :ARG1 (b / bacterium + :quant (a2 / approximately + :op1 3000)) + :ARG2 (f / facility + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Scientific" + :op3 "Center") + :mod (m / microbiology) + :ARG2-of (a3 / apply-02))) + :op2 (s2 / store-01 + :ARG1 (b2 / bacterium + :quant (m2 / many) + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 b)) + :ARG2 (b3 / barrel + :mod (c / criogen) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cool-01 + :ARG2 (o / oxygen + :mod (l / liquid))) + :ARG1-of (i2 / isolate-01 + :ARG2 (e / environment))) + :prep-by (a4 / and + :op1 (r / room + :part (l2 / layer)) + :op2 (s3 / system + :purpose (m3 / manage-01 + :ARG1 (a5 / air)) + :mod (l3 / large)) + :ARG0-of (d / depend-01 + :ARG1 (o2 / operate-01 + :ARG1 (e2 / electricity)))))) + +(d / danger + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (b / big) + :ARG3 (m / most)) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / cut-01 + :ARG1 (p / power-01 + :mod (e / electric)) + :location (f / facility + :wiki "State_Technical_Centre_for_Microbeology" + :name (n / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Technical" + :op3 "Center" + :op4 "for" + :op5 "Microbeology" + :op6 " Aplicate")))) + :domain (f2 / freeze-over-03 + :ARG1 (g / glacier + :ARG0-of (l / live-01) + :ARG1-of (f3 / freeze-01 + :time (p2 / present))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Raymond" + :op2 "Zilinskas") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (r / research-institute + :wiki "Institute_for_International_Studies" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Institute" + :op2 "for" + :op3 "International" + :op4 "Studies") + :location (c / city + :wiki "Monterey" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Monterey"))) + :ARG3 (e / expert-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (w / warfare + :mod (b / biology))))) + :ARG1 (t / threaten-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / cut-02 + :ARG1 (p2 / power)) + :ARG2 (o / organismo) + :mod (m / main) + :ARG1-of (i / instead-of-91 + :ARG2 (p3 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (e2 / escape-01 + :ARG0 o))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Raymond" + :op2 "zilinskas")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (d / descongelate-01 + :ARG1 (b / bacterium) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (t / temperature-quantity + :quant 70 + :scale (f / fahrenheit)))) + :op2 (m / mess + :ARG1-of (r / real-04) + :time (a2 / afterwards) + :domain (c2 / clean-up-02 + :ARG1 b)) + :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (k / know-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (t2 / truth-value + :polarity-of (d2 / die-01 + :ARG1 (b2 / bacterium + :mod (a3 / all)))) + :ARG0-of (s2 / safe-01))) + :mod (a4 / at-worst))) + +(e / exemplify-01 + :ARG0 (c / confront-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / company + :wiki "Mosenergo" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mosenergo") + :mod (e2 / electric)) + :ARG2 (o / organization + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Advanced" + :op2 "Chinese" + :op3 "Medical" + :op4 "Center")) + :location (c3 / city + :wiki "Obolensk" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Obolensk"))) + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (c4 / collide-01 + :ARG0 (i / imperative + :mod (c5 / capitalist) + :mod (b / basic) + :domain (s / suffice-01 + :ARG0 (e3 / enterprise + :ARG1-of s))) + :ARG1 (w / wreckage + :mod (w2 / weapon) + :mod (o2 / old) + :mod (c6 / country + :wiki "Soviet_Union" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Soviet" + :op2 "Union"))) + :manner (d / dangerous))) + :mod (a / another)) + +(c / cut-02 + :ARG0 (c2 / company + :wiki "Russian_National_Energy_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russian" + :op2 "National" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Agency")) + :ARG1 (p / power + :destination (b / base + :mod (s / strategy) + :location-of (a / alert-01 + :ARG2 (m / missile + :mod (n2 / nucleus)) + :ARG1-of (h / high-02)))) + :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (b2 / bill-01 + :ARG3 (e / energy) + :ARG1-of (d / due-03) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2000)))) + +(l / lose-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (s / siel + :mod (m / missile + :mod (n / nucleus))) + :ARG1 (p / power)) + +(a / and + :op1 (m / march-01 + :ARG0 (t / troop + :ARG1-of (a2 / arm-01)) + :direction (s / station + :ARG1-of (l / low-04))) + :op2 (r / restore-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (s2 / supply-01 + :ARG1 (p / power)))) + +(c / cut-02 + :ARG0 (c2 / company + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Energy" + :op3 "Systems") + :mod (u / utility + :mod (n2 / nation))) + :ARG1 (p / power + :destination (i / installation + :mod (m / military) + :quant (s / several) + :location (t / throughout + :op1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Russia"))))) + :time (a / and + :op1 (d / date-entity + :month 11 + :year 2001) + :op2 (d2 / date-entity + :month 2 + :year 2001))) + +(i / include-91 + :ARG1 (c / center + :purpose (m / monitor-01 + :ARG1 (m2 / military + :wiki "Russian_Space_Forces" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russian" + :op2 "Space" + :op3 "Forces"))) + :location (p / peninsula + :wiki "Kamchatka_Peninsula" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kamchatka" + :op2 "Peninsula"))) + :ARG2 (f / facility + :mod (m3 / military) + :ARG0-of (l / lose-02 + :ARG1 (p2 / power)))) + +(r / restore-01 + :ARG1 (e / electricity) + :ARG1-of (q / quick-02) + :time (c / case-04 + :ARG1 (f / facility + :mod (m / military) + :ARG2-of (c2 / cut-02 + :ARG1 (s / supply-01 + :ARG1 e))) + :mod (m2 / most))) + +(s / show-01 + :ARG0 (r / research-01) + :ARG1 (f / force-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (t / tyranny-01 + :ARG1 (c / company + :mod (u / utility))) + :op2 (a2 / afloat-01 + :ARG1 c)) + :ARG1 (m / military) + :ARG2 (s2 / spend-01 + :ARG0 m + :ARG1 (f2 / fund + :ARG1-of (b / budget-01)) + :ARG3 (e / energy + :mod (e2 / electric)) + :ARG1-of (i / instead-of-91 + :ARG2 (d / divert-01 + :ARG0 m + :ARG1 (m2 / money) + :ARG2 (u2 / use-01 + :mod (o / other)))))) + :frequency (o2 / often)) + +(i / include-01 + :ARG1 (c / construct-01 + :ARG1 (r / residence + :mod (c2 / countryside)) + :beneficiary (g / general)) + :ARG2 (f / fund + :ARG1-of (b / budget-01 + :ARG1-of (c3 / cut-02 + :time (s / sometimes))) + :quant (s2 / some))) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2004 + :month 7 + :day 24) + +(c / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (c / crime-02) + :op3 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :op4 (n / narcotic)) + +(i / implement-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :ARG1 (l / law + :ARG0-of (a / allow-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / attack-01 + :ARG0 (f / force + :mod (a3 / air)) + :ARG1 (a4 / aircraft + :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug))) + :location (s / space + :mod (a5 / air) + :poss c))))) + +(c / concern-01 + :ARG0 (r / responsible-01 + :ARG1 (i / identify-01 + :ARG1 (a / aircraft + :mod (c2 / civilian)) + :ARG1-of (c3 / correct-02 + :polarity -))) + :ARG1 (c4 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States"))) + +(a / announce-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :ARG1 (b / begin-01 + :ARG0 (f / force + :mod (a2 / air)) + :ARG1 (s / shoot-down-05 + :ARG0 f + :ARG1 (a3 / aircraft + :ARG1-of (u / use-01 + :ARG2 (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug + :ARG1-of (l / legal-02 + :polarity -))) + :location (s2 / space + :mod (a4 / air) + :poss c)))))) + +(r / require-01 + :ARG0 (p / plan) + :ARG1 (m / measure-02 + :quant 8 + :ARG1 (c / caution)) + :time (b / before + :op1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (i / issue-01 + :ARG1 (o / order-01 + :ARG2 (s / shoot-down-05 + :ARG1 (p3 / plane))))))) + +(n / notify-01 + :ARG0 (c / campaign-01 + :ARG1 (a / advertise-01)) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (e / earn-01)) + :op2 (p2 / person + :mod (o / other))) + :ARG2 (n2 / need-01 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 (s / submit-01 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 (p3 / plan-01 + :ARG1 (f / fly-01)))) + :time (b / before + :op1 (e2 / enforce-01 + :ARG1 (p4 / policy-01) + :time (b2 / by + :op1 (e3 / end-01 + :ARG1 (d / date-entity + :year 2004 + :month 10)))))) + +(h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (p / put-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Fernando_Henrique_Cardoso" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Fernando" + :op2 "Henrique" + :op3 "Cardoso") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p3 / president)) + :time (d / date-interval + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :year 1995) + :op2 (d3 / date-entity + :year 2003))) + :ARG1 (p4 / policy-01) + :ARG2 (e / effect) + :time (e2 / ever)) + :ARG2 (p5 / pass-01 + :ARG1 (l / law + :ARG0-of (a / allow-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / act-02 + :mod (s / such)))) + :time (d4 / date-entity + :year 1998) + :mod (o / original))) + +(p / persuade-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "America")) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "José_Isabel_Cardoso" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Cardoso")) + :ARG2 (s / sign-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (d / decree) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (f / fear-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (p3 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (e / expose-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / shoot-down-05 + :ARG1 (a / aircraft + :mod (c3 / civilian)) + :mod (a2 / accident)) + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 c)) + :op2 (f2 / firm + :mod c)) + :ARG2 (s3 / sue-02 + :ARG0 a3))))))) + +(r / reduce-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US")) + :ARG1 (s / support-01 + :ARG1 (o / operate-01 + :ARG1-of (d / direct-01 + :ARG2 (a / aircraft + :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / drug)))))) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :year 2003 + :month 4) + :time (a2 / and + :op1 (s2 / shoot-down-05 + :ARG0 (p / plane + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Peru" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Peru"))) + :ARG1 (j / jet + :ARG1-of (i / identify-01 + :ARG2 (c3 / carrier + :mod (d4 / drug)) + :ARG1-of (m / mistake-01)))) + :op2 (k / kill-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (m2 / missionary + :mod c) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 m2 + :ARG2 (s3 / son))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / sue-02 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (v / victim) + :ARG2 (r / relative))) + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S."))))) + :op2 (o / obtain-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (d / deal-01)) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (p2 / provide-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (i / intelligence)) + :op2 (s2 / support-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (o2 / operation) + :mod (t / technical))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :wiki "United_States_Department_of_State" + :name (n / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Department") + :poss (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "U.S."))) + :ARG2 (o / official)))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / prohibit-01 + :ARG0 (l / law + :mod (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US"))) + :ARG1 (a / assist-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :ARG0-of (i / implement-01 + :ARG1 (l2 / law + :topic (t / topple-01)) + :condition (c3 / condition + :mod (c4 / certain))))))) + +(a / agree-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States")) + :ARG1 (a2 / assess-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (s / serious-02 + :ARG1 (t / threaten-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (t2 / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug)))) + :degree (v / very)) + :op2 (g / grow-01 + :ARG1 t)))) + +(c / consult-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US")))) + :ARG1 (g3 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g4 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Brazil")))) + :ARG2 (p / provide-01 + :ARG0 (l / law + :mod c2))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Jose" + :op2 "Viegas") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :topic (d / defend-01)))) + :ARG1 (d2 / difficult + :domain (g / gain-02 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (s2 / support-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "US")) + :ARG1 (p2 / plan-01))) + :concession-of (l / lead-03 + :ARG0 (t / talk-01 + :mod (b / bilateral) + :time (r / recent)) + :ARG2 (c3 / certain + :domain (a / accept-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (d3 / decree) + :manner (e / expose-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 d3 + :ARG1 c + :ARG2 (s3 / sanction-02 + :ARG0 (t2 / trade-01)))))))) + +(e / express-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (h2 / hopeful-03 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (b / back-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States")) + :ARG1 (p2 / policy-01) + :time (b2 / before + :op1 (t / take-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (e2 / effect)))))) + +(p / plan-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US")) + :ARG1 (p2 / provide-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 10200000 + :unit (d / dollar) + :ARG2-of (a / aid-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (d2 / drug) + :op2 (p3 / police)))) + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :year 2004))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mauro" + :op2 "Jose" + :op3 "Miranda" + :op4 "Gandra") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (f / force + :mod (a / air)) + :ARG2 (c / chief) + :time (f2 / former)) + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (r / research-institute + :wiki "Institute_of_Aire" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Institute" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Aire") + :part-of (u / university + :wiki "Rio_de_Janeiro_University" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Rio" + :op2 "de" + :op3 "Janeiro" + :op4 "University"))) + :ARG2 (d / director) + :time (c2 / current)) + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (g / general))) + :ARG1 (h4 / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (s2 / step-01 + :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Brazil")))) + :ARG2 (m / move-02) + :ARG1-of (v / value-02)) + :ARG2 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (h5 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (i / impact-01) + :ARG2 (p3 / politics) + :ARG3 (m2 / more) + :ARG4 (p4 / practical-02 + :ARG1 i) + :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (r2 / restrict-01 + :ARG0 g2 + :ARG1 g2)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (a / apply-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (p2 / policy-01) + :ARG2 (a2 / aircraft + :location (a3 / aboard) + :mod (c2 / child)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Viegas")) + :ARG1 (n2 / need-01 + :ARG1 (l / limit-01))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Raúl_Gandra" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Gandra")) + :ARG1 (u / undermine-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / provision) + :ARG1 (p3 / purpose + :mod (e / essential) + :poss (d / decree)) + :manner (a / and + :op1 (g / give-01 + :ARG1 (i / immunity) + :ARG2 (a2 / aircraft + :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / drug)) + :ARG0-of (f / fly-01 + :ARG1 (c / child)))) + :op2 (i2 / introduce-02 + :ARG1 (p4 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (u2 / use-01 + :ARG1 c + :ARG2 (s2 / shield + :mod (h / human)))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Viegas")) + :ARG1 (u / use-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :ARG1 (l / law) + :ARG2 (d / deter-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / drug)) + :ARG0-of (e / enter-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / space + :mod (a / air) + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Brazil"))) + :time (p3 / previous) + :manner (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (t2 / threaten-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (f2 / force + :mod (a2 / air)) + :ARG2 p2)))) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (p4 / powerful-02 + :ARG1 d) + :ARG3 (m / more)))) + :medium (i / interview-01 + :ARG1 p + :location c)) + +(f / force-01 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :ARG2 (a / act-02 + :ARG0 g) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (d / deteriorate-01 + :ARG1 (s / situation + :mod (s2 / security + :mod (p / public))) + :manner (a2 / and + :op1 (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (g3 / gang + :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / drug))) + :ARG2 (p2 / powerful-02 + :ARG1 g3) + :ARG3 (m / more)) + :op2 (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 g3 + :ARG2 (v / violent) + :ARG3 (m2 / more)) + :location (a3 / and + :op1 (c2 / city + :wiki "São_Paulo" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Sao" + :op2 "Paulo")) + :op2 (c3 / city + :wiki "Rio_de_Janeiro" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Rio" + :op2 "de" + :op3 "Janeiro") + :mod (p3 / particular))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 (g / gang + :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug)) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Rio_de_Janeiro" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Rio" + :op2 "de" + :op3 "Janeiro"))) + :ARG1 (p / power + :mod (f / fire-01) + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-quant-91 + :ARG3 (m / more) + :ARG4 (p2 / police)))) + :op2 (a2 / and + :op1 (a3 / attack-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (p3 / precinct) + :ARG1-of (s / succeed-01 + :ARG0 g)) + :op2 (f2 / force-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG2 (c2 / close-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (a4 / and + :op1 (b / business) + :op2 (s2 / school)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Luiz_Inácio_Lula_da_Silva" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Luiz" + :op2 "Inacio" + :op3 "Lula" + :op4 "da" + :op5 "Silva") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / president))) + :subevent-of (i / interview-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (c / correspond-01) + :mod (f / foreign)) + :ARG1 p + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2003))) + +(i / issue-02 + :ARG0 (p / politics) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s / sovereignty) + :op2 (s2 / security + :mod (n / nation)))) + +(h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (p2 / pilot-01 + :ARG1 (a / aircraft + :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug)))) + :quant (s / some)) + :ARG2 (i / immune-02 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (r / retaliate-01)) + :ARG3 (s2 / so) + :ARG6 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (g / gesture-01 + :ARG0 p + :mod (o / obscene)) + :time (p3 / pursue-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (p5 / pilot-01 + :ARG1 (m / military + :wiki "Brazilian_Air_Force" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Air" + :op2 "Force") + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Brazil"))))))) + :ARG1-of (r2 / rely-01)) + +(q / question-03 + :ARG1 (c / constitutionality + :poss (l / law)) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (b / ban-01 + :ARG1 (p / punish-01 + :ARG2 (d / die-01) + :ARG3 (a / act-02 + :ARG1 (c3 / crime-02))) + :location (c4 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Brazil"))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01 + :ARG2 (l / law)) + :quant (s2 / some)) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (c / comment-01) + :mod (o / other))) + :ARG1 (e2 / equate-01 + :ARG1 (s3 / statute) + :ARG2 (e3 / execute-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug))) + :mod (d2 / de-facto)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (n / newspaper + :wiki "The_O'Reilly_(political_commentator)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "O'Reilly") + :frequency (r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG3 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (d / day))) + :poss (c / city + :wiki "São_Paolo" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Sao" + :op2 "Paolo"))) + :ARG1 (r2 / raise-01 + :ARG0 (m / move-03 + :degree (e / extreme)) + :ARG1 (p / problem + :mod (e2 / ethics) + :mod (l / law) + :ARG0-of (e3 / exceed-01 + :ARG1 (b / benefit-01 + :mod (a / any) + :mod (p2 / potential))))) + :medium (e4 / editorial + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2004 + :month 7 + :day 18) + :part (b2 / between + :op1 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 44824 + :unit (d3 / dollar)) + :op2 (m3 / monetary-quantity + :quant 44824 + :unit (d4 / dollar))))) + +(p / put-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / punish-01) + :ARG2 (c / court) + :manner (l / law + :polarity -) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (d / decide-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (m / military + :wiki "United_States_Air_Force" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Air" + :op2 "Force")) + :ARG2 (c3 / commander))) + :manner (a / administrate-01)))) + +(g / get-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :mod (t / this)) + :ARG1 (p2 / power + :mod (o / or + :op1 (l / life) + :op2 (d / die-01))) + :ARG4 (a / and + :op1 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / crew) + :ARG2 (m / member))) + :op2 (p4 / passenger + :ARG0-of (f / fly-01 + :ARG1-of (r / regular-03 + :polarity -))))) + +(l / launch-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :ARG1 (s / system + :wiki "Salvia_Vial" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "SIVAM") + :mod (r / radar) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cost-01 + :ARG2 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 1400000000 + :unit (d / dollar))) + :ARG0-of (e / enable-01 + :ARG1 (m2 / monitor-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :ARG1 (a / activity-06 + :mod (a2 / air)) + :location (a3 / across + :op1 (r2 / region + :mod (w / world-region + :wiki "Amazon_basin" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Amazon")) + :ARG1-of (s2 / sprawl-01))) + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1)))) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2002)) + +(u / use-01 + :ARG0 (s / system) + :ARG1 (t / technology + :mod (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S.")))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (d / decrease-01 + :ARG1 (f / fly-01 + :ARG1-of (l / legal-02 + :polarity -)) + :ARG2 (p / percentage-entity + :value 30) + :time (i / initial) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (c3 / concern-01 + :ARG0 (i2 / improve-01 + :ARG1 (c4 / capable-01 + :ARG2 (t / track-01))) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (t2 / traffic-01))))) + :ARG2 (a / accelerate-01 + :ARG1 f + :time (s / subsequent))) + +(r / register-02 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :ARG1 (f / fly-01 + :quant 4128 + :ARG1-of (a / authorize-01 + :polarity -)) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2003)) + +(v / violate-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (r / ranch-01 + :ARG2 (f / forest + :wiki "Amazon_rainforest" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Amazonas"))) + :ARG0-of (f2 / fly-01 + :location (b / between + :op1 (p2 / plantation)))) + :ARG1-of (i / innocent-01) + :ARG2-of (i2 / include-91 + :ARG1 (f3 / fly-01 + :mod (t / this)) + :ARG3 (s / some))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Viegas")) + :ARG1 (i / increase-01 + :ARG1 (v / violate-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug)) + :ARG0-of (r / realize-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (r2 / retaliate-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)))))) + :ARG1 (a / airspace + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Brazil"))) + :manner (d2 / deliberate-01)) + :ARG1-of (s2 / significant-02) + :ARG1-of (a2 / appear-02))) + +(c / capture-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Fernandinho" + :op2 "Beira-Mar") + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (n2 / notorious-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (d / deal-02 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (d2 / drug))) + :ARG3 (m / most) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Rio_de_Janeiro" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Rio" + :op2 "de" + :op3 "Janeiro")))) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :year 2003 + :month 4) + :location (c3 / country + :wiki "Colombia" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Colombia")) + :time (p2 / pipeline + :mod (d4 / drug) + :ARG2-of (i / involve-01 + :ARG1 (g / guerrilla + :ARG1-of (l / left-19))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (b / become-01 + :ARG1 (c / corredor + :mod (w / world-region + :wiki "Amazon_rainforest" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Amazon") + :location (n2 / north + :part-of (c2 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Brazil"))))) + :ARG2 (r / route + :ARG1-of (i / increase-01) + :ARG1-of (t / transit-01) + :mod (e / essential + :purpose (t2 / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug) + :mod (w2 / world))))) + :op2 (u / use-01 + :ARG1 c + :ARG2 (s / smuggle-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (g / gold) + :op2 (d2 / diamond))))) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG1 (i / include-91 + :ARG1 (r2 / route + :destination-of (s / smuggle-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (d / drug) + :op2 (w / weapon)) + :ARG2 (c / continent + :wiki "Europe" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Europe"))) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (i2 / important-01 + :ARG1 r2) + :ARG3 (m / most))) + :ARG2 (r3 / route + :destination (c2 / country + :wiki "Colombia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Colombia")) + :path (t / through + :op1 (s2 / swath + :mod (n3 / north) + :part-of (w2 / world-region + :wiki "Amazon_basin" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Amazon"))) + :op2 (p / province + :wiki "Surinam" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Surinam")))) + :ARG3 (r4 / route))) + +(c / country + :mod (o / only) + :domain (c2 / country + :wiki "Colombia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Colombia")) + :ARG0-of (h / have-03 + :ARG1 (p / policy-01 + :ARG1 (a / attack-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / aircraft + :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug))))) + :time (c3 / current))) + +(s / source-02 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Colombia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Colombia")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c2 / cocaine) + :op2 (h / heroin) + :quant (m / much) + :ARG1-of (s2 / sell-01 + :location (c3 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States"))))) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2005 + :month 7 + :day 16) + +(c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Venezuela")) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (w / weapon) + :op3 (p / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02)) + :op4 (m / military)) + +(c / concern-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (d / deal-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Venezuela")) + :ARG2 (p2 / president))) + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG2 (a2 / arms)) + :op2 (r / restrict-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (c4 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (c5 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States")) + :mod (m / military))) + :op3 (p3 / plan-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (t / train-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG2 (c6 / civilian + :quant (u / up-to + :op1 2000000) + :mod c2) + :purpose (r2 / repel-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (i / invade-01 + :ARG0 (s / superpower) + :ARG1-of (p4 / possible-01)))))) + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 c5 + :op2 (p5 / person + :ARG0-of (c7 / criticize-01) + :ARG1-of (i2 / internal-02)))) + +(c / concern-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (d / deal-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hugo" + :op2 "Chavez") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Venezuela")) + :ARG2 (p2 / president))) + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG2 (a2 / arms)) + :op2 (r / restrict-01 + :ARG1 (c4 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 (m / military) + :ARG1 (c5 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States")))) + :op3 (p3 / plan-01 + :ARG1 (t / train-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / repel-01 + :ARG0 c5 + :ARG1 (i / invade-01 + :ARG0 (s / superpower + :mod (i2 / imperialism)) + :ARG1-of (p4 / possible-01))) + :ARG2 (c6 / civilian + :quant (u / up-to + :op1 2000000) + :mod c2)))) + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 c5 + :op2 (p5 / person + :ARG0-of (c7 / criticize-01 + :ARG1 p) + :ARG1-of (i3 / internal-02))) + :ARG1-of (c8 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / thing + :ARG1-of (p6 / plan-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01) + :ARG1-of (l / left-19)))))) + +(i / insist-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (d / defend-01 + :ARG0 (m / measure-02) + :ARG1-of (p2 / pure-02)) + :op2 (b / bear-02 + :ARG0 (n2 / need-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (u / upgrade-02 + :ARG1 (e / equipment + :mod (m2 / military) + :mod (o / obsolete))) + :op2 (p3 / protect-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Venezuela")) + :ARG2 (n4 / nation + :ARG0-of (w / want-01 + :ARG1 (t / take-over-12 + :ARG0 n4 + :ARG1 c) + :ARG1-of (p4 / possible-01))))) + :time (l / late)) + :ARG1 m))) + +(h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (s / state + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Venezuela") + :ARG0-of (p / produce-01 + :ARG1 (o / oil))) + :ARG2 (l / large) + :ARG3 (m / most) + :ARG5 (s2 / state + :location (c / continent + :wiki "South_America" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "America")))) + +(a / and + :op1 (m / mock-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (i2 / idea + :mod (i3 / invade-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "America")) + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Venezuela")) + :time (o2 / once)))) + :ARG1-of (i / internal-02)) + :ARG1 i2) + :op2 (a2 / accuse-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (i4 / intend-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (p2 / put-03 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 (r / reservist + :ARG1-of (l / loyal-01) + :quant (b / bunch + :mod (h / huge)) + :ARG0-of (p3 / protect-01 + :ARG1 i2 + :ARG2 (r2 / rise-up-03 + :mod (a4 / any) + :mod i2)))) + :op2 (p4 / place-01 + :ARG0 i2 + :ARG1 i2 + :ARG2 (c3 / counterweight + :ARG1-of (w / weaponize-01) + :prep-to (i5 / influence-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (w2 / world-region + :wiki "Latin_America" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Latin" + :op2 "America")))))) + :ARG1-of (r3 / real-04)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (a2 / ally-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Fidel_Castro" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Fidel" + :op2 "Castro") + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02) + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Cuba" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Cuba"))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :mod (m / main)) + :op2 (c2 / close-06 + :ARG1 p2 + :ARG2 p + :ARG1-of (i / increase-01))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (d / defeat-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavez"))) + :location (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "U.S."))))) + :ARG1 (c2 / concern-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p4 / purchase-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (a2 / arms)) + :op2 (i / indoctrinate-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (m / militia + :mod (c3 / civilian))) + :part-of (s2 / strategy + :purpose (a3 / and + :op1 (r / restructure-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (d2 / democracy + :mod (c4 / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Venezuela"))) + :manner (i2 / image + :mod (p5 / political-movement + :wiki "Socialism" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "socialism") + :ARG1-of (w / weaponize-01) + :mod (s3 / style + :mod (c5 / country + :wiki "Cuba" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Cuba")))))) + :op2 (e / encourage-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG2 (r2 / revolution-03 + :ARG1-of (l / left-19)) + :location (a4 / across + :op1 (c6 / continent + :wiki "South_America" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "America"))))))) + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 p + :ARG3 (m2 / more + :mod (e2 / even)))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s2 / strategize-01 + :ARG1 (m / military + :poss (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US"))))) + :ARG1 (c2 / concern-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (e / encourage-01 + :ARG0 (m2 / movement-07 + :ARG1-of (r / radical-02) + :ARG1-of (i / inspire-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Chavez")))) + :ARG1 (r2 / revolution-03 + :mod (s3 / such)))) + :ARG1 p + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 p + :ARG3 (m3 / more)))) + +(s / shift-01 + :ARG1 (m / mainstream-02 + :ARG1 (p / politics) + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Latin_America" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Latin" + :op2 "America"))) + :ARG2 (l / left-19) + :time (s2 / since + :op1 (l2 / late + :op1 (d / date-entity + :decade 1990)))) + +(r / react-01 + :ARG1 (f / fail-01 + :ARG1 (e / economy + :mod (m / market + :ARG1-of (f2 / free-04))) + :ARG1-of (p / perceive-01)) + :ARG2 (t / turn-01 + :ARG1 (l / left-19) + :mod (t2 / this)) + :degree (l2 / large)) + +(c / choose-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG1-of (l / left-19)) + :ARG2 (l2 / lead-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :op2 (c3 / country + :wiki "Argentina" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Argentina")) + :op3 (c4 / country + :wiki "Chile" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Chile")) + :op4 (c5 / country + :wiki "Uruguay" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Uruguay")) + :op5 (c6 / country + :wiki "Ecuador" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Ecuador")) + :op6 (c7 / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Venezuela"))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (r / respond-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (s / support-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavez"))) + :location (h / home)) + :ARG2 (h2 / have-03 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "America")) + :ARG1 (h3 / history + :consist-of (i / intervene-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (p3 / politics + :mod (w / world-region + :wiki "Latin_America" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Latin" + :op2 "America")) + :mod (d / domestic)) + :duration (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (c2 / century)) + :manner (a2 / arm-01) + :manner (c3 / covert))))) + :op2 (s2 / say-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (r2 / right-05 + :polarity - + :ARG1 p2 + :ARG2 (q / question-03 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (p4 / prepare-02 + :ARG0 (c4 / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Venezuela")) + :ARG2 (d2 / defend-01)))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Carlos_Espinoza_Leon" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Carlos" + :op2 "Espinoza" + :op3 "Leon")) + :ARG1 (a / ask-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Venezuela"))) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (d / do-02 + :ARG0 (m / military + :wiki "United_States_Marine_Corps" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "U.S." + :op2 "Marines")))) + :time (e / ever))) + +(h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Espinoza_Leon" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Espinoza" + :op2 "Leon")) + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :wiki "National_Assembly_of_Venezuela" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "National" + :op2 "Assembly") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Venezuela"))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (s / specialize-01 + :ARG1 (d / defend-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Chavez")))) + :ARG0-of (s2 / serve-01 + :ARG2 g))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Espinoza")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Peru" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Peru")) + :ARG1 (f / fusile + :quant 500000)) + :op2 (s2 / say-01 + :ARG0 (n3 / no-one) + :ARG1 (a2 / anything)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Espinoza")) + :ARG1 (c / complain-01 + :ARG0 (n2 / no-one) + :ARG1 (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Colombia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Colombia")) + :ARG2 (m / militarize-01 + :ARG1 c2) + :ARG3 (m2 / most) + :ARG5 (w / world-region + :wiki "Latin_America" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Latin" + :op2 "America"))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Espinoza")) + :ARG1 (f / full-09 + :ARG1 (h / history + :poss (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "America"))) + :ARG2 (a / aggression + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Latin_America" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Latin" + :op2 "America"))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Espinoza")) + :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Venezuela"))) + :ARG1 (e / everything + :ARG1-of (n3 / need-01)) + :purpose (p3 / protect-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 c)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :ARG1 (p2 / peaceful + :domain (r / revolution-03 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Venezuela")) + :mod (s2 / so-called)) + :concession-of (a / arm-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 r)) + :manner (c2 / certain)) + +(a / and + :op1 (e / elect-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 1999) + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1)) + :op2 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (r / rate-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / popularity) + :ARG2 (p3 / percentage-entity + :value 71) + :ARG3 p + :instrument (p4 / poll-01 + :ARG0 (f / firm + :wiki "Datanálisis" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Datanálisis") + :ARG0-of (p5 / poll-01)) + :ARG0-of (d2 / depend-01 + :polarity -))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Alberto_Garrido" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Alberto" + :op2 "Garrido") + :ARG0-of (a / analyze-01 + :ARG1 (m / military)) + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Venezuela"))) + :ARG1 (s2 / seek-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (a2 / ally-01 + :ARG1 c + :ARG2 (a3 / and + :op1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :op2 (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "China")) + :op3 (c4 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :purpose (p2 / promote-02 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (w / world + :mod (g / globe + :quant (m2 / multiple)) + :ARG0-of (c5 / counter-01 + :ARG1 (r / rule-03 + :ARG0 (c6 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "America")))) + :ARG0-of (a4 / ally-01 + :ARG1 (m3 / movement-07 + :location (w2 / world-region + :wiki "Latin_America" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Latin" + :op2 "America"))) + :ARG2 (r2 / rid-01 + :ARG0 m3 + :ARG1 (i / influence-01 + :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01) + :mod c6))))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Lorenzo" + :op2 "Campos") + :ARG0-of (f / farm-01) + :location (s / state + :wiki "Anzoátegui" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Anzoátegui") + :location (n3 / north + :part-of (c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Venezuela"))))) + :op2 (t / train-01 + :ARG1 (r / reservist + :ARG2-of (h / have-org-role-91)) + :ARG2 p)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "José_Campos_Calderón" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Campos")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (w / want-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Venezuela"))) + :ARG1 (k / know-01 + :ARG0 (w2 / world) + :ARG1 (r / ready-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 p2 + :ARG2 (a2 / attack-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (a3 / anyone))))) + :op2 (m / mission-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (p3 / protect-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 c)))) + +(a / announce-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavez")))) + :ARG1 (d / detail-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (d2 / deal-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (c / company + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russia"))) + :ARG2 (p2 / purchase-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (r / rifle + :quant 100000 + :wiki "AK-103" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "AK-103") + :ARG0-of (a3 / assault-01) + :part (r2 / round + :quant 30 + :mod (a4 / ammunition) + :mod (e / each))))) + :op2 (t / transfer-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (t2 / technology + :purpose (m / make-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 r)) + :ARG2 (c3 / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Venezuela"))))) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :month 5 + :year 2005)) + +(e / equal-01 + :ARG1 (d / deal-01) + :ARG2 (r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 186.22 + :unit (d2 / dollar)) + :ARG2 (r2 / rifle))) + +(h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (p / price-01) + :mod (t2 / this)) + :ARG2 (e / expensive) + :ARG3 (l / less + :quant (c / considerable)) + :ARG4 (m / monetary-quantity + :ARG2-of (p2 / price-01 + :ARG1 (a / arm + :ARG1-of (s / same-01)) + :ARG3 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 825 + :unit (d / dollar)) + :ARG4 (m3 / monetary-quantity + :quant 850 + :unit (d2 / dollar)) + :ARG1-of (o / order-02 + :medium (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US")) + :medium (m4 / mail))))) + +(a / aim-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Venezuela")))) + :ARG1 (b / buy-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (h / helicopter + :quant 10 + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russia"))) + :op2 (p / plane + :quant 10 + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "Spain" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Spain")) + :ARG0-of (t / transport-01)) + :op3 (v / vessel + :quant 6 + :mod (n4 / navy) + :mod c3))) + :mod (a3 / also)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Venezuela")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (n2 / negotiate-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 c)) + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :ARG2 (p2 / purchase-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (j / jet + :quant (a2 / around + :op1 24) + :instrument-of (t / train-01)) + :op2 (a3 / aircraft + :ARG0-of (s2 / support-01)))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / insist-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavez"))) + :op2 (a2 / agree-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (c / criticize-01 + :ARG1 (m / military)) + :ARG1-of (r / retire-01) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (d / die-hard) + :ARG3 (m2 / more))) + :ARG1 (e / essential + :domain (p3 / purchase-01) + :purpose (u / upgrade-02 + :ARG1 (w / weaponry + :mod (o / old) + :example (r2 / rifle + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Belgium" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Belgium")) + :mod (m3 / military + :wiki "United_States_Air_Force" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "FAL")) + :age (m4 / multiple + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (d2 / decade))))))) + :mod (e2 / even))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Fernando" + :op2 "OchOA" + :op3 "Antich") + :ARG0-of (r / retire-01) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (g / general))) + :ARG1 (o / over-the-top + :domain (s2 / say-01 + :ARG1 (i / involve-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :ARG2 (b / build-up-05 + :ARG1 (w / weaponry)))))) + +(p / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavez") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (m / minister + :topic (d / defend-01)) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 1920)) + :time-of (l / launch-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (l2 / lieutenant-colonel)) + :time (t / then)) + :ARG1 (c / coup-01 + :ARG1-of (f / fail-01)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Richard_Ochoa" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ochoa")) + :ARG1 (p2 / purchase-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Venezuela")) + :ARG1 (w / weapon) + :time (b / before + :op1 (n3 / now) + :duration (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 25 + :unit (y / year))))) + :op2 (s2 / say-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (b2 / buy-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :ARG1 (w2 / weapon) + :manner (a2 / aggressive) + :purpose (t2 / threaten-01 + :ARG0 p3 + :ARG2 (n5 / neighbor + :poss p3) + :ARG1-of (p4 / possible-01))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Richard_Ochoa" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ochoa")) + :ARG1 (b / buy-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Venezuela")) + :ARG1 (a2 / arms + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Russia"))) + :time (e / ever) + :time (b2 / before))) + :op2 (s2 / suggest-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :ARG1 (i / it) + :ARG2 (i2 / independence + :source (c3 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "U.S.")))