--- annotations_creators: - other language: - en language_creators: - other license: - unknown multilinguality: - monolingual pretty_name: 'Spain - Net-a-Porter - Product-level price list' source_datasets: - original tags: - webscraping - ecommerce - 'Net' - fashion - fashion product - image - fashion image task_categories: - text-classification - image-classification - feature-extraction - image-segmentation - image-to-image - image-to-text - object-detection - summarization - zero-shot-image-classification --- # Net-a-Porter web scraped data ## About the website Net-a-Porter participates in the growing **ecommerce industry** in the **EMEA** region, particularly in **Spain**. The **fashion ecommerce industry** of Spain is expanding rapidly as digital technology becomes increasingly integrated in daily life. Many consumers are turning to online shopping for ease and convenience, and businesses are capitalizing on this trend. The provided dataset includes **Ecommerce product-list page (PLP) data** on Net-a-Porter in Spain, offering valuable insights to guide strategies within the online retail sector. In particular, it can help understand customer browsing behavior, preferences and purchasing patterns, crucial for content and product portfolio planning. ## Link to **dataset** [Spain - Net-a-Porter - Product-level price list dataset](https://www.databoutique.com/buy-data-page/Net-a-Porter%20Product-prices%20Spain/r/recdTadGg6KS4lFMV)