r"""Runs the FILM frame interpolator on a pair of frames on beam. |
This script is used evaluate the output quality of the FILM Tensorflow frame |
interpolator. Optionally, it outputs a video of the interpolated frames. |
A beam pipeline for invoking the frame interpolator on a set of directories |
identified by a glob (--pattern). Each directory is expected to contain two |
input frames that are the inputs to the frame interpolator. If a directory has |
more than two frames, then each contiguous frame pair is treated as input to |
generate in-between frames. |
The output video is stored to interpolator.mp4 in each directory. The number of |
frames is determined by --times_to_interpolate, which controls the number of |
times the frame interpolator is invoked. When the number of input frames is 2, |
the number of output frames is 2^times_to_interpolate+1. |
This expects a directory structure such as: |
<root directory of the eval>/01/frame1.png |
frame2.png |
<root directory of the eval>/02/frame1.png |
frame2.png |
<root directory of the eval>/03/frame1.png |
frame2.png |
... |
And will produce: |
<root directory of the eval>/01/interpolated_frames/frame0.png |
frame1.png |
frame2.png |
<root directory of the eval>/02/interpolated_frames/frame0.png |
frame1.png |
frame2.png |
<root directory of the eval>/03/interpolated_frames/frame0.png |
frame1.png |
frame2.png |
... |
And optionally will produce: |
<root directory of the eval>/01/interpolated.mp4 |
<root directory of the eval>/02/interpolated.mp4 |
<root directory of the eval>/03/interpolated.mp4 |
... |
Usage example: |
python3 -m frame_interpolation.eval.interpolator_cli \ |
--model_path <path to TF2 saved model> \ |
--pattern "<root directory of the eval>/*" \ |
--times_to_interpolate <Number of times to interpolate> |
""" |
import functools |
import os |
from typing import List, Sequence |
from . import interpolator as interpolator_lib |
from . import util |
from absl import app |
from absl import flags |
from absl import logging |
import apache_beam as beam |
import mediapy as media |
import natsort |
import numpy as np |
import tensorflow as tf |
from tqdm.auto import tqdm |
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '1' |
_PATTERN = flags.DEFINE_string( |
name='pattern', |
default=None, |
help='The pattern to determine the directories with the input frames.', |
required=True) |
_MODEL_PATH = flags.DEFINE_string( |
name='model_path', |
default=None, |
help='The path of the TF2 saved model to use.') |
name='times_to_interpolate', |
default=5, |
help='The number of times to run recursive midpoint interpolation. ' |
'The number of output frames will be 2^times_to_interpolate+1.') |
_FPS = flags.DEFINE_integer( |
name='fps', |
default=30, |
help='Frames per second to play interpolated videos in slow motion.') |
_ALIGN = flags.DEFINE_integer( |
name='align', |
default=64, |
help='If >1, pad the input size so it is evenly divisible by this value.') |
_BLOCK_HEIGHT = flags.DEFINE_integer( |
name='block_height', |
default=1, |
help='An int >= 1, number of patches along height, ' |
'patch_height = height//block_height, should be evenly divisible.') |
_BLOCK_WIDTH = flags.DEFINE_integer( |
name='block_width', |
default=1, |
help='An int >= 1, number of patches along width, ' |
'patch_width = width//block_width, should be evenly divisible.') |
_OUTPUT_VIDEO = flags.DEFINE_boolean( |
name='output_video', |
default=False, |
help='If true, creates a video of the frames in the interpolated_frames/ ' |
'subdirectory') |
_INPUT_EXT = ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'] |
def _output_frames(frames: List[np.ndarray], frames_dir: str): |
"""Writes PNG-images to a directory. |
If frames_dir doesn't exist, it is created. If frames_dir contains existing |
PNG-files, they are removed before saving the new ones. |
Args: |
frames: List of images to save. |
frames_dir: The output directory to save the images. |
""" |
if tf.io.gfile.isdir(frames_dir): |
old_frames = tf.io.gfile.glob(f'{frames_dir}/frame_*.png') |
if old_frames: |
logging.info('Removing existing frames from %s.', frames_dir) |
for old_frame in old_frames: |
tf.io.gfile.remove(old_frame) |
else: |
tf.io.gfile.makedirs(frames_dir) |
for idx, frame in tqdm( |
enumerate(frames), total=len(frames), ncols=100, colour='green'): |
util.write_image(f'{frames_dir}/frame_{idx:03d}.png', frame) |
logging.info('Output frames saved in %s.', frames_dir) |
class ProcessDirectory(beam.DoFn): |
"""DoFn for running the interpolator on a single directory at the time.""" |
def setup(self): |
self.interpolator = interpolator_lib.Interpolator( |
_MODEL_PATH.value, _ALIGN.value, |
[_BLOCK_HEIGHT.value, _BLOCK_WIDTH.value]) |
if _OUTPUT_VIDEO.value: |
ffmpeg_path = util.get_ffmpeg_path() |
media.set_ffmpeg(ffmpeg_path) |
def process(self, directory: str): |
input_frames_list = [ |
natsort.natsorted(tf.io.gfile.glob(f'{directory}/*.{ext}')) |
for ext in _INPUT_EXT |
] |
input_frames = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, input_frames_list) |
logging.info('Generating in-between frames for %s.', directory) |
frames = list( |
util.interpolate_recursively_from_files( |
input_frames, _TIMES_TO_INTERPOLATE.value, self.interpolator)) |
_output_frames(frames, f'{directory}/interpolated_frames') |
if _OUTPUT_VIDEO.value: |
media.write_video(f'{directory}/interpolated.mp4', frames, fps=_FPS.value) |
logging.info('Output video saved at %s/interpolated.mp4.', directory) |
def _run_pipeline() -> None: |
directories = tf.io.gfile.glob(_PATTERN.value) |
pipeline = beam.Pipeline('DirectRunner') |
(pipeline | 'Create directory names' >> beam.Create(directories) |
| 'Process directories' >> beam.ParDo(ProcessDirectory())) |
result = pipeline.run() |
result.wait_until_finish() |
def main(argv: Sequence[str]) -> None: |
if len(argv) > 1: |
raise app.UsageError('Too many command-line arguments.') |
_run_pipeline() |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
app.run(main) |