from lollms.config import TypedConfig, BaseConfig, ConfigTemplate, InstallOption from lollms.types import MSG_TYPE from lollms.personality import APScript, AIPersonality from lollms.helpers import ASCIIColors import numpy as np import json from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import json class TextVectorizer: def __init__(self, model_name, database_file:Path|str, visualize_data_at_startup=False, visualize_data_at_add_file=False, visualize_data_at_generate=False): from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) self.model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_name) self.embeddings = {} self.texts = {} self.ready = False self.database_file = Path(database_file) self.visualize_data_at_startup = visualize_data_at_startup self.visualize_data_at_add_file = visualize_data_at_add_file self.visualize_data_at_generate = visualize_data_at_generate # Load previous state from the JSON file if Path(self.database_file).exists(): ASCIIColors.success(f"Database file found : {self.database_file}") self.load_from_json() if visualize_data_at_startup: self.show_document() self.ready = True else:"No database file found : {self.database_file}") def show_document(self, query_text="What is the main idea of this text?", use_pca=True): import textwrap import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mplcursors from tkinter import Tk, Text, Scrollbar, Frame, Label, TOP, BOTH, RIGHT, LEFT, Y, N, END from sklearn.manifold import TSNE from sklearn.decomposition import PCA import torch if use_pca: print("Showing pca representation :") else: print("Showing t-sne representation :") texts = list(self.texts.values()) embeddings = torch.stack(list(self.embeddings.values())).detach().squeeze(1).numpy() # Normalize embeddings norms = np.linalg.norm(embeddings, axis=1) normalized_embeddings = embeddings / norms[:, np.newaxis] # Embed the query text query_embedding = self.embed_query(query_text) query_embedding = query_embedding.detach().squeeze().numpy() query_normalized_embedding = query_embedding / np.linalg.norm(query_embedding) # Combine the query embedding with the document embeddings combined_embeddings = np.vstack((normalized_embeddings, query_normalized_embedding)) if use_pca: # Use PCA for dimensionality reduction pca = PCA(n_components=2) embeddings_2d = pca.fit_transform(combined_embeddings) else: # Use t-SNE for dimensionality reduction # Adjust the perplexity value perplexity = min(30, combined_embeddings.shape[0] - 1) tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, perplexity=perplexity) embeddings_2d = tsne.fit_transform(combined_embeddings) # Create a scatter plot using Seaborn sns.scatterplot(x=embeddings_2d[:-1, 0], y=embeddings_2d[:-1, 1]) # Plot document embeddings plt.scatter(embeddings_2d[-1, 0], embeddings_2d[-1, 1], color='red') # Plot query embedding # Add labels to the scatter plot for i, (x, y) in enumerate(embeddings_2d[:-1]): plt.text(x, y, str(i), fontsize=8) plt.xlabel('Dimension 1') plt.ylabel('Dimension 2') if use_pca: plt.title('Embeddings Scatter Plot based on PCA') else: plt.title('Embeddings Scatter Plot based on t-SNE') # Enable mplcursors to show tooltips on hover cursor = mplcursors.cursor(hover=True) # Define the hover event handler @cursor.connect("add") def on_hover(sel): index = if index > 0: text = texts[index] wrapped_text = textwrap.fill(text, width=50) # Wrap the text into multiple lines sel.annotation.set_text(f"Index: {index}\nText:\n{wrapped_text}") else: sel.annotation.set_text("Query") # Define the click event handler using matplotlib event handling mechanism def on_click(event): if event.xdata is not None and event.ydata is not None: x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata distances = ((embeddings_2d[:, 0] - x) ** 2 + (embeddings_2d[:, 1] - y) ** 2) index = distances.argmin() text = texts[index] if index < len(texts) else query_text # Open a new Tkinter window with the content of the text root = Tk() root.title(f"Text for Index {index}") frame = Frame(root) frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) label = Label(frame, text="Text:") label.