Search is not available for this dataset
10 values
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(function (done) { awsMock.restore(); done(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> chore(deps): upgrade devDependencies Modify the tests according to the changes in node-tap. <DFF> @@ -10,9 +10,8 @@ const Readable = require('stream').Readable; AWS.config.paramValidation = false; -tap.afterEach(function (done) { +tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); - done(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){
chore(deps): upgrade devDependencies
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(function (done) { awsMock.restore(); done(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> chore(deps): upgrade devDependencies Modify the tests according to the changes in node-tap. <DFF> @@ -10,9 +10,8 @@ const Readable = require('stream').Readable; AWS.config.paramValidation = false; -tap.afterEach(function (done) { +tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); - done(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){
chore(deps): upgrade devDependencies
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Fixes issues where jest replace function had an implementation and with calling the mocked method with a single parameter <DFF> @@ -620,6 +620,17 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); }); + t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { + const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); + awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); + const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); + db.getItem(function(err, data){ + st.equal(data, 'message'); + st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); + st.end(); + }); + }); + t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); @@ -632,7 +643,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { - const jestMock = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { + const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); @@ -655,6 +666,28 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); }); + t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { + const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); + awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); + const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); + db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ + st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); + st.equal(data, 'item'); + st.end(); + }); + }); + + t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { + const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); + awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); + const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); + db.getItem(function(err, data){ + st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); + st.equal(data, 'item'); + st.end(); + }); + }); + t.end(); });
Fixes issues where jest replace function had an implementation and with calling the mocked method with a single parameter
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Fixes issues where jest replace function had an implementation and with calling the mocked method with a single parameter <DFF> @@ -620,6 +620,17 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); }); + t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { + const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); + awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); + const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); + db.getItem(function(err, data){ + st.equal(data, 'message'); + st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); + st.end(); + }); + }); + t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); @@ -632,7 +643,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { - const jestMock = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { + const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); @@ -655,6 +666,28 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); }); + t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { + const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); + awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); + const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); + db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ + st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); + st.equal(data, 'item'); + st.end(); + }); + }); + + t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { + const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); + awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); + const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); + db.getItem(function(err, data){ + st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); + st.equal(data, 'item'); + st.end(); + }); + }); + t.end(); });
Fixes issues where jest replace function had an implementation and with calling the mocked method with a single parameter
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> allow spy to return promise rather than call callback <DFF> @@ -136,6 +136,26 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.end(); }); }); + t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ + awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'getFunction'); + awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'createFunction'); + var error = new Error('on purpose'); + awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { + return Promise.resolve('message') + }); + awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { + return Promise.reject(error) + }); + var lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); + lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { + st.equals(data, 'message'); + }).then(function(){ + return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); + }).catch(function(data){ + st.equals(data, error); + st.end(); + }); + }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows');
allow spy to return promise rather than call callback
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> allow spy to return promise rather than call callback <DFF> @@ -136,6 +136,26 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.end(); }); }); + t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ + awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'getFunction'); + awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'createFunction'); + var error = new Error('on purpose'); + awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { + return Promise.resolve('message') + }); + awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { + return Promise.reject(error) + }); + var lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); + lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { + st.equals(data, 'message'); + }).then(function(){ + return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); + }).catch(function(data){ + st.equals(data, error); + st.end(); + }); + }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows');
allow spy to return promise rather than call callback
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); var signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> PR corrections <DFF> @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); - var signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); + var signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); });
PR corrections
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); var signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> PR corrections <DFF> @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); - var signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); + var signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); });
PR corrections
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be mocked. */ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { // If the service does not exist yet, we need to create and stub it. if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ services[service].Constructor = traverse(_AWS).get(service.split('.')); services[service].methodMocks = {}; services[service].invoked = false; mockService(service); } // Register the method to be mocked out. if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** * Stub the constructor for the service on AWS. * E.g. calls of new AWS.SNS() are replaced. */ function mockService(service) { const nestedServices = service.split('.'); const method = nestedServices.pop(); const object = traverse(_AWS).get(nestedServices); const serviceStub = sinon.stub(object, method).callsFake(function(...args) { services[service].invoked = true; /** * Create an instance of the service by calling the real constructor * we stored before. E.g. const client = new AWS.SNS() * This is necessary in order to mock methods on the service. */ const client = new services[service].Constructor(...args); services[service].clients = services[service].clients || []; services[service].clients.push(client); // Once this has been triggered we can mock out all the registered methods. for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { return new Readable({ read: function(size) { this.push(null); } }); } }; // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> fix: backport stream code to node 0.10 <DFF> @@ -137,11 +137,11 @@ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { - return new Readable({ - read: function(size) { - this.push(null); - } - }); + var stream = new Readable(); + stream._read = function(size) { + this.push(null); + }; + return stream; } }; // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments.
fix: backport stream code to node 0.10
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be mocked. */ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { // If the service does not exist yet, we need to create and stub it. if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ services[service].Constructor = traverse(_AWS).get(service.split('.')); services[service].methodMocks = {}; services[service].invoked = false; mockService(service); } // Register the method to be mocked out. if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** * Stub the constructor for the service on AWS. * E.g. calls of new AWS.SNS() are replaced. */ function mockService(service) { const nestedServices = service.split('.'); const method = nestedServices.pop(); const object = traverse(_AWS).get(nestedServices); const serviceStub = sinon.stub(object, method).callsFake(function(...args) { services[service].invoked = true; /** * Create an instance of the service by calling the real constructor * we stored before. E.g. const client = new AWS.SNS() * This is necessary in order to mock methods on the service. */ const client = new services[service].Constructor(...args); services[service].clients = services[service].clients || []; services[service].clients.push(client); // Once this has been triggered we can mock out all the registered methods. for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { return new Readable({ read: function(size) { this.push(null); } }); } }; // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> fix: backport stream code to node 0.10 <DFF> @@ -137,11 +137,11 @@ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { - return new Readable({ - read: function(size) { - this.push(null); - } - }); + var stream = new Readable(); + stream._read = function(size) { + this.push(null); + }; + return stream; } }; // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments.
fix: backport stream code to node 0.10
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { console.dir(callback); callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); var S3 = new AWS.S3(); st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Remove stray console message <DFF> @@ -142,7 +142,6 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { - console.dir(callback); callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); var S3 = new AWS.S3();
Remove stray console message
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { console.dir(callback); callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); var S3 = new AWS.S3(); st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Remove stray console message <DFF> @@ -142,7 +142,6 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { - console.dir(callback); callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); var S3 = new AWS.S3();
Remove stray console message
<NME> <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> Create <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ +_**Please read** our_ [**contribution guide**]( (_thank you_!)
<NME> <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> Create <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ +_**Please read** our_ [**contribution guide**]( (_thank you_!)
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.end(); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> When remock is called, update all instances of client <DFF> @@ -113,6 +113,28 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.end(); }); }); + t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, 'message 1'); + }); + const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); + const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); + + awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, 'message 2'); + }); + + sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ + st.equals(data, 'message 2'); + + sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ + st.equals(data, 'message 2'); + st.end(); + }); + + }); + }); + t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message');
When remock is called, update all instances of client
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.end(); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> When remock is called, update all instances of client <DFF> @@ -113,6 +113,28 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.end(); }); }); + t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, 'message 1'); + }); + const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); + const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); + + awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, 'message 2'); + }); + + sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ + st.equals(data, 'message 2'); + + sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ + st.equals(data, 'message 2'); + st.end(); + }); + + }); + }); + t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message');
When remock is called, update all instances of client
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; st.equals(data, 'message'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); }) }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equals(data, 'message'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); }) }) t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); var s3 = new AWS.S3(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equals(data, 'message'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); }) }) t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ st.equals(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); }) }) t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equals(data, 'message'); st.end(); }) }); }); if (typeof(Promise) === 'function') { callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equals(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise() }).catch(function(data){ st.equals(data, error); st.end(); }); }) t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); var S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }) t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'getFunction'); awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'createFunction'); t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equals(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise() }).catch(function(data){ st.equals(data, error); st.end(); }); }) t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'getFunction'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { }); var lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { var self = this function yay (value) { self.value = value } handler(yay, function(){}) } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P) var promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise() st.equals(, 'P') promise.then(function(data) { st.equals(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }) } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body') awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body') awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equals(actual.toString(), '') awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equals(actual.toString(), '') awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); st.equals(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }) t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); st.equals(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equals(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }) t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equals(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equals(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }) t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ st.equals(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }) }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equals(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query'); st.end(); }) }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equals(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }) t.test('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { var stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equals(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e) } }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'message'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); }) }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message') }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Merge remote-tracking branch 'dwyl/master' into unhandled-rejections <DFF> @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(data, 'message'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); - }) + }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(data, 'message'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); - }) - }) + }); + }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); var s3 = new AWS.S3(); @@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(data, 'message'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); - }) - }) + }); + }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); @@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); - }) - }) + }); + }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equals(data, 'message'); st.end(); - }) + }); }); }); if (typeof(Promise) === 'function') { @@ -130,12 +130,12 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equals(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ - return lambda.createFunction({}).promise() + return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equals(data, error); st.end(); }); - }) + }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func var S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); - }) + }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'getFunction'); awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'createFunction'); @@ -162,12 +162,12 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equals(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ - return lambda.createFunction({}).promise() + return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equals(data, error); st.end(); }); - }) + }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'getFunction'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { @@ -175,21 +175,21 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); var lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { - var self = this + var self = this; function yay (value) { - self.value = value + self.value = value; } - handler(yay, function(){}) + handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; - AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P) - var promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise() - st.equals(, 'P') + AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); + var promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); + st.equals(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equals(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); - }) + }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { - st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body') + st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body'); awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { - st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body') + st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body'); awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { - st.equals(actual.toString(), '') + st.equals(actual.toString(), ''); awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { - st.equals(actual.toString(), '') + st.equals(actual.toString(), ''); awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); @@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); - }) + }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equals(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); - }) + }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equals(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); - }) + }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); - }) + }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query'); st.end(); - }) + }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); - }) + }); t.test('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { var stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equals(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { - console.log(e) + console.log(e); } }); @@ -447,15 +447,43 @@ test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { st.equals(data, 'message'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); - }) + }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { - awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message') + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); + awsMock.restore(); + + st.end(); + }); + t.end(); +}); + +test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { + t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { + var aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); + awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ + st.equals(data, 'message2'); + awsMock.restore('SNS'); + st.end(); + }); + }); + + t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { + var bad = {}; + awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); + st.throws(function() { + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); + }); + awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); + awsMock.restore(); st.end(); }); t.end();
Merge remote-tracking branch 'dwyl/master' into unhandled-rejections
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; st.equals(data, 'message'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); }) }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equals(data, 'message'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); }) }) t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); var s3 = new AWS.S3(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equals(data, 'message'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); }) }) t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ st.equals(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); }) }) t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equals(data, 'message'); st.end(); }) }); }); if (typeof(Promise) === 'function') { callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equals(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise() }).catch(function(data){ st.equals(data, error); st.end(); }); }) t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); var S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }) t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'getFunction'); awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'createFunction'); t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equals(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise() }).catch(function(data){ st.equals(data, error); st.end(); }); }) t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'getFunction'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { }); var lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { var self = this function yay (value) { self.value = value } handler(yay, function(){}) } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P) var promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise() st.equals(, 'P') promise.then(function(data) { st.equals(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }) } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body') awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body') awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equals(actual.toString(), '') awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equals(actual.toString(), '') awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); st.equals(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }) t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); st.equals(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equals(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }) t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equals(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equals(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }) t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ st.equals(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }) }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equals(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query'); st.end(); }) }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equals(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }) t.test('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { var stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equals(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e) } }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'message'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); }) }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message') }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Merge remote-tracking branch 'dwyl/master' into unhandled-rejections <DFF> @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(data, 'message'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); - }) + }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(data, 'message'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); - }) - }) + }); + }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); var s3 = new AWS.S3(); @@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(data, 'message'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); - }) - }) + }); + }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); @@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); - }) - }) + }); + }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equals(data, 'message'); st.end(); - }) + }); }); }); if (typeof(Promise) === 'function') { @@ -130,12 +130,12 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equals(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ - return lambda.createFunction({}).promise() + return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equals(data, error); st.end(); }); - }) + }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func var S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); - }) + }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'getFunction'); awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'createFunction'); @@ -162,12 +162,12 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equals(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ - return lambda.createFunction({}).promise() + return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equals(data, error); st.end(); }); - }) + }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'getFunction'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { @@ -175,21 +175,21 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); var lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { - var self = this + var self = this; function yay (value) { - self.value = value + self.value = value; } - handler(yay, function(){}) + handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; - AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P) - var promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise() - st.equals(, 'P') + AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); + var promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); + st.equals(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equals(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); - }) + }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); @@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { - st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body') + st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body'); awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); @@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { - st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body') + st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body'); awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { - st.equals(actual.toString(), '') + st.equals(actual.toString(), ''); awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); @@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { - st.equals(actual.toString(), '') + st.equals(actual.toString(), ''); awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); @@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); - }) + }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equals(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); - }) + }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equals(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); - }) + }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); @@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); - }) + }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query'); st.end(); - }) + }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); - }) + }); t.test('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { var stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equals(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); @@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { - console.log(e) + console.log(e); } }); @@ -447,15 +447,43 @@ test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { st.equals(data, 'message'); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.end(); - }) + }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { - awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message') + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); + awsMock.restore(); + + st.end(); + }); + t.end(); +}); + +test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { + t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { + var aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); + awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ + st.equals(data, 'message2'); + awsMock.restore('SNS'); + st.end(); + }); + }); + + t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { + var bad = {}; + awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); + st.throws(function() { + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); + }); + awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); + awsMock.restore(); st.end(); }); t.end();
Merge remote-tracking branch 'dwyl/master' into unhandled-rejections
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( <!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, 'successfully put item in database'); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data AWS.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.from(require('fs').readFileSync('testFile.csv'))); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); ## Background Reading * (Mocking using Sinon.js)[] * (AWS Lambda)[] **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> Adds table of contents to Readme <DFF> @@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: +* [Why](#why) +* [What](#what) +* [Getting Started](#how) +* [Documentation](#documentation) +* [Background Reading](#background-reading) + ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. @@ -108,7 +114,7 @@ i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ## Background Reading -* (Mocking using Sinon.js)[] -* (AWS Lambda)[] +* [Mocking using Sinon.js]( +* [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving**
