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license: apache-2.0 |
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6-4-2023 |
This list of Hungarian names collected for Wikipedia cleaned to text only |
every name represented on word level |
https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magyarorsz%C3%A1gon_anyak%C3%B6nyvezhet%C5%91_ut%C3%B3nevek_list%C3%A1ja |
- `Splited_by_Char` directory contains names collected alphabetically and then converted to one raw file `HuNames_onef.txt` |
- The `labels.txt` file generated during the Synthetic data generation developed tool |
- Then converted to JSON lines format (`labels.jsonl`) and `labels.parquet` for a more efficient way of big data storage |
- this data was prepared to mix with other data for the Handwriting recognition task |