diff --git "a/dataset/Step4/translated.json" "b/dataset/Step4/translated.json" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/dataset/Step4/translated.json" @@ -0,0 +1,14668 @@ +[ + { + "country_code": "BDI", + "type_of_document": "Revised First NDC", + "language": "fr", + "para_translated": { + "small": [ + "i REPUBLIC OF BURUNDI DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL 2020 ANNEX ii Table of Contents 1. Background and planning for the updating of the 2015 NCD. 1 Background on Burundi\u2019s initial NCD (NCD 2015) 2 New elements contributing to the updating. 5 GHG inventory and OAU projections 6 1.2.2.", + "Background and planning for the 2015 update of the CBD. 1 Background on Burundi\u2019s initial CBD (CBD 2015) 2 New elements contributing to the update. 5 GHG inventory and OAU projections 6 1.2.2. Analysis of the implementation of the 2015 CBD. 6 1.2.4.", + "Analysis of the implementation of the CBD 2015.. 6 1.2.4. National plans, policies and strategies. 9 Presentation of information according to Decision 4/CMA.1, Annex I. 10 Planning for updating the CBD. 11 Institutional commitment. 11 1.3.2. Enhanced ambition of the CBD 2020.. 11 1.3.3. Participatory and inclusive approach.. 12 1.3.4.", + "Enhanced ambition of the CND 2020.. 11 1.3.3. Participatory and inclusive approach.. 12 1.3.4. Capacity-building and technology transfer 13 1.3.5.", + "Capacity building and technology transfer 13 1.3.5. Timing of work 13 Burundi\u2019s NCD 2020 15 Mitigation targets. 19 National GHG inventory 19 Perimeters. 20 Fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3) 20 NCD 2020 mitigation scenarios 31 2.2.1.", + "Timing of work 13 Burundi\u2019s CBD 2020 15 Mitigation targets. 19 National GHG inventory 19 Perimeters. 20 Fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3) 20 CBD 2020 mitigation scenarios 31 2.2.1. Indicator, Reference year(s) and target year(s). 31 2.2.3.", + "Indicator, Year of Reference and Target Year(s). 31 2.2.3. Methodology for calculating emissions/removals from different scenarios. 32 2.2.4. Baseline scenario BAU. 33 2.2.5. Unconditional scenario 41 2.2.6. Other impacts. 50 3. VALUE OF THE PERCENTAGE TARGET 66 3.1. Other impacts. 66 3.2. ICTU 67 4.", + "VALUE OF THE PERCENTAGE TARGET 66 3.1. Other impacts. 66 3.2. ICTU 67 4. COMMUNICATION ON ADAPTATION. 77 4.1. National situation, institutional arrangements and legal frameworks. 77 4.1.1. National situation. 77 iii 4.1.2. Institutional framework 78 4.1.3. National legal framework. 79 4.2. Impacts, risks and vulnerabilities. 79 4.3.", + "National legal framework. 79 4.2. Impacts, risks and vulnerabilities. 79 4.3. National priorities, strategies, policies, plans, objectives and adaptation measures 81 5. ADAPTATION 83 5.1 Unconditional scenario. 83 5.2. Conditional scenario. 84 5.3. Implementation and support needs 85 5.4.", + "Implementation and Support Needs 85 5.4. Implementation of Adaptation Measures and Plans 89 5.5. Progress and Results. 90 5.6. Adaptation Efforts 90 5.7. Cooperation to Strengthen Adaptation at the National, Regional and International Levels. 91 5.8. Barriers, Challenges and Gaps. 91 5.9.", + "Cooperation to strengthen adaptation at the national, regional and international levels. 91 5.8. Barriers, difficulties and gaps. 91 5.9. Good practices, lessons learned and exchange of information. 92 5.10. Monitoring and evaluation 92 5.11. Adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans 93 5.12. Contributions to other international frameworks and/or conventions. 93 5.13.", + "Contributions to other international frameworks and/or conventions. 93 5.13. Consideration of gender issues, traditional knowledge, indigenous peoples\u2019 knowledge and local knowledge systems. 93 6. NCD IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. 94 6.1. Institutional aspects 94 6.2. Legal framework. 95 6.3.", + "NCD IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. 94 6.1. Institutional Aspects 94 6.2. Legal Framework. 95 6.3. Funding Mechanisms. 96 7. MONITORING/EVALUATION AND VERIFICATION MECHANISMS. 96 8.", + "Financing Mechanisms. 96 7. MONITORING/EVALUATION MECHANISM AND MRV. 96 8. CONCLUSION. 96 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Emissions by mitigation objective. 3 Table 2: Supporting documents for the formulation of assumptions and objectives. 4 Table 3: Scope and scope of the 2015 NCD. 4 Table 4: Support needed for the implementation of the 2015 NCD. 5 Table 5: Degree of implementation of the 2015 NCD unconditional actions. 6 Table 6: Degree of implementation of the 2015 NCD conditional actions in 2020 7 Table 7: Working schedule. 14 Table 8: Information on the clarity, transparency and understanding of the 2020 NCD. 15 iv Table 9: Sectors and gases accounted for. 20 Table 10: Sub-sectors and categories in the ", + "9: Sectors and gases accounted for. 20 Table 10: Agriculture and livestock sector sub-sectors and categories 21 Table 11: National GHG emissions in Gg CO2eq by sector. 23 Table 12: Total GHG emissions in Gg CO2e from the Energy sector 24 Table 13: Synthesis of GHG emissions from the Energy sector by sub-sector. 25 Table 14: GHG emissions from the POPs sector in Gg CO2.. 26 Table 15: CH4 emissions from domestic livestock in EqCO2 in Gg.. 27 Table 16: Emissions from managed soils in Eq CO2 in Gg.. 27 Table 17: Synthesis of GHG emissions/removals from FAT. 28 Table 18: Synthesis of GHG emissions from the Waste sector 30 Table", + "33 Table 21: Emissions in Gg CO2 eq in the IPPC BAU scenario 34 Table 22: Projected GHG emissions (Gg) in the Agriculture and Livestock Sector /BAU CO2e scenario 36 Table 23: BAU data by subcategories 37 Table 24: Evolution of pine and Callitris. 37 Table 25:", + "Evolution of GHG emissions in the BAU scenario for the Waste sector. 39 Table 27: Emissions in Gg CO2eq of the BAU scenario for all sectors. 40 Table 28: Actions selected for the unconditional scenario for the Energy sector 41 Table 29: National priority for mitigation in the transport sub-sector 42 Table 30: Mitigation priorities and parameters for emission accounting 43 Table 31: Mitigation priorities and emission calculation parameters for the transport sub-sector. 44 Table 32: Emissions avoided by national priorities 45 Table 33: Emissions avoided. 45 Table 34: Priority actions selected by unconditional objective 47 Table 35: Priority actions selected by unconditional objective 47 Table 36: Outcome of removals from the forestry sector in Gg EqCO2. 48 Table 37:", + "47 Table 36: Outputs of removals from the forestry sector in EqCO2 in Gg. 48 Table 37: Synthesis of avoided emissions and complementary removals 49 Table 38: Target value by unconditional objective. 50 Table 39: National priorities in the energy sector. 50 Table 40: Parameters for accounting of emissions. 53 Table 41: Emissions avoided by identified actions in the energy sector 56 Table 42: Priority actions in the POPs sector. 59 Table 43: Emissions avoided by identified action. 60 Table 44: Priority action in the agriculture sector.. 60 v Table 45: Animal population by species. 61 Table 46: Emission factor for each animal.. 61 Table 47: Impacts of the action in terms of GHG emission reductions 61 Table 48: National priorities in the LULUCF", + "Table 50: Priority Actions Identified 63 Table 51: Parameters for the Waste Sector. 64 Table 52: Impacts by Waste Sector Action 64 Table 53: Synthesis of Avoided Emissions and GHG Removals. 66 Table 54: Target Value by Conditional Objective. 66 Table 55: ICTU. 67 LIST OF GRAPHICS AND FIGURES Graph 1: Synthesis of GHG Emissions, NTC. 24 Graph 2: GHG Emissions from the Energy Sector 25 Graph 3: Emissions from the Energy Sector. 25 Graph 4: Emissions from the IPPC Sector 26 Graph 5: Emissions from the Domestic Livestock Sector 27 Graph 6: Emissions from Managed Land 28 Graph 7: Emissions and Removals from the GHG Sector. 29 Graph 8: Emissions from the Waste Sector 31", + "BAU PIU 35 Graph 11: Agriculture BAU Scenario Emissions. 36 Table 23: BAU Scenario Data by Subcategories. 37 Graph 12: BAU /FAT Scenario Emissions. 38 Graph 13: BAU Waste Scenario Emissions. 39 Graph 14: Total BAU Scenario Emissions. 40 1.", + "Background and planning for the 2015 update of the UNFCCC Burundi has made commitments to the international community to contribute to the fight against climate change through its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) submitted in 2015 at the twenty-first Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in Paris in 2015.", + "It became Contribution Determined in 2018 following the ratification of the Paris Agreement by Burundi. The Paris Agreement warns against the threat of climate change and indicates that the GHG emission reductions announced in existing commitments are not sufficient to contain global warming below the 2\u00b0C target.", + "The Paris Agreement warns of the threat of climate change and indicates that the GHG emission reductions announced in existing commitments are not sufficient to contain global warming below the 2\u00b0C target. To this end, it calls on Parties to make greater efforts to achieve a transition to 1.5\u00b0C.", + "To this end, it calls on the Parties to make greater efforts to achieve a transition to 1.5\u00b0C. In this context, it is useful and urgent to see how countries implement their commitments by implementing Article 4, paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 9 and 13, of the Paris Agreement.", + "In this context, it is useful and urgent to see how countries implement their commitments by implementing Article 4, paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 9 and 13, of the Paris Agreement.", + "The Paris Agreement requires signatory countries to review their NCDs every five years, and in 2020 countries are invited to submit revised NCDs based on their 2015 contributions to the UNFCCC secretariat.", + "In 2020, countries are invited to submit revised NCDs based on their 2015 contributions to the UNFCCC secretariat. For countries that have chosen a time horizon of 2030, 2020 is a first opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to effectively combating global warming by resubmitting their 2015 NCDs in 2020.", + "For countries that have chosen a time horizon of 2030, the year 2020 is a first opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to effectively combat global warming by re-communicating their 2015 NCD in 2020. Although Burundi has chosen a time horizon of 2030 in the 2015 NCD, the Government wished to review its commitments by adopting more up-to-date data as well as a better alignment of the NCD with the guidelines of the Paris Agreement, particularly in the light of the rules book adopted at COP24, for the 2020 NCD.", + "In the 2015 UNFCCC, Burundi committed to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 3% by 2030 without conditions and by 20% under conditions.", + "The envisaged ambition for the CBD 2020 is to improve the quality of the 2015 CBD, to update the quantitative estimates with more recent data, to reassess mitigation and adaptation potential by 2020-2030, to include more sectors in the definition of targets, to present complementary mitigation measures and to include the Communication on Adaptation in the CBD.", + "The CDN of Burundi takes into account the October 2018 IPCC special report on the consequences of global warming after the Paris Agreement, which sets out the collective ambition to limit global warming to \"below 2\u00b0C above pre-industrial levels and to continue efforts to limit the increase in temperature to 1.5\u00b0C\".", + "This report sets out the collective ambition to limit global warming \"below 2\u00b0C above pre-industrial levels and to continue efforts to limit the increase in temperature to 1.5\u00b0C.\" The Paris Agreement warns of the threat of climate change and indicates that the GHG emission reductions announced in existing commitments are not sufficient to contain global warming below the 2\u00b0C target.", + "The Paris Agreement warns of the threat of climate change and indicates that the GHG emission reductions announced in existing commitments are not sufficient to contain global warming below the 2\u00b0C target. To this end, it calls on Parties to make greater efforts to achieve a transition to 1.5\u00b0C.", + "To this end, it calls on the Parties to make greater efforts to achieve a transition to 1.5\u00b0C. In this context, it is useful and urgent to see how countries implement their commitments by implementing Article 4, paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 9 and 13, of the Paris Agreement.", + "In this context, it is useful and urgent to see how countries implement their commitments by implementing paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 9 and 13 of Article 4 of the Paris Agreement. The updated NDCs are based on the principle of voluntary commitment by countries and promote cooperation between countries to achieve, in a coordinated manner, common climate change objectives that should lead to a 45% 1 reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to the 2010 level in order to remain below the 1.5\u00b0C target.", + "The updating of the NCD of the Republic of Burundi promotes transparency, accuracy, completeness, comparability and consistency and is consistent with the IPCC report and the conclusions of the Talanoa Dialogue.", + "Its trajectory is planned in relation to a BAU (Business as Usual) baseline scenario, which will measure Burundi\u2019s effort to meet its climate change mitigation targets.", + "The sectors covered by the CBD are energy and transport, industrial processes and product use (IPU), agriculture, forestry and land use (AFAT) and waste management. It should be noted that forests play an important role in both adaptation and mitigation.", + "It should be noted that forests play an important role in both adaptation and mitigation. Background on Burundi\u2019s Initial NCD (NCD 2015) Burundi\u2019s Initial NCD was published in 2015 and took into account aspects related to adaptation and mitigation. a) Adaptation Burundi is exposed to the adverse effects of climate change2.", + "a) Adaptation Burundi is exposed to the adverse effects of climate change.2 Climate change affects all sectors, in particular energy, agriculture and livestock, water, health, landscapes and terrestrial ecosystems.", + "The latter affect all sectors, in particular energy, agriculture and livestock, water, health, landscapes and terrestrial ecosystems. The adaptation needs identified in the 2015 NCD related to forestry, human, institutional, technical and financial capacity-building and technology transfer.", + "The adaptation needs identified in the 2015 NCD related to forestry, human, institutional, technical and financial capacity-building and technology transfer. National priorities, policies and programmes have been defined in terms of adaptation to climate change (UNDP Burundi 2018-2027, DOPEAE, PN- PA CC, Preliminary NAP, etc.).", + "National priorities, policies and programmes have been defined in terms of adaptation to climate change (UNDP Burundi 2018-2027, DOPEAE, PN- PA CC, Preliminary NAP, etc.). b) Mitigation With regard to mitigation, Burundi had committed to a 23% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (BAU), corresponding to a 3% reduction (1,958 Gg CO2) under its unconditional target and a 20% reduction (14,897 Gg CO2) under its conditional target.", + "According to the 2015 CBD, the OAU was based on assumptions relating to the growth of the national economy (GDP), population growth and the rate of electrification contained in the above-mentioned documents, some of which and many others developed served as the basis for the CBD 2020 OAU.", + "1 GHG reduction targets and the contribution of states, Institute for Research in Contemporary Economics, Intervention Note No. 72, 2 National Communications on Climate Change (2005, 2010, 2019), Evolution of climate parameters in Burundi to 2050 and Integrated Vulnerability Analysis in Burundi under the Climate Change Adaptation for the Protection of Water and Soil Resources (ACCES) project, Mitigation targets were assessed on the basis of actions carried out contributing to mitigation.", + "The accounting and verification of avoided GHG emissions were calculated using the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. Intermediate targets for 2020 and 2025 were also defined in the 2015 CBD. The mitigation targets of the 2015 CBD are summarized in Table 1.", + "Table 1: Emissions by mitigation targets OBJECTIVES Percentage Emission eq CO2 (Gg) Unconditional (2030) % Conditional (2030) % Unconditional (2025) % Conditional (2025) % Unconditional (2020) % Conditional (2020) % Source:", + "- in the energy sector, Burundi planned to build three hydroelectric power stations in order to increase the electrification rate to 35%, i.e. 45.4 MW in 2030.", + "In order to achieve the conditional objective, the following measures were envisaged subject to funding: - in the forestry sector, Burundi committed to (i) reforestation of 8,000 ha/year, for 15 years from 2016, and (ii) 100% replacement, by 2030, of all carbon-fired ovens and traditional domestic stoves.", + "- in the agricultural sector, Burundi planned to gradually replace 100% of mineral fertilizers with organic fumes by 2030.", + "The policy and strategic documents that address the activities that generate greenhouse gas emissions and that were used to formulate mitigation assumptions, measures and targets are presented in Table 2 by sector.", + "Table 2: Supporting documents for the formulation of assumptions and objectives Sectors Current policy documents and strategies Energy Sectoral Strategy for the Energy Sector in Burundi (2011); National Environment Strategy (SNEB, 1997); Land allocation and forestry National Forestry Policy of Burundi (2012); National Strategy and Biodiversity Action Plan 2013-2020.", + "Land allocation and forestry Burundi National Forestry Policy (2012); National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2013-2020; Agriculture National Agricultural Strategy 2008-2015 (2008); National Sustainable Land Use Strategy (2007); National Action Programme to Combat Land Degradation (2005); National Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Land Degradation 2011-2016; National Agricultural Investment Plan 2012-2017.", + "Agriculture National Agricultural Strategy 2008-2015 (2008); National Sustainable Land Use Strategy (2007); National Action Plan to Combat Land Degradation (2005); National Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Land Degradation 2011-2016; National Agricultural Investment Plan 2012-2017 All sectors Vision \"Burundi 2025\", Strategic Growth Framework, 2012; First and Second National Communications on Climate Change, 2001 and 2010; National Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change, 2007; Synthesis Report of Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 2009; Synthesis Report of GHG Mitigation Studies, 2009; National Climate Change Policy, 2013; National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, 2013.", + "Source: NCD 2015 The scope and scope of the 2015 NCD can be found in Table 3. Table 3: Scope and scope of the 2015 NCD Sector Gas Sub-sectors Geographic scope Energy Fuel combustion activities All jurisdictions Agriculture/Livestock Domestic livestock and managed land All jurisdictions", + "Table 3: Scope and scope of the NCD 2015 Sector Gas Sub-sectors Geographic scope Energy Fuel combustion activities All jurisdictions Agriculture/Livestock Domestic livestock and managed land All jurisdictions Land use and forestry Forest land All jurisdictions Source:", + "Land allocation and forestry Forest land All territory Source: UNFCCC 2015 The compensation mechanism for loss of profits in the implementation of the proposed UNFCCC was based on international mechanisms for the compensation of greenhouse gas emissions (Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol) and existing national legislation. In the area of forests, it was envisaged to promote the upgrading of ecosystem services.", + "In the case of forests, it was envisaged to promote the upgrading of ecosystem services. With regard to the conditional objectives, support needs were analysed. In order for the conditional objectives to be achieved, support was needed for capacity-building of the Ministry\u2019s environmental services and for technology transfer.", + "In order for the conditional objectives to be met, capacity-building support for the Department\u2019s environmental services and technology transfer was needed, as well as financial support.", + "The cost of mitigation and adaptation components for the implementation of priority actions listed in the 2015 UNFCCC by unconditional and conditional objectives was estimated at US$ 1.493.589 million.", + "The cost of the mitigation and adaptation components for implementing the priority actions listed in the 2015 UNFCCC by unconditional and conditional objectives was estimated at US$ 1.493.589 million. Table 4 illustrates the support required for the implementation of the 2015 UNFCCC.", + "Table 4 illustrates the support required for the implementation of the 2015 CBD. Table 4: Support required for the implementation of the 2015 CBD Program Cost in USD (X1000) 1.Adaptation and management of climate risks 2.Greenhouse gas mitigation and low-carbon development 3.Promotion of research and development and technology transfer 4.Capacity building, knowledge management and communication 5.Forestry and agroforestry 6.Vulgarization of improved sawmills 7.Vulgarization of improved domestic and artisanal homes Total Source: 2015 CBD New elements contributing to the update The update of the Burundi CBD takes into account new elements published since 2015 CBD, both at the national and international levels.", + "At the national level, these are mainly the Third GHG Inventory (2005, 2010 and 2015), the National Plan for Development of Burundi 2018-2027 (PND BURUNDI 2018-2027), the Guidance Document for the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy (DOPEAE 2020), the National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and the Role of Forest Ecosystem Conservation, Sustainable Forest Management and the Strengthening of Forest Carbon Stocks (REDD+) 2019, policies and plans related to industry, transport, energy, health and gender.", + "At the international level, these are mainly decisions taken at COP 24 in 2018, held in Katowice, Poland, in December 2018, and at the ICTU, which aims to guide countries in updating their NCDs.", + "The Katowice package establishes the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines that specify how the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ENF) is to be implemented, and sets out the essential procedures and mechanisms that will make the Paris Agreement operational.", + "It sets out the essential procedures and mechanisms that will make the Paris Agreement operational. The updated NCD is also in the implementation phase of the Paris Agreement and specifically in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 9 and 13 of Article 4 thereof. In addition, the update takes into account Decision 4/CMA.", + "In addition, the update takes into account Decision 4/CMA. 1 Annex I on the ICTU (Information, Clarity, Transparency and Under standing) which highlights the Information on Clarity, Transparency and Understanding of NCDs and integrates cross-cutting issues such as gender and social inclusion.", + "1 Annex I on Information, Clarity, Transparency and Under standing (ICTU), which highlights Information on the Clarity, Transparency and Understanding of NCDs and integrates cross-cutting issues such as gender and social inclusion GHG inventory and BAU projections Following the submission of the 2015 NCD to the UNFCCC Secretariat, the Third Communication was developed and validated in 2019 under the coordination of the Ministry of the Environment with the support of the Global Environment Facility.", + "GHG Inventory and BAU Projections Following the submission of the 2015 NCD to the UNFCCC Secretariat, the Third Communication was developed and validated in 2019 under the Coordination of the Ministry of the Environment with the support of the Global Environment Facility and is based on the Third National GHG Inventory.", + "The methodology for calculating GHG emissions and removals is based on the IPCC Guidelines 2006 and covers the years 2005, 2010 and 2015. The greenhouse gases considered are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).", + "The greenhouse gases considered are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). The sectors covered are (i) energy; (ii) industrial processes and product use (IPU); (iii) agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFAT) and (iv) waste management.", + "The sectors covered are (i) energy; (ii) industrial processes and product use (IPU); (iii) agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFAT) and (iv) waste management.", + "The NTC contains emission projections for 2050 if no action is taken to mitigate GHG emissions. These projections also show mitigation scenarios based on the GHG mitigation policies, measures, strategies and plans planned and implemented in Burundi. 1.2.2. Analysis of the implementation of the 2015 NCD.", + "Analysis of the implementation of the 2015 CBD Prior to the updating of the CBD, an analysis of the implementation of the 2015 CBD was carried out.", + "Prior to the updating of the CBD, an analysis of the implementation of the 2015 CBD was conducted to assess the progress made in the implementation of the first CBD in relation to the country\u2019s commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by unconditional and conditional targets.", + "The purpose of this analysis was to assess the progress made in implementing the first NCD in relation to the country\u2019s commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by unconditional and conditional targets.", + "With regard to the unconditional target, the forestry sector was expected to harvest 4,000 ha per year for 5 years, i.e. 20,000 ha for 5 years, and to build three hydroelectric power stations in order to increase the electrification rate to 35%. The degree of implementation of the 2015 UNFCCC unconditional actions in the forestry and energy sectors in 2020 is summarised in Table 5.", + "The level of implementation of the 2015 UNFCCC unconditional actions in the forestry and energy sectors in 2020 is summarised in Table 5. Table 5: Degree of implementation of the 2015 UNFCCC unconditional actions Sector Planned actions Achievements Achievements % Achievement Forestry Energy Construct hydroelectric power plants 4 plants under construction Total Source: 2015 UNFCCC Assessment Report With regard to the conditional objective, it was planned (i) in the forestry sector to forest 8000 ha per year for 5 years, i.e. 40,000 ha from 2016 to 2020, (ii) in the energy sector to replace 100%, by 2030, all traditional wood burning stoves and traditional domestic cookers, and (iii) in the agriculture sector, to gradually replace 100% of mineral fertilisers by biofuels.", + "(iii) in the agricultural sector, to gradually replace 100% mineral fertilisers with organic fumes by 2030.", + "The results by proposed conditional actions are shown in Table 6.", + "Table 6: Degree of implementation of the conditional actions of the CBD 2015 in 2020 Sector Planned actions Actions carried out Achievement rate in % Cost of action4 Forestry Logging 40,000 ha in 5 years Energy Replace by 2030 all traditional carbon-fired ovens DN DN Replace by 2030 traditional domestic stoves in all households DN DN DN Agriculture Gradually replace 100% mineral fertilisers with organic smoke, hence DN DN DN Total Source:", + "was used to identify gaps in its implementation and to draw lessons for the 2020 update of the CND.", + "The shortcomings identified are as follows: \uf0fc Lack of a national coordination framework for the implementation of the CBD. \uf0fc Lack of indicators for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the CBD. \uf0fc Lack of capacity to mobilise resources for the implementation of the CBD by unconditional and conditional objectives.", + "\uf0fc Lack of capacity to mobilize resources for the implementation of the CBD by unconditional and conditional objectives. \uf0fc Lack of a national MRV system for climate finance. \uf0fc Lack of capacity-building and technology transfer actions. \uf0fc Lack of awareness of ownership of the CBD by all stakeholders.", + "\uf0fc Low awareness of ownership of the CBD by all stakeholders Lessons learned from the implementation of the CBD 2015 are as follows: \uf0fc The CBD 2015 is very ambitious and contains some commitments that are not or hardly achievable in time.", + "Lessons learned from the implementation of the 2015 UNCCD are as follows: \uf0fc The 2015 UNCCD is very ambitious and contains some commitments that are not or difficult to achieve within the timeframe \uf0fc Measurement, reporting and evaluation of mitigation and adaptation actions are difficult to achieve due to the lack of specific indicators and information on sectoral implementation contributions and the existence of an MRV system for the 2015 UNCCD.", + "\uf0fc Measurement, reporting and evaluation of mitigation and adaptation actions are difficult to achieve due to the lack of specific indicators and information on sectoral implementation contributions and the existence of an MRV system for the CBD. Suggestion for improvement of the CBD 2020: Taking into account the shortcomings observed in the CBD 2015 and its implementation, as well as Burundi\u2019s commitment to increase its ambitions, new elements have been incorporated into the CBD 2020.", + "Suggestion for the improvement of the CBD 2020: Taking into account the shortcomings observed in the CBD 2015 and its implementation, as well as Burundi\u2019s commitment to increase its ambitions, new elements have been incorporated into the CBD 2020. These include: \uf0fc The integration of the waste and industry sectors (WPI), and the transport sub-sectors.", + "These include: \uf0fc The integration of waste and industry sectors (WPI) and transport sub-sectors. \uf0fc Gender and social inclusion considerations in accordance with existing national policies.", + "\uf0fc The development of a logical framework with measurable follow-up indicators for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of priority mitigation and adaptation actions in the CND 2020.", + "\uf0fc The development of a logical framework with measurable monitoring indicators for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of priority mitigation and adaptation actions in the CBD 2020. \uf0fc The establishment of an inclusive national coordination and monitoring framework for the implementation of the CBD.", + "\uf0fc Establishment of an inclusive national coordination and monitoring framework for the implementation of the CND. \uf0fc Raising awareness among all stakeholders (political decision-makers, planners, local and grassroots communities, while respecting the gender dimension) of the implementation of the CND for its appropriation.", + "\uf0fc Awareness-raising of all stakeholders (political decision-makers, planners, local and grassroots communities while respecting the gender dimension) on the implementation of the CBD for its appropriation. \uf0fc Integration of all stakeholders involved in planning to take climate change into account in relation to the CBD when implementing strategic development tools (strategies and sectoral policies).", + "\uf0fc The integration of all actors involved in planning to take account of climate change in relation to the CBD when setting up strategic development tools (sectoral strategies and policies). \uf0fc The strengthening of the institutional and technical capacities of sectoral entities with sufficient financial resources and appropriate tools for the effective implementation of the CBD with a mechanism for monitoring, reporting and verification of REDD+ and other climate change actions as well as a national research and development programme on adaptation to climate change.", + "\uf0fc The formulation of projects in line with the requirements of the various funding mechanisms and the creation of a strategic framework favourable to the mobilisation of funding, as several African countries Parties to the Convention have established a National Climate Change Fund. \uf0fc Improvement of the data collection system.", + "\uf0fc Improving the data collection system. \uf0fc Integrating CND programmes into sectoral plans and policies. \uf0fc Integrating ICTU into CND 2020. 1.2.4. National Plans, Policies and Strategies.", + "1.2.4. National Plans, Policies and Strategies (i) Economic Development Plan of Burundi The first document published since the CND 2015 is the National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, which was published in 2018.", + "(i) Economic Development Plan of Burundi The first document published since the 2015 NDC is the National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, released in 2018. This plan was produced in a context where Burundi is experiencing major changes in the areas of administrative and economic governance with a major challenge linked to the structural transformation of the national economy.", + "This plan has been produced in a context where Burundi is experiencing major changes in the areas of administrative and economic governance with a major challenge linked to the structural transformation of the national economy and is facing the challenges of socio-economic development.", + "The National Development Plan for Burundi 2018-2027 (PNB) is part of a development plan that focuses on a new dynamic of transformation of economic, demographic and social structures.", + "The National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027 (PNB) is part of a development plan focused on a new dynamic of transformation of economic, demographic and social structures, which generates lasting multiplier effects on the improvement of economic growth and on average per capita income.", + "This scheme generates lasting multiplier effects on improving economic growth as well as on average per capita income, enabling basic needs to be met, poverty to be reduced, human capital to be developed, environmental sustainability to be achieved and social equity to be achieved.", + "It will enable basic needs to be met, poverty to be reduced, human capital to be developed, environmental sustainability to be achieved and social equity to be achieved, thus making GNP a strategic policy tool on which sectors will have to build their policies and action plans in order to contribute positively to the increase in gross domestic product (GDP).", + "GNP is thus a strategic policy tool on which the sectors will have to build their policies and action plans in order to contribute positively to the increase in gross domestic product (GDP), which is intended to be the basis for strong and inclusive growth from 2018 onwards in order to enable Burundi to reach the level of emerging countries by 2027.", + "This plan is intended to be the basis for strong and inclusive growth from 2018 onwards in order to enable Burundi to reach the level of emerging countries by 2027. Its aim is to create the necessary conditions for lasting peace and stability for the long-term structural transformation of the economy characterized by two-digit, sustainable and equitable growth.", + "Its aim is to create the conditions for lasting peace and stability for the long-term structural transformation of the economy characterised by two-digit, sustainable and equitable growth. The implementation of the NDP is based on five strategic orientations: (i) stimulating growth-enhancing sectors; (ii) developing human capital; (iii) protecting the environment, adapting to climate change and improving spatial planning; (iv) strengthening democracy, governance, the rule of law and safeguarding national sovereignty; (v) strengthening resource mobilisation mechanisms and developing cooperation and partnership.", + "The updated NCD is one of the tools for the implementation of the National Development Plan and still takes into account the objectives of Sustainable Development 2030. (ii) National policies and strategies.", + "(ii) National policies and strategies In order to mitigate the adverse effects of the impacts of climate change, the Government of Burundi has defined the political guidelines, in particular through the NDP 2018-2027, Vision 2025 published by Burundi in 2011 and the various sectoral policies such as the National Water Policy, the National Water Strategy, the National Agricultural Strategy (SAN), the National Strategy and Biodiversity Action Plan 2013-2020; the National Forestry Policy and the Energy Policy Letter and its implementation strategy.", + "In addition, it has developed and adopted strategies with specific climate change action plans, including: \uf0d8 The National Climate Change Policy and Strategy and Action Plan \uf0d8 The National Climate Change Adaptation Communication Strategy \uf0d8 The National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA, 2007).", + "\uf0d8 The National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA, 2007). \uf0d8 The National Communications on Climate Change. \uf0d8 The National Forestry Strategy, 2021 as a replacement for (2012). \uf0d8 The National REDD+ Strategy, 2019, the National Sustainable Land Use Strategy (2007). \uf0d8 The National Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Land Degradation 2011-2016.", + "\uf0d8 The National Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Soil Degradation 2011-2016. \uf0d8 The National Agricultural Investment Plan 2012-2017. \uf0d8 The National Preliminary Adaptation Plan (2020).", + "\uf0d8 The National Agricultural Investment Plan 2012-2017. \uf0d8 The National Preliminary Adaptation Plan (2020). The implementation of the updated NCD contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the various above-mentioned plans, policies and strategies documents in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change.", + "The implementation of the updated CBD contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the various above-mentioned plans, policies and strategies documents on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change. Presentation of information according to Decision 4/CMA.1, Annex I Information, Clarity, Transparency and Under standing (ICTU) has been taken into account in the updating of the CBD by focusing on the following: (i) Quantifiable information on benchmarks.", + "Presentation of information according to Decision 4/CMA.1, Annex I Information, Clarity, Transparency and Under standing (ICTU) has been taken into account in updating the CBD focusing on: (i) quantifiable information on benchmarks; (ii) timetables and/or implementation periods.", + "(ii) Time frames and/or periods of implementation. (iii) Scope and scope. (iv) The planning process. (v) Assumptions and methodological approaches. (vi) How the Party considers its contribution determined at the national level to be equitable in light of its national situation.", + "(vi) The manner in which the Party considers its determined contribution at the national level to be equitable in light of its national situation. (vii) The manner in which the UNCCD contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2..At the international level, the IPCC Special Report on the Consequences of Global Warming of 1.50C has been published.", + "(vii) How the CBD contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2. At the international level, the IPCC Special Report on the Consequences of Global Warming of 1.50C has been published. This special report was approved at the 48th IPCC meeting in Incheon, South Korea and has been published since 8 October 2018.", + "This special report was approved at the 48th meeting of the IPCC in Incheon, South Korea, and has been published since 8 October 2018. It served as the scientific basis for the Talanoa Dialogue concluded at COP 24 in December 2018 in Katowice, Poland, to review the collective efforts of Parties to achieve the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement and to encourage countries to make new and more ambitious commitments by 2020.", + "The conclusions of the Talanoa Dialogue call on all countries to submit to the United Nations enhanced climate plans (Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)) by 2020.", + "They encourage Parties to pay specific attention to the role of the transport sector (including international aviation and navigation), the financing of the transition, the role of public and private investment, the carbon price in this context (taking into account socio-economic aspects), and the synergies of the transition to a circular economy aimed at the sound and efficient management of resources, etc. Planning for the updating of the CBD Institutional Commitment The Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock is the institutional coordinating framework which, through its administrative and technical structure, is responsible for the CBD 2020.", + "To this end, it has set up a national commission to monitor the updating of the 2015 UNCCD, composed of senior officials from the various GHG emitting sectors, including the AFAT, Energy, Transport and Industrial Processes and Products and Waste Use sectors.", + "It is composed of senior managers from the various GHG emitting sectors, including the AFAT, Energy, Transport and Industrial Processes and Products and Waste Use sectors. Managers from the non-emitting but cross-cutting sectors, namely Health and Gender, have also been included in the discussions.", + "In close collaboration with UNDP, the Commission is responsible for monitoring the process of updating the CBD since the recruitment of the Bureau and the development phases (validation of the methodology, organization of retreats, technical sessions and stakeholder consultation workshops, validation at various stages of the document and submission of the updated CBD for adoption and approval).", + "At the technical level, the CBD 2020 was carried out by a consortium of 10 national experts assisted by an international consultant. 1.3.2. Enhanced ambition of the CBD 2020 Burundi has been actively engaged in the CBD process and, as early as 2015, has submitted a first CBD with mitigation targets for 2030.", + "Burundi has been actively engaged in the NCD process and, as early as 2015, it transmitted a first NCD with mitigation targets for 2030. Yet, in 2020, although the country could only rewrite its 2015 NCD (because it covered the period up to 2030), Burundi embarked on an ambitious update project.", + "However, in 2020, despite the fact that the country could only re-summarize its 2015 NCD (since it covered the period up to 2030), Burundi embarked on an ambitious update project. The increase in ambition for the 2020 NCD mainly consists, on the one hand, of taking more sectors into account in the definition of mitigation objectives and complementary measures and, on the other hand, of including the Communication on Adaptation in the NCD.", + "Increasing the ambition for the CBD 2020 mainly consists, on the one hand, of taking more sectors into account in the definition of mitigation targets and complementary measures and, on the other hand, of including the Communication on Adaptation in the CBD. The inclusion of actions concerning the Transport, IPPC and Waste sectors in the CBD 2020 increases the ambition in terms of GHG emission mitigation.", + "The inclusion of actions relating to the Transport, PPI and Waste sectors in the 2020 NCD increases the ambition in terms of GHG emission mitigation, so this NCD represents an increase over the previous NCD as sectoral emission coverage has been extended to all categories estimated in the GHG inventory.", + "The present NCD therefore represents an increase over the previous NCD, as sectoral emission coverage has been extended to all categories estimated in the GHG inventory, and the 2020 NCD takes into account the gender dimension and thus strengthens its fairness.", + "As the scope of implementation of the CBD 2020 is national, implementation of the CBD 2020 will be equitable and fair to the diverse environments and lifestyles of local communities.", + "As the scope of implementation of the CBD 2020 is national, its implementation will be fair and equitable depending on the diverse environments and lifestyles of local communities. Burundi is part of the dynamic of continuing to provide efforts to reduce GHG emissions.", + "Burundi is part of the dynamic of continuing to provide efforts to reduce GHG emissions and will move towards the goal of reducing or limiting emissions on an economy-wide basis and increasing carbon stocks, including through the implementation of the National Development Plan 2018-2027, and the Guidance Document for the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy and other sectoral policies.", + "It will move towards the goal of reducing or limiting emissions across the economy and increasing carbon stocks, including through the implementation of the National Development Plan 2018-2027, and the Guidance Document for Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy and other sectoral policies.", + "The CND 2020 is contributing to Article 2(a) of the PA as it plans to implement projects/programmes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 2021 to 2030 and will also contribute to the implementation of Article 4(1) of the PA.", + "It will also contribute to the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 1, of the IP. For example, it provides for policy, strategic measures and mitigation plans/programmes and adaptation plans with benefits for mitigation. The aim is to achieve the desired global GHG cap in accordance with the best available scientific data.", + "The aim is to achieve the desired global GHG cap in accordance with the best available scientific data, thereby achieving a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and anthropogenic removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of the century, on the basis of equity, and in the context of sustainable development and the fight against poverty.", + "As a result, it will be possible to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and anthropogenic removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of the century, on the basis of equity, and in the context of sustainable development and poverty reduction.", + "The 2020 NCD will be implemented on January 1, 2021 and will expire on December 31, 2030. From 2020 to 2025, a two-year assessment will be conducted to see progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 2021 to 2025. 1.3.3. Participatory and inclusive approach.", + "From 2020 to 2025, a two-year assessment will be conducted to see progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 2021 to 2025. 1.3.3. Participatory and inclusive approach. The 2020 update of the CND has been organized with a real effort to ensure a participatory and inclusive approach in the planning, development and audit stages.", + "The 2020 update of the CND was organized by making a real effort to ensure a participatory and inclusive approach at the planning, development and audit stages, taking into account the involvement of all stakeholders including state institutions, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and grassroots community associations.", + "It took into account the involvement of all stakeholders, including state institutions, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and grassroots associations, and UN Agencies and Technical and Financial Partners were also consulted to contribute to the process of updating the CBD 2020.", + "The UN Agencies and the Technical and Financial Partners were also consulted to contribute to the 2020 update process of the CBD. For the 2020 update of the CBD, the consultations also sought the views of civil society organizations5 and university researchers.", + "For the 2020 update of the CND, the consultations also sought the views of civil society organizations5 and university researchers to involve and involve the private sector, civil society organizations, local communities, youth and Batwa in the formulation and evaluation of mitigation projects.", + "The aim was to involve and involve the private sector, civil society organisations, local communities, youth and the Batwa in the formulation and evaluation of mitigation projects. Particular emphasis was placed on the Strategic Advocacy Alliance, which brings together some 15 organisations working for human rights and gender, led by COCAFEM/GL and the Swiss Co-operation, the Catholic and Anglican Churches at a Round Table on the Role of Religious Leadership in the Response to the Current Ecological Crisis on 12 May 2021 and two Batwa organisations UNIPROBA and UPARED, the most representative of the Batwa and the Laudato Si Platform, bringing together four youth associations sensitive to climate change.. the participation of women and indigenous peoples assimilated to the Batwa during the consultation process.", + "A total of 5 workshops involving all stakeholders were organized to collect data, define actions to be considered in the unconditional and conditional scenarios of the CBD, and validate methodological approaches and results. 1.3.4.", + "Capacity-building and technology transfer During the implementation of the 2015 NCD, capacity-building of managers of sectoral institutions was carried out, albeit in a very limited number.", + "Capacity-building focused on tools and methodologies for greenhouse gas inventories, vulnerability, climate change adaptation and GHG mitigation studies, and on project funding procedures and mechanisms.", + "Capacity-building also focused on project financing procedures and mechanisms, but the need for capacity-building in these areas remains a national priority, as strengthened staffing is still insufficient and ownership of these tools remains weak in all sectors.", + "However, the need for capacity building in these areas remains a national priority, as the strengthened staff complement is still insufficient and the mastery of these tools is still weak in all sectors. It is in this context that the CND 2020 expresses a continuing need to strengthen a large number of mitigation stakeholders at the sectoral level in order to address the following situations: - Limited availability of quality data.", + "It is in this context that the CBD 2020 expresses a continuing need to strengthen a large number of actors involved in mitigation at the sectoral level in order to address the following situations: - Limited availability of quality data; - Low technical knowledge for projection and analysis of mitigation measures.", + "- Difficulty in training technical and scientific personnel due to the lack of specialized training institutions in the field of climate change on the spot and the limitations of cooperation for external training.", + "- Difficulty in training technical and scientific personnel due to the lack of specialised climate change training institutions on the ground and the limitations of co-operation for external training As research and development in the field of climate change remains lacking and technical and financial resources are limited, the CND 2020 proposes technology transfer actions to build capacity.", + "As research and development in the field of climate change remains lacking and technical and financial resources are limited, the UNCCD 2020 proposes technology transfer actions to build capacity. The most important actions are: \uf0b7 Strengthen sectoral institutions on building reliable databases on climate change.", + "The most important actions are as follows: \uf0b7 Strengthen sectoral institutions on the establishment of reliable databases on climate change \uf0b7 Support climate research and development 1.3.5. Timetable of work carried out The work to update the CND took place over 5 months.", + "Schedule of Work Performed The work to update the CND took place over a five-month period, and the schedule of work can be found in Table 7.", + "Schedule of work Planned activities PREFED/CAREPD meetings with the Programme Specialist/Head of the Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Unit at UNDP, the international consultant and the authorities of the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock.", + "Table 7: Work schedule Planned activities PREFED/CAREPD meetings with the Programme Specialist/Head of the Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Unit at UNDP, the international consultant and the authorities of the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Develop the methodological note, work plan and timetable for the updating of the 2015 NCD in collaboration with the international experts responsible for monitoring the updating.", + "To prepare the methodological note, work plan and timetable for the updating of the 2015 NCD in collaboration with the international experts responsible for monitoring the updating. To participate in the weekly meetings organized by the international experts as from April 2021. To prepare the report on the implementation of the 2015 NCD of the Republic of Burundi.", + "Preparation of the report on the implementation of the 2015 NCD of the Republic of Burundi Validation of the report on the implementation of the 2015 NCD of the Republic of Burundi by the Technical Commission in charge of monitoring the update.", + "Validate the report on the implementation of the 2015 NCD of the Republic of Burundi by the Technical Commission in charge of monitoring the update Participate in a workshop to present (i) the evaluated NCD and the preliminary draft NAP, (ii) a methodological note, a work plan and a timetable for the updating of the NCD, and (iv) validate the questionnaire for the collection of sectoral data focusing on adaptation/mitigation to climate change, gender mainstreaming, youth, vulnerable groups and capacity-building needs, and validate the report on the implementation of the 2015 NCD of the Republic of Burundi.", + "Conduct stakeholder consultations for data collection and documentation and surveys on energy consumption needs and fertilizer/pesticide use Analysis and processing of collected data and preparation of sectoral reports and drafting of sectoral reports taking into account adaptation/mitigation aspects", + "Analysis and processing of data collected and preparation of sectoral reports and drafting of sectoral reports taking into account adaptation/mitigation aspects. Incorporation of the comments made by the targeted experts into these sectoral reports. Organization of 4 regional consultation workshops. Preparation of the updated draft document of the CND of Burundi by the Consortium experts.", + "Preparation of the updated draft of the CBD for Burundi by the Experts of the Consortium. Submission of the draft of the CBD 2020 to UNDP. Analysis of the draft by the international experts. Comments on the CBD 2020 addressed to the national experts by the international experts. Integration of the comments of the international experts into the consolidated document.", + "Incorporation of comments from international experts into the consolidated document. Retransmission of the consolidated document to international experts for final comments. Transmission of final comments to experts for incorporation into the CBD consolidated document. Organization of a national CBD 2020 validation workshop.", + "Organization of a national workshop for the validation of the CBD 2020. Incorporation of comments from the participants in the validation workshop into Burundi\u2019s updated CBD document. Sending of the consolidated document of the CBD 2020 to the international experts for final comments and finalization. Retransmit the consolidated document to the national experts.", + "Sending the consolidated document of the CBD 2020 to the international experts for final comments and finalization. Transmitting the consolidated document to the national experts. Preparing a text for presenting the updated CBD to the Government. Adoption of the CBD 2020 by the Council of Ministers. Approval of the CBD by the National Assembly.", + "Adoption of the CND 2020 by the Council of Ministers. Approval of the CND by the National Assembly. Transmit the updated CND document from the Republic of Burundi to the UNFCCC Secretariat.", + "Transmit the updated NDC document from the Republic of Burundi to the UNFCCC Secretariat Burundi's NDC 2020 Table 9 provides information on the clarity, transparency and understanding of the Republic of Burundi's NDC 2020.", + "Burundi's CBD 2020 Table 9 provides information on the clarity, transparency and understanding of the Republic of Burundi's CBD 2020. Table 8: Information on the clarity, transparency and understanding of the CBD 2020.", + "Information on clarity, transparency and understanding of the CBD 2020 1. Planning process a. Information on the planning processes followed by the Party to develop its nationally determined contribution and, if available, on the Party's implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i.", + "Information on the planning processes followed by the Party to develop its determined contribution at national level and, if available, on the Party\u2019s implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i. National institutional arrangements, public participation and collaboration with local communities and indigenous peoples, taking into account gender issues; Institutional arrangements: The Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock is the institutional framework responsible, through its technical-administrative structure, for updating the CBD 2020.", + "National institutional arrangements, public participation and collaboration with local communities and indigenous peoples, taking into account gender issues; Institutional arrangements: The Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock is the institutional framework responsible, through its Technical and Administrative Structure, for updating the CBD 2020. To this end, it has set up a national commission to monitor the updating of the CBD 2015.", + "To this end, it has set up a national commission to monitor the updating of the 2015 NCD, composed of senior officials from the various sectors (AFAT, Energy including transport, IPUP and Waste), and representatives of the sectors involved in related themes (Health, Gender) have also been integrated into the Commission.", + "In close collaboration with UNDP, the Commission is responsible for monitoring the process of updating the CCD since the recruitment of the Bureau and the development phases (validation of the methodology, organization of retreats for technical sessions and stakeholder consultation and step-by-step validation workshops, submission of the updated CCD for adoption and approval).", + "At the technical level, UNFCCC 2020 was carried out by a consortium of 10 national experts (6 sectoral experts, one economist, one gender expert, one health expert and one climate expert) assisted by an international consultant.", + "Participatory aspect The updating process was based on numerous exchange workshops (data collection, selection of actions, approval of methodologies, verification and approval of results).", + "These workshops aimed at ensuring the participation and involvement of all technical stakeholders and civil society with the involvement of local communities, indigenous peoples, the gender dimension and social inclusion.", + "The objectives of the workshops were also to communicate on the actions taken and thus ensure their implementation by stakeholders. The CND 2020 was approved by the Burundian authorities before being disseminated to UNDP. ii.", + "Contextual issues, including, but not limited to: - The national situation, including geography, climate, economy, sustainable development and poverty eradication Burundi is an Eastern Central African country located between the Congo Basin and the eastern highlands and between 2\u00b030 and 4\u00b028 South Latitude, at the crossroads of the routes of Central Africa, Eastern Africa and even Eastern Africa.", + "The country has a warm and humid tropical climate, influenced by altitude and characterized by alternating rainy seasons (October to May) and dry seasons (June to September), and its rainfall and temperature are strongly influenced by the country\u2019s terrain, altitude (772-2670 m) and climate change.", + "Its rainfall and temperature are strongly influenced by the country\u2019s terrain, altitude (772-2670 m) and climate change.The average annual rainfall ranges from 750 mm in northeastern Burundi to over 2000 mm in the mountainous area.", + "The average annual rainfall ranges from 750 mm in north-eastern Burundi to more than 2000 mm in the mountainous area, with the highest average annual temperature of 24.7\u00b0C between 2006 and 2015 recorded in the plains of Imbo Natural Region, while the lowest average annual temperature is 16.6\u00b0C between 2006 and 2015 recorded in Mugamba Natural Region.", + "The highest average annual temperature is 24.7\u00b0C between 2006-2015 recorded in the Imbo Plain Natural Region, while the lowest is 16.6\u00b0C between 2006-2015 recorded in the Mugamba Natural Region. From a socio-economic point of view, Burundi has an estimated 12.3 million people by 2020, of whom more than 90% live in rural areas and 51% are women.", + "From a socio-economic point of view, Burundi has an estimated 12.3 million people by 2020, of whom more than 90% live in rural areas and 51% are women. As one of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), its annual per capita income is estimated at USD 280 and its economy is largely based on agriculture.", + "Among the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), its annual per capita income is estimated at USD 280 and its economy is mainly based on agriculture.With a density of 480.99 people/km2, population growth of 2.4% puts pressure on land resources, water resources and exacerbates the situation of deforestation and deforestation.", + "With a density of 480.99 people/km2, the population growth of 2.4% puts pressure on land resources, water resources and exacerbates the situation of deforestation and deforestation.", + "According to the NTC, the sectors with the highest emissions are agriculture, energy and waste, with emissions of 4186.21 Eq CO2 per Gg, 1072.4 Eq CO2 per Gg and 230.73 Eq CO2. For the other sectors, GHG emissions are insignificant.", + "For the other sectors, GHG emissions are insignificant. -Best practices and experience gained from the development of the contribution determined at national level Best practices and experience gained from the development: \uf0fc Participatory approach to the planning process for the elaboration of the CBD (Data collection, data processing, calculation by IPCC software 2006, needs, prioritisation of measures...); \uf0fc Taking into account Decision 4/CMA.1 - Other contextual aspirations and priorities recognised upon accession to the Paris Agreement The updated CBD 2020 is in line with the objective of the Paris Agreement, in its provisions of Articles 4(2) and (3), 4, 5, 6(1) and (2) and 7(1) and (2).", + "Developed countries should act in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Paris Agreement. Compliance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement, which highlights areas of cooperation and facilitation and aims to improve understanding, action and support.", + "Compliance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement, which highlights areas of cooperation and facilitation and aims to improve understanding, action and support, such as early warning systems, emergency preparedness, etc. b. Specific information applicable to Parties, including regional economic integration organizations and their member States, that have agreed to act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement, including Parties that have decided to act jointly, and the terms of the relevant agreement, in accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 16 to 18, of the Paris Agreement Not applicable The updated NCD is not developed within the framework of regional economic integration organizations and their member States to act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement.", + "Paragraphs 16, 17 and 18 do not apply to the updated CND of the Republic of Burundi. c.", + "How the preparation by the Party of its nationally determined contribution has been informed by the results of the global assessment, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Paris Agreement The steps that have been taken for the UNCCD 2020 have not been informed by the global assessment, as the first global assessment on climate action will be issued in 2023.", + "However, the results of the global assessment will be taken into account for the updating of the CBD 2020. d.", + "Each Party having a nationally determined contribution under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, consisting of adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans generating beneficial mitigation benefits in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement, 6.", + "The manner in which the Party considers its determined contribution at the national level to be equitable and ambitious in the light of its national situation a.", + "How the Party considers its determined contribution at the national level to be equitable and ambitious in the light of its national situation The vulnerability analysis of the sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land, Energy, Health, IPPC) was undertaken in the preparation of the CBD.", + "Negative impacts due to climate change have been identified and mitigation and/or adaptation measures to address these impacts have been identified by sector.", + "The development of CND 2020 has used the most recent data from the NTC and other sectors have been taken into account such as the Waste, POPs and Transportation sectors. b. Equity Considerations Gender and social inclusion are taken into account in CND 2020.", + "In addition, the actions listed therein have been identified on the basis of national policy and strategy documents. c.", + "The manner in which the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 3, of the CBD 2020 Agreement has raised the ambition compared to the previous CBD by taking into account actions on sectors and sub-sectors not included in the 2015 CBD: transport, waste.", + "In addition, the themes of Health, Gender and Social Inclusion have been integrated into the prioritisation of actions. The 2020 NCD represents an increase over the previous NCD, as sectoral emission coverage has been extended to all sectors and gases estimated in the most recent GHG inventory.", + "The CBD 2020 represents an advance over the previous CBD, as sectoral emission coverage has been extended to all sectors and gases estimated in the most recent GHG inventory. The CBD 2020 has defined specific indicators for monitoring and assessment and advocates a capacity building plan for better ownership by the various stakeholders. d.", + "The UNCCD 2020 has defined specific indicators for monitoring and evaluation and advocates a capacity-building plan for better ownership by the various stakeholders. d. How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Agreement Although Burundi is not an emitting country, it is developing GHG mitigation actions through its policies. e. How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Agreement strengthens its mitigation efforts through the inclusion in the new UNCCD of national actions to reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon stocks.", + "For example, the development of new and renewable energies (solar, wind, hydroelectric power plants under construction, etc.), the increase in the domestic budget to finance mitigation and adaptation measures, as well as policies such as the National Development Plan, 2018-2027 and the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Planning Policy, 6 How does the NDC represent progress beyond the Party\u2019s previous NDC and reflect its greatest possible ambition 7 Developing countries: Information on how they continue to strengthen their mitigation efforts, and how they intend to move over time towards the Economic wide emission reduction or limitation target EWERLT in the light of different national circumstances.", + "8 Least developed countries and small island developing States may develop and communicate low-carbon development strategies, plans and measures appropriate to their particular circumstances. 7.", + "How the contribution determined at the national level contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 a.", + "How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its The CBD 2020 contributes to the objectives of the Convention and the Paris Agreement by accelerating low-carbon development. b. How the nationally determined contribution contributes to Article 2, paragraph 1 (a), and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement10 - The revised CBD contributes to Article 2, paragraph (a), of the PA.", + "It plans to implement projects/programmes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 2021 to 2025. -The revised NCD will also contribute to the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 1 of the PA, as it provides for political, strategic measures and mitigation plans/programmes.", + "-The revised NCD will also contribute to the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 1, of the PA, as it provides for policy, strategic measures and mitigation plans/programmes. Existing policies take into account the climate plan and the MDGs with the aim of developing in a carbon-neutral manner to contribute to the overall objective.", + "Existing policies take into account the Climate Plan and the Sustainable Development Goals with the aim of developing in a carbon-neutral manner to contribute to the overall objective. Mitigation Objectives The National GHG Inventory Burundi has published three national communications on climate change.", + "Mitigation Goals The National GHG Inventory Burundi has published three national communications on climate change and submitted them to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat, each based on an inventory of greenhouse gases.", + "Each of these communications is based on an inventory of greenhouse gases. The third national climate communication, published in 2019, is based on the third GHG inventory, published in 2018.11 The latter covers the years 2005, 2010 and 2015.", + "The third national climate communication, published in 2019, is based on the third GHG inventory, published in 2018.11 The latter covers the years 2005, 2010 and 2015. 9 Article 2 of the UNFCCC sets out the ultimate objective of \"stabilising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system\" (UNFCCC 1992).", + "9 Article 2 of the UNFCCC sets out the ultimate objective of \"stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system\" (UNFCCC 1992).", + "The second sentence states that this stabilisation must be achieved \"within a sufficient timeframe to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, so that food production is not threatened and so that economic development can continue.\" 10 Article 2.1(a) of the Paris Agreement includes two global temperature targets - \"well below 2 degrees\" and \"1.5 degrees\".", + "10 Article 2.1(a) of the Paris Agreement includes two global temperature targets - \u201cwell below 2 degrees\u201d and \u201c1.5 degrees.\u201d Article 4.1 qualifies them by stating that \u201cthe Parties shall aim to reach the global greenhouse gas emission cap as soon as possible, recognizing that this cap will take more time for developing country Parties, and to undertake rapid reductions in these emissions.", + "Article 4.1 qualifies them by stating that \"the Parties shall aim at achieving the global cap on greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible, recognizing that this cap will take longer for developing country Parties, and shall undertake rapid reductions in these emissions. and subsequently undertake rapid reductions in accordance with the best available scientific data.\" and that the Parties shall also strive to \"achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and emissions by sinks\" in the second half of the century.11 Burundi is in the process of preparing its first Biennial Climate Update Report, which will be based on the fourth greenhouse gas inventory.", + "The third national climate communication and its GHG inventory are selected as the background documents for the updating of the CBD 2020.", + "The third national climate communication and its GHG inventory are used as reference documents for the updating of the CBD 2020. Perimeters Under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment, greenhouse gas inventories are carried out by the Burundian Office for the Protection of the Environment (OBPE).", + "Perimeters Under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment, greenhouse gas inventories are carried out by the Office Burundais pour la Protection de l\u2019Environnement (OBPE). The 3rd national GHG inventory used in the CBD 2020 takes into account the energy (including transport), agriculture, forestry and other land use (LULUCF), industrial processes and product use (IPU) and waste sectors.", + "The 3rd national GHG inventory used in the CBD 2020 takes into account the energy (including transport), agriculture, forestry and other land uses (LULUCF), industrial processes and product uses (IPUs) and waste sectors. Possible exclusions for certain sub-sectors (sources not present in Burundi or whose emissions are not estimated in the last national GHG inventory) are presented in the sectoral paragraphs below.", + "Possible exclusions for certain sub-sectors (sources not present in Burundi or whose emissions are not estimated in the latest national GHG inventory) are presented in the sectoral paragraphs below.", + "The gases for which emissions or removals are accounted for are listed in Table 10. Table 9: Sectors and gases accounted for Sectors Gases Energy Agriculture and Elevation FAT PIP Waste Fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3) These gases are not accounted for in the Third Greenhouse Gas Inventory and are therefore not included in the NCC 2020.", + "Sectors Gas Energy Agriculture and Elevation FAT PIP Waste Fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3) These gases are not included in the Third Greenhouse Gas Inventory and are therefore not considered in the NCC 2020. The methodology adopted is based on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.", + "The methodology adopted is based on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. GHG emissions and removals were calculated using the 2006 IPCC inventory software using Tier 1 methodology.", + "GHG emissions and removals were calculated using the 2006 IPCC inventory software using Tier 1 methodology. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions were calculated using the 2006 IPCC Guidelines Tier 1 methodology and IPCC Tools.", + "The calculation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions was performed using Tier 1 methodologies from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and IPCC Tools. For this methodology level, the required data are the activity data on the amount of fuel burned (activity data) and the default emission factors for each fuel from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.", + "For this methodological level, the necessary data to be used are activity data on the amount of fuel burned (activity data) and the default emission factors for each fuel in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. In calculating emissions from the energy sector, activity data are used from the energy, manufacturing, construction, trade, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, residential and transport subsectors.", + "In calculating emissions from the energy sector, the activity data used come from the energy, manufacturing, construction, trade, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, residential and transport subsectors. In the residential subsector, the fuels used are energy wood, bagasse12 consisting of vegetable or agricultural waste for cooking, heating and lighting, and petroleum for lighting by rural households.", + "In the residential subsector, fuels used are wood energy, bagasse12 consisting of vegetable or agricultural waste for cooking, heating and lighting, and oil for lighting by rural households, while fuels used by urban households are wood coal for cooking and oil for partial lighting.", + "For urban households, the fuels used are wood charcoal for cooking and oil for partial lighting; for the transportation subsector, the fuels used are gasoline and gasoline.", + "In the transport subsector, the fuels used are gas oil and gasoline. Emissions from the combustion of plant or agricultural waste, which are used mainly in rural households, have not been quantified due to a lack of data. Agriculture and Livestock Emissions calculated in this sector relate to domestic livestock (enteric fermentation and manure management) and managed soils (burning of crop biomass residues, emissions from rice cultivation, direct N2O emissions from managed soils, and CO2 emissions from liming and application of urea).", + "The methodology used in the 3rd GHG Inventory to calculate GHG emissions from agriculture is Tier 1 and the default parameters of the IPCC 2006 IPCC Guidelines. The IPCC software was used to calculate emissions of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).", + "The IPCC software was used to calculate emissions of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O).", + "Agriculture and Livestock Sector Sub-sectors and Categories Agriculture and Livestock Sector Sub-sector Categories Domestic Livestock Enteric Fermentation, Manure Management Systems Cropland Crop Residue Combustion Rice Crop Application of Synthetic Fertilizers for All Crops Managed Soils (Heating, Urea Fertilizers), For livestock, input data focuses on primary characterization of livestock to classify animals according to what is applicable in the country, taking into account livestock species and categories.", + "For managed soils, activity data are the amount of biomass burned during leaf removal by pre-harvest fire from the area occupied by the sugar cane.", + "For rice cultivation, field activity data are collected for the annual rice harvest area and the vegetation cycle time. for fertilizer application and for liming, the input data are the quantities of fertilizer and lime used, respectively.", + "For fertilizer application and liming, input data are the quantities of fertilizer and lime used, respectively. Daily monitoring of the areas on which wood products are harvested (SOSUMO Case) is done. Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPU) In Burundi\u2019s 3rd GHG Inventory, the Tier 1 methodology used to calculate emissions is that recommended by the 2006 IPCC Guidelines where activity data were multiplied by default emission factors.", + "The calculations were made using the IPCC software. The emission sources considered are lime production (mineral industry subsector) and iron and steel production (metallurgical industry subsector). Burundi has no chemical industries. Emissions from non-energy fuel use are not estimated due to lack of data.", + "Emissions from non-energy use of fuels are not estimated due to a lack of data. Emissions of fluorinated gases and NF3 from the use (domestic or industrial) and manufacture of these gases are not estimated because national data are not available to estimate emissions from the use of products and because there are no industries producing these products in Burundi.", + "Emissions of fluorinated gases and NF3 related to the use (domestic or industrial) and manufacture of these gases are not estimated because national data are not available to estimate emissions from product use and because there are no industries producing these products in Burundi.", + "In the 3rd GHG inventory of Burundi, the LULUCF sector comprises the sub-sectors forest land, cropland, pastureland, wetlands and peatlands, with activity data for both public and private forest land, pastureland, cropland and peatlands.", + "Activity data are areas of both public and private forest land, pasture, cropland and peatlands. After data collection and processing, the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions is as described in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.", + "After data collection and processing, the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions is as described in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. The conversion factors for FRA 2015 data were used. Emissions/removals calculations were performed using the 2006 IPCC software by entering the processed activity data.", + "Emissions/removals calculations were performed using the 2006 IPCC software by entering the processed activity data and, based on the data entered, the software calculates emissions from biomass stock change, wetlands management, forest fires and harvested wood products and summarizes emissions from all land-use and land-use categories (LULUCF).", + "Based on the data captured, the software calculates emissions from biomass stock change, wetlands management, forest fires and harvested wood products and sums up emissions from all land-use and land-use categories (LULUCF). For the LULUCF sector, in addition to these emission sources, the rate of deforestation and forest degradation, timber consumption rates, and the development of wood-saving technologies are to be considered.", + "For the LULUCF sector, in addition to these sources of emissions, the rate of deforestation and forest degradation, the rate of wood consumption, and the development of wood-saving technologies are to be considered. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation for the implementation of projects/programmes/measures designed to mitigate emissions and subsequent removals due to natural disturbances on exploited land is carried out.", + "Ongoing monitoring and evaluation for the implementation of projects/programs/measures designed to mitigate emissions and subsequent removals due to natural disturbances on exploited lands is carried out. In Burundi\u2019s 3rd GHG inventory, the methodology for calculating emissions in this sector was based on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories and the 2006 IPCC software.", + "In Burundi\u2019s 3rd GHG inventory, the methodology for calculating emissions from this sector was based on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories and the 2006 IPCC software.", + "Due to the absence of a country-specific emission factor, the estimates were based on Tier 1 methods using primarily activity data and default parameters. The solid waste categories considered in Burundi\u2019s third GHG inventory are municipal solid waste (household and commercial).", + "The categories of solid waste considered in Burundi\u2019s third GHG inventory are municipal solid waste (household and commercial), and biomedical waste was not included in the emission calculations due to a lack of data on solid waste discharged into pits and incinerated.", + "Biomedical waste was not included in the calculation of emissions due to a lack of data on solid waste dumped in pits and incinerated; emissions from solid waste were calculated only in the cities of Bujumbura and Gitega and in certain markets.", + "Emissions from solid waste were calculated only for the cities of Bujumbura and Gitega and for certain markets. For wastewater, emissions from households, trade and industry are taken into account. Table 12 and Figure 1 summarize the results of Burundi\u2019s 3rd national GHG inventory.", + "Table 12 and Figure 1 summarize the results of Burundi\u2019s 3rd national GHG inventory.", + "For conversion to CO2 equivalents, in Gg, the Global Warming Potential (GWP) values corresponding to a 100-year period of the IPCC Second Assessment Report (SAR) were used: 21 for CH4 and 310 for N2O.", + "Table 11 National GHG Emissions in Gg CO2eq by Sector Energy Sectors Industrial Processes and Product Use Agriculture and Livestock Forestry and Other Land Use Waste Total National Emissions with Removals Total Emissions without Removals Source:", + "Table 11: National GHG Emissions in Gg CO2eq by Sector Energy Sectors Industrial Processes and Product Use Agriculture and Livestock Forestry and Other Land Use Waste Total National Emissions with Removals Total Emissions without Removals Source: Third National GHG Inventory (NTI) Figure 1:", + "Analysis of the synthesis results of the emissions with removals shows that the absorption capacity has decreased significantly in Burundi, resulting in an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. All emissions recorded in the third inventory show that they originate in agriculture, in soils managed by manure management systems. Energy sector Table 13 presents the emissions results of the energy sector for the three types of gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) for the years 2005, 2010 and 2015.", + "The total emissions recorded in the third inventory show that they originate from agriculture in soils managed by manure management systems. Energy Sector Table 13 presents the results of emissions from the energy sector for the three types of gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) for the years 2005, 2010 and 2015.", + "Total GHG Emissions in Gg Energy Sector CO2e BUSINESS LINES 2. Ind. Manufacturing and Construction Air - - - - - - Road Marine - - - - - - Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 1:", + "Manufacturing and Construction Air - - - - - - - Road Marine - - - - - - Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 1: GHG Emissions Summary NTC Energy Industrial Processes and Product Use Agriculture and Livestock Forestry and Other Land Use Waste 4.", + "Energy Industrial Processes and Product Use Agriculture and Livestock Forestry and Other Land Use Waste 4. Trade and Institution 6. Agriculture / Forestry and Fisheries TOTAL Emissions TOTAL EQ CO2 Chart 2: GHG Emissions from the Energy Sector Table 13: Summary of Emissions from the Energy Sector by Subsector BUSINESS LINES 2. Ind. Manufacturing and Construction 3.", + "Trade and Institution 6.Agriculture/Forestry and Fisheries TOTAL Emissions TOTAL CO2 EQ Chart 2: Energy Sector GHG Emissions Table 13: Summary of Energy Sector Emissions by Subsector ACTIVITY SECTORS 2. Ind. Manufacturing and Construction 3. Transport (Air, Road and Marine) 4.", + "Manufacturing and construction 3. Transport (air, road and marine) 4. Trade and institution 6. Agriculture / forestry and fisheries TOTAL CO2 EQ Chart 3: Emissions from the energy sector The results of emissions from the energy sector show that CO2 emissions are highest in the transport sub-sector, followed by the manufacturing and construction sub-sector.", + "Trade and Institution 6.Agriculture / Forestry and Fisheries TOTAL CO2 EQ Chart 3: Energy Sector Emissions The energy sector emissions results show that CO2 emissions are highest in the transport subsector, followed by the manufacturing and construction subsector Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 3:", + "Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 3:Energy Sector Emissions, NTC. 2. Ind. Manufacturing and Construction 3. Transportation (Air, Road and Marine) 4.", + "Manufacturing and construction 3. Transport (air, road and marine) 4. Trade and institution 6. Agriculture / forestry and fisheries Regarding non-CO2 emissions, the \"residential\" sector leads with methane emissions from the incomplete combustion of biomass and its derivatives. Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPU).", + "Trade and Institution 6.Agriculture / Forestry and Fisheries Regarding non-CO2 emissions, the \"residential\" sector leads with methane emissions from the incomplete combustion of biomass and its derivatives. Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPU) Emissions from the IPU sector are negligible and the results are shown in Table 14.", + "Emissions from the POPs sector are negligible and the results are shown in Table 14. Table 14: GHG Emissions from the POPs Sector in Gg CO2.", + "ANNEXES Categories 2.A Mineral Industries 2.A.2 - Lime Production 2.C Metal Industries 2.C.1 - Steel and Iron Production Total UFP in Eq CO2 in Gg Figure 4: UFP Sector Emissions Agriculture and Livestock Sector Emissions from the agriculture and livestock sector come from domestic livestock and managed soils.", + "APPENDICES Categories 2.A Mineral Industries 2.A.2 - Lime Production 2.C Metal Industries 2.C.1 - Steel and Iron Production Total LUCF in Eq CO2 in Gg Chart 4: LUCF Sector Emissions Agriculture and Livestock Sector Emissions from the agriculture and livestock sector are from domestic livestock and managed soils. Table 15 and Chart 4 show GHG emission results from domestic livestock and managed soils.", + "Table 15 and Figure 4 show the results of GHG emissions from domestic livestock and managed soils. CO2 eq in Gg Years Figure 4: Emissions from Smurf PIP, NTC 2.A.2 - Lime Production 2.C.1 - Steel and Iron Production Table 15: CH4 emissions from domestic livestock in EqCO2 in Gg.", + "Eq CO2 in Gg Years Figure 4: Emissions from Smurf PIP, NTC 2.A.2 - Lime Production 2.C.1 - Steel and Iron Production Table 15: CH4 Emissions from Domestic Livestock in EqCO2 in Gg Domestic Livestock Subsector Categories Enteric Fermentation Manure Management Total Domestic Livestock Total Figure 5: Emissions from Domestic Livestock For managed soils, emissions from manure management systems are predominant.", + "Domestic Livestock Subsector Categories Enteric Fermentation Manure Management Total Domestic Livestock Total Graph 5: Emissions from the Domestic Livestock Sector For managed soils, emissions from manure management systems are predominant. Table 16 and Graph 5 show the status of CH4 emissions from managed soils as CO2 equivalent in Gg.", + "Table 16 and Figure 5 show the status of CH4 emissions from managed soils in Gg CO2 equivalent. Table 16: Emissions from managed soils in Gg CO2 eq.", + "Table 16: Emissions from Managed Soils in Eq CO2 in Gg Categories Crop Residue Grinding Rice Farming Manure Management System Crop Residue Grinding Net CO2 Application Total Managed Soil EqCO2 in Gg Years Chart:", + "Categories Crop residue crush Rice crop Manure management system Crop residue crush Net CO2 application Total managed soil Gg CO2 eq Years Chart: Emissions from the Domestic livestock subsector, NWT Enteric fermentation Manure management Chart 6: Emissions from managed soils Analysis of Table 16 shows that Eq CO2 emissions in Gg from the manure management system are high.", + "Enteric Fermentation Manure Management Graph 6: Emissions from Managed Soils Analysis of Table 16 shows that Eq CO2 emissions in Gg from the manure management system are high; this is an error in accounting for non-CO2 emissions from this manure management system.", + "This is due to an error in accounting for non-CO2 emissions from this manure management system, which is why the reliable results that can be considered in the agriculture sector are those found in Table 12. Forestry and other land uses (LULUCF) Table 17 and Chart 6 present the results of Burundi\u2019s 3rd national inventory for the LULUCF sector by distinguishing emissions and removals resulting from changes in the carbon stocks of the different reservoirs and land use changes.", + "Table 17: Summary of FAT Emissions/Absorption Results.", + "Sub-categories su sector FAT Emissions /removals of CO2 in Gg 2005 Emissions /removals of CO2 in Gg in 2010 Emissions /removals of CO2 in Gg in 2015 Forestry and other land uses (i) Forest land remaining forest land (ii) Cropland (iii) Cropland remaining cropland (iv) Land converted to cropland (v) Of which Forest land converted to cropland (vi) Of which Pastures converted to cropland (vii) Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 6: Emissions from the managed soils sub-sector, NTC.", + "Crop residue crushing Rice cultivation Manure management system Crop residue crushing Application of net CO2 emissions Peatlands remaining peat (viii) Harvested wood products (ix) FAT(i)=(ii)+(iii)+(viii)+(ix) ; Cultivated land= (iv)+(v)+(vi)+(vii).", + "Emissions and removals from the LULUCF sector The results show that the main source of emissions from the LULUCF sector is the conversion of pastures to cropland, which accounted for 75%, 74.2% and 70.7% respectively in 2005, 2010 and 2015.", + "Forest conversion ranks second with 22.5%, 24.1% and 27.5% of total sector emissions, respectively, while peatlands' contribution to FAT sector emissions remains low (around 2%).", + "As for absorptions, there was a decrease in absorption capacities of 32% between 2005 and 2010 and 48% between 2010 and 2015.", + "Emissions and removals from the LUCF sector Harvested wood products (ix) Peatlands remaining peatlands (viii) Of which Pastures converted to cropland (vii) Of which Forest land converted to cropland (vi) Land converted to cropland (v) Cropland remaining cropland (iv) Cropland (iii) Forest land remaining forestland (ii) Forestry and other land uses (i) Deforestation for the benefit of agriculture, habitat and public infrastructure.", + "These figures show that the data used to conduct the inventories do not reflect reality.", + "The evolution of GHG emissions from the LULUCF sector depends on the use of wood, whether for cooking or construction, which has an impact on forest degradation and the conversion of forest land to agriculture or construction.", + "Population is therefore one of the causes of the increased emissions from the LULUCF sector, while the increase in carbon sinks is in line with the increase in forest area and good forest ecosystem conservation and management practices.", + "On the other hand, the increase in carbon sinks is in line with the increase in forest area and good forest ecosystem conservation and management practices. Reforestation and combating the conversion of forest land and pasture for other speculation are important mitigation routes through the REDD+ process. Waste sector Table 18 and Figure 6 present the results of Burundi\u2019s 3rd national inventory from the waste sector.", + "Reforestation and combating the conversion of forest land and pasture for other speculation are important mitigation pathways through the REDD+ process. Waste Sector Table 18 and Figure 6 present the results of Burundi\u2019s 3rd national waste sector inventory. Table 18: Summary of GHG emissions from the waste sector Year Sources of emissions Emissions from solid waste landfills Emissions from domestic and commercial wastewater Emissions from industrial wastewater Total (in Gg) per Gas Total Emissions in EqCO2 in Gg Chart 8: Emissions from the waste sector Table 18 shows that emissions from the waste sector accounted for 10.88% in 2005, 7.22% in 2010 and 4.21% in 2015, respectively, compared to the total GHG emissions from the 3rd greenhouse gas inventory (See Table 12). 2.2", + "2.2 Mitigation Scenarios for the CBD 2020 2.2.1.", + "Indicator, Reference Year(s) and Target Year(s) Under the CBD 2020, the reference indicator is a quantitative GHG emission indicator for a Business as Usual (BAU) scenario incorporating all sectors of the 3rd National GHG Inventory and annually for 2 target years.", + "For an indicator defined against a baseline scenario, the target years are 2025 and 2030. The updated NCD will have a 10-year period spread over two periods. The first period will begin on 1 January 2021 and end on 31 December 2030 with an intermediate year of 2025.", + "The first period will begin on January 1, 2021 and end on December 31, 2030 with an intermediate year of 2025. The 2020 NCD defines two scenarios: the baseline scenario and the mitigation scenario.", + "The baseline scenario is Business As Usual (BAU), which corresponds to the trend in GHG emissions in the event that Burundi does not take any mitigation measures, while the mitigation scenario involves the implementation of actions contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions.", + "The selected baseline scenario is Business As Usual (BAU), which corresponds to the trend in GHG emissions in the event that Burundi does not take any mitigation measures, while the mitigation scenario involves the implementation of actions contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions. Two mitigation scenarios are distinguished: the unconditional objective scenario (achievable through Burundi\u2019s own resources) and the conditional objective scenario (achievable through support for international cooperation in accordance with Articles 9 and 6 of the Paris Agreement).", + "Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 8: Waste Sector Emissions Emissions from Industrial Wastewater Emissions from Domestic and Commercial Wastewater Emissions from Solid Waste Landfills The scope of the CBD 2020 projections covers the entire national territory of Burundi.", + "Eq CO2 in Gg Years Graph 8: Waste Sector Emissions Emissions from Industrial Wastewater Emissions from Domestic and Commercial Wastewater Emissions from Solid Waste Landfills The scope of the CDN 2020 projections covers the entire national territory of Burundi.", + "In particular, the FAO Cropland, Peat and Harvested Wood Sub-sectors, the Industrial Products and Product Uses (IPU) Sector, Transportation and the Waste Sector are now included in the target value calculation.", + "In particular, the sub-sectors of cultivated land, peatlands and harvested wood products of the FATF, the Industrial and Product Uses (IPU) sector, transport and the waste sector are now included in the target value calculation, which was not the case in the 2015 NDC and demonstrates an increase in Burundi\u2019s ambition.", + "This was not the case in the 2015 CBD and demonstrates an increase in Burundi\u2019s ambition. The sectors covered by the updated CBD are presented in Table 19.", + "The sectors covered by the updated NCD are presented in Table 19. Table 19 Sectors Accounted for Sectors Sub-sectors Gases Covered Energy and Transport Stationary Fuel Combustion Transport PIP Mineral Industries Metallurgical Industries AFAT Agriculture and Upgrading Forestry and Other Land Use Waste Solid and Liquid Waste Treatment For these sectors, all gases covered in the 3rd inventory are also taken into account in the calculation of the target value, namely CO2, CH4 and N2O.", + "Gases of HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3 were not included as they are not estimated in the 3rd National GHG Inventory.", + "UNFCCC 2020 takes into account Article 5 of the Paris Agreement on the Strengthening of GHG Sinks and Reservoirs as provided for in Article 4, paragraph 1 (d), of the Convention, including forests and the REDD+ mechanism.", + "Article 5, paragraph 1, invites Parties to take measures to conserve and strengthen carbon sinks.", + "Methodology for calculating emissions/removals from different scenarios The formula used to calculate avoided emissions per share is as follows: E=AD x EA where EA= activity data (AD) and EA= emission factor (EF) proposed by default for each gas and fuel by the IPCC 2006 LCAs.", + "The mitigation scenario is established by implementing mitigation actions to reduce GHG emissions, and the calculation of avoided emissions is done by subtracting the emissions calculated per mitigation action from the BAU emissions.", + "For the 2 mitigation scenarios, the approach was to calculate avoided emissions for the years 2025 and 2030, by selected action in the CDN for each sector, and then subtract these avoided emissions from the values of the sectoral baseline scenario.", + "For the 2 mitigation scenarios, the approach was to calculate the emissions avoided by 2025 and 2030, by selected action in the CDN for each sector, and then subtract these avoided emissions from the values of the sectoral baseline scenario. For conversion to CO2 equivalents, the Global Warming Potential (GWP) values corresponding to the 100-year period recommended in the second IPCC Assessment Report were applied.", + "For conversion to CO2 equivalents, the Global Warming Potential (GWP) values for the 100-year period recommended in the IPCC Second Assessment Report were applied, 21 for CH4 and 310 for N2O. 2.2.4. Baseline BAU.", + "These are 21 for CH4 and 310 for N2O. 2.2.4. Baseline BAU. The value of BAU emissions is likely to change as a result of methodological changes and improvements in the preparation of future greenhouse gas inventories.", + "The value of BAU emissions is likely to change as a result of methodological changes and improvements in the preparation of future greenhouse gas inventories. The BAU baseline scenario is established if no action is taken to implement policies, plans and strategies that can contribute to GHG mitigation.", + " Energy Sector Plans, Policies and Strategy The National Development Plan 2018-2027 is the basic document on which the development of the energy sector is based. GHG Emission Projection Assumptions and Parameters Projection assumptions are based on the population growth rate, economic growth (GDP), the country\u2019s policy and strategic directional measures for the country\u2019s socio-economic and environmental development.", + "GHG Impacts / BAU Scenario Table 21 presents historical and projected GHG emissions for the Energy Sector BAU scenario for 2025 and 2030.", + "Table 21 presents the historical and projected GHG emissions for the BAU scenario of the Energy Sector for 2025 and 2030. Table 20: GHG Emissions from the Energy Sector by the BAU scenario Gas Total Eq CO2 in Gg Source: TCN Chart 9: GHG Emissions from the Energy Sector Industrial Processes and Product Use Sector (IPPC) Plans, Policies and Strategies In addition to the Plans, Policies and Strategies common to all sectors (UNDP 2018-2027, Vision Burundi 2025, National Climate Change Policy), the Industrialization Policy is specific to the IPPC sector.", + "Projection Assumptions and Parameters The projection assumptions for the UPEI sector are based on economic growth and the rate of industrialization; the parameters are the quantities of lime used in tonnes, the quantities of iron and steel used in tonnes.", + "The parameters are the quantities of lime used in tonnes, the quantities of iron and steel used in tonnes. Emission factors have been taken into account as the emission calculation parameters. GHG Impact Emissions from the BAU scenario for the UPPER sector are shown in Table 22.", + "Emission factors have been taken into account as emission calculation parameters. GHG Impact Emissions from the BAU scenario for the LUCF sector are shown in Table 22. Table 21: Emissions in Gg CO2 eq in the BAU scenario for the LUCF sector GAS 2.A.2 - Lime Production 2.C.1 - Iron and Steel Production Total Eq CO2 in Gg Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 9: BAU GHG Emissions from the Energy Sector Chart 10: Emissions from the BAU scenario PIU Agriculture and Livestock Sector Plans, Policies and Strategies In addition to the Plans, Policies and Strategies common to all sectors (UNDP 2018-2027, Vision Burundi 2025, National Climate Change Policy), some Plans, Policies and Strategies are specific to the Agriculture Sector.", + "- Guidance Document for the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy (DOPEAE), - National Agricultural Investment Plan (NIAP) 2018-2022, - National Agricultural Strategy (SAN) 2018-2025, - Seed Subsidy Program, - Mineral Fertilizer Subsidy Program, - Vaccination Program against Major Domestic Animal Diseases, - Animal Artificial Insemination Program, - Livestock Rebuilding Program,", + "Assumptions and projection parameters As part of the 3rd National Climate Communication, the BAU scenario for the Agriculture sector was defined and emission projections to 2050 were made.", + "As with other sectors, the BAU baseline scenario is based on assumptions where no action is taken to implement these policies, plans or strategies that can mitigate emissions from domestic livestock and managed soils.", + "The projected parameters of the BAU scenario are related to changes in the numbers of cattle, goats and sheep for domestic livestock.", + "For managed soils, the parameters are related to the area of EqCO2 in Gg Years Chart 10: Emissions from scenario BAU PIUP 2.A.2 - Lime production 2.C.1 - Rice iron and steel seeded area, sugarcane harvested area, nitrogen fertilizer and urea used for managed soils.", + " GHG Impact Under the 2020 NCC, baseline scenario (BAU) emissions from the NCC Agriculture sector were selected for 2025 and 2030.", + "In this situation, the projection of emissions from 2005 to 2050 is shown in table 23.", + "Table 22: Projection of GHG emissions (Gg) from the Agriculture and Livestock Sector /BAU scenario in CO2e in Gg Graph 11: Emissions from the BAU scenario of the Agriculture Sector Forestry and Other Land Use (LULUCF) Sector, Plans, Strategies and Projects In addition to the Plans, Policies and Strategies common to all sectors (UNDP 2018-2027, Vision Burundi 2025, National Climate Change Policy), some Plans, Policies and Strategies are specific to the LULUCF Sector: Eq CO2 in Gg Years Graph 11: GHG emissions from dry agriculture - National REDD+ Strategy, - National Protocol on erosion control for the LULUCF Sector, assumptions and parameters As part of the 3rd National Communication, the", + "In the LULUCF sector, projection assumptions for the BAU scenario of emissions are based on a decrease in the rate of forest cover and an increase in the need for forest products for either construction or energy.", + "The BAU scenario is based on the non-implementation of policy measures leading to the control of deforestation and forest degradation and the strengthening of carbon stocks.", + "The projection parameters are based on population data, deforested and/or degraded forest area, wood consumption ratio, population and economic growth, and base year activity data.", + "As part of the 2020 NCD, the assumptions and parameters of the baseline scenario for the CNT FAT sector for 2025 and 2030 have been selected. Table 24 highlights input data that have an impact on the evolution of FAT emissions.", + "Table 24 highlights input data that have an impact on the evolution of GHG emissions from the LULUCF sector. Table 23: BAU scenario data by subcategories Subcategories Assumptions Parameters Forest area Conversion of forest land for speculation Reduced afforestation area and its effect on GHG emissions increase Illegal logging Idem Pastures Conversion of pasture land for agricultural or other uses Decrease in pasture area For forest area, the two assumptions in Table 27 show that these areas will decrease and pine and Callitris forests will be the most affected as shown in Table 25.", + "Table 24: Evolution of pine and Callitris Pine Callitris Total GHG Impacts As part of the 3rd National Communication (NCC), emissions from the BAU scenario of the FAT sector were projected on the basis of assumptions related to the conversion of forest land and pasture to other speculation.", + "Table 26 and Figure 12 present historical and projected GHG emissions for the BAU scenario of the FAT sector by 2030.", + "Table 26 and Figure 12 present historical and projected GHG emissions for the BAU scenario of the FAT sector by 2030.", + "Table 25: Evolution of FAT emissions / BAU scenario Year Emissions in Gg Figure 12: Emissions of the BAU / FAT scenario Waste sector, Plans, strategies and projects In addition to the Plans, Policies and Strategies common to all sectors (UNDP 2018-2027, Vision Burundi 2025, National Climate Change Policy, the National Remediation Policy and its 2025 strategy for the waste sector is specific to the Waste sector Assumptions and projection parameters In the context of the 3rd National Communication, the BAU scenario for the Waste sector has been defined and projections of sectoral emissions up to 2050 have been calculated.", + "Within the framework of CBD 2020, the assumptions and parameters of the baseline scenario for the NTC waste sector for 2025 and 2030 have been selected.", + "The projection assumptions are based on the rate of population growth, the national economy and urbanisation GHG impact In the context of the 3rd National Communication (TCN), emissions from the BAU scenario of the Waste sector were projected on the basis of the rate of economic growth; the increase in population and waste stocks.", + "Years Chart 12: BAU/FAT Scenario Emissions Table 27 and Figure 13 show historical GHG emissions (results of the 3rd National GHG Inventory and projected GHG emissions (results of the NTC) for the 2030 Waste Sector BAU scenario.", + "Table 26: Evolution of GHG Emissions from the BAU scenario for the Waste Sector Emissions CH4 emissions from industrial wastewater in Eq CO2 CH4 emissions from commercial and domestic wastewater in Eq CO2 CH4 emissions from solid wastewater in Eq CO2 CH4 emissions from domestic and commercial wastewater Total Source:", + "Summary of the BAU Scenario Table 28 and Figure 13 present historical GHG emissions (results from the 3rd National Inventory of) and projected GHG emissions (results from the NTC) for the BAU scenario for all sectors over 2025 and 2030, except the managed soils subsector of Agriculture.", + "Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 13: Scenario BAU emissions waste N2O emissions domestic and commercial wastewater CH4 emissions from solid waste in Eq CO2 CH4 emissions from commercial and domestic wastewater in Eq CO2 CH4 emissions from industrial wastewater in Eq CO2 Table 27: Scenario BAU emissions in Gg CO2eq for all sectors Sector Energy PIUP Agriculture and Elevation PFOS Waste Total with PFOS Total without PFOS Chart 14: Scenario BAU total emissions CO2 in Gg Years Chart 14: Scenario BAU total emissions Energy PIUP Agriculture and Elevation PFOS Waste 2.2.5.", + "Unconditional Scenario Energy Sector (excluding Transportation Sub-Sector) P&M, Mitigation Plans and Actions Selected A.", + "Energy Sector Outside Transport Subsector The National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, the National Climate Change Policy, the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, the three National Communications on Climate Change and the Policy Letter, as well as the Sectoral Strategy for the Energy Sector, provide for measures and technologies essential for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.", + "They emphasize the introduction of new technologies and measures aimed at improving the conditions for the production and use of non- or low-carbon energy sources as a substitute for the technologies currently in use.", + "Priority programs and projects include the construction of hydroelectric and solar power plants, the promotion of improved wood carbonization technologies, the promotion of improved wood-burning households in urban and rural areas, the promotion of biogas in schools and detention facilities, and the improvement of energy efficiency.", + "In the CBD 2020, several actions implementing these priority programmes with a mitigation impact are selected under the unconditional scenario and are described in Table 28.", + "Table 28: Actions selected for the unconditional energy scenario National priorities Objective IOV Actions Cost Start date End date Progress in March 2021 1- Increase hydroelectric power generation capacity 45,4 MW are installed Develop three hydroelectric power stations in Ruzibazi Mpanda MW), Number of MW installed for Ruzibazi, Kabu and Mpanda developed under the Public Private Partnership Develop RUVYI 102 and MULE HE Number of new functional hydroelectric power stations - New hydroelectric power generation capacity Develop cascading power stations on and SIGUVYAYE 300KW of the Karonke micro-power station Develop installed capacity micro-power station commissioned (private) Karonke 2- Increase photovoltaic power generation capacity are installed Develop Mubuga solar power station Installed capacity off-grid public utilities using photovoltaic solar power Electrify off-grid public utilities", + "Mubuga Solar Capacity Installed off-grid public facilities by solar photovoltaic power Electrified off-grid public facilities by solar photovoltaic power Number of facilities electrified use of biogas digesters in boarding schools to compensate for wood burning boarding schools are equipped with a biogas digester Building biogas digesters in boarding schools Number of facilities equipped with a biogas digester.", + "Source: Ministry of Hydraulics, Energy and Mines B. Transport subsector The national transport sector policies and strategies considered in the unconditional scenario are the National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, the National Strategy for Planning and Management of the Transport Sector 2018-2027, the sectoral policy of the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Equipment and the National Industrialization Policy.", + "The mitigation strategies outlined in these documents are primarily the promotion of electric vehicles, public transit by large buses and the development of pedestrian and bicycle paths.", + "In the 2020 CDN, the priority for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the Transport subsector is the development of public transit by large buses to reduce fuel consumption by private vehicles.", + "National priority for mitigation in the transport sub-sector National priority Target Cost D ) Monitoring and evaluation indicators Comments/considerations Start date End date Progress in March Improvement and increase in the fleet of large buses by Number of large buses acquired This action will contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions from passenger cars.", + "Priority Action Program (PAP, July 2018). Assumptions and projection parameters A. Energy sector outside Transport sub-sector.", + "Assumptions and projection parameters A. Non-transport energy sector Mitigation priorities are to implement less GHG-emitting technologies or fuels as a substitute for technologies or fuels that do not perform well in terms of mitigation, namely: - diesel thermal power plants for electricity generation, - firewood for cooking and lighting in rural households and charcoal for cooking energy in urban households.", + "Table 30 shows the parameters used to account for these emissions.", + "Table 30: Mitigation Priorities and Parameters for Accounting for Emissions No. Mitigation Priorities Emission Calculation Parameters Construction of Hydroelectric Power Plants - Generation Capacity of the Power Plant; - Number of Hours of Operation of the Power Plant - Equivalent of Annual Production in Tera Joule; - Emissions from a Diesel Thermal Power Plant of the same Capacity Construction of Solar Power Plants or Mini Solar Power Plants - Generation Capacity of the Power Plant; - Number of Hours of Operation of the Power Plant - Equivalent of Annual Production in Tera Joule - Emissions from a Diesel Thermal Power Plant of the same Capacity Promoting the Use of Biogas Digesters in Boarding Schools - Volume of Biogas Digester (50m3); - Energy Production in kWh of one m3 of a digester - Emissions from Wood to Produce", + "Energy in kWh of one m3 of a digester - Emissions from wood to produce the same energy for cooking B. Transportation Subsector IPCC Tools 2006 is used to quantify emissions from buses and emissions from cars to transport the same number of people over the same distance.", + "The avoided emissions are then calculated by the difference between the two.", + "Table 31: Mitigation Priorities and Emission Calculation Parameters for the Transport Subsector Mitigation Priorities Calculation Parameters Improvement and Increase in the Public Transit Fleet - Number of buses with 60 seats (200 buses in 2025 and 300 buses in 2030); - Bus fuel consumption (50l/100km); - Daily journey in km (28km/day); - Bus fuel per day in litre; - Annual bus fuel quantity in litre; - Number of passenger cars excluded from traffic; - Car consumption (10/100km) - Amount of fuel saved from consumption; - Annual amount of fuel saved from consumption Priorities Selected Amount of diesel not consumed as a result of the action (in TJ) EF (kg /GJ) Emissions in Gg Eq Source Improvement and increase in the public transit", + "Kg and NDP GHG Impact A. Energy Sector Outside Subsector Transport Emissions avoided under the mitigation scenario are equal to the default emission factors (Level 1) of the technology/substituted fuel multiplied by the energy consumption avoided as a result of the implementation of the actions.", + "Energy Non-Subsector Transportation Emissions avoided from the mitigation scenario are equal to the default emission factors (Level 1) of the technology/substituted fuel multiplied by the energy consumption avoided as a result of the implementation of the actions. IPCC Tools 2006 quantified these avoided emissions by entering activity data for each project in relation to the practice that was in place.", + "The IPCC Tools 2006 software was used to quantify these avoidable emissions by entering activity data for each project in relation to existing practice, and this methodology was applied to all actions selected in the CND 2020.", + "This methodology has been applied to all the actions selected in the 2020 CDN. Table 32 presents the avoided GHG emissions in the Energy (non-transport) sector for the years 2025 and 2030.", + "Table 32 presents the GHG emissions avoided in the Energy (non-transport) sector for the years 2025 and 2030. Table 32: Emissions avoided by national priorities National priorities Priorities selected Emissions avoided in 1.Increase hydroelectric power generation capacity Develop Ruzibazi hydroelectric power station (15MW), Kabu hydroelectric power station 20MW and Mpanda hydroelectric power station Develop RUVYI 102 and MULE 037 hydroelectric power stations Develop cascading power stations on DAMA (8.8MW) and SIGUVYAYE Develop Karonke micro-power station (300KW) 2.Increase photovoltaic power generation capacity Develop Mubuga solar power station (7.5MW) Electrify off-grid public facilities with photovoltaic solar power Use biogas digesters in boarding schools Construct biogas digesters at 20 electrical facilities Total B. Subsector Transport Table 33 present", + "Total B. Transportation Subsector Table 33 presents the GHG emissions avoided in the Transportation subsector for 2025 and 2030.", + "Table 33: Avoided Emissions Gases (Mg) (Mg) N2O (Mg) Total Eq CO2 in Gg Emissions from Buses Emissions from Off-Road Vehicles Avoided Emissions Eq CO2 in Gg Industrial Processes and Product Uses (IPU) Sector", + "Industrial Processes and Product Uses (IPU) Sector A&M, Selected Mitigation Plans and Actions In the IPU sector, no action is prioritized in the updated NCD to reduce emissions by unconditional objective due to the lack of well-defined indicators; however, plans and policies and strategies exist that can contribute to reducing emissions in this sector.", + "However, plans and policies and strategies exist that can contribute to reducing emissions in this sector. Assumptions and projection parameters As there are no unconditional target actions to be included in the CBD 2020, assumptions and projection parameters are not required. GHG impacts.", + "Projection Assumptions and Parameters As there are no unconditional objective actions to be included in the CBD 2020, projection assumptions and parameters are not required. GHG Impact. The CBD 2020 does not include actions to mitigate emissions from the POPs sector but is accounted for in the OAU.", + "The 2020 CDN does not include actions to mitigate emissions from the IPPC sector but is accounted for in the OAU. Agriculture Sector The Department of Agriculture and Livestock has developed an Environmental, Agriculture and Livestock Policy Guidance Document based on the NDP 2018-2027 and the NIP 2018-2022.", + "The latter is based on the NDP 2018-2027 and the NIP 2018-2022. In order to implement these strategic measures contained in these documents, the Department is considering a national permanently stable livestock policy. However, no action to support this policy is included in the conditional objective. Forestry and Other Land Use Sector", + "However, no action to support this policy is included in the conditional objective. Forestry and other land use sector Mitigation plans, strategies and actions selected Burundi has developed mitigation plans and strategies that may have an impact in relation to the LULUCF sector, either by reducing GHG emissions from the forest sector through good forest resource management practices or by increasing GHG sinks.", + "Selected mitigation plans, strategies and actions Burundi has developed plans and strategies that may have an impact in terms of mitigation in relation to the LUCF sector, by reducing GHG emissions from the forest sector through good forest resource management practices or by increasing GHG sinks. The most important are: - The National Development Plan 2018-2027, which, in its strategic orientation 3, envisages environmental protection, adaptation to climate change and improvement of spatial planning.", + "The most important are the following: - The National Development Plan 2018-2027 which, in its strategic orientation 3, envisages the protection of the environment, adaptation to climate change and improvement of spatial planning; - The Guidance Document for the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy; - The National Forestry Policy which, in its specific objective 2, envisages increasing the rate of forest cover to 20% by 2025; - The National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, (+) the role of the Conservation of Forest Ecosystems and Sustainable Forest Management as well as the improvement of carbon stocks; - The National Climate Change Policy which, in its axis 2, envisages the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and low-carbon development; etc.", + "These plans, policies and strategies have been considered to define the actions of the FAT sector to be selected under the unconditional scenario of the CBD 2020. Thus, two priority actions selected in the CBD 2020 for the unconditional scenario are shown in Table 34.", + "Thus, two priority actions selected in the CND 2020 for the unconditional scenario are shown in Table 34. Table 34: Priority actions selected by unconditional objective Priority strategies Objective Actions Cost D Start date End date Progress in 2021. rural forestry Increase forest cover to 15.74%, i.e. increase forest cover by ha Produce and plant on 53.340 ha at a rate of 5334 ha/year from 2021 to 2030. bamboo industry in Burundi bamboo mills created in ten years at a rate of 250 ha/year.", + "Protect river banks by planting 2,500 ha of bamboo at a rate of 250 ha/year from 2021 to 2030. Source of actions: DOPEAE, TCNCC and PND 2018-2027 Burundi. Assumptions and projection parameters For the FAT sector, the input parameters of the 2 selected actions are presented in Table 37.", + "Assumptions and projection parameters For the FAT sector, the input parameters of the 2 selected actions are presented in Table 37. The figures in terms of areas are recorded in the DOPEAE and were validated by the workshops held in Muramvya on 21 and 22 July 2021 and in Ngozi on 6 and 7 July 2021.", + "Area figures are recorded in the DOPEAE and were validated by workshops held in Muramvya on 21 and 22 July 2021 and in Ngozi on 6 and 7 July 2021. Table 35 Priority actions selected by unconditional objective Actions Area planted per year (ha) Area planted cumulatively in 2025 (ha) Area planted cumulatively in 2030 (ha) Source of figures Development of rural forestry (reforestation of 53340 ha over 10 years) Area validation workshops Development of the bamboo sector Total", + "Priority Actions Selected by Unconditional Goal Actions Area planted per year (ha) Area planted cumulatively in 2025 (ha) Area planted cumulatively in 2030 (ha) Source of figures Rural forestry development (reforestation of 53340 ha over 10 years) Area validation workshops Development of the bamboo sector Total GHG impact The Tier 1 methodology of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines was used to calculate the additional GHG removals resulting from the mitigation actions selected under the unconditional scenario.", + "GHG Impact The Tier 1 methodology of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines was used to calculate additional GHG removals from mitigation actions under the unconditional scenario by multiplying activity data by removal factors.", + "It consists of multiplying the activity data by the removal factors. To calculate removals, the afforestation areas were considered as activity data. IPCC 2006 software was then used to calculate these removals. Table 42 shows the removals in 2025 and 2030 in Eq CO2 in Gg.", + "Table 42 shows the results of removals in 2025 and 2030 in Eq CO2 in Gg. Table 36: Results of removals from the forestry sector in EqCO2 in Gg Shares Removals in Eq CO2 in Gg Woodlots 53340ha in 2030 at a rate of 5334 ha /year from 2021.", + "Table 36: Outputs of forest sector removals in EqCO2 in Gg Actions EqCO2 removals in Gg Timber 53340ha in 2030 at a rate of 5334ha/year from 2021. Protect river banks with bamboo plantation on 2500ha in 2030 at a rate of 250ha/year from 2021. Total", + "Protect river banks by planting 2500ha of bamboo in 2030 at a rate of 250ha/year from 2021. Total Waste Sector", + "Total Waste Sector Selected mitigation plans, strategies and actions The National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, the national sanitation policy, the national climate change adaptation plan, the National Communications on Climate Change, etc., provide for actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from the waste sector.", + "Selected mitigation plans, strategies and actions The National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, the national sanitation policy, the national climate change adaptation plan, the National Communications on Climate Change, etc., provide for actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from the waste sector. However, under the CDN 2020, no action is envisaged due to the lack of reliable data on waste quantification and landfill sites are not known, with the exception of a few sites identified in the third greenhouse gas inventory in the city of Bujumbura.", + "However, no action is envisaged under the CBD 2020 due to the lack of reliable data on waste quantification and landfill sites are unknown, with the exception of a few sites identified in the third greenhouse gas inventory in the city of Bujumbura. Assumptions and projection parameters As no action is envisaged by unconditional scenario in the CBD 2020, assumptions and projection parameters are not necessary.", + "Projection Assumptions and Parameters As there are no unconditional scenario actions foreseen in the CBD 2020, projection assumptions and parameters are not required GHG Impact No priority has been identified for an unconditional objective.", + "GHG Impact No priority has been selected for an unconditional objective. Consequently, the waste sector has no impacts in terms of GHG emission reductions, Target Definition The unconditional scenario target is a national emission reduction of 1.58% from the BAU scenario by 2025 and 3.04% by 2030. Methodology The methodology for calculating the target at the sector level is to first add emissions avoided or absorbed from all priority sector actions.", + "The value of the national target in CO2 equivalent in Gg by unconditional objective corresponds to the sum of emissions / removals resulting from the implementation of priority actions in all sectors.", + "In percentage terms, the target value is the ratio of the sum of the sectoral emissions of the unconditional scenario to the sum of the sectoral emissions of the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario. The % value of the \"C\" target is expressed by the following equation: X/Y*100. Where X= \u2211 of the sectoral emissions of the unconditional scenario in EqCO2 in Gg.", + "Where X= \u2211 of the unconditional scenario sectoral emissions in EqCO2 in Gg. Y = \u2211 of the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario sectoral emissions in EqCO2 in Gg. Summary of Avoided Emissions and Complementary Absorptions The summary of avoided emissions and removals in all sectors is presented in Table 37.", + "Y = \u2211 of Business As Usual (BAU) scenario sectoral emissions in EqCO2 in Gg Summary of avoided emissions and additional removals A summary of avoided emissions and removals in all sectors can be found in Table 37. Table 37: Summary of avoided emissions and additional removals GHG avoided emissions (in Gg Eq CO2) GHG avoided emissions (in Gg Eq CO2) Sectors 1.", + "Table 37: Summary of Emissions Avoided and Additional Absorptions GHG Emissions Avoided (in Gg Eq CO2) GHG Emissions Avoided (in Gg Eq CO2) Sectors 1.", + "Non-transportation Energy Total Emissions with Absorptions Total Emissions without Absorptions Target Value as a Percentage Table 38: Target Value by Unconditional Target Unconditional Target Unconditional Mitigation Scenario BAU Scenario % Mitigation It should be noted that the calculation of the target by unconditional target is non-absorption. 2.2.6.", + "Percentage Target Value Table 38: Target Value by Unconditional Target Unconditional Target Unconditional Mitigation Scenario BAU Scenario % Mitigation It should be noted that the calculation of the target by unconditional target is out of absorption. 2.2.6. Other Impacts The actions selected in the unconditional target scenario have health impacts primarily by reducing diseases from smoke from wood burning, air pollution from gaseous emissions from vehicles.", + "Other impacts The actions selected in the unconditional objective scenario have health impacts mainly by reducing diseases resulting from smoke from wood burning, air pollution by gases from vehicle emissions. Other impacts on the improvement of living conditions are important due to increased access to electricity, in particular the growth of household incomes through job creation and modernisation, as well as diversification of income-generating activities.", + "Other impacts on improving living conditions are significant through increased access to electricity, including increased household incomes through job creation and modernisation, and diversification of income-generating activities, as well as positive spillovers on biodiversity conservation, including soil conservation, increased water availability, etc. 2.2.7.", + "They also have a positive impact on the conservation of biodiversity, including soil conservation, increasing water availability, etc. 2.2.7. Conditional scenario Energy sector R&D, priority plans and actions selected The policies and strategies cited above for the unconditional scenario are also valid for the conditional scenario.", + "P&M, Plans and Priority Actions Selected The policies and strategies mentioned above for the unconditional scenario are also valid for the conditional scenario.", + "Actions in the energy sector conditional scenario, which differ from those in the unconditional scenario, focus on the construction of hydroelectric power stations, the construction and rehabilitation of transmission and distribution lines for national electricity and the promotion of renewable energies.", + "Some actions whose implementation depends on international funds are additional to those foreseen in the unconditional scenario. They are accounted for separately from those foreseen in the unconditional scenario. Those selected for the energy sector are shown in Table 39.", + "National priorities in the energy sector Selected actions/projects Target Activities IOV Costs USD Start Date End Date Status Increase hydroelectric power generation capacity MW are installed Construct three hydroelectric power stations: Jiji \u2013 Mulembwe; -Number of new hydroelectric power stations 2018 Jiji \u2013 Mulembw e; 2021 Rusumo Falls Rusumo Falls and Kirasa MW) Functional - New hydroelectric power generation capacity and Construct the Ruzizi III hydroelectric power station (147 MW) i.e. 49MW for Burundi Four micro-power stations are constructed and put into operation Construct four waga, Gikuka, Moyovozi, Nyamvyondo power stations Electrify the country\u2019s main centres- communes are electrified Construct electricity lines to serve the country\u2019s unelectrified centres Number of main centres", + "Build electricity lines to serve the country\u2019s unelectrified centres Number of electrified community centres Promote renewable energy in rural areas through the Nyakiriza and Umucowiteramb er sun projects Inland centres are electrified by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar network", + "Enhanced Homes Installed Multi-Service Solar Platforms Installed Multi-Service Solar Platforms Number of Multi-Service Solar Platforms Enhanced Homes in Schools in School Canteen are installed Enhanced Homes in Schools in School Canteen Number of Enhanced Homes constructed Support the production and extension of Enhanced Homes Enhanced homes are used by rural households for cooking.", + "Strengthen the capacity of improved stove technicians and organize improved stove exhibitions to develop new markets and establish contact with potential customers Number of rural households using improved stoves for cooking.", + "Towards urban households using improved households for cooking Towards rural households using improved households for cooking Towards rural households using improved households for cooking Towards rural households using improved households for cooking Towards rural households using improved households for cooking Towards rural households using improved households for cooking Towards rural households using improved households for cooking Towards rural households using improved households for cooking Towards rural households using improved households for cooking Towards rural households using improved households for cooking Towards rural households using improved households for cooking Towards rural households using improved households for cooking Towards rural households using improved households for cooking Towards rural households using improved households for cooking Towards rural households using improved households for cooking Toward", + "Number of rural households using improved cooking stoves From within households Number of urban households using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves Number of urban households using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves Number of urban households using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves Number of urban households using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves using improved cooking stoves", + "Construction and equipment of solar panel assembly and production plant capable of producing solar panels Construction and equipment of solar panel assembly and production plant capable of producing solar panels Capacity of panels produced Energy supply of rural peace villages by solar photovoltaic systems Energy supply of peace villages by solar photovoltaic systems Number of peace villages electrified by solar system Total", + "Projection Assumptions and Parameters The calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from different energy sources is based on parameters such as population, technologies or measures adopted, lifestyle of the population and emission factors of the fuels used.", + "The quantity of emissions is equal to the emission factors that are multiplied by the energy values. IPCC Tools 2006 made it possible to quantify avoidable emissions by entering activity data for each action relative to the practice that was in place.", + "The IPCC Tools 2006 software made it possible to quantify avoidable emissions by entering activity data for each action in relation to existing practice, and this methodology was applied to all actions identified in the 2015 update of the CBD.", + "This methodology has been applied to all actions identified in the 2015 update of the CBD. Table 47 shows the parameters used for the accounting of these emissions.", + "Table 47 shows the parameters used for the accounting of these emissions. Table 40: Parameters for the accounting of emissions No. Technologies implemented Emission calculation parameters Construction of hydroelectric power plants - Generation capacity of the power plant; - Number of hours of operation of the power plant per year (4000 hours); - Equivalent of annual production in T\u00e9ra joule; - Emissions emitted by a diesel thermal power plant of the same capacity Construction of solar power plants or mini-solar networks - Generation capacity of the power plant; - Number of hours of operation of the power plant per year (1200 hours); - Equivalent of annual production in T\u00e9ra joule - Emissions emitted by a diesel thermal power plant of the same capacity Electrifying the 28 headquarters of municipalities in the interior of the country - Project beneficiary population; - Average annual consumption per", + "- Average annual consumption per habitat - The amount of oil used to produce the same amount of energy for lighting; Use of solar kits in households - Total power of solar kits (491.28kW); - Average annual energy production in kWh; - The amount of oil used to produce the same amount of energy for lighting Installing solar energy in health and school facilities - Total power installed in the solar and health facility (1820kw for health and 1816kw for schools); - Number of operating hours per day (4h); - Average annual energy production; - The amount of diesel used to produce the same amount of energy; Build improved homes in households - Projections of total population (13604766 in 2025 and 2030 14882591 in 2030 according to ISTEEBU data, - Projections of rural population (12230685 in 2025 and - Projections of urban population (1374081 in 2025 and - Household size", + "- Projections of rural population (12230685 in 2025 and - Projections of urban population (1374081 in 2025 and - Household size); - Average quantity of wood consumed per day and per person (2.93kg); - Average quantity of coal consumed per day and per person (0.68); - Quantity of energy generated per kilo of wood (4.5kWh) - Quantity of energy generated per kilo of coal - Proportion of the population using wood and wood coal.", + "Coal is used in urban areas and wood in rural areas.", + "- Performance of improved homes (20%) Install multi-service solar platforms - Total power of multi-service solar platforms; - Number of hours of operation per day (4 hours); - Average annual energy production; - The amount of diesel used to produce the same amount of energy Construct improved homes in schools in school canteen - Number of stoves consumed per year (800); - Number of kilos per stove (600kg); - The amount of energy generated per kilo of wood (4.5kWh) - Performance of improved homes (20%) Construct and equip the assembly and production plant of photovoltaic solar panels capable of - Total annual production capacity per year; - The amount of oil used to produce the same amount of energy Electrify rural peace villages by photovoltaic solar systems - Average number of households in peace villages - Average household size (5 persons); - Consumption", + "Photovoltaic solar - Average number of households in peace villages - Average household size (5 persons); - Average energy consumption per person per day (30kWh/habitat/day); - The amount of oil used to produce the same amount of energy Construct a thermal power plant based on municipal waste: Bujumbura - Waste quantity/person/year (kg/person/year) - Population projection in Bujumbura City Hall: - Annual waste quantities (tonnes); - Fermentable waste (57%) - Energy waste quantity (25000tonnes/MW); - Annual production (MWh); - Annual production (TJ) GHG impact Table 41: Emissions avoided by actions identified in the energy sector Emissions avoided in Gg Eq CO2 Actions/projects retained Activity target IOV USD hydro", + "MW) -Number of new functional hydropower plants -New hydropower production capacity Develop the Ruzizi III hydropower plant (147 MW) or 49MW for Burundi micro-power plant are built and put into operation Develop four 4 sites of waga, Gikuka, Moyovozi, Nyamvyondo power centers of the country municipalities are electrified build electricity lines serving the and centers not yet Number of municipalities electrified electrified country renewable energy in rural areas by the Nyakiriza and Umucowitera mbere solar projects 48 centers in the interior of the country are electrified by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 centers in the interior of the country by the Number of electrified centers households of solar equipment distribute solar kits to rural (capacity Number of households that have received solar kits health institutions will be electrified for solar", + "Schools will be electrified for solar energy Install energy in school health facilities Number of school electrified households are equipped with improved homes Build improved homes in rural households Number of households that have received improved multi-service solar homes installed Install multi-service solar platforms Number of multi-service solar platforms improved homes in schools in school canteens are installed Build improved homes in schools in school canteens Number of improved homes constructed Production and extension of improved homes in rural households use improved homes for cooking.", + "Strengthen the capacity of improved fireplace technicians and organize the number of rural households that use improved fireplaces for cooking.", + "Enhanced Household Exhibitions to develop new markets and establish contact with potential customers Urban households use Enhanced Households for Cooking Manufacture and sell Enhanced Households to rural population in 2025 Number of urban households using Enhanced Households for Cooking.", + "Manufacture and sell improved homes to rural population by 2030 Number of rural households using improved homes for cooking.", + "Manufacture and sell improved homes to rural population in 2030 Number of rural households using improved homes for cooking. urban households using improved homes for cooking Manufacture and sell improved homes to urban population in 2030 Number of urban households using improved homes for cooking. 5.", + "Urban households use improved cooking stoves Manufacture and sell improved cooking stoves to urban population by 2030 Number of urban households using improved cooking stoves 5. Construction and equipment of photovoltaic solar panel assembly and production plant capable of producing 48MW of photovoltaic panels by 2025 Construction and equipment of photovoltaic solar panel assembly and production plant Capacity of solar panels produced by rural peace villages by systems 27 peace villages supplied with energy by solar systems Install photovoltaic solar systems Number of peace villages electrified by photovoltaic solar solar system Photovoltaic solar thermal power plant based on municipal waste: and 8.38MW produced Construct the plant Install capacity Total Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPU). P&M,", + "8.38 MW are produced Construct the plant Install capacity Total Industrial Processes and Product Utilization (IPU) R&D, Plans and Priority Actions Selected The national policies, plans and strategies selected in the conditional scenarios are the same as those selected for the unconditional scenario.", + "Table 43 shows the priority actions of the sector. Table 42: Priority actions of the IPUP sector Priority actions Targets Activities Monitoring indicators Costs Start year End date of Support for the Development of Research and Innovation in the Industrial Sector \"PADRI in acronym\".", + "Priority Actions for the UPEI Sector Priority Actions Targets Activities Follow-up Indicators Costs Start Year End Date of Support for the Development of Research and Innovation in the Industrial Sector Support for Innovative Industries Revitalizing Emerging Industries and Support for Existing Industries Number of Industries Total Source:", + "Innovative Industries Revitalizing Emerging Industries and Supporting Existing Industries Number of Industries Total Source: NCCTC Projection Assumptions and Parameters Projection assumptions relate to the economy (GDP), the purchasing power of populations to supply lime for agriculture, and concrete and steel for construction.", + "Projection Assumptions and Parameters Projection assumptions relate to the economy (GDP), the purchasing power of populations to supply lime for agriculture and concrete and steel for construction. Projection parameters are the quantities of lime, iron and steel. Other parameters are emission factors.", + "The projection parameters are the quantities of lime, iron and steel. Other parameters are emission factors. To calculate emissions from lime production, the formula is C(tonne of CO2) =AXB, Conversion to Gg of CO2 D=C/103 These parameters are: A: Quantity of lime produced in tonnes: 1908 Tonnes in 2015.", + "To calculate emissions from lime production, the formula is C(tonne of CO2) =AXB, Conversion to Gg of CO2 D=C/103 These parameters are: A: Quantity of lime produced in tonnes: 1908 tonnes in 2015. B: Emission factors by type of lime produced (tonne of CO2/tonne of lime produced): 0.75. Mitigation Impacts.", + "B: Emission factors by type of lime produced (tonnes of CO2/tonnes of lime produced): 0.75. Impacts in terms of mitigation Since the Inventory experts did not have field data, mitigation actions were calculated by reducing emissions from the 2015 inventory by 3% every 5 years, i.e. a 2% reduction from the baseline scenario.", + "As inventory experts did not have field data, mitigation actions were calculated by reducing emissions from the 2015 inventory by 3% every 5 years, i.e. a 2% reduction from the baseline scenario. Table 43:", + "Table 43: Emissions avoided by action identified Year Support the development of Research and Innovation in the industrial sector \"PADRI en sigle\" Agriculture Sector R&D, priority plans and actions selected.", + "Agriculture Sector A&M, Plans and Priority Actions Selected The Department of Agriculture and Livestock has developed an Environmental, Agriculture and Livestock Policy Guidance Document based on the NDP 2018-2027 and the NIP 2018-2022.", + "The latter is based on the NDP 2018-2027 and the NIP 2018-2022. To implement these strategic measures contained in these documents, the Department is considering a national policy for permanently stable livestock.", + "In order to implement these strategic measures contained in these documents, the Department is considering a national permanently stable livestock policy, which will build on agro sylvo and zootechnical systems that increase livestock feed by increasing the area under forage crops, silage, and organic fume by composting.", + "The success of this policy will be based on agro-sylvo-zoo systems that increase livestock feed by increasing the area of forage crops, silage and organic fume by composting, and improved feed composition by adopting agro-sylvo-zoo integration systems has been identified as a national priority.", + "For example, the improvement of the composition of feedingstuffs by adopting agro sylvo-zoo integration systems has been identified as a national priority. Table 45 shows the priority action to be carried out, the cost of the action and the timetable. Table 44:", + "Table 45 shows the priority action to be carried out, the cost of the action and the timetable. Table 44: Priority action in the agriculture sector Priority strategies Objective Actions Cost Start date End date Statusm ent 2021.", + "Priority strategies Objective Actions Cost Start date End date State of playm ent 2021 Improve feed composition by adopting agro sylvo zootechnical integration systems Improve livestock feed in permanent storage and reduce emissions from managed soils.", + "Improve feed composition by adopting agro sylvo and zootechnical integration systems Improve permanently stable feed and reduce emissions from managed soils Improve feed composition Ongoing Assumptions and projection parameters", + "Improving Feed Composition Ongoing Assumptions and Projection Parameters. The parameters for the agricultural sector are based on the projected population in 2025 and 2030 by species. The population of these animals is shown in Table 45. Table 45:", + "The number of these animals is shown in Table 45. Table 45: Number of animals by species Species (T) Number of heads N(T) in 2025 Number of heads N(T) in 2030 Dairy cows Other cattle Sheep Goats Pigs Total The formula for calculating emissions is as follows: CH4= N(T)*EF(T)*10^-6 where (T): category or species;N(T): number of heads, EF: emission factor, CH4: total CH4 emissions.", + "Species (T) Number of heads N(T) in 2025 Number of heads N(T) in 2030 Dairy cows Other cattle Sheep Goats Pigs Total The formula for calculating emissions is as follows: CH4= N(T)*EF(T)*10^-6 where (T): Category or species;N(T): number of heads, EF: emission factor, CH4: total CH4 emissions The emission factor for each animal category is shown in Table 48.", + "The emission factor for each animal category can be found in Table 48. Table 46: Emission factor for each animal Species (T) Dairy cows Other cattle Sheep Goats Pigs", + "Species (T) Dairy cows Other cattle Sheep Goats Pigs GHG impacts Table 47: Impacts of the action in terms of GHG emission reductions Emissions avoided in Gg Eq CO2 Priority actions/projects Target Improve the composition of feedingstuffs by adopting agro sylvo-zoological integration systems Reduce enteric fermentation emissions in 2025 and 2030 by 3% from 2015 ( 22.6Gg of Sector Forestry and other Land use R&D, plans and priority actions selected.", + "The national policies, plans and strategies selected for the conditional scenarios are the same as those selected for the unconditional scenario, and the implementation of these policies, plans and strategies will be reflected in the national priorities in Table 48.", + "The implementation of these policies, plans and strategies will be reflected in the national priorities set out in Table 48. Table 48: National priorities in the FAT sector Priority actions/projects Target Activities IOV USD Start date End date State of progress of rural forestry Increase forest cover by 2027 (UNDP) Establish forest and agroforestry plantations on 106.680 ha at a rate of 10668 ha/year from 2021 Areas created Degraded environments in the Mumirwa and Bugesera ha forests created and/or restored and ha watersheds protected from erosion Establish forest and agroforestry plantations on 22375 ha at a rate of 2275.5 ha/year from 2021 Number of ha planted with bamboo trees planted in ten years Planting along rivers, around water sources", + "Planting along rivers, around water sources and on farms in 2030 at a rate of 2250 ha from 2021.", + "Number of ha planted for Moringa cultivation 10 ha/region created and cut/household distributed to half of Burundian households ha/year Establish Moringa plantations on 4280 ha at a rate of 428 ha/year from 2021 Number of ha planted TOTAL Assumptions and projection parameters.", + "Number of ha installed TOTAL Projection assumptions and parameters. In the LULUCF sector, projection assumptions for GHG emissions up to 2050 are based on changes in forest area. Projection parameters are areas of forest and/or agroforestry plantations created. GHG impacts.", + "The projection parameters are the areas of forest plantations and/or agroforestry created. GHG impacts Table 49: Impacts by actions in the FAT sector Emissions in Gg Eq CO2 Priority actions/projects Target 1.Develop rural forestry Target 160.000 ha of forested areas created 2.Rehabilitation project for degraded environments in the Congo Basin and Bugesera 9000 ha of forested areas created or restored and 18000 ha of watersheds protected against erosion bamboo sector development in Burundi bambousseraie ha created per year 4.Development of Moringa culture 10 ha/region created and 5 cuttings/household distributed to half of Burundian households ( Total Waste sector.", + "In terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the project contributes doubly by avoiding emissions from waste in landfills (Waste Sector) and emissions from the diesel thermal power plant (Energy Sector). R&D, Plans and Priority Actions Selected.", + "The National Development Plan for Burundi 2018-2027 and the National Remediation Policy will serve as the reference for the unconditional scenario. In this conditional scenario, the priority objectives are the remediation of urban centres. The priority action selected is shown in Table 50.", + "In this conditional scenario, the priority objectives are the remediation of urban centres. The priority action selected is shown in Table 50. Table 50: Priority actions identified Priority actions Target Activity IOV Cost x 1000USD Construct a thermal power plant Construct a thermal power plant Production capacity based on municipal waste: Bujumbura based on municipal waste Assumptions and projection parameters.", + "Table 50: Priority actions identified Priority actions Target Activity IOV Cost x 1000USD Construct a thermal power plant Construct a thermal power plant Production capacity based on municipal waste: Bujumbura based on municipal waste Projection assumptions and parameters The projection assumptions are based on economic growth (GDP), population growth and urbanisation rate.", + "The projection assumptions are based on economic growth (GDP), population growth and the rate of urbanization, and the projection parameters are shown in Table 51.", + "The projection parameters can be found in Table 51. Table 51: Parameters for the waste sector Projects Parameters: waste sector Building a thermal power plant based on municipal waste in the city of Bujumbura - Projection of the population in the Bujumbura town hall: - Quantity of waste/person/year (kg/pers/year) - methane correction factor (%) :46 - DOCF: 50% - Delay time (months):6 - Emissions from waste in the landfill; - Emissions from the biogas plant Impact in terms of GHGs Table 52: Impacts by action of the waste sector Emissions in Gg Eq CO2 Action Target Building a thermal power plant based on municipal waste: Conditions for achieving these objectives Actions have been identified in all sectors.", + "The cost of implementation is estimated at US$1,689,102 and requires the commitment of all stakeholders.", + "The Parties to the Paris Agreement listed in Annex I shall support Burundi by providing the necessary funding for the implementation of the programmes identified in accordance with Article 9 of the Paris Agreement.", + "The Parties to the Paris Agreement listed in Annex I shall support Burundi by providing the necessary funding for the implementation of the programmes identified in accordance with Article 9 of the Paris Agreement.", + "The Technical and Financial Partners are called upon to accompany Burundi in the implementation of the actions identified. Since the implementation of certain actions requires technical expertise, capacity-building in the various areas of intervention is essential.", + "Since the implementation of certain actions requires technical expertise, capacity-building in the various areas of intervention is essential, in order to strengthen the capacities of all those involved in the transfer of knowledge for the acquisition of financing and the transfer of technologies.", + "The objective is to build the capacity of all stakeholders in knowledge transfer for financing and technology transfer. Achieving results will depend on the establishment of a robust implementation mechanism that builds on existing institutional, legislative and financial arrangements.", + "The achievement of results will depend on the establishment of a robust implementation mechanism that builds on existing institutional, legislative and financial arrangements, which must be strengthened to be operational and effective. The involvement of all stakeholders is essential for the achievement of the expected results.", + "The involvement of all stakeholders is essential for achieving the expected results, and gender and social inclusion are encouraged.", + "Gender and social inclusion are encouraged. The achievement of these actions identified by conditional objective will give a boost to the socio-economic and environmental development of our country. Definition of the target The target of the conditional scenario is to reduce national emissions by 11% compared to the BAU scenario by 2025 and by 13% compared to the BAU scenario by 2030. Method of calculation The methodology for calculating the target at the level of each sector is to first add the emissions avoided or absorbed from all priority actions in the sector.", + "The value of the national target in CO2 equivalent in Gg by conditional objective corresponds to the sum of emissions/removals resulting from the implementation of priority actions in all sectors.", + "In percentage terms, the target value is the ratio of the sum of the sectoral emissions in the conditional scenario to the sum of the sectoral emissions in the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario.", + "The value of the % target \"C\" is expressed by the following equation: X/Y*100. Where X= \u2211 of the conditional scenario sectoral emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg.", + "Where X= \u2211 of the conditional scenario sectoral emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg. Y = \u2211 of the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario sectoral emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg. Summary of avoided emissions and removals A summary of avoided emissions and removals in all sectors is provided in Table 53.", + "Y = \u2211 of Business As Usual (BAU) scenario sectoral emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg Summary of avoided emissions and removals A summary of avoided emissions and removals in all sectors can be found in Table 53. Table 53: Summary of avoided emissions and removals of GHGs.", + "Table 53: Summary of GHG Avoided Emissions and Removals GHG Avoided Emissions in Gg GHG Avoided Emissions in Gg Eq CO2 Sector s 1.Energy and Transportation 4.Forestry and Agroforestry Total Emissions with Removals Total Emissions without Removals NB:", + "PERCENTAGE TARGET VALUE The percentage target value is 12.61% in 2030 and 11.40 in 2025 and these values represent reductions in greenhouse gas emissions of 864.39 Eq CO2 per Gg in 2030 and 735.78 Eq CO2 per Gg in 2025 compared to the BAU baseline scenario in 2030 and 2025.", + "Table 54 shows the details of the target values. Table 54: Target Value by Conditional Target Conditional Target Emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg Emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg Conditional Mitigation Scenario BAU Scenario Target Value in % 3.1.", + "Table 54: Target Value by Conditional Objective Conditional Objective Emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg Emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg Conditional Mitigation Scenario BAU Scenario Target Value in % 3.1. Other Impacts The actions selected in the conditional objective scenario have health impacts mainly by reducing diseases from smoke from wood burning, air pollution from gaseous emissions from vehicles.", + "Other impacts The actions selected in the conditional objective scenario have health impacts mainly by reducing diseases resulting from smoke from wood burning, air pollution from gaseous emissions from vehicles, and other impacts on improving living conditions through increased access to electricity, including growth in household incomes through job creation and modernisation, and diversification of income-generating activities.", + "Other impacts on improving living conditions are significant through increased access to electricity, including increased household incomes through job creation and modernisation and diversification of income-generating activities, as well as positive impacts on biodiversity conservation, including soil conservation, water supply, etc. 3.2.", + "They also have a positive impact on biodiversity conservation, including soil conservation, water supply, etc. 3.2. ICTU The synthesis corresponds to an excerpt from Table ICTU 55 as contained in the CDN2020. Table 55: ICTU 1.", + "ICTU The summary corresponds to an excerpt from Table ICTU 55 as contained in the CDN2020 Table 55: ICTU 1. Quantifiable information on the reference point (including, as appropriate, a reference year) a.", + "Quantifiable information on the baseline (including, as appropriate, a baseline year) a. The baseline year(s), baseline period(s) or other starting point(s) Baseline years: 2025 (intermediate baseline years) and 2030 (target year) (case of an indicator defined in relation to a Business as Usual (BAU) scenario) b. Quantifiable information on the baseline indicators, their values during the baseline year(s), baseline period(s) or other starting points and, where applicable, the target year The baseline indicator is an annual quantitative indicator, relative to the GHG emissions of the Business as Usual (BAU) scenario, for the target years 2025 and 2030 and 2 mitigation scenarios (unconditional and conditional).", + "National GHG emissions: \uf0b7 in 2015 (base year of the OAU): 1 935.9 Gg CO2eq. \uf0b7 in 2025 (AU): 6 453.8 Gg CO2eq. \uf0b7 in 2030 (AU): 6 854.6 Gg Gg CO2eq. c.", + "\uf0b7 2030 (AU): 6,854.6 Gg Gg CO2eq. c. With regard to strategies, plans and measures referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or policies and measures included in nationally determined contributions, where paragraph 1 (b) above does not apply, Parties shall provide other relevant information.", + "With regard to strategies, plans and measures referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or policies and measures forming part of nationally determined contributions, where paragraph 1 (b) above does not apply, Parties shall provide other relevant information Not applicable (Burundi is on the list of LDCs but has provided quantifiable information, which is proof of Burundi\u2019s ambition) d.", + "Not applicable (Burundi is on the list of LDCs but has provided quantifiable information, which is proof of Burundi\u2019s ambition) d. A target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, e.g. in percentage or amount of reduction Target values of the reference indicator (relative reduction of GHG emissions relative to the OAU): Unconditional scenario \u2013 2025: 1.58% Unconditional scenario \u2013 2030: 3.04% Conditional scenario \u2013 2025: 11.40% Conditional scenario \u2013 2030: 12.61% e. Information on data sources used to quantify the reference point(s) Historical emissions (2005, 2010 and 2015), used as the basis for projections, are those of the 3rd GHG inventory report used in Burundi\u2019s 3rd national communication (NCC) submitted in 2019.", + "The projection assumptions are related to the national economy (PIP) and population growth. For FAT, wood energy requirements were used for the projections. These assumptions are provided byISTEEBU (Institut des Statistiques et d\u2019Etudes Economiques su Burundi).", + "These assumptions are provided by ISTEEBU (Institut des Statistiques et d\u2019Etudes Economiques su Burundi). emissions projected for the years 2025 and 2030 in the BAU scenario are derived from the NTC. f.", + "Projected emissions for the years 2025 and 2030 in the BAU scenario are derived from the NTC. f. Information on the circumstances under which the Party can update baseline indicator values The baseline year emissions value is likely to be updated as a result of methodological changes and improvements in the preparation of future greenhouse gas inventories. 2.", + "Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update baseline indicator values The baseline year emissions value may be updated as a result of methodological changes and improvements in the preparation of future greenhouse gas inventories. 2. Time horizon and/or implementation period a.", + "Time horizon and/or implementation period a. The time horizon and/or implementation period, including start and end dates, in accordance with any other relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA).", + "The timetable and/or period of implementation, including the start and end dates, in accordance with any other relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) The CBD 2020 is to be implemented on 1 January 2021 and will expire on 31 December 2030. The time horizon is 10 years but an intermediate stage is foreseen after 5 years. b. Whether an annual or multi-year target, as the case may be The targets defined in the CBD 2020 are annual. 3.", + "The time horizon is 10 years, but an intermediate step is planned after 5 years. b. Whether it is an annual or multi-year target, as the case may be The targets defined in the CND 2020 are annual. 3. Scope and scope a.", + "Scope and scope a. A general description of the target The baseline indicator is an annual quantitative indicator, relative to GHG emissions from the Business as Usual (BAU) scenario, for all sectors of the inventory, excluding the managed land sub-sector of agriculture, for the target years 2025 and 2030 and 2 mitigation scenarios (unconditional and conditional). b. The sectors, gases, categories and reservoirs covered by the contribution determined at national level, including, where appropriate, in accordance with the guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) All sectors and sub-sectors and GHGs included in Burundi\u2019s 3rd national GHG inventory are taken into account in Burundi\u2019s NCD 2020, namely:", + "Waste In terms of GHGs, emissions of PFCs, HFCs, SF6 and NF3 are not estimated in the inventory and are therefore not included in the NCD. c.", + "How the Party has taken into account paragraphs 31 (c) and (d) of decision 1/CP.21 For the energy sector, fugitive emissions are not estimated in the inventory and are therefore not included in the NCD.", + "For the Agriculture sector, emissions from the managed soils subsector are not accounted for in either the OAU or the mitigation scenario. For the LULUCF sector, carbon monoxide has not been calculated due to a lack of global warming potential. Emissions/removals are accounted for in both the OAU and the mitigation scenario.", + "Emissions/removals are included in the OAU and the mitigation scenario. In the Waste Sector, emissions from open-air combustion, composting and methanization are not estimated in the inventory.", + "In the Waste sector, emissions from open-air combustion, composting and methanisation are not estimated in the inventory.", + "Compared to the previous NCD, the new NCD takes into account actions in two new sectors (Agriculture and Waste) in the two mitigation scenarios.", + "FAT sector removals are not taken into account in the calculation of target values and the indicator. d. Mitigation benefits resulting from adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans of the Parties, including a description of projects, actions and initiatives relating in particular to adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans of the Parties The adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans of the Republic of Burundi will have mitigation benefits.", + "These are Burundi\u2019s policies, measures or strategies for adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change in all sectors covered by this CDN.", + "These measures have been identified and quantified in the Third National Communication on Climate Change (TCNCC), the National Development Plan (NDP), the Agriculture and Elevation Environmental Policy Document (AEPDP), etc. 4. Planning Process a.", + "Information on the planning processes followed by the Party to develop its nationally determined contribution and, if available, on the Party's implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i.", + "Information on the planning processes followed by the Party to develop its determined contribution at national level and, if available, on the Party\u2019s implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i. National institutional arrangements, public participation and collaboration with local communities and indigenous peoples, taking into account gender issues; Institutional arrangements: The Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock is the institutional framework responsible for updating and implementing CBD 2020 through its decentralised administrative and technical structures.", + "To this end, it has set up a national commission to monitor the updating of the 2015 NCD, composed of managers from the various sectors (AFAT, Energy including transport, IPUP and Waste), and managers involved in related themes (Health, Gender) have also been integrated into the Commission.", + "In close collaboration with UNDP, the Commission is responsible for monitoring the process of updating the CCD since the recruitment of the Office and the implementation phases (validation of the methodology, organization of retreats for technical sessions and stakeholder consultation and step-by-step validation workshops of the document and submission of the updated CCD for adoption and approval).", + "At the technical level, NCD 2020 was carried out by a PREFED/CAREPED Consortium, which aligned 10 national experts (6 sectoral experts, one economist, one gender expert, one health expert and one climate expert) with the support of an international consultant.", + "Participatory aspect During the process of updating, numerous exchange workshops were held (data collection, selection of actions, approval of methodologies, verification and approval of results).", + "These workshops aimed at ensuring the participation and involvement of all technical stakeholders and civil society with the involvement of local communities, indigenous peoples and took into account the gender and social inclusion dimension.", + "The objectives of the workshops were also to communicate the actions taken and thus to ensure ownership of their implementation by stakeholders. The CND 2020 was approved by the Burundian authorities before being disseminated. ii.", + "The CDN 2020 was approved by the Burundian authorities before being disseminated. ii. Contextual issues, including, inter alia, as appropriate: - The national situation, including geography, climate, economy, sustainable development and poverty eradication in Burundi is a Central African country of Eastern Longitude between the Congo Basin and the eastern highlands and between 2\u00b030 and 4\u00b028 South Latitude, at the crossroads of the routes of Central Africa, Eastern Africa and even Eastern Africa.", + "The country has a warm and humid tropical climate, influenced by altitude and characterized by alternating rainy seasons (October to May) and dry seasons (June to September), and its rainfall and temperature are strongly influenced by the country\u2019s terrain, altitude (772-2670 m) and climate change.", + "Its rainfall and temperature are strongly influenced by the country\u2019s terrain, altitude (772-2670 m) and climate change.The average annual rainfall ranges from 750 mm in northeastern Burundi to over 2000 mm in the mountainous area.", + "The average annual rainfall ranges from 750 mm in north-eastern Burundi to over 2000 mm in the mountainous area, with the highest average annual temperature of 24.7\u00b0C between 2006 and 2015 recorded in the plains of Imbo Natural Region, and the lowest average annual temperature of 16.6\u00b0C between 2006 and 2015 recorded in Mugamba Natural Region.", + "The highest average annual temperature is 24.7\u00b0C between 2006 and 2015 recorded in the Imbo Plain Natural Region, while the lowest is 16.6\u00b0C between 2006 and 2015 recorded in the Mugamba Natural Region. From a socio-economic point of view, Burundi has an estimated 12.3 million people in 2020, of whom more than 90% live in rural areas and 51% are women.", + "From a socio-economic point of view, Burundi has an estimated 12.3 million people by 2020, of whom more than 90% live in rural areas and 51% are women. As one of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), its annual per capita income is estimated at USD 280 and its economy is largely based on agriculture.", + "Among the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), its annual per capita income is estimated at USD 280 and its economy is mainly based on agriculture.With a density of 480.99 people/km2, population growth of 2.4% puts pressure on land resources, water resources and exacerbates the situation of deforestation and deforestation.", + "With a density of 480.99 people/km2, the population growth of 2.4% puts pressure on land resources, water resources and exacerbates the situation of deforestation and deforestation.", + "According to the NTC, the sectors with the highest emissions are agriculture, energy and waste, with emissions of 4186.21 Eq CO2 per Gg, 1072.4 Eq CO2 per Gg and 230.73 Eq CO2. For the other sectors, GHG emissions are insignificant.", + "For the other sectors, GHG emissions are insignificant. -Best practices and experience gained from the development of the contribution determined at national level Best practices and experience gained from the development: \uf0fc Participatory approach to the planning process for the elaboration of the CBD (Data collection, data processing, calculation by IPCC software 2006, needs, prioritisation of measures...); \uf0fc Taking into account Decision 4/CMA.1 - Other contextual aspirations and priorities recognised upon accession to the Paris Agreement The updated CBD 2020 is in line with the objective of the Paris Agreement, in its provisions of Articles 4(2) and (3), 4, 5, 6(1) and (2) and 7(1) and (2).", + "Developed countries should act in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Paris Agreement. Compliance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement, which highlights areas of cooperation and facilitation and aims to improve understanding, action and support.", + "Compliance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement, which highlights areas of cooperation and facilitation and aims to improve understanding, action and support, such as early warning systems, emergency preparedness, etc. b. Specific information applicable to Parties, including regional economic integration organizations and their member States, that have agreed to act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement, including Parties that have decided to act jointly, and the terms of the relevant agreement, in accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 16 to 18, of the Paris Agreement Not applicable The updated NCD is not developed within the framework of regional economic integration organizations and their member States to act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement.", + "Paragraphs 16, 17 and 18 do not apply to the updated CND of the Republic of Burundi. c.", + "How the preparation by the Party of its nationally determined contribution has been informed by the results of the global assessment, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Paris Agreement The steps that have been taken for the UNCCD 2020 have not been informed by the global assessment, as the first global assessment on climate action will be issued in 2023.", + "However, the global balance sheet will take into account the balance sheet of avoided emissions in the context of the implementation of the CBD 2020. d.", + "Each Party having a nationally determined contribution under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, consisting of adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans generating benefits in the field of mitigation in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement, Not Applicable 5.", + "Methodological assumptions and approaches, including those relating to the estimation and accounting of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and, where appropriate, anthropogenic removals: a.", + "The methodological assumptions and approaches used to account for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals in the nationally determined contribution of the Party, in accordance with paragraph 31 of decision 1/CP.21 and the accounting guidelines adopted by WCO The calculation of GHG emissions (historic and projection of OAU) and emissions avoided by conditional and unconditional action in 2025 and 2030 was carried out for the five projected sectors (energy, IPCC, non-managed agriculture, LULUCF and waste) using the Tier 1 methodologies presented in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines (IPCC Guidelines 2006).", + "The assumptions are based on economic growth and population data. The methodological approach to accounting for emissions is the use of IPCC Tools 2006.", + "The methodological approach to accounting for emissions is the use of IPCC Tools 2006 software. The calculation of the indicator\u2019s percentage target values for 2025 and 2030 for the conditional and unconditional targets of the CBD 2020 was done by summing up emissions avoided through the actions selected in the CBD.", + "The calculation of the indicator\u2019s percentage target values for 2025 and 2030 for the conditional and unconditional objectives of the CBD 2020 was done by summarizing the emissions avoided through the actions selected in the CBD, dividing the sum of the avoided emissions by the emissions of the BAU scenario and multiplying by 100 to obtain a percentage.", + "The total avoided emissions are then divided by the BAU scenario emissions and then multiplied by 100 to obtain a percentage. The target achievement will be estimated, at a constant perimeter, by comparing the actual emissions recorded in Burundi\u2019s future national inventories (excluding emissions from the managed soils subsector) with the projected emissions from the CDN BAU scenario.", + "The attainment of the target will be estimated, at constant perimeter, by comparing the actual emissions accounted for in Burundi\u2019s future national inventories (excluding emissions from the managed soils subsector) with the projected emissions from the NDC BAU scenario. In the event of changes in inventory methodologies and improvements, the BAU will be recalculated. b. The methodological assumptions and approaches used to account for the implementation of policies and measures or strategies in the contribution determined at national level National policies and programmes for socio-economic development and environmental protection have been used as a reference for the identification of mitigation actions.", + "All proposed mitigation actions under the unconditional objective are compatible with national socio-economic development programmes and are achievable. Mitigation actions under the conditional objective depend on international financial support. These mitigation actions have been validated in workshops with stakeholders from different sectors.", + "These mitigation actions were validated in workshops with stakeholders from the different sectors. The calculation of avoided emissions from the actions selected in the CDN was carried out using the IPCC methodology (IPCC Tool, 2006).", + "The calculation of avoided emissions from the actions selected in the CDN was carried out using the IPCC methodology (IPCC Tool, 2006).", + "As Burundi-specific emission factors are lacking, the use of Tier 1 EFs has been recommended in the IPCC 2006 IPCC Guidelines. c. Where appropriate, information on how the Party will account for anthropogenic emissions and removals in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 14, of the Paris Agreement, as appropriate. The following international documents have been used to estimate and report the NCD mitigation component: Calculation/Follow-up: - IPCC 2006 Guidelines - IPCC, 2006 Software Reporting: - Annexes 1 and 2 to Decision 4/CMA.1: Information to be provided to improve clarity, transparency and understanding of nationally determined contributions, as referred to in paragraph 28 of Decision 1/CP.21 d.", + "The IPCC methodologies and measurement parameters used to estimate anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals The emission/removal calculation methods are those recommended by the IPCC and are based on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.", + "The parameters for estimating GHG emissions/removals in the Energy and Transportation, PPI, Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use, and Waste sectors are activity data and emission factors.", + "Monitoring of progress towards the target will be verified using the same methodologies for calculating these emissions/removals. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of the IPCC Second Assessment Report (SAR) is used to convert emissions to CO2eq (21 for CH4 and 310 for e).", + "The Approach to Dealing with Emissions and Subsequent Removals of Natural Disturbances on Operated Lands Monitoring and Continuous Evaluation of the Implementation of Projects/Programs/Measures Designed to Mitigate Emissions and Subsequent Removals of Natural Disturbances on Operated Lands ii.", + "Approach to accounting for emissions and removals of harvested wood products Daily monitoring of areas on which wood products are harvested (Sugar cane plantation cases in the SOSUMO industry) iii.", + "The approach to addressing the effects of age-class structure in forests The approach is to make periodic inventories every five years (Classification of forests with 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, etc.). Carbon stocks can be calculated by age-class. f.", + "Carbon stocks can be calculated by age class. f. Other assumptions and methodological approaches used to understand the contribution determined at the national level and, where appropriate, estimate the corresponding emissions and removals, including: i.", + "Other assumptions and methodological approaches used to understand the contribution determined at the national level and, where appropriate, to estimate the corresponding emissions and removals, including: i. How the baseline indicators, baseline level(s), including, where appropriate, sector, category or activity-specific baselines, are constructed, including, for example, the main parameters, assumptions, definitions, methods, data sources and models used The baseline indicators (BAU scenario) of the CBD 2020 are constructed on the assumption that no plans, policies and strategies are being taken to mitigate emissions or increase removals.", + "In the case of CDN 2020, these BAU indicators are those defined in the 3rd National Communication on CCS submitted in 2019 by Burundi and projected up to 2050 from 2005 onwards.", + "Emissions from the managed soils sub-sector are not included in BAU emissions, and the same applies to the reference levels for the different sectors.", + "To this end, GHG emissions from the BAU scenario were calculated for all sectors (energy, LUCF, agriculture (outside managed land), LULUCF and waste) using the Tier 1 methodologies presented in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines (IPCC Guidelines 2006).", + "To this end, GHG emissions from the BAU scenario were calculated for all sectors (energy, POPs, agriculture (outside managed land), LULUCF and waste) using the Tier 1 methodologies presented in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines (LD 2006).", + "Indicators of the mitigation actions selected in 2025 and 2030 have been defined for each sector. The main parameters are specific to each sector. These are activity data and emission factors specific to each sector. The main assumptions for all sectors are those related to the economy, population growth, energy consumption per household, etc.", + "The main assumptions for all sectors are those related to the economy, population growth, energy consumption per household, etc. The BAU scenario is a scenario that provides indicators of the evolution of greenhouse gas emissions over time if plans, policies or strategies are not taken to mitigate these emissions.", + "The BAU scenario is a scenario that provides indicators of the evolution of greenhouse gas emissions over the time horizon if measures of plans, policies or strategies are not taken to mitigate these emissions. It is established by projecting from 2015 onwards on the basis of economic growth, the rate of population growth, but assuming that no action is taken to implement the plans, policies and strategies contributing to the mitigation of GHG emissions.", + "It is calculated by projecting from 2015 onwards on the basis of economic growth, the rate of population growth, but assuming that no action is taken to implement plans, policies and strategies contributing to the mitigation of GHG emissions. Data sources for the identification of indicators include: \uf0b7 The CTC (2019), \uf0b7 The Third GHG Inventory 2015 \uf0b7 The National Development Plans (2018-2027), \uf0b7 The Vision of Burundi 2025, \uf0b7 The National Forestry Policy (2012), \uf0b7 The Master Plan Electricity Production and Transportation 2014-2030, etc.", + "Data sources for the identification of indicators include: \uf0b7 The CTC (2019), \uf0b7 The Third GHG Inventory 2015 \uf0b7 The National Development Plans (2018-2027), \uf0b7 The Vision of Burundi 2025, \uf0b7 The National Forestry Policy (2012), \uf0b7 The Master Plan Electricity Production and Transportation 2014-2030, etc. Models used \uf0b7 IPCC 2006 for emission calculations \uf0b7 LEAP for energy sector projections. ii.", + "Models used \uf0b7 IPCC 2006 for emission calculations \uf0b7 LEAP for projections in the energy sector. ii. For Parties whose nationally determined contributions contain elements other than greenhouse gases, information on the assumptions and methodological approaches used in relation to these elements, as appropriate.", + "For Parties whose nationally determined contributions contain elements other than greenhouse gases, information on the assumptions and methodological approaches used in relation to those elements, as appropriate Not Applicable The Burundi CDN covers only GHGs from different sectors. iii. For climate forcing factors included in nationally determined contributions that are not covered by the IPCC guidelines, information on how those factors are estimated Not Applicable The Burundi CDN covers only GHGs from different sectors. iv.", + "For climate forcing factors included in nationally determined contributions that are not covered by the IPCC Guidelines, information on how these factors are estimated Not Applicable The CBD of Burundi covers only GHGs from different sectors. iv. Other technical information, as required Access to CBD financing in accordance with Article 5 of the Paris Agreement. Implementation of CBD 2020 could be achieved through cooperation at the regional level ( EAC and COMIFAC). g. Intent to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, if applicable Yes under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to access funding for the implementation of CBD 2020 6.", + "The manner in which the Party considers its determined contribution at the national level to be equitable and ambitious in the light of its national situation a.", + "How the Party considers its determined contribution at the national level to be equitable and ambitious in the light of its national situation The vulnerability analysis of the sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land, Energy, Health, IPPC) was undertaken in the preparation of the CBD.", + "Negative impacts due to climate change have been identified and mitigation and/or adaptation measures to address these impacts have been identified by sector..To this end, priority projects have been identified.", + "To this end, priority projects have been identified. The development of the CND 2020 has used the most recent data from the NTC and other sectors have been taken into account such as the Waste, POPs and Transport sectors. b. Equity Considerations Gender and social inclusion are taken into account in the CND 2020.", + "The development of the CND 2020 has used the most recent data from the NTC and other sectors have been taken into account, such as the Waste, POPs and Transport sectors. b. Equity considerations Gender and social inclusion are taken into account in the CND 2020, in addition to actions identified in the CND 2020 on the basis of national policy and strategy documents. c.", + "In addition, the actions listed therein have been identified on the basis of national policy and strategy documents. c. How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement14 The CBD 2020 has raised the ambition compared to the previous CBD by taking into account actions on sectors and sub-sectors not included in the CBD 2015: transport, waste.", + "The way in which the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement14 The CBD 2020 has raised the ambition compared to the previous CBD by taking into account actions on sectors and sub-sectors not included in the CBD 2015: transport, waste. In addition, the themes of health, gender and social inclusion have been integrated into the prioritization of actions.", + "In addition, the themes of Health, Gender and Social Inclusion have been integrated into the prioritisation of actions, so the 2020 NCD represents an increase over the previous NCD, as sectoral emission coverage has been extended to all sectors and gases estimated in the most recent GHG inventory.", + "The CBD 2020 therefore represents an advance over the previous CBD, as sectoral emission coverage has been extended to all sectors and gases estimated in the most recent GHG inventory. The CBD 2020 has defined specific indicators for monitoring and assessment and advocates a capacity building plan for better ownership by the various stakeholders. d.", + "The CBD 2020 has defined specific indicators for monitoring and evaluation and advocates a capacity-building plan for better ownership by the various stakeholders. d. How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement.", + "How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement Although Burundi is not an emitting country, it is developing GHG mitigation actions through its policies. e. How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement4 Burundi is strengthening its mitigation efforts through the inclusion in the new NCD of national actions to reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon stocks.", + "For example, the National Development Plan, 2018-2027, the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Planning Policy, 14 How does the NDC represent progress beyond the Party\u2019s previous NDC and reflect its greatest possible ambition development of new and renewable energies (solar, wind, hydroelectric power plants under construction, etc.), an increase in the internal budget to finance mitigation and adaptation measures. 7.", + "How the contribution determined at the national level contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 a.", + "How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in Article 215 of the Convention The CBD 2020 contributes to the objectives of the Convention and the Paris Agreement by accelerating low-carbon development. b. How the nationally determined contribution contributes to Article 2, paragraph 1 (a), and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement16 - The revised CBD contributes to Article 2, paragraph (a), of the PA.", + "It plans to implement projects/programmes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 2021 to 2025. - The revised NCD will also contribute to the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 1 of the PA, as it provides for political, strategic measures and mitigation plans/programmes.", + "- The revised NCD will also contribute to the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 1, of the PA, as it provides for policy, strategic measures and mitigation plans/programmes. - Existing policies take into account the climate plan and the MDGs with the aim of developing in a carbon-neutral manner to contribute to the overall objective. 4.", + "- Existing policies take into account the climate plan and the MDGs with the aim of developing in a carbon-neutral manner to contribute to the overall objective. 4. COMMUNICATION ON ADAPTATION 4.1. National situation, institutional arrangements and legal frameworks 4.1.1. National situation Burundi is a Central African country with an area of 27,834 square kilometres.", + "National situation Burundi is a Central African country with an area of 27,834 square kilometres, situated between 28\u00b050 and 30\u00b054 east longitude between the Congo Basin and the eastern highlands and between 2\u00b030 and 4\u00b028 south latitude, at the crossroads of the Central, Eastern and even Southern African routes.", + "It is located between 28\u00b050 and 30\u00b054 east longitude between the Congo Basin and the eastern highlands and between 2\u00b030 and 4\u00b028 south latitude, at the crossroads of the routes of Central Africa, East Africa and even South Africa. Burundi has a warm and humid tropical climate.", + "Burundi has a warm and humid tropical climate. Its rainfall and temperature are strongly influenced by the country\u2019s terrain, altitude (772-2670 m) and climate change. The average temperature is 21\u00b0C.", + "Its rainfall and temperature are strongly influenced by the country\u2019s terrain, altitude (772-2670 m) and climate change, with an average temperature of 21\u00b0C. The distribution of rainfall is uneven across the country, with the high mountains of the Congo-Nil Ridge receiving the highest amounts of annual precipitation of 1600-2000 mm and the Ruzizi Plain to the west.15 Article 2 of the UNFCCC sets out the ultimate objective of \"stabilising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system\" (UNFCCC 1992).", + "The second sentence states that this stabilisation must be achieved \"within a sufficient timeframe to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, so that food production is not threatened and so that economic development can continue.", + "16 Article 2.1(a) of the Paris Agreement includes two global temperature targets - \u201cwell below 2 degrees\u201d and \u201c1.5 degrees\u201d.", + "Article 4.1 qualifies them by stating that \"the Parties shall aim to achieve the global greenhouse gas emission cap as soon as possible, recognizing that this cap will take longer for developing country Parties, and to undertake rapid reductions in these emissions.", + "and to undertake rapid reductions thereafter in accordance with the best available scientific data.\", and that the Parties will also strive to \"achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and emissions by sinks\" in the second half of the century than the depressions of the Bugesera natural region; in the north-east, receiving the lowest annual precipitation between 800 and 1000 mm.", + "Economically, Burundi is one of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), with an estimated annual per capita income of USD 202 and a predominantly agricultural economy.", + "With a population of 11.9 million and a density of 480.99 people/km2, the population growth of 2.4% puts pressure on land resources, water resources and aggravates the situation of deforestation and deforestation. 4.1.2.", + "With a population of 11.9 million and a density of 480.99 people/km2, the population growth of 2.4% puts pressure on land resources, water resources and aggravates the situation of deforestation and deforestation. 4.1.2. Institutional framework In Burundi, the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock (MINEAGRIE) through the Directorate General of Environment, Water Resources and Sanitation is responsible for coordinating the implementation of sectoral policies on climate change.", + "Institutional framework In Burundi, the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock (MINEAGRIE) through the Directorate General of the Environment, Water Resources and Sanitation is responsible for coordinating the implementation of sectoral policies on climate change, with the support of the central government departments and public institutions of the Geographical Institute of Burundi (IGEBU) and the Office Burundais pour la Protection de l\u2019Environnement (OBPE).", + "IGEBU and the Office for the Protection of the Environment (OBPE) are also the National Focal Point and the Deputy National Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), respectively.", + "IGEBU and OBPE are also the National Focal Point and the Deputy National Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), respectively, and the Director General of Agriculture of that Ministry is the Designated National Authority (DNA) for the Green Climate Fund (FCF), and the focal point of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is the Permanent Secretary of MINEAGRIE.", + "In addition, the Director General of Agriculture is the National Designated Authority (NDA) for the Green Climate Fund (FCF), and the focal point of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is the Permanent Secretary of Mines. In the context of climate change, IGEBU is responsible for the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of meteorological and hydrological data.", + "In the context of climate change, the IGEBU is responsible for the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of meteorological and hydrological data, while the OBPE is responsible for (i) implementing environmental and climate change policies and strategies, and (ii) establishing mechanisms for climate change mitigation and adaptation (the implementation of the NAP).", + "In addition to the Ministry of Mines, other ministries responsible for energy, public health, trade, transport, industry and tourism are involved in climate change issues.", + "In addition to MINING, other ministries responsible for energy, public health, trade, transport, industry and tourism are involved in climate change issues. Since climate change affects all key sectors of the national economy in a cross-cutting manner, effective resilience to this problem requires a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach.", + "Given the cross-cutting impact of climate change on all key sectors of the national economy, effective resilience to this challenge requires a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach, which will strengthen cooperation between actors in the field, facilitate the establishment of a harmonized framework for future interventions, and mobilize financial resources for the implementation of the NAPA and the NCD.", + "Contributions to other international frameworks and/or conventions to which Burundi has acceded: \uf0b7 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Paris Agreement.", + "Contributions to other international frameworks and/or conventions to which Burundi has acceded: \uf0b7 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Paris Agreement \uf0b7 Convention to Combat Desertification \uf0b7 Convention on Biological Diversity \uf0b7 Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer \uf0b7 RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands 4.1.3.", + "\uf0b7 Convention to Combat Desertification, \uf0b7 Convention on Biological Diversity, \uf0b7 Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer, \uf0b7 RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands 4.1.3. National legal framework \uf0b7 The Constitution of Burundi of 17 May 2018, in particular Article 164, paragraph 4 and Article \uf0b7 Law No.1/10 of 30 May 2011 on the creation and management of protected areas in Burundi \uf0b7 Law No.1/010 of 30 June 2000 on the Environment Code \uf0b7 Law No.1/07 of 15 July 2016 on the revision of the Forestry Code \uf0b7 Law No.1/02 of 26 March 2012 on the Water Code in Burundi; \uf0b7 Qualitative protection (Articles 43 to 47) and quantitative protection of water resources (Articles 48 to 50).", + "\uf0b7 Act No. 1/13 of 9 August 2011 amending the Land Code of Burundi, article 451, paragraph 1, \uf0b7 Act No. 1/13 of 23 April 2015 reorganising the electricity sector \uf0b7 Act No. 1/012 of 30 May 2018 amending the Code on the provision of health care and services in Burundi, especially articles 137 and 138 \uf0b7 Decree-Law No. 100/241 of 31 December 1992 regulating urban wastewater disposal.", + "\uf0b7 The Code of which was promulgated by Act No. 1/010 of 30 June 2000. \uf0b7 Decree No. 100/ 292 of 16 October 2007 establishing the National Platform for Risk Prevention and Disaster Management, its mission, composition, organisation and functioning. 4.2.", + "\uf0b7 Decree No. 100/ 292 of 16 October 2007 establishing, mission, composition, organisation and operation of the National Platform for Risk Prevention and Disaster Management 4.2. Impacts, risks and vulnerabilities Through various IGEBU stations, Burundi has basic climate data and data management systems, as well as forecasting products.", + "Impacts, risks and vulnerabilities Through various IGEBU stations, Burundi has basic climate data and data management systems, as well as forecasting products, but the production of data and products for monitoring extreme hydrometeorological phenomena is low, due to weak technical and financial capacities.", + "The production of data and products for monitoring extreme hydrometeorological phenomena is, however, weak, owing to weak technical and financial capacities.", + "Referring to the NCCTC data, Burundi also has thermal variations depending on its geographical area, with higher regions experiencing, on average, colder temperatures than the lowlands.", + "Analysis of interdecadal average, maximum, and minimum temperature trends shows that warming began in the 1986-1995 decade, with the record occurring in the 2006-2015 decade, followed by the 1996-2005 decade, respectively.", + "Analysis of interdecadal mean, maximum, and minimum temperature trends shows that warming began in the 1986-1995 decade with the record occurring in the 2006-2015 decade, followed by the 1996-2005 decade; the record for mean maximum temperature occurred in the 1996-2005 decade; and the mean minimum temperature occurred in the 2006-2015 decade.", + "The highest average maximum temperature was recorded during the decade 1996-2005 and the average minimum temperature was observed during the decade 2006-2015. All temperature analyses (interannual, interdecade and inter-normal temperature trend analysis) show that temperatures recorded at the Bujumbura station at the airport have an upward trend.", + "All temperature analyses (interannual, inter-decade and inter-normal temperature trend analysis) show that temperatures recorded at the Bujumbura station at the airport are on an upward trend. According to the NTC (2019), periods of water scarcity have led to prolonged droughts since 1917 affecting, among other things, access to water and agricultural production.", + "According to the TCNCC (2019), periods of water scarcity have led to periods of prolonged droughts since 1917 affecting, among other things, access to water and agricultural production; however, the year 2006 of severe drought in the north of the country was followed by a period of severe flooding severely affecting most of the country, particularly the provinces of Kayanza, Ngozi, Ruyigi, Bururi, and Makamba.", + "However, the year 2006 of severe drought in the north of the country was followed by a period of severe flooding affecting much of the country, in particular the provinces of Kayanza, Ngozi, Ruyigi, Bururi, and Makamba. The main extreme events in Burundi were as follows: \uf0b7 In 2009, torrential rain threatened almost the entire territory, especially the Imbo plain, Mumirwa, Buyenzi region and the eastern centre of the country in the Mugamba and Kirimiro regions.", + "The main extreme events in Burundi were as follows: \uf0b7 In 2009, torrential rains threatened almost the entire territory, especially the Imbo plain, Mumirwa, Buyenzi region and the eastern centre of the country in the Mugamba and Kirimiro regions. \uf0b7 In 2010, torrential rains hit the city of Bujumbura, affecting the Bujumbura International Airport among others.", + "\uf0b7 In 2010, torrential rains struck the city of Bujumbura, affecting Bujumbura International Airport among others. \uf0b7 In 2011, torrential rains flooded three urban communes of Bujumbura causing significant damage.", + "\uf0b7 In February 2014, flooding in the northern districts of Bujumbura Mairie, Gatunguru and the surrounding area resulted in the collapse of nearly 1,000 houses, the displacement of 20,000 people and the death of 77 people.", + "\uf0b7 Since September 2015, more than 4 million people have been affected by heavy or torrential rains, water shortages, strong winds, floods and landslides.", + "\uf0b7 Since September 2015, more than 4 million people have been affected by heavy or torrential rains, water shortages, strong winds, floods and landslides, which have destroyed more than 30,000 hectares of crops, more than 5,000 homes, more than 300 classrooms and some 50 bridges.", + "These climatic events have destroyed more than 30,000 hectares of crops, more than 5,000 homes, more than 300 classrooms and some 50 bridges, and more than 42,000 people have been displaced and are reportedly still in humanitarian need in the provinces of Kirundo, Makamba, Bubanza, Cibitoke and Ruyigi.", + "More than 42,000 people have been displaced and are reportedly still in humanitarian need in the provinces of Kirundo, Makamba, Bubanza, Cibitoke and Ruyigi. \uf0b7 In November 2015, with the El Nino phenomenon, floods affected at least 30,000 people, 52 of whom died.", + "\uf0b7 In November 2015, with the El Nino phenomenon, flooding affected at least 30,000 people, 52 of whom died. According to the IOM (DTM, 2019), around 31,000 people were displaced by climate events during 2019, with torrential rains, strong winds and landslides displacing 13,856 people.", + "Torrential rains, strong winds and landslides displaced 13,856 people. \uf0b7 In 2019, heavy rains also destroyed crops and affected livelihoods, resulting in severe food insecurity for 15% of the Burundian population in April 2019.", + "As a result of this event, 15 per cent of the Burundian population suffered from severe food insecurity in April 2019.According to the NCCTC, the projection of climate parameters in Burundi shows an upward trend in rainfall and temperatures.", + "According to the TCNCC, the projection of climate parameters in Burundi shows an upward trend in rainfall and temperatures. Climate models show an increase in annual precipitation of between 12 and 13.15% between 2030 and 2050 for the country\u2019s 6 weather stations.", + "Climate models show an increase in annual precipitation of between 12 and 13.15% by 2030 and 2050 for the country\u2019s six weather stations, an increase in maximum annual temperature of between 0.80 and 0.91\u00b0C by 2030, and an increase in maximum annual temperature of between 1.89 and 2.02\u00b0C by 2050.", + "They also show an increase in the annual maximum temperature between 0.80 and 0.91\u00b0C by 2030 and an increase between 1.89 and 2.02\u00b0C by 2050. The annual minimum temperature will increase between 0.91 and 0.99\u00b0C by 2030 and between 2.04 and 2.14\u00b0C by 2050 for all scenarios and weather stations.", + "The minimum annual temperature will increase between 0.91 and 0.99\u00b0C by 2030 and between 2.04 and 2.14\u00b0C by 2050 for all scenarios and weather stations.", + "The greatest increase in temperature will occur during the dry season, increasing over time. The projected variations for precipitation and maximum and minimum temperatures do not indicate significant differences between the two scenarios, but differences with the horizons (2030 and 2050).", + "The projected variations in precipitation and maximum and minimum temperatures do not indicate significant differences between the two scenarios, but differences with the horizons (2030 and 2050). According to the NCCTC (2019), increases or intensities in total precipitation are likely to cause flooding in the plains of western Imbo and erosion in the southern zone and central plateau with the following consequences for hill and plain dwellers: \uf0b7 Exposure to disasters; \uf0b7 Decrease in agricultural production; \uf0b7 Allocation of public infrastructure, biodiversity and siltation of dams; \uf0b7 Increased risk of vector-borne diseases in the plains of Imbo, Kumoso and marsh bottoms. 4.3.", + "National adaptation priorities, strategies, policies, plans, objectives and actions Building on lessons learned from existing adaptation projects and programs, this section presents priority adaptation actions to address key impacts, vulnerabilities and risks to climate change.", + "Since the elaboration of the former NAPA in 2007, Burundi has implemented several adaptation projects and programmes, particularly in the areas of agriculture and natural resources, energy and water management.", + "Lessons learned from their implementation can be used for future projects and programmes, including: scaling-up potential, climate change information, awareness and capacity-building, adaptation planning at the subnational level and private sector engagement, among others.", + "Implementation of adaptation initiatives has experienced weaknesses related to sector identification, inadequate adaptation priorities, lack of continuity of project support and weak capacity building.", + "In order to strengthen the future implementation of adaptation priorities, two main concerns should be taken into account: \uf0b7 Identify and summarise lessons learned from adaptation projects and programmes implemented \uf0b7 Strengthen capacities for the continued implementation of adaptation activities.", + "The identification of adaptation programs is based on a review of strategic documents such as the NDP Burundi 2018-2027, the NAPA, the NDC, and the NCCTC.", + "After carrying out an analysis of sectoral vulnerabilities on the basis of a participatory approach, the team of experts selected criteria for prioritising activities in the different sectors selected, using, inter alia, the Multi-criteria Analysis (MCA), which allowed qualitative variables and parameters to be taken into account and which incorporated the necessary information on the degree of adverse effects of climate change.", + "Six prioritisation criteria were chosen and made it possible to achieve a hierarchy at sectoral level: 1. Risk of loss of life; 2. Risk of loss of quality of life; 3. Evidence of the involvement of climate change; 4. Contribution to the fight against poverty/sustainable development; 5.", + "Contribution to Poverty Reduction/Sustainable Development; 5. Feasibility/Sustainability/Security; 6. Benefit to the Environment. Based on these selected criteria, the sector scores definitively determine the key sectors vulnerable to climate risks as follows: 1\u00b0. Agriculture and Upgrading 2\u00b0. Natural Resources/Ecosystems/Forests 3\u00b0.", + "Based on these criteria, the sector scores definitively establish the key sectors vulnerable to climate risks as follows: 1\u00b0. Agriculture and Elevation 2\u00b0. Natural resources/ecosystems/forests 3\u00b0. Water resources In addition, priority axes have been proposed, in particular in the National Climate Change Policy (2012), the National Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change (2012) and the National Development Plan 2018-2027, whose overall strategic objective is \"Promoting development resilient to the adverse effects of climate change\".", + "Water Resources In addition, priority axes have been proposed, notably in the National Climate Change Policy (2012), the National Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change (2012) and the National Development Plan 2018-2027, the overall strategic objective of which is \"Promoting development resilient to the adverse effects of climate change\".", + "The SNPACC defines six strategic areas for adaptation: 1. Adaptation and climate risk management; 2. Promotion of research and development and technology transfer; 3. Capacity building; 4. Knowledge management and communication; 5. Involvement of gender, youth and vulnerable groups; 6.", + "Involvement of gender, youth and vulnerable groups; 6. Mobilisation of funding On the basis of these strategic axes, a series of priority adaptation programmes are identified in various documents, including: NDP 2018-2027, Priority Action Programmes (2018), NAPA (2007), SNPACC (2013), CDN (2015), TCNCC (2019), Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy Guidance Document (2020), and sectoral documents such as the NIP 2016-2020. 5.", + "Funding Mobilization On the basis of these strategic directions, a series of priority adaptation programs are identified in various documents, including: NDP 2018-2027, Priority Action Programs (2018), NAPA (2007), SNPACC (2013), CDN (2015), NCCTC (2019), Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy Guidance Document (2020), and sectoral documents such as the 2016-2020 NIP. 5. ADAPTATION Overall, the objective of implementing adaptation measures is to increase the resilience of ecosystems and populations to the impacts of variability and climate change.", + "ADAPTATION Overall, the objective of implementing adaptation measures is to increase the resilience of ecosystems and populations to the impacts of variability and climate change. Based on the projection model of two key parameters of temperature and precipitation and according to the prioritisation criteria, the following priority actions have been selected in 2 unconditional and conditional scenarios. 5.1 Unconditional Scenario Priority actions proposed by sector SECTOR PRIORITY ACTIONS TARGET ACTIVITY INDICATE EUR COUT IN USD AGRICULTURE AND FARMING and promoting indigenous medicinal, nutritional and melliferous plants By 2023, priority indigenous medicinal, nutritional and melliferous plants will be installed and provided to users Produce seeds of indigenous medicinal, non-nutritional and melliferous plants identified as priority,", + "Number of plant types installed 2 Promote biopesticides used in agriculture to reduce pollution and improve human health) By 2023, collected biopesticide plants will be installed in Mahwa and Bukemba stations Install a collection of biopesticide plants in Mahwa and Bukemba stations; Number of biopesticide species installed and registered phytosanitary inventory of diseases and pests By 2023, diseases and pests in Burundi will be inventoried Inventory of diseases and pests present in the country List of diseases and pests inventoried from crops in Burundi crop practices mitigating the effects of climate hazards By 2025, crop practices mitigating climate hazards will be developed Initiate crop practices that will respond to climate hazards Number of crop practices initiated HEALTH Raise public awareness of the harmful effects", + "to climate hazards Number of farming practices initiated HEALTH Raise public awareness of the harmful effects of climate change on human health By 2025, at least awareness sessions will be conducted in hospitals and CDS Conduct awareness workshops by hospital and CDS Number of household awareness sessions INFRASTRUCTURE TRANSPORTATION AND BUILDINGS 4 Develop infrastructure for non-motorized transportation in Bujumbura km will be developed for non-motorized transportation Develop non-motorized transportation routes Number of km will be developed SELL chemical waste By 2025, a chemical waste management and treatment strategy paper will be developed Develop management strategies Strategy paper available Total 5.2.", + "Conditional Scenario SECTOR PRIORITY ACTIONS TARGET ACTIVITY OUTPUT INDICATORS (USD) AGRICULTURE AND FARMING 1 Develop and evaluate new crop varieties Until new, more productive varieties of priority crops are provided in Seed and Plant Population Availability for Number of New Varieties Introduced/Area 5.3.", + "Implementation and support needs for high-yield, nutritional and climate-change-resilient foods for all selected ecological crop areas 2.", + "Produce and distribute climate-sensitive quality seeds By 2027, quality seeds will be available to all BPEAEs Ensure availability of quality seeds to all BPEAEs Kgs of quality seeds are available Pond fish farming At least 13,000 tonnes of increase in fish production will be achieved.", + "Promote integrated fish farming Number of tonnes of additional fish production in ponds Increase animal production By 2025, a strategic stock of veterinary inputs will be operational Establish a strategic stock of veterinary inputs Number of strategic stocks operational Genetic effect through the generalisation of artificial insemination By 2025, an autonomous management structure for artificial insemination, genetic improvement and support to central services is operational Establish an autonomous management structure for artificial insemination, genetic improvement and support to central services in the following areas A functional agro-sylvo-zoological structure and sustainable management of natural resources: 18 By at least 3000 pilot sites will be set up Establish pilot sites for agro-sylvo-zoological integration and sustainable management of natural resources Number of pilot sites set up 7 Rehabilitate and strengthen livestock infrastructure Veterinary centres Slaughter areas, 2 centres", + "Number of pilot sites implemented 7 Rehabilitate and strengthen livestock infrastructure Veterinary centres Slaughter areas, 2 quarantine centres for controlling livestock markets will be rehabilitated and strengthened Construct and rehabilitate basic infrastructure Number of infrastructure rehabilitated and strengthened Industrial units for the manufacture of concentrated feed for livestock Manufacture of ice blocks will be installed in the Imbo region, 4 satellite units will be installed in 4 provinces and will be rehabilitated Install livestock food supplement manufacturing units Number of livestock food supplement manufacturing units installed and rehabilitated WATER RESOURCES 9 Establish hillside retaining walls for the collection of rainwater and agricultural watercourses ha will be irrigated by hillside retaining walls Establish irrigation water retention structures Number of hectares irrigated and functional retaining walls developed and managed", + "floodplains ha of floodplains will be protected Ensure protection and management of floodplains Number of km managed The priorities presented in the table above aim at filling the gaps identified above and, as such, make it possible to implement the recommendations made to this end.", + "Emphasis is placed on managing water for agricultural and other domestic uses and on the resilience of water, sanitation and hygiene systems to climate change risks By 2025, at least management uses rainwater for agricultural purposes Collect and use rainwater for agricultural and other uses Percentage of communities or households that have access to an effective rainwater collection system and climate risk-sensitive EAH projects.", + "ENERGY 12 Rehabilitate existing hydroelectric power stations By the time power stations are rehabilitated Rehabilitate power stations in poor condition Number of power stations rehabilitated 13 Conduct a densification of the network of the City of Bujumbura By a densification the line on 86.1 km of medium voltage and 1085 km of low voltage will be made Densify existing lines of medium and low voltage Length of densification the network of the City of Bujumbura km of the line of medium voltage and 772.3 km of base voltage will be rehabilitated Rehabilitate lines of medium and low voltage Number of km of rehabilitated lines 15 Set up biogas digesters in public infrastructure By the time establishments are covered Set up biogas digesters in public institutions Number of digesters installed INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORT AND BUILDINGS 16 Develop infrastructure for non-motor", + "TRANSPORT AND BUILDINGS 16 Develop infrastructure for non-motorised transport will be developed for non-motorised transport Develop non-motorised transport routes Number of km developed capacity building and mobilisation of funding to support the implementation of sectoral and cross-cutting priorities.", + "Human resources from the public, private and civil society sectors are essential for the implementation of climate change adaptation programmes.", + "Strengthening the capacity of the 17 Develop the modern transport corridor on Lake Tanganyika will be developed and vessels available Develop ports on Lake Tanganyika and acquire vessels Number of developed ports and vessels acquired WASTE 18 Connect businesses and households to the sewage treatment network composed of the neighbourhoods, industrialists and sensitized public institutions of the City of Bujumbura will be connected to the sewage networks Raise awareness and connect households, industrialists and public institutions Number of Bujumbura City Hall areas connected to solid waste in the City of Bujumbura and other major cities By 2030, the cities of Bujumbura, Gitega, Ngozi and Rumonge will have transit sites and final landfills for solid waste, as well as sorting and recycling centres Develop transit sites and final landfills for solid waste", + "Number of transit sites and final landfills of solid waste and number of sorting and recycling centres per city TRANSVERSAL PRIORITIES real-time monitoring of Burundi\u2019s environment for sustainable development By the time the technical and human capacities of the PUMA, MESA and GMES programmes will be strengthened Strengthen the technical, material and human capacities of environmental monitoring tools and training sessions Type and number of tools acquired and number of training sessions in PUMA, MESA and GMES Number of stakeholder participants from the target ministries of research institutes; as well as from the private sector and civil society constitutes a fundamental part of the strategy for the implementation of the NAP.", + "To date, Burundi has implemented a series of adaptation programmes financed mainly by bilateral and multilateral donors, such as the GEF, the African Development Bank (ADB), the World Bank and GIZ, as well as national funds for programmes such as the National Reforestation Programme.", + "The management of environmental funds such as GEF, Adaptation Fund, Blue Fund and Green Climate Fund is owned by the Department of the Environment, which is an asset to capitalize on synergies and capacity. 5.4.", + "This is an asset to capitalize on synergies and capacities. 5.4. Implementation of adaptation measures and plans In the context of NAPA implementation, the prerequisites are essential for policy makers to take ownership of the NAPA, to develop the technical and financial means necessary for the implementation of the NAPA, and to develop and implement a strategy for mobilizing funds for adaptation in Burundi.", + "For decision makers, implementation will need to focus on the following activities: areas/communities more affected by climate risk and improve the resilience of water, sanitation and hygiene systems Water will be protected Target areas/communities affected by climate risk and vulnerable sources by providing climate resilient EAH systems Percentage of water points with source conservation and protection activities 22 Improve knowledge of climate change, prevention of climate change-related diseases and reduction of disaster risks at the community level People will have knowledge of climate change and capacity to prevent themselves from climate change risks.", + "Strengthen community capacity on climate change and on climate change risk prevention and management Number of hills/sub-hills trained on climate change/disaster risk reduction TOTAL ADAPTATION \uf0b7 Strengthen the coordination mechanism through a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach to strengthen dialogue between actors in the field, facilitate the establishment of a harmonised framework for future interventions and the mobilisation of financial resources for the implementation of the NAP and the NCD; \uf0b7 Increase awareness among relevant stakeholders of the importance of adaptation and advocate recognition of adaptation to climate change as a national priority; \uf0b7 Encourage technical and financial partners to invest in the field of climate change; \uf0b7 Develop climate change legislation and its", + "\uf0b7 Develop and implement legislation in the field of climate change; \uf0b7 Harmonise sectoral policies with the NDP taking climate change into account; \uf0b7 Develop awareness-raising and training programmes on climate change.", + "To Prenatal Parties: \uf0b7 Take ownership and participate in the implementation of the NAP \uf0b7 Participate in the development of awareness and training programmes on climate change 5.5. Progress and results Burundi submitted its Third National Communication on Climate Change in 2019 to the UNFCCC Secretariat.", + "Progress and results Burundi submitted its Third National Communication on Climate Change in 2019 to the UNFCCC Secretariat and is currently in the process of revising its NCD.", + "Currently, the country is in the process of revising its CBD. The Government of Burundi has recognized that the ANP process and the revision of the CBD are complementary processes that, when brought together, promote action and facilitate the mobilization of resources for adaptation. The ANP can contribute to the definition of the adaptation ambition within the framework of the CBD. 5.6.", + "5.6. Adaptation efforts In Burundi, climate change is a reality and the impact on the survival of communities is worsening day by day, so adaptation measures are essential and must be a national priority.", + "Adaptation efforts In Burundi, climate change is a reality and the consequences for the survival of communities are worsening day by day, so adaptation measures are essential and will have to be a national priority. Under climate change, everyone (especially farmers) is trying to adapt.", + "In climate change, everyone (especially farmers) is trying to adapt, and people usually start by changing their technical practices by changing crop varieties and promoting improved farming practices.", + "People generally start by changing their technical practices by changing crop varieties and promoting improved cropping practices. The use of means of production (labour, inputs) is rationalized to take into account risks: in some cases this results in expansion, in others it results in the concentration of means in \"safer\" areas (taking into account water availability).", + "The use of the means of production (work, inputs) is justified in order to take account of the risks: in some cases this translates into expansion, in others into the concentration of the means on \"safer\" areas (taking account of the availability of water).", + "In the case of livestock farmers, on the one hand, there has been a change in the structure of the herds, in particular the distribution between different animal species, and on the other hand, there has been a change in feeding schedules based, in particular, on the permanent stabilisation of the herds; in other cases, the search for solutions is often outside agriculture, with the search for other non-agricultural jobs, which is at the origin of the internal and external migration observed today.", + "In other cases, the search for solutions often takes place outside agriculture, with the search for other non-agricultural jobs leading to the internal and external migration observed today. At the decision-making and institutional level, adaptation efforts are also mobilised despite their ineffectiveness and manifest themselves in the establishment of legal texts, strategies and plans that propose adaptation solutions, in order to mitigate the risks caused by these climate changes. 5.7.", + "5.7. Cooperation to strengthen adaptation at the national, regional and international levels At the national level, enhanced cooperation concerns the involvement of all stakeholders in adapting to climate change at all stages of planning and implementation of programmes under the NCD At the regional level, cooperation is manifested through regional partnership agreements such as COMIFAC and the East African Community The Parties to the Paris Agreement recognise the importance of international support and cooperation for adaptation efforts and the need to take into account the needs of developing countries and countries with economies in transition.", + "support and international cooperation for adaptation efforts and the need to take into account the needs of Burundi, which is particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change 5.8.", + "Obstacles, Challenges and Gaps Climate governance faces some gaps, challenges and obstacles in relevant regulatory frameworks and policies for adaptation, the main ones being: \uf0b7 Lack of multisectoral and multidisciplinary coordination on climate change, including adaptation, due to the absence of a functional and permanent technical working group; \uf0b7 Limited institutional and individual technical capacity to translate policy priorities and promote effective implementation of activities, projects and programmes; \uf0b7 Low level of integration of adaptation into the national and sectoral planning and budgeting process; \uf0b7 Limited capacity to mobilise and access funding; \uf0b7 An insufficiently functional regulatory framework; \uf0b7 Lack of climate focal points in all key sectors.", + "Good practices, lessons learned and exchange of information In the implementation of ongoing and final adaptation projects and programmes, good practices and lessons can be learned, particularly in the agriculture and natural resources sectors.", + "Thus, the lessons learned are as follows: \uf0b7 The NAP process will be able to build on awareness-raising and capacity-building activities of government actors responsible for community development organizations; \uf0b7 The importance of projects for regional integration of adaptation, which can be pursued as part of the implementation of the NAP; \uf0b7 Some projects have led to the achievement of common adaptation and mitigation objectives as well as to the mobilisation of private sector investment; \uf0b7 The NAP process will build on objectives to produce coordinated results at subnational levels contributing to the formulation of the national adaptation plan; \uf0b7 The NAP can build on capacity-building activities and systems for the collection and dissemination of meteorological and hydrological information; \uf0b7 The NAP process will strengthen", + "\uf0b7 The NAP process strengthens climate information systems and related capabilities; \uf0b7 The NAP process strengthens climate information and early warning systems, as well as climate change vulnerability maps.", + "\uf0b7 The communication strategy can be used as a basis for the development of a communication plan for the NAP process. 5.10. Monitoring and Evaluation In its implementation, the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the NAP will ensure that the NAP process is proceeding as planned.", + "Monitoring and evaluation In its implementation, the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the NAP will ensure that the process is proceeding as planned. The adaptation monitoring and evaluation will assess the impacts (short-, medium- and long-term) of the priority actions carried out and whether they effectively contribute to the achievement of the defined objectives on vulnerability reduction.", + "Adaptation monitoring and assessment enables assessment of the impacts (short-, medium- and long-term) of priority actions carried out and whether they contribute effectively to the achievement of the defined objectives on vulnerability reduction; on the other hand, S&E can enable learning about adaptation through practice, reorientation of actions as needed, and monitoring of financial contributions in the field of climate change.", + "On the other hand, S&E can enable learning about adaptation through practice, reorientation of actions as needed, and monitoring of financial contributions in the field of climate change. Currently, Burundi does not have an S&E framework for climate change.", + "Currently, Burundi does not have an S&E framework for climate change, and the national plans and strategies for climate change and the environment do not define the S&E system or objectively verifiable indicators.", + "National plans and strategies for climate change and the environment do not define the S&E system or objectively verifiable indicators. The National Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change and the National Development Plan propose a set of indicators, but these lack a baseline and objectives.", + "The National Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change and the National Development Plan propose a set of indicators, but these lack a baseline and objectives. There is a National REDD+ Strategy (2019) which proposes a national forest monitoring system based on Measurement, Notification and Verification (MNV), but its implementation is not effective.", + "There is a National REDD+ Strategy (2019) which proposes a national forest monitoring system based on Measurement, Notification and Verification (MNV), but its implementation is not effective.", + "5.11. Adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans These measures refer to the implementation of various plans and strategies, in particular: \uf0b7 the National Action Plan on Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA 2007); \uf0b7 the NDP Burundi 2018-2027; \uf0b7 the National Communication Strategy on Climate Change; Burundi has implemented several adaptation projects and programmes, particularly in the agriculture and natural resources sectors.", + "Lessons learned from their implementation can be used for future projects and programmes, including: scaling-up potential, climate change information, awareness and capacity-building, adaptation planning at the subnational level and private sector engagement, among others.", + "Contributions to other international frameworks and/or conventions Adaptation in the climate change sector involves a variety of actors and establishes a common international conceptual framework, the Paris Agreement.", + "Since the establishment of the Ministry of the Environment in 1988, the Government of Burundi has begun the process of drafting laws relating to the protection of the environment and its natural resources.", + "Although these texts have been enacted, they have remained ineffective in the field of climate change due to a lack of implementing texts on the one hand, and because they have not been sufficiently widely disseminated and made known to stakeholders at sectoral level on the other.", + "Among the legal instruments on which the country can rely to combat climate change, mention should also be made of the international conventions ratified by Burundi, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; the Convention to Combat Desertification, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands.", + "These agreements are often the source of funds for adaptation activities. 5.13.", + "Gender mainstreaming, traditional knowledge, indigenous peoples\u2019 knowledge and local knowledge systems The CND 2020 builds on Burundi\u2019s NDP, on the MDGs, on the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and on the decisions of the Paris Agreement, particularly in the light of the rules book adopted at COP24, to call for greater vigilance on the impact of climate change policies in order to prevent them from being detrimental to women and vulnerable groups.", + "In all sectors and their projects for adaptation to climate change and reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Government of Burundi has the opportunity to establish a baseline on gender and social inclusion issues in adaptation and reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; The agriculture, energy and infrastructure projects and programmes selected in this CDN are particularly called upon to systematically integrate gender and social inclusion aspects.", + "They will inform and sensitize women, youth and batwa as actors in reducing greenhouse gases.", + "Ongoing projects will build the capacity of women, youth and batwa to change practices and optimize integrated landscape management and the sustainable food value chain to increase the adoption of resilient and improved production systems.", + "The projects will provide them with the means and techniques to improve their standard of living, climate resilience and food security (income, use of non-GHG-emitting energy sources, improved homes, solar energy,...).", + "In the course of their implementation, forestry projects and those relating to the restoration of land and ecosystems, vulnerable groups will receive special attention so that they become actors in the collective response-action for a sustainable fight against the advance of climate change instead of suffering the risks of related disasters.", + "Suggestions from these groups will be gathered for project development and implementation, and for community-based climate change disaster risk management. Traditional knowledge of batwa will be considered as they have a long track record of observing and committing to their environment.", + "The traditional knowledge of the batwa will be taken into account as they have a long history of observing and being committed to their environment. Over many years of interacting with their natural environment, they have developed strategies to respond to the impacts of climate change and have been able to respond through their expertise and nature philosophy. 6.", + "For many years of interaction with their natural environment, they have developed strategies to respond to the impacts of climate change and have been able to do so through their expertise and nature philosophy. 6. NCD IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 6.1.", + "IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 6.1. Institutional aspects An institutional framework for the implementation of the CND exists in Burundi, under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock (MINEARY) through the Directorate General for the Environment, Water Resources and Sanitation.", + "It is supervised by the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock (MINEAGRI) through the Directorate General for the Environment, Water Resources and Sanitation, which is responsible for coordinating the implementation of sectoral policies on climate change.", + "The latter is responsible for coordinating the implementation of sectoral policies on climate change and is supported by central government departments and public institutions (Burundian Geographical Institute, IGEBU and Burundian Office for the Protection of the Environment, OBPE).", + "IGEBU and the Office Burundais pour la Protection de la Environnement (OBPE) are also the National Focal Point and the Deputy National Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), respectively.", + "IGEBU and OBPE are also the National Focal Point and the Deputy National Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), respectively, and the Director General of Agriculture is the Designated National Authority (DNA) for the Green Climate Fund (FCF), while the Permanent Secretary of MINEAGRIE is the focal point for the Global Environment Facility (GEF).", + "Furthermore, the Director General of Agriculture is the Designated National Authority (AND) for the Green Climate Fund (FVC) and the Permanent Secretary of Mines is the focal point of the Global Environment Facility (GEF).", + "In the context of climate change, the IGEBU is responsible for the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of meteorological and hydrological data, while the OBPE is responsible for the implementation of environmental and climate change policies and strategies and the establishment of mechanisms for mitigation and adaptation to climate change (the implementation of the NAP).", + "As for the OBPE, its tasks are to implement environmental and climate change policies and strategies and to establish mechanisms for climate change mitigation and adaptation (the implementation of the NAP). For all intents and purposes, it should be noted that other sectoral departments are concerned with climate change issues that have a cross-cutting impact on all key sectors of the national economy.", + "For all intents and purposes, it should be noted that other sectoral departments are concerned with issues related to climate change, which has a cross-cutting impact on all key sectors of the national economy: the Departments of Energy, Public Health, Trade, Transportation, Industry and Tourism.", + "These are the ministries responsible for energy, public health, trade, transport, industry and tourism, which justify the need for a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach to ensure effective resilience.", + "This justifies the need for a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach to ensuring effective resilience, for example, the CND 2020 calls for strengthened coordination among actors in the field in order to facilitate the harmonization of interventions and the mobilization of financial resources for the implementation of the NAPA and the CND.", + "To this end, like other countries in the sub-region and around the world, a National Climate Change Council, with technical and financial capacities and high-level decision-making power, is indispensable for the needs of coordination, consultation and mobilisation of stakeholders involved at all levels, as well as for monitoring and evaluating the state of implementation of the CBD.", + "At the technical level, a National Technical Committee on Climate will have to be established and chaired by a para-State agency, as will other structures of the Community of East African Countries. The creation and establishment of the National Council and the Technical Committee will be enshrined in presidential decrees.", + "The creation and establishment of the National Council and the Technical Committee will be implemented by presidential decrees. The establishment of these structures will have to take into account all the actors and address cross-cutting issues such as gender and social inclusion. 6.2.", + "The establishment of these structures should take into account all actors and address cross-cutting issues such as gender and social inclusion. 6.2. Legal framework An impressive legal arsenal is based on the Constitution of Burundi of 17 May 2018, especially in its Articles 164(4) and 35.", + "Legal framework An impressive legal arsenal is based on the Constitution of Burundi of 17 May 2018, in particular Article 164, paragraph 4, and Article 35. It is supplemented by the following: - Law No.1/10 of 30 May 2011 on the establishment and management of protected areas in Burundi - Law No.1/010 of 30 June 2000 on the Environment Code - Law No.1/07 of 15 July 2016 on the revision of the Forestry Code - Law No.1/02 of 26 March 2012 on the Water Code in Burundi with regard to the qualitative (Articles 43 to 47) and quantitative protection of water resources (Articles 48 to 50).", + "- Act No. 1/13 of 9 August 2011 on the revision of the Land Code of Burundi, article 451, paragraph 1; - Act No. 1/13 of 23 April 2015 on the reorganization of the electricity sector; - Act No. 1/012 of 30 May 2018 on the Code on the provision of health care and services in Burundi, especially articles 137 and 138 thereof; - Decree-Law No. 100/241 of 31 December 1992 regulating urban wastewater disposal.", + "- Decree No. 100/ 292 of 16 October 2007 establishing the National Platform for Risk Prevention and Disaster Management, its mission, composition, organisation and functioning.", + "Funding Mechanisms The assessment of the financing needs for mitigation and adaptation actions under this CDN is based on the lists of programmes and projects identified in progress or planned across the different sectors.", + "An Operational Implementation Strategy and its funding will enable the implementation of the CND on time. Funding mechanisms have requirements to be met in terms of the quality of the projects to be submitted, the data collected, the impact on mitigation or adaptation, and the capacity of management structures.", + "Funding mechanisms have requirements in terms of the quality of the projects to be submitted, the data collected, the impact on mitigation or adaptation, and the capacity of management structures. Mastery of technical, social and financial arrangements is a prerequisite for success in attracting the attention of providers of the resources needed for the implementation of the NCD. 7.", + "Mastery of technical, social and financial arrangements is a prerequisite for success in attracting the attention of providers of the resources needed for the implementation of the CBD. 7. MONITORING/EVALUATION AND VFM Under the supervision of the Ministry responsible for the Environment, monitoring and evaluation of the CBD will be carried out by the sectoral technical services.", + "Monitoring/evaluation mechanisms and MRV Under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment, monitoring and evaluation of the CBD will be carried out by the sectoral technical services, including monitoring the implementation of the activities outlined in this contribution as well as the various indicators of the CBD.", + "This will include monitoring the implementation of the activities foreseen in this contribution as well as the various indicators of the CBD. A capacity-building plan for the sectors concerned by the MNV will be established in the CBD implementation strategy with the corresponding costs integrated into the cost of the priority actions.", + "A capacity-building plan for the sectors concerned by the MNV will be established in the CND implementation strategy with the corresponding costs integrated into the cost of priority actions Burundi considers its CND to be fair and ambitious, taking into account its national situation and how it contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in Article 2 of the Paris Agreement.", + "Burundi considers its NDC to be fair and ambitious, taking into account its national situation and the way in which it contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in Article 2 of the Paris Agreement. In its participatory development process, all stakeholders were consulted and the criteria for prioritizing actions were based on the human and socio-environmental dimension.", + "In its participatory development process, all stakeholders were consulted and the criteria for prioritising actions were based on the human and socio-environmental dimension.", + "It sets out specific commitments to reduce GHGs relative to projected emissions by 2030 and commits to complying with rules that ensure environmental integrity, promote sustainable development and avoid double counting of emission reductions, in accordance with rules to be adopted under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.", + "The country is committed to complying with the rules that guarantee environmental integrity, promote sustainable development and avoid double counting of emission reductions, in accordance with the rules that will be adopted under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The successful implementation of the new CBD 2020 by all stakeholders requires significant financial, human and technological resources on the part of the country, as well as support from the international community, to enable even more significant reductions in GHG emissions and climate change resilience." + ], + "medium": [ + "i REPUBLIC OF BURUNDI DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL 2020 APPENDIX ii Table of Contents 1. Background and planning for the 2015 update of the CBD. 1 Background on Burundi\u2019s initial CBD (2015 CBD) 2 New elements contributing to the update. 5 GHG inventory and BAU projections 6 1.2.2. Analysis of the implementation of the 2015 CBD. 6 1.2.4.", + "Analysis of the implementation of the CBD 2015.. 6 1.2.4. National plans, policies and strategies. 9 Presentation of information according to Decision 4/CMA.1, Annex I. 10 Planning for updating the CBD. 11 Institutional commitment. 11 1.3.2. Enhanced ambition of the CBD 2020.. 11 1.3.3. Participatory and inclusive approach.. 12 1.3.4. Capacity building and technology transfer 13 1.3.5.", + "Capacity building and technology transfer 13 1.3.5. Timing of work 13 Burundi CBD 2020 15 Mitigation targets. 19 National GHG inventory 19 Perimeters. 20 Fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3) 20 CBD 2020 mitigation scenarios 31 2.2.1. Indicator, year of reference and target year(s). 31 2.2.3. Methodology for calculating emissions/removals from different scenarios. 32 2.2.4.", + "Method of calculating emissions/removals from different scenarios. 32 2.2.4. Baseline scenario BAU. 33 2.2.5. Unconditional scenario 41 2.2.6. Other impacts. 50 3. VALUE OF THE PERCENTAGE TARGET 66 3.1. Other impacts. 66 3.2. ICTU 67 4. COMMUNICATION ON ADAPTATION. 77 4.1. National situation, institutional arrangements and legal frameworks. 77 4.1.1. National situation. 77 iii 4.1.2. Institutional framework 78 4.1.3. National legal framework. 79 4.2.", + "Institutional framework 78 4.1.3. National legal framework. 79 4.2. Impacts, risks and vulnerabilities. 79 4.3. National priorities, strategies, policies, plans, objectives and adaptation measures 81 5. ADAPTATION 83 5.1 Unconditional scenario. 83 5.2. Conditional scenario. 84 5.3. Implementation and support needs 85 5.4. Implementation of adaptation measures and plans 89 5.5. Progress and results. 90 5.6. Adaptation efforts 90 5.7.", + "Progress and results. 90 5.6. Adaptation efforts 90 5.7. Cooperation to strengthen adaptation at the national, regional and international levels. 91 5.8. Barriers, difficulties and gaps. 91 5.9. Good practices, lessons learned and exchange of information. 92 5.10. Monitoring and evaluation 92 5.11. Adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans 93 5.12. Contributions to other international frameworks and/or conventions. 93 5.13.", + "Contributions to other international frameworks and/or conventions. 93 5.13. Consideration of gender issues, traditional knowledge, indigenous peoples\u2019 knowledge and local knowledge systems. 93 6. NCD IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. 94 6.1. Institutional aspects 94 6.2. Legal framework. 95 6.3. Funding mechanisms. 96 7. MONITORING/EVALUATION AND VRM mechanisms. 96 8.", + "Financing Mechanisms. 96 7. MONITORING/EVALUATION MECHANISM AND MRV. 96 8. CONCLUSION. 96 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Emissions by mitigation objective. 3 Table 2: Supporting documents for the formulation of assumptions and objectives. 4 Table 3: Scope and scope of the 2015 NCD. 4 Table 4: Support needed for the implementation of the 2015 NCD. 5 Table 5: Degree of implementation of the 2015 NCD unconditional actions. 6 Table 6: Degree of implementation of the 2015 NCD conditional actions in 2020 7 Table 7: Working schedule. 14 Table 8: Information on the clarity, transparency and understanding of the 2020 NCD. 15 iv Table 9: Sectors and gases accounted for. 20 Table 10: Sub-sectors and categories in the ", + "9: Sectors and gases accounted for. 20 Table 10: Agriculture and livestock sector sub-sectors and categories 21 Table 11: National GHG emissions in Gg CO2eq by sector. 23 Table 12: Total GHG emissions in Gg CO2e from the Energy sector 24 Table 13: Synthesis of GHG emissions from the Energy sector by sub-sector. 25 Table 14: GHG emissions from the POPs sector in Gg CO2.. 26 Table 15: CH4 emissions from domestic livestock in EqCO2 in Gg.. 27 Table 16: Emissions from managed soils in Eq CO2 in Gg.. 27 Table 17: Synthesis of GHG emissions/removals from FAT. 28 Table 18: Synthesis of GHG emissions from the Waste sector 30 Table", + "33 Table 21: Emissions in Gg CO2 eq in the IPPC BAU scenario 34 Table 22: Projected GHG emissions (Gg) in the Agriculture and Livestock Sector /BAU CO2e scenario 36 Table 23: BAU data by subcategories 37 Table 24: Evolution of pine and Callitris. 37 Table 25:", + "Evolution of GHG emissions in the BAU scenario for the Waste sector. 39 Table 27: Emissions in Gg CO2eq of the BAU scenario for all sectors. 40 Table 28: Actions selected for the unconditional scenario for the Energy sector 41 Table 29: National priority for mitigation in the transport sub-sector 42 Table 30: Mitigation priorities and parameters for emission accounting 43 Table 31: Mitigation priorities and emission calculation parameters for the transport sub-sector. 44 Table 32: Emissions avoided by national priorities 45 Table 33: Emissions avoided. 45 Table 34: Priority actions selected by unconditional objective 47 Table 35: Priority actions selected by unconditional objective 47 Table 36: Outcome of removals from the forestry sector in Gg EqCO2. 48 Table 37:", + "47 Table 36: Outputs of removals from the forestry sector in EqCO2 in Gg. 48 Table 37: Synthesis of avoided emissions and complementary removals 49 Table 38: Target value by unconditional objective. 50 Table 39: National priorities in the energy sector. 50 Table 40: Parameters for accounting of emissions. 53 Table 41: Emissions avoided by identified actions in the energy sector 56 Table 42: Priority actions in the POPs sector. 59 Table 43: Emissions avoided by identified action. 60 Table 44: Priority action in the agriculture sector.. 60 v Table 45: Animal population by species. 61 Table 46: Emission factor for each animal.. 61 Table 47: Impacts of the action in terms of GHG emission reductions 61 Table 48: National priorities in the LULUCF", + "Table 50: Priority Actions Identified 63 Table 51: Parameters for the Waste Sector. 64 Table 52: Impacts by Waste Sector Action 64 Table 53: Synthesis of Avoided Emissions and GHG Removals. 66 Table 54: Target Value by Conditional Objective. 66 Table 55: ICTU. 67 LIST OF GRAPHICS AND FIGURES Graph 1: Synthesis of GHG Emissions, NTC. 24 Graph 2: GHG Emissions from the Energy Sector 25 Graph 3: Emissions from the Energy Sector. 25 Graph 4: Emissions from the IPPC Sector 26 Graph 5: Emissions from the Domestic Livestock Sector 27 Graph 6: Emissions from Managed Land 28 Graph 7: Emissions and Removals from the GHG Sector. 29 Graph 8: Emissions from the Waste Sector 31", + "BAU PIU 35 Graph 11: Agriculture BAU Scenario Emissions. 36 Table 23: BAU Scenario Data by Subcategories. 37 Graph 12: BAU /FAT Scenario Emissions. 38 Graph 13: BAU Waste Scenario Emissions. 39 Graph 14: Total BAU Scenario Emissions. 40 1.", + "Background and planning for the updating of the 2015 UNFCCC Burundi made commitments to the international community to contribute to the fight against climate change through its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) submitted in 2015 at the twenty-first Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in Paris in 2015. It became a Determined Contribution in 2018 following Burundi\u2019s ratification of the Paris Agreement.", + "It became Contribution Determined in 2018 following Burundi\u2019s ratification of the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement warns against the threat of climate change and indicates that the GHG emission reductions announced in existing commitments are not sufficient to contain global warming below the 2\u00b0C target. To this end, it calls on Parties to make greater efforts to achieve a transition to 1.5\u00b0C.", + "To this end, it calls on the Parties to make greater efforts to achieve a transition to 1.5\u00b0C. In this context, it is useful and urgent to see how countries implement their commitments by implementing paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 9 and 13 of Article 4 of the Paris Agreement.", + "The Paris Agreement requires signatory countries to review their NCDs every five years. In 2020, countries are invited to submit revised NCDs based on their 2015 contributions to the UNFCCC secretariat. For countries that have chosen a time horizon of 2030, 2020 is a first opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to combating global warming effectively by re-communicating their 2015 NCDs in 2020.", + "For countries that have chosen a time horizon of 2030, the year 2020 is a first opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to effectively combat global warming by re-communicating their 2015 NCD in 2020. Although Burundi has chosen a time horizon of 2030 in the 2015 NCD, the Government wished to review its commitments by adopting more up-to-date data as well as a better alignment of the NCD with the guidelines of the Paris Agreement, particularly in the light of the rules book adopted at COP24, for the 2020 NCD.", + "Although Burundi has chosen a time horizon of 2030 in the 2015 NCD, the Government wished to review its commitments by adopting more up-to-date data as well as a better alignment of the NCD with the guidelines of the Paris Agreement, in particular in the light of the rules book adopted at COP24, for the 2020 NCD. In the 2015 NCD, Burundi committed itself to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 3% by 2030 without conditions and by 20% under conditions.", + "In the 2015 CBD, Burundi committed itself to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 3% by 2030 without conditions and by 20% under conditions. The envisaged ambition for the 2020 CBD is to improve the quality of the 2015 CBD, to update the quantitative estimates with more recent data, to reassess mitigation and adaptation opportunities by 2020-2030, to include more sectors in the definition of targets, to present complementary mitigation measures and to include the Communication on Adaptation in the CBD.", + "The envisaged ambition for the CBD 2020 is to improve the quality of the 2015 CBD, to update quantitative estimates with more recent data, to reassess mitigation and adaptation options for 2020-2030, to include more sectors in the definition of targets, to present complementary mitigation measures and to include the Communication on Adaptation in the CBD. The CBD of Burundi takes into account the IPCC Special Report of October 2018 on the consequences of global warming after the Paris Agreement.", + "The CDN of Burundi takes into account the October 2018 IPCC special report on the consequences of global warming after the Paris Agreement, which sets out the collective ambition to limit global warming to \"below 2\u00b0C above pre-industrial levels and to continue efforts to limit the increase in temperature to 1.5\u00b0C\".", + "This report sets out the collective ambition to limit global warming \"below 2\u00b0C above pre-industrial levels and to continue efforts to limit the increase in temperature to 1.5\u00b0C.\" The Paris Agreement warns of the threat of climate change and indicates that the GHG emission reductions announced in existing commitments are not sufficient to contain global warming below the 2\u00b0C target.", + "The Paris Agreement warns of the threat of climate change and indicates that the GHG emission reductions announced in existing commitments are not sufficient to contain global warming below the 2\u00b0C target. To this end, it calls on Parties to make greater efforts to achieve a transition to 1.5\u00b0C.", + "To this end, it calls on the Parties to make greater efforts to achieve a transition to 1.5\u00b0C. In this context, it is useful and urgent to see how countries implement their commitments by implementing Article 4, paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 9 and 13, of the Paris Agreement.", + "In this context, it is useful and urgent to see how countries implement their commitments by implementing paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 9 and 13 of Article 4 of the Paris Agreement. The updated NDCs are based on the principle of voluntary commitment by countries and promote cooperation between countries to achieve, in a coordinated manner, common climate change objectives that should lead to a 45% 1 reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to the 2010 level in order to remain below the 1.5\u00b0C target.", + "The updated NCDs are based on the principle of voluntary commitment by countries and promote cooperation between countries to achieve, in a coordinated manner, common climate change objectives that should lead to a 45% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions 1 by 2030 compared to the 2010 level in order to remain below the 1.5\u00b0C target. The updating of the NCD of the Republic of Burundi promotes transparency, accuracy, completeness, comparability and consistency and is consistent with the IPCC report and the conclusions of the Talanoa Dialogue.", + "The updating of the NCD of the Republic of Burundi promotes transparency, accuracy, completeness, comparability and coherence and is consistent with the IPCC report and the conclusions of the Talanoa Dialogue.", + "Its trajectory is planned in relation to a BAU (Business as Usual) baseline scenario, which will measure Burundi\u2019s efforts to meet its climate change mitigation targets.", + "The sectors covered by the CBD are energy and transport, industrial processes and product use (IPU), agriculture, forestry and land use (AFAT) and waste management. It should be noted that forests play an important role in both adaptation and mitigation.", + "It should be noted that forests play an important role in both adaptation and mitigation. Background on Burundi\u2019s Initial NCD (NCD 2015) Burundi\u2019s Initial NCD was published in 2015 and took into account aspects related to adaptation and mitigation. a) Adaptation Burundi is exposed to the adverse effects of climate change2.", + "(a) Adaptation Burundi is exposed to the adverse effects of climate change.2 Climate change affects all sectors, in particular energy, agriculture and livestock, water, health, landscapes and terrestrial ecosystems. The adaptation needs identified in the 2015 NCD related to forestry, human, institutional, technical and financial capacity-building and technology transfer.", + "The adaptation needs identified in the 2015 NCD related to forestry, human, institutional, technical and financial capacity-building and technology transfer. National priorities, policies and programmes have been defined in terms of adaptation to climate change (UNDP Burundi 2018-2027, DOPEAE, PN- PA CC, Preliminary NAP, etc.).", + "National priorities, policies and programmes have been defined in terms of adaptation to climate change (UNDP Burundi 2018-2027, DOPEAE, PN- PA CC, Preliminary NAP, etc.). b) Mitigation With regard to mitigation, Burundi had committed to a 23% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (BAU), corresponding to a 3% reduction (1,958 Gg CO2) under its unconditional target and a 20% reduction (14,897 Gg CO2) under its conditional target.", + "(b) Mitigation With regard to mitigation, Burundi had committed to a 23% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (BAU), corresponding to a 3% reduction (1,958 Gg CO2) under its unconditional target and a 20% reduction (14,897 Gg CO2) under its conditional target.", + "According to the 2015 CBD, the OAU was based on assumptions relating to the growth of the national economy (GDP), population growth and the rate of electrification contained in the above-mentioned documents, some of which and many others developed served as the basis for the CBD 2020 OAU.", + "1 GHG reduction targets and the contribution of states, Institute for Research in Contemporary Economics, Intervention Note No. 72, 2 National Communications on Climate Change (2005, 2010, 2019), Evolution of climate parameters in Burundi to 2050 and Integrated Vulnerability Analysis in Burundi under the Climate Change Adaptation for the Protection of Water and Soil Resources (ACCES) project, Mitigation targets were assessed on the basis of actions carried out contributing to mitigation.", + "1 GHG reduction targets and the contribution of states, Institute for Research in Contemporary Economics, Intervention Note No. 72, 2 National Communications on Climate Change (2005, 2010, 2019), Evolution of climate parameters in Burundi to 2050 and Integrated Vulnerability Analysis in Burundi under the project \"Adapting to Climate Change for the Protection of Water and Soil Resources\" (ACCES), Mitigation targets were assessed on the basis of actions carried out contributing to mitigation.", + "The accounting and verification of avoided GHG emissions were calculated using the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. Intermediate targets for 2020 and 2025 were also defined in the 2015 CBD. The mitigation targets of the 2015 CBD are summarized in Table 1.", + "Table 1: Emissions by mitigation targets OBJECTIVES Percentage Emission eq CO2 (Gg) Unconditional (2030) % Conditional (2030) % Unconditional (2025) % Conditional (2025) % Unconditional (2020) % Conditional (2020) % Source:", + "Table 1: Emissions by mitigation targets OBJECTIVES Percentage Emission eq CO2 (Gg) Unconditional (2030) % Conditional (2030) % Unconditional (2025) % Conditional (2025) % Unconditional (2020) % Conditional (2020) % Source: CDN 2015 To achieve the unconditional target, the following measures were planned: - in the forestry sector, Burundi planned to increase GHG sinks by (re)forestation of 4ha/year for 15 years from 2016 to 2030. - in the energy sector, Burundi planned to build three hydroelectric power stations to increase the electrification rate to 35%, i.e. 45.4 MW of output in 2030.", + "- in the energy sector, Burundi planned to build three hydroelectric power stations in order to increase the electrification rate to 35%, i.e. 45.4 MW in 2030. To achieve the conditional objective, the following measures were envisaged subject to funding: - in the forestry sector, Burundi committed to (i) reforestation of 8,000 ha/year, for 15 years from 2016, and (ii) the replacement of all carbon-fired ovens and traditional domestic cookers to 100% by 2030.", + "In order to achieve the conditional objective, the following measures were envisaged subject to funding: - in the forestry sector, Burundi committed to (i) reforestation of 8,000 ha/year, for 15 years from 2016, and (ii) the replacement of all carbon-fired ovens and traditional domestic stoves by 100% by 2030. - in the agricultural sector, Burundi planned to gradually replace 100% of mineral fertilisers with organic fumes by 2030.", + "- in the agricultural sector, Burundi planned to phase out 100% of mineral fertilizers by 2030, and the policy and strategic documents that took into account greenhouse gas emission-generating activities and were used to formulate mitigation assumptions, measures and targets are presented in Table 2 by sector.", + "Table 2: Supporting documents for the formulation of assumptions and objectives Sectors Current policy and strategy documents Energy Sectoral Strategy for the Energy Sector in Burundi (2011); National Environment Strategy (SNEB, 1997).", + "Table 2: Supporting documents for the formulation of assumptions and objectives Sectors Current policy documents and strategies Energy Sectoral Strategy for the Energy Sector in Burundi (2011); National Environment Strategy (SNEB, 1997); Land allocation and forestry National Forestry Policy of Burundi (2012); National Strategy and Biodiversity Action Plan 2013-2020.", + "Land allocation and forestry Burundi National Forestry Policy (2012); National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2013-2020; Agriculture National Agricultural Strategy 2008-2015 (2008); National Sustainable Land Use Strategy (2007); National Action Programme to Combat Land Degradation (2005); National Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Land Degradation 2011-2016; National Agricultural Investment Plan 2012-2017.", + "Agriculture National Agricultural Strategy 2008-2015 (2008); National Sustainable Land Use Strategy (2007); National Action Plan to Combat Land Degradation (2005); National Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Land Degradation 2011-2016; National Agricultural Investment Plan 2012-2017 All sectors Vision \"Burundi 2025\", Strategic Growth Framework, 2012; First and Second National Communications on Climate Change, 2001 and 2010; National Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change, 2007; Synthesis Report of Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 2009; Synthesis Report of GHG Mitigation Studies, 2009; National Climate Change Policy, 2013; National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, 2013.", + "All sectors Vision \"Burundi 2025\", Strategic Growth Framework, 2012; First and Second National Communications on Climate Change, 2001 and 2010; National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan, 2007; Synthesis Report of Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 2009; Synthesis Report of GHG Mitigation Studies, 2009; National Climate Change Policy, 2013; National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, 2013. Source:", + "Source: NCD 2015 The scope and scope of the 2015 NCD can be found in Table 3. Table 3: Scope and scope of the 2015 NCD Sector Gas Sub-sectors Geographic scope Energy Fuel combustion activities All jurisdictions Agriculture/Livestock Domestic livestock and managed land All jurisdictions", + "Table 3: Scope and scope of the NCD 2015 Sector Gas Sub-sectors Geographic scope Energy Fuel combustion activities All jurisdictions Agriculture/Livestock Domestic livestock and managed land All jurisdictions Land use and forestry Forest land All jurisdictions Source:", + "Land allocation and forestry Forest land All territory Source: UNFCCC 2015 The compensation mechanism for loss of profits in the implementation of the proposed UNFCCC was based on international mechanisms for the compensation of greenhouse gas emissions (Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol) and existing national legislation. In the area of forests, it was envisaged to promote the upgrading of ecosystem services.", + "In the case of forests, it was envisaged to promote the upgrading of ecosystem services. With regard to the conditional objectives, support needs were analysed. In order for the conditional objectives to be achieved, support was needed for capacity-building of the Ministry\u2019s environmental services and for technology transfer. In addition, financial support was essential.", + "In order for the conditional objectives to be achieved, support was needed for capacity-building of the Ministry\u2019s environmental services and for technology transfer, and financial support was essential. The cost of the mitigation and adaptation components for implementing the priority actions listed in the 2015 CDN by unconditional and conditional objectives was estimated at US$ 1,493,589,000.", + "The cost of the mitigation and adaptation components for implementing the priority actions listed in the 2015 UNFCCC by unconditional and conditional objectives was estimated at US$ 1.493.589 million. Table 4 illustrates the support required for the implementation of the 2015 UNFCCC.", + "Table 4 illustrates the support required for the implementation of the 2015 CBD. Table 4: Support required for the implementation of the 2015 CBD Program Cost in USD (X1000) 1.Adaptation and management of climate risks 2.Greenhouse gas mitigation and low-carbon development 3.Promotion of research and development and technology transfer 4.Capacity building, knowledge management and communication 5.Forestry and agroforestry 6.Vulgarization of improved sawmills 7.Vulgarization of improved domestic and artisanal homes Total Source: 2015 CBD New elements contributing to the update The update of the Burundi CBD takes into account new elements published since 2015 CBD, both at the national and international levels.", + "At the national level, these are mainly the Third GHG Inventory (2005, 2010 and 2015), the National Plan for Development of Burundi 2018-2027 (PND BURUNDI 2018-2027), the Guidance Document for the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy (DOPEAE 2020), the National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and the Role of Forest Ecosystem Conservation, Sustainable Forest Management and the Strengthening of Forest Carbon Stocks (REDD+) 2019, policies and plans related to industry, transport, energy, health and gender.", + "At the international level, these are mainly decisions from COP 24 in 2018, held in Katowice, Poland, in December 2018, and the ICTU, which aims to guide countries in updating their NCDs. The Katowice package sets out the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines that specify how the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ERF) is to be implemented. It sets out the essential procedures and mechanisms that will make the Paris Agreement operational.", + "It sets out the essential procedures and mechanisms that will make the Paris Agreement operational. The updated NCD is also in the implementation phase of the Paris Agreement and specifically in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 9 and 13 of Article 4 thereof. In addition, the update takes into account Decision 4/CMA.", + "In addition, the update takes into account Decision 4/CMA. 1 Annex I on the ICTU (Information, Clarity, Transparency and Under standing) which highlights the Information on Clarity, Transparency and Understanding of NCDs and integrates cross-cutting issues such as gender and social inclusion.", + "1 Annex I on Information, Clarity, Transparency and Under standing (ICTU), which highlights Information on the Clarity, Transparency and Understanding of NCDs and integrates cross-cutting issues such as gender and social inclusion GHG inventory and BAU projections Following the submission of the 2015 NCD to the UNFCCC Secretariat, the Third Communication was developed and validated in 2019 under the coordination of the Ministry of the Environment with the support of the Global Environment Facility.", + "BAU GHG Inventory and Projections Following the submission of the 2015 NCD to the UNFCCC Secretariat, the Third Communication was developed and validated in 2019 under the Coordination of the Ministry of the Environment with the support of the Global Environment Facility. It is based on the Third National GHG Inventory. The methodology for calculating GHG emissions and removals follows the IPCC Guidelines 2006. This inventory covers the years 2005, 2010 and 2015.", + "The methodology for calculating GHG emissions and removals follows the IPCC Guidelines 2006 and covers the years 2005, 2010 and 2015. The greenhouse gases considered are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). The sectors covered are (i) energy; (ii) industrial processes and product use (IPU); (iii) agriculture, forestry and other land use (LULUCF) and (iv) waste management.", + "The sectors covered are (i) energy; (ii) industrial processes and product use (IPU); (iii) agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFAT) and (iv) waste management. The NTC contains emission projections for 2050 if no action is taken to mitigate GHG emissions. These projections also show mitigation scenarios based on the GHG mitigation policies, measures, strategies and plans planned and implemented in Burundi. 1.2.2.", + "These projections also show mitigation scenarios based on GHG mitigation policies, measures, strategies and plans planned and implemented in Burundi. 1.2.2. Analysis of the implementation of the 2015 CBD Prior to the updating of the 2015 CBD, an analysis of the implementation of the 2015 CBD was conducted.", + "Prior to the updating of the CBD, an analysis of the implementation of the 2015 CBD was conducted to assess the progress made in the implementation of the first CBD in relation to the country\u2019s commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by unconditional and conditional targets.", + "The purpose of this analysis was to assess the progress made in implementing the first NCD in relation to the country\u2019s commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by unconditional and conditional targets.", + "With regard to the unconditional target, the forestry sector was expected to harvest 4,000 ha per year for 5 years, i.e. 20,000 ha for 5 years, and to build three hydroelectric power stations in order to increase the electrification rate to 35%. The degree of implementation of the 2015 UNFCCC unconditional actions in the forestry and energy sectors in 2020 is summarised in Table 5.", + "The level of implementation of the 2015 UNFCCC unconditional actions in the forestry and energy sectors in 2020 is summarised in Table 5. Table 5: Degree of implementation of the 2015 UNFCCC unconditional actions Sector Planned actions Achievements Achievements % Achievement Forestry Energy Construct hydroelectric power plants 4 plants under construction Total Source: 2015 UNFCCC Assessment Report With regard to the conditional objective, it was planned (i) in the forestry sector to forest 8000 ha per year for 5 years, i.e. 40,000 ha from 2016 to 2020, (ii) in the energy sector to replace 100%, by 2030, all traditional wood burning stoves and traditional domestic cookers, and (iii) in the agriculture sector, to gradually replace 100% of mineral fertilisers by biofuels.", + "(iii) in the agricultural sector, to gradually replace 100% mineral fertilisers with organic fumes by 2030.", + "The results by proposed conditional actions are shown in Table 6.", + "Table 6: Degree of implementation of the conditional actions of the CBD 2015 in 2020 Sector Planned actions Actions carried out Achievement rate in % Cost of action4 Forestry Logging 40,000 ha in 5 years Energy Replace by 2030 all traditional carbon-fired ovens DN DN Replace by 2030 traditional domestic stoves in all households DN DN DN Agriculture Gradually replace 100% mineral fertilisers with organic smoke, hence DN DN DN Total Source:", + "was used to identify gaps in its implementation and to draw lessons for the 2020 update of the CND.", + "The shortcomings identified are as follows: \uf0fc Lack of a national coordination framework for the implementation of the CBD. \uf0fc Lack of indicators for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the CBD. \uf0fc Lack of capacity to mobilise resources for the implementation of the CBD by unconditional and conditional objectives. \uf0fc Lack of a national climate finance MRV system. \uf0fc Insufficient capacity-building and technology transfer actions.", + "\uf0fc Insufficient capacity-building and technology transfer actions. \uf0fc Low awareness of ownership of the CBD by all stakeholders. Lessons learned from the implementation of the CBD 2015 are as follows: \uf0fc The CBD 2015 is very ambitious and contains some commitments that are not or hardly achievable in time.", + "Lessons learned from the implementation of the 2015 UNCCD are as follows: \uf0fc The 2015 UNCCD is very ambitious and contains some commitments that are not or difficult to achieve within the timeframe \uf0fc Measurement, reporting and evaluation of mitigation and adaptation actions are difficult to achieve due to the lack of specific indicators and information on sectoral implementation contributions and the existence of an MRV system for the 2015 UNCCD.", + "\uf0fc Measurement, reporting and evaluation of mitigation and adaptation actions are difficult to achieve due to the lack of specific indicators and information on sectoral implementation contributions and the existence of an MRV system for the CBD. Suggestion for improvement of the CBD 2020: Taking into account the shortcomings observed in the CBD 2015 and its implementation, as well as Burundi\u2019s commitment to increase its ambitions, new elements have been incorporated into the CBD 2020.", + "Suggestion for the improvement of the CND 2020: Taking into account the shortcomings observed in the CND 2015 and its implementation, as well as Burundi\u2019s commitment to increase its ambitions, new elements have been incorporated into the CND 2020, including: \uf0fc The integration of the waste and industry sectors (WPI), and the transport sub-sectors. \uf0fc The consideration of gender and social inclusion aspects in accordance with existing national policies.", + "\uf0fc The development of a logical framework with measurable follow-up indicators for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of priority mitigation and adaptation actions in the CBD 2020. \uf0fc The establishment of an inclusive national coordination and monitoring framework for the implementation of the CBD.", + "\uf0fc Establishment of an inclusive national coordination and monitoring framework for the implementation of the CND. \uf0fc Raising awareness among all stakeholders (political decision-makers, planners, local and grassroots communities, while respecting the gender dimension) of the implementation of the CND for its appropriation.", + "\uf0fc Awareness-raising of all stakeholders (political decision-makers, planners, local and grassroots communities while respecting the gender dimension) on the implementation of the CBD for its appropriation. \uf0fc Integration of all stakeholders involved in planning to take climate change into account in relation to the CBD when implementing strategic development tools (strategies and sectoral policies).", + "\uf0fc The integration of all actors involved in planning to take account of climate change in relation to the CBD when setting up strategic development tools (sectoral strategies and policies). \uf0fc The strengthening of the institutional and technical capacities of sectoral entities with sufficient financial resources and appropriate tools for the effective implementation of the CBD with a mechanism for monitoring, reporting and verification of REDD+ and other climate change actions as well as a national research and development programme on adaptation to climate change.", + "\uf0fc Strengthening the institutional and technical capacities of sectoral entities with adequate financial resources and appropriate tools for effective implementation of the CBD with a monitoring, reporting and verification mechanism for REDD+ and other climate change actions as well as a national research and development programme on adaptation to climate change. \uf0fc Formulation of projects in line with the requirements of the different funding mechanisms and the creation of a strategic framework favourable to the mobilisation of funding, as several African countries Parties to the Convention have established a National Climate Change Fund.", + "\uf0fc The formulation of projects in line with the requirements of the various funding mechanisms and the creation of a strategic framework favourable to the mobilisation of funding, as several African countries Parties to the Convention have established a National Climate Change Fund. \uf0fc The improvement of the data collection system. \uf0fc The integration of the CBD programmes into sectoral plans and policies. \uf0fc The incorporation of ICTU into the CBD 2020. 1.2.4. National Plans, Policies and Strategies.", + "1.2.4. National Plans, Policies and Strategies (i) Economic Development Plan of Burundi The first document published since the CND 2015 is the National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, published in 2018. This plan was produced in a context where Burundi is experiencing major changes in the areas of administrative and economic governance with a major challenge linked to the structural transformation of the national economy.", + "This plan has been produced in a context where Burundi is experiencing major changes in the areas of administrative and economic governance with a major challenge linked to the structural transformation of the national economy. It is facing the challenges of socio-economic development. These challenges are an obvious one to be resolved by the said plan for the decade 2018-2027.", + "The National Development Plan for Burundi 2018-2027 (PNB) is part of a development plan focusing on a new dynamic of transformation of economic, demographic and social structures, which generates lasting multiplier effects on the improvement of economic growth as well as on average per capita income.", + "This framework generates lasting multiplier effects both on improving economic growth and on average per capita income, enabling basic needs to be met, poverty to be reduced, human capital to be developed, environmental sustainability to be achieved and social equity to be achieved. GNP is thus a strategic policy tool on which the sectors will have to build their policies and action plans in order to contribute positively to the increase in gross domestic product (GDP).", + "GNP is thus a strategic policy tool on which the sectors will have to build their policies and action plans in order to contribute positively to the increase in gross domestic product (GDP), which is intended to be the basis for strong and inclusive growth from 2018 onwards in order to enable Burundi to reach the level of emerging countries by 2027.", + "This plan is intended to be the basis for strong and inclusive growth from 2018 onwards in order to enable Burundi to reach the level of emerging countries by 2027. Its aim is to create the necessary conditions for lasting peace and stability for the long-term structural transformation of the economy characterized by two-digit, sustainable and equitable growth.", + "Its aim is to create the conditions for lasting peace and stability for the long-term structural transformation of the economy characterised by two-digit, sustainable and equitable growth. The implementation of the NDP is based on five strategic orientations: (i) stimulating growth-enhancing sectors; (ii) developing human capital; (iii) protecting the environment, adapting to climate change and improving spatial planning; (iv) strengthening democracy, governance, the rule of law and safeguarding national sovereignty; (v) strengthening resource mobilisation mechanisms and developing cooperation and partnership.", + "The implementation of the NDP is based on five strategic orientations, namely (i) stimulating growth-enhancing sectors; (ii) developing human capital; (iii) protecting the environment, adapting to climate change and improving spatial planning; (iv) strengthening democracy, governance, the rule of law and safeguarding national sovereignty; (v) strengthening resource mobilisation mechanisms and developing cooperation and partnership.", + "The updated NCD is one of the tools for the implementation of the National Development Plan and still takes into account the objectives of Sustainable Development 2030. (ii) National policies and strategies.", + "(ii) National policies and strategies In order to mitigate the adverse effects of the impacts of climate change, the Government of Burundi has defined the political guidelines, in particular through the NDP 2018-2027, Vision 2025 published by Burundi in 2011 and the various sectoral policies such as the National Water Policy, the National Water Strategy, the National Agricultural Strategy (SAN), the National Strategy and Biodiversity Action Plan 2013-2020; the National Forestry Policy and the Energy Policy Letter and its implementation strategy.", + "In order to mitigate the adverse effects of the impacts of climate change, the Government of Burundi has defined the political guidelines in particular through the NDP 2018-2027, the Vision 2025 published by Burundi in 2011 and the various sectoral policies such as the National Water Policy, the National Water Strategy, the National Agricultural Strategy (SAN), the National Strategy and Biodiversity Action Plan 2013-2020, the National Forestry Policy and the Energy Policy Letter and its implementation strategy.", + "In addition, it has developed and adopted strategies with specific climate change action plans, including: \uf0d8 The National Climate Change Policy and Strategy and Action Plan. \uf0d8 The National Climate Change Adaptation Communications Strategy. \uf0d8 The National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA, 2007). \uf0d8 The National Climate Change Communications. \uf0d8 The National Forestry Strategy, 2021 as a replacement for the 2012 Strategy.", + "\uf0d8 National Forestry Strategy, 2021 to replace (2012). \uf0d8 National REDD+ Strategy, 2019, National Sustainable Land Use Strategy (2007). \uf0d8 National Strategy and Soil Degradation Action Plan 2011-2016. \uf0d8 National Agricultural Investment Plan 2012-2017. \uf0d8 National Preliminary Adaptation Plan (2020).", + "\uf0d8 The National Agricultural Investment Plan 2012-2017. \uf0d8 The National Preliminary Adaptation Plan (2020). The implementation of the updated NCD contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the various above-mentioned plans, policies and strategies documents in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change.", + "The implementation of the updated CBD contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the various above-mentioned plans, policies and strategies documents on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change. Presentation of information according to Decision 4/CMA.1, Annex I Information, Clarity, Transparency and Under standing (ICTU) has been taken into account in the updating of the CBD by focusing on the following: (i) Quantifiable information on benchmarks.", + "Presentation of information according to Decision 4/CMA.1, Annex I Information, Clarity, Transparency and Under standing (ICTU) has been taken into account in updating the CBD focusing on the following: (i) quantifiable information on benchmarks. (ii) timetables and/or implementation periods. (iii) scope and scope. (iv) planning process.", + "(iii) Scope and scope. (iv) The planning process. (v) Assumptions and methodological approaches. (vi) How the Party considers its nationally determined contribution to be equitable in light of its national situation. (vii) How the CBD contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in Article 2.", + "(vii) How the CBD contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2. At the international level, the IPCC Special Report on the Consequences of Global Warming of 1.50C has been published. This special report was approved at the 48th IPCC meeting in Incheon, South Korea and has been published since 8 October 2018.", + "This special report was approved at the 48th meeting of the IPCC in Incheon, South Korea, and has been published since 8 October 2018. It served as the scientific basis for the Talanoa Dialogue concluded at COP 24 in December 2018 in Katowice, Poland, to review the collective efforts of Parties to achieve the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement and to encourage countries to make new and more ambitious commitments by 2020.", + "It served as the scientific basis for the Talanoa Dialogue, which was concluded at COP 24 in December 2018 in Katowice, Poland, to review the collective efforts of the Parties to achieve the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement and to encourage countries to make new and more ambitious commitments by 2020.", + "The conclusions of the Talanoa Dialogue call on all countries to submit to the United Nations enhanced climate plans (Nationally Determined Contributions - NCCs) for 2020 and urge Parties to pay specific attention to the role of the transport sector (including international aviation and navigation), the financing of the transition, the role of public and private investment, the carbon price in this context (taking into account socio-economic aspects), and the synergies of the transition to a circular economy aimed at the sound and efficient management of resources, etc. Planning for the updating of the NCC Institutional Commitment The Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock is the institutional coordinating framework which, through its administrative and technical structure, is responsible for the NCC 2020.", + "To this end, it has set up a national commission to monitor the updating of the 2015 UNCCD, which is composed of senior officials from the various GHG emitting sectors, including AFAT, Energy, Transport and Industrial Processes and the Use of Products and Waste, as well as officials from the non-emitting but cross-cutting sectors, namely Health and Gender.", + "In close collaboration with UNDP, the Commission is responsible for monitoring the process of updating the CBD since the recruitment of the Bureau and the development phases (validation of the methodology, organization of retreats, technical sessions and stakeholder consultation workshops, validation at various stages of the document and submission of the updated CBD for adoption and approval).", + "In close cooperation with UNDP, the Commission is responsible for monitoring the process of updating the CBD since the recruitment of the Bureau and the development phases (validation of the methodology, organization of retreats, technical sessions and stakeholder consultation workshops, validation at various stages of the document and submission of the updated CBD for adoption and approval).", + "At the technical level, the CBD 2020 was carried out by a consortium of 10 national experts assisted by an international consultant. 1.3.2. Enhanced ambition of the CBD 2020 Burundi has been actively engaged in the CBD process and, as early as 2015, it has transmitted a first CBD with mitigation targets for 2030. Yet, in 2020, although the country could only rewrite its 2015 CBD (since it covered the period up to 2030), Burundi embarked on an ambitious updating project.", + "However, in 2020, despite the fact that the country could only re-summarize its 2015 NCD (since it covered the period up to 2030), Burundi embarked on an ambitious update project. The increase in ambition for the 2020 NCD mainly consists, on the one hand, of taking more sectors into account in the definition of mitigation objectives and complementary measures and, on the other hand, of including the Communication on Adaptation in the NCD.", + "Increasing the ambition for the CBD 2020 mainly consists, on the one hand, of taking more sectors into account in the definition of mitigation targets and complementary measures and, on the other hand, of including the Communication on Adaptation in the CBD. The inclusion of actions concerning the Transport, IPPC and Waste sectors in the CBD 2020 increases the ambition in terms of GHG emission mitigation.", + "The inclusion of actions relating to the transport, PPI and waste sectors in the CBD 2020 increases the ambition in terms of GHG emission mitigation. This CBD therefore represents an increase over the previous CBD, as sectoral emission coverage has been extended to all categories estimated in the GHG inventory. Furthermore, the CBD 2020 takes into account the gender dimension and thus strengthens its fairness.", + "Furthermore, the CBD 2020 takes into account the gender dimension and thus strengthens its equity dimension. As the scope of implementation of the CBD 2020 is national, its implementation will be equitable and fair according to the diverse environments and lifestyles of local communities. Burundi is part of the dynamic of continuing to provide efforts to reduce GHG emissions.", + "Burundi is part of the dynamic of continuing to provide efforts to reduce GHG emissions and will move towards the goal of reducing or limiting emissions on an economy-wide basis and increasing carbon stocks, including through the implementation of the National Development Plan 2018-2027, and the Guidance Document for the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy and other sectoral policies.", + "It will move towards the goal of reducing or limiting emissions across the economy and increasing carbon stocks, including through the implementation of the National Development Plan 2018-2027, and the Guidance Document for Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy and other sectoral policies.", + "The CDN 2020 is contributing to Article 2(a) of the PA as it plans to implement projects/programmes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 2021 to 2030. It will also contribute to the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 1 of the PA. For example, it provides for political, strategic measures and mitigation plans/programmes and adaptation plans with benefits for mitigation.", + "For example, it provides for policy, strategic and mitigation plans/programmes and adaptation plans with benefits for mitigation, with the aim of achieving the desired global GHG cap in accordance with the best available science.", + "The aim is to achieve the desired global GHG cap in accordance with the best available scientific data, thereby achieving a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and anthropogenic removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of the century, on the basis of equity, and in the context of sustainable development and the fight against poverty.", + "As a result, it will be possible to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and anthropogenic removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of the century, on the basis of equity, and in the context of sustainable development and poverty reduction.", + "The 2020 NCD will be implemented on January 1, 2021 and will expire on December 31, 2030. From 2020 to 2025, a two-year assessment will be conducted to see progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 2021 to 2025. 1.3.3. Participatory and inclusive approach. The 2020 update of the NCD has been organized with a real effort to ensure a participatory and inclusive approach at the planning, development and audit stages.", + "The 2020 update of the CBD was organized by making a real effort to ensure a participatory and inclusive approach at the planning, development and verification stages. It took into account the involvement of all stakeholders including government institutions, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and grassroots community associations. The UN Agencies and Technical and Financial Partners were also consulted to contribute to the 2020 update process.", + "The UN Agencies and Technical and Financial Partners were also consulted to contribute to the CBD 2020 update process.5 For the 2020 update of the CBD, the consultations also sought the views of civil society organizations5 and university researchers to involve and involve the private sector, civil society organizations, local communities, youth and Batwa in the formulation and evaluation of mitigation projects.", + "The aim was to involve and involve the private sector, civil society organisations, local communities, youth and the Batwa in the formulation and evaluation of mitigation projects. Particular emphasis was placed on the Strategic Advocacy Alliance, which brings together some 15 organisations working for human rights and gender, led by COCAFEM/GL and the Swiss Co-operation, the Catholic and Anglican Churches at a Round Table on the Role of Religious Leadership in the Response to the Current Ecological Crisis on 12 May 2021 and two Batwa organisations UNIPROBA and UPARED, the most representative of the Batwa and the Laudato Si Platform, bringing together four youth associations sensitive to climate change.. the participation of women and indigenous peoples assimilated to the Batwa during the consultation process.", + "A total of 5 workshops involving all stakeholders were organised to collect data, define actions to be considered in the unconditional and conditional scenarios of the CBD, and validate methodological approaches and results. 1.3.4. Capacity-building and technology transfer During the implementation of the CBD 2015, capacity-building of sectoral institutional managers was carried out, albeit in a very limited number.", + "Capacity-building and technology transfer During the implementation of the CBD 2015, capacity-building of sectoral institutions managers was carried out, albeit in a very limited number, focusing on tools and methodologies for greenhouse gas inventories and vulnerability, climate change adaptation and GHG mitigation studies. Capacity-building also focused on project financing procedures and mechanisms.", + "Capacity-building also focused on project financing procedures and mechanisms, but the need for capacity-building in these areas remains a national priority, as strengthened staffing is still insufficient and ownership of these tools remains weak in all sectors.", + "However, the need for capacity building in these areas remains a national priority, as the strengthened staff complement is still insufficient and the mastery of these tools is still weak in all sectors. It is in this context that the CND 2020 expresses a continuing need to strengthen a large number of mitigation stakeholders at the sectoral level in order to address the following situations: - Limited availability of quality data.", + "It is in this context that the CBD 2020 expresses a continuing need to strengthen a large number of actors involved in mitigation at the sectoral level in order to address the following situations: - Limited availability of quality data. - Low technical knowledge for projections and analysis of mitigation measures. - Difficulty in training technical and scientific staff due to the lack of specialised climate change training institutions on the ground and the limitations of cooperation for external training.", + "- Difficulty in training technical and scientific personnel due to the lack of specialised climate change training institutions on the ground and the limitations of co-operation for external training As research and development in the field of climate change remains lacking and technical and financial resources are limited, the CND 2020 proposes technology transfer actions to build capacity.", + "As research and development in the field of climate change remains lacking and technical and financial resources are limited, the UNCCD 2020 proposes technology transfer actions to build capacity. The most important actions are: \uf0b7 Strengthen sectoral institutions on building reliable databases on climate change. \uf0b7 Support climate research and development. 1.3.5. Timetable of work carried out The work to update the UNCCD took place over 5 months.", + "Schedule of work carried out The work to update the CDN was carried out over a period of 5 months and is shown in Table 7. Schedule of work Planned activities PREFED/CAREPD meetings with the Programme Specialist/Head of the Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Unit at UNDP, the international consultant and the authorities of the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock.", + "Schedule of work Planned activities PREFED/CAREPD meetings with the Programme Specialist/Head of the Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Unit at UNDP, the international consultant and the authorities of the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock. Development of the methodological note, work plan and timetable for the updating of the 2015 NCD in collaboration with the international experts responsible for monitoring the updating. Participation in the weekly meetings organized by the international experts starting in April 2021.", + "Participate in the weekly meetings organised by international experts as from April 2021. Prepare the report on the implementation of the 2015 NCD of the Republic of Burundi. Validate the report on the implementation of the 2015 NCD of the Republic of Burundi by the Technical Commission in charge of monitoring the update.", + "Validate the report on the implementation of the 2015 NCD of the Republic of Burundi by the Technical Commission in charge of monitoring the update Participate in a workshop to present (i) the evaluated NCD and the preliminary draft NAP, (ii) a methodological note, a work plan and a timetable for the updating of the NCD, and (iv) validate the questionnaire for the collection of sectoral data focusing on adaptation/mitigation to climate change, gender mainstreaming, youth, vulnerable groups and capacity-building needs, and validate the report on the implementation of the 2015 NCD of the Republic of Burundi.", + "Conduct stakeholder consultations for data collection and documentation and surveys on energy consumption needs and fertilizer/pesticide use. Analyze and process data collected and develop sectoral reports and draft sectoral reports taking into account adaptation/mitigation aspects. Integrate comments from targeted experts into these sectoral reports. Conduct 4 regional consultation workshops.", + "Incorporate the comments of the targeted experts into these sectoral reports. Conduct 4 regional consultation workshops. Consortium experts prepare the updated draft of the CBD for Burundi. The draft of the CBD 2020 is sent to UNDP. Analysis of the draft by international experts. Comments on the CBD 2020 are sent to national experts by international experts. Comments of international experts are incorporated into the consolidated document. The consolidated document is forwarded to international experts for final comments.", + "Transmission of the consolidated document to the international experts for final comments. Transmission of the final comments to the experts for inclusion in the consolidated document of the CBD. Organization of a national workshop for the validation of the CBD 2020. Incorporation of the comments from the participants in the validation workshop into the updated document of the CBD of Burundi. Sending of the consolidated document of the CBD 2020 to the international experts for final comments and toileting. Transmission of the consolidated document to the national experts.", + "Sending the consolidated document of the CBD 2020 to international experts for final comments and finalization. Retransmitting the consolidated document to national experts. Preparing a text for submission of the updated CBD to the Government. Adoption of the CBD 2020 by the Council of Ministers. Approval of the CBD by the National Assembly. Transmitting the updated CBD document of the Republic of Burundi to the UNFCCC Secretariat.", + "Transmit the updated NDC document from the Republic of Burundi to the UNFCCC Secretariat. Burundi NDC 2020 Table 9 provides information on the clarity, transparency and understanding of the Republic of Burundi NDC 2020. Table 8: Information on the clarity, transparency and understanding of the NDC 2020. 1. Planning process a.", + "Information on clarity, transparency and understanding of the CBD 2020 1. Planning process a. Information on the planning processes followed by the Party to develop its nationally determined contribution and, if available, on the Party's implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i.", + "Information on the planning processes followed by the Party to develop its determined contribution at national level and, if available, on the Party\u2019s implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i. National institutional arrangements, public participation and collaboration with local communities and indigenous peoples, taking into account gender issues; Institutional arrangements: The Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock is the institutional framework responsible, through its technical-administrative structure, for updating the CBD 2020.", + "National institutional arrangements, public participation and collaboration with local communities and indigenous peoples, taking into account gender issues; Institutional arrangements: The Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock is the institutional framework responsible, through its Technical and Administrative Structure, for updating the CBD 2020. To this end, it has set up a national commission to monitor the updating of the CBD 2015.", + "To this end, it has set up a national commission to monitor the updating of the 2015 NCD, composed of senior officials from the various sectors (AFAT, Energy including transport, IPUP and Waste), and representatives of the sectors involved in related themes (Health, Gender) have also been integrated into the Commission.", + "In close collaboration with UNDP, the Commission is responsible for monitoring the process of updating the CCD since the recruitment of the Bureau and the development phases (validation of the methodology, organization of retreats for technical sessions and stakeholder consultation and step-by-step validation workshops, submission of the updated CCD for adoption and approval).", + "In close cooperation with UNDP, the Commission is responsible for monitoring the process of updating the CBD since the recruitment of the Bureau and the development phases (validation of the methodology, organization of retreats for technical sessions and stakeholder consultation workshops and step-by-step validation of the document, submission of the updated CBD for adoption and approval).", + "At the technical level, the NCD 2020 was carried out by a consortium of 10 national experts (6 sectoral experts, one economist, one gender specialist, one health expert and one climate expert) assisted by an international consultant. Participatory aspect The updating process was based on numerous exchange workshops (data collection, selection of actions, approval of methodologies, verification and approval of results).", + "Participatory aspect The updating process was based on numerous exchange workshops (data collection, selection of actions, approval of methodologies, verification and approval of results) aimed at ensuring the participation and involvement of all technical stakeholders and civil society with the involvement of local communities, indigenous peoples, the gender dimension and social inclusion.", + "These workshops aimed at ensuring the participation and involvement of all technical stakeholders and civil society with the involvement of local communities, indigenous peoples, the gender dimension and social inclusion. The workshops also aimed at communicating the actions taken and thus ensuring their implementation by stakeholders. CDN 2020 was approved by the Burundian authorities before being disseminated to UNDP. ii.", + "Contextual issues, including, but not limited to: - The national situation, including geography, climate, economy, sustainable development and poverty eradication Burundi is an Eastern Central African country located between the Congo Basin and the eastern highlands and between 2\u00b030 and 4\u00b028 South Latitude, at the crossroads of the routes of Central Africa, Eastern Africa and even Eastern Africa.", + "Contextual issues, including, but not limited to: - The national situation, including geography, climate, economy, sustainable development and poverty eradication Burundi is an Eastern Central African country located between the Congo Basin and the eastern highlands and between 2\u00b030 and 4\u00b028 South Latitude, at the crossroads of the Central African, Eastern and even Southern African lanes. The country has a warm and humid tropical climate influenced by altitude and characterized by alternating rainy seasons (October to May) and dry seasons (June to September).", + "The country has a warm and humid tropical climate influenced by altitude and characterized by alternating rainy seasons (October to May) and dry seasons (June to September). Its rainfall and temperature are strongly influenced by the country\u2019s terrain, altitude (772-2670 m) and climate change. The average annual rainfall varies from 750 mm in northeastern Burundi to more than 2000 mm in the mountainous area.", + "The average annual rainfall ranges from 750 mm in north-eastern Burundi to more than 2000 mm in the mountainous area, with the highest average annual temperature of 24.7\u00b0C between 2006 and 2015 recorded in the plains of Imbo Natural Region, while the lowest average annual temperature is 16.6\u00b0C between 2006 and 2015 recorded in Mugamba Natural Region.", + "The highest average annual temperature is 24.7\u00b0C between 2006-2015 recorded in the Imbo Plain Natural Region, while the lowest is 16.6\u00b0C between 2006-2015 recorded in the Mugamba Natural Region. From a socio-economic point of view, Burundi has an estimated 12.3 million people by 2020, of whom more than 90% live in rural areas and 51% are women.", + "From a socio-economic point of view, Burundi has an estimated 12.3 million people by 2020, of whom more than 90% live in rural areas and 51% are women. As one of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), its annual per capita income is estimated at USD 280 and its economy is largely based on agriculture.", + "Among the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), its annual per capita income is estimated at USD 280 and its economy is mainly based on agriculture.With a density of 480.99 people/km2, population growth of 2.4% puts pressure on land resources, water resources and exacerbates the situation of deforestation and deforestation.", + "With a density of 480.99 people/km2, the population growth of 2.4% puts pressure on land resources, water resources and aggravates the situation of deforestation and deforestation. According to the NTC, the sectors that emit the most are agriculture, energy and waste with emissions of 4186.21 Eq CO2 in Gg, 1072.4 Eq CO2 in Gg and 230.73 Eq CO2, respectively. For the other sectors, GHG emissions are insignificant.", + "For the other sectors, GHG emissions are insignificant. -Best practices and experience gained from the development of the contribution determined at national level Best practices and experience gained from the development: \uf0fc Participatory approach to the planning process for the elaboration of the CBD (Data collection, data processing, calculation by IPCC software 2006, needs, prioritisation of measures...); \uf0fc Taking into account Decision 4/CMA.1 - Other contextual aspirations and priorities recognised upon accession to the Paris Agreement The updated CBD 2020 is in line with the objective of the Paris Agreement, in its provisions of Articles 4(2) and (3), 4, 5, 6(1) and (2) and 7(1) and (2).", + "Developed countries should act in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Paris Agreement. Compliance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement, which highlights areas of cooperation and facilitation and aims to improve understanding, action and support.", + "Compliance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement, which highlights areas of cooperation and facilitation and aims to improve understanding, action and support, such as early warning systems, emergency preparedness, etc. b. Specific information applicable to Parties, including regional economic integration organizations and their member States, that have agreed to act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement, including Parties that have decided to act jointly, and the terms of the relevant agreement, in accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 16 to 18, of the Paris Agreement Not applicable The updated NCD is not developed within the framework of regional economic integration organizations and their member States to act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement.", + "Paragraphs 16, 17 and 18 do not apply to the updated CBD of the Republic of Burundi. c. How the preparation by the Party of its nationally determined contribution has been informed by the results of the global assessment, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Paris Agreement The steps that have been taken for the CBD 2020 have not been informed by the global assessment, as the first global assessment on climate action will be issued in 2023.", + "How the preparation by the Party of its nationally determined contribution has been informed by the results of the global assessment, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Paris Agreement The steps taken for the CBD 2020 have not been informed by the global assessment, as the first global assessment on climate action will be issued in 2023; however, the results of the global assessment will be taken into account for the updating of the CBD 2020. d.", + "However, the results of the global assessment will be taken into account for the updating of the CBD 2020. d. Each Party having a nationally determined contribution under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, consisting of adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans leading to beneficial effects in the field of mitigation in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement, 6.", + "Each Party having a nationally determined contribution under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, consisting of adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans generating beneficial mitigation benefits in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement, 6. How the Party considers its nationally determined contribution to be equitable and ambitious in light of its national situation a.", + "How the Party considers its contribution determined at the national level to be fair and ambitious in the light of its national situation a. How the Party considers its contribution determined at the national level to be fair and ambitious in the light of its national situation The vulnerability analysis of sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land, Energy, Health, IPPC) was conducted during the development of the CBD.", + "How the Party considers its determined contribution at the national level to be fair and ambitious in the light of its national situation In the development of the CBD, the vulnerability analysis of sectors (agriculture, forestry and other land, energy, health, IPPC) was carried out, negative impacts due to climate change were identified and mitigation and/or adaptation measures to address these impacts were identified by sector.", + "Negative impacts due to climate change have been identified and mitigation and/or adaptation measures to address these impacts have been identified by sector. The development of the CBD 2020 has used the most recent data from the NTC and other sectors have been taken into account such as the Waste, POPs and Transport sectors. b. Equity Considerations Gender and social inclusion are taken into account in the CBD 2020.", + "The development of the CND 2020 has used the most recent data from the NTC and other sectors have been taken into account, such as the Waste, POPs and Transport sectors. b. Equity considerations Gender and social inclusion are taken into account in the CND 2020 and actions in the CND 2020 have been identified on the basis of national policy and strategy documents. c.", + "In addition, the actions listed therein have been identified on the basis of national policy and strategy documents. c. The way the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 3, of the CBD 2020 Agreement has raised the ambition compared to the previous CBD by taking into account actions on sectors and sub-sectors not included in the 2015 CBD: transport, waste.", + "The way in which the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 3, of the CBD 2020 Agreement has raised the ambition compared to the previous CBD by taking into account actions on sectors and sub-sectors not included in the CBD 2015: transport, waste, and the themes of health, gender and social inclusion have been integrated into the prioritization of actions.", + "In addition, the themes of Health, Gender and Social Inclusion have been integrated into the prioritisation of actions. The 2020 NCD represents an increase over the previous NCD, as sectoral emission coverage has been extended to all sectors and gases estimated in the most recent GHG inventory.", + "The CBD 2020 represents an advance over the previous CBD, as sectoral emission coverage has been extended to all sectors and gases estimated in the most recent GHG inventory. The CBD 2020 has defined specific indicators for monitoring and assessment and advocates a capacity building plan for better ownership by the various stakeholders. d.", + "The UNCCD 2020 has defined specific indicators for monitoring and evaluation and advocates a capacity-building plan for better ownership by the various stakeholders. d. How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Agreement Although Burundi is not an emitting country, it is developing GHG mitigation actions through its policies. e. How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Agreement strengthens its mitigation efforts through the inclusion in the new UNCCD of national actions to reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon stocks.", + "For example, the development of new and renewable energies (solar, wind, hydroelectric power plants under construction, etc.), the increase in the domestic budget to finance mitigation and adaptation measures, as well as policies such as the National Development Plan, 2018-2027 and the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Planning Policy, 6 How does the NDC represent progress beyond the Party\u2019s previous NDC and reflect its greatest possible ambition 7 Developing countries: Information on how they continue to strengthen their mitigation efforts, and how they intend to move over time towards the Economic wide emission reduction or limitation target EWERLT in the light of different national circumstances.", + "8 Least developed countries and small island developing States may establish and communicate low-carbon development strategies, plans and measures appropriate to their particular circumstances. 7. How the contribution determined at the national level contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 (a).", + "How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 a. How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its The CBD 2020 contributes to the objectives of the Convention and the Paris Agreement by accelerating carbon-neutral development. b. How the nationally determined contribution contributes to Article 2, paragraph 1 (a), and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement10 - The revised CBD contributes to Article 2 (a) of the PA.", + "It plans to implement projects/programmes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 2021 to 2025. -The revised NCD will also contribute to the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 1, of the PA, as it provides for policy, strategic measures and mitigation plans/programmes. Existing policies take into account the climate plan and the MDGs with the aim of developing in a carbon-neutral manner to contribute to the overall objective.", + "Existing policies take into account the climate plan and the MDGs with the aim of developing in a carbon-neutral manner to contribute to the overall objective. Mitigation Objectives The National GHG Inventory Burundi has published three national communications on climate change and submitted them to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Each of these communications is based on an inventory of greenhouse gases.", + "Each of these communications is based on an inventory of greenhouse gases. The third national climate communication, published in 2019, is based on the third GHG inventory, published in 2018.11 The latter covers the years 2005, 2010 and 2015. 9 Article 2 of the UNFCCC sets out the ultimate objective of \"stabilising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system\" (UNFCCC 1992).", + "9 Article 2 of the UNFCCC sets out the ultimate objective of \"stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system\" (UNFCCC 1992).", + "The second sentence states that this stabilisation must be achieved \"within a sufficient timeframe to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, so that food production is not threatened and so that economic development can continue.\" 10 Article 2.1(a) of the Paris Agreement includes two global temperature targets - \"well below 2 degrees\" and \"1.5 degrees\".", + "10 Article 2.1(a) of the Paris Agreement includes two global temperature targets - \u201cwell below 2 degrees\u201d and \u201c1.5 degrees.\u201d Article 4.1 qualifies them by stating that \u201cthe Parties shall aim to reach the global greenhouse gas emission cap as soon as possible, recognizing that this cap will take more time for developing country Parties, and to undertake rapid reductions in these emissions.", + "Article 4.1 qualifies them by stating that \"the Parties shall aim at achieving the global cap on greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible, recognizing that this cap will take longer for developing country Parties, and shall undertake rapid reductions in these emissions. and subsequently undertake rapid reductions in accordance with the best available scientific data.\" and that the Parties shall also strive to \"achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and emissions by sinks\" in the second half of the century.11 Burundi is in the process of preparing its first Biennial Climate Update Report, which will be based on the fourth greenhouse gas inventory.", + "Burundi is in the process of preparing its first Biennial Climate Update Report, which will be based on the Fourth Greenhouse Gas Inventory, which is under development and therefore cannot be used as a reference for the updating of the CBD 2020.", + "The third national climate communication and its GHG inventory are selected as the reference documents for the updating of the CBD 2020. Perimeters Under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment, greenhouse gas inventories are carried out by the Office Burundais pour la Protection de l\u2019Environnement (OBPE).", + "Perimeters Under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment, greenhouse gas inventories are carried out by the Office Burundais pour la Protection de l\u2019Environnement (OBPE). The 3rd national GHG inventory used in the CBD 2020 takes into account the energy (including transport), agriculture, forestry and other land use (LULUCF), industrial processes and product use (IPU) and waste sectors.", + "The 3rd national GHG inventory used in the CBD 2020 takes into account the energy (including transport), agriculture, forestry and other land uses (LULUCF), industrial processes and product uses (IPUs) and waste sectors. Possible exclusions for certain sub-sectors (sources not present in Burundi or whose emissions are not estimated in the last national GHG inventory) are presented in the sectoral paragraphs below.", + "Possible exclusions for certain sub-sectors (sources not present in Burundi or whose emissions are not estimated in the latest national GHG inventory) are presented in the sectoral paragraphs below.", + "The gases for which emissions or removals are accounted for are listed in Table 10. Table 9: Sectors and gases accounted for Sectors Gases Energy Agriculture and Elevation FAT PIP Waste Fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3) These gases are not accounted for in the Third Greenhouse Gas Inventory and are therefore not included in the NCC 2020.", + "Sectors Gas Energy Agriculture and Elevation FAT PIP Waste Fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3) These gases are not included in the Third Greenhouse Gas Inventory and are therefore not considered in the NCC 2020. The methodology adopted is based on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.", + "The methodology adopted is based on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. GHG emissions and removals were calculated using the 2006 IPCC inventory software using Tier 1 methodology. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions were calculated using Tier 1 methodologies of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and IPCC Tools.", + "The calculation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions was performed using Tier 1 methodologies from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and IPCC Tools. For this methodology level, the required data are the activity data on the amount of fuel burned (activity data) and the default emission factors for each fuel from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.", + "For this methodological level, the necessary data to be used are activity data on the amount of fuel burned (activity data) and the default emission factors for each fuel in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. In calculating emissions from the energy sector, activity data are used from the energy, manufacturing, construction, trade, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, residential and transport subsectors.", + "In calculating emissions from the energy sector, activity data are used from the subsectors Energy Industries, Manufacturing, Construction, Trade, Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Residential and Transportation. In the residential subsector, the fuels used are wood energy, bagasse12 consisting of vegetable or agricultural waste for cooking, heating and lighting, and petroleum for lighting by rural households. For urban households, the fuels used are wood coal for cooking and petroleum for partial lighting.", + "For urban households, the fuels used are wood charcoal for cooking and oil for partial lighting; for the transportation subsector, the fuels used are gasoline and gasoline.", + "In the transport subsector, the fuels used are gas oil and gasoline. Emissions from the combustion of plant or agricultural waste, which are used mainly in rural households, have not been quantified due to a lack of data. Agriculture and Livestock Emissions calculated in this sector relate to domestic livestock (enteric fermentation and manure management) and managed soils (burning of crop biomass residues, emissions from rice cultivation, direct N2O emissions from managed soils, and CO2 emissions from liming and application of urea).", + "The methodology used in the 3rd GHG Inventory to calculate GHG emissions from agriculture is Tier 1 and the default parameters of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. The IPCC software was used to calculate emissions of methane (CH4) and nitrogen oxide (N2O). The Agriculture and Livestock sector includes the subsectors and categories listed in Table 11.", + "Agriculture and Livestock Sector Sub-sectors and Categories Agriculture and Livestock Sector Sub-sector Categories Domestic Livestock Enteric Fermentation, Manure Management Systems Cropland Crop Residue Combustion Rice Crop Application of Synthetic Fertilizers for All Crops Managed Soils (Heating, Urea Fertilizers), For livestock, input data focuses on primary characterization of livestock to classify animals according to what is applicable in the country, taking into account livestock species and categories.", + "Subsectors and Categories in the Agriculture and Livestock Sector Subsector Categories Domestic Livestock Enteric Fermentation, Manure Management Systems Cropland Crop Residue Combustion Rice Crop Application of Synthetic Fertilizers for All Crops Managed Soils (Heating, Urea Fertilizers), For livestock, input data focus on the primary characterization of livestock to classify animals according to what is applicable in the country, taking into account livestock species and categories. For managed soils, activity data are the amount of biomass burned during leaf removal by pre-harvest fire from the area occupied by the sugar cane.", + "For managed soils, the activity data are the amount of biomass burned during leaf removal by pre-harvest fire from the area occupied by the sugar cane. For rice cultivation, the activity data collected on the ground relate to the annual rice harvest area and the time of the vegetative cycle. For fertilizer application and liming, the input data are the amounts of fertilizer and lime used, respectively.", + "For fertilizer application and liming, input data are the quantities of fertilizer and lime used, respectively. Daily monitoring of the areas on which wood products are harvested (SOSUMO Case) is done. Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPU) In Burundi\u2019s 3rd GHG Inventory, the Tier 1 methodology used to calculate emissions is that recommended by the 2006 IPCC Guidelines where activity data were multiplied by default emission factors.", + "The daily monitoring of the area on which wood products are harvested (SOSUMO scale) is carried out. Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPU) In Burundi\u2019s 3rd GHG inventory, the Tier 1 methodology used to calculate emissions is that recommended by the 2006 IPCC Guidelines where activity data were multiplied by default emission factors.", + "The calculations were made using the IPCC software. The emission sources considered are lime production (mineral industry subsector) and iron and steel production (metallurgical industry subsector). Burundi has no chemical industries. Emissions from non-energy fuel use are not estimated due to lack of data.", + "Emissions from non-energy use of fuels are not estimated due to a lack of data. Emissions of fluorinated gases and NF3 from the use (domestic or industrial) and manufacture of these gases are not estimated because national data are not available to estimate emissions from the use of products and because there are no industries producing these products in Burundi.", + "Emissions of fluorinated gases and NF3 related to the use (domestic or industrial) and manufacture of these gases are not estimated because national data are not available to estimate emissions from product use and because there are no industries producing these products in Burundi.", + "In the 3rd GHG inventory of Burundi, the LULUCF sector comprises the forest land, cropland, pasture, wetlands and peatlands subsectors. Activity data are both public and private forest land, pasture land, cropland and peatlands. After data collection and processing, the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions is as described in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.", + "After data collection and processing, the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions is as described in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. The conversion factors for FRA 2015 data were used. Emissions/removals calculations were performed using the 2006 IPCC software by entering the processed activity data.", + "Emissions/removals calculations were performed using the 2006 IPCC software by entering the processed activity data and, based on the data entered, the software calculates emissions from biomass stock change, wetlands management, forest fires and harvested wood products and summarizes emissions from all land-use and land-use categories (LULUCF).", + "Based on the data captured, the software calculates emissions from biomass stock change, wetlands management, forest fires and harvested wood products and sums up emissions from all land-use and land-use categories (LULUCF). For the LULUCF sector, in addition to these emission sources, the rate of deforestation and forest degradation, timber consumption rates, and the development of wood-saving technologies are to be considered.", + "For the LULUCF sector, in addition to these sources of emissions, the rate of deforestation and forest degradation, the rate of wood consumption, and the development of wood-saving technologies are to be considered. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation for the implementation of projects/programmes/measures designed to mitigate emissions and subsequent removals due to natural disturbances on exploited land is carried out.", + "Ongoing monitoring and evaluation for the implementation of projects/programs/measures designed to mitigate emissions and subsequent removals due to natural disturbances on exploited lands is carried out. In Burundi\u2019s 3rd GHG inventory, the methodology for calculating emissions in this sector was based on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories and the 2006 IPCC software.", + "In Burundi\u2019s 3rd GHG inventory, the methodology for calculating emissions from this sector was based on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories and the 2006 IPCC software.", + "Due to the absence of a country-specific emission factor, the estimates were based on Tier 1 methods using primarily activity data and default parameters. The solid waste categories considered in Burundi\u2019s third GHG inventory are municipal solid waste (household and commercial). Biomedical waste was not included in the emission calculations due to a lack of data related to solid waste dumped in pits and incinerated.", + "Biomedical waste was not included in the emissions calculation due to a lack of data on solid waste discharged into pits and incinerated. Emissions from solid waste were calculated only for the cities of Bujumbura and Gitega and for certain markets. For wastewater, discharges from households, trade and industry are included. Table 12 and Figure 1 summarize the results of Burundi\u2019s 3rd national GHG inventory.", + "Table 12 and Figure 1 summarize the results of Burundi\u2019s 3rd national GHG inventory. For conversion to CO2 equivalents, Gg, the global warming potential (GWP) values corresponding to a 100-year period of the IPCC Second Assessment Report (SAR) were used: 21 for CH4 and 310 for N2O.", + "Table 11 National GHG Emissions in Gg CO2eq by Sector Energy Sectors Industrial Processes and Product Use Agriculture and Livestock Forestry and Other Land Use Waste Total National Emissions with Removals Total Emissions without Removals Source:", + "Table 11: National GHG Emissions in Gg CO2eq by Sector Energy Sectors Industrial Processes and Product Use Agriculture and Livestock Forestry and Other Land Use Waste Total National Emissions with Removals Total Emissions without Removals Source: Third National GHG Inventory (NTI) Figure 1:", + "Analysis of the synthesis results of the emissions with removals shows that the absorption capacity has decreased significantly in Burundi, resulting in an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. All emissions recorded in the third inventory show that they originate in agriculture, in soils managed by manure management systems. Energy sector Table 13 presents the emissions results of the energy sector for the three types of gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) for the years 2005, 2010 and 2015.", + "The total emissions recorded in the third inventory show that they originate from agriculture in soils managed by manure management systems. Energy Sector Table 13 presents the results of emissions from the energy sector for the three types of gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) for the years 2005, 2010 and 2015.", + "Total GHG Emissions in Gg Energy Sector CO2e ACTIVITY SECTORS 2. Ind. Manufacturing and Construction Air - - - - - - Road Marine - - - - - - Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 1: Summary of GHG Emissions NTC. Energy Industrial Processes and Product Use Agriculture and Livestock Forestry and Other Land Use Waste 4.", + "Energy Industrial Processes and Product Use Agriculture and Livestock Forestry and Other Land Use Waste 4. Trade and Institution 6. Agriculture / Forestry and Fisheries TOTAL Emissions TOTAL EQ CO2 Chart 2: Energy Sector GHG Emissions Table 13: Summary of Energy Sector Emissions by Subsector BUSINESS LINES 2. Ind. Manufacturing and Construction 3. Transport (Air, Road and Marine) 4.", + "Manufacturing and Construction 3. Transport (Air, Road and Marine) 4. Trade and Institution 6. Agriculture / Forestry and Fisheries TOTAL CO2 EQ Chart 3: Energy Sector Emissions The results of the energy sector emissions show that CO2 emissions are highest in the transport sub-sector, followed by the manufacturing and construction sub-sector. CO2 EQ in Gg Years Chart 3: Energy Sector Emissions, NTC. 2. Ind. Manufacturing and Construction 3. Transport (Air, Road and Marine) 4.", + "Manufacturing and Construction 3. Transportation (Air, Road and Marine) 4. Trade and Institution 6. Agriculture / Forestry and Fisheries Regarding non-CO2 emissions, the \"residential\" sector leads with methane emissions from the incomplete combustion of biomass and its derivatives. Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPU). IPU emissions are negligible and the results are presented in Table 14. Table 14: IPU GHG Emissions in Gg CO2.", + "ANNEXES Categories 2.A Mineral Industries 2.A.2 - Lime Production 2.C Metal Industries 2.C.1 - Steel and Iron Production Total UFP in Eq CO2 in Gg Figure 4: UFP Sector Emissions Agriculture and Livestock Sector Emissions from the agriculture and livestock sector come from domestic livestock and managed soils.", + "APPENDICES Categories 2.A Mineral Industries 2.A.2 - Lime Production 2.C Metal Industries 2.C.1 - Steel and Iron Production Total LUCF in Eq CO2 in Gg Chart 4: LUCF Sector Emissions Agriculture and Livestock Sector Emissions from the agriculture and livestock sector are from domestic livestock and managed soils. Table 15 and Chart 4 show GHG emission results from domestic livestock and managed soils.", + "Table 15 and Figure 4 show the results of GHG emissions from domestic livestock and managed soils. CO2 eq in Gg Years Figure 4: Emissions from Smurf PIP, NTC 2.A.2 - Lime Production 2.C.1 - Steel and Iron Production Table 15: CH4 emissions from domestic livestock in EqCO2 in Gg.", + "Eq CO2 in Gg Years Figure 4: Emissions from Smurf PIP, NTC 2.A.2 - Lime Production 2.C.1 - Steel and Iron Production Table 15: CH4 Emissions from Domestic Livestock in EqCO2 in Gg Domestic Livestock Subsector Categories Enteric Fermentation Manure Management Total Domestic Livestock Total Figure 5: Emissions from Domestic Livestock For managed soils, emissions from manure management systems are predominant.", + "Domestic Livestock Subsector Categories Enteric Fermentation Manure Management Total Domestic Livestock Total Graph 5: Emissions from the Domestic Livestock Sector For managed soils, emissions from manure management systems are predominant. Table 16 and Graph 5 show the status of CH4 emissions from managed soils in Gg CO2 equivalent. Table 16: Emissions from managed soils in Gg CO2 eq.", + "Table 16: Emissions from Managed Soils in Eq CO2 in Gg Categories Crop Residue Grinding Rice Farming Manure Management System Crop Residue Grinding Net CO2 Application Total Managed Soil EqCO2 in Gg Years Chart:", + "Categories Crop residue crush Rice crop Manure management system Crop residue crush Net CO2 application Total managed soil Gg CO2 eq Years Chart: Emissions from the Domestic livestock subsector, NWT Enteric fermentation Manure management Chart 6: Emissions from managed soils Analysis of Table 16 shows that Eq CO2 emissions in Gg from the manure management system are high.", + "Enteric Fermentation Manure Management Graph 6: Emissions from Managed Soils Analysis of Table 16 shows that Eq CO2 emissions in Gg from the manure management system are high; this is an error in accounting for non-CO2 emissions from this manure management system.", + "This is due to an error in accounting for non-CO2 emissions from this manure management system, which is why the reliable results that can be considered in the agriculture sector are those found in Table 12. Forestry and other land uses (LULUCF) Table 17 and Chart 6 present the results of Burundi\u2019s 3rd national inventory for the LULUCF sector by distinguishing emissions and removals resulting from changes in the carbon stocks of the different reservoirs and land use changes.", + "For this reason, the reliable results that can be considered in the agriculture sector are those found in Table 12. Forestry and other land uses (LULUCF) Table 17 and Chart 6 present the results of Burundi\u2019s 3rd national inventory for the LULUCF sector by distinguishing emissions and removals resulting from changes in the carbon stocks of the different reservoirs and from changes in land uses.", + "Table 17: Summary of GHG Emissions / Removals GHG Emissions / Removals 2005 GHG Emissions / Removals 2010 GHG Emissions / Removals 2015 Forestry and other land uses (i) Forest land remaining forested (ii) Cropland (iii) Cropland remaining cropland (iv) Cropland converted to cropland (v) Of which Forest land converted to cropland (vi) Of which Pastures converted to cropland (vii) Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 6:", + "Sub-categories su sector FAT Emissions /removals of CO2 in Gg 2005 Emissions /removals of CO2 in Gg in 2010 Emissions /removals of CO2 in Gg in 2015 Forestry and other land uses (i) Forest land remaining forest land (ii ) Cropland (iii) Cropland remaining cropland (iv) Cropland converted to cropland (v) Of which Forest land converted to cropland (vi) Of which Pastures converted to cropland (vii) Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 6: Emissions from the managed soils sub-sector, NTC Crop residue crushing Rice growing Manure management system Crop residue crushing Net CO2 application Peat land remaining peatland (viii) Wood products harvested (ix) FAT(", + "Graph 7: Emissions and removals from the LUCF sector The results show that the main source of emissions from the LUCF sector is the conversion of grazing land to cropland, accounting for 75%, 74.2% and 70.7% for 2005, 2010 and 2015, respectively.", + "Figure 7: Emissions and removals from the LUCF sector The results show that the main source of emissions from the LUCF sector is the conversion of grazing land to cropland, which accounts for 75%, 74.2% and 70.7% respectively for the years 2005, 2010 and 2015. Forest conversion is the second largest source of emissions from the LUCF sector, accounting for 22.5%, 24.1% and 27.5% of total emissions, respectively, while the contribution of peatlands to LUCF emissions remains low (around 2%).", + "Conversion of forests takes second place with 22.5%, 24.1% and 27.5% of the sector\u2019s total emissions, respectively, while peatlands\u2019 contribution to FAT emissions remains low (around 2%).", + "Emissions and removals from the LUCF sector Harvested wood products (ix) Peatlands remaining peatlands (viii) Of which Pastures converted to cropland (vii) Of which Forest land converted to cropland (vi) Land converted to cropland (v) Cropland remaining cropland (iv) Cropland (iii) Forest land remaining forested (ii) Forestry and other land uses (i) Deforestation for the benefit of agriculture, habitat and public infrastructure.", + "Emissions and removals from the LUCF sector Harvested wood products (ix) Peatlands remaining peat (viii) Of which Pastures converted to cropland (vii) Of which Forest land converted to cropland (vi) Land converted to cropland (v) Cropland remaining cropland (iv) Cropland (iii) Forest land remaining forested (ii) Forestry and other land uses (i) Deforestation for the benefit of agriculture, habitat and public infrastructure.", + "The evolution of GHG emissions from the LULUCF sector depends on the use of wood, whether for cooking or construction, which has an impact on forest degradation and the conversion of forest land to agriculture or construction. Therefore, demographics are one of the reasons for the increase in GHG emissions from the LULUCF sector.", + "Population is therefore one of the causes of the increased emissions from the LULUCF sector, while the increase in carbon sinks is in line with the increase in forest area and good forest ecosystem conservation and management practices.", + "On the other hand, the increase in carbon sinks is in line with the increase in forest area and good forest ecosystem conservation and management practices. Reforestation and combating the conversion of forest land and pasture for other speculation are important mitigation routes through the REDD+ process. Waste sector Table 18 and Figure 6 present the results of Burundi\u2019s 3rd national inventory from the waste sector.", + "Reforestation and combating the conversion of forest land and pasture for other speculation are important mitigation pathways through the REDD+ process. Waste Sector Table 18 and Figure 6 present the results of Burundi\u2019s 3rd national waste sector inventory. Table 18: Summary of GHG emissions from the waste sector Year Sources of emissions Emissions from solid waste landfills Emissions from domestic and commercial wastewater Emissions from industrial wastewater Total (in Gg) per Gas Total Emissions in EqCO2 in Gg Chart 8: Emissions from the waste sector Table 18 shows that emissions from the waste sector accounted for 10.88% in 2005, 7.22% in 2010 and 4.21% in 2015, respectively, compared to the total GHG emissions from the 3rd greenhouse gas inventory (See Table 12). 2.2", + "2.2 Mitigation Scenarios for the CBD 2020 2.2.1.", + "Indicator, Reference Year and Target Year(s) Under the 2020 NCD, the reference indicator is a quantitative GHG emission indicator for a Business as Usual (BAU) scenario incorporating all sectors of the 3rd National GHG Inventory and annually for 2 target years. For an indicator defined in relation to a reference scenario, the target years are 2025 and 2030. The updated NCD will have a 10-year period spread over two periods.", + "The updated NCD will have a 10-year period spread over two periods. The first period will begin on January 1, 2021 and end on December 31, 2030 with an intermediate year of 2025. The 2020 NCD defines two scenarios: the baseline scenario and the mitigation scenario.", + "The baseline scenario is Business As Usual (BAU), which corresponds to the trend in GHG emissions in the event that Burundi does not take any mitigation measures, while the mitigation scenario involves the implementation of actions contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions.", + "The selected baseline scenario is Business As Usual (BAU), which corresponds to the trend in GHG emissions in the event that Burundi does not take any mitigation measures, while the mitigation scenario involves the implementation of actions contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions. Two mitigation scenarios are distinguished: the unconditional objective scenario (achievable through Burundi\u2019s own resources) and the conditional objective scenario (achievable through support for international cooperation in accordance with Articles 9 and 6 of the Paris Agreement).", + "Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 8: Waste Sector Emissions Emissions from Industrial Wastewater Emissions from Domestic and Commercial Wastewater Emissions from Solid Waste Landfills The scope of the CBD 2020 projections covers the entire national territory of Burundi.", + "Eq CO2 in Gg Years Graph 8: Waste Sector Emissions Emissions from Industrial Wastewater Emissions from Domestic and Commercial Wastewater Emissions from Solid Waste Landfills The scope of the CDN 2020 projections covers the entire national territory of Burundi.", + "In particular, the FAO Cropland, Peat and Harvested Wood Sub-sectors, the Industrial Products and Product Uses (IPU) Sector, Transportation and the Waste Sector are now included in the target value calculation.", + "In particular, the sub-sectors of cropland, peatlands and harvested wood products of FAT, the Industrial Products and Product Uses (IPU) sector, transport and the waste sector are now taken into account in the calculation of the target value. This was not the case in the 2015 NDC and demonstrates an increase in Burundi\u2019s ambition. The sectors covered by the updated NDC are presented in Table 19.", + "The sectors covered by the updated NCD are presented in Table 19. Table 19 Sectors Accounted for Sectors Sub-sectors Gases Covered Energy and Transport Stationary Fuel Combustion Transport PIP Mineral Industries Metallurgical Industries AFAT Agriculture and Upgrading Forestry and Other Land Use Waste Solid and Liquid Waste Treatment For these sectors, all gases covered in the 3rd inventory are also taken into account in the calculation of the target value, namely CO2, CH4 and N2O.", + "Table 19 Sectors Accounted for Sectors Sub-sectors Gases Covered Energy and Transportation Stationary Fuel Combustion Transportation PIP Mineral Industries Metallurgical Industries AFAT Agriculture and Elevation Forestry and Other Land Use Waste Solid and Liquid Waste Treatment For these sectors, all gases included in the 3rd Inventory are also included in the calculation of the target value, namely CO2, CH4 and N2O. Gases of HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3 were not included as they are not estimated in the 3rd National GHG Inventory.", + "Gases of HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3 have not been taken into account as they are not estimated in the Third National GHG Inventory.", + "UNFCCC 2020 shall take into account Article 5 of the Paris Agreement on the Strengthening of GHG Sinks and Reservoirs as provided for in Article 4, paragraph 1 (d), of the Convention, including forests and the REDD+ mechanism. Article 5, paragraph 1, invites Parties to take measures to conserve and strengthen carbon sinks. 2.2.3.", + "Article 5, paragraph 1, calls on Parties to take measures to conserve and strengthen carbon sinks. 2.2.3. Methodology for calculating emissions/removals from different scenarios The formula used for calculating action-saved emissions is as follows: E=DA x FE where DA= activity data (DA) and FE= emission factor (FE) proposed by default for each gas and fuel by the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.", + "Methodology for Calculating Emissions / Removals from Different Scenarios The formula used to calculate avoided emissions per share is E=A x E where A= Activity Data (A) and E= Emission Factor (E) proposed by default for each gas and fuel by the IPCC 2006 Guidelines. The mitigation scenario is established by implementing mitigation actions to reduce GHG emissions.", + "The mitigation scenario is established by applying the mitigation actions to reduce GHG emissions. The calculation of avoided emissions is done by subtracting the emissions calculated per mitigation action from the BAU emissions. For the 2 mitigation scenarios, the approach was to calculate avoided emissions for the years 2025 and 2030, by action selected in the CDN for each sector, and then subtract these avoided emissions from the values of the sectoral baseline scenario.", + "For the 2 mitigation scenarios, the approach was to calculate avoided emissions for the years 2025 and 2030, by selected action in the CDN for each sector, and then subtract these avoided emissions from the values of the sectoral baseline scenario. For conversion to CO2 equivalents, the Global Warming Potential (GWP) values for a 100-year period recommended in the second IPCC assessment report were applied: 21 for CH4 and 310 for N2O. 2.2.4.", + "These are 21 for CH4 and 310 for N2O. 2.2.4. BAU Baseline Scenario. The value of BAU emissions is likely to change as a result of methodological changes and improvements in the preparation of future greenhouse gas inventories. The BAU Baseline Scenario is established if no action is taken to implement policies, plans and strategies that can contribute to GHG mitigation.", + " Energy Sector Plans, Policies and Strategy The National Development Plan 2018-2027 is the basic document on which the development of the energy sector is based. GHG Emission Projection Assumptions and Parameters Projection assumptions are based on the population growth rate, economic growth (GDP), the country\u2019s policy and strategic directional measures for the country\u2019s socio-economic and environmental development.", + "GHG Impacts / BAU Scenario Table 21 presents historical and projected GHG emissions for the Energy Sector BAU scenario for 2025 and 2030.", + "Table 21 presents the historical and projected GHG emissions for the BAU scenario of the Energy Sector for 2025 and 2030. Table 20: GHG Emissions from the Energy Sector by the BAU scenario Gas Total Eq CO2 in Gg Source: TCN Chart 9: GHG Emissions from the Energy Sector Industrial Processes and Product Use Sector (IPPC) Plans, Policies and Strategies In addition to the Plans, Policies and Strategies common to all sectors (UNDP 2018-2027, Vision Burundi 2025, National Climate Change Policy), the Industrialization Policy is specific to the IPPC sector.", + "Table 20: Energy Sector GHG Emissions by Scenario BAU Gas Total Eq CO2 in Gg Source: TCN Figure 9: Energy Sector GHG Emissions Industrial Processes and Product Use Sector (IPPC) Plans, Policies and Strategies In addition to the Plans, Policies and Strategies common to all sectors (UNDP 2018-2027, Vision Burundi 2025, National Climate Change Policy), the Industrialization Policy is specific to the IPPC sector. Projection Assumptions and Parameters The projection assumptions for the IPPC sector are based on economic growth and the rate of industrialization.", + "Projection Assumptions and Parameters The projection assumptions for the UPEI sector are based on economic growth and the rate of industrialization. The parameters are the quantities of lime used in tonnes, the quantities of iron and steel used in tonnes. Emission factors have been taken into account as emission calculation parameters. GHG Impact The emissions from the BAU scenario for the UPEI sector are shown in Table 22.", + "Emission factors have been taken into account as emission calculation parameters. GHG Impact Emissions from the BAU scenario for the LUCF sector are shown in Table 22. Table 21: Emissions in Gg CO2 eq in the BAU scenario for the LUCF sector GAS 2.A.2 - Lime Production 2.C.1 - Iron and Steel Production Total Eq CO2 in Gg Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 9: BAU GHG Emissions from the Energy Sector Chart 10: Emissions from the BAU scenario PIU Agriculture and Livestock Sector Plans, Policies and Strategies In addition to the Plans, Policies and Strategies common to all sectors (UNDP 2018-2027, Vision Burundi 2025, National Climate Change Policy), some Plans, Policies and Strategies are specific to the Agriculture Sector.", + "- Guidance Document for the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy (DOPEAE), - National Agricultural Investment Plan (NIAP) 2018-2022, - National Agricultural Strategy (SAN) 2018-2025, - Seed Subsidy Program, - Mineral Fertilizer Subsidy Program, - Vaccination Program against Major Domestic Animal Diseases, - Animal Artificial Insemination Program, - Livestock Rebuilding Program,", + "Assumptions and projection parameters In the context of the 3rd National Climate Communication, the BAU scenario for the Agriculture sector has been defined and emission projections to 2050 have been made. As for other sectors, the BAU baseline scenario is based on assumptions where no action is taken to implement these policies, plans or strategies that can mitigate emissions from domestic livestock and managed soils.", + "As with other sectors, the BAU baseline scenario is based on assumptions where no action is taken to implement these policies, plans or strategies that can mitigate emissions from domestic livestock and managed soils. The projected parameters of the BAU scenario are related to changes in livestock numbers of cattle, goats and sheep for domestic livestock.", + "The projected parameters of the BAU scenario are related to changes in cattle, goats and sheep numbers for domestic livestock. For managed soils, the parameters are related to EqCO2 area in Gg Years Chart 10: Emissions from the BAU scenario IPPC 2.A.2 - Lime production 2.C.1 - Rice iron and steel seeded production, sugar cane harvested area, nitrogen fertilizer and urea used for managed soils.", + "For managed soils, the parameters are related to EqCO2 area in Gg Years Figure 10: BAU Scenario Emissions PIP 2.A.2 - Lime Production 2.C.1 - Rice iron and steel seeded area, sugarcane harvested area, nitrogen and urea fertilizer quantities used for managed soils. Under NCC 2020, the baseline scenario assumptions and parameters for the NWT Agriculture sector for 2025 and 2030 were selected. GHG Impact Under NCC 2020, the baseline scenario (BAU) emissions for the NWT Agriculture sector were selected for 2025 and 2030.", + " GHG Impact Under the 2020 NDC, baseline scenario (BAU) emissions from the NTC Agriculture sector were selected for 2025 and 2030. In this situation, the 2005 to 2050 emissions projection is presented in Table 23.", + "In this situation, the projection of emissions from 2005 to 2050 can be found in Table 23. Table 22: Projection of GHG emissions (Gg) from the Agriculture and Livestock Sector /BAU scenario in CO2e in Gg Graph 11: Emissions from the BAU scenario of the Agriculture Sector Forestry and Other Land Use (LULUCF) Sector, Plans, Strategies and Projects In addition to the Plans, Policies and Strategies common to all sectors (UNDP 2018-2027, Vision Burundi 2025, National Climate Change Policy, some Plans, Policies and Strategies are specific to the LULUCF Sector: Eq CO2 in Gg Years Graph 11: Emissions of GHGs from the Dry Agriculture Sector - National REDD+ Strategy, - National Protocol on Erosion Control for the L", + "As part of the 3rd National Communication, the BAU scenario for the FAT sector was defined and sectoral emissions projections up to 2050 were calculated.", + "In the LULUCF sector, projection assumptions for the BAU scenario of emissions are based on a decrease in the rate of forest cover and an increase in the need for forest products for either construction or energy. The BAU scenario is based on the non-implementation of policy measures leading to the control of deforestation and forest degradation and the strengthening of carbon stocks.", + "The BAU scenario is based on the non-implementation of policy measures leading to the fight against deforestation and forest degradation and the strengthening of carbon stocks. The projection parameters are based on population data, deforested and/or degraded forest area, wood consumption ratio, population and economic growth, and base year activity data.", + "The projection parameters are based on population data, deforested and/or degraded forest area, wood consumption ratio, population and economic growth, and base year activity data.", + "As part of the 2020 NCD, the assumptions and parameters of the baseline scenario for the CNT FAT sector for 2025 and 2030 have been selected. Table 24 highlights input data that have an impact on the evolution of FAT emissions.", + "Table 24 highlights input data that have an impact on the evolution of GHG emissions from the LULUCF sector. Table 23: BAU scenario data by subcategories Subcategories Assumptions Parameters Forest area Conversion of forest land for speculation Reduced afforestation area and its effect on GHG emissions increase Illegal logging Idem Pastures Conversion of pasture land for agricultural or other uses Decrease in pasture area For forest area, the two assumptions in Table 27 show that these areas will decrease and pine and Callitris forests will be the most affected as shown in Table 25.", + "Table 24: Evolution of pines and Callitris Pin Callitris Total GHG Impacts As part of the Third National Communication (TCN), emissions from the BAU scenario of the FAT sector were projected on the basis of assumptions related to the conversion of forest land and pastureland to other speculations. Table 26 and Figure 12 present historical and projected GHG emissions from the BAU scenario of the FAT sector to 2030. Table 25:", + "Table 26 and Figure 12 present the historical and projected GHG emissions for the BAU scenario of the LULUCF sector by 2030. Table 25: Evolution of LULUCF emissions / BAU scenario Year Gg emissions Figure 12: Emissions of the BAU / LULUCF scenario Waste Sector, Plans, Strategies and Projects In addition to the Plans, Policies and Strategies common to all sectors (UNDP 2018-2027, Vision Burundi 2025, National Climate Change Policy, National Remediation Policy and its 2025 Strategy for the Waste Sector is specific to the Waste Sector. Projection assumptions and parameters As part of the 3rd National Communication, the BAU scenario of the Waste Sector has been defined and projections of sectoral emissions up to 2050 have been calculated.", + "Within the framework of CBD 2020, the assumptions and parameters of the baseline scenario for the NTC waste sector for 2025 and 2030 have been selected.", + "The projection assumptions are based on the rate of population growth, the national economy and urbanisation GHG impact In the context of the 3rd National Communication (TCN), emissions from the BAU scenario of the Waste sector were projected on the basis of the rate of economic growth; the increase in population and waste stocks.", + "Years Chart 12: BAU/FAT Scenario Emissions Table 27 and Figure 13 show historical GHG emissions (results of the 3rd National GHG Inventory and projected GHG emissions (results of the NTC) for the 2030 Waste Sector BAU scenario.", + "Table 26: Evolution of GHG Emissions from the BAU scenario for the Waste Sector Emissions CH4 emissions from industrial wastewater in Eq CO2 CH4 emissions from commercial and domestic wastewater in Eq CO2 CH4 emissions from solid wastewater in Eq CO2 CH4 emissions from domestic and commercial wastewater Total Source:", + "Summary of the BAU Scenario Table 28 and Figure 13 present historical GHG emissions (results from the 3rd National Inventory of) and projected GHG emissions (results from the NTC) for the BAU scenario for all sectors over 2025 and 2030, except the managed soils subsector of Agriculture.", + "Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 13: Scenario BAU emissions waste N2O emissions domestic and commercial wastewater CH4 emissions from solid waste in Eq CO2 CH4 emissions from commercial and domestic wastewater in Eq CO2 CH4 emissions from industrial wastewater in Eq CO2 Table 27: Scenario BAU emissions in Gg CO2eq for all sectors Sector Energy PIUP Agriculture and Elevation PFOS Waste Total with PFOS Total without PFOS Chart 14: Scenario BAU total emissions CO2 in Gg Years Chart 14: Scenario BAU total emissions Energy PIUP Agriculture and Elevation PFOS Waste 2.2.5.", + "Unconditional scenario Energy sector (excluding Transport sub-sector) P&M, selected mitigation plans and actions A. Energy sector excluding Transport sub-sector The National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, the National Climate Change Policy, the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, the three National Communications on Climate Change and the Policy Letter, as well as the sectoral strategy for the energy sector provide for measures and technologies essential for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.", + "Energy Sector Outside Transport Subsector The National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, the National Climate Change Policy, the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, the three National Communications on Climate Change and the Policy Letter, as well as the Sectoral Strategy for the Energy Sector provide for measures and technologies essential for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, focusing on the introduction of new technologies and measures aimed at improving the conditions for the production and use of non- or low-GHG-emitting energy sources as a substitute for the technologies currently in use.", + "They focus on the introduction of new technologies and measures aimed at improving the conditions for the production and use of non- or low-carbon energy sources as a substitute for the technologies currently in use. The programmes and projects considered as priorities are the construction of hydroelectric and solar power stations, the promotion of improved wood carbonisation techniques, the promotion of improved wood-burning households in urban and rural areas, the promotion of biogas in schools and detention facilities and the improvement of energy efficiency.", + "The programmes and projects considered as priorities are the construction of hydroelectric and solar power stations, the promotion of improved wood carbonisation techniques, the promotion of improved wood-burning households in urban and rural areas, the promotion of biogas in schools and detention facilities and the improvement of energy efficiency. In the CND 2020, several actions for the implementation of these priority programmes with an impact in terms of mitigation are selected under the unconditional scenario and are described in Table 28.", + "In the CND 2020, several actions for the implementation of these priority programmes with an impact in terms of mitigation are selected under the unconditional scenario and are described in Table 28. Table 28: Actions selected for the unconditional scenario in the energy sector National Priorities Objective IOV Actions Costs Start Date End Date State of progress in March 2021 1- Increase hydroelectric generation capacity 45.4 MW are installed Construct three hydroelectric power stations in Ruzibazi Mpanda MW), Number of MW installed in Ruzibazi, Kabu and Mpanda under the Public Private Partnership Construct RUVYI 102 and MULE HE Number of new functional hydroelectric power stations - New hydroelectric generation capacity Construct cascade power stations on and SIGUVYAYE 300KW of the Karonke micropower station Construct the installed capacity micropower station commissioned (private) Karonke 2- Increa", + "SIGUVYAYE 300KW of Karonke micro-power plant are Installed capacity micro-power plant in operation (private) Karonke 2- Increase energy production capacity by photovoltaic system are installed Installed capacity of Mubuga solar power plant Installed capacity of off-grid public facilities by photovoltaic solar energy Electrify off-grid public facilities by photovoltaic solar energy Number of facilities electrified use of biogas digesters in boarding schools to compensate for the use of wood for cooking boarding schools are equipped with a biogas digester Construct biogas digesters in boarding schools Number of facilities equipped with a biogas digester.", + "Source: Ministry of Hydraulics, Energy and Mines B. Transport subsector The national transport sector policies and strategies considered in the unconditional scenario are the National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, the National Strategy for Planning and Management of the Transport Sector 2018-2027, the sectoral policy of the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Equipment and the National Industrialization Policy.", + "The mitigation strategies identified in these documents are primarily the promotion of electric vehicles, public transit by large buses, and the development of pedestrian and bicycle paths. In the 2020 CDN, the priority for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the Transport subsector is the development of public transit by large buses to reduce fuel consumption by private vehicles.", + "Table 29 National priority for mitigation in the transport sub-sector National priority Target Cost D ) Monitoring and evaluation indicators Comments/ Considerations Start date End date Progress in March Improvement and increase in passenger car fleet By large buses in Number of large buses acquired This action will contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions from passenger cars.", + "Table 29 National Priority for Mitigation in the Transport Subsector National Priority Target Cost D ) Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators Comments/Considerations Start Date End Date Status in March Improvements and increases in the fleet of large buses by Number of large buses acquired This action will contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions from passenger cars. public transport. circulati on Source: Priority Action Programme (PAP, July 2018).", + "Priority Action Program (PAP, July 2018). Assumptions and projection parameters A. Energy sector outside Transport subsector.", + "Assumptions and projection parameters A. Non-transport energy sector Mitigation priorities are to implement less GHG-emitting technologies or fuels as a substitute for technologies or fuels that do not perform well in terms of mitigation, namely: - diesel thermal power plants for electricity generation, - firewood for cooking and lighting in rural households and charcoal for cooking energy in urban households.", + "The priorities for mitigation are to implement less GHG-emitting technologies or fuels as a substitute for technologies or fuels that are not performing well in terms of mitigation, namely: - diesel-fired thermal power stations for electricity generation, - firewood for cooking and lighting in rural households and charcoal for cooking energy in urban households Table 30 shows the parameters used for the accounting of these emissions.", + "Table 30 shows the parameters used to account for these emissions. Table 30: Mitigation Priorities and Parameters for Accounting for Emissions No. Mitigation Priorities Emission Calculation Parameters Construction of Hydroelectric Power Plants - Generation Capacity of the Power Plant; - Number of Hours of Operation of the Power Plant - Equivalent of Annual Generation in Tera Joule; - Emissions from Diesel Thermal Power Plant of the same Capacity Construction of Solar Power Plants or Mini Solar Power Plants - Generation Capacity of the Power Plant; - Number of Hours of Operation of the Power Plant - Equivalent of Annual Generation in Tera Joule - Emissions from Diesel Thermal Power Plant of the same Capacity Promoting the Use of Biogas Digesters in Boarding Schools - Volume of Biogas Digester (50m3); - Energy Production in kWh of one m3", + "Boarding schools - Volume of biogas digester (50m3); - Energy production in kWh of one m3 of a digester - Emissions from wood to produce the same energy for cooking B. Transportation Subsector IPCC Tools 2006 is used to quantify emissions from buses and emissions that cars would have emitted to transport the same number of people over the same distance.", + "The avoided emissions are then calculated by the difference between the two.", + "Table 31: Mitigation Priorities and Emission Calculation Parameters for the Transport Subsector Mitigation Priorities Calculation Parameters Improvement and Increase in the Public Transit Fleet - Number of buses with 60 seats (200 buses in 2025 and 300 buses in 2030); - Bus fuel consumption (50l/100km); - Daily journey in km (28km/day); - Bus fuel per day in litre; - Annual bus fuel quantity in litre; - Number of passenger cars excluded from traffic; - Car consumption (10/100km) - Amount of fuel saved from consumption; - Annual amount of fuel saved from consumption Priorities Selected Amount of diesel not consumed as a result of the action (in TJ) EF (kg /GJ) Emissions in Gg Eq Source Improvement and increase in the public transit", + "Kg and NDP GHG Impact A. Energy Sector Outside Transportation Subsector Emissions avoided from the mitigation scenario are equal to the default emission factors (Level 1) of the technology/substituted fuel multiplied by the energy consumption avoided from the implementation of the actions. IPCC Tools 2006 quantified these avoided emissions by entering activity data for each project in relation to the practice in place.", + "The IPCC Tools 2006 software allowed quantification of these avoided emissions by entering activity data for each project in relation to existing practice, and this methodology was applied to all actions selected in the NCC 2020. Table 32 presents avoided GHG emissions in the Energy (non-transport) sector for the years 2025 and 2030.", + "Table 32 presents the GHG emissions avoided in the Energy (non-transport) sector for the years 2025 and 2030. Table 32: Emissions avoided by national priorities National priorities Priorities selected Emissions avoided in 1.Increase hydroelectric power generation capacity Develop Ruzibazi hydroelectric power station (15MW), Kabu hydroelectric power station 20MW and Mpanda hydroelectric power station Develop RUVYI 102 and MULE 037 hydroelectric power stations Develop cascading power stations on DAMA (8.8MW) and SIGUVYAYE Develop Karonke micro-power station (300KW) 2.Increase photovoltaic power generation capacity Develop Mubuga solar power station (7.5MW) Electrify off-grid public facilities with photovoltaic solar power Use biogas digesters in boarding schools Construct biogas digesters at 20 electrical facilities Total B. Subsector Transport Table 33 present", + "Total B. Transportation Subsector Table 33 presents the GHG emissions avoided in the Transportation subsector for 2025 and 2030.", + "Emissions Avoided Gases (Mg) (Mg) N2O (Mg) Total Eq CO2 in Gg Emissions from Buses Emissions from Off-Road Vehicles Emissions Avoided Eq CO2 in Gg Industrial Processes and Product Uses Sector (IPPC) A&M, Selected Mitigation Plans and Actions In the IPPC sector, no action is prioritized in the updated NCD to reduce emissions by unconditional target due to the lack of well-defined indicators.", + "A&M, Selected Mitigation Plans and Actions In the IPPC sector, no action is prioritized in the updated NCD to reduce emissions by unconditional target due to the lack of well-defined indicators. However, plans and policies and strategies exist that can contribute to reducing emissions in this sector. Assumptions and projection parameters As there are no unconditional target actions to be included in the 2020 NCD, assumptions and projection parameters are not necessary.", + "Projection Assumptions and Parameters As there are no unconditional objective actions to be included in the CBD 2020, projection assumptions and parameters are not required. GHG Impact. The CBD 2020 does not include actions to mitigate emissions from the POPs sector but is accounted for in the OAU.", + "The 2020 CDN does not include emission mitigation actions for the UPEI sector, but it is accounted for in the OAU. Agriculture Sector The Department of Agriculture and Livestock has developed an Environmental, Agriculture and Livestock Policy Guidance Document, which is based on the NDP 2018-2027 and the NIP 2018-2022. To implement these strategic measures contained in these documents, the Department plans to develop a national permanently stable livestock policy.", + "In order to implement these strategic measures contained in these documents, the Department is considering a national policy for permanently stable livestock; however, no action to support this policy is included in the conditional objective. Forestry and Other Land Use Sector", + "However, no action to support this policy is included in the conditional objective. Forestry and other land use sector Mitigation plans, strategies and actions selected Burundi has developed mitigation plans and strategies that may have an impact in relation to the LULUCF sector, either by reducing GHG emissions from the forest sector through good forest resource management practices or by increasing GHG sinks.", + "Selected mitigation plans, strategies and actions Burundi has developed plans and strategies that may have an impact in terms of mitigation in relation to the LUCF sector, by reducing GHG emissions from the forest sector through good forest resource management practices or by increasing GHG sinks. The most important are: - The National Development Plan 2018-2027, which, in its strategic orientation 3, envisages environmental protection, adaptation to climate change and improvement of spatial planning.", + "The most important are the following: - The National Development Plan 2018-2027 which, in its strategic orientation 3, envisages the protection of the environment, adaptation to climate change and improvement of spatial planning; - The Guidance Document for the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy; - The National Forestry Policy which, in its specific objective 2, envisages increasing the rate of forest cover to 20% by 2025; - The National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, (+) the role of the Conservation of Forest Ecosystems and Sustainable Forest Management as well as the improvement of carbon stocks; - The National Climate Change Policy which, in its axis 2, envisages the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and low-carbon development; etc.", + "These plans, policies and strategies have been considered to define the actions of the FAT sector to be selected under the unconditional scenario of the CBD 2020. Thus, two priority actions selected in the CBD 2020 for the unconditional scenario are shown in Table 34.", + "Thus, two priority actions selected in the CND 2020 for the unconditional scenario are shown in Table 34. Table 34: Priority actions selected by unconditional objective Priority strategies Objective Actions Cost D Start date End date Progress in 2021. rural forestry Increase forest cover to 15.74%, i.e. increase forest cover by ha Produce and plant on 53.340 ha at a rate of 5334 ha/year from 2021 to 2030. bamboo industry in Burundi bamboo mills created in ten years at a rate of 250 ha/year.", + "Table 34: Priority actions selected by unconditional objective Priority strategies Objective Actions Cost D Start date End date State of playm ent 2021. rural forestry Increase the rate of forest cover to 15.74%, i.e. increase forest cover by ha by Produce and plant on 53.340 ha at a rate of 5334 ha /year from 2021 to 2030. bamboo sector development in Burundi 250 ha of bamboo plantations created in ten years Protect river banks by planting bamboo on 2500 ha at a rate of 250 ha /year from 2021 to 2030.", + "Protect river banks by planting 2,500 ha of bamboo at a rate of 250 ha/year from 2021 to 2030. Source of actions: DOPEAE, TCNCC and PND 2018-2027 Burundi. Assumptions and projection parameters For the FAT sector, the input parameters of the 2 selected actions are presented in Table 37.", + "Assumptions and projection parameters For the FAT sector, the input parameters of the 2 selected actions are presented in Table 37. The figures in terms of areas are recorded in the DOPEAE and were validated by the workshops held in Muramvya on 21 and 22 July 2021 and in Ngozi on 6 and 7 July 2021.", + "Area figures are recorded in the DOPEAE and were validated by workshops held in Muramvya on 21 and 22 July 2021 and in Ngozi on 6 and 7 July 2021. Table 35 Priority actions selected by unconditional objective Actions Area planted per year (ha) Area planted cumulatively in 2025 (ha) Area planted cumulatively in 2030 (ha) Source of figures Development of rural forestry (reforestation of 53340 ha over 10 years) Area validation workshops Development of the bamboo sector Total", + "Priority Actions Selected by Unconditional Goal Actions Area planted per year (ha) Area planted cumulatively in 2025 (ha) Area planted cumulatively in 2030 (ha) Source of figures Rural forestry development (reforestation of 53340 ha over 10 years) Area validation workshops Development of the bamboo sector Total GHG impact The Tier 1 methodology of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines was used to calculate the additional GHG removals resulting from the mitigation actions selected under the unconditional scenario.", + "GHG Impact The Tier 1 IPCC Guidelines 2006 methodology was used to calculate incremental GHG removals from mitigation actions under the unconditional scenario by multiplying activity data by removal factors. To calculate removals, forest area was considered as activity data, and IPCC 2006 was used to calculate these removals.", + "The IPCC 2006 software was then used to calculate these removals. Table 42 shows the results of removals in 2025 and 2030 in Eq CO2 in Gg. Table 36: Results of removals from the forest sector in EqCO2 in Gg Shares Removals in Eq CO2 in Gg Woodlots 53340ha in 2030 at a rate of 5334 ha/year from 2021.", + "Table 36: Outputs of forestry sector removals in EqCO2 in Gg Actions EqCO2 removals in Gg Foresting 53340ha in 2030 at a rate of 5334ha/year from 2021. Protect river banks with bamboo plantation on 2500ha in 2030 at a rate of 250ha/year from 2021. Total Waste Sector", + "Protect river banks by planting 2500ha of bamboo in 2030 at a rate of 250ha/year from 2021. Total Waste sector Selected plans, strategies and mitigation actions The National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, the national sanitation policy, the national plan for adaptation to climate change, the National Communications on climate change, etc., provide for actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from the waste sector.", + "Selected mitigation plans, strategies and actions The National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, the national sanitation policy, the national climate change adaptation plan, the National Communications on Climate Change, etc., provide for actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from the waste sector. However, under the CDN 2020, no action is envisaged due to the lack of reliable data on waste quantification and landfill sites are not known, with the exception of a few sites identified in the third greenhouse gas inventory in the city of Bujumbura.", + "However, no action is envisaged under the CBD 2020 due to the lack of reliable data on waste quantification and landfill sites are unknown, with the exception of a few sites identified in the third greenhouse gas inventory in the city of Bujumbura. Assumptions and projection parameters As no action is envisaged by unconditional scenario in the CBD 2020, assumptions and projection parameters are not necessary.", + "Projection Assumptions and Parameters As there are no unconditional scenario actions foreseen in the CBD 2020, projection assumptions and parameters are not required GHG Impact No priority has been identified for an unconditional objective.", + "GHG Impact No priority has been selected for an unconditional objective. Consequently, the waste sector has no impacts in terms of GHG emission reductions, Target Definition The unconditional scenario target is a national emission reduction of 1.58% from the BAU scenario by 2025 and 3.04% by 2030. Methodology The methodology for calculating the target at the sector level is to first add emissions avoided or absorbed from all priority sector actions.", + "Consequently, the waste sector has no impacts in terms of GHG emission reductions, Target Definition The unconditional scenario target is a national emission reduction of 1.58% compared to the BAU scenario by 2025 and 3.04% by 2030. Methodology The methodology for calculating the target at the sector level is to first add the emissions avoided or absorbed from all sector priority actions. The value of the national target in CO2 Equivalent in Gg per unconditional target is the sum of the emissions/absorptions resulting from the implementation of priority actions in all sectors.", + "The national target value in CO2 Equivalent in Gg per unconditional target is the sum of the emissions/removals resulting from the implementation of the priority actions in all sectors. In percentage terms, the target value is the ratio of the sum of the sectoral emissions in the unconditional scenario to the sum of the sectoral emissions in the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario. The % target value \"C\" is expressed by the following equation: X/Y*100.", + "The value of the % \"C\" target is expressed by the following equation: X/Y*100. Where X= \u2211 of the unconditional scenario sectoral emissions in EqCO2 in Gg. Y = \u2211 of the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario sectoral emissions in EqCO2 in Gg. Summary of Avoided Emissions and Complementary Absorptions The summary of avoided emissions and removals in all sectors is presented in Table 37.", + "Y = \u2211 of the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario sectoral emissions in EqCO2 in Gg Summary of avoided emissions and additional removals A summary of avoided emissions and removals in all sectors can be found in Table 37. Table 37: Summary of avoided emissions and additional removals GHG avoided emissions (in Gg Eq CO2) GHG avoided emissions (in Gg Eq CO2) Sectors 1.", + "Non-transportation Energy Total Emissions with Absorptions Total Emissions without Absorptions Target Value as a Percentage Table 38: Target Value by Unconditional Target Unconditional Target Unconditional Mitigation Scenario BAU Scenario % Mitigation It should be noted that the calculation of the target by unconditional target is non-absorption. 