Adds table of contents to Readme
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( <!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, 'successfully put item in database'); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data AWS.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.from(require('fs').readFileSync('testFile.csv'))); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); ## Background Reading * (Mocking using Sinon.js)[] * (AWS Lambda)[] **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> Adds table of contents to Readme <DFF> @@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: +* [Why](#why) +* [What](#what) +* [Getting Started](#how) +* [Documentation](#documentation) +* [Background Reading](#background-reading) + ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. @@ -108,7 +114,7 @@ i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ## Background Reading -* (Mocking using Sinon.js)[] -* (AWS Lambda)[] +* [Mocking using Sinon.js]( +* [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving**
Adds table of contents to Readme
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> Merge pull request #2 from dwyl/v1 V1of module <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +var test = require('tape'); +var awsMock = require('../index.js'); +var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); + +test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ + t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ + st.equals(data, 'message'); + awsMock.restore('SNS'); + st.end(); + }) + }); + t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "message"); + }); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ + st.equals(data, 'message'); + awsMock.restore('SNS'); + st.end(); + }) + }) + t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "message"); + }); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "test"); + }); + sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ + st.equals(data, 'message'); + awsMock.restore('SNS'); + st.end(); + }) + }) + t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "message"); + }); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "test"); + }); + sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ + st.equals(data, 'test'); + awsMock.restore('SNS'); + st.end(); + }) + }) + t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "message"); + }); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); + + awsMock.restore('SNS'); + + st.equals(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); + st.end(); + }) + t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "message"); + }); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); + st.equals(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); + + awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); + + st.equals(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); + st.equals(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); + st.end(); + }) + t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "message"); + }); + awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "test"); + }); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + var dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); + + st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); + st.equals(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); + st.equals(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); + st.equals(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); + + awsMock.restore(); + + st.equals(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); + st.equals(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); + st.equals(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); + st.equals(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); + st.end(); + }) + t.end(); +});
Merge pull request #2 from dwyl/v1
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> Merge pull request #2 from dwyl/v1 V1of module <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +var test = require('tape'); +var awsMock = require('../index.js'); +var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); + +test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ + t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ + st.equals(data, 'message'); + awsMock.restore('SNS'); + st.end(); + }) + }); + t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "message"); + }); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ + st.equals(data, 'message'); + awsMock.restore('SNS'); + st.end(); + }) + }) + t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "message"); + }); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "test"); + }); + sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ + st.equals(data, 'message'); + awsMock.restore('SNS'); + st.end(); + }) + }) + t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "message"); + }); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "test"); + }); + sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ + st.equals(data, 'test'); + awsMock.restore('SNS'); + st.end(); + }) + }) + t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "message"); + }); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); + + awsMock.restore('SNS'); + + st.equals(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); + st.end(); + }) + t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "message"); + }); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); + st.equals(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); + + awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); + + st.equals(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); + st.equals(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); + st.end(); + }) + t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "message"); + }); + awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ + callback(null, "test"); + }); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + var dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); + + st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); + st.equals(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); + st.equals(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); + st.equals(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); + + awsMock.restore(); + + st.equals(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); + st.equals(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); + st.equals(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); + st.equals(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); + st.end(); + }) + t.end(); +});
Merge pull request #2 from dwyl/v1
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); st.end(); }) }) t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> You can now mock out multiple methods on the same service <DFF> @@ -51,6 +51,22 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.end(); }) }) + t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { + callback(null, 'message'); + }); + awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { + callback(null, 'message'); + }); + var lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); + lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { + st.equals(data, 'message'); + lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { + st.equals(data, 'message'); + st.end(); + }) + }); + }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message");
You can now mock out multiple methods on the same service
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); st.end(); }) }) t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> You can now mock out multiple methods on the same service <DFF> @@ -51,6 +51,22 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.end(); }) }) + t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { + callback(null, 'message'); + }); + awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { + callback(null, 'message'); + }); + var lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); + lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { + st.equals(data, 'message'); + lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { + st.equals(data, 'message'); + st.end(); + }) + }); + }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message");
You can now mock out multiple methods on the same service
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be mocked. */ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { // If the service does not exist yet, we need to create and stub it. if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ services[service].Constructor = traverse(_AWS).get(service.split('.')); services[service].methodMocks = {}; services[service].invoked = false; mockService(service); } // Register the method to be mocked out. if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method, function() { // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if(typeof(replace) === 'function') { return replace.apply(replace, arguments); } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; return callback(null, replace); } }); } /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } module.exports = AWS; if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> Add support for mocking AWS SDK's promises As of March 31, 2016 [the AWS SDK now supports Promises]( This means that you can now do things like this: ```js var s3 = new AWS.S3({apiVersion: '2006-03-01', region: 'us-west-2'}); var params = { Bucket: 'bucket', Key: 'example2.txt', Body: 'Uploaded text using the promise-based method!' }; var putObjectPromise = s3.putObject(params).promise(); putObjectPromise.then(function(data) { console.log('Success'); }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }); ``` Attempting to use aws-sdk-mock to mock methods that now no longer require a callback function causes issues, most notably: `TypeError: callback is not a function`. This PR attempts to resolve this issue by checking to see if the mocked method was passed a callback function. If it was passed a callback function then everything should behave exactly as it did before. But if it wasn't then it returns an object containing a single method `promise` which, when invoked, will execute the user's mocked response and the promise will branch based on what the callback returns. It will utilize the native/global promise if available, but it will also pick up on calls to `AWS.config.setPromisesDependency` so that the mocks can create new promises with the provided promise constructor. <DFF> @@ -84,15 +84,32 @@ function mockService(service) { */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method, function() { - // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. - if(typeof(replace) === 'function') { - return replace.apply(replace, arguments); - } - // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. - else { - var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; - return callback(null, replace); + var args =; + + // If the method was called w/o a callback function, assume they are consuming a Promise + if(typeof(AWS.Promise) === 'function' && typeof(args[args.length - 1]) !== 'function') { + return { + promise: function() { + return new AWS.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { + // Provide a callback function for the mock to invoke + args.push(function(err, val) { return err ? reject(err) : resolve(val) }) + return invokeMock() + }) + } + } } + + return (function invokeMock() { + // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. + if(typeof(replace) === 'function') { + return replace.apply(replace, args); + } + // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. + else { + var callback = args[args.length - 1]; + return callback(null, replace); + } + })() }); } @@ -151,4 +168,15 @@ function restoreMethod(service, method) { delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } +(function(){ + var setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; + if (typeof(setPromisesDependency) === 'function') { + AWS.Promise = typeof(Promise) === 'function' ? Promise : null; + _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { + AWS.Promise = p; + return setPromisesDependency(p); + }; + } +})() + module.exports = AWS;
Add support for mocking AWS SDK's promises
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be mocked. */ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { // If the service does not exist yet, we need to create and stub it. if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ services[service].Constructor = traverse(_AWS).get(service.split('.')); services[service].methodMocks = {}; services[service].invoked = false; mockService(service); } // Register the method to be mocked out. if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method, function() { // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if(typeof(replace) === 'function') { return replace.apply(replace, arguments); } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; return callback(null, replace); } }); } /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } module.exports = AWS; if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> Add support for mocking AWS SDK's promises As of March 31, 2016 [the AWS SDK now supports Promises]( This means that you can now do things like this: ```js var s3 = new AWS.S3({apiVersion: '2006-03-01', region: 'us-west-2'}); var params = { Bucket: 'bucket', Key: 'example2.txt', Body: 'Uploaded text using the promise-based method!' }; var putObjectPromise = s3.putObject(params).promise(); putObjectPromise.then(function(data) { console.log('Success'); }).catch(function(err) { console.log(err); }); ``` Attempting to use aws-sdk-mock to mock methods that now no longer require a callback function causes issues, most notably: `TypeError: callback is not a function`. This PR attempts to resolve this issue by checking to see if the mocked method was passed a callback function. If it was passed a callback function then everything should behave exactly as it did before. But if it wasn't then it returns an object containing a single method `promise` which, when invoked, will execute the user's mocked response and the promise will branch based on what the callback returns. It will utilize the native/global promise if available, but it will also pick up on calls to `AWS.config.setPromisesDependency` so that the mocks can create new promises with the provided promise constructor. <DFF> @@ -84,15 +84,32 @@ function mockService(service) { */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method, function() { - // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. - if(typeof(replace) === 'function') { - return replace.apply(replace, arguments); - } - // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. - else { - var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; - return callback(null, replace); + var args =; + + // If the method was called w/o a callback function, assume they are consuming a Promise + if(typeof(AWS.Promise) === 'function' && typeof(args[args.length - 1]) !== 'function') { + return { + promise: function() { + return new AWS.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { + // Provide a callback function for the mock to invoke + args.push(function(err, val) { return err ? reject(err) : resolve(val) }) + return invokeMock() + }) + } + } } + + return (function invokeMock() { + // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. + if(typeof(replace) === 'function') { + return replace.apply(replace, args); + } + // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. + else { + var callback = args[args.length - 1]; + return callback(null, replace); + } + })() }); } @@ -151,4 +168,15 @@ function restoreMethod(service, method) { delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } +(function(){ + var setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; + if (typeof(setPromisesDependency) === 'function') { + AWS.Promise = typeof(Promise) === 'function' ? Promise : null; + _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { + AWS.Promise = p; + return setPromisesDependency(p); + }; + } +})() + module.exports = AWS;
Add support for mocking AWS SDK's promises
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Reduce indentation in jest "throw" test/index.test.js Co-authored-by: Abe Tomoaki <> <DFF> @@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { - throw new Error('something went wrong') + throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB();
Reduce indentation in jest "throw" test/index.test.js
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Reduce indentation in jest "throw" test/index.test.js Co-authored-by: Abe Tomoaki <> <DFF> @@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => { - throw new Error('something went wrong') + throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB();
Reduce indentation in jest "throw" test/index.test.js
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( <!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, 'successfully put item in database'); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data AWS.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.from(require('fs').readFileSync('testFile.csv'))); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> Fixed minor markdown formatting issue <DFF> @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) -## Why? +## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*.
Fixed minor markdown formatting issue
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( <!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, 'successfully put item in database'); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data AWS.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.from(require('fs').readFileSync('testFile.csv'))); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> Fixed minor markdown formatting issue <DFF> @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) -## Why? +## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*.
Fixed minor markdown formatting issue
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( <!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Why](#why) * [What](#what) * [Getting Started](#how) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, 'successfully put item in database'); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data AWS.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.from(require('fs').readFileSync('testFile.csv'))); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): var AWS_SDK = require('aws-sdk') AWS.setSDKInstance(AWS_SDK); ### Configuring promises } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> Merge pull request #65 from Starefossen/patch-1 Add missing closing code block to README <DFF> @@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ var AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); var AWS_SDK = require('aws-sdk') AWS.setSDKInstance(AWS_SDK); +``` ### Configuring promises
Merge pull request #65 from Starefossen/patch-1
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( <!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Why](#why) * [What](#what) * [Getting Started](#how) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, 'successfully put item in database'); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data AWS.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.from(require('fs').readFileSync('testFile.csv'))); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): var AWS_SDK = require('aws-sdk') AWS.setSDKInstance(AWS_SDK); ### Configuring promises } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> Merge pull request #65 from Starefossen/patch-1 Add missing closing code block to README <DFF> @@ -178,6 +178,7 @@ var AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); var AWS_SDK = require('aws-sdk') AWS.setSDKInstance(AWS_SDK); +``` ### Configuring promises
Merge pull request #65 from Starefossen/patch-1
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; services[service].methodMocks = [] mockService(service, method, replace); } else { var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1 ; if (!methodMockExists) { mockServiceMethod(service, method, replace); } else { return; } /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ services[service].Constructor = traverse(_AWS).get(service.split('.')); services[service].methodMocks = {}; services[service].invoked = false; mockService(service); } // Register the method to be mocked out. if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** * Stub the constructor for the service on AWS. * E.g. calls of new AWS.SNS() are replaced. */ function mockService(service) { const nestedServices = service.split('.'); const method = nestedServices.pop(); const object = traverse(_AWS).get(nestedServices); const serviceStub = sinon.stub(object, method).callsFake(function(...args) { services[service].invoked = true; /** * Create an instance of the service by calling the real constructor * we stored before. E.g. const client = new AWS.SNS() * This is necessary in order to mock methods on the service. */ const client = new services[service].Constructor(...args); services[service].clients = services[service].clients || []; services[service].clients.push(client); // Once this has been triggered we can mock out all the registered methods. for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> Removed bitwise operator for more readability <DFF> @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { services[service].methodMocks = [] mockService(service, method, replace); } else { - var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1 ; + var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1; if (!methodMockExists) { mockServiceMethod(service, method, replace); } else { return; }
Removed bitwise operator for more readability
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; services[service].methodMocks = [] mockService(service, method, replace); } else { var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1 ; if (!methodMockExists) { mockServiceMethod(service, method, replace); } else { return; } /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ services[service].Constructor = traverse(_AWS).get(service.split('.')); services[service].methodMocks = {}; services[service].invoked = false; mockService(service); } // Register the method to be mocked out. if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** * Stub the constructor for the service on AWS. * E.g. calls of new AWS.SNS() are replaced. */ function mockService(service) { const nestedServices = service.split('.'); const method = nestedServices.pop(); const object = traverse(_AWS).get(nestedServices); const serviceStub = sinon.stub(object, method).callsFake(function(...args) { services[service].invoked = true; /** * Create an instance of the service by calling the real constructor * we stored before. E.g. const client = new AWS.SNS() * This is necessary in order to mock methods on the service. */ const client = new services[service].Constructor(...args); services[service].clients = services[service].clients || []; services[service].clients.push(client); // Once this has been triggered we can mock out all the registered methods. for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> Removed bitwise operator for more readability <DFF> @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { services[service].methodMocks = [] mockService(service, method, replace); } else { - var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1 ; + var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1; if (!methodMockExists) { mockServiceMethod(service, method, replace); } else { return; }
Removed bitwise operator for more readability
<NME> LICENSE <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> add Apache 2.0 license file fixes <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ + + Apache License + Version 2.0, January 2004 + + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION + + 1. Definitions. + + "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, + and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. + + "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by + the copyright owner that is granting the License. + + "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all + other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common + control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, + "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the + direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or + otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the + outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. + + "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity + exercising permissions granted by this License. + + "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, + including but not limited to software source code, documentation + source, and configuration files. + + "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical + transformation or translation of a Source form, including but + not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, + and conversions to other media types. + + "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or + Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a + copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work + (an example is provided in the Appendix below). + + "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object + form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the + editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications + represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes + of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain + separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, + the Work and Derivative Works thereof. + + "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including + the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions + to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally + submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner + or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of + the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" + means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent + to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to + communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, + and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the + Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but + excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise + designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." + + "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity + on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and + subsequently incorporated within the Work. + + 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, + publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the + Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. + + 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, + use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, + where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable + by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their + Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) + with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You + institute patent litigation against any entity (including a + cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work + or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct + or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses + granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate + as of the date such litigation is filed. + + 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the + Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without + modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You + meet the following conditions: + + (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or + Derivative Works a copy of this License; and + + (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that You changed the files; and + + (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works + that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and + attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, + excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of + the Derivative Works; and + + (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its + distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must + include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained + within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not + pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one + of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed + as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or + documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, + within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and + wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents + of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and + do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution + notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside + or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided + that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed + as modifying the License. + + You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and + may provide additional or different license terms and conditions + for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or + for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, + reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with + the conditions stated in this License. + + 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, + any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work + by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of + this License, without any additional terms or conditions. + Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify + the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed + with Licensor regarding such Contributions. + + 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade + names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, + except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the + origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. + + 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or + agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each + Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or + implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions + of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A + PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the + appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any + risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. + + 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, + whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, + unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly + negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be + liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, + incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a + result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the + Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, + work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all + other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor + has been advised of the possibility of such damages. + + 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing + the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, + and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, + or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this + License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only + on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf + of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, + defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability + incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason + of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. + + To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following + boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" + replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include + the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate + comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a + file or class name and description of purpose be included on the + same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier + identification within third-party archives. + + Copyright 2012-2018 + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License.
