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Jordan Green is also an all-round dickhead who's tweeted slurs against gay people, transgender people, women, black people, and has made rape jokes. I don't care if it was "a long time ago" he was an adult. He needs to be held accountable.
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to all men, women, gay, lesbians, and etc. Rape jokes, ‘sex-insulting’ jokes, harassment jokes, and imitating people who have special needs are not laughing matters. God created us to help each other, not harm each other. To all people who tell this kinds of joke, Fuck off!
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Memes are being circulated by Berners that show the rape & torture of Gay men with anti Pete comments. add that to the racist and sexist slurs made daily by Berners on here to women and POCs, and you're in great company. Self hate is a powerful thing.
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@sooze8968 @UndercoverMutha Not fascism, no no no. Just 'common sense nationalism'. What are you: some kind of leftard feminazi?!
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RT @avatarcmoney: Family Guy makes race jokes, gay jokes, rape jokes, etc and y'all still watch it. Save the fake mad @Dave Chappelle shit.
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@oscoscoscosc Exactly. It's a sexist marketing ploy.
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RT @JaydenKramer: I would rather have a blind dog as a ref than freakin Liz. I am sorry I am not sexist but that is why girls should not re…
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@RenMulligan 4chan gay sex joke, but not rape.
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@VerlisWolf Haha man you're like the Tumblr feminazi of pokemon. You have more of a Victim complex than Melody Hensley.
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I found this really upsetting,perhaps because l have worked with so many Gay & Straight males who been raped or sexually abused has http://children.Sex without consent should never be normalised or minimised in this way.Ask a rape victim Male or Female it’s not a joke
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RT @sports2inflatio: @soundscaper fathers are disposable, remember that. #adviceforyoungfeminists
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And he doesn't make any jokes about rape and he doesn't really call people "gay" as an insult often
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#MileyCyrus Miley Cyrus Makes Gay Date Rape Joke At London Gay Nightclub: VIDEO
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RT @iHateJono: Whos idea was it to hire a female as an NBA assistant coach. Man that is ridiculous, not sexist but that's not the place for…
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LOL OMG @Vino_Steph Call me sexist but I don't respect anything a girl has to say about football or sports itself lol
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Miley Cyrus shocks fans with date-rape 'joke' at GAY London gig, REAL TALK
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Yo they're taking a gay rape joke out of a game stop acting like it's a bad thing nerd
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@amberhasalamb what way?
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he was a feminist, he wanted equality, he hated sexist people & people who rape & he supported gay rights (!!!!)
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you think we're racist? Wasn't Joe a segregationist? You think we're sexist? Didn't Joe allegedly rape someone? You think we're homophobes? Didn't Joe vote against gay marriage? Refusing to criticise Joe and DNC leadership means you lose credibility long term
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#MKR if Cunt and Arsehole remain you are a bunch of rigged cunts!!
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last year/2017 he made these jokes about rape in a live-stream, he also mentally abused his ex who exposed him with proof , then he had this racist ass girlfriend that he just excused and never cared about anything she said. he also thinks it’s okay to us “gay” as an insult
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@flaminhawtfanta Apparently she made a date rape joke at G-A-Y. Said everyone's a little gay, it just takes a cocktail. If that doesn't work
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@PrivWhiteGirl Google "Kate Millett sister NOW" and enjoy. Long read.
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@_rododo feminazi
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Heard ppl joke about male rape victims saying "dude are u serious? A woman *forced* u to have sex?? Are u gay or smthg?" Disgusting tbh
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,ð LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pathetic ass bitches
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funny dick jokes/rape jokes about child molestation victims = not gay taking the internet seriously = fucking totally gay
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WOW TOP SHELF HUMOR @arabdizzle What's the point in having a cleaning lady when I have a mom and a sister? #NotSexist
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RT @Rildom1: @YesYoureSexist also get your shit straight before calling people out and just because i said a fact was wrong doesn't mean im…
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Ladies, stop flashing your boobs! It's rude!
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RT @JohnnyThorn: Call me sexist but making Thor a woman is a major bummer.
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I'm watching Netflix's "Comedians of the World." Representing the US are two white male comics, a black female comic, and Chris D'Elia. None of them out & queer (though one of the white comics starts off with a gay rape joke, so ).
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@AdamSmith_USA Can you define ignorant? She takes money from countries that kill gays and rape women to support herself. What a joke.