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (a2 / ask-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Richard_Ochoa" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ochoa")) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG1 (b / buy-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :ARG1 (c2 / calibre + :mod (r / rifle) + :ARG1-of (p3 / popular-02 + :ARG2 (f / force + :mod (s / subversive) + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Latin_America" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Latin" + :op2 "America"))))))))) + :op2 (s2 / state-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (m / make-02 + :ARG0 (s3 / support-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (p4 / political-movement + :ARG1-of (r2 / radical-02) + :ARG1-of (l / left-19)) + :mod (p5 / politics) + :ARG1-of (p6 / provide-01 + :ARG0 p2)) + :ARG1 (t2 / threaten-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG2 p2 + :mod (c3 / continent))))) + +(q / question-03 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "The_Pentagon" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Pentagon") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "US"))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (d / do-02 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :ARG2 (r / rifle + :mod (o / old) + :mod (p2 / product + :wiki "FAL_(missile)" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "FAL"))))) + :op2 (t2 / truth-value + :polarity-of (p3 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (s / share-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (o2 / or + :op1 (w / weapon) + :op2 (a2 / ammunition)) + :ARG2 (f / force + :mod (g2 / guerrilla) + :location (w2 / world-region + :wiki "Latin_America" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Latin" + :op2 "America"))))))) + :ARG1-of (o3 / open-04)) + +(p / provide-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S.")))) + :ARG1 (p2 / prove-01 + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (a / arm-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :ARG1 (i / insurgency + :ARG1-of (l / left-19))) + :op2 (f / fund-01 + :ARG0 p3 + :ARG1 i)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (a2 / analyze-01 + :ARG1 (g / guerrilla + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Colombia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Colombia")))) + :mod (m / military)) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (s2 / specialize-01 + :ARG1 g))) + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (r / rebel-01)) + :ARG1 (m2 / money + :quant (l / lot)) + :purpose (b / buy-01 + :ARG0 p3 + :ARG1 (w / weapon + :ARG1-of (c2 / come-03 + :ARG2 (d / drug))))) + :op2 (i / interest-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 p3 + :ARG2 (o / or + :op1 (r2 / rifle + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "Belgium" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Belgium")) + :mod (o2 / old)) + :op2 (a4 / aid-01 + :ARG0 (p4 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :ARG2 p3))))) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG0 (s / study + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2003) + :ARG1-of (p / publish-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Defense_Intelligence_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S." + :op2 "Defense" + :op3 "Intelligence" + :op4 "Agency")))) + :ARG1 (o / originate-01 + :ARG1 (w / weapon + :ARG1-of (s2 / seize-01 + :ARG2 (g2 / guerrilla + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Colombia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Colombia"))) + :time (d2 / date-interval + :op1 (d3 / date-entity + :year 1998) + :op2 (d4 / date-entity + :year 2001))) + :ARG0-of (h / have-03 + :ARG1 (m / mark-02 + :ARG1 (m2 / military) + :mod (f / foreign))) + :quant (m3 / more-than + :op1 "1 /2")) + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Venezuela")))) + +(i / imply-01 + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (h / help-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (a / army + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Venezuela"))) + :ARG2 (m / member)) + :ARG1-of (c2 / corrupt-01) + :ARG0-of (u / understand-01)) + :ARG1 (g / guerrilla)))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (c / concern-01 + :ARG0 (t / train-01 + :mod (i / ideology) + :ARG1-of (o / on-ones-mind-07 + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (m / military) + :ARG2 (r / reservist)) + :ARG1-of (n / new-01 + :ARG1 p3)) + :op2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / civilian) + :ARG2 (r2 / reservist)))) + :ARG1-of (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (c3 / criticize-01))))) + :ARG1 (p5 / person + :ARG0-of (o2 / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (p6 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Chavez"))) + :ARG1-of (i2 / internal-02)) + :ARG2-of (h3 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 t + :ARG3 (m2 / most)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (r / request-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :ARG1 (b / begin-01 + :ARG0 (u / unit + :ARG0-of (r2 / revolution-03) + :mod (s / so-called)) + :ARG1 (p2 / prepare-02 + :ARG0 u + :ARG1 (p3 / public) + :ARG2 (r3 / resist-01 + :ARG0 p3 + :ARG1 (a2 / aggressor + :mod (s2 / superpower))))) + :time (b2 / before) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2005)) + :op2 (s3 / say-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (s4 / step-01 + :ARG2 (t / train-01 + :ARG0 u + :ARG1 (s5 / support-01 + :ARG0 u + :ARG1 (f / force + :ARG1-of (a3 / arm-01) + :ARG0-of (a4 / activity-06))) + :ARG2 (p4 / person + :quant 2000000 + :ARG0-of (v / volunteer-01)) + :time (a5 / after + :op1 d + :quant (u2 / up-to + :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 100000 + :unit (y / year))))) + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1)))) + +(e / estimate-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (a / analyze-01) + :mod (m / military)) + :ARG1 (a2 / add-up-04 + :ARG1 (f / force + :ARG1-of (a3 / arm-01) + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Venezuela")) + :ARG0-of (a4 / activity-06)) + :ARG2 83000)) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / create-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (u / unit + :purpose (d / defend-01 + :ARG1 (p / populace)) + :location (n / neighborhood)) + :op2 (e / enterprise + :mod (s / state)) + :op3 (u2 / university + :wiki "University_of_Liberty" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "University" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Liberty") + :ARG1-of (s2 / set-up-03 + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Chavez") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p3 / president))))))) + :op2 (r / report-01 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG2 p2 + :ARG1-of (d2 / direct-02))) + +(i / insist-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s / support-01 + :ARG0 (r / reservation) + :ARG1 (f / force + :ARG1-of (a2 / arm-01))) + :op2 (a3 / act-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 r + :ARG1 (f2 / frontline + :mod 5 + :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (c / coup-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :ARG1-of (p2 / possible-01))))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Espinoza")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (u / use-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (r / reservation) + :ARG2 (t / troop + :mod (c / choke) + :poss (p2 / political-party + :mod (a2 / any))))) + :op2 (o2 / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (s2 / side-01 + :ARG0 (e / each + :ARG1-of s2) + :condition (w / war + :mod (c2 / civil)))))) + +(h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Augusto_César_Viloria" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Julio" + :op2 "Quintero" + :op3 "Viloria") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (g / general))) + :ARG1 (r / reservation) + :ARG2 (c / commander)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Geraldo_Magela" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Quintero")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (e / expect-01 + :ARG0 (f / force + :ARG1-of (a2 / arm-01)) + :ARG1 (t / train-01 + :ARG0 f + :ARG2 (c / civilian + :quant 50000) + :time (w / weekend + :quant 20) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2003 + :month 2))) + :op2 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / train-01 + :ARG0 f + :ARG2 (c2 / civilian + :quant 300000 + :mod (m / more)) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2006)))) + :medium (i / interview-01 + :ARG1 p)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Geraldo_Magela" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Quintero")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (w / want-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Venezuela"))) + :ARG1 (c2 / colony + :domain p2 + :poss (e / empire + :mod (a2 / any)))) + :op2 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG1 p2 + :ARG2 (r / ready-02 + :ARG1 p2 + :ARG2 (c3 / chance-02 + :ARG0 p2 + :mod (a3 / any)))))) + +(p / pledge-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :quant 100000 + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (r / reservist))) + :ARG1 (n / navy + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Venezuela"))) + :ARG2 (g / game + :mod (w / warfare + :mod (m / mass))) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 6 + :year 2005) + :purpose (r2 / repel-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :ARG1-of (i / invade-01 + :ARG0 c2) + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (s / strong-02 + :ARG1 c2) + :ARG3 (m2 / more))))) + +(p / participate-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :quant 40 + :ARG1-of (e / employ-01 + :ARG0 (s / state + :mod (o / oil)))) + :ARG1 (e2 / exercise + :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01) + :accompanier (s2 / soldier + :quant 1200)) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2005 + :month 6)) + +(w / warn-01 + :ARG0 (c / circle + :ARG0-of (f / favor-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavez"))) + :location (h / here)) + :ARG1 (w2 / war-01 + :mod (s / symmetric + :polarity -))) + +(t / term-01 + :ARG1 (w / war-01 + :mod (s / symmetric + :polarity -)) + :ARG2 (s2 / strategy + :mod (m / military) + :mod (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US"))) + :ARG3 (d / describe-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / conflict-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (c3 / combat-01) + :ARG1-of (e / equal-01 + :polarity -)) + :location-of (e2 / employ-02 + :ARG0 (s3 / side + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (w2 / weak-02 + :ARG1 s3) + :ARG3 (m2 / most))) + :ARG1 (t2 / tactic + :mod (g / guerrilla)))))) + +(g / give-01 + :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S.")))) + :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 3300000000 + :unit (d / dollar)) + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Colombia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Colombia")) + :duration (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 5 + :unit (y / year) + :mod (p / past)) + :ARG0-of (a / aid-01 + :ARG2 c2 + :mod (m2 / military + :mod (m3 / main)))) + +(f / fear-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG1-of (l / loyal-01 + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavez")))) + :ARG1 (p3 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (i / instigate-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "U.S.")))) + :ARG1 (w / war-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Colombia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Colombia")) + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Venezuela")) + :ARG2 (p4 / power)) + :ARG2-of (h / have-manner-91 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (o / overthrow-01 + :ARG1 p2) + :op2 (c4 / control-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (o2 / oil + :poss c3))))))) + +(r / rule-out-02 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S.")) + :ARG2 (o / official + :mod (s / senior)))) + :ARG1 (t / think-01 + :ARG1 (w / want-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 c)) + :ARG1 (i / invade-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Venezuela")))) + :mod (h2 / horseshit + :ARG1-of (c3 / complete-02) + :mod (u / utter))) + :time (i2 / interview-01 + :ARG1 p)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (w / wish-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / side + :mod (p2 / political-movement + :wiki "Chavista" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavista"))) + :ARG1 (n2 / negative-02 + :ARG0 (r / relation-03)) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / calculate-01 + :ARG0 s2 + :ARG1 (r2 / rise-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :ARG4 (p4 / power)) + :manner (c3 / confront-01 + :ARG0 s2 + :ARG1 (c4 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States")) + :manner (c5 / constant)) + :mod (p5 / politics))))) + +(w / worry-01 + :ARG0 (f / fail-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (c / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (m / military)) + :op2 (e / exercise + :mod (j / joint)))) + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "U.S.")) + :mod (a2 / another)) + +(h / have-03 + :ARG0 (m / military + :mod (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S."))) + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Office" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Cooperation")) + :duration (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 50 + :unit (y / year)) + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Venezuela") + :ARG1-of (s / strong-02))) + +(s / shut-down-05 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :ARG1 (i / it) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2004)) + +(o / order-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :quant 5 + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (m / military + :mod (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S."))) + :ARG3 (t / train-01))) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (s / study-01))) + :ARG2 (p3 / participate-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (p4 / program + :mod (e / exchange-01))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2005 + :month 4) + :purpose (l / leave-11 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 c)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (a / analyze-01)) + :ARG1 (l / likely-01 + :ARG1 (t / try-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :ARG1 (i / indoctrinate-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (p3 / public + :poss p2) + :op2 (f / force + :ARG1-of (a3 / arm-01) + :poss p2)))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (a / analyze-01)) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG0-of (p2 / prove-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (u / use-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :wiki "Hugo_Chávez" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavez")) + :ARG1 (f / force + :mod (t2 / that)) + :ARG2 (h / help-01 + :ARG0 p3 + :ARG1 (r / revolution-03 + :ARG0 (p4 / person + :ARG1-of (l / left-19)) + :location (e / elsewhere))))))) + +(d / date-entity + :month 6 + :day 18 + :year 2007) + +(c / country + :wiki "North_Korea" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Democratic" + :op2 "People's" + :op3 "Republic" + :op4 "of" + :op5 "Korea")) + +(a / and + :op1 (p / proliferate-01) + :op2 (i / international)) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / prepare-02 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "North_Korea" + :name (n / name + :op1 "North" + :op2 "Korea")))) + :ARG2 (b / begin-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (c2 / close-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (r / reactor + :ARG0-of (p3 / produce-01 + :ARG1 (p4 / plutonium))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 6) + :ARG4-of (s / step-01 + :ARG1 g + :ARG2 (d2 / defuse-01 + :ARG1 (u / unit) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 12)) + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Christopher" + :op2 "Hill") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (u / undersecretary + :topic (f / foreign)))) + :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / prepare-02 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "North_Korea" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "North" + :op2 "Korea")))) + :ARG2 (s2 / start-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (s3 / shut-down-05 + :ARG1 (r / reactor + :ARG0-of (p4 / produce-01 + :ARG1 (p5 / plutonium)))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 6) + :prep-as (s4 / step-01 + :ARG2 (d2 / defuse-01 + :ARG1 (u2 / unity) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 12)) + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1))))) + :time (d4 / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 6 + :day 18)) + +(n / negotiate-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Hill")) + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "U.S.")) + :ARG2 (p2 / program + :mod (w / weapon + :mod (n4 / nucleus)) + :poss (c2 / country + :wiki "North_Korea" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "North" + :op2 "Korea"))) + :mod (c3 / chief)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hill")) + :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (a / advance-01 + :ARG1 (e / effort-01 + :ARG1 (d / dismantle-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / program + :poss (c / country + :wiki "North_Korea" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "North" + :op2 "Korea")) + :mod (w / weapon + :mod (n3 / nucleus)))) + :ARG1-of (s2 / stall-01)) + :time (a2 / and + :op1 (a3 / after + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :month 6 + :day 16 + :year 2007)) + :op2 (d3 / date-entity + :month 6 + :day 17 + :year 2007 + :time-of (i / invite-01 + :ARG0 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / city + :wiki "Pyongyang" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Pyongyang")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (p5 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o2 / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Atomic" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Agency")) + :ARG3 (i2 / inspect-01))) + :ARG2 (v / visit-01 + :ARG0 p5 + :ARG1 (h3 / he) + :purpose (d4 / discuss-01 + :ARG0 p5 + :ARG1 (a4 / and + :op1 (v2 / verify-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / close-01)) + :op2 (m / monitor-01 + :ARG1 c3)))))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hill")) + :ARG1 (e / expect-01 + :ARG1 (c / close-01) + :ARG1-of (l / long-03)) + :ARG1-of (f / follow-01 + :ARG2 (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :wiki "Wu_Dawei" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Wu" + :op2 "Dawei") + :ARG0-of (n3 / negotiate-01) + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "China")))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hill")) + :ARG1 (c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / close-01 + :time (a / after + :quant (u / up-to + :op1 (m / multiple + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (w / week))))))) + :ARG2 (p3 / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 c2 + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (d / date-entity + :quant 1 + :unit (m2 / month)))))) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG0 (p / publication + :wiki "Associated_Press" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Associated" + :op2 "Press")) + :ARG1 (s / state-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "IAEA")) + :ARG1 (v / visit-01 + :ARG0 (t / team) + :ARG1 (c / city + :wiki "Pyongyang" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Pyongyang")) + :time (w / week + :mod (d / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 6 + :day 24)) + :purpose (d2 / discuss-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (w2 / way + :manner-of (v2 / verify-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (i / inspect-01)) + :ARG1 (s2 / shut-down-05))))) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 6 + :day 18)) + :source (c2 / city + :wiki "Vienna" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Vienna") + :location (c3 / country + :wiki "Austria" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Austria")))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hill")) + :ARG1 (h / hold-04 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (i / inspect-01) + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "IAEA")))) + :ARG1 (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (s2 / seal-01 + :ARG1 (r / reactor)) + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / city + :wiki "Pyongyang" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Pyongyang")) + :ARG2 (o2 / official))) + :ARG2-of (i2 / include-01 + :ARG1 (f / facility + :mod (t2 / television + :ARG0-of (m / monitor-01))) + :location (s3 / site))))) + +(r / refuse-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "North_Korea" + :name (n / name + :op1 "North" + :op2 "Korea")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (p2 / proceed-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (d / deal-01 + :ARG2 (b / begin-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (d2 / dismantle-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (r2 / reactor + :wiki "Yongbyon_Nuclear_Scientific_Research_Center" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Yongbyon")))) + :time (u / until + :op1 (t / transfer-01 + :ARG1 (f / fund + :quant (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 25000000 + :unit (d3 / dollar)) + :ARG1-of (l / link-01 + :ARG2 c) + :ARG1-of (k / keep-01 + :location (b2 / bank + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Macau" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Macao"))))) + :ARG2 c)))) + :time (d4 / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 2)) + +(f / freeze-02 + :ARG1 (m / money) + :time (c / charge-05 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S.")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (c3 / company + :wiki "Delta_Asia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Delta" + :op2 "Asia")) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (a2 / aid-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (c4 / crime-02 + :ARG1 (f2 / finance)) + :ARG2 (c5 / country + :wiki "North_Korea" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "North" + :op2 "Korea"))) + :op2 (a3 / abet-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 c4)))) + +(t / transfer-01 + :ARG1 (f / fund) + :ARG2 (c / company + :wiki "Bank_of_the_Federal_Reserve_System" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Bank" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "the" + :op4 "Federal" + :op5 "Reserve") + :mod (c2 / city + :wiki "New_York_City" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "New" + :op2 "York"))) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 6 + :day 14 + :year 2007) + :time (a / after + :op1 (d2 / disagree-01 + :ARG2 (m / method + :manner-of (r / return-02 + :ARG1 f)) + :duration (m2 / multiple + :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (m3 / month)))))) + +(r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (s / send-01 + :ARG1 (f / fund) + :ARG2 (o / organization + :wiki "Central_Bank_of_Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Central" + :op2 "Bank" + :op3 "of" + :op4 "Russia")) + :time (b / before + :op1 (t / transfer-01 + :ARG1 f + :ARG2 (a / account + :ARG1-of (c / control-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "North_Korea" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "North" + :op2 "Korea"))))) + :location (b2 / bank + :mod (c3 / commerce) + :mod c2)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hill")) + :ARG1 (t / talk-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (n2 / negotiate-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG2 (d / disarm-01))) + :op2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (n4 / negotiate-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "South_Korea" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Korea")) + :ARG2 d)) + :op3 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (n6 / negotiate-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :ARG2 d))) + :ARG2 (m / move-02 + :ARG1 (r / recover-02 + :ARG1 (t2 / time + :quant (s2 / some) + :ARG1-of (l / lose-02)))) + :time (w / week + :mod (d2 / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 6 + :day 17)) + :time (o / organize-01 + :ARG1 (t3 / transfer-01 + :mod (f / finance))))) + +(i / imply-01 + :ARG0 (d / discuss-01) + :ARG1 (s / set-02 + :ARG1 (t / timetable + :purpose (r / resume-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / talk-01 + :ARG1 (c / control-01 + :ARG1 (a / arm)) + :location (b / between + :op1 (n / nation + :quant 6)))))) + :mod (a2 / also)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (a / accord-03 + :ARG1-of (r / reach-01 + :time (d / date-entity + :month 2 + :year 2007))) + :ARG1 (p / pledge-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "North_Korea" + :name (n / name + :op1 "North" + :op2 "Korea")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (c2 / close-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / reactor + :wiki "Yongbyon_Nuclear_Scientific_Research_Center" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Yongbyon"))) + :op2 (a3 / allow-01 + :ARG1 (a4 / and + :op1 (v / verify-01 + :ARG0 a3 + :ARG1 c2) + :op2 (c3 / control-01 + :ARG0 a3 + :ARG1 c2))) + :ARG1-of (e / exchange-01 + :ARG3 (s2 / ship-01 + :ARG1 (o2 / oil + :mod (f / fuel) + :quant (m / mass-quantity + :quant 50000 + :unit (t / ton)))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (d / declare-02 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "North_Korea" + :name (n / name + :op1 "North" + :op2 "Korea")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (p2 / program + :mod (n2 / nucleus) + :mod (a2 / all))) + :op2 (d2 / disable-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (f / facility + :mod a2) + :ARG1-of (r / return-05 + :ARG0 p + :ARG2 (o2 / oil + :mod (f2 / fuel) + :quant (m / more + :quant (m2 / mass-quantity + :quant 450000 + :unit (t / ton)))) + :time (p3 / phase + :mod (n3 / next) + :part-of (a3 / accord-03))))) + +(m / mention-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hill")) + :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (c / conclude-02 + :ARG1 (p3 / phase + :mod (n2 / next) + :part-of (d / deal-01)) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 12)) + :mod (t / technical))) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 8 + :day 27) + +(c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Islamic" + :op2 "Republic" + :op3 "of" + :op4 "Iran")) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (w / weapon) + :op3 (p / proliferate-01) + :op4 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :op5 (e / energy)) + +(c / criticize-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01 + :ARG2 (c2 / control-01 + :ARG1 (a / arm))) + :ARG1-of (k / key-02)) + :ARG1 (p2 / plan-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / activity-06 + :mod (n / nucleus)) + :ARG1-of (n2 / new-01) + :ARG1-of (r / release-01 + :ARG0 (a3 / and + :op1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :op2 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Atomic" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Agency") + :poss (o2 / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "UN")))))) + :ARG2 (a4 / and + :op1 (e2 / effective-04 + :polarity - + :ARG0 p2) + :op2 (e3 / endanger-01 + :ARG0 p2))) + +(p / publish-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :op2 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Atomic" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Agency") + :poss (o2 / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "UN")))) + :ARG1 (p2 / plan-01 + :ARG1 (s / solve-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / problem))) + :time (b / before + :op1 (d / date-entity + :year 2007 + :month 12)) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :day 27 + :month 8 + :year 2007)) + +(s / solve-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (p / problem) + :duration (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 4 + :unit (y / year))) + +(a / aim-01 + :ARG0 (p / plan) + :ARG1 (a2 / allay-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (s / suspect-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / activity-06 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :mod (p2 / past) + :mod (n2 / nucleus))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (a / agency) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (p2 / progress-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / plan) + :mod (h2 / huge))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mahmoud" + :op2 "Ahmadinejad") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG2 (p2 / president))) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 8 + :day 28 + :year 2007) + :location (c2 / conference + :mod (p3 / press) + :location (c3 / city + :wiki "Tehran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Tehran")))) + +(c / close-01 + :ARG1 (i / investigate-01 + :ARG1 (a / activity-06 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :mod (n2 / nucleus))) + :time (n3 / now) + :time (a2 / already)) + +(c / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :mod (o / other + :polarity -) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o2 / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Atomic" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Agency")) + :ARG2 (m / member))) + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (g / good-02) + :ARG3 (e / equal) + :ARG4 (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")))) + +(n / nation + :mod (n2 / nucleus) + :domain (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + +(h / have-03 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (c2 / cycle-02 + :ARG1 (f / fuel + :mod (n2 / nucleus)))) + +(s / succumb-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (p / pressure-01 + :ARG0 (i / international) + :ARG1 c + :ARG2 (c2 / curb-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (p2 / project + :mod (n2 / nucleus) + :poss c)))) + +(h / have-purpose-91 + :ARG1 (p / project + :mod (n / nucleus) + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :ARG2 (p2 / peace)) + +(b / believe-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States")) + :op2 (n2 / nation + :part-of (c2 / continent + :wiki "Europe" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Europe")) + :quant (s / some))) + :ARG1 (a2 / aim-02 + :ARG1 (p / project + :mod (n4 / nucleus) + :poss (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :ARG2 (m / make-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (w / weapon + :mod n4)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01) + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n / name + :op1 "West")) + :quant (s2 / several)) + :op2 (p / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01 + :ARG2 (c / control-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / arm))) + :mod (p2 / prominent))) + :ARG1 (a3 / attempt-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (a4 / avoid-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (p3 / punish-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Security_Council" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "UN" + :op2 "Security" + :op3 "Council")) + :mod (f / further))))) + +(i / include-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "France"))) + :ARG2 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01) + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "West")))) + +(b / believe-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :op2 (p / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01))) + :ARG1 (a2 / attempt-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")))) + +(s / slow-01 + :ARG1 (p / process-02 + :ARG1 (c / control-01 + :ARG1 (a / arm)))) + +(s / stop-03 + :mode imperative + :ARG0 (y / you) + :ARG2 (a / answer-01 + :ARG0 y + :ARG1 (q / question-01 + :ARG1 (v / violate-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (t / treaty) + :time (p / past))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "David_Albright" + :name (n / name + :op1 "David" + :op2 "Albright") + :ARG0-of (h / 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:mod (m / more)))) + :time (f / future)) + +(s / set-02 + :ARG0 (e / event + :mod (u / usual + :polarity -) + :mod (t / this)) + :ARG1 (p / precedent + :ARG1-of (b / bad-07))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (d / deceive-01 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Atomic" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Agency")) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a / anxious + :domain o + :topic (d2 / deal-01 + :ARG0 o))))) + +(a / announce-01 + :ARG0 (p / plan + :mod (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Atomic" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Agency")))) + +(s / solve-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (q / question-01 + :ARG1 (e / experiment-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (p / plutonium) + :time (p2 / past))) + :manner (e2 / explain-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (t / thing + :manner-of e))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mark" + :op2 "Fitzpatrick") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (r / research-institute + :wiki "International_Institute_for_Strategic_Studies" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Institute" + :op3 "for" + :op4 "Strategic" + :op5 "Studies")) + :ARG2 (m / member + :mod (c / chief))))) + +(s / superficial + :domain (p / plan-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Atomic" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Agency")))) + +(p / prolong-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / plan-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Atomic" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Agency"))) + :ARG1 (n2 / negotiate-01) + :duration (m / many + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (m2 / month)))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (l / leave-13 + :ARG0 (p2 / plan-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "International_Atomic_Energy_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Atomic" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Agency"))) + :ARG1 (a / answer-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1-of (c2 / complete-02 + :polarity -) + :ARG0-of (m / mislead-01)))) + +(l / locate-01 + :ARG1 (r / research-institute + :wiki "International_Institute_for_Strategic_Studies" + :name (n / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Institute" + :op3 "for" + :op4 "Strategic" + :op5 "Studies")) + :location (c / city + :wiki "London" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "London"))) + +(m / material + :domain (p / plutonium) + :ARG1-of (u / use-01 + :ARG2 (m2 / make-01 + :ARG1 (w / weapon + :mod (n / nucleus)) + :ARG2 p) + :ARG1-of (p2 / possible-01))) + +(o / organization + :domain (r / research-institute + :wiki "Institute_for_Science_and_International_Security" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Institute" + :op2 "for" + :op3 "Science" + :op4 "and" + :op5 "International" + :op6 " Security")) + :ARG1-of (p / private-03) + 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:frequency (a / approximately + :op1 75) + :time (s2 / since + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :year 1998)) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (s3 / suspect-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (u / use-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (b / build-01 + :ARG1 (b2 / bomb)))))))) + +(s / show-01 + :ARG0 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (l / list-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Nuclear_power_Watch_Group" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nuclear" + :op2 "Nuclear" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Watch" + :op5 "Group")))) + :ARG1 (d / deny-01 + :ARG1 (p / purchase-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (m / material + :ARG1-of (r / relate-01 + :ARG2 (e / energy + :mod (n3 / nucleus))))) + :frequency (a / approximately + :op1 75) + :time (s2 / since + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :year 1998)) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (s3 / suspect-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (u / use-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (b / build-01 + :ARG1 (b2 / bomb)))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (b / branch + :part-of (t / treaty + :wiki "Treaty_on_the_Non-Proliferation_of_Nuclear_Weapons" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nuclear" + :op2 "Non-Proliferation" + :op3 "Treaty")) + :domain (o / organization + :wiki "Nuclear_Proliferation_Group" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Nuclear" + :op2 "Proliferation" + :op3 "Group") + :consist-of (n3 / nation + :quant 45))) + :op2 (r / responsible-03 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (m / monitor-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (t2 / trade-01 + :mod (i / international)) + :purpose (e / ensure-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (d / direct-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (t3 / technology + :mod (n4 / nucleus) + :ARG1-of (t4 / transfer-01 + :purpose (p / purpose + :mod (p2 / peaceful)))) + :ARG2 (u / use-01 + :ARG0 (m2 / military) + :ARG1 t3)))))) + +(c / comprise-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :ARG1-of (a / advanced-02 + :ARG2 (t / technology))) + :ARG2 (g / group + :ARG0-of (s / supply-01 + :ARG1 (n / nucleus)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / state-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Nuclear_Non-Proliferation_Group" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nuclear" + :op2 "Non-Proliferation" + :op3 "Group")) + :ARG1 (a / act-02 + :ARG0 (c / country) + :ARG1 (b / block-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (t / trade-01 + :ARG0-of (v / violate-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / control-01 + :ARG1 (e / export-01) + :ARG1-of (d / design-01 + :ARG3 (m / maintain-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (c3 / cooperate-01 + :mod (i / international) + :ARG2 (u / use-01 + :ARG1 (e2 / energy + :mod (n2 / nucleus) + :mod (p / peaceful)))))))))) + :manner (i2 / individual)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (e / enforce-01 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Nuclear_powers_Group" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nuclear" + :op2 "powers" + :op3 "Group")))) + :op2 (n2 / notify-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (c / company) + :ARG2 (v / violate-01 + :ARG1 (g / guideline + :poss o)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (m / maintain-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Nuclear_Proliferation_Group" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nuclear" + :op2 "Proliferation" + :op3 "Group")) + :ARG1 (p / privacy + :poss (d / data))) + :op2 (m2 / meet-03 + :ARG0 o + :manner (s / secret) + :degree (l / large))) + +(a / and + :op1 (d / deny-01 + :ARG1 (p / purchase-01) + :quant (m / most) + :time (s / since + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :year 