add Apache 2.0 license file fixes
<NME> LICENSE <BEF> ADDFILE <MSG> add Apache 2.0 license file fixes <DFF> @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ + + Apache License + Version 2.0, January 2004 + + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION + + 1. Definitions. + + "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, + and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. + + "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by + the copyright owner that is granting the License. + + "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all + other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common + control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, + "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the + direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or + otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the + outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. + + "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity + exercising permissions granted by this License. + + "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, + including but not limited to software source code, documentation + source, and configuration files. + + "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical + transformation or translation of a Source form, including but + not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, + and conversions to other media types. + + "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or + Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a + copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work + (an example is provided in the Appendix below). + + "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object + form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the + editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications + represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes + of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain + separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, + the Work and Derivative Works thereof. + + "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including + the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions + to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally + submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner + or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of + the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" + means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent + to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to + communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, + and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the + Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but + excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise + designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." + + "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity + on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and + subsequently incorporated within the Work. + + 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, + publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the + Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. + + 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, + use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, + where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable + by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their + Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) + with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You + institute patent litigation against any entity (including a + cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work + or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct + or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses + granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate + as of the date such litigation is filed. + + 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the + Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without + modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You + meet the following conditions: + + (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or + Derivative Works a copy of this License; and + + (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that You changed the files; and + + (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works + that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and + attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, + excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of + the Derivative Works; and + + (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its + distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must + include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained + within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not + pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one + of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed + as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or + documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, + within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and + wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents + of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and + do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution + notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside + or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided + that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed + as modifying the License. + + You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and + may provide additional or different license terms and conditions + for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or + for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, + reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with + the conditions stated in this License. + + 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, + any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work + by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of + this License, without any additional terms or conditions. + Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify + the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed + with Licensor regarding such Contributions. + + 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade + names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, + except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the + origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. + + 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or + agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each + Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or + implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions + of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A + PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the + appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any + risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. + + 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, + whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, + unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly + negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be + liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, + incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a + result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the + Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, + work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all + other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor + has been advised of the possibility of such damages. + + 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing + the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, + and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, + or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this + License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only + on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf + of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, + defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability + incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason + of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. + + To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following + boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" + replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include + the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate + comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a + file or class name and description of purpose be included on the + same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier + identification within third-party archives. + + Copyright 2012-2018 + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License.
add Apache 2.0 license file fixes
<NME> index.test-d.ts <BEF> import * as AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { AWSError } from 'aws-sdk'; import { ListObjectsV2Request } from 'aws-sdk/clients/s3'; import { expectError, expectType } from 'tsd'; import { mock, remock, restore, setSDK, setSDKInstance } from '../index'; const awsError: AWSError = { name: 'AWSError', message: 'message', code: 'code', time: new Date(), }; expectType<void>(mock('S3', 'listObjectsV2', (params, callback) => { expectType<ListObjectsV2Request>(params); const output: AWS.S3.ListObjectsV2Output = { Name: params.Bucket, MaxKeys: params.MaxKeys, Delimiter: params.Delimiter, Prefix: params.Prefix, KeyCount: 1, IsTruncated: false, ContinuationToken: params.ContinuationToken, Contents: [ { LastModified: new Date(), ETag: '"668d791b0c7d6a7f0f86c269888b4546"', StorageClass: 'STANDARD', Key: 'aws-sdk-mock/index.js', Size: 8524, }, ] }; expectType<void>(callback(undefined, output)); expectType<void>(callback(undefined, {})); expectError(callback(null, output)); expectError(callback(undefined)); expectType<void>(callback(awsError)); expectError(callback(awsError, output)); })); expectError(mock('S3', 'describeObjects', (params, callback) => { expectType<never>(params); expectType<never>(callback); })); expectType<void>(mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'anything could happen')); expectType<void>(mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'anything could happen')); expectError(mock('DynamoDB.DocumentServer', 'get', 'nothing can happen')); expectError(mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'unknown', 'nothing can happen')); expectError(mock('StaticDB', 'getItem', "it couldn't")); expectType<void>(remock('EC2', 'stopInstances', (params, callback) => { // $ExpectType string[] const instanceIds = params.InstanceIds; expectType<string[]>(instanceIds); const output: AWS.EC2.StopInstancesResult = { StoppingInstances: => ({ InstanceId: id, PreviousState: { Name: 'running' }, CurrentState: { Name: 'stopping' }, })), }; expectType<void>(callback(undefined, output)); expectType<void>(callback(undefined, {})); expectError(callback(null, output)); expectError(callback(undefined)); expectType<void>(callback(awsError)); expectError(callback(awsError, output)); })); expectType<void>(remock('Snowball', 'makeRequest', undefined)); expectError(remock('Snowball', 'throwRequest', undefined)); expectType<void>(restore('Pricing', 'getProducts')); expectError(restore('Pricing', 'borrowMoney')); expectType<void>(restore('KMS')); expectError(restore('Skynet')); expectError(restore(42)); expectType<void>(restore()); expectError(restore(null)); expectType<void>(setSDK('aws-sdk')); expectType<void>(setSDKInstance(AWS)); expectError(setSDKInstance(import('aws-sdk'))); async function foo() { expectType<void>(setSDKInstance(await import('aws-sdk'))); } expectError(setSDKInstance(AWS.S3)); import allClients = require('aws-sdk/clients/all'); expectError(setSDKInstance(allClients)); <MSG> Merge pull request #262 from thomaux/fix-259 #259: support nested client names for remock and restore methods <DFF> @@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ const awsError: AWSError = { time: new Date(), }; +/** + * mock + */ expectType<void>(mock('S3', 'listObjectsV2', (params, callback) => { expectType<ListObjectsV2Request>(params); @@ -83,16 +86,30 @@ expectType<void>(remock('EC2', 'stopInstances', (params, callback) => { expectError(callback(awsError, output)); })); +/** + * Remock + */ expectType<void>(remock('Snowball', 'makeRequest', undefined)); +expectType<void>(remock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', undefined)); + expectError(remock('Snowball', 'throwRequest', undefined)); +expectError(remock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'throwRequest', undefined)); +expectError(remock('DynamoDB.DocumentServer', 'get', undefined)); +/** + * Restore + */ expectType<void>(restore('Pricing', 'getProducts')); +expectType<void>(restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get')); expectError(restore('Pricing', 'borrowMoney')); +expectError(restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'unknown')); expectType<void>(restore('KMS')); +expectType<void>(restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient')); expectError(restore('Skynet')); +expectError(restore('DynamoDB.DocumentServer')); expectError(restore(42)); @@ -100,8 +117,14 @@ expectType<void>(restore()); expectError(restore(null)); +/** + * setSDK + */ expectType<void>(setSDK('aws-sdk')); +/** + * setSDKInstance + */ expectType<void>(setSDKInstance(AWS)); expectError(setSDKInstance(import('aws-sdk')));
Merge pull request #262 from thomaux/fix-259
<NME> index.test-d.ts <BEF> import * as AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { AWSError } from 'aws-sdk'; import { ListObjectsV2Request } from 'aws-sdk/clients/s3'; import { expectError, expectType } from 'tsd'; import { mock, remock, restore, setSDK, setSDKInstance } from '../index'; const awsError: AWSError = { name: 'AWSError', message: 'message', code: 'code', time: new Date(), }; expectType<void>(mock('S3', 'listObjectsV2', (params, callback) => { expectType<ListObjectsV2Request>(params); const output: AWS.S3.ListObjectsV2Output = { Name: params.Bucket, MaxKeys: params.MaxKeys, Delimiter: params.Delimiter, Prefix: params.Prefix, KeyCount: 1, IsTruncated: false, ContinuationToken: params.ContinuationToken, Contents: [ { LastModified: new Date(), ETag: '"668d791b0c7d6a7f0f86c269888b4546"', StorageClass: 'STANDARD', Key: 'aws-sdk-mock/index.js', Size: 8524, }, ] }; expectType<void>(callback(undefined, output)); expectType<void>(callback(undefined, {})); expectError(callback(null, output)); expectError(callback(undefined)); expectType<void>(callback(awsError)); expectError(callback(awsError, output)); })); expectError(mock('S3', 'describeObjects', (params, callback) => { expectType<never>(params); expectType<never>(callback); })); expectType<void>(mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'anything could happen')); expectType<void>(mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'anything could happen')); expectError(mock('DynamoDB.DocumentServer', 'get', 'nothing can happen')); expectError(mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'unknown', 'nothing can happen')); expectError(mock('StaticDB', 'getItem', "it couldn't")); expectType<void>(remock('EC2', 'stopInstances', (params, callback) => { // $ExpectType string[] const instanceIds = params.InstanceIds; expectType<string[]>(instanceIds); const output: AWS.EC2.StopInstancesResult = { StoppingInstances: => ({ InstanceId: id, PreviousState: { Name: 'running' }, CurrentState: { Name: 'stopping' }, })), }; expectType<void>(callback(undefined, output)); expectType<void>(callback(undefined, {})); expectError(callback(null, output)); expectError(callback(undefined)); expectType<void>(callback(awsError)); expectError(callback(awsError, output)); })); expectType<void>(remock('Snowball', 'makeRequest', undefined)); expectError(remock('Snowball', 'throwRequest', undefined)); expectType<void>(restore('Pricing', 'getProducts')); expectError(restore('Pricing', 'borrowMoney')); expectType<void>(restore('KMS')); expectError(restore('Skynet')); expectError(restore(42)); expectType<void>(restore()); expectError(restore(null)); expectType<void>(setSDK('aws-sdk')); expectType<void>(setSDKInstance(AWS)); expectError(setSDKInstance(import('aws-sdk'))); async function foo() { expectType<void>(setSDKInstance(await import('aws-sdk'))); } expectError(setSDKInstance(AWS.S3)); import allClients = require('aws-sdk/clients/all'); expectError(setSDKInstance(allClients)); <MSG> Merge pull request #262 from thomaux/fix-259 #259: support nested client names for remock and restore methods <DFF> @@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ const awsError: AWSError = { time: new Date(), }; +/** + * mock + */ expectType<void>(mock('S3', 'listObjectsV2', (params, callback) => { expectType<ListObjectsV2Request>(params); @@ -83,16 +86,30 @@ expectType<void>(remock('EC2', 'stopInstances', (params, callback) => { expectError(callback(awsError, output)); })); +/** + * Remock + */ expectType<void>(remock('Snowball', 'makeRequest', undefined)); +expectType<void>(remock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', undefined)); + expectError(remock('Snowball', 'throwRequest', undefined)); +expectError(remock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'throwRequest', undefined)); +expectError(remock('DynamoDB.DocumentServer', 'get', undefined)); +/** + * Restore + */ expectType<void>(restore('Pricing', 'getProducts')); +expectType<void>(restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get')); expectError(restore('Pricing', 'borrowMoney')); +expectError(restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'unknown')); expectType<void>(restore('KMS')); +expectType<void>(restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient')); expectError(restore('Skynet')); +expectError(restore('DynamoDB.DocumentServer')); expectError(restore(42)); @@ -100,8 +117,14 @@ expectType<void>(restore()); expectError(restore(null)); +/** + * setSDK + */ expectType<void>(setSDK('aws-sdk')); +/** + * setSDKInstance + */ expectType<void>(setSDKInstance(AWS)); expectError(setSDKInstance(import('aws-sdk')));
Merge pull request #262 from thomaux/fix-259
<NME> .gitignore <BEF> node_modules/ coverage/ .DS_Store .nyc_output <MSG> add package-lock.json to .gitignore (super noisy file!) <DFF> @@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ node_modules/ coverage/ .DS_Store .nyc_output +package-lock.json \ No newline at end of file
add package-lock.json to .gitignore (super noisy file!)
<NME> .gitignore <BEF> node_modules/ coverage/ .DS_Store .nyc_output <MSG> add package-lock.json to .gitignore (super noisy file!) <DFF> @@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ node_modules/ coverage/ .DS_Store .nyc_output +package-lock.json \ No newline at end of file
add package-lock.json to .gitignore (super noisy file!)