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That's crazy insensitive, especially now as it's a terrifying time to be locked up. We think they don't give give af about our health out here, imagine being caged up in forced labour with all this. And that gay joke even more stupid considering much of prison sex is rape.
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WHOA, a rare shit gem in the sewer. @Brettonme I'm not sexist I just really hope I don't have a daughter
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Fuck it, i'm young. No joke, i'm 69 and gay. Rape me.
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Saw an FB thread debating over the word "female" Apparently its objectifying and offensive Some say they dont see the problem Some say "at least it's not bitches" Some say they prefer "women" Some claim its "context" Srsly what else should you call humans with vaginas?
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These girls need to go. Their vanity is making me ill. Very unattractive #mkr
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Senator, if he’s responsible for her, then you should also do the same regarding the harassment Warren took or the gay rape jokes about Pete from your former surrogate. And there are more. So step up and lead or this is just a cheap political shot.
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Too bad they won't take you! @the_CRISPY_man Call me sexist all you want, but I'll take a woman who can cook over one who can't ANY DAY
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RT @MrWolfeee: Can't stand female announcers doing play by play for football. Not sexist but every time I hear Holly Rowe doing a game I ca…
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Most of our faves get away with rape jokes,women bashing,gay bashing and being entitled on their songs anyways but we still listen.Fucky
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RT @No_Berger Woman's half pipe is hard to watch... I'm not sexist but this is brutal. One finished run in the last 6 athletes #iwanttocry
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@Iloveoldtools Wiki
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Too bad the gay community felt the need to make rape jokes about Kesha and then belittle her success. Not a cute look, @sidetrackbar.
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feminazi Nice
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RT @SpenceyD94 I'm not sexist... But female football commentators are just not a good idea.
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@TheRealBwian @Chuckaholik I know. I used to make gay jokes, rape jokes, Jew jokes, Christian jokes & black jokes. FUN! :p
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If she was emotional you'd blame gender too @oglefro I am not sexist... But I hate women announcers... They try to sound to analytical...
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👦 tech isn’t sexist
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Yeah. Barney Miller was reasonably progressive on some stuff, and even got some award for being progressive on gay rights, but there's old-school jokes about hitting your wife and the ep that handled spousal rape could have been handled *much* better.
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theyre either pale af skinny girls that look like otaku or a chubby short girl that wears glasses,no inbetweens ever (doesnt mean theyre all bad but 90% theyre the kind that make rape jokes in gay couples context)
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Miley Cyrus makes date rape joke onstage at GAY
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offensive gay joke. rape joke.
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Also gay jokes and anal-rape
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@GregSkyWilliams I still love you, Sky, just no more rape jokes pls. :( (It was part of the gay children thing you were talking about)
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Good lord. A sitting member of congress called her a "fucking bitch" in public and she's supposed to just take it? You know they do that to other female democrats as well. You know they've ALWAYS done it. I wouldn't call that an "attention grab."
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Miley Cyrus makes date rape joke onstage at GAY - During an impromptu appearance at London club GAY, the controver...
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Dr. Brown has pulled together an incredible section of resources we called "Rape Jokes" - with links to work by @rgay, Rebecca Solnit, Lindy West, @cameronesposito, and @autostraddle. #NanetteSyllabus
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We often just call men “niggas” which is worst than being called a female.... Respect is earned..... If I’m calling a woman a female it’s becuz I’m being respectful as well instead of just calling them “bitches” which I also do @a high level
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hi my name is jack grazer i'll comment on someone calling me gay but not on a rape joke i made and you are watching disney channel
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She’s such an evil bitch. Now who’s not smiling? Shove it. #Kat #MKR
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Seriously, "lady" is what my mom calls her closest friends, it's not like she said "bitch" or "female" or anything close to derogatory
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So that means when someone calls your mother or your sister or your daughter a fucking bitch, “ female dog“. It’s all right! Because they’re just telling the truth.
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@susanhaggard1 @sara771987 Telling him to get back in the truck might be a crime, but...along the lines of conspiracy or inciting a riot.
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People really out here making excuses for rape jokes, pedos, and gay slurs. I don’t want to cancel #Funimation but seriously... People are out here showing just how rubbish they are. @FUNimation this isn’t going away. Please show us you don’t support this crap.