2.2.6.", + "Percentage Target Value Table 38: Target Value by Unconditional Target Unconditional Target Unconditional Mitigation Scenario BAU Scenario % Mitigation It should be noted that the calculation of the target by unconditional target is out of absorption. 2.2.6. Other Impacts The actions selected in the unconditional target scenario have health impacts primarily by reducing diseases from smoke from wood burning, air pollution from gaseous emissions from vehicles.", + "Other impacts The actions selected in the unconditional objective scenario have health impacts mainly by reducing diseases resulting from smoke from wood burning, air pollution by gases from vehicle emissions. Other impacts on the improvement of living conditions are important due to increased access to electricity, in particular the growth of household incomes through job creation and modernisation, as well as diversification of income-generating activities.", + "Other impacts on improving living conditions are significant through increased access to electricity, including increased household incomes through job creation and modernisation, and diversification of income-generating activities, as well as positive spillovers on biodiversity conservation, including soil conservation, increased water availability, etc. 2.2.7. Conditional scenario Energy sector", + "They also have a positive impact on the conservation of biodiversity, including soil conservation, increasing water availability, etc. 2.2.7. Conditional scenario Energy sector R&D, priority plans and actions selected The policies and strategies cited above for the unconditional scenario are also valid for the conditional scenario.", + "P&M, Plans and Priority Actions Selected The policies and strategies mentioned above for the unconditional scenario are also valid for the conditional scenario.", + "Actions in the energy sector conditional scenario, which are different from those in the unconditional scenario, focus on the construction of hydroelectric power stations, the construction and rehabilitation of national electricity transmission and distribution lines and the promotion of renewable energies. Some actions whose implementation depends on international funds are additional to those in the unconditional scenario and are accounted for separately from those in the unconditional scenario.", + "Some actions whose implementation depends on international funds are additional to those foreseen in the unconditional scenario. They are accounted for separately from those foreseen in the unconditional scenario. Those selected for the energy sector are shown in Table 39.", + "National priorities in the energy sector Selected actions/projects Target Activities IOV Costs USD Start Date End Date Status Increase hydroelectric power generation capacity MW are installed Construct three hydroelectric power stations: Jiji \u2013 Mulembwe; -Number of new hydroelectric power stations 2018 Jiji \u2013 Mulembw e; 2021 Rusumo Falls Rusumo Falls and Kirasa MW) Functional - New hydroelectric power generation capacity and Construct the Ruzizi III hydroelectric power station (147 MW) i.e. 49MW for Burundi Four micro-power stations are constructed and put into operation Construct four waga, Gikuka, Moyovozi, Nyamvyondo power stations Electrify the country\u2019s main centres- communes are electrified Construct electricity lines to serve the country\u2019s unelectrified centres Number of main centres", + "Build electricity lines to serve the country\u2019s unelectrified centres Number of electrified community centres Promote renewable energy in rural areas through the Nyakiriza and Umucowiteramb er sun projects Inland centres are electrified by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar network", + "Enhanced Homes Installed Multi-Service Solar Platforms Installed Multi-Service Solar Platforms Number of Multi-Service Solar Platforms Enhanced Homes in Schools in School Canteen are installed Enhanced Homes in Schools in School Canteen Number of Enhanced Homes constructed Support the production and extension of Enhanced Homes Enhanced homes are used by rural households for cooking.", + "Strengthen the capabilities of improved stove technicians and organize improved stove exhibitions to develop new markets and establish contact with potential customers Number of rural households using improved stoves for cooking. To urban households using improved stoves for cooking Number of urban households using improved stoves for cooking. To rural households using improved stoves for cooking.", + "Number of rural households using improved cooking stoves Number of urban households using improved cooking stoves Number of urban households using improved cooking stoves Number of rural households using improved cooking stoves Number of urban households using improved cooking stoves Number of rural households using improved cooking stoves Number of rural households using improved cooking stoves Number of rural households using improved cooking stoves Number of rural households using improved cooking stoves Number of rural households using improved cooking stoves Number of rural households using improved cooking stoves Number of rural households using improved cooking stoves Number of rural households using improved cooking stoves Number of rural households using improved cooking stoves Number of rural households using improved cooking stoves Number of rural households using improved cooking stoves Number of rural households using improved cooking stoves Number of rural households using improved cooking sto", + "Construction and equipment of solar panel assembly and production plant capable of producing solar panels Construction and equipment of solar panel assembly and production plant capable of producing solar panels Capacity of panels produced Energy supply of rural peace villages by solar photovoltaic systems Energy supply of peace villages by solar photovoltaic systems Number of peace villages electrified by solar system Total", + "Construction and equipment of solar panel assembly and production plant capable of producing From photovoltaic panels to products Construct and equip a solar panel assembly and production plant s Capacity of panels produced Energy supply of rural peace villages by solar photovoltaic systems Peace villages are supplied with energy by solar photovoltaic systems Number of peace villages electrified by the solar system Total Assumptions and projection parameters The calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from different energy sources is based on parameters such as population, technologies or measures adopted, lifestyle of the population and emission factors of fuels used.", + "Projection Assumptions and Parameters The calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from different energy sources is based on parameters such as population, technologies or measures adopted, lifestyle of the population and emission factors of the fuels used.", + "The quantity of emissions is equal to the emission factors multiplied by the energy values. IPCC Tools 2006 made it possible to quantify avoidable emissions by entering activity data for each action in relation to the practice that was in place. This methodology was applied to all actions identified in the 2015 update of the CBD. Table 47 shows the parameters used to account for these emissions.", + "Table 47 shows the parameters used for the accounting of these emissions. Table 40: Parameters for the accounting of emissions No. Technologies implemented Emission calculation parameters Construction of hydroelectric power plants - Generation capacity of the power plant; - Number of hours of operation of the power plant per year (4000 hours); - Equivalent of annual production in T\u00e9ra joule; - Emissions emitted by a diesel thermal power plant of the same capacity Construction of solar power plants or mini-solar networks - Generation capacity of the power plant; - Number of hours of operation of the power plant per year (1200 hours); - Equivalent of annual production in T\u00e9ra joule - Emissions emitted by a diesel thermal power plant of the same capacity Electrifying the 28 headquarters of municipalities in the interior of the country - Project beneficiary population; - Average annual consumption per", + "- Average annual consumption per habitat - The amount of oil used to produce the same amount of energy for lighting; Use of solar kits in households - Total power of solar kits (491.28kW); - Average annual energy production in kWh; - The amount of oil used to produce the same amount of energy for lighting Installing solar energy in health and school facilities - Total power installed in the solar and health facility (1820kw for health and 1816kw for schools); - Number of operating hours per day (4h); - Average annual energy production; - The amount of diesel used to produce the same amount of energy; Build improved homes in households - Projections of total population (13604766 in 2025 and 2030 14882591 in 2030 according to ISTEEBU data, - Projections of rural population (12230685 in 2025 and - Projections of urban population (1374081 in 2025 and - Household size", + "- Projections of rural population (12230685 in 2025 and - Projections of urban population (1374081 in 2025 and - Household size); - Average quantity of wood consumed per day and per person (2.93kg); - Average quantity of coal consumed per day and per person (0.68); - Quantity of energy generated per kilo of wood (4.5kWh) - Quantity of energy generated per kilo of coal - Proportion of the population using wood and wood coal.", + "Coal is used in urban areas and wood in rural areas.", + "- Performance of improved homes (20%) Install multi-service solar platforms - Total power of multi-service solar platforms; - Number of hours of operation per day (4 hours); - Average annual energy production; - The amount of diesel used to produce the same amount of energy Construct improved homes in schools in school canteen - Number of stoves consumed per year (800); - Number of kilos per stove (600kg); - The amount of energy generated per kilo of wood (4.5kWh) - Performance of improved homes (20%) Construct and equip the assembly and production plant of photovoltaic solar panels capable of - Total annual production capacity per year; - The amount of oil used to produce the same amount of energy Electrify rural peace villages by photovoltaic solar systems - Average number of households in peace villages - Average household size (5 persons); - Consumption", + "Photovoltaic solar - Average number of households in peace villages - Average household size (5 persons); - Average energy consumption per person per day (30kWh/habitat/day); - The amount of oil used to produce the same amount of energy Construct a thermal power plant based on municipal waste: Bujumbura - Waste quantity/person/year (kg/person/year) - Population projection in Bujumbura City Hall: - Annual waste quantities (tonnes); - Fermentable waste (57%) - Energy waste quantity (25000tonnes/MW); - Annual production (MWh); - Annual production (TJ) GHG impact Table 41: Emissions avoided by actions identified in the energy sector Emissions avoided in Gg Eq CO2 Actions/projects retained Activity target IOV USD hydro", + "MW) -Number of new functional hydropower plants -New hydropower production capacity Develop the Ruzizi III hydropower plant (147 MW) or 49MW for Burundi micro-power plant are built and put into operation Develop four 4 sites of waga, Gikuka, Moyovozi, Nyamvyondo power centers of the country municipalities are electrified build electricity lines serving the and centers not yet Number of municipalities electrified electrified country renewable energy in rural areas by the Nyakiriza and Umucowitera mbere solar projects 48 centers in the interior of the country are electrified by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 centers in the interior of the country by the Number of electrified centers households of solar equipment distribute solar kits to rural (capacity Number of households that have received solar kits health institutions will be electrified for solar", + "Schools will be electrified for solar energy Install energy in school health facilities Number of school electrified households are equipped with improved homes Build improved homes in rural households Number of households that have received improved multi-service solar homes installed Install multi-service solar platforms Number of multi-service solar platforms improved homes in schools in school canteens are installed Build improved homes in schools in school canteens Number of improved homes constructed Production and extension of improved homes in rural households use improved homes for cooking.", + "Strengthen the capacity of improved stove manufacturing technicians and organize the number of rural households that use improved stoves for cooking. improved stove exhibitions to develop new markets and establish contact with potential customers urban households use improved stoves for cooking Manufacture and sell improved stoves to rural population in 2025 Number of urban households that use improved stoves for cooking.", + "Urban households use improved stoves for cooking Manufacture and sell improved stoves to rural population in 2025 Number of urban households that use improved stoves for cooking. rural households use improved stoves for cooking.", + "Manufacture and sell improved households to rural population in 2030 Number of rural households that use improved households for cooking. Urban households that use improved households for cooking Manufacture and sell improved households to urban population in 2030 Number of urban households that use improved households for cooking. 5.", + "Urban households use improved cooking stoves Manufacture and sell improved cooking stoves to urban population by 2030 Number of urban households using improved cooking stoves 5. Construction and equipment of photovoltaic solar panel assembly and production plant capable of producing 48MW of photovoltaic panels by 2025 Construction and equipment of photovoltaic solar panel assembly and production plant Capacity of solar panels produced by rural peace villages by systems 27 peace villages supplied with energy by solar systems Install photovoltaic solar systems Number of peace villages electrified by photovoltaic solar solar system Photovoltaic solar thermal power plant based on municipal waste: and 8.38MW produced Construct the plant Install capacity Total Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPU). P&M,", + "8.38 MW are produced Construct the plant Install capacity Total Industrial Processes and Product Utilization (IPU) R&D, Plans and Priority Actions Selected The national policies, plans and strategies selected in the conditional scenarios are the same as those selected for the unconditional scenario.", + "Table 43 shows the priority actions of the sector. Table 42: Priority Actions of the UPEI Sector Priority Actions Targets Activities Monitoring Indicators Costs Start Year End Date of Support for the Development of Research and Innovation in the Industrial Sector \"PIDRI\" stands for Innovative Industries Revitalizing Emerging Industries and Supporting Existing Industries Number of Industries Total Source:", + "Innovative Industries Revitalizing Emerging Industries and Supporting Existing Industries Number of Industries Total Source: CCCTB Projection Assumptions and Parameters Projection assumptions are related to the economy (GDP), the purchasing power of populations to supply lime for agriculture and concrete and steel for construction. Projection parameters are the quantities of lime, iron and steel. Other parameters are emission factors.", + "The projection parameters are the quantities of lime, iron and steel. Other parameters are the emission factors. To calculate emissions from lime production, the formula is C(tonne of CO2) =AXB, Conversion to Gg of CO2 D=C/103 These parameters are: A: Quantity of lime produced in tonnes: 1908 tonnes in 2015. B: Emission factors by type of lime produced (tonne of CO2/tonne of lime produced): 0.75. Impacts in terms of mitigation.", + "B: Emission factors by type of lime produced (tonnes of CO2/tonnes of lime produced): 0.75. Impacts in terms of mitigation Since the Inventory experts did not have field data, mitigation actions were calculated by reducing emissions from the 2015 inventory by 3% every 5 years, i.e. a 2% reduction from the baseline scenario.", + "As inventory experts did not have field data, mitigation actions were calculated by reducing emissions from the 2015 inventory by 3% every 5 years, i.e. a 2% reduction compared to the baseline scenario. Table 43: Emissions avoided by action identified Year Support the development of Research and Innovation in the industrial sector \"PADRI in acronym\". Agriculture Sector R&D, plans and priority actions selected.", + "Table 43: Emissions Avoided by Action Identified Year Supporting the Development of Research and Innovation in the Industrial Sector \"PADRI in Acronym\". Agriculture Sector R&D, Plans and Priority Actions Selected. The Department responsible for Agriculture and Livestock has developed a Policy Guidance Document for Environment, Agriculture and Livestock based on the NDP 2018-2027 and the NIP 2018-2022.", + "The latter is based on the NDP 2018-2027 and the NIP 2018-2022. To implement these strategic measures contained in these documents, the Department is considering a national permanently stable livestock policy. The success of this policy will be based on agro-silvo-zoo-technology systems that increase livestock feed by increasing the area of forage crops, silage, and organic fume by composting.", + "The success of this policy will be based on agro-silvo-zoo-technology systems that increase livestock feed by increasing the area under forage crops, silage and organic fume by composting. Improving the composition of livestock feed by adopting agro-silvo-zoo-technology integration systems has thus been identified as a national priority. Table 45 shows the priority action to be taken, the cost of the action and the timetable.", + "Table 45 shows the priority action to be carried out, the cost of the action and the timetable. Table 44: Priority action in the agriculture sector Priority strategies Objective Actions Cost Start date End date Progress in 2021 Improve the composition of feedingstuffs by adopting agro sylvo and zootechnical integration systems Improve feedingstuffs in permanent storage and reduce emissions from managed soils.", + "Improving feed composition by adopting agro sylvo and zootechnical integration systems Improving livestock feed in permanent storage and reducing emissions from managed soils Improving feed composition Ongoing Assumptions and projection parameters. The parameters for the agricultural sector are based on projected livestock numbers in 2025 and 2030 by species. The livestock numbers are shown in Table 45. Table 45:", + "Species (T) Number of heads N(T) in 2025 Number of heads N(T) in 2030 Dairy cows Other cattle Sheep Goats Pigs Total The formula for calculating emissions is as follows: CH4= N(T)*EF(T)*10^-6 where (T): Category or species;N(T): number of heads, EF: emission factor, CH4: total emissions of CH4. The emission factor for each category of animal is shown in Table 48.", + "The emission factor for each animal category can be found in Table 48. Table 46: Emission factor for each animal Species (T) Dairy cows Other cattle Sheep Goats Pigs", + "Species (T) Dairy cows Other cattle Sheep Goats Pigs GHG impacts Table 47: Impacts of the action in terms of GHG emission reductions Emissions avoided in Gg Eq CO2 Priority actions/projects Target Improve the composition of feedingstuffs by adopting agro sylvo-zoological integration systems Reduce enteric fermentation emissions in 2025 and 2030 by 3% from 2015 ( 22.6Gg of Sector Forestry and other Land use R&D, plans and priority actions selected.", + "Table 47: Impacts of the action in terms of GHG emission reductions Emissions avoided in Gg Eq CO2 Priority actions/projects Target Improve the composition of feedingstuffs by adopting agro sylvo and zootechnical integration systems Reduce enteric fermentation emissions in 2025 and 2030 by 3% from 2015 onwards ( 22.6Gg of Forestry and other land use Selected R&D, plans and priority actions The national policies, plans and strategies selected in the conditional scenarios are the same as those selected for the unconditional scenario.", + "The national policies, plans and strategies selected for the conditional scenarios are the same as those selected for the unconditional scenario, and the implementation of these policies, plans and strategies will be reflected in the national priorities in Table 48.", + "The implementation of these policies, plans and strategies will be reflected in the national priorities set out in Table 48. Table 48: National priorities in the FAT sector Priority actions/projects Target Activities IOV USD Start date End date State of progress of rural forestry Increase forest cover by 2027 (UNDP) Establish forest and agroforestry plantations on 106.680 ha at a rate of 10668 ha/year from 2021 Areas created Degraded environments in the Mumirwa and Bugesera ha forests created and/or restored and ha watersheds protected from erosion Establish forest and agroforestry plantations on 22375 ha at a rate of 2275.5 ha/year from 2021 Number of ha planted with bamboo trees planted in ten years Planting along rivers, around water sources", + "Planting along rivers, around water sources and on farms in 2030 at a rate of 2250 ha from 2021.", + "Number of ha planted with Moringa cultivation 10 ha/region created and cut/household distributed to half of Burundian households ha/year Establish Moringa plantations on 4280 ha at a rate of 428 ha/year from 2021. Number of ha planted TOTAL Projection assumptions and parameters In the LULUCF sector, GHG emission projection assumptions up to 2050 are based on changes in forest area.", + "In the LULUCF sector, GHG emission projection assumptions up to 2050 are based on changes in forest area. The projection parameters are forest plantation and/or agroforestry area created. GHG impacts.", + "The projection parameters are the areas of forest plantations and/or agroforestry created. GHG impacts Table 49: Impacts by actions in the FAT sector Emissions in Gg Eq CO2 Priority actions/projects Target 1.Develop rural forestry Target 160.000 ha of forested areas created 2.Rehabilitation project for degraded environments in the Congo Basin and Bugesera 9000 ha of forested areas created or restored and 18000 ha of watersheds protected against erosion bamboo sector development in Burundi bambousseraie ha created per year 4.Development of Moringa culture 10 ha/region created and 5 cuttings/household distributed to half of Burundian households ( Total Waste sector.", + "In terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the project contributes doubly by avoiding emissions from waste in landfills (waste sector) and emissions from the diesel-based thermal power plant (energy sector). R&D, priority plans and actions selected. The National Development Plan for Burundi 2018-2027 and the National Remediation Policy will serve as the reference for the unconditional scenario. In this conditional scenario, the priority objectives are the remediation of urban centres.", + "In this conditional scenario, the priority objectives are the remediation of urban centres. The priority action selected is shown in Table 50. Table 50: Priority actions identified Priority actions Target Activity IOV Cost x 1000USD Construct a thermal power plant Construct a thermal power plant Production capacity based on municipal waste: Bujumbura based on municipal waste Projection assumptions and parameters. The projection assumptions are based on economic growth (GDP), population growth and urbanisation rate.", + "The projection assumptions are based on economic growth (GDP), population growth and the rate of urbanization, and the projection parameters are shown in Table 51.", + "The projection parameters can be found in Table 51. Table 51: Parameters for the waste sector Projects Parameters: waste sector Building a thermal power plant based on municipal waste in the city of Bujumbura - Projection of the population in the Bujumbura town hall: - Quantity of waste/person/year (kg/pers/year) - methane correction factor (%) :46 - DOCF: 50% - Delay time (months):6 - Emissions from waste in the landfill; - Emissions from the biogas plant Impact in terms of GHGs Table 52: Impacts by action of the waste sector Emissions in Gg Eq CO2 Action Target Building a thermal power plant based on municipal waste: Conditions for achieving these objectives Actions have been identified in all sectors.", + "The cost of implementation is estimated at US$ 1,689,102. Their implementation requires the commitment of all stakeholders. Annex I Parties to the Paris Agreement shall support Burundi by providing the necessary funding for the implementation of the programmes identified in accordance with Article 9 of the Paris Agreement.", + "The Parties to the Paris Agreement listed in Annex I shall support Burundi by providing it with the necessary funding for the implementation of the programmes identified in accordance with Article 9 of the Paris Agreement. The Technical and Financial Partners shall be called upon to accompany Burundi in the implementation of the actions identified.", + "Since the implementation of certain actions requires technical expertise, capacity-building in the various areas of intervention is essential. The aim is to strengthen the capacities of all stakeholders in the transfer of knowledge for the acquisition of financing as well as the transfer of technologies. Achieving results will depend on the establishment of a robust implementation mechanism that builds on the existing institutional, legislative and financial arrangements, which must be strengthened in order to be operational and effective.", + "They must be strengthened in order to be operational and effective. The involvement of all stakeholders is essential for achieving the expected results. Gender and social inclusion are encouraged.", + "Gender and social inclusion are encouraged. The achievement of these actions identified by conditional objective will give a boost to the socio-economic and environmental development of our country. Definition of the target The target of the conditional scenario is to reduce national emissions by 11% compared to the BAU scenario by 2025 and by 13% compared to the BAU scenario by 2030. Method of calculation The methodology for calculating the target at the level of each sector is to first add the emissions avoided or absorbed from all priority actions in the sector.", + "The national target value in CO2 Equivalent in Gg by conditional objective is the sum of the emissions/removals resulting from the implementation of the priority actions in all sectors. In percentage terms, the target value is the ratio of the sum of the sectoral emissions in the conditional scenario to the sum of the sectoral emissions in the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario. The % target value \"C\" is expressed by the following equation: X/Y*100.", + "The value of the % \"C\" target is expressed as: X/Y*100. Where X= \u2211 of the conditional scenario sectoral emissions in Gg CO2 eq. Y = \u2211 of the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario sectoral emissions in Gg CO2 eq. Summary of Avoided Emissions and Absorptions A summary of avoided emissions and removals in all sectors can be found in Table 53. Table 53: Summary of GHG Avoided Emissions and Absorptions.", + "Table 53: Summary of GHG Avoided Emissions and Removals GHG Avoided Emissions in Gg GHG Avoided Emissions in Gg Eq CO2 Sector s 1.Energy and Transportation 4.Forestry and Agroforestry Total Emissions with Removals Total Emissions without Removals NB:", + "GHG Avoided Emissions in Gg GHG Avoided Emissions in Gg Eq CO2 Sector s 1.Energy and Transportation 4.Forestry and Agri-Forestry Total Emissions with Removals Total Emissions without Removals NB: FAT sub-sector is not included in the GHG mitigation targets, but is of significant importance in increasing carbon stocks. 3. PERCENTAGE TARGET VALUE The percentage target value is 12.61% in 2030 and 11.40 in 2025 and these values represent reductions in greenhouse gas emissions of 864.39 Eq CO2 in Gg in 2030 and 735.78 Eq CO2 in Gg in 2025 compared to the BAU baseline scenario in 2030 and 2025.", + "PERCENTAGE TARGET VALUE The percentage target value is 12.61% in 2030 and 11.40 in 2025 and these values represent reductions in greenhouse gas emissions of 864.39 Eq CO2 per Gg in 2030 and 735.78 Eq CO2 per Gg in 2025 compared to the baseline scenario BAU in 2030 and 2025. Table 54 shows the details of the target values.", + "Table 54 shows the details of the target values. Table 54: Target Value by Conditional Target Conditional Target Emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg Emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg Conditional Mitigation Scenario BAU Scenario Target Value in % 3.1.", + "Table 54: Target Value by Conditional Objective Conditional Objective Emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg Emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg Conditional Mitigation Scenario BAU Scenario Target Value in % 3.1. Other Impacts The actions selected in the conditional objective scenario have health impacts mainly by reducing diseases from smoke from wood burning, air pollution from gaseous emissions from vehicles.", + "Other impacts The actions selected in the conditional objective scenario have health impacts mainly by reducing diseases resulting from smoke from wood burning, air pollution from gaseous emissions from vehicles, and other impacts on improving living conditions through increased access to electricity, including growth in household incomes through job creation and modernisation, and diversification of income-generating activities.", + "Other impacts on improving living conditions are significant through increased access to electricity, including increased household income through job creation and modernisation and diversification of income-generating activities, as well as positive impacts on biodiversity conservation, including soil conservation, water supply, etc. 3.2. ICTU The synthesis corresponds to an excerpt from Table ICTU 55 as contained in the CDN2020.", + "ICTU The summary corresponds to an excerpt from Table ICTU 55 as contained in the CDN2020 Table 55: ICTU 1. Quantifiable information on the reference point (including, as appropriate, a reference year) a.", + "Quantifiable information on the baseline (including, as appropriate, a baseline year) a. The baseline year(s), baseline period(s) or other starting point(s) Baseline years: 2025 (intermediate baseline years) and 2030 (target year) (case of an indicator defined in relation to a Business as Usual (BAU) scenario) b. Quantifiable information on the baseline indicators, their values during the baseline year(s), baseline period(s) or other starting points and, where applicable, the target year The baseline indicator is an annual quantitative indicator, relative to the GHG emissions of the Business as Usual (BAU) scenario, for the target years 2025 and 2030 and 2 mitigation scenarios (unconditional and conditional).", + "National GHG emissions: \uf0b7 in 2015 (base year of the OAU): 1 935.9 Gg CO2eq. \uf0b7 in 2025 (AU): 6 453.8 Gg CO2eq. \uf0b7 in 2030 (AU): 6 854.6 Gg Gg CO2eq. c.", + "\uf0b7 2030 (AU): 6,854.6 Gg Gg CO2eq. c. With regard to strategies, plans and measures referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or policies and measures included in nationally determined contributions, where paragraph 1 (b) above does not apply, Parties shall provide other relevant information.", + "With regard to strategies, plans and measures referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or policies and measures forming part of nationally determined contributions, where paragraph 1 (b) above does not apply, Parties shall provide other relevant information Not applicable (Burundi is on the list of LDCs but has provided quantifiable information, which is proof of Burundi\u2019s ambition) d.", + "Not applicable (Burundi is on the list of LDCs but has provided quantifiable information, which is proof of Burundi\u2019s ambition) d. A target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, e.g. in percentage or amount of reduction Target values of the reference indicator (relative reduction of GHG emissions relative to the OAU): Unconditional scenario \u2013 2025: 1.58% Unconditional scenario \u2013 2030: 3.04% Conditional scenario \u2013 2025: 11.40% Conditional scenario \u2013 2030: 12.61% e. Information on data sources used to quantify the reference point(s) Historical emissions (2005, 2010 and 2015), used as the basis for projections, are those of the 3rd GHG inventory report used in Burundi\u2019s 3rd national communication (NCC) submitted in 2019.", + "The projection assumptions are related to the national economy (PIP) and population growth. For FAT, wood energy requirements were used for the projections. These assumptions are provided byISTEEBU (Institut des Statistiques et d\u2019Etudes Economiques su Burundi). The projected emissions for the years 2025 and 2030 in the BAU scenario are derived from the NTC. f.", + "Projected emissions for the years 2025 and 2030 in the BAU scenario are derived from the NTC. f. Information on the circumstances under which the Party can update baseline indicator values The baseline year emissions value is likely to be updated due to methodological changes and improvements in the preparation of future greenhouse gas inventories. 2. Time horizon and/or implementation period a.", + "Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the baseline indicator values The baseline year emissions value may be updated as a result of methodological changes and improvements in the preparation of future greenhouse gas inventories. 2. Time horizon and/or implementation period a. The time horizon and/or implementation period, including start and end dates, in accordance with any other relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (COP) The CBD 2020 is implemented from 1 January 2021 and will expire on 31 December 2030.", + "The timetable and/or period of implementation, including the start and end dates, in accordance with any other relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) The CBD 2020 is to be implemented on 1 January 2021 and will expire on 31 December 2030. The time horizon is 10 years but an intermediate stage is foreseen after 5 years. b. Whether an annual or multi-year target, as the case may be The targets defined in the CBD 2020 are annual. 3.", + "The time horizon is 10 years, but an intermediate step is planned after 5 years. b. Whether it is an annual or multi-year target, as the case may be The targets defined in the CND 2020 are annual. 3. Scope and scope a.", + "Scope and scope a. A general description of the target The baseline indicator is an annual quantitative indicator, relative to GHG emissions from the Business as Usual (BAU) scenario, for all sectors of the inventory, excluding the managed land sub-sector of agriculture, for the target years 2025 and 2030 and 2 mitigation scenarios (unconditional and conditional). b. The sectors, gases, categories and reservoirs covered by the contribution determined at national level, including, where appropriate, in accordance with the guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) All sectors and sub-sectors and GHGs included in Burundi\u2019s 3rd national GHG inventory are taken into account in Burundi\u2019s NCD 2020, namely:", + "Waste In terms of GHGs, emissions of PFCs, HFCs, SF6 and NF3 are not estimated in the inventory and are therefore not included in the NCD. c.", + "How the Party has taken into account paragraphs 31 (c) and (d) of decision 1/CP.21 For the Energy sector, fugitive emissions are not estimated in the inventory and therefore not included in the NCD. For the Agriculture sector, emissions from the managed soils subsector are not included in either the OAU or the mitigation scenario. For the LULUCF sector, carbon monoxide has not been calculated due to a lack of global warming potential.", + "For the FAT sector, carbon monoxide has not been calculated due to a lack of global warming potential. Emissions/removals are taken into account in the OAU and the mitigation scenario. In the Waste sector, emissions from open combustion, composting and methanisation are not estimated in the inventory. Compared to the previous NCD, the new NCD takes into account actions related to two new sectors (Agriculture and Waste) in both mitigation scenarios.", + "Compared to the previous NCD, the new NCD takes into account actions in two new sectors (Agriculture and Waste) in the two mitigation scenarios.", + "FAT sector removals are not taken into account in the calculation of target values and the indicator. d. Mitigation benefits resulting from adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans of the Parties, including a description of projects, actions and initiatives relating in particular to adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans of the Parties The adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans of the Republic of Burundi will have mitigation benefits.", + "Benefits in the field of mitigation resulting from adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans of the Parties, including a description of projects, actions and initiatives relating in particular to adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans of the Parties Benefits in the field of mitigation resulting from adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans of the Republic of Burundi shall be the policies, measures or strategies of Burundi for adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change in all sectors covered by this UNCCD.", + "These measures have been identified and quantified in the Third National Communication on Climate Change (TCNCC), the National Development Plan (NDP), the Agriculture and Livestock Policy Document (DOPEAE), etc. 4. Planning Process a.", + "These measures have been identified and quantified in the Third National Communication on Climate Change (TCNCC), the National Development Plan (NDP), the Agriculture and Elevation Environment Policy Document (DOPEAE), etc. 4. Planning Process a. Information on the planning processes that the Party has followed to develop its determined contribution at the national level and, if available, on the Party\u2019s implementation plans, including, where appropriate, on: i.", + "Information on the planning processes followed by the Party to develop its determined contribution at national level and, if available, on the Party\u2019s implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i. National institutional arrangements, public participation and collaboration with local communities and indigenous peoples, taking into account gender issues; Institutional arrangements: The Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock is the institutional framework responsible for updating and implementing CBD 2020 through its decentralised administrative and technical structures.", + "National institutional arrangements, public participation and collaboration with local communities and indigenous peoples, taking into account gender issues; Institutional arrangements: The Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock is the institutional framework responsible for updating and implementing the CBD 2020 through its decentralised administrative and technical structures, and has set up a national commission to monitor the updating of the CBD 2015.", + "To this end, it has set up a national commission to monitor the updating of the 2015 NCD, composed of managers from the various sectors (AFAT, Energy including transport, IPUP and Waste), and managers involved in related themes (Health, Gender) have also been integrated into the Commission.", + "In close collaboration with UNDP, the Commission is responsible for monitoring the process of updating the CCD since the recruitment of the Office and the implementation phases (validation of the methodology, organization of retreats for technical sessions and stakeholder consultation and step-by-step validation workshops of the document and submission of the updated CCD for adoption and approval).", + "In close collaboration with UNDP, the Commission is responsible for monitoring the process of updating the CBD since the recruitment of the Bureau and the implementation phases (validation of the methodology, organization of retreats for technical sessions and stakeholder consultation workshops, and step-by-step validation of the document and submission of the updated CBD for adoption and approval).", + "At the technical level, NCD 2020 was carried out by a PREFED/CAREPED Consortium, which aligned 10 national experts (6 sectoral experts, one economist, one gender specialist, one health expert and one climate expert) with the support of an international consultant Participatory aspect During the process of updating, numerous exchange workshops were held (data collection, selection of actions, approval of methodologies, verification and approval of results).", + "Participatory aspect In the process of updating, numerous exchange workshops were held (data collection, selection of actions, approval of methodologies, verification and approval of results) aimed at ensuring the participation and involvement of all technical stakeholders and civil society with the involvement of local communities, indigenous peoples and taking into account the gender and social inclusion dimension.", + "These workshops aimed at ensuring the participation and involvement of all technical stakeholders and civil society with the involvement of local communities, indigenous peoples and took into account the gender and social inclusion dimension. The workshops also aimed to communicate on the actions adopted and thus ensure ownership for their implementation by stakeholders. CDN 2020 was approved by the Burundian authorities before being disseminated. ii.", + "The CDN 2020 was approved by the Burundian authorities before being disseminated. ii. Contextual issues, including, inter alia, as appropriate: - The national situation, including geography, climate, economy, sustainable development and poverty eradication in Burundi is a Central African country of Eastern Longitude between the Congo Basin and the eastern highlands and between 2\u00b030 and 4\u00b028 South Latitude, at the crossroads of the routes of Central Africa, Eastern Africa and even Eastern Africa.", + "Contextual issues, including, inter alia, as appropriate: - The national situation, including geography, climate, economy Burundi is a Central African country of sustainable development and poverty eradication Longitude East between the Congo Basin and the eastern highlands and between 2\u00b030 and 4\u00b028 South Latitude, at the crossroads of the routes of Central Africa, East Africa and even South Africa. The country has a warm and humid tropical climate influenced by altitude and characterized by alternating rainy season (October to May) and dry season (June to September).", + "The country has a warm and humid tropical climate influenced by altitude and characterized by alternating rainy seasons (October to May) and dry seasons (June to September). Its rainfall and temperature are strongly influenced by the country\u2019s terrain, altitude (772-2670 m) and climate change. The average annual rainfall varies from 750 mm in northeastern Burundi to more than 2000 mm in the mountainous area.", + "The average annual rainfall ranges from 750 mm in north-eastern Burundi to over 2000 mm in the mountainous area, with the highest average annual temperature of 24.7\u00b0C between 2006 and 2015 recorded in the plains of Imbo Natural Region, and the lowest average annual temperature of 16.6\u00b0C between 2006 and 2015 recorded in Mugamba Natural Region.", + "The highest average annual temperature is 24.7\u00b0C between 2006 and 2015 recorded in the Imbo Plain Natural Region, while the lowest is 16.6\u00b0C between 2006 and 2015 recorded in the Mugamba Natural Region. From a socio-economic point of view, Burundi has an estimated 12.3 million people in 2020, of whom more than 90% live in rural areas and 51% are women.", + "From a socio-economic point of view, Burundi has an estimated 12.3 million people by 2020, of whom more than 90% live in rural areas and 51% are women. As one of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), its annual per capita income is estimated at USD 280 and its economy is largely based on agriculture.", + "Among the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), its annual per capita income is estimated at USD 280 and its economy is mainly based on agriculture.With a density of 480.99 people/km2, population growth of 2.4% puts pressure on land resources, water resources and exacerbates the situation of deforestation and deforestation.", + "With a density of 480.99 people/km2, the population growth of 2.4% puts pressure on land resources, water resources and aggravates the situation of deforestation and deforestation. According to the NTC, the sectors that emit the most are agriculture, energy and waste with emissions of 4186.21 Eq CO2 in Gg, 1072.4 Eq CO2 in Gg and 230.73 Eq CO2, respectively. For the other sectors, GHG emissions are insignificant.", + "For the other sectors, GHG emissions are insignificant. -Best practices and experience gained from the development of the contribution determined at national level Best practices and experience gained from the development: \uf0fc Participatory approach to the planning process for the elaboration of the CBD (Data collection, data processing, calculation by IPCC software 2006, needs, prioritisation of measures...); \uf0fc Taking into account Decision 4/CMA.1 - Other contextual aspirations and priorities recognised upon accession to the Paris Agreement The updated CBD 2020 is in line with the objective of the Paris Agreement, in its provisions of Articles 4(2) and (3), 4, 5, 6(1) and (2) and 7(1) and (2).", + "Developed countries should act in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Paris Agreement. Compliance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement, which highlights areas of cooperation and facilitation and aims to improve understanding, action and support.", + "Compliance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement, which highlights areas of cooperation and facilitation and aims to improve understanding, action and support, such as early warning systems, emergency preparedness, etc. b. Specific information applicable to Parties, including regional economic integration organizations and their member States, that have agreed to act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement, including Parties that have decided to act jointly, and the terms of the relevant agreement, in accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 16 to 18, of the Paris Agreement Not applicable The updated NCD is not developed within the framework of regional economic integration organizations and their member States to act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement.", + "Paragraphs 16, 17 and 18 do not apply to the updated CBD of the Republic of Burundi. c. How the preparation by the Party of its nationally determined contribution has been informed by the results of the global assessment, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Paris Agreement The steps that have been taken for the CBD 2020 have not been informed by the global assessment, as the first global assessment on climate action will be issued in 2023.", + "How the preparation by the Party of its nationally determined contribution has been informed by the results of the global assessment, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Paris Agreement The steps that have been taken for CBD 2020 have not been informed by the global assessment, as the first global assessment on climate action will be issued in 2023; however, the global assessment will take into account the avoided emissions assessment in the context of the implementation of CBD 2020. d.", + "However, the global balance sheet will take into account the balance sheet of avoided emissions in the context of the implementation of the CBD 2020. d. Each Party having a nationally determined contribution under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, consisting of adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans generating beneficial mitigation benefits in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement, Not Applicable 5.", + "Each Party having a nationally determined contribution under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, consisting of adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans generating beneficial mitigation benefits in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement, Not Applicable 5. Assumptions and methodological approaches, including those relating to the estimation and accounting of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and, where appropriate, anthropogenic removals: a.", + "Methodological assumptions and approaches, including those relating to the estimation and accounting of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals, where appropriate: a. The methodological assumptions and approaches used to account for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals corresponding to the Party\u2019s nationally determined contribution, in accordance with paragraph 31 of decision 1/CP.21 and the accounting guidelines adopted by the CMA. The calculation of GHG emissions (historic and projection of OAU) and emissions avoided by conditional and unconditional action in 2025 and 2030 was carried out for the five planned sectors (energy, PPP, agriculture outside managed soil subsector, LULUCF and waste) using the Tier 1 methodologies presented in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines (LD 2006).", + "The assumptions are based on economic growth and population data. The methodological approach to accounting for emissions is the use of the IPCC Tools 2006 software. The calculation of the indicator\u2019s percentage target values for 2025 and 2030 for the conditional and unconditional targets of the CBD 2020 was done by summarizing the emissions avoided through the actions selected in the CBD.", + "The calculation of the indicator\u2019s percentage target values for 2025 and 2030 for the conditional and unconditional objectives of the CBD 2020 was done by summarizing the emissions avoided through the actions selected in the CBD, dividing the sum of the avoided emissions by the emissions of the BAU scenario and multiplying by 100 to obtain a percentage.", + "The total avoided emissions are then divided by the BAU scenario emissions and then multiplied by 100 to obtain a percentage. The target achievement will be estimated, at a constant perimeter, by comparing the actual emissions recorded in Burundi\u2019s future national inventories (excluding emissions from the managed soils subsector) with the projected emissions from the CDN BAU scenario.", + "The attainment of the target will be estimated, at constant perimeter, by comparing the actual emissions accounted for in Burundi\u2019s future national inventories (excluding emissions from the managed soils subsector) with the projected emissions from the NDC BAU scenario. In the event of changes in inventory methodologies and improvements, the BAU will be recalculated. b. The methodological assumptions and approaches used to account for the implementation of policies and measures or strategies in the contribution determined at national level National policies and programmes for socio-economic development and environmental protection have been used as a reference for the identification of mitigation actions.", + "In the event of changes in methods and inventory improvements, the OAU will be recalculated. b. The methodological assumptions and approaches used to account for the implementation of policies and measures or strategies in the contribution determined at national level National policies and programmes in the field of socio-economic development and environmental protection have been used as a reference for the identification of mitigation actions. All mitigation actions selected under the proposed unconditional objective are compatible with national socio-economic development programmes and are achievable.", + "All proposed mitigation actions under the unconditional objective are compatible with national socio-economic development programmes and are achievable. Mitigation actions under the conditional objective depend on international financial support. These mitigation actions were validated in workshops with stakeholders from different sectors. The calculation of avoided emissions from actions under the CDN was conducted using the IPCC methodology (IPCC Tool, 2006).", + "The calculation of avoided emissions from the actions selected in the CDN was carried out using the IPCC methodology (IPCC Tool, 2006).", + "As Burundi-specific emission factors are lacking, the use of Tier 1 EFs has been recommended in the IPCC 2006 IPCC Guidelines. c. Where appropriate, information on how the Party will account for anthropogenic emissions and removals in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 14, of the Paris Agreement, as appropriate. The following international documents have been used to estimate and report the NCD mitigation component: Calculation/Follow-up: - IPCC 2006 Guidelines - IPCC, 2006 Software Reporting: - Annexes 1 and 2 to Decision 4/CMA.1: Information to be provided to improve clarity, transparency and understanding of nationally determined contributions, as referred to in paragraph 28 of Decision 1/CP.21 d.", + "The IPCC methodologies and measurement parameters used to estimate anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals The methodologies used to calculate emissions/removals are those recommended by the IPCC and are based on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. The parameters used to estimate GHG emissions/removals in the Energy and Transportation, LUCF, Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use, and Waste sectors are activity data and emission factors.", + "The parameters for estimating GHG emissions/removals in the Energy and Transportation, PPI, Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use, and Waste sectors are activity data and emission factors.", + "Monitoring of progress towards the target will be verified using the same methodologies for calculating these emissions/removals. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of the IPCC Second Assessment Report (SAR) is used to convert emissions to CO2eq (21 for CH4 and 310 for e).", + "The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of the Second Assessment Report of the IPCC (SAR) is used to convert emissions to CO2eq (21 for CH4 and 310 for e. The assumptions, methods and approaches specific to a sector, category or activity, consistent with the IPCC Guidelines, as appropriate, including, where applicable: i. The approach followed to addressing emissions and subsequent removals of natural disturbances on farmland Monitoring and ongoing evaluation of the implementation of projects/programs/measures designed to mitigate emissions and subsequent removals of natural disturbances on farmland ii.", + "Approach to addressing future emissions and removals of natural disturbances on farmland Monitoring and ongoing evaluation of the implementation of projects/programs/measures designed to mitigate future emissions and removals of natural disturbances on farmland ii. Approach to accounting for emissions and removals of harvested wood products Daily monitoring of areas on which wood products are harvested (Sugarcane Crop Cases of the SOSUMO Industry) iii.", + "Approach to accounting for emissions and removals of harvested wood products Daily monitoring of areas on which wood products are harvested (Sugar cane plantation cases in the SOSUMO industry) iii. Approach to addressing the effects of age-class structure in forests The approach is to make periodic inventories every five years (Classification of forests with 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, etc.).", + "The approach to addressing the effects of age-class structure in forests The approach is to make periodic inventories every five years (Classification of forests with 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, etc.). Carbon stocks can be calculated by age-class. f. Other assumptions and methodological approaches used to understand the contribution determined at the national level and, where appropriate, estimate the corresponding emissions and removals, including: i.", + "Other assumptions and methodological approaches used to understand the contribution determined at the national level and, where appropriate, to estimate the corresponding emissions and removals, including: i. How the baseline indicators, baseline level(s), including, where appropriate, sector, category or activity-specific baselines, are constructed, including, for example, the main parameters, assumptions, definitions, methods, data sources and models used The baseline indicators (BAU scenario) of the CBD 2020 are constructed on the assumption that no plans, policies and strategies are being taken to mitigate emissions or increase removals.", + "The manner in which the baseline indicators, the baseline level(s), including, where appropriate, sector, category or activity-specific baselines, are constructed, including, for example, the main parameters, assumptions, definitions, methods, data sources and models used The baseline indicators (BAU scenario) of the CBD 2020 are constructed on the assumption that no plans, policies and strategies are taken to mitigate emissions or increase removals.", + "In the case of CDN 2020, these BAU indicators are those defined in the 3rd National Communication on CCS submitted in 2019 by Burundi and projected up to 2050 from 2005 onwards; emissions from the managed soils subsector are not included in the BAU emissions; the same applies to the reference levels for the different sectors.", + "To this end, the calculation of GHG emissions from the BAU scenario was carried out for all sectors (energy, LUCF, agriculture (outside managed land), LULUCF and waste) using the Tier 1 methodologies presented in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines (IPCC Guidelines 2006). The indicators for mitigation actions selected in 2025 and 2030 were defined for each sector.", + "Indicators of the mitigation actions selected in 2025 and 2030 have been defined for each sector. The main parameters are specific to each sector. These are activity data and emission factors specific to each sector. The main assumptions for all sectors are those related to the economy, population growth, energy consumption per household, etc.", + "The main assumptions for all sectors are those related to the economy, population growth, energy consumption per household, etc. The BAU scenario is a scenario that provides indicators of the evolution of greenhouse gas emissions over time if plans, policies or strategies are not taken to mitigate these emissions.", + "The BAU scenario is a scenario that provides indicators of the evolution of greenhouse gas emissions over the time horizon if measures of plans, policies or strategies are not taken to mitigate these emissions. It is established by projecting from 2015 onwards on the basis of economic growth, the rate of population growth, but assuming that no action is taken to implement the plans, policies and strategies contributing to the mitigation of GHG emissions.", + "It is calculated by projecting from 2015 onwards on the basis of economic growth, the rate of population growth, but assuming that no action is taken to implement plans, policies and strategies contributing to the mitigation of GHG emissions. Data sources for the identification of indicators include: \uf0b7 The CTC (2019), \uf0b7 The Third GHG Inventory 2015 \uf0b7 The National Development Plans (2018-2027), \uf0b7 The Vision of Burundi 2025, \uf0b7 The National Forestry Policy (2012), \uf0b7 The Master Plan Electricity Production and Transportation 2014-2030, etc.", + "Data sources for the identification of indicators include: \uf0b7 The CTC (2019), \uf0b7 The Third GHG Inventory 2015 \uf0b7 The National Development Plans (2018-2027), \uf0b7 The Vision of Burundi 2025, \uf0b7 The National Forestry Policy (2012), \uf0b7 The Master Plan Electricity Production and Transportation 2014-2030, etc. Models used \uf0b7 IPCC 2006 for emission calculations \uf0b7 LEAP for energy sector projections. ii.", + "Models used \uf0b7 IPCC 2006 for emission calculations \uf0b7 LEAP for projections in the energy sector. ii. For Parties whose nationally determined contributions contain elements other than greenhouse gases, information on the assumptions and methodological approaches used in relation to these elements, as appropriate.", + "For Parties whose nationally determined contributions contain elements other than greenhouse gases, information on the assumptions and methodological approaches used in relation to those elements, as appropriate Not Applicable The Burundi CDN covers only GHGs from different sectors. iii. For climate forcing factors included in nationally determined contributions that are not covered by the IPCC guidelines, information on how those factors are estimated Not Applicable The Burundi CDN covers only GHGs from different sectors. iv.", + "For climate forcing factors included in nationally determined contributions that are not covered by the IPCC Guidelines, information on how these factors are estimated Not Applicable The CBD of Burundi covers only GHGs from different sectors. iv. Other technical information, as required Access to CBD financing in accordance with Article 5 of the Paris Agreement. Implementation of CBD 2020 could be achieved through cooperation at the regional level ( EAC and COMIFAC). g. Intent to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, if applicable Yes under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to access funding for the implementation of CBD 2020 6.", + "How the Party considers its contribution determined at the national level to be fair and ambitious in the light of its national situation a. How the Party considers its contribution determined at the national level to be fair and ambitious in the light of its national situation The vulnerability analysis of sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land, Energy, Health, IPPC) was conducted during the development of the CBD.", + "How the Party considers its determined contribution at national level to be fair and ambitious in the light of its national situation In developing the CBD, the vulnerability analysis of sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land, Energy, Health, IPPC) was carried out. Negative impacts due to climate change were identified and mitigation and/or adaptation measures to address these impacts were identified by sector. To this end, priority projects were identified.", + "To this end, priority projects have been identified. The development of the CND 2020 has made use of the most recent data from the NTC and other sectors have been taken into account, such as the Waste, POPs and transport sectors. b. Equity considerations Gender and social inclusion are taken into account in the CND 2020. In addition, actions in the CND 2020 have been identified on the basis of national policy documents and strategies. c.", + "In addition, the actions listed therein have been identified on the basis of national policy and strategy documents. c. How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement14 The CBD 2020 has raised the ambition compared to the previous CBD by taking into account actions on sectors and sub-sectors not included in the CBD 2015: transport, waste.", + "The way in which the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement14 The CBD 2020 has raised the ambition compared to the previous CBD by taking into account actions on sectors and sub-sectors not included in the CBD 2015: transport, waste. In addition, the themes of health, gender and social inclusion have been integrated into the prioritization of actions.", + "In addition, the themes of Health, Gender and Social Inclusion have been integrated into the prioritisation of actions, so the 2020 NCD represents an increase over the previous NCD, as sectoral emission coverage has been extended to all sectors and gases estimated in the most recent GHG inventory.", + "The CBD 2020 therefore represents an advance over the previous CBD, as sectoral emission coverage has been extended to all sectors and gases estimated in the most recent GHG inventory. The CBD 2020 has defined specific indicators for monitoring and assessment and advocates a capacity building plan for better ownership by the various stakeholders. d.", + "The CBD 2020 has defined specific indicators for monitoring and evaluation and advocates a capacity-building plan for better ownership by the various stakeholders. d. How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement.", + "How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement Although Burundi is not an emitting country, it is developing GHG mitigation actions through its policies. e. How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement4 Burundi is strengthening its mitigation efforts through the inclusion in the new NCD of national actions to reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon stocks.", + "Although Burundi is not an emitting country, it is developing GHG mitigation actions through its policies. e. How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement4 Burundi is strengthening its mitigation efforts through the inclusion in the new NCD of national actions to reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon stocks.", + "For example, the National Development Plan, 2018-2027, the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Planning Policy, 14 How does the NDC represent progress beyond the Party\u2019s previous NDC and reflect its greatest possible ambition development of new and renewable energies (solar, wind, hydroelectric power plants under construction, etc.), increase in the domestic budget to finance mitigation and adaptation measures. 7. How the contribution determined at the national level contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in Article 2 a.", + "How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 a. How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 215 The CBD 2020 contributes to the objectives of the Convention and the Paris Agreement by accelerating low-carbon development. b. How the nationally determined contribution contributes to Article 2, paragraph 1 (a), and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement16 - The revised CBD contributes to Article 2 (a) of the PA.", + "It plans to implement projects/programmes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 2021 to 2025. - The revised NCD will also contribute to the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 1, of the PA, as it provides for policy, strategic measures and mitigation plans/programmes. - Existing policies take into account the climate plan and the MDGs with the aim of developing in a carbon-neutral manner to contribute to the overall objective. 4. COMMUNICATION ON ADAPTATION 4.1.", + "- Existing policies take into account the climate plan and the MDGs with the aim of developing in a carbon-neutral manner to contribute to the overall objective. 4. COMMUNICATION ON ADAPTATION 4.1. National situation, institutional arrangements and legal frameworks 4.1.1. National situation Burundi is a Central African country with an area of 27,834 square kilometres.", + "National situation Burundi is a Central African country with an area of 27,834 square kilometres. It is located between 28\u00b050 and 30\u00b054 east longitude between the Congo Basin and the eastern highlands and between 2\u00b030 and 4\u00b028 south latitude, at the crossroads of the routes of Central Africa, East Africa and even South Africa. Burundi has a warm and humid tropical climate.", + "It is located between 28\u00b050 and 30\u00b054 east longitude between the Congo Basin and the eastern highlands and between 2\u00b030 and 4\u00b028 south latitude, at the crossroads of the routes of Central Africa, Eastern Africa and even Eastern Africa. Burundi has a warm and humid tropical climate. Its rainfall and temperature are strongly influenced by the country\u2019s terrain, altitude (772-2670 m) and climate change. The average temperature is 21\u00b0C.", + "Its rainfall and temperature are strongly influenced by the country\u2019s terrain, altitude (772-2670 m) and climate change, with an average temperature of 21\u00b0C. The distribution of rainfall is uneven across the country, with the high mountains of the Congo-Nil Ridge receiving the highest amounts of annual precipitation of 1600-2000 mm and the Ruzizi Plain to the west.15 Article 2 of the UNFCCC sets out the ultimate objective of \"stabilising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system\" (UNFCCC 1992).", + "The distribution of rainfall is uneven across the country, with the high mountains of the Congo-Nil Ridge receiving the highest amounts of annual precipitation of 1600-2000 mm and the Ruzizi Plain to the west.15 Article 2 of the UNFCCC sets out the ultimate objective of \"stabilising greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous anthropogenic disturbance of the climate system\" (UNFCCC 1992).", + "16 Article 2.1(a) of the Paris Agreement includes two global temperature targets - \"well below 2 degrees\" and \"1.5 degrees\".", + "16 Article 2.1(a) of the Paris Agreement includes two global temperature targets - \u201cwell below 2 degrees\u201d and \u201c1.5 degrees.\u201d Article 4.1 qualifies them by stating that \u201cthe Parties shall aim to reach the global greenhouse gas emission cap as soon as possible, recognizing that this cap will take more time for developing country Parties, and to undertake rapid reductions in these emissions.", + "Article 4.1 qualifies them by stating that \"the Parties shall aim at achieving the global greenhouse gas emission cap as soon as possible, recognizing that this cap will take longer for developing country Parties, and to undertake rapid reductions in these emissions. and subsequently to undertake rapid reductions in accordance with the best available scientific data.\", and that the Parties shall also strive to \"achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and emissions by sinks\" in the second half of the century than the depressions of the Bugesera natural region; in the North-East, receiving the lowest annual precipitation between 800 and 1000 mm.", + "Burundi is among the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in economic terms.", + "Economically, Burundi is one of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Its annual per capita income is estimated at USD 202 and its economy is mainly based on agriculture. With a population of 11.9 million and a density of 480.99 people/km2, the population growth of 2.4% puts pressure on land resources, water resources and exacerbates the situation of deforestation and deforestation. 4.1.2.", + "With a population of 11.9 million and a density of 480.99 people/km2, the population growth of 2.4% puts pressure on land resources, water resources and aggravates the situation of deforestation and deforestation. 4.1.2. Institutional framework In Burundi, the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock (MINEAGRIE) through the Directorate General of Environment, Water Resources and Sanitation is responsible for coordinating the implementation of sectoral policies on climate change.", + "Institutional framework In Burundi, the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock (MINEAGRIE) through the Directorate General of the Environment, Water Resources and Sanitation is responsible for coordinating the implementation of sectoral policies on climate change, with the support of the central government departments and public institutions of the Geographical Institute of Burundi (IGEBU) and the Office Burundais pour la Protection de l\u2019Environnement (OBPE).", + "IGEBU and the Office for the Protection of the Environment (OBPE) are also the National Focal Point and the Deputy National Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), respectively.", + "IGEBU and OBPE are also the National Focal Point and the Deputy National Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), respectively, and the Director General of Agriculture of that Ministry is the Designated National Authority (DNA) for the Green Climate Fund (FCF), and the focal point of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is the Permanent Secretary of MINEAGRIE.", + "In addition, the Director General of Agriculture is the National Designated Authority (NDA) for the Green Climate Fund (FCF), and the focal point of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is the Permanent Secretary of Mines. In the context of climate change, IGEBU is responsible for the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of meteorological and hydrological data.", + "In the context of climate change, the IGEBU is responsible for the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of meteorological and hydrological data, while the OBPE is responsible for (i) implementing environmental and climate change policies and strategies, and (ii) establishing mechanisms for climate change mitigation and adaptation (the implementation of the NAP).", + "In addition to the Ministry of Mines, other ministries responsible for energy, public health, trade, transport, industry and tourism are involved in climate change issues.", + "In addition to MINING, other ministries responsible for energy, public health, trade, transport, industry and tourism are involved in climate change issues. Since climate change affects all key sectors of the national economy in a cross-cutting manner, effective resilience to this problem requires a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach.", + "Given the cross-cutting impact of climate change on all key sectors of the national economy, effective resilience to this challenge requires a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach, which will strengthen cooperation between actors in the field, facilitate the establishment of a harmonized framework for future interventions, and mobilize financial resources for the implementation of the NAPA and the NCD.", + "Contributions to other international frameworks and/or conventions to which Burundi has acceded: \uf0b7 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Paris Agreement.", + "Contributions to other international frameworks and/or conventions to which Burundi has acceded: \uf0b7 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and Paris Agreement \uf0b7 Convention to Combat Desertification \uf0b7 Convention on Biological Diversity \uf0b7 Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer \uf0b7 RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands 4.1.3.", + "\uf0b7 Convention to Combat Desertification, \uf0b7 Convention on Biological Diversity, \uf0b7 Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer, \uf0b7 RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands 4.1.3. National legal framework \uf0b7 The Constitution of Burundi of 17 May 2018, in particular Article 164, paragraph 4 and Article \uf0b7 Law No.1/10 of 30 May 2011 on the creation and management of protected areas in Burundi \uf0b7 Law No.1/010 of 30 June 2000 on the Environment Code \uf0b7 Law No.1/07 of 15 July 2016 on the revision of the Forestry Code \uf0b7 Law No.1/02 of 26 March 2012 on the Water Code in Burundi; \uf0b7 Qualitative protection (Articles 43 to 47) and quantitative protection of water resources (Articles 48 to 50).", + "\uf0b7 Act No. 1/13 of 9 August 2011 amending the Land Code of Burundi, article 451, paragraph 1, \uf0b7 Act No. 1/13 of 23 April 2015 reorganising the electricity sector \uf0b7 Act No. 1/012 of 30 May 2018 amending the Code on the provision of health care and services in Burundi, especially articles 137 and 138 \uf0b7 Decree-Law No. 100/241 of 31 December 1992 regulating urban wastewater disposal.", + "\uf0b7 The Code of which was promulgated by Act No.1/010 of 30 June 2000. \uf0b7 Decree No. 100/ 292 of 16 October 2007 establishing the National Platform for Risk Prevention and Disaster Management, its mission, composition, organisation and functioning. 4.2. Impacts, risks and vulnerabilities Through various IGEBU stations, Burundi has basic climate data and data management systems, as well as forecasting products.", + "Impacts, risks and vulnerabilities Through various IGEBU stations, Burundi has basic climate data and data management systems, as well as forecasting products. However, the production of data and monitoring products for extreme hydrometeorological phenomena is weak, due to weak technical and financial capacities. Referring to the NCCTC data, Burundi also has thermal variations according to its geographical areas.", + "Referring to the NCCTC data, Burundi also has thermal variations depending on its geographical area, with higher regions experiencing, on average, colder temperatures than the lowlands. Analysis of the interdecade average, maximum and minimum temperature trends shows that warming began in the 1986-1995 decade, with the record occurring in the 2006-2015 decade, followed by the 1996-2005 decade, respectively.", + "Analysis of interdecadal mean, maximum, and minimum temperature trends shows that warming began in the 1986-1995 decade with the record occurring in the 2006-2015 decade, followed by the 1996-2005 decade; the record for mean maximum temperature occurred in the 1996-2005 decade; and the mean minimum temperature occurred in the 2006-2015 decade.", + "The highest average maximum temperature was recorded during the decade 1996-2005 and the average minimum temperature was observed during the decade 2006-2015. All temperature analyses (interannual, interdecade and inter-normal temperature trend analysis) show that temperatures recorded at the Bujumbura station at the airport have an upward trend.", + "All temperature analyses (interannual, inter-decade and inter-normal temperature trend analysis) show that temperatures recorded at the Bujumbura station at the airport are on an upward trend. According to the NTC (2019), periods of water scarcity have led to prolonged droughts since 1917 affecting, among other things, access to water and agricultural production.", + "According to the TCNCC (2019), periods of water scarcity have led to periods of prolonged droughts since 1917 affecting, among other things, access to water and agricultural production; however, the year 2006 of severe drought in the north of the country was followed by a period of severe flooding severely affecting most of the country, particularly the provinces of Kayanza, Ngozi, Ruyigi, Bururi, and Makamba.", + "However, the year 2006 of severe drought in the north of the country was followed by a period of severe flooding affecting much of the country, in particular the provinces of Kayanza, Ngozi, Ruyigi, Bururi, and Makamba. The main extreme events in Burundi were as follows: \uf0b7 In 2009, torrential rain threatened almost the entire territory, especially the Imbo plain, Mumirwa, Buyenzi region and the eastern centre of the country in the Mugamba and Kirimiro regions.", + "The main extreme events in Burundi were as follows: \uf0b7 In 2009, torrential rains threatened almost the entire territory, especially the Imbo plain, Mumirwa, Buyenzi region and the eastern centre of the country in the Mugamba and Kirimiro regions. \uf0b7 In 2010, torrential rains hit the city of Bujumbura, affecting the Bujumbura International Airport among others.", + "\uf0b7 In 2010, torrential rains hit the city of Bujumbura, including the Bujumbura International Airport. \uf0b7 In 2011, torrential rains flooded three urban communes in Bujumbura causing extensive damage. \uf0b7 In February 2014, flooding in the northern districts of Bujumbura Mairie, Gatunguru and its environs resulted in the collapse of nearly 1,000 houses, the displacement of 20,000 people and the death of 77 people.", + "\uf0b7 Since September 2015, more than 4 million people have been affected by heavy or torrential rains, water shortages, strong winds, floods and landslides.", + "\uf0b7 Since September 2015, more than 4 million people have been affected by heavy or torrential rains, water shortages, strong winds, floods and landslides, which have destroyed more than 30,000 hectares of crops, more than 5,000 homes, more than 300 classrooms and some 50 bridges.", + "These climatic events have destroyed more than 30 000 hectares of crops, more than 5 000 homes, more than 300 classrooms and about 50 bridges. More than 42 000 people have been displaced and are reportedly still in humanitarian need in the provinces of Kirundo, Makamba, Bubanza, Cibitoke and Ruyigi. \uf0b7 In November 2015, with the El Nino phenomenon, flooding affected at least 30 000 people, 52 of whom died.", + "\uf0b7 In November 2015, with the El Nino phenomenon, flooding affected at least 30,000 people, including 52 deaths. According to the IOM (DTM, 2019), about 31,000 people were displaced by climate events during 2019. Torrential rains, strong winds and landslides displaced 13,856 people. \uf0b7 In 2019, heavy rains also destroyed crops and affected livelihoods.", + "\uf0b7 In 2019, heavy rains also destroyed crops and affected livelihoods. As a result of this event, 15% of the Burundian population suffered severe food insecurity in April 2019. According to the NCCTC, the projection of climate parameters in Burundi shows an upward trend in rainfall and temperatures. Climate models show an increase in annual precipitation of between 12 and 13.15% between 2030 and 2050 for the country\u2019s 6 weather stations.", + "Climate models show an increase in annual precipitation of between 12 and 13.15% by 2030 and 2050 for the country\u2019s 6 weather stations. They also show an increase in maximum annual temperature of between 0.80 and 0.91\u00b0C by 2030 and an increase between 1.89 and 2.02\u00b0C by 2050. The minimum annual temperature will increase between 0.91 and 0.99\u00b0C by 2030 and between 2.04 and 2.14\u00b0C by 2050 for all scenarios and weather stations.", + "The annual minimum temperature will increase between 0.91 and 0.99\u00b0C by 2030 and between 2.04 and 2.14\u00b0C by 2050 for all scenarios and weather stations. The greatest increase in temperature will occur during the dry season, increasing over time. The projected variations for precipitation and maximum and minimum temperatures do not indicate significant differences between the two scenarios but differences with the horizons (2030 and 2050).", + "The projected variations in precipitation and maximum and minimum temperatures do not indicate significant differences between the two scenarios, but differences with the horizons (2030 and 2050). According to the NCCTC (2019), increases or intensities in total precipitation are likely to cause flooding in the plains of western Imbo and erosion in the southern zone and central plateau with the following consequences for hill and plain dwellers: \uf0b7 Exposure to disasters; \uf0b7 Decrease in agricultural production; \uf0b7 Allocation of public infrastructure, biodiversity and siltation of dams; \uf0b7 Increased risk of vector-borne diseases in the plains of Imbo, Kumoso and marsh bottoms. 4.3.", + "National adaptation priorities, strategies, policies, plans, objectives and measures Building on lessons learned from existing adaptation projects and programmes, this section presents priority adaptation measures to address key impacts, vulnerability factors and risks to climate change. Since the development of the former NAPA in 2007, Burundi has implemented several adaptation projects and programmes, particularly in the agriculture and natural resources, energy and water management sectors.", + "Since the elaboration of the former NAPA in 2007, Burundi has implemented several adaptation projects and programmes, particularly in the agriculture and natural resources, energy and water management sectors, and the lessons learned from their implementation can be used for future projects and programmes, including in terms of: scaling-up potential, information on climate change, awareness-raising and capacity-building, adaptation planning at the subnational level and strengthening private sector engagement, among others.", + "Lessons learned from their implementation can be used for future projects and programmes, in particular in terms of: scaling-up potential, climate change information, awareness and capacity building, adaptation planning at the subnational level and strengthening private sector engagement, among others. Implementation of adaptation initiatives has suffered from weaknesses related to sector identification, insufficient adaptation priorities, lack of continuity of project support and weak capacity building.", + "Implementation of adaptation initiatives has suffered from weaknesses related to sector identification, insufficient adaptation priorities, lack of continuity of project support and weak capacity building. In order to strengthen the future implementation of adaptation priorities, two main concerns need to be taken into account: \uf0b7 Identify and summarize lessons learned from adaptation projects and programmes implemented \uf0b7 Strengthen capacity for the continued implementation of adaptation activities.", + "In order to strengthen the future implementation of adaptation priorities, two main concerns need to be taken into account: \uf0b7 Identify and summarize lessons learned from adaptation projects and programmes implemented \uf0b7 Strengthen capacities for the continued implementation of adaptation activities The identification of adaptation programmes is based on a review of strategic documents such as the NDP Burundi 2018-2027, the NAPA, the NDC, and the NCCTC.", + "The identification of adaptation programmes is based on a review of strategic documents such as the NDP Burundi 2018-2027, the NAPA, the NDC, and the NCCTC. After conducting an analysis of sectoral vulnerabilities on the basis of a participatory approach, the team of experts selected criteria for prioritizing activities in the various selected sectors using, inter alia, the Multi-criteria Analysis (MAC), which allowed qualitative variables and parameters to be taken into account and which integrates the necessary information on the degree of adverse effects of climate change.", + "After carrying out an analysis of sectoral vulnerabilities on the basis of a participatory approach, the team of experts selected prioritisation criteria for the priority activities in the different sectors selected, using, inter alia, the Multi-criteria Analysis (MCA), which took qualitative variables and parameters into account and incorporated the necessary information on the degree of adverse effects of climate change.", + "Six prioritisation criteria were chosen and made it possible to achieve a hierarchy at sectoral level: 1. Risk of loss of life; 2. Risk of loss of quality of life; 3. Evidence of the involvement of climate change; 4. Contribution to the fight against poverty / Sustainable development; 5. Feasibility / Sustainability / Safety; 6. Benefit to the environment.", + "Feasibility / Sustainability / Safety; 6. Benefit to the Environment. Based on these criteria, the sector scores definitively establish the key sectors vulnerable to climate risks as follows: 1\u00b0. Agriculture and Elevation 2\u00b0. Natural Resources/Ecosystems/Forests 3\u00b0.", + "Based on these criteria, the sector scores definitively establish the key sectors vulnerable to climate risks as follows: 1\u00b0. Agriculture and Elevation 2\u00b0. Natural resources/ecosystems/forests 3\u00b0. Water resources In addition, priority axes have been proposed, in particular in the National Climate Change Policy (2012), the National Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change (2012) and the National Development Plan 2018-2027, whose overall strategic objective is \"Promoting development resilient to the adverse effects of climate change\".", + "Water Resources In addition, priority axes have been proposed, notably in the National Climate Change Policy (2012), the National Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change (2012) and the National Development Plan 2018-2027, the overall strategic objective of which is \"Promoting development resilient to the adverse effects of climate change\".", + "These are: 1. Adaptation and climate risk management; 2. Promotion of research and development and technology transfer; 3. Capacity building; 4. Knowledge management and communication; 5. Involvement of gender, youth and vulnerable groups; 6.", + "Involvement of gender, youth and vulnerable groups; 6. Mobilisation of funding On the basis of these strategic axes, a series of priority adaptation programmes are identified in various documents, including: NDP 2018-2027, Priority Action Programmes (2018), NAPA (2007), SNPACC (2013), CDN (2015), TCNCC (2019), Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy Guidance Document (2020), and sectoral documents such as the NIP 2016-2020. 5.", + "Funding Mobilization On the basis of these strategic directions, a series of priority adaptation programs are identified in various documents, including: NDP 2018-2027, Priority Action Programs (2018), NAPA (2007), SNPACC (2013), CDN (2015), NCCTC (2019), Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy Guidance Document (2020), and sectoral documents such as the 2016-2020 NIP. 5. ADAPTATION Overall, the objective of implementing adaptation measures is to increase the resilience of ecosystems and populations to the impacts of variability and climate change.", + "ADAPTATION Overall, the objective of implementing adaptation measures is to increase the resilience of ecosystems and populations to the impacts of variability and climate change. Based on the projection model of two key parameters of temperature and precipitation and according to the prioritisation criteria, the following priority actions have been selected in 2 unconditional and conditional scenarios. 5.1 Unconditional Scenario Priority actions proposed by sector SECTOR PRIORITY ACTIONS TARGET ACTIVITY INDICATE EUR COUT IN USD AGRICULTURE AND FARMING and promoting indigenous medicinal, nutritional and melliferous plants By 2023, priority indigenous medicinal, nutritional and melliferous plants will be installed and provided to users Produce seeds of indigenous medicinal, non-nutritional and melliferous plants identified as priority,", + "Number of plant types installed 2 Promote biopesticides used in agriculture to reduce pollution and improve human health) By 2023, collected biopesticide plants will be installed in Mahwa and Bukemba stations Install a collection of biopesticide plants in Mahwa and Bukemba stations; Number of biopesticide species installed and registered phytosanitary inventory of diseases and pests By 2023, diseases and pests in Burundi will be inventoried Inventory of diseases and pests present in the country List of diseases and pests inventoried from crops in Burundi crop practices mitigating the effects of climate hazards By 2025, crop practices mitigating climate hazards will be developed Initiate crop practices that will respond to climate hazards Number of crop practices initiated HEALTH Raise public awareness of the harmful effects", + "to climate hazards Number of farming practices initiated HEALTH Raise public awareness of the harmful effects of climate change on human health By 2025, at least awareness sessions will be conducted in hospitals and CDS Conduct awareness workshops by hospital and CDS Number of household awareness sessions INFRASTRUCTURE TRANSPORTATION AND BUILDINGS 4 Develop infrastructure for non-motorized transportation in Bujumbura km will be developed for non-motorized transportation Develop non-motorized transportation routes Number of km will be developed SELL chemical waste By 2025, a chemical waste management and treatment strategy paper will be developed Develop management strategies Strategy paper available Total 5.2.", + "Conditional Scenario SECTOR PRIORITY ACTIONS TARGET ACTIVITY OUTPUT INDICATORS (USD) AGRICULTURE AND FARMING 1 Develop and evaluate new crop varieties Until new and more productive varieties of priority crops are provided in Make available seed and plant populations for the Number of new varieties introduced/area 5.3.", + "Implementation and support needs for high-yield, nutritional and climate-change-resilient food crops in all ecological crop areas 2. Produce and distribute climate-sensitive quality seeds By 2027, quality seeds will be available to all AECBs Ensure availability of quality seeds to all AECBs Kgs of quality seeds are available Pond fish farming At least an increase of 13000 tonnes in fish production will be achieved.", + "Produce and disseminate quality seeds adapted to climatic hazards By 2027, quality seeds will be available to all BPEAEs Ensure availability of quality seeds to all BPEAEs Kgs of quality seeds are available Pond fish farming At least 13000 tonnes of increase in fish production will be achieved Promote integrated fish farming Number of tonnes of additional fish production in ponds Increase animal production By 2025, a strategic stock of veterinary inputs will be operational Establish a strategic stock of veterinary inputs Number of strategic stocks will be operational Genetic effect through the generalisation of artificial insemination By an autonomous management structure for artificial insemination, genetic enhancement and support to central services is operational Establish an autonomous management structure for artificial insemination, genetic enhancement and support to central services is operational", + "is functional Establish an autonomous structure for managing artificial insemination, genetic enhancement and supporting central services in the following areas A functional agro-sylvo- zootechnical and sustainable natural resource management structure: 18 At least 3000 pilot sites will be established Establish pilot sites for agro-sylvo- zootechnical integration and sustainable natural resource management Number of pilot sites established 7 Rehabilitate and strengthen livestock infrastructure Veterinary centres Slaughter areas, 2 quarantine centres for controlling livestock markets will be rehabilitated and strengthened Construct and rehabilitate basic infrastructure Number of infrastructures rehabilitated and strengthened Industrial units for the manufacture of concentrated feed for livestock Manufacture of ice blocks will be installed in the Imbo region, 4 satellite units will be installed in 4 provinces and will be rehabilitated Establish units for the manufacture of feed supplements", + "for livestock Number of livestock feedingstuff manufacturing units installed and rehabilitated WATER RESOURCES 9 Establish hillside retaining walls for collecting rainwater and agricultural streams ha will be irrigated by hillside retaining walls Establish irrigation water retaining structures Number of hectares irrigated and functional retaining walls developed and managed flood areas ha of flood areas protected Ensure protection and management of flood areas Number of km developed The priorities presented in the table above are intended to address the shortcomings identified above and, as such, implement the recommendations made to this end.", + "Emphasis is placed on managing water for agricultural and other domestic uses and on the resilience of water, sanitation and hygiene systems to climate change risks By 2025, at least management uses rainwater for agricultural purposes Collect and use rainwater for agricultural and other uses Percentage of communities or households that have access to an effective rainwater collection system and climate risk-sensitive EAH projects.", + "ENERGY 12 Rehabilitate existing hydroelectric power stations By the time power stations are rehabilitated Rehabilitate power stations in poor condition Number of power stations rehabilitated 13 Conduct a densification of the network of the City of Bujumbura By a densification the line on 86.1 km of medium voltage and 1085 km of low voltage will be made Densify existing lines of medium and low voltage Length of densification the network of the City of Bujumbura km of the line of medium voltage and 772.3 km of base voltage will be rehabilitated Rehabilitate lines of medium and low voltage Number of km of rehabilitated lines 15 Set up biogas digesters in public infrastructure By the time establishments are covered Set up biogas digesters in public institutions Number of digesters installed INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORT AND BUILDINGS 16 Develop infrastructure for non-motor", + "TRANSPORT AND BUILDINGS 16 Develop infrastructure for non-motorised transport will be developed for non-motorised transport Develop non-motorised transport routes Number of km developed capacity building and mobilisation of funding to support the implementation of sectoral and cross-cutting priorities.", + "Human resources from the public, private and civil society sectors are essential for the implementation of climate change adaptation programmes.", + "Strengthening the capacity of the 17 Develop the modern transport corridor on Lake Tanganyika will be developed and vessels available Develop ports on Lake Tanganyika and acquire vessels Number of developed ports and vessels acquired WASTE 18 Connect businesses and households to the sewage treatment network composed of the neighbourhoods, industrialists and sensitized public institutions of the City of Bujumbura will be connected to the sewage networks Raise awareness and connect households, industrialists and public institutions Number of Bujumbura City Hall areas connected to solid waste in the City of Bujumbura and other major cities By 2030, the cities of Bujumbura, Gitega, Ngozi and Rumonge will have transit sites and final landfills for solid waste, as well as sorting and recycling centres Develop transit sites and final landfills for solid waste", + "Number of transit sites and final landfills of solid waste and number of sorting and recycling centres per city TRANSVERSAL PRIORITIES real-time monitoring of Burundi\u2019s environment for sustainable development By the time the technical and human capacities of the PUMA, MESA and GMES programmes will be strengthened Strengthen the technical, material and human capacities of environmental monitoring tools and training sessions Type and number of tools acquired and number of training sessions in PUMA, MESA and GMES Number of stakeholder participants from the target ministries of research institutes; as well as from the private sector and civil society constitutes a fundamental part of the strategy for the implementation of the NAP.", + "To date, Burundi has implemented a series of adaptation programmes financed mainly by bilateral and multilateral donors, such as the GEF, the African Development Bank (ADB), the World Bank and GIZ, as well as national funds for programmes such as the National Reforestation Programme.", + "The management of environmental funds such as GEF, Adaptation Fund, Blue Fund and Green Climate Fund is owned by the Department of the Environment, which is an asset to capitalize on synergies and capacity. 5.4.", + "This is an asset to capitalize on synergies and capacities. 5.4. Implementation of adaptation measures and plans In the context of NAPA implementation, the prerequisites are essential for policy makers to take ownership of the NAPA, to develop the technical and financial means necessary for the implementation of the NAPA, and to develop and implement a strategy for mobilizing funds for adaptation in Burundi.", + "Implementation of adaptation measures and plans In the context of NAPA implementation, the prerequisites are essential for policy makers to take ownership of the NAPA, to develop the technical and financial means necessary for the implementation of the NAPA, and to develop and implement a strategy for mobilizing funds for adaptation in Burundi. For policy makers, implementation should focus on the following activities: areas/communities more affected by climate risk and improve the resilience of water, sanitation and hygiene systems Water will be protected Target areas/communities affected by climate risk and vulnerable sources by providing climate-resilient EAH systems Percentage of water points with source conservation and protection activities 22 Improve knowledge", + "Percentage of water bodies with source conservation and protection activities 22 Improve knowledge of climate change, prevention of climate change-related diseases and disaster risk reduction at the community level e People will have knowledge of climate change and capacity to prevent themselves from the risks of climate change.", + "Strengthen community capacity on climate change and on climate change risk prevention and management Number of hills/sub-hills trained on climate change/disaster risk reduction TOTAL ADAPTATION \uf0b7 Strengthen the coordination mechanism through a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach to strengthen dialogue between actors in the field, facilitate the establishment of a harmonised framework for future interventions and the mobilisation of financial resources for the implementation of the NAP and the NCD; \uf0b7 Increase awareness among relevant stakeholders of the importance of adaptation and advocate recognition of adaptation to climate change as a national priority; \uf0b7 Encourage technical and financial partners to invest in the field of climate change; \uf0b7 Develop climate change legislation and its", + "\uf0b7 Develop and implement legislation in the field of climate change; \uf0b7 Harmonise sectoral policies with the NDP taking climate change into account; \uf0b7 Develop awareness-raising and training programmes on climate change.", + "To Prenatal Parties: \uf0b7 Take ownership and participate in the implementation of the NAP \uf0b7 Participate in the development of awareness and training programmes on climate change. 5.5. Progress and results Burundi submitted its Third National Communication on Climate Change in 2019 to the UNFCCC Secretariat. Currently, the country is in the process of revising its NCD.", + "Currently, the country is in the process of revising its CBD. The Government of Burundi has recognized that the ANP process and the revision of the CBD are complementary processes that, when brought together, promote action and facilitate the mobilization of resources for adaptation. The ANP can contribute to the definition of the adaptation ambition within the framework of the CBD. 5.6.", + "The NAP can contribute to the definition of the adaptation ambition within the framework of the CDN. 5.6. Adaptation efforts In Burundi, climate change is a reality and the consequences for the survival of communities are worsening day by day, which is why adaptation measures are indispensable and will have to be a national priority. In climate change conditions, everyone (especially farmers) is trying to adapt.", + "In the context of climate change, everyone (especially farmers) is trying to adapt. People generally start by changing their technical practices by changing crop varieties and promoting improved crop practices. The use of means of production (work, inputs) is rationalized to take into account risks: in some cases this results in expansion, in others it results in concentration of means in \"safer\" areas (taking into account the availability of water).", + "The use of the means of production (work, inputs) is justified in order to take account of the risks: in some cases this translates into expansion, in others into the concentration of the means on \"safer\" areas (taking account of the availability of water).", + "In the case of livestock farmers, on the one hand, there has been a change in the structure of the herds, in particular the distribution between different animal species, and on the other hand, there has been a change in feeding schedules based, in particular, on the permanent stabilisation of the herds; in other cases, the search for solutions is often outside agriculture, with the search for other non-agricultural jobs, which is at the origin of the internal and external migration observed today.", + "In other cases, the search for solutions often takes place outside agriculture, with the search for other non-agricultural jobs leading to the internal and external migration observed today. At the decision-making and institutional level, adaptation efforts are also mobilised despite their ineffectiveness and manifest themselves in the establishment of legal texts, strategies and plans that propose adaptation solutions, in order to mitigate the risks caused by these climate changes. 5.7.", + "5.7. Cooperation to strengthen adaptation at the national, regional and international levels At the national level, enhanced cooperation concerns the involvement of all stakeholders in adapting to climate change at all stages of planning and implementation of programmes under the NCD At the regional level, cooperation is manifested through regional partnership agreements such as COMIFAC and the East African Community The Parties to the Paris Agreement recognise the importance of international support and cooperation for adaptation efforts and the need to take into account the needs of developing countries and countries with economies in transition.", + "support and international cooperation for adaptation efforts and the need to take into account the needs of Burundi, which is particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change 5.8.", + "Obstacles, Challenges and Gaps Climate governance faces some gaps, challenges and obstacles in relevant regulatory frameworks and policies for adaptation, the main ones being: \uf0b7 Lack of multisectoral and multidisciplinary coordination on climate change, including adaptation, due to the absence of a functional and permanent technical working group; \uf0b7 Limited institutional and individual technical capacity to translate policy priorities and promote effective implementation of activities, projects and programmes; \uf0b7 Low level of integration of adaptation into the national and sectoral planning and budgeting process; \uf0b7 Limited capacity to mobilise and access funding; \uf0b7 An insufficiently functional regulatory framework; \uf0b7 Lack of climate focal points in all key sectors.", + "Good practices, lessons learned and exchange of information In the implementation of ongoing and final adaptation projects and programmes, good practices and lessons can be learned, particularly in the agriculture and natural resources sectors.", + "Thus, the lessons learned are as follows: \uf0b7 The NAP process will be able to build on awareness-raising and capacity-building activities of government actors responsible for community development organizations; \uf0b7 The importance of projects for regional integration of adaptation, which can be pursued as part of the implementation of the NAP; \uf0b7 Some projects have led to the achievement of common adaptation and mitigation objectives as well as to the mobilisation of private sector investment; \uf0b7 The NAP process will build on objectives to produce coordinated results at subnational levels contributing to the formulation of the national adaptation plan; \uf0b7 The NAP can build on capacity-building activities and systems for the collection and dissemination of meteorological and hydrological information; \uf0b7 The NAP process will strengthen", + "\uf0b7 The NAP process strengthens climate information systems and related capabilities; \uf0b7 The NAP process strengthens climate information and early warning systems, as well as climate change vulnerability maps.", + "\uf0b7 The communication strategy can serve as a basis for the development of a communication plan for the NAP process. 5.10. Monitoring and evaluation In its implementation, the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the NAP will make it possible to verify whether the process is proceeding as planned. The adaptation monitoring and evaluation will make it possible to assess the impacts (in the short, medium and long term) of the priority actions carried out and whether the latter effectively contribute to the achievement of the defined objectives on vulnerability reduction.", + "Monitoring and evaluation of adaptation enables the assessment of the impacts (short, medium and long term) of priority actions and whether they contribute effectively to the achievement of the defined objectives on vulnerability reduction. On the other hand, S&E can enable learning about adaptation through practice, the reorientation of actions as needed, and the monitoring of financial contributions in the field of climate change. Currently, Burundi does not have an S&E framework for climate change.", + "Currently, Burundi does not have an S&E framework for climate change. The national plans and strategies for climate change and the environment do not define either the S&E system or objectively verifiable indicators. The National Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change and the National Development Plan propose a set of indicators, but these lack a baseline and objectives.", + "The National Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change as well as the National Development Plan propose a set of indicators, but these lack a baseline and objectives. There is a National REDD+ Strategy (2019) which proposes a national forest monitoring system based on Measurement, Notification and Verification (MNV), but its implementation is not effective.", + "5.11. Adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans These measures refer to the implementation of various plans and strategies, in particular: \uf0b7 the National Action Plan on Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA 2007); \uf0b7 the NDP Burundi 2018-2027; \uf0b7 the National Communication Strategy on Climate Change; Burundi has implemented several adaptation projects and programmes, particularly in the agriculture and natural resources sectors.", + "Adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans These measures refer to the implementation of various plans and strategies, including: \uf0b7 the National Action Plan on Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA 2007); \uf0b7 the NDP Burundi 2018-2027; \uf0b7 the National Communication Strategy on Climate Change; Burundi has implemented several adaptation projects and programmes, particularly in the agriculture and natural resources sectors.", + "Lessons learned from their implementation can be used for future projects and programmes, in particular in terms of: scaling-up potential, climate change information, awareness and capacity building, adaptation planning at the subnational level and private sector engagement, among others. 5.12. Contributions to other international frameworks and/or conventions Adaptation in the climate change sector involves a variety of actors and establishes a common international conceptual framework, the Paris Agreement.", + "Contributions to other international frameworks and/or conventions Adaptation in the climate change sector involves a variety of actors and establishes a common international conceptual framework, the Paris Agreement. Since the establishment of the Ministry for the Environment in 1988, the Government of Burundi has begun the process of drafting legislation relating to the protection of the environment and its natural resources.", + "Since the establishment of the Ministry of the Environment in 1988, the Government of Burundi has begun the process of drafting laws relating to the protection of the environment and its natural resources.", + "Although these texts have been promulgated, they have remained ineffective in the field of climate change owing to the lack of implementing texts on the one hand, and to the fact that they have not been sufficiently widely disseminated and made known to stakeholders at sectoral level on the other. Among the legal instruments on which the country can rely to combat climate change, mention should also be made of the international conventions ratified by Burundi, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; the Convention to Combat Desertification, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands.", + "Among the legal instruments on which the country can rely to combat climate change, mention should also be made of the international conventions ratified by Burundi, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; the Convention to Combat Desertification, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands, which are often sources of funds for adaptation activities. 5.13.", + "These conventions are often the source of funds for adaptation activities. 5.13. Gender, traditional knowledge, indigenous peoples\u2019 knowledge and local knowledge systems are taken into account The CBD 2020 builds on Burundi\u2019s NDP, on the MDGs, on the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and on the decisions of the Paris Agreement, particularly in the light of the rules book adopted at COP24, to call for greater vigilance on the impacts of climate change policies in order to prevent them from being detrimental to women and vulnerable groups.", + "In all sectors and their projects for adaptation to climate change and reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Government of Burundi has the opportunity to establish a baseline on gender and social inclusion issues in adaptation and reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; The agriculture, energy and infrastructure projects and programmes selected in this CDN are particularly called upon to systematically integrate gender and social inclusion aspects.", + "They will inform and sensitize women, youth and batwa as actors in reducing greenhouse gases. Ongoing projects will build the capacity of women, youth and batwa to drive change in practices and optimize integrated landscape management and the sustainable food value chain to increase the adoption of resilient and improved production systems.", + "Ongoing projects will strengthen the capacities of women, youth and batwa to bring about change in practices and optimise integrated landscape management and the sustainable food value chain to increase the adoption of resilient and improved production systems, and will provide them with the means and techniques to improve their standard of living, climate resilience and food security (income, use of greenhouse gas-free energy sources, improved homes, solar energy, etc.).", + "The projects will provide them with the means and techniques to improve their standard of living, climate resilience and food security (income, use of energy sources that do not emit greenhouse gases, improved homes, solar energy, etc.). In the course of their implementation, forestry projects and those relating to the restoration of land and ecosystems, vulnerable groups will receive special attention so that they become actors in the collective response-action for a sustainable fight against the advance of climate change instead of suffering the risks of related disasters.", + "During the implementation of forestry and land and ecosystem restoration projects, special attention will be given to vulnerable groups so that they become actors in the collective response-action for a sustainable fight against the advancement of climate change rather than suffering the risks of climate change-related disasters. Suggestions from these groups will be gathered for the development and implementation of projects and for community-based management of climate change-related disaster risks.", + "Suggestions from these groups will be gathered for project development and implementation, and for community-based climate change disaster risk management. Traditional knowledge of batwa will be considered as they have a long track record of observing and committing to their environment.", + "The traditional knowledge of the batwa will be taken into account as they have a long experience of observing and committing to their environment. For many years of interaction with their natural environment, they have developed strategies to respond to the impacts of climate change and have been able to respond to them through their expertise and nature philosophy. 6. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE CBD 6.1. Institutional Aspects An institutional framework for the implementation of the CBD exists in Burundi.", + "Institutional aspects An institutional framework for the implementation of the CND exists in Burundi, under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock (MINEAGRIE) through the Directorate General of Environment, Water Resources and Sanitation, which is responsible for coordinating the implementation of sectoral policies on climate change.", + "The latter is responsible for coordinating the implementation of sectoral policies on climate change and is supported by central government departments and public institutions (Institut G\u00e9ographique du Burundi, IGEBU and Office Burundais pour la Protection de la Environnement, OBPE). IGEBU and OBPE are also the National Focal Point and the Deputy National Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), respectively.", + "IGEBU and OBPE are also the National Focal Point and the Deputy National Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), respectively, and the Director General of Agriculture is the Designated National Authority (DNA) for the Green Climate Fund (FCF), while the Permanent Secretary of MINEAGRIE is the focal point for the Global Environment Facility (GEF).", + "Furthermore, the Director General of Agriculture is the Designated National Authority (AND) for the Green Climate Fund (FVC) and the Permanent Secretary of Mines is the focal point of the Global Environment Facility (GEF).", + "In the context of climate change, the IGEBU is responsible for the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of meteorological and hydrological data, while the OBPE is responsible for the implementation of environmental and climate change policies and strategies and the establishment of mechanisms for mitigation and adaptation to climate change (the implementation of the NAP).", + "As for the OBPE, its tasks are to implement environmental and climate change policies and strategies and to establish mechanisms for climate change mitigation and adaptation (the implementation of the NAP). For all intents and purposes, it should be noted that other sectoral departments are concerned with climate change issues that have a cross-cutting impact on all key sectors of the national economy.", + "For all intents and purposes, it should be noted that other sectoral departments are concerned with climate change issues that have a cross-cutting impact on all key sectors of the national economy. These are the departments responsible for energy, public health, trade, transportation, industry and tourism. This justifies the need for a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach to ensure effective resilience.", + "This justifies the need for a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach to ensuring effective resilience, for example, the CND 2020 calls for strengthened coordination among actors in the field in order to facilitate the harmonization of interventions and the mobilization of financial resources for the implementation of the NAPA and the CND.", + "To this end, like other countries in the sub-region and around the world, a National Climate Change Council, with technical and financial capacities and high-level decision-making power, is indispensable for the needs of coordination, consultation and mobilisation of stakeholders involved at all levels, as well as for monitoring and evaluating the state of implementation of the CBD.", + "To this end, like other countries in the sub-region and in the world, a National Climate Change Council, with technical and financial capacities and high-level decision-making power, is indispensable for the needs of coordination, consultation and mobilisation of stakeholders involved at all levels, as well as for monitoring and evaluating the state of implementation of the NCD. At the technical level, a National Technical Committee on Climate will have to be established and chaired by a para-State agency, like other structures of the Community of Eastern African States.", + "At the technical level, a National Technical Committee on Climate will have to be established and chaired by a para-State agency, as will other structures of the Community of East African Countries. The creation and establishment of the National Council and the Technical Committee will be implemented by presidential decrees. The establishment of these structures will have to take into account all actors and address cross-cutting issues such as gender and social inclusion. 6.2.", + "The establishment of these structures should take into account all actors and address cross-cutting issues such as gender and social inclusion. 6.2. Legal framework An impressive legal arsenal is based on the Constitution of Burundi of 17 May 2018, especially in its Articles 164(4) and 35.", + "Legal framework An impressive legal arsenal is based on the Constitution of Burundi of 17 May 2018, in particular Article 164, paragraph 4, and Article 35. It is supplemented by the following: - Law No.1/10 of 30 May 2011 on the establishment and management of protected areas in Burundi - Law No.1/010 of 30 June 2000 on the Environment Code - Law No.1/07 of 15 July 2016 on the revision of the Forestry Code - Law No.1/02 of 26 March 2012 on the Water Code in Burundi with regard to the qualitative (Articles 43 to 47) and quantitative protection of water resources (Articles 48 to 50).", + "It is supplemented by the following texts: - Act No.1/10 of 30 May 2011 on the creation and management of protected areas in Burundi - Act No.1/010 of 30 June 2000 on the Environment Code - Act No.1/07 of 15 July 2016 on the revision of the Forestry Code - Act No.1/02 of 26 March 2012 on the Water Code in Burundi with regard to the qualitative protection (Articles 43 to 47) and quantitative protection of water resources (Articles 48 to 50) - Act No.1/13 of 9 August 2011 on the revision of the Land Code of Burundi Article 451, paragraph 1, - Act No.1/13 of 23 April 2015 on the reorganization of the electricity sector - Act No.1/012 of 30 May 2018 on the Code on the provision of health care and services in Burundi, in particular Articles 137 and 138 - Decree-Law No. 100/241 of", + "- Decree-Law No. 100/241 of 31 December 1992 regulating the disposal of wastewater in urban areas.", + "- Act No. 1/13 of 9 August 2011 amending the Land Code of Burundi, article 451, paragraph 1; - Act No. 1/13 of 23 April 2015 reorganising the electricity sector; - Act No. 1/012 of 30 May 2018 amending the Code on the provision of health care and services in Burundi, in particular articles 137 and 138 thereof; - Decree-Law No. 100/241 of 31 December 1992 regulating the disposal of wastewater in urban areas; - Decree No. 100/ 292 of 16 October 2007 establishing the National Platform for Risk Prevention and Disaster Management; 6.3.", + "- Decree No. 100/ 292 of 16 October 2007 establishing the National Platform for Risk Prevention and Disaster Management, its mission, composition, organisation and functioning 6.3. Funding mechanisms The assessment of the financing needs for mitigation and adaptation to the effects of climate change provided for in this CDN is based on the lists of programmes and projects identified in progress or planned across the various sectors.", + "Funding Mechanisms The assessment of the financing needs for mitigation and adaptation actions under this CDN is based on the lists of programmes and projects identified in progress or planned across the different sectors.", + "An operational implementation strategy and its financing will enable the implementation of the CBD within the timeframe envisaged. Funding mechanisms have requirements to be met in terms of the quality of the projects to be submitted, the data collected, the impact on mitigation or adaptation and the capacities of management structures. Mastery of technical, social and financial modalities is a prerequisite for success in attracting the attention of providers of the resources needed for the implementation of the CBD. 7.", + "Mastery of technical, social and financial arrangements is a prerequisite for success in attracting the attention of providers of the resources needed for the implementation of the CBD. 7. MONITORING/EVALUATION AND VFM Under the supervision of the Ministry responsible for the Environment, monitoring and evaluation of the CBD will be carried out by the sectoral technical services.", + "Monitoring/evaluation mechanisms and MRV Under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment, monitoring and evaluation of the CBD will be carried out by the sectoral technical services, including monitoring the implementation of the activities outlined in this contribution as well as the various indicators of the CBD.", + "This will include monitoring the implementation of the activities foreseen in this contribution as well as the various indicators of the CBD. A capacity-building plan for the sectors concerned by the MNV will be established in the CBD implementation strategy with the corresponding costs integrated into the cost of the priority actions.", + "A capacity-building plan for the sectors concerned by the MNV will be established in the CND implementation strategy with the corresponding costs integrated into the cost of priority actions Burundi considers its CND to be fair and ambitious, taking into account its national situation and how it contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in Article 2 of the Paris Agreement.", + "Burundi considers its NDC to be fair and ambitious, taking into account its national situation and the way in which it contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in Article 2 of the Paris Agreement. In its participatory development process, all stakeholders were consulted and the criteria for prioritizing actions were based on the human and socio-environmental dimension.", + "In its participatory development process, all stakeholders were consulted and the criteria for prioritising actions were based on the human and socio-environmental dimension. It shows specific commitments to reduce GHGs in relation to projected emissions by 2030. The country commits to complying with rules that guarantee environmental integrity, promote sustainable development and avoid double counting of emission reductions, in accordance with the rules to be adopted under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.", + "The country is committed to complying with the rules that guarantee environmental integrity, promote sustainable development and avoid double counting of emission reductions, in accordance with the rules that will be adopted under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The successful implementation of the new CBD 2020 by all stakeholders requires significant financial, human and technological resources on the part of the country, as well as support from the international community, to enable even more significant reductions in GHG emissions and climate change resilience." + ], + "large": [ + "i REPUBLIC OF BURUNDI DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL 2020 ANNEX ii Table of Contents 1. Background and planning for the updating of the 2015 NCD. 1 Background on Burundi\u2019s initial NCD (2015 NCD) 2 New elements contributing to the updating. 5 GHG inventory and BAU projections 6 1.2.2. Analysis of the implementation of the 2015 NCD. 6 1.2.4. National plans, policies and strategies. 9 Presentation of information according to Decision 4/CMA.1, Annex I. 10 Planning for the updating of the 2015 NCD. 11 Institutional commitment. 11 1.3.2. Enhanced ambition for the 2020 NCD. 11 1.3.3. Participatory and inclusive approach.. 12 1.3.4. Capacity-building and technology transfer 13 1.3.5.", + "Capacity-building and technology transfer 13 1.3.5. Timing of work 13 Burundi\u2019s NCD 2020 15 Mitigation targets. 19 National GHG inventory 19 Perimeters. 20 Fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3) 20 NCD 2020 mitigation scenarios 31 2.2.1. Indicator, base year and target year(s). 31 2.2.3. Methodology for calculating emissions/removals from different scenarios. 32 2.2.4. Baseline scenario BAU. 33 2.2.5. Unconditional scenario 41 2.2.6. Other impacts. 50 3. VALUE OF THE PERCENTAGE TARGET 66 3.1. Other impacts. 66 3.2. ICTU 67 4. COMMUNICATION ON ADAPTATION. 77 4.1. National situation, institutional arrangements and legal frameworks. 77 4.1.1. National situation. 77 iii 4.", + "National situation. 77 iii 4.1.2. Institutional framework 78 4.1.3. National legal framework. 79 4.2. Impacts, risks and vulnerabilities. 79 4.3. National priorities, strategies, policies, plans, objectives and adaptation measures 81 5. ADAPTATION 83 5.1 Unconditional scenario. 83 5.2. Conditional scenario. 84 5.3. Implementation and support needs 85 5.4. Implementation of adaptation measures and plans 89 5.5. Progress and results. 90 5.6. Adaptation efforts 90 5.7. Cooperation to strengthen adaptation at national, regional and international levels. 91 5.8. Barriers, difficulties and gaps. 91 5.9. Good practices, lessons learned and exchange of information. 92 5.10. Monitoring and evaluation 92 5.11. Adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans 93 5.12. Contributions to other international frameworks and/or conventions.", + "Contributions to other international frameworks and/or conventions. 93 5.13. Consideration of gender issues, traditional knowledge, indigenous peoples\u2019 knowledge and local knowledge systems. 93 6. NCD IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. 94 6.1. Institutional aspects 94 6.2. Legal framework. 95 6.3. Funding mechanisms. 96 7. MONITORING/EVALUATION AND VRM mechanisms. 96 8.", + "Financing Mechanisms. 96 7. MONITORING/EVALUATION MECHANISM AND MRV. 96 8. CONCLUSION. 96 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Emissions by mitigation objective. 3 Table 2: Supporting documents for the formulation of assumptions and objectives. 4 Table 3: Scope and scope of the 2015 NCD. 4 Table 4: Support needed for the implementation of the 2015 NCD. 5 Table 5: Degree of implementation of the 2015 NCD unconditional actions. 6 Table 6: Degree of implementation of the 2015 NCD conditional actions in 2020 7 Table 7: Working schedule. 14 Table 8: Information on the clarity, transparency and understanding of the 2020 NCD. 15 iv Table 9: Sectors and gases accounted for. 20 Table 10: Sub-sectors and categories in the ", + "9: Sectors and gases accounted for. 20 Table 10: Agriculture and livestock sector sub-sectors and categories 21 Table 11: National GHG emissions in Gg CO2eq by sector. 23 Table 12: Total GHG emissions in Gg CO2e from the Energy sector 24 Table 13: Synthesis of GHG emissions from the Energy sector by sub-sector. 25 Table 14: GHG emissions from the POPs sector in Gg CO2.. 26 Table 15: CH4 emissions from domestic livestock in EqCO2 in Gg.. 27 Table 16: Emissions from managed soils in Eq CO2 in Gg.. 27 Table 17: Synthesis of GHG emissions/removals from FAT. 28 Table 18: Synthesis of GHG emissions from the Waste sector 30 Table", + "33 Table 21: Emissions in Gg CO2 eq in the IPPC BAU scenario 34 Table 22: Projected GHG emissions (Gg) in the Agriculture and Livestock Sector /BAU CO2e scenario 36 Table 23: BAU data by subcategories 37 Table 24: Evolution of pine and Callitris. 37 Table 25:", + "Evolution of GHG emissions in the BAU scenario for the Waste sector. 39 Table 27: Emissions in Gg CO2eq of the BAU scenario for all sectors. 40 Table 28: Actions selected for the unconditional scenario for the Energy sector 41 Table 29: National priority for mitigation in the transport sub-sector 42 Table 30: Mitigation priorities and parameters for emission accounting 43 Table 31: Mitigation priorities and emission calculation parameters for the transport sub-sector. 44 Table 32: Emissions avoided by national priorities 45 Table 33: Emissions avoided. 45 Table 34: Priority actions selected by unconditional objective 47 Table 35: Priority actions selected by unconditional objective 47 Table 36: Outcome of removals from the forestry sector in Gg EqCO2. 48 Table 37:", + "47 Table 36: Outputs of removals from the forestry sector in EqCO2 in Gg. 48 Table 37: Synthesis of avoided emissions and complementary removals 49 Table 38: Target value by unconditional objective. 50 Table 39: National priorities in the energy sector. 50 Table 40: Parameters for accounting of emissions. 53 Table 41: Emissions avoided by identified actions in the energy sector 56 Table 42: Priority actions in the POPs sector. 59 Table 43: Emissions avoided by identified action. 60 Table 44: Priority action in the agriculture sector.. 60 v Table 45: Animal population by species. 61 Table 46: Emission factor for each animal.. 61 Table 47: Impacts of the action in terms of GHG emission reductions 61 Table 48: National priorities in the LULUCF", + "Table 50: Priority Actions Identified 63 Table 51: Parameters for the Waste Sector. 64 Table 52: Impacts by Waste Sector Action 64 Table 53: Synthesis of Avoided Emissions and GHG Removals. 66 Table 54: Target Value by Conditional Objective. 66 Table 55: ICTU. 67 LIST OF GRAPHICS AND FIGURES Graph 1: Synthesis of GHG Emissions, NTC. 24 Graph 2: GHG Emissions from the Energy Sector 25 Graph 3: Emissions from the Energy Sector. 25 Graph 4: Emissions from the IPPC Sector 26 Graph 5: Emissions from the Domestic Livestock Sector 27 Graph 6: Emissions from Managed Land 28 Graph 7: Emissions and Removals from the GHG Sector. 29 Graph 8: Emissions from the Waste Sector 31", + "BAU PIU 35 Graph 11: Agriculture BAU Scenario Emissions. 36 Table 23: BAU Scenario Data by Subcategories. 37 Graph 12: BAU /FAT Scenario Emissions. 38 Graph 13: BAU Waste Scenario Emissions. 39 Graph 14: Total BAU Scenario Emissions. 40 1.", + "Background and planning for the 2015 update of the CBD Burundi has made commitments to the international community to contribute to the fight against climate change through its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) submitted in 2015 at the twenty-first Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in Paris in 2015. It became a Determined Contribution in 2018 following Burundi\u2019s ratification of the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement warns against the threat of climate change and indicates that the GHG emission reductions announced in existing commitments are not sufficient to contain global warming below the 2\u00b0C target. To this end, it invites Parties to make greater efforts for a transition that would allow 1.5\u00b0C to be achieved.", + "In this context, it is useful and urgent to see how countries implement their commitments by implementing Article 4, paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 9 and 13, of the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement requires signatory countries to review their NCDs every five years. In 2020, countries are thus invited to submit revised NCDs based on their 2015 contributions to the UNFCCC secretariat. For countries that have chosen a time horizon to 2030, 2020 is a first opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to combating climate change effectively by re-communicating their 2015 NCDs in 2020.", + "For countries that have chosen a time horizon of 2030, the year 2020 is a first opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to effectively combat global warming by re-communicating their NCC 2015 in 2020. Although Burundi has chosen a time horizon of 2030 in the NCC 2015, the Government wished to review its commitments by adopting more up-to-date data and a better alignment of the NCC with the guidelines of the Paris Agreement, in particular with regard to the rules book adopted at COP24, for the NCC 2020. In the NCC 2015, Burundi committed itself to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 3% by 2030 without conditions and by 20% under conditions.", + "In the 2015 NCD, Burundi committed itself to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 3% by 2030 without conditions and by 20% under conditions. The envisaged ambition for the 2020 NCD is to improve the quality of the 2015 NCD, to update quantitative estimates with more recent data, to reassess mitigation and adaptation options for 2020-2030, to include more sectors in the definition of targets, to present complementary mitigation measures and to include the Communication on Adaptation in the NCD. Burundi\u2019s NCD takes into account the IPCC special report of October 2018 on the consequences of global warming after the Paris Agreement.", + "The CDN of Burundi takes into account the IPCC Special Report of October 2018 on the Consequences of Global Warming after the Paris Agreement. This report sets out the collective ambition to limit global warming \"below 2\u00b0C above pre-industrial levels and to continue efforts to limit the increase in temperature to 1.5\u00b0C.\" The Paris Agreement warns against the threat of climate change and indicates that the GHG emission reductions announced in existing commitments are not sufficient to contain global warming below the 2\u00b0C target. To this end, it calls on Parties to make greater efforts for a transition that would allow 1.5\u00b0C to be achieved.", + "In this context, it is useful and urgent to see how countries implement their commitments by implementing Article 4, paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 9 and 13, of the Paris Agreement. The updated NCDs are based on the principle of voluntary commitment by countries and promote cooperation between countries to achieve, in a coordinated manner, common climate change objectives that should lead to a 45% 1 reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 from the 2010 level in order to remain below the 1.5\u00b0C target.", + "The updated NCDs are based on the principle of voluntary commitment by countries and promote cooperation between countries to achieve, in a coordinated manner, common climate change objectives that should lead to a 45% 1 reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to the 2010 level in order to remain below the 1.5\u00b0C target. The updating of the NCD of the Republic of Burundi promotes transparency, accuracy, completeness, comparability and coherence and is consistent with the IPCC report and the conclusions of the Talanoa Dialogue. Its trajectory is planned in relation to a Business as Usual (BAU) baseline scenario that will measure Burundi\u2019s effort towards its climate change mitigation objectives.", + "Its trajectory is planned in relation to a BAU (Business as Usual) baseline scenario, which will measure Burundi\u2019s effort to achieve its climate change mitigation targets. Sectors included in the NCD are energy and transport, industrial processes and product use (IPU), agriculture, forestry and land use (AFAT) and waste management. It should be noted that forests play an important role in both adaptation and mitigation. Background on Burundi\u2019s Initial NCD (NCD 2015) Burundi\u2019s Initial NCD was published in 2015 and took into account aspects related to adaptation and mitigation. a) Adaptation Burundi is exposed to the adverse effects of climate change2.", + "a) Adaptation Burundi is exposed to the adverse effects of climate change.2 Climate change affects all sectors, in particular energy, agriculture and livestock, water, health, landscapes and terrestrial ecosystems. The adaptation needs identified in the 2015 NCD related to forestry, human, institutional, technical and financial capacity-building and technology transfer. National priorities, policies and programmes have been defined in terms of adaptation to climate change (UNDP Burundi 2018-2027, DOPEAE, PN- PA CC, Preliminary NAP, etc.).", + "National priorities, policies and programmes have been defined in terms of adaptation to climate change (UNDP Burundi 2018-2027, DOPEAE, PN- PA CC, Preliminary NAP, etc.). b) Mitigation With regard to mitigation, Burundi committed to a 23% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (BAU), corresponding to a 3% reduction (1,958 Gg CO2) under its unconditional target and a 20% reduction (14,897 Gg CO2) under its conditional target. According to the 2015 UNFCCC, the establishment of the BAU referred to assumptions relating to the growth of the national economy (GDP), population growth and the rate of electrification contained in the above-mentioned documents. Some of these documents and many others elaborated served as the basis for the establishment of the BAU of the", + "1 GHG reduction targets and the contribution of states, Institute for Research in Contemporary Economics, Intervention Note No. 72, 2 National Communications on Climate Change (2005, 2010, 2019), Evolution of climate parameters in Burundi to 2050 and Integrated Vulnerability Analysis in Burundi under the Climate Change Adaptation for the Protection of Water and Soil Resources (ACCES) project, Mitigation targets were assessed on the basis of actions undertaken that contributed to mitigation. The accounting and verification of avoided GHG emissions were calculated using the IPCC Guidelines for Climate Change 2006. Intermediate targets for the years 2020 and 2025 were also defined in the UNCCD 2015.", + "Intermediate targets for 2020 and 2025 were also defined in the 2015 CBD. The 2015 CBD emission reduction targets are summarized in Table 1. Table 1: Emissions by mitigation target OBJECTIVES Percentage Emission eq CO2 (Gg) Unconditional (2030) % Conditional (2030) % Unconditional (2025) % Conditional (2025) % Unconditional (2020) % Conditional (2020) % Source: 2015 CBD To achieve the unconditional target, the following measures were planned: - in the forestry sector, Burundi planned to increase GHG sinks by 4ha/year through (re)forestation for 15 years from 2016 to 2030. - in the energy sector, Burundi planned to build three hydroelectric power stations to increase the electrification rate to 35%, i.e. 45.4 MW of output in 2030.", + "- in the energy sector, Burundi planned to build three hydroelectric power stations in order to increase the electrification rate to 35%, i.e. 45.4 MW in 2030. To achieve the conditional objective, the following measures were envisaged subject to funding: - in the forestry sector, Burundi committed to (i) reforestation of 8,000 ha/year, for 15 years from 2016, and (ii) the replacement of all carbon-fired ovens and traditional domestic cookers by 100% by 2030. - in the agriculture sector, Burundi planned to gradually replace 100% of mineral fertilizers with organic smoke by 2030.", + "Table 2 provides a breakdown by sector of the information that was used to develop the mitigation assumptions, measures and targets.", + "Table 2: Supporting documents for the formulation of the assumptions and objectives Sectors Current policy documents and strategies Energy Sectoral Strategy for the Energy Sector in Burundi (2011); National Environment Strategy (SNEB, 1997). Land allocation and forestry National Forestry Policy of Burundi (2012); National Strategy and Biodiversity Action Plan 2013-2020. Agriculture National Agricultural Strategy 2008-2015 (2008); National Strategy for Sustainable Land Use (2007); National Action Programme to Combat Land Degradation (2005); National Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Land Degradation 2011-2016; National Agricultural Investment Plan 2012-2017.", + "Agriculture National Agricultural Strategy 2008-2015 (2008); National Sustainable Land Use Strategy (2007); National Action Plan to Combat Land Degradation (2005); National Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Land Degradation 2011-2016; National Agricultural Investment Plan 2012-2017 All sectors Vision \"Burundi 2025\", Strategic Growth Framework, 2012; First and Second National Communications on Climate Change, 2001 and 2010; National Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change, 2007; Synthesis Report of Greenhouse Gas Inventories, 2009; Synthesis Report of GHG Mitigation Studies, 2009; National Climate Change Policy, 2013; National Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, 2013. Source:", + "Source: NCD 2015 The scope and scope of the NCD 2015 can be found in Table 3. Table 3: Scope and scope of the NCD 2015 Sector Gas Sub-sectors Geographic scope Energy Fuel combustion activities All territory Agriculture/Livestock Domestic livestock and managed land All territory Land use and forestry Forest land All territory Source: NCD 2015 The compensation mechanism for loss of profits in the implementation of the proposed NCD was based on international mechanisms relating to the compensation of greenhouse gas emissions (Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol) and on existing national legislation.", + "With regard to the conditional objectives, the need for support was analysed. In order for the conditional objectives to be achieved, support was needed for capacity-building of the Ministry\u2019s environmental services and for technology transfer. Furthermore, financial support was essential. The cost of the mitigation and adaptation components for implementing the priority actions listed in the 2015 CBD by unconditional and conditional objectives was estimated at US$ 1,493,589,000. Table 4 illustrates the support needed for the implementation of the 2015 CBD.", + "Table 4 illustrates the support required for the implementation of the 2015 CBD. Table 4: Support required for the implementation of the 2015 CBD Program Cost in USD (X1000) 1.Adaptation and management of climate risks 2.Greenhouse gas mitigation and low-carbon development 3.Promotion of research and development and technology transfer 4.Capacity building, knowledge management and communication 5.Forestry and agroforestry 6.Vulgarization of improved sawmills 7.Vulgarization of improved domestic and artisanal homes Total Source: 2015 CBD New elements contributing to the update The update of the Burundi CBD takes into account new elements published since 2015 CBD, both at the national and international levels.", + "Table 4: Support required for the implementation of the CCD 2015 Programme Cost in USD (X1000) 1.Adaptation and management of climate risks 2.Greenhouse gas emissions mitigation and low-carbon development 3.Promotion of research and development and technology transfer 4.Capacity building, knowledge management and communication 5.Reforestation and agroforestry 6.Vulgarization of improved mills 7.Vulgarization of improved domestic and artisanal households Total Source: CCD 2015 New elements contributing to the update The update of the CCD of Burundi takes into account new elements published since the CCD 2015, both at the national and international levels.", + "the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy (DOPEAE 2020), the National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and the Role of Forest Ecosystem Conservation, Sustainable Forest Management and the Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stocks (REDD+) 2019, policies and plans related to industry, transport, energy, health and gender.", + "At the national level, these are mainly the Third GHG Inventory (2005, 2010 and 2015), the National Development Plan for Burundi 2018-2027 (UNDP BURUNDI 2018-2027), the Policy Guidance Document for the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy (DOPEAE 2020), the National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and the Role of Forest Ecosystem Conservation, Sustainable Forest Management and the Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stocks (REDD+) 2019, policies and plans related to industry, transport, energy, health and gender.", + "At the international level, these are mainly the decisions of COP 24 in 2018, held in Katowice, Poland, in December 2018, and the ICTU, which aims to provide guidance to countries when updating their NCDs. The Katowice package establishes the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines that specify how the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ERF) is to be implemented. It sets out the essential procedures and mechanisms that will make the Paris Agreement operational. The updated NCD is also in the implementation phase of the Paris Agreement and specifically Article 4, paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 9 and 13. In addition, the update takes into account Decision 4/CMA.", + "In addition, the update takes into account Decision 4/CMA. 1 Annex I on Information, Clarity, Transparency and Under standing (ICTU), which highlights Information on the Clarity, Transparency and Understanding of NCDs and integrates cross-cutting issues such as gender and social inclusion. GHG Inventory and BAU Projections Following the submission of the 2015 NCD to the UNFCCC Secretariat, the Third Communication was developed and validated in 2019 under the Coordination of the Ministry of the Environment with the support of the Global Environment Facility. It is based on the 3rd National GHG Inventory. The methodology for calculating GHG emissions and removals follows the IPCC Guidelines 2006. This inventory covers the years 2005, 2010 and 2015.", + "The methodology for calculating GHG emissions and removals follows the IPCC Guidelines 2006. This inventory covers the years 2005, 2010 and 2015. The greenhouse gases considered are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). The sectors covered are (i) energy; (ii) industrial processes and product use (IPU); (iii) agriculture, forestry and other land use (LULUCF) and (iv) waste management. The NTC contains projections of emissions by 2050 if no measures are taken to mitigate GHG emissions. These projections also show mitigation scenarios based on the GHG mitigation policies, measures, strategies and plans planned and implemented in Burundi. 1.2.2. Analysis of the implementation of the CBD 2015.", + "Analysis of the implementation of the 2015 UNFCCC Prior to the updating of the 2015 UNFCCC, an analysis of the implementation of the 2015 UNFCCC was carried out. The purpose of the analysis was to assess the progress made in the implementation of the first UNFCCC in relation to the country\u2019s commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by unconditional and conditional targets. With regard to the unconditional target, the forestry sector was expected to harvest 4000 ha per year for 5 years, i.e. 20,000 ha for 5 years, and to build three hydroelectric power stations in order to increase the electrification rate to 35%. The degree of implementation of the 2015 UNFCCC unconditional actions in the forestry and energy sectors in 2020 is summarised in Table 5.", + "The level of implementation of the 2015 UNFCCC unconditional actions in the forestry and energy sectors in 2020 is summarised in Table 5. Table 5: Degree of implementation of the 2015 UNFCCC unconditional actions Sector Planned actions Achievements Achievements % Achievement Forestry Energy Construct hydroelectric power plants 4 plants under construction Total Source: 2015 UNFCCC Assessment Report With regard to the conditional objective, it was planned (i) in the forestry sector to forest 8000 ha per year for 5 years, i.e. 40,000 ha from 2016 to 2020, (ii) in the energy sector to replace 100%, by 2030, all traditional wood burning stoves and traditional domestic cookers, and (iii) in the agriculture sector, to gradually replace 100% of mineral fertilisers by biofuels.", + "(iii) in the agricultural sector, to gradually replace 100% mineral fertilisers with organic fumes by 2030.", + "Table 5: Degree of implementation of the unconditional actions of the CBD 2015 Sector Planned actions Actions carried out Achievement rate in % Forestry Energy Construction of hydroelectric power stations 4 power stations under construction Total Source: 2015 CBD Assessment Report With regard to the conditional objective, it was planned (i) in the forestry sector to replace 8000 ha per year for 5 years, i.e. 40,000 ha from 2016 to 2020, (ii) in the energy sector to replace 100%, by 2030, all conventional wood burning ovens and traditional domestic cookers, and (iii) in the agriculture sector to gradually replace 100% mineral fertilisers with organic smoke, by 2030. The results by proposed conditional actions are presented in Table 6.", + "The results by proposed conditional actions can be found in Table 6. Table 6: Degree of implementation of the conditional actions of the CBD 2015 in 2020 Sector Planned actions Actions carried out Achievement rate in % Cost of action4 Forestry Logging 40,000 ha in 5 years Energy Replace by 2030 all traditional carbon-fired ovens DN DN Replace by 2030 all traditional household stoves DN DN DN Agriculture Gradually replace 100% mineral fertilisers with organic smoke, hence DN DN DN Total Source:", + "The analysis of the 2015 UNFCCC identified some gaps in its implementation and lessons learned for the 2020 update of the UNFCCC.", + "The shortcomings identified are as follows: \uf0fc Lack of a national coordination framework for the implementation of the CBD. \uf0fc Lack of indicators for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the CBD. \uf0fc Lack of capacity to mobilize resources for the implementation of the CBD by unconditional and conditional objectives. \uf0fc Lack of a national climate finance MRV system. \uf0fc Lack of capacity-building and technology transfer actions. \uf0fc Lack of awareness of ownership of the CBD by all stakeholders. Lessons learned from the implementation of the CBD 2015 are as follows: \uf0fc The CBD 2015 is very ambitious and contains some commitments that are not or difficult to achieve within the timeframe.", + "Lessons learned from the implementation of the CBD 2015 are as follows: \uf0fc The CBD 2015 is very ambitious and contains some commitments that are not or difficult to achieve within the timeframes envisaged. \uf0fc Measuring, reporting and evaluating mitigation and adaptation actions are difficult to achieve due to the lack of specific indicators and information on sectoral contributions to implementation and the existence of an MRV system for the CBD. Suggestion for the improvement of the CBD 2020: Taking into account the shortcomings observed in the CBD 2015 and its implementation, as well as Burundi\u2019s commitment to increase its ambitions, new elements have been incorporated into the CBD 2020. These include: \uf0fc The integration of the waste and industry sectors (WPI), and the transport subsectors.", + "These include: \uf0fc The integration of the waste and industry sectors (WPI) and transport sub-sectors. \uf0fc Consideration of gender and social inclusion aspects in accordance with existing national policies. \uf0fc The development of a logical framework with measurable monitoring indicators for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of priority mitigation and adaptation actions in the CBD 2020. \uf0fc The establishment of an inclusive national coordination and monitoring framework for the implementation of the CBD. \uf0fc Awareness-raising of all stakeholders (policy makers, planners, local and grassroots communities, while respecting the gender dimension) on the implementation of the CBD for its ownership.", + "\uf0fc Awareness-raising of all actors involved (political decision-makers, planners, local and grassroots communities while respecting the gender dimension) on the implementation of the CBD for its appropriation. \uf0fc Integration of all actors involved in planning with a view to taking climate change into account in relation to the CBD when establishing strategic development tools (sectoral strategies and policies). \uf0fc Strengthening the institutional and technical capacities of sectoral entities with sufficient financial resources and appropriate tools for effective implementation of the CBD with a monitoring, reporting and verification mechanism for REDD+ and other climate change actions as well as a national research and development programme on adaptation to climate change.", + "\uf0fc Strengthening the institutional and technical capacities of sectoral entities with adequate financial resources and appropriate tools for effective implementation of the CBD with a monitoring, reporting and verification mechanism for REDD+ and other climate change actions as well as a national research and development programme on adaptation to climate change. \uf0fc Formulation of projects in line with the requirements of the different funding mechanisms and creation of a strategic framework favourable to the mobilisation of funding, as several African countries Parties to the Convention have established a National Climate Change Fund. \uf0fc Improvement of the data collection system. \uf0fc Integration of the CBD programmes into sectoral plans and policies. \uf0fc Inclusion of ICTU in the CBD 2020. 1.2.4. National plans, policies and strategies.", + "1.2.4. National Plans, Policies and Strategies (i) Economic Development Plan of Burundi The first document published since the UNCCD 2015 is the National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, which was published in 2018. This plan was produced in a context where Burundi is experiencing major changes in the areas of administrative and economic governance with a major challenge linked to the structural transformation of the national economy. It is facing the challenges of socio-economic development. These challenges are an obvious one to be resolved by the said plan for the decade 2018-2027. The National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027 (PNB) is part of a development plan focusing on a new dynamic of transformation of economic, demographic and social structures.", + "The National Development Plan for Burundi 2018-2027 (PNB) is part of a development framework that focuses on a new dynamic of transformation of economic, demographic and social structures. This framework generates both lasting multiplier effects on the improvement of economic growth and on average per capita income. It will enable basic needs to be met, poverty reduction to be reduced, human capital to be developed, environmental sustainability to be achieved and social equity to be achieved. GNP thus constitutes a strategic policy tool on which the sectors will have to build their policies and action plans in order to contribute positively to the increase in gross domestic product (GDP). This plan is intended to be the basis for strong and inclusive growth from 2018 onwards in order to enable Burundi to reach the level of emerging countries by 2027.", + "This plan aims to be the basis for strong and inclusive growth from 2018 onwards in order to enable Burundi to reach the level of emerging countries by 2027. Its aim is to create the necessary conditions for lasting peace and stability for the long-term structural transformation of the economy characterised by two-digit, sustainable and equitable growth. The implementation of the NDP is based on five strategic orientations, namely (i) boosting growth-enhancing sectors; (ii) developing human capital; (iii) protecting the environment, adapting to climate change and improving spatial planning; (iv) strengthening democracy, governance, the rule of law and safeguarding national sovereignty; (v) strengthening resource mobilisation mechanisms and developing cooperation and partnership.", + "The implementation of the NDP is based on five strategic orientations: (i) stimulating growth-enhancing sectors; (ii) developing human capital; (iii) protecting the environment, adapting to climate change and improving spatial planning; (iv) strengthening democracy, governance, the rule of law and safeguarding national sovereignty; (v) strengthening resource mobilisation mechanisms and developing cooperation and partnership.", + "The updated NCD is one of the tools for the implementation of the National Development Plan and still takes into account the objectives of Sustainable Development 2030. (ii) National policies and strategies. In order to mitigate the adverse effects of the impacts of climate change, the Government of Burundi has defined the political guidelines in particular through the NDP 2018-2027, the Vision 2025 published by Burundi in 2011 and the various sectoral policies such as the National Water Policy, the National Water Strategy, the National Agricultural Strategy (SAN), the National Strategy and the Biodiversity Action Plan 2013-2020; the National Forestry Policy and the Energy Policy Letter and its implementation strategy. In addition, it has developed and adopted strategies accompanied by specific action plans on climate change, including: \uf0d8 The National Policy and Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change.", + "In addition, it has developed and adopted strategies with specific climate change action plans, including: \uf0d8 The National Climate Change Policy and Strategy and Action Plan. \uf0d8 The National Climate Change Adaptation Communications Strategy. \uf0d8 The National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA, 2007). \uf0d8 The National Climate Change Communications. \uf0d8 The National Forestry Strategy, 2021 in place of (2012). \uf0d8 The National REDD+ Strategy, 2019, the National Sustainable Land Use Strategy (2007). \uf0d8 The National Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Soil Degradation 2011-2016. \uf0d8 The National Agricultural Investment Plan 2012-2017. \uf0d8 The National Preliminary Adaptation Plan (2020).", + "\uf0d8 The National Agricultural Investment Plan 2012-2017. \uf0d8 The National Preliminary Adaptation Plan (2020). The implementation of the updated NCD contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the various above-mentioned plans, policies and strategies documents on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change. Presentation of information according to Decision 4/CMA.1, Annex I Information, Clarity, Transparency and Under standing (ICTU) has been taken into account in the updating of the NCD by focusing on the following: (i) quantifiable information on benchmarks. (ii) timetables and/or periods of implementation. (iii) scope and scope. (iv) planning process. (v) methodological assumptions and approaches.", + "(iv) The planning process. (v) The methodological assumptions and approaches. (vi) How the Party considers its contribution determined at the national level to be equitable in light of its national situation. (vii) How the CBD contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in Article 2. At the international level, the IPCC Special Report on the Consequences of Global Warming of 1.50C was published. This special report was approved at the 48th IPCC meeting in Incheon, South Korea and has been published since 8 October 2018.", + "This special report was endorsed at the 48th meeting of the IPCC in Incheon, South Korea, and has been published since October 8, 2018. It served as the scientific basis for the Talanoa Dialogue concluded at COP 24 in December 2018 in Katowice, Poland, to review the collective efforts of Parties to achieve the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement and to encourage countries to make new and more ambitious commitments by 2020.", + "The conclusions of the Talanoa Dialogue call on all countries to submit to the United Nations enhanced climate plans (Nationally Determined Contributions - NCCs) for 2020 and urge Parties to pay specific attention to the role of the transport sector (including international aviation and navigation), the financing of the transition, the role of public and private investment, the carbon price in this context (taking into account socio-economic aspects), and the synergies of the transition to a circular economy aimed at the sound and efficient management of resources, etc. Planning for the updating of the NCC Institutional Commitment The Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock is the institutional coordinating framework which, through its administrative and technical structure, is responsible for the NCC 2020.", + "They encourage Parties to pay specific attention to the role of the transport sector (including international aviation and navigation), the financing of the transition, the role of public and private investment, the carbon price in this context (taking into account socio-economic aspects), and the synergies of the transition to a circular economy aimed at the sound and efficient management of resources, etc. Planning for the updating of the CBD Institutional commitment The Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock is the institutional coordinating framework which, through its administrative and technical structure, is responsible for the CBD 2020. To this end, it has set up a national commission to monitor the updating of the CBD 2015.", + "To this end, it has set up a national commission to monitor the updating of the 2015 UNCCD. It is composed of senior officials from the various GHG emitting sectors, including AFAT, Energy, Transport and Industrial Processes and the Use of Products and Waste. Senior officials from the non-emitting but cross-cutting sectors, namely Health and Gender, have also been included in the discussions. In close collaboration with UNDP, this commission is responsible for monitoring the process of updating the 2015 UNCCD since the recruitment of the Bureau and the development phases (validation of the methodology, organization of retreats, technical sessions and stakeholder consultation workshops, validation at various stages of the document and submission of the updated UNCCD for adoption and approval).", + "In close cooperation with UNDP, the Commission is responsible for monitoring the process of updating the CBD since the recruitment of the Bureau and the development phases (validation of the methodology, organization of retreats, technical sessions and stakeholder consultation workshops, validation at various stages of the document and submission of the updated CBD for adoption and approval). At the technical level, the CBD 2020 was carried out by a consortium of 10 national experts assisted by an international consultant. 1.3.2. Enhanced ambition of the CBD 2020 Burundi has been actively engaged in the CBD process and, as early as 2015, submitted a first CBD with mitigation targets for 2030.", + "However, in 2020, despite the fact that the country could only summarize its 2015 NCD (since it covered the period up to 2030), Burundi embarked on an ambitious update project. The increase in ambition for the 2020 NCD is mainly due to the inclusion of more sectors in the definition of mitigation targets and complementary measures and to the inclusion of the Communication on Adaptation in the NCD. The inclusion of actions in the Transport, POPs and Waste sectors in the 2020 NCD increases the ambition in terms of GHG emission mitigation. The present NCD therefore represents an increase over the previous NCD, as the coverage of emissions in sectors has been extended to all categories estimated in the GHG inventory. Furthermore, the 2020 NCD takes into account the gender dimension and thus strengthens its fairness.", + "Furthermore, the CBD 2020 takes into account the gender dimension and thus strengthens its equity dimension. As the scope of implementation of the CBD 2020 is national, its implementation will be fair and equitable according to the diverse environments and lifestyles of local communities. Burundi is in the process of continuing to provide efforts to reduce GHG emissions. It will move towards the goal of reducing or limiting emissions at the economic level and increasing carbon stocks, including through the implementation of the National Development Plan 2018-2027, and the Guidance Document for the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy and other sectoral policies.", + "It will move towards the goal of reducing or limiting emissions on an economy-wide basis and increasing carbon stocks, including through the implementation of the National Development Plan 2018-2027, and the Policy Guidance Document for the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy and other sectoral policies. The NCD 2020 contributes to Article 2(a) of the PA as it plans to implement projects/programmes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 2021 to 2030. It will also contribute to the implementation of Article 4(1) of the PA. It provides for policy, strategic and mitigation plans/programmes and adaptation plans with benefits for mitigation. The goal is to achieve the desired global GHG cap in accordance with the best available science.", + "The aim is to achieve the desired global GHG cap in accordance with the best available scientific evidence. As a result, it will be possible to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and anthropogenic removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of the century, on the basis of equity, and in the context of sustainable development and poverty reduction. CDN 2020 will be implemented on 1 January 2021 and will expire on 31 December 2030. From 2020 to 2025, a two-year assessment will be conducted to see progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 2021 to 2025. 1.3.3. Participatory and inclusive approach.", + "From 2020 to 2025, a two-year assessment will be conducted to see progress made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 2021 to 2025. 1.3.3. Participatory and inclusive approach. The 2020 update of the CBD was organized by making a real effort to ensure a participatory and inclusive approach at the planning, development and audit stages. It took into account the involvement of all stakeholders including government institutions, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and grassroots community associations. The UN Agencies and Technical and Financial Partners were also consulted to contribute to the 2020 update of the CBD. For the 2020 update of the CBD, the consultations also sought the views of civil society organizations5 and university researchers.", + "For the 2020 update of the CND, the consultations also sought the views of civil society organizations5 and university researchers to involve and involve the private sector, civil society organizations, local communities, youth and Batwa in the formulation and evaluation of mitigation projects.", + "The aim was to involve and involve the private sector, civil society organisations, local communities, youth and the Batwa in the formulation and evaluation of mitigation projects. Particular emphasis was placed on the Strategic Advocacy Alliance, which brings together some 15 organisations working for human rights and gender, led by COCAFEM/GL and the Swiss Co-operation, the Catholic and Anglican Churches at a Round Table on the Role of Religious Leadership in the Response to the Current Ecological Crisis on 12 May 2021 and two Batwa organisations UNIPROBA and UPARED, the most representative of the Batwa and the Laudato Si Platform, bringing together four youth associations sensitive to climate change.. the participation of women and indigenous peoples assimilated to the Batwa during the consultation process.", + "Particular emphasis was placed on the 5 Strategic Advocacy Alliance, which brings together some fifteen human rights and gender organizations, led by COCAFEM/GL and the Swiss Co-operation, the Catholic and Anglican Churches on the occasion of a Round Table on 12 May 2021 on the role of religious leadership in responding to the current ecological crisis and two Batwa organizations UNIPROBA and UPARED, the most representative of the Batwa and the Laudato Si Platform, bringing together four youth associations sensitive to climate change.. the participation of women and indigenous peoples assimilated to the Batwa during the consultation process. A total of 5 workshops bringing together all stakeholders were organised in order to collect data, define actions to be considered in the unconditional and conditional scenarios of the CND, and validate methodological approaches and results. 1.3.4.", + "A total of 5 workshops involving all stakeholders were organised to collect data, define actions to be considered in the unconditional and conditional scenarios of the CBD, and validate methodological approaches and results. 1.3.4. Capacity-building and technology transfer During the implementation of the CBD 2015, capacity-building of sectoral institutional managers was carried out, albeit in a very limited number, focusing on tools and methodologies for greenhouse gas inventories and studies on vulnerability, adaptation to climate change and mitigation of GHG emissions. Capacity-building also focused on project financing procedures and mechanisms.", + "Capacity-building also focused on project funding procedures and mechanisms. However, the need for capacity-building in these areas remains a national priority, as the strengthened staff complement is still insufficient and the mastery of these tools is still weak in all sectors. It is in this context that CND 2020 expresses a continuing need to strengthen a large number of mitigation stakeholders at the sectoral level in order to address the following situations: - Limited availability of quality data. - Low technical knowledge for projections and analysis of mitigation measures. - Difficulty in training technical and scientific staff due to the lack of specialized climate change training institutions on the ground and the limitations of cooperation for external training.", + "- Difficulty in training technical and scientific staff due to the lack of specialised climate change training institutions on the ground and the limitations of co-operation for external training. As research and development in the field of climate change remains lacking and technical and financial resources are limited, the CND 2020 proposes technology transfer actions to build capacity. The most important actions are: \uf0b7 Strengthen sectoral institutions on building reliable climate change databases. \uf0b7 Support climate research and development. 1.3.5. Timetable of work carried out The CND\u2019s updating work took place over 5 months. The timetable of work is shown in Table 7.", + "Schedule of work Planned activities PREFED/CAREPD meetings with the Programme Specialist/Head of the Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Unit at UNDP, the international consultant and the authorities of the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Livestock. Preparation of the methodological note, work plan and timetable for updating the 2015 NCD in collaboration with the international experts responsible for monitoring the updating. Participation in weekly meetings organized by the international experts as from April 2021. Preparation of the report on the implementation of the 2015 NCD of the Republic of Burundi. Validation of the report on the implementation of the 2015 NCD of the Republic of Burundi by the Technical Commission responsible for monitoring the updating.", + "Validate the report on the implementation of the 2015 NCD of the Republic of Burundi by the Technical Commission in charge of monitoring the updating. Participate in a workshop to present (i) the evaluated NCD and the preliminary draft NAP, (ii) a methodological note, work plan and timetable for the updating of the NCD, and (iv) the validation of the questionnaire for the collection of sectoral data focusing on adaptation/mitigation to climate change, gender mainstreaming, youth, vulnerable groups and capacity-building needs, as well as the validation of the report on the implementation of the 2015 NCD of the Republic of Burundi. Conduct stakeholder consultations for data collection and documentation and surveys on energy consumption needs and fertilizer/pesticide use.", + "Conduct stakeholder consultations for data collection and documentation and surveys on energy consumption needs and fertilizer/pesticide use. Analysis and processing of data collected and preparation of sectoral reports and drafting of sectoral reports taking into account adaptation/mitigation aspects. Include comments from targeted experts in these sectoral reports. Conduct 4 regional consultation workshops. Consortium experts prepare the updated draft CBD document for Burundi. Consortium experts send the draft CBD 2020 to UNDP. Analysis of the draft document by international experts. Comments on CBD 2020 addressed to national experts by international experts. Incorporate comments from international experts in the consolidated document. Retransmit the consolidated document to international experts for final comments.", + "Transmission of the consolidated document to the international experts for final comments. Transmission of the final comments to the experts for inclusion in the consolidated document of the CBD. Organization of a national workshop for the validation of the CBD 2020. Integration of the comments from the participants in the validation workshop into the updated document of the CBD of Burundi. Sending of the consolidated document of the CBD 2020 to the international experts for final comments and finalization. Transmission of the consolidated document to the national experts. Preparation of a text for the presentation of the updated CBD to the Government. Adoption of the CBD 2020 by the Council of Ministers. Approval of the CBD by the National Assembly. Transmission of the updated document of the CBD of the Republic of Burundi to the UNFCCC Secretariat.", + "Transmit the updated NDC document from the Republic of Burundi to the UNFCCC Secretariat. Burundi NDC 2020 Table 9 provides information on the clarity, transparency and understanding of the Republic of Burundi NDC 2020. Table 8: Information on the clarity, transparency and understanding of the NDC 2020. 1. Planning process a. Information on the planning processes that the Party has followed to develop its nationally determined contribution and, if available, on the Party's implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i.", + "Information on the planning processes followed by the Party to develop its determined contribution at national level and, if available, on the Party\u2019s implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i. National institutional arrangements, public participation and collaboration with local communities and indigenous peoples, taking into account gender issues; Institutional arrangements: The Ministry of the Environment of Agriculture and Livestock is the institutional framework responsible, through its technical-administrative structure, for the updating of the CBD 2020. To this end, it has set up a national commission responsible for monitoring the updating of the CBD 2015.", + "It is composed of senior officials from the different sectors (AFAT, Energy including transport, IPEP and Waste). Representatives of the sectors involved in related themes (Health, Gender) have also been integrated into the Commission. In close collaboration with UNDP, the Commission is responsible for monitoring the process of updating the CCD since the recruitment of the Bureau and the development phases (validation of the methodology, organisation of retreats for the technical sessions and stakeholder consultation and stepwise validation workshops, submission of the updated CCD for adoption and approval). At the technical level, the CCD 2020 was carried out by a consortium of 10 national experts (6 sectoral experts, an economist, a gender specialist, a health expert and a climate expert) assisted by an international consultant.", + "At the technical level, the CND 2020 was carried out by a consortium of 10 national experts (6 sectoral experts, an economist, a gender specialist, a health expert and a climate expert) assisted by an international consultant. Participatory aspect The updating process was based on numerous exchange workshops (data collection, selection of actions, approval of methodologies, verification and approval of results). These workshops aimed at ensuring the participation and involvement of all technical stakeholders and civil society with the involvement of local communities, indigenous peoples, the gender dimension and social inclusion. The workshops also aimed at communicating the actions selected and thus ensuring their implementation by stakeholders. The CND 2020 was approved by the Burundian authorities before being disseminated to UNDP. ii.", + "Contextual issues, including, but not limited to: - The national situation, including geography, climate, economy, sustainable development and poverty eradication Burundi is an Eastern Central African country located between the Congo Basin and the eastern highlands and between 2\u00b030 and 4\u00b028 South Latitude, at the crossroads of the Central African, Eastern and even Southern African lanes. The country has a warm and humid tropical climate influenced by altitude and characterized by alternating rainy seasons (October to May) and dry seasons (June to September). Its rainfall and temperature are strongly influenced by the country\u2019s terrain, altitude (772-2670 m) and climate change.", + "Its rainfall and temperature are strongly influenced by the country\u2019s terrain, altitude (772-2670 m) and climate change. The average annual rainfall varies from 750 mm in north-eastern Burundi to more than 2000 mm in the mountainous area. The highest average annual temperature is 24.7\u00b0C between 2006-2015 recorded in the plains of the Imbo, while the lowest is 16.6\u00b0C between 2006-2015 recorded in the Mugamba natural region. From a socio-economic point of view, Burundi has about 12.3 million populations by 2020, of which more than 90% live in rural areas and 51% are women. Being one of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), its annual per capita income is estimated at USD 280 and its economy is mainly based on agriculture.", + "As one of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), its annual per capita income is estimated at USD 280 and its economy is mainly based on agriculture. With a density of 480.99 people/km2, the population growth of 2.4% puts pressure on land resources, water resources and exacerbates the situation of deforestation and deforestation. According to the NTC, the sectors that emit the most are agriculture, energy and waste with emissions of 4186.21 Eq CO2 per Gg, 1072.4 Eq CO2 per Gg and 230.73 Eq CO2, respectively. For the other sectors, GHG emissions are insignificant.", + "For other sectors, GHG emissions are insignificant. -Best practices and experience gained from the development of the nationally determined contribution Best practices and experience gained from the development: \uf0fc Participatory approach to the planning process for the elaboration of the CBD (Data collection, data processing, IPCC software calculation 2006, needs, prioritisation of measures...); \uf0fc Taking into account Decision 4/CMA.1 - Other contextual aspirations and priorities recognized upon accession to the Paris Agreement The updated CBD 2020 is in line with the objective of the Paris Agreement, in its provisions of Article 4(2) and (3), Article 4, Article 5, Article 6(1) and (2) and Article 7(1) and (2). Developed countries should act in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Paris Agreement.", + "Developed countries should act in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Paris Agreement. Compliance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement, which highlights areas of cooperation and facilitation and aims to improve understanding, action and support.", + "Compliance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement, which highlights areas of cooperation and facilitation and aims to improve understanding, action and support, such as early warning systems, emergency preparedness, etc. b. Specific information applicable to Parties, including regional economic integration organizations and their member States, that have agreed to act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement, including Parties that have decided to act jointly, and the terms of the relevant agreement, in accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 16 to 18, of the Paris Agreement Not applicable The updated NCD is not developed within the framework of regional economic integration organizations and their member States to act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement.", + "These areas include early warning systems, emergency preparedness, etc. b. Specific information applicable to Parties, including regional economic integration organizations and their member States, that have agreed to act jointly pursuant to Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement, including Parties that have decided to act jointly, and the terms of the relevant agreement, in accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 16 to 18, of the Paris Agreement Not applicable The updated NCD is not developed within the framework of regional economic integration organizations and their member States to act jointly pursuant to Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement. Paragraphs 16, 17 and 18 do not apply to the updated NCD of the Republic of Burundi. c.", + "Paragraphs 16, 17 and 18 do not apply to the updated CBD of the Republic of Burundi. c. How the preparation by the Party of its nationally determined contribution has been informed by the results of the global assessment, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Paris Agreement The steps that have been taken for the CBD 2020 have not been informed by the global assessment, as the first global assessment on climate action will be issued in 2023; however, the results of the global assessment will be taken into account for the updating of the CBD 2020. d.", + "However, the results of the global assessment will be taken into account for the updating of the CBD 2020. d. Each Party with a nationally determined contribution under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, which consists of adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans generating beneficial effects in the field of mitigation in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement, 6. How the Party considers its nationally determined contribution to be equitable and ambitious in light of its national situation a. How the Party considers its nationally determined contribution to be equitable and ambitious in light of its national situation In the preparation of the CBD, vulnerability analysis of sectors (agriculture, forestry and other land, energy, health, IPPC) was carried out.", + "How the Party considers its determined contribution at the national level to be fair and ambitious in the light of its national situation In the development of the CBD, the vulnerability analysis of sectors (agriculture, forestry and other land, energy, health, POPs) was carried out. Negative impacts due to climate change were identified and mitigation and/or adaptation measures to address these impacts were identified by sector. The development of the CBD 2020 used the most recent data from the NTC and other sectors were taken into account such as waste, POPs and transport. b. Equity considerations Gender and social inclusion are taken into account in the CBD 2020. In addition, actions included in the CBD have been identified on the basis of national policy documents and strategies. c.", + "In addition, actions included in the CBD have been identified on the basis of national policy and strategy papers. c. The Party\u2019s consideration of Article 4, paragraph 3, of the CBD 2020 Agreement has raised the ambition compared to the previous CBD by taking into account actions on sectors and sub-sectors not included in the 2015 CBD: transport, waste. In addition, the themes of health, gender and social inclusion have been integrated into the prioritization of actions. CBD 2020 represents an increase compared to the previous CBD, as sectoral emission coverage has been extended to all sectors and gases estimated in the most recent GHG inventory.", + "The CBD 2020 represents an advance over the previous CBD, as sectoral emission coverage has been extended to all sectors and gases estimated in the most recent GHG inventory. The CBD 2020 has defined specific indicators for monitoring and assessment and advocates a capacity building plan for better ownership by the various stakeholders. d.", + "The UNCCD 2020 has defined specific indicators for monitoring and evaluation and advocates a capacity-building plan for better ownership by the various stakeholders. d. How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Agreement Although Burundi is not an emitting country, it is developing GHG mitigation actions through its policies. e. How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Agreement strengthens its mitigation efforts through the inclusion in the new UNCCD of national actions to reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon stocks.", + "The way in which the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Agreement Although Burundi is not an emitting country, it is developing GHG mitigation actions through its policies. e. The way in which the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Agreement Burundi is strengthening its mitigation efforts through the inclusion in the new NCD of national actions to reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon stocks. For example, the development of new and renewable energies (solar, wind, hydroelectric power plants under construction, etc.), the increase in the domestic budget to finance mitigation and adaptation measures, but also policies such as the National Development Plan, 2018-2027 and the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Planning Policy.", + "Information on how they continue to strengthen their mitigation efforts, and how they intend to move over time towards the Economic wide emission reduction or limitation target EWERLT in the light of different national circumstances.", + "For example, the development of new and renewable energies (solar, wind, hydroelectric power plants under construction, etc.), the increase in the domestic budget to finance mitigation and adaptation measures, but also policies such as the National Development Plan, 2018-2027 and the Policy for Planning the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock, 6 How does the NDC represent a step beyond the Party\u2019s previous NDC and reflect its greatest possible ambition 7 Developing countries: information on how they continue to strengthen their mitigation efforts, and how they intend to move over time towards the Economic wide emission reduction or limitation target EWERLT in the light of different national circumstances.", + "8 Least developed countries and small island developing States may develop and communicate low-carbon development strategies, plans and measures appropriate to their particular circumstances. 7.", + "8 Least developed countries and small island developing States may establish and communicate low-carbon development strategies, plans and measures appropriate to their particular circumstances. 7. How the contribution determined at the national level contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 (a).", + "How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 a. How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 b. How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 c. How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 d. How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 e. How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 e. How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 e. How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article", + "It plans to implement projects/programmes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 2021 to 2025. -The revised NCD will also contribute to the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 1, of the PA, as it provides for policy, strategic measures and mitigation plans/programmes. Existing policies take into account the climate plan and SDSs with the aim of developing in a carbon-neutral manner to contribute to the overall objective. Mitigation objectives The National GHG Inventory Burundi has published three national communications on climate change. They have been submitted to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Each of these communications is based on an inventory of greenhouse gases.", + "Each of these communications is based on an inventory of greenhouse gases. The third national climate communication, published in 2019, is based on the third GHG inventory published in 2018.11 The latter covers the years 2005, 2010 and 2015. 9 Article 2 of the UNFCCC sets out the ultimate objective of \"stabilising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system\" (UNFCCC 1992). The second sentence specifies that this stabilisation must be achieved \"within a sufficient timeframe to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, so that food production is not threatened and economic development can continue.\" 10 Article 2.1(a) of the Paris Agreement includes two global temperature targets - \"well below 2", + "Article 2.1(a) of the Paris Agreement includes two global temperature targets - \u201cwell below 2 degrees\u201d and \u201c1.5 degrees\u201d.", + "10 Article 2.1(a) of the Paris Agreement includes two global temperature targets \u2013 \"well below 2 degrees\" and \"1.5 degrees.\" Article 4.1 qualifies them by stating that \"the Parties aim to reach the global greenhouse gas emission cap as soon as possible, recognizing that this cap will take longer for developing country Parties, and to undertake rapid reductions of these emissions. and to undertake subsequent rapid reductions in accordance with the best available scientific data.\" and that the Parties will also strive to \"achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and emissions by sinks\" in the second half of the century. 11 Burundi is in the process of preparing its first Biennial Climate Update Report, which will be based on the fourth greenhouse gas inventory.", + "Burundi is in the process of preparing its first Biennial Climate Update Report, which will be based on the Fourth Greenhouse Gas Inventory, which is in the process of being prepared and therefore cannot be used as a baseline for the update of the CBD 2020.", + "Perimeters Under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment, greenhouse gas inventories are carried out by the Office Burundais pour la Protection de l\u2019Environnement (OBPE). The 3rd national GHG inventory used in the CDN 2020 takes into account the sectors of energy (including transport), agriculture, forestry and other land uses (AFAT), industrial processes and product uses (PIUP) and waste. Possible exclusions for certain sub-sectors (sources not present in Burundi or whose emissions are not estimated in the last national GHG inventory) are presented in the sectoral paragraphs below.", + "The gases for which emissions or removals are accounted for are listed in Table 10. Table 9: Sectors and gases accounted for Sectors Gases Energy Agriculture and Elevation FAT PIP Waste Fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3) These gases are not accounted for in the third greenhouse gas inventory and are therefore not considered in the NCC 2020. The methodology adopted is based on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. GHG emissions and removals were calculated using the 2006 IPCC Inventory Software using Tier 1 methodology. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions were calculated using Tier 1 methodology of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and IPCC Tools.", + "The calculation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions was performed using the 2006 IPCC Guidelines Tier 1 methodology and IPCC Tools. For this methodology level, the required data are the activity data on the quantity of burnt fuels (activity data) and the default emission factors for each fuel in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. In the calculation of emissions from the energy sector, the activity data used are from the subsectors energy industries, manufacturing, construction, trade, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, residential and transportation. In the residential subsector, the fuels used are wood energy, bagasse12 consisting of vegetable or agricultural waste for cooking, heating and lighting, and oil for lighting by rural households.", + "In the residential subsector, fuels used are wood energy, bagasse12 consisting of vegetable or agricultural waste for cooking, heating and lighting, and oil for lighting by rural households. In the urban subsector, fuels used are wood coal for cooking and oil for partial lighting. In the transport subsector, fuels used are gasoline and gasoline.", + "In the transportation subsector, the fuels used are gas oil and gasoline. Emissions from the combustion of plant or agricultural waste, which are used mainly in rural households, have not been quantified due to lack of data. Agriculture and Livestock Emissions calculated in this sector relate to domestic livestock (enteric fermentation and manure management) and managed soils (burning of crop biomass residues, emissions from rice cultivation, direct N2O emissions from managed soils, and CO2 emissions from charring and urea application). The methodology used in the 3rd GHG Inventory to calculate GHG emissions in the agriculture sector is Tier 1 and the default parameters of the IPCC 2006 Guidelines. The IPCC software was used to calculate emissions of methane (CH4) and nitrogen hem", + "The IPCC software was used to calculate emissions of methane (CH4) and nitrogen hemioxide (N2O). The Agriculture and Livestock sector includes the subsectors and categories listed in Table 11. Table 10: Agriculture and Livestock Sector Subsectors and Categories Subsector Categories Domestic Livestock Enteric Fermentation, Manure Management Systems Crops Cropland Crop Residue Combustion Rice Crop Application of Synthetic Fertilizers for All Crops Managed Soils (Heating, Urea Fertilizers), For livestock, input data focuses on primary characterization of livestock to classify animals according to what is applicable to the country, taking into account livestock species and categories. For managed soils, activity data is the amount of biomass burned during leaf removal by pre-harvest fire from the area occupied by the sugar", + "For managed soils, the activity data are the amount of biomass burned during leaf removal by pre-harvest fire from the area occupied by the sugar cane. For rice cultivation, the activity data collected on the ground relate to the annual rice harvest area and the time of the vegetative cycle. For fertilizer application and liming, the input data are the amounts of fertilizer and lime used, respectively.", + "For fertilizer application and liming, input data are the quantities of fertilizer and lime used, respectively. Daily monitoring of the area on which wood products are harvested (SOSUMO scale) is done. Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPU) In Burundi\u2019s 3rd GHG Inventory, the Tier 1 methodology used to calculate emissions is that recommended by the 2006 IPCC Guidelines in which activity data were multiplied by default emission factors. The calculations were made using the IPCC software. The emission sources considered are lime production (mineral subsector) and iron and steel production (metallurgical subsector). Burundi has no chemical industries. Emissions from non-energy use of fuels are not estimated due to lack of data.", + "Emissions from non-energy use of fuels are not estimated due to a lack of data. Emissions of fluorinated gases and NF3 from the use (domestic or industrial) and manufacture of these gases are not estimated because national data are not available to estimate emissions from product use and because there are no industries producing these products in Burundi. In Burundi\u2019s 3rd GHG Inventory, the LULUCF sector comprises the forest land, cropland, pastureland, wetlands and peatlands subsectors. Activity data are forest land, both public and private, pastureland, cropland and peatlands.", + "Activity data are areas of both public and private forest land, areas of pastureland, cropland and peatlands. After data collection and processing, the methodology used to calculate GHG emissions is as described in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. The conversion factors of FRA 2015 data were used. Emissions/removals calculations were performed using the 2006 IPCC software by entering the processed activity data. Based on the captured data, the software calculates emissions from biomass stock change, wetlands management, forest fires and harvested wood products and summarizes emissions from all land-use and land-use categories (LULUCF).", + "On the basis of the data entered, the software calculates emissions from biomass stock change, wetlands management, forest fires and harvested wood products and summarizes emissions from all land-use and land-use categories (LULUCF). For the LULUCF sector, in addition to these sources of emissions, the rate of deforestation and forest degradation, timber consumption rates, and the development of wood-saving technologies are to be considered..Continuous monitoring and evaluation for the implementation of projects/programs/measures designed to mitigate emissions and subsequent removals due to natural disturbances on harvested land is carried out.", + "Ongoing monitoring and evaluation is conducted for the implementation of projects/programs/measures designed to mitigate emissions and subsequent removals from natural disturbances on farmland. In Burundi\u2019s 3rd GHG Inventory, the methodology for calculating emissions in this sector was based on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories and the 2006 IPCC software. Due to the absence of country-specific emission factors, estimates were based on Tier 1 methods, primarily using activity data and default parameters. The solid waste categories considered in Burundi\u2019s 3rd GHG Inventory are municipal solid waste (household and commercial).", + "The categories of solid waste considered in Burundi\u2019s third GHG inventory are municipal solid waste (household and commercial). Biomedical waste was not included in the emission calculations due to a lack of data on solid waste discharged into pits and incinerators. The emission calculations for solid waste covered only the cities of Bujumbura and Gitega and certain markets. For wastewater, discharges from households, commerce and industry are included. Table 12 and Figure 1 summarize the results of Burundi\u2019s third national GHG inventory. For conversion to CO2 equivalents, Gg, values of the Global Heating Potential (GWP) corresponding to a 100-year period of the IPCC Second Assessment Report (SOD) were used.", + "National GHG Emissions in Gg CO2eq by Sector Energy Sectors Industrial Processes and Product Use Agriculture and Livestock Forestry and Others Land Use Waste Total National Emissions with Removals Total Emissions without Removals Source: 3rd National GHG Inventory (NCIA) Figure 1: GHG Emissions Synthesis, NCIA. Analysis of the GHG Emissions Synthesis results shows that the removal capacity has decreased significantly in Burundi, resulting in increased greenhouse gas emissions.", + "Analysis of the synthesis results of the emissions with removals shows that the absorption capacity has decreased significantly in Burundi, resulting in an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. All emissions recorded in the third inventory show that they originate in agriculture, in soils managed by manure management systems. Energy sector Table 13 presents the results of emissions from the energy sector for the three types of gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) for the years 2005, 2010 and 2015. Table 12:", + "Manufacturing and Construction Air - - - - - - - Road Marine - - - - - - Gg CO2 eq Years Chart 1: Summary of GHG Emissions NTC Energy Industrial Processes and Product Use Agriculture and Livestock Forestry and Other Land Use Waste 4. Trade and Institution 6. Agriculture/Forestry and Fisheries TOTAL Emissions TOTAL CO2 EQ Chart 2: Energy Sector GHG Emissions Table 13: Summary of Energy Sector Emissions by Subsector BUSINESS LINES 2. Ind. Manufacturing and Construction 3. Transport (Air, Road and Marine) 4. Trade and Institution 6. Agriculture/Forestry and Fisheries TOTAL CO2 EQ Chart 3: Energy Sector Emissions The results of the Energy Sector Emissions show that CO2 emissions are highest in the Transport Subsector, followed by Manufacturing and Marine.", + "CO2 emissions are highest in the transportation subsector, followed by the manufacturing and construction subsector.", + "Trade and Institution 6.Agriculture / Forestry and Fisheries TOTAL CO2 EQ Chart 3: Energy Sector Emissions The results of the energy sector emissions show that CO2 emissions are highest in the transport sub-sector, followed by the manufacturing and construction sub-sector. Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 3: Energy Sector Emissions, NTC. 2. Ind. Manufacturing and Construction 3. Transport (air, road and marine) 4. Trade and Institution 6.Agriculture / Forestry and Fisheries Regarding non-CO2 emissions, the \"residential\" sector leads with methane emissions from the incomplete combustion of biomass and its derivatives. Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPU). IPU emissions are negligible and the results are shown in Table 14. Table 14: IPU GHG Emissions in Gg", + "and the results are shown in Table 14. Table 14: IPPC GHG Emissions in Gg CO2.", + "ANNEXES Categories 2.A Mineral Industries 2.A.2 - Lime Production 2.C Metal Industries 2.C.1 - Steel and Iron Production Total UPP in Eq CO2 in Gg Chart 4: UPP Sector Emissions Agriculture and Livestock Sector Emissions from the agriculture and livestock sector are from domestic livestock and managed soils. Table 15 and Chart 4 show the results of GHG emissions from domestic livestock and managed soils. Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 4:", + "Table 15: CH4 Emissions from Domestic Livestock in EqCO2 in Gg. Domestic Livestock Subsector Categories Enteric Fermentation Manure Management Total Domestic Livestock Total Graph 5: Emissions from Domestic Livestock As for managed soils, the emissions resulting from manure management systems are mainly due to manure management systems. Table 16 and Graph 5 show the status of CH4 emissions from managed soils in Gg CO2 equivalent. Table 16: Emissions from managed soils in Eq CO2 in Gg.", + "Table 16: Managed Soil Emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg Categories Crop Residue Grinding Rice Farming Manure Management System Crop Residue Grinding Net CO2 Application Total Managed Soil EqCO2 in Gg Years Chart: Emissions from Domestic Livestock Subsector, NWT Enteric Fermentation Manure Management Chart 6: Managed Soil Emissions Analysis of Table 16 shows that Eq CO2 in Gg emissions from the manure management system are high. This is an error in accounting for non-CO2 emissions from this manure management system.", + "This is due to an error in accounting for non-CO2 emissions from this manure management system. For this reason, the reliable results that can be considered in the agriculture sector are those found in Table 12. Forestry and other land uses (LULUCF) Table 17 and Chart 6 present the results of Burundi\u2019s 3rd national inventory for the LULUCF sector by distinguishing emissions and removals resulting from changes in the carbon stocks of the different reservoirs and land use changes. Table 17:", + "Table 17: Summary of GHG Emissions / Removals Results GHG Emissions / Removals in Gg 2005 GHG Emissions / Removals in Gg 2010 GHG Emissions / Removals in Gg 2015 Forestry and Other Land Uses (i) Forestry Land Remaining Forestry Land (ii) Cropland Remaining Cropland (iii) Cropland Remaining Cropland (iv) Cropland Converted to Cropland (v) Of which Forestry Land Converted to Cropland (vi) Of which Pastures Converted to Cropland (vii) Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 6:", + "Graph 7: Emissions and removals from the LUCF sector The results show that the main source of emissions from the LUCF sector is the conversion of grazing land to cropland, which accounted for 75%, 74.2% and 70.7% of total emissions in 2005, 2010 and 2015, respectively. Forest conversion ranks second with 22.5%, 24.1% and 27.5% of total emissions in the sector, while the contribution of peatlands to LUCF emissions remains low (around 2%). As for removals, there was a decrease in removal capacities of 32% between 2005 and 2010 and 48% between 2010 and 2015.", + "Emissions and removals from the LUCF sector Harvested wood products (ix) Peatlands remaining peatlands (viii) Of which Pastures converted to cropland (vii) Of which Forest land converted to cropland (vi) Land converted to cropland (v) Cropland remaining cropland (iv) Cropland (iii) Forest land remaining forestland (ii) Forestry and other land uses (i) Deforestation for the benefit of agriculture, habitat and public infrastructure.", + "The evolution of GHG emissions from the LULUCF sector depends on the use of wood for either cooking or construction, which have an impact on forest degradation and the conversion of forest land to agriculture or construction. Thus, demographics is one of the reasons for the increase in GHG emissions from the LULUCF sector. On the other hand, the increase in carbon sinks is in line with the increase in forest area and good practices for the conservation and management of forest ecosystems.", + "On the other hand, the increase in carbon sinks is in line with the increase in forest area and good forest ecosystem conservation and management practices. Reforestation and combating the conversion of forest land and pasture for other speculation are important mitigation routes through the REDD+ process. Waste sector Table 18 and Figure 6 present the results of Burundi\u2019s 3rd national inventory from the waste sector.", + "Reforestation and combating the conversion of forest land and pasture for other speculation are important mitigation pathways through the REDD+ process. Waste Sector Table 18 and Figure 6 present the results of Burundi\u2019s 3rd national waste sector inventory. Table 18: Summary of GHG emissions from the waste sector Year Sources of emissions Emissions from solid waste landfills Emissions from domestic and commercial wastewater Emissions from industrial wastewater Total (in Gg) per Gas Total Emissions in EqCO2 in Gg Chart 8: Emissions from the waste sector Table 18 shows that emissions from the waste sector accounted for 10.88% in 2005, 7.22% in 2010 and 4.21% in 2015, respectively, compared to the total GHG emissions from the 3rd greenhouse gas inventory (See Table 12). 2.2", + "2.2 Mitigation Scenarios for the CBD 2020 2.2.1.", + "Table 18: Summary of GHG Emissions from the Waste Sector Year Sources of Emissions Emissions from Solid Waste Landfills Emissions from Domestic and Commercial Wastewater Emissions from Industrial Wastewater Total (Gg) per Gas Total Emission in EqCO2 in Gg Chart 8: Emissions from the Waste Sector Table 18 shows that emissions from the waste sector accounted for 10.88% in 2005, 7.22% in 2010 and 4.21% in 2015, respectively, compared to the total GHG emissions from the Third Greenhouse Gas Inventory (See Table 12). 2.2 CBD 2020 Mitigation Scenarios 2.2.1. Indicator, Year of Reference and Target Year(s) Under the CBD 2020, the reference indicator is a quantitative GHG emission indicator for a Business as Usual (BAU) scenario incorporating all sectors of the Third National Greenhouse Gas", + "GHG inventory, for a Business as Usual (BAU) scenario incorporating all sectors of the 3rd National GHG Inventory and annually for 2 target years.", + "Indicator, Reference Year(s) and Target Year(s) Under the CBD 2020, the baseline indicator is a quantitative GHG emission indicator for a Business as Usual (BAU) scenario incorporating all sectors of the 3rd National GHG Inventory and annually for 2 target years. For an indicator defined against a baseline scenario, the target years are 2025 and 2030. The updated CBD will have a 10-year period spread over two periods. The first period will begin on January 1, 2021 and end on December 31, 2030 with an intermediate year of 2025. The CBD 2020 defines 2 scenarios: the baseline scenario and the mitigation scenario.", + "The CDN 2020 defines 2 scenarios: the baseline scenario and the mitigation scenario. The chosen baseline scenario is the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario, which corresponds to the trend in the evolution of GHG emissions in the event that Burundi does not take any mitigation measures, while the mitigation scenario involves the implementation of actions contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions. Two mitigation scenarios are distinguished: the unconditional objective scenario (achievable by Burundi\u2019s own resources) and the conditional objective scenario (achievable by supporting international cooperation in accordance with Articles 9 and 6 of the Paris Agreement).", + "Two mitigation scenarios are distinguished: the unconditional target scenario (achievable by Burundi\u2019s own resources) and the conditional target scenario (achievable by supporting international cooperation in accordance with Articles 9 and 6 of the Paris Agreement). Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 8: Waste Sector Emissions Emissions from Industrial Wastewater Emissions from Domestic and Commercial Wastewater Emissions from Solid Waste Landfills The scope of the CBD 2020 projections covers the entire national territory of Burundi.", + "In particular, the FAO subsectors of cropland, peatlands and harvested wood products, the Industrial Products and Product Uses (IPU) sector, transport and the waste sector are now included in the target value calculation. This was not the case in the 2015 NCD and demonstrates an increase in Burundi\u2019s ambition. The sectors covered by the updated NCD are presented in Table 19.", + "The sectors covered by the updated NCD are presented in Table 19. Table 19 Sectors Accounted for Sectors Sub-sectors Gases Covered Energy and Transport Stationary Fuel Combustion Transport PIP Mineral Industries Metallurgical Industries AFAT Agriculture and Upgrading Forestry and Other Land Use Waste Solid and Liquid Waste Treatment For these sectors, all gases included in the 3rd Inventory are also included in the calculation of the target value, namely CO2, CH4 and N2O. HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3 gases were not included as they are not estimated in the 3rd National GHG Inventory.", + "HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3 have not been included as they are not estimated in the Third National GHG Inventory. CBD 2020 takes into account Article 5 of the Paris Agreement on the Strengthening of GHG Sinks and Reservoirs as provided for in Article 4, paragraph 1 (d), of the Convention, including forests and the REDD+ mechanism. Article 5, paragraph 1, invites Parties to take measures to conserve and strengthen carbon sinks. 2.2.3. Methodology for calculating emissions/removals from different scenarios The formula used for calculating avoided emissions by action is as follows: E=DA x FE where DA= activity data (DA) and FE= emission factor (FE) proposed by default for each gas and fuel by the IPCC 2006 LDs.", + "Method of calculating emissions / removals for different scenarios The formula used to calculate avoided emissions per share is as follows: E=AD x EF where AD = activity data (AD) and EF = emission factor (EF) proposed by default for each gas and fuel by the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. The mitigation scenario is established by applying the mitigation actions to reduce GHG emissions. The avoided emissions are calculated by subtracting the emissions calculated per mitigation action from the BAU emissions. For the 2 mitigation scenarios, the approach was to calculate the avoided emissions for the years 2025 and 2030, by action retained in the NCD for each sector, and then subtract these avoided emissions from the values of the sector reference scenario.", + "For the 2 mitigation scenarios, the approach was to calculate avoided emissions for the years 2025 and 2030, by selected action in the CDN for each sector, and then subtract these avoided emissions from the values of the sectoral baseline scenario. For conversion to CO2 equivalents, the Global Warming Potential (GWP) values for a 100-year period recommended in the second IPCC assessment report were applied. These are 21 for CH4 and 310 for N2O. 2.2.4. BAU Baseline Scenario. The value of BAU emissions is likely to change due to methodological changes and improvements in the preparation of future greenhouse gas inventories. The BAU baseline scenario is established if no action is taken to implement policies, plans and strategies that can contribute to GHG mitigation.", + "The BAU baseline scenario is established if no action is taken to implement policies, plans and strategies that can contribute to GHG mitigation. The BAU under consideration is that of the NTC, which is projected to run until 2030 from 2015. Energy Sector Plans, Policies and Strategy The National Development Plan 2018-2027 is the basic document on which the development of the energy sector is based. GHG Emission Projection Assumptions and Parameters Projection assumptions are based on the population growth rate, economic growth (GDP), the country\u2019s political and strategic policy measures related to the country\u2019s socio-economic and environmental developments. GHG Impacts / BAU Scenario.", + " Energy Sector Plans, Policies and Strategy The National Development Plan 2018-2027 is the basic document on which the development of the energy sector is based. GHG Emission Projection Assumptions and Parameters The projection assumptions are based on the population growth rate, economic growth (GDP), the country\u2019s political and strategic policy measures relating to the country\u2019s socio-economic and environmental developments. GHG Impacts / BAU Scenario. Table 21 presents the historical and projected GHG emissions for the BAU scenario of the energy sector for the years 2025 and 2030.", + "Table 21 presents the historical and projected GHG emissions for the BAU scenario of the Energy Sector for 2025 and 2030. Table 20: GHG Emissions from the Energy Sector by the BAU scenario Gas Total Eq CO2 in Gg Source: TCN Chart 9: GHG Emissions from the Energy Sector Sector Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPU) Plans, Policies and Strategies In addition to the Plans, Policies and Strategies common to all sectors (UNDP 2018-2027, Vision Burundi 2025, National Climate Change Policy), the Industrialization Policy is specific to the IPU sector. Projection Assumptions and Parameters Projection assumptions for the IPU sector are based on economic growth and the rate of industrialization.", + "The parameters are the quantities of lime used in tonnes, the quantities of iron and steel used in tonnes. Emission factors have been taken into account as the emission calculation parameters. GHG Impact Emissions from the BAU scenario for the UPPER sector are shown in Table 22.", + "Emission factors have been taken into account as emission calculation parameters. GHG Impact Emissions from the BAU scenario for the LUCF sector are shown in Table 22. Table 21: Emissions in Gg CO2 eq in the BAU scenario for the LUCF sector GAS 2.A.2 - Lime Production 2.C.1 - Iron and Steel Production Total Eq CO2 in Gg Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 9: BAU GHG Emissions from the Energy Sector Chart 10: Emissions from the BAU scenario PIU Agriculture and Livestock Sector Plans, Policies and Strategies In addition to the Plans, Policies and Strategies common to all sectors (UNDP 2018-2027, Vision Burundi 2025, National Climate Change Policy), some Plans, Policies and Strategies are specific to the Agriculture Sector.", + "Table 21: Emissions in Gg of CO2 eq in BAU scenario for PIP Gas 2.A.2 - Lime Production 2.C.1 - Iron and Steel Production Total Eq CO2 in Gg Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 9: GHG Emissions in BAU scenario for Energy Chart 10: Emissions in BAU scenario for PIU Agriculture and Livestock Sector Plans, Policies and Strategies In addition to the Plans, Policies and Strategies common to all sectors (UNDP 2018-2027, Vision Burundi 2025, National Climate Change Policy), some Plans, Policies and Strategies are specific to the Agriculture Sector. - Guidance Document for the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy (DOPEAE), - National Agricultural Investment Plan (NIAP) 2018-2022, - National Agricultural Strategy (SAN", + "Seeds, - Mineral Fertilizer Subsidy Program, - Vaccination Program for Major Domestic Animal Diseases, - Artificial Insemination Program for Animals, - Livestock Repopulation Program,", + "- Guidance Document for the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy (DOPEAE), - National Agricultural Investment Plan (NIAP) 2018-2022, - National Agricultural Strategy (SAN) 2018-2025, - Seed Subsidy Program, - Mineral Fertilizer Subsidy Program, - Vaccination Program against Major Domestic Animal Diseases, - Artificial Insemination of Animals Program, - Livestock Replenishment Program, Assumptions and Projection Parameters As part of the 3rd National Climate Communication, the BAU scenario for the Agriculture sector has been defined and emissions projections to 2050 have been made. As for the other sectors, the BAU reference scenario is established on the assumptions that no action is taken to implement these policies, plans or strategies that can mitigate emissions from domestic livestock and managed soils.", + "As with other sectors, the BAU baseline scenario is based on assumptions where no action is taken to implement these policies, plans or strategies that can mitigate emissions from livestock and managed soils. The projected parameters of the BAU scenario are related to changes in cattle, goats and sheep numbers for livestock. For managed soils, the parameters are related to EqCO2 area in Gg Years Chart 10: Emissions from the BAU scenario PIUP 2.A.2 - Lime production 2.C.1 - Rice iron and steel production, sugarcane harvested area, nitrogen fertilizer and urea used for managed soils.", + "For managed soils, the parameters are related to EqCO2 area in Gg Years Figure 10: BAU scenario emissions COP 2.A.2 - Lime production 2.C.1 - Rice iron and steel seeded area, sugarcane harvested area, nitrogen and urea fertilizer quantities used for managed soils. Under NCC 2020, the baseline scenario assumptions and parameters for the NCC Agriculture sector for 2025 and 2030 were selected. GHG impact Under NCC 2020, the baseline scenario (BAU) emissions for the NCC Agriculture sector were selected for 2025 and 2030. In this situation, the 2005 to 2050 emissions projection is presented in Table 23.", + "In this situation, the projection of emissions from 2005 to 2050 can be found in Table 23. Table 22: Projection of GHG emissions (Gg) from the Agriculture and Livestock Sector /BAU scenario in CO2e in Gg Graph 11: Emissions from the BAU scenario of the Agriculture Sector Forestry and Other Land Use (LULUCF) Sector, Plans, Strategies and Projects In addition to the Plans, Policies and Strategies common to all sectors (UNDP 2018-2027, Vision Burundi 2025, National Climate Change Policy, some Plans, Policies and Strategies are specific to the LULUCF Sector: Eq CO2 in Gg Years Graph 11: Emissions of GHGs from the Dry Agriculture Sector - National REDD+ Strategy, - National Protocol on Erosion Control for the L", + "As part of the 3rd National Communication, the BAU scenario for the FAT sector was defined and sectoral emissions projections up to 2050 were calculated.", + "Table 22: Projection of GHG emissions (Gg) from the Agriculture and Livestock Sector /BAU scenario in CO2e in Gg Graph 11: Emissions from the BAU scenario of the Agriculture Sector Forestry and Other Land Use (LULUCF) Sector, Plans, Strategies and Projects In addition to the Plans, Policies and Strategies common to all sectors (UNDP 2018-2027, Vision Burundi 2025, National Climate Change Policy), some Plans, Policies and Strategies are specific to the LULUCF Sector: Eq CO2 in Gg Years Graph 11:", + "Sectoral emission projections to 2050 have been calculated. In the LULUCF sector, BAU emission scenario projection assumptions are based on a decrease in the rate of forest cover and an increase in the need for forest products for either construction or energy.", + "In the LULUCF sector, projection assumptions for the BAU scenario of emissions are based on a decrease in the rate of forest cover and an increase in the need for forest products for either construction or energy. The BAU scenario is based on the non-implementation of policy measures leading to the control of deforestation and forest degradation and the strengthening of carbon stocks. The projection parameters are based on population data, deforested and/or degraded forest area, timber consumption ratio, population and economic growth, and base year activity data. In the context of the CBD 2020, the assumptions and parameters of the NTC LULUCF baseline scenario for 2025 and 2030 have been selected.", + "For the 2020 NCD, the baseline scenario assumptions and parameters for the NTC FAT sector for 2025 and 2030 have been selected. Table 24 highlights input data that have an impact on the evolution of FAT sector emissions. Table 23: BAU scenario data by subcategories Subcategories Assumptions Parameters Forest areas Conversion of forest land for speculation Reduced afforestation areas and their effects on the increase in GHG emissions Illegal logging Idem Pastures Conversion of pastures for agricultural or other purposes Decrease in pasture areas For forest areas, the two assumptions in Table 27 show that these areas will decrease and pine and Callitris forest areas will be most affected as shown in Table 25. Table 24:", + "Table 24: Evolution of pines and Callitris Pin Callitris Total GHG Impacts As part of the Third National Communication (TCN), emissions from the BAU scenario of the FAT sector were projected on the basis of assumptions related to the conversion of forest land and pastureland to other speculations. Table 26 and Figure 12 present historical and projected GHG emissions from the BAU scenario of the FAT sector to 2030. Table 25:", + "Table 26 and Figure 12 present the historical and projected GHG emissions for the BAU scenario of the LULUCF sector by 2030. Table 25: Evolution of LULUCF emissions / BAU scenario Year Gg emissions Figure 12: Emissions of the BAU / LULUCF scenario Waste Sector, Plans, Strategies and Projects In addition to the Plans, Policies and Strategies common to all sectors (UNDP 2018-2027, Vision Burundi 2025, National Climate Change Policy, National Remediation Policy and its 2025 Strategy for the Waste Sector is specific to the Waste Sector. Projection assumptions and parameters As part of the 3rd National Communication, the BAU scenario of the Waste Sector has been defined and projections of sectoral emissions up to 2050 have been calculated.", + "Evolution of FAT / BAU scenario emissions Year Emissions in Gg Chart 12: Emissions of BAU / FAT scenario Waste sector, Plans, strategies and projects In addition to the Plans, Policies and Strategies common to all sectors (UNDP 2018-2027, Vision Burundi 2025, National Climate Change Policy, National Remediation Policy and its 2025 strategy for the waste sector is specific to the Waste sector. Projection assumptions and parameters In the context of the 3rd National Communication, the BAU scenario for the Waste sector was defined and sectoral emissions projections up to 2050 were calculated.", + " GHG Impact In the context of the 3rd National Communication (NCC), emissions from the BAU scenario of the Waste sector were projected on the basis of the rate of economic growth; the increase in population and waste stocks. Years Chart 12: Emissions from the BAU /FAT scenario Table 27 and Figure 13 show historical GHG emissions (results of the 3rd national GHG inventory and projected (NCC) results) for the BAU scenario of the Waste sector to 2030.", + "Years Chart 12: BAU/FAT scenario emissions Table 27 and Figure 13 show historical GHG emissions (results of the 3rd National GHG Inventory and projected GHG emissions (results of the NTC) for the Waste Sector BAU scenario by 2030. Table 26: Evolution of GHG emissions from the Waste Sector BAU scenario Emissions CH4 emissions in industrial wastewater in Eq CO2 CH4 emissions in commercial and domestic wastewater in Eq CO2 CH4 emissions in solid wastewater in Eq CO2 CH4 emissions in commercial and domestic wastewater Total Source:", + "Table 26: Evolution of BAU GHG Emissions for the Waste Sector Emissions CH4 Emissions from Industrial Wastewater in Eq CO2 CH4 Emissions from Commercial and Domestic Wastewater in Eq CO2 CH4 Emissions from Solid Wastewater in Eq CO2 CH4 Emissions from Commercial and Domestic Wastewater Total Source:", + "Summary of the BAU Scenario Table 28 and Figure 13 present historical GHG emissions (results of the 3rd National Inventory of) and projected GHG emissions (results of the NTC) for the BAU scenario for all sectors for 2025 and 2030, except for the managed soils subsector of Agriculture. eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 13: Emissions of the BAU scenario waste N2O emissions domestic and commercial wastewater CH4 emissions from solid wastewater in eq CO2 CH4 emissions from commercial and domestic wastewater in eq CO2 CH4 emissions from industrial wastewater in eq CO2 Table 27: Emissions in Gg CO2eq of the BAU scenario for all sectors Energy PIP Agriculture and Elevation FAT Waste Total with FAT Total without FAT Chart", + "Table 14: Total BAU scenario emissions EqCO2 in Gg Years Table 14: Total BAU scenario emissions Energy LUCF Agriculture and Livestock LULUCF Waste 2.2.5.", + "Eq CO2 in Gg Years Chart 13: Scenario BAU emissions waste N2O emissions domestic and commercial wastewater CH4 emissions from solid waste in Eq CO2 CH4 emissions from commercial and domestic wastewater in Eq CO2 CH4 emissions from industrial wastewater in Eq CO2 Table 27: Scenario BAU emissions in Gg CO2eq for all sectors Energy PIUP Agriculture and Elevation PFOS Waste Total with PFOS Total without PFOS Chart 14: Scenario BAU total emissions CO2 in Gg Years Chart 14: Scenario BAU total emissions Energy PIUP Agriculture and Elevation PFOS Waste 2.2.5. Unconditional scenario Energy sector (excluding Transport subsector) A&M, mitigation plans and actions selected A.", + "Unconditional scenario Energy sector (excluding Transport sub-sector) P&M, selected mitigation plans and actions A. Energy sector excluding Transport sub-sector The National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, the National Climate Change Policy, the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, the three National Communications on Climate Change and the Policy Letter, as well as the Sectoral Strategy for the Energy Sector provide for measures and technologies essential for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions.", + "They emphasize the introduction of new technologies and measures aimed at improving the conditions for the production and use of non- or low-carbon energy sources as a substitute for the technologies currently in use. The programmes and projects considered as priorities are the construction of hydroelectric and solar power stations, the promotion of improved wood carbonisation techniques, the promotion of improved wood-burning households in urban and rural areas, the promotion of biogas in schools and detention facilities and the improvement of energy efficiency. In the CND 2020, several actions implementing these priority programmes with a mitigation impact are selected under the unconditional scenario and are described in Table 28.", + "In the CND 2020, several actions for the implementation of these priority programmes with an impact in terms of mitigation are selected under the unconditional scenario and are described in Table 28. Table 28: Actions selected for the unconditional scenario in the energy sector National Priorities Objective IOV Actions Costs Start Date End Date State of progress in March 2021 1- Increase hydroelectric generation capacity 45.4 MW are installed Construct three hydroelectric power stations in Ruzibazi Mpanda MW), Number of MW installed in Ruzibazi, Kabu and Mpanda under the Public Private Partnership Construct RUVYI 102 and MULE HE Number of new functional hydroelectric power stations - New hydroelectric generation capacity Construct cascade power stations on and SIGUVYAYE 300KW of the Karonke micropower station Construct the installed capacity micropower station commissioned (private) Karonke 2- Increa", + "SIGUVYAYE 300KW of Karonke micro-power plant are Installed capacity micro-power plant in operation (private) Karonke 2- Increase energy production capacity by photovoltaic system are installed Installed capacity of Mubuga solar power plant Installed capacity of off-grid public facilities by photovoltaic solar energy Electrify off-grid public facilities by photovoltaic solar energy Number of facilities electrified use of biogas digesters in boarding schools to compensate for the use of wood for cooking boarding schools are equipped with a biogas digester Construct biogas digesters in boarding schools Number of facilities equipped with a biogas digester.", + "Source: Ministry of Hydraulics, Energy and Mines. B. Transport sub-sector The national transport sector policies and strategies considered in the unconditional scenario are the National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, the National Strategy for Planning and Management of the Transport Sector 2018-2027, the sectoral policy of the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Equipment and the National Industrialization Policy. The mitigation strategies envisaged in these documents are mainly the promotion of electric vehicles, public transit by large buses and the development of pedestrian and bicycle paths. In CDN 2020, the priority for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in the Transport sub-sector is the development of public transit by large buses to reduce the fuel consumption of individual vehicles.", + "Table 29 National Priority for Mitigation in the Transport Subsector National Priority Target Cost D ) Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators Comments/Considerations Start Date End Date Progress in March Improvement and increase in passenger car fleet By large buses in Number of large buses acquired This action will contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions from passenger cars. transport. circulati on Source: Priority Action Programme (PAP, July 2018). Assumptions and projection parameters A. Energy sector outside the Transport subsector.", + "Assumptions and projection parameters A. Energy sector outside the Transport subsector. The mitigation priorities identified are to implement technologies or fuels that emit less GHGs as a substitute for technologies or fuels that do not perform well in terms of mitigation, namely: - diesel thermal power plants for electricity generation, - wood heating for cooking and lighting in rural households and charcoal for cooking energy in urban households. Table 30 shows the parameters used for the accounting of these emissions.", + "Table 30 shows the parameters used to account for these emissions. Table 30: Mitigation Priorities and Parameters for Accounting for Emissions No. Mitigation Priorities Emission Calculation Parameters Construction of Hydroelectric Power Plants - Generation Capacity of the Power Plant; - Number of Hours of Operation of the Power Plant - Equivalent of Annual Generation in Tera Joule; - Emissions from Diesel Thermal Power Plant of the same Capacity Construction of Solar Power Plants or Mini Solar Power Plants - Generation Capacity of the Power Plant; - Number of Hours of Operation of the Power Plant - Equivalent of Annual Generation in Tera Joule - Emissions from Diesel Thermal Power Plant of the same Capacity Promoting the Use of Biogas Digesters in Boarding Schools - Volume of Biogas Digester (50m3); - Energy Production in kWh of one m3", + "Boarding schools - Volume of biogas digester (50m3); - Energy production in kWh of one m3 of a digester - Emissions from wood to produce the same energy for cooking B. Transportation Subsector IPCC Tools 2006 is used to quantify emissions from buses and emissions that cars would have emitted to transport the same number of people over the same distance.", + "The avoided emissions are then calculated by the difference between the two.", + "Table 31: Mitigation Priorities and Emission Calculation Parameters for the Transport Subsector Mitigation Priorities Calculation Parameters Improvement and Increase in Public Transit Fleet - Number of buses with 60 seats (200 buses in 2025 and 300 buses in 2030); - Bus fuel consumption (50l/100km); - Daily travel in km (28km/day); - Bus fuel per day in litre; - Annual bus fuel quantity in litre; - Number of passenger cars excluded from traffic; - Car consumption (10/100km) - Fuel saved from consumption; - Annual fuel saved from consumption Priorities Selected Amount of diesel not consumed as a result of the action (in TJ) FE (kg /GJ) Emissions in Gg Eq Source Improvement and increase in public transit fleet Kg and N", + "Kg and NDP GHG Impact A. Energy Sector Outside Transportation Subsector Emissions avoided in the mitigation scenario are equal to the default emission factors (Level 1) of the technology/substituted fuel multiplied by the energy consumption avoided as a result of the implementation of the actions. IPCC Tools 2006 quantified these avoided emissions by entering activity data for each project in relation to the practice in place. This methodology was applied to all the actions selected in the 2020 CDN. Table 32 presents the avoided GHG emissions in the Energy (Outside Transportation) sector for the years 2025 and 2030.", + "Table 32 presents the GHG emissions avoided in the Energy (non-transport) sector for the years 2025 and 2030. Table 32: Emissions avoided by national priorities National priorities Priorities selected Emissions avoided in 1.Increase hydroelectric power generation capacity Develop Ruzibazi hydroelectric power station (15MW), Kabu hydroelectric power station 20MW and Mpanda hydroelectric power station Develop RUVYI 102 and MULE 037 hydroelectric power stations Develop cascading power stations on DAMA (8.8MW) and SIGUVYAYE Develop Karonke micro-power station (300KW) 2.Increase photovoltaic power generation capacity Develop Mubuga solar power station (7.5MW) Electrify off-grid public facilities with photovoltaic solar power Use biogas digesters in boarding schools Construct biogas digesters at 20 electrical facilities Total B. Subsector Transport Table 33 present", + "Total B. Transportation Subsector Table 33 presents the GHG emissions avoided in the Transportation subsector for 2025 and 2030.", + "Table 32: Emissions Avoided by National Priorities National Priorities Priorities Selected Emissions Avoided by 1.Increase Hydroelectric Power Generation Capacity Development of Ruzibazi Hydroelectric Power Plant (15MW), Kabu Hydroelectric Power Plant 16 (20MW) and Mpanda Hydroelectric Power Plant Development of RUVYI 102 and MULE 037 Development of cascading power plants on DAMA (8.8MW) and SIGUVYAYE Development of Karonke Micro-Power Plant (300KW) 2.Increase Photovoltaic Power Generation Capacity Development of Mubuga Solar Power Plant (7.5MW) Electrification of off-grid public utilities with photovoltaic solar power Use of biogas digesters in boarding schools Construction of biogas digesters at 20 powered facilities Total B. Transport Subsector Table 33 presents the GHG emissions avoided in the Transport Subsector for", + "Table 33: Avoided Emissions Gas (Mg) (Mg) N2O (Mg) Total Eq CO2 in Gg Bus Emissions Off-Road Car Emissions Avoided Emissions Eq CO2 in Gg", + "Table 33: Avoided Emissions Gases (Mg) (Mg) N2O (Mg) Total Eq CO2 in Gg Emissions from Buses Emissions from Off-Road Vehicles Avoided Emissions Eq CO2 in Gg Industrial Processes and Product Uses (IPPC) Sector R&D, Selected Mitigation Plans and Actions In the IPPC sector, no action is prioritized in the updated NCD to reduce emissions by unconditional target due to the lack of well-defined indicators. However, plans and policies and strategies exist that can help reduce emissions in this sector. Assumptions and Projection Parameters As there are no unconditional target actions to be included in the 2020 NCD, assumptions and projection parameters are not required.", + "Assumptions and Projection Parameters As there are no actions by unconditional objective to be included in the CBD 2020, assumptions and projection parameters are not required. GHG Impact. The CBD 2020 does not include actions to mitigate emissions from the POPs sector, but it is accounted for in the OAU. Agriculture Sector The Department of Agriculture and Livestock has developed an Environmental, Agriculture and Livestock Policy Guidance Document, which is based on the NDP 2018-2027 and the NIP 2018-2022. To implement these strategic measures contained in these documents, the Department is considering a national permanently stable livestock policy. However, no action to support this policy is included in the conditional objective. Forestry and Other Land Use", + "However, no action in support of this policy is included in the conditional objective. Forestry and other land use sector Selected mitigation plans, strategies and actions Burundi has developed plans and strategies that may have an impact in terms of mitigation in relation to the LUCF sector, by reducing GHG emissions from the forestry sector through good forest resource management practices or by increasing GHG sinks. The most important are: - The National Development Plan 2018-2027, which, in its strategic direction 3, envisages environmental protection, adaptation to climate change and improvement of land use planning.", + "The most important are the following: - The National Development Plan 2018-2027 which, in its strategic orientation 3, envisages the protection of the environment, adaptation to climate change and improvement of spatial planning; - The Guidance Document for the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy; - The National Forestry Policy which, in its specific objective 2, envisages increasing the rate of forest cover to 20% by 2025; - The National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, (+) the role of the Conservation of Forest Ecosystems and Sustainable Forest Management as well as the improvement of carbon stocks; - The National Climate Change Policy which, in its axis 2, envisages the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and low-carbon development; etc.", + "- The Guidance Document for the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy, - The National Forestry Policy which, in its specific objective 2, envisages increasing the rate of forest cover to 20% by 2025, - The National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, (+) the role of the Conservation of Forest Ecosystems and Sustainable Forest Management and the Improvement of Carbon Stocks, - The National Climate Change Policy which, in its axis 2, envisages the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon-neutral development; etc. These plans, policies and strategies have been considered in order to define the actions of the FAT sector to be taken under the unconditional scenario of the CBD 2020.", + "These plans, policies and strategies were considered in order to define the actions of the FAT sector to be selected under the unconditional scenario of the CBD 2020. Thus, two priority actions selected in the CBD 2020 for the unconditional scenario are listed in Table 34. Table 34: Priority actions selected by unconditional objective Priority strategies Objective Actions Cost D Start date End date Status 2021. rural forestry Increase the forest cover rate to 15.74%, i.e. increase the forest cover by ha Produce and plant on 53.340 ha at a rate of 5334 ha/year from 2021 to 2030. bamboo sector development in Burundi Bamboo plantations created in ten years at a rate of 250 ha/year Protect river banks by planting bamboo on 2500 ha at a rate of 250 ha/year from 2021 to 2030.", + "Protect river banks by planting bamboo on 2500 ha at a rate of 250 ha/year from 2021 to 2030. Source of actions: DOPEAE, TCNCC and PND 2018-2027 Burundi. Assumptions and projection parameters For the FAT sector, the input parameters of the 2 selected actions are presented in Table 37. Figures in terms of area are recorded in DOPEAE and were validated by the workshops held in Muramvya on 21 and 22 July 2021 and in Ngozi on 6 and 7 July 2021. Table 35: Priority actions selected by unconditional objective Actions Acreage planted per year (ha) Acreage planted cumulatively in 2025 (ha) Acreage planted cumulatively in 2030 (ha) Source of figures Rural forestry development (reforestation of 53340 ha over 10 years)", + "Table 35: Priority Actions Selected by Unconditional Target Actions Acreage planted per year (ha) Acreage planted cumulatively in 2025 (ha) Acreage planted cumulatively in 2030 (ha) Source of figures Rural forestry development (reforestation of 53340 ha over 10 years) Acreage validation workshops Development of the bamboo sector Total GHG impact The Tier 1 IPCC Guidelines 2006 methodology was used to calculate additional GHG removals resulting from mitigation actions selected under the unconditional scenario by multiplying activity data by removal factors. To calculate removals, afforestation areas were considered as activity data. IPCC 2006 software was then used to calculate these removals. Table 42 shows the results of removals in 2025 and 2030 in Eq CO2 in G", + "Table 42 shows the results of removals in 2025 and 2030 in Eq CO2 in Gg. Table 36: Results of removals from the forestry sector in EqCO2 in Gg Actions Removals in Eq CO2 in Gg Foresting 53340ha in 2030 at a rate of 5334ha/year from 2021. Protecting river banks by planting bamboo on an area of 2500ha in 2030 at a rate of 250ha/year from 2021. Total Waste sector Selected plans, strategies and mitigation actions The National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, the national sanitation policy, the national plan for adaptation to climate change, the National Communications on climate change, etc., provide for actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from the waste sector.", + "Selected mitigation plans, strategies and actions The National Development Plan of Burundi 2018-2027, the National Remediation Policy, the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan, the National Communications on Climate Change, etc., provide for actions for the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from the waste sector. However, no action is envisaged under the CCD 2020 due to the lack of reliable data on waste quantification and landfill sites are not known, with the exception of a few sites identified in the third greenhouse gas inventory in the city of Bujumbura. Assumptions and projection parameters As there is no action planned by unconditional scenario in the CCD 2020, assumptions and projection parameters are not necessary. Impact in terms of GHGs No priority has been selected by unconditional objective.", + "GHG Impact No priority has been selected for an unconditional target. Consequently, the waste sector has no impacts in terms of GHG emission reductions, Target Definition The unconditional target is a national emission reduction of 1.58% compared to the BAU scenario by 2025 and 3.04% by 2030. Methodology The methodology for calculating the target at the sector level is to first add emissions avoided or absorbed from all sector priority actions. The value of the national target in Gg CO2 equivalent per unconditional target is the sum of emissions/absorptions resulting from the implementation of priority actions in all sectors.", + "The national target value in CO2 Equivalent in Gg by unconditional objective is the sum of emissions/absorptions resulting from the implementation of priority actions in all sectors. In percentage terms, the target value is the ratio of the sum of the sectoral emissions in the unconditional scenario to the sum of the sectoral emissions in the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario. The % target value \"C\" is expressed by the following equation: X/Y*100. Where X= \u2211 of the sectoral emissions in the unconditional scenario in EqCO2 in Gg. Y = \u2211 of the sectoral emissions in the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario in EqCO2 in Gg. Summary of avoided emissions and additional absorptions The summary of avoided emissions and removals in all sector", + "Y = \u2211 of Business As Usual (BAU) scenario sectoral emissions in EqCO2 in Gg. Summary of avoided emissions and additional removals A summary of avoided emissions and removals in all sectors can be found in Table 37. Table 37: Summary of avoided emissions and additional removals GHG avoided emissions (in Gg Eq CO2) GHG avoided emissions (in Gg Eq CO2) Sectors 1. Non-transportation energy Total emissions with removals Total emissions without removals", + "Percentage Target Value Table 38: Target Value by Unconditional Target Unconditional Target Unconditional Mitigation Scenario BAU Scenario % Mitigation It should be noted that the calculation of the target by unconditional target is out of absorption. 2.2.6. Other Impacts The actions selected in the unconditional target scenario have impacts on health, primarily by reducing diseases from smoke from wood burning, air pollution from gaseous emissions from vehicles. Other impacts on improving living conditions are important due to increased access to electricity, including household income growth through job creation and modernization, as well as diversification of income-generating activities. They also have positive spillovers on biodiversity conservation, including soil conservation, increased water availability, etc. 2.2.7. Conditional Scenario", + "2.2.7. Conditional scenario Energy sector Selected R&D, plans and priority actions The policies and strategies cited above for the unconditional scenario are also valid for the conditional scenario. Actions in the conditional scenario for the energy sector that differ from the actions in the unconditional scenario focus on the construction of hydroelectric power stations, the construction and rehabilitation of national electricity transmission and distribution lines and the promotion of renewable energies. Some actions whose implementation depends on international funds are additional to those foreseen in the unconditional scenario. They are accounted for separately from those for the unconditional scenario. Actions selected for the energy sector are shown in Table 39.", + "National priorities in the energy sector Selected actions/projects Target Activities IOV Costs USD Start Date End Date Status Increase hydroelectric power generation capacity MW are installed Construct three hydroelectric power stations: Jiji \u2013 Mulembwe; -Number of new hydroelectric power stations 2018 Jiji \u2013 Mulembw e; 2021 Rusumo Falls Rusumo Falls and Kirasa MW) Functional - New hydroelectric power generation capacity and Construct the Ruzizi III hydroelectric power station (147 MW) i.e. 49MW for Burundi Four micro-power stations are constructed and put into operation Construct four waga, Gikuka, Moyovozi, Nyamvyondo power stations Electrify the country\u2019s main centres- communes are electrified Construct electricity lines to serve the country\u2019s unelectrified centres Number of main centres", + "Build electricity lines to serve the country\u2019s unelectrified centres Number of electrified community centres Promote renewable energy in rural areas through the Nyakiriza and Umucowiteramb er sun projects Inland centres are electrified by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 inland centres by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar network", + "Enhanced Homes Installed Multi-Service Solar Platforms Installed Multi-Service Solar Platforms Number of Multi-Service Solar Platforms Enhanced Homes in Schools in School Canteen are installed Enhanced Homes in Schools in School Canteen Number of Enhanced Homes constructed Support the production and extension of Enhanced Homes Enhanced homes are used by rural households for cooking.", + "Enhance the capabilities of improved oven technicians and organize improved oven fairs to develop new markets and establish contact with potential customers Number of rural households using improved ovens for cooking. To urban households using improved ovens for cooking Number of urban households using improved ovens for cooking. To rural households using improved ovens for cooking. Number of rural households using improved ovens for cooking. To households Number of urban households using improved ovens for cooking use improved ovens for cooking.", + "Construction and equipment of solar panel assembly and production plant capable of producing solar panels Construction and equipment of solar panel assembly and production plant capable of producing solar panels Capacity of panels produced Energy supply of rural peace villages by solar photovoltaic systems Energy supply of peace villages by solar photovoltaic systems Number of peace villages electrified by solar system Total Assumptions and projection parameters The calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from different energy sources is based on parameters including population, technologies or measures adopted, lifestyle of the population and emission factors of fuels used.", + "Assumptions and projection parameters The calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from different energy sources is based on parameters, including population, technologies or measures adopted, lifestyle of the population and emission factors of the fuels used. The quantity of emissions is equal to the emission factors multiplied by the energy values. IPCC Tools 2006 made it possible to quantify avoidable emissions by entering activity data for each action in relation to the practice in place. This methodology was applied to all actions identified in the 2015 update of the CBD. Table 47 shows the parameters used for the accounting of these emissions.", + "Table 47 shows the parameters used for the accounting of these emissions. Table 40: Parameters for the accounting of emissions No. Technologies implemented Emission calculation parameters Construction of hydroelectric power plants - Generation capacity of the power plant; - Number of hours of operation of the power plant per year (4000 hours); - Equivalent of annual production in T\u00e9ra joule; - Emissions emitted by a diesel thermal power plant of the same capacity Construction of solar power plants or mini-solar networks - Generation capacity of the power plant; - Number of hours of operation of the power plant per year (1200 hours); - Equivalent of annual production in T\u00e9ra joule - Emissions emitted by a diesel thermal power plant of the same capacity Electrifying the 28 headquarters of municipalities in the interior of the country - Project beneficiary population; - Average annual consumption per", + "- Average annual consumption per habitat - The amount of oil used to produce the same amount of energy for lighting; Use of solar kits in households - Total power of solar kits (491.28kW); - Average annual energy production in kWh; - The amount of oil used to produce the same amount of energy for lighting Installing solar energy in health and school facilities - Total power installed in the solar and health facility (1820kw for health and 1816kw for schools); - Number of operating hours per day (4h); - Average annual energy production; - The amount of diesel used to produce the same amount of energy; Build improved homes in households - Projections of total population (13604766 in 2025 and 2030 14882591 in 2030 according to ISTEEBU data, - Projections of rural population (12230685 in 2025 and - Projections of urban population (1374081 in 2025 and - Household size", + "- Projections of rural population (12230685 in 2025 and - Projections of urban population (1374081 in 2025 and - Household size); - Average quantity of wood consumed per day and per person (2.93kg); - Average quantity of coal consumed per day and per person (0.68); - Quantity of energy generated per kilo of wood (4.5kWh) - Quantity of energy generated per kilo of coal - Proportion of the population using wood and wood coal.", + "Coal is used in urban areas and wood in rural areas.", + "- Performance of improved homes (20%) Install multi-service solar platforms - Total power of multi-service solar platforms; - Number of hours of operation per day (4 hours); - Average annual energy production; - The amount of diesel used to produce the same amount of energy Construct improved homes in schools in school canteen - Number of stoves consumed per year (800); - Number of kilos per stove (600kg); - The amount of energy generated per kilo of wood (4.5kWh) - Performance of improved homes (20%) Construct and equip the assembly and production plant of photovoltaic solar panels capable of - Total annual production capacity per year; - The amount of oil used to produce the same amount of energy Electrify rural peace villages by photovoltaic solar systems - Average number of households in peace villages - Average household size (5 persons); - Consumption", + "Photovoltaic solar - Average number of households in peace villages - Average household size (5 persons); - Average energy consumption per person per day (30kWh/habitat/day); - The amount of oil used to produce the same amount of energy Construct a thermal power plant based on municipal waste: Bujumbura - Waste quantity/person/year (kg/person/year) - Population projection in Bujumbura City Hall: - Annual waste quantities (tonnes); - Fermentable waste (57%) - Energy waste quantity (25000tonnes/MW); - Annual production (MWh); - Annual production (TJ) GHG impact Table 41: Emissions avoided by actions identified in the energy sector Emissions avoided in Gg Eq CO2 Actions/projects retained Activity target IOV USD hydro", + "MW) -Number of new functional hydropower plants -New hydropower production capacity Develop the Ruzizi III hydropower plant (147 MW) or 49MW for Burundi micro-power plant are built and put into operation Develop four 4 sites of waga, Gikuka, Moyovozi, Nyamvyondo power centers of the country municipalities are electrified build electricity lines serving the and centers not yet Number of municipalities electrified electrified country renewable energy in rural areas by the Nyakiriza and Umucowitera mbere solar projects 48 centers in the interior of the country are electrified by mini-solar networks Install mini-solar networks in 48 centers in the interior of the country by the Number of electrified centers households of solar equipment distribute solar kits to rural (capacity Number of households that have received solar kits health institutions will be electrified for solar", + "Schools will be electrified for solar energy Install energy in school health facilities Number of school electrified households are equipped with improved homes Build improved homes in rural households Number of households that have received improved multi-service solar homes installed Install multi-service solar platforms Number of multi-service solar platforms improved homes in schools in school canteens are installed Build improved homes in schools in school canteens Number of improved homes constructed Production and extension of improved homes in rural households use improved homes for cooking.", + "Strengthen the capacities of improved household manufacturing technicians and organize improved household exhibitions to develop new markets and establish contact with potential customers. urban households use improved households for cooking Manufacture and sell improved households to rural population in 2025 Number of urban households use improved households for cooking. rural households use improved households for cooking. Manufacture and sell improved households to rural population in 2030 Number of rural households use improved households for cooking. urban households use improved households for cooking Manufacture and sell improved households to urban population in 2030 Number of urban households use improved households for cooking. 5.", + "Urban households use improved cooking stoves Manufacture and sell improved cooking stoves to urban population by 2030 Number of urban households using improved cooking stoves 5. Construction and equipment of photovoltaic solar panel assembly and production plant capable of producing 48MW of photovoltaic panels by 2025 Construction and equipment of photovoltaic solar panel assembly and production plant Capacity of solar panels produced by rural peace villages by systems 27 peace villages supplied with energy by solar systems Install photovoltaic solar systems Number of peace villages electrified by photovoltaic solar solar system Photovoltaic solar thermal power plant based on municipal waste: and 8.38MW produced Construct the plant Install capacity Total Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPU). P&M,", + "8.38 MW are produced Construct the plant Install capacity Total Industrial Processes and Product Utilization (IPU) R&D, Plans and Priority Actions Selected The national policies, plans and strategies selected in the conditional scenarios are the same as those selected for the unconditional scenario.", + "Construction and equipment of solar panel assembly and production plant capable of producing 48MW of photovoltaic panels by 2025 Construct and equip a solar panel assembly and production plant Energy-efficient solar panel capacity of rural peace villages by systems 27 peace villages are supplied with energy by solar systems Install solar photovoltaic systems Number of peace villages electrified by solar photovoltaic solar system a municipal waste-based thermal power plant: and 8.38MW are produced Construct the plant Installing capacity Total Industrial Processes and Product Utilization (IPU) R&D, Plans and Priority Actions Selected The national policies, plans and strategies selected in the conditional scenarios are the same as those selected for the unconditional scenario. Table 43 shows the sector\u2019s priority actions.", + "Table 43 shows the priority actions for the sector. Table 42: Priority Actions for the UPEI Sector Priority Actions Targets Activities Monitoring Indicators Costs Start Year End Date of Support for Research and Innovation Development in the Industrial Sector \"PIDRI\" stands for Innovative Industries Revitalizing Emerging Industries and Supporting Existing Industries Number of Industries Total Source: TCNCC. Projection Assumptions and Parameters Projection assumptions are related to the economy (GDP), the purchasing power of populations to supply lime for agriculture and concrete and steel for use in construction. Projection parameters are the quantities of lime, iron and steel. Other parameters are emission factors.", + "The projection parameters are the quantities of lime, iron and steel. Other parameters are emission factors. To calculate emissions from lime production, the formula is C(tonne of CO2) =AXB, Conversion to Gg of CO2 D=C/103 These parameters are: A: Quantity of lime produced in tonnes: 1908 tonnes in 2015. B: Emission factors by type of lime produced (tonne of CO2/tonne of lime produced): 0.75. Impacts in terms of mitigation. Since inventory experts did not have field data, mitigation actions were calculated by reducing emissions from the 2015 inventory by 3% every 5 years, i.e., a 2% reduction from the baseline scenario.", + "As inventory experts did not have field data, mitigation actions were calculated by reducing emissions from the 2015 inventory by 3% every 5 years, i.e., a 2% reduction from the baseline scenario. Table 43: Emissions Avoided by Action Identified Year Supporting the Development of Research and Innovation in the Industrial Sector \"PADRI in Acronym\". Agriculture Sector R&D, Plans and Priority Actions Selected. The Department of Agriculture and Livestock has developed an Environmental, Agriculture and Livestock Policy Guidance Document based on the NDP 2018-2027 and the NIP 2018-2022. To implement these strategic measures contained in these documents, the Department plans to develop a national livestock policy in permanent stabilization.", + "In order to implement these strategic measures contained in these documents, the Department intends to develop a national policy for permanently stable livestock farming. The success of this policy will be based on agro-forestry and animal husbandry systems that increase livestock feed by increasing the area under forage crops, silage and organic fume by composting. Improving the composition of livestock feed by adopting agro-forestry and animal husbandry integration systems has thus been identified as a national priority. Table 45 shows the priority action to be carried out, the cost of the action and the timetable. Table 44:", + "Priority strategies Objective Actions Cost Start date End date Progress in 2021. Improve feed composition by adopting agro-sylvo-zoo integration systems Improve feed in permanent storage and reduce emissions from managed soils Improve feed composition Ongoing Assumptions and projection parameters. The parameters for the agricultural sector are based on the projected livestock numbers in 2025 and 2030 by species. The livestock numbers are shown in Table 45. Table 45: Livestock numbers by species.", + "The number of these animals is shown in Table 45. Table 45: Number of animals by species. Species (T) Number of heads N(T) in 2025 Number of heads N(T) in 2030 Dairy cows Other cattle Sheep Goats Pigs Total The formula for calculating emissions is as follows: CH4= N(T)*EF(T)*10^-6 where (T): category or species;N(T): number of heads, EF: emission factor, CH4: total emissions of CH4. The emission factor for each category of animal is shown in Table 48. Table 46: emission factor for each animal. Species (T) Dairy cows Other cattle Sheep Goats Pigs GHG impacts.", + "Species (T) Dairy cows Other cattle Sheep Goats Pigs GHG impacts Table 47: Impacts of the action in terms of GHG emission reductions Emissions avoided in Gg Eq CO2 Priority actions/projects Target Improve the composition of feedingstuffs by adopting agro sylvo zootechnical integration systems Reduce enteric fermentation emissions in 2025 and 2030 by 3% from 2015 onwards ( 22.6Gg of Sector Forestry and other land use R&D, priority plans and actions selected. The national policies, plans and strategies selected in the conditional scenarios are the same as those selected for the unconditional scenario. The implementation of these policies, plans and strategies will be reflected in the national priorities set out in Table 48.", + "The implementation of these policies, plans and strategies will be reflected in the national priorities set out in Table 48. Table 48: National priorities in the FAT sector Priority actions/projects Target Activities IOV USD Start date End date State of progress of rural forestry Increase forest cover by 2027 (UNDP) Establish forest and agroforestry plantations on 106.680 ha at a rate of 10668 ha/year from 2021 Areas created Degraded environments in the Mumirwa and Bugesera ha forests created and/or restored and ha watersheds protected from erosion Establish forest and agroforestry plantations on 22375 ha at a rate of 2275.5 ha/year from 2021 Number of ha planted with bamboo trees planted in ten years Planting along rivers, around water sources", + "Planting along rivers, around water sources and on farms in 2030 at a rate of 2250 ha from 2021.", + "Table 48: National priorities in the FAT sector Priority actions/projects Target Activities IOV USD Start date End date State of progress in rural forestry Increase forest cover by 2027 (UNDP) Establish forest and agroforestry plantations on 106.680 ha at a rate of 10668 ha/year from 2021 Areas created Degraded environments in Mumirwa and Bugesera created and/or restored forests and watersheds protected from erosion Establish forest and agroforestry plantations on 22375 ha at a rate of 2275.5 ha/year from 2021 Number of ha planted water sources by planting deciduous trees created in ten years Planting along rivers, around water sources and on farms in 2030 at a rate of 2250 ha/year from 2021 Number of ha planted water sources by planting deciduous trees created in ten", + "Number of ha planted with Moringa cultivation 10 ha /region created and cut/house distributed to half of Burundian households ha/year Create Moringa plantation on 4280 ha at a rate of 428 ha/year from 2021.", + "Number of ha planted with Moringa cultivation 10 ha/region created and cut/household distributed to half of Burundian households ha/year Establish Moringa plantation on 4280 ha at a rate of 428 ha/year from 2021. Number of ha planted TOTAL Projection assumptions and parameters. In the LULUCF sector, GHG emission projection assumptions up to 2050 are based on changes in forest area. Projection parameters are forest plantation and/or agroforestry area created. GHG impacts.", + "The projection parameters are the areas of forest plantations and/or agroforestry created. GHG impacts Table 49: Impacts by actions in the FAT sector Emissions in Gg Eq CO2 Priority actions/projects Target 1.Develop rural forestry Target 160.000 ha of forested areas created 2.Rehabilitation project for degraded environments in the Congo Basin and Bugesera 9000 ha of forested areas created or restored and 18000 ha of watersheds protected against erosion bamboo sector development in Burundi bambousseraie ha created per year 4.Development of Moringa culture 10 ha/region created and 5 cuttings/household distributed to half of Burundian households ( Total Waste sector.", + "Table 49: Impacts by actions in the FAT sector Emissions in Gg Eq CO2 Priority actions/projects Target 1.Develop rural forestry Target 160.000 ha of afforestation created 2.Rehabilitation project for degraded environments in the Congo Basin and Bugesera 9000 ha of afforestation created or restored and 18000 ha of watersheds protected against erosion Development of the bamboo industry in Burundi ha of bamboos created per year 4.Development of Moringa culture 10 ha/region created and 5 cuttings/household distributed to half of Burundian households ( Total Waste sector. In terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the project contributes doubly by avoiding emissions from waste in landfills (Waste sector) and emissions from the diesel-based thermal power plant (Energy sector).", + "In terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the project contributes doubly by avoiding emissions from waste in landfills (Waste Sector) and emissions from the diesel-based thermal power plant (Energy Sector). P&M, plans and priority actions selected. The National Development Plan for Burundi 2018-2027 and the National Remediation Policy will serve as the reference for the unconditional scenario. In this conditional scenario, the priority objectives are the remediation of urban centres. The priority action selected is shown in Table 50. Table 50: Priority actions identified Priority actions Target Activity IOV Cost x 1000USD Construct a thermal power plant Construct a thermal power plant Production capacity based on municipal waste: Bujumbura based on municipal waste Assumptions and projection parameters.", + "Table 50: Priority actions identified Priority actions Target Activity IOV Cost x 1000USD Construct a thermal power plant Construct a thermal power plant Production capacity based on municipal waste: Bujumbura based on municipal waste Projection assumptions and parameters. The projection assumptions are based on economic growth (GDP), population growth and urbanization rate. The projection parameters are shown in Table 51.", + "The projection parameters can be found in Table 51. Table 51: Parameters for the waste sector Projects Parameters: waste sector Building a thermal power plant based on municipal waste in the city of Bujumbura - Projection of the population in the Bujumbura town hall: - Quantity of waste/person/year (kg/pers/year) - methane correction factor (%) :46 - DOCF: 50% - Delay time (months):6 - Emissions from waste in the landfill; - Emissions from the biogas plant Impact in terms of GHGs Table 52: Impacts by action of the waste sector Emissions in Gg Eq CO2 Action Target Building a thermal power plant based on municipal waste: Conditions for achieving these objectives Actions have been identified in all sectors.", + "Table 51: Parameters for the waste sector Projects Parameters: waste sector Construction of a municipal waste thermal power plant in the city of Bujumbura - Population projection in Bujumbura City Hall: - Quantity of waste/person/year (kg/pers/year) - Methane correction factor (%) :46 - DOCF: 50% - Delay time (months):6 - Emissions from waste in the landfill; - Emissions from the biogas plant GHG impact Table 52: Impacts per action of the waste sector Emissions in Gg Eq CO2 Action Target Construction of a municipal waste thermal power plant: Conditions for achieving these objectives Actions have been identified in all sectors.", + "Their implementation requires the commitment of all stakeholders. The Parties to the Paris Agreement listed in Annex I shall support Burundi by providing the necessary funding for the implementation of the programmes identified in accordance with Article 9 of the Paris Agreement. The Technical and Financial Partners shall be called upon to accompany Burundi in the implementation of the actions identified. Since the implementation of certain actions requires technical expertise, capacity-building in the various areas of intervention is essential. The aim is to strengthen the capacity of all stakeholders in the transfer of knowledge for the acquisition of financing as well as the transfer of technology.", + "The aim is to strengthen the capacity of all stakeholders in knowledge transfer for financing and technology transfer. Achieving results will depend on a robust implementation mechanism that builds on existing institutional, legislative and financial arrangements. The latter must be strengthened to be operational and effective. The involvement of all stakeholders is essential for achieving the expected results. Gender and social inclusion are encouraged.", + "Gender and social inclusion are encouraged. The achievement of these actions identified by conditional objective will give a boost to the socio-economic and environmental development of our country. Definition of the target The target of the conditional scenario is to reduce national emissions by 11% compared to the BAU scenario by 2025 and by 13% compared to the BAU scenario by 2030. Method of calculation The methodology for calculating the target at the level of each sector is to first add the emissions avoided or absorbed from all priority actions in the sector. The value of the national target in CO2 Equivalent in Gg by conditional objective corresponds to the sum of the emissions /absorptions resulting from the implementation of priority actions in all sectors.", + "The national target value in Gg CO2 Equivalent by conditional objective is the sum of the emissions/removals resulting from the implementation of the priority actions in all sectors. In percentage terms, the target value is the ratio of the sum of the sectoral emissions in the conditional scenario to the sum of the sectoral emissions in the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario. The % target value \"C\" is expressed by the following equation: X/Y*100. Where X= \u2211 of the sectoral emissions in the conditional scenario in Gg CO2 eq. Y = \u2211 of the sectoral emissions in the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario in Gg CO2 eq. Summary of avoided emissions and removals The summary of avoided emissions and removals in all sectors can be found in Table 53", + "Table 53: Summary of GHG Avoided Emissions and Removals GHG Avoided Emissions in Gg GHG Avoided Emissions in Gg Eq CO2 Sector s 1.Energy and Transportation 4.Forestry and Agri-Forestry Total Emissions with Removals Total Emissions without Removals NB: FAT sub-sector is not included in the GHG mitigation targets, but is of significant importance in increasing carbon stocks. 3. PERCENTAGE TARGET VALUE The percentage target value is 12.61% in 2030 and 11.40 in 2025 and these values represent reductions in greenhouse gas emissions of 864.39 Eq CO2 in Gg in 2030 and 735.78 Eq CO2 in Gg in 2025 compared to the BAU baseline scenario in 2030 and 2025.", + "PERCENTAGE TARGET VALUE The percentage target value is 12.61% in 2030 and 11.40 in 2025 and these values represent reductions in greenhouse gas emissions of 864.39 Eq CO2 in Gg in 2030 and 735.78 Eq CO2 in Gg in 2025 compared to the baseline BAU scenario in 2030 and 2025. Table 54 shows the details of the target values. Table 54: Target Value by Conditional Target Conditional Target Emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg Emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg Conditional Mitigation Scenario BAU Scenario % Target Value 3.1.", + "Table 54: Target value by conditional objective Conditional objective Emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg Emissions in Eq CO2 in Gg Conditional mitigation scenario BAU scenario Target value in % 3.1. Other impacts The actions selected in the conditional objective scenario have health impacts mainly by reducing diseases resulting from smoke from wood burning, air pollution by gases from vehicle emissions. Other impacts on the improvement of living conditions are important due to increased access to electricity, in particular the growth of household incomes through job creation and modernisation, as well as diversification of income-generating activities. They also have positive impacts on the conservation of biodiversity, in particular the conservation of soils, water supply, etc. 3.2.", + "They also have a positive impact on the conservation of biodiversity, including soil conservation, water supply, etc. 3.2. ICTU The synthesis corresponds to an excerpt from Table ICTU 55 as contained in the CDN2020. Table 55: ICTU 1. Quantifiable information on the reference point (including, as appropriate, a reference year) a.", + "Quantifiable information on the baseline (including, as appropriate, a baseline year) a. The baseline year(s), baseline period(s) or other starting point(s) Baseline years: 2025 (intermediate baseline years) and 2030 (target year) (case of an indicator defined in relation to a Business as Usual (BAU) scenario) b. Quantifiable information on the baseline indicators, their values during the baseline year(s), baseline period(s) or other starting points and, where applicable, the target year The baseline indicator is an annual quantitative indicator, relative to the GHG emissions of the Business as Usual (BAU) scenario, for the target years 2025 and 2030 and 2 mitigation scenarios (unconditional and conditional).", + "The reference year(s), reference period(s) or other starting point(s) Reference years: 2025 (intermediate reference years) and 2030 (target year) (case of an indicator defined in relation to a Business as Usual (BAU) scenario) b. Quantifiable information on the reference indicators, their values during the reference year(s), the reference period(s) or other starting point(s) and, if applicable, the target year The reference indicator is an annual quantitative indicator, relative to the GHG emissions of the Business as Usual (BAU) scenario, for the target years 2025 and 2030 and 2 mitigation scenarios (unconditional and conditional).", + "National GHG emissions: \uf0b7 in 2015 (base year of the OAU): 1 935.9 Gg CO2eq. \uf0b7 in 2025 (OAU): 6 453.8 Gg CO2eq. \uf0b7 in 2030 (OAU): 6 854.6 Gg Gg CO2eq. c. With regard to the strategies, plans and measures referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or the policies and measures included in the nationally determined contributions, where paragraph 1 (b) above does not apply, Parties shall provide other relevant information.", + "Not applicable (Burundi is on the list of LDCs but has provided quantifiable information, which is proof of Burundi\u2019s ambition) d. A target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, e.g. in percentage or amount of reduction Target values of the reference indicator (relative reduction of GHG emissions relative to the OAU): Unconditional scenario \u2013 2025: 1.58% Unconditional scenario \u2013 2030: 3.04% Conditional scenario \u2013 2025: 11.40% Conditional scenario \u2013 2030: 12.61% e. Information on data sources used to quantify the reference point(s) Historical emissions (2005, 2010 and 2015), used as the basis for projections, are those of the 3rd GHG inventory report used in Burundi\u2019s 3rd national communication (TCN) submitted in 2019.", + "The projection assumptions are related to the national economy (NPE) and population growth. For FAT, wood energy requirements were used for the projections. These assumptions are provided byISTEEBU (Institut des Statistiques et d\u2019Etudes Economiques su Burundi). The projected emissions for the years 2025 and 2030 in the BAU scenario are derived from the NTC. f. Information on the circumstances under which the Party can update the values of the baseline indicators The value of emissions in the baseline year is likely to be updated due to methodological changes and improvements in the preparation of future greenhouse gas inventories. 2. Time horizon and/or implementation period a.", + "Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the baseline indicator values The baseline year emissions value may be updated as a result of methodological changes and improvements in the preparation of future greenhouse gas inventories. 2. Time horizon and/or implementation period a. The time horizon and/or implementation period, including start and end dates, in accordance with any other relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (COP) The CBD 2020 is implemented from 1 January 2021 and will expire on 31 December 2030.", + "The timetable and/or period of implementation, including the start and end dates, in accordance with any other relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) The CBD 2020 is to be implemented on 1 January 2021 and will expire on 31 December 2030. The time horizon is 10 years but an intermediate stage is foreseen after 5 years. b. Whether an annual or multi-year target, as the case may be The targets defined in the CBD 2020 are annual. 3. Scope and scope a.", + "The time horizon is 10 years but an intermediate step is expected after 5 years. b. Whether it is an annual or multi-year target, as the case may be The targets defined in the NCD 2020 are annual. 3. Scope and scope a. A general description of the target The baseline indicator is an annual quantitative indicator, relative to GHG emissions from the Business as Usual (BAU) scenario, for all sectors of the inventory, excluding the managed land sub-sector of agriculture, for the target years 2025 and 2030 and 2 mitigation scenarios (unconditional and conditional). b. Sectors, gases, categories and reservoirs covered by the nationally determined contribution, including, where appropriate, in accordance with the guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) All sectors and sub-sectors and GHGs included", + "Climate Change (IPCC) All sectors and subsectors and GHGs included in Burundi\u2019s 3rd National GHG Inventory are included in Burundi\u2019s NCC 2020, namely: Sectors Gas Agriculture, managed non-soil Forestry and Other Land (FAT) Energy Industrial Processes and Product Use: Waste Regarding GHGs, emissions of PFCs, HFCs, SF6 and NF3 are not estimated in the inventory and therefore not included in the NCC. c.", + "How the Party has taken into account paragraphs 31 (c) and (d) of decision 1/CP.21 For the Energy sector, fugitive emissions are not estimated in the inventory and therefore not included in the NCD. For the Agriculture sector, emissions from the managed soils subsector are not included in either the OAU or the mitigation scenario. For the FAT sector, carbon monoxide has not been calculated due to lack of global warming potential. Emissions/removals are included in the OAU and the mitigation scenario. In the Waste sector, emissions from open-air combustion, composting and methanization are not included in the inventory. Compared to the previous NCD, the new NCD takes into account actions related to two new sectors (Agriculture and Waste) in both mitigation scenarios.", + "In comparison with the previous NCD, the new NCD takes into account actions relating to two new sectors (Agriculture and Waste) in the two mitigation scenarios. Absorptions from the LULUCF sector are not taken into account in the calculation of target values and the indicator. d. Mitigation benefits resulting from adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans of the Parties, including a description of projects, actions and initiatives relating in particular to adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans of the Parties The adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans of the Republic of Burundi will have mitigation benefits. These are Burundi\u2019s policies, measures or strategies for adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change in all sectors covered by this NCD.", + "These measures have been identified and quantified in the Third National Communication on Climate Change (TCNCC), the National Development Plan (NDP), the Agriculture and Livestock Policy Document (DOPEAE), etc. 4. Planning process a. Information on the planning processes followed by the Party to develop its determined contribution at the national level and, if available, on the Party\u2019s implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i.", + "Information on the planning processes followed by the Party to develop its determined contribution at national level and, if available, on the Party\u2019s implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i. National institutional arrangements, public participation and collaboration with local communities and indigenous peoples, taking into account gender issues; Institutional arrangements: The Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock is the institutional framework responsible for updating and implementing the CBD 2020 through its decentralised administrative and technical structures.", + "It is composed of managers from the different sectors (AFAT, Energy including transport, POPs and Waste). Managers involved in related themes (Health, Gender) have also been integrated into the Commission. In close collaboration with UNDP, the Commission is responsible for monitoring the process of updating the CCD since the recruitment of the Bureau and the implementation phases (validation of the methodology, organization of retreats for technical sessions and stakeholder consultation workshops and stepwise validation of the document and submission of the updated CCD for adoption and approval). At the technical level, the CCD 2020 was carried out by a PREFED/CAREPED Consortium which aligned 10 national experts (6 sectoral experts, an economist, a gender specialist, a health expert and a climate expert) with the support of an international consultant.", + "At the technical level, the CDN 2020 was carried out by a PREFED/CAREPED Consortium which aligned 10 national experts (6 sectoral experts, one economist, one gender specialist, one health expert and one climate expert) with the support of an international consultant. Participatory aspect During the process of updating, numerous exchange workshops were held (data collection, selection of actions, approval of methodologies, verification and approval of results). These workshops aimed to ensure the participation and involvement of all technical stakeholders and civil society with the involvement of local communities, indigenous peoples and took into account the gender and social inclusion dimension. The workshops also aimed to communicate on the actions selected and thus ensure ownership for their implementation by stakeholders. The CDN 2020 was approved by the Burundian authorities before being disseminated. ii.", + "The CDN 2020 was approved by the Burundian authorities before being disseminated. ii. Contextual issues, including, inter alia, as appropriate: - The national situation, including geography, climate, the economy, The Burundi is a Central African country of sustainable development and poverty eradication Longitude East between the Congo Basin and the eastern highlands and between 2\u00b030 and 4\u00b028 South Latitude, at the crossroads of the routes of Central Africa, East Africa and even South Africa. The country has a warm and humid tropical climate influenced by altitude and characterized by the alternation of a rainy season (October to May) and a dry season (June to September). Its rainfall and temperature are strongly influenced by the terrain, the country\u2019s altitude (772-2670 m) and climate change.", + "The average annual rainfall varies from 750 mm in north-eastern Burundi to more than 2000 mm in the mountainous area. The highest average annual temperature is 24.7\u00b0C between 2006-2015 recorded in the plains of the Imbo, while the lowest is 16.6\u00b0C between 2006-2015 recorded in the Mugamba natural region. From a socio-economic point of view, Burundi has about 12.3 million people in 2020, of whom more than 90% live in rural areas and 51% are women. Being one of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), its annual per capita income is estimated at USD 280 and its economy is mainly based on agriculture.", + "As one of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), its annual per capita income is estimated at USD 280 and its economy is mainly based on agriculture. With a density of 480.99 people/km2, the population growth of 2.4% puts pressure on land resources, water resources and exacerbates the situation of deforestation and deforestation. According to the NTC, the sectors that emit the most are agriculture, energy and waste with emissions of 4186.21 Eq CO2 per Gg, 1072.4 Eq CO2 per Gg and 230.73 Eq CO2, respectively. For the other sectors, GHG emissions are insignificant.", + "For other sectors, GHG emissions are insignificant. -Best practices and experience gained from the development of the nationally determined contribution Best practices and experience gained from the development: \uf0fc Participatory approach to the planning process for the elaboration of the CBD (Data collection, data processing, IPCC software calculation 2006, needs, prioritisation of measures...); \uf0fc Taking into account Decision 4/CMA.1 - Other contextual aspirations and priorities recognized upon accession to the Paris Agreement The updated CBD 2020 is in line with the objective of the Paris Agreement, in its provisions of Article 4(2) and (3), Article 4, Article 5, Article 6(1) and (2) and Article 7(1) and (2). Developed countries should act in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Paris Agreement.", + "Developed countries should act in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the Paris Agreement. Compliance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement, which highlights areas of cooperation and facilitation and aims to improve understanding, action and support.", + "Compliance with Article 9, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement, which highlights areas of cooperation and facilitation and aims to improve understanding, action and support, such as early warning systems, emergency preparedness, etc. b. Specific information applicable to Parties, including regional economic integration organizations and their member States, that have agreed to act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement, including Parties that have decided to act jointly, and the terms of the relevant agreement, in accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 16 to 18, of the Paris Agreement Not applicable The updated NCD is not developed within the framework of regional economic integration organizations and their member States to act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement.", + "These areas include early warning systems, emergency preparedness, etc. b. Specific information applicable to Parties, including regional economic integration organizations and their member States, that have agreed to act jointly pursuant to Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement, including Parties that have decided to act jointly, and the terms of the relevant agreement, in accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 16 to 18, of the Paris Agreement Not applicable The updated NCD is not developed within the framework of regional economic integration organizations and their member States to act jointly pursuant to Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement. Paragraphs 16, 17 and 18 do not apply to the updated NCD of the Republic of Burundi. c.", + "Paragraphs 16, 17 and 18 do not relate to the updated CBD of the Republic of Burundi. c. How the preparation by the Party of its nationally determined contribution has been informed by the results of the global assessment, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Paris Agreement The steps that have been taken for the CBD 2020 have not been informed by the global assessment, as the first global assessment on climate action will be issued in 2023; however, the global assessment will take into account the balance of emissions avoided in the context of the implementation of the CBD 2020. d.", + "Each Party having a nationally determined contribution under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, consisting of adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans generating beneficial mitigation benefits in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement, Not Applicable 5. Methodological assumptions and approaches, including those relating to the estimation and accounting of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and, where appropriate, anthropogenic removals: a.", + "Methodological assumptions and approaches, including those relating to the estimation and accounting of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals, where appropriate: a. The methodological assumptions and approaches used to account for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals corresponding to the Party\u2019s nationally determined contribution, in accordance with paragraph 31 of decision 1/CP.21 and the accounting guidelines adopted by the CMA. The calculation of GHG emissions (historic and projection of OAU) and emissions avoided by conditional and unconditional action in 2025 and 2030 was carried out for the five planned sectors (energy, PPP, agriculture outside managed soil subsector, LULUCF and waste) using the Tier 1 methodologies presented in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines (LD 2006).", + "Assumptions and methodological approaches used to account for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals from land-use, land-use change and forestry activities in accordance with paragraph 31 of decision 1/CP.21 and the accounting guidelines adopted by the WCO The calculation of GHG emissions (historic and projection of OAU) and emissions avoided by conditional and unconditional action in 2025 and 2030 was carried out for the 5 projected sectors (energy, IPCC, non-managed agriculture, LULUCF and waste) using the Tier 1 methodologies presented in the IPCC Guidelines 2006 (IPCC Guidelines 2006). Assumptions are based on economic growth and population data. The methodological approach to accounting for emissions is the use of IPCC Tools 2006.", + "The methodological approach to accounting for emissions is the use of IPCC Tools 2006 software. The calculation of the indicator\u2019s percentage target values for 2025 and 2030 for the conditional and unconditional objectives of the CBD 2020 was done by summarizing the emissions avoided as a result of the actions selected in the CBD. The sum of the avoided emissions is then divided by the emissions in the BAU scenario and then multiplied by 100 to obtain a percentage. The target achievement will be estimated, at a constant perimeter, by comparing the actual emissions accounted for in Burundi\u2019s future national inventories (excluding emissions from the managed soil subsector) with the projected emissions in the CBD BAU scenario.", + "The attainment of the target will be estimated, at a constant perimeter, by comparing the actual emissions recorded in Burundi\u2019s future national inventories (excluding emissions from the managed soils subsector) with the projected emissions from the NDC BAU scenario. In the event of changes in methodologies and inventory improvements, the BAU will be recalculated. b. The methodological assumptions and approaches used to account for the implementation of policies and measures or strategies in the contribution determined at national level National policies and programmes for socio-economic development and environmental protection have been used as a reference for the identification of mitigation actions. All proposed mitigation actions under the unconditional objective are compatible with national socio-economic development programmes and are achievable. Mitigation actions under the conditional objective depend on international financial support.", + "The mitigation actions selected under the conditional objective depend on international financial support. These mitigation actions were validated in workshops with stakeholders from different sectors. The calculation of avoided emissions from the actions selected in the CDN was carried out using the IPCC methodology (IPCC Tool, 2006). As emission factors specific to Burundi are lacking, the use of Tier 1 EFs has been recommended in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. c.", + "As Burundi-specific emission factors are lacking, the use of Tier 1 EFs has been recommended in the IPCC 2006 IPCC Guidelines. c. Where appropriate, information on how the Party will account for anthropogenic emissions and removals in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 14, of the Paris Agreement, as appropriate. The following international documents have been used to estimate and report the NCD mitigation component: Calculation/Follow-up: - IPCC 2006 Guidelines - IPCC, 2006 Software Reporting: - Annexes 1 and 2 to Decision 4/CMA.1: Information to be provided to improve clarity, transparency and understanding of nationally determined contributions, as referred to in paragraph 28 of Decision 1/CP.21 d.", + "Where appropriate, information on how the Party will take into account existing methodologies and guidelines under the Convention to account for anthropogenic emissions and removals, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 14, of the Paris Agreement, as appropriate The following international documents have been used to estimate and report on the mitigation component of the CDN: Calculation/Follow-up: - 2006 IPCC Guidelines - IPCC, 2006 Software Reporting: - Annexes 1 and 2 to Decision 4/CMA.1: Information to be provided to improve clarity, transparency and understanding of nationally determined contributions, as referred to in paragraph 28 of Decision 1/CP.21 d. IPCC methodologies and measurement parameters used to estimate anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals The methodologies for calculating emissions/removals are those recommended", + "emissions and removals of anthropogenic greenhouse gases The methodologies for calculating emissions/removals are those recommended by the IPCC and are based on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.", + "The IPCC methodologies and measurement parameters used to estimate anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals The methodologies used to calculate emissions/removals are those recommended by the IPCC and are based on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. The parameters used to estimate GHG emissions/removals in the Energy and Transportation, LUCF, Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use, and Waste sectors are activity data and emission factors.", + "Monitoring of progress towards the target will be verified using the same methodologies for calculating these emissions/removals. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of the IPCC Second Assessment Report (SAR) is used to convert emissions to CO2eq (21 for CH4 and 310 for e.) Sector-specific, category-specific, or activity-specific assumptions, methods, and approaches consistent with IPCC guidelines, as appropriate, including, where applicable: i. The approach used to address future emissions and removals of natural disturbances on farmland Monitoring and Continuous Evaluation of the implementation of projects/programs/measures designed to mitigate future emissions and removals of natural disturbances on farmland ii.", + "Approach to addressing future emissions and removals from natural disturbances on harvested land Monitoring and ongoing evaluation of the implementation of projects/programs/measures designed to mitigate future emissions and removals from natural disturbances on harvested land ii. Approach to accounting for emissions and removals from harvested timber products Daily monitoring of areas on which timber products are harvested (Sugar cane plantations of the SOSUMO industry) iii. Approach to addressing the effects of age-class structure in forests The approach is to make periodic inventories every five years (Classification of forests with 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, etc.). Carbon stocks can be calculated by age-class. f.", + "Carbon stocks can be calculated by age class. f. Other assumptions and methodological approaches used to understand the contribution determined at the national level and, where appropriate, to estimate the corresponding emissions and removals, including: i. How the baseline indicators, baseline level(s), including, where appropriate, sector, category or activity-specific baselines, are constructed, including, for example, the main parameters, assumptions, definitions, methods, data sources and models used.", + "The manner in which the baseline indicators, the baseline level(s), including, where appropriate, sector, category or activity-specific baseline levels, are constructed, including, for example, the main parameters, assumptions, definitions, methods, data sources and models used The baseline indicators (BAU scenario) of the CBD 2020 are constructed on the assumption that no measures of plans, policies and strategies are taken to mitigate emissions or increase removals. For the case of the CBD 2020, these BAU indicators are those defined in the 3rd National Communication on Climate Change submitted by Burundi in 2019 and projected to 2050 from 2005 onwards.", + "The same applies to the baselines for the different sectors. To this end, the calculation of GHG emissions in the BAU scenario has been carried out for all sectors (energy, LUCF, agriculture (outside managed land), LULUCF and waste) using the Tier 1 methodologies presented in the 2006 IPCC Guidelines (IPCC Guidelines 2006). The indicators for mitigation actions selected in 2025 and 2030 have been defined for each sector. The main parameters are specific to each sector. These are activity data and emission factors specific to each sector. The main assumptions for all sectors are those related to the economy, population growth, energy consumption per household, etc.", + "The main assumptions for all sectors are those related to the economy, population growth, energy consumption per household, etc. The BAU scenario is a scenario that provides indicators of the evolution of greenhouse gas emissions over the time horizon if measures of plans, policies or strategies are not taken to mitigate these emissions. It is established by projecting from 2015 onwards on the basis of economic growth, the rate of population growth, but assuming that no action is taken to implement the plans, policies and strategies contributing to the mitigation of GHG emissions.", + "It is established by projecting from 2015 onwards on the basis of economic growth, the rate of population growth, but assuming that no action is taken to implement plans, policies and strategies contributing to the mitigation of GHG emissions. Data sources for the identification of indicators include: \uf0b7 The CTC (2019), \uf0b7 The Third GHG Inventory 2015 \uf0b7 The National Development Plans (2018-2027), \uf0b7 The Vision of Burundi 2025, \uf0b7 The National Forestry Policy (2012), \uf0b7 The Master Plan Electricity Production and Transportation 2014-2030, etc. Models used \uf0b7 IPCC 2006 for emission calculations \uf0b7 LEAP for energy sector projections. ii.", + "Models used \uf0b7 IPCC 2006 for emission calculations \uf0b7 LEAP for projections in the energy sector. ii. For Parties whose nationally determined contributions contain elements other than greenhouse gases, information on the assumptions and methodological approaches used in relation to these elements, as appropriate Not Applicable The Burundi CDN only covers GHGs from different sectors. iii. For climate forcing factors included in nationally determined contributions that are not covered by the IPCC Guidelines, information on how these factors are estimated Not Applicable The Burundi CDN only covers GHGs from different sectors. iv.", + "For climate forcing factors included in nationally determined contributions that are not covered by the IPCC Guidelines, information on how these factors are estimated Not Applicable The CBD of Burundi covers only GHGs from different sectors. iv. Other technical information, as required Access to CBD financing in accordance with Article 5 of the Paris Agreement. Implementation of CBD 2020 could be achieved through cooperation at the regional level ( EAC and COMIFAC). g. Intent to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, if applicable Yes under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to access funding for the implementation of CBD 2020 6.", + "Additional technical information, as appropriate Access to financing for the CBD in accordance with Article 5 of the Paris Agreement. Implementation of the CBD 2020 could be achieved through cooperation at the regional level ( EAC and COMIFAC). g. Intent to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, as appropriate Yes under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to access financing for the implementation of the CBD 2020 6.", + "How the Party considers its contribution determined at national level to be fair and ambitious in the light of its national situation a. How the Party considers its contribution determined at national level to be fair and ambitious in the light of its national situation In the development of the CBD, the vulnerability analysis of sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land, Energy, Health, IPPC) was carried out. Negative impacts due to climate change were identified and mitigation and/or adaptation measures to address these impacts were identified by sector.", + "To this end, priority projects have been identified. The development of the CBD 2020 has used the most recent data from the NTC and other sectors have been taken into account such as waste, POPs and transport. b. Equity considerations Gender and social inclusion are taken into account in the CBD 2020. In addition, actions included in the CBD have been identified on the basis of national policy documents and strategies. c. How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement14 The CBD 2020 has raised the ambition compared to the previous CBD by taking into account actions on sectors and sub-sectors not included in the CBD 2015: transport, waste.", + "How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement14 UNCCD 2020 has raised the ambition compared to the previous UNCCD by taking into account actions on sectors and sub-sectors not included in UNCCD 2015: transport, waste. In addition, the themes of health, gender and social inclusion have been integrated into the prioritization of actions. UNCCD 2020 therefore represents an increase compared to the previous UNCCD, as sectoral emission coverage has been extended to all sectors and gases estimated in the most recent GHG inventory. UNCCD 2020 has defined specific indicators for monitoring and assessment and advocates a capacity-building plan for better ownership by different stakeholders. d.", + "Although Burundi is not an emitting country, it is developing GHG mitigation actions through its policies. e. How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement4 Burundi is strengthening its mitigation efforts through the inclusion in the new UNCCD of national actions to reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon stocks.", + "Although Burundi is not an emitting country, it is developing GHG mitigation actions through its policies. e. How the Party has taken into account Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement4 Burundi is strengthening its mitigation efforts through the inclusion in the new NCD of national actions to reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon stocks.", + "For example, the National Development Plan, 2018-2027, the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Planning Policy, 14 How does the NDC represent progress beyond the Party\u2019s previous NDC and reflect its greatest possible ambition development of new and renewable energies (solar, wind, hydroelectric power plants under construction, etc.), increase in the domestic budget to finance mitigation and adaptation measures. 7. How the contribution determined at the national level contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in Article 2 a.", + "How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in Article 2 a. How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in Article 215 The 2020 NCD contributes to the objectives of the Convention and the Paris Agreement by accelerating carbon-neutral development. b. How the nationally determined contribution contributes to Article 2, paragraph 1 (a) and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement16 - The revised NCD contributes to Article 2 (a) of the PA. It plans to implement projects/programmes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 2021 to 2025.", + "It plans to implement projects/programmes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from 2021 to 2025. - The revised NCD will also contribute to the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 1, of the PA, as it provides for political, strategic measures and mitigation plans/programmes. - Existing policies take into account the climate plan and the MDGs with the aim of developing in a carbon-neutral manner to contribute to the overall objective. 4. COMMUNICATION ON ADAPTATION 4.1. National situation, institutional arrangements and legal frameworks 4.1.1. National situation Burundi is a Central African country with an area of 27,834 square kilometres.", + "National situation Burundi is a Central African country with an area of 27,834 square kilometres. It is situated between 28\u00b050 and 30\u00b054 east longitude between the Congo Basin and the eastern highlands and between 2\u00b030 and 4\u00b028 south latitude, at the crossroads of the Central African, Eastern and even Southern African routes. Burundi has a warm and humid tropical climate. Its rainfall and temperature are strongly influenced by the country\u2019s terrain, altitude (772-2670 m) and climate change. The average temperature is 21\u00b0C.", + "Its rainfall and temperature are strongly influenced by the country\u2019s terrain, altitude (772-2670 m) and climate change. The average temperature is 21\u00b0C. The distribution of rainfall is uneven across the country, with the high mountains of the Congo-Nil Ridge receiving the highest amounts of annual precipitation of 1600-2000 mm and the Ruzizi Plain to the west.15 Article 2 of the UNFCCC sets out the ultimate objective of \"stabilising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that prevents dangerous anthropogenic disturbance of the climate system\" (UNFCCC 1992). The second sentence specifies that this stabilisation must be achieved \"within a sufficient timeframe to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, so that food production is not threatened and so that economic development can continue.", + "Article 2.1(a) of the Paris Agreement includes two global temperature targets - \"well below 2 degrees\" and \"1.5 degrees\". Article 4.1 qualifies them by stating that \"the Parties shall aim to achieve the global greenhouse gas emission cap as soon as possible, recognizing that this cap will take longer for developing country Parties, and to undertake rapid reductions in these emissions.", + "Article 4.1 qualifies them by stating that \"the Parties shall aim at achieving the global greenhouse gas emission cap as soon as possible, recognizing that this cap will take longer for developing country Parties, and to undertake rapid reductions in these emissions. and subsequently to undertake rapid reductions in accordance with the best available scientific data.\", and that the Parties shall also strive to \"achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and emissions by sinks\" in the second half of the century than the depressions of the Bugesera natural region; in the North-East, receiving the lowest annual precipitation between 800 and 1000 mm. Economically, Burundi is among the Least Developed Countries (LDCs).", + "Its annual per capita income is estimated at US$ 202 and its economy is largely based on agriculture.", + "With a population of 11.9 million and a density of 480.99 people/km2, the population growth of 2.4% puts pressure on land resources, water resources and aggravates the situation of deforestation and deforestation. 4.1.2. Institutional framework In Burundi, the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock (MINEAGRIE) through the Directorate General of Environment, Water Resources and Sanitation is responsible for coordinating the implementation of sectoral policies on climate change.", + "IGEBU and the Office for the Protection of the Environment (OBPE) are also the National Focal Point and the Deputy National Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), respectively. In addition, the Director General of Agriculture of the Ministry is the Designated National Authority (AND) for the Green Climate Fund (FVC), and the focal point of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is the Permanent Secretary of Mines and Minerals. In the context of climate change, IGEBU is responsible for the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of meteorological and hydrological data.", + "Within the framework of climate change, IGEBU is responsible for the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of meteorological and hydrological data. OBPE\u2019s missions are to (i) implement environmental and climate change policies and strategies and (ii) establish mechanisms for mitigation and adaptation to climate change (the implementation of the NAP). In addition to MINEAGRIE, other ministries responsible for energy, public health, trade, transport, industry and tourism are involved in climate change issues. Since climate change affects all key sectors of the national economy in a cross-cutting manner, effective resilience to this problem requires a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach.", + "Given that climate change has a cross-cutting impact on all key sectors of the national economy, effective resilience to this challenge requires a multi-sectoral and multidisciplinary approach. The latter helps to strengthen dialogue between actors in the field, facilitates the establishment of a harmonized framework for future interventions and mobilizes financial resources for the implementation of the NAPA and the NCD. Contributions to other international frameworks and/or conventions to which Burundi has acceded: \uf0b7 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. \uf0b7 Convention to Combat Desertification, \uf0b7 Convention on Biological Diversity, \uf0b7 Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer \uf0b7 RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands. 4.1.3.", + "\uf0b7 Convention to Combat Desertification, \uf0b7 Convention on Biological Diversity, \uf0b7 Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer, \uf0b7 RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands 4.1.3. National legal framework \uf0b7 The Constitution of Burundi of 17 May 2018, in particular Article 164, paragraph 4 and Article \uf0b7 Law No.1/10 of 30 May 2011 on the creation and management of protected areas in Burundi \uf0b7 Law No.1/010 of 30 June 2000 on the Environment Code \uf0b7 Law No.1/07 of 15 July 2016 on the revision of the Forestry Code \uf0b7 Law No.1/02 of 26 March 2012 on the Water Code in Burundi; \uf0b7 Qualitative protection (Articles 43 to 47) and quantitative protection of water resources (Articles 48 to 50).", + "National legal framework \uf0b7 The Constitution of Burundi of 17 May 2018, in particular Article 164, paragraph 4, and Article \uf0b7 Law No.1/10 of 30 May 2011 on the creation and management of protected areas in Burundi \uf0b7 Law No.1/010 of 30 June 2000 on the Environment Code \uf0b7 Law No.1/07 of 15 July 2016 on the revision of the Forestry Code \uf0b7 Law No.1/02 of 26 March 2012 on the Water Code in Burundi; \uf0b7 Qualitative protection (Articles 43 to 47) and quantitative protection of water resources (Articles 48 to 50). \uf0b7 Law No.1/13 of 9 August 2011 on the revision of the Land Code of Burundi Article 451, paragraph 1, \uf0b7 Law No.1/13 of 23 April 2015 on the reorganization of the electricity sector \uf0b7 Law No.1/012 of 30 May 2018 on the Code on the provision of health care and services in Burundi, in particular Article 137", + "\u2022 Decree-Law No. 100/241 of 31 December 1992 regulating the disposal of wastewater in urban areas.", + "\uf0b7 Act No. 1/13 of 9 August 2011 amending the Land Code of Burundi, article 451, paragraph 1; \uf0b7 Act No. 1/13 of 23 April 2015 reorganising the electricity sector; \uf0b7 Act No. 1/012 of 30 May 2018 amending the Code on the provision of health care and services in Burundi, in particular articles 137 and 138; \uf0b7 Decree-Law No. 100/241 of 31 December 1992 regulating the disposal of wastewater in urban areas; \uf0b7 The Code promulgated by Act No.1/010 of 30 June 2000. \uf0b7 Decree No. 100/ 292 of 16 October 2007 establishing the National Platform for Risk Prevention and Disaster Management, its mission, composition, organisation and functioning. 4.2.", + "\uf0b7 Decree No. 100/ 292 of 16 October 2007 establishing the mission, composition, organisation and functioning of the National Platform for Risk Prevention and Disaster Management. 4.2. Impacts, risks and vulnerabilities Through various IGEBU stations, Burundi has basic climate data and data management systems, as well as forecasting products. Production of data and products for monitoring extreme hydrometeorological phenomena is, however, weak, due to weak technical and financial capacities. Referring to the data of the CCCTB, Burundi also has thermal variations according to its geographical areas, as the higher regions experience, on average, colder temperatures than the lowlands.", + "Analysis of interdecadal average, maximum and minimum temperature trends shows that warming began in the 1986-1995 decade with the record that occurred in the 2006-2015 decade, followed by the 1996-2005 decade, respectively. The peak average temperature was recorded in the 1996-2005 decade and the minimum average temperature was observed in the 2006-2015 decade. All temperature analyses (interannual, interdecadal and inter-normal temperature trend analysis) show that temperatures recorded at the Bujumbura airport station are on the rise. According to the NCCTC (2019), periods of water scarcity have led to prolonged droughts since 1917 affecting, among other things, access to water and agricultural production.", + "According to the NCC (2019), periods of water scarcity have led to periods of prolonged droughts since 1917 affecting, inter alia, access to water and agricultural production. However, the year 2006 of severe drought in the north of the country was followed by a period of severe flooding severely affecting most of the country, in particular the provinces of Kayanza, Ngozi, Ruyigi, Bururi, and Makamba. The main extreme events in Burundi are as follows: \uf0b7 In 2009, torrential rains threatened almost the entire territory, especially the Imbo plain, Mumirwa, Buyenzi region and the eastern centre of the country in the Mugamba and Kirimiro regions. \uf0b7 In 2010, torrential rains struck the city of Bujumbura, affecting, inter alia, Bujumbura International Airport.", + "\uf0b7 In 2010, torrential rains struck the city of Bujumbura, affecting Bujumbura International Airport among others. \uf0b7 In 2011, torrential rains flooded three urban communes of Bujumbura causing significant damage. \uf0b7 In February 2014, flooding in the northern districts of Bujumbura Mairie, Gatunguru and its environs resulted in the collapse of nearly 1,000 houses, 20,000 people becoming homeless and 77 deaths. \uf0b7 Since September 2015, more than 4 million people have been affected by torrential or torrential rains, water shortages, strong winds, flooding and landslides. These climatic events have destroyed more than 30,000 hectares of crops, more than 5,000 homes, more than 300 classrooms and some 50 bridges.", + "These climatic events have destroyed more than 30,000 hectares of crops, more than 5,000 homes, more than 300 classrooms and about 50 bridges. More than 42,000 people have been displaced and are still in humanitarian need in the provinces of Kirundo, Makamba, Bubanza, Cibitoke and Ruyigi. \uf0b7 In November 2015, with the El Nino phenomenon, flooding affected at least 30,000 people, including 52 deaths. According to the IOM (DTM, 2019), about 31,000 people were displaced by climatic events during 2019. Torrential rains, strong winds and landslides caused the displacement of 13,856 people. \uf0b7 In 2019, heavy rains also destroyed crops and affected livelihoods. As a result of this event, 15% of the Burundian population suffered severe food insecurity in April 2019.", + "As a result of this event, 15% of the Burundian population suffered severe food insecurity in April 2019. According to the NCCTC, the projection of climate parameters in Burundi shows an upward trend in rainfall and temperatures. Climate models show an increase in annual precipitation between 12 and 13.15% by 2030 and 2050 for the country\u2019s 6 weather stations. They also show an increase in maximum annual temperature between 0.80 and 0.91\u00b0C by 2030 and an increase between 1.89 and 2.02\u00b0C by 2050. The minimum annual temperature will increase between 0.91 and 0.99\u00b0C by 2030 and between 2.04 and 2.14\u00b0C by 2050 for all scenarios and weather stations.", + "The greatest increase in temperature will occur during the dry season, increasing over time. Projected variations in precipitation and maximum and minimum temperatures do not indicate significant differences between the two scenarios, but differences with the horizons (2030 and 2050). According to the NCCTC (2019), increases or intensities in total precipitation are likely to cause flooding in the western Imbo plains and erosion in the southern zone and the central plateau with the following consequences for hill and plain dwellers: \uf0b7 Exposure to disasters; \uf0b7 Decrease in agricultural production; \uf0b7 Allocation of public infrastructure, biodiversity and dam siltation; \uf0b7 Increased risk of vector diseases in the Imbo plain, Kumoso and marsh bottoms. 4.3.", + "According to the TCNCC (2019), increases or intensities in total precipitation are likely to cause flooding in the plains of western Imbo and erosion in the southern zone and central plateau with the following consequences for hill and plain dwellers: \uf0b7 Exposure to disasters; \uf0b7 Decrease in agricultural production; \uf0b7 Allocation of public infrastructure, biodiversity and siltation of dams; \uf0b7 Increased risk of vector diseases in the Imbo plain, Kumoso and marsh bottoms. 4.3. National Priorities, Strategies, Policies, Plans, Objectives and Adaptation Measures Based on lessons learned from existing adaptation projects and programmes, this section presents priority adaptation measures to address key impacts, vulnerability factors and risks to climate change.", + "National adaptation priorities, strategies, policies, plans, objectives and measures Building on lessons learned from existing adaptation projects and programmes, this section presents priority adaptation measures to address key impacts, vulnerability factors and risks to climate change. Since the elaboration of the former NAPA in 2007, Burundi has implemented several adaptation projects and programmes, particularly in the agriculture and natural resources, energy and water management sectors. Lessons learned from their implementation can be used for future projects and programmes, including: scaling-up potential, climate change information, awareness and capacity building, adaptation planning at the subnational level and strengthening private sector engagement, among others.", + "Lessons learned from their implementation can be used for future projects and programmes, in particular in terms of: scaling-up potential, climate change information, awareness and capacity building, adaptation planning at sub-national level and strengthening private sector engagement, among others. Implementation of adaptation initiatives has suffered from weaknesses related to sector identification, insufficient adaptation priorities, lack of continuity of project support and weak capacity building. To strengthen the future implementation of adaptation priorities, two main concerns should be considered: \uf0b7 Identify and summarise lessons learned from adaptation projects and programmes implemented \uf0b7 Strengthen capacities for the continued implementation of adaptation activities.", + "In order to strengthen the future implementation of adaptation priorities, two main concerns should be taken into account: \uf0b7 Identify and summarize lessons learned from adaptation projects and programmes implemented \uf0b7 Strengthen capacities for the continued implementation of adaptation activities. The identification of adaptation programmes is based on a review of strategic documents such as the NDP Burundi 2018-2027, the NAPA, the NDC, and the NCCTC. After conducting an analysis of sectoral vulnerabilities on the basis of a participatory approach, the team of experts selected criteria for prioritising activities in the different sectors selected, using, inter alia, the Multi-criteria Analysis (MCA), which took qualitative variables and parameters into account and incorporated the necessary information on the degree of adverse effects of climate change.", + "After carrying out an analysis of sectoral vulnerabilities on the basis of a participatory approach, the team of experts selected the prioritisation criteria for the priority activities in the different sectors selected, using, inter alia, the Multicriteria Analysis (MAC), which allowed qualitative variables and parameters to be taken into account, and which incorporated the necessary information concerning the degree of adverse effects of climate change. Six prioritisation criteria were selected and made it possible to achieve a prioritisation at sectoral level: 1. Risk of loss of life; 2. Risk of loss of quality of life; 3. Evidence of the involvement of climate change; 4. Contribution to the fight against poverty/sustainable development; 5. Feasibility/sustainability/security; 6. Benefit to the environment.", + "Feasibility/Sustainability/Safety; 6. Benefit to the Environment. Based on these criteria, the sector scores definitively establish the key sectors vulnerable to climate risks as follows: 1\u00b0. Agriculture and Elevation 2\u00b0. Natural Resources/Ecosystems/Forests 3\u00b0. Water Resources In addition, priority axes have been proposed, notably in the National Policy on Climate Change (2012), the National Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change (2012) and the National Development Plan 2018-2027, the overall strategic objective of which is \"Promoting development resilient to the adverse effects of climate change\". The SNPACC defines six strategic axes relating to adaptation: 1. Adaptation and management of climate risks, 2. Promotion of Research and Development and transfer of technology; 3. Capacity building; 4. Knowledge management and communication; 5.", + "Capacity building; 4. Knowledge management and communication; 5. Involvement of gender, youth and vulnerable groups; 6. Mobilization of funding On the basis of these strategic axes, a series of priority adaptation programmes are identified in various documents, including: NDP 2018-2027, Priority Action Programmes (2018), NAPA (2007), SNPACC (2013), CDN (2015), NCCTC (2019), Environment, Agriculture and Livestock Policy Guidance Document (2020), and sectoral documents such as the NIP 2016-2020. 5. ADAPTATION The overall objective of implementing adaptation measures is to increase the resilience of ecosystems and populations to the impacts of variability and climate change.", + "ADAPTATION Overall, the objective of implementing adaptation measures is to increase the resilience of ecosystems and populations to the impacts of variability and climate change. Based on the projection model of two key parameters of temperature and precipitation and according to the prioritisation criteria, the following priority actions have been selected in 2 unconditional and conditional scenarios. 5.1 Unconditional Scenario Priority actions proposed by sector SECTOR PRIORITY ACTIONS TARGET ACTIVITY INDICATE EUR COUT IN USD AGRICULTURE AND FARMING and promoting indigenous medicinal, nutritional and melliferous plants By 2023, priority indigenous medicinal, nutritional and melliferous plants will be installed and provided to users Produce seeds of indigenous medicinal, non-nutritional and melliferous plants identified as priority,", + "On the basis of the projection model of two key parameters of temperature and precipitation and according to the prioritisation criteria, the following priority actions have been selected in 2 unconditional and conditional scenarios. 5.1 Unconditional Scenario Priority actions proposed by sector SECTOR PRIORITY ACTIONS TARGET ACTIVITY INDICATE EUR ALL IN USD AGRICULTURE AND FARMING and promoting indigenous medicinal, nutritional and melliferous plants By 2023, priority indigenous medicinal, nutritional and melliferous plants will be installed and provided to users Produce seeds of priority identified indigenous medicinal, non-nutritional and melliferous plants, install botanical gardens in the stations and Centres or protected areas of the country and make them available to local users Number of plant types installed 2 Promote biopesticides used in agriculture", + "By 2023, collected bio-pesticide plants will be installed at Mahwa and Bukemba stations Install a collection of bio-pesticide plants at Mahwa and Bukemba stations; Number of bio-pesticide species installed and registered phytosanitary research inventory of diseases and pests By 2023, diseases and pests in Burundi will be inventoried Inventory of diseases and pests present in the country List of diseases and pests inventoried of crops in Burundi crop practices mitigating the effects of climate hazards By 2025, crop practices mitigating climate hazards will be developed Initiate crop practices that will deal with climate hazards Number of crop practices initiated HEALTH Raise public awareness of the harmful effects of climate change on human health By 2025, at least awareness sessions will be conducted in hospitals", + "Awareness workshops per hospital and CDS Number of awareness sessions per household INFRASTRUCTURE TRANSPORT AND BUILDINGS 4 Develop infrastructure for non-motorized transportation in Bujumbura km will be developed for non-motorized transportation Develop non-motorized transportation routes Number of km will be developed s CHEMICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT AND TREATMENT STRATEGY A document on chemical waste management and treatment strategies will be developed by 2025 Develop management strategies Strategy document available Total 5.2.", + "Conditional Scenario SECTOR PRIORITY ACTIONS TARGET ACTIVITY OUTPUT INDICATORS (USD) AGRICULTURE AND FARMING 1 Develop and evaluate new crop varieties By 2027, new and more productive varieties of priority crops are provided in Ensure availability of seed and plant populations for the Number of new varieties introduced/area 5.3. Implementation and support needs for high yield potential and nutritional and climate change resilient food crops in all ecological areas 2. Produce and disseminate climate-sensitive quality seed By 2027, quality seed will be available to all BPEAE Ensure availability of quality seed to all BPEAE The number of Kgs of quality seed is available for pond fish farming By at least 13000 tonnes of increase in fish production will be achieved.", + "Produce and disseminate quality seeds adapted to climatic hazards By 2027, quality seeds will be available to all BPEAEs Ensure availability of quality seeds to all BPEAEs Kgs of quality seeds are available Pond fish farming At least 13000 tonnes of increase in fish production will be achieved Promote integrated fish farming Number of tonnes of additional fish production in ponds Increase animal production By 2025, a strategic stock of veterinary inputs will be operational Establish a strategic stock of veterinary inputs Number of strategic stocks will be operational Genetic effect through the generalisation of artificial insemination By an autonomous management structure for artificial insemination, genetic enhancement and support to central services is operational Establish an autonomous management structure for artificial insemination, genetic enhancement and support to central services is operational", + "is functional Establish an autonomous structure for managing artificial insemination, genetic enhancement and supporting central services in the following areas A functional agro-sylvo- zootechnical and sustainable natural resource management structure: 18 At least 3000 pilot sites will be established Establish pilot sites for agro-sylvo- zootechnical integration and sustainable natural resource management Number of pilot sites established 7 Rehabilitate and strengthen livestock infrastructure Veterinary centres Slaughter areas, 2 quarantine centres for controlling livestock markets will be rehabilitated and strengthened Construct and rehabilitate basic infrastructure Number of infrastructures rehabilitated and strengthened Industrial units for the manufacture of concentrated feed for livestock Manufacture of ice blocks will be installed in the Imbo region, 4 satellite units will be installed in 4 provinces and will be rehabilitated Establish units for the manufacture of feed supplements", + "for livestock Number of livestock feedingstuff manufacturing units installed and rehabilitated WATER RESOURCES 9 Establish hillside retaining walls for collecting rainwater and agricultural streams ha will be irrigated by hillside retaining walls Establish irrigation water retaining structures Number of hectares irrigated and functional retaining walls developed and managed flood areas ha of flood areas protected Ensure protection and management of flood areas Number of km developed The priorities presented in the table above are intended to address the shortcomings identified above and, as such, implement the recommendations made to this end.", + "Emphasis is placed on managing water for agricultural and other domestic uses and on the resilience of water, sanitation and hygiene systems to climate change risks By 2025, at least management uses rainwater for agricultural purposes Collect and use rainwater for agricultural and other uses Percentage of communities or households that have access to an effective rainwater collection system and climate risk-sensitive EAH projects.", + "ENERGY 12 Rehabilitate existing hydroelectric power stations By the time power stations are rehabilitated Rehabilitate power stations in poor condition Number of power stations rehabilitated 13 Conduct a densification of the network of the City of Bujumbura By a densification the line on 86.1 km of medium voltage and 1085 km of low voltage will be made Densify existing lines of medium and low voltage Length of densification the network of the City of Bujumbura km of the line of medium voltage and 772.3 km of base voltage will be rehabilitated Rehabilitate lines of medium and low voltage Number of km of rehabilitated lines 15 Set up biogas digesters in public infrastructure By the time establishments are covered Set up biogas digesters in public institutions Number of digesters installed INFRASTRUCTURE, TRANSPORT AND BUILDINGS 16 Develop infrastructure for non-motor", + "TRANSPORT AND BUILDINGS 16 Develop infrastructure for non-motorised transport will be developed for non-motorised transport Develop non-motorised transport routes Number of km developed capacity building and mobilisation of funding to support the implementation of sectoral and cross-cutting priorities.", + "Human resources from the public, private and civil society sectors are essential for the implementation of climate change adaptation programmes.", + "Strengthening the capacity of the 17 Develop the modern transport corridor on Lake Tanganyika will be developed and vessels available Develop ports on Lake Tanganyika and acquire vessels Number of developed ports and vessels acquired WASTE 18 Connect businesses and households to the sewage treatment network composed of the neighbourhoods, industrialists and sensitized public institutions of the City of Bujumbura will be connected to the sewage networks Raise awareness and connect households, industrialists and public institutions Number of Bujumbura City Hall areas connected to solid waste in the City of Bujumbura and other major cities By 2030, the cities of Bujumbura, Gitega, Ngozi and Rumonge will have transit sites and final landfills for solid waste, as well as sorting and recycling centres Develop transit sites and final landfills for solid waste", + "Number of transit sites and final landfills of solid waste and number of sorting and recycling centres per city TRANSVERSAL PRIORITIES real-time monitoring of Burundi\u2019s environment for sustainable development By the time the technical and human capacities of the PUMA, MESA and GMES programmes will be strengthened Strengthen the technical, material and human capacities of environmental monitoring tools and training sessions Type and number of tools acquired and number of training sessions in PUMA, MESA and GMES Number of stakeholder participants from the target ministries of research institutes; as well as from the private sector and civil society constitutes a fundamental part of the strategy for the implementation of the NAP.", + "To date, Burundi has implemented a series of adaptation programmes financed mainly by bilateral and multilateral donors, such as the GEF, the African Development Bank (ADB), the World Bank and GIZ, as well as national funds for programmes such as the National Reforestation Programme. The management of environmental funds, such as the GEF, the Adaptation Fund, the Blue Fund and the Green Climate Fund is held by the Ministry of the Environment, which is an asset for capitalising on synergies and capacities. 5.4.", + "This is an asset to capitalize on synergies and capacities. 5.4. Implementation of adaptation measures and plans In the context of NAPA implementation, the prerequisites are essential for policy makers to take ownership of the NAPA, to develop the technical and financial means necessary for the implementation of the NAPA, and to develop and implement a strategy for mobilizing funds for adaptation in Burundi.", + "Implementation of adaptation measures and plans In the context of NAPA implementation, the prerequisites are essential for policy makers to take ownership of the NAPA, to develop the technical and financial means necessary for the implementation of the NAPA, and to develop and implement a strategy for mobilizing funds for adaptation in Burundi. For policy makers, implementation should focus on the following activities: areas/communities more affected by climate risk and improve the resilience of water, sanitation and hygiene systems Water will be protected Target areas/communities affected by climate risk and vulnerable sources by providing climate-resilient EAH systems Percentage of water points with source conservation and protection activities 22 Improve knowledge", + "Percentage of water bodies with source conservation and protection activities 22 Improve knowledge of climate change, prevention of climate change-related diseases and disaster risk reduction at the community level e People will have knowledge of climate change and capacity to prevent themselves from the risks of climate change.", + "For decision makers, implementation should focus on the following activities: areas/communities more affected by climate risk and improve the resilience of water, sanitation and hygiene systems Water will be protected Target areas/communities affected by climate risk and vulnerable sources by providing climate resilient EAH systems Percentage of water points with source conservation and protection activities 22 Improve knowledge about climate change, prevention of climate change-related diseases and reduction of disaster risks at the community level People will have knowledge about climate change and capacity to prevent themselves from climate change risks Strengthen community capacity on climate change and on the prevention and management of climate change risks", + "Community capacities on climate change and on climate change risk prevention and management Number of hills/sub-hills trained on climate change/disaster risk reduction TOTAL ADAPTATION \uf0b7 Strengthen the coordination mechanism through a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach to strengthen dialogue between actors in the field, facilitate the establishment of a harmonised framework for future interventions and the mobilisation of financial resources for the implementation of the ANP and the NCD; \uf0b7 Raise awareness among relevant stakeholders of the importance of adaptation and advocate the recognition of adaptation to climate change as a national priority; \uf0b7 Encourage technical and financial partners to invest in the field of climate change; \uf0b7 Develop and implement legislation in the field of climate change; \uf0b7 Harmonise sectoral policies with the NDP taking climate change into account \uf0b7 Develop", + "\uf0b7 Harmonise sectoral policies with the NDP taking climate change into account \uf0b7 Develop awareness-raising and training programmes on climate change.", + "Adopt and participate in the implementation of the NAP \uf0b7 Participate in the development of awareness-raising and training programmes on the theme of climate change. 5.5. Progress and results Burundi submitted its Third National Communication on Climate Change in 2019 to the UNFCCC Secretariat. Currently, the country is in the process of revising its NCD. The Government of Burundi has recognized that the NAP process and the revision of the NCD are complementary processes that, when coherent, promote action and facilitate the mobilisation of resources for adaptation. The NAP can contribute to the definition of the adaptation ambition within the framework of the NCD. 5.6.", + "5.6. Adaptation efforts In Burundi, climate change is a reality and the impact on the survival of communities is worsening day by day, which is why adaptation measures are indispensable and will have to be a national priority. In climate change conditions, everyone (especially farmers) tries to adapt. People generally start by changing their technical practices by changing crop varieties and promoting improved crop practices. The use of production means (work, inputs) is rationalised to take into account risks: in some cases this results in expansion, in others in concentration of means in \"safer\" areas (taking into account the availability of water).", + "The use of means of production (work, inputs) is justified in order to take account of risks: in some cases this translates into expansion, in others into the concentration of means in \"safer\" areas (taking account of the availability of water). In livestock farmers, on the one hand, there is a change in the structure of the herds, in particular the distribution between different animal species, and on the other hand, there is a change in feeding schedules based, in particular, on the permanent stabilisation of the herds. In other cases, the search for solutions is often outside agriculture, with the search for other non-agricultural jobs, which is the cause of the internal and external migration observed today.", + "In other cases, the search for solutions often takes place outside agriculture, with the search for other non-agricultural jobs leading to the internal and external migration observed today. At the decision-making and institutional level, adaptation efforts are also mobilised despite their ineffectiveness and manifest themselves in the establishment of legal texts, strategies and plans that propose adaptation solutions, in order to mitigate the risks caused by these climate changes. 5.7.", + "5.7. Cooperation to strengthen adaptation at the national, regional and international levels At the national level, enhanced cooperation concerns the involvement of all stakeholders in adapting to climate change at all stages of planning and implementation of programmes under the NCD At the regional level, cooperation is manifested through regional partnership agreements such as COMIFAC and the East African Community The Parties to the Paris Agreement recognise the importance of international support and cooperation for adaptation efforts and the need to take into account the needs of developing countries and countries with economies in transition.", + "support and international cooperation for adaptation efforts and the need to take into account the needs of Burundi, which is particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change 5.8.", + "Cooperation to strengthen adaptation at the national, regional and international levels At the national level, enhanced cooperation involves the involvement of all stakeholders in adapting to climate change at all stages of planning and implementation of programmes under the NCD At the regional level, cooperation is manifested through regional partnership agreements such as COMIFAC and the community of East African countries The Parties to the Paris Agreement recognise the importance of international support and cooperation for adaptation efforts and the need to take into account the needs of Burundi, which is particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change.", + "adaptation, including adaptation following the absence of a functional and permanent technical working group; \uf0b7 Limited institutional and individual technical capacity to translate policy priorities and promote effective implementation of activities, projects and programmes; \uf0b7 Low level of integration of adaptation into national and sectoral planning and budgeting processes; \uf0b7 Limited capacity to mobilise and access funding; \uf0b7 Insufficiently functional regulatory framework; \uf0b7 Lack of climate focal points in all key sectors.", + "Obstacles, Challenges and Gaps Climate governance faces some gaps, challenges and obstacles in relevant regulatory frameworks and policies for adaptation, the main ones being: \uf0b7 Lack of multisectoral and multidisciplinary coordination on climate change, including adaptation, due to the absence of a functional and permanent technical working group; \uf0b7 Limited institutional and individual technical capacity to translate policy priorities and promote effective implementation of activities, projects and programmes; \uf0b7 Low level of integration of adaptation into the national and sectoral planning and budgeting process; \uf0b7 Limited capacity to mobilise and access funding; \uf0b7 An insufficiently functional regulatory framework; \uf0b7 Lack of climate focal points in all key sectors. 5.9. Good practices, lessons learned and exchange of information In the implementation of projects and programmes", + "5.9. Good practices, lessons learned and exchange of information In the implementation of ongoing or final adaptation projects and programmes, good practices and lessons can be learned, particularly in the agriculture and natural resources sectors.", + "Good practices, lessons learned and exchange of information In the implementation of ongoing and final adaptation projects and programmes, there are good practices and lessons learned, particularly in the agriculture and natural resources sectors. Thus, the lessons learned are as follows: \uf0b7 The NAP process will be able to build on awareness-raising and capacity-building activities of government actors responsible for community development organisations; \uf0b7 The importance of projects for regional integration of adaptation, which can be pursued in the context of the implementation of the NAP; \uf0b7 Some projects have achieved common adaptation and mitigation objectives as well as mobilising private sector investment; \uf0b7 The NAP process will build on objectives to produce coordinated results at the national, regional and local levels.", + "\uf0b7 The NAP process will build on objectives to produce coordinated results at subnational levels contributing to the formulation of the national adaptation plan; \uf0b7 The NAP can build on capacity building activities and systems for the collection and dissemination of meteorological and hydrological information; \uf0b7 The NAP process strengthens climate information systems and related capabilities; \uf0b7 The NAP process strengthens climate information and early warning systems, as well as climate change vulnerability maps.", + "\uf0b7 The communication strategy can be used as a basis for the development of a communication plan for the NAP process. 5.10. Monitoring and evaluation In its implementation, the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the NAP will make it possible to check whether the process is proceeding as planned. The adaptation monitoring and evaluation will make it possible to assess the impacts (short, medium and long-term) of the priority actions carried out and whether they effectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives defined on reducing vulnerability. On the other hand, M&E can make it possible to learn about adaptation through practice, to reorient actions as necessary, and to monitor financial contributions in the field of climate change. Currently, Burundi does not have a climate change M&E framework.", + "national climate change and environment plans and strategies do not define the S&E system or objectively verifiable indicators.", + "National plans and strategies for climate change and the environment do not define the S&E system or objectively verifiable indicators. The National Strategy and Action Plan on Climate Change and the National Development Plan propose a set of indicators, but these lack a baseline and objectives. There is a National REDD+ Strategy (2019) which proposes a national forest monitoring system based on Measurement, Notification and Verification (MNV), but its implementation is not effective.", + "5.11. Adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans These measures refer to the implementation of various plans and strategies, including: \uf0b7 the National Action Plan on Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA 2007); \uf0b7 the NDP Burundi 2018-2027; \uf0b7 the National Communication Strategy on Climate Change; Burundi has implemented several adaptation projects and programmes, particularly in the agriculture and natural resources sectors.", + "These include capacity-building, adaptation planning at the subnational level, and strengthening private sector engagement.", + "Lessons learned from their implementation can be used for future projects and programmes, in particular in terms of: scaling-up potential, climate change information, awareness-raising and capacity-building, adaptation planning at the subnational level and strengthening private sector engagement, among others. 5.12. Contributions to other international frameworks and/or conventions Adaptation in the climate change sector involves a variety of actors and establishes a common international conceptual framework, the Paris Agreement. Since the establishment of the Ministry for the Environment in 1988, the Government of Burundi has begun the process of drafting legislation relating to the protection of the environment and its natural resources.", + "Since the establishment of the Ministry of the Environment in 1988, the Government of Burundi has begun the process of drafting laws relating to the protection of the environment and its natural resources.", + "Although these texts have been enacted, they have remained ineffective in the field of climate change due to a lack of implementing texts on the one hand, and to the fact that they have not been sufficiently widely disseminated and made known to stakeholders at sectoral level on the other. Among the legal instruments on which the country can rely to combat climate change, mention should also be made of the international conventions ratified by Burundi, such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; the Convention to Combat Desertification, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the RAMSAR Convention on Wetlands. These conventions are often sources of funds for adaptation activities. 5.13.", + "These conventions are often the source of funds for adaptation activities. 5.13. Gender, traditional knowledge, indigenous peoples\u2019 knowledge and local knowledge systems are taken into account The CBD 2020 builds on Burundi\u2019s NDP, on the MDGs, on the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and on the decisions of the Paris Agreement, particularly in the light of the rules book adopted at COP24, to call for greater vigilance on the impacts of climate change policies in order to prevent them from being detrimental to women and vulnerable groups.", + "Gender mainstreaming, traditional knowledge, indigenous peoples\u2019 knowledge and local knowledge systems The CND 2020 builds on Burundi\u2019s NDP, on the MDGs, on the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and on the Paris Agreement Decisions, notably in the light of the rules book adopted at COP24, to call for greater vigilance on the impacts of climate change policies in order to prevent them from being detrimental to women and vulnerable groups In all sectors and their projects working to adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Government of Burundi has the opportunity to provide a baseline on gender and social inclusion issues in adaptation and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.", + "reference to gender and social inclusion issues in adaptation and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; The agriculture, energy and infrastructure projects and programs identified in this CDN are particularly likely to systematically integrate gender and social inclusion aspects.", + "In all sectors and their projects for adaptation to climate change and reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Government of Burundi has the opportunity to establish a baseline on gender and social inclusion issues in adaptation and reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; The agriculture, energy and infrastructure projects and programmes selected in this CDN are particularly called upon to systematically integrate gender and social inclusion aspects; They will inform and raise awareness of women, youth and batwa as actors in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; The ongoing projects will strengthen the capacities of women, youth and batwa to stimulate a change in practices and optimize integrated landscape management and the sustainable food value chain in order to increase the adoption of resilient production systems.", + "integrated landscapes and the sustainable food value chain to increase the adoption of resilient and improved production systems.", + "Ongoing projects will strengthen the capacities of women, youth and batwa to bring about a change in practices and optimise integrated landscape management and the sustainable food value chain in order to increase the adoption of resilient and improved production systems. Projects will provide them with the means and techniques to improve their standard of living, climate resilience and food security (income, use of non-GHG-emitting energy sources, improved homes, solar energy, etc.). In the course of their implementation, forestry and land and ecosystem restoration projects will give special attention to vulnerable groups so that they become actors in the collective response-action for a sustainable fight against the advance of climate change rather than the risks of related disasters.", + "During their implementation, forestry projects and those related to the restoration of land and ecosystems, vulnerable groups will receive special attention so that they become actors in the collective response-action for a sustainable fight against the advancement of climate change instead of suffering the risks of related disasters. Suggestions from these groups will be gathered for the development and implementation of projects and for community management of the risks of climate change-related disasters. The traditional knowledge of batwa will be taken into account as they have a long experience of observing and committing to their environment. For many years of interaction with their natural environment, they have developed strategies to respond to the impacts of climate change and have been able to respond to them through their expertise and nature philosophy. 6.", + "For many years of interaction with their natural environment, they have developed strategies to respond to the impacts of climate change and have been able to do so thanks to their know-how and nature philosophy. 6. IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 6.1. Institutional aspects An institutional framework for the implementation of the CBD exists in Burundi. It is supervised by the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock (MINEAGRIE) through the Directorate General for the Environment, Water Resources and Sanitation, which is responsible for coordinating the implementation of sectoral policies on climate change.", + "IGEBU and the Office Burundais pour la Protection de l\u2019Environnement (OBPE) are also the National Focal Point and the Deputy National Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), respectively. In addition, the Director General of Agriculture of the Ministry is the Designated National Authority (AND) for the Green Climate Fund (FVC) and the Permanent Secretary of MINEAGRIE is the focal point of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). In the context of climate change, IGEBU is responsible for the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of meteorological and hydrological data.", + "In the context of climate change, IGEBU is responsible for the collection, analysis, processing and dissemination of meteorological and hydrological data. OBPE is responsible for the implementation of environmental and climate change policies and strategies and the establishment of mechanisms for mitigation and adaptation to climate change (the implementation of the NAP). For all intents and purposes, it should be noted that other sectoral ministries are concerned with climate change issues that have a cross-cutting impact on all key sectors of the national economy. These are the ministries responsible for energy, public health, trade, transport, industry and tourism. This justifies the need for a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach to ensure effective resilience.", + "This justifies the need for a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach to ensuring effective resilience. Thus, the CBD 2020 calls for the strengthening of coordination among actors in the field with a view to facilitating the harmonization of interventions and the mobilisation of financial resources for the implementation of the NAPA and the CBD. To this end, like other countries in the sub-region and worldwide, a National Climate Change Council, with technical and financial capacities and high-level decision-making power, is indispensable for the needs of coordination, consultation and mobilisation of stakeholders involved at all levels, as well as for the monitoring and evaluation of the state of implementation of the CBD.", + "To this end, like other countries in the sub-region and in the world, a National Climate Change Council, with technical and financial capacities and high-level decision-making power, is indispensable for the needs of coordination, consultation and mobilisation of the stakeholders involved at all levels, as well as for monitoring and evaluating the state of implementation of the NCD. At the technical level, a National Technical Committee on Climate should be established and chaired by a para-State agency, as should other structures of the Community of East African Countries. The creation and establishment of the National Council and the Technical Committee will be enshrined in presidential decrees. The establishment of these structures will have to take account of all actors and address cross-cutting issues such as gender and social inclusion. 6.2.", + "6.2. Legal framework An impressive legal arsenal is based on the Constitution of Burundi of 17 May 2018, in particular Article 164, paragraph 4 and Article 35. It is supplemented by the following texts: - Law No.1/10 of 30 May 2011 on the creation and management of protected areas in Burundi - Law No.1/010 of 30 June 2000 on the Environment Code - Law No.1/07 of 15 July 2016 on the revision of the Forestry Code - Law No.1/02 of 26 March 2012 on the Water Code in Burundi with regard to the qualitative protection (Articles 43 to 47) and quantitative protection of water resources (Articles 48 to 50).", + "It is supplemented by the following texts: - Act No.1/10 of 30 May 2011 on the creation and management of protected areas in Burundi - Act No.1/010 of 30 June 2000 on the Environment Code - Act No.1/07 of 15 July 2016 on the revision of the Forestry Code - Act No.1/02 of 26 March 2012 on the Water Code in Burundi with regard to the qualitative protection (Articles 43 to 47) and quantitative protection of water resources (Articles 48 to 50) - Act No.1/13 of 9 August 2011 on the revision of the Land Code of Burundi Article 451, paragraph 1, - Act No.1/13 of 23 April 2015 on the reorganization of the electricity sector - Act No.1/012 of 30 May 2018 on the Code on the provision of health care and services in Burundi, in particular Articles 137 and 138 - Decree-Law No. 100/241 of", + "- Decree-Law No. 100/241 of 31 December 1992 regulating the disposal of wastewater in urban areas.", + "- Act No. 1/13 of 9 August 2011 amending the Land Code of Burundi, article 451, paragraph 1; - Act No. 1/13 of 23 April 2015 reorganising the electricity sector; - Act No. 1/012 of 30 May 2018 amending the Code on the provision of health care and services in Burundi, in particular articles 137 and 138 thereof; - Decree-Law No. 100/241 of 31 December 1992 regulating the disposal of wastewater in urban areas; - Decree No. 100/ 292 of 16 October 2007 establishing the National Platform for Risk Prevention and Disaster Management; 6.3.", + "- Decree No. 100/ 292 of 16 October 2007 establishing the National Platform for Risk Prevention and Disaster Management, its mission, composition, organisation and functioning. 6.3. Financing mechanisms The assessment of the financing needs for mitigation and adaptation actions to the effects of climate change provided for in this CDN is based on the lists of programmes and projects identified in progress or planned across the different sectors. An operational implementation strategy and its financing will enable the CDN to be implemented within the planned timeframe. The financing mechanisms have requirements to be met in terms of the quality of the projects to be submitted, the data collected, the impact on mitigation or adaptation and the capacities of the management structures.", + "The funding mechanisms have requirements in terms of the quality of the projects to be submitted, the data collected, the impact on mitigation or adaptation, and the capacity of management structures. Mastery of technical, social and financial arrangements is a prerequisite for success in attracting the attention of providers of the resources needed for the implementation of the CBD. 7. MONITORING/EVALUATION MECHANISM AND VRM Under the supervision of the Ministry responsible for the Environment, the monitoring and evaluation of the CBD will be carried out by the sectoral technical services. This will include monitoring the implementation of the activities provided for in this contribution as well as the various indicators of the CBD.", + "This will include monitoring the implementation of the activities envisaged in this contribution as well as the various indicators of the CBD. A capacity-building plan for the sectors concerned by the MNV will be established in the CBD implementation strategy with the corresponding costs integrated into the cost of priority actions. Burundi considers its CBD to be fair and ambitious, taking into account its national situation and how it contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in Article 2 of the Paris Agreement. In its participatory development process, all stakeholders were consulted and the criteria for prioritising actions were based on the human and socio-environmental dimension.", + "In its participatory development process, all stakeholders were consulted and the criteria for prioritizing actions were based on the human and socio-environmental dimension. It shows specific commitments to reduce GHGs in relation to projected emissions by 2030. The country commits to complying with the rules that guarantee environmental integrity, promote sustainable development and avoid double counting of emission reductions, in accordance with the rules that will be adopted under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The successful implementation of the new NCD 2020 by all stakeholders requires significant financial, human and technological resources on the part of the country, as well as the support of the international community, to enable even more significant reductions in GHG emissions and resilience to climate change." + ] + } + }, + { + "country_code": "BEN", + "type_of_document": "Revised First NDC", + "language": "fr", + "para_translated": { + "small": [ + "DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION TO THE UPDATED NATIONAL LEVEL OF BENIN UNDER THE PARIS AGREEMENT (Final Document) DG ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE PROJECT TO SUPPORT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BENIN NCD (PROJECT N\u00b0 (PN)/18.2105.7-001.09) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY List of acronyms and acronyms.2 List of chemical symbols 4 List of units.5 List of figures 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.7 I.", + "NATIONAL CONSTANCES. 12 II. ATTENDANCE 13 2.1.", + "Current greenhouse gas emissions and projections if the status quo is maintained. 13 Figure 1: Trends in aggregate GHG emissions and emissions from the agriculture, energy, waste and industrial processes sectors, status quo scenario. 14 Figure 2: Contribution of different sources to non-GHG emissions of SCCPs and air pollutants in Benin in 2018 (excluding forestry and land-use change). 2.3.", + "Measures for Nationally Determined Contributions to Mitigation 15 Figure 3: Trends in aggregate GHG emissions (excluding forestry) under the status quo scenario. 18 and under intervention 18 Figure 4: Trends in GHG emissions under the status quo scenario and under intervention in the agriculture sector. 20 Figure 5: Trends in GHG emissions under the status quo scenario and under intervention in the energy sector.. 23 Table 7:", + "AMBITION AND EQUITY. 24 IV. ADAPTATION. 25 4.1. Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change. 25 4.2. Objectives for adaptation to climate change. 25 V. STRATEGIES, PROGRAMMES, PROJECTS AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR IMPLEMENTATION. 26 5.1. Implementation of sectoral activities 26 5.2.", + "Climate change adaptation objectives. 25 V. STRATEGIES, PROGRAMMES, PROJECTS AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR IMPLEMENTATION. 26 5.1. Implementation of sectoral activities 26 5.2. Framework for gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the CBD Updated 34 5.3.", + "Framework for Gender Mainstreaming in the Implementation of the Updated CBD 34 5.3. Institutional Framework for the Implementation of the Updated CBD. 36 Figure 6: Framework for the Institutional Arrangements for the Implementation of the CBD 38 VI. METHODS OF IMPLEMENTATION 39 6.1.", + "Institutional Framework for the Implementation of the Updated CBD. 36 Figure 6: Framework for the Institutional Arrangements for the Implementation of the CBD 38 VI. IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES 39 6.1. Technology Transfer Requirements. 39 6.2. Capacity Building. 41 6.3.", + "Technology Transfer Requirements. 39 6.2. Capacity Building. 41 6.3. Financing 43 Conditions for Success in Implementing the NCD 44 LIBRARY. 45 APPENDICES. Error!", + "Financing 43 Conditions for the success of the implementation of the CDN 44 LIBRARY. 45 ANNEXES. Error! Undefined acronym. List of acronyms and abbreviations AIC : Climate-smart agriculture ANCB : Association Nationale des Communes du B\u00e9nin UNFCCC : United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change CDN : Contribution Determined at the National Level CIAIB : Commission de Mod\u00e9lisation Economique des Impacts du Climat et de l\u2019Int\u00e9gration des Changes Climatiques dans le Budget G\u00e9n\u00e9ral de l\u2019Etat CNCC : National Committee on Climate Change COP or COP : Conference of the Parties CPDN : Planned Contributions Determined at the National Level DGEC : Directorate-General for the Environment and Climate DGRE : Directorate-General for Energy Resources EBT-Adaptation", + "Adaptation TBT- Mitigation: Assessment of Mitigation Technology Needs GHG: Greenhouse Gases IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change TEAP: Environment and Climate Thematic Group MCVDD: Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development ODS: Sustainable Development Goals NGO: Non-Governmental Organization PAG: Programme of Action of the Government NAPA: National Action Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change GDP: Gross Domestic Product LDCs: Least Developed Countries NAPA: National Adaptation Plan NDP: National Development Plan PRBA: First Biennial Update of Benin PRG: Global Greenhouse Gas Heating Capacity TFP: Technical and Financial Partners REED+: Reduction of Emissions Due to Deforestation SBEE: Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 B\u00e9ninoise d\u2019Energie Electrique SDAC:", + "Work of the Convention United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change TCN: Third National Communication of Benin on Climate Change LULUCF: Land use, land-use change and forestry List of chemical symbols: Carbon dioxide: Methane: Nitrous oxide NOx: Nitrogen oxide CO: Carbon monoxide NMVOC: Volatile organic compounds Non-methane: Sulphur dioxide BC: Black carbon OC: Organic carbon: PM10: PM2.5: Ammonia List of units t: Tonne: Carbon dioxide equivalent MW: Megawatt MWh: Megawatt-hour Mt: Megatonne: Megatonne Carbon dioxide equivalent: Square kilometre ha: hectare List of figures Figure 1: Trends in aggregate GHG emissions and emissions from the agriculture, energy, waste and industrial process sectors, status quo", + "Not defined.", + "Figure 2: Contribution of different sources to GHG (non-GHG) and air pollutant emissions in Benin in 2018 (excluding forestry and land-use change). 15 Figure 3: Trends in aggregate GHG emissions (excluding forestry) in the case of the status quo scenario and in the case of intervention. 18 Figure 4: Trends in GHG emissions in the case of the status quo scenario and in the case of intervention in the agricultural sector 20 Figure 5: Trends in GHG emissions in the case of the status quo scenario and in the case of intervention in the energy sector 23 Figure 6:", + "SCCPs (non-GHG) and air pollutants in Benin between 2010 and 2018 (thousands of tonnes). 14 Table 2: General methodological considerations and overall results for updating mitigation measures 15 Table 3: Emissions and reductions of GHG emissions (non-forestry) for the status quo scenario and the mitigation scenario (in Mt E-CO2). 18 Table 4: Emissions of SCCPs (non-GHG) and air pollutants in 2030 for baseline and supplementary scenarios. 19 Table 5: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the agriculture sector 19 Table 6: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the energy sector 20 Table 7: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the LULUCF sector 23 Table 8: Measures envisaged and emissions avoid", + "Climate. 25 Table 10: Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the CBD on mitigation in the agricultural sector. 26 Table 11: Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the CBD on mitigation in the energy sector. 29 Table 12: Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the CBD on mitigation in the forestry sector. 31 Table 13: Sectoral strategies for the implementation of adaptation objectives. 33 Table 14: Indicators of gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the updated CBD 35 Table 15:", + "42 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In accordance with the relevant provisions of Decision 1CP/21 adopting the Paris Agreement and paragraph 22 of Decision 1CP/21 adopting the Paris Agreement, Benin prepared its first Determined Contribution at the National Level (DNC) and submitted it to the Convention secretariat in October 2017.", + "The activities planned in the NCD covering the period 2017-2030 are structured into two main components, namely mitigation and adaptation.", + "Following the establishment of the state of play of the CND in relation to the actions implemented over the period 2017-2019, Benin has embarked on the process of updating this instrument with a view to enhancing the ambition enshrined in the CND and providing greater clarity and transparency for a better understanding of the instrument on the one hand and for better monitoring of its implementation on the other.", + "To this end, Benin intends to demonstrate its firm commitment to further contribute to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gases. This document, which has been prepared with the broad participation of various stakeholders from public, private, local government and NGOs, constitutes Benin\u2019s updated NCD.", + "The Republic of Benin is located in West Africa between latitudes 6\u00b030\u2019 and 12\u00b030\u2019 North and longitudes 1\u00b0 and 3\u00b040\u2019 East, with an area of 114.763 km2.", + "The Republic of Benin is located in West Africa between latitudes 6\u00b030\u2019 and 12\u00b030\u2019 North and longitudes 1\u00b0 and 3\u00b040\u2019 East, with an area of 114.763 km2. The population of Benin is estimated at 10.008.749 inhabitants (RGPH4, 2013) with an average annual population growth rate of about 3.52%.", + "The population of Benin is estimated at 10,087,449 (GPH4, 2013) with an average annual population growth rate of 3.52%.", + "Administratively, Benin currently has twelve (12) departments subdivided into 77 communes. There are mainly two types of climate in Benin: the sub-equatorial climate characterizing the southern region and the continental tropical climate governing the northern region.", + "There are two main types of climate in Benin: the sub-equatorial climate characterizing the southern region and the continental tropical climate governing the northern region. From a socio-economic point of view, Benin experienced an unstable economic situation during the period 1996-2015, characterized by a fluctuation in gross domestic product (GDP) of between 2 and 6 per cent overall.", + "On the socio-economic front, Benin experienced an unstable economic situation during the period 1996-2015, with gross domestic product (GDP) fluctuating between 2 and 6 per cent on the whole. However, thanks to the economic reforms currently being carried out by the Government, GDP reached a record 6.8 per cent in 2018 (Source, IMF).", + "However, thanks to the economic reforms currently being carried out by the government, GDP reached a record 6.8 per cent in 2018 (Source, IMF). However, GDP per capita growth remains low, due to sustained population growth and low policy performance, leaving little scope for achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).", + "However, GDP per capita growth remains low, owing to sustained population growth and low policy performance, leaving little scope for achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Awareness of the challenges related to climate change has led to the development and adoption of several policies, strategies and response programmes by Benin.", + "Awareness of the challenges related to the problem of climate change has encouraged the development and adoption of several policies, strategies and response programmes by Benin. From a legal point of view, it should be noted that under the heading of climate change, a law regulating climate change in the Republic of Benin was voted by the parliament on 18 June 2018 and promulgated on 06 August 2018.", + "On the legal front, it should be noted that under the heading of climate change, a law regulating climate change in the Republic of Benin was voted by the parliament on 18 June 2018 and promulgated on 06 August 2018. In terms of development priorities and objectives, the Republic of Benin, despite the remaining bottlenecks or challenges, has made commendable efforts, in particular in terms of infrastructure development, security and governance.", + "With regard to development priorities and objectives, the Republic of Benin, despite the remaining bottlenecks or challenges, has made commendable efforts, particularly in the areas of infrastructure development, security and governance, but the level of operationalisation of the existing strategies remains low in order to bring about a significant evolution towards the achievement of their respective visions and that of the National Long-Term Perspective Studies \"Benin Alafia 2025\".", + "However, the level of operationalisation of the existing strategies is still low in order to bring about a significant evolution towards the realisation of their respective visions and that of the National Long-Term Perspective Studies \"Benin Alafia 2025\". In terms of climate finance, Benin has created the National Fund for the Environment and Climate (FNEC) accredited by the Green Climate Fund (FVC). 2.1.", + "In terms of climate finance, Benin has established the National Fund for the Environment and Climate (FNEC) accredited by the Green Climate Fund (FVC). 2.1. Current greenhouse gas emissions and projections if the status quo is maintained Benin\u2019s total GHG emissions in 2018 are about 16.94 Mt CO2 equivalent (Mt E-CO2), or about 1.5 tonnes E-CO2 per capita, excluding land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF).", + "Current greenhouse gas emissions and projections if the status quo is maintained Total GHG emissions in Benin in 2018 are about 16.94 Mt CO2 equivalent (Mt E-CO2), or about 1.5 tonnes E-CO2 per capita, excluding land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) emissions from the energy sector (58.09 per cent), agriculture (28.51 per cent), waste (5.38 per cent) and industrial processes (1.22 per cent) and other sectors (vegetation fires and HFC emissions) for 6.80 per cent.", + "These emissions are from the energy sector (58.09%), agriculture (28.51%), waste (5.38%) and industrial processes (1.22%) and other sectors (vegetation fires and HFCs) for 6.80%. Taking LULUCF into account, net GHG emissions are 9.62 Mt E-CO2.", + "Taking LULUCF into account, net GHG emissions are 9.62 Mt E-CO2. In terms of projections, if the status quo scenario is maintained, the overall emissions trend (excluding LULUCF) shows a 71% increase over the period 2018-2030 from 16.94 Mt E-CO2 to 29.02 Mt E-CO2 (Figure 1).", + "In terms of projections, if the status quo scenario is maintained, the trend in aggregate emissions (excluding LULUCF) shows a 71% increase over the period 2018-2030 from 16.94 Mt E-CO2 to 29.02 Mt E-CO2 (Figure 1). The total cumulative aggregate GHG emissions without any intervention over the period 2021-2030 is approximately 241.98 Mt E-CO2 (excluding LULUCF).", + "The total cumulative GHG emissions without any intervention over the period 2021-2030 are estimated to be about 241.98 Mt E-CO2 (excluding LULUCF) from 63.62 % of the energy sector and 24.04 % of the agriculture sector, 1.21% of the POPs sector, 4.64 % of the waste sector and other sectors (vegetation fires and HFC emissions), 6.49 %.", + "For the coming years, the measures envisaged in the revised NCD in the Energy, Agriculture and Waste sectors (see Tables 5, 6, 7 and 8 below) are likely to contribute to a reduction in cumulative GHG emissions (excluding LULUCF) of approximately 48.75 Mt E-CO2 from the baseline scenario, i.e. a reduction of about 20.15% over the period 2021-2030. 2.2.", + "Climate Change Mitigation Objectives and Measures Based on existing strategies, plans and programs, key sectoral climate change mitigation objectives and measures are identified and documented in Tables 3 to 5. 2.3.", + "Implementation Strategies, Programs and Projects The implementation of sectoral mitigation activities (agriculture, energy, forestry and waste) under the CBD will build on existing and future strategies, programs and projects.", + "In view of its membership of the group of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), its environmental context and its development objectives, adaptation remains the priority for the Republic of Benin in its response to climate change, although it unconditionally subscribes to the global effort, oriented towards the mitigation strategy. 3.1.", + "Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change The assessment of Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change on behalf of the updated CND is based essentially on the results of studies or evaluations carried out, inter alia, within the framework of the Third National Communication on Climate Change and the Technology Needs Assessment process, and of development programmes or projects aimed at adaptation objectives.", + "Current major climate risks affecting livelihoods in particularly vulnerable sectors (agriculture, water resources, coastal areas, etc.) include flooding, drought, late and heavy rainfall, strong winds, excessive heat and sea-level rise.", + "Impacts observed over the past three decades include decreased agricultural yields, disruption of agricultural schedules, and decreased water levels in drinking water supply dams due to increased evaporation of 3-4% annually (Houngue et al.", + "2019), extended stretching period (1 to 3 months), shoreline flooding, etc.", + "With respect to future vulnerability, assessments based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) new climate scenarios RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 (Representative Concentration Trend Profiles) show that annual precipitation projections at different time horizons (2030, 2050) using the CSIRO and CCCMA models show downward or upward trends depending on the model, but negative variations remain the dominant feature (MCVDD, 2019).", + "In terms of temperatures (mean, minimum and maximum), the projections generally show a warming trend for 2030 and 2050, and potential impacts include sea level rise of about 0.81m by 2100, with direct effects of coastal flooding and saltwater intrusion into rivers and water bodies.", + "Potential impacts include sea level rise of up to about 0.81m by 2100, with direct effects of coastal flooding and saltwater intrusion into rivers and water bodies, which could affect human settlements, health, and fishing activities (MEHU, 2011).", + "This could affect human settlements, health, and fishing activities (MEHU, 2011). A probable decrease in surface water flows over the entire Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 River basin by 2050 could also be expected in a scenario of reduced rainfall in the northern part of the country and a shift in flood periods in the Beninese part of the Niger basin, as a result of a significant decrease in the seasonal rainfall regime (MEHU, 2011).", + "In addition, the outlook for corn yields (75-day SYN variation) is 21.6% and 28.8%, respectively, for 2030 and 2050, for cotton yields are 0.9% and 6.3%, respectively, for 2030 and 2050, and for disease prevalence, including foot-and-mouth disease, small ruminant plague, nodular dermatosis and the spread of ticks of the genus Rhipicephalus Boophilus microplus, high fish mortality and loss of ecological habitat for fish species. 3.2.", + "Climate change adaptation targets Based on existing strategies, plans and programs, key sectoral climate change adaptation targets are defined for the time horizons 2025, 2030 and are set out in Table 8. 3.3.", + "Implementation strategies, programmes and projects The implementation of adaptation activities at the level of the eight (8) sectors under consideration (agriculture, water resources, forestry, coastal, tourism, energy, health, urban development and infrastructure) under the updated NCD will be based on existing and future strategies, programmes and projects. 4.", + "FRAMEWORK FOR GENDER INTEGRATION IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CBD Gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the CBD appears to be extremely important in view of the role played by a particularly vulnerable section of society, namely women, in the fight against climate change.", + "In this regard, the integration of the gender dimension into the updated CND document is envisaged with a view to providing a comprehensive overview of the possibilities for gender mainstreaming, defining appropriate levels of gender mainstreaming by sector and area of action, with some recommendations. 