full_text,score "People tend to use there cars so much, they basically can't live or get through the day with out their car. We use the car to go every where rather it's to the grocery store , work or just to go hang out with friends and family! Just traveling in general. Well imagine if we limited the usage of cars in our community! I strongly believe that doing this would have many advantages to our community for many reasons like it will make people less stressful all the time, there would be less accidents and it would definitly be better for the environment. OMG I ran out of gas or OH my i have to take my car to the shop to get it fixed is usually the two main things you hear people stay when the word ""car"" comes up. Having a car comes with alot of stress because it of expenses and having to take of its every need and usually when someone is stressed they are not the best person you wanna have a conversation with. I think that if we limit the usage of cars a lot of people in the community will be alot happier. According to the article ""Car-free Cities"" by Elisabeth Rosenthal in source 2 a lady name Heidrun Walter says "" When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way."" and i think that is a perfect example of limited car usauage can make a person happier. In addition, I feel that if that if we limit the car usage in our community it will make this community a much safer environment. We hear and see about many car accidents in our country and community and cars can be very very dangerous. People often get injuried and/or die in car recks to. So limitting the car usage in the communitry will keep people more safe and most importantly alive . Kids will be able to run aroumd the neighborhood and play with their friends and also cross the street safely without the disruption of a car coming and stopping them from what they are doing  because they do not wants to get hurt from the car coming because they do not know who is driving the car. Last but not least limiting the use of car usage in the community because it would definitly be better for the environment. In science class we often talk about how cars polute the air and just mess up the waehter in the car and me my self i can also feel the car changing the more i see cars more cars in the streets. I think that it makes the days hotter and i also think that it makes the winters come around earlier and it makes it alot more colder. I live in the Sunshine florida and in the south. So all year round its usually hot extremly hot but has i realize more people are driving around the winers seem ALOT more cold then it usually is and the cold last for longer periods of time. In conclusion, I belive that if we limit the car usuage in our community it will make it a better place for many reasons. Like it will make people less stressful and  be happier, there will be less accidents on the road and it will also help the environment a lot.                     ",2 "Imagine being a top scientist at NASA and Viking 1 spacecraft ""spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face."" A lot of people thought of alien life possibility, but others thought it to be just a natural landform. What would your thoughts be about the image? The face of Mars is a natural landform. There's similar landforms on Earth, high pixel photos taken, and not enough reliable information to support the alien life theory. To begin, there are similar landforms on Earth to the one on Mars. As stated in the text, ""what the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West."" Also stated in the text is Garvin giving his opinion, ""it reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho."" Another issue with the alien life theory is the fact that NASA has high quality cameras. Quoting the text, ""each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo."" In the result of having high quality pictures you could see small details clearly. As stated in the article Garvin said, "" 'so, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!' "" Concluding that statement nothing other than the landform that had resembled a face was seen on Mars. Finally, there wasn't enough evidence to support the claim of alien life on Mars. The first pictures were blurry and had haze or cloud coverage. This theory was more popular on the online world than in the science world. As stated in the text, ""the 'Face on Mars' has since become a pop icon. It has starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows-even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years!"" This proves that this might be just for publicity and attention. There has been many conspiracy theorists. Ultimately, the face on Mars is just a natural landform. There's similar landforms on Earth, high pixel photos taken, and not enough reliable information to support the alien life theory. ",2 "The face of Mars could not be created by aliens. It is a land form created by the conditions of mars and looks like a face only by coincidence. Mesa's are common in this area of Mars and there are many others like this one just without the same shadows which makes the appearance of a human's face. Out of so many different land forms in Cydonia why should this be any different. In the second paragrapgh of the article, it stated that the Cydonia region is known for its buttes and mesas. The face of Mars is just another mesa no different that any other one except for its unique shadows. It is strange to see a formation on an supposedly uninhabited planet that depicts a ""human"" face. Espescially when no human has ever set foot on the planet of Mars before. But at the same time, that is all the more reason to believe that this is nothing more that a weird coincidence since no person has ever been there. To conspiracy theorists dismay, this strange landform is nothing more than martian butte or mesa and a weird coincidence. It is an interesting formation that stumped and puzzled scientests all over the world. But we now know the formation is not anything that will reveal alien lifeforms or alien activity. ",2 "Many people belive that the face on Mars was created by an alien or aliens. We have evidance that proves it was not. In 1997 (MGS) arrived on the Red Planet and stayed there for eighteen long yeas. On April 5,1998 (MGS) got a picture of Cydonia, while thousands of web surfers were waiting for the picture to apper on the JPL web site. The picture reavealed a natural landform. Also that there was no alien moniment after all. Nevertheless, on April 8, 2001—a cloudless summer day in Cydonia—Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. “We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view,” said Garvin. “Malin’s team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera’s absolute maximum resolution.” Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. “As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size,” I added. “So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!” What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa—landforms common around the American West. These are some facts on how we know that Cydonia the face on Mars was not created by aliens, and is just a normal land structure.",2 "Driverless Cars are coming soon or later? People have argued that there are positive and negative things about this crazy invention. I see alot of negative things about this invention that is suppose to come into the world by technology. If the car would fail at a point you could be injured, injured bad or death can occur, people have less experince driving and people will be more lazy then what they already are, and someone could even fall asleep because they arent incontrol of the car the car is incontrol of you and something bad could happen if your in danger and the car doesnt alert you like its suppose to or what if it doesnt? What if the car fails at letting you know you are in danger and something bad happens is it your fault or the cars fault? If the car fails at telling you this you could be hurt, hurt badly or you could put your life at risk and you could die if your in seroius trouble. You cant depend on nobody or nothing but yourself. I feel like this could put your life at risk. Most people would like to drive the car not the car drive them. Technology could break down at any time you just never know when that time is. It may not work at its best like they say it will, at some point and time it will or could fail People would have less experince as drivers do today and people would be more lazy. What if your in danger and your incontrol of the car now what if that person has lack of experince and they wont know what to do. They will be in danger and could really hurt themselfs or others. They could crash into another car or crash into smething. This invention is sounding very dangerous not just too me but many others. People are already lazy enough and they would be even more lazy with this invention. Technology is taking control over our world and this would be a big one. Some car accidents are going to happen in the world but i feel like most people are alert and focus already on the road and their surroundings. If you arent incontrol of the car you could possibly fall asleep at the wheel and what if you need to take over? Then what? Something serious could happen and you could put you and others at risk. Most people want to be incontrol of the car and not have the car be incontrol of them. This invention is very dangerous and i dont feel like it would help our world today. If this invention isnt made i feel it will cause no stress and not alot of worries about the negativities that could happen. Technology is taking over our lifes very quickly and thats not how it should be. I hope this dangerous invention doesnt come soon or later in our lifes we need to be resposible of being incontrol of the car at all times. This could cause lack of responsibility in many of peoples lifes. This invention is very dangerous. I hope many others see alot of negatives i see in this invention that might happen in the world I would like to see and many other would like to see more people come together and argue that this is dangerous and shouldnt happen in our world. We shouldnt want to be control by technology. Bad things could happen to you, mine, and others lifes. ",3 "Hellow, my name is Luke Bomberger and I would like too share with you the experience I had as being a Seagoing Cowboy. Do you like helping people,visiting sites,and caring for animals? Then this might be that right job for you. When a first heard about it I was interested in becoming one of many Seagoing cowboys. As a Seagoing Cowboy you have a lot of responsibilates. One responsibilate is you will be a member of the UNRRA. You will also get to visit a lot of contries on you way there and you will get to see there land marks. Then as a Seagoing Cowboy you will also have to take care of the animal that you wil be shipping overseas to there destination. At first it sound wierd to be called a Seagoing Cowboy but if you like site seeing and going to places you have never been before then this job is just right for you. When I went I sall the Acropolis in Greece and I also rode on a Gondola in Venice,Italy throgh the street water. If these place sound good imagen all the places you could visit if you become a Seagoing Cowboy. In addition to going to places you have never been before you also get the chance of helping people that's homes are in ruins due to World War 2. There is and organization called the United Nation Relief and Rehabilitation Administration which is also known as (UNRRA). This organization helps contries recover animals,food suplies and more. 44 nation join together to help these contries in need. So if you want to help these contries than becoming a Seagoing Cowboy is the right jod for you. Also if you like animal this is the right place for you to be. Me and my friend help animal by getting young cows or mules shipped overseas. One day we had to boared 355 horses and enough food to feed then all to get there. We helped by returning them to a place that they can live in that is not in ruins. In addition to visiting place you will also be able to take care of animal as you ship them overseas. Now that you now that Seagoing Cowboys Visit marvoluse places and in addition they also help the UNRRA and help take care of them and relocate animals by shipping them overseas. I hope that however is reading this,and if you get the chance,will sign up to become a Seagoing Cowboy. I also hope that if you do become a Seaging Cowboy that you injoy your experience, I now that I sure did. ",3 "Do you want to be a seagoing cowboy? I was once, and I think that the experience is very fun-filled and educational. You will meet many different types of people on your journey. Does it sound fun? Well, here are some reasons that you should decide to become a seagoing cowboy. First off, you will find that there is always something to do on board the ship, I found that there are many things to do so you can pass time. I played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed on return trips after the animals were unloaded. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games were some of the activities that we did. Also, when you are off the ship and you need something to do, you can explore the surrounding area. On my trips, I toured an excavated castle, saw the Acopolis in Greece, took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China. There are many things to see and do anywhere you are. Lasty, you always know that the things that you do help many people in many ways. I always loved seeing the smiling faces of the people that I gave my time and energy into helping them. The people that we helped were survivors of World War II. Their belongings were destroyed, and most of their countries were left in ruins. We gave them food supplies, animals, and more. So, do you want to be a seagoing cowboy now? If you do, thats great! The experience lets you remember that what you did changed peoples lives forever. If I had the chance to become a seagoing cowboy again, I would take it. This made me more aware of what life was like for other people. ",2 "Claim: This story is really about how many people studying about Mona Lisa and how the way her mood is. Evidence: Lots of people try to figure out her history on her emotions. Someone uses a 3d computer and he figures out that she has 6 other emotions of herself. Intro: Some people try to study her history from back in the day because of why she dosent smile that often and why is she always angry. Body: Some people perform an impressive calculation on her feelings by the look of her face. Conclusion: The whole story is about why people wonder why Mona Lisa never smiles that often. People uses lots of technology to try to figure out the way her mood was before she had 6 different emotions someone calls the person who knows lots of history about the story. Then they figure out that she did finaly smile during a painting class. By the look of her face the first time that someone notist lots of people were impressed it raised your eyebrows when you where surprised. Her smile really did change some back story about her first mood. ",0 "I agree with this new technology that can read students emotional expressions. Many students today especially high scholors are more emmune to depression. With this new technology being able to recognize students emotions can be useful. It should be used the same when students get their vision and hearing checked. Every student in the school should be checked by the technology to read their emotional expressions. Someone might be going though deep depression on the inside but seem to be fine on the outside to where they dont show their depression. My oldest sister was depressed but didnt show it, we could have lost her to suicide. I wouldnt want anyone else to go through what my family did if they can just get help by the new technology. This new technology is to tell the six basic emotions and which emotions the person is feeling more. Sadness and being angry are the two emotions that should be focused on more. Somone who cant express their emotions can take this test and end up getting help from others who can help this person in makinging them feel loved and cared for. It could also help in school when students are confused or bored with the lesson. This technology can read the students emotions and help the teachers help their student comprehend what is being taught. In the article it states,"" A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored."" Having this at school could be very useful to students in many ways. Reading this article made me think about my facial expressions and how advanced we are getting in technology. People today show their emotions by using facial expressions. In the article it states,"" The facial expressions for each emotion are universal, even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression."" Us human preform whats called ""calculation"" it's when we can tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look are their face. This article ""Making Mona Lisa Smile,"" now made me have a different perspective on others and my emotional expressions. After reading this I do support the technology that can read students and other humans emotional expressions. ",2 "In this article, the author is trying to find a way to study Venus and avoid all risks of danger. The author wants to know hwo to get to Venus without any difficulties. Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distnace too. Why is it so challenging to study Venus? According to the article, the author says that, ""Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us"". The article also says that, ""Even more challengning are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere"". That is why the author thinks or knows that is intense to study Venus. What are some options to study Venus? In the article, it says that NASA has one particulary comepelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limted insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. More importantly in the article is that researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to out knowledge of Venus. According to the article, NASA is working on other approahes to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. ",2 "I am writing this paragraph about a argumentive essay and to say that the face that was found on Mars was not a alien it's a natural born landform. The face that was found on Mars was not a alien, I think that because it had the shape on a human face and a human face does not look anything like a alien face, they are two different types of faces. The reason is on May 24, 2001 when the face was spotted it even says "" When it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face"", it does not say anything about it looking like a alien face. Then, the NASA opened up the image for everyone to see this caption had a huge rock resemble they said, "" which resembles a human head formed by shadows giving a illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth"". This little sentence that was stated when they took a good look at the picture pretty much states that they is a possiblity that it could be a alien head but a very low chance, so most likely this head is a human head (90%). This little sitiuation attracted a nice amout of attension to Mars. Also, on April 5, 1998 Michael Malin and his camera got 10 good pictures of the face the pictures were better than the vikings pictures so now they can really look into the picture. Then the pictures that were taken a lot of people were waiting on them, and finally they first appered on a JPL web site, the picture that first appered on JPL's web site revealed a natural landform. They said, "" There was no alien monument after all "", so that means that the head was into a human head and it was not a alien head. So they were planning a date to take more pictures just so they can look at it and make sure that there evidence is not wrong and they said everything right. In Conclusion, I wrote this argumentative essay to explain how the head that was found on Mars is a human head not a alien head. It so happend to be that it was a human head and it had thne natural landform to even show that it was a human head. After all it takes alot of research to get things done and have them done the right way in science, but it was a human head.",2 "I don't like the idea of driveless cars. I feel like if a human can do it we should. Especially when it comes to things like that. like the idea of robots, would you really want something cleaning for you and taking care of older folks and children. I do think they are a good idea for the blind and people not going to far. Like since i live in Indiana, they would be a good idea for people in Indianapolis to get from the mall to like a resturant or something. Nothing major or far like driving from Indiana to California, not a good idea. I just don't trust things like that. Driveless cars are sort of a good idea. they're are many pros and cons about the whole thing. I feel like they are dangerous because they could malfuncting and blow up or something. Or they will drive right into a buliding at full speed or something. No car is really safe in general, but letting a robot like thing drive your car is kinda a crazy idea. Another con is that they can't really drive by itself, it still needs you to hold the steering wheel and take control when around accident ot people working on roads. I feel like if they want to have driving cars they should just bulid a car that can drive people instead of a car that half does it. Another con is that they are basically illlegal in most states except a couple. Would we have to visit somewhere else to expericence what crazy technology the world has for us now. I also think they are a bad idea because driving are probably going to be directly on their phone, no hand on the steering wheel or anything. And like it says, when the car needs you to take over it will tell you to take over. But i feel like people will just ignore it and get into accidents they could have prevented. Pros are that you can half drive. You wouldn't have to really pay attention to anything around you and you could just relax while driving. ",2 """ The Challenge of Exploring Venus "" You've heard of astronauts visiting the moon and range rovers roaming Mars, but have you ever heard of people or even range rovers exploring Venus? No living or non-living thing has ever experienced Venus in any type of way due to its harsh conditions! For this reason, the author thinks that we should find a way to go onto Venus, and find out any information about it. Venus may be hiding many amazing things but, we'll never know unless we find a way to get there. The author believes that although it is difficult to go on Venus, it will be worth it in the end. It is possible that many centuries ago, Venus was very similar to Earth. Scientists believe that long ago, there was even water on Venus. Today, there are many similar features like mountains, valleys, and craters just like Earth. In conclusion, I agree with the author. I believe that it will be worth it going to Venus. MAybe one day we will be able to find out the amazing things Venus carries.",0 "Are driverless cars really what our world needs? In my personal opinion i don't think we should waste our money on driverless cars. There are many reasons that this is not a safe idea and it should not take place. Do you want a ""robot"" having your life in its hands? The type of driverless cars that have been put to test will end up costing us alot of money that we don't have to waste. Also technology has failed us numeroumous of times and putting our life in its hands is not such a good idea. No matter how much money we spend on this technology to keep us safe there is a possibilty it will fail us. Just like if you were to go buy the new iphone, peopl e say it is the best working phone on the market but they tend to break on you, burn out, and all these other things no matter how new it is. If you can't trust a phone with such little duties why would you want a computer operated car doing so? These driverlesss cars still need humans to be fully active and responsive. If this is the case then humans should just continue driving themselves. I understand that some peopl ebelive this will reduce the number of accidents that happen but a computer is just as obligated to make mistakes just like humans and maybe more. Sometimes computers do this thing where thye juist shut down on you no warnings or anything and what if this was to happen on a highway with this new driverless cars people are wanting to invent? There is no way to really hold anyone responsible for an accident in such manner. The driver has little control over what happens and the manufacturers will not want to take responsibilty because they want to keep their money in their pockets. I feel as if we could be spending our time on better and more important things. My question is why fix something that isn't broken? In my honest opinion driverless cars are not needed and are trully a waste of our well hard worked for money. There are other things int hie world right now that could use the time and money we are going to waste on such project. The cars we have now are getting the job we need done. If people don't want to drive that is why we have busses, taxis, ubers, and trains for. Getting driverless cars will put people out of a job because companies wouldn't have to pay a car to do its job and this will put more people on our streets. To be honest it might even casue more problems is other areas like murder, robbery, and ect. We have to take a look at all aspects of this decision we are making as a nation. Look at it as if it was you loosing a job or put yourself in a situation where you driverless car causes you or a loved one a life beacuse computers are not as reliable as people may belive. Driverless cars are a bad idea and we should think long term about devloping these cars and puting them on our roads.",2 "The Facial action coding system is a good move to a higher level of schools. The Facial action coding system is going to make students emotion more valuable. The Facial action coding system well make the teachers know how their students feel about the class which is the most important thing to know. Are they bored, happy, disgusted, or angry. Why is it important to the teachers to know how their students feel about the class? It's important because mostly the way a student feel about a class is what going to make him/her pass or fail that class. If the teachers knew their students feelings they well have a chance to change their students feeling. That's what well make all the teachers ""the best teacher."" In conclusion the Facial action coding system is a good move to a higher level of schools. The Facial action coding system is going to be very helpful for teachers too. Finaly I think that the Facial action coding system is going to be one of the most valuable things in schools.",1 "In a world where driverless cars are becoming more and more of a reality, the worse the option of driverless cars seem. The cars are not driverless, but more like driver assisted. Laws would have to be put in place or drastically changed to allow these cars on the road. Finding out who the problem of the accident when one happens would be a catastropy for the police and insurance agencies. Accidents caused by distractions would be wide spread. In this entire article the fact that the ""self driving"" cars are not self driving is very present. There are some cars that need the passenger of the car to pay attention to the road more than others. This attentiveness that is required defeats the purpose of driverless cars. Some cars required more interaction than others. The BMW ""Traffic Jam Assistant"" requires the driver to constantly hold on to the steering wheel. In the acticle it even states that the cars cannot get themselves through sticky situation such as work zones or accidents. Other cars such as the Google car that use radar and sensors to replicate the car's surroundings are reliable on how the driver drove, and might be prone to malfunction causing accidents to happen. Once the boredom of not driving your car for the full time takes you away from the road you can become distracted. One BMW car even offers a built-in entertainment system that would distract the driver. Everyone has seem what happens when drivers become distracted now with the effects of texting and driving, imagine what would happen if the driver totally didn't have their eyes on the road. Whenever that replication fails or the driver gets distracted, the car would crash, and there would be a huge legal mess. Police officers and insurance agencies would be deamed the task of trying to find whose fault the accident is. Laws would be put in place after months if not years of debates on how these laws should work, and who to blame. This would take the attention away from more important topics that may need fixed sooner than later. The ""self driving"" car debate is a prime example of ""don't fix it if it isn't broke"". As evident in this article the cons heavily out-weigh the few pros that can be observed. The social and economic change on our world would be one that could impact everyone for the negative, as stocks would fall, tax dollars would be wasted, and car prices would majorly increase. ""Self-driving"" cars should be left as they are seem in the past, a figure of our imagination, that would only be in place in utopian societies.",3 "It was may 24,2001 I was working at NASA driving the viking 1 spacecraft over mars when all of a suden I see a face on the planet, was so shocked i couldnt believe it so i snaped 123 pictures of it to see if it was real and every picture turnd out the same so i ran down the hall to get my friend and when he saw the picture he just as shocked as i was. and after starring at the picture for 36 minutes he says ''ALIENS MADE IT'' and i said no well we dont know wat it was i believe it was just a natural landform he says no it was aliens so i say lets take another picture,so my team and i used our viking 1s absolute maximum resolution camra and so snaped 1 more photo of the face and sent it to our scientest and 2 weeks pass and the scientest say its an natrual landform coused by a lava dome that bursted and caused the rockes to form a human like face and there was no alien like monument anywhere",1 "The argunment in A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves was to make people to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys. The person name luke was the person trying to make people join and participate in the seagoing cowboys. The text states that luke was always trying to help people with thing like rideing a boat to pacific ocean twice to help people affected by the world war two. It was 1945 , when the world war two was over. The text states that they were going to help recover countries food supplies,animals,and more. Thats why luke couldnt say no too his friend Don Reist and the story says that he knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime. Thats why UNRRA hired "" Seagoing Cowboys"" for they can take care of the states that were in world war 2. In order to do that he need help so luke did was he tried too convince others to participate in with the seagoing cowboys. So luke and don sign up for helping other countries. The people begin to help them. That means that everthing went into plan. When luke was about to fall he caught himself brfore fall his heart was racing. They did what they needed to do. In conclussion, luke said it was a unblievable opportunity that why everything went ok. He had alot of things to do in this passage. ",1 "How is there a face on Mars? Was it created by natural landfroms or was it created by aliens? Well according to information in the passage, it says that the Face was created by natural landforms. In paragraph 7, On April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. Nevertheless, on April 8, 2001-a cloudless summer day in Cydonia- Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. ""We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field view,"" said Garvin. When we took that second look, that's when we knew that the Face was created by natural landforms. To explain to the scientists that believed the Face was an alien artifact, you are incorrect. The Face was created by natural landforms. As the scientists who believed that the Face was created by natural landforms, we did our research and proved the scientists who believed that the Face was an alien artifact wrong. To state my claim that the Face was created by natural landforms, is that the picture actually shows that the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West. Therefore shows that the Face was created by natural landforms.",1 "Limiting car usages will cause a drop in the amount of pollution there is.  In source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog, on mondays, motorist with an even numbered license plate will have to leave their car home or have a 22 euro fine. The odd numbered plates would be the next day and so on.  Using this way of driving, it reduced the number of congestion in the capital city of France by 60 percent. Some places in Germany are catching on and making a comunity free of cars.  Residents of VAUBAN, Germany like the way this community is set up. ""When I had a car I was always tense.  I'm much happier this way,"" said Heidrun Walter.  All they hear is the swish of bicycles and the talk of children drowns out the occasioal distant motor.  Many places around this world is adopting this act. In BOGOTA, Colombia a program started for a car-free-day.  Only buses and taxis are allowed to be driven.  ""It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,"" said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife.  People who didn't participate suffered a 25 dollar fine.  Bogota made 118 miles of bike paths since the car-free-day. By driving cars everywhere we are polluting mother earth.  