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Why do reddit pages not open in new tabs?
Are there bad effects of too much estrogen?
What's the deal with the royal wedding?
Teachers, would this be appropriate on your classroom?
What do you regret not doing?
Do you even know why?
When you were younger, did your parents ever told you to do something weird that you still don't understand now that you're already a grown up?
Did anyone find Buddhism helpful for dealing with all of this?
What is something you've experienced where multiple dimensions seems to be the only logical explanation?
What's something you want to get off your chest?
Does a defendent in a parental rights termination case have the right to a public defender?
Toll booth workers, how do you get to work and how do you come back?
How people treat you differently after the change?
What are some easy life lessons that took you wayyy too long to learn?
How productive are you in your current roles?
What is some terminology from your field of interest that can be hilarious when taken out of context?
Redditors of Reddit, what's the best way to browse reddit on mobile?
What's your all time top 3 bands of rock?
Which subreddit is the best to get sucked into?
What song did you dislike as a child, but now love as an adult?
What are some thoughts that keep you up at night?
What event(s) reaffirmed your fAm I the asshole in a God?
What was the most awkward morning after?
What does it mean to you to be understood?
What are some cool reddit bots that you can summon?
How did people balance their "checkbook?"
What is the meaning behind "tea" in social media now?
What's Something your group of friends hate but you secretly like and haven't told them?
What's your best fried chicken recipe?
Why can I no longer view your nsfw content?
Am I the asshole for peeing in the tub?
What always seems to fall apart on you?
Have you ever considered travelling long-term?
What screams, "I'm wealthy, but I earned it through hard work"?
Is a vegan diet really so much more healthy in comparison to just eating normally?
What is a Criminal Application?
What's a common phrase that people always seem to screw up?
Whats the public perception of San Diego?
What was an underappreciated menu item that no longer exists?
Who's only value is your sexuality, how does that make you feel?
What are some of you sources of happiness in life?
What do you guys think about solutionism?
Why weren't catapult-launched paratroopers strategically viable in medieval warfare?
If you were given $1 billion on the condition that you had to spend it on something completely impractical, what would you spend it on?
What is the worst reason to use a time machine?
Why satellites always go further from earth but not upward or downward from Earth location in space for extraterrestrial researches?
Gay community obsessed with Instagram?
What is that weird thing that makes you horny every time?
What are some of your favorite memories of your kids?
Why has IRobot and I am legend not in the making of a prequel yet?
Which philosophers can I use to talk about bio law, bioethics and assisted human reproduction?
What's the most scared youve ever been for it to turn out to be nothing or nothing scary?
Looks like an axolotyl with wings, what is it?
What do you think your purpose in life is?
What's your personal hell?
What expression NEEDS TO GO?
Why is it that saying something bad about a few Americans is regarded as 'hating America'?
Can you be forced to get yourself extradited by testifying under immunity in another sovereignty?
What's the scariest thing you've seen while visiting a foreign country?
What is the worst thing that you were blamed for, but didn't do?
What's the scariest scare question that you've ever been to scared to ask?
People who are native speakers of other languages - how has all this English affected the way you speak German, French, Thai, Uzbek, Russian, Portuguese, etc?
What personal benefits can an individual gain from joining your branch of the military?
How do I tell my future husband i'm going blind?
People who use Bing instead of Google, why are you terrible?
Brides of Reddit-- what are the worst bridesmaidzilla stories you have?
Can you do anything with a minor in music?
Besides Call of Duty, what game has the most hostile online community?
Which cults should one avoid making an enemy of?
Students of Reddit currently enrolled in the quarter system, how fucked are you right now?
What would life be like if dinosaurs still existed?
What is the subreddit that gives animals names like trash panda and danger noodle?
I can hear music for the first time ever, what should I listen to?
Whats the one thing that always brings out your inner child?
What to write in a diary like this?
What are some unconventional nice things you can do for others?
What are your most grotesque and embarrassing family recipes?
Did I just experience domestic abuse?
What would you do if there was a sub component of your mind extremely receptive to negative human emotion, this is why you couldn't function in the world?
What is your relationship like with your parents?