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( <!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Why](#why) * [What](#what) * [Getting Started](#how) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, 'successfully put item in database'); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `region not defined in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> Merge pull request #61 from aaronbruckner/ReadmeUpdateWithSinon Readme Update With Sinon Spy Usage <DFF> @@ -62,6 +62,27 @@ AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` +You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: + +```js +var updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); +AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); + +// Object under test +myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); + +// Assert on your Sinon spy as normal +assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); +var expectedParams = { + TableName: 'testTableName', + ProvisionedThroughput: { + ReadCapacityUnits: 1, + WriteCapacityUnits: 1 + } +}; +assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); +``` + **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `region not defined in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1:
Merge pull request #61 from aaronbruckner/ReadmeUpdateWithSinon
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( <!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Why](#why) * [What](#what) * [Getting Started](#how) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, 'successfully put item in database'); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `region not defined in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> Merge pull request #61 from aaronbruckner/ReadmeUpdateWithSinon Readme Update With Sinon Spy Usage <DFF> @@ -62,6 +62,27 @@ AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` +You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: + +```js +var updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); +AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); + +// Object under test +myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); + +// Assert on your Sinon spy as normal +assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); +var expectedParams = { + TableName: 'testTableName', + ProvisionedThroughput: { + ReadCapacityUnits: 1, + WriteCapacityUnits: 1 + } +}; +assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); +``` + **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `region not defined in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1:
Merge pull request #61 from aaronbruckner/ReadmeUpdateWithSinon
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( <!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Why](#why) * [What](#what) * [Getting Started](#how) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, 'successfully put item in database'); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data AWS.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.from(require('fs').readFileSync('testFile.csv'))); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS = require('aws-sdk'); AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> fix import syntax <DFF> @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); -import AWS = require('aws-sdk'); +import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */);
fix import syntax
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( <!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Why](#why) * [What](#what) * [Getting Started](#how) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, 'successfully put item in database'); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data AWS.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.from(require('fs').readFileSync('testFile.csv'))); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS = require('aws-sdk'); AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> fix import syntax <DFF> @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); -import AWS = require('aws-sdk'); +import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */);
fix import syntax
<NME> workflow.yml <BEF> name: Node CI on: [push, pull_request] jobs: test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: matrix: node-version: [12.x, 14.x, 16.x, 18.x] os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macos-latest] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-node@v2 with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} - run: npm i - run: npm test <MSG> Merge pull request #255 from abetomo/feature/add_lint_to_ci ci: add a lint task to ci <DFF> @@ -15,4 +15,5 @@ jobs: with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} - run: npm i + - run: npm run lint - run: npm test
Merge pull request #255 from abetomo/feature/add_lint_to_ci
<NME> workflow.yml <BEF> name: Node CI on: [push, pull_request] jobs: test: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: matrix: node-version: [12.x, 14.x, 16.x, 18.x] os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-latest, macos-latest] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: actions/setup-node@v2 with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} - run: npm i - run: npm test <MSG> Merge pull request #255 from abetomo/feature/add_lint_to_ci ci: add a lint task to ci <DFF> @@ -15,4 +15,5 @@ jobs: with: node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }} - run: npm i + - run: npm run lint - run: npm test
Merge pull request #255 from abetomo/feature/add_lint_to_ci
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be mocked. */ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { // If the service does not exist yet, we need to create and stub it. if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ services[service].Constructor = traverse(_AWS).get(service.split('.')); services[service].methodMocks = {}; services[service].invoked = false; mockService(service); } // Register the method to be mocked out. if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** * Stub the constructor for the service on AWS. * E.g. calls of new AWS.SNS() are replaced. */ function mockService(service) { const nestedServices = service.split('.'); const method = nestedServices.pop(); const object = traverse(_AWS).get(nestedServices); const serviceStub = sinon.stub(object, method).callsFake(function(...args) { services[service].invoked = true; /** * Create an instance of the service by calling the real constructor * we stored before. E.g. const client = new AWS.SNS() * This is necessary in order to mock methods on the service. */ const client = new services[service].Constructor(...args); services[service].clients = services[service].clients || []; services[service].clients.push(client); // Once this has been triggered we can mock out all the registered methods. for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> When remock is called, update all instances of client <DFF> @@ -121,9 +121,6 @@ function mockService(service) { * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { - if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { - client[method].restore(); - } services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =;
When remock is called, update all instances of client
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be mocked. */ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { // If the service does not exist yet, we need to create and stub it. if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ services[service].Constructor = traverse(_AWS).get(service.split('.')); services[service].methodMocks = {}; services[service].invoked = false; mockService(service); } // Register the method to be mocked out. if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** * Stub the constructor for the service on AWS. * E.g. calls of new AWS.SNS() are replaced. */ function mockService(service) { const nestedServices = service.split('.'); const method = nestedServices.pop(); const object = traverse(_AWS).get(nestedServices); const serviceStub = sinon.stub(object, method).callsFake(function(...args) { services[service].invoked = true; /** * Create an instance of the service by calling the real constructor * we stored before. E.g. const client = new AWS.SNS() * This is necessary in order to mock methods on the service. */ const client = new services[service].Constructor(...args); services[service].clients = services[service].clients || []; services[service].clients.push(client); // Once this has been triggered we can mock out all the registered methods. for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> When remock is called, update all instances of client <DFF> @@ -121,9 +121,6 @@ function mockService(service) { * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { - if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { - client[method].restore(); - } services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =;
When remock is called, update all instances of client
<NME> index.test-d.ts <BEF> import * as AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { AWSError } from 'aws-sdk'; import { ListObjectsV2Request } from 'aws-sdk/clients/s3'; import { expectError, expectType } from 'tsd'; import { mock, remock, restore, setSDK, setSDKInstance } from '../index'; const awsError: AWSError = { name: 'AWSError', message: 'message', code: 'code', time: new Date(), }; expectType<void>(mock('S3', 'listObjectsV2', (params, callback) => { expectType<ListObjectsV2Request>(params); const output: AWS.S3.ListObjectsV2Output = { Name: params.Bucket, MaxKeys: params.MaxKeys, Delimiter: params.Delimiter, Prefix: params.Prefix, KeyCount: 1, IsTruncated: false, ContinuationToken: params.ContinuationToken, Contents: [ { LastModified: new Date(), ETag: '"668d791b0c7d6a7f0f86c269888b4546"', StorageClass: 'STANDARD', Key: 'aws-sdk-mock/index.js', Size: 8524, }, ] }; expectType<void>(callback(undefined, output)); expectType<void>(callback(undefined, {})); expectError(callback(null, output)); expectError(callback(undefined)); expectType<void>(callback(awsError)); expectError(callback(awsError, output)); })); expectError(mock('S3', 'describeObjects', (params, callback) => { expectType<never>(params); expectType<never>(callback); })); expectType<void>(mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'anything could happen')); expectType<void>(mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'anything could happen')); expectError(mock('DynamoDB.DocumentServer', 'get', 'nothing can happen')); expectError(mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'unknown', 'nothing can happen')); expectError(mock('StaticDB', 'getItem', "it couldn't")); expectType<void>(remock('EC2', 'stopInstances', (params, callback) => { // $ExpectType string[] const instanceIds = params.InstanceIds; expectType<string[]>(instanceIds); const output: AWS.EC2.StopInstancesResult = { StoppingInstances: => ({ InstanceId: id, PreviousState: { Name: 'running' }, CurrentState: { Name: 'stopping' }, })), }; expectType<void>(callback(undefined, output)); expectType<void>(callback(undefined, {})); expectError(callback(null, output)); expectError(callback(undefined)); expectType<void>(callback(awsError)); expectError(callback(awsError, output)); })); expectType<void>(remock('Snowball', 'makeRequest', undefined)); expectError(remock('Snowball', 'throwRequest', undefined)); expectType<void>(restore('Pricing', 'getProducts')); expectError(restore('Pricing', 'borrowMoney')); expectType<void>(restore('KMS')); expectError(restore('Skynet')); expectError(restore(42)); expectType<void>(restore()); expectError(restore(null)); expectType<void>(setSDK('aws-sdk')); expectType<void>(setSDKInstance(AWS)); expectError(setSDKInstance(import('aws-sdk'))); async function foo() { expectType<void>(setSDKInstance(await import('aws-sdk'))); } expectError(setSDKInstance(AWS.S3)); import allClients = require('aws-sdk/clients/all'); expectError(setSDKInstance(allClients)); <MSG> Merge branch 'main' of <DFF> @@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ const awsError: AWSError = { time: new Date(), }; +/** + * mock + */ expectType<void>(mock('S3', 'listObjectsV2', (params, callback) => { expectType<ListObjectsV2Request>(params); @@ -83,16 +86,30 @@ expectType<void>(remock('EC2', 'stopInstances', (params, callback) => { expectError(callback(awsError, output)); })); +/** + * Remock + */ expectType<void>(remock('Snowball', 'makeRequest', undefined)); +expectType<void>(remock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', undefined)); + expectError(remock('Snowball', 'throwRequest', undefined)); +expectError(remock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'throwRequest', undefined)); +expectError(remock('DynamoDB.DocumentServer', 'get', undefined)); +/** + * Restore + */ expectType<void>(restore('Pricing', 'getProducts')); +expectType<void>(restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get')); expectError(restore('Pricing', 'borrowMoney')); +expectError(restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'unknown')); expectType<void>(restore('KMS')); +expectType<void>(restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient')); expectError(restore('Skynet')); +expectError(restore('DynamoDB.DocumentServer')); expectError(restore(42)); @@ -100,8 +117,14 @@ expectType<void>(restore()); expectError(restore(null)); +/** + * setSDK + */ expectType<void>(setSDK('aws-sdk')); +/** + * setSDKInstance + */ expectType<void>(setSDKInstance(AWS)); expectError(setSDKInstance(import('aws-sdk')));
Merge branch 'main' of
<NME> index.test-d.ts <BEF> import * as AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { AWSError } from 'aws-sdk'; import { ListObjectsV2Request } from 'aws-sdk/clients/s3'; import { expectError, expectType } from 'tsd'; import { mock, remock, restore, setSDK, setSDKInstance } from '../index'; const awsError: AWSError = { name: 'AWSError', message: 'message', code: 'code', time: new Date(), }; expectType<void>(mock('S3', 'listObjectsV2', (params, callback) => { expectType<ListObjectsV2Request>(params); const output: AWS.S3.ListObjectsV2Output = { Name: params.Bucket, MaxKeys: params.MaxKeys, Delimiter: params.Delimiter, Prefix: params.Prefix, KeyCount: 1, IsTruncated: false, ContinuationToken: params.ContinuationToken, Contents: [ { LastModified: new Date(), ETag: '"668d791b0c7d6a7f0f86c269888b4546"', StorageClass: 'STANDARD', Key: 'aws-sdk-mock/index.js', Size: 8524, }, ] }; expectType<void>(callback(undefined, output)); expectType<void>(callback(undefined, {})); expectError(callback(null, output)); expectError(callback(undefined)); expectType<void>(callback(awsError)); expectError(callback(awsError, output)); })); expectError(mock('S3', 'describeObjects', (params, callback) => { expectType<never>(params); expectType<never>(callback); })); expectType<void>(mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'anything could happen')); expectType<void>(mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'anything could happen')); expectError(mock('DynamoDB.DocumentServer', 'get', 'nothing can happen')); expectError(mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'unknown', 'nothing can happen')); expectError(mock('StaticDB', 'getItem', "it couldn't")); expectType<void>(remock('EC2', 'stopInstances', (params, callback) => { // $ExpectType string[] const instanceIds = params.InstanceIds; expectType<string[]>(instanceIds); const output: AWS.EC2.StopInstancesResult = { StoppingInstances: => ({ InstanceId: id, PreviousState: { Name: 'running' }, CurrentState: { Name: 'stopping' }, })), }; expectType<void>(callback(undefined, output)); expectType<void>(callback(undefined, {})); expectError(callback(null, output)); expectError(callback(undefined)); expectType<void>(callback(awsError)); expectError(callback(awsError, output)); })); expectType<void>(remock('Snowball', 'makeRequest', undefined)); expectError(remock('Snowball', 'throwRequest', undefined)); expectType<void>(restore('Pricing', 'getProducts')); expectError(restore('Pricing', 'borrowMoney')); expectType<void>(restore('KMS')); expectError(restore('Skynet')); expectError(restore(42)); expectType<void>(restore()); expectError(restore(null)); expectType<void>(setSDK('aws-sdk')); expectType<void>(setSDKInstance(AWS)); expectError(setSDKInstance(import('aws-sdk'))); async function foo() { expectType<void>(setSDKInstance(await import('aws-sdk'))); } expectError(setSDKInstance(AWS.S3)); import allClients = require('aws-sdk/clients/all'); expectError(setSDKInstance(allClients)); <MSG> Merge branch 'main' of <DFF> @@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ const awsError: AWSError = { time: new Date(), }; +/** + * mock + */ expectType<void>(mock('S3', 'listObjectsV2', (params, callback) => { expectType<ListObjectsV2Request>(params); @@ -83,16 +86,30 @@ expectType<void>(remock('EC2', 'stopInstances', (params, callback) => { expectError(callback(awsError, output)); })); +/** + * Remock + */ expectType<void>(remock('Snowball', 'makeRequest', undefined)); +expectType<void>(remock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', undefined)); + expectError(remock('Snowball', 'throwRequest', undefined)); +expectError(remock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'throwRequest', undefined)); +expectError(remock('DynamoDB.DocumentServer', 'get', undefined)); +/** + * Restore + */ expectType<void>(restore('Pricing', 'getProducts')); +expectType<void>(restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get')); expectError(restore('Pricing', 'borrowMoney')); +expectError(restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'unknown')); expectType<void>(restore('KMS')); +expectType<void>(restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient')); expectError(restore('Skynet')); +expectError(restore('DynamoDB.DocumentServer')); expectError(restore(42)); @@ -100,8 +117,14 @@ expectType<void>(restore()); expectError(restore(null)); +/** + * setSDK + */ expectType<void>(setSDK('aws-sdk')); +/** + * setSDKInstance + */ expectType<void>(setSDKInstance(AWS)); expectError(setSDKInstance(import('aws-sdk')));
Merge branch 'main' of
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; services[service].methodMocks = [] mockService(service, method, replace); } else { var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1 ; if (!methodMockExists) { mockServiceMethod(service, method, replace); } else { return; } /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ services[service].Constructor = traverse(_AWS).get(service.split('.')); services[service].methodMocks = {}; services[service].invoked = false; mockService(service); } // Register the method to be mocked out. if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** * Stub the constructor for the service on AWS. * E.g. calls of new AWS.SNS() are replaced. */ function mockService(service) { const nestedServices = service.split('.'); const method = nestedServices.pop(); const object = traverse(_AWS).get(nestedServices); const serviceStub = sinon.stub(object, method).callsFake(function(...args) { services[service].invoked = true; /** * Create an instance of the service by calling the real constructor * we stored before. E.g. const client = new AWS.SNS() * This is necessary in order to mock methods on the service. */ const client = new services[service].Constructor(...args); services[service].clients = services[service].clients || []; services[service].clients.push(client); // Once this has been triggered we can mock out all the registered methods. for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> Merge pull request #8 from dwyl/remove-bitwise-operator Removed bitwise operator for more readability <DFF> @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { services[service].methodMocks = [] mockService(service, method, replace); } else { - var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1 ; + var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1; if (!methodMockExists) { mockServiceMethod(service, method, replace); } else { return; }
Merge pull request #8 from dwyl/remove-bitwise-operator
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; services[service].methodMocks = [] mockService(service, method, replace); } else { var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1 ; if (!methodMockExists) { mockServiceMethod(service, method, replace); } else { return; } /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ services[service].Constructor = traverse(_AWS).get(service.split('.')); services[service].methodMocks = {}; services[service].invoked = false; mockService(service); } // Register the method to be mocked out. if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** * Stub the constructor for the service on AWS. * E.g. calls of new AWS.SNS() are replaced. */ function mockService(service) { const nestedServices = service.split('.'); const method = nestedServices.pop(); const object = traverse(_AWS).get(nestedServices); const serviceStub = sinon.stub(object, method).callsFake(function(...args) { services[service].invoked = true; /** * Create an instance of the service by calling the real constructor * we stored before. E.g. const client = new AWS.SNS() * This is necessary in order to mock methods on the service. */ const client = new services[service].Constructor(...args); services[service].clients = services[service].clients || []; services[service].clients.push(client); // Once this has been triggered we can mock out all the registered methods. for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> Merge pull request #8 from dwyl/remove-bitwise-operator Removed bitwise operator for more readability <DFF> @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { services[service].methodMocks = [] mockService(service, method, replace); } else { - var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1 ; + var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1; if (!methodMockExists) { mockServiceMethod(service, method, replace); } else { return; }
Merge pull request #8 from dwyl/remove-bitwise-operator
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Why](#why) * [What](#what) * [Getting Started](#how) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, 'successfully put item in database'); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data AWS.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.from(require('fs').readFileSync('testFile.csv'))); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> add snyk dependency checking and badge in see: <DFF> @@ -2,10 +2,11 @@ AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. -[![Build Status](]( -[![](]( -[![Dependency Status](]( -[![devDependency Status](]( +[![Build Status](]( +[![](]( +[![Dependency Status](]( +[![devDependency Status](]( +[![Known Vulnerabilities](]( [![NPM](](
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<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Why](#why) * [What](#what) * [Getting Started](#how) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, 'successfully put item in database'); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data AWS.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.from(require('fs').readFileSync('testFile.csv'))); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> add snyk dependency checking and badge in see: <DFF> @@ -2,10 +2,11 @@ AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. -[![Build Status](]( -[![](]( -[![Dependency Status](]( -[![devDependency Status](]( +[![Build Status](]( +[![](]( +[![Dependency Status](]( +[![devDependency Status](]( +[![Known Vulnerabilities](]( [![NPM](](
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<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked if update flag passed', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }, true); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> add remock function, remove update <DFF> @@ -98,14 +98,14 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.end(); }); }); - t.test('service is re-mocked if update flag passed', function(st){ + t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); - awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ + awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); - }, true); + }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'message 2'); st.end();
add remock function, remove update
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked if update flag passed', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }, true); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> add remock function, remove update <DFF> @@ -98,14 +98,14 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.end(); }); }); - t.test('service is re-mocked if update flag passed', function(st){ + t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); - awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ + awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); - }, true); + }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'message 2'); st.end();
add remock function, remove update
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); }); st.end(); }) t.end(); }); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Merge branch 'master' into patch-1 # Conflicts: # package.json <DFF> @@ -277,5 +277,33 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); st.end(); }) + t.test('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { + var stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); + st.equals(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); + st.end(); + }); + t.end(); +}); + +test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { + t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { + awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ + st.equals(data, 'message'); + awsMock.restore('SNS'); + st.end(); + }) + }); + + t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { + awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); + st.throws(function() { + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message') + }); + awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); + st.end(); + }); t.end(); });
Merge branch 'master' into patch-1