We all need to get together and stop driving so much and this will help protect our Earth. ",1 "The future is much closer than we think. Imagine being able to drive a car without actually driving it. Many different manufacturers have been looking for ways to make this possible. Driverless cars would be good for reducing gas usage, making driving easier, and bringing the things scientist do to a whole new level. Caring about our Earth is just one very close step we need to take. Driverless cars would be good for reducing gas usage all around the world. In many places, people spend a large percent of their income on paying for gas alone. By introducing driverless cars, people wouldn't really need to have their own cars. So they wouldn't need to pay for the gas. In recent years, global warming has become a big topic of discussion; by eliminating almost half of the gas usage this creates much safer air that isn't warming up the atmosphere. Something like this could be the first tiny step in avoiding global warming from actually happening. Ideas like this are what will make smarter cars a very good option to turn to in the near future. Looking towards more personal matters, driverless cars would also make driving much easier for many people. Many people suffer from things that could make it hard for them to drive. Some may not be able to see at night, or just be bad at driving. The driverless car would take care of everything for you. Only requiring the human to drive on roads of serious construction or car accidents. It would also prevent you from being lost. If the car already knows where to drive there's a very small chance you'll end up at the wrong place or lost. These cars could also be used on very long car trips. Once something like this gets approved and all of the bugs are gone, you could use this to travel long places in a car. Say Californina to New York, only needing to take over when there's construction. The more advanced these cars become the more likely people will start to accept them. Science is getting more and more important over the years, and this could be a good way to get people more on board with science. Something like this in science has never been done before, and couldn't be done. Founder of Google Car project, Sebastian Thurn, said ""There was no way, before 2000, to make something interesting..."" This is very new to science and it's something that could encourage many people questioning what they want to do, to maybe try to be apart of science. Education is so important nowadays and this could encourage someone that maybe this project is for them. This could bring many jobs to upcoming scientists and people who become attracted to science after an idea like this could be possible. While also providing jobs for people who need to make the cars. Smarter cars are great for bringing science to a new level, which is what we should do. Smarter cars would be a great idea for our future. They would be good for reducing gas, making driving easier, and taking science to a whole new level. This could reduce global problems, personal problems, and create new jobs for people getting interseted in science. Caring about the Earth and actually doing something for the Earth are very different. If you're someone who wants to take care of the Earth, this is an amzaing idea I think you should really consider. ",4 "Have you ever wanted to see other things in space like our ""sister plant"" Venus? In this article ""The Challenge of Exploring Venus,"" the author was supportinhg his ideas of why we should go and explore Venus our ""sister plant."" The author explaied why he thought exploring Venus was a good idea and why we should keep looking into it. In this article the author does support his ideas in exploring Venus. Scientists are finding new ways to vist and test Venus surface, scientist are talking about what Venus has to offer, and Venus is so much like Earth. First, Scientists are trying to find new ways of testing and even visting Venus. There have been a couple of approaches on studying Venus. NASA has been working on this ""simplified electronics"" that are made up of ""silicon carbide."" NASA even tested it in a ""chamber simulating the chaod of Venus's surface"" (the challenge of exploring venus 7). The simplified electrons had lasted up to three weeks in the simulation. Secondly, Venus is just like Earth. A very long time ago venuse was covered largely with oceans and some scientist think that Venus was able to support diffrent various of life forms, and still today Venus has some features that are ""analogous"" to those on earth. In concluison Venuse needs to be explored becasue it has some of the charticsts that Earth has and it will help us expand more and have us venture out further more in or solar sytem and more.",1 "Venus is a dangerous but why should that stop us. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most earth- like planet in our solar system. Long ago. Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. This means that we might of had something similar like our earth today (Para 4). This is why we have to explore Venus and see what new things we can learn about it. We can figure new things out about Venus if we try. Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough misson to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risk. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges (Para 6). This means we have to take risk to know Venus more. We have to try and be willing to do what it takes to get information about Venus. By doing what we need to do to know Venus more will be hard. Our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation (Para 8). This means yes it will be scary but we gotta push ouselfes to know more about Venus in the future. This is why Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers and I believe that we can do it and take the extra step to study Venus at its fullest. ",2 "In the article ""The Challenge of Exploring Venus"", the many risks and rewards of going to Venus are disscused. Venus is the most Earth-like Planet in our solar system and many scientists believe it might have supported life in its past. The author supports their claim that travelling to Venus would be a worthy pursuit very poorly by providing more negatives of Venus-travel than positives. This poor support of the argument can be seen from second paragraph. The author describes how the unmanned missions to Venus have only been able to survive for a few hours. It is also stated that ""not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus for three decades."" No positive effect or example was used leading to the idea that if even unmanned spacecrafts cannot survive than manned spacecrafts certanly cannot survive. This is an example of how the author does not support the claim well. In paragraph three, the atmosphere of Venus is explained. Phrases such as ""far more extreme thatn anything humans encounter on Earth,"" and ""such environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals"" do not help support the idea that exploring Venus would be a worthy pursuit. If nonliving metals would be liquefied, who knows what would happen to flesh and bone. In paragraph four and five, positives of Venus travel are finally given. Very quickly after this however the author goes back to the negatives of travel to Venus. One of the only ways of survival on Venus would be using blimp-like vehicles. In paragraph six this way of travel on Venus is exposed becuase ""most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere."" This would mean that photographs and videos could not be taken becuase of the lack of light. Also since humans cannot be on Venus's surface, no rocks or samples could be taken. This would make Venus-travel not worth all the risk. In the very last line of the article, the author wrote, ""Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation."" Risky and dangerous tasks should not be pursued just so that the immagination can be fulfilled but so that humans can gain meaningful insight on life and the universe. In conclusion, the author does a poor job at explaining how studying Venus is a worthy pursuit. More negatives about this travel and study are given than positives. This means the author did not support his suggestion well.",4 "When new technology comes out it can always be a positive thing. That its better to have something than not to have it. having a computer that can determine if we are sad, happy, bored, etc. is pretty crazy. without this technology we probably wouldnt be able to determine that the Mona Lisa is prodomitly happy. That a computer can do something that humans do everyday when we look at someone. That having the ability of computers that can read students faces, in my opinion is valuable and can be used in many ways. There are many ways that the computer can be used, if someone were to put the computer in a everyday public school classroom. They can detect and figure out what learning style kids like. this can be implimented and put to use in classrooms around the world and help get kids more into school and want to try to get an education. This can make school more fun and more intresting for kids today. differetn classrooms can have different styles and you have a variety of kids per classroom and test to see what style the kids like. when the results come back teachers and staff can go over them and the more majority of kids that like a certian teaching style can be the style that is implimeanted in the schools today This is all done by seeing what facial emotions are used by the kids. Another way that the ability of reading students emotions can help, is to have the ability detect how students are feeling and even when they are trying to hide how they are feeling. When you are a teenager you have lots of crazy and mixed feelings. Sometimes a student might go into a deep depression and his or her friends might not be able to detect the the fact of what they are feeling and they might do something to themselves that might not be a good thing. If you use this device and cna detect how they are feeling you could stop that student from harming his or her self from doing this. This can save lots of lives and stop death rates all around the world and help that student to get help and stop this from happening. This is all done from a technology that can read facial emotions and can be very useful and even save ones life. Having this technology can be nice, but sometimes it cant always be right. If we use this technology it doesnt always mean that it can be helpful or can detect what really kids are thinking. Sometimes you can put on a brave face and show the world what really inside thats not what you are thinking. The computer migh pick up the brave face you are showing and say that you are happy but really you are having a bad day and you really arent happy. When you use this technology for schools and the computer detects the faces wrong then you have spent all of this money to have the computers detect how the faces of the kids are showing and the results really arent true then you have just wasted lots of time and that is not necessary to have. We dont really know what people are feeling. Mona lisa may not be 83 percent happy and 9 percent disgusted, etc. She may be 10 percent happy and 90 percent digusted, etc. there no good way to determine what she was really feeling at that time and in that picture. Having the technology to read students emotional expressions can be helpful, but it determines how you use it and how you correct the results are. But having this technology isnt a bad thing. Its a way to determine what people are thinking without asking the person or being in that persons head. But with having technology that is able to read students faces and emotional expressions can be used and if used carefuly can help schools and other people today. ",3 "There are many advantages of limiting car usage. The ways they are limited are not driving your car everywhere you go, not having your car at all and just ride the bus or bike. In Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars many people live n Freiburg near France dose not have a cars the reason being in paragraph two its states ""Vaubsan's street are completely ""car-free"" except the main throughtfare, where the tram to downtwon Freiburg runs, and a few streets on edge of the community."" This quote indicates thats people from Freiburg did not have a cars or they didn't use them. Some may say that having a cars free day is a good thing according to Source 3: Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota. In that source in paragragh twenty four Carlos Arturo Plaza made a great point which reads ""It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution."" This shows limiting car usage you can lower air pollution which helping the enviroment. Also in Source 2: Paris bans driving dur to smog in paragraph ten. Which states ""After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city."" Which shows limting car usage can lower air pollion, which was shown in Source 3. To Conclude, Limiting car usage can be tought from someone who drives there car all the time. But if people really see what there doing when they limit there car usage they would be helping the enviroment. In all of the sources made valid points on the advatages of limiting car use.         ",2 "Luke believe's people should join the seagoing cowboy's program and so do i. And you should because if you do you help people. You get to see great places like china. You get to see alot of great things like the acropolis in greece. And you even get to see Europe I know all this because the text says. But being a seagoing cowboy was much more than an adventure for luke bomberger. It opened up the world to him. ""i'm grateful for the oppurtunity he says. It made me more aware of people of other countries and their need's. Another reason is the text says. It took about two weeks to cross the atlantic ocean from the eastern coast of the united states. And a month to get to china. It also says Besides helping people. I had the benifet of seeing europe. The text also says But seeing Acropolis in greece was special he says. It also says Luke turned 18 before ariving in greece. It also says so was taking a gondola ride in venice italy. A city with streets of water those are a few of the things to do. And it also states To help these countries recover their food suplies animals and more 44 nation's joined together. That is why people should join the seagoing cowboy's program. You get to help people in the darkest times. Like after war when they have almost no food. You get to go to beatiful places and see beatiful things. Like china the Acropolis in greece Italy Europe. This is why people should join the seagoing cowboys program.",1 "To the fellow citizens using cars, its very easy to go somewhere with a ride because you dont have to walk, But if i were you i wouldve choosen to walk because it very good for you because its like if you were doing exersice. A lot of people perfere to drve a car because there probably too lazy or something lol, th reason they like driving because its the fastest thing to go somewere quick, but you know its that big advantage about a car but the thing that sucks about a car you have to put gas in it, and thats oretty expensive for some people but thtas why some rich people are the only ones to be able to put gas in it. Sometimes its kinda bad driving because the percentage of transportation is getting too high, also theres a whole bunch of drivers that are starting to find according to reuters so that caused to tthe people cars had their cars impounded for their own reaction due to the fine ",0 "The electoral college may seem like its a good idea to keep thngs going,but I think America should get rid of it. Alote of people say its unfair. Mostly because of the winner-take-all system. If you were to vote for a presedent, you are in favor, everyone would like thier vote to be counted,right? and it is,but is it really counted towards the presedent we want to get voted for elections? According to this article, you dont really vote for the presedent you want, what you are really voting on is a state of elector, and if he gets elected he is the one who really gets to vote for the precedent. And that is unfair, I think we should change it to popular vote. We should change it to polular vote because the elecoral college is really unfair to Americas citizens. Also alote of people argue about the winner takes all system because candidates dont spend time in states the know they have no chance of winning. Also it is unfair, outdated, and irrational. Like I said it is unfair, outdated, and irrational,with all these things I dont think many people would like that .So I think we should change it to popular vote, i think it would be easyier and it would be more fair,and that is what our citizens want. And that is what we should give them. After all its thier vote that counts, so lets let them decide if we should keep it the same with the electoral college or change it to some way better like by popular vote. so according to all this information I think we should change our way of voting and flip everything around to something fair and effective. We need somthing that would make our vote count. somthing that would be fair to all of our citizens. after all its what we choose then thats what we ned to be happening. only you can prevent unfairness. ",1 "Can a computer read your emotions? I am against of having technology to read childrens emotions. One thing is to observer what kind of emotinos are. Learning about how computers can till what emotion the person has. The work eithics that the people into making a comptuer like this. Obsever the emotion behide the person or printing. New software has the power to recognize your emotions. Everyone does the same expression. Can you gmake a face and have you partner guess what emotion you are. As an ad pops up the comupter can read you raction towards the ad if it made you happy or sad, it will change the ad to a different one. The learning around the computer. That even need to know emotional commmuniction. That school computers can tell if the child is bored or confused on work. The computer can tell the Mona Lisa that she was happy, disgusted, fearful, and angry. The computer can recogize alone 16 emotions. The work eithics of the people that created the comutper to see what emotions we have. Dr. Huang and his partners are developing a even better for humans and computers to communicate. A 3-D computer does 44 majot muscles to see what you are feeling. People are making a comupter to recognatioin to track the emotions on a person face. Does a computer read your emotions and yes it does because it is wired. The computer has came a long way and now it is reading emotions. This is how I am against technology reading childrens emotion. The teachers should be watching them and seeing the emotions themselfs. Kids should be able to rise their hand and ask someone for help if they are confused. ",1 "I Think you should join the program if you like cowboys and the sea. it will fit you perfectlyyou can tell Luke really wanted to be a SeaGoing Cowboy because when his friend asked do you want to come with me he could'nt say no. And you know he likes it because when he cracked his ribs he just got right back to work in a few days. And if you do Seaging before you go to the army you have a better chance of being in the army. If you become a seagoing Cowboys you can have a little bit of fun like playing Baseball,Volleyball,Boxing,and Table-tennis. Also if you become a seagoing Cowboy you will go on alot of aventures. And If you become a Seagoing Cowboy you can tell your family all about the Great Adventure you had and you whould know alot about the sea and cows ect,.And if you jion the Seagoing Cowboys you whould how how you should be greatful about your stuff because people in diffent Countries dont have alot of stuff and the food you have. \",1 "A new technology called the Facial Action Coding System is described by the author of the article ""Making Mona Lisa Smile"". This system enables computers to identify six of the human emotions. This technology should be used to read the emotional expresiions of students in a classroom, because it is a very valuable technology. Firstly, we should have this technology because it would help explain how people would be feeling on a certain subject, lifestyle or in everyday life. ""Eckman has classified six basic emotions-happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness."" Since Dr. Eckman has programmed these emotions we can better understand how someone is feeling without having to ask him; each emotion inflicts a facial muscle movement which is recognised and is catagorized as an emotion. In addiotion, we should have these identifiers because it could help students learn better. ""A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored... then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor."" This software could help someone who is easily distracted. This technology could find a way to help with this person, and the coding system could produce a lesson that this person can listen to and understand it because it was made for them. Also, the Facial Action Coding System can help teachers and staff. Some students do not show what they are feeling. If this technology can figure out facial expressions then the teachers will know who is having a bad day, the teacher could then talk to this person privately and see how they are doing. ""According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotuions, but also may even help produce them."" Since studies show that if a student smiles they could have a better day. The teacher could recognise that someone is feeeling down so they could say a funny joke and sprout an emotion into a particualr student. In the final analysis, we should have the Facial Action Coding System in school because it will help students feel better and learn better. If a student does not want to go to school then they probably do not want to learn either. If this system can make someone's day then students would want to come to school, and teachers would then have students who want to learn. ""Making Mona Lisa Smile"" is a great article and the technology that is included in the article may be the next big thing. The first step for the coding system is to use the technology to read the emotional expression of student in classrooms. This technology can help a student throughout their school work. It can also help the teachers to teach more passionatly to students who want to learn and are not forced to come to school, but come voluntarily.",4 "This new technology is going to be very valuable. As in paragraph 6 the auther tells of when kids are in a class that are not understanding or comperhending the material. The computer can tell the teacher if the student is having a difficult time understanding. The teacher inturn can give help to the student as its needed. As this day and age of the technology countines the teachers are not going to be able to realie on the students to ask questions. This is where the program will come into play. For the students that keep trying the questons and dont ask questions or the students that just sit there and are mad about something and there not working. The teacher can look on there computer and realize etheir they dont know what there doing or if their getting mad from keep trying the problems and not getting them correct. So in this case they can hopefully stop the issue before it gets out of hand or give the student help when nessacary. When you look at your freind or teacher that you now there facial experestions. You can often tell if something is wrong. This new program will take this idea that we use and turn it into a way for teachers to help students in the class room setting. There is also no way to cheat this program as it takes a 3-D model of your facial muscles and with this said. There's a sertain type of look you give when you nervous so the teacher can ask whats wrong. This is a great program for the teachers all around. For them to be able to tell if you need help without asking. And not have to worry about people not understanding and leaving the class not comperhanded anything. Your lab parter may understand alot but you understand a little so in this case the teacher can ask your lab partner to tell you what is happing. ",1 "My position on driverless cars is that they should not be apart of our future because of the negative aspects they bring. With these cars there may be a couple of positive things such as being more flexible then buses, but the negative side wins. In order for us to have driverless cars we are going to have to spend some serious money. As well as spendng all this money we don't even know if these cars are safe enough. Finally, is a driverless car if a human still has to be able to take control? First of all, none of the tax payers are going to want to pay for these smart roads like talked about in the article. In the late 1950s they tested a car to run on a special test track, and although it worked it had a lot of expencive moving parts. Another question we have to answer is are these cars safe? Google says their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash, yet it still has trouble pulling in and out of driveways. That's not the only thing either they also has a diffuclt time dealing with complicated traffic issues. Finally, why would you want a driverless car if you still have to driver the care? They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but the human needs to stay alert the whole in-case the road ahead needs the human to navigate through work zones and around accidents. Although it lets you know when they need you to take the wheel, it watches make sure you sre always paying attention. And when the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver. In the case of the driver wouldn't they just get bored waiting on their turn to drive the car. People can keep designing cars that are ""driverless"" but until they can do everything a human can do they aren't driverless. They would also have to get states to make it legal to test computer-driven cars, let alone be able to sell them to people in their states. The laws would have to change in order to cover liability in case of an accident. Like stated in the article if the technology fails and someone is injured then who's fault is it the driver or the manufacturer?",2 "Why would somebody think that aliens are real? There has been no proven fact that aliens are actually real. Many people believe that they are out there somewhere, and if they were out there, then how come we have not seen them. That's right, because there are no such thing. This face has to be an artifact. There is no way that the picture would not have caught some kind of shack or alien signs. There are a lot of conspiracy theory's out there. Some people claim to see bigfoot but we have no proven fact that he is real. For all we know, bigfoot could be a man dressed in a costume when people claim to see him. The scientists figured out that is was just another Martian mesa that was common around Cydonia. When NASA unveiled this to the public, everyone went way to far. The people started to make movies, books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years! The ""Face on Mars"" has certainly made people believe that there are actual aliens, but then again where is the evidence? I mean it would not hurt NASA any if there was evidence of aliens, it would only make them gain not lose anything. There are landforms similar to the face that form in Idaho. The landforms are very common around the American west. The NASA ship even had a better camera and it still did not catch any life on Mars. If there was any life on other planets, i'm sure we would have known about it by now. Like I keep saying, there is no bona fide evidence that we have on aliens. We don't even have evidence of the crack that leades to new find's in the bottom of the ocean. What makes people think that there is such things as aliens? If you believe in aliens than you should believe in all the other myths as well. The alien theory is just an average conspiracy theory. ",2 "Cars. Are they really needed? For long trips most likely yes but, there are many advandages to limiting car usage. It is a way to get out and exercise and get healthy, and also it does not produce as much pollution in the air. Limiting your car usage is a good way to get outside and do some phycial activity. Instead of, getting into your car and staring it up and wasting gas money to go to the drug store to buy something small or anything. You can get up and walk, bike, skate or even roller blade! "" Heidrun Walter of Vauban, a media trainer says ""When I had a car, I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,"" As she walked verdant streets where the swish of bikes and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor."" Also, in the story it stated while there have been efforts to make cities cleaner, and better for walking in Vauban, they place stores and, I think malls a walk away. Insead of a highway away. I think talking the extra mile is better than paying for another mile. Another reason why not using your car so much is a good thing is that it doesnt produce as much pollution as it once did, or it is doing now. ""Passenger cars are more responsible for 12 percent of greenshouse gas emmisions in Europe and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States."" Also after a couple days of a record pollution, Paris enforced a driving ban to clear the air from smog in the city. The stuffed up smog went down 60 percent after five days. Later on the smog moved on to China, which is probably the most polluted city in the world."" Its is said that Paris has more smog than other European capitals. It states that Paris had 147 microrganisms of particulate matter (pm) per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels. In conclusion, There are many advantanges and disadvantages to not using your car so much or limiting your car usage. You can get going outside, walk, hike, bike ect. and get a good workout. Or you can choose to help save our planet and not continue polluting the world for everyone.     ",2 "The Electoral College is a process by which we vote for electors- not actually the president themself. When you vote for the electors, they decide who will be the president. We, as voters, have a right to be able to vote for whomever we choose; not someone to choose for us. We should change the Electoral College to election by popular vote because it gives the people a say in who runs our country, an easier way to elect persons into office, and no one state has more of a say. Many poeple believe that we are voting for the president when we vote for our electors, but in reality, we are voting for them to vote. We, as the people of the United States of America, have always had the right to freedom (freedom of speech, religion, ect.)- so why don't we have the freedom to directly choose our president? In the source, 'The Indefensible Electoral Coolege: Why even the best-laid defences of the system are wrong', it states ""...voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president."" This means that we do not vote directly, only for someone else to decide our fate. Written in the text fo the first source, 'What Is the Electoral College?', it reads ""...when you vote for your canidate you are actually voting for your canidate's elecotrs."" With this method, we are never getting results directly, only becoming the middle-man when we should be front and center. Most think that if we have electors we won't have as much trouble getting a person in office. In the eleventh paragraph, in 'Source 2: The Indefensible Electoral Coolege: Why even the best-laid defences of the system are wrong', under 'What's wrong with the electoral college', its speaks of a ""disaster factor"". The ""disaster factor"" is when we vote for electors and they defy the will of the people; as this had almost happened with segregationists, nearly making the popular vote for Kennedy not go to Kennedy. As well as the fact that we could easily of had a tie in the electoral vote. As it says in the second source, the matter would fall into the hands of the House of Representatives ""...the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president."" This means each state has one vote, meaning the will of the people wouldn't have much say in the election. People in a state all have the same electors, made by a popular vote, practically taking away the people's voice. If things were to change to popular vote we would all have a say in each election. In the Electoral College way of voting, it is ""...unfair to voters. Because of the winner-takes-all system in each state."" Along with the fact that in the Electoral College way, the amount of electors is based on population, making the people of a small state insignifigant. ""During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the canidates at all..."" If all small states stay this way, they may never be able to have a say in any big decision made by the public. In conclusion, we, as the people of the United States of America, need to inderstand that the road we are headed down with the Electoral College, is not a good road. We need to stand up and allow everyone to be able to have a say in elections. With the popular vote every citizen will have they're own say in what gets made of our beautiful country. We, the people, need to make the change from Electoral College voting to popular vote becauseit gives people a say in who runs our country, an eaier way to elect someone into office, and no one state has more of a say than another. ",3 "In the article ""Making Mona Lisa Smile,"" the author describes the new facial recognision technology called the Facial Action Coding System(FACS). This system claims to read emotion expressions. I think that the FACS could help sience in understanding the emotions and muscle relationship and think it is a valuble thing in classrooms. Some possitive thing about the new technology are adaptation and improvment. With this new technology we can use it to adapt different things like ads and school lessons. Ads can sometimes completely take out the interest on the viewers for the video and can be sometimes unpridictable. This has happend numerous times in classrooms when a teacher wants to show a documentary that is all ready slighty borring and an ad showing an exciting new superheroes movie comes up So now you have the entire class talking about it and not paying any atention to the documentary about Charles Darwin and what he did. Having these distracting ads adapt to what the audience is feeling could help bring down the amount of times this happens. The FACS could also help in computer lesson planing. If the FACS would be installed in a computer the computer would be able to realise that a student is no longer paying attencion becouse of boredom. So system can then improve what the lesson has by chnging the order around to give the student a more personalised lesson thus having the student learn easier. There are some bad feedback as well. If the FACS system succeds in improving the academic scores of the students the school administration might deside that the teacher are no longer needed to teach the student, the students could just study in there cmputers. Another way the FACS could not be so good is that it is likely to be very expencive and there is ways a possibility it can malfunction and give unwanted changes in lessons and other sections in which it would be used. In conclusion I think that the FACS could be of great help in the world if it could be 100% reliable. This system could benifit the every day use if used corectly and I think that the FACS could help sience in understanding the emotions and muscle relationship. I think it is a valuble thing in classrooms. ",2 "Driverless cars will change the future. Google cofounder, Sergey Brin, would agree. ""He believes such cars would fundamentally change the world."" With such new and brilliant technology, drivers will be able to sit back and watch as the car drives them. Some new cars have cameras and multiple different types of sensors. This gives drivers a full car body view of what is going on around the car. This technology will bring a new sense of safeness to passengers. In 2009, Google had already started inventing and testing a car that was able to drive independently ""under