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5) text_box = Text(frame) text_box.pack(side=TOP, padx=5, pady=5, fill=BOTH, expand=True) text_box.insert(END, text) scrollbar = Scrollbar(frame) scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) scrollbar.config(command=text_box.yview) text_box.config(yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) text_box.config(state="disabled") root.mainloop() # Connect the click event handler to the figure plt.gcf().canvas.mpl_connect("button_press_event", on_click) def index_document(self, document_id, text, chunk_size, overlap_size, force_vectorize=False): import torch if document_id in self.embeddings and not force_vectorize: print(f"Document {document_id} already exists. Skipping vectorization.") return # Tokenize text tokens = self.tokenizer.encode_plus(text, add_special_tokens=False, return_attention_mask=False)['input_ids'] # Split tokens into sentences sentences = self.tokenizer.decode(tokens).split('. ') # Generate chunks with overlap and sentence boundaries chunks = [] current_chunk = [] for sentence in sentences: sentence_tokens = self.tokenizer.encode_plus(sentence, add_special_tokens=False, return_attention_mask=False)['input_ids'] if len(current_chunk) + len(sentence_tokens) <= chunk_size: current_chunk.extend(sentence_tokens) else: if current_chunk: chunks.append(current_chunk) current_chunk = sentence_tokens if current_chunk: chunks.append(current_chunk) # Generate overlapping chunks overlapping_chunks = [] for i in range(len(chunks)): chunk_start = i * (chunk_size - overlap_size) chunk_end = min(chunk_start + chunk_size, len(tokens)) chunk = tokens[chunk_start:chunk_end] overlapping_chunks.append(chunk) # Generate embeddings for each chunk for i, chunk in enumerate(overlapping_chunks): # Pad the chunk if it is smaller than chunk_size if len(chunk) < chunk_size: padding = [self.tokenizer.pad_token_id] * (chunk_size - len(chunk)) chunk.extend(padding) # Convert tokens to IDs input_ids = chunk[:chunk_size] # Convert input to PyTorch tensor input_tensor = torch.tensor([input_ids]) # Generate chunk embedding with torch.no_grad(): self.model.eval() outputs = self.model(input_tensor) embeddings = outputs.last_hidden_state.mean(dim=1) # Store chunk ID, embedding, and original text chunk_id = f"{document_id}_chunk_{i + 1}" self.embeddings[chunk_id] = embeddings self.texts[chunk_id] = self.tokenizer.decode(chunk[:chunk_size], skip_special_tokens=True) self.save_to_json() self.ready = True if self.visualize_data_at_add_file: self.show_document() def embed_query(self, query_text): import torch # Tokenize query text query_tokens = self.tokenizer.encode(query_text) # Convert input to PyTorch tensor query_input_tensor = torch.tensor([query_tokens]) # Generate query embedding with torch.no_grad(): self.model.eval() query_outputs = self.model(query_input_tensor) query_embedding = query_outputs.last_hidden_state.mean(dim=1) return query_embedding def recover_text(self, query_embedding, top_k=1): from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity similarities = {} for chunk_id, chunk_embedding in self.embeddings.items(): similarity = cosine_similarity(query_embedding.numpy(), chunk_embedding.numpy())[0][0] similarities[chunk_id] = similarity # Sort the similarities and retrieve the top-k most similar embeddings sorted_similarities = sorted(similarities.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[:top_k] # Retrieve the original text associated with the most similar embeddings texts = [self.texts[chunk_id] for chunk_id, _ in sorted_similarities] if self.visualize_data_at_generate: self.show_document() return texts def save_to_json(self): state = { "embeddings": {str(k): v.tolist() for k, v in self.embeddings.items()}, "texts": self.texts, } with open(self.database_file, "w") as f: json.dump(state, f) def load_from_json(self): import torch"Loading vectorized documents") with open(self.database_file, "r") as f: state = json.load(f) self.embeddings = {k: torch.tensor(v) for k, v in state["embeddings"].items()} self.texts = state["texts"] self.ready = True class Processor(APScript): """ A class that processes model inputs and outputs. Inherits from APScript. """ def __init__( self, personality: AIPersonality ) -> None: self.word_callback = None personality_config_template = ConfigTemplate( [ {"name":"database_path","type":"str","value":f"{}_db.json", "help":"Path to the database"}, {"name":"max_chunk_size","type":"int","value":512, "min":10, "max":personality.config["ctx_size"],"help":"Maximum