Automatic Speech Recognition
10K - 100K
Browse files
@@ -10,52 +10,36 @@ size_categories:
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# Uzbek Speech-to-Text (STT) Dataset
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This dataset contains audio
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## Dataset Structure
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The dataset is
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This folder contains audio data stored in `.tar` archives. Each `.tar` file contains multiple audio clips in `.mp3` format. The transcriptions for these files are also included in the `metadata.csv`.
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- **File format:** `.mp3` inside `.tar`
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- **Example file path:** `audio/uz_other_dataset/uz_other_0.tar`
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- **File format:** `.mp3` inside `.tar`
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- **Example file path:** `audio/uz_validated_dataset/uz_validated_0.tar`
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## Metadata
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The dataset includes a `metadata.csv` file that provides the following columns:
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- **`file_name`:** The path to the audio file relative to the `audio/` folder.
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- **`transcription`:** The corresponding transcription for the audio file.
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### Example Row
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audio/wavs/file_299-0dae1d85fd1e109ddca5d1d394ff18cf.wav,qabul davomida 16 nafar fuqaroning 17 ta turli masalalardagi murojaatlari ko'rib chiqildi
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audio/uz_other_dataset/common_voice_uz_28889488.mp3,Ammo yig‘lashga arziydigan xato bor.
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audio/uz_validated_dataset/common_voice_uz_30538165.mp3,Toshkent va Sirdaryoda yer maydonini sotmoqchi bo‘lgan firibgarlar ushlandi
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audio/uz_train_dataset/common_voice_uz_40010123.mp3,Toshkent va Sirdaryoda yer maydonini sotmoqchi bo‘lgan firibgarlar ushlandi
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# Uzbek Speech-to-Text (STT) Dataset
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This dataset contains audio recordings in Uzbek and their corresponding transcriptions. The dataset is organized into several folders based on different subsets, such as validated, train, and other datasets.
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## Dataset Structure
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The dataset is structured as follows:
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- **audio/**: Contains all audio files.
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- **uz_other_dataset/**: Contains `.tar` files, each containing multiple `.wav` files.
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- **uz_train_dataset/**: Contains `.tar` files, each containing multiple `.wav` files.
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- **uz_validated_dataset/**: Contains `.tar` files, each containing multiple `.wav` files.
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- **wavs/**: Contains individual `.wav` files.
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- **transcription/**: Contains `.tsv` files with transcriptions.
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- **other.tsv**: Transcriptions for `uz_other_dataset`.
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- **train.tsv**: Transcriptions for `uz_train_dataset`.
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- **validated.tsv**: Transcriptions for `uz_validated_dataset`.
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- **wavs.tsv**: Transcriptions for `wavs`.
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## Example Data
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Each `.tsv` file contains the following columns:
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- `file_name`: Path to the audio file.
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- `transcription`: Corresponding transcription text.
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### Example:
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file_name | transcription
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audio/uz_validated_dataset/common_voice_uz_30061653.mp3 | Xola, anuv shokoladingizdan obering, dedi chamasi etti yasharlar qiz bidirlab.
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audio/uz_validated_dataset/common_voice_uz_28897734.mp3 | Men bu kunni hayotimdagi eng baxtli kun deb hisoblayman.
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audio/uz_validated_dataset/common_voice_uz_32191851.mp3 | Qopag‘on itga suyak kerak yoki tayoq.