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); }); st.end(); }) t.end(); }); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Merge branch 'master' into patch-1 # Conflicts: # package.json <DFF> @@ -277,5 +277,33 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); st.end(); }) + t.test('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { + var stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); + st.equals(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); + st.end(); + }); + t.end(); +}); + +test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { + t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { + awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ + st.equals(data, 'message'); + awsMock.restore('SNS'); + st.end(); + }) + }); + + t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { + awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); + st.throws(function() { + awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message') + }); + awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); + st.end(); + }); t.end(); });
Merge branch 'master' into patch-1
<NME> index.d.ts <BEF> declare module 'aws-sdk-mock' { function mock(service: string, method: string, replace: string): void; function mock( service: string, replace: (params: any, callback: (err: any, data: any) => void) => void ): void; function remock(service: string, method: string, replace: string): void; function remock( service: string, method: string, replace: (params: any, callback: (err: any, data: any) => void) => void ): void; function restore(service: string): void; function restore(service: string, method: string): void; function setSDK(path: string): void; function setSDKInstance(instance: object): void; } export type Callback<D> = (err: AWSError | undefined, data: D) => void; export type ReplaceFn<C extends ClientName, M extends MethodName<C>> = (params: AWSRequest<C, M>, callback: AWSCallback<C, M>) => void export function mock<C extends ClientName, M extends MethodName<C>>( service: C, method: M, replace: ReplaceFn<C, M>, ): void; export function mock<C extends ClientName, NC extends NestedClientName<C>>(service: NestedClientFullName<C, NC>, method: NestedMethodName<C, NC>, replace: any): void; export function mock<C extends ClientName>(service: C, method: MethodName<C>, replace: any): void; export function remock<C extends ClientName, M extends MethodName<C>>( service: C, method: M, replace: ReplaceFn<C, M>, ): void; export function remock<C extends ClientName>(service: C, method: MethodName<C>, replace: any): void; export function remock<C extends ClientName, NC extends NestedClientName<C>>(service: NestedClientFullName<C, NC>, method: NestedMethodName<C, NC>, replace: any): void; export function restore<C extends ClientName>(service?: C, method?: MethodName<C>): void; export function restore<C extends ClientName, NC extends NestedClientName<C>>(service?: NestedClientFullName<C, NC>, method?: NestedMethodName<C, NC>): void; export function setSDK(path: string): void; export function setSDKInstance(instance: typeof import('aws-sdk')): void; /** * The SDK defines a class for each service as well as a namespace with the same name. * Nested clients, e.g. DynamoDB.DocumentClient, are defined on the namespace, not the class. * That is why we need to fetch these separately as defined below in the NestedClientName<C> type * * The NestedClientFullName type supports validating strings representing a nested clients name in dot notation * * We add the ts-ignore comments to avoid the type system to trip over the many possible values for NestedClientName<C> */ export type NestedClientName<C extends ClientName> = keyof typeof AWS[C]; // @ts-ignore export type NestedClientFullName<C extends ClientName, NC extends NestedClientName<C>> = `${C}.${NC}`; // @ts-ignore export type NestedClient<C extends ClientName, NC extends NestedClientName<C>> = InstanceType<(typeof AWS)[C][NC]>; // @ts-ignore export type NestedMethodName<C extends ClientName, NC extends NestedClientName<C>> = keyof ExtractMethod<NestedClient<C, NC>>; <MSG> Merge pull request #172 from joostfarla/ts Fix wrong TypeScript definitions <DFF> @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ declare module 'aws-sdk-mock' { - function mock(service: string, method: string, replace: string): void; + function mock(service: string, method: string, replace: any): void; function mock( service: string, @@ -7,15 +7,14 @@ declare module 'aws-sdk-mock' { replace: (params: any, callback: (err: any, data: any) => void) => void ): void; - function remock(service: string, method: string, replace: string): void; + function remock(service: string, method: string, replace: any): void; function remock( service: string, method: string, replace: (params: any, callback: (err: any, data: any) => void) => void ): void; - function restore(service: string): void; - function restore(service: string, method: string): void; + function restore(service?: string, method?: string): void; function setSDK(path: string): void; function setSDKInstance(instance: object): void;
Merge pull request #172 from joostfarla/ts
<NME> index.d.ts <BEF> declare module 'aws-sdk-mock' { function mock(service: string, method: string, replace: string): void; function mock( service: string, replace: (params: any, callback: (err: any, data: any) => void) => void ): void; function remock(service: string, method: string, replace: string): void; function remock( service: string, method: string, replace: (params: any, callback: (err: any, data: any) => void) => void ): void; function restore(service: string): void; function restore(service: string, method: string): void; function setSDK(path: string): void; function setSDKInstance(instance: object): void; } export type Callback<D> = (err: AWSError | undefined, data: D) => void; export type ReplaceFn<C extends ClientName, M extends MethodName<C>> = (params: AWSRequest<C, M>, callback: AWSCallback<C, M>) => void export function mock<C extends ClientName, M extends MethodName<C>>( service: C, method: M, replace: ReplaceFn<C, M>, ): void; export function mock<C extends ClientName, NC extends NestedClientName<C>>(service: NestedClientFullName<C, NC>, method: NestedMethodName<C, NC>, replace: any): void; export function mock<C extends ClientName>(service: C, method: MethodName<C>, replace: any): void; export function remock<C extends ClientName, M extends MethodName<C>>( service: C, method: M, replace: ReplaceFn<C, M>, ): void; export function remock<C extends ClientName>(service: C, method: MethodName<C>, replace: any): void; export function remock<C extends ClientName, NC extends NestedClientName<C>>(service: NestedClientFullName<C, NC>, method: NestedMethodName<C, NC>, replace: any): void; export function restore<C extends ClientName>(service?: C, method?: MethodName<C>): void; export function restore<C extends ClientName, NC extends NestedClientName<C>>(service?: NestedClientFullName<C, NC>, method?: NestedMethodName<C, NC>): void; export function setSDK(path: string): void; export function setSDKInstance(instance: typeof import('aws-sdk')): void; /** * The SDK defines a class for each service as well as a namespace with the same name. * Nested clients, e.g. DynamoDB.DocumentClient, are defined on the namespace, not the class. * That is why we need to fetch these separately as defined below in the NestedClientName<C> type * * The NestedClientFullName type supports validating strings representing a nested clients name in dot notation * * We add the ts-ignore comments to avoid the type system to trip over the many possible values for NestedClientName<C> */ export type NestedClientName<C extends ClientName> = keyof typeof AWS[C]; // @ts-ignore export type NestedClientFullName<C extends ClientName, NC extends NestedClientName<C>> = `${C}.${NC}`; // @ts-ignore export type NestedClient<C extends ClientName, NC extends NestedClientName<C>> = InstanceType<(typeof AWS)[C][NC]>; // @ts-ignore export type NestedMethodName<C extends ClientName, NC extends NestedClientName<C>> = keyof ExtractMethod<NestedClient<C, NC>>; <MSG> Merge pull request #172 from joostfarla/ts Fix wrong TypeScript definitions <DFF> @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ declare module 'aws-sdk-mock' { - function mock(service: string, method: string, replace: string): void; + function mock(service: string, method: string, replace: any): void; function mock( service: string, @@ -7,15 +7,14 @@ declare module 'aws-sdk-mock' { replace: (params: any, callback: (err: any, data: any) => void) => void ): void; - function remock(service: string, method: string, replace: string): void; + function remock(service: string, method: string, replace: any): void; function remock( service: string, method: string, replace: (params: any, callback: (err: any, data: any) => void) => void ): void; - function restore(service: string): void; - function restore(service: string, method: string): void; + function restore(service?: string, method?: string): void; function setSDK(path: string): void; function setSDKInstance(instance: object): void;
Merge pull request #172 from joostfarla/ts
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> var tap = require('tap'); var test = tap.test; var awsMock = require('../index.js'); var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); var concatStream = require('concat-stream'); var Readable = require('stream').Readable; const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "test"); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'message'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "test"); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "test"); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "test"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); var dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Check test code with eslint Fix test code according to rules <DFF> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -var tap = require('tap'); -var test = tap.test; +var tap = require('tap'); +var test = tap.test; var awsMock = require('../index.js'); -var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); +var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); var concatStream = require('concat-stream'); var Readable = require('stream').Readable; @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ @@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "test"); + callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'message'); @@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "test"); + callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'test'); @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); @@ -324,15 +324,15 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "test"); + callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "test"); + callback(null, 'test'); }); - var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); var dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB();
Check test code with eslint
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> var tap = require('tap'); var test = tap.test; var awsMock = require('../index.js'); var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); var concatStream = require('concat-stream'); var Readable = require('stream').Readable; const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "test"); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'message'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "test"); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "test"); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "test"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); var dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Check test code with eslint Fix test code according to rules <DFF> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -var tap = require('tap'); -var test = tap.test; +var tap = require('tap'); +var test = tap.test; var awsMock = require('../index.js'); -var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); +var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); var concatStream = require('concat-stream'); var Readable = require('stream').Readable; @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ @@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "test"); + callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'message'); @@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "test"); + callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'test'); @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); @@ -324,15 +324,15 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "test"); + callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "test"); + callback(null, 'test'); }); - var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); var dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB();
Check test code with eslint
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be mocked. */ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { // If the service does not exist yet, we need to create and stub it. if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ services[service].Constructor = traverse(_AWS).get(service.split('.')); services[service].methodMocks = {}; services[service].invoked = false; mockService(service); } // Register the method to be mocked out. if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** var args =; // If the method was called w/o a callback function, assume they are consuming a Promise if(typeof(AWS.Promise) === 'function' && typeof(args[args.length - 1]) !== 'function') { return { promise: function() { return new AWS.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const serviceStub = sinon.stub(object, method).callsFake(function(...args) { services[service].invoked = true; /** * Create an instance of the service by calling the real constructor * we stored before. E.g. const client = new AWS.SNS() * This is necessary in order to mock methods on the service. */ const client = new services[service].Constructor(...args); services[service].clients = services[service].clients || []; services[service].clients.push(client); // Once this has been triggered we can mock out all the registered methods. for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> Update index.js <DFF> @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { var args =; // If the method was called w/o a callback function, assume they are consuming a Promise - if(typeof(AWS.Promise) === 'function' && typeof(args[args.length - 1]) !== 'function') { + if(typeof(args[args.length - 1]) !== 'function' && typeof(AWS.Promise) === 'function') { return { promise: function() { return new AWS.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
Update index.js
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be mocked. */ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { // If the service does not exist yet, we need to create and stub it. if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ services[service].Constructor = traverse(_AWS).get(service.split('.')); services[service].methodMocks = {}; services[service].invoked = false; mockService(service); } // Register the method to be mocked out. if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** var args =; // If the method was called w/o a callback function, assume they are consuming a Promise if(typeof(AWS.Promise) === 'function' && typeof(args[args.length - 1]) !== 'function') { return { promise: function() { return new AWS.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { const serviceStub = sinon.stub(object, method).callsFake(function(...args) { services[service].invoked = true; /** * Create an instance of the service by calling the real constructor * we stored before. E.g. const client = new AWS.SNS() * This is necessary in order to mock methods on the service. */ const client = new services[service].Constructor(...args); services[service].clients = services[service].clients || []; services[service].clients.push(client); // Once this has been triggered we can mock out all the registered methods. for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> Update index.js <DFF> @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { var args =; // If the method was called w/o a callback function, assume they are consuming a Promise - if(typeof(AWS.Promise) === 'function' && typeof(args[args.length - 1]) !== 'function') { + if(typeof(args[args.length - 1]) !== 'function' && typeof(AWS.Promise) === 'function') { return { promise: function() { return new AWS.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
Update index.js
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( [![NPM](]( This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Why](#why) * [What](#what) * [Getting Started](#how) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, 'successfully put item in database'); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data AWS.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.from(require('fs').readFileSync('testFile.csv'))); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> comment out NPM download stats badge from see: <DFF> @@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( +<!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( +--> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked.
comment out NPM download stats badge from see:
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( [![NPM](]( This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Why](#why) * [What](#what) * [Getting Started](#how) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, 'successfully put item in database'); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data AWS.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.from(require('fs').readFileSync('testFile.csv'))); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> comment out NPM download stats badge from see: <DFF> @@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( +<!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( +--> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked.
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<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![NPM](]( If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. ## What? Uses Sinon.js under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ```js import AWS from 'aws-sdk-mock'; AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, "successfully put item in database"); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish'); /** TESTS AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` ## Documentation done(); }); Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. - `service`: AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 - `method` : method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' - `replace` : a string or function to replace the method ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service Optional: - `service` : AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored - `method` : Method on AWS service to restore If no arguments are given to `AWS.restore` then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ## Background Reading const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> Adds more information to readme on implementation <DFF> @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![NPM](]( +This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. + If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our @@ -19,11 +21,11 @@ Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. -Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. +Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? -Uses Sinon.js under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and associated methods. +Uses Sinon.js under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) @@ -37,13 +39,13 @@ npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ```js -import AWS from 'aws-sdk-mock'; +var AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, "successfully put item in database"); }); -AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish'); +AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); /** TESTS @@ -51,7 +53,31 @@ AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); -// or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services +// or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services +``` + +**NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `region not defined in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. + +Example 1: +```js +var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); +var sns = AWS.SNS(); +var dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); + +exports.handler = function(event, context) { + // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish +} +``` + +Example 2: +```js +var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); + +exports.handler = function(event, context) { + var sns = AWS.SNS(); + var dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); + // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish +} ``` ## Documentation @@ -60,20 +86,29 @@ AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. -- `service`: AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 -- `method` : method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' -- `replace` : a string or function to replace the method + +| Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | +| :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | +| `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | +| `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | +| `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | + ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service -Optional: -- `service` : AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored -- `method` : Method on AWS service to restore +| Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | +| :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | +| `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | +| `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | -If no arguments are given to `AWS.restore` then all the services and their associated methods are restored +If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. - ## Background Reading + +* (Mocking using Sinon.js)[] +* (AWS Lambda)[] + +**Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving**
Adds more information to readme on implementation
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![NPM](]( If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. ## What? Uses Sinon.js under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ```js import AWS from 'aws-sdk-mock'; AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, "successfully put item in database"); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish'); /** TESTS AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` ## Documentation done(); }); Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. - `service`: AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 - `method` : method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' - `replace` : a string or function to replace the method ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service Optional: - `service` : AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored - `method` : Method on AWS service to restore If no arguments are given to `AWS.restore` then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ## Background Reading const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> Adds more information to readme on implementation <DFF> @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![NPM](]( +This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. + If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our @@ -19,11 +21,11 @@ Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. -Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. +Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? -Uses Sinon.js under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and associated methods. +Uses Sinon.js under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) @@ -37,13 +39,13 @@ npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ```js -import AWS from 'aws-sdk-mock'; +var AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, "successfully put item in database"); }); -AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish'); +AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); /** TESTS @@ -51,7 +53,31 @@ AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); -// or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services +// or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services +``` + +**NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `region not defined in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. + +Example 1: +```js +var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); +var sns = AWS.SNS(); +var dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); + +exports.handler = function(event, context) { + // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish +} +``` + +Example 2: +```js +var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); + +exports.handler = function(event, context) { + var sns = AWS.SNS(); + var dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); + // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish +} ``` ## Documentation @@ -60,20 +86,29 @@ AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. -- `service`: AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 -- `method` : method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' -- `replace` : a string or function to replace the method + +| Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | +| :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | +| `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | +| `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | +| `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | + ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service -Optional: -- `service` : AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored -- `method` : Method on AWS service to restore +| Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | +| :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | +| `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | +| `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | -If no arguments are given to `AWS.restore` then all the services and their associated methods are restored +If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. - ## Background Reading + +* (Mocking using Sinon.js)[] +* (AWS Lambda)[] + +**Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving**
Adds more information to readme on implementation