5.", + "It defines the appropriate levels of gender mainstreaming by sector and area of action, with some recommendations. 5. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UNCCD The implementation of Benin\u2019s updated National Determined Contribution (NDC) is carried out under the aegis of the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD), acting as the national focal point for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).", + "INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UNCCD The implementation of Benin\u2019s updated National Determined Contribution (NDC) is carried out under the aegis of the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD), acting as the national focal point for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).", + "The main actors involved include in particular: \uf0b7 relevant ministries and sectoral institutions; \uf0b7 local authorities; \uf0b7 the private sector; \uf0b7 civil society. The bodies implementing this instrument are: \uf0b7 The Steering Committee, the supreme decision-making and policy-making body. It is composed of designated representatives of the relevant ministries.", + "The bodies implementing this instrument are the following: \uf0b7 The Steering Committee, the supreme decision-making and policy-making body, composed of designated representatives of the relevant ministries. \uf0b7 The National Coordination Unit of the CND, which is the central body for all actions.", + "\uf0b7 The National Coordination Unit of the CDN, which is the umbrella body for all actions and comprises the Director General for Climate Change (DGEC), the National Coordinator, the Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Focal Point for the Transfer of Climate Technology, a Executive Secretary, and two technical assistants to the National Coordinator.", + "It comprises the Director General in charge of Climate Change (DGEC), the National Coordinator, the Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Focal Point for Transfer of Climate Technology, a Executive Secretary; two technical assistants to the National Coordinator. \uf0b7 Sectoral implementation coordination within the ministries, institutions, agencies and other structures covered by the measures/actions selected in the updated NCD.", + "\uf0b7 Sectoral implementation coordination within the ministries, institutions, agencies and other structures covered by the measures/actions adopted in the updated CND, comprising those responsible for programming and foresight at the ministerial level, those responsible for monitoring and evaluating projects, the Climate Change Focal Point of the National Association of Communes of Benin, and those responsible for climate change issues at the level of civil society and non-governmental organisations.", + "They comprise those responsible for programming and foresight at the ministerial level, those responsible for monitoring and evaluating projects, the Climate Change Focal Point of the Benin National Association of Municipalities, and those responsible for climate change issues at the grassroots level of civil society and non-governmental organisations. \uf0b7 The Community Coordination, the body responsible for overseeing the CDN at the community/local level.", + "\uf0b7 Community coordination, the body responsible for overseeing the CND at the community/local level, and the implementation of the projects and programmes identified at the level of the different sectors covered by the CND is the responsibility of the relevant ministries, institutions or sectoral entities.", + "Furthermore, the implementation of the projects and programmes identified at the level of the different sectors covered by the CND is the responsibility of the relevant ministries, institutions or sectoral entities.", + "The MCVDD will provide the necessary guidance and facilities to support sectoral structures, as appropriate, in preparing funding research files or any other initiatives through existing mechanisms. The MCVDD will also ensure accountability of the Measurement, Notification and Audit (MNV) system for the implementation of the CBD, institutional capacity building in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. 6.", + "The MCVDD will also be responsible for the Measurement, Notification and Verification (MNV) system for the implementation of the NCD, institutional capacity-building in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. 6. IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES The activities envisaged for the implementation of Benin's updated NCD require financial, technological and capacity-building resources.", + "METHODS OF IMPLEMENTATION The activities envisaged in the context of the implementation of Benin\u2019s updated NCD require financial, technological and capacity-building resources. With regard to technological resources, the focus will be on endogenous technologies and South-South and North-South transfer, including the necessary know-how.", + "With regard to technological resources, the focus will be on endogenous technologies and South-South and North-South transfer including the necessary know-how. The main technology transfer needs identified relate to the sectors of agriculture, water resources, forestry and energy (Tables 14 and 15).", + "The main technology transfer needs identified relate to the agriculture, water resources, forestry and energy sectors (Tables 14 and 15).", + "The Republic of Benin, in order to achieve its ambitions to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs), will need an overall financial envelope of US$8556.81 million, of which US$5069.03 million will come from the Government of Benin and the private sector and US$3487.77 million from the international community over the period 2021 to 2030.", + "The Republic of Benin, in order to achieve its greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation ambitions, will require an overall financial envelope of US$ 8,556.81 million, of which US$ 5,069.03 million will be contributed by the Government of Benin and the private sector and US$ 3,487.77 million will be mobilized from the international community over the period 2021 to 2030. The cost of implementing sectoral adaptation programmes and projects is estimated at approximately US$ 1,796.13 million, with a national (unconditional) contribution of US$ 578.47 million and a conditional (international) contribution of US$ 12,17.66 million.", + "The cost of implementing sectoral adaptation programmes and projects is estimated at approximately US$1796.13 million, with a national (unconditional) contribution of approximately US$578.47 million and a conditional (international) contribution of US$1217.66 million. In addition, the financial resources to be mobilized for the implementation of mitigation/adaptation measures of community projects total US$162.94 million, of which approximately US$14.39 million is for the national contribution and US$148.55 million for the conditional.", + "In addition, the financial resources to be mobilized for the implementation of the mitigation/adaptation measures of the joint projects amount to a total of US$ 162.94 million, of which approximately US$ 14.39 million is for the national contribution and US$ 148.55 million for the conditional share.", + "In total, the financial resources to be mobilized for the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures under this first updated NCD of Benin total approximately US$ 10515.88 million from public, private and international support, in the form of an unconditional contribution of US$ 5661.89 million, or 53.8 per cent, and a conditional contribution of US$ 4853.99 million, or about 46.2 per cent. 7.", + "This amount is divided into an unconditional contribution of US$ 5661.89 million, or 53.8 per cent, and a conditional contribution of US$ 4853.99 million, or approximately 46.2 per cent. 7. CONSTRAINTS ON IMPLEMENTATION OF ADAPTATION STRATEGY AND FORWARD SOLUTIONS Successful implementation of the NCD could face many constraints, including the effective and timely mobilization of domestic and external resources, the ability of relevant public structures to effectively manage large-scale programmes, the effectiveness of regulatory enforcement, the effective transfer of technology, and the successful completion of research and development at the national level.", + "NATIONAL CIRCONSTANCES The Republic of Benin is located in West Africa between latitudes 6\u00b030\u2019 and 12\u00b030\u2019 North and longitudes 1\u00b0 and 3\u00b040\u2019 East, with an area of 114.763 km2.", + "It is bounded to the south by the Atlantic Ocean, to the west by Togo, to the east by Nigeria, to the northeast by Niger and to the northwest by Burkina Faso.", + "The population of Benin is estimated at 10,087,449 (RGPH4, 2013) with an average annual population growth rate of 3.52%, with an average density of 29 inhabitants/km2, with a higher population concentration in the south of the country.", + "Administratively, Benin currently has twelve (12) departments subdivided into 77 communes. In Benin, two main types of climate are distinguished: the sub-equatorial climate characterizing the southern region and the continental tropical climate governing the northern region.", + "In Benin, two main types of climate are distinguished: the sub-equatorial climate characterizing the southern region and the continental tropical climate governing the northern region. Average annual precipitation ranges from 700 mm (extreme north) to 1500 mm (extreme south-east), while air temperatures vary on average around 27.2 \u00b0C, with absolute maximums in the north exceeding 45\u00b0C.", + "Average annual precipitation ranges from 700 mm (extreme north) to 1500 mm (extreme south-east), while air temperatures vary on average around 27.2 \u00b0C, with absolute maximums in the north exceeding 45 \u00b0C. The last two decades have been particularly marked by an increase in climate variability, characterized in particular by a recurrence of extreme weather events (such as floods), the disruption of seasonal rainfall patterns and an increasingly remarkable reduction in the number of rain events.", + "The last two decades have been particularly marked by an increase in climate variability, characterised in particular by a recurrence of extreme weather events (such as floods), the disruption of seasonal rainfall patterns and an increasingly remarkable reduction in the number of rain events.", + "With regard to air temperature, the normal deviations (1981-2010) of the annual averages range from -0.7 \u00b0C to +1.3\u00b0C. On the socio-economic level, Benin experienced an unstable economic situation during the period 1996-2015, marked by a fluctuation in gross domestic product (GDP) of between 2% and 6% on the whole.", + "On the socio-economic front, Benin experienced an unstable economic situation during the period 1996-2015, with gross domestic product (GDP) fluctuating between 2 and 6 per cent on the whole. However, thanks to the economic reforms currently being carried out by the Government, GDP reached a record 6.8 per cent in 2018 (Source, IMF).", + "However, thanks to the economic reforms currently being carried out by the government, GDP reached a record 6.8 per cent in 2018 (Source, IMF), while GDP per capita growth remains low, owing to sustained population growth and low policy performance, leaving little scope for achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).", + "While GDP per capita growth remains low, due to sustained population growth and low policy performance, there is little scope for achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Climate change governance at the national level is primarily the responsibility of the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MFLD), serving as the National Focal Point for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).", + "Climate change governance at the national level is the primary mission of the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD), serving as the National Focal Point for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), coordinating and overseeing, through the Directorate General of Environment and Climate (DGEC), the processes for the development of national communications on climate change, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and other documents related to the implementation of the Convention.", + "It coordinates and supervises, through the Directorate-General for the Environment and Climate (DGEC), the processes for the preparation of national communications on climate change, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and other documents relating to the implementation of the Convention, and works closely with structures within other relevant ministerial departments and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).", + "It cooperates closely with structures of other relevant ministerial departments and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). At the political level, one of the instruments of major importance is the National Development Plan 2016-2025, adopted in July 2018.", + "At the political level, one of the instruments of major importance is the National Development Plan 2016-2025, adopted in July 2018.", + "Awareness of climate change issues has led to the development and adoption by Benin of several response policies, strategies and programmes, including the National Strategy for the Implementation of the UNFCCC, the National Action Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA), the National Programme for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (PNGDRN), the Low-Carbon and Climate-Resilient Development Strategy, the National Strategy and Action Plan for the Sustainable Management of mangrove ecosystems in Benin and the CND.", + "From a legal point of view, it should be noted that under the heading of climate change, a law regulating climate change in the Republic of Benin was voted by the parliament on 18 June 2018 and promulgated on 06 August 2018.", + "With regard to development priorities and objectives, the Republic of Benin, despite the remaining bottlenecks or challenges, has made commendable efforts, particularly in the areas of infrastructure development, security and governance.", + "However, the level of operationalisation of the existing strategies is still low in order to induce a significant evolution towards the realisation of their respective visions and that of the National Long-Term Perspective Studies \"Benin Alafia 2025\".", + "With regard to climate finance, Benin has established the National Fund for the Environment and Climate (FNEC) accredited by the Green Climate Fund (FVC).", + "Current greenhouse gas emissions and projections if the status quo is maintained Data on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are based on the results of estimates based on sectoral activity data from the NTC that have been updated with the following tools: (i) Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP) software for the Energy and Waste sectors and the Rice Crop category in the Agriculture sector; (ii) EX-ACT (EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool) software for the Agriculture sector (excluding Rice Crop); In the Forestry sector other land use, the base case gas emissions estimate and mitigation scenario assessment were performed using the Excel spreadsheet using the IPCC Guidelines except for measures related to the development of sugarcane plantations and", + "of the Excel spreadsheet using the IPCC guidelines with the exception of measures for the development of oilseed rape and palm plantations whose effects have been evaluated using the Ex-act tool.", + "\uf076 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the national level Total GHG emissions in Benin in 2018 are approximately 16.94 Mt CO2-equivalent (Mt E-CO2), or about 1.5 Mt E-CO2 per capita, excluding the Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LUCF) sector.", + "These emissions are from the energy sector (63%), agriculture (28.6%), waste (5.3%) and industrial processes (3.1%). Taking LULUCF into account, net GHG emissions are 10.6 Mt E-CO2.", + "Taking LULUCF into account, net GHG emissions are 10.6 Mt E-CO2. \uf076 Projected GHG emissions if the status quo is maintained If the status quo is maintained, the trend in overall annual emissions (excluding LULUCF) shows a rate of increase of about 71% over the period 2018-2030, from 16.94 Mt E-CO2 to 29.02 Mt E-CO2.", + "\uf076 Sustainable Greenhouse Gas Emission Projections If the status quo is maintained, the trend in aggregate annual emissions (excluding LULUCF) shows a rate of increase of about 71% over the period 2018-2030, from 16.94 Mt E-CO2 to 29.02 Mt E-CO2. Figure 1 shows the trajectories of annual GHG emissions for the agriculture, energy, waste and industrial process sectors.", + "Figure 1 shows the annual GHG emission trajectories for the agriculture, energy, waste and industrial process sectors, with total cumulative GHG emissions without any intervention over the period 2021-2030 approaching 241.98 Mt E-CO2 (excluding LULUCF).", + "The total cumulative GHG emissions without any intervention over the period 2021-2030 are approximately 241.98 Mt E-CO2 (excluding LULUCF) from 63.62 % of the energy sector and 24.04 % of the agriculture sector, 1.21% of the POPs sector, 4.64 % of the waste sector and other sectors (vegetation fires and HFC emissions), 6.49 %.", + "Figure 1: Trends in aggregate GHG emissions and emissions from agriculture, energy, waste and industrial processes, status quo scenario 2.2.", + "Figure 1: Trends in aggregate GHG emissions and emissions from the agriculture, energy, waste and industrial processes sectors, status quo scenario 2.2. Historical non-GHG LULUCF and air pollutant emissions and projected status quo emissions Emissions for each pollutant (non-GHG) individually between 2010 and 2018 are presented as follows (Table 1).", + "Historical emissions of non-GHG PFCs and air pollutants and projections if the status quo is maintained Emissions for each individual pollutant (non-GHG) between 2010 and 2018 are as follows (Table 1). The amount of black carbon emitted into the atmosphere in Benin in 2018 is estimated at 10,000 tonnes.", + "The amount of black carbon emitted into the air in Benin in 2018 is estimated at 10 thousand tonnes. The main sources of black carbon emissions are residential combustion, vegetation fires and wood charcoal production, as well as other particulate air pollutants (Figure 2).", + "The main sources of black carbon emissions are residential combustion, vegetation fires and wood charcoal production, as well as other particulate air pollutants (Figure 2). Table 1: Total national emissions of CCS (other than GHGs) and air pollutants in Benin between 2010 and 2018 (thousands of tonnes) Pollutants Carbon monoxide Non-methane volatile organic compounds Nitrogen oxides Sulphur dioxide Ammonia GHG emissions in Mt E-CO2 Emissions Agriculture sector status quo Emissions Energy sector status quo Emissions Waste sector status quo Emissions Industrial processes and product use sector status quo Global emissions Black carbon Organic carbon Figure 2: Contribution of different sources to emissions of CCS (other than GHGs) and air pollutants in Benin in 2018 (excluding fore", + "Measures for Nationally Determined Contributions to Mitigation The contribution to GHG mitigation contained in the updated NCD is based on measures contained in strategies, programmes and projects for the period 2017 to 2030.", + "This period includes the preparatory phase of the implementation of the CBD (2017-2020) and the implementation period of the CBD (2021-2030), the period of accounting for GHG emission reduction efforts.", + "Many opportunities for GHG mitigation have been identified in the agriculture, energy and LULUCF sectors for this purpose. \uf076 Measures under nationally determined mitigation contributions The general methodological considerations for updating the measures and the overall nationally determined mitigation contribution are presented in Table 2.", + "\uf076 Measures under nationally determined mitigation contributions The general methodological considerations for updating the measures and the overall nationally determined mitigation contribution are presented in Table 2. Table 2: General methodological considerations and overall results for updating the mitigation measures Reference year The reference year for taking into account actions contributing to the mitigation of GHGs is 2018.", + "Table 2: Overall methodological considerations and overall results for updating mitigation measures Base year The base year for taking into account actions contributing to GHG mitigation is 2018, but GHG emissions are projected over the period 2019 to 2030; the emission trajectory for the scenario without mitigation measures and the scenario with measures is the same over the period 2010 to 2016.", + "However, GHG emission projections are made for the period 2019 to 2030; the emission trajectory for the scenario without mitigation measures and the scenario with measures is the same for the period 2010 to 2016. Type of GHG Mitigation Contribution and Coverage An updated CBD GHG mitigation contribution is based on measures contained in strategies, programmes and projects for the period 2017\u2013 2030. This period includes a preparatory and start-up phase of the CBD (2017 to 2020) and a phase of implementation of the CBD (2021 to 2030).", + "NOx NMVOCs CO Industry Institutional and Commercial Residential Transport Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use IPPU Vegetation Fires Waste Electricity Generation Charcoal Making Options underlying the CBD update Commit to further support climate action through more ambitious targets for the same period 2021-2030 GHGs considered in the contribution Direct GHGs: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), HFCs Other pollutants (non-GHG ETS and air pollutants: black carbon, organic carbon, ammonia (NH3), PM2.5, PM10, carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs).", + "Sectors/sources covered by the gas emissions calculations \uf0b7 Energy; \uf0b7 Agriculture; \uf0b7 Industry and Product Use; \uf0b7 Waste; \uf0b7 LULUCF Sectors/sources covered by the contribution \uf0b7 Energy (sources: residential, tertiary, transport and energy industries) \uf0b7 Agriculture (agricultural soils, rice paddies, burning of agricultural residues, prescribed savannah burning).", + "\uf0b7 LULUCF (forest land including natural forests and plantations: forest plantations and agroforestry).", + "This scenario does not take into account mitigation policies and measures \uf0b7 Mitigation scenario: This scenario is based on policies and measures with an implementation period beyond 2021 that contribute to GHG emission mitigation or carbon sink enhancement.", + "Gas Emission Estimation Methodology General Emission Estimation Methodology For the generation of scenarios for the various sectors and subsectors targeted for the mitigation component, GHG emissions were estimated over the historical period 2010 to 2016 and projections from 2017 to 2030.", + "Four types of data were used: demographic data, macroeconomic data (GDP), sectoral activity data, emission factors and global warming potentials of the different gases. demographic and economic data are derived from statistics and projections of the National Institute of Statistics and Demography (INStaD).", + "The demographic and economic data are drawn from the statistics and projections of the National Institute of Statistics and Demography (INStaD).", + "Activity data are derived from official statistical documents and databases of the various sectors concerned. Missing data and data projections have required extrapolations and sometimes approximations based on established assumptions and widely shared with stakeholders at the sectoral level.", + "For GHGs, the emission factors used are for the most part default values from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories.", + "For GHGs, emission factors used are for the most part default values from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories. CH4 emission factors from enteric fermentation and cattle manure management are specific to Benin.", + "Emission factors for CH4 from enteric fermentation and cattle manure management are specific to Benin. Emission factors for non-GHG and air pollutants for SCCPs are derived from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories, Guidebook for the Inventory of Air Pollutant Emissions Guidebook 2019 (EMEP/EEA, 2019) and Andreae and Merlet (2001).", + "The non-GHG and air pollutant emission factors for LULUCF are derived from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories, Guidebook for the Inventory of Air Pollutant Emissions Guidebook 2019 (EMEP/EEA, 2019) and Andreae and Merlet (2001). Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) are values provided by the IPCC in its Fourth Assessment Report: 1 for CO2, 25 for CH4 and 298 for N2O.", + "Global warming potentials (GWPs) are values provided by the IPCC in its Fourth Assessment Report: 1 for CO2, 25 for CH4, and 298 for N2O.", + "Overall emissions are estimated from the sum of sectoral emissions excluding LULUCF. Methodological approach for generating the baseline scenario The baseline scenario, as outlined above, is one where GHG emissions are generated in the absence of actions from 2017 onwards that could contribute to GHG mitigation or carbon sinks.", + "Methodological approach for generating the baseline scenario The baseline scenario, as described above, is one where GHG emissions are generated in the absence of actions taken from 2017 onwards that could contribute to GHG mitigation or enhancement of carbon sinks, so for this scenario the emission estimate for the period 2017 to 2030 is based on projections of sectoral activity data from historical trends observed over the years 2010 to 2017.", + "For this scenario, emission estimates for the period 2017 to 2030 are based on projections of sectoral activity data from historical trends observed over the years 2010 to 2017. Methodological Approach for Generation of the Mitigation Scenario The emission projections for 2019 to 2030 for the mitigation scenario take into account 21 measures.", + "Methodological approach for the generation of the mitigation scenario The emission projections from 2019 to 2030 for the mitigation scenario take into account 21 measures: \uf0b7 03 measures in the agricultural sector (Table 4); \uf0b7 12 measures bringing together a total of 20 actions to be implemented in the energy sector (Table 5); \uf0b7 05 measures in the LULUCF sector (Table 6); \uf0b7 01 measure in the waste sector (Table 7) Of the 21 measures, only 12 are taken into account in the energy sector for CCS (non-GHG) and air pollutants.", + "Emission Assessment Tools for Agriculture, Energy, Waste and Industrial Processes Agriculture, Energy, Waste and Industrial Processes: For these four sectors, the GHG emission estimation work, the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP, version 2020), was used to assess the baseline scenario.", + "For the assessment of mitigation measures, the tools used are: iii) LEAP for the Energy and Waste sectors and the Rice Crop category in the Agriculture sector; iv) EX-ACT software for the Agriculture sector (excluding rice crop); In the forestry sector other land uses, the base case gas emission estimate and the mitigation scenario assessment were performed using the Excel spreadsheet using the IPCC Guidelines except for measures for the development of oilseed rape and oil palm plantations whose effects were assessed using the Ex-act tool.", + "Emissions aggregation and emission reductions The aggregation and emission reductions of GHGs, non-GHG SCCPs and air pollutants for all sectors were carried out using the Excel tool. Sectoral and overall expected emission reductions (all targeted sectors) compared to the baseline scenario Period from 2017 to 2019:", + "Degraded natural forests and forest plantations resulted in 1.155 Mt E-CO2 uptake over the above period.", + "For the coming years, the measures envisaged in the revised NCD in the Energy, Agriculture and Waste sectors are likely to contribute to a reduction in cumulative GHG emissions (excluding LULUCF) of approximately 48.75 Mt E CO2 from the baseline scenario, or a 20.15% reduction over the period 2021-2030 (Table 3 and Figure 3).", + "Compared to non-GHG (non-fossil fuels) and air pollutants, 12 measures have been considered in the energy sector and are likely to contribute to a reduction in black carbon emissions of about 1.8 Mt in 2030 compared to the baseline scenario, or a 14.2% reduction (Table 4). The implementation of the mitigation measures included in this updated version of the Benin CBD supports the revision of Benin\u2019s overall GHG reduction target, namely a reduction in cumulative GHG emissions (excluding forestry) between 2021 and 2030 of 48.75 Mt E-CO2, or 20.15% compared to the cumulative emissions of the baseline scenario (Table 3).", + "Figure 3 shows the GHG emission trajectories for each scenario between 2021 and 2030: the baseline scenario, the unconditional mitigation scenario (based on unconditional measures), and the overall mitigation scenario (based on unconditional and conditional measures).", + "The mitigation measures included in each scenario are presented in Tables 5, 6, 7 and 8 below.", + "Benin also noted that the implementation of these mitigation measures, in addition to reducing GHGs, would also bring local benefits in terms of exposure to air pollution and human health by reducing emissions of short-lived climate pollutants such as black carbon and other air pollutants that are harmful to health.", + "Implementation of mitigation measures would reduce black carbon emissions in 2030 by 14% from baseline black carbon emissions, as well as significant reductions in other pollutants (Table 4).", + "Emissions and GHG emission reductions (excluding forestry) for the status quo and mitigation scenarios (in Mt E-CO2) Emissions Status quo Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Emission reductions, Unconditional Global emission reductions Cumulative Emissions Status quo Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Emission reductions, Unconditional Global emission reductions Figure 3:", + "Scenario OC BC NOx NMVOC CO Baseline Mitigation Mitigation (% reduction) The planned sectoral measures and their effects are presented in Tables 5, 6, 7 and 8 and illustrated in Figures 4, 5 and 6.", + "Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the agricultural sector Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional Contribution Conditional Contribution (additional) Promote improved crop production techniques (1) Implement improved crop production techniques on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030.", + "(1) Implementation of improved cropping techniques on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030. Promote soil fertility management techniques for crop production. (2) Implementation of soil fertility maintenance techniques on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030.", + "(2) Implementation of soil fertility maintenance techniques on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030. Promote hydro-agricultural development. Development and irrigation of rice perimeter with water control of 52,000 ha 22,000 ha of rice perimeter managed and irrigated with water control.", + "Development and irrigation of rice perimeter with water control of 52.000 ha 22.000 ha of rice perimeter developed and irrigated with water control, a supplement of 30.000 ha of rice perimeter developed and irrigated with water control.", + "Reduced emissions in the agricultural sector Expected avoided emissions: all of the above measures, i.e. the promotion of improved farming techniques, the maintenance of soil fertility and the development and irrigation of rice perimeter, will avoid GHGs of about 29.9 Mt E-CO2 compared to the status quo scenario, i.e. a cumulative reduction of 51.4% over the period 2021 to 2030, of which 50% conditional and 50% unconditional contributions.", + "Figure 4 below shows the trajectory of emissions in the agriculture sector for each scenario and the levels that could be achieved in 2030.", + "Cumulative avoided emissions are broken down as follows: (1) promotion of improved cropping techniques and (2) maintenance of soil fertility (29.7 Mt E-CO2 eq) or 99.4% and (3) rice perimeter management with water control (0.2 Mt E-CO2) or 0.6%.", + "Figure 4: Trends in GHG emissions under the status quo scenario and intervention in the agriculture sector Table 6: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the energy sector Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution To develop electricity generation from natural gas and renewable energy sources.", + "(1) Construction of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) regasification floating terminal in the port of Cotonou (total generating capacity: 500 MW). (2) Natural gas operation of the installed thermal generation capacity.", + "(2) Natural gas exploitation of installed thermal production capacity. 36% of the total bi-fuel capacity in 2030 that can be exploited with natural gas and 64% with fuel oil if the re-gasification terminal project is not completed. 100% of the capacity if the re-gasification unit is constructed.", + "100% of the capacity if the regasification unit is built Development of renewable energy (construction of hydroelectric power plants; Dogo bis (128 MW and 337 GWh/year); Vossa (60,2 MW and 188,2 GWh/year), and Beirut (18,8 MW and 57 GWh/year).", + "Development of renewable energies (construction of hydroelectric power plants; Dogo bis (128 MW and 337 GWh/year); Vossa (60,2 MW and 188,2 GWh/year), and Beiteru (18,8 MW and 57 GWh/year). Installation of solar PV farms with a total capacity of 112 MWc, structuring of a fuel biomass line 15 MW): Hydropower plants (electrical and other infrastructure, investments) + Solar 87 MW (DEFISSOL, MCA II and others) + Structuration of biomass line 4 MW + promotion of biomass-electricity investments.", + "Implementation of solar PV farms with a total capacity of 112 MWc, structuring of a fuel biomass pipeline 15 MW): Hydro power stations (electrical and other infrastructure, investments) + Solar 87 MW (DEFISSOL, MCA II and others) + Structuration of biomass pipeline 4 MW + promotion of biomass-electricity investments Hydro power stations (total civil engineering for 48.5% of investments) + Solar 25 MW + Biomass 11 MW + promotion Expand access of households to electric lighting instead of kerosene lighting.", + "Hydroelectric power stations (total civil engineering for 48.5% of investments) + Solar 25 MW + Biomass 11 MW + Promotion Expand household access to electric lighting in place of kerosene lighting (grid connection component) (4) Electrification of localities by grid connection (approximately 2323 localities between 2021 and 2030).", + "(Network connection component) (4) Electrification of localities by grid connection (approximately 2323 localities between 2021 and 2030) Electrification of 481 localities Electrification of 1842 localities (planned for the period 2005) Promotion of the access of approximately new households to electricity for domestic lighting and the abandonment of kerosene lighting in the localities that will be Acquisition of 342,000 household connection kits Acquisition of 686,000 household connection kits to conventional networks (planned for the period GHG emissions in Mt E-CO2 Emissions Status quo Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution connected to the networks of the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 B\u00e9ninoise d\u2019Energie Electrique (SBEE) Pursue and strengthen the", + "(6) (Promotion of the use of energy-efficient low-power electric lamps (public lighting) Rehabilitation of 18777 conventional lamps (250W) and replacement of lamps with LEDs Installation of 30,350 new 100W lamps instead of (7) Promotion of low-power LED lamps in households (3,000,000 lamps in 1,000,000 households (project in preparation for ERD) (8) Promotion of PV solar public lighting (total of 53,743 solar lamps of which 23,243 already installed at the end of 2020 and 30,500 new lamps to be installed for a total power of 4837 KW) Installation of lamps at the end of 2020 (2105 KW).", + "Rehabilitation of defective lamps between 2021 and 2022.", + "Installation of 30,500 new solar lamps (9) PV solar panels on the roofs of administrative buildings (07 health centres and colleges, 2 community service sites, 55 administrative buildings) 07 health centres and colleges and 2 community service sites Headquarters administrative buildings (10) Promotion of the use of low energy electrical lamps in public utilities 37,221 LED lamps in administration 37,221 LED lamps Promote low energy wood-energy technologies Promotion of the economical use of wood-energy by providing access to improved homes for 890,043 new households.", + "new households new households Promote the partial substitution of wood-energy consumption by butane gas (12) Promote the access of 275,000 new households to cooking equipment using domestic gas: by subsidising the cost of acquiring the small 6 kg bucket equipment + 30 % nozzle or by establishing a mechanism facilitating access to credit for small civil servants (guarantee fund, partnership framework with financial institutions) new households new households (13) Subsidise the consumption of domestic gas at least 30 % of the cost of recharging new households new households Extend the access of households to electric lighting as a substitute for lighting to (14) Promote the extension of access of households and public services to off-grid electric lighting by individual kits (13,249 households by 2024 and 100,000 new households between 2025-2030) 13.249 households", + "Non-grid electric lighting by individual kits (13,249 households by 2024 and 100,000 new households by 2025-2030) 13,249 households by 2024 At least other additional households between sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution kerosene (non-grid electricity system component) (15) Promotion of the extension of access to non-grid electric lighting by social and community infrastructures (46 health centres and 26 police stations equipped in 2019 for a total power of 200 KWc) 46 health centres and 26 police stations 16) Development of rural electrification by solar photovoltaic micro-centrals (239 localities + 22 localities) 202 localities including 22 localities of municipal projects 37 rural localities Pursue and strengthen actions for efficient electricity consumption in all sectors.", + "Energy efficiency in the transport sector (18) Development of road infrastructure Projects: Cotonou North-East Bypass Road; Fisheries Road; Motorway between S\u00e8m\u00e8 Kpodji and Porto Novo.", + "Projects: North-East Cotonou bypass; Fisheries Route; Motorway between S\u00e8m\u00e8 Kpodji and Porto Novo; Further development of urban waterways in Cotonou, Porto Novo and Parakou and Calavi.", + "Further development of urban waterways in Cotonou, Porto Novo and Parakou and Calavi. 100% (public authorities) (19) Development and implementation of a strategy and action plan to improve mobility in the medium and long term in the greater Cotonou region and neighbouring localities 100% (public authorities and the private sector) (20) Development of river and lagoon transport (establishment of a lagoon transport service between Calavi and Cotonou and then Cotonou and Porto Novo) Investment for basic works (drafting of a short waterway, construction of boathouses) Private investment for navigation equipment, organisation and management of the transport service Reduction of emissions in the energy sector Expected avoided emissions: The implementation of these measures will contribute to reducing cumulative GHG emissions in the sector compared to the status quo scenario of 18.71 Mt E-CO2 over the period 2021 to 2030", + "compared to the status quo scenario of 18.71 Mt E-CO2 over the period 2021 to 2030 compared to the status quo scenario, i.e. a 12.15% reduction by 2030 including 8.4% unconditional contribution and 3.75% conditional contribution.", + "Figure 5 below shows the trajectory of emissions in the energy sector for each scenario and the levels that could be achieved in 2030.", + "Expected contributions by group of measures are as follows: Expanding access to electric lighting in the residential sector 7.83%; Efficient electricity consumption in the residential sector 13.72%; Sustainable wood-energy management 20.13%; Energy efficiency in the service sector 6.9%; Energy efficiency in the transport sector 11.37%; Production of electricity from natural gas and renewable energies 30.98% and reduction of losses in electricity transmission and distribution 9.06%.", + "Figure 5: Trends in GHG emissions for the status quo scenario and for intervention in the energy sector.", + "Table 7: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the LULUCF sector Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution Increase the carbon sequestration capacity of the country's forest ecosystems through the implementation of sustainable management of natural forests and the strengthening of reforestation/planting efforts (1) Protection and conservation of natural forests and existing plantations to reduce and maintain the rate of deforestation to 35,000 ha/year instead of the current 60,000 ha/year.", + "Reduction of the rate of deforestation by 5,000 ha/year. Additional reduction of the rate of deforestation by 20,000 ha/year. 2) Implementation of a reforestation plan with the aim of creating 15,000 ha of forest plantations per year. Creation of 5,000 ha of forest plantations per year. Creation of 10,000 ha of forest plantations per year.", + "Establishment of 5000 ha of forest plantations per year. Establishment of 10.000 ha of forest plantations per year. Promote the development of agroforestry as a measure to strengthen carbon absorption capacities (3) Improve the performance of the oil palm sector with the installation of at least 50,000 new hectares between and (4) Increase the area of anacardic plantations by 60 000 ha, of which 35000 ha during the 25000 ha (planned for the period of former anacardic plantations - GHG emissions in Mt E-CO2 Emissions Status quo Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution Emission reduction/well strengthening for LULUCF.", + "Avoided emissions/expected removals from the status quo scenario The cumulative reductions in net GHG emissions from forestry and other land uses between 2021 and 2030 from the baseline scenario are estimated at 40.64 Mt E-CO2, of which 37.7% are unconditional and 62.3% are conditional.", + "The cumulative avoided emissions over the period 2021 \u2013 2030 are broken down by measure: Reduction of deforestation by 25,000 ha/year and creation of 150,000 ha of forest plantations by 24.53 Mt E-CO2, or 60.3%.", + "Development of agroforestry (110 000 ha of new oil palm and anchorage plantations and rehabilitation of 100 000 ha of old anchorage plantations) 16.11 Mt E-CO2, or 39.7%.", + "Implementation of these measures will also result in an increase in the net CO2 absorption capacity of forest resources by almost 3 times by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (-3.23 Mt to -9.68 Mt).", + "Table 8: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the waste sector Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution Promote sound environmental management of household waste Installation of an energy recovery facility at the Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8 household waste landfill Emissions reduction The cumulative reduction in GHG emissions expected from this measure between 2021 and 2030 is estimated at 0.136 Mt E-CO2, or 1.2% compared to the scenario without measures. III.", + "AMBITION AND EQUITY The measure-based reduction target of 20.15% of cumulative emissions over the period 2021 to 2030 is equitable in view of Benin\u2019s low contribution to overall emissions, low level of development and socio-economic fragility.", + "The Republic of Benin is one of the least developed countries in the world, with GHG emissions estimated at about 16.93 Mt E-CO2 in 2018, or about 1.5 tons E-CO2 per capita. Its economic performance remains weak and volatile with a critical financial situation.", + "Its economic performance remains weak and volatile with a critical financial situation. The average real GDP growth rate (4.7% from 2015 to 2020) is below the growth rate of 7%, the minimum necessary to fight poverty sustainably. The country depends on external sources of commercial energy (oil and electricity).", + "The country depends on the outside world for its commercial energy supply (oil and electricity). Benin\u2019s commitment is ambitious as its reduction targets cover key sectors for its economic development, notably the energy and agriculture sectors, whose emissions cover 91.6% of the country\u2019s total emissions.", + "Benin\u2019s commitment is ambitious as its reduction targets cover key sectors for its economic development, including the energy and agriculture sectors, whose emissions cover 91.6% of the country\u2019s total emissions. Benin\u2019s aspiration for economic development and the growth of its population would lead to a trend increase in its energy needs.", + "Benin\u2019s aspiration for economic development and the growth of its population would lead to a trend increase in its energy needs. Thus, GHG emissions from the agriculture and energy sectors are expected to increase continuously. One of the major challenges will be the promotion of low-carbon development at both the sectoral and local levels. IV.", + "A major challenge will be to promote low-carbon development at both sectoral and local levels. IV. ADAPTATION 4.1.", + "Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change In terms of current vulnerability, the major climate risks affecting livelihoods in the agricultural, water resources, coastal and forestry sectors are drought, flooding, late and heavy rainfall, strong winds, excessive heat and sea-level rise.", + "The above-mentioned manifestations of climate risks have generated numerous impacts over the past three decades, including decreases in agricultural yields, disruption of agricultural schedules, decreases in water levels in drinking water supply dams, prolonged boundaries, flooding of shorelines, etc. For future vulnerability, the climate risks to which natural and human systems could be exposed fall within a scenario of persistence or increase of the risks currently observed and are sector-specific.", + "The potential impacts, according to climate projections for the time horizons 2025, 2050 and 2100, range from coastal flooding and saltwater intrusions into rivers and water bodies to a decline in maize yields in certain agro-ecological zones (ZAE5 in particular) and a shift in flood periods in the Beninese part of the Niger basin. 4.2.", + "Climate change adaptation targets Based on existing strategies, plans and programs, key sectoral climate change adaptation targets are defined for the time horizons 2020, 2025,2030 and are set out in Table 9.", + "Sectoral objectives for adaptation to climate change Sectors Key adaptation objectives All sectors \uf0b7 Master vulnerability assessment and decision support tools for integrating adaptation to climate change into the planning and management tools of national and regional institutions.", + "\uf0b7 Strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change in all socio-economic sectors (generation of jobs, income, etc.). \uf0b7 Mobilise the necessary financial resources for financing adaptation to climate change.", + "\uf0b7 Mobilise the necessary financial resources for financing adaptation to climate change Agriculture \uf076 Horizon 2025 Improve the performance of Benin\u2019s agriculture, enabling it to ensure sustainable food and nutritional sovereignty, contribute to the economic and social development of Benin\u2019s men and women, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular Goals 1, 2, 12 and 13.", + "Agriculture \uf076 Horizon 2025 Improve the performance of Benin\u2019s agriculture, enabling it to ensure sustainable food and nutritional sovereignty, contribute to the economic and social development of Benin\u2019s men and women and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular MDGs 1, 2, 12 and 13. Water resources \uf076 Horizon 2030 \uf0b7 Reduce the vulnerability of natural and human systems to water stress, flooding and degradation of water quality; \uf0b7 Strengthen knowledge of the climate system and tools for generating climatic and hydrological information and predicting climate hazards; \uf0b7 Promote water control and good governance.", + "Forestry \uf076 Horizon 2030 \uf0b7 Reducing the vulnerability of communities to the degradation of forest ecosystems. \uf0b7 Promoting agroforestry. \uf0b7 Developing mangrove ecosystems (shoreline-specific forest formations).", + "\uf0b7 Develop mangrove ecosystems (characteristic coastal forest formations) Sectors Main adaptation objectives Coastal \uf076 Horizon 2030 \uf0b7 Reduce the vulnerability of coastal human settlements and resources to sea level rise; \uf0b7 Continuously ensure the protection of marine and lagoon ecosystems.", + "Sectors Main adaptation objectives Coastal \uf076 Horizon 2030 \uf0b7 Reduce the vulnerability of coastal human settlements and resources to sea level rise; \uf0b7 Continuously ensure the protection of marine and lagoon ecosystems Health \uf076 Horizon 2050 Contribute to the sustainable improvement of the health and well-being of all by reducing vulnerabilities, strengthening adaptation capacities and increasing resilience to climate change Tourism \uf076 Horizon 2025 Contribute to the reduction of negative territorial and environmental impacts through proposals for more efficient water and energy consumption, increasing the added value created for communities and the various actors in the sector V. STRATEGIES, PROGRAMMES, PROJECTS AND INSTITUTIONAL IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK 5.1.", + "Implementation of Sectoral Activities The implementation of sectoral activities in the NDC will be based on existing and future strategies, programs, projects (Tables 10, 11, 12 and 13) and, therefore, relevant sectoral structures are committed to taking these into account in the design of future programs and projects.", + "It should be noted that some mitigation projects listed in Table 10 have co-benefits with adaptation and vice versa.", + "It should be noted that some of the mitigation projects listed in Table 10 have co-benefits with adaptation and vice versa. Table 10 Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the NCD on mitigation in the agricultural sector Strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the NCD A/ PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS IN PROGRESS OR PLANNING SECTORAL POLICY (PDSA), PROGRAMME AND PROJECT IN THE GOVERNMENT PORTFOLIO AT THE HORIZON 2025 Rural Economic Growth Support Programme (PACER /PADER) Development of 405 hectares of lowland for rice production and market gardening.", + "Support for Agricultural Infrastructures Project in the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 Valley (PAIA-VO) Rehabilitation of hydro-agricultural developments (i) 1,000 ha of irrigated perimeter developments with total water control, (ii) 3,500 ha of lowlands, of which approximately 2,800 ha of summary developments in flood plains and 700 ha of rice lowlands realized at the company, (iii) 300 ha of vegetable gardens for women.", + "Food Production Support Project in Alibori, Borgou and the Hills (ABC-PAPVIRE) \uf0b7 Implementation of hydro-agricultural developments: rehabilitation of 7 agro-pastoral dams (600,000 m3) and development of 1927 ha of irrigated perimeter.", + "\uf0b7 Development of agricultural value chains and resilience (improvement of farm productivity and technological innovations, capacity building of stakeholders, development of agricultural value chains).", + "Smallholder Farm Productivity Enhancement Program (SFPEP) Increased productivity of small-scale irrigated and rainfed agricultural production systems (development of integrated soil fertility management technologies, restoration of soil health and fertility).", + "Rural Irrigation Perimeter Development Project (RIPD) Implementation of hydro-agricultural developments: development of 1000 ha of lowland and 300 ha of small irrigated perimeter, rehabilitation of 200 ha of degraded agricultural land, construction of four (04) water reservoirs.", + "Hydro-Agricultural Development Project in the Lower Mono River Valley (PAHV- MONO) Development of a 500 ha pilot site in the Mono Valley.", + "Strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CBD Project \"Supporting the transition to climate-smart agriculture and food systems\" (AIC) \uf0b7 Sustainable intensification of productivity and increase of agricultural incomes; \uf0b7 Reduction and/or elimination of GHG emissions; \uf0b7 Creation of a favourable political and financial environment, providing farmers with knowledge and access to resources and services for the transition to sustainable, productive, resilient and economically viable production systems.", + "Soil protection and rehabilitation project to improve food security (ProSOL) \uf0b7 Approaches to sustainable soil protection and rehabilitation are widely implemented in Benin \uf0b7 Between 30,000 and 50,000 ha of soil are protected or rehabilitated Support for Sustainable Development and Integrated Management of Hydro-Agricultural Perimeters (PAVPHA) project \uf0b7 Contribution to the sustainable improvement of incomes, food and nutritional security of family farms and employment of young people and women.", + "Food security through lowland development and storage capacity building project in Benin (PSAAB) \uf0b7 Implementation of 2300 ha of hydro-agricultural lowland rice development National Oilseeds Development Programme Improving the performance of the oilseeds sector with the installation of at least 25,000 new hectares, improving average yield by at least 20% in 2025 Strategic Plan for the Development of the Agricultural Sector Improving the productivity and production of plant products in priority agricultural sectors Strengthening climate change resilience and improving the food and nutritional security of vulnerable populations \uf0b7 Agricultural innovations for climate change resilience and mitigation (promotion of intelligent agriculture in the face of climate change), extension and support for the implementation of production systems limiting GHG emissions); \uf0b7 Sustainable land management", + "\uf0b7 Sustainable management of land and aquatic ecosystems.", + "Low-carbon and climate-resilient development strategy Strengthening the resilience of communities and agricultural sectors Food security and resilience-building project (PROSAR) GIZ \uf0b7 Improving the food situation of people vulnerable to malnutrition, in particular women of childbearing age and young children, Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations and ecosystems in the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 watershed to climate change through the AIC and the sustainable management of land and water resources.", + "\uf0b7 Promotion of agricultural innovations for resilience to and mitigation of climate change (Promotion of the AIC) \uf0b7 Promotion and support for the implementation of production systems limiting GHG emissions \uf0b7 Promotion of sustainable land and aquatic ecosystem management \uf0b7 Development of the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 watersheds Support Project for Agricultural Diversification (PADA) Contribution to the economic growth of agriculture in Benin by improving the productivity of rural households and increasing the national supply of quality agri-food products.", + "Strengthen the productive capacities of the beneficiaries of the project within the rice sector and promote an environment capable of supporting the development of the agricultural sector.", + "Support for the Agro-ecological Transition in the Cotton Zones of Benin, Phase 2 Contribution to the fight against poverty of vulnerable populations; to improve food and nutritional security, and to strengthen the resilience of family farms to the effects of climate change Integrated programme for adaptation to climate change through the development of agriculture, river transport and tourism in the Niger Valley in Benin (UNDP) Development of agricultural and pastoral systems (construction of five (05) multi-purpose dams with 500 ha of downstream irrigated perimeter, rehabilitation of seven (07) agricultural hydro dams, development of 200 ha of lowland with partial water control, development of 500 ha of degraded perimeter, realization of four (04) flood water application thresholds for degraded perimeter).", + "Strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CBD B/ PROGRAMMES TO BE IMPLEMENTED AND IMPLEMENTED Programme to strengthen actions in the departments of Benin in the fields of soil fertility management, the promotion of improved crop techniques and climate change-resilient crops (see proposal for the preparation of the programme annexed to the report on the update of the CBD).", + "Programme for the promotion of hydro-agricultural developments for rice cultivation with water control (see proposal for the development of the programme annexed to the update report of the CDN).", + "C/ PROJECTS ON THE COMMONS\u2019 INITIATIVE (PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED FROM THE AVAILABLE FILES) Development plans of the communes of Pobe 1000 hectare development project for rice production and the cultivation of vegetable products in the commune of Pobe commune of Pobe Project to create a community dynamic offering greater resilience to the effects of climate change in the commune of Pobe commune of Bant\u00e8 Degraded soil restoration project in the commune of Bant\u00e8 commune of Adja-Ou\u00e8r\u00e8 500 hectare development project for rice paddies in the commune of Adja-Ou\u00e8r\u00e8 Table 11: Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the CND for mitigation in the energy sector Policies, strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CND A/ PROGRAMMES AND PROJEC", + "Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CDN A/ PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS IN PROGRESS OR PLANNED SECTORAL POLICY, PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS IN THE PORTFOLIO OF THE ETAT Increasing the capacity for electricity production from natural gas \uf0b7 Construction of new fuel/gas thermal power plants \uf0b7 Construction of a new 143 MW gas thermal power plant Project \"Developing renewable energies and energy efficiency\" \uf0b7 Construction of the hydroelectric power plant Dogo \u2013bis (128 MW with an expected output of 337 GWh/year) \uf0b7 Construction of the hydroelectric power plant Vossa (60,2 MW with an expected output of 188,2 GWh/year) \uf0b7 Construction of the hydroelectric power plant B\u00e9t\u00e9rou (18,8 MW) \uf0b7 Installation of photovoltaic solar farms: detailed information is provided below \uf0b7 Benin Millennium Challenge Account (MCA II)", + "\uf0b7 DEFISSOL project (Construction and operation of a 25 MW power plant) \uf0b7 25 MWc solar power plant project on AFD financing \uf0b7 Structuring the biomass-fuel chain: use of agricultural waste (potential of 15 MW).", + "The sites: \uf0b7 Development of photovoltaic public lighting \uf0b7 Promotion of access to PV solar kits for households in remote areas \uf0b7 Implementation of the UNDP New Green Pact Programme to support Benin in the development of renewable energies and strengthening the resilience of the energy mix to climate change.", + "Project \"Energy consumption control\" \uf0b7 Implementation of binding energy consumption reduction standards \uf0b7 Pilot projects for energy saving in administrative buildings ((i) installation of PV solar power plants with storage in major administrative buildings, (ii) efficient air conditioning and (iii) LED lighting (at at least 5 administrative sites)) \uf0b7 Public lighting: replacement of energy-consuming light bulbs with LED type low energy consuming lamps; \uf0b7 Public lighting with solar lamps \uf0b7 Energy efficiency in households Urban and rural electrification projects \uf0b7 Construction of the Kandi-Banikoara HTA line project \uf0b7 Power Grid Expansion and Densification Project (PEDER): planned connection of 44.219 new households \uf0b7 SBEE Distribution and Distribution System Restructuring and Extension Project (PRESREDI): planned connection of 10,000 new households \uf0b7 Energy efficiency in households", + "Planned connection of 10.000 new households \uf0b7 SBEE network restructuring and extension project in the municipality of Abomey-Calavi and the Atlantic Department (PRERA): (i) Densification and extension of urban and peri-urban networks and (ii) electrification of 82 rural-type localities.", + "\uf0b7 Sustainable and secure access to electricity project (PADSBEE 2019-2025): Strengthening and extension of transport networks and extension of distribution networks over 500 km in several localities (34) Urban and peri-urban \uf0b7 Energy Services Improvement Project (PASE): (i) 8000 LED lamps for public lighting; (ii) supply of equipment for connecting 75,000 new households.", + "\uf0b7 Special Programme for the Extension and Strengthening of the Electrical Networks of Benin (Benin PROSPER2E): electrification of 1122 localities: 369 urban and peri-urban localities and 753 rural localities.", + "Connecting \uf0b7 Solar energy upgrading project PROVES (8 remaining localities for the grid connection component) Policies, strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CDN \uf0b7 Regional Programme for the Development of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency PRODERE 2 with EUMOA funding \uf0b7 RERE FORSUN and PROMER projects \uf0b7 Programme of actions for the electrification of rural localities in Benin (PAELRB): (i) electrification of 200 rural localities by connection to the SBEE electricity grid (phases 2 and 3); (ii) connection to the grid of at least 60,000 new households.", + "\uf0b7 Project Development of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (DEREE): (i) installation of solar equipment + AEV system as part of the pilot phase of the Energy and Water for Life programme; (ii) installation of solar water heaters in health centres; (iii) implementation of energy audits in 20 public administrations; (iv) promotion of improved homes; (v) installation of low-consumption lamps in 400 public institutions in 20 communes of Benin.", + "\uf0b7 Rural electrification project (PERU): (i) extension of the network in 76 peri-urban localities in 20 communes; (ii) electrification of 100 new localities in 11 of the 12 departments of the country; (iii) connection to the conventional network of at least 41,000 new rural households.", + "Benin Millennium Challenge Account (MCA II) Programme \uf0b7 Electricity distribution project \uf0b7 Off-grid electricity access project.", + "B/ SECTORAL PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Rural electrification projects Programme of actions for the strengthening of rural electrification under the CND (electrification of at least 720 new localities by 2030 (see proposal for the preparation of the programme annexed to the report on the update of the CND).", + "Projects to promote low-energy wood-energy technologies \uf0b7 Promotion of the economical use of wood-energy through the access of 809.043 new households to improved homes \uf0b7 Support for the organisation and development of internal markets for the manufacture and marketing of high-performance cooking equipment (improved homes using wood-energy; butane gas cooking equipment).", + "\uf0b7 Support for the organisation and development of internal markets for the manufacture and marketing of high-performance cooking equipment (enhanced wood-energy fireplaces; butane gas cooking equipment) Programme to pursue and strengthen energy efficiency promotion measures \uf0b7 Establishment of standards, regulation, support for the organisation and development of a market for energy-efficient electrical equipment (lamps, air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers) and other electrical equipment.", + "Programme to continue and strengthen energy efficiency promotion activities \uf0b7 Establishment of standards, regulation, support for the organisation and development of a market for energy-efficient electrical equipment (lamps, air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers) and other electrical equipment \uf0b7 Introduction of the obligation to take energy efficiency into account in public orders for electrical equipment and in the construction of public buildings (definition of specific specifications, adoption of interministerial decrees, etc.).", + "\uf0b7 Introduction of the obligation to take energy efficiency into account in public orders for electrical equipment and in the construction of public buildings (definition of specific specifications, adoption of inter-ministerial decrees, etc.). \uf0b7 Generalisation of measures for the installation in public administration buildings of automatic switching off of lighting and air conditioning in the absence of office users.", + "\uf0b7 Generalisation of measures to install automatic switching off of lighting and air conditioning in public administration buildings in the absence of office users. \uf0b7 Development of information and awareness campaigns on the benefits of energy saving and on the performance of energy equipment with a view to inducing behavioural change.", + "\uf0b7 Development of information and awareness-raising campaigns on the benefits of energy saving and on the performance of energy equipment with a view to inducing behavioural change. \uf0b7 Development/extension of actions to promote public lighting by LEDs or solar lamps.", + "\uf0b7 Development/extension of actions to promote public lighting by LEDs or solar lamps. \uf0b7 Implementation of a programme to support the improvement of energy efficiency in the industrial and tertiary sector.", + "\uf0b7 Implementation of a programme to support the improvement of energy efficiency in the industrial and tertiary sector C/ COMMUNITY INITIATIVE PROJECTS (PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED FROM THE AVAILABLE PAPERS) Development plans of the Dassa-Zoum\u00e9 Communes Projects to promote measures to mitigate climate change at household level and to promote renewable energies and efficient and self-sufficient economic households in the Dassa-Zoum\u00e9 Commune Policies, strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CDN Project to partially supply the buildings of the Dassa-Zoum\u00e9 City Hall with solar energy (supplying part of the loads of the City Hall premises with solar PV on the roof) Pobe Commune Project to electrify 04 localities in the Pobe Commune (GBANA", + "Community of Pobe (GBANAGO, Onigbolo Village, Ot\u00e8kotan and Igbo-Ocho) by connecting to the existing HTA network offering greater resilience to the effects of climate change (promoting households\u2019 access to electric lighting) Community of Bant\u00e8 Solar power project for municipal offices Table 12: Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the CBD on mitigation in the forestry sector Policies, strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CBD A/ PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS IN PROGRESS OR PLANNED (1) SECTORAL POLICY, PROGRAMME AND PROJECT IN THE PORTFOLIO OF THE STATE Intensive reforestation of the national territory through incentive measures \uf0b7 Forestry implementation, maintenance and monitoring: a total of 20,000 ha of plantations and/or enrichment in classified", + "Forestry monitoring: a total of 800 ha of private, communal plantations expected \uf0b7 Forestry implementation, maintenance and monitoring: a total of 700 000 linear metres of alignment plantations in urban and peri-urban areas expected \uf0b7 Green spaces in cities: a total of 300 green spaces expected \uf0b7 Implementation of a forest monitoring and protection system against bush fires and transhumance PAGEFCOM 2: Community Forest Management Support Project, phase 2 \uf0b7 Improvement of forest cover: a total of 600 ha of forest plantations, 20 ha of school plantations and 20 ha of pine plantations expected.", + "\uf0b7 Promotion of non-linear forest products; \uf0b7 Development of the blue economy in forests; \uf0b7 Support for economic alternatives to forests; Forest Management and Riverains Lands Programme, additional phase; \uf0b7 Financing of alternative income-generating activities; \uf0b7 Protection and monitoring of old plantations; \uf0b7 Management of state plantations.", + "Strengthening the resilience of the energy sector to the impacts of climate change in Benin (PANA Energie) Introduction of sustainable land and forest management practices to strengthen the resilience of wood-energy production areas Promotion of sustainable production of biomass electricity in Benin.", + "Promotion of sustainable production of biomass electricity in Benin Adoption of best land-use practices, sustainable forest management (sustainable forest and land management through the restoration of land and forest plantations on 3000 ha, and the establishment of 2000 ha of plantations to provide biomass, improvement of agricultural techniques on more than 9000 ha through the adoption of best land-use practices).", + "Project Classified Forests Benin Creation of 15,000 ha of wood-energy plantation and 7,000 ha of teak plantation National Forestry Office implementation \uf0b7 Reforestation of natural forests \uf0b7 Achievements of new forest plantations: on average about 500 to 600 ha per year Other activities of CFGB contributing to the National Reforestation Campaign \uf0b7 Planting of trees during the commemoration of the different Days celebrated \uf0b7 Other achievements of reforestation and forest plantations at the level of forest inspections (2) Low-carbon development strategy and resilient to climate change (2016-2025): strengthening carbon sinks and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.", + "Strengthening carbon sinks and reducing emissions \uf0b7 Implementation of large-scale afforestation programmes \uf0b7 Implementation of the different components of the REDD+ programme emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.", + "\uf0b7 Development and implementation of plans for the sustainable management of forest ecosystems (3) National strategy for the management of wildfires in Benin Improved steering of the controlled management of wildfires \uf0b7 Implementation in forestry policy (controlled management of wildfires option) \uf0b7 Development of appropriate guidelines and plans for the controlled management of wildfires.", + "\uf0b7 Regulation of the use of fires in natural areas to be conserved, agricultural areas, pasture areas, forest areas, etc. as defined in the Community Development Plans (CDPs) \uf0b7 Development of cross-border and international partnerships to assist in the management of major fires.", + "(4) Integrated strategies for the promotion of private wood-energy production plantations in Benin Benin\u2019s spatial agenda Ensuring sustainable management of forest resources \uf0b7 Design and implementation of participatory development plans; \uf0b7 Restoration of degraded forest areas; \uf0b7 Establishment of a system for monitoring and protecting forest areas with modern tools; \uf0b7 Promotion of sustainable development of timber and wood-energy industries \uf0b7 Sustainability of conservation and protection initiatives \uf0b7 Design and implementation of a programme for the development of agricultural areas in connection with the preservation of natural areas B/ SECTORAL PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Restoration of degraded forests and creation of forest plantations \uf0b7 Large-scale reforestation programme with the aim of achieving 15,000 ha of forest plantations per year.", + "\uf0b7 Continue and intensify wood-energy substitution actions by promoting access for 275,000 new households to small-scale butane gas cooking equipment Strengthening protection and conservation actions Programme to strengthen the protection and conservation of natural forests and plantations (2021-2030).", + "Strengthening actions in the field of protection and conservation Programme for strengthening actions in the field of protection and conservation of natural forests and plantations (2021-2030) C/ PROJECTS ON THE COMMONS\u2019 INITIATIVE (PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED FROM THE AVAILABLE FICHES) Development plans of the communes of Pobe Community dynamics project providing greater resilience to the effects of change Community of Bantee Improvement of forest resources management project in the commune of Bantee Reduction of population pressure on classified forests Community of Bonou Protection and rehabilitation of ecological reserves (biodiversity) along the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 River Community of Pobe Community dynamics project providing greater resilience to the effects of change Community of Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8, Chaourou, Sav\u00e8 Creation of a green belt along the Okpara", + "Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8, Chaourou, Sav\u00e8 Creation of a green belt along the Okpara and Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 rivers in the communes of Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8, Chaourou, Sav\u00e8 on 3000 ha (1000 ha pilot phase) Dassa-Zoum\u00e8 commune Project to plant fast-growing forest species for energy wood production Table 13: Sectoral strategies for implementing adaptation objectives Sectors Strategies for implementing adaptation objectives A/ STRATEGIES AND PROGRAMMES AT SECTORAL LEVEL All sectors \uf0b7 National Strategy for the Implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) \uf0b7 National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPC) \uf0b7 National Development Plan (under development in the DMP) \uf0b7 Government Action Programme (GAP) \uf0b7 Strategy for Strengthening Human Resources, Learning and Skills Development to Address Climate Change", + "Development of the Agricultural Sector (2017-2025) \uf0b7 National Strategy for the Provision of Effective and Efficient Agro-meteorological Services for the Benefit of the Actors of the Agricultural Sector \uf0b7 Training Strategy for Farmers, Livestock Producers and Fishermen on Climate Change Adaptation Technologies and the Use of Agro-meteorological Information \uf0b7 Communication Strategy for the Enhancement of the Adaptation Capacity of Actors to Climate Change for Agricultural Production and Food Security in Benin \uf0b7 National Plan for Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutritional Security \uf0b7 Strategic Plan for the Development of Climate-Smart Agriculture (2018- Water Resources) \uf0b7 National Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Management (PANGIRE) \uf0b7 National Strategy for Rural Drinking Water Supply in Benin \uf0b7 National Strategy for Urban Drinking Water Supply in Benin \uf0b7 Scheme Director", + "Forestry \uf0b7 National Programme for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources \uf0b7 Capacity-building strategy on the management of vegetation fires for better adaptation to climate change \uf0b7 Strategic plan for the development of mangrove ecosystems \uf0b7 Strategic plan for the development of non-linear forest products Coastal \uf0b7 ACT No. 201 8-10 of 02 July 2018 on the protection, development and enhancement of the coastal zone in the Republic of Benin; \uf0b7 Report on the state of the marine environment in Benin \uf0b7 Establish and make operational the Monitoring Centre for Coastal Surveillance and Coastal Risk Control \uf0b7 Multisectoral plan for adaptation to coastal risks in the face of climate change in Benin Energy \uf0b7 Strategic plan for the development of the energy sector by 2025.", + "\uf0b7 National policy for the development of renewable energy in Benin - horizon 2035.", + "\uf0b7 National policy for the development of renewable energies in Benin -horizon 2035. Health \uf0b7 Cholera control plan 2017-2021 \uf0b7 National health policy (NPS 2018-2030) \uf0b7 National health development plan 2018-2022 \uf0b7 National Community health policy -horizon 2025 Tourism National tourism policy (NPT 2013-2025) Urban development and infrastructure \uf0b7 Improving the living environment \uf0b7 Controlling urbanisation \uf0b7 Reforestation of towns or agglomerations \uf0b7 Ensuring the preservation of road heritage and improving its management \uf0b7 Developing the national network of roads and tracks B/ PROJECTS FOR COMMUNITY INITIATIVE Sectors Strategies for implementing adaptation objectives (PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED FROM THE AVAILABLE FILES) Community development plans POBE Agriculture 1000 hectare development project for rice production and rice production in the commune of Pobe BOUKOMBE Agriculture ( Support", + "the production of rice and the cultivation of rice products in the municipality of Pobe BOUKOMBE Agriculture ( Project to support sustainable agriculture for food and nutritional security by promoting economically viable local industries.", + "KANDI Agriculture Project to support the development of marketable crops and strengthen the resilience of beet growers in the Alibori Communes (PADCMCA) KARIMAMA Agriculture Project to support the development of marketable crops and strengthen the resilience of marketable crops in the Karimama Commune (PADCMCK) KLOUEKANME Agriculture Project to improve the resilience of maize, kidney, tomato and pepper farming systems in the Klou\u00e9kanme Commune KARIMAMA Agriculture Project to support the development of marketable crops and strengthen the resilience of beet growers in the Karimama Commune (PADCMCK) MALANVILLE Agriculture Implementation of three (03) water reservoirs and five (05) fish ponds in the Malanville Commune MALANVILLE Agriculture Strengthening the", + "of Malanville KARIMAMA Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity of flood victims in the community of Karimama AGBANGNIZOUN Agriculture Identifying and promoting climate-resilient food crops and training producers on modern and climate-resilient cultivation techniques (CDP project) SAVE Agriculture Development and securing of agropastoral and fisheries areas OUAKE Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of market producers to rainfall irregularities in the community Adaptation of agricultural and construction systems to climate change OUAKE Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of rice and fish producers to rainfall irregularities ZAKPOTA Agriculture Integrated soil fertility management project and climate-resilience technology ADJA-OUERE Agriculture Construction of water reservoirs for rice producers in Hou\u00e9li gaba, Dag", + "Infrastructure Community Resilience to Climate Change Project OUAKE Urban Infrastructure Development and Construction Climate Change Adaptation of Housing Project PARAKOU Remediation Sewage Sludge Treatment and Solid Waste Management 5.2.", + "Framework for Gender Mainstreaming in the Implementation of the CBD Updated This table 14 is integrated into the CBD to provide an overview of opportunities for gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the CBD.", + "For example, it defines appropriate levels of gender mainstreaming by sector and area of action, with some recommendations.", + "Indicators of gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the updated CBD Sectors Mitigation measures/adaptation projects Indicated level of gender mainstreaming Gender mainstreaming indicator Recommendations for the implementation of the updated CBD Agriculture Implementation of sustainable land management techniques (improved farming techniques, maintenance of rice soil fertility with water control) - Targeting of potential beneficiaries for extension of agricultural techniques - Training of farmers - Provision of different supports for the application of sustainable land management techniques - Capacity building of small farmers - Choice of beneficiaries at the levels of the different adaptation projects listed - Technological development and agricultural advice - Access to financing - Soil sustainability management Rate of women farmers included Rate of women farmers with", + "-Soil sustainability management Rate of women farmers taken into account Rate of women farmers who have benefited from technical and financial support measures \uf0b7 Ensure, as far as possible, the involvement of women farmers in the implementation of actions promoting sustainable land management techniques \uf0b7 Monitor and evaluate the rate of involvement of women Adaptation projects in the sector involving farmers and rural communities LULUCF \uf0b7 Protection and conservation of natural forests and plantations through reforestation.", + "\uf0b7 Development of agroforestry - targeting of beneficiaries for private plantations - Training of the project management team - Phase of identification of beneficiaries of the said programme Training of the project management team - Phase of identification of beneficiaries in adaptation projects of forest area actors - Number of projects and programmes for the protection and conservation of natural forests and plantations carried out by women - Rates of women involved in projects for the protection and conservation of natural forests Rates of women and men targeted for reforestation and who have benefited from technical and financial support measures - Ensure that women are involved in the protection and conservation of natural forests within the framework of programmes and projects developed for this purpose - Regularly monitor the development and implementation of reforestation projects in order to ascertain, as far as possible, the", + "Regular monitoring in the development and implementation of reforestation projects to ensure gender mainstreaming to the extent possible Forest sector adaptation projects involving the improvement of living conditions of riparian populations in forest areas and the upgrading of forest areas and Sectors Mitigation measures/adaptation projects Indicated level of gender mainstreaming Indicator of gender mainstreaming Recommendations for the implementation of the updated UNCCD on sound natural resource management.", + "ENERGY \uf0b7 Promotion of the economic use of wood-energy through access by households to improved households at subsidised prices \uf0b7 Promotion of access by new households to small cooking equipment using domestic gas (six kg bomb + nozzle) through the subsidy of 30 % of the acquisition cost or the establishment of a facility facilitating access to credit for small civil servants (guarantee fund) \uf0b7 Targeting of households for actions to sell improved households at subsidised prices \uf0b7 Targeting of households for actions to distribute cooking equipment using domestic gas at subsidised prices Rate of women who have benefited from improved households at subsidised prices Rate of women who have benefited from cooking equipment using domestic gas at subsidised prices Ensuring the availability of equipment in all areas targeted for distribution Ensuring that the distribution mechanism put in place", + "Ensure that the distribution mechanism put in place does not restrict women\u2019s access to equipment.", + "Other sectors (Water Resources, Coastal, Tourism, Health); \uf0b7 Adaptation projects involving the promotion of integrated management of water resources \uf0b7 Adaptation projects involving the protection and conservation of coastal areas \uf0b7 Adaptation projects involving populations with health conditions vulnerable to climate change Targeting of beneficiaries of project activities Rates of women included in project implementation Rates of women who have benefited from technical and financial support measures to adapt to climate constraints - Gender mainstreaming in all adaptation projects and programmes included in the implementation account of the CND - Strengthening adaptation project or programme teams for gender mainstreaming in the establishment and implementation phase.", + "adaptation programmes for gender mainstreaming in the implementation and implementation phase. 5.3.", + "Institutional framework for the implementation of the updated National Determined Contribution (NDC) The implementation of Benin\u2019s updated National Determined Contribution (NDC) is carried out under the auspices of the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD) as the national focal point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).", + "The main actors involved include in particular: \uf0b7 relevant ministries and sectoral institutions; \uf0b7 local authorities; \uf0b7 the private sector; \uf0b7 civil society. The bodies implementing this instrument are: \uf0b7 The Steering Committee, the supreme decision-making and policy-making body. It is composed of designated representatives of the relevant ministries.", + "The bodies implementing this instrument are the following: \uf0b7 The Steering Committee, the supreme decision-making and policy-making body, composed of designated representatives of the relevant ministries. \uf0b7 The National Coordination Unit of the CND, which is the central body for all actions.", + "\uf0b7 The National Coordination Unit of the CND, which is the umbrella body for all actions and comprises the Director General in charge of Climate Change (DGEC), the National Coordinator, the Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Focal Point for Transfer of Climate Technology, a Executive Secretary, and two technical assistants to the National Coordinator.", + "It comprises the Director General for Climate Change (DGEC), the National Coordinator, the Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Focal Point for the Transfer of Climate Technology, a Executive Secretary; two technical assistants to the National Coordinator. \uf0b7 Sectoral implementation coordination within the ministries, institutions, agencies and other structures covered by the measures/actions selected in the updated NCD.", + "\uf0b7 Sectoral implementation coordination within the ministries, institutions, agencies and other structures covered by the measures/actions selected in the updated NCD, comprising those responsible for programming and foresight at the ministerial level, those responsible for monitoring and evaluating projects, the Climate Change Focal Point of the National Association of Communes of Benin, and those responsible for climate change issues at the level of civil society and non-governmental organisations.", + "They are made up of those responsible for programming and foresight at the ministerial level, those responsible for monitoring and evaluating projects, the Climate Change Focal Point of the Benin National Association of Municipalities, and those responsible for climate change issues at the grassroots level of civil society and non-governmental organisations. \uf0b7 Community coordination, the body responsible for overseeing the CND at the community/local level.", + "\uf0b7 Community coordination, the body responsible for overseeing the CND at the community/local level, and the implementation of the projects and programmes identified at the level of the different sectors covered by the CND is the responsibility of the relevant ministries, institutions or sectoral entities.", + "Furthermore, the implementation of the projects and programmes identified at the level of the different sectors covered by the CND is the responsibility of the relevant ministries, institutions or sectoral entities.", + "The MCVDD will provide the necessary guidance and facilities to support sectoral structures, as appropriate, in the preparation of funding research dossiers or any other initiatives through existing mechanisms. The MCVDD will also ensure accountability of the Measurement, Notification and Verification (MNV) system for the implementation of the CBD, institutional capacity building in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.", + "The MCVDD will also be responsible for the MNV (Measurement, Notification and Verification) system for the implementation of the CBD, institutional capacity building in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.", + "The organizational structure for the implementation of the updated CND is shown in Figure 6 below. Figure 6: Framework for the institutional arrangement for the implementation of the CND PILOTAGE COMMITTEE (MCVDD, MPD, MEF, MAEP, ME, MIT and Civil Society) National Coordination Unit (DGEC, Coordinator-CDN, PF-CCNUCC, PF-TT, Coordinator-Systems MNV climatic, 2 Technical Assistants) Consultative bodies CNCCC Ministries Sectoral Coordination Sectoral Coordination Community Focal Point Prefecture Focal Point Sectoral Focal Points (MAEP, MCVDD, ME, MEM, MIT, TOURISM, MDGL) Community Focal Points (ANCB, COMMUNES, CIVILE SOCIETE) Institutions Partners \uf0b7 PTF \uf0b7 Universities \uf0b7 Research Institute", + "METHODS OF IMPLEMENTATION The plan of implementation under the updated Benin NCD is presented in Annex 3. The implementation of these activities requires financial, technological and capacity-building resources. 6.1.", + "The implementation of these activities requires financial, technological and capacity-building resources. 6.1. Technology Transfer Requirements The technology transfer needs expressed for the Adaptation and Mitigation Component stem mainly from the assessments carried out in the context of the Third National Communication (MCVDD, 2019) on Climate Change (October 2019) and the report on Priority Technologies for Adaptation, prepared under the Technology Needs Assessment Project- Technological Action Plan (TNA-Adaptation, 2020 & TNA_Attenuation, 2020). They cover the agriculture and water resources sectors for the Adaptation Component on the one hand and the agriculture, forestry and energy sectors for the Mitigation Component (see Tables 15 and 16).", + "adaptation sector Priority technologies for adaptation by sector Objectives Benefits Agriculture Development and extension of technical routes adapted to the new climatic constraints in the agro-ecological zone 5 \uf0b7 Reduce vulnerability or improve resilience to long recurring dry sequences in the area \uf0b7 Sustainably increase agricultural yield to ensure food and nutrition security \uf0b7 Improve the performance of crop systems to combat food insecurity on a sustainable basis Fight against food insecurity and, in turn, poverty by creating the conditions for improving farmers\u2019 incomes and living conditions.", + "Planting (Mulching) \uf0b7 Reduce evaporative water losses \uf0b7 Protect soil from wind and water erosion \uf0b7 Provide nutrients for crops Protect soil from wind and water erosion. \u2022 Improve infiltration of rain and irrigation water by maintaining good soil structure. \u2022 Keep soil moist by reducing evaporation.", + "\u2022 Improve the infiltration of rainwater and irrigation by maintaining a good soil structure. \u2022 Keep the soil moist by reducing evaporation. \u2022 Feed and protect soil organisms. Plant mulch is an excellent source of carbon for soil organisms and provides conditions for their growth.", + "Vegetable mulch is an excellent source of carbon for soil organisms and provides suitable conditions for their growth. \u2022 Block the growth of adventitious plants. \u2022 Avoid soil warming. \u2022 Provide nutrients for crops. \u2022 Increase the organic content of the soil.", + "Integrated management of agropastoral agriculture and livestock \uf0b7 Increase agricultural and animal productivity \uf0b7 Ensure food self-sufficiency of populations \uf0b7 Increase soil fertility \uf0b7 Improve long-term crop productivity Create an enabling environment for managing bush fires, conserving biological diversity (microbial fauna in the soil), reducing the use of agricultural inputs; increasing farmers\u2019 purchasing power, strengthening the social fabric between farmers and livestock farmers.", + "Sector Priority technologies for adaptation by sector Objectives Benefits Water resources Development of small watersheds to improve food and nutritional security for vulnerable populations \uf0b7 Combat flooding in agricultural perimeter of rivers and water bodies \uf0b7 Ensure availability of water for agricultural purposes Implement actions for sustainable use of water resources \uf0b7 Proposals for soil fertility regeneration \uf0b7 Improve or stabilise annual water flows \uf0b7 Optimum management of hydrological risks (water tables, floods, etc.) \uf0b7 Improved water management \uf0b7 Diversification of agricultural production Integrated management of rice bottoms \uf0b7 Improve agricultural land productivity and efficiency of rational water use in rural communities \uf0b7 Sustainably increase rice production capacity \uf0b7 Promote sustainable intensification of rice production systems by introducing", + "\uf0b7 Promote the sustainable intensification of rice production systems through the introduction of innovative practices in crop systems \uf0b7 Contribute to the development of a sustainable system for the production and distribution of quality rice seeds of improved varieties Achieve socially acceptable and economically viable crop systems in rice perimeter areas with a view to contributing to the achievement of food security Advantages related to the promotion of this technology: hydro-agricultural management for water control; diversification of agricultural activities rice fish farming to increase yields and incomes; development of a dynamic process of consultation and participation of local actors organised and mobilised around water management; development of concerted actions for innovations and land solutions; increase in agricultural production; rainwater management; etc.", + "Multi-purpose drilling \uf0b7 Ensuring the availability of drinking water on a continuous and sustainable basis \uf0b7 Ensuring the quality of drinking water on a permanent basis \uf0b7 Ensuring the supply of drinking water to peri-urban areas \uf0b7 Improving access to rural water supply services \uf0b7 Ensuring access to drinking water for the entire rural and semi-urban population Reducing the suffering of the population due to lack of water, especially during the dry season Multi-purpose drilling has advantages such as: rational water management; reduction of water-borne diseases and morbidity, mainly in children; reduction of water shortages; increase in per capita water availability; development of income-generating activities; creation of jobs; improvement in the school enrolment rate, mainly for girls, especially in rural areas.", + "Income-generating activities; Job creation; Improvement of the school enrolment rate, especially for young girls in rural areas.", + "It should be noted that technology transfer needs for other sectors may be subject to future evaluations and will be included in future editions.", + "Technology Transfer Requirements Mitigation Component Sector Priority Adaptation Technologies by Sector Objectives Benefits Agriculture Integrated Soil Fertility Management \uf0b7 Implement fertility maintenance techniques annually Organic SFM techniques require less cash flow than the use of mineral fertilizers.", + "FMI techniques Sector Priority technologies for adaptation by sector Objectives Land benefits over an area are agricultural practices/activities that must be carried out each year/season, etc. Agricultural yields can increase with the implementation of FMI techniques.", + "Agricultural yields can increase with the implementation of SFM technologies. Yield increases can range from 50% to 100%. Similarly, this technology will reduce GHG emissions in the agricultural sector. Manure production and use technology.", + "Similarly, this technology will reduce GHG emissions in the agricultural sector. Manure Production and Use Technology. Promoting Manure Technology and Use by Agricultural Operators This technology will reduce N2O emissions from chemical fertilizer on agricultural soils.", + "Promote technology and manure use by agricultural operators This technology will reduce N2O emissions from chemical fertilizer on agricultural soils, and reduce GHG emissions from pressure on forests to find new fertile land.", + "GHG emissions from forest pressure in search of new fertile land will also be reduced. Forestry Forest land reforestation Increase the carbon sequestration capacity of the country's forest ecosystems by establishing 15,000 ha of forest plantations per year over the period 2021 to 2030.", + "Forestry Forest land reforestation Increase the carbon sequestration capacity of the country's forest ecosystems by establishing 15,000 ha of forest plantations per year over the period 2021 to 2030. Soils in reforested areas will be protected. Plant cover improves the microclimate and hence the environment. Reduced degradation of forest cover.", + "Plant cover improves the microclimate and hence the environment. Reduced forest cover degradation. Increased carbon sequestration through rapid reforestation.", + "Increase carbon sequestration through rapid reforestation. Small-scale butane gas cooking equipment Promote access to at least 275,000 new households with small-scale gas cooking equipment between 2021 and 2030 Control wood-energy demand. Preserve forest heritage and its CO2 absorption capacity.", + "Preservation of the forest heritage and its CO2 absorption capacity Energy Effective refrigerators and air conditioners Promote the acquisition of 300,000 refrigerators by 2030 in households and service sector establishments and Contributes to the efficiency of electricity consumption, the control of electricity demand and thus the reduction of GHG emissions.", + "Energy Efficient refrigerators and air conditioners Promote the acquisition of 300,000 refrigerators in service sector households and establishments by 2030 and Contributes to the efficiency of electricity consumption, the control of electricity demand and thus the reduction of GHG emissions Solar PV lamps for public lighting Promote solar energy in public lighting Photovoltaic solar is a clean energy without direct GHG emissions.", + "Solar public lighting PV lamps Promote solar energy in public lighting Photovoltaic solar is a clean energy without direct GHG emissions River-lake transport buses and associated infrastructure (boats/landing platforms); Establish a river-lake transport service on the Calavi \u2013 Cotonou and Porto Novo \u2013 Cotonou routes with the aim of diverting at least 30% of current road traffic in the same directions.", + "In order to achieve this objective, a fleet of 20 buses with at least 217 seats each will have to be set up.", + "Achieving this objective will require the deployment of a fleet of 20 bus vessels with at least 217 seats each, and a reduction in the specific consumption of gasoline per person and per km of about 6-7 times compared to small diesel vehicles.", + "Reduction of specific fuel oil consumption per person per km by about 6-7 times compared to small diesel vehicles, as well as a reduction in fuel consumption at the sectoral level compared to individual or small group transport, and consequently a proportional reduction in specific CO2 emissions.", + "Consequently, a proportional reduction in specific CO2 emissions. A reduction in fuel consumption Light-duty diesel-electric trains for long-distance transport and Ouidah-Cotonou- Porto Novo rail network rehabilitation Promote a high-speed long-distance service by light-duty diesel-electric trains on the Ouidah-Pahou-Godomey-Cotonou and Porto Novo-Cotonou routes.", + "Reduced fuel consumption Light-duty diesel-electric trains for long-distance transport and Ouidah-Cotonou- Porto Novo rail network rehabilitation Promote a rapid light-duty diesel-electric long-distance transport service on the Ouidah-Pahou-Godomey-Cotonou and Porto Novo-Cotonou routes.", + "Achieving this objective will require the deployment of a transport fleet of at least 4 trains, each consisting of a two-engined trainset and 8 passenger cars. A considerable reduction in fuel consumption in the transport sector compared to transport by small four-wheeled vehicles.", + "A significant reduction in fuel consumption in the transport sector compared to transport by small four-wheeled vehicles, and consequently a proportionate reduction in specific CO2 emissions. Reduction of local air pollution in Cotonou 6.2.", + "Reducing Local Air Pollution in Cotonou 6.2. Capacity Building Capacity building will consist of skills development and institutional capacity building (Table 17). Table 17:", + "Capacity Building Capacity building will consist of skills development and institutional capacity building (Table 17). Table 17: Capacity Building Requirements Priority Sectors/Areas Capacity Building Requirements Climate Monitoring and Surveillance System Establishment of a reliable climate monitoring and surveillance system across the entire climate system, including the Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric components.", + "Priority Sectors/Areas Capacity Building Requirements Climate Monitoring and Surveillance System Establishment of a reliable climate monitoring and surveillance system covering the entire climate system, including the Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric components Strengthening of air pollution measurement stations", + "Strengthening of air pollution measurement stations. Establishment of capabilities for monitoring and predicting atmospheric fluctuations and changes, early warning systems and assessment of socio-economic, environmental impacts, etc. Institutional framework Strengthening of existing structures operating in the field of protection of the atmosphere, land and oceans.", + "Establishment of capacities for monitoring and predicting atmospheric fluctuations and changes, early warning systems and assessment of socio-economic, environmental impacts, etc. Institutional framework Strengthening of existing structures operating in the area of protection of the atmosphere, land and oceans Establishment or strengthening of structures dealing with adaptation issues.", + "Establishment or strengthening of structures dealing with adaptation issues Establishment or strengthening of structures dealing with mitigation issues Definition of national climate plans and strengthening of climate change mainstreaming in development programs/strategy Agriculture Integration of climate change issues into agricultural development policies, plans and programs.", + "Definition of national climate plans and strengthening of the integration of climate change into development programmes/strategy Agriculture Integration of climate change issues into agricultural development policies, plans and programmes Training of rural development actors (managers, technicians, producers, local authorities) on the issue of climate-agriculture relations.", + "Training of rural development actors (managers, technicians, producers, local authorities) on the issue of climate-agriculture relations Support for the adoption of improved technologies for sustainable land management Use of agro-climate models (capacity building in agro-climate risk modelling, familiarisation with DSSAT, SARRAH, etc.).", + "Support for the adoption of improved technologies for sustainable land management Use of agro-climatic models (capacity building in agro-climatic risk modelling, familiarization with DSSAT, SARRAH, etc.). Dissemination of local knowledge on agro-climatic risk management or crises. Monitoring and evaluation of agricultural and hydro-agricultural development projects.", + "Promotion of local knowledge in the management of agro-climatic risks or crises. Monitoring and evaluation of agricultural and hydro-agricultural development projects. Training of managers and producers on the production system of major food crops integrating techniques for integrated fertility management and soil moisture conservation Energy Promotion and improvement of access to renewable energy sources in order to safeguard forest resources and reduce the vulnerability of populations to the effects of climate change.", + "Support for the organisation of the development of markets for high-performance cooking equipment (improved fireplaces, gas cooking equipment). Training of public and private actors and users on renewable energy systems. Capacity building on energy saving initiatives and measures in various sectors (domestic, industry, services).", + "Capacity building on energy saving initiatives and measures in various sectors (domestic, industry, services) The adoption of labels and standards for efficient lamps and household appliances.", + "Introduction of labels and standards for efficient lamps and household appliances Implementation of energy performance standards for improved households (This action is carried out by the Energy Services Improvement Project (PASE) at ERD) Implementation of regulations and measures to promote a market for low-energy refrigerators using non-CFC hydrocarbons.", + "Implementation of energy performance standards for improved households (This action is carried out by the Energy Services Improvement Project (PASE) at DGRE) Implementation of regulations and measures to promote a market for low-energy refrigerators using non-CFC hydrocarbons (DGRE/MCA Benin 2) Implementation of a survey on the penetration rates of improved households, gas cooking equipment, refrigerators, air conditioners, low-energy lamps, and energy consumption in households (all over the country) Implementation of a survey of fuel consumption by vehicle category and by use Water resources Strengthening of the capacities of the decentralised services of the Directorate-General for Water to predict risks and manage hydro-climatic crises.", + "Capacity-building to integrate climate change considerations into water resources management policies Training of technical frameworks in the area of water system vulnerability to climate change and on the methodology for studying water resource vulnerability to climate change.", + "Training of technical frameworks on the vulnerability of water systems to climate change and on the methodology for studying the vulnerability of water resources to climate change. Development of integrated water resources management projects in the context of climate change.", + "Development of integrated water resources management projects in the context of climate change Priority Sectors/Areas Capacity Building Requirements Hydro-climate modelling (watershed hydrological functioning, aquifer hydrogeological functioning, salt intrusion processes in coastal catchment areas).", + "Priority Sectors/Areas Capacity Building Requirements Climate hydro modelling (watershed hydrological functioning, aquifer hydrogeological functioning, salt intrusion processes in coastal catchment areas) Forestry/ Biodiversity Establishment of climate change cells in relation to biodiversity.", + "Forestry/ Biodiversity Establishment of cells dealing with climate change issues in their relationship to biodiversity. Consideration of climate change issues in the management of biological resources.", + "Taking into account the problems of climate change in the management of biological resources. Training of stakeholders (decision makers, technicians, farmers, local authorities) in the development of integrated projects for the conservation of biological resources in a changed climate and in the methodology of ex situ and in situ conservation.", + "Enhancement of local knowledge in the management of biological resources. Implementation of information and alert systems on the adverse effects of climate change on biodiversity. Enhancement of traditional knowledge on the climate-biodiversity relationship. Development and dissemination of legislation and regulations on biodiversity management in local languages.", + "Development and dissemination of legislation and regulations on biodiversity management in local languages. Development of traditional knowledge on biodiversity for strengthening carbon sinks. Human settlements Integration of climate change issues into policy, strategic plans, programmes and development projects.", + "Human settlements Integration of climate change issues into policy, strategic plans, programmes and development projects Training and information of stakeholders (policy makers, health workers, populations, local authorities) on the adverse effects of climate change Protection of socio-economic systems against degradation of the coastal environment and sea level rise.", + "Training and information of stakeholders (decision makers, health workers, populations, local authorities) on the adverse effects of climate change Protection of socio-economic systems against degradation of the coastal environment and sea level rise Capacity building at different levels to interpret and communicate relevant climate information and to advise local communities.", + "Capacity-building at various levels to interpret and communicate relevant climate information and provide advice to local communities Institutional and technical capacity-building of government, civil society organizations and communities to assess local risks and vulnerabilities and formulate climate-sensitive development plans and policies.", + "Strengthening the institutional and technical capacities of the Administration, civil society organizations and communities to assess local risks and vulnerabilities and formulate climate-sensitive development plans and policies Promoting practical adaptation solutions to climate variability and future risks of climate change", + "Promoting practical adaptation solutions to climate variability and future risks of climate change Promoting the strengthening and sharing of knowledge on climate change through awareness raising, risk management and gender-sensitive policy development", + "Promoting the strengthening and sharing of knowledge on climate change through awareness raising, risk management and gender-sensitive policy development Health Training of health pyramid players on climate change and its impacts on health.", + "Health Training of stakeholders in the health pyramid on climate change and its impacts on health Establishment of a monitoring and information system on the impact of climate change on health.", + "Establishment of a monitoring and information system on the impact of climate change on health Tourism Strengthening of technical expertise in assessing vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the tourism sector Establishment of an alert, monitoring and information unit on the impact of climate change in the tourism sector Communication around the NCCs - Strengthening of the management, monitoring and outreach team of the NCC actions/activities - Strengthening of the capacity to monitor and evaluate adaptation activities in the different sectors.", + "- Training of the media on the issues, challenges and opportunities of the NDCs. - Establishment of a regular dialogue framework for monitoring the implementation of the NDC. National resources (public funds and private investment) will be complemented by external financial support (bilateral or multilateral).", + "National resources (public funds and private investment) will be complemented by external financial support (bilateral or multilateral). The total estimated cost of implementing the plans, programmes and projects listed under Benin\u2019s updated NCD amounts to US$ 10515.88 million, of which US$ 5661.89 million is unconditional and US$ 4853.99 million is conditional (Annexes 1 and 2).", + "The total estimated cost for the implementation of the plans, programmes and projects included in the Benin Updated NCD is US$ 10515.88 million, of which US$ 5661.89 million is unconditional and US$ 4853.99 million is conditional (Annexes 1 and 2). Of this total, the total cost for local community projects included in the implementation of the Updated NCD is estimated at US$ 162.94 million, with an unconditional share of US$ 14.39 million and a conditional share of US$ 148.55 million (Annex 3).", + "Of this total, the total cost of local community projects included in the updated CDN implementation is estimated at US$ 162.94 million with an unconditional share of US$ 14.39 million and a conditional share of US$ 148.55 million (Annex 3). This estimate is based on the country\u2019s current experiences in implementing climate change mitigation and adaptation projects.", + "This estimate is based on the country\u2019s current experiences in implementing climate change mitigation and adaptation projects. In order to measure the progress made in implementing these activities, a Measurement, Notification and Verification (MNV) system will be set up at the MCVDD in relation to the other ministries and municipalities involved in the CND.", + "In order to measure the progress made in the implementation of these activities, a Measurement, Notification and Verification (MNV) system will be set up at the MCVDD in relation to the other ministries and communes involved in the CND. Conditions for the success of the implementation of the CND The success of the implementation of the CND will depend on the following conditions: \uf0b7 The effective and timely mobilisation of national resources and the assistance expected from the international community.", + "Conditions for the success of the implementation of the CBD The success of the implementation of the CBD will depend on the following conditions: \uf0b7 The effective and timely mobilisation of national resources and the assistance expected from the international community Difficulties in mobilising sufficient resources could hamper the implementation of projects.", + "Difficulties in mobilising sufficient resources could hamper the implementation of projects. \uf0b7 The capacity of relevant public structures to manage large-scale programmes effectively.", + "\uf0b7 The capacity of the relevant public structures to effectively manage large-scale programmes To prevent any difficulties that may arise from the lack of capacity of these structures, a good sectoral diagnosis of staffing needs for timely implementation of projects will be required as part of the development of the institutional capacity-building programme under the NDC.", + "In order to prevent any difficulties that may arise from the lack of capacity of these structures, a good diagnosis of the staffing needs for the timely implementation of projects will have to be made at sectoral level, as part of the elaboration of the institutional capacity-building programme provided for in the CND. \uf0b7 The effectiveness of the establishment of regulatory texts and the control of the national market for imported electrical and household appliances and the success of energy efficiency promotion operations.", + "\uf0b7 The ability of the agricultural sector to effectively promote improved farming techniques on the planned areas.", + "\uf0b7 The capacity of the agricultural sector to effectively promote improved cropping techniques on the planned areas \uf0b7 The effectiveness of technology transfer as well as the completion of research and development work at national level.", + "\uf0b7 The effectiveness of technology transfer as well as the completion of research and development work at national level. \uf0b7 The rigorous follow-up of an updated master plan for the implementation of the CBD at the level of the coordination team on the one hand and in all relevant sectoral ministries on the other hand. LIBRARY \uf0b7 Benin (2016).", + "\uf0b7 The rigorous follow-up of an updated master plan for the implementation of the CND at the level of the Coordination Team on the one hand and in all relevant sectoral ministries on the other hand. LIBRARY \uf0b7 Benin (2016). Government Action Programme 2016-2021. Portfolio of projects by sector. Presidency of the Republic of Benin. Cotonou. 46p. \uf0b7 DG-Water (2013).", + "Chairmanship of the Republic of Benin. Cotonou. 46p. \uf0b7 DG-Water (2013). Implementation of the Scheme for the Director of Water Management and Management of the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 Basin. DG-Water Cotonou 194p. \uf0b7 DG-Water (2015). Determination of thresholds and alert levels for risks of sea-level rise and coastal erosion in Benin. Report, 182p. \uf0b7 DGEFC (2018).", + "Determining thresholds and alert levels for risks of sea level rise and coastal erosion in Benin. Report, 182 p. \uf0b7 DGEFC (2018). Annual Activity Report 2017. MCVDD, Cotonou, 93 p. \uf0b7 DGEFC (2019). Procedural framework for reducing the potential negative social impacts of restricting access to classified forests. Benin Classified Forests Project.", + "Procedural framework for reducing the potential negative social impacts of restricting access to classified forests. Project Classified Forests of Benin. DGEFC/MCVDD, Cotonou. 118p. \uf0b7 DGFRN (2014). National strategy and action plan for the valorisation of Benin\u2019s priority Non- ligneous Forest Products (NLFP): the case of wild fruit trees.", + "National Strategy and Action Plan for the Promotion of Non-Liquid Forest Products (NLFP) in Benin: the case of wild fruit trees. Project to Support the Promotion of Non-Liquid Forest Products (PAP-NLFP). MECGCCRPRNF, Cotonou, Benin. 143 p. \uf0b7 DGFRN (2016). Forest Statistics Yearbook 2014-2015. MCVDD, Cotonou, 76 p. \uf0b7 FAO (2010). Global Forest Resources Assessment. 2010.", + "MCVDD, Cotonou, 76 p. \uf0b7 FAO (2010). Global Forest Resources Assessment. 2010. Benin National Report. FAO, Rome, 85 p. \uf0b7 IPCC (2014): Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change \uf0b7 IPCC (2006).", + "Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change \uf0b7 IPCC (2006). 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. \uf0b7 IPCC (2013). Summary for Policymakers, Climate Change 2013:", + "Summary for Policymakers, Climate Change 2013: The Science Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [edited by Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S. K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley].", + ", D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S. K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, United States of America, 34 pp. \uf0b7 IPCC (2014). Climate Change 2014:", + "Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability \u2013 Summary for Policymakers Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [led by Field, C.B., V.R. Barros, D.J. Dokken, K.J. Mach, M.D. Mastrandrea, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K.L. Ebi, Y.O. Estrada, R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S.", + "Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K.L. Ebi, Y.O. Estrada, R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N. Levy, S. MacCracken, P.R. Mastrandrea and L.L. White]. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 34 p. \uf0b7 INRAB (2017). Compendium of Promising Agricultural Technologies Developed by the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) from 1996 to 2015. INRAB/MAEP Cotonou. \uf0b7 INSAE (2015).", + "Compendium of promising agricultural technologies developed by the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) from 1996 to 2015. INRAB/MAEP Cotonou. \uf0b7 INSAE (2015). Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Key Results Report. UNICEF, Cotonou, 22 p. \uf0b7 INSAE (2015).", + "Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Key Result Report. UNICEF, Cotonou, 22 p. \uf0b7 INSAE (2015). RGPH4: what to do with population in 2013, INSAE, Cotonou \uf0b7 MAEP (2017): Strategic Agricultural Development Plan (SADP)-Strategic Direction 2025.", + "RGPH4: to retain population in 2013, INSAE, Cotonou \uf0b7 MAEP (2017): Strategic Plan for the Development of the Agricultural Sector (PSDSA)-Strategic Direction 2025. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017a): Preparation of the first National Determined Contribution (NDC) of Benin under the Paris Agreement on Climate.", + "\uf0b7 MCVDD (2017a): Preparation of Benin\u2019s first National Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Climate Agreement. Report on the \u2018adaptation component\u2019, 37 p. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017b). The National Spatial Planning Scheme for Benin. MCVDD, Cotonou. 175 p. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017c).", + "MCVDD, Cotonou. 175 p. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017c). First Determined Contribution at the National (CDN) level of Benin under the Paris Climate Agreement. 4 p.3 \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017a). Development of the first Determined Contribution at the National (CDN) level of Benin under the Paris Agreement.", + "Preparation of the first Determined Contribution at the National (NDC) level of Benin under the Paris Agreement. Report on the \"ADAPTATION Component\", Cotonou, 37 p. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017c). First Determined Contribution at the National (NDC) level of Benin under the Paris Agreement.Tmoc 43 p. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2020).", + "First National Determined Contribution (NDC) of Benin under the Paris Agreement.Tmoc 43 p \uf0b7 MCVDD (2020). Report on the state of implementation of the first National Determined Contribution (NDC) of Benin. \uf0b7 MCVDD, (2019). Third National Communication of Benin on Climate Change. \uf0b7 United Nations (2015).", + "Third National Communication of Benin on Climate Change. \uf0b7 United Nations (2015). Paris Agreement, 40 p.", + "\uf0b7 United Nations (2015). Paris Agreement, 40p. APPENDICES Appendix 1: Summary of mitigation measures under nationally determined planned contributions Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation AGRICULTURE SECTOR Promote improved crop technologies in crop production.", + "Implementation of improved cropping techniques on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030. MAEP Promote soil fertility management techniques for crop production. Implementation of soil fertility maintenance techniques on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030.", + "Implementation of soil fertility maintenance techniques on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030 MAEP Promote hydro-agricultural developments.", + "MAEP Promote hydro-agricultural development Development and irrigation of rice perimeter with water control of 52.000 ha compared to the level reached in 2020 MAEP ENERGY SECTOR Develop electricity production from gas and renewable energy sources.", + "Development and irrigation of rice perimeter with water control of 52.000 ha compared to the level reached in 2020 MAEP ENERGY SECTOR To develop the production of electricity from gas and renewable energy sources Construction of a floating re-gasification terminal for Liquefied Natural Gas (TFRG) in the port of Cotonou (total power of the plants to be supplied: 500 MW).", + "Construction of a floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification terminal in the port of Cotonou (total generating capacity: 500 MW) Private investment 60% Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for the implementation Natural gas operation of the installed thermal generation capacity.", + "Private Investment 60% Objectives of the Proposed Action Quantified Objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total Cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Natural gas exploitation of installed thermal generation capacity 36% of the total bi-fuel capacity in 2030 that can be exploited with natural gas and 64% with oil if the re-gasification terminal project is not completed.", + "36% of the total bi-fuel capacity in 2030 that can be exploited with natural gas and 64% with fuel oil if the re-gasification terminal project is not completed; 100% of the capacity if the re-gasification unit is constructed.", + "100% of the capacity if the regasification unit is built ME/SBEE Develop renewable energies (construction of hydroelectric power plants: Dogo bis (128 MW and 337 GWh/year); Vossa (60,2 MW and 188,2 GWh/year), and Beiteru (18,8 MW and 57 GWh/year).", + "ME/SBEE Development of renewable energies (construction of hydroelectric power plants: Dogo bis (128 MW and 337 GWh/year); Vossa (60,2 MW and 188,2 GWh/year), and Beiteru (18,8 MW and 57 GWh/year). Installation of solar PV farms with a total capacity of 112 MWc (DEFISSOL 25 MW, MCA II 50 MW, 25 MW additional and other), structuring of a fuel biomass pipeline 15 MW, promotion of sustainable production of biomass-electricity) Hydropower plants (electrical and other infrastructure, investments) + Solar 87 MW (DEFISSOL, MCA II and other) + Structuration of a biomass pipeline 4 MW + promotion of biomass-electricity investments.", + "Hydroelectric power stations (total civil engineering, investments) + Solar 25 MW + Biomass 11 MW + Biomass promotion- ME/SBEE Implementation of the UNDP New Green Pact Programme to support Benin in the development of renewable energies and strengthening the resilience of the energy mix in Benin to climate change ME(SBEE) Climate energy issues are integrated into the CDPs (Implementation of the CEMAATERR 2 Climate Energy: Adaptation and Mitigation Measures in the Ruraux Territories) Common Expanding household access to electric lighting instead of kerosene lighting.", + "(Network Connection Component) Electrification of localities by network connection Electrification of 481 new localities through various ongoing or beginning projects (PRERA, PROVES, PAELRB, PERU) (22.63%) Electrification of localities (proposed PROSPER2E and PIERL programmes).", + "Me (SBEE and ABERME) Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in (US$ millions) Conditional * Cost in (US$ millions) Total cost in (US$ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Projects for restructuring, strengthening and extending HTA and BT networks and connecting urban and peri-urban areas Strengthening and extending networks through various ongoing or beginning projects (PRESDERI, PADSBEE-BADEA/FSD, FORSUN, PADSBEE-VINCI, PEDER, PROMER, RERE, Ligne KANDI-BANIKOARA) Me (SBEE) Promoting access to electricity for about 1028,000 new households and abandoning kerosene lighting in the localities that will be connected to the networks of the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 B\u00e9ninoise d\u2019Energie Electrique (", + "342.000 household connection kits, i.e. 33% of households Acquisition of 686.000 household connection kits to conventional networks (planned for the period 2024- ME (SBEE) Continue and strengthen energy efficiency measures in all sectors.", + "Promotion of the use of low-energy electric lamps (public lighting) Rehabilitation of conventional lamps (250W) and replacement of lamps with LEDs (100W) Installation of new conventional lamps with 100W LEDs instead of 250W between 2021-2030 (Me (ABERME) Promotion of low-energy LED lamps in households (3,000,000 lamps in 1,000,000 households (project in preparation for ERD) ME (ERD and SBEE) Promotion of solar public lighting PV (total 53,593 solar lamps of which 23,243 already installed at the end of 2020 and 30,500 new lamps to be installed for a total power of 4837 KW Installation of lamps at the end of 2020.", + "Rehabilitation between 2021 and defective (i.e. 21.7%) 30,350 new solar lamps.", + "(or 21.7%) 30,350 new solar lamps. (or 78.3%) ME (ABERME) PV solar panels on the roofs of administrative buildings (07 health centres and colleges, 2 community service sites, 55 administrative buildings) 07 health centres and colleges, 2 community service sites Community sites Headquarters administrative buildings ME (ABERME) Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Promotion of the use of low energy electric lamps in public utilities 37.221 LED lamps in administration ME (ABERME) Promote low energy wood-energy technologies Promotion of the economical use of wood-energy by providing access to improved homes for 809.043 new households. 270.043 new households. 53", + "MCVDD (DGEFC) and (ME (DGRE) Promote the partial substitution of wood-energy consumption by butane gas Promote the access of 275,000 new households to cooking equipment using domestic gas: by subsidising the cost of acquiring the small 6 kg bottled equipment + burner for 100,000 new households. 175,000 new households.", + "MCVDD (DGEFC) and (ME (DGRE) Subsidy for domestic gas consumption up to 150 CFA francs/kg in the first year and decreasing by 15% each year to a minimum of 57 CFA francs/kg. 100.000 new households. 175.000 new households.", + "MCVDD (DGEFC) and (ME (DGRE) Extending household access to electric lighting as a substitute for kerosene lighting (off-grid electric system component) Promoting the extension of household and utility access to off-grid electric lighting by individual kits (13,249 households by 2024 and 100,000 new households between 2025-2030) 13,249 households by 2024.", + "And at least 20,000 more households between 2025 - additional between 2025- ME (ABERME) Promotion of the extension of access to off-grid electric lighting in social infrastructures (46 health centres and 26 police stations equipped in 2019 for a total power of 200 KWc) 46 health centres and 26 police stations.", + "(100%) ME (ABERME) Development of rural electrification by solar photovoltaic micro-centrals (239 localities + 22 localities) 202 localities including the 22 localities of the municipal projects (84.5%) 37 rural localities.", + "(Or 84.5%) 37 rural communities (Or ME (ABERME) Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementing efficient air conditioners in households through a subsidized purchasing mechanism.", + "(Or ME (ABERME) Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in (millions of US$) Conditional * Cost in (millions of US$) Total cost in (millions of US$) Institutions responsible for implementing efficient air conditioners in households through a subsidized acquisition mechanism. 000 efficient air conditioners ME (DGRE) Promotion of energy efficiency in the transport sector Road infrastructure development.", + "000 efficient air conditioners ME (DGRE) Promotion of energy efficiency in the transport sector Development of road infrastructure Projects: \u00b7 North-East bypass of Cotonou (40km) \u00b7 Fisheries Road Phase II. Motorway between S\u00e8m\u00e8 Kpodji and Porto Novo. Further development of urban waterways in Cotonou, Abomey-Calavi, Porto Novo and Parakou.", + "Further development of urban waterways in Cotonou, Abomey-Calavi, Porto Novo and Parakou. 100% (public powers private partners) MIT (DTT) Development of river-lake transport (establishment of a lagoon transport service between Calavi and Cotonou and then Cotonou and Porto-Novo Private investment for navigation equipment, organization and management of the transport service.", + "100% (public and private partner powers) MIT (DTT) Development of river-lake transport (establishment of a lagoon transport service between Calavi and Cotonou and then Cotonou and Porto-Novo Private investment for navigation equipment, organisation and management of the transport service.", + "84% MIT DTFL) Development and implementation of an intra- and inter-city transport strategy and plan for Cotonou, Porto-Novo and Parakou with a view to impacting on the consumption of petroleum products in the transport sector Development of a strategy and plan MIT and ME (DGRE) Improving the carbonisation performance of firewood Carbonisation Improvement Support Project for Sustainable Forest Management MCVDD (DGEFC) Continuation of awareness-raising and training activities for the adoption of improved carbonisation technology (2023-2030) with a target of 50% of coal production by 2030.", + "MCVDD (DGEFC) and ME (DGRE) FORESTRY SECTOR Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in (US$ millions) Conditional * Cost in (US$ millions) Total cost in (US$ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Reduce the rate of deforestation to a maximum of 35000 ha/year instead of the current 60.000 ha/year Strengthen actions for the protection and conservation and sustainable management of the resources of classified forests (establishment of a monitoring system, strengthening of the intervention capacities of the Forestry Engineering Cells, organization and monitoring of conservation series, reforestation, improvement and promotion of the rural timber market system, sustainable management of transumance, etc.) Implementation of the actions planned under the Benin Classified Forests Project (50%) Implementation of other similar", + "Implementation of other similar projects for the protection of classified forests MCVDD (DGEFC) Strengthening of actions for the protection and conservation and sustainable management of forests in the protected area on at least 2.500.000 ha Develop and implement projects to support the sustainable management of natural resources in the protected area (40%) Additional projects to support the sustainable management of natural resources in the protected area (60%) MCVDD (DGEFC) and municipalities Strengthening of forest plantation monitoring cations (120.000 ha) Implementation of measures to ensure the monitoring of 60.000 ha of old forest plantations (50%) over the period 2023 to 2030 Implementation of measures to ensure the monitoring of 60.000 ha of old forest plantations (50%) on MCVDD (DGEFC) and municipalities Increase the carbon sequestration capacity of the country\u2019s forest ecosystem", + "Reforestation/planting Implementation of a reforestation plan with the aim of creating 15,000 ha of forest plantations per year (i.e. 150,000 ha by 2030).", + "Pursue ongoing actions (PRI projects, PAGEFCOM 2, reforestation by ONAB and other actions of the National Reforestation Campaigns: an average of 5,000 ha of forest plantations per year, i.e. 50,000 ha by 2030. (33.3%) Creation of 10,000 ha of additional forest plantations per year, i.e. 100,000 ha by 2030.", + "(33.3%) Establishment of 10,000 ha of additional forest plantations per year, equivalent to 100,000 ha by 2030. LULUCF (LULUCF) and Common Objectives of the Proposed Measure Quantified Objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total Cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Promote alternative to logging activities for the benefit of rural communities (10 to 20% of the costs of new forest reforestation projects) LULUCF (LULUCF) Promote the development of agroforestry as a measure to strengthen carbon absorption capacity (3) Improve the performance of the oilseed palm industry with the installation of at least 50,000 new hectares of LULUCF (4) Increase the area under anacarde plantation by 60,000 ha, of which 35,000 in the period 2020-20", + "(Sometimes referred to as MAEP (5) Rehabilitation of 100,000 ha of former sugar cane plantations.", + "MAEP WASTE SECTOR Promote sound environmental management of household waste Establishment of a facility for the energy recovery of the Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8 household waste landfill MCVDD Provide municipalities in Benin with controlled landfills MCVDD and communes STRENGTHENING INSTITUTIONAL, REGULATORY AND OTHER ACCOMPANYING MEASURES Organize the launch workshop for the implementation of the CDN MCVDD Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Establish the institutional framework for coordinating the implementation of the CDN MCVDD Establish an inter-ministerial task force to coordinate activities (MCVDD, MAEP, MDGL, MIT, MIC, ME, MIC) MCV", + "MDGL, MIT, MIC, ME, MIC) MCVDD To support the sectoral ministries involved in the preparation of the programmes envisaged in the CND implementation plan and the dossiers for mobilizing project funding under the LDC support mechanisms.", + "MCVDD Develop and implement an Institutional and Regulatory Capacity Building Programme for the Climate Change Management sub-sector; MCVDD Promote scientific, technical and technological research on adaptation and mitigation to climate change; MCVDD Objectives of the proposed action Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Provide technical assistance and capacity building for financial services: Participation in (i) exchanges of experience at the level of the West African sub-region; (ii) the meeting of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action; and (iii) training on environmental taxation policy.", + "MCVDD Promote the transfer of technology and know-how for adaptation and mitigation to climate change.", + "MCVDD Develop a communication plan to inform all categories of actors about the CBD and its benefits for climate action and development MCVDD Develop a sectoral implementation plan for the Gender-sensitive CBD for the living environment and sustainable development sector (environment, urban planning, habitat, forestry) MCVDD Determine emission factors and other emission parameters specific to Benin in the transport sector MCVDD Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in (US$ millions) Conditional * Cost in (US$ millions) Total cost in (US$ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Determine emission factors and other emission parameters specific to Benin in the waste sector MCVDD Conduct a survey on the penetration rate of improved households, gas cooking equipment, refrigerators, air conditioners in households", + "the penetration rate of improved homes, gas cooking equipment, refrigerators, air conditioners in households and energy consumption.", + "ME in collaboration with the MCVDD Carrying out tests to verify the performance of improved households distributed by different actors in Benin ME in collaboration with the MCVDD Carrying out a survey at national level to supplement the available information on the vehicle fleet with data on average annual distances travelled and specific fuel consumption by vehicle category and by use ME in collaboration with the MCVDD TOTAL Annex 2: Summary of adaptation measures under the contributions determined at national level in Benin No. Adaptation measures, state of implementation and sources Objectives Options and costs Implementation institutions Unconditional Conditional Total cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Sector Agriculture Infrastructure Support Project in the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 Valley (PAIA-VO) (2013-2020).", + "Pilot phase being implemented (Government portfolio) To contribute to the food security of the population in plant products and to increase the volume and export revenues of Benin.", + "Its specific objective is to develop the production and marketing infrastructure of the Lower and Middle Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 Valley for the promotion of growth-enhancing channels MAEP Food Security Project through Lowland Development and Storage Capacity Building in Benin (PSAAB) Contribute to the food self-sufficiency of the poor rural populations of Benin, mainly small farmers in the intervention area MAEP Food Security Project through Agricultural Intensification in Benin (PSAIA) Improve the food self-sufficiency and food security of the poor rural populations of Benin, mainly small farmers.", + "MAEP Support for the Development of Agriculture in the Hills Project (PADAC) Strengthening the agricultural capacities of the communes and agricultural cooperatives of the Department of the Hills and improving the living conditions of small producers MAEP Soil protection and rehabilitation project to improve food security (PROSOL) Approaches to sustainable soil protection and rehabilitation are being implemented on a large scale in Benin.", + "MAEP Agricultural Investment Fund (Fi-Agri) Phase 4 Increase and diversify agricultural production by increasing the use of the developed hydro-agricultural potential of the Atacora and Donga departments to contribute to the implementation of the strategic reference frameworks \"Strategic Agricultural Sector Development Plan 2017-2021 (PSDSA) and National Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutritional Security Plan (PNIASAN)\" in accordance with the protocol of the 2019 intergovernmental negotiations MAEP Green Innovation Centres for the Agri-Food Sector Project (ProCIVA) Small-scale farm incomes, job creation and food supply in the target rural areas are improved through innovations in the agri-food sector.", + "MAEP No. Adaptation Measures, Status and Sources Objectives Options and Costs Implementation Institutions Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) ProSAR The food situation of people vulnerable to malnutrition, particularly women of childbearing age and young children, has improved MAEP Sustainable promotion of VECs in 02 Agricultural Development Centres MAEP MARINE DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT PROJECT (PADMAR) Sustainably increase the incomes of market farms, while improving their resilience to climate change.", + "MAEP Food Production Support and Resilience Strengthening Project in the Departments of Alibori, Borgou and the PAPVIRE-ABC Hills Contribute to the improvement of food and nutrition security and poverty reduction.", + "MAEP Agricultural Development and Market Access Assistance Project (ADMAP) Sustainable improvements in food and nutrition security and incomes for small producers, particularly women and youth.", + "MAEP Project to Support the Development of the Anacarde Branch and Agricultural Entrepreneurship (PADEFA-ENA) Contribute to the reduction of poverty and the improvement of food and nutritional security in Benin.", + "MAEP Support for Agricultural Competitiveness and Export Diversification Project (PACOFIDE) To improve the access of agri-food producers and SMEs to export markets in certain value chains and thereby increase the exports of high value agricultural products from the recipient country.", + "MAEP Rural Irrigation Perimeter Development Project (RIPDP) Improve food security and reduce rural poverty by developing small irrigated perimeter areas to increase the production and productivity of grains, vegetables and other food crops.", + "MAEP Support for Agricultural Diversification Project (PADA-FA) Restore and improve field productivity and post-harvest value added of targeted value chains (rice, fish, pineapple and anacard) and promote new areas of intervention such as small-scale livestock (volcanic, goats and sheep) MAEP No. Adaptation measures, state of implementation and sources Objectives Options and costs Implementation institutions Unconditional Conditional Total cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Small-scale Farm Productivity Improvement Programme (PAPAPE) Increase the productivity of production systems in rainfed and irrigated agriculture through, inter alia, the promotion of Integrated Soil Fertility Management (GIFS) on farms MAEP Support for Agroecological Transition", + "the Agroecological Transition in the Cotton Zones of Benin, phase 2 Sustainable improvement of the incomes of family farms in the cotton zones of Benin.", + "MAEP Protein Wire Development Support Project (PADEFIP) Contribute to improving producer incomes and increasing the availability of affordable protein in rural areas.", + "MAEP Sustainable Aquaculture Promotion and Competitiveness of Fisheries Value Chains Project MAEP Agricultural Services Development Project MAEP Regional Agricultural Market Integration Project MAEP Community Development Fund (FADeC-Agriculture) MAEP Sustainable Valuation and Integrated Management of Hydro-Agricultural Perimeters Project (PAVPHA) Large-scale promotion of efficient, resilient and integrated irrigated agricultural production systems in priority agricultural value chains.", + "MAEP Project for the Development of Agribusiness in Benin (PDAB) The overall objective is to promote job creation through the creation of viable agricultural enterprises for young people and women.", + "MAEP Support for Rural Economic Growth Project (PACER) OS1: Strengthen the structure and capacities of agricultural and non-agricultural professional organisations and improve the technical and economic performance of agricultural and non-agricultural SMEs and agro-agricultural AGRs; OS2: Facilitate access to finance for agricultural and non-agricultural SMEs and agro-agricultural AGRs; OS3: Improve access to production and marketing support infrastructures.", + "MAEP No. Adaptation measures, state of implementation and sources Objectives Options and costs Implementation institutions Unconditional Conditional Total cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Project for the settlement of ruminant herds in Benin (ProSeR) Contribute to the improvement of animal production and the rational management of farms\".", + "MAEP Project to support the development of the milk and meat sectors and the promotion of livestock enterprises (PRODEFILAV-PEL) To contribute to the food and nutritional security of the population and to reduce the volume and costs of milk and meat imports.", + "MAEP PROVAC Increase fish production in target areas through the farmer-to-farmer extension approach and improved fish farming techniques.", + "MAEP Water Resources Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change Programme in the Niger Basin (PIDACC/BN) - Benin Component Contribute to improving the resilience of Niger River ecosystems and populations through sustainable management of natural resources MEM Socio-economic and Food Security Infrastructure Development Project (PDISSA) (Develop 750 ha of irrigated perimeter in the Niger Basin) Under development Contribute to sustained growth in the Niger Basin through poverty alleviation, strengthening food security and promoting sustainable development MEM Development of multifunctional water infrastructure and sustainable water resources management (MAP 2017-2021 Project) Promote integrated water resources management at river basin level and build multifunctional water infrastructure MEM OMIDELTA Programme - GIRE Component Ensure sustainable and equitable drinking water supply for rural populations", + "Construct multifunctional water infrastructures MEM OMIDELTA programme-GIRE component Ensure sustainable and equitable supply of drinking water to rural populations in rural areas MEM AQUAVI programme for universal access to drinking water in rural areas Increase access to water supply services and strengthen service delivery arrangements in a few rural areas MEM Benin Water Management Master Plan: component 1: construction of 11 small and medium-sized dams in the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 basin Start a process of gradual mobilisation of water resources in the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 basin in order to use them for the economic and social development of the country.", + "MEM Forestry No. Adaptation Measures, Status and Sources Objectives Options and Costs Implementation Institutions Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) PAGEFCOM 2: Community Forest Management Support Project, Phase 2 (Government Portfolio) Contribution to improving food and nutrition security and reducing population poverty through the development and rational management of natural resources MCVDD Integrated Border Management Programme (Government Portfolio) \"Strengthening national sovereignty in border areas in order to secure national territory and create better living conditions for the populations of those areas\".", + "MCVDD Ecosystem-based Adaptation Project (Improving the climate resilience of rural communities in central and northern Benin) Ensuring the adaptation of communities to agricultural livelihoods MCVDD Coastal sector Coastal erosion protection programme (Cotonou-Siafato, Hilacondji-Bouche du roy, Grand-Popo-Ouidah): Coastal zone protection project against sea-level rise/coastal erosion Protecting the Beninese coast from sea-level rise MCVDD Sustainable cities programme Achieving the sustainability and resilience of the main urban centres of Benin by raising the levels of infrastructure, equipment and services, as well as by protecting and improving local environments MCVDD Programme for the Adaptation of Cities to Climate Change in Benin (Government portfolio) Enhancing the adaptation capacity", + "Government) To increase the capacity of Benin\u2019s cities to adapt to climate change, and to strengthen the capacities of the various municipal and central actors responsible for sustainable urban development identified at the level of communes and ministries MCVDD Cotonou Rainwater Sanitation Programme (papc) To reduce the vulnerability of populations to floods, to promote the realisation of socio-economic infrastructures and to launch Benin\u2019s economic and social development.", + "MCVDD Health Sector Reproductive Health Activity Support Program (PAASR) Improve the quality and accessibility of maternal and child health services MS No. Adaptation Measures, Status and Sources Objectives Options and Costs Implementing Institutions Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) National Health Training Construction, Equipment and Functionality Program Strengthening of infrastructure and equipment according to standards integrating environmental dimensions and climate change; - Strengthening of the mechanism for the maintenance and upkeep of health infrastructure and equipment integrating environmental dimensions and climate change MS National Hospital Rehabilitation and Construction Program (PNRCCH) Contribute to the improvement of the quality and accessibility of health care services and facilities", + "Construction of Hospital Centres (CHNRF) Contribute to the improvement of the quality and accessibility of care and health services MS Tourism sector Make Pendjari/W the reference park of West Africa Enrich and preserve the natural ecosystem by introducing new species: Black Rhinoceros, Derby Island - Promote ecotourism and luxury tourism; - Develop hunting tourism MTCA Reinvent the Lake City of Ganvi\u00e9 Improve the living conditions of the people of Ganvi\u00e9 - Make Ganvi\u00e9 a showcase for lake tourism, an authentic, atypical and original destination MTCA Construction of the Museum of the Amazons and the Kings of Danhom\u00e9 and rehabilitation of the surrounding palatial site Promote popular and family tourism around the history of the Amazons and the Kings of Danhom\u00e9 and the Kingdom of Danhom\u00e9 Present the history of the Kingdom of Danhom\u00e9 in a vivid", + "MTCA Construction of a museum \"All Saints Opening\" slavery, resistance and memory in Allada (Resized project) Construct a museum dedicated to the memory of slavery, the origins of slaves and resistance; - To enable an understanding of the history of slavery in Benin and the region.", + "MTCA Construction of the Vodun/Orisha Museum in Porto Novo and rehabilitation of the Adand\u00e9 and Honm\u00e9 Museums To provide the world with a museum that gives the visitor the intellectual and visual means to better understand Vodun/orisha.", + "MTCA No. Adaptation Measures, Status and Sources Objectives Options and Costs Implementation Institutions Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Development of the \"Road of Vodun/Orisha Convents\" To enhance the cultural heritage related to the practice of Vodun/Orisha; - To propose reading materials of this heritage; - To make this precious heritage accessible to the general public; - To strengthen intercultural dialogue; - To develop the potential of cultural tourism (generate local, sustainable, quality jobs); To rehabilitate Vodun among nationals.", + "MTCA Construction of the new Palace of the King of Nikki and the Gaani Arena Construct a new Royal Palace of Baru Tem in Nikki for the present Emperor and his successors of all dynasties; - Promote the cultural values of the Baatonu people - Reveal to the whole world the originality of the traditional and cultural festival \"Gaani\" MTCA Reconstruction of the Historic City of Ouidah including PCTT in the same way Make Ouidah the flagship destination of memorial tourism in Africa; - Strengthen the tourism potential of Ouidah; - Diversify tourism products in Ouidah.", + "MTCA Construction of a Marina near the Port of No Return to Djibouti- Ouidah Creation of a tourist complex and an immersive spectacle route \"The Boat of Departure\" in Djibouti; - Creation of landscaped spaces for meditation.", + "MTCA Development of a seaside resort in AVLEKETE Making the seaside segment an engine for the development of tourism; - Allowing Beninese and foreign tourists to have beaches suitable for bathing; - Developing the AvlekETE district to develop the offer of seaside tourism.", + "MTCA Development of tourist sites and their access routes Diversifying tourism products throughout the national territory; - Increasing the capacity of reception infrastructures at eco-tourism sites; MTCA No. Adaptation measures, state of implementation and sources Objectives Options and costs Implementation institutions Unconditional Conditional Total cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) - Construction of embarkation and disembarkation lanes for access to lagoon sites Preservation and presentation of cultural heritage and natural heritage of cultural character Establishment of a national list of cultural heritage and natural heritage of cultural character; - Restoration/rehabilitation of the cultural heritage of Benin in danger of extinction; - Promotion of cultural identity values (establishment of the inventory of living human treasure", + "Summary of Mitigation and Adaptation Measures under Local Communities-Specified Planned Contributions No. Communities Sector Mitigation / Adaptation Measures or Options for Implementation of the updated CDN at the community level Objectives Options and Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportio n (%) Cost (US$ millions) PARAKOU (mitigation) Forestry Implementation of the 2nd communal forest and feedlot Establishment of carbon sinks.", + "Strengthening forage biomass potential BANIKOARA (mitigation) Forestry Implementation of the 2nd Community Forest and forage plot Establish carbon sinks.", + "Strengthening the feed biomass potential PERERE (mitigation) Forestry Creation of community forests and formation of management committees Ending deforestation, restoring degraded forests and significantly increasing afforestation and reforestation at the communal level Savalou-Bant\u00e8- Bassila-Djidja (mitigation) Forestry Participatory forest management plan in the State and communal protected area of 100 000 ha Natural forest management and co-management in the State protected area BANTE (mitigation) Agriculture Degraded soil restoration projects in the Bante municipality Overall, the objective c is to contribute to the fight against agricultural land degradation practices TANGUIETA (mitigation / adaptation) Remediation Project to strengthen the mechanism for the management and valorisation of household solid waste in the city of Tangui\u00e9ta (PRMGVDSM)", + "Solid Waste Residents (SWD) for the improvement of the living environment, the environment and the resilience to climate change ADJA-OUERE (mitigation) Agriculture Development of five hundred (500) hectares of rice paddies in the municipality of Adja-O\u00e8r\u00e8 Improving rice productivity in the municipality of Adja-O\u00e8r\u00e8 DANGBO (mitigation) Agriculture Training producers on methods of managing soil fertility and promoting short-cycle crops Increasing agricultural production yields and reducing the effects of flooding No.", + "Commune de Pob\u00e8 Planting 1000 hectares of oil palm land HOUEYOGBE (mitigation) Agriculture Restoring soil fertility for agricultural purposes and ensuring food self-sufficiency in the commune of Hou\u00e9yogb\u00e9.", + "Project for the rehabilitation and restoration of 20 ha of gravel pits in the commune of Houblonnage NATITINGOU (mitigation) Remediation Healthy and efficient management of urban waste in the town of Natitingou Contribute to the remediation of the living environment of the population of the town of: Natitingou AGBANGNIZOUN (mitigation) Energy (solar public lighting and solar electrification of services) Promote solar energy for public lighting and communal services in rural areas with the support of the diaspora and partners (DCP project) Progressive orientation towards renewable energies DASSA-ZOUME (mitigation) Energy (energy efficiency) Promotion of renewable energies and efficient and self-curing economic homes in the commune of Dassa-Zoum\u00e9 Promote climate change mitigation measures at household level BANTE (mitigation) Energy", + "The objective is to contribute to the improvement of the use of solar energy DASSA-ZOUME (mitigation) Energy Promote the partial supply of the buildings of the Town Hall of Dassa-Zoum\u00e9 by the solar system Reduce the electricity bill of the Town Hall by using renewable energies POBE (mitigation) Energy Promote the electrification of the localities of GBANAGO, Onigbolo Village, Ot\u00e8kotan and Igbo-Ocho by connecting to the existing High Tension (HT) type A network offering greater resilience to the effects of climate change in the Municipality of Pobe Expand the access of households to electric lighting instead of kerosene lighting.", + "No. Communes Sector Measures or Options Mitigation / Adaptation of the up-to-date implementation of the CDN at the communal level Objectives Options and Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportio n (%) Cost (US$ millions) ZAKPOTA (mitigation) Energy Electrification of 12 rural localities in the municipality of Zakpota by connection to the SBEE network Expand access of 12 rural localities to electric lighting instead of Kerosene lighting Energy Electrification of 22 villages by solar micro-power plant PV Promote villages\u2019 access to clean energy ADJA-OUERE (mitigation) Energy (micro-power plants) Installation of mini-solar power plants in the villages of Hou\u00e9dam\u00e8- Djidagba-Logou-Miss\u00e8bo-", + "The general objective is to develop a marsh area downstream of the Komde dam for sustainable exploitation for the benefit of the marsh cooperatives in the surrounding villages (Akoussit\u00e8, W\u00e8k\u00e8t\u00e8 and Komde).", + "PARAKOU (mitigation) Forestry (reforestation/ plantation) Intensive reforestation of forests and streams Restore forest cover in Parakou Municipality MALANVILLE (mitigation) Forestry (forestry plantations) Development of 03 public spaces into green spaces in the Municipality of Malanville Valuation of public spaces identified with the inhabitants and meaningful for them in their daily journeys and promotion of improvement of local governance for the management of green spaces in the major roundabouts of the Municipality MALANVILLE (mitigation) Forestry Development of 05 Community Forests in the Municipality of Malanville Contribute to the restoration of forest resources through the installation of community forests in the Municipality of Malanville No.", + "Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Loss (mitigation) Forestry Creation of community forests and formation of sustainable land management committees Stop deforestation, restore degraded forests and significantly increase afforestation and reforestation at the communal level AGBANGNIZOUN (mitigation) Forestry Reforestation of 100 ha area in Tanve district Construct a forest resource (heritage) in Agbangnizoun commune BANTE (mitigation) Forestry Improvement of forest resource management in Bante commune Promote forest resource management BANTE (mitigation) Forestry Reduction of population pressure on classified forests The objective is to contribute to the preservation of the environment BONOU (mitigation) Forestry (restoration of riparian areas", + "Commune of Bonou DANGBO (mitigation) Forestry (reforestation of the banks of the river Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 of public squares and agroforestry) Arrange along the perimeter of the banks of the river Ou\u00e9m\u00e9, along the main roads and public squares Reforestation of different varieties of species in order to make the commune greener and more attractive to tourists DASSA-ZOUME (mitigation) Forestry Reforestation of plantations of fast-growing forest species for the production of wood energy Reduce the consequences of climate change related to the untimely cutting of trees for the production of wood energy ADJA-OUERE (mitigation) Forestry (plantations of species to support the reduction of the effects of climate change through the planting of twenty (20) hectares of plants Improve the greening of the commune of Adja-O", + "the updated NCD at the communal level Objectives Options and Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Cost ($ millions) of fast-growing species in the commune of Adja-Ou\u00e8r\u00e8 NATITINGOU (mitigation) Forestry Creation of a green belt along the mountain sides of the commune of Natitingou Combating the advanced destruction of vegetation cover on the mountain sides ALLADA (mitigation) Forestry Reforestation in the commune of Allada (24 ha) Planting and maintaining 143,000 plants to cover the reforestation of fruit species, not forgetting the edges of roads to combat desertification OUAKE (mitigation) Forestry Intensive reforestation of the commune territory Reforestation of all degraded areas of the commune TOVIK", + "-Strengthening the pre-warning and natural disaster management systems -Strengthening the basis of agricultural activities DASSA-ZOUME (mitigation) Forestry Improving the management of natural resources to reduce climate change risks Managing natural resources in the best way Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8 Chaourou Sav\u00e8 Forestry Creation of a green belt along the Okpara and Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 rivers in the communes of Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8, Chaourou, Sav\u00e8 on 3000 ha (pilot phase 1000 ha) - Restore degraded forest cover.", + "- Increase carbon sequestration capacity POBE (Adaptation) Agriculture Planning of 1000 hectares for rice and rice products in the commune of Pobe Planning of 1000 hectares for rice and rice products for the benefit of producers to strengthen their resilience to climatic hazards No. Common Sector Measures or Options Mitigation / Adaptation for the implementation of the updated CDN at the communal level Objectives Options and Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportio n (%) Cost (US$ millions) BOUKOMBE (Adaptation) Agriculture Project to support sustainable agriculture for food and nutrition security by promoting economically viable local industries.", + "Improving the economic power of rural populations through the strengthening of the capacities of producers and processors, nursery farmers in the production of karit\u00e9, n\u00e9r\u00e9, baobab, moringa integrated into agriculture in its local varieties GRAND-POPO Adaptation URBAIN FORESTRY AND INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION Project to strengthen the resilience of the commune in the face of the effects of climate change Strengthening spatial planning and sustainable environmental management KANDI (Adaptation) Agriculture Project to support the development of field crops and to strengthen the resilience of field farmers in the Alibori communes (PADCMCA) Sustainably support the improvement of the performance of the Alibori communes in the development of the field crop KARIMAMA (Adaptation) Agriculture Project to support the development of field crops and", + "KLOUEKANME (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the resilience of corn, kidney, tomato and pepper farming systems in the Klou\u00e9kanme commune Upgrading modern production techniques and their resilience to climate change Sector Measures or Options Mitigation / Adaptation of the implementation of the updated CND at the communal level Objectives Options and Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Proportio n (%) Cost ($ millions) KARIMAMA (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the resilience of farmers in the Karimama commune (PADCMCK) Strengthening the resilience of farmers in the Karimama commune (PADCMCK) Strengthening the resilience of farmers in the Karimama commune (PADCMCK) Strengthening the res", + "MALANVILLE (Adaptation) Agriculture Completion of three (03) water reservoirs and five (05) fish ponds in the municipality of Malanville Promote fish farming, animal feeding and marketing and improve the productivity of fish farming systems in the municipality of Malanville MALANVILLE (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the resilience of flood victims in the municipality of Malanville Ensure food security for hungry households and increase their resilience to climate change for flood victims in the municipalities of Malanville and Karimama.", + "KARIMAMA (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity of flood victims in the commune of Karimama Ensuring food security for hungry households and increasing their adaptive capacity to climate change for flood victims in the communes of Malanville and Karimama AGBANGNIZOUN (Adaptation) Agriculture Identifying and promoting climate-resilient food crops and training producers on modern and climate-adapted cropping techniques (CDP project) Reducing the effects of climate change No. Common Sector Mitigation/adaptation measures or options for implementing the updated CCD at the community level Objectives Options and Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Proportio n (%) Cost ($ millions) SAVE (Adaptation) Agriculture Development and security of agropastoral and fisheries", + "OUAKE (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of vegetable producers to rainfall irregularities in the municipality Developing rice perimeters in the municipality Agriculture Adapting agricultural and construction systems to climate change Developing agriculture and buildings adapted to climate change OUAKE (Adaptation) Urban infrastructure development and construction Housing adaptation project to climate change Promoting buildings adapted to climate change OUAKE (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of rice and fish producers to rainfall irregularities Developing wetlands for adaptation and resilience of producers to rainfall irregularities ZAKPOTA (Adaptation) Agriculture Integrated soil fertility management and adaptation technology for climate change Improving agricultural production ADJA-OUERE (Adaptation) Agriculture Construction of water", + "Agricultural production ADJA-OUERE (Adaptation) Agriculture Construction of water reservoirs for rice producers in Hou\u00e9li gaba, Dagbla and Mass\u00e8 Improve production capacity of producers PARAKOU Remediation Creation of a sewage sludge treatment and solid waste management site Provide the city of Parakou with sewage sludge management.", + "Establishment of a final solid waste landfill Total Annex 4: CBD Implementation Plan Activities Phase 1: Preparatory phase of CBD Implementation Implementation of the updated institutional framework for CBD Implementation (National, Sectoral and Community Coordination Units and Task Forces) Organization of the CBD Implementation Launch Workshop Implementation of the Monitoring/Audit/Evaluation System Support to sectoral ministries involved in the preparation of programmes under the CBD Implementation Plan and project funding mobilization files under the LDC support mechanisms.", + "Implementation phase I / Implementation of the mitigation component \uf0b7 AGRICULTURE SECTOR CURRENT AND PLANNED PROJECTS (Table 9 of document section A) PROJECTS/PROGRAMS AELABORER AND TO BE IMPLEMENTED (Table 9 of document section B) Preparatory phase Implementation phase COMMUNITY INITIATIVE PROJECTS (Table 9 of document section C) Preparatory phase Implementation phase \uf0b7 ENERGY SECTOR CURRENT OR PLANNED PROJECTS (Table 10 of document section A) PROGRAMME AND PROJECTS AELABORER AND TO BE IMPLEMENTED (Table 10 of document section B) Preparatory phase Implementation phase COMMUNITY INITIATIVE PROJECTS (Table 10 of document section C) Preparatory phase Implementation phase \uf0b7 WASTE SECTOR Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8 landfill energy recovery project Municipal controlled", + "STRATEGIES EXISTING SECTORAL PLANS AND PROGRAMMES \uf0b7 Strengthening the climate risk forecasting and early warning system for food security in vulnerable agro-ecological areas \uf0b7 Mobilising surface water for adaptation to climate change (small watersheds) \uf0b7 Combating climate-sensitive diseases \uf0b7 Protecting the coastal area from sea-level rise/coastal erosion \uf0b7 Strengthening local governance in financing adaptation to climate change \uf0b7 Strengthening climate observation capacity \uf0b7 Strengthening the resilience of coastal communities to climate change (small watersheds)", + "adaptation to climate change \uf0b7 Capacity building in climate observation \uf0b7 Strengthening the resilience of low-rise coastal cities \uf0b7 Integrating climate change into sectoral development planning \uf0b7 Ensuring the sustainability and resilience of Benin\u2019s main urban centres \uf0b7 Integrating climate change adaptation into local strategies for reducing the vulnerability of natural and human systems in the Benin part of the Niger basin \uf0b7 Mitigation measures in the Agriculture sector with a co-benefit in adaptation \uf0b7 Mitigation measures in the Energy sector with a co-benefit in adaptation \uf0b7 Mitigation measures in the LULUCF sector with a co-benefit in adaptation \uf0b7 Supporting the integration of adaptation to climate change in the Community Development Plans COMMON- INITIATIVE PROJECTS (Table 12 of document section C) Preparatory phase Implementation phase III / Implementation of institution", + "Develop and implement an Institutional and Regulatory Capacity Building Programme for the implementation of the CBD Develop and implement a communication plan to inform different categories of stakeholders about the CBD Develop and implement a gender mainstreaming strategy Promote scientific, technical and technological research on adaptation and mitigation of climate change.", + "Promote the transfer of technology and know-how for adaptation and mitigation of climate change.", + "Organizing the work of updating the CDN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Government of Benin, through the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD), extends its thanks to all the actors involved in the elaboration of this document, in particular: the NDC Partnership, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the German Cooperation GIZ, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), public institutions, the private sector, local authorities and civil society.", + "IMPLEMENTATION TEAM NAME AND NAME QUALITY Jos\u00e9 TONATO Minister of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development Martin P\u00e9pin AINA Director General of Environment and Climate Wilfried BIAO MONGAZI National Coordinator of the Development Project Justin AGBO, Senior Consultant / Mitigation Component Epiphane D. AHLONSOU Consultant Adaptation Component Jacques B. KOUAZOUNDE Associate Consultant DOSSA Eunice, Associate Consultant Herv\u00e9 Worou AFOUDA Associate Consultant Contact: Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD) Directorate General of Environment and Climate (DGEC) Tel: +22921318045 Email: dgec_mcvdd@gmail.com Cotonou, Benin" + ], + "medium": [ + "DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION TO THE UPDATED NATIONAL LEVEL OF BENIN UNDER THE PARIS AGREEMENT (Final Document) DG ENVIRONMENT AND CLIMATE PROJECT TO SUPPORT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BENIN NCD (PROJECT N\u00b0 (PN)/18.2105.7-001.09) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY List of acronyms and acronyms.2 List of chemical symbols 4 List of units.5 List of figures 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.7 I. NATIONAL CIRCONSTANCES. 12 II. ATTENDANCE 13 2.1.", + "NATIONAL CIRCONSTANCES. 12 II. ACHIEVEMENTS 13 2.1. Current greenhouse gas emissions and projections if the status quo is maintained. 13 Figure 1: Trends in aggregate GHG emissions and emissions from the agriculture, energy, waste and industrial processes sectors, status quo scenario. 14 Figure 2: Contribution of different sources to non-GHG emissions of SCCPs and air pollutants in Benin in 2018 (excluding forestry and land-use change). 2.3.", + "Current greenhouse gas emissions and projections if the status quo is maintained. 13 Figure 1: Trend in aggregate GHG emissions and emissions from the agriculture, energy, waste and industrial processes sectors under the status quo scenario. 14 Figure 2: Contribution of different sources to emissions of non-GHG SCCPs and air pollutants in Benin in 2018 (excluding forestry and land-use change) 2.3. Measures for nationally determined mitigation contributions 15 Figure 3: Trend in aggregate GHG emissions (excluding forestry) under the status quo scenario. 18 and in case of intervention 18 Figure 4: Trend in GHG emissions under the status quo scenario and in case of intervention in the agriculture sector. 20 Figure 5: Trend in GHG emissions under the status quo scenario", + "Agriculture. 20 Figure 5: Trends in GHG Emissions under the Status Quo Scenario and Intervention in the Energy Sector. 23 Table 7: Measures Considered and Emissions Avoided in the LULUCF Sector 23 III.", + "AMBITION AND EQUITY. 24 IV. ADAPTATION. 25 4.1. Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change. 25 4.2. Objectives for adaptation to climate change. 25 V. STRATEGIES, PROGRAMMES, PROJECTS AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR IMPLEMENTATION. 26 5.1. Implementation of sectoral activities 26 5.2. Framework for gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the CND Updated 34 5.3.", + "Framework for Gender Mainstreaming in the Implementation of the Updated CBD 34 5.3. Institutional Framework for the Implementation of the Updated CBD. 36 Figure 6: Framework for the Institutional Arrangements for the Implementation of the CBD 38 VI. IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES 39 6.1. Technology Transfer Requirements. 39 6.2. Capacity Building. 41 6.3.", + "Technology Transfer Requirements. 39 6.2. Capacity Building. 41 6.3. Financing 43 Conditions for Success in Implementing the NCD 44 LIBRARY. 45 APPENDICES. Error!", + "Financing 43 Conditions for the success of the implementation of the CDN 44 LIBRARY. 45 ANNEXES. Error! Undefined acronym. List of acronyms and abbreviations AIC : Climate-smart agriculture ANCB : Association Nationale des Communes du B\u00e9nin UNFCCC : United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change CDN : Contribution Determined at the National Level CIAIB : Commission de Mod\u00e9lisation Economique des Impacts du Climat et de l\u2019Int\u00e9gration des Changes Climatiques dans le Budget G\u00e9n\u00e9ral de l\u2019Etat CNCC : National Committee on Climate Change COP or COP : Conference of the Parties CPDN : Planned Contributions Determined at the National Level DGEC : Directorate-General for the Environment and Climate DGRE : Directorate-General for Energy Resources EBT-Adaptation", + "Adaptation TBT- Mitigation: Assessment of Mitigation Technology Needs GHG: Greenhouse Gases IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change TEAP: Environment and Climate Thematic Group MCVDD: Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development ODS: Sustainable Development Goals NGO: Non-Governmental Organization PAG: Programme of Action of the Government NAPA: National Action Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change GDP: Gross Domestic Product LDCs: Least Developed Countries NAPA: National Adaptation Plan NDP: National Development Plan PRBA: First Biennial Update of Benin PRG: Global Greenhouse Gas Heating Capacity TFP: Technical and Financial Partners REED+: Reduction of Emissions Due to Deforestation SBEE: Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 B\u00e9ninoise d\u2019Energie Electrique SDAC:", + "Work of the Convention United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change TCN: Third National Communication of Benin on Climate Change LULUCF: Land use, land-use change and forestry List of chemical symbols: Carbon dioxide: Methane: Nitrous oxide NOx: Nitrogen oxide CO: Carbon monoxide NMVOC: Volatile organic compounds Non-methane: Sulphur dioxide BC: Black carbon OC: Organic carbon: PM10: PM2.5: Ammonia List of units t: Tonne: Carbon dioxide equivalent MW: Megawatt MWh: Megawatt-hour Mt: Megatonne: Megatonne Carbon dioxide equivalent: Square kilometre ha: hectare List of figures Figure 1: Trends in aggregate GHG emissions and emissions from the agriculture, energy, waste and industrial process sectors, status quo", + "Not defined.", + "Figure 2: Contribution of different sources to GHG (non-GHG) and air pollutant emissions in Benin in 2018 (excluding forestry and land-use change). 15 Figure 3: Trends in aggregate GHG emissions (excluding forestry) in the case of the status quo scenario and in the case of intervention. 18 Figure 4: Trends in GHG emissions in the case of the status quo scenario and in the case of intervention in the agricultural sector 20 Figure 5: Trends in GHG emissions in the case of the status quo scenario and in the case of intervention in the energy sector 23 Figure 6:", + "SCCPs (non-GHG) and air pollutants in Benin between 2010 and 2018 (thousands of tonnes). 14 Table 2: General methodological considerations and overall results for updating mitigation measures 15 Table 3: Emissions and reductions of GHG emissions (non-forestry) for the status quo scenario and the mitigation scenario (in Mt E-CO2). 18 Table 4: Emissions of SCCPs (non-GHG) and air pollutants in 2030 for baseline and supplementary scenarios. 19 Table 5: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the agriculture sector 19 Table 6: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the energy sector 20 Table 7: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the LULUCF sector 23 Table 8: Measures envisaged and emissions avoid", + "Climate. 25 Table 10: Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the CBD on mitigation in the agricultural sector. 26 Table 11: Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the CBD on mitigation in the energy sector. 29 Table 12: Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the CBD on mitigation in the forestry sector. 31 Table 13: Sectoral strategies for the implementation of adaptation objectives. 33 Table 14: Indicators of gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the updated CBD 35 Table 15:", + "42 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In accordance with the relevant provisions of Decision 1CP/21 adopting the Paris Agreement and paragraph 22 of Decision 1CP/21 adopting the Paris Agreement, Benin prepared its first Determined Contribution at the National Level (DNC) and submitted it to the Convention secretariat in October 2017.", + "The activities planned in the NCD covering the period 2017-2030 are structured into two main components, namely mitigation and adaptation.", + "Following the establishment of the state of play of the CND in relation to the actions implemented over the period 2017-2019, Benin has embarked on the process of updating this instrument with a view to enhancing the ambition enshrined in the CND and providing greater clarity and transparency for a better understanding of the instrument on the one hand and for better monitoring of its implementation on the other.", + "To this end, Benin intends to demonstrate its firm commitment to further contribute to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gases. This document, which has been prepared with the broad participation of various stakeholders from public, private, local government and NGOs, constitutes Benin\u2019s updated NCD.", + "The Republic of Benin is located in West Africa between latitudes 6\u00b030\u2019 and 12\u00b030\u2019 North and longitudes 1\u00b0 and 3\u00b040\u2019 East, with an area of 114.763 km2.", + "The Republic of Benin is located in West Africa between latitudes 6\u00b030\u2019 and 12\u00b030\u2019 North and longitudes 1\u00b0 and 3\u00b040\u2019 East, with an area of 114.763 km2. The population of Benin is estimated at 10.008.749 inhabitants (RGPH4, 2013) with an average annual population growth rate of about 3.52%.", + "Administratively, Benin currently has twelve (12) departments subdivided into 77 communes. There are mainly two types of climate in Benin: the sub-equatorial climate characterizing the southern region and the continental tropical climate governing the northern region. At the socio-economic level, Benin experienced an unstable economic situation during the period 1996-2015, marked by a fluctuation in gross domestic product (GDP) ranging overall between 2 and 6 per cent.", + "On the socio-economic front, Benin experienced an unstable economic situation during the period 1996-2015, with gross domestic product (GDP) fluctuating between 2 and 6 per cent on the whole. However, thanks to the economic reforms currently being carried out by the Government, GDP reached a record 6.8 per cent in 2018 (Source, IMF).", + "However, thanks to the economic reforms currently being carried out by the government, GDP reached a record 6.8 per cent in 2018 (Source, IMF). However, GDP per capita growth remains low, due to sustained population growth and low policy performance, leaving little scope for achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).", + "However, GDP per capita growth remains low, owing to sustained population growth and low policy performance, leaving little scope for achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Awareness of the challenges related to climate change has led to the development and adoption of several policies, strategies and response programmes by Benin.", + "Awareness of the challenges related to the problem of climate change has encouraged the development and adoption of several policies, strategies and response programmes by Benin. From a legal point of view, it should be noted that under the heading of climate change, a law regulating climate change in the Republic of Benin was voted by the parliament on 18 June 2018 and promulgated on 06 August 2018.", + "On the legal front, it should be noted that under the heading of climate change, a law regulating climate change in the Republic of Benin was voted by the parliament on 18 June 2018 and promulgated on 06 August 2018. In terms of development priorities and objectives, the Republic of Benin, despite the remaining bottlenecks or challenges, has made commendable efforts, in particular in terms of infrastructure development, security and governance.", + "With regard to development priorities and objectives, the Republic of Benin, despite the remaining bottlenecks or challenges, has made commendable efforts, particularly in the areas of infrastructure development, security and governance, but the level of operationalisation of the existing strategies remains low in order to bring about a significant evolution towards the achievement of their respective visions and that of the National Long-Term Perspective Studies \"Benin Alafia 2025\".", + "However, the level of operationalisation of the existing strategies is still low in order to bring about a significant evolution towards the realisation of their respective visions and that of the National Long-Term Perspective Studies \"Benin Alafia 2025\". In terms of climate finance, Benin has created the National Fund for the Environment and Climate (FNEC) accredited by the Green Climate Fund (FVC). 2.1.", + "In terms of climate finance, Benin has established the National Fund for the Environment and Climate (FNEC) accredited by the Green Climate Fund (FVC). 2.1. Current greenhouse gas emissions and projections if the status quo is maintained Benin\u2019s total GHG emissions in 2018 are about 16.94 Mt CO2 equivalent (Mt E-CO2), or about 1.5 tonnes E-CO2 per capita, excluding land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF).", + "Current greenhouse gas emissions and projections if the status quo is maintained Total GHG emissions in Benin in 2018 are about 16.94 Mt CO2 equivalent (Mt E-CO2), or about 1.5 tonnes E-CO2 per capita, excluding land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) emissions from the energy sector (58.09 per cent), agriculture (28.51 per cent), waste (5.38 per cent) and industrial processes (1.22 per cent) and other sectors (vegetation fires and HFC emissions) for 6.80 per cent.", + "These emissions are from the energy sector (58.09%), agriculture (28.51%), waste (5.38%) and industrial processes (1.22%) and other sectors (vegetation fires and HFCs) for 6.80%. Taking LULUCF into account, net GHG emissions are 9.62 Mt E-CO2.", + "Taking LULUCF into account, net GHG emissions are 9.62 Mt E-CO2. In terms of projections, if the status quo scenario is maintained, the trend in aggregate emissions (excluding LULUCF) shows a 71% increase over the period 2018-2030 from 16.94 Mt E-CO2 to 29.02 Mt E-CO2 (Figure 1). The total cumulative aggregate GHG emissions without any intervention over the period 2021-2030 is approximately 241.98 Mt E-CO2 (excluding LULUCF).", + "The total cumulative GHG emissions without any intervention over the period 2021-2030 are estimated to be about 241.98 Mt E-CO2 (excluding LULUCF) from 63.62 % of the energy sector and 24.04 % of the agriculture sector, 1.21% of the POPs sector, 4.64 % of the waste sector and other sectors (vegetation fires and HFC emissions), 6.49 %.", + "For the coming years, the measures envisaged in the revised NCD in the Energy, Agriculture and Waste sectors (see Tables 5, 6, 7 and 8 below) are likely to contribute to a reduction in cumulative GHG emissions (excluding LULUCF) of approximately 48.75 Mt E-CO2 from the baseline scenario, i.e. a reduction of about 20.15% over the period 2021-2030. 2.2.", + "For the coming years, the measures envisaged in the revised NCD in the Energy, Agriculture and Waste sectors (see Tables 5, 6, 7 and 8 below) are likely to contribute to a reduction in cumulative GHG emissions (excluding LULUCF) of approximately 48.75 Mt E-CO2 from the baseline scenario, a reduction of about 20.15% over the period 2021-2030. 2.2. Climate Change Mitigation Objectives and Measures Based on existing strategies, plans and programs, key sectoral climate change mitigation objectives and measures are identified and documented in Tables 3 to 5. 2.3.", + "Climate Change Mitigation Targets and Measures On the basis of existing strategies, plans and programs, key sectoral climate change mitigation targets and measures are identified and documented in Tables 3 to 5. 2.3 Strategies, Programs and Implementation Projects The implementation of sectoral mitigation activities (agriculture, energy, forestry and waste) under the CBD will build on existing strategies, programs and projects and future programs and projects.", + "Implementation strategies, programmes and projects The implementation of sectoral mitigation activities (agriculture, energy, forestry and waste) under the CDN will be based on existing strategies, programmes and projects and future programmes and projects. Given its membership of the group of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), its environmental context and its development objectives, adaptation remains the priority for the Republic of Benin in its response to climate change, although it unconditionally subscribes to the global effort, oriented towards the mitigation strategy. 3.1.", + "In view of its membership of the Group of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), its environmental context and its development objectives, adaptation remains the priority for the Republic of Benin in its response to climate change, although it unconditionally subscribes to the global effort, oriented towards the mitigation strategy. 3.1. Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change The assessment of Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change on behalf of the updated CDN is based essentially on the results of studies or evaluations carried out, inter alia, within the framework of the Third National Communication on Climate Change and the Technology Needs Assessment Process, and of development programmes or projects aimed at adaptation objectives.", + "Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change The assessment of Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change on behalf of the updated CDN is based essentially on the results of studies or assessments carried out, inter alia, within the framework of the Third National Communication on Climate Change and the Technology Needs Assessment process, and of development programmes or projects aimed at adaptation objectives. Current major climate risks affecting livelihoods in particularly vulnerable sectors (agriculture, water resources, coastal areas, etc.) include flooding, drought, late and heavy rainfall, strong winds, excessive heat and sea-level rise.", + "Current major climate risks affecting livelihoods in particularly vulnerable sectors (agriculture, water resources, coastal areas, etc.) include flooding, drought, late and heavy rainfall, high winds, excessive heat and sea-level rise. The impacts observed over the past three decades include decreased agricultural yields, disruption of agricultural schedules, decreased water levels in drinking water supply dams due to increased evaporation of 3-4% annually (Houngue et al.", + "Impacts observed over the past three decades include decreased agricultural yields, disruption of agricultural schedules, decreased water levels in drinking water supply dams due to increased evaporation of 3-4% annually (Houngue et al. 2019), extended bonding periods of 1-3 months, riverbank flooding, etc.", + "In terms of future vulnerability, the assessments based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) new climate scenarios RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 (Representative Concentration Change Profiles) show that annual precipitation projections at different time horizons (2030, 2050) using the CSIRO and CCCMA models show downward or upward trends depending on the model, but the dominant features are the negative variations (MCVDD, 2019).", + "In terms of future vulnerability, assessments based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) new climate scenarios RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 (Representative Concentration Change Profiles) show that projections of annual precipitation at different time horizons (2030, 2050) using the CSIRO and CCCMA models show downward or upward trends depending on the model, but negative variations remain dominant (MCVDD, 2019).", + "In terms of temperatures (mean, minimum and maximum), the projections generally indicate a warming trend for 2030 and 2050. Potential impacts include sea level rise of about 0.81m by 2100, with direct effects of coastal flooding and saltwater intrusion into rivers and water bodies. This could affect human settlements, health, and fishing activities (MEHU, 2011).", + "This could affect human settlements, health, and fishing activities (MEHU, 2011). A probable decrease in surface water flows over the entire Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 River basin by 2050 could also be expected in a scenario of reduced rainfall in the northern part of the country and a shift in flood periods in the Beninese part of the Niger basin, as a result of a significant decrease in the seasonal rainfall regime (MEHU, 2011).", + "In addition, the outlook for corn yields (75-day SYN variable) is 21.6% and 28.8%, respectively, for 2030 and 2050, cotton yields are 0.9% and 6.3%, respectively, for 2030 and 2050, and disease prevalence, including foot-and-mouth disease, small ruminant plague, nodular dermatosis, and the spread of ticks of the genus Rhipicephalus Boophilus microplus, high fish mortality and habitat loss is projected.", + "and the spread of ticks of the genus Rhipicephalus Boophilus microplus, high fish mortality and loss of ecological habitat for fish species. 3.2.", + "Climate change adaptation targets Based on existing strategies, plans and programs, key sectoral climate change adaptation targets are defined for the time horizons 2025, 2030 and are set out in Table 8. 3.3.", + "Implementation strategies, programmes and projects The implementation of adaptation activities at the level of the eight (8) sectors under consideration (agriculture, water resources, forestry, coastal, tourism, energy, health, urban development and infrastructure) under the updated NCD will be based on existing and future strategies, programmes and projects. 4.", + "FRAMEWORK FOR GENDER INTEGRATION IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CBD Gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the CBD appears to be extremely important in view of the role played by a particularly vulnerable section of society, namely women, in the fight against climate change. In this regard, gender mainstreaming in the updated CBD document is envisaged with a view to providing a comprehensive overview of opportunities for gender mainstreaming.", + "In this regard, the integration of the gender dimension into the updated CND document is envisaged with a view to providing a comprehensive overview of the possibilities for gender mainstreaming, defining appropriate levels of gender mainstreaming by sector and area of action, with some recommendations. 5.", + "It defines the appropriate levels of gender mainstreaming by sector and area of action, with some recommendations. 5. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UNCCD The implementation of Benin\u2019s updated National Determined Contribution (NDC) is carried out under the aegis of the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD), acting as the national focal point for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).", + "INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UNCCD The implementation of Benin\u2019s updated National Determined Contribution (NDC) is carried out under the aegis of the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD), acting as the national focal point for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).", + "The main actors involved include in particular: \uf0b7 relevant ministries and sectoral institutions; \uf0b7 local authorities; \uf0b7 the private sector; \uf0b7 civil society. The bodies implementing this instrument are: \uf0b7 The Steering Committee, the supreme decision-making and policy-making body. It is composed of designated representatives of the relevant ministries. \uf0b7 The National Coordination Unit of the CND, which is the umbrella body for all actions.", + "\uf0b7 The National Coordination Unit of the CDN, which is the umbrella body for all actions and comprises the Director General for Climate Change (DGEC), the National Coordinator, the Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Focal Point for the Transfer of Climate Technology, a Executive Secretary, and two technical assistants to the National Coordinator.", + "It comprises the Director General in charge of Climate Change (DGEC), the National Coordinator, the Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Focal Point for Transfer of Climate Technology, a Executive Secretary; two technical assistants to the National Coordinator. \uf0b7 Sectoral implementation coordination within the ministries, institutions, agencies and other structures covered by the measures/actions selected in the updated NCD.", + "\uf0b7 Sectoral implementation coordination within the ministries, institutions, agencies and other structures covered by the measures/actions adopted in the updated CND, comprising those responsible for programming and foresight at the ministerial level, those responsible for monitoring and evaluating projects, the Climate Change Focal Point of the National Association of Communes of Benin, and those responsible for climate change issues at the level of civil society and non-governmental organisations.", + "They comprise those responsible for programming and foresight at the ministerial level, those responsible for monitoring and evaluating projects, the Climate Change Focal Point of the Benin National Association of Municipalities, and those responsible for climate change issues at the grassroots level of civil society and non-governmental organisations. \uf0b7 The Community Coordination, the body responsible for overseeing the CDN at the community/local level.", + "\uf0b7 Community coordination, the body responsible for overseeing the CND at the community/local level. Furthermore, the implementation of the projects and programmes identified at the level of the different sectors covered by the CND is the responsibility of the relevant ministries, institutions or sectoral entities. The necessary guidance and facilities will be provided by the MCVDD to support sectoral structures, as appropriate, in the preparation of funding applications or any other initiatives through existing mechanisms.", + "The MCVDD will provide the necessary guidance and facilities to support sectoral structures, as appropriate, in preparing funding research files or any other initiatives through existing mechanisms. The MCVDD will also ensure accountability of the Measurement, Notification and Audit (MNV) system for the implementation of the CBD, institutional capacity building in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. 6.", + "The MCVDD will also be responsible for the Measurement, Notification and Verification (MNV) system for the implementation of the NCD, institutional capacity-building in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. 6. IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES The activities envisaged for the implementation of Benin's updated NCD require financial, technological and capacity-building resources.", + "METHODS OF IMPLEMENTATION The activities planned for the implementation of Benin\u2019s updated NCD require financial, technological and capacity-building resources. With regard to technological resources, the focus will be on endogenous technologies and South-South and North-South transfer, including the necessary know-how. The main technology transfer needs identified relate to the sectors of agriculture, water resources, forestry and energy (Tables 14 and 15).", + "The main technology transfer needs identified relate to the agriculture, water resources, forestry and energy sectors (Tables 14 and 15).", + "The Republic of Benin, in order to achieve its ambitions to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs), will need an overall financial envelope of US$8556.81 million, of which US$5069.03 million will come from the Government of Benin and the private sector and US$3487.77 million from the international community over the period 2021 to 2030.", + "The Republic of Benin, in order to achieve its greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation ambitions, will require an overall financial envelope of US$ 8,556.81 million, of which US$ 5,069.03 million will be contributed by the Government of Benin and the private sector and US$ 3,487.77 million will be mobilized from the international community over the period 2021 to 2030. The cost of implementing sectoral adaptation programmes and projects is estimated at approximately US$ 1,796.13 million, with a national (unconditional) contribution of US$ 578.47 million and a conditional (international) contribution of US$ 12,17.66 million.", + "The cost of implementing sectoral adaptation programmes and projects is estimated at approximately US$1796.13 million, with a national (unconditional) contribution of approximately US$578.47 million and a conditional (international) contribution of US$1217.66 million. In addition, the financial resources to be mobilized for the implementation of mitigation/adaptation measures of community projects total US$162.94 million, of which approximately US$14.39 million is for the national contribution and US$148.55 million for the conditional.", + "In addition, the financial resources to be mobilized for the implementation of the mitigation/adaptation measures of the joint projects amount to a total of US$ 162.94 million, of which approximately US$ 14.39 million is for the national contribution and US$ 148.55 million for the conditional share.", + "In total, the financial resources to be mobilized for the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures under this first updated NCD of Benin total approximately US$ 10515.88 million from public, private and international support, in the form of an unconditional contribution of US$ 5661.89 million, or 53.8 per cent, and a conditional contribution of US$ 4853.99 million, or about 46.2 per cent. 7.", + "This amount is divided into an unconditional contribution of US$ 5661.89 million, or 53.8 per cent, and a conditional contribution of US$ 4853.99 million, or approximately 46.2 per cent. 7. CONSTRAINTS ON IMPLEMENTATION OF ADAPTATION STRATEGY AND FORWARD SOLUTIONS Successful implementation of the NCD could face many constraints, including the effective and timely mobilization of domestic and external resources, the ability of relevant public structures to effectively manage large-scale programmes, the effectiveness of regulatory enforcement, the effective transfer of technology, and the successful completion of research and development at the national level.", + "NATIONAL CONSTANCES The Republic of Benin is located in West Africa between latitudes 6\u00b030\u2019 and 12\u00b030\u2019 North and longitudes 1\u00b0 and 3\u00b040\u2019 East, with an area of 114.763 km2. It is bounded to the south by the Atlantic Ocean, to the west by Togo, to the east by Nigeria, to the northeast by Niger and to the northwest by Burkina Faso.", + "The population of Benin is estimated at 10.008.749 inhabitants (RGPH4, 2013) with an average annual population growth rate of 3.52%. The average density is 29 inhabitants/km2 with a higher population concentration in the south of the country. Administratively, Benin currently has twelve (12) departments subdivided into 77 communes. In Benin, two main types of climate are distinguished: the sub-equatorial climate characterizing the southern region and the continental tropical climate governing the northern region.", + "In Benin, two main types of climate are distinguished: the sub-equatorial climate characterizing the southern region and the continental tropical climate governing the northern region. Average annual precipitation ranges from 700 mm (extreme north) to 1500 mm (extreme south-east), while air temperatures vary on average around 27.2 \u00b0C, with absolute maximums in the north exceeding 45\u00b0C.", + "Average annual precipitation ranges from 700 mm (extreme north) to 1500 mm (extreme south-east), while air temperatures vary on average around 27.2 \u00b0C, with absolute maximums in the north exceeding 45 \u00b0C. The last two decades have been particularly marked by an increase in climate variability, characterized in particular by a recurrence of extreme weather events (such as floods), the disruption of seasonal rainfall patterns and an increasingly remarkable reduction in the number of rain events.", + "The last two decades have been particularly marked by an increase in climate variability, characterised in particular by a recurrence of extreme weather events (such as floods), the disruption of seasonal rainfall patterns and an increasingly remarkable reduction in the number of rain events.", + "With regard to air temperature, the normal deviations (1981-2010) of the annual averages range from -0.7 to +1.3\u00b0C. On the socio-economic front, Benin experienced an unstable economic situation during the period 1996-2015, marked by fluctuations in gross domestic product (GDP) ranging from 2% to 6% on the whole, but thanks to the economic reforms currently being carried out by the government, GDP reached a record figure of 6.8% in 2018 (Source, IMF).", + "However, thanks to the economic reforms currently being carried out by the government, GDP reached a record 6.8 per cent in 2018 (Source, IMF), while GDP per capita growth remains low, owing to sustained population growth and low policy performance, leaving little scope for achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).", + "While GDP per capita growth remains low, due to sustained population growth and low policy performance, there is little scope for achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Climate change governance at the national level is primarily the responsibility of the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MFLD), serving as the National Focal Point for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).", + "Climate change governance at the national level is the primary mission of the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD), serving as the National Focal Point for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), coordinating and overseeing, through the Directorate General of Environment and Climate (DGEC), the processes for the development of national communications on climate change, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and other documents related to the implementation of the Convention.", + "It coordinates and supervises, through the Directorate-General for the Environment and Climate (DGEC), the processes for the preparation of national communications on climate change, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and other documents relating to the implementation of the Convention. It works closely with structures within the other relevant ministerial departments and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). At the political level, one of the instruments of major importance is the National Development Plan 2016-2025, adopted in July 2018.", + "At the political level, one of the instruments of major importance is the National Development Plan 2016-2025, adopted in July 2018.", + "Awareness of climate change issues has led to the development and adoption by Benin of several response policies, strategies and programmes, including the National Strategy for the Implementation of the UNFCCC, the National Action Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA), the National Programme for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (PNGDRN), the Low-Carbon and Climate-Resilient Development Strategy, the National Strategy and Action Plan for the Sustainable Management of mangrove ecosystems in Benin and the CND.", + "These include: the National Strategy for the Implementation of the UNFCCC, the National Action Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA), the National Programme for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (PNGDRN), the Low-Carbon and Climate-Resilient Development Strategy, the National Strategy and Action Plan for the Sustainable Management of mangrove ecosystems in Benin and the DRC.", + "On the legal front, it should be noted that under the heading of climate change, a law regulating climate change in the Republic of Benin was voted by the parliament on 18 June 2018 and promulgated on 06 August 2018. In terms of development priorities and objectives, the Republic of Benin, despite the remaining bottlenecks or challenges, has made commendable efforts, in particular in terms of infrastructure development, security and governance.", + "With regard to development priorities and objectives, the Republic of Benin, despite the remaining bottlenecks or challenges, has made commendable efforts, particularly in the areas of infrastructure development, security and governance, but the level of operationalisation of the existing strategies remains low in order to bring about a significant evolution towards the achievement of their respective visions and that of the National Long-Term Perspective Studies \"Benin Alafia 2025\".", + "However, the level of operationalisation of the existing strategies is still low in order to bring about a significant evolution towards the realisation of their respective visions and that of the National Long-Term Perspective Studies \"Benin Alafia 2025\". As regards climate finance, Benin has established the National Environment and Climate Fund (NECF) accredited by the Green Climate Fund (FVC). II. ACHIEVEMENT 2.1.", + "With regard to climate finance, Benin has established the National Fund for Environment and Climate (FNEC) accredited by the Green Climate Fund (FVC).", + "In the forestry and other land use sector, baseline gas emission estimates and mitigation scenario assessments were performed using an Excel spreadsheet using IPCC guidelines, with the exception of measures for the development of oil palm and almond plantations, the effects of which were assessed using the Ex-act tool.", + "\uf076 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the national level Total GHG emissions in Benin in 2018 are approximately 16.94 Mt CO2-equivalent (Mt E-CO2), or about 1.5 Mt E-CO2 per capita, excluding land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) emissions from the energy sector (63%), agriculture (28.6%), waste (5.3%) and industrial processes (3.1%).", + "These emissions are from the energy sector (63%), agriculture (28.6%), waste (5.3%) and industrial processes (3.1%). Taking LULUCF into account, net GHG emissions are 10.6 Mt E-CO2.", + "Taking LULUCF into account, net GHG emissions are 10.6 Mt E-CO2. \uf076 Projected GHG emissions if the status quo is maintained If the status quo is maintained, the trend in overall annual emissions (excluding LULUCF) shows a rate of increase of about 71% over the period 2018-2030, from 16.94 Mt E-CO2 to 29.02 Mt E-CO2.", + "\uf076 Sustainable Greenhouse Gas Emission Projections If the status quo is maintained, the trend in aggregate annual emissions (excluding LULUCF) shows a rate of increase of about 71% over the period 2018-2030, from 16.94 Mt E-CO2 to 29.02 Mt E-CO2. Figure 1 shows the trajectories of annual GHG emissions for the agriculture, energy, waste and industrial process sectors.", + "Figure 1 shows the annual GHG emission trajectories for the agriculture, energy, waste and industrial process sectors, with total cumulative GHG emissions without any intervention over the period 2021-2030 approaching 241.98 Mt E-CO2 (excluding LULUCF).", + "The total cumulative GHG emissions without any intervention over the period 2021-2030 are approximately 241.98 Mt E-CO2 (excluding LULUCF) from 63.62 % of the energy sector and 24.04 % of the agriculture sector, 1.21% of the POPs sector, 4.64 % of the waste sector and other sectors (vegetation fires and HFC emissions), 6.49 %.", + "Figure 1: Trends in aggregate GHG emissions and emissions from agriculture, energy, waste and industrial processes, status quo scenario 2.2.", + "Figure 1: Trends in overall GHG emissions and emissions from agriculture, energy, waste and industrial processes, status quo scenario 2.2. Historical emissions of non-GHG SCCPs and air pollutants and projections for maintaining the status quo The emissions for each pollutant (non-GHG) individually between 2010 and 2018 are as follows (Table 1). The amount of black carbon emitted into the atmosphere in Benin in 2018 is estimated at 10,000 tonnes.", + "The amount of black carbon emitted into the air in Benin in 2018 is estimated at 10 thousand tonnes. The main sources of black carbon emissions are residential combustion, vegetation fires and wood charcoal production, as well as other particulate air pollutants (Figure 2).", + "The main sources of black carbon emissions are residential combustion, vegetation fires and wood charcoal production, as well as other particulate air pollutants (Figure 2). Table 1: Total national emissions of CCS (other than GHGs) and air pollutants in Benin between 2010 and 2018 (thousands of tonnes) Pollutants Carbon monoxide Non-methane volatile organic compounds Nitrogen oxides Sulphur dioxide Ammonia GHG emissions in Mt E-CO2 Emissions Agriculture sector status quo Emissions Energy sector status quo Emissions Waste sector status quo Emissions Industrial processes and product use sector status quo Global emissions Black carbon Organic carbon Figure 2: Contribution of different sources to emissions of CCS (other than GHGs) and air pollutants in Benin in 2018 (excluding fore", + "Measures for Nationally Determined Contributions to Mitigation The contribution to GHG mitigation contained in the updated CBD is based on measures contained in strategies, programmes and projects for the period 2017 to 2030, which includes the preparatory phase of implementation of the CBD (2017 to 2020) and the period of implementation of the CBD (2021 to 2030), the period of accounting for GHG emission reduction efforts.", + "This period includes the preparatory phase of the implementation of the CBD (2017-2020) and the implementation period of the CBD (2021-2030), the period of accounting for GHG emission reduction efforts. Numerous opportunities for GHG emission mitigation have been identified in the agriculture, energy and LULUCF sectors to this end.", + "Many opportunities for GHG mitigation have been identified in the agriculture, energy and LULUCF sectors for this purpose. \uf076 Measures under nationally determined mitigation contributions The general methodological considerations for updating the measures and the overall nationally determined mitigation contribution are presented in Table 2.", + "\uf076 Measures under nationally determined mitigation contributions The general methodological considerations for updating the measures and the overall nationally determined mitigation contribution are presented in Table 2. Table 2: General methodological considerations and overall results for updating the mitigation measures Reference year The reference year for taking into account actions contributing to the mitigation of GHGs is 2018.", + "Table 2: Overall methodological considerations and overall results for updating mitigation measures Base year The base year for taking into account actions contributing to GHG mitigation is 2018, but GHG emissions are projected over the period 2019 to 2030; the emission trajectory for the scenario without mitigation measures and the scenario with measures is the same over the period 2010 to 2016.", + "However, GHG emission projections are made for the period 2019 to 2030; the emission trajectory for the scenario without mitigation measures and the scenario with measures is the same for the period 2010 to 2016. Type of GHG Mitigation Contribution and Coverage An updated CBD GHG mitigation contribution is based on measures contained in strategies, programmes and projects for the period 2017\u2013 2030. This period includes a preparatory and start-up phase of the CBD (2017 to 2020) and a phase of implementation of the CBD (2021 to 2030).", + "Type of GHG Mitigation Contribution and Coverage Period An updated CBD GHG mitigation contribution is based on measures contained in strategies, programs and projects for the period 2017\u2013 2030.This period includes a preparatory and start-up phase of CBD implementation (2017-2020) and a phase of CBD implementation (2021-2030).", + "Methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), HFCs Other pollutants (other than GHGs and air pollutants: black carbon, organic carbon, ammonia (NH3), PM2.5, PM10, carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs).", + "Sectors/sources covered by the gas emissions calculations \uf0b7 Energy; \uf0b7 Agriculture; \uf0b7 Industry and Product Use; \uf0b7 Waste; \uf0b7 LULUCF Sectors/sources covered by the contribution \uf0b7 Energy (sources: residential, tertiary, transport and energy industries) \uf0b7 Agriculture (agricultural soils, rice paddies, burning of agricultural residues, prescribed savannah burning) \uf0b7 LULUCF (forest land including natural forests and plantations: forest plantations and agroforestry).", + "\uf0b7 LULUCF (forest land including natural forests and plantations: forest plantations and agroforestry) Geographical coverage All national territory Scenarios considered for estimating gas emissions Reference scenario: This scenario does not take into account mitigation policies and measures \uf0b7 Mitigation scenario: This scenario is based on policies and measures with an implementation period beyond 2021 that contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions or the strengthening of carbon sinks.", + "This scenario does not include mitigation policies and measures \uf0b7 Mitigation scenario: This scenario is based on policies and measures with an implementation period beyond 2021 that contribute to GHG mitigation or carbon sink enhancement Methodology for estimating gas emissions General methodology for estimating emissions For the generation of scenarios in the various sectors and subsectors targeted for the mitigation component, GHG emissions were estimated over the historical period 2010 to 2016 and projections from 2017 to 2030.", + "Methodology for Estimating Gas Emissions General Methodology for Estimating Emissions For the generation of scenarios in the various sectors and subsectors targeted for the mitigation component, GHG emissions were estimated over the historical period 2010 to 2016 and projections from 2017 to 2030. Four types of data were used: demographic data, macroeconomic data (GDP), sectoral activity data, emission factors, and global warming potentials of the various gases.", + "Four types of data were used: demographic data, macroeconomic data (GDP), sectoral activity data, emission factors and global warming potentials of the different gases. Demographic and economic data are derived from statistics and projections of the National Institute of Statistics and Demography (INStaD). Activity data are derived from official statistical documents and databases of the various sectors concerned.", + "Activity data are derived from official statistical documents and databases of the various sectors concerned. Missing data and data projections have required extrapolations and sometimes approximations based on established assumptions and widely shared with stakeholders at the sectoral level. For GHGs, the emission factors used are for the most part default values from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories.", + "For GHGs, emission factors used are for the most part default values from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories. CH4 emission factors from enteric fermentation and cattle manure management are specific to Benin.", + "Emission factors for CH4 from enteric fermentation and cattle manure management are specific to Benin. Emission factors for non-GHG and air pollutants for SCCPs are derived from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories, Guidebook for the Inventory of Air Pollutant Emissions Guidebook 2019 (EMEP/EEA, 2019) and Andreae and Merlet (2001).", + "The non-GHG and air pollutant emission factors for LULUCF are derived from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories, Guidebook for the Inventory of Air Pollutant Emissions Guidebook 2019 (EMEP/EEA, 2019) and Andreae and Merlet (2001). Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) are values provided by the IPCC in its Fourth Assessment Report: 1 for CO2, 25 for CH4 and 298 for N2O.", + "Global warming potentials (GWPs) are values provided by the IPCC in its Fourth Assessment Report: 1 for CO2, 25 for CH4, and 298 for N2O.", + "Overall emissions are estimated from the sum of sectoral emissions excluding LULUCF. Methodological approach for generating the baseline scenario The baseline scenario, as outlined above, is one where GHG emissions are generated in the absence of actions from 2017 onwards that could contribute to GHG mitigation or carbon sinks.", + "Methodological approach for generating the baseline scenario The baseline scenario, as described above, is one where GHG emissions are generated in the absence of actions taken from 2017 onwards that could contribute to GHG mitigation or enhancement of carbon sinks, so for this scenario the emission estimate for the period 2017 to 2030 is based on projections of sectoral activity data from historical trends observed over the years 2010 to 2017.", + "For this scenario, emission estimates for the period 2017 to 2030 are based on projections of sectoral activity data from historical trends observed over the years 2010 to 2017. Methodological Approach for Generation of the Mitigation Scenario The emission projections for 2019 to 2030 for the mitigation scenario take into account 21 measures.", + "Methodological approach for the generation of the mitigation scenario The emission projections from 2019 to 2030 for the mitigation scenario take into account 21 measures: \uf0b7 03 measures in the agricultural sector (Table 4); \uf0b7 12 measures bringing together a total of 20 actions to be implemented in the energy sector (Table 5); \uf0b7 05 measures in the LULUCF sector (Table 6); \uf0b7 01 measure in the waste sector (Table 7) Of the 21 measures, only 12 are taken into account in the energy sector for CCS (non-GHG) and air pollutants.", + "A total of: \uf0b7 03 measures in the agriculture sector (Table 4); \uf0b7 12 measures bringing together a total of 20 actions to be implemented in the energy sector (Table 5); \uf0b7 05 measures in the LULUCF sector (Table 6); \uf0b7 01 measure in the waste sector (Table 7) Of the 21 measures, only 12 are taken into account in the energy sector for non-GHG CCS and air pollutants Emission assessment tools for the agriculture, energy, waste and industrial process sectors Agriculture, energy, waste and industrial process sectors For these four sectors, the GHG emission estimation work LEAP (Low Emissions Analysis Platform, version 2020) was used to evaluate the baseline scenario.", + "Emission Assessment Tools for Agriculture, Energy, Waste and Industrial Processes Agriculture, Energy, Waste and Industrial Processes: For these four sectors, the GHG emission estimation work, the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP, version 2020) was used to assess the baseline scenario.", + ", except for measures aimed at the development of oil palm and alfalfa plantations whose effects have been assessed using the Ex-act tool.", + "Emissions aggregation and emission reductions The aggregation and emission reductions of GHGs, non-GHG SCCPs and air pollutants for all sectors were carried out using the Excel tool. Sectoral and overall expected emission reductions (all targeted sectors) compared to the baseline scenario Period from 2017 to 2019:", + "Degraded natural forests and forest plantations resulted in 1.155 Mt E-CO2 uptake over the above period.", + "For the coming years, the measures envisaged in the revised NCD in the Energy, Agriculture and Waste sectors are likely to contribute to a reduction in cumulative GHG emissions (excluding LULUCF) of approximately 48.75 Mt E CO2 from the baseline scenario, or a 20.15% reduction over the period 2021-2030 (Table 3 and Figure 3).", + "Compared to non-GHG (non-fossil fuels) and air pollutants, 12 measures have been considered in the energy sector and are likely to contribute to a reduction in black carbon emissions of about 1.8 Mt in 2030 compared to the baseline scenario, or a 14.2% reduction (Table 4). The implementation of the mitigation measures included in this updated version of the Benin CBD supports the revision of Benin\u2019s overall GHG reduction target, namely a reduction in cumulative GHG emissions (excluding forestry) between 2021 and 2030 of 48.75 Mt E-CO2, or 20.15% compared to the cumulative emissions of the baseline scenario (Table 3).", + "Figure 3 shows the GHG emission trajectories for each scenario between 2021 and 2030: the baseline scenario, the unconditional mitigation scenario (based on unconditional measures), and the overall mitigation scenario (based on unconditional and conditional measures).", + "The mitigation measures included in each scenario are presented in tables 5, 6, 7 and 8 below. Benin also noted that the implementation of these mitigation measures, in addition to reducing GHGs, would also bring local benefits in relation to exposure to air pollution and human health by reducing emissions of short-lived climate pollutants such as black carbon and other air pollutants harmful to health.", + "Benin also noted that the implementation of these mitigation measures, in addition to reducing GHGs, would also bring local benefits in relation to exposure to air pollution and human health by reducing emissions of short-lived climate pollutants such as black carbon and other air pollutants harmful to health. Implementation of the mitigation measures would reduce black carbon emissions in 2030 by 14 per cent compared to baseline black carbon emissions, as well as significant reductions in other pollutants (Table 4).", + "Implementation of mitigation measures would reduce black carbon emissions in 2030 by 14% from baseline black carbon emissions, as well as significant reductions in other pollutants (Table 4). Table 3: GHG emissions and emission reductions (non-forestry) for the status quo scenario and the mitigation scenario (in Mt E-CO2) Emissions Status quo scenario Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Emission reductions, Unconditional scenario Global emission reductions Cumulative Emissions Status quo scenario Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Emission reductions, Unconditional scenario Global emission reductions Figure 3:", + "GHG emissions in Mt E-CO2 Global emissions Status quo scenario Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Table 4:", + "Scenario CO BC NOx NMVOC CO Baseline Mitigation Mitigation (% reduction) The planned sectoral measures and their effects are presented in Tables 5, 6, 7 and 8 and illustrated in Figures 4, 5 and 6. Table 5:", + "Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the agricultural sector Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional Contribution Conditional Contribution (additional) Promote improved crop management techniques in crop production (1) Implement improved crop management techniques on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030 Promote soil fertility management techniques in crop production", + "Promote soil fertility management techniques in the context of plant production. (2) Implement soil fertility management techniques on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030. Promote hydro-agricultural developments. Development and irrigation of rice perimeter with water control of 52,000 ha 22.000 ha of rice perimeter managed and irrigated with water control. A supplement of 30.000 ha of rice perimeter managed and irrigated with water control.", + "Reduced emissions in the agricultural sector Expected avoided emissions: all of the above measures, i.e. the promotion of improved farming techniques, the maintenance of soil fertility and the development and irrigation of rice perimeter, will avoid GHGs of about 29.9 Mt E-CO2 compared to the status quo scenario, i.e. a cumulative reduction of 51.4% over the period 2021 to 2030, of which 50% conditional and 50% unconditional contributions.", + "Reduced emissions in agriculture Expected avoided emissions: all of the above measures, i.e. the promotion of improved cropping techniques, the maintenance of soil fertility and the development and irrigation of rice perimeter, will avoid GHGs of about 29.9 Mt E-CO2 compared to the status quo scenario, i.e. a cumulative reduction of 51.4% over the period 2021 to 2030, including 50% conditional and 50% unconditional contributions Figure 4 below shows the emissions trajectory in the agriculture sector for each scenario and the levels that could be achieved in 2030.", + "Figure 4 below shows the trajectory of emissions in the agriculture sector for each scenario and the levels that could be achieved in 2030. Cumulative avoided emissions are broken down as follows: (1) promotion of improved cropping techniques and (2) maintenance of soil fertility (29.7 Mt E-CO2 eq) or 99.4% and (3) rice perimeter management with water control (0.2 Mt E-CO2) or 0.6%.", + "The cumulative avoided emissions are broken down as follows: (1) promotion of improved cropping techniques and (2) maintenance of soil fertility (29.7 Mt E-CO2 eq) or 99.4% and (3) development of rice perimeter with water control (0.2 Mt E-CO2) or 0.6%. Figure 4: Trend in GHG emissions under the status quo scenario and intervention in the agricultural sector Table 6:", + "Figure 4: Trends in GHG emissions under the status quo scenario and intervention in the agricultural sector Table 6: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the energy sector Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution To develop electricity production from natural gas and renewable energy sources (1) Construction of a floating natural gas regasification terminal (TFRG) in the port of Cotonou (total generating capacity: 500 MW).", + "(1) Construction of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification floating terminal in the port of Cotonou (total generating capacity: 500 MW). (2) Natural gas exploitation of the installed thermal production capacity. 36% of the total bi-fuel capacity in 2030 that can be exploited with natural gas and 64% with fuel oil if the regasification terminal project is not completed. 100% of the capacity if the regasification unit is constructed.", + "100% of the capacity if the regasification unit is built Development of renewable energy (construction of hydroelectric power plants; Dogo bis (128 MW and 337 GWh/year); Vossa (60,2 MW and 188,2 GWh/year), and Beirut (18,8 MW and 57 GWh/year).", + "Development of renewable energies (construction of hydroelectric power plants; Dogo bis (128 MW and 337 GWh/year); Vossa (60,2 MW and 188,2 GWh/year), and Beiteru (18,8 MW and 57 GWh/year). Installation of solar PV farms with a total capacity of 112 MWc, structuring of a fuel biomass line 15 MW): Hydropower plants (electrical and other infrastructure, investments) + Solar 87 MW (DEFISSOL, MCA II and others) + Structuration of biomass line 4 MW + promotion of biomass-electricity investments.", + "Implementation of solar PV farms with a total capacity of 112 MWc, structuring of a fuel biomass pipeline 15 MW): Hydro power stations (electrical and other infrastructure, investments) + Solar 87 MW (DEFISSOL, MCA II and others) + Structuration of biomass pipeline 4 MW + promotion of biomass-electricity investments Hydro power stations (total civil engineering for 48.5% of investments) + Solar 25 MW + Biomass 11 MW + promotion Expand access of households to electric lighting instead of kerosene lighting.", + "Hydroelectric power stations (total civil engineering for 48.5% of investments) + Solar 25 MW + Biomass 11 MW + Promotion Expand household access to electric lighting in place of kerosene lighting (grid connection component) (4) Electrification of localities by grid connection (approximately 2323 localities between 2021 and 2030).", + "(Network connection component) (4) Electrification of localities by grid connection (approximately 2323 localities between 2021 and 2030) Electrification of 481 localities Electrification of 1842 localities (planned for the period 2005) Promotion of the access of approximately new households to electricity for domestic lighting and the abandonment of kerosene lighting in the localities that will be Acquisition of 342,000 household connection kits Acquisition of 686,000 household connection kits to conventional networks (planned for the period GHG emissions in Mt E-CO2 Emissions Status quo Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution connected to the networks of the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 B\u00e9ninoise d\u2019Energie Electrique (SBEE) Pursue and strengthen the", + "(6) (Promotion of the use of energy-efficient low-power electric lamps (public lighting) Rehabilitation of 18777 conventional lamps (250W) and replacement of lamps with LEDs Installation of 30,350 new 100W lamps instead of (7) Promotion of low-power LED lamps in households (3,000,000 lamps in 1,000,000 households (project in preparation for ERD) (8) Promotion of PV solar public lighting (total of 53,743 solar lamps of which 23,243 already installed at the end of 2020 and 30,500 new lamps to be installed for a total power of 4837 KW) Installation of lamps at the end of 2020 (2105 KW).", + "Rehabilitation of defective lamps between 2021 and 2022.", + "Installation of 30,500 new solar lamps (9) PV solar panels on the roofs of administrative buildings (07 health centres and colleges, 2 community service sites, 55 administrative buildings) 07 health centres and colleges and 2 community service sites Headquarters administrative buildings (10) Promotion of the use of low energy electrical lamps in public utilities 37,221 LED lamps in administration 37,221 LED lamps Promote low energy wood-energy technologies Promotion of the economical use of wood-energy by providing access to improved homes for 890,043 new households.", + "new households new households Promote the partial substitution of wood-energy consumption by butane gas (12) Promote the access of 275,000 new households to cooking equipment using domestic gas: by subsidising the cost of acquiring the small 6 kg bucket equipment + 30 % nozzle or by establishing a mechanism facilitating access to credit for small civil servants (guarantee fund, partnership framework with financial institutions) new households new households (13) Subsidise the consumption of domestic gas at least 30 % of the cost of recharging new households new households Extend the access of households to electric lighting as a substitute for lighting to (14) Promote the extension of access of households and public services to off-grid electric lighting by individual kits (13,249 households by 2024 and 100,000 new households between 2025-2030) 13.249 households", + "Non-grid electric lighting by individual kits (13,249 households by 2024 and 100,000 new households by 2025-2030) 13,249 households by 2024 At least other additional households between sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution kerosene (non-grid electricity system component) (15) Promotion of the extension of access to non-grid electric lighting by social and community infrastructures (46 health centres and 26 police stations equipped in 2019 for a total power of 200 KWc) 46 health centres and 26 police stations 16) Development of rural electrification by solar photovoltaic micro-centrals (239 localities + 22 localities) 202 localities including 22 localities of municipal projects 37 rural localities Pursue and strengthen actions for efficient electricity consumption in all sectors.", + "Energy efficiency in the transport sector (18) Road infrastructure development. Projects: North-East Cotonou bypass road; Fisheries road; Motorway between S\u00e8m\u00e8 Kpodji and Porto Novo. Further development of urban waterways in Cotonou, Porto Novo and Parakou and Calavi.", + "Further development of urban waterways in Cotonou, Porto Novo and Parakou and Calavi. 100% (public authorities) (19) Development and implementation of a strategy and action plan to improve mobility in the medium and long term in the greater Cotonou region and neighbouring localities 100% (public authorities and the private sector) (20) Development of river and lagoon transport (establishment of a lagoon transport service between Calavi and Cotonou and then Cotonou and Porto Novo) Investment for basic works (drafting of a short waterway, construction of boathouses) Private investment for navigation equipment, organisation and management of the transport service Reduction of emissions in the energy sector Expected avoided emissions: The implementation of these measures will contribute to reducing cumulative GHG emissions in the sector compared to the status quo scenario of 18.71 Mt E-CO2 over the period 2021 to 2030", + "compared to the status quo scenario of 18.71 Mt E-CO2 over the period 2021 to 2030 compared to the status quo scenario, i.e. a 12.15% reduction by 2030 including 8.4% unconditional contribution and 3.75% conditional contribution.", + "Figure 5 below shows the trajectory of emissions in the energy sector for each scenario and the levels that could be achieved in 2030.", + "Expected contributions by group of measures are as follows: Expanding access to electric lighting in the residential sector 7.83%; Efficient electricity consumption in the residential sector 13.72%; Sustainable wood-energy management 20.13%; Energy efficiency in the service sector 6.9%; Energy efficiency in the transport sector 11.37%; Production of electricity from natural gas and renewable energies 30.98% and reduction of losses in electricity transmission and distribution 9.06%.", + "Figure 5: Trends in GHG emissions for the status quo scenario and for intervention in the energy sector.", + "Table 7: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the LULUCF sector Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution Increase the carbon sequestration capacity of the country's forest ecosystems through the implementation of sustainable management of natural forests and the strengthening of reforestation/planting efforts (1) Protection and conservation of natural forests and existing plantations to reduce and maintain the rate of deforestation to 35,000 ha/year instead of the current 60,000 ha/year.", + "Reduction of the rate of deforestation by 5,000 ha/year. Additional reduction of the rate of deforestation by 20,000 ha/year. 2) Implementation of a reforestation plan with the aim of creating 15,000 ha of forest plantations per year. Creation of 5,000 ha of forest plantations per year. Creation of 10,000 ha of forest plantations per year.", + "Establishment of 5000 ha of forest plantations per year. Establishment of 10.000 ha of forest plantations per year. Promote the development of agroforestry as a measure to strengthen carbon absorption capacities (3) Improve the performance of the oil palm sector with the installation of at least 50,000 new hectares between and (4) Increase the area of anacardic plantations by 60 000 ha, of which 35000 ha during the 25000 ha (planned for the period of former anacardic plantations - GHG emissions in Mt E-CO2 Emissions Status quo Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution Emission reduction/well strengthening for LULUCF.", + "Avoided emissions/expected removals from the status quo scenario The cumulative reductions in net GHG emissions from forestry and other land uses between 2021 and 2030 from the baseline scenario are estimated at 40.64 Mt E-CO2, of which 37.7% are unconditional and 62.3% are conditional.", + "The cumulative avoided emissions over the period 2021 \u2013 2030 are broken down by measure: Reduction of deforestation by 25,000 ha/year and creation of 150,000 ha of forest plantations 24.53 Mt E-CO2, or 60.3% Development of agroforestry (110 000 ha of new oil palm and pineapple plantations and rehabilitation of 100 000 ha of old pineapple plantations) 16.11 Mt E-CO2, or 39.7%.", + "Development of agroforestry (110 000 ha of new oil palm and sugar cane plantations and rehabilitation of 100 000 ha of old sugar cane plantations) 16.11 Mt E-CO2, or 39.7% The implementation of these measures will also result in an increase in the net CO2 uptake capacity of forest resources by almost 3 times by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (-3.23 Mt to -9.68 Mt).", + "The implementation of these measures will also result in an increase in the net CO2 absorption capacity of forest resources by almost 3 times by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (-3.23 Mt to -9.68 Mt). Table 8: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the waste sector Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution Promote good environmental management of household waste Installation of a facility for energy recovery of the Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8 household waste landfill Emissions reduction The cumulative reduction in GHG emissions expected from this measure between 2021 and 2030 is estimated at 0.136 Mt E-CO2 or 1.2% compared to the scenario without measures. III.", + "Table 8: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the waste sector Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution Promote good environmental management of household waste Installation of an energy recovery facility for the disposal of household waste in Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8 Emissions reduction The cumulative reduction in GHG emissions expected from this measure between 2021 and 2030 is estimated at 0.136 Mt E-CO2, or 1.2% compared to the scenario without measures III. AMBITION AND EQUITY The measure-based reduction target of 20.15% of cumulative emissions over the period 2021 to 2030 is fair in view of Benin\u2019s low contribution to overall emissions, its low level of development and its socio-economic fragility.", + "The Republic of Benin is one of the least developed countries in the world whose GHG emissions are estimated at about 16.93 Mt E-CO2 in 2018, or about 1.5 tonnes E-CO2 per capita.", + "The Republic of Benin is one of the least developed countries in the world, with GHG emissions estimated at about 16.93 Mt E-CO2 in 2018, or about 1.5 tons E-CO2 per capita. Its economic performance remains weak and volatile with a critical financial situation. The average real GDP growth rate (4.7% from 2015 to 2020) is below the growth rate of 7%, the minimum necessary to combat poverty in a sustainable manner.", + "The average real GDP growth rate (4.7% from 2015 to 2020) is below the growth rate of 7%, the minimum necessary to fight poverty in a sustainable manner.", + "The country depends on the outside world for its commercial energy supply (oil and electricity). Benin\u2019s commitment is ambitious as its reduction targets cover key sectors for its economic development, including the energy and agriculture sectors, whose emissions cover 91.6% of the country\u2019s total emissions. Benin\u2019s aspiration for economic development and the growth of its population would lead to a trend increase in its energy needs.", + "Benin\u2019s aspiration for economic development and the growth of its population would lead to a trend increase in its energy needs. Thus, GHG emissions from the agriculture and energy sectors are expected to increase continuously. One of the major challenges will be the promotion of low-carbon development at both the sectoral and local levels. IV. ADAPTATION 4.1.", + "One of the major challenges will be to promote low-carbon development at both the sectoral and local levels. IV. ADAPTATION 4.1. Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change In terms of current vulnerability, the major climate risks affecting livelihoods in the agricultural, water resources, coastal and forestry sectors are drought, flooding, late and heavy rainfall, strong winds, excessive heat and rising sea levels.", + "Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change In terms of current vulnerability, the major climate risks affecting livelihoods in the agricultural, water resources, coastal and forestry sectors are drought, flooding, late and heavy rainfall, strong winds, excessive heat and sea-level rise. The above-mentioned manifestations of climate risks have led to numerous impacts over the past three decades, such as reduced agricultural yields, disruption of agricultural timetables, lower water levels in drinking water supply dams, prolonged standstill periods, flooding of shorelines, etc. With regard to future vulnerability, the climate risks to which natural and human systems could be exposed are part of a scenario of persistence or intensification of the risks currently observed and depend on the sector concerned.", + "The potential impacts, according to climate projections for the time horizons 2025, 2050 and 2100, range from coastal flooding and saltwater intrusions into rivers and water bodies to a decline in maize yields in certain agro-ecological zones (ZAE5 in particular) and a shift in flood periods in the Beninese part of the Niger basin. 4.2.", + "Climate change adaptation targets Based on existing strategies, plans and programs, key sectoral climate change adaptation targets are defined for the time horizons 2020, 2025,2030 and are set out in Table 9.", + "Sectoral objectives for adaptation to climate change Sectors Key adaptation objectives All sectors \uf0b7 Master vulnerability assessment and decision support tools for integrating adaptation to climate change into the planning and management tools of national and regional institutions \uf0b7 Strengthen the capacity for adaptation to climate change in all socio-economic sectors (employment generation, income generation, etc.).", + "\uf0b7 Strengthen the capacity to adapt to climate change in all socio-economic sectors (generation of jobs, income, etc.). \uf0b7 Mobilise the necessary financial resources to finance adaptation to climate change Agriculture \uf076 Horizon 2025 Improve the performance of Benin\u2019s agriculture, enabling it to ensure sustainable food and nutritional sovereignty, to contribute to the economic and social development of Benin\u2019s men and women and to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular Goals 1, 2, 12 and 13.", + "Agriculture \uf076 Horizon 2025 Improve the performance of Benin\u2019s agriculture, enabling it to ensure sustainable food and nutritional sovereignty, contribute to the economic and social development of Benin\u2019s men and women and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular MDGs 1, 2, 12 and 13. Water resources \uf076 Horizon 2030 \uf0b7 Reduce the vulnerability of natural and human systems to water stress, flooding and degradation of water quality; \uf0b7 Strengthen knowledge of the climate system and tools for generating climatic and hydrological information and predicting climate hazards; \uf0b7 Promote water control and good governance.", + "Water resources \uf076 Horizon 2030 \uf0b7 Reducing the vulnerability of natural and human systems to water stress, flooding and water quality degradation; \uf0b7 Strengthening knowledge of the climate system and tools for generating climatic and hydrological information and predicting climate hazards; \uf0b7 Promoting water control and good governance Forestry \uf076 Horizon 2030 \uf0b7 Reducing the vulnerability of communities to degradation of forest ecosystems. \uf0b7 Promoting agroforestry.", + "Forestry \uf076 Horizon 2030 \uf0b7 Reducing the vulnerability of communities to degradation of forest ecosystems. \uf0b7 Promoting agroforestry. \uf0b7 Developing mangrove ecosystems (shoreline characteristic forest formations). Sectors Main adaptation objectives Coastal \uf076 Horizon 2030 \uf0b7 Reducing the vulnerability of coastal human settlements and resources to sea level rise; \uf0b7 Ensuring the continuous protection of marine and lagoon ecosystems.", + "Sectors Main adaptation objectives Coastal \uf076 Horizon 2030 \uf0b7 Reduce the vulnerability of coastal human settlements and resources to sea level rise; \uf0b7 Continuously ensure the protection of marine and lagoon ecosystems Health \uf076 Horizon 2050 Contribute to the sustainable improvement of the health and well-being of all by reducing vulnerabilities, strengthening adaptation capacities and increasing resilience to climate change Tourism \uf076 Horizon 2025 Contribute to the reduction of negative territorial and environmental impacts through proposals for more efficient water and energy consumption, increasing the added value created for communities and the various actors in the sector V. STRATEGIES, PROGRAMMES, PROJECTS AND INSTITUTIONAL IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK 5.1.", + "Implementation of Sectoral Activities The implementation of sectoral activities in the NCD will be based on existing and future strategies, programmes, projects (Tables 10, 11, 12 and 13). Consequently, the relevant sectoral structures are committed to taking this into account in the design of future programmes and projects. It should be noted that some mitigation projects listed in Table 10 have co-benefits with adaptation and vice versa.", + "It should be noted that some of the mitigation projects listed in Table 10 have co-benefits with adaptation and vice versa. Table 10 Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the NCD on mitigation in the agricultural sector Strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the NCD A/ PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS IN PROGRESS OR PLANNING SECTORAL POLICY (PDSA), PROGRAMME AND PROJECT IN THE GOVERNMENT PORTFOLIO AT THE HORIZON 2025 Rural Economic Growth Support Programme (PACER /PADER) Development of 405 hectares of lowland for rice production and market gardening.", + "Support for Agricultural Infrastructures Project in the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 Valley (PAIA-VO) Rehabilitation of hydro-agricultural developments (i) 1,000 ha of irrigated perimeter developments with total water control, (ii) 3,500 ha of lowlands, of which approximately 2,800 ha of summary developments in flood plains and 700 ha of rice lowlands realized at the company, (iii) 300 ha of vegetable gardens for women.", + "Support for Food Production in Alibori, Borgou and the Hills (ABC-SUPPORT) \uf0b7 Implementation of hydro-agricultural developments: rehabilitation of 7 agro-pastoral dams (600 000 m3) and development of 1927 ha of irrigated perimeter \uf0b7 Development of agricultural value chains and resilience (improvement of farm productivity and technological innovations, capacity building of stakeholders, development of agricultural value chains).", + "\uf0b7 Development of agricultural value chains and resilience (improvement of farm productivity and technological innovations, capacity building of stakeholders, development of agricultural value chains) Programme for the Improvement of Agricultural Productivity of Small-scale Farmers (PAPAPE) Increased productivity of agricultural production systems of small-scale rain and irrigation producers (development of integrated soil fertility management technologies, restoration of soil health and fertility).", + "Smallholder Agricultural Productivity Enhancement Program (SAPPEP) Increased productivity of smallholder irrigated and rainfed agricultural production systems (development of integrated soil fertility management technologies, restoration of soil health and fertility) Rural Irrigation Perimeter Development Project (RIPDP) Implementation of hydro-agricultural development: development of 1000 ha of lowland and 300 ha of small irrigated perimeter, rehabilitation of 200 ha of degraded agricultural land, construction of four (04) water reservoirs.", + "Rural Irrigation Perimeter Development Project (RIPDP) Implementation of hydro-agricultural developments: development of 1000 ha of lowland and 300 ha of small irrigated perimeters, rehabilitation of 200 ha of degraded agricultural land, construction of four (04) water reservoirs Lower Mono River Valley Hydro-Agricultural Development Project (PAHV- MONO) Development of a 500 ha pilot perimeter in the Mono Valley.", + "Hydro-Agricultural Development Project in the Lower Mono River Valley (PAHV- MONO) Development of a 500 ha pilot area in the Mono River Valley Strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CDN Supporting the transition to climate-smart agriculture and food systems (AIC) \uf0b7 Sustainable intensification of productivity and increase of agricultural incomes; \uf0b7 Reduction and/or elimination of GHG emissions; \uf0b7 Creation of a favourable political and financial environment, providing farmers with knowledge and access to resources and services for the transition to sustainable, productive, resilient and economically viable production systems.", + "Soil protection and rehabilitation project to improve food security (ProSOL) \uf0b7 Approaches to sustainable soil protection and rehabilitation are widely implemented in Benin \uf0b7 Between 30,000 and 50,000 ha of soil are protected or rehabilitated Support for Sustainable Development and Integrated Management of Hydro-Agricultural Perimeters (PAVPHA) project \uf0b7 Contribution to the sustainable improvement of incomes, food and nutritional security of family farms and employment of young people and women.", + "Food security through lowland development and storage capacity building project in Benin (PSAAB) \uf0b7 Implementation of 2300 ha of hydro-agricultural lowland rice development National Oilseeds Development Programme Improving the performance of the oilseeds sector with the installation of at least 25,000 new hectares, improving average yield by at least 20% in 2025 Strategic Plan for the Development of the Agricultural Sector Improving the productivity and production of plant products in priority agricultural sectors Strengthening climate change resilience and improving the food and nutritional security of vulnerable populations \uf0b7 Agricultural innovations for climate change resilience and mitigation (promotion of intelligent agriculture in the face of climate change), extension and support for the implementation of production systems limiting GHG emissions); \uf0b7 Sustainable land management", + "\uf0b7 Sustainable management of land and aquatic ecosystems.", + "Low-carbon and climate-resilient development strategy Strengthening the resilience of communities and agricultural sectors Food security and resilience-building project (PROSAR) GIZ \uf0b7 Improving the food situation of people vulnerable to malnutrition, in particular women of childbearing age and young children, Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations and ecosystems in the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 watershed to climate change through the AIC and the sustainable management of land and water resources.", + "\uf0b7 Promotion of agricultural innovations for resilience to and mitigation of climate change (Promotion of the AIC) \uf0b7 Promotion and support for the implementation of production systems limiting GHG emissions \uf0b7 Promotion of sustainable land and aquatic ecosystem management \uf0b7 Development of the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 watersheds Support Project for Agricultural Diversification (PADA) Contribution to the economic growth of agriculture in Benin by improving the productivity of rural households and increasing the national supply of quality agri-food products.", + "Strengthen the productive capacities of the beneficiaries of the project within the rice sector and promote an environment capable of supporting the development of the agricultural sector.", + "Support for the Agro-ecological Transition in the Cotton Zones of Benin, Phase 2 Contribution to the fight against poverty of vulnerable populations; to improve food and nutritional security, and to strengthen the resilience of family farms to the effects of climate change Integrated programme for adaptation to climate change through the development of agriculture, river transport and tourism in the Niger Valley in Benin (UNDP) Development of agricultural and pastoral systems (construction of five (05) multi-purpose dams with 500 ha of downstream irrigated perimeter, rehabilitation of seven (07) agricultural hydro dams, development of 200 ha of lowland with partial water control, development of 500 ha of degraded perimeter, realization of four (04) flood water application thresholds for degraded perimeter).", + "Strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CBD B/ PROGRAMMES TO BE IMPLEMENTED AND IMPLEMENTED Programme to strengthen actions in the departments of Benin in the fields of soil fertility management, the promotion of improved crop techniques and climate change-resilient crops (see proposal for the preparation of the programme annexed to the report on the update of the CBD).", + "Programme for the promotion of hydro-agricultural developments for rice cultivation with water control (see proposal for the development of the programme annexed to the update report of the CDN).", + "C/ PROJECTS ON THE COMMONS\u2019 INITIATIVE (PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED FROM THE AVAILABLE FILES) Development plans of the communes of Pobe 1000 hectare development project for rice production and the cultivation of vegetable products in the commune of Pobe commune of Pobe Project to create a community dynamic offering greater resilience to the effects of climate change in the commune of Pobe commune of Bant\u00e8 Degraded soil restoration project in the commune of Bant\u00e8 commune of Adja-Ou\u00e8r\u00e8 500 hectare development project for rice paddies in the commune of Adja-Ou\u00e8r\u00e8 Table 11: Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the CND for mitigation in the energy sector Policies, strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CND A/ PROGRAMMES AND PROJEC", + "Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CDN A/ PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS IN PROGRESS OR PLANNED SECTORAL POLICY, PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS IN THE PORTFOLIO OF THE ETAT Increasing the capacity for electricity production from natural gas \uf0b7 Construction of new fuel/gas thermal power plants \uf0b7 Construction of a new 143 MW gas thermal power plant Project \"Developing renewable energies and energy efficiency\" \uf0b7 Construction of the hydroelectric power plant Dogo \u2013bis (128 MW with an expected output of 337 GWh/year) \uf0b7 Construction of the hydroelectric power plant Vossa (60,2 MW with an expected output of 188,2 GWh/year) \uf0b7 Construction of the hydroelectric power plant B\u00e9t\u00e9rou (18,8 MW) \uf0b7 Installation of photovoltaic solar farms: detailed information is provided below \uf0b7 Benin Millennium Challenge Account (MCA II)", + "\uf0b7 DEFISSOL project (Construction and operation of a 25 MW power plant) \uf0b7 25 MWc solar power plant project on AFD financing \uf0b7 Structuring the biomass-fuel chain: use of agricultural waste (potential of 15 MW).", + "The sites: \uf0b7 Development of photovoltaic public lighting \uf0b7 Promotion of access to PV solar kits for households in remote areas \uf0b7 Implementation of the UNDP New Green Pact Programme to support Benin in the development of renewable energies and strengthening the resilience of the energy mix to climate change.", + "Project \"Energy consumption control\" \uf0b7 Implementation of binding energy consumption reduction standards \uf0b7 Pilot projects for energy saving in administrative buildings ((i) installation of PV solar power plants with storage in major administrative buildings, (ii) efficient air conditioning and (iii) LED lighting (at at least 5 administrative sites)) \uf0b7 Public lighting: replacement of energy-consuming light bulbs with LED type low energy consuming lamps; \uf0b7 Public lighting with solar lamps \uf0b7 Energy efficiency in households Urban and rural electrification projects \uf0b7 Construction of the Kandi-Banikoara HTA line project \uf0b7 Power Grid Expansion and Densification Project (PEDER): planned connection of 44.219 new households \uf0b7 SBEE Distribution and Distribution System Restructuring and Extension Project (PRESREDI): planned connection of 10,000 new households \uf0b7 Energy efficiency in households", + "Planned connection of 10.000 new households \uf0b7 SBEE network restructuring and extension project in the municipality of Abomey-Calavi and the Atlantic Department (PRERA): (i) Densification and extension of urban and peri-urban networks and (ii) electrification of 82 rural-type localities.", + "\uf0b7 Sustainable and secure access to electricity project (PADSBEE 2019-2025): Strengthening and extension of transport networks and extension of distribution networks over 500 km in several localities (34) Urban and peri-urban \uf0b7 Energy Services Improvement Project (PASE): (i) 8000 LED lamps for public lighting; (ii) supply of equipment for connecting 75,000 new households.", + "\uf0b7 Special Programme for the Extension and Strengthening of the Electrical Networks of Benin (Benin PROSPER2E): electrification of 1122 localities: 369 urban and peri-urban localities and 753 rural localities.", + "Connecting \uf0b7 Solar energy upgrading project PROVES (8 remaining localities for the grid connection component) Policies, strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CDN \uf0b7 Regional Programme for the Development of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency PRODERE 2 with EUMOA funding \uf0b7 RERE FORSUN and PROMER projects \uf0b7 Programme of actions for the electrification of rural localities in Benin (PAELRB): (i) electrification of 200 rural localities by connection to the SBEE electricity grid (phases 2 and 3); (ii) connection to the grid of at least 60,000 new households.", + "\uf0b7 Project Development of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency (DEREE): (i) installation of solar equipment + AEV system as part of the pilot phase of the Energy and Water for Life programme; (ii) installation of solar water heaters in health centres; (iii) implementation of energy audits in 20 public administrations; (iv) promotion of improved homes; (v) installation of low-consumption lamps in 400 public institutions in 20 communes of Benin.", + "\uf0b7 Rural electrification project (PERU): (i) network extension in 76 peri-urban localities in 20 communes; (ii) electrification of 100 new localities selected in 11 of the 12 departments of the country; (iii) connection to the conventional grid of at least 41,000 new rural households Benin\u2019s Millennium Challenge Account Programme (MCA II) \uf0b7 Electricity distribution project \uf0b7 Off-grid electricity access project.", + "Benin\u2019s Millennium Challenge Account Programme (MCA II) \uf0b7 Electricity distribution project \uf0b7 Off-grid electricity access project B/ SECTORAL PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Rural electrification projects Programme of actions for strengthening rural electrification under the CND (electrification of at least 720 new localities by 2030 (see proposal for the preparation of the programme annexed to the report on the update of the CND).", + "B/ SECTORAL PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Rural electrification projects Programme of actions for strengthening rural electrification under the CND (at least 720 new villages electrified by 2030 (see proposal for the preparation of the programme annexed to the CND update report) Projects to promote low-energy wood-energy technologies \uf0b7 Promotion of the economic use of wood-energy through the access of 809.043 new households to improved homes.", + "Projects to promote low-energy wood-energy technologies \uf0b7 Promotion of the economical use of wood-energy through the access of 809.043 new households to improved homes \uf0b7 Support for the organisation and development of internal markets for the manufacture and marketing of high-performance cooking equipment (improved homes using wood-energy; butane gas cooking equipment).", + "\uf0b7 Support for the organisation and development of internal markets for the manufacture and marketing of high-performance cooking equipment (enhanced wood-energy fireplaces; butane gas cooking equipment) Programme to pursue and strengthen energy efficiency promotion measures \uf0b7 Establishment of standards, regulation, support for the organisation and development of a market for energy-efficient electrical equipment (lamps, air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers) and other electrical equipment.", + "Programme to continue and strengthen energy efficiency promotion activities \uf0b7 Establishment of standards, regulation, support for the organisation and development of a market for energy-efficient electrical equipment (lamps, air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers) and other electrical equipment \uf0b7 Introduction of the obligation to take energy efficiency into account in public orders for electrical equipment and in the construction of public buildings (definition of specific specifications, adoption of interministerial decrees, etc.).", + "\uf0b7 Introduction of the obligation to take energy efficiency into account in public orders for electrical equipment and in the construction of public buildings (definition of specific specifications, adoption of inter-ministerial decrees, etc.). \uf0b7 Generalisation of measures for the installation in public administration buildings of automatic switching off of lighting and air conditioning in the absence of office users.", + "\uf0b7 Generalisation of measures to install automatic switching off of lighting and air conditioning in public administration buildings in the absence of office users. \uf0b7 Development of information and awareness-raising campaigns on the benefits of energy saving and on the performance of energy equipment with a view to inducing behavioural changes. \uf0b7 Development/extension of measures to promote public lighting by means of LEDs or solar lamps.", + "\uf0b7 Development/extension of actions to promote public lighting by LEDs or solar lamps. \uf0b7 Implementation of a programme to support the improvement of energy efficiency in the industrial and tertiary sector.", + "\uf0b7 Implementation of a programme to support the improvement of energy efficiency in the industrial and tertiary sector C/ COMMUNITY INITIATIVE PROJECTS (PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED FROM THE AVAILABLE PAPERS) Development plans of the Dassa-Zoum\u00e9 Communes Projects to promote measures to mitigate climate change at household level and to promote renewable energies and efficient and self-sufficient economic households in the Dassa-Zoum\u00e9 Commune Policies, strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CDN Project to partially supply the buildings of the Dassa-Zoum\u00e9 City Hall with solar energy (supplying part of the loads of the City Hall premises with solar PV on the roof) Pobe Commune Project to electrify 04 localities in the Pobe Commune (GBANA", + "Community of Pobe (GBANAGO, Onigbolo Village, Ot\u00e8kotan and Igbo-Ocho) by connecting to the existing HTA network offering greater resilience to the effects of climate change (promoting households\u2019 access to electric lighting) Community of Bant\u00e8 Solar power project for municipal offices Table 12: Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the CBD on mitigation in the forestry sector Policies, strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CBD A/ PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS IN PROGRESS OR PLANNED (1) SECTORAL POLICY, PROGRAMME AND PROJECT IN THE PORTFOLIO OF THE STATE Intensive reforestation of the national territory through incentive measures \uf0b7 Forestry implementation, maintenance and monitoring: a total of 20,000 ha of plantations and/or enrichment in classified", + "Forestry monitoring: a total of 800 ha of private, communal plantations expected \uf0b7 Forestry implementation, maintenance and monitoring: a total of 700 000 linear metres of alignment plantations in urban and peri-urban areas expected \uf0b7 Green spaces in cities: a total of 300 green spaces expected \uf0b7 Implementation of a forest monitoring and protection system against bush fires and transhumance PAGEFCOM 2: Community Forest Management Support Project, phase 2 \uf0b7 Improvement of forest cover: a total of 600 ha of forest plantations, 20 ha of school plantations and 20 ha of pine plantations expected.", + "\uf0b7 Promotion of non-linear forest products; \uf0b7 Development of the blue economy in forests; \uf0b7 Support for economic alternatives to forests; Forest Management and Riverains Lands Programme, additional phase; \uf0b7 Financing of alternative income-generating activities; \uf0b7 Protection and monitoring of old plantations; \uf0b7 Management of state plantations.", + "Strengthening the resilience of the energy sector to the impacts of climate change in Benin (PANA Energie) Introduction of sustainable land and forest management practices to strengthen the resilience of wood-energy production areas Promotion of sustainable production of biomass electricity in Benin.", + "Promotion of sustainable production of biomass electricity in Benin Adoption of best land-use practices, sustainable forest management (sustainable forest and land management through the restoration of land and forest plantations on 3000 ha, and the establishment of 2000 ha of plantations to provide biomass, improvement of agricultural techniques on more than 9000 ha through the adoption of best land-use practices).", + "Adoption of best land-use practices, sustainable forest management (sustainable management of forests and land through the restoration of 3,000 ha of land and forest plantations, and the establishment of 2,000 ha of plantations to provide biomass, improvement of agricultural techniques on more than 9,000 ha through the adoption of best land-use practices) Project Classified Forests Benin Creation of 15,000 ha of wood-energy plantation and 7,000 ha of teak plantations Realization of the National Forest Office \uf0b7 Reforestation of natural forests \uf0b7 Achievements of new forest plantations: on average about 500 to 600 ha per year Other activities of CFGB contributing to the National Reforestation Campaign \uf0b7 Planting of trees during the commemoration of the different Days celebrated \uf0b7 Other achievements of reforestation and forest plantations at the level of for", + "\uf0b7 Other reforestation and forest plantation achievements at forest inspection level (2) Low-carbon and climate-resilient development strategy (2016-2025): strengthening carbon sinks and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.", + "Strengthening carbon sinks and reducing emissions \uf0b7 Implementation of large-scale afforestation programmes \uf0b7 Implementation of the different components of the REDD+ programme emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.", + "\uf0b7 Development and implementation of plans for the sustainable management of forest ecosystems (3) National strategy for the management of wildfires in Benin Improved steering of the controlled management of wildfires \uf0b7 Implementation in forestry policy (controlled management of wildfires option) \uf0b7 Development of appropriate guidelines and plans for the controlled management of wildfires.", + "\uf0b7 Regulation of the use of fires in natural areas to be conserved, agricultural areas, pasture areas, forest areas, etc. as defined in the Community Development Plans (CDPs) \uf0b7 Development of cross-border and international partnerships to assist in the management of major fires.", + "(4) Integrated strategies for the promotion of private wood-energy production plantations in Benin Benin\u2019s spatial agenda Ensuring sustainable management of forest resources \uf0b7 Design and implementation of participatory development plans; \uf0b7 Restoration of degraded forest areas; \uf0b7 Establishment of a system for monitoring and protecting forest areas with modern tools; \uf0b7 Promotion of sustainable development of timber and wood-energy industries \uf0b7 Sustainability of conservation and protection initiatives \uf0b7 Design and implementation of a programme for the development of agricultural areas in connection with the preservation of natural areas B/ SECTORAL PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Restoration of degraded forests and creation of forest plantations \uf0b7 Large-scale reforestation programme with the aim of achieving 15,000 ha of forest plantations per year.", + "\uf0b7 Continue and intensify wood-energy substitution actions by promoting access for 275,000 new households to small-scale butane gas cooking equipment Strengthening protection and conservation actions Programme to strengthen the protection and conservation of natural forests and plantations (2021-2030).", + "Strengthening actions in the field of protection and conservation Programme for strengthening actions in the field of protection and conservation of natural forests and plantations (2021-2030) C/ PROJECTS ON THE COMMONS\u2019 INITIATIVE (PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED FROM THE AVAILABLE FICHES) Development plans of the communes of Pobe Community dynamics project providing greater resilience to the effects of change Community of Bantee Improvement of forest resources management project in the commune of Bantee Reduction of population pressure on classified forests Community of Bonou Protection and rehabilitation of ecological reserves (biodiversity) along the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 River Community of Pobe Community dynamics project providing greater resilience to the effects of change Community of Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8, Chaourou, Sav\u00e8 Creation of a green belt along the Okpara", + "Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8, Chaourou, Sav\u00e8 Creation of a green belt along the Okpara and Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 rivers in the communes of Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8, Chaourou, Sav\u00e8 on 3000 ha (1000 ha pilot phase) Dassa-Zoum\u00e8 commune Project to plant fast-growing forest species for energy wood production Table 13: Sectoral strategies for implementing adaptation objectives Sectors Strategies for implementing adaptation objectives A/ STRATEGIES AND PROGRAMMES AT SECTORAL LEVEL All sectors \uf0b7 National Strategy for the Implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) \uf0b7 National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPC) \uf0b7 National Development Plan (under development in the DMP) \uf0b7 Government Action Programme (GAP) \uf0b7 Strategy for Strengthening Human Resources, Learning and Skills Development to Address Climate Change", + "Development of the Agricultural Sector (2017-2025) \uf0b7 National Strategy for the Provision of Effective and Efficient Agro-meteorological Services for the Benefit of the Actors of the Agricultural Sector \uf0b7 Training Strategy for Farmers, Livestock Producers and Fishermen on Climate Change Adaptation Technologies and the Use of Agro-meteorological Information \uf0b7 Communication Strategy for the Enhancement of the Adaptation Capacity of Actors to Climate Change for Agricultural Production and Food Security in Benin \uf0b7 National Plan for Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutritional Security \uf0b7 Strategic Plan for the Development of Climate-Smart Agriculture (2018- Water Resources) \uf0b7 National Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Management (PANGIRE) \uf0b7 National Strategy for Rural Drinking Water Supply in Benin \uf0b7 National Strategy for Urban Drinking Water Supply in Benin \uf0b7 Scheme Director", + "Forestry \uf0b7 National Programme for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources \uf0b7 Capacity-building strategy on the management of vegetation fires for better adaptation to climate change \uf0b7 Strategic plan for the development of mangrove ecosystems \uf0b7 Strategic plan for the development of non-linear forest products Coastal \uf0b7 ACT No. 201 8-10 of 02 July 2018 on the protection, development and enhancement of the coastal zone in the Republic of Benin; \uf0b7 Report on the state of the marine environment in Benin \uf0b7 Establish and make operational the Monitoring Centre for Coastal Surveillance and Coastal Risk Control \uf0b7 Multisectoral plan for adaptation to coastal risks in the face of climate change in Benin Energy \uf0b7 Strategic plan for the development of the energy sector by 2025.", + "\uf0b7 National policy for the development of renewable energy in Benin - horizon 2035.", + "\uf0b7 National policy for the development of renewable energies in Benin -horizon 2035. Health \uf0b7 Cholera control plan 2017-2021 \uf0b7 National health policy (NPS 2018-2030) \uf0b7 National health development plan 2018-2022 \uf0b7 National Community health policy -horizon 2025 Tourism National tourism policy (NPT 2013-2025) Urban development and infrastructure \uf0b7 Improving the living environment \uf0b7 Controlling urbanisation \uf0b7 Reforestation of towns or agglomerations \uf0b7 Ensuring the preservation of road heritage and improving its management \uf0b7 Developing the national network of roads and tracks B/ PROJECTS FOR COMMUNITY INITIATIVE Sectors Strategies for implementing adaptation objectives (PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED FROM THE AVAILABLE FILES) Community development plans POBE Agriculture 1000 hectare development project for rice production and rice production in the commune of Pobe BOUKOMBE Agriculture ( Support", + "the production of rice and the cultivation of rice products in the municipality of Pobe BOUKOMBE Agriculture ( Project to support sustainable agriculture for food and nutritional security by promoting economically viable local industries.", + "KANDI Agriculture Project to support the development of marketable crops and strengthen the resilience of beet growers in the Alibori Communes (PADCMCA) KARIMAMA Agriculture Project to support the development of marketable crops and strengthen the resilience of marketable crops in the Karimama Commune (PADCMCK) KLOUEKANME Agriculture Project to improve the resilience of maize, kidney, tomato and pepper farming systems in the Klou\u00e9kanme Commune KARIMAMA Agriculture Project to support the development of marketable crops and strengthen the resilience of beet growers in the Karimama Commune (PADCMCK) MALANVILLE Agriculture Implementation of three (03) water reservoirs and five (05) fish ponds in the Malanville Commune MALANVILLE Agriculture Strengthening the", + "of Malanville KARIMAMA Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity of flood victims in the community of Karimama AGBANGNIZOUN Agriculture Identifying and promoting climate-resilient food crops and training producers on modern and climate-resilient cultivation techniques (CDP project) SAVE Agriculture Development and securing of agropastoral and fisheries areas OUAKE Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of market producers to rainfall irregularities in the community Adaptation of agricultural and construction systems to climate change OUAKE Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of rice and fish producers to rainfall irregularities ZAKPOTA Agriculture Integrated soil fertility management project and climate-resilience technology ADJA-OUERE Agriculture Construction of water reservoirs for rice producers in Hou\u00e9li gaba, Dag", + "Infrastructure Community Resilience to Climate Change Project OUAKE Urban Infrastructure Development and Construction Climate Change Adaptation of Housing Project PARAKOU Remediation Sewage Sludge Treatment and Solid Waste Management 5.2.", + "Framework for gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the CBD Updated This table 14 is integrated into the CBD to provide an overview of opportunities for gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the CBD, identifying appropriate levels of gender mainstreaming by sector and area of action, with some recommendations.", + "Indicators of gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the updated CCD Sectors Mitigation measures/adaptation projects Indicated level of gender mainstreaming Indicator of gender mainstreaming Recommendations for the implementation of the updated CCD Agriculture Implementation of sustainable land management techniques (improved farming techniques, maintenance of rice soil fertility with water control - Targeting of potential beneficiaries for the extension of agricultural techniques - Training of farmers - Different support for the application of sustainable land management techniques - Capacity building of small farmers - Choice of beneficiaries at the levels of the various adaptation projects listed - Technological development and agricultural advice - Access", + "Small farmers -Selection of beneficiaries at the levels of the various adaptation projects listed - Technological development and agricultural advice - Access to funding - Soil sustainability management Rate of women farmers taken into account Rate of women farmers who have benefited from technical and financial support measures \uf0b7 Ensure, as far as possible, the involvement of women farmers in the implementation of actions promoting sustainable land management techniques \uf0b7 Monitor and evaluate the rate of involvement of women Adaptation projects in the sector involving farmers and rural communities LULUCF \uf0b7 Protection and conservation of natural forests and plantations through reforestation.", + "\uf0b7 Development of agroforestry - targeting of beneficiaries for private plantations - Training of the project management team - Phase of identification of beneficiaries of the said programme Training of the project management team - Phase of identification of beneficiaries in adaptation projects of forest area actors - Number of projects and programmes for the protection and conservation of natural forests and plantations carried out by women - Rates of women involved in projects for the protection and conservation of natural forests Rates of women and men targeted for reforestation and who have benefited from technical and financial support measures - Ensure that women are involved in the protection and conservation of natural forests within the framework of programmes and projects developed for this purpose - Regularly monitor the development and implementation of reforestation projects in order to ascertain, as far as possible, the", + "Regular monitoring in the development and implementation of reforestation projects to ensure gender mainstreaming to the extent possible Forest sector adaptation projects involving the improvement of living conditions of riparian populations in forest areas and the upgrading of forest areas and Sectors Mitigation measures/adaptation projects Indicated level of gender mainstreaming Indicator of gender mainstreaming Recommendations for the implementation of the updated UNCCD on sound natural resource management.", + "ENERGY \uf0b7 Promotion of the economic use of wood-energy through access by households to improved households at subsidised prices \uf0b7 Promotion of access by new households to small cooking equipment using domestic gas (six kg bomb + nozzle) through the subsidy of 30 % of the acquisition cost or the establishment of a facility facilitating access to credit for small civil servants (guarantee fund) \uf0b7 Targeting of households for actions to sell improved households at subsidised prices \uf0b7 Targeting of households for actions to distribute cooking equipment using domestic gas at subsidised prices Rate of women who have benefited from improved households at subsidised prices Rate of women who have benefited from cooking equipment using domestic gas at subsidised prices Ensuring the availability of equipment in all areas targeted for distribution Ensuring that the distribution mechanism put in place", + "Ensure that the distribution mechanism put in place does not restrict women\u2019s access to equipment.", + "Other sectors (Water Resources, Coastal, Tourism, Health); \uf0b7 Adaptation projects involving the promotion of integrated management of water resources \uf0b7 Adaptation projects involving the protection and conservation of coastal areas \uf0b7 Adaptation projects involving populations with health conditions vulnerable to climate change Targeting of beneficiaries of project activities Rates of women included in project implementation Rates of women who have benefited from technical and financial support measures to adapt to climate constraints - Gender mainstreaming in all adaptation projects and programmes included in the implementation account of the CND - Strengthening adaptation project or programme teams for gender mainstreaming in the establishment and implementation phase.", + "adaptation programmes for gender mainstreaming in the implementation and implementation phase. 5.3.", + "Institutional framework for the implementation of the updated National Determined Contribution (NDC) The implementation of Benin\u2019s updated National Determined Contribution (NDC) is carried out under the auspices of the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD) as the national focal point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).", + "The main actors involved include in particular: \uf0b7 relevant ministries and sectoral institutions; \uf0b7 local authorities; \uf0b7 the private sector; \uf0b7 civil society. The bodies implementing this instrument are: \uf0b7 The Steering Committee, the supreme decision-making and policy-making body. It is composed of designated representatives of the relevant ministries. \uf0b7 The National Coordination Unit of the CND, which is the umbrella body for all actions.", + "\uf0b7 The National Coordination Unit of the CND, which is the umbrella body for all actions and comprises the Director General in charge of Climate Change (DGEC), the National Coordinator, the Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Focal Point for Transfer of Climate Technology, a Executive Secretary, and two technical assistants to the National Coordinator.", + "It comprises the Director General for Climate Change (DGEC), the National Coordinator, the Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Focal Point for the Transfer of Climate Technology, a Executive Secretary; two technical assistants to the National Coordinator. \uf0b7 Sectoral implementation coordination within the ministries, institutions, agencies and other structures covered by the measures/actions selected in the updated NCD.", + "\uf0b7 Sectoral implementation coordination within the ministries, institutions, agencies and other structures covered by the measures/actions selected in the updated NCD, comprising those responsible for programming and foresight at the ministerial level, those responsible for monitoring and evaluating projects, the Climate Change Focal Point of the National Association of Communes of Benin, and those responsible for climate change issues at the level of civil society and non-governmental organisations.", + "They are made up of those responsible for programming and foresight at the ministerial level, those responsible for monitoring and evaluating projects, the Climate Change Focal Point of the Benin National Association of Municipalities, and those responsible for climate change issues at the grassroots level of civil society and non-governmental organisations. \uf0b7 Community coordination, the body responsible for overseeing the CND at the community/local level.", + "\uf0b7 Community coordination, the body responsible for overseeing the CND at the community/local level. Furthermore, the implementation of the projects and programmes identified at the level of the different sectors covered by the CND is the responsibility of the relevant ministries, institutions or sectoral entities. The necessary guidance and facilities will be provided by the MCVDD to support sectoral structures, as appropriate, in the preparation of funding applications or any other initiatives through existing mechanisms.", + "The MCVDD will provide the necessary guidance and facilities to support sectoral structures, as appropriate, in the preparation of funding research dossiers or any other initiatives through existing mechanisms. The MCVDD will also ensure accountability of the Measurement, Notification and Verification (MNV) system for the implementation of the CBD, institutional capacity building in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.", + "The MCVDD will also be responsible for the MNV (Measurement, Notification and Verification) system for the implementation of the CBD, institutional capacity building in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.", + "The organizational structure for the implementation of the updated CND is shown in Figure 6 below. Figure 6: Framework for the institutional arrangement for the implementation of the CND PILOTAGE COMMITTEE (MCVDD, MPD, MEF, MAEP, ME, MIT and Civil Society) National Coordination Unit (DGEC, Coordinator-CDN, PF-CCNUCC, PF-TT, Coordinator-Systems MNV climatic, 2 Technical Assistants) Consultative bodies CNCCC Ministries Sectoral Coordination Sectoral Coordination Community Focal Point Prefecture Focal Point Sectoral Focal Points (MAEP, MCVDD, ME, MEM, MIT, TOURISM, MDGL) Community Focal Points (ANCB, COMMUNES, CIVILE SOCIETE) Institutions Partners \uf0b7 PTF \uf0b7 Universities \uf0b7 Research Institute", + "METHODS OF IMPLEMENTATION The plan of implementation under the updated Benin NCD is presented in Annex 3. The implementation of these activities requires financial, technological and capacity-building resources. 6.1.", + "The implementation of these activities requires financial, technological and capacity-building resources. 6.1. Technology Transfer Requirements The technology transfer needs expressed for the Adaptation and Mitigation Component stem mainly from the assessments carried out in the context of the Third National Communication (MCVDD, 2019) on Climate Change (October 2019) and the report on Priority Technologies for Adaptation, prepared under the Technology Needs Assessment Project- Technological Action Plan (TNA-Adaptation, 2020 & TNA_Attenuation, 2020). They cover the agriculture and water resources sectors for the Adaptation Component on the one hand and the agriculture, forestry and energy sectors for the Mitigation Component (see Tables 15 and 16).", + "adaptation sector Priority technologies for adaptation by sector Objectives Benefits Agriculture Development and extension of technical routes adapted to the new climatic constraints in the agro-ecological zone 5 \uf0b7 Reduce vulnerability or improve resilience to long recurring dry sequences in the area \uf0b7 Sustainably increase agricultural yield to ensure food and nutrition security \uf0b7 Improve the performance of crop systems to combat food insecurity on a sustainable basis Fight against food insecurity and, in turn, poverty by creating the conditions for improving farmers\u2019 incomes and living conditions.", + "Planting (Mulching) \uf0b7 Reduce evaporative water losses \uf0b7 Protect soil from wind and water erosion \uf0b7 Provide nutrients for crops Protect soil from wind and water erosion. \u2022 Improve infiltration of rain and irrigation water by maintaining good soil structure. \u2022 Keep soil moist by reducing evaporation. \u2022 Feed and protect soil organisms.", + "\u2022 Keep soil moist by reducing evaporation. \u2022 Feed and protect soil organisms. Plant mulch is an excellent source of carbon for soil organisms and provides conditions for their growth. \u2022 Block the growth of adventitious plants. \u2022 Avoid soil warming. \u2022 Provide nutrients for crops. \u2022 Increase soil organic matter.", + "Integrated management of agropastoral agriculture and livestock \uf0b7 Increase agricultural and animal productivity \uf0b7 Ensure food self-sufficiency of populations \uf0b7 Increase soil fertility \uf0b7 Improve long-term crop productivity Create an enabling environment for managing bush fires, conserving biological diversity (microbial fauna in the soil), reducing the use of agricultural inputs; increasing farmers\u2019 purchasing power, strengthening the social fabric between farmers and livestock farmers.", + "Sector Priority technologies for adaptation by sector Objectives Benefits Water resources Development of small watersheds to improve food and nutritional security for vulnerable populations \uf0b7 Combat flooding in agricultural perimeter of rivers and water bodies \uf0b7 Ensure availability of water for agricultural purposes Implement actions for sustainable use of water resources \uf0b7 Proposals for soil fertility regeneration \uf0b7 Improve or stabilise annual water flows \uf0b7 Optimum management of hydrological risks (water tables, floods, etc.) \uf0b7 Improved water management \uf0b7 Diversification of agricultural production Integrated management of rice bottoms \uf0b7 Improve agricultural land productivity and efficiency of rational water use in rural communities \uf0b7 Sustainably increase rice production capacity \uf0b7 Promote sustainable intensification of rice production systems by introducing", + "\uf0b7 Promote the sustainable intensification of rice production systems through the introduction of innovative practices in crop systems \uf0b7 Contribute to the development of a sustainable system for the production and distribution of quality rice seeds of improved varieties Achieve socially acceptable and economically viable crop systems in rice perimeter areas with a view to contributing to the achievement of food security Advantages related to the promotion of this technology: hydro-agricultural management for water control; diversification of agricultural activities rice fish farming to increase yields and incomes; development of a dynamic process of consultation and participation of local actors organised and mobilised around water management; development of concerted actions for innovations and land solutions; increase in agricultural production; rainwater management; etc.", + "Multi-purpose drilling \uf0b7 Ensuring the availability of drinking water on a continuous and sustainable basis \uf0b7 Ensuring the quality of drinking water on a permanent basis \uf0b7 Ensuring the supply of drinking water to peri-urban areas \uf0b7 Improving access to rural water supply services \uf0b7 Ensuring access to drinking water for the entire rural and semi-urban population Reducing the suffering of the population due to lack of water, especially during the dry season Multi-purpose drilling has advantages such as: rational water management; reduction of water-borne diseases and morbidity, mainly in children; reduction of water shortages; increase in per capita water availability; development of income-generating activities; creation of jobs; improvement in the school enrolment rate, mainly for girls, especially in rural areas.", + "Income-generating activities; Job creation; Improvement of the school enrolment rate, especially for young girls in rural areas.", + "It should be noted that technology transfer requirements for other sectors may be subject to future assessments and will be included in future editions. Table 16: Technology Transfer Requirements Mitigation Component Sector Priority Adaptation Technologies by Sector Objectives Benefits Agriculture Integrated Soil Fertility Management \uf0b7 Implement fertility maintenance technologies annually Organic SFM techniques require less cash flow than the use of mineral fertilizers.", + "Table 16: Technology Transfer Requirements Mitigation Component Sector Priority Adaptation Technologies by Sector Objectives Benefits Agriculture Integrated Soil Fertility Management \uf0b7 Implement fertility maintenance techniques annually Organic SFM techniques require less cash flow than the use of mineral fertilizers and can therefore be more easily applied to poor households.", + "FMI technologies Sector Priority technologies for adaptation by sector Objectives Land benefits over an area are agricultural practices/activities that must be carried out each year/season, etc. Agricultural yields can increase with the implementation of FMI technologies. Yield increases can range from 50% to 100%. Similarly, this technology will reduce GHG emissions in the agricultural sector. Manure production and use technology.", + "Similarly, this technology will reduce GHG emissions in the agricultural sector. Manure Production and Use Technology. Promoting Manure Technology and Use by Agricultural Operators This technology will reduce N2O emissions from chemical fertilizer on agricultural soils. GHG emissions from pressure on forests in search of new fertile land will also be reduced.", + "GHG emissions from pressure on forests for the purpose of seeking new fertile land will also be reduced. Forestry Forest land reforestation Increase the carbon sequestration capacity of the country's forest ecosystems by establishing 15,000 ha of forest plantations per year over the period 2021 to 2030. Soils in reforested areas will be protected. Vegetation cover improves the microclimate and hence the environment. Reduced degradation of forest cover.", + "Plant cover improves the microclimate and hence the environment. Reduced forest cover degradation. Increased carbon sequestration through rapid reforestation. Small gas-fired cooking appliances Promote access to at least 275,000 new households with small gas-fired cooking appliances between 2021 and 2030 Control of wood-energy demand. Preservation of forest heritage and its capacity to absorb CO2.", + "Preservation of the forest heritage and its capacity to absorb CO2 Energy Effective refrigerators and air conditioners Promote the acquisition of 300,000 refrigerators by 2030 in households and service sector establishments and Contributes to the efficiency of electricity consumption, the control of electricity demand and thus the reduction of GHG emissions Solar PV lamps for public lighting Promote solar energy in public lighting Photovoltaic solar is a clean energy without direct GHG emissions.", + "Solar public lighting PV lamps Promote solar energy in public lighting Photovoltaic solar is a clean energy without direct GHG emissions River-lake transport buses and associated infrastructure (boats/landing platforms); Establish a river-lake transport service on the Calavi \u2013 Cotonou and Porto Novo \u2013 Cotonou routes with the aim of diverting at least 30% of current road traffic in the same directions.", + "In order to achieve this objective, a fleet of 20 buses with at least 217 seats each will have to be set up.", + "Achieving this objective will require the deployment of a fleet of 20 bus vessels with at least 217 seats each. A reduction in specific fuel oil consumption per person and per km of about 6-7 times compared to small diesel vehicles. As well as a reduction in fuel consumption at sectoral level compared to individual or small group transport. Consequently, a proportionate reduction in specific CO2 emissions.", + "Consequently, a proportional reduction in specific CO2 emissions. A reduction in fuel consumption Light-duty diesel-electric trains for long-distance transport and Ouidah-Cotonou- Porto Novo rail network rehabilitation Promote a high-speed long-distance transport service by light-duty diesel-electric trains on the Ouidah-Pahou-Godomey-Cotonou and Porto Novo-Cotonou routes. Achieving this objective will require the installation of a transport fleet of at least 4 trains, each consisting of a pair of two locomotives and 8 passenger cars.", + "Achieving this objective will require the deployment of a transport fleet of at least 4 trains, each consisting of a two-engine train and 8 passenger cars. A considerable reduction in fuel consumption in the transport sector compared to transport by small four-wheeled vehicles. Consequently, a proportionate reduction in specific CO2 emissions. Reduction of local air pollution in Cotonou 6.2.", + "Reduction of local air pollution in Cotonou 6.2. Capacity building Capacity building will consist of skills development and institutional capacity building (Table 17). Table 17: Capacity building needs Priority sectors/areas Capacity building needs Climate observation and monitoring system Establishment of a reliable climate observation and monitoring system for the entire climate system, including the Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric components. Strengthening of air pollution measurement stations.", + "Priority Sectors/Areas Capacity Building Requirements Climate Monitoring and Surveillance System Establishment of a reliable climate monitoring and surveillance system covering the entire climate system, including the Earth, Ocean and Atmosphere components. Strengthening of air pollution measurement stations. Establishment of capabilities for monitoring and predicting atmospheric fluctuations and changes, early warning systems and assessment of socio-economic, environmental impacts, etc. Institutional Framework Strengthening of existing structures operating in the field of protection of the atmosphere, land and oceans.", + "Establishment of capacities for monitoring and predicting atmospheric fluctuations and changes, early warning systems and assessment of socio-economic, environmental impacts, etc. Institutional framework Strengthening of existing structures operating in the area of protection of the atmosphere, land and oceans. Establishment or strengthening of structures dealing with adaptation issues. Establishment or strengthening of structures dealing with mitigation issues.", + "Establishment or strengthening of structures dealing with mitigation issues. Definition of national climate plans and strengthening of the integration of climate change into development programmes/strategy Agriculture Integration of climate change issues into agricultural development policies, plans and programmes. Training of rural development actors (managers, technicians, producers, local authorities) on the issue of climate-agriculture relations.", + "Training of rural development actors (managers, technicians, producers, local authorities) on the problems of climate-agriculture relations. Support for the adoption of improved technologies for sustainable land management Use of agro-climate models (capacity building in agro-climate risk modelling, familiarisation with DSSAT, SARRAH, etc.). Dissemination of local knowledge on agro-climate risk management or crises. Monitoring and evaluation of agricultural and hydro-agricultural development projects.", + "Promotion of local knowledge in the management of agro-climatic risks or crises. Monitoring and evaluation of agricultural and hydro-agricultural development projects. Training of managers and producers on the production system of major food crops integrating techniques for integrated fertility management and soil moisture conservation Energy Promotion and improvement of access to renewable energy sources in order to safeguard forest resources and reduce the vulnerability of populations to the effects of climate change.", + "Training for managers and producers on the production system of major food crops incorporating techniques for integrated fertility management and soil moisture conservation Energy Promotion and improvement of access to renewable energy sources in order to safeguard forest resources and reduce the vulnerability of populations to the effects of climate change Support for the organisation of the development of markets for high-performance cooking equipment (improved fireplaces, gas cooking equipment).", + "Support for the organisation of the development of markets for high-performance cooking equipment (improved fireplaces, gas cooking equipment). Training of public and private actors and users on renewable energy systems. Capacity building on energy saving initiatives and measures in various sectors (domestic, industry, services). Adoption of labels and standards for efficient lamps and household appliances.", + "Introduction of labels and standards for efficient lamps and household appliances Implementation of energy performance standards for improved households (This action is carried out by the Energy Services Improvement Project (PASE) at ERD) Implementation of regulations and measures to promote a market for low-energy refrigerators using non-CFC hydrocarbons.", + "Implementation of energy performance standards for improved households (This action is carried out by the Energy Services Improvement Project (PASE) at DGRE) Implementation of regulations and measures to promote a market for low-energy refrigerators using non-CFC hydrocarbons (DGRE/MCA Benin 2) Implementation of a survey on the penetration rates of improved households, gas cooking equipment, refrigerators, air conditioners, low-energy lamps, and energy consumption in households (all over the country) Implementation of a survey of fuel consumption by vehicle category and by use Water resources Strengthening of the capacities of the decentralised services of the Directorate-General for Water to predict risks and manage hydro-climatic crises.", + "(DGRE/MCA Benin 2) Conducted a survey on the penetration rates of improved households, gas cooking equipment, refrigerators, air conditioners, low energy lamps, and energy consumption in households (countrywide) Conducted a survey of fuel consumption by vehicle category and by use Water resources Strengthened the capacities of the decentralised services of the Directorate General for Water to anticipate risks and manage hydro-climatic crises Strengthened the capacity to integrate climate change issues into water resources management policies.", + "Capacity-building in the integration of climate change issues into water resources management policies. Training of technical frameworks in the area of vulnerability of water systems to climate change and on the methodology for studying the vulnerability of water resources to climate change. Development of integrated water resources management projects in the context of climate change.", + "Development of integrated water resources management projects in the context of climate change. Priority sectors/areas Capacity building needs Hydro-climate modelling (watershed hydrological functioning, aquifer hydrogeological functioning, salt intrusion processes in coastal catchment areas). Forestry/ Biodiversity Establishment of climate change units in their relationship to biodiversity. Consideration of climate change issues in the management of biological resources.", + "Taking into account the problems of climate change in the management of biological resources. Training of stakeholders (decision makers, technicians, farmers, local authorities) in the development of integrated projects for the conservation of biological resources in a changed climate and in the methodology of ex situ and in situ conservation.", + "Enhancement of local knowledge on the management of biological resources. Implementation of information and alert systems on the adverse effects of climate change on biodiversity. Enhancement of traditional knowledge on the climate-biodiversity relationship. Development and dissemination in local languages of laws and regulations on biodiversity management. Enhancement of traditional knowledge on biodiversity for the strengthening of carbon sinks.", + "Human settlements Integrating climate change issues into policy, strategic plans, programmes and development projects Training and informing stakeholders (policy makers, health workers, populations, local authorities) on the adverse effects of climate change Protection of socio-economic systems from degradation of the coastal environment and sea level rise", + "Training and information of stakeholders (decision makers, health workers, populations, local authorities) on the adverse effects of climate change Protection of socio-economic systems against degradation of the coastal environment and sea level rise Capacity building at different levels to interpret and communicate relevant climate information and to advise local communities.", + "Capacity-building at various levels to interpret and communicate relevant climate information and to advise local communities. Institutional and technical capacity-building of government, civil society organizations and communities to assess local risks and vulnerabilities and formulate climate-sensitive development plans and policies. Promotion of practical adaptation solutions to climate variability and future risks of climate change.", + "Promotion of practical adaptation solutions to climate variability and future risks of climate change. Promotion of the strengthening and sharing of knowledge on climate change through awareness raising, risk management and gender-sensitive policy development. Health Training of health pyramid players on climate change and its impacts on health. Establishment of a monitoring and information system on the impact of climate change on health.", + "Establishment of a monitoring and information system on the impact of climate change on health Tourism Strengthening of technical expertise in assessing vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the tourism sector Establishment of an alert, monitoring and information unit on the impact of climate change in the tourism sector Communication around the NCCs - Strengthening of the management, monitoring and outreach team of the NCC actions/activities - Strengthening of the capacity to monitor and evaluate adaptation activities in the different sectors.", + "Tourism Strengthening of technical expertise in assessing vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the tourism sector Establishment of an alert, monitoring and information unit on the impact of climate change in the tourism sector Communication around the NDCs - Strengthening of the management, monitoring and outreach team of the NDC actions/activities - Strengthening of the capacity to monitor and evaluate adaptation activities in the different sectors - Training of the media on the issues, challenges and opportunities of the NDCs.", + "- Training of the media on the issues, challenges and opportunities of the NDCs. - Establishment of a regular dialogue framework for monitoring the implementation of the NDC. National resources (public funds and private investment) will be complemented by external financial support (bilateral or multilateral).", + "National resources (public funds and private investment) will be complemented by external financial support (bilateral or multilateral). The total estimated cost of implementing the plans, programmes and projects listed under Benin\u2019s updated NCD amounts to US$ 10515.88 million, of which US$ 5661.89 million is unconditional and US$ 4853.99 million is conditional (Annexes 1 and 2).", + "The total estimated cost for the implementation of the plans, programmes and projects included in the Benin Updated NCD is US$ 10515.88 million, of which US$ 5661.89 million is unconditional and US$ 4853.99 million is conditional (Annexes 1 and 2). Of this total, the total cost for local community projects included in the implementation of the Updated NCD is estimated at US$ 162.94 million, with an unconditional share of US$ 14.39 million and a conditional share of US$ 148.55 million (Annex 3).", + "Of this total, the total cost of local community projects included in the updated CDN implementation is estimated at US$ 162.94 million with an unconditional share of US$ 14.39 million and a conditional share of US$ 148.55 million (Annex 3). This estimate is based on the country\u2019s current experiences in implementing climate change mitigation and adaptation projects.", + "This estimate is based on the country\u2019s current experiences in implementing climate change mitigation and adaptation projects. In order to measure the progress made in implementing these activities, a Measurement, Notification and Verification (MNV) system will be set up at the MCVDD in relation to the other ministries and municipalities involved in the CND.", + "In order to measure the progress made in the implementation of these activities, a Measurement, Notification and Verification (MNV) system will be set up at the MCVDD in relation to the other ministries and communes involved in the CND. Conditions for the success of the implementation of the CND The success of the implementation of the CND will depend on the following conditions: \uf0b7 The effective and timely mobilisation of national resources and the assistance expected from the international community.", + "Conditions for the success of the implementation of the CBD The success of the implementation of the CBD will depend on the following conditions: \uf0b7 The effective and timely mobilisation of national resources and the assistance expected from the international community Difficulties in mobilising sufficient resources could hamper the implementation of projects. \uf0b7 The capacity of relevant public structures to manage large-scale programmes effectively.", + "\uf0b7 The capacity of the relevant public structures to effectively manage large-scale programmes To prevent any difficulties that may arise from the lack of capacity of these structures, a good sectoral diagnosis of staffing needs for timely implementation of projects will be required as part of the development of the institutional capacity-building programme under the NDC.", + "In order to prevent any difficulties that may arise from the lack of capacity of these structures, a good diagnosis of the staffing needs for the timely implementation of projects will have to be made at sectoral level, as part of the elaboration of the institutional capacity-building programme provided for in the CND. \uf0b7 The effectiveness of the establishment of regulatory texts and the control of the national market for imported electrical and household appliances and the success of energy efficiency promotion operations.", + "\uf0b7 The effectiveness of regulatory legislation and control of the domestic market for imported electrical and household appliances and the success of energy efficiency promotion operations. \uf0b7 The ability of the agricultural sector to effectively promote improved farming techniques on the planned areas. \uf0b7 The effectiveness of technology transfer as well as the success of research and development at national level.", + "\uf0b7 The effectiveness of technology transfer as well as the success of research and development work at national level. \uf0b7 The rigorous follow-up of an updated NCD implementation master plan at the level of the Coordination Team on the one hand and in all relevant sectoral ministries on the other. LIBRARY \uf0b7 Benin (2016). Government Action Programme 2016-2021. Portfolio of projects by sector. Presidency of the Republic of Benin. Cotonou. 46p. \uf0b7 DG-Water (2013).", + "Chairmanship of the Republic of Benin. Cotonou. 46 p. \uf0b7 DG-Water (2013). Implementation of the Scheme for the Director of Water Management and Management of the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 Basin. DG-Water Cotonou 194 p. \uf0b7 DG-Water (2015). Determination of thresholds and alert levels for risks of sea-level rise and coastal erosion in Benin. Report, 182 p. \uf0b7 DGEFC (2018). Annual Activity Report 2017. MCVDD, Cotonou, 93 p. \uf0b7 DGEFC (2019).", + "Annual Activity Report 2017. MCVDD, Cotonou, 93 p. \uf0b7 DGEFC (2019). Procedural framework for reducing the potential negative social impacts of restricting access to classified forests. Project Classified Forests of Benin. DGEFC/MCVDD, Cotonou. 118 p. \uf0b7 DGFRN (2014). National strategy and action plan for the valorisation of priority non-wood forest products (NPFP) in Benin: the case of wild fruit trees. Project to support the promotion of non-wood forest products (NPFP-NPFP). MECGCCRPRNF, Cotonou, Benin. 143 p. \uf0b7 DGFRN (2016).", + "Support for the Promotion of Non- ligneous Forest Products (NPFP-PFNL) Project. MECGCCRPRNF, Cotonou, Benin. 143 p. \uf0b7 DGFRN (2016). Forest Statistics Yearbook 2014-2015. MCVDD, Cotonou, 76 p. \uf0b7 FAO (2010). Global Forest Resources Assessment. 2010. Benin National Report. FAO, Rome, 85 p. \uf0b7 IPCC (2014): Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change \uf0b7 IPCC (2006).", + "Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change \uf0b7 IPCC (2006). 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. \uf0b7 IPCC (2013). Summary for Policymakers, Climate Change 2013: The Science. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [edited by Stocker, T.F.]", + "Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [led by Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S. K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, United States of America, 34 pp. \uf0b7 IPCC (2014). Climate Change 2014:", + "Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability \u2013 A Summary for Policymakers. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [led by Field, C.B., V.R. Barros, D.J. Dokken, K.J. Mach, M.D. Mastrandrea, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K.L. Ebi, Y.O. Estrada, R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N. Levy, S. MacCracken, P.R. Mastrandrea and L.L. White]. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 34 p. \uf0b7 INRAB (2017).", + "World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 34 p. \uf0b7 INRAB (2017). Compendium of Promising Agricultural Technologies Developed by the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) from 1996 to 2015. INRAB/MAEP Cotonou. \uf0b7 INSAE (2015). Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2014 Key Findings Report. UNICEF, Cotonou, 22 p. \uf0b7 INSAE (2015). RGPH4:", + "RGPH4: what to retain population in 2013, INSAE, Cotonou \uf0b7 MAEP (2017): Strategic Plan for Agricultural Development (PSDSA)-Strategic Direction 2025. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017a): Preparation of the first National Determined Contribution (NDC) of Benin under the Paris Agreement on Climate. Report on the \"adaptation component\", 37 p. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017b). The National Spatial Planning Scheme for the Territory of Benin. MCVDD, Cotonou. 175 p. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017c).", + "The National Spatial Agenda of Benin. MCVDD, Cotonou. 175 p. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017c). First Determined Contribution at the National (CDN) level of Benin under the Paris Climate Agreement. 4 p.3 \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017a). Preparation of the first Determined Contribution at the National (CDN) level of Benin under the Paris Agreement. Report on the \"ADAPTATION Component\", Cotonou, 37 p. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017c).", + "Report on the \"ADAPTATION Component\", Cotonou, 37 p. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017c). First Benin National Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement.Tmoc 43 p. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2020). Report on the state of implementation of the first Benin National Determined Contribution (NDC). \uf0b7 MCVDD, (2019). Third Benin National Communication on Climate Change. \uf0b7 United Nations (2015). Paris Agreement, 40 p.", + "Third Benin National Communication on Climate Change. \uf0b7 United Nations (2015). Paris Agreement, 40 p. ANNEXES Annex 1: Summary of mitigation measures under nationally determined planned contributions Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in (US$ millions) Conditional * Cost in (US$ millions) Total cost in (US$ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation AGRICULTURE SECTOR Promote improved crop techniques in crop production.", + "Summary of Mitigation Measures for Nationally Determined Planned Contributions Objectives of the Proposed Measure Quantified Objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total Cost in ($ millions) Institutions Responsible for Implementation AGRICULTURE SECTOR Promote improved crop technologies for crop production Implement improved crop technologies on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030.", + "Implementation of improved cropping techniques on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030. MAEP Promote soil fertility management techniques in the context of crop production. Implementation of soil fertility maintenance techniques on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030. MAEP Promote hydro- agricultural developments.", + "Implementation of soil fertility maintenance techniques on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030. MAEP Promote hydro-agricultural development. Development and irrigation of rice perimeter with water control of 52,000 ha compared to the level reached in 2020 MAEP ENERGY SECTOR Develop electricity production from gas and renewable energy sources.", + "Development and irrigation of rice perimeter with water control of 52.000 ha compared to the level reached in 2020 MAEP ENERGY SECTOR To develop the production of electricity from gas and renewable energy sources Construction of a floating re-gasification terminal for Liquefied Natural Gas (TFRG) in the port of Cotonou (total power of the plants to be supplied: 500 MW).", + "Construction of a floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification terminal in the port of Cotonou (total generating capacity: 500 MW) Private investment 60% Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for the implementation Natural gas operation of the installed thermal generation capacity.", + "Private Investment 60% Objectives of the Proposed Action Quantified Objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total Cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Natural gas exploitation of installed thermal generation capacity 36% of the total bi-fuel capacity in 2030 that can be exploited with natural gas and 64% with oil if the re-gasification terminal project is not completed.", + "36% of the total bi-fuel capacity in 2030 that can be exploited with natural gas and 64% with fuel oil if the regasification terminal project is not implemented. 100% of the capacity if the regasification unit is constructed. ME/SBEE Developing renewable energies (construction of hydroelectric power plants: Dogo bis (128 MW and 337 GWh/year); Vossa (60,2 MW and 188,2 GWh/year), and Beirut (18,8 MW and 57 GWh/year).", + "ME/SBEE Development of renewable energies (construction of hydroelectric power plants: Dogo bis (128 MW and 337 GWh/year); Vossa (60,2 MW and 188,2 GWh/year), and Beiteru (18,8 MW and 57 GWh/year). Installation of solar PV farms with a total capacity of 112 MWc (DEFISSOL 25 MW, MCA II 50 MW, 25 MW additional and other), structuring of a fuel biomass pipeline 15 MW, promotion of sustainable production of biomass-electricity) Hydropower plants (electrical and other infrastructure, investments) + Solar 87 MW (DEFISSOL, MCA II and other) + Structuration of a biomass pipeline 4 MW + promotion of biomass-electricity investments.", + "Implementation of solar PV farms with a total capacity of 112 MWc (DEFISSOL 25 MW, MCA II 50 MW, 25 MW additional and other), structuring of a fuel biomass pipeline 15 MW, promotion of sustainable production of biomass-electricity) Hydro power stations (electrical and other infrastructure, investments) + Solar 87 MW (DEFISSOL, MCA II and other) + Structuration of a biomass pipeline 4 MW + promotion of biomass-electricity investments Hydro power stations (total civil engineering, investments) + Solar 25 MW + Biomass 11 MW + promotion of biomass- ME/SBEE Implementation of the UNDP New Green Pact Programme to support Benin in the development of renewable energies and the strengthening of the resilience of the energy mix in Benin to climate change ME(SBEE) Climate energy issues are integrated", + "2 Energy Climate: Adaptation and Mitigation Measures in the Ruhr Areas) Common Expand household access to electric lighting as a substitute for kerosene lighting.", + "(Network Connection Component) Electrification of localities by network connection Electrification of 481 new localities through various ongoing or beginning projects (PRERA, PROVES, PAELRB, PERU) (22.63%) Electrification of localities (proposed PROSPER2E and PIERL programmes).", + "Me (SBEE and ABERME) Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in (US$ millions) Conditional * Cost in (US$ millions) Total cost in (US$ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Projects for restructuring, strengthening and extending HTA and BT networks and connecting urban and peri-urban areas Strengthening and extending networks through various ongoing or beginning projects (PRESDERI, PADSBEE-BADEA/FSD, FORSUN, PADSBEE-VINCI, PEDER, PROMER, RERE, Ligne KANDI-BANIKOARA) Me (SBEE) Promoting access to electricity for about 1028,000 new households and abandoning kerosene lighting in the localities that will be connected to the networks of the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 B\u00e9ninoise d\u2019Energie Electrique (", + "342.000 household connection kits, i.e. 33% of households Acquisition of 686.000 household connection kits to conventional networks (planned for the period 2024- ME (SBEE) Continue and strengthen energy efficiency measures in all sectors.", + "Promotion of the use of low-energy electric lamps (public lighting) Rehabilitation of conventional lamps (250W) and replacement of lamps with LEDs (100W) Installation of new conventional lamps with 100W LEDs instead of 250W between 2021-2030 (Me (ABERME) Promotion of low-energy LED lamps in households (3,000,000 lamps in 1,000,000 households (project in preparation for ERD) ME (ERD and SBEE) Promotion of solar public lighting PV (total 53,593 solar lamps of which 23,243 already installed at the end of 2020 and 30,500 new lamps to be installed for a total power of 4837 KW Installation of lamps at the end of 2020.", + "Rehabilitation between 2021 and defective (i.e. 21.7%) 30,350 new solar lamps.", + "(or 21.7%) 30,350 new solar lamps. (or 78.3%) ME (ABERME) PV solar panels on the roofs of administrative buildings (07 health centres and colleges, 2 community service sites, 55 administrative buildings) 07 health centres and colleges, 2 community service sites Community sites Headquarters administrative buildings ME (ABERME) Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Promotion of the use of low energy electric lamps in public utilities 37.221 LED lamps in administration ME (ABERME) Promote low energy wood-energy technologies Promotion of the economical use of wood-energy by providing access to improved homes for 809.043 new households. 270.043 new households. 53", + "MCVDD (DGEFC) and (ME (DGRE) Promote the partial substitution of wood-energy consumption by butane gas Promote the access of 275,000 new households to cooking equipment using domestic gas: by subsidising the cost of acquiring the small 6 kg bottled equipment + burner for 100,000 new households. 175,000 new households.", + "MCVDD (DGEFC) and (ME (DGRE) Subsidy for domestic gas consumption up to 150 CFA francs/kg in the first year and decreasing by 15% each year to a minimum of 57 CFA francs/kg. 100.000 new households. 175.000 new households.", + "MCVDD (DGEFC) and (ME (DGRE) Extending household access to electric lighting as a substitute for kerosene lighting (off-grid electric system component) Promoting the extension of household and utility access to off-grid electric lighting by individual kits (13,249 households by 2024 and 100,000 new households between 2025-2030) 13,249 households by 2024.", + "And at least 20,000 more households between 2025 - additional between 2025- ME (ABERME) Promotion of the extension of access to off-grid electric lighting for social and community infrastructures (46 health centres and 26 police stations equipped in 2019 for a total power of 200 KWc) 46 health centres and 26 police stations (100%) ME (ABERME) Development of rural electrification by solar photovoltaic micro-centrals (239 localities + 22 localities) 202 localities including the 22 localities of the municipal projects.", + "(100%) ME (ABERME) Development of rural electrification by solar photovoltaic micro-power plants (239 localities + 22 localities) 202 localities including 22 localities of municipal projects. (84.5%) 37 rural localities. (100%) ME (ABERME) Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in (US$ millions) Conditional * Cost in (US$ millions) Total cost in (US$ millions) Institutions responsible for implementing efficient air conditioners in households through a subsidized acquisition mechanism.", + "(Or ME (ABERME) Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in (US$ millions) Conditional * Cost in (US$ millions) Total cost in (US$ millions) Institutions responsible for the implementation of efficient air conditioners in households through a subsidised acquisition mechanism. 000 efficient air conditioners ME (DGRE) Promotion of energy efficiency in the transport sector Development of road infrastructure Projects: \u00b7 North-East Cotonou bypass (40km) \u00b7 Fisheries Road Phase II.", + "Projects: \u00b7 North-East Cotonou bypass road (40km) \u00b7 Fisheries road phase II. Motorway between S\u00e8m\u00e8 Kpodji and Porto Novo. Further development of urban waterways in Cotonou, Abomey-Calavi, Porto Novo and Parakou. 100% (public powers private partners) MIT (DTT) Development of river-lake transport (establishment of a lagoon transport service between Calavi and Cotonou and then Cotonou and Porto-Novo Private investment for navigation equipment, organisation and management of the transport service.", + "100% (public and private partner powers) MIT (DTT) Development of river-lake transport (establishment of a lagoon transport service between Calavi and Cotonou and then Cotonou and Porto-Novo Private investment for navigation equipment, organisation and management of the transport service.", + "84% MIT DTFL) Development and implementation of an intra- and inter-city transport strategy and plan for Cotonou, Porto-Novo and Parakou with a view to impacting on the consumption of petroleum products in the transport sector Development of a strategy and plan MIT and ME (DGRE) Improving the carbonisation performance of firewood Carbonisation Improvement Support Project for Sustainable Forest Management MCVDD (DGEFC) Continuation of awareness-raising and training activities for the adoption of improved carbonisation technology (2023-2030) with a target of 50% of coal production by 2030.", + "MCVDD (DGEFC) and ME (DGRE) FORESTRY SECTOR Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in (US$ millions) Conditional * Cost in (US$ millions) Total cost in (US$ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Reduce the rate of deforestation to a maximum of 35000 ha/year instead of the current 60.000 ha/year Strengthen actions for the protection and conservation and sustainable management of the resources of classified forests (establishment of a monitoring system, strengthening of the intervention capacities of the Forestry Engineering Cells, organization and monitoring of conservation series, reforestation, improvement and promotion of the rural timber market system, sustainable management of transumance, etc.) Implementation of the actions planned under the Benin Classified Forests Project (50%) Implementation of other similar", + "Implementation of other similar projects for the protection of classified forests MCVDD (DGEFC) Strengthening of actions for the protection and conservation and sustainable management of forests in the protected area on at least 2.500.000 ha Develop and implement projects to support the sustainable management of natural resources in the protected area (40%) Additional projects to support the sustainable management of natural resources in the protected area (60%) MCVDD (DGEFC) and municipalities Strengthening of forest plantation monitoring cations (120.000 ha) Implementation of measures to ensure the monitoring of 60.000 ha of old forest plantations (50%) over the period 2023 to 2030 Implementation of measures to ensure the monitoring of 60.000 ha of old forest plantations (50%) on MCVDD (DGEFC) and municipalities Increase the carbon sequestration capacity of the country\u2019s forest ecosystem", + "Reforestation/planting Implementation of a reforestation plan with the aim of creating 15,000 ha of forest plantations per year (i.e. 150,000 ha by 2030).", + "Pursue ongoing actions (PRI projects, PAGEFCOM 2, reforestation by ONAB and other actions of the National Reforestation Campaigns: an average of 5,000 ha of forest plantations per year, i.e. 50,000 ha by 2030. (33.3%) Creation of 10,000 ha of additional forest plantations per year, i.e. 100,000 ha by 2030.", + "(33.3%) Establishment of 10,000 ha of additional forest plantations per year, equivalent to 100,000 ha by 2030. LULUCF (LULUCF) and Common Objectives of the Proposed Measure Quantified Objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total Cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Promote alternative to logging activities for the benefit of rural communities (10 to 20% of the costs of new forest reforestation projects) LULUCF (LULUCF) Promote the development of agroforestry as a measure to strengthen carbon absorption capacity (3) Improve the performance of the oilseed palm industry with the installation of at least 50,000 new hectares of LULUCF (4) Increase the area under anacarde plantation by 60,000 ha, of which 35,000 in the period 2020-20", + "(Sometimes referred to as MAEP (5) Rehabilitation of 100,000 ha of former sugar cane plantations.", + "MAEP WASTE SECTOR Promote sound environmental management of household waste Establishment of a facility for the energy recovery of the Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8 household waste landfill MCVDD Provide municipalities in Benin with controlled landfills MCVDD and communes STRENGTHENING INSTITUTIONAL, REGULATORY AND OTHER ACCOMPANYING MEASURES Organize the launch workshop for the implementation of the CDN MCVDD Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Establish the institutional framework for coordinating the implementation of the CDN MCVDD Establish an inter-ministerial task force to coordinate activities (MCVDD, MAEP, MDGL, MIT, MIC, ME, MIC) MCV", + "MDGL, MIT, MIC, ME, MIC) MCVDD To support the sectoral ministries involved in the preparation of the programmes envisaged in the CND implementation plan and the dossiers for mobilizing project funding under the LDC support mechanisms.", + "MCVDD Develop and implement an Institutional and Regulatory Capacity Building Programme for the Climate Change Management sub-sector; MCVDD Promote scientific, technical and technological research on adaptation and mitigation to climate change; MCVDD Objectives of the proposed action Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Provide technical assistance and capacity building for financial services: Participation in (i) exchanges of experience at the level of the West African sub-region; (ii) the meeting of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action; and (iii) training on environmental taxation policy.", + "MCVDD Promote the transfer of technology and know-how for adaptation and mitigation to climate change.", + "MCVDD Develop a communication plan to inform all categories of actors about the CBD and its benefits for climate action and development MCVDD Develop a sectoral implementation plan for the Gender-sensitive CBD for the living environment and sustainable development sector (environment, urban planning, habitat, forestry) MCVDD Determine emission factors and other emission parameters specific to Benin in the transport sector MCVDD Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in (US$ millions) Conditional * Cost in (US$ millions) Total cost in (US$ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Determine emission factors and other emission parameters specific to Benin in the waste sector MCVDD Conduct a survey on the penetration rate of improved households, gas cooking equipment, refrigerators, air conditioners in households", + "the penetration rate of improved homes, gas cooking equipment, refrigerators, air conditioners in households and energy consumption.", + "ME in collaboration with the MCVDD Carrying out tests to verify the performance of improved households distributed by different actors in Benin ME in collaboration with the MCVDD Carrying out a survey at national level to supplement the available information on the vehicle fleet with data on average annual distances travelled and specific fuel consumption by vehicle category and by use ME in collaboration with the MCVDD TOTAL Annex 2: Summary of adaptation measures under the contributions determined at national level in Benin No. Adaptation measures, state of implementation and sources Objectives Options and costs Implementation institutions Unconditional Conditional Total cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Sector Agriculture Infrastructure Support Project in the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 Valley (PAIA-VO) (2013-2020).", + "Pilot phase being implemented (Government portfolio) To contribute to the food security of the population in plant products and to increase the volume and export revenues of Benin.", + "Its specific objective is to develop the production and marketing infrastructure of the Lower and Middle Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 Valley for the promotion of growth-enhancing channels MAEP Food Security Project through Lowland Development and Storage Capacity Building in Benin (PSAAB) Contribute to the food self-sufficiency of the poor rural populations of Benin, mainly small farmers in the intervention area MAEP Food Security Project through Agricultural Intensification in Benin (PSAIA) Improve the food self-sufficiency and food security of the poor rural populations of Benin, mainly small farmers.", + "MAEP Support for the Development of Agriculture in the Hills Project (PADAC) Strengthening the agricultural capacities of the communes and agricultural cooperatives of the Department of the Hills and improving the living conditions of small producers MAEP Soil protection and rehabilitation project to improve food security (PROSOL) Approaches to sustainable soil protection and rehabilitation are being implemented on a large scale in Benin.", + "MAEP Agricultural Investment Fund (Fi-Agri) Phase 4 Increase and diversify agricultural production by increasing the use of the developed hydro-agricultural potential of the Atacora and Donga departments to contribute to the implementation of the strategic reference frameworks \"Strategic Agricultural Sector Development Plan 2017-2021 (PSDSA) and National Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutritional Security Plan (PNIASAN)\" in accordance with the protocol of the 2019 intergovernmental negotiations MAEP Green Innovation Centres for the Agri-Food Sector Project (ProCIVA) Small-scale farm incomes, job creation and food supply in the target rural areas are improved through innovations in the agri-food sector.", + "MAEP No. Adaptation Measures, Status and Sources Objectives Options and Costs Implementation Institutions Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) ProSAR The food situation of people vulnerable to malnutrition, particularly women of childbearing age and young children, has improved MAEP Sustainable promotion of VECs in 02 Agricultural Development Centres MAEP MARINE DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT PROJECT (PADMAR) Sustainably increase the incomes of market farms, while improving their resilience to climate change.", + "MAEP Support for Food Production and Strengthening of Resilience Project in the Departments of Alibori, Borgou and the PAPVIRE-ABC Hills Contribute to the improvement of food and nutrition security and poverty reduction MAEP Support for Agricultural Development and Market Access Project (PADAAM) Sustainable improvement of food and nutrition security and incomes of small producers, especially women and young people.", + "MAEP Support for Agricultural Development and Market Access Project (PADAAM) Sustainable improvement of food and nutritional security and incomes for small producers, especially women and young people MAEP Support for the Development of the Anacarde Branch and Agricultural Entrepreneurship Project (PADEFA-ENA) Contribute to poverty reduction and improved food and nutritional security in Benin.", + "MAEP Support Project for the Development of the Anacarde Branch and Agricultural Entrepreneurship (PADEFA-ENA) Contribute to the reduction of poverty and the improvement of food and nutritional security in Benin MAEP Support Project for the Competitiveness of Agricultural Industries and Export Diversification (PACOFIDE) Improve the access of producers and SMEs in the agri-food industry to export markets in certain value chains and thus increase the exports of high-value agricultural products from the beneficiary country.", + "MAEP Rural Irrigation Perimeter Development Project (PIPD) Improve food security and reduce rural poverty by developing small irrigated perimeter areas to increase the production and productivity of grains, vegetables and other food crops.", + "MAEP Rural Irrigation Perimeter Development Project (RIPDP) Improve food security and reduce rural poverty by developing small irrigated perimeter areas to increase the production and productivity of cereals, vegetables and other food crops MAEP Agricultural Diversification Support Project (ADP-FA) Restore and improve field productivity and post-harvest value added of targeted value chains (rice, fish, pineapple and anacard) and promote new areas of intervention such as small-scale livestock (fowl, goats and sheep) MAEP No. Adaptation Measures, Status of Implementation and Sources Objectives Options and Costs Implementation Institutions Unconditional Conditional Total Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Small Farm Productivity Enhancement Program (SEPEP) Inc", + "Small-scale Agricultural Productivity (PAPAPE) Increase the productivity of production systems in rainfed and irrigated agriculture through, inter alia, the promotion of Integrated Soil Fertility Management (GIFS) on farms MAEP Project to Support the Agroecological Transition in the Cotton Zones of Benin, Phase 2 Sustainable Improvement of the Income of Family Farms in the Cotton Zones of Benin.", + "MAEP Protein Wire Development Support Project (PADEFIP) Contribute to improving producer incomes and increasing the availability of affordable protein in rural areas.", + "MAEP Sustainable Aquaculture Promotion and Competitiveness of Fisheries Value Chains Project MAEP Agricultural Services Development Project MAEP Regional Agricultural Market Integration Project MAEP Community Development Fund (FADeC-Agriculture) MAEP Sustainable Valuation and Integrated Management of Hydro-Agricultural Perimeters Project (PAVPHA) Large-scale promotion of efficient, resilient and integrated irrigated agricultural production systems in priority agricultural value chains.", + "MAEP Project for the Development of Agribusiness in Benin (PDAB) The overall objective is to promote job creation through the creation of viable agricultural enterprises for young people and women.", + "MAEP Support for Rural Economic Growth Project (PACER) OS1: Strengthen the structure and capacities of agricultural and non-agricultural professional organisations and improve the technical and economic performance of agricultural and non-agricultural SMEs and agro-agricultural AGRs; OS2: Facilitate access to finance for agricultural and non-agricultural SMEs and agro-agricultural AGRs; OS3: Improve access to production and marketing support infrastructures.", + "MAEP No. Adaptation measures, state of implementation and sources Objectives Options and costs Implementation institutions Unconditional Conditional Total cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Project for the settlement of ruminant herds in Benin (ProSeR) Contribute to the improvement of animal production and the rational management of farms\".", + "MAEP Project to support the development of the milk and meat sectors and the promotion of livestock enterprises (PRODEFILAV-PEL) Contribute to the food and nutritional security of the population and reduce the volume and costs of milk and meat imports MAEP PROVAC Intensify fish farming production in the target regions through the farmer-to-farmer extension approach and the improvement of fish farming techniques.", + "MAEP PROVAC Increase fish production in the target regions through the farmer-to-farmer extension approach and the improvement of fish farming techniques MAEP Water Resources Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change Programme in the Niger Basin (PIDACC/BN) - Benin component Contribute to improving the resilience of the Niger River ecosystems and populations through sustainable management of natural resources MEM Socio-economic and Food Security Infrastructure Development Project (PDISSA) (Develop 750 ha of irrigated perimeter in the Niger Basin) Under development Contribute to sustained growth in the Niger Basin through poverty alleviation, strengthening food security and promoting sustainable development MEM Development of multifunctional hydraulic infrastructure and sustainable management of water resources (MAP 2017-2021 project) Promote integrated water resources management", + "Multifunctional and Sustainable Water Resources Management (MAP 2017-2021 Project) Promote integrated water resources management at the level of river basins and build multifunctional water infrastructures MEM OMIDELTA Programme-GIRE Component Ensure the sustainable and equitable supply of drinking water to rural populations in rural areas MEM AQUAVI Programme Programme for universal access to drinking water in rural areas Increase access to water supply services and strengthen service delivery modalities in a few rural areas MEM Benin Water Management and Development Master Plan:", + "MEM Forestry No. Adaptation Measures, Status and Sources Objectives Options and Costs Implementation Institutions Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) PAGEFCOM 2: Community Forest Management Support Project, Phase 2 (Government Portfolio) Contribution to improving food and nutrition security and reducing population poverty through the development and rational management of natural resources MCVDD Integrated Border Management Programme (Government Portfolio) \"Strengthening national sovereignty in border areas in order to secure national territory and create better living conditions for the populations of those areas\".", + "MCVDD Ecosystem-based Adaptation Project (Improving the climate resilience of rural communities in central and northern Benin) Ensuring the adaptation of communities to agricultural livelihoods MCVDD Coastal sector Coastal erosion protection programme (Cotonou-Siafato, Hilacondji-Bouche du roy, Grand-Popo-Ouidah): Coastal zone protection project against sea-level rise/coastal erosion Protecting the Beninese coast from sea-level rise MCVDD Sustainable cities programme Achieving the sustainability and resilience of the main urban centres of Benin by raising the levels of infrastructure, equipment and services, as well as by protecting and improving local environments MCVDD Programme for the Adaptation of Cities to Climate Change in Benin (Government portfolio) Enhancing the adaptation capacity", + "Government) To increase the capacity of Benin\u2019s cities to adapt to climate change, and to strengthen the capacities of the various municipal and central actors responsible for sustainable urban development identified at the level of communes and ministries MCVDD Cotonou Rainwater Sanitation Programme (papc) To reduce the vulnerability of populations to floods, to promote the realisation of socio-economic infrastructures and to launch Benin\u2019s economic and social development.", + "MCVDD Health Sector Reproductive Health Activity Support Program (PAASR) Improve the quality and accessibility of maternal and child health services MS No. Adaptation Measures, Status and Sources Objectives Options and Costs Implementing Institutions Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) National Health Training Construction, Equipment and Functionality Program Strengthening of infrastructure and equipment according to standards integrating environmental dimensions and climate change; - Strengthening of the mechanism for the maintenance and upkeep of health infrastructure and equipment integrating environmental dimensions and climate change MS National Hospital Rehabilitation and Construction Program (PNRCCH) Contribute to the improvement of the quality and accessibility of health care services and facilities", + "Construction of Hospital Centres (CHNRF) Contribute to the improvement of the quality and accessibility of care and health services MS Tourism sector Make Pendjari/W the reference park of West Africa Enrich and preserve the natural ecosystem by introducing new species: Black Rhinoceros, Derby Island - Promote ecotourism and luxury tourism; - Develop hunting tourism MTCA Reinvent the Lake City of Ganvi\u00e9 Improve the living conditions of the people of Ganvi\u00e9 - Make Ganvi\u00e9 a showcase for lake tourism, an authentic, atypical and original destination MTCA Construction of the Museum of the Amazons and the Kings of Danhom\u00e9 and rehabilitation of the surrounding palatial site Promote popular and family tourism around the history of the Amazons and the Kings of Danhom\u00e9 and the Kingdom of Danhom\u00e9 Present the history of the Kingdom of Danhom\u00e9 in a vivid", + "MTCA Construction of a museum \"All Saints Opening\" slavery, resistance and memory in Allada (Resized project) To build a museum dedicated to the memory of slavery, the origins of slaves and resistance; - To enable understanding of the history of slavery in Benin and the region MTCA Construction of the Vodun/Orisha museum in Porto Novo and rehabilitation of the Adand\u00e9 and Honm\u00e9 museums To offer the world a museum that gives the visitor the intellectual and visual means of a better understanding of Vodun/orisha.", + "MTCA Construction of the Vodun/Orisha Museum in Porto Novo and rehabilitation of the Adand\u00e9 and Honm\u00e9 Museums To provide the world with a museum that gives the visitor the intellectual and visual means of a better understanding of Vodun/orisha. MTCA No. Adaptation Measures, Status and Sources Objectives Options and Costs Implementation Institutions Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Development of the \"Road of Vodun/Orisha Convents\" To enhance the cultural heritage related to the practice of Vodun/orisha; - To propose reading elements of this heritage; - To make this precious heritage accessible to the general public; - To strengthen intercultural dialogue; - To develop the potential of cultural tourism (generate local, sustainable,", + "MTCA Construction of the new Palace of the King of Nikki and the Gaani Arena Construct a new Royal Palace of Baru Tem in Nikki for the present Emperor and his successors of all dynasties; - Promote the cultural values of the Baatonu people - Reveal to the whole world the originality of the traditional and cultural festival \"Gaani\" MTCA Reconstruction of the Historic City of Ouidah including PCTT in the same way Make Ouidah the flagship destination of memorial tourism in Africa; - Strengthen the tourism potential of Ouidah; - Diversify tourism products in Ouidah.", + "MTCA Construction of a marina near the non-return gate in Djibouti- Ouidah Creation of a tourist complex and an immersive spectacle route \"the boat of departure\" in Djibouti; - Creation of landscaped spaces for meditation MTCA Development of a seaside resort in AVLEKETE Making the seaside segment an engine for the development of tourism; - Allowing Beninese and foreign tourists to have beaches suitable for bathing; - Development of the Avlek\u00e9t\u00e9 district to develop the offer of seaside tourism.", + "MTCA Development of a seaside resort in AVLEKETE To make the seaside segment an engine for the development of tourism; - To enable Beninese and foreign tourists to have beaches suitable for bathing; - To develop the district of AVLEKETE to develop the offer of seaside tourism. MTCA Development of tourist sites and their access routes To diversify tourism products throughout the national territory; - To increase the capacity of reception infrastructures at eco-tourism sites; MTCA No. Adaptation measures, state of implementation and sources Objectives Options and costs Implementation institutions Unconditional Conditional Total cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) - to build boat and landing lanes to access lagoon sites Preservation and presentation of cultural heritage and natural heritage of a cultural nature To have a national list", + "Value of cultural heritage and natural heritage of a cultural character Establish a national list of cultural heritage and natural heritage of a cultural character; - Restore/rehabilitate the cultural heritage of Benin in danger of extinction; - Promote cultural identity values (Establishment of an inventory of living human treasures, transmission of their knowledge and know-how to the younger generation, etc.) MTCA Total Annex 3:", + "Strengthening forage biomass potential BANIKOARA (mitigation) Forestry Implementation of the 2nd Community Forest and forage plot Establish carbon sinks.", + "Strengthening the feed biomass potential PERERE (mitigation) Forestry Creation of community forests and formation of management committees Ending deforestation, restoring degraded forests and significantly increasing afforestation and reforestation at the communal level Savalou-Bant\u00e8- Bassila-Djidja (mitigation) Forestry Participatory forest management plan in the State and communal protected area of 100 000 ha Natural forest management and co-management in the State protected area BANTE (mitigation) Agriculture Degraded soil restoration projects in the Bante municipality Overall, the objective c is to contribute to the fight against agricultural land degradation practices TANGUIETA (mitigation / adaptation) Remediation Project to strengthen the mechanism for the management and valorisation of household solid waste in the city of Tangui\u00e9ta (PRMGVDSM)", + "Solid Waste Residents (SWD) for the improvement of the living environment, the environment and the resilience to climate change ADJA-OUERE (mitigation) Agriculture Development of five hundred (500) hectares of rice paddies in the municipality of Adja-O\u00e8r\u00e8 Improving rice productivity in the municipality of Adja-O\u00e8r\u00e8 DANGBO (mitigation) Agriculture Training producers on methods of managing soil fertility and promoting short-cycle crops Increasing agricultural production yields and reducing the effects of flooding No.", + "Commune de Pob\u00e8 Planting 1000 hectares of oil palm land HOUEYOGBE (mitigation) Agriculture Restoring soil fertility for agricultural purposes and ensuring food self-sufficiency in the commune of Hou\u00e9yogb\u00e9.", + "Project for the rehabilitation and restoration of 20 ha of gravel pits in the commune of Houblonnage NATITINGOU (mitigation) Remediation Healthy and efficient management of urban waste in the town of Natitingou Contribute to the remediation of the living environment of the population of the town of: Natitingou AGBANGNIZOUN (mitigation) Energy (solar public lighting and solar electrification of services) Promote solar energy for public lighting and communal services in rural areas with the support of the diaspora and partners (DCP project) Progressive orientation towards renewable energies DASSA-ZOUME (mitigation) Energy (energy efficiency) Promotion of renewable energies and efficient and self-curing economic homes in the commune of Dassa-Zoum\u00e9 Promote climate change mitigation measures at household level BANTE (mitigation) Energy", + "The objective is to contribute to the improvement of the use of solar energy DASSA-ZOUME (mitigation) Energy Promote the partial supply of the buildings of the Town Hall of Dassa-Zoum\u00e9 by the solar system Reduce the electricity bill of the Town Hall by using renewable energies POBE (mitigation) Energy Promote the electrification of the localities of GBANAGO, Onigbolo Village, Ot\u00e8kotan and Igbo-Ocho by connecting to the existing High Tension (HT) type A network offering greater resilience to the effects of climate change in the Municipality of Pobe Expand the access of households to electric lighting instead of kerosene lighting.", + "No. Communes Sector Measures or Options Mitigation / Adaptation of the up-to-date implementation of the CDN at the communal level Objectives Options and Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportio n (%) Cost (US$ millions) ZAKPOTA (mitigation) Energy Electrification of 12 rural localities in the municipality of Zakpota by connection to the SBEE network Expand access of 12 rural localities to electric lighting instead of Kerosene lighting Energy Electrification of 22 villages by solar micro-power plant PV Promote villages\u2019 access to clean energy ADJA-OUERE (mitigation) Energy (micro-power plants) Installation of mini-solar power plants in the villages of Hou\u00e9dam\u00e8- Djidagba-Logou-Miss\u00e8bo-", + "The general objective is to develop a marsh area downstream of the Komde dam for sustainable exploitation for the benefit of the marsh cooperatives in the surrounding villages (Akoussit\u00e8, W\u00e8k\u00e8t\u00e8 and Komde).", + "PARAKOU (mitigation) Forestry (reforestation/ plantation) Intensive reforestation of forests and streams Restore forest cover in Parakou Municipality MALANVILLE (mitigation) Forestry (forestry plantations) Development of 03 public spaces into green spaces in the Municipality of Malanville Valuation of public spaces identified with the inhabitants and meaningful for them in their daily journeys and promotion of improvement of local governance for the management of green spaces in the major roundabouts of the Municipality MALANVILLE (mitigation) Forestry Development of 05 Community Forests in the Municipality of Malanville Contribute to the restoration of forest resources through the installation of community forests in the Municipality of Malanville No.", + "Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Loss (mitigation) Forestry Creation of community forests and formation of sustainable land management committees Stop deforestation, restore degraded forests and significantly increase afforestation and reforestation at the communal level AGBANGNIZOUN (mitigation) Forestry Reforestation of 100 ha area in Tanve district Construct a forest resource (heritage) in Agbangnizoun commune BANTE (mitigation) Forestry Improvement of forest resource management in Bante commune Promote forest resource management BANTE (mitigation) Forestry Reduction of population pressure on classified forests The objective is to contribute to the preservation of the environment BONOU (mitigation) Forestry (restoration of riparian areas", + "Commune of Bonou DANGBO (mitigation) Forestry (reforestation of the banks of the river Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 of public squares and agroforestry) Arrange along the perimeter of the banks of the river Ou\u00e9m\u00e9, along the main roads and public squares Reforestation of different varieties of species in order to make the commune greener and more attractive to tourists DASSA-ZOUME (mitigation) Forestry Reforestation of plantations of fast-growing forest species for the production of wood energy Reduce the consequences of climate change related to the untimely cutting of trees for the production of wood energy ADJA-OUERE (mitigation) Forestry (plantations of species to support the reduction of the effects of climate change through the planting of twenty (20) hectares of plants Improve the greening of the commune of Adja-O", + "the updated NCD at the communal level Objectives Options and Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Cost ($ millions) of fast-growing species in the commune of Adja-Ou\u00e8r\u00e8 NATITINGOU (mitigation) Forestry Creation of a green belt along the mountain sides of the commune of Natitingou Combating the advanced destruction of vegetation cover on the mountain sides ALLADA (mitigation) Forestry Reforestation in the commune of Allada (24 ha) Planting and maintaining 143,000 plants to cover the reforestation of fruit species, not forgetting the edges of roads to combat desertification OUAKE (mitigation) Forestry Intensive reforestation of the commune territory Reforestation of all degraded areas of the commune TOVIK", + "-Strengthening the pre-warning and natural disaster management systems -Strengthening the basis of agricultural activities DASSA-ZOUME (mitigation) Forestry Improving the management of natural resources to reduce climate change risks Managing natural resources in the best way Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8 Chaourou Sav\u00e8 Forestry Creation of a green belt along the Okpara and Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 rivers in the communes of Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8, Chaourou, Sav\u00e8 on 3000 ha (pilot phase 1000 ha) - Restore degraded forest cover.", + "- Increase carbon sequestration capacity POBE (Adaptation) Agriculture Planning of 1000 hectares for rice and rice products in the commune of Pobe Planning of 1000 hectares for rice and rice products for the benefit of producers to strengthen their resilience to climatic hazards No. Common Sector Measures or Options Mitigation / Adaptation for the implementation of the updated CDN at the communal level Objectives Options and Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportio n (%) Cost (US$ millions) BOUKOMBE (Adaptation) Agriculture Project to support sustainable agriculture for food and nutrition security by promoting economically viable local industries.", + "Improving the economic power of rural populations through the strengthening of the capacities of producers and processors, nursery farmers in the production of karit\u00e9, n\u00e9r\u00e9, baobab, moringa integrated into agriculture in its local varieties GRAND-POPO Adaptation URBAIN FORESTRY AND INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION Project to strengthen the resilience of the commune in the face of the effects of climate change Strengthening spatial planning and sustainable environmental management KANDI (Adaptation) Agriculture Project to support the development of field crops and to strengthen the resilience of field farmers in the Alibori communes (PADCMCA) Sustainably support the improvement of the performance of the Alibori communes in the development of the field crop KARIMAMA (Adaptation) Agriculture Project to support the development of field crops and", + "KLOUEKANME (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the resilience of corn, kidney, tomato and pepper farming systems in the Klou\u00e9kanme commune Upgrading modern production techniques and their resilience to climate change Sector Measures or Options Mitigation / Adaptation of the implementation of the updated CND at the communal level Objectives Options and Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Proportio n (%) Cost ($ millions) KARIMAMA (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the resilience of farmers in the Karimama commune (PADCMCK) Strengthening the resilience of farmers in the Karimama commune (PADCMCK) Strengthening the resilience of farmers in the Karimama commune (PADCMCK) Strengthening the res", + "MALANVILLE (Adaptation) Agriculture Completion of three (03) water reservoirs and five (05) fish ponds in the municipality of Malanville Promote fish farming, animal feeding and marketing and improve the productivity of fish farming systems in the municipality of Malanville MALANVILLE (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the resilience of flood victims in the municipality of Malanville Ensure food security for hungry households and increase their resilience to climate change for flood victims in the municipalities of Malanville and Karimama.", + "KARIMAMA (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity of flood victims in the commune of Karimama Ensuring food security for hungry households and increasing their adaptive capacity to climate change for flood victims in the communes of Malanville and Karimama AGBANGNIZOUN (Adaptation) Agriculture Identifying and promoting climate-resilient food crops and training producers on modern and climate-adapted cropping techniques (CDP project) Reducing the effects of climate change No. Common Sector Mitigation/adaptation measures or options for implementing the updated CCD at the community level Objectives Options and Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Proportio n (%) Cost ($ millions) SAVE (Adaptation) Agriculture Development and security of agropastoral and fisheries", + "OUAKE (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of vegetable producers to rainfall irregularities in the municipality Developing rice perimeters in the municipality Agriculture Adapting agricultural and construction systems to climate change Developing agriculture and buildings adapted to climate change OUAKE (Adaptation) Urban infrastructure development and construction Housing adaptation project to climate change Promoting buildings adapted to climate change OUAKE (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of rice and fish producers to rainfall irregularities Developing wetlands for adaptation and resilience of producers to rainfall irregularities ZAKPOTA (Adaptation) Agriculture Integrated soil fertility management and adaptation technology for climate change Improving agricultural production ADJA-OUERE (Adaptation) Agriculture Construction of water", + "Agricultural production ADJA-OUERE (Adaptation) Agriculture Construction of water reservoirs for rice producers in Hou\u00e9li gaba, Dagbla and Mass\u00e8 Improve production capacity of producers PARAKOU Remediation Creation of a sewage sludge treatment and solid waste management site Provide the city of Parakou with sewage sludge management.", + "Establishment of a final solid waste landfill Total Annex 4: CBD Implementation Plan Activities Phase 1: Preparatory phase of CBD Implementation Implementation of the updated institutional framework for CBD Implementation (National, Sectoral and Community Coordination Units and Task Forces) Organization of the CBD Implementation Launch Workshop Implementation of the Monitoring/Audit/Evaluation System Support to sectoral ministries involved in the preparation of programmes under the CBD Implementation Plan and project funding mobilization files under the LDC support mechanisms.", + "Implementation phase I / Implementation of the mitigation component \uf0b7 AGRICULTURE SECTOR CURRENT AND PLANNED PROJECTS (Table 9 of document section A) PROJECTS/PROGRAMS AELABORER AND TO BE IMPLEMENTED (Table 9 of document section B) Preparatory phase Implementation phase COMMUNITY INITIATIVE PROJECTS (Table 9 of document section C) Preparatory phase Implementation phase \uf0b7 ENERGY SECTOR CURRENT OR PLANNED PROJECTS (Table 10 of document section A) PROGRAMME AND PROJECTS AELABORER AND TO BE IMPLEMENTED (Table 10 of document section B) Preparatory phase Implementation phase COMMUNITY INITIATIVE PROJECTS (Table 10 of document section C) Preparatory phase Implementation phase \uf0b7 WASTE SECTOR Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8 landfill energy recovery project Municipal controlled", + "STRATEGIES EXISTING SECTORAL PLANS AND PROGRAMMES \uf0b7 Strengthening the climate risk forecasting and early warning system for food security in vulnerable agro-ecological areas \uf0b7 Mobilising surface water for adaptation to climate change (small watersheds) \uf0b7 Combating climate-sensitive diseases \uf0b7 Protecting the coastal area from sea-level rise/coastal erosion \uf0b7 Strengthening local governance in financing adaptation to climate change \uf0b7 Strengthening climate observation capacity \uf0b7 Strengthening the resilience of coastal communities to climate change (small watersheds)", + "adaptation to climate change \uf0b7 Capacity building in climate observation \uf0b7 Strengthening the resilience of low-rise coastal cities \uf0b7 Integrating climate change into sectoral development planning \uf0b7 Ensuring the sustainability and resilience of Benin\u2019s main urban centres \uf0b7 Integrating climate change adaptation into local strategies for reducing the vulnerability of natural and human systems in the Benin part of the Niger basin \uf0b7 Mitigation measures in the Agriculture sector with a co-benefit in adaptation \uf0b7 Mitigation measures in the Energy sector with a co-benefit in adaptation \uf0b7 Mitigation measures in the LULUCF sector with a co-benefit in adaptation \uf0b7 Supporting the integration of adaptation to climate change in the Community Development Plans COMMON- INITIATIVE PROJECTS (Table 12 of document section C) Preparatory phase Implementation phase III / Implementation of institution", + "Develop and implement an Institutional and Regulatory Capacity Building Programme for the implementation of the CBD Develop and implement a communication plan to inform different categories of stakeholders about the CBD Develop and implement a gender mainstreaming strategy Promote scientific, technical and technological research on adaptation and mitigation of climate change.", + "Promote the transfer of technology and know-how for adaptation and mitigation of climate change.", + "Organizing the work of updating the CDN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Government of Benin, through the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD), extends its thanks to all the actors involved in the elaboration of this document, in particular: the NDC Partnership, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the German Cooperation GIZ, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), public institutions, the private sector, local authorities and civil society.", + "IMPLEMENTATION TEAM NAME AND NAME QUALITY Jos\u00e9 TONATO Minister of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development Martin P\u00e9pin AINA Director General of Environment and Climate Wilfried BIAO MONGAZI National Coordinator of the Development Project Justin AGBO, Senior Consultant / Mitigation Component Epiphane D. AHLONSOU Consultant Adaptation Component Jacques B. KOUAZOUNDE Associate Consultant DOSSA Eunice, Associate Consultant Herv\u00e9 Worou AFOUDA Associate Consultant Contact: Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD) Directorate General of Environment and Climate (DGEC) Tel: +22921318045 Email: dgec_mcvdd@gmail.com Cotonou, Benin" + ], + "large": [ + "(PN)/18.2105.7-001.09) SUMMARY List of acronyms and abbreviations.2 List of chemical symbols 4 List of units.5 List of figures 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.7 I. NATIONAL CONSTANCES. 12 II. ACHIEVEMENTS 13 2.1. Current greenhouse gas emissions and projections if the status quo is maintained. 13 Figure 1: Trends in aggregate GHG emissions and emissions from agriculture, energy, waste and industrial processes, status quo scenario. 14 Figure 2: Contribution of different sources to emissions of SCCPs (other than GHGs) and air pollutants in Benin in 2018 (excluding forestry and land-use change). 2.3.", + "Current greenhouse gas emissions and projections if the status quo is maintained. 13 Figure 1: Trend in aggregate GHG emissions and emissions from the agriculture, energy, waste and industrial processes sectors under the status quo scenario. 14 Figure 2: Contribution of different sources to emissions of non-GHG SCCPs and air pollutants in Benin in 2018 (excluding forestry and land-use change) 2.3. Measures for nationally determined mitigation contributions 15 Figure 3: Trend in aggregate GHG emissions (excluding forestry) under the status quo scenario. 18 and in case of intervention 18 Figure 4: Trend in GHG emissions under the status quo scenario and in case of intervention in the agriculture sector. 20 Figure 5: Trend in GHG emissions under the status quo scenario", + "Agriculture. 20 Figure 5: Trends in GHG Emissions under the Status Quo Scenario and Intervention in the Energy Sector. 23 Table 7: Measures Considered and Emissions Avoided in the LULUCF Sector 23 III.", + "Measures under nationally determined mitigation contributions 15 Figure 3: Trends in aggregate GHG emissions (excluding forestry) in the case of the status quo scenario. 18 and in the case of intervention 18 Figure 4: Trends in GHG emissions in the case of the status quo scenario and in the case of intervention in the agriculture sector. 20 Figure 5: Trends in GHG emissions in the case of the status quo scenario and in the case of intervention in the energy sector.. 23 Table 7: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the LULUCF sector 23 III. AMBITION AND EQUITY. 24 IV. ADAPTATION. 25 4.1. Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change. 25 4.2. Climate change adaptation objectives. 25 V. STRATEGIES, PROGRAMMES,", + "Climate change adaptation objectives. 25 V. STRATEGIES, PROGRAMMES, PROJECTS AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR IMPLEMENTATION. 26 5.1. Implementation of sectoral activities 26 5.2. Framework for gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the updated CBD 34 5.3. Institutional framework for the implementation of the updated CBD. 36 Figure 6:", + "Financing 43 Conditions for the success of the implementation of the CDN 44 LIBRARY. 45 ANNEXES. Error! Undefined acronym. List of acronyms and abbreviations AIC : Climate-smart agriculture ANCB : Association Nationale des Communes du B\u00e9nin UNFCCC : United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change CDN : Contribution Determined at the National Level CIAIB : Commission de Mod\u00e9lisation Economique des Impacts du Climat et de l\u2019Int\u00e9gration des Changes Climatiques dans le Budget G\u00e9n\u00e9ral de l\u2019Etat CNCC : National Committee on Climate Change COP or COP : Conference of the Parties CPDN : Planned Contributions Determined at the National Level DGEC : Directorate-General for the Environment and Climate DGRE : Directorate-General for Energy Resources EBT-Adaptation", + "Adaptation TBT- Mitigation: Assessment of Mitigation Technology Needs GHG: Greenhouse Gases IPCC: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change TEAP: Environment and Climate Thematic Group MCVDD: Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development ODS: Sustainable Development Goals NGO: Non-Governmental Organization PAG: Programme of Action of the Government NAPA: National Action Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change GDP: Gross Domestic Product LDCs: Least Developed Countries NAPA: National Adaptation Plan NDP: National Development Plan PRBA: First Biennial Update of Benin PRG: Global Greenhouse Gas Heating Capacity TFP: Technical and Financial Partners REED+: Reduction of Emissions Due to Deforestation SBEE: Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 B\u00e9ninoise d\u2019Energie Electrique SDAC:", + "Work of the Convention United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change TCN: Third National Communication of Benin on Climate Change LULUCF: Land use, land-use change and forestry List of chemical symbols: Carbon dioxide: Methane: Nitrous oxide NOx: Nitrogen oxide CO: Carbon monoxide NMVOC: Volatile organic compounds Non-methane: Sulphur dioxide BC: Black carbon OC: Organic carbon: PM10: PM2.5: Ammonia List of units t: Tonne: Carbon dioxide equivalent MW: Megawatt MWh: Megawatt-hour Mt: Megatonne: Megatonne Carbon dioxide equivalent: Square kilometre ha: hectare List of figures Figure 1: Trends in aggregate GHG emissions and emissions from the agriculture, energy, waste and industrial process sectors, status quo", + "Not defined.", + "Figure 2: Contribution of different sources to GHG (non-GHG) and air pollutant emissions in Benin in 2018 (excluding forestry and land-use change). 15 Figure 3: Trends in aggregate GHG emissions (excluding forestry) in the case of the status quo scenario and in the case of intervention. 18 Figure 4: Trends in GHG emissions in the case of the status quo scenario and in the case of intervention in the agricultural sector 20 Figure 5: Trends in GHG emissions in the case of the status quo scenario and in the case of intervention in the energy sector 23 Figure 6:", + "SCCPs (non-GHG) and air pollutants in Benin between 2010 and 2018 (thousands of tonnes). 14 Table 2: General methodological considerations and overall results for updating mitigation measures 15 Table 3: Emissions and reductions of GHG emissions (non-forestry) for the status quo scenario and the mitigation scenario (in Mt E-CO2). 18 Table 4: Emissions of SCCPs (non-GHG) and air pollutants in 2030 for baseline and supplementary scenarios. 19 Table 5: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the agriculture sector 19 Table 6: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the energy sector 20 Table 7: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the LULUCF sector 23 Table 8: Measures envisaged and emissions avoid", + "Climate. 25 Table 10: Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the CBD on mitigation in the agricultural sector. 26 Table 11: Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the CBD on mitigation in the energy sector. 29 Table 12: Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the CBD on mitigation in the forestry sector. 31 Table 13: Sectoral strategies for the implementation of adaptation objectives. 33 Table 14: Indicators of gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the updated CBD 35 Table 15:", + "42 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In accordance with the relevant provisions of Decision 1CP/21 adopting the Paris Agreement and paragraph 22 of Decision 1CP/21 adopting the Paris Agreement, Benin prepared its first Determined Contribution at the National Level (DNC) and submitted it to the Convention secretariat in October 2017.", + "The activities envisaged in the CBD covering the period 2017-2030 are structured in two main components, namely mitigation and adaptation. Following the achievement of the state of play of the CBD in relation to the actions implemented over the period 2017-2019, Benin has embarked on the process of updating this instrument with a view to raising the ambition set out in the CBD and providing greater clarity and transparency for a better understanding of the instrument on the one hand and for better monitoring of its implementation on the other. To this end, Benin intends to demonstrate its firm determination to contribute further to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gases.", + "With this in mind, Benin intends to demonstrate its firm commitment to further contributing to the global effort to reduce greenhouse gases. This document, which has been prepared with the broad participation of various stakeholders from public, private, local and NGO structures, constitutes the updated CDN of Benin. The Republic of Benin is located in West Africa between latitudes 6\u00b030\u2019 and 12\u00b030\u2019 North and longitudes 1\u00b0 and 3\u00b040\u2019 East, with an area of 114.763 km2. The population of Benin is estimated at 10.008.749 inhabitants (RGPH4, 2013) with an average annual population growth rate of about 3.52%. Administratively, Benin currently has twelve (12) departments subdivided into 77 communes.", + "Administratively, Benin currently has twelve (12) departments subdivided into 77 communes. There are two main types of climate in Benin: the sub-equatorial climate of the southern region and the continental tropical climate of the northern region. Socio-economically, Benin experienced an unstable economic situation between 1996 and 2015, with gross domestic product (GDP) fluctuating between 2 and 6 per cent on the whole. However, thanks to the economic reforms currently being carried out by the government, GDP reached a record 6.8 per cent in 2018 (Source, IMF). However, GDP per capita growth remains low, due to sustained population growth and low policy performance, leaving little scope for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.", + "However, GDP per capita growth remains low, owing to sustained population growth and low policy performance, leaving little scope for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Awareness of the challenges related to climate change has led to the development and adoption of several policies, strategies and response programmes by Benin. On the legal front, it should be noted that under the heading of climate change, a law regulating climate change in the Republic of Benin was voted by parliament on 18 June 2018 and promulgated on 06 August 2018.", + "On the legal level, it should be noted that under the heading of climate change, a law regulating climate change in the Republic of Benin was voted by the parliament on 18 June 2018 and promulgated on 06 August 2018. In terms of development priorities and objectives, the Republic of Benin, despite the remaining bottlenecks or existing challenges, has made commendable efforts, in particular in terms of infrastructure development, security and governance. However, the level of operationalisation of the existing strategies remains low in order to bring about a significant evolution towards the achievement of their respective visions and that of the National Long-term Perspective Studies \"Benin Alafia 2025\". On the climate finance front, Benin has created the National Fund for the Environment and Climate (FNEC) accredited by the Green Climate Fund (FVC). 2.1.", + "In terms of climate finance, Benin has established the National Fund for the Environment and Climate (FNEC) accredited by the Green Climate Fund (FVC). 2.1. Current greenhouse gas emissions and projections if the status quo is maintained Benin\u2019s total GHG emissions in 2018 are approximately 16.94 Mt CO2 equivalent (Mt E-CO2), or about 1.5 tonnes E-CO2 per capita, excluding the land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector. These emissions come from the energy sector (58.09%), agriculture (28.51%), waste (5.38%) and industrial processes (1.22%) and other sectors (vegetation fires and HFC emissions) at 6.80%. Taking LULUCF into account, net GHG emissions are 9.62 Mt E-CO2.", + "Taking LULUCF into account, net GHG emissions are 9.62 Mt E-CO2. In terms of projections, if the status quo scenario is maintained, the trend in aggregate emissions (excluding LULUCF) shows a 71% increase over the period 2018-2030 from 16.94 Mt E-CO2 to 29.02 Mt E-CO2 (Figure 1). The total cumulative aggregate GHG emissions without any intervention over the period 2021-2030 is approximately 241.98 Mt E-CO2 (excluding LULUCF).", + "For the coming years, the measures envisaged in the revised NCD in the Energy, Agriculture and Waste sectors (see Tables 5, 6, 7 and 8 below) are likely to contribute to a reduction in cumulative GHG emissions (excluding LULUCF) of approximately 48.75 Mt E-CO2 from the baseline scenario, i.e. a reduction of 20.15% over the period 2021-2030. 2.2. Climate Change Mitigation Objectives and Measures Based on existing strategies, plans and programs, key sectoral climate change mitigation objectives and measures are identified and documented in Tables 3 to 5. 2.3.", + "Objectives and measures for climate change mitigation On the basis of existing strategies, plans and programmes, the key sectoral objectives and measures for climate change mitigation are identified and recorded in Tables 3 to 5. 2.3. Strategies, programmes and implementation projects The implementation of sectoral mitigation activities (agriculture, energy, forestry and waste) under the CDN will be based on existing strategies, programmes and projects and on future programmes and projects.", + "In view of its membership of the Group of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), its environmental context and its development objectives, adaptation remains the priority for the Republic of Benin in its response to climate change, although it unconditionally subscribes to the global effort, oriented towards the mitigation strategy. 3.1. Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change The assessment of Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change on behalf of the updated CDN is based essentially on the results of studies or evaluations carried out, inter alia, within the framework of the Third National Communication on Climate Change and the Technology Needs Assessment Process, and of development programmes or projects aimed at adaptation objectives.", + "Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change The assessment of Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change on behalf of the updated CDN is based essentially on the results of studies or assessments carried out, inter alia, within the framework of the Third National Communication on Climate Change and the Technology Needs Assessment process, and of development programmes or projects aimed at adaptation objectives. Current major climate risks affecting livelihoods in particularly vulnerable sectors (agriculture, water resources, coastal areas, etc.) include flooding, drought, late and heavy rainfall, strong winds, excessive heat and sea-level rise.", + "Current major climate risks affecting livelihoods in particularly vulnerable sectors (agriculture, water resources, coastal areas, etc.) include flooding, drought, late and heavy rainfall, strong winds, excessive heat and sea level rise. The impacts observed over the past three decades include, among others, decreased agricultural yields, disruption of agricultural schedules, decreased water levels in drinking water supply dams due to increased evaporation of 3-4% annually (Houngue et al.", + "In terms of future vulnerability, assessments based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) new climate scenarios RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 (Representative Concentration Change Profiles) show that annual precipitation projections at different time horizons (2030, 2050) using the CSIRO and CCCMA models show downward or upward trends depending on the model, but negative variations remain dominant (MCVDD, 2019).", + "With respect to temperatures (means, minimums and maximums), the projections generally indicate a warming trend for 2030 and 2050. Potential impacts include an increase in sea level of about 0.81m by 2100, with direct effects of coastal flooding and saltwater intrusion into rivers and water bodies. This could affect human settlements, health, and fishing activities (MEHU, 2011). A probable decrease in surface water flows by 2050 could also be expected over the entire Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 River basin in a scenario of reduced rainfall in the northern part of the country and a shift in flood periods in the Beninese part of the Niger basin, as a result of a significant decrease in the seasonal rainfall regime (MEHU, 2011).", + "In addition, the outlook for corn yields (75-day SYN variable) is 21.6% and 28.8%, respectively, for 2030 and 2050, cotton yields are 0.9% and 6.3%, respectively, for 2030 and 2050, and disease prevalence, including foot-and-mouth disease, small ruminant plague, nodular dermatosis, and the spread of ticks of the genus Rhipicephalus Boophilus microplus, high fish mortality and habitat loss is projected.", + "and the spread of ticks of the genus Rhipicephalus Boophilus microplus, high fish mortality and loss of ecological habitat for fish species. 3.2.", + "In addition, the outlook for corn yields (75-day SYN) is 21.6% and 28.8%, respectively, for 2030 and 2050, for cotton yields are 0.9% and 6.3%, respectively, for 2030 and 2050, and for disease prevalence, including foot-and-mouth disease, small ruminant plague, nodular dermatosis and the spread of ticks of the genus Rhipicephalus Boophilus microplus, high fish mortality and loss of ecological habitats for fish species. 3.2. Climate change adaptation targets Based on existing strategies, plans and programs, key sectoral climate change adaptation targets are defined for the time horizons 2025, 2030 and are set out in Table 8. 3.3.", + "Climate change adaptation objectives On the basis of existing strategies, plans and programmes, the key sectoral climate change adaptation objectives are defined for the time horizons 2025, 2030 and are set out in Table 8. 