File size: 7,187 Bytes
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import argparse
import json
import os
import re
import zipfile
import torch
# This code is modified from
def recursive_print(name, val, spaces=0):
# Format the message.
if name is None:
msg = None
fmt = "." * max(0, spaces - 2) + "# {:" + str(50 - spaces) + "s}"
msg = fmt.format(name)
# Print and recurse (if needed).
if isinstance(val, dict):
if msg is not None:
for k in val.keys():
recursive_print(k, val[k], spaces + 2)
elif isinstance(val, torch.Tensor):
print(msg, ":", val.size())
print(msg, ":", val)
def convert_megatron_checkpoint(input_state_dict, head_model=True):
# The converted output model.
output_state_dict = {}
# The model.
model = input_state_dict["model"]
# The language model.
lm = model["language_model"]
# The embeddings.
embeddings = lm["embedding"]
# The word embeddings.
word_embeddings = embeddings["word_embeddings"]["weight"]
# Store the word embeddings.
output_state_dict["bert.embeddings.word_embeddings.weight"] = word_embeddings
# The position embeddings.
pos_embeddings = embeddings["position_embeddings"]["weight"]
# Trained for 512 x 1024.
assert pos_embeddings.size(0) == 512 and pos_embeddings.size(1) == 1024
# Store the position embeddings.
output_state_dict["bert.embeddings.position_embeddings.weight"] = pos_embeddings
# The token-type embeddings.
tokentype_embeddings = embeddings["tokentype_embeddings"]["weight"]
# Store the position embeddings.
output_state_dict["bert.embeddings.token_type_embeddings.weight"] = tokentype_embeddings
# The transformer.
transformer = lm["transformer"]
# The regex to extract layer names.
layer_re = re.compile("layers\.(\d+)\.([a-z0-9_.]+)\.([a-z]+)")
# The simple map of names for "automated" rules.
megatron_to_transformers = {
"attention.dense": ".attention.output.dense.",
"mlp.dense_h_to_4h": ".intermediate.dense.",
"mlp.dense_4h_to_h": ".output.dense.",
# Keep track of the attention/query/value tensor.
attention_qkv_weight = None
# Extract the layers.
for key, val in transformer.items():
# Match the name.
m = layer_re.match(key)
# Stop if that's not a layer
if m is None:
# The index of the layer.
layer_idx = int(
# The name of the operation.
op_name =
# Is it a weight or a bias?
weight_or_bias =
# The name of the layer.
layer_name = f"bert.encoder.layer.{layer_idx}"
# For layernorm(s), simply store the layer norm.
if op_name.endswith("layernorm"):
ln_name = "attention.ln" if op_name.startswith("input") else "ln"
output_state_dict[layer_name + "." + ln_name + "." + weight_or_bias] = val
# Transpose the QKV matrix.
elif op_name == "attention.query_key_value" and weight_or_bias == "weight":
# Make sure the QKV pointer is nil.
assert attention_qkv_weight is None, ""
# Store the tensor as we need the bias as well to interleave QKV and biases.
attention_qkv_weight = val
# Transpose the bias.
elif op_name == "attention.query_key_value" and weight_or_bias == "bias":
# Make sure we read the weight tensor.
assert attention_qkv_weight is not None, ""
# Split the QKV matrix into Q, K and V. Megatron stores Q,K,V interleaved.
q = attention_qkv_weight[0 * 1024 : 1 * 1024, :]
k = attention_qkv_weight[1 * 1024 : 2 * 1024, :]
v = attention_qkv_weight[2 * 1024 : 3 * 1024, :]
# Split the bias.
q_bias = val[0 * 1024 : 1 * 1024]
k_bias = val[1 * 1024 : 2 * 1024]
v_bias = val[2 * 1024 : 3 * 1024]
# Store.
output_state_dict[f"{layer_name}.attention.self.query.weight"] = q
output_state_dict[f"{layer_name}.attention.self.query.bias"] = q_bias
output_state_dict[f"{layer_name}.attention.self.key.weight"] = k
output_state_dict[f"{layer_name}.attention.self.key.bias"] = k_bias
output_state_dict[f"{layer_name}.attention.self.value.weight"] = v
output_state_dict[f"{layer_name}.attention.self.value.bias"] = v_bias
# Clear the stored tensor.
attention_qkv_weight = None
# Copy weights and biases as is.
elif weight_or_bias in ["weight", "bias"]:
out_name = megatron_to_transformers[op_name]
output_state_dict[layer_name + out_name + weight_or_bias] = val
# The final layernorm.
output_state_dict["bert.encoder.ln.weight"] = transformer["final_layernorm.weight"]
output_state_dict["bert.encoder.ln.bias"] = transformer["final_layernorm.bias"]
# The config.
output_config = {
"vocab_size": word_embeddings.size(0),
"hidden_size": 1024,
"num_hidden_layers": 24,
"num_attention_heads": 16,
"hidden_act": "gelu_new",
"intermediate_size": 4096,
"hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1,
"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1,
"max_position_embeddings": 512,
"type_vocab_size": 2,
"initializer_range": 0.2,
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-12,
"position_embedding_type": "absolute",
"use_cache": False,
"model_type": "megatron-bert",
if head_model:
# The pooler.
pooler = lm["pooler"]
# Store the matrix and the bias.
output_state_dict["bert.pooler.dense.weight"] = pooler["dense.weight"]
output_state_dict["bert.pooler.dense.bias"] = pooler["dense.bias"]
# The LM head from Megatron (for RACE).
lm_head = model["lm_head"]
# The transform matrix.
output_state_dict["cls.predictions.transform.dense.weight"] = lm_head["dense.weight"]
output_state_dict["cls.predictions.transform.dense.bias"] = lm_head["dense.bias"]
# The transform LN.
output_state_dict["cls.predictions.transform.LayerNorm.weight"] = lm_head["layernorm.weight"]
output_state_dict["cls.predictions.transform.LayerNorm.bias"] = lm_head["layernorm.bias"]
# For the decoder, we replicate the weights.
output_state_dict["cls.predictions.decoder.weight"] = word_embeddings
output_state_dict["cls.predictions.bias"] = lm_head["bias"]
# The classifier from Megatron (for MLNI).
binary_head = model["binary_head"]
# Store the classifier.
output_state_dict["cls.seq_relationship.weight"] = binary_head["weight"]
output_state_dict["cls.seq_relationship.bias"] = binary_head["bias"]
# It should be done!
return output_state_dict, output_config