specific conditions."" It has been said that this and other models of the car were able to drive over half a million miles without getting into a car accident. However, these cars are not yet completely driver-free. Certain situations such as pulling in and out of a driveway, and dealing with complicated road traffic require human assistance. The Toyota Prius was modified by Google, and on the car, sensors and cameras were implanted. The ""dubbed LIDAR"" ""uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings."" This allows drivers to get a 360 view of what is around them, and the feel of being more safe will be implemented. In 2013, ""Traffic Jam Assistant,"" produced by BMW, was able to withstand speeds of 25 mph and below, but required human touch on the steereing wheel. No cars have yet proved to be completely driver-free, however, development is still continuing. Companies are hoping to bring in ""heads-up displays,"" which allow the driver to be ""entertained,"" but still maintain their attention to the road. This also keeps drivers from looking down to send a text message (and taking their attention away from the road). Driving laws will have to be modified if driverless cars do follow through with production. Lawmakers, however, believe that ""safety is best achieved with alert drivers."" Safety is not always achieved with a human behind the wheel. The use of drugs, alcohol, or even tiredness pose a threat to other vehicles. If safety were to be achieved with a human, all humans must be alert, awake, and sober. Traffic laws are currently being written with the idea that humans are behind the wheel, and are in control. If driverless cars were to come into play, the person at fault would have to determined if an accident were to occur. It would either be the manufacturer or the person in the car. In conclusion, driverless cars will presumably result in less deaths and injuries because accidents would predictably occur less often. The use of all the new technology being developed will help not only the driver, or passenger in a sense, but also everyone around them. Technology cannot drink, smoke, or get tired, so these new cars should be pretty reliable. ",3 "The article ""Making Mona Lisa Smile"" makes me claim that this technology should be used to read students emitonal expressions to help them with their learning. In the begiining of the article it talks about how the new software can detect emotions of others. At first it sounded weird to have your face scanned to see what your emition is. But it later makes sense later on why you should have face scanned to see your emtotion. Later in the article it talks about how the facial reconition can help you through out your life. For example paragraph 6 sentence 4 for says ""A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,"" Dr. Huang predicts. ""Then it could moditfy the lesson ,like an effective human instructor."" So when I read that it makes more sense to do that becuse not all teachers will not know if a student will understand a question or lesson. Or some students are scared to say they dont understand a question or lesson because they might be scared to speak up. But with a facial scanner no student will not need to be scared to ask if they don't understand a question. Plus not all student's learn the same way, so if a student doesn't understand something becuase the way its being taught the Facial Action Code System can scan their face and find another way to help slove the problem. In conclusion I find Facial Action Coding System as a postive impact for students. Its the latest tech so its not an old system. The scanner can tell if a student doesn't understand a problem. And find another problem to help them. Also knows your emoitions on how you feel about certian things or if you need help on something.",2 "Driverless cars gives the world an oppurtunity that offers a great convience. In my aspect, I would never drive a driverless car because it is unecessary in this world. Although, the aspect of accidents in cars would drop by a major level, the fun of driving a car would all be gone. Even though the car would have a ""manual mode"", where the driver has to drive a car through the work zone and around accidents, it would not be as enertaining as to drive on the highway at high speeds. Additionally, if driverless cars were an idea that was put to use, many people would lose their jobs, because a lot of the jobs that people have are to make sure that the highway is safe. If driverless cars were there, there would be no need for those people, because the roads would be safe. The whole point of driverless cars is so that the human inside the vehicle does not have to do any work while in the car to drive it. If the car still needs a human to watch over it and navigate it through the work zones and accidents, there is not really a point in the cars. Like said in paragraph 7, ""They can streer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills.."", there should not really be that ""human skills"" part of the sentence, because in the pharse ""driverless cars"", it says so itself that the car is driverless, and if a driver is still required then the cars are not really driverless. There is also the question of if someone is injured, who is at the fault- the driver of the manfacturer. This question was presented in paragraph 9, and does not have an answer at the time. I think this is a very vaild point that the article is making because it could be either's fault. Although, considering the fact that people still buy cars these days, and if someone is hurt, it is usually the driver's fault. I would think that there is somekind of waiver of some sort that says, if you buy this product, you are using it at your own risk. Although this again, just supports the argument of driveless cars are not necessary in this world. Considering the content from the article, I think that driverless cars still require a lot of work, but hopefully manufacturers can perfect them. They need to reinvent driving in a fun way, like said in paragraph 8 by Dr. Werner Huber. He said that ""We have to interpret the driving fun in a new way"". The true challenge to driverless cars, lies in this. I would support driverless cars if they can truly accomplish driverless cars in a fun and new way.",3 "I think that driveless cars would be a nice thing to have. But you know depending on technology all the time isnt always a good thing. Driveless cars also sound like a bad idea because what if there is a problem with technology that day then there would be a problem with cars. Also if something went wrong who would take the blame and or responsibility for the damage and the reckless driving. There for i am against these driverless cars. Driveless cars sounds like one of the best things on earth. But did you know it could also be one of the worst. Yes who wouldnt love to go place without worrying about driving and not spend alot of money on taxis. Just think about it you can just kick back and relax while the car is driving down the road with no worries at all. Well what if there was something that went wrong and you didnt know what to do because your off in your own little world. Youre lost and clueless you losing your mind and then you wreck! After that your upset and hurt wondering what should i have down right then and there. Next thing you know your in a hospital with half of your bones broken and your neck is brusied so bad you cant turn it,and all your thinking is about what could you have done. Your also thinking about sueing and just never using that car again. But is it really all your falut, were you paying attention at all. Maybe that car gave you a warning and you couldnt feel the vibrate because your music was to loud or because your car hit a bump. It could have been anything it couldnt have been a glitch in the system and it didnt trigger at all. And all you wanna do is sue, well you have to take some responsibility. There for you wanna take google to court and sue them for your hospital bills and a new car. This is why i dont think we should have driveless cars they may stop some things from happening but not everything. Technology needs help to otherwise we wouldnt be here they could do everything there selfs. ",2 "Have you ever looked at someone and you wasnt sure what thier emotion was? i think what Nick did was amazing making a facial coding system to tell what thier feeling. This article is very valuble i believe because this is something serious yo me you could say your happy but you really won't be but with the system anybody could know your real and true feelings. i get why some people dont tell their real feelings because they might not want them to see them down. i can gret that but at the same time you could get help anything can happen to you while your down and it could be really helpful or maybe go to a consoulor to talk to or anything. if people would just try it out they might enojy and like it but i know most of them well not enjoy or like it at all. it well also tell all your emotions for explain in the artclle it said ""she's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearfu; , and 2 percent angry"" then Nick tells us how it works "" the process begins with a computer constructs a 3-d computer model of the face all 44 major muscles in a model must move likle human muscles."" ",1 "The invention of driverless cars could be a really good thing, but could also cause harm. These cars can allow us to be safer in most situations, but there are a few where drivers need to be able to take control of the wheel. Could this invention also help with the enviornment and the costs that people spent on there car or could it make cars more expensive. Driverless cars can help drivers, passengers, and pedestrians to be more safer than with cars that can only be opperated by a driver. With the use of cell phones, drivers who use them are more at risk of getting into an accident. Driverless cars can help with this problem. Most people, when they hear about car accidents related to cell phones, think of teen drivers. This isn't always the case. Many adults text and drive. With driverless cars teens and adults can use their phones with out having to worry about getting into an accident. Although, the driver still has to pay attention to the road it makes it safer. These cars would create less accidents in these situations or in a medical situation. If a driver blacks out while driving this could cause a serious accident harming the lifes of themself and others or if the driver has been out drinking at night, these cars provide a safe way of transpertation. When a car accident occurs, the driver who caused the accident can get into a lot of legal trouble. With driverless cars the driver won't be the one to blame if someone happen to die in the accident, but the responsibility has to be given to someone. This means that the company that made the car would be responsible for the accident, which could changer their mind on driverless cars. The cost of gas can be a major problem. Google cofounder, Sergey Brin, invisions driverless transportation to use half the fuel we use now. This would help for the cost in fuel for people who are having a difficult time paying for gas or in could cause the price of gas to go up. There is one thing we know though. With these cars using half the gas, our enviornment is becoming a healtheir place. There will be less polution from the cars in the air, which can benifit our health. Going back to the cost these cars will have you spending, could this car be more expencive then the cars we pay for now. These cars use rotating sensors, video cameras, automotive radar sensors, GPS receivers, and inertial motion sensors. All these devices can add to the price of the car cuasing driverless cars to be more expensive. Will people by these cars if the cost more or will they just sit. Driverless cars are a good idea to help with our safty. They could help protect many lifes. The developers of the driverless car should give it a try and see how it works in real life situations. No matter what type of car, the driver still should be paying attention to the road to keep themselves and others safe. ",2 "Throughout the years, technology has improved greatly. It has gone from big bulky phones, to small compact phones, from giant room-sized computers, to computers that fit on your lap. So, why can it not go from cars the rely on people, to cars that literally drive themselves. The idea is really not that far out and it would help improve a lot of things. Cars that drive themselves would improve how convient cars are, how safe cars are, and technology in general. If cars were to be able to drive themselves, the world would be such a convient place to live. Just imagine getting in a car, turning it on, and just letting it drive itself through all the twists and turns the road may trow at it. A person would still have to pay attention while on the road, but it for sure would take some stress off the driver. Think about a car at a stoplight, the light is red and suddenly it turns green so the car takes off, at the last second a car runs the light that just turned red. In today's time, the car that ran the red light would drill into the car that had the green light, but if cars drove themselves, people would not have to worry about other people speeding and even if there was almost a wreck, if the car drives itself, it could apply the breaks before anything happened. This would intern take stress off of some drivers and allow them to relax while on the road. Some people say that a car that drives itself would make the world even lazier than it already is. This statement may be somewhat true, but no completely true because the driver would still have to pay some attention to the road. However; this is not the only thing driveless cars would help. If cars could drive themselves, the world would be a much safer place. There would no longer be worry of people speeding or doing something else stupid that endangers someone else. If cars could drive themselves, people would no longer have to worry about drunk drives or people texting as much because the driver would no longer be in complete control of the car. This would not take all the worry out of course because the driver still has to pay attention, but it would help greatly. People may say that having driveless cars would make the roads more dangerous because less people pay attention, but once again this is not comepletely true. One thing this passage states is that even though the cars drive themselves, they still make sure the driver is paying attention to the road by using cameras. Safety is very important these days, but it is not the only thing that driveless cars would help with. If people could make a car that could drive itself, where do the possiblities end. A driveless car would only open more pathways open up. If people in today's day and age have the intelligence to design a car that could drive itself what else could people do. They could find a cure for many diseases or even design a bike that could drive itself. The possiblities are endless. People have made great strides over the years towards making a car that drives itself. There would be many benefits to this if it were to be done. It would improve how convient cars are, it would help improve safety for people, and it would help technology in general take a step forward. No matter how many negative things people come up with for drivless cars, there is always a positive thing that out weighs it. Please, lets take the danger out of driving.",3 "The Seagoing Cowboys program is a good idea because you are able to explore many new places, you are able to help people, and you can serve your service as a Seagoing Cowboy if you are drafted to the military. From the amazing experience Luke had you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. It is an amazing opportunity to help people and to explore new places it also served as work if you were drafted to go to the military. Luke could help people because it was World War II in Europe and many countries were left in ruins so he had to help recover their food supplies, animals, and more. Luke also got to explore new places while being in the program he got to go to Europe and China he got to tour an excavated castle in Crete and see the Panama Canal on his way to China. When Luke was drafted but he didn't have to go to war because he served his service as a Seagoing Cowboy. This evidence proves that Being a Seagoing Cowboy is a great opportunity. Although, there are many dangers to the sea during this job such as slipping and possibly falling out of the ship. However, there are many more good things than bad thisng during this job it is hard but you get to help others whle putting yourself in danger. Based on the evidence in the passage and what Luke's experience was like the Seagoing Cowboys program is an very good opportunity. It allows you to help others in need, it also lets you serve your service in the military if your are drafted, and during it you may also get to explore several new places you have never been.",2 "The Electoral College is a great wide spread idea that we should keep using for generations to come. Using this method to choose a president is highly sohphisicated and orginized, which helps important desitions.  Also following the fact that the founding fathers established this as a compromise between both sides of the arguement.  Not only does this presidential election choose just some president, but a president that you would agree with his/her terms. Every vote counts, in this matter.  Your vote helps the chooseing of not only the president but the vice president, whom also has a important role in the Electoral College.  This election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday during November.  On that day you would vote for the state's electors, which helps this certain process of chooseing a president.  After the presidential election, the govener will prepare a certificate called ""Certificate of Ascertainment"" listing all canidates that ran  for president and respective electors.  The certificate also has  other important duties  such as, declaring the winning presidential canidates. They will then be sent to the congress and the National Archives, which is where the offical records of the  presidential election is held. Not every person  agrees with these terms of an electoral college, but they are not wrong.  Voters can  not  always control who they are electing for, voters would become confused in  the long-term process, and seeming to be confused could jackup the canidate your voteing for.  There could also be the problem of accidently sending two slates of electors to  the Congress, but luckly last time that happened in 1960, the problem was resolved before chaos was  released. Lastly the elecotoral college can be unfair to a majority of voters. Although it may seem bad,  it could be the Hypocrites saying few lies that traveled fast around. Another five reasons that help justify the electoral college are certainty of outcome, everyone's president, swing states, big states, and finally avoding run-off elections. having certainty exceeds share of popular votes. To have a president that a majority of people can agree on helps the risk of disagreeement. Swing states are more likely to have thoughtful voters. Big states helps restore balance in political issuses. Most importantly elctoral colleges helps avoid unknown problems of elections. For these resons we should keep the Elctoral College stable as it is for future purposes. It will help the United States stay on track with political issuses and other nessesities. ",2 "The Face on Mars is a very interesting landmark. Some people believe that aliens created this mask while NASA believes the Face is just a natural landform. There are very important reasons why the Face is just an ordinary landform and this essay will list them all. I will try to convince a person why the Face is a natural landform. First of all, the Face can't possibly be made by aliens because pictures show that it is just a natural landform and not an alien monument. This was very disappointing to some but it was the truth. Evidence of the pictures still didn't satisfy some believers. They still believed that the alien monument was the Face and that there are aliens in the world. So again, a camera went up on the MGS to look through the clouds. Once again, the pictures revealed it was not an alien monument. Still, people continued to believe that the alien markings were hidden by the haze. Many people wanted to believe that the monument was from aliens but really it was just an ordinary landform. Strong alien believers took to thinking that NASA was hiding something from everyone. This doesn't make any sense because why would NASA put the picture of the Face out for everyone to see when they wanted to hide aliens from being alive. Also, aliens would be a great discovery to NASA and would help the institution. Everyone would want proof of the aliens and NASA would make millions of dollars if they got pictures of these ""aliens"". This again was proven false and showed that the ""alien monument"" was really just a natural landform that formed over years of rocks and dust. Everyone was stuck on the idea that aliens were real and that's why the Face is there. But in reality no one has any evidence of aliens even being alive. Now people think that the Face is proof, but again they are wrong. For a third time, Mars Global Surveyor took some pictures of the landmark on a cloudless day. It was a very clear picture that couldn't hide anything at all. They searched the whole perimeter and there wasn't any small shacks, airplanes, or pyramids hiding to prove the opinion of aliens being alive. Thus, it finally showed the majority of alien believers that the Face was an actual landmark that wasn't built by aliens. They actually found that it resembled Middle Butte which is a similar height to the Face. There is too much evidence to still believe that aliens have created the Face. There is no proof that aliens have built this landform and that, in actuality, aliens are even a real, living thing. Even though there is an enormous amount of evidence there are still some people who live for aliens. The Face, as a natural landform, has so much reasoning that there is no way around it. This incredible natural structure is, in fact, not built by aliens. ",3 "Autonomous cares have been dreamt of for several generations now. Theyve gone through multiple changes and theories but we've just now found one solution that may be the key to the next generations of cars. In 2009 tech company Google revealed that it was working on a self driven car. However, despite this being in the works for over 9 years it still has its faults so some are sceptical about its rise to being the new standard. I however see differently. Many people believe that these autonomous cars are highly dangerous to the public. This is not true, The self riven car from Google has only witnessed one crash in its lifespan. That crash was caused by another driver. Given this information it is true that car should have been able to have a counter menouver to this. So if everyone were to be using a car like this on the otherhand there would be no need for these types of menouvers to take place. Now, others will think the cars to be completely impractical in todays society, but this is in fact false. The autonomous vehichles will only consume roughly half the fuel we do today, meaning we will cut back on our dependence for fossil fules such as gasoline. Since they dont require a driver in most situatiuons it will allow the driver to multitask while in the car which will be a great benefit given todays busy world. Better still is that they come equiped with high grade sensors to sense oncoming dangers and can move or speed up if it needs to without having the attention of the person inside it. So am i for the autonomous cars? i absolutely am. With the cut of fossil fuels and the safety thats provided when in one who would want them to stop? They will make everyday life more simplistic and much more safe.",3 "Have you ever wondered if there was life on Mars? well Mars is a planet that is very cloudy. Its atmospere is made of mostly cloud. Many people believed that there was life on Mars.NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft spotted a shadowy likeness of a human face. The Face is more of a natural land form; it is located 41 degrees north(it is winter),camera had to peer through wispy clouds, and was possibly caused by a butte The Face is located 41 degrees north martian latitude during the winter.This was a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet. This is showing that the dust could've been moved around to create this shadowy likeness. This could prove that there was no type of form of life on Mars. The camera on board the MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Aa a thumb rule, you could discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size. This could mean that the camera overlooked the rock formation. Meaning it could have created an illusion or some thing of that sort. if the camera created a type of illusion than that could mean that the there is no form of life on Mars.",1 "My opinion on driverless cars is that they would be cool and very neat. The downfall is what if this car the car malfuctions? What if the car if now whats its cracked up to be? I would say for the driveless cars is a job idea. I say this because it will cause less accidents based off of people letting going of the wheel. Or simply becuase of people not paying attention to the road. This way people would have the lead way to tlk and text while on the road for long periods of time. Also the road would know the road so you could just lay back and relax. Lastly, the downfall of this is the first driveless car could be very expensive, so not many people are going to have a first. In the end, others companies will learn how make the car and better and better. The future is holding in this invention.",1 "Nick D'Alto's article ""Making Mona Lisa Smile"" describes the capabilities of new software called the Facial Action Coding System, and provides a few examples of its possible uses. In the text, the author states that the technology, which evaluates the movement of facial muscles to determine emotion, could be beneficial in places such as a classroom settting. Using software such as the Facial Action Coding System could be valuable in a classroom setting as it could improve the quality of learning for students. The new emotion-reading technology could help in the classroom as it could make sure students stayed engaged in the lesson. Often in school, students become bored easily, due to lack of attention long attention spans, uninteresting lessons, or boring teachers. This technology could help eliminate bordom. In the article, Dr. Huang states that ""a classroom computer could recognize when a student... [is] bored"" which would be beneficial, as it ""could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor."" This means that this technology could tell if students are bored, and could alert the teacher. If teachers knew when their students were loosing focus and becoming uninterested in the lesson, they could change it to bring students back on focus, which would improve the productivity and use of time in the classroom because teachers would not be wasting time teaching students who are uninterested, and therefore, likely not listening. By eliminating this bordom factor, teachers would be more effective with their teaching time, and students would recieve a better quality of learning. The technology could also help improve the quality of students' learning because it can make sure students are not confused. Often, when teachers ask if everyone understands the material, students who do not understand, will be too emabrassed to ask for help, or the teachers, with such a large class, will not notice if one or only a few students are falling behind. Furthermore, in the article, Dr. Huang states that ""'most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication"" meaning that most communication is picked up in other ways, such as visually. Unfortunately, often in a classroom setting, teachers must face away from their students when writing on a white board at the front of the classroom, or in similar situations, which means that without the visual connection, much of the communication between students and teachers is lost. The new technolgoy could help with this problem, as it could identify students' emotions even when a teacher's back is turned, and thus could alert teachers and help them improve their lessons to fit their students' needs. It could also help evaluate emotions that teachers do not notice, such as if a student is confused, they may try to hide it. This new technology could identify these emotions and help the teacher make sure all of their students understand the material, which would lead to an improved quality of teaching and learning. The quality of learning in a classroom setting could be improved by teachers knowing the emotions of their students, which would make new technology such as the Facial Action Coding System, valuable in a classroom setting. This technololgy would be beneficial because it could identify whether students are confused or bored, which would make class time more productive and interesting, as well as make sure all students understood the material. This would improve their quality of learning, and make school more meaningful.",4 "One of the brightest points of light in the night sky is the ""Evening Star' which is also a close planet to us called Venus. Venus might seem harmless and pretty from a distance but when you get close it can be really dangerous. The conditions of Venus are hazardous to us. In fact we have had past missions that were never recorded becuase not a single mission succeded. However, NASA is trying to come up with technology that can survive these conditions so we can study Venus. The closest planet to Earth in density, size, and sometimes distance also is, in fact, Venus. It was even once may have been known as the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Venus and Earth has come similar features such as rocky sediment, valleys, mountains, and craters. However, Venus isn't all that pretty. There are some really big dangers when coming in contact with this planet. Venus has almost a 97 percent carbon dioxide blanket that covers the planet. The fluffy clouds are really just sulfuric acid in the atmosphere on Venus. The temperature on Venus is an average of 800 degrees Farenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience here on Earth. Because of these harsh conditions the several missions to Venus were remain unknown because no spacecraft was able to survuve the landing for more than a few hours leading to us not being able to collect samples of the materials on Venus's surface. Despite the harsh conditions and the unsuccessful missions, we could still be able to study Venus. A possible solution to the conditions is to have the scientists float above the surface on the planet. Another way, is to have a vehicle instead of a person hover over the surface. NASA is working on new approaches to study Venus. They make devices such as electronics made of silicon carbide and test it in a chamber that resembles the same conditions as Venus. When comparing systems that use mechanical parts than modern electronics, the mechanical parts an be made to where they are more resistant to the forces on Venus such as pressure and heat. Instead of looking at all the flaws in studying Venus, there are still some major components that can lead us to studying it. Even though Venus has harsh conditions that humans are not able to survive on, there are still technological avdvances that could lead us to exploring or living on the planet. Most scientists are curious of new things even if they can not physically study it in which the, ""Human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors."" such as Venus. The conditions of Venus will not stop scientists or researchers from trying to gather more and more information of Venus. The study of Venus could be an oppertunity to a whole new world. There are ways and technological ways that will allow humans to live on Venus but it just has not been discovered yet. Venus is a harmful planet with dangerous conditions. However, with developing technology we figure out ways to study the planet. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because one day our population could be living on it. Even though there are dangers, there is no way in studying more about Venus if we never try to come up with ways to safely research it. Venus could be our next planet. To find out if it is then more research and risks will need to come into affect. ",3 "I think the Facial Action Coding System is pretty good, but I think it has a few problem. The Mona Lisa is a hard painting, because every people have a different opinion about it. For example some people say she is sad, angry, but some people say she is happy. This Facial Action Coding System can help us. It says Mona Lisa is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful and 2 percent angry. This program can read by muscles so it can help us if we have painting and we need analys that. It has classifield six basic emotions which are happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness. If we raise our eyebrows then we are surprised. This system can mixed emotions as in da Vinci's masterpiece. It says we can probably tell how our friend is feeling by the look on her/his face, but it is not always true. I think everybody had experience when she/he was smiling but she/he was sad inside. And I think this program can not read this if we are similing but we are sad inside. It says the computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. It could be good if the students bored or confused but a computer never being a human. In the real smile, the zygomatic major lift the corners of your mouth and it was instruction #1. Meanwhile, muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crow's-feet around eyes. It was instructions #2. But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius. Faces do not lie. The emotionals very important in our life. If our friend is sad but if we are positive and we are smiling than maybe he/she will smile. This technology is pretty good. It has a lot of examples how it is working and it is good if we need to use this program in class. For example analysing painting. But I don not think it always could be analysing human emotionals.",1 "Twenty-five years ago, a strange image was projected onto the monitors of mission controllers while the Viking 1 was taking photos of possible landing places for its sister ship, Viking 2. What looked like an alien's face had appeared! Mission controllers back at NASA must have been surprised to see this, but scientists were quick to say that it was just another Martian mesa, common around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows to make it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. As soon as the pictures were released, there were mixed reactions. Some agreed with the scientists and their research saying that the rock formation was just a common mesa, but some were skeptical. Conspiracy theorists believed that this rock was actually an artifact, saying that NASA was hiding extra infromation about this formation and comparing it to a common mesa. The 1976 Viking 1 photograph does make it resemble a face, but later pictures denote this evidence. In 1998, the shadows are still visible, but there is no concrete proof that this is an alien artifact. The 2001 photo (taken with a camera of a greater resolution than the 1976 and 1998 photos) further proves my point. In the 2001 photo, you can faintly see the shadows of the face, but they are almost nonexistent. In conclusion, scientists research proves that this is merely a rock formation. The 1976 photo could only prove that the formation exists, and the shadows could be because of bad quality cameras or just a luck of how the lighting was when the photo was taken. The later photos are more accurate because of our increase in technology, therefore being our number one source for finding out the truth. Aliens do not exist, as far as we know, and scientists continue to prove that theory with updated technology.",2 "The author of ""The Challenge of Exploring Venus"" suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and supports this idea by stating in paragraph 8, ""Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation."" This statement supports my claim by explaining how the author believes no one should let the fear of the dangers that may arise stop them from exploring the world and beyond. Instead the author believes people should go after whatever they want to find. Paragraph 8 also states, ""Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors."" This evidence explains how the author feels that there will be scary and intimidating obstacles that will arise on the journey of exploring the planet with the hottest surface tempurature in our solar system, but the author believes the curiosity of humans leads us to danger. The author also believes that danger shouldn't stop anyone who is curious from exploring. This article may talk about serious dangers, but also gives ideas for humans to study Venus without being put it any danger. The author states in paragraph 5, ""NASA’s possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape."" This solution may prevent any harm to humans who want to study this planet and learn more about it. This solution gives people a chance to stay curious, and not think about the dangers. Only think about the journey and mystery that lies ahead. ",3 "Has someone ever told you that the face on Mars was real, but you knew it wasn't. The face on Mars is a natural landform called a mesa, but people mistake for a face because of the shadows it formed. The face on Mars is a natural landform because research with space crafts and the study pictures over time. The face on Mars is a natural landform because of research with spacecrafts. Research with space crafts has shown that the face on Mars is just a landform. Many people thought the face was an alien artifact when it appeared in many books, a Hollywood film, magazines, radio talk shows, and even in haunted grocery store checkout lines. People still may not believe it, but there is more to say. The face on Mars is just a mesa because of pictures shown overtime. The pictures between 1976 through 2001 show the face fading away. They show the face was nothing other than a moutain like landform. The pictures were taken with high-tech gear that they had back then. They were taken when Spacecraft Viking 1 was looking for another spacecraft, Viking 2. It was Snapping pictures and it got the face. Later, NASA found out it was just a mesa. In conclusion, people still may believe that the face on Mars was real, but studies show that it was just a landform. The face on Mars is just a landform because of research with spacecrafts and and the study of the pictures over time. My final thoughts of this is that the face was cool until I saw that it was just a mesa. It was cool to learn about this, but it was just a goofy looking mountain.",1 "I think we should study venus even if there is some dangers to it. we should study venus because we can learn alots of things about the plant that we have not learned yet. In the aricle it says venus used to be earth like this means their was oceans and someone had to be living their. Which means it still has some of those things and that means humen might be able to sarive there. venus is the second plant from the sun which this means it's very hot in the aricle it said it 800 degres 90 times greater then earth.this means humens can't deal with this type of heat. and the groud would be very hot a car can't just drive on the tires would mealt they would need to make special type of viecle.and for that to happen they need to study the plant closely and figure what they should do. you might ask if it has all of thase things humen can'y surive in why would we even condsire visting to venus. it's still earth like stuff like moutains and valleys. this means humens can probbaly vist there and for that to humen they need to do expermints like puting ""chember simulating the chaos of venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in such coditions"".which means they would need to make new techology becasue old ones would not work. In conclusion we should study venus more and we should not me scared of the dangers of it who know we might find something that could be useful for our lifes maybe one we can go there. but we should never stop being curiois about the plant. ",2 "Imagine you stuck on a math problem, you did not get a word the teacher just said. Dr. Huang has created new software that helps identify how you feeling. If you confused, your computer can read your emotions and try to break down the problem. It would be able to explain step by step on how to do it. This would be of great help for the students. Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Amsterdam, was able to create a new computer software that can recognize emotions. This process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like a human muscles. Movement of one or more muscles is called an "" action unit."" Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS ( Facial Action Coding System), has classified six basic emotions happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. He was able to associated each characteristic movements of the facial muscles. Since facial expression for each emotion are universal, by weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions. Each expression is compared against a neutral face. This would help a lot students in their classes because if you have a computer that can read emotions and is able to identify if you are confused it would be able to break the problem down step by step like that you would not have to wait on the teacher who is helping two other students. The classes would be able to go faster because the teacher would not have to stop every 10 minutes to re-explained the same the problem like 20 times. A computer would be able to recognized if you getting bored and be able to modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. Or maybe you just browsing on the web and an ad appears on your screen and you smile at it , a similir ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different. Prof. Thomas Huang lastest innovation could be of alot of help for student and teachers. Teachers would not have to stress about re-explaining the same chapter like 20 times. Student would not get behind during class because the computer would be able to identify their emotion. Be able to break it down step by step if they get confused. Or just make the subject more interesting if they bored. Dr. Huang and his colleagues are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate ",2 "Have you ever seen the face on Mars? Well, if you have, do you think it's a real face, or that aliens made it, or that it's just a natural landform like the ones we have here? The answer is, that it's just a natural landform. This face that we see on Mars is just a landform that was created over time. Just like the natural landforms created here on Earth. Things like the Rocky Mountains, or as it says in the passage, the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. This face on the surface of Mars had unusual shadows casting down on it, making the face look like an old Egyptian Pharaoh. Many people though didn't believe NASA, so on April 5, 1998, Michael Malin and his MOC team took a picture of this mysterious face that was ten times sharper than all the previous pictures ever taken. When the photo was uploaded to the internet, thousands of people were disappointed when they found out that this was just a natural landform, not something alien made. In conclusion, in the year of 1976, a face was spotted on the planet of Mars. This face was said to be the creation of aliens who were living on the planet. Many people were disappointed when they found out the truth. That this mysterious face was just a natural landform created over time. Even after NASA confirmed that this was just one ordinary landform, people still weren't convinced. So, on April 5,1998, an MOC team went out to Mars, and took pictures that were ten times sharper than all the originals. Thes pictures proved that this was just an ordinary landform that was formed over time. This ""face"" is actually the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa her on earth found in the American West. Chief scientist for the NASA's Mars Exploration Program, Jim Garvin, says that the face found on the surface of Mars is actually about the same size as the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. ",1 "Cars have become a part of everyday life over the years. We depend on them for transportation from one place to the next. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to live without a car? Well, globally, changes are being made. There have been car bans and even a community that completely quit using cars. There are advantages of limiting car usage. Limiting car usage can lead to a less stressful life. The residents of Vauban, Germany, have taken a huge step. They have given up their cars. As stated in the article ""In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars"", 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars. A statement from a local resident, also found in the article ""In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars"", says, ""When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way"". The limit on car usage has allowed the residents to go back to a simpler life. A life where everyday noises such as children playing and bicycle wheels rolling along the pavement can be heard. Limiting car usage impacts the environment greatly in a positive way. The article titled ""The End of Car Culture"" states, ""...transportation is the second largest source of America's emmisions, just behind power plants"". Cars are a leading cause of air pollution around the world. For example, the smog in Paris, France, had gotten so bad that they had to put a temporary partial ban on driving. Due to this rule, congestion was down 60 percent. Cutting back on the usage of cars would have an incredicle impact on global air pollution. A simple step in the right direction can change the environment is a positive way. Being happier and decreasing air pollution are only two advantages of limiting car usage. There is a lot that can come from taking cars out of our daily routines. It may be hard to adjust at first but the impact it would have on the earth would be worth it. Taking responsibility and care of our earth is a change that needs to happen. It is a possible and reasonable solution to our pollution problem. ",3 "I think this is a natural landform. I believe this because there is more evidence to support this idea. So in these next two-three paragraphs I am going to tell you why. The first fact that clarify's that the face is just a landform comes in the last paragraph in the article. In this paragraph it clearly states that the picture actually shows a Martian equivlant of a butte or mesa - landforms that are common around the American West. ""It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,"" says Garvin. Another paragraph that supports the evidence is clear and correct is in paragaph eleven. ""As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size,"" he added. ""So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!"" This supports me evidence from the paragraph above by telling how much you could see in these pictures. In these last few paragraphs I have given you evidence from the article that support that the Face is a natural landform. So I hope I persuaded you to believe that the Face is a natural Landform. ",1 "Luke bomberger had an interesting story to tell about his adventures on board the SS Charles W. Wooster. He saw many beautiful places and met many interesting people, as such he would recommend the program to somebody. In the following paraghraphs I will present luke's arguement and hopefully convince you to join ""The Sea Going Cowboys. Luke starts his story as a young boy [fresh out of high school] working at a grocery store and a bank, when his friend Don Reist invited him to work on a cattle boat with him. He accepted and went off on the cattle boat bound for europe. Luke seems to have had fun working with the 335 horses on their first trip to europe and before arriving in Greece, luke turned 18. As such he was drafted. Luke was told just to continue working on the boat for his servince so he spent another two years working on the boat. He says that he helped alot of people in China and Europe but he also got the benifit of seeing wonderful sights and places; like the Panama Canal and Acropolis or Venice. He says that aside from his adventures he learned of how lucky he is to have things like food and a job when people in the countries he visited were much less fortunate. Enough about all this seriousness, let's talk about the fun activities on the ship. Luke said that the men on-board played all kinds of games like Base-ball and volleyball in empty holds when the animals were gone. The men also enjoy games like boxing fencing and best of all, reading; the men also had tournaments for table tennis. So, in short you get paid for working a third of the time, exploring foreign countries the second third of the time and playing games the last third of the time. There's no other way to describe it other than ""Best job ever."" ",1 its it just erosion in the planit there might of ben a metior strike in those places and it just looks like it is a face or it might of ben wator from millions of years a go that eroded the face of the planit and made it look like it had a face but i think it was water or a meator stirike on the planit and not alieans if it was alieans they would not be sending people to that planit beacause they would kill them oand why would alieans want a place that has no water and noother living things on the planit its is a daed planit there is nothing on it be sides dirt wand gasses and maybe just maybe some plants or trees baried in the dirt of the planit and alieans would of made a bass on the planit and we have found nothing of that sorts and they would of never told uss a bout that planit in the first place if there was alieans,0 "Commonly known as Earth's twin, Venus has many similarities to Earth but also many differences. For around 30 years, no spacecraft has been on the surface of Venus or even near the planet. Many conditions such as the atmosphere, the surface temperature, and the atmospheric pressure all contribute to why it seems that humans might never be able to live there. Along with weather such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and common lightning strikes, it seems to dangerous to be a safe place for humans to live. The dangers of this planet may hurt the case presented that Venus could be a possible place to live if we need to evacuate Earth. Years ago, scientists believe that Venus was quite like Earth is today. It had many oceans and could support many forms of life, even though today Venus seems as if it is a dark, cold, and a dreadful planet. Though, today it still has some land forms that resemble Earth, such as valleys, mountains, and craters. It seems if there was ever a way to live there, it could resemble a home that we currently have on Earth. Due to space travel being a good length of time, Venus is the closest planet we could escape to from Earth. There have been many spacecrafts that have been destined for Venus but have never got there, also they were no humans aboard. Once we can have a human sent to Venus it opens many doors for humans to inhabit Venus. NASA has a inticive idea for sending humans to study Venus, but it would be from a far, because of the weather, temperature and pressure from the atmosphere. But flying 30 miles in the air may not seem great conditions to live. It is shown that even though the living conditions might not be as great conditions as the ones we have on Earth, mankind would still be living and studying a planet from afar. The author seems to show the dangers of space travel especially space travel to Venus. It seems to many people that we may never get a human near Venus. A spacecraft hasn't been able to survive a couple of hours into orbit, much less a manned spacecraft. The dangers of space may outweigh the dangers of staying on Earth. But any advancement of science will require risks, nothing can be achieved if there are no risks taken. Taking a chance and risking everything has to happen for the possibility of people living on Venus. The health of our planet is deterorating, and it may be soon that we may not have a planet to live on, the exploration of planets especially Venus may be crucial for the survival of mankind. People are intimidated of the risks that come with explore outerspace, but we have to take risks in order to get a reward. Advancement of science and technology is crucial to the survival of humans and this Earth, hopefully we will never need to use Venus as a evacuation planet. As the author said in paragraph 8, ""Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation"".",3 "I thank that you soulde join the SeagoingCowboy's because you get to see stuf that you wold never a magin . You get to help poeple out free animals . You also get to meet new poeple thuow out our day . I can name some thing's that you do you can play boxing , voleyball games , table-tennis and evin beasball ! I did this for nine trip's on the Seagoing cowboy's and let me tell you it was one of the happey thing that I did in my whoel life . A nother thing is ithat it was opportunity of a lifetime ! So if I was you I wold join the Seagoing Cowboy's so dont forget that it is a one and lifetime opportunity . But that not all you get to see Europe, China and some time you get to see Greece , italy , city with strets of water that sound's pretey cool to me ! You keep biuse keeping up with all the animals . You claren the pin's feed, water them ever day . That what you do win you are a Seagoing Cowboy . So that why you need to join the Seagoing Cowboy . So hople you will join the Seagoing Cowboy's",1 "The Face was dicovered on May 24, 2001. It was discovered by NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft. ""NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet, snapping photos of possible landing sites for its sister ship Viking 2, when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face."" But the Face is just a natural landform discovered on Mars by NASA. On April 5, 1998, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team took a picture of the face. It was discovered that there was no alien monument. On paragraph seven, the text states, ""snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos....There was no alien monument after all."" This proves that they found out the Face was not an alien monument. But many people were still not satisfied so, on April 8, 2001, Mars Global Surveyor went to Mars for a second look. On paragraph ten, the text states, ""Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution."" On paragraph twelve, the text states, ""What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa--landforms common around the American West."" So, the Face that they found on Mars was just a natural landform after all. Using evidences from the texts, we learned that the Face was discovered on May 24, 2001. We learned that many people believed it to be an alien monument, but it was not. The Face got looked a second time, on April 8, 2001, but with the camera's absolute ""maximum resolution."" In the end, they found out that the Face was just a natural landform and not an alien monument. ",0 "Using details from the article, i can write an essay evaluating how well the author supports the idea, that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents by, while yes there are many risks to exploring Venus and other planets but in the long run it could help out. The reason it could help out is if we found a planet near ours like venus that in some way shape or form could be inhabited by humans it could give society and its people more places to go so we dont have as many over populated areas. an other big reason we could benefit from figuring out if venus can be inhabited is if that planet has usefull resources we can stop using as many GMO'S as we do in our foods. A place that has the biggest issue of having overpopulation and has to resort to using GMO'S in there foods is japan. some places in japan the overpopulation is so bad that it has created a very large increase in the amount of polution that is in the air, Its so bad in some areas that in the morning you can see the polution while just walking which has made it so the kids/adults of japan have to wear some sort of mask to not get sick/ get poisened by the air. If we do end up figuring out that venus and some other planets in our solar system can be inhabited we can decrease this issue by sending some of those people to Venus. It's not only in japan that this issue of overpopuation is occuring, you can see it occuring more and more in the USA with all the refugees and people from other parts of the world coming to live in the USA. The reason i am making these claims and the information i am using to support my reasoning is, in the text it stated that. "" Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth. Today, Venus still has some of the features that are analogous to those of Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features suck as valleys, mountains, and craters. If scientist can conform that Venus was once inhabited by some sort of life form, they can possibly figure what type of life form this was and maybe figure out why they are no longer there. If they can figure out why that certain life form left or died off we can possibly reverse what had happened. which will lead us to being able to inhabite another planet and could reduce the amount of over population and further problems here on earth by splitting up our population. It could also help the human race live longer and help so that the human race does not die off. In the long run i do think that figuring out if the planet Venus can be inhabited, i also think that from my information and the information that the author gave you to can see the reason why this discovery is so crusual to our society and race. ",3 "The program Seagoing Cowboys ,is amazing even though u might of heard of it or not im going to try my best to make u want to be part of it. I say this because for example the program lets u go around the world,like in the story the said that Luke had travewled nine diffrent times. Isnt that great that could be you,of course if u would like to join. There are lots of things that u could do there,like get to meet knew people and some might even become very close to you. I am sure that if you, came to the program you would love it. You would have fun,free food,and a good place to sleep. Now some might lo0ve animals , and if u dont thats fine but im sure you would start to. they are kind,loving,and gental. This program might get u in shapeand fit,you will be caring and lifting things and im sure that will burn off some fat. Also if u come to the program,u would learn how to obay,clean,and be respectful. Im sure that a young mans mother would be happy to know that,they are cleaning, and obaying laws,and showing respecfulness. Oh and befor i forget, they also will be able to cook multipal meals for his family. The lastly they will be cowboys,and thats a great thing to help out with the animals. The young men will be helping around with horses,and cows. I am sure that the young man, will enjoy the view of the world that hes traviling. I hope that you are convinced and made up your mind to let the young men come to this program. I am sure that youll enjoy it, till next time .",2 "First,Professor. Thomas Huang of the beckman Institute for advanced Science at the University of Illinois working with Professor. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Huang and his colleague are developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate which the proces begin when a computer constructs a 3-D computer Model of the Human face that contains all 44 major muscles in the model that must move like Human. Second,The Facial Expressions of some individuals often show varying degrees of expression and the new emotion-recognition software tracks facial movements in a real face or in the painted face if Mona Lisa. Each expression of a Human is being compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion). In fact us Humans perform the same impressive ""calculation"" everyday. Third,Mona Lisa's Demonstration really intended to bring a smile on your face, For example: if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen a similar ad will follow but if your frown the next ad will be different,which makes the classroom computer recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor and with the same technology it can be used to make computer-animated faces more expressive for video games or video surgery. Last,Our Muscles called Orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crow's feet around your eyes, in a false smile the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorious. But, to an expert faces don't lie; the muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a smiling politician or celebrity isn't being truthful. In Conclusion, The Theory of Emotion is about moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions,but it also may help produce them, And empathy may happen at some point of time when we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions.",0 "I think this facial action codig system would be really helpfull to people who work on computers or students. comptuer work is boring and lame so i would want it to send me somethjing that makes me laugh or smile. I think the facial acting coding system will be a good idea on life on this plane. t it could help out our students like it said in paragraph 6 it said the computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then the computer could modify the lesson like an effective human instuctor. or when you get on anybody it could see your emotion and give you something that woukld help with it. it could make video games better and in paragraph 6 it says that ""most human communication is nonverbal including emotional communication so computers need to understand that to"". Then again some people would think that its weird to have a computer watching your face 24/7. ,aybe it could turn into a robot and take over the world. we would never know but if they did come out with the facial action coding system it would be kinda cool to have videos and stuff to cheer you up if your sad if your in a good mood could send you something to make you laugh. Even if your just doing homework and it could tell that your upset or confused or just bugged out by the problem it could help you without even asking fo9r help it would help you out right away i think thats coool cause alot of kids need help on stuff like that and for teachers they cant help alot of students with work. So before the teacher even gets to them the computer could be helping them alreadfy its like a teaher thats already there and lord knows every student wants that extra help to pass. ",2 "The Electoral College is point less. If the govenment wanted us to vote on the president then why have a college that does that for us? The Electoral College needs to be abolished, so that the peolpe of the U.S.A can vote on the president for real. People want a derect vote not just to sit and watched the peoson that they voted for not get elected becuase of a College that has all the ""power"". It makes no sence that we vote for people that vote for us. If I wanted to do it like that i would move to Canada. insted of letting people having the right to vote they get to watch someone vote for them. In the early Amrican history we needed it but now we do not. You see now we have TVs and smart phones. We are feed information every second of our lives. The news is on every street corner. People in the Electoral cCollege sometimes go rouge and vote for the other party. Back in the 1960's Kennedy almost was not elected because of one state that state Louisiana. You could argue that it takes time out of the election or that it helps Amricans. Our country prides it self on one thing freedom. Then we dont have the right to vote derectly on the peorson we want. So how in the world does that help us? People make up lies and stats all the tiime to get where they want but the never do good. Let me put it this way would you like someone taking care of your faimly whale your away driving your car, kissing your wife making the dissions then when you get back you act like it does not happen? No you would probable freak out yeah. You spend years makeing these system and trying to let the people be what they want but systums like these do not help on any level. People in every state vote. Somemore than others. They vote for there party most of the time but when you have people that make big name dission fot the people it takes the power a way from us. I watched a very moving movie last night about a man who survided his contry by being a soldier and his comrads gave there lives for this freedom. They want this country to have all the rights for all the people. Not just Ellectors. It affectall of us people get cheated and scandaled out of money from politics all the time this one way that they do it. States like California have 55 representitives they could throw the vote them selves just by sending all of one party group. that could ruin a vote and a election. We need to stop the Ellctoral college form making more mistakes. We need to have derect voting. ",2 the author is right in this passage because in paragraph 8 nassa is trying to shut down all the towers and the author about this story he wishes nassa could go away but that will be inpossonle these differences from nassa are in speed mars and other times to venus because venus is sometimes around the corner cloud drapped world each previous mission is unmanned and for a good reason cause nassa can handle there men unmanned they all survied the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why venus spaceship hasnt touched down in almost 3 decades. So nassa is concerned about venus spaceship. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus. if our sister planet is so inhospitable why are scientists even discussing futher visits to its surface there wasting there time for all the importanty of nassa....the surfce was rockey and couldnt be walled on because of that reason or drove on there was mountains and craters furthermore. the nationL aeronautics and space administration (NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study venus.,0 "Reading emotions is done on a day to day bases in the minds of people. That is how we can tell is our friends are upset or happy about something. The author of ""Making Mona Lisa Smile"", Nick D'Alto, talks about new technology called the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), which enables computers to identify human emotions. The use of this technology in a classroom to read the emotional expressions of students would be valuable so the teacher can see how well they have to students attention and what they can do to change things if they need to. If teachers had the ability to use the FACS, they would be able to see how many students enjoy the class and that they are focused on the class. Also they would be able to see how many kids aren't happy to be in class and no paying attention. The FACS can read the emotions happiness, surpise, anger, disgust, fear, and saddness. A teacher wants to have all the attention of their students but, it doesn't always happen, teachers knowing when students start to fade out of the topic can help them change how they are teacher to help the student want to learn and stay on task. All around students need to learn and teachers need to teach, it would be very useful to have teachers be able to access the FACS to be able to teach to the best of their abilities so that the students car and will learn. Reading others emotions easily would make everyone's lives easier beacause they know how they really feel about something. So, people can change what they are doing to help other people want to do things. ",1 "Driverless cars will be a great innovation in the automobile insustry, because driverless cars will be safer, more convenient, and possibly more fuel efficient. Driverless cars would make the world a lot safer, when dealing with automobiles. People die everyday in car accidents. With driverless cars, at first, of course, there will be complications regarding the sensing and accident prevention. After so long, with yearly upgrades and constant innovation, driverless cars' software should excel to the point of perfection, without any accident occurance. In paragraph 5, the test states, ""Sensors are nothing new, of course. in the 1980s, automakers used speed sensors at the wheels in the creation of antilock brakes. Within 10 years, those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers. The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. Further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own."" This example shows that sensoring software ability is increasing, and as time goes by technologists learn more and more. Over time sensors will get better and better to the point where driverless cars are 100% safe. Driverless cars are more convenient than cars with drivers. Cars with drivers require full attention from the driver. There are many cases, involving possibly injury, or even just fatigue, where a driver is forced into a position of either finding alternate transportation, or driving under dangerous circumstances. If a driver owns a driverless car, or has the accessability to a driverless ""taxi"", then whether fatigue, injured, or intoxicated, the driver, or now passenger, can safely be transported to their destination, without the result of an accident. Many people against the idea of driverless cars would claim that a driver must still be alert with a driverless car. This statement would be true, as of now, but if driverless cars are introduced now, within the next ten years, driverless cars will be so dominantly present, drivers would never have to touch the wheel. If every car on a street is computer controlled, the computer systems could recognize another attempting to leave a parking lot and simply leave the car space to do so. Through more innovations, obstacles like those stated in paragraph 7, would be easily manuvered. Driverless cars are more fuel efficient than cars with drivers. Many times today, people drive their cars with a ""heavy foot."" Acceleration uses gas in a car that could be saved with coasting. If are car is ran by a computer, acceleration and coasting time would be monitored, and done the most efficiently possible. In paragraph 1, the text states, ""The cars [Google cofounder Sergey Brin] forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis..."" This example shows that, driverless taxis and cars are far more fuel efficient. If a driverless car owner uses only half the fuel of a driver required car owner, then the driverless car owner is saving a tremendously more amount of money on fuel. Driverless cars will be a great innovation in the automobile insustry, because driverless cars will be safer, more convenient, and possibly more fuel efficient. ",4 "I think we should use the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) on students and in classrooms because, if we were to use this in classrooms we could pick and choose whoever was feeling confused on the topic you are learning about. It could also help adults and students really understand their emotions, it could even help pic out the people that have depression or that is stressed out, we could help them if we only knew what their emotions are. If we was to bring this into our school and classrooms we would be more likely to suceed because we would know who would really need help and who is getting the topic, some kids in school are to scared or frightened to speak up if they arent getting it because they think it makes them look dumb, but if we was able to use the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) we could simpley find out through their emotions and facial expressions. What it does is it goes off your musclular stucture in your face to tell you, how you are feeling. On the topic about depression and saddness, it could also help with that if we was to pick out the people that are sad and even depressed we would be more likely to get them help before they start to cause self harm or harm to others or even the worst possible outcome committing suicide. Not only that but it could tell you any kind of feeling; happy, sad, angry, confused, fearful, and even disgusted. As shown in the text they tested this on the famous picture made by Leonardo da Vinci,Mona Lisa, and it showed up four differnet feeling that was going on in a simple photo! She was eighty-three percent happy, nine percent digusted, six percent fearful, and two percent angry. There are many reasons why this should and should not be aloud in schools and classrooms but I and other people think it would help people alot more to understand the students, teachers, and the staff. It could really help us in many ways, why arent we using this already?",2 "Boom! Tire blows. Only if the driverless car, supposly a smart car, senn the road construction ahead it could of prevented the accident. Then the sensors for the cars I know will take weeks to put all of them in to properly work. Also how is it suppose to be a smart car when you still have to hold the wheel at all times. Although it might have some positives about the car, it still has a numerous number of negitives such as: if the driverless car goes to fast do you get a ticket and have to pay or what is the consequences. First and foremost, the sensors on the smart cars. It must take a fortune to buy and apply every single little sensor thats need daily on the rode. Plus it must take alot of people to do that and you have to pay them a lot as well so that means you're going to spend so much money that you're going to try and sell it for a huge price of change that no one has to spend. Or the timing, it probably take one/fourth of the time it take to make that robot car. Moreover, you have to keep your hands on the wheel at all times. What if you're taking a rode trip and you want to get some rest, you can't because your handle has to be positioned on the wheel at all times. Also if you have a important meating and you are trying to finish up your presentation,you can't. Eventhough it might do some incredible things but it aslo can mouth-function and leave you stranded. Equally important, what about the laws for the car. Most importantly i want to know who gets the ticket and pays for it if the car gets pulled over if going to fast is it you or the manufacturing company. Then it could overide and take far away from where you need to be because the smart car is really like a colassal mobile computer. If it over heats and blows who get blamed for someones death. Overall, I disaggre and also disapprove this vehicle. As a driver and owner of a smart car i would rather have it Barren like the ones we drive daily thats less worries. Also cheaper to get fixed and worked on then getting my car reprogramed and a whole new pc system in it.",2 "Do you know what the challenge of Exploring Venus is? Well venus is the second planet from our sun. Venus distance but safe vantage point of Earth has very challenging place to examine more closely. They also often called Venus as the Earth's Twin. Let's see what The Challenge of Exploring Venus is all about. First of all, Earth, Venus , Mars are like neighbor that orbits the sun at different speeds. The differences in speed that we are closer to Mars than other times to Venus. Venus is sometimes right around the corner in space terms. Humans has numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud -draped world. Since no spacecraft survived the landing for more tha a few hours. Secondly, The thick atmosphere is almost 97% of carbon dioxide that blankets Venus. The more challenging are the clouds of highly sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. The planet's temps are average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than our own planet. The conditions on Earth are far more extreme than anything humans encounter. Thirdly, NASA has one particularly compelling ideas to send humans to study Venus. NASA's solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus allow scientist to float above the fray. Researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Many researchers are working on innovations that allows our machines to last long enough to knowledge Venus. NASA is working on other approaches to study Venus. In a conclusion, Do you know what the challenge of Exploring Venus is? Well, Earth, Venus , Mars are like neighbor that orbits the sun at different speeds. The thick atmosphere is almost 97% of carbon dioxide that blankets Venus. NASA has one particularly compelling ideas to send humans to study Venus. So however, I just exploring about Venus so I think I past the challenge. ",0 "Driverless Cars Are Coming As everything in our society based on science and technology, cars are also developing from human control to driverless. The article on the left introduces how big companies (for instance, Google, BMW, etc.) are trying to make driverless cars come into our daily life and how the law will change if we have driverless cars commonly. Once driverless cars come into our life, people will argue that is it good to develop driverless cars or is it bad? In my opinion, I have a positive aspects of driverless cars. The first and the most direct reason is because driverless cars can make our daily life much more convenient than before. We don't need to worry about which road are we driving on or any places we haven't been before. The car will drive for us, it will have plan for which road or direction we'll be. The second reason is the driverless cars are safer than people driving by themselves. Sometimes people cannot drive safely when they are tired or get drunk. That can make a huge accident. But the driverless cars can help us to drive, ""The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone"". (passage 5) By using the sensor in the car, we don't need to worry about safety anymore. The sensor can control the car and give us a much safer trip than ever before. The third reason is driverless cars can reduce the quantity of accidents. When people are using the driverless cars, they ""must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires. This necessitates the car being ready to quickly get the driver's attention whenever a probelm occurs"". (passage 7) Although it is driverless car, drivers still need to pay attention. Convenience, safety, reduction of accidents... These are the reasons we choose to use the driverless cars. There is a huge number of people who still have negative aspects of the driverless cars. Technologies need to impprove, we can improve our phones, our computers, but why not cars? The driverless cars the symbol of the improvement to technologies and driverless cars can bring us a lot of benefits. Our life can get more convenient and safer than before.",3 "The future is coming, whether one likes it or not. An extreme way the future is coming at us full speed ahead is driverless cars. Some people think it would be revolutionary in the best of ways, and open the doors to many other oppurtunities. Others disagree and say it is impractical and dangerous to the lives of everyday pedestrians. Driverless cars have been tested many times. If a company is able to successfully manufacture such a car, there is always one setback: it is too expensive to be practical. This is the case with engineers at Berkeley. They created a car using magnets of opposing polarity; however, these cars recquired the update of already existing roads, which is entirely too expensive and would take years. Driverless cars are simply too expensive to be a common machine in everyday life. The thought of driverless cars has obviously been seriously considered many times; however, it all comes down to the final outcome. If, hypothetically, the cars were successfully manufactured and the roads were somehow adjusted to fit the needs of such cars and were financially within the budget, the idea of driverless cars is still extremely dangerous. The safety of surrounding drivers and pedestrians is put at risk. No car can be completely diverless. This is because if there is a blind pedestrian walking across the street or construction going on, the car will still need driving assistance. Without it, a completely driverless car could vry well cause even more accidents than there are already. If the lives of innocent civilians are at stake, is a car that drives itself really worth it? Continuously, if perhaps an automatic car were to hit someone and severely injur or potentially kill someone, the blame could be put onto the owner of the car. No matter how hard the owner tries to tell the court of his driverless car's accident, the person is still to blame. This could have never happened if the driver was actually driving the vehicle. This could cause many problems in the future. All in all, the use of driverless cars should never be allowed in everyday life. Not only is it subtantially too expensive to be practical, but also dangerous and could lead to unfair and unnecassary lawsuits. The factors and outcomes are not worth the ability to not have to drive.",3 "Dear State Senator,being apart of the voting process is extremely important.It's important,because you are helping by popular vote for the president of the United States.Electoral College helps you get a better understanding of the voting process and the effect that everyone's vote has.However,the Electoral colleges are not a really big help when it comes down to the country.Here is provided information about why they should change election by popular vote. First to start the discussion,Electoral Colleges were estblished by the founding fathers in the constitution as a compromise between election of the president by vote in congress and election of the president by popular vote.The Electoral College is not just a place it's an important process.This college is made of electors.They have meetings where they vote for the president and vice president.The college is consisted of 538 electors.At least 270 electoral votes are required to elect the president.Each candidate that is interested in becoming president in your state has to have his or her own flock of electores.The electors are chosen by the political party ran by the candidate.This college basically provides you with a idea of why it is important to vote. The country's fate rests in the hands of many. Next,The Electoral college system only allows voters to vote for the slate electors. The president of the United States votes is more important then the slate electors.The president of the United States is the one responsible for the Country.Most people refer to the most common argument between the electoral college as the disater factor.Like for instance if someone wanted to vote for a specific person you would have to vote for a different amount of slate electors also depending where you lived as well. Continuing,the Electoral college is really regarded as an anachronism aslo known as a non-democratic method of selecting a president. Many people believe that,that should be overruled by declaring the candidate who recieves more popular votes is the winner.Each party selects a slates of electors that is trusted to vote for the nominee that was picked slate electors.Even though the Electoral has a lack of conservative reasons, there are five reasons that people think that should be retained. The first reason is the certainy of outcome,second Everyone's President,third Swing states,fourth Big States,and lastly Avoiding run-off Elections.These 5 things are reasons why people feel that these colleges should stay. The conclusion, the president of the United states is chosen by our votes.We have the power to make this country strong,but we also have the power to make this country a train wreck.Voting is really important this can determine the fate of the country. Sincerly,PROPER_NAME ",2 "Driverless cars are an advanced technology but they arent the safest car. They might be a good upgrade but it can also harm. They are not proven to be 100 percent safe and may cause crashes. Also while technology is a very helpfull thing it is not the safest and is not always a good thing to rely on. Lastely, not many people will be able to afford this car. This is why i believe that driverless cars are not a good idea. While the driverless cars are being developed to be safe and able to rely on it is still not proven to be 100 percent safe. Not all cars infact not a single car is proven to be 100 percent safe. They can all cause damage or injure people but the driverless car will not be any safer with a person not having control of the car. You cant rely on yourself to know that you are driving safe and know where you are headed. The driver is not in control therefore it can cause a great damage and crash other cars. It can cause people to get injured or even killed. So this is just one reason why i believe they are not safe. Secondly, technology has helped us advance many things we believed could never be posible but while it is helpful it is not a good thing to rely on. Nothing is ever perfect and when it comes to technology there are always problems. For this driverless car that has all diffrent kinds of updates and technology it can do something wrong and the whole system breaks down. With GPS being used it can get you lost and people will rely on the driverless car to know where it is going but it has happened before to where people get lost because they were following their GPS and something went wrong and they get lost. With one wrong letter or number the address you type cant get mixed up with a diffrent address and you will not know where you are at. the driverless car is full of technology and its already be proven many times that technology isint perfect and can have issues that in this driverless car can cause damage. Lastly, many people wont be able to afford it. With all its technology and updates it will cost a lot. Only a few people wil be able to have them and see what they are like. So its not like they are making this care so people everywhere could have it. It is only for people who can afford it and well want it. So with that said i dont believe it is a good thing for it to be made. In conclusion, the driverless car isint proven to be very safe and can harm or cause damage. While technology is a great thing it is not good to rely on it as much. They will also be to expensive for people to buy and only a couple of people will be able to purchase the driverless car. These are some reasons why i believe that driverless cars arent a very good idea. ",3 "I think that yes if there was driverless cars that not just a couple people should have them everyone should. If there was someone that did not have one of these cars they would be at a higher risk of someone wrecking. The laws on speed limits would definetly change. There would be a bunch more laws besides thatone that would change as well. People would act different one the road knowing who is responsible. I mean if your driving one of these smart cars and someone else dosn't have one and they wrecked into you it would not be good. There would be a big debate about this and who would be to blam. The companies would have too much money so you could not sue them. Your attention would imidietly turn on the driver of the other car the company would have your back then. Those people should not have to deal with it if that is the case the company should. It would be nice for everyone to have one of these because drunk driving issues would go down. wrecks would be less common if the mechanics work on the cars they provide. Companies think to much of money so that would be the only problem. I mean sure they wold not make as much money as they would like to but people would be a lot more safe then they are. The money they make should go to the coverage of peoples cars. Another problem I would have with this is would you be able to get to your job on time? If you have a certain speed limit and or if yor car stops working what are y going to do. I think that if you get this car everything should have to be covered by the compaies you buy it from. Some states are already trying to ok all of this through way higher powers than they should. They should have a system on the car that explains why your late. One of my last concerns is if the future generations would still know how to drive. I mean if they don't know how the car works than what is the point of it. I think that anyone who gets one of these cars should have to take driving courses one a year for a week. They can take them any day they choose as long as it adds up to a week out of the year. The car is not the only problem think about the roads next.",1 "Imagen being in a regular classroom. Imagen yourself not understing the topic. Imagen not being able to tell the teacher you don't get it because you're afraid to be made fun of. This is what the Facial Action Coding System prevents student from experiencingwhen taught a new topic. This helps student by having the system already knowing they don't understand to topic they had just learned. Although Facial Action Coding System watches your face is wierd, it'll help out teachers and students because it'll help our classroom be more understanding, helpful, and communicate better. The Facial Action Coding System can help classrooms be more understanding. In the article, it states, ""In fact, we humans perform this same impressive ""calculation"" everyday. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feelling simply by the look on her face (paragraph 5)."" It also states,""For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears in you screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be differnet (paragraph 6)."" These quotes show that classrooms can be more understanding with this system. Because if you frown, the teacher will be notified and will ask if you understand yet or need help. And this system will help teachers to more ""calculated"" of what their class needs more work on. And understand the topic they have learned. The Facial Action Coding System can help classrooms be helpful. In the article it states,"" A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,"" Dr. Huang predicts. ""Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor (paragraph 6) ."" This means that this system can be helpful by providing information to the teacher. And so the teacher can have an effective teaching plan to help out the class in learning the topic better. So they don't get lost and confused on the topic. The Facial Action Coding System can help classrooms communicate better. In the article it said,""The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive- for video games or video surgery. ""Most humans communication in nonverbal, including emotional communication,"" notes Dr. Huang. ""So computers need to undersatnd that, too(paragraph 6)."" This all means that this sysytem will help us communicate better. And because most of human communication happens nonverbally. It won't be too diffcult to do. This system will help the students and the teacher to communicate with each other effectivly without saying a word. In concluion, better communication, more helpful, and more understanding are some of the pros of having the Facial Action Coding System in the classroom. Although having the Facial Action Coding System watch your face is pretty weird. Other than that, it's pretty cool that it can help the student(s) and the teacher. The students get a chance to work together to help the teacher understand them better. This system helps them communicate better overall. And helps the teacher to create a better and effective teaching plan overall, too. This Facial Action Coding System helps the student and the teacher to understand, comunicate and help each other. ",3 "The advantages of using limited car usage is that on cold nights and warm days the warmer layer or air trap car emissions. ""The smog rivaled Bejing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in he world. Diesel fuel was blamed, since France has a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals. After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. United States has been one of the world's prime car cultures. Its the birthplace of the Model T;home of Detroit where Wilson Pickett immortalized ""Mustang Sally"". Has America passed peak driving? In source 4 it says in recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. But America's love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling. When adjusted for population growth, the  number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter, acocording to an analysis by Doug Short of Advisor Perspectives, an investment research company. Part of the explanation certainly lies in the recession, because cash-strapped Americans could not afford new cars, and the unemployed weren't going to work anyway. The next few years would be telling. Transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions,just behind power plants. Ford and Mercedes are already rebranding themselves ""mobility"" companies with a broader product range beyond the personal vechicle. People who stopped car commuting as a result of the recession may find less reason to resume the habit. A car is just means of getting from A to B when BART doesnt' work. ",0 "The author does a very good job of proving his point about the challanges of exploring Venus. He makes a few valid points and is very descriptive. I think he did a good job overall explaning his point. He starts off by talking about how Venus is a very similar planet to ours. He says hat the two planets are so similar that people call Venus the ""sister planet to Earth"". He also makes the point that Venus may have held life at some point. He states that ""Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth"". His next topic was about how we have already sent space crafts over to Venus. All of them, however, were unmanned. They were all unmanned because the pressure and heat of the planet would instantly kill the occupants inside the ship. Even without anyone in the ships, the spaceships were still crushed by the pressure of the planet. He states that ""no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours"". He then goes on to say that this is probably why no spaceships have touched the planet fr three decades. He goes on to talk about how NASA has been trying to come up with ideas on how to inhabit the planet with life. they came up with a few good ideas but the one that stood out to him the most was a bit interesting. He says that NASA wanted to try and get a blimp like spaceshi to float 30 miles above Venus' surface. at ths spot it isnt too hot or too dangerous and is almost perfect for life. the heat, however, would still be a whopping 170 degrees fahrenheit and we would be stuck in a thick cloud in CO2. He also states that even if we lived there, we wouldnt be able to photograph or video the surface to study it. Overall he made a lot of valid points. I think that he made his point very clear and proved that attempting to explore Venus would be a challange. With its harsh conditions and unbearable heat, there would be no fun in exploring the planet.",2 "In my opinion I think that it is a good idea formanufacturers to develop smarter cars for the future. Creating smarter cars helps reduce accidents due to the improvements that would be added to the cars. They also allow driving to be more earsier for everyone. Lastly, new and develeoped cars make driving more interesting and fun. Creating smarter cars helps reduce accidents due to the improvements that would be added to the newly developed cars. Google has had cars that could drive by themselves for more than half a million milles and without crashing. In the article it said, ""The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone"", which indicates that the cars are being specially made to help out drivers be able to drive better and safer. These improvements would help a lot drivers such as adding cameras to the cars so they can monitor the drivers and make sure they are paying attention. There are many reckless drivers that do not pay attention to the road and use their phones, these improvements would help save lives. If the cars would be able to: steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, the car would be able to drive safer than a person who is constanatly on their phonethat could cause a accident. Also GM developed driver's seats that vibrate when a vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. If we allow manufacturers to develop better cars they would make driving so easier. These cars are able to handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph. These cars are made to not only help the driver but it aslo makes sure that the driver is paying attetnion so they know when to take over. These cars are made to the point where they are almost driverless. They are capable of steering, accelerating, and they are also able to brake themselves. These developed cars make driving easier because they notify the driver when there are work zones or accidents. I understand they are not capable to driving thru these occurances but since they notify the driver it helps them plan out a different route that could save them time. Lastly, the development of cars would make driving more interesting and fun. Many people imagine the future with flying cars and very high tech cars. We should take advantage that technology is allowing these dreams to come alive. It would be very interesting to see cars that are able tio drive themselves without human use. Some developers, such as the Google cofounder Sergey Brin, are envisioning the future with better transportation. Sergey forsees that there would be cars that would use less fuel and offer far more flexiblity than a bus. I would find it very astonishing to see a car like that. Being able to sit in the driver seat and just let your car drive on its own would be amazing to experience. You could be eating or talk on the phone without any concern because your car is driving as safely as it can. It would be very cool to be able to experience all these technological developments. In conclusion, I think its a great idea to let manufacturers devlop these cars. These cars would help out on reducing accidents. It would also allow driving to be more safe because you have a smart develpoment that allows th ecar to drive on its own. Lastly, these cars would be such an amazing experience for the future. We have to let technology and manufacturers with new ideas do its thing if we actually want to see all of our envisions in the future. The future would be so much better, easier, and more fun if we allow the develpoment of these cars. ",3 "What is a normal day to you?  Waking up, brushing your teeth, eating, then getting into car to go to work, right?  That last object in that list, getting into your car, puts a strain on the environment, commonly known as pollution.  Although the amount of strain that an individual may put on the environment is miniscule, the combined output of all cars in a city may be enough to damage your lungs!  In Beijing, China, people wear masks outside to prevent inhalation of the dense smog surrounding the city.  This has led to the development of the ""smart planning"" movement, in which city planners build dense suburbs in which cars are unneeded.  Shops are a walk away, and your neighbor lives five minutes from your home.  You may be asking ""Why do I care about this?  I don't have heavy smog in my city.""  Well when car use starts to increase in your city, that will affect both your health, and your happiness. First off, limiting car usage will make you happier.  ""How will this make me happy?""  Think about this, you go through your usual morning routine, and you only have five minutes to get to work.  That's perfectly fine because, good news, your job is a three minute walk from your house!  This drastically reduces stress as said in this quote from ""In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars."" by Elisabeth Rosenthal.  ""'When I had a car I was always tense.  I'm much happier this way,' said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two, as she walked verdant streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor."" Secondly, the smog from cities with high car usage is becoming unbearable.  ""Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals...[Last] week Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter (PM) per cubic meter compared to 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London, Reuters found.""  In Paris, after a few days of ""near-record pollution,"" enforced a partial, temporary driving ban.  ""On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31).  The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following da y.""  The congestion levels of Paris were down by an astonishing sixty percent after five days of the smog.  Imagine that, in five days smog levels reduced by sixty percent.  Imagine what the whole world could do if everyone pitched in to this trend.  ""[Automobiles], experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emmisions from tailpipes....Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emmisions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States."" Lastly, a reduction of car use can vastly improve the economy.  In Bogota, Colombia, the local government have begun to enforce a ""Day Without Cars"" in an effort to curb rising pollution levels.  This has been happening for three years, and has increased profits for small shops and eateries in the area.  Because of the large number of walkers and bikers, shops were able to make a larger profit with walk-ins that just happened to pass by the store.  This is what caused more stores to open up, thus  boosting the local economy.  Even businessmen are enjoying these days as stated by Carlos Arturo Plaza.  ""It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution."" To end this off, cars use can be greatly reduced.  It is a matter of willpower, which everyone has, but some are too  lazy to tap into it.  The reduction of car use will have long term effects on both you and the globe.  By minimizing the time you spend in a car, you are increasing your happiness, decreasing pollution, and helping boost the economy!  If you think cars are a necessity in today's shrinking world, think again.  New York is a perfect example in which rush hour traffic makes it impossible to get to work on time by car.  Even in new small suburbs, cars are becoming a thing of the past.  Tomorrow, instead of driving to work or to the store, try walking.  