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( <!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Why](#why) * [What](#what) * [Getting Started](#how) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Bffer object with file data awsMock.mock("S3", "getObject", Buffer.from(require("fs").readFileSync("testFile.csv"))); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data AWS.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.from(require('fs').readFileSync('testFile.csv'))); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ``` AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ``` // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> edit * edit a typing error * add syntax highlightings <DFF> @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); -// S3 getObject mock - return a Bffer object with file data +// S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data awsMock.mock("S3", "getObject", Buffer.from(require("fs").readFileSync("testFile.csv"))); @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ exports.handler = function(event, context) { It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: -``` +```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: -``` +```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message');
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( <!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Why](#why) * [What](#what) * [Getting Started](#how) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Bffer object with file data awsMock.mock("S3", "getObject", Buffer.from(require("fs").readFileSync("testFile.csv"))); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data AWS.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.from(require('fs').readFileSync('testFile.csv'))); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ``` AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ``` // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> edit * edit a typing error * add syntax highlightings <DFF> @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); -// S3 getObject mock - return a Bffer object with file data +// S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data awsMock.mock("S3", "getObject", Buffer.from(require("fs").readFileSync("testFile.csv"))); @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ exports.handler = function(event, context) { It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: -``` +```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: -``` +```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message');
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); var s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); }); }) }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Merge pull request #55 from eduponte/master fix(paramValidation): skip param validation when method has no input rules <DFF> @@ -52,6 +52,15 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.end(); }); }); + t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); + var s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); + s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { + st.equals(data, 'message'); + awsMock.restore('S3'); + st.end(); + }); + }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); var s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); @@ -318,6 +327,21 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); }) }); + t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { + callback(null, 'test'); + }); + var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); + + st.equals(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); + st.equals(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); + docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ + console.warn(err); + st.equals(data, 'test'); + awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query'); + st.end(); + }) + }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test');
Merge pull request #55 from eduponte/master
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); var s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); }); }) }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Merge pull request #55 from eduponte/master fix(paramValidation): skip param validation when method has no input rules <DFF> @@ -52,6 +52,15 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.end(); }); }); + t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); + var s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); + s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { + st.equals(data, 'message'); + awsMock.restore('S3'); + st.end(); + }); + }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); var s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); @@ -318,6 +327,21 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); }) }); + t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { + callback(null, 'test'); + }); + var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); + + st.equals(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); + st.equals(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); + docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ + console.warn(err); + st.equals(data, 'test'); + awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query'); + st.end(); + }) + }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test');
Merge pull request #55 from eduponte/master
<NME> .travis.yml <BEF> language: node_js node_js: - "12" - "8" - "10" - "12" before_install: - pip install --user codecov after_success: <MSG> Add Node.js 14 to ci settings <DFF> @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ node_js: - "8" - "10" - "12" + - "14" before_install: - pip install --user codecov after_success:
Add Node.js 14 to ci settings
<NME> .travis.yml <BEF> language: node_js node_js: - "12" - "8" - "10" - "12" before_install: - pip install --user codecov after_success: <MSG> Add Node.js 14 to ci settings <DFF> @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ node_js: - "8" - "10" - "12" + - "14" before_install: - pip install --user codecov after_success:
Add Node.js 14 to ci settings
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be mocked. */ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { // If the service does not exist yet, we need to create and stub it. if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ mockServiceMethod(service, services[service].client, method, replace); } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** // Register the method to be mocked out. if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** * Stub the constructor for the service on AWS. * E.g. calls of new AWS.SNS() are replaced. */ function mockService(service) { const nestedServices = service.split('.'); const method = nestedServices.pop(); const object = traverse(_AWS).get(nestedServices); const serviceStub = sinon.stub(object, method).callsFake(function(...args) { services[service].invoked = true; /** * Create an instance of the service by calling the real constructor * we stored before. E.g. const client = new AWS.SNS() * This is necessary in order to mock methods on the service. */ const client = new services[service].Constructor(...args); services[service].clients = services[service].clients || []; services[service].clients.push(client); // Once this has been triggered we can mock out all the registered methods. for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> Save this for future PR <DFF> @@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { mockServiceMethod(service, services[service].client, method, replace); } } - return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /**
Save this for future PR
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be mocked. */ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { // If the service does not exist yet, we need to create and stub it. if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ mockServiceMethod(service, services[service].client, method, replace); } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** // Register the method to be mocked out. if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** * Stub the constructor for the service on AWS. * E.g. calls of new AWS.SNS() are replaced. */ function mockService(service) { const nestedServices = service.split('.'); const method = nestedServices.pop(); const object = traverse(_AWS).get(nestedServices); const serviceStub = sinon.stub(object, method).callsFake(function(...args) { services[service].invoked = true; /** * Create an instance of the service by calling the real constructor * we stored before. E.g. const client = new AWS.SNS() * This is necessary in order to mock methods on the service. */ const client = new services[service].Constructor(...args); services[service].clients = services[service].clients || []; services[service].clients.push(client); // Once this has been triggered we can mock out all the registered methods. for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> Save this for future PR <DFF> @@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { mockServiceMethod(service, services[service].client, method, replace); } } - return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /**
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<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equals(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) { req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); }); }) }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Merge branch 'master' into master <DFF> @@ -48,6 +48,16 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); + awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); + st.end(); + }); + }); + t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); + var s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); + s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { + st.equals(data, 'message'); + awsMock.restore('S3'); st.end(); }); }); @@ -57,6 +67,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equals(data.Body, 'body'); + awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); }); }); @@ -181,6 +192,51 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { + awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); + st.end(); + })); + }); + t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); + var s3 = new AWS.S3(); + var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); + var stream = req.createReadStream(); + stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { + st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body') + awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); + st.end(); + })); + }); + t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', new Buffer('body')); + var s3 = new AWS.S3(); + var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); + var stream = req.createReadStream(); + stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { + st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body') + awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); + st.end(); + })); + }); + t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); + var s3 = new AWS.S3(); + var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); + var stream = req.createReadStream(); + stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { + st.equals(actual.toString(), '') + awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); + st.end(); + })); + }); + t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); + var s3 = new AWS.S3(); + var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); + var stream = req.createReadStream(); + stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { + st.equals(actual.toString(), '') + awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); }); @@ -271,6 +327,21 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); }) }); + t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { + callback(null, 'test'); + }); + var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); + + st.equals(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); + st.equals(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); + docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ + console.warn(err); + st.equals(data, 'test'); + awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query'); + st.end(); + }) + }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test');
Merge branch 'master' into master
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equals(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) { req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); }); }) }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Merge branch 'master' into master <DFF> @@ -48,6 +48,16 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); + awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); + st.end(); + }); + }); + t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); + var s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); + s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { + st.equals(data, 'message'); + awsMock.restore('S3'); st.end(); }); }); @@ -57,6 +67,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equals(data.Body, 'body'); + awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); }); }); @@ -181,6 +192,51 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); var stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { + awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); + st.end(); + })); + }); + t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); + var s3 = new AWS.S3(); + var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); + var stream = req.createReadStream(); + stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { + st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body') + awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); + st.end(); + })); + }); + t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', new Buffer('body')); + var s3 = new AWS.S3(); + var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); + var stream = req.createReadStream(); + stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { + st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body') + awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); + st.end(); + })); + }); + t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); + var s3 = new AWS.S3(); + var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); + var stream = req.createReadStream(); + stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { + st.equals(actual.toString(), '') + awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); + st.end(); + })); + }); + t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); + var s3 = new AWS.S3(); + var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); + var stream = req.createReadStream(); + stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { + st.equals(actual.toString(), '') + awsMock.restore('S3', 'getObject'); st.end(); })); }); @@ -271,6 +327,21 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); }) }); + t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ + awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { + callback(null, 'test'); + }); + var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); + + st.equals(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); + st.equals(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); + docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ + console.warn(err); + st.equals(data, 'test'); + awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query'); + st.end(); + }) + }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test');
Merge branch 'master' into master
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be mocked. */ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { // If the service does not exist yet, we need to create and stub it. if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ mockServiceMethod(service, services[service].client, method, replace); } } } /** if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** * Stub the constructor for the service on AWS. var args =; // If the method was called w/o a callback function, assume they are consuming a Promise if(typeof(args[args.length - 1]) !== 'function' && typeof(AWS.Promise) === 'function') { return { promise: function() { return new AWS.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // Provide a callback function for the mock to invoke args.push(function(err, val) { return err ? reject(err) : resolve(val) }) return invokeMock() }) } } } return invokeMock() function invokeMock() { // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if(typeof(replace) === 'function') { for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> Handle AWS method being called w/o arguments <DFF> @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { mockServiceMethod(service, services[service].client, method, replace); } } + return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** @@ -87,20 +88,20 @@ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { var args =; // If the method was called w/o a callback function, assume they are consuming a Promise - if(typeof(args[args.length - 1]) !== 'function' && typeof(AWS.Promise) === 'function') { + if(typeof(args[(args.length || 1) - 1]) !== 'function' && typeof(AWS.Promise) === 'function') { return { promise: function() { return new AWS.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // Provide a callback function for the mock to invoke args.push(function(err, val) { return err ? reject(err) : resolve(val) }) - return invokeMock() + return invokeMock(); }) } } + } else { + return invokeMock(); } - return invokeMock() - function invokeMock() { // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if(typeof(replace) === 'function') {
Handle AWS method being called w/o arguments
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be mocked. */ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { // If the service does not exist yet, we need to create and stub it. if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ mockServiceMethod(service, services[service].client, method, replace); } } } /** if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** * Stub the constructor for the service on AWS. var args =; // If the method was called w/o a callback function, assume they are consuming a Promise if(typeof(args[args.length - 1]) !== 'function' && typeof(AWS.Promise) === 'function') { return { promise: function() { return new AWS.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // Provide a callback function for the mock to invoke args.push(function(err, val) { return err ? reject(err) : resolve(val) }) return invokeMock() }) } } } return invokeMock() function invokeMock() { // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if(typeof(replace) === 'function') { for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> Handle AWS method being called w/o arguments <DFF> @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { mockServiceMethod(service, services[service].client, method, replace); } } + return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** @@ -87,20 +88,20 @@ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { var args =; // If the method was called w/o a callback function, assume they are consuming a Promise - if(typeof(args[args.length - 1]) !== 'function' && typeof(AWS.Promise) === 'function') { + if(typeof(args[(args.length || 1) - 1]) !== 'function' && typeof(AWS.Promise) === 'function') { return { promise: function() { return new AWS.Promise(function(resolve, reject) { // Provide a callback function for the mock to invoke args.push(function(err, val) { return err ? reject(err) : resolve(val) }) - return invokeMock() + return invokeMock(); }) } } + } else { + return invokeMock(); } - return invokeMock() - function invokeMock() { // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if(typeof(replace) === 'function') {
Handle AWS method being called w/o arguments
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( <!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Why](#why) * [What](#what) * [Getting Started](#how) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> Merge pull request #117 from nagapavan/patch-1 Update <DFF> @@ -53,12 +53,16 @@ AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); +// S3 getObject mock - return a Bffer object with file data +awsMock.mock("S3", "getObject", new Buffer(require("fs").readFileSync("testFile.csv"))); + /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); +AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ```
Merge pull request #117 from nagapavan/patch-1
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( <!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Why](#why) * [What](#what) * [Getting Started](#how) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Also note that if you initialise an AWS service inside a callback from an async function inside the handler function, that won't work either. Example 1 (won't work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { someAsyncFunction(() => { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` Example 2 (will work): ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> Merge pull request #117 from nagapavan/patch-1 Update <DFF> @@ -53,12 +53,16 @@ AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); +// S3 getObject mock - return a Bffer object with file data +awsMock.mock("S3", "getObject", new Buffer(require("fs").readFileSync("testFile.csv"))); + /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); +AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ```
Merge pull request #117 from nagapavan/patch-1
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> var tap = require('tap'); var test = tap.test; var awsMock = require('../index.js'); var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); var concatStream = require('concat-stream'); var Readable = require('stream').Readable; const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "test"); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'message'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "test"); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "test"); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "test"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); var dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Merge pull request #168 from abetomo/check_test_code_with_eslint Check test code with eslint <DFF> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -var tap = require('tap'); -var test = tap.test; +var tap = require('tap'); +var test = tap.test; var awsMock = require('../index.js'); -var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); +var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); var concatStream = require('concat-stream'); var Readable = require('stream').Readable; @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ @@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "test"); + callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'message'); @@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "test"); + callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'test'); @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); @@ -324,15 +324,15 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "test"); + callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "test"); + callback(null, 'test'); }); - var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); var dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB();
Merge pull request #168 from abetomo/check_test_code_with_eslint
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> var tap = require('tap'); var test = tap.test; var awsMock = require('../index.js'); var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); var concatStream = require('concat-stream'); var Readable = require('stream').Readable; const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "test"); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'message'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "test"); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "test"); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "test"); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); var dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Merge pull request #168 from abetomo/check_test_code_with_eslint Check test code with eslint <DFF> @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -var tap = require('tap'); -var test = tap.test; +var tap = require('tap'); +var test = tap.test; var awsMock = require('../index.js'); -var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); +var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); var concatStream = require('concat-stream'); var Readable = require('stream').Readable; @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ @@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "test"); + callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'message'); @@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "test"); + callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equals(data, 'test'); @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); var sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equals(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); @@ -324,15 +324,15 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "message"); + callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "test"); + callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ - callback(null, "test"); + callback(null, 'test'); }); - var sns = new AWS.SNS(); + var sns = new AWS.SNS(); var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); var dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB();
Merge pull request #168 from abetomo/check_test_code_with_eslint
<NME> .travis.yml <BEF> language: node_js node_js: - "12" - "6" - "8" - "10" before_install: - pip install --user codecov after_success: <MSG> Add Node.js 12 to CI setting <DFF> @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ node_js: - "6" - "8" - "10" + - "12" before_install: - pip install --user codecov after_success:
Add Node.js 12 to CI setting
<NME> .travis.yml <BEF> language: node_js node_js: - "12" - "6" - "8" - "10" before_install: - pip install --user codecov after_success: <MSG> Add Node.js 12 to CI setting <DFF> @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ node_js: - "6" - "8" - "10" + - "12" before_install: - pip install --user codecov after_success:
Add Node.js 12 to CI setting