size of text chunks to vectorize"}, {"name":"chunk_overlap","type":"int","value":20, "min":0, "max":personality.config["ctx_size"],"help":"Overlap between chunks"}, {"name":"max_answer_size","type":"int","value":512, "min":10, "max":personality.config["ctx_size"],"help":"Maximum number of tokens to allow the generator to generate as an answer to your question"}, {"name":"visualize_data_at_startup","type":"bool","value":False, "help":"If true, the database will be visualized at startup"}, {"name":"visualize_data_at_add_file","type":"bool","value":False, "help":"If true, the database will be visualized when a new file is added"}, {"name":"visualize_data_at_generate","type":"bool","value":False, "help":"If true, the database will be visualized at generation time"}, ] ) personality_config_vals = BaseConfig.from_template(personality_config_template) personality_config = TypedConfig( personality_config_template, personality_config_vals ) super().__init__( personality, personality_config ) self.state = 0 self.ready = False self.personality = personality self.callback = None self.vector_store = TextVectorizer( "bert-base-uncased", self.personality.lollms_paths.personal_data_path/self.personality_config["database_path"], visualize_data_at_startup=self.personality_config["visualize_data_at_startup"], visualize_data_at_add_file=self.personality_config["visualize_data_at_add_file"], visualize_data_at_generate=self.personality_config["visualize_data_at_generate"] ) if len(self.vector_store.embeddings)>0: self.ready = True @staticmethod def read_pdf_file(file_path): import PyPDF2 with open(file_path, 'rb') as file: pdf_reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(file) text = "" for page in pdf_reader.pages: text += page.extract_text() return text @staticmethod def read_docx_file(file_path): from docx import Document doc = Document(file_path) text = "" for paragraph in doc.paragraphs: text += paragraph.text + "\n" return text @staticmethod def read_json_file(file_path): with open(file_path, 'r') as file: data = json.load(file) return data @staticmethod def read_csv_file(file_path): import csv with open(file_path, 'r') as file: csv_reader = csv.reader(file) lines = [row for row in csv_reader] return lines @staticmethod def read_html_file(file_path): from bs4 import BeautifulSoup with open(file_path, 'r') as file: soup = BeautifulSoup(file, 'html.parser') text = soup.get_text() return text @staticmethod def read_pptx_file(file_path): from pptx import Presentation prs = Presentation(file_path) text = "" for slide in prs.slides: for shape in slide.shapes: if shape.has_text_frame: for paragraph in shape.text_frame.paragraphs: for run in paragraph.runs: text += run.text return text @staticmethod def read_text_file(file_path): with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: content = return content def build_db(self):"-> Vectorizing the database"+ASCIIColors.color_orange) if self.callback is not None: self.callback("Vectorizing the database", MSG_TYPE.MSG_TYPE_CHUNK) for file in self.files: try: if Path(file).suffix==".pdf": text = Processor.read_pdf_file(file) elif Path(file).suffix==".docx": text = Processor.read_docx_file(file) elif Path(file).suffix==".docx": text = Processor.read_pptx_file(file) elif Path(file).suffix==".json": text = Processor.read_json_file(file) elif Path(file).suffix==".csv": text = Processor.read_csv_file(file) elif Path(file).suffix==".html": text = Processor.read_html_file(file) else: text = Processor.read_text_file(file) try: chunk_size=int(self.personality_config["chunk_size"]) except: ASCIIColors.warning(f"Couldn't read chunk size. Verify your configuration file") chunk_size=512 try: overlap_size=int(self.personality_config["chunk_overlap"]) except: ASCIIColors.warning(f"Couldn't read chunk size. Verify your configuration file") overlap_size=50 self.vector_store.index_document(file, text, chunk_size=chunk_size, overlap_size=overlap_size) print(ASCIIColors.color_reset) ASCIIColors.success(f"File {file} vectorized successfully") self.ready = True except Exception as ex: ASCIIColors.error(f"Couldn't vectorize {file}: The vectorizer threw this exception:{ex}") def add_file(self, path): super().add_file(path) try: self.build_db() self.ready = True return True except Exception as ex: ASCIIColors.error(f"Couldn't