import torch import sys def convert_flow_to_deformation(flow): r"""convert flow fields to deformations. Args: flow (tensor): Flow field obtained by the model Returns: deformation (tensor): The deformation used for warpping """ b,c,h,w = flow.shape flow_norm = 2 *[flow[:,:1,...]/(w-1),flow[:,1:,...]/(h-1)], 1) grid = make_coordinate_grid(flow) # print(grid.shape, flow_norm.shape) deformation = grid + flow_norm.permute(0,2,3,1) return deformation def make_coordinate_grid(flow): r"""obtain coordinate grid with the same size as the flow filed. Args: flow (tensor): Flow field obtained by the model Returns: grid (tensor): The grid with the same size as the input flow """ b,c,h,w = flow.shape x = torch.arange(w).to(flow) y = torch.arange(h).to(flow) x = (2 * (x / (w - 1)) - 1) y = (2 * (y / (h - 1)) - 1) yy = y.view(-1, 1).repeat(1, w) xx = x.view(1, -1).repeat(h, 1) meshed =[xx.unsqueeze_(2), yy.unsqueeze_(2)], 2) meshed = meshed.expand(b, -1, -1, -1) return meshed def warp_image(source_image, deformation): r"""warp the input image according to the deformation Args: source_image (tensor): source images to be warpped deformation (tensor): deformations used to warp the images; value in range (-1, 1) Returns: output (tensor): the warpped images """ _, h_old, w_old, _ = deformation.shape _, _, h, w = source_image.shape if h_old != h or w_old != w: deformation = deformation.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) deformation = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(deformation, size=(h, w), mode='bilinear') deformation = deformation.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) return torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(source_image, deformation) # visualize flow import numpy as np __all__ = ['load_flow', 'save_flow', 'vis_flow'] def load_flow(path): with open(path, 'rb') as f: magic = float(np.fromfile(f, np.float32, count=1)[0]) if magic == 202021.25: w, h = np.fromfile(f, np.int32, count=1)[0], np.fromfile(f, np.int32, count=1)[0] data = np.fromfile(f, np.float32, count=h * w * 2) data.resize((h, w, 2)) return data return None def save_flow(path, flow): magic = np.array([202021.25], np.float32) h, w = flow.shape[:2] h, w = np.array([h], np.int32), np.array([w], np.int32) with open(path, 'wb') as f: magic.tofile(f) w.tofile(f) h.tofile(f) flow.tofile(f) def makeColorwheel(): # color encoding scheme # adapted from the color circle idea described at # RY = 15 YG = 6 GC = 4 CB = 11 BM = 13 MR = 6 ncols = RY + YG + GC + CB + BM + MR colorwheel = np.zeros([ncols, 3]) # r g b col = 0 # RY colorwheel[0:RY, 0] = 255 colorwheel[0:RY, 1] = np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, RY, 1) / RY) col += RY # YG colorwheel[col:YG + col, 0] = 255 - np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, YG, 1) / YG) colorwheel[col:YG + col, 1] = 255 col += YG # GC colorwheel[col:GC + col, 1] = 255 colorwheel[col:GC + col, 2] = np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, GC, 1) / GC) col += GC # CB colorwheel[col:CB + col, 1] = 255 - np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, CB, 1) / CB) colorwheel[col:CB + col, 2] = 255 col += CB # BM colorwheel[col:BM + col, 2] = 255 colorwheel[col:BM + col, 0] = np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, BM, 1) / BM) col += BM # MR colorwheel[col:MR + col, 2] = 255 - np.floor(255 * np.arange(0, MR, 1) / MR) colorwheel[col:MR + col, 0] = 255 return colorwheel def computeColor(u, v): colorwheel = makeColorwheel() nan_u = np.isnan(u) nan_v = np.isnan(v) nan_u = np.where(nan_u) nan_v = np.where(nan_v) u[nan_u] = 0 u[nan_v] = 0 v[nan_u] = 0 v[nan_v] = 0 ncols = colorwheel.shape[0] radius = np.sqrt(u ** 2 + v ** 2) a = np.arctan2(-v, -u) / np.pi fk = (a + 1) / 2 * (ncols - 1) # -1~1 maped to 1~ncols k0 = fk.astype(np.uint8) # 1, 2, ..., ncols k1 = k0 + 1 k1[k1 == ncols] = 0 f = fk - k0 img = np.empty([k1.shape[0], k1.shape[1], 3]) ncolors = colorwheel.shape[1] for i in range(ncolors): tmp = colorwheel[:, i] col0 = tmp[k0] / 255 col1 = tmp[k1] / 255 col = (1 - f) * col0 + f * col1 idx = radius <= 1 col[idx] = 1 - radius[idx] * (1 - col[idx]) # increase saturation with radius col[~idx] *= 0.75 # out of range img[:, :, 2 - i] = np.floor(255 * col).astype(np.uint8) return img.astype(np.uint8) def vis_flow(flow): eps = sys.float_info.epsilon UNKNOWN_FLOW_THRESH = 1e9 UNKNOWN_FLOW = 1e10 u = flow[:, :, 0] v = flow[:, :, 1] maxu = -999 maxv = -999 minu = 999 minv = 999 maxrad = -1 # fix unknown flow greater_u = np.where(u > UNKNOWN_FLOW_THRESH) greater_v = np.where(v > UNKNOWN_FLOW_THRESH) u[greater_u] = 0 u[greater_v] = 0 v[greater_u] = 0 v[greater_v] = 0 maxu = max([maxu, np.amax(u)]) minu = min([minu, np.amin(u)]) maxv = max([maxv, np.amax(v)]) minv = min([minv, np.amin(v)]) rad = np.sqrt(np.multiply(u, u) + np.multiply(v, v)) maxrad = max([maxrad, np.amax(rad)]) # print('max flow: %.4f flow range: u = %.3f .. %.3f; v = %.3f .. %.3f\n' % (maxrad, minu, maxu, minv, maxv)) u = u / (maxrad + eps) v = v / (maxrad + eps) img = computeColor(u, v) return img[:, :, [2, 1, 0]] def test_visualize_flow(): flow = load_flow('out.flo') img = vis_flow(flow) import cv2 cv2.imwrite("img.png", img)