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(function (done) { awsMock.restore(); done(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { st.equals(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); console.log(e); } }); t.end(); }); const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Merge branch 'master' into master <DFF> @@ -10,9 +10,8 @@ const Readable = require('stream').Readable; AWS.config.paramValidation = false; -tap.afterEach(function (done) { +tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); - done(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ @@ -265,6 +264,19 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.end(); })); }); + t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { + const bodyStream = new Readable(); + bodyStream.push('body'); + bodyStream.push(null); + return bodyStream; + }); + const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); + stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { + st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body'); + st.end(); + })); + }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); @@ -527,9 +539,11 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); + t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { + awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); @@ -537,6 +551,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func console.log(e); } }); + t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { @@ -547,6 +562,27 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func console.log(e); } }); + + t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); + const s3 = new AWS.S3(); + const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); + st.equals(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); + st.end(); + }); + + t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); + let returnedValue = ''; + const s3 = new AWS.S3(); + const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); + req.send(async (err, data) => { + returnedValue = data.Body; + }); + st.equals(returnedValue, 'body'); + st.end(); + }); + t.end(); });
Merge branch 'master' into master
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(function (done) { awsMock.restore(); done(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { st.equals(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); console.log(e); } }); t.end(); }); const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Merge branch 'master' into master <DFF> @@ -10,9 +10,8 @@ const Readable = require('stream').Readable; AWS.config.paramValidation = false; -tap.afterEach(function (done) { +tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); - done(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ @@ -265,6 +264,19 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.end(); })); }); + t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { + const bodyStream = new Readable(); + bodyStream.push('body'); + bodyStream.push(null); + return bodyStream; + }); + const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); + stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { + st.equals(actual.toString(), 'body'); + st.end(); + })); + }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); @@ -527,9 +539,11 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); + t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { + awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); @@ -537,6 +551,7 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func console.log(e); } }); + t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { @@ -547,6 +562,27 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func console.log(e); } }); + + t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); + const s3 = new AWS.S3(); + const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); + st.equals(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); + st.end(); + }); + + t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); + let returnedValue = ''; + const s3 = new AWS.S3(); + const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); + req.send(async (err, data) => { + returnedValue = data.Body; + }); + st.equals(returnedValue, 'body'); + st.end(); + }); + t.end(); });
Merge branch 'master' into master
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( <!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Why](#why) * [What](#what) * [Getting Started](#how) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, 'successfully put item in database'); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data AWS.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.from(require('fs').readFileSync('testFile.csv'))); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> Merge pull request #62 from dr-impossible/master Added documentation for configuring promises <DFF> @@ -167,6 +167,22 @@ AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); **/ ``` +### Configuring promises + +If your environment lacks a global Promise contstructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. + +Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): +```js +var AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), + Q = require('q'); + +AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; + +/** + TESTS +**/ +``` + ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)`
Merge pull request #62 from dr-impossible/master
<NME> <BEF> # aws-sdk-mock AWSome mocks for Javascript aws-sdk services. [![Build Status](]( [![](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![devDependency Status](]( [![Known Vulnerabilities](]( <!-- broken see: [![NPM](]( --> This module was created to help test AWS Lambda functions but can be used in any situation where the AWS SDK needs to be mocked. If you are *new* to Amazon WebServices Lambda (*or need a refresher*), please checkout our our ***Beginners Guide to AWS Lambda***: <> * [Why](#why) * [What](#what) * [Getting Started](#how) * [Documentation](#documentation) * [Background Reading](#background-reading) ## Why? Testing your code is *essential* everywhere you need *reliability*. Using stubs means you can prevent a specific method from being called directly. In our case we want to prevent the actual AWS services to be called while testing functions that use the AWS SDK. ## What? Uses [Sinon.js]( under the hood to mock the AWS SDK services and their associated methods. ## *How*? (*Usage*) ### *install* `aws-sdk-mock` from NPM ```sh npm install aws-sdk-mock --save-dev ``` ### Use in your Tests #### Using plain JavaScript ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function (params, callback){ callback(null, 'successfully put item in database'); }); AWS.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'test-message'); // S3 getObject mock - return a Buffer object with file data AWS.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.from(require('fs').readFileSync('testFile.csv'))); /** TESTS **/ AWS.restore('SNS', 'publish'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('S3'); // or AWS.restore(); this will restore all the methods and services ``` #### Using TypeScript ```typescript import AWSMock from 'aws-sdk-mock'; import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; import { GetItemInput } from 'aws-sdk/clients/dynamodb'; beforeAll(async (done) => { //get requires env vars done(); }); describe('the module', () => { /** TESTS below here **/ it('should mock getItem from DynamoDB', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.getItem() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }) const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await dynamodb.getItem(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB'); }); it('should mock reading from DocumentClient', async () => { // Overwriting DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get() AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', (params: GetItemInput, callback: Function) => { console.log('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'mock called'); callback(null, {pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar'}); }); const input:GetItemInput = { TableName: '', Key: {} }; const client = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'}); expect(await client.get(input).promise()).toStrictEqual({ pk: 'foo', sk: 'bar' }); AWSMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); }); }); ``` #### Sinon You can also pass Sinon spies to the mock: ```js const updateTableSpy = sinon.spy(); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'updateTable', updateTableSpy); // Object under test myDynamoManager.scaleDownTable(); // Assert on your Sinon spy as normal assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledOnce, 'should update dynamo table via AWS SDK'); const expectedParams = { TableName: 'testTableName', ProvisionedThroughput: { ReadCapacityUnits: 1, WriteCapacityUnits: 1 } }; assert.isTrue(updateTableSpy.calledWith(expectedParams), 'should pass correct parameters'); ``` **NB: The AWS Service needs to be initialised inside the function being tested in order for the SDK method to be mocked** e.g for an AWS Lambda function example 1 will cause an error `ConfigError: Missing region in config` whereas in example 2 the sdk will be successfully mocked. Example 1: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); exports.handler = function(event, context) { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish } ``` Example 2: ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` ```js exports.handler = function(event, context) { const sns = AWS.SNS(); const dynamoDb = AWS.DynamoDB(); someAsyncFunction(() => { // do something with the services e.g. sns.publish }); } ``` ### Nested services It is possible to mock nested services like `DynamoDB.DocumentClient`. Simply use this dot-notation name as the `service` parameter to the `mock()` and `restore()` methods: ```js AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, {Item: {Key: 'Value'}}); }); ``` **NB: Use caution when mocking both a nested service and its parent service.** The nested service should be mocked before and restored after its parent: ```js // OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // Not OK AWS.mock('DynamoDB', 'describeTable', 'message'); AWS.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); // Not OK AWS.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); AWS.restore('DynamoDB'); ``` ### Don't worry about the constructor configuration Some constructors of the aws-sdk will require you to pass through a configuration object. ```js const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'your.end.point', region: 'eu-west' }); ``` Most mocking solutions with throw an `InvalidEndpoint: AWS.CloudSearchDomain requires an explicit 'endpoint' configuration option` when you try to mock this. **aws-sdk-mock** will take care of this during mock creation so you **won't get any configuration errors**!<br> If configurations errors still occur it means you passed wrong configuration in your implementation. ### Setting the `aws-sdk` module explicitly Project structures that don't include the `aws-sdk` at the top level `node_modules` project folder will not be properly mocked. An example of this would be installing the `aws-sdk` in a nested project directory. You can get around this by explicitly setting the path to a nested `aws-sdk` module using `setSDK()`. Example: ```js const path = require('path'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'); AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); /** TESTS **/ ``` ### Setting the `aws-sdk` object explicitly Due to transpiling, code written in TypeScript or ES6 may not correctly mock because the `aws-sdk` object created within `aws-sdk-mock` will not be equal to the object created within the code to test. In addition, it is sometimes convenient to have multiple SDK instances in a test. For either scenario, it is possible to pass in the SDK object directly using `setSDKInstance()`. Example: ```js // test code const AWSMock = require('aws-sdk-mock'); import AWS from 'aws-sdk'; AWSMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); AWSMock.mock('SQS', /* ... */); // implementation code const sqs = new AWS.SQS(); ``` ### Configuring promises If your environment lacks a global Promise constructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): ```js const AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), Q = require('q'); AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; /** TESTS **/ ``` ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)` Replaces a method on an AWS service with a replacement function or string. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.restore(service, method)` Removes the mock to restore the specified AWS service | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Optional | AWS service to restore - If only the service is specified, all the methods are restored | | `method` | string | Optional | Method on AWS service to restore | If `AWS.restore` is called without arguments (`AWS.restore()`) then all the services and their associated methods are restored i.e. equivalent to a 'restore all' function. ### `AWS.remock(service, method, replace)` Updates the `replace` method on an existing mocked service. | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `service` | string | Required | AWS service to mock e.g. SNS, DynamoDB, S3 | | `method` | string | Required | method on AWS service to mock e.g. 'publish' (for SNS), 'putItem' for 'DynamoDB' | | `replace` | string or function | Required | A string or function to replace the method | ### `AWS.setSDK(path)` Explicitly set the require path for the `aws-sdk` | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `path` | string | Required | Path to a nested AWS SDK node module | ### `AWS.setSDKInstance(sdk)` Explicitly set the `aws-sdk` instance to use | Param | Type | Optional/Required | Description | | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | | `sdk` | object | Required | The AWS SDK object | ## Background Reading * [Mocking using Sinon.js]( * [AWS Lambda]( **Contributions welcome! Please submit issues or PRs if you think of anything that needs updating/improving** <MSG> Merge pull request #62 from dr-impossible/master Added documentation for configuring promises <DFF> @@ -167,6 +167,22 @@ AWS.setSDK(path.resolve('../../functions/foo/node_modules/aws-sdk')); **/ ``` +### Configuring promises + +If your environment lacks a global Promise contstructor (e.g. nodejs 0.10), you can explicitly set the promises on `aws-sdk-mock`. Set the value of `AWS.Promise` to the constructor for your chosen promise library. + +Example (if Q is your promise library of choice): +```js +var AWS = require('aws-sdk-mock'), + Q = require('q'); + +AWS.Promise = Q.Promise; + +/** + TESTS +**/ +``` + ## Documentation ### `AWS.mock(service, method, replace)`
Merge pull request #62 from dr-impossible/master
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; services[service].methodMocks = [] mockService(service, method, replace); } else { var methodMockExists = ~services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method); if (!methodMockExists) { mockServiceMethod(service, method, replace); } else { return; } /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ services[service].Constructor = traverse(_AWS).get(service.split('.')); services[service].methodMocks = {}; services[service].invoked = false; mockService(service); } // Register the method to be mocked out. if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** * Stub the constructor for the service on AWS. * E.g. calls of new AWS.SNS() are replaced. */ function mockService(service) { const nestedServices = service.split('.'); const method = nestedServices.pop(); const object = traverse(_AWS).get(nestedServices); const serviceStub = sinon.stub(object, method).callsFake(function(...args) { services[service].invoked = true; /** * Create an instance of the service by calling the real constructor * we stored before. E.g. const client = new AWS.SNS() * This is necessary in order to mock methods on the service. */ const client = new services[service].Constructor(...args); services[service].clients = services[service].clients || []; services[service].clients.push(client); // Once this has been triggered we can mock out all the registered methods. for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> Removes bitwise operator <DFF> @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { services[service].methodMocks = [] mockService(service, method, replace); } else { - var methodMockExists = ~services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method); + var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1 ; if (!methodMockExists) { mockServiceMethod(service, method, replace); } else { return; }
Removes bitwise operator
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { _AWS = require(path); }; AWS.setSDKInstance = function(sdk) { _AWS = sdk; }; services[service].methodMocks = [] mockService(service, method, replace); } else { var methodMockExists = ~services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method); if (!methodMockExists) { mockServiceMethod(service, method, replace); } else { return; } /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ services[service].Constructor = traverse(_AWS).get(service.split('.')); services[service].methodMocks = {}; services[service].invoked = false; mockService(service); } // Register the method to be mocked out. if (!services[service].methodMocks[method]) { services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; // If the constructor was already invoked, we need to mock the method here. if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** * Stub the constructor for the service on AWS. * E.g. calls of new AWS.SNS() are replaced. */ function mockService(service) { const nestedServices = service.split('.'); const method = nestedServices.pop(); const object = traverse(_AWS).get(nestedServices); const serviceStub = sinon.stub(object, method).callsFake(function(...args) { services[service].invoked = true; /** * Create an instance of the service by calling the real constructor * we stored before. E.g. const client = new AWS.SNS() * This is necessary in order to mock methods on the service. */ const client = new services[service].Constructor(...args); services[service].clients = services[service].clients || []; services[service].clients.push(client); // Once this has been triggered we can mock out all the registered methods. for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> Removes bitwise operator <DFF> @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { services[service].methodMocks = [] mockService(service, method, replace); } else { - var methodMockExists = ~services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method); + var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1 ; if (!methodMockExists) { mockServiceMethod(service, method, replace); } else { return; }
Removes bitwise operator
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); }) }); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Add tests for environments with native Promises <DFF> @@ -82,6 +82,50 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }) }); }); + if (typeof(Promise) === 'function') { + t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ + awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'getFunction'); + awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'createFunction'); + var error = new Error('on purpose'); + awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { + callback(null, 'message'); + }); + awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { + callback(error, 'message'); + }); + var lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); + lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { + st.equals(data, 'message'); + }).then(function(){ + return lambda.createFunction({}).promise() + }).catch(function(data){ + st.equals(data, error); + st.end(); + }); + }) + t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ + awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'getFunction'); + awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { + callback(null, 'message'); + }); + var lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); + function P(handler) { + var self = this + function yay (value) { + self.value = value + } + handler(yay, function(){}) + } + P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; + AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P) + var promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise() + st.equals(, 'P') + promise.then(function(data) { + st.equals(data, 'message'); + st.end(); + }); + }) + } t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message");
Add tests for environments with native Promises
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); }) }); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', bodyStream); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with returned streams', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', () => { const bodyStream = new Readable(); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Add tests for environments with native Promises <DFF> @@ -82,6 +82,50 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func }) }); }); + if (typeof(Promise) === 'function') { + t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ + awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'getFunction'); + awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'createFunction'); + var error = new Error('on purpose'); + awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { + callback(null, 'message'); + }); + awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { + callback(error, 'message'); + }); + var lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); + lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { + st.equals(data, 'message'); + }).then(function(){ + return lambda.createFunction({}).promise() + }).catch(function(data){ + st.equals(data, error); + st.end(); + }); + }) + t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ + awsMock.restore('Lambda', 'getFunction'); + awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { + callback(null, 'message'); + }); + var lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); + function P(handler) { + var self = this + function yay (value) { + self.value = value + } + handler(yay, function(){}) + } + P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; + AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P) + var promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise() + st.equals(, 'P') + promise.then(function(data) { + st.equals(data, 'message'); + st.end(); + }); + }) + } t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message");
Add tests for environments with native Promises
<NME> .travis.yml <BEF> language: node_js node_js: - "4.2.3" - "node" before_install: - pip install --user codecov after_success: <MSG> Add testing on more node versions <DFF> @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ language: node_js node_js: - - "4.2.3" - - "node" + - "4" + - "6" + - "8" + - "10" before_install: - pip install --user codecov after_success:
Add testing on more node versions
<NME> .travis.yml <BEF> language: node_js node_js: - "4.2.3" - "node" before_install: - pip install --user codecov after_success: <MSG> Add testing on more node versions <DFF> @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ language: node_js node_js: - - "4.2.3" - - "node" + - "4" + - "6" + - "8" + - "10" before_install: - pip install --user codecov after_success:
Add testing on more node versions
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { st.equals(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Add `send` method to request object Reference: <DFF> @@ -259,6 +259,13 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); + t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); + var s3 = new AWS.S3(); + var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); + st.equals(typeof req.send, 'function'); + st.end(); + }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message");
Add `send` method to request object