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RT @brotheryellow: but a girl doesnt run as fast as a boy #LikeAGirl so focus on what she can do. like get pregnant and glorify motherhood …
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Proof Vic is a serial assaulter? Or do you count hugs as assault? Don't forget the hypocrisy that is #Funimation. :) #JellyBean joke. Nono Rape and gay jokes. That's fine #Sheep #Hypocrite
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Breaking what a feckin joke, islamic lunatics who believe in dark ages practices, want to throw gay people off of towers, rape children, torture animals, support honour killings and think all non believers deserve desth apparently killed innocent people 'unlawfully'
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Wolves? It's just very coincidental. Too much so to not at least be an inside joke but my life isn't a joke. Reminds me about that gay rape speech being called "sarcasm" by some gays.
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My friends never joke about gays or lesbians, nor race, rape, any form of abuse.... Not only my friends but people around my circle. Anything said that I feel it doesn't have a good taste or an insult I will raise it, even if it's in a form scripture, book, tweet, verbal etc
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Kevin Hart’s Get Hard Is a “Two-Hour Joke That Gay Rape is Hilarious” Read more at
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@CapitanHawk haha! I don't know if that was a gay innuendo or a prison rape joke, but either way, I liked it #burnburn
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Bruh females always tryna call a nigga gay how does not taking a bitch shopping everyday make you gay ? Females stupid as hell yo
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RT @TerminalW00k💪…
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Yep. U got that. Mr tuff guy. MAGA ðÂÂÂ𤣠just look at his hair/face/says it all. He's bat crap crazy. How the HELL did⦠
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Can people stop using autism, cancer, retarded, rape, gay, as common jokes and insults? I try to think I'm not some SJW but this annoys me.
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Kat is just plain, fucking awful #MKR
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watching the interview just because it's streaming on Netflix, 5 mins in: gay jokes, poo jokes, rape jokes. YAWN AF
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amongst everyone else who uses gay as an insult, makes rape jokes and uses the n word
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Holy cow! Very relatable. Say hello to my dad who is a Bishop pastor. Haahhahahhaa. You can’t be a Christian who is againt gay, same sex marriage, lgbt and support Duterte na nag j’joke about rape. Unacceptable and disgusting!
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don’t call me a female nigga, i’m a girl. i’m girl but you’re the one here acting like a bitch
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Thank you! I've always felt shitty when I keep seeing these people saying that I can't call myself a lesbian because I'm Pan, even tho I lean more toward females.
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I already knew Krist was homophobic. I will forever be angry at him for playing a gay guy. Anyway. Wow a rape joke. Ugh...
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Just like rape and gay jokes always hilarious
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Why boys crack up at rape jokes, think having a girlfriend is “gay,” and still can’t cry—and why we need to give them new and better models of masculinity.
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First off someone get this dumb bitch a mask and second too bad bru couldn’t call a female to come skull drag this bitch so he can make the delivery
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“@sadkxtty: (tw)instead they just joke about rape, abuse, constantly bash feminism, and bash gay men while hiding behind "satire"” facts.
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Idk man..."Bitch" has the same feeling as a someone calling a woman a "Female" It just doesn't sound right I'll call you a whore though
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since when does the hill at the footy count as a catwalk? isnt that what a promo girl is, pimping out jim beam at the footy? #mkr
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Dale Vince ex-wife wins divorce cash battle >> Bloody ridiculous. Let the man-hunt start!! Feminazi's rejoice.
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RT @calvindh: I get #nervous when I see a #woman driving. I get EXTRA nervous when I see a woman driving a speeding ambulance ... #NotSexist
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But unable to call out a colleague calling a female a ‘fucking bitch’ though
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RT @MensHumanRights: @MT8_9 @UndeadTurning @Mich_McConnell @Cerebrawl80 @TamedInsanity She doesn't know cuz, "Math is hard" but, some Gende…
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Yet here you are laughing at the plight of women and gay ppl an opinion doesn’t have to be stated to see what type of person you are. You laugh at rape jokes on twitter.
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RT @BC_Makin_It_Big: Call me sexist but I refuse to watch a football game in which a woman referees. #ItsaMansSport #DUKEvsUNC #NoWomenExis…
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There's a guy who makes gay, racist, and rape jokes and i just wanna be his friiieeeeeennnnd
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Today's Headline: "4 Reasons Why Men Joke About Gay Rape" by @SoundofMaddie