What's the most endearing (or weirdest) thing about your SO that made you realize they were the one?
How long should I wait before smoking after having a Peritonsillar Abscess drained?
What's the best banter you've ever been apart of?
What is something you thought you were gonna regret in the moment, but ended up being the best decision you ever made?
What's the most elaborate prank you or someone you know has done?
What is so fascinating about twins that you have to freak out every time you see a pair?
Why don't tobacco companies develop healthier cigarettes, so that their customers live longer and thus consume more cigarettes?
Is Sunday the beginning of the week for you, or the ending?
What are some of your best recent impulse purchases?
For someone who has lived in the jungle for so long, why does Tarzan not have a beard?
What simple everyday skill took you a freakishly long time to learn?
If you're under water and everything's wet, are you actually wet?
How do you deal with changing dysphoria?
What do you wish was more socially acceptable where you live?
If you found out your son wasn't yours, would you want to continue raising him?
What modern technology do you think would have the most impact on the 1940's - 1960's if it were transported to the time period using a time machine?
What extra "features" on a car increases its price dramaticaly?
Do people with Tourette's ever get any serious neck problems?
When Google searching, Why does Google switch around the maps and images tabs?
If someone were to bust inside my house and start attacking me, is it legal for me to kill them?
Where were you when Blizzard went full EA?
Since teeth are bones, is it possible to get cavities in other body in different parts of the body?
What happens if we stimulate the cones in our eyes at impossible ratios?
What's the cheapest Nvidia or Radeon card that someone could use to do photo and movie editing on a LG ultrawide monitor 38uc99-w?
What percentage of customers make unwanted sexual requests?
How do modern holograms work?
What is one thing you wish you could change about your life?
Women who've been pregnant and had morning sickness during work - how did you deal with it?
People of reddit - what do you deserve?
Why does it feel much more natural to drum my fingers from my pinky to index finger than the other way around?
Is the total mass of the universe increasing the higher up we go in the number of dimensions?
Have you ever had ear wax just fall out of your head?
What aspects of the TV show The Office were most strikingly accurate to you?
What is one thing you hope the future will remember this time period for?
What's the difference between a redneck and a hick?
Who else eats the cereal first before eating then marshmallows in a bowl of Lucky Charms?
What do you wish someone would ask you?
If Animals Had Evolved At The Same Rate Of Humans (In Terms Of Intelligence), What Do You Think Would Be The Dominant Species On Earth Today?
Who's your favorite Nintendo Character?
Whats the easiest way to make money online you know of?
Why there is no repost detection in Reddit?
What's a rewarding or useful first job for a teen during the summer?
What is your motivation for doing whatever it is that you do?
If you only had 3 hours to sleep until you had to get up and alarms rarely wake you up, would you stay up or sleep, and why?
What was it like saving your self for marriage?
What would be the slowest speed you could accept for free Wi-fi?
Which defining moment made you realize you were turning into your parent(s)?
How do you deal with ageing?
How can I decide how much "engineering" should I apply to build something?
What is one stereotype or social norm you would get rid of?
Motels and Hotels are so damn expensive in USA, where do people go to have if they don't have their own private places?
Why do we feel worthless if we had family that emphasized the opposite?
What is the most ridiculous reason someone has broken up with you for?
What are some things you DON'T take to a funeral?
What was the most expensive gadget that you regretted buying?
Who wins in a 1 v 1: a lion, a grizzly bear, or a bengal tiger?
What are some government jobs that are overpaid, give you fat bonuses, allow you to travel and are a huge waste of taxpayer money?
What's the scariest thing we can experience as humans?
In your opinion, is sex immoral?
People who have changed from one job to another completely different trade, how did you manage?
My ex unfollowed me on IG but still kept our pictures up?
If you could erase your memory of one video game in order to give yourself the opportunity to experience it for the"first time" all over again, what would it be?
What is your best "instant karma" story?
What are these plants?
What's your funniest sleepwalking or sleep-talking story?
Why do you keep floating in salty water and not in non-salty water?
What makes you, YOU?
Does the masking tape they put on the edges of newly installed windshield's of vehicles really do anything beneficial?