<NME> index.test.js <BEF> 'use strict'; const tap = require('tap'); const test = tap.test; const awsMock = require('../index.js'); const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const isNodeStream = require('is-node-stream'); const concatStream = require('concat-stream'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const jest = require('jest-mock'); const sinon = require('sinon'); AWS.config.paramValidation = false; tap.afterEach(() => { awsMock.restore(); }); test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', function(t){ t.test('mock function replaces method with a function that returns replace string', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with replace function', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method which accepts any number of arguments can be mocked', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); awsMock.mock('S3', 'upload', function(params, options, callback) { callback(null, options); }); s3.upload({}, {test: 'message'}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data.test, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('method fails on invalid input if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.ok(err); st.notOk(data); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method with no input rules can be mocked even if paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getSignedUrl', 'message'); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method succeeds on valid input when paramValidation is set', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3({paramValidation: true}); s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', Key: 'k'}, function(err, data) { st.notOk(err); st.equal(data.Body, 'body'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('method is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is not re-mocked if a mock already exists', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('service is re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('all instances of service are re-mocked when remock called', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 1'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); awsMock.remock('SNS', 'subscribe', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message 2'); }); sns1.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); sns2.subscribe({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message 2'); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('multiple methods can be mocked on the same service', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); lambda.createFunction({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); }); if (typeof Promise === 'function') { t.test('promises are supported', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(error, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('replacement returns thennable', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params) { return Promise.resolve('message') }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { return Promise.reject(error) }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('no unhandled promise rejections when promises are not used', function(st) { process.on('unhandledRejection', function(reason, promise) {'unhandledRejection, reason follows'); st.error(reason); }); awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(params, callback) { callback('This is a test error to see if promise rejections go unhandled'); }); const S3 = new AWS.S3(); S3.getObject({}, function(err, data) {}); st.end(); }); t.test('promises work with async completion', function(st){ const error = new Error('on purpose'); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, null, 'message'), 10); }); awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'createFunction', function(params, callback) { setTimeout(callback.bind(this, error, 'message'), 10); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); lambda.getFunction({}).promise().then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }).then(function(){ return lambda.createFunction({}).promise(); }).catch(function(data){ st.equal(data, error); st.end(); }); }); t.test('promises can be configured', function(st){ awsMock.mock('Lambda', 'getFunction', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'message'); }); const lambda = new AWS.Lambda(); function P(handler) { const self = this; function yay (value) { self.value = value; } handler(yay, function(){}); } P.prototype.then = function(yay) { if (this.value) yay(this.value) }; AWS.config.setPromisesDependency(P); const promise = lambda.getFunction({}).promise(); st.equal(, 'P'); promise.then(function(data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); } t.test('request object supports createReadStream', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); let req = s3.getObject('getObject', function(err, data) {}); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // with or without callback req = s3.getObject('getObject'); st.ok(isNodeStream(req.createReadStream())); // stream is currently always empty but that's subject to change. // let's just consume it and ignore the contents req = s3.getObject('getObject'); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function() { st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with streams', function(st) { st.equals(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message"); bodyStream.push('body'); bodyStream.push(null); return bodyStream; }); const stream = new AWS.S3().getObject('getObject').createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with strings', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', 'body'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream works with buffers', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', Buffer.alloc(4, 'body')); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), 'body'); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores functions', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', function(){}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('request object createReadStream ignores non-buffer objects', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); const stream = req.createReadStream(); stream.pipe(concatStream(function(actual) { st.equal(actual.toString(), ''); st.end(); })); }); t.test('call on method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); st.equal(typeof req.send, 'function'); st.end(); }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('only the method on the service is restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('method on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS', 'publish'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all methods on all service instances are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); const sns1 = new AWS.SNS(); const sns2 = new AWS.SNS(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns1.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns2.publish.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('SNS'); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns1.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns2.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('all the services are restored when no arguments given to awsMock.restore', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'message'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'putItem', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback){ callback(null, 'test'); }); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(sns.publish.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore(); st.equal(AWS.SNS.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(sns.publish.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.putItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', 'message'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'put', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.put.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.put({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); docClient.get({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'test'); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.put.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); }); }); t.test('a nested service can be mocked properly even when paramValidation is set', function(st){ awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'query', function(params, callback) { callback(null, 'test'); }); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({paramValidation: true}); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.query.isSinonProxy, true); docClient.query({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(err, null); st.equal(data, 'test'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('a mocked service and a mocked nested service can coexist as long as the nested service is mocked first', function(st) { awsMock.mock('DynamoDB.DocumentClient', 'get', 'message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); const docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); let dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', 'test'); dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB(); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB.DocumentClient'); // the first assertion is true because DynamoDB is still mocked st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), true); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.isSinonProxy, true); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.isSinonProxy, true); awsMock.restore('DynamoDB'); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(AWS.DynamoDB.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(docClient.get.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.equal(dynamoDb.getItem.hasOwnProperty('isSinonProxy'), false); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked services should use the implementation configuration arguments without complaining they are missing', function(st) { awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); }); const csd = new AWS.CloudSearchDomain({ endpoint: 'some endpoint', region: 'eu-west' }); awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'suggest', function(params, callback) { return callback(null, 'message'); });{}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); csd.suggest({}, function(err, data) { st.equal(data, 'message'); }); st.end(); }); t.skip('Mocked service should return the sinon stub', function(st) { // TODO: the stub is only returned if an instance was already constructed const stub = awsMock.mock('CloudSearchDomain', 'search'); st.equal(stub.stub.isSinonProxy, true); st.end(); }); t.test('Restore should not fail when the stub did not exist.', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('Lambda'); awsMock.restore('SES', 'sendEmail'); awsMock.restore('CloudSearchDomain', 'doesnotexist'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Restore should not fail when service was not mocked', function (st) { // This test will fail when restoring throws unneeded errors. try { awsMock.restore('CloudFormation'); awsMock.restore('UnknownService'); st.end(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); t.test('Mocked service should allow chained calls after listening to events', function (st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject'); const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject({Bucket: 'b', notKey: 'k'}); st.equal(req.on('httpHeaders', ()=>{}), req); st.end(); }); t.test('Mocked service should return replaced function when request send is called', function(st) { awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); let returnedValue = ''; const s3 = new AWS.S3(); const req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); req.send(async (err, data) => { returnedValue = data.Body; }); st.equal(returnedValue, 'body'); st.end(); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using callback', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a sinon stub and returns successfully using promise', function(st) { const sinonStub = sinon.stub(); sinonStub.returns('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', sinonStub); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}).promise().then(function(data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(sinonStub.called, true); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and returns successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock returning successfully and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockReturnValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and resolves successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue('message'); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and fails successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn(() => { throw new Error('something went wrong') }); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock and rejects successfully', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn().mockRejectedValue(new Error('something went wrong')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err){ st.equal(err.message, 'something went wrong'); st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation and allows mocked method to be called with only callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((params, cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('mock function replaces method with a jest mock with implementation expecting only a callback', function(st) { const jestMock = jest.fn((cb) => cb(null, 'item')); awsMock.mock('DynamoDB', 'getItem', jestMock); const db = new AWS.DynamoDB(); db.getItem(function(err, data){ st.equal(jestMock.mock.calls.length, 1); st.equal(data, 'item'); st.end(); }); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDK function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Modules with multi-parameter constructors can be set for mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); awsMock.mock('CloudFront.Signer', 'getSignedUrl'); const signer = new AWS.CloudFront.Signer('key-pair-id', 'private-key'); st.type(signer, 'Signer'); st.end(); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong module can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { awsMock.setSDK('sinon'); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDK('aws-sdk'); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); test('AWS.setSDKInstance function should mock a specific AWS module', function(t) { t.test('Specific Modules can be set for mocking', function(st) { const aws2 = require('aws-sdk'); awsMock.setSDKInstance(aws2); awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message2'); const sns = new AWS.SNS(); sns.publish({}, function(err, data){ st.equal(data, 'message2'); st.end(); }); }); t.test('Setting the aws-sdk to the wrong instance can cause an exception when mocking', function(st) { const bad = {}; awsMock.setSDKInstance(bad); st.throws(function() { awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', 'message'); }); awsMock.setSDKInstance(AWS); st.end(); }); t.end(); }); <MSG> Add `send` method to request object Reference: <DFF> @@ -259,6 +259,13 @@ test('AWS.mock function should mock AWS service and method on the service', func st.equals(typeof req.on, 'function'); st.end(); }); + t.test('call send method of request object', function(st) { + awsMock.mock('S3', 'getObject', {Body: 'body'}); + var s3 = new AWS.S3(); + var req = s3.getObject('getObject', {}); + st.equals(typeof req.send, 'function'); + st.end(); + }); t.test('all the methods on a service are restored', function(st){ awsMock.mock('SNS', 'publish', function(params, callback){ callback(null, "message");
Add `send` method to request object
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { Checks if a mock of a method on a service already exists before creating it */ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; services[service].Constructor = _AWS[service]; services[service].methodMocks = [] mockService(service, method, replace); } else { var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1; if (!methodMockExists) { if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ services[service].Constructor = traverse(_AWS).get(service.split('.')); services[service].methodMocks = {}; services[service].invoked = false; mockService(service); } Saves the stub to the services object so it can be restored after the test */ function mockService(service, method, replace) { var client = new services[service].Constructor(); client.sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); services[service].client = client; mockServiceMethod(service, method, replace); mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** * Stub the constructor for the service on AWS. * E.g. calls of new AWS.SNS() are replaced. */ function mockService(service) { const nestedServices = service.split('.'); const method = nestedServices.pop(); const object = traverse(_AWS).get(nestedServices); const serviceStub = sinon.stub(object, method).callsFake(function(...args) { services[service].invoked = true; /** * Create an instance of the service by calling the real constructor * we stored before. E.g. const client = new AWS.SNS() * This is necessary in order to mock methods on the service. */ const client = new services[service].Constructor(...args); services[service].clients = services[service].clients || []; services[service].clients.push(client); // Once this has been triggered we can mock out all the registered methods. for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> added config parameter for requires AWS configurations <DFF> @@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ var services = {}; Checks if a mock of a method on a service already exists before creating it */ -AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { +AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace, config) { if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; services[service].Constructor = _AWS[service]; services[service].methodMocks = [] - mockService(service, method, replace); + mockService(service, method, replace, config); } else { var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1; if (!methodMockExists) { @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { Saves the stub to the services object so it can be restored after the test */ -function mockService(service, method, replace) { - var client = new services[service].Constructor(); +function mockService(service, method, replace, config) { + var client = new services[service].Constructor(config); client.sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); services[service].client = client; mockServiceMethod(service, method, replace);
added config parameter for requires AWS configurations
<NME> index.js <BEF> 'use strict'; /** * Helpers to mock the AWS SDK Services using sinon.js under the hood * Export two functions: * - mock * - restore * * Mocking is done in two steps: * - mock of the constructor for the service on AWS * - mock of the method on the service **/ const sinon = require('sinon'); const traverse = require('traverse'); let _AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const Readable = require('stream').Readable; const AWS = {}; const services = {}; /** * Sets the aws-sdk to be mocked. */ AWS.setSDK = function(path) { Checks if a mock of a method on a service already exists before creating it */ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; services[service].Constructor = _AWS[service]; services[service].methodMocks = [] mockService(service, method, replace); } else { var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1; if (!methodMockExists) { if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; /** * Save the real constructor so we can invoke it later on. * Uses traverse for easy access to nested services (dot-separated) */ services[service].Constructor = traverse(_AWS).get(service.split('.')); services[service].methodMocks = {}; services[service].invoked = false; mockService(service); } Saves the stub to the services object so it can be restored after the test */ function mockService(service, method, replace) { var client = new services[service].Constructor(); client.sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); services[service].client = client; mockServiceMethod(service, method, replace); mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; }; /** * Stubs the service and registers the method that needs to be re-mocked. */ AWS.remock = function(service, method, replace) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method]) { restoreMethod(service, method); services[service].methodMocks[method] = { replace: replace }; } if (services[service].invoked) { services[service].clients.forEach(client => { mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace); }) } return services[service].methodMocks[method]; } /** * Stub the constructor for the service on AWS. * E.g. calls of new AWS.SNS() are replaced. */ function mockService(service) { const nestedServices = service.split('.'); const method = nestedServices.pop(); const object = traverse(_AWS).get(nestedServices); const serviceStub = sinon.stub(object, method).callsFake(function(...args) { services[service].invoked = true; /** * Create an instance of the service by calling the real constructor * we stored before. E.g. const client = new AWS.SNS() * This is necessary in order to mock methods on the service. */ const client = new services[service].Constructor(...args); services[service].clients = services[service].clients || []; services[service].clients.push(client); // Once this has been triggered we can mock out all the registered methods. for (const key in services[service].methodMocks) { mockServiceMethod(service, client, key, services[service].methodMocks[key].replace); }; return client; }); services[service].stub = serviceStub; }; /** * Wraps a sinon stub or jest mock function as a fully functional replacement function */ function wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace) { if (typeof replace !== 'function' || !(replace._isMockFunction || replace.isSinonProxy)) { return replace; } return (params, cb) => { // If only one argument is provided, it is the callback if (!cb) { cb = params; params = {}; } // Spy on the users callback so we can later on determine if it has been called in their replace const cbSpy = sinon.spy(cb); try { // Call the users replace, check how many parameters it expects to determine if we should pass in callback only, or also parameters const result = replace.length === 1 ? replace(cbSpy) : replace(params, cbSpy); // If the users replace already called the callback, there's no more need for us do it. if (cbSpy.called) { return; } if (typeof result.then === 'function') { result.then(val => cb(undefined, val), err => cb(err)); } else { cb(undefined, result); } } catch (err) { cb(err); } }; } /** * Stubs the method on a service. * * All AWS service methods take two argument: * - params: an object. * - callback: of the form 'function(err, data) {}'. */ function mockServiceMethod(service, client, method, replace) { replace = wrapTestStubReplaceFn(replace); services[service].methodMocks[method].stub = sinon.stub(client, method).callsFake(function() { const args =; let userArgs, userCallback; if (typeof args[(args.length || 1) - 1] === 'function') { userArgs = args.slice(0, -1); userCallback = args[(args.length || 1) - 1]; } else { userArgs = args; } const havePromises = typeof AWS.Promise === 'function'; let promise, resolve, reject, storedResult; const tryResolveFromStored = function() { if (storedResult && promise) { if (typeof storedResult.then === 'function') { storedResult.then(resolve, reject) } else if (storedResult.reject) { reject(storedResult.reject); } else { resolve(storedResult.resolve); } } }; const callback = function(err, data) { if (!storedResult) { if (err) { storedResult = {reject: err}; } else { storedResult = {resolve: data}; } } if (userCallback) { userCallback(err, data); } tryResolveFromStored(); }; const request = { promise: havePromises ? function() { if (!promise) { promise = new AWS.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) { resolve = resolve_; reject = reject_; }); } tryResolveFromStored(); return promise; } : undefined, createReadStream: function() { if (storedResult instanceof Readable) { return storedResult; } if (replace instanceof Readable) { return replace; } else { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = function(size) { if (typeof replace === 'string' || Buffer.isBuffer(replace)) { this.push(replace); } this.push(null); }; return stream; } }, on: function(eventName, callback) { return this; }, send: function(callback) { callback(storedResult.reject, storedResult.resolve); } }; // different locations for the paramValidation property const config = (client.config || client.options || _AWS.config); if (config.paramValidation) { try { // different strategies to find method, depending on wether the service is nested/unnested const inputRules = ((client.api && client.api.operations[method]) || client[method] || {}).input; if (inputRules) { const params = userArgs[(userArgs.length || 1) - 1]; new _AWS.ParamValidator((client.config || _AWS.config).paramValidation).validate(inputRules, params); } } catch (e) { callback(e, null); return request; } } // If the value of 'replace' is a function we call it with the arguments. if (typeof replace === 'function') { const result = replace.apply(replace, userArgs.concat([callback])); if (storedResult === undefined && result != null && (typeof result.then === 'function' || result instanceof Readable)) { storedResult = result } } // Else we call the callback with the value of 'replace'. else { callback(null, replace); } return request; }); } /** * Restores the mocks for just one method on a service, the entire service, or all mocks. * * When no parameters are passed, everything will be reset. * When only the service is passed, that specific service will be reset. * When a service and method are passed, only that method will be reset. */ AWS.restore = function(service, method) { if (!service) { restoreAllServices(); } else { if (method) { restoreMethod(service, method); } else { restoreService(service); } }; }; /** * Restores all mocked service and their corresponding methods. */ function restoreAllServices() { for (const service in services) { restoreService(service); } } /** * Restores a single mocked service and its corresponding methods. */ function restoreService(service) { if (services[service]) { restoreAllMethods(service); if (services[service].stub) services[service].stub.restore(); delete services[service]; } else { console.log('Service ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } /** * Restores all mocked methods on a service. */ function restoreAllMethods(service) { for (const method in services[service].methodMocks) { restoreMethod(service, method); } } /** * Restores a single mocked method on a service. */ function restoreMethod(service, method) { if (services[service] && services[service].methodMocks[method]) { if (services[service].methodMocks[method].stub) { // restore this method on all clients services[service].clients.forEach(client => { if (client[method] && typeof client[method].restore === 'function') { client[method].restore(); } }) } delete services[service].methodMocks[method]; } else { console.log('Method ' + service + ' was never instantiated yet you try to restore it.'); } } (function() { const setPromisesDependency = _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency; /* istanbul ignore next */ /* only to support for older versions of aws-sdk */ if (typeof setPromisesDependency === 'function') { AWS.Promise = global.Promise; _AWS.config.setPromisesDependency = function(p) { AWS.Promise = p; return setPromisesDependency(p); }; } })(); module.exports = AWS; <MSG> added config parameter for requires AWS configurations <DFF> @@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ var services = {}; Checks if a mock of a method on a service already exists before creating it */ -AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { +AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace, config) { if (!services[service]) { services[service] = {}; services[service].Constructor = _AWS[service]; services[service].methodMocks = [] - mockService(service, method, replace); + mockService(service, method, replace, config); } else { var methodMockExists = services[service].methodMocks.indexOf(method) > -1; if (!methodMockExists) { @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ AWS.mock = function(service, method, replace) { Saves the stub to the services object so it can be restored after the test */ -function mockService(service, method, replace) { - var client = new services[service].Constructor(); +function mockService(service, method, replace, config) { + var client = new services[service].Constructor(config); client.sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); services[service].client = client; mockServiceMethod(service, method, replace);
added config parameter for requires AWS configurations