3.3. Strategies, programmes and implementation projects The implementation of adaptation activities at the level of the eight (8) sectors considered (agriculture, water resources, forestry, coastal, tourism, energy, health, urban development and infrastructure) under the updated CBD will be based on existing strategies, programmes and projects and on future programmes and projects. 4. FRAMEWORK FOR GENDER INTEGRATION IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CBD The integration of gender into the implementation of the CBD seems extremely important in view of the role played by a particularly vulnerable social stratum, in this case women, in combating climate change.", + "FRAMEWORK FOR THE INTEGRATION OF Gender IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CBD The integration of gender in the implementation of the CBD appears to be extremely important in view of the role played by a particularly vulnerable section of society, namely women, in the fight against climate change. In this respect, the integration of gender in the updated CBD document is envisaged with a view to providing a comprehensive overview of the possibilities for gender mainstreaming.", + "5. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UNCCD The implementation of Benin\u2019s updated National Determined Contribution (NDC) is carried out under the aegis of the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD), acting as the national focal point for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The main actors involved include: \uf0b7 relevant ministries and sectoral institutions; \uf0b7 local authorities; \uf0b7 the private sector; \uf0b7 civil society. The bodies implementing this instrument are the following: \uf0b7 The Steering Committee, the supreme decision-making and policy-making body. It is composed of designated representatives of the relevant ministries.", + "The implementing bodies of this instrument are as follows: \uf0b7 The Steering Committee, the supreme decision-making and policy-making body. It is composed of designated representatives of the relevant ministries. \uf0b7 The National Coordination Unit of the CBD, which is the umbrella body for all actions. It comprises the Director General for Climate Change (DGCC), the National Coordinator, the Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Focal Point for the Transfer of Climate Technology, a Executive Secretary; two technical assistants of the National Coordinator. \uf0b7 Sectoral implementation coordination within the ministries, institutions, agencies and other structures covered by the measures/actions selected in the updated CBD.", + "\uf0b7 Sectoral implementation coordination under the responsibility of the ministries, institutions, agencies and other structures covered by the measures/actions adopted in the updated CND, comprising those responsible for programming and foresight at the ministerial level, those responsible for monitoring and evaluating projects, the Climate Change Focal Point of the National Association of Communes of Benin, and those responsible for climate change issues at the level of civil society and non-governmental organisations. \uf0b7 Community coordination, the body responsible for supervising the CND at the communal/local level. Furthermore, the implementation of the projects and programmes identified at the level of the various sectors covered by the CND is the responsibility of the ministries, institutions or sectoral entities concerned.", + "Furthermore, the implementation of the projects and programmes identified at the level of the different sectors covered by the CND is the responsibility of the relevant ministries, institutions or sectoral entities. The necessary guidance and facilities will be provided by the MCVDD to support sectoral structures, if necessary, in the preparation of funding requests or any other initiatives through existing mechanisms. The MCVDD will also ensure the responsibility of the MNV (Measurement, Notification and Verification) system for the implementation of the CND, institutional capacity-building in collaboration with the relevant stakeholders. 6. IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES The activities envisaged in the context of the implementation of the updated CND of Benin require financial, technological and capacity-building resources.", + "METHODS OF IMPLEMENTATION The activities planned for the implementation of Benin\u2019s updated NCD require financial, technological and capacity-building resources. With regard to technological resources, the focus will be on endogenous technologies and South-South and North-South transfer, including the necessary know-how. The main technology transfer needs identified relate to the sectors of agriculture, water resources, forestry and energy (Tables 14 and 15). Capacity-building will consist of the development of technical skills and the improvement of institutional capacities.", + "Capacity-building will consist of the development of technical expertise and the improvement of institutional capacities. The Republic of Benin, in order to achieve its ambitions for the mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHGs), will need an overall financial envelope of US$8556.81 million, of which US$5069.03 million as a contribution from the Government of Benin and the private sector and US$3487.77 million to be mobilized from the international community over the period 2021 to 2030. The cost of implementing sectoral adaptation programmes and projects is estimated at approximately US$1796.13 million, of which the national contribution (unconditional share) is US$578.47 million and the conditional share (international support) is US$1217.66 million.", + "The cost of implementing the sectoral adaptation programmes and projects is estimated at approximately US$ 1796.13 million, of which the national contribution (unconditional) is US$ 578.47 million and the conditional (international support) is US$ 1217.66 million. In addition, the financial resources to be mobilized for the implementation of the mitigation/adaptation measures of the community projects total US$ 162.94 million, of which the national contribution is approximately US$ 14.39 million and the conditional is US$ 148.55 million. In total, the financial resources to be mobilized for the implementation of the mitigation and adaptation measures under this first updated CDN of Benin total US$ 10515.88 million to be mobilized from public funds, the private sector and international support.", + "In total, the financial resources to be mobilized for the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures under this first updated NCD of Benin total approximately US$ 10515.88 million from public, private and international support, in the form of an unconditional contribution of US$ 5661.89 million, or 53.8 per cent, and a conditional contribution of US$ 4853.99 million, or about 46.2 per cent. 7.", + "This amount is divided into an unconditional contribution of US$ 5661.89 million, or 53.8 per cent, and a conditional contribution of US$ 4853.99 million, or approximately 46.2 per cent. 7. CONSTRAINTS ON IMPLEMENTATION OF ADAPTATION STRATEGY AND FORWARD SOLUTIONS Successful implementation of the NCD could face many constraints, including the effective and timely mobilization of domestic and external resources, the ability of relevant public structures to effectively manage large-scale programmes, the effectiveness of regulatory enforcement, the effective transfer of technology, and the successful completion of research and development at the national level.", + "CONstraints on the implementation of adaptation strategies and possible solutions The successful implementation of the NCD could be confronted with many constraints, including the effective and timely mobilization of domestic and external resources, the ability of relevant public structures to effectively manage large-scale programmes, the effectiveness of the implementation of regulatory texts, the effective transfer of technologies and the completion of research and development at the national level. I. NATIONAL CONSTANCES The Republic of Benin is located in West Africa between latitudes 6\u00b030\u2019 and 12\u00b030\u2019 north and longitudes 1\u00b0 and 3\u00b040\u2019 east, with an area of 114.763 km2. It is bounded in the south by the Atlantic Ocean, in the west by Togo, in the east by Nigeria, in the north-east by Niger and in the north-west by Burkina Faso.", + "It is bounded in the south by the Atlantic Ocean, in the west by Togo, in the east by Nigeria, in the north-east by Niger and in the north-west by Burkina Faso. The population of Benin is estimated at 10.008.749 inhabitants (RGPH4, 2013) with an average annual rate of population growth of 3.52%. The average density is 29 inhabitants/km2 with a higher population concentration noted in the south of the country. Administratively, Benin currently has twelve (12) departments subdivided into 77 communes. In Benin, two main types of climate are distinguished: the sub-equatorial climate characterizing the southern region and the continental tropical climate governing the northern region. Average annual precipitation ranges from 700 mm (far north) to 1500 mm (far south-east), while air temperatures vary on average", + "Average annual precipitation varies between 700 mm (extreme north) and 1500 mm (extreme south-east), while air temperatures vary on average around 27.2 \u00b0C, with absolute maximums in the north reaching over 45 \u00b0C. The last two decades have been particularly marked by an increase in climate variability, characterised in particular by the recurrence of extreme weather events (such as floods), the disruption of seasonal rainfall patterns and an increasingly remarkable reduction in the number of rain events. With regard to air temperature, the normal deviations (1981-2010) of the annual averages range from -0.7 \u00b0C to +1.3 \u00b0C. On the socio-economic front, Benin experienced an unstable economic situation during the period 1996-2015, marked by a fluctuation in gross domestic product (GDP) of between 2% and 6% overall.", + "At the socio-economic level, Benin experienced an unstable economic situation during the period 1996-2015, with a fluctuation in gross domestic product (GDP) ranging from 2 to 6 per cent on the whole. However, thanks to the economic reforms currently being carried out by the public authorities, GDP reached a record 6.8 per cent in 2018 (Source, IMF). While GDP per capita growth remains low, due to sustained population growth and low policy performance, there is little scope for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Climate change governance at the national level is the primary responsibility of the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MLFSD), which plays the role of the National Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).", + "Climate change governance at the national level is the primary mission of the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD), which acts as the National Focal Point for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It coordinates and oversees, through the Directorate General for Environment and Climate (DGEC), the processes for the preparation of national communications on climate change, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and other documents relating to the implementation of the Convention. It works closely with structures within other relevant ministerial departments and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). At the political level, one of the most important instruments is the National Development Plan 2016-2025, adopted in July 2018.", + "At the political level, one of the instruments of major importance is the National Development Plan 2016-2025, adopted in July 2018. Awareness of the challenges related to the problem of climate change has promoted the development and adoption of several policies, strategies and response programmes by Benin, including: the National Strategy for the Implementation of the UNFCCC, the National Action Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPCA), the National Programme for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (PNGDRN), the Low-Carbon and Climate-Resilient Development Strategy, the National Strategy and Action Plan for the Sustainable Management of the mangrove ecosystems of Benin and the DRC.", + "These include: the National Strategy for the Implementation of the UNFCCC, the National Action Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA), the National Programme for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (PNGDRN), the Low-Carbon and Climate-Resilient Development Strategy, the National Strategy and Action Plan for the Sustainable Management of mangrove ecosystems in Benin and the DRC.", + "On the legal level, it should be noted that under the heading of climate change, a law regulating climate change in the Republic of Benin was voted by the parliament on 18 June 2018 and promulgated on 06 August 2018. With regard to development priorities and objectives, the Republic of Benin, despite the remaining bottlenecks or existing challenges, has made commendable efforts, in particular in terms of infrastructure development, security and governance. However, the level of operationalisation of the existing strategies remains low in order to bring about a significant evolution towards the achievement of their respective visions and that of the National Long-term Perspective Studies \"Benin Alafia 2025\". With regard to climate finance, Benin has established the National Fund for the Environment and Climate (FNEC) accredited by the Green Climate Fund (FVC). II. ATTENDANCE 2.1", + "With regard to climate finance, Benin has established the National Fund for Environment and Climate (FNEC) accredited by the Green Climate Fund (FVC).", + "In the forestry and other land use sector, baseline gas emission estimates and mitigation scenario assessments were performed using an Excel spreadsheet using IPCC guidelines, with the exception of measures for the development of oil palm and almond plantations, the effects of which were assessed using the Ex-act tool.", + "\uf076 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the national level Total GHG emissions in Benin in 2018 are approximately 16.94 Mt CO2 equivalent (Mt E-CO2), or about 1.5 Mt E-CO2 per capita, excluding the Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LUCF) sector. These emissions come from the energy sector (63%), agriculture (28.6%), waste (5.3%) and industrial processes (3.1%). Taking into account the LUCF sector, net GHG emissions are 10.6 Mt E-CO2. \uf076 Projections of greenhouse gas emissions if the status quo is maintained If the status quo is maintained, the trend in overall annual emissions (excluding LUCF) shows an increase of approximately 71% over the period 2018-2030, from 16.94 Mt E-CO2 to 29.02 Mt", + "\uf076 Projections of greenhouse gas emissions if the status quo is maintained If the status quo is maintained, the trend in aggregate annual emissions (excluding LULUCF) shows a rate of increase of approximately 71% over the period 2018-2030, from 16.94 Mt E-CO2 to 29.02 Mt E-CO2. Figure 1 shows the trajectories of annual GHG emissions for the agriculture, energy, waste and industrial process sectors. The total aggregate GHG emissions without any intervention over the period 2021-2030 are approximately 241.98 Mt E-CO2 (excluding LULUCF).", + "Figure 1: Trends in aggregate GHG emissions and emissions from the agriculture, energy, waste and industrial processes sectors, status quo scenario 2.2. Historical emissions of non-GHG PFCs and air pollutants and projected status quo emissions Emissions for each pollutant (non-GHG) individually between 2010 and 2018 are as follows (Table 1). The amount of black carbon emitted into the atmosphere in Benin in 2018 is estimated at 10,000 tonnes.", + "The amount of black carbon emitted into the air in Benin in 2018 is estimated at 10 thousand tonnes. The main sources of black carbon emissions are residential combustion, vegetation fires and wood charcoal production, as well as other particulate air pollutants (Figure 2).", + "The main sources of black carbon emissions are residential combustion, vegetation fires and wood charcoal production, as well as other particulate air pollutants (Figure 2). Table 1: Total national emissions of CCS (other than GHGs) and air pollutants in Benin between 2010 and 2018 (thousands of tonnes) Pollutants Carbon monoxide Non-methane volatile organic compounds Nitrogen oxides Sulphur dioxide Ammonia GHG emissions in Mt E-CO2 Emissions Agriculture sector status quo Emissions Energy sector status quo Emissions Waste sector status quo Emissions Industrial processes and product use sector status quo Global emissions Black carbon Organic carbon Figure 2: Contribution of different sources to emissions of CCS (other than GHGs) and air pollutants in Benin in 2018 (excluding fore", + "Table 1: Total national emissions of SCCPs (other than GHGs) and air pollutants in Benin between 2010 and 2018 (thousands of tonnes) Pollutants Carbon monoxide Non-methane volatile organic compounds Nitrogen oxides Sulphur dioxide Ammonia GHG emissions in Mt E-CO2 Emissions Agriculture sector status quo Emissions Energy sector status quo Emissions Waste sector status quo Emissions Industrial processes and product use sector status quo Global emissions Black carbon Organic carbon Figure 2: Contribution of different sources to the emissions of SCCPs (other than GHGs) and air pollutants in Benin in 2018 (excluding forestry and land-use change) 2.3. Measures for nationally determined mitigation contributions The contribution to GHG mitigation contained in the updated NCD is based", + "in the updated NCD is based on measures contained in strategies, programmes and projects for the period 2017 to 2030.", + "Measures for Nationally Determined Contributions to Mitigation The contribution to GHG mitigation contained in the updated CBD is based on measures contained in strategies, programmes and projects for the period 2017 to 2030. This period includes the preparatory phase of the implementation of the CBD (2017 to 2020) and the implementation period of the CBD (2021 to 2030), the period of accounting for GHG emission reduction efforts. Numerous opportunities for GHG mitigation have been identified in the agriculture, energy and LULUCF sectors for this purpose. \uf076 Measures for Nationally Determined Contributions to Mitigation The general methodological considerations for updating measures and the overall nationally determined contribution to mitigation are presented in Table 2.", + "\uf076 Measures under nationally determined contributions to mitigation The general methodological considerations for updating the measures and the overall nationally determined contribution to mitigation are presented in Table 2. Table 2: General methodological considerations and overall results for updating the mitigation measures Reference year The reference year for taking into account actions contributing to GHG mitigation is 2018. However, GHG emission projections are made over the period 2019 to 2030; the emission trajectory for the scenario without mitigation measures and the scenario with measures is the same over the period 2010 to 2016.", + "However, GHG emission projections are made for the period 2019 to 2030; the emission trajectory for the scenario without mitigation measures and the scenario with measures is the same for the period 2010 to 2016. Type of GHG Mitigation Contribution and Coverage An updated CBD GHG mitigation contribution is based on measures contained in strategies, programmes and projects for the period 2017\u2013 2030. This period includes a preparatory and start-up phase of the CBD (2017 to 2020) and a phase of implementation of the CBD (2021 to 2030).", + "Type of GHG Mitigation Contribution and Coverage Period An updated CBD GHG mitigation contribution is based on measures contained in strategies, programs and projects for the period 2017\u2013 2030.This period includes a preparatory and start-up phase of CBD implementation (2017-2020) and a phase of CBD implementation (2021-2030).", + "Methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), HFCs Other pollutants (other than GHGs and air pollutants: black carbon, organic carbon, ammonia (NH3), PM2.5, PM10, carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs).", + "CO CO Industry Institutional and Commercial Residential Transport Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use IPPU Vegetation Fires Waste Electricity Generation Charcoal Making Options underlying the update of the CDN Commit to further support climate action through more ambitious targets for the same period 2021-2030 GHGs included in the contribution Direct GHGs: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), HFCs Other pollutants (non-GHG and air pollutants: black carbon, organic carbon, ammonia (NH3), PM2.5, PM10, carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs) Sectors/sources covered by gas emission calculations \uf0b7 Energy; \uf0b7 Agriculture; \uf0b7 Industry and Product Use; \uf0b7 Was", + "\uf0b7 Energy (sources: residential, tertiary, transport and energy industries) \uf0b7 Agriculture (agricultural soils, rice paddies, burning of agricultural residues, prescribed savannah burning).", + "Sectors/sources covered by the gas emissions calculations \uf0b7 Energy; \uf0b7 Agriculture; \uf0b7 Industry and Product Use; \uf0b7 Waste; \uf0b7 LULUCF Sectors/sources covered by the contribution \uf0b7 Energy (sources: residential, tertiary, transport and energy industries) \uf0b7 Agriculture (agricultural soils, rice paddies, burning of agricultural residues, prescribed savannah burning) \uf0b7 LULUCF (forest land including natural forests and plantations: forest plantations and agroforestry) Geographical coverage All national territory Scenarios considered for the estimation of gas emissions Reference scenario: This scenario does not take into account mitigation policies and measures \uf0b7 Mitigation scenario: This scenario is based on policies and measures with an implementation period beyond 2021 that contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions or the strengthening of carbon sinks.", + "This scenario does not include mitigation policies and measures \uf0b7 Mitigation scenario: This scenario is based on policies and measures with an implementation period beyond 2021 that contribute to GHG mitigation or carbon sink enhancement Methodology for estimating gas emissions General methodology for estimating emissions For the generation of scenarios in the various sectors and subsectors targeted for the mitigation component, GHG emissions were estimated over the historical period 2010 to 2016 and projections from 2017 to 2030.", + "Methodology for estimating gas emissions General methodology for estimating emissions For the generation of scenarios in the different sectors and subsectors targeted for the mitigation component, GHG emissions were estimated over the historical period 2010 to 2016 and projections from 2017 to 2030. Four types of data were used: demographic data, macroeconomic data (GDP), sectoral activity data, emission factors and global warming potentials of the different gases. Demographic and economic data are derived from statistics and projections of the National Institute of Statistics and Demography (INStaD).", + "Activity data are derived from official statistical documents and databases of the different sectors concerned. Missing data and data projections have required extrapolations and sometimes approximations based on established assumptions and widely shared with stakeholders at the sectoral level. For GHGs, emission factors used are for the most part default values from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories. CH4 emission factors from enteric fermentation and cattle manure management are specific to Benin. Non-GHG and air pollutant emission factors for SCCPs are derived from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories, Guidebook for the Inventory of Air Pollutant Emissions Guidebook 2019 (EMEP/EEA, 2019) and Andreae and Merlet (2001).", + "The non-GHG and air pollutant emission factors for LULUCF are derived from the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National GHG Inventories, Guidebook for the Inventory of Air Pollutant Emissions Guidebook 2019 (EMEP/EEA, 2019) and Andreae and Merlet (2001). Global Warming Potentials (GWPs) are values provided by the IPCC in its Fourth Assessment Report: 1 for CO2, 25 for CH4 and 298 for N2O. Global emissions are estimated from the sum of sectoral emissions excluding LULUCF. Methodological approach for generating the baseline scenario The baseline scenario, as noted above, is one in which GHG emissions are generated in the absence of actions from 2017 onwards that could contribute to GHG mitigation or carbon sinks.", + "Methodological approach for generating the baseline scenario The baseline scenario, as described above, is one in which GHG emissions are generated in the absence of actions taken from 2017 onwards that are likely to contribute to GHG mitigation or carbon sink enhancement. Thus, for this scenario, emission estimates for the period 2017 to 2030 are based on projections of sectoral activity data from historical trends observed over the years 2010 to 2017. Methodological approach for generating the mitigation scenario The emission projections for 2019 to 2030 for the mitigation scenario take into account 21 measures.", + "Methodological approach for the generation of the mitigation scenario The emission projections from 2019 to 2030 for the mitigation scenario take into account 21 measures: \uf0b7 03 measures in the agricultural sector (Table 4); \uf0b7 12 measures bringing together a total of 20 actions to be implemented in the energy sector (Table 5); \uf0b7 05 measures in the LULUCF sector (Table 6); \uf0b7 01 measure in the waste sector (Table 7) Of the 21 measures, only 12 are taken into account in the energy sector for CCS (non-GHG) and air pollutants.", + "A total of: \uf0b7 03 measures in the agriculture sector (Table 4); \uf0b7 12 measures bringing together a total of 20 actions to be implemented in the energy sector (Table 5); \uf0b7 05 measures in the LULUCF sector (Table 6); \uf0b7 01 measure in the waste sector (Table 7) Of the 21 measures, only 12 are taken into account in the energy sector for non-GHG CCS and air pollutants Emission assessment tools for the agriculture, energy, waste and industrial process sectors Agriculture, energy, waste and industrial process sectors For these four sectors, the GHG emission estimation work LEAP (Low Emissions Analysis Platform, version 2020) was used to evaluate the baseline scenario.", + "Emission Assessment Tools for Agriculture, Energy, Waste and Industrial Processes Agriculture, Energy, Waste and Industrial Processes: For these four sectors, the GHG emission estimation work, the Low Emissions Analysis Platform (LEAP, version 2020) was used to assess the baseline scenario.", + ", except for measures aimed at the development of oil palm and alfalfa plantations whose effects have been assessed using the Ex-act tool.", + "For the assessment of mitigation measures, the tools used are: iii) LEAP for the Energy and Waste sectors and the Rice Crop category in the Agriculture sector; iv) EX-ACT software for the Agriculture sector (excluding rice crop); In the forestry sector other land use, the estimation of gaseous emissions for the baseline scenario and the assessment of the mitigation scenario were performed using the Excel spreadsheet using the IPCC Guidelines except for measures for the development of oilseed rape and palm plantations whose effects were assessed using the Ex-act tool. Emission Aggregation and Emission Reductions The work on the aggregation and reduction of GHG emissions, non-GHG LULUCF and air pollutants for all sectors was performed using the Excel tool Reductions", + "the GHGs and air pollutants for all sectors have been achieved using the Excel tool Sectoral and overall expected emission reductions (all targeted sectors) compared to the baseline scenario Period from 2017 to 2019: The state of play of the implementation of the CBD during the preparatory phase shows that mitigation actions undertaken in the agriculture and energy sectors from 2017 to 2019 have reduced GHG emissions by 3.8 Mt E-CO2, or 2.4% of the target already achieved In the forestry sector, actions to restore degraded natural forests and forest plantations have resulted in the uptake of 1.155 Mt E-CO2 over the above period.", + "For the coming years, the measures envisaged in the revised NCD in the Energy, Agriculture and Waste sectors are likely to contribute to a reduction in cumulative GHG emissions (excluding LULUCF) of approximately 48.75 Mt E CO2 from the baseline scenario, or a 20.15% reduction over the period 2021-2030 (Table 3 and Figure 3).", + "Compared to non-GHG (non-fossil fuels) and air pollutants, 12 measures have been considered in the energy sector and are likely to contribute to a reduction in black carbon emissions of about 1.8 Mt in 2030 compared to the baseline scenario, or a 14.2% reduction (Table 4). The implementation of the mitigation measures included in this updated version of the Benin CBD supports the revision of Benin\u2019s overall GHG reduction target, namely a reduction in cumulative GHG emissions (excluding forestry) between 2021 and 2030 of 48.75 Mt E-CO2, or 20.15% compared to the cumulative emissions of the baseline scenario (Table 3).", + "Figure 3 shows the trajectories of GHG emissions in each of the scenarios between 2021 and 2030: the baseline scenario, the unconditional mitigation scenario (based on unconditional measures) and the global mitigation scenario (based on unconditional and conditional measures). The mitigation measures included in each scenario are presented in Tables 5, 6, 7 and 8 below. Benin also noted that the implementation of these mitigation measures, in addition to reducing GHGs, would also bring local benefits in relation to exposure to air pollution and human health by reducing emissions of short-lived climate pollutants such as black carbon and other air pollutants harmful to health.", + "Benin also noted that the implementation of these mitigation measures, in addition to reducing GHGs, would also bring local benefits in relation to exposure to air pollution and human health by reducing emissions of short-lived climate pollutants such as black carbon and other air pollutants harmful to health. Implementation of the mitigation measures would reduce black carbon emissions in 2030 by 14 per cent compared to baseline black carbon emissions, as well as significant reductions in other pollutants (Table 4).", + "Implementation of mitigation measures would reduce black carbon emissions in 2030 by 14% from baseline black carbon emissions, as well as significant reductions in other pollutants (Table 4). Table 3: GHG emissions and emission reductions (non-forestry) for the status quo scenario and the mitigation scenario (in Mt E-CO2) Emissions Status quo scenario Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Emission reductions, Unconditional scenario Global emission reductions Cumulative Emissions Status quo scenario Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Emission reductions, Unconditional scenario Global emission reductions Figure 3:", + "GHG emissions in Mt E-CO2 Global emissions Status quo scenario Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Table 4:", + "Emissions and GHG emission reductions (excluding forestry) for the status quo and mitigation scenarios (in Mt E-CO2) Emissions Status quo Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Emission reductions, Unconditional Global emission reductions Cumulative Emissions Status quo Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Emission reductions, Unconditional Global emission reductions Figure 3:", + "Scenario OC BC NOx NMVOC CO Baseline Mitigation Mitigation (% reduction) The planned sectoral measures and their effects are presented in Tables 5, 6, 7 and 8 and illustrated in Figures 4, 5 and 6.", + "Scenario OC BC NOx NMVOC CO Baseline Mitigation Mitigation (% reduction) The planned sectoral measures and their effects are presented in Tables 5, 6, 7 and 8 and illustrated in Figures 4, 5 and 6. Table 5: Measures Planned and Emissions Avoided in the Agriculture Sector Sub-sectoral Targets Measures Planned Unconditional Contribution Conditional Contribution (Additional) Promote improved crop management techniques for crop production. (1) Implement improved crop management techniques on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030. Promote soil fertility management techniques for crop production. (2) Implement soil fertility maintenance techniques on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030. Promote hydro-agricultural developments.", + "(2) Implementation of soil fertility maintenance techniques on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030. Promote hydro-agricultural development. Development and irrigation of rice perimeter with water control of 52,000 ha 22.000 ha development and irrigation of rice perimeter with water control. A supplement of 30.000 ha development and irrigation of rice perimeter with water control. Reduced emissions in the agricultural sector Expected avoided emissions: all of the above measures, i.e. promotion of improved cultivation techniques, maintenance of soil fertility and development and irrigation of rice perimeter, will avoid GHGs of about 29.9 Mt E-CO2 compared to the status quo scenario, i.e. a cumulative reduction of 51.4% over the period 2021 to 2030, of which 50% conditional and 50% unconditional.", + "Reduced emissions in the agricultural sector Expected avoided emissions: all of the above measures, i.e. promotion of improved cropping techniques, maintenance of soil fertility and development and irrigation of rice perimeter, will avoid GHGs of about 29.9 Mt E-CO2 compared to the status quo scenario, i.e. a cumulative reduction of 51.4% over the period 2021 to 2030, of which 50% is conditional and 50% is unconditional. Figure 4 below shows the emissions trajectory in the agricultural sector for each scenario and the levels that could be achieved in 2030. The cumulative avoided emissions are broken down as follows: (1) promotion of improved cropping techniques and (2) maintenance of soil fertility (29.7 Mt E-CO2 eq) or 99.4% and (3) development of rice perimeter with", + "The cumulative emissions avoided are broken down as follows: (1) promotion of improved cultivation techniques and (2) maintenance of soil fertility (29.7 Mt E-CO2 eq) or 99.4% and (3) development of rice perimeter with water control (0.2 Mt E-CO2) or 0.6%. Figure 4: Trend in GHG emissions under the status quo scenario and intervention in the agricultural sector Table 6: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the energy sector Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution Develop electricity production from natural gas and renewable energy sources. (1) Construction of a floating natural gas regasification terminal (TFRG) in the port of Cotonou (total power plant capacity: 500 MW). (2) Natural gas operation of the installed thermal production capacity.", + "(2) Natural gas exploitation of installed thermal production capacity. 36% of the total bi-fuel capacity in 2030 that can be exploited with natural gas and 64% with fuel oil if the re-gasification terminal project is not implemented. 100% of the capacity if the re-gasification unit is constructed. Development of renewable energies (construction of hydroelectric power plants; Dogo bis (128 MW and 337 GWh/year); Vossa (60,2 MW and 188,2 GWh/year), and Beiteru (18,8 MW and 57 GWh/year). Installation of solar PV farms with a total capacity of 112 MWc, structure of a fuel biomass line 15 MW): Hydropower plants (electrical and other infrastructure, investments) + Solar 87 MW (DEFISSOL, MCA II and others) + Structuration of a biomass line 4 MW +", + "Implementation of solar PV farms with a total capacity of 112 MWc, structuring of a fuel biomass pipeline 15 MW): Hydropower plants (electrical and other infrastructure, investments) + Solar 87 MW (DEFISSOL, MCA II and others) + Biomass pipeline structuring 4 MW + biomass-electricity investment promotion Hydropower plants (total civil engineering for 48.5% of investments) + Solar 25 MW + Biomass 11 MW + promotion Expand access of households to electric lighting instead of kerosene lighting (grid connection component) (4) Electrification of localities by grid connection (approximately 2323 localities between 2021 and 2030).", + "(Network connection component) (4) Electrification of localities by grid connection (approximately 2323 localities between 2021 and 2030) Electrification of 481 localities Electrification of 1842 localities (planned for the period 2005) Promotion of the access of approximately new households to electricity for domestic lighting and the abandonment of kerosene lighting in the localities that will be Acquisition of 342,000 household connection kits Acquisition of 686,000 household connection kits to conventional networks (planned for the period GHG emissions in Mt E-CO2 Emissions Status quo Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution connected to the networks of the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 B\u00e9ninoise d\u2019Energie Electrique (SBEE) Pursue and strengthen the", + "Electrification of 481 localities Electrification of 1842 localities (planned for 2005) Promotion of the access of approximately new households to electricity for domestic lighting and the abandonment of kerosene lighting in the localities that will be acquired Acquisition of 342,000 household plug-in kits Acquisition of 686,000 household plug-in kits for conventional networks (planned for the period) GHG emissions in Mt E-CO2 Emissions Status quo Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution linked to the networks of the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 B\u00e9ninoise d\u2019Energie Electrique (SBEE) To continue and strengthen energy-efficient electricity consumption actions in all sectors (6) (Promotion of the use of low-energy", + "Installation of 30,350 new 100 W lamps instead of (7) Promotion of low consumption LED lamps in households (3,000,000 lamps in 1,000,000 households (project in preparation for ERD) (8) Promotion of PV solar public lighting (total of 53,743 solar lamps of which 23,243 already installed at the end of 2020 and 30,500 new lamps to be installed for a total power of 4837 KW) Installation of lamps at the end of 2020 (2105 KW).", + "(6) (Promotion of the use of energy-efficient low-power electric lamps (public lighting) Rehabilitation of 18777 conventional lamps (250W) and replacement of lamps with LEDs Installation of 30,350 new 100W lamps instead of (7) Promotion of low-power LED lamps in households (3,000,000 lamps in 1,000,000 households (project in preparation for ERD) (8) Promotion of PV solar public lighting (total of 53,743 solar lamps of which 23,243 already installed at the end of 2020 and 30,500 new lamps to be installed for a total power of 4837 KW) Installation of lamps at the end of 2020 (2105 KW) Rehabilitation of defective lamps between 2021 and 2022.", + "Rehabilitation of defective lamps between 2021 and 2022 Installation of 30500 new solar lamps (9) PV solar panels on the roofs of administrative buildings (07 health centres and colleges, 2 communal service sites, 55 administrative buildings) 07 health centres and colleges and 2 communal service sites Headquarters administrative buildings (10) Promotion of the use of low energy electric lamps in public utilities 37.221 LED lamps in administration 37.221 LED lamps Promote low energy wood-energy technologies Promotion of the economical use of wood-energy by providing access to improved homes for 809.043 new households.", + "Installation of 30500 new solar lamps (9) PV solar panels on the roofs of administrative buildings (07 health centres and colleges, 2 communal service sites, 55 administrative buildings) 07 health centres and colleges and 2 communal service sites administrative buildings of the central administration (10) Promotion of the use of low energy consuming electric lamps in public services 37.221 LED lamps in administration 37.221 LED lamps Promote low energy consuming wood-energy technologies Promotion of the economical use of wood-energy by access of 809.043 new households to improved households. new households new households Promote the partial substitution of wood-energy consumption by butane gas (12) Promotion of access of 275.000 new households to cooking equipment using domestic gas: by subsidising the cost of acquiring the small 6 kg bottled equipment + 30% noise dampener or by setting up a", + "new households new households (13) Subsidy for domestic gas consumption of at least 30% of the cost of recharging new households new households Extending households\u2019 access to electric lighting instead of lighting to (14) Promoting the extension of households\u2019 and public services\u2019 access to off-grid electric lighting by means of individual kits (13,249 households by 2024 and 100,000 new households between 2025 and 2030). 13,249 households by 2024 At least additional households between sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution kerosene (off-grid electricity system component) (15) Promoting the extension of access to off-grid electric lighting for community infrastructures (46 health centres and 26 police stations equipped in 2019 for a total capacity of 200", + "off-grid (46 health centres and 26 police stations equipped in 2019 for a total power of 200 KWc) 46 health centres and 26 police stations 16) Development of rural electrification by solar photovoltaic micro-power plants (239 localities + 22 localities) 202 localities including 22 localities of municipal projects 37 rural localities Pursue and strengthen actions for efficient electricity consumption in all sectors.", + "Energy efficiency in the transport sector (18) Road infrastructure development. Projects: North-East Cotonou bypass road; Fisheries road; Motorway between S\u00e8m\u00e8 Kpodji and Porto Novo. Further development of urban waterways in Cotonou, Porto Novo and Parakou and Calavi.", + "Further development of urban waterways in Cotonou, Porto Novo and Parakou and Calavi. 100% (public authorities) (19) Development and implementation of a strategy and action plan to improve mobility in the medium and long term in the greater Cotonou region and neighbouring localities 100% (public authorities and the private sector) (20) Development of river and lagoon transport (establishment of a lagoon transport service between Calavi and Cotonou and then Cotonou and Porto Novo) Investment for basic works (drafting of a short waterway, construction of boathouses) Private investment for navigation equipment, organisation and management of the transport service Reduction of emissions in the energy sector Expected avoided emissions: The implementation of these measures will contribute to reducing cumulative GHG emissions in the sector compared to the status quo scenario of 18.71 Mt E-CO2 over the period 2021 to 2030", + "compared to the status quo scenario of 18.71 Mt E-CO2 over the period 2021 to 2030 compared to the status quo scenario, i.e. a 12.15% reduction by 2030 including 8.4% unconditional contribution and 3.75% conditional contribution.", + "Figure 5 below shows the trajectory of emissions in the energy sector for each scenario and the levels that could be achieved in 2030. The expected contributions by groups of measures are as follows: Expanding access to electric lighting in the residential sector 7.83%; Efficient electricity consumption in the residential sector 13.72%; Sustainable wood-energy management 20.13%; Energy efficiency in the service sector 6.9%; Energy efficiency in the transportation sector 11.37%; Natural gas and renewable electricity generation 30.98% and reduction of electricity transmission and distribution losses 9.06%. Figure 5:", + "Table 7: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the LULUCF sector Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution Increase the carbon sequestration capacity of the country\u2019s forest ecosystems through the implementation of sustainable management of natural forests and the strengthening of reforestation/planting efforts (1) Protection and conservation of natural forests and existing plantations to reduce and maintain the rate of deforestation to 35,000 ha/year instead of 60,000 ha/year at present. Reduction of the rate of deforestation to 5,000 ha/year. Additional reduction of the rate of deforestation to 20,000 ha/year. 2) Implementation of a reforestation plan with the objective of creating 15,000 ha of forest plantations per year. Creation of 5,000 ha of forest plantations per year.", + "2) Implementation of a reforestation plan with the objective of creating 15.000 ha of forest plantations per year. Creation of 5000 ha of forest plantations per year. Creation of 10.000 ha of forest plantations per year. Promote the development of agroforestry as a measure to strengthen carbon absorption capacities (3) Improve the performance of the oil palm sector with the installation of at least 50 000 new hectares between and (4) Increase the area of anacardic plantations by 60 000 ha, of which 35000 in the course of the 25000 ha (planned for the period of former anacardic plantations - GHG emissions in Mt E-CO2 Emissions Status quo Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution Emission reduction/well strengthen", + "Promote the development of agroforestry as a measure to enhance carbon absorption capacity (3) Improve the performance of the oilseed industry with the installation of at least 50,000 new hectares between and (4) Increase the area planted with sugar cane by 60,000 ha, of which 35,000 in the 25,000 ha (expected for the period of former sugar cane plantation - GHG emissions in Mt E-CO2 Emissions Status quo scenario Emissions Unconditional mitigation scenario Emissions Global mitigation scenario Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Unconditional contribution Emissions reduction/well strengthening for the LULUCF sector Emissions avoided/absorption expected from the status quo scenario Cumulative reductions in net GHG emissions in the forestry sector and other land uses between 2021 and 2030 from the", + "2021 and 2030 compared to the baseline scenario are estimated at 40.64 Mt E-CO2 of which 37.7% is unconditional and 62.3% is conditional.", + "Avoided emissions/expected removals from the status quo scenario The cumulative reductions in net GHG emissions from forestry and other land uses between 2021 and 2030 from the baseline scenario are estimated at 40.64 Mt E-CO2, of which 37.7% is unconditional and 62.3% is conditional. The cumulative avoided emissions over the period 2021 \u2013 2030 are broken down by measure: Reduction of deforestation by 25,000 ha/year and creation of 150,000 ha of forest plantations 24.53 Mt E-CO2, or 60.3%. Development of agroforestry (110 000 ha of new oil palm and pineapple plantations and rehabilitation of 100 000 ha of old pineapple plantations) 16.11 Mt E-CO2, or 39.7%.", + "Development of agroforestry (110 000 ha of new oil palm and sugar cane plantations and rehabilitation of 100 000 ha of former sugar cane plantations) 16.11 Mt E-CO2, or 39.7%. The implementation of these measures will also result in an increase in the net CO2 absorption capacity of forest resources by almost 3 times by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (-3.23 Mt to -9.68 Mt). Table 8:", + "This measurement between 2021 and 2030 is estimated at 0.136 Mt E-CO2 or 1.2% compared to the scenario without measurement. III.", + "Table 8: Measures envisaged and emissions avoided in the waste sector Sub-sectoral objectives Measures envisaged Unconditional contribution Conditional contribution Promote good environmental management of household waste Installation of an energy recovery facility for the disposal of household waste in Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8 Emissions reduction The cumulative reduction in GHG emissions expected from this measure between 2021 and 2030 is estimated at 0.136 Mt E-CO2, or 1.2% compared to the scenario without measures III. AMBITION AND EQUITY The measure-based reduction target of 20.15% of cumulative emissions over the period 2021 to 2030 is fair in view of Benin\u2019s low contribution to overall emissions, its low level of development and its socio-economic fragility.", + "The Republic of Benin is one of the least developed countries in the world with GHG emissions estimated at about 16.93 Mt E-CO2 in 2018, or about 1.5 tonnes E-CO2 per capita. Its economic performance remains weak and volatile with a critical financial situation. The average real GDP growth rate (4.7% from 2015 to 2020) is below the 7% growth rate, the minimum necessary to fight poverty in a sustainable manner. The country depends on the outside world for its supply of commercial energy (oil products and electricity).", + "The country depends on the outside world for its commercial energy supplies (oil and electricity). Benin\u2019s commitment is ambitious as its reduction targets cover key sectors for its economic development, including the energy and agriculture sectors, whose emissions cover 91.6% of the country\u2019s total emissions. Benin\u2019s aspiration for economic development and the growth of its population would lead to a trend increase in its energy needs. Thus, GHG emissions from the agriculture and energy sectors are expected to increase continuously. A major challenge will be to promote low-carbon development at both the sectoral and local levels. IV. ADAPTATION 4.1.", + "One of the major challenges will be to promote low-carbon development at both the sectoral and local levels. IV. ADAPTATION 4.1. Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change In terms of current vulnerability, the major climate risks affecting livelihoods in the agricultural, water resources, coastal and forestry sectors are drought, flooding, late and heavy rainfall, strong winds, excessive heat and rising sea levels.", + "Benin\u2019s vulnerability to climate change In terms of current vulnerability, the major climate risks affecting livelihoods in the agricultural, water resources, coastal and forestry sectors are drought, flooding, late and heavy rainfall, strong winds, excessive heat and sea-level rise. The above-mentioned manifestations of climate risks have led to numerous impacts over the past three decades, such as reduced agricultural yields, disruption of agricultural timetables, lower water levels in drinking water supply dams, prolonged standstill periods, flooding of shorelines, etc. With regard to future vulnerability, the climate risks to which natural and human systems could be exposed are part of a scenario of persistence or intensification of the risks currently observed and depend on the sector concerned.", + "The above-mentioned manifestations of climate risks have led to numerous impacts over the past three decades, such as decreases in agricultural yields, disruption of agricultural schedules, decreases in water levels in drinking water supply dams, prolongation of the bonding period, flooding of the banks, etc. With regard to future vulnerability, the climate risks to which natural and human systems could be exposed are part of a scenario of persistence or increase in the risks currently observed and are sector-specific. Potential impacts, according to climate projections for the time horizons 2025, 2050 and 2100, range from coastal flooding and saltwater intrusions in rivers and water bodies to a decrease in maize yields in certain agro-ecological zones (ZAE5 in particular) and a shift in flood periods in the Beninese part of the Niger Bas", + "The potential impacts, according to climate projections for the time horizons 2025, 2050 and 2100, range from coastal flooding and saltwater intrusions into rivers and water bodies, to a decline in maize yields in certain agro-ecological zones (ZAE5 in particular) and a shift in flood periods in the Beninese part of the Niger basin. 4.2. Climate change adaptation objectives On the basis of existing strategies, plans and programmes, the key sectoral climate change adaptation objectives are defined for the time horizons 2020, 2025,2030 and are set out in Table 9.", + "Climate change adaptation targets On the basis of existing strategies, plans and programmes, the key sectoral climate change adaptation targets are defined for the time horizons 2020, 2025,2030 and are set out in Table 9. Table 9: Sectoral climate change adaptation targets Sectors Key adaptation targets All sectors \uf0b7 Master vulnerability assessment tools and decision support tools to integrate climate change adaptation into the planning and management tools of national and regional institutions \uf0b7 Strengthen climate change adaptation capacity in all socio-economic sectors (job generation, income generation, etc.). \uf0b7 Mobilise the necessary financial resources for climate change adaptation financing.", + "\uf0b7 Mobilise the necessary financial resources for financing adaptation to climate change. Agriculture \uf076 Horizon 2025 Improve the performance of Benin\u2019s agriculture, making it capable of ensuring sustainable food and nutritional sovereignty, contributing to the economic and social development of Benin\u2019s men and women and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular MDGs 1, 2, 12 and 13. Water Resources \uf076 Horizon 2030 \uf0b7 Reduce the vulnerability of natural and human systems to water stress, flooding and degradation of water quality; \uf0b7 Strengthen knowledge of the climate system and tools for generating climatic and hydrological information and predicting climate hazards; \uf0b7 Promote the control and good governance of water. Forestry \uf076 Horizon 2030 \uf0b7 Reduce the vulnerability of communities to the degradation of forest ecosystems. \uf0b7 Promote agroforestry.", + "Forestry \uf076 Horizon 2030 \uf0b7 Reducing the vulnerability of communities to degradation of forest ecosystems. \uf0b7 Promoting agroforestry. \uf0b7 Developing mangrove ecosystems (shoreline characteristic forest formations). Sectors Main adaptation objectives Coastal \uf076 Horizon 2030 \uf0b7 Reducing the vulnerability of coastal human settlements and resources to sea level rise; \uf0b7 Ensuring the continuous protection of marine and lagoon ecosystems.", + "Sectors Main adaptation objectives Coastal \uf076 Horizon 2030 \uf0b7 Reduce the vulnerability of coastal human settlements and resources to sea level rise; \uf0b7 Continuously ensure the protection of marine and lagoon ecosystems Health \uf076 Horizon 2050 Contribute to the sustainable improvement of the health and well-being of all by reducing vulnerabilities, strengthening adaptation capacities and increasing resilience to climate change Tourism \uf076 Horizon 2025 Contribute to the reduction of negative territorial and environmental impacts through proposals for more efficient water and energy consumption, increasing the added value created for communities and the various actors in the sector V. STRATEGIES, PROGRAMMES, PROJECTS AND INSTITUTIONAL IMPLEMENTATION FRAMEWORK 5.1.", + "Health \uf076 Horizon 2050 Contribute to the sustainable improvement of the health and well-being of all through the reduction of vulnerabilities, the strengthening of adaptive capacities and the increase of resilience to climate change Tourism \uf076 Horizon 2025 Contribute to the reduction of negative territorial and environmental impacts through proposals for more efficient water and energy consumption patterns, increasing the added value created for communities and the various actors in the sector V. STRATEGIES, PROGRAMMES, PROJECTS AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR IMPLEMENTATION 5.1. Implementation of Sectoral Activities The implementation of the sectoral activities provided for in the NCD will be based on existing and future strategies, programmes, projects (Tables 10, 11, 12 and 13).", + "It should be noted that some mitigation projects listed in Table 10 have co-benefits with adaptation and vice versa. Table 10: Strategies, programmes and projects allowing for the preparation and implementation of the NCD on mitigation in the agricultural sector Strategies, programmes and projects Actions allowing for the preparation and implementation of the NCD A/ PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS IN PROGRESS OR PLANNING SECTORAL POLICY (SPP), PROGRAMME AND PROJECT IN THE GOVERNMENT PORTFOLIO TO THE HORIZON 2025 Rural Economic Growth Support Programme (PACER /PADER) 405 hectares of lowland for rice production and market gardening.", + "Strategies, programmes and projects enabling the preparation and implementation of the NCD on mitigation in the agricultural sector Strategies, programmes and projects Actions enabling the preparation and implementation of the NCD A/ PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS IN COURSE OR PLANNED SECTORAL POLICY (PDSA), PROGRAMME AND PROJECT IN THE GOVERNMENT PORTFOLIO AT THE HORIZON 2025 Programme of Support for Rural Economic Growth (PACER /PADER) Development of 405 hectares of lowland for rice production and market gardening Project of Support for Agricultural Infrastructures in the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 Valley (PAIA-VO) Rehabilitation of hydro-agricultural developments (i) 1,000 ha of irrigated perimeter developments with total water control, (ii) 3,500 ha of lowland of which approximately 2,800 ha of summary developments in flood plains and", + "Support for Agricultural Infrastructures Project in the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 Valley (PAIA-VO) Rehabilitation of hydro-agricultural developments (i) 1,000 ha of irrigated perimeter developments with total water control, (ii) 3,500 ha of lowlands, of which approximately 2,800 ha are floodplains and 700 ha are rice paddies, (iii) 300 ha are women\u2019s market gardens Support for Food Production in Alibori, Borgou and the Hills (PAPVIRE-ABC) \uf0b7 Implementation of hydro-agricultural developments: rehabilitation of 7 agro-pastoral dams (600,000 m3) and development of 1927 ha of irrigated perimeter. \uf0b7 Development of agricultural value chains and resilience (improvement of farm productivity and technological innovations, capacity-building of stakeholders, development of agricultural value chains).", + "\uf0b7 Development of agricultural value chains and resilience (improvement of farm productivity and technological innovations, strengthening of stakeholders\u2019 capacities, development of agricultural value chains). Programme for the Improvement of Agricultural Productivity of Small Farmers (PAPAPE) Improvement of the productivity of agricultural production systems of small irrigated and rainfed producers (vulgarisation of integrated soil fertility management technologies, restoration of soil health and fertility). Rural Irrigation Perimeter Development Project (PDPIM) Implementation of hydro-agricultural development: development of 1000 ha of lowland and 300 ha of small irrigated perimeter, rehabilitation of 200 ha of degraded agricultural land, construction of four (04) water reservoirs. Lower Mono River Valley Hydro-Agricultural Development Project (PAHV- MONO) Implement", + "Hydro-Agricultural Development Project in the Lower Mono River Valley (PAHV- MONO) Development of a 500 ha pilot area in the Mono River Valley Strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CDN Supporting the transition to climate-smart agriculture and food systems (AIC) \uf0b7 Sustainable intensification of productivity and increase of agricultural incomes; \uf0b7 Reduction and/or elimination of GHG emissions; \uf0b7 Creation of a favourable political and financial environment, providing farmers with knowledge and access to resources and services for the transition to sustainable, productive, resilient and economically viable production systems.", + "Strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CBD Supporting the transition to climate-smart agriculture and food systems (AIC) \uf0b7 Sustainable intensification of productivity and increase of agricultural incomes; \uf0b7 Reduction and/or elimination of GHG emissions; \uf0b7 Creation of a favourable political and financial environment, providing farmers with knowledge and access to resources and services for the transition to sustainable, productive, resilient and economically viable production systems Soil protection and rehabilitation to improve food security (ProSOL) \uf0b7 Approaches to sustainable soil protection and rehabilitation are widely implemented in Benin \uf0b7 Between 30,000 and 50,000 ha of soil are protected or rehabilitated Support for Sustainable Development and Integrated Management of Hydro-Agricultural Perimeters (PAVPHA) \uf0b7 Contribution", + "Support for the Sustainable Development and Integrated Management of Hydro-Agricultural Perimeters (PAVPHA) \uf0b7 Contribution to the sustainable improvement of incomes, food and nutritional security on family farms and employment of young people and women.", + "Soil protection and rehabilitation project to improve food security (ProSOL) \uf0b7 Approaches to sustainable soil protection and rehabilitation are widely implemented in Benin \uf0b7 Between 30,000 and 50,000 ha of soil are protected or rehabilitated Support for the Sustainable Development and Integrated Management of Hydro-Agricultural Perimeters Project (PAVPHA) \uf0b7 Contribution to the sustainable improvement of incomes, food and nutritional security on family farms and to the employment of young people and women Food security project through lowland development and storage capacity building in Benin (PSAAB) \uf0b7 Implementation of hydro-agricultural developments of 2300 ha of rice lowland National Programme for the Development of the Oilseed Crop Line Improvement of the performance of the oilseed crop line with the installation of at least 25,000 new hectares, the improvement of at least 20% of the average yield", + "\uf0b7 Agricultural innovations for climate change resilience and mitigation (promotion of climate-smart agriculture), extension and support for the implementation of production systems limiting GHG emissions; \uf0b7 Sustainable management of land and aquatic ecosystems.", + "Low-carbon and climate-resilient development strategy Strengthening the resilience of communities and agricultural sectors Food security and resilience-building project (PROSAR) GIZ \uf0b7 Improving the food situation of people vulnerable to malnutrition, in particular women of childbearing age and young children, Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations and ecosystems in the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 watershed to climate change through the AIC and the sustainable management of land and water resources.", + "\uf0b7 Promotion of agricultural innovations for resilience to and mitigation of climate change (Promotion of the AIC) \uf0b7 Promotion and support for the implementation of production systems limiting GHG emissions \uf0b7 Promotion of sustainable land and aquatic ecosystem management \uf0b7 Development of the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 watersheds Support Project for Agricultural Diversification (PADA) Contribution to the economic growth of agriculture in Benin by improving the productivity of rural households and increasing the national supply of quality agri-food products Strengthening the productive capacities of the beneficiaries of the project within the rice sector and promoting an environment capable of supporting the development of the agricultural sector.", + "Strengthening the productive capacities of the beneficiaries of the project within the rice sector and promoting an environment capable of accompanying the development of the agricultural sector Support for the Agroecological Transition in the Cotton Zones of Benin, Phase 2 Contribution to the fight against poverty of vulnerable populations; improving food and nutritional security, and strengthening the resilience of family farms to the effects of climate change Integrated Programme for Adaptation to Climate Change through the Development of Agriculture, River Transport and Tourism in the Niger Valley in Benin (UNDP) Development of agricultural and pastoral systems (construction of five (05) multi-purpose dams with 500 ha of downstream irrigated perimeter, rehabilitation of seven (07) agricultural hydro dams, 200 ha of low-lying land with partial water control, 500 ha of declining perimeter, completion of four", + "Lowland with partial water control, development of 500 ha of declining perimeters, realization of four (04) flood water application thresholds for the declining perimeters).", + "Project d Support for the Agro-ecological Transition in the Cotton Zones of Benin, phase 2 Contribution to the fight against poverty of vulnerable populations; improving food and nutritional security, and strengthening the resilience of family farms to the effects of climate change Integrated programme for adaptation to climate change through the development of agriculture, river transport and tourism in the Niger Valley in Benin (UNDP) Development of agricultural and pastoral systems (construction of five (05) multi-purpose dams with 500 ha of downstream irrigated perimeter, rehabilitation of seven (07) agricultural hydro dams, 200 ha of lowland development with partial water control, 500 ha of degraded perimeter development, realization of four (04) flood water application thresholds for degraded perimeter development Strategies, programmes and projects Actions enabling the preparation and implementation of the", + "Strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CBD B/ PROGRAMMES TO BE IMPLEMENTED AND IMPLEMENTED Programme to strengthen actions in the departments of Benin in the fields of soil fertility management, the promotion of improved crop techniques and climate change-resilient crops (see proposal for the preparation of the programme annexed to the report on the update of the CBD).", + "Strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CBD B/ PROGRAMMES TO BE IMPLEMENTED AND COMMITTED Programme to strengthen actions in the departments of Benin in the fields of soil fertility management, promotion of improved crop techniques and climate change-resilient crops (see proposal for the preparation of the programme annexed to the report on the update of the CBD) Programme to promote hydro-agricultural developments for rice cultivation with water control (see proposal for the preparation of the programme annexed to the report on the update of the CBD)", + "Programme for the promotion of hydro-agricultural developments for the cultivation of rice with water control (see proposal for the preparation of the programme annexed to the report on the update of the CND) C/ PROJECTS ON THE COMMONS\u2019 INITIATIVE (PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED ON THE BASIS OF THE AVAILABLE FICHES) Development plans of the communes of Pobe 1000 hectare development project for the production of rice and the cultivation of market products in the commune of Pobe commune of Pobe project for the creation of a community dynamic offering greater resilience to the effects of climate change in the commune of Pobe commune of Bant\u00e8 project for the restoration of degraded soils in the commune of Bant\u00e8 commune of Adja-Ou\u00e8r\u00e8 500 hectare development project for rice paddies in the commune of Adja-Ou\u00e8r\u00e8 Table 11", + "Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the NCD on mitigation in the energy sector Policies, strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the NCD A/ PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS IN PROGRESS OR PLANNED SECTORAL POLICY, PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS IN THE PORTFOLIO OF THE STATE Increasing the capacity for the production of electricity from natural gas \uf0b7 Construction of new oil/gas thermal power stations \uf0b7 Construction of a new 143 MW gas thermal power station Project \"Developing renewable energies and energy efficiency\" \uf0b7 Construction of the Dogo \u2013bis hydroelectric power station (128 MW and an expected output of 337 GWh/year) \uf0b7 Construction of the Vossa hydroelectric power station (60,2 MW and an expected output of 188,2 GWh/year) \uf0b7 Construction of the Bei", + "Detailed information is provided below: \uf0b7 Benin\u2019s Millennium Challenge Account (MCA II) electricity generation project (installation of 4 solar power plants to be connected to the SBEE grid for a total capacity of 50 MW).", + "\uf0b7 DEFISSOL project (Construction and operation of a 25 MW power station) \uf0b7 25 MWc solar power station construction project on AFD financing \uf0b7 Biomass-fuel stream structuring: use of agricultural waste (potential 15 MW) The sites: \uf0b7 Development of photovoltaic public lighting \uf0b7 Promotion of access to solar PV kits for households in remote areas \uf0b7 Implementation of the UNDP New Green Pact Programme to support Benin in the development of renewable energies and strengthening the resilience of the energy mix to climate change.", + "The sites: \uf0b7 Development of photovoltaic public lighting \uf0b7 Promotion of access to PV solar kits for households in isolated regions \uf0b7 Implementation of the UNDP New Green Pact Programme to support Benin in the development of renewable energies and strengthening the resilience of the energy mix to climate change \u201cEnergy consumption control\u201d project \uf0b7 Establishment of binding energy consumption reduction standards \uf0b7 Pilot projects for energy saving in administrative buildings ((i) installation of storage PV solar power plants on major administrative buildings, (ii) high-performance air conditioning and (iii) LED lighting (at at least 5 administrative sites) \uf0b7 Public lighting: replacement of energy-consuming light bulbs with low-energy consuming lamps (LCBs) of LED type; \uf0b7 Public lighting with solar lamps \uf0b7 Energy efficiency in households", + "Solar public lighting \uf0b7 Energy efficiency in households Urban and rural electrification projects \uf0b7 Kandi-Banikoara HTA line construction project \uf0b7 Electricity network extension and expansion project (PEDER): planned connection of 44.219 new households \uf0b7 SBEE Distribution and Distribution System Restructuring and Expansion Project (PRESREDI): planned connection of 10.000 new households \uf0b7 SBEE Distribution and Distribution System Restructuring and Expansion Project in the municipality of Abomey-Calavi and the Atlantic Department (PRERA): (i) Densification and expansion of urban and peri-urban networks and (ii) electrification of 82 rural-type localities.", + "\uf0b7 Sustainable and secure access to electricity project (PADSBEE 2019-2025): Strengthening and extension of transport networks and extension of distribution networks over 500 km in several localities (34) Urban and peri-urban \uf0b7 Energy Services Improvement Project (PASE): (i) 8000 LED lamps for public lighting; (ii) supply of equipment for connecting 75,000 new households. \uf0b7 Special Programme for Extension and Strengthening of the Electrical Networks of Benin (Benin PROSPER2E): Electrification of 1122 localities: 369 urban and peri-urban localities and 753 rural-type localities.", + "\uf0b7 Special Programme for the Expansion and Strengthening of the Electrical Networks of Benin (Benin PROSPER2E): electrification of 1122 localities: 369 urban and peri-urban localities and 753 rural-type localities. Connection of \uf0b7 Project for the valorisation of solar energy PROVES (8 remaining localities for the grid connection component) Policies, strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CDN \uf0b7 Regional Programme for the Development of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency PRODERE 2 financed by UEMOA \uf0b7 RERE FORSUN and PROMER projects \uf0b7 Programme of actions for the electrification of rural localities in Benin (PAELRB): (i) electrification of 200 rural localities by connection to the SBEE electricity grid (phases 2 and 3); (ii) connection to the grid of", + "Networking \uf0b7 Solar energy upgrading project PROVES (8 remaining localities for the grid connection component) Policies, strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CDN \uf0b7 Regional Programme for the Development of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency PRODERE 2 with EUMOA funding \uf0b7 RERE FORSUN and PROMER projects \uf0b7 Programme of Action for the Electrification of Rural Communities in Benin (PAELRB): (i) electrification of 200 rural localities by connection to the SBEE electricity grid (phases 2 and 3); (ii) connection to the grid of at least 60,000 new households \uf0b7 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Development Project (DEREE): (i) installation of solar equipment + AEV system under the pilot phase of the Energy and Water for Life programme; (ii) installation of solar water heaters in health centres;", + "energy and water for life programme; (ii) installation of solar water heaters in health centres; (iii) implementation of energy audits in 20 public administrations; (iv) promotion of improved homes; (v) installation of low-consumption lamps in 400 public institutions in 20 communes of Benin.", + "\uf0b7 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Development Project (DEREE): (i) installation of solar equipment + AEV system as part of the pilot phase of the Energy and Water for Life programme; (ii) installation of solar water heaters in health centres; (iii) energy audit in 20 public administrations; (iv) promotion of improved homes; (v) installation of low-consumption lamps in 400 public institutions in 20 communes of Benin. \uf0b7 Rural Electrification Project (PERU): (i) network extension in 76 peri-urban localities in 20 communes; (ii) electrification of 100 new localities selected in 11 of the 12 departments of the country; (iii) connection to the conventional grid of at least 41,000 new rural households.", + "Benin\u2019s Millennium Challenge Account Programme (MCA II) \uf0b7 Electricity distribution project \uf0b7 Off-grid electricity access project B/ SECTORAL PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS TO BE IMPLEMENTED AND IMPLEMENTED Rural electrification projects Programme of action to strengthen rural electrification under the CND (electrification of at least 720 new localities by 2030 (see proposal for the preparation of the programme annexed to the CND update report) Projects to promote low wood-energy consumption technologies \uf0b7 Promotion of the economic use of wood-energy through access of 809.043 new households to improved homes \uf0b7 Support for the organisation and development of internal markets for the manufacture and marketing of high-performance cooking equipment (improved homes using wood-energy; butane gas cooking equipment).", + "\uf0b7 Support for the organisation and development of internal markets for the manufacture and marketing of high-performance cooking equipment (enhanced wood-energy fireplaces; butane gas cooking equipment) Programme to pursue and strengthen energy efficiency promotion measures \uf0b7 Establishment of standards, regulation, support for the organisation and development of a market for energy-efficient electrical equipment (lamps, air conditioners, refrigerators, freezers) and other electrical equipment. \uf0b7 Introduction of the obligation to take energy efficiency into account in public orders for electrical equipment and in the construction of public buildings (definition of specific specifications, adoption of inter-ministerial decrees, etc.). \uf0b7 Generalisation of measures for the installation in public administration buildings of automatic switching off of lighting and air conditioning in the absence of office users.", + "\uf0b7 Generalisation of measures to install automatic switching off of lighting and air conditioning in public administration buildings in the absence of office users. \uf0b7 Development of information and awareness-raising campaigns on the benefits of energy saving and on the performance of energy equipment with a view to inducing behavioural changes. \uf0b7 Development/extension of measures to promote public lighting by LEDs or solar lamps. \uf0b7 Implementation of a programme to support the improvement of energy efficiency in the industrial and tertiary sector.", + "\uf0b7 Implementation of a programme to support the improvement of energy efficiency in the industrial and tertiary sector C/ COMMUNITY INITIATIVE PROJECTS (PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED FROM THE AVAILABLE PAPERS) Development plans of the Dassa-Zoum\u00e9 Communes Projects to promote measures to mitigate climate change at household level and to promote renewable energies and efficient and self-sufficient economic households in the Dassa-Zoum\u00e9 Commune Policies, strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CDN Project to partially supply the buildings of the Dassa-Zoum\u00e9 City Hall with solar energy (supplying part of the loads of the City Hall premises with solar PV on the roof) Pobe Commune Project to electrify 04 localities in the Pobe Commune (GBANA", + "Community of Pobe (GBANAGO, Onigbolo Village, Ot\u00e8kotan and Igbo-Ocho) by connecting to the existing HTA network offering greater resilience to the effects of climate change (promoting households\u2019 access to electric lighting) Community of Bant\u00e8 Solar power project for municipal offices Table 12: Strategies, programmes and projects for the preparation and implementation of the CBD on mitigation in the forestry sector Policies, strategies, programmes and projects Actions for the preparation and implementation of the CBD A/ PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS IN PROGRESS OR PLANNED (1) SECTORAL POLICY, PROGRAMME AND PROJECT IN THE PORTFOLIO OF THE STATE Intensive reforestation of the national territory through incentive measures \uf0b7 Forestry implementation, maintenance and monitoring: a total of 20,000 ha of plantations and/or enrichment in classified", + "Forestry monitoring: a total of 800 ha of private, communal plantations expected \uf0b7 Forestry implementation, maintenance and monitoring: a total of 700 000 linear metres of alignment plantations in urban and peri-urban areas expected \uf0b7 Green spaces in cities: a total of 300 green spaces expected \uf0b7 Implementation of a forest monitoring and protection system against bush fires and transhumance PAGEFCOM 2: Community Forest Management Support Project, phase 2 \uf0b7 Improvement of forest cover: a total of 600 ha of forest plantations, 20 ha of school plantations and 20 ha of pine plantations expected.", + "\uf0b7 Promotion of non-linear forest products; \uf0b7 Development of the blue economy in forests; \uf0b7 Support for economic alternatives to forests; Programme for the Management of Forests and Riverains Lands, additional phase; \uf0b7 Financing of alternative income-generating activities; \uf0b7 Protection and monitoring of old plantations; \uf0b7 Management of state-owned plantations. Strengthening the resilience of the energy sector to the impacts of climate change in Benin (PANA Energie) Introduction of sustainable land and forest management practices to strengthen the resilience of wood-energy production areas. Promotion of the sustainable production of biomass electricity in Benin.", + "Promotion of sustainable production of biomass electricity in Benin Adoption of best land-use practices, sustainable forest management (sustainable forest and land management through the restoration of land and forest plantations on 3000 ha, and the establishment of 2000 ha of plantations to provide biomass, improvement of agricultural techniques on more than 9000 ha through the adoption of best land-use practices).", + "Adoption of best land-use practices, sustainable forest management (sustainable management of forests and land through the restoration of 3,000 ha of land and forest plantations, and the establishment of 2,000 ha of plantations to provide biomass, improvement of agricultural techniques on more than 9,000 ha through the adoption of best land-use practices) Project Classified Forests Benin Creation of 15,000 ha of wood-energy plantation and 7,000 ha of teak plantations Realization of the National Forest Office \uf0b7 Reforestation of natural forests \uf0b7 Achievements of new forest plantations: on average about 500 to 600 ha per year Other activities of CFGB contributing to the National Reforestation Campaign \uf0b7 Planting of trees during the commemoration of the different Days celebrated \uf0b7 Other achievements of reforestation and forest plantations at the level of for", + "\uf0b7 Other reforestation and forest plantation achievements at forest inspection level (2) Low-carbon and climate-resilient development strategy (2016-2025): strengthening carbon sinks and reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.", + "Project Classified Forests Benin Creation of 15,000 ha of wood-energy plantation and 7,000 ha of teak plantation National Forestry Office implementation \uf0b7 Reforestation of natural forests \uf0b7 Achievements of new forest plantations: an average of about 500 to 600 ha per year Other activities of CFGB contributing to the National Reforestation Campaign \uf0b7 Planting of trees during the commemoration of the different Days celebrated \uf0b7 Other reforestation and forest plantation achievements at the level of forest inspections (2) Low-carbon and climate-resilient development strategy (2016-2025): reinforcement of carbon sinks and reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation Reinforcement of carbon sinks and reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation \uf0b7 Implementation of large-scale afforestation programmes \uf0b7 Implementation of", + "\uf0b7 Implementation of large-scale afforestation programmes \uf0b7 Implementation of the different components of the REDD+ programme Emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.", + "Strengthening carbon sinks and reducing emissions \uf0b7 Implementation of large-scale afforestation programmes \uf0b7 Implementation of the different components of the REDD+ programme emissions from deforestation and forest degradation \uf0b7 Development and implementation of plans for the sustainable management of forest ecosystems (3) National vegetation fire management strategy in Benin Improved steering of controlled vegetation fire management \uf0b7 Implementation in forest policy (controlled vegetation fire management option) \uf0b7 Development of appropriate guidelines and controlled vegetation fire management plans.", + "\uf0b7 Development and implementation of plans for the sustainable management of forest ecosystems (3) National strategy for the management of wildfires in Benin Improved steering of the controlled management of wildfires \uf0b7 Implementation in forestry policy (option of controlled management of wildfires) \uf0b7 Development of appropriate guidelines and plans for the controlled management of wildfires \uf0b7 Regulation of the use of fires in natural areas to be conserved, agricultural areas, pasture areas, forest areas, etc. as defined in the Community Development Plans (CDPs) \uf0b7 Development of cross-border and international partnerships to assist in the management of major fires.", + "\uf0b7 Regulation of the use of fires in natural areas to be conserved, agricultural areas, pasture areas, forest areas, etc., as defined in the Community Development Plans (CDPs) \uf0b7 Development of cross-border and international partnerships to assist in the management of major fires. (4) Integrated strategies for the promotion of private wood-energy plantations in Benin Benin\u2019s spatial agenda Ensuring sustainable management of forest resources \uf0b7 Design and implementation of participatory development plans; \uf0b7 Restoration of degraded forest areas; \uf0b7 Establishment of a system for monitoring and protecting forest areas with modern tools; \uf0b7 Promotion of the sustainable development of timber and wood-energy industries \uf0b7 Sustainability of conservation and protection initiatives \uf0b7 Design and implementation of a programme for the development of agricultural areas in connection with the preservation of forests and", + "protection \uf0b7 Design and implementation of a programme for the development of agricultural areas in connection with the preservation of natural areas B/ SECTORAL PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Restoration of degraded forests and creation of forest plantations \uf0b7 Large-scale reforestation programme with the aim of achieving 15,000 ha of forest plantations per year.", + "(4) Integrated strategies for the promotion of private wood-energy production plantations in Benin Benin\u2019s spatial agenda Ensuring sustainable management of forest resources \uf0b7 Design and implementation of participatory development plans; \uf0b7 Restoration of degraded forest areas; \uf0b7 Establishment of a system for monitoring and protecting forest areas with modern tools; \uf0b7 Promotion of the sustainable development of timber and wood-energy industries \uf0b7 Sustainability of conservation and protection initiatives \uf0b7 Design and implementation of a programme for the development of agricultural areas in connection with the preservation of natural areas B/ SECTORAL PROGRAMMES AND PROJECTS TO BE IMPLEMENTED Restoration of degraded forests and establishment of forest plantations \uf0b7 Large-scale reforestation programme with the objective of achieving 15,000 ha of forest plantations per year \uf0b7 Continuation and intensification of", + "\uf0b7 Continue and intensify wood-energy substitution actions by promoting the access of 275,000 new households to small-scale butane gas cooking equipment.", + "\uf0b7 Continue and intensify wood-energy substitution actions by promoting access for 275,000 new households to small-scale butane gas cooking equipment Strengthening protection and conservation actions Programme to strengthen the protection and conservation of natural forests and plantations (2021-2030).", + "Strengthening actions in the field of protection and conservation Programme for strengthening actions in the field of protection and conservation of natural forests and plantations (2021-2030) C/ PROJECTS ON THE COMMONS\u2019 INITIATIVE (PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED FROM THE AVAILABLE FICHES) Development plans of the communes of Pobe Community dynamics project providing greater resilience to the effects of change Community of Bantee Improvement of forest resources management project in the commune of Bantee Reduction of population pressure on classified forests Community of Bonou Protection and rehabilitation of ecological reserves (biodiversity) along the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 River Community of Pobe Community dynamics project providing greater resilience to the effects of change Community of Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8, Chaourou, Sav\u00e8 Creation of a green belt along the Okpara", + "Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8, Chaourou, Sav\u00e8 Creation of a green belt along the Okpara and Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 rivers in the communes of Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8, Chaourou, Sav\u00e8 on 3000 ha (1000 ha pilot phase) Dassa-Zoum\u00e8 commune Project to plant fast-growing forest species for energy wood production Table 13: Sectoral strategies for implementing adaptation objectives Sectors Strategies for implementing adaptation objectives A/ STRATEGIES AND PROGRAMMES AT SECTORAL LEVEL All sectors \uf0b7 National Strategy for the Implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) \uf0b7 National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPC) \uf0b7 National Development Plan (under development in the DMP) \uf0b7 Government Action Programme (GAP) \uf0b7 Strategy for Strengthening Human Resources, Learning and Skills Development to Address Climate Change", + "Development of the Agricultural Sector (2017-2025) \uf0b7 National Strategy for the Provision of Effective and Efficient Agro-meteorological Services for the Benefit of the Actors of the Agricultural Sector \uf0b7 Training Strategy for Farmers, Livestock Producers and Fishermen on Climate Change Adaptation Technologies and the Use of Agro-meteorological Information \uf0b7 Communication Strategy for the Enhancement of the Adaptation Capacity of Actors to Climate Change for Agricultural Production and Food Security in Benin \uf0b7 National Plan for Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutritional Security \uf0b7 Strategic Plan for the Development of Climate-Smart Agriculture (2018- Water Resources) \uf0b7 National Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Management (PANGIRE) \uf0b7 National Strategy for Rural Drinking Water Supply in Benin \uf0b7 National Strategy for Urban Drinking Water Supply in Benin \uf0b7 Scheme Director", + "Forestry \uf0b7 National Programme for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources \uf0b7 Capacity-building strategy on the management of vegetation fires for better adaptation to climate change \uf0b7 Strategic plan for the development of mangrove ecosystems \uf0b7 Strategic plan for the development of non-linear forest products Coastal \uf0b7 ACT No. 201 8-10 of 02 July 2018 on the protection, development and enhancement of the coastal zone in the Republic of Benin; \uf0b7 Report on the state of the marine environment in Benin \uf0b7 Establish and make operational the Monitoring Centre for Coastal Surveillance and Coastal Risk Control \uf0b7 Multisectoral plan for adaptation to coastal risks in the face of climate change in Benin Energy \uf0b7 Strategic plan for the development of the energy sector by 2025.", + "\uf0b7 National policy for the development of renewable energy in Benin - horizon 2035.", + "\uf0b7 National policy for the development of renewable energies in Benin -horizon 2035. Health \uf0b7 Cholera control plan 2017-2021 \uf0b7 National health policy (NPS 2018-2030) \uf0b7 National health development plan 2018-2022 \uf0b7 National Community health policy -horizon 2025 Tourism National tourism policy (NPT 2013-2025) Urban development and infrastructure \uf0b7 Improving the living environment \uf0b7 Controlling urbanisation \uf0b7 Reforestation of towns or agglomerations \uf0b7 Ensuring the preservation of road heritage and improving its management \uf0b7 Developing the national network of roads and tracks B/ PROJECTS FOR COMMUNITY INITIATIVE Sectors Strategies for implementing adaptation objectives (PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS TO BE COMPLETED FROM THE AVAILABLE FILES) Community development plans POBE Agriculture 1000 hectare development project for rice production and rice production in the commune of Pobe BOUKOMBE Agriculture ( Support", + "the production of rice and the cultivation of rice products in the municipality of Pobe BOUKOMBE Agriculture ( Project to support sustainable agriculture for food and nutritional security by promoting economically viable local industries.", + "KANDI Agriculture Project to support the development of marketable crops and strengthen the resilience of beet growers in the Alibori Communes (PADCMCA) KARIMAMA Agriculture Project to support the development of marketable crops and strengthen the resilience of marketable crops in the Karimama Commune (PADCMCK) KLOUEKANME Agriculture Project to improve the resilience of maize, kidney, tomato and pepper farming systems in the Klou\u00e9kanme Commune KARIMAMA Agriculture Project to support the development of marketable crops and strengthen the resilience of beet growers in the Karimama Commune (PADCMCK) MALANVILLE Agriculture Implementation of three (03) water reservoirs and five (05) fish ponds in the Malanville Commune MALANVILLE Agriculture Strengthening the", + "of Malanville KARIMAMA Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity of flood victims in the community of Karimama AGBANGNIZOUN Agriculture Identifying and promoting climate-resilient food crops and training producers on modern and climate-resilient cultivation techniques (CDP project) SAVE Agriculture Development and securing of agropastoral and fisheries areas OUAKE Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of market producers to rainfall irregularities in the community Adaptation of agricultural and construction systems to climate change OUAKE Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of rice and fish producers to rainfall irregularities ZAKPOTA Agriculture Integrated soil fertility management project and climate-resilience technology ADJA-OUERE Agriculture Construction of water reservoirs for rice producers in Hou\u00e9li gaba, Dag", + "Infrastructure Community Resilience to Climate Change Project OUAKE Urban Infrastructure Development and Construction Climate Change Adaptation of Housing Project PARAKOU Remediation Sewage Sludge Treatment and Solid Waste Management 5.2.", + "Framework for gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the CBD Updated This table 14 is integrated into the CBD to provide an overview of opportunities for gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the CBD, identifying appropriate levels of gender mainstreaming by sector and area of action, with some recommendations.", + "Indicators of gender mainstreaming in the implementation of the updated CCD Sectors Mitigation measures/adaptation projects Indicated level of gender mainstreaming Indicator of gender mainstreaming Recommendations for the implementation of the updated CCD Agriculture Implementation of sustainable land management techniques (improved farming techniques, maintenance of rice soil fertility with water control - Targeting of potential beneficiaries for the extension of agricultural techniques - Training of farmers - Different support for the application of sustainable land management techniques - Capacity building of small farmers - Choice of beneficiaries at the levels of the various adaptation projects listed - Technological development and agricultural advice - Access", + "Small farmers -Selection of beneficiaries at the levels of the various adaptation projects listed - Technological development and agricultural advice - Access to funding - Soil sustainability management Rate of women farmers taken into account Rate of women farmers who have benefited from technical and financial support measures \uf0b7 Ensure, as far as possible, the involvement of women farmers in the implementation of actions promoting sustainable land management techniques \uf0b7 Monitor and evaluate the rate of involvement of women Adaptation projects in the sector involving farmers and rural communities LULUCF \uf0b7 Protection and conservation of natural forests and plantations through reforestation.", + "\uf0b7 Development of agroforestry - targeting of beneficiaries for private plantations - Training of the project management team - Phase of identification of beneficiaries of the said programme Training of the project management team - Phase of identification of beneficiaries in adaptation projects of forest area actors - Number of projects and programmes for the protection and conservation of natural forests and plantations carried out by women - Rates of women involved in projects for the protection and conservation of natural forests Rates of women and men targeted for reforestation and who have benefited from technical and financial support measures - Ensure that women are involved in the protection and conservation of natural forests within the framework of programmes and projects developed for this purpose - Regularly monitor the development and implementation of reforestation projects in order to ascertain, as far as possible, the", + "Regular monitoring in the development and implementation of reforestation projects to ensure gender mainstreaming to the extent possible Forest sector adaptation projects involving the improvement of living conditions of riparian populations in forest areas and the upgrading of forest areas and Sectors Mitigation measures/adaptation projects Indicated level of gender mainstreaming Indicator of gender mainstreaming Recommendations for the implementation of the updated UNCCD on sound natural resource management.", + "ENERGY \uf0b7 Promotion of the economic use of wood-energy through access by households to improved households at subsidised prices \uf0b7 Promotion of access by new households to small cooking equipment using domestic gas (six kg bomb + nozzle) through the subsidy of 30 % of the acquisition cost or the establishment of a facility facilitating access to credit for small civil servants (guarantee fund) \uf0b7 Targeting of households for actions to sell improved households at subsidised prices \uf0b7 Targeting of households for actions to distribute cooking equipment using domestic gas at subsidised prices Rate of women who have benefited from improved households at subsidised prices Rate of women who have benefited from cooking equipment using domestic gas at subsidised prices Ensuring the availability of equipment in all areas targeted for distribution Ensuring that the distribution mechanism put in place", + "Ensure that the distribution mechanism put in place does not restrict women\u2019s access to equipment.", + "Other sectors (Water Resources, Coastal, Tourism, Health); \uf0b7 Adaptation projects involving the promotion of integrated management of water resources \uf0b7 Adaptation projects involving the protection and conservation of coastal areas \uf0b7 Adaptation projects involving populations with health conditions vulnerable to climate change Targeting of beneficiaries of project activities Rates of women included in project implementation Rates of women who have benefited from technical and financial support measures to adapt to climate constraints - Gender mainstreaming in all adaptation projects and programmes included in the implementation account of the CND - Strengthening adaptation project or programme teams for gender mainstreaming in the establishment and implementation phase.", + "adaptation programmes for gender mainstreaming in the implementation and implementation phase. 5.3.", + "Institutional framework for the implementation of the updated National Determined Contribution (NDC) The implementation of the updated National Determined Contribution (NDC) of Benin is carried out under the auspices of the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD) acting as the national focal point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The main actors involved include, in particular: \uf0b7 relevant ministries and sectoral institutions; \uf0b7 local authorities; \uf0b7 the private sector; \uf0b7 civil society. The bodies implementing this instrument are the following: \uf0b7 The Steering Committee, the supreme decision-making and policy-making body. It is composed of designated representatives of the relevant ministries. \uf0b7 The National Coordination Unit of the UNCCD, which is the umbrella body for all actions.", + "\uf0b7 The National Coordination Unit of the CND, which is the umbrella body for all actions. It comprises the Director General for Climate Change (DGEC), the National Coordinator, the Focal Point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Focal Point for the Transfer of Climate Technologies, a Directorate-General Secretary; two technical assistants to the National Coordinator. \uf0b7 Sectoral implementation coordination within the ministries, institutions, agencies and other structures covered by the measures/actions selected in the updated CND. These include those responsible for programming and foresight at the ministerial level, those responsible for monitoring and evaluating projects, the Focal Point for Climate Change of the National Association of Municipalities of Benin, the focal point for climate change issues at the level of civil society and non-governmental organisations.", + "They are made up of those responsible for programming and foresight at the ministerial level, those responsible for monitoring and evaluating projects, the Climate Change Focal Point of the Benin National Association of Municipalities, and those responsible for climate change issues at the level of civil society and non-governmental organisations. \uf0b7 The Community Coordination, a body responsible for overseeing the CND at the communal/local level. Furthermore, the implementation of the projects and programmes identified at the level of the different sectors covered by the CND is the responsibility of the relevant ministries, institutions or sectoral entities. The necessary guidance and facilities will be provided by the MCVDD to support sectoral structures, if necessary, in the preparation of funding applications or any other initiatives through the existing mechanisms.", + "The MCVDD will provide the necessary guidance and facilities to support sectoral structures, as appropriate, in preparing funding research files or any other initiatives through existing mechanisms. The MCVDD will also ensure accountability of the Measurement, Notification and Audit (MNV) system for the implementation of the CBD, institutional capacity building in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. The updated organizational structure for the implementation of the CBD is shown in Figure 6 below.", + "The organizational structure for the implementation of the updated NCD is shown in Figure 6 below. Figure 6: Framework for the institutional arrangement for the implementation of the NCD PILOTAGE COMMITTEE (MCVDD, MPD, MEF, MAEP, ME, MIT and Civil Society) National Coordination Unit (DGEC, Coordinator-NCD, PF-CCNUCC, PF-TT, Coordinator-Systems MNV climat, 2 Technical Assistants) Consultative bodies CNCCC Ministries Sectoral Coordination Sectoral Coordination Community Focal Point Prefecture Focal Point Sectoral Focal Points (MAEP, MCVDD, ME, MEM, MIT, TOURISM, MDGL) Community Focal Points (ANCB, COMMUNES, CIVILE SOCIETE) Institutions Partners \uf0b7 PTF \uf0b7 Universities \uf0b7 Research Institute \uf0b7", + "METHODS OF IMPLEMENTATION The plan of implementation under the updated Benin NCD is presented in Annex 3. The implementation of these activities requires financial, technological and capacity-building resources. 6.1.", + "The implementation of these activities requires financial, technological and capacity-building resources. 6.1. Technology Transfer Requirements The technology transfer needs expressed for the Adaptation and Mitigation Component stem mainly from the assessments carried out in the context of the Third National Communication (MCVDD, 2019) on Climate Change (October 2019) and the report on Priority Technologies for Adaptation, prepared under the Technology Needs Assessment Project- Technological Action Plan (TNA-Adaptation, 2020 & TNA_Attenuation, 2020). They cover the agriculture and water resources sectors for the Adaptation Component on the one hand and the agriculture, forestry and energy sectors for the Mitigation Component (see Tables 15 and 16).", + "adaptation sector Priority technologies for adaptation by sector Objectives Benefits Agriculture Development and extension of technical routes adapted to the new climatic constraints in the agro-ecological zone 5 \uf0b7 Reduce vulnerability or improve resilience to long recurring dry sequences in the area \uf0b7 Sustainably increase agricultural yield to ensure food and nutrition security \uf0b7 Improve the performance of crop systems to combat food insecurity on a sustainable basis Fight against food insecurity and, in turn, poverty by creating the conditions for improving farmers\u2019 incomes and living conditions.", + "Mulching \uf0b7 Reduce evaporative water losses \uf0b7 Protect soil from wind and water erosion \uf0b7 Provide nutrients for crops Protect soil from wind and water erosion. \u2022 Improve the infiltration of rain and irrigation water by maintaining a good soil structure. \u2022 Keep soil moist by reducing evaporation. \u2022 Feed and protect soil organisms. Plant mulch is an excellent source of carbon for soil organisms and provides conditions for their growth. \u2022 Block the growth of adventitious plants. \u2022 Avoid soil warming. \u2022 Provide nutrients for crops. \u2022 Increase soil organic matter.", + "Integrated management of agropastoral agriculture and livestock \uf0b7 Increase agricultural and animal productivity \uf0b7 Ensure food self-sufficiency of populations \uf0b7 Increase soil fertility \uf0b7 Improve long-term crop productivity Create an enabling environment for managing bush fires, conserving biological diversity (microbial fauna in the soil), reducing the use of agricultural inputs; increasing farmers\u2019 purchasing power, strengthening the social fabric between farmers and livestock farmers.", + "Integrated management of agropastoral agriculture and livestock \uf0b7 Increase agricultural and animal productivity \uf0b7 Ensure food self-sufficiency of populations \uf0b7 Increase soil fertility \uf0b7 Improve long-term crop productivity Create an enabling environment for managing bushfires, conserving biological diversity (soil microbial fauna), reducing the use of agricultural inputs; increasing farmers\u2019 purchasing power, strengthening the social fabric between livestock farmers and farmers Sector Priority technologies for adaptation by sector Objectives Benefits Water resources Development of small watersheds to improve food and nutrition security for vulnerable populations \uf0b7 Combat flooding in agricultural perimeter of rivers and water bodies \uf0b7 Ensure availability of water for agricultural purposes Implement actions for sustainable use of water resources \uf0b7", + "Water availability for agricultural purposes Implement actions for the sustainable use of water resources \uf0b7 Proposals for the regeneration of soil fertility \uf0b7 Improvement or stabilisation of annual water flows \uf0b7 Optimum management of hydrological risks (levels, floods, etc.) \uf0b7 Improvement of water management \uf0b7 Diversification of agricultural production Integrated management of lowland rice \uf0b7 Improve agricultural land productivity and the efficiency of rational water use in rural communities \uf0b7 Sustainably increase rice production capacity \uf0b7 Promote the sustainable intensification of rice production systems through the introduction of innovative practices in crop systems \uf0b7 Contribute to the development of a sustainable system for the production and distribution of quality rice seeds of improved varieties Achieve socially acceptable and economically viable crop systems in rice perimeter areas with a view to contributing to the achievement of food security Advantages of", + "to contribute to the achievement of food security Advantages linked to the promotion of this technology: hydro-agricultural management for water control; diversification of agricultural activities rice fish farming to increase yields and incomes; development of a dynamic process of consultation and participation of local actors organised and mobilised around water management; development of concerted actions for innovations and land solutions; increase in agricultural production; rainwater management; etc.", + "Multi-purpose drilling \uf0b7 Ensuring the availability of drinking water on a continuous and sustainable basis \uf0b7 Ensuring the quality of drinking water on a permanent basis \uf0b7 Ensuring the supply of drinking water to peri-urban areas \uf0b7 Improving access to rural water supply services \uf0b7 Ensuring access to drinking water for the entire rural and semi-urban population Reducing the suffering of the population due to lack of water, especially during the dry season Multi-purpose drilling has advantages such as: rational water management; reduction of water-borne diseases and morbidity, mainly in children; reduction of water shortages; increase in per capita water availability; development of income-generating activities; creation of jobs; improvement in the school enrolment rate, mainly for girls, especially in rural areas.", + "Income-generating activities; Job creation; Improvement of the school enrolment rate, especially for young girls in rural areas.", + "It should be noted that technology transfer needs for other sectors may be assessed at a later stage and will be included in future editions. Table 16: Technology Transfer Requirements Mitigation Component Sector Priority Technologies for Adaptation by Sector Objectives Benefits Agriculture Integrated Soil Fertility Management \uf0b7 Implement fertility maintenance techniques annually Organic FMI techniques require less cash flow than the use of mineral fertilizers and can therefore be more easily applied to poor households. FMI Technologies Sector Priority Technologies for Adaptation by Sector Objectives Benefits Land on an area of are agricultural practices/activities that must be carried out annually/seasonally, etc. Agricultural yields can increase with the implementation of FMI techniques. Yield increases can range from 50% to 100%.", + "Similarly, this technology will reduce GHG emissions in the agricultural sector. Manure production and use technology. Promote manure technology and use by agricultural operators. This technology will reduce N2O emissions from chemical fertilizer on agricultural soils. GHG emissions from pressure on forests to find new fertile land will also be reduced. Forestry Forest land reforestation Increase the carbon sequestration capacity of the country\u2019s forest ecosystems by establishing 15,000 ha of forest plantations per year over the period 2021 to 2030. Soils in reforested areas will be protected. Plant cover improves the microclimate and hence the environment. Reduce forest cover degradation. Strengthen carbon sequestration through reforestation", + "Reduced forest cover degradation. Increased carbon sequestration through rapid reforestation.", + "Strengthening carbon sequestration through rapid reforestation. Small-scale gas-fired cooking equipment Promote access to at least 275,000 new households to small-scale gas-fired cooking equipment between 2021 and 2030 Control the demand for wood-energy. Preserve the forest heritage and its CO2 absorption capacity. Energy Efficient refrigerators and air conditioners Promote the acquisition of 300,000 refrigerators by 2030 in households and service sector establishments and Contributes to the efficiency of electricity consumption, the control of electricity demand and thus the reduction of GHG emissions. Solar PV lamps for public lighting Promote solar energy in public lighting Photovoltaic solar is a clean energy without direct GHG emissions.", + "Solar public lighting PV lamps Promoting solar energy in public lighting Photovoltaic solar is a clean energy without direct GHG emissions. River-lake transport buses and associated infrastructure (boats/landing platforms); Establishment of a river-lake transport service on the Calavi-Cotonou and Porto Novo-Cotonou routes with the aim of diverting at least 30% of current road traffic in the same directions. Achieving this objective will require the establishment of a fleet of 20 buses with at least 217 seats each. Reduction of the specific fuel consumption per person and per km by about 6-7 times compared to small diesel vehicles. As well as a reduction in fuel consumption at sectoral level compared to individual or small group transport. Consequently, a proportional reduction in specific CO2 emissions.", + "Consequently, a proportional reduction in specific CO2 emissions. A reduction in fuel consumption Light-duty diesel-electric trains for long-distance transport and Ouidah-Cotonou- Porto Novo rail network rehabilitation Promote a high-speed long-distance transport service by light-duty diesel-electric trains on the Ouidah-Pahou-Godomey-Cotonou and Porto Novo-Cotonou routes. Achieving this objective will require the deployment of a transport fleet of at least 4 trains, each consisting of a pair of two locomotives and 8 passenger cars. A considerable reduction in fuel consumption in the transport sector compared to transport by small four-wheeled vehicles. Consequently, a proportional reduction in specific CO2 emissions. Reduction of local air pollution in Coto", + "Capacity Building Capacity building will consist of skills development and institutional capacity building (Table 17). Table 17: Capacity Building Requirements Priority Sectors/Areas Capacity Building Requirements Climate Monitoring and Surveillance System Establishment of a reliable climate monitoring and surveillance system across the entire climate system, including the Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric components. Strengthening of air pollution measurement stations. Establishment of capabilities for monitoring and predicting atmospheric fluctuations and changes, early warning systems and assessment of socio-economic, environmental impacts, etc. Institutional Framework Strengthening of existing structures operating in the area of protecting the atmosphere, land and oceans. Establishment or strengthening of structures dealing with adaptation issues. Establishment or strengthening of", + "Establishment or strengthening of structures dealing with mitigation issues. Definition of national climate plans and strengthening of the integration of climate change into development programmes/strategy Agriculture Integration of climate change issues into agricultural development policies, plans and programmes. Training of rural development actors (managers, technicians, producers, local authorities) on the issue of climate-agriculture relations. Support for the adoption of improved technologies for sustainable land management Use of agro-climate models (capacity building in agro-climate risk modelling, familiarisation with DSSAT, SARRAH, etc.). Dissemination of local knowledge on agro-climate risk management or crises. Monitoring and evaluation of agricultural and hydro-agricultural development projects.", + "Promotion of local knowledge in the management of agro-climatic risks or crises. Monitoring and evaluation of agricultural and hydro-agricultural development projects. Training of managers and producers on the production system of major food crops incorporating techniques for integrated fertility management and soil moisture conservation Energy Promotion and improvement of access to renewable energy sources in order to safeguard forest resources and reduce the vulnerability of populations to the effects of climate change. Support for the organisation of the development of markets for high-performance cooking equipment (improved fireplaces, gas cooking equipment). Training of public and private actors and users on renewable energy systems. Capacity building on energy saving initiatives and measures in different sectors (domestic, industry, services). Adoption of labels and standards for efficient lamps and household appliances.", + "Adoption of labels and standards for efficient lamps and household appliances. Establishment of energy performance standards for improved households (This action is carried out by the Energy Services Improvement Project (PASE) at DGRE) Establishment of regulations and measures to promote a market for low-energy refrigerators using non-CFC hydrocarbons. (DGRE/MCA Benin 2) Conducting a survey on penetration rates of improved households, gas cooking equipment, refrigerators, air conditioners, low-energy lamps, and energy consumption in households (all over the country) Conducting a survey of fuel consumption by vehicle category and by use Water resources Strengthening the capacities of the decentralised services of the Directorate General for Water to anticipate risks and manage hydro-climatic crises.", + "(DGRE/MCA Benin 2) Conducted a survey on the penetration rates of improved households, gas cooking equipment, refrigerators, air conditioners, low energy lamps, and energy consumption in households (countrywide) Conducted a survey of fuel consumption by vehicle category and by use Water resources Strengthened the capacities of the decentralised services of the Directorate General for Water to anticipate risks and manage hydro-climatic crises. Strengthened the capacity to take climate change issues into account in water resources management policies. Training of technical frameworks in the field of the vulnerability of water systems to climate change and on the methodology for studying the vulnerability of water resources to climate change. Development of integrated water resources management projects in the event of climate change.", + "Development of integrated water resources management projects in the context of climate change. Priority sectors/areas Capacity building needs Hydro-climate modelling (watershed hydrological functioning, aquifer hydrogeological functioning, salt intrusion processes in catchment areas in the coastal zone). Forestry/ Biodiversity Establishment of climate change units in their relationship with biodiversity. Consideration of climate change issues in the management of biological resources. Training of stakeholders (decision makers, technicians, farmers, local authorities) in the development of integrated biological resources conservation projects in the context of a modified climate and in the methodology of ex situ and in situ conservation.", + "Promoting local knowledge on the management of biological resources. Developing information and alert systems on the adverse effects of climate change on biodiversity. Promoting traditional knowledge on the climate-biodiversity relationship. Developing and disseminating legislation and regulations on biodiversity management in local languages. Promoting traditional knowledge on biodiversity for the strengthening of carbon sinks. Human settlements Integrating climate change issues into political, strategic, programme and development plans. Training and informing stakeholders (policy makers, health workers, populations, local authorities) on the adverse effects of climate change. Protecting socio-economic systems from coastal environmental degradation and sea-level rise. Capacity building at different levels to interpret and communicate relevant climate information and advise local communities.", + "Capacity-building at different levels to interpret and communicate relevant climate information and to advise local communities. Institutional and technical capacity-building of government, civil society organizations and communities to assess local risks and vulnerabilities and formulate climate-sensitive development plans and policies. Promotion of practical adaptation solutions to climate variability and future risks of climate change. Promotion of the strengthening and sharing of knowledge on climate change through awareness raising, risk management and gender-sensitive policy development. Health Training of health pyramid actors on climate change and its impacts on health. Establishment of a monitoring and information system on the impact of climate change on health.", + "Establishment of a monitoring and information system on the impact of climate change on health. Tourism Strengthening of technical expertise in assessing vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the tourism sector Establishment of a climate change alert, monitoring and information unit in the tourism sector Communication around the NDCs - Strengthening of the management, monitoring and outreach team of the NDC actions/activities - Strengthening of the capacity to monitor and evaluate adaptation activities in the different sectors. - Training of the media on the issues, challenges and opportunities of the NDCs. - Establishment of a regular dialogue framework for monitoring the implementation of the NDC. National resources (public funds and private investment) will be complemented by external financial support (bilateral or multilateral).", + "National resources (public funds and private investment) will be complemented by external financial support (bilateral or multilateral). The total estimated cost of implementing the plans, programmes and projects included in Benin\u2019s updated CCD is US$ 10515.88 million, of which US$ 5661.89 million is unconditional and US$ 4853.99 million is conditional (Annexes 1 and 2). Of this total, the total cost of local community projects included in the implementation of Benin\u2019s updated CCD is estimated at US$ 162.94 million, with an unconditional share of US$ 14.39 million and US$ 148.55 million (Annex 3). This estimate is based on the country\u2019s current experiences in implementing climate change mitigation and adaptation projects.", + "This estimate is based on the country\u2019s current experiences in implementing climate change mitigation and adaptation projects. In order to measure the progress made in implementing these activities, a Measurement, Notification and Verification (MNV) system will be established at the MCVDD in relation to other ministries and municipalities involved in the CBD. Conditions for the success of the implementation of the CBD The success of the implementation of the CBD will depend on the following conditions: \uf0b7 The effective and timely mobilisation of national resources and the assistance expected from the international community. Difficulties in mobilising sufficient resources could hamper the implementation of the projects. \uf0b7 The capacity of relevant public structures to effectively manage large-scale programmes.", + "\uf0b7 The capacity of relevant public structures to effectively manage large-scale programmes. To prevent any difficulties that may arise from the lack of capacity of these structures, a good sectoral diagnosis of the staffing needs for the timely implementation of projects will be necessary, as part of the elaboration of the institutional capacity-building programme provided for in the NDC. \uf0b7 The effectiveness of the establishment of regulatory texts and the control of the national market for imported electrical and household appliances and the success of energy efficiency promotion operations. \uf0b7 The capacity of the agricultural sector to effectively promote improved farming techniques on the planned areas. \uf0b7 The effectiveness of technology transfer as well as the success of research and development work at national level.", + "\uf0b7 The effectiveness of technology transfer as well as the completion of research and development work at national level. \uf0b7 The rigorous follow-up of an updated management plan for the implementation of the CND at the level of the coordination team on the one hand and in all relevant sectoral ministries on the other hand. LIBRARY \uf0b7 Benin (2016). Programme of Government Actions 2016-2021. Portfolio of projects by sector. Presidency of the Republic of Benin. Cotonou. 46p. \uf0b7 DG-Water (2013). Implementation of the Scheme for the Directorate for the Management and Management of Water in the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 Basin. DG-Water Cotonou 194p. \uf0b7 DG-Water (2015). Determination of thresholds and alert levels for risks of sea-level rise and coastal erosion in Benin. Report, 182p. \uf0b7 DGEFC (2018). Annual", + "Annual Activity Report 2017. MCVDD, Cotonou, 93 p. \uf0b7 DGEFC (2019). Procedural framework for reducing the potential negative social impacts of restricting access to classified forests. Project Classified Forests of Benin. DGEFC/MCVDD, Cotonou. 118 p. \uf0b7 DGFRN (2014). National strategy and action plan for the valorisation of priority non-wood forest products (NPFP) of Benin: the case of wild fruit trees. Project to support the promotion of non-wood forest products (NPFP-NPFP). MECGCCRPRNF, Cotonou, Benin. 143 p. \uf0b7 DGFRN (2016). Forest Statistics Yearbook 2014-2015. MCVDD, Cotonou, 76 p. \uf0b7 FAO (2010). Global Forest Resources Assessment. 2010. Benin National Report. FAO, Rome, 85 p. \uf0b7", + "Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change \uf0b7 IPCC (2006). 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. \uf0b7 IPCC (2013). Summary for Policymakers, Climate Change 2013: The Science. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (led by Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, New York, United States of America, 34 p. \uf0b7 IPCC (2014). Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability", + "Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability \u2013 Summary for Policymakers. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [led by Field, C.B., V.R. Barros, D.J. Dokken, K.J. Mach, M.D. Mastrandrea, T.E. Bilir, M. Chatterjee, K.L. Ebi, Y.O. Estrada, R.C. Genova, B. Girma, E.S. Kissel, A.N. Levy, S. MacCracken, P.R. Mastrandrea and L.L. White]. World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 34 p. \uf0b7 INRAB (2017). Compendium of promising agricultural technologies developed by the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) from 1996 to 2015. IN", + "RGPH4: what to retain population in 2013, INSAE, Cotonou \uf0b7 MAEP (2017): Strategic Agricultural Development Plan (SADP)-Strategic Direction 2025. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017a): Preparation of the first Determined Contribution at the National (CDN) level of Benin under the Paris Climate Agreement. Report on the \"Adaptation Component\", 37p. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017b). The National Spatial Planning Scheme for the Territory of Benin. MCVDD, Cotonou. 175 p. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017c). First Determined Contribution at the National (CDN) level of Benin under the Paris Climate Agreement. 4p.3 \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017a). Preparation of the first Determined Contribution at the National (CDN) level of Benin under the Paris Climate Agreement.", + "Report on the \"ADAPTATION Component\", Cotonou, 37 p. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2017c). First National Determined Contribution (NDC) of Benin under the Paris Agreement.Tmoc 43 p. \uf0b7 MCVDD (2020). Report on the state of implementation of the first National Determined Contribution (NDC) of Benin. \uf0b7 MCVDD, (2019). Third National Communication of Benin on Climate Change. \uf0b7 United Nations (2015). Paris Agreement, 40 p. APPENDICES Appendix 1:", + "ANNEXES Annex 1: Summary of Mitigation Measures for Nationally Determined Planned Contributions Objectives of the Proposed Measure Quantified Objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total Cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation AGRICULTURE SECTOR Promote improved crop management techniques for crop production. Implement improved crop management techniques for crop production on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030. MAEP Promote soil fertility management techniques for crop production. Implement soil fertility maintenance techniques for crop production on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030. MAEP Promote hydro-agricultural development.", + "Implementation of soil fertility maintenance techniques on an area of 5,000,000 ha between 2021 and 2030. MAEP Promote hydro-agricultural development. Development and irrigation of rice perimeter with water control of 52,000 ha compared to the level reached in 2020 MAEP ENERGY SECTOR Develop electricity generation from gas and renewable energy sources. Construction of a floating natural gas liquefied natural gas (TFRG) regasification terminal in the port of Cotonou (total generating capacity: 500 MW). Private investment 60% Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in (US$ millions) Conditional * Cost in (US$ millions) Total cost in (US$ millions) Institutions responsible for the implementation Natural gas operation of the installed thermal production capacity.", + "Private investment 60% Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in (US$ millions) Conditional * Cost in (US$ millions) Total cost in (US$ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Natural gas exploitation of installed thermal production capacity. 36% of the total bi-fuel capacity in 2030 that can be exploited with natural gas and 64% with fuel oil if the regasification terminal project is not implemented. 100% of the capacity if the regasification unit is constructed. ME/SBEE Develop renewable energy (construction of hydroelectric power plants: Dogo bis (128 MW and 337 GWh/year); de Vossa (60,2 MW and 188,2 GWh/year), and B\u00e9t\u00e9rou (18,8 MW and 57 GWh/year).", + "ME/SBEE Development of renewable energies (construction of hydroelectric power plants: Dogo bis (128 MW and 337 GWh/year); Vossa (60,2 MW and 188,2 GWh/year), and Beiteru (18,8 MW and 57 GWh/year). Installation of solar PV farms with a total capacity of 112 MWc (DEFISSOL 25 MW, MCA II 50 MW, 25 MW additional and other), structuring of a fuel biomass pipeline 15 MW, promotion of sustainable production of biomass-electricity) Hydropower plants (electrical and other infrastructure, investments) + Solar 87 MW (DEFISSOL, MCA II and other) + Structuration of a biomass pipeline 4 MW + promotion of biomass-electricity investments.", + "Implementation of solar PV farms with a total capacity of 112 MWc (DEFISSOL 25 MW, MCA II 50 MW, 25 MW additional and other), structuring of a fuel biomass pipeline 15 MW, promotion of sustainable production of biomass-electricity) Hydro power stations (electrical and other infrastructure, investments) + Solar 87 MW (DEFISSOL, MCA II and other) + Structuration of a biomass pipeline 4 MW + promotion of biomass-electricity investments Hydro power stations (total civil engineering, investments) + Solar 25 MW + Biomass 11 MW + promotion of biomass- ME/SBEE Implementation of the UNDP New Green Pact Programme to support Benin in the development of renewable energies and the strengthening of the resilience of the energy mix in Benin to climate change ME(SBEE) Climate energy issues are integrated", + "2 Energy Climate: Adaptation and Mitigation Measures in the Ruhr Areas) Common Expand household access to electric lighting as a substitute for kerosene lighting.", + "Hydroelectric power stations (total civil engineering, investments) + Solar 25 MW + Biomass 11 MW + Biomass promotion- ME/SBEE Implementation of the UNDP New Green Pact Programme to support Benin in the development of renewable energies and the strengthening of the resilience of the energy mix in Benin to climate change ME(SBEE) Climate energy issues are integrated into the CDPs (Implementation of the CEMAATERR 2 Climate Energy: Adaptation and Mitigation Measures in the Ruraux Territories project) Common Expanding households\u2019 access to electric lighting instead of kerosene lighting (grid connection component) Electrification of localities by grid connection Electrification of 481 new localities through various ongoing or beginning projects (PRERA, PROVES, PAELRB, PERU).", + "Me (SBEE and ABERME) Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in (US$ millions) Conditional * Cost in (US$ millions) Total cost in (US$ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Projects for restructuring, strengthening and extending HTA and BT networks and connecting urban and peri-urban areas Strengthening and extending networks through various ongoing or beginning projects (PRESDERI, PADSBEE-BADEA/FSD, FORSUN, PADSBEE-VINCI, PEDER, PROMER, RERE, Ligne KANDI-BANIKOARA) Me (SBEE) Promoting access to electricity for about 1028,000 new households and abandoning kerosene lighting in the localities that will be connected to the networks of the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 B\u00e9ninoise d\u2019Energie Electrique (", + "342.000 household connection kits, i.e. 33% of households Acquisition of 686.000 household connection kits to conventional networks (planned for the period 2024- ME (SBEE) Continue and strengthen energy efficiency measures in all sectors.", + "Promotion of the use of energy-efficient low-power electric lamps (public lighting) Rehabilitation of conventional lamps (250W) and replacement of lamps with LEDs (100W) Installation of new conventional lamps with LEDs of 100W instead of 250W between 2021-2030 (Me (ABERME) Promotion of low-power LED lamps in households (3,000,000 lamps in 1,000,000 households (project in preparation for ERD) ME (ERD and SBEE) Promotion of solar public lighting PV (total 53,593 solar lamps of which 23,243 already installed at the end of 2020 and 30,500 new lamps to be installed for a total power of 4837 KW Installation of lamps at the end of 2020 Rehabilitation between 2021 and defective. (Me (21.7%) 30,350 new solar lamps.", + "Rehabilitation between 2021 and defective. (Equivalent to 21.7%) 30,350 new solar lamps. (Equivalent to 78.3%) ME (ABERME) PV solar panels on the roofs of administrative buildings (07 health centres and colleges, 2 community service sites, 55 administrative buildings) 07 health centres and colleges, 2 community service sites Community sites Headquarters administrative buildings ME (ABERME) Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Promotion of the use of low-energy electric lamps in public utilities 37.221 LED lamps in administration ME (ABERME) Promote low-energy wood-energy technologies Promotion of the economical use of wood-energy by providing access to improved", + "(78.3%) ME (ABERME) PV solar panels on the roofs of administrative buildings (07 health centres and colleges, 2 communal service sites, 55 administrative buildings) 07 health centres and colleges, 2 communal service sites communal sites central government administrative buildings ME (ABERME) Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Promotion of the use of low-energy electric lamps in public utilities 37.221 LED lamps in administration ME (ABERME) Promote low-energy wood-energy technologies Promotion of the economical use of wood-energy by providing access to improved homes for 809.043 new households. 270.043 new households. 539.000 new households.", + "MCVDD (DGEFC) and (ME (DGRE) Promote the partial substitution of wood- energy consumption by butane gas Promote the access of 275,000 new households to cooking equipment using domestic gas: by subsidising the cost of acquiring the small 6 kg bottled equipment + nozzle to the tune of 100,000 new households. 175,000 new households.", + "MCVDD (DGEFC) and (ME (DGRE) Promote the partial substitution of wood-energy consumption by butane gas Promote the access of 275,000 new households to cooking equipment using domestic gas: by subsidising the cost of acquiring the small equipment of 6 kg bottle + burner to the extent of 100,000 new households. 175,000 new households. MCVDD (DGEFC) and (ME (DGRE) Subsidy for domestic gas consumption to the extent of 150 CFA francs/kg in the first year and decreasing by 15% each year to a minimum of 57 CFA francs/kg. 100,000 new households. 175,000 new households.", + "MCVDD (DGEFC) and (ME (DGRE) Subsidy for domestic gas consumption of 150 CFA/kg in the first year and decreasing by 15% each year to a minimum of 57 CFA/kg. 100,000 new households. 175,000 new households. MCVDD (DGEFC) and (ME (DGRE) Extending household access to electric lighting as a substitute for kerosene lighting (off-grid electricity system component) Promotion of the extension of household and public service access to off-grid electric lighting by individual kits (13,249 households by 2024 and 100,000 new households by 2025-2030). 13,249 households by 2024 and at least 20,000 other households by 2025 - additional by 2025- ME (ABERME) Promotion of the extension of access to off-grid electric lighting for social infrastructure (", + "Police stations equipped in 2019 with a total capacity of 200 KWc) 46 health centres and 26 police stations.", + "And at least 20,000 more households between 2025 - additional between 2025- ME (ABERME) Promotion of the extension of access to off-grid electric lighting in community infrastructures (46 health centres and 26 police stations equipped in 2019 for a total power of 200 KWc) 46 health centres and 26 police stations. (100%) ME (ABERME) Development of rural electrification by solar photovoltaic micro-centrals (239 localities + 22 localities) 202 localities including 22 localities of municipal projects. (84.5%) 37 rural localities. (Or ME (ABERME) Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (horizon 2030) Unconditional* Cost in (US$ millions) Conditional * Cost in (US$ millions) Total cost in (US$ millions) Institutions responsible for implementing efficient air conditioners in households through a subsidised acquisition mechanism.", + "(Or ME (ABERME) Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (horizon 2030) Unconditional* Cost in (millions of US$) Conditional * Cost in (millions of US$) Total cost in (millions of US$) Institutions responsible for the implementation of efficient air conditioners in households through a mechanism of acquisition at subsidized prices. 000 efficient air conditioners ME (DGRE) Promotion of energy efficiency in the transport sector Development of road infrastructure. Projects: \u00b7 North-East bypass of Cotonou (40km) \u00b7 Fisheries Road Phase II. Motorway between S\u00e8m\u00e8 Kpodji and Porto Novo. Further development of urban roads in Cotonou, Abomey-Calavi, Porto Novo and Parakou. 100% (public and private partner powers) MIT (DTT) Development of river-lake transport (development of a lagoon transport", + "100% (public and private partner powers) MIT (DTT) Development of river-lake transport (establishment of a lagoon transport service between Calavi and Cotonou and then Cotonou and Porto-Novo Private investment for navigation equipment, organisation and management of the transport service.", + "84% MIT DTFL) Development and implementation of an intra- and inter-city transport strategy and plan for Cotonou, Porto-Novo and Parakou with a view to impacting on the consumption of petroleum products in the transport sector Development of a strategy and plan MIT and ME (DGRE) Improving the carbonisation performance of firewood Carbonisation Improvement Support Project for Sustainable Forest Management MCVDD (DGEFC) Continuation of awareness-raising and training activities for the adoption of improved carbonisation technology (2023-2030) with a target of 50% of coal production by 2030.", + "(84%) MIT DTFL) Development and implementation of an intra- and inter-city transportation strategy and plan for Cotonou, Porto-Novo and Parakou to impact petroleum product consumption in the transportation sector Development of a strategy and plan MIT and ME (DGRE) Improved carbonization performance of firewood Carbonization Improvement Support Project for Sustainable Forest Management MCVDD (DGEFC) Continuation of awareness and training activities for the adoption of improved carbonization technology (2023-2030) with a target of 50% coal production by 2030 MCVDD (DGEFC) and ME (DGRE) FORESTRY SECTOR Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Reduce the rate of deforestation to", + "Total Cost in (millions of US$) Institutions responsible for implementation Reduce the rate of deforestation to a maximum of 35,000 ha/year instead of the current 60,000 ha/year Strengthened actions for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of classified forest resources (establishment of a monitoring system, strengthening of the intervention capacities of the Forest Management Technical Cells, organization and monitoring of conservation series, reforestation, improvement and promotion of the rural timber market system, sustainable management of transumance, etc.) Implementation of the actions planned under the Benin Classified Forests Project (50%) Implementation of other similar projects for the protection of classified forests MCVDD (DGEFC) Strengthened actions for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of protected forests on at least 2,500,000 ha Develop and implement projects to support the sustainable management", + "Sustainable management of the natural resources of the protected area (40%) Additional projects in support of the sustainable management of the natural resources of the protected area (60%) MCVDD (DGEFC) and municipalities Strengthening of the monitoring cations of forest plantations (120.000 ha) Implement measures to ensure the monitoring of 60.000 ha of former forest plantations (50%) over the period 2023 to 2030 Implement measures to ensure the monitoring of 60.000 ha of additional former forest plantations (50%) on the MCVDD (DGEFC) and municipalities Increase the carbon sequestration capacity of the country\u2019s forest ecosystems by strengthening reforestation/planting efforts Implement a reforestation plan with the objective of creating 15.000 ha of forest plantations per year (i.e. 150000 ha by 2030).", + "Pursue ongoing actions (PRI projects, PAGEFCOM 2, reforestation by ONAB and other actions of the National Reforestation Campaigns: an average of 5,000 ha of forest plantations per year, i.e. 50,000 ha by 2030. (33.3%) Creation of 10,000 ha of additional forest plantations per year, i.e. 100,000 ha by 2030.", + "(33.3%) Creation of 10,000 ha of additional forest plantations per year, i.e., 100,000 ha by 2030. CDMA (CDMA) and Common Objectives of the Proposed Measure Quantified Objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total Cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Promote alternative to logging activities for the benefit of rural communities (10 to 20% of the costs of new forest reforestation projects) CDMA (CDMA) Promote the development of agroforestry as a measure to strengthen carbon absorption capacity (3) Improve the performance of the oil palm sector with the installation of at least 50,000 new hectares PFM (4) Increase the area of anacardic plantations by 60,000 ha, of which 35,000 in the period 2020-2026 25,000 ha (planned", + "(Sometimes referred to as MAEP (5) Rehabilitation of 100,000 ha of former sugar cane plantations.", + "(Or MAEP (5) Rehabilitation of 100,000 ha of former sugar cane plantations MAEP WASTE SECTOR Promote good environmental management of household waste Establishment of a facility for the energy recovery of the Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8 household waste landfill MCVDD Provide municipalities in Benin with controlled landfills MCVDD and communes STRENGTHENING INSTITUTIONAL, REGULATORY AND OTHER ACCOMPANYING CAPABILITIES Organize the launch workshop for the implementation of the CBD MCVDD Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Establish the institutional framework for coordinating the implementation of the CBD MCVDD Establish an inter-ministerial task force to coordinate activities (MCVDD,", + "an inter-ministerial task force to coordinate activities (MCVDD, MAEP, MDGL, MIT, MIC, ME, MIC) MCVDD Support sectoral ministries involved in the preparation of programmes under the CND implementation plan and in projects mobilization dossiers under the LDC support mechanisms.", + "MCVDD Develop and implement an Institutional and Regulatory Capacity Building Programme for the Climate Change Management sub-sector; MCVDD Promote scientific, technical and technological research on adaptation and mitigation to climate change; MCVDD Objectives of the proposed action Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Provide technical assistance and capacity building for financial services: Participation in (i) exchanges of experience at the level of the West African sub-region; (ii) the meeting of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action; and (iii) training on environmental taxation policy. MCVDD Promote the transfer of technology and know-how on adaptation and mitigation to climate change.", + "MCVDD Promote the transfer of technology and know-how for adaptation and mitigation to climate change MCVDD Develop a communication plan to inform all categories of stakeholders about the CBD and its benefits for climate action and development MCVDD Develop a sectoral plan for the implementation of the Gender-sensitive CBD for the living environment and sustainable development sector (environment, urban planning, habitat, forestry) MCVDD Determine emission factors and other emission parameters specific to Benin in the transport sector MCVDD Objectives of the proposed measure Quantified objective (by 2030) Unconditional* Cost in ($ millions) Conditional * Cost in ($ millions) Total cost in ($ millions) Institutions responsible for implementation Determine emission factors and other emission parameters specific to Benin in the waste sector MCVDD Conduct a penetration rate survey", + "Emission parameters specific to Benin in the waste sector MCVDD Conducted a survey on the penetration rate of improved households, gas cooking equipment, refrigerators, air conditioners in households and energy consumption.", + "ME in collaboration with the MCVDD Carrying out tests to verify the performance of improved households distributed by different actors in Benin ME in collaboration with the MCVDD Carrying out a survey at national level to supplement the available information on the vehicle fleet with data on average annual distances travelled and specific fuel consumption by vehicle category and by use ME in collaboration with the MCVDD TOTAL Annex 2: Summary of adaptation measures under the contributions determined at national level in Benin No. Adaptation measures, state of implementation and sources Objectives Options and costs Implementation institutions Unconditional Conditional Total cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Sector Agriculture Infrastructure Support Project in the Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 Valley (PAIA-VO) (2013-2020).", + "Pilot phase under implementation (Government portfolio) Contribute to the food security of the population in plant products and to increase the volume and export revenues of Benin Its specific objective is to develop the production and marketing infrastructures of the Lower and Middle Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 Valley for the promotion of growth-enhancing channels MAEP Food Security Project by Lowland Development and Storage Capacity Building in Benin (PSAAB) Contribute to the food self-sufficiency of the poor rural population of Benin, mainly small farmers in the intervention area MAEP Food Security Project by Agricultural Intensification in Benin (PSAIA) Improve the food self-sufficiency and food security of the poor rural population of Benin, mainly small farmers.", + "Its specific objective is to develop the production and marketing infrastructure of the Lower and Middle Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 Valley for the promotion of growth-enhancing channels MAEP Food Security Project by Lowland Development and Storage Capacity Building in Benin (PSAAB) Contribute to the food self-sufficiency of the poor rural population of Benin, mainly small farmers in the intervention area MAEP Food Security Project by Agricultural Intensification in Benin (PSAIA) Improve the food self-sufficiency and security of the poor rural population of Benin, mainly small farmers MAEP Support for Agricultural Development in the Hills (PADAC) Strengthen the agricultural capacities of the communes and agricultural cooperatives of the Department of the Hills and improve the living conditions of small producers MAEP Soil Protection and Rehabilitation Project to Improve Food Security (PROSOL) Approaches", + "MAEP soil protection and rehabilitation project to improve food security (PROSOL) Sustainable soil protection and rehabilitation approaches are being widely implemented in Benin.", + "MAEP Agricultural Investment Fund (Fi-Agri) Phase 4 Increase and diversify agricultural production by increasing the use of the hydro-agricultural potential of the Atacora and Donga departments to contribute to the implementation of the strategic reference frameworks \"Strategic Plan for the Development of the Agricultural Sector 2017-2021 (PSDSA) and National Plan for Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutritional Security (PNIASAN)\" in accordance with the protocol of the 2019 intergovernmental negotiations MAEP Green Innovation Centres for the Agri-Food Sector", + "(PNIASAN)\" in accordance with the 2019 Intergovernmental Negotiating Protocol MAEP Agri-Food Green Innovation Centres Project (ProCIVA) Small-scale farm incomes, job creation and food supply in targeted rural areas are improved through innovations in the agri-food sector.", + "MAEP Agricultural Investment Fund (Fi-Agri) Phase 4 Increase and diversify agricultural production by increasing the use of the developed hydro-agricultural potential of the Atacora and Donga departments to contribute to the implementation of the strategic reference frameworks \"Strategic Agricultural Development Plan 2017-2021 (PSDSA) and National Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutritional Security Plan (PNIASAN)\" in accordance with the protocol of the 2019 intergovernmental negotiations MAEP Green Innovation Centres for the Agri-Food Sector Project (ProCIVA) Small-scale farm incomes, job creation and food supply in the target rural areas are improved through innovations in the agri-food sector MAEP No. Adaptation measures, state of implementation and sources Objectives Options and costs Implementation institutions Unconditional Conditional Total cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Propor", + "Unconditional Conditional Total Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) ProSAR The food situation of people vulnerable to malnutrition, particularly women of childbearing age and young children, has improved MAEP Sustainable promotion of VECs in 02 Agricultural Development Centres MAEP MARINE DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT PROJECT (PADMAR) Sustainably increase the incomes of market farms, while improving their resilience to climate change.", + "MAEP No. Adaptation measures, state of implementation and sources Objectives Options and costs Implementation institutions Unconditional Conditional Total cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) ProSAR The food situation of people vulnerable to malnutrition, particularly women of childbearing age and young children, has improved MAEP Sustainable promotion of VECs in 02 Agricultural Development Centres MAEP MARINE DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT PROJECT (PADMAR) Sustainable increase in incomes of market farms, while improving their resilience to climate change MAEP Food Production Support and Resilience Strengthening Project in the Departments of Alibori, Borgou and PAPVIRE-ABC Hills Contribute to improved food and nutritional security and poverty reduction.", + "MAEP Support for Food Production and Strengthening of Resilience Project in the Departments of Alibori, Borgou and Collines PAPVIRE-ABC Contribute to the improvement of food and nutritional security and poverty reduction MAEP Support for Agricultural Development and Market Access (PADAAM) Sustainable improvement of food and nutritional security and incomes of small producers, especially women and young people MAEP Support for the Development of the Anacarde Branch and Agricultural Entrepreneurship (PADEFA-ENA) Contribute to the reduction of poverty and the improvement of food and nutritional security in Benin", + "MAEP Support for the Development of the Anacarde Chain and Agricultural Entrepreneurship Project (PADEFA-ENA) Contribute to poverty reduction and the improvement of food and nutritional security in Benin. MAEP Support for the Competitiveness of Agricultural Chains and Export Diversification Project (PACOFIDE) Improve the access of producers and SMEs in the agri-food industry to export markets in certain value chains and thus increase exports of high-value agricultural products from the beneficiary country. MAEP Development of Irrigated Perimeters in Rural Areas Project (PDPIM) Improve food security and reduce rural poverty by developing small irrigated perimeters to increase the production and productivity of cereals, vegetables and other food crops.", + "MAEP Rural Irrigation Perimeter Development Project (RIPDP) Improve food security and reduce rural poverty by developing small irrigated perimeter areas to increase the production and productivity of cereals, vegetables and other food crops MAEP Agricultural Diversification Support Project (ADP-FA) Restore and improve field productivity and post-harvest value added of targeted value chains (rice, fish, pineapple and anacard) and promote new areas of intervention such as small-scale livestock (fowl, goats and sheep) MAEP No. Adaptation Measures, Status of Implementation and Sources Objectives Options and Costs Implementation Institutions Unconditional Conditional Total Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Small Farm Productivity Enhancement Program (SEPEP) Inc", + "Small-scale Agricultural Productivity (PAPAPE) Increase the productivity of production systems in rainfed and irrigated agriculture through, inter alia, the promotion of Integrated Soil Fertility Management (GIFS) on farms MAEP Project to Support the Agroecological Transition in the Cotton Zones of Benin, Phase 2 Sustainable Improvement of the Income of Family Farms in the Cotton Zones of Benin.", + "MAEP Support Project for the Development of Protein Sequences (PADEFIP) Contribute to improving producers\u2019 incomes and increasing the availability of financially accessible protein in rural areas MAEP Project for the Promotion of Sustainable Aquaculture and the Competitiveness of Fisheries Value Chains MAEP Project for the Development of Agricultural Services MAEP Regional Project for the Integration of Agricultural Markets MAEP Fund for Community Development (FADeC-Agriculture) MAEP Project for the Sustainable Valuation and Integrated Management of Hydro-Agricultural Perimeters (PAVPHA) Large-scale promotion of efficient, resilient and integrated irrigated agricultural production systems in priority agricultural value chains MAEP Project for the Development of Agribusiness in Benin (PDAB) The overall objective is to promote job creation through the creation of viable agricultural enterprises for young people and women", + "MAEP Agribusiness Development Project in Benin (PDAB) The overall objective is to promote job creation through the creation of viable agricultural enterprises for young people and women MAEP Support for Rural Economic Growth Project (PACER) OS1: Strengthen the structure and capacities of agricultural and non-agricultural professional organisations and improve the technical and economic performance of agricultural and non-agricultural SMEs and agro-agricultural AGRs; OS2: Facilitate access to finance for agricultural and non-agricultural SMEs and agro-agricultural AGRs; OS3: Improve access to production and marketing support infrastructures.", + "MAEP Support for Rural Economic Growth Project (PACER) OS1: Strengthening the structure and capacity of agricultural and non-agricultural professional organisations and improving the technical and economic performance of agricultural and non-agricultural SMEs and AGRs; OS2: Facilitating access to finance for agricultural and non-agricultural SMEs and AGRs; OS3: Improving access to production and marketing support infrastructures MAEP No. Adaptation measures, state of implementation and sources Objectives Options and costs Implementing institutions Unconditional Conditional Total cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Ruminant Troup Sedentisation Project in Benin (ProSeR) Contributing to the improvement of animal production and the rational management of farms\".", + "MAEP No. Adaptation measures, state of implementation and sources Objectives Options and costs Implementation institutions Unconditional Conditional Total cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Project for the seedling development of ruminants in Benin (ProSeR) Contribute to the improvement of animal production and the rational management of farms\". MAEP Project to support the development of the milk and meat sectors and the promotion of livestock enterprises (PRODEFILAV-PEL) Contribute to the food and nutritional security of the populations and reduce the volume and costs of milk and meat imports. MAEP PROVAC Intensify fish production in the target regions through the farmer-to-farmer extension approach and the improvement of fish farming techniques.", + "MAEP PROVAC Increase fish production in the target regions through the farmer-to-farmer extension approach and the improvement of fish farming techniques MAEP Water Resources Integrated Development and Adaptation to Climate Change Programme in the Niger Basin (PIDACC/BN) - Benin component Contribute to improving the resilience of the Niger River ecosystems and populations through sustainable management of natural resources MEM Socio-economic and Food Security Infrastructure Development Project (PDISSA) (Develop 750 ha of irrigated perimeter in the Niger Basin) Under development Contribute to sustained growth in the Niger Basin through poverty alleviation, strengthening food security and promoting sustainable development MEM Development of multifunctional hydraulic infrastructure and sustainable management of water resources (MAP 2017-2021 project) Promote integrated water resources management", + "Multifunctional and Sustainable Water Resources Management (MAP 2017-2021 Project) Promote integrated water resources management at the level of river basins and build multifunctional water infrastructures MEM OMIDELTA Programme-GIRE Component Ensure the sustainable and equitable supply of drinking water to rural populations in rural areas MEM AQUAVI Programme Programme for universal access to drinking water in rural areas Increase access to water supply services and strengthen service delivery modalities in a few rural areas MEM Benin Water Management and Development Master Plan:", + "MEM Forestry No. Adaptation Measures, Status and Sources Objectives Options and Costs Implementation Institutions Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) PAGEFCOM 2: Community Forest Management Support Project, Phase 2 (Government Portfolio) Contribution to improving food and nutrition security and reducing population poverty through the development and rational management of natural resources MCVDD Integrated Border Management Programme (Government Portfolio) \"Strengthening national sovereignty in border areas in order to secure national territory and create better living conditions for the populations of those areas\".", + "MCVDD Ecosystem-based Adaptation Project (Improving the climate resilience of rural communities in central and northern Benin) Ensuring the adaptation of communities to agricultural livelihoods MCVDD Coastal sector Coastal erosion protection programme (Cotonou-Siafato, Hilacondji-Bouche du roy, Grand-Popo-Ouidah): Coastal zone protection project against sea-level rise/coastal erosion Protecting the Beninese coast from sea-level rise MCVDD Sustainable cities programme Achieving the sustainability and resilience of the main urban centres of Benin by raising the levels of infrastructure, equipment and services, as well as by protecting and improving local environments MCVDD Programme for the Adaptation of Cities to Climate Change in Benin (Government portfolio) Enhancing the adaptation capacity", + "Government) To increase the capacity of Benin\u2019s cities to adapt to climate change, and to strengthen the capacities of the various municipal and central actors responsible for sustainable urban development identified at the level of communes and ministries MCVDD Cotonou Rainwater Sanitation Programme (papc) To reduce the vulnerability of populations to floods, to promote the realisation of socio-economic infrastructures and to launch Benin\u2019s economic and social development.", + "MCVDD Health Sector Reproductive Health Activity Support Program (PAASR) Improve the quality and accessibility of maternal and child health services MS No. Adaptation Measures, Status and Sources Objectives Options and Costs Implementing Institutions Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) National Health Training Construction, Equipment and Functionality Program Strengthening of infrastructure and equipment according to standards integrating environmental dimensions and climate change; - Strengthening of the mechanism for the maintenance and upkeep of health infrastructure and equipment integrating environmental dimensions and climate change MS National Hospital Rehabilitation and Construction Program (PNRCCH) Contribute to the improvement of the quality and accessibility of health care services and facilities", + "Construction of Hospital Centres (CHNRF) Contribute to the improvement of the quality and accessibility of care and health services MS Tourism sector Make Pendjari/W the reference park of West Africa Enrich and preserve the natural ecosystem by introducing new species: Black Rhinoceros, Derby Island - Promote ecotourism and luxury tourism; - Develop hunting tourism MTCA Reinvent the Lake City of Ganvi\u00e9 Improve the living conditions of the people of Ganvi\u00e9 - Make Ganvi\u00e9 a showcase for lake tourism, an authentic, atypical and original destination MTCA Construction of the Museum of the Amazons and the Kings of Danhom\u00e9 and rehabilitation of the surrounding palatial site Promote popular and family tourism around the history of the Amazons and the Kings of Danhom\u00e9 and the Kingdom of Danhom\u00e9 Present the history of the Kingdom of Danhom\u00e9 in a vivid", + "MTCA Construction of a museum \"All Saints Opening\" slavery, resistance and memory in Allada (Resized project) To build a museum dedicated to the memory of slavery, the origins of slaves and resistance; - To enable understanding of the history of slavery in Benin and the region MTCA Construction of the Vodun/Orisha museum in Porto Novo and rehabilitation of the Adand\u00e9 and Honm\u00e9 museums To offer the world a museum that gives the visitor the intellectual and visual means of a better understanding of Vodun/orisha.", + "MTCA Construction of the Vodun/Orisha Museum in Porto Novo and rehabilitation of the Adand\u00e9 and Honm\u00e9 Museums To provide the world with a museum that gives the visitor the intellectual and visual means of a better understanding of Vodun/orisha. MTCA No. Adaptation Measures, Status and Sources Objectives Options and Costs Implementation Institutions Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Development of the \"Road of Vodun/Orisha Convents\" To enhance the cultural heritage related to the practice of Vodun/orisha; - To propose reading elements of this heritage; - To make this precious heritage accessible to the general public; - To strengthen intercultural dialogue; - To develop the potential of cultural tourism (generate local, sustainable,", + "MTCA No. Adaptation Measures, Status and Sources Objectives Options and Costs Implementation Institutions Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Development of the Waterton/Orisha Convent Road To enhance the cultural heritage associated with waterton/orisha practice; - To propose reading materials for this heritage; - To make this precious heritage accessible to the general public; - To strengthen intercultural dialogue; - To develop the potential for cultural tourism (generate local, sustainable, quality jobs); To rehabilitate waterton among nationals. MTCA Construction of the new King of Nikki Palace and Gaani Arena To build a new Baru Tem Royal Palace in Nikki for the current Emperor and his successors of all dynasties; - To promote the cultural values of the", + "for the current Emperor and his successors of all dynasties; - Promote the cultural values of the Baatonu people - Reveal to the world the originality of the traditional and cultural festival \"Gaani\" MTCA Identical reconstruction of the Historic City of Ouidah including PCTT Make Ouidah the flagship destination for memorable tourism in Africa; - Strengthen the tourism potential of Ouidah; - Diversify tourism products in Ouidah.", + "MTCA Construction of the new palace of the king of Nikki and the arena of Gaani Build in Nikki a new royal palace of Baru Tem for the present Emperor and his successors of all dynasties; - Promote the cultural values of the Baatonu people - Reveal to the whole world the originality of the traditional and cultural festival \" Gaani \" MTCA Reconstruction of the historical city of Ouidah including PCTT identical to make Ouidah the flagship destination of memorial tourism in Africa; - Strengthen the tourism potential of Ouidah; - Diversify tourism products in Ouidah. MTCA Construction of a Marina near the gate of non-return to Djibouti- Ouidah Create a tourist complex and an immersive show route \" the boat of departure \" in Djibouti; - Create landscaped spaces for meditation.", + "MTCA Construction of a marina near the non-return gate in Djibouti- Ouidah Creation of a tourist complex and an immersive spectacle route \"the boat of departure\" in Djibouti; - Creation of landscaped spaces for meditation MTCA Development of a seaside resort in AVLEKETE Making the seaside segment an engine for the development of tourism; - Allowing Beninese and foreign tourists to have beaches suitable for bathing; - Development of the Avlek\u00e9t\u00e9 district to develop the offer of seaside tourism.", + "MTCA Development of a seaside resort in AVLEKETE To make the seaside segment an engine for the development of tourism; - To enable Beninese and foreign tourists to have beaches suitable for bathing; - To develop the district of AVLEKETE to develop the offer of seaside tourism. MTCA Development of tourist sites and their access routes To diversify tourism products throughout the national territory; - To increase the capacity of reception infrastructures at eco-tourism sites; MTCA No. Adaptation measures, state of implementation and sources Objectives Options and costs Implementation institutions Unconditional Conditional Total cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) - to build boat and landing lanes to access lagoon sites Preservation and presentation of cultural heritage and natural heritage of a cultural nature To have a national list", + "Value of cultural heritage and natural heritage of a cultural character Establish a national list of cultural heritage and natural heritage of a cultural character; - Restore/rehabilitate the cultural heritage of Benin in danger of extinction; - Promote cultural identity values (Establishment of an inventory of living human treasures, transmission of their knowledge and know-how to the younger generation, etc.) MTCA Total Annex 3:", + "Strengthening forage biomass potential BANIKOARA (mitigation) Forestry Implementation of the 2nd Community Forest and forage plot Establish carbon sinks.", + "Strengthening the feed biomass potential PERERE (mitigation) Forestry Creation of community forests and formation of management committees Ending deforestation, restoring degraded forests and significantly increasing afforestation and reforestation at the communal level Savalou-Bant\u00e8- Bassila-Djidja (mitigation) Forestry Participatory forest management plan in the State and communal protected area of 100 000 ha Natural forest management and co-management in the State protected area BANTE (mitigation) Agriculture Degraded soil restoration projects in the Bante municipality Overall, the objective c is to contribute to the fight against agricultural land degradation practices TANGUIETA (mitigation / adaptation) Remediation Project to strengthen the mechanism for the management and valorisation of household solid waste in the city of Tangui\u00e9ta (PRMGVDSM)", + "Solid Waste Residents (SWD) for the improvement of the living environment, the environment and the resilience to climate change ADJA-OUERE (mitigation) Agriculture Development of five hundred (500) hectares of rice paddies in the municipality of Adja-O\u00e8r\u00e8 Improving rice productivity in the municipality of Adja-O\u00e8r\u00e8 DANGBO (mitigation) Agriculture Training producers on methods of managing soil fertility and promoting short-cycle crops Increasing agricultural production yields and reducing the effects of flooding No.", + "Commune de Pob\u00e8 Planting 1000 hectares of oil palm land HOUEYOGBE (mitigation) Agriculture Restoring soil fertility for agricultural purposes and ensuring food self-sufficiency in the commune of Hou\u00e9yogb\u00e9.", + "Project for the rehabilitation and restoration of 20 ha of gravel pits in the commune of Houblonnage NATITINGOU (mitigation) Remediation Healthy and efficient management of urban waste in the town of Natitingou Contribute to the remediation of the living environment of the population of the town of: Natitingou AGBANGNIZOUN (mitigation) Energy (solar public lighting and solar electrification of services) Promote solar energy for public lighting and communal services in rural areas with the support of the diaspora and partners (DCP project) Progressive orientation towards renewable energies DASSA-ZOUME (mitigation) Energy (energy efficiency) Promotion of renewable energies and efficient and self-curing economic homes in the commune of Dassa-Zoum\u00e9 Promote climate change mitigation measures at household level BANTE (mitigation) Energy", + "The objective is to contribute to the improvement of the use of solar energy DASSA-ZOUME (mitigation) Energy Promote the partial supply of the buildings of the Town Hall of Dassa-Zoum\u00e9 by the solar system Reduce the electricity bill of the Town Hall by using renewable energies POBE (mitigation) Energy Promote the electrification of the localities of GBANAGO, Onigbolo Village, Ot\u00e8kotan and Igbo-Ocho by connecting to the existing High Tension (HT) type A network offering greater resilience to the effects of climate change in the Municipality of Pobe Expand the access of households to electric lighting instead of kerosene lighting.", + "No. Communes Sector Measures or Options Mitigation / Adaptation of the up-to-date implementation of the CDN at the communal level Objectives Options and Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportio n (%) Cost (US$ millions) ZAKPOTA (mitigation) Energy Electrification of 12 rural localities in the municipality of Zakpota by connection to the SBEE network Expand access of 12 rural localities to electric lighting instead of Kerosene lighting Energy Electrification of 22 villages by solar micro-power plant PV Promote villages\u2019 access to clean energy ADJA-OUERE (mitigation) Energy (micro-power plants) Installation of mini-solar power plants in the villages of Hou\u00e9dam\u00e8- Djidagba-Logou-Miss\u00e8bo-", + "The general objective is to develop a marsh area downstream of the Komde dam for sustainable exploitation for the benefit of the marsh cooperatives in the surrounding villages (Akoussit\u00e8, W\u00e8k\u00e8t\u00e8 and Komde).", + "PARAKOU (mitigation) Forestry (reforestation/ plantation) Intensive reforestation of forests and streams Restore forest cover in Parakou Municipality MALANVILLE (mitigation) Forestry (forestry plantations) Development of 03 public spaces into green spaces in the Municipality of Malanville Valuation of public spaces identified with the inhabitants and meaningful for them in their daily journeys and promotion of improvement of local governance for the management of green spaces in the major roundabouts of the Municipality MALANVILLE (mitigation) Forestry Development of 05 Community Forests in the Municipality of Malanville Contribute to the restoration of forest resources through the installation of community forests in the Municipality of Malanville No.", + "Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Loss (mitigation) Forestry Creation of community forests and formation of sustainable land management committees Stop deforestation, restore degraded forests and significantly increase afforestation and reforestation at the communal level AGBANGNIZOUN (mitigation) Forestry Reforestation of 100 ha area in Tanve district Construct a forest resource (heritage) in Agbangnizoun commune BANTE (mitigation) Forestry Improvement of forest resource management in Bante commune Promote forest resource management BANTE (mitigation) Forestry Reduction of population pressure on classified forests The objective is to contribute to the preservation of the environment BONOU (mitigation) Forestry (restoration of riparian areas", + "Commune of Bonou DANGBO (mitigation) Forestry (reforestation of the banks of the river Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 of public squares and agroforestry) Arrange along the perimeter of the banks of the river Ou\u00e9m\u00e9, along the main roads and public squares Reforestation of different varieties of species in order to make the commune greener and more attractive to tourists DASSA-ZOUME (mitigation) Forestry Reforestation of plantations of fast-growing forest species for the production of wood energy Reduce the consequences of climate change related to the untimely cutting of trees for the production of wood energy ADJA-OUERE (mitigation) Forestry (plantations of species to support the reduction of the effects of climate change through the planting of twenty (20) hectares of plants Improve the greening of the commune of Adja-O", + "the updated NCD at the communal level Objectives Options and Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Cost ($ millions) of fast-growing species in the commune of Adja-Ou\u00e8r\u00e8 NATITINGOU (mitigation) Forestry Creation of a green belt along the mountain sides of the commune of Natitingou Combating the advanced destruction of vegetation cover on the mountain sides ALLADA (mitigation) Forestry Reforestation in the commune of Allada (24 ha) Planting and maintaining 143,000 plants to cover the reforestation of fruit species, not forgetting the edges of roads to combat desertification OUAKE (mitigation) Forestry Intensive reforestation of the commune territory Reforestation of all degraded areas of the commune TOVIK", + "-Strengthening the pre-warning and natural disaster management systems -Strengthening the basis of agricultural activities DASSA-ZOUME (mitigation) Forestry Improving the management of natural resources to reduce climate change risks Managing natural resources in the best way Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8 Chaourou Sav\u00e8 Forestry Creation of a green belt along the Okpara and Ou\u00e9m\u00e9 rivers in the communes of Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8, Chaourou, Sav\u00e8 on 3000 ha (pilot phase 1000 ha) - Restore degraded forest cover.", + "- Increase carbon sequestration capacity POBE (Adaptation) Agriculture Planning of 1000 hectares for rice and rice products in the commune of Pobe Planning of 1000 hectares for rice and rice products for the benefit of producers to strengthen their resilience to climatic hazards No. Common Sector Measures or Options Mitigation / Adaptation for the implementation of the updated CDN at the communal level Objectives Options and Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost (US$ millions) Proportion (%) Cost (US$ millions) Proportio n (%) Cost (US$ millions) BOUKOMBE (Adaptation) Agriculture Project to support sustainable agriculture for food and nutrition security by promoting economically viable local industries.", + "Improving the economic power of rural populations through the strengthening of the capacities of producers and processors, nursery farmers in the production of karit\u00e9, n\u00e9r\u00e9, baobab, moringa integrated into agriculture in its local varieties GRAND-POPO Adaptation URBAIN FORESTRY AND INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION Project to strengthen the resilience of the commune in the face of the effects of climate change Strengthening spatial planning and sustainable environmental management KANDI (Adaptation) Agriculture Project to support the development of field crops and to strengthen the resilience of field farmers in the Alibori communes (PADCMCA) Sustainably support the improvement of the performance of the Alibori communes in the development of the field crop KARIMAMA (Adaptation) Agriculture Project to support the development of field crops and", + "KLOUEKANME (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the resilience of corn, kidney, tomato and pepper farming systems in the Klou\u00e9kanme commune Upgrading modern production techniques and their resilience to climate change Sector Measures or Options Mitigation / Adaptation of the implementation of the updated CND at the communal level Objectives Options and Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Proportio n (%) Cost ($ millions) KARIMAMA (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the resilience of farmers in the Karimama commune (PADCMCK) Strengthening the resilience of farmers in the Karimama commune (PADCMCK) Strengthening the resilience of farmers in the Karimama commune (PADCMCK) Strengthening the res", + "MALANVILLE (Adaptation) Agriculture Completion of three (03) water reservoirs and five (05) fish ponds in the municipality of Malanville Promote fish farming, animal feeding and marketing and improve the productivity of fish farming systems in the municipality of Malanville MALANVILLE (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the resilience of flood victims in the municipality of Malanville Ensure food security for hungry households and increase their resilience to climate change for flood victims in the municipalities of Malanville and Karimama.", + "KARIMAMA (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity of flood victims in the commune of Karimama Ensuring food security for hungry households and increasing their adaptive capacity to climate change for flood victims in the communes of Malanville and Karimama AGBANGNIZOUN (Adaptation) Agriculture Identifying and promoting climate-resilient food crops and training producers on modern and climate-adapted cropping techniques (CDP project) Reducing the effects of climate change No. Common Sector Mitigation/adaptation measures or options for implementing the updated CCD at the community level Objectives Options and Costs Unconditional Conditional Total Cost ($ millions) Proportion (%) Cost ($ millions) Proportio n (%) Cost ($ millions) SAVE (Adaptation) Agriculture Development and security of agropastoral and fisheries", + "OUAKE (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of vegetable producers to rainfall irregularities in the municipality Developing rice perimeters in the municipality Agriculture Adapting agricultural and construction systems to climate change Developing agriculture and buildings adapted to climate change OUAKE (Adaptation) Urban infrastructure development and construction Housing adaptation project to climate change Promoting buildings adapted to climate change OUAKE (Adaptation) Agriculture Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of rice and fish producers to rainfall irregularities Developing wetlands for adaptation and resilience of producers to rainfall irregularities ZAKPOTA (Adaptation) Agriculture Integrated soil fertility management and adaptation technology for climate change Improving agricultural production ADJA-OUERE (Adaptation) Agriculture Construction of water", + "Agricultural production ADJA-OUERE (Adaptation) Agriculture Construction of water reservoirs for rice producers in Hou\u00e9li gaba, Dagbla and Mass\u00e8 Improve production capacity of producers PARAKOU Remediation Creation of a sewage sludge treatment and solid waste management site Provide the city of Parakou with sewage sludge management.", + "Establishment of a final solid waste landfill Total Annex 4: CBD Implementation Plan Activities Phase 1: Preparatory phase of CBD Implementation Implementation of the updated institutional framework for CBD Implementation (National, Sectoral and Community Coordination Units and Task Forces) Organization of the CBD Implementation Launch Workshop Implementation of the Monitoring/Audit/Evaluation System Support to sectoral ministries involved in the preparation of programmes under the CBD Implementation Plan and project funding mobilization files under the LDC support mechanisms.", + "Implementation phase I / Implementation of the mitigation component \uf0b7 AGRICULTURE SECTOR CURRENT AND PLANNED PROJECTS (Table 9 of document section A) PROJECTS/PROGRAMS AELABORER AND TO BE IMPLEMENTED (Table 9 of document section B) Preparatory phase Implementation phase COMMUNITY INITIATIVE PROJECTS (Table 9 of document section C) Preparatory phase Implementation phase \uf0b7 ENERGY SECTOR CURRENT OR PLANNED PROJECTS (Table 10 of document section A) PROGRAMME AND PROJECTS AELABORER AND TO BE IMPLEMENTED (Table 10 of document section B) Preparatory phase Implementation phase COMMUNITY INITIATIVE PROJECTS (Table 10 of document section C) Preparatory phase Implementation phase \uf0b7 WASTE SECTOR Ou\u00e8ss\u00e8 landfill energy recovery project Municipal controlled", + "STRATEGIES EXISTING SECTORAL PLANS AND PROGRAMMES \uf0b7 Strengthening the climate risk forecasting and early warning system for food security in vulnerable agro-ecological areas \uf0b7 Mobilising surface water for adaptation to climate change (small watersheds) \uf0b7 Combating climate-sensitive diseases \uf0b7 Protecting the coastal area from sea-level rise/coastal erosion \uf0b7 Strengthening local governance in financing adaptation to climate change \uf0b7 Strengthening climate observation capacity \uf0b7 Strengthening the resilience of coastal communities to climate change (small watersheds)", + "adaptation to climate change \uf0b7 Capacity building in climate observation \uf0b7 Strengthening the resilience of low-rise coastal cities \uf0b7 Integrating climate change into sectoral development planning \uf0b7 Ensuring the sustainability and resilience of Benin\u2019s main urban centres \uf0b7 Integrating climate change adaptation into local strategies for reducing the vulnerability of natural and human systems in the Benin part of the Niger basin \uf0b7 Mitigation measures in the Agriculture sector with a co-benefit in adaptation \uf0b7 Mitigation measures in the Energy sector with a co-benefit in adaptation \uf0b7 Mitigation measures in the LULUCF sector with a co-benefit in adaptation \uf0b7 Supporting the integration of adaptation to climate change in the Community Development Plans COMMON- INITIATIVE PROJECTS (Table 12 of document section C) Preparatory phase Implementation phase III / Implementation of institution", + "Develop and implement an Institutional and Regulatory Capacity Building Programme for the implementation of the CBD Develop and implement a communication plan to inform different categories of stakeholders about the CBD Develop and implement a gender mainstreaming strategy Promote scientific, technical and technological research on adaptation and mitigation of climate change.", + "Promote the transfer of technology and know-how in the field of adaptation and mitigation of climate change Organize the work of updating the CDN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Government of Benin, through the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD), extends its thanks to all the actors involved in the elaboration of this document, in particular: the NDC Partnership, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the German Cooperation GIZ, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), public institutions, the private sector, local authorities and civil society.", + "Organizing the work of updating the CDN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Government of Benin, through the Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD), extends its thanks to all the actors involved in the elaboration of this document, in particular: the NDC Partnership, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the German Cooperation GIZ, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), public institutions, the private sector, local and regional authorities and civil society.", + "DOSSA Eunice, Associate Consultant Herv\u00e9 Worou AFOUDA Associate Consultant Contact: Ministry of the Framework for Life and Sustainable Development (MCVDD) Directorate General of Environment and Climate (DGEC) Tel: +22921318045 Email: dgec_mcvdd@gmail.com Cotonou, Benin" + ] + } + }, + { + "country_code": "CIV", + "type_of_document": "INDC", + "language": "fr", + "para_translated": { + "small": [ + "PLANNED CONTRIBUTIONS DETERMINED AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL OF LIVESTOCK. 1. National context. Key data. Area. 322 463 km2 - 550 km of coastline. Climate. South: equatorial, warm and humid climate. North: drier tropical climate. Population. 22.67 million of whom 41.5% are under 15 years of age (GNP, 2014). GNP. USD 34.25 billion (2014). GNI/h. USD 1,550 (2014).", + "22.67 million of which 41.5% are under 15 years of age (GNP, 2014). GNP. USD 34.25 billion (2014). GNI/h. USD 1,550 (2014). Weight in world GDP. 0.06% Constant Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in 2011. Share of agriculture in GDP. 24%. Primary energy consumption/h. 0.64 tep in 2012. Access to electricity. 56% of households.", + "Share of agriculture in GDP. 24%. Primary energy consumption /h. 0.64 tep in 2012. Access to electricity. 56% of households. Sources: GNP 2014, GNI 2016-2020, AfDB, World Bank, EDS 2011-2012, IEA, NIP 2010-2015.", + "Access to electricity. 56% of households. Sources: GPH 2014, NDP 2016-2020, ADB, World Bank, EDS 2011-2012, IEA, PNIA 2010-2015. After a decade of political and military crisis that led to a deep social divide, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire has set itself the goal of becoming an emerging country by 2020.", + "After a decade of political-military crisis that led to a deep social divide, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire has set itself the goal of becoming an emerging country by 2020. To stimulate and coordinate the multiple facets of its development, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire has renewed its planning tradition.", + "In order to stimulate and coordinate the multiple facets of its development, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire has renewed its planning tradition, and the country has also renewed its rapid growth (of around 8% per year), in a context of peace, greatly improved security and better governance.", + "The country has also resumed rapid growth (of around 8% per year), in a context of peace, greatly improved security and better governance, and people are beginning to take advantage of the renewed dynamism, thanks to efforts to redistribute and correct inequalities in the various sectors.", + "The populations are also beginning to take advantage of the renewed dynamism, thanks to the efforts to redistribute and correct inequalities in the various sectors. The NDP 2016-2020, which is being finalised, aims to consolidate this trajectory towards emergence and industrialisation. This planning is part of a longer-term vision.", + "The NDP 2016-2020, which is being finalised, aims to consolidate this trajectory towards emergence and industrialisation. This planning is part of a longer-term vision. The National Prospective Study \"Cote d\u2019Ivoire 2040\" is also being finalised.", + "This planning is part of a longer-term vision. The National Prospective Study \"Cote d\u2019Ivoire 2040\" is also being finalised. The country\u2019s national development strategy combined with strong population growth would lead to a substantial increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.", + "The country\u2019s national development strategy, combined with strong population growth, would lead to a substantial increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change affecting all essential sectors of its development.", + "In addition, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change affecting all essential sectors of its development. To meet these challenges, in 2012 C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire established the National Climate Change Programme (PNCC) to coordinate, propose and promote measures and strategies to combat climate change.", + "To meet these challenges, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire established the National Climate Change Programme (PNCC) in 2012 to coordinate, propose and promote measures and strategies to combat climate change.", + "A National Strategy to Combat Climate Change 2015-2020 was adopted at the end of 2014. Through this Planned Contribution Determined at the national level (CPDN / INDC), C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to: signal its willingness to reduce the carbon footprint of its development by favouring mitigation options with high \u2018co-benefits\u2019 (Section 2: Mitigation); strengthen the country\u2019s resilience to climate change (Section 3: Adaptation); harmonise its sectoral policies and strengthen its implementation mechanisms and tools to facilitate the achievement of these objectives (Section 4); and mobilise all relevant means, including financing, both national and international (Section 5). 2.", + "Mitigation. 2.1. Contribution of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire. While taking into account the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire, like the African economies, must meet the development challenge in order to improve the standard of living and the quality of life of its population.", + "While taking into account the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire, like the African economies, must rise to the challenge of development in order to improve the standard of living and the quality of life of its people. The overriding need for this development, which includes increasing agricultural production, agro-industrial processing, combating deforestation and continuing and even accelerating the provision of modern energy to all its inhabitants, does not in any way undermine the country\u2019s political will to contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions.", + "The imperative need for this development, which includes increasing agricultural production, agro-industrial processing, combating deforestation and continuing and even accelerating the provision of modern energy to all inhabitants, does not in any way undermine the country\u2019s political will to contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions. However, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire needs to be supported to continue on the path of sustainable development, respectful of the environment and concerned with the challenges of climate change.", + "However, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire needs to be supported in pursuing sustainable development, respecting the environment and addressing climate change issues, and the C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire INDC is therefore a contribution based on the GHG reduction efforts contained in the sectoral strategic development plans, which provide for the support of technical and financial partners.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire\u2019s INDCs are therefore a contribution based on the GHG reduction efforts contained in the sectoral strategic development plans providing for the support of technical and financial partners. Type of contribution. Combination of objectives and mitigation actions. Long-term national target on GHG emissions. Low carbon scenario (2030).", + "Type of contribution. Combination of objectives and mitigation actions. Long-term national GHG emission target. Low carbon scenario (2030). Reduction of GHG emissions from target year emissions (2030) in a baseline scenario (Business As Usual or BAU). Target year. 2030. Baseline year. 2012. Cumulative emission reductions by 2030.", + "Reduction of GHG emissions from target year emissions (2030) in a Business As Usual (BAU) baseline scenario. Target year. 2030. Baseline year. 2012. Cumulative emission reductions by 2030. Low carbon scenario (2030). -28%. Sectoral targets. Low carbon scenario (2030).", + "Base year. 2012. Cumulative emission reductions by 2030. Low carbon scenario (2030). -28%. Sectoral targets. Low carbon scenario (2030). Composition of the electricity mix: 26% coal, 32% combined natural gas, 26% hydroelectricity and 16% other renewable energies (RES), i.e. a cumulative of 42% of RES in the electricity mix in 2030.", + "Composition of the electricity mix: 26% coal, 32% combined cycle natural gas, 26% hydroelectricity and 16% other renewable energy sources (RES), i.e. a 42% aggregate of RES in the electricity mix by 2030 Intensification and mechanisation of agriculture and livestock production.", + "Intensification and mechanisation of agriculture and livestock production. Reduction of GHG emissions due to deforestation and forest degradation. Sustainable management and waste recovery. Equity of the contribution. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is a low GHG emitter with only 0.81 tCO2/ha (excluding forestry).", + "Sustainable management and waste recovery. Equity of the Contribution. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is a low GHG emitter with only 0.81 tCO2/hab (excluding forestry). The necessary development of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire (+8.4% growth in GDP by 2030) would be accompanied by an increase in emissions to 1.17 tCO2/hab (+44.4%) in 2030.", + "The necessary development of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire (+8.4% growth in GDP by 2030) would be accompanied by an increase in emissions to 1.17 tCO2/hab (+44.4%) in 2030. Contribution ambition. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire undertakes to:", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire undertakes to: Increase to 42% the share of R&D in the electricity mix (including large hydropower); Implement the strategy to reduce GHG emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in addition to sustainable forest management and ambitious reforestation policies (REDD+).", + "Implement the strategy to reduce GHG emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in addition to sustainable forest management and ambitious reforestation policies (REDD+). The 28% reduction in low-carbon versus base-case emissions represents a significant effort for a country with a GDP per capita of 148th in the world (2014, based on PPP).", + "The 28% reduction in low-carbon versus baseline emissions represents a significant effort for a country with a world GDP per capita of 148th (2014, PPP basis) Short-lived Air Pollutants (LULUCF).", + "Short-lived Air Pollutants (SLCP/PCDV) C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is committed to reducing short-lived air pollutants that have an impact on the climate in addition to long-lived GHGs.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is committed to reducing short-lived air pollutants that have an impact on the climate in addition to long-term GHGs, and will develop a national action plan to reduce VOCs/CFCs by 2018, the contributions to global warming of which are clearly established by UNEP in its 2011 report. 2.2.", + "To this end, the country will develop, by 2018, a national action plan for the reduction of PCDDs/CFCs whose contributions to global warming are clearly established by UNEP in its 2011 report. 2.2. Basic and low-carbon development scenarios.", + "Baseline and Sustainable Carbon Development Scenarios The figure below presents (i) base year 2012 emissions, (ii) a Business As Usual scenario and (iii) a Sustainable Carbon Development scenario showing the impact of major sectoral actions that could be implemented with additional external support.", + "The figure below presents (i) base year 2012 emissions, (ii) a Business As Usual scenario and (iii) a carbon-neutral development scenario showing the impact of major sectoral actions that could be implemented with additional external support. Total emissions (kt CO2). 15,964.35. 34,253.25.", + "Total emissions (kt Equiv. CO2). 15,964.35. 34,253.25. 24,576.16. The table below shows the relative shares of different sub-sectors in GHG emissions. Sub-sectors. 2012. BAU (2030). Low carbon scenario (2030). Emissions (kt Equiv. CO2). Emissions (kt Equiv. CO2). Percentage increase over 2012. Emissions (kt Equiv. CO2). Percentage decrease over BAU.", + "Emissions (ktonne Equiv. CO2). Percentage increase over 2012. Emissions (ktonne Equiv. CO2). Percentage decrease over BAU. Electricity generation. 3,442.63. 11,892.00. 52.93. 9,216.56. -7.81. Transport. 2,389.36. 6,441.27. 25.38. 4,477.55. -5.73. Industry. 1,000.81. 2,698.01. 10.63. 1,875.48. -2.40. Energy supply. 781.64. 2,136.39. 8.49. 1,485.08. -1.90.", + "-5.73. Industry. 1,000.81. 2,698.01. 10.63. 1,875.48. -2.40. Energy Supply. 781.64. 2,136.39. 8.49. 1,485.08. -1.90. Buildings. 627.03. 1,690.34. 6.66. 1,175.02. -1.50. Agriculture. 6,140.80. 7,059.16. 5.75. 4,722.57. -6.82. Waste. 1,582.08. 2,336.09. 4,72. 1,623.90. -2.08. Total. 15,964.35. 34,253.25. 114.56. 24,576.16. -28.25. 2.3. Assumptions and Methodological Approaches.", + "2,336.09. 4.72. 1,623.90. -2.08. Total. 15,964.35. 34,253.25. 114.56. 24,576.16. -28.25. 2.3. Assumptions and Methodological Approaches. Type of Objective. % reduction from target year emissions in a baseline scenario. Start of implementation of the INDC. 2016. Coverage (domestic). All country. Gases covered.", + "% reduction from target year emissions in a baseline scenario. Start of implementation of the INDC. 2016. Coverage (country). All country. Gases covered. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O). Sectors/sources covered. Agriculture, Energy, Waste, LULUCF (Forestry: not included in inventories). Baseline scenario (BAU).", + "Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O). Sectors/sources covered. Agriculture, Energy, Waste, LULUCF (Forestry: not included in inventories). Baseline scenario (BAU). This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions to 2030 by sector based on the Government\u2019s current development strategies. Mitigation scenario (low carbon).", + "This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions by industry by 2030 based on the Government\u2019s current development strategies. Low-carbon Mitigation Scenario This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions by 2030 based on low-carbon trends in key industry sectors, including energy, agriculture and waste.", + "This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions by 2030 on the basis of low-carbon orientations in key sectors such as energy, agriculture and waste. Sources for the scenarios (low-carbon and low-carbon). ENP 2040, NDP 2016-2020, Master Plan Electricity Production and Transport 2014-2030, NIP 2010-2015, Industrial Policy (2013).", + "Sources for scenarios (BAU and Low Carbon). ENP 2040, NDP 2016-2020, Master Plan Electricity Production and Transportation 2014-2030, NIP 2010-2015, Industrial Policy (2013). GWP. GWP values used are those determined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, UNFCCC). Base Case (BAU) Emission Projection Methodology.", + "The GWP values used are those determined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, SAR). Baseline scenario emission projection methodology (BAU). The base year (2012) inventory is that of the Third National Communication (TCN).", + "Baseline scenario (BAU) emission projection methodology The baseline year (2012) inventory is that of the Third National Communication (TCN). The baseline scenario (BAU) is constructed by applying to the emissions of the different sectors evolutionary assumptions depending on the annual sectoral growth rates, the evolution of the population, the electricity mix and the trend in the efficiency of the sector.", + "The baseline scenario (BSS) is constructed by applying emission assumptions to the different sectors depending on sectoral annual growth rates, changes in population, electricity mix and trends in sector efficiency.", + "Projection methodology for the low-carbon scenario. The low-carbon scenario is constructed by applying to baseline sectoral emissions an estimate of the gains associated with the implementation of sectoral policies and projects. Approach to Emissions from Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LUCF).", + "The low-carbon scenario is constructed by applying to the sectoral emissions of the baseline scenario an estimate of the gains associated with the implementation of the sector\u2019s policies and projects. Approach to emissions related to land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF). Emissions from this important sector in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will need to be analysed more precisely by 2020 in order to be able to be integrated into the overall objective.", + "Emissions from this important sector in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will need to be analysed more precisely by 2020 in order to be able to be integrated into the overall objective. This will be possible thanks to better knowledge of areas by soil type through satellite imaging coupled with the use of field data. 2.4. Mitigation actions.", + "This will be possible thanks to the improved knowledge of areas by type of soil through satellite imagery coupled with the exploitation of field data. 2.4. Mitigation actions. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to implement the following Mitigation Actions1:. Agriculture / Forestry.", + "Mitigation measures. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to implement the following mitigation measures1: Agriculture / Forestry. Major agricultural issues: (i) Search for self-sufficiency and food security and (ii) Improvement of productivity and competitiveness Major forest sector issue: Sustainable management of forests and 20% national forest cover target in the Forestry Code 2014.", + "Key issues for agriculture: (i) Search for self-sufficiency and food security and (ii) Improvement of productivity and competitiveness Key issues for the forestry sector: Sustainable forest management and the 20% national forest cover target in the Forest Code 2014. Key message: Concept \"Agriculture without deforestation\". Guidance. Measures/actions. Co-benefits. Economic.", + "Key message: The concept of zero agriculture and deforestation. Guidance. Measures/actions. Co-benefits. Economic. Social. Environmental. Coherence of national planning and rural development to develop agriculture and the forestry sector.", + "Coherence of national planning and rural development to develop agriculture and the forestry sector Coherence of National Agricultural Investment Plans (NIAPs) with strategies to limit deforestation (REDD+ process) through a 2030 land use planning framework (land security) in consultation with each of the agricultural sectors and territories.", + "Coherence of the National Agricultural Investment Plans (NIAPs) with the strategies for limiting deforestation (REDD+) through a 2030 land management master plan (land security) in consultation with each of the agricultural sectors and territories. Enhancement of the economic benefits of the NIAP and forestry development plans. Reduction of social conflicts. Social inclusion.", + "Improving the economic benefits of the AIP and forest development plans. Reducing social conflict. Social inclusion. Reducing GHG emissions. Overall increase in forest carbon. Maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services. Drawing up a regional land-use plan for the different regions with the involvement of local communities. Economic development of the regions. Reducing social conflict.", + "Development of a regional spatial planning scheme for the different regions with the involvement of local communities. Economic development of the regions. Reduction of social conflicts. Increase of ecosystem services. Delimitation of village territories and materialization of boundaries with forest species. Mastery of land and spatial dynamics of land occupation. Reduction of social conflicts. Social inclusion.", + "Delimiting village territories and establishing boundaries with forest species. Mastering land tenure and the spatial dynamics of land tenure. Reducing social conflict. Social inclusion. Increasing ecosystem services. Securing land with the involvement of agricultural interprofessionals, cooperatives and the private sector to facilitate procedures and achieve economies of scale.", + "Securing land with the involvement of agricultural interprofessions, cooperatives and the private sector to facilitate procedures and achieve economies of scale. Facilitating investment in the land use sector. - Reducing social conflicts - Social cohesion. Increasing ecosystem services. Agricultural development without extension on remaining forest areas and less GHG-emitting.", + "- Reducing social conflicts - Social cohesion. Increasing ecosystem services. Agricultural development without extension on remaining forest areas and with lower GHG emissions. Decoupling agricultural production and deforestation through the promotion of intensive agricultural practices with reduced impacts on the environment and agroforestry. Improving productivity and wealth creation.", + "Decoupling agricultural production and deforestation through the promotion of intensive agricultural practices with reduced impacts on the environment and agroforestry. Improving productivity and wealth creation. Increasing agricultural yields and incomes. Stimulating the creation of light agricultural industries in rural areas.", + "Improved productivity and wealth creation. Increased agricultural yields and incomes. Stimulation of the creation of small-scale agricultural industries in rural areas. Positive effects on the social economy: job creation in rural areas (approximately 400,000 agricultural jobs expected for the current AIP). Poverty reduction. Reduced GHG emissions.", + "Positive effects on the social economy: creation of jobs in rural areas (approximately 400,000 agricultural jobs expected for the current AIP). Poverty reduction. Reduction of GHG emissions. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Realization of the concept of \"zero deforestation agriculture\" and valorisation of associated products. Improvement of productivity of natural factors of production (land, climate factors).", + "Implementation of the concept of \"zero agriculture, deforestation\" and enhancement of associated products. Improvement of the productivity of natural factors of production (land, climatic factors). Increase of agricultural yields and incomes. Reduction of social conflicts. Creation of employment. Reduction of rural poverty. Reduction of the exodus of young people and rejuvenation of the peasant world. Reduction of GHG emissions.", + "Reducing rural poverty. Reducing youth migration and rejuvenating the farming world. Reducing GHG emissions. Increasing forest carbon. Maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services. Developing basic infrastructure to improve the logistics of transportation of agricultural, livestock and fisheries products. Reducing post-harvest losses and increasing incomes.", + "Development of basic infrastructure to improve the logistics of transportation of agricultural, livestock and fisheries products. Reduction of post-harvest losses and increase of incomes. Stimulation of the creation of light agricultural industries in rural areas. Increase of employment. Reduction of the exodus of young people and rejuvenation of the peasant world.", + "Stimulation of the creation of small-scale agricultural industries in rural areas. Increase in employment. Reduction of the exodus of young people and rejuvenation of the peasant world. Intensification of environmentally friendly agricultural, animal and fisheries production and avoidance of deforestation.", + "Reduction of the exodus of young people and rejuvenation of the farming world. Intensification of agricultural, animal and fisheries production that respects the environment and avoids deforestation. Promotion and intensification of the production and use of high-yield seeds that are resistant to climatic factors and diseases (excluding GMOs and hybrids). Increased productivity and incomes.", + "Promoting and enhancing the production and use of high-yield, climate- and disease-resistant seeds (excluding GMOs and hybrids). Increasing productivity and incomes. Creating sustainable value chains and jobs. Reducing pressure on agricultural land.", + "Increased productivity and incomes. Creation of sustainable value chains and jobs. Reduction of pressure on agricultural land. Strengthened partnerships and collaborations on soil analysis to improve productivity and improve the implementation of agricultural innovations. Increased agricultural innovation and yields. Creation of jobs. Maintenance of ecosystem services.", + "Strengthened partnerships and collaborations on soil analysis to improve soil productivity and improve the implementation of agricultural innovations. Increased agricultural innovation and yields. Job creation. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Rationalization of the use of chemical inputs and facilitation of the use of biological inputs.", + "Increasing agricultural innovation and yields. Creating jobs. Maintaining ecosystem services. Streamlining the use of chemical inputs and facilitating the use of biological inputs. Reducing medical costs associated with the uncontrolled use of chemical inputs. Reducing health risks associated with chemical inputs. Reducing environmental damage from chemical inputs.", + "Reduced medical costs associated with the uncontrolled use of chemical inputs. Reduced health risks associated with chemical inputs. Reduced environmental damage caused by chemical inputs. Development of efficient mechanization of agriculture and improvement of packaging, harvesting and conservation infrastructure. Reduced post-harvest losses and increased revenues. Employment creation. Maintenance of ecosystem services.", + "Development of efficient mechanization of agriculture and improvement of packaging, harvesting and conservation infrastructure. Reduction of post-harvest losses and increase of revenues. Creation of employment. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Promotion of sustainable and integrated practices to improve agricultural production capacities and enhance environmental resources.", + "Maintenance of ecosystem services. Promotion of sustainable and integrated practices to improve agricultural production capacities and enhance environmental resources. Promotion of agriculture-livestock association, agroforestry, and conservation agriculture in particular at the community and private plantation level. Increase of agricultural yields and incomes. Reduction of social conflicts. Improvement of biodiversity.", + "Promotion of agriculture-livestock association, agroforestry and conservation agriculture in particular at the level of community and private plantations. Increase of agricultural yields and incomes. Reduction of social conflicts. Improvement of biodiversity. Maximum reduction of rice flooding to limit methane emissions. Maintenance of agricultural yields. Maintenance of jobs. Reduction of GHG emissions.", + "Maximum reduction of rice flooding to limit methane emissions. Maintenance of agricultural yields. Maintenance of jobs. Reduction of GHG emissions. Sustainable management of organic soils. Improvement of productivity and wealth creation. Increase of agricultural yields and incomes. Reduction of social conflicts. Maintenance of jobs. Maintenance of ecosystem services.", + "Improved productivity and wealth creation. Increased agricultural yields and incomes. Reduced social conflict. Maintenance of jobs. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Strengthening and dissemination of scientific research on natural resource management (including soil sciences and pathological physiology and post-harvest technology).", + "Strengthening and disseminating the results of scientific research on natural resource management (including soil sciences and pathology physiology and post-harvest technology). Improving crop schedules and production techniques. Increasing agricultural yields and incomes. Reducing social conflicts. Maintaining jobs.", + "Improved crop schedules and production techniques. Increased agricultural yields and incomes. Reduced social conflicts. Maintenance of jobs. Development of the forest sector through sustainable forest management and improved forest governance. Implementation of the Forest Regulatory Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) mechanism. Revitalisation of the forest economy.", + "Development of the forest sector through sustainable forest management and improved forest governance. Implementation of the Forest Regulatory Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) mechanism. Revitalisation of the forest economy. Improvement of forest governance. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Preparation and implementation of management and participatory management plans for classified forests.", + "Improvement of forest governance. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Preparation and implementation of management and participatory management plans for classified forests. Diversification of incomes of local communities. Participation of people in forest management. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Stabilization of agricultural area expansion in classified forests. Securing farmers\u2019 incomes. Creation of jobs.", + "Maintaining ecosystem services. Stabilizing the expansion of agricultural areas in classified forests. Securing farmers\u2019 incomes. Creating jobs. Preserving biodiversity. Restoring classified forests with the involvement of local communities. Diversifying incomes of local communities. Creating jobs. Increasing carbon stocks.", + "Restoration of classified forests with the involvement of local communities. Diversification of incomes of local communities. Creation of employment. Increase of carbon stocks. Strengthening of sustainable management of classified forests and protected areas, including through spatial monitoring of land. Maintenance of agricultural yields linked to microclimate. Stimulation of ecotourism activities. Creation of ecotourism employment. Reduction of youth exodus.", + "Strengthening the sustainable management of classified forests and protected areas, including through spatial monitoring of land. Maintaining agricultural yields linked to microclimate. Stimulating ecotourism activities. Creating ecotourism employment. Reducing youth exodus. Preservation and enhancement of biodiversity and natural habitats. Maintaining ecosystem services.", + "Creation of ecotourism employment. Reduction of youth exodus. Preservation and enhancement of biodiversity and natural habitats. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Facilitation of rehabilitation of degraded land and reforestation of savannah areas, and strengthening of carbon stocks in degraded forests through the promotion of village reforestation. Diversification of sources of income.", + "Facilitating the rehabilitation of degraded land and the reforestation of savannah areas, and strengthening carbon stocks in degraded forests through the promotion of village reforestation. Diversifying sources of income. Available carbon credit. Reducing social conflicts. Increasing employment. Reducing the exodus of young people and rejuvenating the peasant world.", + "Carbon credit available. Reduced social conflict. Increased employment. Reduced youth exodus and rejuvenation of the rural world. Restoration of biodiversity and natural habitats. Increased ecosystem services.", + "Reduction of youth exodus and rejuvenation of the farming world. Restoration of biodiversity and natural habitats. Increase in ecosystem services. Establishment of a payment for environmental services (PES) incentive system to encourage village reforestation and conservation of natural forests in rural areas and support small producers to adopt sustainable production practices.", + "Establishment of an Environmental Service Payment (ESP) incentive system to encourage village reforestation and conservation of natural forests in rural areas and to support small producers in adopting sustainable production practices. Increased community incomes. Employment creation. Increased carbon stocks. Increased ecosystem services.", + "Increased community incomes. Employment creation. Increased carbon stocks. Increased ecosystem services. Development of sustainable domestic energy solutions for people\u2019s cooking needs.", + "Increased carbon stocks. Increased ecosystem services. Development of sustainable domestic energy solutions for people\u2019s cooking needs. Reforestation with fast-growing wood energy species; Promotion of improved homes and promotion of wood charcoal alternatives through the enhancement of agricultural biomass. Diversification of incomes of local communities.", + "Reforestation with fast-growing wood-energy species; Promotion of improved homes and promotion of charcoal alternatives through the valorisation of agricultural biomass. Diversification of incomes of local communities. Creation of green employment. Improvement of women\u2019s living conditions in rural areas. Reduction of GHG emissions. Costs.", + "Creating green jobs. Improving the living conditions of women in rural areas. Reducing GHG emissions. Costs. The total cost of AIP 2010-2015 is estimated at CFAF 2,040 billion, including CFAF 1,565 billion for the period 2012-2015 (same order of magnitude for AIP 2016-2020).", + "The overall cost of AIP 2010-2015 is estimated at FCFA 2,040 billion, of which FCFA 1,565 billion for the period 2012-2015 (the same order of magnitude for AIP 2016-2020). The low-carbon orientation of future plans will have to be distilled on all components. Energy/Transport.", + "The low-carbon orientation of future plans will have to be distilled across all components. Energy/Transport. Major energy issues :(i) Improving people's access to electricity and energy at affordable prices; and (ii) Increasing the use of renewable energy in electricity generation Key message: \"42% of renewable energy including large hydro in the electricity mix\". Orientation.", + "Key energy issues :(i) Improving people's access to electricity and energy at affordable prices; and (ii) Increasing the use of renewable energy in electricity generation Key message: \"42% of renewable energy including large hydropower in the electricity mix\". Guidance. Measures/actions. Effects/benefits. Economic. Social. Environmental.", + "Measures /actions. Effects /benefits. Economic. Social. Environmental. Control of energy consumption of systems through a proactive energy efficiency policy including R&D. Cross-cutting measures. Investment in energy efficiency and improvement of the rate of participation of R&D in the electricity mix by 2030. Productivity gains and improvement of competitiveness. Diversification of primary energy sources.", + "Investment in energy efficiency and improved R&D participation in the electricity mix by 2030. Productivity gains and improved competitiveness. Diversification of primary energy sources. Reduction of dependence on fossil fuels. Improved access to safe and abundant energy sources. Development of new skilled employment streams.", + "Reduced dependence on fossil fuels. Improved access to safe and abundant sources of energy. Development of new skilled employment streams. Impact on health and improved quality of life. Reduced social conflict. Improved coverage rates and access of populations to energy services. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2.", + "Improved coverage rates and access to energy services for the population. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Establishment of an institutional and regulatory framework for R&D and energy efficiency. Improved environment around the energy sector. Development of new skilled jobs. Reduced social conflicts.", + "Establishment of an institutional and regulatory framework for R&D and energy efficiency. Improvement of the environment around the energy sector. Development of new lines of skilled employment. Reduction of social conflicts. Improvement of coverage rates and access of populations to energy services. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources.", + "Improved coverage and access of the population to energy services. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Strengthened integration of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire into the Regional Energy Market, through interconnection with other countries in the region. Increased national income.", + "Strengthening the integration of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire into the Regional Energy Market, through interconnection with other countries in the region. Increasing national income. Strengthening C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire\u2019s share in the GDP of UEMOA. Improving the quality of life. Reducing social conflicts.", + "Strengthening of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire\u2019s share in the GDP of UEMOA. Improvement of the quality of life. Reduction of social conflicts. Improvement of coverage rates and access of the population to energy services. Reduction of levels of GHG emissions, including CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Sub-sectoral measures: Industry.", + "Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2 emissions. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Sub-sectoral measures: Industry. Implementation of a strategy to reduce waste in the energy consumption of industries through:. energy diagnosis or audit to establish a balance sheet of energy consumption and use;.", + "Implementation of a strategy to reduce waste in the energy consumption of industries through:. energy diagnosis or audit to establish a balance sheet of energy consumption and use;. metering to provide reliable and continuous data on. consumption. Productivity gains. Improved competitiveness. Reduction of energy bill.", + "Reduction of GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reduction of the environmental footprint. Encouragement of companies to invest in more energy-efficient equipment. Productivity gains.", + "Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reduced environmental footprint. Encouragement for companies to invest in more energy-efficient equipment. Productivity gains. Improved competitiveness. Reduced energy bill. Development of new skilled job streams. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reduced pressure on natural resources.", + "Development of new skilled jobs. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, in particular CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Assess potential for substitution or optimisation (e.g. cogeneration or valorisation); Productivity gains. Improved competitiveness. Reduced energy bill. Development of new skilled jobs.", + "Assess the potential for substitution or optimisation (e.g. cogeneration or valorisation);. Productivity gains. Improved competitiveness. Reduced energy bill. Development of new skilled jobs. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Sub-sectoral measures: Sub-sector Buildings.", + "Reduction of GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Sub-sectoral measures: Buildings Sub-sector. Development of national regulations on the thermal efficiency of buildings (construction and renovation). Reduction of energy bill. Revenue gains. Development of new skilled employment streams. Improvement of quality of life.", + "Reduction of the energy bill. Revenue gains. Development of new skilled job streams. Improvement of the quality of life. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2 emissions. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Training of all actors in the value chain in low-consumption construction. Reduction of the energy bill. Revenue gains.", + "Training of all stakeholders in the value chain in low-consumption construction. Reduction of energy bills. Revenue gains. Development of new lines of skilled employment. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Sub-sectoral measures: Transport sub-sector.", + "Reduced GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Sub-sectoral measures: Transport Sub-sector. Improved mobility and development of low-carbon transportation offers. Reduced energy bill. Revenue gains. Improved quality of life. Reduced GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions.", + "Reduced energy bill. Revenue gains. Improved quality of life. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources.", + "Improved quality of life. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Integration of an energy/climate dimension in land-use planning documents to limit distances, work on functional mix and propose efficient public transport policies. Reduced energy bill.", + "Integration of an energy/climate dimension in land-use planning documents to limit distances, work on functional mix and propose efficient public transport policies. Reduction of energy bill. Revenue gains. Improvement of quality of life. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2.", + "Reduced energy bill. Revenue gains. Improved quality of life. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Assisting municipalities in the development of urban transport plans (e.g. urban railway in Abidjan district). Reduced energy bill. Revenue gains.", + "Accompanying municipalities in the development of urban transport plans (example of the urban railway in the Abidjan district). Reduction of energy bill. Revenue gains. Improvement of quality of life. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources.", + "Improved quality of life. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Facilitation of the purchase of cleaner vehicles and disposal of the most polluting through standards, incentives or obligations. Reduced energy bill. Revenue gains. Improved quality of life.", + "Facilitating the purchase of cleaner vehicles and scrapping the most polluting through standards, incentives or obligations. Reducing energy bills. Revenue gains. Improving quality of life. Reducing GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reducing pressure on natural resources.", + "Improved quality of life. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Development of energy production from renewable sources. Establishment of an incentive framework for the development of renewable energies (tendering, TIF, defiscalization, ). Diversification of primary energy sources.", + "Establish an incentive framework for the development of renewable energies (tendering, TIF, defiscalisation, ). Diversification of primary energy sources. Reduction of energy dependence on fossil fuels. Improved access to safe and abundant energy sources. Development of new lines of skilled employment. Impact on health and improved quality of life.", + "Improved access to safe and abundant sources of energy. Development of new skilled employment streams. Impact on health and improved quality of life. Reduced social conflict. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources.", + "Reduced social conflicts. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Removing barriers to investment (strengthening the institutional framework, securing investment, training banks, etc.). Productivity gains and improved competitiveness of the economy. Development of new skilled employment streams.", + "Removing barriers to investment (strengthening the institutional framework, securing investment, training of banks, etc.). Productivity gains and improving the competitiveness of the economy. Development of new skill-based jobs. Impact on health and improved quality of life. Reduction of social conflicts. Reduction of GHG emissions, including CO2.", + "Impact on health and improved quality of life. Reduced social conflict. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources.", + "Reduced social conflicts. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, in particular CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Investing in R&D, in particular by strengthening the capacity of the Renewable Energy Research Institute (IREN) and assessing the desirability of creating an Agency for the Promotion of Renewable Energies. Expanding the scope of knowledge on energy efficiency.", + "Invest in R&D, in particular by strengthening the capacity of the Renewable Energy Research Institute (IREN) and assessing the feasibility of creating an Agency for the Promotion of Renewable Energies. Expand the scope of knowledge on energy efficiency. Improve the competitiveness of the economy. Develop new lines of skilled employment. Improve the quality of life.", + "Expanding the scope of knowledge on energy efficiency. Improving the competitiveness of the economy. Developing new lines of skilled employment. Improving the quality of life. Reducing social conflicts. Reducing levels of GHG emissions, in particular CO2. Reducing pressure on natural resources. Facilitating the development of projects in the relevant lines:. Small hydropower.", + "Reduction of GHG emission levels, in particular of CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Facilitate the development of projects in the relevant fields:. Small hydropower. Methanisation (waste, agricultural residues). Photovoltaics (promotion of solar PV kits, PV pumping system). Biomass (sustainable wood energy). Expansion of the knowledge base on energy efficiency.", + "Photovoltaics (promotion of solar PV kits, PV pumping system). Biomass (sustainable use of wood energy). Expanding the scope of knowledge on energy efficiency. Revenue gains. Improving the competitiveness of the economy. Developing new lines of skilled employment. Improving the quality of life. Reducing social conflicts. Reducing levels of GHG emissions, including CO2.", + "Development of new skilled jobs. Improvement of quality of life. Reduction of social conflicts. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Waste. Major waste issues :(i) Improving urban health; and (ii) Ensuring sustainable management and recovery of waste. Guidance. Measures/actions. Effects/benefits. Economic.", + "Major waste issues :(i) Improving urban sanitation; and (ii) Ensuring sustainable waste management and recovery. Guidance. Measures/actions. Effects/benefits. Economic. Social. Environmental. Efficient recovery of resources to move towards a circular economy. Develop and implement a sustainable waste management policy and strategy including recovery.", + "Efficient use of resources to move towards a circular economy. Develop and implement a sustainable waste management policy and strategy that includes the use of resources. Increase national income and wealth. Contribute to the modernization of the economy and productivity gains. Develop new lines of employment. Improve people\u2019s quality of life.", + "Contribution to the modernisation of the economy and gains in productivity. Development of new lines of employment. Improvement of the quality of life of the population. Reduction of social conflicts. Reduction of GHG emission levels;. Improvement of the quality of the environment. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Development of circular economy actions:. Eco-design of products.", + "Improving the quality of the environment. Reducing pressure on natural resources. Developing circular economy measures: Eco-design of products. Recovery/use and recycling of waste (agricultural, forestry and household). Postal services. Valuation of wastewater. Increasing national income and wealth. Contribution to the modernisation of the economy and gains in productivity. Development of new lines of employment.", + "Increased national income and wealth. Contribution to the modernisation of the economy and productivity gains. Development of new employment channels. Improvement of the quality of life of populations. Reduction of social conflicts. Reduction of GHG emission levels;. Improvement of the quality of the environment. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Costs.", + "Reduction of GHG emission levels; Improvement of the quality of the environment; Reduction of pressure on natural resources; Costs. The Master Plan for Electricity Production and Transport 2014-2030 specifies that the total amount of production-transport investments for the period 2014-2030 amounts to CFA 8,000 billion.", + "The 2014-2030 Electricity Production and Transportation Master Plan states that total production-transportation investments for the period 2014-2030 amount to CFA 8,000 billion. Additional mining-related investments would also cost close to CFA 1,600 billion. 3. Adaptation. Framework for action. Description. Impacts and vulnerability.", + "Additional mining-related investments would also cost close to CFA 1,600 billion. 3. Adaptation. Framework for Action. Description. Impacts and Vulnerability. Impacts: floods, storms, landslides, droughts, bushfires, decreased river flows and surface water depletion, shortened average vegetative growth periods and increased exposure of plants to water stress, low growth of plant biomass, reduced productive potential of ecosystems, decreased arable land due to degradation, coastal erosion up to 3 metres per year up to 6 to 12 metres during storms, mitigation of seasonal upwelling have impacts on: agriculture and livestock, land use, forests, water resources, energy, coastal areas, fisheries, infrastructure (habitats), transportation, public health and gender.", + "Eleven vulnerable sectors identified in May 2013 by the Minister of the Environment, Urban Safety and Sustainable Development (MINESUDD) with a view to proposing a National Adaptation Plan. High vulnerability. Medium or low vulnerability:. Agriculture/Livestock/Aquaculture. Land use. Forests. Water resources. Energy. Coastal areas. Fisheries. Infrastructure (habitats). Transport (roads). Public health. Gender.", + "Medium or low vulnerability:. Agriculture/Livestock/Aquaculture. Land use. Forests. Water resources. Energy. Coastal areas. Fisheries. Infrastructure (habitats). Transport (roads). Public health. Gender. Actions to be planned for climate resilient development. SECTORAL.", + "Coastal zones. Fisheries. Infrastructure (habitats). Transport (roads). Public health. Gender. Actions to be planned for climate-resilient development. SECTORAL. Water resources: Control and management of water resources (strengthening of watershed planning and coordination, development of agropastoral dams, development of new hydro-agricultural sites and water catchments, improvement of irrigation efficiency, upgrading of storm and flood waters....", + "Water resources: Control and management of water resources (strengthening of watershed planning and coordination, development of agropastoral dams, development of new hydro-agricultural sites and water reservoirs, improvement of irrigation efficiency, upgrading of storm and flood waters... Agriculture / Elevation /Fisheries: Improving production technologies, strengthening the capacities of stakeholders.", + "Forests and land use: improving forest species, promoting reforestation and agro-ecology, restoring degraded land, promoting techniques for improving fertility and soil conservation.", + "Forests and land use: improving forest species, promoting reforestation and agro-ecology, restoring degraded land, promoting techniques for improving fertility and soil conservation Coastal zones: regulating the construction and extraction of sand on the shoreline, moving and reconstructing endangered structures on a draw-down line, building active protection structures (spurs, breakwaters), passive, restoration structures (windbreaks, revegetation, or even reforestation \u2013 mangroves).", + "Coastal zones: regulate the construction and extraction of sand on the shoreline, relocate and reconstruct hazardous structures on a draw-down line, construct active protection structures (spurs, breakwaters), passive protection structures, restoration structures (windbreaks, revegetation, or even reforestation \u2013 mangroves-). Energy: organize the wood-energy chain, avoid waterlogging of rivers, reprofile and restore flows in the minor beds of rivers.", + "Energy: Organizing the wood-energy chain, avoiding waterlogging of streams, reprofiling and restoring flows in stream beds. Promoting the construction and use of improved homes in rural areas. Losses and damage.", + "To promote the construction and use of improved homes in rural areas. Losses and damages. Human losses: losses related to hydrometeorological disasters, vector diseases (malaria, water diseases, respiratory diseases) and bushfires;.", + "Human losses: losses related to hydrometeorological disasters, vector diseases (malaria, water diseases, respiratory diseases) and bushfires; Losses related to coastal erosion: costs ranging from CFAF 2.355 billion to CFAF 6.75 billion (US$ 4.0 to 6.75 million) for land losses in the event of submersion of 0.5 to 2 metres.", + "Losses related to coastal erosion: Costs ranging from CFAF 2.355 billion to CFAF 6.75 billion (US$ 4.0 to 6.75 million) for land losses in the event of submersion ranging from 0.5 to 2 metres. Losses from agricultural production (at least 10% of annual rice production, or CFAF 50 billion or US$ 85.6 million -based on the cost of importing rice-, 10% of annual cocoa production, or approximately US$ 202 million based on the export price of cocoa, \"destruction of large areas of oil palm and cocoa in the Abidjan regions.", + "Accuracy to be achieved. Infrastructure losses (housing, roads, etc.). \"Reductions in water resources and impacts on food production and habitat are to be assessed, as well as impacts on public health.\" Barriers, gaps and needs for successful adaptation actions.", + "\"Reductions in water resources and impacts on food production and habitat are to be assessed, as well as impacts on public health.\" Barriers, gaps and needs for successful adaptation actions. Barriers: lack of integration of climate change policies into national and sectoral policies.", + "Obstacles, gaps and needs for successful adaptation actions. Obstacles: lack of integration of climate change policies into national and sectoral policies. weak capacity of rural communities\u2019 livelihoods (physical, national, social, institutional, etc.). gaps: weak understanding of the concept of climate change. illiteracy.", + "Weaknesses: weak understanding of the concept of climate change. illiteracy. Needs: strengthening human, institutional, technical, financial and technology transfer capacities. Activities. Objectives and Description. Co-benefits. Cost (billions of CFAF or millions of US$). Water Resources. Controlling and managing water resources.", + "Objectives and Description. Co-benefits. Cost (billions of CFAF or millions of US$). Water Resources. Control and manage water resources. Reduce vulnerability and increase resilience. - Implement Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).", + "Control and manage water resources. Reduce vulnerability and increase resilience. - Implement Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). Implement for national watersheds (WBCs) and strengthen planning and coordination for cross-border WBCs. Develop agropastoral dams to facilitate livestock watering.", + "Implement for national watersheds and strengthen planning and coordination for transboundary watersheds. Develop agropastoral dams to facilitate livestock watering. Develop hydro-agricultural sites and water retention to improve food production. Improve irrigation efficiency to limit water consumption.", + "Improve irrigation efficiency to limit water consumption. Enhance storm and flood water (collection and storage of runoff). Strengthen the irrigation capacity of farmers and other users.", + "Enhance storm and flood water (collection and storage of runoff). Strengthen the irrigation capacities of farmers and other users. Production planning to stabilize consumer prices and producers\u2019 incomes. Water retention to increase fisheries resources and move towards integrated production systems.", + "Production planning to stabilize consumer prices and producer incomes. Water retention to increase fisheries resources and move towards integrated production systems. Adequate availability of drinking water for human needs.", + "Water retention increases fisheries resources and moves towards integrated production systems. Adequate availability of drinking water for human consumption. AIP (Development of intensive cropland $84.86 billion \u2013 US$14.3 million-, facilitating access to small irrigation equipment, $1.8 billion \u2013 US$3.03 million-, hydro-agricultural development $28.37 billion \u2013 US$47.8 million-, supporting maintenance of irrigation facilities and equipment $0.6 billion \u2013 US$0.1 million-, rehabilitation of pasture dams and water retention $3 billion.", + "\u2013US$ 5.05 million. Agriculture. Strengthening agricultural, animal and fisheries production (agriculture sector 23% of GDP over the period 2000-2013). Reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience. Developing the agro-ecological approach (soil fertility management practices, development of the use of organic fertilizers and compost from household waste, agriculture-livestock association).", + "Develop the agro-ecological approach (practices for managing soil fertility, developing the use of organic fertilisers and compost from household waste, the agriculture-livestock association) Improve production technologies through access to improved and adapted inputs (food seeds, fodder, drought-resistant forestry, animal gene bank, quality fry, manure and compost management to improve soil fertility, etc.).", + "Improve production technologies through access to improved and adapted inputs (food seeds, feed, drought-resistant forestry, animal gene bank, quality fry, manure and compost management to improve soil fertility, etc.). Develop storage and conservation units to limit high post-harvest losses.", + "Develop storage and conservation units to limit high post-harvest losses. Promote and popularize climate-resilient crop species. Develop seasonal forecasts that strengthen the climate-resilience of crop practices. Promote women\u2019s access to rural land.", + "Developing seasonal forecasts that strengthen the resilience of farming practices to climate change. Promoting women\u2019s access to rural land. Food self-sufficiency through improved yields (30% for rice with improved seeds).", + "Promoting women\u2019s access to rural land. Food self-sufficiency through improved yields (30 per cent for rice with improved seeds). Combating poverty and maintaining social peace through improving the purchasing power of rural communities, job creation must be an integral part.", + "Combating poverty and maintaining social peace by improving the purchasing power of rural communities, the creation of jobs must be a whole point. Reduction of dependence on imports and improvement of exports of agricultural products (SNDCV indicates 40% of export revenues). Gender mainstreaming (women).", + "Reduced dependence on imports and improved exports of agricultural products (NDCS indicates 40% of export revenues) Gender considerations (women) NDCS (Agricultural Seed Development Plan CFAF 12.05 billion \u2013 US$ 20.3 million, direct support to production activities CFAF 540 billion \u2013 US$ 909.9 million)", + "SNDCV (Agricultural Seed Development Plan: CFAF 12.05 billion \u2013 US$ 20.3 million, direct support to production activities: CFAF 540 billion \u2013 US$ 909.9 million) SNDR (Technical support to production \u2013 rice seeds, inputs and mechanization: CFAF 299 billion \u2013 US$ 503.8 million)", + "SNDR (technical support for production \u2013 rice seeds, inputs and mechanization: CFAF 299 billion \u2013 US$ 503.8 million) PSDEPA (improvement of productivity and competitiveness: CFAF 80.948 billion \u2013 US$ 136.4 million, of which CFAF 2.18 billion \u2013 US$ 3.7 million for forage and seed production, preservation of aquaculture genetic diversity: CFAF 7.45 billion \u2013 US$ 12.6 million).", + "PSDEPA (improved productivity and competitiveness 80.948 billion FCFA \u2013 US$ 136.4 million of which 2.18 billion FCFA \u2013 US$ 3.7 million for forage and seed production, preservation of aquaculture genetic diversity 7.45 billion FCFA \u2013 US$ 12.6 million) Forests and land use.", + "Forests and land use. Combating deforestation and land degradation. Reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience. Improving forest species, promoting agroforestry, restoring degraded land. Promoting sustainable land management through improved water and soil conservation (WSC) techniques.", + "Improving forest species, promoting agroforestry, restoring degraded land. Promoting sustainable land management through improved water and soil conservation (WSC) techniques. Developing the landscape approach to sustainable land management and water and soil conservation.", + "Promote sustainable land management through improved water and soil conservation techniques. Develop the landscape approach to sustainable land management and water and soil conservation. Combat poverty (exploitation of non-timber forest products, improvement of agricultural yields, use of traditional pharmacopoeia).", + "Develop the landscape approach to sustainable land management and water and soil conservation. Combat poverty (exploitation of non-timber forest products, improvement of agricultural yields, use of traditional pharmacopoeia). Preserve terrestrial fauna and flora diversity. Sustainable soil quality.", + "Combating poverty (exploitation of non-timber forest products, improvement of agricultural yields, use of traditional pharmacopoeia). Preservation of terrestrial wildlife and floristic diversity. Sustainability of soil quality. FP (Reducing the impact of climate change CFA 33.64 billion.- US$ 20 million)PNIA (supporting the dissemination of technological innovations CFA 0.43 billion -US$ 0.7 million-, ESC techniques CFA 5 billion -US$ 8.4 million-).", + "FP (Reducing the impact of climate change CFAF 33.64 billion - US$ 20 million)NIAP (Supporting the diffusion of technological innovations CFAF 0.43 billion - US$ 0.7 million-, ESC technologies CFAF 5 billion - US$ 8.4 million-). Management of hydro-meteorological disasters. Building resilience, in particular by combating coastal erosion.", + "Hydrometeorological disaster management. Building resilience, in particular by combating coastal erosion. Reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience, in particular for the Sassandra - Vridi - Port- Bou\u00ebt section. Assessing hydrometeorological risks and implementing mitigation measures.", + "Reduce vulnerability and increase resilience, particularly for the Sassandra - Vridi \u2013 Port- Bou\u00ebt section. Assess hydrometeorological risks and implement mitigation measures. Implement a multi-hazard warning system. Implement an efficient contingency plan and response plans. Inform, educate and communicate on hydrometeorological risks.", + "Establish an efficient contingency plan and response plans. Inform, educate and communicate on hydrometeorological risks. Strengthen the capacities of stakeholders in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and disaster management. Systematically assess losses and damage and ensure post-disaster recovery and construction.", + "Strengthen the capacity of actors in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and disaster management. Systematically assess losses and damage and ensure post-disaster rehabilitation and construction. Develop coastal line observation and identify areas at risk of erosion (coastal erosion monitoring).", + "Systematically assess losses and damage and ensure recovery and post-disaster construction. Develop coastline observation and identify areas at risk of erosion (coastal erosion monitoring). Protect habitat (enforce regulations on shoreline sand construction and extraction, relocate and reconstruct endangered structures on a draw-down line, build active protection structures \u2013 creeks, breakwaters, passive, restoration structures \u2013 windbreaks, revegetation, or even reforestation \u2013 mangroves).", + "Protect habitat (enforce regulations on shoreline construction and sand extraction, relocate and reconstruct endangered structures on a draw-down line, construct active protection structures - creeks, breakwaters, passive, restoration - windbreaks, revegetation, or even reforestation - mangroves-).", + "Establish a pilot micro-project fund for local erosion protection. Preserve agriculture (oil palm, pineapple, banana, rubber and coconut plantation areas). Preserve lagoon and coastal biodiversity. Preserve habitat. Preserve vulnerable coastal areas.", + "Conservation of agriculture (area planted with oil palms, pineapples, bananas, rubber and coconut trees). Conservation of lagoon and coastal biological diversity. Habitat conservation. Conservation of vulnerable coastal areas. SACCL (dynamic modelling of the shoreline profile 0.184 billion CFAF \u2013US$ 0.31 million-, reforestation of mangroves and other appropriate species 0.65 billion CFAF \u2013US$ 1.1 million, establishment of a fund 1.95 billion CFAF \u2013US$ 3.3 million-.SACCL considers as secondary the development against erosion in Assinia 19.97 billion CFAF \u2013US$ 33.6-, around the Vridi Canal, opening of the Como\u00e9 exit 22.55 billion CFAF \u2013US$ 38 million-. 4.", + "Planning, implementation and monitoring process of the INDC. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will take the following measures to implement these INDCs, monitor them and update/revise them as necessary.2 Description. Objective. Legislative and regulatory framework.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will take the following measures to implement, monitor and, where appropriate, update/revise these CNIs.2 Description. Objective. Legislative and regulatory framework. Adoption of legal texts on implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the CNIs and resolutions of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC.", + "Adoption of legal texts relating to the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the GHG inventories and resolutions of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Sustainable development through the various successive governments. Institutional framework.", + "Sustain low-carbon development through successive governments. Institutional framework. Establishment of an Interdepartmental Committee on Climate Change (ICCC) comprising ministers responsible for relevant sectors, chaired by the Prime Minister and responsible, in particular, for monitoring the implementation of the INDCs.", + "Establishment of an Interdepartmental Committee on Climate Change (ICCC) comprising ministers responsible for relevant sectors, chaired by the Prime Minister and responsible, inter alia, for monitoring the implementation of the INDCs. Ensure effective implementation of a cross-cutting national climate policy.", + "Ensure effective implementation of a cross-cutting national climate policy Establishment of a CICC Secretariat (SCICC) within MINESUDD to provide technical support to the CICC in the planning, coordination of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of GHG inventories with a clear roadmap based on the periodicity of NDPs.", + "Establishment of a CICC Secretariat (SCICC) attached to MINESUDD to provide technical support to the CICC in the planning, coordination of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the INDCs, with a clear roadmap based on the periodicity of NDPs. Operationalization of the INDCs. Assessment of the climate impact of any new legislation or policy/programme/public project (impact assessment).", + "Operationalization of the INDCs. Assessment of the climate impact of any new legislation or policy/programme/public project (impact assessment). Integration of mitigation and adaptation considerations into public decision-making processes. Translation of the INDCs into sectoral operational programmes articulated with/embedded in the NDP. Operationalization of the INDCs, in particular through the national planning process.", + "Translating INDCs into sectoral operational programmes articulated with/embedded in the NDP. Operationalizing INDCs, including through the national planning process. Integrating Climate Change (CC) into national planning (NDP) and sectoral policies as well as local planning.", + "Operationalize the NDIs, in particular through the national planning process. Integrate Climate Change (CC) into national planning (NDP) and sectoral policies as well as local planning. Link NDPs and sectoral plans and policies (e.g. NIPs) in particular with natural disaster risk reduction with the country\u2019s mitigation and adaptation objectives and actions set out in these NDIs.", + "Coherence of NDPs and sectoral plans and policies (e.g. NIPs) in particular with natural disaster risk reduction with the country\u2019s mitigation and adaptation objectives and actions set out in these CNIs Some complementary studies (to be carried out after submission of the CNIs):Consolidate the national GHG emissions inventory.", + "Some complementary studies (to be carried out after submission of the INDCs):Consolidate the national inventory of GHG emissions. Fine-tune the costs of the INDC Actions. Strengthen knowledge of land use and management in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire (satellite images + field survey). Study the potential of R&D in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire3. Develop a climate-energy strategy.", + "Strengthen knowledge of land use and management in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire (satellite images + field survey). Explore the potential of R&D in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire3. Develop a climate-energy strategy. Explore the strengthening of the integration of energy and climate into agricultural policy in anticipation of the development of the PNIAC [National Investment Plan Agriculture and Climate] 2020-2030.", + "To study the strengthening of the integration of energy and climate into agricultural policy in preparation for the development of the National Investment Plan for Agriculture and Climate 2020-2030. To propose an optimal reference network for monitoring changes in water table levels from existing piezometers reflecting the climate/water regime relationship of rivers.", + "Propose an optimal reference network for monitoring changes in water table levels from existing piezometers reflecting the climatic / hydrological regime of rivers. Investigate the desirability of a domestic and regional carbon price and market (see below). Calculate and refine the description of the mitigation and adaptation actions of the CNIs.", + "To study the desirability of a domestic and regional carbon price and market (see below). To quantify and refine the description of the mitigation and adaptation actions of the INDCs. To study the feasibility of a system of coding of CO2 related expenditure in the state budget. To monitor climate revenues and expenditure in the national budget.", + "Study of the feasibility of a system for coding CC-related expenditure in the state budget. Monitoring of revenues and climate expenditure in the national budget. Improvement of systems for establishing and collecting data on GHG emissions. Achievement of an annual GHG inventory. Obtain reliable data on GHG emissions.", + "Improved systems for establishing and collecting data on GHG emissions. Achievement of an annual GHG inventory. Obtain reliable data on GHG emissions. Establishment of an Air Quality Observatory (CO, SO, etc.) and GHG monitoring. Air Quality Monitoring.", + "Creation of an Observatory on air quality (CO, SO, etc.) and monitoring of GHGs. Monitoring of air quality. Strengthening of research and development and transfer actions in the field of clean technologies. Communication. Launching of a communication campaign at the end of 2015 on the INDCs and COP 21, in particular to the private sector and local and regional authorities;.", + "Launch of a communication campaign at the end of 2015 on the INDCs and COP 21, in particular to the private sector and local authorities; Capacity-building of local actors prior to awareness-raising campaigns; Establishment of a dedicated website on national climate change policy / INDCs where the above indicators will be published.", + "Establishment of a dedicated website on national climate change policy / INDCs where the above indicators will be published. Update/revision of INDCs. Periodicity: Review in the light of COP21 results, if necessary. Every 5 years in conjunction with the NDP unless otherwise indicated by the COPs. Responsible: SCICC Secretariat. 5.", + "Every 5 years in conjunction with the NDP unless otherwise indicated by the COPs. Responsible: SCICC Secretariat. 5. Means of implementation. Financing. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to mobilise the following sources to finance the mitigation and adaptation actions of these INDCs:", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to mobilise the following sources to finance the mitigation and adaptation actions of these INDCs: private finance. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to mobilise international or domestic private financing (equity and loans) to the greatest extent possible for the co-financing of relevant actions of these INDCs, in particular those actions that may generate financial returns acceptable to the private sector.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to mobilise international or domestic private financing (equity and loans) to the fullest extent possible for the co-financing of relevant shares of these INDCs, particularly those that can generate financial returns acceptable to the private sector. To this end, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will endeavour to increase the rate of banking, stimulate savings formation, and strengthen domestic financial markets and banking system, as well as the attractiveness of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire for foreign investment (investment climate).", + "To this end, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will focus on increasing the rate of banking, stimulating savings formation, and strengthening the domestic financial markets and banking system, as well as C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire\u2019s attractiveness for foreign investment (investment climate).", + "National budget. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will participate in the financing of the actions of these INDCs which fall under the State budget. This State effort may take the form of either direct budgetary expenditure or be channelled through specific funds financed in particular from the State budget. Donors / TFPs.", + "This State effort may take the form of either direct budgetary expenditure or be channelled through specific funds financed, in particular, from the State budget. Donors / TFPs. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will seek the support of donors and TFPs (donations, loans and technical assistance) for the financing of the actions of these INDCs.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will seek the support of donors and TFPs (donations, loans and technical assistance) for the financing of the actions of these INDCs. Access to sovereign loans from the Financial Institutions for Development (FIDs) will be crucial. Green Climate Fund.", + "Access to sovereign loans from the Financial Institutions for Development (FID) will be crucial. Green Climate Fund. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is considering the possibility of establishing a national entity accredited to the Green Climate Fund (FVC). It has already embarked on its preparation process for the operationalisation of the FVC at national level (Readiness Programme). Carbon markets.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire supports the inclusion of international carbon markets such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in a post-2020 climate agreement and proposes that such an instrument, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime (AAR), could be used to help finance certain investments in carbon-efficient and climate-resilient infrastructure.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire supports the inclusion of international carbon markets such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in a post-2020 climate agreement and proposes that such an instrument, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime (IAS), could be used to help finance certain investments in carbon-efficient and climate-change-resilient infrastructure. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire considers that some of the carbon-efficient development options contained in these INDCs, or additional actions, could be financed wholly or partly through the international transfer of carbon assets, taking into account considerations of environmental integrity and transparency.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire considers that some of the carbon-neutral development options contained in these CNIs, or additional actions, could be financed in full or in part through the international transfer of carbon assets, taking into account considerations of environmental integrity and transparency.", + "Other economic instruments. The opportunity to deploy tools to generate a price signal on the social cost of carbon (market or carbon tax) and thus to internalise carbon externality will be explored. First five-year tranche. A first five-year tranche of Actions to be financed is being prepared and will be presented in the 4th quarter of 2015.", + "First five-year tranche. A first five-year tranche of actions to be financed is being prepared and will be presented in the fourth quarter of 2015. It will be consistent with, and reflected in, the 2016-2020 NDP. Capacity building. Mitigation. At all levels: link between development, natural disaster risk reduction, energy and climate change.", + "Capacity building. Mitigation. At all levels: link between development, natural disaster risk reduction, energy and climate change. For decision makers: interest in integrating energy-climate thinking into all sectoral policies.", + "At all levels: link between development, natural disaster risk reduction, energy and climate change. For decision-makers: interest in integrating energy-climate considerations into all sectoral policies. For operators: implementation of low-carbon development, e.g.:", + "For operators: implementation of low-carbon development, e.g.: farmers: agricultural practices allowing for sustainable intensification of production; methods of management and valorisation of agricultural residues; entrepreneurs: the keys to success in developing a renewable energy project in rural areas; valorisation of products from sustainable agriculture; adaptation.", + "Entrepreneurs: The keys to success in developing a renewable energy project in rural areas; valorisation of products from sustainable agriculture. Adaptation. Capacity building of actors (mainly women, farmers, etc.) focuses on new technical routes within the framework of intensified and sustainable production methods. Informing, educating and communicating on climate risks.", + "Strengthening the capacity of stakeholders (especially women, farmers, etc.) to develop new technical routes in the context of intensified and sustainable production methods. Informing, educating and communicating on climate risks. Strengthening the system of observing meteorological phenomena through synoptic stations. Establishing a multi-risk early warning system.", + "Strengthen the system for observing meteorological phenomena through synoptic stations. Establish a multi-hazard early warning system. Strengthen national and local capacities for disaster risk reduction and emergency preparedness. Environmental Information Management System.", + "Strengthen national and local capacities for disaster risk reduction and emergency preparedness. Environmental Information Management System. Establish an air quality management centre to: monitor ambient air pollution. Assess pollutant releases at source.", + "Establish an air quality management centre responsible for: Monitoring ambient air pollution Assessing pollutant releases at source Informing the public about the state of air quality Reporting air pollution to the state for decision-making", + "To inform the public about the state of air quality. To provide the state with reports on air pollution for decision-making. To promote the establishment of an air quality observatory. To strengthen regional and international cooperation in the field of air quality.", + "Promote the establishment of an air quality observatory. Strengthen regional and international cooperation in the field of air quality. Train a person responsible for this observatory/air quality management centre.", + "Strengthen regional and international cooperation in the area of air quality. Train a person responsible for this observatory/air quality management centre. Establish a network for observing and monitoring coastline dynamics nationally to identify areas at risk of coastal erosion and review one or more indicators reflecting the climate/coastal erosion relationship.", + "Establish a national coastline dynamics monitoring and observation network to identify areas at risk of coastal erosion and examine one or more indicators reflecting the climate/coastal erosion relationship Technology Transfer and Development, R&D.", + "Technology transfer and development, R&D. Development of partnerships between companies and research centres on the development of low-carbon solutions. Improved access to tools (e.g. crop cycle calibration in the rainy season). 6. Annexes. Main abbreviations. ADB. African Development Bank. CC. Climate change. CES. Water and soil conservation. COP.", + "6. Annexes. Main abbreviations. ADB. African Development Bank. CC. Climate Change. CES. Water and Soil Conservation. COP. Conference of the Parties (to the UNFCCC). CPDN. Planned Contribution Nationally Determined. EE. Energy Efficiency. ENP. National Prospective Study C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire 2040. ENR. Renewable Energy. FCFA. Franc CFA. GHG. Greenhouse Gases. IFD.", + "Energy Efficiency. ENP. Etude Nationale Prospective C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire 2040. EnR. Energies renouvelables. FCFA. Franc CFA. GES. Gaz \u00e0 Effet de Serre. IFD. Institutions Financi\u00e8res de D\u00e9veloppement. INDC. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (CPDN). IREN. Institut de Recherche sur les Energies Renouvelables. NAMAs. Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions. OECD. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. PF.", + "Renewable Energy Research Institute. NAMAs. Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions. OECD. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. FP. Forestry Policy and Strategic Implementation Plan. GDP. Gross Domestic Product. GNP. National Development Plan. NIP. National Agricultural Investment Plan. UNEP. United Nations Environment Programme. PPP.", + "Gross Domestic Product. NDP. National Development Plan. NII. National Agricultural Investment Plan. UNEP. United Nations Environment Programme. PPP. Purchasing Power Parity. PSDEPA. Strategy Plan for the Development of Livestock, Fisheries and Aquaculture. TFP. Technical and Financial Partners. REDD+.", + "Purchasing Power Parity. PSDEPA. Strategy Plan for the Development of Livestock, Fisheries and Aquaculture. PTF. Technical and Financial Partners. REDD+. Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. SACCL. Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change on the C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire Coast. SCECCI.", + "Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. SACCL. Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change on the Coast of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire. SCECCI. Coastal Environment Management Strategy in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire and National Action Plan. SNDCV. National Strategy for the Development of Food Crops Other than Rice. SNDR.", + "Coastal Environment Management Strategy in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire and National Action Plan. SNDCV. National Strategy for the Development of Food Crops Other than Rice. SNDR. Revised National Strategy for the Development of the Rice Industry. US $. US Dollar. UTCATF. Land Use, Land-Use Changes and Forestry. References. General/Transversal. Planning. National Development Plan (NDP) 2012-2015.", + "U.S. dollar. LULUCF. Land use, land-use change and forests. References. General/transversal. Planning. National Development Plan (NDP) 2012-2015. NDP Project 2016-2020. National Prospective Study \"Ivory Coast 2040\" (project). Country data. ADB Country Fact Sheet and European Union Delegation. Multiple Indicator Demographic and Health Survey 2011-2012 (June 2013). Mitigation. General.", + "Country Fact Sheet ADB and Delegation of the European Union. Multiple Indicator Demographic and Health Survey 2011-2012 (June 2013). Mitigation. General. First national communication to the UNFCCC in 2000. Second national communication to the UNFCCC in 2010. Draft Third national communication (under finalisation). Agriculture. AIP 2010-2015.", + "Second national communication to the UNFCCC in 2010. Draft Third national communication (under finalisation). Agriculture. PNIA 2010-2015. Strategy lines (SNDR, SNDCV, 3rd Palm Plan, Rubber Plan, Cocoa Plan). Energy. Electricity Code. Draft Master Plan Electricity Generation and Transportation 2014-2030. Renewable Energy Action Plan (RENAP),. Energy Efficiency Action Plan (EEAP).", + "Draft Master Plan Electricity Production and Transportation 2014-2030. Action Plan for Renewable Energies (PANER). Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (PANEE). Agenda for Action for Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL). Forest. New Forest Code 2014. UN-REDD+ (R-PP). Industry. Industrial Policy. Adaptation. Framework for Action. National Development Plan 2011-2015 and 2016-2020 (NDP).", + "New Forest Code 2014. UN-REDD+ (R-PP). Industry. Industrial policy. Adaptation. Framework for action. National Development Plan 2011-2015 and 2016-2020 (NDP). National Agricultural Investment Programme 2010-2015 (PNIA). National Strategy for the Development of Food Crops Other than Rice 2013-2020 (SNDCV). Revised National Strategy for the Development of the Rice Industry 2012-2020 (SNDR).", + "National Strategy for the Development of Food Crops Other than Rice 2013-2020 (SNDCV). Revised National Strategy for the Development of the Rice Industry 2012-2020 (SNDR). Strategic Plan for the Development of Livestock, Fisheries and Aquaculture 2014-2020 (PSDEPA). Coastal Environment Management Strategy in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire and National Action Plan 2016-2020 (SGECCI) of 2015.", + "Strategic Plan for the Development of Livestock, Fisheries and Aquaculture 2014-2020 (PSDEPA). Coastal Environment Management Strategy in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire and National Action Plan 2016-2020 (SGECCI) of 2015. Initial National Communication of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire to the UNFCCC (2000). Second National Communication of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire to the UNFCCC (2010). National Climate Change Programme 2015-2020 (PNCC).", + "Initial national communication from C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire to the UNFCCC (2000). Second national communication from C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire to the UNFCCC (2010). National Climate Change Programme 2015-2020 (PNCC). National Environment Policy 2011.", + "Second National Communication of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire to the UNFCCC (2010). National Climate Change Programme 2015-2020 (NCCP). National Environment Policy 2011. Vulnerability. ABBOTT, P. (2013), Cocoa and Cotton Seeds in West Africa: The Roles of Policies and Institutions in Integrating Small Farmers into Market Systems.", + "ABBOTT, P. (2013), Cocoa and cotton seeds in West Africa: the role of policies and institutions in integrating smallholder farmers into market systems. In Rebuilding West Africa\u2019s Food Potential, A. Elbehri (ed.), FAO/IFAD. AHOSSANE K., JALLOH A., NELSON G., THOMAS T.S.", + "AHOSSANE K., JALLOH A., NELSON G., THOMAS T.S. (2012): West African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis \u2013 C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire AGBRI L. (2014):", + "(2014): Climate-smart agriculture in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire: state of play and support needs to better integrate climate-smart agriculture (CAA) into the AIP. YAO N\u2019GUETTIA R. (2013): Study of the vulnerability of the agricultural sector to climate change in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire www.rti.ci/ infos_Politique.html of 22 05 2013). Actions.", + "YAO N\u2019GUETTIA R. (2013): Study of the vulnerability of the agricultural sector to climate change in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire www.rti.ci/infos_Politique.html of 22 05 2013). Actions. International Trade Centre (2011): Cotton and climate change, impacts and options for reduction and adaptation.", + "International Trade Centre (2011): Cotton and Climate Change, Impacts and Options for Reduction and Adaptation. IFAD (2014): Agricultural Production and Marketing Support Project \u2013 Western Extension (PROPACOM-West). Final Design Report. Main Report and Appendices.", + "FIDA (2014): Support project for agricultural production and marketing \u2013 extension West (PROPACOM-West). Final design report. Main report and appendices. SALVA-TERRA (2013): Cost-benefit study of REDD+ in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire and mobilisation of stakeholders in the main agricultural and forestry sectors. Adaptation strategy for the C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire coastline in the CC, 2012.", + "SALVA-TERRA (2013): Cost-benefit study of REDD+ in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire and mobilisation of stakeholders in the main agricultural and forestry sectors. Adaptation strategy for the C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire coastline at the CC, 2012. These actions are formulated at a high level of aggregation in line with the spirit of the INDC, which should not consist of a catalogue of programmes and projects.", + "These actions are formulated at a high level of aggregation in line with the spirit of the INDC, which should not consist of a catalogue of programmes and projects. Subsequent work will be needed to translate these guidelines into operational programmes.\u21a9. Depending on the outcome of the negotiations on the development of a new international climate agreement.\u21a9.", + "Subsequent work will be needed to translate these guidelines into operational programmes.\u21a9. Depending on the outcome of the negotiations on the development of a new international climate agreement.\u21a9. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is currently conducting a study on the potential of bioenergy.\u21a9" + ], + "medium": [ + "PLANNED CONTRIBUTIONS DETERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL OF LIVESTOCK. 1. National context. Key data. Area. 322 463 km2 - 550 km of coastline. Climate. South: equatorial, warm and humid climate. North: drier tropical climate. Population. 22.67 million of whom 41.5% are under 15 years of age (GNP, 2014). GNP. USD 34.25 billion (2014). GNI/h. USD 1,550 (2014). Weight in world GDP. 0.06% Constant Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) in 2011. Share of agriculture in GDP. 24%. Primary energy consumption/h.", + "0.06% Share of purchasing power parity (PPP) constant in 2011. Share of agriculture in GDP. 24%. Primary energy consumption /h. 0.64 tep in 2012. Access to electricity. 56% of households. Sources: GNP 2014, GNP 2016-2020, AfDB, World Bank, EDS 2011-2012, IEA, PNIA 2010-2015. After a decade of political and military crisis that led to a deep social divide, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire has set itself the goal of becoming an emerging country by 2020.", + "After a decade of political and military crisis, which has led to a deep social divide, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire has set itself the goal of becoming an emerging country by 2020.", + "The country has also resumed rapid growth (of around 8% per year), in a context of peace, greatly improved security and better governance. The populations are also beginning to take advantage of the renewed dynamism, thanks to efforts to redistribute and correct inequalities in the various sectors. The NDP 2016-2020, which is being finalised, aims to consolidate this trajectory towards emergence and industrialisation. This planning is part of a longer-term vision.", + "The NDP 2016-2020, which is currently being finalised, aims to consolidate this trajectory towards emergence and industrialisation. This planning is part of a longer-term vision. The National Prospective Study \"Cote d\u2019Ivoire 2040\" is also being finalised. The country\u2019s national development strategy, combined with strong population growth, would lead to a substantial increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.", + "The country\u2019s national development strategy combined with strong population growth would lead to a substantial increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Furthermore, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change affecting all essential sectors of its development. To meet these challenges, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire established the National Climate Change Programme (PNCC) in 2012 to coordinate, propose and promote measures and strategies to combat climate change.", + "To meet these challenges, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire established the National Climate Change Programme (PNCC) in 2012 to coordinate, propose and promote measures and strategies to combat climate change.", + "A National Strategy to Combat Climate Change 2015-2020 was adopted at the end of 2014. Through this Planned Contribution Determined at the national level (CPDN / INDC), C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to: signal its willingness to reduce the carbon footprint of its development by favouring mitigation options with high \u2018co-benefits\u2019 (Section 2: Mitigation); strengthen the country\u2019s resilience to climate change (Section 3: Adaptation); harmonise its sectoral policies and strengthen its implementation mechanisms and tools to facilitate the achievement of these objectives (Section 4); and mobilise all relevant means, including financing, both national and international (Section 5). 2.", + "Mitigation. 2.1. Contribution of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire. While taking into account the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire, like the African economies, must meet the development challenge in order to improve the standard of living and the quality of life of its population.", + "While taking into account the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire, like the African economies, must rise to the challenge of development in order to improve the standard of living and the quality of life of its people. The overriding need for this development, which includes increasing agricultural production, agro-industrial processing, combating deforestation and continuing and even accelerating the provision of modern energy to all its inhabitants, does not in any way undermine the country\u2019s political will to contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions.", + "The imperative need for this development, which includes increasing agricultural production, agro-industrial processing, combating deforestation and continuing and even accelerating the provision of modern energy to all inhabitants, does not in any way undermine the country\u2019s political will to contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions. However, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire needs to be supported to continue on the path of sustainable development, respectful of the environment and concerned with the challenges of climate change.", + "However, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire needs to be supported in pursuing sustainable development, respecting the environment and addressing climate change issues. The C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire INDCs are therefore a contribution based on the GHG reduction efforts contained in the sectoral strategic development plans providing for the support of technical and financial partners. Type of contribution. Combination of objectives and mitigation actions. Long-term national target on GHG emissions. Low-carbon scenario (2030).", + "Type of contribution. Combination of objectives and mitigation actions. Long-term national GHG emission target. Low-carbon (2030) scenario. Reduction of GHG emissions relative to target year emissions (2030) in a Business As Usual or BAU scenario. Target year. 2030. Base year. 2012. Cumulative emission reductions by 2030. Low-carbon (2030) scenario. -28%. Sectoral targets. Low-carbon (2030) scenario.", + "Base year. 2012. Cumulative emission reductions by 2030. Low carbon scenario (2030). -28%. Sectoral targets. Low carbon scenario (2030). Composition of the electricity mix: 26% coal, 32% combined natural gas, 26% hydroelectricity and 16% other renewable energies (RES), i.e. a cumulative of 42% of RES in the electricity mix in 2030. Intensification and mechanisation of agriculture and livestock production. Reduction of GHG emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.", + "Intensification and mechanisation of agriculture and animal production. Reduction of GHG emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. Sustainable management and recovery of waste. Equity of the Contribution. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is a low emitter of GHGs with only 0.81 tCO2/hab (excluding forestry). The necessary development of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire (+8.4% growth in GDP by 2030) would be accompanied by an increase in emissions to 1.17 tCO2/hab (+44.4%) in 2030. Ambition of the Contribution.", + "The necessary development of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire (+8.4% growth in GDP by 2030) would be accompanied by an increase in emissions to 1.17 tCO2/ha (+44.4%) in 2030. Contribution ambition. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire undertakes to: Increase the share of RES in the electricity mix (including large hydropower) to 42%. Implement the strategy to reduce GHG emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in addition to sustainable forest management and ambitious reforestation policies (REDD+).", + "Implement the strategy to reduce GHG emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in addition to sustainable forest management and ambitious reforestation policies (REDD+). The 28% reduction in low-carbon versus base-case emissions represents a significant effort for a country with a world GDP/ha of 148 (2014, based on PPP). Short-lived air pollutants (LULUCF).", + "The 28% reduction in low-carbon versus baseline emissions represents a significant effort for a country with a GDP per capita of 148th in the world (2014, based on PPP). Short-lived air pollutants (LCVP/SLCP). C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is committed to reducing short-lived air pollutants that have an impact on the climate in addition to long-lived GHGs.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is committed to reducing short-lived air pollutants that have an impact on the climate in addition to long-term GHGs, and will develop a national action plan for the reduction of VOCs/CFCs by 2018, the contributions to global warming of which are clearly established by UNEP in its 2011 report. 2.2. Basic and low-carbon development scenarios.", + "To this end, the country will develop, by 2018, a national action plan for the reduction of VOCs/CFCs whose contributions to global warming are clearly established by UNEP in its 2011 report. 2.2. Baseline and Sustainable Carbon Development Scenarios The figure below presents (i) base year 2012 emissions, (ii) a Business As Usual scenario, and (iii) a Sustainable Carbon Development scenario showing the impact of major sectoral actions whose implementation could be subject to additional external support.", + "The figure below presents (i) base year 2012 emissions, (ii) a Business As Usual scenario and (iii) a carbon-neutral development scenario showing the impact of major sectoral actions that could be implemented with additional external support. Total emissions (kton CO2). 15,964.35. 34,253.25. 24,576.16. The table below presents the relative shares of different sub-sectors in GHG emissions. Sub-sectors. 2012. BAU (2030). Low-carbon scenario (2030).", + "Subsectors. 2012. BAU (2030). Low Carbon Scenario (2030). Emissions (ktonne Equiv. CO2). Emissions (ktonne Equiv. CO2). Percentage increase over 2012. Emissions (ktonne Equiv. CO2). Percentage decrease over BAU. Electricity Generation. 3,442.63. 11,892.00. 52.93. 9,216.56. -7.81. Transport. 2,389.36. 6,441.27. 25.38. 4,477.55. -5.73. Industry. 1,000.81. 2,698.01. 10.63. 1,875.48. -2.40. Energy Supply. 781.64. 2,136.39. 8.49.", + "6,441.27. 25.38. 4,477.55. -5.73. Industry. 1,000.81. 2,698.01. 10.63. 1,875.48. -2.40. Energy Supply. 781.64. 2,136.39. 8.49. 1,485.08. -1.90. Buildings. 627.03. 1,690.34. 6.66. 1,175.02. -1.50. Agriculture. 6,140.80. 7,059.16. 5.75. 4,722.57. -6.82. Waste. 1,582.08. 2,336.09. 4.72. 1,623.90. -2.08. Total. 15,964.35. 34,253.25. 114.56. 24,576.16. -28.25. 2.3. Assumptions and Methodological Approaches. Type of Objective. % reduction from target year emissions", + "Assumptions and methodological approaches. Type of objective. % reduction from target year emissions in a baseline scenario. Start of implementation of the INDC. 2016. Coverage (country). All country. Gases covered. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O). Sectors/sources covered. Agriculture, Energy, Waste, LULUCF (Forestry: not included in inventories). Baseline scenario (BAU).", + "Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O). Sectors/sources covered. Agriculture, Energy, Waste, LULUCF (Forestry: not included in inventories). Baseline scenario (BAU). This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions to 2030 by sector based on the Government\u2019s current development strategies. Mitigation scenario (low carbon). This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions to 2030 based on low-carbon orientations in key sectors such as energy, agriculture and waste.", + "This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions by 2030 on the basis of low-carbon orientation in key sectors, including energy, agriculture and waste. Sources for the scenarios (BEA and Low-Carbon). ENP 2040, NDP 2016-2020, Master Plan Electricity Generation and Transport 2014-2030, NIP 2010-2015, Industrial Policy (2013). GWP. GWP values used are those determined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, IPCC, SAR). Base Case Emission Projection (BCE) Methodology.", + "The GWP values used are those determined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, SAR). Emission projection methodology for the baseline scenario (BAU). The baseline year (2012) inventory is that of the Third National Communication (TCN). The baseline scenario (BAU) is constructed by applying to the emissions of the different sectors assumptions of evolution depending on the annual sectoral growth rates, the evolution of the population, the electricity mix and the trend in the efficiency of the sector.", + "The base case (BCC) is constructed by applying to the emissions of the different sectors evolutionary assumptions depending on the annual sectoral growth rates, the evolution of the population, the electricity mix and the trend in the efficiency of the sector. Projection methodology for the low-carbon scenario. The low-carbon scenario is constructed by applying to the sectoral emissions of the base case, an estimate of the gains associated with the implementation of the sector\u2019s policies and projects.", + "The low-carbon scenario is constructed by applying to the sectoral emissions of the baseline scenario an estimate of the gains associated with the implementation of the sector\u2019s policies and projects. Approach to emissions related to land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF). Emissions from this important sector in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will need to be analysed more precisely by 2020 in order to be able to be integrated into the overall objective.", + "The emissions from this important sector in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will need to be analysed more precisely by 2020 in order to be able to be integrated into the overall objective. This will be possible thanks to better knowledge of areas by soil type through satellite imagery coupled with the exploitation of field data. 2.4. Mitigation actions. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to implement the following Mitigation Actions1:. Agriculture / Forestry.", + "This will be possible thanks to better knowledge of areas by type of soil through satellite imaging coupled with the exploitation of field data. 2.4. Mitigation actions. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to implement the following Mitigation Actions1: Agriculture / Forestry. Major agricultural issues: (i) Search for self-sufficiency and food security and (ii) Improvement of productivity and competitiveness Major forest sector issue: Sustainable forest management and the 20% national forest cover target in the Forestry Code 2014.", + "Key issues for agriculture: (i) Search for self-sufficiency and food security and (ii) Improvement of productivity and competitiveness Key issues for the forestry sector: Sustainable forest management and the target of 20% national forest cover in the Forest Code 2014. Key message: The concept of zero-deforestation agriculture. Guidance. Measures/actions. Co-benefits. Economic. Social. Environmental. Coherence of national planning and rural development to develop agriculture and the forestry sector.", + "Coherence of national planning and rural development to develop agriculture and the forestry sector. Coherence of National Agricultural Investment Plans (NIAPs) with strategies to limit deforestation (REDD+) through a 2030 land use planning framework (land security) in consultation with each agricultural sector and territories. Enhancement of the economic benefits of the NIAP and forestry development plans. Reduction of social conflicts. Social inclusion. Reduction of GHG emissions.", + "Improving the economic benefits of the AIP and forest development plans. Reducing social conflict. Social inclusion. Reducing GHG emissions. Overall increase in forest carbon. Maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services. Drawing up a regional spatial plan for the different regions with the involvement of local communities. Economic development of the regions. Reducing social conflict. Increasing ecosystem services. Delimiting village territories and materializing boundaries with forest species.", + "Reducing social conflict. Increasing ecosystem services. Delimiting village territories and establishing boundaries with forest species. Mastering land tenure and the spatial dynamics of land use. Reducing social conflictSocial inclusion. Increasing ecosystem services. Securing land with the involvement of agricultural interprofessions, cooperatives and the private sector to facilitate procedures and achieve economies of scale. Facilitating investment in the land use sector. - Reducing social conflict - Social cohesion. Increasing ecosystem services.", + "Facilitate investment in the land use sector. - Reduced social conflict - Social cohesion. Increased ecosystem services. Agricultural development without extension to remaining forest areas and with lower GHG emissions. Decoupling agricultural production and deforestation through the promotion of intensive agricultural practices with reduced environmental and agroforestry impacts. Improved productivity and wealth creation. Increased agricultural yields and incomes.", + "Decoupling agricultural production and deforestation through the promotion of intensive agricultural practices with reduced impacts on the environment and agroforestry. Improved productivity and wealth creation. Increased agricultural yields and incomes. Stimulation of the creation of light agricultural industries in rural areas. Positive effects on the social economy:", + "Positive effects on the social economy: job creation in rural areas (approximately 400,000 agricultural jobs expected for the current AIP). Poverty reduction. Reduction of GHG emissions. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Implementation of the concept of \"zero deforestation agriculture\" and enhancement of associated products. Improved productivity of natural factors of production (land, climate factors). Increased agricultural yields and incomes. Reduction of social conflicts. Job creation. Reduction of rural poverty.", + "Improved productivity of natural factors of production (land, climate). Increased agricultural yields and incomes. Reduced social conflicts. Employment creation. Reduction of rural poverty. Reduction of youth exodus and rejuvenation of the farming world. Reduction of GHG emissions. Increased forest carbon. Maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Development of basic infrastructure that will improve the logistics of transportation of agricultural, livestock and fisheries products. Reduction of post-harvest losses and increased incomes.", + "Development of basic infrastructure to improve the logistics of transport of agricultural, livestock and fisheries products. Reduction of post-harvest losses and increase of incomes. Stimulation of the creation of light agricultural industries in rural areas. Increase of employment. Reduction of the exodus of young people and rejuvenation of the peasant world. Intensification of environmentally friendly agricultural, animal and fisheries production and avoidance of deforestation.", + "Reduction of the exodus of young people and rejuvenation of the farming world. Intensification of agricultural, animal and fisheries production that respects the environment and avoids deforestation. Promotion and intensification of the production and use of high-yield seeds that are resistant to climatic factors and diseases (excluding GMOs and hybrids). Increased productivity and incomes. Creation of sustainable value chains and jobs. Reduction of pressure on agricultural land.", + "Increased productivity and incomes. Creation of sustainable value chains and jobs. Reduction of pressure on agricultural land. Strengthened partnerships and collaborations on soil analysis to improve productivity and improve the implementation of agricultural innovations. Increased agricultural innovation and yields. Job creation. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Rationalization of the use of chemical inputs and facilitation of the use of biological inputs. Reduction of medical costs associated with the uncontrolled use of chemical inputs.", + "Streamlining the use of chemical inputs and facilitating the use of biological inputs. Reducing medical costs associated with the uncontrolled use of chemical inputs. Reducing health risks associated with chemical inputs. Reducing environmental damage caused by chemical inputs. Developing efficient mechanization of agriculture and improving packaging, harvesting and conservation infrastructure. Reducing post-harvest losses and increasing revenues. Creating employment. Maintaining ecosystem services.", + "Development of efficient mechanization of agriculture and improvement of conditioning, harvesting and conservation infrastructures. Reduction of post-harvest losses and increase of incomes. Creation of employment. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Promotion of sustainable and integrated practices to improve agricultural production capacities and value the resources of the environment. Promotion of agriculture-livestock association, agroforestry, and conservation agriculture in particular at the level of community and private plantations. Increase of agricultural yields and incomes. Reduction of social conflicts. Improvement of biodiversity.", + "Promotion of agriculture-livestock association, agroforestry and conservation agriculture, in particular at the level of community and private plantations. Increased agricultural yields and incomes. Reduced social conflict. Improved biodiversity. Maximum reduction of rice flooding to limit methane emissions. Maintenance of agricultural yields. Maintenance of jobs. Reduction of GHG emissions. Sustainable management of organic soils. Improved productivity and wealth creation. Increased agricultural yields and incomes. Reduced social conflict.", + "Improved productivity and wealth creation. Increased agricultural yields and incomes. Reduced social conflict. Maintenance of jobs. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Strengthening and extension of scientific research on natural resource management (including soil science and pathological physiology and post-harvest technology). Improved crop schedules and production techniques. Increased agricultural yields and incomes. Reduced social conflict. Maintenance of jobs.", + "Improved crop schedules and production techniques. Increased agricultural yields and incomes. Reduced social conflicts. Maintenance of jobs. Development of the forest sector through sustainable forest management and improved forest governance. Implementation of the Forest Regulatory Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) mechanism. Revitalisation of the forest economy. Improved forest governance. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Preparation and implementation of management and participatory management plans for classified forests.", + "Improvement of forest governance. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Preparation and implementation of management and participatory management plans for classified forests. Diversification of incomes of local communities. Participation of populations in forest management. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Stabilisation of the extension of agricultural areas in classified forests. Securing farmers\u2019 incomes. Creation of jobs. Preservation of biodiversity. Restoration of classified forests with the involvement of local communities. Diversification of incomes of local communities. Creation of jobs. Increase of carbon stocks.", + "Restoration of classified forests with the involvement of local communities. Diversification of incomes of local communities. Creation of employment. Increase of carbon stocks. Strengthening of sustainable management of classified forests and protected areas, including through spatial monitoring of land. Maintenance of agricultural yields linked to microclimate. Stimulation of ecotourism activities. Creation of ecotourism employment. Reduction of youth exodus. Preservation and enhancement of biodiversity and natural habitats. Maintenance of ecosystem services.", + "Creation of ecotourism employment. Reduction of youth exodus. Preservation and enhancement of biodiversity and natural habitats. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Facilitation of rehabilitation of degraded land and reforestation of savannah areas, and strengthening of carbon stocks in degraded forests through the promotion of village reforestation. Diversification of income sources. Available carbon credit. Reduction of social conflicts. Increased employment. Reduction of youth exodus and rejuvenation of the peasant world.", + "Available carbon credit. Reduced social conflict. Increased employment. Reduced youth exodus and rejuvenation of the farming community. Restoration of biodiversity and natural habitats. Increased ecosystem services. Establishment of an Environmental Service Payment (ESP) incentive system to encourage village reforestation and conservation of natural forests in rural areas and support small producers in adopting sustainable production practices. Increased community incomes. Employment creation. Increased carbon stocks.", + "Establishment of an Environmental Service Payment (ESP) incentive system to encourage village reforestation and the conservation of natural forests in rural areas and to support small producers in adopting sustainable production practices. Increased community incomes. Employment creation. Increased carbon stocks. Increased ecosystem services. Development of sustainable domestic energy solutions for people\u2019s cooking needs.", + "Increased carbon stocks. Increased ecosystem services. Development of sustainable domestic energy solutions for people\u2019s cooking needs. Reforestation with fast-growing wood energy species; Promotion of improved homes and promotion of wood coal alternatives through the enhancement of agricultural biomass. Diversification of incomes of local communities. Creation of green employment. Improvement of women\u2019s living conditions in rural areas. Reduction of GHG emissions. Costs.", + "Creating green jobs. Improving the living conditions of women in rural areas. Reducing GHG emissions. Costs. The overall cost of the 2010-2015 NIP is estimated at CFAF 2,040 billion, including CFAF 1,565 billion for the period 2012-2015 (the same order of magnitude for the 2016-2020 NIP). The low-carbon orientation of future plans will have to be distilled across all components. Energy/Transport.", + "The overall cost of AIP 2010-2015 is estimated at FCFA 2,040 billion, of which FCFA 1,565 billion for the period 2012-2015 (the same order of magnitude for AIP 2016-2020). The low-carbon orientation of future plans will have to be distilled across all components. Energy/Transport. Major energy issues :(i) Improving people's access to electricity and affordable energy; and (ii) Increasing the use of renewable energy in electricity generation Key message: \"42% of renewable energy including large hydro in the electricity mix\". Orientation.", + "Key energy issues :(i) Improving people's access to electricity and energy at affordable prices; and (ii) Increasing the use of renewable energies in electricity generation Key message: \"42% of renewable energies including large hydropower in the electricity mix\". Guidance. Measures/actions. Effects/benefits. Economic. Social. Environmental. Controlling system energy consumption through a proactive energy efficiency policy including R&D. Cross-cutting measures.", + "Social. Environmental. Control of energy consumption of systems through a proactive energy efficiency policy including R&D. Cross-cutting measures. Investment in energy efficiency and improvement of the participation rate of R&D in the electricity mix by 2030. Productivity gains and improvement of competitiveness. Diversification of primary energy sources. Reduction of dependence on fossil energies. Improvement of access to safe and abundant energy sources. Development of new skilled jobs.", + "Reduced dependence on fossil fuels. Improved access to safe and abundant sources of energy. Development of new skilled employment streams. Impact on health and improved quality of life. Reduced social conflict. Improved coverage rates and access to energy services for people. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Establishment of an institutional and regulatory framework for R&D and energy efficiency.", + "Reduced pressure on natural resources. Establishment of an institutional and regulatory framework for R&D and energy efficiency. Improvement of the environment around the energy sector. Development of new skilled employment streams. Reduction of social conflicts. Improvement of coverage rates and access of populations to energy services. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources.", + "Improved coverage rates and access of the population to energy services. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2 emissions. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Strengthened integration of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire into the Regional Energy Market, through interconnection with other countries in the region. Increased national income. Strengthened share of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire in the GDP of UEMOA. Improved quality of life. Reduction of social conflicts.", + "Strengthening the share of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire in the GDP of UEMOA. Improving the quality of life. Reducing social conflicts. Improving the coverage rates and access of the population to energy services. Reducing levels of GHG emissions, in particular CO2. Reducing pressure on natural resources. Sub-sectoral measures: Industry. Implementation of a strategy to reduce waste in the energy consumption of industries through:", + "Sub-sectoral measures: Industry. Establishment of a strategy to reduce waste in the energy consumption of industries through: diagnosis or energy audit to establish a balance of energy consumption and use; counting to have reliable and continuous data on. consumption. Productivity gains. Improvement of competitiveness. Reduction of energy bill. Development of new lines of skilled employment. Revenue gains. Reduction of levels of GHG emissions, in particular CO2. Reduction of the ecological footprint.", + "Development of new skilled jobs. Revenue gains. Reduction of GHG emission levels, in particular CO2. Reduction of the environmental footprint. Encouragement of companies to invest in more energy-efficient equipment. Productivity gains. Improvement of competitiveness. Reduction of energy bill. Development of new skilled jobs. Reduction of GHG emission levels, in particular CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Assess substitution or optimisation potentials (e.g. cogeneration or valorisation);. Productivity gains.", + "Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Assess the potential for substitution or optimisation (e.g. cogeneration or valorisation); Productivity gains. Improvement of competitiveness. Reduction of energy bill. Development of new lines of skilled employment. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Sub-sectoral measures: Buildings sub-sector. Development of national regulations on the thermal efficiency of buildings (construction and renovation). Reduction of energy bill. Revenue gains.", + "Development of national regulations on the thermal efficiency of buildings (construction and renovation). Reduction of the energy bill. Revenue gains. Development of new skilled job streams. Improvement of the quality of life. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2 emissions. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Training of all actors in the value chain in low-consumption construction. Reduction of the energy bill. Revenue gains. Development of new skilled job streams.", + "Training of all actors in the value chain in low-consumption construction. Reduction of the energy bill. Revenue gains. Development of new skilled job streams. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Sub-sectoral measures: Transport sub-sector. Improved mobility and development of low-carbon transport offers. Reduction of the energy bill. Revenue gains. Improved quality of life. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2.", + "Reduction of energy bill. Revenue gains. Improvement of quality of life. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Integration of an energy/climate dimension in territorial planning documents to limit distances, work on functional mix and propose efficient public transport policies. Reduction of energy bill. Revenue gains. Improvement of quality of life. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2.", + "Reduced energy bill. Revenue gains. Improved quality of life. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Assisted municipalities in developing urban transport plans (e.g. urban railway in Abidjan district). Reduced energy bill. Revenue gains. Improved quality of life. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reduced pressure on natural resources.", + "Improved quality of life. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Facilitation of the purchase of cleaner vehicles and disposal of the most polluting through standards, incentives or obligations. Reduced energy bill. Revenue gains. Improved quality of life. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Development of energy production from renewable sources.", + "Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Development of energy production from renewable sources. Establishment of an incentive framework for the development of renewable energies (tendering, TIF, defiscalisation, ). Diversification of primary energy sources. Reduction of energy dependence on fossil energies. Improvement of access to safe and abundant energy sources. Development of new skill streams. Impact on health and improvement of quality of life.", + "Improved access to safe and abundant sources of energy. Development of new skill-based employment pathways. Impact on health and improved quality of life. Reduced social conflicts. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Removing barriers to investment (strengthening the institutional framework, securing investment, training of banks, etc.). Productivity gains and improved competitiveness of the economy. Development of new skill-based employment pathways.", + "Removing barriers to investment (strengthening the institutional framework, securing investment, training of banks, etc.). Productivity gains and improving the competitiveness of the economy. Development of new skill-based jobs. Impact on health and improved quality of life. Reduction of social conflicts. Reduction of GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reduction of pressure on natural resources.", + "Reducing social conflicts. Reducing levels of GHG emissions, in particular CO2. Reducing pressure on natural resources. Investing in R&D, in particular by strengthening the capacity of the Renewable Energy Research Institute (IREN) and assessing the advisability of creating an Agency for the Promotion of Renewable Energy. Expanding the scope of knowledge on energy efficiency. Improving the competitiveness of the economy. Developing new lines of skilled employment. Improving the quality of life. Reducing social conflicts.", + "Improvement of the competitiveness of the economy. Development of new lines of skilled employment. Improvement of the quality of life. Reduction of social conflicts. Reduction of levels of GHG emissions, in particular CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Facilitate the development of projects on the relevant lines:. Small hydropower. Methanisation (waste, agricultural waste). Photovoltaics (promotion of solar PV kits, PV pumping system). Biomass (sustainable wood energy). Expansion of the scope of knowledge on energy efficiency.", + "Photovoltaics (promotion of solar PV kits, PV pumping system). Biomass (sustainable use of wood energy). Expanding the scope of knowledge on energy efficiency. Revenue gains. Improving the competitiveness of the economy. Developing new lines of skilled employment. Improving the quality of life. Reducing social conflicts. Reducing levels of GHG emissions, including CO2. Reducing pressure on natural resources. Waste.", + "Reducing social conflicts. Reducing levels of GHG emissions, including CO2. Reducing pressure on natural resources. Waste. Major waste issues :(i) Improving urban sanitation; and (ii) Ensuring sustainable waste management and recovery. Guidance. Measures/actions. Effects/benefits. Economic. Social. Environmental. Efficient recovery of resources to move towards a circular economy. Developing and implementing a sustainable waste management policy and strategy including recovery. Increasing national income and wealth.", + "Develop and implement a policy and strategy for the sustainable management of waste, including the recovery aspect. Increase national income and wealth. Contribute to the modernisation of the economy and productivity gains. Develop new lines of employment. Improve the quality of life of the population. Reduce social conflicts. Reduce GHG emission levels;. Improve the quality of the environment. Reduce pressure on natural resources. Develop circular economy actions:. Eco-design of products.", + "Improving the quality of the environment. Reducing pressure on natural resources. Developing circular economy measures: Eco-design of products. Recovery/use and recycling of waste (agricultural, forestry and household). Mailing. Valuation of wastewater. Increasing national income and wealth. Contribution to the modernisation of the economy and gains in productivity. Development of new lines of employment. Improving the quality of people\u2019s lives. Reducing social conflicts. Reducing levels of GHG emissions; Improving the quality of the environment.", + "Improving the quality of life of people. Reducing social conflicts. Reducing levels of GHG emissions; Improving the quality of the environment. Reducing pressure on natural resources. Costs. The Master Plan for Electricity Production and Transport 2014-2030 specifies that the total amount of production-transport investments for the period 2014-2030 amounts to CFA 8,000 billion. Additional investments related to the mining sector would also cost close to CFA 1 600 billion. 3. Adaptation. Framework for action. Description. Impacts and vulnerability.", + "Additional mining-related investments would also cost close to CFA 1,600 billion. 3. Adaptation. Framework for Action. Description. Impacts and Vulnerability. Impacts: floods, storms, landslides, droughts, bushfires, decreased river flows and surface water depletion, shortened average vegetative growth periods and increased exposure of plants to water stress, low growth of plant biomass, reduced productive potential of ecosystems, decreased arable land due to degradation, coastal erosion up to 3 metres per year up to 6 to 12 metres during storms, mitigation of seasonal upwelling have impacts on: agriculture and livestock, land use, forests, water resources, energy, coastal areas, fisheries, infrastructure (habitats), transportation, public health and gender.", + "Eleven vulnerable sectors identified in May 2013 by the Minister of the Environment, Urban Safety and Sustainable Development (MINESUDD) with a view to proposing a National Adaptation Plan. High vulnerability. Medium or low vulnerability:. Agriculture/Livestock/Aquaculture. Land use. Forests. Water resources. Energy. Coastal areas. Fisheries. Infrastructure (habitats). Transport (roads). Public health. Gender. Actions to be planned for climate resilient development. SECTORS.", + "Coastal zones. Fisheries. Infrastructure (habitats). Transport (roads). Public health. Gender. Actions to be planned for climate-resilient development. SECTORAL. Water resources: Control and management of water resources (strengthening of watershed planning and coordination, development of agropastoral dams, development of new hydro-agricultural sites and water reservoirs, improvement of irrigation efficiency, valorisation of storm and flood waters.... Agriculture / Elevation /Fisheries: Improving production technologies, strengthening the capacities of stakeholders.", + "Water resources: control and management of water resources (strengthening of watershed planning and coordination, development of agropastoral dams, development of new hydro-agricultural sites and water reservoirs, improvement of irrigation efficiency, upgrading of storm and flood waters... Agriculture / Elevation /Fisheries: improving production technologies, strengthening the capacities of stakeholders Forests and land use: improving forest species, promoting reforestation and agro-ecology, restoring degraded land, promoting techniques for improving fertility and soil conservation.", + "Forests and land use: improving forest species, promoting reforestation and agro-ecology, restoring degraded land, promoting techniques for improving fertility and soil conservation Coastal zones: regulating the construction and extraction of sand on the shoreline, moving and reconstructing endangered structures on a draw-down line, building active protection structures (spurs, breakwaters), passive, restoration structures (windbreaks, revegetation, or even reforestation \u2013 mangroves).", + "Coastal zones: regulate the construction and extraction of sand on the shoreline, relocate and reconstruct hazardous structures on a draw-down line, construct active protection structures (spurs, breakwaters), passive protection structures, restoration structures (windbreaks, revegetation, or even reforestation \u2013 mangroves-). Energy: organize the wood-energy chain, avoid waterlogging of rivers, reprofile and restore flows in the minor beds of rivers. Promote the construction and use of improved homes in rural areas. Losses and damage.", + "Energy: organising the wood-energy chain, avoiding waterlogging of rivers, reprofiling and restoring flows in the minor beds of rivers. Promoting the construction and use of improved homes in rural areas. Losses and damage. Human losses: losses related to hydrometeorological disasters, vector diseases (malaria, waterborne diseases, respiratory diseases) and bushfires;.", + "Human losses: losses related to hydrometeorological disasters, vector diseases (malaria, water diseases, respiratory diseases) and bushfires; Losses related to coastal erosion: costs ranging from CFAF 2.355 billion to CFAF 6.75 billion (US$ 4.0 to 6.75 million) for land losses in the event of submersion of 0.5 to 2 metres.", + "Losses related to coastal erosion: Costs ranging from CFAF 2.355 billion to CFAF 6.75 billion (US$ 4.0 to 6.75 million) for land losses in the event of submersion ranging from 0.5 to 2 metres. Losses from agricultural production (at least 10% of annual rice production, or CFAF 50 billion or US$ 85.6 million -based on the cost of importing rice-, 10% of annual cocoa production, or approximately US$ 202 million based on the export price of cocoa, \"destruction of large areas of oil palm and cocoa in the Abidjan regions.", + "Loss of agricultural production (at least 10% of annual rice production, or CFAF 50 billion or US$ 85.6 million -based on the cost of importing rice-, 10% of annual cocoa production, or approximately US$ 202 million based on the cocoa export price, \"destruction of large areas of oil palm and cocoa in the Abidjan regions.", + "\"The reduction of water resources and the impact on food production as well as on habitat must be assessed, as must the impact on public health.\" Obstacles, gaps and needs for successful adaptation actions. Obstacles: lack of integration of climate change policies into national and sectoral policies. low livelihood capacity (physical, national, social, institutional, etc.) of rural communities.", + "Obstacles: lack of integration of climate change policies into national and sectoral policies. weak capacity of rural communities to sustain their livelihoods (physical, national, social, institutional, etc.). gaps: poor understanding of the concept of climate change. illiteracy. needs: strengthening human, institutional, technical, financial and technology transfer capacities. activities. objectives and description. co-benefits. cost (billions of CFAF or millions of US$). water resources. water resource management. reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience.", + "Cost (billions of CFAF or millions of US$). Water Resources. Control and manage water resources. Reduce vulnerability and increase resilience. - Implement Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). Implement for national watersheds (WBCs) and strengthen planning and coordination for cross-border WBCs. Develop agropastoral dams to facilitate livestock watering. Develop hydro-agricultural sites and water retention to improve food production.", + "Develop agropastoral dams to facilitate livestock watering. Establish hydro-agricultural sites and water reservoirs to improve food production. Improve irrigation efficiency to limit water consumption. Enhance storm and flood water (collection and storage of runoff). Strengthen the irrigation capacity of farmers and other users. Production planning to stabilize consumer prices and producer incomes.", + "Strengthen the irrigation capacity of farmers and other users. Production planning to stabilize consumer prices and producer incomes. Water retention to increase fisheries resources and move towards integrated production systems. Adequate availability of drinking water for human needs.", + "Water retention increases fisheries resources and moves towards integrated production systems. Adequate availability of drinking water for human consumption. AIP (Development of intensive cropland $84.86 billion \u2013 US$14.3 million-, facilitating access to small irrigation equipment, $1.8 billion \u2013 US$3.03 million-, hydro-agricultural development $28.37 billion \u2013 US$47.8 million-, supporting maintenance of irrigation facilities and equipment $0.6 billion \u2013 US$0.1 million-, rehabilitation of pasture dams and water retention $3 billion.", + "NISA (Develop land for intensive crops 84.86 billion CFA \u2013 US$ 14.3 million-, facilitate access to small irrigation equipment, 1.8 billion CFA \u2013 US$ 3.03 million-, implement hydro-agricultural developments 28.37 billion CFA \u2013 US$ 47.8 million-, support the maintenance of irrigation facilities and equipment 0.6 billion CFA \u2013 US$ 0.1 million-, rehabilitate pasture dams and water impoundments 3 billion CFA. \u2013US$ 5.05 million. Agriculture.", + "\u2013US$ 5.05 million. Agriculture. Strengthening agricultural, animal and fisheries production (agriculture sector 23% of GDP over the period 2000-2013). Reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience. Developing the agro-ecological approach (soil fertility management practices, development of the use of organic fertilizers and compost from household waste, agriculture-livestock association).", + "Develop the agro-ecological approach (practices for managing soil fertility, developing the use of organic fertilizers and compost from household waste, the agriculture-livestock association). Improve production technologies through access to improved and adapted inputs (food seeds, fodder, drought-resistant forestry, animal gene bank, quality fry, manure and compost management to improve soil fertility, etc.). Develop storage and conservation units to limit high post-harvest losses.", + "Improve production technologies through access to improved and adapted inputs (food seeds, feed, drought-resistant forestry, animal gene bank, quality fry, manure and compost management to improve soil fertility, etc.). Develop storage and conservation units to limit high post-harvest losses. Promote and popularize climate-resilient crop species. Develop seasonal forecasts that enhance the climate-resilience of crop practices.", + "Promote and popularize climate-resilient crops. Develop seasonal forecasts that strengthen the climate-resilience of farming practices. Promote women\u2019s access to rural land. Food self-sufficiency through improved yields (30% for rice with improved seeds). Combat poverty and maintain social peace by improving the purchasing power of rural communities.", + "Combating poverty and maintaining social peace by improving the purchasing power of rural communities, the creation of jobs must be a whole point. Reduction of dependence on imports and improvement of exports of agricultural products (NDCS indicates 40% of export revenues). Gender consideration (women). NDCS (Agricultural Seed Development Plan12.05 billion CFA \u2013 US$ 20.3 million, direct support to production activities 540 billion CFA \u2013 US$ 909.9 million).", + "SNDCV (Agricultural Seed Development Plan: CFAF 12.05 billion \u2013 US$ 20.3 million, direct support to production activities: CFAF 540 billion \u2013 US$ 909.9 million) SNDR (Technical support to production \u2013 rice seeds, inputs and mechanization: CFAF 299 billion \u2013 US$ 503.8 million)", + "SNDR (technical support for production \u2013 rice seeds, inputs and mechanization: CFAF 299 billion \u2013 US$ 503.8 million). PSDEPA (improvement of productivity and competitiveness: CFAF 80.948 billion \u2013 US$ 136.4 million, of which CFAF 2.18 billion \u2013 US$ 3.7 million for forage and seed production, preservation of aquaculture genetic diversity: CFAF 7.45 billion \u2013 US$ 12.6 million). Forests and land use. Combating deforestation and land degradation.", + "PSDEPA (improving productivity and competitiveness 80.948 billion FCFA \u2013 US$ 136.4 million of which 2.18 billion FCFA \u2013 US$ 3.7 million for forage and seed production, preservation of aquaculture genetic diversity 7.45 billion FCFA \u2013 US$ 12.6 million). Forests and land use. Combating deforestation and land degradation. Reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience. Improving forest species, promoting agroforestry, restoring degraded land.", + "Combating deforestation and land degradation. Reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience. Improving forest species, promoting agroforestry, restoring degraded land. Promoting sustainable land management through improved water and soil conservation techniques (ESC). Developing the landscape approach to sustainable land management and water and soil conservation. Combating poverty (exploitation of non-timber forest products, improvement of agricultural yields, use of traditional pharmacopoeia).", + "Develop the landscape approach to sustainable land management and water and soil conservation. Combat poverty (exploitation of non-timber forest products, improvement of agricultural yields, use of traditional pharmacopoeia). Preserve terrestrial fauna and flora diversity. Sustainable soil quality.", + "Combating poverty (exploitation of non-timber forest products, improvement of agricultural yields, use of traditional pharmacopoeia). Preservation of terrestrial wildlife and floristic diversity. Sustainability of soil quality. FP (Reducing the impact of climate change CFA 33.64 billion - US$ 20 million)PNIA (supporting the dissemination of technological innovations CFA 0.43 billion - US$ 0.7 million-, ESC technologies CFA 5 billion - US$ 8.4 million-). Management of hydro-meteorological disasters. Building resilience, in particular by combating coastal erosion.", + "FP (Reduction of the impact of climate change CFAF 33.64 billion - US$ 20 million)PNIA (support the dissemination of technological innovations CFAF 0.43 billion - US$ 0.7 million-, ESC technologies CFAF 5 billion - US$ 8.4 million-). Management of hydro-meteorological disasters. Building resilience, in particular by combating coastal erosion. Reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience, in particular for the Sassandra - Vridi - Port- Bou\u00ebt section. Assessing hydro-meteorological risks and implementing mitigation measures.", + "Reduce vulnerability and increase resilience, in particular for the Sassandra - Vridi \u2013 Port- Bou\u00ebt section. Assess hydrometeorological risks and implement mitigation measures. Establish a multi-hazard warning system. Establish an efficient contingency plan and response plans. Inform, educate and communicate on hydrometeorological risks. Strengthen the capacities of stakeholders in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and disaster management.", + "Inform, educate and communicate on hydrometeorological risks. Strengthen the capacities of stakeholders in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and disaster management. Systematically assess losses and damage and ensure post-disaster recovery and construction. Develop coastal line observation and identify areas at risk of erosion (coastal erosion monitoring).", + "Systematically assess losses and damage and ensure recovery and post-disaster construction. Develop coastline observation and identify areas at risk of erosion (coastal erosion monitoring). Protect habitat (enforce regulations on shoreline sand construction and extraction, relocate and reconstruct endangered structures on a draw-down line, build active protection structures \u2013 creeks, breakwaters, passive, restoration structures \u2013 windbreaks, revegetation, or even reforestation \u2013 mangroves).", + "Protect habitat (enforce regulations on the construction and extraction of sand on the shoreline, relocate and reconstruct endangered structures on a draw-down line, construct active protection structures - creeks, breakwaters, passive, restoration structures - windbreaks, revegetation, or even reforestation - mangroves-). Establish a micro-project fund for experimental local protection against erosion. Preserve agriculture (oil palm, pineapple, banana, rubber and coconut plantation areas). Preserve lagoon and coastal biodiversity.", + "Conservation of agriculture (area of oil palm, pineapple, banana, rubber and coconut plantations). Conservation of lagoon and coastal biological diversity. Conservation of habitat. Conservation of vulnerable coastal areas.", + "Conservation of lagoon and coastal biological diversity. Habitat conservation. Conservation of vulnerable coastal areas. SACCL (dynamic modelling of the shoreline profile 0.184 billion CFAF \u2013US$ 0.31 million-, reforestation of mangroves and other suitable species 0.65 billion CFAF \u2013US$ 1.1 million, establishment of a fund 1.95 billion CFAF \u2013US$ 3.3 million-.SACCL considers as secondary the development against erosion in Assinia 19.97 billion CFAF \u2013US$ 33.6-, around the Vridi Canal, the opening of the Como\u00e9 exit 22.55 billion CFAF \u2013US$ 38 million-. 4.", + "SACCL (dynamic modelling of the shoreline profile 0.184 billion CFA \u2013US$ 0.31 million-, reforestation of mangroves and other suitable species 0.65 billion CFA \u2013US$ 1.1 million, establishment of a fund 1.95 billion CFA \u2013US$ 3.3 million-.SACCL considers as secondary the development against erosion in Assinia 19.97 billion CFA \u2013US$ 33.6-, around the Vridi Canal, the opening of the Como\u00e9 exit 22.55 billion CFA \u2013US$ 38 million-. 4.", + "Planning, implementation and monitoring process of the INDC. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will take the following measures to implement, monitor and, where appropriate, update/revise these INDCs.2. Description. Objective. Legislative and regulatory framework. Adoption of legal texts relating to the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the INDCs and the resolutions of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC.", + "Adoption of legal texts relating to the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the GHG inventories and resolutions of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC. Sustainable low-carbon development through successive governments. Institutional framework. Creation of an Interdepartmental Committee on Climate Change (ICCC) comprising ministers responsible for relevant sectors, chaired by the Prime Minister, with particular responsibility for monitoring the implementation of the GHG inventories.", + "Establishment of an Interdepartmental Committee on Climate Change (ICCC) comprising ministers responsible for relevant sectors, chaired by the Prime Minister and responsible, inter alia, for monitoring the implementation of the INDCs. Ensure effective implementation of a cross-cutting national climate policy.", + "Ensure effective implementation of a cross-cutting national climate policy. Establishment of a CICC Secretariat (SCICC) attached to MINESUDD to provide technical support to the CICC in the planning, coordination of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the INDCs and with a clear roadmap based on the periodicity of NDPs. Operationalization of the INDCs. Evaluation of the climate impact of any new legislation or policy/program/public project (impact assessment).", + "Establishment of a CICC Secretariat (SCICC) attached to MINESUDD to provide technical support to the CICC in the planning, coordination of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the INDCs, with a clear roadmap based on the periodicity of NDPs. Operationalization of the INDCs. Assessment of the climate impact of any new legislation or policy/program/public project (impact assessment). Integration of mitigation and adaptation considerations into public decision-making processes. Translation of the INDCs into sectoral operational programmes articulated with/embedded in the NDP.", + "Integrate mitigation and adaptation considerations into public decision-making processes. Translate NDIs into sectoral operational programmes articulated with/embedded in the NDP. Operationalize NDIs, including through the national planning process. Integrate Climate Change (CC) into national planning (NDP) and sectoral policies as well as local planning.", + "Operationalize the GHG inventories, in particular through the national planning process. Integrate Climate Change (CC) into national planning (NDP) and sectoral policies as well as local planning. Link NDPs and sectoral plans and policies (e.g. NIPs) in particular with natural disaster risk reduction with the country\u2019s mitigation and adaptation objectives and actions set out in these GHG inventories. Some complementary studies (to be carried out after submission of the GHG inventories):Consolidate the national GHG emissions inventory.", + "Coherence of NDPs and sectoral plans and policies (e.g. NIPs) in particular with the reduction of the risk of natural disasters with the country\u2019s mitigation and adaptation objectives and actions set out in these CNIs. Some complementary studies (to be carried out after submission of the CNIs):Consolidation of the national GHG emissions inventory.", + "Strengthen knowledge of land use and management in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire (satellite images + field survey). Explore the potential of EnR in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire3. Develop a climate-energy strategy. Explore the strengthening of the integration of energy and climate into agricultural policy in anticipation of the development of the PNIAC [National Investment Plan Agriculture and Climate] 2020-2030.", + "To study the strengthening of the integration of energy and climate into agricultural policy in anticipation of the development of the National Investment Plan for Agriculture and Climate 2020-2030. To propose an optimal reference network for monitoring changes in water table levels from existing piezometers reflecting the climate / hydrological regime of rivers. To study the desirability of a carbon price and market at the domestic and regional level (see below).", + "Propose an optimal reference network for monitoring changes in water table levels from existing piezometers reflecting the climate/water regime of rivers. Study the desirability of a carbon price and market at the domestic and regional level (see below). Quantify and refine the description of mitigation and adaptation actions of the INDCs. Study the feasibility of a system for coding CC-related expenditure in the state budget. Monitor climate revenues and expenditure in the national budget.", + "Study of the feasibility of a system for coding CC-related expenditure in the state budget. Monitoring of revenues and climate expenditure in the national budget. Improvement of the systems for establishing and collecting data on GHG emissions. Achievement of an annual GHG inventory. Obtain reliable data on GHG emissions. Establishment of an Air Quality Observatory (CO, SO, etc.) and monitoring of GHGs. Monitoring of air quality.", + "Creation of an Observatory on air quality (CO, SO, etc.) and monitoring of GHGs. Monitoring of air quality. Strengthening of research and development and transfer actions in the field of clean technologies. Communication. Launching of a communication campaign at the end of 2015 on the INDCs and COP 21, in particular to the private sector and local and regional authorities;. Strengthening the capacities of local actors prior to awareness-raising campaigns;.", + "Launch of a communication campaign at the end of 2015 on the INDCs and COP 21, in particular to the private sector and local authorities;. Capacity-building of local actors prior to awareness-raising campaigns;. Establishment of a dedicated website on national climate change policy / INDCs where the above indicators will be published. Update/revision of the INDCs. Periodicity: revision in the light of COP21 results, if necessary.", + "Establishment of a dedicated website on national climate change policy/Indicators where the above indicators will be published. Updating/Revision of the INDCs. Periodicity: Revision in the light of the results of the COP21, if necessary. Every 5 years in connection with the NDP unless otherwise indicated by the COPs. Responsible: SCICC Secretariat. 5. Means of implementation. Financing. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to mobilise the following sources to finance the mitigation and adaptation actions of these INDCs:.", + "Means of implementation. Financing. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to mobilise the following sources to finance the mitigation and adaptation actions of these INDCs:. Private financing. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to mobilise international or domestic private financing (equity and loans) to the greatest extent possible for the co-financing of relevant actions of these INDCs, particularly those actions that may generate financial returns acceptable to the private sector.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to mobilise international or domestic private financing (equity and loans) to the greatest extent possible for the co-financing of relevant shares of these INDCs, particularly those that can generate financial returns acceptable to the private sector. To this end, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will endeavour to increase the rate of banking, stimulate savings formation, and strengthen domestic financial markets and banking system, as well as the attractiveness of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire for foreign investment (investment climate). National budget.", + "To this end, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will endeavour to increase the rate of banking, stimulate the formation of savings, and strengthen the domestic financial markets and banking system, as well as the attractiveness of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire for foreign investment (investment climate).", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will participate in the financing of the actions of these INDCs which fall under the State budget. This State effort may take the form of either direct budgetary expenditure or be channelled through specific funds financed in particular from the State budget. Donors / TFPs. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will seek the support of donors and TFPs (donations, loans and technical assistance) for the financing of the actions of these INDCs.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will seek the support of donors and TFPs (donations, loans and technical assistance) for the financing of the actions of these INDCs. Access to sovereign loans from the Financial Institutions for Development (FIDs) will be crucial. Green Climate Fund. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is considering the possibility of establishing a national entity accredited to the Green Climate Fund (FVC). It has already embarked on its preparation process for the operationalisation of the FVC at national level (Readiness Programme). Carbon markets.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire supports the inclusion of international carbon markets such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in a post-2020 climate agreement and proposes that such an instrument, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime (AAR), could be used to help finance certain investments in carbon-efficient and climate-resilient infrastructure.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire supports the inclusion of international carbon markets such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in a post-2020 climate agreement and proposes that such an instrument, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime (IAS), could be used to help finance certain investments in carbon-efficient and climate-change-resilient infrastructure. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire considers that some of the carbon-efficient development options contained in these INDCs, or additional actions, could be financed wholly or partly through the international transfer of carbon assets, taking into account considerations of environmental integrity and transparency.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire considers that some of the carbon-neutral development options contained in these CNIs, or additional actions, could be financed in full or in part by the international transfer of carbon assets, taking into account considerations of environmental integrity and transparency. Other economic instruments. The opportunity to deploy tools to generate a price signal on the social cost of carbon (carbon market or tax) and thus to internalise carbon externality will be explored. First five-year tranche.", + "The opportunity to deploy tools to generate a price signal on the social cost of carbon (carbon market or tax) and thus to internalise carbon externality will be explored. First five-year tranche. A first five-year tranche of Actions to be financed is being prepared and will be presented in the 4th quarter of 2015. It will be consistent with, and reflected in, the NDP 2016-2020. Capacity building. Mitigation. At all levels: link between development, natural disaster risk reduction, energy and climate change.", + "Capacity building. Mitigation. At all levels: link between development, natural disaster risk reduction, energy and climate change. For decision makers: interest in integrating energy-climate considerations into all sectoral policies. For operators: implementation of low-carbon development, e.g.:", + "For operators: implementation of low-carbon development, e.g.: farmers: agricultural practices allowing sustainable intensification of production; management and valorisation of agricultural residues. entrepreneurs: the keys to success in developing a renewable energy project in rural areas; valorisation of products from sustainable agriculture. adaptation. Capacity-building of actors (mainly women, farmers, etc.) focuses on new technical routes within the framework of intensified and sustainable production methods.", + "Strengthening the capacity of stakeholders (especially women, farmers, etc.) to develop new technical routes in the context of intensified and sustainable production methods. Informing, educating and communicating on climate risks. Strengthening the system of observing meteorological phenomena through synoptic stations. Establishing a multi-hazard early warning system. Strengthening national and local capacities for disaster risk reduction and emergency preparedness in the event of disasters. Environmental Information Management System.", + "Strengthen national and local capacities for disaster risk reduction and emergency preparedness. Environmental Information Management System. Establish an air quality management centre responsible for: Monitoring ambient air pollution. Assessing pollutant releases at source. Informing the public about the state of air quality. Providing the state with reports on air pollution for decision-making.", + "To inform the public about the state of air quality. To provide the state with reports on air pollution for decision-making. To promote the establishment of an air quality observatory. To strengthen regional and international cooperation in the field of air quality. To train a person responsible for this observatory/air quality management centre.", + "Strengthen regional and international cooperation in the area of air quality. Train a person responsible for this observatory/air quality management centre. Establish a network to observe and monitor coastline dynamics nationally in order to identify areas at risk of coastal erosion and examine one or more indicators reflecting the climate/coastal erosion relationship. Technology transfer and development, R&D.", + "Establish a national coastline dynamics monitoring and observation network to identify areas at risk of coastal erosion and examine one or more indicators reflecting the climate/coastal erosion relationship. Technology transfer and development, R&D. Development of partnerships between companies and research centres on the development of low-carbon solutions. Improved access to tools (e.g. crop cycle calibration in the rainy season). 6. Appendices. Main abbreviations. BAD.", + "Improved access to tools (e.g. crop cycle calibration during the rainy season). 6. Annexes. Main abbreviations. ADB. African Development Bank. CC. Climate Change. CES. Water and Soil Conservation. COP. Conference of the Parties (to the UNFCCC). CPDN. Nationally Determined Planned Contribution. EE. Energy Efficiency. ENP. National Prospective Study C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire 2040. EnR. Renewable Energy. FCFA. Franc CFA. GHG. Greenhouse Gases. IFD. Financial Institutions for Development. INDC. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (CPDN). IREN.", + "Franc CFA. GHG. Greenhouse Gases. IFD. Development Financial Institutions. INDC. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (CPDN). IREN. Renewable Energy Research Institute. NAMAs. Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions. OECD. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. PF. Forestry Policy and Strategic Implementation Plan. GDP. Gross Domestic Product. NDP. National Development Plan. PNIA. National Agricultural Investment Plan. UNEP. United Nations Environment Programme. PPA. Purchasing Power Parity. PSDEPA.", + "National Agricultural Investment Plan. UNEP. United Nations Environment Programme. PPA. Purchasing Power Parity. PSDEPA. Strategic Plan for the Development of Livestock, Fisheries and Aquaculture. TFP. Technical and Financial Partners. REDD+. Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. SACCL. Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change on the C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire Coast. SCECCI.", + "Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. SACCL. Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change on the Coast of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire. SCECCI. Coastal Environment Management Strategy in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire and National Action Plan. SNDCV. National Strategy for the Development of Food Crops Other than Rice. SNDR. Revised National Strategy for the Development of the Rice Industry. US$. US Dollar. UTCATF.", + "National Strategy for the Development of Food Crops Other than Rice. SNDR. Revised National Strategy for the Development of the Rice Sector. US$. US Dollar. LULUCF. Land use, land-use change and forestry. References. General/cross-cutting. Planning. National Development Plan (NDP) 2012-2015. NDP Project 2016-2020. National Prospective Study \"Ivory Coast 2040\" (project). Country data. Country Fact Sheet of the ADB and Delegation of the European Union. Demographic and Health Survey 2011-2012 (June 2013). Mitigation. General.", + "Country Fact Sheet ADB and Delegation of the European Union. Demographic and health survey and multiple indicators 2011-2012 (June 2013). Mitigation. General. First national communication to the UNFCCC in 2000. Second national communication to the UNFCCC in 2010. Draft Third national communication (under finalisation). Agriculture. PNIA 2010-2015. Line strategies (SNDR, SNDCV, 3rd Palm Plan, Rubber Plan, Cacao Plan). Energy. Electricity Code. Draft Master Plan Electricity Production and Transport 2014-2030. Action Plan for Renewable Energies (PANER),.", + "Electricity Code. Draft Master Plan Electricity Production and Transportation 2014-2030. Action Plan for Renewable Energy (PANNER). Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (PANEE). Action Agenda for Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL). Forest. New Forest Code 2014. UN-REDD+ (R-PP). Industry. Industrial Policy. Adaptation. Framework for Action. National Development Plan 2011-2015 and 2016-2020 (NDP). National Agricultural Investment Programme 2010-2015 (PNIA). National Strategy for the Development of Food Crops Other than Rice 2013-2020 (SNDCV).", + "National Development Plan 2011-2015 and 2016-2020 (PND). National Agricultural Investment Programme 2010-2015 (PNIA). National Strategy for the Development of Food Crops Other than Rice 2013-2020 (SNDCV). Revised National Strategy for the Development of the Rice Industry 2012-2020 (SNDR). Strategic Plan for the Development of Livestock, Fisheries and Aquaculture 2014-2020 (PSDEPA). Coastal Environment Management Strategy in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire and National Action Plan 2016-2020 (SGECCI) of 2015.", + "Coastal Environment Management Strategy in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire and National Action Plan 2016-2020 (SGECCI) of 2015. Initial National Communication of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire to the UNFCCC (2000). Second National Communication of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire to the UNFCCC (2010). National Climate Change Programme 2015-2020 (PNCC). National Environment Policy 2011.", + "Second National Communication of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire to the UNFCCC (2010). National Climate Change Programme 2015-2020 (NCCP). National Environment Policy 2011. Vulnerability. ABBOTT, P. (2013), Cocoa and Cotton Mills in West Africa: The Roles of Policies and Institutions in Integrating Small Farmers into Market Systems. In: Rebuilding West Africa\u2019s Food Potential, A. Elbehri (ed.), FAO/FIDA. AHOSSANE K., JALLOH A., NELSON G., THOMAS T.S. (2012): West African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis \u2013 C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire.", + "AHOSSANE K., JALLOH A., NELSON G., THOMAS T.S. (2012): West African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis \u2013 C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire. AGBRI L. (2014): Climate-smart agriculture in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire: state of play and support needs to better integrate climate-smart agriculture (CAA) into the AIP. YAO N\u2019GUETTIA R. (2013): Study of the vulnerability of the agricultural sector to climate change in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire www.rti.ci/ infos_Politique.html of 22 05 2013). Actions.", + "YAO N\u2019GUETTIA R. (2013): Study of the vulnerability of the agricultural sector to climate change in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire www.rti.ci/infos_Politique.html of 22 05 2013). Actions. International Trade Centre (2011): Cotton and climate change, impacts and options for reduction and adaptation. IFAD (2014): Project to support agricultural production and marketing \u2013 extension West (PROPACOM-West). Final design report. Main report and appendices.", + "FIDA (2014): Support project for agricultural production and marketing \u2013 extension West (PROPACOM-West). Final design report. Main report and appendices. SALVA-TERRA (2013): Cost-benefit study of REDD+ in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire and mobilisation of stakeholders in the main agricultural and forestry sectors. Adaptation strategy for the C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire coastline in the CC, 2012.", + "SALVA-TERRA (2013): Cost-benefit study of REDD+ in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire and mobilisation of stakeholders in the main agricultural and forestry sectors. Adaptation strategy at the CC for the C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire coastline, 2012. These actions are formulated at a high level of aggregation in line with the spirit of the INDC, which must not consist of a catalogue of programmes and projects. Subsequent work will be necessary to translate these guidelines into operational programmes.\u21a9.", + "These actions are formulated at a high level of aggregation in line with the spirit of the INDC, which should not consist of a catalogue of programmes and projects. Subsequent work will be necessary to translate these guidelines into operational programmes.\u21a9. Depending on the outcome of the negotiations on the elaboration of a new international climate agreement.\u21a9. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is currently conducting a study on the potential of bioenergy.\u21a9" + ], + "large": [ + "PLANNED CONTRIBUTIONS DETERMINED TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL OF THE COTE D\u2019IVOIRE. 1. National context. Key data. Area. 322 463 km2 - 550 km of coastline. Climate. South: equatorial, warm and humid climate. North: drier tropical climate. Population. 22.67 million of whom 41.5% are under 15 years of age (GNP, 2014). GNP. USD 34.25 billion (2014). GNI/h. USD 1,550 (2014). Weight in world GDP. 0.06% Share of purchasing power parity (PPP) constant in 2011. Share of agriculture in GDP. 24%. Primary energy consumption/h. 0.64 tep in 2012. Access to electricity. 56% of households. Sources: GNP 2014, GNP 2016-2020, ADB, World Bank, EDS 2011-2012, AIE,", + "After a decade of political and military crisis, which has led to a deep social divide, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire has set itself the goal of becoming an emerging country by 2020. In order to stimulate and coordinate the many facets of its development, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire has renewed its planning tradition. The country has also renewed itself with rapid growth (of around 8% per year), in a context of peace, greatly improved security and better governance. The population is also beginning to take advantage of the renewed dynamism, thanks to efforts to redistribute and correct inequalities in the various sectors. The NDP 2016-2020 being finalised aims to consolidate this trajectory towards emergence and industrialisation. This planning is part of a longer-term vision. The National Prospective Study \"Cote d\u2019Ivoire 2040\" is also being finalised.", + "This planning is part of a longer-term vision. The National Prospective Study \"Cote d\u2019Ivoire 2040\" is also being finalized. The country\u2019s national development strategy combined with strong population growth would lead to a substantial increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In addition, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change affecting all essential sectors of its development. To meet these challenges, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire established in 2012 the National Climate Change Programme (PNCC) to coordinate, propose and promote measures and strategies to combat climate change. A National Strategy to Combat Climate Change 2015-2020 was adopted at the end of 2014.", + "In order to meet these challenges, in 2012 C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire set up the National Climate Change Programme (PNCC) to coordinate, propose and promote measures and strategies to combat climate change. A National Strategy to Combat Climate Change 2015-2020 was adopted at the end of 2014. Through this Nationally Determined Planned Contribution (NDCP / INDC), C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends: to demonstrate its commitment to reducing the carbon footprint of its development by focusing on mitigation options with high \u2018co-benefits\u2019 (Section 2: Mitigation); to strengthen the country\u2019s resilience to climate change (Section 3: Adaptation); to harmonise its sectoral policies and strengthen its implementation mechanisms and tools to facilitate the achievement of these objectives (Section 4); and to mobilise all relevant means, including financing, both", + "Through this Planned Contribution Determined at the National level (CPDN / INDC), C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to: signal its willingness to reduce the carbon footprint of its development by favouring mitigation options with high \u2018co-benefits\u2019 (Section 2: Mitigation); strengthen the country\u2019s resilience to climate change (Section 3: Adaptation); harmonise its sectoral policies and strengthen its implementation mechanisms and tools to facilitate the achievement of these objectives (Section 4); and mobilise all relevant means, including financing, both national and international (Section 5) to this end. 2. Mitigation. 2.1. Contribution of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire. While taking into account the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire, like African economies, must meet the development challenge in order to improve the standard", + "While taking into account the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire, like the African economies, must rise to the challenge of development in order to improve the standard of living and quality of life of its people. The imperative need for this development, which includes increasing agricultural production, agro-industrial transformation, combating deforestation and continuing and even accelerating the provision of modern energy to all its inhabitants, does not in any way undermine the country\u2019s political will to contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions. However, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire needs to be supported in pursuing sustainable development, respectful of the environment and concerned with the challenges of climate change.", + "However, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire needs to be supported to continue on the path of sustainable development, respecting the environment and addressing climate change issues. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire\u2019s INDC therefore consists of a contribution based on the GHG reduction efforts contained in the sectoral strategic development plans providing for the support of technical and financial partners. Type of contribution. Combination of objectives and mitigation actions. Long-term national GHG emission target. Low carbon scenario (2030). Reduction of GHG emissions relative to the emissions of the target year (2030) in a baseline scenario (Business As Usual or BAU). Target year. 2030. Baseline year. 2012. Cumulative emission reductions by 2030. Low carbon scenario (2030). -28%. Sectoral objectives. Low carbon scenario (2030).", + "Base year. 2012. Cumulative reduction of emissions by 2030. Low carbon scenario (2030). -28%. Sectoral objectives. Low carbon scenario (2030). Composition of the electricity mix: 26% coal, 32% natural gas in combined cycle, 26% hydroelectricity and 16% other renewable energy sources (RES), i.e. a cumulative of 42% RES in the electricity mix in 2030. Intensification and mechanisation of agriculture and animal production. Reduction of GHG emissions due to deforestation and forest degradation. Sustainable management and waste recovery. Equity of the contribution. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is a low emitter of GHGs with only 0.81 tCO2/ha (excluding forestry). The necessary development of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire (+8.4% GDP growth by 2030) would be ac", + "The necessary development of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire (+8.4% growth in GDP by 2030) would be accompanied by an increase in emissions to 1.17 tCO2/hab (+44.4%) in 2030. Contribution ambition. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire commits to: Increase the share of R&D in the electricity mix (including large hydropower) to 42%. Implement the strategy to reduce GHG emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in addition to sustainable forest management and ambitious reforestation policies (REDD+). The 28% reduction in emissions from the low-carbon scenario compared to a baseline scenario (BAU) represents a significant effort for a country whose GDP/hab ranks 148th in the world (2014, based on PPP). Short-lived air pollutants (PCDV/SLCP).", + "The 28% reduction in low-carbon versus baseline emissions represents a significant effort for a country with a world GDP/ha ranking of 148th (2014, PPP basis). Short-lived air pollutants (LULUCF). C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is committed to reducing short-lived air pollutants with a climate impact in addition to long-lived GHGs. To this end, the country will develop, by 2018, a national action plan for the reduction of LULUCF whose contributions to global warming are clearly established by UNEP in its 2011 report. 2.2. Baseline and low-carbon development scenarios.", + "To this end, the country will develop, by 2018, a national action plan for the reduction of VOCs/CFCs whose contributions to global warming are clearly established by UNEP in its 2011 report. 2.2. Baseline and Sustainable Carbon Development Scenarios. The figure below presents (i) base year 2012 emissions, (ii) a Business As Usual scenario, and (iii) a Sustainable Carbon Development scenario showing the impact of major sectoral actions that could be implemented with additional external support. Total emissions (Ktonnes Equiv. CO2). 15,964.35. 34,253.25. 24,576.16. The table below presents the relative shares of different sub-sectors in GHG emissions. Sub-sectors. 2012. BAU (2030). Low Carbon Scenario (2030). Emissions (Ktonnes Equiv. CO2). E", + "Low Carbon Scenario (2030). Emissions (Ktonnes Equiv. CO2). Emissions (Ktonnes Equiv. CO2). Percentage increase over 2012. Emissions (Ktonnes Equiv. CO2). Percentage decrease over BAU. Electricity Generation. 3,442.63. 11,892.00. 52.93. 9,216.56. -7.81. Transportation. 2,389.36. 6,441.27. 25.38. 4,477.55. -5.73. Industry. 1,000.81. 2,698.01. 10.63. 1,875.48. -2.40. Energy Supply. 781.64. 2,136.39. 8.49. 1,485.08. -1.90. Buildings. 627.03. 1,690.34. 6.66. 1,175.02. -1.50. Agriculture. 6,140.80", + "Start of implementation of the INDC. 2016. Coverage (country). All country. Gases covered. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O). Sectors/sources covered. Agriculture, Energy, Waste, LULUCF (Forestry: not included in inventories). Baseline scenario (BAU). This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions to 2030 by sector based on the Government\u2019s current development strategies. Mitigation scenario (low carbon). This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions to 2030 based on low carbon directions in key sectors, including energy, agriculture and waste. Sources for scenarios (BAU and Low carbon). ENP 2040, NDP 2016-2020, Master Plan Electricity Production and Transportation 2014-2030, NIP 2010-2015, Industrial Policy (2013).", + "The GWP values used are those determined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, SAR). Base Case Emission Projection Methodology. The base year inventory (2012) is the inventory of the Third National Communication (TCN). Base Case (BC) is constructed by applying to the emissions of the different sectors assumptions of evolution depending on the annual sectoral growth rates, the evolution of the population, the electricity mix and the trend in the efficiency of the sector. Projection methodology for the low-carbon scenario. The low-carbon scenario is constructed by applying to the sectoral emissions of the base case, an estimate of the gains associated with the implementation of the sector\u2019s policies and projects. Approach to Emissions from Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF).", + "The low-carbon scenario is constructed by applying to the sectoral emissions of the baseline scenario an estimate of the gains associated with the implementation of the sector\u2019s policies and projects. Approach to emissions related to land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF). Emissions from this important sector in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will need to be analysed more precisely by 2020 in order to be able to be integrated into the overall objective. This can be achieved through better knowledge of areas by soil type through satellite imaging coupled with the exploitation of field data. 2.4. Mitigation actions. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to implement the following Mitigation Actions1:", + "2.4. Mitigation measures. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to implement the following mitigation measures1: Agriculture / Forestry. Major agricultural issues: (i) Search for self-sufficiency and food security and (ii) Improvement of productivity and competitiveness Major forest sector issue: Sustainable management of forests and the objective of 20% national forest cover in the Forestry Code 2014. Key message: Zero-deforestation agriculture. Guidance. Measures / actions. Co-benefits. Economic. Social. Environmental. Coherence of national planning and rural development to develop agriculture and the forest sector.", + "Coherence of national planning and rural development to develop agriculture and the forestry sector. Coherence of National Agricultural Investment Plans (NIAPs) with the strategies for limiting deforestation (REDD+) through a 2030 land use planning framework (land security) in consultation with each of the agricultural sectors and territories. Enhancement of the economic benefits of the NIAP and forestry development plans. Reduced social conflict. Social inclusion. Reduced GHG emissions. Overall increase in forest carbon. Maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Development of a regional land use planning framework for the different regions with the involvement of local communities. Economic development of the regions. Reduced social conflict. Increased ecosystem services. Delimitation of village territories and materialisation of boundaries with forest species. Mastery of land", + "Delimiting village territories and establishing boundaries with forest species. Mastering land tenure and the spatial dynamics of land use. Reducing social conflict. Social inclusion. Increasing ecosystem services. Securing land with the involvement of agricultural interprofessions, cooperatives and the private sector to facilitate procedures and achieve economies of scale. Facilitating investment in the land use sector. - Reducing social conflict - Social cohesion. Increasing ecosystem services. Agricultural development without extension to remaining forest areas and with lower GHG emissions. Decoupling agricultural production and deforestation through the promotion of intensive agricultural practices with reduced impacts on the environment and agroforestry. Improving productivity and wealth creation. Increasing agricultural yields and incomes. Stimulating the creation of light agricultural industries", + "Improved productivity and wealth creation. Increased agricultural yields and incomes. Stimulation of the creation of small-scale agricultural industries in rural areas. Positive effects on the social economy: creation of rural jobs (approximately 400,000 agricultural jobs expected for the current AIP). Poverty reduction. Reduction of GHG emissions. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Realization of the concept of \"zero deforestation agriculture\" and enhancement of associated products. Improved productivity of natural factors of production (land, climate factors). Increased agricultural yields and incomes. Reduction of social conflicts. Job creation. Reduction of rural poverty. Reduction of youth emigration and rejuvenation of the peasant world. Reduction of GHG emissions. Increased forest carbon. Maintenance of", + "Reducing youth migration and rejuvenating the farming community. Reducing GHG emissions. Increasing forest carbon. Maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services. Developing basic infrastructure to improve the logistics of transport of agricultural, livestock and fisheries products. Reducing post-harvest losses and increasing incomes. Stimulating the creation of small-scale agricultural industries in rural areas. Increasing employment. Reducing youth migration and rejuvenating the farming community. Intensifying environmentally friendly agricultural, animal and fisheries production to avoid deforestation. Promoting and intensifying the production and use of high-yield seeds that are resistant to climate factors and diseases (excluding GMOs and hybrids). Increasing productivity and incomes. Creating sustainable value chains and jobs. Reducing", + "Increased productivity and incomes. Creation of sustainable value chains and jobs. Reduction of pressure on agricultural land. Strengthened partnerships and collaborations on soil analysis to improve productivity and improve the implementation of agricultural innovations. Increased agricultural innovation and yields. Job creation. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Rationalization of use of chemical inputs and facilitation of use of biological inputs. Reduction of medical costs associated with uncontrolled use of chemical inputs. Reduction of health risks associated with chemical inputs. Reduction of environmental damage caused by chemical inputs. Development of efficient agricultural mechanization and improvement of packaging, harvesting and conservation infrastructure. Reduction of post-harvest losses and increase in incomes. Job creation. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Promotion of sustainable and integrated practices to improve agricultural production", + "Maintenance of ecosystem services. Promotion of sustainable and integrated practices to improve agricultural production capacities and enhance environmental resources. Promotion of agriculture-livestock association, agroforestry, and conservation agriculture in particular at the community and private plantation level. Increase in agricultural yields and incomes. Reduction of social conflicts. Improvement of biodiversity. Maximum reduction of rice flooding to limit methane emissions. Maintenance of agricultural yields. Maintenance of jobs. Reduction of GHG emissions. Sustainable management of organic soils. Improvement of productivity and wealth creation. Increase in agricultural yields and incomes. Reduction of social conflicts. Maintenance of jobs. Maintenance of ecosystem services. Strengthening and dissemination of scientific research on natural resource management (including soil", + "Strengthening and disseminating the results of scientific research on the management of natural resources (including soil sciences and pathological physiology and post-harvest technology). Improving crop schedules and production techniques. Increasing agricultural yields and incomes. Reducing social conflicts. Maintaining jobs. Development of the forest sector through sustainable forest management and improvement of forest governance. Implementation of the Forest Regulatory Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) mechanism. Revitalisation of the forest economy. Improvement of forest governance. Maintaining ecosystem services. Preparation and implementation of management and participatory management plans for classified forests. Diversification of incomes of local communities. Participation of people in forest management. Maintaining ecosystem services. Stabilisation of the extension of agricultural areas in classified forests", + "Stabilisation of the expansion of agricultural areas in classified forests. Securing farmers\u2019 incomes. Creating jobs. Preserving biodiversity. Restoring classified forests with the involvement of local communities. Diversifying incomes of local communities. Creating jobs. Increasing carbon stocks. Strengthening sustainable management of classified forests and protected areas, including through spatial land monitoring. Maintaining agricultural yields linked to microclimate. Stimulating ecotourism activities. Creating ecotourism jobs. Reducing youth exodus. Preservation and enhancement of biodiversity and natural habitats. Maintaining ecosystem services. Facilitating the rehabilitation of degraded land and the reforestation of savannah areas, and strengthening carbon stocks in degraded forests through the promotion of village refore", + "Facilitating the rehabilitation of degraded land and the reforestation of savannah areas, and strengthening carbon stocks in degraded forests through the promotion of village reforestation. Diversifying sources of income. Carbon credit available. Reducing social conflicts. Increasing employment. Reducing the exodus of young people and rejuvenating the peasant world. Restoring biodiversity and natural habitats. Increasing ecosystem services. Establishing a payment-type incentive system for environmental services (PSE) to encourage village reforestation and the conservation of natural forests in rural areas and to support small producers in adopting sustainable production practices. Increasing community incomes. Creating employment. Increasing carbon stocks. Increasing ecosystem services. Developing sustainable domestic energy solutions for people\u2019s cooking needs.", + "Increased carbon stocks. Increased ecosystem services. Development of sustainable domestic energy solutions for people\u2019s cooking needs. Reforestation with fast-growing wood energy species; Promotion of improved homes and promotion of wood coal alternatives through the enhancement of agricultural biomass. Diversification of incomes of local communities. Creation of green employment. Improvement of women\u2019s living conditions in rural areas. Reduction of GHG emissions. Costs. The overall cost of the AIP 2010-2015 is estimated at CFAF 2,040 billion, including CFAF 1,565 billion for the period 2012-2015 (same order of magnitude for the AIP 2016-2020). The low-carbon orientation of future plans will have to be distilled into all components. Energy/Transport.", + "The overall cost of the AIP 2010-2015 is estimated at CFAF 2,040 billion, of which CFAF 1,565 billion for the period 2012-2015 (the same order of magnitude for the AIP 2016-2020). The low carbon orientation of future plans will have to be distilled across all components. Energy/Transport. Major energy challenges :(i) Improving people\u2019s access to electricity and energy at an affordable price; and (ii) Increasing the use of renewable energies in electricity generation Key message: \"42% of renewable energies including large hydro in the electricity mix\". Guidance. Measures/actions. Effects/benefits. Economic. Social. Environmental. Controlling system energy consumption through a proactive energy efficiency policy including RES. Cross-cutting measures. Investing in energy efficiency and improving the share of RES in the electricity mix", + "Investment in energy efficiency and improved R&D participation in the electricity mix by 2030. Productivity gains and improved competitiveness. Diversification of primary energy sources. Reduction of dependence on fossil fuels. Improved access to safe and abundant energy sources. Development of new skilled employment streams. Impact on health and improved quality of life. Reduction of social conflict. Improved coverage rates and access of populations to energy services. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Establishment of an institutional and regulatory framework for R&D and energy efficiency. Improvement of the environment around the energy sector. Development of new skilled employment streams. Reduction of social conflict. Improved coverage rates and access of populations to energy services.", + "Development of new lines of skilled employment. Reduced social conflicts. Improved rates of coverage and access of the population to energy services. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, in particular of CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Strengthened integration of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire into the Regional Energy Market, through interconnection with other countries in the region. Increased national income. Strengthened share of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire in the GDP of UEMOA. Improved quality of life. Reduced social conflicts. Improved rates of coverage and access of the population to energy services. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, in particular of CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Sub-sectoral measures:", + "Sub-sectoral measures: Industry. Establishment of a strategy to reduce waste in the energy consumption of industries through: diagnosis or energy audit to establish a balance of energy consumption and use; counting to have reliable and continuous data on. consumption. Productivity gains. Improved competitiveness. Reduction of energy bill. Development of new streams of skilled jobs. Revenue gains. Reduction of levels of GHG emissions, in particular CO2. Reduction of the environmental footprint. Encouragement of companies to invest in more energy-efficient equipment. Productivity gains. Improved competitiveness. Reduction of energy bill. Development of new streams of skilled jobs. Reduction of levels of GHG emissions, in particular CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Assess the potential for substitution", + "Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Assess the potential for substitution or optimisation (e.g. cogeneration or recovery);. Productivity gains. Improvement of competitiveness. Reduction of energy bill. Development of new skilled jobs. Reduction of GHG emission levels, in particular CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Sub-sectoral measures: Buildings sub-sector. Development of national regulations on the thermal efficiency of buildings (construction and renovation). Reduction of energy bill. Revenue gains. Development of new skilled jobs. Improvement of quality of life. Reduction of GHG emission levels, in particular CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Training of all actors in the value chain in low-consumption construction. Reduction of energy bill. Revenue gains. Development of new skilled jobs. Re", + "Reduction of energy bill. Revenue gains. Development of new skilled job streams. Reduction of GHG emission levels, in particular CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Sub-sectoral measures: Sub-sector Transport. Improved mobility and development of low-carbon transport offers. Reduction of energy bill. Revenue gains. Improved quality of life. Reduction of GHG emission levels, in particular CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Integration of an energy/climate dimension in territorial planning documents in order to limit distances, work on functional mix and propose efficient public transport policies. Reduction of energy bill. Revenue gains. Improved quality of life. Reduction of GHG emission levels, in particular CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources.", + "Improved quality of life. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Assisted municipalities in the development of urban transport plans (e.g. urban railway in Abidjan district). Reduced energy bill. Revenues. Improved quality of life. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Facilitated purchase of low-polluting vehicles and disposal of the most polluting through standards, incentives or obligations. Reduced energy bill. Revenues. Improved quality of life. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, including CO2 emissions. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Development of energy production from renewable sources. Establishment of an incentive framework for the development of renewable energies", + "Development of energy production from renewable sources. Establishment of an incentive framework for the development of renewable energy sources (tendering, TIF, defiscalisation, ). Diversification of primary energy sources. Reduction of energy dependence on fossil energy sources. Improved access to safe and abundant energy sources. Development of new skill-based employment streams. Impact on health and improvement of quality of life. Reduction of social conflict. Reduction of GHG emission levels, including CO2. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Lifting of barriers to investment (strengthening of the institutional framework, securing investment, training of banks, ). Productivity gains and improvement of the competitiveness of the economy. Development of new skill-based employment streams. Impact on health and improvement of quality of life. Reduction of social conflict. Reduction of GHG emission levels,", + "Impact on health and improved quality of life. Reduced social conflict. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, in particular CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Invest in R&D, in particular by strengthening the capacities of the Renewable Energy Research Institute (IREN) and assess the advisability of setting up a Renewable Energy Promotion Agency. Broadening the scope of knowledge on energy efficiency. Improving the competitiveness of the economy. Development of new skill-based jobs. Improving the quality of life. Reduced social conflict. Reduced levels of GHG emissions, in particular CO2. Reduced pressure on natural resources. Facilitating the development of projects on relevant lines:. Small hydropower. Methanisation (waste, agricultural residues). Photovoltaics (promotion of solar PV kits, PV pumping system). Biomass", + "Photovoltaics (promotion of solar PV kits, PV pumping system). Biomass (sustainable use of wood energy). Expanding the scope of knowledge on energy efficiency. Revenue gains. Improving the competitiveness of the economy. Development of new skill-based jobs. Improving the quality of life. Reducing social conflicts. Reducing levels of GHG emissions, including CO2. Reducing pressure on natural resources. Waste. Major waste issues :(i) Improving urban health; and (ii) Ensuring sustainable management and recovery of waste. Guidance. Measures/actions. Effects/benefits. Economic. Social. Environmental. Efficient recovery of resources to move towards a circular economy. Developing and implementing a sustainable waste management policy and strategy including recovery. Increasing income and national wealth. Contribution to", + "Increased national income and wealth. Contribution to the modernisation of the economy and productivity gains. Development of new employment channels. Improvement of the quality of life of the population. Reduction of social conflicts. Reduction of GHG emission levels;. Improvement of the quality of the environment. Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Develop circular economy actions:. Eco-design of products. Recovery/use and recycling of waste (agricultural, forestry and household). Mailing. Wastewater recovery. Increased national income and wealth. Contribution to the modernisation of the economy and productivity gains. Development of new employment channels. Improvement of the quality of life of the population. Reduction of social conflicts. Reduction of GHG emission levels;. Improvement of the quality of the environment. Reduction of pressure on natural resources.", + "Reduction of GHG emission levels; Improvement of environmental quality; Reduction of pressure on natural resources. Costs. The 2014-2030 Electricity Production and Transportation Master Plan specifies that total production-transportation investments for the period 2014-2030 amount to CFA 8,000 billion. Additional mining-related investments would also cost close to CFA 1,600 billion. 3. Adaptation. Framework for action. Description. Impacts and vulnerability.", + "Additional mining-related investments would also cost close to CFA 1,600 billion. 3. Adaptation. Framework for Action. Description. Impacts and Vulnerability. Impacts: floods, storms, landslides, droughts, bushfires, decreased river flows and surface water depletion, shortened average vegetative growth periods and increased exposure of plants to water stress, low growth of plant biomass, reduced productive potential of ecosystems, decreased arable land due to degradation, coastal erosion up to 3 metres per year up to 6 to 12 metres during storms, mitigation of seasonal upwelling have impacts on: agriculture and livestock, land use, forests, water resources, energy, coastal areas, fisheries, infrastructure (habitats), transportation, public health and gender.", + "Impacts: floods, storms, landslides, droughts, bushfires, decreased river flows and depletion of surface waters, shortened average periods of vegetative growth and increased exposure of plants to water stress, low growth of plant biomass, reduced productive potential of ecosystems, decreased arable land due to its degradation, coastal erosion up to 3 metres per year up to 6 to 12 metres during storms, mitigation of seasonal upwelling have impacts on: agriculture and livestock, land use, forests, water resources, energy, coastal areas, fisheries, infrastructure (habitats), transport, public health and gender. Eleven vulnerable sectors identified in May 2013 by the Minister of the Environment, Urban Sanitation and Sustainable Development (MINESUDD) with a view to proposing a National", + "Eleven vulnerable sectors identified in May 2013 by the Minister of the Environment, Urban Safety and Sustainable Development (MINESUDD) with a view to proposing a National Adaptation Plan. High vulnerability. Medium or low vulnerability:. Agriculture/Livestock/Aquaculture. Land use. Forests. Water resources. Energy. Coastal areas. Fisheries. Infrastructure (habitats). Transport (roads). Public health. Gender. Actions to be planned for climate-resilient development. SECTORAL. Water resources:", + "Water resources: control and management of water resources (strengthening of watershed planning and coordination, development of agropastoral dams, development of new hydro-agricultural sites and water reservoirs, improvement of irrigation efficiency, upgrading of storm and flood waters... Agriculture / Elevation / Fisheries: improving production technologies, strengthening the capacities of actors. Forests and land use: improving forest species, promoting reforestation and agro-ecology, restoring degraded land, promoting techniques for improving fertility and soil conservation. Coastal zones: regulating the construction and extraction of sand on the shoreline, moving and reconstructing dangerous structures on a fold-down line, building active protection structures (spurs, breakwaters), passive, restoration structures (windbreaks, revegetation, even reforestation \u2013 mang", + "Coastal Zones: Regulate the construction and extraction of sand on the shoreline, relocate and reconstruct hazardous structures on a draw-down line, construct active protective structures (spikes, breakwaters), passive protective structures, restorative structures (windbreaks, revegetation, or even reforestation \u2013 mangroves-). Energy: Organize the wood-energy chain, avoid waterlogging of streams, reprofile and restore flows in stream beds. Promote the construction and use of improved fireplaces in rural areas. Losses and Damage. Human Losses: losses related to hydrometeorological disasters, vector diseases (such as malaria, waterborne diseases, respiratory diseases) and bushfires; Losses related to coastal erosion: Costs between CFAF 2.355", + "Losses related to coastal erosion: Costs ranging from CFAF 2.355 billion to CFAF 6.75 billion (US$ 4.0 to 6.75 million) for land losses in the event of submersion ranging from 0.5 to 2 metres. Losses in agricultural production (at least 10% of annual rice production, or CFAF 50 billion or US$ 85.6 million -based on the cost of importing rice-, 10% of annual cocoa production, or approximately US$ 202 million based on the export price of cocoa, \"destruction of large areas of oil palm and cocoa in the Abidjan regions\".", + "\"Reductions in water resources and impacts on food production and habitat are to be assessed, as well as impacts on public health.