You just might enjoy it. ",3 "Have you seen the ""Face on Mars""? If so, do you believe it is natural or created by alien activity? Many people believe the face is evidence of alien life however this is probably not the case. The Mars Global Surveyor ,a mapping spacecraft, has passed over the area few times. However the few times it has passed over there has been no evidence of any form of alien civilization. This led us to believe it is just a natural landform. This all began when NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was orbiting Mars. Viking 1 was snapping photos of possible landing sites for his sibling Viking 2. In the midst of doing so Viking 1 spotted what looked like a human face. This was extraordinary because it was on planet Mars! When the images were leaked it led the public to believe that this is evidence of life outside of Earth's atmosphere. This might not be the case however. NASA believes that the face is just a natural landform similiar to a butte or mesa on that of Earth. There was a lot more evidence pointing towards the side of NASA but that didn't put peoples hopes down. Some of the public hoped and believed this was in some shape or form, evidence of extraterrestriel life. The pictures of the ""Face on Mars"" that NASA had were actually kind of foggy. They were foggy because the Mars Global Surveyor had to get the photos through clouds. This then led people to believe that NASA was hiding something in the fog. They thought they were hiding the evidence of life. NASA, however wanted to show them this was not the case. NASA then ,a few years later, passed over the face on a cloudless summer day in Cydonia, and rolled the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view. NASA eventually captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution. This photo cleared up a lot of confusion. As NASA studied the photograph, they came to realize that the Face was in fact caused by natural means. They then leaked the image to the public and cleared up confusion there too. However, there will always be that group of nay sayers. This group still wanted to believe that the ""Face on Mars"" was evidence of alien life. They still might believe that to this day. The ""Face on Mars"" has caused a lot of confusion and mystery in the world. Many believed it was natural from the beginning and others not so much. Some have even grown to believe it was natural other than caused by aliens. Of course there are people still on both sides and as of right now we will never completely know the truth. We will know the truth when we go to Mars. Until then everyone will hold their peace and glorify at the mysterious ""Face on Mars"".",3 "We all had dreams about having flying cars and driveless cars, but now we can almost say our dreams are becoming a reality. Automakers are working on manufacturing driveless cars. Driveless cars will eventually help us all in the future, when they are developed. If someone is drunk driving the car will for the most part drive itself with the help of sensors. If someone has fallen asleep in the car and something bad happens the car will alert the driver. First the automakers thought of making smarter roads, but with out the option of smarter roads, the manufacturers then thought about smarter cars. They did not know exactly how smart the cars would have to be but they knew for sure that they would need a lot of sensors to start out with. To help support the claim that driveless cars will be helpful in the future is the fact that they will have many sensors. The new driveless cars will have a position sensor on the left rear wheel. This helps the car stay in between the lines while driving. The next senor will be a rotationg sensor on the roof so the car knows where other cars are around it and when to stop at red lights, stop signs, yield signs, etc. It will also have four automotive radar sensors and an intertial motion sensor, to detect the movement of other cars. The car will still have a speed and brake sensor also to know how fast it is going and when to stop. The driveless car will have a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, so the car knows how far and if there is a car behind them. Lastly the car will have a GPS recevier so the car knows where it is going. All of these sensors are installed to keep the driver safe and improve on how the vehicle can drive on its own. The car is also very easy to take control of. For the things the sensors can not sense the car will alert the driver when they need to take control. The human in the car should always remain alert for when these problems may occur but if they can not the car will send the driver an alert. The new driveless cars will have seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger. If the driver has fallen asleep then the vibration of the car should be firm enough to wake them up. Now while the driver is just waking up they do not really know what is going on, so the driveless car will also announce that there is a problem and the driver should take control. By the car announce when there is a problem is very helpful because if one of the sensors were to go out then that would be a problem and the car will announce it and the human will take over. Even though the car will be very helpful there are some problems that could occur. The only way to know for sure that someone will be safe while driving is to have a human in control at all times. Driving laws are focused on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and the lawmakers know that safety is best achieved when the driver is fully alert. That is why the driveless car will have many sensors for when they sense a problem occuring on the road or occuring within the car. When the sensors do sense a problem occuring the car with alert the driver and let them know that they need to take control by vibrating the seat and announcing the problem. Though many people think driveless cars are not safe, automakers are continuing to work and test the cars until we can know for sure that they are completely safe for all drivers. ",4 "Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth. Therefore, scientist seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts, but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. A vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditios by staying up and out of their way. At thirty plus miles above the surface, temperature would still be toasty at around 170 degrees, but the iar pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit. The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various form of life. Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on earth. Astronomers fascinated by venus because it may well once have been the most Earth like planet in our solar system. Venusiam geology and weather presents additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent ligtning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even to Mercury is closer to our sun. ",0 "Why do we need Driverless cars? Some belive that by having driverless cars that we will save more gas than an adverage taxi. I beleive that we shouldnt have driverless cars. By having driverless cars the world will become lazy and will take less responsiblity for their actions. Driverless cars arent fully driverless. With all this technology and labor, this product is very expensive. In the passage, paragraph 2 it states ""Google cars arent turly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents."" This saying that driverless car arent what they say they are. The purpose of a driverless car is for the driver to not have to manually drive at any circumstances. Although the passage does state in paragraph 7, ""in fact, none of the cars developed so far are completly driverless. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves but all are disigned to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills,"" This being said why produce driverless cars if they arent going to be fully driverless. In paragraph 7 it states ""The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel."" Stating that their needs to be a driver in the car to make sure the car is safe when driving through work zones. Also, what happens if the car is on the highway with the speed limit of 65 mph and the car can only drive at 25 mph driverless; what would be the purpose of this car for people who travel by vehical? As told in paragraph 9, ""Even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?"" Who will be at fault, the driverless car should be ""driverless"" and if technology fails causeing an injury to a person the manufacturer should be at fault for not making sure the car is fully driverless like ones paid for. ""These smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical."" Proving that driverless cars are to expensive to produce. Where would the citizens purchase a driverless car, more likely who would buy a driverless car with the economy these days. Most people in the middle class dont make enough money to buy a new car as it is; to expect them to buy a car that is driverless which most likely has the cost of double the cars now, is impractical. The technology used to manufactor the sensors and maps for the cars to follow is too expensive, the money being used to produce driverless cars could be used on students and college or for a cure of cancer not on useless driverless cars. With all these points being said, I believe that driverless cars should continue to be developed. With all the money being spent on a car thats supposably ""driverless"" could be spent on research for cures. Driverless cars can only drive up to 25 mph with human hands on the sterring wheel meaning that the car is an in-town type of car; meaning travelers wont find use in this car. These cars arent fully driverless, The point of a driverless car is to not have a human drive at all. ""If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault? the manufacturer is at fault. ",4 "The article ""The Challenge of Exploring Venus"" is simply about Venus and why we should explore it, even though it has many dangers. The author definetley has good evidence to support his or her claim, but I do believe that he or she strays from the main idea of the question throughout the article. The author does not support this idea enough. As I read throughout the story, I only noticed about one paragragh that was actually explainging why we should explore Venus. According to the prompt, the author is being evaluated on how well he or she supports that claim. I did not see enough support through the whole story. When the author did support the idea though he or she had very good evidence. According to the the article the reason we should explore Venus is because it is the closest planet like ours. I think that the author should go more in depth and explain how and why that is, so that he or she can really pull us in. Next is that even though the author didn't show a lot of support in why we should explore Venus, he or she did have good evidence on how we would. Most of the story was the author explaining different ways of how we could possibly explore Venus safely. For example, the author explained how NASA has been working on other approaches to study Venus. Like, special electronics made of silicon carbide that have been tested in Venus like conditions and the electronic lasted for three weeks. If the author has good support like this, he or she should most importantly discuss more of why Venus should be explored to spike our interest more in knowing how to do so. To conclude, the author doesn't support the claim of studying Venus enough. He or she should include more details as of why we would want to study Venus. The author has great support and detail, they just need more evidence to back up those ways of studying the planet. I believe people would have great interest in studying Venus if the author just explained why we should a little bit more. ",3 "The ''face'' is just a natural landform, formed by dirt or sand in the ground. If it was to be created by aliens, there would have been signs of alien life by now, but there isn't. To top off the reason that the ''face'' is a natural landform formed by dirt or sand or some unknown substance, there is also other weird-shaped looking objects in the ground next to the ''face''. No alien life has been found yet, so with that being said, there shouldn't even be a possibility that aliens created it. If aliens created the ''face'', there should be footprints or handprints near the ''face'' leading to a possible location showing what may have made it. The ''face'' looks like something buried inside the ground to me, more than something inprinted in the ground. The ''face'' may have just been an illusion. In my opinion, I think the ''face'' may have been created by wind or the movement of the camera causing wind to blow and create this false-claimed ''face''. The ''face'' has later been viewed in new high-resolution images and 3D altimetry from NASA's Mars Global Survey spacecraft has revealed that the ''face'' on Mars is a mesa. ",1 "Have you ever wanted to become a hero? Have you wanted to help people through tough times? Well I know the job just for you! A Seagoing Cowboy. My name is Luke and I was a seagoing cowboy. One day my friend invited me to go to Europe on a cattle boat. I knew I couldn't resist the opportunity. It was 1945 and World War II was all over Europe leaving cities in ruins. Luckily, many nations came together to help support Europe. The UNRRA hired ""Seagoing Cowboys"" to take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were being shipped overseas. My friend and I both signed up. We joined the group because we knew it would be an experience of a lifetime. We also wanted to help people and animals in need. It felt so good to be able to be called a hero. You also get to see many countries and their landmarks. They give you freetime to go and explore the city or town. You learn so much from the cultures and the different people who live there. Although it takes a lot of time, it is definitly worth the trip. You are so proud of yourself for helping people and animals. There is a lot of work involved and you have to be willing to do it. In the end though, it pays off. Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy opened up a whole new world for me. It was definitly an adventure that I will never forget. It made me more aware of people and their needs. My family hosted a number of people from all over the world. It brought a new light into our eyes. We now know that not all people have what we have. We learned that we need to stay humble no matter how much we have. So go ahead, see what new adventure is waiting for you as a Seagoing Cowboy. ",2 "Through out the day emotions can change quickly just by looking at something or talking to someone. People emotions are an everyday thing,and software is be creating to were the technology can read a person a emotion. Not a lot of people like to describe how they feel, and no one can really understand how they feel if they show no emotion. Now wait what if the computer can still decet emotion without needing to take a survey or as questions, just by using muscle recantion.The use of technology to read emotional expressions of students in the classroom is valuable because the technology is more effiecnt and can detect a slight muscle in the face, also can tell if the emotion is a lie,and lastly the technology can later help schools figure out what a studnet would rather like to read or how the would to learn it by using emtotion decter. The technology is valuable because it can detect the slightest muslce in the face. Studies say that if a person makes a slight change in the face the computer can read the face and show how the student feels about the lesson him or her are learning. Also the technology is useful to figure that the muscle that is being used to give off the emotion can later help other understand the person better and knows what will satsify them or not. In paragraph five it says,""in fact, we humans pefrom this same impressive ""calculation"" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how friend is feeling by simpliy looking at on her face."" Another reason is that the technology is effienct and does work properly. The technology can dectect if the emtion is trying to be created rather than true.In the text paragraph eight it says,""but in a false smile,the mouth is streched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle,the risorius. This saying that in are we use differnet mucles to make different faces. Just slightly is the face is changed then the technology can detect wether or not if the face is false or true. Lastly,it would be valuable for students in the classroom because can dectect how the student fills about a certain lesson or objective. The technology the can tell the teacher how the student is feeling during the assignment or passage being read. Then give them other options to were they can feel more engertic about the lesson.In pargraph six it says,""A classroom computer could recognize when a student is confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective instructor.This evidence helps explain how that a computer can change how a student will about school and make it more attentive and to follow along more instead being bored and confused. In conclusin,technology is valuable to help read and understand students emotions. The technology would read the muscles to help getting understanding of how the studnets feels. Then can tell if the emotion is being created and not a true emotion. Lastly, could help to teachers get understanding of what the studnet would prefer rather than just giving them boring and confused passages the studnet does not understand. That's how technology could further work and help schools with a better learning effecient. ",3 "The Facial Action Coding System enables computer to identify human emotions in the article "" Making Mona Lisa Smile"" it is shown that this high tech software can recognize how you are feeling for example if you smile a scanner will send the data to the computer and the main thing that the computer has to know is the mucles you are using because you could actually be mad,sad,disgust,fear,and surprise all at once so this high tech computer sees if you are using zygomatic major then you are smiling but if the person is frowning then that means that they are sad. The Mona Lisa one of the most known peice of art from the Renaissance area made by Leonardo Da Vinci's is said to be the only painting at that time that seems to be a woman smiing but that is false. The Mona Lisa was actually showing more then just a smile she was showing three more different emotion besides happyness. The reason that is because when they took a picture of her and put her face in 3D humans face it showed that she was disgusted,fearful,and angry. So this computer can be also useful to see what people from the past felt during those time to see if they had any emotions or did they not. In my conclusion emotion can be easy to find threw high tech software but we as human can see the person emotions to but the only differents is that we see the main picture and not the littlest one's.",0 "The ""Face On Mars"" is getting talked about a lot lately. Many people have different opinions about the face. If you aren't familiar with the ""face on mars"" then you're probably wondering why there is an argument going around. You're probably wondering this exact question: ""Why is there a big argument about ""The Face On Mars?"" The folllowing details and information will be informing you exactly why scientists and theorists are having different opinions about the peculiar face. Some scientists are saying that the face up on the moon was not created by aliens because of all the research they have done with and about it. One example that tells you why it isnt an alien artifact is the shadows. The only way the messa (face on the moon) was able to have facial features was because of the shadows that was cascading down upon it. The shadows gave an illusion of eyes, a nose, and also a mouth. Another example, would be the pictures that the scientists have taken. The first picture that was taken was taken on a cloudy day. The picture was to blurry to be able to make out any details. In 1998, Michael Malin and his MOC team took another picture that was ten times sharper than the first. One of the cameras they had contributed greatly to the search, since that camera was so sharp they would have easily been able to find any markings from extraterrestrial beings. Also another detail helping the scientists was the weather. The weather took a massive part in this study. Since it wasn't a clear day at all and there were ""wispy clouds"", like in paragragh eight, the MOC team could not get a clear picture. When the team comes back to take yet another picture it is a clear day and with that clear day they are able to pick out any details from the ""artifact"" if there are any to pick out. A final example, is how they compared the face to a formation on Earth. The scientists compared the face to the Snake River Plain of Idaho because of how similar they are. They are similar in a way because of the isolated messa, height, and landforms. Theorists are saying the exact oppsoite from the researchers. Here is an example fo why they thought it was a true artifact. A few scientists themselves thought that is wasn't just a landform but something more. Since the scientists believed many people instantly believed too. They didn't think about the research that was done, but they chose to believe the few scientists. An example that would support the idea of them believing, is that there were many movies made about the face. Many people believe everything they hear and what they see on T.V. A final example is, how the skeptics thought it was created. ""If the aliens didn't create it then how did it form?"" That question was most likely going through their mind, trying to figure out if they should believe science and research or they should believe movies and others. Yes, i understand how skeptics actually believe that the face was made by aliens because they dont know how it was created. They don't know who created it either. Scientists are proving that it was weather that created the formation and maybe even astroides. Theorists may also thinking that the haze prevented the scientists from seeing the alien's markings. If weather and haze prevented that then why didn't the scienists see the markings on the next photo that they took. That photo was even ten times shaprer. The examples I have lsited help inform you why there is an argument going on about the face. Science clears and explains a lot more phenonmon than opinions and belifes do. ",3 "The unmasking face on Mars is some odd landform on that planet. As Viking 1 landed it was waiting for it's sister to land, Viking 1 was wondring around and taking photos of where Viking 2 would land. Then Viking 1 found a face on the ground. Some people think it's an alien artifact. Some people also think it's just how the land was formed which I think is correct and I will tell you why. People think it was aliens because there is no human life force in Mars. Some people think that aliens did it because people thought there was alien markings. But The face was naturally created on Mars. Some people said that it reminds them about the American west. On the Snake River Plain of Idaho. It was delcared that there was no alien monument after all. When the picture of the face was taken people were excited to see it. Web surfers were ready to see it. In 2001 the picture was in better quality. The image spanded 1.56 meters and it was better than the one in 1976 with the 43 meter span. So in conclusion the face on Mars was not created by aliens it was naturally created by the landform.",1 "There are many advantages in limiting the amount of car usage. Many people seem to believe that if you do not drive everywhere, you can preserve the land and it is proven to reduce stress. Another advantage would be that the government wouldn't have to spend as much money on highways and other transport. There is a lot less congestion, and polution without the use of cars. These are all good examples of how ruducing the use of cars could be very good for the environment. To expand on the theory that a car-free cities are a lot better for the environment, we can say they preserve lands and cause stress levels to be reduced. In the first article, ""In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars"", Heidrun Walter is quoted explaioning that he is ""much happier"" without a car in his life. He also states that when he did have a car, he was ""alway tense"". This seems to show stress levels going down, but that is only one example. In addition to stress levels, land preservation was also brought up. It is stated that without cars, roads and suburbs would be nicer and better for walking. Without cars, cities are also considered denser. Researchers are trying to conduct an experiment with a no car city and see how different and ""better"" life would be, to get more facts about it. Next, this car-free world could help save the government money. Studies shouw that in recent years, eighty percent of appropriations have gone to fixing and preserving highways for cars to continue driving on them safely. In additon to that eighty percent, twenty percent was provided for all the other ways for transportation, for example, buses. Without cars, we would be saving the government eighty percent of their money, holding on to the idea that areas would be kept in good shape without cars driving on them! Thats crazy! Lastly, polution is a HUGE factor in this idea. Without cars, we would have a lot less polution and smog. In France, they have a few car-free cities and they states that without cars, sixty percent of smog levels went down in only 5 days! Fuel is blaimed for a lot of polution dailey and without cars, we could have a cleaner air and city in only a few days! In conclusion, car-free cities could be a very good idea for some cities. We can make the air better, having less smog, spend less money, and have nicer land. These are only a few of the advantages to having a carless city. Even the limition of cars could help the environment in all these ways, you don't have to cut them out completely! ",3 "Electoral Voters Citizens of the U.S. have been voting for their presidents ever since George Washington was elected. They vote because they want their voices and opinions to be heard. So they can provide ways to make their lives better. But the truth of the matter is, we don't make the decisions. The Electoral College does. They should change the election to go by popular vote of the United States. Reason being is because what's the point of voting if they won't listen and they only hand pick a few people out of the millions of others. But keeping the College would make it easier to have votes counted. Initially, the point of voting is to be heard and to have things your way for once, but if it's falling on deaf ears, then why bother? For example, in 'The Indefensible Electoral College' writer Bradford Plumer states that, ""Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a state of electors, who in turn elect the president."" Okay lets say someone wanted to vote for the Republican, and they vote for one of the electors who pledge themselves to the Republican. We can't rely on a person's word. What if they change their mind and vote for the other? How can natural citizens know to put their faith into a random stanger. Clearly, the voter does not get a say in the matter. Furthermore, the millions of people who vote are reduced to a small amout of people. ""The Electoral College consists of five hundred thirty eight electors,"" and ""Two hundred seventy is needed to decide who's president."" - The Office of the Federal Register. So states like New York and Nebraska only have three to six people voting since they are small. While on the other hand, California, Texas, and Florida have about thirty to sixty. And with the civilians living there, it's still not enough. Honestly, it wouldn't even matter if they voted. On the other hand, the smaller amount of people, the quicker the U.S can get a president. In paragraph 4 of 'In defense of the electoral college' it's replied that, ""A tie is possible... but it is highly unlikely."" The presidential vote in 2012 may have not been a landslide ,but at least it wasn't a tie. The small amount made it a lot easier to count the votes. And the majority of voters still got who they wanted ,so it wasn't all terrible. The electoral college hasn't all been bad. The Electoral College has more cons than it has pros. A citizen's voice must be heard and that won't happen if only few people are heard. But votes can be counted faster if there's only a tiny amount. ",3 """Venus, something called the Evening Star"" is one of the brightest points is the night sky,"" from this article woudl they make you vistit Venus even though it's extremely dangerous. In the article "" The Challenge of Exploring Venus,"" the author express hsi feeling toward the topic should we vistit Venus, and the author answered yes. I will be explaining why I believe we should vistit Mars and why i agree with the author so much. My first point I want to bring up is that Venus is often called Earth's ""twin"", since it has identical density and size compared to Earth. Also fun facts are that siencitists has also shared that Venus has supported life long ago and this is proven by the planet having volcanoes, craters, and weather patterns. These reasons can also help us live on Venus. And now are some reasons why we shouldn't vistit Venus. Number one is that it has the hottest surface tempurature in the entire solar system this would be difficult to live on. Antoher reason would be that the atmosphere is 97% carbon dioxide this would be a major issus becuase human need oxygen to live and with little oxygen in the atmosphere this would just simply kill us. And my final reason it that weather would be an issuse becuase of high pessure and heat of the atmosphere, erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and lgihting which strike land; none of these would be great to live on Venus. In conculion what I believe is that we should explore Venus because of it simlarites to Earth and that we could possible live here and expand human life. ",2 "Driverless cares are the future. They are going to be great! With driverless cars we have to worry less about our safety and everyone else's safety. Safety is always key, and these cars are safe. In this articule it states, ""In reality, Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. Their cars have riven more than half a million miles without a crash"" (Paragraph 2). These, driverless cars, have been proven to be safe. There are many people who have not had wrecks before, so yeah, those people are safe drivers. But, there are also people who have had one or multiple wrecks, and all of them may not be there fault but they still have been in a wreck. The driverless cars Google has been testing have not had a wreck yet! The though of driverless cars taking over the world and us not having to worry about losing anyone to a car wreck ever again is amazing. Another good attribute about driverless cars is that they follow the rules. The cars do not speed, or run red lights, or not stop at stopsigns, they follow the rules. Some of those rules are also leading cause of wrecks; people who are driving out of control way over the speeding limit, or someone running a red light in a rush and they pull out in front of someone and cause and accident, also if they just do not think they have to stop at a stop sign and someone going the other way does not have to stop or they already did stop and it was their turn to go. Also, the number one and two things that get most people in wrecks, texting and drinking. People do not have to worry about a driverless care texting someone back or on the phone looking at social media. Driverless cares do not get distracted. People also will not see a driverless car in a bar getting drunk. It just will not happen. The driverless cars will not be pulled over for being intoxicated or swerving because they will not be intoxicated and will be driving safely. Now some people are going to argue and say, ""These really aren't driverless cars, you still have to drive them."" Yes, they are true, as of now. But people should be fine with having to take the wheel sometimes. The text states, ""Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents"" (Paragraph 2). and it also says, ""...none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents"" (Paragraph 7). So they are correct when they say they are not truly driverless. But for now that is the technology we have we should accept it, and who would not want to feel as if they were in control during situations such as a wreck, or a work zone. And it we all ended up having driverless cares we would not have to worry about us having to take over the car through a wreck zone because these cars do not wreck. The one downside is that the next generation of kids will never get to really learn how to drive. That's most peoples favorite thing to do when they get to the age to drive. They all want to go out to their car and take it for a spin. The next generation will not have to learn with driverless cars. Now, since they do not know any better because they will not see their parents driving, they may not miss it as much, but they will be missing out on a privelage it has been for many generations of people all across the world. But on the other side as parents, we will be glad to know that we will not ever have to worry about our kids being in a wreck or dying in a wreck, and we will always know they will safely make it to where they are going. The future is coming and everyone needs to be ready! Driverless cars are a great things to come to this planet and everyone should be excited. Safety has always been something everyone in this whole world wants, and with driverless cars, we get that.",4 "In today's world there are many new ideas and thoughts people come up with to try and help the world be a better place. Most of these ideas dont get very far but one that really could make a differance has caused whole countries to take action. The whole idea of having or not having cars can be very controverscial. It gives people the idea of following this idea and trying it out. Multipule countries have already tested this care-free question and it has come to be beneficial and very interesting for the cities. Of course there is the ups and downs to this idea but overall it has caused more and more cities to go out and try it. Banning the use of cars has helped not only people being lazy but also the enviornment. Cars produce strong chemicals that infect the air and create harm to the enviornment. Europe is on of the most polluted cities than anywhere else in the world. A main part of this pollution comes from the chemicals that comes out of cars. When people in Paris stopped using their cars; the air cleared. This just goes to prove that cars are truly bad for the enviornment. The world has seen a great decrease in the number of drivers in the past decade. This means that with less drivers, less cars being driven. Especially in the United States the amount of drivers has decreased in numbers. People are coming up with new ways to get around that are a lot more efficiant. Michael Sivak who is a professor at the University of Michigan has found that the number of drivers between the ages of 16 and 39 have dropped largely. Another positive outcome if this idea is the saving of time and money being spent on roads and other things that are used for driving. Of course walking or riding your bike to work may not sound very easy and but in the long run, it is. Of course, you may have to change your daily routine but it will help a bigger cause. In counclusion; the world needs a change and the answer is sitting in front of our faces. In order to make this world a better place we need to stop the excessive use of vehichles and start using more efficiant ways of transportation. There will always be those that disagree but we should be more focused on a safer world than a few angry people. ",2 "By limiting car uses, many great advantages arise. A few of these are the reduction of smog and air pollution, more money saved, and a healthier lifestyle. Places such as Paris and Bogota, Columbia have noticed the unhealthy amount of smog in the air so they decided to do something about it and the result was exactly what they were hoping for. In Paris, days went by with near record pullution levels which made them decide to do a partial driving ban to reduce the smog. Their intentions were to have even number starting license plates leave their cars at home the first day while the following day, odd numbered plates were to do the same thing. After the first day, the smog had reduced so much that they lifted the ban before the second day. In Bagota, it has been their third year in a row banning cars for a day (with the exception of buses and taxis.) The smog and air pollution reducion in these two places alone is massive! Not to mention the amound of money they have saved. In America, it seems that we are finally starting to cool our love affair with our vehicles. People are realizing how expensive it is to be a car owner. Source 4 shows how much the number of miles driven per person has decreased by nearly 9 percent which is equal to to where the country was in January of 1995. This realization started from when Americans could not afford new cars and the unemployed did not need them to go to work anyway. Though now that the economy has risen, we still are sticking to this money saving way. Even teenagers who are elligable for licenses and live in places where it could come in handy are not making it a priority. Instead, they are basing their summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or car-pool with friends. Saving money is great, but keeping our bodies strong and healthy is even better. Because of Bogota's Day Without Cars, millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated, or took busses to work during this time. During this day when the transportation is not just sitting lazy in a car, the city's parks and sports centers seemed to have become the new hot spot. People spent the whole day exercising and getting their blood pumping instead of sitting in their car or doing othing. By limiting car usage, we almost have no other choice than to be active! Our bodies will thank us for it later. By limiting car usage, there are many advantages. Advantages such as reduction of smog and air pollution, more money saved, and a healthier lifestyle make it almost impossible to not want to join the bandwagon of reduced car use.  ",3 """New high resolution images and 3D altimetry from NASA's Mars Global Survey spacecraft reveal the face on Mars for what it really is: A mesa."" the author says in ""Unmasking the Face on Mars."" NASA has taken more than just one photo of the face over a period of 25 years. Taking a closer look at the photos of the Face on Mars, chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Priogram, Garvin says, ""What the picture actually shows is the martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West."" Garvin makes this statement after he discerns the picture in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size. ""It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,"" he added. ""Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution."" Garvin says. ""So, if there were objects in this picture such as airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!"" ""The face on mars has since become a pop icon. It has starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, and radio talk shows."" the author says in paragraph 5 of the artice. The face has gone public, showing pictures to web surfers. ""Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL website, revealing... a natural landform."" says paragraph 7. ""There was no alien monument after all."" High-resolution images and 3D altimery from NASA's MGS spacecraft gives us evidence that the Face on Mars is in fact, not created by aliens. There has been multiple sitings of the face by NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft. The pictures that came back to NASA were analized and they were found the face to be a natural landform. ",1 "Humanity believes this land structure is a face left by aliens, we will never know. We have to find out and learn. People have questions about this ""face"" on the moon, what does this mean, what next, how did this happen. That will remain a mystery. We have seen strange objects in the sky, strange ""ships"" and UFO's and what not. But we have never had any proof that aliens exist. we have never seen one, captured one or anything. But we also have never seen them in space. These mysterious objects on the moon are just a coincedince. Until we have proof that we have captured, seen, or caught on camera a extraterestrial thing we cannot say this object was made by aliens. This land structure could be a manmade structure and we would never know it. We would never know if othe people made a trip to the moon. Till we have proof this was not a human manmade structure, it will be a mystery till it is prooved. There ar thousands of craters, dents and all kinds of odd looking things on the moon, what makes you think this could be made by someone or something. It will remain a mystery till we know who or what did it.",0 "What do you think this discovery is that appears to be a face in the crust of one of Earth's neighboring planets Mars. Scientist at NASA have proven with evidence that the supposable Face on Mars is not alien made. The Face that has appeared on Mars is not a sign of life on Mars, but really is just the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa, that are a common landform on Earth. NASA has conducted three missions to the red planet just to inspect the giant landform and each time they have came back with the same result. Thirty-nine years ago the Face was discovered and was realized to be just a Meas. Twenty-one years later NASA launches it's second mission to inspect the Face once more. Michael Malin and is Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original. The results of this mission were the same as the very first, the face is a natural landform. Just after that in 2001 NASA used a high quality camera with maximum resolution. Just to reveal that the Face was what they had suspected all along, the landform they had concluded on thirty nine years ago. The area where the Face was discovered,Cydonia, is actually known for having landforms that are similar to the one that some believe to be of alien realtion. There could be mutiple of these landforms that look like a huge face, but they just haven't been discovered yet. These landforms are most definetly a mesa because they are the exact same heighth and width of the mesas that are found here on Earth. Even if this hoax that people say that the Face is a sign of life that used to be on Mars was true NASA would definetly release it to the public. The reason being is because this would be a huge benefit to the space program. The findings of Martian life would be amazing to hear and would bring much more funding to the exploration of the planet, but this isn't the case. In conclusion after three NASA space missions, three similar pictures, and the smartest people together they all reach the conclusion that the Face on Mars is just a natural landform. What more evidence could you need, millions of dollars have been spent just to try to convince the public that the face was obviously not any kind of sign that there is life on Mars. The theory is very illogical that the Face on Mars is something of alien or Martian decent, when its just something that you can see here on Earth in the American West. ",4 "Driverless cars are coming! my opinion on the driverless cars is i agree with them. I think that it would be a good idea for them to make them work rather than us drivering around the car could be driving instead of us. I think that it is a good idea because some peopole do not evne know how to drive and what if they have an emergeny. They wont be able to drive no where because they dont know how to drive but if they had the car to drive them around we wouldnt have this problem with them. Thier could be less crashes if they do have a car that drives by it self i thinik that it would be a great idea for doing this. Acoording to the article it says that cars have been driven more han half a million miles with out a crash but so far Google cars are not truly driverless they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with compliacted traffic issues such as nagivating through roadwork or accidents. Thier are differnet types of cars and companys that have a different way of doinjg stuff. Like General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track. If they was a car just like this i think that thir would be more people out in the streets driveing around and go out more than it useed to be but things could be different if they wouldnt let it be. We would porbably have more popluation than it used to be because of how much it would change the fact that people could go out with more even though they dont have to walk anywere now. i agree with this because of how accurate it is to be walking around and be in a car and not risk our lifes being worried of gettin ran over or in a different accident. ",1 "Do you want driverless cars? Well, they are coming. Driverless cars have been on their way since 2009. These cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash, but they aren't compeletly driverless. Driverless cars are the way of the future. Top manufacturers such as Google, BMW, GM, and Telsa have found interest in driverless cars and are pursuing making this a reality for everyone. They and I believe that driverless cars will be the safer alternative. However because of driving laws in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars. A few states have led the country in allowing limited use of semi-autonomous cars these states include: California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia. Driverless cars are on the way, and are becoming more and more of a reality everyday. Technology advances and manufacturers push to make they're dream a reality for all of us. Driverless cars will make for a safer and cleaner community as they will use less gas that means there will be less polution caused from vehilces in the air. So, are you ready to let go of the wheel and let the car drive you?",1 "When it comes to driverless cars there are many good points and bad points. For example when a driver is running late for work and dosen't have time to get dressed, his car could take over and give them the time that they needs to do so. Also if a driver is incapable of driving the car can do so untill the time where the driver can take over. There also a few draw backs from the driverless cars. first is the fact that computers break and in this case could lead to serious injury if not death. Also at this point the cars themselves are not completely driverless, they still require some human interaction in cases like parking, accedents, and construction. Then there is the fact that with less skill needed to be had in driving it could lead to less responseable drivers. Also if a driver is texting while driving the driver wouldn't be able to see the notification that they need to take over. Next is the fact that when a driver and or the car injures someone else whos fault is it the driver or the people who made it. That of whitch could lead to some problems later down the line. Finnaly the problem with upgrades and updates how do they plan to send out the updated requirements for road safty. there are some facts that are still good for the driverless cars. First is the fact that all drivers get distracted at times and, with the driverless cars this could lead to geting rid of most of those human errors. Next is the fact that this could lead to more reliable public transportation. Allowing more stops to be made at the same time but, at different locations. Also alot of the safty features allow for better friver safty withthe anti-lock breaks and the motion sencers that pick up alot of what humans can't find for themselves. That is the pros and the cons of driverless cars. First is the fact that less skill is needed to drive and could to less responsable drivers. Then was the fact that computers break and glitch. After that was the safty features that come with the driverless cars to keep the drivers safe. Finially was the safty of drivers when they get distracted.",2 "The Face on Mar couldn't been made by aliens. The monument was another natural formation. It is stated in the fourth passage, that it is giving an illusion to the shadows and making it look like it has eyes, nose, and a mouth."" Evidence say in the fifth passage say that NASA would wather hide, and say that conspiracy theorists. The monument has properties tht make it look like is has a natural human face. The shadows give it a 3D effect to look like a person from Earth. to eally see that it is not a face you will need to focuse on the picture, to not let the shadow make you think it is a face. The face is only a illusion of the mind, some people say the face looks like a Egyptian Pharaoh. NASA thinks that if there were a alien civilization on Mars that it would be a popularity increase for the big red planet. People that still think that their was life on Mars defend by saying that it would help the budget for themselves. The Face on Mars became popular and started to get on talk show, radios, and magazines. Soon NASA wanted to let the conspircy take place and leave the Face alone. The Face of Mars could have been made by alien because of the unexplainable things on Earth itself. In the last passage it states that i could have been made bye aliens. Compared to all of the things on Earth. It could be a possiblity of aliens making the Face on Mars. For example, in the last passage it says that Garvins say, ""That it slike the lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on a Mars."" In conclusion, the Face on Mars was not created by aliens, and there for the case of the Face on Mars was a natural monument after all. It compared to West America for all of the weird thing that they have. ",2 "The author supports the idea that studying Venus is worthy pursuit despite the dangers by, in paragraph 3 and 4. The explanation of the evidence from the artical that supports my calim would be in paragraph 5. I will also be able to tell you how well the author supports his idea. Which is by, out of all the other paragraphs, he is actually writing all the main ideas and supporting his claim and idea in this whole artical. Also in paragraph 5 it says, ""The national aeronautics and space administration (NASA) has one particulary compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus"". Also in paragraph 3 it says, ""A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus"". Plus, in paragraph 4 it states that (or askes that), ""If our sister planet is so in hospitable, why are scientist even discussing further visits to its surface?"". In paragraph 1 it states that, ""Venus, sometimes called the ""Evening Venus,"" is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple to evem an amature stragazer to spot'. Noe in paragraphn 2 it says that, ""Often reffered to as earth's ""twin,"" Venus is the closest planet to earth in term of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too."" So now in paragraph 6, it states that ""However, peering at venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safley far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rending standards forms of photography amd videography ineffective."" Plus, in paragraph 7 it states that, ""NASA is working on other aprroaches to studing Venus."" And the last paragraph which is paragraph 8 states that, ""Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating eneavors."" ",1 "In the passage ""Driverless Cars Are Coming,"" the author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. A positive aspect of driverless cars is Google cars have driven a million miles without a crash. The passage states, ""Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues."" According to the passage, a negative aspect for driverless cars is ""Theses samrt-road systems worked suprisingly well, but they require massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical,"" so they would be expensive to upgrade. My position on driverless cars is they would be more of a positive affect in the world. In passage states, ""He envisions a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transport taxi system."" Brin believes that the future's public transportation systems will all be driverless. Brin also believes such cars would fundamentally change the world. The passages states, ""Television and movies have long been fascinated with cars that could drive themselves."" To make the cars smarter, they need to have newer systems put into the car. The text states, ""they needed a whole lot of senors."" Google modified a Toyota Prius with position-estimating senors on the rear wheel. They also put a senor on the roof. Google had placed cameras and the rearview mirror. They placed four automotive radar sensors in the car along with a GPS reciever, and an inertial motion senor. The passage ""Driverless Cars Are Coming"" states, ""Senors are nothing new, of course."" Automakers have been using senors for cars since the 1980s. They put them on the wheels for the creation of antilock brakes. The text states, ""Within 10 years, those senors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the dangerof out-of-control skids or rollovers."" The information from the brakes caused the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine. The negative aspect of driverless drivers is why would anyone want a driverless car when that car still needs a driver? Huber states, ""We have to interpret the driving fun in a new way."" So some of the manufacturers hope to do that by bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. The radar is a device on a hilltop that cost two hundred million dollars. All-in-all to make a drverless car, it would be really expensive.",2 "Scientist know that the face is created by something else, but someone thinks aliens created it. I don't think aliens can do that. Many things could be the cause of the face on Mars, but I'm sure it's not aliens. Scientist have not proven that aliens are even real yet. If aliens were real scientist would know about it, and they might try to capture one. The face would of been causes by wind, the spacecraft, or it could of been a natural landform. The face on Mars could have been caused by the wind. When planets rotate it could have cause some wind, and the wind could start to form piles of dirt. The dirt could have been moved into the shape of a face. The shadows give it an illusion of eye, nose, and mouth. The face didn't have any footprints around it so aliens couldn't done it. On Earth the wind blows, and pollen from one flower goes to another. Dirt on Mars could of blew to one area, and it could form a face. Spacecrafts flying around Mars could have cause the face to appear. The air that is blowing out of the spacecraft could of blown the dirt into piles. Piles of dirts can form since the scapecraft is big. When the scapecraft takes off it could form the face because when air is blown out it leaves a mark. A spacecraft couldn't have left a mark by the face. The fuel on the spacecraft could of left a mark after blasting off Mars. The face on Mars could be there naturally. It is the third planet from the sun. If there's any volcanoes; lava can explode out of it. Aliens wouldn't come out, and randomly make a face to scare people. The face on Mars must be natural because I don't believe that aliens are real. If aliens are real we probably would have seen one by now. Aliens can't be alive; if they were alive they would have to find food sometime. However, the face could be have been maded by aliens. I'm stil shocked that people think they're real. I've never seen one before. aliens could be able to fly, and they don't have to touch the ground. The could pick up the dirt, and place it where ever they want to form the face. Inconclusion I still don't believe in aliens, but something had to happen to Mars. It could of been a natural landform or it could of been a spacecraft flying around Mars. They world may never know how the face was created, but I'm positive that aliens didn't create it.",3 "The claim for my draft will be about i agree on it. A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Using video imagery the new emotion- recognition software tracks these facial movements-in a real face or in the painting face of Mona Lisa. In fact, we humans perform this same impressive ""calculation"" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Meanwhile, muscles called orbicularis orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crows-feet around your eyes. My evidence is in the text. We have thing mostly like this because we have videos, phones ,and other things it would be different if they would bring this to market but there would be tons of compention. Sum it up we have cameras we have stuff that helps up with every day life i just dont think that we really need a computer or whatever it is to tell us how were feeling because over time we will just find out on our own. But there are benifits like if u had a picture of a historic figure like the ""Mona Lisa"" it would be interresting to see how she was that day was she sad or mad,depressed,lonely. All these things have a effect on us but do we really want a computer to tell us how were feeling",0 "Cars are a thing not many people can drive. You dont have a license so you take the bus or get a cab. Who would ever thought in our life time we would be able to create a car that can drive its self. At first sounds like a good idea , all you would need to do is call for a car and it takes you where ever you wanna go right ? As a beginner driver i have no problem with someone driving me around but what happens when the car or technolgy the car is made out of messes up ? Thats always going to be a issue most will always consider talking about next time they have an idea on the car. There are many things that go into creating these cars like money , who is smart enough to do it , who builds it , and what software goes into it. In the coming future will start to invest in these types of ideas that will shape our future. Google cofounder Sergey Brin has been trying to figure out a way to build upon this idea that we can create a car without anybody that will come pick you up. Movies and Television have depicted what it would be like if our world had a system like that. If this is a big topic why hasnt our gonverment or anybody tried to invest in the idea of a driverless car. Well theres many things we have to consider. Who would be elgible , how much would it cost etc. In the back of my mind i would think would happen if this wass actually a thing and somebody was in the car and it ran off the road or something even worse would happen. What would happen to cab drivers would they lose their jobs ? So there are many factors that go into creating new things. In Paragraph 8 the first sentence reads "" Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver ? "" that question can be answered in a sence we would still need to be in the car but would we be controling the car or would we sit back and relax? Theres no problem with that but what happens when there is a car acciendent or a traffic stop infront of you will your car alert you on whats happing ? Will you need to take control of whats happing , basically how ssmart is your car ? In the near future i look forward to seeing the first car that can pick up a human and take them where ever they wanna go with out any problems. This whole article is a wake up call. What will happen to all the other cars in the world ? Will everyone have to use this system. The public will react in a way that this a bad idea and that it should be scapped but we humans are not big on change. This will help out people who cant afford cars or need help getting home from anywhere they are . I hope that someone actually invest in the project google is trying to do and not reject it . This might cause a lot of people to lose there jobs but might create some at that. Technolgy is good for or race might help us learn more about what we are and what are our limitations. There are negatives but there are postives that outweigh everything that will happen in the future. ",2 "Venus is a planet deemed to be the Earth's twin due to their relations in density and size. This has led to NASA sending unmanned drones to Venus due to this intrest in how similar Earth can be to the "" Evening Star."" These facts have led to people such as the author of the article "" The Challange of Exploring Venus,"" to give his thoughts about meeting the challange that the exploration of Venus provides. Using details from the article it is conmfirmable that the author did well while supporting this idea. At the beginning of the article I was provided many facts about Venus which told me that the author was highly enthusiastic about the planet itself. In his fourth paragraph he began to talk about how Venus had features very similar to Earth such as valleys, mountains, and craters. This tells me that there is still a high amount of interest in the planet despite its amospheric pressure being able to crush a submarine that ventures into the deepest parts of our oceans. By providing these facts despite the obvious danger he provides any reader a sense of adventure and willigness to go beyond what we know is possible, and venture into what we thought was impossible. In his sixth paragraph the author goes on to state that peering down at Venus can only provide so much information due to a researcher not being able to take any kind of sample from a safe distance. This is all said to support the idea that Venus is a worth pursuit despite the danger presented, along with his final statement that researches are working on innovations that would allow for contributions to our knowledge of Venus. This is the author telling us that though an exploration of Venus wouldn't bring us conclusive evidence or findings currently, that these efforts would allow us to rise above the challanges presented currently. This willingness to expand our knowledge is accountable to how he is supporting his belief so effortlessly. Before suggesting that a solution can be created the author did speak of a modern solution to our problem. The problem being that we have not been able to explore venus thoughroughly even though we have sent unmanned drones before. This problem is cause by the average heat being over eight-hundred degrees Farenheit and melting the drones metal. Despite this the author provides the idea of flying at a certain altitude that could allow us to avoid the ground conditions and rest a ship thirty miles or more above the prementioned conditions. He also brings up the fact that the solar power would be plentiful and the radiation woudln't exceed the levels reached on Earth. In conclusion, the authors willingess to concieve solutions is a clear sign that he has supported his idea very well. He has done so well that even I, the reader, even believe his ideas that we should explore Venus itself. Anyone can spout their ideas or opinions and turn them into a persuasive article. Despite this, it takes more than that to create an article sucha as this that can fuffill its intended purpose and show how much an author cares along with how well he can make an audiecne recieve his idealology.",4 "dear state senator, im writting this letter to you so you consider changing to election by popular vote for the prsident of the united states instead of electoral college. i belive like branford plumer, that the electoral college is very wrong not only because under the electoral college system, voters dont vote for the president but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. but also because it is very unfair to voters, candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the ""swing"" states. the electoral college is outdated, unfair, and irrational and its time for a change. nevertheless the electoral colleges dispute over its outcome is possible, it also nrequires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal, its winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes does induce the candidates, the electoral college also restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states lose by virtue of the mal-appotionment of the senate decreed on the constition, and it avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. the electoral college method of selecting the president is and will turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state. according to the gallup poll in 2000, 60 precent of voters would prefer a direct election the electoral college is losing the little defenders it has and due to the spurious arguments the electoral college should be abolished. ",1 "Have you ever thought about why there are so many deaths in the world? Most leading deaths are from vehicles and the driver behind the wheel, wether they are texting, talking on the phone, or under the influence. I believe it is a great thing to live in a city where car usage is very limited. Living in a world where everyone has to walk or ride a bike to go from place to place also means that everyone gets their daily exercise. Today, in society people are usually sitting in a car, others they ride a bike or take a walk. While doing these activities you have to worry about anything hitting you, for this instance a car. What I am trying to say here is less people die as less people drive. Another reason to limit car usage is weather patterns. You never know what the weather is going to be like, therefore you will never know what you might run into. There have been some cases for pile-ups from smog. smog is a mixture of smoke and fog, making it impossible to see. Diesel fuel doesnt help the case for smog either. The diesel helps the smog by polluting the air around the area. In Bogota Colombia, a program that is set set to spread to other countries. This program is called ""Car-free day"", millions of Colombians hike, bike, skate, or take buses to work during this day. This day also brings avoidment to traffic jams. Some citizens say it is a good way to lower air pollution. Less car usage is helping to clean the air. This generation needs to understand that if we want a clean future for ouselves and our families. President Obama has a goal to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissions. Recent studies shows that Americans are buying fewer cars and getting fewer licenses as the years progress. It is said that the number of miles driven in the U.S. peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter. Doug Short of Advisor Perspectives, an investment research company says ""as of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly nine percent blow the peak and equal to where the country was in January of 1995"". Some people have cars and the rarely use them, living in big cities where taking a bus or riding a bike would not be necessary if having a car. Some other things why limiting car usage is a good thing is gas prices, they are so overated now. Gas used to be .97 cent per 9/10 a gallon. Now, you cant find a gas station anywhere without the ranging prices of $2.45-$3.75. That price is ridiculous, who wants to pay $37 for 10 gallions of gas? I sure dont, that is another reason why some people find it easier to ride a bike. They save money! Yes, I understand that the economy is bad. Bad to the point where i do not feel like going anywhere anymore? Things are changing in this world and it needs to continue.     ",2 "I believe that making a decision to develop or even introduce the idea of having computers read our emotions is wrong and creepy, what would be the point? no one likes ads so having your computer read your face just to bring up more? it makes no sense when you can get pop up ads that can relate to rcent searches. to me it would be a waste of time and a waste of money and energy. To me this would not be valuable. this coding sysytem to read emotions to me would be completely useless, think of having to take out every computer in every school just to add a feature to know if your smiling or frowning. makes no sense when we already have phones that have face ID/ face recognition that can do that for us. when the article started using examples of different muscles in the face, that was confusing and seemed pointless to know, if this is an accuarate system or app, they should just make it and let us find out for ourselves. I think using anything that has to do with our face when it comes to technology is unlocking our devices for privacy, i rather know my device is safe from my own face then a password on a keyboard that can be readily accessed if wrotten down. think about adding this mentioned feature of the system reading your emotions. you have a computer tell you what your own personal emotions are but how accurate can this be, if it says you are feeling a certain way and you feel something completely different, then is this considered fale advertising? Is this going to be an app or an entire software system? if you can easily access your windows or chrome web browser store and get a free download or even pay for it, will it be an app? because i guarantee no one will pay a high amount of money just so they can have a computer read you your own emotions, its pointless and would have no effect besides unlocking your system or device. What if someone passes by and it grabs a part of THEIR face, what if the things around you grab ahold of the system and it produces false information? i understand maybe if it shows anger or boredom it can remind you to keep working but what if students have concentration problems really bad and cant focus like everyyone elseand the program still doesnt help, do we just keep those kids lost? this program seems like an insane waste of time just to have feedback on how they THINK you feel. just because my lips or eyes are in a certain position doesnt mean im feeling that way, i could be in the best mood ever and move my muscles into a shape and would the results be same? would they be real to what i actually feel? or will it come back as im happy and faking it? i think svcientists should invest their money, time, and effort into something that would actually help us instead of something that has no vbalue and is pointless to classrooms, the workplace, or in general. ",3 "Imagine a world where there is no traffic or loud motor from cars passing by. Think of all the benefits that would come with less or even no cars on the road. Well in the city of VAUBAN, Germany they have almost completely knock out all the cars in the city. The city has car-free streets allowing more flow of commuters on bikes and walking. 