How do I respond to a person who says they'll date me if I lose weight?
If Frodo Baggins is 33 in The Fellowship of the Ring why was an 18 year old Elijah Woods cast to play him?
How many countries of the world have you visited?
Why do you deserve Reddit Gold?
Need advice on how to stop the hate?
How does one learn to be charming?
How do I make friends with crows?
Why can't I fall out of love?
Was a pig actually tried for murder in Medieval France, and why would animals have been put on trial?
What is freedom and which are its limitations?
How do UK tax rebates work?
If tears are salty why dont they burn your eyes?
What is your act and how long have you been performing?
How on earth was the Ripper ever considered a good idea?
Spouses what are you not doing for your significant other?
How do I text people better on dating apps?
What are your WORST pet peeves and stories?
If stalin was so bad then why did he provide so many job opportunities?
If you opened a fancy bagel focussed deli, what would you call it?
Millie Bobby Brown is homophobic?
What's something that happened in your life that you still have no idea how it happened?
What post, from any subreddit, do you know was directed at you?
From an evolutionary perspective, what made people whose emotions were changed by music more likely to survive?
What kind of presents do you prepare for Thanksgiving?
Do communities like the Amish have their own jails and justice system?
What is your average daily routine?
What is the stupidest thing someone you know have said they believe in?
Out of all discontinued food what do you miss the most?
Is heavy or lightweight shoes better for medium distance running?
Small lump on back of shoulder close to armpit?
What do you want the next meme song to be?
If you could immortalize anything, other than people, what would it be?
If 81% of Greenhouse Gas emissions are Carbon Dioxide (CO2), can't we figure out a way to turn that CO2 into O2 or other compounds, similar to how plants turn it into O2 and sugar?
What's the best plate of food you've ever fixed yourself?
What were some of history's biggest marketing catastrophes among well-known companies?
When you're on Facebook and it has the green Messenger circle with the time stamp, does that mean they were on Facebook or using Messenger?
Why do we imagine noises when we watch a GIF?
If marriage is til death, do married people who are dead for a short time and revived have to get re-married, explain?
What kind of person does the world need right now?
Why is poison poisonous?
How many people died building the great wall of China?
Why people don't create a new word to describe " can't smell"?
What is the best Halloween candy?
What's something you notice on a person that almost nobody else would?
Is Half of infinity is still infinity?
What did you learn about the opposite end of the personality spectrum (introvert vs extrovert) when being around people more?
What is your favorite game and why is it the best?
Assuming it is kept in the fridge once opened, what is the shelf life for homemade brandy made from blueberries, vodka, and sugar?
Psych Majors: Did any of you minor in English?
What's the dumbest thing you've seen an American tourist do?
Can someone explain what the "Chungus" is?
Why did Subject 16 "encrypt" his massive secret with a series of simple puzzle games that basically anyone can do?
Which celebrity has the biggest ego?
Do you know Dorothy?
What is the worst case of a public meltdown that you have ever seen?
Why do people seem so mean, insensitive and cold?
My gf stalks me on Reddit, what are some of the nice things you would wanna say to her?
How to I tell my loved ones I have to repeat the 1st year?
What is your go-to meal at a restaurant?
When have you caught someone impersonating an asshole with a particular viewpoint in order to perpetuate an unrealistically negative image of people who share that view?
What's ahead of its time right now?
What is your version of twiddling your thumbs?
What do your friends post on social media that they think is need-to-know that you definitely do not need to know?
Why do bubbles automatically form in a spherical shape?
Did any of you end up actually having a narc in your school?
When did you discover that a pickle is actually a cucumber?
Which act of pure badassery from elderly people have you witnessed?
Would an enhanced sense of hearing from going blind increase or decrease the 'volume' of tinnitus?
Solid black beetle with long, striped antennae?
How do meme wars work?
People who loves late night shows, do you find Jimmy Fallon funny?
Why does it always feel like I have boogers in my nose when I don't?
What is your country's postal service like, and what do people do to accommodate it?
What's something that's cool in the movies but not in real life?
Why do most vegetarians not eat eggs?
What makes a sad songs sad?
Why are things like pancakes not copyrighted?