\" Obstacles, gaps and needs for successful adaptation actions. Obstacles: lack of integration of climate change policies into national and sectoral policies. Low capacity of livelihoods (physical, national, social, institutional, etc.) of rural communities. Gaps: poor understanding of the concept of climate change. illiteracy. Needs: strengthening human, institutional, technical, financial and technology transfer capacities. Activities. Objectives and Description. Co-benefits. Cost (billions of CFA francs or millions of US$). Water resources. Control and manage water resources. Reduce vulnerability and increase resilience. - Implement Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).", + "Controlling and managing water resources. Reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience. - Implementing Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). Implementing planning and coordination for national watersheds (WBCs) and strengthening planning and coordination for cross-border WBCs. Developing agropastoral dams to facilitate livestock watering. Developing hydro-agricultural sites and water retention to improve food production. Improving irrigation efficiency to limit water consumption. Valuing storm and flood waters (capture and storage of runoff water). Strengthening the irrigation capacity of farmers and other users. Production planning to stabilize consumer prices and producer incomes. Water retention to increase fisheries resources, move towards integrated production systems. Adequate availability of drinking water for human needs.", + "Water retention increases fisheries resources and moves towards integrated production systems. Adequate availability of drinking water for human consumption. AIP (Development of intensive cropland CFA 84.86 billion \u2013 US$ 14.3 million, facilitation of access to small irrigation equipment CFA 1.8 billion \u2013 US$ 3.03 million, realization of hydro-agricultural developments CFA 28.37 billion \u2013 US$ 47.8 million, support for maintenance of irrigation facilities and equipment CFA 0.6 billion \u2013 US$ 0.1 million, rehabilitation of pasture dams and water retention CFA 3 billion \u2013 US$ 5.05 million. Agriculture. Strengthening agricultural, animal and fisheries production (agriculture sector 23% of GDP over the period 2000-2013). Reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience.", + "Strengthen agricultural, animal and fisheries production (agricultural sector 23% of GDP over the period 2000-2013). Reduce vulnerability and increase resilience. Develop the agro-ecological approach (land fertility management practices, development of the use of organic fertilisers and compost from household waste, agriculture-livestock association). Improve production technologies through access to improved and adapted inputs (food seeds, fodder, drought-resistant forestry, animal gene bank, quality fry, manure and compost management to improve soil fertility, etc.). Develop storage and conservation units to limit high post-harvest losses. Promote and popularise climate-resilient crop species. Develop seasonal forecasts that strengthen the resilience of farming practices to climate change. Promote women\u2019s access to rural land.", + "Developing seasonal forecasts that strengthen the resilience of farming practices to climate change. Promoting women\u2019s access to rural land. Food self-sufficiency through improved yields (30% for rice with improved seeds). Combating poverty and maintaining social peace by improving the purchasing power of rural communities, job creation must be an integral part. Reducing dependence on imports and improving exports of agricultural products (NDCV indicates 40% of export revenues). Gender considerations (women). NDCV (Agricultural Seed Development Plan: CFAF 12.05 billion \u2013 US$ 20.3 million, direct support to production activities: CFAF 540 billion \u2013 US$ 909.9 million). NDS (Technical support to production \u2013 rice seeds, inputs and mechanization: CFAF 299 billion \u2013 US$ 503.8 million).", + "NDS (technical support for production \u2013 rice seeds, inputs and mechanization: CFAF 299 billion \u2013 US$ 503.8 million). PSDEPA (improvement of productivity and competitiveness: CFAF 80.948 billion \u2013 US$ 136.4 million of which CFAF 2.18 billion \u2013 US$ 3.7 million \u2013 for fodder and seed production, preservation of aquaculture genetic diversity CFAF 7.45 billion \u2013 US$ 12.6 million). Forests and land use. Combating deforestation and land degradation. Reducing vulnerability and increasing resilience. Enhancing forest species, promoting agroforestry, restoring degraded land. Promoting sustainable land management through water and soil conservation enhancement techniques (WSCs). Developing the landscape approach to sustainable land management and water and soil conservation.", + "Promote sustainable land management through improved water and soil conservation (ESC) techniques. Develop the landscape approach to sustainable land management and water and soil conservation. Combat poverty (exploitation of non-timber forest products, improvement of agricultural yields, use of traditional pharmacopoeia). Preserve terrestrial wildlife and floristic diversity. Sustainable soil quality. FP (Reducing the impact of climate change CFA 33.64 billion.- US$ 20 million)PNIA (supporting the dissemination of technological innovations CFA 0.43 billion - US$ 0.7 million-, ESC techniques CFA 5 billion - US$ 8.4 million-). Hydrometeorological disaster management. Build resilience, in particular by combating coastal erosion. Reduce vulnerability and increase resilience, in particular for the Sassandra - Vridi - Port", + "Reduce vulnerability and increase resilience, in particular for the Sassandra - Vridi \u2013 Port- Bou\u00ebt section. Assess hydrometeorological risks and implement mitigation measures. Establish a multi-hazard warning system. Establish an efficient contingency plan and response plans. Inform, educate and communicate on hydrometeorological risks. Strengthen the capacities of actors in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and disaster management. Systematically assess losses and damage and ensure post-disaster recovery and construction. Develop coastal line observation and identify areas at risk of erosion (coastal erosion monitoring).", + "Systematically assess losses and damage and ensure recovery and post-disaster construction. Develop coastal line observation and identify areas at risk of erosion (coastal erosion monitoring). Protect habitat (enforce regulations on shoreline construction and sand extraction, relocate and reconstruct endangered structures on a draw-down line, build active protection structures \u2013 creeks, breakwaters, passive, restoration structures \u2013 windbreaks, revegetation, or even reforestation \u2013 mangroves). Establish a micro-project fund for local erosion protection. Preserve agriculture (oil palm, pineapple, banana, rubber and coconut plantation areas). Preserve lagoon and coastal biological diversity. Preserve habitat. Preserve vulnerable coastal areas.", + "Preservation of agriculture (area planted with oil palms, pineapples, bananas, rubber and coconut trees). Preservation of lagoon and coastal biological diversity. Habitat conservation. Preservation of vulnerable coastal areas. SACCL (dynamic modelling of the shoreline profile 0.184 billion CFAF \u2013US$ 0.31 million-, reforestation of mangroves and other appropriate species 0.65 billion CFAF \u2013US$ 1.1 million, establishment of a fund 1.95 billion CFAF \u2013US$ 3.3 million-.SACCL considers as secondary the development against erosion in Assinie 19.97 billion CFAF \u2013US$ 33.6-, around the Vridi Canal, the opening of the Como\u00e9 exit 22.55 billion CFAF \u2013US$ 38 million-. 4. Planning process, implementation and monitoring of the INDC. C\u00f4te d\u2019", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will take the following measures to implement, monitor and, where appropriate, update/revision of these national climate indicators.2 Description. Objective. Legislative and regulatory framework. Adoption of legal texts relating to the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the national climate indicators and the resolutions of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC. Sustainable carbon-neutral development actions through successive governments. Institutional framework. Creation of an Interministerial Committee on Climate Change (ICCC) comprising ministers in charge of the relevant sectors, chaired by the Prime Minister and responsible, in particular, for monitoring the implementation of the national climate indicators. Ensure the effective implementation of a cross-cutting national climate policy.", + "Establishment of an Interdepartmental Committee on Climate Change (ICCC) composed of ministers responsible for the relevant sectors, chaired by the Prime Minister and responsible, in particular, for monitoring the implementation of the INDCs. Ensure the effective implementation of a cross-cutting national climate policy. Establishment of an ICCC Secretariat (SCICC) attached to MINESUDD and responsible for technical support to the ICCC in the planning, coordination of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the INDCs and with a clear roadmap based on the periodicity of the NDPs. Operationalization of the INDCs. Evaluation of the climate impact of any new legislation or policy/programme/public project (impact assessment). Integrate mitigation and adaptation considerations into public decision-making processes. Translation of the INDCs into sectoral operational programmes articulated with", + "Translating the INDCs into sectoral operational programmes articulated with/embedded in the NDP. Operationalising the INDCs, in particular through the national planning process. Integrating Climate Change (CC) into national planning (NDP) and sectoral policies as well as local planning. Bringing the NDPs and sectoral plans and policies (e.g. NIPs) into line, in particular with the reduction of the risk of natural disasters, with the country\u2019s mitigation and adaptation objectives and actions formulated in these INDCs. Some complementary studies (to be carried out after submitting the INDCs):Consolidating the national inventory of GHG emissions.", + "Strengthen knowledge of land use and management in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire (satellite images + field survey). Study the potential of ERM in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire3. Develop a climate-energy strategy. Study the strengthening of the integration of energy and climate into agricultural policy in anticipation of the development of the National Investment Plan for Agriculture and Climate 2020-2030. Propose an optimum reference network for monitoring changes in water table levels from existing piezometers reflecting the climate/hydrologic regime of rivers. Study the desirability of a carbon price and market at the domestic and regional level (see below). Quantify and refine the description of the mitigation and adaptation actions of the INDCs. Study the feasibility of a system for coding CC-related expenditure in the state budget. Monitor climate revenues and expenditure in the national budget.", + "Study of the feasibility of a system for coding CC-related expenditure in the state budget. Monitoring of climate revenues and expenditure in the national budget. Improvement of systems for establishing and collecting data on GHG emissions. Achievement of an annual GHG inventory. Obtain reliable data on GHG emissions. Establishment of an Air Quality Observatory (CO, SO, etc.) and monitoring of GHGs. Monitoring of air quality. Strengthening of research and development and transfer actions in the field of clean technologies. Communication. Launching of a communication campaign at the end of 2015 on the INDCs and COP 21, in particular to the private sector and local authorities;. Strengthening the capacities of local actors prior to awareness-raising campaigns;.", + "Launch of a communication campaign at the end of 2015 on the INDCs and the COP21, in particular to the private sector and local authorities;. Capacity-building of local actors prior to awareness-raising campaigns;. Establishment of a dedicated website on national climate change policy / INDCs where the above indicators will be published. Update/revision of the INDCs. Periodicity: revision in the light of the results of the COP21, if necessary. Every 5 years in connection with the NDP unless otherwise indicated by the COPs. Responsible: SCICC Secretariat. 5. Means of implementation. Financing. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to mobilise the following sources to finance the mitigation and adaptation actions of these INDCs:. Private finance.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to mobilise the following sources of financing for the mitigation and adaptation actions of these INDCs: private finance. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire intends to mobilise international or domestic private financing (equity and loans) to the greatest extent possible for the co-financing of relevant actions of these INDCs, particularly those actions that can generate financial returns acceptable to the private sector. To this end, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will endeavour to increase the rate of banking, stimulate the formation of savings, and strengthen domestic financial markets and banking system, as well as the attractiveness of C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire for foreign investment (investment climate). National budget. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will contribute to the financing of actions of these INDCs that fall under the State budget.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will take its part in financing the actions of these INDCs, which fall under the State budget. This State effort can take the form of either direct budgetary expenditure or be channelled through specific funds financed, in particular, from the State budget. Donors / TFPs. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire will seek the support of donors and TFPs (donations, loans and technical assistance) for the financing of the actions of these INDCs. Access to sovereign loans from the Financial Institutions for Development (FIDs) will be crucial. Green Climate Fund. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is considering the advisability of establishing a national entity accredited to the Green Climate Fund (FVC). It has already undertaken its preparation process for the operationalisation of the FVC at national level (Readiness", + "Cote d\u2019Ivoire supports the inclusion of international carbon markets such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in a post-2020 climate agreement and proposes that such an instrument, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime (AAR), could be used to help finance certain investments in carbon-efficient and climate-resilient infrastructure. Cote d\u2019Ivoire considers that some of the carbon-efficient development options contained in these CDIs, or additional actions, could be financed in full or in part through the international transfer of carbon assets, taking into account considerations of environmental integrity and transparency. Other economic instruments.", + "C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire considers that some of the sober carbon development options contained in these CNIs, or additional actions, could be financed in full or in part by the international transfer of carbon assets, taking into account considerations of environmental integrity and transparency. Other economic instruments. The opportunity to deploy tools to generate a price signal on the social cost of carbon (carbon market or tax) and thus to internalise carbon externality will be explored. First five-year tranche. A first five-year tranche of Actions to be financed is being prepared and will be presented in the 4th quarter of 2015. It will be consistent with, and reflected in, the NDP 2016-2020. Capacity building. Mitigation. At all levels: the link between development, natural disaster risk reduction, energy and climate change. For decision makers: the interests of", + "At all levels: link between development, natural disaster risk reduction, energy and climate change. For decision-makers: interests in integrating energy-climate considerations into all sectoral policies. For operators: implementation of low-carbon development, e.g.: farmers: agricultural practices enabling sustainable intensification of production; methods of management and valorisation of agricultural residues. Entrepreneurs: keys to success in developing a renewable energy project in rural areas; valorisation of products from sustainable agriculture. Adaptation. Capacity building for stakeholders (especially women, farmers, etc.) focuses on new technical pathways in the context of intensified and sustainable production methods. Informing, educating and communicating on climate risks. Strengthening the weather observation system through synoptic stations. Establishing a multi-risk early warning system", + "Strengthen the system for observing meteorological phenomena through synoptic stations. Establish a multi-hazard early warning system. Strengthen national and local capacities for disaster risk reduction and emergency preparedness. Environmental Information Management System. Establish an air quality management centre responsible for: Monitoring ambient air pollution. Assessing pollutant releases at source. Informing the public about the state of air quality. Providing the state with reports on air pollution for decision-making. Promoting the establishment of an air quality observatory. Strengthening regional and international cooperation in the field of air quality. Train a person responsible for this observatory/air quality management centre.", + "Strengthen regional and international cooperation in the field of air quality. Train a person responsible for this observatory/air quality management centre. Establish a network for observing and monitoring coastline dynamics at national level in order to identify areas at risk of coastal erosion and examine one or more indicators reflecting the climate/coastal erosion relationship. Technology transfer and development, R&D. Development of partnerships between companies and research centres on the development of low-carbon solutions. Improved access to tools (e.g. crop cycle calibration during the rainy season). 6. Annexes. Main abbreviations. ADB. African Development Bank. CC. Climate change. ESC. Water and soil conservation. COP. Conference of the Parties (to the UNFCCC). NPC. Planned Contribution Determined at national level. EE. Energy efficiency. ENP. National", + "Conference of the Parties (to the UNFCCC). CPDN. Nationally Determined Contribution. EE. Energy Efficiency. ENP. National Prospective Study C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire 2040. ENR. Renewable Energy. FCFA. Franc CFA. GHG. Greenhouse Gases. IFD. Development Financial Institutions. INDC. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (CPDN). IREN. Institute for Renewable Energy Research. NAMAs. Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions. OECD. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. PF. Forestry Policy and Strategic Implementation Plan. GDP. Gross Domestic Product. NDP. National Development Plan. PNIA. National Agricultural Investment Plan. UNEP. United Nations Environment Programme. PPA. Purchasing Power Parity. PSDEPA", + "Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. SACCL. Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change on the C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire Coast. SCECCI. Coastal Environment Management Strategy in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire and National Action Plan. SNDCV. National Strategy for the Development of Food Crops Other than Rice. SNDR. Revised National Strategy for the Development of the Rice Industry. US $. United States Dollar. UTCATF. Land Use, Land-Use Changes and Forestry. References. General/Transversal. Planning. National Development Plan (NDP) 2012-2015. NDP 2016-2020 Project. National Prospective Study \"Ivory Coast 2040\" (project). Country data. BAD Country Fact Sheet and Delegation of the European Union. Demographic and Health Survey 2011-2012 (Jun", + "Mitigation. General. First national communication to the UNFCCC in 2000; Second national communication to the UNFCCC in 2010. Draft Third national communication (under finalisation). Agriculture. NISA 2010-2015. Strategy lines (SNDR, SNDCV, 3rd Palm Plan, Rubber Plan, Cocoa Plan). Energy. Electricity Code. Draft Master Plan Electricity Production and Transportation 2014-2030. Renewable Energy Action Plan (RENAP), Energy Efficiency Action Plan (PANEE). Sustainable Energy Action Agenda for All (SE4ALL). Forestry. New Forest Code 2014. UN-REDD+ (R-PP). Industry. Industrial policy. Adaptation. Framework for action. National Development Plan 2011-2015 and 2016-2020 (NDP). National Agricultural Investment Programme 2010-2015 (NISA). National Development Strategy for Food crops other than rice 2013-2020 (SNDCV). Revised", + "ABBOTT, P. (2013), Coastal Environment Management Strategy in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire and National Action Plan 2016-2020 (SGECCI) of 2015. In: Reconstructing the Food Potential of West Africa, A. Elbehri (ed.), FAO/FIDA. AHOSSANE K., JALLOH A., NELSON G., THOMAS T.S. (2012): West African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis \u2013 C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire. AGBRI L.", + "AHOSSANE K., JALLOH A., NELSON G., THOMAS T.S. (2012): West African Agriculture and Climate Change: A Comprehensive Analysis \u2013 C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire. AGBRI L. (2014): Climate-smart agriculture in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire: state of play and support needs to better integrate climate-smart agriculture (AIC) into the PNIA. YAO N\u2019GUETTIA R. (2013): Study of the vulnerability of the agricultural sector to climate change in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire www.rti.ci/infos_Politique.html of 22 05 2013). Actions. Centre du commerce international (2011): Cotton and climate change, impacts and mitigation and adaptation options. FIDA (2014): Support project for agricultural production and marketing \u2013 western extension (PROPACOM-Ouest). Final design report.", + "SALVA-TERRA (2013): Cost-benefit study of REDD+ in C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire and mobilisation of stakeholders in the major agricultural and forestry sectors. Adaptation strategy at the CC for the C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire coastline, 2012. These actions are formulated at a high level of aggregation in line with the spirit of the INDC, which should not consist of a catalogue of programmes and projects. Subsequent work will be necessary to translate these guidelines into operational programmes.\u21a9. Depending on the outcome of the negotiations on the elaboration of a new international climate agreement.\u21a9. C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire is currently conducting a study on the potential of bioenergy.\u21a9" + ] + } + }, + { + "country_code": "CMR", + "type_of_document": "INDC", + "language": "fr", + "para_translated": { + "small": [ + "REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON. INTENDED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (INDC). 1. National context. Key data. Area (km2). 475 440. Climate. Very variable according to the 5 agro-ecological zones, see footnote 2. Population (2013). 22 253 000. GNP (US$ millions 2014). 32.5. GNP / ha (US$ 2013) (US$ PPP 2013).", + "footnote 2. Population (2013). 22,253,000. GNP (US$ billions 2014). 32.5. GNP/ha (US$ billions 2013) (US$ PPP 2013). 1,308 (2,400). Share of agriculture in GDP and total employment (2014). 20% and 60%. Primary energy consumption (Mtoep 2012). 6.98. Primary energy consumption/ha (Mtoep 2012). 0.32.", + "Share of agriculture in GDP and total employment (2014). 20% and 60%. Primary energy consumption (MTEp 2012). 6.98. Primary energy consumption/ha (TEp 2012). 0.32. Share of fossil energy in primary consumption (2012). 28%. Share of fossil energy in electricity mix (2014). 46%. Connected installed electrical capacity (2013). 1 400 MW. Electrification rate. 51%.", + "Share of fossil energy in the electricity mix (2014). 46%. Connected installed electricity capacity (2013). 1 400 MW. Electrification rate. 51%. Sources: National sources; World Bank; EU delegation from various sources. Cameroon\u2019s CPDN is anchored in the country\u2019s vision for its 2035 future: to become an emerging country.", + "Cameroon\u2019s CPDN is rooted in the country\u2019s vision of becoming an emerging country by 2035, which is accompanied by a set of intermediate objectives: (i) reducing poverty; (ii) achieving the stage of middle-income countries; (iii) achieving the stage of New Industrialised Countries; and (iv) consolidating the democratic process and national unity while respecting the diversity that characterises the country.", + "This overall objective is accompanied by a set of intermediate objectives: (i) poverty reduction; (ii) reaching the stage of middle-income countries; (iii) reaching the stage of New Industrialised Countries; and (iv) consolidating the democratic process and national unity while respecting the diversity that characterises the country.", + "In economic terms, this will include sustained growth, an agricultural revolution based on increased productivity, and a doubling of the share of the secondary sector in the GDP structure (from 19 to 38%). Cameroon is a low emitter of GHGs (2nd National Communication). This ambitious development strategy will result in a sharp increase in emissions.", + "Cameroon is a low emitter of GHGs (2nd National Communication). This ambitious development strategy will result in a significant increase in emissions. Through this NDCP, Cameroon intends to reduce its development carbon footprint without slowing down its growth, by focusing on mitigation options with high co-benefits (Section 2: Mitigation); strengthening the country\u2019s resilience to climate change (Section 3: Adaptation); aligning its sectoral policies and strengthening its implementation framework and tools to facilitate the achievement of these objectives (Section 4); and mobilising all relevant means to this end: financing, technology transfer and capacity-building (Section 5).", + "2. Mitigation. Cameroon\u2019s Contribution. Type of Contribution. An emission reduction target with mitigation and adaptation actions. Long-term national GHG emission target.", + "A reduction target with mitigation and adaptation actions. Long-term national GHG emission target. Reduction of GHG emissions by 32% from a baseline scenario for the target year (2035), conditional on support from the international community in the form of financing, capacity building and technology transfer.", + "Reduction of GHG emissions by 32% compared to a baseline scenario for the target year (2035), and conditional on support from the international community in the form of financing, capacity building and technology transfer. Target year. 2035. Baseline year. 2010. Key sectoral objectives.", + "Target year. 2035. Reference year. 2010. Key sectoral objectives. Scenario NDS: (i) greening (intensification, sedentisation) of agricultural policy; (ii) sustainable forest management; (iii) increasing energy supply and improving energy efficiency; (iv) 25% renewable energy in the electricity mix by 2035.", + "Scenario CPDN: (i) greening (intensifying, sedentising) agricultural policy; (ii) sustainable forest management; (iii) increasing energy supply and improving energy efficiency; (iv) 25% renewable energy in the electricity grid by 2035. Contribution ambition. Cameroon\u2019s emission reduction target represents a significant effort for a country with internationally insignificant emissions and a per capita GDP of 148th in the world (2013, based on PPP).", + "Cameroon\u2019s emission reduction target represents a significant effort for a country with internationally insignificant emissions and a per capita GDP of 148th in the world (2013, based on PPP).", + "Equity of the Contribution. The 32% reduction in 2035 is of the same order or higher than that proposed by comparable countries or the subregion. This level of commitment takes into account the efforts made or underway to reduce emissions / increase carbon sinks (reforestation, sustainable forest management).", + "This level of commitment takes into account efforts made or underway to reduce emissions / increase carbon sinks (reforestation, sustainable forest management).", + "Baseline and Sustainable Carbon Development (SCD) Scenarios The following graphs present (i) a baseline scenario in which no new public interventions mitigate Cameroon\u2019s development-related emissions and (ii) a SCD scenario (with the same GDP and level of development) showing the impact of major sectoral mitigation actions.", + "The following graphs present (i) a baseline scenario in which no new public intervention will mitigate Cameroon\u2019s development-related emissions and (ii) a CDM scenario of low-carbon development (with the same GDP and level of development) showing the impact of major sectoral mitigation actions.", + "In the baseline scenario, GHG emissions reach 104 MtCO2-eq. in 2035, an increase of 166% from 2010. In the scenario, the increase in emissions is contained at 71 MtCO2-eq.", + "In the CPDN scenario, the increase in emissions is contained at 71 MtCO2-eq. in 2035, an increase of 82% from 2010 (39 MtCO2-eq.). In other words, the increase in emissions from the base year is halved (32 vs. 65 MtCO2-eq.). Assumptions and Methodological Approaches.", + "In other words, the increase in emissions from the base year is halved (32 vs. 65 MtCO2-eq.). Assumptions and methodological approaches. Type of target. Percentage reduction from target year emissions in a baseline scenario. Coverage (domestic). Nationwide. Gases covered. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O). Sectors/sources covered.", + "Percentage reduction from target year emissions in a baseline scenario. Coverage (country). All country. Gases covered. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O). Sectors/sources covered. Agriculture, Energy, Forestry, Waste \u2013 (excluding LULUCF for the reduction target). Baseline scenario.", + "Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O). Sectors/sources covered. Agriculture, Energy, Forestry, Waste \u2013 (excluding LULUCF for the reduction target). Baseline scenario. This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions by industry sector by 2035 based on current development strategies.", + "This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions by industry by 2035 based on current development strategies. Mitigation Scenario NDCC. This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions by 2035 based on low-carbon trends in key industry sectors, including energy and agriculture. Sources for Scenarios.", + "This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions by 2035 on the basis of low-carbon orientations in key sectors, including energy and agriculture. Sources for scenarios. Data IEA, World Bank, Enerdata, EDGAR, FAO, UNEP; Development Strategies (Cameroon Vision 2035, DSCE), Sectoral Strategies (ESDP, AIP, etc.). Global Warming Potential (GWP).", + "Data IEA, World Bank, Enerdata, EDGAR, FAO, UNEP; Development Strategies (Cameroon Vision 2035, DSCE), Sectoral Strategies (ESDP, AIP, etc.). Global Warming Potential (GWP). GWP values used are those determined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, AR4). Base year emissions.", + "The GWP values used are those determined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, AR4). Base year emissions. The base year inventory is constructed on the basis of AIE, FAO and EDGAR data. Data to be reviewed at the next inventory. Base case emission projection methodology.", + "The base year inventory is constructed on the basis of AIE, FAO and EDGAR data. Data to be reviewed in the next inventory. Base case emission projection methodology. The base case is constructed by applying emission assumptions to the different sectors depending on sectoral growth rates, population trends, energy mix and trends in sector efficiency.", + "The baseline scenario is constructed by applying emission assumptions to the different sectors depending on sectoral growth rates, population, energy mix and trends in sector efficiency.", + "Projection Methodology for the Base Case Scenario The Base Case Scenario is constructed by applying to the base case sectoral emissions an estimate of the reductions resulting from the implementation of the Sectoral Actions \u2013 Agriculture, Forestry, Waste, Energy (e.g. 25% Electricity Package: 11% Micro-hydro; 7% Biomass; 6% Solar PV; 1% Wind).", + "The NDS scenario is constructed by applying to the base case sectoral emissions an estimate of the reductions resulting from the implementation of the Sectoral Actions \u2013 Agriculture, Forestry, Waste, Energy (e.g. 25% EnR: 11% micro-hydro; 7% biomass; 6% solar PV; 1% wind). Land-use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) approach.", + "Electricity mix 25% EnR: 11% micro-hydro; 7% biomass; 6% solar PV; 1% wind). Land-use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) approach. Emissions from this important sector in Cameroon will need to be analysed more precisely by 2020 in order to be included in the overall target.", + "Emissions from this important sector in Cameroon will need to be analysed more precisely by 2020 in order to be able to be integrated into the overall objective. This can be achieved, in particular, through a better knowledge of areas by type of soil. Mitigation actions. Cameroon intends to implement the following mitigation actions, in line with its development guidelines.", + "This can be achieved, in particular, through a better knowledge of areas by type of soil. Mitigation actions. Cameroon intends to implement the following Mitigation Actions, in line with its development guidelines. Agriculture / Fisheries / Elevation / Forestry.", + "Cameroon intends to implement the following mitigation actions, in line with its development guidelines. Agriculture / Fisheries / Elevation / Forestry. Major issues in the agriculture/livestock/fisheries sector: (i) Search for self-sufficiency, food security, development of agro-industry and (ii) Improvement of productivity and competitiveness.", + "Major issues in the agriculture/livestock/fisheries sector: (i) Search for self-sufficiency, food security, development of agro-industry and (ii) Improvement of productivity and competitiveness Major issues in the forestry sector: (i) Sustainable management of forests through the exploitation and enhancement of productive forests through management plans, (ii) Contribution to economic growth and poverty reduction through the transfer of part of tax revenues to communities, job creation, creation of community forests in the DFP and community forests in the DFnP (iii) Conservation of biodiversity through the strengthening of the national network of protected areas, (iv) Coherence of the land system through zoning plans.", + "CLE MESSAGE: \"Agriculture has been and remains the pillar of the country\u2019s emergence ambition, but it is possible and even necessary to limit its carbon impact. Sustainable forest management will increase the carbon sink. This low-carbon growth will bring important co-benefits (economic and social development, job creation, improvement of the environment and health, etc.).\" Guidance. Actions.", + "This low-carbon growth will bring important co-benefits (economic and social development, job creation, improvement of the environment and health, etc.).\" Guidance. Actions. Cost-benefit analysis. 1) Coherence of rural planning and management to develop agriculture while limiting deforestation/degradation.", + "1) Coherence of planning and management of rural areas to develop agriculture while limiting deforestation/degradation - Ensure coherence between agricultural development plans and strategies to limit deforestation or degradation (REDD+) through the National Planning and Sustainable Development Scheme (planned for 2017) in consultation with each of the sectors and territories; - Create favourable conditions for the development of the sector by improving governance, involving all relevant actors and building on decentralisation, in order to ensure effective and efficient planning, programming, budgeting, mobilisation of funding, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of rural sector development; - Strengthen sustainable management and enhancement of forests and biodiversity, in particular through spatial land monitoring; - Promote rehabilitation of degraded land and reforestation of anthropogenic savanna, and strengthen carbon sinks", + "- Develop basic infrastructure to improve the logistics of transport of agricultural, livestock and fisheries products.", + "Impacts on greenhouse gas emissions: The assessment of the impact of these agricultural or forestry strategies would require the collection of reliable and measurable data.", + "However, a simplified exercise could be carried out to assess trends: - The baseline scenario, based on the assumption of growth in the agricultural sector, results in a 3-fold increase in the sector's greenhouse gas emissions in 2035 compared to the baseline year.", + "- The low-carbon scenario would lead to a 33% reduction in emissions in 2035 compared to the baseline scenario.Co-benefits of agricultural development and the strategy to limit deforestation:- development of infrastructure and provision of equipment to improve the quality of life, particularly in rural areas;- improvement of agricultural productivity and growth to improve competitiveness, wealth creation and poverty reduction;- stimulation of the creation of light agricultural industries in rural areas: positive effects on the social economy: job creation in rural areas (creation of tens of thousands of formal jobs per year over the next ten years);- conservation of biodiversity to maintain pools of genes, species and ecosystems while contributing to job creation- development of human capital (management, training and organisation of producers, breeders, aquaculturists and foresters)- empowerment of women and protection of vulnerable population", + "vulnerable populations and minorities- reduction of mobile agriculture;- improvement of the food and nutrition situation;- development of recreational uses of the forest;- better resilience to climate change.", + "Costs The overall cost of implementing the AIP has been estimated at CFAF 15 billion (US$ 25 billion) over the period 2014-2020, while the overall cost of implementing the 2020 Forest and Wildlife Strategy for the period 2013-2017 is estimated at US$ 388 million.", + "The overall cost of implementing the 2020 forest and wildlife strategy for the period 2013-2017 is estimated at US$388 million. 2) Increase environmentally friendly agricultural, livestock and fisheries production to limit deforestation/degradation.", + "2) Intensifying environmentally friendly agricultural, animal and fisheries production to limit deforestation/degradation - Decoupling agricultural production from deforestation/degradation through the intensification of environmentally sustainable farming practices and agroforestry (particularly through land security); - Encouraging the use of improved high yield and environmentally resistant seeds (excluding GMOs and hybrids); - Developing high yield, short-cycle and rapidly rotating species; - Strengthening partnerships and collaborations to improve soil productivity, implementing agricultural innovations; developing rational, conservative or sustainable agriculture; - Developing efficient mechanisation of agriculture and improving processing and packaging infrastructures in order to extend the value chain: - Sustainably using and valuing natural resources through the balanced promotion of all sectors, taking into account environmental conserva", + "3) Promotion of practices to improve agricultural production capacities and enhance environmental resources.", + "- Promote the integration of agriculture and livestock, agroforestry and conservation agriculture, in particular at the level of community and private plantations; - Improve agricultural productivity by optimising land and water resources, improving the living conditions of rural producers and their access to markets, improving access to appropriate materials, equipment and financing; - Restore organic soils and promote research on natural resource management (including soil science and pathological physiology and post-harvest technology); - Adapt crop schedules and production techniques - Limit methane emissions from rice farming by minimising submersion.", + "4) Energy recovery in rural areas and waste.", + "- Reduce the unsustainable consumption of firewood, for example through sustainable wood-energy management; improved homes, and the promotion of methanisation and/or butanisation in rural areas; - Develop energy production based on agricultural waste, in particular through the upgrading of cocoa beans, almond apples, sugarcane bagasse, molasses, cassava effluents, rice straw for the production of briquettes; etc. - Develop the production of animal and fish food supplements and other products (e.g. silage); - Develop the use of improved manure by composting.", + "Energy / Waste Major energy issues: (i) Improving access to electricity for people and industries by quadrupling generation capacity to 6GW by 2035; (ii) Increasing the use of renewable energies in electricity generation, especially in areas that are difficult to connect to the electricity grid; and (iii) Making energy efficiency a national priority.", + "Major energy issues: (i) Improving access to electricity for people and industries by quadrupling generation capacity to 6GW by 2035; (ii) Increasing the use of renewable energies in electricity generation, especially in areas that are difficult to connect to the electricity grid; and (iii) Making energy efficiency a national priority.", + "Major waste issues: improving urban sanitation, in particular by making waste a resource for energy production. CLE MESSAGE: \"To increase the share of non-hydro renewable energies in the electricity mix to 25% by 2035\". Guidance. Actions. Cost-benefit analysis. 5) Controlling the energy consumption of systems through a proactive energy efficiency policy.", + "CLE MESSAGE: \"To increase the share of non-hydro renewable energies in the electricity mix to 25% by 2035\". Guidance. Actions. Cost-benefit analysis. 5) Controlling the energy consumption of systems through a proactive energy efficiency policy. Cross-cutting:- Establishing energy efficiency (EE) regulations based in particular on the document \"National Policy, Strategy and Action Plan for Energy Efficiency in the Electricity Sector in Cameroon\" (2014) with an energy savings target of 2 250GWh corresponding to 450MW of installed capacity by 2025;- Establishing and operationalizing the Agency for the Promotion and Rationalization of Energy Use (APRUE)- Developing economic incentives to promote and remove barriers to investment in EE; - Interconnecting Cameroon\u2019s 3 networks (North, South and East) to optim", + "Regional Energy, through interconnection with other countries in the subregion, notably the Central African Energy Pool (CAEP) and West Africa via Nigeria (WAPP).", + "Industry: - Encourage and then make mandatory regular energy audits in large energy-intensive industries; - Raise awareness and encourage energy audits in SMEs; - Optimise processes through more efficient technologies as well as through leaching and disposal; - Assess the potential for substitution or optimisation (e.g. cogeneration or recovery); - Limit losses (switching, networks, waste) through enforcement of regulations, as well as through standards, pricing and incentives.", + "Buildings: - Revise the building code to improve energy performance through thermal standards for construction and renovation, and a certification process; - Train and organise the entire value chain for low-consumption construction/renovation; - Regulate and impose labelling of electrical appliances.", + "Transport: limiting constrained mobility and developing low-carbon transport offers- Promoting an integrated approach to the sector and the development of low-carbon transport through a National Transport Infrastructure Scheme;- Integrating an energy/climate dimension in territorial planning documents in order to try to limit distances, work on functional mix and propose efficient public transport policies- Accompanying the state and local authorities in the development of low-carbon intra- and intercity public transport development plans (ex Yaound\u00e9 and Douala tramway);- Promoting the purchase of low-polluting vehicles and the scrapping of the most polluting ones through standards, incentives or obligations.", + "Impacts on greenhouse gas emissions:The assessment of this impact would require a detailed assessment.", + "A simplified exercise could, however, be carried out to assess trends:- The baseline scenario, based on the assumptions of growth in the energy-consuming sectors and evolution of the energy mix by 2035, would result in almost a threefold increase in energy greenhouse gas emissions compared to the baseline year, as well as a doubling of emissions from the waste sector.- The low-carbon scenario, based on an improvement in the energy efficiency of the system and evolution of the energy mix, would result in a 26% reduction in emissions compared to the baseline scenario.", + "Co-benefits of the energy-waste strategy.", + "- improving the productivity of enterprises- stimulating the emergence of energy project promoters (EE and EnR), or \u2018eco-entrepreneurship\u2019- boosting the local economy: creating skilled jobs for all profiles- strengthening Cameroon\u2019s human capital (supervision, training and organisation of career paths).- reducing congestion and local pollution (especially short-lived pollutants)- better resilience to climate change (diversification of the electricity grid).", + "Costs The total investment required to implement the ESDP by 2035 has been estimated at 8,270 md CFAF (median scenario).", + "A simplified assessment of the cost of implementing the electricity package proposed in the low-carbon scenario has not shown a significant additional financial cost (based on LCOE) but will need to be clarified in a future study. 6) Efficient use of resources to move towards a circular economy.", + "6) Efficient valorisation of resources to move towards a circular economy. - Strengthen waste management policies (by 2035, all major cities should have landfills with at least 70% methane capture);- Promote the development of a circular economy;Recover / use agricultural and forestry waste; composting;Valorisation / treatment of other waste (sewage treatment plant, sewage sludge, etc.).", + "- Strengthen waste management policies (by 2035, all major cities should have landfills with at least 70% methane capture);- Promote the development of a circular economy;Recover/use agricultural and forestry waste;compost;Valorise/treat other waste (sewage treatment plant, sewage sludge, etc.). 7) Develop energy production from renewable sources.", + "7) Development of energy production from renewable sources - Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the potential of renewable energies (Invest\u2019\u20aclec\u2019s partial study identified 262 small hydro and 25 biomass-energy sites for a total cumulative capacity of 284MW.", + "35 pilot projects (23 hydro, 9 biomass and 3 solar PV) have been identified; Adopt a renewable energy development plan to increase the share of R&D in the electricity package to 25% by 2035; Establish an incentive framework for R&D (call for tenders, buy-back tariffs, etc.) and remove barriers to investment (strengthening of the institutional framework, etc.); A draft law is under consideration; Accelerate the implementation of the rural electrification master plan developed by the EEA; Create other financial facilitations for rural lighting such as the Rural Electricity Fund (REF); Promote the development of \"mini-smart-grids\" in rural areas; Create a Renewable Energy Promotion Agency; Improve collaboration between the existing bodies (FEICOM, PNDP, and the EEA) for the development of community R&D projects.", + "The diagram below presents the assumptions for the evolution of the electricity mix in the different scenarios:. The diagram below shows the relative share of the different sectors in achieving the overall objective proposed:. 3. Adaptation.", + "In June 2015, Cameroon validated a National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NCCAP), which includes, inter alia, an assessment of climate change in each of the five agro-ecological zones1, an assessment of sectoral and geographical sensitivity, vulnerability and resilience, an intervention strategy 2016-2025, an assessment of losses, risks and gaps, a five-year action plan 2016-2020 broken down into 20 detailed project cards.", + "The vision of the NACC is that by 2035, \"climate change in Cameroon\u2019s five agro-ecological zones will be fully integrated into the country\u2019s sustainable development, thereby reducing its vulnerability, and even transforming the climate change problem into a solution/opportunity for development.", + "In this way, Cameroonians \u2013 especially women, children and vulnerable people \u2013 and the country\u2019s economic sectors gain greater resilience and adaptability to the negative impacts of climate change.\"", + "To achieve this outcome, NACHA has presented a four-pronged strategic agenda:Strategic Axis 1: Improving Knowledge on Climate Change.", + "Recommendations: Support research; Improve climate scenarios; Make climate information available; Establish an observation, information and warning system; Establish a database for monitoring indicators and the MRV Strategic axis 2: Inform, educate and mobilize the Cameroonian population to adapt to climate change.", + "Strategic axis 2: Inform, educate and mobilize the Cameroonian population to adapt to climate change Recommendations: Communities and vulnerable groups are the priority targets; Support advocacy actions; Conduct community mobilizations; Promote IEC actions; Use local and traditional media; Share adaptation experiences.", + "Recommendations: Vulnerable communities and groups are priority targets; Support advocacy; Conduct community mobilization; Promote IEC actions; Use community and traditional media; Share adaptation experiences Strategic axis 3: Reduce vulnerability to climate change in key sectors and agro-ecological areas of the country.", + "Strategic axis 3: Reduce vulnerability to climate change in key sectors and agro-ecological zones of the country. Recommendations: Assess costs; Fund studies and concrete measures; Develop financial incentive mechanisms. Strategic axis 4: Integrate adaptation to climate change into national sectoral strategies and policies.", + "Recommendations: Assess costs; Fund studies and concrete measures; Develop financial incentive mechanisms. Strategic axis 4: Integrate climate change adaptation into national sectoral strategies and policies. Recommendations: Take adaptation into account in national and local planning and budgeting; Integrate CCC into the Territory\u2019s development framework; Conduct specific studies to better identify risks; Participate in international exchanges.", + "Recommendations: Take adaptation into account in national and local planning and budgeting; Integrate the CC into the Territory\u2019s development plan; Conduct specific studies to better identify risks; Participate in international trade Twelve economic sectors were taken into account in each of the 5 EEZs to assess their vulnerability to the above parameters :- eight thematic sectors: Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Forestry, Forestry and Wildlife, Water, Sanitation and Health, Energy, Mines and Industries, Urban Development and Public Works, Tourism.", + "Twelve economic sectors were taken into account in each of the 5 EEZs to assess their vulnerability to the above parameters :- eight thematic sectors: agriculture, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, forestry and wildlife, water, sanitation and health, energy, mining and industry, urban development and public works, tourism; - four cross-cutting sectors, in accordance with the DSCE: education, research and vocational training, crafts and social economy, telecommunications, gender, vulnerable population, social protection and national solidarity.", + "- four cross-cutting sectors, in accordance with the DSCE: Education, Research and Vocational Training, Crafts and Social Economy, Telecommunications, Gender, Vulnerable Population, Social Protection and National Solidarity.", + "Analysis of impacts and vulnerability by EEZ and by sector shows that :- The most vulnerable areas are: Sudanese Sahelian EEZ and coastal EEZ with monomodal rainfall; - The most vulnerable sectors are (i) agriculture, and (ii) water, sanitation and health;.", + "- The most vulnerable sectors are (i) agriculture, and (ii) water, sanitation and health; - Approximately 320 000 people are exposed to climate disasters annually.", + "- Approximately 320 000 people are exposed to climatic disasters annually; overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to moderate in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forest or mountain ranges.", + "The overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to moderate in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forest or mountain ranges Despite the high variability by EEZ, it can be estimated that for the sectors :- Agriculture: The overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 1, 2 and 4, high to moderate in the rest of the country (droughts, rising temperatures);.", + "Despite the high variability by EEZ, it can be estimated that for the sectors :- Agriculture: Vulnerability will be overall high to very high in zones 1, 2 and 4, high to medium in the rest of the country (droughts, rising temperatures); - Livestock: Vulnerability will be overall high to very high in zones 1, 2 and 3, high to medium in the rest of the country (droughts, rising temperatures);", + "- Livestock: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 1, 2 and 3, high to moderate in the rest of the country (droughts, rising temperatures); - Fisheries and aquaculture: overall vulnerability will be high to moderate throughout the country, especially in zones 5, 1 and 4, high to moderate in the rest of the country (droughts, rising temperatures);", + "- Fisheries and aquaculture: overall vulnerability will be high to moderate throughout the country, especially in zones 5, 1 and 4, high to moderate in the rest of the country (droughts, rising temperatures); - Forestry, forestry and wildlife: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to moderate in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forested areas (droughts, extreme events);", + "- Forestry, forestry and wildlife: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to moderate in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forested areas (droughts, extreme events); - Water, sanitation and health: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to moderate in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forested areas (drought, floods and land movement);", + "- Water, sanitation and health: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to medium in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forested areas (drought, flooding and land movement); - Energy, mining and industries: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 5 and 2, high to medium in the rest of the country (precipitation, drought, sea level rise);", + "- Energy, mining and industry: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 5 and 2, high to medium in the rest of the country (precipitation, drought, sea level rise); - Urban development and public works: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 5 and 4, high to medium in the rest of the country (floods, sea level rise);", + "- Urban development and public works: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 5 and 4, high to moderate in the rest of the country (floods, sea level rise); - Tourism: overall vulnerability will be moderate to low in the country, except in the mountain ranges and zone 1 (drought).", + "- Tourism: overall vulnerability will be moderate to low in the country, except in the mountain ranges and zone 1 (drought). The intervention strategy 2016-2025 (unquantified) results in a preliminary five-year action plan 2016-2020, broken down into 20 programme sheets grouped below by general themes.", + "The intervention strategy 2016-2025 (unquantified) leads to a preliminary five-year action plan 2016-2020, broken down into 20 programme fiches grouped below by general themes: fiches 1 to 5 concern cross-cutting projects, fiches 6 to 20 sectoral projects.", + "In general, the Master of Works will be MINEPAT, assisted by one or more technical structures (Ministry or Interdepartmental Coordination Committee) acting as delegated Master of Works or Master of Works.", + "In general, the Project Manager will be MINEPAT, assisted by one or more technical structures (Ministry or Inter-Ministerial Coordination Committee) acting as Delegated Project Manager or Project Manager. The amounts indicated, $1.8 billion over 5 years, are indicative, based on (1) the $16 per year and per capita amount proposed by the World Bank for Sub-Saharan Africa2 and (2) the hierarchy of sectoral priorities of the Government of Cameroon.", + "The amounts indicated, $1.8 billion over 5 years, are indicative, based on (1) the World Bank\u2019s proposal for $16 per capita per year for sub-Saharan Africa2 and (2) the Cameroonian Government\u2019s hierarchy of sectoral priorities. Further studies will allow a breakdown of these budgets into projects entrusted to the various partners:", + "Additional studies will allow a breakdown of these budgets into projects entrusted to the various partners:. General Themes / Programs. $ million. %. Delegated Works Manager / Works Manager. Agriculture, Elevation, Fisheries.", + "General themes / Programs. $ million. %. Delegated works manager / Worker. Agriculture, Elevation, Fisheries. Program 16: Development of integrated and resilient agriculture to the effects of climate change: spatial planning, choice of agronomic techniques and intensification; Management of water needs; Development of sustainable/conservative/sustainable agriculture; Management of water pollution; Waste management and exploitation.", + "Programme 16: Development of integrated and resilient agriculture in the face of the effects of climate change: spatial planning, choice of agronomic techniques and intensification; Water needs management; development of sustainable/conservative/sustainable agriculture; water pollution management; waste management and exploitation. 385. 21%. Coordination Committee (MINADER, relevant sectoral ministries and headquarters structures).", + "385. 21%. Coordination Committee (MINADER, relevant sectoral ministries and umbrella structures). Programme 17: Reducing the vulnerability of livestock farming to the effects of climate change (REVEECC): management of pastures, water points; spatial management, land mapping; improvement of mobile agriculture; forage production. MINEPDED and MINEPIA.", + "Programme 17: Reducing the vulnerability of livestock to the effects of climate change (REVEECC): management of pastures, water points; spatial management, land mapping; improvement of mobile agriculture; forage production. MINEPDED and MINEPIA. Programme 18: Reducing the effects of climate change on the fisheries sector: adaptation of fisheries, aquaculture, fish farming. MINEPIA.", + "Programme 18: Reducing the effects of climate change on the fisheries sector: Adaptation of fisheries, aquaculture and fish farming. MINEPIA. Spatial planning/risk management. Programme 01: Upgrading national systems for hydro-meteorological data collection, analysis, forecasting, information, early warning and capacity building. 600. 33%. MINTRANSPORT, MINATD, MINEPDED.", + "Programme 01: Upgrading national systems for hydro-meteorological data collection, analysis, forecasting, information, early warning and capacity-building. 600. 33%. MINTRANSPORT, MINATD, MINEPDED. Programme 02: Updating national, regional and departmental contingency plans, increasing and operationalizing the emergency fund. MINADT, MINEPDED, MINFI.", + "Programme 02: Update of national, regional and departmental contingency plans, increase and operationalization of the emergency fund. MINADT, MINEPDED, MINFI. Programme 03: Development of the Climate Risk and Land Use Plan: Land Mapping; National, Provincial, Departmental and Community Master Plans; Monitoring System. MINCAF.", + "Programme 03: Development of the Climate Risk and Land Use Plan programmes: Land Mapping; National, Provincial, Departmental and Community Master Plans; Monitoring System. MINCAF. Programme 05: Coastal Protection and Management against the Effects of Climate Change; mangrove Restoration and Management; Resource Use; Infrastructure Adaptation. MINEPDED, MINDEF, MINEPIA and MINDCAF.", + "Programme 05: Coastal protection and management against the effects of climate change; mangrove restoration and management; resource use; infrastructure adaptation. MINEPDED, MINDEF, MINEPIA and MINDCAF. Programme 07: Adaptation of technical reference frameworks for infrastructure construction to the effects of climate change. MINTP, MINEPAT, MINMAP and ONACC.", + "Programme 07: Adaptation of technical reference frameworks for infrastructure construction to the effects of climate change. MINTP, MINEPAT, MINMAP and ONACC. Programme 08: Reducing the vulnerability of urban populations to the effects of climate change. MINHDU. Programme 09: Improving local land governance in response to climate change. MINDCAF, MINATD. Energy, Industry.", + "Programme 08: Reducing the vulnerability of urban populations to the effects of climate change. MINHDU. Programme 09: Improving local land governance in response to climate change. MINDCAF, MINATD. Energy, Industry. Programme 11: Climate change and integrated management of household waste, collection and recovery. 310. 17%. MINEPDED.", + "MINDCAF, MINATD. Energy, Industry. Programme 11: Climate change and integrated management of household waste, collection and recovery. 310. 17%. MINEPDED. Programme 12: Diversification of energy supply in the context of climate change. MINEE.", + "Programme 11: Climate change and integrated management of household waste, collection and recovery. 310. 17%. MINEPDED. Programme 12: Diversification of energy supply in the context of climate change. MINEE. Programme 15: Taking climate change into account in the development of tourism and craft activities: Use of resources by crafts (water, RN, etc.); Development and adaptation of tourist sites.", + "Programme 15: Climate change in the development of tourism and handicrafts: Use of resources by handicrafts (water, RN, etc.); Development and adaptation of tourist sites MINPMEESA and MINTOUL.", + "MINPMEESA and MINTOUL. Programme 20: Taking climate change into account in the development of industries in Cameroon: spatial management, protection of areas at risk of climate change; energy supplies, water, services; waste and pollution, GHG emissions. MINEPDED, MINIMIDT. Forests.", + "MINEPDED, MINIMIDT. Forests. Programme 19: Reducing the vulnerability of forests to climate change in Cameroon: inventories, management and conservation of forest blocks, restoration of forest cover, especially in sensitive areas (source heads, banks, etc.); village agroforestry; recovery of plant waste; development of in situ processing; conservation of biodiversity; management of trafficking and poaching; management of bushfires.", + "150. 8%. MINFOF and MINEPDED. Water management / Health / Social. Programme 10: Adaptation of national gender policy and reduction of their vulnerability to climate change. 300. 16.5%. MINAS and MINPROF.", + "Programme 10: Adaptation of national gender policy and reduction of their vulnerability to climate change. 300. 16.5%. MINAS and MINPROF. Programme 13: Strengthening and securing access to water resources and sanitation services in the context of climate change; securing environmental services; management of surface water and groundwater, protection of spring heads; establishment of banks and soils; role of women; plans for the use of surface or deep water; pollution control (agricultural, industrial, sanitary, etc.); prevention of extreme events (floods); conservation of aquatic biodiversity. MINEE.", + "Program 14: Strengthening the capacity of the national health system to adapt to climate change; Health Map; Emerging Diseases; Alert Systems. LOW. Capacity-building / Communication. Program 04: Awareness-raising of the population, professionals, administrations and decision makers on the effects of climate change and on the measures to be taken. 70. 4%. MINEPDED.", + "Programme 04: Awareness-raising of the population, professionals, administrations and decision makers on the effects of climate change and on the measures to be taken. 70.4%. MINEPDED. Programme 06: Education, vocational training and capacity-building on climate change: curricula and teaching tools, specialized training; continuing education; scholarships; support for research.", + "Program 06: Education, vocational training and capacity building on climate change: curricula and teaching tools, specialized training; continuing education; scholarships; research support. MINESUP, MINESEC, MINEDUB, MINRESI, MINEPDED, MINEFOP. Totals (2016-2020). 1815. 100%. 4. Planning, implementation and monitoring of the NDFP.", + "MINESUP, MINESEC, MINEDUB, MINRESI, MINEPDED, MINEFOP. Totals (2016-2020). 1815. 100%. 4. Planning, implementation and monitoring of the NDFP. Cameroon will take the following measures to implement, monitor and update the NDFP as necessary. Description. Objective. Institutional framework. Integrate climate change into national planning and sectoral policies.", + "Cameroon will take the following measures to implement, monitor and, where appropriate, update this NAP. Description. Objective. Institutional framework. Integrate climate change into national planning and sectoral policies. Coherence of sectoral plans and policies with mitigation and adaptation objectives and actions.", + "Integration of climate change into national planning and sectoral policies. Coherence of sectoral plans and policies with mitigation and adaptation objectives and actions. Operationalisation of the National Climate Change Observatory (ONACC) established in 2009. Ensuring effective implementation of a cross-cutting national policy.", + "Operationalize the National Climate Change Observatory (ONACC) established in 2009 Ensure effective implementation of a cross-cutting national policy The ONACC Steering Board is responsible, in particular, for the planning, coordination of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the NDCP; the ONACC is particularly responsible for monitoring and evaluation.", + "The ONACC Steering Board is in particular responsible for planning, coordinating implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the NDPC; the ONACC is in particular responsible for monitoring and evaluation. Assess the climate impact of any new legislation or policy/programme/public project (impact assessment). Integrate climate into public decision-making processes.", + "Assess the climate impact of any new legislation or policy/program/public project (impact assessment). Integrate climate into public decision-making processes. Operationalize the NDPC. Translate the NDPC into operational programs based on sectoral strategies. Operationalize the NDPC. - Improve emission data collection and reporting systems (monitoring). - Conduct an annual inventory.", + "Operationalize the NDPC. - Improve systems for the establishment and collection of emission data (monitoring). - Conduct an annual inventory. Obtain reliable GHG emission data.", + "- Improve the systems for establishing and collecting emission data (monitoring). - Conduct an annual inventory. Obtain reliable data on GHG emissions. Additional studies (to be carried out after submission by the NDPC): - refine the costs of the NDPC Actions and quantify their co-benefits - improve knowledge of land use and management in Cameroon - assess the potential of renewable energies - operationalize the NACC Program and options for financing them - assess the desirability of ecological taxation.", + "Additional studies (to be carried out after submission of the NDPC): - to refine the costs of the NDPC Actions and quantify their co-benefits - to improve knowledge of land use and management in Cameroon - to assess the potential of renewable energies - to operationalize the NAPCC and options for their financing - to evaluate the desirability of ecological taxation - to quantify and refine the description of the NDPC Mitigation and Adaptation Actions.", + "To quantify and refine the description of NDPC\u2019s Mitigation and Adaptation Actions. Monitoring and Evaluation (MRV).", + "Indicators: - annual aggregate and sectoral GHG emissions - carbon intensity of GDP and key sectors in 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035 - annual installed renewable energy capacity - adaptation and vulnerability indicators (to be specified) - monitoring of agricultural land use.", + "Indicators: - annual aggregate and sectoral GHG emissions - carbon intensity of GDP and key sectors in 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035 - annual installed renewable energy capacity - adaptation and vulnerability indicators (to be specified) - monitoring of agricultural land use.", + "Monitoring of the implementation of the NDCP. Coding of climate change-related expenditure (e.g. on the basis of \u2018Rio Markers\u2019 developed by OECD-DAC) in the state budget. Monitoring of climate revenues and expenditure in the national budget. Creation of a system for monitoring all climate-related expenditure and financing.", + "Monitoring of climate revenues and expenditure in the national budget. Establishment of a system to monitor all climate-related expenditure and financing. Monitoring of overall national climate-related resources and expenditure. Communication.", + "Establishment of a monitoring system for all climate-related expenditure and funding. Monitoring of overall national climate-related resources and expenditure. Communication. - Communication campaign towards civil society at the end of 2015 on NCP and COP 21 - Establishment of a dedicated website on national climate change policy / NCP, where the above indicators will be published.", + "- communication campaign towards civil society at the end of 2015 on NCP and COP21 - establishment of a dedicated website on national climate change policy / NCP, where the above indicators will be published. Updating of the NCP. Periodicity: revision in the light of the results of COP21, if necessary.", + "Periodicity: Review in the light of the results of COP21, if necessary. Every 5 years unless otherwise indicated by the COPs. 5. Means of implementation. Financing. Cameroon intends to mobilize the following sources to finance the mitigation and adaptation actions of this NCP:", + "Cameroon intends to mobilize the following sources of financing for the mitigation and adaptation actions of this CDM:. Private financing Cameroon intends to mobilize international or domestic private financing for the co-financing of the actions of this CDM, particularly those that may generate financial returns acceptable to the private sector.", + "Cameroon intends to mobilise international or domestic private financing for the co-financing of the Actions of this CPDN, particularly those that can generate financial returns acceptable to the private sector. To this end, Cameroon will endeavour to strengthen the capacity of the domestic financial markets and banking system to mobilise and deploy national savings, in particular on projects contributing to low-carbon development and resilient to climate change, as well as the attractiveness of Cameroon for FDI (investment climate).", + "To this end, Cameroon will work to strengthen the capacity of the domestic financial markets and banking system to mobilise and deploy national savings, in particular on projects contributing to low-carbon development and resilient to climate change, as well as Cameroon\u2019s attractiveness for FDI (investment climate).", + "National budget. Cameroon will increase its budgetary funding in favour of the Actions of this CPDN which fall within the competence of the State and which could not be financed by international assistance. This State effort may take the form of either direct budgetary expenditure or be channelled through specific funds financed, in particular, from the State budget.", + "This State effort may take the form of either direct budgetary expenditure or may be channelled through specific funds financed, in particular, from the State budget. Donors / TFPs. Cameroon will seek the support of donors and TFPs (including in the form of grants and technical assistance) for the financing of the Actions of this CPDN.", + "Cameroon will seek the support of donors and TFPs (including grants and technical assistance) for the financing of the Actions of this CPDN. Green Climate Fund. Cameroon is considering the possibility of establishing an eligible national entity (accredited) to the VCF and other international bodies.", + "Cameroon is considering the possibility of establishing an eligible national entity (accredited) to the VCF and other international bodies. Cameroon will also seek the support of accredited regional and multilateral entities to co-finance the Actions of this SCCF. Carbon markets.", + "Cameroon will also seek the support of accredited regional and multilateral entities to co-finance the Actions of this NDFP. Carbon Markets. Cameroon supports the inclusion of international carbon markets in a post-2020 climate agreement and proposes that such an instrument, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime, could be used to help finance certain investments in carbon-efficient and climate-resilient infrastructure.", + "Cameroon supports the inclusion of international carbon markets in a post-2020 climate agreement and proposes that such an instrument, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime, could be used to help finance certain investments in carbon-efficient and climate-resilient infrastructure. Cameroon considers that some of the Actions of this SCCF, or additional actions, could be financed in whole or in part by the international transfer of carbon assets while ensuring respect for the principles of environmental integrity and transparency.", + "Cameroon considers that some of the Actions of this SCCF, or additional actions, could be financed in whole or in part by the international transfer of carbon assets, ensuring respect for the principles of environmental integrity and transparency.", + "Other economic instruments. The opportunity to deploy tools to generate a price signal on the social cost of carbon (market or carbon tax) and thereby internalize carbon externality will be explored. First Five-Year Tranche. The NDPC is broken down into five-year tranches. A first five-year tranche of Actions to be funded will be presented in early 2016. Capacity Building. Mitigation.", + "The NDPC is divided into five-year tranches. A first five-year tranche of Actions to be funded will be presented in early 2016. Capacity building. Mitigation. At all levels: link between development, energy and climate change; monitoring/evaluation of activities. Decision makers: interest in integrating energy-climate thinking into all sectoral policies.", + "At all levels: link between development, energy and climate change; monitoring/evaluation of activities. Decision-makers: interests in integrating energy-climate considerations into all sectoral policies. Operators: implementation of low-carbon development, e.g.: farmers: agricultural practices enabling sustainable intensification of production; methods of management and valorisation of agricultural residues.", + "Operators: implementation of low-carbon development, e.g.: farmers: agricultural practices for sustainable intensification of production; management and recovery of agricultural residues; forestry: strengthening sustainable forest management, governance, low-impact exploitation, increasing processing rates, recovery of processing waste.", + "Forestry: Strengthening sustainable forest management, governance, low-impact exploitation, increasing processing rates, recovery of processing waste Energy: Sustainable management of wood energy, construction, dissemination and use of improved fireplaces and furnaces, establishment of plantations for wood-energy purposes.", + "Energy: Sustainable management of wood energy, construction, dissemination and use of improved homes and furnaces, establishment of plantations for wood-energy purposes. Entrepreneurs: The keys to success in developing a renewable energy project in rural areas; valorisation of products from sustainable agriculture. Adaptation. Informing, educating and communicating on climate risks.", + "Entrepreneurs: The keys to success in developing a renewable energy project in rural areas; valorisation of products from sustainable agriculture. Adaptation. Informing, educating and communicating on climate risks. - Raising awareness of the impacts of climate change. - Developing people\u2019s capacity to anticipate the impacts and increasing their resilience.", + "- Raise public awareness of the impacts of climate change. - Develop the capacity of populations to anticipate impacts and increase their resilience. Environmental Information Management System. - Coordinate the activities of the ONACC and the National Risk Observatory (NRO) for forecasting weather events and the impacts of climate change.", + "- Coordinate the activities of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (ONACC) and the National Risk Observatory (ONR) for the forecasting of weather events and impacts of climate change. - Establish a national network for observing and monitoring coastline dynamics to identify areas at risk of coastal erosion and review one or more indicators reflecting the climate/coastal erosion relationship.", + "- Establish a national network to observe and monitor coastline dynamics in order to identify areas at risk of coastal erosion and examine one or more indicators reflecting the climate/coastal erosion relationship Strengthen the resilience of productive practices.", + "Strengthening the resilience of productive practices. - Capacity-building of actors (especially young women and the elderly, indigenous peoples, farmers, etc.) focuses on new technical pathways within the framework of intensified and sustainable production modes. Technology transfer and R&D.", + "- Capacity-building of stakeholders (especially young women and the elderly, indigenous peoples, farmers, etc.) on new technological routes in the context of intensified and sustainable production modes. Technology transfer and R&D. - Development of partnerships between companies and research centres on the development of low-carbon solutions.", + "Technology transfer and R&D. - Development of partnerships between enterprises and research centres on the development of low-carbon solutions. - Improved access to tools (e.g. crop cycle calibration during the rainy season). 6. Annexes. Main abbreviations. AER. Rural Electrification Agency. ADB. African Development Bank. CC. Climate Change. UNFCCC.", + "- Improved access to tools (e.g. crop cycle calibration during the rainy season). 6. Annexes. Main abbreviations. AER. Rural Electrification Agency. ADB. African Development Bank. CC. Climate change. UNFCCC. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. ESC. Water and soil conservation. COP. Conference of the Parties (UNFCCC). SC.", + "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. CES. Water and Soil Conservation. COP. Conference of the Parties (UNFCCC). NDCP. Nationally Determined Planned Contribution (= INDC). DFP. Permanent Forestry Area. DFnP. Non-Permanent Forestry Area. DSCE. Growth and Employment Strategy Paper. EE. Energy Efficiency. EnR. Renewable Energy. FAO.", + "Non-Permanent Forestry Area. DSCE. Growth and Jobs Strategy Paper. EE. Energy Efficiency. ENR. Renewable Energy. FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization. FCFA. Franc CFA. FEICOM. Special Equipment and Inter-Community Response Fund. GHGs. Greenhouse Gases. IPCC. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. FDI. Foreign Direct Investment. FDI. Development Financial Institutions. INDC.", + "Greenhouse gases. IPCC. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. FDI. Foreign Direct Investment. FDI. Development Financial Institutions. INDC. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (= CPDN). IREN. Renewable Energy Research Institute. LCOE. Levelized cost of electricity. MINADER. Ministry of Agriculture and Sustainable Development. MINATD. Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization. MINEE.", + "Levelized cost of electricity. MINADER. Ministry of Agriculture and Sustainable Development. MINATD. Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization. MINEE. Ministry of Water and Energy. MINEPAT. Ministry of Economy, Planning and Spatial Planning. MINEPDED. Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development. MINEPIA.", + "Ministry of Economy, Planning and Spatial Planning. MINEPDED. Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development. MINEPIA. Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industry. MINHDU. Ministry of Habitat and Urban Development. MINFOF. Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife. MINTRANS. Ministry of Transport. Md. Milliard. Mln. Million. MtCO2-equ.", + "Ministry of Habitat and Urban Development. MINFOF. Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife. MINTRANS. Ministry of Transport. Md. Milliard. Mln. Million. MtCO2-equ. Millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide or equivalent. Mtep. Millions of tonnes of oil equivalent. NAMA. Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions. ONACC. National Observatory on Climate Change. OECD.", + "Millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide or equivalent. Mtep. Millions of tonnes of oil equivalent. NAMA. Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions. ONACC. National Climate Change Observatory. OECD. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. PDSE. Electricity Sector Long-term Development Plan. PF. Forestry Policy and Strategic Implementation Plan. GDP. Gross Domestic Product. PNDP.", + "Long-term electricity development plan. FP. Forestry policy and strategic implementation plan. GDP. Gross domestic product. UNDP. National participatory development programme. UNEP. United Nations Environment Programme. PPP. Purchasing power parity. GRP. Global warming potential. TFP. Technical and financial partners. REDD+. Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. EU.", + "GRP. Global warming potential. TFP. Technical and financial partners. REDD+. Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. EU. European Union. UNECA. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. US$. United States dollar. LULUCF. Land use, land-use change and forests. ZAE. Agro-ecological zone. Sources. Cross-cutting. Cameroon Vision 2035.", + "United States dollars. LULUCF. Land use, land-use change and forests. ZAE. Agro-ecological zone. Sources. Cross-cutting. Cameroon Vision 2035. Growth and Employment Strategy Paper (DSCE). 1st National Communication of Cameroon. 2nd National Communication of Cameroon. Act No. 2013/004 of 18 April 2013 establishing incentives for private investment in the Republic of Cameroon.", + "2nd national communication of Cameroon. Act No. 2013/004 of 18 April 2013 establishing incentives for private investment in the Republic of Cameroon. Decree No. 2009/410 of 10 December 2009 establishing, organising and operating the National Climate Change Observatory. Rural Development Strategy Paper. National GHG Inventory 2013.", + "Decree No. 2009/410 of 10 December 2009 establishing, organising and operating the National Climate Change Observatory. Rural Development Strategy Paper. National GHG Inventory 2013. Guidance Act No. 00211/008 of 06 May 2011 on land use planning and sustainable development in Cameroon. National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan version 2, 2012.", + "Act No.00211/008 of 6 May 2011 on Guidance for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development in Cameroon. National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan version 2, 2012. Mitigation (general). Mitigation measures, MINEPDED 2013.", + "Country fiche Cameroon of the EU Delegation. Assessment of opportunities for decentralised electricity generation projects identified by invest\u2019\u20aclec. Development of the Water and Energy Sector Strategy \u2013 Energy policy options, 2011 Draft law on the promotion and development of renewable energies in Cameroon.", + "Development of the Water and Energy Sector Strategy \u2013 Options for Action in the Energy Sector, 2011 Draft Law on the Promotion and Development of Renewable Energy in Cameroon State of the Renewable Energy Sector Regulatory Framework in Cameroon \u2013 Global Village Cameroon Study, 2012.", + "State of play of the regulatory framework for the renewable energy sector in Cameroon \u2013 Global Village Cameroon Study, 2012. ECCAS and CEMAC White Paper: Regional Policy for Universal Access to Modern Energy Services and Economic and Social Development 2014 - 2030. National Energy Action Plan for Poverty Reduction 2007.", + "ECCAS/CEMAC White Paper: Regional Policy for Universal Access to Modern Energy Services and Economic and Social Development 2014 - 2030 National Energy Action Plan for Poverty Reduction 2007 Rural Electrification Master Plan 2008 National Policy, Strategy and Action Plan for Energy Efficiency in the Electricity Sector 2014.", + "National Policy, Strategy and Action Plan for Energy Efficiency in the Electricity Sector 2014. Energy Sector Development Project: Update of the Electricity Sector Development Plan - Economic and Financial Studies with Appendices 2014. Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Hydropower in Cameroon 2013. Transport.", + "Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Hydropower in Cameroon 2013. Transport. Cameroon Road Master Plan - Railway Master Plan. Forest. UNDP REDD+ Component 2013.", + "Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Hydropower in Cameroon 2013. Transport. Road Master Plan of Cameroon - Railway Master Plan. Forest. Component REDD+_of the PNDP 2013. Document R-PIN REDD+ of Cameroon, 2008 and Document R-PP REDD+ of Cameroon, 2013.", + "Road Master Plan of Cameroon - Railway Master Plan. Forest. Component REDD+_of the UNDP 2013. Document R-PIN REDD+ of Cameroon, 2008 and Document R-PP REDD+ of Cameroon, 2013. National Action Plan to Combat Desertification Act No. 94/01 of 20 January 1994 on the regime for forests, wildlife and fisheries 1994.", + "National Action Plan to Combat Desertification Act No. 94/01 of 20 January 1994 on the regime for forests, wildlife and fisheries 1994. Forestry and wildlife sub-sector strategy 2020, 2012. Agriculture. Strategy document for the livestock, fisheries and animal industries sub-sector.", + "Forestry and Wildlife Subsector Strategy 2020, 2012. Agriculture. Strategy Paper for the Livestock, Dairy and Animal Industries Subsector. Sustainable Land Management in Development Plans and Development of Land Use and Sustainable Land Management Plans. National Agricultural Investment Plan (NAIP). Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project (ACIP). Adaptation.", + "Sustainable land management in development plans and development of land use and sustainable land management plans. National Agricultural Investment Plan (NIAP). Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project (ACIP). Adaptation. National Climate Change Adaptation Plan, 2015. World Bank: The cost to developing countries of adapting to climate change: New methods and estimates, 2010.", + "National Climate Change Adaptation Plan, 2015. World Bank: The cost to developing countries of adapting to climate change: New methods and estimates, 2010.", + "World Bank: The cost to developing countries of adapting to climate change: New methods and estimates, 2010.", + "The country is divided into 5 agro-ecological zones (AEZs): 1 Sudanese-Sahelian zone, 2 Guinean high savannah zone, 3 High plateau zone, 4 Bimodal rainfall zone, 5 Monomodal rainfall zone\u21a9. World Bank, 2010, The cost to developing countries of adapting to climate change: New methods and estimates.\u21a9" + ], + "medium": [ + "REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON. INTENDED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (INDC). 1. National context. Key data. Area (km2). 475 440. Climate. Very variable according to the 5 agro-ecological zones, see footnote 2. Population (2013). 22 253 000. GNP (US$ millions 2014). 32.5. GNP/ha (US$ millions 2013) (US$ PPP 2013). 1,308 (2,400). Share of agriculture in GDP and total employment (2014). 20% and 60%. Primary energy consumption (Mtoep 2012). 6.98.", + "1 308 (2 400). Share of agriculture in GDP and total employment (2014). 20% and 60%. Primary energy consumption (Mtep 2012). 6.98. Primary energy consumption / hab (tep 2012). 0.32. Share of fossil energy in primary consumption (2012). 28%. Share of fossil energy in electricity package (2014). 46%. Connected installed electricity capacity (2013). 1 400 MW. Electrification rate. 51%. Sources: National sources; World Bank; EU delegation from various sources.", + "Connected installed electrical capacity (2013). 1 400 MW. Electrification rate. 51%. Sources: National sources; World Bank; EU delegation from various sources. Cameroon\u2019s CPDN is anchored in the country\u2019s vision for its future by 2035: to become an emerging country.", + "Cameroon\u2019s CPDN is rooted in the country\u2019s vision of becoming an emerging country by 2035, which is accompanied by a set of intermediate objectives: (i) reducing poverty; (ii) achieving the stage of middle-income countries; (iii) achieving the stage of New Industrialised Countries; and (iv) consolidating the democratic process and national unity while respecting the diversity that characterises the country.", + "This overall objective is accompanied by a set of intermediate objectives: (i) poverty reduction; (ii) reaching the stage of middle-income countries; (iii) reaching the stage of New Industrialised Countries; and (iv) consolidating the democratic process and national unity while respecting the diversity that characterises the country.", + "In economic terms, this will include sustained growth, an agricultural revolution based on increased productivity, and a doubling of the share of the secondary sector in the GDP structure (from 19 to 38%). Cameroon is a low emitter of GHGs (2nd National Communication). This ambitious development strategy will result in a sharp increase in emissions.", + "Cameroon is a low emitter of GHGs (2nd National Communication). This ambitious development strategy will result in a significant increase in emissions. Through this NDCP, Cameroon intends to reduce its development carbon footprint without slowing down its growth, by focusing on mitigation options with high co-benefits (Section 2: Mitigation); strengthening the country\u2019s resilience to climate change (Section 3: Adaptation); aligning its sectoral policies and strengthening its implementation framework and tools to facilitate the achievement of these objectives (Section 4); and mobilising all relevant means to this end: financing, technology transfer and capacity-building (Section 5).", + "2. Mitigation. Cameroon\u2019s Contribution. Type of Contribution. An emission reduction target with mitigation and adaptation actions. Long-term national GHG emission target. Reduction of GHG emissions of 32% compared to a baseline scenario for the target year (2035), and conditional on support from the international community in the form of financing, capacity-building actions and technology transfer. Target Year. 2035. Baseline Year. 2010. Key Sectoral Objectives.", + "Reduction of GHG emissions by 32% compared to a baseline scenario for the target year (2035), and conditional on support from the international community in the form of financing, capacity building and technology transfer. Target year. 2035. Baseline year. 2010. Key sectoral objectives. Scenario NDS: (i) greening (intensifying, sedentising) agricultural policy; (ii) sustainable forest management; (iii) increasing energy supply and improving energy efficiency; (iv) 25% renewable energy in the electricity mix by 2035.", + "Scenario CPDN: (i) greening (intensifying, sedentising) agricultural policy; (ii) sustainable forest management; (iii) increasing energy supply and improving energy efficiency; (iv) 25% renewable energy in the electricity grid by 2035. Contribution ambition. Cameroon\u2019s emission reduction target represents a significant effort for a country with internationally insignificant emissions and world GDP per capita ranking 148th (2013, based on PPP). Contribution equity.", + "Cameroon\u2019s emission reduction target represents a significant effort for a country with internationally insignificant emissions and world GDP per capita ranking 148th (2013, PPP basis). Equity of contribution. The 32% reduction in 2035 is of the same order or higher than that proposed by comparable countries or the subregion.", + "The 32% reduction in 2035 is of the same order or higher than that proposed by comparable countries or the subregion. This level of commitment takes into account the efforts made or underway to reduce emissions / increase carbon sinks (reforestation, sustainable forest management).", + "This level of commitment takes into account efforts made or underway to reduce emissions/increase carbon sinks (reforestation, sustainable forest management). Baseline and Sustainable Carbon Development (SCD) Scenarios The following graphs present (i) a baseline scenario in which no new public interventions mitigate emissions related to Cameroon\u2019s development and (ii) a SCD scenario (with the same GDP and level of development) showing the impact of major sectoral mitigation actions.", + "The following graphs present (i) a baseline scenario in which no new public intervention will mitigate Cameroon\u2019s development-related emissions and (ii) a CDM scenario of low-carbon development (with the same GDP and level of development) showing the impact of major sectoral mitigation actions.", + "In the baseline scenario, GHG emissions reach 104 MtCO2-eq. in 2035, an increase of 166% over 2010. In the NDS scenario, the increase in emissions is contained at 71 MtCO2-eq. in 2035, an increase of 82% over 2010 (39 MtCO2-eq.).", + "In the NDS scenario, the increase in emissions is contained at 71 MtCO2-eq. in 2035, an increase of 82% from 2010 (39 MtCO2-eq.). In other words, the increase in emissions from the base year is halved (32 versus 65 MtCO2-eq.). Assumptions and methodological approaches. Type of objective. Percentage reduction from target year emissions in a baseline scenario. Coverage (domestic). Nationwide. Gases covered. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O). Sectors/sources covered.", + "Percentage reduction from target year emissions in a baseline scenario. Coverage (domestic). All country. Gases covered. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O). Sectors/sources covered. Agriculture, Energy, Forestry, Waste \u2013 (excluding LULUCF for the reduction target). Baseline scenario. This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions by industry sector by 2035 based on current development strategies.", + "This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions by industry by 2035 based on current development strategies. Mitigation Scenario NDCC. This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions by 2035 based on low-carbon trends in key industry sectors, including energy and agriculture. Sources for scenarios. Data IEA, World Bank, Enerdata, EDGAR, FAO, UNEP; Development Strategies (Cameroon Vision 2035, CESD), Sectoral Strategies (ESDP, AIP, etc.). Global Warming Potential (GWP).", + "Data AIE, World Bank, Enerdata, EDGAR, FAO, UNEP; Development Strategies (Cameroon Vision 2035, DSCE), Sectoral Strategies (ESDP, AIP, etc.). Global Warming Potential (GWP). GWP values used are those determined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, AR4). Base-year emissions. The base-year inventory is constructed on the basis of AIE, FAO and EDGAR data. Data to be reviewed at the next inventory. Base-case emission projection methodology.", + "The base year inventory is constructed on the basis of AIE, FAO and EDGAR data. Data to be reviewed at the next inventory. Base case emission projection methodology. The base case is constructed by applying emission assumptions to the different sectors depending on sectoral growth rates, population trends, energy mix and trends in sector efficiency.", + "The baseline scenario is constructed by applying to the emissions of the different sectors evolutionary assumptions depending on the sectoral growth rates, the evolution of the population, the energy mix and the trend in the efficiency of the sector. Projection methodology for the ND scenario. The ND scenario is constructed by applying to the sectoral emissions of the baseline scenario an estimate of the reductions resulting from the implementation of the Sectoral Actions \u2013 agriculture, forestry, waste, energy (e.g.", + "The NDS scenario is constructed by applying to the base case sectoral emissions an estimate of the reductions resulting from the implementation of the Sectoral Actions \u2013 Agriculture, Forestry, Waste, Energy (e.g. 25% EnR: 11% micro-hydro; 7% biomass; 6% solar PV; 1% wind). Land-use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) approach.", + "Electricity mix 25% EnR: 11% micro-hydro; 7% biomass; 6% solar PV; 1% wind). Land-use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) approach. Emissions from this important sector in Cameroon will need to be analysed more precisely by 2020 in order to be integrated into the overall objective. This can be achieved, in particular, through better knowledge of areas by type of soil. Mitigation actions.", + "Emissions from this important sector in Cameroon will need to be analysed more precisely by 2020 in order to be able to be integrated into the overall objective. This can be achieved, in particular, through better knowledge of areas by type of soil. Mitigation actions. Cameroon intends to implement the following mitigation actions, in line with its development guidelines. Agriculture / Fisheries / Elevation / Forestry.", + "Cameroon intends to implement the following mitigation actions, in line with its development guidelines. Agriculture / Fisheries / Elevation / Forestry. Major issues in the agriculture/livestock/fisheries sector: (i) Search for self-sufficiency, food security, development of agro-industry and (ii) Improvement of productivity and competitiveness.", + "Major issues in the agriculture/livestock/fisheries sector: (i) Search for self-sufficiency, food security, development of agro-industry and (ii) Improvement of productivity and competitiveness Major issues in the forestry sector: (i) Sustainable management of forests through the exploitation and enhancement of productive forests through management plans, (ii) Contribution to economic growth and poverty reduction through the transfer of part of tax revenues to communities, job creation, creation of community forests in the DFP and community forests in the DFnP (iii) Conservation of biodiversity through the strengthening of the national network of protected areas, (iv) Coherence of the land system through zoning plans.", + "CLE MESSAGE: \"Agriculture has been and remains the pillar of the country\u2019s emergence ambition, but it is possible and even necessary to limit its carbon impact. Sustainable forest management will increase the carbon sink. This low-carbon growth will bring important co-benefits (economic and social development, job creation, improvement of the environment and health, etc.).\" Guidance. Actions. Cost-benefit analysis. 1) Coherence of rural planning and development to develop agriculture while limiting deforestation / degradation.", + "1) Coherence of planning and management of rural areas to develop agriculture while limiting deforestation/degradation - Ensure coherence between agricultural development plans and strategies to limit deforestation or degradation (REDD+) through the National Planning and Sustainable Development Scheme (planned for 2017) in consultation with each of the sectors and territories; - Create favourable conditions for the development of the sector by improving governance, involving all relevant actors and building on decentralisation, in order to ensure effective and efficient planning, programming, budgeting, mobilisation of funding, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of rural sector development; - Strengthen sustainable management and enhancement of forests and biodiversity, in particular through spatial land monitoring; - Promote rehabilitation of degraded land and reforestation of anthropogenic savanna, and strengthen carbon sinks", + "- Develop basic infrastructure to improve the logistics of transport of agricultural, livestock and fisheries products.", + "Impacts on greenhouse gas emissions: The assessment of the impact of these agricultural or forestry strategies would require the collection of reliable and measurable data, but a simplified exercise could be carried out to assess trends: - The baseline scenario, based on the assumption of growth in the agricultural sector, results in a 3-fold increase in the sector\u2019s greenhouse gas emissions in 2035 compared to the baseline year.", + "A simplified exercise could, however, be carried out to assess trends: - The baseline scenario, based on the assumption of growth in the agricultural sector, leads to a threefold increase in greenhouse gas emissions in the sector in 2035 compared to the baseline year. - The low-carbon scenario would allow a 33% reduction in emissions in 2035 compared to the baseline scenario.Co-benefits of agricultural development and the strategy to limit deforestation:- development of infrastructure and provision of equipment to improve the quality of life, particularly in rural areas;- improvement of agricultural productivity and growth to improve competitiveness, wealth creation and poverty reduction;- stimulation of the creation of small-scale agricultural industries in rural areas: positive effects on the social economy: job creation in rural areas (creation of tens of thousands of formal jobs per year over the next ten years);-", + "in the next ten years);- the conservation of biodiversity enables the maintenance of pools of genes, species and ecosystems while contributing to job creation- the development of human capital (supervision, training and organisation of producers, breeders, aquaculturists and foresters)- the empowerment of women and the protection of vulnerable populations and minorities- the reduction of mobile agriculture;- the improvement of the food and nutritional situation;- the development of recreational uses of the forest;- greater resilience to climate change.", + "Costs The overall cost of implementing the AIP has been estimated at CFAF 15 billion (US$ 25 billion) over the period 2014-2020. The overall cost of implementing the 2020 Forest and Wildlife Strategy for the period 2013-2017 is estimated at US$ 388 million. 2) Intensifying environmentally sound agricultural, animal and fisheries production to limit deforestation/degradation.", + "The overall cost of implementing the 2020 Forest and Wildlife Strategy for the period 2013-2017 is estimated at US$388 million. 2) Intensifying environmentally friendly agricultural, animal and fisheries production to limit deforestation/degradation. - Decoupling agricultural production from deforestation/degradation through the intensification of environmentally sustainable agricultural practices and agroforestry (including through land security); - Promoting the use of improved high-yielding and environmentally resistant seeds (excluding GMOs and hybrids); - Developing high-yielding, short-cycle and fast-rotating species; - Strengthening partnerships and collaborations to improve soil productivity, implement agricultural innovations; developing rational, conservative or sustainable agriculture; - Developing efficient agricultural mechanisation and improving processing and packaging infrastructure to extend the value chain", + "- Sustainable use and exploitation of natural resources through the balanced promotion of all sectors, taking into account the constraints of environmental conservation and adaptation to climate change.", + "3) Promotion of practices to improve agricultural production capacities and enhance environmental resources.", + "- Promote the integration of agriculture and livestock, agroforestry and conservation agriculture, in particular at the level of community and private plantations; - Improve agricultural productivity by optimising land and water resources, improving the living conditions of rural producers and their access to markets, improving access to appropriate materials, equipment and financing; - Restore organic soils and promote research on natural resource management (including soil science and pathological physiology and post-harvest technology); - Adapt crop schedules and production techniques - Limit methane emissions from rice farming by minimising submersion.", + "4) Energy recovery in rural areas and waste.", + "- Reduce the unsustainable consumption of firewood, for example through sustainable wood-energy management; improved homes, and the promotion of methanisation and/or butanisation in rural areas; - Develop energy production based on agricultural waste, in particular through the upgrading of cocoa beans, almond apples, sugarcane bagasse, molasses, cassava effluents, rice straw for the production of briquettes; etc. - Develop the production of animal and fish food supplements and other products (e.g. silage); - Develop the use of improved manure by composting.", + "Energy / Waste. Major energy issues: (i) Improving access to electricity for people and industries by quadrupling generation capacity to 6GW by 2035; (ii) Increasing the use of renewable energies in electricity generation, especially in areas that are difficult to connect to the electricity grid; and (iii) Making energy efficiency a national priority. Major waste issues: improving urban sanitation, in particular by making waste a resource for energy production.", + "Major energy issues: (i) Improve access to electricity for people and industries by quadrupling generation capacity to 6GW by 2035; (ii) Increase the use of renewable energies in electricity generation, especially in areas that are difficult to connect to the electricity grid; and (iii) Make energy efficiency a national priority. Major waste issues:", + "MESSAGE CLE: \"To increase the share of non-hydro renewable energies in the electricity mix to 25% by 2035\". Guidance. Actions. Cost-benefit analysis. 5) Controlling the energy consumption of systems through a proactive energy efficiency policy.", + "Guidance. Actions. Cost-benefit analysis. 5) Control of system energy consumption through a proactive energy efficiency policy. Cross-cutting:- Establishment of energy efficiency (EE) regulations based in particular on the document \"National Policy, Strategy and Action Plan for Energy Efficiency in the Electricity Sector in Cameroon\" (2014) with an energy savings target of 2 250GWh corresponding to 450MW installed capacity by 2025;- Creation and operationalization of the Agency for the Promotion and Rationalization of Energy Use (APRUE)- Development of economic incentives to promote and remove barriers to investment in EE; - Interconnection of Cameroon\u2019s 3 networks (North, South and East) to optimize transport and distribution and reduce losses;- Strengthening and promoting Cameroon\u2019s integration and participation in the subregional energy", + "Industry: - Encourage and then make mandatory regular energy audits in large energy-intensive industries; - Raise awareness and encourage energy audits in SMEs; - Optimise processes through more efficient technologies as well as through leaching and disposal; - Assess the potential for substitution or optimisation (e.g. cogeneration or recovery); - Limit losses (switching, networks, waste) through enforcement of regulations, as well as through standards, pricing and incentives.", + "Buildings: - Revise the building code to improve energy performance through thermal standards for construction and renovation, and a certification process; - Train and organise the entire value chain for low-consumption construction/renovation; - Regulate and impose labelling of electrical appliances.", + "Transport: limiting constrained mobility and developing low-carbon transport offers- Promoting an integrated approach to the sector and the development of low-carbon transport through a National Transport Infrastructure Scheme;- Integrating an energy/climate dimension in territorial planning documents in order to try to limit distances, work on functional mix and propose efficient public transport policies- Accompanying the state and local authorities in the development of low-carbon intra- and intercity public transport development plans (ex Yaound\u00e9 and Douala tramway);- Promoting the purchase of low-polluting vehicles and the scrapping of the most polluting ones through standards, incentives or obligations.", + "Impacts on greenhouse gas emissions:The assessment of this impact would require a detailed assessment.", + "A simplified exercise could, however, be carried out to assess trends:- The baseline scenario, based on the assumptions of growth in the energy-consuming sectors and evolution of the energy mix by 2035, would result in almost a threefold increase in energy greenhouse gas emissions compared to the baseline year, as well as a doubling of emissions from the waste sector.- The low-carbon scenario, based on an improvement in the energy efficiency of the system and evolution of the energy mix, would result in a 26% reduction in emissions compared to the baseline scenario.", + "Co-benefits of the energy-waste strategy. - Improvement of the productivity of enterprises- Stimulation of the emergence of energy project promoters (EE and EnR), or \u2018eco-entrepreneurship\u2019- Revitalisation of the local economy: creation of skilled jobs for all profiles- Strengthening of Cameroon\u2019s human capital (supervision, training and organisation of the streams).- Reduction of congestion and local pollution (especially short-lived pollutants)- Improved resilience to climate change (diversification of the electricity mix).", + "- improving the productivity of enterprises- stimulating the emergence of energy project promoters (EE and EnR), or \u2018eco-entrepreneurship\u2019- boosting the local economy: creating skilled jobs for all profiles- strengthening Cameroon\u2019s human capital (supervision, training and organisation of the sectors).- reducing congestion and local pollution (especially short-lived pollutants)- better resilience to climate change (diversification of the electricity grid).", + "Costs The total amount of investment required to implement the EDP by 2035 has been estimated at 8 270 md CFA francs (median scenario). A simplified assessment of the cost of implementing the electricity package proposed in the low-carbon scenario has not shown a significant additional financial cost (based on LCOE) but will need to be clarified in a future study. 6) Efficient use of resources to move towards a circular economy.", + "A simplified assessment of the cost of implementing the electricity package proposed in the low-carbon scenario has not shown any significant additional financial cost (based on LCOE) but will need to be clarified in a future study. 6) Efficient valorisation of resources to move towards a circular economy. - Strengthen waste management policies (by 2035, all major cities should have landfills with at least 70% methane capture);- Promote the development of a circular economy;Recover / use agricultural and forestry waste; composting;Valorisation / treatment of other waste (sewage treatment plant, sewage sludge, etc.).", + "- Strengthen waste management policies (by 2035, all major cities should have landfills with at least 70% methane capture);- Promote the development of a circular economy;Recover/use agricultural and forestry waste;compost;Valorise/treat other waste (sewage treatment plant, sewage sludge, etc.). 7) Develop energy production from renewable sources.", + "7) Development of energy production from renewable sources - Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the potential of renewable energies (Invest\u2019\u20aclec\u2019s partial study identified 262 small hydro and 25 biomass-energy sites for a total cumulative capacity of 284MW.", + "35 pilot projects (23 hydro, 9 biomass and 3 solar PV) have been identified; Adopt a renewable energy development plan to increase the share of R&D in the electricity package to 25% by 2035; Establish an incentive framework for R&D (call for tenders, buy-back tariffs, etc.) and remove barriers to investment (strengthening of the institutional framework, etc.); A draft law is under consideration; Accelerate the implementation of the rural electrification master plan developed by the EEA; Create other financial facilitations for rural lighting such as the Rural Electricity Fund (REF); Promote the development of \"mini-smart-grids\" in rural areas; Create a Renewable Energy Promotion Agency; Improve collaboration between the existing bodies (FEICOM, PNDP, and the EEA) for the development of community R&D projects.", + "The diagram below presents the assumptions for the evolution of the electricity mix in the different scenarios:. The diagram below shows the relative share of the different sectors in achieving the overall objective proposed:. 3. Adaptation.", + "In June 2015, Cameroon validated a National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NCCAP), which includes, inter alia, an assessment of climate change in each of the five agro-ecological zones1, an assessment of sectoral and geographical sensitivity, vulnerability and resilience, an intervention strategy 2016-2025, an assessment of losses, risks and gaps, a five-year action plan 2016-2020 broken down into 20 detailed project cards.", + "In June 2015, Cameroon validated a National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NCCAP), which includes, inter alia, an assessment of climate change in each of the five agro-ecological zones1, an assessment of sectoral and geographical sensitivity, vulnerability and resilience, an intervention strategy 2016-2025, an assessment of losses, risks and gaps, a five-year action plan 2016-2020 divided into 20 detailed fact sheets.", + "The vision of the NACC is that by 2035, \"climate change in Cameroon\u2019s five agro-ecological zones will be fully integrated into the country\u2019s sustainable development, thereby reducing its vulnerability and even transforming the problem of climate change into a solution/opportunity for development. Thus, Cameroonians \u2013 especially women, children and vulnerable people \u2013 and the country\u2019s economic sectors will gain greater resilience and capacity to adapt to the negative impacts of climate change.\"", + "In this way, Cameroonians \u2013 especially women, children and vulnerable people \u2013 and the country\u2019s economic sectors gain greater resilience and adaptability to the negative impacts of climate change.\" In order to achieve this result, the NACHA has presented a strategic programme based on 4 axes:Strategic axis 1:", + "In order to achieve this result, the NACHA has presented a strategic programme based on 4 axes:Strategic axis 1: Improving knowledge on climate change. Recommendations: Supporting research; Improving climate scenarios; Publicising climate information; Establishing an observation, information and warning system; Establishing a database for monitoring indicators and the MRV. Strategic axis 2: Informing, educating and mobilizing the Cameroonian population to adapt to climate change.", + "Recommendations: Support research; Improve climate scenarios; Promote climate information; Establish an observation, information and warning system; Establish a database for monitoring indicators and the MRV. Strategic axis 2: Inform, educate and mobilize the Cameroonian population to adapt to climate change. Recommendations: Vulnerable communities and groups are the priority targets; Support advocacy actions; Conduct community mobilizations; Promote IEC actions; Use local and traditional media; Share adaptation experiences.", + "Recommendations: Vulnerable communities and groups are priority targets; Support advocacy actions; Conduct community mobilizations; Promote IEC actions; Use community and traditional media; Share adaptation experiences Strategic axis 3: Reduce vulnerability to climate change in key sectors and agro-ecological areas of the country Recommendations: Assess costs; Fund studies and concrete measures; Develop financial incentive mechanisms.", + "Strategic axis 3: Reduce vulnerability to climate change in key sectors and agro-ecological zones of the country. Recommendations: Assess costs; Fund studies and concrete measures; Develop financial incentive mechanisms. Strategic axis 4: Integrate adaptation to climate change into national sectoral strategies and policies.", + "Recommendations: Assess costs; Fund studies and concrete measures; Develop financial incentive mechanisms. Strategic axis 4: Integrate climate change adaptation into national sectoral strategies and policies. Recommendations: Take adaptation into account in national and local planning and budgeting; Integrate CCC into the Territory\u2019s development framework; Conduct specific studies to better identify risks; Participate in international exchanges.", + "Recommendations: Take adaptation into account in national and local planning and budgeting; Integrate the CC into the Territory\u2019s development plan; Conduct specific studies to better identify risks; Participate in international trade Twelve economic sectors were taken into account in each of the 5 EEZs to assess their vulnerability to the above parameters :- eight thematic sectors: Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Forestry, Forestry and Wildlife, Water, Sanitation and Health, Energy, Mines and Industries, Urban Development and Public Works, Tourism.", + "Twelve economic sectors were taken into account in each of the 5 EEZs to assess their vulnerability to the above parameters :- eight thematic sectors: agriculture, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, forestry and wildlife, water, sanitation and health, energy, mining and industry, urban development and public works, tourism; - four cross-cutting sectors, in accordance with the DSCE: education, research and vocational training, crafts and social economy, telecommunications, gender, vulnerable population, social protection and national solidarity.", + "- four cross-cutting sectors, in accordance with the DSCE: Education, Research and Vocational Training, Crafts and Social Economy, Telecommunications, Gender, Vulnerable Population, Social Protection and National Solidarity. Analysis of impacts and vulnerability by EEZ and by sector shows that :- The most vulnerable areas are: Sudanese Sahelian EEZ and coastal EEZ with monomodal rainfall; - The most vulnerable sectors are (i) agriculture, and (ii) water, sanitation and health;.", + "Analysis of impacts and vulnerability by EEZ and by sector shows that :- The most vulnerable areas are: Sudanese Sahelian EEZ and coastal EEZ with monomodal rainfall; - The most vulnerable sectors are (i) agriculture, and (ii) water, sanitation and health; - Approximately 320 000 people are exposed to climate disasters annually.", + "- The most vulnerable sectors are (i) agriculture, and (ii) water, sanitation and health; - Approximately 320 000 people are exposed to climate disasters annually. The overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to medium in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forest or mountain ranges.", + "The overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to moderate in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forest or mountain ranges Despite the high variability by EEZ, it can be estimated that for the sectors :- Agriculture: The overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 1, 2 and 4, high to moderate in the rest of the country (droughts, rising temperatures);.", + "Despite the high variability by EEZ, it can be estimated that for the sectors :- Agriculture: Vulnerability will be overall high to very high in zones 1, 2 and 4, high to medium in the rest of the country (droughts, rising temperatures); - Livestock: Vulnerability will be overall high to very high in zones 1, 2 and 3, high to medium in the rest of the country (droughts, rising temperatures);", + "- Livestock: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 1, 2 and 3, high to moderate in the rest of the country (droughts, rising temperatures); - Fisheries and aquaculture: overall vulnerability will be high to moderate throughout the country, especially in zones 5, 1 and 4, high to moderate in the rest of the country (droughts, rising temperatures);", + "- Fisheries and aquaculture: overall vulnerability will be high to moderate throughout the country, especially in zones 5, 1 and 4, high to moderate in the rest of the country (droughts, rising temperatures); - Forestry, forestry and wildlife: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to moderate in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forested areas (droughts, extreme events);", + "- Forestry, forestry and wildlife: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to moderate in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forested areas (droughts, extreme events); - Water, sanitation and health: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to moderate in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forested areas (drought, floods and land movement);", + "- Water, sanitation and health: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to medium in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forested areas (drought, flooding and land movement); - Energy, mining and industries: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 5 and 2, high to medium in the rest of the country (precipitation, drought, sea level rise);", + "- Energy, mining and industry: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 5 and 2, high to medium in the rest of the country (precipitation, drought, sea level rise); - Urban development and public works: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 5 and 4, high to medium in the rest of the country (floods, sea level rise);", + "- Urban development and public works: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 5 and 4, high to moderate in the rest of the country (floods, sea level rise); - Tourism: overall vulnerability will be moderate to low in the country, except in mountainous areas and zone 1 (drought). The intervention strategy 2016-2025 (unquantified) results in a preliminary five-year action plan 2016-2020, broken down into 20 programme sheets grouped below by general themes.", + "The intervention strategy 2016-2025 (unquantified) leads to a preliminary five-year action plan 2016-2020, broken down into 20 programme fiches grouped below by general themes. fiches 1 to 5 concern cross-cutting projects, fiches 6 to 20 sectoral projects. In general, the master planner will be MINEPAT, assisted by one or more technical structures (Ministry or Interministerial Coordination Committee) acting as delegated master planner or master planner.", + "In general, the Project Manager will be MINEPAT, assisted by one or more technical structures (Ministry or Inter-Ministerial Coordination Committee) acting as Delegated Project Manager or Project Manager. The amounts indicated, $1.8 billion over 5 years, are indicative, based on (1) the $16 per year and per capita amount proposed by the World Bank for Sub-Saharan Africa2 and (2) the hierarchy of sectoral priorities of the Government of Cameroon.", + "The amounts indicated, i.e. $1.8 billion over 5 years, are indicative, based on 1) the amount of $16 per year and per capita proposed by the World Bank for Sub-Saharan Africa2 and 2) the hierarchy of sectoral priorities of the Government of Cameroon. Further studies will allow a breakdown of these budgets into projects entrusted to the various partners:.", + "Additional studies will allow a breakdown of these budgets into projects entrusted to the various partners:. General themes / Programs. million $. %. Delegated works manager / Worker. Agriculture, Elevation, Fisheries. Program 16: Development of integrated and resilient agriculture to the effects of climate change: spatial planning, choice of agronomic techniques and intensification; Management of water needs; Development of sustainable/conservatory/sustainable agriculture; Management of water pollution; Management and exploitation of waste. 385. 21%.", + "Programme 16: Development of integrated and resilient agriculture in the face of the effects of climate change: spatial planning, choice of agronomic techniques and intensification; Water needs management; development of sustainable/conservative/sustainable agriculture; water pollution management; waste management and exploitation. 385. 21%. Coordination Committee (MINADER, relevant sectoral ministries and headquarters structures).", + "385. 21%. Coordination Committee (MINADER, relevant sectoral ministries and headquarters structures). Programme 17: Reducing the vulnerability of livestock farming to the effects of climate change (REVEECC): management of pastures, water points; spatial management, land mapping; improvement of mobile agriculture; forage production. MINEPDED and MINEPIA. Programme 18: Reducing the effects of climate change on the fisheries sector: adaptation of fisheries, aquaculture and fish farming. MINEPIA. Spatial planning / risk management.", + "Programme 18: Reducing the effects of climate change on the fisheries sector: Adaptation of fisheries, aquaculture and fish farming. MINEPIA. Spatial planning/risk management. Programme 01: Upgrading national systems for hydro-meteorological data collection, analysis, forecasting, information, early warning and capacity-building. 600. 33%. MINTRANSPORT, MINATD, MINEPDED. Programme 02: Updating national, regional and departmental contingency plans, increasing and making operational the emergency fund. MINADT, MINEPDED, MINFI.", + "Programme 02: Updating national, regional and departmental contingency plans, increasing and operationalizing the emergency fund. MINADT, MINEPDED, MINFI. Programme 03: Development of the Climate Risk and Land Use Plan programmes: Land mapping; National, provincial, departmental and community management master plans; Monitoring system. MINCAF. Programme 05: Protection and management of the coastline against the effects of climate change; Restoration and management of mangroves; Use of resources; Adaptation of infrastructure. MINEPDED, MINDEF, MINEPIA and MINDCAF.", + "Programme 05: Coastal protection and management against the effects of climate change; mangrove restoration and management; resource use; infrastructure adaptation. MINEPDED, MINDEF, MINEPIA and MINDCAF. Programme 07: Adaptation of technical reference frameworks for infrastructure construction to the effects of climate change. MINTP, MINEPAT, MINMAP and ONACC. Programme 08: Reducing the vulnerability of urban populations to the effects of climate change. MINHDU. Programme 09: Improving local land governance in response to climate change. MINDCAF, MINATD. Energy, Industry.", + "Program 08: Reducing the vulnerability of urban populations to the effects of climate change. MINHDU. Program 09: Improving local land governance in response to climate change. MINDCAF, MINATD. Energy, Industry. Program 11: Climate change and integrated management of household waste, collection and recovery. 310. 17%. MINEPDED. Program 12:", + "Programme 11: Climate change and integrated management of household waste, collection and recovery. 310. 17%. MINEPDED. Programme 12: Diversification of energy supply in the context of climate change. MINEE. Programme 15: Taking climate change into account in the development of tourism and craft activities: use of resources by crafts (water, RN, etc.); Development and adaptation of tourist sites. MINPMEESA and MINTOUL.", + "Programme 15: Taking climate change into account in the development of tourism and handicraft activities: Use of resources by handicrafts (water, RN, etc.); Development and adaptation of tourist sites. MINPMEESA and MINTOUL. Programme 20: Taking climate change into account in the development of industries in Cameroon: spatial management, protection of areas at climate risk; energy supplies, water, services; waste and pollution, GHG emissions. MINEPDED, MINIMIDT. Forests.", + "MINEPDED, MINIMIDT. Forests. Programme 19: Reducing the vulnerability of forests to climate change in Cameroon: inventories, management and conservation of forest blocks, restoration of forest cover, especially in sensitive areas (source heads, banks, etc.); village agroforestry; recovery of plant waste; development of in situ processing; conservation of biodiversity; management of trafficking and poaching; management of bushfires.", + "Programme 19: Reducing the vulnerability of forests to climate change in Cameroon: inventories, management and conservation of forest blocks, restoration of forest cover, especially in sensitive areas (source heads, banks, etc.); village agroforestry; recovery of plant waste; development of in situ processing; conservation of biodiversity; traffic and poaching management; bush fire management. 150. 8%. MINFOF and MINEPDED. Water management / Health / Social.", + "150. 8%. MINFOF and MINEPDED. Water management / Health / Social. Programme 10: Adaptation of national gender policy and reduction of their vulnerability to climate change. 300. 16.5%. MINAS and MINPROF.", + "Programme 10: Adaptation of national gender policy and reduction of their vulnerability to climate change. 300. 16.5%. MINAS and MINPROF. Programme 13: Strengthening and securing access to water resources and sanitation services in the context of climate change; securing environmental services; management of surface water and groundwater, protection of spring heads; establishment of banks and soils; role of women; plans for the use of surface or deep water; pollution control (agricultural, industrial, sanitary, etc.); prevention of extreme events (floods); conservation of aquatic biodiversity. MINEE.", + "Programme 13: Strengthening and securing access to water resources and sanitation services in the context of climate change; securing environmental services; management of surface water and groundwater, protection of spring heads; establishment of banks and soils; role of women; plans for the use of surface or deep water; pollution control (agricultural, industrial, sanitary, etc.); prevention of extreme events (floods); conservation of aquatic biodiversity. MINES. Programme 14: Strengthening the capacity of the national health system to adapt to climate change; health map; emerging diseases; alert systems. MINESANTE.", + "Programme 14: Capacity-building of the national health system to adapt to climate change; Health map; emerging diseases; alert systems. MINSANTE. Capacity-building / Communication. Programme 04: Awareness-raising of the population, professionals, administrations and decision makers on the effects of climate change and on the measures to be taken. 70. 4%. MINEPDED. Programme 06: Education, vocational training and capacity-building on climate change: curricula and teaching tools, specialized training; continuing education; scholarships; support for research.", + "Program 06: Education, vocational training and capacity-building on climate change: curricula and teaching tools, specialized training; continuing education; scholarships; support for research. MINESUP, MINESEC, MINEDUB, MINRESI, MINEPDED, MINEFOP. Totals (2016-2020). 1815. 100%. 4. Planning, implementation and monitoring of the NDFP. Cameroon will take the following measures to implement this NDFP, monitor it and update it as necessary. Description. Objective. Institutional framework.", + "Cameroon will take the following measures to implement, monitor and, where appropriate, update this NDCP. Description. Objective. Institutional framework. Integrate climate change into national planning and sectoral policies. Coherence of sectoral plans and policies with mitigation and adaptation objectives and actions. Operationalize the National Climate Change Observatory (ONACC) established in 2009. Ensure effective implementation of a cross-cutting national policy.", + "Operationalize the National Climate Change Observatory (ONACC) established in 2009. Ensure the effective implementation of a cross-cutting national policy. The ONACC Steering Board is responsible, in particular, for planning, coordinating implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the NDCP; the ONACC is particularly responsible for monitoring and evaluation. Assess the climate impact of any new legislation or policy/programme/public project (impact assessment). Integrate climate into public decision-making processes. Operationalize the NDCP.", + "Assess the climate impact of any new legislation or policy/program/public project (impact assessment). Integrate climate into public decision-making processes. Operationalize the NDPC. Translate the NDPC into operational programs based on sectoral strategies. Operationalize the NDPC. - Improve emission data collection and reporting systems (monitoring). - Conduct an annual inventory. Obtain reliable data on GHG emissions.", + "- Improve the systems for establishing and collecting emission data (monitoring). - Conduct an annual inventory. Obtain reliable data on GHG emissions. Additional studies (to be carried out after submission by the NDPC): - refine the costs of the NDPC Actions and quantify their co-benefits - improve knowledge of land use and management in Cameroon - assess the potential of renewable energies - operationalize the NACC Program and options for financing them - assess the desirability of ecological taxation.", + "Additional studies (to be carried out after submission of the NDPC): - refine the costs of the NDPC Actions and quantify their co-benefits - improve knowledge of land use and management in Cameroon - assess the potential of renewable energies - operationalize the NACC Program and options for their financing - assess the desirability of ecological taxation. Quantify and refine the description of the NDPC Mitigation and Adaptation Actions. Monitoring and Evaluation (MRV).", + "Indicators: - annual aggregate and sectoral GHG emissions - carbon intensity of GDP and major sectors in 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035 - annual installed renewable energy capacity - adaptation and vulnerability indicators (to be specified) - monitoring of agricultural land use. Monitoring of the implementation of the NDCP. Coding of climate change-related expenditures (e.g.", + "Indicators: - annual global and sectoral GHG emissions - carbon intensity of GDP and major sectors in 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035 - annual installed renewable energy capacity - adaptation and vulnerability indicators (to be specified) - monitoring of agricultural land use Monitoring of the implementation of the NDFP Coding of climate change-related expenditure (e.g. on the basis of \u2018Rio Markers\u2019 developed by OECD-DAC) in the state budget", + "Coding of climate change-related expenditure (e.g. on the basis of \u2018Rio Markers\u2019 developed by OECD-DAC) in the state budget. Monitoring of climate revenues and expenditure in the national budget. Creation of a system for monitoring all climate-related expenditure and financing. Monitoring of overall national climate-related resources and expenditure. Communication.", + "Establishment of a monitoring system for all climate-related expenditure and funding. Monitoring of overall national climate-related resources and expenditure. Communication. - Communication campaign towards civil society on NCP and COP21 at the end of 2015 - Establishment of a dedicated website on national climate change policy/NCP, where the above indicators will be published. Updating of the NCP. Periodicity: Review in the light of COP21 results, if necessary.", + "- communication campaign towards civil society at the end of 2015 on NCP and COP21 - establishment of a dedicated website on national climate change policy / NCP, where the above indicators will be published. Updating of the NCP. Periodicity: revision in the light of the results of COP21, if necessary. Every 5 years unless otherwise indicated by the COPs. 5. Means of implementation. Financing.", + "Periodicity: Revision in the light of the outcome of COP21, if necessary. Every 5 years unless otherwise indicated by the COPs. 5. Means of implementation. Financing. Cameroon intends to mobilise the following sources of financing for the mitigation and adaptation actions of this NCP:. Private financing. Cameroon intends to mobilise international or domestic private financing for the co-financing of the actions of this NCP, particularly those that may generate financial returns acceptable to the private sector.", + "Cameroon intends to mobilise international or domestic private financing for the co-financing of the Actions of this CPDN, particularly those that may generate financial returns acceptable to the private sector. To this end, Cameroon will endeavour to strengthen the capacity of the domestic financial markets and banking system to mobilise and deploy national savings, in particular on projects contributing to low-carbon development and resilient to climate change, as well as the attractiveness of Cameroon for FDI (investment climate).", + "To this end, Cameroon will endeavour to strengthen the capacity of the domestic financial markets and banking system to mobilise and deploy national savings, in particular on projects contributing to low-carbon development and resilient to climate change, as well as Cameroon\u2019s attractiveness for FDI (investment climate). National budget. Cameroon will increase its budgetary funding in favour of the Actions of this CPDN which fall within the competence of the State and which could not be financed by international assistance.", + "Cameroon will increase its budgetary funding in favour of the Actions of this CPDN which fall within the competence of the State and which could not be financed by international assistance. This State effort may take the form of either direct budgetary expenditure or be channelled through specific funds financed, in particular, from the State budget. Donors / TFPs. Cameroon will seek the support of donors and TFPs (including in the form of grants and technical assistance) for the financing of the Actions of this CPDN.", + "Cameroon will seek the support of donors and TFPs (including grants and technical assistance) for the financing of the Actions of this SCCF. Green Climate Fund. Cameroon is considering the possibility of establishing an eligible national entity (accredited) to the VCF and other international bodies. Cameroon will also seek the support of accredited regional and multilateral entities to co-finance the Actions of this SCCF. Carbon markets.", + "Cameroon will also seek the support of accredited regional and multilateral entities to co-finance the Actions of this NDFP. Carbon Markets. Cameroon supports the inclusion of international carbon markets in a post-2020 climate agreement and proposes that such an instrument, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime, could be used to help finance certain investments in carbon-efficient and climate-resilient infrastructure.", + "Cameroon supports the inclusion of international carbon markets in a post-2020 climate agreement and proposes that such an instrument, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime, could be used to help finance certain investments in carbon-efficient and climate-resilient infrastructure. Cameroon considers that some of the Actions of this SCCF, or additional actions, could be financed in whole or in part by the international transfer of carbon assets while ensuring respect for the principles of environmental integrity and transparency.", + "Cameroon considers that some of the Actions of this CNDP, or additional actions, could be financed in whole or in part by the international transfer of carbon assets, ensuring respect for the principles of environmental integrity and transparency. Other economic instruments. The opportunity to deploy tools to generate a price signal on the social cost of carbon (market or carbon tax) and thus to internalise carbon externality will be explored. First five-year tranche. The CNDP is divided into five-year tranches.", + "The opportunity to deploy tools to generate a price signal on the social cost of carbon (carbon market or tax) and thus internalise carbon externality will be explored. First five-year tranche. The NDPC is divided into five-year tranches. A first five-year tranche of Actions to be funded will be presented in early 2016. Capacity building. Mitigation. At all levels: link between development, energy and climate change; monitoring/evaluation of activities. Decision makers: interests in integrating energy-climate thinking into all sectoral policies.", + "At all levels: link between development, energy and climate change; monitoring/evaluation of activities. Decision-makers: interests in integrating energy-climate considerations into all sectoral policies. Operators: implementation of low-carbon development, e.g.: farmers: agricultural practices allowing sustainable intensification of production; methods of management and valorisation of agricultural residues. Forestry: strengthening sustainable forest management, governance, low-impact exploitation, increasing processing rates, valorisation of processing waste.", + "Forestry: Strengthening sustainable forest management, governance, low-impact exploitation, increasing processing rates, recovery of processing waste. Energy: Sustainable management of wood energy, construction, dissemination and use of improved homes and furnaces, establishment of plantations for wood-energy purposes. Entrepreneurs: The keys to success in developing a renewable energy project in rural areas; recovery of products from sustainable agriculture. Adaptation. Informing, educating and communicating on climate risks.", + "Entrepreneurs: The keys to success in developing a renewable energy project in rural areas; valorisation of products from sustainable agriculture. Adaptation. Informing, educating and communicating on climate risks. - Raising awareness of the impacts of climate change. - Developing people\u2019s capacities to anticipate impacts and increase their resilience. Environmental Information Management System.", + "Environment Information Management System. - Coordinate the activities of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (ONACC) and the National Risk Observatory (ONR) for forecasting weather events and impacts of climate change. - Establish a national coastline dynamics monitoring and observation network to identify areas at risk of coastal erosion and examine one or more indicators reflecting the climate/coastal erosion relationship.", + "- Establish a national network to observe and monitor the dynamics of the coastal strip in order to identify areas at risk of coastal erosion and examine one or more indicators reflecting the relationship between climate and coastal erosion. Strengthen the resilience of productive practices. - Capacity-building of actors (especially young women and the elderly, indigenous peoples, farmers, etc.) focuses on new technical routes in the context of intensified and sustainable modes of production. Technology transfer and R&D.", + "- Capacity building of stakeholders (especially young women and the elderly, indigenous peoples, farmers, etc.) focuses on new technical routes in the context of intensified and sustainable production methods. Technology transfer and R&D. - Development of partnerships between companies and research centres on the development of low-carbon solutions. - Improved access to tools (e.g. crop rotation in the rainy season). 6. Appendices. Main abbreviations. AER. Agence d\u2019\u00e9lectrification rurale. BAD.", + "- Improved access to tools (e.g. crop cycle calibration in rainy season). 6. Annexes. Main abbreviations. AER. Rural Electrification Agency. ADB. African Development Bank. CC. Climate Change. UNFCCC. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. ESC. Water and Soil Conservation. COP. Conference of the Parties (UNFCCC). NPC. Nationally Determined Planned Contribution (= NCI). PFD. Permanent Forestry Area. FNFA. Non-Permanent Forestry Area. CESD. Growth and Employment Strategy Paper. EE.", + "Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (= INDC). DFP. Permanent Forestry Area. DFnP. Non-Permanent Forestry Area. DSCE. Growth and Employment Strategy Paper. EE. Energy Efficiency. EnR. Renewable Energy. FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization. FCFA. Franc CFA. FEICOM. Special Equipment and Inter-Community Response Fund. GHGs. Greenhouse Gases. IPCC. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. FDI. Foreign Direct Investment. IFD. Financial Institutions for Development. INDC. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (= CPDN). IREN.", + "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. FDI. Foreign Direct Investment. FDI. Development Financial Institutions. INDC. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (= CPDN). IREN. Renewable Energy Research Institute. LCOE. Levelized cost of electricity. MINADER. Ministry of Agriculture and Sustainable Development. MINATD. Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization. MINEE. Ministry of Water and Energy. MINEPAT. Ministry of Economy, Planning and Spatial Planning. MINEPDED.", + "Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation. MINEE. Ministry of Water and Energy. MINEPAT. Ministry of Economy, Planning and Spatial Planning. MINEPDED. Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development. MINEPIA. Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industry. MINHDU. Ministry of Habitat and Urban Development. MINFOF. Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife. MINTRANS. Ministry of Transport. Md. Milliard. Mln. Million. MtCO2-equ. Million tonnes of carbon dioxide or equivalent. Mtep.", + "Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife. MINTRANS. Ministry of Transport. Md. Milliard. Mln. Million. MtCO2-equ. Millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide or equivalent. Mtep. Millions of tonnes of oil equivalent. NAMA. Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions. ONACC. National Climate Change Observatory. OECD. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. PDSE. Electricity Sector Long-term Development Plan. PF. Forestry Policy and Strategic Implementation Plan. GDP. Gross Domestic Product. UNDP. National Participatory Development Programme. UNEP.", + "Forestry Policy and Strategic Implementation Plan. GDP. Gross Domestic Product. UNDP. National Participatory Development Programme. UNEP. United Nations Environment Programme. PPP. Purchasing Power Parity. GRP. Global Warming Potential. TFP. Technical and Financial Partners. REDD+. Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. EU. European Union. UNECA. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. US$. United States Dollar. UTCATF. Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry. ZAE. Agro-ecological Zone. Sources. Cross-cutting. Cameroon Vision 2035.", + "United States dollars. LULUCF. Land use, land-use change and forests. ZAE. Agro-ecological zone. Sources. Cross-cutting. Cameroon Vision 2035. Strategy Paper for Growth and Employment (DSCE). 1st National Communication of Cameroon. 2nd National Communication of Cameroon. Law No. 2013/004 of 18 April 2013 establishing incentives for private investment in the Republic of Cameroon. Decree No. 2009/410 of 10 December 2009 establishing, organising and operating the National Climate Change Observatory.", + "Act No. 2013 / 004 of 18 April 2013 establishing incentives for private investment in the Republic of Cameroon. Decree No. 2009/410 of 10 December 2009 establishing, organising and operating the National Climate Change Observatory. Rural Sector Development Strategy Paper. National GHG Inventory 2013. Guidance Act No. 00211/008 of 06 May 2011 on spatial planning and sustainable development in Cameroon. National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan version 2, 2012. Mitigation (general).", + "Act No.00211/008 of 6 May 2011 on guidelines for spatial planning and sustainable development in Cameroon. National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan version 2, 2012. Mitigation (general). Mitigation measures, MINEPDED 2013. Energy. Cameroon country fiche of the EU Delegation. Assessment of opportunities for decentralised electricity generation projects identified by invest\u20aclec. Development of the sectoral strategy water and energy \u2013 Energy policy options, 2011 Draft law on the promotion and development of renewable energies in Cameroon.", + "Development of the Water and Energy Sector Strategy \u2013 Options for Action in the Energy Field, 2011 Draft Law on the Promotion and Development of Renewable Energy in Cameroon. State of the Renewable Energy Sector Regulatory Framework in Cameroon \u2013 Global Village Study Cameroon, 2012. ECCAS and CEMAC White Paper: Regional Policy for Universal Access to Modern Energy Services and Economic and Social Development 2014 - 2030. National Energy Action Plan for Poverty Reduction 2007.", + "ECCAS and CEMAC White Paper: Regional Policy for Universal Access to Modern Energy Services and Economic and Social Development 2014 - 2030. National Energy Action Plan for Poverty Reduction 2007. Rural Electrification Master Plan, 2008. National Policy, Strategy and Action Plan for Energy Efficiency in the Electricity Sector 2014. Energy Sector Development Project: Update of the Electricity Sector Development Plan - Economic and Financial Studies with Annexes 2014.", + "Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Hydropower in Cameroon 2013. Transport. Road Master Plan of Cameroon - Railway Master Plan. Forest. Component REDD+_of the PNDP 2013. Document R-PIN REDD+ of Cameroon, 2008 and Document R-PP REDD+ of Cameroon, 2013.", + "Road Master Plan of Cameroon - Railway Master Plan. Forest. Component REDD+_of the UNDP 2013. Document R-PIN REDD+ of Cameroon, 2008 and Document R-PP REDD+ of Cameroon, 2013. National Action Plan to Combat Desertification Act No. 94/01 of 20 January 1994 on the regime of forests, wildlife and fisheries 1994. Forestry and wildlife sub-sector strategy 2020, 2012. Agriculture. Strategy document for the livestock, fisheries and animal industries sub-sector.", + "Sustainable Land Management in Development Plans and Development of Land Use and Sustainable Land Management Plans. National Agricultural Investment Plan (NIAP). Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project (ACIP). Adaptation. National Climate Change Adaptation Plan, 2015. World Bank: The cost to developing countries of adapting to climate change: New methods and estimates, 2010.", + "National Plan of Adaptation to Climate Change, 2015. World Bank: The cost to developing countries of adapting to climate change: New methods and estimates, 2010. Climate change impact study on Sanaga (World Bank). Vulnerability of agro-ecological zones to climate change. The country is divided into 5 agro-ecological zones (AEZs): 1 Sudanese-Sahelian zone, 2 Guinean high savannah zone, 3 high plateau zone, 4 bimodal rainfall zone, 5 monomodal rainfall zone\u21a9.", + "The country is divided into 5 agro-ecological zones (AEZs): 1 Sudanese-Sahelian zone, 2 Guinean high savannah zone, 3 High plateau zone, 4 Bimodal rainfall zone, 5 Monomodal rainfall zone\u21a9. World Bank, 2010, The cost to developing countries of adapting to climate change: New methods and estimates.\u21a9" + ], + "large": [ + "REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON. INTENDED NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (INDC). 1. National context. Key data. Area (km2). 475 440. Climate. Very variable according to the 5 agro-ecological zones, see footnote 2. Population (2013). 22 253 000. GNP (US$ millions 2014). 32.5. GNP / ha (US$ millions 2013) (US$ PPP 2013). 1,308 (2,400). Share of agriculture in GDP and total employment (2014). 20% and 60%. Primary energy consumption (Mtoe 2012). 6.98. Primary energy consumption / ha (Mtoe 2012). 0.32. Share of fossil energy in primary consumption (2012). 28%. Share of fossil energy in electricity package (2014). 46%. Connected installed electrical capacity (2013). 1 400 MW. Electricity rate. 51%. Source", + "1 400 MW. Electrification rate. 51%. Sources: National sources; World Bank; EU delegation from various sources. Cameroon\u2019s CPDN is anchored in the country\u2019s vision for its future by 2035: that of becoming an emerging country. This overall objective is accompanied by a set of intermediate objectives: (i) poverty reduction; (ii) achieving the stage of middle-income countries, (iii) achieving the stage of New Industrialised Countries and (iv) consolidating the democratic process and national unity while respecting the diversity that characterises the country. In economic terms, this will involve, inter alia, sustained growth, an agricultural revolution based on increased productivity, and a doubling of the share of the secondary sector in the structure of GDP (from 19 to 38%). Cameroon is a", + "In economic terms, this will include sustained growth, an agricultural revolution based on increased productivity, and a doubling of the share of the secondary sector in the GDP structure (from 19 to 38%). Cameroon is a low emitter of GHGs (2nd National Communication). This ambitious development strategy will result in a sharp increase in emissions.", + "Cameroon is a low emitter of GHGs (2nd National Communication). This ambitious development strategy will result in a significant increase in emissions. Through this NDS, Cameroon intends to reduce its development carbon footprint without slowing down its growth, by focusing on mitigation options with high co-benefits (Section 2: Mitigation); strengthening the country\u2019s resilience to climate change (Section 3: Adaptation); aligning its sectoral policies and strengthening its implementation framework and tools to facilitate the achievement of these objectives (Section 4); and mobilising all relevant means to this end: financing, technology transfer and capacity building (Section 5). 2. Mitigation. Cameroon\u2019s Contribution. Type of Contribution. An emission reduction target with mitigation and adaptation actions. Long-term national target on GHG emissions", + "A reduction target with mitigation and adaptation actions. Long-term national target on GHG emissions. Reduction of GHG emissions of 32% compared to a baseline scenario for the target year (2035), and conditional on support from the international community in the form of financing, capacity-building actions and technology transfer. Target year. 2035. Baseline year. 2010. Key sectoral objectives. NDS scenario: (i) greening (intensification, sedentisation) of agricultural policy; (ii) sustainable forest management (iii) increasing energy supply and improving energy efficiency; (iv) 25% renewable energy in the electricity mix by 2035.", + "Scenario NDS: (i) greening (intensification, sedentisation) of agricultural policy; (ii) sustainable forest management (iii) increasing energy supply and improving energy efficiency; (iv) 25% renewable energy in the electricity grid by 2035. Contribution ambition. Cameroon\u2019s emission reduction target represents a significant effort for a country with internationally insignificant emissions and world GDP per capita ranking 148th (2013, PPP basis). Equity of the Contribution. The 32% reduction in 2035 is of the same order or higher than that proposed by comparable countries or the subregion. This level of commitment takes into account the efforts made or underway to reduce emissions/increase carbon sinks (reforestation, sustainable forest management). Baseline and Sustainable Carbon Development Scenarios (NDS).", + "This level of commitment takes into account efforts made or underway to reduce emissions/increase carbon sinks (reforestation, sustainable forest management). Baseline and Sustainable Carbon Development (SCD) Scenarios The following graphs present (i) a baseline scenario in which no new public intervention mitigates emissions related to Cameroon\u2019s development and (ii) a SCD scenario (with the same GDP and level of development) showing the impact of major sectoral mitigation actions. This SCD scenario is conditional on support from the international community in the form of financing, capacity building and technology transfer. In the baseline scenario, GHG emissions reach 104 MtCO2-eq. in 2035, an increase of 166% over 2010. In the SCD scenario, the increase in emissions is contained at 71 MtCO2-eq.", + "In the NCC scenario, the increase in emissions is contained at 71 MtCO2-eq. in 2035, an increase of 82% from 2010 (39 MtCO2-eq.). In other words, the increase in emissions from the base year is halved (32 vs. 65 MtCO2-eq.). Assumptions and methodological approaches. Type of objective. Percentage reduction from target year emissions in a baseline scenario. Coverage (country-wide). All country. Gases covered. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O). Sectors/sources covered. Agriculture, Energy, Forestry, Waste \u2013 (excluding LULUCF for the reduction objective). Baseline scenario. This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions by industry by 2035 based on current", + "This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions by industry to 2035 based on current development strategies. Mitigation Scenario NDCC. This scenario describes the evolution of GHG emissions by industry to 2035 based on low-carbon trends in key industries, including energy and agriculture. Sources for scenarios. Data from IEA, World Bank, Enerdata, EDGAR, FAO, UNEP; Development Strategies (Cameroon Vision 2035, CESD), Sectoral Strategies (ESDP, AIP, etc.). Global Warming Potential (GWP). GWP values used are those determined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, AR4). Base-year emissions. The base-year inventory is constructed on the basis of IEA, FAO and EDGAR data. Data to be reviewed at the next inventory", + "The base year inventory is constructed on the basis of EIA, FAO and EDGAR data. Data to be reviewed at the next inventory. Base case emission projection methodology. The base case is constructed by applying to the emissions of the different sectors evolutionary assumptions depending on the sectoral growth rates, the evolution of the population, the energy mix and the trend in the efficiency of the sector. Projection methodology for the CPDN scenario. The CPDN scenario is constructed by applying to the sectoral emissions of the base case an estimate of the reductions resulting from the implementation of the Sectoral Actions \u2013 agriculture, forestry, waste, energy (e.g. electricity mix 25% EnR: 11% micro-hydro; 7% biomass; 6% solar PV; 1% wind). Land-use, land-use change and forestry (LULU", + "Electricity mix 25% EnR: 11% micro-hydro; 7% biomass; 6% solar PV; 1% wind). Approach to emissions from land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF). Emissions from this important sector in Cameroon will need to be analysed more precisely by 2020 in order to be able to be integrated into the overall objective. This can be done in particular through better knowledge of areas by type of soil. Mitigation actions. Cameroon intends to implement the following Mitigation Actions, in line with its development guidelines. Agriculture / Fisheries / Elevation / Forestry. Major issues in the agriculture/livestock/fisheries sector: (i) Search for self-sufficiency, food security, development of the agro-industry and (ii) Improvement of productivity and competitiveness.", + "Major issues in the agriculture/livestock/fisheries sector: (i) Search for self-sufficiency, food security, development of agro-industry and (ii) Improvement of productivity and competitiveness Major issues in the forestry sector: (i) Sustainable management of forests through the exploitation and enhancement of productive forests through management plans, (ii) Contribution to economic growth and poverty reduction through the transfer of part of tax revenues to communities, the creation of jobs, the creation of community forests in the DFP and community forests in the DFnP (iii) Conservation of biodiversity through the strengthening of the national network of protected areas, (iv) Coherence of the land system through zoning plans CLE MESSAGE: \"Agriculture has been and remains the pillar of the country\u2019s", + "CLE MESSAGE: \"Agriculture has been and remains the pillar of the country\u2019s emergence ambition, but it is possible and even necessary to limit its carbon impact. Sustainable forest management will increase the carbon sink. This low-carbon growth will bring important co-benefits (economic and social development, job creation, improvement of the environment and health, etc.).\" Guidance. Actions. Cost-benefit analysis. 1) Coherence of rural planning and development to develop agriculture while limiting deforestation / degradation.", + "1) Coherence of planning and management of rural areas to develop agriculture while limiting deforestation/degradation - Ensure coherence between agricultural development plans and strategies to limit deforestation or degradation (REDD+) through the National Planning and Sustainable Development Scheme (planned for 2017) in consultation with each of the sectors and territories; - Create favourable conditions for the development of the sector by improving governance, involving all relevant actors and building on decentralisation, in order to ensure effective and efficient planning, programming, budgeting, mobilisation of funding, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of rural sector development; - Strengthen sustainable management and enhancement of forests and biodiversity, in particular through spatial land monitoring; - Promote rehabilitation of degraded land and reforestation of anthropogenic savanna, and strengthen carbon sinks", + "- Develop basic infrastructure to improve the logistics of transport of agricultural, livestock and fisheries products.", + "Impacts on greenhouse gas emissions: The assessment of the impact of these agricultural or forestry strategies would require the collection of reliable and measurable data, but a simplified exercise could be carried out to assess trends: - The baseline scenario, based on the assumption of growth in the agricultural sector, results in a 3-fold increase in the sector\u2019s greenhouse gas emissions in 2035 compared to the baseline year.", + "A simplified exercise could, however, be carried out to assess trends: - The baseline scenario, based on the assumption of growth in the agricultural sector, leads to a threefold increase in greenhouse gas emissions in the sector in 2035 compared to the baseline year. - The low-carbon scenario would allow a 33% reduction in emissions in 2035 compared to the baseline scenario.Co-benefits of agricultural development and the strategy to limit deforestation:- development of infrastructure and provision of equipment to improve the quality of life, particularly in rural areas;- improvement of agricultural productivity and growth to improve competitiveness, wealth creation and poverty reduction;- stimulation of the creation of small-scale agricultural industries in rural areas: positive effects on the social economy: job creation in rural areas (creation of tens of thousands of formal jobs per year over the next ten years);-", + "in the next ten years);- the conservation of biodiversity enables the maintenance of pools of genes, species and ecosystems while contributing to job creation- the development of human capital (supervision, training and organisation of producers, breeders, aquaculturists and foresters)- the empowerment of women and the protection of vulnerable populations and minorities- the reduction of mobile agriculture;- the improvement of the food and nutritional situation;- the development of recreational uses of the forest;- greater resilience to climate change.", + "Costs The overall cost of implementing the AIP has been estimated at CFAF 15 billion (US$ 25 billion) over the period 2014-2020. The overall cost of implementing the 2020 Forest and Wildlife Strategy for the period 2013-2017 is estimated at US$ 388 million. 2) Intensifying environmentally sound agricultural, animal and fisheries production to limit deforestation/degradation.", + "The overall cost of implementing the 2020 Forest and Wildlife Strategy for the period 2013-2017 is estimated at US$388 million. 2) Intensifying environmentally friendly agricultural, animal and fisheries production to limit deforestation/degradation. - Decoupling agricultural production from deforestation/degradation through the intensification of environmentally sustainable agricultural practices and agroforestry (including through land security); - Promoting the use of improved high-yielding and environmentally resistant seeds (excluding GMOs and hybrids); - Developing high-yielding, short-cycle and fast-rotating species; - Strengthening partnerships and collaborations to improve soil productivity, implement agricultural innovations; developing rational, conservative or sustainable agriculture; - Developing efficient agricultural mechanisation and improving processing and packaging infrastructure to extend the value chain", + "- Sustainable use and exploitation of natural resources through the balanced promotion of all sectors, taking into account the constraints of environmental conservation and adaptation to climate change.", + "- Decouple agricultural production from deforestation/degradation through the intensification of sustainable agricultural practices on the environment and agroforestry (particularly through land security); - Promote the use of improved high-yield seeds resistant to adverse environmental factors (excluding GMOs and hybrids); - Develop high-yield, short-cycle and rapidly rotating species; - Strengthen partnerships and collaborations to improve soil productivity, implement agricultural innovations; develop rational, conservative or sustainable agriculture; - Develop efficient agricultural mechanisation and improve processing and packaging infrastructures to extend the value chain: - Sustainably use and enhance natural resources through the balanced promotion of all sectors, taking into account environmental conservation constraints and adaptation to climate change. 3) Promote practices to improve agricultural production capacities and enhance environmental resources.", + "3) Promotion of practices to improve agricultural production capacities and enhance environmental resources. - Promote the integration of agriculture and livestock, agroforestry and conservation agriculture, in particular at the level of community and private plantations; - Improve agricultural productivity by optimising land and water resources, improving the living environment of rural producers and connecting them to markets, improving access to appropriate materials, equipment and financing; - Restore organic soils and promote research on natural resource management (in particular soil sciences and pathological physiology and post-harvest technology); - Adapt crop schedules and production techniques - Limit methane emissions from rice cultivation by minimising flooding. 4) Energy enhancement of rural resources in particular yc waste.", + "- Promote the integration of agriculture and livestock, agroforestry and conservation agriculture, in particular at the level of community and private plantations; - Improve agricultural productivity by optimising land and water resources, improving the living conditions of rural producers and their access to markets, improving access to appropriate materials, equipment and financing; - Restore organic soils and promote research on natural resource management (in particular soil sciences and pathological physiology and post-harvest technology); - Adapt crop schedules and production techniques - Limit methane emissions from rice farming by minimising submersion. 4) Enhance, in particular, energy use of rural resources yc waste. - Reduce unsustainable consumption of firewood, for example through sustainable wood-energy management; improved homes, and promotion of methanisation and/or butanisation in rural areas; -", + "Rural areas; - To develop energy production based on agricultural waste, in particular through the upgrading of cocoa beans, orange apples, sugar cane bagasse, molasses, cassava effluents, rice straw for the production of briquettes; etc. - To develop the production of animal and fish food supplements and other products (e.g. silage); - To develop the use of improved manure by composting.", + "- Reduce the unsustainable consumption of firewood e.g. through sustainable wood-energy management; improved homes, and promotion of methanisation and/or butanisation in rural areas; - Develop energy production based on agricultural waste, in particular through the upgrading of cocoa cashews, almond apples, sugarcane bagasse, molasses, cassava effluents, rice straw for the production of briquettes; etc. - Develop the production of animal and fish food supplements and other products (e.g. silage); - Develop the use of improved manure by composting. Energy / Waste.", + "Energy / Waste. Major energy issues: (i) Improving access to electricity for people and industries by quadrupling generation capacity to 6GW by 2035; (ii) Increasing the use of renewable energies in electricity generation, especially in areas that are difficult to connect to the electricity grid; and (iii) Making energy efficiency a national priority. Major waste issues: improving urban sanitation, in particular by making waste a resource for energy production. CLE MESSAGE: \"To increase the share of non-hydro renewable energies in the electricity mix to 25% by 2035\". Guidance. Actions. Cost-benefit analysis. 5) Controlling system energy consumption through a proactive energy efficiency policy.", + "CLE MESSAGE: \"To increase the share of non-hydro renewable energies in the electricity mix to 25% by 2035\". Guidance. Actions. Cost-benefit analysis. 5) Controlling the energy consumption of systems through a proactive energy efficiency policy. Cross-cutting:- Establishing energy efficiency (EE) regulations based in particular on the document \"National Policy, Strategy and Action Plan for Energy Efficiency in the Electricity Sector in Cameroon\" (2014) with an energy savings target of 2 250GWh corresponding to 450MW of installed capacity by 2025;- Establishing and operationalizing the Agency for the Promotion and Rationalization of Energy Use (APRUE)- Developing economic incentives to promote and remove barriers to investment in EE; - Interconnecting Cameroon\u2019s 3 networks (North, South and East) to optim", + "Regional Energy, through interconnection with other countries in the subregion, notably the Central African Energy Pool (CAEP) and West Africa via Nigeria (WAPP).", + "Cross-cutting:- Establish energy efficiency (EE) regulation based in particular on the document \"National Policy, Strategy and Action Plan for Energy Efficiency in the Electricity Sector in Cameroon\" (2014) with an energy saving target of 2 250GWh corresponding to 450MW installed capacity by 2025;- Establish and operationalize the Agency for the Promotion and Rationalisation of Energy Use (APRUE)- Develop economic incentives to promote and remove barriers to investment in EE; - Interconnect Cameroon\u2019s 3 networks (North, South and East) to optimise transport and distribution and reduce losses;- Strengthen and promote Cameroon\u2019s integration and participation in the sub-regional energy market, through interconnection with other countries in the sub-region, in particular the Central African Energy Pool (CAEP) and West Africa via Nigeria (WAPP", + "- Raising awareness and encouraging energy audits in SMEs; - Optimising processes through more efficient technologies as well as through leaching and disposal; - Assessing the potential for substitution or optimisation (e.g. cogeneration or recovery); - Limiting losses (torture, networks, waste) through the application of regulations, as well as through standards, pricing and incentives.", + "Industry: - Encourage and then make mandatory regular energy audits in large energy-intensive industries; - Raise awareness and encourage energy audits in SMEs; - Optimise processes through more efficient technologies as well as through leaching and disposal; - Assess the potential for substitution or optimisation (e.g. cogeneration or recovery); - Limit losses (turf, grids, waste) through the application of regulations, as well as through standards, pricing and incentives. Buildings: - Revise the building code to improve energy performance through thermal standards for construction and renovation, and a certification process; - Train and organise the entire value chain for low-consumption construction/renovation; - Regulate and impose labelling of electrical appliances.", + "Buildings: - Revise the building code to improve energy performance through thermal standards for construction and renovation, and a certification process; - Train and organise the entire value chain for low-consumption construction/renovation; - Regulate and impose labelling of electrical appliances. Transport: limit constrained mobility and develop low-carbon transport offers- Promote an integrated approach to the sector and the development of low-carbon transport through a National Transport Infrastructure Scheme;- Integrate an energy/climate dimension in territorial planning documents to try to limit distances, work on functional mix and propose efficient public transport policies- Accompany the state and local authorities in the development of low-carbon intra- and inter-urban public transport development plans (ex Yaound\u00e9 and Douala tramways);- Promote the purchase of clean vehicles and the scrapping of the most polluting", + "Transport: limit constrained mobility and develop low-carbon transport offers- Promote an integrated approach to the sector and the development of low-carbon transport through a National Transport Infrastructure Scheme;- Integrate an energy/climate dimension into territorial planning documents in order to try to limit distances, work on functional mix and propose efficient public transport policies- Accompany the state and local authorities in the development of low-carbon intra- and intercity public transport development plans (ex Yaound\u00e9 and Douala tramway);- Promote the purchase of low-polluting vehicles and the scrapping of the most polluting ones through standards, incentives or obligations. Impacts on greenhouse gas emissions:The assessment of this impact would require a detailed assessment.", + "Impacts on greenhouse gas emissions:The assessment of this impact would require a detailed assessment. However, a simplified exercise could be carried out to assess the trends:- The baseline scenario, based on the assumptions of growth in energy-consuming sectors and evolution of the energy mix in 2035, would result in almost a threefold increase in energy greenhouse gas emissions compared to the baseline year, as well as a doubling of emissions from the waste sector.- The low-carbon scenario, based on an improvement in the energy efficiency of the system, and evolution of the energy mix, would result in a 26% reduction in emissions compared to the baseline scenario. Co-benefits of the energy-waste strategy.", + "A simplified exercise could, however, be carried out to assess trends:- The baseline scenario, based on the assumptions of growth in the energy-consuming sectors and evolution of the energy mix in 2035, translates into almost a threefold increase in greenhouse gas emissions compared to the baseline year, as well as a doubling of emissions from the waste sector.- The low-carbon scenario, based on an improvement in the energy efficiency of the system and evolution of the energy mix, would allow a reduction in emissions of 26% compared to the baseline scenario. Co-benefits of the energy-waste strategy. - Improvement in the productivity of enterprises- Stimulation of the emergence of energy project promoters (EE and EnR), or \u2018eco-entrepreneurship\u2019- Revitalisation of the local economy: creation of skilled", + "- Improving the productivity of enterprises- Stimulating the emergence of energy project promoters (EE and EnR), or \u2018eco-entrepreneurship\u2019- Revitalising the local economy: creating skilled jobs for all profiles- Strengthening Cameroon\u2019s human capital (management, training and organisation of the sectors).- Reducing congestion and local pollution (especially short-lived pollutants)- Improving resilience to climate change (diversifying the electricity grid). Costs The total amount of investment required for the implementation of the EDP by 2035 was estimated at CFAF 8 270 md (median scenario). A simplified assessment of the cost of implementing the electricity grid proposed in the low-carbon scenario has not shown any significant financial overhead (based on LCOE) but will need to be clarified in a future", + "A simplified assessment of the cost of implementing the electricity package proposed in the low-carbon scenario has not shown any significant additional financial cost (based on LCOE) but will have to be clarified in a future study. 6) Efficient valorisation of resources to move towards a circular economy. - Strengthen waste management policies (by 2035, all major cities should have landfills with at least 70% methane capture);- Promote the development of a circular economy;Recover / use agricultural and forestry waste; composting;Valorisation / treatment of other waste (purification plant, sewage sludge, etc.). 7) Development of energy production from renewable sources. - Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the potential of renewable energies (Invest\u2019\u20aclec\u2019s partial study identified 262 small hydro and 25 biomass-energy sites for a cumul", + "35 pilot projects (23 hydro, 9 biomass and 3 solar PV) have been identified; Adopt a renewable energy development plan to increase the share of R&D in the electricity package to 25% by 2035; Establish an incentive framework for R&D (call for tenders, buy-back tariffs, etc.) and remove barriers to investment (strengthening of the institutional framework, etc.); A draft law is under consideration; Accelerate the implementation of the rural electrification master plan developed by the EEA; Create other financial facilitations for rural lighting such as the Rural Electricity Fund (REF); Promote the development of \"mini-smart-grids\" in rural areas; Create a Renewable Energy Promotion Agency; Improve collaboration between the existing bodies (FEICOM, PNDP, and the EEA) for the development of community R&D projects.", + "35 pilot projects (23 hydro, 9 biomass and 3 solar PV) have been identified; Adopt a renewable energy development plan to increase the share of RES in the electricity grid to 25% by 2035; Establish an incentive framework for RES development (tendering, buy-back tariffs, etc.) and remove barriers to investment (strengthening the institutional framework, etc.); A draft law is under consideration; Accelerate the implementation of the rural electrification master plan developed by the EEA; Create other financial facilitations for rural lighting such as the Rural electrification fund (REF); Promote the development of mini-smart-grids in rural areas; Establish a renewable energy promotion agencyImprove collaboration between the existing bodies (FEICOM, PNDP, and the EEA) for the development of community RES projects.", + "In June 2015, Cameroon validated a National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NCCAP), which includes, among other things, an assessment of climate change in each of the five agro-ecological zones1, an assessment of sectoral and geographical sensitivity, vulnerability and resilience, an intervention strategy 2016-2025, an assessment of losses, risks and gaps, a five-year action plan 2016-2020 divided into 20 detailed project cards. The vision of the NCCAP is that by 2035, \"climate change in Cameroon\u2019s five agro-ecological zones will be fully integrated into the country\u2019s sustainable development, thus reducing its vulnerability, and even transforming the climate change problem into a development solution/opportunity\".", + "NACHA\u2019s vision is that by 2035, \"climate change in Cameroon\u2019s five agro-ecological zones will be fully integrated into the country\u2019s sustainable development, thereby reducing its vulnerability and even transforming the climate change problem into a solution/opportunity for development. Thus, Cameroonians \u2013 especially women, children and vulnerable people \u2013 and the country\u2019s economic sectors will gain greater resilience and adaptability to the adverse impacts of climate change.\" To achieve this result, NACHA has presented a strategic programme based on 4 axes:Strategic axis 1:", + "Recommendations: Support research; Improve climate scenarios; Promote climate information; Establish an observation, information and warning system; Establish a database for monitoring indicators and the MRV. Strategic axis 2: Inform, educate and mobilize the Cameroonian population to adapt to climate change. Recommendations: Vulnerable communities and groups are the priority targets; Support advocacy actions; Conduct community mobilization; Promote IEC actions; Use local and traditional media; Share adaptation experiences. Strategic axis 3: Reduce vulnerability to climate change in the country\u2019s main agro-ecological sectors and areas. Recommendations: Assess costs; Fund concrete studies and measures; Design financial incentive mechanisms. Strategic axis 4: Integrate adaptation to climate change into national sectoral strategies and policies.", + "Recommendations: Assess costs; Fund studies and concrete measures; Develop financial incentive mechanisms. Strategic axis 4: Integrate adaptation to climate change into national sectoral strategies and policies. Recommendations: Take adaptation into account in national and local planning and budgeting; Integrate CCC into the territorial development framework; Conduct specific studies to better identify risks; Participate in international trade. Twelve economic sectors were taken into account in each of the 5 EEZs to assess their vulnerability to the above parameters :- eight thematic sectors: agriculture, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, forestry and wildlife, water, sanitation and health, energy, mining and industries, urban development and public works, tourism; - four cross-cutting sectors, in accordance with the CESD: education, research and vocational training, craft", + "- four cross-sectoral sectors, in accordance with the DSCE: Education, Research and Vocational Training, Crafts and Social Economy, Telecommunications, Gender, Vulnerable Population, Social Protection and National Solidarity. Analysis of impacts and vulnerability by EEZ and by sector shows that :- The most vulnerable areas are: Sudanese Sahelian EEZ and coastal EEZ with monomodal rainfall;. - The most vulnerable sectors are (i) agriculture, and (ii) water sanitation and health;. - Approximately 320 000 people are exposed to climate disasters annually. Vulnerability will be overall high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to medium in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forest or mountainous areas.", + "Vulnerability will be overall high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to moderate in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forest or mountain ranges. Despite the high variability by EEZ, it can be estimated that for the sectors :- Agriculture: Vulnerability will be overall high to very high in zones 1, 2 and 4, high to moderate in the rest of the country (droughts, rising temperatures); - Livestock: Vulnerability will be overall high to very high in zones 1, 2 and 3, high to moderate in the rest of the country (droughts, rising temperatures); - Fisheries and Aquaculture: Vulnerability will be overall high to moderate throughout the country, especially in zones 5, 1, and 4, high to moderate in the rest of the country (droughts, rising temperatures); - Forestry", + "- Fisheries and aquaculture: overall vulnerability will be high to moderate throughout the country, especially in zones 5, 1 and 4, high to moderate in the rest of the country (droughts, rising temperatures); - Forestry, forestry and wildlife: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to moderate in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forested areas (droughts, extreme events); - Water, sanitation and health: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to moderate in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forested areas (drought, floods and ground movement); - Forestry, forestry and wildlife: overall vulnerability will be high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to moderate in the rest of the country but with strong trends", + "- Water, sanitation and health: Vulnerability will be overall high to very high in zones 4 and 5, high to medium in the rest of the country but with strong trends in forested areas (drought, flooding and land movement); - Energy, mining and industry: Vulnerability will be overall high to very high in zones 5 and 2, high to medium in the rest of the country (precipitation, drought, sea level rise); - Urban development and public works: Vulnerability will be overall high to very high in zones 5 and 4, high to medium in the rest of the country (flooding, sea level rise); - Tourism: Vulnerability will be overall medium to low in the country, except in mountainous areas and zone 1 (drought).", + "- Tourism: overall vulnerability will be moderate to low in the country, except in the mountain ranges and zone 1 (drought). The intervention strategy 2016-2025 (unquantified) results in a preliminary five-year action plan 2016-2020, broken down into 20 programme fiches grouped below by general themes. fiches 1 to 5 concern cross-cutting projects, fiches 6 to 20 sectoral projects. In general, the Master of Work will be MINEPAT, assisted by one or more technical structures (Ministry or Interministerial Coordination Committee) acting as delegated Master of Work or Master of Work. The amounts indicated, i.e. $1.8 billion over 5 years, are indicative, based on 1) the amount of $16 per year and per capita proposed by the World Bank for Sub-Saharan Africa2 and 2) the hierarchy of sectoral priorities of the Government of", + "The amounts indicated, i.e. $1.8 billion over 5 years, are indicative, based on 1) the amount of $16 per year and per capita proposed by the World Bank for Sub-Saharan Africa2 and 2) the hierarchy of the sectoral priorities of the Government of Cameroon. Further studies will enable a breakdown of these budgets into projects entrusted to the various partners:. General themes / Programmes. million $. %. Delegated works manager / Master of works. Agriculture, Elevation, Fisheries. Programme 16: Development of integrated and resilient agriculture to the effects of climate change: spatial planning, choice of agronomic techniques and intensification; Water needs management; sustainable/conservatory/sustainable agriculture development; water pollution management; waste management and exploitation. 385. 21%. Coordination Committee (MINADER,", + "Programme 16: Development of integrated and resilient agriculture to the effects of climate change: spatial planning, choice of agronomic techniques and intensification; Water needs management; development of sustainable/conservative/sustainable agriculture; water pollution management; waste management and exploitation. 385. 21%. Coordination Committee (MINADER, relevant sectoral ministries and headquarters structures). Programme 17: Reduction of the vulnerability of livestock farming to the effects of climate change (REVEECC): management of pastures, water points; spatial management, land mapping; improvement of mobile agriculture; forage production. MINEPDED and MINEPIA. Programme 18: Reduction of the effects of climate change on the fisheries sector: adaptation of fisheries, aquaculture and fish farming. MINEPIA. Spatial planning / risk management. Programme", + "Programme 01: Upgrading national systems for hydro-meteorological data collection, analysis, forecasting, information, early warning and capacity-building. 600. 33%. MINTRANSPORT, MINATD, MINEPDED. Programme 02: Updating national, regional and departmental contingency plans, increasing and operationalizing the emergency fund. MINADT, MINEPDED, MINFI. Programme 03: Development of the Climate Risks and Land Use Plan programmes: Land mapping; National, provincial, departmental and community management frameworks; Monitoring system. MINCAF. Programme 05: Protection and management of the coastline against the effects of climate change; Restoration and management of mangroves; Use of resources; Adaptation of infrastructure. MINEPDED, MINDEF, MINEPIA and MINDCAF. Programme 07: Adaptation of technical references for infrastructure construction to the effects of climate change", + "MINTP, MINEPAT, MINMAP and ONACC. Programme 08: Reducing the vulnerability of urban populations to the effects of climate change. MINHDU. Programme 09: Improving local land governance in response to climate change. MINDCAF, MINATD. Energy, Industry. Programme 11: Climate change and integrated management of household waste, collection and recovery. 310. 17%. MINEPDED. Programme 12: Diversification of energy supply in a climate change context. MINEE. Programme 15: Taking climate change into account in the development of tourism and craft activities: Use of resources by crafts (water, RN, etc.); Development and adaptation of tourist sites. MINPMEESA and MINTOUL. Programme 20: Taking climate change into account in the development of industries in Cameroon: management of space, protection of areas at climate risk; energy supplies,", + "MINEPDED, MINIMIDT. Forests. Programme 19: Reducing the vulnerability of forests to climate change in Cameroon: inventories, management and conservation of forest blocks, restoration of forest cover, especially in sensitive areas (source heads, banks, etc.); village agroforestry; valorisation of plant waste; development of in situ processing; conservation of biodiversity; management of trafficking and poaching; management of bushfires. 150. 8%. MINFOF and MINEPDED. Water management / Health / Social. Programme 10: Adaptation of national gender policy and reduction of their vulnerability to climate change. 300. 16.5%. MINAS and MINPROF.", + "Programme 10: Adaptation of national gender policy and reduction of their vulnerability to climate change. 300. 16.5%. MINAS and MINPROF. Programme 13: Strengthening and securing access to water resources and sanitation services in the context of climate change; securing environmental services; management of surface water and groundwater, protection of spring heads; establishment of banks and soils; role of women; plans for the use of surface or deep water; pollution control (agricultural, industrial, sanitary, etc.); prevention of extreme events (floods); conservation of aquatic biodiversity. MINEE. Programme 14: Strengthening the capacity of the national health system to adapt to climate change; health map; emerging diseases; alert systems. MINSANTE. Capacity-building / Communication.", + "Programme 14: Capacity-building of the national health system to adapt to climate change; Health map; Emerging diseases; Alert systems. MINSANTE. Capacity-building / Communication. Programme 04: Awareness-raising of the population, professionals, administrations and decision makers on the effects of climate change and on the measures to be taken. 70. 4%. MINEPDED. Programme 06: Education, vocational training and capacity-building on climate change: curricula and teaching tools, specialized training; continuing education; scholarships; support for research. MINESUP, MINESEC, MINEDUB, MINRESI, MINEPDED, MINEFOP. Totals (2016-2020). 1815. 100%. 4. Planning, implementation and monitoring of the NDFP. Cameroon will take the following measures to implement, monitor and update the NDFP as necessary. Description.", + "Cameroon will take the following measures to implement, monitor and, where appropriate, update this NCP. Description. Objective. Institutional framework. Integrate climate change into national planning and sectoral policies. Coherence of sectoral plans and policies with mitigation and adaptation objectives and actions. Operationalize the National Observatory on Climate Change (ONACC) established in 2009. Ensure effective implementation of a cross-cutting national policy. The ONACC Steering Board is particularly responsible for planning, coordinating implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the NCP; the ONACC is particularly responsible for monitoring and evaluation. Assess the climate impact of any new legislation or policy/programme/public project (impact assessment). Integrate climate into public decision-making processes. Operationalize the NCP. Translate the NCP into operational programmes based on sectoral strategies. Operationalize the NCP", + "Integrate climate into public decision-making processes. Operationalize the NDPC. Translate the NDPC into operational programs based on sectoral strategies. Operationalize the NDPC. - Improve systems for the establishment and collection of emission data (monitoring). - Conduct an annual inventory. Obtain reliable data on GHG emissions. Additional studies (to be carried out after submission of the NDPC): - refine the costs of the NDPC Actions and quantify their co-benefits - improve knowledge of land use and management in Cameroon - assess the potential of renewable energies - operationalize the NAACP and options for financing them - assess the desirability of ecological taxation.", + "Additional studies (to be carried out after submission of the NDPC): - to refine the costs of the NDPC Actions and quantify their co-benefits - to improve knowledge of land use and management in Cameroon - to assess the potential of renewable energies - to operationalize the NAACP and options for their financing - to assess the desirability of ecological taxation. To quantify and refine the description of the NDPC Mitigation and Adaptation Actions. Monitoring and evaluation (MRV). Indicators: - annual global and sectoral GHG emissions - carbon intensity of GDP and key sectors in 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035 - annual installed capacity for renewable energies - adaptation and vulnerability indicators (to be specified) - monitoring of agricultural land use. Monitoring of the NDPC implementation. Coding", + "Indicators: - annual global and sectoral GHG emissions - carbon intensity of GDP and major sectors in 2015, 2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035 - annual installed renewable energy capacity - adaptation and vulnerability indicators (to be specified) - monitoring of agricultural land use. Monitoring of the implementation of the NDFP. Coding of climate change related expenditure (e.g. on the basis of \u2018Rio Markers\u2019 developed by OECD-DAC) in the state budget. Monitoring of climate revenues and expenditure in the national budget. Creation of a system to monitor all climate related expenditure and financing. Monitoring of overall national climate related resources and expenditure. Communication.", + "Establishment of a system to monitor all climate-related expenditure and financing. Monitoring of overall national climate-related resources and expenditure. Communication. - Communication campaign towards civil society at the end of 2015 on the NCP and COP21 - Establishment of a dedicated website on national climate change policy/NCP, where the above indicators will be published. Updating of the NCP. Periodicity: Review in the light of the outcome of COP21, if necessary. Every 5 years unless otherwise indicated by the COPs. 5. Means of implementation. Financing. Cameroon intends to mobilise the following sources to finance the mitigation and adaptation actions of this NCP:", + "Cameroon intends to mobilise the following sources of financing for the mitigation and adaptation actions of this NCP:. Private financing. Cameroon intends to mobilise international or domestic private financing for the co-financing of the actions of this NCP, particularly those that can generate financial returns acceptable to the private sector. To this end, Cameroon will endeavour to strengthen the capacity of domestic financial markets and banking systems to mobilise and deploy national savings, in particular on projects contributing to low-carbon development and resilient to climate change, as well as the attractiveness of Cameroon for FDI (investment climate). National budget. Cameroon will increase its budgetary financing for the actions of this NCP that fall within the competence of the State and that could not be financed by international assistance.", + "Cameroon will increase its budgetary funding in favour of the Actions of this NDFP which fall within the competence of the State and which could not be financed by international assistance. This State effort may take the form of either direct budgetary expenditure or be channelled through specific funds financed, in particular, from the State budget. Donors / TFPs. Cameroon will seek the support of donors and TFPs (including grants and technical assistance) for the financing of the Actions of this NDFP. Green Climate Fund. Cameroon is considering the desirability of establishing an eligible national entity (accredited) to the VCF and other international bodies. Cameroon will also seek the support of accredited regional and multilateral entities to co-finance the Actions of this NDFP. Carbon markets.", + "Cameroon will also seek the support of accredited regional and multilateral entities to co-finance the Actions of this NDFP. Carbon Markets. Cameroon supports the inclusion of international carbon markets in a post-2020 climate agreement and proposes that such an instrument, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime, could be used to help finance certain investments in carbon-efficient and climate-resilient infrastructure. Cameroon considers that some of the Actions of this NDFP, or additional actions, could be financed in whole or in part by the international transfer of carbon assets, ensuring respect for the principles of environmental integrity and transparency. Other economic instruments. The opportunity to deploy tools to generate a price signal on the social cost of carbon (market or carbon tax) and thus to internalise carbon externality will be explored. First Five-Year", + "The opportunity to deploy tools to generate a price signal on the social cost of carbon (carbon market or tax) and thus internalise carbon externality will be explored. First five-year tranche. The NDFP is divided into five-year tranches. A first five-year tranche of Actions to be funded will be presented in early 2016. Capacity building. Mitigation. At all levels: link between development, energy and climate change; monitoring/evaluation of activities. Decision makers: interests in integrating energy-climate thinking into all sectoral policies. Operators: implementation of low-carbon development, e.g.: farmers: agricultural practices enabling sustainable intensification of production; methods of management and valorisation of agricultural residues. Forestry: strengthening sustainable forest management, governance, low-impact exploitation, increasing processing", + "Forestry: Strengthening sustainable forest management, governance, low-impact exploitation, increasing processing rates, valorisation of processing waste. Energy: Sustainable wood energy management, construction, dissemination and use of improved fireplaces and furnaces, establishment of plantations for wood-energy purposes. Entrepreneurs: The keys to success in developing a renewable energy project in rural areas; valorisation of products from sustainable agriculture. Adaptation. Informing, educating and communicating on climate risks. - Raising awareness of the impacts of climate change. - Developing the capacity of populations to anticipate impacts and increase their resilience. Environmental Information Management System. - Coordinating the activities of the ONACC and the National Risk Observatory (NRO) for forecasting weather events and impacts of climate change.", + "- Coordinate the activities of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (ONACC) and the National Risk Observatory (ONR) for the forecasting of weather events and the impacts of climate change. - Establish a network for observing and monitoring the dynamics of the coastline at national level in order to identify areas at risk of coastal erosion and examine one or more indicators reflecting the climate/coastal erosion relationship. Strengthen the resilience of productive practices. - Capacity-building of the actors (especially young women and the elderly, indigenous peoples, farmers, etc.) concerns new technical routes within the framework of intensified and sustainable production modes. Technology transfer and R&D. - Development of partnerships between enterprises and research centres on the development of low-carbon solutions. - Improved access to tools", + "- Improved access to tools (e.g. crop cycle calibration in rainy season). 6. Annexes. Main abbreviations. AER. Agence d\u2019\u00e9lectrification rurale. BAD. African Development Bank. CC. Climate change. UNFCCC. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. ESC. Water and soil conservation. COP. Conference of the Parties (to the UNFCCC). NDA. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (= INDC). DFP. Permanent forest area. DFnP. Non-permanent forest area. DSCE. Growth and Employment Strategy Paper. EE. Energy efficiency. EnR. Renewable energy. FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization. FCFA. Franc CFA. FEICOM. Special Equipment and Inter-Community Response Fund. GHG. Green", + "Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (= CPDN). IREN. Renewable Energy Research Institute. LCOE. Levelized cost of electricity. MINADER. Ministry of Agriculture and Sustainable Development. MINATD. Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization. MINEE. Ministry of Water and Energy. MINEPAT. Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development. MINEPDED. Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development. MINEPIA. Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industry. MINHDU. Ministry of Habitat and Urban Development. MINFOF. Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife. MINTRANS. Ministry of Transport. Md. Milliard. Mln. Million. MtCO2-equ. Millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide or equivalent. Mtep. Millions of tonnes of oil equivalent.", + "National Climate Change Observatory. OECD. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. ESDP. Electricity Sector Long-term Development Plan. FP. Forestry Policy and Strategic Implementation Plan. GDP. Gross Domestic Product. UNDP. National Participatory Development Programme. UNEP. United Nations Environment Programme. PPP. Purchasing Power Parity. GRP. Global Warming Potential. TFP. Technical and Financial Partners. REDD+. Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. EU. European Union. UNECA. United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. US$. United States Dollar. UTCATF. Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry. ZAE. Agro-ecological Zone. Sources. Transverse. Cameroon Vision 2035. Growth and Employment Strategy Paper (DSCE). 1st", + "2nd national communication of Cameroon. Law No. 2013 / 004 of 18 April 2013 establishing incentives for private investment in the Republic of Cameroon. Decree No. 2009/410 of 10 December 2009 establishing, organising and operating the National Climate Change Observatory. Rural Sector Development Strategy Paper. National GHG Inventory 2013. Guidance Law No. 00211/008 of 06 May 2011 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development in Cameroon. National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan version 2, 2012. Mitigation (general). Mitigation Measures, MINEPDED 2013.", + "Development of the Water and Energy Sector Strategy \u2013 Options for Action in the Energy Sector, 2011 Draft Law for the Promotion and Development of Renewable Energy in Cameroon. State of the Renewable Energy Sector Regulatory Framework in Cameroon \u2013 Global Village Cameroon Study, 2012. ECCAS and CEMAC White Paper: Regional Policy for Universal Access to Modern Energy Services and Economic and Social Development 2014 - 2030. National Energy Action Plan for Poverty Reduction 2007. Rural Electrification Master Plan, 2008. National Policy, Strategy and Action Plan for Energy Efficiency in the Electricity Sector 2014. Energy Sector Development Project: Update of the Electricity Sector Development Plan - Economic and Financial Study with Annexes 2014. Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Hydropower in Cameroon 2013. Transport.", + "Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Hydropower in Cameroon 2013. Transport. Road Master Plan of Cameroon - Railway Master Plan. Forest. Component REDD+_of the PNDP 2013. Document R-PIN REDD+ of Cameroon, 2008 and Document R-PP REDD+ of Cameroon, 2013. National Action Plan to Combat Desertification Act No. 94/01 of 20 January 1994 on the regime of forests, wildlife and fisheries 1994. Forest and wildlife sub-sector strategy 2020, 2012. Agriculture. Strategy document for the livestock, fisheries and animal industries sub-sector. Sustainable land management in development plans and development of land use and sustainable land management plans. National Agricultural Investment Plan (NAIP). Project to Improve Agricultural Competitiveness (CAPA). Adaptation.", + "Sustainable Land Management in Development Plans and Development of Land Use and Sustainable Land Management Plans. National Agricultural Investment Plan (NIAP). Agricultural Competitiveness Improvement Project (ACIP). Adaptation. National Climate Change Adaptation Plan, 2015. World Bank: The cost to developing countries of adapting to climate change: New methods and estimates, 2010. Study of the impact of climate change on Sanaga (World Bank). Vulnerability of agro-ecological zones to climate change. The country is divided into 5 agro-ecological zones (AEZ): 1 Sudanese-Sahelian zone, 2 Guinean high savannah zone, 3 High plateau zone, 4 Bimodal rainfall zone, 5 Monomodal rainfall zone\u21a9. World Bank, 2010, The cost to developing countries of adapting to climate change: New methods and estimates.\u21a9" + ] + } + }, + { + "country_code": "COD", + "type_of_document": "Revised First NDC", + "language": "fr", + "para_translated": { + "small": [ + "DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO S NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO. Deputy Prime Minister. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. Revised Nationally Determined Contribution. Kinshasa, October 2021. Acronyms. Acronyms. Meanings. %. Percentage. \u00b0C. degree celsius. AFOLU. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses. AFOLU. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses. IRA. Income Regenerating Activities. IGA. Income Generating Activities. ANATAC.", + "Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses. AFOLU. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses. IRA. Income Regenerating Activities. IGA. Income Generating Activities. ANATAC. National Alliance of Traditional Authorities of Congo. BAU. Business as Usual. BCC. Central Bank of Congo. UNFCCC. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. NDC. Nationally Determined Contribution. CEDEN. Circle for the defense of the environment. NC.", + "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. NDC. Nationally Determined Contribution. CEDEN. Circle for the defense of the environment. NC. National communications. CODELT. Consulting for Environmental Defense through Legality and Traceability. COMIFAC. Central African Forest Commission. COPEMECO. Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises. COVID-19. Coronavirus pandemic, which appeared in 2019. INDC. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution. SAR. Department of Sanitation. DDD.", + "Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises. COVID-19. Coronavirus pandemic, which appeared in 2019. INDC. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution. SAR. Department of Sanitation. DDD. Sustainable Development Department. DGPA. Dynamics of the Indigenous Peoples Group. DIAF. Forest Management and Inventory Department. EDC. Electricity of the Congo. RIL. Reduced Impact Logging. ENERKA. Kasai Energy. ENK. Electricity of North Kivu. ERAIFT.", + "Forest Management and Inventory Department. EDC. Electricity of the Congo. RIL. Reduced Impact Logging. ENERKA. Kasai Energy. ENK. Electricity of North Kivu. ERAIFT. Regional Postgraduate School for the Planning and Integrated Management of Tropical Forests. EVA. Healthy School and Village. FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FAT. Forestry and other Land Use. FEC.", + "Healthy School and Village. FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FAT. Forestry and other Land Use. FEC. Federation of Congo Businesses. FIB. Federation of Wood Manufacturers. FONAREDD. National REDD+ Fund. GDT. Sustainable Land Management. GHG. Greenhouse gas. IPCC. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. LPG. Liquefied Petroleum Gas. GTCRR. Revamped REDD+ Climate Working Group. GW. Gigawatt. Ha.", + "Greenhouse gas. IPCC. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. LPG. Liquefied Petroleum Gas. GTCRR. Revamped REDD+ Climate Working Group. GW. Gigawatt. Ha. Hectare. HPS. High pressure sodium vapor lamps (SHP or in English HPS). IDE. Foreign Direct Investments. HDI. Human Development Index. INERA. National Institute of Agronomic Studies and Research. INS. National Institute of Statistics. ISF. Synthetic Fertility Index. Kg.", + "Human Development Index. INERA. National Institute of Agronomic Studies and Research. INS. National Institute of Statistics. ISF. Synthetic Fertility Index. Kg. Kilogram. Km. Kilometer. Km2. Square Kilometer. LED. Light-Emitting Diode. LEDs. Low Carbon Development Strategy/Low Emissions Development Strategy. LINAPYCO. National League of Indigenous Pygmy Associations of Congo. LPS. Low pressure sodium vapor lamps. m3. Cubic meter. NAMA (NAMAS).", + "Low Carbon Development Strategy/Low Emissions Development Strategy. LINAPYCO. National League of Indigenous Pygmy Associations of Congo. LPS. Low pressure sodium vapor lamps. m3. Cubic meter. NAMA (NAMAS). Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Measures. MAED. Model for Energy Demand Analysis. MAGICC-ScenGen. Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse-gas Induced Climate Change. USD billion/US$. Billion US Dollars. CDM. Clean Development Mechanism. MECNT-DD.", + "Model for Energy Demand Analysis. MAGICC-ScenGen. Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse-gas Induced Climate Change. USD billion/US$. Billion US Dollars. CDM. Clean Development Mechanism. MECNT-DD. Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development. MEDD. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. MIBA. Bakwanga Mining Company. MINAGRI. Ministry in charge of Agriculture. MINAT. Ministry in charge of Regional Planning. MITPR.", + "Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. MIBA. Bakwanga Mining Company. MINAGRI. Ministry in charge of Agriculture. MINAT. Ministry in charge of Regional Planning. MITPR. Ministry of Infrastructure, Public Works and Reconstruction. MRV. Measurement, Reporting and Verification. mt. Megatons. Mt eq-CO2. Megatonnes of CO2 equivalents. MW. Megawatt. ND-GAIN. Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index, or Notre Dame World Adaptation Index. Nm3.", + "Mt eq-CO2. Megatonnes of CO2 equivalents. MW. Megawatt. ND-GAIN. Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index, or Notre Dame World Adaptation Index. Nm3. normal cubic meter. OCEAN. Congolese Organization of Ecologists and Friends of Nature/Asbl. SDGs. Sustainable Development Goals. OVD. Office of Roads and Drainage. NAPA. National Adaptation Action Program. PDGIE. Computer Energy Management Development Program. PDGIE.", + "Sustainable Development Goals. OVD. Office of Roads and Drainage. NAPA. National Adaptation Action Program. PDGIE. Computer Energy Management Development Program. PDGIE. Energy Information Development and Management Program. PDP. Provincial Development Plan. AEP. Agricultural Business Clusters. PERENCO. Franco-British independent oil company. NWFP. Non-Timber Forest Products. EMP. Environmental Management Plan. GDP. Gross domestic product. PIUP. Industrial Processes and Product Use. NAP.", + "Franco-British independent oil company. NWFP. Non-Timber Forest Products. EMP. Environmental Management Plan. GDP. Gross domestic product. PIUP. Industrial Processes and Product Use. NAP. National Climate Change Adaptation Plan. PNEFEB. National Environment, Forests, Waters and Biodiversity Program. PNG. National Gender Policy. NAIP. National Agricultural Investment Plan. PNSAR. National Agricultural and Rural Sector Recovery Program. PNSD. National Strategic Development Plan. PONA.", + "National Gender Policy. NAIP. National Agricultural Investment Plan. PNSAR. National Agricultural and Rural Sector Recovery Program. PNSD. National Strategic Development Plan. PONA. National Sanitation Policy. PSPA-CC. Policy, Strategy and Action Plan in the fight against climatic changes. RBA. Biennial Update Report. RDC. Democratic Republic of Congo. REBAC. Ecclesial Network of the Congo Basin Forest. REDD+.", + "Policy, Strategy and Action Plan in the fight against climatic changes. RBA. Biennial Update Report. RDC. Democratic Republic of Congo. REBAC. Ecclesial Network of the Congo Basin Forest. REDD+. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, including conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon sinks. REDD+. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. REFADD.", + "Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, including conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon sinks. REDD+. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. REFADD. African Women s Network for Sustainable Development. REPALEF-DRC. Network of Indigenous and Local Populations for the Sustainable Management of DRC Forest Ecosystems. NRN. Natural Resources Network. SAFBOIS. African Timber Society. Sarl.", + "Network of Indigenous and Local Populations for the Sustainable Management of DRC Forest Ecosystems. NRN. Natural Resources Network. SAFBOIS. African Timber Society. Sarl. Limited Liability Company. SCTP. Congolese Transport and Ports Company. SE4ALL-RDC. Sustainable Energy for All Initiative (SE4ALL acronym). SENOKI. North Kivu Electricity Company. SIFORCO. Industrial and Forestry Society of Congo. DCS. National Railway Company of Congo. SNEL.", + "Sustainable Energy for All Initiative (SE4ALL acronym). SENOKI. North Kivu Electricity Company. SIFORCO. Industrial and Forestry Society of Congo. DCS. National Railway Company of Congo. SNEL. National Electricity Company. SNSF. National Forest Monitoring System. SOKIMO. Kilo Moto Mining Company. TCN. Third National Communication. TIC. Information and Communication Technology. UNIKIN. University of Kinshasa. US. United States. USD/US$. American dollar. ITCZ.", + "Kilo Moto Mining Company. TCN. Third National Communication. TIC. Information and Communication Technology. UNIKIN. University of Kinshasa. US. United States. USD/US$. American dollar. ITCZ. Intertropical Convergence Zone. SEZ. Special Economic Zones. PREFACE. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been a Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) since 1997.", + "The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been a Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) since 1997. It aims, among other things, to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions at a level that prevents any disturbances to the global climate system. With the end of the commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement was adopted.", + "It aims, among other things, to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions at a level that prevents any disturbances to the global climate system. With the end of the commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement was adopted. Its main objective is to keep the increase in global temperature \u201cwell below\u201d 2\u00b0C by striving to limit it to 1.5\u00b0C.", + "Its main objective is to keep the increase in global temperature \u201cwell below\u201d 2\u00b0C by striving to limit it to 1.5\u00b0C. To this end, the DRC is resolutely committed to contributing to the achievement of this global objective, while taking into account the challenges of modernization and sustainable development, including efforts to adopt a trajectory of low-carbon development in a context of emergence.", + "To this end, the DRC is resolutely committed to contributing to the achievement of this global objective, while taking into account the challenges of modernization and sustainable development, including efforts to adopt a trajectory of low-carbon development in a context of emergence. The DRC has already submitted three National Communications on climate change and carried out several initiatives, including the National Action Program for Adaptation; the National Framework Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation; the Forest Reference Emissions Level; and the National Adaptation Plan.", + "The DRC has already submitted three National Communications on climate change and carried out several initiatives, including the National Action Program for Adaptation; the National Framework Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation; the Forest Reference Emissions Level; and the National Adaptation Plan. In 2015, prior to the adoption of the Paris Agreement, the DRC submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the UNFCCC, the emission reduction target of which was 17%, and aimed mainly at three gases, namely: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) from the Energy sectors; Agriculture; and Forestry and other Land Use.", + "In 2015, prior to the adoption of the Paris Agreement, the DRC submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the UNFCCC, the emission reduction target of which was 17%, and aimed mainly at three gases, namely: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) from the Energy sectors; Agriculture ; and Forestry and other Land Use. To respond to the call to raise ambition, the DRC has undertaken to raise its mitigation and adaptation objectives, and accelerate forest, land tenure and land use planning reforms to contribute effectively to the fight against poverty.", + "To respond to the call to raise ambition, the DRC has undertaken to raise its mitigation and adaptation objectives, and accelerate forest, land tenure and land use planning reforms to contribute effectively to the fight against poverty. Its current target is to reduce its emissions by 21%, taking into account the waste sector not targeted in the first submission, for an overall cost estimated at forty-eight point sixty-eight (48.68) billion US dollars.", + "Its current target is to reduce its emissions by 21%, taking into account the waste sector not targeted in the first submission, for an overall cost estimated at forty-eight point sixty-eight (48.68) billion US dollars. In my capacity as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development, I will ensure that the efforts made by the Congolese Government in terms of environmental preservation lead to the reduction of the harmful impacts of climate change on the national economy and the improvement of the living conditions of the populations.", + "In my capacity as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development, I will ensure that the efforts made by the Congolese Government in terms of environmental preservation lead to the reduction of the harmful impacts of climate change on the national economy and the improvement of the living conditions of the populations. As a result, I am proud to present the revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for the period 2021-2030, by which the country reaffirms its character as a Solution-Country through its immense forest massif, its dense hydrographic network, its energy potential and its strategic minerals.", + "As a result, I am proud to present the revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for the period 2021-2030, by which the country reaffirms its character as a Solution-Country through its immense forest massif, its dense hydrographic network, its energy potential and its strategic minerals. Master Eve BAZAIBA MASUDI. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development. Executive summary. Introduction.", + "Master Eve BAZAIBA MASUDI. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development. Executive summary. Introduction. This document presents the revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Democratic Republic of Congo in terms of mitigation and adaptation by 2030.", + "This document presents the revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Democratic Republic of Congo in terms of mitigation and adaptation by 2030. The contributions described in this document are based on an update of the submission of the 2015 NDC, the information compiled for the development of the DRC s third National Communication on climate change submitted to the UNFCCC, the current sectoral policies planned and implemented, such as the National REDD Framework Strategy (MEDD, 2012), the National Strategic Development Plan (PNSD 2019-2023), the National Adaptation Plan (2020-2024) and other key national guidance documents, and reflect subsequent work to develop quantifiable mitigation goals and adaptation.", + "This document is also based on the prioritization of interventions in both the areas of adaptation and mitigation. The revised NDC represents a more detailed assessment of mitigation and adaptation measures in the DRC, based on improved data collection, broader coverage of the energy, AFOLU and waste sectors, in-depth technical analysis and extended engagement of stakeholders.", + "The revised NDC represents a more detailed assessment of mitigation and adaptation measures in the DRC, based on improved data collection, broader coverage of the energy, AFOLU and waste sectors, in-depth technical analysis and extended engagement of stakeholders. stakeholders and more ambitious objectives in terms of reducing GHG emissions. Vision of the DRC in the field of climate change.", + "Vision of the DRC in the field of climate change. The DRC s vision in the fight against climate change is to promote a green, resilient and low-carbon economy by rationally and sustainably managing its significant natural resources in order to guarantee ecological balance and social well-being, economic, cultural and environmental of its population.", + "The DRC s vision in the fight against climate change is to promote a green, resilient and low-carbon economy by rationally and sustainably managing its significant natural resources in order to guarantee ecological balance and social well-being, economic, cultural and environmental of its population. The DRC ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol in 2005 and the Paris Agreement in 2017.", + "The DRC ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol in 2005 and the Paris Agreement in 2017. To this end, the DRC is resolutely committed to taking urgent measures to mitigate its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change, in accordance with Article 41 of the Paris Agreement.", + "To this end, the DRC is resolutely committed to taking urgent measures to mitigate its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change, in accordance with Article 41 of the Paris Agreement. It has also submitted its first three National Communications on climate change to the UNFCCC, respectively in 2001, 2009 and 2015 and is in the process of preparing its fourth National Communication and finalizing its first Biennial Update Report (BUR).", + "It has also submitted its first three National Communications on climate change to the UNFCCC, respectively in 2001, 2009 and 2015 and is in the process of preparing its fourth National Communication and finalizing its first Biennial Update Report (BUR). Although its emissions primarily from forestry and land use, followed by waste management, agriculture and energy consumption constitute a significant part of its carbon footprint to require appropriate climate action, they are among lowest in the world (MEDD, 2015).", + "Although its emissions primarily from forestry and land use, followed by waste management, agriculture and energy consumption constitute a significant part of its carbon footprint to require appropriate climate action, they are among lowest in the world (MEDD, 2015). However, it remains very vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.", + "However, it remains very vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Therefore, adaptation to climate change is a major concern and priority for the country. NDC review process. The DRC submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the UNFCCC in 2015, setting out its adaptation and mitigation goals.", + "The DRC submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the UNFCCC in 2015, setting out its adaptation and mitigation goals. With the DRC s ratification of the Paris Agreement in 2017, the INDC became its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).", + "With the DRC s ratification of the Paris Agreement in 2017, the INDC became its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The conditional reduction target referred to under the 2015 submission was 17% by 2030, taking into account three main sectors, including Energy, Agriculture and Forestry, associated with emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide. nitrogen (N2O).", + "The conditional reduction target referred to under the 2015 submission was 17% by 2030, taking into account three main sectors, including Energy, Agriculture and Forestry, associated with emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide. nitrogen (N2O). This NDC, whose reduction target is set at 21% with conditional interventions at 19%, and unconditional at 2%, updates and strengthens the first in terms of contributions to mitigation and adaptation, from a hand, and through improved data collection, in-depth technical analysis and extensive stakeholder engagement, on the other hand.", + "This NDC, whose reduction target is set at 21% with conditional interventions at 19%, and unconditional at 2%, updates and strengthens the first in terms of contributions to mitigation and adaptation, from a hand, and through improved data collection, in-depth technical analysis and extensive stakeholder engagement, on the other hand. It includes, in addition to the three aforementioned sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Energy), that of Waste and concerns the same gases.", + "It includes, in addition to the three aforementioned sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Energy), that of Waste and concerns the same gases. The budget for this revised NDC is estimated at USD 48.68 billion, including USD 25.60 billion for the implementation of the mitigation initiatives announced and USD 23.08 billion for priority adaptation measures. Contribution to mitigation.", + "The budget for this revised NDC is estimated at USD 48.68 billion, including USD 25.60 billion for the implementation of the mitigation initiatives announced and USD 23.08 billion for priority adaptation measures. Contribution to mitigation. The mitigation measures implemented by the DRC mainly concern the forestry sector, in particular the implementation of its national strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+).", + "The mitigation measures implemented by the DRC mainly concern the forestry sector, in particular the implementation of its national strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). In addition to the REDD+ strategy, the DRC s nationally determined contribution presents certain mitigation measures and actions in the energy (including transport), agriculture and waste sectors.", + "In addition to the REDD+ strategy, the DRC s nationally determined contribution presents certain mitigation measures and actions in the energy (including transport), agriculture and waste sectors. Unfortunately, to date, these few initiatives in sectors that emit less GHGs are less documented.", + "Unfortunately, to date, these few initiatives in sectors that emit less GHGs are less documented. However, the DRC is committed to improving its data collection and management system and to formalizing the institutional arrangements that support the collection, analysis, processing and reporting of data.", + "However, the DRC is committed to improving its data collection and management system and to formalizing the institutional arrangements that support the collection, analysis, processing and reporting of data. The DRC wants to be an emerging country by 2030, with a vision of development towards an increasingly low-carbon economy.", + "The DRC wants to be an emerging country by 2030, with a vision of development towards an increasingly low-carbon economy. Given the dynamics of development in which the DRC is committed by 2030, its efforts should materialize in the implementation of various mitigation measures in all sectors.", + "Given the dynamics of development in which the DRC is committed by 2030, its efforts should materialize in the implementation of various mitigation measures in all sectors. The combined unconditional and conditional contribution is thus a 21% reduction in total GHG emissions compared to the BAU in 2030 (including 19% conditional and 2%vunconditional); this equates to an estimated mitigation level of up to 650 Mt CO2e by 2030.", + "The combined unconditional and conditional contribution is thus a 21% reduction in total GHG emissions compared to the BAU in 2030 (including 19% conditional and 2%vunconditional); this equates to an estimated mitigation level of up to 650 Mt CO2e by 2030. The table below shows the main intervention levers identified and the associated costs by sector as well as the potential for reducing emissions in 2030.", + "The table below shows the main intervention levers identified and the associated costs by sector as well as the potential for reducing emissions in 2030. In total, 30 actions to mitigate GHG emissions are proposed, classified according to sectors priorities.", + "In total, 30 actions to mitigate GHG emissions are proposed, classified according to sectors priorities. The table below presents a summary of the main levers of intervention, the emissions avoided and the associated costs by sector in 2030 likely to achieve the targeted reduction target. Sector. N0. Shares. Reduction potential in 2030 (in Mt CO2e). Estimated cost (Billions USD).", + "The table below presents a summary of the main levers of intervention, the emissions avoided and the associated costs by sector in 2030 likely to achieve the targeted reduction target. Sector. N0. Shares. Reduction potential in 2030 (in Mt CO2e). Estimated cost (Billions USD). Energy. 1. Electrifying rural, peri-urban and urban areas using renewable energy sources. 74.2 to 94.6.", + "Reduction potential in 2030 (in Mt CO2e). Estimated cost (Billions USD). Energy. 1. Electrifying rural, peri-urban and urban areas using renewable energy sources. 74.2 to 94.6. 1.95. 2. Facilitate the use of improved stoves & improve carbonization techniques to make it more efficient. 1.05. 3. Increase the share of renewable energies in the national energy mix. 0.28. 4.", + "Facilitate the use of improved stoves & improve carbonization techniques to make it more efficient. 1.05. 3. Increase the share of renewable energies in the national energy mix. 0.28. 4. Promote the use of LPG and electric cooker. 0.63. 5. Develop industrial plantations - Wood energy. 0.18. 6.", + "0.28. 4. Promote the use of LPG and electric cooker. 0.63. 5. Develop industrial plantations - Wood energy. 0.18. 6. Ensure the development of the transport sector with an emphasis on mass transport through the tram, bus, train 1.1. Agriculture. 7. Promote agro-forestry practices and rotation of crops and perennial crops, particularly in forest areas, including wetlands. 180-187. 1.7. 8.", + "Agriculture. 7. Promote agro-forestry practices and rotation of crops and perennial crops, particularly in forest areas, including wetlands. 180-187. 1.7. 8. Integrate agriculture into the national land use plan. 0.2. 9. Promote intensive agriculture in savannah areas to limit pressure on natural forests. 1.33. 10.", + "Integrate agriculture into the national land use plan. 0.2. 9. Promote intensive agriculture in savannah areas to limit pressure on natural forests. 1,33. 10. Promote the rational and sustainable use of agricultural production areas to preserve agro-ecological conditions and ensure the stability of forest cover. 1,2. 11.", + "Promote the rational and sustainable use of agricultural production areas to preserve agro-ecological conditions and ensure the stability of forest cover. 1,2. 11. Intensify food crop production (carbohydrates, oilseeds, legumes) in anthropogenic savannas and degraded forests, including in forest areas (except in areas where the availability of land makes it difficult to avoid at least partial destruction of the forest).", + "Intensify food crop production (carbohydrates, oilseeds, legumes) in anthropogenic savannas and degraded forests, including in forest areas (except in areas where the availability of land makes it difficult to avoid at least partial destruction of the forest). 1.3. 12. Popularize and disseminate resilient agricultural practices, and other technological packages (use of climatesensitive seeds, soil management and water management). 0.8. 13.", + "Popularize and disseminate resilient agricultural practices, and other technological packages (use of climatesensitive seeds, soil management and water management). 0.8. 13. Improve the management of intensive and extensive farming.", + "0.8. 13. Improve the management of intensive and extensive farming. 1.2. 14. ntensify cash crop production in secondary or primary forest and savannah, but with sustainable agroforestry systems (cocoa, coffee, banana, special crops) to enhance the comparative advantages of the peasantry for these crops. 1.3. Forestry and other Land Uses. 15.", + "1.2. 14. ntensify cash crop production in secondary or primary forest and savannah, but with sustainable agroforestry systems (cocoa, coffee, banana, special crops) to enhance the comparative advantages of the peasantry for these crops. 1.3. Forestry and other Land Uses. 15. Promote traditional and modern afforestation and reforestation techniques to preserve forests. 182 to 192. 1,45. 16.", + "Forestry and other Land Uses. 15. Promote traditional and modern afforestation and reforestation techniques to preserve forests. 182 to 192. 1.45. 16. Support the development of community forestry as a tool for conserving biodiversity and combating the loss of forest cover in rural areas. 1.5. 17. Restore wetlands, including peatlands used for agriculture and livestock. 1.3. 18.", + "Support the development of community forestry as a tool for conserving biodiversity and combating the loss of forest cover in rural areas. 1.5. 17. Restore wetlands, including peatlands used for agriculture and livestock. 1.3. 18. Promote MEOR tools (Methodology for the Evaluation of Restoration Opportunities) at the national level by integrating the valorization of traditional knowledge in the conservation of biodiversity around protected areas.", + "Promote MEOR tools (Methodology for the Evaluation of Restoration Opportunities) at the national level by integrating the valorization of traditional knowledge in the conservation of biodiversity around protected areas. 0,85. 19. Support initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes. 1,2. 20.", + "0.85. 19. Support initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes. 1,2. 20. Strengthen forest governance, in particular the fight against the illegal exploitation of timber and other forest resources by taking into account the studies, analyzes and tools produced in the implementation of the various relevant forest processes such as VPA-FLEGT. 1,2. 21.", + "Strengthen forest governance, in particular the fight against the illegal exploitation of timber and other forest resources by taking into account the studies, analyzes and tools produced in the implementation of the various relevant forest processes such as VPA-FLEGT. 1,2. 21. Sustainable management of timber exploitation. 1,8. 22. Sustainably manage and rehabilitate mining and oil operations. 0,09. 23.", + "1.2. 21. Sustainable management of timber exploitation. 1.8. 22. Sustainably manage and rehabilitate mining and oil operations. 0.09. 23. Fight against bush fires. 0.11. 24. Map and assess peatlands. 0.52. Waste. 25. Strengthen the institutional and legal framework for waste management. 37. 0.14. 26. Implement a rational waste management program. 0.44. 27. Promote the use of landfill gas. 0.07. 28.", + "Strengthen the institutional and legal framework for waste management. 37. 0.14. 26. Implement a rational waste management program. 0.44. 27. Promote the use of landfill gas. 0.07. 28. Promote energy recovery from waste (reduction of CH4 emissions from landfills). 0.29. 29. Promote aerobic composting. 0.21. 30.", + "Promote the use of landfill gas. 0.07. 28. Promote energy recovery from waste (reduction of CH4 emissions from landfills). 0.29. 29. Promote aerobic composting. 0.21. 30. Promote the production of energy and organic fertilizers from solid waste, wastewater and sludge faeces. 0.21. Total. 25.6.", + "0.21. 30. Promote the production of energy and organic fertilizers from solid waste, wastewater and sludge faeces. 0.21. Total. 25.6. The figures below illustrate the emissions projections for the BAU reference scenario for the Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use (AFOLU) and Waste sector.", + "The figures below illustrate the emissions projections for the BAU reference scenario for the Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use (AFOLU) and Waste sector. The analysis of the historical trend of GHG emissions in the DRC shows that, during the period from 2000-2018, national emissions are predominated by the \"Forestry and other Land Use (FAT)\" sector with nearly 86% of emissions, followed by far by the Waste, Energy and Agriculture sectors with 11%, 0.86% and 0.61% respectively.", + "The analysis of the historical trend of GHG emissions in the DRC shows that, during the period from 2000-2018, national emissions are predominated by the \"Forestry and other Land Use (FAT)\" sector with nearly 86% of emissions, followed by far by the Waste, Energy and Agriculture sectors with 11%, 0.86% and 0.61% respectively. The AFOLU and energy sectors are the two largest sources of carbon dioxide emissions.", + "The AFOLU and energy sectors are the two largest sources of carbon dioxide emissions. The AFOLU and waste sectors are the main sources of methane emissions. Figure 1 below shows that greenhouse gas emissions from the Forestry and Other Land Use sector were estimated at 529.22 MtCO2e in 2018.", + "Figure 1 below shows that greenhouse gas emissions from the Forestry and Other Land Use sector were estimated at 529.22 MtCO2e in 2018. 2018 emissions are 36% lower than previous emission levels reported over the period 2010-2014 due to investments supported by various REDD+ initiatives and programs, including structural changes in forest management in the DRC.", + "2018 emissions are 36% lower than previous emission levels reported over the period 2010-2014 due to investments supported by various REDD+ initiatives and programs, including structural changes in forest management in the DRC. The AFOLU sector is systematically identified as being the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the DRC.", + "The AFOLU sector is systematically identified as being the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the DRC. Figure 1: Historical and projected emissions at national and forest sector level.", + "Figure 1: Historical and projected emissions at national and forest sector level. Considering the various measures identified at the national level, the reduction in GHG emissions should reach nearly 21% by 2030 (Figure 2), that attributable to the AFOLU sector would reach 28% (Figure 3). Figure 2: DRC GHG emissions, 2000-2018 and projected emissions (with measurements).", + "Considering the various measures identified at the national level, the reduction in GHG emissions should reach nearly 21% by 2030 (Figure 2), that attributable to the AFOLU sector would reach 28% (Figure 3). Figure 2: DRC GHG emissions, 2000-2018 and projected emissions (with measurements). Figure 3: Emissions projection and reduction target for 2030.", + "Figure 2: DRC GHG emissions, 2000-2018 and projected emissions (with measurements). Figure 3: Emissions projection and reduction target for 2030. The waste sector is characterized by an increase in emissions attributable to (i) the disposal of solid waste (90.4%) of all kinds generated by households, communities and businesses (businesses, industries, construction, agricultural residues, etc.), (ii) discharge of domestic wastewater (6.8%), and combustion in the open air.", + "The waste sector is characterized by an increase in emissions attributable to (i) the disposal of solid waste (90.4%) of all kinds generated by households, communities and businesses (businesses, industries, construction, agricultural residues, etc.), (ii) discharge of domestic wastewater (6.8%), and combustion in the open air. These emissions represent approximately 11% on average of all national emissions from 2000 to 2018.", + "These emissions represent approximately 11% on average of all national emissions from 2000 to 2018. The figures below show that emissions from the Agriculture, Waste and Energy sectors will decrease, by 2030, by 43%, 20% and 11% respectively. The full implementation of the various levers identified in these sectors would ultimately lead to significant reductions in emissions.", + "The figures below show that emissions from the Agriculture, Waste and Energy sectors will decrease, by 2030, by 43%, 20% and 11% respectively. The full implementation of the various levers identified in these sectors would ultimately lead to significant reductions in emissions. Figure 4: Waste sector emissions projections.", + "The full implementation of the various levers identified in these sectors would ultimately lead to significant reductions in emissions. Figure 4: Waste sector emissions projections. Waste emissions from landfills will continue to decline as more waste is disposed of preferably by other means, such as open burning, biological waste treatment and recycling.", + "Waste emissions from landfills will continue to decline as more waste is disposed of preferably by other means, such as open burning, biological waste treatment and recycling. Although waste management is on a small scale, the DRC policy on the matter encourages landfilling which helps to advance this waste management policy.", + "Although waste management is on a small scale, the DRC policy on the matter encourages landfilling which helps to advance this waste management policy. It should continue with small improvements in the efficiency of landfills and then extend to the recovery of these deposits of waste dumped around major cities.", + "It should continue with small improvements in the efficiency of landfills and then extend to the recovery of these deposits of waste dumped around major cities. As the proportion of waste going to landfill is expected to continue to increase even though emission reductions are expected to continue for some time, as emissions lag behind waste disposal.", + "As the proportion of waste going to landfill is expected to continue to increase even though emission reductions are expected to continue for some time, as emissions lag behind waste disposal. Figure 5: Agriculture sector emissions projections. Figure 6: Evolution of emissions from the Energy sector. Contribution to adaptation.", + "Figure 5: Agriculture sector emissions projections. Figure 6: Evolution of emissions from the Energy sector. Contribution to adaptation. The DRC is vulnerable to the various effects of climate change and does not have adequate capacities to deal with them.", + "Indeed, the ND-GAIN index ranks the DRC 5th in the world among the countries most vulnerable to climate change in terms of their ability to adapt2.", + "Indeed, the ND-GAIN index ranks the DRC 5th in the world among the countries most vulnerable to climate change in terms of their ability to adapt.2 The impacts of climate change are already perceptible across the country, in particular by the persistence of heat waves, violent rains, land degradation, particularly by erosion, the lengthening of the dry season, the increase in the sequences of drought during rainy seasons, and floods3.", + "The impacts of climate change are already perceptible across the country, in particular by the persistence of heat waves, violent rains, land degradation, particularly by erosion, the lengthening of the dry season, the increase in the sequences of drought during rainy seasons, and floods.3 Climate projections in the DRC over the next few decades predict an increase in temperatures of around 3oC to 5oC by 2100, a decrease in precipitation and an increase in its variability, as well as an increase in extreme phenomena4.", + "Climate projections in the DRC over the next few decades predict an increase in temperatures of around 3oC to 5oC by 2100, a decrease in precipitation and an increase in its variability, as well as an increase in extreme phenomena.4 These climatic variations will have a significant impact on the main economic sectors of the country.", + "The National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change (PANA, 2006) has identified urgent and priority actions in terms of adaptation to climate change in the sectors of water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal area.", + "The National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change (PANA, 2006) has identified urgent and priority actions in terms of adaptation to climate change in the sectors of water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal area. The process of the National Adaptation Program (NAP, 2021) consists of integrating the adaptation dimension into national and provincial development planning by focusing on the following nine priority objectives:.", + "The process of the National Adaptation Program (NAP, 2021) consists of integrating the adaptation dimension into national and provincial development planning by focusing on the following nine priority objectives:. Manage forest ecosystems and biodiversity;. Strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector;. Manage climate risks in smallholder agriculture;. Reduce disaster risk and protect coastal areas;.", + "Strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector;. Manage climate risks in smallholder agriculture;. Reduce disaster risk and protect coastal areas;. Ensure the management of water resources and environmental sanitation;. Strengthen the resilience of the health sector;. Guarantee people s access to energy;. Protect energy production infrastructure; and. Improve energy efficiency. Fifty-two (52) priority adaptation actions are proposed in the table below.", + "Guarantee people s access to energy;. Protect energy production infrastructure; and. Improve energy efficiency. Fifty-two (52) priority adaptation actions are proposed in the table below. Based on experiences with global and national level reporting, the indicators have the potential to position the DRC s envisioned commitment and robust efforts to address the challenges of adapting to climate change.", + "Based on experiences with global and national level reporting, the indicators have the potential to position the DRC s envisioned commitment and robust efforts to address the challenges of adapting to climate change. Table 1: Priority adaptation actions. Sector. N0. Shares. Estimated cost (USD billion). Forest. 1.", + "Table 1: Priority adaptation actions. Sector. N0. Shares. Estimated cost (USD billion). Forest. 1. Development of projects for the development of forest resources with local communities and indigenous people by ensuring the application of legal provisions. 1,15. 2. Reforestation of degraded areas with species of great ecological and economic value. 1,61. 3. Development of agroforestry plantations in degraded areas.", + "Reforestation of degraded areas with species of great ecological and economic value. 1,61. 3. Development of agroforestry plantations in degraded areas. 0,58. 4. support for sustainable artisanal fishing micro-projects and fish farming. 0,23. 5. Promotion of projects with reduced impact on forest ecosystems with a view to diversifying the income of populations.", + "0.23. 5. Promotion of projects with reduced impact on forest ecosystems with a view to diversifying the income of populations. 0,06. 6. involvement of local populations in the management of forest ecosystems on their territory. 0,06. 7. Valorization of the traditional knowledge of local populations linked to the conservation of ecosystems. 0,06. 8.", + "0,06. 6. involvement of local populations in the management of forest ecosystems on their territory. 0,06. 7. Valorization of the traditional knowledge of local populations linked to the conservation of ecosystems. 0,06. 8. Strategic coordination of climate change adaptation programs, plans, initiatives. 0,06. 9. Promotion of sustainable land management. 0,50. Agriculture. 10.", + "0.06. 8. Strategic coordination of climate change adaptation programs, plans, initiatives. 0.06. 9. Promotion of sustainable land management. 0.50. Agriculture. 10. Integration of climate change into the planning and budgeting of all sectors at different scales (national, provincial and local). 1.27. 11. Production and dissemination of climate-resilient seeds. 0.92. 12.", + "Integration of climate change into the planning and budgeting of all sectors at different scales (national, provincial and local). 1.27. 11. Production and dissemination of climate-resilient seeds. 0.92. 12. Development of a zoning program in order to define the zones to be allocated specifically to the agricultural activities. 0.58. 13.", + "Development of a zoning program in order to define the zones to be allocated specifically to the agricultural activities. 0.58. 13. Collection, processing and regular dissemination of climate data by INERA and METTELSAT for seasonal forecast. 0.23. 14. Popularization of soil and water management techniques in agriculture. 0.69. 15.", + "Collection, processing and regular dissemination of climate data by INERA and METTELSAT for seasonal forecast. 0.23. 14. Popularization of soil and water management techniques in agriculture. 0.69. 15. Support for the structuring of farmers organizations with a view to improving agricultural governance. 0.29. 16.", + "Popularization of soil and water management techniques in agriculture. 0.69. 15. Support for the structuring of farmers organizations with a view to improving agricultural governance. 0.29. 16. Support for the establishment of production and marketing chains for agricultural products with a view to improving income of rural farmers. 0.17. 17. Creation and rehabilitation of agricultural service tracks. 0.69. 18.", + "Support for the establishment of production and marketing chains for agricultural products with a view to improving income of rural farmers. 0.17. 17. Creation and rehabilitation of agricultural service tracks. 0.69. 18. Promotion of (i) cultural practices allowing the sedentarization of agricultural activities, (ii) resilient seeds, and (iii) soil and water management techniques in agriculture. 0.23. 19.", + "Promotion of (i) cultural practices allowing the sedentarization of agricultural activities, (ii) resilient seeds, and (iii) soil and water management techniques in agriculture. 0.23. 19. Rehabilitation and strengthening of meteorological observation stations across the country. 0.17. 20. Capacity Building for Women Empowerment. 0.23. 21.", + "0.23. 19. Rehabilitation and strengthening of meteorological observation stations across the country. 0.17. 20. Capacity Building for Women Empowerment. 0.23. 21. Development of alternatives to wood energy in order to protect the forest (solar, gas, or at least improved stoves, etc.). 0.17. 22. Strengthen capacities to adapt to the impacts of climate change on agricultural production and food safety.", + "Development of alternatives to wood energy in order to protect the forest (solar, gas, or at least improved stoves, etc.). 0.17. 22. Strengthen capacities to adapt to the impacts of climate change on agricultural production and food safety. 0.06. 23. Support for research and innovation to strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector to the effects of climate change.", + "0.06. 23. Support for research and innovation to strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector to the effects of climate change. 0.23. 24. Creation of Agricultural Business Clusters and promotion of agro-business. 0.46. 25. Implementation of early warning systems. 0.58. 26. Implementation of response measures in the event of natural disasters. 2.88. 27.", + "0.46. 25. Implementation of early warning systems. 0.58. 26. Implementation of response measures in the event of natural disasters. 2.88. 27. Establishment of subsidy mechanisms for rural producers with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices. 0.23. Coastal area. 28. Assessment of coastal ecosystem vulnerability and human and institutional capacity needs. 0.58. 29.", + "Establishment of subsidy mechanisms for rural producers with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices. 0.23. Coastal area. 28. Assessment of coastal ecosystem vulnerability and human and institutional capacity needs. 0.58. 29. Establishment of an early warning system for coastal areas (floods, drought, soil erosion, landslides). 0.29. 30.", + "Assessment of coastal ecosystem vulnerability and human and institutional capacity needs. 0.58. 29. Establishment of an early warning system for coastal areas (floods, drought, soil erosion, landslides). 0.29. 30. Implementation of erosion control measures in the coastal area, especially the area between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km). 0.43. 31. Support for climate change resilient activities generating household income. 0.83. 32.", + "Implementation of erosion control measures in the coastal area, especially the area between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km). 0.43. 31. Support for climate change resilient activities generating household income. 0.83. 32. Development of educational and information programs sensitive to disasters and climate risks. 0.23. Water resources. 33. Sanitation strategy and policy development. 0.01. 34.", + "Development of educational and information programs sensitive to disasters and climate risks. 0.23. Water resources. 33. Sanitation strategy and policy development. 0.01. 34. Development of water resources development and management plans by hydrological basin. 0.35. 35. Creation/Rehabilitation of water supply structures in villages. 0.92. 36. Development and management of waterways and rivers integrating environmental issues. 0.46. 37.", + "Creation/Rehabilitation of water supply structures in villages. 0.92. 36. Development and management of waterways and rivers integrating environmental issues. 0.46. 37. Strengthen the resilience to climate change of rural communities through healthy school and village programs. 0.35. 38. Integration of climate risks for the provision of sanitation infrastructure and services. 0.22. 39.", + "Strengthen the resilience to climate change of rural communities through healthy school and village programs. 0.35. 38. Integration of climate risks for the provision of sanitation infrastructure and services. 0.22. 39. Production, management and dissemination of information on water resources and agro-hydraulic developments. 0.06. 40.", + "Integration of climate risks for the provision of sanitation infrastructure and services. 0.22. 39. Production, management and dissemination of information on water resources and agro-hydraulic developments. 0.06. 40. Improved access to drinking water and basic sanitation, as well as hygiene practices for rural and peri-urban populations. 0.23. 41. Improved access to sustainable waste management services and wastewater treatment. 0.20. 42.", + "Improved access to drinking water and basic sanitation, as well as hygiene practices for rural and peri-urban populations. 0.23. 41. Improved access to sustainable waste management services and wastewater treatment. 0.20. 42. Improving accessibility to roads and public spaces and opening up rural areas. 0.32. Health. 43. Construction/rehabilitation of health facilities. 0.92. 44.", + "Improving accessibility to roads and public spaces and opening up rural areas. 0.32. Health. 43. Construction/rehabilitation of health facilities. 0.92. 44. Capacity building for access of vulnerable populations to basic health services. 0.88. 45. Integration of the gender approach in the consideration of climate change issues. 0.23. 46. Integration of climate change impacts into national health sector policies. 0.06. 47.", + "Integration of the gender approach in the consideration of climate change issues. 0.23. 46. Integration of climate change impacts into national health sector policies. 0.06. 47. Assessing health vulnerability and strengthening the preparedness of health systems to address the burden of disease attributable to climate-sensitive diseases. 0.06. Energy. 48.", + "Assessing health vulnerability and strengthening the preparedness of health systems to address the burden of disease attributable to climate-sensitive diseases. 0.06. Energy. 48. Promotion of an economic model to support renewable energies (solar, wind, biomass systems). 0.40. 49. Improve Energy Transition Modeling Techniques to National and Provincial Scale Energy Efficiency Models. 0.23. 50.", + "Promotion of an economic model to support renewable energies (solar, wind, biomass systems). 0.40. 49. Improve Energy Transition Modeling Techniques to National and Provincial Scale Energy Efficiency Models. 0.23. 50. Development of water retention basins, construction of dykes to protect electricity production infrastructure. 0.35. 51.", + "Improve Energy Transition Modeling Techniques to National and Provincial Scale Energy Efficiency Models. 0.23. 50. Development of water retention basins, construction of dykes to protect electricity production infrastructure. 0.35. 51. Promotion of the rational use of electrical energy, improvement of the management of the energy distribution network system. 0.17. TOTAL. 23.08. Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Framework.", + "Promotion of the rational use of electrical energy, improvement of the management of the energy distribution network system. 0.17. TOTAL. 23.08. Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Framework. Successful implementation of the DRC s NDC requires an effective Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system, allowing the country to monitor the effectiveness of its mitigation and adaptation measures and facilitating its access to finance climatic.", + "Successful implementation of the DRC s NDC requires an effective Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system, allowing the country to monitor the effectiveness of its mitigation and adaptation measures and facilitating its access to finance climatic. The DRC will develop an MRV framework in accordance with the requirements of the Paris Agreement that will allow the government to effectively monitor the progress of the mitigation and adaptation activities identified in this updated NDC, in accordance with the reporting standards of the UNFCCC, and will put in place a continuous monitoring and evaluation framework to ensure that the country is progressing towards achieving its objectives for 2030.", + "This will constitute an indicator for each of the main emitting sectors, which could be used to international reports as well as for national monitoring of the implementation of the NDC. This indicator framework will also make it possible to monitor the reference emissions (BAU scenario) as well as the emissions resulting from the implementation of the NDC mitigation measures.", + "This indicator framework will also make it possible to monitor the reference emissions (BAU scenario) as well as the emissions resulting from the implementation of the NDC mitigation measures. Figure 7 below summarizes the institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation, including the national NDC MRV process. Figure 7: Institutional arrangements for monitoring DRC NDC implementation. Means of implementation.", + "Figure 7 below summarizes the institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation, including the national NDC MRV process. Figure 7: Institutional arrangements for monitoring DRC NDC implementation. Means of implementation. To achieve the conditional objectives, the DRC expects financial, technological and capacity building support from its technical and financial partners, global funds and bilateral/multilateral agencies and development partners.", + "To achieve the conditional objectives, the DRC expects financial, technological and capacity building support from its technical and financial partners, global funds and bilateral/multilateral agencies and development partners. These funds will be used to strengthen limited national resources and technical capacities to scale up climate action in the DRC.", + "These funds will be used to strengthen limited national resources and technical capacities to scale up climate action in the DRC. The activities of the revised NDC will be implemented for 10 years (2021-2030) by integrating them into the annual budget plans at the national or provincial level as various project and program subsidy policies.", + "The activities of the revised NDC will be implemented for 10 years (2021-2030) by integrating them into the annual budget plans at the national or provincial level as various project and program subsidy policies. Key elements of NDC implementation are: Governance: Key laws and regulations should be enacted and institutional capacities strengthened to facilitate the implementation of the NDC.", + "Key elements of NDC implementation are:. Governance: Key laws and regulations should be enacted and institutional capacities strengthened to facilitate the implementation of the NDC. Finances: A financing and investment framework for the NDC should be developed, as well as a strategy aimed at rationalizing access to public funds while mobilizing private sector investments.", + "Finance: A financing and investment framework for the NDC should be developed, as well as a strategy aimed at rationalizing access to public funds while mobilizing private sector investments.", + "This financing framework should facilitate effective access to international climate funds, including the green climate finance program. The Institutional Mechanism: The implementation of the NDC will be done under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), in collaboration with various sectoral ministries concerned at the local, provincial and national level and other stakeholders, in particular the youth, women and indigenous people.", + "The Institutional Mechanism: The implementation of the NDC will be done under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), in collaboration with various sectoral ministries concerned at the local, provincial and national level and other stakeholders, in particular the youth, women and indigenous people. Capacity building and technology transfer: It will be necessary to identify capacity building needs both in terms of expertise and technology to enable the implementation of relevant policies and to optimize collaboration between key institutions and partners.", + "Capacity building and technology transfer: It will be necessary to identify capacity building needs both in terms of expertise and technology to enable the implementation of relevant policies and to optimize collaboration between key institutions and partners. Gender equity, participation of young people and indigenous peoples: this involves maximizing the involvement of women, young people, indigenous peoples and other marginalized groups in carrying out the various planned interventions, particularly in decision-making and sharing benefits arising from the implementation of the NDC.", + "Gender equity, participation of young people and indigenous peoples: this involves maximizing the involvement of women, young people, indigenous peoples and other marginalized groups in carrying out the various planned interventions, particularly in decision-making and sharing benefits arising from the implementation of the NDC. Communication: it will be necessary to develop clear lines of communication between different levels of governance (local, provincial, national and international) and between different sectors and stakeholders, including women, indigenous peoples and young people. 1.", + "Communication: it will be necessary to develop clear lines of communication between different levels of governance (local, provincial, national and international) and between different sectors and stakeholders, including women, indigenous peoples and young people. 1. Introduction. 1.1. National development context. 1.1.1. National development goals and plans.", + "Introduction. 1.1. National development context. 1.1.1. National development goals and plans. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), straddling the equator, extends over 2,345,409 km2 and covers most of the Congo Basin, estimated at 3.7 million km2. Its population is estimated at 91.994 million5 inhabitants, with a population growth rate of around 3.1%.", + "The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), straddling the equator, extends over 2,345,409 km2 and covers most of the Congo Basin, estimated at 3.7 million km2. Its population is estimated at 91.994 million5 inhabitants, with a population growth rate of around 3.1%. The DRC is committed to the 2030 agenda and has adopted its National Strategic Development Plan for the period 2019-2023 (PNSD), which is aligned around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).", + "The DRC is committed to the 2030 agenda and has adopted its National Strategic Development Plan for the period 2019-2023 (PNSD), which is aligned around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Indeed, through this PNSD, the vision of the DRC towards emergence by 2050 is sequenced in three phases, namely:.", + "Indeed, through this PNSD, the vision of the DRC towards emergence by 2050 is sequenced in three phases, namely:. Achieve middle-income country status in 2028, GDP per capita raised to 1050 USD;. Reach emerging country status in 2040, with a GDP per capita of 4000 USD;.", + "Achieve middle-income country status in 2028, GDP per capita raised to 1050 USD; Reach emerging country status in 2040, with a GDP per capita of 4000 USD; Join the club of developed countries in 2050, for a GDP per capita of 12,000 USD.", + "Reach emerging country status in 2040, with a GDP per capita of 4000 USD;. Join the club of developed countries in 2050, for a GDP per capita of 12,000 USD. The PNSD, with its variations at the provincial level, Provincial Development Plan (PDP), revolves around five (5) main pillars below:. Pillar 1. Valorization of human capital, social and cultural development;.", + "The PNSD, with its variations at the provincial level, Provincial Development Plan (PDP), revolves around five (5) main pillars below:. Pillar 1. Valorization of human capital, social and cultural development;. Pillar 2. Strengthening of governance, restoration of State authority and consolidation of peace;. Pillar 3. Consolidation of economic growth, diversification and transformation of the economy;. Pillar 4.", + "Strengthening of governance, restoration of State authority and consolidation of peace;. Pillar 3. Consolidation of economic growth, diversification and transformation of the economy;. Pillar 4. Land use planning, reconstruction and modernization of infrastructure; and. Pillar 5. Environmental protection, fight against climate change and sustainable and balanced development.", + "Land use planning, reconstruction and modernization of infrastructure; and. Pillar 5. Environmental protection, fight against climate change and sustainable and balanced development. The environmental protection and fight against climate change pillar, is inherently cross-cutting, aims to integrate environmental issues and climate change concerns into all sectoral policies and strategies in order to achieve resilient and low-carbon development.", + "The environmental protection and fight against climate change pillar, is inherently cross-cutting, aims to integrate environmental issues and climate change concerns into all sectoral policies and strategies in order to achieve resilient and low-carbon development. The conservation of tropical forests is a key issue that is part of national efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, including conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon sinks.", + "The conservation of tropical forests is a key issue that is part of national efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, including conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon sinks. carbon (REDD+).", + "The DRC has compiled an inventory of the most common climate risks and threats due to climate change and has taken measures to address them. To this end, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development coordinated the development of the Policy, Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Climate Change (PSPA-CC; revised version 2020).", + "To this end, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development coordinated the development of the Policy, Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Climate Change (PSPA-CC; revised version 2020).", + "A National Adaptation Plan (NAP), for the period 2022-2026, has also been developed. This plan mainly aims, in a concerted and multi-sectoral approach, to strengthen the resilience of the country and the integration of concern for adaptation to climate change in planning and budgeting at both national and provincial levels.", + "This plan mainly aims, in a concerted and multi-sectoral approach, to strengthen the resilience of the country and the integration of concern for adaptation to climate change in planning and budgeting at both national and provincial levels. The national sustainable development strategy and the government s 2021-2023 action program revolve around 4 sectors with 62 priority areas of intervention including, among others: (i) governance and security, (ii) access to energy and drinking water, (iii) protection of the environment and natural resources (renewable and non-renewable), (iv) transport, (v) housing, (vi) the economy, (vii) education, training and health.", + "The national sustainable development strategy and the government s 2021-2023 action program revolve around 4 sectors with 62 priority areas of intervention including, among others: (i) governance and security, (ii) access to energy and drinking water, (iii) protection of the environment and natural resources (renewable and non-renewable), (iv) transport, (v) housing, (vi) the economy, (vii) education, training and health. It should also be noted that other sectoral policies and strategies have been adopted to support government action.", + "It should also be noted that other sectoral policies and strategies have been adopted to support government action. These include, among others:(i) Land use planning policy and land tenure security.", + "These include, among others:(i) Land use planning policy and land tenure security. In order to promote a rational and sustainable use of natural resources which involves the maintenance of ecological processes, protection of biodiversity and adoption of sustainable production systems, the DRC has developed and adopted in 2020 a national land use planning policy.", + "In order to promote a rational and sustainable use of natural resources which involves the maintenance of ecological processes, protection of biodiversity and adoption of sustainable production systems, the DRC has developed and adopted in 2020 a national land use planning policy. This policy should lead to zoning and the definition of a master plan for the optimal allocation of the territory, setting up sustainable human settlements and thus establishing a quality living environment.", + "This policy should lead to zoning and the definition of a master plan for the optimal allocation of the territory, setting up sustainable human settlements and thus establishing a quality living environment. In the land use plans, the DRC ensured the systematic integration of forest resources, including peat bogs and this, in a process of transparent consultation, in order to maintain consistency in the publication of all contracts.", + "In the land use plans, the DRC ensured the systematic integration of forest resources, including peat bogs and this, in a process of transparent consultation, in order to maintain consistency in the publication of all contracts. land uses (agriculture, forests, mines, hydrocarbons).", + "With regard to the forestry sector and other land allocations, taking into account the implementation of nature-based solutions, the DRC will ensure synergies with land use planning and land tenure security.", + "With regard to the forestry sector and other land allocations, taking into account the implementation of nature-based solutions, the DRC will ensure synergies with land use planning and land tenure security. In addition, in the field of land, the DRC has undertaken to conduct a legal review of land concessions of more than five hectares in pilot provinces.", + "In addition, in the field of land, the DRC has undertaken to conduct a legal review of land concessions of more than five hectares in pilot provinces. (ii) National gender policy.", + "In 2008, the DRC developed and adopted its national gender policy (PNG) and its gender strategy to integrate this dimension into sectoral development plans, particularly the Agriculture and Rural Development sectors, etc. The equality and empowerment of women remain a concern of the Congolese authorities.", + "In 2008, the DRC developed and adopted its national gender policy (PNG) and its gender strategy to integrate this dimension into sectoral development plans, particularly the Agriculture and Rural Development sectors, etc. The equality and empowerment of women remain a concern of the Congolese authorities. To this end, several efforts remain to be made to materialize this political will to improve the gender situation in the DRC.", + "To this end, several efforts remain to be made to materialize this political will to improve the gender situation in the DRC. (iii) National Agricultural Investment Plan (PNIA). The DRC has developed its National Agricultural Investment Plan (PNIA), 2013-2020.", + "(iii) National Agricultural Investment Plan (PNIA). The DRC has developed its National Agricultural Investment Plan (PNIA), 2013-2020. Its overall objective is to stimulate sustained annual growth in the agricultural sector of more than 6%, which is essential for reducing poverty, ensuring the food and nutritional security of the Congolese populations and generating jobs and sustainable incomes.", + "Its overall objective is to stimulate sustained annual growth in the agricultural sector of more than 6%, which is essential for reducing poverty, ensuring the food and nutritional security of the Congolese populations and generating jobs and sustainable incomes.", + "This plan is the unifying framework for all current and future programs and projects in the agricultural sector. This document, currently being revised, constitutes the national planning framework for national and external funds for the agricultural sector and rural development. (iv) National energy policy. Since 2009, the electricity policy has been technically validated by all stakeholders.", + "This document, currently being revised, constitutes the national planning framework for national and external funds for the agricultural sector and rural development. (iv) National energy policy. Since 2009, the electricity policy has been technically validated by all stakeholders. Current efforts are focused on developing clean cooking strategies.", + "Since 2009, the electricity policy has been technically validated by all stakeholders. Current efforts are focused on developing clean cooking strategies. In 2014, Law No. 14/011 of June 17, 2014 relating to the electricity sector was enacted. It establishes the liberalization and total opening of the electricity market to the private sector and also allows:.", + "14/011 of June 17, 2014 relating to the electricity sector was enacted. It establishes the liberalization and total opening of the electricity market to the private sector and also allows:. the distribution of competing competences in the sector, between the State, the provinces and the decentralized territorial collectivities; and.", + "It establishes the liberalization and total opening of the electricity market to the private sector and also allows:. the distribution of competing competences in the sector, between the State, the provinces and the decentralized territorial collectivities; and. the creation of a Regulatory Authority for the electricity sector and the National Agency for electrification and energy services in rural and peri-urban areas.", + "the creation of a Regulatory Authority for the electricity sector and the National Agency for electrification and energy services in rural and peri-urban areas. (v) Youth policy. In 2009, the DRC developed its national youth policy articulated around 15 areas. It aims to protect Congolese youth against anything that may affect their education, health, integral development and fulfillment.", + "In 2009, the DRC developed its national youth policy articulated around 15 areas. It aims to protect Congolese youth against anything that may affect their education, health, integral development and fulfillment.", + "It aims to protect Congolese youth against anything that may affect their education, health, integral development and fulfillment. The 9th area of. this policy, entitled \"Youth, environmental protection and sustainable development\", the specific objective of which is to improve the living environment and the environment of young people, revolves around three main axes: after :.", + "this policy, entitled \"Youth, environmental protection and sustainable development\", the specific objective of which is to improve the living environment and the environment of young people, revolves around three main axes: after:. Education of young people in environmental protection;. Improving the living environment of young people, in particular housing, drinking water, energy, sanitation; and.", + "Education of young people in environmental protection; Improving the living environment of young people, in particular housing, drinking water, energy, sanitation; and Promoting environmental protection and volunteerism among young people. (vi) National Sanitation Policy (PONA). The National Sanitation Policy (PONA), drawn up in 2013, aims to help improve the population s access to adequate sanitation services and infrastructure.", + "The National Sanitation Policy (PONA), drawn up in 2013, aims to help improve the population s access to adequate sanitation services and infrastructure. Specifically, these include, among others:. Promote the sanitation sector to all stakeholders;. Put in place mechanisms for mobilizing endogenous and exogenous financial resources in the sanitation sector;. Improve sanitation sector governance;.", + "Promote the sanitation sector to all stakeholders; Put in place mechanisms for mobilizing endogenous and exogenous financial resources in the sanitation sector; Improve sanitation sector governance; Driving a change in mentality and behavior in sanitation; Harmonize the different approaches of the sanitation sector; and Promote the development and implementation of sub-sector programs.", + "Driving a change in mentality and behavior in sanitation;. Harmonize the different approaches of the sanitation sector; and. Promote the development and implementation of sub-sector programs. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) through its Department of Sanitation (DAS) is nationally responsible for the sanitation sector, in particular the management of municipal waste, and is in this sense responsible for regulating this sector.", + "The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) through its Department of Sanitation (DAS) is nationally responsible for the sanitation sector, in particular the management of municipal waste, and is in this sense responsible for regulating this sector. Several ministries are involved in solid waste management.", + "Several ministries are involved in solid waste management. These include the Ministry of Infrastructure, Public Works and Reconstruction (MITPR) via the Office of Roads and Drainage (OVD) which intervenes in the cleaning of gutters, rivers and major collectors.", + "These include the Ministry of Infrastructure, Public Works and Reconstruction (MITPR) via the Office of Roads and Drainage (OVD) which intervenes in the cleaning of gutters, rivers and major collectors. Due to the dumping of waste on roadsides and in drains, the sanitary environment of low-income or poor residential areas is particularly poor. 1.1.2. Main socio-economic and environmental development challenges.", + "Due to the dumping of waste on roadsides and in drains, the sanitary environment of low-income or poor residential areas is particularly poor. 1.1.2. Main socio-economic and environmental development challenges. Despite the development of many strategic documents and action plans in various areas, insufficient funding has limited the implementation of large-scale actions.", + "Most of the actions carried out in the field of environmental protection and the fight against climate change have been financed by various development partners, and have focused on the conservation of forests and biodiversity, by building capacities, including the development of planning tools, the sustainable management of natural resources and the strengthening of the resilience of ecosystems and communities.", + "In this area, the main challenges remain: (i) the mobilization of financial resources for the implementation of the main legal and institutional reforms; (ii) the drafting of texts for the implementation of the framework law on the environment in the DRC; (iii) strengthening collaboration and intersectoral coordination between the different sectors (mines, agriculture, forestry); (iv) the definition of a real policy in this sector, and (v) the definition of a real policy in the forestry sector, and (v) the effective implementation of projects such as the Ibi Bat\u00e9k\u00e9 project included in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM); the carbonization enhancement and flare gas recovery projects at Muanda under the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) process; and the formulation of the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LEDS), all planned.", + "On the economic front, it was noted a continuous decline in the DRC s economic growth rate reaching 0.8% in 2020, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, when it was 4.4% in 2019. However, mining sector growth is reported to have increased by 6.9% in 2020 (compared to 1% in 2019).", + "However, mining sector growth is reported to have increased by 6.9% in 2020 (compared to 1% in 2019). On the other hand, other economic sectors contracted by 1.6% (compared to 5.7% in 2019) due to the restrictions due to the pandemic, the confinement of commercial activity and the limitation of public expenditure.", + "On the other hand, other economic sectors contracted by 1.6% (compared to 5.7% in 2019) due to the restrictions due to the pandemic, the confinement of commercial activity and the limitation of public expenditure. It is estimated that public expenditure in the agricultural and rural sector reaches 5.9%, which is still far from the Maputo criterion of allocating at least 10% of the national budget to the agricultural and rural sector, a difficult target for the DRC to achieve.", + "It is estimated that public expenditure in the agricultural and rural sector reaches 5.9%, which is still far from the Maputo criterion of allocating at least 10% of the national budget to the agricultural and rural sector, a difficult target for the DRC to achieve.", + "Moreover, its development remains essential for poverty reduction, because it is established that agricultural production would progress more rapidly than the trend scenario retained by the PNIA (2013-2020) which provides that \"if current trends are confirmed, the agricultural sector will continue to grow at a modest rate of 3% per year\".", + "Moreover, its development remains essential for poverty reduction, because it is established that agricultural production would progress more rapidly than the trend scenario retained by the PNIA (2013-2020) which provides that \u201cif current trends are confirmed, the agricultural sector will continue to grow at a modest rate of 3% per year\u201d. The efforts that will be necessary to accelerate agricultural growth (+6%/year) to lead the DRC to a balanced diet in 2025 (to feed 116 million consumers) will not be possible without a rapid modernization of agriculture.", + "The efforts that will be necessary to accelerate agricultural growth (+6%/year) to lead the DRC to a balanced diet in 2025 (to feed 116 million consumers) will not be possible without a rapid modernization of agriculture. It will be necessary to double the cultivated areas from 8 to 16 million hectares, which would represent an annual growth of around 6%, while the number of agricultural households is growing more slowly (+ 2%/year) than the average growth rate.", + "It will be necessary to double the cultivated areas from 8 to 16 million hectares, which would represent an annual growth of around 6%, while the number of agricultural households is growing more slowly (+ 2%/year) than the average growth rate. of the population (+ 3%/year), characterized by a rapid rate of urbanization (+5%/year)6.", + "This sector contributes 38% to the formation of GDP and participates for more than 60% in job creation. Although it is the main means of subsistence in rural areas, it fails to ensure the country s food independence and to generate sufficient income and sustainable employment.", + "The agricultural sector is essentially characterized by rudimentary and itinerant slash-and-burn cropping systems for subsistence production, exacerbated by the scarcity of agricultural inputs, the isolation of production areas, in particular due to the deterioration of rural roads, the growing impoverishment of the peasant mass, the lack of supervision and the impacts of climate change.", + "The agricultural sector is essentially characterized by rudimentary and itinerant slash-and-burn cropping systems for subsistence production, exacerbated by the scarcity of agricultural inputs, the isolation of production areas, in particular due to the deterioration of rural roads, the growing impoverishment of the peasant mass, the lack of supervision and the impacts of climate change.", + "Despite the progress made, however, it is the case that:. The DRC is in a precarious social situation which does not seem to have improved significantly over the past two decades according to the SDG7 report.", + "The DRC is in a precarious social situation which does not seem to have improved significantly over the past two decades according to the SDG7 report. It is characterized by the poverty of the population, contrasting with the immensity of the natural potential of the country, more accentuated in the rural areas with strong demographic growth weighing on the demand for social services, with an unequal distribution between the provinces;.", + "It is characterized by the poverty of the population, contrasting with the immensity of the natural potential of the country, more accentuated in the rural areas with strong demographic growth weighing on the demand for social services, with an unequal distribution between the provinces;. The DRC remains one of the countries with the lowest human development index among 175 countries, according to the Human Development Report 2020.", + "The DRC remains one of the countries with the lowest human development index among 175 countries, according to the Human Development Report 2020. The proportion of the population not reaching the minimum level of caloric intake fell from 31 % to 73% during the 1990s.", + "The proportion of the population not reaching the minimum level of caloric intake fell from 31 % to 73% during the 1990s. Although decreasing thereafter, food insecurity remains high and today affects about 76% of the population, while food accounts for 62.3% of the total expenditure of Congolese households8;.", + "Although decreasing thereafter, food insecurity remains high and today affects about 76% of the population, while food accounts for 62.3% of the total expenditure of Congolese households8;. The rate of access of the population to electricity remains very low: 9% at the national level (1% in rural areas, 30% for cities) while the average in sub-Saharan Africa is 24.6%;.", + "The rate of access of the population to electricity remains very low: 9% at the national level (1% in rural areas, 30% for cities) while the average in sub-Saharan Africa is 24.6%; Finally, unemployment, especially among young people (15-24 years9), due to strong demographic growth, remains at a very high level - 18% nationally - and particularly affects young urbanites (32%).", + "Finally, unemployment, especially among young people (15-24 years9), due to strong demographic growth, remains at a very high level - 18% nationally - and particularly affects young urbanites (32%). The numerous reforms undertaken and the strong economic growth recorded over the last decade testify to a significant improvement in the socio-economic conditions of the population whose income comes mainly from the informal sector. 2.", + "The numerous reforms undertaken and the strong economic growth recorded over the last decade testify to a significant improvement in the socio-economic conditions of the population whose income comes mainly from the informal sector. 2. National circumstances. 2.1. Geographic profile and natural resources.", + "National circumstances. 2.1. Geographic profile and natural resources. The DRC extends between 5\u00b020 North latitude and 13\u00b017 South latitude; and longitudes 12\u00b015 and 31\u00b015 East of the meridian of Greenwich.", + "The DRC extends between 5\u00b020 North latitude and 13\u00b017 South latitude; and longitudes 12\u00b015 and 31\u00b015 East of the meridian of Greenwich. It shares its 9.165 km of borders with nine countries including the Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia and Angola, and nearly 40 km of coastline on the Atlantic seaboard.", + "It shares its 9,165 km of borders with nine countries including the Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia and Angola, and nearly 40 km of coastline on the Atlantic seaboard. Under the revised constitution of February 2006, the Democratic Republic of Congo is made up of the City of Kinshasa and ten (25) provinces, each with legal personality (Figure 1).", + "Under the revised constitution of February 2006, the Democratic Republic of Congo is made up of the City of Kinshasa and ten (25) provinces, each with legal personality (Figure 1). Its relief is dominated to the east by two mountain ranges (Virunga and Mitumba) and a region of large lakes in the great rift and stepped plateaus determining in the center a large depression, the \u201cCentral Basin\u201d.", + "Its relief is dominated to the east by two mountain ranges (Virunga and Mitumba) and a region of large lakes in the great rift and stepped plateaus determining in the center a large depression, the \"Central Basin\". This is covered with dense tropical forest, dominated by large wetlands and inland lakes (Tumba and Mai-Ndombe in the center-west).", + "The Congo River basin, the largest of the three (the Congo, Nile and Shiloango river basins), collects more than 80% of its waters from the tributaries (about thirty large rivers) of the Congo River, which is 4,700 km long with an average flow of 41,000 m3 of water per second at its outlet into the Atlantic Ocean, there are also 15 lakes across the country which represent a total area of 180,000 km2.", + "Its dense hydrographic network benefits from a well-distributed rainfall regime across the national territory. Figure 8: Administrative map of the Directrices. Source: MEDD, June 2021. The soils of the DRC are very varied and represent approximately 227 million hectares.", + "The soils of the DRC are very varied and represent approximately 227 million hectares. Their classification was carried out according to a morphogenetic system which combines morphological criteria observable or measurable on the profile with genetic considerations deduced from chemical, mineralogical, geomorphological, climatological and other observations.", + "Their classification was carried out according to a morphogenetic system which combines morphological criteria observable or measurable on the profile with genetic considerations deduced from chemical, mineralogical, geomorphological, climatological and other observations.", + "They are grouped into five main types (Ferralsols, Nitosols, Gleysols, Vertisols and Andosols), the most dominant of which are Ferralsols and Nitosols (Figure 2). In addition, the central basin of the Congo Basin which includes the DRC and the Republic of Congo abounds in the great tropical peat bog of the world.", + "In addition, the central basin of the Congo Basin which includes the DRC and the Republic of Congo abounds in the great tropical peat bog of the world. It covers an area of nearly 145,000 km2 with a large stock of carbon and a potential source of GHGs estimated at 30 gigatonnes, or the equivalent of two (2) years of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.", + "It covers an area of nearly 145,000 km2 with a large stock of carbon and a potential source of GHGs estimated at 30 gigatonnes, or the equivalent of two (2) years of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The DRC alone has 2/3 of this peat bog, or approximately 101,500 km2.", + "The DRC alone has 2/3 of this peat bog, or approximately 101,500 km2. Figure 9: Relief of the DRC. Source: US Geological Survey, 2003.", + "Figure 9: Relief of the DRC. Source: US Geological Survey, 2003. The DRC is endowed with immense natural resources, including:. a diversified wealth of the basement, such as uranium, copper, zinc, cobalt, gold, diamond, tin, colombo-tantalite (coltan), chromium, manganese, wolframite, silver,, cadmium, lithium, carbon and pyrochlore; etc. offshore oil on the Atlantic coast. a diversified floristic richness:.", + "a diversified wealth of the basement, such as uranium, copper, zinc, cobalt, gold, diamond, tin, colombo-tantalite (coltan), chromium, manganese, wolframite, silver,, cadmium, lithium, carbon and pyrochlore; etc. offshore oil on the Atlantic coast. a diversified floristic richness: approximately 152 million hectares of natural forests (10% of all tropical forests in the world and 67% of the national territory; dense humid forests covering nearly 99 million hectares, of which just over 83 million are low altitude) (De Wasseige et al.", + "approximately 152 million hectares of natural forests (10% of all tropical forests in the world and 67% of the national territory; dense humid forests covering nearly 99 million hectares, of which just over 83 million are low altitude) (De Wasseige et al., 2009); the vegetation is dominated by large formations including swamp, ombrophile, afro-montane, dry forests and savannas;.", + ", 2009);. the vegetation is dominated by large formations including swamp, ombrophile, afro-montane, dry forests and savannas;. all the branches combined, count nearly 377 families, 2,196 genera and 10,324 species. significant wildlife wealth (MEDD, 2013)10 characterized by:. 352 species of reptiles including 33 endemic; 168 species of amphibians,. 1086 species of birds including 23 endemic;.", + "significant wildlife wealth (MEDD, 2013)10 characterized by:. 352 species of reptiles including 33 endemic; 168 species of amphibians,. 1086 species of birds including 23 endemic;. 421 species of mammals including 28 endemic, and more than a thousand species of fish. 2.2. Climate profile.", + "1086 species of birds including 23 endemic;. 421 species of mammals including 28 endemic, and more than a thousand species of fish. 2.2. Climate profile. The DRC is located in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), which creates extreme climate variability in the country.", + "Climate profile. The DRC is located in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), which creates extreme climate variability in the country. It is characterized by a hot and humid climate over most of its territory and abundant rainfall, with 140 to 160 rainy days per year. Its climate system is as follows:.", + "It is characterized by a hot and humid climate over most of its territory and abundant rainfall, with 140 to 160 rainy days per year. Its climate system is as follows:. in the center of the central basin, rainfall is between 1800 and 2200 mm per year with an average annual temperature of 27\u00b0C;.", + "in the center of the central basin, rainfall is between 1800 and 2200 mm per year with an average annual temperature of 27\u00b0C;. beyond latitudes 3\u00b0N and 3\u00b0S, we find the tropical climate with a dry season whose duration increases away from the equator (4 months in the western part and more than 5 months in the southeast, where less than 1000 mm of precipitation is recorded per year);.", + "beyond latitudes 3\u00b0N and 3\u00b0S, we find the tropical climate with a dry season whose duration increases away from the equator (4 months in the western part and more than 5 months in the southeast, where less than 1000 mm of precipitation is recorded per year);. in the mountainous regions of the east, the atmospheric conditions vary with altitude, where rainfall can reach 3000 mm per year and where the average temperature can drop by up to 1\u00b0C when the altitude rises by 180 m;.", + "in the mountainous regions of the east, the atmospheric conditions vary with altitude, where rainfall can reach 3000 mm per year and where the average temperature can drop by up to 1\u00b0C when the altitude rises by 180 m;. in the coastal zone, one encounters the driest climate (810 mm in Banana), where the effects of the cold current of Benguela are felt.", + "in the coastal zone, one encounters the driest climate (810 mm in Banana), where the effects of the cold current of Benguela are felt. The mean annual temperature has increased slightly at a rate of +0.17\u00b0C per decade over the past 30 years. For the future, global climate model projections suggest a strong average increase in temperature.", + "The mean annual temperature has increased slightly at a rate of +0.17\u00b0C per decade over the past 30 years. For the future, global climate model projections suggest a strong average increase in temperature. For the end of the century, a warming of the order of +1.7 to +4.5\u00b0C (compared to the reference period of 1971 to 2000) is probable.", + "In addition, a strong increase in the duration of heat waves and a strong reduction in the duration of cold spells are predicted (Haensler et al., 2013)11.", + "In addition, a strong increase in the duration of heat waves and a strong reduction in the duration of cold spells are predicted (Haensler et al., 2013).11 With regard to the total amounts of annual precipitation, no substantial change has been observed over the past 30 years.", + "With regard to the total amounts of annual precipitation, no substantial change has been observed over the past 30 years. For the future, the majority of climate models predict a trend towards a slight increase in total annual precipitation.", + "For the future, the majority of climate models predict a trend towards a slight increase in total annual precipitation. For the end of the century, a change in total annual precipitation of the order of 0 to +8% (compared to the reference period of 1971 to 2000) is probable.", + "For the end of the century, a change in total annual precipitation of the order of 0 to +8% (compared to the reference period of 1971 to 2000) is probable. Furthermore, the projections suggest a trend towards more intense and considerably more frequent rainfall, while no clear trend is projected with regard to the duration of drought periods (idem). 2.3.", + "Furthermore, the projections suggest a trend towards more intense and considerably more frequent rainfall, while no clear trend is projected with regard to the duration of drought periods (idem). 2.3. Economic profile.", + "Despite the vastness of its natural resources, the DRC still remains among the least developed countries, with nearly 70% of the population depending almost exclusively on agriculture and forestry resources for their survival.", + "Despite the vastness of its natural resources, the DRC still remains among the least developed countries, with nearly 70% of the population depending almost exclusively on agriculture and forestry resources for their survival. About 67% of the national territory is covered by tropical forests, representing 60% of the forests of the Congo Basin and nearly 10% of this resource at the global level.", + "About 67% of the national territory is covered by tropical forests, representing 60% of the forests of the Congo Basin and nearly 10% of this resource at the global level. The DRC is thus the second tropical forest country in the world. The DRC has experienced several multifaceted crises since the 1970s which have spared no sector of national life.", + "The DRC has experienced several multifaceted crises since the 1970s which have spared no sector of national life. These repetitive crises have plunged the country into a serious economic and social situation which is, among other things, the basis of the generalized state of poverty of the population and which ranks the DRC at the bottom of the scale on the human development index.", + "These repetitive crises have plunged the country into a serious economic and social situation which is, among other things, the basis of the generalized state of poverty of the population and which ranks the DRC at the bottom of the scale on the human development index (HDI), i.e. 179th out of 189 countries (UNDP, 2019). 2.3.1. Agriculture.", + "(HDI), i.e. 179th out of 189 countries (UNDP, 2019). 2.3.1. Agriculture. The DRC has more than 80 million hectares of arable land of which only 10% is currently exploited. The diversity of its climatic system and its important hydrographic network make it possible to practice a varied range of agricultural speculations.", + "The diversity of its climatic system and its important hydrographic network make it possible to practice a varied range of agricultural speculations. The expanses of both grassy and wooded savannas are likely to support a breeding of more or less 40 million head of cattle12.", + "The expanses of both grassy and wooded savannas are likely to support a breeding of more or less 40 million head of cattle.12 This sector has suffered a long decline exacerbated by conflicts and the abandonment of large farms, agricultural productivity fell by 60% between 1960 and 2006.", + "This sector has suffered a long decline exacerbated by conflicts and the abandonment of large farms, agricultural productivity fell by 60% between 1960 and 2006. Agricultural practice is essentially rainfed and peasant with subsistence food production (self-subsistence) using rudimentary production equipment with low yield and low input consumption.", + "Agricultural practice is essentially rainfed and peasant with subsistence food production (self-subsistence) using rudimentary production equipment with low yield and low input consumption. These farms are spread over more or less 4 to 7 million hectares and are organized by agricultural households, each farming an average of 1.5 hectares per year13.", + "These farms are spread over more or less 4 to 7 million hectares and are organized by agricultural households, each farming an average of 1.5 hectares per year.13 The increase in production is due more to the increase in sown areas than to the improvement in yields.", + "The increase in production is due more to the increase in sown areas than to the improvement in yields. Unlike other systems on the continent, this mode of exploitation is not associated with livestock, a source of organic matter. National animal production comes mainly from small and large livestock as well as poultry.", + "Unlike other systems on the continent, this mode of exploitation is not associated with livestock, a source of organic matter. National animal production comes mainly from small and large livestock as well as poultry. Their contribution is respectively 34.5% for pigs, 24% for goats, 22.3% for cattle, 15% for poultry and 3.9% for sheep14.", + "Their contribution is respectively 34.5% for pigs, 24% for goats, 22.3% for cattle, 15% for poultry and 3.9% for sheep.14 Small livestock and poultry have the advantage of providing farmers with products, regularly and closely, enabling them to maintain a certain level of income and improve their diet.", + "Small livestock and poultry have the advantage of providing farmers with products, regularly and closely, enabling them to maintain a certain level of income and improve their diet. The annual fish production of the DRC, estimated at about 220,000 tonnes on average out of an annually exploitable potential of 707,000 tonnes, i.e.", + "The annual fish production of the DRC, estimated at about 220,000 tonnes on average out of an annually exploitable potential of 707,000 tonnes, i.e. a little over 30%, corresponds to an annual average disposal of 5.2 kg per inhabitant, a much lower availability to the international standard set at 13 kg per inhabitant15. 2.3.2. Forestry and other land uses.", + "a little over 30%, corresponds to an annual average disposal of 5.2 kg per inhabitant, a much lower availability to the international standard set at 13 kg per inhabitant15. 2.3.2. Forestry and other land uses. The Congolese forests are distributed on both sides of the equatorial line and thus include varied ecosystems.", + "The Congolese forests are distributed on both sides of the equatorial line and thus include varied ecosystems. Evergreen and semi-deciduous moist forests occupy much of the central and western regions, large areas of edaphic forests grow in the northwest along the Congo River and its tributaries, while forests of pre-mountain and mountain extend over the eastern plateaus and on the slopes of the Mitumba Mountains.", + "Evergreen and semi-deciduous moist forests occupy much of the central and western regions, large areas of edaphic forests grow in the northwest along the Congo River and its tributaries, while forests of pre-mountain and mountain extend over the eastern plateaus and on the slopes of the Mitumba Mountains.", + "The richest forest massif and in one piece (approximately 100 million hectares) is circumscribed in the central basin. Estimated at about 152 million hectares of natural forests (MEDD, 2016), they represent about 10% of all tropical forests in the world and more than 62% of those in Africa.", + "Estimated at about 152 million hectares of natural forests (MEDD, 2016), they represent about 10% of all tropical forests in the world and more than 62% of those in Africa. Its relatively low deforestation rate over the past 30 years is estimated at between 0.4% in 2001 and 0.32% in 2005, compared to that of other tropical forest countries (MEDD, 2018).", + "In order to fight against the illegal exploitation of forests and to preserve what remains of the natural spaces, the DRC adopted Law 011-2002 of August 29, 2002 on the Forest Code which deals with clearing, degradation of forests, and problems of erosion.", + "In order to fight against the illegal exploitation of forests and to preserve what remains of the natural spaces, the DRC adopted Law 011-2002 of August 29, 2002 on the Forest Code which deals with clearing, degradation of forests, and problems of erosion.", + "The code prohibits \u201cany act of deforestation of areas exposed to the risk of erosion and flooding; any deforestation over a distance of 50 meters on either side of watercourses and within a radius of 100 meters around their sources\u201d. In addition, the code specifies that \u201call deforestation must be compensated by reforestation equivalent in quality and area to the initial forest cover (...) and requires obtaining a deforestation permit for an area greater than 2 ha\u201d.", + "In addition, the code specifies that \u201call deforestation must be compensated by reforestation equivalent in quality and area to the initial forest cover (...) and requires obtaining a deforestation permit for an area greater than 2 ha\u201d. The forestry sector in the DRC is likely to contribute significantly to both the diversification and the recovery of the national economy.", + "The forestry sector in the DRC is likely to contribute significantly to both the diversification and the recovery of the national economy. Despite its enormous potential, the contribution of this sector to reducing the poverty of the Congolese people is still timid or even insignificant.", + "Despite its enormous potential, the contribution of this sector to reducing the poverty of the Congolese people is still timid or even insignificant. This situation is due, in part, to the fact that for several decades, the forestry sector had not aroused much interest among political decision-makers; which did not allow this sector to benefit from all the attention to which it is legitimately entitled like other sectors of the national economy, in this case the mining sector. 2.3.3. Energy.", + "This situation is due, in part, to the fact that for several decades, the forestry sector had not aroused much interest among political decision-makers; which did not allow this sector to benefit from all the attention to which it is legitimately entitled like other sectors of the national economy, in this case the mining sector. 2.3.3. Energy. The DRC is full of enormous potential, diversified in energy resources16 whose sustainable management constitutes major challenges which include among others:.", + "The DRC is full of enormous potential, diversified in energy resources16 whose sustainable management constitutes major challenges which include among others:. hydroelectric resources with a potential estimated at 110 GW (44% are concentrated in the Inga site alone, located in the Kongo-Central Province) equivalent to 30 million tonnes of oil per year;.", + "hydroelectric resources with a potential estimated at 110 GW (44% are concentrated in the Inga site alone, located in the Kongo-Central Province) equivalent to 30 million tonnes of oil per year;. biomass with approximately 152 million hectares of natural forests;. mineral coal with reserves estimated at 720 million tonnes,. oil with reserves estimated at 1.5 billion barrels,.", + "biomass with approximately 152 million hectares of natural forests;. mineral coal with reserves estimated at 720 million tonnes,. oil with reserves estimated at 1.5 billion barrels,. the methane gas reserves in the Coastal Basin, estimated at 10 billion m3 at sea and 20 billion m3 in Lake Kivu (nearly 50 million normal cubic meters (Nm3)),. uranium ore with significant reserves,.", + "the methane gas reserves in the Coastal Basin, estimated at 10 billion m3 at sea and 20 billion m3 in Lake Kivu (nearly 50 million normal cubic meters (Nm3)),. uranium ore with significant reserves,. geothermal resources;. bituminous shale and tar sands whose reserves are poorly known; and. a solar potential whose sunshine band is between 3500 and 6000 Wc/m2/d.", + "bituminous shale and tar sands whose reserves are poorly known; and. a solar potential whose sunshine band is between 3500 and 6000 Wc/m2/d. The PDGIE report (2018) provides information in terms of energy consumption on the predominance of wood energy, which in 2018 represented a share of 94.2%. Figure 10: Energy balance of the DRC for the year 2018.", + "The PDGIE report (2018) provides information in terms of energy consumption on the predominance of wood energy, which in 2018 represented a share of 94.2%. Figure 10: Energy balance of the DRC for the year 2018. Electricity production is largely provided by the National Electricity Company (SNEL) with an installed capacity of 2.456 MW.", + "Some private independent producers such as Electricit\u00e9 du Congo (EDC) for the city of Tshikapa; SENOKI in Butembo, SOKIMO, Energie du Kasa\u00ef (ENERKA) for the city of Mbuji-Mayi, Electricit\u00e9 du Nord Kivu (ENK), Virunga Sarl, NURU Sarl, Caritas D\u00e9veloppement, etc., and a few self-producers such as Sucri\u00e8re de Kwilu-Ngongo, PERENCO, MIBA, Kibali Gold Mining, G\u00e9camines certain religious denominations, the National Railway Company (SNCC), etc. total installed hydropower capacity of 364 MW.", + "However, the population s access rate to electricity, one of the lowest in the world, is estimated at 9% (SE4ALL-RDC, 2019). 2.3.4. Transportation. Transport infrastructure in the DRC is among the least dense, dilapidated and impracticable. In many provinces of the country, connectivity to the capital, Kinshasa, by road is difficult and most provinces are not interconnected.", + "In many provinces of the country, connectivity to the capital, Kinshasa, by road is difficult and most provinces are not interconnected. Despite having one of the largest river networks in the world, river transport is often hampered by high levels of silting, long waiting times at ports due to poor infrastructure and the governance.", + "Despite having one of the largest river networks in the world, river transport is often hampered by high levels of silting, long waiting times at ports due to poor infrastructure and the governance. Ground transport in the DRC consists mainly of motorized road vehicles, as there is no suitable infrastructure for non-motorized vehicles (i.e.", + "Ground transport in the DRC consists mainly of motorized road vehicles, as there is no suitable infrastructure for non-motorized vehicles (i.e. cycle lanes, safe storage and convenient and convenient bicycle rentals). affordable) and the railway network is almost abandoned or destroyed. Motor vehicles mainly depend on personal passenger cars.", + "Motor vehicles mainly depend on personal passenger cars. Vehicle fleet statistics up to 2015 indicate a total of 1.64 million registered vehicles nationwide, mainly consisting of passenger cars (INS, 2015).", + "Vehicle fleet statistics up to 2015 indicate a total of 1.64 million registered vehicles nationwide, mainly consisting of passenger cars (INS, 2015). Public transport includes public and private buses, minivans as well as exclusive and shared taxis, all operating without any coordination, resulting in very low occupancy rates.", + "Public transport includes public and private buses, minivans as well as exclusive and shared taxis, all operating without any coordination, resulting in very low occupancy rates. The market share of mass transport in the DRC is low due to the impassability, lack of security and limited reach of public transport compared to the attractiveness of owning a private automobile.", + "The market share of mass transport in the DRC is low due to the impassability, lack of security and limited reach of public transport compared to the attractiveness of owning a private automobile. Driving habits in the DRC are characterized by a relatively low range with a high rate of congestion and frequent stops at short time intervals.", + "Driving habits in the DRC are characterized by a relatively low range with a high rate of congestion and frequent stops at short time intervals. It is estimated that 50% of trips have a distance of less than 10 km, 25% of stops are less than 20 seconds and the total stop time per trip corresponds to more than 15% of the trip time.", + "It is estimated that 50% of trips have a distance of less than 10 km, 25% of stops are less than 20 seconds and the total stop time per trip corresponds to more than 15% of the trip time. In addition, these observations reflect stop-and-go driving patterns, resulting in inefficient operation of internal combustion engines, and a high rate of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions as a result.", + "In addition, these observations reflect stop-and-go driving patterns, resulting in inefficient operation of internal combustion engines, and a high rate of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions as a result.", + "The road network of the DRC comprises a total of 153,209 km (INS, 2014) of roads distributed as follows:. 58,509 km of roads of general interest, of which around 3,000 km are paved. 7,400 km of urban roads;. 87,300 km of roads of local interest or agricultural service.", + "58,509 km of roads of general interest, of which around 3,000 km are paved. 7,400 km of urban roads;. 87,300 km of roads of local interest or agricultural service. In terms of aeronautical activities, the DRC has nineteen (19) commercial airports, four of which are international in service (Kinshasa/N djili, Goma, Kisangani and Lubumbashi).", + "In terms of aeronautical activities, the DRC has nineteen (19) commercial airports, four of which are international in service (Kinshasa/N djili, Goma, Kisangani and Lubumbashi). At least eleven airlines (Congo Airways) and private companies operate for the flight of passengers and the chartering of goods to all airports located in the DRC.", + "At least eleven airlines (Congo Airways) and private companies operate for the flight of passengers and the chartering of goods to all airports located in the DRC. In 2016, more than 1.77 million air passengers were counted compared to 1.61 in 2010 (SDG Report, 2020).", + "In 2016, more than 1.77 million air passengers were counted compared to 1.61 in 2010 (SDG Report, 2020). As for river and lake activities, the DRC has nearly twenty service ports or functional commercial ports, including Matadi, Boma, Kinshasa, Ilebo, Kalemie, Uvira, Goma, Bukavu, Kisangani, Mbandaka, Ubundu, Kindu, and Mushimbakye in Baraka.", + "As for river and lake activities, the DRC has nearly twenty service ports or functional commercial ports, including Matadi, Boma, Kinshasa, Ilebo, Kalemie, Uvira, Goma, Bukavu, Kisangani, Mbandaka, Ubundu, Kindu, and Mushimbakye in Baraka., etc. These ports are mostly under the authority of the Congolese Transport and Ports Company (SCTP).", + "These ports are mostly under the authority of the Congolese Transport and Ports Company (SCTP). The main ports in the south-east of the country are governed by the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Nationale des Chemins de Fer du Congo (SNCC). The port of Matadi is the country s industrial entry and exit point.", + "The main ports in the south-east of the country are governed by the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Nationale des Chemins de Fer du Congo (SNCC). The port of Matadi is the country s industrial entry and exit point. It is connected to the port of Kinshasa by road and rail.", + "The port of Matadi is the country s industrial entry and exit point. It is connected to the port of Kinshasa by road and rail. The port of Kinshasa welcomes approximately 78% of the boats coming from the interior of the country. 2.3.5. Industry.", + "It is connected to the port of Kinshasa by road and rail. The port of Kinshasa welcomes approximately 78% of the boats coming from the interior of the country. 2.3.5. Industry. Although the industrial fabric of the DRC remains embryonic, this sector, like agriculture, infrastructure, energy, health, education, housing and others, is a priority of the Government of the DRC.", + "Although the industrial fabric of the DRC remains embryonic, this sector, like agriculture, infrastructure, energy, health, education, housing and others, is a priority of the Government of the DRC. The development strategy of the industrial sector is mainly focused on the creation of Special Economic Zones (SEZ), agro-industrial parks and growth poles.", + "The development strategy of the industrial sector is mainly focused on the creation of Special Economic Zones (SEZ), agro-industrial parks and growth poles. The infrastructure deficit affects the industrial development of the DRC, particularly manufacturing. The latter represents only 14% of GDP in 2018, i.e. less than 12 USD per capita.", + "The infrastructure deficit affects the industrial development of the DRC, particularly manufacturing. The latter represents only 14% of GDP in 2018, i.e. less than 12 USD per capita. This low level illustrates the obvious difficulties faced by entrepreneurs, particularly in terms of access to electricity and public transport infrastructure (roads, railways, airports, rivers and lakes).", + "This low level illustrates the obvious difficulties faced by entrepreneurs, particularly in terms of access to electricity and public transport infrastructure (roads, railways, airports, rivers and lakes). The repercussions are eloquent, particularly in terms of economic competitiveness and jobs created. Employment in manufacturing represents only less than 7% of total employment.", + "Employment in manufacturing represents only less than 7% of total employment. With regard to mining production, the DRC is \"a geological scandal\" as its mining resources are important and diverse (copper, cobalt, colombo-tantalite, gold, diamonds).", + "With regard to mining production, the DRC is \"a geological scandal\" as its mining resources are important and diverse (copper, cobalt, colombo-tantalite, gold, diamonds). An engine of growth and a major contributor to the national budget, the DRC s mining sector is one of the country s strategic sectors.", + "An engine of growth and a major contributor to the national budget, the DRC s mining sector is one of the country s strategic sectors. According to statistics, from 2003 to 2017, mining production increased from 9,370 tons to more than one million tons of copper! That is an increase of 10.75% (INS, 2017). 3.", + "According to statistics, from 2003 to 2017, mining production increased from 9,370 tons to more than one million tons of copper! That is an increase of 10.75% (INS, 2017). 3. Vision of the DRC in the field of climate change.", + "That is an increase of 10.75% (INS, 2017). 3. Vision of the DRC in the field of climate change. The DRC s vision in the fight against climate change is to promote a green economy, with low carbon emissions and resilient to the impacts of climate change, while rationally and sustainably managing its significant natural resources in order to guarantee ecological balance.", + "The DRC s vision in the fight against climate change is to promote a green economy, with low carbon emissions and resilient to the impacts of climate change, while rationally and sustainably managing its significant natural resources in order to guarantee ecological balance. and the social, economic, cultural and environmental well-being of its people.", + "Indeed, the DRC, like all Parties to the UNFCCC, is resolutely committed to taking urgent measures to mitigate its greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change, in accordance with the Paris Agreement especially in its article 4.17.", + "Indeed, the DRC, like all Parties to the UNFCCC, is resolutely committed to taking urgent measures to mitigate its greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change, in accordance with the Paris Agreement especially in its article 4.17. To this end, the DRC ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol in 2005 and the Paris Agreement in 2017.", + "To this end, the DRC ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol in 2005 and the Paris Agreement in 2017. In addition, it submitted to the UNFCCC its three first national communications to the UNFCCC, respectively in 2001, 2009 and 2015 and its National Adaptation Action Program (NAPA) in 2006.", + "In addition, it submitted to the UNFCCC its three first national communications to the UNFCCC, respectively in 2001, 2009 and 2015 and its National Adaptation Action Program (NAPA) in 2006.", + "It also submitted its Forest Reference Emission Level (NERF) in 2018. Although its greenhouse gas emissions are among the lowest in the world (MEDD, 2015), the DRC is very vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Therefore, adaptation to climate change is a major concern and priority for the country.", + "Although its greenhouse gas emissions are among the lowest in the world (MEDD, 2015), the DRC is very vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Therefore, adaptation to climate change is a major concern and priority for the country. The DRC s contribution to climate change in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is relatively small, although emissions from agriculture, deforestation, land use, consumption energy, and waste is a significant part of its carbon footprint, to demand appropriate climate action. 4.", + "The DRC s contribution to climate change in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is relatively small, although emissions from agriculture, deforestation, land use, consumption energy, and waste is a significant part of its carbon footprint, to demand appropriate climate action. 4. NDC review process.", + "In 2015, the DRC submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the UNFCCC, defining its adaptation and mitigation objectives. In 2017, this became its first NDC, in accordance with the Paris Agreement.", + "In 2015, the DRC submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the UNFCCC, defining its adaptation and mitigation objectives. In 2017, this became its first NDC, in accordance with the Paris Agreement. This first NDC was based on the DRC s third national communication submitted to the UNFCCC in 2014, as well as on other sectoral policies, such as the National REDD+ Strategy Framework (MEDD, 2012) and other key national orientation documents.", + "This first NDC was based on the DRC s third national communication submitted to the UNFCCC in 2014, as well as on other sectoral policies, such as the National REDD+ Strategy Framework (MEDD, 2012) and other key national orientation documents. The targeted reduction target, entirely conditional, was 17% taking into account three main sectors, namely Energy, Agriculture and Forestry associated with the following gases: CO2, CH4 and N2O over the period 2021-2030.", + "The targeted reduction target, entirely conditional, was 17% taking into account three main sectors, namely Energy, Agriculture and Forestry associated with the following gases: CO2, CH4 and N2O over the period 2021-2030. This NDC, whose reduction target set at 21% (conditional at 19%, and unconditional at 2%), updates and strengthens the first in terms of contributions to mitigation and adaptation, on the one hand, and through improved data collection, in-depth technical analysis and extensive stakeholder engagement on the other.", + "This NDC, whose reduction target set at 21% (conditional at 19%, and unconditional at 2%), updates and strengthens the first in terms of contributions to mitigation and adaptation, on the one hand, and through improved data collection, in-depth technical analysis and extensive stakeholder engagement on the other. It includes, in addition to the three aforementioned sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Energy), that of Waste. 4.1.", + "It includes, in addition to the three aforementioned sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Energy), that of Waste. 4.1. Mitigation. 4.1.1. Business as usual (BAU) emissions forecast.", + "Mitigation. 4.1.1. Business as usual (BAU) emissions forecast. The mitigation contributions presented in this revised NDC are based on the prospective of a relative reduction in GHG emissions between 2018-2030 compared to baseline emissions estimated using the 2006 IPCC guidelines18 representing the national trajectory in l lack of mitigation measures (BAU).", + "The mitigation contributions presented in this revised NDC are based on the prospective of a relative reduction in GHG emissions between 2018-2030 compared to baseline emissions estimated using the 2006 IPCC guidelines18 representing the national trajectory in l lack of mitigation measures (BAU). This requires the development of BAU sectoral forecasts of activities and associated emissions throughout the NDC commitment period; subsequent monitoring of progress against this baseline through the implementation of mitigation projects will require continuous updating of the abatement scenario.", + "This requires the development of BAU sectoral forecasts of activities and associated emissions throughout the NDC commitment period; subsequent monitoring of progress against this baseline through the implementation of mitigation projects will require continuous updating of the abatement scenario. The projections used in this revised NDC are constructed through an extrapolation of emissions from the reference period of the first Biennial Updated Report and the DRC s national greenhouse gas inventories.", + "The projections used in this revised NDC are constructed through an extrapolation of emissions from the reference period of the first Biennial Updated Report and the DRC s national greenhouse gas inventories. This is a linear, simple, transparent, intuitive and easily reproducible projection in the medium term until 2030, based on the IPCC s level 1 methodology, from which they will evolve according to a scenario of the business-as-usual type (normal course cases without mitigating measures).", + "This is a linear, simple, transparent, intuitive and easily reproducible projection in the medium term until 2030, based on the IPCC s level 1 methodology, from which they will evolve according to a scenario of the business-as-usual type (normal course cases without mitigating measures). Modeling specific to the energy sector, based on the Model for Energy Demand Analysis (MAED-2 software, IAEA, 2007), was undertaken to estimate the current mitigation potential in this sector.", + "Modeling specific to the energy sector, based on the Model for Energy Demand Analysis (MAED-2 software, IAEA, 2007), was undertaken to estimate the current mitigation potential in this sector.", + "The MAED-2 software assesses future energy demand based on socio-economic, technological and demographic development scenarios in the medium and long term. Within this framework, two scenarios have been developed: the BAU scenario and the abatement scenario.", + "Within this framework, two scenarios have been developed: the BAU scenario and the abatement scenario. The model systematically links the specific demand for energy to produce different goods and services identified in the model, to the corresponding social, economic and technological factors that affect this demand.", + "The model systematically links the specific demand for energy to produce different goods and services identified in the model, to the corresponding social, economic and technological factors that affect this demand. For the other sectors, the BAU and abatement scenarios were constructed using linear modeling tools. 4.1.2. National emissions modeling.", + "For the other sectors, the BAU and abatement scenarios were constructed using linear modeling tools. 4.1.2. National emissions modeling. As part of the implementation of the DRC s PNSD, three possible development scenarios have been considered to characterize the possible evolutions of the economy: the continuity scenario, also called the normal course of business scenario - BAU, the which translates the government s vision (optimistic scenario) and the intermediate scenario between the first two, alternative scenario.", + "As part of the implementation of the DRC s PNSD, three possible development scenarios have been considered to characterize the possible evolutions of the economy: the continuity scenario, also called the normal course of business scenario - BAU, the which translates the government s vision (optimistic scenario) and the intermediate scenario between the first two, alternative scenario. (i) Continuity Scenario19.", + "(i) Continuity Scenario19. This scenario is based on a continuation of the current situation in which the pace of economic growth is certainly high but suffers from fluctuations linked to hazardous turns in world markets.", + "This scenario is based on a continuation of the current situation in which the pace of economic growth is certainly high but suffers from fluctuations linked to hazardous turns in world markets. In light of the growth profile, the DRC will not be able to become an emerging country in 2030 and a developed country in 2050 if profound changes are not envisaged in the conduct of public policies.", + "In light of the growth profile, the DRC will not be able to become an emerging country in 2030 and a developed country in 2050 if profound changes are not envisaged in the conduct of public policies. The reforms need to be deepened for more effective governance.", + "Major transformations should be made at the level of the production apparatus, and the quality of human capital will also have to be substantially increased. The main assumptions on which this scenario is based are as follows:.", + "Major transformations should be made at the level of the production apparatus, and the quality of human capital will also have to be substantially increased. The main assumptions on which this scenario is based are as follows:. The mining sector continues to be the main driver of economic growth but is seeing its contribution gradually diminish;.", + "The main assumptions on which this scenario is based are as follows:. The mining sector continues to be the main driver of economic growth but is seeing its contribution gradually diminish;. Agricultural activity continues to develop but its expansion is not very significant;.", + "The mining sector continues to be the main driver of economic growth but is seeing its contribution gradually diminish;. Agricultural activity continues to develop but its expansion is not very significant;. The manufacturing industry continues to play a marginal role in economic growth and continues to suffer the pangs of foreign competition;.", + "The manufacturing industry continues to play a marginal role in economic growth and continues to suffer the pangs of foreign competition;. The services sector continues to expand, mainly from wholesale and retail trade (against a deterioration in the current account) and transport and telecoms;. Tax revenues from the exploitation of natural resources remain marginal;.", + "The services sector continues to expand, mainly from wholesale and retail trade (against a deterioration in the current account) and transport and telecoms;. Tax revenues from the exploitation of natural resources remain marginal;. Progress can be observed in the area of. governance (political and economic) but it is relatively slow and limits the total investment rate;.", + "Progress can be observed in the area of. governance (political and economic) but it is relatively slow and limits the total investment rate;. The population continues to grow at the average annual rate of 3% as has been the case over the past fifteen years, which implies that the synthetic fertility index (ISF) has practically not changed;.", + "The population continues to grow at the average annual rate of 3% as has been the case over the past fifteen years, which implies that the synthetic fertility index (ISF) has practically not changed;. The movements of populations due to the conflicts are reduced and the social fabric is rebuilt;.", + "The movements of populations due to the conflicts are reduced and the social fabric is rebuilt;. The country s political and security situation is stable, as is that of the Central African region. (ii) Scenario reflecting the government s vision. This second scenario is optimistic in that it proposes to highlight the various efforts to be combined by the authorities.", + "This second scenario is optimistic in that it proposes to highlight the various efforts to be combined by the authorities. For the DRC to develop in 2050 according to the sequences defined by the government, it would be necessary to consider \u2013 courageously and relentlessly \u2013 a set of coherent and sustained actions over time to change its political, institutional, economic and financial landscape.", + "For the DRC to develop in 2050 according to the sequences defined by the government, it would be necessary to consider \u2013 courageously and relentlessly \u2013 a set of coherent and sustained actions over time to change its political, institutional, economic and financial landscape. Maintaining peace and strengthening the security of people and their property are two fundamental elements of the action to be taken by the government to set the country firmly on the path to development.", + "Maintaining peace and strengthening the security of people and their property are two fundamental elements of the action to be taken by the government to set the country firmly on the path to development.", + "At the macroeconomic level, inflation should be contained and the exchange rate should not experience major shifts. This would require significantly expanding the fiscal space state, improve the quality (or efficiency) of public spending, constitute important budgetary stabilizers and use them wisely, in the event of exogenous shocks. (iii) Alternative scenario.", + "This would require significantly expanding the fiscal space state, improve the quality (or efficiency) of public spending, constitute important budgetary stabilizers and use them wisely, in the event of exogenous shocks. (iii) Alternative scenario. In this third scenario, called alternative, it is assumed that the country becomes a middle-income country in 2025 and emerges in 2030 instead of 2030.", + "In this third scenario, called alternative, it is assumed that the country becomes a middle-income country in 2025 and emerges in 2030 instead of 2030.", + "This change in the time horizons of expected progress has an impact on the growth rates to be displayed by the economy as well as on the policies to be pursued.", + "This change in the time horizons of expected progress has an impact on the growth rates to be displayed by the economy as well as on the policies to be pursued. Despite the change in the length of the first sequence of the trajectory, it would take considerable efforts to ensure that the DRC progresses as its government intends.", + "Despite the change in the length of the first sequence of the trajectory, it would take considerable efforts to ensure that the DRC progresses as its government intends. At the macroeconomic level, it will be necessary to maintain rigor in the management of public finances and to have flexibility in the conduct of monetary policy because performance in terms of growth requires inflation not exceeding 3,.", + "At the macroeconomic level, it will be necessary to maintain rigor in the management of public finances and to have flexibility in the conduct of monetary policy because performance in terms of growth requires inflation not exceeding 3,. The main assumptions used to develop this scenario are as follows:.", + "The main assumptions used to develop this scenario are as follows:. Agriculture is undergoing major transformations and is becoming one of the main pillars of economic growth and job creation;. Extractive industries continue to be dynamic thanks to a widening of the value creation chain and more efficient exploitation of hydrocarbons;.", + "Extractive industries continue to be dynamic thanks to a widening of the value creation chain and more efficient exploitation of hydrocarbons;. The construction and public works sector is experiencing remarkable expansion thanks to the combined efforts to expand the State s fiscal space and mobilize new sources of infrastructure financing (PPP and viable sovereign loans);.", + "The construction and public works sector is experiencing remarkable expansion thanks to the combined efforts to expand the State s fiscal space and mobilize new sources of infrastructure financing (PPP and viable sovereign loans);. Manufacturing industries are developing at a sustained pace and are managing to penetrate other markets;.", + "Manufacturing industries are developing at a sustained pace and are managing to penetrate other markets;. The tertiary sector remains dynamic thanks to the effects of the reconstruction, modernization and development of infrastructures;. The structure of GDP is gradually changing (the secondary sector will become the main pillar of growth in 2050);.", + "The tertiary sector remains dynamic thanks to the effects of the reconstruction, modernization and development of infrastructures;. The structure of GDP is gradually changing (the secondary sector will become the main pillar of growth in 2050);. Governance is experiencing rapid and sustained improvements against the backdrop of a coherent set of reforms affecting institutions and the functioning of the economy;.", + "Governance is experiencing rapid and sustained improvements against the backdrop of a coherent set of reforms affecting institutions and the functioning of the economy;. Social policies are effectively implemented to lower the ISF and make the most of the demographic dividend;. The return of displaced populations is possible;.", + "Social policies are effectively implemented to lower the ISF and make the most of the demographic dividend;. The return of displaced populations is possible;. The political and security context is calm both in the country and in Central Africa.", + "The return of displaced populations is possible;. The political and security context is calm both in the country and in Central Africa. Of the three PNSD scenarios, only the alternative scenario was taken into account in the energy sector and considered as the BAU scenario.", + "Of the three PNSD scenarios, only the alternative scenario was taken into account in the energy sector and considered as the BAU scenario. The analysis used to develop this revised NDC involved identifying a range of mitigation options (Abatement Scenario) within each of the NDC sectors for further consideration and quantitative analysis. (iv) Abatement scenario.", + "The analysis used to develop this revised NDC involved identifying a range of mitigation options (Abatement Scenario) within each of the NDC sectors for further consideration and quantitative analysis. (iv) Abatement scenario. This scenario aims to highlight the various efforts to be combined by the DRC government to achieve a gradual and significant reduction in GHG emissions in the main emitting sectors.", + "This scenario aims to highlight the various efforts to be combined by the DRC government to achieve a gradual and significant reduction in GHG emissions in the main emitting sectors. The allowances used in this revised NDC are based on the assumptions below and reinforce it in several ways:.", + "The allowances used in this revised NDC are based on the assumptions below and reinforce it in several ways:. In the field of forestry and other land uses, the hypothesis is based on the REDD + strategy which is based on the studies of McKinsey et al (2009)20 and also the hypotheses envisaged in the NERF document whose projections of the annual growth of emissions due to deforestation are estimated at 50 MtCO2e;.", + "In the field of forestry and other land uses, the hypothesis is based on the REDD + strategy which is based on the studies of McKinsey et al (2009)20 and also the hypotheses envisaged in the NERF document whose projections of the annual growth of emissions due to deforestation are estimated at 50 MtCO2e;. In this forestry sector, we could obtain a cumulative reduction in emissions of 2.2 to 2.5 Gt CO2e by 2030;.", + "In this forestry sector, we could obtain a cumulative reduction in emissions of 2.2 to 2.5 Gt CO2e by 2030;. The share of emissions that cannot be reduced may be offset by the effects of afforestation and reforestation projects intended for carbon sequestration, up to an estimated cumulative sequestration potential of 1.2 at 1.4 Gt CO2e;.", + "The share of emissions that cannot be reduced may be offset by the effects of afforestation and reforestation projects intended for carbon sequestration, up to an estimated cumulative sequestration potential of 1.2 at 1.4 Gt CO2e;. By 2030, the combined effect of potential mitigation and sequestration levers could both offset total emissions estimated at 410 to 700 Mt CO2e according to the BAU reference scenario, and constitute a carbon sink of a capacity of around 20 Mt CO2e;.", + "By 2030, the combined effect of potential mitigation and sequestration levers could both offset total emissions estimated at 410 to 700 Mt CO2e according to the BAU reference scenario, and constitute a carbon sink of a capacity of around 20 Mt CO2e;. The BAU reference scenario of the evolution of degradation and deforestation in the DRC and the related emissions was developed on the basis of voluntary assumptions of the country s socio-economic and demographic development.", + "The BAU reference scenario of the evolution of degradation and deforestation in the DRC and the related emissions was developed on the basis of voluntary assumptions of the country s socio-economic and demographic development.", + "In this scenario, deforestation would reach 12 to 13 million ha by 2030, and degradation 21 to 22 million ha. In agriculture, it is planned to double the cultivated areas from 8 to 16 million hectares, to observe accelerated growth (+6%/year) and thus ensure food balance by 2025 (feeding 116 million consumers) and this, thanks to a modernization of the sector.", + "In agriculture, it is planned to double the cultivated areas from 8 to 16 million hectares, to observe accelerated growth (+6%/year) and thus ensure food balance by 2025 (feeding 116 million consumers) and this, thanks to a modernization of the sector. In the Energy sector, mitigation efforts may be concentrated in the industrial, transport and residential sectors with the following assumptions:.", + "In the Energy sector, mitigation efforts may be concentrated in the industrial, transport and residential sectors with the following assumptions:. More accentuated reduction in the energy intensities of petroleum products, specific uses of electricity, use of heat.", + "More accentuated reduction in the energy intensities of petroleum products, specific uses of electricity, use of heat. This translates to a much more efficient energy intensity improvement in the economy. In the agricultural sector, the abatement will relate much more to the management of agricultural residues because the agricultural development program provides for an increase in surface areas.", + "In the agricultural sector, the abatement will relate much more to the management of agricultural residues because the agricultural development program provides for an increase in surface areas. In the waste sector, for the reduction scenario (organization of the sector: access of 60% of households to the waste management system, by developing operational mechanisms in at least 10 provinces. 4.2. Adaptation.", + "In the waste sector, for the reduction scenario (organization of the sector: access of 60% of households to the waste management system, by developing operational mechanisms in at least 10 provinces. 4.2. Adaptation. For this adaptation component, the methodological approach consisted of an in-depth review of relevant documents on adaptation to climate change.", + "For this adaptation component, the methodological approach consisted of an in-depth review of relevant documents on adaptation to climate change. The various national communications submitted by the DRC to the UNFCCC have allowed us to have a more or less broad overview of the degree of vulnerability of the various actors and economic sectors directly affected by climate change and disaster risk as well as the measures proposed.", + "The various national communications submitted by the DRC to the UNFCCC have allowed us to have a more or less broad overview of the degree of vulnerability of the various actors and economic sectors directly affected by climate change and disaster risk as well as the measures proposed. to deal with it.", + "The lessons learned from NAPA (agriculture, protection of the coastal zone and women and children) made it possible to understand the relevance of the actions envisaged and the measures to be considered for greater effectiveness and efficiency in strengthening resilience to the effects climate change.", + "The lessons learned from NAPA (agriculture, protection of the coastal zone and women and children) made it possible to understand the relevance of the actions envisaged and the measures to be considered for greater effectiveness and efficiency in strengthening resilience to the effects climate change. In addition, the results of the process of drafting the initial NAP of the DRC and of the various specific studies carried out for this purpose, in particular (i) the institutional assessment of the obstacles and needs for the integration of adaptation in the planning of the development; (ii) assessment of human capacity needs; (iii) consideration of gender and Indigenous Peoples in the development and implementation of adaptation measures; and (iv) opportunities for the involvement of the private sector in the financing of adaptation, made it possible to deepen the reflection on the relevant actions envisaged in this NDC and the establish", + "Finally, the selection of adaptation interventions, parameters including indicators, baselines, milestones and targets was conducted through workshops, followed by in-depth consultations with teams of sector experts through various iterative discussions. with actors from different sectoral ministries and civil society delegates. 5. Contribution to mitigation.", + "with actors from different sectoral ministries and civil society delegates. 5. Contribution to mitigation. The DRC, Party to the UNFCCC, has initiated efforts to implement activities that lead to a reduction in emissions according to its national circumstances and capacities.", + "The DRC, Party to the UNFCCC, has initiated efforts to implement activities that lead to a reduction in emissions according to its national circumstances and capacities. This section consists of a brief reminder on the analysis of the trend in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the sectors whose measures are identified and proposes consequent mitigation strategies.", + "This section consists of a brief reminder on the analysis of the trend in greenhouse gas ( GHG) emissions in the sectors whose measures are identified and proposes consequent mitigation strategies. It also presents other initiatives relating to greenhouse gas mitigation actions in the DRC.", + "It also presents other initiatives relating to greenhouse gas mitigation actions in the DRC. The mitigation measures implemented by the DRC mainly concern the forestry sector, in particular the implementation of its national strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+).", + "The mitigation measures implemented by the DRC mainly concern the forestry sector, in particular the implementation of its national strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). In addition to the REDD+ strategy, the DRC s nationally determined contribution presents certain mitigation measures and actions in the energy, transport, agriculture and waste sectors.", + "In addition to the REDD+ strategy, the DRC s nationally determined contribution presents certain mitigation measures and actions in the energy, transport, agriculture and waste sectors.", + "However, to date, these few initiatives are less documented. However, the DRC is committed to improving its data collection and management system and to formalizing the arrangements institutions that support the collection, analysis, processing and communication of long-term information on mitigation measures and efforts to explore associated co-benefits.", + "However, the DRC is committed to improving its data collection and management system and to formalizing the arrangements institutions that support the collection, analysis, processing and communication of long-term information on mitigation measures and efforts to explore associated co-benefits. In addition, the DRC does not have a specific methodology and associated hypotheses to assess the effects of the actions envisaged.", + "In addition, the DRC does not have a specific methodology and associated hypotheses to assess the effects of the actions envisaged. Consequently, capacity building for project promoters and various stakeholders is essential at the national level to improve the monitoring and reporting of sectoral mitigation activities. 5.1. Analysis of trends in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.", + "Consequently, capacity building for project promoters and various stakeholders is essential at the national level to improve the monitoring and reporting of sectoral mitigation activities. 5.1. Analysis of trends in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines have been implemented for the estimation of GHG emissions reported in the three previous National Communications on climate change in the DRC.", + "The revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines have been implemented for the estimation of GHG emissions reported in the three previous National Communications on climate change in the DRC. The first Biennial Update Report, on the other hand, is based on the IPCC Tier 1 approach in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and its improvements21.", + "The first Biennial Update Report, on the other hand, is based on the IPCC Tier 1 approach in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and its improvements.21 The analysis of the historical trend of GHG emissions, carried out within the framework of the 1st Biennial Updated Report of the DRC, which wants to be an emerging country by 2030 and this, in a vision of development towards an economy more and more decarbonized, shows that, during the period 2000-2018 (Table 3), the country s emissions are predominated by the \"Forestry and other Land Use (FAT)\" sector with nearly 86% of emissions, followed by far by Waste, Energy and Agriculture sectors with 11%, 0.86% and 0.61% respectively.", + "Table 2: Evolution of GHG emissions in the DRC by sector for the period 2000-2018 (Mt eq-CO2). Energy. PIUP22. Agriculture. Forest. Waste. 2000. 3.36. 0.09. 3.70. 483.74. 39.79. 2001. 3.69. 0.11. 3.86. 483.74. 51.47. 2002. 4.02. 0.14. 3.76. 483.74. 51.83. 2003. 4.35. 0.18. 3.76. 483.74. 53.08. 2004. 4.68. 0.24. 3.75. 483.74. 54.33. 2005. 5.01. 0.29. 3.75. 483.74. 56.49.", + "2002. 4.02. 0.14. 3.76. 483.74. 51.83. 2003. 4.35. 0.18. 3.76. 483.74. 53.08. 2004. 4.68. 0.24. 3.75. 483.74. 54.33. 2005. 5.01. 0.29. 3.75. 483.74. 56.49. 2006. 5.34. 0.33. 3.76. 483.74. 59.70. 2007. 5.67. 0.34. 3.77. 483.74. 64.28. 2008. 6.00. 0.24. 3.76. 483.74. 69.87. 2009. 6.33. 0.27. 3.76. 483.74. 76.94. 2010. 6.66. 0.27. 3.89. 483.74. 82.24. 2011. 6.99. 0.26. 4.09. 830.53. 88.61.", + "2008. 6.00. 0.24. 3.76. 483.74. 69.87. 2009. 6.33. 0.27. 3.76. 483.74. 76.94. 2010. 6.66. 0.27. 3.89. 483.74. 82.24. 2011. 6.99. 0.26. 4.09. 830.53. 88.61. 2012. 7.32. 0.23. 5.19. 830.53. 96.70. 2013. 7.65. 0.25. 5.73. 830.53. 106.47. 2014. 7.98. 0.19. 6.42. 830.53. 116.84. 2015. 8.31. 0.23. 5.97. 529.23. 128.87. 2016. 8.64. 0.15. 5.99. 529.23. 140.82. 2017. 8.97. 0.15. 5.70. 529.23. 152.82.", + "2014. 7.98. 0.19. 6.42. 830.53. 116.84. 2015. 8.31. 0.23. 5.97. 529.23. 128.87. 2016. 8.64. 0.15. 5.99. 529.23. 140.82. 2017. 8.97. 0.15. 5.70. 529.23. 152.82. 2018. 9.30. 0.13. 5.48. 529.23. 164.81. The trend of increasing GHG emissions from non-forest sectors, i.e.", + "2017. 8.97. 0.15. 5.70. 529.23. 152.82. 2018. 9.30. 0.13. 5.48. 529.23. 164.81. The trend of increasing GHG emissions from non-forest sectors, i.e. energy with transport, residential, and manufacturing industry, Industrial Processes and Product Uses (PIUP), l agriculture and waste treatment, is explained in Table 2 below:Table 3:", + "energy with transport, residential, and manufacturing industry, Industrial Processes and Product Uses (PIUP), l agriculture and waste treatment, is explained in Table 2 below:Table 3: Contribution of non-forest sectors to the emissions trend. Sector. Categories. Contributions to emissions. Energy. Transportation. The vehicle fleet is essentially made up of second-hand vehicles but also, by the increase in personal vehicle ownership.", + "Energy. Transportation. The vehicle fleet is essentially made up of second-hand vehicles but also, by the increase in personal vehicle ownership. Manufacturing industry. The sporadic commissioning of thermal power plants to compensate for untimely supply cuts hydroelectricity in industries. Agriculture. Enteric fermentation. Types of grass-based fodder (fresh fats), methane emissions per kg of dry matter ingested vary relatively little.", + "The sporadic commissioning of thermal power plants to compensate for untimely supply cuts hydroelectricity in industries. Agriculture. Enteric fermentation. Types of grass-based fodder (fresh fats), methane emissions per kg of dry matter ingested vary relatively little. In fact, the most digestible forages emit more per kg of dry matter ingested than the least digestible forages, but they also provide more energy nutrients (volatile fatty acids).", + "In fact, the most digestible forages emit more per kg of dry matter ingested than the least digestible forages, but they also provide more energy nutrients (volatile fatty acids). Agricultural soil management.", + "Agricultural soil management. Continuous increase in agricultural areas, more characterized by an increase in the number of agricultural holdings, made up of clearings in the forest zone and along the major rivers in the interior of the country, all this being linked to a high rate of population growth. Burning of agricultural residues. rice cultivation.", + "Continuous increase in agricultural areas, more characterized by an increase in the number of agricultural holdings, made up of clearings in the forest zone and along the major rivers in the interior of the country, all this being linked to a high rate of population growth. Burning of agricultural residues. rice cultivation. Increase in irrigated area of rice cultivation and demand. Waste.", + "Burning of agricultural residues. rice cultivation. Increase in irrigated area of rice cultivation and demand. Waste. Solid Waste Disposal Sites. Linked to the increase in population and the non-organization of the sector. Industrial Processes and Product Uses. Cement production. Increase in real estate demand and the number of cement production units across the country. Lime production.", + "Industrial Processes and Product Uses. Cement production. Increase in real estate demand and the number of cement production units across the country. Lime production. The increase in methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in the residential sector, due to population growth, is due to the strong demand for wood energy, in particular for meeting cooking needs in households. 5.2.", + "The increase in methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in the residential sector, due to population growth, is due to the strong demand for wood energy, in particular for meeting cooking needs in households. 5.2. GHG mitigation measures over the period 2021-2030.", + "Given the development dynamic in which the DRC is committed by 2030, its efforts will have to materialize in the implementation of various mitigation measures, mainly in the Forestry and other Land Use and Waste sectors, followed by Energy and Agriculture.", + "Given the development dynamic in which the DRC is committed by 2030, its efforts will have to materialize in the implementation of various mitigation measures, mainly in the Forestry and other Land Use and Waste sectors, followed by Energy and Agriculture. It is in this context that the DRC has developed its National REDD+ Framework Strategy and that of low-carbon development for which two mitigation measures under the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Measures (NAMAs) initiative were identified in the Energy sector relating to the recovery of flared gas from oil exploitation platforms, in Muanda, and the improvement of carbonization techniques.", + "It is in this context that the DRC has developed its National REDD+ Framework Strategy and that of low-carbon development for which two mitigation measures under the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Measures (NAMAs) initiative were identified in the Energy sector relating to the recovery of flared gas from oil exploitation platforms, in Muanda, and the improvement of carbonization techniques. Also, the DRC intends to implement a national energy policy framework in terms of energy specifically targeting clean cooking strategies (LPG, electric cooker, etc.), while associating the concerns of increasing the share of renewables in its energy mix, promoting energy efficiency, improving public transport and recovering energy from waste.", + "Also, the DRC intends to implement a national energy policy framework in terms of energy specifically targeting clean cooking strategies (LPG, electric cooker, etc.), while associating the concerns of increasing the share of renewables in its energy mix, promoting energy efficiency, improving public transport and recovering energy from waste. Thus, the DRC is committed to a combined unconditional and conditional contribution of up to 21% reduction in total GHG emissions compared to the BAU in 2030 (19% conditional and 2% unconditional) equivalent to an estimated level of mitigation up to to 650 Mt CO2e by 2030.", + "Thus, the DRC is committed to a combined unconditional and conditional contribution of up to 21% reduction in total GHG emissions compared to the BAU in 2030 (19% conditional and 2% unconditional) equivalent to an estimated level of mitigation up to to 650 Mt CO2e by 2030. The main intervention levers identified relate essentially to:A. Component I: Forestry and forest-related activities:This component is expected to contribute 182 to 192 Mt CO2e to the total emissions mitigation potential in 2030 (McKinsey et al.", + "The main intervention levers identified relate essentially to:A. Component I: Forestry and forest-related activities:This component is expected to contribute 182 to 192 Mt CO2e to the total emissions mitigation potential in 2030 (McKinsey et al., 2009). This potential was estimated by forestry activity as follows:.", + "Legal industrial and small-scale logging: approximately 19 Mt CO2e thanks to the reduction of logging volumes per ha to sustainable logging levels with very limited emissions (from 15 to 10 m3 per hectare). Illegal logging: reduction potential of around 22 to 23 Mt CO2e.", + "Legal industrial and small-scale logging: approximately 19 Mt CO2e thanks to the reduction of logging volumes per ha to sustainable logging levels with very limited emissions (from 15 to 10 m3 per hectare). Illegal logging: reduction potential of around 22 to 23 Mt CO2e. This potential is broken down into several levers with regional specificities.", + "Illegal logging: reduction potential of around 22 to 23 Mt CO2e. This potential is broken down into several levers with regional specificities. The first concerns the eradication of illegal logging to neighboring countries (Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda) by strengthening controls by 2030 in the North and South Kivu provinces as well as the Tshopo, Ituri, Haut-Uele, Bas-Uele, and Kongo-Central.", + "The first concerns the eradication of illegal logging to neighboring countries (Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda) by strengthening controls by 2030 in the North and South Kivu provinces as well as the Tshopo, Ituri, Haut-Uele, Bas-Uele, and Kongo-Central. The second mitigation lever consists of converting illegal logging intended for local markets into sustainable legal logging.", + "The second mitigation lever consists of converting illegal logging intended for local markets into sustainable legal logging. The third lever is reforestation to sustainably supply lower quality timber to local markets, mainly to urban populations.", + "The third lever is reforestation to sustainably supply lower quality timber to local markets, mainly to urban populations. Other activities of degradation and deforestation related to the activities of the population (sustainable hunting for example) or the use of techniques to fight against bush fires.", + "Other activities of degradation and deforestation related to the activities of the population (sustainable hunting for example) or the use of techniques to fight against bush fires Afforestation or afforestation: emission reduction potential of 61 to 65 Mt CO2e in marginal areas (shrub savannahs and forest savannah mosaics) of around 7 million ha.", + "Afforestation or afforestation: emission reduction potential of 61 to 65 Mt CO2e in marginal areas (shrub savannahs and forest savannah mosaics) of around 7 million ha. Reforestation: emission reduction potential of 80 to 84 Mt CO2e in 4 million ha of degraded or deforested forests.", + "In this context, the DRC plans to spatially identify these forests and integrate them into national legislation by 2025 and thus proceed with the establishment of at least 2.5 million hectares of local community forest concessions by 2025, following an approved good practice guide by 2023. B. Part II: Agriculture and Livestock in forest environments: four mitigation levers contributing 180 to 187 Mt CO2e to the total mitigation potential (McKinsey et al.", + ", 2009):. Subsistence agriculture: mainly itinerant and slash and burn: potential reduction of emissions of 15 to 17 Mt CO2e in 2030, based on a program to improve productivity affecting 50% of subsistence farms.", + "Subsistence agriculture: mainly itinerant and slash and burn: potential reduction of emissions of 15 to 17 Mt CO2e in 2030, based on a program to improve productivity affecting 50% of subsistence farms Extensive small-scale commercial agriculture, intended mainly for the local market: reduction potential of around 65 to 70 Mt CO2e, linked to the implementation of two types of programs to increase productivity and affecting around 75% of farms.", + "Extensive small-scale commercial agriculture, intended mainly for the local market: reduction potential of around 65 to 70 Mt CO2e, linked to the implementation of two types of programs to increase productivity and affecting around 75% of farms. The first program affecting approximately 25% of farms aims to set up extension programs and supply inputs over a period of 20 years.", + "The first program affecting approximately 25% of farms aims to set up extension programs and supply inputs over a period of 20 years. The second program aims to set up aggregation projects affecting 50% of the population. Intensive commercial agriculture, intended mainly for export (palm oil, cocoa and coffee): reduction potential of around 80 Mt CO2e.", + "Intensive commercial agriculture, intended mainly for export (palm oil, cocoa and coffee): reduction potential of around 80 Mt CO2e. This reduction stems from the relocation to shrub savannahs or savannah-forest mosaics of new plantations that would have been established in primary forests (causing deforestation of 1.6 to 3 million ha in the reference scenario).", + "This reduction stems from the relocation to shrub savannahs or savannah-forest mosaics of new plantations that would have been established in primary forests (causing deforestation of 1.6 to 3 million ha in the reference scenario). Rehabilitated plantations on old sites (about 1.6 million ha) are not considered in this emissions mitigation potential. Livestock: reduction potential of approximately 20 Mt CO2e.", + "Rehabilitated plantations on old sites (about 1.6 million ha) are not considered in this emissions mitigation potential. Livestock: reduction potential of approximately 20 Mt CO2e. As part of the Letter of Intent scheduled for signature between the DRC and the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI) for the period 2022-2031, the DRC undertakes not to award industrial agricultural concessions in high value forests (the definition of which will be developed through a national participatory process) and in peatlands; to orient agricultural development as a priority towards the savannahs. C.", + "Part III: Impacts of urban growth and industrial sectors on the forest: a mitigation lever contributing 45 to 55 Mt CO2e to the total mitigation potential:Reduction in the demand for non-sustainable firewood, intended mainly for consumption by the urban population: around 45 to 55 Mt CO2e (McKinsey et al., 2009).", + "This objective will be supported by the DRC s commitment in the Letter of Intent scheduled for signature with FATF for the period 2022-2031, to reduce the share of unsustainable wood energy by 10% in two major urban centers by 2025 and 50% in six major urban centers by 2031.", + "This objective will be supported by the DRC s commitment in the Letter of Intent scheduled for signature with CAFI for the period 2022-2031, to reduce the share of unsustainable wood energy by 10% in two major urban centers by 2025 and 50% in six major urban centers by 2031. Three programs are likely to be developed, as part of the strategy, targeting urban and peri-urban households: the first is based on the reduction of demand through the supply of around 5 million households with improved or efficient ovens (making it possible to reduce the consumption of firewood by around 50%).", + "Three programs are likely to be developed, as part of the strategy, targeting urban and peri-urban households: the first is based on the reduction of demand through the supply of around 5 million households with improved or efficient ovens (making it possible to reduce the consumption of firewood by around 50%); the second program aims to promote the use of hydroelectricity instead of wood energy by covering part of the electricity supply bill for 5 million households, located mainly in southern provinces (Haut-Katanga, Tanganyika, Lualaba, Haut-Lomami, Lomami, Sankuru, Kasai, Kasai Central, Kasai-Oriental).", + "The second program aims to promote the use of hydroelectricity instead of wood energy by covering part of the electricity supply bill for 5 million households, located mainly in southern provinces (Haut-Katanga, Tanganyika, Lualaba, Haut-Lomami, Lomami, Sankuru, Kasai, Kasai Central, Kasai-Oriental). The third program consists of afforestation of marginal areas around cities with the aim of ensuring the production and sustainable use of firewood through improved stoves.", + "The third program consists of afforestation of marginal areas around cities with the aim of ensuring the production and sustainable use of firewood through improved stoves. D. Transport: two mitigation levers contributing 27 to 37 Mt CO2e (McKinsey et al.", + "Transport: two mitigation levers contributing 27 to 37 Mt CO2e (McKinsey et al., 2009) to the total mitigation potential will focus on improving urban and interurban public transport while developing transport master plans and the promotion of multimodal transport for passengers and goods.", + ", 2009) to the total mitigation potential will focus on improving urban and interurban public transport while developing transport master plans and the promotion of multimodal transport for passengers and goods. E. Waste management: two mitigation levers contributing 37 Mt CO2e (McKinsey et al., 2009) to the total mitigation potential.", + "Four major actions are envisaged, within the framework of the strategy, targeting urban and peri-urban households: the first is based on strengthening the institutional and legal framework for waste management; the second will focus on a program for the rational management of waste; the third action will consist of a waste energy recovery program based on the promotion of energy-efficient cooking aimed at the use of biodegradable household waste and the recovery of biogas from landfills; the fourth action will target the development of aerobic composting systems on a commercial scale; and the last will consist in the production of energy and organic fertilizer from solid waste, waste water and sludge. F. Nature-based solutions:In response to UNFCCC concerns, the DRC has already been developing nature-based solutions23 for decades.", + "An active player in environmental processes and contributing to global climate mitigation, the DRC has made commitments under various conventions. It follows that:. At the end of the Convention on Biodiversity, the DRC has already allocated 13% of its national territory to the erection of national parks, ie 30,483,180 Ha;.", + "At the end of the Convention on Biodiversity, the DRC has already allocated 13% of its national territory to the erection of national parks, ie 30,483,180 Ha; Considerable progress is being made, with the DRC committing to restore 8 million ha of degraded land under the Bonn Challenge.", + "Considerable progress is being made, with the DRC committing to restore 8 million ha of degraded land under the Bonn Challenge. In addition, there is also the \u201c1 Billion Trees\u201d project, with the participation of young people, especially pupils;.", + "In addition, there is also the \u201c1 Billion Trees\u201d project, with the participation of young people, especially pupils; In the terms of the Conference of the Parties of Bali with a focus on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and as well as on the strengthening of the forest carbon stock, the National REDD+ Framework Strategy of the DRC aims to stabilize the forest cover.", + "In the terms of the Conference of the Parties of Bali with a focus on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and as well as on the strengthening of the forest carbon stock, the National REDD+ Framework Strategy of the DRC aims to stabilize the forest cover. forestry at 63.5%; the country is in fact seeking an increase in its forest cover of 6.5%, or 15,242,500 ha.", + "The Government of the DRC undertakes to secure the limits of the protected areas and, if necessary, condition any declassification for reasons of public utility to the strict application of the legal framework in force24.", + "The Government of the DRC undertakes to secure the limits of the protected areas and, if necessary, condition any declassification for reasons of public utility to the strict application of the legal framework in force24. The Government also undertakes to achieve, by 2030, the objective of at least 30% of national areas under protection status, under different modes, as recognized by law (protected areas and their buffer zones, conservation concessions, areas dedicated by local communities to the preservation of forests in simple territorial development plans defined in a participatory manner, conservation series in forest concessions, restriction zones in management plans.", + "development, etc.), according to the recommendations of the 30x30 initiative within the framework of the Coalition for a Great Ambition Ambition25, to which the DRC is a party. The different landscapes of high conservation value that abound in the DRC are additional proof of the ecosystem services rendered by the forests of the DRC to all of humanity.", + "The different landscapes of high conservation value that abound in the DRC are additional proof of the ecosystem services rendered by the forests of the DRC to all of humanity. Added to all of these are peatlands as an important nature-based solution, thereby enhancing climate ambitions as well as the country s inputs to policies, commitments and conventions.", + "Added to all of these are peatlands as an important nature-based solution, thereby enhancing climate ambitions as well as the country s inputs to policies, commitments and conventions. To this end, the mitigation measures planned for the Forestry and other Land Uses sector in this document include the restoration of wetlands, in particular peatlands used for agriculture and livestock, as well as the mapping and evaluation of peatlands.", + "To this end, the mitigation measures planned for the Forestry and other Land Uses sector in this document include the restoration of wetlands, in particular peatlands used for agriculture and livestock, as well as the mapping and evaluation of peatlands. If in-depth studies confirm the extent of peatlands in the Democratic Republic of Congo, their contribution in terms of nature-based contribution should enhance the ambition of the national contribution.", + "Indeed, preliminary estimates26 carried out by Greifswald Mire Center (Figure 4), it appears that apart from the peat bogs of the central basin on the map below), the Democratic Republic of Congo has other forms of peat bogs not yet assessed so far.", + "Indeed, preliminary estimates26 carried out by Greifswald Mire Center (Figure 4), it appears that apart from the peat bogs of the central basin on the map below), the Democratic Republic of Congo has other forms of peat bogs not yet assessed so far. This is the case for the peat bogs of the western lowland forest, the Atlantic Coast, the Albertine Rift Valleys and the Katanga Plateau.", + "This is the case for the peat bogs of the western lowland forest, the Atlantic Coast, the Albertine Rift Valleys and the Katanga Plateau.", + "Figure 11: Extent of peatlands in the DRC. The connections between peatlands and the different mechanisms that are the REDD+ strategy, the ongoing reforms, particularly land use planning and land reform, being important, the DRC plans to:.", + "The connections between peatlands and the different mechanisms that are the REDD+ strategy, the ongoing reforms, particularly land use planning and land reform, being important, the DRC plans to: Clearly define legal protection principles and protocols for overlapping land uses in peatlands in the National Peatlands Strategy and/or include them in ongoing land use planning reform;.", + "Clearly define legal protection principles and protocols for overlapping land uses in peatlands in the National Peatlands Strategy and/or include them in ongoing land use planning reform;. Adopt clear peatland protection provisions in the planned revision of the Forest Code, capitalizing on the Sustainable Forest Management Program (PGDF) and the DRC s new REDD+ investment plan for 2021-2030, as part of the National REDD+ Strategy Framework, supported by FATF, with the objective of considering the high value of peatland forests in carbon sequestration and the provision of other ecosystem services of major importance;.", + "Through the National Peatlands Strategy, clarify and implement, as far as possible, the commitments made through international conventions and initiatives for the protection and sustainable management of peatlands, including the Ramsar Convention; Invest in building national capacity and expertise, both institutionally and technically, in relation to sustainable peatland management;.", + "Invest in building national capacity and expertise, both institutionally and technically, in relation to sustainable peatland management;. Harness the current interest in Congo Basin peatlands to advance the DRC government s current agenda and priorities for peatland enhancement and protection;. Define a Communication, Information and Education plan in connection with the national capacity building program on peatlands;.", + "Harness the current interest in Congo Basin peatlands to advance the DRC government s current agenda and priorities for peatland enhancement and protection;. Define a Communication, Information and Education plan in connection with the national capacity building program on peatlands;. Ensure a better connection between the National Peatland Strategy and the various international, sub-regional and national initiatives related to the management and enhancement of peatlands.", + "Ensure a better connection between the National Peatland Strategy and the various international, sub-regional and national initiatives related to the management and enhancement of peatlands. In addition to peatland restoration measures, the mitigation measures planned for the forest sector in this document build on other nature-based solutions. These include the following measures in particular:.", + "In addition to peatland restoration measures, the mitigation measures planned for the forest sector in this document build on other nature-based solutions. These include the following measures in particular:. Promotion of traditional and modern afforestation and reforestation techniques with a view to preserving forests;.", + "These include the following measures in particular:. Promotion of traditional and modern afforestation and reforestation techniques with a view to preserving forests;. Support for the development of community forestry as a tool for conserving biodiversity and combating the loss of forest cover in rural areas;.", + "Support for the development of community forestry as a tool for conserving biodiversity and combating the loss of forest cover in rural areas; Enhancement of MEOR tools (Methodology for the Assessment of Restoration Opportunities) at the national level by integrating the enhancement of traditional knowledge in the conservation of biodiversity around protected areas; and.", + "Enhancement of MEOR tools (Methodology for the Assessment of Restoration Opportunities) at the national level by integrating the enhancement of traditional knowledge in the conservation of biodiversity around protected areas; and. Support for initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes.", + "Support for initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes. In implementing these measures, the DRC will rely on the Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions27. Figure 12 below illustrates the emissions projections for the BAU baseline scenario of AFOLU sector emissions, fully correlated to the national emissions balance sheet.", + "Figure 12 below illustrates the emissions projections for the BAU baseline scenario of AFOLU sector emissions, fully correlated to the national emissions balance sheet.", + "The graph shows that emissions more than doubled over the period 2010 to 2014, reaching 830.53 Mt CO2e. Between the period 2014 and 2018, there was a clear trend towards the reduction of emissions, of the order of 36%, which would be justified by the significant investments and structural changes (measures and regulations) of management in the sector.", + "Between the period 2014 and 2018, there was a clear trend towards the reduction of emissions, of the order of 36%, which would be justified by the significant investments and structural changes (measures and regulations) of management in the sector. targeting the drivers of deforestation and aiming to bend the deforestation curve.", + "The year 2015 thus marked the start of the implementation phase of REDD+, commonly referred to as phase 2 of REDD+. Figure 12: Projected emissions from the Forestry and other Land Use (BAU) sector.", + "The year 2015 thus marked the start of the implementation phase of REDD+, commonly referred to as phase 2 of REDD+. Figure 12: Projected emissions from the Forestry and other Land Use (BAU) sector. The estimate of GHG reductions in the AFOLU sector, targeted at 28% (Figure 12), is based on the achievement of 27 integrated mitigation actions by 2030 (Table 4).", + "The estimate of GHG reductions in the AFOLU sector, targeted at 28% (Figure 12), is based on the achievement of 27 integrated mitigation actions by 2030 (Table 4).", + "Figure 13: GHG reductions in the AFOLU sector. Figures 14and 15 show the evolution of emissions projections for the Energy, Agriculture and Waste sectors over the same horizon in the BAU scenarios and with measurements. Figure 14: Evolution of projections of emissions from the Energy sector.", + "Figures 14 and 15 show the evolution of emissions projections for the Energy, Agriculture and Waste sectors over the same horizon in the BAU scenarios and with measurements. Figure 14: Evolution of projections of emissions from the Energy sector. The waste sector is characterized by an increase in emissions attributable to (i) the disposal of solid waste (90.4%) of all kinds generated by households, communities and businesses (businesses, industries, construction, agricultural residues, etc.), (ii) discharge of domestic wastewater (6.8%), and combustion in the open air.", + "The waste sector is characterized by an increase in emissions attributable to (i) the disposal of solid waste (90.4%) of all kinds generated by households, communities and businesses (businesses, industries, construction, agricultural residues, etc.), (ii) discharge of domestic wastewater (6.8%), and combustion in the open air.", + "These emissions represent approximately 11% on average of all national emissions. Figure 15: Evolution of projected emissions from the Waste sector. The full implementation of these various levers would ultimately lead to significant reductions in emissions. Table 4 presents a summary of the interventions that the DRC intends to implement in order to achieve the reduction target targeted by 2030.", + "Table 4 presents a summary of the interventions that the DRC intends to implement in order to achieve the reduction target targeted by 2030. Table 4: Summary of GHG emission mitigation options and associated estimated costs. Sector. Objective. Actions. Indicators. Reduction potential in 2030. Co-benefits of adaptation. Estimated cost (USD billion)28. Implementation period. Alignment with the SDGs. Energy.", + "Actions. Indicators. Reduction potential in 2030. Co-benefits of adaptation. Estimated cost (USD billion)28. Implementation period. Alignment with the SDGs. Energy. Reduce the demand for wood energy and facilitate access to electricity. Rural, peri-urban and urban electrification using renewable energy sources.", + "Reduce the demand for wood energy and facilitate access to electricity. Rural, peri-urban and urban electrification using renewable energy sources. For hydroelectricity from 3GW in 2020 to 4GW in 2030 (ii) For wind, solar and geothermal from 2.9 MW in 2020 to 42.7 MW in 2030 (iii) 8 to 10 units installed. 