2002))) + :op2 (r / result-01 + :ARG1 (i / intervene-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Nuclear_Weapons_Cluster" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nuclear" + :op2 "Weapons" + :op3 "Group")) + :ARG2 (m2 / member)))) + :ARG2 d)) + +(g / give-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :ARG1-of (i / interest-01 + :ARG2 (e / expose-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (e2 / extent + :poss (e3 / effort-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (a / acquire-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (i2 / item + :ARG1-of (u / use-01 + :mod (d / dual)) + :ARG1-of (b / become-01 + :ARG2 (p2 / produce-01 + :ARG1 (w / weapon)) + :ARG1-of (p3 / possible-01)) + :mod (s / so-called)))))))) + :ARG2 (d2 / diplomat))) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (l / list-01 + :ARG1 (d3 / deny-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / trade-01))))) + +(e / enable-01 + :ARG1 (l / list) + :condition (i / identify-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (d / diplomat))) + :op2 (c / country + :poss p)))) + +(n / name-01 + :ARG0 (l / list) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c / company + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Australia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Australia"))) + :op2 (c3 / company + :location (c4 / country + :wiki "Finland" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Finland"))) + :op3 (c5 / company + :location (c6 / country + :wiki "Sweden" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Sweden"))) + :op4 (c7 / company + :location (c8 / country + :wiki "United_Arab_Emirates" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Arab" + :op3 "Emirates"))) + :op5 (c9 / company + :location (c10 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :ARG1-of (p / prevent-01 + :ARG2 (t / transact-01) + :ARG1-of (c11 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (s / suspect-01 + :ARG1 (u / use-01 + :ARG1 (i / item + :ARG1-of (s2 / sell-01)) + :ARG2 (m / military))))))) + +(i / include-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p / powder + :consist-of (p2 / pethium)) + :op2 (c / component + :purpose (p3 / plant + :mod (p4 / petrochemical))) + :op3 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (c2 / compress-01)) + :op4 (o / oven) + :op5 (b / bean) + :op6 (a2 / and + :op1 (b2 / bride + :mod (s / steel)) + :op2 (a3 / accessory + :mod s)) + :op7 (m / microscopic + :mod (e / electronics)) + :op8 (m2 / machine + :ARG0-of (c3 / classify-01 + :ARG1 (o2 / ore) + :manner (r / radiometric))) + :op9 (a4 / and + :op1 (v / valve) + :op2 (t2 / tube)) + :op10 (l / laser) + :op11 (p5 / platform + :ARG0-of (d / drill-01 + :manner (r2 / rotate-01))) + :op12 (s2 / spectrum) + :op13 (p6 / plant + :ARG0-of (p7 / produce-01 + :ARG1 (n / nitrate)))) + :ARG2 (i2 / item + :ARG1-of (l2 / list-01) + :ARG1-of (o3 / offer-01 + :ARG3 (s3 / sell-01 + :ARG1-of (p8 / possible-01)) + :location (d2 / deal-01 + :ARG1-of (b3 / block-01))))) + +(i / include-91 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")))) + :op2 (o / organization + :wiki "Atomic_Energy_Organization" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Atomic" + :op2 "Energy" + :op3 "Organization") + :poss c) + :op3 (c2 / company + :mod (e / electricity)) + :op4 (c3 / company + :mod (e2 / engineer-01)) + :op5 (c4 / company + :mod (p / petrochemical)) + :op6 (c5 / company + :ARG0-of (r / refine-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (o2 / oil) + :op2 (g3 / gas)))) + :op7 (i2 / industry + :mod (a3 / aeronautics)) + :op8 (s / school) + :op9 (u / university) + :op10 (c6 / company + :ARG0-of (m / make-01 + :ARG1 (e3 / engine))) + :op11 (c7 / center + :mod (r2 / research-01 + :ARG1 (o3 / ore))) + :op12 (c8 / company + :ARG0-of (s2 / support-01 + :ARG1 (h / helicopter))) + :op13 (c9 / company + :mod (p2 / plasma + :mod (p3 / physics)))) + :ARG2 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (u2 / use-01 + :mod (f / final)) + :mod c)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (d / diplomat))) + :ARG1 (r / represent-01 + :ARG0 (n / negative-03 + :quant 75) + :ARG1 (a / act-02 + :ARG0 (s2 / state + :quant 7 + :mod (o / only) + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (s3 / state + :quant 45 + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (m / member)))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (d / diplomat))) + :ARG1 (p2 / probable + :domain (h2 / high-02 + :ARG1 (n / number + :quant-of (d2 / deny-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / product + :ARG1-of (u / use-01 + :mod (d3 / dual))) + :ARG2 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :ARG1-of (a / actual-02)) + :ARG2-of (h3 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 n + :ARG3 (m / more + :quant (m2 / much)) + :ARG4 (p4 / percentage-entity + :value 75))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (d / diplomat)) + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n / name + :op1 "West"))) + :ARG1 (u / use-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / city + :wiki "Tehran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Tehran")))) + :ARG1 (c2 / company + :mod (f / front)) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (r / receive-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (t / technology) + :ARG3 (p2 / produce-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (w2 / weapon)) + :ARG1-of (d2 / detect-01 + :polarity -)) + :op2 (c3 / convert-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 t + :ARG3 p2) + :time (c4 / continue-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / standoff + :topic (p3 / program + :mod (n3 / nucleus) + :poss c)))))) + +(c / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (s / sign-02 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (t / treaty + :wiki "Treaty_on_the_Non-Proliferation_of_Nuclear_Weapons" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Nuclear" + :op2 "Nonproliferation" + :op3 "Treaty"))) + :ARG2 (h / have-org-role-91 + :polarity - + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Nuclear_Proliferation_Group" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Nuclear" + :op2 "Proliferation" + :op3 "Group")) + :ARG2 (m / member))) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 8 + :day 8) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Georgia")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russian" + :op2 "Federation"))) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :op3 (d / dissent-01) + :op4 (a2 / and + :op1 (w / war-01) + :op2 (c / conflict-01)) + :op5 (w2 / weapon) + :op6 (p / politics)) + +(a / attack-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG1 (t / target + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Georgia"))) + :path (a2 / air) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 8 + :day 8)) + +(e / escalate-01 + :ARG0 (a / attack-01 + :path (a2 / air)) + :ARG1 (c / conflict-01) + :location (a3 / area + :mod (s / separatist) + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Georgia")))) + +(a / attack-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG1 (t / target + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Georgia"))) + :path (a2 / air) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 8 + :day 8)) + +(e / escalate-01 + :ARG0 (a / attack-01 + :path (a2 / air)) + :ARG1 (c / conflict-01) + :location (a3 / area + :mod (s / separatist) + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Georgia")))) + +(t / test-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p / power) + :op2 (s / scope) + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :mod (m / military)) + :ARG2 (c2 / conflict-01)) + +(e / enter-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (t / troop + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia"))) + :op2 (v / vehicle + :ARG1-of (a2 / armor-01))) + :ARG1 (c2 / country-region + :wiki "South_Ossetia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Ossetia")) + :time (p / previous) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 8 + :month 8 + :year 2008)) + +(s / support-01 + :ARG0 (p / present-02 + :ARG1 (t / troop + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia")))) + :ARG1 (z / zone + :mod (s2 / separatist)) + :ARG2 (c2 / conflict-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Georgia")) + :ARG1-of (c4 / chain-01))) + +(c / condemn-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States")) + :op2 (n2 / nation + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "West")) + :mod (o / other)) + :op3 (m / military + :wiki "NATO" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "NATO"))) + :ARG1 (v / violence)) + +(d / demand-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States")) + :op2 (n2 / nation + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "West")) + :mod (o / other)) + :op3 (m / military + :wiki "NATO" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "NATO"))) + :ARG1 (c2 / cease-01 + :ARG1 (f / fire-01))) + +(d / demand-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Condoleezza_Rice" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Condoleezza" + :op2 "Rice") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "US")) + :ARG2 (s / secretary + :topic (f / foreign)))) + :ARG1 (w / withdraw-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG1 (f2 / force + :poss c2)) + :ARG2 c2) + +(s / stay-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / soldier + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia"))) + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Georgia"))) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Georgia")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (a / attack-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / airport + :location (p2 / port + :wiki "Port_of_Poti" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Poti") + :location (s / sea + :wiki "Black_Sea" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Black" + :op2 "Sea")))) + :quant (a3 / at-least + :op1 1) + :time (l / late + :op1 (d / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 8 + :day 8)))) + +(s / show-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Georgia"))) + :ARG1 (i / indicate-01 + :ARG1 (g / give-in-09 + :ARG0 a))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Vladimir_Putin" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Vladimir" + :op2 "V." + :op3 "Putin") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p2 / prime)))) + :ARG1 (s2 / start-01 + :ARG1 (w / war))) + +(a / accuse-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Mikhail_Saakashvili" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mikheil" + :op2 "Saakashvili") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Georgia")) + :ARG2 (p2 / president))) + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG2 (i / invade-01 + :ARG1-of (p3 / plan-01 + :ARG1-of (w / well-09)))) + +(m / mobilize-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Georgia")) + :ARG1 (r / reservation + :mod (m2 / military))) + +(c / collapse-01 + :ARG1 (w / website + :poss (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Georgia"))))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 8 + :day 8) + :manner (h / halt-01)) + +(s / signal-07 + :ARG0 (a / accident) + :ARG1 (c / campaign-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / against + :op1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Georgia")) + :mod (w / warfare + :mod (c3 / cyber))))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (r / renew-01 + :ARG0 (d / dispute-01) + :ARG1 (c / conflict-01 + :ARG1-of (s / sustain-01 + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Caspian_region" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Cáucaso")))))) + +(c / conduct-03 + :ARG1 (w / world-region + :wiki "Cáucaso" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Cáucaso")) + :ARG1-of (i / important-01) + :purpose (f / flow-01 + :ARG1 (o / oil) + :ARG2 (m / market + :mod (w2 / world)) + :source (s / sea + :wiki "Caspian_Sea" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Caspian" + :op2 "Sea")))) + +(l / last-01 + :ARG1 (c / conflict-01 + :location (r / region + :mod (c2 / caucus))) + :ARG2 (m / multiple + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (y / year))) + :location (a / along + :op1 (b / border + :poss (c3 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia"))))) + +(c / conflict-01 + :location (p / province + :wiki "Chechnya" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chechnya")) + :time (r / recent + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 c + :ARG3 (m / more)))) + +(i / indicate-01 + :ARG0 (r / raid-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Georgia")) + :mod (m / military)) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c3 / confident-01 + :ARG1 c) + :op2 (d / determine-01 + :ARG0 c))) + +(t / test-01 + :ARG0 (i / incursion + :mod (m / military + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia")))) + :ARG1 (c2 / capable-01 + :ARG1 (m2 / military + :poss c))) + +(t / try-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Vladimir_Putin" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Putin")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (m / modernize-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (m2 / military + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russia")))) + :op2 (e / equip-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 m2)) + :time (t2 / term + :quant 2 + :poss p + :mod (p2 / president))) + +(a / announce-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG1 (e / expand-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (s / support-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (r / region + :mod (s2 / separatism))) + :ARG1-of (w / wide-02)) + :time (b / before) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2008)) + +(c / call-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Georgia")) + :ARG1 (s / support-01 + :ARG0 (c3 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russia"))) + :ARG2 (a / act-02 + :mod (a2 / anexpose-01))) + +(d / dispute-01 + :ARG2 (t / truth-value + :polarity-of (o / obtain-01 + :ARG0 (o2 / or + :op1 (f / force + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Georgia"))) + :op2 (f2 / force + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russia")))) + :ARG1 (c3 / control-01 + :ARG1 (c4 / city + :wiki "Tskhinvali" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Tskhinvali"))))) + :time (t2 / throughout + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 8 + :day 8))) + +(c / clear-06 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (f / fight-01 + :ARG0 (s / soldier + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia"))) + :ARG1 (s2 / soldier + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Georgia"))) + :mod (g / ground)) + :op2 (l / limit-01 + :ARG1 f + :ARG2 (f2 / fight-01 + :ARG0 (s3 / separatist) + :ARG1 (f3 / force + :mod c3)))) + :time (l2 / late + :op1 (d / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 8 + :day 8))) + +(h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG0 (c / city + :wiki "Tskhinvali" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tskhinvali")) + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Georgia")) + :ARG2 (c3 / capital)) + +(m / mountain + :location (c / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Georgia"))) + +(p / province + :domain (c / country + :wiki "Georgia_(country)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Georgia")) + :ARG0-of (r / rebel-01)) + +(d / date-entity + :day 19 + :month 9 + :year 2008) + +(c / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iraq")) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (t / telecommunication) + :op3 (t2 / technology) + :op4 (c / crime-02) + :op5 (p / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02)) + :op6 (m / media) + :op7 (d / dissent-01)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / publication + :wiki "Fars_News_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Fars" + :op2 "News" + :op3 "Agency") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (d / disfigure-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / hack-04) + :ARG1-of (k / know-02 + :ARG2 (g / group + :wiki "Windows_XP" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "XP")))) + :ARG1 (w / website + :quant (m / multiple + :op1 100) + :ARG1-of (r / relate-01 + :ARG2 (r2 / religious-group + :wiki "Shia_Islam" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Shiite"))))) + :op2 (b / block-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 w))) + +(i / include-91 + :ARG1 (w / website + :mod (o / official) + :poss (p / person + :wiki "Ali_al-Sistani" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ali" + :op2 "al-Sistani") + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 (p2 / political-party + :wiki "Islamic_Dawa_Party" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Shiite" + :op2 "Party") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iraq")))) + :mod (g / great))) + :ARG2 (w2 / website + :ARG1-of (d / disfigure-01) + :ARG1-of (b / block-01))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "XP" + :name (n / name + :op1 "XP" + :op2 "Group")) + :ARG1 (h / hack-04 + :ARG1 (w / website + :mod (a / any) + :ARG0-of (h2 / hold-01 + :ARG1 (m / material + :ARG1-of (c / contrary-01 + :ARG2 (t / teach-01 + :ARG0 (r / religious-group + :wiki "Sunni_Islam" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Sunni")))))))) + :medium (s2 / site + :ARG1-of (d / disfigure-01))) + +(a / and + :op1 (d / disfigure-01 + :ARG1 (w / website + :mod (o / official) + :poss (p / person + :wiki "Ali_al-Sistani" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ali" + :op2 "al-Sistani") + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 (r / religious-group + :wiki "Shia_Islam" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Shiite" + :op2 "Islam"))) + :location (c / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iraq")) + :mod (g / great)))) + :op2 (b / block-01 + :ARG1 w) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / attack-01 + :ARG1 (w2 / website + :ARG1-of (r2 / relate-01 + :ARG2 r)) + :mod (s / sectarian) + :mod (c3 / cyber)))) + +(c / clear-06 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (t / truth-value + :polarity-of (s / start-01 + :ARG1 (a / attack-01) + :time (o / or + :op1 (d / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 18 + :year 2008) + :op2 (d2 / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 19 + :year 2008 + :dayperiod (m / morning)))))) + +(o / out-06 + :ARG1 (w / website + :poss (p / person + :wiki "Hasan_al-Sistani" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Al-Sistani"))) + :ARG2 (o2 / online) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 9 + :day 19 + :dayperiod (a / afternoon))) + +(a / affect-01 + :ARG1 (w / website + :quant 1 + :ARG1-of (r / relate-01 + :ARG2 (o / organization + :quant 1 + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (o2 / organization + :mod (r2 / religion) + :poss (c / criminal-organization + :wiki "Al-Sistani" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Al-Sistani")))))) + :mod (a2 / another)) + :mod (a3 / also)) + +(o / operate-01 + :ARG1 (a / address + :ARG1-of (a2 / alternate-01) + :domain (u / url-entity + :value "www.sistani.com")) + :mod (s / still)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / publication + :wiki "Fars_News_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Fars" + :op2 "News" + :op3 "Agency") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :ARG1 (b / block-01 + :ARG0 (g / group + :wiki "Computer_emergency_response_team" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "XP")) + :ARG1 (a / access-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / site + :quant (a2 / approximately + :op1 300) + :ARG1-of (r / relate-01 + :ARG2 (r2 / religious-group + :wiki "Shia_Islam" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Shiite"))))) + :time (a3 / and + :op1 (d / date-entity + :day 18 + :month 9 + :year 2008) + :op2 (d2 / date-entity + :day 19 + :month 9 + :year 2008)))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (v / verify-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c / claim-01 + :ARG1 (h / hack-04)) + :op2 (c2 / claim-01 + :ARG0 (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1 (b / base-01 + :ARG1 (g / group + :purpose (p2 / product + :wiki "Windows_XP" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "XP"))) + :location (c4 / country + :wiki "United_Arab_Emirates" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Arab" + :op3 "Emirates"))))) + :ARG0-of (d / depend-01 + :polarity -))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / site + :mod (n / news) + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :quant (s3 / several)) + :ARG1 (a / attack-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (w / website + :mod (r / religious-group + :wiki "Shia_Islam" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Shiite")) + :quant (m / many)) + :op2 (w2 / website + :ARG1-of (r2 / relate-01 + :ARG2 c) + :quant (m2 / many))) + :mod (a3 / again) + :manner (n4 / normal-02 + :ARG1 a2)) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 9 + :day 19)) + +(a / and + :op1 (p / publish-01 + :ARG1 (s / state-01 + :ARG1-of (s2 / sign-01 + :ARG0 (g / group + :wiki "Workers'_Party_of_Uzbekistan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "XP")))) + :location (h / homepage + :poss (w / website + :poss (c / criminal-organization + :wiki "Al-Sistan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Al-Sistani"))))) + :op2 (s3 / state-01 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (a2 / attack-01 + :prep-on-behalf-of (p2 / person + :mod (r / religious-group + :wiki "Islam" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Islam") + :mod (r2 / religious-group + :wiki "Sunni_Islam" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Sunni"))))))) + +(s / state-01) + +(a / attack-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "XP_Corporation" + :name (n / name + :op1 "XP" + :op2 "Cluster")) + :location (a2 / and + :op1 (s / site + :poss (r / religious-group + :wiki "Shia_Islam" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Shiite"))) + :op2 (s2 / site + :poss r + :mod (o2 / other)) + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Persian_Gulf" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Persian" + :op2 "Gulf")) + :op3 (s3 / site + :location (c / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Iraq"))) + :ARG1-of (r2 / resemble-01))) + +(s / scrub-01 + :ARG0 (c / company + :wiki "Group_of_Electronics" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Group" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Electronics")) + :ARG1 (s2 / site) + :ARG1-of (r / resemble-01 + :ARG2 (d / do-02 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (s3 / site + :location (a / and + :op1 (s4 / site + :wiki "Rafidha" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Rafidha")) + :op2 (s5 / site + :mod (o / other))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (m / mean-01 + :ARG1 (s / string-entity + :value "Rafidha") + :ARG2 (p / person + :ARG0-of (r / reject-01))) + :op2 (u / use-01 + :ARG0 (e / extremist + :mod (r2 / religious-group + :wiki "Sunni_Islam" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Sunni"))) + :ARG1 s + :ARG2 (d / describe-01 + :ARG0 e + :ARG1 (r3 / religious-group + :wiki "Shia_Islam" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Shiite"))))) + +(p / promote-02 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Nursultan_al-Sistani" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Al-Sistani")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (d / deflect-01 + :ARG1 (s / sex-01)) + :op2 (a2 / agenda + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iraq")))) + :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (b / bear-02 + :ARG1 p2 + :location c))) + +(p / punish-01 + :ARG1 (w / website + :mod (a / any) + :ARG0-of (h / have-03 + :ARG1 (m / material + :ARG1-of (c / contrary-01 + :ARG2 (t / teach-01 + :mod (g / goddamn))))))) + +(c / consist-01 + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (s / state-01)) + :ARG2 (v / video + :medium (p / publication + :wiki "YouTube" + :name (n / name + :op1 "YouTube")) + :poss (p2 / person + :wiki "Bill_Maher" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Bill" + :op2 "Maher") + :ARG0-of (c2 / comedian-01) + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "America"))) + :ARG0-of (r / ridicule-01 + :ARG1 (f / fatwa + :poss (p3 / person + :wiki "Sistan_Hussein" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Al-Sistani")) + :topic (t2 / truth-value + :polarity-of (a / allow-01 + :ARG1 (p4 / position-02 + :ARG0 (c4 / couple + :ARG1-of (m / marry-01)) + :ARG1 (s2 / sex-01) + :mod (c5 / certain))))))) + :mod (a2 / also)) + +(d / decline-02 + :ARG0 (o / office + :poss (p / person + :wiki "Ruhollah_Khomeini" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ayatollah")) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Najaf" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Najaf"))) + :ARG1 (c2 / comment-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG3 (a / attack-01 + :mod (c3 / cyber)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / publication + :wiki "Fars_News_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Fars")) + :ARG1 (a / attack-01 + :ARG1 (w / website + :quant 2 + :ARG1-of (m / major-02) + :mod (r / religious-group + :wiki "Wahhabism" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Wahhabism")) + :ARG0-of (b / belong-01 + :ARG1 (c / current + :mod (p2 / puritan) + :poss (r2 / religious-group + :wiki "Islam" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Islam") + :mod (r3 / religious-group + :wiki "Sunni_Islam" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Sunni"))) + :ARG0-of (d / dominate-01 + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Saudi_Arabia" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Saudi" + :op2 "Arabia")))))) + :ARG0-of (c3 / counter-01))) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 10 + :day 8) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "Somalia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Somalia")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Ukraine" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Ukraine")) + :op3 (c3 / country + :wiki "Kenya" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Kenya"))) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / crime-02) + :op2 (w / weapon) + :op3 (i / international) + :op4 (m / money)) + +(r / reach-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (p2 / pirate-01) + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Somalia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Somalia")) + :ARG0-of (h / hijack-01 + :ARG1 (f / freighter + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Ukraine" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Ukraine")) + :ARG0-of (c3 / carry-01 + :ARG1 (c4 / cargo + :mod (w / weapon) + :mod (l / large)))))) + :ARG1 (a / agree-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / release-01 + :ARG1 f)) + :time (a2 / about-to)) + +(a / arise-02 + :ARG1 (q / question-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (s / ship-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / arm) + :ARG2 (c / country + :wiki "Kenya" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Kenya")) + :path (r / route)) + :op2 (d / deal-01 + :ARG1 c + :ARG2 (a4 / arm) + :mod (c2 / clandestine) + :ARG1-of (p / possible-01) + :location (b / between + :op1 c + :op2 (c3 / country + :wiki "Sudan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Sudan"))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (s2 / sea) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG1-of (a2 / associate-01 + :ARG2 o) + :ARG0-of (h2 / hijack-01 + :ARG1 (f / freighter + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Ukraine" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ukraine")) + :ARG0-of (c2 / carry-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / cargo + :mod (w / weapon) + :mod (l / large)))) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 25 + :month 9 + :year 2008)))) + :ARG1 (p3 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (c4 / charge-01 + :ARG0 f + :ARG1 (b / bail-out-02 + :ARG1 f) + :time (s3 / soon))) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 10 + :day 8)) + +(c / close-10 + :ARG1 (p / party) + :ARG2 (r / reach-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (a / agree-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (r2 / receive-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / pirate) + :ARG1 (m / multiple + :op1 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 1000000 + :unit (d / dollar)))) + :op2 (r3 / release-01 + :ARG1 (s / ship))))) + :time (a3 / after + :op1 (n / negotiate-01 + :ARG2-of (f / fortunate-01 + :polarity -) + :ARG1-of (c2 / compare-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :quant (s2 / several) + :ARG1-of (i / involve-01)) + :ARG2 (r4 / regate-01 + :mod (s3 / style + :mod (b / bazaar))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ahmed" + :op2 "Omar") + :source (c / country + :wiki "Somalia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Somalia")) + :ARG0-of (o / own-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / ship))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (a2 / agree-01 + :ARG0 (a3 / and + :op1 (p2 / pirate) + :op2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (o2 / own-01 + :ARG1 s2))) + :ARG1 (b / bail-out-02 + :ARG1 s2 + :ARG2 (a4 / approximately + :op1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 8000000 + :unit (d / dollar + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States"))))))) + :op2 (p4 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (r / release-01 + :ARG1 s2 + :time (o3 / or + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 10 + :day 8) + :op2 (d3 / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 10 + :day 9)))))) + +(b / base + :mod (p / pirate) + :ARG1-of (f / fame-01) + :location (c / coast + :part-of (c2 / country + :wiki "Somalia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Somalia"))) + :domain (l / location + :wiki "Xarardheere" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Xarardheere"))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Kenya" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Kenya")) + :ARG2 (o / official + :topic (m / maritime)))) + :ARG1 (a / agree-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (d / detail + :ARG1-of (c2 / critical-02)) + :time (y / yet))) + +(h / have-to-do-with-04 + :ARG0 (d / detail + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (d2 / detail + :mod (t / that)))) + :ARG1 (r / request-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (p2 / pirate-01)) + :ARG1 (g / guarantee-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (a / arrest-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (a2 / armada + :consist-of (w / warship + :mod (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US"))) + :location (a3 / around + :op1 p + :time (c2 / current))) + :ARG1 p) + :op2 (a4 / attack-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 p))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Kenya" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Kenya")) + :ARG2 (o / official + :topic (m / maritime)))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c2 / complex + :domain (n2 / negotiate-01 + :mod (s2 / such))) + :op2 (i / imply-01 + :ARG0 n2 + :ARG1 (a2 / aspect + :mod (f / finance) + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-quant-91 + :ARG3 (m2 / more) + :ARG4 n2)))) + :manner (a3 / anonymous)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / progress-01) + :op2 (c / close-10 + :ARG1 (p3 / party) + :ARG2 (a2 / agree-01))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2008 + :month 10 + :day 8)) + +(a / and + :op1 (a2 / apply-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / hack-04)) + :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 35000000 + :unit (d / dollar + :mod (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S.")))) + :time (i / initial)) + :op2 (r / reduce-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (o / order-02 + :ARG0 p) + :ARG4 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 20000000 + :unit (d2 / dollar + :mod c)) + :time (t / then))) + +(e / express-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / hack-04)) + :ARG1 (w / will-02 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (n / negotiate-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG2 (f / figure + :mod (f2 / finance)))) + :time (a / always)) + +(k / kidnap-01 + :ARG1 (s / ship + :quant (m / more-than + :op1 25)) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2008) + :location (i / in-front-of + :op1 (s2 / shore + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Somalia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Somalia")))) + :manner (b / bail-out-02 + :ARG1 s + :ARG1-of (t / typical-02 + :ARG2 (b2 / between + :op1 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 1000000 + :unit (d2 / dollar + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "US")))) + :op2 (m3 / monetary-quantity + :quant 2000000 + :unit (d3 / dollar + :mod c2)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (p2 / pirate-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / ship + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Ukraine" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ukraine"))))) + :ARG1 (r / release-01 + :ARG1 s2 + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 s2 + :op2 (c2 / cargo + :poss s2) + :op3 (p3 / person + :quant 20 + :ARG0-of (s3 / sail-01) + :location s2)) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (r2 / receive-01 + :ARG0 s2 + :ARG1 (p4 / pay-01 + :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 100 + :unit (d / dollar)) + :ARG2 p + :manner (e / eventual)))))) + +(q / question-03 + :ARG1 (c / country + :ARG1-of (b / bind-03 + :ARG2 (c2 / cargo + :mod (w / weapon) + :location-of (s / ship + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "Ukraine" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ukraine")))) + :mod (o / original)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Kenya" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Kenya")))) + :ARG1 (s2 / send-01 + :ARG1 (w / weapon + :location (a / aboard)) + :ARG2 (m / military + :mod c)) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (h / hijack-01 + :ARG1 (f / freighter) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 25 + :month 9 + :year 2008)) + :ARG1-of (s3 / short-07))) + +(h / head-02 + :ARG0 (s / ship) + :ARG1 (p / port + :wiki "Port_of_Mombasa" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mombasa") + :mod (m / main) + :location (c / country + :wiki "Kenya" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kenya")))) + +(i / include-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (t / tank + :quant 33 + :wiki "T-104_anti-ballistic_missile_system" + :name (n / name + :op1 "T" + :op2 "1 ")) + :op2 (p / product + :quant 150 + :ARG0-of (l / launch-01 + :ARG1 (g / grenade))) + :op3 (r / round + :quant 6 + :mod (a2 / aircraft)) + :op4 (a3 / ammunition + :quant (a4 / amount + :mod (l2 / large)))) + :ARG2 (w / weaponry + :location (b / board-01 + :ARG1 (s / ship)))) + +(a / arise-02 + :ARG1 (e / evidence-01 + :ARG1 (w / weapon + :part-of (d / deal-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Kenya" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Kenya")) + :ARG1 (r / region + :mod (s / separatist) + :location (s2 / south + :part-of (c2 / country + :wiki "Sudan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Sudan")))) + :ARG2 (a2 / arms) + :mod (c3 / clandestine)))) + :time (s3 / subsequent)) + +(l / likely-01 + :ARG1 (r / remain-01 + :ARG1 (d / deal-01) + :ARG3 (s / secret) + :condition (a / and + :op1 (h / hijack-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (p2 / pirate-01)) + :ARG1 (s2 / ship)) + :op2 (s3 / start-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG2 (m / media + :mod (s4 / satellite)))))) + :ARG2-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 r + :ARG3 (m2 / most))) + +(d / deny-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Ukraine" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ukraine")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (d2 / do-02 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1-of (w / wrong-02))) + :manner (c2 / categorical)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "oleh" + :op2 "Belokolos") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Ukraine" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Ukraine")) + :ARG2 (d / diplomat)) + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Kenya" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Kenya")))) + +(o / or + :op1 (s / supply-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Ukraine" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ukraine")) + :ARG1 (w / weaponry) + :ARG2 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "South_Sudan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Sudan"))))) + :op2 (p / plan-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (s2 / supply-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 w + :ARG2 g))) + +(v / validate-01 + :ARG1 (d / document + :mod (a / all) + :ARG1-of (c / correspond-02))) + +(r / respect-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Ukraine" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ukraine")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s / standard) + :op2 (a2 / agree-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Nations")) + :ARG1 (c2 / control-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / arm))) + :mod (a4 / all))) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / inherit-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Ukraine" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ukraine")) + :ARG1 (a2 / arsenal + :consist-of (w / weaponry) + :mod (h / huge)) + :time (a3 / after + :op1 (c2 / collapse-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Soviet_Union" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Soviet" + :op2 "Union"))))) + :op2 (d / deal-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG2 (a4 / arms) + :ARG1-of (m / major-02) + :time (n3 / now))) + +(c / consider-01 + :ARG1 (s / suspect-01 + :ARG1 (d / deal-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Ukraine" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Ukraine")))) + :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (r / rely-01 + :ARG0 (c4 / country + :wiki "Kenya" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kenya")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c5 / country + :wiki "United_Kingdom" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "UK")) + :op2 (c6 / country + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "West")) + :mod (o / other))) + :ARG2 (s2 / supply-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (w2 / weapon + :mod (h / heavy)) + :ARG2 c4) + :mod (m / main)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (d / demand-01 + :ARG0 (p / politician + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Kenya" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Kenya"))) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (a2 / answer-01))) + :op2 (a3 / ask-02 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (e / examine-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / commission + :quant (s / several)) + :ARG1 (s2 / situation)))) + +(r / region + :mod (a / autonomy) + :domain (c / country + :wiki "South_Sudan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Sudan")) + :ARG0-of (i / increase-01 + :ARG1 (m / military + :poss r) + :time (c2 / current)) + :ARG0-of (u / use-01 + :ARG1 (t / tank + :ARG1-of (d / design-01 + :ARG3 (c3 / country + :wiki "Soviet_Union" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Soviet" + :op2 "Union")))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (m / military + :mod (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S."))) + :ARG1 (p / prioritize-01 + :ARG0 m + :ARG1 (e / ensure-01 + :ARG0 m + :ARG1 (a / and + :polarity - + :op1 (d / discharge-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / arm) + :source (s2 / ship)) + :op2 (s3 / sell-01 + :ARG1 a2 + :ARG2 (i / insurgent + :mod (r / religious-group + :wiki "Islam" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Islamism")) + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Somalia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Somalia")))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (d / deny-01 + :ARG0 (p / pirate) + :ARG1 (i / interest-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (w / weapon))) + :op2 (c / claim-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (k / know-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (i2 / include-01 + :ARG1 (t / tank) + :ARG2 (c2 / cargo)) + :time (h / hijack-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (s / ship))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Sugule" + :op2 "Ali") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (p3 / pirate-01)) + :ARG2 (s2 / spokesman))) + :ARG1 (i / interest-01 + :ARG1 p2 + :ARG2 (m / money) + :mod (o / only) + :prep-in (d / deal)) + :time (i2 / interview-01 + :ARG1 p + :time (w / week + :mod (l / last)))) + +(d / date-entity + :month 11 + :day 28 + :year 2008) + +(c / country + :wiki "Afghanistan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Afghanistan")) + +(n / narcotic) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Antonio" + :op2 "Maria" + :op3 "Costa") + :ARG0-of (h / head-01 + :ARG1 (o / office + :mod (o2 / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "UN")) + :ARG0-of (c / counter-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug))))) + :ARG1 (p2 / produce-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Afghanistan" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Afghanistan")) + :ARG1 (o3 / opium + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-quant-91 + :ARG2 (m / much) + :ARG3 (s2 / so))) + :time (y / year + :mod (r / recent)) + :ARG0-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s3 / slash-02 + :ARG0 (c4 / criminal-organization + :wiki "Taliban" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Taliban")) + :ARG1 (c5 / crop + :mod (p3 / poppy))) + :op2 (b / build-up-05 + :ARG0 c4 + :ARG1 (o4 / opium + :mod (r2 / raw)) + :purpose (e / effort-01 + :ARG0 c4 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (s4 / sustain-01 + :ARG0 c4 + :ARG1 (p4 / price)) + :op2 (p5 / preserve-01 + :ARG0 c4 + :ARG1 (s5 / source + :ARG1-of (f / fund-01 + :ARG2 (i / insurgency)) + :ARG1-of (m2 / major-02)))))))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Antonio" + :op2 "Maria" + :op3 "Costa") + :ARG0-of (h / head-01 + :ARG1 (o / office + :mod (o2 / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "UN")) + :ARG0-of (c / counter-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug))))) + :ARG1 (p2 / produce-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Afghanistan" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Afghanistan")) + :ARG1 (o3 / opium + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-quant-91 + :ARG2 (m / much) + :ARG3 (s2 / so))) + :time (y / year + :mod (r / recent)) + :ARG0-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s3 / slash-02 + :ARG0 (c4 / criminal-organization + :wiki "Taliban" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Taliban")) + :ARG1 (c5 / crop + :mod (p3 / poppy))) + :op2 (b / build-up-05 + :ARG0 c4 + :ARG1 (o4 / opium + :mod (r2 / raw)) + :purpose (e / effort-01 + :ARG0 c4 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (s4 / sustain-01 + :ARG0 c4 + :ARG1 (p4 / price)) + :op2 (p5 / preserve-01 + :ARG0 c4 + :ARG1 (s5 / source + :ARG1-of (f / fund-01 + :ARG2 (i / insurgency)) + :ARG1-of (m2 / major-02)))))))))) + +(t / tell-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Humberto_Costa" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Costa")) + :ARG1 (t2 / this) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (r / report-01)) + :time (w / week + :mod (l / last)) + :time (p3 / prepare-02 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Office_on_Drugs_and_Crime" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "UN" + :op2 "Office" + :op3 "of" + :op4 "Drugs")) + :ARG2 (p4 / publish-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (s / study-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (g / grow-03 + :ARG1 (o2 / opium) + :location (c / country + :wiki "Afghanistan" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Afghanistan"))) + :mod (l2 / last))))) + +(s / show-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / survey-01) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (g / go-back-19 + :ARG1 (c / cultivate-01 + :ARG1 (p / poppy)) + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Afghanistan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Afghanistan") + :quant (m / much))) + :op2 (c3 / concentrate-01 + :ARG1 c + :ARG2 (p2 / province + :quant 7 + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (p3 / province + :quant 34 + :location-of (i2 / insurgency + :mod (s3 / still)) + :location (s4 / south) + :ARG2-of (i3 / include-91 + :ARG1 p2 + :ARG3 (m2 / most))))) + :ARG0-of (o / overwhelm-01)))) + +(p / publish-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / poll-01) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 27 + :month 11 + :year 2008)) + +(f / find-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Nations")) + :ARG1 (r / result-01 + :ARG2 (r2 / reduce-01 + :ARG1 (a / amount + :quant-of (l / land + :ARG1-of (d / dedicate-01 + :ARG2 (o2 / opium)) + :location (c / country + :wiki "Afghanistan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Afghanistan")))) + :ARG2 (p / percentage-entity + :value 19) + :concession (d2 / decrease-01 + :ARG1 (m / mass-quantity + :quant-of (o3 / opium + :ARG1-of (p2 / produce-01)) + :ARG2-of (t / total-01)) + :ARG2 (p3 / percentage-entity + :value 6 + :mod (o4 / only)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / study) + :ARG1 (a / attribute-01 + :ARG1 (p / produce-01 + :ARG1-of (h / high-02) + :quant 1 + :unit (a3 / acre))) + :ARG2 (s3 / season + :ARG1-of (g / good-02) + :time-of (g2 / grow-01) + :location (s4 / south))) + +(a / area + :mod (s / south) + :ARG1-of (f / farm-01 + :mod (h / heavy)) + :location-of (a2 / and + :op1 (m / maintain-01 + :ARG0 (c / criminal-organization + :wiki "Taliban" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Taliban")) + :ARG1 (p / present-02 + :ARG1 c + :ARG2 (p2 / province + :quant 5) + :ARG1-of (s2 / strong-02))) + :op2 (e / encourage-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (c2 / cultivate-01 + :ARG1 (o / opium) + :purpose (f2 / fund-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (i / insurgency))) + :manner (s3 / systematic) + :duration (s4 / several + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (y / year)))))) + +(r / reckon-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n / name + :op1 "UN")) + :ARG1 (m / make-05 + :ARG0 (i / insurgent) + :ARG1 (u / up-to + :op1 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 300000000 + :unit (d / dollar))) + :ARG2 (t / trade-01 + :ARG1 (o2 / opium)) + :time (y / year + :mod (l / last)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Humberto_Costa" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Costa")) + :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (f / finance-01 + :ARG1 (e / effort-01 + :ARG1 (w / war-01) + :quant (d / deal + :mod (g / great))) + :ARG2 (b / between + :op1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 2000000 + :unit (d2 / dollar)) + :op2 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 300000000 + :unit (d3 / dollar)))))) + +(p / produce-01 + :ARG0 (c / criminal-organization + :wiki "Taliban" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Taliban")) + :ARG1 (o / opium + :quant (n2 / number + :ARG0-of (e / exceed-01 + :ARG1 (d / demand-01 + :ARG2 (w / world))) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (h / harvest-01 + :mod (b / bumper) + :frequency (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 3 + :unit (y / year) + :mod (i / in-a-row))))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Humberto_Costa" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Costa")) + :ARG1 (r / result-01 + :ARG2 (e / excess + :ARG0-of (d / depress-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / price-01 + :ARG1-of (f / fall-01 + :ARG2 (a / approximately + :op1 (p3 / percentage-entity + :value 20)))))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Humberto_Costa" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Costa")) + :ARG1 (e / evidence-01 + :ARG0 (s2 / slump-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (p2 / price-01)) + :ARG1 (a / accumulate-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (c / criminal-organization + :wiki "Taliban" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Taliban")) + :op2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug))) + :op3 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (f / farm-01) + :quant (s3 / some) + :mod (e2 / even))) + :ARG1 (o / opium)) + :time (a3 / already))) + +(p / process-01 + :ARG1 (a / amount + :ARG1-of (i / increase-01)) + :location (c / country + :wiki "Afghanistan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Afghanistan") + :mod (a2 / also))) + +(a / add-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Humberto_Costa" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Costa")) + :ARG1 (h / hold-01 + :ARG0 (i / insurgent) + :ARG1 (o / opium + :quant (a2 / amount + :ARG1-of (s / significant-02))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Humberto_Costa" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Costa")) + :ARG1 (s2 / sit-01 + :ARG1 (s3 / surplus) + :ARG2 (a2 / at-least + :op1 (m / mass-quantity + :quant 11000 + :unit (t / ton) + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (d / demand-01 + :ARG0 (w / world) + :time (b / before + :op1 (n2 / now) + :duration (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 3 + :unit (y / year)))) + :ARG3 (t3 / times + :quant 2)))))) + :op2 (t4 / threaten-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (d2 / deval-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (r / reserve + :poss p)))) + +(f / find-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Nations")) + :ARG1 (p / produce-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Afghanistan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Afghanistan")) + :ARG1 (o2 / opium + :quant (m / mass-quantity + :quant 8500 + :unit (t / ton))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2008))) + +(e / estimate-01 + :ARG1 (d / demand-01 + :mod (g / globe)) + :ARG2 (r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG1 (a / about + :op1 (m / mass-quantity + :quant 4400 + :unit (t / ton))) + :ARG2 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (y / year)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (p / posture-01 + :ARG0 (c / criminal-organization + :wiki "Taliban" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Taliban")) + :ARG1 (a2 / agriculture) + :mod (p2 / passive)) + :op2 (p3 / pressure-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (f / farm-01) + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Afghanistan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Afghanistan"))) + :ARG2 (g / get-04 + :ARG0 p4 + :ARG1 (p5 / plant-01 + :ARG0 p4 + :ARG1 (p6 / poppy + :mod (o / opium)))) + :ARG1-of (h / have-quant-91 + :ARG3 (l / less))) + :time (y / year + :mod (t / this))) + +(s / support-01 + :ARG0 (t / this) + :ARG1 (t2 / thing + :ARG2-of (p / price-01) + :mod (c / current)) + :time (t3 / then)) + +(d / diplomat + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Italy" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Italy")) + :domain (p / person + :wiki "Humberto_Costa" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Costa")) + :ARG0-of (w / work-01 + :ARG2 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Office_on_Drugs_and_Crime" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Nations" + :op3 "Office" + :op4 "on" + :op5 "Drugs" + :op6 " and" + :op7 " Crime")) + :duration (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 6 + :unit (y / year)))) + +(d / date-entity + :day 5 + :month 10 + :year 2001) + +(c / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa")) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (t / terrorism) + :op3 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :op4 (m / money)) + +(i / impose-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa")))) + :ARG1 (b / ban-01 + :ARG0-of (p / prohibit-01 + :ARG1 (r / recruit-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person) + :ARG2 (o / or + :op1 (m / mercenary + :mod (f / foreign)) + :op2 (a / assist-01 + :ARG0 (m2 / military) + :mod f)) + :location (o2 / or + :op1 (i2 / inside + :op1 c) + :op2 (a2 / abroad)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (n / newspaper + :wiki "The_Citizen_(South_Africa)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "The" + :op2 "Citizen")) + :ARG1 (l / legal-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (p / participate-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :mod (c / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa"))) + :ARG1 (a / activity-06 + :ARG1 (m / mercenary))) + :op2 (a2 / assist-01 + :ARG0 (m2 / military + :mod (f / foreign)) + :ARG1 p2) + :location (o2 / or + :op1 (i / inside + :op1 c) + :op2 (o3 / outside + :op1 c)))) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 6 + :month 11 + :year 2001)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (n / newspaper + :wiki "Citizens_(South_Africa)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Citizen")) + :ARG1 (a / announce-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_(South_Africa)" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Foreign" + :op2 "Ministry") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa"))) + :ARG1 (i / impose-01 + :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01 + :ARG1 c)) + :ARG1 (b / ban-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / activity-06 + :mod (m / mercenary))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2001 + :month 10 + :day 5)) + :ARG1-of (f / follow-01 + :ARG2 (r / report-01 + :ARG1 (e / enlist-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 1000 + :mod (r2 / religious-group + :wiki "Muslim" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Muslim")) + :ARG1-of (t / train-01 + :mod (m2 / military))) + :ARG2 (l / leave-11 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 c + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Afghanistan" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Afghanistan")) + :purpose (f2 / fight-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (c3 / criminal-organization + :wiki "Taliban" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Taliban")) + :prep-against (c4 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n8 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States"))))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (r / report) + :ARG1 (s2 / state-01 + :ARG0 (o / oppose-01 + :ARG0 (r2 / religious-group + :wiki "Islam" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Islam")) + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02) + :ARG1-of (l2 / legitimate-02 + :polarity -))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (v / volunteer-01 + :ARG0 (m / man + :quant 1000 + :mod r2 + :ARG1-of (t / train-01 + :mod (m2 / military)))) + :op2 (b / back-01 + :ARG0 (b2 / businessman + :ARG1-of (l3 / local-02)) + :ARG1 m)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (r / report) + :ARG1 (a / age-01 + :ARG1 (m / man + :quant 1000 + :mod (r2 / religious-group + :wiki "Islam" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Islam")) + :ARG1-of (t / train-01 + :mod (m2 / military))) + :ARG2 (o / over + :op1 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 18 + :unit (y / year))))) + +(g / group + :ARG1-of (b / base-01 + :location (c / city + :wiki "Cape_Town" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Capetown"))) + :domain (o / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02) + :ARG1-of (l2 / legitimate-02 + :polarity -)) + :mod (r / religious-group + :wiki "Islam" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Islam")))) + +(d / disprove-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Judicial" + :op2 "Council") + :mod (r / religious-group + :wiki "Muslim" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Muslim"))) + :ARG1 (r2 / report)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_(South_Africa)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Foreign" + :op2 "Ministry") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa"))) + :ARG1 (b / bar-01 + :ARG0 (l / law + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa" + :op3 "Military" + :op4 "Assistance" + :op5 "Act")) + :ARG1 (r / recruit-01 + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (p / person + :location c) + :op2 (p2 / person + :location (a / abroad) + :mod c)) + :purpose (a2 / assist-01 + :ARG0 (m / military) + :ARG1 o + :mod (o2 / or + :op1 (m2 / mercenary) + :op2 (f / foreign)))))) + +(m / mean-01 + :ARG1 (l / law + :wiki "South_African_Army_Assistance_Forces" + :name (n / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "African" + :op3 "Military" + :op4 "Assistance" + :op5 "Act")) + :ARG2 (p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (o / offer-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person) + :ARG1 (a / assist-01 + :ARG0 (m2 / military) + :ARG1 p2) + :ARG3 (o2 / or + :op1 (s / state) + :op2 (o3 / organ + :mod (s2 / state)) + :op3 (g / group) + :op4 (c / country + :mod (o4 / other)))) + :condition (a2 / afford-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (o5 / organization + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "National" + :op2 "Conventional" + :op3 "Arms" + :op4 "Control" + :op5 "Committee")) + :ARG1 (p3 / permit-01 + :ARG0 o5)))) + +(m / mean-01 + :ARG1 (l / law + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa" + :op3 "Military" + :op4 "Assistance" + :op5 "Law")) + :ARG2 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (a / assist-01 + :ARG0 (m2 / military + :mod (f / foreign)) + :ARG1-of (c / conform-01 + :ARG2 (a2 / agree-01 + :ARG1-of (a3 / approve-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "National" + :op2 "Conventional" + :op3 "Arms" + :op4 "Control" + :op5 "Committee"))))) + :mod (o2 / only)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_(South_Africa)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Foreign" + :op2 "Ministry") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa"))) + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / prosecute-01 + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (a2 / anyone + :ARG0-of (v / violate-01 + :ARG1 (l / law + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Foreign" + :op2 "Military" + :op3 "Assistance" + :op4 "Act") + :poss c))) + :op2 (a3 / anyone + :ARG0-of (r / receive-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (p3 / permit-01 + :ARG1 (p4 / participate-01 + :ARG0 a3 + :ARG1 (a4 / activity-06 + :mod (m / military) + :mod (f / foreign)))))))) + :op2 (s2 / sentence-01 + :ARG1 o + :ARG2 (o2 / or + :op1 (f2 / fine-01) + :op2 (p5 / prison) + :op3 (b / both)))))) + +(d / date-entity + :month 7 + :day 1 + :year 2002) + +(c / country + :wiki "Peru" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Peru")) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (m / money) + :op3 (c / crime-02) + :op4 (r / right-05 + :ARG1 (h / human)) + :op5 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :op6 (n / narcotic) + :op7 (p / politics) + :op8 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02))) + +(c / convict-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Vladimiro_Montesinos" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Vladimiro" + :op2 "Montesinos") + :ARG0-of (s / spy-01) + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Peru" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Peru")) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (c3 / chief) + :time (f / former))) + :ARG2 (t / take-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (c4 / control-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :wiki "National_Intelligence_Service_(Peru)" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "National" + :op2 "Intelligence" + :op3 "Service"))) + :ARG1-of (l / legal-02 + :polarity -) + :time (t2 / term + :poss (p2 / person + :wiki "Fujimori" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Fujimori") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p3 / president)) + :time (f2 / former))))) + +(s / sentence-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Mario_Montesinos" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Montesinos")) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 9 + :unit (y / year)) + :op2 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 4 + :unit (m / month))) + :ARG3 (c / convict-01 + :ARG1 p)) + +(p / predict-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Luis_Montesinos" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Montesinos")) + :ARG1 (a / appeal-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (s / sentence-01))) + +(c / convict-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Vladimiro_Montesinos" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Vladimiro" + :op2 "Montesinos") + :ARG0-of (s / spy-01) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Peru" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Peru")) + :ARG2 (c3 / chief) + :ARG3 s + :time (r / rule-03 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Alberto_Fujimori" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Alberto" + :op2 "Fujimori") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p3 / president)))))) + :ARG2 (t / take-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (c4 / control-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :wiki "National_Intelligence_Service_(Peru)" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "National" + :op2 "Intelligence" + :op3 "Service"))) + :ARG1-of (l / legal-02 + :polarity -) + :time (s2 / suppose-02 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (a / advise-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / agency + :ARG0-of (s3 / spy-01))) + :mod (o / only) + :domain p))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 7 + :day 1)) + +(s / sentence-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Augusto_Montesinos" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Montesinos")) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 9 + :unit (y / year)) + :op2 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 4 + :unit (m / month)) + :location (p2 / prison)) + :ARG3 (a2 / abuse-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (a3 / authority))) + +(o / order-01 + :ARG0 (s / sentence-01) + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "César_Montesinos" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Montesinos")) + :ARG2 (p2 / pay-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (f / fine-01 + :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 3000000 + :unit (d / dollar)) + :ARG3 (c / compensate-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG2 (s2 / state)) + :purpose c)) + :mod (a / also)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Saul" + :op2 "Peña") + :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (c / corrupt-01)) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG3 (j / judge-01))) + :ARG1 (a / admit-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Augusto_Montesinos" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Montesinos")) + :ARG1 (c2 / charge-05 + :ARG1 p2 + :ARG2 (a2 / abuse-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (a3 / authority))))) + +(r / rule-03 + :ARG0 (t / this) + :ARG1 (c / count + :quant (o / over + :op1 50) + :ARG2-of (i / include-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c2 / corrupt-01) + :op2 (d / drug-01) + :op3 (t2 / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / arm) + :ARG1-of (l / legal-02 + :polarity -)) + :op4 (v / violate-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / right-05 + :ARG1 (h / human)))))) + :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity + :value 1) + :prep-against (p / person + :wiki "Augusto_Montesinos" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Montesinos"))) + +(a / allege-01 + :ARG1 (r / run-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Augusto_Montesinos" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Montesinos")) + :ARG1 (r2 / ring + :mod (b / bribe-01)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / show-01 + :ARG0 (v / video + :ARG1-of (l / leak-01)) + :ARG1 (b / bribe-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Augusto_Montesinos" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Montesinos")) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (c / congressman))) + :ARG2 (c2 / change-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (p3 / political-party + :ARG0-of (g / govern-01))))) + :op2 (t / trigger-01 + :ARG0 v + :ARG1 (e / event + :ARG1-of (c3 / culminate-01 + :ARG2 (r / resign-01 + :ARG0 (p4 / person + :wiki "Fujimori" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Fujimori")) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 11 + :year 2000)))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / charge-05 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Fujimori")) + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (d / dereliction + :mod (d2 / duty)) + :op2 (m / misuse-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (f / fund)))) + :op2 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :time (s / since + :op1 (g / give-up-07 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p2 / prevent-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (a3 / act-02 + :ARG0 (a4 / authority + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "Peru" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Peru"))) + :ARG1-of (l / legal-02)) + :manner (p3 / paro + :op1 (n4 / nationality + :quant 2 + :poss p))))) + :ARG1-of (t / tax-01 + :ARG2 p))) + +(h / have-concession-91 + :ARG1 (f / flee-05 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Claude_Montesinos" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Montesinos")) + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Peru" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Peru")) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 10 + :year 2000)) + :ARG2 (c2 / capture-01 + :ARG1 p + :location (c3 / country + :wiki "Venezuela" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Venezuela")) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :day 23 + :month 6 + :year 2001))) + +(h / hear-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Rio_Montesinos" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Montesinos")) + :ARG1 (s / sentence-01) + :location (f / facility + :wiki "Naval_Base_of_Callao" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Naval" + :op2 "Base" + :op3 "of" + :op4 "Callao") + :location-of (r / recruit-01 + :ARG1 p + :time (s2 / since + :op1 (d / date-entity + :year 2001))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "César_Montesinos" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Montesinos")) + :ARG1 (c / consult-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (l / lawyer + :ARG0-of (d / defend-01)) + :purpose (a / appeal-01 + :ARG0 p))) + +(d / date-entity + :day 25 + :month 7 + :year 2002) + +(c / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong")) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :op3 (c / crime-02) + :op4 (w / weapon) + :op5 (n / narcotic)) + +(s / strive-01 + :ARG0 (p / police + :mod (c / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong"))) + :ARG1 (p2 / prevent-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (e / engage-01 + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (t / threeway) + :op2 (s2 / syndicate + :ARG2-of (c2 / criminal-03) + :mod (t2 / transnational))) + :ARG2 (a / activity-06 + :ARG1 (c3 / crime-02))))) + +(b / break-up-08 + :ARG0 (p / police + :mod (c / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong"))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s / syndicate + :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / transnational))) + :op2 (s2 / syndicate + :ARG0-of (c2 / crime-02) + :ARG0-of (c3 / cross-02 + :ARG1 (b2 / border-01))) + :op3 (s3 / squad + :ARG1-of (l / local-02) + :ARG0-of (s4 / specialize-01 + :ARG1 (e / exploit-01 + :ARG0 s3 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :mod (y / young)) + :ARG2 (c4 / commit-02 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (c5 / crime-02 + :ARG1 (v / various))))))) + :time (r / recent)) + +(o / opin-01 + :ARG0 (n / newspaper + :wiki "Oriental_Daily_News" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Oriental" + :op2 "Daily" + :op3 "News")) + :ARG1 (d / demonstrate-01 + :ARG0 (e / effort-01 + :ARG0 (p / police + :mod (c / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong"))) + :ARG1 (r / reduce-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (o2 / or + :op1 (p2 / person + :quant 5 + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 (b / branch + :mod (c2 / city + :wiki "Triada" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Triada")))) + :mod (s / so-called)) + :op2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (l2 / lead-02 + :ARG1 (t / team + :mod (d2 / district))))) + :ARG4 (d3 / down) + :duration (p4 / period + :ARG1-of (s2 / short-07) + :quant (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 3 + :unit (w / week)))) + :time (r2 / recent)) + :ARG1 (d4 / determine-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (e2 / eradicate-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (a / activity-06 + :ARG1-of (c3 / criminal-03)))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (w / work-01 + :ARG0 (p / police + :mod (c / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong"))) + :ARG1 (e / exchange-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (i / intelligence)) + :ARG3 (g / government-organization + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Guangdong" + :op2 "Public" + :op3 "Security" + :op4 "Bureau")) + :ARG1-of (c2 / close-10)) + :op2 (c3 / carry-out-03 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (r / raid-01) + :op2 (o / operation) + :quant (s / series))) + :time (r2 / recent)) + +(c / crack-down-06 + :ARG0 (p / police + :mod (c2 / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong"))) + :ARG1 (a / activity-06 + :ARG0 (s / sitara) + :ARG2-of (i / include-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug)) + :op2 (p2 / possess-01 + :ARG1 (g / gun + :ARG1-of (l / legal-02 + :polarity -))) + :op3 (s2 / shoplift-01) + :op4 (b / burglarize-01) + :op5 (s3 / steal-01) + :op6 (s4 / sell-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (t2 / thing + :ARG1-of (r / record-01) + :ARG1-of (p3 / pirate-01)) + :op2 (t3 / thing + :ARG1-of (r2 / record-01 + :mod (o / obscene))))) + :op7 (c3 / cigarette + :ARG1-of (t4 / tax-01)) + :op8 (t5 / traffic-01 + :ARG1 d + :ARG0-of (e / endanger-01)))) + :time (d2 / date-interval + :op1 (d3 / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 7 + :day 18) + :op2 (d4 / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 7 + :day 24)))) + +(s / send-02 + :ARG0 (p / police) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (s2 / staff) + :ARG2 (m / member)) + :quant (m2 / more-than + :op1 100) + :ARG0-of (b / break-02 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (d / dance-01 + :mod (p3 / prone-01)) + :op2 (p4 / party + :mod (w / wine) + :ARG1-of (o / organize-01 + :purpose (r / resolve-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (d2 / dispute-01 + :ARG0 (g / group + :quant 2 + :consist-of (t / threesome)) + :location (d3 / disco + :location (c / city + :wiki "Kowloon" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Kowloon") + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Mongkok" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Mongkok"))))) + :quant (s3 / some)))) + :ARG1-of (a2 / allege-01))) + :time (d4 / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 7 + :day 24))) + +(a / arrest-01 + :ARG0 (p / police) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :quant 3 + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 (b / branch))) + :op2 (p3 / person + :quant 14 + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / city + :wiki "Triada" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Triada")) + :ARG2 (m / member + :mod (t / top))))) + :time (e / eventual)) + +(c / confirm-01 + :ARG0 (s / source + :mod (p / police)) + :ARG1 (q / question-01 + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :quant 17 + :ARG1-of (a / arrest-01)) + :mod (s2 / still)) + :ARG2 (a2 / agency + :wiki "Xinhua_New_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Xinhua" + :op2 "New" + :op3 "Agency")) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 25 + :month 2 + :year 2002)) + +(q / quote-01 + :ARG1 (r / result-01 + :ARG1 (e / effort-01 + :ARG0 (s / succeed-01 + :ARG0 (o / operation + :purpose (c / capture-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 17)))) + :ARG1 (i / infiltrate-01 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (g / gang + :ARG1-of (r2 / relevant-01 + :location (h / here))))) + :ARG2 s) + :ARG2 (s2 / source + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (p2 / police + :mod (c2 / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong")))))) + +(u / urge-01 + :ARG0 (s / source + :mod (p / police)) + :ARG1 (c / continue-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / crack-down-06 + :ARG0 (p2 / police + :mod (c3 / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong"))) + :ARG1 (g / gang + :mod (o / other) + :location (c4 / city-district + :wiki "La_Tríada" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "La" + :op2 "Triada"))) + :quant (m / more) + :ARG0-of (r / repress-01))) + :mod (a / also)) + +(i / imply-01 + :ARG0 (e / effort-01 + :ARG0 (p / police + :mod (c / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong"))) + :ARG1 (f / fight-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG2-of (c2 / criminal-03 + :ARG1-of (o / organize-01))))) + :ARG1 (c3 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p3 / police + :mod (m / mainland + :part-of (c4 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China"))) + :location (r / region + :mod (o2 / other))) + :manner (a / activity-06 + :ARG0 p))) + +(h / hold-04 + :ARG1 (c / conference + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1) + :poss (o2 / organization + :wiki "International_Conference_on_Drugs_and_Crime" + :name (n / name + :op1 "International" + :op2 "Conference" + :op3 "on" + :op4 "Drugs" + :op5 "Control" + :op6 " (IDEC)")) + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Far_East" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Far" + :op2 "East"))) + :time (e / early + :op1 (d / date-entity + :month 7 + :year 2002)) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong"))) + +(c / choose-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong")) + :ARG4 (v / venue + :location-of (e / event)) + :ARG1-of (f / follow-01 + :ARG2 (d / decide-01 + :ARG3 (m / meet-03 + :mod (o / organization + :wiki "International_Organization_for_Drugs_and_Crime" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "IDP")) + :location (c3 / country + :wiki "Bolivia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Bolivia")) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :month 2 + :year 2002))))) + +(m / meet-03 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (m2 / mainland + :part-of (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China"))) + :op2 (c2 / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong")) + :op3 (c3 / country + :wiki "Australia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Australia")) + :op4 (c4 / country + :wiki "Indonesia" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Indonesia")) + :op5 (c5 / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :op6 (c6 / country + :wiki "South_Korea" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Korea")) + :op7 (c7 / country + :wiki "Myanmar" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Myanmar")) + :op8 (c8 / country + :wiki "Philippines" + :name (n8 / name + :op1 "Philippines")) + :op9 (c9 / country + :wiki "Singapore" + :name (n9 / name + :op1 "Singapore")) + :op10 (c10 / country + :wiki "Thailand" + :name (n10 / name + :op1 "Thailand")) + :op11 (c11 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n11 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States"))) + :ARG2 (o / official + :topic (c12 / counter-01 + :ARG1 (n12 / narcotic)) + :mod (s / senior)) + :quant (s2 / some + :op1 42)))) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG0 (n / newspaper + :mod (i / inner) + :poss (p / police + :mod (c / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong")))) + :ARG1 (a / aim-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / conference) + :ARG1 (p2 / provide-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (e / environment + :ARG1-of (f / flexible-03) + :ARG0-of (f2 / foresee-01 + :ARG1 (f3 / future)) + :purpose (a2 / and + :op1 (s / share-01 + :ARG1 (i2 / information)) + :op2 (a3 / act-02 + :ARG2 (a4 / against + :op1 (p3 / person + :ARG2-of (c3 / criminal-03 + :ARG1 (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug) + :mod (t2 / transnational))) + :ARG1-of (o / organize-01))) + :mod (p4 / positive)))))) + :time (r2 / recent)) + +(i / intense-02 + :ARG1 (e / exchange-01 + :ARG0 (p / police + :mod (c / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong"))) + :ARG1 (i2 / intelligence) + :ARG2 (p2 / police + :mod (m / mainland + :part-of (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China"))))) + :mod (p3 / particular)) + +(v / visit-01 + :ARG0 (d / delegation + :consist-of (p / person + :quant 11 + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :wiki "National_Narcotics_Control_Commission" + :name (n / name + :op1 "National" + :op2 "Narcotics" + :op3 "Control" + :op4 "Commission") + :poss (m / mainland + :part-of (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :ARG2 (m2 / member)))) + :ARG1 (c2 / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong")) + :time (r / recent) + :purpose (s / study-01 + :ARG0 d + :ARG1 (e / enforce-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / police) + :ARG1 (l / law + :ARG0-of (c3 / counter-01 + :ARG1 (n4 / narcotic)) + :poss p2)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / chair-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Chen_Cunyi" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chen" + :op2 "Cunyi") + :ARG0-of (h / head-01 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Office" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Narcotics" + :op4 "Control") + :part-of (g2 / government-organization + :wiki "Ministry_of_Public_Security_of_China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Public" + :op2 "Security" + :op3 "Ministry") + :poss (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "China"))))) + :mod (v / vice)) + :ARG1 (t / team + :consist-of (p2 / person + :quant 11))) + :op2 (r / report-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / police + :mod (c3 / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong")) + :ARG0-of (h2 / head-01 + :ARG1 (p4 / person + :wiki - + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Ip" + :op2 "Lau" + :op3 "Chuen") + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 g + :ARG2 (c4 / chief))))) + :ARG1 (a2 / act-02 + :ARG1-of (c5 / coerce-01) + :location c3))) + +(a / and + :op1 (e / exchange-01 + :ARG0 (p / police + :mod (c / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong"))) + :ARG1 (c2 / concern-01 + :mod (m / mutual)) + :ARG2 (g / government-organization + :wiki "National_Narcotics_Control_Commission" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "National" + :op2 "Narcotics" + :op3 "Control" + :op4 "Commission") + :poss (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :op2 (d / discuss-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (i / issue-02 + :quant (r / range) + :ARG0-of (i2 / include-01 + :ARG1 (i3 / investigate-01 + :ARG1 (c4 / counter-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / drug)) + :op2 (a3 / activity-06 + :ARG1 (l / launder-01 + :ARG1 (m2 / money))))))))) + :mod (a4 / also)) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / close-01 + :ARG0 (p / party + :location (c2 / continent)) + :ARG1 (v / visit-01 + :ARG0 p) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (m / meet-03 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Yam" + :op2 "TAT") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c3 / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong")) + :ARG2 (c4 / commissioner + :mod (d / deputy) + :topic (c5 / crime-02))))))) + :op2 (c6 / continue-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p3 / propose-01 + :ARG1 (c7 / continue-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (f / fight-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (a3 / activity-06 + :ARG1 (t2 / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / drug)) + :ARG0-of (c8 / cross-02 + :ARG1 (b / border-01))))))))) + +(d / date-entity + :day 25 + :month 7 + :year 2002) + +(c / country + :wiki "Peru" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Peru")) + +(a / and + :op1 (n / narcotic) + :op2 (c / crime-02) + :op3 (m / military) + :op4 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01))) + +(r / reveal-01 + :ARG0 (d / document + :mod (m / military) + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Peru" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Peru"))) + :ARG1 (l / link-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "James_Montesinos" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Montesinos") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (c2 / chief + :topic (i / intelligence)) + :time (f / former))) + :ARG2 (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / drug)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (m / mention-01 + :ARG0 (d / document + :ARG1-of (s / sign-02 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (a2 / army + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Peru" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Peru"))) + :ARG2 (o / officer + :mod (s2 / senior)) + :time (f / former)))) + :ARG1-of (r / reveal-01 + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 7 + :day 25))) + :ARG1 (l / link-01 + :ARG2 (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d3 / drug)))) + :op2 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / confirm-01 + :ARG0 d + :ARG1 (s3 / situation + :poss (p3 / person + :wiki "Vladimiro_Montesinos" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Vladimiro" + :op2 "Montesinos") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :wiki "National_Intelligence_Service_(Peru)" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "National" + :op2 "Intelligence" + :op3 "Service") + :poss c) + :ARG2 (c3 / chief) + :time f))) + :degree (f2 / further)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (a / article + :part-of (n / newspaper + :wiki "The_Comercio_(Peruan)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "The" + :op2 "Trade") + :frequency (r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG3 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (d / day))) + :mod (n3 / nation) + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Peru" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Peru")))) + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / authorize-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Augusto_Montesinos" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Montesinos")) + :ARG1 (t2 / traffic-01 + :ARG0 (w / way) + :ARG1 (d2 / drug) + :purpose (f / find-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 (p4 / political-party + :wiki "Tutac_Amaru" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Tutac" + :op2 "Amaru" + :op3 "Revolutionary" + :op4 "Movement"))) + :ARG1-of (s2 / shine-01 + :location w)))) + :ARG2 (p5 / person + :ARG0-of (l2 / lead-02 + :mod (m / military)) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Alto_Huallaga" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Alto" + :op2 "Huallaga")))))) + +(l / locate-01 + :ARG1 (i / island + :wiki "Alto_Huallaga" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Alto" + :op2 "Huallaga")) + :location (r / relative-position + :op1 (c / city + :wiki "Lima" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Lima") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (c2 / capital))) + :direction (n3 / northeast))) + +(b / base-02 + :ARG1 (s / story) + :ARG2 (r / report-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "General_Assembly_(Bulgaria)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "General" + :op2 "Assembly")) + :mod (f / final))) + +(c / collect-01 + :ARG0 (r / report-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "General" + :op2 "Prosecutors'" + :op3 "Office"))) + :ARG1 (d / document + :ARG0-of (a / allege-01) + :ARG1-of (g2 / give-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Peru" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Peru")) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (a2 / army) + :ARG2 (g3 / general)) + :mod (a3 / anonymous))))) + +(n / note-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Commerce_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Comercio")) + :ARG1 (l / launch-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Alberto_Fujimori" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Alberto" + :op2 "Fujimori") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / president) + :time (t / then))))) + :ARG1 (o2 / operation + :mod (i / intelligence) + :location (p3 / province + :wiki "Alacrán" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Alacrán"))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 1991) + :purpose (c / combat-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (t2 / terrorism) + :op2 (t3 / trafficking + :mod (d2 / drug))) + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Amazon_rainforest" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Amazon"))))) + +(i / infiltrate-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (a / agent)) + :quant (s / several)) + :ARG1 (g / group) + :purpose (c / collect-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (i2 / information + :topic (a2 / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (c2 / command-02 + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (r / rebel-01)))) + :op2 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug))) + :ARG1-of (m / major-02)))) + :part-of (p5 / plan + :wiki "Project_for_the_Communist_Party_of_China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "SCORPION"))) + +(o / order-02 + :ARG1 (c / cocaine + :instrument-of (u / use-01 + :ARG2 (a / agent))) + :mod (a2 / additional) + :purpose (t / transport-01) + :mod (a3 / also)) + +(a / advise-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Augusto_Montesinos" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Montesinos")) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Alberto_Fujimori" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Alberto" + :op2 "Fujimori") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Peru" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Peru")) + :ARG2 (p3 / president) + :time (f / former))) + :ARG1-of (c2 / close-13)) + +(a / and + :op1 (r / resign-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Fujimori" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Fujimori")) + :ARG1 (s / scandal + :mod (k / kickback)) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 10 + :year 2000)) + :op2 (j / jail-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG3 (c / connect-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 s + :ARG1-of (s2 / suppose-01)) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Lima" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Lima")) + :time (n3 / now))) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 8 + :day 29) + +(c / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nepal")) + +(a / and + :op1 (t / terrorism) + :op2 (d / dissent-01) + :op3 (m / military)) + +(w / wound-01 + :time (d / disable-01 + :ARG1 (b / bomb) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Kathmandu" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Katmandu")) + :time (a / after + :op1 (e / expire-01 + :ARG1 (s / state + :mod (e2 / emergency))))) + :time (u / use-03)) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (p2 / police) + :ARG2 (o / officer)) + :location (p3 / province + :wiki "Kathmandu" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Katmandu")))) + +(w / wound-01 + :ARG1 (s / soldier + :mod (m / military + :wiki "Royal_Armed_Forces_of_Nepal" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Royal" + :op2 "Army") + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Nepal")))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 8 + :day 29) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (t / try-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / team + :ARG0-of (d2 / disable-01 + :ARG1 (b / bomb))) + :ARG1 (d3 / defuse-01 + :ARG0 t2 + :ARG1 b + :location (p / post + :mod (p2 / power) + :location (c3 / city-district + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Okubahal") + :ARG1-of (n4 / near-02 + :ARG2 (c4 / city + :wiki "Sundhara" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Sundhara") + :location (d4 / district + :wiki "Lalitpur_District" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Lalitpur") + :location (p3 / province + :wiki "Kathmandu" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Katmandu")))))))))) + :ARG1-of (s2 / serious-02)) + +(b / believe-01 + :ARG1 (p / plant-01 + :ARG0 (i / insurgent + :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)))) + :ARG1 (b2 / bomb))) + +(e / enter-01 + :ARG0 (s / soldier + :ARG1-of (w / wound-01)) + :ARG1 (h / hospital + :mod (m / military) + :location (p / province + :wiki "Kathmandu" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Katmandu")))) + +(r / report-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (d / damage-01 + :mod (o2 / other)) + :op2 (c / casualty + :mod (a / any)) + :subevent-of (i / incident))) + +(e / explode-01 + :ARG1 (b / bomb) + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 2 + :range (s / since + :op1 (d / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 8 + :day 28 + :dayperiod (m / morning) + :time-of (b2 / bomb-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / supermarket + :wiki "Bishalbazar" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Bishalbazar") + :location (h / heart + :part-of (c / city + :wiki "Kathmandu" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Katmandu")))))))) + :location c) + +(a / and + :op1 (d / damage-01 + :ARG0 (b / blast-05) + :ARG1 (c / crystal + :part-of (s / store + :quant (a2 / approximately + :op1 12)))) + :op2 (i / injure-01 + :ARG0 b + :ARG1 (c2 / customer + :quant 2))) + +(a / and + :op1 (o / open-01 + :ARG1 (s / state + :mod (e / emergency)) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 8 + :day 28 + :dayperiod (a2 / afternoon))) + :op2 (d2 / decide-01 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nepal")))) + :ARG1 (i / impose-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 s + :mod (a3 / again)) + :mod (y / yet))) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 9 + :day 5) + +(c / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nepal")) + +(a / and + :op1 (t / terrorism) + :op2 (p / politics) + :op3 (d / dissent-01)) + +(s / step-up-03 + :ARG0 (i / insurgent + :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01))) + :location (c / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nepal"))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (b / bomb-01) + :op2 (k / kill-01)) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (e / end-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / state + :mod (e2 / emergency))))) + +(p / plan-01 + :ARG0 (i / insurgent) + :ARG1 (a / attack-01) + :time (e / elect-01 + :ARG2 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Parliament")) + :mod (m / mid-term))) + +(o / open-01 + :ARG1 (s / state + :mod (e / emergency) + :mod (n / nation) + :duration (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 9 + :unit (m / month))) + :location (c / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Nepal")) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 28 + :month 8 + :year 2002)) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / increase-01 + :ARG1 (v / violence + :poss (i2 / insurgent + :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)))) + :location (a2 / across + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nepal"))))) + :op2 (g3 / go-on-15 + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (t / threaten-01 + :ARG1 (b / bomb-01)) + :op2 (t2 / threaten-01 + :ARG1 (e / explode-01))))) + +(i / incident + :mod (b / bomb) + :ARG1-of (m / major-02) + :quant (a / at-least + :op1 5) + :location (v / valley + :wiki "Katmandu_Valley" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Katmandu" + :op2 "Valley")) + :time (d / date-interval + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :day 28 + :month 8 + :year 2002) + :op2 (d3 / date-entity + :day 4 + :month 9 + :year 2002))) + +(e / explode-01 + :ARG1 (b / bomb) + :location (s / supermarket + :location (c / center + :part-of (c2 / city + :wiki "Kathmandu" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Katmandu")))) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 28 + :month 8 + :year 2002) + :ARG0-of (i / injure-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 2))) + +(k / kill-01 + :ARG1 (s / soldier) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (b / bomb)) + :location (d / district + :wiki "Lalitpur_District" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Lalitpur") + :location (v / valley + :wiki "Katmandú" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Katmandu"))) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 8 + :day 29)) + +(i / incident + :quant 2 + :mod (s / separate-02 + :ARG1 (b / bomb)) + :location (a / and + :op1 (t / township + :mod (d / district + :wiki "Lalitpur_District" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Lalitpur"))) + :op2 (s2 / store + :location (c / city + :wiki "Kathmandu" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Katmandu")))) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 8 + :day 29))) + +(e / explode-01 + :ARG1 (b / bomb) + :location (o / office + :mod (c / city + :wiki "Kathmandu" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Katmandu"))) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 4 + :month 9 + :year 2002)) + +(a / and + :op1 (m / murder-01 + :ARG0 (g / guerrilla + :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01)))) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (a3 / activist + :quant (m2 / many) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (p / political-party + :wiki "Nepal_Congress" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nepal" + :op2 "Congress") + :ARG0-of (r / rule-03)))) + :op2 (a4 / activist + :mod (o2 / other)))) + :op2 (o3 / or + :op1 (b / burn-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (b2 / building + :quant (s / several))) + :op2 (b3 / bomb-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 b2)) + :location (o4 / outside + :op1 (v / valley + :wiki "Kathmandu" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Katmandu" + :op2 "Valley")))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02) + :mod (i / insurgent) + :mod (c / clandestine)) + :ARG1 (d / disrupt-01 + :ARG0 (i2 / insurgent) + :ARG1 (e / elect-01 + :ARG2 (p2 / parliament) + :mod (m / mid-term) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :day 13 + :month 11 + :year 2002)) + :manner (a / and + :op1 (c2 / comprehensive) + :op2 (v / violent))) + :ARG2 (i3 / interview-01 + :ARG1 (n / newspaper + :wiki "The_Kathmandu_Post" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "The" + :op2 "Kathmandu" + :op3 "Post") + :frequency (r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG3 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (d3 / day))) + :medium (l2 / language + :wiki "English_language" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "English"))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (w / warn-01 + :ARG0 (e / embassy + :mod (c / country + :wiki "United_Kingdom" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Britain")) + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Nepal"))) + :ARG1 (i / increase-01 + :ARG1 (o / offense-02 + :ARG0-of (o2 / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01))))) + :ARG2 (c3 / citizen + :mod c)) + :op2 (a2 / advise-01 + :ARG0 e + :ARG1 c3 + :ARG2 (a3 / avoid-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (a4 / area + :ARG1-of (c4 / cordon-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 c2 + :ARG2 (p2 / personnel + :mod (s / security)))))))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 8 + :day 29)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (e / embassy) + :ARG1 (s2 / suggest-01 + :ARG0 (a / assess-01 + :ARG0 (i / intelligence)) + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / prepare-01 + :ARG0 (g / guerrilla + :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01)))) + :ARG1 (c / campaign-01 + :mod (u / urban) + :ARG0-of (s3 / supplement-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / activity-06 + :ARG0 g + :mod (r / rural)))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "United_States_Department_of_State" + :name (n / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Department") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "U.S."))) + :ARG1 (r / risk-01 + :ARG0 (i / insurgent + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Nepal")) + :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01))) + :location (o2 / outside + :op1 (v / valley + :wiki "Kathmandu" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Katmandu" + :op2 "Valley")) + :mod (p / particular))) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (c3 / citizen + :mod c) + :op2 (i2 / interest + :poss c)) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (b / bomb-01 + :time (r2 / recent))) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (g4 / great) + :ARG3 (m / more)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "United_States_Department_of_State" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S." + :op2 "State" + :op3 "Department")) + :ARG1 (p / plan-01 + :ARG0 (i / insurgent + :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01)))) + :ARG1 (a / act-02 + :ARG1 (v / violence) + :ARG1-of (n2 / new-01)) + :time (b / before + :op1 (s2 / strike-02 + :ARG1-of (s3 / state-01) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 16 + :month 9 + :year 2002) + :mod (g4 / general)))) + :ARG1-of (p2 / public-02) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 8 + :day 3)) + +(c / consider-02 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nepal")))) + :ARG1 (r / reup-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (s / state + :mod (e / emergency)) + :purpose (m / maintain-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (l / law) + :op2 (o / order))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Sher_Bahadur_Deuba" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Sher" + :op2 "Bahadur" + :op3 "Deuba") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p2 / prime)))) + :ARG1 (c / consult-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p3 / person + :ARG1-of (i / interest-01)) + :op2 (p4 / party + :mod (p5 / politics))) + :ARG2 (p6 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (e / extend-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / state + :mod (e2 / emergency)))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (a2 / abort-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Humberto_Deuba" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Deuba")) + :ARG1 (t / trip-03 + :ARG1-of (p2 / plan-01) + :destination (c / city + :wiki "Johannesburg" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Johannesburg")) + :purpose (s / summit + :wiki "World_Development_Summit" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "World" + :op2 "Development" + :op3 "Summit"))) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / tension))) + :op2 (r / return-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG4 (c3 / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Nepal")) + :time (i / immediate) + :time (a3 / after + :op1 (v / visit-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (c4 / continent + :wiki "Europe" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Europe")) + :duration (t3 / temporal-quantity + :quant 9 + :unit (d / day)))))) + +(i / impose-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nepal")))) + :ARG1 (s / state + :mod (e / emergency)) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2001 + :month 11 + :day 26) + :time (a / and + :op1 (d2 / defy-01 + :ARG0 (g3 / guerrilla + :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 + :ARG1 g)) + :ARG1 (n2 / negotiate-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 c + :ARG2 (c2 / cease-01 + :ARG1 (f / fire-01)) + :duration (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 4 + :unit (m / month))) + :manner (u / unilateral)) + :op2 (a2 / attack-01 + :ARG0 g3 + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (h / headquarters + :mod (a4 / army)) + :op2 (p / post + :mod (p2 / police)))))) + +(d / date-entity + :day 19 + :month 10 + :year 2002) + +(c / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nepal")) + +(a / and + :op1 (t / terrorism) + :op2 (d / dissent-01)) + +(f / follow-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (k / kill-01 + :ARG0 (g / guerrilla) + :ARG1 (p / policeman + :quant (s / several))) + :op2 (i / injure-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 p) + :location (c / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nepal"))) + :ARG2 (b / break-up-08 + :ARG1 (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (p2 / peace) + :ARG2 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01 + :ARG1 c))))) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG0 (r2 / radio + :mod (s / state) + :location (c / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nepal"))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (k / kill-01 + :ARG1 (p / policeman + :quant (a2 / at-least + :op1 3)) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 10 + :day 19 + :dayperiod (a3 / afternoon + :time-of (a4 / ambush-01 + :ARG0 (g / guerrilla + :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01)))) + :ARG1 (v / vehicle + :poss p) + :location (w / west + :part-of c))))) + :op2 (i / injure-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / policeman + :quant (a5 / at-least + :op1 19) + :mod (o2 / other)) + :time d)) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 10 + :day 20)) + +(q / quote-01 + :ARG0 (p / publication + :wiki "Nepal_Radio" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nepal" + :op2 "Radio")) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (s / security) + :ARG2 (o / official)) + :ARG0-of (s2 / state-01))) + +(k / kill-01 + :ARG1 (p / policeman + :quant 3 + :ARG2-of (i / include-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (i2 / inspect-01)) + :op2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (u / underinspector)))))) + :time (m / make-19 + :ARG0 (v / vehicle + :quant 2 + :poss p) + :ARG1 (a2 / area + :mod (c / city-district + :wiki "Tikapur_District" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tikapur") + :location (d / district + :wiki "Kailali_District" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kailali")))) + :ARG2 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (f / fight-01 + :ARG1 (g / guerrilla))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (d / die-01 + :ARG1 (p / policeman + :mod (a2 / all))) + :op2 (i / injure-01 + :ARG1 p) + :location (v / vehicle + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1))) + +(k / kill-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (d / drive-01 + :ARG1 (v / vehicle))) + :mod (a / also) + :time (a2 / ambush-01)) + +(m / miss-01 + :ARG1 (p / policeman + :quant 5) + :mod (s / still)) + +(a / and + :op1 (m / move-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (p2 / police) + :ARG2 (p3 / personnel)) + :ARG1-of (w / wound-01)) + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (c / city + :wiki "Kathmandu" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Katmandu")) + :op2 (c2 / city + :wiki "Khorj" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Nepalgunj"))) + :purpose (t / treat-03 + :ARG1 p)) + :op2 (m2 / mobilize-01 + :ARG1 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p5 / personnel + :mod (s / security))) + :mod (a3 / additional)) + :location (a4 / area) + :purpose (d / defend-01 + :ARG0 p4 + :ARG3 (g / guerrilla)))) + +(i / increase-01 + :ARG0 (i2 / insurgent + :ARG0-of (o / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)))) + :ARG1 (a / activity-06 + :ARG0 i2 + :mod (v / violent)) + :location (k / kingdom + :mod (w / world-region + :wiki "Himalayas" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Himalayas"))) + :time (s / since + :op1 (o2 / open-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / state + :mod (e / emergency) + :mod (n2 / nation) + :ARG1-of (l / long-03 + :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 9 + :unit (m / month)))) + :time (l2 / late + :op1 (d / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 8))))) + +(b / begin-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nepal")))) + :ARG1 (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (p / peace) + :ARG2 (g3 / guerrilla)) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 8 + :year 2001) + :purpose (f / find-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (t2 / thing + :ARG2-of (s / solve-01 + :ARG1 (i / insurgency + :mod g3 + :ARG0-of (k / kill-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :quant (m / more-than + :op1 5000) + :ARG2-of (i2 / include-91 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p4 / policeman))) + :op2 (p5 / person + :ARG0-of (f2 / fight-01 + :ARG1 (g4 / guerrilla))) + :op3 (c2 / civilian))) + :time (s2 / since + :op1 (b2 / begin-01 + :ARG1 i + :ARG2 (k2 / kingdom + :mod (w / world-region + :wiki "Himalayas" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Himalayas"))) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 1996)))))) + :manner (p6 / peaceful))))) + +(c / conclude-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (r / round-05 + :quant 3 + :ARG1 (t / talk-01) + :ARG1-of (h / hold-04)) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (d / demand-01 + :ARG0 (g / guerrilla) + :ARG1 (e / establish-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s / state + :mod (p / political-party + :wiki "Republican_Party_(United_States)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Republican"))) + :op2 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01) + :mod (i / interim)) + :op3 (c3 / constitution + :ARG1-of (n2 / new-01)) + :ARG1-of (r2 / reject-01 + :ARG0 (g4 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g5 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c4 / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Nepal")))))))))) + +(d / die-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (f / fight-01 + :ARG1 (g / guerrilla)) + :quant (m / more-than + :op1 3700)) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p4 / personnel + :mod (s / security)))) + :ARG2 (m2 / member)) + :quant (m3 / multiple + :op1 100))) + :time (s2 / since + :op1 (i / impose-01 + :ARG0 (g2 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g3 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Nepal" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Nepal")))) + :ARG1 (s3 / state + :mod (e / emergency)) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :day 26 + :month 11 + :year 2001))) + :ARG1-of (f2 / follow-01 + :ARG2 (s4 / series + :consist-of (a2 / attack-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (f3 / force + :mod s + :poss g2) + :time (a3 / after + :op1 (b / break-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG2 g2 + :ARG1-of (l / long-03 + :ARG2 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 4 + :unit (m4 / month)))) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :day 23 + :month 11 + :year 2001))))))) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 11 + :day 23) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russian" + :op2 "Federation")) + :op3 (c3 / country + :wiki "Kazakhstan" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Kazakhstan")) + :op4 (c4 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan")) + :op5 (c5 / country + :wiki "Tajikistan" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Tajikistan")) + :op6 (c6 / country + :wiki "Uzbekistan" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Uzbekistan"))) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (t / terrorism) + :op3 (p / politics)) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Tang_Jiaxuan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang" + :op2 "Jiaxuan") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :topic (f / foreign)))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / proceed-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Shanghai_Cooperation_Organization" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Shanghai" + :op2 "Cooperation" + :op3 "Organization")) + :ARG2 (m2 / member))) + :ARG1 (c3 / construct-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (p3 / program + :wiki "Common_Agricultural_Cooperation_Initiative" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "OCS")))) + :op2 (b / begin-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (c4 / counter-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / terrorism))) + :time (m3 / meet-03 + :location (c5 / city + :wiki "Moscow" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Moscow"))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 11 + :day 23)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Tang_Jiaxuan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang" + :op2 "Jiaxuan") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :topic (f / foreign)))) + :ARG1 (p2 / progress-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / state + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Shanghai_Cooperation_Organization" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Shanghai" + :op2 "Cooperation" + :op3 "Organization")) + :ARG2 (m2 / member))) + :topic (a / and + :op1 (c2 / construct-01 + :ARG1 o) + :op2 (c3 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 (c4 / country + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 o + :ARG2 (m3 / member)))))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 11 + :day 23)) + +(m / meet-03 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang")) + :op2 (p2 / person + :quant 5 + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG2 (m2 / minister + :topic (f / foreign)))) + :op3 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Kazakhstan" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Kazakhstan")) + :ARG2 m2)) + :op4 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan")) + :ARG2 m2)) + :op5 (p5 / person + :ARG0-of (h4 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c4 / country + :wiki "Tajikistan" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Tajikistan")) + :ARG2 m2)) + :op6 (p6 / person + :ARG0-of (h5 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c5 / country + :wiki "Uzbekistan" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Uzbekistan")) + :ARG2 m2))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 11 + :day 23) + :location (c6 / city + :wiki "Moscow" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Moscow")) + :purpose (d2 / discuss-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (c7 / construct-01 + :ARG1 (p7 / program + :wiki "Common_Core_State_Standards_Initiative" + :name (n8 / name + :op1 "OCS"))) + :op2 (i / issue-02 + :ARG0 (a3 / and + :op1 (i2 / international) + :op2 (r / region)) + :quant (r2 / range))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (a2 / approach-02 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Organization_for_Security_and_Co-operation_in_Europe" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "OCS")) + :ARG1 (c / construct-01 + :ARG1 (m / mechanism)) + :time (c2 / current)) + :op2 (e / enter-01 + :ARG0 (w / work-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / prepare-02 + :ARG2 (c3 / create-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / secretary)))) + :ARG1 (s3 / stage + :ARG1-of (k / key-02)) + :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (e2 / effort-01 + :ARG0 (a3 / and + :op1 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (c5 / coordinate-01)) + :op2 (p4 / person + :ARG1-of (e3 / expert-01)) + :location (c6 / country + :quant 6)) + :manner (j / joint)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s2 / seek-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :ARG1 (c2 / complete-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (w / word-01 + :ARG1 (d / document + :ARG1-of (r / relevant-01))) + :time (p2 / prior + :op1 (s3 / summit + :mod (o / organization + :wiki "Organization_for_Security_and_Co-operation_in_China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "OCS")) + :time (y / year + :mod (n4 / next)))))) + :op2 (a2 / attempt-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (o2 / open-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (s4 / secretary) + :manner (o3 / official) + :time (a3 / after + :op1 s3)))) + :mod (a4 / also)) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang")) + :ARG1 (f / face-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Occupy_Wall_Street" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "OCS")) + :ARG1 (s2 / struggle-01 + :ARG2 (c / counter-01 + :ARG1 (t / terrorist)) + :ARG1-of (h / harsh-02)) + :mod (s3 / still))) + :op2 (c2 / cite-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (c3 / crisis + :mod (h2 / hostage) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 10 + :year 2002) + :location (c4 / city + :wiki "Moscow" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Moscow"))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang")) + :ARG1 (s2 / show-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / plan-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (s3 / separatist + :mod (n2 / nation)) + :op2 (e / extremist + :mod (r / region))) + :ARG1 (a2 / attack-01 + :ARG0 (t / terrorist) + :ARG1 (c / city + :wiki "Moscow" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Moscow")))) + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (n4 / need-01 + :ARG1 (e2 / effort-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / reduce-01 + :ARG1 (f / force + :quant 3 + :poss (a4 / and + :op1 (t2 / terrorism) + :op2 (s4 / separatism) + :op3 (e3 / extremism)))))) + :op2 (c2 / correct-02 + :ARG1 e2)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang")) + :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (d / deep-03 + :ARG1 (c / cooperate-01 + :ARG2 (s2 / security))) + :op2 (e / expand-01 + :ARG1 c) + :manner (a2 / and + :op1 (a3 / adopt-01 + :ARG1 (a4 / agree-01 + :ARG1 (f / fight-01 + :ARG1 (a5 / and + :op1 (f2 / force + :quant 3) + :op2 (o2 / organization + :mod (t / terrorist))) + :manner (j / joint)))) + :op2 (c2 / create-01 + :ARG1 (o3 / organization + :mod (r / region) + :ARG0-of (c3 / counter-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / terrorism))) + :location (c4 / city + :wiki "Bishkek" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Bishkek") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c5 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan")) + :ARG2 (c6 / capital)))))) + :time (s3 / soon + :ARG2-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 a + :ARG3 (e2 / equal) + :ARG4 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 a))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (a2 / appreciate-02 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (p2 / propose-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :quant (s2 / some) + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Central_Asia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Central" + :op2 "Asia")))) + :purpose (i / improve-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (c3 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG2 (c4 / counter-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug)))))) + :op2 (s3 / support-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 t))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang")) + :ARG1 (s2 / sign-02 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :ARG1 (p2 / pact + :mod (m / multilateral) + :ARG0-of (c2 / cooperate-01 + :ARG2 (c3 / counter-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang")) + :ARG1 (i / include-91 + :ARG1 (m / measure-02 + :ARG1 (c / counter-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug))) + :ARG2 (t / task + :mod (m2 / main) + :poss (o / organization + :location (r / region) + :ARG0-of (c2 / counter-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / terrorism)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang")) + :ARG1 (a / area + :ARG1-of (k / key-02) + :domain (c / cooperate-01 + :ARG2 (e / economy)) + :location-of (c2 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 (c3 / country + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Organization_of_Southeast_Asian_Nations" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "OAS")) + :ARG2 (m / member)))))) + +(o / obligate-01 + :ARG1 (s / state + :mod (a / all) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (m / member))) + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (s2 / strengthen-01 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (s3 / sense-02 + :mod (c / common) + :mod (p / politics)) + :ARG4 (a3 / above + :op1 (c2 / cooperate-01 + :ARG2 (a4 / and + :op1 (e / economy) + :op2 (t / trade-01))))) + :op2 (c3 / consider-02 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 a3 + :ARG2 (p2 / problem + :mod (s4 / strategic) + :ARG0-of (a5 / affect-01 + :ARG1 (a6 / and + :op1 (s5 / security + :mod (r / region)) + :op2 (d / develop-02 + :ARG1 (o2 / organization + :wiki "Organization_for_Security_and_Co-operation_in_Europe" + :name (n / name + :op1 "OAS")))) + :ARG1-of (p3 / possible-01))))) + :purpose (o3 / obtain-01 + :ARG0 s + :ARG1 (b / benefit-01 + :ARG0 (c4 / cooperate-01 + :ARG2 (a7 / and + :op1 e + :op2 t)) + :mod (s6 / substantial)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (r / reference-04 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang")) + :ARG1 (s / situation + :mod (v / volatile) + :mod (w / world)) + :mod (a2 / also)) + :op2 (s2 / state-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (t / task-01 + :ARG1 (m / manage-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :mod (a3 / all) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Common_Core_State_Standards_Initiative" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "OCS")) + :ARG2 (m2 / member))) + :ARG1 (t2 / threaten-01 + :ARG1-of (o2 / originate-01 + :ARG2 (s3 / sphere + :mod (s4 / security) + :mod (t3 / tradition + :polarity -))) + :ARG2-of (i / include-01 + :ARG1 (a4 / and + :op1 (t4 / terrorism) + :op2 (t5 / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug)) + :op3 (s5 / smuggle-01 + :ARG1 (m3 / money)) + :op4 (c2 / crime-02 + :ARG1 (c3 / currency) + :mod (t6 / transnational)))))) + :ARG1-of (s6 / share-01 + :ARG0 c) + :ARG0-of (p2 / press-01)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang")) + :ARG1 (d / dominate-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / peace) + :op2 (d2 / develop-02)) + :ARG1 (t / time + :time (c / current)) + :mod (s2 / still) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (s3 / stable-03 + :ARG1 (s4 / situation + :poss (w / world) + :ARG1-of (g / general-02))) + :op2 (d3 / develop-02 + :ARG1 (e / economy) + :manner (w2 / wave)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang")) + :ARG1 (o / observe-01 + :ARG0 (c / community + :mod (i / international)) + :ARG1 (o2 / organization) + :ARG1-of (c2 / close-10) + :time (r / ready-02 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c3 / country) + :op2 (o3 / organization) + :mod (i2 / international) + :quant (m / more)) + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (d / dialogue-01) + :op2 (c4 / cooperate-01) + :accompanier (o4 / organization + :wiki "Occupy_Wall_Street" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "OCS")))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang")) + :ARG1 (r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (i / improve-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / position-02) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (e / exchange-01 + :ARG0 p3 + :ARG2 (p2 / party + :mod (o / other))) + :op2 (c / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 p3 + :ARG2 p2)) + :degree (f / further) + :manner (a2 / and + :op1 (v / visibility + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (w / wide-02) + :ARG3 (m / more))) + :op2 (t / thing + :ARG2-of p3 + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (p4 / positive) + :ARG3 (m2 / more))) + :ARG0-of (s2 / strengthen-01 + :ARG1 (i2 / influence-01 + :ARG0 (o2 / organization + :wiki "Communist_Party_of_China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "OCS")) + :mod (i3 / international)) + :ARG1-of (p5 / possible-01)) + :ARG1-of (r2 / reflect-01 + :ARG2 (p6 / principle + :poss o2 + :mod (a3 / align-01 + :polarity -) + :ARG1-of (c2 / contrast-01 + :ARG2 (a4 / and + :op1 (p7 / party + :ord (o3 / ordinal-entity + :value 3)) + :op2 (o4 / open-01)))) + :mod (a5 / also)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang")) + :ARG1 (a / approve-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Organization_for_Security_and_Co-operation_in_the_United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "OCS")) + :ARG1 (p2 / pact + :mod (t / temporary) + :topic (p3 / policy-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG2 (f / foreign))) + :time (m / meet-03 + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 11 + :day 23)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tang")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (b / begin-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / pact) + :ARG1 (a2 / activity-06 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Occupy_Wall_Street" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "OCS")) + :ARG1 (e / exchange-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG2 (o2 / organization + :mod (o3 / other)))) + :manner (o4 / official)) + :op2 (p3 / promote-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (s2 / spirit + :poss (c / city + :wiki "Shanghai" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Shanghai")) + :mod (a3 / and + :op1 (t / trust-01 + :manner (m / mutual)) + :op2 (b2 / benefit-01 + :manner m) + :op3 (e2 / equal-01) + :op4 (c2 / cooperate-01) + :op5 (r / respect-01 + :mod (m2 / multicultural)) + :op6 (p4 / pursue-01 + :ARG1 (d / develop-02 + :mod (c3 / common)))))))) + +(d / date-entity + :day 28 + :month 12 + :year 2002) + +(c / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iraq")) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (p / proliferate-01) + :op3 (w / weapon)) + +(s / search-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (i / inspect-01) + :poss (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Nations"))) + :ARG1 (s2 / site + :quant 7 + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iraq"))) + :ARG2 (w / weapon + :ARG1-of (b / ban-01)) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2002 + :day 28 + :month 12)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Hiro_Ueki" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hiro" + :op2 "Ueki") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (s2 / spokesman))) + :ARG1 (v / visit-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (i / inspect-01 + :ARG1 (w / weapon)) + :poss (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Nations"))) + :ARG1 (s3 / site + :quant 7 + :location (c / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iraq"))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 12 + :day 28) + :purpose (s4 / seek-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (w2 / weapon + :ARG1-of (b / ban-01) + :ARG2-of (d2 / destroy-01 + :degree (m / mass)))))) + +(v / visit-01 + :ARG0 (t / team + :consist-of (p / person + :mod (b / biology) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Monitoring,_Verification_and_Inspection_Commission" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Unites" + :op2 "Nations" + :op3 "Monitoring" + :op4 "Verification" + :op5 "and" + :op6 " Inspection" + :op7 " Commission"))) + :ARG3 (e / expert-01))) + :ARG1 (p2 / plant + :mod (j / juice) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Yaffa" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Yaffa")) + :part-of (c2 / company + :wiki "National_Food_Industries_Corporation" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "National" + :op2 "Food" + :op3 "Industries" + :op4 "Co.")) + :location (a / area + :wiki "Zafaraniyah_Industry_Area" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Zafaraniyah") + :mod (i / industry) + :location (c3 / city + :wiki "Baghdad" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Baghdad"))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (f / finance-01 + :ARG0 (c / company + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Yaffa" + :op2 "Winehouse")) + :ARG1 c) + :op2 (o / own-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 c + :manner (m / mix-01)) + :op3 (s / site + :ARG1-of (s2 / state-01 + :time (p / previous)) + :ARG1-of (m2 / monitor-01 + :time p) + :ARG1-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / present-02 + :ARG1 (e / equipment + :ARG0-of (u / use-01 + :manner (d / dual)) + :quant (s3 / some)))))) + +(r / return-01 + :ARG1 (t / team + :mod (b / biology)) + :ARG4 (c / center + :mod (v / vaccine) + :mod (v2 / veterinary) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Al_Kindi" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Al" + :op2 "Kindi"))) + :prep-as (f / follow-01 + :ARG1 (i / inspect-01 + :time (b2 / before) + :ARG1-of (d / do-02 + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2002 + :month 12 + :day 22))))) + +(v / visit-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Monitoring,_Verification_and_Inspection_Commission" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Unites" + :op2 "Nations" + :op3 "Monitoring" + :op4 "Verification" + :op5 "and" + :op6 " Inspection" + :op7 " Commission")) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01 + :ARG2 (m / missile)) + :mod (s / some)))) + :ARG1 (f / factory + :ARG0-of (p3 / provide-01 + :ARG1 (f2 / fill-01 + :ARG1 (w / warhead + :mod (p4 / product + :wiki "Al-Qaeda" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Al" + :op2 "Qaib"))) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (m2 / missile + :wiki "A-Mall" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "A-Mall")) + :op2 (m3 / missile + :wiki "Al-_Fatah" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Al" + :op2 "Fatah"))))) + :location (c / compound + :poss (c2 / criminal-organization + :wiki "Al-Qaeda" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Al" + :op2 "Qa" + :op3 "Qaa")))) + :ARG1-of (a2 / announce-01 + :polarity -)) + +(i / inspect-01 + :ARG0 (t / team + :mod (c / chemical) + :part-of (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Monitoring,_Verification_and_Inspection_Commission" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Unites" + :op2 "Nations" + :op3 "Monitoring" + :op4 "Verification" + :op5 "and" + :op6 " Inspection" + :op7 " Commission")) + :ARG1-of (s / support-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (e / equipment + :mod (b / biology)) + :op2 (e2 / equipment + :mod (m / missile))))) + :ARG1 (c2 / center + :wiki "Ibn_Younis_Centre" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Ibn" + :op2 "Younis") + :domain (f / facility + :mod (d / design + :mod (m2 / mechanics)) + :location (c3 / city + :wiki "Baghdad" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Baghdad"))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Hiro_Ueki" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hiro" + :op2 "Ueki")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (b / be-located-at-91 + :ARG1 (s2 / site) + :ARG2 (c / complex + :mod (l / large) + :ARG1-of (o / occupy-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (b2 / business) + :op2 (i / institution) + :mod (o2 / other) + :ARG2-of (i2 / include-01 + :ARG1 (o3 / office + :mod (r / region) + :poss (p2 / political-party + :wiki "Bath_Party" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Bath" + :op2 "Party") + :ARG0-of (r2 / rule-03)))))))) + :op2 (i3 / inspect-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o4 / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Nations")) + :ARG2 (p4 / person + :ARG1-of (e / expert-01 + :ARG2 (w / weapon))))) + :ARG1 (c2 / compound + :mod (w2 / whole))))) + +(c / carry-out-03 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (i / inspect-01) + :mod (o / other)) + :ARG1 (o2 / operate-01 + :ARG0 p + :mod (f / field) + :location (a / and + :op1 (s / site + :poss (m / military + :wiki "Hadre_Force" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hadre" + :op2 "Air" + :op3 "Force")) + :location (n2 / near-02 + :ARG2 (c2 / city + :wiki "Mosul" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Mosul"))) + :location 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"International" + :op2 "Atomic" + :op3 "Energy" + :op4 "Agency"))))))) + :ARG2 (c / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iraq")) + :time (c2 / current)) + +(o / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (s / submit-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (i / inspect-01)) + :ARG1 (r / report + :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity + :value 1) + :topic (p2 / program + :mod (w / weapon) + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iraq")))) + :ARG2 (o3 / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Security_Council" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Nations" + :op3 "Security" + :op4 "Council")) + :time (b / before + :op1 (d / date-entity + :day 27 + :month 1 + :year 2003)))) + +(d / date-entity + :day 28 + :month 4 + :year 2003) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n / name + :op1 "France")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "India"))) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (w / weapon) + :op3 (m / military) + :op4 (m2 / money) + :op5 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :op6 (t / technology)) + +(s / sign-02 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n / name + :op1 "France")) + :ARG1 (d / deal-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (n2 / name + :op1 "Scorpene") + :ARG2 (m / manufacture-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / submarine + :wiki "Scorpène-class_submarine" + :name n2 + :mod (p / propellant + :mod (d2 / diesel)) + :ARG1-of (a / advanced-02)) + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "India")) + :prep-under (l / license)) + :ARG1-of (e / estimate-01 + :ARG2 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 2000000000 + :unit (d3 / dollar))))) + +(h / hold-04 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Michèle_Alliot-Marie" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Michele" + :op2 "Alliot-Marie") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "France")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :topic (d / defend-01)))) + :ARG1 (d2 / dialogue-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (d3 / deal-01) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "India")))) + :mod (s / security))) + +(o / offer-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n / name + :op1 "France")) + :ARG1 (c2 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "India")) + :ARG2 (m / military) + :purpose (a / and + :op1 (d / develop-02 + :ARG1-of (j / join-01)) + :op2 (t / transfer-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / technology)) + :op3 (s / sell-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / system + :mod (w / weapon + :mod (t3 / tech + :ARG1-of (h / high-02)))))) + :ARG1-of (l / long-03)) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :day 28 + :month 4 + :year 2003)) + +(s / sign-02 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n / name + :op1 "France")) + :ARG1 (d / deal-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (n2 / name + :op1 "Scorpene") + :ARG2 (m / manufacture-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / submarine + :wiki "Scorpène-class_submarine" + :name n2 + :mod (p / propellant + :mod (d2 / diesel)) + :ARG1-of (a / advanced-02)) + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "India")) + :prep-under (l / license)) + :ARG1-of (e / estimate-01 + :ARG2 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 2000000000 + :unit (d3 / dollar))))) + +(e / engage-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Michèle_Alliot-Marie" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Michele" + :op2 "Alliot-Marie") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "France")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :topic (d / defend-01)))) + :ARG2 (d2 / dialogue-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (s / security) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "India")))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Marina_Alliot-Marie" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Alliot-Marie"))) + +(n / need-01 + :ARG1 (c / cooperate-01 + :mod (i / international)) + :time (a / after + :op1 (w / war + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iraq")) + :time (r / recent)) + :mod (e / especially))) + +(w / want-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n / name + :op1 "France")) + :ARG1 (d / deepen-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (i / intensity + :degree-of (r / relation-03 + :ARG0 c + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "India")) + :topic (d2 / defend-01))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (u / upgrade-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n / name + :op1 "France")) + :ARG1 (s / system + :mod (w / weapon) + :ARG1-of (s2 / sell-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "India"))))) + :op2 (k / keep-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (u2 / use-01 + :ARG1 s + :ARG2 (o / operate-01) + :mod (o2 / optimum)))) + +(o / offer-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n / name + :op1 "France")) + :ARG1 (s / sell-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (a / aircraft-type + :wiki "Dassault_Mirage" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Mirage") + :poss c + :ARG1-of (u / upgrade-02 + :time (d / date-entity + :day 5 + :month 5 + :year 2002))) + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "India")) + :ARG1-of (c3 / couple-01 + :ARG2 (t / transfer-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (t2 / technology) + :op2 (c4 / camera + :mod (t3 / termograph)) + :purpose (a3 / and + :op1 (t4 / tank + :wiki - + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "T_1") + :ARG1-of (m / make-01 + :ARG0 (c5 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG1 t5)) + :op2 (t5 / tank + :wiki "T-90" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "T-90")) + :op3 (s2 / system + :purpose (d2 / determine-01 + :manner (a4 / angular)) + :purpose (a5 / artillery)))))))) + +(a / agree-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n / name + :op1 "France"))) + +(p / place-01 + :ARG1 (m / mine + :mod (i / intensity + :ARG1-of (h / high-02))) + :ARG2 (l / line + :ARG0-of (c / control-01) + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Kashmir" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Kashmir")))) + +(c / curb-01 + :ARG1 (t / terrorism + :ARG0-of (c2 / cross-02 + :ARG1 (b / border)))) + +(i / improve-01 + :ARG1 (s / system + :ARG0-of (c / control-01 + :ARG1 (f / fire)) + :part-of (t / tank + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n / name + :op1 "India"))))) + +(h / hold-04 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Muhammad_Alliot-Marie" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Alliot-Marie")) + :ARG1 (m / meet-03 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "George_Fernandes" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "George" + :op2 "Fernandes") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "India")) + :ARG2 (m2 / minister + :topic (d / defend-01)))) + :mod (i / individual)) + :time (b / before + :op1 (t / talk-01 + :mod (l / level + :mod (d2 / delegation)) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :year 2003 + :month 4 + :day 28)))) + +(a / arrive-01 + :ARG1 (s / ship + :wiki "Alliot-Marie" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Alliot-Marie")) + :time (d / date-entity + :weekday (s2 / sunday))) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2003 + :month 6 + :day 24) + +(c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n / name + :op1 "France")) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :op3 (d / dissent-01) + :op4 (c / crime-02) + :op5 (t / terrorism) + :op6 (p / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02))) + +(c / call-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n / name + :op1 "France")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :topic (f / foreign)))) + :ARG1 (r / raid-01 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "People's_Mujahedin_of_Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "People's" + :op2 "Mujahedeen")) + :time (r2 / recent) + :location (c3 / city + :wiki "Paris" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Paris"))) + :ARG2 (p2 / part + :part-of (f2 / fight-01 + :ARG1 (t / terrorism)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Dominique_de_Villepin" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Dominique" + :op2 "de" + :op3 "Villepin") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "France")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :topic (f / foreign)))) + :ARG1 (c2 / consider-02 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 c)) + :ARG1 (c3 / crack-down-06 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "People's_Mujahedin_of_Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "People's" + :op2 "Mujahedeen") + :ARG0-of (o2 / oppose-01) + :ARG1-of (a / arm-01) + :mod (c4 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Iran")))) + :ARG2 (o3 / operation + :ARG0-of (c5 / counter-01 + :ARG1 (t / terrorism)))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2003 + :month 6 + :day 24)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (r / radio + :wiki "France-Info" + :name (n / name + :op1 "France" + :op2 "Info" + :op3 "de" + :op4 "Villepin") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "France"))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c2 / claim-01 + :ARG0 (c3 / criminal-organization + :wiki "Mujahideen" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Mujahideen")) + :ARG1 (r2 / responsible-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (b / bomb-01 + :quant (n4 / numerous) + :location (c4 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Iran"))))) + :op2 (s2 / state-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1 (h / hide-01 + :ARG1 (d / dimension + :mod (t / this) + :mod (t2 / terrorism)))))) + :medium (r3 / radio + :mod (c5 / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "France")))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Robin_De_Villepin" + :name (n / name + :op1 "De" + :op2 "Villepin")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (d / decide-01 + :ARG0 (j / justice) + :ARG1 (a2 / arrest-01)) + :op2 (f / factor + :polarity - + :mod (d2 / diplomatic) + :prep-in (m / matter + :mod (t / this))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Jean-Louis_De_Villepin" + :name (n / name + :op1 "De" + :op2 "Villepin")) + :ARG1 (a / act-02 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :mod (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "France"))) + :ARG1-of (h / hard-02) + :ARG1-of (b / base-02 + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (j / justice) + :op2 (d / determine-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (e / effort-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (f / fight-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (t / terrorism)) + :mod (e2 / every) + :ARG1-of (p3 / possible-01))))))) + +(r / raid-01 + :ARG0 (p / police + :mod (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n / name + :op1 "France"))) + :ARG1 (h / headquarters + :poss (o / organization + :wiki "People's_Mujahedin_of_Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "People's" + :op2 "Mujahedeen")) + :location (n3 / northwest + :part-of (c2 / city + :wiki "Paris" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Paris")))) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 22 + :month 6 + :year 2003)) + +(a / accuse-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "People's_Mujahedin_of_Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "People's" + :op2 "Mujahedeen")) + :ARG1 (a2 / authority + :mod (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "France"))) + :ARG2 (c2 / carry-out-03 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 (o2 / operation + :part-of (d / deal-01 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iran")))))))) + +(d / deny-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")))) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (c2 / claim-01) + :mod (t2 / this))) + +(i / investigate-01 + :ARG0 (j / judiciary) + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 17 + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Mujahideen" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mujahideen")) + :ARG2 (m / member))) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (s / suspect-01 + :ARG1 (l / link-01 + :ARG1 p + :ARG2 (o2 / organization + :mod (t / terrorism))) + :ARG2 p) + :op2 (f / fund-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (a2 / activity-06 + :ARG1 t))) + :time (n2 / now)) + +(d / detain-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant (a / about + :op1 160)) + :time (c / crack-down-06 + :ARG0 (p2 / police) + :ARG1 (p3 / place + :quant (m / more-than + :op1 10) + :mod (o / organization + :wiki "People's_Mujahedin_of_Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "People's" + :op2 "Mujahedeen")) + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "France")))) + :time (i / initial)) + +(s / seize-01 + :ARG1 (m / map + :location (c / city + :wiki "Paris" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Paris")) + :consist-of (s2 / street + :ARG1-of (r / relate-01 + :ARG2 (e / embassy + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "U.S."))))) + :consist-of (a / and + :op1 (a2 / armor + :mod (b / body)) + :op2 (e2 / equipment + :instrument-of (t / transmit-01)) + :op3 (c3 / computer + :quant (m2 / more-than + :op1 200)) + :op4 (c4 / cash + :quant (a3 / about + :op1 (m3 / monetary-quantity + :quant 9000000 + :unit (d / dollar)))))) + :time (r2 / raid-01 + :ARG0 (p / police))) + +(c / classify-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US")) + :op2 (o / organization + :wiki "European_Union" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "European" + :op2 "Union")) + :op3 (c3 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :ARG1 (o2 / organization + :wiki "People's_Mujahedin_of_Iran" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "People's" + :op2 "Mujahedeen")) + :ARG2 (o3 / organization + :mod (t / terrorism))) + +(a / and + :op1 (f / form-01 + :ARG0 (y / youth + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran")) + :ARG1-of (e / educate-01 + :mod (c2 / college))) + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "People's_Mujahedin_of_Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "People's" + :op2 "Mujahedeen")) + :time (d / date-entity + :decade 1960)) + :op2 (d2 / describe-01 + :ARG1 o + :ARG2 (o2 / organization + :ARG1-of (l / left-19) + :mod (r / religious-group + :wiki "Islam" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Islam"))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (p / perpetrate-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "People's_Mujahedin_of_Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "People's" + :op2 "Mujahedeen")) + :ARG1 (a2 / attack-01 + :ARG0 (t / terrorist) + :location (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :time (d / date-entity + :decade 1970)) + :op2 (k / kill-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "States")) + :ARG2 (m / military))) + :op2 (c3 / civilian) + :quant (s / several) + :ARG0-of (w / work-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / project + :mod (d2 / defend-01)) + :location (c4 / city + :wiki "Tehran" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Tehran")))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (h / have-part-91 + :ARG1 (c / coalition + :ARG1-of (b / broad-02) + :ARG0-of (s / support-01 + :ARG1 (r / revolution-03 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :time (i / initial))) + :ARG2 (o / organization + :wiki "People's_Mujahedin_of_Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "People's" + :op2 "Mujahedeen"))) + :op2 (p / participate-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (i2 / inaugurate-01 + :ARG1 (e / embassy + :poss (c3 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "US")) + :location (c4 / city + :wiki "Tehran" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Tehran"))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :quant 70000)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (f / fight-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "People's_Mujahedin_of_Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "People's" + :op2 "Mujahedeen")) + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01))) + :op2 (b / build-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (b2 / base + :mod (m / military) + :location (c / country + :wiki "Iraq" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iraq"))) + :op2 (b3 / base + :mod (p / politics) + :location (c2 / continent + :wiki "Europe" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Europe")))) + :time (s / since + :op1 (d / date-entity + :decade 1980)))) + +(c / claim-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "People's_Mujahedin_of_Iran" + :name (n / name + :op1 "People's" + :op2 "Mujahedeen")) + :ARG1 (r / responsible-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (m / murder-01 + :ARG0 o + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant (s / several) + :poss (r2 / regime + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Iran")))))) + :time (y / year + :mod (r3 / recent))) + +(i / include-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Assodalah" + :op2 "Ladjevardi") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (p2 / prison + :wiki "Evin_Prison" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Evin" + :op2 "Prison")) + :ARG2 (d / director) + :time (f / former))) + :op2 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Ali" + :op2 "Sayad" + :op3 "Chirazi") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (a2 / army + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Iran" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Iran"))) + :ARG2 (g / general) + :ARG3 (c2 / commander-in-chief) + :time (f2 / former))) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :month 8 + :year 1998)) + :ARG2 (k / kill-01 + :mod (t / this))) + +(d / date-entity + :day 9 + :month 7 + :year 2003) + +(c / country + :wiki "Australia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Australia")) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (w / weapon) + :op3 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :op4 (p / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02))) + +(d / doubt-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "John_Howard" + :name (n / name + :op1 "John" + :op2 "Howard") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Australia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Australia")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p2 / prime)))) + :ARG1 (u / use-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (f / force-04 + :ARG0 (m2 / military)) + :ARG2 (i / intercept-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (v / vessel + :ARG2-of (s / suspect-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / smuggle-01 + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (d2 / drug) + :op2 (w / weapon) + :ARG0-of (b / belong-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "North_Korea" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Democratic" + :op2 "People's" + :op3 "Republic" + :op4 "of" + :op5 "Korea"))))))))) + :concession (a / and + :op1 (p3 / pressure-01 + :ARG0 (c3 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "US"))) + :op2 (c4 / create-01 + :ARG1 (o2 / organization + :wiki "Proliferation_Security_Initiative" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Proliferation" + :op2 "Security" + :op3 "Initiative"))))) + +(d / doubt-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Australia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Australia")))) + :ARG1 (u / use-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (m / military + :mod c) + :ARG2 (i / intercept-01 + :ARG0 m + :ARG1 (v / vessel + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "North_Korea" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Democratic" + :op2 "People's" + :op3 "Republic" + :op4 "of" + :op5 "Korea")) + :ARG2-of (s / suspect-01 + :ARG1 (t / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (w / weapon) + :op2 (d2 / drug)))))))) + +(q / quote-01 + :ARG0 (p / publication + :wiki "Associated_Press" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Australian" + :op2 "Associated" + :op3 "Press")) + :ARG1 (c / consider-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (n3 / name + :op1 "Australia"))) + :ARG1 (c2 / contribute-01 + :ARG2 (m / military)) + :time (s / stage + :mod (t / this))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :wiki "John_Howard" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "John" + :op2 "Howard") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Australia" + :name n3) + :ARG2 (m2 / minister + :mod (p3 / prime)))) + :time (d / date-entity + :day 9 + :month 7 + :year 2003)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Howard_Tae" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Howard")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c / consider-02 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Australia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Australia")))) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (w / way) + :op2 (m / means) + :instrument-of (d / deal-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG2 (p2 / problem + :mod (l / large + :degree (v / very)))))) + :op2 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (c3 / choose-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (d2 / define-01 + :ARG0 g)) + :op2 (w2 / word) + :ARG1-of (s2 / sense-02))) + :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (d3 / deal-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG2 (a4 / and + :op1 (t2 / topic + :mod (v2 / volatile)) + :op2 (c5 / country + :ARG0-of (o2 / operate-01 + :polarity - + :ARG1-of (c6 / conform-01 + :ARG2 (t3 / treaty + :wiki "Treaty_on_Conventional_Armed_Forces_in_Australia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Convention"))))))))))) + +(r / reference-04 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Howard_Howard" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Howard")) + :ARG1 (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (i / issue-02) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Junichiro_Koizumi" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Junichiro" + :op2 "Koizumi") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p3 / prime)))) + :op2 (p4 / person + :wiki "Roh_Moo-hyun" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Roh" + :op2 "Woo-hyun") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "South_Korea" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Korea")) + :ARG2 (p5 / president)))) + :time (v / visit-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (r2 / region) + :time (w / week + :mod (d / date-entity + :year 2003 + :month 7 + :day 14))) + :time (f / future))) + +(f / form-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "U.S.")))) + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Proliferation_Security_Initiative" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Proliferation" + :op2 "Security" + :op3 "Initiative") + :ARG1-of (c2 / consist-01 + :ARG2 (c3 / country + :quant 11 + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 o + :ARG2 (m / member))))) + :time (r / recent)) + +(s / start-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Proliferation_Security_Initiative" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Proliferation" + :op2 "Security" + :op3 "Initiative")) + :ARG1 (m / meet-03 + :location (c / city + :wiki "Brisbane" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Brisbane"))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2003 + :month 7 + :day 9)) + +(c / consider-02 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Proliferation_Security_Initiative" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Proliferation" + :op2 "Security" + :op3 "Initiative")) + :ARG2 (m / member))) + :ARG1 (w / way + :instrument-of (i / intercept-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (o2 / or + :op1 (s / ship) + :op2 (p / plane) + :ARG2-of (s2 / suspect-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / carry-01 + :ARG0 o2 + :ARG1 (w2 / weapon + :ARG2-of (d / destroy-01 + :degree (m2 / mass))))))))) + +(s / suggest-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US")))) + :ARG1 (p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / participate-01 + :ARG0 (m / military + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Australia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Australia"))) + :ARG1 (p3 / prevent-01 + :ARG0 m + :ARG1 (n3 / nation) + :ARG2 (t / transport-01 + :ARG0 n3 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (w / weapon) + :op2 (w2 / weapon) + :mod (b / both)) + :path (w3 / water + :mod (t2 / territory) + :mod c2))))) + :ARG1-of (r / report-01)) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2003 + :month 11 + :day 7) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :op3 (c3 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "India"))) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (p / politics)) + +(a / arrive-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Luiz_Inácio_Lula_da_Silva" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Lula" + :op2 "da" + :op3 "Silva") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :ARG2 (p2 / president))) + :ARG4 (c2 / city + :wiki "Pretoria" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Pretoria") + :location (c3 / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa"))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2003 + :month 11 + :day 7) + :purpose (h2 / hold-04 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :wiki "Thabo_Mbeki" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Thabo" + :op2 "Mbeki") + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 c3 + :ARG2 (p4 / president))) + :mod (b / bilateral) + :mod (p5 / politics) + :mod (e / economy) + :ARG1-of (s / slate-01 + :ARG2 (d2 / date-entity + :year 2003 + :month 11 + :day 8))))) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG0 (p / publication + :wiki "Press_Association_of_South_Africa" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Press" + :op2 "Association" + :op3 "of" + :op4 "South" + :op5 "Africa")) + :ARG1 (a / arrive-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Luiz_Inácio_Lula_da_Silva" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Lula" + :op2 "da" + :op3 "Silva") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :ARG2 (p3 / president))) + :ARG4 (c2 / city + :wiki "Pretoria" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Pretoria") + :location "Africa ) :time ( date-entity :year 2003 :month 11 :day 7 :dayperiod ( afternoon ) ) :purpose ( hold-04 :ARG0 :ARG1 ( talk-01 :ARG0 :ARG2 ( person :wiki "))) + +(d / discuss-01 + :location (c / city + :wiki "Pretoria" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Pretoria") + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa")))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Manusha" + :op2 "Pillay") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa")) + :ARG2 (s2 / spokeswoman + :topic (f / foreign)))) + :ARG1 (l / land-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / plane + :poss (p3 / person + :wiki "Luiz_Inácio_Lula_da_Silva" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Lula" + :op2 "da" + :op3 "Silva"))) + :location (b / base + :wiki "Waterkloof_Air_Force_Base" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Waterkloof" + :op2 "Air" + :op3 "Force" + :op4 "Base")) + :time (a / after + :op1 (d / date-entity + :time "17 .30" + :timezone "GMT") + :quant (l2 / little)))) + +(f / follow-01 + :ARG1 (v / visit-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Luiz_Inácio_Lula_da_Silva" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Lula" + :op2 "da" + :op3 "Silva")) + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa"))) + :ARG2 (m / meet-03 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Brasil_Mixt_Commission" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Brasil" + :op2 "Mixt" + :op3 "Commission")) + :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity + :value 2) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Pretoria" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Pretoria")) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 5 + :year 2003))) + +(c / chair-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki "Dlamini-Zuma" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Dlamini-Zuma") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :topic (f / foreign)))) + :op2 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Celso" + :op2 "Amorim") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :ARG2 (m2 / minister + :topic (f2 / foreign))))) + :ARG1 (c4 / commission + :mod (j / joint)) + :manner (j2 / joint)) + +(p / participate-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Luiz_Inácio_Lula_da_Silva" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Dlamini-Zuma")) + :ARG1 (e / event + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Brasil-África" + :op2 "Forum") + :location (c / city + :wiki "Fortaleza" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Fortaleza") + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Brazil"))) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 6 + :year 2003))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_(South_Africa)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Foreign" + :op2 "Affairs" + :op3 "Department") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa"))) + :ARG1 (o / outline-01 + :ARG0 (a / accord-03 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "India")) + :ARG2 (c4 / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa")) + :mod (h / history) + :mod (s2 / strategic) + :ARG1-of (r / result-01 + :ARG2 (e / event + :wiki "Brazil-África_Economic_Forum" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Brazil-África" + :op2 "Economic" + :op3 "Forum")))) + :ARG1 (p / plan-01 + :ARG1 (c5 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 c3 + :mod (t / trilateral) + :mod (p2 / politics) + :mod (e2 / economy))))) + +(i / include-91 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "India" + :name (n / name + :op1 "India")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :op3 (c3 / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa"))) + :ARG2 (g / group + :ARG0-of (a2 / advocate-01 + :ARG1 (s / support-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / agenda + :mod (d / develop-02 + :ARG1 (c4 / country + :ARG1-of (d2 / develop-02 + :polarity -)))))) + :time (n4 / negotiate-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "World_Trade_Organization" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "World" + :op2 "Trade" + :op3 "Organization")) + :time (r / recent)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_(South_Africa)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Foreign" + :op2 "Affairs" + :op3 "Department") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa"))) + :ARG1 (s2 / strategic + :domain (r / relation-03 + :ARG0 c + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Brazil"))) + :ARG1-of (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (h / have-03 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (p / population + :mod (o / origin + :mod (c4 / continent + :wiki "Africa" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Africa"))) + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (l / large) + :ARG3 (m / most))) + :location (o2 / outside + :op1 (c5 / continent + :wiki "Africa" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Africa"))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Foreign" + :op2 "Affairs" + :op3 "Department") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa"))) + :ARG1 (s2 / share-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (v / view-02 + :ARG1 (i / issue-02 + :mod (g2 / globe) + :mod (v2 / various) + :ARG2-of (i2 / include-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (i3 / important-01 + :ARG1 (m / multilateralism)) + :op2 (e / expand-01 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Security_Council" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Nations" + :op3 "Security" + :op4 "Council"))))))) + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Brazil")))) + +(a / address-02 + :ARG0 (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki "Luiz_Inácio_Lula_da_Silva" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Lula" + :op2 "da" + :op3 "Silva")) + :op2 (p2 / person + :wiki "Thabo_Mbeki" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Thabo" + :op2 "Mbeki")))) + :ARG1 (t2 / threaten-01 + :ARG1 (s / security + :mod (i / international)) + :example (a3 / and + :op1 (t3 / terrorism) + :op2 (d / drug) + :op3 (t4 / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (a4 / arm) + :ARG1-of (l / legal-02 + :polarity -)) + :op4 (d2 / disease + :wiki "HIV/AIDS" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "AIDS"))) + :ARG1-of (n4 / new-01)) + :mod (a5 / also)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Foreign" + :op2 "Affairs" + :op3 "Department") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa"))) + :ARG1 (p / partner-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :ARG1 c + :mod (t / trade-01) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (l / large) + :ARG3 (m / most) + :ARG5 (p2 / partner-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Latin_America" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Latin" + :op2 "America")))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 696000000 + :unit (d / dollar + :mod (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US"))) + :domain (t / trade-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Brazil")) + :ARG2 (c3 / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa"))) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2002)) + :op2 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 296000000 + :unit (d3 / dollar + :mod c) + :mod (m3 / more) + :prep-in (s / scale + :ARG1-of (t2 / target-01 + :ARG2 c2)) + :domain t)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "South_African_Department_of_Foreign_Affairs" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Foreign" + :op2 "Affairs" + :op3 "Department") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "South_Africa" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Africa"))) + :ARG1 (i / inform-01 + :ARG0 (d / delegation + :mod c) + :ARG1 (p / person + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Brazil"))) + :ARG2 (p2 / progress-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (o / organization + :wiki "African_Union" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "African" + :op2 "Union")) + :op2 (o2 / organization + :wiki - + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "New" + :op2 "African" + :op3 "Development" + :op4 "Association"))) + :location (c3 / continent + :wiki "Africa" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Africa"))))) + +(d / date-entity + :day 3 + :month 4 + :year 2004) + +(c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Russia")) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (g / govern-01) + :op3 (t / technology) + :op4 (m / military) + :op5 (s / space) + :op6 (p / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02))) + +(b / become-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Jacques_Chirac" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Jacques" + :op2 "Chirac") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "France")) + :ARG2 (p2 / president))) + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "West"))) + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1) + :ARG1-of (c2 / come-01 + :ARG4 (v / visit-01 + :ARG0 p3 + :ARG1 (c3 / center + :wiki "TASS" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Titov") + :mod (s / secret) + :poss (c4 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :purpose (a / and + :op1 (t / test-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / space)) + :op2 (c5 / control-01 + :ARG1 s2)) + :location (c6 / city + :wiki "Krasnoznamernsk" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Krasnoznamernsk"))))))) + +(b / become-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Jacques_Chirac" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Jacques" + :op2 "Chirac") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "France")) + :ARG2 (p2 / president))) + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 (w / world-region + :wiki "Western_world" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "West"))) + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1) + :ARG1-of (c2 / come-01 + :ARG4 (c3 / center + :wiki "TASS" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Titov") + :mod (t / test-01 + :ARG1 (s / space)) + :mod (s2 / secret + :mod (t2 / top)) + :mod (c4 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Russia"))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2004 + :month 4)))) + +(f / fly-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Jacques_Chirac" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chirac")) + :destination (c / city + :wiki "Krasnoznamernsk" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Krasnoznamernsk")) + :purpose (m / meet-03 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Vladimir_Putin" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Vladimir" + :op2 "Putin") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG2 (p3 / president))) + :location (c3 / center + :mod (s / space)))) + +(g / greet-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki "Vladimir_Putin" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Putin")) + :op2 (p2 / person + :wiki "Sergei_Ivanov" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Sergei" + :op2 "Ivanov") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :topic (d / defend-01))))) + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :wiki "Jacques_Chirac" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Chirac")) + :location (c2 / center + :mod (s / space) + :location (r / relative-position + :op1 (c3 / city + :wiki "Moscow" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Moscow")) + 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:op2 (w / work-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (p2 / plan-01 + :ARG1 (d / develop-02 + :ARG1 (s2 / system + :ARG0-of (d2 / defend-01) + :ARG0-of (w2 / warn-01 + :time (e / early))))))) + +(h / hold-04 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Vladimir_Putin" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Putin")) + :ARG1 (m / meet-03 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Jacques_Chirac" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Chirac")) + :duration (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 2 + :unit (h2 / hour)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / inform-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Vladimir_Popovkin" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Vladimir" + :op2 "Popovkin") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (m / military + :wiki "Russian_Space_Forces" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russian" + :op2 "Space" + :op3 "Forces")) + :ARG2 (c / commander)) + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (l / lieutenant-general))) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Jacques_Chirac" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Chirac")) + :op2 (p3 / person + :wiki "Vladimir_Putin" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Putin")))) + :op2 (s / say-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p4 / prioritize-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG1 (e / extend-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (c3 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (c4 / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "France")) + :mod (s2 / space))) + :mod (o / one)))) + +(l / lead-02 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n / name + :op1 "France")) + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "European_Space_Agency" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "European" + :op2 "Space" + :op3 "Agency"))) + +(c / come-03 + :ARG1 (v / visit-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Jacques_Chirac" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chirac"))) + :time (s / show-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russia")))) + :ARG1 (u / unease + :topic (a / and + :op1 (e / expand-01 + :ARG1 (m / military + :wiki "NATO" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "NATO")) + :ARG4 (b / border + :mod c2) + :mod (l / last)) + :op2 (e2 / expand-01 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "European_Union" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "European" + :op2 "Union")) + :ARG4 (s2 / sphere + :time (f / former) + :consist-of (i / influence-01 + :ARG0 (c3 / country + :wiki "Soviet_Union" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Soviet" + :op2 "Union"))) + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Eastern_Europe" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Eastern" + :op2 "Europe"))) + :mod (i2 / imminent)))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Vladimir_Putin" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Putin")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (a2 / aggressive + :polarity - + :domain (a3 / activity-06 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG1 (d / defend-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (s2 / security + :mod (n3 / nation))))) + :op2 (a4 / aim-02 + :polarity - + :ARG1 a3 + :ARG2 (a5 / anyone))) + :time (c2 / conference + :mod (p2 / press) + :time (a6 / after + :op1 (m / meet-03)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (f / facility + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Titov" + :op2 "Space" + :op3 "Center") + :ARG1-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG0 (m / military) + :ARG2 (m2 / military + :wiki "Russian_Space_Forces" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russian" + :op2 "Space" + :op3 "Forces")))) + :op2 (o / operate-01 + :ARG1 f + :manner (m3 / measure-02 + :ARG1 (s / security) + :ARG1-of (t / tight-05)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Vladimir_Putin" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Putin")) + :ARG1 (i / indicate-01 + :ARG0 (v / visit-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Jacques_Chirac" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Chirac"))) + :ARG1 (d / develop-02 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Russia")) + :ARG1 (s2 / system + :mod (w / weapon) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (a / advanced-02 + :ARG1 s2) + :ARG3 (m / more))) + :concession-of (c2 / consider-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p3 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (f / familiarize-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "France") + :ARG0-of (p4 / partner-01 + :ARG1 c)) + :ARG2 (p5 / project + :mod (t / this)))))))) + +(s / stress-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Vladimir_Putin" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Putin")) + :ARG1 (t / target-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / this) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (t3 / transparent + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Russia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Russia"))) + :op2 (o / open-up-03 + :ARG0 c) + :topic (s2 / security)))) + +(d / date-entity + :month 4 + :day 7 + :year 2004) + +(c / country + :wiki "Philippines" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Philippines")) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (t / terrorism) + :op3 (m / media)) + +(s / show-01 + :ARG0 (d / dossier + :source (g / government-organization + :wiki "Ministry_of_Inmigración_Affairs_(Spain)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Office" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Inmigración") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Philippines" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Philippines")))) + :ARG1 (l / likely-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / stay-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 2 + :ARG2-of (s3 / suspect-01 + :ARG1 (t / terrorism)) + :mod (p2 / profile + :ARG1-of (h / high-02))) + :location c) + :ARG2-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 s2 + :ARG3 (m / more)))) + +(r / report-01 + :ARG0 (c / channel + :wiki "ABS-CBN" + :name (n / name + :op1 "ABS-CBN") + :mod (n2 / news)) + :ARG1 (s / show-01 + :ARG0 (r2 / record-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Philippines_Office_of_Foreign_Affairs" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Office" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Foreign" + :op4 "Affairs") + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Philippines" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Philippines")))) + :ARG1 (l / likely-01 + :ARG1 (r3 / remain-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant (a / at-least + :op1 2) + :ARG2-of (s2 / suspect-01 + :ARG1 (t / terrorism)) + :mod (p2 / profile + :ARG1-of (h / high-02))) + :location c2))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2004 + :month 4 + :day 7)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (c / channel + :wiki "ABS-CBN" + :name (n / name + :op1 "ABS-CBN") + :mod (n2 / news)) + :ARG1 (i / identify-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 1 + :ARG1-of (i2 / include-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :quant 2 + :ARG2-of (s2 / suspect-01)))) + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Isamudin" + :op2 "Raduan" + :op3 "Hambali")))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG1 (m / mastermind-01 + :ARG1 (b / bomb-01 + :ARG1 (i / island + :wiki "Bali" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Bali")) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2002)) + :ARG2 (p / person + :wiki "Thirwat_Hambali" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Hambali")) + :ARG1-of (a / allege-01)) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Bali"))) + +(s / show-01 + :ARG0 (r / registry + :poss (g / government-organization + :wiki "Philippines_Office_of_Foreign_Affairs" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Office" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Foreign" + :op4 "Affairs") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Philippines" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Philippines")))) + :ARG1 (a / allow-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (c2 / come-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Hambali")) + :ARG4 c) + :op2 (l / leave-11 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 c)) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2001))) + +(l / list-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Fouad_Hambali" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hambali")) + :ARG2 (t / terrorist + :ARG1-of (w / want-01 + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 t + :ARG3 (m / most) + :ARG5 (t2 / terrorist + :location (c / continent + :wiki "Asia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Asia"))))) + :ARG1-of (b / black-05))) + +(a / and + :op1 (d / detain-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Arressam_Habal" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hambali")) + :location (c / country + :wiki "Thailand" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Thailand")) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :month 2 + :year 2004)) + :op2 (d3 / detain-01 + :ARG1 p + :time (d4 / date-entity + :year 2007))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Office_for_Immigration" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Office" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Immigration")) + :ARG1 (r / receive-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (r2 / report-01 + :ARG0 (i / intelligence) + :ARG1 (h / history + :mod (c / city + :wiki "Hague" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Hague")) + :location (c2 / country))) + :time (r3 / recent))) + +(p / possible-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (e / enter-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Khalid_Sheikh_Mohammed" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mohammed" + :op2 "Khalid") + :ARG0-of (h / have-rel-role-91 + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :wiki "Osama_bin_Laden" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Osama" + :op2 "bin" + :op3 "Laden")) + :ARG2 (b / brother)) + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (c / chief))) + :ARG1 (c2 / country)) + :op2 (l / leave-11 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 c2) + :frequency (s / several)) + :source (r / record)) + +(f / fund-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mohammed" + :op2 "Khalid") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (e / envoy))) + :ARG1 (n2 / network + :mod (t / terrorism) + :location (c / country + :wiki "Philippines" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Philippines"))) + :ARG1-of (a / allege-01)) + +(p / put-03 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (m / military) + :op2 (p2 / police)) + :ARG2 (a2 / alert-01 + :ARG1 a + :ARG1-of (h / heighten-01)) + :time (f / festival + :wiki "Holy_Week" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Holy" + :op2 "Week") + :ARG1-of (s / start-01 + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2004 + :month 4 + :day 5)))) + +(c / capture-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 6 + :ARG2-of (s / suspect-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / criminal-organization + :wiki "Abu_Sayyaf" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Abu" + :op2 "Sayyaf")))) + :time (w / week + :mod (l / last)) + :time (r / raid-01 + :ARG1-of (s2 / separate-02) + :location (c3 / city + :wiki "Manila" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Metro" + :op2 "Manila")))) + +(f / foil-01 + :ARG1 (p / plot-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG2-of (s / suspect-01)) + :ARG1 (l / launch-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (a / attack-01 + :ARG0 (t / terrorist) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (d / devastate-01 + :ARG0 a) + :ARG3 (e / equal) + :ARG4 (b / bomb-01 + :location (c / city + :wiki "Madrid" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Madrid")) + :location (c2 / country + :wiki "Spain" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Spain"))) + :ARG1-of (s2 / suppose-01)))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Gloria_Macapagal_Arroyo" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Gloria" + :op2 "Macapagal-Arroyo") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / president))) + :ARG1 (w / watch-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :mod (f / foreign) + :location (c / country) + :ARG0-of (t / teach-01 + :ARG1 (o / or + :op1 (m / make-01 + :ARG0 p3 + :ARG1 (b / bomb)) + :op2 (l / launder-01 + :ARG0 p3 + :ARG1 (m2 / money) + :ARG2 (c2 / criminal-organization + :wiki "Al-Qaeda" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "al-Qaida") + :mod (t2 / terrorist)))) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (p4 / person + :ARG0-of (r / rebel-01)) + :op2 (t3 / terrorist) + :ARG1-of (l2 / local-02)) + :ARG1-of (p5 / possible-01))) + :ARG1-of (c3 / close-10)) + :medium (s2 / state-01 + :ARG0 p + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2004 + :month 4 + :day 7))) + +(s / station + 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/ significant-02))) + :ARG1-of (e / extend-01))) + :time (p5 / prior + :op1 (v / visit-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (c4 / continent + :wiki "Europe" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Europe"))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Wen_Jiabao" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Wen")) + :ARG1 (h / have-purpose-91 + :ARG1 (v / visit-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Germany"))) + :ARG2 (p2 / promote-02 + :ARG0 v + :ARG1 (e / exchange-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (t / trade-01) + :op2 (e2 / economy) + :op3 (t2 / technology)))) + :mod (m / main))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Wen_Jiabao" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Wen" + :op2 "Jiabao") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p2 / prime)))) + :ARG1 (r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (e / establish-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 c)) + :ARG1 (c2 / cooperate-01 + 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have-degree-91 + :ARG1 a + :ARG3 (m / more + :quant (m2 / much)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Wen_Jiabao" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Wen")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c / concern-01 + :ARG0 (r / rise-01 + :ARG1 (t / tension + :mod (b / between + :op1 (c2 / country + :wiki "State_of_Palestine" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Palestine")) + :op2 (c3 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Israel"))))) + :ARG1 p + :ARG1-of (d / deep-02)) + :op2 (h / hope-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c4 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :ARG1 (p2 / possible-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / resolve-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / dispute-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 c3) + :ARG2 (n5 / negotiate-01 + :mod (p3 / politics) + :purpose (s2 / share-01 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (l / land) + :manner (p4 / peaceful)))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Wen_Jiabao" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Wen")) + :ARG1 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (i / implement-01 + :ARG1 (r / resolution + :ARG1-of (r2 / relevant-01) + :mod (o2 / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "UN")))) + :topic (a / and + :op1 (s2 / situation + :mod (c / country + :wiki "State_of_Palestine" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Palestine"))) + :op2 (s3 / situation + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Israel" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Israel")))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Wen_Jiabao" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Wen")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s2 / support-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :ARG1 (p2 / plan-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / peace) + :location (w / world-region + :wiki "Middle_East" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Middle" + :op2 "East")))) + :op2 (c2 / continue-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (o / oppose-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (r / retaliate-01 + :manner (v / violence))) + :ARG1-of (s3 / strong-02)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Wen_Jiabao" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Wen")) + :ARG1 (h / healthy + :domain (e / economy + :poss (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China"))) + :degree (v / very) + :ARG1-of (g / general-02) + :prep-with (a / and + :op1 (g2 / grow-01 + :ARG1 e + :manner (r / rapid)) + :op2 (i / increase-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / profit-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / corporation))) + :op3 (i2 / improve-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / produce-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / agriculture))) + :op4 (e2 / expand-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (v2 / volume + :quant-of (t / trade-01 + :mod (f / foreign))) + :op2 (r2 / revenue + :source (t2 / tax-01) + :ARG1-of (g3 / grow-01 + :manner r)) + :op3 (r3 / revenue + :mod (i3 / individual)))))) + :time (a4 / ask-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / comment-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG3 (a5 / and + :op1 (t3 / thing + :manner-of (m / moderate-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 e)) + :op2 (t4 / thing + :manner-of (a6 / achieve-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (g4 / grow-01 + :ARG1 e + :ARG1-of (b / balance-01)))))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / increase-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")))) + :ARG1 (c2 / control-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (e / economy + :mod (m / macro)))) + :op2 (e2 / employ-02 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (m2 / method + :mod (a2 / administrate-01) + :mod (a3 / all) + :ARG1-of (n2 / need-01))) + :purpose (r / restrict-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (c3 / construct-01 + :ARG1 (a4 / asset + :ARG1-of (f / fix-03)) + :ARG1-of (e3 / excessive-02) + :ARG0-of (c4 / cause-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / rise-01 + :ARG1 (m3 / monetary-quantity + :ARG2-of (p / price-01 + :ARG1 (c5 / commodity))))) + :ARG0-of (d / disrupt-01 + :ARG1 (s / supply-01 + :ARG1 (a5 / and + :op1 (c6 / coal) + :op2 (e4 / electricity) + :op3 (o / oil) + :op4 (t / transportation))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Wen_Jiabao" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Wen")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c / control-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (l / loan-01) + :op2 (s2 / supply-01 + :ARG1 (l2 / land)))) + :op2 (p2 / promote-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (r / reform-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (c3 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / problem + :mod (e / economy) + :time (c4 / current)) + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (s3 / structure) + :op2 (s4 / systematic))))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Wen_Jiabao" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Wen")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (b / begin-01 + :ARG0 (l / lead-02 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG1-of (n3 / new-01)) + :ARG1 (s2 / solve-01 + :ARG0 l + :ARG1 (p2 / problem + :topic (c2 / coordinate-01 + :ARG1 (d / develop-02 + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (u / urban) + :op2 (r / rural))) + :ARG2 (r2 / region + :ARG1-of (d2 / differ-02)))))) + :op2 (f / focus-01 + :ARG0 l + :ARG2 (b2 / balance-01 + :ARG0 l + :ARG1 (g / grow-01 + :ARG1 (e / economy)) + :ARG2 (a3 / and + :op1 (p3 / progress-01 + :ARG1 e) + :op2 (c3 / construct-01 + :mod (d3 / domestic) + :prep-with (w / work-01 + :mod (o / outside))) + :op3 (d4 / develop-02 + :manner (r3 / respect-01 + :ARG1 (n4 / nature))))))) + :topic (i / issue-02 + :ARG0 (b3 / balance-01 + :ARG1 (s3 / society)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Wen_Jiabao" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Wen")) + :ARG1 (h / have-purpose-91 + :ARG1 (c / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Germany")) + :ARG2 (f / field + :mod (t / this))) + :ARG2 (u / use-01 + :ARG1 (e / energy + :mod (n4 / nucleus)) + :manner (p2 / peaceful) + :manner (b / benefit-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (e2 / equal-01) + :op2 (o / other)))) + :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / ask-02 + :ARG1 (c5 / comment-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG3 (p3 / promise-01 + :ARG0 (p4 / person + :wiki "Gerhard_Schröder" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Gerhard" + :op2 "Schroeder") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 c3 + :ARG2 (c6 / chancellor)) + :mod (f2 / federal)) + :ARG1 (s2 / support-01 + :ARG0 p4 + :ARG1 (s3 / sell-01 + :ARG0 (c7 / country + :wiki "Hanau" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Hanau")) + :ARG1 (f3 / fuel + :mod (n7 / nucleus)) + :ARG2 c2)))) + :ARG2 p)))) + +(d / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 22 + :year 2004) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan"))) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :op3 (c / crime-02) + :op4 (d / dissent-01) + :op5 (t / terrorism)) + +(p / pledge-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan"))) + :ARG1 (t / try-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (c3 / combat-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (t2 / terrorism) + :op2 (t3 / threaten-01 + :ARG2 (a3 / and + :op1 (s / security + :mod (r / region)) + :op2 (s2 / security + :mod (g / globe))) + :mod (o / other)))) + :manner (j / joint))) + +(a / agree-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan"))) + :ARG1 (s / state-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / continue-01 + :ARG0 (a3 / and + :op1 (t / terrorism) + :op2 (s2 / separatism) + :op3 (e / extremism)) + :ARG1 (t2 / threaten-01 + :ARG0 a3 + :ARG2 (a4 / and + :op1 (s3 / security) + :op2 (s4 / stability) + :mod (r / region)) + :ARG1-of (m / major-02))) + :ARG1-of (j / join-01))) + +(s / sign-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki "Wen_Jiabao" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Wen" + :op2 "Jiabao") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p2 / prime)))) + :op2 (p3 / person + :wiki "Nikolai_Tanayev" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Nikolai" + :op2 "Tanayev") + :mod (c2 / counterpart + :mod (r / religious-group + :wiki "Kyrgyz_language" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyz")) + :poss p))) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (s2 / state-01)) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 22 + :year 2004)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / strengthen-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan"))) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (c3 / coordinate-01 + :ARG0 (a3 / authority + :ARG1-of (r / relevant-01)) + :ARG1 (a4 / and + :op1 (t / treaty + :wiki "Shanghai_Conventions" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Shanghai" + :op2 "Convention") + :topic (f / fight-01 + :ARG1 (a5 / and + :op1 (t2 / terrorism) + :op2 (s3 / separatism) + :op3 (e / extremism)))) + :op2 (a6 / accord-03 + :ARG0 c + :ARG2 c2 + :ARG3 f))) + :op2 (c4 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG2 f)))) + +(a / add-01 + :ARG0 (c / communique) + :ARG1 (c2 / continue-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :op2 (c4 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan"))) + :ARG1 (a3 / adopt-01 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 (m / measure-02 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 (f / fight-01 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 (t / terrorism + :mod (f2 / form + :mod (a4 / all))) + :manner (j / joint)) + :ARG2 (k / keep-01 + :ARG1 (a5 / and + :op1 (p / peace) + :op2 (t2 / tranquility)) + :location (a6 / and + :op1 c3 + :op2 (r / region + :mod (w / whole)))) + :ARG1-of (f3 / firm-03)) + :prep-under (o / organization + :wiki "Shanghai_Cooperation_Organisation" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Shanghai" + :op2 "Cooperation" + :op3 "Organization"))))) + +(a / agree-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG1 (s / suppress-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "East_Turkestan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "East" + :op2 "Turkestan")) + :ARG1 (f / force + :mod (t / terrorism)) + :part-of (c3 / campaign-01 + :ARG1 (o / oppose-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / terrorist)) + :mod (i / international)) + :ARG1-of (m / major-02)) + :ARG2 (c4 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan"))) + +(c / consist-01 + :ARG1 (g / group + :mod (t / terrorism) + :mod (w / world-region + :wiki "East_Turkestan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "East" + :op2 "Turkestan")) + :mod (s / so-called)) + :ARG2 (c2 / cell + :mod (t2 / terrorist) + :quant (s2 / several) + :ARG0-of (h / have-03 + :ARG1 (m / mentality + :mod (s3 / secesionist))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG1 (a / agree-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan"))) + :ARG1 (p / promote-02 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (c3 / consult-01 + :ARG2 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (i / interest-01) + :mod (c4 / common)) + :prep-under (a4 / and + :op1 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Nations")) + :op2 (o2 / organization + :mod (i2 / international) + :mod (o3 / other)))) + :op2 (c5 / cooperate-01 + :ARG2 t))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan"))) + :ARG1 (r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (e / establish-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (p / peace) + :op2 (s2 / stability) + :op3 (o / order + :mod (p2 / politics) + :mod (w / world) + :ARG1-of (j / just-02)) + :op4 (o2 / order + :mod (e2 / economy + :mod w) + :ARG1-of (r2 / rational-02))) + :ARG2 (a3 / and + :op1 (t / treaty + :wiki "United_Nations_Charter" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "UN" + :op2 "Charter")) + :op2 (a4 / and + :op1 (s3 / standard) + :op2 (p3 / principle) + :op3 (l / law + :mod (i / international)))))) + :medium (t2 / thing + :ARG1-of (s4 / state-01))) + +(a / agree-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan"))) + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (r / resolve-01 + :ARG1 (d / dispute-01 + :mod (i / international)) + :manner (m / means + :mod (p / peaceful)))) + :op2 (o2 / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (p2 / play-08 + :ARG0 (o3 / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Nations")) + :ARG1 (r2 / role + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02)) + :location (s / safeguard + :mod (a4 / and + :op1 (p3 / peace) + :op2 (s2 / security)) + :location (w / world)))) + :op3 (o4 / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (e / effort-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / diversify-01 + :ARG1 (m2 / mode + :mod (d3 / develop-02)))))) + :mod (a5 / also)) + +(a / agree-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan"))) + :ARG1 (s / state-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (h / have-purpose-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Shanghai_Cooperation_Organization" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Shanghai" + :op2 "Cooperation" + :op3 "Organization"))) + :op2 (p / principle + :poss o) + :ARG1-of (c3 / conform-01 + :ARG2 (a4 / and + :op1 (r / reality) + :op2 (t / trend + :mod (d / develop-02))))) + :op3 (l / lead-03 + :ARG0 (a5 / activity-06 + :ARG0 o) + :ARG2 (a6 / and + :op1 (p2 / peace) + :op2 (s2 / stability) + :location (r2 / region)))) + :mod (f / further)) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG1 (w / will-02 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan"))) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (w2 / work-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG3 (c3 / country + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Shanghai_Cooperation_Organisation" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Shanghai" + :op2 "Cooperation" + :op3 "Organization")) + :ARG2 (m / member)) + :mod (o2 / other)) + :manner (j / joint)) + :op2 (a3 / act-02 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (f / fight-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (a4 / and + :op1 (t / terrorism) + :op2 (s2 / separatism) + :op3 (e / extremism) + :op4 (t2 / traffic-01 + :ARG1 (d / drug)) + :op5 (i / immigrate-01 + :ARG1-of (l / legal-02 + :polarity -)) + :op6 (c4 / crime-02 + :ARG0-of (c5 / cross-02 + :ARG1 (b / border))))) + :ARG0-of (e2 / effective-04))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG1 (w / will-02 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan"))) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (e / expand-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (c4 / country + :mod (o / other) + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o2 / organization + :wiki "Organization_of_China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "OCS")) + :ARG2 (m / member))) + :ARG2 (a3 / and + :op1 (e2 / economy) + :op2 (f / field + :mod (o3 / other))))) + :op2 (p / promote-02 + :ARG1 (r / relation-03 + :ARG0 o2 + :ARG2 (a4 / and + :op1 (c5 / country) + :op2 (o4 / organization + :mod (i / international))))) + :op3 (s2 / strengthen-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / role + :poss o2 + :topic (a5 / and + :op1 (k / keep-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / peace)) + :op2 (d / develop-02 + :ARG1 (g / globe)))))) + :mod (a6 / also))) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2004 + :month 10 + :day 9) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "Vietnam" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Viet" + :op2 "Nam")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Germany"))) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / international) + :op2 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01)) + :op3 (t / technology) + :op4 (p / politics) + :op5 (e / economy) + :op6 (m / money) + :op7 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02))) + +(a / attend-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Gerhard_Schröder" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Gerhard" + :op2 "Schroeder") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Germany")) + :ARG2 (c2 / chancellor))) + :ARG1 (m / meet-03 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Vietnam" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Vietnam"))))))) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (s / summit + :wiki - + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "V" + :op2 "Asia-Europa" + :op3 "Summit") + :location (c4 / city + :wiki "Hanoi" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Hanoi"))))) + +(s / sign-02 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Germany")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Vietnam" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Vietnam")) + :ARG2 (o2 / official)))) + :ARG1 (d / document + :quant 5 + :topic (c3 / cooperate-01 + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (f / finance) + :op2 (t / technical) + :op3 (b / business))) + :ARG1-of (w / worth-01 + :ARG2 (m / more-than + :op1 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 260000000 + :unit (d2 / dollar + :mod (c4 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "US"))))) + :mod (t2 / total)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (r / report-01 + :ARG0 (m / media)) + :ARG1 (p / pledge-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Vietnam" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Vietnam")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :op2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Germany")) + :ARG2 (o2 / official)))) + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (p4 / promote-02 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (r2 / relation-03 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (f / field + :example (a3 / and + :op1 (i / invest-01) + :op2 (t / trade-01) + :op3 (t2 / technology))) + :ARG2 c)) + :op2 (s2 / support-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (o3 / organization + :wiki "United_Nations" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "United" + :op2 "Nations")) + :manner (m2 / mutual)))) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2004 + :month 10 + :day 10)) + +(a / attend-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Gerhard_Schröder" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Gerhard" + :op2 "Schroeder") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Germany")) + :ARG2 (c2 / chancellor))) + :ARG1 (s / summit + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 5) + :subevent-of (e / event + :wiki "2009 _Asian-European_Meeting" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Asian-European" + :op2 "Meeting")) + :location (c3 / city + :wiki "Hanoi" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Hanoi"))) + :time (a2 / and + :op1 (d / date-entity + :year 2004 + :month 10 + :day 8) + :op2 (d2 / date-entity + :year 2004 + :month 10 + :day 9))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Vietnam" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Vietnam")))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s2 / support-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 c)) + :ARG1 (b / bid-03 + :ARG0 (g3 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g4 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Germany")))) + :ARG1 (s3 / seat-01 + :ARG1 g3 + :ARG2 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Security_Council" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "U.N." + :op2 "Security" + :op3 "Council")) + :mod (p2 / permanent)))) + :op2 (w / want-01 + :ARG0 g3 + :ARG1 (s4 / strengthen-01 + :ARG0 g3 + :ARG1 (r / relation-03 + :ARG0 c + :ARG2 c2)))) + :time (a2 / and + :op1 (t / talk-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :wiki "Gerhard_Schröder" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Schroeder")) + :ARG1-of (s5 / separate-02)) + :op2 (m / meet-03 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 p3) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2004 + :month 10 + :day 9))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Phan_Van_Khai" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Phan" + :op2 "Van" + :op3 "Khai") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Vietnam" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Vietnam")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p2 / prime)))) + :ARG1 (i / important-01 + :ARG1 (v / visit-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :wiki "Gerhard_Schröder" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Schroeder"))) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (r / relation-03 + :ARG0 c + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Germany"))) + :op2 (c3 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 c + :op2 c2) + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (c4 / close-10 + :ARG1 c3) + :ARG3 (m2 / more)))))) + +(s / sign-02 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Vietnam" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Vietnam")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :op2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Germany")) + :ARG2 (o2 / official)))) + :ARG1 (d / document + :quant 5 + :topic (c3 / cooperate-01 + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (f / finance) + :op2 (t / technology) + :op3 (b / business))) + :ARG1-of (w / worth-01 + :ARG2 (m / more-than + :op1 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 260000000 + :unit (d2 / dollar + :mod (c4 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "US"))))) + :mod (t2 / total)))) + +(c / cover-01 + :ARG0 (d / document) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c2 / cooperate-01 + :ARG2 (s / stage + :quant 2) + :time (d2 / date-interval + :op1 (d3 / date-entity + :year 2003) + :op2 (d4 / date-entity + :year 2005)) + :mod (f / finance)) + :op2 (p / purchase-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (l / locomotive + :quant 16) + :op2 (e / equipment) + :purpose (p2 / plant + :mod (c3 / cement) + :ARG1-of (l2 / local-02))) + :ARG3 (c4 / company + :wiki "Vietnam_Railway_Corporation" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Vietnam" + :op2 "Railway" + :op3 "Corporation"))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Tran" + :op2 "Duc" + :op3 "Luong") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Vietnam" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Vietnam")) + :ARG2 (p2 / president))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (l / like-02 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 c)) + :ARG1 (r / receive-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (t / technology) + :op2 (e / expertise) + :quant (m / more)) + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Germany")))) + :op2 (d / develop-02 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (p3 / process-02 + :ARG1 (i / industrialize-01)))) + :time (m2 / meet-03 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p4 / person + :wiki "Gerhard_Schröder" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Schroeder")))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Gerhard_Schröder" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Schroeder")) + :ARG1 (g / grant-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Germany")) + :ARG2 (o / official))) + :ARG1 (i / important-01 + :ARG1 (g2 / great) + :degree g2) + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Vietnam" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Vietnam")) + :prep-in (a / attempt-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (s2 / strengthen-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 (r / relation-03 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG2 c2 + :mod (b / bilateral)))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / support-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Germany")))) + :ARG1 (b / bet-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG2 (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG0 c + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "United_Nations_Security_Council" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "U.N." + :op2 "Security" + :op3 "Council")) + :ARG2 (m / member + :mod (p / permanent + :polarity -)) + :time (d / date-interval + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :year 2008) + :op2 (d3 / date-entity + :year 2009))))) + :op2 (e / encourage-01 + :ARG0 g + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (b2 / business + :mod (s2 / small)) + :op2 (b3 / business + :mod (m2 / medium)) + :mod c) + :ARG2 (d4 / do-02 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 (b4 / business) + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Vietnam" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Vietnam"))))) + +(o / offer-01 + :ARG0 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Germany")))) + :ARG1 (a / assist-01 + :ARG1 (g3 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g4 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Vietnam" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Vietnam")))) + :ARG2 (d / develop-02 + :ARG1-of (w / worth-01 + :ARG2 (m / more-than + :op1 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 480000000 + :unit (d2 / dollar))))) + :mod (o2 / official) + :purpose (a2 / and + :op1 (r / reduce-01 + :ARG1 (p / poor)) + :op2 (d3 / develop-02 + :ARG1 (a3 / agriculture)) + :op3 (c3 / care-03 + :ARG1 (h / health)) + :op4 (r2 / reform-01 + :ARG1 (e / economy)) + :mod (m3 / main)) + :time (d4 / date-entity + :year 2003))) + +(i / increase-01 + :ARG1 (v / volume + :quant-of (t / trade-01 + :ARG0 (c / country + :wiki "Vietnam" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Vietnam")) + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Germany")))) + :ARG2 (p / percentage-entity + :value 7.6) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2003) + :ARG0-of (r / reach-01 + :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 1400000000 + :unit (d2 / dollar) + :ARG2-of (c3 / come-03 + :ARG1 (m2 / monetary-quantity + :quant 815000000 + :unit (d3 / dollar) + :ARG1-of (e / export-01 + :ARG0 c)))))) + +(d / date-entity + :year 2004 + :month 12 + :day 19) + +(a / and + :op1 (c / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China"))) + +(a / and + :op1 (t / technology) + :op2 (i / international)) + +(c / collaborate-01 + :ARG0 (u / university + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong"))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (u2 / university) + :op2 (e / enterprise) + :op3 (s / sector + :mod (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01))) + :poss (m / mainland + :part-of (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :ARG2 (c4 / coordinate-01 + :ARG0 u + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (p / program + :mod (t / train-01)) + :op2 (c5 / center + :mod (r / research-01))) + :purpose (p2 / promote-02 + :ARG0 u + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (r2 / research-01) + :op2 (m2 / market-01) + :op3 (t2 / transfer-01 + :ARG1 (t3 / technology + :mod (t4 / tech + :ARG1-of (h / high-02)))))))) + +(c / contribute-01 + :ARG0 (i / institute + :mod (s / secondary) + :poss (c2 / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong"))) + :ARG2 (i2 / improve-01 + :ARG0 i + :ARG1 (r / relation-03 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (r2 / research-01 + :ARG1 (t / technology + :ARG1-of (h / high-02))) + :op2 (d / develop-02 + :ARG1 t)) + :ARG2 (m / mainland + :part-of (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China"))))) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :year 2004) + :ARG1-of (a2 / activity-06 + :ARG0 i)) + +(c / collaborate-01 + :ARG0 (u / university + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong"))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s / sector + :mod (e / educate-01 + :mod (t / tertiary))) + :op2 (s2 / sector + :mod (b / business)) + :op3 (s3 / sector + :mod (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01))) + :poss (m / mainland + :part-of (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :ARG2 (r / run-01 + :ARG0 u + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (p / program + :mod (t2 / train-01)) + :op2 (c4 / center + :mod (r2 / research-01))) + :purpose (p2 / promote-02 + :ARG0 u + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (r3 / research-01) + :op2 (t3 / transfer-01 + :ARG1 (t4 / technology)))))) + +(j / join-01 + :ARG0 (u / university + :wiki "Hong_Kong_Polytechnic_University" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong" + :op3 "Polytechnic" + :op4 "University")) + :ARG1 (p / park + :wiki "Hong_Kong_State_Park" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong" + :op3 "State" + :op4 "Park" + :op5 "of" + :op6 " Science" + :op7 " and" + :op8 " Technology") + :mod (u2 / university) + :mod (n3 / nation)) + :time (d / date-entity + :year 2004 + :month 6) + :ARG0-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG1 (b / become-01 + :ARG1 u + :ARG2 (i / institution + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1) + :mod (p2 / part) + :part-of (c2 / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong")) + :ARG0-of (e / establish-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (c3 / center + :mod (r / research-01)) + :op2 (f / facility + :purpose (t / train-01))) + :location (m / mainland + :part-of c2)))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Poon" + :op2 "Chung-kwong") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / company + :wiki "PolyU" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "PolyU")) + :ARG2 (p2 / president))) + :ARG1 (s2 / strengthen-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (s3 / sector + :ARG1-of (p3 / public-02) + :part-of (c2 / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong") + :part s4)) + :op2 (s4 / sector + :ARG1-of (p4 / private-03))) + :ARG1 (c3 / connect-01 + :ARG1 c2 + :ARG2 (m / mainland + :part-of (c4 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :topic (a2 / area + :mod (v / various)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Joseph_Poon" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Poon")) + :ARG1 (f / facilitate-01 + :ARG0 (c / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong")) + :ARG1 (m / mainland + :part-of (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :ARG1 (p2 / promote-02 + :ARG0 (u / university) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (t / transfer-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / technology)) + :op2 (d / develop-02 + :ARG1 (r / resource + :mod (h / human)))) + :ARG2 m + :ARG0-of (c4 / cause-01 + :ARG1 (r2 / result-01 + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 c2 + :op2 m) + :mod (p3 / positive))) + :ARG1-of (e / effective-04 + :ARG2-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 p2 + :ARG3 (m2 / more)))))) + +(s / sign-02 + :ARG0 (u / university + :wiki "Hong_Kong_City_University" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong" + :op3 "CityU")) + :ARG1 (a / agree-01 + :ARG1 (e / establish-01 + :ARG0 u + :ARG1 (c / center + :mod (r / research-01) + :mod (l / level + :ARG1-of (h / high-02)) + :mod (j / joint)) + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Suzhou,_Zhejiang" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Suzhou")) + :manner (j2 / joint))) + :ARG2 (u2 / university + :wiki "University_of_Science_and_Technology_of_China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "University" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Science" + :op4 "and" + :op5 "Technology" + :op6 " of" + :op7 " China") + :location (p / province + :wiki "Anhui" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Anhui"))) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 6)) + +(u / university + :domain (u2 / university + :wiki "China_Science_and_Technology_University" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China" + :op2 "Science" + :op3 "and" + :op4 "Technology" + :op5 "University")) + :ARG1-of (e / establish-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Chinese_Academy_of_Sciences" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Chinese" + :op2 "Academy" + :op3 "of" + :op4 "Sciences")))) + +(b / base-02 + :ARG1 (a / agree-01) + :ARG2 (p / principle + :mod (c / cooperate-01 + :ARG0-of (b2 / benefit-01 + :ARG1 (m / mutual))) + :location (c2 / complement-01 + :ARG0 (u / university + :mod (b3 / both)) + :ARG1 (s / strong-02 + :ARG1 u) + :ARG2 (w / work-01 + :ARG0 u + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (p2 / project + :mod (j / joint) + :topic (r / research-01)) + :op2 (s2 / supervise-01) + :op3 (t / teach-01 + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (s3 / study-01) + :mod (r2 / research))) + :op4 (a3 / administer-01 + :ARG1 (o / opportunity + :purpose (t2 / train-01 + :ARG2 (p4 / professional))))) + :manner (t3 / together))))) + +(a / and + :op1 (j / join-01 + :ARG0 (j2 / join-01 + :ARG0 (u / university + :location (c / city + :wiki "Hong_Kong" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong"))) + :ARG1 (p / program + :topic (e2 / exchange-01 + :ARG1 (t / technology + :ARG1-of (h / high-02))) + :mod (l / large-scale) + :location (m / mainland + :part-of (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :purpose (i2 / improve-01 + :ARG0 u + :ARG1 (c3 / communicate-01 + :ARG0 (m2 / mainland + :part-of c2) + :ARG2 c + :manner (d / discipline))) + :mod (a2 / also)) + :ARG1 (i / institute + :mod (e / educate-01))) + :op2 j2) + +(d / demonstrate-01 + :ARG0 (u / university + :wiki "Hong_Kong_University_of_Science_and_Technology" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hong" + :op2 "Kong" + :op3 "University" + :op4 "of" + :op5 "Science" + :op6 " and" + :op7 " Technology")) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (a / achieve-01 + :ARG0 u) + :mod (l / last) + :topic (a2 / and + :op1 (r / research-01) + :op2 (d2 / develop-02))) + :time (e / event + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China" + :op2 "Alta" + :op3 "Technology" + :op4 "Fair") + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 6) + :ARG1-of (h / hold-04 + :location (c / city + :wiki "Shenzhen" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Shenzhen")) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :month 10 + :year 2004)) + :frequency (r2 / rate-entity-91 + :ARG3 (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (y / year))))) + +(d / demonstrate-01 + :ARG0 (u / university + :wiki "Hong_Kong_State_University" + :name (n / name + :op1 "HKUST")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (t / technology + :ARG1-of (n2 / new-01) + :quant (m / more-than + :op1 30)) + :op2 (p / product + :ARG0-of (c / cover-01 + :ARG1 (r / range-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / technology + :ARG2-of (i / include-01 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (n3 / nanotechnology) + :op2 (m2 / media) + :op3 (l / logistics) + :op4 (t3 / technology + :mod (r2 / RFID)) + :op5 (m3 / manufacture-01 + :ARG1-of (a3 / advanced-02)) + :op6 (t4 / technology + :mod (b / biotechnology))))) + :ARG1-of (w / wide-02)))))) + +(c / collaborate-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / company + :wiki "HKUST_Laboratories" + :name (n / name + :op1 "HKUST")) + :ARG1 (c3 / company + :ARG0-of (m / manufacture-01) + :mod (c4 / continent) + :mod (p / prominent)) + :ARG2 (d / develop-02 + :ARG0 c3 + :ARG1 (b / battery + :mod (l / lithium) + :mod (c5 / capacity + :ARG1-of (h / high-02)) + :ARG1-of (b2 / base-02 + :ARG2 (m2 / material + :mod (n2 / nano))))) + :mod (a / also)) + +(h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (c / collaborate-01 + :mod (t / this)) + :ARG2 (r / recent) + :ARG3 (m / most) + :ARG5 (s / series + :consist-of (d / deal-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / company + :wiki "HKUST" + :name (n / name + :op1 "HKUST")) + :ARG2 (t2 / transfer-01 + :ARG1 (t3 / technology)) + :ARG1-of (s2 / succeed-01)))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Paul" + :op2 "Ching-Wu" + :op3 "Chu") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Hong_Kong_State_University" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "HKUST")) + :ARG2 (c / chairman)))) + +(i / increase-01 + :ARG0 (o / organization + :wiki "Mainland_Affairs_Council" + :name (n / name + :op1 "HKUST")) + :ARG1 (f / fund-01 + :ARG1 (r / research-01 + :ARG1 (t / technology + :ARG1-of (n2 / new-01) + :ARG1-of (r2 / require-01 + :ARG0 (i2 / industry) + :location (d / delta + :mod (r3 / river + :wiki "Perla_River" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Perla" + :op2 "River")))))))) + +(c / continue-01 + :ARG0 (u / university) + :ARG1 (t / 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/ name + :op1 "Huaqing" + :op2 "Liu") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :wiki "Central_Military_Commission_(China)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Central" + :op2 "Military" + :op3 "Commission")) + :ARG2 (c / chairman + :mod (v / vice)))) + :ARG1 (g2 / grant-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (i / important-01 + :ARG1 (d / develop-02 + :ARG1 (f / friendship + :prep-with (a2 / and + :op1 (g3 / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g4 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Thailand" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Thailand")))) + :op2 (p2 / person) + :op3 (f2 / force + :mod (a3 / arm-01) + :poss c3)))) + :degree (g5 / great)) + :op2 (i2 / important-01 + :ARG1 (c4 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG1 c3 + :mod (e / economy) + :mod (t / trade-01)) + :mod (e2 / especially)))) + :time (t2 / today) + :time (m / meet-03 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Chavalit" + 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have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p2 / prime) + :mod (d / deputy + :ARG1-of v)))) + :mod (t / this)) + :op2 (v2 / visit-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")) + :op2 (c2 / country + :wiki "Thailand" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Thailand")))) + :mod (o / other) + :mod (l2 / level + :ARG1-of (h2 / high-02))) + :ARG1 d + :mod (m2 / mutual))) + :ARG1 (p4 / promote-02 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (d2 / develop-02 + :ARG1 (r / relation-03 + :ARG0 c + :ARG2 c2)) + :op2 (c3 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 c + :ARG2 c2 + :ARG1-of (e / efficient-01)) + :location (f / field + :mod (a4 / all))) + :ARG1-of (h3 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (g / great) + :ARG3 (m3 / more))))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Séqueline_Chavalit" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Chavalit")) + :ARG1 (h / happy-01 + :ARG0 (m / meet-03 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Liu_Jianchao" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Liu") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p3 / president + :mod (v / vice))))) + :ARG1 p + :degree (v2 / very))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (a2 / accelerate-01 + :ARG1 (d / develop-02 + :ARG1 (e / economy + :poss (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China"))))) + :op2 (f / feel-01 + :ARG0 (a3 / and + :op1 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Thailand" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Thailand")))) + :op2 (p / person + :poss c2)) + :ARG1 (h2 / happy-01 + :ARG1 a3 + :degree (e2 / extreme))) + :time (y / year + :mod (r / recent)))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (a / agree-01 + :ARG0 h + :ARG1 (v / view-02 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Huaqing_Liu" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Huaqing" + :op2 "Liu")) + :ARG1 (r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (c / continue-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Thailand" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Thailand")) + :op2 (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + 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+ :wiki "Hungary" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Hungary")) + :ARG2 (p3 / president))) + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "China")) + :mod (s2 / state) + :time (d / date-interval + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 14) + :op2 (d3 / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 17)) + :ARG2-of (i / invite-01 + :ARG0 p2 + :ARG1 p)) + :time (c3 / conference + :mod (p4 / press) + :ARG1-of (h3 / hold-04 + :time (d4 / date-entity + :dayperiod (a2 / afternoon) + :mod (t / today))))) + +(a / announce-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (v / visit-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Casymier" + :op2 "Auye" + :op3 "Muba") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Gabon" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Republic" + :op2 "of" + :op3 "Gabon")) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p2 / prime)))) + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "China")) + :time (d / date-interval + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 6) + :op2 (d3 / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 11)) + :ARG2-of (i / invite-01 + :ARG0 (p3 / person + :wiki "Li_Peng" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Peng" + :op2 "Li") + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :wiki "State_Council_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Council")) + :ARG2 (p4 / premier)))) + :mod (f / formal) + :ARG1-of (f2 / friendly-01)) + :mod (a2 / also)) + +(v / visit-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "John_Malsela" + :name (n / name + :op1 "John" + :op2 "Malsela") + :ARG0-of (i / invite-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Li_Peng" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Peng" + :op2 "Li") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (g / government-organization + :wiki "State_Council_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Council")) + :ARG2 (p3 / premier))) + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (p4 / prime))) + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "Tanzania" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Unique" + :op2 "Republic" + :op3 "of" + :op4 "Tanzania")) + :ARG2 (p5 / president + :mod (v2 / vice))))) + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "China")) + :mod (o / official) + :time (d / date-interval + :op1 (d2 / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 9) + :op2 (d3 / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 13))) + +(e / end-01) + +(b / byline-91 + :ARG0 (p / publication + :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Xinhua" + :op2 "News" + :op3 "Agency")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Menjun" + :op2 "Ju") + :ARG0-of (r / report-01 + :ARG0 p3)) + :op2 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Xiaoguang" + :op2 "Hu"))) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Bishket" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Bishket")) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 4 + :day 23)) + +(s / sign-01 + :ARG0 (p / principle + :poss (p2 / party + :ARG0-of (i / interest-01 + :ARG1 (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China"))) + :poss (c2 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan")))) + :ARG1 (d / document + :quant 6) + :location (h / here) + :time (t / today)) + +(a / attend-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki "Li_Peng" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Peng" + :op2 "Li") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / premier))) + :op2 (p3 / person + :wiki "Kirguís_Akayev" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kirguís" + :op2 "Akayev") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p4 / president)))) + :ARG1 (c / ceremony + :purpose (s / sign-01))) + +(d / document + :quant 6 + :domain (a / and + :op1 (a2 / agree-01 + :ARG1 (p / provide-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :mod (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China"))) + :ARG1 (l / loan-01 + :ARG2 (g / government-organization + :ARG0-of (g2 / govern-01 + :ARG1 (c2 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan"))))) + :ARG2 g)) + :op2 (a3 / agree-01 + :ARG1 (f / form-01 + :ARG1 (o / 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"of" + :op3 "Industry" + :op4 "and" + :op5 "Trade") + :poss c2)))))) + +(r / respond-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki "Kirguís_Akayev" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Kirguís" + :op2 "Akayev") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / president))) + :op2 (p3 / person + :wiki "Li_Peng" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Peng" + :op2 "Li") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p4 / premier)))) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG1-of (q / question-01 + :ARG0 (p5 / person + :ARG0-of (r2 / report-01)))) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (c / ceremony + :purpose (s / sign-01))) + :manner (b / both)) + +(p / praise-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Nikita_Akayev" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Akayev")) + :ARG1 (t / thing + :ARG2-of (r / result-01 + :ARG1 (c / conference + :accompanier (p3 / person + :wiki "Li_Peng" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Peng" + :op2 "Li"))))) + :degree (h / high-02)) + +(e / express-01 + :ARG0 (i / it) + :ARG1 (p / promote-01 + :ARG0 (v / visit-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Li_Peng" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Peng" + :op2 "Li") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p3 / premier))) + :mod (t / this)) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p4 / peace) + :op2 (s / security) + :op3 (s2 / stability) + :poss (w / world-region + :wiki "Central_Asia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Central" + :op2 "Asia"))))) + +(c / consider-02 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (i / important-01 + :ARG1 (d / document + :ARG1-of (s / sign-01 + :time (r / recent))) + :ARG2 (e / enforce-01 + :ARG0 d + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (r2 / relation-03 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :mod (b / both)) + :ARG1 (n / neighborship + :ARG1-of (g / good-02))) + :op2 (c3 / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 c2 + :ARG2 c2 + :ARG1-of (f / friendly-01)))) + :degree (v / very))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Li_Peng" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Peng" + :op2 "Li") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / premier))) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (i / improve-01 + :ARG0 (v / visit-01 + :mod (t / this)) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (f / friendship + :mod (m / mutual)) + :op2 (u / understand-01 + :ARG0 m))) + :op2 (f2 / feel-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG1 (t2 / thing + :ARG2-of (b / base-02 + :ARG1 (c / cooperate-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Kyrgyzstan" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Kyrgyzstan")) + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (g / great) + :ARG3 (m2 / more)))) + :ARG1-of (g2 / good-02))))) + +(e / express-01 + :ARG0 (i / it) + :ARG1 (h / hopeful-03 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (s / stable-03 + :ARG1 (w / world-region + :wiki "Central_Asia" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Central" + :op2 "Asia"))) + :op2 (d / develop-02 + :ARG1 w) + :op3 (i2 / improve-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / standard + :mod (l / live-01 + :ARG1 (p / person))) + :ARG1-of (c / continue-01))))) + +(h / hope-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Li_Peng" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Peng" + :op2 "Li")) + :ARG1 (c / convey-01 + :ARG0 (m / media + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Sri_Lanka" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Sri" + :op2 "Lanka"))) + :ARG1 (g / greet-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "China"))) + :ARG1 p) + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :mod c2))) + +(e / end-01) + +(b / byline-91 + :ARG0 (p / publication + :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Xinhua" + :op2 "News" + :op3 "Agency")) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Yiguo" + :op2 "Yu") + :ARG0-of (r / report-01)) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Tokyo" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Tokyo")) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 1)) + +(h / hold-04 + :ARG0 (d / delegation + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :ARG0-of (p / participate-01 + :ARG1 (e / event + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "VI" + :op2 "Olympic" + :op3 "Sports" + :op4 "for" + :op5 "Discapacitated" + :op6 " Region" + :op7 " of" + :op8 " the" + :op9 " Far" + :op10 " East" + :op11 " Pacific" + :op12 " Region")))) + :ARG1 (c2 / ceremony + :mod (g / great) + :mod (s / swear)) + :location (c3 / city + :wiki "Tokyo" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Tokyo")) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :dayperiod (a / afternoon) + :mod (t / today))) + +(h / hang-02 + :ARG1 (f / flag + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Japan"))) + :ARG2 (s / stage + :poss (p / person + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (p2 / president))))) + +(s / sit-01 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (a2 / athlete) + :op2 (p / person + :ARG0-of (c / coach-01)) + :op3 (d / doctor) + :op4 (n / nurse) + :op5 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (d2 / delegation) + :ARG2 (o / official)))) + :ARG2 (o2 / out-06 + :ARG1 a + :ARG2 (s2 / stage)) + :ARG1-of (c2 / care-04 + :ARG0 a)) + +(f / fill-01 + :ARG1 (s / site + :location-of (c / ceremony)) + :ARG2 (a / atmosphere + :consist-of (a2 / and + :op1 (c2 / confidence) + :op2 (e / enthusiastic-03 + :ARG1 (p / progress-01))))) + +(g / give-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Mitsumasa_Souyasen" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Souyasen") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (g2 / government-organization + :wiki "Ministry_of_State_(Japan)" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "State" + :op2 "Ministry") + :poss (c / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Japan"))) + :ARG2 (m / minister + :mod (d / deputy)))) + :ARG1 (s / speak-01 + :ARG1 (s2 / support-01 + :ARG1 (d2 / depart-01))) + :ARG2 (d3 / delegation)) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Souya")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (m / match-03 + :topic (s2 / sport) + :mod (i / international) + :domain (e / event + :wiki "South_Olympics" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "South" + :op2 "Olympic")) + :ARG0-of (a2 / attract-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / attend-02 + :ARG0 (w / world)))) + :op2 (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 (s3 / scale + :poss e) + :ARG2 (l / large) + :ARG3 (m2 / most) + :ARG5 (s4 / scale + :time (t / to-date))))) + +(h / hope-01 + :ARG0 (i / i) + :ARG1 (p / prove-01 + :ARG0 (a / athlete + :mod (a2 / all)) + :ARG1 (a3 / and + :op1 (s / strong-02) + :op2 (a4 / ability) + :ARG1-of (g / grow-03 + :ARG0 a + :frequency (r / rate-entity-91 + :ARG3 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (d / day))))) + :degree (f / full)) + :ARG1-of (c / cause-01 + :ARG0 (o / obligate-01 + :ARG2 (c2 / compete-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (a5 / athlete + :source (c3 / country + :mod (v / various))) + :manner (h2 / honest)) + :ARG1-of (c4 / cause-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (c5 / compete-01) + :ARG0-of (r2 / represent-01 + :ARG1 (c6 / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Japan")))))))) + +(e / emphasize-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Jiang_Yu" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Souya")) + :ARG1 (r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (s / seize-01 + :ARG0 (d / delegation + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Japan"))) + :ARG1 (o / opportunity + :mod (p2 / participate-01 + :ARG0 d + :ARG1 (e2 / event + :wiki "2008 _Beijing_Athletics_Championships" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Beijing" + :op2 "Athletics" + :op3 "Championship"))) + :mod (t / this)) + :purpose (a / and + :op1 (d2 / Discover-01 + :ARG0 d + :ARG1 (f / friendship + :prep-with (a2 / athlete + :source (c2 / country + :mod (v / various))))) + :op2 (e3 / expand-01 + :ARG0 d + :ARG1 (s2 / scope + :poss f + :mod (i / international))))))) + +(h / hand-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Souya")) + :ARG1 (f / flag + :poss (d / delegation + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Japan")))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Banminyan") + :ARG0-of (h2 / head-01 + :ARG1 d) + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki - + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Sport" + :op2 "Integrated" + :op3 "Sports" + :op4 "Center") + :location (c2 / city + :wiki "Tokyo" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Tokyo"))) + :ARG2 (d2 / director)))) + +(f / feel-02 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (r / report-01) + :mod (t / this)) + :ARG1 (t2 / team + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :ARG1-of (t3 / train-01 + :ARG1-of (w / well-09)) + :ARG1-of (d / discipline-01) + :ARG0-of (p2 / possess-01 + :ARG1 (s / spirit + :mod (f2 / fight-01))) + :domain (f3 / firemony + :mod (o / office) + :ARG1-of (c2 / close-10) + :mod (s2 / solemn) + :mod (t4 / this)))) + +(f / fly-01 + :ARG1 (d / delegation + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Japan"))) + :destination (c2 / city + :wiki "Beijing" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Beijing")) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :day 2)) + +(a / and + :op1 (s / stay-01 + :ARG1 (t / they) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Beijing" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Beijing")) + :duration (t2 / temporal-quantity + :quant 2 + :unit (d / day)) + :purpose (a2 / and + :op1 (c2 / carry-out-03 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (a3 / activity-06 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (i / interact-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 (p / part + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG1-of (r / relevant-01))))) + :op2 (v / visit-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 c3) + :op3 (t3 / tour-01 + :ARG0 t + :ARG1 c3))) + :op2 (r2 / return-01 + :ARG1 t + :ARG4 (c4 / country + :wiki "Japan" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Japan")) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :day 13)) + :time (a4 / after + :op1 (c5 / ceremony + :mod (c6 / close-02 + :ARG1 (e / event + :wiki "Chinese_Sport_Conference" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Sport" + :op2 "Conference")))))) + +(e / end-01) + +(r / recommend-01 + :ARG1 (c / change-01 + :ARG1 (w / word + :value "President of Lahagewasu" + :location (e / end-01 + :ARG1 (p / paragraph + :quant 3))) + :ARG2 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (o / organization + :wiki "Lahagewasulen_Sport_Association" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Lahagewasulen" + :op2 "Sport" + :op3 "Association")) + :ARG2 (p3 / president)))) + :medium (s / screenplay + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 ""))) + +(b / byline-91 + :ARG0 (p / publication + :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Xinhua" + :op2 "News" + :op3 "Agency")) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 8 + :day 31)) + +(b / byline-91 + :ARG0 (p / publication + :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Xinhua" + :op2 "News" + :op3 "Agency")) + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Shuifu" + :op2 "Tang") + :ARG0-of (r / report-01)) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Seoul" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Seoul")) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 8 + :day 31)) + +(b / begin-01 + :ARG1 (c / compete-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :ARG1 (c3 / country + :wiki "Korea" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Korea")) + :ARG3 (p / product + :wiki "" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Le" + :op2 "Tian" + :op3 "Copa")) + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1)) + :location (c4 / city + :wiki "Fushan" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Fushan") + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (l / large) + :ARG3 (m / most + :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity + :value 2)) + :ARG5 c3)) + :time (t / today)) + +(k / knock-down-03 + :ARG0 (t / team + :mod (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China"))) + :ARG1 (t2 / team + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Korea" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Korea"))) + :prep-with (s / score-entity + :op1 4 + :op2 3) + :time (r / round + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1) + :subevent-of (r2 / race-02)) + :ARG1-of (s2 / strong-02 + :ARG2-of (r3 / relative-05) + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 k + :ARG3 (m / more)))) + +(h / have-03 + :ARG0 (t / team + :mod (b / both)) + :ARG1 (p / person + :quant 7 + :ARG0-of (p2 / play-01 + :ARG1 (g / game + :wiki "Go_(card)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Go"))) + :mod (e / each)) + :location (t2 / tournament + :time (t3 / today))) + +(b / beat-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Weiping" + :op2 "Nie") + :ARG0-of (h / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 (s / senior))) + :op2 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Xiaoguang" + :op2 "Liu") + :ARG0-of (h2 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 s)) + :op3 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Hao" + :op2 "Chang") + :ARG0-of (h3 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 s)) + :op4 (p4 / person + :wiki - + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Dayuan" + :op2 "Cao") + :ARG0-of (h4 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 s))) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (p5 / person + :wiki - + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Guibing" + :op2 "Cui") + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 6)) + :op2 (p6 / person + :wiki - + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Xiuying" + :op2 "Zhang") + :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity + :value 8)) + :op3 (p7 / person + :wiki - + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Fengzhu" + :op2 "Xu") + :ARG0-of (h5 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG2 s)) + :op4 (p8 / person + :wiki - + :name (n8 / name + :op1 "Xuange" + :op2 "Lin") + :ARG0-of (h6 / have-org-role-91 + :ARG1 (t / team + :location (c / country + :wiki "Korea" + :name (n9 / name + :op1 "Korea"))))))) + +(w / win-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Weiping" + :op2 "Nie")) + :op2 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Xiaoguang" + :op2 "Liu")) + :op3 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Hao" + :op2 "Chang")) + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (t / this))) + :ARG1 (g / game + :mod (m / middle))) + +(w / win-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Dayuan" + :op2 "Cao")) + :manner (l / lead-01 + :ARG0 p + :ARG2 (s / score-entity + :op1 7 + :op2 0.5))) + +(b / beat-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Xunxuan" + :op2 "Cao") + :location (l / level + :mod 9)) + :op2 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Changhao" + :op2 "Li") + :location (l2 / level + :mod 7)) + :op3 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Changhe" + :op2 "Liu") + :location (l3 / level + :mod 6)) + :poss (t / team + :location (c / country + :wiki "Korea" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Korea")))) + :ARG1 (a2 / and + :op1 (p4 / person + :wiki - + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Jing" + :op2 "Liu") + :location (l4 / level + :mod 5)) + :op2 (p5 / person + :wiki - + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Xiaocun" + :op2 "Ma") + :location l4) + :op3 (p6 / person + :wiki - + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Wang" + :op2 "Jianhong") + :location (l5 / level + :mod 7)) + :poss (t2 / team + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n8 / name + :op1 "China"))))) + +(w / win-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Xunxuan" + :op2 "Cao") + :ARG1-of (i / include-91 + :ARG2 (t / that))) + :ARG1 (g / game + :mod (m / middle))) + +(w / win-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Changhao" + :op2 "Li")) + :op2 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Changhe" + :op2 "Liu"))) + :manner (l / lead-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 " 6 :op2 " + :op2 "M"))))) + +(s / state-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Runan" + :op2 "Wang") + :ARG0-of (l / lead-02 + :ARG1 (d / delegation + :mod (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China"))))) + :ARG1 (s2 / strong-02 + :ARG1 (f / force + :poss (t / team + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Korea" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Korea")))) + :ARG2-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG1 f + :ARG3 (m / more) + :ARG4 (f2 / force + :poss (t2 / team + :mod c))) + :manner (o / overall)) + :time (a / after + :op1 (i / interview-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (r / report-01)) + :ARG1 p + :medium (t3 / telephone)))) + +(h / have-concession-91 + :ARG2 (p / perform-02 + :ARG0 (t / team + :mod (c / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China"))) + :time (t2 / today) + :ARG1-of (h2 / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (g / good-02 + :ARG1 p) + :ARG3 (m / more))) + :ARG0-of (c2 / cause-01 + :ARG1 (w / win-01 + :ARG0 t))) + +(o / outstanding + :domain (t / thing + :ARG1-of (p / perform-01 + :ARG0 (p2 / person + :wiki "Hao_Chang_(entrepreneur)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hao" + :op2 "Chang") + :mod (y / young) + :poss (w / we) + :ARG0-of (c / compete-01))) + :ARG0-of (d / defeat-01 + :ARG1 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Fengzhu" + :op2 "Xu") + :source (t2 / team + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Korea" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Korea")))) + :time (g / game + :mod (m / middle)))) + :time (t3 / today) + :mod (e / especially)) + +(w / win-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Fengzhu" + :op2 "Xu")) + :ARG1 (c / championship-02 + :ARG2 p + :quant (m / many) + :mod (i / international)) + :time (b / before)) + +(w / win-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (g / game + :quant 9) + :ARG1-of (c / complete-02) + :time (p / previous) + :manner (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (p3 / play-01 + :ARG1 (g2 / game + :wiki "Go_(card_game)" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Go"))) + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")))) + +(a / and + :op1 (m / move-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (t / team + :wiki "China_national_cricket_team" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China" + :op2 "Go")) + :op2 (t2 / team + :wiki "Korea_national_cricket_team" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Korea"))) + :ARG2 (c / city + :wiki "Seoul" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Seoul")) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 1)) + :op2 (h / hold-04 + :ARG0 a2 + :ARG1 (g / game + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 2)) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 2) + :location (h2 / hotel + :wiki "Tian_Dae_Hotel" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Le" + :op2 "Tian" + :op3 "Hotel")))) + +(d / determine-01 + :ARG0 (r / result-01 + :ARG1 (c / compete-01 + :ARG0 (t / team + :wiki "Weiping_News" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Weiping" + :op2 "Nie") + :part-of (t2 / team + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China")))) + :ARG1 (t3 / team + :wiki "Xunxuanchao" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Xunxuan" + :op2 "Cao") + :part-of (t4 / team + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "Korea" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Korea")))))) + :ARG1 (o / outcome + :mod (f / final)) + :condition (d2 / draw + :mod (r2 / ratio-of + :op1 7 + :op2 7)) + :ARG1-of (c4 / conform-01 + :ARG2 (r3 / rule + :ARG1-of (d3 / discuss-01 + :ARG0 (s / side + :mod (b / both))) + :ARG1-of (a / agree-01 + :ARG0 s)))) + +(a / and + :op1 (a2 / award-01 + :ARG1 (m / monetary-quantity + :quant 100000 + :unit (d / dollar + :mod (c / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n / name + :op1 "US")))) + :ARG2 (c2 / champion + :mod (m2 / medal)) + :time (t / time + :mod (t2 / this))) + :op2 (c3 / contrast-01 + :ARG1 (a3 / award-01 + :ARG1 (m3 / monetary-quantity + :quant 70000 + :unit (d2 / dollar + :mod c)) + :ARG2 (t3 / team + :ARG0-of (w / win-01))) + :ARG2 (a4 / award-01 + :ARG1 (m4 / monetary-quantity + :quant 30000 + :unit (d3 / dollar + :mod c)) + :ARG2 t3 + :ARG3 (t4 / team + :ARG0-of (l / lose-03))))) + +(e / end-01) + +(b / byline-91 + :ARG0 (p / publication + :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Xinhua" + :op2 "News" + :op3 "Agency")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Aiguo" + :op2 "Yang") + :ARG0-of (r / report-01 + :ARG0 p3)) + :op2 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Changrui" + :op2 "Huang"))) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Rome" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Rome")) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 1)) + +(h / hold-04 + :ARG1 (k / knock-out-03 + :ARG0 (e / event + :wiki "FINA_World_Aquatics_Championships" + :name (n / name + :op1 "World" + :op2 "Swimming" + :op3 "Championship") + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value "-1")) + :mod (t / trampoline + :mod (d / distance-quantity + :quant 1 + :unit (s / subway)))) + :time (d2 / date-entity + :dayperiod (m / morning) + :mod (t2 / today)) + :location (h2 / here)) + +(p / provisional-02 + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Lan" + :op2 "Wei") + :ARG0-of (c / compete-01 + :ARG0 p3) + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "China"))) + :op2 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Sheng" + :op2 "Chen"))) + :ARG2 (s / semifinal)) + +(p / position-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Wei" + :op2 "Lan") + :poss (p3 / province + :wiki "Guangdong" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Guangdong")) + :ARG0-of (h / have-03 + :ARG1 (s / skill + :mod (o / outstanding))) + :ARG1-of (s2 / score-01 + :ARG2 (p4 / point + :quant 355) + :mod (t / total) + :time (y / year + :ord (o2 / ordinal-entity + :value 26) + :mod (t2 / this)))) + :ARG2 (l / lead-02 + :ARG0 p2) + :time (p5 / preliminary)) + +(r / rank-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki "Sheng_Chen" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Sheng" + :op2 "Chen") + :ARG1-of (a / age-01 + :ARG2 (t / temporal-quantity + :quant 19 + :unit (y / year))) + :source (c / city + :wiki "Hubei" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Hubei"))) + :ARG2 (p2 / position + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 6)) + :manner (t2 / total-01 + :ARG2 (p3 / point + :quant 34260)) + :duration (t3 / temporary)) + +(f / finish-07 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki "Bao_Lizuo" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Bao" + :op2 "Lizuo") + :mod (c / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Germany")) + :ARG0-of (c2 / compete-01) + :ARG1-of (h / have-degree-91 + :ARG2 (l / low-04 + :ARG1 p) + :ARG3 (m / more + :quant (s / slight)) + :ARG4 (p2 / person + :wiki "Wei_Lan_(atlete)" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Wei" + :op2 "Lan")))) + :ARG2 (s2 / second) + :duration (t / temporary)) + +(s / score-01 + :ARG1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Si" + :op2 "Aiwan") + :ARG0-of (c / compete-01) + :poss (c2 / country + :wiki "Zimbabwe" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Zimbabwe")) + :ARG1-of (f / finish-07 + :ARG2 3 + :duration (t / temporary))) + :ARG2 (p2 / point + :quant 3543.8) + :mod (t2 / total)) + +(t / tell-01 + :ARG0 (p / person + :ARG0-of (c / coach-01 + :ARG1 (t2 / team + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :mod (c3 / coup-01)) + :mod (c4 / chief))) + :ARG1 (n2 / nervous-01 + :ARG1 (p2 / person + :wiki "Sheng_Chen" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Sheng" + :op2 "Chen")) + :degree (k / kind-of) + :time (t3 / today)) + :ARG2 (p3 / person + :ARG0-of (r / report-01 + :ARG2 (a / agency + :poss (w / we)))) + :time (a2 / after + :op1 (c5 / compete-01))) + +(s / say-01 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (u / use-02 + :polarity - + :ARG0 (a / athlete + :poss (w / we)) + :ARG1 (p / perform-01 + :ARG0 a + :ARG1 (c / compete-01) + :manner (s2 / sunlight + :mod (i / intensive))) + :degree (v / very)) + :mod (a2 / also)) + +(t / train-01 + :ARG0 (t2 / they) + :location (h / home) + :mod (m / most) + :location (u / under + :op1 (r / roof))) + +(l / look-02 + :ARG1 (n / need-01 + :ARG0 (w / we) + :ARG1 (t / train-01 + :ARG0 w + :ARG1-of (h / have-quant-91 + :ARG3 (m / more)) + :location (o / outdoor)) + :mod (s / still))) + +(c / consider-02 + :ARG0 (h / he) + :ARG1 (p / participate-01 + :ARG0 (c2 / company + :ARG0-of (c3 / compete-02) + :ARG1-of (n / new-01) + :mod (m / more) + :location (c4 / country + :poss (w / we))) + :ARG1 (c5 / compete-01 + :mod (t / this)))) + +(l / lack-01 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (e / experience-01 + :ARG1 (c / compete-01 + :mod (i / international))) + :mod (s / still)) + +(h / hold-04 + :ARG1 (c / compete-01 + :ARG3 (d / dive-01) + :location (p / platform + :mod (d2 / distance-quantity + :quant 10 + :unit (m / meter)) + :mod (f / female)) + :mod (p2 / preliminary)) + :time (d3 / date-entity + :dayperiod (a / afternoon) + :mod (t / today))) + +(p / participate-01 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mingxia" + :op2 "Fu") + :ARG0-of (w / win-01 + :ARG1 (c / champion) + :ARG2 (c2 / country + :poss (w2 / we)) + :time (a2 / and + :op1 (e / event + :wiki "World_Cup" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "World" + :op2 "Cup")) + :op2 (g / game + :wiki "Olympic_Games" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Olympics"))))) + :op2 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Bin" + :op2 "Chi") + :ARG0-of (c3 / compete-01 + :ARG1 (c4 / country + :wiki "Hebei" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Hebei"))))) + :ARG1 (c5 / compete-01) + :location (g2 / game)) + +(e / end-01) + +(b / byline-91 + :ARG0 (p / publication + :wiki "Xinhua_News_Agency" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Xinhua" + :op2 "News" + :op3 "Agency")) + :ARG1 (a / and + :op1 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Changrui" + :op2 "Huang") + :ARG0-of (r / report-01 + :ARG0 p3)) + :op2 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Aiguo" + :op2 "Yang"))) + :location (c / city + :wiki "Rome" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Rome")) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 9 + :day 1)) + +(a / and + :op1 (i / ideal + :domain (p / perform-01 + :ARG0 (a2 / and + :op1 (w / woman + :ARG0-of (c / compete-01) + :poss (t / team + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "China" + :name (n / name + :op1 "China")) + :mod (d / dive-01))) + :op2 (w2 / woman + :ARG0-of (c3 / compete-01) + :poss t) + :op3 (p2 / person + :ARG0-of (c4 / compete-01) + :mod (c5 / country + :wiki "Malaysia" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Malaysia"))) + :op4 (p3 / person + :wiki - + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "Bin" + :op2 "Chi"))) + :ARG1 (r / round + :quant 6 + :ord (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1) + :subevent-of (c6 / compete-01 + :ARG2 (d2 / dive-01 + :mod (d3 / distance-quantity + :quant 10 + :unit (m / meter))) + :mod (p4 / preliminary) + :subevent-of (g / game + :wiki "FINA_World_Aquatics_Championships" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "World" + :op2 "Swimming" + :op3 "Championship") + :ARG1-of (h / hold-04 + :time (t2 / today) + :location (h2 / here))))))) + :op2 (o2 / on-the-fly + :domain (h3 / hopeful-03 + :ARG1 (e / enter-01 + :ARG1 (k / knock-out-03))))) + +(f / finish-07 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Mingxia" + :op2 "Fu")) + :op2 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Bin" + :op2 "Chi"))) + :ARG2 (a2 / and + :op1 (o / ordinal-entity + :value 1) + :op2 (o2 / ordinal-entity + :value 3)) + :manner (t / temporary) + :ARG3 (a3 / and + :op1 (p3 / percentage-entity + :value 339.12) + :op2 (p4 / percentage-entity + :value 290.19) + :ARG2-of (t2 / total-01)) + :time (m / moment + :time-of (s / send-01 + :ARG0 (p5 / person + :ARG0-of (r / report-01) + :mod (t3 / this)) + :ARG1 (r2 / round + :quant 6 + :ord (o3 / ordinal-entity + :value 1) + :subevent-of (c / compete-01))))) + +(s / see-01 + :ARG1 (h / hopeful-03 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (g / get-05 + :ARG1 t + :ARG2 (e / eliminatorium))) + :time (a / already) + :condition (a2 / accident + :polarity -)) + +(f / finish-07 + :ARG0 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Richard") + :ARG1-of (c / compete-01) + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "United_States" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "U.S."))) + :ARG2 2) + +(r / return-06 + :ARG0 (t / they) + :ARG1 (p / point + :quant "303,00")) + +(g / gain-02 + :ARG0 (a / and + :op1 (p / person + :wiki - + :name (n / name + :op1 "Lan" + :op2 "Wei") + :ARG0-of (c / compete-01 + :ARG1 (w / we) + :ARG0 p2)) + :op2 (p2 / person + :wiki - + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Sheng" + :op2 "Chen"))) + :ARG1 (r / right-05 + :ARG1 a + :ARG2 (k / knock-out-03)) + :time (a2 / already) + :time (d / date-entity + :dayperiod (m / morning) + :mod (t / today)) + :location (c2 / compete-01 + :ARG0 (m2 / male) + :ARG3 (d2 / dive-01 + :ARG0 m2 + :location (p3 / platform + :mod (s / subway + :quant 1))) + :mod (p4 / preliminary))) + +(m / multi-sentence + :snt1 (r / result-01 + :ARG1 (c / compete-01 + :ARG2 (w / waterpolo) + :mod (w2 / woman) + :time (t / today) + :mod (p / preliminary)) + :ARG2 (a / and + :op1 (b / beat-03 + :ARG0 (t2 / team + :mod (c2 / country + :wiki "Hungary" + :name (n / name + :op1 "Hungary"))) + :ARG1 (t3 / team + :mod (c3 / country + :wiki "Canada" + :name (n2 / name + :op1 "Canada"))) + :ARG2 (r2 / ratio-of + :op1 13 + :op2 7)) + :op2 (b2 / beat-03 + :ARG0 (t4 / team + :mod (c4 / country + :wiki "France" + :name (n3 / name + :op1 "France"))) + :ARG1 (t5 / team + :mod (c5 / country + :wiki "Brazil" + :name (n4 / name + :op1 "Brazil"))) + :ARG2 (r3 / ratio-of + :op1 10 + :op2 9)) + :op3 (b3 / beat-03 + :ARG0 (t6 / team + :mod (c6 / country + :wiki "Australia" + :name (n5 / name + :op1 "Australia"))) + :ARG1 (t7 / team + :mod (c7 / country + :wiki "Germany" + :name (n6 / name + :op1 "Germany"))) + :ARG2 (r4 / ratio-of + :op1 10 + :op2 5)) + :op4 (b4 / beat-03 + :ARG0 (t8 / team + :mod (c8 / country + :wiki "Italy" + :name (n7 / name + :op1 "Italy"))) + :ARG1 (t9 / team + :mod (c9 / country + :wiki "New_Zealand" + :name (n8 / name + :op1 "New" + :op2 "Zealand"))) + :ARG2 (r5 / ratio-of + :op1 12 + :op2 2) + :time (d / date-entity + :month 8 + :day 8))))) + +(p / participate-01 + :ARG0 (t / team + :quant 12) + :ARG1 (r / race-02) + :mod (a / altogether)) + +(e / end-01) \ No newline at end of file