from utils import setup_device, check_api_usage, record_chat, load_chat, get_time # from SoundScribe.speakerID import find_user from SoundScribe import speak, live_listen from internet import get_weather_data import threading import warnings import time import cv2 import os warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") USE_CLOUD_API = check_api_usage() if USE_CLOUD_API: from utils import answer_question, find_object_description, locate_object, perceptrix, robotix, identify_objects_from_text, search_keyword else: from CircumSpect import answer_question, find_object_description, locate_object from Perceptrix import perceptrix, robotix, identify_objects_from_text, search_keyword SPEECH_COMMAND = "Speak" VQA_COMMAND = "VQA" ROBOT_COMMAND = "Robot" INTERNET_COMMAND = "Internet" CLI_COMMAND = "CLI" NOTE_COMMAND = "Note" AUTOMATION_COMAND = "Home Automation" weather = None device = setup_device() print("INITIALIZING CRYSTAL - DEVICE:", str(device).upper(), "Acceleration" if str(device) != "cpu" else "") cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) recognized_text = "" current_events = "" keyword = "" def camera(): while True: _, img = cv2.imwrite("./database/current_frame.jpg", img) def understand_surroundings(): global current_events while True: current_events = answer_question( "Describe your surroundings", "./database/current_frame.jpg") time.sleep(10) def note(text): with open("database/notes.txt", "w") as notes: notes.write(text) def output(response, input_text): commands = response.split("<###CRYSTAL-INTERNAL###>") helper = "" image_file = "current_frame.jpg" record_chat(input_text.split(":")[0], input_text.split(":")[1:]) for command in commands: command_parts = command.split('\n', 1) command = command_parts[0] body = command_parts[1] if len(command_parts) > 1 else "" if SPEECH_COMMAND in command: speak(body) elif VQA_COMMAND in command: helper += answer_question(body, image_file) elif ROBOT_COMMAND in command: description = find_object_description(body, image_file) all_objects = identify_objects_from_text(description) objects_list = locate_object(all_objects, image_file) robot_code = robotix(f"#{input_text}\nobjects={objects_list}") with open("", "w+") as robot_file: robot_file.write("import robot\n\n") robot_file.write(robot_code) exec( elif INTERNET_COMMAND in command: with open("", "w+") as web_file: web_file.write("import crystal_internet\n\n") web_file.write(body) exec( with open("./database/web_results.txt", 'r') as web_results: helper += elif CLI_COMMAND in command: os.system(body) elif NOTE_COMMAND in command: note(body) if helper: record_chat("Helper", helper) response = perceptrix("<|im_start|>CRYSTAL\n"+response+"<|im_end|>\n<|im_start|>Helper\n"+helper+"\n<|im_start|>CRYSTAL\n") output(response) def get_weather(): global weather while True: data = get_weather_data() location = data["location"] temperature = data["temperature"] details = data["details"] name = data["name"] weather = f"{location} is {name} with {temperature} and {details}" time.sleep(90) eyes = threading.Thread(target=camera) ears = threading.Thread(target=live_listen) weather_thread = threading.Thread(target=get_weather) visual_processing = threading.Thread(target=understand_surroundings) ears.start() eyes.start() weather_thread.start() visual_processing.start() while True: full_history = load_chat() # username = find_user("recording.wav") username = "Vatsal" with open("database/notes.txt", "r") as notes: notes = input_text = f"Time- {get_time()}\nWeather- {weather}\nSurroundings- {current_events}"+(f"\nNotes- {notes}" if notes else "") with open("./database/input.txt", 'r') as recognized: recognized_text = if recognized_text: print("CRYSTAL heard:", recognized_text, "from", username) input_text += "\nPrompt: "+recognized_text keyword = search_keyword(input_text) relevant_history = [] with open("database/notes.txt", "r") as notes: notes = if keyword.startswith("Search Keyword"): keyword = keyword.split(":")[-1] elif keyword.startswith("Chat Index"): keyword = int(keyword.split(":")[-1]) if type(keyword) == str: for chat in full_history: if keyword in chat: relevant_history.append(chat) relevant_history = "\n".join(relevant_history) elif type(keyword) == int: relevant_history = full_history[keyword] relevant_history += "\n"+"\n".join(full_history[-3:]) prompt = f"{relevant_history}\n<|im_start|>{username}" + input_text + "<|im_end|>\n<|im_start|>CRYSTAL\n" response = perceptrix(prompt) response = "<###CRYSTAL-INTERNAL###> Speech\n"+response with open("./database/input.txt", 'w') as clearfile: clearfile.write("") if current_events != "": print("CRYSTAL sees:", current_events) response = perceptrix(input_text) current_events = "" output(response, input_text)