74.2 to 94.6 Mt CO2e. 1.95.", + "For hydroelectricity from 3GW in 2020 to 4GW in 2030 (ii) For wind, solar and geothermal from 2.9 MW in 2020 to 42.7 MW in 2030 (iii) 8 to 10 units installed. 74.2 to 94.6 Mt CO2e. 1.95. Promotion of improved stoves & improvement of carbonization. Go from 12-15% to 25-30% yield (ii) 3 million households have FA units29. 1.05.", + "Promotion of improved stoves & improvement of carbonization. Go from 12-15% to 25-30% yield (ii) 3 million households have FA units29. 1.05. Promotion of renewable energies. Renewable Energy Act 2014 amended (ii) Number of residences and institutions, manufacturing industries equipped with solar photovoltaic systems. 0.28. Transition to energy-efficient cooking.", + "Renewable Energy Act 2014 amended (ii) Number of residences and institutions, manufacturing industries equipped with solar photovoltaic systems. 0.28. Transition to energy-efficient cooking. Number of households using biogas, LPG technologies; and briquettes made from agricultural residues or biodegradable household waste. 0.63. Industrial plantations - Wood energy. 130,000 ha of plantations for energy purposes. 0.18.", + "Number of households using biogas, LPG technologies; and briquettes made from agricultural residues or biodegradable household waste. 0.63. Industrial plantations - Wood energy. 130,000 ha of plantations for energy purposes. 0.18. Develop and improve urban and interurban transport. Promotion of mass transportation.", + "Industrial plantations - Wood energy. 130,000 ha of plantations for energy purposes. 0.18. Develop and improve urban and interurban transport. Promotion of mass transportation. At 10 urban centers (cities and towns) equipped with: traffic master plan; (ii) New public transport system (Bus, Rail, etc.); (iii) Number of road, rail (interconnection), river and lake communication infrastructure built/rehabilitated; (iv) Number of assembly units for new low-emission vehicles locally (in terms of technology transfer). 1.1. Agriculture.", + "At 10 urban centers (cities and towns) equipped with: traffic master plan; (ii) New public transport system (Bus, Rail, etc.); (iii) Number of road, rail (interconnection), river and lake communication infrastructure built/rehabilitated; (iv) Number of assembly units for new low-emission vehicles locally (in terms of technology transfer). 1.1. Agriculture. Sedentarize agriculture.", + "Sedentarize agriculture. Promotion of technical itineraries aimed at the sedentarization of farmers, particularly in forest areas, including wetlands.", + "Promotion of technical itineraries aimed at the sedentarization of farmers, particularly in forest areas, including wetlands. 1 million ha of irrigated perimeters developed and equipped (ii) About 150 farmers organizations and peasant cooperatives established; (iii) Number of farmers using the guide to good agricultural practices for the management of fallow land, and the use of natural fertilizers; (iv) Number of sensitization and agricultural extension campaigns per year.", + "1 million ha of irrigated perimeters developed and equipped (ii) About 150 farmers organizations and peasant cooperatives established; (iii) Number of farmers using the guide to good agricultural practices for the management of fallow land, and the use of natural fertilizers; (iv) Number of sensitization and agricultural extension campaigns per year. 180 to 187 Mt CO2e (43%). 1.7.", + "180 to 187 Mt CO2e (43%). 1.7. Integration of agriculture in the national land use plan, developed in the implementation of the REDD+ strategy. Existence of:. the regional planning policy;. a national land use plan. 0.2.", + "Integration of agriculture in the national land use plan, developed in the implementation of the REDD+ strategy. Existence of:. the regional planning policy;. a national land use plan. 0.2. Promotion of intensive agriculture in savannah areas in order to limit pressure on natural forests. 1.6 million ha of land for intensive agricultural use developed (ii) Number of agricultural households using livestock waste and by-products in the form of biogas and natural fertilizers. 1.33.", + "Promotion of intensive agriculture in savannah areas in order to limit pressure on natural forests. 1.6 million ha of land for intensive agricultural use developed (ii) Number of agricultural households using livestock waste and by-products in the form of biogas and natural fertilizers. 1.33. Promotion of rational and sustainable use of agricultural production areas to preserve agro-ecological conditions with a view to ensuring the stability of the forest cover. 1.2.", + "Promotion of rational and sustainable use of agricultural production areas to preserve agro-ecological conditions with a view to ensuring the stability of the forest cover. 1.2. Intensification of agricultural food production (carbohydrates, oilseeds, legumes) in savanna zones and degraded forests. 1.3.", + "Intensification of agricultural food production (carbohydrates, oilseeds, legumes) in savanna zones and degraded forests. 1.3. Intensification of cash crop production in secondary forest and savannah, but with sustainable agroforestry systems (cocoa, coffee, banana, special crops) to enhance the comparative advantages of the peasantry for these crops.", + "Intensification of cash crop production in secondary forest and savannah, but with sustainable agroforestry systems (cocoa, coffee, banana, special crops) to enhance the comparative advantages of the peasantry for these crops. Number of new plantations of perennial crops and agroforestry in shrub savannahs or savannah-forest mosaics. 1.3. Popularization and awareness of good practices.", + "Number of new plantations of perennial crops and agroforestry in shrub savannahs or savannah-forest mosaics. 1.3. Popularization and awareness of good practices. Number of awareness and extension campaigns on good agricultural practices per year. 0.8. Development of intensive farming. Number of farms and agrosilvopastoral systems,. 1.2. Forestry and other Land Uses. Reduce deforestation and forest degradation.", + "Development of intensive farming. Number of farms and agrosilvopastoral systems,. 1.2. Forestry and other Land Uses. Reduce deforestation and forest degradation. Promotion of traditional and modern afforestation and reforestation techniques with a view to preserving forests. 760 thousand ha of restored forests. 15% of 7 million ha of marginal areas reforested. 182 to 192 Mt CO2e (i.e. 28%). 1.45.", + "760 thousand ha of restored forests. 15% of 7 million ha of marginal areas reforested. 182 to 192 Mt CO2e (i.e. 28%). 1.45. Support for the development of community forestry as a tool for conserving biodiversity and combating the loss of forest cover in rural areas. Number of sensitization and popularization campaigns on reduced impact logging (EFIR). 1.5.", + "Support for the development of community forestry as a tool for conserving biodiversity and combating the loss of forest cover in rural areas. Number of sensitization and popularization campaigns on reduced impact logging (EFIR). 1.5. Restoration of wetlands, including peatlands used for agriculture and livestock. Area of. wetlands set aside and/or restored. 1.3.", + "Number of sensitization and popularization campaigns on reduced impact logging (EFIR). 1.5. Restoration of wetlands, including peatlands used for agriculture and livestock. Area of. wetlands set aside and/or restored. 1.3. Enhancement of MEOR tools (Methodology for the Assessment of Restoration Opportunities) at the national level by integrating the enhancement of traditional knowledge in the conservation of biodiversity around protected areas.", + "Enhancement of MEOR tools (Methodology for the Assessment of Restoration Opportunities) at the national level by integrating the enhancement of traditional knowledge in the conservation of biodiversity around protected areas. Number of training, awareness and extension campaigns. 0.85. Support for initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes.", + "Number of training, awareness and extension campaigns. 0.85. Support for initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes. Legal texts establishing the platform on forest restoration. 1.2.", + "Support for initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes. Legal texts establishing the platform on forest restoration. 1.2. Strengthening of forest governance, in particular the fight against the illegal exploitation of timber and other forest resources, taking into account the studies, analyzes and tools produced in the implementation of the various relevant forest processes such as VPA-FLEGTf.", + "Strengthening of forest governance, in particular the fight against the illegal exploitation of timber and other forest resources, taking into account the studies, analyzes and tools produced in the implementation of the various relevant forest processes such as VPA-FLEGTf. Existence of fraud surveillance and repression system. 1.2. Strengthen the carbon stock. Sustainable timber harvesting management. 1.8.", + "Existence of fraud surveillance and repression system. 1.2. Strengthen the carbon stock. Sustainable timber harvesting management. 1.8. Sustainable management and rehabilitation of mining and oil exploitations. Area of former mining and petroleum operations rehabilitated/restored in accordance with the Environmental Management Plan (EMP). 0.09. Fight against bush fires. Area set aside;. Existence of monitoring systems and bush fire management plan. 0.11.", + "Area of former mining and petroleum operations rehabilitated/restored in accordance with the Environmental Management Plan (EMP). 0.09. Fight against bush fires. Area set aside;. Existence of monitoring systems and bush fire management plan. 0.11. Peatland mapping and assessment. Existence of peatland area rental map. 0.52. Waste. Improve access to waste management services.", + "Existence of monitoring systems and bush fire management plan. 0.11. Peatland mapping and assessment. Existence of peatland area rental map. 0.52. Waste. Improve access to waste management services. Strengthening the institutional and legal framework for waste management. Existence of legal texts regulating waste management. 37 Mt CO2e. 0.14. Rational waste management program. 0.44. Recover waste.", + "Strengthening the institutional and legal framework for waste management. Existence of legal texts regulating waste management. 37 Mt CO2e. 0.14. Rational waste management program. 0.44. Recover waste. Energy recovery from waste (reduction of CH4 emissions from landfills). Number of Kwh produced from landfill gas recovery. Number of households with access to this technology. 0.07. Use of landfill gases. 0.29.", + "Number of Kwh produced from landfill gas recovery. Number of households with access to this technology. 0.07. Use of landfill gases. 0.29. Aerobic composting. Number of digesters available;. Number of energy recovery and non-landfill gas plants in different urban areas. 0.21. Energy production and organic fertilizer from solid waste, wastewater and sludge faeces. 0.21. Total. 25.6.", + "Number of energy recovery and non-landfill gas plants in different urban areas. 0.21. Energy production and organic fertilizer from solid waste, wastewater and sludge faeces. 0.21. Total. 25.6. 6 Contribution to adaptation. 6.1. Analysis of vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in the DRC.", + "Energy production and organic fertilizer from solid waste, wastewater and sludge faeces. 0.21. Total. 25.6. 6 Contribution to adaptation. 6.1. Analysis of vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in the DRC. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is vulnerable to the various effects of climate change and does not have adequate capacities to deal with them.", + "Indeed, the ND-GAIN index ranks the DRC 5th in the world among the countries most vulnerable to climate change in terms of their capacity to adapt30.", + "Indeed, the ND-GAIN index ranks the DRC 5th in the world among the countries most vulnerable to climate change in terms of their capacity to adapt.30 The impacts of climate change are already perceptible across the country, in particular by the persistence of high temperatures, violent rains, land degradation, particularly by erosion, the lengthening of the dry season, the increase in drought sequences during rainy seasons, and floods31.", + "The impacts of climate change are already perceptible across the country, in particular by the persistence of high temperatures, violent rains, land degradation, particularly by erosion, the lengthening of the dry season, the increase in drought sequences during rainy seasons, and floods.31 Climate projections in the DRC over the next few decades foresee an increase in temperatures of 3oC to 5oC, a decrease in precipitation and an increase in its variability, as well as an increase in extreme phenomena32.", + "Climate projections in the DRC over the next few decades foresee an increase in temperatures of 3oC to 5oC, a decrease in precipitation and an increase in its variability, as well as an increase in extreme phenomena.32 These climatic variations will have a significant impact on the country s main climate-sensitive economic sectors.", + "These climatic variations will have a significant impact on the country s main climate-sensitive economic sectors. The National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change (PANA, 2006) identifies the sectors of water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal zone as the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. 6.1.1. Impacts, risks and vulnerabilities to climate change.", + "The National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change (PANA, 2006) identifies the sectors of water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal zone as the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. 6.1.1. Impacts, risks and vulnerabilities to climate change. Projection and evolution of precipitation and temperatures up to 2100.", + "Impacts, risks and vulnerabilities to climate change. Projection and evolution of precipitation and temperatures up to 2100. Vulnerability and climate risk assessment studies in the DRC, carried out as part of the implementation of PANA (2006), taking into account the popular perception in general as well as scientific considerations, have identified five major climate risks:. heavy rains;. coastal erosion;.", + "Vulnerability and climate risk assessment studies in the DRC, carried out as part of the implementation of PANA (2006), taking into account the popular perception in general as well as scientific considerations, have identified five major climate risks:. heavy rains;. coastal erosion;. riparian flooding;. heat waves; and. seasonal droughts. Evolution of precipitation and temperatures up to 2100.", + "Heavy rains;. coastal erosion;. riparian flooding;. heat waves; and. seasonal droughts. Evolution of precipitation and temperatures up to 2100. Following the application of MAGICC-ScenGen projections on the evolution of rainfall (rainy season), and the average maximum annual temperature, the four climatic zones were defined as presented in Table 4 (PANA, 2006). Table 5: Climate zones. Area. City/landmark.", + "Following the application of MAGICC-ScenGen projections on the evolution of rainfall (rainy season), and the average maximum annual temperature, the four climatic zones were defined as presented in Table 4 (PANA, 2006). Table 5: Climate zones. Area. City/landmark. East longitude. South latitude. Years. Rainfall (mm). Temperature. I. matadi. 12-15o. 5o-7o. 2005. 1100. 25.2. 2100. 850. 29.1. II.", + "Area. City/landmark. East longitude. South latitude. Years. Rainfall (mm). Temperature. I. matadi. 12-15o. 5o-7o. 2005. 1100. 25.2. 2100. 850. 29.1. II. Kinshasa. 12.5o. 2.5o-5o. 2005. 1800. 25.0. 2100. 1900. 28.2. III. Kindu. 17.5o. 2.5o-7.5o. 2005. 1700. 25.2. 2100. 1630. 29.1. IV. Lubumbashi. 27.5o. 7.5o-12.5o. 2005. 1100. 20.4. 2100. 900. 24.7. Source: Second National Communication (2009:79).", + "1700. 25.2. 2100. 1630. 29.1. IV. Lubumbashi. 27.5o. 7.5o-12.5o. 2005. 1100. 20.4. 2100. 900. 24.7. Source: Second National Communication (2009:79). Throughout the DRC, annual temperature trends indicate a gradual increase.", + "1100. 20.4. 2100. 900. 24.7. Source: Second National Communication (2009:79). Throughout the DRC, annual temperature trends indicate a gradual increase. On the other hand, the rains will experience two different situations: an increase especially in the Cuvette and a decrease in precipitation elsewhere with the shortening of the rainy season, as one advances towards the extreme South, Katanga in particular would experience, in the long run, from 2020 \u2013 less than 5 months of rainy season against 7 currently.", + "Exposure Indicators and Potential Impacts. Table 5 provides some details on the spatial and temporal distribution of exposure and impact indicators. Table 6: Inventory of the most common climate risks for the DRC. Risk. Impact. Loss of human life. Duration (days). Extent (km2). Frequency (%). Tendency. Rains. intense. 5. 2. 3. 4. 3. Seasonal drought. 2. 1. 2.", + "Loss of human life. Duration (days). Extent (km2). Frequency (%). Tendency. Rains. intense. 5. 2. 3. 4. 3. Seasonal drought. 2. 1. 2. 4. 3. floods. Residents. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. Crisis. scorching. 3. 2. 2. 4. 3. Coastal erosion. 5. 1. 2. 2. 2. Source ; NAPA (2006:16). Legend: Estimates are calculated on a potential scale.", + "4. 3. Coastal erosion. 5. 1. 2. 2. 2. Source ; NAPA (2006:16). Legend: Estimates are calculated on a potential scale. Impacts: 1 = $1 per capita, 2 = $10, 3 = $100, 4 = $1000, 5 = $10,000. Loss of human life: 1 = 1 person per event, 2 = 10 people,.", + "Impacts: 1 = $1 per capita, 2 = $10, 3 = $100, 4 = $1000, 5 = $10,000. Loss of human life: 1 = 1 person per event, 2 = 10 people,. 3 = 100 people, 4 = 4,000 people.", + "Loss of human life: 1 = 1 person per event, 2 = 10 people,. 3 = 100 people, 4 = 4,000 people. Duration: 1 = 1 day, 2 = 2 days, 3 = 100 days (one season), 4 = 1,000 days (over a year). patial extent: 2 = 10Km2, 3 = 100 Km2, 4 = 1,000 Km2.", + "Duration: 1 = 1 day, 2 = 2 days, 3 = 100 days (one season), 4 = 1,000 days (over a year). patial extent: 2 = 10Km2, 3 = 100 Km2, 4 = 1,000 Km2. Frequency: 1 = 1% probability (some years), 2 = 10% probability, 3 = 100% probability (annual). Trend indicators: average increase ; significant increase.", + "Frequency: 1 = 1% probability (some years), 2 = 10% probability, 3 = 100% probability (annual). Trend indicators: average increase ; significant increase. Expected climate changes in the DRC. Another COMIFAC study confirms the trends expressed in PANA, based on the MAGICC-SCenGen model.", + "Expected climate changes in the DRC. Another COMIFAC study confirms the trends expressed in PANA, based on the MAGICC-SCenGen model. This assessment of climate change, at the scale of the Congo Basin33, based on a state-of-the-art multi-model and multi-scenario ensemble, used for global and regional climate change forecasts, indicates a robust increase in average temperature in the Congo Basin.", + "This assessment of climate change, at the scale of the Congo Basin33, based on a state-of-the-art multi-model and multi-scenario ensemble, used for global and regional climate change forecasts, indicates a robust increase in average temperature in the Congo Basin. entire Congo Basin, regardless of the baseline emission scenario.", + "whole Congo Basin, regardless of the baseline emission scenario. In addition to average temperatures, major variations in temperature extremes are also projected. In terms of total annual precipitation, the surveyed set shows no major change in the project area, again, regardless of the baseline emission scenario. However, Variations in precipitation characteristics are to be expected.", + "In terms of total annual precipitation, the surveyed set shows no major change in the project area, again, regardless of the baseline emissions scenario. However, Variations in precipitation characteristics are to be expected. The forecast variations in terms of the intensity of heavy precipitation indicate a strong increase over most of this area.", + "The forecast variations in terms of the intensity of heavy precipitation indicate a strong increase over most of this area. Similarly, a resurgence of episodes of drought in the rainy season is very likely.", + "Similarly, a resurgence of episodes of drought in the rainy season is very likely. All these changes could have a considerable impact on the agricultural and hydro-energy systems of the region, even if the average annual availability of water resources remains constant.", + "All these changes could have a considerable impact on the agricultural and hydro-energy systems of the region, even if the average annual availability of water resources remains constant. Thus the climatic characteristics in this particular area, subdivided into five climatic zones (Table 6) of which three cover the DRC (Figure 7), show a lot of variations.", + "Thus the climatic characteristics in this particular area, subdivided into five climatic zones (Table 6) of which three cover the DRC (Figure 7), show a lot of variations. For example, the rainy season which changes from the JJA season (June-July-August) in the northern parts to the DJF season (December-January-February) in the southern parts, and from a unimodal regime (North and South ) to a bimodal regime in the center.", + "For example, the rainy season which changes from the JJA season (June-July-August) in the northern parts to the DJF season (December-January-February) in the southern parts, and from a unimodal regime (North and South ) to a bimodal regime in the center. In addition, climatic changes are predominant by and large, with humidity conditions in the center of the domain compared to the northern and southern border regions.", + "In addition, climatic changes are predominant by and large, with humidity conditions in the center of the domain compared to the northern and southern border regions. Table 7: Details of the five sub-zones. Figure 16: Distribution of climatic zones in the Congo Basin. Source: Haensler et al., 2013.", + "Table 7: Details of the five sub-zones. Figure 16: Distribution of climatic zones in the Congo Basin. Source: Haensler et al., 2013. The colors in the map highlight the different climates found in this region ranging from tropical climate types in the center to arid regions even along the northern margins.", + "The colors in the map highlight the different climates found in this region ranging from tropical climate types in the center to arid regions even along the northern margins. The classification is based on the Koeppen-Geiger climate classification.", + "The classification is based on the Koeppen-Geiger climate classification. The Third National Communication (MECNT, 2014) shows that the impacts of climate change on Current evapotranspiration and potential evapotranspiration, simulated for the 2046-2065 horizon using the PITMAN hydrological model for the Bukama reference station, show an increase around 10 to 15% compared to the historical reference period.", + "The Third National Communication (MECNT, 2014) shows that the impacts of climate change on Current evapotranspiration and potential evapotranspiration, simulated for the 2046-2065 horizon using the PITMAN hydrological model for the Bukama reference station, show an increase around 10 to 15% compared to the historical reference period. Furthermore, the analysis of future rainfall trends at different time intervals (interannual and decadal) shows that there is a slight difference between the annual averages for the 2046-2065 and 2081-2100 horizons, which would reflect the trends of the variability of the historical reference period.", + "Furthermore, the analysis of future rainfall trends at different time intervals (interannual and decadal) shows that there is a slight difference between the annual averages for the 2046-2065 and 2081-2100 horizons, which would reflect the trends of the variability of the historical reference period. However, it is necessary to note a significant disturbance of the seasonal distribution of rainfall for the horizons 2046-2065 and 2081-2100.", + "However, it is necessary to note a significant disturbance of the seasonal distribution of rainfall for the horizons 2046-2065 and 2081-2100. This change in the distribution of rainfall characteristics associated with the increase in temperature will lead to the resurgence of extreme hydrological phenomena, such as floods and droughts, gully erosion of soils and landslides, and the disruption of services provided by aquatic ecosystems; namely: supplying domestic water, hydroelectricity, irrigation, navigation, etc. As for sea level rise scenarios, in its analysis of the time series of sea level height in the coastal zone from January 1993 to December 2012, Longandjo34 shows a trend towards sea level rise.", + "sea. of. about 2.2 mm per year, i.e. a rise of about 4.00 cm over two decades. 6.2. Adaptation and resilience priorities. The DRC developed a National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA) in 2006.", + "a rise of about 4.00 cm over two decades. 6.2. Adaptation and resilience priorities. The DRC developed a National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA) in 2006. This program assesses the risks and vulnerability to the impacts of climate change at the national level and identifies urgent and immediate adaptation activities that meet current and anticipated adverse effects of climate change, including extreme events.", + "This program assesses the risks and vulnerability to the impacts of climate change at the national level and identifies urgent and immediate adaptation activities that meet current and anticipated adverse effects of climate change, including extreme events.", + "The main sectors identified relate to water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal zone. The process of identifying the axes of urgent and immediate intervention made it possible to select ten priority adaptation options below:. electrification of urban and rural areas;. collecting and drilling water wells;. development of water reservoirs;. the fight against erosion and flooding;.", + "electrification of urban and rural areas;. collecting and drilling water wells;. development of water reservoirs;. the fight against erosion and flooding;. rational management of forest resources;. the protection of coastal zones;. the construction and rehabilitation of communication channels (roads, railways and rivers). sedentarization in rural areas;. strengthening the capacity of agricultural production; and. capacity building of national meteorological services.", + "The DRC has already made several efforts to implement urgent adaptation actions in the sectors of agriculture, community recovery and the fight against coastal erosion, particularly within the framework of certain adaptation projects implemented.", + "The DRC has already made several efforts to implement urgent adaptation actions in the sectors of agriculture, community recovery and the fight against coastal erosion, particularly within the framework of certain adaptation projects implemented. implemented in accordance with the areas of intervention identified in the NAPA.", + "Since 2014, a process of updating the orientations of the NAPA and integrating the issue of adaptation into sectoral policies and strategies, following a participatory and multidisciplinary approach, has been initiated as part of the National Plan for Adaptation to Changes (NAP).", + "Since 2014, a process of updating the orientations of the NAPA and integrating the issue of adaptation into sectoral policies and strategies, following a participatory and multidisciplinary approach, has been initiated as part of the National Plan for Adaptation to Changes (NAP). While the NAPA aimed to identify urgent and priority actions in terms of adaptation to climate change, within the framework of the NAP, it is a question of integrating the adaptation dimension into national and provincial development planning by considering the following priority sectors:.", + "While the NAPA aimed to identify urgent and priority actions in terms of adaptation to climate change, within the framework of the NAP, it is a question of integrating the adaptation dimension into national and provincial development planning by considering the following priority sectors:. Conservation of forest ecosystems and biodiversity. Strengthening the resilience of the agricultural sector.", + "Conservation of forest ecosystems and biodiversity. Strengthening the resilience of the agricultural sector. Climate Risk Management in Peasant Agriculture. Disaster risk reduction and coastal zone protection. Strengthening the resilience of the health sector. 6.2.1. Conservation of forest ecosystems and biodiversity. Adapting forest management to climate change will ensure energy supply and livelihoods.", + "Strengthening the resilience of the health sector. 6.2.1. Conservation of forest ecosystems and biodiversity. Adapting forest management to climate change will ensure energy supply and livelihoods. Conservation measures should be put in place at specific sites where ecosystems are at risk of degradation. Certain actions may be taken, in particular:.", + "Conservation measures should be put in place at specific sites where ecosystems are at risk of degradation. Certain actions may be taken, in particular:. More effective inventory and monitoring of forests taking into account existing capacities. Various monitoring systems have already been developed. They can, however, be subject to improvements, taking into account the potential impacts of climate change;.", + "Various monitoring systems have already been developed. They can, however, be subject to improvements, taking into account the potential impacts of climate change;. Conservation measures should be put in place in specific sites where ecosystems are at risk of degradation;. Involvement of Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples in the negotiations of social clauses with logging and mining operators;.", + "Conservation measures should be put in place in specific sites where ecosystems are at risk of degradation;. Involvement of Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples in the negotiations of social clauses with logging and mining operators;. Raising awareness of the various actors involved in logging on violence and the human rights of men and women;.", + "Involvement of Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples in the negotiations of social clauses with logging and mining operators; Raising awareness of the various actors involved in logging on violence and the human rights of men and women; Initiation of pilot projects on non-timber forest products (NTFP) sectors with local communities and indigenous peoples;.", + "Raising awareness of the various actors involved in logging on violence and the human rights of men and women;. Initiation of pilot projects on non-timber forest products (NTFP) sectors with local communities and indigenous peoples;. Reforestation and domestication of species of great ecological, economic and cultural value, etc. 6.2.2. Strengthening the resilience of the agricultural sector.", + "Reforestation and domestication of species of great ecological, economic and cultural value, etc. 6.2.2. Strengthening the resilience of the agricultural sector. The following specific actions are envisaged to strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector to the effects of climate change:. Realization of zoning for land allocation, in order to circumscribe the areas to be allocated specifically to agricultural activities;.", + "The following specific actions are envisaged to strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector to the effects of climate change:. Realization of zoning for land allocation, in order to circumscribe the areas to be allocated specifically to agricultural activities;. Promotion of good sustainable farming practices, distribution to farmers of improved and resilient seeds and popularization of soil enrichment techniques;.", + "Promotion of good sustainable farming practices, distribution to farmers of improved and resilient seeds and popularization of soil enrichment techniques;. Support for the organization of marketing circuits and a price policy for the sale of remunerative agricultural products to producers;. Supervision and support of farmers in their agricultural activities;. Strengthening of agricultural extension;. Promotion of agronomic research;.", + "Support for the organization of marketing circuits and a price policy for the sale of remunerative agricultural products to producers;. Supervision and support of farmers in their agricultural activities;. Strengthening of agricultural extension;. Promotion of agronomic research;. Development of tools and procedures for managing agricultural climate crisis situations;. Multiplication of meteorological observation stations;.", + "Promotion of agronomic research;. Development of tools and procedures for managing agricultural climate crisis situations;. Multiplication of meteorological observation stations;. Involvement of the State, in the name of national solidarity, in the event of exceptional climatic accidents, to ensure compensation for risks;.", + "Involvement of the State, in the name of national solidarity, in the event of exceptional climatic accidents, to ensure compensation for risks;. Subsidies for small farmers, who are increasingly vulnerable, with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices capable of sustaining their farms;. Selection of resilient varieties at the level of agricultural research centers and universities;.", + "Subsidies for small farmers, who are increasingly vulnerable, with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices capable of sustaining their farms;. Selection of resilient varieties at the level of agricultural research centers and universities;. Promotion of sustainable agricultural sectors;. Constitution of strategic reserves of food products; development and dissemination of research products;.", + "Selection of resilient varieties at the level of agricultural research centers and universities;. Promotion of sustainable agricultural sectors;. Constitution of strategic reserves of food products; development and dissemination of research products;. Structuring of farmers organizations and improvement of agricultural governance;. Integration of the gender approach;. Strengthening of human and institutional capacities;. Capacity building of farmers organizations.", + "Structuring of farmers organizations and improvement of agricultural governance;. Integration of the gender approach;. Strengthening of human and institutional capacities;. Capacity building of farmers organizations. Multiplication of meteorological observation stations;. Establishment of a dynamic agricultural calendar for each crop with the involvement of agro-meteorologists and agronomists.", + "Multiplication of meteorological observation stations;. Establishment of a dynamic agricultural calendar for each crop with the involvement of agro-meteorologists and agronomists. The strengthening of individual and collective prevention efforts at the level of agronomic and technological research, the harmonization of public support for prevention investments, the development of tools and procedures for managing situations of agricultural climatic crises;.", + "The strengthening of individual and collective prevention efforts at the level of agronomic and technological research, the harmonization of public support for prevention investments, the development of tools and procedures for managing situations of agricultural climatic crises;. The development of the capacity to pool risks, in time and space, with a large possible number of PA farms and other members of the mutual;. 6.2.3.", + "The development of the capacity to pool risks, in time and space, with a large possible number of PA farms and other members of the mutual; 6.2.3. Climate Risk Management in Peasant Agriculture.", + "Climate Risk Management in Peasant Agriculture. Implementation of early warning solutions by: (i) improving people s access to multi-risk early warning systems and information and assessments relating to disaster risks; (ii) the establishment of partnerships around meteorological services relating to the early warning needs of rural women and to drought; (iii) identification of preventive solutions to agricultural landslides; and (iv) the development of intervention plans for the implementation of the early warning system for women in subsistence farming.", + "Implementation of response solutions through hydro-agricultural development and the mapping of programs for the implementation of agricultural water control technologies;. Capacity building of extension workers, while taking gender into account, in rural radio stations for climate risk alerts;. Use of agro-meteorology to prevent climatic risks.", + "Capacity building of extension workers, while taking gender into account, in rural radio stations for climate risk alerts;. Use of agro-meteorology to prevent climatic risks. Subsidies for small farmers, who are increasingly vulnerable, with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices capable of sustaining their farms. 6.2.4. Disaster risk reduction and coastal zone protection.", + "Subsidies for small farmers, who are increasingly vulnerable, with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices capable of sustaining their farms. 6.2.4. Disaster risk reduction and coastal zone protection. Analysis, evaluation and mapping of hydro-climatic risks;. Assessment of vulnerabilities and capacities;. Monitoring and early warning of hydro-climatic risks (floods, drought, soil erosion (urban and agricultural), landslides, etc.);.", + "Assessment of vulnerabilities and capacities;. Monitoring and early warning of hydro-climatic risks (floods, drought, soil erosion (urban and agricultural), landslides, etc.);. Development of information and communication documents on climate risks and their dissemination. Strengthening of institutional and regulatory capacities for the integrated management of vulnerable coastal zones;.", + "Development of information and communication documents on climate risks and their dissemination. Strengthening of institutional and regulatory capacities for the integrated management of vulnerable coastal zones; Implementation of coastal erosion control measures in the area between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km);.", + "Strengthening of institutional and regulatory capacities for the integrated management of vulnerable coastal zones; Implementation of coastal erosion control measures in the area between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km); Support for resilient income-generating activities and strengthening of the early warning system of coastal areas vulnerable to climate change. 6.2.5. Management of water resources and environmental sanitation.", + "Support for resilient income-generating activities and strengthening of the early warning system of coastal areas vulnerable to climate change. 6.2.5. Management of water resources and environmental sanitation. Additional dredges or widenings, so that excess water drains freely. Adoption of river stabilization techniques in risk areas.", + "Management of water resources and environmental sanitation. Additional dredges or widenings, so that excess water drains freely. Adoption of river stabilization techniques in risk areas. Improving the prevention of extreme weather events and floods (for example) through early warning systems and strengthening the resilience of water resources through innovations and modifications of water resource practices (construction of water supply structures in villages: wells, rehabilitation of springs, diversion of rivers, etc.).", + "Improving the prevention of extreme weather events and floods (for example) through early warning systems and strengthening the resilience of water resources through innovations and modifications of water resource practices (construction of water supply structures in villages: wells, rehabilitation of springs, diversion of rivers, etc.). Improved access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene in rural and peri-urban areas;.", + "Improved access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene in rural and peri-urban areas;. Support for the Ecole et Village Assainis (EVA) program, established at the national level by developing a strategy centered around the community and its needs and which gives families the opportunity to make informed choices while strengthening their resilience. 6.2.6. Strengthening the resilience of the health sector.", + "Support for the Ecole et Village Assainis (EVA) program, established at the national level by developing a strategy centered around the community and its needs and which gives families the opportunity to make informed choices while strengthening their resilience. 6.2.6. Strengthening the resilience of the health sector. Improving access to public health services for poor populations vulnerable to climate change by: (i) improving, building, rehabilitating and maintaining health infrastructure and equipment; (ii) improving people s access to basic health services in order to reduce risks. 6.4.", + "Improving access to public health services for poor populations vulnerable to climate change by: (i) improving, building, rehabilitating and maintaining health infrastructure and equipment; and (ii) improving people s access to basic health services in order to reduce risks.", + "Adaptation Implementation Plan. Table 7 presents a summary of the interventions that the DRC intends to implement in order to be able to achieve its priority objectives of adaptation to the impacts of climate change by 2030. The main sectors identified concern water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal zone.", + "Table 7 presents a summary of the interventions that the DRC intends to implement in order to be able to achieve its priority objectives of adaptation to the impacts of climate change by 2030. The main sectors identified concern water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal zone. Table 8: Summary of interventions in the field of adaptation and their estimated costs.", + "The main sectors identified concern water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal zone. Table 8: Summary of interventions in the field of adaptation and their estimated costs. Sector. Objective. Shares. Indicators. Mitigation co-benefits. Estimated cost (Billions USD). Implementation period. Alignment with the SDGs. Forest. Sustainably manage forest ecosystems and biodiversity.", + "Shares. Indicators. Mitigation co-benefits. Estimated cost (Billions USD). Implementation period. Alignment with the SDGs. Forest. Sustainably manage forest ecosystems and biodiversity. Development of forest resource development projects (NTFPs, community forestry, etc.) with Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples, ensuring the application of legal provisions. Number of projects implemented. Job creation. Protection of ecosystems. 1.15. 2021-2026.", + "Development of forest resource development projects (NTFPs, community forestry, etc.) with Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples, ensuring the application of legal provisions. Number of projects implemented. Job creation. Protection of ecosystems. 1.15. 2021-2026. Reforestation of degraded areas with species of great ecological, economic and cultural value for communities. Reforested area. Restoration of degraded ecosystems. 1.61. 2021-2026.", + "Reforestation of degraded areas with species of great ecological, economic and cultural value for communities. Reforested area. Restoration of degraded ecosystems. 1.61. 2021-2026. Development of agroforestry plantations in degraded areas. Area of areas occupied by agroforestry plantations. Restoration of degraded lands. 0.58. 2021-2026. Guidance and support for sustainable fishing and fish farming micro-projects. Number of micro-projects implemented. Job creation.", + "Restoration of degraded lands. 0.58. 2021-2026. Guidance and support for sustainable fishing and fish farming micro-projects. Number of micro-projects implemented. Job creation. Improved food and nutritional security. 0.23. 2021-2030. Promotion of projects to reorient populations towards economic activities with reduced impact on forest ecosystems. Number of projects implemented. Job creation. Protection of ecosystems. 0.06. 2021-2030.", + "Promotion of projects to reorient populations towards economic activities with reduced impact on forest ecosystems. Number of projects implemented. Job creation. Protection of ecosystems. 0.06. 2021-2030. Involvement of local populations in the management of forest ecosystems in their area. Number of people involved. Protection of ecosystems. 0.06. 2021-2030.", + "Involvement of local populations in the management of forest ecosystems in their area. Number of people involved. Protection of ecosystems. 0.06. 2021-2030. Valorization of the traditional knowledge of local populations linked to the conservation of ecosystems. Type of knowledge capitalized. Protection of ecosystems. 0.06. 2021-2030. Strategic coordination of climate change adaptation programs, plans, initiatives. Existence of a coordination structure.", + "Type of knowledge capitalized. Protection of ecosystems. 0.06. 2021-2030. Strategic coordination of climate change adaptation programs, plans, initiatives. Existence of a coordination structure. Strengthened governance. 0.06. 2021-2030. Promoting Sustainable Land Management (SLM). 8 M ha to be restored and managed sustainably. Restoration of agricultural and forestry land. 0.50. 2021-2030. Agriculture. Strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector.", + "8 M ha to be restored and managed sustainably. Restoration of agricultural and forestry land. 0.50. 2021-2030. Agriculture. Strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector. Integration of climate change concerns into sector planning and budgeting at all levels (national, provincial and local). Number of development plans taking into account the integration of adaptation to climate change.", + "Integration of climate change concerns into sector planning and budgeting at all levels (national, provincial and local). Number of development plans taking into account the integration of adaptation to climate change. Optimization of the use of natural resources and regulation of carbon and nitrogen cycles through sustainable agricultural production. 1.27. 2021-2030.", + "Optimization of the use of natural resources and regulation of carbon and nitrogen cycles through sustainable agricultural production. 1.27. 2021-2030. Production and dissemination of seeds resilient to the effects of climate change. Number of climate-resilient seeds adopted. Innovation and agricultural productivity. 0.92. 2021-2030.", + "Production and dissemination of seeds resilient to the effects of climate change. Number of climate-resilient seeds adopted. Innovation and agricultural productivity. 0.92. 2021-2030. Development of the zoning program in order to define the zones to be allocated specifically to agricultural activities. Area of areas to be specifically allocated to agricultural activities. Optimization of the use of natural resources. 0.58. 2021-2030.", + "Development of the zoning program in order to define the zones to be allocated specifically to agricultural activities. Area of areas to be specifically allocated to agricultural activities. Optimization of the use of natural resources. 0.58. 2021-2030. Collection and processing of climate data by INERA and METTELSAT and regular dissemination of weather reports and seasonal forecasts.", + "Optimization of the use of natural resources. 0.58. 2021-2030. Collection and processing of climate data by INERA and METTELSAT and regular dissemination of weather reports and seasonal forecasts. Number of weather reports and seasonal forecasts published. Innovation and productivity. Improved climate knowledge. 0.23. 2021-2030. Popularization of soil and water management techniques in agriculture. Number of people affected.", + "Innovation and productivity. Improved climate knowledge. 0.23. 2021-2030. Popularization of soil and water management techniques in agriculture. Number of people affected. Rate of return per speculation. Sustainable management/restoration of degraded soils. 0.69. 2021-2030. Support for the structuring of farmers organizations and agricultural governance. Percentage of target population, disaggregated by sex, age and province. Strengthened agricultural governance. 0.29. 2021-2026.", + "Support for the structuring of farmers organizations and agricultural governance. Percentage of target population, disaggregated by sex, age and province. Strengthened agricultural governance. 0.29. 2021-2026. Support for the organization of marketing circuits and a price policy for the sale of remunerative agricultural products to agricultural producers. Percentage of target population. Strengthened agricultural governance. 0.17. 2021-2026.", + "Support for the organization of marketing circuits and a price policy for the sale of remunerative agricultural products to agricultural producers. Percentage of target population. Strengthened agricultural governance. 0.17. 2021-2026. Creation and rehabilitation of agricultural service tracks. Number of kilometers of agricultural service tracks created and rehabilitated. Efficient Resource Distribution and Uses. 0.69. 2021-2030.", + "Creation and rehabilitation of agricultural service tracks. Number of kilometers of agricultural service tracks created and rehabilitated. Efficient Resource Distribution and Uses. 0.69. 2021-2030. Promotion of (i) cultivation practices allowing agricultural activities to settle, (ii) improved and/or resilient seeds, and (iii) soil and water management techniques in agriculture accessible to farmers. Number of cultural practices.", + "Promotion of (i) cultivation practices allowing agricultural activities to settle, (ii) improved and/or resilient seeds, and (iii) soil and water management techniques in agriculture accessible to farmers. Number of cultural practices. Number of improved and/or resilient seeds. Innovation and productivity. 0.23. 2021-2030. Development and dissemination of meteorological observation stations across the country. Number of meteorological observation stations installed.", + "Innovation and productivity. 0.23. 2021-2030. Development and dissemination of meteorological observation stations across the country. Number of meteorological observation stations installed. Strengthened agricultural governance. 0.17. 2021-2030. Capacity building and empowerment of women. Number of women having benefited from capacity building. Human and institutional capacities strengthened. 0.23. 2021-2030.", + "Capacity building and empowerment of women. Number of women having benefited from capacity building. Human and institutional capacities strengthened. 0.23. 2021-2030. Development of alternative energies to wood energy in order to protect the forest (solar, gas, or at least improved stoves, etc.). Number of types of alternative energy to wood energy developed. Protection of ecosystems. 0.17. 2021-2030.", + "Development of alternative energies to wood energy in order to protect the forest (solar, gas, or at least improved stoves, etc.). Number of types of alternative energy to wood energy developed. Protection of ecosystems. 0.17. 2021-2030. Capacity building for adaptation and management of the impacts of climate change on agricultural production and food security.", + "Protection of ecosystems. 0.17. 2021-2030. Capacity building for adaptation and management of the impacts of climate change on agricultural production and food security. Number of households having benefited from capacity building. Human and institutional capacities strengthened. 0.06. 2021-2030. Support for research and innovation to strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector to the adverse effects of climate change.", + "Support for research and innovation to strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector to the adverse effects of climate change. Number and type of support provided for research and innovation. Innovation and productivity. 0.23. 2021-2030. Creation of Agricultural Business Clusters (PEA) and promotion of agro-business. Number of businesses created. Job creation. 0.46. 2021-2030.", + "Innovation and productivity. 0.23. 2021-2030. Creation of Agricultural Business Clusters (PEA) and promotion of agro-business. Number of businesses created. Job creation. 0.46. 2021-2030. Ensure the climate risk management in smallholder agriculture. Implementation of early warning systems. Number of intervention plans for the implementation of the early warning system for women in subsistence farming developed. Innovation and productivity. 0.58. 2021-2030.", + "Number of intervention plans for the implementation of the early warning system for women in subsistence farming developed. Innovation and productivity. 0.58. 2021-2030. Implementation of response measures in the event of natural disasters. Number of hydro-agricultural developments carried out. Number of water and land conservation programs (anti-erosion) developed. Innovation and productivity. 2.88. 2021-2030.", + "Innovation and productivity. 2.88. 2021-2030. Development of subsidy mechanisms for small farmers, who are increasingly vulnerable, with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices capable of sustaining their farms. Number of small peasant producers having benefited from subsidies.", + "Development of subsidy mechanisms for small farmers, who are increasingly vulnerable, with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices capable of sustaining their farms. Number of small peasant producers having benefited from subsidies. Job creation Efficient distribution and use of resources. 0.23. 2021-2030. Coastal area. Reduce the disaster risk and protect coastal areas.", + "Job creation Efficient distribution and use of resources. 0.23. 2021-2030. Coastal area. Reduce the disaster risk and protect coastal areas. Assessment of vulnerabilities and human and institutional capacity needs. Number of studies carried out on vulnerabilities and human and institutional capacity needs. Human and institutional capacities strengthened. 0.58. 2021-2026.", + "Number of studies carried out on vulnerabilities and human and institutional capacity needs. Human and institutional capacities strengthened. 0.58. 2021-2026. Strengthening of the early warning system for vulnerable coastal areas and hydro-climatic risk areas (floods, drought, soil erosion (urban and agricultural), landslides, volcanic eruption, etc.). Number of early warning systems for vulnerable coastal zones and hydro-climatic risk zones installed.", + "Strengthening of the early warning system for vulnerable coastal areas and hydro-climatic risk areas (floods, drought, soil erosion (urban and agricultural), landslides, volcanic eruption, etc.). Number of early warning systems for vulnerable coastal areas and hydro-climatic risk zones installed. Innovation and productivity. 0.29. 2021-2030.", + "Innovation and productivity. 0.29. 2021-2030. Implementation of coastal erosion control measures in vulnerable coastal areas, including area between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km). Number of coastal erosion control measures in littoral zones put in place between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km).", + "Implementation of coastal erosion control measures in vulnerable coastal areas, including area between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km). Number of coastal erosion control measures in littoral zones put in place between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km). Preservation of natural spaces. 0.35. 2021-2030. Protection of erosion zones by using appropriate erosion control techniques.", + "Number of coastal erosion control measures in littoral zones put in place between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km). Preservation of natural spaces. 0.35. 2021-2030. Protection of erosion zones by using appropriate erosion control techniques. Surface area of erosion zones protected by the use of appropriate erosion control techniques. Preservation of natural spaces. 0.16. 2021-2030. Support for resilient household income-generating activities.", + "Surface area of erosion zones protected by the use of appropriate erosion control techniques. Preservation of natural spaces. 0.16. 2021-2030. Support for resilient household income-generating activities. Number of people/households having received support for IGAs. Job creation. Protection of ecosystems. 0.75. 2021-2030. Education, Information and awareness on disasters and climate risks. Number of communication plans implemented.", + "Job creation. Protection of ecosystems. 0.75. 2021-2030. Education, Information and awareness on disasters and climate risks. Number of communication plans implemented. Optimization of the use of natural resources. 0.23. 2021-2030. Water resources. Managing water resources sustainably and cleaning up the environment. Development of the sanitation strategy and law. Number of sanitation laws developed. Strengthened climate governance. 0.01. 2021-2026.", + "Managing water resources sustainably and cleaning up the environment. Development of the sanitation strategy and law. Number of sanitation laws developed. Strengthened climate governance. 0.01. 2021-2026. Development of water resources development and management plans by basin or sub-basin. Number of water development and management plans per basin or sub-basin. Strengthened climate governance. 0.35. 2021-2026.", + "Development of water resources development and management plans by basin or sub-basin. Number of water development and management plans per basin or sub-basin. Strengthened climate governance. 0.35. 2021-2026. Creation/Rehabilitation of water supply structures in villages. Number of water supply structures installed. Strengthened climate governance. 0.92. 2021-2030. Promotion of river stabilization techniques in risk areas.", + "Creation/Rehabilitation of water supply structures in villages. Number of water supply structures installed. Strengthened climate governance. 0.92. 2021-2030. Promotion of river stabilization techniques in risk areas. Number of risk areas of the river stabilized. Innovation. 0.46. 2021-2030. Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations (women and children) through support for the Healthy Schools and Villages program.", + "Innovation. 0.46. 2021-2030. Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations (women and children) through support for the Healthy Schools and Villages program. Number of Healthy School and Village Programs implemented. Enhanced food and nutrition security. 0.35. 2021-2030. Promotion of pro-poor approaches for the provision of sanitation infrastructure and services. Number of infrastructure and sanitation services installed as part of pro-poor approaches.", + "Promotion of pro-poor approaches for the provision of sanitation infrastructure and services. Number of infrastructure and sanitation services installed as part of pro-poor approaches. Protection of ecosystems. 0.22. 2021-2030. Production, management and dissemination of information on water resources and hydraulic/agro-hydraulic developments. Number of communication plans implemented. Strengthened climate governance. 0.06. 2021-2030. Improved access to drinking water.", + "Production, management and dissemination of information on water resources and hydraulic/agro-hydraulic developments. Number of communication plans implemented. Strengthened climate governance. 0.06. 2021-2030. Improved access to drinking water. Number of households with access to drinking water (rural, urban). Home improvement. 0.23. 2021-2030. Improved access to sustainable waste management services and wastewater treatment. Number of households with access to sanitation services.", + "Home improvement. 0.23. 2021-2030. Improved access to sustainable waste management services and wastewater treatment. Number of households with access to sanitation services. Home improvement. 0.20. 2021-2030. Improved access to communication (roads and ICT) and opening up of vulnerable rural areas. Number of households with access to information. Improved quality of life. 0.32. 2021-2030. Health.", + "Improved access to communication (roads and ICT) and opening up of vulnerable rural areas. Number of households with access to information. Improved quality of life. 0.32. 2021-2030. Health. Facilitate access to health services and improve quality of life. Construction/rehabilitation and equipment of health facilities. Number of health facilities built, rehabilitated or equipped. Improved health. 0.92. 2021-2030.", + "Facilitate access to health services and improve quality of life. Construction/rehabilitation and equipment of health facilities. Number of health facilities built, rehabilitated or equipped. Improved health. 0.92. 2021-2030. Strengthening of human and institutional capacities and facilitation of access of vulnerable populations to basic health services. Number of people with access to basic health services. Improved health. 0.88. 2021-2030.", + "Strengthening of human and institutional capacities and facilitation of access of vulnerable populations to basic health services. Number of people with access to basic health services. Improved health. 0.88. 2021-2030. Promotion of the integration of the gender/youth/vulnerable groups approach in the fight against climate change. Number of people and institutions trained. Human and institutional capacities strengthened. 0.23. 2021-2030.", + "Promotion of the integration of the gender/youth/vulnerable groups approach in the fight against climate change. Number of people and institutions trained. Human and institutional capacities strengthened. 0.23. 2021-2030. Integration of the potential impacts of climate change on public health into policies and plans for development. Number of plans or programs. Strengthened climate governance. 0.06. 2021-2030.", + "Integration of the potential impacts of climate change on public health into policies and plans for development. Number of plans or programs. Strengthened climate governance. 0.06. 2021-2030. Development of synergies with other public health initiatives. Types of synergy created Number and quality of committed actors. Strengthened climate governance. 0.06. 2021-2030. Energy.", + "Development of synergies with other public health initiatives. Types of synergy created Number and quality of committed actors. Strengthened climate governance. 0.06. 2021-2030. Energy. Facilitate household access to clean energy at an affordable cost. Promotion of alternative energy production methods (installation of solar, wind, biomass systems),. Number of households with access to alternative energies. Protection of ecosystems. 0.40. 2021-2030.", + "Promotion of alternative energy production methods (installation of solar, wind, biomass systems),. Number of households with access to alternative energies. Protection of ecosystems. 0.40. 2021-2030. Improved local-scale climate modeling techniques to better predict future impacts. Climate scenario identified. Protection of ecosystems. 0.23. 2021-2030. Development of water retention basins, construction of dykes to protect production infrastructure. Number of developed watersheds.", + "Protection of ecosystems. 0.23. 2021-2030. Development of water retention basins, construction of dykes to protect production infrastructure. Number of developed watersheds. Protection of ecosystems. 0.35. 2021-2030. Promotion of the rational use of electrical energy, improvement of the management of the energy distribution network system. Number of households with access to electricity. Protection of ecosystems. 0.17. 2021-2030. TOTAL. 23.08. 7.", + "Promotion of the rational use of electrical energy, improvement of the management of the energy distribution network system. Number of households with access to electricity. Protection of ecosystems. 0.17. 2021-2030. TOTAL. 23.08. 7. Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Framework. 7.1. Transparency frame.", + "Number of households with access to electricity. Protection of ecosystems. 0.17. 2021-2030. TOTAL. 23.08. 7. Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Framework. 7.1. Transparency frame. The new and improved transparency framework requires the NDC MRV system to transparently report on progress made towards the targets set out in the DRC NDC and to track progress in implementing mitigation and recovery actions.", + "The new and improved transparency framework requires the NDC MRV system to transparently report on progress made towards the targets set out in the DRC NDC and to track progress in implementing mitigation and recovery actions. adaptation - as well as the use and results of the means of implementation and support, including capacity building, technology transfer and financing.", + "The MRV system also considers non-GHG impacts on the environmental, social and economic impacts of NDC actions that would lead to transformational change towards achieving national sustainable development goals.", + "The MRV system also considers non-GHG impacts on the environmental, social and economic impacts of NDC actions that would lead to transformational change towards achieving national sustainable development goals. In the case of the DRC, this must take into account the.", + "These national and international requirements for the three dimensions of MRV overlap and it is useful to demonstrate their links within the national MRV system. For example, financing, capacity building and technical support have a direct impact on the implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions.", + "For example, financing, capacity building and technical support have a direct impact on the implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions. Therefore, the DRC NDC national MRV system will be useful to track and report on progress and use of support, as well as to facilitate the identification of challenges to inform policy changes essential to improve Implementation.", + "Therefore, the DRC NDC national MRV system will be useful to track and report on progress and use of support, as well as to facilitate the identification of challenges to inform policy changes essential to improve Implementation. In the DRC, the mandate to coordinate and monitor the harmonious implementation of environmental action in general, and climate action in particular, is entrusted to the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD).", + "In the DRC, the mandate to coordinate and monitor the harmonious implementation of environmental action in general, and climate action in particular, is entrusted to the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD). The MEDD, through the Sustainable Development Department (DDD), coordinates all the dynamics of the implementation and monitoring of all issues relating to climate change.", + "The MEDD, through the Sustainable Development Department (DDD), coordinates all the dynamics of the implementation and monitoring of all issues relating to climate change. It is the focal point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).", + "As such, the DDD ensures the preparation and production of national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory reports, in collaboration with the various national institutions (the Ministry of Finance, the Interior, the agriculture, transportation, public works and infrastructure, industry, trade, rural development, land use planning, scientific research, planning, budget, public health, livestock, hydrocarbons, economy, mines; hydraulics and electricity, gender, universities) and other organizations, both nationally and internationally.", + "The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development also drives the integration of environmental policies and strategies and climate change issues into national development plans. universities) and other organizations, both nationally and internationally. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development also promotes the integration of environmental policies and strategies and climate change issues into national development plans.", + "The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development also promotes the integration of environmental policies and strategies and climate change issues into national development plans. universities) and other organizations, both nationally and internationally. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development also drives the integration of environmental policies and strategies and climate change issues into national development plans.", + "The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development also drives the integration of environmental policies and strategies and climate change issues into national development plans. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, a National Committee on Climate Change has been established.", + "Under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, a National Committee on Climate Change has been established. It brings together delegates from various public administrations and institutions, universities, research centers, national organizations and civil society in order to share a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the progress of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere.", + "It brings together delegates from various public administrations and institutions, universities, research centers, national organizations and civil society in order to share a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the progress of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere.", + "A Technical Coordination Committee and thematic working groups have been set up to carry out the various activities, studies and reports. The Technical Coordination Committee is intended to be a consultation body and a space for dialogue, exchange and orientation between the stakeholders for the implementation of the NDC.", + "The Technical Coordination Committee is intended to be a consultation body and a space for dialogue, exchange and orientation between the stakeholders for the implementation of the NDC. It brings together delegates from different public administrations, institutions and organizations with a view to sharing a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in an atmosphere harmonious and collaborative.", + "The functions of the Technical Coordination Committee are determined as follows: (i) Ensure the development of the NDC in a single streamlined national process under the technical responsibility of the MEDD; (ii) Facilitate coordination with the competent authorities at the national, provincial and local levels; (iii) Define the orientations and directives of the NDC process and decide on the actions to be carried out; (iv) Decide globally on the state of progress of the activities of the various projects and initiatives related to the NDC; (v) Review and exchange views on major issues relating to the implementation of the above-mentioned projects, as well as propose corrective measures; and (vi) Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the NDC process.", + "The DDD provides all reporting and communication to the Technical Coordination Committee and the Government, through the MEDD, to inform policies and strategic decisions that ensure that the NDC s MRV effectively supports sustainable development. of the country in accordance with its National Strategic Development Plan (PNSD). The following are key areas that are part of the Committee s mandate:.", + "Review and establish the committee s objectives, terms of reference, composition and general working arrangements of the committee, the main one being the endorsement and subsequent reporting of NDC MRV at national and global levels;.", + "Review and establish the committee s objectives, terms of reference, composition and general working arrangements of the committee, the main one being the endorsement and subsequent reporting of NDC MRV at national and global levels;. Provide advice and feedback on scope, timing, costs and quality concerns, or guidance on program priorities, that arise during the planning, design and implementation of NDC-related projects;.", + "Provide advice and feedback on scope, timing, costs and quality concerns, or guidance on program priorities, that arise during the planning, design and implementation of NDC-related projects; Facilitate access to resources needed to review and report on MRV of the NDC and approve projects at key stages;.", + "Facilitate access to resources needed to review and report on MRV of the NDC and approve projects at key stages;. Revise and review studies, research activities in line with the NDC to facilitate quality assurance and alignment with strategic priorities;. Develop and make operational an effective communication plan on the MRV of the NDC.", + "Revise and review studies, research activities in line with the NDC to facilitate quality assurance and alignment with strategic priorities;. Develop and make operational an effective communication plan on the MRV of the NDC. Figure 8 below summarizes the institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation, including the national NDC MRV process. Figure 17: Institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation.", + "Figure 8 below summarizes the institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation, including the national NDC MRV process. Figure 17: Institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation. Table 12 below presents a list of relevant actors who will be involved in the preparation and subsequent implementation of the NDC, in accordance with their national role or responsibility and their role in the process of implementing the NDC.", + "Table 12 below presents a list of relevant actors who will be involved in the preparation and subsequent implementation of the NDC, in accordance with their national role or responsibility and their role in the process of implementing the NDC. In addition, during the preparation phase for the implementation of the NDC, it will be possible to consider the participation of other specialized institutions such as the National Institute for Agronomic Studies and Research (INERA), the Meteorology and Remote Sensing by Satellite (METTELSAT), the National Agricultural Statistics Service (SNSA), the National Observatory for Regional Planning (ONAT), etc. 7.2.", + "In addition, during the preparation phase for the implementation of the NDC, it will be possible to consider the participation of other specialized institutions such as the National Institute for Agronomic Studies and Research (INERA), the Meteorology and Remote Sensing by Satellite (METTELSAT), the National Agricultural Statistics Service (SNSA), the National Observatory for Regional Planning (ONAT), etc. 7.2. NDC MRV data and information management.", + "The results-based monitoring and evaluation system will be the main repository and, therefore, the appropriate platform for monitoring and managing information and data for the environment and natural resources sector, chaired by the MEDD.", + "The results-based monitoring and evaluation system will be the main repository and, therefore, the appropriate platform for monitoring and managing information and data for the environment and natural resources sector, chaired by the MEDD. Thus, all data relating to climate change, including the NDC MRV managed and reported by the NDC MRV technical working committee, will be processed and accessible by the results-based monitoring and evaluation system.", + "Thus, all data relating to climate change, including the NDC MRV managed and reported by the NDC MRV technical working committee, will be processed and accessible by the results-based monitoring and evaluation system. Assessing and defining the most suitable data sources will be important for any MRV system to be effective.", + "Assessing and defining the most suitable data sources will be important for any MRV system to be effective. The NDC technical working committee for MRV that will be set up will play an essential role in the production and reporting of data and information at the national level and reports and will be significantly involved in data collection, transparency and verification.", + "The NDC technical working committee for MRV that will be set up will play an essential role in the production and reporting of data and information at the national level and reports and will be significantly involved in data collection, transparency and verification. The committee will ensure that the DRC MRV system links mitigation, adaptation and finance, as well as capacity building support and technology transfer as critical aspects of the implementation of the MRV. Cdn.", + "The committee will ensure that the DRC MRV system links mitigation, adaptation and finance, as well as capacity building support and technology transfer as critical aspects of the implementation of the MRV. Cdn. Primary data will generally be collected at the provincial level and sectors/institutions will have direct links to provincial levels to obtain data and information specific to the sector/priority action, including NDC MRV.", + "Primary data will generally be collected at the provincial level and sectors/institutions will have direct links to provincial levels to obtain data and information specific to the sector/priority action, including NDC MRV. This will be done with the support of stakeholders at the provincial level, an opportunity for the engagement of NGOs, the private sector and development partners to provide inputs to the NDC MRV process.", + "This will be done with the support of stakeholders at the provincial level, an opportunity for the engagement of NGOs, the private sector and development partners to provide inputs to the NDC MRV process. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) will provide oversight and coordination by facilitating data management flows from provincial governments to central level institutions.", + "The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) will provide oversight and coordination by facilitating data management flows from provincial governments to central level institutions. The Climate Change Division within the Sustainable Development Department of the MEDD is the technical focal point for the collection, processing, entry and analysis of data related to the MRV of the NDC.", + "The Climate Change Division within the Sustainable Development Department of the MEDD is the technical focal point for the collection, processing, entry and analysis of data related to the MRV of the NDC. The National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the DRC will be at the heart of national data production processes and will have the ultimate role of validating national statistics through the authentication of data and information, and therefore the approval of national statistics shared with different users.", + "The National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the DRC will be at the heart of national data production processes and will have the ultimate role of validating national statistics through the authentication of data and information, and therefore the approval of national statistics shared with different users. The National Institute of Statistics (INS) will facilitate the development and application of data collection protocols and will annually revise national standards and guidelines for data entry and aggregation to guide data and information on mitigation and adaptation produced by the sectors.", + "The National Institute of Statistics (INS) will facilitate the development and application of data collection protocols and will annually revise national standards and guidelines for data entry and aggregation to guide data and information on mitigation and adaptation produced by the sectors. Table 9: list of relevant actors for the implementation of the NDC. Stakeholders. Responsibility/role.", + "Table 9: list of relevant actors for the implementation of the NDC. Stakeholders. Responsibility/role. Role in the implementation of the NDC. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD). The MEDD leads and is the main national coordinator of environment and climate change activities in the DRC on behalf of the government.", + "The MEDD leads and is the main national coordinator of environment and climate change activities in the DRC on behalf of the government. It is responsible for the development of national and international reports (national GHG inventories, national communications on climate change, Biennial Update Reports (BUR), NDC, national plans on climate change, etc.), as well as management of data related to the forest sector.", + "It is responsible for the development of national and international reports (national GHG inventories, national communications on climate change, Biennial Update Reports (BUR), NDC, national plans on climate change, etc.), as well as management of data related to the forest sector.", + "It acts as the Focal Point of the UNFCCC, the GEF and the GCF. Responsible for the National Forest Monitoring System, national forest inventories. It is an important source of information on forest dynamics in the DRC. It will be one of the stakeholders consulted for knowledge exchange, data collection and dissemination on the Forest Reference Level in the DRC.", + "It will be one of the stakeholders consulted for knowledge exchange, data collection and dissemination on the Forest Reference Level in the DRC. It will coordinate all activities for the preparation and implementation of project interventions, as well as those related to monitoring, reporting and improving transparency. Ministry in charge of Agriculture (MINAGRI).", + "It will coordinate all activities for the preparation and implementation of project interventions, as well as those related to monitoring, reporting and improving transparency. Ministry in charge of Agriculture (MINAGRI). Responsible for the design, formulation, coordination, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of agricultural development policies.", + "Ministry in charge of Agriculture (MINAGRI). Responsible for the design, formulation, coordination, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of agricultural development policies. It is in charge of managing all the data relating to agriculture published in the SNSA directories (animal and plant production).", + "It is in charge of managing all the data relating to agriculture published in the SNSA directories (animal and plant production). It will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of agricultural activities. Ministry of Rural Development (MINDER).", + "It will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of agricultural activities. Ministry of Rural Development (MINDER). Responsible for achieving food security and the sustainable and effective improvement of the living conditions of rural populations.", + "Ministry of Rural Development (MINDER). Responsible for achieving food security and the sustainable and effective improvement of the living conditions of rural populations. It will coordinate activities and data management related to rural activities and due to its representation across the country, it will provide operational and technical information for all aspects of the AFOLU sector at different levels.", + "It will coordinate activities and data management related to rural activities and due to its representation across the country, it will provide operational and technical information for all aspects of the AFOLU sector at different levels. Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock.", + "Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock. Responsible for the sustainable management of fish and animal resources and their contribution to the food and nutritional security of the population. It is in charge of managing all data relating to breeding and fishing.", + "Responsible for the sustainable management of fish and animal resources and their contribution to the food and nutritional security of the population. It is in charge of managing all data relating to breeding and fishing. It will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of fishing and farming activities.", + "It will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of fishing and farming activities. Ministry of Territorial Planning. Rational Land Use Planning (Zoning) Officer. Assess the potential of the territory with regard to the renewable and non-renewable natural resources of the national soil and subsoil.", + "Assess the potential of the territory with regard to the renewable and non-renewable natural resources of the national soil and subsoil. Permanently control and monitor the use of the physical space of the country. Share national TA observation data with the INS for their capitalization in the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the NDC. Ministry of Land Affairs.", + "Share national TA observation data with the INS for their capitalization in the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the NDC. Ministry of Land Affairs. Responsible for the management of the general property regime, land and real estate regime. Facilitate access and secure land for local communities and Indigenous Peoples.", + "Responsible for the management of the general property regime, land and real estate regime. Facilitate access and secure land for local communities and Indigenous Peoples. Securing land in order to promote rational and sustainable management of natural resources. Ministry in charge of Planning (Ministry of Planning).", + "Securing land in order to promote rational and sustainable management of natural resources. Ministry in charge of Planning (Ministry of Planning). Responsible for the production of national statistics and the management of all data related to national and regional planning. It will ensure compliance with national statistical standards. Ministry of Health. Implement the Government s policy in the field of health.", + "It will ensure compliance with national statistical standards. Ministry of Health. Implement the Government s policy in the field of health. Contribute to reducing environmental pressures that could lead to migration and its effects on health and well-being.", + "Implement the Government s policy in the field of health. Contribute to reducing environmental pressures that could lead to migration and its effects on health and well-being. Mobilize health sectors in the face of major environmental risks, including climate change, air pollution, water and sanitation, food safety, waste and exposure to hazardous chemicals and toxic.", + "Mobilize health sectors in the face of major environmental risks, including climate change, air pollution, water and sanitation, food safety, waste and exposure to hazardous chemicals and toxic. Stimulate and increase the exchange of good practices, experiences and technical skills with a view to strengthening health, improving health monitoring and environmental protection.", + "Stimulate and increase the exchange of good practices, experiences and technical skills with a view to strengthening health, improving health monitoring and environmental protection. Ministries in charge of foreign affairs and international cooperation. Seek, negotiate and mobilize external resources for national development. Organize meetings of bilateral and multilateral partners and set up a permanent consultation framework at the national level.", + "Seek, negotiate and mobilize external resources for national development. Organize meetings of bilateral and multilateral partners and set up a permanent consultation framework at the national level. Ministries in charge of the interior and social affairs. Manage disasters and natural calamities. Coordinate the interministerial commission on disasters and natural calamities. Ministry of Scientific Research.", + "Ministries in charge of the interior and social affairs. Manage disasters and natural calamities. Coordinate the interministerial commission on disasters and natural calamities. Ministry of Scientific Research. Promote scientific research and technology transfer in the field of climate change. Direct scientific research and technology towards supporting efforts to combat climate change.", + "Promote scientific research and technology transfer in the field of climate change. Direct scientific research and technology towards supporting efforts to combat climate change. Publish and disseminate the results of scientific and technological research related to the fight against climate change. INS.", + "Direct scientific research and technology towards supporting efforts to combat climate change. Publish and disseminate the results of scientific and technological research related to the fight against climate change. INS. The National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the DRC is at the heart of national data processes and has the ultimate role of validating national statistics through the authentication of data and information, and therefore the approval of statistics national shared with the outside.", + "The National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the DRC is at the heart of national data processes and has the ultimate role of validating national statistics through the authentication of data and information, and therefore the approval of statistics national shared with the outside. The National Institute of Statistics (INS) will facilitate the development and application of data protocols and annually revise national standards and guidelines for data entry and aggregation to guide data and reporting.", + "The National Institute of Statistics (INS) will facilitate the development and application of data protocols and annually revise national standards and guidelines for data entry and aggregation to guide data and reporting. information on mitigation and adaptation produced by the sectors. Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance).", + "information on mitigation and adaptation produced by the sectors. Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance). Responsible for national budget planning; it actively participates in various activities related to public expenditure review and financial management. It will guarantee the effectiveness of the DRC s financial contribution to this project. Ministry of Gender, Family and Children.", + "Responsible for national budget planning; it actively participates in various activities related to public expenditure review and financial management. It will guarantee the effectiveness of the DRC s financial contribution to this project. Ministry of Gender, Family and Children. It was created to develop and coordinate the implementation of government measures related to the promotion and respect of women s rights and the protection of the family, to manage and coordinate social aspects.", + "It was created to develop and coordinate the implementation of government measures related to the promotion and respect of women s rights and the protection of the family, to manage and coordinate social aspects. It is responsible for improving the legal and institutional framework to ensure the participation of women in development, the representation of women at all levels and the integration of gender into policies and country programs.", + "It is responsible for improving the legal and institutional framework to ensure the participation of women in development, the representation of women at all levels and the integration of gender into policies and country programs. It will support the integration in the project of elements that contribute to closing the gender gap in climate change adaptation and mitigation activities, as well as more balanced access between men and women to resources. national.", + "It will support the integration in the project of elements that contribute to closing the gender gap in climate change adaptation and mitigation activities, as well as more balanced access between men and women to resources. national. It will also support the development of strategies to reduce the gender gap in project activities, particularly those related to capacity building.", + "Ministry in charge of Energy (Hydraulic Resources and Electricity), Responsible for the management of statistics of the supply, production and consumption of energy resources at the national level.", + "Ministry in charge of Energy (Hydraulic Resources and Electricity),. Responsible for the management of statistics of the supply, production and consumption of energy resources at the national level. He will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of fuel supply, production and consumption activities.", + "He will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of fuel supply, production and consumption activities. Ministry in charge of Hydrocarbons. Responsible for the management of statistics on the supply, production and consumption of hydrocarbons at the national level.", + "Ministry in charge of Hydrocarbons. Responsible for the management of statistics on the supply, production and consumption of hydrocarbons at the national level. It will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of supply, production and consumption activities of liquid fuels. Ministry of transportation.", + "It will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of supply, production and consumption activities of liquid fuels. Ministry of transportation. It is in charge of managing all data relating to the vehicle fleet (rolling vehicles, aviation, river and lake navigation).", + "It is in charge of managing all data relating to the vehicle fleet (rolling vehicles, aviation, river and lake navigation). It will be responsible for coordinating all tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of transport sector activities. National Committee on Climate Change.", + "It will be responsible for coordinating all tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of transport sector activities. National Committee on Climate Change. At present, the guidelines for the implementation of projects and programs are monitored within the framework of separate steering committees.", + "At present, the guidelines for the implementation of projects and programs are monitored within the framework of separate steering committees. Share a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere.", + "Share a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere. Technical committee for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the NDC.", + "Technical committee for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the NDC. It has an operational and consultation role between the key entities of the sectoral ministries and the technical partners involved in the various components of the NDC. Its role is to help analyze and technically validate all the data and technical information produced within the framework of the NDC.", + "Its role is to help analyze and technically validate all the data and technical information produced within the framework of the NDC. The Technical Coordination Committee aims to be a consultation and orientation body between the stakeholders for the implementation of the NDC.", + "The Technical Coordination Committee aims to be a consultation and orientation body between the stakeholders for the implementation of the NDC. It brings together delegates from different public administrations, institutions and organizations with a view to sharing a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in an atmosphere harmonious and collaborative.", + "It brings together delegates from different public administrations, institutions and organizations with a view to sharing a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in an atmosphere harmonious and collaborative. It will support aspects related to the information associated with the NDC for the Energy, AFOLU and Waste sectors and the realization of its implementation.", + "It will support aspects related to the information associated with the NDC for the Energy, AFOLU and Waste sectors and the realization of its implementation. Provincial (Technical) Committee on Climate Change. Its role is to help analyze and technically validate all the data and technical information produced at the provincial level within the framework of the NDC.", + "Its role is to help analyze and technically validate all the data and technical information produced at the provincial level within the framework of the NDC. The Technical Coordination Committee aims to be a consultation and orientation body between the stakeholders at the provincial level.", + "The Technical Coordination Committee aims to be a consultation and orientation body between the stakeholders at the provincial level. It brings together delegates from the various provincial public administrations, institutions and organizations with a view to sharing a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere.", + "It brings together delegates from the various provincial public administrations, institutions and organizations with a view to sharing a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere. Universities and research centers.", + "Universities and research centers. They are responsible for research, innovation and formal training in all areas, including those related to climate change, as well as adaptation and mitigation measures. They will provide information on climate change, methodologies and approaches for monitoring, estimating GHGs and tracking progress in implementing NDCs.", + "They will provide information on climate change, methodologies and approaches for monitoring, estimating GHGs and tracking progress in implementing NDCs. They will be invited to participate in trainings, workshops and meetings in order to have an effective exchange of knowledge and good practices. In addition, universities could support training processes and the inclusion of these subjects in university degree programs.", + "They will be invited to participate in trainings, workshops and meetings in order to have an effective exchange of knowledge and good practices. In addition, universities could support training processes and the inclusion of these subjects in university degree programs. This partnership with academic institutions will allow dissemination of the scientific basis on the need for natural capital accounting and legislation for various initiatives under this process.", + "This partnership with academic institutions will allow dissemination of the scientific basis on the need for natural capital accounting and legislation for various initiatives under this process. Civil society organizations. They play an important role at the local level in organizing, raising awareness, building capacity and implementing specific climate change adaptation and mitigation actions.", + "They play an important role at the local level in organizing, raising awareness, building capacity and implementing specific climate change adaptation and mitigation actions. Some organizations that will be involved in the project will be: CEDEN, CODELT, GTCRR, LINAPYCO, Logos Premier, OCEAN, REBAC, REFADD, REPALEF-RDC, RRN, among others.", + "Some organizations that will be involved in the project will be: CEDEN, CODELT, GTCRR, LINAPYCO, Logos Premier, OCEAN, REBAC, REFADD, REPALEF-RDC, RRN, among others. They will be invited to participate in activities related to the implementation of climate change policy and law, capacity building and the production/collection of data and information relevant to the functioning of the MRV system and the GHG inventories.", + "They will be invited to participate in activities related to the implementation of climate change policy and law, capacity building and the production/collection of data and information relevant to the functioning of the MRV system and the GHG inventories.", + "Private sector organizations. They are a key player in the achievement of NDCs and the implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation activities, as they are also affected by it. Some examples of private sector organizations are COPEMECO (Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises), FIB (Federation of Wood Industrialists), FEC (Federation of Congo Enterprises), SAFBOIS and SIFORCO, and agro-industries.", + "Some examples of private sector organizations are COPEMECO (Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises), FIB (Federation of Wood Industrialists), FEC (Federation of Congo Enterprises), SAFBOIS and SIFORCO, and agro-industries. Its participation is required to enable the implementation of climate change policy and law, both for the application of mitigation and/or adaptation measures and the achievement of NDCs and for the provision data and information for the operation of MRV and GHG inventories.", + "Its participation is required to enable the implementation of climate change policy and law, both for the application of mitigation and/or adaptation measures and the achievement of NDCs and for the provision data and information for the operation of MRV and GHG inventories.", + "The Central Bank of the DR Congo (BCC). Define and implement the country s monetary policy, the main objective of which is to ensure the stability of the general level of prices. Ensure that climate change is taken into account in macroeconomic projection models and methods and in risk assessments;.", + "Define and implement the country s monetary policy, the main objective of which is to ensure the stability of the general level of prices. Ensure that climate change is taken into account in macroeconomic projection models and methods and in risk assessments;. make commercial banks aware of the risks associated with climate change, and thus ensure that they are able to manage these risks appropriately;.", + "make commercial banks aware of the risks associated with climate change, and thus ensure that they are able to manage these risks appropriately;. Invest in green bonds as part of asset purchases to avoid market distortions;. Measure and estimate the risks that climate change poses to the national financial system and communicate the conclusions.", + "Invest in green bonds as part of asset purchases to avoid market distortions;. Measure and estimate the risks that climate change poses to the national financial system and communicate the conclusions. Specialized services (INERA, METELSAT, SNSA, ONAT). 8. Means of implementation.", + "Measure and estimate the risks that climate change poses to the national financial system and communicate the conclusions. Specialized services (INERA, METELSAT, SNSA, ONAT). 8. Means of implementation. Characterized by a very low contribution to global GHG emissions, a very low GHG intensity relative to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and the lowest human development index according to the 2020 Human Development Report (UNDP, 2020 ), the DRC must therefore face many challenges in terms of socio-economic development.", + "Characterized by a very low contribution to global GHG emissions, a very low GHG intensity relative to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and the lowest human development index according to the 2020 Human Development Report (UNDP, 2020 ), the DRC must therefore face many challenges in terms of socio-economic development. Moreover, the country must prioritize minimizing the risks of climate change impacts, due to the significant vulnerability of certain economic activities, such as agriculture and forestry.", + "Moreover, the country must prioritize minimizing the risks of climate change impacts, due to the significant vulnerability of certain economic activities, such as agriculture and forestry. This section provides an overview of means of implementation in terms of (i) institutional arrangements; (ii) capacity building, (iii) technology transfer, and (iv) the need for relevant funding likely to facilitate and accelerate the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures. 8.4.", + "This section provides an overview of means of implementation in terms of (i) institutional arrangements; (ii) capacity building, (iii) technology transfer, and (iv) the need for relevant funding likely to facilitate and accelerate the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures.", + "Policy mechanisms and institutional arrangements. The implementation of the NDC will be done, under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), in collaboration with various sectoral ministries concerned at the local, provincial, national level and other stakeholders, in particular young people, women and indigenous peoples. 8.5. Governance.", + "The implementation of the NDC will be done, under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), in collaboration with various sectoral ministries concerned at the local, provincial, national level and other stakeholders, in particular young people, women and indigenous peoples. 8.5. Governance. The results of specific studies will regularly feed into the national climate change policy, and key laws and regulations will be enacted, including the Climate Change Law and the Land Use Planning Law.", + "The results of specific studies will regularly feed into the national climate change policy, and key laws and regulations will be enacted, including the Climate Change Law and the Land Use Planning Law. A legal text will be adopted, establishing the appropriate institutional arrangements in order to ensure the coordination of intersectoral actions concerning the fight against climate change. 8.6.", + "A legal text will be adopted, establishing the appropriate institutional arrangements in order to ensure the coordination of intersectoral actions concerning the fight against climate change. 8.6. Gender equality, participation of young people and Indigenous Peoples.", + "The operationalization of the NDC will only be possible in an inclusive approach, guaranteeing gender equity, equal rights between women and men, boys and girls, integrating children, young people, Indigenous Peoples and other vulnerable groups.", + "The operationalization of the NDC will only be possible in an inclusive approach, guaranteeing gender equity, equal rights between women and men, boys and girls, integrating children, young people, Indigenous Peoples and other vulnerable groups. Since 2009, to comply with the commitments relating to the promotion of women s rights and gender equality to which it has subscribed, the Government has adopted a National Gender Policy accompanied by an action plan.", + "Since 2009, to comply with the commitments relating to the promotion of women s rights and gender equality to which it has subscribed, the Government has adopted a National Gender Policy accompanied by an action plan. In 2020, a report on the analysis of gender mainstreaming in climate change adaptation planning as well as a plan to strengthen the resilience of indigenous women to the effects of climate change.", + "In 2020, a report on the analysis of gender mainstreaming in climate change adaptation planning as well as a plan to strengthen the resilience of indigenous women to the effects of climate change. The DRC also has a Youth Policy and its Strategic Implementation Plan.", + "The DRC also has a Youth Policy and its Strategic Implementation Plan. Recently, a bill on fundamental principles relating to the rights of Indigenous Pygmy Peoples was adopted by the National Assembly. 8.7. Communication.", + "Recently, a bill on fundamental principles relating to the rights of Indigenous Pygmy Peoples was adopted by the National Assembly. 8.7. Communication. Clear lines of communication will be developed at different levels (local, provincial, national and international) and between different sectors and stakeholders, ensuring gender equality, participation of young people and Indigenous Peoples. 8.8. Capacity building and technology transfer.", + "Clear lines of communication will be developed at different levels (local, provincial, national and international) and between different sectors and stakeholders, ensuring gender equality, participation of young people and Indigenous Peoples. 8.8. Capacity building and technology transfer. Under the Paris Agreement, developed countries are committed to facilitating technology transfer and capacity building to developing countries.", + "Under the Paris Agreement, developed countries are committed to facilitating technology transfer and capacity building to developing countries. Many developing countries have expressed their capacity needs to support and identify gaps both in terms of technology and expertise to ensure follow-up of bilateral and multilateral resources.", + "Many developing countries have expressed their capacity needs to support and identify gaps both in terms of technology and expertise to ensure follow-up of bilateral and multilateral resources.", + "It is essential that the provisions of the Paris Agreement on capacity building are successfully implemented. Technology transfer and capacity building will be required to fully implement DRC Contributions to Mitigation and Adaptation. Specific needs identified in this framework include among others:. Access to and removal of barriers to the dissemination of appropriate clean technologies;. Building climate information systems;.", + "Specific needs identified in this framework include among others:. Access to and removal of barriers to the dissemination of appropriate clean technologies;. Building climate information systems;. Promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency, including the involvement of the private sector;. Establishment of public-private partnerships. 8.9. Private sector engagement.", + "Promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency, including the involvement of the private sector;. Establishment of public-private partnerships. 8.9. Private sector engagement. Private sector organizations are key players in the delivery of NDC interventions and in the transparent implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation activities, without neglecting social and environmental aspects.", + "Private sector organizations are key players in the delivery of NDC interventions and in the transparent implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation activities, without neglecting social and environmental aspects. Their participation is necessary to enable the implementation of climate change policy and law, both for the application of mitigation measures and the realization of NDC interventions and for the provision of data and information for the operation of the MRV system and the production of national GHG inventories.", + "Their participation is necessary to enable the implementation of climate change policy and law, both for the application of mitigation measures and the realization of NDC interventions and for the provision of data and information for the operation of the MRV system and the production of national GHG inventories. During the preparation phase of the roadmap for the implementation of the NDC, the participation of private sector organizations will be defined, as well as the activities of the NDC in which these organizations will be involved, although it is foreseeable that they will be linked to the implementation of climate change policy and law and contributions on the processes of production/collection of data and information relevant to the MRV system and national GHG inventories.", + "The involvement of private actors will be particularly relevant by carrying out projects to achieve the objectives of the energy and agriculture sectors. In addition, the participation of representatives of the private sector in the DRC is currently ensured by two entities: the Federation of Commercial Enterprises (FEC) and the Federation of the Wood Industry (FIB).", + "In addition, the participation of representatives of the private sector in the DRC is currently ensured by two entities: the Federation of Commercial Enterprises (FEC) and the Federation of the Wood Industry (FIB). However, the government is implementing the identification and mapping of additional key stakeholder representatives, their main focus areas and interests, to define the decisive incentives that could enable them to better and more participate in the implementation.", + "However, the government is implementing the identification and mapping of additional key stakeholder representatives, their main focus areas and interests, to define the decisive incentives that could enable them to better and more participate in the implementation. of the NDC. 8.10. Financial needs.", + "As part of the NDC revision process, in-depth analysis and consultations of different stakeholders and sectoral experts have been engaged to produce conditional and unconditional cost estimates for mitigation and adaptation actions up to 2021 and 2030.", + "As part of the NDC revision process, in-depth analysis and consultations of different stakeholders and sectoral experts have been engaged to produce conditional and unconditional cost estimates for mitigation and adaptation actions up to 2021 and 2030. The estimated total cost of approximately twenty-five point six ( 25.6) billion US dollars for the 30 identified NDC mitigation actions, and over twenty-three point zero eight ( 23.08) billion US dollars for the 52 adaptation priorities, representing a funding need of approximately forty-eight point sixty-eight (48.68) billion US dollars (USD).", + "The estimated total cost of approximately twenty-five point six ( 25.6) billion US dollars for the 30 identified NDC mitigation actions, and over twenty-three point zero eight ( 23.08) billion US dollars for the 52 adaptation priorities, representing a funding need of approximately forty-eight point sixty-eight (48.68) billion US dollars (USD). Given the numerous budgetary constraints to which the DRC is subject, only a minimum part of its contribution, unconditional measures for mitigation and adaptation combined, representing approximately two percent (2%) of the total estimated financing, can be financed by the own resources.", + "Given the numerous budgetary constraints to which the DRC is subject, only a minimum part of its contribution, unconditional measures for mitigation and adaptation combined, representing approximately two percent (2%) of the total estimated financing, can be financed by the own resources. Indeed, the innumerable development priorities at the social, economic, educational, health, infrastructure, etc. levels will receive priority allocation of the resources mobilized at the national level and will in no way have to suffer competition from the financing of the NDC.", + "Indeed, the innumerable development priorities at the social, economic, educational, health, infrastructure, etc. levels will receive priority allocation of the resources mobilized at the national level and will in no way have to suffer competition from the financing of the NDC. However, there may be situations where the priority development objectives of the DRC will be aligned with those of the NDC.", + "However, there may be situations where the priority development objectives of the DRC will be aligned with those of the NDC. Only such a scenario would justify the financing of the activities of the NDC on own funds.", + "In accordance with the Paris Declaration on the Effectiveness of Official Development Assistance, the DRC encourages donors wishing to support the implementation of its NDC to align themselves with the Government s objectives.", + "In accordance with the Paris Declaration on the Effectiveness of Official Development Assistance, the DRC encourages donors wishing to support the implementation of its NDC to align themselves with the Government s objectives. These objectives integrate, in addition to those presented in the NDC, in particular those of the National REDD+ Strategy and its Investment Plan, as well as the sectoral policies developed within the framework of the REDD+ interventions financed.", + "These objectives integrate, in addition to those presented in the NDC, in particular those of the National REDD+ Strategy and its Investment Plan, as well as the sectoral policies developed within the framework of the REDD+ interventions financed. under the said Investment Plan, in particular the National Territorial Development Policy. 6.3. Financing the NDC through carbon markets.", + "under the said Investment Plan, in particular the National Territorial Development Policy. 6.3. Financing the NDC through carbon markets. Taking into account that the DRC has the second largest area of. tropical forests in the world, alone accounting for more than 60% of the rainforest in the Congo Basin, the largest basin with a net absorption of greenhouse gases.", + "Tropical forests in the world, alone accounting for more than 60% of the rainforest in the Congo Basin, the largest basin with a net absorption of greenhouse gases. greenhouse, the country plays a crucial role in global climate change mitigation. The loss of this forest would represent a considerable release of greenhouse gases.", + "The loss of this forest would represent a considerable release of greenhouse gases. Thus, given its carbon potential and the gradual emergence of the carbon market, the DRC government validated in the Council of Ministers ten urgent measures relating to the sustainable management of natural forest resources.", + "Thus, given its carbon potential and the gradual emergence of the carbon market, the DRC government validated in the Council of Ministers ten urgent measures relating to the sustainable management of natural forest resources. Among these measures, the institutionalization of the carbon tax and the creation of the carbon market regulation authority come first.", + "Among these measures, the institutionalization of the carbon tax and the creation of the carbon market regulation authority come first. These aim to enable the national economy to benefit from international capital resulting from carbon finance.", + "These aim to enable the national economy to benefit from international capital resulting from carbon finance. Indeed, the capture of revenue from the sale of carbon credits will contribute in particular to: (i) increasing the national budget; (ii) the compensation of ecosystem services of sequestration and storage of atmospheric carbon by the forests of the DRC; and (iii) financing the measures provided for in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement.", + "Indeed, the capture of revenue from the sale of carbon credits will contribute in particular to: (i) increasing the national budget; (ii) the compensation of ecosystem services of sequestration and storage of atmospheric carbon by the forests of the DRC; (iii) financing the measures provided for in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement.", + "The DRC reiterates the importance of the negotiations on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement being finalized so that the country can sell carbon credits through the international carbon market and thus finance the measures of its NDC. Also, in order to allow the country to benefit from adequate compensation for its efforts to reduce and avoid carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, which will serve the whole world, it is essential that a a fair and robust carbon price is established at the global level.", + "Also, in order to allow the country to benefit from adequate compensation for its efforts to reduce and avoid carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, which will serve the whole world, it is essential that a a fair and robust carbon price is established at the global level. With this in mind, in its contracts for the sale of emission reductions on the carbon markets, the DRC reserves the right to negotiate an adequate price.", + "With this in mind, in its contracts for the sale of emission reductions on the carbon markets, the DRC reserves the right to negotiate an adequate price. In the DRC, the regulation and the right of ownership and transfer of ownership applicable to Carbon Emission Reduction Units (UREC) is established by the 2018 Approval Order.", + "In the DRC, the regulation and the right of ownership and transfer of ownership applicable to Carbon Emission Reduction Units (UREC) is established by the 2018 Approval Order. It follows that these carbon rights, whose legal status is defined in Article 3 of the said Approval Order, must be materialized exclusively in the National REDD+ Register provided for this purpose.", + "It follows that these carbon rights, whose legal status is defined in Article 3 of the said Approval Order, must be materialized exclusively in the National REDD+ Register provided for this purpose. The DRC has decided to develop its own Register of emission reduction transactions in order to avoid multiple declarations of emission reductions from the forest, i.e.", + "The DRC has decided to develop its own Register of emission reduction transactions in order to avoid multiple declarations of emission reductions from the forest, i.e. double-counting, aimed at integrating all REDD+ programs/projects. developed in the country.", + "This registry will track and control all emission reductions generated by each programme/project and will provide regular information on issuances, transfers and sales of emission reductions.", + "This Registry will track and control all emission reductions generated by each programme/project and will provide regular information on issuances, transfers and sales of emission reductions. Starting from a very low level of emissions per capita and per GDP, it will be difficult for the DRC to materialize its emission reduction commitments and contribution to the global effort while transferring ownership of these emission reductions.", + "Starting from a very low level of emissions per capita and per GDP, it will be difficult for the DRC to materialize its emission reduction commitments and contribution to the global effort while transferring ownership of these emission reductions. Consequently, the DRC wishes to be able to account for the emission reductions generated within the framework of its NDC.", + "Consequently, the DRC wishes to be able to account for the emission reductions generated within the framework of its NDC. Next, the DRC hopes to sell the emission reductions generated under its NDC to buyers \u2013 both public and private \u2013 who have ambitious targets for mitigating their own emissions, based on science and publicly available in an updated NDC.", + "Next, the DRC hopes to sell the emission reductions generated under its NDC to buyers \u2013 both public and private \u2013 who have ambitious targets for mitigating their own emissions, based on science and publicly available in an updated NDC. update or a climate action plan. 6.4. Payments for ecosystem services.", + "update or a climate action plan. 6.4. Payments for ecosystem services. One of the mechanisms that could be used in the financing of the DRC s NDC measures is that of payments for ecosystem services (PES). PES are a potentially important source of financing for the DRC, which provides ecosystem services of global value.", + "One of the mechanisms that could be used in the financing of the DRC s NDC measures is that of payments for ecosystem services (PES). PES are a potentially important source of financing for the DRC, which provides ecosystem services of global value. As the DRC is home to the second largest tropical forest in the world in terms of area, and a biodiversity that qualifies it as one of the 17 mega-diverse countries in the world, it provides ecosystem services that benefit the whole world, including countries.", + "As the DRC is home to the second largest tropical forest in the world in terms of area, and a biodiversity that qualifies it as one of the 17 mega-diverse countries in the world, it provides ecosystem services that benefit the whole world, including countries. developed, among others:.", + "The provision of a geographically defined ecosystem service, namely the conservation of a rich and unique biodiversity, which does not exist elsewhere than in the DRC; and. The provision of an ecosystem service with multiple benefits, namely carbon sequestration, water regulation and soil retention, and consequently the regulation of the regional and global climate.", + "The provision of an ecosystem service with multiple benefits, namely carbon sequestration, water regulation and soil retention, and consequently the regulation of the regional and global climate. The DRC plans to set up a national PES program, in order to ensure that these ecosystem services, provided by the DRC, can be compensated through PES mechanisms that reduce the incentives for deforestation, with a view to conserving biodiversity and habitats as well as as carbon sinks in forest ecosystems.", + "The DRC plans to set up a national PES program, in order to ensure that these ecosystem services, provided by the DRC, can be compensated through PES mechanisms that reduce the incentives for deforestation, with a view to conserving biodiversity and habitats as well as as carbon sinks in forest ecosystems. For example, this program may pay the owners of forest resources, i.e.", + "For example, this program may pay the owners of forest resources, i.e. forest communities, local or national governments, forestry companies or farmers, to preserve forest resources, establish wildlife corridors and/or maintain the most popular crop varieties. more favorable to natural ecosystems. With a view to regeneration, such a mechanism could encourage agricultural installations in savannahs, cultivation methods under shade,.", + "With a view to regeneration, such a mechanism could encourage agricultural installations in savannahs, cultivation methods under shade,. By setting up PES mechanisms in the DRC with a view to financing the measures proposed in the NDC, it will be crucial to ensure anchoring in land use planning tools, a link with land tenure security as well as synergies between the fight against deforestation and poverty reduction, with a view to avoiding adverse effects.", + "By setting up PES mechanisms in the DRC with a view to financing the measures proposed in the NDC, it will be crucial to ensure anchoring in land use planning tools, a link with land tenure security as well as synergies between the fight against deforestation and poverty reduction, with a view to avoiding adverse effects. Bibliographic reference. MEDD.", + "Bibliographic reference. MEDD. National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change.2006. Ministry of Planning. National Strategic Development Plan. 2018. MEDD. Third National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 2014. MEDD. First Biennial Update Report. Unpublished. MEDD. National REDD+ Strategy Framework of the Democratic Republic of Congo. December 2012. MEDD.", + "2014. MEDD. First Biennial Update Report. Unpublished. MEDD. National REDD+ Strategy Framework of the Democratic Republic of Congo. December 2012. MEDD. Forest Reference Emission Level for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. January, 2018. MEDD. National plan for adaptation to the impacts of climate change. November, 2020. UNDP. Human Development Report. 2019. De Wasseige et al.", + "National plan for adaptation to the impacts of climate change. November, 2020. UNDP. Human Development Report. 2019. De Wasseige et al. Interactive forest atlas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 2009. Ministry of Energy and Hydraulic Resources. PDGIE Report. 2018. Ministry of Planning. INS report. 2014, 2015, 2017. United Nations Organization. Sustainable Development Goals Report. 2020.", + "Ministry of Energy and Hydraulic Resources. PDGIE Report. 2018. Ministry of Planning. INS report. 2014, 2015, 2017. United Nations Organization. Sustainable Development Goals Report. 2020. National Energy Commission of the Ministry of Energy and Hydraulic Resources SE4ALL-RDC. 2019. Advisory Group of Experts.", + "Sustainable Development Goals Report. 2020. National Energy Commission of the Ministry of Energy and Hydraulic Resources SE4ALL-RDC. 2019. Advisory Group of Experts. Handbook dealing with institutional arrangements for supporting measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) tools/ climate action transparency and climate action support. June, 2020. Advisory Group of Experts. Towards an Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement. June, 2020. MEDD.", + "Handbook dealing with institutional arrangements for supporting measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) tools/ climate action transparency and climate action support. June, 2020. Advisory Group of Experts. Towards an Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement. June, 2020. MEDD. Contribution Determined at the National Level of the DRC. 2015. The Minister of Agriculture. DRC National Agricultural Investment Plan. 2013. MEDD.", + "Contribution Determined at the National Level of the DRC. 2015. The Minister of Agriculture. DRC National Agricultural Investment Plan. 2013. MEDD. Policy, Strategy and Action Plan in the fight against climate change. Revised in 2020. Ministry of Energy. National Energy Policy. 2009. Ministry of Gender, Women, Families and Children. National Gender Policy. 2008. Ministry of Youth, Sports and Recreation.", + "National Energy Policy. 2009. Ministry of Gender, Women, Families and Children. National Gender Policy. 2008. Ministry of Youth, Sports and Recreation. Youth Policy. 2009. MEDD. National Sanitation Policy. 2013. Ministry of Territorial Development. National Spatial Planning Policy. 2020. Ministry of Energy. Law No. 14/011 relating to electricity. June, 2014. MEDD. Law 011-2002 of August 29, 2002 on the Forest Code.", + "Ministry of Energy. Law No. 14/011 relating to electricity. June, 2014. MEDD. Law 011-2002 of August 29, 2002 on the Forest Code. August, 2002. Jonas Kibala Kuma (2020), Poverty and unemployment in the DRC: inventory, analyzes and perspectives, p. 14. UNDP, 2020, The Human Development Report 2020, United Nations Development Program 1 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017 USA, 40p.", + "UNDP, 2020, The Human Development Report 2020, United Nations Development Program 1 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017 USA, 40p. Decision 1/CP.21 on the adoption of the Paris Agreement\u21a9. Second national communication, 2009.\u21a9. (2021); INS, 2017 Statistical Yearbook of the DRC\u21a9.", + "Decision 1/CP.21 on the adoption of the Paris Agreement\u21a9. Second national communication, 2009.\u21a9. (2021); INS, 2017 Statistical Yearbook of the DRC\u21a9. Agricultural Sector Study, Phase II, Agricultural and Rural Development Master Plan, Summary Document of Provincial Plans, Final Report, 2010.\u21a9. DRC, 2010. The following figures are taken from this report.\u21a9. DRC, 2011.\u21a9.", + "Agricultural Sector Study, Phase II, Agricultural and Rural Development Master Plan, Summary Document of Provincial Plans, Final Report, 2010.\u21a9. DRC, 2010. The following figures are taken from this report.\u21a9. DRC, 2011.\u21a9. Jonas Kibala Kuma (2020), Poverty and unemployment in the DRC: inventory, analyzes and perspectives, p. 14\u21a9.", + "The following figures are taken from this report.\u21a9. DRC, 2011.\u21a9. Jonas Kibala Kuma (2020), Poverty and unemployment in the DRC: inventory, analyzes and perspectives, p. 14\u21a9. Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Tourism, 2013, National Environment, Forests, Waters and Biodiversity Program \"PNEFEB\" -2nd generation\u21a9. Haensler, A., Saeed, F. and Jacob, D.", + "Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Tourism, 2013, National Environment, Forests, Waters and Biodiversity Program \"PNEFEB\" -2nd generation\u21a9. Haensler, A., Saeed, F. and Jacob, D. (2013): Assessment of projected climate change signals over central Africa based on a multitude of global and regional climate projections.", + "(2013): Assessment of projected climate change signals over central Africa based on a multitude of global and regional climate projections. In: Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin. [Haensler A, Jacob D, Kabat P, Ludwig F (eds.)]. Climate Service Center Report No. 11, Hamburg, Germany, ISSN: 2192-4058.\u21a9. Ministry in charge of Agriculture (2009), Agricultural Policy Notes\u21a9. Same\u21a9.", + "Climate Service Center Report No. 11, Hamburg, Germany, ISSN: 2192-4058.\u21a9. Ministry in charge of Agriculture (2009), Agricultural Policy Notes\u21a9. Same\u21a9. National Agricultural and Rural Sector Recovery Program (PNSAR) 1997-2001: monograph, Volume 1.\u21a9. Ministry of Agriculture, 2009, Agricultural Policy Notes, 71p.\u21a9. DRC Renewable Energy ATLAS 2nd Edition 2016\u21a9. Paris Agreement, adopted by decision 1/CP.21 GL 2006 IPCC\u21a9.", + "Ministry of Agriculture, 2009, Agricultural Policy Notes, 71p.\u21a9. DRC Renewable Energy ATLAS 2nd Edition 2016\u21a9. Paris Agreement, adopted by decision 1/CP.21 GL 2006 IPCC\u21a9. Vision of the DRC for 2050, (PNSD, 2016)\u21a9. Methodology from \u201cMcKinsey GHG Abatement Cost Curve V2.0\u201d, McKinsey & Company, 2009\u21a9.", + "Vision of the DRC for 2050, (PNSD, 2016)\u21a9. Methodology from \u201cMcKinsey GHG Abatement Cost Curve V2.0\u201d, McKinsey & Company, 2009\u21a9. IPCC 2019, 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Calvo Buendia, E., Tanabe, K., Kranjc, A., Baasansuren, J., Fukuda, M., Ngarize S., Osako, A., Pyrozhenko, Y., Shermanau, P. and Federici, S. (eds). Published: IPCC, Switzerland.\u21a9.", + "IPCC 2019, 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Calvo Buendia, E., Tanabe, K., Kranjc, A., Baasansuren, J., Fukuda, M., Ngarize S., Osako, A., Pyrozhenko, Y., Shermanau, P. and Federici, S. (eds). Published: IPCC, Switzerland.\u21a9. Industrial Processes and Use of Products\u21a9.", + "Published: IPCC, Switzerland.\u21a9. Industrial Processes and Use of Products\u21a9. According to the IUCN (2016), nature-based solutions are \u201cactions aimed at protecting, sustainably managing and restoring natural or modified ecosystems, to directly address societal challenges in an effective and adaptive way while ensuring human well-being and benefits for biodiversity\u201d.\u21a9. Insert reference to the 2014 Law\u21a9.", + "According to the IUCN (2016), nature-based solutions are \u201cactions aimed at protecting, sustainably managing and restoring natural or modified ecosystems, to directly address societal challenges in an effective and adaptive way while ensuring human well-being and benefits for biodiversity\u201d.\u21a9. Insert reference to the 2014 Law\u21a9. High Ambition Coalition \u2013 30x30 Initiative:", + "Insert reference to the 2014 Law\u21a9. High Ambition Coalition \u2013 30x30 Initiative: The map below is an estimate made by Greifswald Mire Centre. The Democratic Republic of Congo will initiate work to harmonize the various maps with the data from the baseline study as well as the map produced by CongoPeat.\u21a9. 2020-020-En.pdf (iucn.org)", + "The Democratic Republic of Congo will initiate work to harmonize the various maps with the data from the baseline study as well as the map produced by CongoPeat.\u21a9. 2020-020-En.pdf (iucn.org) Estimated cost per ton CO2 equivalent around 100 to 130 USD\u21a9. Improved stoves\u21a9. Second national communication, 2009.\u21a9. Haensler, A., Saeed, F. and Jacob, D.", + "Estimated cost per ton CO2 equivalent around 100 to 130 USD\u21a9. Improved stoves\u21a9. Second national communication, 2009.\u21a9. Haensler, A., Saeed, F. and Jacob, D. (2013): Assessment of projected climate change signals over central Africa based on a multitude of global and regional climate projections. In: Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin.", + "(2013): Assessment of projected climate change signals over central Africa based on a multitude of global and regional climate projections. In: Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin. [Haensler A, Jacob D, Kabat P, Ludwig F (eds.)]. Climate Service Center Report No. 11, Hamburg, Germany, ISSN: 2192-4058.\u21a9.", + "In: Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin. [Haensler A, Jacob D, Kabat P, Ludwig F (eds.)]. Climate Service Center Report No. 11, Hamburg, Germany, ISSN: 2192-4058.\u21a9. Quoted by Fils, National Strategy and Action Plan 2017-2023 for the Reduction of Natural Risks and Disasters in the DR. congo\u21a9" + ], + "medium": [ + "DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO S NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO. Deputy Prime Minister. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. Revised Nationally Determined Contribution. Kinshasa, October 2021. Acronyms. Acronyms. Meanings. %. Percentage. \u00b0C. degree celsius. AFOLU. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses. AFOLU. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses. IRA. Income Regenerating Activities. IGA. Income Generating Activities. ANATAC. National Alliance of Traditional Authorities of Congo. BAU. Business as Usual. BCC. Central Bank of Congo. UNFCCC. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. NDC.", + "National Alliance of Traditional Authorities of Congo. BAU. Business as Usual. BCC. Central Bank of Congo. UNFCCC. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. NDC. Nationally Determined Contribution. CEDEN. Circle for the defense of the environment. NC. National communications. CODELT. Consulting for Environmental Defense through Legality and Traceability. COMIFAC. Central African Forest Commission. COPEMECO. Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises. COVID-19. Coronavirus pandemic, which appeared in 2019. INDC. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution. SAR. Department of Sanitation. DDD. Sustainable Development Department. DGPA.", + "Coronavirus pandemic, which appeared in 2019. INDC. Intended Nationally Determined Contribution. SAR. Department of Sanitation. DDD. Sustainable Development Department. DGPA. Dynamics of the Indigenous Peoples Group. DIAF. Forest Management and Inventory Department. EDC. Electricity of the Congo. RIL. Reduced Impact Logging. ENERKA. Kasai Energy. ENK. Electricity of North Kivu. ERAIFT. Regional Postgraduate School for the Planning and Integrated Management of Tropical Forests. EVA. Healthy School and Village. FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FAT. Forestry and other Land Use. FEC.", + "Healthy School and Village. FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FAT. Forestry and other Land Use. FEC. Federation of Congo Businesses. FIB. Federation of Wood Manufacturers. FONAREDD. National REDD+ Fund. GDT. Sustainable Land Management. GHG. Greenhouse gas. IPCC. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. LPG. Liquefied Petroleum Gas. GTCRR. Revamped REDD+ Climate Working Group. GW. Gigawatt. Ha. Hectare. HPS. High pressure sodium vapor lamps (SHP or in English HPS). IDE. Foreign Direct Investments. HDI. Human Development Index. INERA.", + "Hectare. HPS. High pressure sodium vapor lamps (SHP or in English HPS). IDE. Foreign Direct Investments. HDI. Human Development Index. INERA. National Institute of Agronomic Studies and Research. INS. National Institute of Statistics. ISF. Synthetic Fertility Index. Kg. Kilogram. Km. Kilometer. Km2. Square Kilometer. LED. Light-Emitting Diode. LEDs. Low Carbon Development Strategy/Low Emissions Development Strategy. LINAPYCO. National League of Indigenous Pygmy Associations of Congo. LPS. Low pressure sodium vapor lamps. m3. Cubic meter. NAMA (NAMAS). Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Measures. MAED.", + "National League of Indigenous Pygmy Associations of Congo. LPS. Low pressure sodium vapor lamps. m3. Cubic meter. NAMA (NAMAS). Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Measures. MAED. Model for Energy Demand Analysis. MAGICC-ScenGen. Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse-gas Induced Climate Change. USD billion/US$. Billion US Dollars. CDM. Clean Development Mechanism. MECNT-DD. Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development. MEDD. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. MIBA. Bakwanga Mining Company. MINAGRI. Ministry in charge of Agriculture. MINAT. Ministry in charge of Regional Planning. MITPR.", + "Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. MIBA. Bakwanga Mining Company. MINAGRI. Ministry in charge of Agriculture. MINAT. Ministry in charge of Regional Planning. MITPR. Ministry of Infrastructure, Public Works and Reconstruction. MRV. Measurement, Reporting and Verification. mt. Megatons. Mt eq-CO2. Megatonnes of CO2 equivalents. MW. Megawatt. ND-GAIN. Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index, or Notre Dame World Adaptation Index. Nm3. normal cubic meter. OCEAN. Congolese Organization of Ecologists and Friends of Nature/Asbl. SDGs. Sustainable Development Goals. OVD. Office of Roads and Drainage. NAPA.", + "normal cubic meter. OCEAN. Congolese Organization of Ecologists and Friends of Nature/Asbl. SDGs. Sustainable Development Goals. OVD. Office of Roads and Drainage. NAPA. National Adaptation Action Program. PDGIE. Computer Energy Management Development Program. PDGIE. Energy Information Development and Management Program. PDP. Provincial Development Plan. AEP. Agricultural Business Clusters. PERENCO. Franco-British independent oil company. NWFP. Non-Timber Forest Products. EMP. Environmental Management Plan. GDP. Gross domestic product. PIUP. Industrial Processes and Product Use. NAP. National Climate Change Adaptation Plan. PNEFEB.", + "Environmental Management Plan. GDP. Gross domestic product. PIUP. Industrial Processes and Product Use. NAP. National Climate Change Adaptation Plan. PNEFEB. National Environment, Forests, Waters and Biodiversity Program. PNG. National Gender Policy. NAIP. National Agricultural Investment Plan. PNSAR. National Agricultural and Rural Sector Recovery Program. PNSD. National Strategic Development Plan. PONA. National Sanitation Policy. PSPA-CC. Policy, Strategy and Action Plan in the fight against climatic changes. RBA. Biennial Update Report. RDC. Democratic Republic of Congo. REBAC. Ecclesial Network of the Congo Basin Forest. REDD+.", + "Policy, Strategy and Action Plan in the fight against climatic changes. RBA. Biennial Update Report. RDC. Democratic Republic of Congo. REBAC. Ecclesial Network of the Congo Basin Forest. REDD+. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, including conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon sinks. REDD+. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. REFADD. African Women s Network for Sustainable Development. REPALEF-DRC. Network of Indigenous and Local Populations for the Sustainable Management of DRC Forest Ecosystems. NRN. Natural Resources Network. SAFBOIS.", + "African Women s Network for Sustainable Development. REPALEF-DRC. Network of Indigenous and Local Populations for the Sustainable Management of DRC Forest Ecosystems. NRN. Natural Resources Network. SAFBOIS. African Timber Society. Sarl. Limited Liability Company. SCTP. Congolese Transport and Ports Company. SE4ALL-RDC. Sustainable Energy for All Initiative (SE4ALL acronym). SENOKI. North Kivu Electricity Company. SIFORCO. Industrial and Forestry Society of Congo. DCS. National Railway Company of Congo. SNEL. National Electricity Company. SNSF. National Forest Monitoring System. SOKIMO. Kilo Moto Mining Company. TCN. Third National Communication. TIC.", + "National Railway Company of Congo. SNEL. National Electricity Company. SNSF. National Forest Monitoring System. SOKIMO. Kilo Moto Mining Company. TCN. Third National Communication. TIC. Information and Communication Technology. UNIKIN. University of Kinshasa. US. United States. USD/US$. American dollar. ITCZ. Intertropical Convergence Zone. SEZ. Special Economic Zones. PREFACE. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been a Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) since 1997.", + "The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been a Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) since 1997. It aims, among other things, to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions at a level that prevents any disturbances to the global climate system. With the end of the commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement was adopted. Its main objective is to keep the increase in global temperature \u201cwell below\u201d 2\u00b0C by striving to limit it to 1.5\u00b0C.", + "Its main objective is to keep the increase in global temperature \u201cwell below\u201d 2\u00b0C by striving to limit it to 1.5\u00b0C. To this end, the DRC is resolutely committed to contributing to the achievement of this global objective, while taking into account the challenges of modernization and sustainable development, including efforts to adopt a trajectory of low-carbon development in a context of emergence.", + "To this end, the DRC is resolutely committed to contributing to the achievement of this global objective, while taking into account the challenges of modernization and sustainable development, including efforts to adopt a trajectory of low-carbon development in a context of emergence. The DRC has already submitted three National Communications on climate change and carried out several initiatives, including the National Action Program for Adaptation; the National Framework Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation; the Forest Reference Emissions Level; and the National Adaptation Plan.", + "The DRC has already submitted three National Communications on climate change and carried out several initiatives, including the National Action Program for Adaptation; the National Framework Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation; the Forest Reference Emissions Level; and the National Adaptation Plan. In 2015, prior to the adoption of the Paris Agreement, the DRC submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the UNFCCC, the emission reduction target of which was 17%, and aimed mainly at three gases, namely: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) from the Energy sectors; Agriculture; and Forestry and other Land Use.", + "In 2015, prior to the adoption of the Paris Agreement, the DRC submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the UNFCCC, the emission reduction target of which was 17%, and aimed mainly at three gases, namely: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) from the Energy sectors; Agriculture ; and Forestry and other Land Use. To respond to the call to raise ambition, the DRC has undertaken to raise its mitigation and adaptation objectives, and accelerate forest, land tenure and land use planning reforms to contribute effectively to the fight against poverty.", + "To respond to the call to raise ambition, the DRC has undertaken to raise its mitigation and adaptation objectives, and accelerate forest, land tenure and land use planning reforms to contribute effectively to the fight against poverty. Its current target is to reduce its emissions by 21%, taking into account the waste sector not targeted in the first submission, for an overall cost estimated at forty-eight point sixty-eight (48.68) billion US dollars.", + "Its current target is to reduce its emissions by 21%, taking into account the waste sector not targeted in the first submission, for an overall cost estimated at forty-eight point sixty-eight (48.68) billion US dollars. In my capacity as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development, I will ensure that the efforts made by the Congolese Government in terms of environmental preservation lead to the reduction of the harmful impacts of climate change on the national economy and the improvement of the living conditions of the populations.", + "In my capacity as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development, I will ensure that the efforts made by the Congolese Government in terms of environmental preservation lead to the reduction of the harmful impacts of climate change on the national economy and the improvement of the living conditions of the populations. As a result, I am proud to present the revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for the period 2021-2030, by which the country reaffirms its character as a Solution-Country through its immense forest massif, its dense hydrographic network, its energy potential and its strategic minerals.", + "As a result, I am proud to present the revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for the period 2021-2030, by which the country reaffirms its character as a Solution-Country through its immense forest massif, its dense hydrographic network, its energy potential and its strategic minerals. Master Eve BAZAIBA MASUDI. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development. Executive summary. Introduction. This document presents the revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Democratic Republic of Congo in terms of mitigation and adaptation by 2030.", + "This document presents the revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Democratic Republic of Congo in terms of mitigation and adaptation by 2030. The contributions described in this document are based on an update of the submission of the 2015 NDC, the information compiled for the development of the DRC s third National Communication on climate change submitted to the UNFCCC, the current sectoral policies planned and implemented, such as the National REDD Framework Strategy (MEDD, 2012), the National Strategic Development Plan (PNSD 2019-2023), the National Adaptation Plan (2020-2024) and other key national guidance documents, and reflect subsequent work to develop quantifiable mitigation goals and adaptation.", + "The contributions described in this document are based on an update of the submission of the 2015 NDC, the information compiled for the development of the DRC s third National Communication on climate change submitted to the UNFCCC, the current sectoral policies planned and implemented, such as the National REDD Framework Strategy (MEDD, 2012), the National Strategic Development Plan (PNSD 2019-2023), the National Adaptation Plan (2020-2024) and other key national guidance documents, and reflect subsequent work to develop quantifiable mitigation goals and adaptation. This document is also based on the prioritization of interventions in both the areas of adaptation and mitigation.", + "This document is also based on the prioritization of interventions in both the areas of adaptation and mitigation. The revised NDC represents a more detailed assessment of mitigation and adaptation measures in the DRC, based on improved data collection, broader coverage of the energy, AFOLU and waste sectors, in-depth technical analysis and extended engagement of stakeholders. stakeholders and more ambitious objectives in terms of reducing GHG emissions. Vision of the DRC in the field of climate change.", + "Vision of the DRC in the field of climate change. The DRC s vision in the fight against climate change is to promote a green, resilient and low-carbon economy by rationally and sustainably managing its significant natural resources in order to guarantee ecological balance and social well-being, economic, cultural and environmental of its population.", + "The DRC s vision in the fight against climate change is to promote a green, resilient and low-carbon economy by rationally and sustainably managing its significant natural resources in order to guarantee ecological balance and social well-being, economic, cultural and environmental of its population. The DRC ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol in 2005 and the Paris Agreement in 2017.", + "The DRC ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol in 2005 and the Paris Agreement in 2017. To this end, the DRC is resolutely committed to taking urgent measures to mitigate its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change, in accordance with Article 41 of the Paris Agreement.", + "To this end, the DRC is resolutely committed to taking urgent measures to mitigate its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change, in accordance with Article 41 of the Paris Agreement. It has also submitted its first three National Communications on climate change to the UNFCCC, respectively in 2001, 2009 and 2015 and is in the process of preparing its fourth National Communication and finalizing its first Biennial Update Report (BUR).", + "It has also submitted its first three National Communications on climate change to the UNFCCC, respectively in 2001, 2009 and 2015 and is in the process of preparing its fourth National Communication and finalizing its first Biennial Update Report (BUR). Although its emissions primarily from forestry and land use, followed by waste management, agriculture and energy consumption constitute a significant part of its carbon footprint to require appropriate climate action, they are among lowest in the world (MEDD, 2015).", + "Although its emissions primarily from forestry and land use, followed by waste management, agriculture and energy consumption constitute a significant part of its carbon footprint to require appropriate climate action, they are among lowest in the world (MEDD, 2015). However, it remains very vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Therefore, adaptation to climate change is a major concern and priority for the country. NDC review process.", + "NDC review process. The DRC submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the UNFCCC in 2015, setting out its adaptation and mitigation goals. With the DRC s ratification of the Paris Agreement in 2017, the INDC became its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).", + "The DRC submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the UNFCCC in 2015, setting out its adaptation and mitigation goals. With the DRC s ratification of the Paris Agreement in 2017, the INDC became its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The conditional reduction target referred to under the 2015 submission was 17% by 2030, taking into account three main sectors, including Energy, Agriculture and Forestry, associated with emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide. nitrogen (N2O).", + "The conditional reduction target referred to under the 2015 submission was 17% by 2030, taking into account three main sectors, including Energy, Agriculture and Forestry, associated with emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide. nitrogen (N2O). This NDC, whose reduction target is set at 21% with conditional interventions at 19%, and unconditional at 2%, updates and strengthens the first in terms of contributions to mitigation and adaptation, from a hand, and through improved data collection, in-depth technical analysis and extensive stakeholder engagement, on the other hand.", + "This NDC, whose reduction target is set at 21% with conditional interventions at 19%, and unconditional at 2%, updates and strengthens the first in terms of contributions to mitigation and adaptation, from a hand, and through improved data collection, in-depth technical analysis and extensive stakeholder engagement, on the other hand. It includes, in addition to the three aforementioned sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Energy), that of Waste and concerns the same gases.", + "It includes, in addition to the three aforementioned sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Energy), that of Waste and concerns the same gases. The budget for this revised NDC is estimated at USD 48.68 billion, including USD 25.60 billion for the implementation of the mitigation initiatives announced and USD 23.08 billion for priority adaptation measures. Contribution to mitigation. The mitigation measures implemented by the DRC mainly concern the forestry sector, in particular the implementation of its national strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+).", + "The mitigation measures implemented by the DRC mainly concern the forestry sector, in particular the implementation of its national strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). In addition to the REDD+ strategy, the DRC s nationally determined contribution presents certain mitigation measures and actions in the energy (including transport), agriculture and waste sectors. Unfortunately, to date, these few initiatives in sectors that emit less GHGs are less documented.", + "In addition to the REDD+ strategy, the DRC s nationally determined contribution presents certain mitigation measures and actions in the energy (including transport), agriculture and waste sectors. Unfortunately, to date, these few initiatives in sectors that emit less GHGs are less documented. However, the DRC is committed to improving its data collection and management system and to formalizing the institutional arrangements that support the collection, analysis, processing and reporting of data.", + "However, the DRC is committed to improving its data collection and management system and to formalizing the institutional arrangements that support the collection, analysis, processing and reporting of data. The DRC wants to be an emerging country by 2030, with a vision of development towards an increasingly low-carbon economy. Given the dynamics of development in which the DRC is committed by 2030, its efforts should materialize in the implementation of various mitigation measures in all sectors.", + "Given the dynamics of development in which the DRC is committed by 2030, its efforts should materialize in the implementation of various mitigation measures in all sectors. The combined unconditional and conditional contribution is thus a 21% reduction in total GHG emissions compared to the BAU in 2030 (including 19% conditional and 2%vunconditional); this equates to an estimated mitigation level of up to 650 Mt CO2e by 2030.", + "The combined unconditional and conditional contribution is thus a 21% reduction in total GHG emissions compared to the BAU in 2030 (including 19% conditional and 2%vunconditional); this equates to an estimated mitigation level of up to 650 Mt CO2e by 2030. The table below shows the main intervention levers identified and the associated costs by sector as well as the potential for reducing emissions in 2030. In total, 30 actions to mitigate GHG emissions are proposed, classified according to sectors priorities.", + "The table below shows the main intervention levers identified and the associated costs by sector as well as the potential for reducing emissions in 2030. In total, 30 actions to mitigate GHG emissions are proposed, classified according to sectors priorities. The table below presents a summary of the main levers of intervention, the emissions avoided and the associated costs by sector in 2030 likely to achieve the targeted reduction target. Sector. N0. Shares. Reduction potential in 2030 (in Mt CO2e). Estimated cost (Billions USD).", + "The table below presents a summary of the main levers of intervention, the emissions avoided and the associated costs by sector in 2030 likely to achieve the targeted reduction target. Sector. N0. Shares. Reduction potential in 2030 (in Mt CO2e). Estimated cost (Billions USD). Energy. 1. Electrifying rural, peri-urban and urban areas using renewable energy sources. 74.2 to 94.6. 1.95. 2. Facilitate the use of improved stoves & improve carbonization techniques to make it more efficient. 1.05. 3.", + "Electrifying rural, peri-urban and urban areas using renewable energy sources. 74.2 to 94.6. 1.95. 2. Facilitate the use of improved stoves & improve carbonization techniques to make it more efficient. 1.05. 3. Increase the share of renewable energies in the national energy mix. 0.28. 4. Promote the use of LPG and electric cooker. 0.63. 5. Develop industrial plantations - Wood energy. 0.18. 6. Ensure the development of the transport sector with an emphasis on mass transport through the tram, bus, train 1.1. Agriculture. 7.", + "Ensure the development of the transport sector with an emphasis on mass transport through the tram, bus, train 1.1. Agriculture. 7. Promote agro-forestry practices and rotation of crops and perennial crops, particularly in forest areas, including wetlands. 180-187. 1.7. 8. Integrate agriculture into the national land use plan. 0.2. 9. Promote intensive agriculture in savannah areas to limit pressure on natural forests. 1,33. 10. Promote the rational and sustainable use of agricultural production areas to preserve agro-ecological conditions and ensure the stability of forest cover.", + "Promote the rational and sustainable use of agricultural production areas to preserve agro-ecological conditions and ensure the stability of forest cover. 1,2. 11. Intensify food crop production (carbohydrates, oilseeds, legumes) in anthropogenic savannas and degraded forests, including in forest areas (except in areas where the availability of land makes it difficult to avoid at least partial destruction of the forest). 1,3. 12. Popularize and disseminate resilient agricultural practices, and other technological packages (use of climatesensitive seeds, soil management and water management). 0,8. 13.", + "Popularize and disseminate resilient agricultural practices, and other technological packages (use of climatesensitive seeds, soil management and water management). 0.8. 13. Improve the management of intensive and extensive farming. 1,2. 14. ntensify cash crop production in secondary or primary forest and savannah, but with sustainable agroforestry systems (cocoa, coffee, banana, special crops) to enhance the comparative advantages of the peasantry for these crops. 1,3. Forestry and other Land Uses. 15. Promote traditional and modern afforestation and reforestation techniques to preserve forests. 182 to 192.", + "Forestry and other Land Uses. 15. Promote traditional and modern afforestation and reforestation techniques to preserve forests. 182 to 192. 1.45. 16. Support the development of community forestry as a tool for conserving biodiversity and combating the loss of forest cover in rural areas. 1.5. 17. Restore wetlands, including peatlands used for agriculture and livestock. 1.3. 18.", + "Support the development of community forestry as a tool for conserving biodiversity and combating the loss of forest cover in rural areas. 1.5. 17. Restore wetlands, including peatlands used for agriculture and livestock. 1.3. 18. Promote MEOR tools (Methodology for the Evaluation of Restoration Opportunities) at the national level by integrating the valorization of traditional knowledge in the conservation of biodiversity around protected areas. 0,85. 19. Support initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes. 1,2. 20.", + "Promote MEOR tools (Methodology for the Evaluation of Restoration Opportunities) at the national level by integrating the valorization of traditional knowledge in the conservation of biodiversity around protected areas. 0,85. 19. Support initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes. 1,2. 20. Strengthen forest governance, in particular the fight against the illegal exploitation of timber and other forest resources by taking into account the studies, analyzes and tools produced in the implementation of the various relevant forest processes such as VPA-FLEGT.", + "Strengthen forest governance, in particular the fight against the illegal exploitation of timber and other forest resources by taking into account the studies, analyzes and tools produced in the implementation of the various relevant forest processes such as VPA-FLEGT. 1,2. 21. Sustainable management of timber exploitation. 1,8. 22. Sustainably manage and rehabilitate mining and oil operations. 0,09. 23. Fight against bush fires. 0,11. 24. Map and assess peatlands. 0,52. Waste. 25. Strengthen the institutional and legal framework for waste management. 37. 0,14. 26.", + "0.11. 24. Map and assess peatlands. 0.52. Waste. 25. Strengthen the institutional and legal framework for waste management. 37. 0.14. 26. Implement a rational waste management program. 0.44. 27. Promote the use of landfill gas. 0.07. 28. Promote energy recovery from waste (reduction of CH4 emissions from landfills). 0.29. 29. Promote aerobic composting. 0.21. 30. Promote the production of energy and organic fertilizers from solid waste, wastewater and sludge faeces. 0.21. Total. 25.6.", + "0.21. 30. Promote the production of energy and organic fertilizers from solid waste, wastewater and sludge faeces. 0.21. Total. 25.6. The figures below illustrate the emissions projections for the BAU reference scenario for the Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use (AFOLU) and Waste sector.", + "The figures below illustrate the emissions projections for the BAU reference scenario for the Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use (AFOLU) and Waste sector. The analysis of the historical trend of GHG emissions in the DRC shows that, during the period from 2000-2018, national emissions are predominated by the \"Forestry and other Land Use (FAT)\" sector with nearly 86% of emissions, followed by far by the Waste, Energy and Agriculture sectors with 11%, 0.86% and 0.61% respectively.", + "The analysis of the historical trend of GHG emissions in the DRC shows that, during the period from 2000-2018, national emissions are predominated by the \"Forestry and other Land Use (FAT)\" sector with nearly 86% of emissions, followed by far by the Waste, Energy and Agriculture sectors with 11%, 0.86% and 0.61% respectively. The AFOLU and energy sectors are the two largest sources of carbon dioxide emissions. The AFOLU and waste sectors are the main sources of methane emissions.", + "The AFOLU and energy sectors are the two largest sources of carbon dioxide emissions. The AFOLU and waste sectors are the main sources of methane emissions. Figure 1 below shows that greenhouse gas emissions from the Forestry and Other Land Use sector were estimated at 529.22 MtCO2e in 2018. 2018 emissions are 36% lower than previous emission levels reported over the period 2010-2014 due to investments supported by various REDD+ initiatives and programs, including structural changes in forest management in the DRC.", + "2018 emissions are 36% lower than previous emission levels reported over the period 2010-2014 due to investments supported by various REDD+ initiatives and programs, including structural changes in forest management in the DRC. The AFOLU sector is systematically identified as being the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the DRC. Figure 1: Historical and projected emissions at national and forest sector level.", + "The AFOLU sector is systematically identified as being the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the DRC. Figure 1: Historical and projected emissions at national and forest sector level. Considering the various measures identified at the national level, the reduction in GHG emissions should reach nearly 21% by 2030 (Figure 2), that attributable to the AFOLU sector would reach 28% (Figure 3). Figure 2: DRC GHG emissions, 2000-2018 and projected emissions (with measurements). Figure 3: Emissions projection and reduction target for 2030.", + "Figure 2: DRC GHG emissions, 2000-2018 and projected emissions (with measurements). Figure 3: Emissions projection and reduction target for 2030. The waste sector is characterized by an increase in emissions attributable to (i) the disposal of solid waste (90.4%) of all kinds generated by households, communities and businesses (businesses, industries, construction, agricultural residues, etc.), (ii) discharge of domestic wastewater (6.8%), and combustion in the open air. These emissions represent approximately 11% on average of all national emissions from 2000 to 2018.", + "The waste sector is characterized by an increase in emissions attributable to (i) the disposal of solid waste (90.4%) of all kinds generated by households, communities and businesses (businesses, industries, construction, agricultural residues, etc.), (ii) discharge of domestic wastewater (6.8%), and combustion in the open air. These emissions represent approximately 11% on average of all national emissions from 2000 to 2018. The figures below show that emissions from the Agriculture, Waste and Energy sectors will decrease, by 2030, by 43%, 20% and 11% respectively.", + "The figures below show that emissions from the Agriculture, Waste and Energy sectors will decrease, by 2030, by 43%, 20% and 11% respectively. The full implementation of the various levers identified in these sectors would ultimately lead to significant reductions in emissions. Figure 4: Waste sector emissions projections. Waste emissions from landfills will continue to decline as more waste is disposed of preferably by other means, such as open burning, biological waste treatment and recycling.", + "Waste emissions from landfills will continue to decline as more waste is disposed of preferably by other means, such as open burning, biological waste treatment and recycling. Although waste management is on a small scale, the DRC policy on the matter encourages landfilling which helps to advance this waste management policy. It should continue with small improvements in the efficiency of landfills and then extend to the recovery of these deposits of waste dumped around major cities.", + "It should continue with small improvements in the efficiency of landfills and then extend to the recovery of these deposits of waste dumped around major cities. As the proportion of waste going to landfill is expected to continue to increase even though emission reductions are expected to continue for some time, as emissions lag behind waste disposal. Figure 5: Agriculture sector emissions projections. Figure 6: Evolution of emissions from the Energy sector. Contribution to adaptation.", + "As the proportion of waste going to landfill is expected to continue to increase even though emission reductions are expected to continue for some time, as emissions lag behind waste disposal. Figure 5: Agriculture sector emissions projections. Figure 6: Evolution of emissions from the Energy sector. Contribution to adaptation. The DRC is vulnerable to the various effects of climate change and does not have adequate capacities to deal with them.", + "Indeed, the ND-GAIN index ranks the DRC 5th in the world among the countries most vulnerable to climate change in terms of their ability to adapt2.", + "Indeed, the ND-GAIN index ranks the DRC 5th in the world among the countries most vulnerable to climate change in terms of their ability to adapt.2 The impacts of climate change are already perceptible across the country, in particular by the persistence of heat waves, violent rains, land degradation, particularly by erosion, the lengthening of the dry season, the increase in the sequences of drought during rainy seasons, and floods3.", + "The impacts of climate change are already perceptible across the country, in particular by the persistence of heat waves, violent rains, land degradation, particularly by erosion, the lengthening of the dry season, the increase in the sequences of drought during rainy seasons, and floods.3 Climate projections in the DRC over the next few decades predict an increase in temperatures of around 3oC to 5oC by 2100, a decrease in precipitation and an increase in its variability, as well as an increase in extreme phenomena4.", + "Climate projections in the DRC over the next few decades predict an increase in temperatures of around 3oC to 5oC by 2100, a decrease in precipitation and an increase in its variability, as well as an increase in extreme phenomena.4 These climatic variations will have a significant impact on the main economic sectors of the country.", + "These climatic variations will have a significant impact on the main economic sectors of the country. The National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change (PANA, 2006) has identified urgent and priority actions in terms of adaptation to climate change in the sectors of water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal area. The process of the National Adaptation Program (NAP, 2021) consists of integrating the adaptation dimension into national and provincial development planning by focusing on the following nine priority objectives:.", + "The process of the National Adaptation Program (NAP, 2021) consists of integrating the adaptation dimension into national and provincial development planning by focusing on the following nine priority objectives:. Manage forest ecosystems and biodiversity;. Strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector;. Manage climate risks in smallholder agriculture;. Reduce disaster risk and protect coastal areas;. Ensure the management of water resources and environmental sanitation;. Strengthen the resilience of the health sector;. Guarantee people s access to energy;. Protect energy production infrastructure; and. Improve energy efficiency.", + "Strengthen the resilience of the health sector;. Guarantee people s access to energy;. Protect energy production infrastructure; and. Improve energy efficiency. Fifty-two (52) priority adaptation actions are proposed in the table below. Based on experiences with global and national level reporting, the indicators have the potential to position the DRC s envisioned commitment and robust efforts to address the challenges of adapting to climate change. Table 1: Priority adaptation actions. Sector. N0. Shares. Estimated cost (USD billion). Forest. 1.", + "Based on experiences with global and national level reporting, the indicators have the potential to position the DRC s envisioned commitment and robust efforts to address the challenges of adapting to climate change. Table 1: Priority adaptation actions. Sector. N0. Shares. Estimated cost (USD billion). Forest. 1. Development of projects for the development of forest resources with local communities and indigenous people by ensuring the application of legal provisions. 1,15. 2. Reforestation of degraded areas with species of great ecological and economic value. 1,61. 3.", + "Development of projects for the development of forest resources with local communities and indigenous people by ensuring the application of legal provisions. 1,15. 2. Reforestation of degraded areas with species of great ecological and economic value. 1,61. 3. Development of agroforestry plantations in degraded areas. 0,58. 4. support for sustainable artisanal fishing micro-projects and fish farming. 0,23. 5. Promotion of projects with reduced impact on forest ecosystems with a view to diversifying the income of populations.", + "0.23. 5. Promotion of projects with reduced impact on forest ecosystems with a view to diversifying the income of populations. 0.06. 6. involvement of local populations in the management of forest ecosystems on their territory. 0.06. 7. Valorization of the traditional knowledge of local populations linked to the conservation of ecosystems. 0.06. 8. Strategic coordination of climate change adaptation programs, plans, initiatives. 0.06. 9. Promotion of sustainable land management. 0.50. Agriculture. 10.", + "0.06. 8. Strategic coordination of climate change adaptation programs, plans, initiatives. 0.06. 9. Promotion of sustainable land management. 0,50. Agriculture. 10. Integration of climate change into the planning and budgeting of all sectors at different scales (national, provincial and local). 1,27. 11. Production and dissemination of climate-resilient seeds. 0,92. 12. Development of a zoning program in order to define the zones to be allocated specifically to the agricultural activities. 0,58. 13.", + "Development of a zoning program in order to define the zones to be allocated specifically to the agricultural activities. 0.58. 13. Collection, processing and regular dissemination of climate data by INERA and METTELSAT for seasonal forecast. 0.23. 14. Popularization of soil and water management techniques in agriculture. 0.69. 15. Support for the structuring of farmers organizations with a view to improving agricultural governance. 0.29. 16.", + "Popularization of soil and water management techniques in agriculture. 0.69. 15. Support for the structuring of farmers organizations with a view to improving agricultural governance. 0.29. 16. Support for the establishment of production and marketing chains for agricultural products with a view to improving income of rural farmers. 0.17. 17. Creation and rehabilitation of agricultural service tracks. 0.69. 18. Promotion of (i) cultural practices allowing the sedentarization of agricultural activities, (ii) resilient seeds, and (iii) soil and water management techniques in agriculture. 0.23. 19.", + "Promotion of (i) cultural practices allowing the sedentarization of agricultural activities, (ii) resilient seeds, and (iii) soil and water management techniques in agriculture. 0.23. 19. Rehabilitation and strengthening of meteorological observation stations across the country. 0.17. 20. Capacity Building for Women Empowerment. 0.23. 21. Development of alternatives to wood energy in order to protect the forest (solar, gas, or at least improved stoves, etc.). 0.17. 22. Strengthen capacities to adapt to the impacts of climate change on agricultural production and food safety. 0.06. 23.", + "0.17. 22. Strengthen capacities to adapt to the impacts of climate change on agricultural production and food safety. 0.06. 23. Support for research and innovation to strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector to the effects of climate change. 0.23. 24. Creation of Agricultural Business Clusters and promotion of agro-business. 0.46. 25. Implementation of early warning systems. 0.58. 26. Implementation of response measures in the event of natural disasters. 2.88. 27.", + "0.46. 25. Implementation of early warning systems. 0.58. 26. Implementation of response measures in the event of natural disasters. 2.88. 27. Establishment of subsidy mechanisms for rural producers with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices. 0.23. Coastal area. 28. Assessment of coastal ecosystem vulnerability and human and institutional capacity needs. 0.58. 29. Establishment of an early warning system for coastal areas (floods, drought, soil erosion, landslides). 0.29. 30.", + "Assessment of coastal ecosystem vulnerability and human and institutional capacity needs. 0.58. 29. Establishment of an early warning system for coastal areas (floods, drought, soil erosion, landslides). 0.29. 30. Implementation of erosion control measures in the coastal area, especially the area between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km). 0.43. 31. Support for climate change resilient activities generating household income. 0.83. 32. Development of educational and information programs sensitive to disasters and climate risks. 0.23. Water resources. 33. Sanitation strategy and policy development. 0.01. 34.", + "Development of educational and information programs sensitive to disasters and climate risks. 0.23. Water resources. 33. Sanitation strategy and policy development. 0.01. 34. Development of water resources development and management plans by hydrological basin. 0.35. 35. Creation/Rehabilitation of water supply structures in villages. 0.92. 36. Development and management of waterways and rivers integrating environmental issues. 0.46. 37. Strengthen the resilience to climate change of rural communities through healthy school and village programs. 0.35. 38.", + "Development and management of waterways and rivers integrating environmental issues. 0.46. 37. Strengthen the resilience to climate change of rural communities through healthy school and village programs. 0.35. 38. Integration of climate risks for the provision of sanitation infrastructure and services. 0.22. 39. Production, management and dissemination of information on water resources and agro-hydraulic developments. 0.06. 40. Improved access to drinking water and basic sanitation, as well as hygiene practices for rural and peri-urban populations. 0.23. 41.", + "Improved access to drinking water and basic sanitation, as well as hygiene practices for rural and peri-urban populations. 0.23. 41. Improved access to sustainable waste management services and wastewater treatment. 0.20. 42. Improving accessibility to roads and public spaces and opening up rural areas. 0.32. Health. 43. Construction/rehabilitation of health facilities. 0.92. 44. Capacity building for access of vulnerable populations to basic health services. 0.88. 45. Integration of the gender approach in the consideration of climate change issues. 0.23. 46.", + "Capacity building for access of vulnerable populations to basic health services. 0.88. 45. Integration of the gender approach in the consideration of climate change issues. 0.23. 46. Integration of climate change impacts into national health sector policies. 0.06. 47. Assessing health vulnerability and strengthening the preparedness of health systems to address the burden of disease attributable to climate-sensitive diseases. 0.06. Energy. 48. Promotion of an economic model to support renewable energies (solar, wind, biomass systems). 0.40. 49.", + "Assessing health vulnerability and strengthening the preparedness of health systems to address the burden of disease attributable to climate-sensitive diseases. 0.06. Energy. 48. Promotion of an economic model to support renewable energies (solar, wind, biomass systems). 0.40. 49. Improve Energy Transition Modeling Techniques to National and Provincial Scale Energy Efficiency Models. 0.23. 50. Development of water retention basins, construction of dykes to protect electricity production infrastructure. 0.35. 51.", + "Improve Energy Transition Modeling Techniques to National and Provincial Scale Energy Efficiency Models. 0.23. 50. Development of water retention basins, construction of dykes to protect electricity production infrastructure. 0.35. 51. Promotion of the rational use of electrical energy, improvement of the management of the energy distribution network system. 0.17. TOTAL. 23.08. Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Framework.", + "Promotion of the rational use of electrical energy, improvement of the management of the energy distribution network system. 0.17. TOTAL. 23.08. Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Framework. Successful implementation of the DRC s NDC requires an effective Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system, allowing the country to monitor the effectiveness of its mitigation and adaptation measures and facilitating its access to finance climatic.", + "Successful implementation of the DRC s NDC requires an effective Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system, allowing the country to monitor the effectiveness of its mitigation and adaptation measures and facilitating its access to finance climatic. The DRC will develop an MRV framework in accordance with the requirements of the Paris Agreement that will allow the government to effectively monitor the progress of the mitigation and adaptation activities identified in this updated NDC, in accordance with the reporting standards of the UNFCCC, and will put in place a continuous monitoring and evaluation framework to ensure that the country is progressing towards achieving its objectives for 2030.", + "The DRC will develop an MRV framework in accordance with the requirements of the Paris Agreement that will allow the government to effectively monitor the progress of the mitigation and adaptation activities identified in this updated NDC, in accordance with the reporting standards of the UNFCCC, and will put in place a continuous monitoring and evaluation framework to ensure that the country is progressing towards achieving its objectives for 2030. This will constitute an indicator for each of the main emitting sectors, which could be used to international reports as well as for national monitoring of the implementation of the NDC.", + "This will constitute an indicator for each of the main emitting sectors, which could be used to international reports as well as for national monitoring of the implementation of the NDC. This indicator framework will also make it possible to monitor the reference emissions (BAU scenario) as well as the emissions resulting from the implementation of the NDC mitigation measures. Figure 7 below summarizes the institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation, including the national NDC MRV process.", + "This indicator framework will also make it possible to monitor the reference emissions (BAU scenario) as well as the emissions resulting from the implementation of the NDC mitigation measures. Figure 7 below summarizes the institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation, including the national NDC MRV process. Figure 7: Institutional arrangements for monitoring DRC NDC implementation. Means of implementation.", + "Figure 7 below summarizes the institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation, including the national NDC MRV process. Figure 7: Institutional arrangements for monitoring DRC NDC implementation. Means of implementation. To achieve the conditional objectives, the DRC expects financial, technological and capacity building support from its technical and financial partners, global funds and bilateral/multilateral agencies and development partners. These funds will be used to strengthen limited national resources and technical capacities to scale up climate action in the DRC.", + "These funds will be used to strengthen limited national resources and technical capacities to scale up climate action in the DRC. The activities of the revised NDC will be implemented for 10 years (2021-2030) by integrating them into the annual budget plans at the national or provincial level as various project and program subsidy policies. Key elements of NDC implementation are:. Governance: Key laws and regulations should be enacted and institutional capacities strengthened to facilitate the implementation of the NDC.", + "Key elements of NDC implementation are: Governance: Key laws and regulations should be enacted and institutional capacities strengthened to facilitate the implementation of the NDC. Finances: A financing and investment framework for the NDC should be developed, as well as a strategy aimed at rationalizing access to public funds while mobilizing private sector investments. This financing framework should facilitate effective access to international climate funds, including the green climate finance program.", + "Finances: A financing and investment framework for the NDC should be developed, as well as a strategy aimed at rationalizing access to public funds while mobilizing private sector investments. This financing framework should facilitate effective access to international climate funds, including the green climate finance program. The Institutional Mechanism: The implementation of the NDC will be done under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), in collaboration with various sectoral ministries concerned at the local, provincial and national level and other stakeholders, in particular the youth, women and indigenous people.", + "The Institutional Mechanism: The implementation of the NDC will be done under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), in collaboration with various sectoral ministries concerned at the local, provincial and national level and other stakeholders, in particular the youth, women and indigenous people. Capacity building and technology transfer: It will be necessary to identify capacity building needs both in terms of expertise and technology to enable the implementation of relevant policies and to optimize collaboration between key institutions and partners.", + "Capacity building and technology transfer: It will be necessary to identify capacity building needs both in terms of expertise and technology to enable the implementation of relevant policies and to optimize collaboration between key institutions and partners. Gender equity, participation of young people and indigenous peoples: this involves maximizing the involvement of women, young people, indigenous peoples and other marginalized groups in carrying out the various planned interventions, particularly in decision-making and sharing benefits arising from the implementation of the NDC.", + "Gender equity, participation of young people and indigenous peoples: this involves maximizing the involvement of women, young people, indigenous peoples and other marginalized groups in carrying out the various planned interventions, particularly in decision-making and sharing benefits arising from the implementation of the NDC. Communication: it will be necessary to develop clear lines of communication between different levels of governance (local, provincial, national and international) and between different sectors and stakeholders, including women, indigenous peoples and young people. 1. Introduction. 1.1. National development context. 1.1.1.", + "Communication: it will be necessary to develop clear lines of communication between different levels of governance (local, provincial, national and international) and between different sectors and stakeholders, including women, indigenous peoples and young people. 1. Introduction. 1.1. National development context. 1.1.1. National development goals and plans. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), straddling the equator, extends over 2,345,409 km2 and covers most of the Congo Basin, estimated at 3.7 million km2.", + "The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), straddling the equator, extends over 2,345,409 km2 and covers most of the Congo Basin, estimated at 3.7 million km2. Its population is estimated at 91.994 million5 inhabitants, with a population growth rate of around 3.1%. The DRC is committed to the 2030 agenda and has adopted its National Strategic Development Plan for the period 2019-2023 (PNSD), which is aligned around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).", + "The DRC is committed to the 2030 agenda and has adopted its National Strategic Development Plan for the period 2019-2023 (PNSD), which is aligned around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Indeed, through this PNSD, the vision of the DRC towards emergence by 2050 is sequenced in three phases, namely:. Achieve middle-income country status in 2028, GDP per capita raised to 1050 USD;. Reach emerging country status in 2040, with a GDP per capita of 4000 USD;.", + "Achieve middle-income country status in 2028, GDP per capita raised to 1050 USD;. Reach emerging country status in 2040, with a GDP per capita of 4000 USD;. Join the club of developed countries in 2050, for a GDP per capita of 12,000 USD. The PNSD, with its variations at the provincial level, Provincial Development Plan (PDP), revolves around five (5) main pillars below:. Pillar 1. Valorization of human capital, social and cultural development;. Pillar 2.", + "The PNSD, with its variations at the provincial level, Provincial Development Plan (PDP), revolves around five (5) main pillars below:. Pillar 1. Valorization of human capital, social and cultural development;. Pillar 2. Strengthening of governance, restoration of State authority and consolidation of peace;. Pillar 3. Consolidation of economic growth, diversification and transformation of the economy;. Pillar 4. Land use planning, reconstruction and modernization of infrastructure; and. Pillar 5. Environmental protection, fight against climate change and sustainable and balanced development.", + "Land use planning, reconstruction and modernization of infrastructure; and. Pillar 5. Environmental protection, fight against climate change and sustainable and balanced development. The environmental protection and fight against climate change pillar, is inherently cross-cutting, aims to integrate environmental issues and climate change concerns into all sectoral policies and strategies in order to achieve resilient and low-carbon development.", + "The environmental protection and fight against climate change pillar, is inherently cross-cutting, aims to integrate environmental issues and climate change concerns into all sectoral policies and strategies in order to achieve resilient and low-carbon development. The conservation of tropical forests is a key issue that is part of national efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, including conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon sinks. carbon (REDD+).", + "The conservation of tropical forests is a key issue that is part of national efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, including conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon sinks. carbon (REDD+). The DRC has compiled an inventory of the most common climate risks and threats due to climate change and has taken measures to address them.", + "The DRC has compiled an inventory of the most common climate risks and threats due to climate change and has taken measures to address them. To this end, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development coordinated the development of the Policy, Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Climate Change (PSPA-CC; revised version 2020). A National Adaptation Plan (NAP), for the period 2022-2026, has also been developed.", + "To this end, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development coordinated the development of the Policy, Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Climate Change (PSPA-CC; revised version 2020). A National Adaptation Plan (NAP), for the period 2022-2026, has also been developed. This plan mainly aims, in a concerted and multi-sectoral approach, to strengthen the resilience of the country and the integration of concern for adaptation to climate change in planning and budgeting at both national and provincial levels.", + "This plan mainly aims, in a concerted and multi-sectoral approach, to strengthen the resilience of the country and the integration of concern for adaptation to climate change in planning and budgeting at both national and provincial levels. The national sustainable development strategy and the government s 2021-2023 action program revolve around 4 sectors with 62 priority areas of intervention including, among others: (i) governance and security, (ii) access to energy and drinking water, (iii) protection of the environment and natural resources (renewable and non-renewable), (iv) transport, (v) housing, (vi) the economy, (vii) education, training and health.", + "The national sustainable development strategy and the government s 2021-2023 action program revolve around 4 sectors with 62 priority areas of intervention including, among others: (i) governance and security, (ii) access to energy and drinking water, (iii) protection of the environment and natural resources (renewable and non-renewable), (iv) transport, (v) housing, (vi) the economy, (vii) education, training and health. It should also be noted that other sectoral policies and strategies have been adopted to support government action.", + "It should also be noted that other sectoral policies and strategies have been adopted to support government action. These include, among others:(i) Land use planning policy and land tenure security. In order to promote a rational and sustainable use of natural resources which involves the maintenance of ecological processes, protection of biodiversity and adoption of sustainable production systems, the DRC has developed and adopted in 2020 a national land use planning policy.", + "In order to promote a rational and sustainable use of natural resources which involves the maintenance of ecological processes, protection of biodiversity and adoption of sustainable production systems, the DRC has developed and adopted in 2020 a national land use planning policy. This policy should lead to zoning and the definition of a master plan for the optimal allocation of the territory, setting up sustainable human settlements and thus establishing a quality living environment.", + "This policy should lead to zoning and the definition of a master plan for the optimal allocation of the territory, setting up sustainable human settlements and thus establishing a quality living environment. In the land use plans, the DRC ensured the systematic integration of forest resources, including peat bogs and this, in a process of transparent consultation, in order to maintain consistency in the publication of all contracts. land uses (agriculture, forests, mines, hydrocarbons).", + "In the land use plans, the DRC ensured the systematic integration of forest resources, including peat bogs and this, in a process of transparent consultation, in order to maintain consistency in the publication of all contracts. land uses (agriculture, forests, mines, hydrocarbons). With regard to the forestry sector and other land allocations, taking into account the implementation of nature-based solutions, the DRC will ensure synergies with land use planning and land tenure security.", + "With regard to the forestry sector and other land allocations, taking into account the implementation of nature-based solutions, the DRC will ensure synergies with land use planning and land tenure security. In addition, in the field of land, the DRC has undertaken to conduct a legal review of land concessions of more than five hectares in pilot provinces. (ii) National gender policy.", + "In addition, in the field of land, the DRC has undertaken to conduct a legal review of land concessions of more than five hectares in pilot provinces. (ii) National gender policy. In 2008, the DRC developed and adopted its national gender policy (PNG) and its gender strategy to integrate this dimension into sectoral development plans, particularly the Agriculture and Rural Development sectors, etc. The equality and empowerment of women remain a concern of the Congolese authorities.", + "In 2008, the DRC developed and adopted its national gender policy (PNG) and its gender strategy to integrate this dimension into sectoral development plans, particularly the Agriculture and Rural Development sectors, etc. The equality and empowerment of women remain a concern of the Congolese authorities. To this end, several efforts remain to be made to materialize this political will to improve the gender situation in the DRC. (iii) National Agricultural Investment Plan (PNIA). The DRC has developed its National Agricultural Investment Plan (PNIA), 2013-2020.", + "To this end, several efforts remain to be made to materialize this political will to improve the gender situation in the DRC. (iii) National Agricultural Investment Plan (PNIA). The DRC has developed its National Agricultural Investment Plan (PNIA), 2013-2020. Its overall objective is to stimulate sustained annual growth in the agricultural sector of more than 6%, which is essential for reducing poverty, ensuring the food and nutritional security of the Congolese populations and generating jobs and sustainable incomes.", + "Its overall objective is to stimulate sustained annual growth in the agricultural sector of more than 6%, which is essential for reducing poverty, ensuring the food and nutritional security of the Congolese populations and generating jobs and sustainable incomes. This plan is the unifying framework for all current and future programs and projects in the agricultural sector. This document, currently being revised, constitutes the national planning framework for national and external funds for the agricultural sector and rural development. (iv) National energy policy.", + "This document, currently being revised, constitutes the national planning framework for national and external funds for the agricultural sector and rural development. (iv) National energy policy. Since 2009, the electricity policy has been technically validated by all stakeholders. Current efforts are focused on developing clean cooking strategies. In 2014, Law No. 14/011 of June 17, 2014 relating to the electricity sector was enacted. It establishes the liberalization and total opening of the electricity market to the private sector and also allows:.", + "14/011 of June 17, 2014 relating to the electricity sector was enacted. It establishes the liberalization and total opening of the electricity market to the private sector and also allows:. the distribution of competing competences in the sector, between the State, the provinces and the decentralized territorial collectivities; and. the creation of a Regulatory Authority for the electricity sector and the National Agency for electrification and energy services in rural and peri-urban areas. (v) Youth policy.", + "the creation of a Regulatory Authority for the electricity sector and the National Agency for electrification and energy services in rural and peri-urban areas. (v) Youth policy. In 2009, the DRC developed its national youth policy articulated around 15 areas. It aims to protect Congolese youth against anything that may affect their education, health, integral development and fulfillment. The 9th area of.", + "It aims to protect Congolese youth against anything that may affect their education, health, integral development and fulfillment. The 9th area of. this policy, entitled \"Youth, environmental protection and sustainable development\", the specific objective of which is to improve the living environment and the environment of young people, revolves around three main axes: after:. Education of young people in environmental protection;. Improving the living environment of young people, in particular housing, drinking water, energy, sanitation; and. Promoting environmental protection and volunteerism among young people.", + "Improving the living environment of young people, in particular housing, drinking water, energy, sanitation; and. Promoting environmental protection and volunteerism among young people. (vi) National Sanitation Policy (PONA). The National Sanitation Policy (PONA), drawn up in 2013, aims to help improve the population s access to adequate sanitation services and infrastructure. Specifically, these include, among others:. Promote the sanitation sector to all stakeholders;. Put in place mechanisms for mobilizing endogenous and exogenous financial resources in the sanitation sector;. Improve sanitation sector governance;.", + "Promote the sanitation sector to all stakeholders; Put in place mechanisms for mobilizing endogenous and exogenous financial resources in the sanitation sector; Improve sanitation sector governance; Driving a change in mentality and behavior in sanitation; Harmonize the different approaches of the sanitation sector; and Promote the development and implementation of sub-sector programs.", + "Driving a change in mentality and behavior in sanitation;. Harmonize the different approaches of the sanitation sector; and. Promote the development and implementation of sub-sector programs. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) through its Department of Sanitation (DAS) is nationally responsible for the sanitation sector, in particular the management of municipal waste, and is in this sense responsible for regulating this sector. Several ministries are involved in solid waste management.", + "The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) through its Department of Sanitation (DAS) is nationally responsible for the sanitation sector, in particular the management of municipal waste, and is in this sense responsible for regulating this sector. Several ministries are involved in solid waste management. These include the Ministry of Infrastructure, Public Works and Reconstruction (MITPR) via the Office of Roads and Drainage (OVD) which intervenes in the cleaning of gutters, rivers and major collectors.", + "These include the Ministry of Infrastructure, Public Works and Reconstruction (MITPR) via the Office of Roads and Drainage (OVD) which intervenes in the cleaning of gutters, rivers and major collectors. Due to the dumping of waste on roadsides and in drains, the sanitary environment of low-income or poor residential areas is particularly poor. 1.1.2. Main socio-economic and environmental development challenges. Despite the development of many strategic documents and action plans in various areas, insufficient funding has limited the implementation of large-scale actions.", + "Most of the actions carried out in the field of environmental protection and the fight against climate change have been financed by various development partners, and have focused on the conservation of forests and biodiversity, by building capacities, including the development of planning tools, the sustainable management of natural resources and the strengthening of the resilience of ecosystems and communities.", + "Most of the actions carried out in the field of environmental protection and the fight against climate change have been financed by various development partners, and have focused on the conservation of forests and biodiversity, by building capacities, including the development of planning tools, the sustainable management of natural resources and the strengthening of the resilience of ecosystems and communities. In this area, the main challenges remain: (i) the mobilization of financial resources for the implementation of the main legal and institutional reforms; (ii) the drafting of texts for the implementation of the framework law on the environment in the DRC; (iii) strengthening collaboration and intersectoral coordination between the different sectors (mines, agriculture, forestry); (iv) the definition of a real policy in this sector, and (v) the definition of a real policy in the forestry sector, and (v", + "flare gas recovery projects at Muanda under the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) process; and the formulation of the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LEDS), all planned.", + "On the economic front, it was noted a continuous decline in the DRC s economic growth rate reaching 0.8% in 2020, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, when it was 4.4% in 2019. However, mining sector growth is reported to have increased by 6.9% in 2020 (compared to 1% in 2019). On the other hand, other economic sectors contracted by 1.6% (compared to 5.7% in 2019) due to the restrictions due to the pandemic, the confinement of commercial activity and the limitation of public expenditure.", + "On the other hand, other economic sectors contracted by 1.6% (compared to 5.7% in 2019) due to the restrictions due to the pandemic, the confinement of commercial activity and the limitation of public expenditure. It is estimated that public expenditure in the agricultural and rural sector reaches 5.9%, which is still far from the Maputo criterion of allocating at least 10% of the national budget to the agricultural and rural sector, a difficult target for the DRC to achieve.", + "It is estimated that public expenditure in the agricultural and rural sector reaches 5.9%, which is still far from the Maputo criterion of allocating at least 10% of the national budget to the agricultural and rural sector, a difficult target for the DRC to achieve.", + "Moreover, its development remains essential for poverty reduction, because it is established that agricultural production would progress more rapidly than the trend scenario retained by the PNIA (2013-2020) which provides that \"if current trends are confirmed, the agricultural sector will continue to grow at a modest rate of 3% per year\".", + "Moreover, its development remains essential for poverty reduction, because it is established that agricultural production would progress more rapidly than the trend scenario retained by the PNIA (2013-2020) which provides that \u201cif current trends are confirmed, the agricultural sector will continue to grow at a modest rate of 3% per year\u201d. The efforts that will be necessary to accelerate agricultural growth (+6%/year) to lead the DRC to a balanced diet in 2025 (to feed 116 million consumers) will not be possible without a rapid modernization of agriculture.", + "The efforts that will be necessary to accelerate agricultural growth (+6%/year) to lead the DRC to a balanced diet in 2025 (to feed 116 million consumers) will not be possible without a rapid modernization of agriculture. It will be necessary to double the cultivated areas from 8 to 16 million hectares, which would represent an annual growth of around 6%, while the number of agricultural households is growing more slowly (+ 2%/year) than the average growth rate.", + "It will be necessary to double the cultivated areas from 8 to 16 million hectares, which would represent an annual growth of around 6%, while the number of agricultural households is growing more slowly (+ 2%/year) than the average growth rate. of the population (+ 3%/year), characterized by a rapid rate of urbanization (+5%/year)6. This sector contributes 38% to the formation of GDP and participates for more than 60% in job creation.", + "This sector contributes 38% to the formation of GDP and participates for more than 60% in job creation. Although it is the main means of subsistence in rural areas, it fails to ensure the country s food independence and to generate sufficient income and sustainable employment.", + "The agricultural sector is essentially characterized by rudimentary and itinerant slash-and-burn cropping systems for subsistence production, exacerbated by the scarcity of agricultural inputs, the isolation of production areas, in particular due to the deterioration of rural roads, the growing impoverishment of the peasant mass, the lack of supervision and the impacts of climate change.", + "The agricultural sector is essentially characterized by rudimentary and itinerant slash-and-burn cropping systems for subsistence production, exacerbated by the scarcity of agricultural inputs, the isolation of production areas, in particular due to the deterioration of rural roads, the growing impoverishment of the peasant mass, the lack of supervision and the impacts of climate change.", + "The DRC is in a precarious social situation which does not seem to have improved significantly over the past two decades according to the SDG7 report. It is characterized by the poverty of the population, contrasting with the immensity of the natural potential of the country, more accentuated in the rural areas with strong demographic growth weighing on the demand for social services, with an unequal distribution between the provinces;.", + "It is characterized by the poverty of the population, contrasting with the immensity of the natural potential of the country, more accentuated in the rural areas with strong demographic growth weighing on the demand for social services, with an unequal distribution between the provinces;. The DRC remains one of the countries with the lowest human development index among 175 countries, according to the Human Development Report 2020.", + "The proportion of the population not reaching the minimum level of caloric intake fell from 31 % to 73% during the 1990s. Although decreasing thereafter, food insecurity remains high and today affects about 76% of the population, while food accounts for 62.3% of the total expenditure of Congolese households8;.", + "Although decreasing thereafter, food insecurity remains high and today affects about 76% of the population, while food accounts for 62.3% of the total expenditure of Congolese households8;. The rate of access of the population to electricity remains very low: 9% at the national level (1% in rural areas, 30% for cities) while the average in sub-Saharan Africa is 24.6%;.", + "The rate of access of the population to electricity remains very low: 9% at the national level (1% in rural areas, 30% for cities) while the average in sub-Saharan Africa is 24.6%; Finally, unemployment, especially among young people (15-24 years9), due to strong demographic growth, remains at a very high level - 18% nationally - and particularly affects young urbanites (32%).", + "Finally, unemployment, especially among young people (15-24 years9), due to strong demographic growth, remains at a very high level - 18% nationally - and particularly affects young urbanites (32%). The numerous reforms undertaken and the strong economic growth recorded over the last decade testify to a significant improvement in the socio-economic conditions of the population whose income comes mainly from the informal sector. 2. National circumstances. 2.1. Geographic profile and natural resources.", + "The numerous reforms undertaken and the strong economic growth recorded over the last decade testify to a significant improvement in the socio-economic conditions of the population whose income comes mainly from the informal sector. 2. National circumstances. 2.1. Geographic profile and natural resources. The DRC extends between 5\u00b020 North latitude and 13\u00b017 South latitude; and longitudes 12\u00b015 and 31\u00b015 East of the meridian of Greenwich.", + "The DRC extends between 5\u00b020 North latitude and 13\u00b017 South latitude; and longitudes 12\u00b015 and 31\u00b015 East of the meridian of Greenwich. It shares its 9.165 km of borders with nine countries including the Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia and Angola, and nearly 40 km of coastline on the Atlantic seaboard.", + "It shares its 9,165 km of borders with nine countries including the Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia and Angola, and nearly 40 km of coastline on the Atlantic seaboard. Under the revised constitution of February 2006, the Democratic Republic of Congo is made up of the City of Kinshasa and ten (25) provinces, each with legal personality (Figure 1).", + "Under the revised constitution of February 2006, the Democratic Republic of Congo is made up of the City of Kinshasa and ten (25) provinces, each with legal personality (Figure 1). Its relief is dominated to the east by two mountain ranges (Virunga and Mitumba) and a region of large lakes in the great rift and stepped plateaus determining in the center a large depression, the \u201cCentral Basin\u201d.", + "Its relief is dominated to the east by two mountain ranges (Virunga and Mitumba) and a region of large lakes in the great rift and stepped plateaus determining in the center a large depression, the \"Central Basin\". This is covered with dense tropical forest, dominated by large wetlands and inland lakes (Tumba and Mai-Ndombe in the center-west).", + "The Congo River basin, the largest of the three (the Congo, Nile and Shiloango river basins), collects more than 80% of its waters from the tributaries (about thirty large rivers) of the Congo River, which is 4,700 km long with an average flow of 41,000 m3 of water per second at its outlet into the Atlantic Ocean, there are also 15 lakes across the country which represent a total area of 180,000 km2.", + "The Congo River basin, the largest of the three (the Congo, Nile and Shiloango river basins), collects more than 80% of its waters from the tributaries (about thirty large rivers) of the Congo River, which is 4,700 km long with an average flow of 41,000 m3 of water per second at its outlet into the Atlantic Ocean, there are also 15 lakes across the country which represent a total area of 180,000 km2. Its dense hydrographic network benefits from a well-distributed rainfall regime across the national territory.", + "Its dense hydrographic network benefits from a well-distributed rainfall regime across the national territory. Figure 8: Administrative map of the Directrices. Source: MEDD, June 2021. The soils of the DRC are very varied and represent approximately 227 million hectares. Their classification was carried out according to a morphogenetic system which combines morphological criteria observable or measurable on the profile with genetic considerations deduced from chemical, mineralogical, geomorphological, climatological and other observations.", + "Their classification was carried out according to a morphogenetic system which combines morphological criteria observable or measurable on the profile with genetic considerations deduced from chemical, mineralogical, geomorphological, climatological and other observations. They are grouped into five main types (Ferralsols, Nitosols, Gleysols, Vertisols and Andosols), the most dominant of which are Ferralsols and Nitosols (Figure 2). In addition, the central basin of the Congo Basin which includes the DRC and the Republic of Congo abounds in the great tropical peat bog of the world.", + "In addition, the central basin of the Congo Basin which includes the DRC and the Republic of Congo abounds in the great tropical peat bog of the world. It covers an area of nearly 145,000 km2 with a large stock of carbon and a potential source of GHGs estimated at 30 gigatonnes, or the equivalent of two (2) years of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The DRC alone has 2/3 of this peat bog, or approximately 101,500 km2.", + "It covers an area of nearly 145,000 km2 with a large stock of carbon and a potential source of GHGs estimated at 30 gigatonnes, or the equivalent of two (2) years of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The DRC alone has 2/3 of this peat bog, or approximately 101,500 km2. Figure 9: Relief of the DRC. Source: US Geological Survey, 2003.", + "Figure 9: Relief of the DRC. Source: US Geological Survey, 2003. The DRC is endowed with immense natural resources, including:. a diversified wealth of the basement, such as uranium, copper, zinc, cobalt, gold, diamond, tin, colombo-tantalite (coltan), chromium, manganese, wolframite, silver,, cadmium, lithium, carbon and pyrochlore; etc. offshore oil on the Atlantic coast. a diversified floristic richness:.", + "a diversified wealth of the basement, such as uranium, copper, zinc, cobalt, gold, diamond, tin, colombo-tantalite (coltan), chromium, manganese, wolframite, silver,, cadmium, lithium, carbon and pyrochlore; etc. offshore oil on the Atlantic coast. a diversified floristic richness: approximately 152 million hectares of natural forests (10% of all tropical forests in the world and 67% of the national territory; dense humid forests covering nearly 99 million hectares, of which just over 83 million are low altitude) (De Wasseige et al., 2009);.", + "approximately 152 million hectares of natural forests (10% of all tropical forests in the world and 67% of the national territory; dense humid forests covering nearly 99 million hectares, of which just over 83 million are low altitude) (De Wasseige et al., 2009);. the vegetation is dominated by large formations including swamp, ombrophile, afro-montane, dry forests and savannas;. all the branches combined, count nearly 377 families, 2,196 genera and 10,324 species. significant wildlife wealth (MEDD, 2013)10 characterized by:.", + "all the branches combined, count nearly 377 families, 2,196 genera and 10,324 species. significant wildlife wealth (MEDD, 2013)10 characterized by:. 352 species of reptiles including 33 endemic; 168 species of amphibians,. 1086 species of birds including 23 endemic;. 421 species of mammals including 28 endemic, and more than a thousand species of fish. 2.2. Climate profile. The DRC is located in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), which creates extreme climate variability in the country.", + "Climate profile. The DRC is located in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), which creates extreme climate variability in the country. It is characterized by a hot and humid climate over most of its territory and abundant rainfall, with 140 to 160 rainy days per year. Its climate system is as follows:. in the center of the central basin, rainfall is between 1800 and 2200 mm per year with an average annual temperature of 27\u00b0C;.", + "in the center of the central basin, rainfall is between 1800 and 2200 mm per year with an average annual temperature of 27\u00b0C;. beyond latitudes 3\u00b0N and 3\u00b0S, we find the tropical climate with a dry season whose duration increases away from the equator (4 months in the western part and more than 5 months in the southeast, where less than 1000 mm of precipitation is recorded per year);.", + "beyond latitudes 3\u00b0N and 3\u00b0S, we find the tropical climate with a dry season whose duration increases away from the equator (4 months in the western part and more than 5 months in the southeast, where less than 1000 mm of precipitation is recorded per year);. in the mountainous regions of the east, the atmospheric conditions vary with altitude, where rainfall can reach 3000 mm per year and where the average temperature can drop by up to 1\u00b0C when the altitude rises by 180 m;.", + "in the mountainous regions of the east, the atmospheric conditions vary with altitude, where rainfall can reach 3000 mm per year and where the average temperature can drop by up to 1\u00b0C when the altitude rises by 180 m;. in the coastal zone, one encounters the driest climate (810 mm in Banana), where the effects of the cold current of Benguela are felt. The mean annual temperature has increased slightly at a rate of +0.17\u00b0C per decade over the past 30 years.", + "The mean annual temperature has increased slightly at a rate of +0.17\u00b0C per decade over the past 30 years. For the future, global climate model projections suggest a strong average increase in temperature. For the end of the century, a warming of the order of +1.7 to +4.5\u00b0C (compared to the reference period of 1971 to 2000) is probable.", + "For the end of the century, a warming of the order of +1.7 to +4.5\u00b0C (compared to the reference period of 1971 to 2000) is probable. In addition, a strong increase in the duration of heat waves and a strong reduction in the duration of cold spells are predicted (Haensler et al., 2013).11 With regard to the total amounts of annual precipitation, no substantial change has been observed over the past 30 years.", + "With regard to the total amounts of annual precipitation, no substantial change has been observed over the past 30 years. For the future, the majority of climate models predict a trend towards a slight increase in total annual precipitation. For the end of the century, a change in total annual precipitation of the order of 0 to +8% (compared to the reference period of 1971 to 2000) is probable.", + "For the end of the century, a change in total annual precipitation of the order of 0 to +8% (compared to the reference period of 1971 to 2000) is probable. Furthermore, the projections suggest a trend towards more intense and considerably more frequent rainfall, while no clear trend is projected with regard to the duration of drought periods (idem). 2.3. Economic profile.", + "Furthermore, the projections suggest a trend towards more intense and considerably more frequent rainfall, while no clear trend is projected with regard to the duration of drought periods (idem). 2.3. Economic profile. Despite the vastness of its natural resources, the DRC still remains among the least developed countries, with nearly 70% of the population depending almost exclusively on agriculture and forestry resources for their survival.", + "Despite the vastness of its natural resources, the DRC still remains among the least developed countries, with nearly 70% of the population depending almost exclusively on agriculture and forestry resources for their survival. About 67% of the national territory is covered by tropical forests, representing 60% of the forests of the Congo Basin and nearly 10% of this resource at the global level. The DRC is thus the second tropical forest country in the world.", + "About 67% of the national territory is covered by tropical forests, representing 60% of the forests of the Congo Basin and nearly 10% of this resource at the global level. The DRC is thus the second tropical forest country in the world. The DRC has experienced several multifaceted crises since the 1970s which have spared no sector of national life.", + "The DRC is thus the second tropical forest country in the world. The DRC has experienced several multifaceted crises since the 1970s which have spared no sector of national life. These repetitive crises have plunged the country into a serious economic and social situation which is, among other things, the basis of the generalized state of poverty of the population and which ranks the DRC at the bottom of the scale on the human development index. (HDI), i.e.", + "These repetitive crises have plunged the country into a serious economic and social situation which is, among other things, the basis of the generalized state of poverty of the population and which ranks the DRC at the bottom of the scale on the human development index. (HDI), i.e. 179th out of 189 countries (UNDP, 2019). 2.3.1. Agriculture. The DRC has more than 80 million hectares of arable land of which only 10% is currently exploited.", + "179th out of 189 countries (UNDP, 2019). 2.3.1. Agriculture. The DRC has more than 80 million hectares of arable land of which only 10% is currently exploited. The diversity of its climatic system and its important hydrographic network make it possible to practice a varied range of agricultural speculations. The expanses of both grassy and wooded savannas are likely to support a breeding of more or less 40 million head of cattle12.", + "The expanses of both grassy and wooded savannas are likely to support a breeding of more or less 40 million head of cattle.12 This sector has suffered a long decline exacerbated by conflicts and the abandonment of large farms, agricultural productivity fell by 60% between 1960 and 2006. Agricultural practice is essentially rainfed and peasant with subsistence food production (self-subsistence) using rudimentary production equipment with low yield and low input consumption.", + "Agricultural practice is essentially rainfed and peasant with subsistence food production (self-subsistence) using rudimentary production equipment with low yield and low input consumption. These farms are spread over more or less 4 to 7 million hectares and are organized by agricultural households, each farming an average of 1.5 hectares per year.13 The increase in production is due more to the increase in sown areas than to the improvement in yields.", + "These farms are spread over more or less 4 to 7 million hectares and are organized by agricultural households, each farming an average of 1.5 hectares per year.13 The increase in production is due more to the increase in sown areas than to the improvement in yields. Unlike other systems on the continent, this mode of exploitation is not associated with livestock, a source of organic matter. National animal production comes mainly from small and large livestock as well as poultry.", + "Unlike other systems on the continent, this mode of exploitation is not associated with livestock, a source of organic matter. National animal production comes mainly from small and large livestock as well as poultry. Their contribution is respectively 34.5% for pigs, 24% for goats, 22.3% for cattle, 15% for poultry and 3.9% for sheep14. Small livestock and poultry have the advantage of providing farmers with products, regularly and closely, enabling them to maintain a certain level of income and improve their diet.", + "Small livestock and poultry have the advantage of providing farmers with products, regularly and closely, enabling them to maintain a certain level of income and improve their diet. The annual fish production of the DRC, estimated at about 220,000 tonnes on average out of an annually exploitable potential of 707,000 tonnes, i.e. a little over 30%, corresponds to an annual average disposal of 5.2 kg per inhabitant, a much lower availability to the international standard set at 13 kg per inhabitant15. 2.3.2.", + "a little over 30%, corresponds to an annual average disposal of 5.2 kg per inhabitant, a much lower availability to the international standard set at 13 kg per inhabitant15. 2.3.2. Forestry and other land uses. The Congolese forests are distributed on both sides of the equatorial line and thus include varied ecosystems.", + "The Congolese forests are distributed on both sides of the equatorial line and thus include varied ecosystems. Evergreen and semi-deciduous moist forests occupy much of the central and western regions, large areas of edaphic forests grow in the northwest along the Congo River and its tributaries, while forests of pre-mountain and mountain extend over the eastern plateaus and on the slopes of the Mitumba Mountains.", + "Evergreen and semi-deciduous moist forests occupy much of the central and western regions, large areas of edaphic forests grow in the northwest along the Congo River and its tributaries, while forests of pre-mountain and mountain extend over the eastern plateaus and on the slopes of the Mitumba Mountains.", + "The richest forest massif and in one piece (approximately 100 million hectares) is circumscribed in the central basin. Estimated at about 152 million hectares of natural forests (MEDD, 2016), they represent about 10% of all tropical forests in the world and more than 62% of those in Africa. Its relatively low deforestation rate over the past 30 years is estimated at between 0.4% in 2001 and 0.32% in 2005, compared to that of other tropical forest countries (MEDD, 2018).", + "In order to fight against the illegal exploitation of forests and to preserve what remains of the natural spaces, the DRC adopted Law 011-2002 of August 29, 2002 on the Forest Code which deals with clearing, degradation of forests, and problems of erosion.", + "In order to fight against the illegal exploitation of forests and to preserve what remains of the natural spaces, the DRC adopted Law 011-2002 of August 29, 2002 on the Forest Code which deals with clearing, degradation of forests, and problems of erosion.", + "The code prohibits \u201cany act of deforestation of areas exposed to the risk of erosion and flooding; any deforestation over a distance of 50 meters on either side of watercourses and within a radius of 100 meters around their sources\u201d. In addition, the code specifies that \u201call deforestation must be compensated by reforestation equivalent in quality and area to the initial forest cover (...) and requires obtaining a deforestation permit for an area greater than 2 ha\u201d.", + "In addition, the code specifies that \u201call deforestation must be compensated by reforestation equivalent in quality and area to the initial forest cover (...) and requires obtaining a deforestation permit for an area greater than 2 ha\u201d. The forestry sector in the DRC is likely to contribute significantly to both the diversification and the recovery of the national economy. Despite its enormous potential, the contribution of this sector to reducing the poverty of the Congolese people is still timid or even insignificant.", + "Despite its enormous potential, the contribution of this sector to reducing the poverty of the Congolese people is still timid or even insignificant. This situation is due, in part, to the fact that for several decades, the forestry sector had not aroused much interest among political decision-makers; which did not allow this sector to benefit from all the attention to which it is legitimately entitled like other sectors of the national economy, in this case the mining sector. 2.3.3. Energy.", + "This situation is due, in part, to the fact that for several decades, the forestry sector had not aroused much interest among political decision-makers; which did not allow this sector to benefit from all the attention to which it is legitimately entitled like other sectors of the national economy, in this case the mining sector. 2.3.3. Energy. The DRC is full of enormous potential, diversified in energy resources16 whose sustainable management constitutes major challenges which include among others:.", + "The DRC is full of enormous potential, diversified in energy resources16 whose sustainable management constitutes major challenges which include among others:. hydroelectric resources with a potential estimated at 110 GW (44% are concentrated in the Inga site alone, located in the Kongo-Central Province) equivalent to 30 million tonnes of oil per year;. biomass with approximately 152 million hectares of natural forests;. mineral coal with reserves estimated at 720 million tonnes,. oil with reserves estimated at 1.5 billion barrels,.", + "biomass with approximately 152 million hectares of natural forests;. mineral coal with reserves estimated at 720 million tonnes,. oil with reserves estimated at 1.5 billion barrels,. the methane gas reserves in the Coastal Basin, estimated at 10 billion m3 at sea and 20 billion m3 in Lake Kivu (nearly 50 million normal cubic meters (Nm3)),. uranium ore with significant reserves,. geothermal resources;. bituminous shale and tar sands whose reserves are poorly known; and. a solar potential whose sunshine band is between 3500 and 6000 Wc/m2/d.", + "bituminous shale and tar sands whose reserves are poorly known; and. a solar potential whose sunshine band is between 3500 and 6000 Wc/m2/d. The PDGIE report (2018) provides information in terms of energy consumption on the predominance of wood energy, which in 2018 represented a share of 94.2%. Figure 10: Energy balance of the DRC for the year 2018. Electricity production is largely provided by the National Electricity Company (SNEL) with an installed capacity of 2.456 MW.", + "Some private independent producers such as Electricit\u00e9 du Congo (EDC) for the city of Tshikapa; SENOKI in Butembo, SOKIMO, Energie du Kasa\u00ef (ENERKA) for the city of Mbuji-Mayi, Electricit\u00e9 du Nord Kivu (ENK), Virunga Sarl, NURU Sarl, Caritas D\u00e9veloppement, etc., and a few self-producers such as Sucri\u00e8re de Kwilu-Ngongo, PERENCO, MIBA, Kibali Gold Mining, G\u00e9camines certain religious denominations, the National Railway Company (SNCC), etc. total installed hydropower capacity of 364 MW.", + "Some private independent producers such as Electricit\u00e9 du Congo (EDC) for the city of Tshikapa; SENOKI in Butembo, SOKIMO, Energie du Kasa\u00ef (ENERKA) for the city of Mbuji-Mayi, Electricit\u00e9 du Nord Kivu (ENK), Virunga Sarl, NURU Sarl, Caritas D\u00e9veloppement, etc., and a few self-producers such as Sucri\u00e8re de Kwilu-Ngongo, PERENCO, MIBA, Kibali Gold Mining, G\u00e9camines certain religious denominations, the National Railway Company (SNCC), etc. total installed hydropower capacity of 364 MW. However, the population s access rate to electricity, one of the lowest in the world, is estimated at 9% (SE4ALL-RDC, 2019). 2.3.4. Transportation.", + "However, the population s access rate to electricity, one of the lowest in the world, is estimated at 9% (SE4ALL-RDC, 2019). 2.3.4. Transportation. Transport infrastructure in the DRC is among the least dense, dilapidated and impracticable. In many provinces of the country, connectivity to the capital, Kinshasa, by road is difficult and most provinces are not interconnected.", + "In many provinces of the country, connectivity to the capital, Kinshasa, by road is difficult and most provinces are not interconnected. Despite having one of the largest river networks in the world, river transport is often hampered by high levels of silting, long waiting times at ports due to poor infrastructure and the governance. Ground transport in the DRC consists mainly of motorized road vehicles, as there is no suitable infrastructure for non-motorized vehicles (i.e. cycle lanes, safe storage and convenient and convenient bicycle rentals).", + "Ground transport in the DRC consists mainly of motorized road vehicles, as there is no suitable infrastructure for non-motorized vehicles (i.e. cycle lanes, safe storage and convenient and convenient bicycle rentals). affordable) and the railway network is almost abandoned or destroyed. Motor vehicles mainly depend on personal passenger cars. Vehicle fleet statistics up to 2015 indicate a total of 1.64 million registered vehicles nationwide, mainly consisting of passenger cars (INS, 2015).", + "Vehicle fleet statistics up to 2015 indicate a total of 1.64 million registered vehicles nationwide, mainly consisting of passenger cars (INS, 2015). Public transport includes public and private buses, minivans as well as exclusive and shared taxis, all operating without any coordination, resulting in very low occupancy rates. The market share of mass transport in the DRC is low due to the impassability, lack of security and limited reach of public transport compared to the attractiveness of owning a private automobile.", + "The market share of mass transport in the DRC is low due to the impassability, lack of security and limited reach of public transport compared to the attractiveness of owning a private automobile. Driving habits in the DRC are characterized by a relatively low range with a high rate of congestion and frequent stops at short time intervals.", + "Driving habits in the DRC are characterized by a relatively low range with a high rate of congestion and frequent stops at short time intervals. It is estimated that 50% of trips have a distance of less than 10 km, 25% of stops are less than 20 seconds and the total stop time per trip corresponds to more than 15% of the trip time.", + "It is estimated that 50% of trips have a distance of less than 10 km, 25% of stops are less than 20 seconds and the total stop time per trip corresponds to more than 15% of the trip time. In addition, these observations reflect stop-and-go driving patterns, resulting in inefficient operation of internal combustion engines, and a high rate of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions as a result.", + "In addition, these observations reflect stop-and-go driving patterns, resulting in inefficient operation of internal combustion engines, and a high rate of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions as a result. The road network of the DRC comprises a total of 153,209 km (INS, 2014) of roads distributed as follows:. 58,509 km of roads of general interest, of which around 3,000 km are paved. 7,400 km of urban roads;. 87,300 km of roads of local interest or agricultural service.", + "58,509 km of roads of general interest, of which around 3,000 km are paved. 7,400 km of urban roads;. 87,300 km of roads of local interest or agricultural service. In terms of aeronautical activities, the DRC has nineteen (19) commercial airports, four of which are international in service (Kinshasa/N djili, Goma, Kisangani and Lubumbashi). At least eleven airlines (Congo Airways) and private companies operate for the flight of passengers and the chartering of goods to all airports located in the DRC.", + "At least eleven airlines (Congo Airways) and private companies operate for the flight of passengers and the chartering of goods to all airports located in the DRC. In 2016, more than 1.77 million air passengers were counted compared to 1.61 in 2010 (SDG Report, 2020). As for river and lake activities, the DRC has nearly twenty service ports or functional commercial ports, including Matadi, Boma, Kinshasa, Ilebo, Kalemie, Uvira, Goma, Bukavu, Kisangani, Mbandaka, Ubundu, Kindu, and Mushimbakye in Baraka.", + "As for river and lake activities, the DRC has nearly twenty service ports or functional commercial ports, including Matadi, Boma, Kinshasa, Ilebo, Kalemie, Uvira, Goma, Bukavu, Kisangani, Mbandaka, Ubundu, Kindu, and Mushimbakye in Baraka., etc. These ports are mostly under the authority of the Congolese Transport and Ports Company (SCTP). The main ports in the south-east of the country are governed by the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Nationale des Chemins de Fer du Congo (SNCC). The port of Matadi is the country s industrial entry and exit point.", + "The main ports in the south-east of the country are governed by the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Nationale des Chemins de Fer du Congo (SNCC). The port of Matadi is the country s industrial entry and exit point. It is connected to the port of Kinshasa by road and rail. The port of Kinshasa welcomes approximately 78% of the boats coming from the interior of the country. 2.3.5. Industry.", + "It is connected to the port of Kinshasa by road and rail. The port of Kinshasa welcomes approximately 78% of the boats coming from the interior of the country. 2.3.5. Industry. Although the industrial fabric of the DRC remains embryonic, this sector, like agriculture, infrastructure, energy, health, education, housing and others, is a priority of the Government of the DRC. The development strategy of the industrial sector is mainly focused on the creation of Special Economic Zones (SEZ), agro-industrial parks and growth poles.", + "The development strategy of the industrial sector is mainly focused on the creation of Special Economic Zones (SEZ), agro-industrial parks and growth poles. The infrastructure deficit affects the industrial development of the DRC, particularly manufacturing. The latter represents only 14% of GDP in 2018, i.e. less than 12 USD per capita. This low level illustrates the obvious difficulties faced by entrepreneurs, particularly in terms of access to electricity and public transport infrastructure (roads, railways, airports, rivers and lakes).", + "This low level illustrates the obvious difficulties faced by entrepreneurs, particularly in terms of access to electricity and public transport infrastructure (roads, railways, airports, rivers and lakes). The repercussions are eloquent, particularly in terms of economic competitiveness and jobs created. Employment in manufacturing represents only less than 7% of total employment. With regard to mining production, the DRC is \"a geological scandal\" as its mining resources are important and diverse (copper, cobalt, colombo-tantalite, gold, diamonds).", + "With regard to mining production, the DRC is \"a geological scandal\" as its mining resources are important and diverse (copper, cobalt, colombo-tantalite, gold, diamonds). An engine of growth and a major contributor to the national budget, the DRC s mining sector is one of the country s strategic sectors. According to statistics, from 2003 to 2017, mining production increased from 9,370 tons to more than one million tons of copper! That is an increase of 10.75% (INS, 2017). 3.", + "According to statistics, from 2003 to 2017, mining production increased from 9,370 tons to more than one million tons of copper! That is an increase of 10.75% (INS, 2017). 3. Vision of the DRC in the field of climate change. The DRC s vision in the fight against climate change is to promote a green economy, with low carbon emissions and resilient to the impacts of climate change, while rationally and sustainably managing its significant natural resources in order to guarantee ecological balance.", + "The DRC s vision in the fight against climate change is to promote a green economy, with low carbon emissions and resilient to the impacts of climate change, while rationally and sustainably managing its significant natural resources in order to guarantee ecological balance. and the social, economic, cultural and environmental well-being of its people.", + "Indeed, the DRC, like all Parties to the UNFCCC, is resolutely committed to taking urgent measures to mitigate its greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change, in accordance with the Paris Agreement especially in its article 4.17. To this end, the DRC ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol in 2005 and the Paris Agreement in 2017.", + "To this end, the DRC ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol in 2005 and the Paris Agreement in 2017. In addition, it submitted to the UNFCCC its three first national communications to the UNFCCC, respectively in 2001, 2009 and 2015 and its National Adaptation Action Program (NAPA) in 2006. It also submitted its Forest Reference Emission Level (NERF) in 2018.", + "In addition, it submitted to the UNFCCC its three first national communications to the UNFCCC, respectively in 2001, 2009 and 2015 and its National Adaptation Action Program (NAPA) in 2006. It also submitted its Forest Reference Emission Level (NERF) in 2018. Although its greenhouse gas emissions are among the lowest in the world (MEDD, 2015), the DRC is very vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Therefore, adaptation to climate change is a major concern and priority for the country.", + "Although its greenhouse gas emissions are among the lowest in the world (MEDD, 2015), the DRC is very vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Therefore, adaptation to climate change is a major concern and priority for the country. The DRC s contribution to climate change in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is relatively small, although emissions from agriculture, deforestation, land use, consumption energy, and waste is a significant part of its carbon footprint, to demand appropriate climate action. 4. NDC review process.", + "The DRC s contribution to climate change in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is relatively small, although emissions from agriculture, deforestation, land use, consumption energy, and waste is a significant part of its carbon footprint, to demand appropriate climate action. 4. NDC review process. In 2015, the DRC submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the UNFCCC, defining its adaptation and mitigation objectives. In 2017, this became its first NDC, in accordance with the Paris Agreement.", + "In 2015, the DRC submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the UNFCCC, defining its adaptation and mitigation objectives. In 2017, this became its first NDC, in accordance with the Paris Agreement. This first NDC was based on the DRC s third national communication submitted to the UNFCCC in 2014, as well as on other sectoral policies, such as the National REDD+ Strategy Framework (MEDD, 2012) and other key national orientation documents.", + "This first NDC was based on the DRC s third national communication submitted to the UNFCCC in 2014, as well as on other sectoral policies, such as the National REDD+ Strategy Framework (MEDD, 2012) and other key national orientation documents. The targeted reduction target, entirely conditional, was 17% taking into account three main sectors, namely Energy, Agriculture and Forestry associated with the following gases: CO2, CH4 and N2O over the period 2021-2030.", + "The targeted reduction target, entirely conditional, was 17% taking into account three main sectors, namely Energy, Agriculture and Forestry associated with the following gases: CO2, CH4 and N2O over the period 2021-2030. This NDC, whose reduction target set at 21% (conditional at 19%, and unconditional at 2%), updates and strengthens the first in terms of contributions to mitigation and adaptation, on the one hand, and through improved data collection, in-depth technical analysis and extensive stakeholder engagement on the other.", + "This NDC, whose reduction target set at 21% (conditional at 19%, and unconditional at 2%), updates and strengthens the first in terms of contributions to mitigation and adaptation, on the one hand, and through improved data collection, in-depth technical analysis and extensive stakeholder engagement on the other. It includes, in addition to the three aforementioned sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Energy), that of Waste. 4.1. Mitigation. 4.1.1. Business as usual (BAU) emissions forecast.", + "It includes, in addition to the three aforementioned sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Energy), that of Waste. 4.1. Mitigation. 4.1.1. Business as usual (BAU) emissions forecast. The mitigation contributions presented in this revised NDC are based on the prospective of a relative reduction in GHG emissions between 2018-2030 compared to baseline emissions estimated using the 2006 IPCC guidelines18 representing the national trajectory in l lack of mitigation measures (BAU).", + "The mitigation contributions presented in this revised NDC are based on the prospective of a relative reduction in GHG emissions between 2018-2030 compared to baseline emissions estimated using the 2006 IPCC guidelines18 representing the national trajectory in l lack of mitigation measures (BAU). This requires the development of BAU sectoral forecasts of activities and associated emissions throughout the NDC commitment period; subsequent monitoring of progress against this baseline through the implementation of mitigation projects will require continuous updating of the abatement scenario.", + "This requires the development of BAU sectoral forecasts of activities and associated emissions throughout the NDC commitment period; subsequent monitoring of progress against this baseline through the implementation of mitigation projects will require continuous updating of the abatement scenario. The projections used in this revised NDC are constructed through an extrapolation of emissions from the reference period of the first Biennial Updated Report and the DRC s national greenhouse gas inventories.", + "The projections used in this revised NDC are constructed through an extrapolation of emissions from the reference period of the first Biennial Updated Report and the DRC s national greenhouse gas inventories. This is a linear, simple, transparent, intuitive and easily reproducible projection in the medium term until 2030, based on the IPCC s level 1 methodology, from which they will evolve according to a scenario of the business-as-usual type (normal course cases without mitigating measures).", + "This is a linear, simple, transparent, intuitive and easily reproducible projection in the medium term until 2030, based on the IPCC s level 1 methodology, from which they will evolve according to a scenario of the business-as-usual type (normal course cases without mitigating measures). Modeling specific to the energy sector, based on the Model for Energy Demand Analysis (MAED-2 software, IAEA, 2007), was undertaken to estimate the current mitigation potential in this sector.", + "Modeling specific to the energy sector, based on the Model for Energy Demand Analysis (MAED-2 software, IAEA, 2007), was undertaken to estimate the current mitigation potential in this sector. The MAED-2 software assesses future energy demand based on socio-economic, technological and demographic development scenarios in the medium and long term. Within this framework, two scenarios have been developed: the BAU scenario and the abatement scenario.", + "The MAED-2 software assesses future energy demand based on socio-economic, technological and demographic development scenarios in the medium and long term. Within this framework, two scenarios have been developed: the BAU scenario and the abatement scenario. The model systematically links the specific demand for energy to produce different goods and services identified in the model, to the corresponding social, economic and technological factors that affect this demand. For the other sectors, the BAU and abatement scenarios were constructed using linear modeling tools. 4.1.2.", + "The model systematically links the specific demand for energy to produce different goods and services identified in the model, to the corresponding social, economic and technological factors that affect this demand. For the other sectors, the BAU and abatement scenarios were constructed using linear modeling tools. 4.1.2. National emissions modeling.", + "For the other sectors, the BAU and abatement scenarios were constructed using linear modeling tools. 4.1.2. National emissions modeling. As part of the implementation of the DRC s PNSD, three possible development scenarios have been considered to characterize the possible evolutions of the economy: the continuity scenario, also called the normal course of business scenario - BAU, the which translates the government s vision (optimistic scenario) and the intermediate scenario between the first two, alternative scenario. (i) Continuity Scenario19.", + "As part of the implementation of the DRC s PNSD, three possible development scenarios have been considered to characterize the possible evolutions of the economy: the continuity scenario, also called the normal course of business scenario - BAU, the which translates the government s vision (optimistic scenario) and the intermediate scenario between the first two, alternative scenario. (i) Continuity Scenario19. This scenario is based on a continuation of the current situation in which the pace of economic growth is certainly high but suffers from fluctuations linked to hazardous turns in world markets.", + "This scenario is based on a continuation of the current situation in which the pace of economic growth is certainly high but suffers from fluctuations linked to hazardous turns in world markets. In light of the growth profile, the DRC will not be able to become an emerging country in 2030 and a developed country in 2050 if profound changes are not envisaged in the conduct of public policies. The reforms need to be deepened for more effective governance.", + "In light of the growth profile, the DRC will not be able to become an emerging country in 2030 and a developed country in 2050 if profound changes are not envisaged in the conduct of public policies. The reforms need to be deepened for more effective governance. Major transformations should be made at the level of the production apparatus, and the quality of human capital will also have to be substantially increased. The main assumptions on which this scenario is based are as follows:.", + "Major transformations should be made at the level of the production apparatus, and the quality of human capital will also have to be substantially increased. The main assumptions on which this scenario is based are as follows:. The mining sector continues to be the main driver of economic growth but is seeing its contribution gradually diminish;. Agricultural activity continues to develop but its expansion is not very significant;.", + "The mining sector continues to be the main driver of economic growth but is seeing its contribution gradually diminish;. Agricultural activity continues to develop but its expansion is not very significant;. The manufacturing industry continues to play a marginal role in economic growth and continues to suffer the pangs of foreign competition;. The services sector continues to expand, mainly from wholesale and retail trade (against a deterioration in the current account) and transport and telecoms;. Tax revenues from the exploitation of natural resources remain marginal;.", + "The services sector continues to expand, mainly from wholesale and retail trade (against a deterioration in the current account) and transport and telecoms;. Tax revenues from the exploitation of natural resources remain marginal;. Progress can be observed in the area of. governance (political and economic) but it is relatively slow and limits the total investment rate;.", + "Progress can be observed in the area of. governance (political and economic) but it is relatively slow and limits the total investment rate;. The population continues to grow at the average annual rate of 3% as has been the case over the past fifteen years, which implies that the synthetic fertility index (ISF) has practically not changed;. The movements of populations due to the conflicts are reduced and the social fabric is rebuilt;.", + "The population continues to grow at the average annual rate of 3% as has been the case over the past fifteen years, which implies that the synthetic fertility index (ISF) has practically not changed;. The movements of populations due to the conflicts are reduced and the social fabric is rebuilt;. The country s political and security situation is stable, as is that of the Central African region. (ii) Scenario reflecting the government s vision.", + "The country s political and security situation is stable, as is that of the Central African region. (ii) Scenario reflecting the government s vision. This second scenario is optimistic in that it proposes to highlight the various efforts to be combined by the authorities.", + "This second scenario is optimistic in that it proposes to highlight the various efforts to be combined by the authorities. For the DRC to develop in 2050 according to the sequences defined by the government, it would be necessary to consider \u2013 courageously and relentlessly \u2013 a set of coherent and sustained actions over time to change its political, institutional, economic and financial landscape.", + "For the DRC to develop in 2050 according to the sequences defined by the government, it would be necessary to consider \u2013 courageously and relentlessly \u2013 a set of coherent and sustained actions over time to change its political, institutional, economic and financial landscape. Maintaining peace and strengthening the security of people and their property are two fundamental elements of the action to be taken by the government to set the country firmly on the path to development.", + "Maintaining peace and strengthening the security of people and their property are two fundamental elements of the action to be taken by the government to set the country firmly on the path to development. At the macroeconomic level, inflation should be contained and the exchange rate should not experience major shifts. This would require significantly expanding the fiscal space state, improve the quality (or efficiency) of public spending, constitute important budgetary stabilizers and use them wisely, in the event of exogenous shocks. (iii) Alternative scenario.", + "This would require significantly expanding the fiscal space state, improve the quality (or efficiency) of public spending, constitute important budgetary stabilizers and use them wisely, in the event of exogenous shocks. (iii) Alternative scenario. In this third scenario, called alternative, it is assumed that the country becomes a middle-income country in 2025 and emerges in 2030 instead of 2030. In 2050, the country becomes developed.", + "In this third scenario, called alternative, it is assumed that the country becomes a middle-income country in 2025 and emerges in 2030 instead of 2030. In 2050, the country becomes developed. This change in the time horizons of expected progress has an impact on the growth rates to be displayed by the economy as well as on the policies to be pursued.", + "This change in the time horizons of expected progress has an impact on the growth rates to be displayed by the economy as well as on the policies to be pursued. Despite the change in the length of the first sequence of the trajectory, it would take considerable efforts to ensure that the DRC progresses as its government intends.", + "Despite the change in the length of the first sequence of the trajectory, it would take considerable efforts to ensure that the DRC progresses as its government intends. At the macroeconomic level, it will be necessary to maintain rigor in the management of public finances and to have flexibility in the conduct of monetary policy because performance in terms of growth requires inflation not exceeding 3,. The main assumptions used to develop this scenario are as follows:.", + "At the macroeconomic level, it will be necessary to maintain rigor in the management of public finances and to have flexibility in the conduct of monetary policy because performance in terms of growth requires inflation not exceeding 3,. The main assumptions used to develop this scenario are as follows:. Agriculture is undergoing major transformations and is becoming one of the main pillars of economic growth and job creation;.", + "The main assumptions used to develop this scenario are as follows:. Agriculture is undergoing major transformations and is becoming one of the main pillars of economic growth and job creation;. Extractive industries continue to be dynamic thanks to a widening of the value creation chain and more efficient exploitation of hydrocarbons;. The construction and public works sector is experiencing remarkable expansion thanks to the combined efforts to expand the State s fiscal space and mobilize new sources of infrastructure financing (PPP and viable sovereign loans);.", + "The construction and public works sector is experiencing remarkable expansion thanks to the combined efforts to expand the State s fiscal space and mobilize new sources of infrastructure financing (PPP and viable sovereign loans);. Manufacturing industries are developing at a sustained pace and are managing to penetrate other markets;. The tertiary sector remains dynamic thanks to the effects of the reconstruction, modernization and development of infrastructures;. The structure of GDP is gradually changing (the secondary sector will become the main pillar of growth in 2050);.", + "The tertiary sector remains dynamic thanks to the effects of the reconstruction, modernization and development of infrastructures;. The structure of GDP is gradually changing (the secondary sector will become the main pillar of growth in 2050);. Governance is experiencing rapid and sustained improvements against the backdrop of a coherent set of reforms affecting institutions and the functioning of the economy;. Social policies are effectively implemented to lower the ISF and make the most of the demographic dividend;. The return of displaced populations is possible;.", + "Social policies are effectively implemented to lower the ISF and make the most of the demographic dividend;. The return of displaced populations is possible;. The political and security context is calm both in the country and in Central Africa. Of the three PNSD scenarios, only the alternative scenario was taken into account in the energy sector and considered as the BAU scenario.", + "Of the three PNSD scenarios, only the alternative scenario was taken into account in the energy sector and considered as the BAU scenario. The analysis used to develop this revised NDC involved identifying a range of mitigation options (Abatement Scenario) within each of the NDC sectors for further consideration and quantitative analysis. (iv) Abatement scenario. This scenario aims to highlight the various efforts to be combined by the DRC government to achieve a gradual and significant reduction in GHG emissions in the main emitting sectors.", + "This scenario aims to highlight the various efforts to be combined by the DRC government to achieve a gradual and significant reduction in GHG emissions in the main emitting sectors. The allowances used in this revised NDC are based on the assumptions below and reinforce it in several ways:.", + "The allowances used in this revised NDC are based on the assumptions below and reinforce it in several ways:. In the field of forestry and other land uses, the hypothesis is based on the REDD + strategy which is based on the studies of McKinsey et al (2009)20 and also the hypotheses envisaged in the NERF document whose projections of the annual growth of emissions due to deforestation are estimated at 50 MtCO2e;.", + "In the field of forestry and other land uses, the hypothesis is based on the REDD + strategy which is based on the studies of McKinsey et al (2009)20 and also the hypotheses envisaged in the NERF document whose projections of the annual growth of emissions due to deforestation are estimated at 50 MtCO2e;. In this forestry sector, we could obtain a cumulative reduction in emissions of 2.2 to 2.5 Gt CO2e by 2030;.", + "In this forestry sector, we could obtain a cumulative reduction in emissions of 2.2 to 2.5 Gt CO2e by 2030;. The share of emissions that cannot be reduced may be offset by the effects of afforestation and reforestation projects intended for carbon sequestration, up to an estimated cumulative sequestration potential of 1.2 at 1.4 Gt CO2e;.", + "The share of emissions that cannot be reduced may be offset by the effects of afforestation and reforestation projects intended for carbon sequestration, up to an estimated cumulative sequestration potential of 1.2 at 1.4 Gt CO2e;. By 2030, the combined effect of potential mitigation and sequestration levers could both offset total emissions estimated at 410 to 700 Mt CO2e according to the BAU reference scenario, and constitute a carbon sink of a capacity of around 20 Mt CO2e;.", + "By 2030, the combined effect of potential mitigation and sequestration levers could both offset total emissions estimated at 410 to 700 Mt CO2e according to the BAU reference scenario, and constitute a carbon sink of a capacity of around 20 Mt CO2e;. The BAU reference scenario of the evolution of degradation and deforestation in the DRC and the related emissions was developed on the basis of voluntary assumptions of the country s socio-economic and demographic development.", + "The BAU reference scenario of the evolution of degradation and deforestation in the DRC and the related emissions was developed on the basis of voluntary assumptions of the country s socio-economic and demographic development.", + "In this scenario, deforestation would reach 12 to 13 million ha by 2030, and degradation 21 to 22 million ha. In agriculture, it is planned to double the cultivated areas from 8 to 16 million hectares, to observe accelerated growth (+6%/year) and thus ensure food balance by 2025 (feeding 116 million consumers) and this, thanks to a modernization of the sector. In the Energy sector, mitigation efforts may be concentrated in the industrial, transport and residential sectors with the following assumptions:.", + "In the Energy sector, mitigation efforts may be concentrated in the industrial, transport and residential sectors with the following assumptions:. More accentuated reduction in the energy intensities of petroleum products, specific uses of electricity, use of heat. This translates to a much more efficient energy intensity improvement in the economy. In the agricultural sector, the abatement will relate much more to the management of agricultural residues because the agricultural development program provides for an increase in surface areas.", + "In the agricultural sector, the abatement will relate much more to the management of agricultural residues because the agricultural development program provides for an increase in surface areas. In the waste sector, for the reduction scenario (organization of the sector: access of 60% of households to the waste management system, by developing operational mechanisms in at least 10 provinces. 4.2. Adaptation. For this adaptation component, the methodological approach consisted of an in-depth review of relevant documents on adaptation to climate change.", + "For this adaptation component, the methodological approach consisted of an in-depth review of relevant documents on adaptation to climate change. The various national communications submitted by the DRC to the UNFCCC have allowed us to have a more or less broad overview of the degree of vulnerability of the various actors and economic sectors directly affected by climate change and disaster risk as well as the measures proposed. to deal with it.", + "The various national communications submitted by the DRC to the UNFCCC have allowed us to have a more or less broad overview of the degree of vulnerability of the various actors and economic sectors directly affected by climate change and disaster risk as well as the measures proposed. to deal with it. The lessons learned from NAPA (agriculture, protection of the coastal zone and women and children) made it possible to understand the relevance of the actions envisaged and the measures to be considered for greater effectiveness and efficiency in strengthening resilience to the effects climate change.", + "The lessons learned from NAPA (agriculture, protection of the coastal zone and women and children) made it possible to understand the relevance of the actions envisaged and the measures to be considered for greater effectiveness and efficiency in strengthening resilience to the effects climate change. In addition, the results of the process of drafting the initial NAP of the DRC and of the various specific studies carried out for this purpose, in particular (i) the institutional assessment of the obstacles and needs for the integration of adaptation in the planning of the development; (ii) assessment of human capacity needs; (iii) consideration of gender and Indigenous Peoples in the development and implementation of adaptation measures; and (iv) opportunities for the involvement of the private sector in the financing of adaptation, made it possible to deepen the reflection on the relevant actions envisaged in this NDC and the establish", + "Finally, the selection of adaptation interventions, parameters including indicators, baselines, milestones and targets was conducted through workshops, followed by in-depth consultations with teams of sector experts through various iterative discussions. with actors from different sectoral ministries and civil society delegates. 5. Contribution to mitigation. The DRC, Party to the UNFCCC, has initiated efforts to implement activities that lead to a reduction in emissions according to its national circumstances and capacities.", + "The DRC, Party to the UNFCCC, has initiated efforts to implement activities that lead to a reduction in emissions according to its national circumstances and capacities. This section consists of a brief reminder on the analysis of the trend in greenhouse gas ( GHG) emissions in the sectors whose measures are identified and proposes consequent mitigation strategies. It also presents other initiatives relating to greenhouse gas mitigation actions in the DRC.", + "This section consists of a brief reminder on the analysis of the trend in greenhouse gas ( GHG) emissions in the sectors whose measures are identified and proposes consequent mitigation strategies. It also presents other initiatives relating to greenhouse gas mitigation actions in the DRC. The mitigation measures implemented by the DRC mainly concern the forestry sector, in particular the implementation of its national strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+).", + "The mitigation measures implemented by the DRC mainly concern the forestry sector, in particular the implementation of its national strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). In addition to the REDD+ strategy, the DRC s nationally determined contribution presents certain mitigation measures and actions in the energy, transport, agriculture and waste sectors. However, to date, these few initiatives are less documented.", + "In addition to the REDD+ strategy, the DRC s nationally determined contribution presents certain mitigation measures and actions in the energy, transport, agriculture and waste sectors. However, to date, these few initiatives are less documented. However, the DRC is committed to improving its data collection and management system and to formalizing the arrangements institutions that support the collection, analysis, processing and communication of long-term information on mitigation measures and efforts to explore associated co-benefits.", + "However, the DRC is committed to improving its data collection and management system and to formalizing the arrangements institutions that support the collection, analysis, processing and communication of long-term information on mitigation measures and efforts to explore associated co-benefits. In addition, the DRC does not have a specific methodology and associated hypotheses to assess the effects of the actions envisaged.", + "In addition, the DRC does not have a specific methodology and associated hypotheses to assess the effects of the actions envisaged. Consequently, capacity building for project promoters and various stakeholders is essential at the national level to improve the monitoring and reporting of sectoral mitigation activities. 5.1. Analysis of trends in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines have been implemented for the estimation of GHG emissions reported in the three previous National Communications on climate change in the DRC.", + "The revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines have been implemented for the estimation of GHG emissions reported in the three previous National Communications on climate change in the DRC. The first Biennial Update Report, on the other hand, is based on the IPCC Tier 1 approach in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and its improvements21.", + "The first Biennial Update Report, on the other hand, is based on the IPCC Tier 1 approach in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and its improvements.21 The analysis of the historical trend of GHG emissions, carried out within the framework of the 1st Biennial Updated Report of the DRC, which wants to be an emerging country by 2030 and this, in a vision of development towards an economy more and more decarbonized, shows that, during the period 2000-2018 (Table 3), the country s emissions are predominated by the \"Forestry and other Land Use (FAT)\" sector with nearly 86% of emissions, followed by far by Waste, Energy and Agriculture sectors with 11%, 0.86% and 0.61% respectively.", + "Table 2: Evolution of GHG emissions in the DRC by sector for the period 2000-2018 (Mt eq-CO2). Energy. PIUP22. Agriculture. Forest. Waste. 2000. 3.36. 0.09. 3.70. 483.74. 39.79. 2001. 3.69. 0.11. 3.86. 483.74. 51.47. 2002. 4.02. 0.14. 3.76. 483.74. 51.83. 2003. 4.35. 0.18. 3.76. 483.74. 53.08. 2004. 4.68. 0.24. 3.75. 483.74. 54.33. 2005. 5.01. 0.29. 3.75. 483.74. 56.49. 2006. 5.34. 0.33. 3.76. 483.74. 59.70. 2007. 5.67. 0.34. 3.77. 483.74. 64.28. 2008. 6.00. 0.24. 3.76. 483.74", + "2006. 5.34. 0.33. 3.76. 483.74. 59.70. 2007. 5.67. 0.34. 3.77. 483.74. 64.28. 2008. 6.00. 0.24. 3.76. 483.74. 69.87. 2009. 6.33. 0.27. 3.76. 483.74. 76.94. 2010. 6.66. 0.27. 3.89. 483.74. 82.24. 2011. 6.99. 0.26. 4.09. 830.53. 88.61. 2012. 7.32. 0.23. 5.19. 830.53. 96.70. 2013. 7.65. 0.25. 5.73. 830.53. 106.47. 2014. 7.98. 0.19. 6.42. 830.53. 116.84. 2015. 8.31. 0.23. 5.97. 529.23. 128.87. 2016. 8.64. 0.15. 5.99. 529.23", + "2015. 8.31. 0.23. 5.97. 529.23. 128.87. 2016. 8.64. 0.15. 5.99. 529.23. 140.82. 2017. 8.97. 0.15. 5.70. 529.23. 152.82. 2018. 9.30. 0.13. 5.48. 529.23. 164.81. The trend of increasing GHG emissions from non-forest sectors, i.e. energy with transport, residential, and manufacturing industry, Industrial Processes and Product Uses (PIUP), l agriculture and waste treatment, is explained in Table 2 below:", + "energy with transport, residential, and manufacturing industry, Industrial Processes and Product Uses (PIUP), l agriculture and waste treatment, is explained in Table 2 below:Table 3: Contribution of non-forest sectors to the emissions trend. Sector. Categories. Contributions to emissions. Energy. Transportation. The vehicle fleet is essentially made up of second-hand vehicles but also, by the increase in personal vehicle ownership. Manufacturing industry. The sporadic commissioning of thermal power plants to compensate for untimely supply cuts hydroelectricity in industries. Agriculture. Enteric fermentation.", + "Manufacturing industry. The sporadic commissioning of thermal power plants to compensate for untimely supply cuts hydroelectricity in industries. Agriculture. Enteric fermentation. Types of grass-based fodder (fresh fats), methane emissions per kg of dry matter ingested vary relatively little. In fact, the most digestible forages emit more per kg of dry matter ingested than the least digestible forages, but they also provide more energy nutrients (volatile fatty acids). Agricultural soil management.", + "In fact, the most digestible forages emit more per kg of dry matter ingested than the least digestible forages, but they also provide more energy nutrients (volatile fatty acids). Agricultural soil management. Continuous increase in agricultural areas, more characterized by an increase in the number of agricultural holdings, made up of clearings in the forest zone and along the major rivers in the interior of the country, all this being linked to a high rate of population growth. Burning of agricultural residues. rice cultivation.", + "Continuous increase in agricultural areas, more characterized by an increase in the number of agricultural holdings, made up of clearings in the forest zone and along the major rivers in the interior of the country, all this being linked to a high rate of population growth. Burning of agricultural residues. rice cultivation. Increase in irrigated area of rice cultivation and demand. Waste. Solid Waste Disposal Sites. Linked to the increase in population and the non-organization of the sector. Industrial Processes and Product Uses. Cement production.", + "Solid Waste Disposal Sites. Linked to the increase in population and the non-organization of the sector. Industrial Processes and Product Uses. Cement production. Increase in real estate demand and the number of cement production units across the country. Lime production. The increase in methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in the residential sector, due to population growth, is due to the strong demand for wood energy, in particular for meeting cooking needs in households. 5.2. GHG mitigation measures over the period 2021-2030.", + "The increase in methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in the residential sector, due to population growth, is due to the strong demand for wood energy, in particular for meeting cooking needs in households. 5.2. GHG mitigation measures over the period 2021-2030. Given the development dynamic in which the DRC is committed by 2030, its efforts will have to materialize in the implementation of various mitigation measures, mainly in the Forestry and other Land Use and Waste sectors, followed by Energy and Agriculture.", + "Given the development dynamic in which the DRC is committed by 2030, its efforts will have to materialize in the implementation of various mitigation measures, mainly in the Forestry and other Land Use and Waste sectors, followed by Energy and Agriculture. It is in this context that the DRC has developed its National REDD+ Framework Strategy and that of low-carbon development for which two mitigation measures under the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Measures (NAMAs) initiative were identified in the Energy sector relating to the recovery of flared gas from oil exploitation platforms, in Muanda, and the improvement of carbonization techniques.", + "It is in this context that the DRC has developed its National REDD+ Framework Strategy and that of low-carbon development for which two mitigation measures under the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Measures (NAMAs) initiative were identified in the Energy sector relating to the recovery of flared gas from oil exploitation platforms, in Muanda, and the improvement of carbonization techniques. Also, the DRC intends to implement a national energy policy framework in terms of energy specifically targeting clean cooking strategies (LPG, electric cooker, etc.), while associating the concerns of increasing the share of renewables in its energy mix, promoting energy efficiency, improving public transport and recovering energy from waste.", + "Also, the DRC intends to implement a national energy policy framework in terms of energy specifically targeting clean cooking strategies (LPG, electric cooker, etc.), while associating the concerns of increasing the share of renewables in its energy mix, promoting energy efficiency, improving public transport and recovering energy from waste. Thus, the DRC is committed to a combined unconditional and conditional contribution of up to 21% reduction in total GHG emissions compared to the BAU in 2030 (19% conditional and 2% unconditional) equivalent to an estimated level of mitigation up to to 650 Mt CO2e by 2030.", + "Thus, the DRC is committed to a combined unconditional and conditional contribution of up to 21% reduction in total GHG emissions compared to the BAU in 2030 (19% conditional and 2% unconditional) equivalent to an estimated level of mitigation up to to 650 Mt CO2e by 2030. The main intervention levers identified relate essentially to:A. Component I: Forestry and forest-related activities:This component is expected to contribute 182 to 192 Mt CO2e to the total emissions mitigation potential in 2030 (McKinsey et al., 2009).", + "The main intervention levers identified relate essentially to:A. Component I: Forestry and forest-related activities:This component is expected to contribute 182 to 192 Mt CO2e to the total emissions mitigation potential in 2030 (McKinsey et al., 2009). This potential was estimated by forestry activity as follows: Legal industrial and small-scale logging: approximately 19 Mt CO2e thanks to the reduction of logging volumes per ha to sustainable logging levels with very limited emissions (from 15 to 10 m3 per hectare).", + "Legal industrial and small-scale logging: approximately 19 Mt CO2e thanks to the reduction of logging volumes per ha to sustainable logging levels with very limited emissions (from 15 to 10 m3 per hectare). Illegal logging: reduction potential of around 22 to 23 Mt CO2e. This potential is broken down into several levers with regional specificities.", + "Illegal logging: reduction potential of around 22 to 23 Mt CO2e. This potential is broken down into several levers with regional specificities. The first concerns the eradication of illegal logging to neighboring countries (Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda) by strengthening controls by 2030 in the North and South Kivu provinces as well as the Tshopo, Ituri, Haut-Uele, Bas-Uele, and Kongo-Central. The second mitigation lever consists of converting illegal logging intended for local markets into sustainable legal logging.", + "The first concerns the eradication of illegal logging to neighboring countries (Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda) by strengthening controls by 2030 in the North and South Kivu provinces as well as the Tshopo, Ituri, Haut-Uele, Bas-Uele, and Kongo-Central. The second mitigation lever consists of converting illegal logging intended for local markets into sustainable legal logging. The third lever is reforestation to sustainably supply lower quality timber to local markets, mainly to urban populations.", + "The second mitigation lever consists of converting illegal logging intended for local markets into sustainable legal logging. The third lever is reforestation to sustainably supply lower quality timber to local markets, mainly to urban populations. Other activities of degradation and deforestation related to the activities of the population (sustainable hunting for example) or the use of techniques to fight against bush fires.", + "Other activities of degradation and deforestation related to the activities of the population (sustainable hunting for example) or the use of techniques to fight against bush fires. Afforestation or afforestation: emission reduction potential of 61 to 65 Mt CO2e in marginal areas (shrub savannahs and forest savannah mosaics) of around 7 million ha. Reforestation: emission reduction potential of 80 to 84 Mt CO2e in 4 million ha of degraded or deforested forests.", + "Afforestation or afforestation: emission reduction potential of 61 to 65 Mt CO2e in marginal areas (shrub savannahs and forest savannah mosaics) of around 7 million ha. Reforestation: emission reduction potential of 80 to 84 Mt CO2e in 4 million ha of degraded or deforested forests. In this context, the DRC plans to spatially identify these forests and integrate them into national legislation by 2025 and thus proceed with the establishment of at least 2.5 million hectares of local community forest concessions by 2025, following an approved good practice guide by 2023. B. Part II: Agriculture and Livestock in forest environments: four mitigation levers contributing 180 to 187 Mt CO2e to the total mitigation potential (McKinsey et al.", + "In this context, the DRC plans to spatially identify these forests and integrate them into national legislation by 2025 and thus proceed with the establishment of at least 2.5 million hectares of local community forest concessions by 2025, following an approved good practice guide by 2023. B. Part II: Agriculture and Livestock in forest environments: four mitigation levers contributing 180 to 187 Mt CO2e to the total mitigation potential (McKinsey et al., 2009):.", + ", 2009):. Subsistence agriculture: mainly itinerant and slash and burn: potential reduction of emissions of 15 to 17 Mt CO2e in 2030, based on a program to improve productivity affecting 50% of subsistence farms. Extensive small-scale commercial agriculture, intended mainly for the local market: reduction potential of around 65 to 70 Mt CO2e, linked to the implementation of two types of programs to increase productivity and affecting around 75% of farms.", + "Extensive small-scale commercial agriculture, intended mainly for the local market: reduction potential of around 65 to 70 Mt CO2e, linked to the implementation of two types of programs to increase productivity and affecting around 75% of farms. The first program affecting approximately 25% of farms aims to set up extension programs and supply inputs over a period of 20 years. The second program aims to set up aggregation projects affecting 50% of the population.", + "The first program affecting approximately 25% of farms aims to set up extension programs and supply inputs over a period of 20 years. The second program aims to set up aggregation projects affecting 50% of the population. Intensive commercial agriculture, intended mainly for export (palm oil, cocoa and coffee): reduction potential of around 80 Mt CO2e.", + "Intensive commercial agriculture, intended mainly for export (palm oil, cocoa and coffee): reduction potential of around 80 Mt CO2e. This reduction stems from the relocation to shrub savannahs or savannah-forest mosaics of new plantations that would have been established in primary forests (causing deforestation of 1.6 to 3 million ha in the reference scenario). Rehabilitated plantations on old sites (about 1.6 million ha) are not considered in this emissions mitigation potential.", + "This reduction stems from the relocation to shrub savannahs or savannah-forest mosaics of new plantations that would have been established in primary forests (causing deforestation of 1.6 to 3 million ha in the reference scenario). Rehabilitated plantations on old sites (about 1.6 million ha) are not considered in this emissions mitigation potential. Livestock: reduction potential of approximately 20 Mt CO2e.", + "Rehabilitated plantations on old sites (about 1.6 million ha) are not considered in this emissions mitigation potential. Livestock: reduction potential of approximately 20 Mt CO2e. As part of the Letter of Intent scheduled for signature between the DRC and the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI) for the period 2022-2031, the DRC undertakes not to award industrial agricultural concessions in high value forests (the definition of which will be developed through a national participatory process) and in peatlands; to orient agricultural development as a priority towards the savannahs. C.", + "As part of the Letter of Intent scheduled for signature between the DRC and the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI) for the period 2022-2031, the DRC undertakes not to award industrial agricultural concessions in high value forests (the definition of which will be developed through a national participatory process) and in peatlands; to orient agricultural development as a priority towards the savannahs. C. Part III: Impacts of urban growth and industrial sectors on the forest: a mitigation lever contributing 45 to 55 Mt CO2e to the total mitigation potential:Reduction in the demand for non-sustainable firewood, intended mainly for consumption by the urban population: around 45 to 55 Mt CO2e (McKinsey et al.", + "Part III: Impacts of urban growth and industrial sectors on the forest: a mitigation lever contributing 45 to 55 Mt CO2e to the total mitigation potential:Reduction in the demand for non-sustainable firewood, intended mainly for consumption by the urban population: around 45 to 55 Mt CO2e (McKinsey et al., 2009).", + "This objective will be supported by the DRC s commitment in the Letter of Intent scheduled for signature with FATF for the period 2022-2031, to reduce the share of unsustainable wood energy by 10% in two major urban centers by 2025 and 50% in six major urban centers by 2031.", + "This objective will be supported by the DRC s commitment in the Letter of Intent scheduled for signature with CAFI for the period 2022-2031, to reduce the share of unsustainable wood energy by 10% in two major urban centers by 2025 and 50% in six major urban centers by 2031. Three programs are likely to be developed, as part of the strategy, targeting urban and peri-urban households: the first is based on the reduction of demand through the supply of around 5 million households with improved or efficient ovens (making it possible to reduce the consumption of firewood by around 50%).", + "Three programs are likely to be developed, as part of the strategy, targeting urban and peri-urban households: the first is based on the reduction of demand through the supply of around 5 million households with improved or efficient ovens (making it possible to reduce the consumption of firewood by around 50%); the second program aims to promote the use of hydroelectricity instead of wood energy by covering part of the electricity supply bill for 5 million households, located mainly in southern provinces (Haut-Katanga, Tanganyika, Lualaba, Haut-Lomami, Lomami, Sankuru, Kasai, Kasai Central, Kasai-Oriental).", + "The second program aims to promote the use of hydroelectricity instead of wood energy by covering part of the electricity supply bill for 5 million households, located mainly in southern provinces (Haut-Katanga, Tanganyika, Lualaba, Haut-Lomami, Lomami, Sankuru, Kasai, Kasai Central, Kasai-Oriental). The third program consists of afforestation of marginal areas around cities with the aim of ensuring the production and sustainable use of firewood through improved stoves. D. Transport: two mitigation levers contributing 27 to 37 Mt CO2e (McKinsey et al.", + "The third program consists of afforestation of marginal areas around cities with the aim of ensuring the production and sustainable use of firewood through improved stoves. D. Transport: two mitigation levers contributing 27 to 37 Mt CO2e (McKinsey et al., 2009) to the total mitigation potential will focus on improving urban and interurban public transport while developing transport master plans and the promotion of multimodal transport for passengers and goods. E. Waste management: two mitigation levers contributing 37 Mt CO2e (McKinsey et al., 2009) to the total mitigation potential will focus on improving urban and interurban public transport while developing transport master plans and the promotion of multimodal transport for passengers and goods.", + ", 2009) to the total mitigation potential will focus on improving urban and interurban public transport while developing transport master plans and the promotion of multimodal transport for passengers and goods. E. Waste management: two mitigation levers contributing 37 Mt CO2e (McKinsey et al., 2009) to the total mitigation potential.", + "Four major actions are envisaged, within the framework of the strategy, targeting urban and peri-urban households: the first is based on strengthening the institutional and legal framework for waste management; the second will focus on a program for the rational management of waste; the third action will consist of a waste energy recovery program based on the promotion of energy-efficient cooking aimed at the use of biodegradable household waste and the recovery of biogas from landfills; the fourth action will target the development of aerobic composting systems on a commercial scale; and the last will consist in the production of energy and organic fertilizer from solid waste, waste water and sludge. F. Nature-based solutions:In response to UNFCCC concerns, the DRC has already been developing nature-based solutions23 for decades.", + "An active player in environmental processes and contributing to global climate mitigation, the DRC has made commitments under various conventions. It follows that:. At the end of the Convention on Biodiversity, the DRC has already allocated 13% of its national territory to the erection of national parks, ie 30,483,180 Ha;. Considerable progress is being made, with the DRC committing to restore 8 million ha of degraded land under the Bonn Challenge.", + "Considerable progress is being made, with the DRC committing to restore 8 million ha of degraded land under the Bonn Challenge. In addition, there is also the \u201c1 Billion Trees\u201d project, with the participation of young people, especially pupils;.", + "In addition, there is also the \u201c1 Billion Trees\u201d project, with the participation of young people, especially pupils; In the terms of the Conference of the Parties of Bali with a focus on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and as well as on the strengthening of the forest carbon stock, the National REDD+ Framework Strategy of the DRC aims to stabilize the forest cover. forestry at 63.5%; the country is in fact seeking an increase in its forest cover of 6.5%, or 15,242,500 ha.", + "The Government of the DRC undertakes to secure the limits of the protected areas and, if necessary, condition any declassification for reasons of public utility to the strict application of the legal framework in force24.", + "The Government of the DRC undertakes to secure the limits of the protected areas and, if necessary, condition any declassification for reasons of public utility to the strict application of the legal framework in force24. The Government also undertakes to achieve, by 2030, the objective of at least 30% of national areas under protection status, under different modes, as recognized by law (protected areas and their buffer zones, conservation concessions, areas dedicated by local communities to the preservation of forests in simple territorial development plans defined in a participatory manner, conservation series in forest concessions, restriction zones in management plans.", + "The Government also undertakes to achieve, by 2030, the objective of at least 30% of national areas under protection status, under different modes, as recognized by law (protected areas and their buffer zones, conservation concessions, areas dedicated by local communities to the preservation of forests in simple territorial development plans defined in a participatory manner, conservation series in forest concessions, restriction zones in management plans. development, etc.), according to the recommendations of the 30x30 initiative within the framework of the Coalition for a Great Ambition Ambition25, to which the DRC is a party.", + "development, etc.), according to the recommendations of the 30x30 initiative within the framework of the Coalition for a Great Ambition Ambition25, to which the DRC is a party. The different landscapes of high conservation value that abound in the DRC are additional proof of the ecosystem services rendered by the forests of the DRC to all of humanity. Added to all of these are peatlands as an important nature-based solution, thereby enhancing climate ambitions as well as the country s inputs to policies, commitments and conventions.", + "Added to all of these are peatlands as an important nature-based solution, thereby enhancing climate ambitions as well as the country s inputs to policies, commitments and conventions. To this end, the mitigation measures planned for the Forestry and other Land Uses sector in this document include the restoration of wetlands, in particular peatlands used for agriculture and livestock, as well as the mapping and evaluation of peatlands.", + "To this end, the mitigation measures planned for the Forestry and other Land Uses sector in this document include the restoration of wetlands, in particular peatlands used for agriculture and livestock, as well as the mapping and evaluation of peatlands. If in-depth studies confirm the extent of peatlands in the Democratic Republic of Congo, their contribution in terms of nature-based contribution should enhance the ambition of the national contribution.", + "Indeed, preliminary estimates26 carried out by Greifswald Mire Center (Figure 4), it appears that apart from the peat bogs of the central basin on the map below), the Democratic Republic of Congo has other forms of peat bogs not yet assessed so far.", + "Indeed, preliminary estimates26 carried out by Greifswald Mire Center (Figure 4), it appears that apart from the peat bogs of the central basin on the map below), the Democratic Republic of Congo has other forms of peat bogs not yet assessed so far. This is the case for the peat bogs of the western lowland forest, the Atlantic Coast, the Albertine Rift Valleys and the Katanga Plateau. Figure 11: Extent of peatlands in the DRC.", + "This is the case for the peat bogs of the western lowland forest, the Atlantic Coast, the Albertine Rift Valleys and the Katanga Plateau. Figure 11: Extent of peatlands in the DRC. The connections between peatlands and the different mechanisms that are the REDD+ strategy, the ongoing reforms, particularly land use planning and land reform, being important, the DRC plans to:.", + "The connections between peatlands and the different mechanisms that are the REDD+ strategy, the ongoing reforms, particularly land use planning and land reform, being important, the DRC plans to: Clearly define legal protection principles and protocols for overlapping land uses in peatlands in the National Peatlands Strategy and/or include them in ongoing land use planning reform;.", + "Clearly define legal protection principles and protocols for overlapping land uses in peatlands in the National Peatlands Strategy and/or include them in ongoing land use planning reform;. Adopt clear peatland protection provisions in the planned revision of the Forest Code, capitalizing on the Sustainable Forest Management Program (PGDF) and the DRC s new REDD+ investment plan for 2021-2030, as part of the National REDD+ Strategy Framework, supported by FATF, with the objective of considering the high value of peatland forests in carbon sequestration and the provision of other ecosystem services of major importance;.", + "Adopt clear peatland protection provisions in the planned revision of the Forest Code, capitalizing on the Sustainable Forest Management Program (PGDF) and the DRC s new REDD+ investment plan for 2021-2030, as part of the National REDD+ Strategy Framework, supported by FATF, with the objective of considering the high value of peatland forests in carbon sequestration and the provision of other ecosystem services of major importance;. Through the National Peatlands Strategy, clarify and implement, as far as possible, the commitments made through international conventions and initiatives for the protection and sustainable management of peatlands, including the Ramsar Convention;.", + "Through the National Peatlands Strategy, clarify and implement, as far as possible, the commitments made through international conventions and initiatives for the protection and sustainable management of peatlands, including the Ramsar Convention;. Invest in building national capacity and expertise, both institutionally and technically, in relation to sustainable peatland management;. Harness the current interest in Congo Basin peatlands to advance the DRC government s current agenda and priorities for peatland enhancement and protection;.", + "Harness the current interest in Congo Basin peatlands to advance the DRC government s current agenda and priorities for peatland enhancement and protection;. Define a Communication, Information and Education plan in connection with the national capacity building program on peatlands;. Ensure a better connection between the National Peatland Strategy and the various international, sub-regional and national initiatives related to the management and enhancement of peatlands.", + "Ensure a better connection between the National Peatland Strategy and the various international, sub-regional and national initiatives related to the management and enhancement of peatlands. In addition to peatland restoration measures, the mitigation measures planned for the forest sector in this document build on other nature-based solutions. These include the following measures in particular:. Promotion of traditional and modern afforestation and reforestation techniques with a view to preserving forests;.", + "These include the following measures in particular:. Promotion of traditional and modern afforestation and reforestation techniques with a view to preserving forests;. Support for the development of community forestry as a tool for conserving biodiversity and combating the loss of forest cover in rural areas;. Enhancement of MEOR tools (Methodology for the Assessment of Restoration Opportunities) at the national level by integrating the enhancement of traditional knowledge in the conservation of biodiversity around protected areas; and.", + "Enhancement of MEOR tools (Methodology for the Assessment of Restoration Opportunities) at the national level by integrating the enhancement of traditional knowledge in the conservation of biodiversity around protected areas; and. Support for initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes. In implementing these measures, the DRC will rely on the Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions27.", + "Support for initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes. In implementing these measures, the DRC will rely on the Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions27. Figure 12 below illustrates the emissions projections for the BAU baseline scenario of AFOLU sector emissions, fully correlated to the national emissions balance sheet. The graph shows that emissions more than doubled over the period 2010 to 2014, reaching 830.53 Mt CO2e.", + "Figure 12 below illustrates the emissions projections for the BAU baseline scenario of AFOLU sector emissions, fully correlated to the national emissions balance sheet. The graph shows that emissions more than doubled over the period 2010 to 2014, reaching 830.53 Mt CO2e. Between the period 2014 and 2018, there was a clear trend towards the reduction of emissions, of the order of 36%, which would be justified by the significant investments and structural changes (measures and regulations) of management in the sector.", + "Between the period 2014 and 2018, there was a clear trend towards the reduction of emissions, of the order of 36%, which would be justified by the significant investments and structural changes (measures and regulations) of management in the sector. targeting the drivers of deforestation and aiming to bend the deforestation curve. The year 2015 thus marked the start of the implementation phase of REDD+, commonly referred to as phase 2 of REDD+.", + "The year 2015 thus marked the start of the implementation phase of REDD+, commonly referred to as phase 2 of REDD+. Figure 12: Projected emissions from the Forestry and other Land Use (BAU) sector. The estimate of GHG reductions in the AFOLU sector, targeted at 28% (Figure 12), is based on the achievement of 27 integrated mitigation actions by 2030 (Table 4). Figure 13: GHG reductions in the AFOLU sector.", + "The estimate of GHG reductions in the AFOLU sector, targeted at 28% (Figure 12), is based on the achievement of 27 integrated mitigation actions by 2030 (Table 4). Figure 13: GHG reductions in the AFOLU sector. Figures 14and 15 show the evolution of emissions projections for the Energy, Agriculture and Waste sectors over the same horizon in the BAU scenarios and with measurements. Figure 14: Evolution of projections of emissions from the Energy sector.", + "Figures 14 and 15 show the evolution of emissions projections for the Energy, Agriculture and Waste sectors over the same horizon in the BAU scenarios and with measurements. Figure 14: Evolution of projections of emissions from the Energy sector. The waste sector is characterized by an increase in emissions attributable to (i) the disposal of solid waste (90.4%) of all kinds generated by households, communities and businesses (businesses, industries, construction, agricultural residues, etc.), (ii) discharge of domestic wastewater (6.8%), and combustion in the open air.", + "The waste sector is characterized by an increase in emissions attributable to (i) the disposal of solid waste (90.4%) of all kinds generated by households, communities and businesses (businesses, industries, construction, agricultural residues, etc.), (ii) discharge of domestic wastewater (6.8%), and combustion in the open air. These emissions represent approximately 11% on average of all national emissions. Figure 15: Evolution of projected emissions from the Waste sector. The full implementation of these various levers would ultimately lead to significant reductions in emissions.", + "Figure 15: Evolution of projected emissions from the Waste sector. The full implementation of these various levers would ultimately lead to significant reductions in emissions. Table 4 presents a summary of the interventions that the DRC intends to implement in order to achieve the reduction target targeted by 2030. Table 4: Summary of GHG emission mitigation options and associated estimated costs. Sector. Objective. Actions. Indicators. Reduction potential in 2030. Co-benefits of adaptation. Estimated cost (USD billion)28. Implementation period. Alignment with the SDGs. Energy.", + "Actions. Indicators. Reduction potential in 2030. Co-benefits of adaptation. Estimated cost (USD billion)28. Implementation period. Alignment with the SDGs. Energy. Reduce the demand for wood energy and facilitate access to electricity. Rural, peri-urban and urban electrification using renewable energy sources. For hydroelectricity from 3GW in 2020 to 4GW in 2030 (ii) For wind, solar and geothermal from 2.9 MW in 2020 to 42.7 MW in 2030 (iii) 8 to 10 units installed. 74.2 to 94.6 Mt CO2e. 1.95.", + "For hydroelectricity from 3GW in 2020 to 4GW in 2030 (ii) For wind, solar and geothermal from 2.9 MW in 2020 to 42.7 MW in 2030 (iii) 8 to 10 units installed. 74.2 to 94.6 Mt CO2e. 1.95. Promotion of improved stoves & improvement of carbonization. Go from 12-15% to 25-30% yield (ii) 3 million households have FA units29. 1.05. Promotion of renewable energies. Renewable Energy Act 2014 amended (ii) Number of residences and institutions, manufacturing industries equipped with solar photovoltaic systems. 0.28.", + "Promotion of renewable energies. Renewable Energy Act 2014 amended (ii) Number of residences and institutions, manufacturing industries equipped with solar photovoltaic systems. 0.28. Transition to energy-efficient cooking. Number of households using biogas, LPG technologies; and briquettes made from agricultural residues or biodegradable household waste. 0.63. Industrial plantations - Wood energy. 130,000 ha of plantations for energy purposes. 0.18. Develop and improve urban and interurban transport. Promotion of mass transportation.", + "Industrial plantations - Wood energy. 130,000 ha of plantations for energy purposes. 0.18. Develop and improve urban and interurban transport. Promotion of mass transportation. At 10 urban centers (cities and towns) equipped with: traffic master plan; (ii) New public transport system (Bus, Rail, etc.); (iii) Number of road, rail (interconnection), river and lake communication infrastructure built/rehabilitated; (iv) Number of assembly units for new low-emission vehicles locally (in terms of technology transfer). 1.1. Agriculture. Sedentarize agriculture.", + "At 10 urban centers (cities and towns) equipped with: traffic master plan; (ii) New public transport system (Bus, Rail, etc.); (iii) Number of road, rail (interconnection), river and lake communication infrastructure built/rehabilitated; (iv) Number of assembly units for new low-emission vehicles locally (in terms of technology transfer). 1.1. Agriculture. Sedentarize agriculture. Promotion of technical itineraries aimed at the sedentarization of farmers, particularly in forest areas, including wetlands.", + "Sedentarize agriculture. Promotion of technical itineraries aimed at the sedentarization of farmers, particularly in forest areas, including wetlands. 1 million ha of irrigated perimeters developed and equipped (ii) About 150 farmers organizations and peasant cooperatives established; (iii) Number of farmers using the guide to good agricultural practices for the management of fallow land, and the use of natural fertilizers; (iv) Number of sensitization and agricultural extension campaigns per year. 180 to 187 Mt CO2e (43%). 1.7.", + "1 million ha of irrigated perimeters developed and equipped (ii) About 150 farmers organizations and peasant cooperatives established; (iii) Number of farmers using the guide to good agricultural practices for the management of fallow land, and the use of natural fertilizers; (iv) Number of sensitization and agricultural extension campaigns per year. 180 to 187 Mt CO2e (43%). 1.7. Integration of agriculture in the national land use plan, developed in the implementation of the REDD+ strategy. Existence of:. the regional planning policy;.", + "Integration of agriculture in the national land use plan, developed in the implementation of the REDD+ strategy. Existence of:. the regional planning policy;. a national land use plan. 0.2. Promotion of intensive agriculture in savannah areas in order to limit pressure on natural forests. 1.6 million ha of land for intensive agricultural use developed (ii) Number of agricultural households using livestock waste and by-products in the form of biogas and natural fertilizers. 1.33.", + "Promotion of intensive agriculture in savannah areas in order to limit pressure on natural forests. 1.6 million ha of land for intensive agricultural use developed (ii) Number of agricultural households using livestock waste and by-products in the form of biogas and natural fertilizers. 1.33. Promotion of rational and sustainable use of agricultural production areas to preserve agro-ecological conditions with a view to ensuring the stability of the forest cover. 1.2. Intensification of agricultural food production (carbohydrates, oilseeds, legumes) in savanna zones and degraded forests. 1.3.", + "Promotion of rational and sustainable use of agricultural production areas to preserve agro-ecological conditions with a view to ensuring the stability of the forest cover. 1.2. Intensification of agricultural food production (carbohydrates, oilseeds, legumes) in savanna zones and degraded forests. 1.3. Intensification of cash crop production in secondary forest and savannah, but with sustainable agroforestry systems (cocoa, coffee, banana, special crops) to enhance the comparative advantages of the peasantry for these crops.", + "Intensification of cash crop production in secondary forest and savannah, but with sustainable agroforestry systems (cocoa, coffee, banana, special crops) to enhance the comparative advantages of the peasantry for these crops. Number of new plantations of perennial crops and agroforestry in shrub savannahs or savannah-forest mosaics. 1.3. Popularization and awareness of good practices. Number of awareness and extension campaigns on good agricultural practices per year. 0.8. Development of intensive farming. Number of farms and agrosilvopastoral systems,. 1.2. Forestry and other Land Uses.", + "Number of awareness and extension campaigns on good agricultural practices per year. 0.8. Development of intensive farming. Number of farms and agrosilvopastoral systems,. 1.2. Forestry and other Land Uses. Reduce deforestation and forest degradation. Promotion of traditional and modern afforestation and reforestation techniques with a view to preserving forests. 760 thousand ha of restored forests. 15% of 7 million ha of marginal areas reforested. 182 to 192 Mt CO2e (i.e. 28%). 1.45.", + "760 thousand ha of restored forests. 15% of 7 million ha of marginal areas reforested. 182 to 192 Mt CO2e (i.e. 28%). 1.45. Support for the development of community forestry as a tool for conserving biodiversity and combating the loss of forest cover in rural areas. Number of sensitization and popularization campaigns on reduced impact logging (EFIR). 1.5. Restoration of wetlands, including peatlands used for agriculture and livestock. Area of. wetlands set aside and/or restored. 1.3.", + "Number of sensitization and popularization campaigns on reduced impact logging (EFIR). 1.5. Restoration of wetlands, including peatlands used for agriculture and livestock. Area of. wetlands set aside and/or restored. 1.3. Enhancement of MEOR tools (Methodology for the Assessment of Restoration Opportunities) at the national level by integrating the enhancement of traditional knowledge in the conservation of biodiversity around protected areas. Number of training, awareness and extension campaigns. 0.85. Support for initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes.", + "Number of training, awareness and extension campaigns. 0.85. Support for initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes. Legal texts establishing the platform on forest restoration. 1.2. Strengthening of forest governance, in particular the fight against the illegal exploitation of timber and other forest resources, taking into account the studies, analyzes and tools produced in the implementation of the various relevant forest processes such as VPA-FLEGTf. Existence of fraud surveillance and repression system. 1.2. Strengthen the carbon stock.", + "Strengthening of forest governance, in particular the fight against the illegal exploitation of timber and other forest resources, taking into account the studies, analyzes and tools produced in the implementation of the various relevant forest processes such as VPA-FLEGTf. Existence of fraud surveillance and repression system. 1.2. Strengthen the carbon stock. Sustainable timber harvesting management. 1.8. Sustainable management and rehabilitation of mining and oil exploitations. Area of former mining and petroleum operations rehabilitated/restored in accordance with the Environmental Management Plan (EMP). 0.09.", + "Sustainable management and rehabilitation of mining and oil exploitations. Area of former mining and petroleum operations rehabilitated/restored in accordance with the Environmental Management Plan (EMP). 0.09. Fight against bush fires. Area set aside;. Existence of monitoring systems and bush fire management plan. 0.11. Peatland mapping and assessment. Existence of peatland area rental map. 0.52. Waste. Improve access to waste management services. Strengthening the institutional and legal framework for waste management. Existence of legal texts regulating waste management. 37 Mt CO2e. 0.14.", + "Strengthening the institutional and legal framework for waste management. Existence of legal texts regulating waste management. 37 Mt CO2e. 0.14. Rational waste management program. 0.44. Recover waste. Energy recovery from waste (reduction of CH4 emissions from landfills). Number of Kwh produced from landfill gas recovery. Number of households with access to this technology. 0.07. Use of landfill gases. 0.29. Aerobic composting. Number of digesters available;. Number of energy recovery and non-landfill gas plants in different urban areas. 0.21.", + "Use of landfill gases. 0.29. Aerobic composting. Number of digesters available;. Number of energy recovery and non-landfill gas plants in different urban areas. 0.21. Energy production and organic fertilizer from solid waste, wastewater and sludge faeces. 0.21. Total. 25.6. 6 Contribution to adaptation. 6.1. Analysis of vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in the DRC. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is vulnerable to the various effects of climate change and does not have adequate capacities to deal with them.", + "Indeed, the ND-GAIN index ranks the DRC 5th in the world among the countries most vulnerable to climate change in terms of their capacity to adapt30.", + "Indeed, the ND-GAIN index ranks the DRC 5th in the world among the countries most vulnerable to climate change in terms of their capacity to adapt.30 The impacts of climate change are already perceptible across the country, in particular by the persistence of high temperatures, violent rains, land degradation, particularly by erosion, the lengthening of the dry season, the increase in drought sequences during rainy seasons, and floods31.", + "The impacts of climate change are already perceptible across the country, in particular by the persistence of high temperatures, violent rains, land degradation, particularly by erosion, the lengthening of the dry season, the increase in drought sequences during rainy seasons, and floods.31 Climate projections in the DRC over the next few decades foresee an increase in temperatures of 3oC to 5oC, a decrease in precipitation and an increase in its variability, as well as an increase in extreme phenomena32.", + "Climate projections in the DRC over the next few decades foresee an increase in temperatures of 3oC to 5oC, a decrease in precipitation and an increase in its variability, as well as an increase in extreme phenomena.32 These climatic variations will have a significant impact on the country s main climate-sensitive economic sectors.", + "These climatic variations will have a significant impact on the country s main climate-sensitive economic sectors. The National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change (PANA, 2006) identifies the sectors of water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal zone as the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. 6.1.1. Impacts, risks and vulnerabilities to climate change. Projection and evolution of precipitation and temperatures up to 2100.", + "The National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change (PANA, 2006) identifies the sectors of water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal zone as the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. 6.1.1. Impacts, risks and vulnerabilities to climate change. Projection and evolution of precipitation and temperatures up to 2100. Vulnerability and climate risk assessment studies in the DRC, carried out as part of the implementation of PANA (2006), taking into account the popular perception in general as well as scientific considerations, have identified five major climate risks:.", + "Vulnerability and climate risk assessment studies in the DRC, carried out as part of the implementation of PANA (2006), taking into account the popular perception in general as well as scientific considerations, have identified five major climate risks:. heavy rains;. coastal erosion;. riparian flooding;. heat waves; and. seasonal droughts. Evolution of precipitation and temperatures up to 2100.", + "Heavy rains;. coastal erosion;. riparian flooding;. heat waves; and. seasonal droughts. Evolution of precipitation and temperatures up to 2100. Following the application of MAGICC-ScenGen projections on the evolution of rainfall (rainy season), and the average maximum annual temperature, the four climatic zones were defined as presented in Table 4 (PANA, 2006 ). Table 5: Climate zones. Area. City/landmark. East longitude. South latitude. Years. Rainfall (mm). Temperature. I. matadi. 12-15o. 5o-7o. 2005. 1100. 25.2. 2100. 850. 29.1. II. Kinshasa. 12.5o. 2.5o-5o. 2005. 1800. 25.0. 2100.", + "Rainfall (mm). Temperature. I. matadi. 12-15o. 5o-7o. 2005. 1100. 25.2. 2100. 850. 29.1. II. Kinshasa. 12.5o. 2.5o-5o. 2005. 1800. 25.0. 2100. 1900. 28.2. III. Kindu. 17.5o. 2.5o-7.5o. 2005. 1700. 25.2. 2100. 1630. 29.1. IV. Lubumbashi. 27.5o. 7.5o-12.5o. 2005. 1100. 20.4. 2100. 900. 24.7. Source: Second National Communication (2009:79). Throughout the DRC, annual temperature trends indicate a gradual increase.", + "1100. 20.4. 2100. 900. 24.7. Source: Second National Communication (2009:79). Throughout the DRC, annual temperature trends indicate a gradual increase. On the other hand, the rains will experience two different situations: an increase especially in the Cuvette and a decrease in precipitation elsewhere with the shortening of the rainy season, as one advances towards the extreme South, Katanga in particular would experience, in the long run, from 2020 \u2013 less than 5 months of rainy season against 7 currently. Exposure Indicators and Potential Impacts.", + "On the other hand, the rains will experience two different situations: an increase especially in the Cuvette and a decrease in precipitation elsewhere with the shortening of the rainy season, as one advances towards the extreme South, Katanga in particular would experience, in the long run, from 2020 \u2013 less than 5 months of rainy season against 7 currently. Exposure Indicators and Potential Impacts. Table 5 provides some details on the spatial and temporal distribution of exposure and impact indicators.", + "Exposure Indicators and Potential Impacts. Table 5 provides some details on the spatial and temporal distribution of exposure and impact indicators. Table 6: Inventory of the most common climate risks for the DRC. Risk. Impact. Loss of human life. Duration (days). Extent (km2). Frequency (%). Tendency. Rains. intense. 5. 2. 3. 4. 3. Seasonal drought. 2. 1. 2. 4. 3. floods. Residents. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. Crisis. scorching. 3. 2. 2. 4. 3. Coastal erosion. 5. 1. 2. 2. 2. Source ; NAPA (2006:16).", + "2. 2. 2. Crisis. scorching. 3. 2. 2. 4. 3. Coastal erosion. 5. 1. 2. 2. 2. Source ; NAPA (2006:16). Legend: Estimates are calculated on a potential scale. Impacts: 1 = $1 per capita, 2 = $10, 3 = $100, 4 = $1000, 5 = $10,000. Loss of human life: 1 = 1 person per event, 2 = 10 people,. 3 = 100 people, 4 = 4,000 people.", + "Loss of human life: 1 = 1 person per event, 2 = 10 people,. 3 = 100 people, 4 = 4,000 people. Duration: 1 = 1 day, 2 = 2 days, 3 = 100 days (one season), 4 = 1,000 days (over a year). patial extent: 2 = 10Km2, 3 = 100 Km2, 4 = 1,000 Km2. Frequency: 1 = 1% probability (some years), 2 = 10% probability, 3 = 100% probability (annual). Trend indicators: average increase ; significant increase.", + "Frequency: 1 = 1% probability (some years), 2 = 10% probability, 3 = 100% probability (annual). Trend indicators: average increase ; significant increase. Expected climate changes in the DRC. Another COMIFAC study confirms the trends expressed in PANA, based on the MAGICC-SCenGen model. This assessment of climate change, at the scale of the Congo Basin33, based on a state-of-the-art multi-model and multi-scenario ensemble, used for global and regional climate change forecasts, indicates a robust increase in average temperature in the Congo Basin.", + "This assessment of climate change, at the scale of the Congo Basin33, based on a state-of-the-art multi-model and multi-scenario ensemble, used for global and regional climate change forecasts, indicates a robust increase in average temperature in the Congo Basin. entire Congo Basin, regardless of the baseline emission scenario. In addition to average temperatures, major variations in temperature extremes are also projected. In terms of total annual precipitation, the surveyed set shows no major change in the project area, again, regardless of the baseline emissions scenario.", + "In terms of total annual precipitation, the surveyed set shows no major change in the project area, again, regardless of the baseline emissions scenario. However, Variations in precipitation characteristics are to be expected. The forecast variations in terms of the intensity of heavy precipitation indicate a strong increase over most of this area. Similarly, a resurgence of episodes of drought in the rainy season is very likely.", + "The forecast variations in terms of the intensity of heavy precipitation indicate a strong increase over most of this area. Similarly, a resurgence of episodes of drought in the rainy season is very likely. All these changes could have a considerable impact on the agricultural and hydro-energy systems of the region, even if the average annual availability of water resources remains constant.", + "All these changes could have a considerable impact on the agricultural and hydro-energy systems of the region, even if the average annual availability of water resources remains constant. Thus the climatic characteristics in this particular area, subdivided into five climatic zones (Table 6) of which three cover the DRC (Figure 7), show a lot of variations.", + "Thus the climatic characteristics in this particular area, subdivided into five climatic zones (Table 6) of which three cover the DRC (Figure 7), show a lot of variations. For example, the rainy season which changes from the JJA season (June-July-August) in the northern parts to the DJF season (December-January-February) in the southern parts, and from a unimodal regime (North and South ) to a bimodal regime in the center.", + "For example, the rainy season which changes from the JJA season (June-July-August) in the northern parts to the DJF season (December-January-February) in the southern parts, and from a unimodal regime (North and South ) to a bimodal regime in the center. In addition, climatic changes are predominant by and large, with humidity conditions in the center of the domain compared to the northern and southern border regions. Table 7: Details of the five sub-zones. Figure 16: Distribution of climatic zones in the Congo Basin.", + "In addition, climatic changes are predominant by and large, with humidity conditions in the center of the domain compared to the northern and southern border regions. Table 7: Details of the five sub-zones. Figure 16: Distribution of climatic zones in the Congo Basin. Source: Haensler et al., 2013. The colors in the map highlight the different climates found in this region ranging from tropical climate types in the center to arid regions even along the northern margins.", + "The colors in the map highlight the different climates found in this region ranging from tropical climate types in the center to arid regions even along the northern margins. The classification is based on the Koeppen-Geiger climate classification. The Third National Communication (MECNT, 2014) shows that the impacts of climate change on Current evapotranspiration and potential evapotranspiration, simulated for the 2046-2065 horizon using the PITMAN hydrological model for the Bukama reference station, show an increase around 10 to 15% compared to the historical reference period.", + "The Third National Communication (MECNT, 2014) shows that the impacts of climate change on Current evapotranspiration and potential evapotranspiration, simulated for the 2046-2065 horizon using the PITMAN hydrological model for the Bukama reference station, show an increase around 10 to 15% compared to the historical reference period. Furthermore, the analysis of future rainfall trends at different time intervals (interannual and decadal) shows that there is a slight difference between the annual averages for the 2046-2065 and 2081-2100 horizons, which would reflect the trends of the variability of the historical reference period.", + "Furthermore, the analysis of future rainfall trends at different time intervals (interannual and decadal) shows that there is a slight difference between the annual averages for the 2046-2065 and 2081-2100 horizons, which would reflect the trends of the variability of the historical reference period. However, it is necessary to note a significant disturbance of the seasonal distribution of rainfall for the horizons 2046-2065 and 2081-2100.", + "However, it is necessary to note a significant disturbance of the seasonal distribution of rainfall for the horizons 2046-2065 and 2081-2100. This change in the distribution of rainfall characteristics associated with the increase in temperature will lead to the resurgence of extreme hydrological phenomena, such as floods and droughts, gully erosion of soils and landslides, and the disruption of services provided by aquatic ecosystems; namely: supplying domestic water, hydroelectricity, irrigation, navigation, etc. As for sea level rise scenarios, in its analysis of the time series of sea level height in the coastal zone from January 1993 to December 2012, Longandjo34 shows a trend towards sea level rise.", + "sea. of. about 2.2 mm per year, i.e. a rise of about 4.00 cm over two decades. 6.2. Adaptation and resilience priorities. The DRC developed a National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA) in 2006. This program assesses the risks and vulnerability to the impacts of climate change at the national level and identifies urgent and immediate adaptation activities that meet current and anticipated adverse effects of climate change, including extreme events.", + "This program assesses the risks and vulnerability to the impacts of climate change at the national level and identifies urgent and immediate adaptation activities that meet current and anticipated adverse effects of climate change, including extreme events. The main sectors identified relate to water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal zone. The process of identifying the axes of urgent and immediate intervention made it possible to select ten priority adaptation options below:. electrification of urban and rural areas;. collecting and drilling water wells;.", + "The process of identifying the axes of urgent and immediate intervention made it possible to select ten priority adaptation options below:. electrification of urban and rural areas;. collecting and drilling water wells;. development of water reservoirs;. the fight against erosion and flooding;. rational management of forest resources;. the protection of coastal zones;. the construction and rehabilitation of communication channels (roads, railways and rivers). sedentarization in rural areas;. strengthening the capacity of agricultural production; and. capacity building of national meteorological services.", + "The DRC has already made several efforts to implement urgent adaptation actions in the sectors of agriculture, community recovery and the fight against coastal erosion, particularly within the framework of certain adaptation projects implemented. implemented in accordance with the areas of intervention identified in the NAPA.", + "The DRC has already made several efforts to implement urgent adaptation actions in the sectors of agriculture, community recovery and the fight against coastal erosion, particularly within the framework of certain adaptation projects implemented. implemented in accordance with the areas of intervention identified in the NAPA. Since 2014, a process of updating the orientations of the NAPA and integrating the issue of adaptation into sectoral policies and strategies, following a participatory and multidisciplinary approach, has been initiated as part of the National Plan for Adaptation to Changes (NAP).", + "Since 2014, a process of updating the orientations of the NAPA and integrating the issue of adaptation into sectoral policies and strategies, following a participatory and multidisciplinary approach, has been initiated as part of the National Plan for Adaptation to Changes (NAP). While the NAPA aimed to identify urgent and priority actions in terms of adaptation to climate change, within the framework of the NAP, it is a question of integrating the adaptation dimension into national and provincial development planning by considering the following priority sectors:.", + "While the NAPA aimed to identify urgent and priority actions in terms of adaptation to climate change, within the framework of the NAP, it is a question of integrating the adaptation dimension into national and provincial development planning by considering the following priority sectors:. Conservation of forest ecosystems and biodiversity. Strengthening the resilience of the agricultural sector. Climate Risk Management in Peasant Agriculture. Disaster risk reduction and coastal zone protection. Strengthening the resilience of the health sector. 6.2.1. Conservation of forest ecosystems and biodiversity.", + "Disaster risk reduction and coastal zone protection. Strengthening the resilience of the health sector. 6.2.1. Conservation of forest ecosystems and biodiversity. Adapting forest management to climate change will ensure energy supply and livelihoods. Conservation measures should be put in place at specific sites where ecosystems are at risk of degradation. Certain actions may be taken, in particular:. More effective inventory and monitoring of forests taking into account existing capacities. Various monitoring systems have already been developed.", + "Certain actions may be taken, in particular:. More effective inventory and monitoring of forests taking into account existing capacities. Various monitoring systems have already been developed. They can, however, be subject to improvements, taking into account the potential impacts of climate change;. Conservation measures should be put in place in specific sites where ecosystems are at risk of degradation;. Involvement of Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples in the negotiations of social clauses with logging and mining operators;.", + "Conservation measures should be put in place in specific sites where ecosystems are at risk of degradation;. Involvement of Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples in the negotiations of social clauses with logging and mining operators;. Raising awareness of the various actors involved in logging on violence and the human rights of men and women;. Initiation of pilot projects on non-timber forest products (NTFP) sectors with local communities and indigenous peoples;. Reforestation and domestication of species of great ecological, economic and cultural value, etc. 6.2.2.", + "Initiation of pilot projects on non-timber forest products (NTFP) sectors with local communities and indigenous peoples;. Reforestation and domestication of species of great ecological, economic and cultural value, etc. 6.2.2. Strengthening the resilience of the agricultural sector. The following specific actions are envisaged to strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector to the effects of climate change:. Realization of zoning for land allocation, in order to circumscribe the areas to be allocated specifically to agricultural activities;.", + "The following specific actions are envisaged to strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector to the effects of climate change:. Realization of zoning for land allocation, in order to circumscribe the areas to be allocated specifically to agricultural activities;. Promotion of good sustainable farming practices, distribution to farmers of improved and resilient seeds and popularization of soil enrichment techniques;. Support for the organization of marketing circuits and a price policy for the sale of remunerative agricultural products to producers;.", + "Support for the organization of marketing circuits and a price policy for the sale of remunerative agricultural products to producers;. Supervision and support of farmers in their agricultural activities;. Strengthening of agricultural extension;. Promotion of agronomic research;. Development of tools and procedures for managing agricultural climate crisis situations;. Multiplication of meteorological observation stations;. Involvement of the State, in the name of national solidarity, in the event of exceptional climatic accidents, to ensure compensation for risks;.", + "Involvement of the State, in the name of national solidarity, in the event of exceptional climatic accidents, to ensure compensation for risks;. Subsidies for small farmers, who are increasingly vulnerable, with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices capable of sustaining their farms;. Selection of resilient varieties at the level of agricultural research centers and universities;. Promotion of sustainable agricultural sectors;. Constitution of strategic reserves of food products; development and dissemination of research products;. Structuring of farmers organizations and improvement of agricultural governance;.", + "Constitution of strategic reserves of food products; development and dissemination of research products;. Structuring of farmers organizations and improvement of agricultural governance;. Integration of the gender approach;. Strengthening of human and institutional capacities;. Capacity building of farmers organizations. Multiplication of meteorological observation stations;. Establishment of a dynamic agricultural calendar for each crop with the involvement of agro-meteorologists and agronomists.", + "Multiplication of meteorological observation stations;. Establishment of a dynamic agricultural calendar for each crop with the involvement of agro-meteorologists and agronomists. The strengthening of individual and collective prevention efforts at the level of agronomic and technological research, the harmonization of public support for prevention investments, the development of tools and procedures for managing situations of agricultural climatic crises;. The development of the capacity to pool risks, in time and space, with a large possible number of PA farms and other members of the mutual;. 6.2.3.", + "The development of the capacity to pool risks, in time and space, with a large possible number of PA farms and other members of the mutual; 6.2.3. Climate Risk Management in Peasant Agriculture.", + "Climate Risk Management in Peasant Agriculture. Implementation of early warning solutions by: (i) improving people s access to multi-risk early warning systems and information and assessments relating to disaster risks; (ii) the establishment of partnerships around meteorological services relating to the early warning needs of rural women and to drought; (iii) identification of preventive solutions to agricultural landslides; and (iv) the development of intervention plans for the implementation of the early warning system for women in subsistence farming.", + "Implementation of early warning solutions by: (i) improving people s access to multi-risk early warning systems and information and assessments relating to disaster risks; (ii) the establishment of partnerships around meteorological services relating to the early warning needs of rural women and to drought; (iii) identification of preventive solutions to agricultural landslides; and (iv) the development of intervention plans for the implementation of the early warning system for women in subsistence farming. Implementation of response solutions through hydro-agricultural development and the mapping of programs for the implementation of agricultural water control technologies;.", + "Implementation of response solutions through hydro-agricultural development and the mapping of programs for the implementation of agricultural water control technologies;. Capacity building of extension workers, while taking gender into account, in rural radio stations for climate risk alerts;. Use of agro-meteorology to prevent climatic risks. Subsidies for small farmers, who are increasingly vulnerable, with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices capable of sustaining their farms. 6.2.4. Disaster risk reduction and coastal zone protection. Analysis, evaluation and mapping of hydro-climatic risks;.", + "Subsidies for small farmers, who are increasingly vulnerable, with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices capable of sustaining their farms. 6.2.4. Disaster risk reduction and coastal zone protection. Analysis, evaluation and mapping of hydro-climatic risks;. Assessment of vulnerabilities and capacities;. Monitoring and early warning of hydro-climatic risks (floods, drought, soil erosion (urban and agricultural), landslides, etc.);. Development of information and communication documents on climate risks and their dissemination. Strengthening of institutional and regulatory capacities for the integrated management of vulnerable coastal zones;.", + "Development of information and communication documents on climate risks and their dissemination. Strengthening of institutional and regulatory capacities for the integrated management of vulnerable coastal zones;. Implementation of coastal erosion control measures in the area between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km);. Support for resilient income-generating activities and strengthening of the early warning system of coastal areas vulnerable to climate change. 6.2.5. Management of water resources and environmental sanitation. Additional dredges or widenings, so that excess water drains freely.", + "Support for resilient income-generating activities and strengthening of the early warning system of coastal areas vulnerable to climate change. 6.2.5. Management of water resources and environmental sanitation. Additional dredges or widenings, so that excess water drains freely. Adoption of river stabilization techniques in risk areas.", + "Management of water resources and environmental sanitation. Additional dredges or widenings, so that excess water drains freely. Adoption of river stabilization techniques in risk areas. Improving the prevention of extreme weather events and floods (for example) through early warning systems and strengthening the resilience of water resources through innovations and modifications of water resource practices (construction of water supply structures in villages: wells, rehabilitation of springs, diversion of rivers, etc.). Improved access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene in rural and peri-urban areas;.", + "Improving the prevention of extreme weather events and floods (for example) through early warning systems and strengthening the resilience of water resources through innovations and modifications of water resource practices (construction of water supply structures in villages: wells, rehabilitation of springs, diversion of rivers, etc.). Improved access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene in rural and peri-urban areas; Support for the Ecole et Village Assainis (EVA) program, established at the national level by developing a strategy centered around the community and its needs and which gives families the opportunity to make informed choices while strengthening their resilience. 6.2.6.", + "Support for the Ecole et Village Assainis (EVA) program, established at the national level by developing a strategy centered around the community and its needs and which gives families the opportunity to make informed choices while strengthening their resilience. 6.2.6. Strengthening the resilience of the health sector. Improving access to public health services for poor populations vulnerable to climate change by: (i) improving, building, rehabilitating and maintaining health infrastructure and equipment; (ii) improving people s access to basic health services in order to reduce risks. 6.4.", + "Improving access to public health services for poor populations vulnerable to climate change by: (i) improving, building, rehabilitating and maintaining health infrastructure and equipment; (ii) improving people s access to basic health services in order to reduce risks. 6.4. Adaptation Implementation Plan. Table 7 presents a summary of the interventions that the DRC intends to implement in order to be able to achieve its priority objectives of adaptation to the impacts of climate change by 2030.", + "Table 7 presents a summary of the interventions that the DRC intends to implement in order to be able to achieve its priority objectives of adaptation to the impacts of climate change by 2030. The main sectors identified concern water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal zone. Table 8: Summary of interventions in the field of adaptation and their estimated costs. Sector. Objective. Shares. Indicators. Mitigation co-benefits. Estimated cost (Billions USD). Implementation period. Alignment with the SDGs. Forest. Sustainably manage forest ecosystems and biodiversity.", + "Shares. Indicators. Mitigation co-benefits. Estimated cost (Billions USD). Implementation period. Alignment with the SDGs. Forest. Sustainably manage forest ecosystems and biodiversity. Development of forest resource development projects (NTFPs, community forestry, etc.) with Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples, ensuring the application of legal provisions. Number of projects implemented. Job creation. Protection of ecosystems. 1.15. 2021-2026. Reforestation of degraded areas with species of great ecological, economic and cultural value for communities. Reforested area. Restoration of degraded ecosystems. 1.61. 2021-2026. Development of agroforestry plantations in degraded areas.", + "Reforestation of degraded areas with species of great ecological, economic and cultural value for communities. Reforested area. Restoration of degraded ecosystems. 1.61. 2021-2026. Development of agroforestry plantations in degraded areas. Area of areas occupied by agroforestry plantations. Restoration of degraded lands. 0.58. 2021-2026. Guidance and support for sustainable fishing and fish farming micro-projects. Number of micro-projects implemented. Job creation. Improved food and nutritional security. 0.23. 2021-2030. Promotion of projects to reorient populations towards economic activities with reduced impact on forest ecosystems. Number of projects implemented.", + "Improved food and nutritional security. 0.23. 2021-2030. Promotion of projects to reorient populations towards economic activities with reduced impact on forest ecosystems. Number of projects implemented. Job creation. Protection of ecosystems. 0.06. 2021-2030. Involvement of local populations in the management of forest ecosystems in their area. Number of people involved. Protection of ecosystems. 0.06. 2021-2030. Valorization of the traditional knowledge of local populations linked to the conservation of ecosystems. Type of knowledge capitalized. Protection of ecosystems. 0.06. 2021-2030.", + "Valorization of the traditional knowledge of local populations linked to the conservation of ecosystems. Type of knowledge capitalized. Protection of ecosystems. 0.06. 2021-2030. Strategic coordination of climate change adaptation programs, plans, initiatives. Existence of a coordination structure. Strengthened governance. 0.06. 2021-2030. Promoting Sustainable Land Management (SLM). 8 M ha to be restored and managed sustainably. Restoration of agricultural and forestry land. 0.50. 2021-2030. Agriculture. Strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector.", + "8 M ha to be restored and managed sustainably. Restoration of agricultural and forestry land. 0.50. 2021-2030. Agriculture. Strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector. Integration of climate change concerns into sector planning and budgeting at all levels (national, provincial and local). Number of development plans taking into account the integration of adaptation to climate change. Optimization of the use of natural resources and regulation of carbon and nitrogen cycles through sustainable agricultural production. 1.27. 2021-2030.", + "Optimization of the use of natural resources and regulation of carbon and nitrogen cycles through sustainable agricultural production. 1.27. 2021-2030. Production and dissemination of seeds resilient to the effects of climate change. Number of climate-resilient seeds adopted. Innovation and agricultural productivity. 0.92. 2021-2030. Development of the zoning program in order to define the zones to be allocated specifically to agricultural activities. Area of areas to be specifically allocated to agricultural activities. Optimization of the use of natural resources. 0.58. 2021-2030.", + "Development of the zoning program in order to define the zones to be allocated specifically to agricultural activities. Area of areas to be specifically allocated to agricultural activities. Optimization of the use of natural resources. 0.58. 2021-2030. Collection and processing of climate data by INERA and METTELSAT and regular dissemination of weather reports and seasonal forecasts. Number of weather reports and seasonal forecasts published. Innovation and productivity. Improved climate knowledge. 0.23. 2021-2030. Popularization of soil and water management techniques in agriculture. Number of people affected.", + "Innovation and productivity. Improved climate knowledge. 0.23. 2021-2030. Popularization of soil and water management techniques in agriculture. Number of people affected. Rate of return per speculation. Sustainable management/restoration of degraded soils. 0.69. 2021-2030. Support for the structuring of farmers organizations and agricultural governance. Percentage of target population, disaggregated by sex, age and province. Strengthened agricultural governance. 0.29. 2021-2026. Support for the organization of marketing circuits and a price policy for the sale of remunerative agricultural products to agricultural producers. Percentage of target population.", + "Support for the organization of marketing circuits and a price policy for the sale of remunerative agricultural products to agricultural producers. Percentage of target population. Strengthened agricultural governance. 0.17. 2021-2026. Creation and rehabilitation of agricultural service tracks. Number of kilometers of agricultural service tracks created and rehabilitated. Efficient Resource Distribution and Uses. 0.69. 2021-2030. Promotion of (i) cultivation practices allowing agricultural activities to settle, (ii) improved and/or resilient seeds, and (iii) soil and water management techniques in agriculture accessible to farmers. Number of cultural practices.", + "Promotion of (i) cultivation practices allowing agricultural activities to settle, (ii) improved and/or resilient seeds, and (iii) soil and water management techniques in agriculture accessible to farmers. Number of cultural practices. Number of improved and/or resilient seeds. Innovation and productivity. 0.23. 2021-2030. Development and dissemination of meteorological observation stations across the country. Number of meteorological observation stations installed. Strengthened agricultural governance. 0.17. 2021-2030. Capacity building and empowerment of women. Number of women having benefited from capacity building. Human and institutional capacities strengthened. 0.23. 2021-2030.", + "Capacity building and empowerment of women. Number of women having benefited from capacity building. Human and institutional capacities strengthened. 0.23. 2021-2030. Development of alternative energies to wood energy in order to protect the forest (solar, gas, or at least improved stoves, etc.). Number of types of alternative energy to wood energy developed. Protection of ecosystems. 0.17. 2021-2030. Capacity building for adaptation and management of the impacts of climate change on agricultural production and food security. Number of households having benefited from capacity building.", + "Capacity building for adaptation and management of the impacts of climate change on agricultural production and food security. Number of households having benefited from capacity building. Human and institutional capacities strengthened. 0.06. 2021-2030. Support for research and innovation to strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector to the adverse effects of climate change. Number and type of support provided for research and innovation. Innovation and productivity. 0.23. 2021-2030. Creation of Agricultural Business Clusters (PEA) and promotion of agro-business. Number of businesses created.", + "Number and type of support provided for research and innovation. Innovation and productivity. 0.23. 2021-2030. Creation of Agricultural Business Clusters (PEA) and promotion of agro-business. Number of businesses created. Job creation. 0.46. 2021-2030. Ensure the climate risk management in smallholder agriculture. Implementation of early warning systems. Number of intervention plans for the implementation of the early warning system for women in subsistence farming developed. Innovation and productivity. 0.58. 2021-2030. Implementation of response measures in the event of natural disasters. Number of hydro-agricultural developments carried out.", + "Innovation and productivity. 0.58. 2021-2030. Implementation of response measures in the event of natural disasters. Number of hydro-agricultural developments carried out. Number of water and land conservation programs (anti-erosion) developed. Innovation and productivity. 2.88. 2021-2030. Development of subsidy mechanisms for small farmers, who are increasingly vulnerable, with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices capable of sustaining their farms. Number of small peasant producers having benefited from subsidies. Job creation Efficient distribution and use of resources. 0.23. 2021-2030. Coastal area.", + "Number of small peasant producers having benefited from subsidies. Job creation Efficient distribution and use of resources. 0.23. 2021-2030. Coastal area. Reduce the disaster risk and protect coastal areas. Assessment of vulnerabilities and human and institutional capacity needs. Number of studies carried out on vulnerabilities and human and institutional capacity needs. Human and institutional capacities strengthened. 0.58. 2021-2026. Strengthening of the early warning system for vulnerable coastal areas and hydro-climatic risk areas (floods, drought, soil erosion (urban and agricultural), landslides, volcanic eruption, etc.).", + "Strengthening of the early warning system for vulnerable coastal areas and hydro-climatic risk areas (floods, drought, soil erosion (urban and agricultural), landslides, volcanic eruption, etc.). Number of early warning systems for vulnerable coastal areas and hydro-climatic risk zones installed. Innovation and productivity. 0.29. 2021-2030. Implementation of coastal erosion control measures in vulnerable coastal areas, including area between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km). Number of coastal erosion control measures in littoral zones put in place between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km).", + "Implementation of coastal erosion control measures in vulnerable coastal areas, including area between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km). Number of coastal erosion control measures in littoral zones put in place between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km). Preservation of natural spaces. 0.35. 2021-2030. Protection of erosion zones by using appropriate erosion control techniques. Surface area of erosion zones protected by the use of appropriate erosion control techniques. Preservation of natural spaces. 0.16. 2021-2030. Support for resilient household income-generating activities.", + "Surface area of erosion zones protected by the use of appropriate erosion control techniques. Preservation of natural spaces. 0.16. 2021-2030. Support for resilient household income-generating activities. Number of people/households having received support for IGAs. Job creation. Protection of ecosystems. 0.75. 2021-2030. Education, Information and awareness on disasters and climate risks. Number of communication plans implemented. Optimization of the use of natural resources. 0.23. 2021-2030. Water resources. Managing water resources sustainably and cleaning up the environment. Development of the sanitation strategy and law.", + "Optimization of the use of natural resources. 0.23. 2021-2030. Water resources. Managing water resources sustainably and cleaning up the environment. Development of the sanitation strategy and law. Number of sanitation laws developed. Strengthened climate governance. 0.01. 2021-2026. Development of water resources development and management plans by basin or sub-basin. Number of water development and management plans per basin or sub-basin. Strengthened climate governance. 0.35. 2021-2026. Creation/Rehabilitation of water supply structures in villages. Number of water supply structures installed. Strengthened climate governance. 0.92. 2021-2030.", + "Strengthened climate governance. 0.35. 2021-2026. Creation/Rehabilitation of water supply structures in villages. Number of water supply structures installed. Strengthened climate governance. 0.92. 2021-2030. Promotion of river stabilization techniques in risk areas. Number of risk areas of the river stabilized. Innovation. 0.46. 2021-2030. Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations (women and children) through support for the Healthy Schools and Villages program. Number of Healthy School and Village Programs implemented. Enhanced food and nutrition security. 0.35. 2021-2030.", + "Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations (women and children) through support for the Healthy Schools and Villages program. Number of Healthy School and Village Programs implemented. Enhanced food and nutrition security. 0.35. 2021-2030. Promotion of pro-poor approaches for the provision of sanitation infrastructure and services. Number of infrastructure and sanitation services installed as part of pro-poor approaches. Protection of ecosystems. 0.22. 2021-2030. Production, management and dissemination of information on water resources and hydraulic/agro-hydraulic developments. Number of communication plans implemented. Strengthened climate governance. 0.06. 2021-2030.", + "Production, management and dissemination of information on water resources and hydraulic/agro-hydraulic developments. Number of communication plans implemented. Strengthened climate governance. 0.06. 2021-2030. Improved access to drinking water. Number of households with access to drinking water (rural, urban). Home improvement. 0.23. 2021-2030. Improved access to sustainable waste management services and wastewater treatment. Number of households with access to sanitation services. Home improvement. 0.20. 2021-2030. Improved access to communication (roads and ICT) and opening up of vulnerable rural areas. Number of households with access to information.", + "Improved access to communication (roads and ICT) and opening up of vulnerable rural areas. Number of households with access to information. Improved quality of life. 0.32. 2021-2030. Health. Facilitate access to health services and improve quality of life. Construction/rehabilitation and equipment of health facilities. Number of health facilities built, rehabilitated or equipped. Improved health. 0.92. 2021-2030. Strengthening of human and institutional capacities and facilitation of access of vulnerable populations to basic health services. Number of people with access to basic health services.", + "Strengthening of human and institutional capacities and facilitation of access of vulnerable populations to basic health services. Number of people with access to basic health services. Improved health. 0.88. 2021-2030. Promotion of the integration of the gender/youth/vulnerable groups approach in the fight against climate change. Number of people and institutions trained. Human and institutional capacities strengthened. 0.23. 2021-2030. Integration of the potential impacts of climate change on public health into policies and plans for development. Number of plans or programs. Strengthened climate governance. 0.06. 2021-2030.", + "Integration of the potential impacts of climate change on public health into policies and plans for development. Number of plans or programs. Strengthened climate governance. 0.06. 2021-2030. Development of synergies with other public health initiatives. Types of synergy created Number and quality of committed actors. Strengthened climate governance. 0.06. 2021-2030. Energy. Facilitate household access to clean energy at an affordable cost. Promotion of alternative energy production methods (installation of solar, wind, biomass systems),. Number of households with access to alternative energies.", + "Promotion of alternative energy production methods (installation of solar, wind, biomass systems),. Number of households with access to alternative energies. Protection of ecosystems. 0.40. 2021-2030. Improved local-scale climate modeling techniques to better predict future impacts. Climate scenario identified. Protection of ecosystems. 0.23. 2021-2030. Development of water retention basins, construction of dykes to protect production infrastructure. Number of developed watersheds. Protection of ecosystems. 0.35. 2021-2030. Promotion of the rational use of electrical energy, improvement of the management of the energy distribution network system.", + "Protection of ecosystems. 0.35. 2021-2030. Promotion of the rational use of electrical energy, improvement of the management of the energy distribution network system. Number of households with access to electricity. Protection of ecosystems. 0.17. 2021-2030. TOTAL. 23.08. 7. Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Framework. 7.1. Transparency frame. The new and improved transparency framework requires the NDC MRV system to transparently report on progress made towards the targets set out in the DRC NDC and to track progress in implementing mitigation and recovery actions.", + "The new and improved transparency framework requires the NDC MRV system to transparently report on progress made towards the targets set out in the DRC NDC and to track progress in implementing mitigation and recovery actions. adaptation - as well as the use and results of the means of implementation and support, including capacity building, technology transfer and financing.", + "adaptation - as well as the use and results of the means of implementation and support, including capacity building, technology transfer and financing. The MRV system also considers non-GHG impacts on the environmental, social and economic impacts of NDC actions that would lead to transformational change towards achieving national sustainable development goals. In the case of the DRC, this must take into account the.", + "The MRV system also considers non-GHG impacts on the environmental, social and economic impacts of NDC actions that would lead to transformational change towards achieving national sustainable development goals. In the case of the DRC, this must take into account the. These national and international requirements for the three dimensions of MRV overlap and it is useful to demonstrate their links within the national MRV system.", + "These national and international requirements for the three dimensions of MRV overlap and it is useful to demonstrate their links within the national MRV system. For example, financing, capacity building and technical support have a direct impact on the implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions. Therefore, the DRC NDC national MRV system will be useful to track and report on progress and use of support, as well as to facilitate the identification of challenges to inform policy changes essential to improve Implementation.", + "Therefore, the DRC NDC national MRV system will be useful to track and report on progress and use of support, as well as to facilitate the identification of challenges to inform policy changes essential to improve Implementation. In the DRC, the mandate to coordinate and monitor the harmonious implementation of environmental action in general, and climate action in particular, is entrusted to the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD).", + "In the DRC, the mandate to coordinate and monitor the harmonious implementation of environmental action in general, and climate action in particular, is entrusted to the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD). The MEDD, through the Sustainable Development Department (DDD), coordinates all the dynamics of the implementation and monitoring of all issues relating to climate change. It is the focal point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).", + "The MEDD, through the Sustainable Development Department (DDD), coordinates all the dynamics of the implementation and monitoring of all issues relating to climate change. It is the focal point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). As such, the DDD ensures the preparation and production of national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory reports, in collaboration with the various national institutions (the Ministry of Finance, the Interior, the agriculture, transportation, public works and infrastructure, industry, trade, rural development, land use planning, scientific research, planning, budget, public health, livestock, hydrocarbons, economy, mines; hydraulics and electricity, gender, universities) and other organizations, both nationally and internationally.", + "As such, the DDD ensures the preparation and production of national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory reports, in collaboration with the various national institutions (the Ministry of Finance, the Interior, the agriculture, transportation, public works and infrastructure, industry, trade, rural development, land use planning, scientific research, planning, budget, public health, livestock, hydrocarbons, economy, mines; hydraulics and electricity, gender, universities) and other organizations, both nationally and internationally.", + "The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development also promotes the integration of environmental policies and strategies and climate change issues into national development plans. universities) and other organizations, both nationally and internationally.", + "The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development also promotes the integration of environmental policies and strategies and climate change issues into national development plans. universities) and other organizations, both nationally and internationally. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development also drives the integration of environmental policies and strategies and climate change issues into national development plans. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, a National Committee on Climate Change has been established.", + "Under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, a National Committee on Climate Change has been established. It brings together delegates from various public administrations and institutions, universities, research centers, national organizations and civil society in order to share a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the progress of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere.", + "It brings together delegates from various public administrations and institutions, universities, research centers, national organizations and civil society in order to share a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the progress of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere.", + "A Technical Coordination Committee and thematic working groups have been set up to carry out the various activities, studies and reports. The Technical Coordination Committee is intended to be a consultation body and a space for dialogue, exchange and orientation between the stakeholders for the implementation of the NDC.", + "The Technical Coordination Committee is intended to be a consultation body and a space for dialogue, exchange and orientation between the stakeholders for the implementation of the NDC. It brings together delegates from different public administrations, institutions and organizations with a view to sharing a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in an atmosphere harmonious and collaborative.", + "The functions of the Technical Coordination Committee are determined as follows: (i) Ensure the development of the NDC in a single streamlined national process under the technical responsibility of the MEDD; (ii) Facilitate coordination with the competent authorities at the national, provincial and local levels; (iii) Define the orientations and directives of the NDC process and decide on the actions to be carried out; (iv) Decide globally on the state of progress of the activities of the various projects and initiatives related to the NDC; (v) Review and exchange views on major issues relating to the implementation of the above-mentioned projects, as well as propose corrective measures; and (vi) Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the NDC process.", + "The DDD provides all reporting and communication to the Technical Coordination Committee and the Government, through the MEDD, to inform policies and strategic decisions that ensure that the NDC s MRV effectively supports sustainable development. of the country in accordance with its National Strategic Development Plan (PNSD). The following are key areas that are part of the Committee s mandate:.", + "The following are key areas that are part of the Committee s mandate:. Review and establish the committee s objectives, terms of reference, composition and general working arrangements of the committee, the main one being the endorsement and subsequent reporting of NDC MRV at national and global levels;. Provide advice and feedback on scope, timing, costs and quality concerns, or guidance on program priorities, that arise during the planning, design and implementation of NDC-related projects;.", + "Provide advice and feedback on scope, timing, costs and quality concerns, or guidance on program priorities, that arise during the planning, design and implementation of NDC-related projects; Facilitate access to resources needed to review and report on MRV of the NDC and approve projects at key stages; Revise and review studies, research activities in line with the NDC to facilitate quality assurance and alignment with strategic priorities; Develop and make operational an effective communication plan on the MRV of the NDC.", + "Revise and review studies, research activities in line with the NDC to facilitate quality assurance and alignment with strategic priorities;. Develop and make operational an effective communication plan on the MRV of the NDC. Figure 8 below summarizes the institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation, including the national NDC MRV process. Figure 17: Institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation.", + "Figure 8 below summarizes the institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation, including the national NDC MRV process. Figure 17: Institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation. Table 12 below presents a list of relevant actors who will be involved in the preparation and subsequent implementation of the NDC, in accordance with their national role or responsibility and their role in the process of implementing the NDC.", + "Table 12 below presents a list of relevant actors who will be involved in the preparation and subsequent implementation of the NDC, in accordance with their national role or responsibility and their role in the process of implementing the NDC. In addition, during the preparation phase for the implementation of the NDC, it will be possible to consider the participation of other specialized institutions such as the National Institute for Agronomic Studies and Research (INERA), the Meteorology and Remote Sensing by Satellite (METTELSAT), the National Agricultural Statistics Service (SNSA), the National Observatory for Regional Planning (ONAT), etc. 7.2.", + "In addition, during the preparation phase for the implementation of the NDC, it will be possible to consider the participation of other specialized institutions such as the National Institute for Agronomic Studies and Research (INERA), the Meteorology and Remote Sensing by Satellite (METTELSAT), the National Agricultural Statistics Service (SNSA), the National Observatory for Regional Planning (ONAT), etc. 7.2. NDC MRV data and information management.", + "The results-based monitoring and evaluation system will be the main repository and, therefore, the appropriate platform for monitoring and managing information and data for the environment and natural resources sector, chaired by the MEDD. Thus, all data relating to climate change, including the NDC MRV managed and reported by the NDC MRV technical working committee, will be processed and accessible by the results-based monitoring and evaluation system.", + "Thus, all data relating to climate change, including the NDC MRV managed and reported by the NDC MRV technical working committee, will be processed and accessible by the results-based monitoring and evaluation system. Assessing and defining the most suitable data sources will be important for any MRV system to be effective.", + "Assessing and defining the most suitable data sources will be important for any MRV system to be effective. The NDC technical working committee for MRV that will be set up will play an essential role in the production and reporting of data and information at the national level and reports and will be significantly involved in data collection, transparency and verification.", + "The NDC technical working committee for MRV that will be set up will play an essential role in the production and reporting of data and information at the national level and reports and will be significantly involved in data collection, transparency and verification. The committee will ensure that the DRC MRV system links mitigation, adaptation and finance, as well as capacity building support and technology transfer as critical aspects of the implementation of the MRV. Cdn.", + "The committee will ensure that the DRC MRV system links mitigation, adaptation and finance, as well as capacity building support and technology transfer as critical aspects of the implementation of the MRV. Cdn. Primary data will generally be collected at the provincial level and sectors/institutions will have direct links to provincial levels to obtain data and information specific to the sector/priority action, including NDC MRV.", + "Primary data will generally be collected at the provincial level and sectors/institutions will have direct links to provincial levels to obtain data and information specific to the sector/priority action, including NDC MRV. This will be done with the support of stakeholders at the provincial level, an opportunity for the engagement of NGOs, the private sector and development partners to provide inputs to the NDC MRV process.", + "This will be done with the support of stakeholders at the provincial level, an opportunity for the engagement of NGOs, the private sector and development partners to provide inputs to the NDC MRV process. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) will provide oversight and coordination by facilitating data management flows from provincial governments to central level institutions.", + "The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) will provide oversight and coordination by facilitating data management flows from provincial governments to central level institutions. The Climate Change Division within the Sustainable Development Department of the MEDD is the technical focal point for the collection, processing, entry and analysis of data related to the MRV of the NDC.", + "The Climate Change Division within the Sustainable Development Department of the MEDD is the technical focal point for the collection, processing, entry and analysis of data related to the MRV of the NDC. The National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the DRC will be at the heart of national data production processes and will have the ultimate role of validating national statistics through the authentication of data and information, and therefore the approval of national statistics shared with different users.", + "The National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the DRC will be at the heart of national data production processes and will have the ultimate role of validating national statistics through the authentication of data and information, and therefore the approval of national statistics shared with different users. The National Institute of Statistics (INS) will facilitate the development and application of data collection protocols and will annually revise national standards and guidelines for data entry and aggregation to guide data and information on mitigation and adaptation produced by the sectors.", + "The National Institute of Statistics (INS) will facilitate the development and application of data collection protocols and will annually revise national standards and guidelines for data entry and aggregation to guide data and information on mitigation and adaptation produced by the sectors. Table 9: list of relevant actors for the implementation of the NDC. Stakeholders. Responsibility/role. Role in the implementation of the NDC. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD).", + "Table 9: list of relevant actors for the implementation of the NDC. Stakeholders. Responsibility/role. Role in the implementation of the NDC. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD). The MEDD leads and is the main national coordinator of environment and climate change activities in the DRC on behalf of the government.", + "The MEDD leads and is the main national coordinator of environment and climate change activities in the DRC on behalf of the government. It is responsible for the development of national and international reports (national GHG inventories, national communications on climate change, Biennial Update Reports (BUR), NDC, national plans on climate change, etc.), as well as management of data related to the forest sector. It acts as the Focal Point of the UNFCCC, the GEF and the GCF.", + "It is responsible for the development of national and international reports (national GHG inventories, national communications on climate change, Biennial Update Reports (BUR), NDC, national plans on climate change, etc.), as well as management of data related to the forest sector. It acts as the Focal Point of the UNFCCC, the GEF and the GCF. Responsible for the National Forest Monitoring System, national forest inventories. It is an important source of information on forest dynamics in the DRC.", + "Responsible for the National Forest Monitoring System, national forest inventories. It is an important source of information on forest dynamics in the DRC. It will be one of the stakeholders consulted for knowledge exchange, data collection and dissemination on the Forest Reference Level in the DRC. It will coordinate all activities for the preparation and implementation of project interventions, as well as those related to monitoring, reporting and improving transparency. Ministry in charge of Agriculture (MINAGRI).", + "It will coordinate all activities for the preparation and implementation of project interventions, as well as those related to monitoring, reporting and improving transparency. Ministry in charge of Agriculture (MINAGRI). Responsible for the design, formulation, coordination, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of agricultural development policies. It is in charge of managing all the data relating to agriculture published in the SNSA directories (animal and plant production).", + "It is in charge of managing all the data relating to agriculture published in the SNSA directories (animal and plant production). It will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of agricultural activities. Ministry of Rural Development (MINDER). Responsible for achieving food security and the sustainable and effective improvement of the living conditions of rural populations.", + "Ministry of Rural Development (MINDER). Responsible for achieving food security and the sustainable and effective improvement of the living conditions of rural populations. It will coordinate activities and data management related to rural activities and due to its representation across the country, it will provide operational and technical information for all aspects of the AFOLU sector at different levels. Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock.", + "It will coordinate activities and data management related to rural activities and due to its representation across the country, it will provide operational and technical information for all aspects of the AFOLU sector at different levels. Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock. Responsible for the sustainable management of fish and animal resources and their contribution to the food and nutritional security of the population. It is in charge of managing all data relating to breeding and fishing.", + "Responsible for the sustainable management of fish and animal resources and their contribution to the food and nutritional security of the population. It is in charge of managing all data relating to breeding and fishing. It will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of fishing and farming activities. Ministry of Territorial Planning. Rational Land Use Planning (Zoning) Officer.", + "It will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of fishing and farming activities. Ministry of Territorial Planning. Rational Land Use Planning (Zoning) Officer. Assess the potential of the territory with regard to the renewable and non-renewable natural resources of the national soil and subsoil. Permanently control and monitor the use of the physical space of the country.", + "Assess the potential of the territory with regard to the renewable and non-renewable natural resources of the national soil and subsoil. Permanently control and monitor the use of the physical space of the country. Share national TA observation data with the INS for their capitalization in the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the NDC. Ministry of Land Affairs. Responsible for the management of the general property regime, land and real estate regime. Facilitate access and secure land for local communities and Indigenous Peoples.", + "Responsible for the management of the general property regime, land and real estate regime. Facilitate access and secure land for local communities and Indigenous Peoples. Securing land in order to promote rational and sustainable management of natural resources. Ministry in charge of Planning (Ministry of Planning). Responsible for the production of national statistics and the management of all data related to national and regional planning. It will ensure compliance with national statistical standards. Ministry of Health. Implement the Government s policy in the field of health.", + "It will ensure compliance with national statistical standards. Ministry of Health. Implement the Government s policy in the field of health. Contribute to reducing environmental pressures that could lead to migration and its effects on health and well-being. Mobilize health sectors in the face of major environmental risks, including climate change, air pollution, water and sanitation, food safety, waste and exposure to hazardous chemicals and toxic.", + "Mobilize health sectors in the face of major environmental risks, including climate change, air pollution, water and sanitation, food safety, waste and exposure to hazardous chemicals and toxic. Stimulate and increase the exchange of good practices, experiences and technical skills with a view to strengthening health, improving health monitoring and environmental protection. Ministries in charge of foreign affairs and international cooperation. Seek, negotiate and mobilize external resources for national development.", + "Stimulate and increase the exchange of good practices, experiences and technical skills with a view to strengthening health, improving health monitoring and environmental protection. Ministries in charge of foreign affairs and international cooperation. Seek, negotiate and mobilize external resources for national development. Organize meetings of bilateral and multilateral partners and set up a permanent consultation framework at the national level. Ministries in charge of the interior and social affairs. Manage disasters and natural calamities. Coordinate the interministerial commission on disasters and natural calamities.", + "Ministries in charge of the interior and social affairs. Manage disasters and natural calamities. Coordinate the interministerial commission on disasters and natural calamities. Ministry of Scientific Research. Promote scientific research and technology transfer in the field of climate change. Direct scientific research and technology towards supporting efforts to combat climate change. Publish and disseminate the results of scientific and technological research related to the fight against climate change. INS.", + "Direct scientific research and technology towards supporting efforts to combat climate change. Publish and disseminate the results of scientific and technological research related to the fight against climate change. INS. The National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the DRC is at the heart of national data processes and has the ultimate role of validating national statistics through the authentication of data and information, and therefore the approval of statistics national shared with the outside.", + "The National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the DRC is at the heart of national data processes and has the ultimate role of validating national statistics through the authentication of data and information, and therefore the approval of statistics national shared with the outside. The National Institute of Statistics (INS) will facilitate the development and application of data protocols and annually revise national standards and guidelines for data entry and aggregation to guide data and reporting. information on mitigation and adaptation produced by the sectors.", + "The National Institute of Statistics (INS) will facilitate the development and application of data protocols and annually revise national standards and guidelines for data entry and aggregation to guide data and reporting. information on mitigation and adaptation produced by the sectors. Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance). Responsible for national budget planning; it actively participates in various activities related to public expenditure review and financial management. It will guarantee the effectiveness of the DRC s financial contribution to this project. Ministry of Gender, Family and Children.", + "Responsible for national budget planning; it actively participates in various activities related to public expenditure review and financial management. It will guarantee the effectiveness of the DRC s financial contribution to this project. Ministry of Gender, Family and Children. It was created to develop and coordinate the implementation of government measures related to the promotion and respect of women s rights and the protection of the family, to manage and coordinate social aspects.", + "It was created to develop and coordinate the implementation of government measures related to the promotion and respect of women s rights and the protection of the family, to manage and coordinate social aspects. It is responsible for improving the legal and institutional framework to ensure the participation of women in development, the representation of women at all levels and the integration of gender into policies and country programs.", + "It is responsible for improving the legal and institutional framework to ensure the participation of women in development, the representation of women at all levels and the integration of gender into policies and country programs. It will support the integration in the project of elements that contribute to closing the gender gap in climate change adaptation and mitigation activities, as well as more balanced access between men and women to resources. national.", + "It will support the integration in the project of elements that contribute to closing the gender gap in climate change adaptation and mitigation activities, as well as more balanced access between men and women to resources. national. It will also support the development of strategies to reduce the gender gap in project activities, particularly those related to capacity building. Ministry in charge of Energy (Hydraulic Resources and Electricity), ).", + "It will also support the development of strategies to reduce the gender gap in project activities, particularly those related to capacity building. Ministry in charge of Energy (Hydraulic Resources and Electricity), ). Responsible for the management of statistics of the supply, production and consumption of energy resources at the national level. He will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of fuel supply, production and consumption activities. Ministry in charge of Hydrocarbons.", + "He will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of fuel supply, production and consumption activities. Ministry in charge of Hydrocarbons. Responsible for the management of statistics on the supply, production and consumption of hydrocarbons at the national level. It will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of supply, production and consumption activities of liquid fuels. Ministry of transportation.", + "It will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of supply, production and consumption activities of liquid fuels. Ministry of transportation. It is in charge of managing all data relating to the vehicle fleet (rolling vehicles, aviation, river and lake navigation). It will be responsible for coordinating all tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of transport sector activities. National Committee on Climate Change.", + "It will be responsible for coordinating all tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of transport sector activities. National Committee on Climate Change. At present, the guidelines for the implementation of projects and programs are monitored within the framework of separate steering committees. Share a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere.", + "Share a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere. Technical committee for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the NDC. It has an operational and consultation role between the key entities of the sectoral ministries and the technical partners involved in the various components of the NDC.", + "It has an operational and consultation role between the key entities of the sectoral ministries and the technical partners involved in the various components of the NDC. Its role is to help analyze and technically validate all the data and technical information produced within the framework of the NDC. The Technical Coordination Committee aims to be a consultation and orientation body between the stakeholders for the implementation of the NDC.", + "The Technical Coordination Committee aims to be a consultation and orientation body between the stakeholders for the implementation of the NDC. It brings together delegates from different public administrations, institutions and organizations with a view to sharing a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in an atmosphere harmonious and collaborative.", + "It brings together delegates from different public administrations, institutions and organizations with a view to sharing a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in an atmosphere harmonious and collaborative. It will support aspects related to the information associated with the NDC for the Energy, AFOLU and Waste sectors and the realization of its implementation. Provincial (Technical) Committee on Climate Change.", + "It will support aspects related to the information associated with the NDC for the Energy, AFOLU and Waste sectors and the realization of its implementation. Provincial (Technical) Committee on Climate Change. Its role is to help analyze and technically validate all the data and technical information produced at the provincial level within the framework of the NDC. The Technical Coordination Committee aims to be a consultation and orientation body between the stakeholders at the provincial level.", + "Its role is to help analyze and technically validate all the data and technical information produced at the provincial level within the framework of the NDC. The Technical Coordination Committee aims to be a consultation and orientation body between the stakeholders at the provincial level. It brings together delegates from the various provincial public administrations, institutions and organizations with a view to sharing a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere.", + "It brings together delegates from the various provincial public administrations, institutions and organizations with a view to sharing a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere. Universities and research centers. They are responsible for research, innovation and formal training in all areas, including those related to climate change, as well as adaptation and mitigation measures.", + "They are responsible for research, innovation and formal training in all areas, including those related to climate change, as well as adaptation and mitigation measures. They will provide information on climate change, methodologies and approaches for monitoring, estimating GHGs and tracking progress in implementing NDCs. They will be invited to participate in trainings, workshops and meetings in order to have an effective exchange of knowledge and good practices. In addition, universities could support training processes and the inclusion of these subjects in university degree programs.", + "They will be invited to participate in trainings, workshops and meetings in order to have an effective exchange of knowledge and good practices. In addition, universities could support training processes and the inclusion of these subjects in university degree programs. This partnership with academic institutions will allow dissemination of the scientific basis on the need for natural capital accounting and legislation for various initiatives under this process. Civil society organizations.", + "This partnership with academic institutions will allow dissemination of the scientific basis on the need for natural capital accounting and legislation for various initiatives under this process. Civil society organizations. They play an important role at the local level in organizing, raising awareness, building capacity and implementing specific climate change adaptation and mitigation actions. Some organizations that will be involved in the project will be: CEDEN, CODELT, GTCRR, LINAPYCO, Logos Premier, OCEAN, REBAC, REFADD, REPALEF-RDC, RRN, among others.", + "Some organizations that will be involved in the project will be: CEDEN, CODELT, GTCRR, LINAPYCO, Logos Premier, OCEAN, REBAC, REFADD, REPALEF-RDC, RRN, among others. They will be invited to participate in activities related to the implementation of climate change policy and law, capacity building and the production/collection of data and information relevant to the functioning of the MRV system and the GHG inventories. Private sector organizations.", + "They will be invited to participate in activities related to the implementation of climate change policy and law, capacity building and the production/collection of data and information relevant to the functioning of the MRV system and the GHG inventories. Private sector organizations. They are a key player in the achievement of NDCs and the implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation activities, as they are also affected by it.", + "Some examples of private sector organizations are COPEMECO (Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises), FIB (Federation of Wood Industrialists), FEC (Federation of Congo Enterprises), SAFBOIS and SIFORCO, and agro-industries.", + "Some examples of private sector organizations are COPEMECO (Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises), FIB (Federation of Wood Industrialists), FEC (Federation of Congo Enterprises), SAFBOIS and SIFORCO, and agro-industries. Its participation is required to enable the implementation of climate change policy and law, both for the application of mitigation and/or adaptation measures and the achievement of NDCs and for the provision data and information for the operation of MRV and GHG inventories. The Central Bank of the DR Congo (BCC).", + "Its participation is required to enable the implementation of climate change policy and law, both for the application of mitigation and/or adaptation measures and the achievement of NDCs and for the provision data and information for the operation of MRV and GHG inventories. The Central Bank of the DR Congo (BCC). Define and implement the country s monetary policy, the main objective of which is to ensure the stability of the general level of prices.", + "Define and implement the country s monetary policy, the main objective of which is to ensure the stability of the general level of prices. Ensure that climate change is taken into account in macroeconomic projection models and methods and in risk assessments;. make commercial banks aware of the risks associated with climate change, and thus ensure that they are able to manage these risks appropriately;. Invest in green bonds as part of asset purchases to avoid market distortions;.", + "make commercial banks aware of the risks associated with climate change, and thus ensure that they are able to manage these risks appropriately;. Invest in green bonds as part of asset purchases to avoid market distortions;. Measure and estimate the risks that climate change poses to the national financial system and communicate the conclusions. Specialized services (INERA, METELSAT, SNSA, ONAT). 8. Means of implementation.", + "Measure and estimate the risks that climate change poses to the national financial system and communicate the conclusions. Specialized services (INERA, METELSAT, SNSA, ONAT). 8. Means of implementation. Characterized by a very low contribution to global GHG emissions, a very low GHG intensity relative to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and the lowest human development index according to the 2020 Human Development Report (UNDP, 2020 ), the DRC must therefore face many challenges in terms of socio-economic development.", + "Characterized by a very low contribution to global GHG emissions, a very low GHG intensity relative to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and the lowest human development index according to the 2020 Human Development Report (UNDP, 2020 ), the DRC must therefore face many challenges in terms of socio-economic development. Moreover, the country must prioritize minimizing the risks of climate change impacts, due to the significant vulnerability of certain economic activities, such as agriculture and forestry.", + "Moreover, the country must prioritize minimizing the risks of climate change impacts, due to the significant vulnerability of certain economic activities, such as agriculture and forestry. This section provides an overview of means of implementation in terms of (i) institutional arrangements; (ii) capacity building, (iii) technology transfer, and (iv) the need for relevant funding likely to facilitate and accelerate the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures. 8.4. Policy mechanisms and institutional arrangements.", + "This section provides an overview of means of implementation in terms of (i) institutional arrangements; (ii) capacity building, (iii) technology transfer, and (iv) the need for relevant funding likely to facilitate and accelerate the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures. 8.4. Policy mechanisms and institutional arrangements. The implementation of the NDC will be done, under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), in collaboration with various sectoral ministries concerned at the local, provincial, national level and other stakeholders, in particular young people, women and indigenous peoples. 8.5. Governance.", + "The implementation of the NDC will be done, under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), in collaboration with various sectoral ministries concerned at the local, provincial, national level and other stakeholders, in particular young people, women and indigenous peoples. 8.5. Governance. The results of specific studies will regularly feed into the national climate change policy, and key laws and regulations will be enacted, including the Climate Change Law and the Land Use Planning Law.", + "The results of specific studies will regularly feed into the national climate change policy, and key laws and regulations will be enacted, including the Climate Change Law and the Land Use Planning Law. A legal text will be adopted, establishing the appropriate institutional arrangements in order to ensure the coordination of intersectoral actions concerning the fight against climate change. 8.6. Gender equality, participation of young people and Indigenous Peoples.", + "A legal text will be adopted, establishing the appropriate institutional arrangements in order to ensure the coordination of intersectoral actions concerning the fight against climate change. 8.6. Gender equality, participation of young people and Indigenous Peoples. The operationalization of the NDC will only be possible in an inclusive approach, guaranteeing gender equity, equal rights between women and men, boys and girls, integrating children, young people, Indigenous Peoples and other vulnerable groups.", + "The operationalization of the NDC will only be possible in an inclusive approach, guaranteeing gender equity, equal rights between women and men, boys and girls, integrating children, young people, Indigenous Peoples and other vulnerable groups. Since 2009, to comply with the commitments relating to the promotion of women s rights and gender equality to which it has subscribed, the Government has adopted a National Gender Policy accompanied by an action plan.", + "Since 2009, to comply with the commitments relating to the promotion of women s rights and gender equality to which it has subscribed, the Government has adopted a National Gender Policy accompanied by an action plan. In 2020, a report on the analysis of gender mainstreaming in climate change adaptation planning as well as a plan to strengthen the resilience of indigenous women to the effects of climate change. The DRC also has a Youth Policy and its Strategic Implementation Plan.", + "In 2020, a report on the analysis of gender mainstreaming in climate change adaptation planning as well as a plan to strengthen the resilience of indigenous women to the effects of climate change. The DRC also has a Youth Policy and its Strategic Implementation Plan. Recently, a bill on fundamental principles relating to the rights of Indigenous Pygmy Peoples was adopted by the National Assembly. 8.7. Communication.", + "Recently, a bill on fundamental principles relating to the rights of Indigenous Pygmy Peoples was adopted by the National Assembly. 8.7. Communication. Clear lines of communication will be developed at different levels (local, provincial, national and international) and between different sectors and stakeholders, ensuring gender equality, participation of young people and Indigenous Peoples. 8.8. Capacity building and technology transfer. Under the Paris Agreement, developed countries are committed to facilitating technology transfer and capacity building to developing countries.", + "Capacity building and technology transfer. Under the Paris Agreement, developed countries are committed to facilitating technology transfer and capacity building to developing countries. Many developing countries have expressed their capacity needs to support and identify gaps both in terms of technology and expertise to ensure follow-up of bilateral and multilateral resources. It is essential that the provisions of the Paris Agreement on capacity building are successfully implemented. Technology transfer and capacity building will be required to fully implement DRC Contributions to Mitigation and Adaptation.", + "It is essential that the provisions of the Paris Agreement on capacity building are successfully implemented. Technology transfer and capacity building will be required to fully implement DRC Contributions to Mitigation and Adaptation. Specific needs identified in this framework include among others:. Access to and removal of barriers to the dissemination of appropriate clean technologies;. Building climate information systems;. Promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency, including the involvement of the private sector;. Establishment of public-private partnerships. 8.9. Private sector engagement.", + "Promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency, including the involvement of the private sector;. Establishment of public-private partnerships. 8.9. Private sector engagement. Private sector organizations are key players in the delivery of NDC interventions and in the transparent implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation activities, without neglecting social and environmental aspects.", + "Private sector organizations are key players in the delivery of NDC interventions and in the transparent implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation activities, without neglecting social and environmental aspects. Their participation is necessary to enable the implementation of climate change policy and law, both for the application of mitigation measures and the realization of NDC interventions and for the provision of data and information for the operation of the MRV system and the production of national GHG inventories.", + "Their participation is necessary to enable the implementation of climate change policy and law, both for the application of mitigation measures and the realization of NDC interventions and for the provision of data and information for the operation of the MRV system and the production of national GHG inventories. During the preparation phase of the roadmap for the implementation of the NDC, the participation of private sector organizations will be defined, as well as the activities of the NDC in which these organizations will be involved, although it is foreseeable that they will be linked to the implementation of climate change policy and law and contributions on the processes of production/collection of data and information relevant to the MRV system and national GHG inventories.", + "During the preparation phase of the roadmap for the implementation of the NDC, the participation of private sector organizations will be defined, as well as the activities of the NDC in which these organizations will be involved, although it is foreseeable that they will be linked to the implementation of climate change policy and law and contributions on the processes of production/collection of data and information relevant to the MRV system and national GHG inventories. The involvement of private actors will be particularly relevant by carrying out projects to achieve the objectives of the energy and agriculture sectors.", + "The involvement of private actors will be particularly relevant by carrying out projects to achieve the objectives of the energy and agriculture sectors. In addition, the participation of representatives of the private sector in the DRC is currently ensured by two entities: the Federation of Commercial Enterprises (FEC) and the Federation of the Wood Industry (FIB).", + "In addition, the participation of representatives of the private sector in the DRC is currently ensured by two entities: the Federation of Commercial Enterprises (FEC) and the Federation of the Wood Industry (FIB). However, the government is implementing the identification and mapping of additional key stakeholder representatives, their main focus areas and interests, to define the decisive incentives that could enable them to better and more participate in the implementation. of the NDC. 8.10. Financial needs.", + "However, the government is implementing the identification and mapping of additional key stakeholder representatives, their main focus areas and interests, to define the decisive incentives that could enable them to better and more participate in the implementation. of the NDC. 8.10. Financial needs. As part of the NDC revision process, in-depth analysis and consultations of different stakeholders and sectoral experts have been engaged to produce conditional and unconditional cost estimates for mitigation and adaptation actions up to 2021 and 2030.", + "As part of the NDC revision process, in-depth analysis and consultations of different stakeholders and sectoral experts have been engaged to produce conditional and unconditional cost estimates for mitigation and adaptation actions up to 2021 and 2030. The estimated total cost of approximately twenty-five point six ( 25.6) billion US dollars for the 30 identified NDC mitigation actions, and over twenty-three point zero eight ( 23.08) billion US dollars for the 52 adaptation priorities, representing a funding need of approximately forty-eight point sixty-eight (48.68) billion US dollars (USD).", + "The estimated total cost of approximately twenty-five point six ( 25.6) billion US dollars for the 30 identified NDC mitigation actions, and over twenty-three point zero eight ( 23.08) billion US dollars for the 52 adaptation priorities, representing a funding need of approximately forty-eight point sixty-eight (48.68) billion US dollars (USD). Given the numerous budgetary constraints to which the DRC is subject, only a minimum part of its contribution, unconditional measures for mitigation and adaptation combined, representing approximately two percent (2%) of the total estimated financing, can be financed by the own resources.", + "Given the numerous budgetary constraints to which the DRC is subject, only a minimum part of its contribution, unconditional measures for mitigation and adaptation combined, representing approximately two percent (2%) of the total estimated financing, can be financed by the own resources. Indeed, the innumerable development priorities at the social, economic, educational, health, infrastructure, etc. levels will receive priority allocation of the resources mobilized at the national level and will in no way have to suffer competition from the financing of the NDC.", + "Indeed, the innumerable development priorities at the social, economic, educational, health, infrastructure, etc. levels will receive priority allocation of the resources mobilized at the national level and will in no way have to suffer competition from the financing of the NDC. However, there may be situations where the priority development objectives of the DRC will be aligned with those of the NDC. Only such a scenario would justify the financing of the activities of the NDC on own funds.", + "However, there may be situations where the priority development objectives of the DRC will be aligned with those of the NDC. Only such a scenario would justify the financing of the activities of the NDC on own funds. In accordance with the Paris Declaration on the Effectiveness of Official Development Assistance, the DRC encourages donors wishing to support the implementation of its NDC to align themselves with the Government s objectives.", + "In accordance with the Paris Declaration on the Effectiveness of Official Development Assistance, the DRC encourages donors wishing to support the implementation of its NDC to align themselves with the Government s objectives. These objectives integrate, in addition to those presented in the NDC, in particular those of the National REDD+ Strategy and its Investment Plan, as well as the sectoral policies developed within the framework of the REDD+ interventions financed. under the said Investment Plan, in particular the National Territorial Development Policy. 6.3.", + "These objectives integrate, in addition to those presented in the NDC, in particular those of the National REDD+ Strategy and its Investment Plan, as well as the sectoral policies developed within the framework of the REDD+ interventions financed. under the said Investment Plan, in particular the National Territorial Development Policy. 6.3. Financing the NDC through carbon markets. Taking into account that the DRC has the second largest area of.", + "under the said Investment Plan, in particular the National Territorial Development Policy. 6.3. Financing the NDC through carbon markets. Taking into account that the DRC has the second largest area of. tropical forests in the world, alone accounting for more than 60% of the rainforest in the Congo Basin, the largest basin with a net absorption of greenhouse gases. greenhouse, the country plays a crucial role in global climate change mitigation. The loss of this forest would represent a considerable release of greenhouse gases.", + "The loss of this forest would represent a considerable release of greenhouse gases. Thus, given its carbon potential and the gradual emergence of the carbon market, the DRC government validated in the Council of Ministers ten urgent measures relating to the sustainable management of natural forest resources. Among these measures, the institutionalization of the carbon tax and the creation of the carbon market regulation authority come first.", + "Among these measures, the institutionalization of the carbon tax and the creation of the carbon market regulation authority come first. These aim to enable the national economy to benefit from international capital resulting from carbon finance.", + "These aim to enable the national economy to benefit from international capital resulting from carbon finance. Indeed, the capture of revenue from the sale of carbon credits will contribute in particular to: (i) increasing the national budget; (ii) the compensation of ecosystem services of sequestration and storage of atmospheric carbon by the forests of the DRC; and (iii) financing the measures provided for in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement.", + "Indeed, the capture of revenue from the sale of carbon credits will contribute in particular to: (i) increasing the national budget; (ii) the compensation of ecosystem services of sequestration and storage of atmospheric carbon by the forests of the DRC; (iii) financing the measures provided for in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement.", + "The DRC reiterates the importance of the negotiations on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement being finalized so that the country can sell carbon credits through the international carbon market and thus finance the measures of its NDC. Also, in order to allow the country to benefit from adequate compensation for its efforts to reduce and avoid carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, which will serve the whole world, it is essential that a a fair and robust carbon price is established at the global level.", + "Also, in order to allow the country to benefit from adequate compensation for its efforts to reduce and avoid carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, which will serve the whole world, it is essential that a a fair and robust carbon price is established at the global level. With this in mind, in its contracts for the sale of emission reductions on the carbon markets, the DRC reserves the right to negotiate an adequate price.", + "With this in mind, in its contracts for the sale of emission reductions on the carbon markets, the DRC reserves the right to negotiate an adequate price. In the DRC, the regulation and the right of ownership and transfer of ownership applicable to Carbon Emission Reduction Units (UREC) is established by the 2018 Approval Order.", + "In the DRC, the regulation and the right of ownership and transfer of ownership applicable to Carbon Emission Reduction Units (UREC) is established by the 2018 Approval Order. It follows that these carbon rights, whose legal status is defined in Article 3 of the said Approval Order, must be materialized exclusively in the National REDD+ Register provided for this purpose.", + "It follows that these carbon rights, whose legal status is defined in Article 3 of the said Approval Order, must be materialized exclusively in the National REDD+ Register provided for this purpose. The DRC has decided to develop its own Register of emission reduction transactions in order to avoid multiple declarations of emission reductions from the forest, i.e. double-counting, aimed at integrating all REDD+ programs/projects. developed in the country.", + "The DRC has decided to develop its own Register of emission reduction transactions in order to avoid multiple declarations of emission reductions from the forest, i.e. double-counting, aimed at integrating all REDD+ programs/projects. developed in the country. This Registry will track and control all emission reductions generated by each programme/project and will provide regular information on issuances, transfers and sales of emission reductions.", + "This Registry will track and control all emission reductions generated by each programme/project and will provide regular information on issuances, transfers and sales of emission reductions. Starting from a very low level of emissions per capita and per GDP, it will be difficult for the DRC to materialize its emission reduction commitments and contribution to the global effort while transferring ownership of these emission reductions. Consequently, the DRC wishes to be able to account for the emission reductions generated within the framework of its NDC.", + "Consequently, the DRC wishes to be able to account for the emission reductions generated within the framework of its NDC. Next, the DRC hopes to sell the emission reductions generated under its NDC to buyers \u2013 both public and private \u2013 who have ambitious targets for mitigating their own emissions, based on science and publicly available in an updated NDC. update or a climate action plan. 6.4. Payments for ecosystem services.", + "Next, the DRC hopes to sell the emission reductions generated under its NDC to buyers \u2013 both public and private \u2013 who have ambitious targets for mitigating their own emissions, based on science and publicly available in an updated NDC. update or a climate action plan. 6.4. Payments for ecosystem services. One of the mechanisms that could be used in the financing of the DRC s NDC measures is that of payments for ecosystem services (PES).", + "One of the mechanisms that could be used in the financing of the DRC s NDC measures is that of payments for ecosystem services (PES). PES are a potentially important source of financing for the DRC, which provides ecosystem services of global value.", + "PES are a potentially important source of financing for the DRC, which provides ecosystem services of global value. As the DRC is home to the second largest tropical forest in the world in terms of area, and a biodiversity that qualifies it as one of the 17 mega-diverse countries in the world, it provides ecosystem services that benefit the whole world, including countries. developed, among others:.", + "As the DRC is home to the second largest tropical forest in the world in terms of area, and a biodiversity that qualifies it as one of the 17 mega-diverse countries in the world, it provides ecosystem services that benefit the whole world, including countries. developed, among others:. The provision of a geographically defined ecosystem service, namely the conservation of a rich and unique biodiversity, which does not exist elsewhere than in the DRC; and.", + "The provision of a geographically defined ecosystem service, namely the conservation of a rich and unique biodiversity, which does not exist elsewhere than in the DRC; and. The provision of an ecosystem service with multiple benefits, namely carbon sequestration, water regulation and soil retention, and consequently the regulation of the regional and global climate.", + "The provision of an ecosystem service with multiple benefits, namely carbon sequestration, water regulation and soil retention, and consequently the regulation of the regional and global climate. The DRC plans to set up a national PES program, in order to ensure that these ecosystem services, provided by the DRC, can be compensated through PES mechanisms that reduce the incentives for deforestation, with a view to conserving biodiversity and habitats as well as as carbon sinks in forest ecosystems.", + "The DRC plans to set up a national PES program, in order to ensure that these ecosystem services, provided by the DRC, can be compensated through PES mechanisms that reduce the incentives for deforestation, with a view to conserving biodiversity and habitats as well as as carbon sinks in forest ecosystems. For example, this program may pay the owners of forest resources, i.e.", + "For example, this program may pay the owners of forest resources, i.e. forest communities, local or national governments, forestry companies or farmers, to preserve forest resources, establish wildlife corridors and/or maintain the most popular crop varieties. more favorable to natural ecosystems. With a view to regeneration, such a mechanism could encourage agricultural installations in savannahs, cultivation methods under shade,.", + "With a view to regeneration, such a mechanism could encourage agricultural installations in savannahs, cultivation methods under shade,. By setting up PES mechanisms in the DRC with a view to financing the measures proposed in the NDC, it will be crucial to ensure anchoring in land use planning tools, a link with land tenure security as well as synergies between the fight against deforestation and poverty reduction, with a view to avoiding adverse effects. Bibliographic reference. MEDD.", + "By setting up PES mechanisms in the DRC with a view to financing the measures proposed in the NDC, it will be crucial to ensure anchoring in land use planning tools, a link with land tenure security as well as synergies between the fight against deforestation and poverty reduction, with a view to avoiding adverse effects. Bibliographic reference. MEDD. National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change.2006. Ministry of Planning. National Strategic Development Plan. 2018. MEDD.", + "Bibliographic reference. MEDD. National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change.2006. Ministry of Planning. National Strategic Development Plan. 2018. MEDD. Third National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 2014. MEDD. First Biennial Update Report. Unpublished. MEDD. National REDD+ Strategy Framework of the Democratic Republic of Congo. December 2012. MEDD. Forest Reference Emission Level for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. January, 2018. MEDD. National plan for adaptation to the impacts of climate change. November, 2020. UNDP.", + "Forest Reference Emission Level for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. January, 2018. MEDD. National plan for adaptation to the impacts of climate change. November, 2020. UNDP. Human Development Report. 2019. De Wasseige et al. Interactive forest atlas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 2009. Ministry of Energy and Hydraulic Resources. PDGIE Report. 2018. Ministry of Planning. INS report. 2014, 2015, 2017. United Nations Organization. Sustainable Development Goals Report. 2020.", + "Ministry of Energy and Hydraulic Resources. PDGIE Report. 2018. Ministry of Planning. INS report. 2014, 2015, 2017. United Nations Organization. Sustainable Development Goals Report. 2020. National Energy Commission of the Ministry of Energy and Hydraulic Resources SE4ALL-RDC. 2019. Advisory Group of Experts. Handbook dealing with institutional arrangements for supporting measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) tools/ climate action transparency and climate action support. June, 2020. Advisory Group of Experts. Towards an Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement. June, 2020. MEDD.", + "Handbook dealing with institutional arrangements for supporting measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) tools/ climate action transparency and climate action support. June, 2020. Advisory Group of Experts. Towards an Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement. June, 2020. MEDD. Contribution Determined at the National Level of the DRC. 2015. The Minister of Agriculture. DRC National Agricultural Investment Plan. 2013. MEDD. Policy, Strategy and Action Plan in the fight against climate change. Revised in 2020. Ministry of Energy. National Energy Policy. 2009.", + "Policy, Strategy and Action Plan in the fight against climate change. Revised in 2020. Ministry of Energy. National Energy Policy. 2009. Ministry of Gender, Women, Families and Children. National Gender Policy. 2008. Ministry of Youth, Sports and Recreation. Youth Policy. 2009. MEDD. National Sanitation Policy. 2013. Ministry of Territorial Development. National Spatial Planning Policy. 2020. Ministry of Energy. Law No. 14/011 relating to electricity. June, 2014. MEDD. Law 011-2002 of August 29, 2002 on the Forest Code. August, 2002.", + "Law No. 14/011 relating to electricity. June, 2014. MEDD. Law 011-2002 of August 29, 2002 on the Forest Code. August, 2002. Jonas Kibala Kuma (2020), Poverty and unemployment in the DRC: inventory, analyzes and perspectives, p. 14. UNDP, 2020, The Human Development Report 2020, United Nations Development Program 1 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017 USA, 40p. Decision 1/CP.21 on the adoption of the Paris Agreement\u21a9. Second national communication, 2009.\u21a9. (2021); INS, 2017 Statistical Yearbook of the DRC\u21a9.", + "Decision 1/CP.21 on the adoption of the Paris Agreement\u21a9. Second national communication, 2009.\u21a9. (2021); INS, 2017 Statistical Yearbook of the DRC\u21a9. Agricultural Sector Study, Phase II, Agricultural and Rural Development Master Plan, Summary Document of Provincial Plans, Final Report, 2010.\u21a9. DRC, 2010. The following figures are taken from this report.\u21a9. DRC, 2011.\u21a9. Jonas Kibala Kuma (2020), Poverty and unemployment in the DRC: inventory, analyzes and perspectives, p. 14\u21a9.", + "The following figures are taken from this report.\u21a9. DRC, 2011.\u21a9. Jonas Kibala Kuma (2020), Poverty and unemployment in the DRC: inventory, analyzes and perspectives, p. 14\u21a9. Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Tourism, 2013, National Environment, Forests, Waters and Biodiversity Program \"PNEFEB\" -2nd generation\u21a9. Haensler, A., Saeed, F. and Jacob, D. (2013): Assessment of projected climate change signals over central Africa based on a multitude of global and regional climate projections.", + "(2013): Assessment of projected climate change signals over central Africa based on a multitude of global and regional climate projections. In: Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin. [Haensler A, Jacob D, Kabat P, Ludwig F (eds.)]. Climate Service Center Report No. 11, Hamburg, Germany, ISSN: 2192-4058.\u21a9. Ministry in charge of Agriculture (2009), Agricultural Policy Notes\u21a9. Same\u21a9. National Agricultural and Rural Sector Recovery Program (PNSAR) 1997-2001: monograph, Volume 1.\u21a9. Ministry of Agriculture, 2009, Agricultural Policy Notes, 71p.\u21a9. DRC Renewable Energy ATLAS 2nd Edition 2016\u21a9.", + "National Agricultural and Rural Sector Recovery Program (PNSAR) 1997-2001: monograph, Volume 1.\u21a9. Ministry of Agriculture, 2009, Agricultural Policy Notes, 71p.\u21a9. DRC Renewable Energy ATLAS 2nd Edition 2016\u21a9. Paris Agreement, adopted by decision 1/CP.21 GL 2006 IPCC\u21a9. Vision of the DRC for 2050, (PNSD, 2016)\u21a9. Methodology from \u201cMcKinsey GHG Abatement Cost Curve V2.0\u201d, McKinsey & Company, 2009\u21a9.", + "Vision of the DRC for 2050, (PNSD, 2016)\u21a9. Methodology from \u201cMcKinsey GHG Abatement Cost Curve V2.0\u201d, McKinsey & Company, 2009\u21a9. IPCC 2019, 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Calvo Buendia, E., Tanabe, K., Kranjc, A., Baasansuren, J., Fukuda, M., Ngarize S., Osako, A., Pyrozhenko, Y., Shermanau, P. and Federici, S. (eds). Published: IPCC, Switzerland.\u21a9. Industrial Processes and Use of Products\u21a9.", + "IPCC 2019, 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Calvo Buendia, E., Tanabe, K., Kranjc, A., Baasansuren, J., Fukuda, M., Ngarize S., Osako, A., Pyrozhenko, Y., Shermanau, P. and Federici, S. (eds). Published: IPCC, Switzerland.\u21a9. Industrial Processes and Use of Products\u21a9. According to the IUCN (2016), nature-based solutions are \u201cactions aimed at protecting, sustainably managing and restoring natural or modified ecosystems, to directly address societal challenges in an effective and adaptive way while ensuring human well-being and benefits for biodiversity\u201d.\u21a9.", + "According to the IUCN (2016), nature-based solutions are \u201cactions aimed at protecting, sustainably managing and restoring natural or modified ecosystems, to directly address societal challenges in an effective and adaptive way while ensuring human well-being and benefits for biodiversity\u201d.\u21a9. Insert reference to the 2014 Law\u21a9. High Ambition Coalition \u2013 30x30 Initiative: The map below is an estimate made by Greifswald Mire Centre.", + "Insert reference to the 2014 Law\u21a9. High Ambition Coalition \u2013 30x30 Initiative: The map below is an estimate made by Greifswald Mire Centre. The Democratic Republic of Congo will initiate work to harmonize the various maps with the data from the baseline study as well as the map produced by CongoPeat.\u21a9. 2020-020-En.pdf (iucn.org) Estimated cost per ton CO2 equivalent around 100 to 130 USD\u21a9. Improved stoves\u21a9. Second national communication, 2009.\u21a9. Haensler, A., Saeed, F. and Jacob, D.", + "Estimated cost per ton CO2 equivalent around 100 to 130 USD\u21a9. Improved stoves\u21a9. Second national communication, 2009.\u21a9. Haensler, A., Saeed, F. and Jacob, D. (2013): Assessment of projected climate change signals over central Africa based on a multitude of global and regional climate projections. In: Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin. [Haensler A, Jacob D, Kabat P, Ludwig F (eds.)]. Climate Service Center Report No. 11, Hamburg, Germany, ISSN: 2192-4058.\u21a9.", + "In: Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin. [Haensler A, Jacob D, Kabat P, Ludwig F (eds.)]. Climate Service Center Report No. 11, Hamburg, Germany, ISSN: 2192-4058.\u21a9. Quoted by Fils, National Strategy and Action Plan 2017-2023 for the Reduction of Natural Risks and Disasters in the DR. congo\u21a9" + ], + "large": [ + "DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO S NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO. Deputy Prime Minister. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. Revised Nationally Determined Contribution. Kinshasa, October 2021. Acronyms. Acronyms. Meanings. %. Percentage. \u00b0C. degree celsius. AFOLU. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses. AFOLU. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses. IRA. Income Regenerating Activities. IGA. Income Generating Activities. ANATAC. National Alliance of Traditional Authorities of Congo. BAU. Business as Usual. BCC. Central Bank of Congo. UNFCCC. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. NDC. Nationally Determined Con", + "Intended Nationally Determined Contribution. SAR. Department of Sanitation. DDD. Sustainable Development Department. DGPA. Dynamics of the Indigenous Peoples Group. DIAF. Forest Management and Inventory Department. EDC. Electricity of the Congo. RIL. Reduced Impact Logging. ENERKA. Kasai Energy. ENK. Electricity of North Kivu. ERAIFT. Regional Postgraduate School for the Planning and Integrated Management of Tropical Forests. EVA. Healthy School and Village. FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FAT. Forestry and other Land Use. FEC. Federation of Congo Businesses. FIB. Federation of Wood Manufacturers. FONAREDD. National REDD+ Fund. GDT. Sustainable Land Management. GHG. Greenhouse gas. IPCC. Inter", + "Foreign Direct Investments. HDI. Human Development Index. INERA. National Institute of Agronomic Studies and Research. INS. National Institute of Statistics. ISF. Synthetic Fertility Index. Kg. Kilogram. Km. Kilometer. Km2. Square Kilometer. LED. Light-Emitting Diode. LEDs. Low Carbon Development Strategy/Low Emissions Development Strategy. LINAPYCO. National League of Indigenous Pygmy Associations of Congo. LPS. Low pressure sodium vapor lamps. m3. Cubic meter. NAMA (NAMAS). Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Measures. MAED. Model for Energy Demand Analysis. MAGICC-ScenGen. Model for the Assessment of Greenhouse-gas Induced Climate Change. USD billion/US$. Billion US Dollars. CDM. Clean Development Mechanism", + "Ministry of Infrastructure, Public Works and Reconstruction. MRV. Measurement, Reporting and Verification. mt. Megatons. Mt eq-CO2. Megatonnes of CO2 equivalents. MW. Megawatt. ND-GAIN. Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index, or Notre Dame World Adaptation Index. Nm3. normal cubic meter. OCEAN. Congolese Organization of Ecologists and Friends of Nature/Asbl. SDGs. Sustainable Development Goals. OVD. Office of Roads and Drainage. NAPA. National Adaptation Action Program. PDGIE. Computer Energy Management Development Program. PDGIE. Energy Information Development and Management Program. PDP. Provincial Development Plan. AEP. Agricultural Business Clusters. PERENCO. Franco-British independent oil company. NWFP. Non-Timber Forest Products. EMP.", + "National Agricultural Investment Plan. PNSAR. National Agricultural and Rural Sector Recovery Program. PNSD. National Strategic Development Plan. PONA. National Sanitation Policy. PSPA-CC. Policy, Strategy and Action Plan in the fight against climatic changes. RBA. Biennial Update Report. RDC. Democratic Republic of Congo. REBAC. Ecclesial Network of the Congo Basin Forest. REDD+. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, including conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon sinks. REDD+. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. REFADD. African Women s Network for Sustainable Development. REPALEF-DRC. Network of Indigenous and Local Populations for the Sustainable Management of DRC Forest Ecosystems. NRN. Natural Resources Network. ", + "North Kivu Electricity Company. SIFORCO. Industrial and Forestry Society of Congo. DCS. National Railway Company of Congo. SNEL. National Electricity Company. SNSF. National Forest Monitoring System. SOKIMO. Kilo Moto Mining Company. TCN. Third National Communication. TIC. Information and Communication Technology. UNIKIN. University of Kinshasa. US. United States. USD/US$. American dollar. ITCZ. Intertropical Convergence Zone. SEZ. Special Economic Zones. PREFACE. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been a Party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) since 1997. It aims, among other things, to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions at a level that prevents any disturbances to the global climate system. With the end of the commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement was adopted. Its main", + "Its main objective is to keep the increase in global temperature \u201cwell below\u201d 2\u00b0C by striving to limit it to 1.5\u00b0C. To this end, the DRC is resolutely committed to contributing to the achievement of this global objective, while taking into account the challenges of modernization and sustainable development, including efforts to adopt a trajectory of low-carbon development in a context of emergence. The DRC has already submitted three National Communications on climate change and carried out several initiatives, including the National Action Program for Adaptation; the National Framework Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation; the Forest Reference Emissions Level; and the National Adaptation Plan.", + "The DRC has already submitted three National Communications on climate change and carried out several initiatives, including the National Action Program for Adaptation; the National Framework Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation; the Forest Reference Emissions Level; and the National Adaptation Plan. In 2015, prior to the adoption of the Paris Agreement, the DRC submitted its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the UNFCCC, the emission reduction target of which was 17%, and aimed mainly at three gases, namely: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) from the Energy sectors; Agriculture; and Forestry and other Land Use. To respond to the call to raise ambition, the DRC has undertaken to raise its mitigation and adaptation objectives, and accelerate forest", + "To respond to the call to raise ambition, the DRC has undertaken to raise its mitigation and adaptation objectives, and accelerate forest, land tenure and land use planning reforms to contribute effectively to the fight against poverty. Its current target is to reduce its emissions by 21%, taking into account the waste sector not targeted in the first submission, for an overall cost estimated at forty-eight point sixty-eight (48.68) billion US dollars. In my capacity as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development, I will ensure that the efforts made by the Congolese Government in terms of environmental preservation lead to the reduction of the harmful impacts of climate change on the national economy and the improvement of the living conditions of the populations.", + "In my capacity as Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development, I will ensure that the efforts made by the Congolese Government in terms of environmental preservation lead to the reduction of the harmful impacts of climate change on the national economy and the improvement of the living conditions of the populations. As a result, I am proud to present the revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for the period 2021-2030, by which the country reaffirms its character as a Solution-Country through its immense forest massif, its dense hydrographic network, its energy potential and its strategic minerals. Master Eve BAZAIBA MASUDI. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development. Executive summary. Introduction. This document presents the revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Democratic Republic of", + "This document presents the revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Democratic Republic of Congo in terms of mitigation and adaptation by 2030. The contributions described in this document are based on an update of the submission of the 2015 NDC, the information compiled for the development of the DRC s third National Communication on climate change submitted to the UNFCCC, the current sectoral policies planned and implemented, such as the National REDD Framework Strategy (MEDD, 2012), the National Strategic Development Plan (PNSD 2019-2023), the National Adaptation Plan (2020-2024) and other key national guidance documents, and reflect subsequent work to develop quantifiable mitigation goals and adaptation. This document is also based on the prioritization of interventions in both the areas of adaptation and mitigation.", + "The contributions described in this document are based on an update of the submission of the 2015 NDC, the information compiled for the development of the DRC s third National Communication on climate change submitted to the UNFCCC, the current sectoral policies planned and implemented, such as the National REDD Framework Strategy (MEDD, 2012), the National Strategic Development Plan (PNSD 2019-2023), the National Adaptation Plan (2020-2024) and other key national guidance documents, and reflect subsequent work to develop quantifiable mitigation goals and adaptation. This document is also based on the prioritization of interventions in both the areas of adaptation and mitigation. The revised NDC represents a more detailed assessment of mitigation and adaptation measures in the DRC, based on improved data collection, broader coverage of the energy, AFOLU and waste sectors, in-depth technical analysis and", + "The revised NDC represents a more detailed assessment of mitigation and adaptation measures in the DRC, based on improved data collection, broader coverage of the energy, AFOLU and waste sectors, in-depth technical analysis and extended engagement of stakeholders. stakeholders and more ambitious objectives in terms of reducing GHG emissions. Vision of the DRC in the field of climate change. The DRC s vision in the fight against climate change is to promote a green, resilient and low-carbon economy by rationally and sustainably managing its significant natural resources in order to guarantee ecological balance and social well-being, economic, cultural and environmental of its population. The DRC ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol in 2005 and the Paris Agreement in 2017.", + "The DRC ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol in 2005 and the Paris Agreement in 2017. To this end, the DRC is resolutely committed to taking urgent measures to mitigate its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change, in accordance with Article 41 of the Paris Agreement. It has also submitted its first three National Communications on climate change to the UNFCCC, respectively in 2001, 2009 and 2015 and is in the process of preparing its fourth National Communication and finalizing its first Biennial Update Report (BUR). Although its emissions primarily from forestry and land use, followed by waste management, agriculture and energy consumption constitute a significant part of its carbon footprint to require appropriate climate action, they are among lowest in the world (MEDD, 2015).", + "Although its emissions primarily from forestry and land use, followed by waste management, agriculture and energy consumption constitute a significant part of its carbon footprint to require appropriate climate action, they are among lowest in the world (MEDD, 2015). However, it remains very vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Therefore, adaptation to climate change is a major concern and priority for the country. NDC review process. The DRC submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the UNFCCC in 2015, setting out its adaptation and mitigation goals. With the DRC s ratification of the Paris Agreement in 2017, the INDC became its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The conditional reduction target referred to under the 2015 submission was 17% by 2030, taking into account three main sectors, including Energy, Agriculture and Forest", + "The conditional reduction target referred to under the 2015 submission was 17% by 2030, taking into account three main sectors, including Energy, Agriculture and Forestry, associated with emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide. nitrogen (N2O). This NDC, whose reduction target is set at 21% with conditional interventions at 19%, and unconditional at 2%, updates and strengthens the first in terms of contributions to mitigation and adaptation, from a hand, and through improved data collection, in-depth technical analysis and extensive stakeholder engagement, on the other hand. It includes, in addition to the three aforementioned sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Energy), that of Waste and concerns the same gases. The budget for this revised NDC is estimated at USD 48.68 billion,", + "The budget for this revised NDC is estimated at USD 48.68 billion, including USD 25.60 billion for the implementation of the mitigation initiatives announced and USD 23.08 billion for priority adaptation measures. Contribution to mitigation. The mitigation measures implemented by the DRC mainly concern the forestry sector, in particular the implementation of its national strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). In addition to the REDD+ strategy, the DRC s nationally determined contribution presents certain mitigation measures and actions in the energy (including transport), agriculture and waste sectors. Unfortunately, to date, these few initiatives in sectors that emit less GHGs are less documented. However, the DRC is committed to improving its data collection and management system and to formalizing the institutional arrangements that support the collection,", + "However, the DRC is committed to improving its data collection and management system and to formalizing the institutional arrangements that support the collection, analysis, processing and reporting of data. The DRC wants to be an emerging country by 2030, with a vision of development towards an increasingly low-carbon economy. Given the dynamics of development in which the DRC is committed by 2030, its efforts should materialize in the implementation of various mitigation measures in all sectors. The combined unconditional and conditional contribution is thus a 21% reduction in total GHG emissions compared to the BAU in 2030 (including 19% conditional and 2%vunconditional); this equates to an estimated mitigation level of up to 650 Mt CO2e by 2030. The table below shows the main intervention levers identified and the associated costs by sector as well as the potential for reducing emissions in", + "The table below shows the main intervention levers identified and the associated costs by sector as well as the potential for reducing emissions in 2030. In total, 30 actions to mitigate GHG emissions are proposed, classified according to sectors priorities. The table below presents a summary of the main levers of intervention, the emissions avoided and the associated costs by sector in 2030 likely to achieve the targeted reduction target. Sector. N0. Shares. Reduction potential in 2030 (in Mt CO2e). Estimated cost (Billions USD). Energy. 1. Electrifying rural, peri-urban and urban areas using renewable energy sources. 74.2 to 94.6. 1.95. 2. Facilitate the use of improved stoves & improve carbonization techniques to make it more efficient. 1.05. 3. Increase the share of renewable energies in the national energy mix. 0.2", + "0.28. 4. Promote the use of LPG and electric cooker. 0.63. 5. Develop industrial plantations - Wood energy. 0.18. 6. Ensure the development of the transport sector with an emphasis on mass transport through the tram, bus, train 1.1. Agriculture. 7. Promote agro-forestry practices and rotation of crops and perennial crops, particularly in forest areas, including wetlands. 180-187. 1.7. 8. Integrate agriculture into the national land use plan. 0.2. 9. Promote intensive agriculture in savannah areas to limit pressure on natural forests. 1,33. 10. Promote the rational and sustainable use of agricultural production areas to preserve agro-ecological conditions and ensure the stability of forest cover. 1,2. 11. Intensify food crop production (carbohydrates, oilseeds, legumes) in anthropogenic savan", + "Intensify food crop production (carbohydrates, oilseeds, legumes) in anthropogenic savannas and degraded forests, including in forest areas (except in areas where the availability of land makes it difficult to avoid at least partial destruction of the forest). 1,3. 12. Popularize and disseminate resilient agricultural practices, and other technological packages (use of climatesensitive seeds, soil management and water management). 0,8. 13. Improve the management of intensive and extensive farming. 1,2. 14. ntensify cash crop production in secondary or primary forest and savannah, but with sustainable agroforestry systems (cocoa, coffee, banana, special crops) to enhance the comparative advantages of the peasantry for these crops. 1,3. Forestry and other Land Uses. 15. Promo", + "Support the development of community forestry as a tool for conserving biodiversity and combating the loss of forest cover in rural areas. 1.5. 17. Restore wetlands, including peatlands used for agriculture and livestock. 1.3. 18. Promote MEOR tools (Methodology for the Evaluation of Restoration Opportunities) at the national level by integrating the valorization of traditional knowledge in the conservation of biodiversity around protected areas. 0,85. 19. Support initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes. 1,2. 20. Strengthen forest governance, in particular the fight against the illegal exploitation of timber and other forest resources by taking into account the studies, analyzes and tools produced in the implementation of the various relevant forest processes such as VPA-FLEGT. 1,2. 21. Sustainable management of", + "Sustainable management of timber exploitation. 1.8. 22. Sustainably manage and rehabilitate mining and oil operations. 0.09. 23. Fight against bush fires. 0.11. 24. Map and assess peatlands. 0.52. Waste. 25. Strengthen the institutional and legal framework for waste management. 37. 0.14. 26. Implement a rational waste management program. 0.44. 27. Promote the use of landfill gas. 0.07. 28. Promote energy recovery from waste (reduction of CH4 emissions from landfills). 0.29. 29. Promote aerobic composting. 0.21. 30. Promote the production of energy and organic fertilizers from solid waste, wastewater and sludge faeces. 0.21. Total. 25.6. The figures below illustrate the emissions projections for the BAU reference scenario for the Agriculture, Forestry and other", + "The figures below illustrate the emissions projections for the BAU reference scenario for the Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use (AFOLU) and Waste sector. The analysis of the historical trend of GHG emissions in the DRC shows that, during the period from 2000-2018, national emissions are predominated by the \"Forestry and other Land Use (FAT)\" sector with nearly 86% of emissions, followed by far by the Waste, Energy and Agriculture sectors with 11%, 0.86% and 0.61% respectively. The AFOLU and energy sectors are the two largest sources of carbon dioxide emissions. The AFOLU and waste sectors are the main sources of methane emissions. Figure 1 below shows that greenhouse gas emissions from the Forestry and Other Land Use sector were estimated at 529.22 MtCO2e in 2018.", + "Figure 1 below shows that greenhouse gas emissions from the Forestry and Other Land Use sector were estimated at 529.22 MtCO2e in 2018. 2018 emissions are 36% lower than previous emission levels reported over the period 2010-2014 due to investments supported by various REDD+ initiatives and programs, including structural changes in forest management in the DRC. The AFOLU sector is systematically identified as being the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the DRC. Figure 1: Historical and projected emissions at national and forest sector level. Considering the various measures identified at the national level, the reduction in GHG emissions should reach nearly 21% by 2030 (Figure 2), that attributable to the AFOLU sector would reach 28% (Figure 3). Figure 2: DRC GHG emissions, 2000-2018 and projected emissions (with measurements", + "Figure 2: DRC GHG emissions, 2000-2018 and projected emissions (with measurements). Figure 3: Emissions projection and reduction target for 2030. The waste sector is characterized by an increase in emissions attributable to (i) the disposal of solid waste (90.4%) of all kinds generated by households, communities and businesses (businesses, industries, construction, agricultural residues, etc.), (ii) discharge of domestic wastewater (6.8%), and combustion in the open air. These emissions represent approximately 11% on average of all national emissions from 2000 to 2018. The figures below show that emissions from the Agriculture, Waste and Energy sectors will decrease, by 2030, by 43%, 20% and 11% respectively. The full implementation of the various levers identified in these sectors would ultimately lead to significant reductions in emissions. Figur", + "The full implementation of the various levers identified in these sectors would ultimately lead to significant reductions in emissions. Figure 4: Waste sector emissions projections. Waste emissions from landfills will continue to decline as more waste is disposed of preferably by other means, such as open burning, biological waste treatment and recycling. Although waste management is on a small scale, the DRC policy on the matter encourages landfilling which helps to advance this waste management policy. It should continue with small improvements in the efficiency of landfills and then extend to the recovery of these deposits of waste dumped around major cities. As the proportion of waste going to landfill is expected to continue to increase even though emission reductions are expected to continue for some time, as emissions lag behind waste disposal. Figure 5: Agriculture sector emissions projections. Figure 6", + "As the proportion of waste going to landfill is expected to continue to increase even though emission reductions are expected to continue for some time, as emissions lag behind waste disposal. Figure 5: Agriculture sector emissions projections. Figure 6: Evolution of emissions from the Energy sector. Contribution to adaptation. The DRC is vulnerable to the various effects of climate change and does not have adequate capacities to deal with them. Indeed, the ND-GAIN index ranks the DRC 5th in the world among the countries most vulnerable to climate change in terms of their ability to adapt2. The impacts of climate change are already perceptible across the country, in particular by the persistence of heat waves, violent rains, land degradation, particularly by erosion, the lengthening of the dry season, the increase in the sequences of drought during rainy seasons, and flood", + "The impacts of climate change are already perceptible across the country, in particular by the persistence of heat waves, violent rains, land degradation, particularly by erosion, the lengthening of the dry season, the increase in the sequences of drought during rainy seasons, and floods.3 Climate projections in the DRC over the next few decades predict an increase in temperatures of around 3oC to 5oC by 2100, a decrease in precipitation and an increase in its variability, as well as an increase in extreme phenomena.4 These climatic variations will have a significant impact on the main economic sectors of the country. The National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change (PANA, 2006) has identified urgent and priority actions in terms of adaptation to climate change in the sectors of water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal", + "The National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change (PANA, 2006) has identified urgent and priority actions in terms of adaptation to climate change in the sectors of water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal area. The process of the National Adaptation Program (NAP, 2021) consists of integrating the adaptation dimension into national and provincial development planning by focusing on the following nine priority objectives:. Manage forest ecosystems and biodiversity;. Strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector;. Manage climate risks in smallholder agriculture;. Reduce disaster risk and protect coastal areas;. Ensure the management of water resources and environmental sanitation;. Strengthen the resilience of the health sector;. Guarantee people s access to energy;. Protect energy production infrastructure; and. Improve energy efficiency. Fift", + "Guarantee people s access to energy;. Protect energy production infrastructure; and. Improve energy efficiency. Fifty-two (52) priority adaptation actions are proposed in the table below. Based on experiences with global and national level reporting, the indicators have the potential to position the DRC s envisioned commitment and robust efforts to address the challenges of adapting to climate change. Table 1: Priority adaptation actions. Sector. N0. Shares. Estimated cost (USD billion). Forest. 1. Development of projects for the development of forest resources with local communities and indigenous people by ensuring the application of legal provisions. 1,15. 2. Reforestation of degraded areas with species of great ecological and economic value. 1,61. 3. Development of agroforestry plantations in degraded areas. 0,58. 4. support for sustainable artisanal fishing micro-projects and", + "0.23. 5. Promotion of projects with reduced impact on forest ecosystems with a view to diversifying the income of populations. 0.06. 6. involvement of local populations in the management of forest ecosystems on their territory. 0.06. 7. Valorization of the traditional knowledge of local populations linked to the conservation of ecosystems. 0.06. 8. Strategic coordination of climate change adaptation programs, plans, initiatives. 0.06. 9. Promotion of sustainable land management. 0.50. Agriculture. 10. Integration of climate change into the planning and budgeting of all sectors at different scales (national, provincial and local). 1.27. 11. Production and dissemination of climate-resilient seeds. 0.92. 12. Development of a zoning program in order to define the zones to be allocated specifically to the agricultural activities. 0.58. 13. Collection, processing and", + "Collection, processing and regular dissemination of climate data by INERA and METTELSAT for seasonal forecast. 0.23. 14. Popularization of soil and water management techniques in agriculture. 0.69. 15. Support for the structuring of farmers organizations with a view to improving agricultural governance. 0.29. 16. Support for the establishment of production and marketing chains for agricultural products with a view to improving income of rural farmers. 0.17. 17. Creation and rehabilitation of agricultural service tracks. 0.69. 18. Promotion of (i) cultural practices allowing the sedentarization of agricultural activities, (ii) resilient seeds, and (iii) soil and water management techniques in agriculture. 0.23. 19. Rehabilitation and strengthening of meteorological observation stations across the country. 0.17. 20. Capacity Building for Women Empowerment. 0.23", + "Development of alternatives to wood energy in order to protect the forest (solar, gas, or at least improved stoves, etc.). 0.17. 22. Strengthen capacities to adapt to the impacts of climate change on agricultural production and food safety. 0.06. 23. Support for research and innovation to strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector to the effects of climate change. 0.23. 24. Creation of Agricultural Business Clusters and promotion of agro-business. 0.46. 25. Implementation of early warning systems. 0.58. 26. Implementation of response measures in the event of natural disasters. 2.88. 27. Establishment of subsidy mechanisms for rural producers with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices. 0.23. Coastal area. 28. Assessment of coastal ecosystem vulnerability and human and institutional capacity needs. 0.58. 29. Estab", + "Assessment of coastal ecosystem vulnerability and human and institutional capacity needs. 0.58. 29. Establishment of an early warning system for coastal areas (floods, drought, soil erosion, landslides). 0.29. 30. Implementation of erosion control measures in the coastal area, especially the area between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km). 0.43. 31. Support for climate change resilient activities generating household income. 0.83. 32. Development of educational and information programs sensitive to disasters and climate risks. 0.23. Water resources. 33. Sanitation strategy and policy development. 0.01. 34. Development of water resources development and management plans by hydrological basin. 0.35. 35. Creation/Rehabilitation of water supply structures in villages. 0.92. 36. Development and management of waterways and rivers integrating environmental issues.", + "Strengthen the resilience to climate change of rural communities through healthy school and village programs. 0.35. 38. Integration of climate risks for the provision of sanitation infrastructure and services. 0.22. 39. Production, management and dissemination of information on water resources and agro-hydraulic developments. 0.06. 40. Improved access to drinking water and basic sanitation, as well as hygiene practices for rural and peri-urban populations. 0.23. 41. Improved access to sustainable waste management services and wastewater treatment. 0.20. 42. Improving accessibility to roads and public spaces and opening up rural areas. 0.32. Health. 43. Construction/rehabilitation of health facilities. 0.92. 44. Capacity building for access of vulnerable populations to basic health services. 0.88. 45. Integration of the gender approach in the consideration of climate change", + "Integration of the gender approach in the consideration of climate change issues. 0.23. 46. Integration of climate change impacts into national health sector policies. 0.06. 47. Assessing health vulnerability and strengthening the preparedness of health systems to address the burden of disease attributable to climate-sensitive diseases. 0.06. Energy. 48. Promotion of an economic model to support renewable energies (solar, wind, biomass systems). 0.40. 49. Improve Energy Transition Modeling Techniques to National and Provincial Scale Energy Efficiency Models. 0.23. 50. Development of water retention basins, construction of dykes to protect electricity production infrastructure. 0.35. 51. Promotion of the rational use of electrical energy, improvement of the management of the energy distribution network system. 0.17. TOTAL. 23.08. Measurement, Reporting and Verification (M", + "Promotion of the rational use of electrical energy, improvement of the management of the energy distribution network system. 0.17. TOTAL. 23.08. Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Framework. Successful implementation of the DRC s NDC requires an effective Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system, allowing the country to monitor the effectiveness of its mitigation and adaptation measures and facilitating its access to finance climatic. The DRC will develop an MRV framework in accordance with the requirements of the Paris Agreement that will allow the government to effectively monitor the progress of the mitigation and adaptation activities identified in this updated NDC, in accordance with the reporting standards of the UNFCCC, and will put in place a continuous monitoring and evaluation framework to ensure that the country is progressing towards achieving its objectives for 2030.", + "The DRC will develop an MRV framework in accordance with the requirements of the Paris Agreement that will allow the government to effectively monitor the progress of the mitigation and adaptation activities identified in this updated NDC, in accordance with the reporting standards of the UNFCCC, and will put in place a continuous monitoring and evaluation framework to ensure that the country is progressing towards achieving its objectives for 2030. This will constitute an indicator for each of the main emitting sectors, which could be used to international reports as well as for national monitoring of the implementation of the NDC. This indicator framework will also make it possible to monitor the reference emissions (BAU scenario) as well as the emissions resulting from the implementation of the NDC mitigation measures. Figure 7 below summarizes the institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation, including the national NDC MRV process.", + "This indicator framework will also make it possible to monitor the reference emissions (BAU scenario) as well as the emissions resulting from the implementation of the NDC mitigation measures. Figure 7 below summarizes the institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation, including the national NDC MRV process. Figure 7: Institutional arrangements for monitoring DRC NDC implementation. Means of implementation. To achieve the conditional objectives, the DRC expects financial, technological and capacity building support from its technical and financial partners, global funds and bilateral/multilateral agencies and development partners. These funds will be used to strengthen limited national resources and technical capacities to scale up climate action in the DRC. The activities of the revised NDC will be implemented for 10 years (2021-2030) by integrating them into the annual budget plans at the national or provincial level as various project and program subsidy", + "The activities of the revised NDC will be implemented for 10 years (2021-2030) by integrating them into the annual budget plans at the national or provincial level as various project and program subsidy policies. Key elements of NDC implementation are: Governance: Key laws and regulations should be enacted and institutional capacities strengthened to facilitate the implementation of the NDC. Finances: A financing and investment framework for the NDC should be developed, as well as a strategy aimed at rationalizing access to public funds while mobilizing private sector investments. This financing framework should facilitate effective access to international climate funds, including the green climate finance program.", + "Finances: A financing and investment framework for the NDC should be developed, as well as a strategy aimed at rationalizing access to public funds while mobilizing private sector investments. This financing framework should facilitate effective access to international climate funds, including the green climate finance program. The Institutional Mechanism: The implementation of the NDC will be done under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), in collaboration with various sectoral ministries concerned at the local, provincial and national level and other stakeholders, in particular the youth, women and indigenous people. Capacity building and technology transfer: It will be necessary to identify capacity building needs both in terms of expertise and technology to enable the implementation of relevant policies and to optimize collaboration between key institutions and partners.", + "Capacity building and technology transfer: It will be necessary to identify capacity building needs both in terms of expertise and technology to enable the implementation of relevant policies and to optimize collaboration between key institutions and partners. Gender equity, participation of young people and indigenous peoples: this involves maximizing the involvement of women, young people, indigenous peoples and other marginalized groups in carrying out the various planned interventions, particularly in decision-making and sharing benefits arising from the implementation of the NDC. Communication: it will be necessary to develop clear lines of communication between different levels of governance (local, provincial, national and international) and between different sectors and stakeholders, including women, indigenous peoples and young people. 1. Introduction. 1.1. National development context. 1.1.1. National development goals and plans.", + "Communication: it will be necessary to develop clear lines of communication between different levels of governance (local, provincial, national and international) and between different sectors and stakeholders, including women, indigenous peoples and young people. 1. Introduction. 1.1. National development context. 1.1.1. National development goals and plans. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), straddling the equator, extends over 2,345,409 km2 and covers most of the Congo Basin, estimated at 3.7 million km2. Its population is estimated at 91.994 million5 inhabitants, with a population growth rate of around 3.1%. The DRC is committed to the 2030 agenda and has adopted its National Strategic Development Plan for the period 2019-2023 (PNSD), which is aligned around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Indeed, through this PNSD, the vision of the D", + "Indeed, through this PNSD, the vision of the DRC towards emergence by 2050 is sequenced in three phases, namely:. Achieve middle-income country status in 2028, GDP per capita raised to 1050 USD;. Reach emerging country status in 2040, with a GDP per capita of 4000 USD;. Join the club of developed countries in 2050, for a GDP per capita of 12,000 USD. The PNSD, with its variations at the provincial level, Provincial Development Plan (PDP), revolves around five (5) main pillars below:. Pillar 1. Valorization of human capital, social and cultural development;. Pillar 2. Strengthening of governance, restoration of State authority and consolidation of peace;. Pillar 3. Consolidation of economic growth, diversification and transformation of the economy;. Pillar 4. Land use planning, reconstruction and modernization", + "Land use planning, reconstruction and modernization of infrastructure; and. Pillar 5. Environmental protection, fight against climate change and sustainable and balanced development. The environmental protection and fight against climate change pillar, is inherently cross-cutting, aims to integrate environmental issues and climate change concerns into all sectoral policies and strategies in order to achieve resilient and low-carbon development. The conservation of tropical forests is a key issue that is part of national efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, including conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of carbon sinks. carbon (REDD+). The DRC has compiled an inventory of the most common climate risks and threats due to climate change and has taken measures to address them. To this end, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development coordinated the development of the Policy, Stra", + "To this end, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development coordinated the development of the Policy, Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Climate Change (PSPA-CC; revised version 2020). A National Adaptation Plan (NAP), for the period 2022-2026, has also been developed. This plan mainly aims, in a concerted and multi-sectoral approach, to strengthen the resilience of the country and the integration of concern for adaptation to climate change in planning and budgeting at both national and provincial levels. The national sustainable development strategy and the government s 2021-2023 action program revolve around 4 sectors with 62 priority areas of intervention including, among others: (i) governance and security, (ii) access to energy and drinking water, (iii) protection of the environment and natural resources (renewable and non-renewable), (iv) transport, (v", + "The national sustainable development strategy and the government s 2021-2023 action program revolve around 4 sectors with 62 priority areas of intervention including, among others: (i) governance and security, (ii) access to energy and drinking water, (iii) protection of the environment and natural resources (renewable and non-renewable), (iv) transport, (v) housing, (vi) the economy, (vii) education, training and health. It should also be noted that other sectoral policies and strategies have been adopted to support government action. These include, among others:(i) Land use planning policy and land tenure security. In order to promote a rational and sustainable use of natural resources which involves the maintenance of ecological processes, protection of biodiversity and adoption of sustainable production systems, the DRC has developed and adopted in 2020 a national land use planning policy.", + "In order to promote a rational and sustainable use of natural resources which involves the maintenance of ecological processes, protection of biodiversity and adoption of sustainable production systems, the DRC has developed and adopted in 2020 a national land use planning policy. This policy should lead to zoning and the definition of a master plan for the optimal allocation of the territory, setting up sustainable human settlements and thus establishing a quality living environment. In the land use plans, the DRC ensured the systematic integration of forest resources, including peat bogs and this, in a process of transparent consultation, in order to maintain consistency in the publication of all contracts. land uses (agriculture, forests, mines, hydrocarbons). With regard to the forestry sector and other land allocations, taking into account the implementation of nature-based solutions, the DRC will ensure synergies with land use", + "With regard to the forestry sector and other land allocations, taking into account the implementation of nature-based solutions, the DRC will ensure synergies with land use planning and land tenure security. In addition, in the field of land, the DRC has undertaken to conduct a legal review of land concessions of more than five hectares in pilot provinces. (ii) National gender policy. In 2008, the DRC developed and adopted its national gender policy (PNG) and its gender strategy to integrate this dimension into sectoral development plans, particularly the Agriculture and Rural Development sectors, etc. The equality and empowerment of women remain a concern of the Congolese authorities. To this end, several efforts remain to be made to materialize this political will to improve the gender situation in the DRC. (iii) National Agricultural Investment Plan (PNIA). The DRC has developed its National", + "To this end, several efforts remain to be made to materialize this political will to improve the gender situation in the DRC. (iii) National Agricultural Investment Plan (PNIA). The DRC has developed its National Agricultural Investment Plan (PNIA), 2013-2020. Its overall objective is to stimulate sustained annual growth in the agricultural sector of more than 6%, which is essential for reducing poverty, ensuring the food and nutritional security of the Congolese populations and generating jobs and sustainable incomes. This plan is the unifying framework for all current and future programs and projects in the agricultural sector. This document, currently being revised, constitutes the national planning framework for national and external funds for the agricultural sector and rural development. (iv) National energy policy. Since 2009, the electricity policy has been technically validated by all stakeholders. Current efforts are focused on developing clean cooking strategies", + "Since 2009, the electricity policy has been technically validated by all stakeholders. Current efforts are focused on developing clean cooking strategies. In 2014, Law No. 14/011 of June 17, 2014 relating to the electricity sector was enacted. It establishes the liberalization and total opening of the electricity market to the private sector and also allows:. the distribution of competing competences in the sector, between the State, the provinces and the decentralized territorial collectivities; and. the creation of a Regulatory Authority for the electricity sector and the National Agency for electrification and energy services in rural and peri-urban areas. (v) Youth policy. In 2009, the DRC developed its national youth policy articulated around 15 areas. It aims to protect Congolese youth against anything that may affect their education, health, integral development and fulfillment.", + "It aims to protect Congolese youth against anything that may affect their education, health, integral development and fulfillment. The 9th area of. this policy, entitled \"Youth, environmental protection and sustainable development\", the specific objective of which is to improve the living environment and the environment of young people, revolves around three main axes: after:. Education of young people in environmental protection;. Improving the living environment of young people, in particular housing, drinking water, energy, sanitation; and. Promoting environmental protection and volunteerism among young people. (vi) National Sanitation Policy (PONA). The National Sanitation Policy (PONA), drawn up in 2013, aims to help improve the population s access to adequate sanitation services and infrastructure. Specifically, these include, among others:. Promote the sanitation sector to all stakeholders;. Put in place mechanisms for mobilizing endogenous and", + "Promote the sanitation sector to all stakeholders;. Put in place mechanisms for mobilizing endogenous and exogenous financial resources in the sanitation sector;. Improve sanitation sector governance;. Driving a change in mentality and behavior in sanitation;. Harmonize the different approaches of the sanitation sector; and. Promote the development and implementation of sub-sector programs. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) through its Department of Sanitation (DAS) is nationally responsible for the sanitation sector, in particular the management of municipal waste, and is in this sense responsible for regulating this sector. Several ministries are involved in solid waste management. These include the Ministry of Infrastructure, Public Works and Reconstruction (MITPR) via the Office of Roads and Drainage (OVD) which intervenes in the cleaning of gutter", + "These include the Ministry of Infrastructure, Public Works and Reconstruction (MITPR) via the Office of Roads and Drainage (OVD) which intervenes in the cleaning of gutters, rivers and major collectors. Due to the dumping of waste on roadsides and in drains, the sanitary environment of low-income or poor residential areas is particularly poor. 1.1.2. Main socio-economic and environmental development challenges. Despite the development of many strategic documents and action plans in various areas, insufficient funding has limited the implementation of large-scale actions. Most of the actions carried out in the field of environmental protection and the fight against climate change have been financed by various development partners, and have focused on the conservation of forests and biodiversity, by building capacities, including the development of planning tools, the sustainable management of natural resources and the strengthening of the resilience of", + "Most of the actions carried out in the field of environmental protection and the fight against climate change have been financed by various development partners, and have focused on the conservation of forests and biodiversity, by building capacities, including the development of planning tools, the sustainable management of natural resources and the strengthening of the resilience of ecosystems and communities. In this area, the main challenges remain: (i) the mobilization of financial resources for the implementation of the main legal and institutional reforms; (ii) the drafting of texts for the implementation of the framework law on the environment in the DRC; (iii) strengthening collaboration and intersectoral coordination between the different sectors (mines, agriculture, forestry); (iv) the definition of a real policy in this sector, and (v) the definition of a real policy in the forestry sector, and (v", + "flare gas recovery projects at Muanda under the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) process; and the formulation of the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LEDS), all planned.", + "In this area, the main challenges remain: (i) the mobilization of financial resources for the implementation of the main legal and institutional reforms; (ii) the drafting of texts for the implementation of the framework law on the environment in the DRC; (iii) strengthening collaboration and intersectoral coordination between the different sectors (mines, agriculture, forestry); (iv) the definition of a real policy in this sector, and (v) the definition of a real policy in the forestry sector, and (v) the effective implementation of projects such as the Ibi Bat\u00e9k\u00e9 project included in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM); the carbonization enhancement and flare gas recovery projects at Muanda under the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) process; and the formulation of the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LEDS), all planned. On", + "On the economic front, it was noted a continuous decline in the DRC s economic growth rate reaching 0.8% in 2020, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, when it was 4.4% in 2019. However, mining sector growth is reported to have increased by 6.9% in 2020 (compared to 1% in 2019). On the other hand, other economic sectors contracted by 1.6% (compared to 5.7% in 2019) due to the restrictions due to the pandemic, the confinement of commercial activity and the limitation of public expenditure. It is estimated that public expenditure in the agricultural and rural sector reaches 5.9%, which is still far from the Maputo criterion of allocating at least 10% of the national budget to the agricultural and rural sector, a difficult target for the DRC to achieve. The agricultural and rural sector employs nearly 70% of the", + "It is estimated that public expenditure in the agricultural and rural sector reaches 5.9%, which is still far from the Maputo criterion of allocating at least 10% of the national budget to the agricultural and rural sector, a difficult target for the DRC to achieve. The agricultural and rural sector employs nearly 70% of the country s active population. Moreover, its development remains essential for poverty reduction, because it is established that agricultural production would progress more rapidly than the trend scenario retained by the PNIA (2013-2020) which provides that \"if current trends are confirmed, the agricultural sector will continue to grow at a modest rate of 3% per year\". The efforts that will be necessary to accelerate agricultural growth (+6%/year) to lead the DRC to a balanced diet in 2025 (to feed 116 million consumers) will not be possible without a rapid modernization of agriculture.", + "The efforts that will be necessary to accelerate agricultural growth (+6%/year) to lead the DRC to a balanced diet in 2025 (to feed 116 million consumers) will not be possible without a rapid modernization of agriculture. It will be necessary to double the cultivated areas from 8 to 16 million hectares, which would represent an annual growth of around 6%, while the number of agricultural households is growing more slowly (+ 2%/year) than the average growth rate. of the population (+ 3%/year), characterized by a rapid rate of urbanization (+5%/year)6. This sector contributes 38% to the formation of GDP and participates for more than 60% in job creation. Although it is the main means of subsistence in rural areas, it fails to ensure the country s food independence and to generate sufficient income and sustainable employment.", + "Although it is the main means of subsistence in rural areas, it fails to ensure the country s food independence and to generate sufficient income and sustainable employment. The agricultural sector is essentially characterized by rudimentary and itinerant slash-and-burn cropping systems for subsistence production, exacerbated by the scarcity of agricultural inputs, the isolation of production areas, in particular due to the deterioration of rural roads, the growing impoverishment of the peasant mass, the lack of supervision and the impacts of climate change. Despite the progress made, however, it is the case that:. The DRC is in a precarious social situation which does not seem to have improved significantly over the past two decades according to the SDG7 report.", + "The DRC is in a precarious social situation which does not seem to have improved significantly over the past two decades according to the SDG7 report. It is characterized by the poverty of the population, contrasting with the immensity of the natural potential of the country, more accentuated in the rural areas with strong demographic growth weighing on the demand for social services, with an unequal distribution between the provinces;. The DRC remains one of the countries with the lowest human development index among 175 countries, according to the Human Development Report 2020. The proportion of the population not reaching the minimum level of caloric intake fell from 31 % to 73% during the 1990s. Although decreasing thereafter, food insecurity remains high and today affects about 76% of the population, while food accounts for 62.3% of the total expenditure of Congolese households8;.", + "Although decreasing thereafter, food insecurity remains high and today affects about 76% of the population, while food accounts for 62.3% of the total expenditure of Congolese households8;. The rate of access of the population to electricity remains very low: 9% at the national level (1% in rural areas, 30% for cities) while the average in sub-Saharan Africa is 24.6%;. Finally, unemployment, especially among young people (15-24 years9), due to strong demographic growth, remains at a very high level - 18% nationally - and particularly affects young urbanites (32%). The numerous reforms undertaken and the strong economic growth recorded over the last decade testify to a significant improvement in the socio-economic conditions of the population whose income comes mainly from the informal sector. 2. National circumstances. 2.1. Geographic profile and natural resources.", + "The numerous reforms undertaken and the strong economic growth recorded over the last decade testify to a significant improvement in the socio-economic conditions of the population whose income comes mainly from the informal sector. 2. National circumstances. 2.1. Geographic profile and natural resources. The DRC extends between 5\u00b020 North latitude and 13\u00b017 South latitude; and longitudes 12\u00b015 and 31\u00b015 East of the meridian of Greenwich. It shares its 9.165 km of borders with nine countries including the Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Zambia and Angola, and nearly 40 km of coastline on the Atlantic seaboard. Under the revised constitution of February 2006, the Democratic Republic of Congo is made up of the City of Kinshasa and ten (25) provinces, each with legal personality (Figure 1).", + "Under the revised constitution of February 2006, the Democratic Republic of Congo is made up of the City of Kinshasa and ten (25) provinces, each with legal personality (Figure 1). Its relief is dominated to the east by two mountain ranges (Virunga and Mitumba) and a region of large lakes in the great rift and stepped plateaus determining in the center a large depression, the \u201cCentral Basin\u201d. This is covered with dense tropical forest, dominated by large wetlands and inland lakes (Tumba and Mai-Ndombe in the center-west).", + "This is covered with dense tropical forest, dominated by large wetlands and inland lakes (Tumba and Mai-Ndombe in the center-west). The Congo River basin, the largest of the three (the Congo, Nile and Shiloango river basins), collects more than 80% of its waters from the tributaries (about thirty large rivers) of the Congo River, which is 4,700 km long with an average flow of 41,000 m3 of water per second at its outlet into the Atlantic Ocean, there are also 15 lakes across the country which represent a total area of 180,000 km2. Its dense hydrographic network benefits from a well-distributed rainfall regime across the national territory. Figure 8: Administrative map of the Directrices. Source: MEDD, June 2021. The soils of the DRC are very varied and represent approximately 227 million", + "The soils of the DRC are very varied and represent approximately 227 million hectares. Their classification was carried out according to a morphogenetic system which combines morphological criteria observable or measurable on the profile with genetic considerations deduced from chemical, mineralogical, geomorphological, climatological and other observations. They are grouped into five main types (Ferralsols, Nitosols, Gleysols, Vertisols and Andosols), the most dominant of which are Ferralsols and Nitosols (Figure 2). In addition, the central basin of the Congo Basin which includes the DRC and the Republic of Congo abounds in the great tropical peat bog of the world. It covers an area of nearly 145,000 km2 with a large stock of carbon and a potential source of GHGs estimated at 30", + "It covers an area of nearly 145,000 km2 with a large stock of carbon and a potential source of GHGs estimated at 30 gigatonnes, or the equivalent of two (2) years of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The DRC alone has 2/3 of this peat bog, or approximately 101,500 km2. Figure 9: Relief of the DRC. Source: US Geological Survey, 2003. The DRC is endowed with immense natural resources, including:. a diversified wealth of the basement, such as uranium, copper, zinc, cobalt, gold, diamond, tin, colombo-tantalite (coltan), chromium, manganese, wolframite, silver, cadmium, lithium, carbon and pyrochlore; etc. offshore oil on the Atlantic coast. a diversified floristic richness:. approximately 152 million hectare", + "approximately 152 million hectares of natural forests (10% of all tropical forests in the world and 67% of the national territory; dense humid forests covering nearly 99 million hectares, of which just over 83 million are low altitude) (De Wasseige et al., 2009);. the vegetation is dominated by large formations including swamp, ombrophile, afro-montane, dry forests and savannas;. all the branches combined, count nearly 377 families, 2,196 genera and 10,324 species. significant wildlife wealth (MEDD, 2013)10 characterized by:. 352 species of reptiles including 33 endemic; 168 species of amphibians,. 1086 species of birds including 23 endemic;. 421 species of mammals including 28 endemic, and more than a thousand species of fish. 2.2. Climate profile.", + "Climate profile. The DRC is located in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), which creates extreme climate variability in the country. It is characterized by a hot and humid climate over most of its territory and abundant rainfall, with 140 to 160 rainy days per year. Its climate system is as follows:. in the center of the central basin, rainfall is between 1800 and 2200 mm per year with an average annual temperature of 27\u00b0C;. beyond latitudes 3\u00b0N and 3\u00b0S, we find the tropical climate with a dry season whose duration increases away from the equator (4 months in the western part and more than 5 months in the southeast, where less than 1000 mm of precipitation is recorded per year);.", + "beyond latitudes 3\u00b0N and 3\u00b0S, we find the tropical climate with a dry season whose duration increases away from the equator (4 months in the western part and more than 5 months in the southeast, where less than 1000 mm of precipitation is recorded per year);. in the mountainous regions of the east, the atmospheric conditions vary with altitude, where rainfall can reach 3000 mm per year and where the average temperature can drop by up to 1\u00b0C when the altitude rises by 180 m;. in the coastal zone, one encounters the driest climate (810 mm in Banana), where the effects of the cold current of Benguela are felt. The mean annual temperature has increased slightly at a rate of +0.17\u00b0C per decade over the past 30 years. For the future, global climate model projections suggest a strong average increase in temperature.", + "The mean annual temperature has increased slightly at a rate of +0.17\u00b0C per decade over the past 30 years. For the future, global climate model projections suggest a strong average increase in temperature. For the end of the century, a warming of the order of +1.7 to +4.5\u00b0C (compared to the reference period of 1971 to 2000) is probable. In addition, a strong increase in the duration of heat waves and a strong reduction in the duration of cold spells are predicted (Haensler et al., 2013).11 With regard to the total amounts of annual precipitation, no substantial change has been observed over the past 30 years. For the future, the majority of climate models predict a trend towards a slight increase in total annual precipitation.", + "With regard to the total amounts of annual precipitation, no substantial change has been observed over the past 30 years. For the future, the majority of climate models predict a trend towards a slight increase in total annual precipitation. For the end of the century, a change in total annual precipitation of the order of 0 to +8% (compared to the reference period of 1971 to 2000) is probable. Furthermore, the projections suggest a trend towards more intense and considerably more frequent rainfall, while no clear trend is projected with regard to the duration of drought periods (idem). 2.3. Economic profile. Despite the vastness of its natural resources, the DRC still remains among the least developed countries, with nearly 70% of the population depending almost exclusively on agriculture and forestry resources for their survival.", + "Despite the vastness of its natural resources, the DRC still remains among the least developed countries, with nearly 70% of the population depending almost exclusively on agriculture and forestry resources for their survival. About 67% of the national territory is covered by tropical forests, representing 60% of the forests of the Congo Basin and nearly 10% of this resource at the global level. The DRC is thus the second tropical forest country in the world. The DRC has experienced several multifaceted crises since the 1970s which have spared no sector of national life. These repetitive crises have plunged the country into a serious economic and social situation which is, among other things, the basis of the generalized state of poverty of the population and which ranks the DRC at the bottom of the scale on the human development index. (HDI), i.e. 179th out of 189 countries (", + "These repetitive crises have plunged the country into a serious economic and social situation which is, among other things, the basis of the generalized state of poverty of the population and which ranks the DRC at the bottom of the scale on the human development index. (HDI), i.e. 179th out of 189 countries (UNDP, 2019). 2.3.1. Agriculture. The DRC has more than 80 million hectares of arable land of which only 10% is currently exploited. The diversity of its climatic system and its important hydrographic network make it possible to practice a varied range of agricultural speculations. The expanses of both grassy and wooded savannas are likely to support a breeding of more or less 40 million head of cattle12. This sector has suffered a long decline exacerbated by conflicts and the abandonment of large farms, agricultural productivity fell", + "This sector has suffered a long decline exacerbated by conflicts and the abandonment of large farms, agricultural productivity fell by 60% between 1960 and 2006. Agricultural practice is essentially rainfed and peasant with subsistence food production (self-subsistence) using rudimentary production equipment with low yield and low input consumption. These farms are spread over more or less 4 to 7 million hectares and are organized by agricultural households, each farming an average of 1.5 hectares per year.13 The increase in production is due more to the increase in sown areas than to the improvement in yields. Unlike other systems on the continent, this mode of exploitation is not associated with livestock, a source of organic matter. National animal production comes mainly from small and large livestock as well as poultry. Their contribution is respectively 34.5% for pigs,", + "Their contribution is respectively 34.5% for pigs, 24% for goats, 22.3% for cattle, 15% for poultry and 3.9% for sheep.14 Small livestock and poultry have the advantage of providing farmers with products, regularly and closely, enabling them to maintain a certain level of income and improve their diet. The annual fish production of the DRC, estimated at about 220,000 tonnes on average out of an annually exploitable potential of 707,000 tonnes, i.e. a little over 30%, corresponds to an annual average disposal of 5.2 kg per inhabitant, a much lower availability to the international standard set at 13 kg per inhabitant.15 2.3.2. Forestry and other land uses. The Congolese forests are distributed on both sides of the equatorial line and thus include varied ecosystems.", + "Forestry and other land uses. The Congolese forests are distributed on both sides of the equatorial line and thus include varied ecosystems. Evergreen and semi-deciduous moist forests occupy much of the central and western regions, large areas of edaphic forests grow in the northwest along the Congo River and its tributaries, while forests of pre-mountain and mountain extend over the eastern plateaus and on the slopes of the Mitumba Mountains. The richest forest massif and in one piece (approximately 100 million hectares) is circumscribed in the central basin. Estimated at about 152 million hectares of natural forests (MEDD, 2016), they represent about 10% of all tropical forests in the world and more than 62% of those in Africa. Its relatively low defore", + "Its relatively low deforestation rate over the past 30 years is estimated at between 0.4% in 2001 and 0.32% in 2005, compared to that of other tropical forest countries (MEDD, 2018). In order to fight against the illegal exploitation of forests and to preserve what remains of the natural spaces, the DRC adopted Law 011-2002 of August 29, 2002 on the Forest Code which deals with clearing, degradation of forests, and problems of erosion. The code prohibits \u201cany act of deforestation of areas exposed to the risk of erosion and flooding; any deforestation over a distance of 50 meters on either side of watercourses and within a radius of 100 meters around their sources\u201d.", + "The code prohibits \u201cany act of deforestation of areas exposed to the risk of erosion and flooding; any deforestation over a distance of 50 meters on either side of watercourses and within a radius of 100 meters around their sources\u201d. In addition, the code specifies that \u201call deforestation must be compensated by reforestation equivalent in quality and area to the initial forest cover (...) and requires obtaining a deforestation permit for an area greater than 2 ha\u201d. The forestry sector in the DRC is likely to contribute significantly to both the diversification and the recovery of the national economy. Despite its enormous potential, the contribution of this sector to reducing the poverty of the Congolese people is still timid or even insignificant.", + "This situation is due, in part, to the fact that for several decades, the forestry sector had not aroused much interest among political decision-makers; which did not allow this sector to benefit from all the attention to which it is legitimately entitled like other sectors of the national economy, in this case the mining sector. 2.3.3. Energy. The DRC is full of enormous potential, diversified in energy resources16 whose sustainable management constitutes major challenges which include among others:. hydroelectric resources with a potential estimated at 110 GW (44% are concentrated in the Inga site alone, located in the Kongo-Central Province) equivalent to 30 million tonnes of oil per year;. biomass with approximately 152 million hectares of natural forests;. mineral coal with reserves estimated at 720 million tonnes,.", + "hydroelectric resources with a potential estimated at 110 GW (44% are concentrated in the Inga site alone, located in the Kongo-Central Province) equivalent to 30 million tonnes of oil per year;. biomass with approximately 152 million hectares of natural forests;. mineral coal with reserves estimated at 720 million tonnes,. oil with reserves estimated at 1.5 billion barrels,. the methane gas reserves in the Coastal Basin, estimated at 10 billion m3 at sea and 20 billion m3 in Lake Kivu (nearly 50 million normal cubic meters (Nm3)),. uranium ore with significant reserves,. geothermal resources;. bituminous shale and tar sands whose reserves are poorly known; and. a solar potential whose sunshine band is between 3500 and 6000 Wc/m2/d. The PDGIE report (2018) provides information", + "The PDGIE report (2018) provides information in terms of energy consumption on the predominance of wood energy, which in 2018 represented a share of 94.2%. Figure 10: Energy balance of the DRC for the year 2018. Electricity production is largely provided by the National Electricity Company (SNEL) with an installed capacity of 2.456 MW. Some private independent producers such as Electricit\u00e9 du Congo (EDC) for the city of Tshikapa; SENOKI in Butembo, SOKIMO, Energie du Kasa\u00ef (ENERKA) for the city of Mbuji-Mayi, Electricit\u00e9 du Nord Kivu (ENK), Virunga Sarl, NURU Sarl, Caritas D\u00e9veloppement, etc., and a few self-producers such as Sucri\u00e8re de Kwilu-Ngongo, PERENCO, MIBA, Kibali Gold Mining, G\u00e9camines certain religious denominations", + "However, the population s access rate to electricity, one of the lowest in the world, is estimated at 9% (SE4ALL-RDC, 2019). 2.3.4. Transportation. Transport infrastructure in the DRC is among the least dense, dilapidated and impracticable. In many provinces of the country, connectivity to the capital, Kinshasa, by road is difficult and most provinces are not interconnected. Despite having one of the largest river networks in the world, river transport is often hampered by high levels of silting, long waiting times at ports due to poor infrastructure and the governance. Ground transport in the DRC consists mainly of motorized road vehicles, as there is no suitable infrastructure for non-motorized vehicles (i.e. cycle lanes, safe storage and convenient and convenient bicycle rentals). affordable) and the railway network is", + "Motor vehicles mainly depend on personal passenger cars. Vehicle fleet statistics up to 2015 indicate a total of 1.64 million registered vehicles nationwide, mainly consisting of passenger cars (INS, 2015). Public transport includes public and private buses, minivans as well as exclusive and shared taxis, all operating without any coordination, resulting in very low occupancy rates. The market share of mass transport in the DRC is low due to the impassability, lack of security and limited reach of public transport compared to the attractiveness of owning a private automobile. Driving habits in the DRC are characterized by a relatively low range with a high rate of congestion and frequent stops at short time intervals.", + "Driving habits in the DRC are characterized by a relatively low range with a high rate of congestion and frequent stops at short time intervals. It is estimated that 50% of trips have a distance of less than 10 km, 25% of stops are less than 20 seconds and the total stop time per trip corresponds to more than 15% of the trip time. In addition, these observations reflect stop-and-go driving patterns, resulting in inefficient operation of internal combustion engines, and a high rate of fuel consumption and pollutant emissions as a result. The road network of the DRC comprises a total of 153,209 km (INS, 2014) of roads distributed as follows:. 58,509 km of roads of general interest, of which around 3,000 km are paved. 7,400 km of urban roads;. 87,300 km", + "58,509 km of roads of general interest, of which around 3,000 km are paved. 7,400 km of urban roads;. 87,300 km of roads of local interest or agricultural service. In terms of aeronautical activities, the DRC has nineteen (19) commercial airports, four of which are international in service (Kinshasa/N djili, Goma, Kisangani and Lubumbashi). At least eleven airlines (Congo Airways) and private companies operate for the flight of passengers and the chartering of goods to all airports located in the DRC. In 2016, more than 1.77 million air passengers were counted compared to 1.61 in 2010 (SDG Report, 2020). As for river and lake activities, the DRC has nearly twenty service ports or functional commercial ports, including Matadi, Boma, Kinshasa, Ilebo, Kalemie, U", + "As for river and lake activities, the DRC has nearly twenty service ports or functional commercial ports, including Matadi, Boma, Kinshasa, Ilebo, Kalemie, Uvira, Goma, Bukavu, Kisangani, Mbandaka, Ubundu, Kindu, and Mushimbakye in Baraka., etc. These ports are mostly under the authority of the Congolese Transport and Ports Company (SCTP). The main ports in the south-east of the country are governed by the Soci\u00e9t\u00e9 Nationale des Chemins de Fer du Congo (SNCC). The port of Matadi is the country s industrial entry and exit point. It is connected to the port of Kinshasa by road and rail. The port of Kinshasa welcomes approximately 78% of the boats coming from the interior of the country. 2.3.5. Industry. Although the industrial fabric of the DRC remains", + "Although the industrial fabric of the DRC remains embryonic, this sector, like agriculture, infrastructure, energy, health, education, housing and others, is a priority of the Government of the DRC. The development strategy of the industrial sector is mainly focused on the creation of Special Economic Zones (SEZ), agro-industrial parks and growth poles. The infrastructure deficit affects the industrial development of the DRC, particularly manufacturing. The latter represents only 14% of GDP in 2018, i.e. less than 12 USD per capita. This low level illustrates the obvious difficulties faced by entrepreneurs, particularly in terms of access to electricity and public transport infrastructure (roads, railways, airports, rivers and lakes). The repercussions are eloquent, particularly in terms of economic competitiveness and jobs created. Employment in manufacturing represents only less than", + "Employment in manufacturing represents only less than 7% of total employment. With regard to mining production, the DRC is \"a geological scandal\" as its mining resources are important and diverse (copper, cobalt, colombo-tantalite, gold, diamonds). An engine of growth and a major contributor to the national budget, the DRC s mining sector is one of the country s strategic sectors. According to statistics, from 2003 to 2017, mining production increased from 9,370 tons to more than one million tons of copper! That is an increase of 10.75% (INS, 2017). 3. Vision of the DRC in the field of climate change.", + "According to statistics, from 2003 to 2017, mining production increased from 9,370 tons to more than one million tons of copper! That is an increase of 10.75% (INS, 2017). 3. Vision of the DRC in the field of climate change. The DRC s vision in the fight against climate change is to promote a green economy, with low carbon emissions and resilient to the impacts of climate change, while rationally and sustainably managing its significant natural resources in order to guarantee ecological balance. and the social, economic, cultural and environmental well-being of its people. Indeed, the DRC, like all Parties to the UNFCCC, is resolutely committed to taking urgent measures to mitigate its greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change, in accordance with the Paris Agreement especially in its article 4.17.", + "Indeed, the DRC, like all Parties to the UNFCCC, is resolutely committed to taking urgent measures to mitigate its greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change, in accordance with the Paris Agreement especially in its article 4.17. To this end, the DRC ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol in 2005 and the Paris Agreement in 2017. In addition, it submitted to the UNFCCC its three first national communications to the UNFCCC, respectively in 2001, 2009 and 2015 and its National Adaptation Action Program (NAPA) in 2006. It also submitted its Forest Reference Emission Level (NERF) in 2018. Although its greenhouse gas emissions are among the lowest in the world (MEDD, 2015), the DRC is very vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Therefore, adaptation to climate change is a", + "Although its greenhouse gas emissions are among the lowest in the world (MEDD, 2015), the DRC is very vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Therefore, adaptation to climate change is a major concern and priority for the country. The DRC s contribution to climate change in terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is relatively small, although emissions from agriculture, deforestation, land use, consumption energy, and waste is a significant part of its carbon footprint, to demand appropriate climate action. 4. NDC review process. In 2015, the DRC submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the UNFCCC, defining its adaptation and mitigation objectives. In 2017, this became its first NDC, in accordance with the Paris Agreement.", + "In 2015, the DRC submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to the UNFCCC, defining its adaptation and mitigation objectives. In 2017, this became its first NDC, in accordance with the Paris Agreement. This first NDC was based on the DRC s third national communication submitted to the UNFCCC in 2014, as well as on other sectoral policies, such as the National REDD+ Strategy Framework (MEDD, 2012) and other key national orientation documents. The targeted reduction target, entirely conditional, was 17% taking into account three main sectors, namely Energy, Agriculture and Forestry associated with the following gases: CO2, CH4 and N2O over the period 2021-2030.", + "The targeted reduction target, entirely conditional, was 17% taking into account three main sectors, namely Energy, Agriculture and Forestry associated with the following gases: CO2, CH4 and N2O over the period 2021-2030. This NDC, whose reduction target set at 21% (conditional at 19%, and unconditional at 2%), updates and strengthens the first in terms of contributions to mitigation and adaptation, on the one hand, and through improved data collection, in-depth technical analysis and extensive stakeholder engagement on the other. It includes, in addition to the three aforementioned sectors (Agriculture, Forestry and Energy), that of Waste. 4.1. Mitigation. 4.1.1. Business as usual (BAU) emissions forecast. The mitigation contributions presented in this revised NDC are based on the prospective of a relative re", + "The mitigation contributions presented in this revised NDC are based on the prospective of a relative reduction in GHG emissions between 2018-2030 compared to baseline emissions estimated using the 2006 IPCC guidelines18 representing the national trajectory in l lack of mitigation measures (BAU). This requires the development of BAU sectoral forecasts of activities and associated emissions throughout the NDC commitment period; subsequent monitoring of progress against this baseline through the implementation of mitigation projects will require continuous updating of the abatement scenario. The projections used in this revised NDC are constructed through an extrapolation of emissions from the reference period of the first Biennial Updated Report and the DRC s national greenhouse gas inventories.", + "The projections used in this revised NDC are constructed through an extrapolation of emissions from the reference period of the first Biennial Updated Report and the DRC s national greenhouse gas inventories. This is a linear, simple, transparent, intuitive and easily reproducible projection in the medium term until 2030, based on the IPCC s level 1 methodology, from which they will evolve according to a scenario of the business-as-usual type (normal course cases without mitigating measures). Modeling specific to the energy sector, based on the Model for Energy Demand Analysis (MAED-2 software, IAEA, 2007), was undertaken to estimate the current mitigation potential in this sector. The MAED-2 software assesses future energy demand based on socio-economic, technological and demographic development scenarios in the medium and long term. Within this framework, two scenarios have", + "The MAED-2 software assesses future energy demand based on socio-economic, technological and demographic development scenarios in the medium and long term. Within this framework, two scenarios have been developed: the BAU scenario and the abatement scenario. The model systematically links the specific demand for energy to produce different goods and services identified in the model, to the corresponding social, economic and technological factors that affect this demand. For the other sectors, the BAU and abatement scenarios were constructed using linear modeling tools. 4.1.2. National emissions modeling. As part of the implementation of the DRC s PNSD, three possible development scenarios have been considered to characterize the possible evolutions of the economy: the continuity scenario, also called the normal course of business scenario - BAU, the which translates the government s vision (optimistic scenario) and the intermediate scenario between the first two", + "As part of the implementation of the DRC s PNSD, three possible development scenarios have been considered to characterize the possible evolutions of the economy: the continuity scenario, also called the normal course of business scenario - BAU, the which translates the government s vision (optimistic scenario) and the intermediate scenario between the first two, alternative scenario. (i) Continuity Scenario19. This scenario is based on a continuation of the current situation in which the pace of economic growth is certainly high but suffers from fluctuations linked to hazardous turns in world markets. In light of the growth profile, the DRC will not be able to become an emerging country in 2030 and a developed country in 2050 if profound changes are not envisaged in the conduct of public policies. The reforms need to be deepened for more effective governance.", + "In light of the growth profile, the DRC will not be able to become an emerging country in 2030 and a developed country in 2050 if profound changes are not envisaged in the conduct of public policies. The reforms need to be deepened for more effective governance. Major transformations should be made at the level of the production apparatus, and the quality of human capital will also have to be substantially increased. The main assumptions on which this scenario is based are as follows:. The mining sector continues to be the main driver of economic growth but is seeing its contribution gradually diminish;. Agricultural activity continues to develop but its expansion is not very significant;. The manufacturing industry continues to play a marginal role in economic growth and continues to suffer the pangs of foreign competition;.", + "The manufacturing industry continues to play a marginal role in economic growth and continues to suffer the pangs of foreign competition;. The services sector continues to expand, mainly from wholesale and retail trade (against a deterioration in the current account) and transport and telecoms;. Tax revenues from the exploitation of natural resources remain marginal;. Progress can be observed in the area of. governance (political and economic) but it is relatively slow and limits the total investment rate;. The population continues to grow at the average annual rate of 3% as has been the case over the past fifteen years, which implies that the synthetic fertility index (ISF) has practically not changed;. The movements of populations due to the conflicts are reduced and the social fabric is rebuilt;. The country s political and security situation is stable, as is that of the Central African region", + "The country s political and security situation is stable, as is that of the Central African region. (ii) Scenario reflecting the government s vision. This second scenario is optimistic in that it proposes to highlight the various efforts to be combined by the authorities. For the DRC to develop in 2050 according to the sequences defined by the government, it would be necessary to consider \u2013 courageously and relentlessly \u2013 a set of coherent and sustained actions over time to change its political, institutional, economic and financial landscape. Maintaining peace and strengthening the security of people and their property are two fundamental elements of the action to be taken by the government to set the country firmly on the path to development. At the macroeconomic level, inflation should be contained and the exchange rate should not experience major shifts.", + "Maintaining peace and strengthening the security of people and their property are two fundamental elements of the action to be taken by the government to set the country firmly on the path to development. At the macroeconomic level, inflation should be contained and the exchange rate should not experience major shifts. This would require significantly expanding the fiscal space state, improve the quality (or efficiency) of public spending, constitute important budgetary stabilizers and use them wisely, in the event of exogenous shocks. (iii) Alternative scenario. In this third scenario, called alternative, it is assumed that the country becomes a middle-income country in 2025 and emerges in 2030 instead of 2030. In 2050, the country becomes developed. This change in the time horizons of expected progress has an impact on the growth rates to be displayed by the economy as well as on the policies to be pursued.", + "This change in the time horizons of expected progress has an impact on the growth rates to be displayed by the economy as well as on the policies to be pursued. Despite the change in the length of the first sequence of the trajectory, it would take considerable efforts to ensure that the DRC progresses as its government intends. At the macroeconomic level, it will be necessary to maintain rigor in the management of public finances and to have flexibility in the conduct of monetary policy because performance in terms of growth requires inflation not exceeding 3,. The main assumptions used to develop this scenario are as follows:. Agriculture is undergoing major transformations and is becoming one of the main pillars of economic growth and job creation;. Extractive industries continue to be dynamic thanks to a widening of the value creation chain and more efficient exploitation of hydrocarbons;.", + "Extractive industries continue to be dynamic thanks to a widening of the value creation chain and more efficient exploitation of hydrocarbons;. The construction and public works sector is experiencing remarkable expansion thanks to the combined efforts to expand the State s fiscal space and mobilize new sources of infrastructure financing (PPP and viable sovereign loans);. Manufacturing industries are developing at a sustained pace and are managing to penetrate other markets;. The tertiary sector remains dynamic thanks to the effects of the reconstruction, modernization and development of infrastructures;. The structure of GDP is gradually changing (the secondary sector will become the main pillar of growth in 2050);. Governance is experiencing rapid and sustained improvements against the backdrop of a coherent set of reforms affecting institutions and the functioning of the economy;. Social policies are effectively implemented", + "Governance is experiencing rapid and sustained improvements against the backdrop of a coherent set of reforms affecting institutions and the functioning of the economy;. Social policies are effectively implemented to lower the ISF and make the most of the demographic dividend;. The return of displaced populations is possible;. The political and security context is calm both in the country and in Central Africa. Of the three PNSD scenarios, only the alternative scenario was taken into account in the energy sector and considered as the BAU scenario. The analysis used to develop this revised NDC involved identifying a range of mitigation options (Abatement Scenario) within each of the NDC sectors for further consideration and quantitative analysis. (iv) Abatement scenario. This scenario aims to highlight the various efforts to be combined by the DRC government to achieve a gradual and significant reduction in GHG emissions in", + "This scenario aims to highlight the various efforts to be combined by the DRC government to achieve a gradual and significant reduction in GHG emissions in the main emitting sectors. The allowances used in this revised NDC are based on the assumptions below and reinforce it in several ways:. In the field of forestry and other land uses, the hypothesis is based on the REDD + strategy which is based on the studies of McKinsey et al (2009)20 and also the hypotheses envisaged in the NERF document whose projections of the annual growth of emissions due to deforestation are estimated at 50 MtCO2e;. In this forestry sector, we could obtain a cumulative reduction in emissions of 2.2 to 2.5 Gt CO2e by 2030;.", + "In this forestry sector, we could obtain a cumulative reduction in emissions of 2.2 to 2.5 Gt CO2e by 2030;. The share of emissions that cannot be reduced may be offset by the effects of afforestation and reforestation projects intended for carbon sequestration, up to an estimated cumulative sequestration potential of 1.2 at 1.4 Gt CO2e;. By 2030, the combined effect of potential mitigation and sequestration levers could both offset total emissions estimated at 410 to 700 Mt CO2e according to the BAU reference scenario, and constitute a carbon sink of a capacity of around 20 Mt CO2e;. The BAU reference scenario of the evolution of degradation and deforestation in the DRC and the related emissions was developed on the basis of voluntary assumptions of the country s socio-economic and demographic development.", + "The BAU reference scenario of the evolution of degradation and deforestation in the DRC and the related emissions was developed on the basis of voluntary assumptions of the country s socio-economic and demographic development. In this scenario, deforestation would reach 12 to 13 million ha by 2030, and degradation 21 to 22 million ha. In agriculture, it is planned to double the cultivated areas from 8 to 16 million hectares, to observe accelerated growth (+6%/year) and thus ensure food balance by 2025 (feeding 116 million consumers) and this, thanks to a modernization of the sector. In the Energy sector, mitigation efforts may be concentrated in the industrial, transport and residential sectors with the following assumptions:. More accentuated reduction in the energy intensities of petroleum products, specific uses of electricity, use of heat. This translates to a much", + "More accentuated reduction in the energy intensities of petroleum products, specific uses of electricity, use of heat. This translates to a much more efficient energy intensity improvement in the economy. In the agricultural sector, the abatement will relate much more to the management of agricultural residues because the agricultural development program provides for an increase in surface areas. In the waste sector, for the reduction scenario (organization of the sector: access of 60% of households to the waste management system, by developing operational mechanisms in at least 10 provinces. 4.2. Adaptation. For this adaptation component, the methodological approach consisted of an in-depth review of relevant documents on adaptation to climate change.", + "For this adaptation component, the methodological approach consisted of an in-depth review of relevant documents on adaptation to climate change. The various national communications submitted by the DRC to the UNFCCC have allowed us to have a more or less broad overview of the degree of vulnerability of the various actors and economic sectors directly affected by climate change and disaster risk as well as the measures proposed. to deal with it. The lessons learned from NAPA (agriculture, protection of the coastal zone and women and children) made it possible to understand the relevance of the actions envisaged and the measures to be considered for greater effectiveness and efficiency in strengthening resilience to the effects climate change.", + "The lessons learned from NAPA (agriculture, protection of the coastal zone and women and children) made it possible to understand the relevance of the actions envisaged and the measures to be considered for greater effectiveness and efficiency in strengthening resilience to the effects climate change. In addition, the results of the process of drafting the initial NAP of the DRC and of the various specific studies carried out for this purpose, in particular (i) the institutional assessment of the obstacles and needs for the integration of adaptation in the planning of the development; (ii) assessment of human capacity needs; (iii) consideration of gender and Indigenous Peoples in the development and implementation of adaptation measures; and (iv) opportunities for the involvement of the private sector in the financing of adaptation, made it possible to deepen the reflection on the relevant actions envisaged in this NDC and the establish", + "In addition, the results of the process of drafting the initial NAP of the DRC and of the various specific studies carried out for this purpose, in particular (i) the institutional assessment of the obstacles and needs for the integration of adaptation in the planning of the development; (ii) assessment of human capacity needs; (iii) consideration of gender and Indigenous Peoples in the development and implementation of adaptation measures; and (iv) opportunities for the involvement of the private sector in the financing of adaptation, made it possible to deepen the reflection on the relevant actions envisaged in this NDC and the establishment of financing needs. Finally, the selection of adaptation interventions, parameters including indicators, baselines, milestones and targets was conducted through workshops, followed by in-depth consultations with teams of sector experts through various iterative discussions. with actors", + "Finally, the selection of adaptation interventions, parameters including indicators, baselines, milestones and targets was conducted through workshops, followed by in-depth consultations with teams of sector experts through various iterative discussions. with actors from different sectoral ministries and civil society delegates. 5. Contribution to mitigation. The DRC, Party to the UNFCCC, has initiated efforts to implement activities that lead to a reduction in emissions according to its national circumstances and capacities. This section consists of a brief reminder on the analysis of the trend in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the sectors whose measures are identified and proposes consequent mitigation strategies. It also presents other initiatives relating to greenhouse gas mitigation actions in the DRC. The mitigation measures implemented by the DRC mainly concern the forestry sector,", + "The mitigation measures implemented by the DRC mainly concern the forestry sector, in particular the implementation of its national strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). In addition to the REDD+ strategy, the DRC s nationally determined contribution presents certain mitigation measures and actions in the energy, transport, agriculture and waste sectors. However, to date, these few initiatives are less documented. However, the DRC is committed to improving its data collection and management system and to formalizing the arrangements institutions that support the collection, analysis, processing and communication of long-term information on mitigation measures and efforts to explore associated co-benefits. In addition, the DRC does not have a specific methodology and associated hypotheses to assess the effects of the actions envisaged. Consequently, capacity building for", + "Consequently, capacity building for project promoters and various stakeholders is essential at the national level to improve the monitoring and reporting of sectoral mitigation activities. 5.1. Analysis of trends in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines have been implemented for the estimation of GHG emissions reported in the three previous National Communications on climate change in the DRC. The first Biennial Update Report, on the other hand, is based on the IPCC Tier 1 approach in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and its improvements21.", + "The first Biennial Update Report, on the other hand, is based on the IPCC Tier 1 approach in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and its improvements21. The analysis of the historical trend of GHG emissions, carried out within the framework of the 1st Biennial Updated Report of the DRC, which wants to be an emerging country by 2030 and this, in a vision of development towards an economy more and more decarbonized, shows that, during the period 2000-2018 (Table 3), the country s emissions are predominated by the \"Forestry and other Land Use (FAT)\" sector with nearly 86% of emissions, followed by far by Waste, Energy and Agriculture sectors with 11%, 0.86% and 0.61% respectively. Table 2: Evolution of GHG emissions in the DRC by sector for the period 2000-2018 (Mt eq-CO2)", + "Table 2: Evolution of GHG emissions in the DRC by sector for the period 2000-2018 (Mt eq-CO2). Energy. PIUP22. Agriculture. Forest. Waste. 2000. 3.36. 0.09. 3.70. 483.74. 39.79. 2001. 3.69. 0.11. 3.86. 483.74. 51.47. 2002. 4.02. 0.14. 3.76. 483.74. 51.83. 2003. 4.35. 0.18. 3.76. 483.74. 53.08. 2004. 4.68. 0.24. 3.75. 483.74. 54.33. 2005. 5.01. 0.29. 3.75. 483.74. 56.49. 2006. 5.34. 0.33. 3.76. 483.74. 59.70. 2007. 5.67. 0.34. 3.77. 483.74. 64.28. 2008. 6.00. 0.24. 3.76. 483.74", + "2017. 8.97. 0.15. 5.70. 529.23. 152.82. 2018. 9.30. 0.13. 5.48. 529.23. 164.81. The trend of increasing GHG emissions from non-forest sectors, i.e. energy with transport, residential, and manufacturing industry, Industrial Processes and Product Uses (PIUP), l agriculture and waste treatment, is explained in Table 2 below:Table 3: Contribution of non-forest sectors to the emissions trend. Sector. Categories. Contributions to emissions. Energy. Transportation. The vehicle fleet is essentially made up of second-hand vehicles but also, by the increase in personal vehicle ownership. Manufacturing industry. The sporadic commissioning of thermal power plants to compensate for untimely supply cuts hydroelectricity in industries. Agriculture. Enteric fermentation", + "In fact, the most digestible forages emit more per kg of dry matter ingested than the least digestible forages, but they also provide more energy nutrients (volatile fatty acids). Agricultural soil management. Continuous increase in agricultural areas, more characterized by an increase in the number of agricultural holdings, made up of clearings in the forest zone and along the major rivers in the interior of the country, all this being linked to a high rate of population growth. Burning of agricultural residues. rice cultivation. Increase in irrigated area of rice cultivation and demand. Waste. Solid Waste Disposal Sites. Linked to the increase in population and the non-organization of the sector. Industrial Processes and Product Uses. Cement production. Increase in real estate demand and the number of cement production units across the country. Li", + "Industrial Processes and Product Uses. Cement production. Increase in real estate demand and the number of cement production units across the country. Lime production. The increase in methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in the residential sector, due to population growth, is due to the strong demand for wood energy, in particular for meeting cooking needs in households. 5.2. GHG mitigation measures over the period 2021-2030. Given the development dynamic in which the DRC is committed by 2030, its efforts will have to materialize in the implementation of various mitigation measures, mainly in the Forestry and other Land Use and Waste sectors, followed by Energy and Agriculture.", + "Given the development dynamic in which the DRC is committed by 2030, its efforts will have to materialize in the implementation of various mitigation measures, mainly in the Forestry and other Land Use and Waste sectors, followed by Energy and Agriculture. It is in this context that the DRC has developed its National REDD+ Framework Strategy and that of low-carbon development for which two mitigation measures under the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Measures (NAMAs) initiative were identified in the Energy sector relating to the recovery of flared gas from oil exploitation platforms, in Muanda, and the improvement of carbonization techniques. Also, the DRC intends to implement a national energy policy framework in terms of energy specifically targeting clean cooking strategies (LPG, electric cooker, etc.), while associating the concerns of increasing the share of renewables in its", + "Also, the DRC intends to implement a national energy policy framework in terms of energy specifically targeting clean cooking strategies (LPG, electric cooker, etc.), while associating the concerns of increasing the share of renewables in its energy mix, promoting energy efficiency, improving public transport and recovering energy from waste. Thus, the DRC is committed to a combined unconditional and conditional contribution of up to 21% reduction in total GHG emissions compared to the BAU in 2030 (19% conditional and 2% unconditional) equivalent to an estimated level of mitigation up to to 650 Mt CO2e by 2030. The main intervention levers identified relate essentially to:A. Component I: Forestry and forest-related activities:This component is expected to contribute 182 to 192 Mt CO2e to the total emissions mitigation potential in 2030 (Mc", + "The main intervention levers identified relate essentially to:A. Component I: Forestry and forest-related activities:This component is expected to contribute 182 to 192 Mt CO2e to the total emissions mitigation potential in 2030 (McKinsey et al., 2009). This potential was estimated by forestry activity as follows:. Legal industrial and small-scale logging: approximately 19 Mt CO2e thanks to the reduction of logging volumes per ha to sustainable logging levels with very limited emissions (from 15 to 10 m3 per hectare). Illegal logging: reduction potential of around 22 to 23 Mt CO2e. This potential is broken down into several levers with regional specificities. The first concerns the eradication of illegal logging to neighboring countries (Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda) by strengthening controls by 2030 in the North", + "The first concerns the eradication of illegal logging to neighboring countries (Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda) by strengthening controls by 2030 in the North and South Kivu provinces as well as the Tshopo, Ituri, Haut-Uele, Bas-Uele, and Kongo-Central. The second mitigation lever consists of converting illegal logging intended for local markets into sustainable legal logging. The third lever is reforestation to sustainably supply lower quality timber to local markets, mainly to urban populations. Other activities of degradation and deforestation related to the activities of the population (sustainable hunting for example) or the use of techniques to fight against bush fires. Afforestation or afforestation: emission reduction potential of 61 to 65 Mt CO2e in marginal areas (shrub savannahs and forest savan", + "Afforestation or afforestation: emission reduction potential of 61 to 65 Mt CO2e in marginal areas (shrub savannahs and forest savannah mosaics) of around 7 million ha. Reforestation: emission reduction potential of 80 to 84 Mt CO2e in 4 million ha of degraded or deforested forests. In this context, the DRC plans to spatially identify these forests and integrate them into national legislation by 2025 and thus proceed with the establishment of at least 2.5 million hectares of local community forest concessions by 2025, following an approved good practice guide by 2023. B. Part II: Agriculture and Livestock in forest environments: four mitigation levers contributing 180 to 187 Mt CO2e to the total mitigation potential (McKinsey et al., 2009):.", + "In this context, the DRC plans to spatially identify these forests and integrate them into national legislation by 2025 and thus proceed with the establishment of at least 2.5 million hectares of local community forest concessions by 2025, following an approved good practice guide by 2023. B. Part II: Agriculture and Livestock in forest environments: four mitigation levers contributing 180 to 187 Mt CO2e to the total mitigation potential (McKinsey et al., 2009):. Subsistence agriculture: mainly itinerant and slash and burn: potential reduction of emissions of 15 to 17 Mt CO2e in 2030, based on a program to improve productivity affecting 50% of subsistence farms. Extensive small-scale commercial agriculture, intended mainly for the local market: reduction potential of around 65 to 70 Mt CO2", + "Extensive small-scale commercial agriculture, intended mainly for the local market: reduction potential of around 65 to 70 Mt CO2e, linked to the implementation of two types of programs to increase productivity and affecting around 75% of farms. The first program affecting approximately 25% of farms aims to set up extension programs and supply inputs over a period of 20 years. The second program aims to set up aggregation projects affecting 50% of the population. Intensive commercial agriculture, intended mainly for export (palm oil, cocoa and coffee): reduction potential of around 80 Mt CO2e. This reduction stems from the relocation to shrub savannahs or savannah-forest mosaics of new plantations that would have been established in primary forests (causing deforestation of 1.6 to 3 million ha in the reference scenario). Rehabilitated plantations", + "This reduction stems from the relocation to shrub savannahs or savannah-forest mosaics of new plantations that would have been established in primary forests (causing deforestation of 1.6 to 3 million ha in the reference scenario). Rehabilitated plantations on old sites (about 1.6 million ha) are not considered in this emissions mitigation potential. Livestock: reduction potential of approximately 20 Mt CO2e. As part of the Letter of Intent scheduled for signature between the DRC and the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI) for the period 2022-2031, the DRC undertakes not to award industrial agricultural concessions in high value forests (the definition of which will be developed through a national participatory process) and in peatlands; to orient agricultural development as a priority towards the savannahs. C.", + "As part of the Letter of Intent scheduled for signature between the DRC and the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI) for the period 2022-2031, the DRC undertakes not to award industrial agricultural concessions in high value forests (the definition of which will be developed through a national participatory process) and in peatlands; to orient agricultural development as a priority towards the savannahs. C. Part III: Impacts of urban growth and industrial sectors on the forest: a mitigation lever contributing 45 to 55 Mt CO2e to the total mitigation potential:Reduction in the demand for non-sustainable firewood, intended mainly for consumption by the urban population: around 45 to 55 Mt CO2e (McKinsey et al., 2009).", + "Part III: Impacts of urban growth and industrial sectors on the forest: a mitigation lever contributing 45 to 55 Mt CO2e to the total mitigation potential:Reduction in the demand for non-sustainable firewood, intended mainly for consumption by the urban population: around 45 to 55 Mt CO2e (McKinsey et al., 2009). This objective will be supported by the DRC s commitment in the Letter of Intent scheduled for signature with FATF for the period 2022-2031, to reduce the share of unsustainable wood energy by 10% in two major urban centers by 2025 and 50% in six major urban centers by 2031.", + "This objective will be supported by the DRC s commitment in the Letter of Intent scheduled for signature with CAFI for the period 2022-2031, to reduce the share of unsustainable wood energy by 10% in two major urban centers by 2025 and 50% in six major urban centers by 2031. Three programs are likely to be developed, as part of the strategy, targeting urban and peri-urban households: the first is based on the reduction of demand through the supply of around 5 million households with improved or efficient ovens (making it possible to reduce the consumption of firewood by around 50%). The second program aims to promote the use of hydroelectricity instead of wood energy by covering part of the electricity supply bill for 5 million households, located mainly in southern provinces (Haut-Katanga, Tanganyika, Lualaba, Haut-Lomami, Lomami, Sankuru,", + "The second program aims to promote the use of hydroelectricity instead of wood energy by covering part of the electricity supply bill for 5 million households, located mainly in southern provinces (Haut-Katanga, Tanganyika, Lualaba, Haut-Lomami, Lomami, Sankuru, Kasai, Kasai Central, Kasai-Oriental). The third program consists of afforestation of marginal areas around cities with the aim of ensuring the production and sustainable use of firewood through improved stoves. D. Transport: two mitigation levers contributing 27 to 37 Mt CO2e (McKinsey et al., 2009) to the total mitigation potential will focus on improving urban and interurban public transport while developing transport master plans and the promotion of multimodal transport for passengers and goods. E. Waste management: two mitigation levers contributing 37 M", + "E. Waste management: two mitigation levers contributing 37 Mt CO2e (McKinsey et al., 2009) to the total mitigation potential. Four major actions are envisaged, within the framework of the strategy, targeting urban and peri-urban households: the first is based on strengthening the institutional and legal framework for waste management; the second will focus on a program for the rational management of waste; the third action will consist of a waste energy recovery program based on the promotion of energy-efficient cooking aimed at the use of biodegradable household waste and the recovery of biogas from landfills; the fourth action will target the development of aerobic composting systems on a commercial scale; and the last will consist in the production of energy and organic fertilizer from solid waste, waste water and sludge. F. Nature-based solutions", + "Four major actions are envisaged, within the framework of the strategy, targeting urban and peri-urban households: the first is based on strengthening the institutional and legal framework for waste management; the second will focus on a program for the rational management of waste; the third action will consist of a waste energy recovery program based on the promotion of energy-efficient cooking aimed at the use of biodegradable household waste and the recovery of biogas from landfills; the fourth action will target the development of aerobic composting systems on a commercial scale; and the last will consist in the production of energy and organic fertilizer from solid waste, waste water and sludge. F. Nature-based solutions:In response to UNFCCC concerns, the DRC has already been developing nature-based solutions23 for decades. An active player in environmental processes and contributing to global", + "An active player in environmental processes and contributing to global climate mitigation, the DRC has made commitments under various conventions. It follows that:. At the end of the Convention on Biodiversity, the DRC has already allocated 13% of its national territory to the erection of national parks, ie 30,483,180 Ha;. Considerable progress is being made, with the DRC committing to restore 8 million ha of degraded land under the Bonn Challenge. In addition, there is also the \u201c1 Billion Trees\u201d project, with the participation of young people, especially pupils;. In the terms of the Conference of the Parties of Bali with a focus on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and as well as on the strengthening of the forest carbon stock, the National REDD+ Framework Strategy of the DRC aims to stabilize the for", + "In the terms of the Conference of the Parties of Bali with a focus on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and as well as on the strengthening of the forest carbon stock, the National REDD+ Framework Strategy of the DRC aims to stabilize the forest cover. forestry at 63.5%; the country is in fact seeking an increase in its forest cover of 6.5%, or 15,242,500 ha. The Government of the DRC undertakes to secure the limits of the protected areas and, if necessary, condition any declassification for reasons of public utility to the strict application of the legal framework in force24.", + "The Government of the DRC undertakes to secure the limits of the protected areas and, if necessary, condition any declassification for reasons of public utility to the strict application of the legal framework in force24. The Government also undertakes to achieve, by 2030, the objective of at least 30% of national areas under protection status, under different modes, as recognized by law (protected areas and their buffer zones, conservation concessions, areas dedicated by local communities to the preservation of forests in simple territorial development plans defined in a participatory manner, conservation series in forest concessions, restriction zones in management plans. development, etc.), according to the recommendations of the 30x30 initiative within the framework of the Coalition for a Great Ambition Ambition25, to which the DRC is a party.", + "development, etc.), according to the recommendations of the 30x30 initiative within the framework of the Coalition for a Great Ambition Ambition25, to which the DRC is a party. The different landscapes of high conservation value that abound in the DRC are additional proof of the ecosystem services rendered by the forests of the DRC to all of humanity. Added to all of these are peatlands as an important nature-based solution, thereby enhancing climate ambitions as well as the country s inputs to policies, commitments and conventions. To this end, the mitigation measures planned for the Forestry and other Land Uses sector in this document include the restoration of wetlands, in particular peatlands used for agriculture and livestock, as well as the mapping and evaluation of peatlands.", + "To this end, the mitigation measures planned for the Forestry and other Land Uses sector in this document include the restoration of wetlands, in particular peatlands used for agriculture and livestock, as well as the mapping and evaluation of peatlands. If in-depth studies confirm the extent of peatlands in the Democratic Republic of Congo, their contribution in terms of nature-based contribution should enhance the ambition of the national contribution. Indeed, preliminary estimates26 carried out by Greifswald Mire Center (Figure 4), it appears that apart from the peat bogs of the central basin on the map below), the Democratic Republic of Congo has other forms of peat bogs not yet assessed so far. This is the case for the peat bogs of the western lowland forest, the Atlantic Coast, the Albertine Rift Valleys and the Katanga Plateau. Figure 11", + "This is the case for the peat bogs of the western lowland forest, the Atlantic Coast, the Albertine Rift Valleys and the Katanga Plateau. Figure 11: Extent of peatlands in the DRC. The connections between peatlands and the different mechanisms that are the REDD+ strategy, the ongoing reforms, particularly land use planning and land reform, being important, the DRC plans to: Clearly define legal protection principles and protocols for overlapping land uses in peatlands in the National Peatlands Strategy and/or include them in ongoing land use planning reform;.", + "Clearly define legal protection principles and protocols for overlapping land uses in peatlands in the National Peatlands Strategy and/or include them in ongoing land use planning reform;. Adopt clear peatland protection provisions in the planned revision of the Forest Code, capitalizing on the Sustainable Forest Management Program (PGDF) and the DRC s new REDD+ investment plan for 2021-2030, as part of the National REDD+ Strategy Framework, supported by FATF, with the objective of considering the high value of peatland forests in carbon sequestration and the provision of other ecosystem services of major importance;. Through the National Peatlands Strategy, clarify and implement, as far as possible, the commitments made through international conventions and initiatives for the protection and sustainable management of peatlands, including the Ramsar Convention;. Invest in building national capacity and expertise", + "Through the National Peatlands Strategy, clarify and implement, as far as possible, the commitments made through international conventions and initiatives for the protection and sustainable management of peatlands, including the Ramsar Convention;. Invest in building national capacity and expertise, both institutionally and technically, in relation to sustainable peatland management;. Harness the current interest in Congo Basin peatlands to advance the DRC government s current agenda and priorities for peatland enhancement and protection;. Define a Communication, Information and Education plan in connection with the national capacity building program on peatlands;. Ensure a better connection between the National Peatland Strategy and the various international, sub-regional and national initiatives related to the management and enhancement of peatlands. In addition to peatland restoration measures, the mitigation measures planned for the forest sector in this document build on other nature-", + "In addition to peatland restoration measures, the mitigation measures planned for the forest sector in this document build on other nature-based solutions. These include the following measures in particular:. Promotion of traditional and modern afforestation and reforestation techniques with a view to preserving forests;. Support for the development of community forestry as a tool for conserving biodiversity and combating the loss of forest cover in rural areas;. Enhancement of MEOR tools (Methodology for the Assessment of Restoration Opportunities) at the national level by integrating the enhancement of traditional knowledge in the conservation of biodiversity around protected areas; and. Support for initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes. In implementing these measures, the DRC will rely on the Global Standard for Nature-based", + "Support for initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes. In implementing these measures, the DRC will rely on the Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions27. Figure 12 below illustrates the emissions projections for the BAU baseline scenario of AFOLU sector emissions, fully correlated to the national emissions balance sheet. The graph shows that emissions more than doubled over the period 2010 to 2014, reaching 830.53 Mt CO2e. Between the period 2014 and 2018, there was a clear trend towards the reduction of emissions, of the order of 36%, which would be justified by the significant investments and structural changes (measures and regulations) of management in the sector. targeting the drivers of deforestation and aiming to bend the deforestation curve. The year 2015 thus marked", + "The year 2015 thus marked the start of the implementation phase of REDD+, commonly referred to as phase 2 of REDD+. Figure 12: Projected emissions from the Forestry and other Land Use (BAU) sector. The estimate of GHG reductions in the AFOLU sector, targeted at 28% (Figure 12), is based on the achievement of 27 integrated mitigation actions by 2030 (Table 4). Figure 13: GHG reductions in the AFOLU sector. Figures 14and 15 show the evolution of emissions projections for the Energy, Agriculture and Waste sectors over the same horizon in the BAU scenarios and with measurements. Figure 14: Evolution of projections of emissions from the Energy sector.", + "Figures 14and 15 show the evolution of emissions projections for the Energy, Agriculture and Waste sectors over the same horizon in the BAU scenarios and with measurements. Figure 14: Evolution of projections of emissions from the Energy sector. The waste sector is characterized by an increase in emissions attributable to (i) the disposal of solid waste (90.4%) of all kinds generated by households, communities and businesses (businesses, industries, construction, agricultural residues, etc.), (ii) discharge of domestic wastewater (6.8%), and combustion in the open air. These emissions represent approximately 11% on average of all national emissions. Figure 15: Evolution of projected emissions from the Waste sector. The full implementation of these various levers would ultimately lead to significant reductions in emissions. Table 4 presents a summary of the", + "Table 4 presents a summary of the interventions that the DRC intends to implement in order to achieve the reduction target targeted by 2030. Table 4: Summary of GHG emission mitigation options and associated estimated costs. Sector. Objective. Actions. Indicators. Reduction potential in 2030. Co-benefits of adaptation. Estimated cost (USD billion)28. Implementation period. Alignment with the SDGs. Energy. Reduce the demand for wood energy and facilitate access to electricity. Rural, peri-urban and urban electrification using renewable energy sources. For hydroelectricity from 3GW in 2020 to 4GW in 2030 (ii) For wind, solar and geothermal from 2.9 MW in 2020 to 42.7 MW in 2030 (iii) 8 to 10 units installed. 74.2 to 94.6 Mt CO2e. 1.", + "Promotion of improved stoves & improvement of carbonization. Go from 12-15% to 25-30% yield (ii) 3 million households have FA units29. 1.05. Promotion of renewable energies. Renewable Energy Act 2014 amended (ii) Number of residences and institutions, manufacturing industries equipped with solar photovoltaic systems. 0.28. Transition to energy-efficient cooking. Number of households using biogas, LPG technologies; and briquettes made from agricultural residues or biodegradable household waste. 0.63. Industrial plantations - Wood energy. 130,000 ha of plantations for energy purposes. 0.18. Develop and improve urban and interurban transport. Promotion of mass transportation. At 10 urban centers (cities and towns) equipped with: traffic master plan; (ii) New public transport system (Bus, Rail, etc.); (i", + "At 10 urban centers (cities and towns) equipped with: traffic master plan; (ii) New public transport system (Bus, Rail, etc.); (iii) Number of road, rail (interconnection), river and lake communication infrastructure built/rehabilitated; (iv) Number of assembly units for new low-emission vehicles locally (in terms of technology transfer). 1.1. Agriculture. Sedentarize agriculture. Promotion of technical itineraries aimed at the sedentarization of farmers, particularly in forest areas, including wetlands. 1 million ha of irrigated perimeters developed and equipped (ii) About 150 farmers organizations and peasant cooperatives established; (iii) Number of farmers using the guide to good agricultural practices for the management of fallow land, and the use of natural fertilizers; (iv) Number of sensitization", + "Integration of agriculture in the national land use plan, developed in the implementation of the REDD+ strategy. Existence of:. the regional planning policy;. a national land use plan. 0.2. Promotion of intensive agriculture in savannah areas in order to limit pressure on natural forests. 1.6 million ha of land for intensive agricultural use developed (ii) Number of agricultural households using livestock waste and by-products in the form of biogas and natural fertilizers. 1.33. Promotion of rational and sustainable use of agricultural production areas to preserve agro-ecological conditions with a view to ensuring the stability of the forest cover. 1.2. Intensification of agricultural food production (carbohydrates, oilseeds, legumes) in savanna zones and degraded forests. 1.3. Intensification of cash crop production in secondary forest and savannah,", + "Intensification of cash crop production in secondary forest and savannah, but with sustainable agroforestry systems (cocoa, coffee, banana, special crops) to enhance the comparative advantages of the peasantry for these crops. Number of new plantations of perennial crops and agroforestry in shrub savannahs or savannah-forest mosaics. 1.3. Popularization and awareness of good practices. Number of awareness and extension campaigns on good agricultural practices per year. 0.8. Development of intensive farming. Number of farms and agrosilvopastoral systems,. 1.2. Forestry and other Land Uses. Reduce deforestation and forest degradation. Promotion of traditional and modern afforestation and reforestation techniques with a view to preserving forests. 760 thousand ha of restored forests. 15% of 7 million", + "Support for the development of community forestry as a tool for conserving biodiversity and combating the loss of forest cover in rural areas. Number of sensitization and popularization campaigns on reduced impact logging (EFIR). 1.5. Restoration of wetlands, including peatlands used for agriculture and livestock. Area of. wetlands set aside and/or restored. 1.3. Enhancement of MEOR tools (Methodology for the Assessment of Restoration Opportunities) at the national level by integrating the enhancement of traditional knowledge in the conservation of biodiversity around protected areas. Number of training, awareness and extension campaigns. 0.85. Support for initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes. Legal texts establishing the platform on forest restoration. 1.2.", + "Support for initiatives allowing the establishment of the platform on the restoration of forests and landscapes. Legal texts establishing the platform on forest restoration. 1.2. Strengthening of forest governance, in particular the fight against the illegal exploitation of timber and other forest resources, taking into account the studies, analyzes and tools produced in the implementation of the various relevant forest processes such as VPA-FLEGTf. Existence of fraud surveillance and repression system. 1.2. Strengthen the carbon stock. Sustainable timber harvesting management. 1.8. Sustainable management and rehabilitation of mining and oil exploitations. Area of former mining and petroleum operations rehabilitated/restored in accordance with the Environmental Management Plan (EMP). 0.09. Fight against bush fires. Area set aside;. Existence of monitoring systems and", + "Existence of monitoring systems and bush fire management plan. 0.11. Peatland mapping and assessment. Existence of peatland area rental map. 0.52. Waste. Improve access to waste management services. Strengthening the institutional and legal framework for waste management. Existence of legal texts regulating waste management. 37 Mt CO2e. 0.14. Rational waste management program. 0.44. Recover waste. Energy recovery from waste (reduction of CH4 emissions from landfills). Number of Kwh produced from landfill gas recovery. Number of households with access to this technology. 0.07. Use of landfill gases. 0.29. Aerobic composting. Number of digesters available;. Number of energy recovery and non-landfill gas plants in different urban areas. 0.21. Energy production and organic fertilizer from solid waste, wastewater and", + "Energy production and organic fertilizer from solid waste, wastewater and sludge faeces. 0.21. Total. 25.6. 6 Contribution to adaptation. 6.1. Analysis of vulnerability to the impacts of climate change in the DRC. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is vulnerable to the various effects of climate change and does not have adequate capacities to deal with them. Indeed, the ND-GAIN index ranks the DRC 5th in the world among the countries most vulnerable to climate change in terms of their capacity to adapt30. The impacts of climate change are already perceptible across the country, in particular by the persistence of high temperatures, violent rains, land degradation, particularly by erosion, the lengthening of the dry season, the increase in drought sequences during rainy seasons, and floods31.", + "The impacts of climate change are already perceptible across the country, in particular by the persistence of high temperatures, violent rains, land degradation, particularly by erosion, the lengthening of the dry season, the increase in drought sequences during rainy seasons, and floods31. Climate projections in the DRC over the next few decades foresee an increase in temperatures of 3oC to 5oC, a decrease in precipitation and an increase in its variability, as well as an increase in extreme phenomena32. These climatic variations will have a significant impact on the country s main climate-sensitive economic sectors. The National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change (PANA, 2006) identifies the sectors of water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal zone as the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. 6", + "The National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change (PANA, 2006) identifies the sectors of water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal zone as the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. 6.1.1. Impacts, risks and vulnerabilities to climate change. Projection and evolution of precipitation and temperatures up to 2100. Vulnerability and climate risk assessment studies in the DRC, carried out as part of the implementation of PANA (2006), taking into account the popular perception in general as well as scientific considerations, have identified five major climate risks:. heavy rains;. coastal erosion;. riparian flooding;. heat waves; and. seasonal droughts. Evolution of precipitation and temperatures up to 2100. Following the application of MAGICC-ScenGen projections on the evolution of rainfall", + "Following the application of MAGICC-ScenGen projections on the evolution of rainfall (rainy season), and the average maximum annual temperature, the four climatic zones were defined as presented in Table 4 (PANA, 2006 ). Table 5: Climate zones. Area. City/landmark. East longitude. South latitude. Years. Rainfall (mm). Temperature. I. matadi. 12-15o. 5o-7o. 2005. 1100. 25.2. 2100. 850. 29.1. II. Kinshasa. 12.5o. 2.5o-5o. 2005. 1800. 25.0. 2100. 1900. 28.2. III. Kindu. 17.5o. 2.5o-7.5o. 2005. 1700. 25.2. 2100. 1630. 29.1. IV. Lubumbashi. 27.5o. 7.5o-12.5o. 2005. 1100. 20.4. 2100. 900. 24.7. Source: Second National", + "1100. 20.4. 2100. 900. 24.7. Source: Second National Communication (2009:79). Throughout the DRC, annual temperature trends indicate a gradual increase. On the other hand, the rains will experience two different situations: an increase especially in the Cuvette and a decrease in precipitation elsewhere with the shortening of the rainy season, as one advances towards the extreme South, Katanga in particular would experience, in the long run, from 2020 \u2013 less than 5 months of rainy season against 7 currently. Exposure Indicators and Potential Impacts. Table 5 provides some details on the spatial and temporal distribution of exposure and impact indicators. Table 6: Inventory of the most common climate risks for the DRC. Risk. Impact. Loss of human life. Duration (days). Extent (km2). Frequency (%). Tendency. Rains. intense.", + "2. 3. 4. 3. Seasonal drought. 2. 1. 2. 4. 3. floods. Residents. 3. 2. 2. 2. 2. Crisis. scorching. 3. 2. 2. 4. 3. Coastal erosion. 5. 1. 2. 2. 2. Source ; NAPA (2006:16). Legend: Estimates are calculated on a potential scale. Impacts: 1 = $1 per capita, 2 = $10, 3 = $100, 4 = $1000, 5 = $10,000. Loss of human life: 1 = 1 person per event, 2 = 10 people,. 3 = 100 people, 4 = 4,000 people. Duration: 1 = 1 day, 2 = 2 days, 3 = 100 days (one season), 4 = 1,000 days (over a year). patial extent: 2 = 10Km2, 3 = 100 Km2, 4 = 1,000 Km2. Frequency: 1 = 1% probability (some years), 2 = 10% probability, 3 = 100% probabil", + "Frequency: 1 = 1% probability (some years), 2 = 10% probability, 3 = 100% probability (annual). Trend indicators: average increase ; significant increase. Expected climate changes in the DRC. Another COMIFAC study confirms the trends expressed in PANA, based on the MAGICC-SCenGen model. This assessment of climate change, at the scale of the Congo Basin33, based on a state-of-the-art multi-model and multi-scenario ensemble, used for global and regional climate change forecasts, indicates a robust increase in average temperature in the Congo Basin. entire Congo Basin, regardless of the baseline emission scenario. In addition to average temperatures, major variations in temperature extremes are also projected. In terms of total annual precipitation, the surveyed set shows no major change in the project area, again, regardless", + "In terms of total annual precipitation, the surveyed set shows no major change in the project area, again, regardless of the baseline emissions scenario. However, Variations in precipitation characteristics are to be expected. The forecast variations in terms of the intensity of heavy precipitation indicate a strong increase over most of this area. Similarly, a resurgence of episodes of drought in the rainy season is very likely. All these changes could have a considerable impact on the agricultural and hydro-energy systems of the region, even if the average annual availability of water resources remains constant. Thus the climatic characteristics in this particular area, subdivided into five climatic zones (Table 6) of which three cover the DRC (Figure 7), show a lot of variations.", + "Thus the climatic characteristics in this particular area, subdivided into five climatic zones (Table 6) of which three cover the DRC (Figure 7), show a lot of variations. For example, the rainy season which changes from the JJA season (June-July-August) in the northern parts to the DJF season (December-January-February) in the southern parts, and from a unimodal regime (North and South ) to a bimodal regime in the center. In addition, climatic changes are predominant by and large, with humidity conditions in the center of the domain compared to the northern and southern border regions. Table 7: Details of the five sub-zones. Figure 16: Distribution of climatic zones in the Congo Basin. Source: Haensler et al., 2013.", + "The colors in the map highlight the different climates found in this region ranging from tropical climate types in the center to arid regions even along the northern margins. The classification is based on the Koeppen-Geiger climate classification. The Third National Communication (MECNT, 2014) shows that the impacts of climate change on Current evapotranspiration and potential evapotranspiration, simulated for the 2046-2065 horizon using the PITMAN hydrological model for the Bukama reference station, show an increase around 10 to 15% compared to the historical reference period. Furthermore, the analysis of future rainfall trends at different time intervals (interannual and decadal) shows that there is a slight difference between the annual averages for the 2046-2065 and 2081-2100 horizons, which would reflect the trends of the variability of the historical reference period. However,", + "However, it is necessary to note a significant disturbance of the seasonal distribution of rainfall for the horizons 2046-2065 and 2081-2100. This change in the distribution of rainfall characteristics associated with the increase in temperature will lead to the resurgence of extreme hydrological phenomena, such as floods and droughts, gully erosion of soils and landslides, and the disruption of services provided by aquatic ecosystems; namely: supplying domestic water, hydroelectricity, irrigation, navigation, etc. As for sea level rise scenarios, in its analysis of the time series of sea level height in the coastal zone from January 1993 to December 2012, Longandjo34 shows a trend towards sea level rise. sea. of. about 2.2 mm per year, i.e. a rise of about 4.00 cm over two decades. 6.2. Adaptation and", + "a rise of about 4.00 cm over two decades. 6.2. Adaptation and resilience priorities. The DRC developed a National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA) in 2006. This program assesses the risks and vulnerability to the impacts of climate change at the national level and identifies urgent and immediate adaptation activities that meet current and anticipated adverse effects of climate change, including extreme events. The main sectors identified relate to water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal zone. The process of identifying the axes of urgent and immediate intervention made it possible to select ten priority adaptation options below:. electrification of urban and rural areas;. collecting and drilling water wells;. development of water reservoirs;. the fight against erosion and flooding;. rational management of forest resources;. the protection of coastal zones;.", + "The DRC has already made several efforts to implement urgent adaptation actions in the sectors of agriculture, community recovery and the fight against coastal erosion, particularly within the framework of certain adaptation projects implemented. implemented in accordance with the areas of intervention identified in the NAPA. Since 2014, a process of updating the orientations of the NAPA and integrating the issue of adaptation into sectoral policies and strategies, following a participatory and multidisciplinary approach, has been initiated as part of the National Plan for Adaptation to Changes (NAP).", + "Since 2014, a process of updating the orientations of the NAPA and integrating the issue of adaptation into sectoral policies and strategies, following a participatory and multidisciplinary approach, has been initiated as part of the National Plan for Adaptation to Changes (NAP). While the NAPA aimed to identify urgent and priority actions in terms of adaptation to climate change, within the framework of the NAP, it is a question of integrating the adaptation dimension into national and provincial development planning by considering the following priority sectors:. Conservation of forest ecosystems and biodiversity. Strengthening the resilience of the agricultural sector. Climate Risk Management in Peasant Agriculture. Disaster risk reduction and coastal zone protection. Strengthening the resilience of the health sector. 6.2.1. Conservation of forest ecosystems and biodiversity. Adapting forest management", + "Strengthening the resilience of the health sector. 6.2.1. Conservation of forest ecosystems and biodiversity. Adapting forest management to climate change will ensure energy supply and livelihoods. Conservation measures should be put in place at specific sites where ecosystems are at risk of degradation. Certain actions may be taken, in particular:. More effective inventory and monitoring of forests taking into account existing capacities. Various monitoring systems have already been developed. They can, however, be subject to improvements, taking into account the potential impacts of climate change;. Conservation measures should be put in place in specific sites where ecosystems are at risk of degradation;. Involvement of Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples in the negotiations of social clauses with logging and mining operators;. Raising awareness of the various actors involved in lo", + "Involvement of Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples in the negotiations of social clauses with logging and mining operators;. Raising awareness of the various actors involved in logging on violence and the human rights of men and women;. Initiation of pilot projects on non-timber forest products (NTFP) sectors with local communities and indigenous peoples;. Reforestation and domestication of species of great ecological, economic and cultural value, etc. 6.2.2. Strengthening the resilience of the agricultural sector. The following specific actions are envisaged to strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector to the effects of climate change:. Realization of zoning for land allocation, in order to circumscribe the areas to be allocated specifically to agricultural activities;. Promotion of good sustainable farming practices, distribution to farmers of improve", + "Promotion of good sustainable farming practices, distribution to farmers of improved and resilient seeds and popularization of soil enrichment techniques;. Support for the organization of marketing circuits and a price policy for the sale of remunerative agricultural products to producers;. Supervision and support of farmers in their agricultural activities;. Strengthening of agricultural extension;. Promotion of agronomic research;. Development of tools and procedures for managing agricultural climate crisis situations;. Multiplication of meteorological observation stations;. Involvement of the State, in the name of national solidarity, in the event of exceptional climatic accidents, to ensure compensation for risks;. Subsidies for small farmers, who are increasingly vulnerable, with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices capable of sustaining their farms;. Selection of resilient var", + "Selection of resilient varieties at the level of agricultural research centers and universities;. Promotion of sustainable agricultural sectors;. Constitution of strategic reserves of food products; development and dissemination of research products;. Structuring of farmers organizations and improvement of agricultural governance;. Integration of the gender approach;. Strengthening of human and institutional capacities;. Capacity building of farmers organizations. Multiplication of meteorological observation stations;. Establishment of a dynamic agricultural calendar for each crop with the involvement of agro-meteorologists and agronomists. The strengthening of individual and collective prevention efforts at the level of agronomic and technological research, the harmonization of public support for prevention investments, the development of tools and procedures for managing situations of agricultural climatic crises;. The development of the capacity", + "The development of the capacity to pool risks, in time and space, with a large possible number of PA farms and other members of the mutual;. 6.2.3. Climate Risk Management in Peasant Agriculture. Implementation of early warning solutions by: (i) improving people s access to multi-risk early warning systems and information and assessments relating to disaster risks; (ii) the establishment of partnerships around meteorological services relating to the early warning needs of rural women and to drought; (iii) identification of preventive solutions to agricultural landslides; and (iv) the development of intervention plans for the implementation of the early warning system for women in subsistence farming. Implementation of response solutions through hydro-agricultural development and the mapping of programs for the implementation of agricultural water control technologies;. Capacity building of extension workers, while taking gender into account, in", + "Capacity building of extension workers, while taking gender into account, in rural radio stations for climate risk alerts;. Use of agro-meteorology to prevent climatic risks. Subsidies for small farmers, who are increasingly vulnerable, with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices capable of sustaining their farms. 6.2.4. Disaster risk reduction and coastal zone protection. Analysis, evaluation and mapping of hydro-climatic risks;. Assessment of vulnerabilities and capacities;. Monitoring and early warning of hydro-climatic risks (floods, drought, soil erosion (urban and agricultural), landslides, etc.);. Development of information and communication documents on climate risks and their dissemination. Strengthening of institutional and regulatory capacities for the integrated management of vulnerable coastal zones;. Implementation of coast", + "Support for resilient income-generating activities and strengthening of the early warning system of coastal areas vulnerable to climate change. 6.2.5. Management of water resources and environmental sanitation. Additional dredges or widenings, so that excess water drains freely. Adoption of river stabilization techniques in risk areas. Improving the prevention of extreme weather events and floods (for example) through early warning systems and strengthening the resilience of water resources through innovations and modifications of water resource practices (construction of water supply structures in villages: wells, rehabilitation of springs, diversion of rivers, etc.). Improved access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene in rural and peri-urban areas;. Support for the Ecole et Village Assainis (EVA) program, established at the national level by developing a strategy centered around the community and its", + "Support for the Ecole et Village Assainis (EVA) program, established at the national level by developing a strategy centered around the community and its needs and which gives families the opportunity to make informed choices while strengthening their resilience. 6.2.6. Strengthening the resilience of the health sector. Improving access to public health services for poor populations vulnerable to climate change by: (i) improving, building, rehabilitating and maintaining health infrastructure and equipment; (ii) improving people s access to basic health services in order to reduce risks. 6.4. Adaptation Implementation Plan. Table 7 presents a summary of the interventions that the DRC intends to implement in order to be able to achieve its priority objectives of adaptation to the impacts of climate change by 2030. The main sectors identified concern water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal zone. Table 8: Summa", + "The main sectors identified concern water resources, forestry, agriculture and the coastal zone. Table 8: Summary of interventions in the field of adaptation and their estimated costs. Sector. Objective. Shares. Indicators. Mitigation co-benefits. Estimated cost (Billions USD). Implementation period. Alignment with the SDGs. Forest. Sustainably manage forest ecosystems and biodiversity. Development of forest resource development projects (NTFPs, community forestry, etc.) with Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples, ensuring the application of legal provisions. Number of projects implemented. Job creation. Protection of ecosystems. 1.15. 2021-2026. Reforestation of degraded areas with species of great ecological, economic and cultural value for communities. Reforested area. Restoration of degraded", + "Guidance and support for sustainable fishing and fish farming micro-projects. Number of micro-projects implemented. Job creation. Improved food and nutritional security. 0.23. 2021-2030. Promotion of projects to reorient populations towards economic activities with reduced impact on forest ecosystems. Number of projects implemented. Job creation. Protection of ecosystems. 0.06. 2021-2030. Involvement of local populations in the management of forest ecosystems in their area. Number of people involved. Protection of ecosystems. 0.06. 2021-2030. Valorization of the traditional knowledge of local populations linked to the conservation of ecosystems. Type of knowledge capitalized. Protection of ecosystems. 0.06. 2021-2030. Strategic coordination of climate change adaptation programs, plans, initiatives. Existence of a coordination structure. Strengthened", + "8 M ha to be restored and managed sustainably. Restoration of agricultural and forestry land. 0.50. 2021-2030. Agriculture. Strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector. Integration of climate change concerns into sector planning and budgeting at all levels (national, provincial and local). Number of development plans taking into account the integration of adaptation to climate change. Optimization of the use of natural resources and regulation of carbon and nitrogen cycles through sustainable agricultural production. 1.27. 2021-2030. Production and dissemination of seeds resilient to the effects of climate change. Number of climate-resilient seeds adopted. Innovation and agricultural productivity. 0.92. 2021-2030. Development of the zoning program in order to define the zones to be allocated specifically to agricultural activities. Area of areas to be specifically allocated to", + "Development of the zoning program in order to define the zones to be allocated specifically to agricultural activities. Area of areas to be specifically allocated to agricultural activities. Optimization of the use of natural resources. 0.58. 2021-2030. Collection and processing of climate data by INERA and METTELSAT and regular dissemination of weather reports and seasonal forecasts. Number of weather reports and seasonal forecasts published. Innovation and productivity. Improved climate knowledge. 0.23. 2021-2030. Popularization of soil and water management techniques in agriculture. Number of people affected. Rate of return per speculation. Sustainable management/restoration of degraded soils. 0.69. 2021-2030. Support for the structuring of farmers organizations and agricultural governance. Percentage of target population, disaggregated by sex, age and province. Strengthened agricultura", + "Support for the organization of marketing circuits and a price policy for the sale of remunerative agricultural products to agricultural producers. Percentage of target population. Strengthened agricultural governance. 0.17. 2021-2026. Creation and rehabilitation of agricultural service tracks. Number of kilometers of agricultural service tracks created and rehabilitated. Efficient Resource Distribution and Uses. 0.69. 2021-2030. Promotion of (i) cultivation practices allowing agricultural activities to settle, (ii) improved and/or resilient seeds, and (iii) soil and water management techniques in agriculture accessible to farmers. Number of cultural practices. Number of improved and/or resilient seeds. Innovation and productivity. 0.23. 2021-2030. Development and dissemination of meteorological observation stations across the country. Number of meteorologi", + "Capacity building and empowerment of women. Number of women having benefited from capacity building. Human and institutional capacities strengthened. 0.23. 2021-2030. Development of alternative energies to wood energy in order to protect the forest (solar, gas, or at least improved stoves, etc.). Number of types of alternative energy to wood energy developed. Protection of ecosystems. 0.17. 2021-2030. Capacity building for adaptation and management of the impacts of climate change on agricultural production and food security. Number of households having benefited from capacity building. Human and institutional capacities strengthened. 0.06. 2021-2030. Support for research and innovation to strengthen the resilience of the agricultural sector to the adverse effects of climate change. Number and type of support provided for research and innovation. Innovation and productivity. 0.23. 2021-2030. Cre", + "Innovation and productivity. 0.23. 2021-2030. Creation of Agricultural Business Clusters (PEA) and promotion of agro-business. Number of businesses created. Job creation. 0.46. 2021-2030. Ensure the climate risk management in smallholder agriculture. Implementation of early warning systems. Number of intervention plans for the implementation of the early warning system for women in subsistence farming developed. Innovation and productivity. 0.58. 2021-2030. Implementation of response measures in the event of natural disasters. Number of hydro-agricultural developments carried out. Number of water and land conservation programs (anti-erosion) developed. Innovation and productivity. 2.88. 2021-2030. Development of subsidy mechanisms for small farmers, who are increasingly vulnerable, with a view to adopting new agro-ecological practices capable of sustaining their farms.", + "Job creation Efficient distribution and use of resources. 0.23. 2021-2030. Coastal area. Reduce the disaster risk and protect coastal areas. Assessment of vulnerabilities and human and institutional capacity needs. Number of studies carried out on vulnerabilities and human and institutional capacity needs. Human and institutional capacities strengthened. 0.58. 2021-2026. Strengthening of the early warning system for vulnerable coastal areas and hydro-climatic risk areas (floods, drought, soil erosion (urban and agricultural), landslides, volcanic eruption, etc.). Number of early warning systems for vulnerable coastal areas and hydro-climatic risk zones installed. Innovation and productivity. 0.29. 2021-2030. Implementation of coastal erosion control measures in vulnerable coastal areas, including area between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26", + "Number of coastal erosion control measures in littoral zones put in place between Banana and Nsiamfumu (26 km). Preservation of natural spaces. 0.35. 2021-2030. Protection of erosion zones by using appropriate erosion control techniques. Surface area of erosion zones protected by the use of appropriate erosion control techniques. Preservation of natural spaces. 0.16. 2021-2030. Support for resilient household income-generating activities. Number of people/households having received support for IGAs. Job creation. Protection of ecosystems. 0.75. 2021-2030. Education, Information and awareness on disasters and climate risks. Number of communication plans implemented. Optimization of the use of natural resources. 0.23. 2021-2030. Water resources. Managing water resources sustainably and cleaning up the environment. Development of the sanitation strategy and law. Number of sanitation laws", + "Development of water resources development and management plans by basin or sub-basin. Number of water development and management plans per basin or sub-basin. Strengthened climate governance. 0.35. 2021-2026. Creation/Rehabilitation of water supply structures in villages. Number of water supply structures installed. Strengthened climate governance. 0.92. 2021-2030. Promotion of river stabilization techniques in risk areas. Number of risk areas of the river stabilized. Innovation. 0.46. 2021-2030. Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations (women and children) through support for the Healthy Schools and Villages program. Number of Healthy School and Village Programs implemented. Enhanced food and nutrition security. 0.35. 2021-2030. Promotion of pro-poor approaches for the provision of sanitation infrastructure and services. Number of", + "Production, management and dissemination of information on water resources and hydraulic/agro-hydraulic developments. Number of communication plans implemented. Strengthened climate governance. 0.06. 2021-2030. Improved access to drinking water. Number of households with access to drinking water (rural, urban). Home improvement. 0.23. 2021-2030. Improved access to sustainable waste management services and wastewater treatment. Number of households with access to sanitation services. Home improvement. 0.20. 2021-2030. Improved access to communication (roads and ICT) and opening up of vulnerable rural areas. Number of households with access to information. Improved quality of life. 0.32. 2021-2030. Health. Facilitate access to health services and improve quality of life. Construction/rehabilitation and equipment of health facilities. Number of health facilities built, rehabilitated or equipped.", + "Strengthening of human and institutional capacities and facilitation of access of vulnerable populations to basic health services. Number of people with access to basic health services. Improved health. 0.88. 2021-2030. Promotion of the integration of the gender/youth/vulnerable groups approach in the fight against climate change. Number of people and institutions trained. Human and institutional capacities strengthened. 0.23. 2021-2030. Integration of the potential impacts of climate change on public health into policies and plans for development. Number of plans or programs. Strengthened climate governance. 0.06. 2021-2030. Development of synergies with other public health initiatives. Types of synergy created Number and quality of committed actors. Strengthened climate governance. 0.06. 2021-2030. Energy. Facilitate household access to clean energy at an affordable cost. Promotion of alternative energy", + "Promotion of alternative energy production methods (installation of solar, wind, biomass systems),. Number of households with access to alternative energies. Protection of ecosystems. 0.40. 2021-2030. Improved local-scale climate modeling techniques to better predict future impacts. Climate scenario identified. Protection of ecosystems. 0.23. 2021-2030. Development of water retention basins, construction of dykes to protect production infrastructure. Number of developed watersheds. Protection of ecosystems. 0.35. 2021-2030. Promotion of the rational use of electrical energy, improvement of the management of the energy distribution network system. Number of households with access to electricity. Protection of ecosystems. 0.17. 2021-2030. TOTAL. 23.08. 7. Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) Framework. 7.1. Transparency frame. The new and improved transparency", + "The new and improved transparency framework requires the NDC MRV system to transparently report on progress made towards the targets set out in the DRC NDC and to track progress in implementing mitigation and recovery actions. adaptation - as well as the use and results of the means of implementation and support, including capacity building, technology transfer and financing. The MRV system also considers non-GHG impacts on the environmental, social and economic impacts of NDC actions that would lead to transformational change towards achieving national sustainable development goals. In the case of the DRC, this must take into account the. These national and international requirements for the three dimensions of MRV overlap and it is useful to demonstrate their links within the national MRV system. For example, financing, capacity building and technical support have a direct impact on the implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions.", + "For example, financing, capacity building and technical support have a direct impact on the implementation of mitigation and adaptation actions. Therefore, the DRC NDC national MRV system will be useful to track and report on progress and use of support, as well as to facilitate the identification of challenges to inform policy changes essential to improve Implementation. In the DRC, the mandate to coordinate and monitor the harmonious implementation of environmental action in general, and climate action in particular, is entrusted to the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD). The MEDD, through the Sustainable Development Department (DDD), coordinates all the dynamics of the implementation and monitoring of all issues relating to climate change. It is the focal point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).", + "The MEDD, through the Sustainable Development Department (DDD), coordinates all the dynamics of the implementation and monitoring of all issues relating to climate change. It is the focal point of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). As such, the DDD ensures the preparation and production of national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory reports, in collaboration with the various national institutions (the Ministry of Finance, the Interior, the agriculture, transportation, public works and infrastructure, industry, trade, rural development, land use planning, scientific research, planning, budget, public health, livestock, hydrocarbons, economy, mines; hydraulics and electricity, gender, universities) and other organizations, both nationally and internationally. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development also drives the integration of environmental policies and strategies and climate change issues into national development plans.", + "The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development also promotes the integration of environmental policies and strategies and climate change issues into national development plans. universities) and other organizations, both nationally and internationally. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development also drives the integration of environmental policies and strategies and climate change issues into national development plans. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, a National Committee on Climate Change has been established.", + "Under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, a National Committee on Climate Change has been established. It brings together delegates from various public administrations and institutions, universities, research centers, national organizations and civil society in order to share a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the progress of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere. A Technical Coordination Committee and thematic working groups have been set up to carry out the various activities, studies and reports. The Technical Coordination Committee is intended to be a consultation body and a space for dialogue, exchange and orientation between the stakeholders for the implementation of the NDC.", + "The Technical Coordination Committee is intended to be a consultation body and a space for dialogue, exchange and orientation between the stakeholders for the implementation of the NDC. It brings together delegates from different public administrations, institutions and organizations with a view to sharing a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in an atmosphere harmonious and collaborative.", + "The functions of the Technical Coordination Committee are determined as follows: (i) Ensure the development of the NDC in a single streamlined national process under the technical responsibility of the MEDD; (ii) Facilitate coordination with the competent authorities at the national, provincial and local levels; (iii) Define the orientations and directives of the NDC process and decide on the actions to be carried out; (iv) Decide globally on the state of progress of the activities of the various projects and initiatives related to the NDC; (v) Review and exchange views on major issues relating to the implementation of the above-mentioned projects, as well as propose corrective measures; and (vi) Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the NDC process.", + "The functions of the Technical Coordination Committee are determined as follows: (i) Ensure the development of the NDC in a single streamlined national process under the technical responsibility of the MEDD; (ii) Facilitate coordination with the competent authorities at the national, provincial and local levels; (iii) Define the orientations and directives of the NDC process and decide on the actions to be carried out; (iv) Decide globally on the state of progress of the activities of the various projects and initiatives related to the NDC; (v) Review and exchange views on major issues relating to the implementation of the above-mentioned projects, as well as propose corrective measures; and (vi) Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the NDC process.", + "The DDD provides all reporting and communication to the Technical Coordination Committee and the Government, through the MEDD, to inform policies and strategic decisions that ensure that the NDC s MRV effectively supports sustainable development. of the country in accordance with its National Strategic Development Plan (PNSD). The following are key areas that are part of the Committee s mandate:. Review and establish the committee s objectives, terms of reference, composition and general working arrangements of the committee, the main one being the endorsement and subsequent reporting of NDC MRV at national and global levels;. Provide advice and feedback on scope, timing, costs and quality concerns, or guidance on program priorities, that arise during the planning, design and implementation of NDC-related projects;. Facilitate access to resources needed to review and report on MRV of the NDC and approve projects at key stages;.", + "Facilitate access to resources needed to review and report on MRV of the NDC and approve projects at key stages;. Revise and review studies, research activities in line with the NDC to facilitate quality assurance and alignment with strategic priorities;. Develop and make operational an effective communication plan on the MRV of the NDC. Figure 8 below summarizes the institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation, including the national NDC MRV process. Figure 17: Institutional arrangements for monitoring NDC implementation. Table 12 below presents a list of relevant actors who will be involved in the preparation and subsequent implementation of the NDC, in accordance with their national role or responsibility and their role in the process of implementing the NDC.", + "Table 12 below presents a list of relevant actors who will be involved in the preparation and subsequent implementation of the NDC, in accordance with their national role or responsibility and their role in the process of implementing the NDC. In addition, during the preparation phase for the implementation of the NDC, it will be possible to consider the participation of other specialized institutions such as the National Institute for Agronomic Studies and Research (INERA), the Meteorology and Remote Sensing by Satellite (METTELSAT), the National Agricultural Statistics Service (SNSA), the National Observatory for Regional Planning (ONAT), etc. 7.2. NDC MRV data and information management. The results-based monitoring and evaluation system will be the main repository and, therefore, the appropriate platform for monitoring and managing information and data for the environment and natural resources sector, chaired by the MEDD.", + "The results-based monitoring and evaluation system will be the main repository and, therefore, the appropriate platform for monitoring and managing information and data for the environment and natural resources sector, chaired by the MEDD. Thus, all data relating to climate change, including the NDC MRV managed and reported by the NDC MRV technical working committee, will be processed and accessible by the results-based monitoring and evaluation system. Assessing and defining the most suitable data sources will be important for any MRV system to be effective. The NDC technical working committee for MRV that will be set up will play an essential role in the production and reporting of data and information at the national level and reports and will be significantly involved in data collection, transparency and verification.", + "The NDC technical working committee for MRV that will be set up will play an essential role in the production and reporting of data and information at the national level and reports and will be significantly involved in data collection, transparency and verification. The committee will ensure that the DRC MRV system links mitigation, adaptation and finance, as well as capacity building support and technology transfer as critical aspects of the implementation of the MRV. Cdn. Primary data will generally be collected at the provincial level and sectors/institutions will have direct links to provincial levels to obtain data and information specific to the sector/priority action, including NDC MRV. This will be done with the support of stakeholders at the provincial level, an opportunity for the engagement of NGOs, the private sector and development partners to provide inputs to the NDC MRV process.", + "This will be done with the support of stakeholders at the provincial level, an opportunity for the engagement of NGOs, the private sector and development partners to provide inputs to the NDC MRV process. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) will provide oversight and coordination by facilitating data management flows from provincial governments to central level institutions. The Climate Change Division within the Sustainable Development Department of the MEDD is the technical focal point for the collection, processing, entry and analysis of data related to the MRV of the NDC. The National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the DRC will be at the heart of national data production processes and will have the ultimate role of validating national statistics through the authentication of data and information, and therefore the approval of national statistics shared with different users.", + "The National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the DRC will be at the heart of national data production processes and will have the ultimate role of validating national statistics through the authentication of data and information, and therefore the approval of national statistics shared with different users. The National Institute of Statistics (INS) will facilitate the development and application of data collection protocols and will annually revise national standards and guidelines for data entry and aggregation to guide data and information on mitigation and adaptation produced by the sectors. Table 9: list of relevant actors for the implementation of the NDC. Stakeholders. Responsibility/role. Role in the implementation of the NDC. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD). The MEDD leads and is the main national coordinator of environment and climate change activities in the DRC on behalf of the", + "The MEDD leads and is the main national coordinator of environment and climate change activities in the DRC on behalf of the government. It is responsible for the development of national and international reports (national GHG inventories, national communications on climate change, Biennial Update Reports (BUR), NDC, national plans on climate change, etc.), as well as management of data related to the forest sector. It acts as the Focal Point of the UNFCCC, the GEF and the GCF. Responsible for the National Forest Monitoring System, national forest inventories. It is an important source of information on forest dynamics in the DRC. It will be one of the stakeholders consulted for knowledge exchange, data collection and dissemination on the Forest Reference Level in the DRC. It will coordinate all activities for the preparation and implementation of project interventions, as well as those", + "It will coordinate all activities for the preparation and implementation of project interventions, as well as those related to monitoring, reporting and improving transparency. Ministry in charge of Agriculture (MINAGRI). Responsible for the design, formulation, coordination, promotion, monitoring and evaluation of agricultural development policies. It is in charge of managing all the data relating to agriculture published in the SNSA directories (animal and plant production). It will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of agricultural activities. Ministry of Rural Development (MINDER). Responsible for achieving food security and the sustainable and effective improvement of the living conditions of rural populations. It will coordinate activities and data management related to rural activities and due to its representation across the country, it will provide operational and technical information for all aspects of the AFOLU sector at different levels.", + "It will coordinate activities and data management related to rural activities and due to its representation across the country, it will provide operational and technical information for all aspects of the AFOLU sector at different levels. Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock. Responsible for the sustainable management of fish and animal resources and their contribution to the food and nutritional security of the population. It is in charge of managing all data relating to breeding and fishing. It will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of fishing and farming activities. Ministry of Territorial Planning. Rational Land Use Planning (Zoning) Officer. Assess the potential of the territory with regard to the renewable and non-renewable natural resources of the national soil and subsoil. Permanently control and monitor the use of the physical space of the country.", + "Assess the potential of the territory with regard to the renewable and non-renewable natural resources of the national soil and subsoil. Permanently control and monitor the use of the physical space of the country. Share national TA observation data with the INS for their capitalization in the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the NDC. Ministry of Land Affairs. Responsible for the management of the general property regime, land and real estate regime. Facilitate access and secure land for local communities and Indigenous Peoples. Securing land in order to promote rational and sustainable management of natural resources. Ministry in charge of Planning (Ministry of Planning). Responsible for the production of national statistics and the management of all data related to national and regional planning. It will ensure compliance with national statistical standards. Ministry of Health. Implement the Government s policy in the field of health.", + "It will ensure compliance with national statistical standards. Ministry of Health. Implement the Government s policy in the field of health. Contribute to reducing environmental pressures that could lead to migration and its effects on health and well-being. Mobilize health sectors in the face of major environmental risks, including climate change, air pollution, water and sanitation, food safety, waste and exposure to hazardous chemicals and toxic. Stimulate and increase the exchange of good practices, experiences and technical skills with a view to strengthening health, improving health monitoring and environmental protection. Ministries in charge of foreign affairs and international cooperation. Seek, negotiate and mobilize external resources for national development. Organize meetings of bilateral and multilateral partners and set up a permanent consultation framework at the national level. Ministries in charge of the interior and social affairs. Manage disasters and natural calamities. Co", + "Ministries in charge of the interior and social affairs. Manage disasters and natural calamities. Coordinate the interministerial commission on disasters and natural calamities. Ministry of Scientific Research. Promote scientific research and technology transfer in the field of climate change. Direct scientific research and technology towards supporting efforts to combat climate change. Publish and disseminate the results of scientific and technological research related to the fight against climate change. INS. The National Institute of Statistics (INS) of the DRC is at the heart of national data processes and has the ultimate role of validating national statistics through the authentication of data and information, and therefore the approval of statistics national shared with the outside. The National Institute of Statistics (INS) will facilitate the development and application of data protocols and annually revise national standards and guidelines for data entry and aggregation to guide data and reporting.", + "The National Institute of Statistics (INS) will facilitate the development and application of data protocols and annually revise national standards and guidelines for data entry and aggregation to guide data and reporting. information on mitigation and adaptation produced by the sectors. Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance). Responsible for national budget planning; it actively participates in various activities related to public expenditure review and financial management. It will guarantee the effectiveness of the DRC s financial contribution to this project. Ministry of Gender, Family and Children. It was created to develop and coordinate the implementation of government measures related to the promotion and respect of women s rights and the protection of the family, to manage and coordinate social aspects.", + "It was created to develop and coordinate the implementation of government measures related to the promotion and respect of women s rights and the protection of the family, to manage and coordinate social aspects. It is responsible for improving the legal and institutional framework to ensure the participation of women in development, the representation of women at all levels and the integration of gender into policies and country programs. It will support the integration in the project of elements that contribute to closing the gender gap in climate change adaptation and mitigation activities, as well as more balanced access between men and women to resources. national. It will also support the development of strategies to reduce the gender gap in project activities, particularly those related to capacity building. Ministry in charge of Energy (Hydraulic Resources and Electricity), ).", + "It will also support the development of strategies to reduce the gender gap in project activities, particularly those related to capacity building. Ministry in charge of Energy (Hydraulic Resources and Electricity), ). Responsible for the management of statistics of the supply, production and consumption of energy resources at the national level. He will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of fuel supply, production and consumption activities. Ministry in charge of Hydrocarbons. Responsible for the management of statistics on the supply, production and consumption of hydrocarbons at the national level. It will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of supply, production and consumption activities of liquid fuels. Ministry of transportation.", + "It will be responsible for coordinating tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of supply, production and consumption activities of liquid fuels. Ministry of transportation. It is in charge of managing all data relating to the vehicle fleet (rolling vehicles, aviation, river and lake navigation). It will be responsible for coordinating all tasks related to the collection and improvement of data for the monitoring and reporting of transport sector activities. National Committee on Climate Change. At present, the guidelines for the implementation of projects and programs are monitored within the framework of separate steering committees. Share a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere. Technical committee for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the NDC.", + "Share a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere. Technical committee for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the NDC. It has an operational and consultation role between the key entities of the sectoral ministries and the technical partners involved in the various components of the NDC. Its role is to help analyze and technically validate all the data and technical information produced within the framework of the NDC. The Technical Coordination Committee aims to be a consultation and orientation body between the stakeholders for the implementation of the NDC.", + "The Technical Coordination Committee aims to be a consultation and orientation body between the stakeholders for the implementation of the NDC. It brings together delegates from different public administrations, institutions and organizations with a view to sharing a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in an atmosphere harmonious and collaborative. It will support aspects related to the information associated with the NDC for the Energy, AFOLU and Waste sectors and the realization of its implementation. Provincial (Technical) Committee on Climate Change. Its role is to help analyze and technically validate all the data and technical information produced at the provincial level within the framework of the NDC. The Technical Coordination Committee aims to be a consultation and orientation body between the stakeholders at the provincial level.", + "Its role is to help analyze and technically validate all the data and technical information produced at the provincial level within the framework of the NDC. The Technical Coordination Committee aims to be a consultation and orientation body between the stakeholders at the provincial level. It brings together delegates from the various provincial public administrations, institutions and organizations with a view to sharing a common vision and understanding in the implementation of projects likely to ensure the advancement of interventions, initiatives and activities in the field of climate change in a harmonious and collaborative atmosphere. Universities and research centers. They are responsible for research, innovation and formal training in all areas, including those related to climate change, as well as adaptation and mitigation measures. They will provide information on climate change, methodologies and approaches for monitoring, estimating GHGs and tracking progress in implementing NDCs.", + "They will provide information on climate change, methodologies and approaches for monitoring, estimating GHGs and tracking progress in implementing NDCs. They will be invited to participate in trainings, workshops and meetings in order to have an effective exchange of knowledge and good practices. In addition, universities could support training processes and the inclusion of these subjects in university degree programs. This partnership with academic institutions will allow dissemination of the scientific basis on the need for natural capital accounting and legislation for various initiatives under this process. Civil society organizations. They play an important role at the local level in organizing, raising awareness, building capacity and implementing specific climate change adaptation and mitigation actions. Some organizations that will be involved in the project will be: CEDEN, CODELT, GTCRR, LINAPYCO, Logos Premier, OCEAN, REBAC", + "Some organizations that will be involved in the project will be: CEDEN, CODELT, GTCRR, LINAPYCO, Logos Premier, OCEAN, REBAC, REFADD, REPALEF-RDC, RRN, among others. They will be invited to participate in activities related to the implementation of climate change policy and law, capacity building and the production/collection of data and information relevant to the functioning of the MRV system and the GHG inventories. Private sector organizations. They are a key player in the achievement of NDCs and the implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation activities, as they are also affected by it. Some examples of private sector organizations are COPEMECO (Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises), FIB (Federation of Wood Industrialists), FEC (Federation of Congo Enterprises), SAFBO", + "Some examples of private sector organizations are COPEMECO (Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises), FIB (Federation of Wood Industrialists), FEC (Federation of Congo Enterprises), SAFBOIS and SIFORCO, and agro-industries. Its participation is required to enable the implementation of climate change policy and law, both for the application of mitigation and/or adaptation measures and the achievement of NDCs and for the provision data and information for the operation of MRV and GHG inventories. The Central Bank of the DR Congo (BCC). Define and implement the country s monetary policy, the main objective of which is to ensure the stability of the general level of prices. Ensure that climate change is taken into account in macroeconomic projection models and methods and in risk assessments;. make commercial banks aware of the risks associated with climate", + "make commercial banks aware of the risks associated with climate change, and thus ensure that they are able to manage these risks appropriately;. Invest in green bonds as part of asset purchases to avoid market distortions;. Measure and estimate the risks that climate change poses to the national financial system and communicate the conclusions. Specialized services (INERA, METELSAT, SNSA, ONAT). 8. Means of implementation. Characterized by a very low contribution to global GHG emissions, a very low GHG intensity relative to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and the lowest human development index according to the 2020 Human Development Report (UNDP, 2020 ), the DRC must therefore face many challenges in terms of socio-economic development. Moreover, the country must prioritize minimizing the risks of climate change impacts, due to the significant vulnerability of", + "Moreover, the country must prioritize minimizing the risks of climate change impacts, due to the significant vulnerability of certain economic activities, such as agriculture and forestry. This section provides an overview of means of implementation in terms of (i) institutional arrangements; (ii) capacity building, (iii) technology transfer, and (iv) the need for relevant funding likely to facilitate and accelerate the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures. 8.4. Policy mechanisms and institutional arrangements. The implementation of the NDC will be done, under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), in collaboration with various sectoral ministries concerned at the local, provincial, national level and other stakeholders, in particular young people, women and indigenous peoples. 8.5. Governance.", + "The implementation of the NDC will be done, under the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), in collaboration with various sectoral ministries concerned at the local, provincial, national level and other stakeholders, in particular young people, women and indigenous peoples. 8.5. Governance. The results of specific studies will regularly feed into the national climate change policy, and key laws and regulations will be enacted, including the Climate Change Law and the Land Use Planning Law. A legal text will be adopted, establishing the appropriate institutional arrangements in order to ensure the coordination of intersectoral actions concerning the fight against climate change. 8.6. Gender equality, participation of young people and Indigenous Peoples. The operationalization of the NDC will only be possible in an inclusive approach, guaranteeing gender equity, equal rights between women and men,", + "The operationalization of the NDC will only be possible in an inclusive approach, guaranteeing gender equity, equal rights between women and men, boys and girls, integrating children, young people, Indigenous Peoples and other vulnerable groups. Since 2009, to comply with the commitments relating to the promotion of women s rights and gender equality to which it has subscribed, the Government has adopted a National Gender Policy accompanied by an action plan. In 2020, a report on the analysis of gender mainstreaming in climate change adaptation planning as well as a plan to strengthen the resilience of indigenous women to the effects of climate change. The DRC also has a Youth Policy and its Strategic Implementation Plan. Recently, a bill on fundamental principles relating to the rights of Indigenous Pygmy Peoples was adopted by the National Assembly. 8.7. Communication.", + "Recently, a bill on fundamental principles relating to the rights of Indigenous Pygmy Peoples was adopted by the National Assembly. 8.7. Communication. Clear lines of communication will be developed at different levels (local, provincial, national and international) and between different sectors and stakeholders, ensuring gender equality, participation of young people and Indigenous Peoples. 8.8. Capacity building and technology transfer. Under the Paris Agreement, developed countries are committed to facilitating technology transfer and capacity building to developing countries. Many developing countries have expressed their capacity needs to support and identify gaps both in terms of technology and expertise to ensure follow-up of bilateral and multilateral resources. It is essential that the provisions of the Paris Agreement on capacity building are successfully implemented. Technology transfer and capacity building will be required to fully implement DRC Contributions to Mitigation and Adaptation. Specific needs identified in this", + "Technology transfer and capacity building will be required to fully implement DRC Contributions to Mitigation and Adaptation. Specific needs identified in this framework include among others:. Access to and removal of barriers to the dissemination of appropriate clean technologies;. Building climate information systems;. Promotion of renewable energies and energy efficiency, including the involvement of the private sector;. Establishment of public-private partnerships. 8.9. Private sector engagement. Private sector organizations are key players in the delivery of NDC interventions and in the transparent implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation activities, without neglecting social and environmental aspects. Their participation is necessary to enable the implementation of climate change policy and law, both for the application of mitigation measures and the realization of NDC interventions and for the provision of data and information for the operation of the MRV system and the production of national GH", + "Their participation is necessary to enable the implementation of climate change policy and law, both for the application of mitigation measures and the realization of NDC interventions and for the provision of data and information for the operation of the MRV system and the production of national GHG inventories. During the preparation phase of the roadmap for the implementation of the NDC, the participation of private sector organizations will be defined, as well as the activities of the NDC in which these organizations will be involved, although it is foreseeable that they will be linked to the implementation of climate change policy and law and contributions on the processes of production/collection of data and information relevant to the MRV system and national GHG inventories. The involvement of private actors will be particularly relevant by carrying out projects to achieve the objectives of the energy and agriculture sectors.", + "The involvement of private actors will be particularly relevant by carrying out projects to achieve the objectives of the energy and agriculture sectors. In addition, the participation of representatives of the private sector in the DRC is currently ensured by two entities: the Federation of Commercial Enterprises (FEC) and the Federation of the Wood Industry (FIB). However, the government is implementing the identification and mapping of additional key stakeholder representatives, their main focus areas and interests, to define the decisive incentives that could enable them to better and more participate in the implementation. of the NDC. 8.10. Financial needs. As part of the NDC revision process, in-depth analysis and consultations of different stakeholders and sectoral experts have been engaged to produce conditional and unconditional cost estimates for mitigation and adaptation actions up to 2021 and 2030.", + "As part of the NDC revision process, in-depth analysis and consultations of different stakeholders and sectoral experts have been engaged to produce conditional and unconditional cost estimates for mitigation and adaptation actions up to 2021 and 2030. The estimated total cost of approximately twenty-five point six ( 25.6) billion US dollars for the 30 identified NDC mitigation actions, and over twenty-three point zero eight ( 23.08) billion US dollars for the 52 adaptation priorities, representing a funding need of approximately forty-eight point sixty-eight (48.68) billion US dollars (USD). Given the numerous budgetary constraints to which the DRC is subject, only a minimum part of its contribution, unconditional measures for mitigation and adaptation combined, representing approximately two percent (2%) of the total estimated financing, can be financed by", + "Given the numerous budgetary constraints to which the DRC is subject, only a minimum part of its contribution, unconditional measures for mitigation and adaptation combined, representing approximately two percent (2%) of the total estimated financing, can be financed by the own resources. Indeed, the innumerable development priorities at the social, economic, educational, health, infrastructure, etc. levels will receive priority allocation of the resources mobilized at the national level and will in no way have to suffer competition from the financing of the NDC. However, there may be situations where the priority development objectives of the DRC will be aligned with those of the NDC. Only such a scenario would justify the financing of the activities of the NDC on own funds.", + "However, there may be situations where the priority development objectives of the DRC will be aligned with those of the NDC. Only such a scenario would justify the financing of the activities of the NDC on own funds. In accordance with the Paris Declaration on the Effectiveness of Official Development Assistance, the DRC encourages donors wishing to support the implementation of its NDC to align themselves with the Government s objectives. These objectives integrate, in addition to those presented in the NDC, in particular those of the National REDD+ Strategy and its Investment Plan, as well as the sectoral policies developed within the framework of the REDD+ interventions financed. under the said Investment Plan, in particular the National Territorial Development Policy. 6.3. Financing the NDC through carbon markets. Taking into account that the DRC has the second largest area of.", + "under the said Investment Plan, in particular the National Territorial Development Policy. 6.3. Financing the NDC through carbon markets. Taking into account that the DRC has the second largest area of. tropical forests in the world, alone accounting for more than 60% of the rainforest in the Congo Basin, the largest basin with a net absorption of greenhouse gases. greenhouse, the country plays a crucial role in global climate change mitigation. The loss of this forest would represent a considerable release of greenhouse gases. Thus, given its carbon potential and the gradual emergence of the carbon market, the DRC government validated in the Council of Ministers ten urgent measures relating to the sustainable management of natural forest resources. Among these measures, the institutionalization of the carbon tax and the creation of the carbon market regulation authority come first.", + "Among these measures, the institutionalization of the carbon tax and the creation of the carbon market regulation authority come first. These aim to enable the national economy to benefit from international capital resulting from carbon finance. Indeed, the capture of revenue from the sale of carbon credits will contribute in particular to: (i) increasing the national budget; (ii) the compensation of ecosystem services of sequestration and storage of atmospheric carbon by the forests of the DRC; (iii) financing the measures provided for in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. The DRC reiterates the importance of the negotiations on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement being finalized so that the country can sell carbon credits through the international carbon market and thus finance the measures of its NDC.", + "The DRC reiterates the importance of the negotiations on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement being finalized so that the country can sell carbon credits through the international carbon market and thus finance the measures of its NDC. Also, in order to allow the country to benefit from adequate compensation for its efforts to reduce and avoid carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, which will serve the whole world, it is essential that a a fair and robust carbon price is established at the global level. With this in mind, in its contracts for the sale of emission reductions on the carbon markets, the DRC reserves the right to negotiate an adequate price. In the DRC, the regulation and the right of ownership and transfer of ownership applicable to Carbon Emission Reduction Units (UREC) is established by the 2018 Approval Order.", + "In the DRC, the regulation and the right of ownership and transfer of ownership applicable to Carbon Emission Reduction Units (UREC) is established by the 2018 Approval Order. It follows that these carbon rights, whose legal status is defined in Article 3 of the said Approval Order, must be materialized exclusively in the National REDD+ Register provided for this purpose. The DRC has decided to develop its own Register of emission reduction transactions in order to avoid multiple declarations of emission reductions from the forest, i.e. double-counting, aimed at integrating all REDD+ programs/projects. developed in the country. This Registry will track and control all emission reductions generated by each programme/project and will provide regular information on issuances, transfers and sales of emission reductions.", + "This Registry will track and control all emission reductions generated by each programme/project and will provide regular information on issuances, transfers and sales of emission reductions. Starting from a very low level of emissions per capita and per GDP, it will be difficult for the DRC to materialize its emission reduction commitments and contribution to the global effort while transferring ownership of these emission reductions. Consequently, the DRC wishes to be able to account for the emission reductions generated within the framework of its NDC. Next, the DRC hopes to sell the emission reductions generated under its NDC to buyers \u2013 both public and private \u2013 who have ambitious targets for mitigating their own emissions, based on science and publicly available in an updated NDC. update or a climate action plan. 6.4. Payments for ecosystem services.", + "Next, the DRC hopes to sell the emission reductions generated under its NDC to buyers \u2013 both public and private \u2013 who have ambitious targets for mitigating their own emissions, based on science and publicly available in an updated NDC. update or a climate action plan. 6.4. Payments for ecosystem services. One of the mechanisms that could be used in the financing of the DRC s NDC measures is that of payments for ecosystem services (PES). PES are a potentially important source of financing for the DRC, which provides ecosystem services of global value. As the DRC is home to the second largest tropical forest in the world in terms of area, and a biodiversity that qualifies it as one of the 17 mega-diverse countries in the world, it provides ecosystem services that benefit the whole world, including countries. developed, among others:.", + "As the DRC is home to the second largest tropical forest in the world in terms of area, and a biodiversity that qualifies it as one of the 17 mega-diverse countries in the world, it provides ecosystem services that benefit the whole world, including countries. developed, among others:. The provision of a geographically defined ecosystem service, namely the conservation of a rich and unique biodiversity, which does not exist elsewhere than in the DRC; and. The provision of an ecosystem service with multiple benefits, namely carbon sequestration, water regulation and soil retention, and consequently the regulation of the regional and global climate.", + "The provision of an ecosystem service with multiple benefits, namely carbon sequestration, water regulation and soil retention, and consequently the regulation of the regional and global climate. The DRC plans to set up a national PES program, in order to ensure that these ecosystem services, provided by the DRC, can be compensated through PES mechanisms that reduce the incentives for deforestation, with a view to conserving biodiversity and habitats as well as as carbon sinks in forest ecosystems. For example, this program may pay the owners of forest resources, i.e. forest communities, local or national governments, forestry companies or farmers, to preserve forest resources, establish wildlife corridors and/or maintain the most popular crop varieties. more favorable to natural ecosystems. With a view to regeneration, such a mechanism could encourage agricultural installations in", + "With a view to regeneration, such a mechanism could encourage agricultural installations in savannahs, cultivation methods under shade,. By setting up PES mechanisms in the DRC with a view to financing the measures proposed in the NDC, it will be crucial to ensure anchoring in land use planning tools, a link with land tenure security as well as synergies between the fight against deforestation and poverty reduction, with a view to avoiding adverse effects. Bibliographic reference. MEDD. National Action Program for Adaptation to Climate Change.2006. Ministry of Planning. National Strategic Development Plan. 2018. MEDD. Third National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 2014. MEDD. First Biennial Update Report. Unpublished. MEDD. National REDD+ Strategy Framework of the Democratic Republic of Congo. December 2012. MEDD. Forest Reference Emission", + "December 2012. MEDD. Forest Reference Emission Level for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. January, 2018. MEDD. National plan for adaptation to the impacts of climate change. November, 2020. UNDP. Human Development Report. 2019. De Wasseige et al. Interactive forest atlas of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 2009. Ministry of Energy and Hydraulic Resources. PDGIE Report. 2018. Ministry of Planning. INS report. 2014, 2015, 2017. United Nations Organization. Sustainable Development Goals Report. 2020. National Energy Commission of the Ministry of Energy and Hydraulic Resources SE4ALL-RDC. 2019. Advisory Group of Experts. Handbook dealing with institutional arrangements for supporting measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) tools/ climate action transparency and climate action support. June, 2020. Advisory Group of Experts. Towards an En", + "Towards an Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement. June, 2020. MEDD. Contribution Determined at the National Level of the DRC. 2015. The Minister of Agriculture. DRC National Agricultural Investment Plan. 2013. MEDD. Policy, Strategy and Action Plan in the fight against climate change. Revised in 2020. Ministry of Energy. National Energy Policy. 2009. Ministry of Gender, Women, Families and Children. National Gender Policy. 2008. Ministry of Youth, Sports and Recreation. Youth Policy. 2009. MEDD. National Sanitation Policy. 2013. Ministry of Territorial Development. National Spatial Planning Policy. 2020. Ministry of Energy. Law No. 14/011 relating to electricity. June, 2014. MEDD. Law 011-2002 of August 29, 2002 on the Forest Code. August, 2002. Jonas Kibala Kuma (2020), Poverty and unemployment in the DRC:", + "UNDP, 2020, The Human Development Report 2020, United Nations Development Program 1 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017 USA, 40p. Decision 1/CP.21 on the adoption of the Paris Agreement\u21a9. Second national communication, 2009.\u21a9. (2021); INS, 2017 Statistical Yearbook of the DRC\u21a9. Agricultural Sector Study, Phase II, Agricultural and Rural Development Master Plan, Summary Document of Provincial Plans, Final Report, 2010.\u21a9. DRC, 2010. The following figures are taken from this report.\u21a9. DRC, 2011.\u21a9. Jonas Kibala Kuma (2020), Poverty and unemployment in the DRC: inventory, analyzes and perspectives, p. 14\u21a9. Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Tourism, 2013, National Environment, Forests, Waters and Biodiversity Program \"PNEFEB\" -2nd generation\u21a9", + "(2013): Assessment of projected climate change signals over central Africa based on a multitude of global and regional climate projections. In: Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin. [Haensler A, Jacob D, Kabat P, Ludwig F (eds.)]. Climate Service Center Report No. 11, Hamburg, Germany, ISSN: 2192-4058.\u21a9. Ministry in charge of Agriculture (2009), Agricultural Policy Notes\u21a9. Same\u21a9. National Agricultural and Rural Sector Recovery Program (PNSAR) 1997-2001: monograph, Volume 1.\u21a9. Ministry of Agriculture, 2009, Agricultural Policy Notes, 71p.\u21a9. DRC Renewable Energy ATLAS 2nd Edition 2016\u21a9. Paris Agreement, adopted by decision 1/CP.21 GL 2006 IPCC\u21a9. Vision of the DRC for 2050, (PNSD, 2016)\u21a9. Methodology from \u201cMcKinsey", + "Vision of the DRC for 2050, (PNSD, 2016)\u21a9. Methodology from \u201cMcKinsey GHG Abatement Cost Curve V2.0\u201d, McKinsey & Company, 2009\u21a9. IPCC 2019, 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, Calvo Buendia, E., Tanabe, K., Kranjc, A., Baasansuren, J., Fukuda, M., Ngarize S., Osako, A., Pyrozhenko, Y., Shermanau, P. and Federici, S. (eds). Published: IPCC, Switzerland.\u21a9. Industrial Processes and Use of Products\u21a9. According to the IUCN (2016), nature-based solutions are \u201cactions aimed at protecting, sustainably managing and restoring natural or modified ecosystems,", + "Insert reference to the 2014 Law\u21a9. High Ambition Coalition \u2013 30x30 Initiative: The map below is an estimate made by Greifswald Mire Centre. The Democratic Republic of Congo will initiate work to harmonize the various maps with the data from the baseline study as well as the map produced by CongoPeat.\u21a9. 2020-020-En.pdf (iucn.org) Estimated cost per ton CO2 equivalent around 100 to 130 USD\u21a9. Improved stoves\u21a9. Second national communication, 2009.\u21a9. Haensler, A., Saeed, F. and Jacob, D. (2013): Assessment of projected climate change signals over central Africa based on a multitude of global and regional climate projections. In: Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin. [Haensler A, Jacob D, Kabat P, Ludwig F (eds.)]. Climate" + ] + } + }, + { + "country_code": "COG", + "type_of_document": "INDC", + "language": "fr", + "para_translated": { + "small": [ + "Republic of the Congo. GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC. INTENDED CONTRIBUTION DETERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL. within the framework of the UNFCCC. Conference of the Parties 21. 21 September 2015. PREAMBLE. The 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be held in Paris in December 2015.", + "The 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be held in Paris in December 2015.", + "One of the main objectives of this conference is to achieve the adoption of a legally binding agreement applicable to all States Parties, in order to limit the increase in global temperature to below 2\u00b0C. Each State Party is thus called upon to contribute to the development of the new agreement, defining the contributions it can make to combating climate change, and to adapt to it, in the form of a Nationally Determined Foreseen Contribution (NDCP).", + "Each State Party is thus called upon to contribute to the development of the new agreement, defining the contributions it can make to combat climate change, and to adapt to them, in the form of a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).", + "For example, the Congo has undertaken to prepare its national contribution, with a view to transmitting it to the UNFCCC secretariat before 1 October, with a view to COP 21. Nevertheless, it should be recalled that the country\u2019s level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions remains at a very reasonable level, below the global average.", + "It should nevertheless be recalled that the country\u2019s level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions remains at a very reasonable level, below the global average; however, the country\u2019s strong growth is logically accompanied by a significant increase in these emissions.", + "However, the country\u2019s strong growth is logically accompanied by a significant increase in these emissions; at the same time, the overall phenomenon of climate change has a very significant impact on conditions for agricultural production and the balance of ecosystems.", + "At the same time, the overall phenomenon of climate change has a very significant impact on the conditions of agricultural production and the balance of ecosystems. Thanks to a policy of sustainable management of its forest resources, the Congo has maintained a significant forest cover (65% of the national territory), constituting a carbon sink and a reservoir of biodiversity invaluable for the whole world.", + "Thanks to a policy of sustainable management of its forest resources, the Congo has maintained a significant forest cover (65% of the national territory), constituting a carbon sink and a reservoir of biodiversity invaluable for the whole world. However, the country does not feel sufficiently supported by the international community in its efforts to preserve forests.", + "However, the country does not feel sufficiently supported by the international community in its efforts to preserve forests. For a country like Congo, it is completely excluded from considering emissions without taking into account the country\u2019s overall socio-economic development.", + "For a country like the Congo, it is completely out of the question to look at emissions without taking into account the country\u2019s overall socio-economic development; the aim will be to reduce the country\u2019s GHG emissions without compromising its development capabilities.", + "The objective will be to reduce the country\u2019s GHG emissions without compromising its development capabilities; for example, alternative low-carbon and resource-efficient policies within the broader \"green economy\" are being promoted in this NDA.", + "For example, alternative policies with low carbon emissions and low consumption of natural resources, within the broader framework of the \"green economy\", are promoted in this CPDN. The Republic of the Congo is currently in a complicated situation of rent-based economy with risks of large fluctuations in budgetary resources based on the single oil resource.", + "The Republic of the Congo currently finds itself in a complicated situation of rent-based economy with risks of large fluctuations in budgetary resources based on the single oil resource. In order to industrialise without endangering its natural environment, the Congo needs to diversify its economy and access alternative and innovative technologies.", + "In order to industrialise without endangering its natural environment, the Congo needs to diversify its economy and access to alternative and innovative technologies, while the agricultural sector remains underdeveloped, despite various government support and initiatives in this area, thereby depriving it of the prospects of food self-sufficiency.", + "On the other hand, the agricultural sector remains underdeveloped, despite various government supports and initiatives in this area, thereby depriving the country of the prospect of food self-sufficiency. The country remains heavily dependent on imports to meet its ever-increasing food needs, and this is a major source of foreign exchange expenditure.", + "The country remains heavily dependent on imports to meet its ever-increasing food needs, which is a major source of foreign exchange expenditure. This sector will develop through a close partnership between processor investors and producer cooperatives, assisted by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).", + "This sector will be developed through a close partnership between processor investors and producer co-operatives, assisted by non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This intensification of agriculture, which is a source of wealth and foreign exchange for the country, is likely to provide jobs not only for rural farmers but also for young people in urban areas.", + "This intensification of agriculture, which is a source of wealth and foreign exchange for the country, is likely to provide jobs not only for rural farmers but also for young people in urban areas, thus helping to combat poverty and food insecurity.", + "These development measures must be accompanied by the organisation and minimum protection of the internal market, in particular for essential products, for example by favouring domestic production over imported goods.", + "These development measures must be accompanied by a minimum organisation and protection of the internal market, particularly for essential products, for example by favouring domestic production over imported goods. The country\u2019s considerable resources and potential in agriculture, forestry, hydroelectricity and tourism are all assets for the development of a low-carbon and job-creating economy.", + "The country\u2019s considerable resources and potential in agriculture, forestry, hydroelectricity and tourism are all assets for the development of a low-carbon and job-creating economy, and the means implemented will determine the level of greening of development, which will nevertheless be part of a national economic development objective.", + "The measures implemented will determine the level of greening of development, which will in any case be part of a national economic development objective. The evaluation of these measures must first take into account the actions necessary to start a comprehensive and sustained development of the country, including good governance, simplification of administrative formalities, support for prior studies, promotion and international exposure of the country, creation of infrastructures, and deliberate support of public authorities and public opinion.", + "For this reason, the following work simulates the economic, social and climatic prospects of diversified development meeting a 10% annual growth target on the models of Ghana, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire, Kenya or Brazil.", + "Two scenarios are simulated with regard to greenhouse gas emissions: an unconditional trend scenario including the commitments already made by the Republic of Congo to reduce greenhouse gases, for which no specific assistance is requested, and a low-carbon scenario conditioned by international assistance.", + "It should be noted that without additional assistance and support for technology transfer, the Republic of the Congo can only commit to emissions under the trend scenario.", + "The Government of the Republic of the Congo has ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol and other multilateral environmental agreements.", + "The Government of the Republic of the Congo has ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol and other multilateral environmental agreements, and in this context has produced a National Environment Action Plan (NEAP), which has played a central role in identifying the country\u2019s vulnerability to the effects of climate change.", + "In this context, it produced a National Environment Action Plan (NEAP), which played a central role in identifying the country\u2019s vulnerability to the effects of climate change, and developed a National Strategy and Action Plan for Climate Change and Variability (SNPA / CCV, 2004).", + "In addition, a National Strategy and an Action Plan for Climate Change and Variability (SNPA / CCV, 2004) have been developed. Although the country emits only about 1.1 tCO2 per capita per year, it is already experiencing the effects of climate change.", + "Although the country emits only about 1.1 tCO2 per capita per year, it is already experiencing the effects of climate change, and its vulnerability is exacerbated by multiple biophysical constraints on development, as well as weak adaptation capacities.", + "This contribution takes into account the Republic of the Congo\u2019s existing strategies and plans, including the National Development Plan, the Strategy Paper for Growth, Employment and Poverty Reduction, the National Strategy and Action Plan for the Implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the National Strategy for Sustainable Development.", + "This submission is the fulfilment of the President of the Republic\u2019s commitment to lead his country to emergence by 2025 through a policy of sustainable development and support for the global effort to reduce GHG emissions. Mitigation of climate change. Information on the contribution.", + "Climate change mitigation. Contribution information. The Republic of the Congo is a developing country with a population growth of 3% per year. Its economic growth (excluding the oil sector) is estimated at 6% per year from 2010 onwards in some forecasts.", + "The Republic of the Congo is a developing country with a population growth rate of 3 per cent per year. Its economic growth (excluding the oil sector) is estimated at 6 per cent per year from 2010 onwards in some forecasts. As indicated in the \u201cCongo Vision 2025\u201d Strategy, a growth rate of 10 per cent per year will be used for this document.", + "As indicated in the \"Congo Vision 2025\" Strategy, a growth rate of 10% per year will be adopted for this document. Although the Congo is concentrating its efforts in the energy sector, its greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets will be achieved through measures taken in all sectors of the economy, based on sectoral strategies and action plans, in particular in the areas of agriculture, water, waste, forestry, energy, industry and housing.", + "The information is summarised in the table below. Type of commitment conditioned by international means. Reduction relative to a trend development scenario. Perimeter. Total non-carbon GHG emissions from forest biomass. GHGs. CO2, CH4, N2O (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3 to be covered later). Reference year. 2000. Period. 2015-2025-2035. Conditional reduction level.", + "CO2, CH4, N2O (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3 will be covered at a later stage). Base year. 2000. Period. 2015-2025-2035. Conditional reduction level. At least 48% reduction in emissions from the uncontrolled (trending) development scenario in 2025 and 55% in 2035. Sectors covered.", + "At least 48% reduction in emissions from the unmanaged (trend-based) development scenario by 2025 and 55% by 2035. Sectors covered. Energy, including hydrocarbonsIndustrial processes and waste treatment Mining and cement Agriculture and livestock Land use, land use change and forestry (excluding natural sinks and forest reforestation). Unconditional trend-based development.", + "Energy, including hydrocarbonsIndustrial processes and waste treatment Mining and cement Agriculture and livestock Land use, land use change and forestry (excluding natural sinks and forest reforestation) Unconditional sustainable development. Projected GHG emissions by 2025 and 2035, starting from the 2000 base year. Low-carbon conditional development.", + "Unconditional trend development. GHG emission projections to 2025 and 2035, starting from the 2000 base year. Low-carbon conditional development. GHG emission projections to 2025 and 2035, starting from the 2000 base year based on two scenarios: the trend scenario and the low-carbon conditional scenario. Global warming potential (GWP).", + "Global warming potential (GWP). The GWP values used are those used by IPCC experts in accordance with UNFCCC decision CP.8 for the preparation of national emission inventories: GWP CO2 = 1 (by convention), GWP CH4 = 21 and GWP N2O = 310.", + "The GWP values used are those used by IPCC experts according to UNFCCC decision CP.8 for the preparation of national emission inventories: GWP CO2 = 1 (by convention), GWP CH4 = 21 and GWP N2O = 310.", + "Methodologies for Estimating Emissions The methodological approaches are based on the use of the following methods: - The 2006 IPCC Guidelines - Revised Supplementary Methodologies and Good Practice Guidance developed from the 2013 IPCC Kyoto Protocol.", + "Methodological approaches are based on the use of the following methods: - IPCC Guidelines 2006 - Revised supplementary methodologies and the good practice guide developed from the IPCC Kyoto Protocol 2013. This document integrates the work of the second national communication to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, which is itself based on the 2000 greenhouse gas inventories, as well as the monitoring of the country\u2019s energy information system.", + "This document integrates the work of the second national communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which is itself based on the 2000 greenhouse gas inventories, as well as the monitoring of the country\u2019s energy information system.", + "Axes of Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation Policy Based on the 2000 National Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Inventory, GHG emissions, excluding forests, amount to 2000 kteqCO2.", + "On the basis of the 2000 national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory, GHG emissions, excluding forests, amount to 2000 kteqCO2.2 These emissions are largely offset by the sequestration capacity of Congolese forests, estimated at 72 700 kteqCO2 [1] (natural forest sinks, which will no longer be taken into account in the rest of the document).", + "These emissions are largely offset by the sequestration capacity of Congolese forests, estimated at 72 700 kteqCO2 [1] (natural forest sinks, which will no longer be taken into account in the rest of the document).", + "reducing GHG emissions from the energy sectors and combating unplanned deforestation (REDD), by controlling energy consumption while increasing the use of renewable energies;.", + "mitigating GHG emissions from the energy sectors and combating unplanned deforestation (REDD) by controlling energy consumption while increasing the use of renewable energies; maintaining and even strengthening the carbon sequestration potential of forests through better management of the sector and reforestation.", + "Maintain and even strengthen the potential for carbon sequestration by forests through better management of the sector, as well as through reforestation. Basis for the Republic of the Congo's contribution.", + "Basis for the Republic of the Congo's Contribution The Republic of the Congo's GHG emission reduction commitments focus primarily on non-carbon-storage GHG emissions from biomass.", + "The Republic of the Congo\u2019s GHG emission reduction commitments give priority to non-carbon GHG emissions from biomass. Like other countries in the Congo Basin, the Republic of the Congo does not wish to limit its climate policy to the mere conservation of forests through international financing mechanisms.", + "The Republic of the Congo, like the other countries of the Congo Basin, does not wish to limit its climate policy to the mere conservation of forests through international financing mechanisms, which would place the country under the dependence of external mechanisms and hinder its economic and social development, because it lacks a link with the real economy.", + "This option would leave the country dependent on external mechanisms and hamper its economic and social development, because it is not linked to the real economy. Two GHG emission scenarios have therefore been developed: A trend scenario, which corresponds to economic development that is weakly controlled in terms of emissions.", + "Two GHG emission scenarios have therefore been developed: a trend scenario, which corresponds to economic development that is weakly controlled in terms of emissions, but which nevertheless incorporates decisions already taken by the country (public policies undertaken after 2000 such as the Forest Code, the network of protected areas, the National Flaring Reduction Directive, etc.).", + "Nevertheless, it incorporates the decisions already taken by the country (public policies undertaken after 2000 such as the Forest Code, the network of protected areas, the national directive on the reduction of flaring, etc.). The country\u2019s current commitment can only relate to this scenario, if the additional financial commitments requested here from the international community are not obtained.", + "The country\u2019s current commitment can only relate to this scenario, if the additional financial commitments sought here from the international community are not obtained. A \"low-carbon conditional\" scenario, conditioned precisely by the following quantified new commitments from the international community.", + "A \"low-carbon conditional\" scenario, conditioned precisely by the following quantified new commitments by the international community. This document presents a synthesis of the assessment of these scenarios, in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, but also of the associated costs and co-benefits (economic development, jobs, energy security, adaptation to climate change, etc.). Synthesis of the scenarios.", + "This document presents a synthesis of the assessment of these scenarios, not only in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, but also in terms of associated costs and co-benefits (economic development, employment, energy security, adaptation to climate change, etc.). Synthesis of the scenarios. The Republic of Congo\u2019s contribution is expected to reduce GHG emissions in a conditional low-carbon scenario (depending on the support of the international community) by about 48% in 2025 (or 8MteqCO2) and 54% in 2035 (or 19MteqCO2) compared to the trend scenario.", + "The Republic of the Congo\u2019s contribution is expected to reduce GHG emissions in a conditional low-carbon scenario (depending on international support) by about 48% in 2025 (or 8MteqCO2) and 54% in 2035 (or 19MteqCO2) compared to the trend scenario.", + "In 2025, emissions could increase by 3 in a trend scenario, and only increase by 64% in a low-carbon economy. In 2035, a trend scenario would increase emissions by 6, while in a low-carbon scenario they would increase by only 2.7.", + "In 2035, a trend scenario would increase emissions by 6, whereas in a low-carbon scenario, emissions would increase by only 2.7 percent. ANNEXES. EMISSIONS (without land-use change). 2000. 2015. 2025 TENDANCE. 2025 CONDITIONAL LOWER CARBON. 2035 TENDANCE. 2035 CONDITIONAL LOWER CARBON. TOTALen kteqCO2. 2044. 5317. 16984. 8793. 34527. 15858. TOTALen teqCO2/pers. 0.72. 1.10. 2.55. 1.32.", + "2035 TREND. 2035 LOW CONDITIONAL CARBON. TOTALen kteqCO2. 2044. 5317. 16984. 8793. 34527. 15858. TOTALen teqCO2/pers. 0.72. 1.10. 2.55. 1.32. 3.75. 1.72.", + "2035 LOW CONDITIONAL CARBON. TOTALen kteqCO2. 2044. 5317. 16984. 8793. 34527. 15858. TOTALen teqCO2/pers. 0.72. 1.10. 2.55. 1.32. 3.75. 1.72. Emissions (excluding land-use change), which are currently only 1.1 tonnes of CO2 per capita, would increase to 2.55 tonnes per capita in 2025, and to 3.75 tonnes of CO2 per capita in 2035 in the trend scenario, which is below the average of current global emissions per capita.", + "Emissions (excluding land-use change), which are currently only 1.1 tonnes of CO2 per capita, would increase to 2.55 tonnes per capita in 2025, and to 3.75 tonnes of CO2 per capita in 2035 in the trend scenario, which is below the average of current global emissions per capita. In a low-carbon scenario, these emissions would increase to 1.32 tonnes per capita in 2025, and to 1.72 tonnes per capita in 2035, below 2 tonnes of CO2 per capita, which is the global emissions convergence target.", + "In a low-carbon scenario, these emissions would increase to 1.32 tonnes per capita in 2025, and to 1.72 tonnes per capita in 2035, less than 2 tonnes of CO2 per capita, which is the global emissions convergence target. Mitigation measures or options by sector Forest management and reforestation activities, Forest conservation.", + "Measures or mitigation options by sector Forest management and reforestation, Forest conservation Deforestation, one of the leading causes of which is the expansion of agriculture, accounts for 81% of the country\u2019s emissions.", + "Forest management and reforestation activities, Forest conservation. Deforestation, one of the main causes of which is the expansion of agriculture, accounts for 81 per cent of the country\u2019s emissions. Population growth will lead to increasing food needs, leading to the development of food and industrial crops, some of which could lead to an increase in deforestation, which remains low to date (net deforestation of 0.043 per cent per year [BRLi, 2014]).", + "Population growth will lead to increased food needs, resulting in the development of food and industrial crops, some of which could lead to an increase in deforestation, which remains low to date (net deforestation 0.043 per cent per year [BRLi, 2014]).", + "Trend scenario. In relation to this evolution, the trend development scenario is based on: adoption of a new forestry law requiring the use of reduced impact harvesting techniques and forest certification. By 2016, almost all of the 11.7 million hectares of forest area allocated to production will have a forest management plan.", + "By 2016, almost all of the 11.7 million hectares of forest area allocated to production will have a forest management plan. PRONAR reforestation operations, which are currently limited to 500 ha, are expected to increase to 100,000 ha per year, including forestry and agroforestry plantations and forest restoration areas.", + "Reforestation operations under PRONAR, which are currently limited to 500 ha, should be able to increase to 100,000 ha per year, including forest and agroforestry plantations and forest restoration areas. The adoption of a National Land Use Plan (NLP) to guarantee a permanent forest area.", + "the adoption of a National Land Use Plan (NLP) to ensure a permanent forest area. However, it should be noted that, due to a low rate of deforestation and a high potential for natural sequestration of the country\u2019s tropical forests, this is much higher than emissions, and can be further increased through plantations. Low-carbon scenario.", + "It should be noted, however, that due to a low rate of deforestation, and a high potential for natural sequestration of the country's tropical forests, deforestation is much higher than emissions, and may increase further as a result of plantations. Low-carbon scenario. From a conditional low-carbon perspective, it is proposed that:", + "Low-carbon scenario. From a conditional low-carbon perspective, it is proposed that:. all development and operational units be certified by 2025, and that at least all operators with more than 100,000 ha of \"useful\" land in their concessions install cogeneration units that recycle wood processing products;.", + "Request that all development and operational units be certified by 2025, and that at least all operators with more than 100 000 ha of \u2018useful\u2019 land in their concessions install cogeneration units recycling wood processing products; Reduce unplanned deforestation to 20% of its current level by 2035, through the implementation of REDD+, including in protected areas;", + "Reduce unplanned deforestation to 20% of its current level by 2035, through the implementation of REDD+, including in protected areas;.", + "increase the use of improved fireplaces (20% in 2025 and 50% in 2035); improve all coal mills by 2025 (from 15% to 25%); transfer part of the planned oil palm plantations to savannah (100 000 ha); develop wood processing;", + "transfer part of the planned oil palm plantations to savannah (100 000 ha);. develop wood processing;. train managers in various forestry and wood trade schools;. create a forest observatory. Agriculture sector.", + "Training of managers in various forestry and woodworking schools; Establishment of a forestry observatory. Agriculture sector. Agriculture is very poorly developed in the Congo since only 2% of the land is used by the food sector, with very rudimentary techniques.", + "Agriculture in the Congo is very poorly developed, with only 2% of the land being used by the food sector, using very rudimentary techniques. The agricultural industry is essentially confined to the production of sugar and maize on 312 000 hectares. As a result, 80% of food products destined for urban areas are imported.", + "It is proposed to develop 50% of the savanna in the framework of private-cooperative agricultural partnerships for the production of foodstuffs (maize, peanuts, sweet potatoes, potatoes, bananas, plantains, igname, rice, meats, palm oil, maize, etc.) but also export products or feedstuffs (soybeans, pellets).", + "It is proposed to develop 50% of the savanna in the framework of private-cooperative agricultural partnerships for the production of foodstuffs (manic, peanut, sweet potato, potato, banana, plantain, igname, rice, meat, palm oil, corn, etc.) but also export commodities or feedstuffs (soybeans, shovels). The production of sugar cane or palm oil could also be extended to the production of ethanol or diester for agricultural and rural fuels.", + "The production of sugar cane or palm oil could also be expanded for the production of ethanol or diester for agricultural and rural fuels. In the case of Congo, there is no competition between energy production and food production, because of the space available.", + "In the case of the Congo, there is no competition between energy and food production, due to the space available, and the agricultural techniques employed would be resolutely those of agroforestry and agroecology, enhancing legumes, producing wood-energy (pellets in particular) and services, while at the same time mitigating the adverse effects of climate change, thus constituting an important co-benefit between mitigation and adaptation.", + "The agricultural techniques employed would be resolutely those of agroforestry and agroecology, enhancing legumes, producing wood-energy (especially pellets) and services, while at the same time mitigating the adverse effects of climate change, thus constituting an important co-benefit between mitigation and adaptation.", + "Cocoa-growing projects to reduce emissions from deforestation are examples that need to be replicated. Livestock would be quadrupled, using silvo-pastoral technology, which would be an additional emission factor. New agri-food companies would partner with land-holding farmers\u2019 co-operatives (example: Zambia, [Keith Palmer, Patient Capital]).", + "The new agri-food companies would partner with co-operatives of land-owning farmers (e.g. Zambia, [Keith Palmer, Patient Capital]). These associations would lead to the transfer of technology and inputs to farmers, as well as social actions, in a spirit of respect for the soils and biological resources of the surrounding environment (creation of micro-biological reserves).", + "These associations would lead to the transfer of technologies and inputs to farmers, not to mention social actions, in a spirit of respect for the soil and the biological resources of the surrounding environment (creation of micro-biological reserves) and would be carried out in partnership with development NGOs (type IPHD).", + "These actions would be carried out in partnership with development NGOs (IPHD type). The jobs created are estimated at 700 000 (5 ha per farmer out of 66% of the area developed), i.e. the foreseeable demand for rural employment in 2035.", + "Employment is estimated at 700,000 (5 ha per farmer out of 66% of the area under development), which is the foreseeable demand for rural employment in 2035. With self-sufficiency achieved, exports could reach 13 million tonnes, thus contributing to reducing poverty in the rural sector.", + "With self-sufficiency achieved, exports could reach 13 million tonnes, contributing to poverty reduction in the rural sector, with marine and river fisheries and aquaculture covering only 60% of consumption.", + "In order to achieve self-sufficiency in 2035, catches and production should be doubled in 2035, with a proportional impact on oil consumption.", + "In order to achieve self-sufficiency in 2035, catches and production should be doubled in 2035, with a proportionate impact on gasoline consumption. Furthermore, on the basis of the European Union\u2019s Common Agricultural Policy, minimum protection of the internal market for essential products would be organised through the introduction of taxes and import quotas for these products.", + "Furthermore, on the basis of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union, minimum protection of the internal market for essential products would be organised by the introduction of taxes and quotas on imports of these products.", + "Mines and cement plants. Congo\u2019s mining potential is very large, particularly in the iron, potash, uranium, gold and diamond sectors, and is still unexploited.", + "The Congo\u2019s mining potential is very large, particularly in the iron, potash, uranium, gold and diamond sectors, and is still unexploited. Most of the projects would be located in forest areas. In a forward-looking scenario, it is estimated that 70% of the energy consumed in 2025 will come from renewable energy sources (hydroelectricity, half of which is produced locally, without using the public grid) and 80% in 2035 (assuming an increase on the basis of private investment), while adopting the most environmentally friendly methods of extraction.", + "In a forward-looking scenario, it is estimated that 70% of the energy consumed in 2025 will come from renewable energy sources (hydroelectricity, half of which is produced locally, without using the public grid) and 80% in 2035 (assuming an increase on the basis of private investment), while adopting the most environmentally friendly extraction methods.", + "In the low-carbon scenario, it is proposed to increase the share of renewable energies to be used for mining production to 90% by 2025 and to 95% by 2035 (using biomass from savannah plantations to complement hydroelectricity).", + "In the low-carbon scenario, it is proposed to increase the share of renewable energies to be used for mining products to 90% in 2025 and then to 95% in 2035 (use of biomass from savannah plantations to complement hydro-electricity).", + "Other industries. The Republic of the Congo expects growth of 10% per year in the coming years[2], which would correspond to an annual investment of about FCFA 5 300 billion over 2015-2025. The private sector will participate in investments in the country under the following conditions:.", + "The Republic of the Congo expects growth of 10% per year over the next few years[2], which would correspond to an annual investment of about FCFA 5 300 billion over 2015-2025. The private sector will participate in investments in the country under the following conditions:.", + "establishment of a set of road, electricity and port infrastructures enabling \"green\" production and good circulation of products, particularly for export;. involvement of the Congolese state and investors in the industrial, tertiary and construction sectors;.", + "involvement of the State and Congolese investors in the industrial, service and construction sectors; co-operation of Congolese private investors and banks with international investors and financiers in the financing of industrial investments.", + "Cooperation of private investors and Congolese banks with international investors and financiers for the financing of industrial investments.The investors would be obliged to apply an environmental and social ethic allowing on the one hand to create investments compatible with a green and low-carbon economy, and on the other hand to invest in community-based social actions such as dispensaries, canteens, schools... The jobs generated would be more than 400 000 for the industrial sector alone.", + "Investors would be obliged to apply environmental and social ethics to create investments compatible with a green and low-carbon economy and to invest in community-based social actions such as dispensaries, canteens, schools... The jobs generated would be more than 400 000 in the industrial sector alone. Household consumption and transport.", + "Household consumption and transport. Energy consumption is dominated by more than 80% by household wood-energy demand. With a 3% increase in the population and the attractiveness of cities, the population is expected to reach 8.5 million in 2035, and would be urban at 83%, while the rural population is expected to stagnate.", + "With a 3% increase in population and the attractiveness of cities, the population is expected to reach 8.5 million in 2035, with urban population at 83%, while the rural population is expected to stagnate, and food needs have been estimated for these same populations with a view to achieving food self-sufficiency by 2025.", + "Furthermore, food needs have been estimated for these same populations with a view to achieving food self-sufficiency by 2025. Energy demand levels are based on this increase and the achievement in 2035 of an individual consumption of 2500 kWh per year[3], compared to only 150 kWh per person at present.", + "Energy demand levels are based on this increase and the achievement in 2035 of an individual consumption of 2500 kWh per year[3], compared to only 150 kWh per person at present. In terms of household consumption, the objective is to allow access to electricity for 75% of urban dwellers in 2025 and 100% in 2035 with rates of 50% and 75% respectively in rural areas.", + "In terms of domestic consumption, the objective is to provide 75% of urban households with access to electricity by 2025 and 100% by 2035, with 50% and 75% respectively in rural areas, and the expansion of improved wood-burning homes, as well as the construction of improved stoves by coal miners, should lead to a significant reduction in energy consumption.", + "Furthermore, the expansion of improved charcoal fireplaces, as well as the construction of improved furnaces by the coal miners, should lead to a significant reduction in energy consumption. In terms of transport, many projects are planned, be they infrastructure projects, the development of public transport services (in particular in Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire), to combat congestion or changes in legislation (e.g. the ban on the import of vehicles older than 5 years).", + "In terms of transport, many projects are planned, be it infrastructure projects, the development of public transport services (especially in Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire), to combat congestion or changes in legislation (e.g. the ban on the import of vehicles older than 5 years). In a conditional low-carbon scenario, it is proposed to control the increase in transport-related energy consumption to 70% of the trend scenario in 2025[4], with a \"renewable fuel\" option (for 21 to 43% of consumption).", + "In a conditional low-carbon scenario, it is proposed to control the increase in transport-related energy consumption to 70% of the trend scenario in 2025[4], with a \"renewable fuel\" option (from 21 to 43% of consumption). The number of job seekers is expected to quadruple from the current 800,000 to 3.7 million in 2035.", + "The number of job seekers is expected to quadruple from the current 800,000 to 3.7 million in 2035. The direct jobs created by the prospects of each sector studied are expected to total 1.5 million, which, together with the jobs induced, is expected to lead to full employment in 2035. Energy. Hydrocarbons.", + "The direct jobs created by the prospects of each sector studied are expected to total 1.5 million, which, together with the jobs induced, should enable full employment to be achieved in 2035. Energy. Hydrocarbons. Emissions related to flaring of gas associated with oil production accounted for 23% of direct emissions in 2000, and have been the subject of several measures, in line with Congo\u2019s participation this year in the \u2018Routine Zero Flaring by 2030\u2019 initiative.", + "Representing 23% of direct emissions in 2000, emissions related to flaring of gas associated with oil production have been the subject of several measures, in line with Congo\u2019s participation this year in the \u2018Routine Zero Flaring by 2030\u2019 initiative.", + "This policy, which has already entered into force, is taken into account in the trend scenario. 2. Electricity. The Congo has a significant hydroelectric potential estimated at around 14,000 MW, of which barely 228 MW (1.6%) is exploited.", + "The Republic of the Congo wants to increase the share of electricity in its energy mix, with a target of about 4,000 GWh consumed by 2025.", + "The Republic of the Congo wants to increase the share of electricity in its energy mix, with a target of about 4,000 GWh consumed by 2025. On this basis, the Congo has developed an ambitious plan for the development of hydroelectricity, with the aim of ensuring 85% of electricity supply by 2025 from hydroelectricity and 15% from gas.", + "On this basis, the Congo has developed an ambitious plan for the development of hydroelectricity, with the aim of ensuring 85% hydroelectric and 15% gas electricity supply by 2025. Finally, the Congo is also developing a plan for solar electrification of isolated villages (Energy Strategy of the Congo 2015-2025). Adaptation to climate change.", + "Finally, the Congo is also developing a plan for solar electrification of isolated villages (Energy Strategy of the Congo 2015-2025). Adaptation to climate change The Republic of the Congo\u2019s vision for adaptation to climate change is based on integrating this component into a coherent investment scheme based on the country\u2019s development strategy, rather than on ad hoc and isolated aid or subsidies unrelated to that strategy.", + "The Republic of the Congo\u2019s vision for adaptation to climate change is based on integrating this component into a coherent investment framework based on the country\u2019s development strategy, rather than on ad hoc and isolated aid or subsidies, unrelated to that strategy. This is the translation of the vision contained in the National Development Programme of the Congo (NDP 2012-2016): \"Accelerating the modernisation of society and the industrialisation of the country\".", + "It is the translation of the vision enshrined in the National Development Program of the Congo (NDP 2012-2016): \"Accelerate the modernization of society and the industrialization of the country.\" The perspective is to generate increased and shared prosperity as the basis for the emergence of the Congo in the world economy.", + "The prospect is to generate increased and shared prosperity as the basis for Congo\u2019s emergence in the global economy. Climate change is a threat to Congolese society, economy and environment.", + "Climate change is a threat to Congolese society, the economy and the environment, and extreme weather events, rising sea levels, rising average global temperatures and unpredictable rainfall patterns have a significant impact on the livelihoods of the population.", + "Extreme weather events, rising sea levels, rising average global temperatures and unpredictable rainfall patterns have a significant impact on the livelihoods of the population and, as a result, changing climatic conditions jeopardize the achievement of medium- and long-term development goals, with extreme consequences for the most vulnerable social groups.", + "Consequently, changing climate conditions jeopardise the achievement of medium- and long-term development goals, with extreme consequences for the most vulnerable social groups, and the challenges of climate change can be transformed into opportunities by developing integrated policies that address both short-term vulnerability and long-term resilience.", + "On the other hand, the challenges of climate change can be transformed into opportunities by developing integrated policies that address both short-term vulnerability and long-term resilience. For the Republic of the Congo, adaptation to climate change and variability is the cornerstone of any sustainable development or policy.", + "For the Republic of the Congo, adaptation to climate change and variability is the cornerstone of any sustainable development or policy. The Republic of the Congo implements a sectoral approach, adapted to the local circumstances of territorial entities: coastal or coastal zone, cataract plateau and Niari valley, alluvial plains of the Congo River basin, urban areas.", + "The Republic of the Congo is implementing a sectoral approach, adapted to the local circumstances of territorial entities: coastal or coastal zone, cataract plateau and Niari valley, alluvial plains of the Congo River basin, urban areas. This approach concerns the most vulnerable sectors: hydrology and water resources, energy, agriculture, forestry and health.", + "This approach concerns the most vulnerable sectors: hydrology and water resources, energy, agriculture, forestry and health. The Republic of the Congo\u2019s ultimate objectives in terms of adaptation to climate change, which must also be echoed by the international community, are:Protection of populations: through a preventive approach to risk management, particularly in the most threatened areas, based on an observation and research system to better understand current and future climate risks.", + "The coastal zone adaptation strategy contributes to this end: this strategy consists of measures aimed at integrated coastal zone management through the establishment of an appropriate legal framework, the acquisition of monitoring tools and, finally, training and information.", + "The guidelines call for the development of a coastal urban planning scheme and the promotion of income-generating activities linked to marine and coastal ecosystems.", + "To this must be added a scheme comprising mangrove conservation projects for the protection of the coastline, the protection of species, the establishment of specific facilities for receiving and managing waste, the monitoring of the nesting of sea turtles and the creation of a coastal and marine environment observatory.", + "The city of Pointe-Noire, which is particularly exposed, is the subject of protection measures on the shoreline through physical barriers and shoreline rehabilitation works.The protection of the natural heritage, biodiversity, forests and fisheries resources, through an adaptation approach rooted in the protection of ecosystems.", + "The protection of the natural heritage, biodiversity, forests and fisheries resources, through an adaptation approach rooted in the protection of ecosystems. To date, the Congolese Government has created 17 protected areas covering an area of 4,350.418 hectares, or 13.2% of the national territory, which will be complemented by the Ogou\u00e9 Leketi Protected Area.", + "To date, the Congolese Government has established 17 protected areas covering an area of 4,350.418 hectares, or 13.2% of the country\u2019s territory, which will be complemented by the Ogou\u00e9 Leketi Protected Area. Protection of climate-sensitive production systems, such as agriculture.", + "They will be complemented by the Ogou\u00e9 Leketi Protected Area. Protection of productive systems sensitive to climate change, such as agriculture. The Republic of Congo is committed to restoring ecosystems and strengthening their resilience, combating soil and forest degradation, and preventing flooding. Protection of high-risk infrastructure systems.", + "The Republic of the Congo is committed to restoring ecosystems and strengthening their resilience, combating soil and forest degradation, and preventing flooding. Protecting high-risk infrastructure systems. As the water resource is one of the limiting factors in the development of agriculture in the Republic of the Congo, the sectoral strategy advocates integrated management, pollution protection, training, scientific research and awareness raising around these themes.", + "Since the water resource is one of the factors limiting the development of agriculture in the Republic of the Congo, the sectoral strategy calls for its integrated management, protection against pollution, training, scientific research and awareness-raising around these themes. The protection of the intangible heritage of the Republic of the Congo through education and awareness-raising actions, as well as efforts to conserve good ancestral practices in highly vulnerable sectors, such as water, electricity, agriculture and biodiversity.", + "The protection of the intangible heritage of the Republic of the Congo through education and awareness-raising activities, as well as efforts to conserve good traditional practices in highly vulnerable sectors, such as water, electricity, agriculture and biodiversity, and the protection of innovations and intellectual property.", + "Protection of innovations and intellectual property must also be implemented. The transfer of climate technologies adapted to national development priorities. These protection objectives necessary for adaptation require:.", + "The transfer of climate technologies adapted to national development priorities These protection objectives necessary for adaptation require:. a necessary assessment of technological needs at the level of the priority sectors defined in the TCN project, with, mainly, the support of the National Designated Entity (END) to the UNFCCC Centre and Network of Technological Resources (CRTC) and other strategic partners in the country;.", + "a necessary assessment of technological needs at the level of the priority sectors defined in the TCN project, with, mainly, the support of the National Designated Entity (END) to the UNFCCC Centre and Network of Technological Resources (CRTC) and the country\u2019s other strategic partners;. training and support for the appropriation of climate technologies in the sectors to benefit from them;.", + "training and support for the appropriation of climate technologies in the sectors to benefit from them;. transfer of appropriate technologies;. incentive measures for agriculture in savannah areas, such as the facility for mechanisation.", + "The Republic of the Congo requests the assistance of the international community in the financing and technical assistance necessary to achieve these objectives, within the framework of an integrated adaptation and mitigation strategy. Financing and implementation.", + "The Republic of the Congo requests the assistance of the international community in the financing and technical assistance necessary to achieve these objectives, within the framework of an integrated adaptation and mitigation strategy. Financing and implementation. The funds needed to implement the low-carbon scenario mainly relate to renewable energy infrastructure, reforestation, improving investment conditions for a green economy, and training in good governance.", + "The funds needed to implement the low-carbon scenario relate mainly to renewable energy infrastructure, reforestation, improvement of investment conditions for a green economy, and training in good governance, in addition to the necessary financing for adaptation to climate change. Financial amounts for mitigation and adaptation measures.", + "Add to this the necessary financing for adaptation to climate change. Financial amounts for mitigation and adaptation measures. Investments and costs would amount to CFA 3710 billion annually from 2014 to 2025, or \u20ac 5.14 billion. The country\u2019s self-financing could reach 20%, or \u20ac 1.03 billion (or CFA 656 billion).", + "Investments and costs would amount to CFA 3710 billion annually from 2014 to 2025, or \u20ac 5.14 billion. The country\u2019s self-financing could reach 20%, or \u20ac 1.03 billion (or CFA 656 billion). The international community would be asked to contribute \u20ac 5.14 billion for the period 2015-2025.", + "The country\u2019s self-financing could reach 20%, i.e. \u20ac 1.03 billion (or CFA 656 billion). The international community would be asked to contribute \u20ac 5.14 billion for the period 2015-2025. The following table summarises the cost of mitigation and adaptation measures and the proposed financing method. FUNDING FOR THE LOW CARBON STRATEGY 2015-2025. ACTION/ INVESTMENTS. Total annual amounts (CFA million).", + "The following table summarizes the cost of mitigation and adaptation measures, as well as the proposed financing methodology. FUNDING FOR THE LOW CARBON STRATEGY 2015-2025. ACTION/ INVESTMENTS. Total annual amounts (millions,of FCFA). Total annual amounts (millions of euro). Annual self-financing Congo (millions of euro). Total annual international financing (millions of euro). of which annual donations (millions of euro). of which Loan enhancement (millions of euro).", + "Total Annual International Funding (\u20ac million). of which Annual Donations (\u20ac million). of which Loan Enhancement (\u20ac million). Furrow Improvement. 28.5. 0.04. 0.009. 0.035. 0.03. 0.0. Low-emission cocoa growing. 196. 0.30. 0.06. 0.2. 0.2. 0.0. Full savannah plantations. 35000. 53.35. 10.67. 42.7. 42.7. 0.0. Agroforestry implantation. 30000. 45.73. 9.15. 36.6. 36.6. 0.0. Farmer training. 87.5. 0.13.", + "Planting in full savannah. 35000. 53.35. 10.67. 42.7. 42.7. 0.0. Agroforestry implantation. 30000. 45.73. 9.15. 36.6. 36.6. 0.0. Farmer training. 87.5. 0.13. 0.03. 0.1. 0.1. 0.0. Agro industry / biofuel. 2130. 3.25. 0.65. 2.6. 2.6. Households (Oil and gas, solar, power plants, wood). 100. 0.15. 0.03. 0.1. 0.1. 0.0. 2498. 3.81. 0.76. 3.0. 3.0. 0.0. 19600. 29.88. 5.98. 23.9. 23.9.", + "Households (Oil and Gas, Solar, Wood-fired). 100. 0.15. 0.03. 0.1. 0.1. 0.0. 2498. 3.81. 0.76. 3.0. 3.0. 0.0. 19600. 29.88. 5.98. 23.9. 23.9. Tramway. 12000. 18.29. 3.66. 14.6. 14.6. Mining. 2720. 4.15. 0.83. 3.3. 3.3. Other Industries / Electrification. 126000. 192.07. 38.41. 153.7. 153.7. Screening studies. 106000. 161.59. 32.32. 129.3. 129.3. Adaptation. 30790. 46.94. 9.39. 37.5. 37.5. 0.0.", + "Other Industries / Electrification. 126000. 192.07. 38.41. 153.7. 153.7. Preliminary studies. 106000. 161.59. 32.32. 129.3. 129.3. Adaptation. 30790. 46.94. 9.39. 37.5. 37.5. 0.0. Capacity building of decision makers. 3400. 5.18. 1.04. 4.1. 4.1. 0.0. Investment and Good Governance Committee. 500. 0.76. 0.15. 0.6. 0.6. 0.0. Total. 371050. 566. 113. 453. 125. 327.", + "Committee on Investment and Good Governance. 500. 0.76. 0.15. 0.6. 0.6. 0.0. Total. 371050. 566. 113. 453. 125. 327. During the first five years, these funds would be made available to the country, under the control of the above-mentioned committee, in the form of START, without conditionalities and other safeguard procedures, since the investments concerned are precisely environmental and social investments at the same time.", + "For the first 5 years, these funds would be made available to the country, under the supervision of the above-mentioned committee, in the form of START, without conditionalities and other safeguard procedures, since the investments concerned are precisely environmental and social investments at the same time.", + "The National Sustainable Development Strategy provides for the establishment of a National Sustainable Development Fund (in addition to the Forestry Fund), a fund dedicated to the promotion of the green economy in all its components, particularly economic and social.", + "The National Sustainable Development Strategy provides for the establishment of a National Sustainable Development Fund (in addition to the Forestry Fund), a fund dedicated to the promotion of the green economy in all its components, particularly economic and social.", + "The creation of this fund is under consideration and will be positioned along the lines of the National Climate Funds that are developing in various countries, taking into account the specificities of the Congolese strategy. A Committee for Investment and Good Governance (CIG) will be set up with the following main tasks:.", + "A Committee for Investment and Good Governance (CIG) will be set up with the main tasks of:. assisting the Republic of the Congo in the success of its rapid-growth development policy (with objectives, targets and indicators);. conducting studies prior to the establishment of the private sector;.", + "to assist the Republic of the Congo in the success of its rapid-growth development policy (with objectives, targets and indicators);. to carry out studies prior to the establishment of the private sector;. to verify the successful completion of international aid and loans;.", + "carry out studies prior to the establishment of the private sector;. verify the proper completion of aid appropriations and international loans;. attend the Court of Auditors and regularly report to a council of representatives of the private sector and civil society on good governance;.", + "to attend the Court of Auditors and the regular submission of reports to a council of representatives of the private sector and civil society on good governance;. to combat administrative delays, in particular for investor files;.", + "to combat administrative delays, in particular with regard to investor files; to train the elites in good governance and assistance in combating corruption, in particular that which may be caused by investors;.", + "training elites in good governance and assistance in the fight against corruption, in particular corruption possibly caused by investors;. serving as secondary price-fixing mediation between private investors and producer co-operatives;.", + "The Committee would be chaired by a representative of the international community.", + "This Committee would be headed by a representative of the international community. This Committee would by no means be a government bis, but would remain in the spirit of assistance, with strict ethics both in financial matters and in the communication of documents, and with discretion in the areas to be defined.", + "This committee would in no way be a government bis but would remain in the spirit of assistance, with strict ethics both in financial matters and in the communication of documents and discretion in the areas to be defined. Second national communication 2009 \u21a9.", + "Second national communication 2009 \u21a9. Congo has a GDP of US$ 14.4 billion in 2014 and a GDP per capita of US$ 3135 in 2013. Due to a population increase of 3% per year the growth rate it has chosen of 10% per year.", + "As a result of an increase in the population of 3% per year the rate of growth that it has chosen of 10% per year. On the model of the breweries of the Congo, it is proposed that industrial development takes place on the basis of the massive investments to be put in place, on average of CFA 5 300 billion per year from 2025. \u21a9.", + "On the model of the Congo breweries, it is proposed that industrial development take place on the basis of massive investments to be made, averaging CFA 5 300 billion per year from 2025. \u21a9. Brazil\u2019s current consumption ratio \u21a9. PND \u21a9" + ], + "medium": [ + "Republic of the Congo. GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC. INTENDED CONTRIBUTION DETERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL. within the framework of the UNFCCC. Conference of the Parties 21. 21 September 2015. PREAMBLE. The 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be held in Paris in December 2015.", + "The 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be held in Paris in December 2015.", + "One of the main objectives of this conference is to achieve the adoption of a legally binding agreement applicable to all States Parties, in order to limit the increase in global temperature to below 2\u00b0C. Each State Party is thus called upon to contribute to the development of the new agreement, defining the contributions it can make to combating climate change, and to adapt to it, in the form of a Nationally Determined Foreseen Contribution (NDCP).", + "Each State Party is thus called upon to contribute to the development of the new agreement, defining the contributions it can make to combat climate change, and to adapt to them, in the form of a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).", + "For example, the Congo has undertaken to prepare its national contribution, with a view to transmitting it to the UNFCCC secretariat before 1 October, with a view to COP 21. Nevertheless, it should be recalled that the country\u2019s level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions remains at a very reasonable level, below the global average; however, the country\u2019s strong growth is logically accompanied by a significant increase in these emissions.", + "It should nevertheless be borne in mind that the country\u2019s level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions remains at a very reasonable level, below the global average. However, the country\u2019s strong growth is logically accompanied by a significant increase in these emissions. At the same time, the overall phenomenon of climate change has a very significant impact on the conditions of agricultural production and the balance of ecosystems.", + "At the same time, the global phenomenon of climate change has a very significant impact on the conditions of agricultural production and the balance of ecosystems. Thanks to a policy of sustainable management of its forest resources, Congo has maintained a significant forest cover (65% of its territory), constituting a carbon sink and a reservoir of biodiversity invaluable for the whole world. However, the country does not feel sufficiently supported by the international community in its efforts to preserve forests.", + "However, the country does not feel sufficiently supported by the international community in its efforts to preserve forests. For a country like the Congo, it is completely excluded from considering emissions without taking into account the overall socio-economic development of the country.", + "For a country such as Congo, it is completely excluded to consider emissions without taking into account the overall socio-economic development of the country. The aim will be to reduce the country\u2019s GHG emissions without compromising its development capabilities. Thus, alternative policies with low carbon emissions and low consumption of natural resources, within the broader framework of the \"green economy\", are promoted in this CPDN.", + "For example, alternative policies with low carbon emissions and low consumption of natural resources, within the broader framework of the \"green economy\", are promoted in this CPDN. The Republic of the Congo is currently in a complicated situation of rent-based economy with risks of large fluctuations in budgetary resources based on the single oil resource.", + "The Republic of the Congo currently finds itself in a complicated situation of rent-based economy with the risk of large fluctuations in budgetary resources based on the single oil resource. In order to industrialise without endangering its natural environment, the Congo needs to diversify its economy and access to alternative and innovative technologies. Furthermore, the agricultural sector remains underdeveloped, despite the various government supports and initiatives in this area, thereby depriving the country of the prospects for food self-sufficiency.", + "On the other hand, the agricultural sector remains underdeveloped, despite various government supports and initiatives in this area, thereby depriving the country of the prospects for food self-sufficiency. The country remains heavily dependent on imports to meet its ever-increasing food needs. This is a major source of foreign exchange expenditure. This sector will develop through a close partnership between processor investors and producer co-operatives, assisted by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).", + "This sector will be developed through a close partnership between processor investors and producer cooperatives, assisted by non-governmental organizations (NGOs). This intensification of agriculture, which is a source of wealth and foreign exchange for the country, is likely to provide jobs not only for farmers in rural areas but also for young people in urban areas, thus helping to combat poverty and food insecurity.", + "This intensification of agriculture, which is a source of wealth and foreign exchange for the country, is likely to provide jobs not only for farmers in rural areas but also for young people in urban areas, thus helping to combat poverty and food insecurity. These development measures must be accompanied by the organisation and minimum protection of the internal market, particularly for essential products, for example by favouring domestic production over imported goods.", + "These development measures must be accompanied by a minimum organisation and protection of the internal market, particularly for essential products, for example by favouring domestic production over imported goods. The country\u2019s considerable resources and potential in agriculture, forestry, hydroelectricity and tourism are all assets for the development of a low-carbon and job-creating economy.", + "The country\u2019s considerable resources and potential in agriculture, forestry, hydroelectricity and tourism are all assets for the development of a low-carbon and job-creating economy, and the means implemented will determine the level of greening of development, which will nevertheless be part of a national economic development objective.", + "The measures implemented will determine the level of greening of development, which will in any case be part of a national economic development objective. The evaluation of these measures must first take into account the actions necessary to start a comprehensive and sustained development of the country, including good governance, simplification of administrative formalities, support for prior studies, promotion and international exposure of the country, creation of infrastructures, and deliberate support of public authorities and public opinion.", + "The evaluation of these means must take into account, in the first place, the actions necessary to start a comprehensive and sustained development of the country, including good governance, simplification of administrative formalities, support for prior studies, promotion and international exposure of the country, creation of infrastructures, and deliberate support of the public authorities and public opinion. Therefore, the following work simulates the economic, social and climatic prospects of diversified development meeting a growth target of 10% per year on the models of Ghana, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire, Kenya or even Brazil.", + "For this reason, the following work simulates the economic, social and climate prospects for diversified development meeting a 10% annual growth target on the models of Ghana, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire, Kenya or Brazil. Two scenarios are simulated for greenhouse gas emissions: an unconditional trend scenario including the commitments already made by the Republic of Congo to reduce greenhouse gases, for which no specific assistance is requested, and a low-carbon scenario conditioned by international assistance.", + "Two scenarios are simulated with regard to greenhouse gas emissions: an unconditional trend scenario including the commitments already made by the Republic of the Congo to reduce greenhouse gases, for which no specific assistance is requested, and a low-carbon scenario conditioned by international assistance. It should be noted that without additional assistance and support for technology transfer, the Republic of the Congo can only commit to the emissions of the trend scenario.", + "It should be noted that without additional assistance and support for technology transfer, the Republic of the Congo can only commit to emissions under the trend scenario. National context of the approach. The Government of the Republic of the Congo has ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol and other multilateral environmental agreements.", + "The Government of the Republic of the Congo has ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol and other multilateral environmental agreements. In this context, it has produced a National Environment Action Plan (NEAP), which has played a central role in identifying the country\u2019s vulnerability to the effects of climate change. In addition, a National Strategy and an Action Plan for Climate Change and Variability (SNPA / CCV, 2004) have been developed.", + "In addition, a National Strategy and Action Plan for Climate Change and Variability (SNPA / CCV, 2004) have been developed. Although the country emits only about 1.1 tCO2 per capita per year, it is already suffering from the effects of climate change. Vulnerability is exacerbated by multiple biophysical constraints on development, as well as by its weak adaptive capacity.", + "This contribution takes into account the Republic of the Congo\u2019s existing strategies and plans, including the National Development Plan, the Strategy Paper for Growth, Employment and Poverty Reduction, the National Strategy and Action Plan for the Implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the National Strategy for Sustainable Development.", + "This contribution takes into account the Republic of the Congo\u2019s existing strategies and plans, including the National Development Plan, the Strategy Paper for Growth, Employment and Poverty Reduction, the National Strategy and Action Plan for the Implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the National Strategy for Sustainable Development.", + "This submission is the fulfilment of the commitment of the President of the Republic to lead his country to emergence by 2025 through a policy of sustainable development and support for the global effort to reduce GHG emissions. Mitigation of climate change. Information on the contribution. The Republic of the Congo is a developing country with a population growth of 3% per year. Its economic growth (excluding the oil sector) is estimated at 6% per year from 2010 onwards in some forecasts.", + "The Republic of the Congo is a developing country with a population growth rate of 3 per cent per year. Its economic growth (excluding the oil sector) is estimated at 6 per cent per year from 2010 onwards in some forecasts. As indicated in the \u201cCongo Vision 2025\u201d Strategy, a growth rate of 10 per cent per year will be used for this document.", + "As indicated in the \"Congo Vision 2025\" Strategy, a growth rate of 10% per year will be adopted for this document. Although the Congo is concentrating its efforts in the energy sector, its greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets will be achieved through measures taken in all sectors of the economy, based on sectoral strategies and action plans, in particular in the areas of agriculture, water, waste, forestry, energy, industry and housing.", + "Although the Congo is concentrating its efforts in the energy sector, its greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets will be achieved through measures in all sectors of the economy, based on sectoral strategies and action plans, including in the areas of agriculture, water, waste, forestry, energy, industry and habitat. The information is summarized in the table below. Type of commitment conditioned by international means.", + "The information is summarised in the table below. Type of commitment conditioned by international means. Reduction relative to a trend development scenario. Perimeter. Total non-carbon GHG emissions from forest biomass. GHGs. CO2, CH4, N2O (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3 will be covered at a later stage). Reference year. 2000. Period. 2015-2025-2035. Conditional reduction level. At least 48% reduction relative to the uncontrolled (trend) development scenario in 2025 and 55% in 2035.", + "At least 48% reduction in emissions from the unmanaged (trending) development scenario by 2025 and 55% by 2035. Sectors covered. Energy, including hydrocarbonsIndustrial processes and waste treatment Mining and cement Agriculture and livestock Land use, land use change and forestry (excluding natural sinks and forest reforestation). Unconditional trending development. Projected GHG emissions by 2025 and 2035, starting with the 2000 base year. Low-carbon development.", + "Energy, including hydrocarbonsIndustrial processes and waste treatment Mining and cement Agriculture and livestock Land use, land use change and forestry (excluding natural sinks and forest reforestation). Unconditional trend development. GHG emission projections for 2025 and 2035, starting from the 2000 base year. Low-carbon development. GHG emission projections for 2025 and 2035, starting from the 2000 base year based on two scenarios: the trend scenario and the low-carbon conditional scenario. Global warming potential (GWP).", + "Global warming potential (GWP). The GWP values used are those used by IPCC experts in accordance with UNFCCC decision CP.8 for the preparation of national emission inventories: GWP CO2 = 1 (by convention), GWP CH4 = 21 and GWP N2O = 310. Emission estimation methodologies.", + "The GWP values used are those used by IPCC experts according to UNFCCC decision CP.8 for the preparation of national emission inventories: GWP CO2 = 1 (by convention), GWP CH4 = 21 and GWP N2O = 310. Methodologies for emission estimation The methodological approaches are based on the use of the following methods: - IPCC Guidelines 2006 - Revised supplementary methodologies and good practice guide developed from the IPCC Kyoto Protocol 2013.", + "Methodological approaches are based on the use of the following methods: - IPCC Guidelines 2006 - Revised supplementary methodologies and the good practice guide developed from the IPCC Kyoto Protocol 2013. This document integrates the work of the second national communication to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, which is itself based on the 2000 greenhouse gas inventories, as well as the monitoring of the country\u2019s energy information system.", + "This document integrates the work of the second national communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which is itself based on the 2000 greenhouse gas inventories, as well as the monitoring of the country\u2019s energy information system.", + "Axes of the policy to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. On the basis of the 2000 national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory, GHG emissions, excluding forests, amount to 2000 kteqCO2. These emissions are largely offset by the sequestration capacity of Congolese forests, estimated at 72 700 kteqCO2 [1] (natural forest sinks, which will no longer be taken into account in the rest of the document).", + "These emissions are largely offset by the sequestration capacity of Congolese forests, estimated at 72 700 kteqCO2 [1] (natural forest sinks, which will no longer be taken into account in the rest of the document).", + "The Republic of the Congo\u2019s GHG mitigation policy has two main objectives: reducing GHG emissions from the energy sector and combating unplanned deforestation (REDD) by controlling energy consumption while increasing the use of renewable energies; maintaining and even strengthening the potential for carbon sequestration by forests through better management of the sector and reforestation.", + "Maintain and even strengthen the potential for carbon sequestration by forests through better management of the sector, as well as through reforestation. Basis for the Republic of the Congo's contribution. The Republic of the Congo's GHG emission reduction commitments focus primarily on non-carbon storage GHG emissions from biomass.", + "The Republic of the Congo\u2019s GHG emission reduction commitments give priority to non-carbon GHG emissions from biomass. Like other countries in the Congo Basin, the Republic of the Congo does not wish to limit its climate policy to the mere conservation of forests through international financing mechanisms.", + "The Republic of the Congo, like other countries in the Congo Basin, does not wish to limit its climate policy to the simple conservation of forests through international financing mechanisms. This option would place the country under the dependence of external mechanisms and would hinder its economic and social development, because it lacks a link with the real economy. Two GHG emission scenarios have therefore been developed: a trend scenario, which corresponds to economic development that is weakly controlled in terms of emissions.", + "Two GHG emission scenarios have therefore been developed: a trend scenario, which corresponds to economic development that is poorly controlled in terms of emissions, but which nevertheless incorporates the decisions already taken by the country (public policies undertaken after 2000 such as the Forest Code, the network of protected areas, the national directive on reducing flaring, etc.). The country\u2019s current commitment can only relate to this scenario, if the additional financial commitments requested here from the international community are not obtained.", + "The country\u2019s current commitment can only relate to this scenario, if the additional financial commitments requested here from the international community are not obtained. A \"low-carbon conditional\" scenario, conditioned precisely by the following quantified new commitments from the international community. This document presents a synthesis of the assessment of these scenarios, not only in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, but also in terms of the associated costs and co-benefits (economic development, jobs, energy security, adaptation to climate change, etc.). Synthesis of the scenarios.", + "This document presents a synthesis of the assessment of these scenarios, not only in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, but also in terms of associated costs and co-benefits (economic development, employment, energy security, adaptation to climate change, etc.). Synthesis of the scenarios. The Republic of Congo\u2019s contribution is expected to reduce GHG emissions in a conditional low-carbon scenario (depending on the support of the international community) by about 48% in 2025 (or 8MteqCO2) and 54% in 2035 (or 19MteqCO2) compared to the trend scenario.", + "The Republic of the Congo\u2019s contribution is expected to reduce GHG emissions in a conditional low-carbon scenario (depending on international support) by about 48% in 2025 (or 8MteqCO2) and 54% in 2035 (or 19MteqCO2) compared to the trend scenario.", + "In 2025, emissions could increase by 3 in a trend scenario, and only increase by 64% in a low-carbon economy. In 2035, a trend scenario would increase emissions by 6, while they would increase by only 2.7 in a low-carbon scenario. ANNEXES. EMISSIONS (without change in land use). 2000. 2015. 2025 TREND. 2025 LOW CONDITIONAL CARBON. 2035 TREND. 2035 LOW CONDITIONAL CARBON. TOTALen kteqCO2. 2044. 5317. 16984. 8793. 34527. 15858. TOTALen teqCO2/pers. 0.72. 1.10. 2.55. 1.32.", + "Emissions (excluding land-use change), which are currently only 1.1 tonnes of CO2 per capita, would increase to 2.55 tonnes per capita in 2025, and to 3.75 tonnes of CO2 per capita in 2035 in the trend scenario, which is below the average of current global emissions per capita.", + "Emissions (excluding land-use change), which are currently only 1.1 tonnes of CO2 per capita, would increase to 2.55 tonnes per capita in 2025, and to 3.75 tonnes of CO2 per capita in 2035 in the trend scenario, which is below the average of current global emissions per capita. In a low-carbon scenario, these emissions would increase to 1.32 tonnes per capita in 2025, and to 1.72 tonnes per capita in 2035, below 2 tonnes of CO2 per capita, which is the global emissions convergence target.", + "In a low-carbon scenario, these emissions would increase to 1.32 tonnes per capita in 2025, and to 1.72 tonnes per capita in 2035, less than 2 tonnes of CO2 per capita, which is the global emissions convergence target. Mitigation measures or options by sector. Forest management and reforestation activities, Forest conservation. Deforestation, one of the leading causes of which is the expansion of agriculture, accounts for 81% of the country\u2019s emissions.", + "Forest management and reforestation activities, Forest conservation. Deforestation, one of the main causes of which is the expansion of agriculture, accounts for 81% of the country\u2019s emissions. Population growth will lead to increasing food needs, leading to the development of food and industrial crops, some of which could lead to an increase in deforestation, which has remained low to date (net deforestation of 0.043 per cent per year [BRLi, 2014]). Trend scenario.", + "Population growth will lead to increasing food needs, leading to the development of food and industrial crops, some of which could lead to an increase in deforestation, which has remained low to date (net deforestation of 0.043 per cent per year [BRLi, 2014]). Scenario of trend. In relation to this development, the scenario of trend development is based on:. the adoption of a new forestry law requiring the use of low-impact harvesting techniques and forest certification.", + "In relation to these developments, the trend development scenario is based on:. the adoption of a new forestry law requiring the use of low-impact harvesting techniques and forest certification. By 2016, almost all of the 11.7 million hectares of forest area allocated to production will have a forest management plan.", + "By 2016, almost all of the 11.7 million hectares of forest area allocated to production will have a forest management plan. PRONAR reforestation operations, which are currently limited to 500 ha, should be able to increase to 100,000 ha per year, including forestry and agroforestry plantations and forest restoration areas. the adoption of a National Land Use Plan (NLP) to guarantee a permanent forest area.", + "The adoption of a National Land Use Plan (NLP) to ensure a permanent forest area, but it should be noted that, due to the low rate of deforestation and the high potential for natural sequestration of the country\u2019s tropical forests, this is far higher than emissions, and can be further increased through plantations.", + "It should be noted, however, that due to a low rate of deforestation, and a high potential for natural sequestration of the country's tropical forests, deforestation is much higher than emissions, and may increase further as a result of plantations. Low-carbon scenario. From a conditional low-carbon perspective, it is proposed that:", + "Low-carbon scenario. From a conditional low-carbon perspective, it is proposed that:. all development and operational units be certified by 2025, and that at least all operators with more than 100,000 ha of \"useful\" land in their concessions install cogeneration units that recycle wood processing products;.", + "Request that all development and operational units be certified by 2025, and that at least all operators with more than 100 000 ha of \u2018useful\u2019 land in their concessions install cogeneration units recycling wood processing products; Reduce unplanned deforestation to 20% of its current level by 2035, through the implementation of REDD+, including in protected areas;", + "to reduce unplanned deforestation to 20% of its current level by 2035, through the implementation of REDD+, including in protected areas;. to generalise the use of improved fireplaces (20% by 2025 and 50% by 2035);. to improve all coal-mills by 2025 (yield increases from 15% to 25%);. to transfer part of the planned plantations of oil palms to savannah (100 000 ha);. to develop wood processing;.", + "transfer part of the planned plantations of oil palms to savannah (100 000 ha);. develop wood processing;. train managers in various forestry and wood trade schools;. set up a forestry observatory. Agriculture sector. Agriculture is very poorly developed in the Congo since only 2% of the land is used by the food sector, with very rudimentary techniques. The agro-industry is essentially confined to sugar and maize production on 312 000 ha.", + "Agriculture in the Congo is very poorly developed, with only 2% of the land being used by the food sector, using very rudimentary techniques. The agricultural industry is essentially confined to the production of sugar and maize on 312 000 hectares. As a result, 80% of food products destined for urban areas are imported.", + "It is proposed to develop 50% of the savanna in the framework of private-cooperative agricultural partnerships for the production of foodstuffs (maize, peanuts, sweet potatoes, potatoes, bananas, plantains, igname, rice, meats, palm oil, maize, etc.) but also export products or feedstuffs (soybeans, pellets).", + "It is proposed to develop 50% of the savanna in the framework of private-cooperative agricultural partnerships for the production of foodstuffs (manic, peanut, sweet potato, potato, banana, plantain, igname, rice, meat, palm oil, corn, etc.) but also export commodities or feedstuffs (soybeans, shovels). The production of sugar cane or palm oil could also be extended to the production of ethanol or diester for agricultural and rural fuels.", + "The production of sugar cane or palm oil could also be expanded for the production of ethanol or diester for agricultural and rural fuels. In the case of Congo, there is no competition between energy production and food production, because of the space available.", + "In the case of the Congo, there is no competition between energy production and food production, because of the space available. The agricultural techniques employed would be resolutely those of agroforestry and agroecology, enhancing legumes, producing wood-energy (pellets in particular) and services, while at the same time compensating for the adverse effects of climate change, thus constituting an important co-benefit between mitigation and adaptation.", + "The agricultural techniques employed would be resolutely those of agroforestry and agroecology, enhancing legumes, producing wood-energy (especially pellets) and services, while at the same time compensating for the adverse effects of climate change, thus constituting an important co-benefit between mitigation and adaptation. Cocoa farming projects to reduce emissions due to deforestation are examples to be replicated. The livestock would be quadrupled, under silvo-pastoral technology, which will be an additional emission factor.", + "Cocoa-growing projects to reduce emissions from deforestation are examples that need to be replicated. Livestock would be quadrupled, using silvo-pastoral technology, which would be an additional emission factor. New agri-food companies would partner with land-holding farmers\u2019 co-operatives (example: Zambia, [Keith Palmer, Patient Capital]).", + "The new agri-food companies would partner with land-owning farmers\u2019 co-operatives (e.g. Zambia, [Keith Palmer, Patient Capital]). These co-operatives would lead to the transfer of technology and inputs to farmers, as well as social actions, in a spirit of respect for the soils and biological resources of the surrounding environment (creation of micro-biological reserves). These actions would be carried out in partnership with development NGOs (IPHD type).", + "These associations would lead to the transfer of technologies and inputs to farmers, not to mention social actions, in a spirit of respect for the soil and the biological resources of the surrounding environment (creation of micro-biological reserves). These actions would be carried out in partnership with development NGOs (IPHD type). The jobs created are estimated at 700 000 (5 ha per farmer out of 66% of the area developed), i.e. the foreseeable demand for rural employment in 2035.", + "Employment is estimated at 700,000 (5 ha per farmer out of 66% of the area developed), which is the expected demand for rural employment in 2035. With self-sufficiency being achieved, exports could reach 13 million tonnes, thus contributing to reducing poverty in the rural sector. Sea and river fisheries and aquaculture cover only 60% of consumption.", + "With self-sufficiency achieved, exports could reach 13 million tonnes, thus helping to reduce poverty in the rural sector. Marine and river fisheries and aquaculture account for only 60% of consumption. To achieve self-sufficiency in 2035, catches and production should be doubled in 2035, with a proportional impact on gasoline consumption.", + "In order to achieve self-sufficiency in 2035, catches and production should be doubled in 2035, with a proportionate impact on gasoline consumption. Furthermore, on the basis of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union, minimum protection of the internal market for essential products would be organised through the introduction of taxes and import quotas for these products. Mines and cement.", + "Furthermore, on the basis of the European Union\u2019s Common Agricultural Policy, a minimum protection of the internal market for essential products would be organised through the introduction of taxes and quotas on imports of these products. Mines and cement plants. Congo\u2019s mining potential is very important, particularly in the iron, potash, uranium, gold and diamond sectors, and is still unexploited. Most of the projects would be located in forest areas.", + "The Congo\u2019s mining potential is very large, particularly in the iron, potash, uranium, gold and diamond sectors, and is still unexploited. Most of the projects would be located in forest areas. In a forward-looking scenario, it is estimated that 70% of the energy consumed in 2025 will come from renewable energy sources (hydroelectricity, half of which is produced locally, without using the public grid) and 80% in 2035 (assuming an increase on the basis of private investment), while adopting the most environmentally friendly methods of extraction.", + "In a forward-looking scenario, it is estimated that 70% of the energy consumed in 2025 will come from renewable energy sources (hydroelectricity, half of which is produced locally, without using the public grid) and 80% in 2035 (assuming an increase on the basis of private investment), while adopting the most environmentally friendly extraction methods.", + "In the low-carbon scenario, it is proposed to increase the share of renewable energies to be used for mining production to 90% by 2025 and to 95% by 2035 (using biomass from savannah plantations to complement hydroelectricity). Other industries.", + "In the low-carbon scenario, it is proposed to increase the share of renewable energies to be used for mining products to 90 % in 2025 and 95 % in 2035 (use of biomass from savannah plantations to complement hydro-electricity). Other industries. The Republic of the Congo expects growth of 10 % per year in the coming years[2], which would correspond to an annual investment of about FCFA 5 300 billion over 2015-2025.", + "The Republic of the Congo expects growth of 10% per year over the next few years[2], which would correspond to an annual investment of about FCFA 5 300 billion over 2015-2025. The private sector will participate in investments in the country under the following conditions:.", + "establishment of a set of road, electricity and port infrastructures enabling \"green\" production and good circulation of products, particularly for export;. involvement of the State and Congolese investors in the industrial, tertiary and construction sectors;. co-operation of Congolese private investors and banks with international investors and financiers for the financing of industrial investments.", + "Involvement of the state and Congolese investors in the industrial, tertiary and construction sectors; Co-operation of Congolese private investors and banks with international investors and financiers in financing industrial investments. Investors would be obliged to apply environmental and social ethics allowing for investments compatible with a green and low-carbon economy on the one hand, and on the other to invest in community-based social actions such as dispensaries, canteens, schools... The jobs generated would be more than 400 000 for the industrial sector alone.", + "Investors would be obliged to apply environmental and social ethics to create investments compatible with a green and low-carbon economy and to invest in community-based social actions such as dispensaries, canteens, schools... The jobs generated would be more than 400 000 in the industrial sector alone. Household consumption and transport. Energy consumption is dominated by more than 80% of household wood-energy demand.", + "Household consumption and transport. Energy consumption is dominated by more than 80% of household wood-energy demand. With a 3% increase in the population and the attractiveness of cities, the population is expected to reach 8.5 million in 2035, and would be urban at 83%, while the rural population is expected to stagnate. Furthermore, food needs have been estimated for these same populations with a view to achieving food self-sufficiency by 2025.", + "Taking into account a 3% increase in the population and the attractiveness of cities, the population is expected to reach 8.5 million in 2035, and would be urban at 83%, while the rural population is expected to stagnate. Furthermore, food needs have been estimated for these same populations with a view to achieving food self-sufficiency by 2025. Energy demand levels are based on this increase and the attainment in 2035 of an individual consumption of 2500 kWh per year[3], compared to only 150 kWh per person at present.", + "Energy demand levels are based on this increase and the achievement in 2035 of an individual consumption of 2500 kWh per year[3], compared to only 150 kWh per person at present. In terms of household consumption, the objective is to allow access to electricity for 75% of urban dwellers in 2025 and 100% in 2035 with rates of 50% and 75% respectively in rural areas.", + "In terms of domestic consumption, the objective is to provide 75% of urban households with access to electricity by 2025 and 100% by 2035, with 50% and 75% respectively in rural areas, and the expansion of improved wood-burning homes, as well as the construction of improved stoves by coal miners, should lead to a significant reduction in energy consumption.", + "Furthermore, the expansion of improved charcoal fireplaces, as well as the construction of improved furnaces by the coal miners, should lead to a significant reduction in energy consumption. In terms of transport, many projects are planned, be they infrastructure projects, the development of public transport services (in particular in Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire), to combat congestion or changes in legislation (e.g. the ban on the import of vehicles older than 5 years).", + "In terms of transport, many projects are planned, be it infrastructure projects, the development of public transport services (especially in Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire), to combat congestion or changes in legislation (e.g. the ban on the import of vehicles older than 5 years). In a conditional low-carbon scenario, it is proposed to control the increase in transport-related energy consumption to 70% of the trend scenario in 2025[4], with a \"renewable fuel\" option (for 21 to 43% of consumption).", + "In a conditional low-carbon scenario, it is proposed to control the increase in transport-related energy consumption to 70% of the trend scenario in 2025[4], with a \"renewable fuel\" option (from 21 to 43% of consumption). The number of job seekers is expected to quadruple from the current 800,000 to 3.7 million in 2035.", + "The number of job seekers is expected to quadruple from the current 800,000 to 3.7 million in 2035. The direct jobs created by the prospects of each sector studied are expected to total 1.5 million, which, together with the jobs induced, is expected to lead to full employment in 2035. Energy. Hydrocarbons.", + "The direct jobs created by the prospects of each sector studied are expected to total 1.5 million, which, together with the jobs induced, should enable full employment to be achieved in 2035. Energy. Hydrocarbons. Emissions related to flaring of gas associated with oil production accounted for 23% of direct emissions in 2000, and have been the subject of several measures, in line with Congo\u2019s participation this year in the \u2018Routine Zero Flaring by 2030\u2019 initiative.", + "Representing 23% of direct emissions in 2000, emissions related to the flaring of gas associated with oil production have been the subject of several measures, in line with Congo\u2019s participation this year in the \u2018Routine Zero Flaring by 2030\u2019 initiative. Unflared gas is partially recovered in two new gas plants in Jeno (50MW) and C\u00f4te Malt\u00e8ve (300MW). This policy, which has already entered into force, is taken into account in the trend scenario. 2. Electricity.", + "This policy, which has already entered into force, is taken into account in the trend scenario. 2. Electricity. The Congo has a significant hydroelectric potential estimated at around 14,000 MW, of which barely 228 MW (1.6%) is exploited. The Republic of the Congo wishes to increase the share of electricity in its energy mix, with a target of around 4,000 GWh consumed by 2025.", + "The Republic of the Congo wants to increase the share of electricity in its energy mix, with a target of about 4,000 GWh consumed by 2025. On this basis, the Congo has developed an ambitious hydropower development plan, with the objective of ensuring 85% of electricity supply by 2025 from hydro and 15% from gas. Finally, the Congo is also developing a plan for solar electrification of isolated villages (Energy Strategy of the Congo 2015-2025). Adaptation to climate change.", + "Finally, the Congo is also developing a plan for solar electrification of isolated villages (Energy Strategy of the Congo 2015-2025). Adaptation to climate change The Republic of the Congo\u2019s vision for adaptation to climate change is based on integrating this component into a coherent investment scheme based on the country\u2019s development strategy, rather than on ad hoc and isolated aid or subsidies unrelated to that strategy.", + "The Republic of the Congo\u2019s vision for adaptation to climate change is based on integrating this component into a coherent investment framework based on the country\u2019s development strategy, rather than on ad hoc and isolated aid or subsidies, unrelated to that strategy. This is the translation of the vision contained in the National Development Programme of the Congo (NDP 2012-2016): \"Accelerating the modernisation of society and the industrialisation of the country\".", + "It is the translation of the vision enshrined in the National Development Program of the Congo (NDP 2012-2016): \"Accelerate the modernization of society and the industrialization of the country.\" The perspective is to generate increased and shared prosperity as the basis for the emergence of the Congo in the world economy. Climate change is a threat to Congolese society, economy and environment.", + "The prospect is to generate increased and shared prosperity as the basis for Congo\u2019s emergence in the global economy. Climate change is a threat to Congolese society, the economy and the environment. Extreme weather events, rising sea levels, rising average global temperatures and unpredictable rainfall patterns have a significant impact on the livelihoods of the population.", + "Extreme weather events, rising sea levels, rising average global temperatures and unpredictable rainfall patterns have a significant impact on the livelihoods of the population and, as a result, changing climatic conditions jeopardize the achievement of medium- and long-term development goals, with extreme consequences for the most vulnerable social groups.", + "Consequently, changing climate conditions jeopardise the achievement of medium- and long-term development goals, with extreme consequences for the most vulnerable social groups, and the challenges of climate change can be transformed into opportunities by developing integrated policies that address both short-term vulnerability and long-term resilience.", + "On the other hand, the challenges of climate change can be transformed into opportunities by developing integrated policies that address both short-term vulnerability and long-term resilience. For the Republic of the Congo, adaptation to climate change and variability is the cornerstone of any sustainable development or policy.", + "For the Republic of the Congo, adaptation to climate change and variability is the cornerstone of any sustainable development or policy. The Republic of the Congo implements a sectoral approach, adapted to the local circumstances of territorial entities: coastal or coastal zone, cataract plateau and Niari valley, alluvial plains of the Congo River basin, urban areas. This approach concerns the most vulnerable sectors: hydrology and water resources, energy, agriculture, forestry and health.", + "This approach concerns the most vulnerable sectors: hydrology and water resources, energy, agriculture, forestry and health. The Republic of the Congo\u2019s ultimate objectives in terms of adaptation to climate change, which must also be echoed by the international community, are:Protection of populations: through a preventive approach to risk management, particularly in the most threatened areas, based on an observation and research system to better understand current and future climate risks.", + "The Republic of the Congo\u2019s ultimate objectives in terms of adaptation to climate change, which must also be echoed by the international community, are:Protection of populations: through a preventive approach to risk management, particularly in the most threatened areas, based on an observation and research system to better understand current and future climate risks.The coastal zone adaptation strategy contributes to this end: this strategy consists of measures aimed at integrated coastal zone management through the establishment of an appropriate legal framework, the acquisition of monitoring tools and, finally, training and information.", + "The Coastal Zone Adaptation Strategy contributes to this end: this strategy consists of measures aimed at integrated coastal zone management through the establishment of an appropriate legal framework, the acquisition of monitoring tools and, finally, training and information.", + "The guidelines call for the establishment of a coastal urban planning scheme, the promotion of income-generating activities linked to marine and coastal ecosystems, and a scheme comprising mangrove conservation projects for the protection of the coastline, the protection of species, the establishment of specific facilities for receiving and managing waste, monitoring the nesting of sea turtles and the establishment of a coastal and marine environment observatory.", + "To this must be added a scheme comprising mangrove conservation projects for the protection of the shoreline, the protection of species, the establishment of specific facilities for the reception and management of waste, the monitoring of the nesting of sea turtles and the creation of an observatory of the shoreline and the marine environment. The town of Pointe-Noire, which is particularly exposed, is the subject of protection measures on the shoreline through physical barriers and shoreline rehabilitation works.", + "The city of Pointe-Noire, which is particularly exposed, is the subject of protection measures on the coastline through physical barriers and shoreline rehabilitation works. The protection of the natural heritage, biodiversity, forests and fisheries resources, through an adaptation approach rooted in the protection of ecosystems. To date, the Congolese Government has created 17 protected areas covering an area of 4,350.418 hectares, or 13.2% of the national territory. They will be complemented by the Ogou\u00e9 Leketi Protected Area.", + "To date, the Congolese Government has established 17 protected areas covering an area of 4,350.418 hectares, or 13.2% of the country\u2019s territory. These will be complemented by the Ogou\u00e9 Leketi protected area. Protection of climate-sensitive productive systems, such as agriculture. The Republic of the Congo is committed to restoring ecosystems and strengthening their resilience, combating soil and forest degradation, and preventing flooding. Protection of high-risk infrastructure systems.", + "The Republic of the Congo is committed to restoring ecosystems and strengthening their resilience, combating soil and forest degradation, and preventing flooding. Protecting high-risk infrastructure systems. As the water resource is one of the limiting factors in the development of agriculture in the Republic of the Congo, the sectoral strategy advocates integrated management, pollution protection, training, scientific research and awareness raising around these themes.", + "Since the water resource is one of the factors limiting the development of agriculture in the Republic of the Congo, the sectoral strategy calls for its integrated management, protection against pollution, training, scientific research and awareness-raising around these themes. The protection of the intangible heritage of the Republic of the Congo through education and awareness-raising actions, as well as efforts to conserve good ancestral practices in highly vulnerable sectors, such as water, electricity, agriculture and biodiversity.", + "Protection of the intangible heritage of the Republic of the Congo through education and awareness-raising activities, as well as efforts to conserve good traditional practices in highly vulnerable sectors, such as water, electricity, agriculture and biodiversity. Protection of innovations and intellectual property should also be implemented. Transfer of climate technologies adapted to national development priorities.", + "The transfer of climate technologies adapted to national development priorities These protection objectives necessary for adaptation require:. a necessary assessment of technological needs at the level of the priority sectors defined in the TCN project, with, mainly, the support of the National Designated Entity (END) to the UNFCCC Centre and Network of Technological Resources (CRTC) and other strategic partners in the country;. training and support for the appropriation of climate technologies in the sectors to benefit from them;.", + "a necessary assessment of technological needs at the level of the priority sectors defined in the TCN project, mainly with the support of the National Designated Entity (END) to the UNFCCC Centre and Network of Technological Resources (CRTC) and other strategic partners in the country;. training and support for the appropriation of climate technologies in the sectors to benefit from them;. transfer of appropriate technologies;. incentive measures for agriculture in savannah areas, such as the mechanisation facility.", + "The Republic of the Congo requests the assistance of the international community in the financing and technical assistance necessary to achieve these objectives, within the framework of an integrated adaptation and mitigation strategy. Financing and implementation.", + "The Republic of the Congo requests the assistance of the international community in the financing and technical assistance necessary to achieve these objectives, within the framework of an integrated adaptation and mitigation strategy. Financing and implementation. The funds needed to implement the low-carbon scenario mainly relate to renewable energy infrastructure, reforestation, improving investment conditions for a green economy, and training in good governance.", + "The funds needed to implement the low-carbon scenario mainly relate to renewable energy infrastructure, reforestation, improving investment conditions for a green economy, and training in good governance. This is complemented by the necessary financing for adaptation to climate change. Financial amounts for mitigation and adaptation measures. Investments and costs would amount to CFA 3710 billion annually from 2014 to 2025, or \u20ac 5.14 billion.", + "Financial amounts for mitigation and adaptation measures. Investments and costs would amount to CFA 3710 billion annually from 2014 to 2025, or \u20ac 5.14 billion. The country\u2019s self-financing could reach 20%, or \u20ac 1.03 billion (or \u20ac 656 billion). The international community would be asked to contribute \u20ac 5.14 billion for the period 2015-2025. The following table summarises the cost of mitigation and adaptation measures, as well as the financing envisaged. LOW CARBON STRATEGY FINANCING 2015-2025. ACTION/ INVESTMENTS. Total annual amounts ($ millions).", + "The following table summarizes the cost of mitigation and adaptation measures, as well as the proposed financing methodology. LOW CARBON STRATEGY FINANCING 2015-2025. ACTION/ INVESTMENTS. Total Annual Amounts (Millions,of FCFA). Total Annual Amounts (Millions of \u20ac). Annual Self-financing Congo (Millions of \u20ac). Total Annual International Financing (Millions of \u20ac). of which Annual Donations (Millions of \u20ac). of which Loan Enhancement (Millions of \u20ac). Furrow Improvement. 28.5. 0.04. 0.09. 0.035. 0.03. 0.0. Low-emission cocoa farming. 196. 0.30. 0.06. 0.2. 0.2. 0.0. Full savannah plantations. 35000. 53.35. 10.67. 42.7.", + "0.03. 0.0. Low emission cocoa farming. 196. 0.30. 0.06. 0.2. 0.2. 0.0. Full savannah plantations. 35000. 53.35. 10.67. 42.7. 42.7. 0.0. Agroforestry implantation. 30000. 45.73. 9.15. 36.6. 36.6. 0.0. Farmer training. 87.5. 0.13. 0.03. 0.1. 0.1. 0.0. Agro industry / biofuel. 2130. 3.25. 0.65. 2.6. 2.6. Households (Oil and gas, solar, wood-fired). 100. 0.15. 0.03. 0.1. 0.1. 0.0. 2498. 3.81. 0.76. 3.0. 3.0. 0.0. 19600. 29.88. 5.98. 23.9. 23.9. Tramway. 12000. 18.29. 3.66. 14.6. 14.", + "3.0. 3.0. 0.0. 19600. 29.88. 5.98. 23.9. 23.9. Tramway. 12000. 18.29. 3.66. 14.6. 14.6. Mining. 2720. 4.15. 0.83. 3.3. 3.3. Other Industries / Electrification. 126000. 192.07. 38.41. 153.7. 153.7. Screening studies. 106000. 161.59. 32.32. 129.3. 129.3. Adaptation. 30790. 46.94. 9.39. 37.5. 37.5. 0.0. Capacity building for decision makers. 3400. 5.18. 1.04. 4.1. 4.1. 0.0. Investment and Good Governance Committee. 500. 0.76. 0.15. 0.6. 0.6. 0.0. Total. 371050. 566. 113. 453. 125. 327.", + "Committee on Investment and Good Governance. 500. 0.76. 0.15. 0.6. 0.6. 0.0. Total. 371050. 566. 113. 453. 125. 327. During the first 5 years, these funds would be made available to the country, under the control of the above-mentioned committee, in the form of START, without conditionalities and other safeguard procedures, as the investments concerned are precisely environmental and social investments at the same time. Structural changes for the establishment and proper management of the green economy assistance funds.", + "During the first 5 years, these funds would be made available to the country, under the control of the above-mentioned committee, in the form of START, without conditionalities and other safeguard procedures, since the investments concerned are precisely environmental and social investments at the same time. Structural changes for the establishment and proper management of the funds supporting the green economy. The National Sustainable Development Strategy provides for the establishment of a National Sustainable Development Fund (in addition to the Forestry Fund), a fund dedicated to the promotion of the green economy in all its components, particularly economic and social.", + "The National Sustainable Development Strategy provides for the establishment of a National Sustainable Development Fund (in addition to the Forestry Fund), a fund dedicated to the promotion of the green economy in all its components, particularly economic and social.", + "The creation of this fund is under consideration and will be positioned in line with the National Climate Funds that are developing in various countries, taking into account the specificities of the Congolese strategy. A Committee for Investment and Good Governance (CIG) will be set up with the main tasks of:. assisting the Republic of the Congo in the success of its rapid-growth development policy (with objectives, targets and indicators);. conducting studies prior to the establishment of the private sector;.", + "to assist the Republic of the Congo in the success of its rapid-growth development policy (with objectives, targets and indicators);. to carry out studies prior to the establishment of the private sector;. to verify the correct completion of aid appropriations and international loans;. to assist the Court of Auditors and the regular submission of reports to a council of representatives of the private sector and civil society on good governance;.", + "to attend the Court of Auditors and the regular submission of reports to a council of representatives of the private sector and civil society on good governance;. to combat administrative delays, in particular with regard to investor files;. to train elites in good governance and assistance in the fight against corruption, in particular that which may be caused by investors;.", + "training elites in good governance and assistance in the fight against corruption, in particular corruption possibly caused by investors;. serving as secondary mediation for price-fixing between private investors and producer co-operatives;. proposing the setting of quotas and taxes for essential agricultural products (especially imported products). This committee would be headed by a representative of the international community.", + "This committee would be headed by a representative of the international community. This committee would in no way be a government bis but would remain in the spirit of assistance, with strict ethics both in financial matters and in the communication of documents and discretion in the areas to be defined. Second national communication 2009 \u21a9.", + "This committee would in no way be a government bis but would remain in the spirit of assistance, with strict ethics both in financial matters and in the communication of documents and discretion in the areas to be defined. Second national communication 2009 \u21a9. Congo has a GDP of US$ 14.4 billion in 2014 and a per capita GDP of US$ 3135 in 2013.", + "The Congo has a GDP of US$ 14.4 billion in 2014 and a GDP per capita of US$ 3135 in 2013. Due to a population increase of 3% per year the growth rate it has chosen of 10% per year. On the model of the Congo breweries, it is proposed that industrial development takes place on the basis of massive investments to be put in place, on average of CFA 5 300 billion per year from 2025. \u21a9.", + "On the model of the Congo breweries, it is proposed that industrial development take place on the basis of massive investments to be made, averaging CFA 5 300 billion per year from 2025. \u21a9. Brazil\u2019s current consumption ratio \u21a9. PND \u21a9" + ], + "large": [ + "The 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be held in Paris in December 2015. One of the main objectives of this Conference is to achieve the adoption of a legally binding agreement applicable to all States Parties, in order to limit the increase in global temperature to below 2\u00b0C. Each State Party is thus called upon to contribute to the development of the new agreement, defining the contributions it can make to combating climate change and adapting to it, in the form of a Nationally Determined Planned Contribution (NDCP).", + "Each State Party is thus called upon to contribute to the development of the new agreement, defining the contributions it can make to combat climate change, and to adapt to them, in the form of a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCC). Congo has thus undertaken to prepare its national contribution, with a view to transmitting it to the UNFCCC secretariat before 1 October, in view of COP21. It should nevertheless be recalled that the country\u2019s level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions remains at a very reasonable level, below the world average. However, the country\u2019s strong growth is logically accompanied by a significant increase in these emissions. At the same time, the global phenomenon of climate change has a very significant impact on the conditions of agricultural production and the balance of ecosystems.", + "At the same time, the global phenomenon of climate change has a very significant impact on the conditions of agricultural production and the balance of ecosystems. Thanks to a policy of sustainable management of its forest resources, the Congo has maintained a significant forest cover (65% of the national territory), constituting a carbon sink and a reservoir of biodiversity invaluable for the whole world. However, the country does not feel sufficiently supported by the international community in its efforts to preserve forests. For a country like the Congo, it is completely excluded from considering emissions without taking into account the overall socio-economic development of the country.", + "For a country like the Congo, it is completely excluded from considering emissions without taking into account the overall socio-economic development of the country. The aim will be to reduce the country\u2019s GHG emissions without compromising its development capabilities. Thus, alternative policies with low carbon emissions and low consumption of natural resources, within the broader framework of the \"green economy\", are promoted in this CPDN. The Republic of the Congo is currently in a complicated situation of a rent-based economy with risks of large variations in budgetary resources based on the single oil resource. To industrialise without endangering its natural environment, the Congo needs to diversify its economy and access to alternative and innovative technologies.", + "In order to industrialise without endangering its natural environment, the Congo needs to diversify its economy and access to alternative and innovative technologies. Furthermore, the agricultural sector remains underdeveloped, despite various government supports and initiatives in this area, thus depriving the country of the prospects for food self-sufficiency. The country remains heavily dependent on imports to meet its ever-increasing food needs. This is a major source of foreign exchange expenditure. This sector will develop through a close partnership between processor investors and producer cooperatives, assisted by Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). This intensification of agriculture, which is a source of wealth and foreign exchange for the country, is likely to provide jobs not only for rural farmers but also for young people in urban areas. These measures will thus help to combat poverty and food insecurity.", + "This intensification of agriculture, which is a source of wealth and foreign exchange for the country, is likely to provide jobs not only for rural farmers but also for young people in urban areas. These measures will thus help to combat poverty and food insecurity. These development measures must be accompanied by the organisation and minimum protection of the internal market, particularly for basic necessities, by favouring, for example, domestic production over imported goods. The country\u2019s considerable resources and potential in agriculture, forestry, hydroelectricity and tourism are all assets for the development of a low-carbon and job-creating economy. The means implemented will determine the level of greening of development, which will nevertheless be part of a national economic development objective.", + "The means implemented will determine the level of greening of development, which will in any case be part of a national economic development objective. The assessment of these means must first take into account the actions necessary to start a comprehensive and sustained development of the country, including good governance, simplification of administrative formalities, support for prior studies, promotion and international exposure of the country, creation of infrastructure, as well as deliberate support of public authorities and public opinion. Therefore, the following work simulates the economic, social and climatic prospects of diversified development meeting a growth target of 10% per year on the models of Ghana, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire, Kenya or Brazil.", + "For this reason, the following work simulates the economic, social and climate prospects for diversified development meeting a 10% annual growth target on the models of Ghana, C\u00f4te d\u2019Ivoire, Kenya or Brazil. Two scenarios are simulated with respect to greenhouse gas emissions: an unconditional trend scenario including the commitments that the Republic of the Congo has already made to reduce greenhouse gases, for which no specific assistance is requested, and a low-carbon scenario conditioned by international assistance. It should be noted that without additional assistance and support for technology transfer, the Republic of the Congo can only commit to emissions in the trend scenario. National context of the approach.", + "It should be noted that without additional assistance and support for technology transfer, the Republic of the Congo can only commit to emissions in the trend scenario. National context of the approach. The Government of the Republic of the Congo has ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol and other multilateral environmental agreements. In this context, it has produced a National Action Plan for the Environment (NAPE), which has played a central role in identifying the country\u2019s vulnerability to the effects of climate change. In addition, a National Strategy and an Action Plan for Climate Change and Variability (SNPA / CCV, 2004) have been developed. Although the country emits only about 1.1 tCO2 per capita per year, it is already suffering from the effects of climate change.", + "Although the country emits only about 1.1 tCO2 per capita per year, it is already suffering the effects of climate change. Vulnerability is exacerbated by multiple biophysical constraints on development, as well as by its weak adaptation capacity. This contribution takes into account the Republic of the Congo\u2019s existing strategies and plans, including the National Development Plan, the Strategy Paper for Growth, Employment and Poverty Reduction, the National Strategy and Action Plan for the Implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the National Strategy for Sustainable Development. This submission is the fulfilment of the President of the Republic\u2019s commitment to lead his country to emergence by 2025 through a policy of sustainable development and support for the global effort to reduce GHG emissions. Mitigation of climate change.", + "This submission is the fulfilment of the commitment of the President of the Republic to lead his country to emergence by 2025 through a policy of sustainable development and support for the global effort to reduce GHG emissions. Mitigation of climate change. Information on the contribution. The Republic of the Congo is a developing country with a population growth of 3% per year. Its economic growth (excluding the oil sector) is estimated at 6% per year from 2010 onwards in some forecasts. As indicated in the \"Congo Vision 2025\" Strategy, a growth of 10% per year will be selected for this document.", + "As indicated in the \"Congo Vision 2025\" Strategy, a growth rate of 10% per year will be selected for this document. Although the Congo is concentrating its efforts in the energy sector, its greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets will be achieved through measures taken in all sectors of the economy, based on sectoral strategies and action plans, in particular in the areas of agriculture, water, waste, forestry, energy, industry and habitat. The information is summarized in the table below. Type of commitment conditioned by international means. Reduction relative to a trend development scenario. Perimeter. Total non-carbon GHG emissions in forest biomass. GHGs. CO2, CH4, N2O (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3 to be covered later). Reference year. 2000. Period. 2015-2025-2035.", + "CO2, CH4, N2O (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3 will be covered later). Base year. 2000. Period. 2015-2025-2035. Conditional reduction level. At least 48% reduction in emissions from the uncontrolled (trending) development scenario in 2025 and 55% reduction in 2035. Sectors covered. Energy, including hydrocarbonsIndustrial processes and waste treatment Mining and cement Agriculture and livestock Land use, land use change and forestry (excluding natural sinks and forest restocking). Unconditional trending development. GHG emission projections to 2025 and 2035, starting from 2000, base year. Low-carbon development. GHG emission projections to 2025 and 2035, starting from 2000, base year based on two scenarios: the trending scenario and the low-carbon conditional scenario", + "Global warming potential (GWP). The GWP values used are those used by IPCC experts, according to UNFCCC decision CP.8 for the preparation of national emission inventories: GWP CO2 = 1 (by convention), GWP CH4 = 21 and GWP N2O = 310. Emission estimation methodologies. The methodological approaches are based on the use of the following methods: - IPCC Guidelines 2006 - Revised supplementary methodologies and good practice guide developed from the IPCC Kyoto Protocol 2013.", + "The methodological approaches are based on the use of the following methodologies: - IPCC Guidelines 2006 - Revised supplementary methodologies and the good practice guide developed from the IPCC Kyoto Protocol 2013. This document incorporates the work of the second national communication to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, which is based on the 2000 GHG inventories as well as the monitoring of the country\u2019s energy information system.", + "On the basis of the 2000 national inventory of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, GHG emissions, excluding forests, amount to 2 000 kteqCO2. These emissions are largely offset by the sequestration capacity of Congolese forests, estimated at 72 700 kteqCO2 [1] (natural forest sinks, which will no longer be taken into account in the rest of the document). The policy for GHG emission mitigation in the Republic of the Congo has two main axes: reducing GHG emissions from the energy sector and combating unplanned deforestation (REDD), by controlling energy consumption while increasing the use of renewable energies; maintaining and even strengthening the potential for carbon sequestration by forests, through better management of the sector, as well as through reforestation.", + "The Republic of the Congo\u2019s GHG emission reduction commitments focus primarily on non-carbon storage GHG emissions from biomass. The Republic of the Congo, like other countries in the Congo Basin, does not wish to limit its Climate Policy to the simple conservation of forests through international financing mechanisms. This option would place the country at the mercy of external mechanisms and hamper its economic and social development, because it lacks a link with the real economy. Two GHG emission scenarios have therefore been developed: a trend scenario, which corresponds to economic development that is poorly controlled in terms of emissions.", + "Two GHG emission scenarios have therefore been developed:. A trend scenario, which corresponds to economic development that is poorly controlled in terms of emissions. It nevertheless incorporates the decisions already taken by the country (public policies undertaken after 2000 such as the Forest Code, the network of protected areas, the national directive on reducing flaring, etc.). The country\u2019s current commitment can only relate to this scenario, if the additional financial commitments requested here from the international community are not obtained. A \"low carbon conditional\" scenario, which is precisely conditioned by the following quantified new commitments from the international community. This document presents a synthesis of the assessment of these scenarios, in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, but also of the associated costs and co-benefits (economic development, jobs, energy security, adaptation to climate change, etc.).", + "This document presents a synthesis of the assessment of these scenarios, in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, but also of the associated costs and co-benefits (economic development, employment, energy security, adaptation to climate change, etc.). Synthesis of scenarios. The Republic of Congo\u2019s contribution is expected to reduce GHG emissions in a conditional low-carbon scenario (depending on the support of the international community) by about 48% in 2025 (or 8MteqCO2), and 54% in 2035 (or 19MteqCO2) compared to the trend scenario. In 2025, emissions could increase by 3 in a trend scenario, and only by 64% in a low-carbon economy. In 2035, a trend scenario would increase emissions by 6, while they would increase by only 2.7 in a low-carbon scenario. ANNEXES. EMISSION", + "In 2035, a trend scenario would increase emissions by 6, while a low-carbon scenario would increase emissions by only 2.7. ANNEXES. EMISSIONS (without land-use change). 2000. 2015. 2025 TENDANCE. 2025 CONDITIONAL LOWER CARBON. 2035 TENDANCE. 2035 CONDITIONAL LOWER CARBON. TOTALen kteqCO2. 2044. 5317. 16984. 8793. 34527. 15858. TOTALen teqCO2/pers. 0.72. 1.10. 2.55. 1.32. 3.75. 1.72. Emissions (without land-use change), currently only 1.1 tonnes of CO2 per capita, would increase to 2.55 t per capita in 2025, and to 3.75 t of CO2 per capita in 2035 in the trend scenario, which is below the average of current global emissions per", + "Emissions (excluding land-use change), which are currently only 1.1 tonnes of CO2 per capita, would increase to 2.55 tonnes per capita in 2025, and to 3.75 tonnes of CO2 per capita in 2035 in the trend scenario, which is below the average of current global emissions per capita. In a low-carbon scenario, these emissions would increase to 1.32 tonnes per capita in 2025, and to 1.72 tonnes per capita in 2035, below 2 tonnes of CO2 per capita, which is the global emissions convergence target. Mitigation measures or options by sector. Forest management and reforestation activities, Forest conservation. Deforestation, one of the first causes of which is the expansion of agriculture, accounts for 81% of the country\u2019s emissions.", + "Forest management and reforestation activities, Forest conservation. Deforestation, one of the main causes of which is the expansion of agriculture, accounts for 81% of the country\u2019s emissions. Population growth will lead to increasing food needs, leading to the development of food and industrial crops, some of which could lead to an increase in deforestation, which has remained low to date (net deforestation of 0.043 % per year [BRLi, 2014]). Trend scenario. In relation to these developments, the trend development scenario is based on:. the adoption of a new forestry law requiring the use of low-impact harvesting techniques and forest certification. By 2016, almost all of the 11.7 million hectares of forest area allocated to production will have a forest management plan.", + "By 2016, almost all of the 11.7 million hectares of forest area allocated to production will have a forest management plan. PRONAR reforestation operations, which are currently limited to 500 ha, should be able to increase to 100,000 ha per year, including forest and agroforestry plantations and forest restoration areas. The adoption of a National Land Use Plan (NLP) to guarantee a permanent forest area. It should be noted, however, that due to a low rate of deforestation, and a high potential for natural sequestration of the country\u2019s tropical forests, this is far higher than emissions, and may increase further through plantations. Low-carbon scenario. In a conditional low-carbon perspective, it is proposed that:", + "It should be noted, however, that with a low rate of deforestation and a high potential for natural sequestration of the country\u2019s tropical forests, deforestation is much higher than emissions, and may increase further through plantations. Low-carbon scenario. From a conditional low-carbon perspective, it is proposed to:. request that all development and operational units be certified by 2025, and that at least all operators with more than 100,000 ha of \u2018useful\u2019 land in their concessions install cogeneration units that recycle wood-processing products;. reduce unplanned deforestation to 20% of its current level by 2035, through the implementation of REDD+, including in protected areas;. generalise the use of improved homes (20% by 2025 and 50% by 2035);.", + "to reduce unplanned deforestation to 20% of its current level by 2035, through the implementation of REDD+, including in protected areas;. to generalise the use of improved homesteads (20% by 2025 and 50% by 2035);. to improve all coal-mills by 2025 (yield increases from 15% to 25%);. to transfer part of the planned plantations of oil palms to savannah (100 000 ha);. to develop wood processing;. to train managers in various forestry and wood trade schools;. to create a forestry observatory. Agriculture sector. Agriculture is very underdeveloped in the Congo, with only 2% of the land being used by the food sector, with very rudimentary techniques. The agro-industry is mainly concentrated in the production of sugar and maize on 312 000 ha.", + "Agriculture is very poorly developed in the Congo, since only 2% of the land is used by the food sector, with very rudimentary techniques. The agro-industry is essentially confined to the production of sugar and maize on 312 000 ha. As a result, 80% of the food products destined for urban areas are imported. It is proposed to develop 50% of the savanna in the framework of private-cooperative agricultural partnerships for the production of foodstuffs (maize, peanuts, sweet potatoes, potatoes, bananas, plantains, igname, rice, meats, palm oil, maize, etc.) but also for exports or feed (soybeans, shovels). The production of sugar cane or palm oil could also be extended to the production of ethanol or diester for agricultural and rural fuels.", + "The production of sugar cane or palm oil could also be expanded for the production of ethanol or diester for agricultural and rural fuels. In the case of Congo, there is no competition between energy production and food production, due to the available space. The agricultural techniques employed would be resolutely those of agroforestry and agroecology, enhancing legumes, producing wood-energy (pellets in particular) and service, while at the same time mitigating the adverse effects of climate change, thus constituting an important co-benefit between mitigation and adaptation. Cocoa-growing projects to reduce emissions due to deforestation are examples to be replicated. The animal herd would be quadrupled, using silvo-pastoral techniques, which would be an additional factor in emissions. The new agri-food companies would partner with cooperatives of farmers", + "The new agri-food companies would partner with land-owning farmers\u2019 co-operatives (e.g. Zambia, [Keith Palmer, Patient Capital]). These co-operatives would lead to the transfer of technology and inputs to farmers, as well as social actions, in a spirit of respect for the soil and the biological wealth of the surrounding environment (creation of micro-biological reserves). These actions would be carried out in partnership with development NGOs (IPHD type). The jobs created are estimated at 700,000 (5 ha per farmer out of 66% of the area under development), i.e. the foreseeable demand for rural employment in 2035. Self-sufficiency being achieved, export products could reach 13 million tonnes, thus helping to reduce poverty in the rural sector. Sea and river fishing and aquaculture cover only 60% of consumption.", + "With self-sufficiency achieved, exports could reach 13 million tonnes, thus helping to reduce poverty in the rural sector. Sea and river fisheries and aquaculture account for only 60% of consumption. In order to achieve self-sufficiency in 2035, catches and production should be doubled in 2035, with a proportional impact on gasoline consumption. Furthermore, on the basis of the European Union\u2019s Common Agricultural Policy, minimum protection of the internal market for essential products would be organised through the introduction of taxes and quotas on imports of these products. Mines and cement plants. Congo\u2019s mining potential is very important, particularly in the iron, potash, uranium, gold and diamond sectors, and is still unexploited. Most of the projects would be located in forest areas.", + "The Congo\u2019s mining potential is very large, particularly in the iron, potash, uranium, gold and diamond sectors, and is still unexploited. Most of the projects would be located in forest areas. In a forward-looking scenario, it is estimated that 70% of the energy consumed in 2025 will come from renewable energy sources (hydroelectricity, half of which is produced locally, without utilizing the public grid) and 80% in 2035 (assuming an increase on the basis of private investment), while adopting the most environmentally friendly methods of extraction. Cement plants use hydroelectricity as a basic energy source, and fuel for clinker kilns.", + "In a forward-looking scenario, it is estimated that 70% of the energy consumed in 2025 will come from renewable energy sources (hydroelectricity, half of which is produced locally, without using the public grid) and 80% in 2035 (assuming an increase on the basis of private investment), while adopting the most environmentally friendly methods of extraction. Cement plants use hydroelectricity as a basic energy source, and fuel for clinker kilns. In a low-carbon scenario, it is proposed to increase the share of renewable energy to be used for mining products to 90% in 2025 and then to 95% in 2035 (use of biomass from savannah plantations to complement hydroelectricity). Other industries. The Republic of the Congo expects growth of 10% per year in the coming years[2], which would correspond to an annual investment of about FCFA 5 300 billion over 2015-2025", + "The Republic of the Congo expects growth of 10% per year in the next few years[2], which would correspond to an annual investment of about FCFA 5 300 billion over 2015-2025. The private sector will participate in investments in the country under the following conditions:. the establishment of a set of road, electricity and port infrastructures enabling \"green\" production and good circulation of products, particularly for export;. the involvement of the state and Congolese investors in the industrial sector, the tertiary sector or in the construction sector;. cooperation of Congolese private investors and banks with international investors and financiers for the financing of industrial investments.", + "Involvement of the state and Congolese investors in the industrial, tertiary and construction sectors; Co-operation of Congolese private investors and banks with international investors and financiers in financing industrial investments. Investors would be obliged to apply an environmental and social ethic allowing, on the one hand, to create investments compatible with a green and low-carbon economy, and, on the other hand, to invest in community-based social actions such as dispensaries, canteens, schools... The jobs generated would be more than 400,000 for the industrial sector alone. Household consumption and transport. Energy consumption is dominated by more than 80% of households\u2019 demand for wood-energy.", + "Household consumption and transport. Energy consumption is dominated by more than 80% by household wood-energy demand. With a 3% increase in the population and the attractiveness of cities, the population is expected to reach 8.5 million in 2035, and would be urban at 83%, while the rural population is expected to stagnate. Furthermore, food needs have been estimated for these same populations with a view to achieving food self-sufficiency in 2025. Energy demand levels are based on this increase and the achievement in 2035 of an individual consumption of 2500 kWh per year[3], compared to only 150 kWh per person at present. In terms of household consumption, the objective is to allow access to electricity for 75% of urban residents in 2025 and 100% in 2035 with rates of 50% and 75% respectively in rural areas.", + "As regards domestic consumption, the objective is to enable 75% of urban dwellers to have access to electricity by 2025 and 100% by 2035, with rates of 50% and 75% respectively in rural areas. Furthermore, the extension of improved wood-burning homes and the construction of improved furnaces by coal miners are expected to significantly reduce energy consumption. In terms of transport, many projects are planned, be they infrastructure projects, the development of public transport services (notably in Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire), to combat congestion or changes in legislation (e.g. the ban on the import of vehicles older than 5 years).", + "In terms of transport, many projects are planned, be it infrastructure projects, the development of public transport services (notably in Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire), to combat congestion or changes in legislation (e.g. the ban on the import of vehicles over 5 years old). In a conditional low-carbon scenario, it is proposed to control the increase in transport-related energy consumption to 70% of the trend scenario in 2025[4], with a \"renewable fuel\" option (for 21 to 43% of consumption). The number of job-seekers is expected to increase from 800 000 at present to 3.7 million in 2035, or a quadruple. The direct jobs created by the prospects of each sector studied are expected to total 1.5 million, which, together with the jobs induced, should allow full employment to be achieved in 2035. Energy. Hydrocarbons.", + "The direct jobs created by the prospects of each sector studied are expected to total 1.5 million, which, together with the jobs induced, should make it possible to achieve full employment in 2035. Energy. Hydrocarbons. Representing 23% of direct emissions in 2000, emissions related to flaring of gas associated with petroleum production have been the subject of several measures, in line with the Congo\u2019s participation this year in the initiative \u2018Routine Zero Flaring by 2030\u2019. Unflared gas is partly exploited in two new gas plants in Jeno (50MW) and C\u00f4te Malt\u00e8ve (300MW). This policy, which has already entered into force, is taken into account in the scenario for the future. 