70 percent of the families have no car with 57 percent that sold their car just to move there. Heidrun Walter feels much less tense now then when she owned a car. However some may ask ""How do you get all you produce or go shopping?"". Well VAUBAN is one step ahead because all the stores are within walking distance, rather then travling down highways crowded with daily commuters, and there are some public transport still make there way around town, such as the city's tram. One major problem with cars is the emmisions they let out. Now in cities like VAUBAN where there would be at most two cars on the same road, it's more of a minor porblem. But in cities like New York, where the streets are crowded with cars, it begins to cause many problems. The emmisons are known as greenhouse gas and can often choke a cities population. Now in a city like Paris how would people limit smog, and car emmisions. They chose to limit the cars, causing the separation of commuters driving days by license plate numbers being even or odd. They enforce this limit with a fine of 22 euro. Of course this took a little getting use to since it came so suddenly causing four thousand driver to be fined and 27  had their cars impounded simply becase they didn't like the fine. Now most people were probaly not to happy to be getting fined, however the statistic showed that the limit was working and traffic that was down 60 percent. However it wasn't completely the commuter fault, since france had a tax policy for gasoline many people prefered to use diesel which was about 67 percent of the vehicles. Even though most of the traffic was down by 60 percent, Paris still has more pm then most erupean capital such as Brussel's 114. In BOGOTA,Colombia they took the idea of a car free city with a different approach. Instead of outright, banning cars or placing limits on days certain people can dirve, they instead banned all cars for a day excluding buses and taxis. However instead of outrage by the public many of the colombians just walked, biked or took some form of public transport. Since the begining of the project in the mid 90s over 110 miles of bike paths have been cvonstructed within the city. Another benefit is the uprise in sports and park areas, restaurants and shopping districts, since people have more time to see things they like or want. Now most of this eassy is about orther cities in different contries, but what about us, the USA. Obama has revealed his plans to lower the greenhouse gas emissions. But it seems the people have already thought ahead as statistic show less cars licenses and driving  over the years. Some say it was due to to the recsession since many people were to poor to afford a car or just didnt need one since the didin't work. Mr. Sivak's reasearch has proved that getyting a car is no lopnger a proirity but instead something you get if you have moeny. He states. Mine 19 and 21 have not bother to get a driver's license, even though they both live in places where it would come in handy."" Even statistic show the between 2001 and 2009 young driver population has dropped 23 percent. The cars we use today are slowly edging their way out of our daily lives, and with the help of some laws, limits or outright bans cars will soon become a thing of the past. ",3 "Whats the Facial Coding System you asked ? What does it do ? how does it help ? there are many questions for this new software that was invented by Dr. huang. The FACS is a software that dectect the feelings that a person have at that moment from their muscles. Many people have more questions to ask about the FACS that will be answered later in the story. ""Shes 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry"". How did they find that out it starts off when the comuter creates a 3D model of the face and its speaks about what is going on throught that persons head. The software can identify mixed emotions cause each expression is compared against a nuetral face which is showing no emotion. Do you think that the FACS could be used in a classroom ? is it a good idea? I honeslty feel like it would be a waste of time because i dont see how determining feelings have anything to really do with school. I feel like its losing money when there are things that the kids could use on the laptop and computers that will further their education in being better in a subject. We are all humans all of us make the same facial expressions not much of our expressions change from one another. By us just looking at a close friend we know when theres a problem when they happy, mad and sad so why would we need a system for it to tell us that. "" most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication"" says Dr. Hang so if we could have emotional communication can the comuters have the same thing. Communication is always key but having to use a system to detect a persons feelings when they could just tell us. The FACS in school I just dont see where does it fit in with education. If FACS was to be in schools what would it be teaching children? will they find it interesting. the things that are taught in school are taght for a reason and a software that just shows emotions I dont see anything that the kids will be learning from that. I feel like if FACS on a school computer or laptop on a software it should be more of a activity than something they are just learning. I think the kids would enjoy for it to be a activity for high school it would be a big difference because people have careers and finding out emotions and what people are thinking would be a great idea to use FACS as a software. ""humans perform the same impressive calculation everyday"" although we do have the same expressions when we do things but a person dont even know when their showing an emotion when doing it. only your close ones would really know how you would feel about something but moral of the story i feel FACS would be great for high school for those who would like to have a career that involves more with knowing a persons feelings. But other than that I do not think it would be very valuable. ",2 "Have you ever wondered what it would be like to cross the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean? Have you ever wondered what dangers could happen while at sea? Have you ever thought about how the work done as a child can benefit how you are as an adult? Well, if any of these questions has even came to your mind than this essay is perfect for you. Crossing the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans would take a long time but I would say that it is worth it. Luke Bomberger traveled across the Atlantic six-teen times and he crossed the Pacific twice. You should join the Seagoing Cowboys program so that you can travel across the oceans too. While onboard a Seagoing Cowboys' ship you can have baseball and volleyball games, you can have ping-pong tournaments (also known as table tennis), fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and playing all sorts of fun games to pass through the days onboard your ship. There are so many advantages to joining the Seagoing Cowboys but if you aren't sure if it will be safe then I will write about the little disadvantages of coming onboard. So, your wondering about the disadvantages of joining the Seagoing Cowboys? Well, one day Luke Bomberger was working at his job as a night watchman and he had to check on the animals on board every hour. One night Luke slipped on a latter and he cracked his ribs. Luke started sliding toward the edge of the ship where a small strop of metal kept him from flying overboard. So if you think almost plumaging into the deep, dark sea is a disadvantage then there you go. Just because something dangerous ""could"" happen doesn't mean that it should hold you back from doing something that you could enjoy though. If you never try out something than you will never know if you will like it or not, so I suggest joining the Seagoing Cowboys. Kids are always wondering why they have to do so much work. The reason is so that the work that they do as a child will benefit them while they are older. Luke Bomberger had worked on his aunt Katie's farm as a little boy and it had prepared Luke for hard work to be done at sea. You need to be able to work hard if you are going to join the Seagoing Cowboys than you need to ""work hard at work worth doing"" (quoted from Teddy Rosavelt). If you like adventure than the Seagoing Cowboys program is perfect for you. Remember that this program isn't just about fun but it is also about working hard. There may be danger while at sea but it's a low chance that the danger will affect you. So join the Seagoing Cowboys and have the time of your life!",2 "The Facial Action Coding System can tell how someone is feeling by looking at there face or a painting of them. It showed how Mona Lisa was feeling just by looking ar her picture. Now that is pretty cool if you ask me. I think this technolgy in the classes room would work out so weel for students. Having a coputer that can tell when you are upset or happy or even bored is pretty cool. They talk about how it would sense when someone is bored and the computer would be able to chage whatever its going to someone or interesting for the student. That would help keep students focused on what there doing in a fun and cool way. It would be an amazing idea to have a computer like that. i think this because fit he coputer can know hwen you bred and be able to fix that it would be great. More and more studensts would want to pay attenion. The computer would make it into something cool and insteresting for the student. That if could stop students from losing focus. I mean come on we have all been there when you really dont want to pay attention to somthing that doesnt spark your insterst. Students would guess there way out of the work because it would be do boring for them. They wouldnt try which ends up bad for everyone but mostly students. There are some tihns that could become a probelm though. Like the computers cant hold up all that imfornation on to one small computer. Also schools would have to pay about of money just to give them out to the students. And it would cause about more money to make it the conputers. Some parents may even think there child is being watched and that it might not be safe. There are so man thing that will have to thouhgt of and talked about . That maybe it is best just to keep things the way they are. One last reason why i think it would be a good idea to have these in school is because teachers will beable to understand there students a little more. getting to know how they are feeling about things. When a teahcer finds out there student isnt doing there best they can do a better job and make suree they are doing everthing they can to help. Althought this is a very great technology there are many bumps thy will need to look at. And right now may not be the best time but way down in the futue i hope someone can make it happen. I think it will work really well with students and help them much better. If they do make them out for everyone. I will be first in line to get one!",2 "In ""The Challenge of Exploring Venus,""the author suggests that studying planet Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangerous it presents. Since Venus is the closet planet to Earth in terms of density and size, the distance are similar too. This planet has different speeds. Though, humans have sent many spacecrafts to this dangerous land. Each mission was unmanned sicne no spacecraft ever survived the landing for a few hours. Some dangerous this planet planet presents are, the atmosphere is thick and is almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide. The clouds are highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere and the conditions are more extreme than human encounter in Earth. ""Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solor system, even though Mercury is closeer to our Sun""(Paragraph 3). It has so much heat and pressure and the weather presents additional dangerous which are, erupting volcanoes,powerful earthquakes, and excesive amount of lighting strikes. This dangerous can really affect humans and humans won't really be able to survive in that planet. Scientists believe Venus was once covered largely wiht oceans and could of supported forms of life. Since scientists are now able to knwo more about technology and ivent new spacecrafts. We now have new information of the Planet Venus. Now, we know it's surface is rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. In conclusion, I think the more we learn the more we can be able to experience more things and have more knwoledge. Technology has been playin a big part of this situations and expriences. The more technology advances the more we will be able to exprience more. ",1 "Many people dream of buying a new car by the time the reach the age of sixteen once they finally obtain their liscense. However, in recent years, a large population of people have stopped feeling the need for private transportation and have sold their cars and trucks or moved to areas where things such as public transportation, biking, and walking are cheaper and more efficient alternaives. Choosing not to own a passenger car can lead to less emissions, save space, and improve the quality of life for citizens in a city. Transportation is the second largest contributor to greenhouse gases, behind only power generation. ""Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emmisions in Europe . . . and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States."" (Source 1) Limiting the use of private transportation will bring about cleaner skies, greatly reduce the amount and effects of acid rain, and impede upon the progression of the destruction of our ozone layer in the atmosphere that helps to protect us from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. If more and more people in not only developed but also developing countries choose to become car- and truck-free, ""where emissions from an increasing number of private cars owned by the burgeoning middle class are choking cities,"" (Source 1) our Earth will become a much cleaner and healthier place for young and old alike. There have been many previous efforts to make cities denser and more walking- and biking-friendly, but most of these advances have been limited by or even been put to a stop because of the need for an excessive amount of large roads and space for parking for the huge amount of private passenger cars found in cities and suburbs today. Reducing the amount of cars on the road can free up space for more important things such as housing, shops, financial districts, and even parks or other recreational areas that can be more inviting to citizens rather than the loud hustle and bustle of high-density roadways. ""'All of our development since World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change,' said David Goldberg, and official of Transportation for America, a fast-growing coalition of hundreds of groups in the United States . . . who are promoting new communities that are less dependent on cars."" (Source 1) Removing the problem of private transportation from city planning and development can greatly increase the quality and efficiency of our city's layouts. Many people consider New York City to be the ""city that never sleeps,"" because of the loud and constant noise of outside motors revving and angry drivers honking their car horns. New York City, along with many other large cities, face this problem which has been growing since the late 1940's. With the rise of reduced dependency on private means of transportation, places such as the more populated areas of New York may finally be able to take a nap. ""BOGOTA, Colombia- . . . millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams."" (Source 3) Noise isn't the only quality of life improvement that citizens of large cities can experience with a drop of the amount of cars on streets and boulevards. Levels of smog, a mixture of smoke a fog caused by excessive amounts of greenhouse gases being pumped into the air, would also start to fall down to a point where they would barely be noticable. ""After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city . . . Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog . . . The fog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday."" (Source 2) Limiting car use can be extremely beneficial if executed correctly. These benefits include a cleaner city, more efficient uses of space, and an increase in the desirability of larger cities and towns. Overall, a reduction to the amount of private vehicles on the road would be a great improvement for a multitude or reasons. ",4 "I agree with the author because it its one of our closest planet and it is most earth- like planet in our solar system. the autor says venus long ago was most likely covered largely with oceans and could of supported various forms of life. if we ceould visit venus we could probably find fossils from there. NASA is making a silicon carbide that could last for up to three weeks in such conditions that meaans eventually we will be able to visit venus and learn about how the planet turned into gas and NASA is trying to make parts that would be more resistant to venus as it states in the passage."" we are creating a system of mechanical parts tht could be more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces."" in conclusion i do not the think the author wants to visit venus because it is way to hot to even try to land there if we did land there you would melt it says in paragraph 3 that the enviorment would crush a Submarine that is accustomed to dive in the deepest parts of our oceans. venus has erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequrnt lighting strikes to any thing trying to land on its surface.",1 "Limiting on car usage has its advantages. Here are three reasons why i say limiting car usage has its advantages. Limiting on car usage has its advantages because you spend less money, less traffic and less car accidents. Dont you think that limiting on car has its advantages to? To begin, Limiting on car usage has its advantages because you spend less money. When you spend twenty dollars a week or more on gas money for your car thats wasting money when you could just buy a bus pass for ten dollars and that will take u where u need to go for a week or more. Right there you just save ten dollars. what would you rather do spend twenty dollar a week on gas to get where you need to go or spend ten dollars a week on a bus pass which would also get u to where you need to go? Also you spend less money by limiting usage of cars by saving money on tickets. Now a days police pull you over any little thing wrong with your car and your tickets are just going to keep pileing up then if you dont pay them or send them to court you licenses will be suspended. When you just could avoid all of that. Middle, Limiting on car usage has its advantages because less traffic. I know that in the passage, ""Source 3: Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota"" it said,""BOGOTA, colombia- In a program that's set to spread to other countires, millions of colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams"" but if more people are walking instead of taking cars there would be less traffic. End, Limiting on car usage has its advantages because less car accidents. the more cars on the road the higher chance to get into a car accident. I know that you still could get in a car accident with a pedestrians but mostly car on car accidents happen. the less cars on the road the less accidents. Conclusion, Limiting on car usage has its advantages. my three reasons were you spend less money, less traffic and less car accidents. That was how i explain why limiting on car usage has is advantages. ",2 "In ""The Challenge of Exploring Venus,"" the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents .Why wouldn't it be worthy to study about Venus when its the closest planet to Earth & Venus was probably just like Earth. Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because who wouldn't want to learn more about other planets like Venus, the cloeset planet to Earth, we have new techology to be able to study more about whats out there than Earth, Moon, or the Sun. In the texts says ""Venus was probabaly covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth."" Venus and other planets are a worthy pursuit to be able to study because if we soon learn way more about Venus, there could be life on Venus, ""The planet has a surface of rocky sediment that includes familiar features such as vallys, moutains, and craters."" Venus and Earth both have rocky sediment or moutains and craters, Erath & Venus could be the same, despiting the dangers there is. Although, in the text says "" NASA has one particulary compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus."" Sending humans from Earth to study is worthy because we can now tell if there is still water and a living place for humans. Even though the temperatures are dangerous for us humans to be living in 170 degress fahrenheit ""the air pressure would be close to sea level on earth. Solar power woulf be plentiful, the radiation would not exceed Earth levels, Not easy condition's, but survivable for humans."" states the author, we shouldn't be leaving any chances to not study more on Venus, if there could possibly life there. Or myabe there can't be life on venus because of the dangers there is for us humans, we should still learn and find out more on how could there be life on Venus. In ""The Chanllenge of Exploring Venus,"" the aurthor suggestd that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents,and i agree because it is worthy to find out new things outside of Earth and other planets that can have life on, such as Venus, it's a good idea to study and learn more about the planets orbiting around us.",3 "Using this of techology to read the emotional expression of the student in classroom is something valuable. Imagine any type of techology in a classroom being able to tell how you feel that day. Using this types of techology can read your facial expression and tell you how your feeling. This can actuallyThe way a computer can determine how you feel is by "" The process begins when the computer constucts a 3-D computer model to the face; all major muscles is called an action unit."" This heps the computer by your facial expression to know how your feeling and uses a 3-D model to your face only. 'Your orbicularis oris {aound your mouth} tightens your lips to show you are mad."" Your lips is also a way the computer can tell how your feeling. The way peple coummicate is by "" Most humans communcation is a nonverbal, including emotional communcation,"" notes Dr. Huang. Thos means you don't need words for someone to be able to see how you are feeling. "" In a false smile, the mouth is strected sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius. Mostly likely a computer is able to analyze you when you are making a fake smile that that's what that means. This was a sussceful experience because ""acording to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your faical muscles not only expresses emotions, but alsomany even help poduce them"" It meant that the Facial feedback was able to determine more than just emotions. It can also cause to emotions to people. "" Putting on happy face actually works."" I believe a lot of people will agree to use this form of techology to know their students are feeling. This seems to be a very great idea more futher out in the future. The techology use to know a faical expression can also tell us 6 different types of emotions like happiness, surprised, anger, fear, and sadness. I believe every teacher would like to know how each and every student if feeling and if they are going through something at that moment.",2 "First,If i was a scientist at NASA talking to others about them truly believing the Face wasn't created by aliens. I would tell them aliens are not real in the world we live in today. I would also tell them that if aliens was real they would not be able to create Faces. I would also ask them what made you believe aliens create the Face. I would wait for everyone to respone to my question. Second,I would tell them that i truly dont think that aliens can create things like that in any way possible. I would also try to persuade them to believe what i believe such as aliens are not real at all. I would be trying to figure what they are saying .I would then ask what facts do they have to prove that aliens can create faces. Conclusion,I would have facts to prove my point such as it's a human head and it has a nose,mouth,eyes so their is no way possible an alien could of made the Face. ",0 "Venus is a planet that is in our soloar system. Its our second planet from the sun.Yes there's are a lot of dangers but we been wanting to be closer to it we want to get to know it better. Venus is so to called evening star but why is that they say that its the brightest light in the evening at night. venus is sometimes referred to Earth's twin because venus is so close to the Earth, meaning in density and size and with distance. As you might already know Earth, Venus, and Mars are our our neighbor to the orbit sun but with different speeds. We sometimes closer to Mar or Venus it depentes. Alot of people have tried to go visit Venus but couldn't make it. or they unmanned because they knew it was dangours. There's are a thick atmosphere of almost 97% of carbon dioxide blankets in Venus. What made it challenging were the clouds of highly corrosive. on the planet surface, the temperatures are the average of 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmosheric pressure is 90 times greater than whta we live in. If you thinnk of that its really hot it can burn down anything in less than a min or seconds. Venus is the hottest temperature of any other planet that we have even if Mercury is closer to the sun. The sun is extreming hot. Astrono are fascinated by Venus because it has been the most Earth like planet in the solar system. Venus had or have features liek earth bbut not so many like we do. Like we have oceans they have that too. our planet has a surface of rocky sedimet and familiar features like i said, oceans, valleys, mountains, craters all that. NASA been trying so hard and they have a plan to sent humans to study Venus. They arethinking of buliding a so what called a blimp-like vehicle that was a hovering of 30 or so mile above the roiliing Venusian lanscape. They want to sent to study Venus but in a safe easy way. With there plan that they got gwant to make sure because temperatures, so they want it to be thirty miles above the surface so they don't have to touch it. yes they would be 170 degrees fahhrenheit but the pressure would be closer to the sea level on earth. No they might not be so easy conditions but they are survivale for humans. so thats the callange of exploring Venus. ",2 "The article ""A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves"" talks about a boy named Luck who recently graduated high school. Luck worked two part-time jobs in a grocery store and a bank, when Don Reist Luck's friend invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat Luck could never said no, because he knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime. To help the European cuntires recover from World War 2,the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration hired ""Seagoing Cowboys"" to transport the horses,young cows,and mules Luck and Don signed up. Luck and Don received their ordes to repot to New Orleans, they arrived August 14,the day the Pacific War ended. They were headed for Greece with a cargo of 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them. Luck had just turned eighteen before they arriving in Greece. By the time he was discharged in '47 Luke had made nine trips. To past the time on return trips they would play baseball, volleyball,table-tennis tournaments,fencing boxing ,reading whitting and games also helped to pass the time. In concluion, Luck had the most amazing two years of his life.",0 "The Earth and Venus have somewhat in common which is allowing NASA want to do what they are trying to study for. Venus is the closest planet to the sun. Which will bring some problems to the project. But it won't stop NASA from trying to do what they are soon going to acconplish. The author did a good job explaining and supporting his idea. Venus is alot like the Earth and it can also have some living things. ""Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans."" Their is a possiblitity that Venus will have some living things. And to find out about all this it takes risk. And thats what NASA is trying to do but carfully and slowly. To conclude the autor did a good job explaining his point and also supporting his idea. Sooner or later NASA or someone else will go to Venus. And the truth will be told. ",1 "If you read the 1st sentence in the 1st paragraph. You can see it said this picture was taking in 1976 then you see a picture from 2001. The 1976 picture is blury so it look like it a face. But in the second picture it more clear and little zoomed up and you can see cracksand mountian/hills in the ground and does not look anything like a human face. Is it ture? NASA had released the picture to the public. They had made hollywood movies and book and had went on talk show talkiong about the face saying are there really aliens out there . For over good 25 years alot of people thought there really life on red planet. So NASA really wish there was life on Mars so they invented better camreas and ships to send back to Mars see if there was really life on Mars. In 1998 they had the on borad MGS taken a few pictures and had look like there was pymarids on mars. Cause of the shadows that the landform was making. 41 degrees north and that winter in april for Mars so there alot of clouds. But nasa had prepared took look one last time they said was super hard and alot of work. Because it like fax machine in narrow 2.5km wide strips. they said it just does not pass over face very often. ""Neverthless on april 8, 2001 it was a cloudy summer day on cydonia Mars Global Surveryor drew just enough for second look they"" said. In paragrapgh ten they had rolled the spacecraft 25 degrees to the center of the face. With camera the maximum resolution. Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters compared to 43 meters pixel from the 1976 vikings photo. It is a bust the Egyptian-style-pymarids or small shacks. It was a Butte or Mesa landforms. It was shadows or caverns in the landforms. It would of been cool if there ws alien life on there so we copuld learn more about the galaxy. But mabey one day we will find some type of alien artifact out there. ",1 "The system of Electoral College is being always used in Presidental elections every first Thursday in November, hapenning in a space of fours years each electio. According with the text: ''What Is the Ellectoral College?'', the Office of the Federal Register explain that on this system, there's a ''selection of electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress'', this group has 538 electors. The biggest problem with this system is that you do not vote directly to your president, you are voting for a candidate's electors. The real decision is not made by the people of the society themselves, but made by a group of people who whave the freedom to choose the candidate that they feel pleased with. Another point is that some of this electors don't even vote for their paty's candidates. If it doesn't look like a big deal, first it's important no analyze the profile of the electors, the ones who decide the future of our country and the authorty of our nation. Do they have something special? Something that differenciate them for the other voters? Actually no! There's no criterion, according with Bradford Plumer in '' The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong'', the selection of the electors ''depends on the state. Sometimes state conventions, sometimes the state party's central comitee, sometimes the presidental candidates themselves''. The last point is that the few electors can't represent the will of a whole state, in ''The Indefensible Electoral College'', shows that just 55 representatives from California, represent 35 million voters, it's impossible to attend the rights of each one of these people. After all, we need to realize that it's a unfair system for regular voters, for the population in general that has the expection of changing something, but actually are being controled for a group. Sometimes, a candidate won the popular vote but lost the presidency during the electors decision. Democracy should look at the opinion of everybody else right? But in this case what is happening goes against the definition of democracy. ",2 "This new technology could be used to figure out anyones true expression. In the article, the author eplains how a computer could tell that Mona Lisa has different moods. This new technology is valuable because it could help further learning, introduce new technology, and make a interesting subject. First of all, the article explains that Mona Lisa is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. It's crazy how a computer can configure that. If this is brought into classrooms, this could be a gamebreaker. This is a plus for kids that may not have access to computers at home, to give them technology at school. In paragraph 4, Dr. Huang says people show different degrees of expressions. He says a computer uses video imagery can track facial movement. Next, this new process may bring in new technology and promote computer use. In paragraph 2 and 3, the article states that you can calculate an expression similar to math homework. This wil not only promote the use of technology, but it may get kids to do their homework. If this interests children enough to get them to do their homework, it could promote new classes for them to take. Moving on to the next topic, creating new topics. If kids really like to examine peoples expressions, not only will it be amazing but it could create a whole new field of learning. Similar to a crime investigator, they could literally investigate someone's face to see what their expression is. In paragraph 5, the article digs deeper into the investigation. It explains that you can tell if a friend is happy or sad, by looking at their facial expression. If this was taken to a new level, we could have profesionals on our hands, just by making a class for it. To conclude the topic, reading a facial expression by using a computer, or just by looking deeper into somones face, could take you far. It could promote further learning and create different classes. You could also introduce technology to kids who may not have the ability. It will not only make new beginings, but it could follow up with new ends by creating new subjects. ",3 "Seagoing Cowboys Program is a program, where you take care of horses, calfs (young cows), and mules, that were shipped over sea. If you are a Seagoing Cowboy you have to travel to a lot of unquine countries around the world. Luke Bomberger was a Seagoing Cowboy and, by the time it was 1947 he made nine trips. Luke's second trip was that he had to serve as a night watchman, who checks on the animals every hour. We know now that, not everyone would like to be a Seagoing Cowboy, but while you are traveling, there are many new countries you could explore and learn about. It does take a long time to get to other countries, it would take about two weeks because they have to travel in boat, if your going by sea. It would be a tedious amount of time to get to place to place and nobody likes a tedious task. Luke had to make sure that he didn't forget to feed the animals because,you have to feed them two or three times a day. They had to get loads of bales of hay and bags of oats from other ships that transfer the food to him, and you would have to clean the stalls. Some don't about joining this program is that, when you are traveling you, may get stuck in some storms and really hurtful storms too. Although, there is a lot of traveling, it maybe worth the work because, you got to see new countrires and new landscapes. Luke Bombgerger worked hard and he loved seeing all the new cities and countries, but struggles traveling. There is many up and downs about joining the program, literally, because not everyone likes traveling, but a lot of people do. Now we have airplanes so, if you travel it will be easier for you to get to other countries. In the end, it is going to be easier for you to travel, now that we have airplanes, but you should join Seagoing Cowboys.",1 "I do not think cattle boating is a good idea.It is very dangerous,and you don't even have to think about why it is.Remember when Luke slid down the ladder,starting to sliding off the boat,but a metal peice caught his pants,and he made it alive with broken ribs?Thats dangerous dont you think?Thats not it eighther