vectorize the database: The vectgorizer threw this exception: {ex}") return False def run_workflow(self, prompt, previous_discussion_text="", callback=None): """ Runs the workflow for processing the model input and output. This method should be called to execute the processing workflow. Args: generate_fn (function): A function that generates model output based on the input prompt. The function should take a single argument (prompt) and return the generated text. prompt (str): The input prompt for the model. previous_discussion_text (str, optional): The text of the previous discussion. Default is an empty string. Returns: None """ # State machine output ="" self.callback = callback if prompt.strip().lower()=="send_file": self.state = 1 print("Please provide the file name") if callback is not None: callback("Please provide the file path", MSG_TYPE.MSG_TYPE_FULL) output = "Please provide the file name" elif prompt.strip().lower()=="help": if callback: callback(,MSG_TYPE.MSG_TYPE_FULL) self.state = 0 elif prompt.strip().lower()=="show_database": try: self.vector_store.show_document() except Exception as ex: if callback is not None: callback(f"Couldn't show the database\nMake sure you have already uploaded a database.\nReceived exception is: {ex}", MSG_TYPE.MSG_TYPE_FULL) self.state = 0 elif prompt.strip().lower()=="set_database": print("Please provide the database file name") if callback is not None: callback("Please provide the database file path", MSG_TYPE.MSG_TYPE_FULL) output = "Please provide the database file name" self.state = 2 elif prompt.strip().lower()=="clear_database": database_fill_path:Path = self.personality.lollms_paths.personal_data_path/self.personality_config["database_path"] if database_fill_path.exists(): database_fill_path.unlink() self.vector_store = TextVectorizer( "bert-base-uncased", self.personality.lollms_paths.personal_data_path/self.personality_config["database_path"], visualize_data_at_startup=self.personality_config["visualize_data_at_startup"], visualize_data_at_add_file=self.personality_config["visualize_data_at_add_file"], visualize_data_at_generate=self.personality_config["visualize_data_at_generate"] ) if callback is not None: callback("Database file cleared successfully", MSG_TYPE.MSG_TYPE_FULL) else: if callback is not None: callback("The database file does not exist yet, so you can't clear it", MSG_TYPE.MSG_TYPE_FULL) self.state = 0 else: if self.state ==1: try: self.add_file(prompt) if callback is not None: callback(f"File {prompt} added successfully", MSG_TYPE.MSG_TYPE_FULL) except Exception as ex: ASCIIColors.error(f"Exception: {ex}") if callback is not None: callback(f"Couldn't load file {prompt}.\nThe following exception was thrown: {ex}", MSG_TYPE.MSG_TYPE_FULL) output = str(ex) self.state=0 elif self.state ==2: try: new_db_path = Path(prompt) if new_db_path.exists(): self.personality_config["database_path"] = prompt self.vector_store = TextVectorizer( "bert-base-uncased", self.personality.lollms_paths.personal_data_path/self.personality_config["database_path"], visualize_data_at_startup=self.personality_config["visualize_data_at_startup"], visualize_data_at_add_file=self.personality_config["visualize_data_at_add_file"], visualize_data_at_generate=self.personality_config["visualize_data_at_generate"] ) self.save_config_file(self.personality.lollms_paths.personal_configuration_path/f"personality_{}.yaml", self.personality_config) else: output = "Database file not found.\nGoing back to default state." except Exception as ex: ASCIIColors.error(f"Exception: {ex}") output = str(ex) self.state=0 else: if not self.ready: ASCIIColors.error(f"No data to discuss. Please upload a document first") else: docs = self.vector_store.recover_text(self.vector_store.embed_query(prompt), top_k=3) docs = '\n'.join([f"Doc{i}:\n{v}" for i,v in enumerate(docs)]) full_text = self.personality.personality_conditioning+"\n### Docs:\n"+docs+"\n### Question: "+prompt+"\n### Answer:""-------------- Documentation -----------------------")"----------------------------------------------------")"Thinking") if callback is not None: callback("Thinking", MSG_TYPE.MSG_TYPE_FULL) output = self.generate(full_text, self.personality_config["max_answer_size"]) if callback is not None: callback(output, MSG_TYPE.MSG_TYPE_FULL) return output