2. Electricity. The Congo has a significant hydroelectric potential estimated at around 14,000 MW, of which barely 228 MW (1.6%) is exploited.", + "The Republic of the Congo wants to increase the share of electricity in its energy mix, with a target of about 4,000 GWh consumed by 2025. On this basis, the Republic of the Congo has developed an ambitious hydropower development plan, with the aim of ensuring 85% hydroelectric and 15% gas electricity supply by 2025. Finally, the Republic of the Congo is also developing a plan for solar electrification of isolated villages (Energy Strategy of the Congo 2015-2025). Adaptation to climate change. The Republic of the Congo\u2019s vision for adaptation to climate change is based on the integration of this component in a coherent investment scheme based on the country\u2019s development strategy, rather than on ad hoc and isolated aid or subsidies unrelated to that strategy.", + "The Republic of the Congo\u2019s vision for adaptation to climate change is based on integrating this component into a coherent investment framework based on the country\u2019s development strategy, rather than on ad hoc and isolated aid or subsidies unrelated to that strategy. This is the translation of the vision contained in the National Development Programme of the Congo (NDP 2012-2016): \"Accelerating the modernization of society and the industrialization of the country\". The perspective is to generate increased and shared prosperity as the basis for the emergence of the Congo in the world economy. Climate change poses a threat to Congolese society, the economy and the environment. Extreme weather events, rising sea levels, increasing average global temperatures and unpredictable rainfall patterns have a significant impact on the livelihoods of the population.", + "Extreme weather events, rising sea levels, rising average global temperatures and unpredictable rainfall patterns have a considerable impact on the livelihoods of the population. Consequently, changing climate conditions jeopardise the achievement of medium- and long-term development objectives, with extreme consequences for the most vulnerable social groups. On the other hand, the challenges of climate change can be transformed into opportunities by developing integrated policies that simultaneously address short-term vulnerability and long-term resilience. For the Republic of the Congo, adaptation to variations and climate change is the cornerstone of any sustainable development or policy.", + "For the Republic of the Congo, adaptation to climate change and variability is the cornerstone of any sustainable development or policy. The Republic of the Congo implements a sectoral approach, adapted to the local circumstances of territorial entities: coastal or coastal zone, cataract plateau and Niari valley, alluvial plains of the Congo River basin, urban areas. This approach concerns the most vulnerable sectors: hydrology and water resources, energy, agriculture, forestry and health.", + "This approach concerns the most vulnerable sectors: hydrology and water resources, energy, agriculture, forestry and health. The Republic of the Congo\u2019s ultimate objectives in terms of adaptation to climate change, which must also be echoed by the international community, are reflected in concrete terms in:Protection of populations: through a preventive approach to risk management, particularly in the most threatened areas, which is based on an observation and research system to better understand current and future climate risks. The coastal zone adaptation strategy contributes to this end: this strategy consists of measures aimed at integrated coastal zone management through the establishment of an appropriate legal framework, the acquisition of monitoring tools and, finally, training and information.", + "The coastal zone adaptation strategy contributes to this end: this strategy consists of measures aimed at integrated coastal zone management through the establishment of an appropriate legal framework, the acquisition of monitoring tools and, finally, training and information. The guidelines call for the implementation of a coastal urban planning scheme, the promotion of income-generating activities linked to marine and coastal ecosystems. To this must be added a scheme comprising mangrove conservation projects for the protection of the coastline, the protection of species, the establishment of specific facilities for receiving and managing waste, the monitoring of the nesting of sea turtles and the creation of a coastal and marine environment observatory.", + "To this must be added a scheme comprising mangrove conservation projects for the protection of the coastline, the protection of species, the establishment of specific facilities for receiving and managing waste, the monitoring of the nesting of sea turtles and the creation of a coastal and marine environment observatory. The particularly exposed town of Pointe-Noire is the subject of measures for the protection of the coastline through physical barriers and shoreline rehabilitation works. The protection of the natural heritage, biodiversity, forests and fisheries resources, through an adaptation approach rooted in the protection of ecosystems. To date, the Congolese Government has created 17 protected areas covering an area of 4,350.418 hectares, or 13.2% of the national territory. These will be complemented by the Ogou\u00e9 Leketi protected area. The protection of productive systems sensitive to", + "They will be complemented by the Ogou\u00e9 Leketi Protected Area. Protection of productive systems sensitive to climate change, such as agriculture. The Republic of the Congo is committed to restoring ecosystems and strengthening their resilience, combating soil and forest degradation, and preventing flooding. Protection of high-risk infrastructure systems. As water is one of the limiting factors in the development of agriculture in the Republic of the Congo, the sectoral strategy advocates integrated management, protection against pollution, training, scientific research and awareness-raising around these themes. Protection of the intangible heritage of the Republic of the Congo through education and awareness-raising actions, as well as efforts to conserve good ancestral practices in highly vulnerable sectors, such as water, electricity, agriculture and biodiversity.", + "Protection of the intangible heritage of the Republic of the Congo through education and awareness-raising measures, as well as efforts to conserve good traditional practices in highly vulnerable sectors, such as water, electricity, agriculture and biodiversity. Protection of innovations and intellectual property must also be implemented. Transfer of climate technologies adapted to national development priorities. These protection objectives necessary for adaptation require:. a necessary assessment of technological needs at the level of the priority sectors defined in the TCN project, with, mainly, the support of the Designated National Entity (END) to the UNFCCC Centre and Network of Technological Resources (CRTC) and other strategic partners in the country;. training and support for the appropriation of climate technologies in the sectors to benefit from them;. transfer of adapted technologies;.", + "training and support for the appropriation of climate technologies in the sectors to benefit from them;. transfer of appropriate technologies;. incentive measures for agriculture in savannah areas, such as the mechanisation facility. The Republic of the Congo wishes to receive assistance from the international community in the financing and technical assistance necessary to achieve these objectives, within the framework of an integrated adaptation and mitigation strategy. Financing and implementation. The funds needed for the implementation of the low-carbon scenario mainly relate to renewable energy infrastructure, reforestation, improving investment conditions for a green economy, and training in good governance. This is complemented by the necessary financing for adaptation to climate change. Financial amounts for mitigation and adaptation measures. Investments and costs would amount to CFA 3710 billion annually from 2014 to 2025, or \u20ac 5.14 billion.", + "Financial amounts for mitigation and adaptation measures. Investments and costs would amount to CFA 3710 billion annually from 2014 to 2025, or \u20ac 5.14 billion. The country\u2019s self-financing could reach 20%, or \u20ac 1.03 billion (or \u20ac 656 billion). The international community would be asked for \u20ac 5.14 billion for the period 2015-2025. The following table summarizes the cost of mitigation and adaptation measures, as well as the financing envisaged. FUNDING FOR THE LOW CARBON STRATEGY 2015-2025. ACTION/ INVESTMENTS. Total annual amounts ($ millions). Total annual amounts ($ millions). Annual self-financing Congo ($ millions). Total annual international financing ($ millions). of which annual donations ($ millions). of which loan subsidies ($ millions). Further improvement of mills. 28.5. 0.04. 0.009.", + "0.2. 0.0. Full savannah planting. 35000. 53.35. 10.67. 42.7. 42.7. 0.0. Agroforestry implantation. 30000. 45.73. 9.15. 36.6. 36.6. 0.0. Farmer training. 87.5. 0.13. 0.03. 0.1. 0.1. 0.0. Agro industry / biofuel. 2130. 3.25. 0.65. 2.6. 2.6. Households (Oil and gas, solar, power plants, wood). 100. 0.15. 0.03. 0.1. 0.1. 0.0. 2498. 3.81. 0.76. 3.0. 3.0. 0.0. 19600. 29.88. 5.98. 23.9. 23.9. Tramway. 12000. 18.29. 3.66. 14.6. 14.6. 14.6. Mining. 2720. 4.15. 0.83. 3.3. 3.3. Other", + "Committee on Investment and Good Governance. 500. 0.76. 0.15. 0.6. 0.6. 0.0. Total. 371050. 566. 113. 453. 125. 327. During the first 5 years, these funds would be made available to the country, under the control of the above-mentioned committee, in the form of \"START\", without conditionalities and other safeguard procedures, since the investments concerned are precisely environmental and social investments at the same time. Structural changes for the establishment and proper management of the funds supporting the green economy. The National Strategy for Sustainable Development provides for the establishment of a National Sustainable Development Fund (in addition to the Forestry Fund), a fund dedicated to the promotion of the green economy in all its components, particularly economic and social.", + "The National Sustainable Development Strategy provides for the establishment of a National Sustainable Development Fund (in addition to the Forestry Fund), a fund dedicated to the promotion of the green economy in all its components, in particular economic and social. The creation of this fund is under consideration and will be positioned along the lines of the National Climate Funds that are developing in various countries, taking into account the specificities of the Congolese strategy. A Committee for Investment and Good Governance (CIG) will be set up with the main tasks of:. assisting the Republic of the Congo in the success of its rapid-growth development policy (with objectives, targets and indicators);. conducting studies prior to the establishment of the private sector;. verifying the correct completion of aid appropriations and international loans;.", + "to conduct studies prior to the establishment of the private sector;. to verify the successful completion of aid appropriations and international loans;. to attend the Court of Auditors and the regular submission of reports to a council of representatives of the private sector and civil society on good governance;. to combat administrative delays, in particular in investor files;. to train elites in good governance and assistance in combating corruption, in particular corruption possibly caused by investors;. to act as a second-line mediator in the setting of prices between private investors and producer cooperatives;. to propose the setting of quotas and taxes for essential agricultural products (in particular imported products). This committee would be headed by a representative of the international community.", + "This committee would be headed by a representative of the international community. This committee would in no way be a government bis but would remain in the spirit of assistance, with strict ethics both in financial matters and in the communication of documents and discretion in the areas to be defined. Second national communication 2009 \u21a9. Congo has a GDP of US$ 14.4 billion in 2014 and a per capita GDP of US$ 3135 in 2013. Due to a population increase of 3% per year the growth rate it has chosen of 10% per year.", + "Due to an increase in the population of 3% per year the growth rate chosen by it of 10% per year. On the model of the breweries of the Congo, it is proposed that industrial development takes place on the basis of the massive investments to be put in place, on average of CFA 5 300 billion per year from 2025. \u21a9. current consumption ratio of Brazil \u21a9. PND \u21a9" + ] + } + }, + { + "country_code": "COM", + "type_of_document": "INDC", + "language": "fr", + "para_translated": { + "small": [ + "Union of the Comoros. Unity - Solidarity - Development. Ministry of Production, Environment, Energy, Industry and Handicrafts. Planned Contributions Determined at the national level of the Union of the Comoros. September 2015. Executive Summary.", + "Ministry of Production, Environment, Energy, Industry and Handicrafts. Nationally Determined Planned Contributions of the Union of the Comoros. September 2015. Executive Summary. The Nationally Determined Planned Contribution (NDPC) of the Union of the Comoros was based on its Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (AC2D) and its various Climate Change Management programmes, the overall objective of which is to contribute to poverty reduction, sustainable development and adequate solutions to climate change challenges.", + "This was the result of a process of consultation between the various stakeholders, which reviewed all the programmes, action plans and projects relating to combating climate change and was endorsed by the national authorities through the holding of a national workshop on 27-28 July 2015 chaired by the Minister for the Environment.", + "The Union of the Comoros, in deciding to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, is aware of its commitment, on the one hand, to produce laborious GHG mitigation actions to achieve this objective despite the lack of capacity, and, on the other hand, to develop adaptation actions to the adverse effects of climate change.", + "The Union of the Comoros, in deciding to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, is aware of its commitment, on the one hand, to produce laborious GHG mitigation actions to achieve this objective despite the lack of capacity, and, on the other hand, to develop adaptation actions to the adverse effects of climate change, based on sectoral strategies and action plans, in particular in the areas of agriculture, waste, forestry, land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) and energy.", + "These actions are based on sectoral strategies and action plans, in particular in the areas of agriculture, waste, forestry, land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) and energy. Thus, despite its low contribution to greenhouse gases, the Union of the Comoros wants to pursue its goal of becoming a carbon sink and thus participate in the global effort to decarbonise the planet.", + "Thus, despite its low contribution to greenhouse gases, the Union of the Comoros wants to pursue its goal of becoming a carbon sink and thus participate in the global effort to decarbonise the planet. The Union of the Comoros\u2019 ambition is to reduce its GHG emissions in 2030 by about 84% compared to the emissions projected for the same year under a baseline scenario.", + "The objective of the Union of the Comoros is to reduce its GHG emissions by about 84% in 2030 compared to the emissions projected for the same year under a baseline scenario. This commitment could only be achieved with the support of the international community to enable the Union of the Comoros to access additional sources of financing, in particular through the new climate finance mechanisms, or the Green Climate Fund.", + "This commitment could only be achieved with the support of the international community to enable the Union of the Comoros to access additional sources of financing, in particular through the new climate finance mechanisms, or the Green Climate Fund, which corresponds to a reduction of 441 700 metric tonnes of CO2eq.", + "This target, which corresponds to a reduction of 441,700 metric tonnes of CO2eq, including LULUCF activities by 2030, requires a total investment of about US$675 million, of which about 10% could come from the national budget.", + ", including the activities of the UTCAF sector by 2030, requires a total investment of about US$675 million, of which about 10% could come from the national budget. Given the lack of data, the Union of Comoros CPDN is expected to evolve with the introduction of an improved data collection and processing system.", + "In view of the lack of data, the Union of Comoros NPC is expected to evolve with the introduction of an improved data collection and processing system. Section 1. National Context.", + "As a small island state of 750,000 inhabitants, the Union of the Comoros is particularly vulnerable to climate change, as are other small island developing States (SIDS).", + "As a small island state with a population of 750,000, the Union of the Comoros is particularly vulnerable to climate change, as are other small island developing States (SIDS). The main hazards affecting the Union of the Comoros are: increasing temperatures; rising sea levels (erosion and submersion); more intense tropical cyclones; changes in precipitation patterns; changes in wind patterns; acidification of the oceans; and changes in fundamental cycles.", + "The main hazards affecting the Union of the Comoros are: rising temperatures; rising sea levels (erosion and submersion); more intense tropical cyclones, changes in precipitation patterns; changes in wind patterns; acidification of the oceans and changes in fundamental cycles. Furthermore, the economy of the Union of the Comoros is heavily dependent on agriculture, which accounts for about 50% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the vast majority of the population lives in coastal areas.", + "Furthermore, the economy of the Union of the Comoros is heavily dependent on agriculture, which accounts for about 50% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the vast majority of the population lives in coastal areas. The effects of climate change are already very visible and seriously undermine the development efforts undertaken by the Union of the Comoros over the past decade.", + "Without ambitious measures, the cost of climate-related impacts could rise to US$836 million by 2050, representing 130% of current GDP1.", + "Without ambitious measures, the cost of climate-related impacts could amount to US$836 million by 2050, representing 130% of current GDP.1 The Union of the Comoros, which has negligible global emissions, has made efforts over the past decade to develop a policy and strategic framework for sustainable growth and green, climate-resilient and carbon-neutral development.", + "The Union of the Comoros, whose emissions are negligible at global level, has made efforts over the past decade to develop a policy and strategic framework for sustainable growth and green, climate-resilient and low-carbon development. The Union of the Comoros, as a signatory to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, is committed to contributing to the international effort to combat global warming.", + "The Union of the Comoros, as a signatory to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, is committed to contributing to the international effort to combat global warming.", + "The main activities are aimed at increasing the resilience of the populations most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, while enabling them to improve their incomes and access clean technologies to meet their basic needs (food, health, electricity).", + "Thus, the Union of the Comoros\u2019 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCC) is guided by the desire to pursue the objective of being a carbon sink and to promote sustainable development, and is based in particular on the National Adaptation Action Programme (NAPA), the Strategic Programming Framework on the Natural Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction for 2011-2016 and the Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (AGR2D) for 2015-2019.", + "This NCC is based in particular on the National Adaptation Action Programme (NAPA), the Strategic Programming Framework on the Natural Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction for 2011-2016 and the Sustainable Growth and Development Strategy (SCA2D) for 2015-2019. Despite its low contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Union of the Comoros wants to pursue its goal of becoming a carbon sink and thus contribute to the global decarbonization effort.", + "Despite its low contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Union of the Comoros wishes to pursue its goal of becoming a carbon sink and thus participate in the global effort to decarbonise the planet. In order to reduce its external energy dependence and meet the needs of its most vulnerable populations, the Union of the Comoros would like to further develop its renewable energy prospects.", + "In order to reduce its external energy dependence and meet the needs of its most vulnerable populations, the Union of the Comoros would like to further develop its renewable energy prospects. Section 2. Mitigation. 2.1 Contribution.", + "Section 2. Mitigation. 2.1 Contribution. The Union of the Comoros undertakes to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 84% by 2030 compared to the baseline emissions in the same year. This reduction includes land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) removals as well.", + "The Union of the Comoros is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 84% by 2030 compared to the baseline emissions in the same year. This reduction includes land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) removals as well. The Union of the Comoros\u2019 share of global GHG emissions is small but the country is prepared to contribute its share of mitigation and adaptation and means of implementation.", + "The Union of the Comoros\u2019 share of GHG emissions at the global level is small, but the country is prepared to contribute its share to mitigation and adaptation and means of implementation. Contribution to mitigation. Baseline scenario. National emissions projections to 2030 according to the normal course of business. Baseline year. 2030.", + "Baseline scenario. National emissions projections to 2030 according to the normal course of business. Baseline year. 2030. Type of contribution. Emissions reduction compared to a baseline scenario covering three of the four islands in the Comorian territory (Greater Comoros, Anjouan and Moh\u00e9li). Target level.", + "Reduction of emissions from a baseline scenario covering three of the four islands in the Comorian territory (Greater Comoros, Anjouan and Moh\u00e9li). Target level. The Union of the Comoros has set itself a target of a reduction of the order of 440 000 metric tonnes of CO2eq., including removals from LULUCF activities.", + "The Union of the Comoros has set itself the target of a reduction of the order of 440 000 metric tonnes of CO2eq., including removals from LULUCF activities. The Union of the Comoros counts on the support of the international contribution of US$ 375 million, valued at 2015, to achieve this objective, through the Green Climate Fund or other existing or future financing mechanisms.", + "The Union of the Comoros counts on the support of the international contribution of US$ 375 million, valued at 2015, to achieve this objective, through the Green Climate Fund or other existing or future financing mechanisms.", + "GHG reduction. The Union of the Comoros has set itself the target of an 84% reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to baseline emissions. Sectors covered. Energy. Energy industries;. Energy efficiency;. Manufacturing category;. Residential category;. Agriculture. Conservation agriculture;. Horticulture;. Agroforestry. UTCAF. Protection of forests;. Reforestation;. Afforestation;.", + "Energy Industries;. Energy Efficiency;. Manufacturing Category;. Residential Category;. Agriculture. Conservation Agriculture;. Horticulture;. Agroforestry. LULUCF. Forest Protection;. Reforestation;. Afforestation;. Forest Timber Reduction;. Waste. Household Solid Waste. Covered Greenhouse Gases. Carbon Dioxide (CO2);. Methane (CH4);. Nitrous Oxide (N2O);.", + "Reduced wood removal from forests;. Waste. Household solid waste. Covered greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide (CO2);. Methane (CH4);. Nitrous oxide (N2O);. Fluorinated gases account for only a small portion of emissions and their phase-out has been underway for several years. Parameters applied.", + "Fluorinated gases account for only a small part of emissions and their phase-out has been underway for several years. Parameters applied. Potential values for global warming over 100 years, from the second IPCC assessment report. CO2: 1. CH4: 21. N2O: 310. Emission estimation methodology. 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the 2006 IPCC software:.", + "CO2: 1. CH4: 21. N2O: 310. Methodology for estimating emissions. 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the IPCC 2006 software:. The normal course of business (BCC) scenario has been developed on the basis of a series of measures and actions at the IPCC category and sector level.", + "The normal course of business (Normal Course of Business) scenario was developed on the basis of a series of measures and actions at the IPCC categories and sectors, and emissions, avoided or absorbed, were then aggregated to yield the national mitigation potential.", + "Emissions, avoided or absorbed, were then aggregated to yield the national mitigation potential. All projections were worked out taking into account population growth, increases in gross domestic product, and other social and economic factors specific to the country. Approach to land-use, land-use change, and forestry emissions.", + "All projections were developed taking into account population growth, GDP growth and other country-specific social and economic factors. Approach to land-use, land-use change and forestry emissions. The accounting approach for LULUCF is based on emissions and removals from land-use change and use within and between the six IPCC land categories.", + "The accounting approach for LULUCF is based on emissions and removals from land use and land-use change within and between the six IPCC land categories. The 2006 IPCC Guideline and software were used to estimate emissions.", + "The 2006 IPCC Guideline and software were used to estimate emissions. Changes between IPCC categories were determined using remote sensing techniques supported by conventional mapping and other means such as forest inventories to track the determinants of emissions and removals.", + "Changes between IPCC categories have been determined using remote sensing techniques supported by conventional mapping and other means such as forest inventories to monitor the determinants of emissions and removals. The latter series deals with:. Reduction of wood harvested for various uses. Reducing the rate of deforestation.", + "The latter series deals with:. Reducing wood harvested for various uses. Reducing the rate of deforestation. Better management of forests. Preservation of protected areas. Conservation of forest reserves. Agroforestry. Arbor cultivation. Reforestation. Better control of forest and grassland fires. 2.1.1 Mitigation potential of measures.", + "Conservation of forest reserves. Agroforestry. Arbor cultivation. Reforestation. Improved control of forest and grassland fires. 2.1.1 Mitigation potential of measures. The focal areas for mitigation are UTCAF and Agriculture because the means are quite restrictive for the Energy sector on the basis of the data and the current situation.", + "The key areas for mitigation are UTCAF and Agriculture because the means are quite limited for the Energy sector on the basis of the data and the current situation; however, geothermal energy remains an asset and should receive maximum attention in order to be exploited in the nearest future.", + "However, geothermal energy remains an asset and should receive maximum attention in order to be exploited in the nearest future. The national mitigation target is to reach 46% in 2020, to pass to 69% in 2025 and to reach 84% in 2030. Table 1. National and Sectoral Mitigation Potential (tCO2eq.). Sectors. Year. 2020. 2025. 2030. ANC (baseline scenario).", + "The national mitigation target is 46% in 2020 to 69% in 2025 and 84% in 2030. Table 1. National and Sectoral Mitigation Potential (tCO2eq.). Sectors. Year. 2020. 2025. 2030. ACC (baseline scenario). 357,800. 434,500. 523,000. Total Mitigation. 166,600. 301,500. 441,700. Energy. 18,400. 29,500. 53,200. Agriculture. 26,000. 57,000. 85,000. LULUCF. 117,800. 210,000. 298,000.", + "357,800. 434,500. 523 000. Total mitigation. 166,600. 301,500. 441,700. Energy. 18,400. 29,500. 53,200. Agriculture. 26,000. 57,000. 85,000. LULUCF. 117,800. 210,000. 298,000. Waste. 4,400. 5,000. 5,500. % (mitigation*100/reference scenario). 47. 69. 84. Approach.", + "Agriculture. 26,000. 57,000. 85,000. LULUCF. 117,800. 210,000. 298,000. Waste. 4,400. 5,000. 5,500. % (mitigation*100/reference scenario). 47. 69. 84. Approach. A mixed approach, based on measures and actions for key IPCC categories and sectors, has been adopted as these have the highest potential for mitigation.", + "A mixed approach, based on measures and actions for key IPCC categories and sectors, was adopted as these offer the highest mitigation potentials. Second, a success potential assessment exercise was undertaken based on the country\u2019s national circumstances to prioritize the best potentials.", + "Second, a success potential assessment exercise was undertaken based on the country\u2019s national circumstances to prioritize the best potentials, identifying mitigation potentials for each prioritized business line and then aggregating the values obtained to reach the national level.", + "This approach will also facilitate the preparation of a detailed and precise plan for implementation, since the actions to be taken into account have already been identified. Rationale or rationale.", + "This approach will also facilitate the preparation of a detailed and precise plan for implementation, since the actions to be taken into account have already been identified. Rationale or rationale. The categories of energy and residential industries have been chosen because they are key sources and also offer other benefits in addition to mitigation.", + "The categories of energy and residential industries were chosen because they are key sources and also offer other benefits in addition to mitigation, such as access to electricity, especially green electricity, would help the country\u2019s development, ensure better air and environmental quality, and reduce pressure on forests for timber.", + "For example, access to electricity, especially green electricity, would help the country\u2019s development, ensure better air and environmental quality, and reduce pressure on forests for timber. Hydraulics and solar have been favoured over hydrocarbons without eliminating wind, while geothermal energy has been considered for 2030.", + "Hydropower and solar energy have been favoured over hydrocarbons without eliminating wind, while geothermal energy has been taken into account by 2030. Wind power still needs to be studied before it can be included in the energy mix.", + "Over the period 2010 to 2030, renewable energies will grow from about 3% to almost 43%, with geothermal production accounting for 16% if the operation is carried out.", + "In the period 2010 to 2030, renewable energies will grow from about 3% to almost 43%, with geothermal production accounting for 16% if the operation is carried out. Other measures concern energy management during processing and transmission, and energy efficiency through improved homes, improvements in carbonisation and alambics, among others.", + "The other measures relate to energy management during processing and transmission, and energy efficiency through improved homes, improvements in carbonisation and wire rods, among others. The impacts in terms of reducing emissions for the latter have been accounted for under the Forestry sector because they will take place through a reduction in timber harvesting.", + "The impacts in terms of emission reductions for the latter have been accounted for under the Forestry sector because they will be achieved through a reduction in timber harvesting.", + "In the case of the Agriculture sector, the livestock farming method makes it difficult to mitigate in the timeframe considered for this exercise. Conservation agriculture has been analysed but the emissions that could be avoided have not been quantified as they remain quite random.", + "Conservation agriculture was analyzed, but emissions that could be avoided were not quantified as they remain quite random. Forestry was particularly targeted as it is the largest emitter of GHGs and also has a high potential for sequestration in the country.", + "Forestry has been particularly targeted as it is the largest emitter of GHGs and also has a high potential for sequestration in the country. Targeted measures relate to the protection of forest areas, deforestation, reforestation, afforestation, agroforestry and arboriculture, while investing in efforts to reduce wood consumption from forests.", + "The targeted measures concern the protection of forest areas, deforestation, reforestation, afforestation, agroforestry and arboriculture, while making the necessary efforts to reduce the consumption of wood from forests. A holistic approach to sustainable forestry has been worked out, taking into account the wood needs of the population for energy and other needs.", + "A holistic approach to sustainable forestry has been worked out, taking into account the wood needs of the population for energy and other needs, with an estimated 12,000 ha of reforestation planned for the period 2018 to 2030.", + "For example, approximately 12,000 ha will be reforested between 2018 and 2030. The area under agroforestry and arboriculture will change at a rate of 200 ha per year from 2018 to 2030. Existing protected areas will be expanded to 50,000 ha by 2030.", + "The area under agroforestry and arboriculture will change at a rate of 200 ha per year from 2018 to 2030. Existing protected areas will be expanded to 50,000 ha by 2030. The NDPC plans to implement improved management of household solid waste primarily through composting.", + "Existing protected areas will be expanded to 50,000 ha by 2030. The CNSC plans to implement improved management of household solid waste primarily through composting. The following table summarizes the various measures taken and their reduction potential. Table 2.", + "The CNSC plans to implement improved management of household solid waste primarily through composting. The following table summarizes the various measures taken and their potential for reduction. Table 2. GHG reductions from mitigation measures - horizon 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation Measures. Potential for GHG reductions (tCO2eq.). Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025.", + "GHG Reductions from Mitigation Measures - Horizon 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation Measures. GHG Reduction Potential (tCO2eq.). Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025. Horizon 2030. Energy. 18,500. 29,500. 41,200. Reduce Losses on the Electricity Distribution System. 11,900. 15,000. 19,000. Rehabilitate Power Plants. 1,600. 2,000. 2,500. Solar Adoption. 2,700. 7,800. 9,400. Increase Hydro Potential. 2,300.", + "15,000. 19,000. Repair power plants. 1,600. 2,000. 2,500. Solar adoption. 2,700. 7,800. 9,400. Increase hydro potential. 2,300. 4,700. 10,300. Geothermal. 0. 0. 11,900. Promote the use of LPG instead of oil and wood. 6. 11. 12. Promote improved homes. Reduce heating wood. Agriculture. Promote conservation agriculture. No quantification.", + "11. 12. Promote improved homes. Reduce heating wood. Agriculture. Promote conservation agriculture. No quantification. LULUCF. 143,800. 267,000. 383,000. Reduce consumption of firewood, service and industrial wood. 33,000. 68,000. 104,000. Afforestation of grassland or other uncultivated land. 39,000. 78,000. 78,000. Reforestation. 18,200. 70,200. Agroforestry. 13,000. 34,000. 56,000. Horticulture. 13,000.", + "Afforestation of grassland or other uncultivated land. 39,000. 78,000. 78,000. Reforestation. 18,200. 70,200. Agroforestry. 13,000. 34,000. 56,000. Arboriculture. 13,000. 23,000. 29,000. Protected areas (50000 ha). 45,800. 45,800. 45,800. Waste. 4,400. 5,000. 5,500. Composting and Biogas. 4,400. 5,000. 5,500. Section 3.", + "Waste. 4,400. 5,000. 5,500. Postal and Biogas. 4,400. 5,000. 5,500. Section 3. Adaptation. 3.1 Adaptation strategy: a long-term vision. The challenge of the development of the various islands is increasingly being combined with that of adaptation to climate change.", + "The challenge of the development of the various islands is increasingly being combined with the challenge of adaptation to climate change. The sustainability of growth and its securing will necessarily require better consideration of the dimension of adaptation to climate change.", + "The Government is also aware that the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change are rural communities and poor farmers, who too often lack the capacity to withstand these impacts.", + "The Government is also aware that the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change are rural communities and poor farmers, who too often lack the capacity to withstand these impacts, and that it will be important, inter alia, to: (i) strengthen the enforcement of regulations on the rehabilitation of degraded areas, (ii) promote intensive agriculture, (iii) increase the involvement of women and communities in decision-making on environmental protection, given their growing role in the development of the domestic economy; and (iv) develop the resilience of populations to disasters and climate change.", + "To this end, the country must succeed in integrating these climate change adaptation measures into the various sectoral policies, build capacity and finally mobilise sufficient financial resources. 3.2 Ongoing or planned short-term actions The Union of the Comoros is very vulnerable to climate change, in particular due to its low adaptation capacity.", + "The Union of the Comoros has a very high level of vulnerability to climate change, due in particular to its low adaptive capacity. In this context, the fight against poverty contributes to the fight against climate change by aiming in particular at reducing vulnerability. Similarly, many vulnerability reduction projects aim at reducing poverty.", + "In this context, poverty reduction contributes to the fight against climate change, in particular by addressing vulnerability reduction. Similarly, many vulnerability reduction projects aim to reduce poverty. It is important that stakeholders be made aware of this two-way link between poverty reduction and adaptation through vulnerability reduction.", + "It is important that stakeholders be made aware of the two-way link between poverty reduction and adaptation through vulnerability reduction, as this very narrow, sometimes indistinct, boundary between the two approaches can lead to misunderstandings as to what adaptation actually means in relation to a conventional poverty reduction strategy.", + "Today, four major climate change adaptation projects are underway or are about to be launched, and two projects are under development.", + "Today, four major climate change adaptation projects are under way or are about to start and two projects are under development, targeting the water and agriculture sectors and the integration of adaptation into sectoral policies (see Table 4). Table 3. Major adaptation projects in the Comoros. Projects. Sector/Objectives. Status of implementation.", + "They target the water and agriculture sectors and the integration of adaptation into sectoral policies (see Table 4). Table 3. Major adaptation projects in the Comoros. Projects. Sector / Objectives. Status of implementation. Capacity building and resilience of the agricultural sector to climate change in the Comoros (CRCCA).", + "Implementation status. Capacity building and resilience of the agricultural sector to climate change in the Comoros (CRCCA). Agriculture: Reducing the vulnerability of agricultural systems to climate change and climate variability. Ongoing. Capacity building in water resources management for adaptation to climate change (ACCE).", + "Agriculture: Reducing the vulnerability of agricultural systems to climate change and climate variability. Ongoing. Strengthening Water Resources Management Capacity for Climate Change Adaptation (WCCA). Water: Reducing risks to daily life and impacts on water resources. Ongoing.", + "Water: to reduce the risks of climate change to daily life and the impacts on water resources. Ongoing. Programme of Support to the Union of Comoros for the Strengthening of Climate Change Resilience (AMCCA). Integration: to improve the integration of climate change into strategies, projects and mechanisms for planning, coordination and monitoring. Ongoing.", + "Integration: to improve the integration of climate change into strategies, projects and planning, coordination and monitoring mechanisms. Ongoing. Joint Water Adaptation Programme. Water: to reduce the risks of climate change on daily life and the impacts on water resources at 5 pilot sites. Ongoing.", + "Water: reducing climate change risks to daily life and impacts on water resources at 5 pilot sites. Ongoing. Rehabilitation of watersheds, forests and adaptive livelihoods. Coastal zones: strengthening resilience in the Comoros by rehabilitating watersheds, forests and diversifying livelihoods.", + "Coastal zones: strengthening resilience in the Comoros by rehabilitating watersheds, forests and diversifying livelihoods. Developing. Resilience to risks from climate variability and change.", + "Developing. Resilience to climate variability and change risks. Risks: strengthening the adaptation and resilience of communities most vulnerable to disaster risks related to climate change and variability in the Comoros. Developing. 3.3 Adaptation objectives.", + "Risks: strengthening the adaptation and resilience of communities most vulnerable to disaster risks related to climate change and variability in the Comoros. Developing. 3.3 Adaptation targets. Adaptation targets have been identified or extrapolated from ACS2D and existing sectoral policies and are listed in the table below.", + "Adaptation targets have been identified or extrapolated from ACS2D and existing sectoral policies and are listed in the table below. Table 4. Key adaptation targets. Sectors. Target 2020. Target 2030. Water. 66% of the population with access to safe drinking water. 100% of the population with access to safe drinking water.", + "Objective 2030. Water. 66% of the population with access to safe drinking water. 100% of the population with access to safe drinking water. Agriculture and livestock. 100% of farmers use technologies and varieties adapted to climate change. 100% of farmers have a water management system adapted to climate change.", + "100% of farmers use techniques and varieties adapted to the evolution of climate change. 100% of farmers have a water management system adapted to the evolution of climate change. the country benefits from an effective early warning and response system capable of intervening throughout the territory in the event of the emergence of a new bovine or caprine disease. Health.", + "the country benefits from an effective early warning and response system capable of intervening throughout the territory in the event of the emergence of a new bovine or caprine disease. Health. Malaria is eradicated from the island. the country benefits from an effective early warning and response system capable of intervening throughout the territory in the event of the emergence of a new vector-borne disease. Risk reduction and disasters.", + "the country benefits from an effective early warning and response system capable of intervening throughout the territory in the event of the emergence of a new vector-borne disease. Risk reduction and disasters. The country benefits from an effective early warning and response system capable of intervening throughout the territory.", + "Risk reduction and disasters. The country benefits from an effective early warning and response system capable of intervening throughout the country. 100% of the population in vulnerable areas is displaced or is provided with facilities to protect it from climatic hazards and, in particular, from the risk of flooding.", + "100% of the population in vulnerable areas are displaced or benefit from developments protecting them from climatic hazards and, in particular, from the risk of flooding. The country benefits from a system of building standards that takes account of climate change in terms of 10- and 100-year floods, as well as the risk of flooding linked to rising sea levels and the intensification of cyclonic waves.", + "the country benefits from a system of building standards that takes account of climate change in terms of decades and centuries of flooding, as well as the risk of flooding linked to rising sea levels and intensifying cyclone waves. Integration and awareness-raising (cross-cutting aspect). The NAP process is completed;.", + "Integration and awareness-raising (cross-cutting aspect). The NAP process is completed;. adaptation to climate change is systematically integrated into research and environmental education programmes;. adaptation to CCS is integrated into sectoral laws, strategies and policies.", + "Implementation of an early warning system to prevent extreme events and anticipate responses in order to reduce impacts across all sectors.", + "Implementation of an early warning system to prevent extreme events and anticipate responses to reduce impacts across all sectors. 100% of the most vulnerable populations are made aware of the impacts of CCC and informed about adaptation measures.", + "100% of the most vulnerable populations are aware of the impacts of climate change and are informed about adaptation measures. all state actors, centralised but also decentralised up to the municipal level, have benefited from capacity-building focused on adaptation to climate change.", + "Section 4. Fairness and ambition. The NDCP will be developed to be fair and ambitious for the Union of the Comoros, while ensuring that it contributes to achieving the ultimate objective of the Convention to stabilise the level of GHGs in the atmosphere at a level that is not harmful to the proper functioning of terrestrial ecosystems.", + "The CNDP will be developed to be fair and ambitious for the Union of the Comoros, while ensuring that it contributes to achieving the ultimate objective of the Convention to stabilize the level of GHGs in the atmosphere at a level that is not detrimental to the proper functioning of terrestrial ecosystems.", + "Given that Comoros\u2019 emissions account for a small proportion of global greenhouse gas emissions, the country has therefore focused on measures that are compatible with its status as a small island State, LDC and have rapid effects. Comoros ranks 159th out of 187 countries on the UNDP Human Development Index (HDI) with an HDI of 0.488 in 2014.", + "The Comoros ranks 159th out of 187 countries on the UNDP Human Development Index (HDI), with an HDI of 0.488 in 2014.2 With a per capita GDP of US$ 840 in 2014,2 the Comoros is struggling to create a basis for sustainable economic growth3.", + "With a per capita GDP of US$840 in 2014,2 the Comoros is struggling to create a basis for sustainable economic growth.3 To fight poverty effectively, the country has committed itself to a sustainable development goal by signing the Istandra Manifesto.", + "In order to combat poverty effectively, the country has committed itself to a sustainable development objective by signing the Istandra Manifesto. With a majority of the population living in coastal regions, poverty reduction efforts have focused on the protection of coastal areas, risk management, etc., the main effects of which will reduce vulnerability.", + "With a majority of the population living in coastal regions, poverty reduction efforts have focused on the protection of coastal areas, risk management, etc., the main effects of which will be to reduce vulnerability.", + "From GHG sinks in 2000, the Union of the Comoros became an emitter in 2015 based on the baseline scenario projection and inventories for the years 2000, 2005 and 2010. In 2010, Comorian emissions accounted for a small proportion of global greenhouse gas emissions (0.00045%).", + "In 2010, Comoros\u2019 emissions accounted for a tiny fraction of the world\u2019s greenhouse gas emissions, at 0.00045%. The country has increased its efforts over the past decade towards sustainable growth and green development, climate resilient and low-carbon at the political and institutional levels.", + "The country has increased its efforts over the past decade to achieve sustainable growth and green, climate-resilient, and low-carbon development at the political and institutional levels, and climate change (CC) mitigation and adaptation actions have been undertaken since the 1990s.", + "For example, climate change (CC) mitigation and adaptation actions have been carried out since the 1990s, and the actions implemented to date have enabled per capita GHG emissions to be contained at 0.4 tonnes over the period 2000-2010.", + "Furthermore, through the measures put in place so far, GHG emissions per capita have been contained at 0.4 tonnes during the period 2000-2010. Despite its low contribution to greenhouse gases, the Union of the Comoros wants to pursue its goal of being a carbon sink and thus participate in the global effort to decarbonise the planet.", + "Despite its low contribution to greenhouse gases, the Union of the Comoros wants to pursue its goal of becoming a carbon sink and thus participate in the global effort to decarbonise the planet, but to do so, the country\u2019s ability to implement its contribution also has its limits.", + "But for that, the country\u2019s capacity to implement its contribution also has its limits, because the current and medium-term level of economic development has served to develop the mitigation, adaptation potential and thus its contribution, while taking into account the country\u2019s development priorities of poverty reduction and other Millennium Development Goals.", + "Indeed, the current and medium-term level of economic development has served to develop the potential for mitigation, adaptation and thus its contribution, while taking into account the country\u2019s development priorities of poverty reduction and other Millennium Development Goals. This contribution is considered to be equitable for the Comoros to enable the international community to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention on the stabilization of the level of GHGs in the atmosphere, namely to keep global warming below the critical threshold of 2\u00b0C, which would destabilize the functioning of natural ecosystems.", + "This contribution is considered to be equitable for the Comoros in order to enable the international community to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention on the stabilisation of the level of GHGs in the atmosphere, namely to keep global warming below the critical threshold of 2\u00b0C, which would destabilize the functioning of natural ecosystems. The Union of the Comoros aims to transform its economy through activities contributing to minimum GHG emissions, namely in the energy and LUCF sectors, in order to achieve neutral economic development in terms of GHG emissions, if not a sink.", + "The Union of the Comoros aspires to transform its economy through activities contributing to minimum GHG emissions, namely in the energy and UTCAF sectors, in order to achieve a neutral economic development in terms of GHG emissions, if not a sink; however, financial and technical support from the international community is a prerequisite for the success of this contribution to achieving the objective of the Convention.", + "However, financial and technical support from the international community is a prerequisite for the success of this contribution to achieving the Convention\u2019s objective.", + "The Union of the Comoros commits itself to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by about 84% in 2030 compared to the baseline emissions under the condition of the international assistance mentioned, which represents almost 440 000 tCO2eq. Section 5. Institutional arrangements.", + "Section 5. Institutional Arrangements. The Union of the Comoros will use the existing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for the implementation of the NDCP. Thus, the existing institutional arrangements will be consolidated to enable the implementation and monitoring of the NDCP.", + "The Union of the Comoros will use the existing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for the implementation of the NDCP. Thus, the existing institutional arrangements will be consolidated to enable the implementation and monitoring of the NDCP. The National Council for Sustainable Development (CNDD) established in 2013 will carry out the programme in collaboration with the Ministries and other Directorates concerned according to the measures and actions.", + "The National Council for Sustainable Development (CNDD) established in 2013 will carry out the programme in collaboration with the ministries and other directorates concerned according to the measures and actions, however, the operationality of this commission would require financial resources to be truly effective.", + "However, the operationality of this committee would require financial resources to be truly effective. Monitoring of the NDCC could be done through the GHG inventories of the National Communications and the Biennial Reports to be transmitted to the UNFCCC.", + "Monitoring of the NDPC could be done through the GHG inventories of National Communications and Biennial Reports to be transmitted to the UNFCCC, and with regard to adaptation measures in particular, monitoring could be done through sectoral working groups and Development Planning and Monitoring and Assessment Committees (COPSEDs).", + "With regard to adaptation measures in particular, monitoring could be carried out through sectoral working groups and Development Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation Committees (COPSED). Section 6. Means of implementation. 6.1 Constraints and needs. 6.1.1 Constraints.", + "Section 6. Means of implementation. 6.1 Constraints and needs. 6.1.1 Constraints. Despite its low contribution to greenhouse gases, the Union of the Comoros wishes to pursue its goal of remaining a carbon sink and thus contribute to the global decarbonization effort.", + "Despite its low contribution to greenhouse gases, the Union of the Comoros wishes to pursue its goal of remaining a carbon sink and thus to participate in the global decarbonisation effort. An analysis of the different components of the economy shows that the Union of the Comoros is in the process of reconstruction and reform as a fragile country.", + "An analysis of the different components of the economy shows that the Union of the Comoros is in the process of reconstruction and reform as a fragile country.", + "Many efforts have been made over the past 20 years in the area of sustainable development, particularly adaptation, but these efforts are scattered and their results are not measurable. This is due to many gaps identified by various studies (such as the Capacity Assessment (CARA), the National Report of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, the Mauritius Report, the Strategic Programming Plan) that should be addressed at the institutional, political, strategic and legal levels. 6.1.2 Adaptation needs and mitigation.", + "This is due to many shortcomings identified by various studies (such as the Capacity Assessment (ANCAR), the National Report of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, the Mauritius Report, the Strategic Programming Plan) that should be addressed at the institutional, political, strategic and legal levels. 6.1.2 Adaptation and mitigation needs In order to meet these constraints and challenges, the human, technical and financial resources needs are as follows:", + "In order to meet these constraints and challenges, human, technical and financial resources are needed as follows:. The lack of domestic financial resources increases the country\u2019s dependence on external aid. All adaptation projects are financed by external aid. This dependence favours the project approach over the programme approach.", + "The lack of financial resources specific to the country increases its dependence on external aid. All adaptation projects are financed by external aid. This dependence favours the project approach to the detriment of the programme approach. The Union of the Comoros must ensure the sustainability of actions and move from a project to a more or less long-term programme mode and ensure the sustainability of funding as well;.", + "The Union of the Comoros must ensure the sustainability of actions and move from a project to a more or less long-term programme and ensure the sustainability of funding as well;. the institutions responsible for adaptation and mitigation lack human, technical, financial and material resources.", + "The institutions responsible for adaptation and mitigation lack human, technical, financial and material resources, and the texts defining the mandates, missions and responsibilities of the institutions (Union and islands) concerned with the management and protection of the national environment need to be revised in order to achieve greater clarity.", + "Furthermore, the texts defining the mandates, missions and responsibilities of the institutions (Union and islands) concerned with the management and protection of the national environment would need to be revised in order to achieve greater clarity and, as a result, its institutions are very limited in their capacity to design, plan and implement adaptation and mitigation actions.", + "Consequently, its institutions are very limited in their capacity to design, plan and implement adaptation and mitigation measures and are also handicapped in their tasks of coordination, facilitation, guidance and awareness-raising;.", + "They are also handicapped in their tasks of coordination, facilitation, guidance and awareness-raising;. like adaptation and mitigation, risk management in the Comoros lacks a regulatory framework and a mechanism for coordination between the various actors4.", + "Like adaptation and mitigation, risk management in the Comoros lacks a regulatory framework and a mechanism for coordination between the various actors.4 In the absence of financial resources, limited state resources have been used in response to emergencies rather than in prevention.", + "In the absence of financial resources, limited state resources have been used in response to emergencies rather than in prevention; basic data are severely lacking and survey results show that civil society was not sufficiently sensitized and prepared to deal with natural disasters;.", + "There is a severe lack of baseline data and survey results show that civil society was not sufficiently sensitized and prepared to deal with natural disasters;. technology transfer needs are inherent in the adaptation measures and projects to be put in place and therefore affect most of the areas identified. 6.1.3 Implementation.", + "The need for technology transfer is inherent in the adaptation measures and projects to be put in place and therefore affects most of the areas identified. 6.1.3 Implementation. The NDCC has worked to produce the expected results quickly given the urgency of the situation to achieve the objective of the Convention.", + "In view of the urgency of the situation to achieve the objective of the Convention, the NDPC worked to achieve the expected results quickly, taking into account a time frame of one to two years to allow for the creation of the enabling environment and the establishment of the necessary system.", + "Thus, a period of one to two years has been taken into account to allow for the creation of the favourable environment and the establishment of the necessary system, while it is also hoped that the necessary resources will be available to carry out this task, which is so essential for the future of our planet.", + "In the meantime, it is also hoped that the necessary resources will be available to carry out this task, which is so vital to the future of our planet.", + "The implementation of the NDA is a challenge for the Union of the Comoros, with multiple challenges to be addressed in areas such as human capacity building, technology needs and financial requirements in order to complete the NDA in a timely manner at the various stages.", + "Multiple challenges will need to be addressed in areas such as human capacity building, technology needs and financial needs to complete this NDRP while meeting the timelines set out at the various stages. The Union of the Comoros is counting on the international community to consolidate the efforts undertaken over more than 20 years to combat climate change.", + "The Union of the Comoros is counting on the international community to consolidate the efforts undertaken over more than 20 years in the fight against climate change, as international support in the form of funding, capacity building and technology transfer will be essential to enable the Union of the Comoros to implement its NCP:.", + "Indeed, international support in the form of financing, capacity building and technology transfer will be essential to enable the Union of the Comoros to implement its NDFP: Financial Support \u2013 The Union of the Comoros will need an envelope of around US$675 million to complete the implementation of its NDFP, including US$375 million for mitigation measures and US$300 million for adaptation measures.", + "Financial Support \u2013 The Union of the Comoros will need an envelope of approximately US$675 million to complete the implementation of its NDA, including US$375 million for mitigation measures and US$300 million for adaptation measures. Given its very limited resources, the Union of the Comoros cannot undertake its actions without the assistance of the international community.", + "Given its very limited resources, the Union of the Comoros could not undertake its measures without the assistance of the international community; however, the share of the national budget could be around 10% of this envelope, based on the experience of projects in the Comoros.", + "However, the share of the national budget could be around 10% of this envelope on the basis of the experience of projects in the Comoros. In view of the urgency of the situation to stabilise the GHG content of the atmosphere, the Union of the Comoros has set itself the objective of starting implementation as soon as possible for expected effects, starting in 2018;.", + "Given the urgency of stabilizing atmospheric GHG levels, the Union of the Comoros has set itself the goal of starting implementation as soon as possible for anticipated effects, starting in 2018. Support for Capacity Building \u2013 The Union of the Comoros severely lacks the capacity to implement, monitor and report on initiatives that will be put in place for the NDCC.", + "Support for Capacity Building \u2013 The Union of the Comoros is severely lacking in capacity to implement, monitor and report on initiatives that will be put in place for the NDPC, and the Union of the Comoros counts on the solidarity of the international community to provide it with the necessary support.", + "The Union of the Comoros counts on the solidarity of the international community to provide it with the necessary support. Capacity-building needs are quite broad and include human capacity in various areas, institutional capacity, the legal, legal and financial framework, better planning in terms of policy, strategy and action plan; and better monitoring of operations.", + "In the area of risk management, strengthening the capacity of geographical information (GIS) and risk assessment systems, as well as raising awareness and preparing civil society for risk management, are priorities.", + "Technology Transfer \u2013 Technology transfer is an integral part of the NDA, as it is through technology transfer that much of the mitigation and adaptation initiatives will be achieved.", + "Technology needs will span most of the life of the NDPC and include mitigation of renewable energy technologies such as solar, hydraulic, wind and geothermal, energy efficiency in the building and other industries, afforestation, agroforestry, arbor, conservation or agroecology agriculture, agricultural product processing, forest and other protected areas conservation and restoration.", + "These include mitigation of renewable energy technologies such as solar, hydraulics, wind and geothermal energy, energy efficiency in the building and other industries, afforestation, agroforestry, arable farming, conservation or agroecology agriculture, agricultural product processing, forest conservation and restoration and other protected areas. As regards adaptation, technology transfers for the energy, forestry and agriculture sectors mentioned above are also relevant.", + "As regards adaptation, technology transfers for the energy, forestry and agriculture sectors mentioned above are also relevant, but will need to be complemented by technology transfers in the water, health and risk prevention sectors (e.g. pumping system, capture, storage, settlement, filtration, volcanic monitoring network, satellite image acquisition and processing).", + "However, they will need to be complemented by technology transfers in the water, health and risk prevention sectors (e.g. pumping system, capture, storage, settlement, filtration, volcanic monitoring network, satellite image acquisition and processing). Section 7. Additional information on mitigation and adaptation. 7.1 Mitigation. 7.1.1 NDPC Development.", + "Section 7. Additional information on mitigation and adaptation. 7.1 Mitigation. 7.1.1 Development of the NDPC. In order to develop a robust, achievable, equitable and ambitious NDPC, the bottom-up approach to achieving the national contribution was emphasized.", + "In order to develop a robust, achievable, equitable and ambitious NPC, the bottom-up approach to achieving the national contribution has been favoured. Mitigation measures have been developed in line with existing policies and other strategies of the Government of the Union of the Comoros and national specificities.", + "The mitigation measures have been developed in line with the existing policies and other strategies of the Government of the Union of the Comoros and national specificities. A detailed description of the assumptions and projections used to project emissions and removals for each priority option follows.", + "A detailed description of the assumptions and projections used to project emissions and removals for each priority option follows. National work and reports from other countries in the region and the Indian Ocean Islands and international databases have also been used to supplement missing data or for validation purposes.", + "National work and reports from other countries in the region and the Indian Ocean Islands and from international databases have also been used to supplement missing data or for validation purposes. The main documents on which this work is based are:. Central Bank of the Comoros. Annual Report (2013);.", + "The main documents on which this work is based are:. Central Bank of the Comoros. Annual Report (2013);. Data collection and analysis for sustainable forest management - joining national and international efforts. (2000). Study report on wood-energy data in the Comoros. (2000). B. H. Abdourahaman;. Development of a national sectoral strategy Energy in the Comoros. (2012).", + "Study report on wood-energy data in the Comoros. (2000). B. H. Abdourahaman;. Development of a national sectoral energy strategy in the Comoros. (2012). D Levy, A Doulet, A Bourgeois, H Abderamane and Y Aboulhouda;. Feasibility study for the transformation of organic waste into compost; V Mouafo and S. M Hassani;. ;.", + "Feasibility Study for the Transformation of Organic Waste into Compost; V Mouafo and S. M Hassani;. ;. Note on the development of the electricity subsector in the Union of the Comoros. Strategy and Energy Action Plan validated on 21 February 2013 in the Council of Ministers;. Strategy for accelerated growth and sustainable development. (2015).", + "Energy Strategy and Action Plan validated on 21 February 2013 in the Council of Ministers;. Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development. (2015). Implementation Plan 2015-2019;. Updated Capital Cost Estimates for Utility Scale Electricity Generating Plants. (2013). US Department of Energy;. World Statistics Pocketbook. United Nations Statistics Division;.", + "Updated Capital Cost Estimates for Utility Scale Electricity Generating Plants. (2013). US Department of Energy;. World Statistics Pocketbook. United Nations Statistics Division;. 2nd National Communication, Climate Change Consultation, Mitigation Option (2011); S.A. Batouli and S Hassani. 7.1.2 GHG Emissions and Projections. Methodologies.", + "2nd National Communication, Climate Change Consultation, Mitigation Option (2011); S.A. Batouli and S Hassani. 7.1.2 GHG Emissions and Projections. Methodologies. The 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the 2006 IPCC software were used to estimate emissions and removals based on the equation. Emissions = Activity Data*Emission Factors.", + "The 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the 2006 IPCC software were used to estimate emissions and removals based on the equation. Emissions = Activity data*emission factors. The same methodology was adopted to compile baseline and mitigation scenario emissions, namely the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the 2006 IPCC software as recommended by the Conference of the Parties to be consistent and comparable.", + "The same methodology was adopted to compile baseline and mitigation scenario emissions, namely the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the 2006 IPCC software as recommended by the Conference of the Parties to be consistent and comparable.", + "Activity data are derived from the country\u2019s past statistics and projections from sectoral development reports or strategies. In cases where projections do not exist, statistical modelling or trend lines have been used to estimate future needs.", + "In cases where projections do not exist, statistical modelling or trend lines were used to estimate future needs, based on demographic growth, urbanization rate, GDP and deforestation rate, among others.", + "These exercises were conducted on the basis of demographic growth, urbanization rate, GDP and deforestation rate, among others. Activity data include the country\u2019s energy needs and production, volumes of fossil fuels, number of livestock, volume of wood harvested and volume of household waste produced.", + "Activity data include the country\u2019s energy needs and production, fossil fuel volumes, livestock numbers, timber harvested and household waste generated. Population growth and other socio-economic parameters have been incorporated into projections made in the country\u2019s development strategies. Emissions at the national level.", + "Population growth and other socio-economic parameters were taken from projections made in the country\u2019s development strategies. Emissions at the national level. The removals and emissions in tCO2eq. by sector for the three revised inventory years, 2000, 2005 and 2010, are shown in Table 5.", + "The removals and emissions of tCO2eq. by sector for the three years of the revised inventory, 2000, 2005 and 2010, are shown in Table 5, which shows that Energy, Agriculture and LUCF are the key sectors in terms of emissions, so these three sectors have been selected for mitigation purposes.", + "The latter shows that Energy, Agriculture and UTCAF are the key sectors in terms of emissions, so these three sectors have been given priority for mitigation. Table 5. Results of the revised inventories for 2000, 2005 and 2010 in tCO2eq. Sectors. Year. 2000. 2005. 2010. National. -43,100. 25,500. 141,600. Energy. 106,600. 25,600. 149,700. Agriculture (Livestock). 53,000. 57,000. 70,600.", + "Sectors. Year. 2000. 2005. 2010. National. -43,100. 25,500. 141,600. Energy. 106,600. 25,600. 149,700. Agriculture (Livestock). 53,000. 57,000. 70,600. LULUCF \u2013 Emissions. 61,500. 61,500. 61,500. LULUCF \u2013 Removals. -315,200. -268,800. -209,300. LULUCF \u2013 Non-CO2 Aggregates. 24,600. 27,300. 34,900. Waste. 26,300. 29,900. 34,200.", + "UTCAF \u2013 Emissions. 61,500. 61,500. 61,500. UTCAF \u2013 Absorptions. -315,200. -268,800. -209,300. UTCAF \u2013 Non-CO2 Aggregates. 24,600. 27,300. 34,900. Waste. 26,300. 29,900. 34,200. Details of the mitigation scenario assumptions by measure follow. Energy:", + "The details of the assumptions adopted for the mitigation scenario by measure are as follows. Energy:. Reduce losses on the electricity distribution network. Currently, losses on the distribution network according to the report \"Elaboration of a national sectoral energy strategy in the Comoros\" reach 30%.", + "At present, losses on the distribution network according to the report \"Elaboration of a national sectoral energy strategy in the Comoros\" amount to 30%. Rehabilitation of the network is one of the key mitigation measures because it can be implemented fairly quickly with concrete results from 2020.", + "The rehabilitation of the grid is one of the key mitigation measures because it can be implemented fairly quickly with concrete results from 2020 onwards, so the hypothesis is a rehabilitation of the grid to reduce this loss to 15%.", + "Thus, the hypothesis is a rehabilitation of the grid to reduce this loss to 15%. Rehabilitation of power plants. Hydrocarbon power generators are quite poorly maintained due to a lack of human resources and capacities. This is another measure that would benefit from being implemented diligently with immediate results.", + "Hydrocarbon power generators are quite poorly maintained due to a lack of human resources and capacities. This is another measure that would benefit from being implemented diligently with immediate results. Currently, the loss during conversion in power plants is estimated at 8% and a reduction to 6% is envisaged. Adoption of the sun.", + "At present, the loss during conversion in power plants is estimated at 8% and a reduction of 6% is envisaged. Adoption of solar. Photovoltaic penetration has been worked on to integrate the system from 2020 onwards in order to meet national targets for electricity produced from renewable sources.", + "Photovoltaic penetration was worked on to integrate the system from 2020 onwards in order to meet national targets for electricity produced from renewable sources. Thus, the exploitation of a 14 MW potential was worked on gradually in three stages. Increase the hydro potential.", + "For example, the exploitation of a 14 MW potential has been worked on gradually in three stages. Increase the hydro potential. Similarly, for the development of electricity from hydro plants until 2030 with the aim of reaching the country\u2019s maximum potential.", + "Similarly, for the development of electricity from hydroelectric power plants until 2030 with the aim of reaching the country\u2019s maximum potential. Geothermal energy. Geothermal energy has been under exploration for some years now and the government is entrusting it as a potential source of renewable energy for the generation of electricity in the future.", + "Geothermal energy has been under exploration for some years now and the government is confident that it will be a potential source of renewable energy for electricity generation in the future. Given the time required to complete the studies and start generating electricity, it was considered to be near the end of the period under review, namely around 2030.", + "Given the time needed to complete the studies and start generating electricity, it was considered to be around the end of the period under analysis, namely around 2030. Thus, the accounting of potentially avoidable GHGs was taken into account for 2030. A production of some 14 MW by 2030.", + "For example, the accounting of potentially avoidable GHGs has been taken into account for 2030. A production of some 14 MW by 2030. Promote the use of LPG instead of oil and wood.", + "A production of some 14 MW by 2030. Promote the use of LPG instead of oil and wood. Popularisation of the use of LPG by households and possibly as a substitute for gasoline in cars would also contribute to a reduction in emissions.", + "Extending the use of LPG by households and possibly as a substitute for gasoline in cars would also help to reduce emissions. An annual penetration of 3% of consumption was assumed without however separating end uses. Promoting improved homes.", + "An annual penetration of 3% of consumption was assumed without however separating end uses. Promoting improved households. This option was not evaluated for its mitigation capacity as its adoption has not been very successful despite the efforts made. Furthermore, the results remain difficult to quantify.", + "This option was not evaluated for its mitigation capability because its adoption has not been very successful despite the efforts invested and the results are still difficult to quantify. For the purposes of the study, it was considered that the introduction of improved households at the household level and in the production of essential oil Ylang Ylang would lead to a gradual reduction of 5% in the volume of wood used on the 2020, 2025 and 2030 scales.", + "For the purposes of the study, it was considered that the introduction of improved homes at the household level and in the production of essential oil Ylang Ylang would lead to a gradual 5% reduction in the volume of wood used in 2020, 2025 and 2030.", + "This reduction in the volume of wood used is included with other actions considered in the LULUCF section below where emission estimates are normally made. Table 6.", + "This reduction in the volume of wood used is included with other actions considered under the LULUCF section below where emission estimates are normally made. Table 6. GHG reductions from mitigation measures for the Energy sector: 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation measures. Potential for GHG reductions (tCO2eq.). Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025. Horizon 2030. Energy.", + "GHG reductions from mitigation measures for the Energy sector: horizon 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation measures. Potential for GHG reductions (tCO2eq.). Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025. Horizon 2030. Energy. Reduce losses on the electricity distribution system. 11,900. 15,000. 19,000. Repair power plants. 1,600. 2,000. 2,500. Solar adoption. 2,700. 7,800. 9,400. Increase hydro potential. 2,300.", + "15,000. 19,000. Repair power plants. 1,600. 2,000. 2,500. Adoption of the sun. 2,700. 7,800. 9,400. Increase hydro potential. 2,300. 4,700. 10,300. Geothermal. 0. 0. 11,900. Promote the use of LPG instead of oil and wood. 6. 11. 12. Promote improved homes.", + "Promote the use of LPG instead of oil and wood. 6. 11. 12. Promote improved homes. Reduce heating wood. Agriculture:. Promote conservation agriculture. Conservation agriculture, like improved homes, is making a slight breakthrough with farmers. This option, too, remains difficult to evaluate and project in the future.", + "Conservation agriculture, like improved homes, is making a modest breakthrough among farmers. This option, too, remains difficult to assess and project in the future and has therefore not been quantified for its impact on GHG emissions. LULUCF. Reduction in consumption of firewood, service and industrial wood.", + "It has therefore not been quantified for its impact on GHG emissions. UTCAF. Reduced consumption of firewood, service and industrial wood. Wood consumption from forests and other biomass reserves accounts for the largest share of current GHG emissions.", + "The consumption of wood from forests and other biomass reserves accounts for the largest share of GHG emissions at present, and is a source of land degradation with negative effects on other sectors such as food crop production and livestock farming, making it a major activity to be targeted to reduce emissions.", + "Furthermore, it is a source of land degradation with negative effects on other sectors such as food production and livestock farming, and therefore represents a major activity to be targeted in order to reduce emissions. This problem needs to be addressed in an integrated manner as it is cross-cutting and linked to other residential and industrial activities.", + "It is necessary to consider this problem in an integrated way, as it is cross-cutting and linked to other residential and industrial activities, as the measures favoured in other sectors go in this direction, such as the rate of electrification, the promotion of LPG, the extension of improved homes for households and industrial needs, and the substitution of service wood with other materials.", + "Indeed, the preferred measures in other sectors go in this direction, such as the electrification rate, the promotion of LPG, the extension of improved homes for households and industrial needs, and the substitution of service wood with other materials. The assumption is that this use will be reduced by 15% every five years, which would put a brake on deforestation and lead to a 45% reduction in deforestation by 2030.", + "The hypothesis is to reduce this use by 15% every five years, which would put a brake on deforestation and lead to a 45% reduction in deforestation by 2030.", + "Afforestation of grasslands or other wilderness areas Over time and due to a lack of resources, the area under grasslands on the island has increased as a result of deforestation and today this situation has adverse effects on other areas.", + "Over time and due to a lack of resources, the area under grassland on the island has increased as a result of deforestation, and today this situation has adversely affected other areas. Reforestation and afforestation have been common practices for more than a decade but have not been very successful given national circumstances.", + "Reforestation and afforestation have been common practices for more than a decade, but have not been very successful under national circumstances, with low success rates for seedlings planted due to poor climate control and livestock diversion.", + "The objective of the national policy, SCA2D, is to cover an area of 11116 ha by 2019, equivalent to 6% of the territory.", + "The objective of the national policy, SCA2D, is to cover an area of 11116 ha by 2019, equivalent to 6% of the land area.", + "Deforestation on part of this area with commercial timber species is an ideal solution as it would capture carbon dioxide while supplying the timber required for residential, service and industrial purposes; therefore, the plan would be to begin with deforestation followed by reforestation with native species a few years later.", + "Consequently, the plan would be to start with afforestation followed by reforestation with native species a few years later. This approach to the implementation of the reforestation programme takes into account seedling preparation and other associated measures. Reforestation. Better reforestation planning is needed and will require more investment to ensure its success.", + "This approach to the implementation of the reforestation programme takes into account the preparation of seedlings and other associated measures. Reforestation. Better reforestation planning is needed and will require more investment to ensure its success. The Union of the Comoros aims at reforestation of 2200 ha annually over a 5-year period from 2015 to 2019 to be in line with SCA2D.", + "The objective of the Union of the Comoros is the reforestation of 2200 ha annually over a five-year period from 2015 to 2019 to be in line with the SCA2D, but implementation seems difficult because it has not been possible to raise the necessary funding to date.", + "However, implementation seems difficult because it has not been possible to raise the necessary funding to date, so this area has been allocated to reforestation and afforestation over 12 years from 2018 onwards, subject to the availability of funding.", + "This area has therefore been allocated to reforestation and afforestation over 12 years from 2018 onwards, subject to the availability of funding.This approach will reduce pressure on the forest resource over time with the aim of sustainable exploitation in the medium and long term.", + "This approach will result in a reduction in pressure on the forest resource over time with the aim of sustainable exploitation in the medium and long term and, at the same time, associated benefits in relation to soil and water degradation.", + "At the same time, associated benefits will be obtained in relation to soil degradation and water resources. Indirectly, the latter aspect will have intrinsically positive effects on the sustainability of production in other water-related sectors. Agroforestry:For agroforestry, abandoned agricultural land will be targeted for this activity. The intention is to convert 200 ha annually for agroforestry.", + "Agroforestry:For agroforestry, abandoned agricultural land will be targeted for this activity. The intention is to convert 200 ha annually for agroforestry. This, while being a sink of GHGs, will also create employment and wealth for the communities. Arboriculture:For arboriculture, once again abandoned agricultural land will be converted at the rate of 200 ha annually.", + "This, while being a GHG sink, will also create employment and wealth for the communities. Arboriculture:For arboriculture, once again abandoned agricultural land will be converted at the rate of 200 ha per year. While being a GHG sink, this activity will create employment, contribute to food security and generate wealth for the communities.", + "Protected areas:The Comorian government plans to strengthen its actions for the conservation of marine and terrestrial biodiversity.", + "Protected areas:The Comorian government plans to strengthen its actions for the conservation of marine and terrestrial biodiversity, with plans to increase to a total of about 50 000 ha of land under vegetation cover, mainly forests, of protected areas by 2030.", + "For example, it is projected to increase to a total of about 50,000 ha of undercover land, mainly forests, of protected areas by 2030. A summary of emission reductions through LULUCF mitigation measures is presented in the Table below. Table 7.", + "The summary of emission reductions through LULUCF mitigation measures is presented in the Table below. Table 7. GHG reductions from LULUCF mitigation measures: horizon 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation Measures. Potential for GHG reductions (tCO2eq.). Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025. Horizon 2030.", + "GHG reductions from mitigation measures for LULUCF: 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation measures. Potential for GHG reductions (tCO2eq.). 2020 horizon. 2025 horizon. 2030 horizon. Reduction in consumption of firewood, service and industrial wood. 33,000. 68,000. 104,000. Afforestation of grasslands or other uncultivated land. 39,000. 78,000. 78,000. Reforestation. 0. 18,200. 70,200.", + "Reduced consumption of firewood, service and industrial wood. 33,000. 68,000. 104,000. Afforestation of grassland or other uncultivated land. 39,000. 78,000. 78,000. Reforestation. 0. 18,200. 70,200. Agroforestry. 13,000. 34,000. 56,000. Horticulture. 13,000. 23,000. 29,000. Protected areas (50000 ha). 45,800. 45,800. 45,800. Waste.", + "Reforestation. 0. 18,200. 70,200. Agroforestry. 13,000. 34,000. 56,000. Horticulture. 13,000. 23,000. 29,000. Protected areas (50000 ha). 45,800. 45,800. 45,800. Waste. There is a solid and liquid waste management policy, but its implementation is not yet effective.", + "There is a solid and liquid waste management policy in place, but its implementation is not yet in place. The projects identified for household waste include composting after sorting and landfilling in large cities and biogas production elsewhere. Both composting and biogas production will help reduce emissions (Table 8).", + "Projects identified for household waste include composting after sorting and landfilling in major cities and biogas production elsewhere. Both composting and biogas production will help reduce emissions (Table 8). Table 8. GHG Reductions from Mitigation Measures for the Waste Sector: 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation Measures.", + "Composting and biogas production will help reduce emissions (Table 8). Table 8. GHG Reductions from Mitigation Measures for the Waste Sector: Horizon 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation Measures. GHG Reduction Potential (tCO2eq.). Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025. Horizon 2030. Composting and Biogas. 4400. 5000. 5500.", + "Mitigation Measures. GHG Reduction Potential (tCO2eq.). Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025. Horizon 2030. Composting and Biogas. 4400. 5000. 5500. Projections of sectoral emissions and removals in tCO2eq. within five years for the period 2015 to 2030 are presented in Table 2. Table 9. GHG Projections (2015-2030) by NAC in tCO2eq. Sectors. Year.", + "Sectors. Year. 2015. 2020. 2025. 2030. National. 229,500. 357,800. 434,500. 523,000. Energy. 181,300. 219,100. 266,500. 319,200. Agriculture (Livestock). 81,400. 85,600. 89,800. 94,100. LULUCF \u2013 Emissions. 61,500. 50,000. 59,600. 69,100. LULUCF \u2013 Removals.", + "181,300. 219,100. 266,500. 319,200. Agriculture (Livestock). 81,400. 85,600. 89,800. 94,100. LULUCF \u2013 Emissions. 61,500. 50,000. 59,600. 69,100. LULUCF \u2013 Absorptions. -175,100. -85,200. -78,300. -68,900. LULUCF \u2013 Non-CO2 Aggregates. 41,200. 43,600. 46,100. 48,500. Waste. 39,100. 44,700. 50,800. 56,000. 7.2 Adaptation. 7.2.1 Background:", + "56,000. 7.2 Adaptation. 7.2.1 Background: climate change trends and vulnerability. The Union of the Comoros is an archipelago located north of the Mozambique Canal. Like other island developing countries, this state is very vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.", + "This state, like other island developing countries, is characterized by its very high vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. On a southwestern Indian Ocean scale, the study of available data over the past 50 years already reveals significant warming over the entire basin with a significant regional average increase of +0.2 \u00b0C per decade and a decrease in annual precipitation over the period.", + "At the southwestern Indian Ocean scale, the study of available data over the past 50 years already shows significant warming over the entire basin with a significant regional average increase of +0.2\u00b0C per decade and a decrease in annual precipitation over the period, and these trends are confirmed at the Comoros scale.", + "These trends are confirmed across the Comoros. By 2050, climate change will see a slight increase in rainfall relative to normal for the months of January to April and December, unlike other months where rainfall will decrease.", + "By 2050, climate change will be reflected in a slight increase in rainfall from January to April and December relative to normal, unlike other months in which rainfall will decrease. At the national level, these changes will be reflected in an increase in temperature from 1.26 to 1.47\u00b0C.", + "Unlike other months, when rainfall will decrease, at the national level, these changes will be reflected in an increase in temperature from 1.26 \u00b0C to 1.47 \u00b0C. Warming will be even more pronounced in 2100, with a change from 1.99 \u00b0C to 2.35 \u00b0C.", + "At the national level, these changes will be reflected in an increase in temperature from 1.26 to 1.47 \u00b0C. Warming will be even more pronounced in 2100 with a variation from 1.99 to 2.35 \u00b0C. Overall, the thermal variation would almost double from 2050 to 2100 if no mitigation measures were taken.", + "Global warming will be even more pronounced in 2100 with a variation of 1.99 to 2.35 \u00b0C. In general, the thermal variation would almost double from 2050 to 2100 if no mitigation measures were taken.", + "In general, the thermal variation would almost double between 2050 and 2100 if no mitigation measures were taken. For rainfall, there will be a significant decrease between August and November. Sea levels are expected to rise by 4mm per year over the next 50 years.", + "For rainfall, there will be a significant decrease from August to November. Sea level is expected to rise by 4mm per year over the next 50 years. This increase corresponds to a potential average rise of 20 cm, twice the rise observed over the last 100 years (20-25 cm).", + "This increase corresponds to a potential average rise of 20 cm, twice the rise observed over the last 100 years (20-25 cm). The proportion of vulnerability is estimated at 82.1%, with damage caused by climate change exceeding the value of GDP by 2020.", + "The proportion of vulnerability is estimated at 82.1%, with damage caused by climate change exceeding the value of GDP as of 2020. The vulnerability of the Comoros is based on sensitivity to climate variability and adaptability; it is in fact dependent on physical, human and socio-economic factors; the country\u2019s poverty is the main cause.", + "The vulnerability of the Comoros is based on sensitivity to climatic hazards and adaptability; it is in fact dependent on physical, human and socio-economic factors; the country\u2019s poverty is the main cause. The main hazards affecting the Comoros are:. rise in temperature;. rise in sea level (erosion and submersion);.", + "The main hazards affecting the Comoros are:. Temperature rise;. Sea level rise (erosion and submersion);. Changes in precipitation patterns;. Changes in wind patterns;. Ocean acidification;. Changes in fundamental cycles. UNDP, Comoros National Adaptation Plan Process, 2014.\u21a9. Source: World Bank\u21a9.", + "UNDP, Comoros National Adaptation Plan Process, 2014.\u21a9. Source: World Bank\u21a9. Disaster Risk Assessment, 2014.\u21a9" + ], + "medium": [ + "Union of the Comoros. Unity - Solidarity - Development. Ministry of Production, Environment, Energy, Industry and Handicrafts. Planned Contributions Determined at the national level of the Union of the Comoros. September 2015. Executive Summary.", + "Ministry of Production, Environment, Energy, Industry and Handicrafts. Nationally Determined Planned Contributions of the Union of the Comoros. September 2015. Executive Summary. The Nationally Determined Planned Contribution (NDPC) of the Union of the Comoros was based on its Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (AC2D) and its various Climate Change Management programmes, the overall objective of which is to contribute to poverty reduction, sustainable development and adequate solutions to climate change challenges.", + "The National Planned Contribution (NPCC) of the Union of the Comoros was based on its Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development (SCA2D) and its various Climate Change Management programmes, the overall objective of which is to contribute to poverty reduction, sustainable development and adequate solutions to climate change challenges.", + "This was the result of a process of consultation between the various stakeholders, which reviewed all the programmes, action plans and projects relating to combating climate change and was endorsed by the national authorities through the holding of a national workshop on 27-28 July 2015 chaired by the Minister for the Environment.", + "The Union of the Comoros, in deciding to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, is aware of its commitment, on the one hand, to produce laborious GHG mitigation actions to achieve this objective despite the lack of capacity, and, on the other hand, to develop adaptation actions to the adverse effects of climate change.", + "The Union of the Comoros, in deciding to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, is aware of its commitment, on the one hand, to produce laborious GHG mitigation actions to achieve this objective despite the lack of capacity, and, on the other hand, to develop adaptation actions to the adverse effects of climate change, based on sectoral strategies and action plans, in particular in the areas of agriculture, waste, forestry, land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) and energy.", + "These actions are based on sectoral strategies and action plans, in particular in the areas of agriculture, waste, forestry, land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) and energy. Thus, despite its low contribution to greenhouse gases, the Union of the Comoros wants to pursue its goal of becoming a carbon sink and thus participate in the global effort to decarbonise the planet.", + "Thus, despite its low contribution to greenhouse gases, the Union of the Comoros wants to pursue its goal of becoming a carbon sink and thus participate in the global effort to decarbonise the planet. The Union of the Comoros\u2019 ambition is to reduce its GHG emissions in 2030 by about 84% compared to the emissions projected for the same year under a baseline scenario.", + "The objective of the Union of the Comoros is to reduce its GHG emissions by about 84% in 2030 compared to the emissions projected for the same year under a baseline scenario. This commitment could only be achieved with the support of the international community to enable the Union of the Comoros to access additional sources of financing, in particular through the new climate finance mechanisms, or the Green Climate Fund.", + "This commitment could only be achieved with the support of the international community to enable the Union of the Comoros to access additional sources of financing, in particular through the new climate finance mechanisms, or the Green Climate Fund. This target, which corresponds to a reduction of 441 700 metric tonnes of CO2eq., including the activities of the LULUCF sector by 2030, requires a total investment of about US$ 675 million, of which about 10% could come from the national budget.", + ", including the activities of the UTCAF sector by 2030, requires a total investment of about US$ 675 million, of which about 10% could come from the national budget. Given the lack of data, the Union of Comoros CPDN is expected to evolve with the introduction of an improved data collection and processing system.", + "Given the lack of data, the Union of the Comoros CPDN is expected to evolve with the introduction of an improved data collection and processing system. Section 1. National Context The Union of the Comoros, a small island state of 750,000 inhabitants, is particularly vulnerable to climate change, as are other small island developing States (SIDS).", + "As a small island state with a population of 750,000, the Union of the Comoros is particularly vulnerable to climate change, as are other small island developing States (SIDS). The main hazards affecting the Union of the Comoros are: increasing temperatures; rising sea levels (erosion and submersion); more intense tropical cyclones; changes in precipitation patterns; changes in wind patterns; acidification of the oceans; and changes in fundamental cycles.", + "The main hazards affecting the Union of the Comoros are: rising temperatures; rising sea levels (erosion and submersion); more intense tropical cyclones, changes in precipitation patterns; changes in wind patterns; acidification of the oceans and changes in fundamental cycles. Furthermore, the economy of the Union of the Comoros is heavily dependent on agriculture, which accounts for about 50% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the vast majority of the population lives in coastal areas.", + "Furthermore, the economy of the Union of the Comoros is heavily dependent on agriculture, which accounts for about 50% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the vast majority of the population lives in coastal areas. The effects of climate change are already very visible and severely undermine the development efforts undertaken by the Union of the Comoros over the past decade. Without ambitious measures, the cost of climate-related impacts could amount to US$ 836 million by 2050, representing 130% of current GDP1.", + "Without ambitious measures, the cost of climate-related impacts could amount to US$836 million by 2050, representing 130% of current GDP.1 The Union of the Comoros, which has negligible global emissions, has made efforts over the past decade to develop a policy and strategic framework for sustainable growth and green, climate-resilient and carbon-neutral development.", + "The Union of the Comoros, whose emissions are negligible at global level, has made efforts over the past decade to develop a policy and strategic framework for sustainable growth and green, climate-resilient and low-carbon development. The Union of the Comoros, as a signatory to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, is committed to contributing to the international effort to combat global warming.", + "The Union of the Comoros, as a signatory to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, is committed to contributing to the international effort to combat global warming.", + "The main activities are aimed at increasing the resilience of the populations most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, while enabling them to improve their incomes and access clean technologies to meet their basic needs (food, health, electricity).", + "Thus, the Union of the Comoros\u2019 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCC) is guided by the desire to pursue the objective of being a carbon sink and to promote sustainable development, and is based in particular on the National Adaptation Action Programme (NAPA), the Strategic Programming Framework on the Natural Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction for 2011-2016 and the Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (AGR2D) for 2015-2019.", + "This NCC is based in particular on the National Adaptation Action Programme (NAPA), the Strategic Programming Framework on the Natural Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction for 2011-2016 and the Sustainable Growth and Development Strategy (SCA2D) for 2015-2019. Despite its low contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Union of the Comoros wants to pursue its goal of becoming a carbon sink and thus contribute to the global decarbonization effort.", + "Despite its low contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Union of the Comoros wants to pursue its goal of becoming a carbon sink and thus participate in the global effort to decarbonise the planet. In order to reduce its external energy dependence and meet the needs of its most vulnerable populations, the Union of the Comoros would like to further develop its renewable energy prospects. Section 2. Mitigation. 2.1 Contribution.", + "In order to reduce its external energy dependence and meet the needs of its most vulnerable populations, the Union of the Comoros would like to further develop its renewable energy prospects. Section 2. Mitigation. 2.1 Contribution. The Union of the Comoros commits itself to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 84% by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario for the same year. This reduction also includes land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) removals.", + "The Union of the Comoros is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 84% by 2030 compared to the baseline emissions in the same year. This reduction includes land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) removals as well. The Union of the Comoros\u2019 share of global GHG emissions is small but the country is prepared to contribute its share of mitigation and adaptation and means of implementation.", + "The Union of the Comoros\u2019 share of GHG emissions at the global level is small, but the country is prepared to contribute its share to mitigation and adaptation and means of implementation. Mitigation contribution. Baseline scenario. National emissions projections to 2030 according to the normal course of business. Baseline year. 2030. Type of contribution.", + "Base year. 2030. Type of contribution. Emission reductions compared to a base case covering three of the four islands in the Comorian territory (Greater Comoros, Anjouan and Moh\u00e9li). Target level. The Union of the Comoros has set itself a target of a reduction of the order of 440,000 metric tonnes of CO2eq., including removals from LULUCF activities.", + "The Union of the Comoros has set itself the target of a reduction of the order of 440 000 metric tonnes of CO2eq., including removals from LULUCF activities. The Union of the Comoros counts on the support of the international contribution of US$ 375 million, valued at 2015, to achieve this objective, through the Green Climate Fund or other existing or future financing mechanisms. GHG reduction.", + "The Union of the Comoros counts on the support of the international contribution of US$ 375 million, valued at 2015, to achieve this objective, through the Green Climate Fund or other existing or future financing mechanisms. GHG reduction. The Union of the Comoros has set itself the target of an 84% reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to baseline emissions. Sectors covered. Energy. Energy industries;. Energy efficiency;. Manufacturing;. Residential;. Agriculture.", + "The Union of the Comoros has set itself a target of an 84% reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to baseline emissions. Sectors covered. Energy. Energy industries;. Energy efficiency;. Manufacturing category;. Residential category;. Agriculture. Conservation agriculture;. Horticulture;. Agroforestry. LULUCF. Forest protection;. Reforestation;. Afforestation;. Reduction of wood harvesting from forests;. Waste. Household solid waste. Greenhouse gases covered. Carbon dioxide (CO2);. Methane (CH4);. Nitrous oxide (N2O);.", + "Reduction of wood harvesting from forests;. Waste. Household solid waste. Covered greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide (CO2);. Methane (CH4);. Nitrous oxide (N2O);. Fluorocarbons account for only a small part of emissions and their phase-out has been underway for several years. Parameters applied. Potential values of global warming over 100 years from the second IPCC assessment report. CO2: 1. CH4: 21. N2O: 310. Emission estimation methodology.", + "CO2: 1. CH4: 21. N2O: 310. Emission estimation methodology. 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the IPCC 2006 software:. The normal course of business (CNA) scenario was developed on the basis of a series of measures and actions at the level of the IPCC categories and sectors. Emissions, avoided or absorbed, were then aggregated to yield the national mitigation potential;.", + "The normal course of business (Normal Course of Business) scenario was developed on the basis of a series of measures and actions at the IPCC category and sector level. Emissions, avoided or absorbed, were then aggregated to yield the national mitigation potential. All projections were worked out taking into account population growth, increases in gross domestic product and other social and economic factors specific to the country. Approach to land use, land-use change and forestry emissions.", + "All projections were developed taking into account population growth, GDP growth and other country-specific social and economic factors. Approach to land-use, land-use change and forestry emissions. The accounting approach for LULUCF is based on emissions and removals from land-use change and use within and between the six IPCC land categories.", + "The accounting approach for LULUCF is based on emissions and removals from land use and land-use change within and between the six IPCC land categories. The 2006 IPCC Guideline and software were used to estimate emissions.", + "The 2006 IPCC Guideline and software were used to estimate emissions. Changes between IPCC categories were determined using remote sensing techniques supported by conventional mapping and other means such as forest inventories to monitor the determinants of emissions and removals. The latter series deals with:. Reduction of wood harvested for various uses. Reducing the rate of deforestation. Improved forest management. Preservation of protected areas.", + "Reducing wood harvested for various uses. Reducing the rate of deforestation. Better management of forests. Preservation of protected areas. Conservation of forest reserves. Agroforestry. Arboriculture. Reforestation. Better control of forest and grassland fires. 2.1.1 Mitigation potential of the measures.", + "However, geothermal energy remains an asset and should receive maximum attention in order to be exploited in the nearest future. The national mitigation target is to reach 46% in 2020, to pass to 69% in 2025 and to reach 84% in 2030. Table 1. National and Sectoral Mitigation Potential (tCO2eq.). Sectors. Year. 2020. 2025. 2030.", + "The national mitigation target is 46% in 2020 to 69% in 2025 and 84% in 2030. Table 1. National and Sectoral Mitigation Potential (tCO2eq.). Sectors. Year. 2020. 2025. 2030. ANC (baseline scenario). 357,800. 434,500. 523,000. Total Mitigation. 166,600. 301,500. 441,700. Energy. 18,400. 29,500. 53,200. Agriculture. 26,000. 57,000. 85,000. LULUCF. 117,800. 210,000. 298,000. Waste. 4,400. 5,000. 5,500. % (mitigation*100/baseline scenario). 47. 69. 84. Approach.", + "Agriculture. 26,000. 57,000. 85,000. LULUCF. 117,800. 210,000. 298,000. Waste. 4,400. 5,000. 5,500. % (mitigation*100/reference scenario). 47. 69. 84. Approach. A mixed approach, based on measures and actions for key IPCC categories and sectors, was adopted as these offer the highest mitigation potentials. Second, a success potential assessment exercise was undertaken based on national circumstances in the country to prioritize the best potentials.", + "Second, a success potential assessment exercise was undertaken based on the country\u2019s national circumstances in order to prioritise the best potentials. Mitigation potentials were identified for each priority business line and the values obtained were then aggregated to arrive at a national level. This approach will also facilitate the preparation of a detailed and precise plan for implementation, since the actions to be taken into account have already been identified. Basis or Reasoning.", + "This approach will also facilitate the preparation of a detailed and precise plan for implementation, since the actions to be taken into account have already been identified. Rationale or rationale. The categories of energy and residential industries have been chosen because they are key sources and also offer other benefits in addition to mitigation.", + "The categories of energy and residential industries were chosen because they are key sources and also offer other benefits in addition to mitigation, such as access to electricity, especially green electricity, would help the country\u2019s development, ensure better air and environmental quality, and reduce pressure on forests for timber.", + "For example, access to electricity, especially green electricity, would help the country\u2019s development, ensure better air and environmental quality, and reduce pressure on forests for wood. Hydraulics and solar have been favoured over hydrocarbons without eliminating wind, while geothermal energy has been considered for 2030. Wind electricity still needs to be studied before it can be included in the energy mix.", + "Hydro and solar have been favoured to the detriment of hydrocarbons without eliminating wind, while geothermal has been taken into account by 2030. Wind electricity still needs to be studied before it can be included in the energy mix. During the period 2010 to 2030, renewable energies will grow from around 3% to almost 43%, with geothermal production accounting for 16% if the operation is carried out.", + "In the period 2010 to 2030, renewable energies will grow from about 3% to almost 43%, with geothermal production accounting for 16% if the operation is carried out. Other measures concern energy management during processing and transmission, and energy efficiency through improved homes, improvements in carbonisation and alambics, among others.", + "The other measures relate to energy management during processing and transmission, and energy efficiency through improved homes, improvements in carbonisation and wire rods, among others. The impacts in terms of emission reductions for the latter have been accounted for under the Forestry sector because they will be achieved through a reduction in timber harvesting. With regard to the Agriculture sector, livestock farming makes it difficult to mitigate within the timeframe for this year.", + "With respect to the Agriculture sector, livestock farming makes it difficult to mitigate in the timeframe considered for this exercise. Conservation agriculture was analyzed but emissions that could be avoided were not quantified as they remain quite random. Forestry was particularly targeted as it is the largest emitter of GHGs and also offers a high potential for sequestration in the country.", + "Forestry has been particularly targeted as it is the largest emitter of GHGs and also has a high potential for sequestration in the country. Targeted measures relate to the protection of forest areas, deforestation, reforestation, afforestation, agroforestry and arboriculture, while investing in efforts to reduce wood consumption from forests.", + "The targeted measures concern the protection of forest areas, deforestation, reforestation, afforestation, agroforestry and arboriculture, while investing the necessary efforts to reduce the consumption of wood from forests. A holistic approach to sustainable forestry has been worked out, taking into account the wood needs of the population for their energy and other needs.", + "A holistic approach to sustainable forestry has been worked out, taking into account the wood needs of the population for energy and other needs. For example, reforestation of approximately 12,000 ha is planned for the period 2018 to 2030. The area under agroforestry and arboriculture will change at a rate of 200 ha per year from 2018 to 2030. Existing protected areas will be expanded to 50,000 ha by 2030.", + "The area under agroforestry and arboriculture will change at a rate of 200 ha per year from 2018 to 2030. Existing protected areas will be expanded to 50,000 ha by 2030. The NDPC plans to implement improved management of household solid waste primarily through composting. The following table summarizes the various measures taken and their potential for reduction. Table 2. GHG Reductions from Mitigation Measures - Horizon 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation Measures.", + "The following table summarizes the various measures taken and their potential for reduction. Table 2. GHG Reductions from Mitigation Measures - Horizon 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation Measures. Potential for GHG Reductions (tCO2eq.). Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025. Horizon 2030. Energy. 18,500. 29,500. 41,200. Reduce Losses on the Electricity Distribution System. 11,900. 15,000. 19,000. Rehabilitate Power Plants. 1,600. 2,000. 2,500. Solar Adoption. 2,700. 7,800. 9,400. Increase Hydro Potential. 2,300. 4,700. 10,300. Geothermal. 0. 0. 11,900.", + "Upgrade power plants. 1,600. 2,000. 2,500. Adoption of solar. 2,700. 7,800. 9,400. Increase hydro potential. 2,300. 4,700. 10,300. Geothermal. 0. 0. 11,900. Promote the use of LPG instead of oil and wood. 6. 11. 12. Promote improved homes. Reduce heating wood. Agriculture. Promote conservation agriculture. No quantification. LULUCF. 143,800. 267,000. 383,000. Reduce consumption of firewood, service and industrial. 33,000. 68,000. 104,000. Afforestation of grassland or other wilderness lands.", + "Reduction of consumption of firewood, service and industrial wood. 33,000. 68,000. 104,000. Afforestation of grassland or other uncultivated land. 39,000. 78,000. 78,000. Reforestation. 18,200. 70,200. Agroforestry. 13,000. 34,000. 56,000. Crop cultivation. 13,000. 23,000. 29,000. Protected areas (50000 ha). 45,800. 45,800. 45,800. Waste. 4,400. 5,000. 5,500. Postal and Biogas. 4,400. 5,000. 5,500. Section 3. Adaptation. 3.1 Adaptation strategy: long-term vision. The challenge of the development of the various islands is increasingly being combined with the challenge of adapting to climate change.", + "The challenge of the development of the various islands is increasingly being combined with the challenge of adaptation to climate change. The sustainability of growth and its securing will necessarily require better consideration of the dimension of adaptation to climate change. The Government is also aware that the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change are rural communities and poor farmers, who too often lack the capacity to withstand these impacts.", + "The Government is also aware that the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change are rural communities and poor farmers, who too often lack the capacity to withstand these impacts, and that it will be important, inter alia, to: (i) strengthen the enforcement of regulations on the rehabilitation of degraded areas, (ii) promote intensive agriculture, (iii) increase the involvement of women and communities in decision-making on environmental protection, given their growing role in the development of the domestic economy; and (iv) develop the resilience of populations to disasters and climate change.", + "It will be important, inter alia, to: (i) strengthen the enforcement of regulations on the restoration of degraded areas, (ii) promote intensive agriculture, (iii) increase the involvement of women and communities in decision-making on environmental protection, given their growing role in the development of the domestic economy; and (iv) develop the resilience of populations to disasters and climate change. This will require successful integration of climate change adaptation measures into the various sectoral policies, capacity building and the mobilisation of adequate financial resources. 3.2 Ongoing or planned short-term actions.", + "To this end, the country must succeed in integrating these climate change adaptation measures into the various sectoral policies, strengthen capacities and finally mobilise sufficient financial resources. 3.2 Ongoing or planned short-term actions. The Union of the Comoros has a very high vulnerability to climate change due in particular to its low adaptation capacity. In this context, the fight against poverty contributes to the fight against climate change by aiming in particular at reducing vulnerability.", + "In this context, poverty reduction contributes to the fight against climate change, in particular by addressing vulnerability reduction. Similarly, many vulnerability reduction projects aim to reduce poverty. It is important that stakeholders be made aware of this two-way link between poverty reduction and adaptation through vulnerability reduction.", + "It is important that stakeholders be made aware of this two-way link between poverty reduction and adaptation through vulnerability reduction, because this very narrow, sometimes indistinct, boundary between the two approaches can lead to misunderstandings as to what adaptation actually means in relation to a conventional poverty reduction strategy. Today, four major climate change adaptation projects are underway or are about to be launched and two projects are under development.", + "Today, four major climate change adaptation projects are under way or are about to start and two projects are under development. They target the water and agriculture sectors and the integration of adaptation into sectoral policies (see Table 4). Table 3. Major adaptation projects in the Comoros. Projects. Sector/Objectives. Status of implementation. Capacity building and resilience of the agricultural sector to climate change in the Comoros (CRCCA).", + "Implementation status. Capacity building and resilience of the agricultural sector to climate change in the Comoros (CRCCA). Agriculture: Reducing the vulnerability of agricultural systems to climate change and climate variability. Ongoing. Capacity building in water resources management for adaptation to climate change (ACCE). Water: Reducing risks to daily life and impacts on water resources. Ongoing.", + "Water: reducing the risks of climate change to daily life and the impacts on water resources. Ongoing. Support Programme for the Union of the Comoros for the Strengthening of Climate Change Resilience (AMCCA). Integration: improving the integration of climate change into strategies, projects and mechanisms for planning, coordination and monitoring. Ongoing. Joint Water Adaptation Programme.", + "Integration: improving the integration of climate change into strategies, projects and planning, coordination and monitoring mechanisms. Ongoing. Joint Water Adaptation Programme. Water: reducing the risks of climate change to daily life and the impacts on water resources at 5 pilot sites. Ongoing. Rehabilitation of adaptive watersheds, forests and livelihoods. Coastal zones: strengthening resilience in the Comoros by rehabilitating watersheds, forests and diversifying livelihoods.", + "Coastal zones: strengthening resilience in the Comoros by rehabilitating watersheds, forests and diversifying livelihoods. Developing. Resilience to risks due to climate variability and change. Risks: strengthening adaptation and resilience of the capacities of communities most vulnerable to disaster risks related to climate change and variability in the Comoros. Developing. 3.3 Adaptation objectives.", + "Risks: strengthening the adaptation and resilience of communities most vulnerable to disaster risks related to climate change and variability in the Comoros. Developing. 3.3 Adaptation targets. Adaptation targets have been identified or extrapolated from ACS2D and existing sectoral policies and are listed in the table below. Table 4. Key adaptation targets. Sectors. Target 2020. Target 2030. Water. 66% of the population with access to safe drinking water.", + "Key adaptation targets. Sectors. Objective 2020. Objective 2030. Water. 66% of the population with access to drinking water. 100% of the population with access to drinking water. Agriculture and livestock. 100% of farmers use technologies and varieties adapted to climate change. 100% of farmers have a water management system adapted to climate change.", + "100% of farmers use techniques and varieties adapted to the evolution of climate change. 100% of farmers have a water management system adapted to the evolution of climate change. the country benefits from an effective early warning and response system capable of intervening throughout the territory in the event of the emergence of a new bovine or caprine disease. Health. Malaria is eradicated from the island.", + "the country benefits from an effective early warning and response system capable of intervening throughout the territory in the event of the emergence of a new bovine or caprine disease. Health. Malaria is eradicated from the island. the country benefits from an effective early warning and response system capable of intervening throughout the territory in the event of the emergence of a new vector disease. Risk reduction and disasters. the country benefits from an effective early warning and response system capable of intervening throughout the territory.", + "Risk reduction and disasters. The country benefits from an effective early warning and response system capable of intervening throughout the country. 100% of the population in vulnerable areas is displaced or is provided with facilities to protect it from climatic hazards and, in particular, from the risk of flooding.", + "100% of the population in vulnerable areas are displaced or benefit from developments protecting them from climatic hazards and, in particular, from the risks of flooding. the country benefits from a system of building standards that takes account of climate change in terms of 10- and 100-year floods as well as the risk of flooding linked to rising sea levels and intensifying cyclone waves. Integration and awareness-raising (cross-cutting aspect). The NAP process is completed;.", + "the country benefits from a system of building standards that takes account of climate change in terms of 10- and 100-year floods, as well as the risk of flooding associated with rising sea levels and intensifying cyclone waves. Integration and awareness-raising (cross-cutting) The NAP process is completed;. adaptation to climate change is systematically integrated into research and environmental education programmes;.", + "The NAP process is completed;. adaptation to climate change is systematically integrated into research and environmental education programmes;. adaptation to climate change is integrated into sectoral laws, strategies and policies.", + "Implementation of an early warning system to prevent extreme events and anticipate the response to be provided in order to reduce impacts across all sectors. 100% of the most vulnerable populations are made aware of the impacts of the CCC and informed about adaptation measures. All state actors, centralised but also decentralised to the municipal level, have benefited from capacity-building focused on adaptation to climate change. Section 4. Equity and ambition.", + "Section 4. Fairness and ambition. The NDCP will be developed to be fair and ambitious for the Union of the Comoros, while ensuring that it contributes to achieving the ultimate objective of the Convention to stabilise the level of GHGs in the atmosphere at a level that is not harmful to the proper functioning of terrestrial ecosystems.", + "The CNDP will be developed to be fair and ambitious for the Union of the Comoros, while ensuring that it contributes to achieving the ultimate objective of the Convention to stabilize the level of GHGs in the atmosphere at a level that is not detrimental to the proper functioning of terrestrial ecosystems.", + "Given that Comoros\u2019 emissions account for a small proportion of global greenhouse gas emissions, the country has therefore focused on measures that are compatible with its status as a small island State, LDC and have rapid effects. Comoros ranks 159th out of 187 countries on the UNDP Human Development Index (HDI) with an HDI of 0.488 in 2014.", + "The Comoros ranks 159th out of 187 countries on the UNDP Human Development Index (HDI), with an HDI of 0.488 in 2014.2 With a GDP per capita of US$ 840 in 2014,2 the Comoros is struggling to create the foundations for sustainable economic growth.3 To effectively combat poverty, the country has committed itself to a sustainable development goal by signing the Istandra Manifesto.", + "In order to combat poverty effectively, the country has committed itself to a sustainable development objective by signing the Istandra Manifesto. With a majority of the population living in coastal regions, poverty reduction efforts have focused on the protection of coastal areas, risk management, etc., the main effects of which will reduce vulnerability.", + "With a majority of the population living in coastal regions, poverty reduction efforts have focused on the protection of coastal areas, risk management, etc., the main effects of which will be to reduce vulnerability.", + "From GHG sinks in 2000, the Union of the Comoros became an emitter in 2015 based on the baseline scenario projection and inventories for the years 2000, 2005 and 2010. In 2010, Comorian emissions accounted for a small proportion of global greenhouse gas emissions (0.00045%).", + "In 2010, Comoros\u2019 emissions accounted for a tiny fraction of the world\u2019s greenhouse gas emissions, at 0.00045%. The country has increased its efforts over the past decade to achieve sustainable growth and green development, climate resilient and low-carbon at the political and institutional levels. Thus, actions to combat climate change (CC) in terms of mitigation and adaptation have been undertaken since the 1990s.", + "For example, climate change (CC) mitigation and adaptation actions have been carried out since the 1990s, and the actions implemented to date have enabled per capita GHG emissions to be contained at 0.4 tonnes over the period 2000-2010.", + "Furthermore, through the measures put in place so far, GHG emissions per capita could be contained at 0.4 tonnes during the period 2000-2010. Despite its low contribution to greenhouse gases, the Union of the Comoros wants to pursue its goal of becoming a carbon sink and thus participate in the global effort to decarbonise the planet.", + "Despite its low contribution to greenhouse gases, the Union of the Comoros wishes to pursue its goal of being a carbon sink and thus to participate in the global effort to decarbonise the planet. However, in order to do so, the country\u2019s capacity to implement its contribution also has its limits. Indeed, the current and medium-term level of economic development has served to develop the potential for mitigation, adaptation and thus its contribution, while taking into account the country\u2019s development priorities of poverty reduction and other Millennium Development Goals.", + "Indeed, the current and medium-term level of economic development has served to develop the potential for mitigation, adaptation and thus its contribution, while taking into account the country\u2019s development priorities of poverty reduction and other Millennium Development Goals. This contribution is considered to be equitable for the Comoros to enable the international community to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention on the stabilization of the level of GHGs in the atmosphere, namely to keep global warming below the critical threshold of 2\u00b0C, which would destabilize the functioning of natural ecosystems.", + "This contribution is considered to be equitable for the Comoros in order to enable the international community to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention on the stabilisation of the level of GHGs in the atmosphere, namely to keep global warming below the critical threshold of 2\u00b0C, which would destabilize the functioning of natural ecosystems. The Union of the Comoros aims to transform its economy through activities contributing to minimum GHG emissions, namely in the energy and LUCF sectors, in order to achieve neutral economic development in terms of GHG emissions, if not a sink.", + "The Union of the Comoros aspires to transform its economy through activities contributing to minimum GHG emissions, namely in the energy and UTCAF sectors, in order to achieve a neutral economic development in terms of GHG emissions, if not a sink; however, financial and technical support from the international community is a prerequisite for the success of this contribution to achieving the objective of the Convention.", + "However, financial and technical support from the international community is a prerequisite for the success of this contribution to achieving the Convention\u2019s objective. The Union of the Comoros commits itself to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by about 84% by 2030 compared to baseline emissions under the condition of the international assistance mentioned. This percentage represents almost 440 000 tCO2eq. Section 5. Institutional arrangements.", + "The Union of the Comoros undertakes to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by about 84% by 2030 compared to baseline emissions under the condition of the international assistance mentioned. This percentage represents nearly 440 000 tCO2eq. Section 5. Institutional arrangements. The Union of the Comoros will use the existing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for the implementation of the NDCP. Thus, the existing institutional arrangements will be consolidated to allow for the implementation and monitoring of the NDCP.", + "The Union of the Comoros will use the existing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for the implementation of the NDPC. Thus, the existing institutional arrangements will be consolidated to enable the implementation and monitoring of the NDPC. The National Council for Sustainable Development (CNDD) established in 2013 will carry out the programme in collaboration with the ministries and other directorates concerned according to the measures and actions. However, the operationality of this commission would require financial means to be truly effective.", + "The National Council for Sustainable Development (CNDD) established in 2013 will carry out the programme in collaboration with the ministries and other directorates concerned according to the measures and actions. However, the operationality of this commission would require financial resources to be truly effective. The NCSD can be monitored through the GHG inventories of the National Communications and the Biennial Reports that will be transmitted to the UNFCCC.", + "Monitoring of the NDPC could be done through National Communications GHG Inventories and Biennial Reports to be forwarded to the UNFCCC. With respect to adaptation measures in particular, monitoring could be done through Sectoral Working Groups and Development Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation Committees (COPSEDs). Section 6. Means of Implementation. 6.1 Constraints and Requirements. 6.1.1 Constraints.", + "With regard to adaptation measures in particular, monitoring could be carried out through sectoral working groups and Development Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation Committees (COPSED). Section 6. Means of implementation. 6.1 Constraints and needs. 6.1.1 Constraints. Despite its low contribution to greenhouse gases, the Union of the Comoros wants to pursue its goal of remaining a carbon sink and thus participate in the global effort to decarbonise the planet.", + "Despite its low contribution to greenhouse gases, the Union of the Comoros wishes to pursue its goal of remaining a carbon sink and thus to participate in the global decarbonisation effort. An analysis of the different components of the economy shows that the Union of the Comoros is in the process of reconstruction and reform as a fragile country.", + "An analysis of the different components of the economy shows that the Union of the Comoros is in the process of reconstruction and reform as a fragile country.", + "Many efforts have been made over the past 20 years in the area of sustainable development, particularly adaptation, but these efforts are scattered and their results are not measurable. This is due to many gaps identified by various studies (such as the Capacity Assessment (CARA), the National Report of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, the Mauritius Report, the Strategic Programming Plan) that should be addressed at the institutional, political, strategic and legal levels. 6.1.2 Adaptation needs and mitigation.", + "This is due to many shortcomings identified by various studies (such as the Capacity Assessment (ANCAR), the National Report of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, the Mauritius Report, the Strategic Programming Plan) that should be addressed at the institutional, political, strategic and legal levels. 6.1.2 Adaptation and mitigation needs In order to meet these constraints and challenges, the human, technical and financial resources needs are as follows:", + "In order to meet these constraints and challenges, human, technical and financial resources are needed as follows:. The lack of domestic financial resources increases the country\u2019s dependence on external aid. All adaptation projects are financed by external aid. This dependence favours the project approach over the programme approach.", + "The lack of financial resources specific to the country increases its dependence on external aid. All adaptation projects are financed by external aid. This dependence favours the project approach to the detriment of the programme approach. The Union of the Comoros must ensure the sustainability of actions and move from a project to a more or less long-term programme mode and ensure the sustainability of funding as well;. the institutions responsible for adaptation and mitigation lack human, technical, financial and material resources.", + "The Union of the Comoros must ensure the sustainability of actions and move from a project to a more or less long-term programme and ensure the sustainability of funding as well;. the institutions responsible for adaptation and mitigation lack human, technical, financial and material resources; furthermore, the texts defining the mandates, missions and responsibilities of the institutions (Union and islands) concerned with the management and protection of the national environment would need to be revised in order to achieve greater clarity.", + "Furthermore, the texts defining the mandates, tasks and responsibilities of the institutions (Union and islands) concerned with the management and protection of the national environment would need to be revised in order to achieve greater clarity. Consequently, its institutions are very limited in their capacity to design, plan and implement adaptation and mitigation actions. They are also handicapped in their tasks of coordination, facilitation, guidance and awareness-raising;.", + "Consequently, its institutions are very limited in their capacity to design, plan and implement adaptation and mitigation measures; they are also handicapped in their tasks of coordination, facilitation, guidance and awareness-raising;. like adaptation and mitigation, risk management in the Comoros lacks a regulatory framework and a mechanism for coordination between the various actors.4 In the absence of financial resources, the limited State resources have been used in response to emergency situations rather than in prevention.", + "In the absence of financial resources, limited state resources have been used in response to emergencies rather than in prevention. Basic data are severely lacking and survey results show that civil society was not sufficiently sensitised and prepared to deal with natural disasters;. the need for technology transfer is inherent in the adaptation measures and projects to be put in place and therefore affects most of the areas identified. 6.1.3 Implementation.", + "technology transfer needs are inherent in the adaptation measures and projects to be put in place and therefore affect most of the areas identified. 6.1.3 Implementation. The NDCC has worked to produce the expected results quickly given the urgency of the situation to achieve the objective of the Convention. Thus, a period of one to two years has been taken into account to allow for the creation of the enabling environment and the implementation of the necessary system.", + "Thus, a period of one to two years has been taken into consideration to allow for the creation of the favourable environment and the establishment of the necessary system. Meanwhile, it is also hoped that the necessary resources will be available to carry out this task, which is so essential for the future of our planet.", + "In the meantime, it is also hoped that the necessary resources will be available to carry out this task, which is so vital to the future of our planet. The implementation of the NDA represents a challenge for the Union of the Comoros. Numerous challenges will have to be met in areas such as human capacity building, technology needs and financial requirements in order to carry out this NDA within the time frames set out at the various stages.", + "Multiple challenges will need to be addressed in areas such as human capacity building, technology needs and financial needs to complete this NDRP while meeting the timelines set out at the various stages. The Union of the Comoros is counting on the international community to consolidate the efforts undertaken over more than 20 years to combat climate change.", + "The Union of the Comoros is counting on the international community to consolidate the efforts undertaken over more than 20 years in the fight against climate change, as international support in the form of funding, capacity building and technology transfer will be essential to enable the Union of the Comoros to implement its NCP:.", + "Indeed, international support in the form of financing, capacity building and technology transfer will be essential to enable the Union of the Comoros to implement its NDFP: Financial Support \u2013 The Union of the Comoros will need an envelope of around US$675 million to complete the implementation of its NDFP, including US$375 million for mitigation measures and US$300 million for adaptation measures.", + "Financial Support \u2013 The Union of the Comoros will need an envelope of approximately US$675 million to complete the implementation of its NDA, including US$375 million for mitigation measures and US$300 million for adaptation measures. Given its very limited resources, the Union of the Comoros cannot undertake its actions without the assistance of the international community.", + "Given its very limited resources, the Union of the Comoros could not undertake its measures without the assistance of the international community; however, the share of the national budget could be around 10% of this envelope, based on the experience of projects in the Comoros.", + "However, the share of the national budget could be around 10% of this envelope on the basis of the experience of projects in the Comoros. In view of the urgency of the situation to stabilise the GHG content of the atmosphere, the Union of the Comoros has set itself the objective of starting implementation as soon as possible for expected effects, starting in 2018;.", + "Given the urgency of stabilizing atmospheric GHG levels, the Union of the Comoros has set itself the goal of starting implementation as soon as possible for anticipated effects, starting in 2018. Support for Capacity Building \u2013 The Union of the Comoros severely lacks the capacity to implement, monitor and report on initiatives that will be put in place for the NDCC.", + "Support for Capacity Building \u2013 The Union of the Comoros is severely lacking in capacity to implement, monitor and report on initiatives that will be put in place for the NDPC, and the Union of the Comoros counts on the solidarity of the international community to provide it with the necessary support.", + "The Union of the Comoros counts on the solidarity of the international community to provide it with the necessary support. Capacity-building needs are quite broad and include human capacity in various areas, institutional capacity, the legal, legal and financial framework, better planning in terms of policy, strategy and action plan; and better monitoring of operations.", + "Capacity-building needs are quite broad and include human capacity in various areas, institutional capacity, legal, legal and financial framework, better planning in terms of policy, strategy and action plan; and better monitoring of operations; illustratively, capacity-building needs are important as tools for integrating the effects of climate change into strategies, policies and action plans, on the one hand, and in the area of monitoring and evaluation.", + "In the area of risk management, strengthening the capabilities of geographic information systems (GIS) and risk assessment, as well as raising awareness and preparing civil society for risk management, are priorities. Technology Transfer \u2013 Technology transfer is an integral part of the NDPC as it is through technology transfer that much of the mitigation and adaptation initiatives will be achieved.", + "Technology Transfer \u2013 Technology transfer is an integral part of the NDA, as it is through technology transfer that much of the mitigation and adaptation initiatives will be achieved.", + "Technology needs will span most of the life of the NDPC and include mitigation of renewable energy technologies such as solar, hydraulic, wind and geothermal, energy efficiency in the building and other industries, afforestation, agroforestry, arbor, conservation or agroecology agriculture, agricultural product processing, forest and other protected areas conservation and restoration.", + "These include mitigation of renewable energy technologies such as solar, hydraulics, wind and geothermal energy, energy efficiency in the building and other industries, afforestation, agroforestry, arable farming, conservation or agroecology agriculture, agricultural product processing, forest conservation and restoration and other protected areas. As regards adaptation, technology transfers for the energy, forestry and agriculture sectors mentioned above are also relevant.", + "With respect to adaptation, technology transfers in the energy, forestry and agriculture sectors mentioned above are also relevant, but will need to be complemented by technology transfers in the water, health and risk prevention sectors (e.g. pumping system, capture, storage, settlement, filtration, volcanic monitoring network, satellite image acquisition and processing). Section 7. Additional information on mitigation and adaptation. 7.1 Mitigation. 7.1.1 Development of the NDPC.", + "However, they will need to be complemented by technology transfers in the water, health and risk prevention sectors (e.g., pumping system, capture, storage, settlement, filtration, volcanic monitoring network, satellite image acquisition and processing). Section 7. Additional information on mitigation and adaptation. 7.1 Mitigation. 7.1.1 Development of the NDPC. In order to develop a robust, achievable, equitable and ambitious NDPC, a bottom-up approach to achieving the national contribution has been emphasized.", + "In order to develop a robust, achievable, equitable and ambitious NCP, the bottom-up approach to achieving the national contribution has been favoured. Mitigation measures have been developed in line with existing policies and other strategies of the Government of the Union of the Comoros and national specificities. A detailed description of the assumptions and projections used to project emissions and removals for each priority option follows.", + "A detailed description of the assumptions and projections used to project emissions and removals for each priority option follows. National work and reports from other countries in the region and the Indian Ocean Islands and international databases have also been used to supplement missing data or for validation purposes. The main documents on which this development is based are:. Central Bank of the Comoros. Annual Report (2013);.", + "National work and reports from other countries in the region and the Indian Ocean islands and from international databases have also been used to supplement missing data or for validation purposes. The main documents on which this development is based are:. Central Bank of the Comoros. Annual Report (2013);. Data collection and analysis for sustainable forest management - linking national and international efforts. (2000). Study report on wood-energy data in the Comoros. (2000).", + "Data collection and analysis for sustainable forest management - joining national and international efforts. (2000). Study report on wood-energy data in the Comoros. (2000). B. H. Abdourahaman;. Development of a national sectoral energy strategy in the Comoros. (2012). D Levy, A Doulet, A Bourgeois, H Abderamane and Y Aboulhouda;. Feasibility study for the transformation of organic waste into compost; V Mouafo and S. M Hassani;. ;. Note on the development of the electricity subsector in the Union of the Comoros.", + "Feasibility Study for the Transformation of Organic Waste into Compost; V Mouafo and S. M Hassani;. ;. Note on the Development of the Electricity Subsector in the Union of the Comoros. Energy Strategy and Action Plan validated on 21 February 2013 in the Council of Ministers;. Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development. (2015). Implementation Plan 2015-2019;. Updated Capital Cost Estimates for Utility Scale Electricity Generating Plants. (2013). US Department of Energy;. World Statistics Pocketbook.", + "Implementation Plan 2015-2019;. Updated Capital Cost Estimates for Utility Scale Electricity Generating Plants. (2013). US Department of Energy;. World Statistics Pocketbook. United Nations Statistics Division;. 2nd National Communication, Climate Change Consultation, Mitigation Option (2011); S.A. Batouli and S Hassani. 7.1.2 GHG Emissions and Projections. Methodologies. The 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the 2006 IPCC software were used to estimate emissions and removals based on the equation. Emissions = Activity Data*Emission Factors.", + "The 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the 2006 IPCC software were used to estimate emissions and removals based on the equation. Emissions = Activity data*emission factors. The same methodology was adopted to compile baseline and mitigation scenario emissions, namely the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the 2006 IPCC software as recommended by the Conference of the Parties to be consistent and comparable.", + "The same methodology was adopted to compile baseline and mitigation scenario emissions, namely the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the 2006 IPCC software as recommended by the Conference of the Parties to be consistent and comparable.", + "Activity data are derived from the country\u2019s past statistics and projections from sectoral development reports or strategies. In cases where projections do not exist, statistical modelling or trend lines have been used to estimate future needs. These exercises have been conducted on the basis of population growth, urbanization rate, GDP and deforestation rate, among others.", + "These exercises were conducted on the basis of demographic growth, urbanization rate, GDP and deforestation rate, among others. Activity data include the country\u2019s energy needs and production, volumes of fossil fuels, number of livestock, volume of timber harvested and volume of household waste produced. Demographic growth and other socio-economic parameters were taken from projections made in the country\u2019s development strategies. Emissions at the national level.", + "Population growth and other socio-economic parameters were included in projections made in the country\u2019s development strategies. Emissions at the national level. Absorptions and emissions in tCO2eq. by sector for the three revised inventory years, 2000, 2005 and 2010, are included in Table 5. Table 5 shows that Energy, Agriculture and LUCF are the key sectors in terms of emissions.", + "Table 5. Revised Year 2000, 2005 and 2010 Inventory Results in tCO2eq. Sectors. Year. 2000. 2005. 2010. National. -43,100. 25,500. 141,600. Energy. 106,600. 25,600. 149,700. Agriculture (Livestock). 53,000. 57,000. 70,600. LULUCF \u2013 Emissions. 61,500. 61,500. LULUCF \u2013 Removals. -315,200. -268,800. -209,300. LULUCF \u2013 Non-CO2 Aggregates. 24,600. 27,300. 34,900. Waste. 26,300. 29,900. 34,200.", + "UTCAF \u2013 Emissions. 61,500. 61,500. 61,500. UTCAF \u2013 Absorptions. -315,200. -268,800. -209,300. UTCAF \u2013 Non-CO2 aggregates. 24,600. 27,300. 34,900. Waste. 26,300. 29,900. 34,200. Details of the assumptions adopted for the mitigation scenario by measure follow. Energy:", + "At present, losses on the distribution network according to the report \"Elaboration of a national sectoral energy strategy in the Comoros\" amount to 30%. The rehabilitation of the network is one of the key mitigation measures because it can be implemented fairly quickly with concrete results from the year 2020. Thus, the hypothesis is a rehabilitation of the network in order to reduce this loss to 15%.", + "Rehabilitation of power plants. Hydrocarbon power generators are not well maintained due to a lack of human resources and capacity. This is another measure that would benefit from being implemented diligently with immediate results. Currently, the loss in power plant conversion is estimated at 8% and a reduction to 6% is envisaged. Adoption of the sun.", + "At present, the loss during conversion in power plants is estimated at 8% and a reduction to 6% is possible. Adoption of solar. Photovoltaic penetration has been worked on to integrate the system from 2020 onwards in order to meet national targets for electricity produced from renewable sources. Thus, the exploitation of a 14 MW potential has been worked on gradually in three stages. Increase the hydro potential.", + "Photovoltaic penetration has been worked on to integrate the system from 2020 onwards in order to achieve national targets for electricity produced from renewable sources. Thus, the exploitation of a potential of 14 MW has been worked on gradually in three stages. Increase the hydro potential. Similarly, for the development of electricity from hydro plants until 2030 with the aim of reaching the country\u2019s maximum potential. Geothermal energy.", + "Similarly, for the development of electricity from hydroelectric power plants until 2030 with the aim of reaching the country\u2019s maximum potential. Geothermal energy. Geothermal energy has been under exploration for some years now and the government is entrusting it as a potential source of renewable energy for the generation of electricity in the future.", + "Geothermal energy has been under exploration for some years now and the government is confident that it will be a potential source of renewable energy for electricity generation in the future. Given the time required to complete the studies and start generating electricity, it was considered to be near the end of the period under analysis, namely around 2030. Thus, the accounting of potentially avoidable GHGs was considered for 2030.", + "Given the time needed to complete the studies and start generating electricity, it was considered to be around the end of the period under analysis, namely around 2030. Thus, the accounting of potentially avoidable GHGs was taken into account for 2030. A production of some 14 MW by 2030. Promote the use of LPG instead of oil and wood.", + "A production of some 14 MW by 2030. Promote the use of LPG instead of oil and wood. Popularisation of the use of LPG by households and possibly as a substitute for gasoline in cars would also contribute to a reduction in emissions. An annual penetration of 3% of consumption has been assumed without, however, separating end uses. Promote improved homes.", + "An annual penetration of 3% of consumption was assumed without however separating end uses. Promoting improved households. This option was not evaluated for its mitigation capacity as its adoption has not been very successful despite the efforts made. Furthermore, the results remain difficult to quantify.", + "This option was not evaluated for its mitigation capability because its adoption has not been very successful despite the efforts invested and the results are still difficult to quantify. For the purposes of the study, it was considered that the introduction of improved households at the household level and in the production of essential oil Ylang Ylang would lead to a gradual reduction of 5% in the volume of wood used on the 2020, 2025 and 2030 scales.", + "For the purposes of the study, it was considered that the introduction of improved homes at the household level and in the production of essential oil Ylang Ylang would lead to a gradual 5% reduction in the volume of wood used in 2020, 2025 and 2030.", + "This reduction in the volume of wood used is included with other actions considered in the LULUCF section below where emission estimates are normally made. Table 6. GHG Reductions from Mitigation Measures for the Energy Sector: 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation Measures. GHG Reduction Potential (tCO2eq.). Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025. Horizon 2030. Energy.", + "Mitigation Measures. Potential for GHG reductions (tCO2eq.). Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025. Horizon 2030. Energy. Reduce losses on electricity distribution. 11,900. 15,000. 19,000. Repair power plants. 1,600. 2,000. 2,500. Adoption of solar. 2,700. 7,800. 9,400. Increase hydro potential. 2,300. 4,700. 10,300. Geothermal. 0. 0. 11,900. Promote the use of LPG instead of oil and wood. 6. 11. 12. Promote improved homes.", + "0. 11,900. Promote the use of LPG instead of oil and wood. 6. 11. 12. Promote improved homes. Calculates heating wood under reduction. Agriculture:. Promote conservation agriculture. Conservation agriculture, like improved homes, is making a slight breakthrough among farmers. This option also remains difficult to assess and project in the future. Therefore, it has not been quantified for its impact on GHG emissions. UTCAF.", + "This option, too, remains difficult to assess and project in the future and has not been quantified for its impact on GHG emissions. LULUCF. Reduced consumption of firewood, service wood and industrial wood. Consumption of wood from forests and other biomass reserves accounts for the largest share of current GHG emissions.", + "The consumption of wood from forests and other biomass reserves accounts for the largest share of GHG emissions at present. Furthermore, it is a source of land degradation with negative effects on other sectors such as food crop production and livestock farming. It is therefore a major activity to be targeted to reduce emissions. It is necessary to consider this problem in an integrated way as it is cross-cutting and linked to other residential and industrial activities.", + "It is necessary to consider this problem in an integrated way, as it is cross-cutting and linked to other residential and industrial activities, as the measures favoured in other sectors go in this direction, such as the rate of electrification, the promotion of LPG, the extension of improved homes for households and industrial needs, and the substitution of service wood with other materials.", + "In fact, the preferred measures in other sectors go in this direction, such as the electrification rate, the promotion of LPG, the extension of improved homes for households and industrial needs, and the substitution of service wood with other materials. The assumption is that this use will be reduced by 15% every five years, which would put a brake on deforestation and lead to a 45% reduction in deforestation by 2030.", + "The hypothesis is to reduce this use by 15% every five years, which would put a brake on deforestation and lead to a 45% reduction in deforestation by 2030. Afforestation of grassland or other uncultivated land. Over time and due to lack of resources, the area under grassland has increased in the island as a result of deforestation and today this situation has adverse effects on other sectors.", + "Over time and due to a lack of resources, the area under grassland on the island has increased as a result of deforestation, and now this situation has adverse effects on other areas. Reforestation and afforestation have been common practices for more than a decade but have not been very successful given national circumstances.", + "The objective of the national policy, SCA2D, is to cover an area of 11116 ha by 2019, equivalent to 6% of the territory.", + "The objective of the national policy, SCA2D, is to cover an area of 11116 ha by 2019, equivalent to 6% of the land area.", + "Deforestation on part of this area with commercial timber species is an ideal solution as it would capture carbon dioxide while providing the wood required for residential, service and industrial purposes. Consequently, the plan would be to begin with deforestation followed by reforestation with native species a few years later. This approach to implementing the reforestation program takes into account seedling preparation and other associated measures. Reforestation.", + "This approach to the implementation of the reforestation programme takes into account the preparation of seedlings and other associated measures. Reforestation. Better reforestation planning is needed and will require more investment to ensure its success. The Union of the Comoros aims at reforestation of 2200 ha annually over a period of 5 years from 2015 to 2019 to be in line with the SCA2D. However, implementation seems difficult because it has not been possible to raise the necessary funding to date.", + "The objective of the Union of the Comoros is the reforestation of 2200 ha annually over a period of 5 years from 2015 to 2019 in order to be in line with the SCA2D. However, implementation seems difficult because it has not been possible to raise the necessary funding to date. This area has therefore been allocated to reforestation and afforestation over 12 years from 2018 onwards, subject to the availability of funding.", + "This area has therefore been allocated to reforestation and afforestation over 12 years from 2018 onwards, subject to funding. This approach will reduce pressure on the forest resource over time with the aim of sustainable exploitation in the medium and long term. At the same time, related benefits will be obtained in relation to soil and water degradation.", + "This approach will reduce the pressure on the forest resource over time with the aim of sustainable exploitation in the medium and long term. At the same time, related benefits will be obtained in relation to soil and water degradation. Indirectly, the latter aspect will have intrinsically positive effects on the sustainability of production in other water-related sectors. Agroforestry:For agroforestry, abandoned agricultural land will be targeted for this activity. The intention is to convert 200 ha annually for agroforestry.", + "Agroforestry:For agroforestry, abandoned agricultural land will be targeted for this activity. The intention is to convert 200 ha annually for agroforestry. This, while being a sink of GHGs, will also create employment and generate wealth for the communities. Arboriculture:For arboriculture, once again abandoned agricultural land will be converted at the rate of 200 ha annually. While being a sink of GHGs, this activity will create employment, contribute to food security and generate wealth for the communities.", + "Protected areas:The Comorian government plans to strengthen its actions for the conservation of marine and terrestrial biodiversity, with plans to increase the total area of protected areas to about 50,000 hectares of land under vegetation cover, mainly forests, by 2030.", + "For example, it is projected to increase to a total of approximately 50,000 ha of undercover land, mainly forests, of protected areas by 2030. A summary of emission reductions through LULUCF mitigation measures is presented in the Table below. Table 7. GHG reductions from LULUCF mitigation measures: 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation Measures. Potential for GHG reductions (tCO2eq.). Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025. Horizon 2030.", + "GHG Mitigation Reductions for LULUCF Sector: Horizon 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation Measures. Potential for GHG Reductions (tCO2eq.). Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025. Horizon 2030. Reduction of consumption of firewood, service and industrial wood. 33,000. 68,000. 104,000. Afforestation of grassland or other uncultivated land. 39,000. 78,000. 78,000. Reforestation. 0. 18,200. 70,200. Agroforestry. 13,000. 34,000. 56,000. Arboriculture. 13,000. 23,000. 29,000. Protected Areas (50000 ha). 45,800. 45,800. 45,800. Waste.", + "Reforestation. 0. 18,200. 70,200. Agroforestry. 13,000. 34,000. 56,000. Horticulture. 13,000. 23,000. 29,000. Protected areas (50000 ha). 45,800. 45,800. 45,800. Waste. A solid and liquid waste management policy is in place but is not yet implemented. Projects identified for household waste include composting after sorting and landfilling in major cities and biogas production elsewhere. Both composting and biogas production will help reduce emissions (Table 8). Table 8.", + "Projects identified for household waste include composting after sorting and landfilling in major cities and biogas production elsewhere. Composting and biogas production will help reduce emissions (Table 8). Table 8. GHG Reductions from Mitigation Measures for the Waste Sector: Horizon 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation Measures. GHG Reduction Potential (tCO2eq.). Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025. Horizon 2030. Composting and Biogas. 4400. 5000. 5500. Sectoral emission and removal projections in tCO2eq.", + "Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025. Horizon 2030. Composting and Biogas. 4400. 5000. 5500. Sectoral emissions and removals projections in tCO2eq within five years for the period 2015 to 2030 are presented in Table 2. Table 9. GHG Projections (2015-2030) by NEC in tCO2eq Sectors. Year. 2015. 2020. 2025. 2030. National. 229,500. 357,800. 434,500. 523,000. Energy. 181,300. 219,100. 266,500. 319,200. Agriculture (Livestock). 81,400. 85,600. 89,800. 94,100. LULUCF \u2013 Emissions. 61,500. 50,000. 59,600. 69,100. LULUCF \u2013 Removals. -175,100. -85,200. -78,300. -68,900.", + "Agriculture (Livestock). 81,400. 85,600. 89,800. 94,100. LULUCF \u2013 Emissions. 61,500. 50,000. 59,600. 69,100. LULUCF \u2013 Absorptions. -175,100. -85,200. -78,300. -68,900. LULUCF \u2013 Non-CO2 aggregates. 41,200. 43,600. 46,100. 48,500. Waste. 39,100. 44,700. 50,800. 56,000. 7.2 Adaptation. 7.2.1 Background: climate change trends and vulnerability The Union of the Comoros is an archipelago located north of the Mozambique Channel.", + "This state, like other island developing countries, is characterized by its very high vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. At the southwestern Indian Ocean scale, the study of available data over the past 50 years already reveals significant warming over the entire basin with a significant regional average increase of +0.2\u00b0C per decade and a decrease in annual precipitation over the period. These trends are confirmed at the Comoros scale.", + "At the southwestern Indian Ocean scale, the study of available data over the past 50 years already shows significant warming over the entire basin with a significant regional average increase of +0.2\u00b0C per decade and a decrease in annual precipitation over the period. These trends are confirmed at the Comoros scale. By 2050, climate change will manifest itself in a slight increase in rainfall relative to normal for the months of January to April and December.", + "By 2050, climate change will be reflected in a slight increase in rainfall relative to normal in January-April and December. Unlike other months, where rainfall will decrease. On a national scale, these changes will be reflected in an increase in temperature from 1.26 to 1.47 \u00b0C. Global warming will be even more pronounced in 2100 with a change from 1.99 to 2.35 \u00b0C.", + "At the national level, these changes will be reflected in an increase in temperature from 1.26 to 1.47 \u00b0C. Warming will be even more pronounced in 2100 with a variation from 1.99 to 2.35 \u00b0C. Generally, the thermal variation would almost double from 2050 to 2100 if no mitigation measures were taken. For rainfall, there will be a significant decrease from August to November. Sea level is expected to rise by 4 mm per year over the next 50 years.", + "For rainfall, there will be a significant decrease from August to November. Sea level is expected to rise by 4mm per year over the next 50 years. This increase corresponds to a potential average rise of 20 cm, twice the rise observed over the last 100 years (20-25 cm).", + "This increase corresponds to a potential average rise of 20 cm, twice the rise observed over the last 100 years (20-25 cm). The proportion of vulnerability is estimated at 82.1%, with damage caused by climate change exceeding the value of GDP as of 2020. The vulnerability of the Comoros is based on climate sensitivity and adaptability.", + "The proportion of vulnerability is estimated at 82.1%, with damage caused by climate change exceeding the value of GDP as of 2020. The vulnerability of the Comoros is based on sensitivity to climatic hazards and adaptability. It is in fact dependent on physical, human and socio-economic factors; the country\u2019s poverty is the main cause. The main hazards affecting the Comoros are:. the increase in temperature;. the rise in sea level (erosion and submersion);.", + "The main hazards affecting the Comoros are:. Increased temperature;. Sea level rise (erosion and submersion);. Changes in precipitation patterns;. Changes in wind patterns;. Ocean acidification;. Changes in fundamental cycles. UNDP, Comoros National Adaptation Plan Process, 2014.\u21a9. Source: World Bank\u21a9. Disaster Risk Assessment, 2014.\u21a9" + ], + "large": [ + "Union of the Comoros. Unity - Solidarity - Development. Ministry of Production, Environment, Energy, Industry and Handicrafts. Nationally Determined Planned Contributions of the Union of the Comoros. September 2015. Executive Summary. The Nationally Determined Planned Contribution (NDCP) of the Union of the Comoros was based on its Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (AC2D) and its various Climate Change Management Programmes, the overall objective of which is to contribute to poverty reduction, sustainable development and adequate solutions to the challenges of climate change. This was the result of a process of consultation between the various stakeholders, which reviewed all the programmes, action plans and projects relating to the fight against climate change.", + "This was the result of a process of consultation of the various stakeholders who reviewed all the programmes, action plans and projects relating to the fight against climate change. This process was enshrined by the national authorities through the holding of a national workshop on 2728 July 2015 chaired by the Minister in charge of the Environment. In deciding to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Union of the Comoros is aware of its commitment, on the one hand, to produce laborious GHG mitigation actions to achieve this objective despite the lack of capacity, and, on the other, to develop adaptation actions to the adverse effects of climate change. These actions are based on sectoral strategies and action plans, in particular in the areas of agriculture, waste, forestry, land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) and energy.", + "These actions are based on sectoral strategies and action plans, in particular in the areas of agriculture, waste, forestry, land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) and energy. Thus, despite its low contribution to greenhouse gases, the Union of the Comoros wishes to pursue its goal of being a carbon sink and thus to participate in the global effort to decarbonise the planet. The Union of the Comoros\u2019 ambition is to reduce its GHG emissions in 2030 by about 84% compared to the emissions projected for the same year under a baseline scenario. This commitment could only be achieved with the support of the international community to enable the Union of the Comoros to access additional sources of financing, including through the new climate finance mechanisms, or the Green Climate Fund.", + "This commitment could only be achieved with the support of the international community to enable the Union of the Comoros to access additional sources of financing, notably through the new climate finance mechanisms, or the Green Climate Fund. This target, which corresponds to a reduction of 441,700 metric tonnes of CO2eq., including LULUCF activities by 2030, requires a total investment of about US$675 million, of which about 10% could come from the national budget. Given the lack of data, the Union of the Comoros NPC is expected to evolve with the introduction of an improved data collection and processing system. Section 1. National context. As a small island State with a population of 750,000, the Union of the Comoros is particularly vulnerable to climate change, as are other small island developing States (SIDS).", + "As a small island State with a population of 750,000, the Union of the Comoros is particularly vulnerable to climate change, as are other small island developing States (SIDS). The main hazards affecting the Union of the Comoros are: rising temperatures; rising sea levels (erosion and submersion); more intense tropical cyclones, changes in precipitation patterns; changes in wind patterns; acidification of the oceans and changes in basic cycles. Furthermore, the economy of the Union of the Comoros is heavily dependent on agriculture, which accounts for about 50% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the vast majority of the population lives in coastal areas. The effects of climate change are already very visible and severely undermine the development efforts undertaken by the Union of the Comoros over the past decade.", + "The effects of climate change are already very visible and severely undermine the development efforts undertaken by the Union of the Comoros over the past decade. Without ambitious measures, the cost of climate-related impacts could rise to US$836 million by 2050, representing 130% of current GDP.1 The Union of the Comoros, with its globally negligible emissions, has made efforts over the past decade to develop a policy and strategic framework for sustainable growth and green, climate-resilient and low-carbon development. The Union of the Comoros, as a signatory to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, is committed to contributing to the international effort to combat global warming.", + "The Union of the Comoros, as a signatory to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, is committed to contributing to the international effort to combat global warming. The main activities are aimed at increasing the resilience of the populations most vulnerable to the effects of climate change while enabling them to improve their incomes and access clean technologies to meet their basic needs (food, health, electricity). Thus, the Union of the Comoros Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCC) is guided by the desire to pursue the objective of being a carbon sink and promoting sustainable development. This NDCC is based in particular on the National Adaptation Action Programme (NAP), the Strategic Programming Framework on the Natural Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction for 2011-2016 and the Accelered Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (AGR2D) for 2015-2019.", + "This NCC is based in particular on the National Adaptation Action Programme (NAPA), the Strategic Programming Framework on the Natural Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction for 2011-2016 and the Sustainable Growth and Development Strategy (SCA2D) for 2015-2019. Despite its low contribution to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Union of the Comoros wants to pursue its goal of being a carbon sink and thus participate in the global effort to decarbonise the planet. In order to reduce its external energy dependence and meet the needs of its most vulnerable populations, the Union of the Comoros would like to further develop its renewable energy prospects. Section 2. Mitigation. 2.1 Contribution.", + "In order to reduce its external energy dependence and meet the needs of its most vulnerable populations, the Union of the Comoros would like to further develop its renewable energy prospects. Section 2. Mitigation. 2.1 Contribution. The Union of the Comoros undertakes to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 84% by 2030 compared to the same year\u2019s baseline emissions. This reduction includes land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) removals as well. The Union of the Comoros\u2019 share of global GHG emissions is small but the country is prepared to contribute its share in mitigation and adaptation and means of implementation. Mitigation contribution. Baseline scenario. Projections of national emissions by 2030 according to the normal course of business. Base year. 2030. Type of contribution.", + "Projections of national emissions by 2030 according to the normal course of business. Base year. 2030. Type of contribution. Reduction of emissions from a baseline scenario covering three of the four islands in the Comorian territory (Greater Comoros, Anjouan and Moh\u00e9li). Target level. The Union of the Comoros has set itself a target of a reduction of the order of 440 000 metric tonnes of CO2eq., including removals from the activities of the UTCAF sector. The Union of the Comoros counts on the support of the international contribution of US$ 375 million, valued at 2015, to achieve this objective, through the Green Climate Fund or other existing or future financing mechanisms. GHG reduction. The Union of the Comoros has set itself a target of an 84% reduction in 2030 of its greenhouse gas emissions from the baseline scenario. Sectors", + "The Union of the Comoros has set itself a target of an 84% reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to baseline emissions. Sectors covered. Energy. Energy industries;. Energy efficiency;. Manufacturing category;. Residential category;. Agriculture. Conservation agriculture;. Horticulture;. Agroforestry. LULUCF. Protection of forests;. Reforestation;. Afforestation;. Reduction of timber harvesting from forests;. Waste. Household solid waste. Greenhouse gases covered. Carbon dioxide (CO2);. Methane (CH4);. Nitrous oxide (N2O);. Fluorinated gases account for only a small part of emissions and their phase-out has been under way for several years. Parameters applied. Potential values of global warming over 100 years, taken from the", + "CO2: 1. CH4: 21. N2O: 310. Methodology for estimating emissions. IPCC Guidelines 2006 and the IPCC 2006 software:. The normal course of business (Normal Course of Business) scenario was developed on the basis of a series of measures and actions at the level of the IPCC categories and sectors. Emissions, avoided or absorbed, were then aggregated to yield the national mitigation potential;. All projections were worked out taking into account population growth, increases in gross domestic product, and other country-specific social and economic factors. Land-use, land-use change, and forestry emissions approach. The accounting approach for LULUCF is based on emissions and removals from land-use change and use within and between the six IPCC land-use categories.", + "The accounting approach for LULUCF relates to emissions and removals from land use and land-use change within and between the six IPCC land categories. The 2006 IPCC Guideline and software were used to estimate emissions. Changes between IPCC land-use categories were determined using remote sensing techniques supported by conventional mapping and other means such as forest inventories to track the determinants of emissions and removals. The latter series deals with: reducing wood harvested for various uses. reducing the rate of deforestation. improving forest management. preserving protected areas. conserving forest reserves. agroforestry. arboriculture. reforestation. improving forest and grassland fire control. 2.1.1 Mitigation potential of measures.", + "Conservation of forest reserves. Agroforestry. Arboriculture. Reforestation. Improved control of forest and grassland fires. 2.1.1 Mitigation potential of measures. The flagship sectors for mitigation are UTCAF and Agriculture because the means are quite restrictive for the Energy sector on the basis of the data and the current situation. However, geothermal energy remains an asset and should receive maximum attention in order to be exploited in the nearest future. The national mitigation target is to reach 46% in 2020, to pass to 69% in 2025 and to reach 84% in 2030. Table 1. National and sectoral mitigation potential (tCO2eq.). Sectors. Year. 2020. 2025. 2030. NEC (baseline scenario). 357,800. 434,500. 523 000. Total mitigation. 166,600. 301", + "Agriculture. 26,000. 57,000. 85,000. LULUCF. 117,800. 210,000. 298,000. Waste. 4,400. 5,000. 5,500. % (mitigation*100/reference scenario). 47. 69. 84. Approach. A mixed approach, based on measures and actions for key IPCC categories and sectors, has been adopted as these offer the highest mitigation potentials. Second, a success potential assessment exercise has been undertaken based on national circumstances in the country to prioritize the best potentials. Mitigation potentials have thus been identified for each prioritized sector of activity and the values obtained have then been aggregated to arrive at a national level. This approach will also facilitate the preparation of a detailed and precise plan for implementation, as the actions to be taken into account have already been identified. Basis or Reasoning", + "This approach will also facilitate the preparation of a detailed and precise plan for implementation, since the actions to be taken into account have already been identified. Rationale or rationale. The categories of energy and residential industries have been chosen because they are key sources and also offer other benefits in addition to mitigation. Thus, access to electricity, especially green electricity, would help the country\u2019s development, ensure better air and environmental quality and reduce pressure on forests for timber. Hydraulics and solar have been favoured over hydrocarbons without eliminating wind, while geothermal energy has been taken into account by 2030. Wind electricity still needs to be studied before it has a place in the energy mix.", + "Hydraulics and solar have been favoured to the detriment of hydrocarbons without eliminating wind, while geothermal energy has been taken into account by 2030. Wind electricity still needs to be studied before it can be included in the energy mix. During the period 2010 to 2030, renewable energies will grow from around 3% to almost 43%, with geothermal energy production accounting for 16% if the operation is carried out. Other measures concern energy mastery during processing and transmission, and energy efficiency through improved homes, improvements in carbonisation and alambics, among others. The impacts in terms of reducing emissions for the latter have been accounted for under the forestry sector because they will come about through a reduction in wood harvesting.", + "The impacts in terms of emission reductions for the latter have been accounted for under the Forestry sector because they will be achieved through a reduction in timber harvesting. With regard to the Agriculture sector, livestock farming makes it difficult to mitigate in the timeframe considered for this year. Conservation agriculture has been analysed but emissions that could be avoided have not been quantified because they remain quite random. Forestry has been particularly targeted because it is the largest emitter of GHGs and also offers a great opportunity for sequestration in the country. Targeted measures relate to the protection of forest areas, deforestation, reforestation, afforestation, agroforestry and arboriculture while making the necessary efforts to reduce consumption of wood from forests.", + "The targeted measures relate to the protection of forest areas, deforestation, reforestation, afforestation, agroforestry and arboriculture, while investing the necessary efforts to reduce the consumption of wood from forests. A holistic approach has been worked out for sustainable forestry, taking into account the wood needs of the population for energy and other needs. Thus, it is planned to reforestation approximately 12,000 ha during the period 2018 to 2030. The area under agroforestry and arboriculture will change at a rate of 200 ha per year from 2018 to 2030. Existing protected areas will be expanded to 50,000 ha by 2030. The CNPC plans to implement improved management of household solid waste mainly through composting. The table below summarizes the various measures taken and their reduction potential. Table 2.", + "The NDCC plans to implement improved management of household solid waste through composting primarily. The following table summarizes the various measures taken and their potential for reduction. Table 2. GHG reductions from mitigation measures - horizon 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation Measures. Potential for GHG reductions (tCO2eq.). Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025. Horizon 2030. Energy. 18,500. 29,500. 41,200. Reduce losses on electricity distribution. 11,900. 15,000. 19,000. Repair power plants. 1,600. 2,000. 2,500. Adoption of solar. 2,700. 7,800. 9,400. Increase hydro potential. 2,300. 4,700. 10,300. Geothermal. 0. 0. 11,900. Promote the use of LPG instead of oil and wood.", + "Promoting improved homes. Calculates heating wood under reduction. Agriculture. Promoting conservation agriculture. No quantification. LULUCF. 143,800. 267,000. 383,000. Reduction of consumption of firewood, service and industrial. 33,000. 68,000. 104,000. Afforestation of grassland or other uncultivated land. 39,000. 78,000. 78,000. Reforestation. 18,200. 70,200. Agroforestry. 13,000. 34,000. 56,000. Arboriculture. 13,000. 23,000. 29,000. Protected areas (50000 ha). 45,800. 45,800. 45,800. Waste. 4,400. 5,000. 5,500. Postal and Biogas. 4,400. 5,000. 5,500. Section 3. Adaptation. 3.1 Adaptation strategy: long-term vision. The challenge of", + "The Government is also aware that the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change are rural communities and poor farmers, who too often lack the capacity to withstand these impacts. It will be important, inter alia, to: (i) strengthen the enforcement of regulations on the rehabilitation of degraded areas, (ii) promote intensive agriculture, (iii) increase the involvement of women and communities in decision-making on environmental protection, given their increasing role in the development of the domestic economy; and (iv) develop the resilience of populations to disasters and climate change.", + "It will be important, inter alia, to: (i) strengthen the enforcement of regulations on the restoration of degraded areas, (ii) promote intensive agriculture, (iii) increase the involvement of women and communities in decision-making on environmental protection, given their growing role in the development of the domestic economy; and (iv) develop the resilience of populations to disasters and climate change. To this end, the country must succeed in integrating these climate change adaptation measures into the various sectoral policies, strengthen capacities and finally mobilise sufficient financial resources. 3.2 Ongoing or planned short-term actions. The Union of the Comoros is highly vulnerable to climate change, in particular due to its low adaptation capacity. In this context, the fight against poverty contributes to the fight against climate change, in particular by aiming at reducing vulnerability.", + "In this context, the fight against poverty contributes to the fight against climate change by aiming in particular at reducing vulnerability. Similarly, many vulnerability reduction projects aim at reducing poverty. It is important that stakeholders be made aware of this two-way link between poverty reduction and adaptation through reducing vulnerability. Indeed, this very narrow boundary between the two approaches, sometimes inconsistent, can lead to a misunderstanding as to the real meaning of adaptation in relation to a conventional poverty reduction strategy. Today, four major climate change adaptation projects are under way or are about to start and two projects are under development. They target the water and agriculture sectors as well as the integration of adaptation into sectoral policies (see Table 4). Table 3.", + "They target the water and agriculture sectors and the integration of adaptation into sectoral policies (see Table 4). Table 3. Major adaptation projects in the Comoros. Projects. Sector / Objectives. Status of implementation. Capacity-building and resilience of the agricultural sector to climate change in the Comoros (CRCCA). Agriculture: Reducing the vulnerability of agricultural systems to climate change and climate variability. Ongoing. Capacity-building of water resources management for adaptation to climate change (ACCE). Water: reducing the risks of climate change to daily life and the impacts on water resources. Ongoing. Programme of Support to the Union of the Comoros for the Strengthening of Resilience to Climate Change (AMCCA). Integration: improving the integration of climate change into strategies, projects and mechanisms for planning, coordination and monitoring. Ongo", + "Integration: improving the integration of climate change into strategies, projects and planning, coordination and monitoring mechanisms. Ongoing. Joint Water Adaptation Programme. Water: reducing the risks of climate change to daily life and the impacts on water resources at 5 pilot sites. Ongoing. Rehabilitation of adaptive watersheds, forests and livelihoods. Coastal zones: strengthening resilience in the Comoros by rehabilitating watersheds, forests and diversifying livelihoods. Developing. Resilience to risks from climate variability and change. Risks: strengthening the adaptation and resilience of communities most vulnerable to disaster risks from climate change and variability in the Comoros. Developing. 3.3 Adaptation objectives.", + "Risks: strengthening the adaptation and resilience of communities most vulnerable to disaster risks related to climate change and variability in the Comoros. Developing. 3.3 Adaptation targets. Adaptation targets have been identified or extrapolated from ACS2D and existing sectoral policies and are listed in the table below. Table 4. Key adaptation targets. Sectors. Target 2020. Target 2030. Water. 66% of the population with access to safe drinking water. 100% of the population with access to safe drinking water. Agriculture and livestock. 100% of farmers use technologies and varieties adapted to climate change. 100% of farmers have a water management system adapted to climate change.", + "100% of farmers use techniques and varieties adapted to the evolution of climate change. 100% of farmers have a water management system adapted to the evolution of climate change. the country benefits from an effective early warning and response system capable of intervening throughout the territory in the event of the emergence of a new bovine or caprine disease. Health. Malaria is eradicated from the island. the country benefits from an effective early warning and response system capable of intervening throughout the territory in the event of the emergence of a new vector-borne disease. Risk reduction and disasters. The country benefits from an effective early warning and response system capable of intervening throughout the territory. 100% of the population located in vulnerable areas is displaced or is provided with facilities protecting it from climatic hazards and in particular from the risk of flooding.", + "100% of the population in vulnerable areas are displaced or benefit from developments protecting them from climatic hazards and in particular from the risk of flooding. the country benefits from a system of building standards that takes account of climate change in terms of 10- and 100-year floods as well as the risk of flooding linked to rising sea levels and intensifying cyclone waves. Integration and awareness (cross-cutting aspect). The NAP process is completed;. adaptation to climate change is systematically integrated into research programmes and environmental education programmes;. integration of adaptation to climate change into sectoral laws, strategies and policies. The mobilisation of international funding enables the achievement of the objectives set out above. the establishment of an early warning system to prevent extreme events and anticipate responses to reduce impacts across all sectors.", + "establishment of an early warning system to prevent extreme events and anticipate the response needed to reduce impacts in all sectors. 100% of the most vulnerable populations are made aware of the impacts of the CC and are informed about adaptation measures. all state actors, centralised but also decentralised to the municipal level, have benefited from capacity building focused on adaptation to climate change. Section 4. Fairness and ambition. The CNDP will be developed to be fair and ambitious for the Union of the Comoros, while ensuring that it contributes to achieving the ultimate objective of the Convention to stabilise the level of GHGs in the atmosphere at a level that is not harmful to the proper functioning of terrestrial ecosystems.", + "The CNDP will be developed to be fair and ambitious for the Union of the Comoros, while ensuring that it contributes to the ultimate objective of the Convention to stabilize the level of GHGs in the atmosphere at a level that is not harmful to the proper functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. Given that Comoros emissions account for a small proportion of global greenhouse gas emissions, the country has therefore focused on measures that are compatible with its status as a small island State, as a LDC, and that have rapid effects. The Comoros ranks 159th out of 187 countries on the UNDP Human Development Index (HDI) with an HDI of 0.488 in 2014. With a per capita GDP of US$ 840 in 2014,2 the Comoros is struggling to create a basis for sustainable economic growth.3", + "With a per capita GDP of US$ 840 in 2014,2 the Comoros is struggling to create a basis for sustainable economic growth.3 To fight poverty effectively, the country has committed itself to a sustainable development goal by signing the Istandra Manifesto. With a majority of the population living in coastal regions, poverty reduction efforts have focused on protecting coastal areas, risk management, etc., the main effects of which will reduce vulnerability. From GHG sinks in 2000, the Union of the Comoros became an emitter in 2015, based on the baseline scenario projection and inventories for 2000, 2005 and 2010. In 2010, Comorian emissions accounted for a small proportion of global greenhouse gas emissions, i.e. 0.00045%.", + "In 2010, Comorian emissions accounted for a tiny fraction of the world\u2019s greenhouse gas emissions, at 0.00045%. The country has increased its efforts over the past decade to achieve sustainable growth and green development, climate resilient and low-carbon political and institutional emissions. Thus, actions to combat climate change (CC) in terms of mitigation and adaptation have been carried out since the 1990s. Moreover, through the actions put in place to date, GHG emissions per capita have been contained at 0.4 tonnes over the period 2000-2010. Despite its low contribution to greenhouse gases, the Union of the Comoros wants to pursue its goal of being a carbon sink and thus participate in the global effort to decarbonise the planet.", + "Despite its low contribution to greenhouse gases, the Union of the Comoros wishes to pursue its goal of being a carbon sink and thus to participate in the global effort to decarbonise the planet. However, in order to do so, the country\u2019s capacity to implement its contribution also has its limits. Indeed, the current and medium-term level of economic development has served to develop the potential for mitigation, adaptation and thus its contribution, while taking into account the country\u2019s development priorities of poverty reduction and other Millennium Development Goals.", + "Indeed, the current and medium-term level of economic development has served to develop the potential for mitigation, adaptation and therefore its contribution, while taking into account the country\u2019s development priorities of poverty reduction and other Millennium Development Goals. This contribution is considered to be equitable for the Comoros to enable the international community to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention on the stabilisation of the level of GHGs in the atmosphere, namely to keep global warming below the critical threshold of 2\u00b0C, which would destabilize the functioning of natural ecosystems. The Union of the Comoros aspires to transform its economy through activities contributing to minimum GHG emissions, namely in the energy and UTCAF sectors, in order to achieve GHG-neutral economic development, if not a sink.", + "The Union of the Comoros aspires to transform its economy through activities contributing to minimum GHG emissions, i.e. in the energy and UTCAF sectors, to achieve a neutral economic development in terms of GHG emissions, if not a sink. However, financial and technical support from the international community is a prerequisite for the success of this contribution to achieving the objective of the Convention. The Union of the Comoros commits to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 84% by 2030 compared to baseline emissions under the condition of the international assistance mentioned. This percentage represents nearly 440 000 tCO2eq. Section 5. Institutional arrangements. The Union of the Comoros will use the existing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for the implementation of the NDCP.", + "Institutional arrangements. The Union of the Comoros will use the existing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for the implementation of the NDCP. Thus, the existing institutional arrangements will be consolidated to enable the implementation and monitoring of the NDCP. The National Council for Sustainable Development (CNDD) established in 2013 will carry out the programme in collaboration with the ministries and other directorates concerned according to the measures and actions. However, the operationality of this committee would require financial means to be truly effective. The NDCP can be monitored through the GHG inventories of the National Communications and the Biennial Reports which will be transmitted to the UNFCCC. With regard to adaptation measures in particular, monitoring could be carried out through the sectoral working groups and the Development Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation Committees (COPSED). Section 6.", + "With regard to adaptation measures in particular, monitoring could be carried out through sectoral working groups and Development Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation Committees (COPSED). Section 6. Means of implementation. 6.1 Constraints and needs. 6.1.1 Constraints. Despite its low contribution to greenhouse gases, the Union of the Comoros wishes to pursue its goal of remaining a carbon sink and thus to participate in the global effort to decarbonise the planet. An analysis of the various components of the economy shows that the Union of the Comoros is in the process of reconstruction and reform as a fragile country.", + "Many efforts have been made over the past 20 years in the area of sustainable development, and particularly in the area of adaptation, but these efforts are scattered and their results are not measurable. This is due to many gaps identified by various studies (such as the Capacity Assessment (CARA), the National Report of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, the Mauritius Report, the Strategic Programming Plan) that should be addressed at the institutional, political, strategic and legal levels. 6.1.2 Adaptation and mitigation needs. In response to these constraints and challenges, the human, technical and financial resources needs are as follows:. The lack of domestic financial resources increases the country\u2019s dependence on external assistance. All adaptation projects are financed by external assistance. This dependence favours the project approach to the detriment of the programme approach.", + "The lack of financial resources specific to the country increases its dependence on external aid. All adaptation projects are financed by external aid. This dependence favours the project approach over the programme approach. The Union of the Comoros must ensure the sustainability of actions and move from a project to a more or less long-term programme mode and ensure the sustainability of funding as well;. the institutions responsible for adaptation and mitigation lack human, technical, financial and material resources. Furthermore, the texts defining the mandates, missions and responsibilities of the institutions (Union and islands) concerned with the management and protection of the national environment would need to be revised in order to gain clarity. Consequently, its institutions are very limited in their capacity to design, plan and implement adaptation and mitigation actions.", + "Consequently, its institutions are very limited in their capacity to design, plan and implement adaptation and mitigation measures. They are also handicapped in their tasks of coordination, facilitation, guidance and awareness-raising;. as in the case of adaptation and mitigation, risk management in the Comoros lacks a regulatory framework and a mechanism for coordination between the various actors.4 In the absence of financial resources, limited State resources have been used in response to emergency situations rather than for prevention.", + "The need for technology transfer is inherent in the adaptation measures and projects to be put in place and therefore affects most of the areas identified. 6.1.3 Implementation. The CNSC has worked to produce the expected results quickly given the urgency of the situation to achieve the objective of the Convention. Thus, a period of one to two years has been taken into account to allow for the creation of the favourable environment and the establishment of the necessary system. In the meantime, it is also hoped that the necessary resources will be available to carry out this task, which is so essential for the future of our planet. The implementation of the CNSC represents a challenge for the Union of the Comoros.", + "In the meantime, it is also hoped that the necessary resources will be available to carry out this task, which is so essential to the future of our planet. The implementation of the NCP is a challenge for the Union of the Comoros. There are many challenges to be met in areas such as human capacity building, technology needs and financial needs in order to carry out the NCP in a timely manner at the various stages. The Union of the Comoros counts on the international community to consolidate the efforts undertaken for more than 20 years in the fight against climate change. Indeed, international support in the form of funding, capacity building and technology transfer will be essential for the Union of the Comoros to implement its NCP:.", + "Indeed, international support in the form of financing, capacity building and technology transfer will be essential for the Union of the Comoros to implement its NDFP: Financial Support \u2013 The Union of the Comoros will need an envelope of around US$ 675 million to complete the implementation of its NDFP, of which US$ 375 million for mitigation measures and US$ 300 million for adaptation measures. Given its very limited resources, the Union of the Comoros cannot undertake its measures without the assistance of the international community. However, the share of the national budget could be around 10% of this envelope based on the experience of projects in the Comoros.", + "However, the share of the national budget could be about 10% of this envelope based on the experience of projects in the Comoros. In view of the urgency of the situation to stabilize the GHG content of the atmosphere, the Union of the Comoros has set itself the objective of starting implementation as soon as possible for the expected effects, starting in 2018;. Support for capacity building \u2013 The Union of the Comoros severely lacks the capacity to implement, monitor and report on the initiatives that will be put in place for the CNDP. The Union of the Comoros counts on the solidarity of the international community to provide it with the necessary support.", + "Support for Capacity Building \u2013 The Union of the Comoros severely lacks the capacity to implement, monitor and report on the initiatives that will be put in place for the NDRC. The Union of the Comoros counts on the solidarity of the international community to provide it with the necessary support. Capacity building needs are quite broad and include human capacity in various areas, institutional capacity, the legal, legal and financial framework, better planning in terms of policy, strategy and action plan; and better monitoring of operations; illustratively, capacity building needs are important tools for integrating the effects of climate change into strategies, policies and action plans on the one hand, and in the area of monitoring and evaluation.", + "Capacity-building needs are quite broad and include human capacity in various areas, institutional capacity, legal, legal and financial framework, better planning in terms of policy, strategy and action plan; and better monitoring of operations; illustratively, capacity-building needs are important as tools for integrating the effects of climate change into strategies, policies and action plans, on the one hand, and in the area of monitoring and evaluation.", + "In the area of risk management, strengthening the capabilities of geographic information systems (GIS) and risk assessment, as well as raising awareness and preparing civil society for risk management, are priorities. Technology Transfer \u2013 Technology transfer is an integral part of the NDPC as it is through technology transfer that much of the mitigation and adaptation initiatives will be achieved. Technology needs will span the majority of the NDPC\u2019s duration. These include mitigation of renewable energy technologies such as solar, hydraulic, wind and geothermal, energy efficiency in the building and other industries, afforestation, agroforestry, arable farming, conservation or agroecology agriculture, agricultural product processing, forest conservation and restoration, and other protected areas.", + "They include mitigation of renewable energy technologies such as solar, hydraulic, wind and geothermal, energy efficiency in the building and other industries, afforestation, agroforestry, arbor cultivation, conservation or agroecology agriculture, agricultural product processing, forest conservation and restoration and other protected areas. For adaptation, technology transfers for the energy, forestry and agriculture sectors mentioned above are also relevant, but will need to be complemented by technology transfers in the water, health and risk prevention sectors (e.g., pumping system, capture, storage, settlement, filtration, volcanic monitoring network, satellite image acquisition and processing). Section 7. Additional information on mitigation and adaptation. 7.1 Mitigation. 7.1.1 Development of the NDPC.", + "However, they will need to be complemented by technology transfers in the water, health and risk prevention sectors (e.g. pumping system, capture, storage, settlement, filtration, volcanic monitoring network, satellite image acquisition and processing). Section 7. Additional information on mitigation and adaptation. 7.1 Mitigation. 7.1.1 Development of the NPC. In order to develop a robust, achievable, equitable and ambitious NPC, the bottom-up approach to achieving the national contribution has been favoured. Mitigation measures have been developed in line with existing policies and other strategies of the Government of the Union of the Comoros and national specificities. A detailed description of the assumptions and projections used to project emissions and removals for each priority option follows.", + "A detailed description of the assumptions and projections used to project emissions and removals for each priority option follows. National work and reports from other countries in the region and the Indian Ocean Islands and international databases have also been used to supplement missing data or for validation purposes. The main documents on which this development is based are:. Central Bank of the Comoros. Annual Report (2013);. Data collection and analysis for sustainable forest management - joining national and international efforts. (2000). Study report on wood-energy data in the Comoros. (2000). B. H. Abdourahaman;. Development of a national sectoral energy strategy in the Comoros. (2012). D Levy, A Doulet, A Bourgeois, H Abderamane and Y Aboulhouda;. Feasibility study for the transformation of organic waste into compost; V Mouafo and S. M Hassani;.", + "Feasibility Study for the Transformation of Organic Waste into Compost; V Mouafo and S. M Hassani;. ;. Note on the Development of the Electricity Subsector in the Union of the Comoros. Energy Strategy and Action Plan validated on 21 February 2013 in the Council of Ministers;. Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Sustainable Development. (2015). Implementation Plan 2015-2019;. Updated Capital Cost Estimates for Utility Scale Electricity Generating Plants. (2013). US Department of Energy;. World Statistics Pocketbook. United Nations Statistics Division;. 2nd National Communication, Consultation on Climate Change, Mitigation Option (2011); S.A. Batouli and S Hassani. 7.1.2 GHG Emissions and Projections. Methodologies. The 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the 2006 IPCC software were used to estimate", + "The 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the 2006 IPCC software were used to estimate emissions and removals based on the equation. Emissions = Activity data*emission factors. The same methodology was adopted to compile emissions from baseline and mitigation scenarios, namely the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the 2006 IPCC software as recommended by the Conference of the Parties to be consistent and comparable. Activity data were derived from country statistics for the past and projections from sectoral development reports or strategies. In cases where projections do not exist, statistical modelling or trend line were used to estimate future needs. These exercises were conducted on the basis of population growth, urbanization rate, GDP and deforestation rate, among others.", + "These exercises were conducted on the basis of demographic growth, urbanization rate, GDP, and deforestation rate, among others. Activity data include the country\u2019s energy needs and production, fossil fuel volumes, livestock numbers, timber harvested, and household waste generated. Demographic growth and other socio-economic parameters were projected in the country\u2019s development strategies. Emissions at the national level. Absorptions and emissions in tCO2eq. by sector for the three revised inventory years, 2000, 2005 and 2010, are shown in Table 5. The latter shows that Energy, Agriculture, and UTCAF are the key sectors in terms of emissions. These three sectors were therefore given priority for mitigation. Table 5. Results of the revised inventories for 2000, 2005 and 2010 in tCO2eq. Sectors. Year. 2000.", + "Table 5. Results of the revised inventories for 2000, 2005 and 2010 in tCO2eq. Sectors. Year. 2000. 2005. 2010. National. -43,100. 25,500. 141,600. Energy. 106,600. 25,600. 149,700. Agriculture (Livestock). 53,000. 57,000. 70,600. LULUCF \u2013 Emissions. 61,500. 61,500. 61,500. LULUCF \u2013 Removals. -315,200. -268,800. -209,300. LULUCF \u2013 Non-CO2 aggregates. 24,600. 27,300. 34,900. Waste. 26,300. 29,900. 34,200. Details of the assumptions adopted for the mitigation scenario by measure are as follows. Energy:", + "The rehabilitation of the grid is one of the key mitigation measures because it can be implemented fairly quickly with concrete results from the year 2020. Thus, the hypothesis is a rehabilitation of the grid to reduce this loss to 15%. Rehabilitation of power plants. Hydrocarbon power generators are rather poorly maintained due to a lack of human resources and capacities. This is one of the other measures that would benefit from being implemented with diligence with immediate results. Currently, the loss during conversion in power plants is estimated at 8% and a reduction to 6% is possible. Adoption of the sun. Photovoltaic penetration has been worked on to integrate the system from the year 2020 in order to achieve national targets for electricity produced from renewable sources. Thus, the exploitation of a 14 MW potential has been worked on gradually in three stages.", + "Photovoltaic penetration was worked on to integrate the system from 2020 onwards in order to meet national targets for electricity produced from renewable sources. Thus, the exploitation of a potential of 14 MW in three phases was worked on. Increase the hydro potential. Similarly, for the development of electricity from hydro plants until 2030 with the aim of reaching the country\u2019s maximum potential. Geothermal energy. Geothermal energy has been being explored for some years now and the government has confidence in it as a potential source of renewable energy for electricity generation in the future. Given the time needed to complete the studies and start generating electricity, it was considered to be towards the end of the period under analysis, namely around 2030. Thus, the accounting of potentially avoidable GHGs was considered for 2030.", + "Given the time needed to complete the studies and start generating electricity, it was considered to be around the end of the period under analysis, namely around 2030. Thus, the accounting of potentially avoidable GHGs was taken into account for 2030. A production of some 14 MW by 2030. Promote the use of LPG instead of oil and wood. Popularisation of the use of LPG by households and possibly as a substitute for gasoline in cars would also contribute to a reduction in emissions. An annual penetration of 3% of consumption was assumed without however separating end uses. Promote improved homes. This option was not evaluated for its mitigation capacity as its adoption has not been very successful despite the efforts invested. Furthermore, the results remain difficult to quantify.", + "This option has not been evaluated for its mitigation capability as its adoption has not been very successful despite the efforts invested. Furthermore, the results remain difficult to quantify. For the purposes of the study, it was considered that the introduction of improved homes at the household level and in the production of essential oil Ylang Ylang would lead to a gradual reduction of 5% in the volume of wood used on the 2020, 2025 and 2030 scales. Thus, emission reduction estimates were made together under the option of reducing the volume of heating wood. This reduction in the volume of wood used is included with other actions considered under the LULUCF section below where emission estimates are normally made. Table 6.", + "GHG reductions from mitigation measures for the Energy sector: horizon 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation measures. Potential for GHG reductions (tCO2eq.). horizon 2020. horizon 2025. horizon 2030. Energy. Reduce losses on the electricity distribution system. 11,900. 15,000. 19,000. Repair power plants. 1,600. 2,000. 2,500. Adoption of the sun. 2,700. 7,800. 9,400. Increase hydro potential. 2,300. 4,700. 10,300. Geothermal. 0. 0. 11,900. Promote the use of LPG instead of oil and wood. 6. 11. 12. Promote improved homes. Calculate heating wood under reduction. Agriculture:. Promote conservation agriculture. Conservation agriculture, like improved homes, is making a", + "This option, too, remains difficult to assess and project in the future and has therefore not been quantified for its impact on GHG emissions. LULUCF. Reduced consumption of firewood, service and industrial wood. Consumption of wood from forests and other biomass reserves accounts for the largest share of GHG emissions at present. Furthermore, it is a source of land degradation with negative effects on other sectors such as food crop production and livestock farming. It therefore represents a major activity to be targeted to reduce emissions. This problem needs to be considered in an integrated manner as it is cross-cutting and linked to other residential and industrial activities.", + "It is necessary to consider this problem in an integrated way as it is cross-cutting and related to other residential and industrial activities. Indeed, the preferred measures in other sectors go in this direction such as the rate of electrification, the promotion of LPG, the extension of improved homes for households and industrial needs and the substitution of service wood with other materials. The hypothesis is to reduce this use by 15% every five years, which would put a brake on deforestation and lead to a reduction in deforestation by 45% in 2030.", + "Over time and due to a lack of resources, the area under grassland on the island has increased as a result of deforestation, and now this situation has adverse effects on other sectors. Reforestation and afforestation have been common practices for more than a decade, but have not been very successful in the light of national circumstances. This is reflected in the low success rate of seedlings planted due to poor control of climate variation and livestock diversion. The objective of the national policy, SCA2D, is to cover an area of 11116 ha by 2019, equivalent to 6% of the area of the territory. Afforestation on part of this area with commercial wood species is an ideal solution as it would allow carbon dioxide to be sequestered while providing the wood required for residential, service and industrial needs.", + "Deforestation on part of this area with commercial timber species is an ideal solution as it would allow for sequestration of carbon dioxide while supplying the timber required for residential, service and industrial needs. Consequently, the plan would be to start with deforestation followed by reforestation with native species a few years later. This approach to the implementation of the reforestation programme takes into account the preparation of seedlings and other associated measures. Reforestation. Better reforestation planning is needed and will require more investment to ensure its success. The Union of the Comoros aims at reforestation of 2200 ha annually over a period of 5 years from 2015 to 2019 to be in line with SCA2D.", + "The objective of the Union of the Comoros is the reforestation of 2200 ha annually over a period of 5 years from 2015 to 2019 to be in line with the SCA2D. However, implementation seems difficult because it has not been possible to raise the necessary funding to date. This area has therefore been allocated to reforestation and afforestation over 12 years from 2018 onwards, subject to the availability of funding. This approach will reduce the pressure on the forest resource over time with the aim of sustainable exploitation in the medium and long term. At the same time, related benefits will be obtained in relation to soil and water degradation. Indirectly, the latter aspect will have intrinsically positive effects on the sustainability of production in other water-related sectors. Agroforestry:For agroforestry, abandoned agricultural land will be targeted for this activity.", + "Indirectly, the latter aspect will have intrinsically positive effects on the sustainability of the production of other water-related sectors. Agroforestry:For agroforestry, abandoned agricultural land will be targeted for this activity. The intention is to convert 200 ha annually for agroforestry. This, while being a sink of GHGs, will also create employment and wealth for the communities. Arboriculture:For arboriculture, once again abandoned agricultural land will be converted at the rate of 200 ha annually. While being a sink of GHGs, this activity will create employment, help food security and produce wealth for the communities. Protected areas:The Comorian government has planned to strengthen its actions for the conservation of marine and terrestrial biodiversity. Thus, it is planned to increase to a total of about 50 000 ha of undercover land,", + "Thus, it is projected to increase to a total of about 50,000 ha of undercover land, mainly forests, of protected areas by 2030. The summary of emission reductions through LULUCF mitigation measures is presented in the Table below. Table 7. GHG reductions from LULUCF mitigation measures: 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation Measures. Potential for GHG reductions (tCO2eq.). Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025. Horizon 2030. Reduction of consumption of firewood, service and industrial wood. 33,000. 68,000. 104,000. Afforestation of grassland or other uncultivated land. 39,000. 78,000. 78,000. Reforestation. 0. 18,200. 70,200. Agroforestry. 13,000. 34,000. 56,000. Horticulture. 13,000. 23,000. 29,000", + "There is a solid and liquid waste management policy in place but implementation is not yet in place. Projects identified for household waste include composting after sorting and landfilling in major cities and biogas production elsewhere. Composting and biogas production will help reduce emissions (Table 8). Table 8. GHG Reductions from Mitigation Measures for the Waste Sector: Horizon 2020, 2025 and 2030. Mitigation Measures. GHG Reduction Potential (tCO2eq.). Horizon 2020. Horizon 2025. Horizon 2030. Composting and Biogas. 4400. 5000. 5500. Projections of sectoral emissions and removals in tCO2eq. within five years for the period 2015 to 2030 are presented in Table 2. Table 9. GHG Projections (2015-2030) by NAC in tCO2eq. Sectors. Year. 2015. 2020. 2025", + "Sectors. Year. 2015. 2020. 2025. 2030. National. 229,500. 357,800. 434,500. 523,000. Energy. 181,300. 219,100. 266,500. 319,200. Agriculture (Livestock). 81,400. 85,600. 89,800. 94,100. LULUCF \u2013 Emissions. 61,500. 50,000. 59,600. 69,100. LULUCF \u2013 Removals. -175,100. -85,200. -78,300. -68,900. LULUCF \u2013 Non-CO2 Aggregates. 41,200. 43,600. 46,100. 48,500. Waste. 39,100. 44,700. 50,800. 56,000. 7.2 Adaptation. 7.2.1 Background: trend and vulnerability to climate change. The Union of the Comoros is an archipelago", + "At the southwestern Indian Ocean scale, a review of available data over the past 50 years already indicates significant warming over the entire basin with a significant regional average increase of +0.2\u00b0C per decade and a decrease in annual precipitation over the period. These trends are confirmed at the Comoros scale. By 2050, climate change will manifest itself in a slight increase in rainfall relative to normal for the months of January to April and December. Unlike other months, where rainfall will decrease. At the national scale, these changes will manifest themselves in an increase in temperature of 1.26 to 1.47 \u00b0C. Warming will be even more pronounced in 2100 with a variation of 1.99 to 2.35 \u00b0C. In general, the thermal variation would almost double from 2050 to 2100 if no mitigation measures are taken.", + "Global warming will be even more pronounced in 2100 with a variation of 1.99 to 2.35 \u00b0C. In general, the thermal variation would almost double from 2050 to 2100 if no mitigation measures were taken. For rainfall, there will be a significant decrease from August to November. Sea levels are expected to rise by 4 mm per year over the next 50 years. This increase corresponds to a potential average rise of 20 cm, twice as large as the rise observed over the last 100 years (20 to 25 cm). The proportion of vulnerability is estimated at 82.1%, with damage caused by climate change exceeding the value of GDP as of 2020. The vulnerability of the Comoros is based on climate sensitivity and adaptability.", + "The proportion of vulnerability is estimated at 82.1%, with damage caused by climate change exceeding the value of GDP as of 2020. The vulnerability of the Comoros is based on sensitivity to climate variability and adaptive capacity. It is in fact dependent on physical, human and socio-economic factors, with poverty being the main cause. The main hazards affecting the Comoros are:. increasing temperature;. rising sea levels (erosion and submersion);. changing precipitation patterns;. changing wind patterns;. acidification of the oceans;. changing basic cycles. UNDP, National Adaptation Plan Process in the Comoros, 2014.\u21a9. Source: World Bank\u21a9. Disaster Risk Assessment, 2014.\u21a9" + ] + } + }, + { + "country_code": "GAB", + "type_of_document": "INDC", + "language": "fr", + "para_translated": { + "small": [ + "Gabon. Nationally Determined Planned Contribution \u2013 Conference of the Parties 21. 31 March 2015. Contribution of the Gabonese Republic. In accordance with decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20 and its strategic development plan, Gabon communicates, through this document, its Nationally Defined Contribution (NDC) to combat climate change and all relevant information.", + "In accordance with decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20 and its strategic development plan, Gabon communicates, through this document, its nationally defined contribution (INDC) to combating climate change and all relevant information.", + "The elements included in Gabon\u2019s National Contribution are a synthesis of Gabon\u2019s ambitions and public policies, which, at a turning point in its development, has chosen to commit itself resolutely to sustainable development, based in particular on controlled GHG emissions. This submission is of a doubly important nature for Gabon, on the one hand, because of the commitment of the President of the Republic to pursue a sustainable development policy and, on the other, to contribute to the global effort to reduce the rise in temperature.", + "This submission is of a doubly important nature for Gabon, on the one hand, because of the commitment of the President of the Republic to pursue a sustainable development policy and, on the other hand, to contribute to the global effort to reduce the rise in temperature. Type of commitment. Reduction in relation to an uncontrolled development scenario. Perimeter.", + "Type of commitment. Reduction from unmanaged development scenario. Perimeter. Total non-carbon GHG emissions from forest biomass. GHGs. CO2, CH4, N2O. (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3 to be covered at a later stage). Reference year. 2000. Period. 2010-2025 (Strategic Plan period Gabon Emergent).", + "(HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3 will be covered later). Reference year. 2000. Period. 2010-2025 (Strategic Plan period Gabon Emergent). These analyses will be extended to 2030 and possibly 2050 as part of the follow-up studies to be conducted before COP21. Reduction level. At least 50% reduction in emissions compared to the unmanaged development scenario in 2025.", + "Reduction level. At least 50% reduction in emissions from the unmanaged development scenario in 2025. Carbon credits. No reduction from purchases of carbon credits outside Gabon.", + "At least 50% reduction in emissions compared to the unmanaged development scenario in 2025. Carbon credits. No reduction from purchases of carbon credits outside Gabon. Cumulatively, Gabon's commitments are to reduce GHG emissions by more than 1,500,000 GgCO2 by 2010-2025, or 65% compared to the trend scenario.", + "Together, Gabon\u2019s commitments are expected to reduce GHG emissions by more than 1,500,000 GgCO2 by 2010\u20132025, or 65% below the baseline scenario, with gains of 62% below the baseline scenario by 2025.", + "In 2025, the gains are in the order of 62% from the trend scenario. This submission will be enriched by the Climate Conference with annexes detailing more precisely Gabon\u2019s scenarios and measures for monitoring and meeting its commitments. A. Gabon\u2019s GHG profile.", + "This submission will be enriched by the Climate Conference with annexes detailing more precisely Gabon\u2019s scenarios and measures for monitoring and meeting its commitments. A. Gabon\u2019s GHG profile. Covered by forests at 88%, Gabon, like many forest countries, acts as a carbon sink by absorbing more than 4 times more CO2 than it emits.", + "Covered by 88% forest, Gabon, like many forest countries, plays a role as a carbon sink by absorbing more than 4 times more CO2 than it emits. Inventory of GHG emissions (2000). Source: 2nd National Communication.", + "Inventory of GHG emissions (2000). Source: 2nd National Communication. The many measures already taken by Gabon (forest code in 2001, creation of 13 national parks covering almost 11% of the territory in 2002, etc.) all help to perpetuate the role played by the Gabonese forest in carbon storage.", + "The many measures already taken by Gabon (forest code in 2001, creation of 13 national parks covering almost 11% of the territory in 2002, etc.) all contribute to the sustainability of the role played by the Gabonese forest in carbon storage. Apart from carbon storage in biomass, Gabon's GHG profile is as follows: GHG Emissions Inventory (2000).", + "In addition to carbon storage in biomass, Gabon\u2019s GHG profile is as follows: Inventory of GHG Emissions (2000). Source: 2nd National Communication. B. Philosophy of Gabon\u2019s commitments. Gabon does not wish to limit its climate policy to the mere conservation of forests, using international financing mechanisms.", + "Gabon does not wish to limit its climate policy to the mere conservation of forests, using international financing mechanisms; this rent-seeking logic would result in economic and social development by subordinating it to external mechanisms, unrelated to the real economy.", + "This logic of rent would result in economic and social development by subjecting it to external mechanisms, unrelated to the real economy. That is why the commitments made by Gabon relate exclusively to its GHG emissions excluding carbon storage by biomass.", + "For this reason, Gabon\u2019s commitments relate exclusively to its GHG emissions excluding carbon storage by biomass. Gabon\u2019s emissions in this limited area are broken down as follows:. Source: 2nd National Communication.", + "On this small perimeter, Gabon\u2019s emissions are distributed as follows:. Source: 2nd National Communication. As a developing country with a growing population, Gabon cannot commit itself to an absolute reduction in its GHG emissions, but rather to controlling them as part of its development.", + "As a developing country with a growing population, Gabon cannot commit itself to an absolute reduction in its GHG emissions, but rather to controlling them as part of its development.", + "The underlying assumptions are:. population growth of 2.5% per year;. economic growth (excluding the oil sector) of 10% per year from 2010 onwards. Two GHG emission scenarios have therefore been developed:. a \"trend\" scenario, which corresponds to uncontrolled economic development;.", + "Two GHG emission scenarios have therefore been developed:. A \"trend\" scenario that corresponds to uncontrolled economic development;. A \"controlled\" scenario that takes into account all public policies undertaken after 2000 such as the Forest Code, national parks, the national flaring reduction plan, the strategic planning of the GMES with its low-carbon industrial development, the Climate Plan, the implementation of a market mechanism induced by the Law on the Guidance for Sustainable Development in Gabon and the forthcoming adoption of the National Land Use Plan.", + "Land-use change. With more than 60% of direct emissions, land use and its corollary, land-use change, play a crucial role in achieving Gabon\u2019s ambitious GHG emission reduction targets. The main assumptions underlying the unmanaged (or trend) development scenario are:", + "With more than 60% of direct emissions, land use and its corollary, land-use change, play a crucial role in achieving Gabon\u2019s ambitious GHG emission reduction targets. The main assumptions underlying the unmanaged (or trend) development scenario are:. the gradual increase observed since 1950 in the area of forest permits from the coast to the climatic forest formations in the interior of the country will increase;.", + "the gradual increase observed since 1950 in the area of forest permits from the coast to the climatic forest formations in the interior of the country will increase;. the increase in population will lead to ever-increasing food needs resulting in the development of industrial crops causing an average loss of 175 tonnes of carbon per hectare.", + "Population growth will lead to ever-increasing food needs resulting in the development of industrial crops resulting in an average loss of 175 tonnes of carbon per hectare.", + "In relation to this evolution, the controlled development scenario is based on: adoption of a Forestry Code that pushes foresters to extend their rotations from 15 to 25 years, with lower damage rates;.", + "the adoption of a Forestry Code that pushes foresters to extend their rotation from 15 to 25 years, with lower damage rates; the creation of 13 national parks in 2002 that prohibit logging in large areas of the territory, followed in 2012 by restrictions on large areas of the province of the Estuaire;.", + "the establishment of 13 national parks in 2002, which prohibit logging in large areas of the territory, followed in 2012 by restrictions on large areas of the province of the Estuaire; the adoption of a National Land Use Plan (NLP) allowing for optimal allocation of areas to different uses, excluding intact forests, forests of high conservation value and forests particularly rich in carbon.", + "the adoption of a National Land Use Plan (NLP) to optimise the allocation of areas to different uses, excluding intact forests, high conservation value forests and particularly carbon-rich forests. Taking into account emissions from forestry (which were not included in the national GHG emissions inventory), these different measures will reduce GHG emissions by more than 1 500 000 GgCO2 by 2010-2025, or 68% compared to the trend scenario (63% in 2025). D.", + "Taking into account emissions from forestry (which were not included in the national GHG inventory), these different measures will reduce GHG emissions by more than 1,500,000 GgCO2 by 2010-2025, or 68% from the trend scenario (63% by 2025). D. Petroleum Industry - Flaring.", + "Petroleum industry - Flaring, accounting for 23% of direct emissions in 2000, emissions from the flaring of associated gas in petroleum production have been the subject of several measurements.", + "Representing 23% of direct emissions in 2000, emissions related to flaring of associated gas in petroleum production have been the subject of several measures, including accession in 2007 to the Global Gas Flaring Reduction (GGFR) initiative of the World Bank, the promulgation in 2014 of Act No. 011/2014 regulating the hydrocarbon sector in the Gabonese Republic prohibiting continuous flaring in Gabon, in line with Gabon\u2019s participation this year in the \"Zero Torchage de Routine d\u2019ici 2030\" initiative launched by the GGFR.", + "These measures already have a very significant impact on GHG emissions. Over the period 2010-2025, this proactive policy will reduce GHG emissions by 17,341 GgCO2, or 41% of emissions (63% in 2025).", + "Over the period 2010-2025, this proactive policy will reduce GHG emissions by 17,341 GgCO2, or 41% of emissions (63% in 2025). The main means of implementing this reduction plan in Gabon, namely re-injection and electricity generation, involve investments in particular in compression units.", + "The main means of implementing this reduction plan in Gabon, the re-injection and generation of electricity, involve investments, particularly in compression units, which fall within the scope of \u2018oil costs\u2019, i.e. expenditure incurred by operators to whom Gabon recognises a right of recovery in the area of operation as indicated in the Gabonese Hydrocarbon Code.", + "This investment falls within the scope of \u2018oil costs\u2019, i.e. expenses incurred by operators to which Gabon recognises a right of recovery in the area of exploitation as indicated in the Gabonese Hydrocarbons Code. This therefore amounts to a reimbursement by Gabon of all these costs to the operators. E. Energy.", + "E. Energy. Emissions from local combustion of fossil fuels account for the third largest item of emissions. 1. Electricity. Controlling GHG emissions from electricity generation and consumption depends mainly on two types of measures: 1.", + "The control of GHG emissions from electricity production and consumption depends mainly on two types of measures:. Increased energy efficiency of the economy;. Development of decarbonised production facilities. A historical analysis over the period 2000-2010 shows that the energy efficiency of the Gabonese economy has improved by an average of 3.8% per year.", + "A historical analysis over the period 2000-2010 shows that the energy efficiency of the Gabonese economy has improved by an average of 3.8% per year. Gabon wishes to build on this momentum and continue to improve energy efficiency on this basis, with a target of about 4,000 GWh consumed by 2025.", + "Gabon wishes to build on this momentum and continue to improve energy efficiency on this basis, with a target of about 4,000 GWh consumed by 2025. On this basis, Gabon has developed an ambitious hydropower development plan, with the objective of ensuring electricity supply based on 80% hydropower and 20% gas by 2025.", + "On this basis, Gabon has developed an ambitious hydropower development plan, with the aim of ensuring by 2025 electricity supply based on 80% hydropower and 20% gas, which will reduce GHG emissions by 9,000 GgCO2 by 2010-2025, or 31% compared to the trend scenario (48% in 2025).", + "On this basis, this plan will reduce GHG emissions by 9,000 GgCO2 by 2010-2025, or 31% compared to the trend scenario (48% in 2025). These production capacities will also allow exports of the order of 5,000 GWh over the period 2010-2025. Finally, Gabon is also developing a plan for solar electrification of isolated villages.", + "These production capacities will also allow the export of around 5,000 GWh over the period 2010-2025. Finally, Gabon is also developing a plan for solar electrification of isolated villages. This plan will improve access to energy in rural areas without the use of fossil energy. 2. Petroleum industry \u2013 Fossil energy consumption.", + "This plan will improve access to energy in rural areas without the use of fossil fuels. 2. Petroleum Industry \u2013 Fossil Energy Consumption. GHG emissions from non-electricity energy industries are due to the petroleum industry.", + "GHG emissions from non-electricity energy industries are due to the petroleum industry. These emissions therefore follow the curve of petroleum production, as shown in the following graph. Trend. Given the relatively weak issues, Gabon has no reduction commitment in this sector. 3. Transport.", + "These emissions therefore follow the curve of petroleum production, as shown in the following graph. Trend-based. Given the relatively weak issues, Gabon has no reduction commitments in this sector. 3. Transport. Emissions from transport accounted for only 2.4% of emissions in 2000 (but 20% of energy emissions).", + "Transport. Emissions from transport accounted for only 2.4% of emissions in 2000 (but 20% of energy emissions). Although this sector has not yet been the subject of a complete macroscopic study, many projects are planned, be it infrastructure projects (with many planned roads), developments in public transport services (particularly in Libreville, to combat congestion) or changes in legislation (e.g. the ban on the import of vehicles older than 3 years).", + "In the absence of additional data, Gabon undertakes to control the increase in transport-related energy consumption to 80% of the baseline scenario in 2025. On this basis, this plan will reduce GHG emissions by almost 2,000 GgCO2 by 20152025, or 8% compared to the baseline scenario (20% in 2025). 4. Other energy consumption.", + "On this basis, the plan will reduce GHG emissions by close to 2,000 GgCO2 by 2015\u20132025, or 8% below the trend scenario (20% in 2025). 4. Other energy consumption This section covers energy consumption (excluding electricity) in industry (excluding oil), commerce and institutions (including administration), households, agriculture, fisheries and forestry.", + "This section covers energy consumption (excluding electricity) in industry (excluding petroleum industry), commerce and institutions (including administration), households, agriculture, fisheries and forestry. Again, no macroscopic study is available, but according to the general philosophy of Gabon\u2019s development, it is committed to containing the growth of these emissions.", + "In the uncontrolled development scenario, GHG emissions follow the evolution of GDP, whereas in the controlled development scenario, the carbon intensity of GDP decreases by 2% per year.", + "In the unmanaged development scenario, GHG emission trends follow GDP trends, whereas in the managed development scenario, GDP carbon intensity decreases by 2% per year. On this basis, this commitment is expected to reduce GHG emissions by 3,500 GgCO2 over 2015-2025, or 8% compared to the trend scenario (18% in 2025). F.", + "On this basis, this commitment is expected to reduce GHG emissions by 3,500 GgCO2 by 2015-2025, or 8% below the trend scenario (18% in 2025). F. Other GHG emissions. Emissions from waste, industrial processes (cement) and agriculture are the fourth largest. 1. Waste.", + "Other GHG emissions. Emissions from waste, industrial processes (cement) and agriculture are the fourth largest. 1. Waste. Gabon is committed to halving GHG emissions from waste and wastewater treatment by 2025.", + "Gabon is committed to halving GHG emissions from waste and wastewater treatment by 2025. Taking into account the expected changes in the population, this commitment is expected to reduce GHG emissions by more than 2,000 GgCO2 by 2015-2025, i.e. 16% compared to the trend scenario (50% in 2025). 2.", + "Given the expected population trends, this commitment is expected to reduce GHG emissions by more than 2,000 GgCO2 by 2015-2025, or 16% from the trend scenario (50% by 2025). 2. Industrial processes (cement) and agriculture. In the absence of details, these sectors are excluded from this contribution. G. Adaptation.", + "Industrial processes (cement) and agriculture. In the absence of details, these sectors are excluded from this contribution. G. Adaptation. Gabon\u2019s vision for adaptation is based on integrating this component into a coherent investment framework based on the country\u2019s development strategy, rather than on ad hoc aid or subsidies that are not linked to that strategy.", + "Gabon\u2019s vision for adaptation is based on the integration of this component into a coherent investment framework based on the country\u2019s development strategy, rather than on ad hoc aid or subsidies unrelated to that strategy. To this end, Gabon has adopted a National Strategy for Coastal Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change.", + "To this end, Gabon has adopted a National Strategy for Coastal Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change, which consists of measures aimed at integrated coastal zone management through the establishment of an appropriate legal framework, the acquisition of monitoring tools and, finally, training and information.", + "This is achieved by means of measures aimed at integrated coastal zone management through the establishment of an appropriate legal framework, the acquisition of monitoring tools and, finally, training and information. Furthermore, the general guidelines of this strategy call for the implementation of a coastal urban planning scheme and the promotion of income-generating activities linked to marine and coastal ecosystems.", + "Furthermore, the general guidelines of this strategy call for the development of a coastal urban planning scheme, the promotion of income-generating activities linked to marine and coastal ecosystems, and a scheme comprising mangrove conservation projects for the protection of the coastline, the protection of species, the establishment of specific facilities for receiving and managing waste, monitoring the nesting of sea turtles and the establishment of a coastal and marine environment observatory.", + "To this must be added a scheme comprising mangrove conservation projects for the protection of the shoreline, the protection of species, the establishment of specific facilities for receiving and managing waste, the monitoring of the nesting of sea turtles and the creation of an observatory of the shoreline and the marine environment. The towns of Libreville and Port-Gentil, which are particularly exposed, are subject to shoreline protection measures through physical barriers and shoreline rehabilitation works.", + "The towns of Libreville and Port-Gentil, which are particularly exposed, are protected on the coast by physical barriers and shoreline rehabilitation works, while the Mandji Island economic zone receives an extra levy.", + "The economic zone of the island of Mandji, on the other hand, is benefiting from an increase. This strategy is devoted to Gabon\u2019s commitment to act against climate change, taking into account the adaptation of its territory to the effects of climate change. H. Financing.", + "H. Financing. As indicated in paragraph B \"Philosophy of Gabon\u2019s Commitments\", the country has undertaken both sectoral measures or regulations (forest code, creation of national parks, national plan to reduce flaring, ban on the export of logs, etc.) as a regulatory framework for the general functioning of the economy, pursuant to the Law on the Guidelines for Sustainable Development.", + "In all cases, these measures and regulations have a direct or indirect impact on GHG emissions, as well as on other Sustainable Development variables such as biodiversity, ecosystems and social and community capital.", + "In particular, the application of the market mechanism induced by the Sustainable Development Policy Act has an incentive, behavioural and financial effect on the overall reduction of GHG emissions in all activities in the country. Further studies will help to quantify the expected reduction in emissions. The financing of mitigation and adaptation measures.", + "Subsequent studies will quantify the reduction in expected emissions. How mitigation and adaptation measures will be funded. The Sustainable Development Policy Act provides for the establishment of a National Sustainable Development Fund.", + "The method of financing mitigation and adaptation measures. The Sustainable Development Policy Act provides for the establishment of a National Sustainable Development Fund. The establishment of this fund is under consideration and will be positioned along the lines of the National Climate Funds that are being developed in various countries, taking into account the specificities of the Gabonese strategy.", + "The creation of this fund is under consideration and will be in line with the National Climate Funds that are being developed in various countries, taking into account the specificities of the Gabonese strategy.The Fund will channel and stimulate part of the financial flows dedicated to emission reductions and more broadly to Sustainable Development: (1) the state budget, (2) private investment, (3) domestic market credit revenues, (4) donor contributions or loans.", + "In the meantime, the various sectoral provisions or regulations presented in this document are accompanied by a financing strategy tailored to each case or sector, which can be determined under 4 complementary modalities:", + "In the meantime, the various sectoral provisions or regulations presented in this document are accompanied by a financing strategy tailored to each case or sector, which can be determined under 4 complementary modalities:. By the state budget,. By the involvement of the private sector interested in the investment opportunities offered by Gabon\u2019s development potential,.", + "By the state budget, by the involvement of the private sector interested in the investment opportunities offered by Gabon\u2019s development potential, by the functioning of the measure or regulation, which implies that, once introduced, it operates autonomously thanks to the economic interest of the private actors involved (e.g., once the initial investments have been made, the reduction of flaring gases is self-financed by electricity revenues).", + "Through the operation of the measure or regulation, which implies that once it is introduced, it operates autonomously thanks to the economic interest of the private actors involved (e.g. once the initial investments have been made, the reduction of flaring gases is self-financed by electricity revenues). Through the support of the Co-operation or of institutions specialising in Climate Finance or in sectoral technical programmes, which wish to establish a partnership with Gabon.", + "With the support of the Cooperation or of institutions specialising in Climate Finance or in sectoral technical programmes, which wish to establish a partnership with Gabon. In addition to this mechanism under construction following the promulgation of the Act in August 2014, the Climate Plan in 2013 identified a number of other regulatory provisions that could potentially contribute financially to the reduction of GHG emissions (green certificates, bonus/malus system, etc.).", + "In addition to this mechanism under construction following the enactment of the Act in August 2014, the Climate Plan in 2013 identified a number of other regulatory provisions that could potentially contribute financially to the reduction of GHG emissions (green certificates, bonus/malus system, etc.). These possibilities may be the subject of further studies, complementing current actions.", + "These possibilities may be the subject of further studies, in addition to the actions currently being carried out. The Gabonese domestic market for GHG emissions.", + "Gabon\u2019s domestic market for GHG emissions The Law on the Guidance of Sustainable Development in Gabon establishes a virtuous mechanism whereby developing activities must first take stock of their impacts (the Sustainable Development Impact Study), carry out a Management Plan to control and reduce them, and compensate for the incompressible negative effects.", + "The Law on the Guidance of Sustainable Development in Gabon introduces a virtuous mechanism whereby developing activities must first carry out an impact assessment (the Sustainable Development Impact Assessment), carry out a Management Plan in order to control and reduce their impacts, and compensate for the incompressible negative effects.The mechanism thus follows the logic of \"measure, reduce, compensate\", which also serves as a guideline for many international carbon market initiatives.", + "The mechanism is therefore part of the \"measure, reduce, compensate\" logic, which also serves as a guideline for many international carbon market initiatives. The relationship with the Green Climate Fund.", + "The relationship with the Green Climate Fund Gabon registered with the Green Climate Fund in January 2015 and intends to operationalize the relationship as soon as possible, in order to demonstrate results in the field of emission reductions as well as adaptation to COP 21.", + "Gabon registered with the Green Climate Fund in January 2015 and intends to operationalize the relationship as soon as possible, in order to demonstrate results in the field of emission reductions as well as adaptation to COP 21. Indeed, Gabon\u2019s climate strategy is specific to the country and, at the same time, built in line with international trends, methodological advances and the directions of the climate and biodiversity negotiations.", + "Indeed, Gabon's climate strategy is country-specific and, at the same time, built in line with international trends, methodological advances and the directions of the climate and biodiversity negotiations. In this context, Gabon is taking charge of its own choices and, at the same time, is seeking to establish partnerships with programmes in accordance with the strategy presented in this document.", + "In this context, Gabon is taking charge of its own choices and, at the same time, is seeking to establish partnerships with programmes in accordance with the strategy presented in this document. The various fields of action to be financed in the field of emission reductions, in conjunction with the strategic provisions presented in this national contribution, are in particular projects:.", + "The various fields of action to be financed in the field of emission reduction, in conjunction with the strategic provisions presented in this national contribution, are in particular:. renewable energy, in particular hydroelectricity,. wastewater and other waste treatment,. energy efficiency,. technology transfer,.", + "Developments in financing will be specified in the Annexes. I. Preparation of the document.", + "Developments in financing will be specified in the Annexes. I. Preparation of the document. The drafting of Gabon\u2019s contribution was based on a set of strategic documents, including the Gabon Emergent Strategic Plan, the National Climate Plan, sectoral operational plans and existing regulatory texts.", + "The drafting of Gabon\u2019s contribution was based on a set of strategic documents, including the Gabon Emergent Strategic Plan, the National Climate Plan, sectoral operational plans and existing regulatory texts. Furthermore, the process put in place for this drafting involved directly the public and private actors responsible for the implementation of public policies or their strict application. SECTORS.", + "Furthermore, the process put in place for this drafting involved directly the public and private actors in charge of the implementation of public policies or their strict application. SECTORS. IMPLEMENTING ACTORS REFERENCE DOCUMENTS. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS. Energy \u2013 Electricity. Ministry of Energy. Energy and State Water Economy Programme. PSGE.", + "IMPLEMENTING ACTORS REFERENCE DOCUMENTS. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS. Energy \u2013 Electricity. Ministry of Energy. Energy and State Water Economics Programme. MTP. Electricity Operational Plan 2011- 2016. Contribution of the Ministry of Energy. Annual Report 2013 SEEG. Hydrocarbons. Ministry of Petroleum. All oil operators in production (Total, Maurel&Prom, CNR I and Vaalco). MTP.", + "Annual Report 2013 SEEG. Hydrocarbons. Ministry of Petroleum. All oil operators in production (Total, Maurel&Prom, CNR I and Vaalco). PSGE. Flaring reduction plan per operator. Act No. 011/2014 regulating the hydrocarbon sector in the Gabonese Republic. Agriculture. Ministry of Agriculture. Coordination of the Grain Programme. Olam Gabon. PSGE. GIS document sites occupied by OLAM. Forest.", + "Act No. 011/2014 regulating the oil and gas sector in the Gabonese Republic. Agriculture. Ministry of Agriculture. Coordination of the Grain Programme. Olam Gabon. PSGE. GIS document sites occupied by OLAM. Forest. National Parks Agency. PSGE. Sectoral studies and reports - National Land Use Plan. Forest Code. Infrastructure. ANGTI. PSGE. Planning and Development Scheme of the Territory. SDNI" + ], + "medium": [ + "Gabon. Nationally Determined Planned Contribution \u2013 Conference of the Parties 21. 31 March 2015. Contribution of the Gabonese Republic. In accordance with decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20 and its strategic development plan, Gabon communicates, through this document, its Nationally Defined Contribution (NDC) to combat climate change and all relevant information.", + "In accordance with decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20 and its strategic development plan, Gabon communicates, through this document, its nationally defined contribution (INDC) to combating climate change and all relevant information.", + "The elements included in Gabon\u2019s National Contribution are a synthesis of Gabon\u2019s ambitions and public policies, which, at a turning point in its development, has chosen to commit itself resolutely to sustainable development, based in particular on controlled GHG emissions. This submission is of a doubly important nature for Gabon, on the one hand, because of the commitment of the President of the Republic to pursue a sustainable development policy and, on the other, to contribute to the global effort to reduce the rise in temperature.", + "This submission is doubly important for Gabon, on the one hand, because of the commitment of the President of the Republic to pursue a sustainable development policy and, on the other, to contribute to the global effort to reduce the rise in temperature. Type of commitment. Reduction in relation to an uncontrolled development scenario. Perimeter. Total non-carbon GHG emissions in forest biomass. GHGs. CO2, CH4, N2O. (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3 will be covered at a later stage). Reference year.", + "Total non-carbon GHG emissions from forest biomass. GHGs. CO2, CH4, N2O. (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3 to be covered later). Base year. 2000. Period. 2010-2025 (Strategic Plan period Gabon Emergent). These analyses will be extended to 2030 and possibly 2050 as part of the follow-up studies to be conducted before COP21. Reduction level. At least 50% reduction in emissions compared to the unmanaged development scenario in 2025. Carbon credits.", + "Level of reduction. At least 50% reduction in emissions compared to the unmanaged development scenario in 2025. Carbon credits. No reduction from carbon credit purchases outside Gabon. Cumulatively, Gabon\u2019s commitments are to reduce GHG emissions by more than 1,500,000 GgCO2 over 2010-2025, or 65% compared to the trend scenario. In 2025, the gains are in the order of 62% compared to the trend scenario.", + "Together, Gabon\u2019s commitments are expected to reduce GHG emissions by more than 1,500,000 GgCO2 by 2010-2025, or 65% from the baseline scenario. In 2025, the gains are in the order of 62% from the baseline scenario. This submission will be supplemented by annexes detailing more precisely Gabon\u2019s scenarios and measures for monitoring and meeting its commitments by the Climate Conference. A. Gabon\u2019s GHG profile.", + "This submission will be enriched by the Climate Conference with annexes detailing more precisely Gabon\u2019s scenarios and measures for monitoring and meeting its commitments. A. Gabon\u2019s GHG profile. Covered by forests at 88%, Gabon, like many forest countries, plays a role as a carbon sink by absorbing more than 4 times more CO2 than it emits. GHG Emissions Inventory (2000). Source: 2nd National Communication.", + "Covered by forests to 88%, Gabon, like many forest countries, plays a role as a carbon sink by absorbing more than 4 times more CO2 than it emits. Inventory of GHG emissions (2000). Source: 2nd National Communication. The many measures already taken by Gabon (Forestry Code in 2001, creation of 13 national parks covering almost 11% of the territory in 2002, etc.) all contribute to sustaining the role played by Gabon\u2019s forests in carbon storage.", + "The many measures already taken by Gabon (forest code in 2001, creation of 13 national parks covering almost 11% of the territory in 2002, etc.) all contribute to the sustainability of the role played by the Gabonese forest in carbon storage. Apart from carbon storage in biomass, Gabon's GHG profile is as follows:", + "Apart from carbon storage in biomass, Gabon\u2019s GHG profile is as follows: Inventory of GHG emissions (2000). Source: 2nd National Communication. B. Philosophy of Gabon\u2019s commitments. Gabon does not wish to limit its climate policy to the mere conservation of forests, using international financing mechanisms. This rent-seeking logic would result in economic and social development by subordinating it to external mechanisms, unrelated to the real economy.", + "This logic of rent would result in economic and social development by subjecting it to external mechanisms, unrelated to the real economy. That is why the commitments made by Gabon relate exclusively to its GHG emissions excluding carbon storage by biomass. Gabon\u2019s emissions over this limited area are distributed as follows:. Source: 2nd National Communication.", + "For this reason, Gabon\u2019s commitments relate exclusively to its GHG emissions excluding carbon storage by biomass. Gabon\u2019s emissions in this limited area are broken down as follows:. Source: 2nd National Communication. As a developing country with a growing population, Gabon cannot commit itself to an absolute reduction in its GHG emissions, but rather to controlling them as part of its development. The underlying factors taken into account are:.", + "As a developing country with a growing population, Gabon cannot commit itself to an absolute reduction in its GHG emissions, but rather to controlling them as part of its development. The underlying assumptions taken into account are:. population growth of 2.5% per year;. economic growth (excluding the oil sector) of 10% per year from 2010 onwards.", + "Economic growth (excluding the oil sector) of 10% per year from 2010 onwards. Two GHG emission scenarios have therefore been developed: A \"trend\" scenario, which corresponds to uncontrolled economic development.", + "Two GHG emission scenarios have therefore been developed:. A \"trend\" scenario that corresponds to uncontrolled economic development;. A \"controlled\" scenario that takes into account all public policies undertaken after 2000 such as the Forest Code, national parks, the national flaring reduction plan, the strategic planning of the GMES with its low-carbon industrial development, the Climate Plan, the implementation of a market mechanism induced by the Law on the Guidance for Sustainable Development in Gabon and the forthcoming adoption of the National Land Use Plan.", + "A \"controlled\" scenario taking into account all public policies undertaken after 2000 such as the Forest Code, national parks, the national flaring reduction plan, the strategic planning of the GMES with its low-carbon industrial development, the Climate Plan, the implementation of a market mechanism induced by the Law on the Guidance for Sustainable Development in Gabon and the forthcoming adoption of the National Land Use Plan. C. Land use change.", + "Land-use change. With more than 60% of direct emissions, land use and its corollary, land-use change, play a crucial role in achieving Gabon\u2019s ambitious GHG emission reduction targets. The main assumptions underlying the uncontrolled (or trend) development scenario are:. the gradual increase observed since 1950 in the area of forest permits from the coast to the climatic forest formations in the interior of the country will increase;.", + "the gradual increase observed since 1950 in the area of forest permits from the coast to the climatic forest formations in the interior of the country will increase;. the increase in population will lead to ever-increasing food needs leading to the development of industrial crops resulting in an average loss of 175 tonnes of carbon per hectare.", + "Population growth will lead to ever-increasing food needs leading to the development of industrial crops resulting in an average loss of 175 tonnes of carbon per hectare. In relation to this evolution, the controlled development scenario is based on: adoption of a Forestry Code that pushes foresters to extend their rotations from 15 to 25 years, with lower damage rates;", + "the adoption of a Forestry Code that pushes foresters to extend their rotation from 15 to 25 years, with lower damage rates; the creation of 13 national parks in 2002 that prohibit logging in large areas of the territory, followed in 2012 by restrictions on large areas of the province of the Estuaire;.", + "the establishment of 13 national parks in 2002, which prohibit logging in large areas of the territory, followed in 2012 by restrictions on large areas of the province of the Estuaire; the adoption of a National Land Use Plan (NLP) allowing for optimal allocation of areas to different uses, excluding intact forests, forests of high conservation value and forests particularly rich in carbon.", + "the adoption of a National Land Use Plan (NLP) to optimise the allocation of areas to different uses, excluding intact forests, high conservation value forests and particularly carbon-rich forests. Taking into account emissions from forestry (which were not included in the national GHG emissions inventory), these different measures will reduce GHG emissions by more than 1 500 000 GgCO2 by 2010-2025, or 68% compared to the trend scenario (63% in 2025). D.", + "Taking into account emissions from forestry (which were not included in the National GHG Emissions Inventory), these different measures will reduce GHG emissions by more than 1.5 million GgCO2 by 2010-2025, or 68% from the trend scenario (63% by 2025). D. Petroleum Industry - Flaring. Emissions from the flaring of associated gas in petroleum production accounted for 23% of direct emissions in 2000, and several measures have been taken.", + "Representing 23% of direct emissions in 2000, emissions related to flaring of associated gas in petroleum production have been the subject of several measures, including accession in 2007 to the Global Gas Flaring Reduction (GGFR) initiative of the World Bank, the promulgation in 2014 of Act No. 011/2014 regulating the hydrocarbon sector in the Gabonese Republic prohibiting continuous flaring in Gabon, in line with Gabon\u2019s participation this year in the \"Zero Torchage de Routine d\u2019ici 2030\" initiative launched by the GGFR.", + "These measures include joining the Global Gas Flaring Reduction (GGFR) initiative of the World Bank in 2007, the enactment in 2014 of Act No. 011/2014 regulating the hydrocarbon sector in the Gabonese Republic prohibiting continuous flaring in Gabon, in line with Gabon\u2019s participation this year in the GGFR\u2019s initiative \"Zero Torchage de Routine d\u2019ici 2030\", which already has a very significant impact on GHG emissions.", + "These measures already have a very significant impact on GHG emissions. Over the period 2010-2025, this proactive policy will reduce GHG emissions by 17,341 GgCO2, or 41% of emissions (63% in 2025). The main means of implementing this reduction plan in Gabon, namely re-injection and electricity generation, involve investments in particular in compression units.", + "The main means of implementing this reduction plan in Gabon, the re-injection and generation of electricity, involve investments in particular in compression units. This investment falls within the scope of \u2018oil costs\u2019, i.e. expenditure incurred by operators to whom Gabon recognises a right of recovery in the area of operation as indicated in the Gabonese Hydrocarbon Code. This therefore amounts to a reimbursement by Gabon of all these costs to the operators.", + "This investment forms part of the \u2018oil costs\u2019, i.e. expenses incurred by operators to which Gabon recognises a right of recovery in the area of exploitation as indicated in the Gabonese Hydrocarbon Code. This therefore amounts to a reimbursement by Gabon of all these costs to operators. E. Energy. Emissions from local combustion of fossil fuels account for the third largest item of emissions. 1. Electricity.", + "E. Energy. Emissions from local combustion of fossil fuels account for the third largest item of emissions. 1. Electricity. Controlling GHG emissions from electricity generation and consumption depends mainly on two types of measures:. Increased energy efficiency in the economy; and. Development of decarbonised means of production.", + "The control of GHG emissions from electricity production and consumption depends mainly on two types of measures:. Increased energy efficiency of the economy;. Development of decarbonised production facilities. A historical analysis over the period 2000-2010 shows that the energy efficiency of the Gabonese economy has improved by an average of 3.8% per year.", + "A historical analysis over the period 2000-2010 shows that the energy efficiency of the Gabonese economy has improved by an average of 3.8% per year. Gabon wishes to build on this momentum and continue to improve energy efficiency on this basis, with a target of about 4,000 GWh consumed by 2025. On this basis, Gabon has developed an ambitious plan for the development of hydroelectricity, with the aim of ensuring a supply of electricity based on 80% hydroelectricity and 20% gas by 2025.", + "On this basis, Gabon has developed an ambitious hydropower development plan, with the aim of ensuring electricity supply based on 80% hydropower and 20% gas by 2025. On this basis, this plan will reduce GHG emissions by 9,000 GgCO2 by 2010-2025, or 31% compared to the trend scenario (48% in 2025). These production capacities will also enable exports of the order of 5,000 GWh over the period 2010-2025.", + "On this basis, this plan will reduce GHG emissions by 9,000 GgCO2 by 2010-2025, or 31% compared to the trend scenario (48% in 2025). These production capacities will also allow exports of the order of 5,000 GWh over the period 2010-2025. Finally, Gabon is also developing a plan for solar electrification of isolated villages. This plan will improve access to energy in rural areas without the use of fossil energy. 2. Petroleum industry \u2013 Fossil energy consumption.", + "This plan will improve access to energy in rural areas without the use of fossil fuels. 2. Petroleum industry \u2013 Fossil energy consumption. GHG emissions from non-electricity energy industries are due to the petroleum industry. These emissions therefore follow the curve of petroleum production, as shown in the following graph. Trend-setting. Given the relatively weak issues, Gabon has no reduction commitments in this sector. 3. Transport.", + "These emissions therefore follow the curve of petroleum production, as shown in the following graph. Trend-based. Given the relatively weak issues, Gabon has no reduction commitments in this sector. 3. Transport. Emissions from transport accounted for only 2.4% of emissions in 2000 (but 20% of energy emissions).", + "Transport. Emissions from transport accounted for only 2.4% of emissions in 2000 (but 20% of energy emissions). Although this sector has not yet been the subject of a complete macroscopic study, many projects are planned, be it infrastructure projects (with many planned roads), developments in public transport services (particularly in Libreville, to combat congestion) or changes in legislation (e.g. the ban on the import of vehicles older than 3 years).", + "Although this sector has not yet been the subject of a complete macroscopic study, many projects are planned, be they infrastructure projects (with many planned roads), developments in public transport services (particularly in Libreville, to combat congestion) or changes in legislation (e.g. the ban on the import of vehicles older than 3 years). In the absence of additional data, Gabon undertakes to control the increase in transport-related energy consumption to 80% of the trend scenario by 2025.", + "In the absence of additional data, Gabon undertakes to control the increase in transport-related energy consumption to 80% of the baseline scenario in 2025. On this basis, this plan will reduce GHG emissions by almost 2,000 GgCO2 by 20152025, or 8% compared to the baseline scenario (20% in 2025). 4. Other energy consumption.", + "On this basis, the plan will reduce GHG emissions by close to 2,000 GgCO2 by 2015\u20132025, or 8% below the trend scenario (20% in 2025). 4. Other energy consumption This section covers energy consumption (excluding electricity) in industry (excluding oil), commerce and institutions (including administration), households, agriculture, fisheries and forestry.", + "This section covers energy consumption (excluding electricity) in industry (excluding petroleum industry), commerce and institutions (including administration), households, agriculture, fisheries and forestry. Again, no macroscopic study is available, but according to the general philosophy of Gabon\u2019s development, it is committed to containing the growth of these emissions.", + "In the uncontrolled development scenario, GHG emissions follow the evolution of GDP, whereas in the controlled development scenario, the carbon intensity of GDP decreases by 2% per year.", + "In the unmanaged development scenario, the evolution of GHG emissions follows the evolution of GDP, whereas in the managed development scenario, the carbon intensity of GDP decreases by 2% per year. On this basis, this commitment is to reduce GHG emissions by 3,500 GgCO2 over 2015-2025, or 8% compared to the trend scenario (18% in 2025). F. Other GHG emissions. Emissions from waste, industrial processes (cement) and agriculture are the fourth largest emissions item.", + "Other GHG emissions. Emissions from waste, industrial processes (cement) and agriculture account for the fourth largest item of emissions. 1. Waste. Gabon is committed to halving GHG emissions from waste and wastewater treatment by 2025. Taking into account the expected changes in the population, this commitment is expected to reduce GHG emissions by more than 2,000 GgCO2 by 2015-2025, i.e. 16% compared to the trend scenario (50% by 2025). 2.", + "Given the expected population trends, this commitment is expected to reduce GHG emissions by more than 2,000 GgCO2 by 2015-2025, or 16% from the trend scenario (50% by 2025). 2. Industrial processes (cement) and agriculture. In the absence of details, these sectors are excluded from this contribution. G. Adaptation.", + "Industrial processes (cement) and agriculture. In the absence of details, these sectors are excluded from this contribution. G. Adaptation. Gabon\u2019s vision for adaptation is based on integrating this component into a coherent investment framework based on the country\u2019s development strategy, rather than on ad hoc aid or subsidies unrelated to that strategy. To this end, Gabon has adopted a National Strategy for Coastal Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change.", + "To this end, Gabon has adopted a National Strategy for Coastal Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change, which consists of measures aimed at integrated coastal zone management through the establishment of an appropriate legal framework, the acquisition of monitoring tools and, finally, training and information.", + "This is achieved by means of measures aimed at integrated coastal zone management through the establishment of an appropriate legal framework, the acquisition of monitoring tools and, finally, training and information. Furthermore, the general guidelines of this strategy call for the implementation of a coastal urban planning scheme and the promotion of income-generating activities linked to marine and coastal ecosystems.", + "Furthermore, the general guidelines of this strategy call for the development of a coastal urban planning scheme, the promotion of income-generating activities linked to marine and coastal ecosystems, and a scheme comprising mangrove conservation projects for the protection of the coastline, the protection of species, the establishment of specific facilities for receiving and managing waste, monitoring the nesting of sea turtles and the establishment of a coastal and marine environment observatory.", + "To this must be added a scheme comprising mangrove conservation projects for the protection of the shoreline, the protection of species, the establishment of specific facilities for receiving and managing waste, the monitoring of the nesting of sea turtles and the creation of an observatory of the shoreline and the marine environment. The towns of Libreville and Port-Gentil, which are particularly exposed, are subject to shoreline protection measures through physical barriers and shoreline rehabilitation works.", + "The towns of Libreville and Port-Gentil, which are particularly exposed, are being protected on the coast by means of physical barriers and shoreline rehabilitation works. The economic zone of the Mandji Island, on the other hand, is benefiting from an increase. This strategy is devoted to Gabon\u2019s commitment to act against climate change, taking into account the adaptation of its territory to the effects of climate change. H. Financing.", + "H. Financing. As indicated in paragraph B \"Philosophy of Gabon\u2019s Commitments\", the country has undertaken both sectoral measures or regulations (forest code, creation of national parks, national plan to reduce flaring, ban on the export of logs, etc.) as a regulatory framework for the general functioning of the economy, pursuant to the Law on the Guidelines for Sustainable Development.", + "As indicated in paragraph B \"Philosophy of Gabon's Commitments\", the country has committed both sectoral measures or regulations (forest code, creation of national parks, national plan to reduce flaring, ban on the export of logs, etc.) as a regulation governing the general functioning of the economy, pursuant to the Law on the Guidance for Sustainable Development. In all cases, these measures and regulations have a direct or indirect impact on GHG emissions, as well as on other variables of sustainable development, such as biodiversity, ecosystems and social and community capital.", + "In all cases, these measures and regulations have a direct or indirect impact on GHG emissions, as well as on other Sustainable Development variables, such as biodiversity, ecosystems and social and community capital.", + "In particular, the application of the market mechanism induced by the Sustainable Development Policy Act has an incentive, behavioural and financial effect on the overall reduction of GHG emissions in all activities in the country. Further studies will help to quantify the expected reduction in emissions. The financing of mitigation and adaptation measures. The Sustainable Development Policy Act provides for the establishment of a National Sustainable Development Fund.", + "The method of financing mitigation and adaptation measures. The Sustainable Development Policy Act provides for the establishment of a National Sustainable Development Fund. The establishment of this fund is under consideration and will be positioned along the lines of the National Climate Funds that are being developed in various countries, taking into account the specificities of the Gabonese strategy.", + "The creation of this fund is under consideration and will be in line with the National Climate Funds that are being developed in various countries, taking into account the specificities of the Gabonese strategy.The Fund will channel and stimulate part of the financial flows dedicated to emission reductions and more broadly to Sustainable Development: (1) the state budget, (2) private investment, (3) domestic market credit revenues, (4) donor contributions or loans.", + "In the meantime, the various sectoral provisions or regulations presented in this document are accompanied by a financing strategy tailored to each case or sector, which can be determined in 4 complementary ways: through the state budget, through the European Investment Bank, through the European Investment Fund (EIF), through the European Investment Bank (EIB), through the European Investment Bank (EIB), through the European Investment Bank (EIB), through the European Investment Bank (EIB), through the European Investment Bank (EIB), through the European Investment Bank (EIB), through the European Investment Bank (EIB), through the European Investment Bank (EIB), through the European Investment Bank (EIB), through the European Investment Bank (EIB), through the European Investment Bank (EIB), through the European Investment Bank (EIB), through the European Investment Bank (EIB), through the European Investment Bank (EIB), through the European", + "In the meantime, the various sectoral provisions or regulations presented in this document are accompanied by a financing strategy tailored to each case or sector, which can be determined under 4 complementary modalities:. By the state budget,. By the involvement of the private sector interested in the investment opportunities offered by Gabon\u2019s development potential,.", + "By the state budget, by the involvement of the private sector interested in the investment opportunities offered by Gabon\u2019s development potential, by the functioning of the measure or regulation, which implies that, once introduced, it operates autonomously thanks to the economic interest of the private actors involved (e.g., once the initial investments have been made, the reduction of flaring gases is self-financed by electricity revenues).", + "Through the operation of the measure or regulation, which implies that once it is introduced, it operates autonomously thanks to the economic interest of the private actors involved (e.g. once the initial investments have been made, the reduction of flaring gases is self-financed by electricity revenues). Through the support of the Co-operation or of institutions specialising in Climate Finance or in sectoral technical programmes, which wish to establish a partnership with Gabon.", + "With the support of the Cooperation or of institutions specialising in Climate Finance or in sectoral technical programmes, which wish to establish a partnership with Gabon. In addition to this mechanism under construction following the promulgation of the Act in August 2014, the Climate Plan in 2013 identified a number of other regulatory provisions that could potentially contribute financially to the reduction of GHG emissions (green certificates, bonus/malus system, etc.).", + "In addition to this mechanism under construction following the enactment of the Act in August 2014, the Climate Plan in 2013 identified a number of other regulatory provisions that could potentially contribute financially to the reduction of GHG emissions (green certificates, bonus/malus system, etc.). These possibilities may be the subject of further studies, in addition to the actions currently being carried out. The Gabonese domestic market for GHG emissions.", + "The Gabonese domestic market for GHG emissions. The Law guiding sustainable development in Gabon introduces a virtuous mechanism whereby developing activities must first take stock of their impacts (the Sustainable Development Impact Study), carry out a Management Plan to control and reduce them, and compensate for the incompressible negative effects.", + "The Law on the Guidance of Sustainable Development in Gabon establishes a virtuous mechanism whereby developing activities must first carry out an impact assessment (the Sustainable Development Impact Assessment), carry out a Management Plan in order to control and reduce their impacts, and compensate for the irreparable negative effects. The mechanism thus fits into the logic of \"measure, reduce, compensate\", which also serves as a guideline for many international carbon market initiatives. The relationship with the Green Climate Fund.", + "The mechanism is therefore part of the \"measure, reduce, compensate\" logic, which also serves as a guideline for many international carbon market initiatives. The relationship with the Green Climate Fund. Gabon registered with the Green Climate Fund in January 2015 and intends to operationalize the relationship as soon as possible, in order to demonstrate results in the field of emission reductions as well as adaptation to COP 21.", + "Gabon registered with the Green Climate Fund in January 2015 and intends to operationalize the relationship as soon as possible, in order to demonstrate results in the field of emission reductions as well as adaptation to COP 21. Indeed, Gabon\u2019s climate strategy is specific to the country and, at the same time, built in line with international trends, methodological advances and the directions of the climate and biodiversity negotiations.", + "Indeed, Gabon's climate strategy is country-specific and, at the same time, built in line with international trends, methodological advances and the directions of the climate and biodiversity negotiations. In this context, Gabon is taking charge of its own choices and, at the same time, is seeking to establish partnerships with programmes in accordance with the strategy presented in this document.", + "In this context, Gabon is taking charge of its own choices and, at the same time, is seeking to establish partnerships with programmes in accordance with the strategy presented in this document. The various fields of action to be financed in the field of emission reductions, in conjunction with the strategic provisions presented in this national contribution, are in particular:. renewable energy, in particular hydroelectricity,. wastewater and other waste treatment,. energy efficiency,. technology transfer,..........................................", + "The various fields of action to be financed in the field of emission reduction, in conjunction with the strategic provisions presented in this national contribution, are in particular:. renewable energy, in particular hydroelectricity,. wastewater and other waste treatment,. energy efficiency,. technology transfer,. land use, both in the field of spatial planning and in agricultural and forestry projects. Developments in the field of financing will be specified in the Annexes. I. Preparation of the document.", + "Developments in financing will be specified in the Annexes. I. Preparation of the document. The drafting of Gabon\u2019s contribution was based on a set of strategic documents, including the Gabon Emergent Strategic Plan, the National Climate Plan, sectoral operational plans and existing regulatory texts.", + "The drafting of Gabon\u2019s contribution was based on a set of strategic documents, including the Gabon Emergent Strategic Plan, the National Climate Plan, sectoral operational plans and the regulations in force. Furthermore, the process put in place for this drafting involved directly the public and private actors responsible for the implementation of public policies or their strict application. SECTORS. IMPLEMENTING ACTORS REFERENCE DOCUMENTS. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS. Energy \u2013 Electricity. Ministry of Energy.", + "Furthermore, the process put in place for this drafting involved directly the public and private actors in charge of the implementation of public policies or their strict application. SECTORS. IMPLEMENTING ACTORS REFERENCE DOCUMENTS. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS. Energy \u2013 Electricity. Ministry of Energy. Energy and State Water Economy Programme. PSGE. Electricity Operational Plan 2011- 2016. Contribution of the Ministry of Energy. Annual Report 2013 SEEG. Hydrocarbons. Ministry of Petroleum.", + "Energy and State Water Economy Programme. PSGE. Electricity Operational Plan 2011- 2016. Contribution from the Ministry of Energy. Annual Report 2013 SEEG. Hydrocarbons. Ministry of Petroleum. All oil operators in production (Total, Maurel&Prom, CNR I and Vaalco). PSGE. Plan to reduce flaring per operator. Act No. 011/2014 regulating the hydrocarbon sector in the Gabonese Republic. Agriculture. Ministry of Agriculture. Coordination of the Grain Programme. Olam Gabon. PSGE. GIS document sites occupied by OLAM. Forest. National Parks Agency. PSGE.", + "Coordination of the Grain Programme. Olam Gabon. PSGE. GIS document sites occupied by OLAM. Forest. National Parks Agency. PSGE. Sectoral studies and reports - National Land Use Plan. Forest Code. Infrastructures. ANGTI. PSGE. Territorial Planning and Development Scheme. SDNI" + ], + "large": [ + "Gabon. Nationally Determined Planned Contribution \u2013 Conference of the Parties 21. 31 March 2015. Contribution of the Gabonese Republic. In accordance with decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20 and its strategic development plan, Gabon communicates, through this document, its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to combat climate change and all relevant information. The elements contained in Gabon\u2019s National Contribution are a synthesis of the ambitions and public policies of Gabon, which, at a turning point in its development, chooses to commit itself resolutely to sustainable development, based in particular on controlled GHG emissions. This submission is of a doubly important nature for Gabon, because of the President\u2019s commitment to a sustainable development policy on the one hand and to contribute to the global effort to reduce the rise in temperature on the other.", + "This submission is doubly important for Gabon, on the one hand, because of the commitment of the President of the Republic to pursue a sustainable development policy and, on the other, to contribute to the global effort to reduce the rise in temperature. Type of commitment. Reduction in relation to an uncontrolled development scenario. Perimeter. Total GHG emissions excluding carbon storage in forest biomass. GHGs. CO2, CH4, N2O. (HFCs, PFCs, SF6 and NF3 will be covered at a later stage). Reference year. 2000. Period. 2010-2025 (period of the Gabon Emergent Strategic Plan). These analyses will be extended to 2030 or 2050 as part of the follow-up studies to be carried out before COP21. Level of reduction. At least 50% reduction in emissions in relation to the uncontrolled development scenario in 2025. Carbon", + "At least 50% reduction in emissions from the unmanaged development scenario in 2025. Carbon credits. No reduction from purchases of carbon credits outside Gabon. Cumulatively, Gabon\u2019s commitments are to reduce GHG emissions by more than 1,500,000 GgCO2 by 2010-2025, or 65% from the trend scenario. In 2025, the gains are in the order of 62% from the trend scenario. This submission will be enriched by the Climate Conference with annexes detailing more precisely Gabon\u2019s scenarios and measures for monitoring and meeting its commitments. A. Gabon\u2019s GHG Profile. Covered by forests at 88%, Gabon, like many forest countries, acts as a carbon sink by absorbing more than 4 times more CO2 than it emits. GHG Emissions Inventory (2000).", + "Inventory of GHG emissions (2000). Source: 2nd National Communication. The many measures already taken by Gabon (Forestry Code in 2001, creation of 13 national parks covering almost 11% of the territory in 2002, etc.) all contribute to sustaining the role played by the Gabonese forest in carbon storage. Apart from carbon storage in biomass, Gabon\u2019s GHG profile is as follows:Inventory of GHG emissions (2000). Source: 2nd National Communication. B. Philosophy of Gabon\u2019s commitments. Gabon does not wish to limit its climate policy to the mere conservation of forests, using international financing mechanisms.", + "Gabon does not wish to limit its climate policy to the simple conservation of forests, with the help of international financing mechanisms. This rent-seeking logic would result in economic and social development by subordinating it to external mechanisms, unrelated to the real economy. That is why the commitments made by Gabon relate exclusively to its GHG emissions excluding carbon storage by biomass. Gabon\u2019s emissions in this limited area are distributed as follows:. Source: 2nd National Communication. As a developing country with a growing population, Gabon cannot commit itself to an absolute reduction in its GHG emissions, but rather to controlling them as part of its development. The underlying assumptions taken into account are:. a population growth of 2.5% per year;. an economic growth (excluding the oil sector) of 10% per year from 2010.", + "Two scenarios of GHG emissions have therefore been developed: a \"trend\" scenario, which corresponds to uncontrolled economic development; a \"controlled\" scenario, which takes into account all public policies undertaken after 2000 such as the Forest Code, national parks, the national flaring reduction plan, the strategic planning of the GMES with its low-carbon industrial development, the Climate Plan, the implementation of a market mechanism induced by the Law on the Guidance for Sustainable Development in Gabon and the forthcoming adoption of the National Land Use Plan. C. Land use change.", + "A \"controlled\" scenario taking into account all public policies undertaken after 2000 such as the forest code, national parks, the national flaring reduction plan, the strategic planning of the EWP with its low-carbon industrial development, the Climate Plan, the implementation of a market mechanism induced by the Law on the Guidance for Sustainable Development in Gabon and the forthcoming adoption of the National Land Use Plan. C. Land use change. With more than 60% of direct emissions, land use and its corollary, land use change, play a crucial role in achieving Gabon\u2019s ambitious GHG emission reduction targets. The main assumptions underlying the uncontrolled (or trend) development scenario are:", + "With more than 60% of direct emissions, land use and its corollary, land-use change, play a crucial role in achieving Gabon\u2019s ambitious GHG emission reduction targets. The main assumptions underlying the uncontrolled (or trend) development scenario are:. the gradual increase observed since 1950 in the area of forest permits from the coast to the climatic forest formations in the interior of the country will increase;. the increase in population will lead to ever-increasing food needs, leading to the development of industrial crops, resulting in an average loss of 175 tonnes of carbon per hectare. In relation to these developments, the controlled development scenario is based on:. the adoption of a Forestry Code that forces foresters to extend their rotations from 15 years to 25 years, with lower damage rates;.", + "the adoption of a Forestry Code that encourages foresters to extend their rotations from 15 to 25 years, with lower damage rates;. the creation of 13 national parks in 2002 that prohibit logging in large areas of the territory, followed in 2012 by restrictions on large areas of the province of the Estuaire;. the adoption of a National Land Use Plan (NLP) that allows for optimal allocation of areas to different uses, excluding intact forests, high conservation value forests and particularly carbon-rich forests. Taking into account emissions related to logging (which were not included in the national GHG emissions inventory), these various measures will reduce GHG emissions by more than 1 500 000 GgCO2 by 2010-2025, i.e. 68% compared to the trend scenario (63% in 2025). D.", + "Taking into account emissions from forestry (which were not included in the National GHG Emissions Inventory), these different measures will reduce GHG emissions by more than 1.5 million GgCO2 by 2010-2025, or 68% from the trend scenario (63% by 2025). D. Petroleum Industry - Flaring. Emissions from the flaring of associated gas in petroleum production accounted for 23% of direct emissions in 2000, and several measures have been taken.", + "Representing 23% of direct emissions in 2000, emissions related to the flaring of associated gas in petroleum production have been the subject of several measures. These measures include, among others, accession in 2007 to the Global Gas Flaring Reduction (GGFR) initiative of the World Bank, the enactment in 2014 of Act No. 011/2014 regulating the hydrocarbon sector in the Gabonese Republic prohibiting continuous flaring in Gabon, in line with Gabon\u2019s participation this year in the \"Zero Torchage de Routine d\u2019ici 2030\" initiative launched by the GGFR. These measures already have a very significant impact on GHG emissions. Over the period 2010-2025, this proactive policy will reduce GHG emissions by 17,341 GgCO2, or 41% of emissions (63% in 2025).", + "Over the period 2010-2025, this proactive policy will reduce GHG emissions by 17,341 GgCO2, i.e. 41% of emissions (63% in 2025). The main means of implementing this reduction plan in Gabon, which are re-injection and electricity generation, involve investments in particular in compression units. This investment falls within the scope of \"oil costs\", i.e. expenses incurred by operators to whom Gabon recognises a right of recovery in the area of operation as indicated in the Gabonese Hydrocarbon Code. This therefore amounts to Gabon reimbursing all these costs to operators. E. Energy. Emissions related to the local combustion of fossil energy account for the third largest item of emissions. 1. Electricity. Control of GHG emissions related to the production and consumption of electricity depends mainly on two types", + "A historical analysis of the period 2000-2010 shows that the energy efficiency of the Gabonese economy has improved by an average of 3.8% per year. Gabon wishes to build on this momentum and to continue to improve energy efficiency on this basis, with a target of about 4,000 GWh consumed by 2025. On this basis, Gabon has developed an ambitious hydropower development plan, with the objective of ensuring a supply of electricity based on 80% hydropower and 20% gas by 2025. On this basis, this plan will reduce GHG emissions by 9,000 GgCO2 by 2010-2025, i.e. 31% compared to the trend scenario (48% in 2025).", + "On this basis, this plan will reduce GHG emissions by 9,000 GgCO2 by 2010-2025, or 31% compared to the trend scenario (48% in 2025). These production capacities will also allow for exports of the order of 5,000 GWh over the period 2010-2025. Finally, Gabon is also developing a plan for solar electrification of isolated villages. This plan will improve access to energy in rural areas without the use of fossil energy. 2. Petroleum industry \u2013 Fossil energy consumption. GHG emissions from non-electricity energy industries are due to the petroleum industry. These emissions therefore follow the curve of petroleum production, as shown in the following graph. Trendal. Given the relatively small issues, Gabon has no reduction commitment in this sector. 3. Transport. Emissions from transport accounted for only 2.4% of emissions in 2000 (but 20% of", + "3. Transport. Emissions from transport accounted for only 2.4% of emissions in 2000 (but 20% of energy emissions). Although this sector has not yet been the subject of a complete macroscopic study, many projects are planned, such as infrastructure projects (with many planned roads), developments in public transport services (particularly in Libreville, to combat congestion) or changes in legislation (e.g. the ban on the import of vehicles older than 3 years). In the absence of additional data, Gabon undertakes to control the increase in transport-related energy consumption to 80% of the trend scenario in 2025. On this basis, this plan will reduce GHG emissions by almost 2,000 GgCO2 by 20152025, or 8% compared to the trend scenario (20% in 2025). 4. Other energy consumption.", + "On this basis, this plan will reduce GHG emissions by almost 2,000 GgCO2 by 20152025, or 8% compared to the trend scenario (20% in 2025). 4. Other energy consumption. This section covers energy consumption (excluding electricity) of industry (excluding oil industry), commerce and institutions (including administration), households, agriculture, fisheries and forestry. Again, no macroscopic study is available, but according to the general philosophy of Gabon\u2019s development, it is committed to containing the growth of these emissions. In the uncontrolled development scenario, the evolution of GHG emissions follows the evolution of GDP, whereas in the controlled development scenario, the carbon intensity of GDP decreases by 2% per year.", + "In the uncontrolled development scenario, the evolution of GHG emissions follows the evolution of GDP, whereas in the controlled development scenario, the carbon intensity of GDP decreases by 2% per year. On this basis, this commitment is to reduce GHG emissions by 3,500 GgCO2 by 2015-2025, or 8% compared to the trend scenario (18% in 2025). F. Other GHG emissions. Emissions related to waste, industrial processes (cement) and agriculture represent the fourth emission item. 1. Waste. Gabon commits to halving GHG emissions related to waste and wastewater treatment by 2025. Taking into account the expected population change, this commitment is to reduce GHG emissions by more than 2,000 GgCO2 by 2015-2025, or 16% compared to the trend scenario (50% in 2025). 2. Industrial processes (", + "Given the expected evolution of the population, this commitment should lead to a reduction in GHG emissions of more than 2,000 GgCO2 by 2015-2025, i.e. 16% compared to the trend scenario (50% by 2025). 2. Industrial processes (cement) and agriculture. In the absence of details, these sectors are excluded from this contribution. G. Adaptation. Gabon\u2019s vision for adaptation is based on the integration of this component in a coherent investment scheme based on the country\u2019s development strategy, rather than on ad hoc aid or subsidies unrelated to that strategy. To this end, Gabon has in particular adopted a National Strategy for Coastal Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change. This strategy consists of measures aimed at integrated coastal zone management through the establishment of an appropriate legal framework, the acquisition of monitoring tools and, finally, training and information", + "This is achieved by means of measures aimed at integrated coastal zone management through the establishment of an appropriate legal framework, the acquisition of monitoring tools and, finally, training and information. Furthermore, the general guidelines of this strategy call for the implementation of a coastal urban planning scheme, the promotion of income-generating activities linked to marine and coastal ecosystems. To this must be added a scheme comprising mangrove conservation projects for the protection of the coastline, the protection of species, the establishment of specific facilities for receiving and managing waste, the monitoring of the nesting of sea turtles and the creation of a coastal and marine environment observatory. The towns of Libreville and Port-Gentil, which are particularly exposed, are the subject of measures for the protection of the coastline through physical barriers and shoreline rehabilitation works.", + "The cities of Libreville and Port-Gentil, which are particularly exposed, are the subject of coastal protection measures through physical barriers and shoreline rehabilitation works. The economic zone of the island of Mandji, on the other hand, is benefiting from a levy. This strategy enshrines Gabon\u2019s commitment to act against climate change by taking into account the adaptation of its territory to the effects of climate change. H. Financing. As indicated in paragraph B, \"Philosophy of Gabon\u2019s Commitments\", the country has undertaken both sectoral measures or regulations (forest code, creation of national parks, national plan to reduce flaring, ban on the export of logs, etc.) as a regulatory framework for the general functioning of the economy, pursuant to the Law on the Guidelines for Sustainable Development.", + "As indicated in paragraph B \"Philosophy of Gabon's Commitments\", the country has undertaken both sectoral measures or regulations (forest code, creation of national parks, national flaring reduction plan, ban on export of logs, etc.) as a regulation governing the general functioning of the economy, pursuant to the Law on Sustainable Development Policy. In all cases, these measures and regulations have a direct or indirect impact on GHG emissions, as well as on other variables of sustainable development, such as biodiversity, ecosystems and social and community capital. In particular, the application of the market mechanism induced by the Law on Sustainable Development Policy has an incentive, behavioural and financial effect, on the reduction of GHG emissions in a global manner on all activities in the country.", + "In particular, the application of the market mechanism induced by the Sustainable Development Policy Act has an incentive, behavioural and financial effect, on the reduction of GHG emissions in a global manner on all activities in the country. Further studies will make it possible to quantify the reduction of expected emissions. The method of financing mitigation and adaptation measures. The Sustainable Development Policy Act provides for the establishment of a National Sustainable Development Fund. The establishment of this fund is under consideration and will be in line with the National Climate Funds that are being developed in various countries, taking into account the specificities of the Gabonese strategy.", + "The creation of this fund is under consideration and will be positioned along the lines of the National Climate Funds that are developing in various countries, taking into account the specificities of the Gabonese strategy. The Fund will channel and stimulate a part of the financial flows dedicated to emission reductions and more broadly to Sustainable Development: (1) the state budget, (2) private investments, (3) income from domestic market credits, (4) contributions or loans from donors). In the meantime, the various sectoral provisions or regulations presented in this document are accompanied by a financing strategy adapted to each case or sector, which can be delineated under 4 complementary modalities:. By the state budget,. By the involvement of the private sector interested in the investment opportunities offered by Gabon\u2019s development potential,.", + "By the state budget,. By the involvement of the private sector interested in the investment opportunities offered by Gabon\u2019s development potential,. By the operation of the measure or regulation, which implies that, once introduced, it operates autonomously thanks to the economic interest of the private actors involved (e.g., once the initial investments have been made, the reduction of flaring gases is self-financed by electricity revenues),. By the support of the Cooperation or of institutions specialized in Climate Finance or in sectoral technical programmes, which wish to establish a partnership with Gabon. In addition to this mechanism under construction following the promulgation of the Act in August 2014, the Climate Plan in 2013 identified a number of other regulatory provisions that could potentially contribute financially to the reduction of GHG emissions (green certificates, bonus/malus system, etc.).", + "In addition to this mechanism under construction following the promulgation of the Act in August 2014, the Climate Plan in 2013 identified a number of other regulatory provisions that could potentially contribute financially to the reduction of GHG emissions (green certificates, bonus/malus system, etc.). These possibilities may be the subject of further studies, in addition to the actions currently being carried out. Gabon\u2019s domestic market for GHG emissions. The Act guiding sustainable development in Gabon introduces a virtuous mechanism whereby developing activities must first carry out an impact assessment (the Sustainable Development Impact Assessment), carry out a Management Plan in order to control and reduce them, and compensate for the incompressible negative effects. The mechanism thus follows the \"measure, reduce, compensate\" logic, which also serves as a guideline for many international carbon market initiatives.", + "The relationship with the Green Climate Fund. Gabon registered with the Green Climate Fund in January 2015 and intends to operationalize the relationship as soon as possible, in order to demonstrate results in the field of emission reductions as well as adaptation to COP 21. Indeed, Gabon\u2019s climate strategy is specific to the country and at the same time constructed in accordance with international trends, methodological advances and the directions of the climate and biodiversity negotiations. In this context, Gabon is taking charge of its own choices and, at the same time, is seeking to establish partnerships with programmes in accordance with the strategy presented in this document.", + "Within this framework, Gabon is taking charge of its own choices and, at the same time, is seeking to establish partnerships with programmes in accordance with the strategy presented in this document. The various fields of action to be financed in the field of emission reductions, in conjunction with the strategic provisions presented in this national contribution, are in particular:. renewable energy, in particular hydroelectric power,. wastewater and other waste treatment,. energy efficiency,. technology transfer,. land use, both in terms of spatial planning and agriculture and forestry projects. Developments in the field of financing will be specified in the Annexes. I. Preparation of the document. The drafting of Gabon\u2019s contribution was based on a set of strategic documents, including the Gabon Emergent Strategic Plan, the National Climate Plan, sectoral operational", + "The drafting of Gabon\u2019s contribution was based on a set of strategic documents, including the Gabon Emergent Strategic Plan, the National Climate Plan, sectoral operational plans and the regulations in force. Furthermore, the process put in place for this drafting involved directly the public and private actors responsible for the implementation of public policies or their strict application. SECTORS. IMPLIQUE ACTORS REFERENCE DOCUMENTS. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS. Energy \u2013 Electricity. Ministry of Energy. Energy and State Water Economy Programme. PSGE. Operational Plan Electricity 2011- 2016. Contribution of the Ministry of Energy. Annual Report 2013 SEEG. Hydrocarbons. Ministry of Petroleum. All oil operators in production (Total, Maurel&Prom, CNR I and Vaalco). PSGE. Plan for the reduction of flaring per operator. Act No. 011/2014", + "Plan for the reduction of flaring per operator. Act No. 011/2014 regulating the hydrocarbon sector in the Gabonese Republic. Agriculture. Ministry of Agriculture. Coordination of the Grain Programme. Olam Gabon. PSGE. GIS document sites occupied by OLAM. Forest. National Parks Agency. PSGE. Sector studies and reports - National Land Use Plan. Forest Code. Infrastructure. ANGTI. PSGE. Planning and Development Scheme of the Territory. SDNI" + ] + } + }, + { + "country_code": "GTM", + "type_of_document": "INDC", + "language": "es", + "para_translated": { + "small": [ + "REP\u00daBLICA DE GUATEMALA. CONTRIBUTION PREVIOUSLY DETERMINED AND DETERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL. 1. PRESENTATION.", + "In accordance with decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20 of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in response to the call of Lima [1], and in its efforts to contribute to the achievement of the objective contained in Article 2 of the Convention, Guatemala presents to the UNFCCC Secretariat its \u201cNationally Determined and Forecast Contribution\u201d (INDC).", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, and to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "This underlines the need to make a global call for the fulfilment of common but differentiated responsibilities and thus for the provision of robust, sustainable, transparent, predictable and additional resources to accompany the development of this GDP, which the country presents as well as that of the other most vulnerable countries.", + "The presentation of this index takes place in the context of a country that has just stabilised a political crisis.", + "In this scenario, the National Council for Climate Change (created by Decree 7-2013 [2], hereinafter the Framework Law for Climate Change, and composed of governmental entities, universities, indigenous peoples, farmers, the private sector, non-governmental organizations) promotes the fulfilment of the State's commitments to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and joins in a country effort, so that the country, despite its conditions and circumstances, responds to the global call of the Nations.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "This INDC is presented without prejudice to the legal nature that this will have, as well as the content of a protocol or other instrument or result, which will be agreed with legal force, applicable to all parties under the framework of the Convention in reference. 2. BACKGROUND Guatemala has great natural and cultural wealth.", + "2. CONTEXT. Guatemala has a great natural and cultural wealth. It is one of the 19 megadiverse countries on the planet, with 33.7% of its territory covered by forests. Its native forests contribute significantly to the livelihoods of local populations.", + "It is one of the 19 megadiverse countries on the planet, with 33.7% of its territory covered by forests. Its native forests contribute significantly to the livelihoods of local populations. About a third of the national territory has been declared a protected area and has a great wealth of ecosystem goods and services.", + "Around one third of the national territory has been declared a protected area and has a great wealth of ecosystem goods and services.", + "The multicultural richness of the country and the traditional and ancestral knowledge of its different peoples constitute a potential for the implementation of the INDC.", + "The country being part of an isthmus and located in a highly vulnerable region, located between three intercontinental plates and with particular water and geomorphological characteristics, located in an area of intertropical convergence and in the zone of influence of the phenomena of childhood and adolescence and between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans makes it vulnerable and fragile.", + "It is located in an area of intertropical convergence and in the zone of influence of the phenomenon of the Ni\u00f1a and the Ni\u00f1a and between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, making it vulnerable and fragile. It is on the route of hurricanes and tropical storms of the Caribbean [3]. Guatemala is exposed to extreme events.", + "In the last sixteen years (1998 to 2014), a total of eight extreme hydro-meteorological events linked to climate change have been recorded (hurricanes and tropical storms Mitch, 1998; Stan, 2005; Agatha, 2010; and some major tropical depressions and droughts).", + "In the last sixteen years (1998 to 2014), a total of eight extreme hydro-meteorological events linked to climate change have been recorded (hurricanes and tropical storms Mitch, 1998; Stan, 2005; Agatha, 2010; and some major tropical depressions and droughts).", + "Between 1998 and 2010, climate variability caused economic losses in the agricultural sector in the order of US$ 1.85 billion.", + "Between 1998 and 2010, climate variability caused economic losses in the agricultural sector in the order of US$ 1.85 billion.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The most affected population groups are indigenous peoples, subsistence farmers, artisanal fishermen and, among them, women and children.", + "However, as Guatemala is the largest economy in Central America, it is located in the countries with the highest levels of inequality in Latin America, with high rates of poverty -particularly in rural areas and indigenous peoples - and with the highest rates of chronic malnutrition and maternal and infant mortality in the region.", + "This results in the lowest Human Development Index (HDI) in Latin America. On the basis of information from the World Bank (Bank of Guatemala) the country has maintained an average annual economic growth of 4.2% between 2004 and 2007.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the", + "It is expected that the average annual growth in 2015-2016 will be 3.6%, driven by private consumption and an increase in exports and remittances; however, the impacts related to climate variability in Guatemala have an annual impact of 1.3% to 3.7% on gross domestic product (GDP) and it is estimated that between 40% and 70% of the impact is in the agricultural sector.", + "However, the impacts related to climate variability in Guatemala have an annual impact of 1.3% to 3.7% on gross domestic product (GDP) and it is estimated that between 40% and 70% of the impact is in the agricultural sector.", + "In terms of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), Guatemala contributes less than 0.1% of global emissions and its emissions are 2.48 tCO2e/capita, in 2005 considerably lower than the average per capita emissions of the Latin American and Caribbean region (4.6 tCO2e/capita).", + "The Government of Guatemala has initiated concrete actions to address the challenges posed by climate change. Guatemala has a National Climate Change Policy and one of the first laws on climate change worldwide: the Framework Law on Climate Change, through which the National Council on Climate Change was created (Art.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The Government of Guatemala is committed to ensuring that the rights of indigenous peoples are respected in all areas of Guatemalan society.", + "In addition, there are efforts by other sectors of society, such as: the National Bureau, the Indigenous Bureau of Climate Change, the Guatemalan System of Climate Change Sciences, the Private Institute of Research on Climate Change of the sugar union.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet, the legislative and executive branches, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the National Human Rights Commission, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of", + "METHODOLOGICAL INVENTORY Guatemala has conducted four national GHG emission inventories covering the years 1990, 1994, 2000 and 2005.", + "The methodology used to calculate the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories corresponds to the \u201cIPCC Guidelines for the Compilation of the 1996 IPCC Inventories\u201d, taking into account the Global Warming Potential (GWP) values of the Second IPCC Report (SAR).", + "Only the inventory for 1990 has been officialized through the First National Communication; the additional inventories are in the process of being reviewed and will be presented as part of the Second National Communication.", + "The additional inventories are in the process of being reviewed and will be presented as part of the Second National Communication. The analysis of the trend shown in the four inventories carried out indicates that in the period 1990-2005 the country has had an average growth in emissions corresponding to 0.90 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "In addition, emissions reported in the latest available inventory (base year 2005) show that the country emitted a total of 31.45 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (see Figure 1).", + "The inventories used in the baseline study included all emissions from the energy, industrial processes, agriculture, waste and UTCUTS sectors.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commission", + "In accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and its current capabilities, Guatemala plans to achieve a reduction of 11.2% of its total base year 2005 GHG emissions by 2030.", + "In accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and its current capabilities, Guatemala plans to achieve a reduction of 11.2% of its total base year 2005 GHG emissions projected for 2030.", + "This 11.2% reduction implies that emissions, under a trend scenario (TSP) of 53.85 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2030, will be reduced to a value of 47.81 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent by that year.", + "Figure 1: Guatemala's emission trends and contributions 3.2.2.Proposed conditionality Guatemala proposes a more ambitious reduction than the previous one, of up to 22.6% of its total GHG emissions from base year 2005 projected to 2030.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "This 22.6% reduction implies that emissions, under a trend scenario (TDS) of 53.85 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2030, would be reduced to a value of 41.66 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent by that year (see Figure 1).", + "As a condition for achieving this ambitious goal, it will be necessary to have the necessary technical and financial support from new and additional international public and private resources.The sectors of the national economy with the greatest need of support for the implementation of policies and strategies for reducing emissions are: forests, agriculture and transport.", + "The sectors of the national economy with the greatest need of support for the implementation of emission reduction policies and strategies are: forests, agriculture and transport.The transport subsector presents investment opportunities for improving urban mobility based on efficient mass transport that promotes productivity in all sectors of the country and contributes to a significant reduction in emissions.", + "The transport subsector presents investment opportunities for improving urban mobility based on efficient mass transport that promotes productivity in all sectors of the country and contributes to a significant reduction in emissions.", + "The data presented in this INDC are undergoing a continuous review process, along with continuous improvements to the GHG emission monitoring systems, so changes may be made and subsequent changes and adjustments made.", + "It is therefore possible that changes will be made and subsequent changes and adjustments will be made. 3.2.3.Additions: The above-mentioned contributions can be achieved if the following assumptions are made:a) There is a capital formation dynamic for the country similar to the average observed over the last two decades, stable growth in the financial sector and a trend towards macroeconomic stability.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "(c) Priority is given to the implementation of strategies, policies and actions on climate change issues defined in the relevant framework law and international treaties, conventions and agreements in this field.", + "(c) Priority is given to the implementation of strategies, policies and actions on climate change issues defined in the relevant framework law and international treaties, conventions and agreements in this field.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "(e) The country's potential participation in stable carbon market mechanisms is considered. (f) More efficient and cost-effective technologies are available to achieve and monitor GHG emission reductions.", + "3.2.4.Place and/or period of application: The period of application is 2016 - 2030, with periodic revisions in accordance with the cycles established in the new agreement, based on information from the years 1990-2005.", + "The period of application is 2016 - 2030, with periodic revisions in accordance with the cycles established in the new agreement, based on information from the years 1990-2005. This allows the country to improve the metric and accounting of emissions, as well as a reorientation of the action lines if necessary. 3.2.5.", + "This allows the country to improve the metric and accounting of emissions, as well as a reorientation of the action lines if necessary. 3.2.5.Change of application and coverage. Coverage: at national level. Greenhouse gases: Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) (expressed in CO2 equivalent).", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against", + "Emission sectors: energy, land use and land-use change and forestry, agriculture, waste and industrial processes. 4. ADAPTATION Guatemala is a country that suffers from the effects of climate change which, due to its social and economic characteristics, is considered very vulnerable.", + "Guatemala is a country that suffers from the effects of climate change, which, due to its social and economic characteristics, is considered to be very vulnerable.", + "The State of Guatemala, through various national instruments, promotes and proposes the cross-cutting reduction of vulnerability and the improvement of adaptation processes in key sectors; establishing priorities for strengthening adaptation processes in: human health; coastal marine areas; agriculture, livestock and food security; forest resources; and protected areas.", + "Human health. Coastal marine areas. Agriculture, livestock and food security. Forest resources, protected areas. Conservation and management of strategic ecosystems. Infrastructure. Integrated water resources management. Quality of productive infrastructure<. Soil protection. Integrated disaster risk reduction management.", + "Integrated water resources management. Quality of productive infrastructure<. Soil protection. Comprehensive disaster risk reduction management. In compliance with the framework law on climate change, the national action plan for adaptation and mitigation to climate change is currently being developed, which must be updated in accordance with the results of future national communications.", + "In accordance with the framework law on climate change, the national action plan for adaptation and mitigation to climate change is currently being developed, which must be updated in accordance with the results of future national communications.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and the Ministry of Labour and Employment have jointly organized a workshop on the prevention of violence against women, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the Ministry of Social Welfare and Employment, the Ministry of Health and Employment, the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the Ministry of Social Welfare and Employment, the Ministry of Health and Employment, the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the Ministry of Social Welfare and Employment, the Ministry of Health and Employment, the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the Ministry of Social Welfare and Employment, the Ministry of Health and Employment, the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the Ministry of Health and Employ", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "In the area of agriculture and food security, the crop monitoring system - coordinated between government agencies and private sector programmes focusing on nutritional food security and international cooperation agencies - prioritizes those actions that have a direct impact on food production, mainly for self-consumption and subsistence in priority areas.", + "On the subject of agriculture and food security, the Crop Monitoring System - coordinated between governmental bodies and private sector programmes focusing on nutritional food security and international cooperation agencies - prioritizes those actions that have a direct impact on food production, mainly for self-consumption and subsistence in priority areas.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "Implementation Mechanisms: Implementation Mechanisms refer to instruments, institutions, policies, strategies, plans, programmes or projects of support to achieve the country's aspiration for effective reduction of greenhouse gases.", + "Implementation mechanisms refer to the instruments, institutions, policies, strategies, plans, programmes or support projects to achieve the country's aspiration for the effective reduction of greenhouse gases.", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other departments such as the National Council of Protected Areas, the National Forest Institute, the Institute of Seismology, the Institute of Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology have set up specialized technical units.", + "In addition, specialized technical units have been set up in the Ministries of Environment, Agriculture, Energy and Mines, Finance, External Relations and other departments such as the National Council of Protected Areas, the National Forest Institute, the Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has adopted a number of other measures aimed at combating trafficking in human beings, such as the adoption of the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has adopted a number of other measures aimed at combating trafficking in human beings, such as the adoption of the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliament", + "In addition, the Government of Guatemala has adopted a National Strategy for the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones (Governmental Agreement 328-2009), which already considers climate change as a variable and is consistent with the National Climate Change Policy.", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Interior, through the Office of the Attorney-General, is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities, which is based on the principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development and the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sus", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights of the child, such as the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, the establish", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and the Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad Social (IGSS) are responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for Children and Adolescents.", + "A low-emission Development Strategy is currently being drafted that will consider funding and technical assistance aspects for the implementation of public policies, strategies and specific programmes in all sectors.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, a number of other measures have been adopted, such as the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establish", + "The National Interconnected System (SNI) currently has 69.72% renewable electricity generation and it is expected that by 2030, electricity generation will be 80% from renewable sources.", + "The National Interconnected System (SNI) currently has 69.72% renewable electricity generation and it is expected that by 2030, electricity generation will be 80% from renewable sources.", + "The Energy Policy 2013-2027 in its axes: 1) Security of electricity supply at competitive prices, 4) Saving and efficient use of energy and 5) Reduction of the use of wood in the country through the National Strategy for Efficient and Sustainable Use of Wood.", + "Renewable Energy Projects Incentives Act (Decree 52-2003) Technical Regulation for the Connection, Operation, Control and Commercialization of Renewable Generation (NTGDR) and Self-Producing Energy Surplus Users Transport Subsector: Implementation and Improvement of the Transmetro System (BRT) currently in operation in Guatemala City.", + "Transportation Subsector: implementation and improvement of the Transmetro system (BRT) currently in operation in the city of Guatemala, and legislation to establish a program of tax incentives and subsidies focused on the use of clean energy for public and private transport, including legislation to regulate GHG emissions in collective and individual public transport (Art. 21).", + "In addition, a regulation was promoted to establish a program of tax incentives and subsidies focused on the use of clean energy for public and private transport, including regulation to regulate GHG emissions in collective and individual public transport (Article 21); Implementation of the National Energy Plan, stipulated in the Framework Law on Climate Change (Article 18).", + "Implementation of the National Energy Plan, stipulated in the Framework Law on Climate Change (Art. 18).Use and Change of Land Use and Forestry:Implementation of the Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation -REDD\u00b1: currently under development, with a view to improving and integrating it into public policy instruments in the forestry sector.", + "Use and Change of Land Use and Forestry:Implementation of the Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation -REDD\u00b1: currently under development, in conjunction with a vision of improvement and integration with public policy instruments in the forestry sector.", + "The Government of Guatemala is committed to promoting and protecting the rights of indigenous peoples, including the right to self-determination, in accordance with the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 and the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960), the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960), the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960), the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples", + "The Government of Guatemala has a National System of Protected Areas (SIGAP), which covers 33% of the country's territory.", + "Strengthening of the National System for the Prevention and Control of Forest Fires -SIPECIF-. Continuity of implementation and compliance with forest management policy instruments in which they highlight: the new Law for the Establishment, Recovery, Restoration, Management, Production and Protection of Forests of Guatemala -PROBOSQUE, Decree 02-2015-, the Forest Incentives Program - PINFOR- and the Forest Incentives Program for Owners of Small Extensions of Forest or Agroforestry Land -PINPEP-, the National Forest Landscape Restoration Strategy with a target of 1.2 million hectares, the Strategy for the Link Between Industry and Market Forest and the National Strategy for Combating Illegal Logging.", + "The existence of an agricultural policy to strengthen the National Rural Extension System (SNER), among other programmes linked to the Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Integrated Rural Development Policy.", + "Implementation of the Irrigation Policy with an integrated approach to water resources. Waste. Existence of a Solid Waste Policy (currently in preparation) by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) to consolidate actions in this sector.", + "The existence of a Solid Waste Policy (currently in preparation) by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) to consolidate actions in this sector Implementation of the Waste Water Regulation (Governmental Agreement 236-2006) as an instrument for the treatment of emissions produced by this sector Industrial Processes.", + "Implementation of the Wastewater Regulation -Governmental Agreement 236- 2006- as an instrument for the treatment of emissions produced by this sector Industrial Processes Development and coordination for the involvement of the private sector through actions framed in the Cleaner Production Policy, which is implemented as a tool of competitiveness and environmental management.", + "Development and coordination for the involvement of the private sector through actions framed in the Cleaner Production Policy, which is implemented as a tool of competitiveness and environmental management. Existence of an Incentives Programme that motivates voluntary activities for the reduction or absorption of GHG emissions, (Article 19).", + "The existence of an incentive program that motivates voluntary activities to reduce or absorb GHG emissions (Art. 19). 6. FINANCIAL MEchanisms: The National Climate Change Fund (FONCC) as an important financial instrument for the implementation of the law (Art.", + "The National Climate Change Fund (FONCC), as an important financial instrument for the implementation of the law (Art. 24), together with the National Conservation Fund, FONACON and the National Disaster Reduction Fund, regulated in Art.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, and to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Education and Science, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and", + "By law, all funds must count on contributions determined in the State Income and Expenditure Budget. Guatemala already has the Designated National Authority -MARN - for the implementation of the Green Climate Fund as the main financial instrument of the UNFCCC.", + "Guatemala already has the Designated National Authority -MARN - for the implementation of the Green Climate Fund as the main financial instrument of the UNFCCC. Guatemala is participating in the Global Finance Initiative for Biodiversity -BIOFIN- and is developing a National Emissions Reduction Program for REDD+ that will have a financial mechanism at the national level, for the payment for results for reducing emissions in forests.", + "Guatemala is participating in the Global Finance Initiative for Biodiversity (BIOFIN) and is developing a National Emissions Reduction Program for REDD+, which will have a national financial mechanism to pay for results in reducing emissions from forests, adjusting and updating the National Financial Strategy for Combating Desertification and Drought.", + "In addition, Guatemala has a number of mechanisms that support the implementation of various policies and laws, including: the natural debt swap fund with the United States and existing forestry incentive programs established by law, the PINFOR Forest Incentives Program and the PINPEP Forest Incentives Program for owners of small extensions of forest or agroforestry land.", + "Recently (September 24, 2015) in another national effort, the Law for the Promotion of the Establishment, Recovery, Restoration, Management, Production and Protection of Forests in Guatemala (PROBOSQUES) was approved.", + "The Government of Guatemala is currently in the process of implementing with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany a Climate Change Adaptation Debt Facility in vulnerable areas, and it is hoped that this type of instrument will be further promoted with other developed and emerging countries.", + "It is hoped that this type of instrument will continue to be promoted with other developed and emerging countries.", + "In addition to the above, the resources of the state budget are not sufficient to cover the wide and deep gap in order to be able to address the effects of climate change and to achieve the commitments of the INDC and the goals of the ODA to 2030, capacity building, adaptation, vulnerability reduction and mitigation, which is why the country calls on the international community to provide the country with additional financial resources to finance development - ODA - while fulfilling a common but differentiated responsibility.", + "This is why the country calls on the international community to provide the country with additional financial resources to finance development - ODA - while fulfilling a common but differentiated responsibility. Government of Guatemala. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. MARN. Guatemala, 29 September 2015. (1/CP.20, paragraph 12). \u21a9.", + "Government of Guatemala. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. MARN. Guatemala, 29 September 2015. (1/CP.20, para. 12). \u21a9. Framework Law to Regulate Vulnerability Reduction, Mandatory Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. \u21a9.", + "Framework Law to Regulate Vulnerability Reduction, Mandatory Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. \u21a9. According to Germanwatch (2015) for several years, Guatemala has been on the list of the ten most vulnerable countries globally. \u21a9" + ], + "medium": [ + "REP\u00daBLICA DE GUATEMALA. CONTRIBUTION PREVIOUSLY DETERMINED AND DETERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL. 1. PRESENTATION.", + "In accordance with decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20 of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in response to the call of Lima [1], and in its efforts to contribute to the achievement of the objective contained in Article 2 of the Convention, Guatemala presents to the UNFCCC Secretariat its \u201cNationally Determined and Forecast Contribution\u201d (INDC).", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "This underlines the need to make a global call for the fulfilment of common but differentiated responsibilities and thus for the provision of robust, sustainable, transparent, predictable and additional resources to accompany the development of this GDP which the country presents as well as that of the other most vulnerable countries.The presentation of this GDP takes place in the context of a country which has just stabilised a political crisis.", + "In this scenario, the National Council on Climate Change (created by Decree 7-2013 [2], hereinafter the Framework Law on Climate Change, and composed of governmental entities, universities, indigenous peoples, farmers, the private sector, non-governmental organizations) promotes the fulfilment of the State's commitments to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and joins in a country's effort, so that it, despite its conditions and circumstances, responds to the global call of the Nations.", + "In this scenario, the National Council on Climate Change (created by Decree 7-2013 [2], hereinafter the Framework Law on Climate Change, and composed of governmental entities, universities, indigenous peoples, farmers, the private sector, non-governmental organizations) promotes the fulfilment of the State's commitments to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and joins a country effort, so that this, despite its conditions and circumstances, responds to the global call of the Nations.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has adopted a number of measures aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights of the child, including the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "(a) The right to life, liberty and security of the person, including the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punish", + "This INDC is presented without prejudice to the legal nature that this will have, as well as the content of a protocol or other instrument or result, that will be agreed with legal force, applicable to all parties under the framework of the Convention in reference. 2. BACKGROUND. Guatemala has great natural and cultural wealth. It is among the 19 Megadiverse countries of the planet, with 33.7% of its territory covered by forests.", + "Guatemala has a great natural and cultural wealth. It is among the 19 Megadiverse countries of the planet, with 33.7% of its territory covered by forests. Its native forests contribute significantly to the livelihoods of local populations. Around one third of the national territory has been declared a protected area and has a great wealth of ecosystem goods and services. The multicultural wealth of the country and the traditional and ancestral knowledge of its different peoples, constitutes a potential for the implementation of the INDC.", + "The multicultural richness of the country and the traditional and ancestral knowledge of its different peoples constitute a potential for the implementation of the INDC.", + "It is located in an area of intertropical convergence and in the zone of influence of the phenomenon of the Ni\u00f1a and the Ni\u00f1a and between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, making it vulnerable and fragile. It is on the route of hurricanes and tropical storms of the Caribbean [3]. Guatemala is exposed to extreme events.", + "In the last sixteen years (1998 to 2014), a total of eight extreme hydro-meteorological events linked to climate change have been recorded (hurricanes and tropical storms Mitch, 1998; Stan, 2005; Agatha, 2010; and some major tropical depressions and droughts).", + "In the last sixteen years (1998 to 2014), a total of eight extreme hydro-meteorological events linked to climate change have been recorded (hurricanes and tropical storms Mitch, 1998; Stan, 2005; Agatha, 2010; and some major tropical depressions and droughts).", + "Between 1998 and 2010, climate variability caused economic losses in the agricultural sector in the order of US$ 1.85 billion.", + "Between 1998 and 2010, climate variability caused economic losses in the agricultural sector in the order of US$ 1.85 billion.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The most affected population groups are indigenous peoples, subsistence farmers, artisanal fishermen and, among them, women and children.", + "Although Guatemala is the largest economy in Central America, it is located in the countries with the highest levels of inequality in Latin America, with high rates of poverty -particularly in rural areas and indigenous peoples - and with the highest rates of chronic malnutrition and maternal and infant mortality in the region, resulting in the lowest Human Development Index (HDI) in Latin America.", + "This is the lowest Human Development Index (HDI) in Latin America.According to information from the World Bank (Bank of Guatemala), the country has maintained an average annual economic growth of 4.2% between 2004 and 2007.The average annual growth in 2015-2016 is projected to be 3.6%, driven by private consumption and an increase in exports and remittances.", + "It is expected that the average annual growth in 2015-2016 will be 3.6%, driven by private consumption and an increase in exports and remittances; however, the impacts related to climate variability in Guatemala have an annual impact of 1.3% to 3.7% on gross domestic product (GDP) and it is estimated that between 40% and 70% of the impact is in the agricultural sector.", + "However, the impacts related to climate variability in Guatemala have an annual impact of 1.3% to 3.7% on gross domestic product (GDP) and it is estimated that between 40% and 70% of the impact is in the agricultural sector.", + "In terms of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), Guatemala contributes less than 0.1% of global emissions and its emissions are 2.48 tCO2e/capita, in 2005 considerably lower than the average per capita emissions of the Latin American and Caribbean region (4.6 tCO2e/capita).", + "The Government of Guatemala has initiated concrete actions to tackle the challenges posed by climate change. Guatemala has a National Climate Change Policy and one of the first laws on climate change worldwide: the Framework Law on Climate Change, through which the National Council on Climate Change (Art. 8) was created, which integrates sectors of the country (government, municipalities, mayors and indigenous authorities, private, peasant, non-governmental organizations, indigenous and universities).", + "In addition, the National Bureau of Climate Change, the Indigenous Bureau of Climate Change, the Guatemalan System of Climate Change Sciences, the Private Institute for Research on Climate Change of the sugar trade union, and other sectors of Guatemalan society (government, municipalities, mayors and indigenous authorities, private sector, farmers, non-governmental organizations, indigenous peoples and universities) have also made efforts.", + "METHODOLOGICAL INVENTORY. Guatemala has conducted four national GHG emission inventories for the years 1990, 1994, 2000 and 2005.", + "The methodology used to calculate the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories is based on the IPCC Guidelines for the Preparation of the 1996 Inventories, taking into account the Global Warming Potential (GWP) values of the Second IPCC Report (SAR).", + "Only the 1990 inventory has been officialized through the First National Communication. Additional inventories are in the process of being reviewed and will be presented as part of the Second National Communication. The analysis of the trend shown in the four inventories carried out indicates that in the period 1990-2005 the country has had an average growth in emissions corresponding to 0.90 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "In addition, emissions reported in the latest available inventory (base year 2005) show that the country emitted a total of 31.45 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (see Figure 1). The inventories used in the base study included all emissions from the energy, industrial processes, agriculture, waste and UTCUTS sectors.", + "The inventories used in the baseline study included all emissions from the energy, industrial processes, agriculture, waste and UTCUTS sectors. UTCUTS removals were not included in these inventories. Applying the trend growth from 1990-2005 to baseline emissions in 2005, a total emission for 2030 of 53.85 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent was projected, corresponding to the baseline value on which the proposed reductions are calculated. 3.2.", + "In accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and its current capabilities, Guatemala plans to achieve a reduction of 11.2% of its total GHG emissions in the base year 2005 projected for 2030.", + "In accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and its current capabilities, Guatemala plans to achieve a reduction of 11.2% of its total base year 2005 GHG emissions projected for 2030.", + "This 11.2% reduction implies that emissions, under a trend scenario (TSP) of 53.85 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2030, will be reduced to a value of 47.81 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in that year. Figure 1: Emission Trends and Contributions of Guatemala. 3.2.2.Proposed Conditional Reduction. Guatemala proposes a more ambitious reduction than the previous one, of up to 22.6% of its total base year 2005 GHG emissions projected for 2030.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "This 22.6% reduction implies that emissions, under a trend scenario (TDS) of 53.85 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2030, would be reduced to a value of 41.66 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent by that year (see Figure 1).", + "As a condition for achieving this ambitious goal, it will be necessary to have the necessary technical and financial support from new and additional international public and private resources.The sectors of the national economy with the greatest need of support for the implementation of policies and strategies for reducing emissions are: forests, agriculture and transport.", + "The sectors of the national economy with the greatest need of support for the implementation of emission reduction policies and strategies are: forests, agriculture and transport.The transport subsector presents investment opportunities for improving urban mobility based on efficient mass transport that promotes productivity in all sectors of the country and contributes to a significant reduction in emissions.", + "The transport subsector presents investment opportunities for the improvement of urban mobility based on efficient mass transport that favours the productivity of all sectors of the country and contributes to a significant reduction in emissions. The data presented in this GHG emission index are in a constant review process, along with a continuous improvement in GHG emission monitoring systems.", + "The data presented in this INDC are in a process of constant revision, together with a continuous improvement in the GHG emission monitoring systems. Therefore, changes and subsequent adjustments may be made. 3.2.3.Additions. The above-described contributions can be achieved, if the following assumptions are made:a) There is a capital formation dynamic for the country similar to the average observed in the last two decades, a stable growth of the financial sector and a trend towards macroeconomic stability.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "(c) Priority is given to the implementation of strategies, policies and actions on climate change issues defined in the relevant framework law and international treaties, conventions and agreements in this field.", + "(c) Prioritize the implementation of strategies, policies and actions on climate change issues defined in the relevant framework law and relevant international treaties, conventions and agreements. (d) Increase the country's competitiveness and thereby more efficient integration into the global economy. (e) Consider the country's potential participation in stable carbon market mechanisms.", + "(d) Increased competitiveness of the country and thereby more efficient integration into the global economy. (e) Potential participation of the country in stable carbon market mechanisms is considered. (f) Access to more efficient and cost-effective technologies that enable GHG emission reductions to be achieved and appropriate monitoring is maintained.", + "3.2.4.Place and/or period of application: The period of application is 2016 - 2030, with periodic revisions in accordance with the cycles established in the new agreement, based on information from the years 1990-2005.", + "The period of application is 2016 - 2030, with periodic revisions according to the cycles established in the new agreement, based on information from the years 1990-2005. This allows the country to improve the metric and accounting of emissions, as well as a reorientation of the action lines if necessary. 3.2.5.Additional application and coverage. Coverage: at national level. Greenhouse gases: Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) (expressed in CO2 equivalent).", + "Coverage: at the national level. Greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) (expressed in CO2 equivalent). Emission sectors: energy, land use and land-use change and forestry, agriculture, waste and industrial processes. 4. ADAPTATION. Guatemala is a country that suffers from the effects of climate change which, due to its social and economic characteristics, is considered very vulnerable.", + "Guatemala is a country that suffers from the effects of climate change which, due to its social and economic characteristics, is considered very vulnerable. The State of Guatemala, through various national instruments, promotes and proposes the transversal reduction of vulnerability and the improvement of adaptation processes in key sectors; establishing for this priority strengthening the adaptation processes in:. Human health. Marine coastal zones. Agriculture, livestock and food security. Forest resources, protected areas. Conservation and management of strategic ecosystems. Infrastructure.", + "Human health. Coastal marine areas. Agriculture, livestock and food security. Forest resources, protected areas. Conservation and management of strategic ecosystems. Infrastructure. Integrated management of water resources. Quality of productive infrastructure<. Soil protection. Integrated management of disaster risk reduction. In compliance with the framework law on climate change, the national action plan for adaptation and mitigation to climate change is currently being developed, which must be updated in accordance with the results of future national communications.", + "In accordance with the framework law on climate change, the national action plan for adaptation and mitigation to climate change is currently being developed, which must be updated in accordance with the results of future national communications.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and the Ministry of Labour and Employment have jointly organized a workshop on the prevention of violence against women, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the Ministry of Social Welfare and Employment, the Ministry of Health and Employment, the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the Ministry of Social Welfare and Employment, the Ministry of Health and Employment, the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the Ministry of Social Welfare and Employment, the Ministry of Health and Employment, the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the Ministry of Social Welfare and Employment, the Ministry of Health and Employment, the Ministry of Labour and Employment, the Ministry of Health and Employ", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, organized a workshop on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in cooperation with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "In the area of agriculture and food security, the crop monitoring system - coordinated between government agencies and private sector programmes focusing on nutritional food security and international cooperation agencies - prioritizes those actions that have a direct impact on food production, mainly for self-consumption and subsistence in priority areas.", + "On the subject of agriculture and food security, the Crop Monitoring System - coordinated between governmental bodies and private sector programmes focusing on nutritional food security and international cooperation agencies - prioritizes those actions that have a direct impact on food production, mainly for self-consumption and subsistence in priority areas.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "In the area of disaster risk reduction linked to extreme climatic events, a process of unification of climate information and the development of early warning systems has been initiated; however, technological, financial and cultural barriers still exist which require greater support in order to accelerate the response capacity of the population and its institutions.", + "Implementation Mechanisms. Implementation Mechanisms refer to instruments, institutions, policies, strategies, plans, programmes or projects of support to achieve the country's aspiration for the effective reduction of greenhouse gases.", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other departments such as the National Council of Protected Areas, the National Forest Institute, the Institute of Seismology, the Institute of Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology have set up specialized technical units.", + "In addition, specialized technical units have been set up in the Ministries of Environment, Agriculture, Energy and Mines, Finance, External Relations and other departments such as the National Council of Protected Areas, the National Forest Institute, the Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has adopted a number of other measures aimed at combating trafficking in human beings, such as the adoption of the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Interior, through the Office of the Attorney-General, is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities, which is based on the principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development and the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sus", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice have adopted a number of other measures aimed at combating trafficking in human beings, such as the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Assistance and the Guatemalan Institute of Social Security (IGSS) have developed a national strategy for disaster risk reduction, focusing on the implementation of action lines to meet the goal set by the National Development Plan (Kat\u00fan 2032), in which it is stated that 100% of public institutions and local governments apply criteria of resilient cities and municipalities.", + "In this regard, the Ministry of Health and Social Assistance and the Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad Social (IGSS) have developed a strategic plan for the implementation of measures aimed at reducing maternal mortality and morbidity.", + "(a) To continue to cooperate with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees", + "In addition, the Government of Guatemala has adopted a number of measures aimed at reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, including the establishment of a national plan of action for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, the establishment of a national plan of action for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, the establishment of a national plan of action for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, the establishment of a national plan of action for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, the establishment of a national plan of action for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, the establishment of a national plan of action for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, the establishment of a national plan of action for reducing emissions from deforestation and for", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring the protection of the rights of persons belonging to ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities in the Republic of Kazakhstan, including the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Ling", + "The National Interconnected System (SNI) currently has 69.72% renewable electricity generation and it is expected that by 2030, electricity generation will be 80% from renewable sources.", + "Energy Policy 2013-2027 in its axes: 1) Security of electricity supply at competitive prices, 4) Saving and efficient use of energy and 5) Reduction of the use of wood in the country through the National Strategy for Efficient and Sustainable Use of Wood.", + "Technical standard for the connection, operation, control and commercialization of renewable generation -NTGDR- and self-producing users with energy surpluses.", + "Transportation Subsector: implementation and improvement of the Transmetro system (BRT) currently in operation in the city of Guatemala City.In addition, legislation was promoted to establish a program of tax incentives and subsidies focused on the use of clean energy for public and private transport, including legislation to regulate GHG emissions in collective and individual public transport (Article 21).Implementation of the National Energy Plan, stipulated in the Framework Law on Climate Change (Article 18).", + "In addition, legislation was promoted to establish a program of tax incentives and subsidies focused on the use of clean energy for public and private transport, including legislation to regulate GHG emissions in collective and individual public transport (Article 21). Implementation of the National Energy Plan, stipulated in the Framework Law on Climate Change (Article 18). Land Use and Land-Use Change and Forestry: Implementation of the Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation -REDD\u00b1: currently under development, coupled with a vision of improvement and integration with public policy instruments in the forestry sector.", + "Use and Change of Land Use and Forestry:Implementation of the Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation -REDD\u00b1: currently under development, in conjunction with a vision of improvement and integration with public policy instruments in the forestry sector.Implementation of the Climate Change Agendas of public institutions related to compliance with Article 20 of the Framework Law on Climate Change, mainly with the Implementation of the Biodiversity and Climate Change Strategy.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Elimination of Child Labour and the National Plan of Action for the Prevention and Control of Child Labour.", + "In the country there is a Guatemalan System of Protected Areas (SIGAP), which covers 33% of the national territory; Strengthening of the National System for the Prevention and Control of Forest Fires (SIPECIF); Continuous implementation and compliance with forest management policy instruments in which they emphasize: the new Guatemalan Law for the Establishment, Recovery, Restoration, Management, Production and Protection of Forests (PROBOSQUE, Decree 02-2015); the Forest Incentives Program (PINFOR) and the Forest Incentives Program for Owners of Small Extensions of Forest or Agroforestry Land (PINPEP); the National Forest Landscape Restoration Strategy with a target of 1.2 million hectares; the Strategy for the Link Between Forest Industry and Market; and the National Strategy for Combating Illegal Logging.", + "The existence of an Agricultural Policy to strengthen the National Rural Extension System (SNER), among other programmes linked to the Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Integrated Rural Development Policy; the establishment of annual institutional operational plans linked to the agricultural sector programmed according to micro-watersheds; the implementation of the Irrigation Policy with an integrated approach to water resources; and waste.", + "Implementation of the Irrigation Policy with an integrated approach to water resources. Waste. Existence of a Solid Waste Policy (currently in preparation) by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources -MARN-, to consolidate actions in this sector. Implementation of the Wastewater Regulation -Government Agreement 236-2006-, as an instrument for the treatment of emissions produced by this sector. Industrial processes.", + "Implementation of the Wastewater Regulation -Governmental Agreement 236- 2006- as an instrument for the treatment of emissions produced by this sector. Industrial processes. Development and coordination for the involvement of the private sector through actions framed in the Cleaner Production Policy, which is implemented as a tool of competitiveness and environmental management. Existence of an Incentive Program that motivates voluntary activities to reduce or absorb GHG emissions, (Art. 19). 6. FINANCIAL MECHANISM.", + "The National Climate Change Fund (FONCC), as an important financial instrument for the implementation of the law (Art. 24), together with the National Conservation Fund, FONACON and the National Disaster Reduction Fund, regulated in Art.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of", + "By law, all funds must count on contributions determined in the State Income and Expenditure Budget. Guatemala already has the Designated National Authority -MARN - for the implementation of the Green Climate Fund as the main financial instrument of the UNFCCC.", + "Guatemala already has the Designated National Authority -MARN - for the implementation of the Green Climate Fund as the main financial instrument of the UNFCCC. Guatemala is participating in the Global Finance Initiative for Biodiversity -BIOFIN- and is developing a National Emissions Reduction Program for REDD+ that will have a financial mechanism at the national level, for the payment for results for reducing emissions in forests.", + "Guatemala is participating in the Global Finance Initiative for Biodiversity (BIOFIN) and is developing a National Emissions Reduction Program for REDD+, which will have a national financial mechanism to pay for results in reducing emissions from forests, adjusting and updating the National Financial Strategy for Combating Desertification and Drought.", + "In addition, Guatemala has a number of mechanisms that support the implementation of various policies and laws, including: the natural debt swap fund with the United States and existing forestry incentive programs established by law, the PINFOR Forest Incentives Program and the PINPEP Forest Incentives Program for owners of small extensions of forest or agroforestry land.", + "In addition, Guatemala has a number of mechanisms that support the implementation of various policies and laws, among them: the debt swap fund by nature with the United States and the existing forest incentive programs established by laws, the Forest Incentives Program PINFOR and the Forest Incentives Program for Owners of Small Extensions of Forest or Agroforestal Land, PINPEP.", + "Recently (September 24, 2015) in another national effort, the Law for the Promotion of the Establishment, Recovery, Restoration, Management, Production and Protection of Forests in Guatemala (PROBOSQUES) was approved.", + "The Government of Guatemala is currently in the process of implementing with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany a Climate Change Adaptation Debt Facility in vulnerable areas. It is hoped that this type of instrument will continue to be promoted with other developed and emerging countries. However, the resources of the state budget are not sufficient to cover the extensive and deep gap in order to be able to address the effects of climate change and to meet the commitments of the INDC and the goals of the 2030 ODS, capacity building, adaptation, vulnerability reduction and mitigation.", + "In addition to the above, the resources of the state budget are not sufficient to cover the wide and deep gap in order to be able to address the effects of climate change and to achieve the commitments of the INDC and the goals of the ODA to 2030, capacity building, adaptation, vulnerability reduction and mitigation, which is why the country calls on the international community to provide the country with additional financial resources to finance development - ODA - while fulfilling a common but differentiated responsibility.", + "This is why the country calls on the international community to provide the country with additional financial resources to finance development - ODA - while fulfilling a common but differentiated responsibility. Government of Guatemala. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. MARN. Guatemala, 29 September 2015. (1/CP.20, para. 12). \u21a9. Framework Law to Regulate Vulnerability Reduction, Mandatory Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. \u21a9.", + "Framework Law to Regulate Vulnerability Reduction, Mandatory Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. \u21a9. According to Germanwatch (2015) for several years, Guatemala has been on the list of the ten most vulnerable countries globally. \u21a9" + ], + "large": [ + "GUATEMALA REVIEW. FORECAST AND DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL LEVEL 1. PRESENTATION. In the light of the urgency of taking collective action necessary to prevent an increase in dangerous temperature and climate variability; in accordance with decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20 of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); responding to the call of Lima [1], and in its effort to contribute to achieving the objective contained in Article 2 of the Convention, Guatemala presents to the UNFCCC Secretariat its \u201cForecast and Determined Contribution to National Level\u201d (INDC).", + "In accordance with decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20 of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in response to the call of Lima [1], and in its efforts to contribute to achieving the objective contained in Article 2 of the Convention, Guatemala submits to the UNFCCC Secretariat its \u201cNationally Determined and Forecast Contribution\u201d (INDC).", + "Guatemala is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, from which it will have to bear an abnormal and disproportionate burden, a situation that threatens its population, its heritage, food production and livelihoods, preventing economic and social development from continuing in a sustainable manner.", + "In this scenario, the National Council on Climate Change (created by Decree 7-2013 [2], hereinafter the Framework Law on Climate Change, and composed of governmental entities, universities, indigenous peoples, farmers, the private sector, non-governmental organizations) promotes the fulfilment of the State's commitments to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and joins in a country's effort, so that it, despite its conditions and circumstances, responds to the global call of the Nations.", + "In this scenario, the National Council on Climate Change (created by Decree 7-2013 [2], hereinafter referred to as the Framework Law on Climate Change, and composed of governmental entities, universities, indigenous peoples, farmers, the private sector, non-governmental organizations) promotes the fulfilment of the State's commitments to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and joins a country effort, so that this, despite its conditions and circumstances, responds to the global call of the Nations. The contributions contained in the INDC will be incorporated into the country's National Development Plan -KATUN 2032- in an effort articulated, coherent and systemic with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to 2030, with a low-emission approach.", + "This INDC is presented without prejudice to the legal nature that this will have, as well as the content of a protocol or other instrument or result, which will be agreed with legal force, applicable to all parties under the framework of the Convention in reference. 2. BACKGROUND. Guatemala has a great natural and cultural wealth. It is among the 19 Megadiverse countries of the planet, with 33.7% of its territory covered by forests. Its native forests contribute significantly to the livelihoods of local populations.", + "Its native forests contribute significantly to the livelihoods of local populations. Around one third of the national territory has been declared a protected area and has a great wealth of ecosystem goods and services. The multicultural richness of the country and the traditional and ancestral knowledge of its different peoples, constitutes a potential for the implementation of the INDC. The country being part of an isthmus and located in a highly vulnerable region, located between three intercontinental plates and with particular water and geomorphological characteristics. Located in an area of intertropical convergence and in the zone of influence of the phenomena of childhood and adolescence and between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, it makes it vulnerable and fragile.", + "It is located in an intertropical convergence zone and in the zone of influence of the phenomenon of childhood and adolescence and between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, making it vulnerable and fragile. It is on the route of tropical storms and hurricanes of the Caribbean [3]. Guatemala is exposed to extreme events. In the last sixteen years (1998 to 2014), a total of eight extreme hydro-meteorological events linked to climate change have been recorded (hurricanes and tropical storms Mitch, 1998; Stan, 2005; Agatha, 2010; and some major tropical depressions and droughts). The accumulated losses and damage amount to more than US$ 3.5 billion, distributed mainly in the affected sectors of infrastructure, agriculture and health. Between 1998 and 2010, climate variability caused economic losses in the agricultural sector in the order of US$ 1.85 billion.", + "Between 1998 and 2010, climate variability caused economic losses in the agricultural sector in the order of US$ 1.85 billion.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "According to the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) and IPCC data, ANEXO I.8e, the country's socio-environmental vulnerability manifests itself in high prevailing poverty levels (approximately 51% of the population in poverty and 15% in extreme poverty), 49% child malnutrition and the low Human Development Index (HDI).", + "Guatemala is the largest economy in Central America, however, it is located in the countries with the highest levels of inequality in Latin America, with high poverty rates -particularly in rural areas and indigenous peoples - and with the highest rates of chronic malnutrition and maternal-infant mortality in the region.", + "It is expected that the average annual growth in 2015-2016 will be 3.6%, driven by private consumption and an increase in exports and remittances. However, the impacts related to climate variability in Guatemala have an annual impact of 1.3% to 3.7% on gross domestic product (GDP) and it is estimated that between 40% and 70% of the impact is in the agricultural sector. In terms of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Guatemala contributes less than 0.1% of global emissions and its emissions are 2.48 tCO2e/capita, in 2005 considerably lower than the average emissions per capita of the Latin American and Caribbean region (4.6 tCO2e/capita).", + "In addition, the State of Guatemala has adopted a National Climate Change Policy and one of the first laws on climate change worldwide: the Framework Law on Climate Change, through which the National Council on Climate Change (Art. 8) was created, which integrates sectors of the country (government, municipalities, mayors and indigenous authorities, private, farmers, non-governmental organizations, indigenous people and universities).", + "In addition, there are efforts by other sectors of society, such as: the National Bureau, the Indigenous Climate Change Bureau, the Guatemalan System of Climate Change Sciences, the Private Institute for Research on Climate Change of the Sugar Industry. 3. MITIGATION. 3.1. METHODOLOGICAL ENFOQUE Guatemala has conducted four national GHG emission inventories for the years 1990, 1994, 2000 and 2005. The methodology used to calculate the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories corresponds to the \u201cIPCC Guidelines for the Compilation of the 1996 National Greenhouse Gas Inventories\u201d, assuming the Global Warming Potential (GWP) values of the Second IPCC Report (SAR). Only the 1990 inventory has been officialized through the First National Communication.", + "The methodology used to calculate the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories corresponds to the \u201cIPCC Guidelines for achieving the 1996 IPCC Guidelines\u201d, taking into account the global warming potential (GWP) values of the second IPCC (SAR) report. Only the 1990 inventory has been formalized through the First National Communication. Additional inventories are in the process of being revised and will be presented as part of the Second National Communication.", + "In addition, emissions reported in the latest available inventory (base year 2005) show that the country emitted a total of 31.45 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent (see Figure 1). The inventories used in the base study included all emissions from the energy, industrial processes, agriculture, waste and UTCUTS sectors. UTCUTS removals were not included in these inventories.", + "In accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and its current capabilities, Guatemala plans to achieve a reduction of 11.2% of its total GHG emissions from base year 2005 projected to 2030. This 11.2% reduction implies that emissions, under a trend scenario (TDS) of 53.85 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2030, will be reduced to a value of 47.81 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in that year. Figure 1: Emission Trends and Guatemalan Contributions. 3.2.2.Proposed Conditionality. Guatemala proposes a more ambitious reduction than the previous one, of up to 22.6% of its total GHG emissions from base year 2005 projected to 2030.", + "Guatemala proposes a more ambitious reduction than the previous one, of up to 22.6% of its total GHG emissions from base year 2005 projected for 2030. This 22.6% reduction implies that emissions, in a trend scenario (TDS) of 53.85 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2030, would be reduced to a value of 41.66 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in that year (see Figure 1). As a condition for achieving this ambitious target, it will be necessary to have the necessary technical and financial support from new and additional international public and private resources.", + "The sectors of the national economy with the greatest need of support for the implementation of emission reduction policies and strategies are: forests, agriculture and transport. The transport subsector presents investment opportunities for improving urban mobility based on efficient mass transport that promotes the productivity of all sectors of the country and contributes to a significant reduction in emissions. The data presented in this GHG emission inventory are in a process of constant revision, along with continuous improvement in GHG emission monitoring systems.", + "The data presented in this GHG Emission Inventory are in a process of constant revision, along with continuous improvement in the GHG emission monitoring systems. Therefore, changes may be made and subsequent changes and adjustments made. 3.2.3.Substitutes. The above-described contributions can be achieved, if the following assumptions are made:a) There is a capital formation dynamic for the country similar to the average observed in the last two decades, a stable growth of the financial sector and a trend towards macroeconomic stability. b) No relevant national developments, harm the allocation of financial resources at national and international level and there is no need to reorient public activities and policies, reducing funding to priority themes for the country such as education, health and safety.", + "(c) Priority is given to the implementation of strategies, policies and actions on climate change issues defined in the relevant framework law and relevant international treaties, conventions and agreements. (d) The country's competitiveness is enhanced and thus its more efficient integration into the global economy. (e) The country's potential participation in stable carbon market mechanisms is considered.", + "3.2.4.Scope and/or period of application. The period of application is 2016 - 2030, with periodic revisions in accordance with the cycles established in the new agreement, based on information from the years 1990-2005. This allows the country to improve the metric and accounting of emissions, as well as a reorientation of the action lines if necessary. 3.2.5.Type of application and coverage. Coverage: at national level. Greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) (expressed in CO2 equivalent). Emission sectors: energy, land use and land use change and forestry, agriculture, waste and industrial processes. 4. ADAPTATION.", + "Emission sectors: energy, land use and land-use change and forestry, agriculture, waste and industrial processes. 4. ADAPTATION. Guatemala is a country that suffers from the effects of climate change which, due to its social and economic characteristics, is considered to be very vulnerable. The State of Guatemala, through various national instruments, promotes and proposes the transversal reduction of vulnerability and the improvement of adaptation processes in key sectors; establishing for this priority to strengthen adaptation processes in:. Human health. Marine coastal zones. Agriculture, livestock and food security. Forest resources, protected areas. Conservation and management of strategic ecosystems. Infrastructure. Integrated management of water resources. Quality of productive infrastructure<. Soil protection. Integrated management of disaster risk reduction.", + "Integrated water resources management. Quality of productive infrastructure<. Soil protection. Integrated disaster risk reduction management. In compliance with the framework law on climate change, the national action plan for adaptation and mitigation to climate change is currently being developed, which must be updated in accordance with the results of future national communications.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania has adopted a number of other measures aimed at combating the phenomenon of trafficking in human beings, including the adoption of the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law", + "In the area of agriculture and food security, the crop monitoring system - coordinated between government agencies and private sector programmes and focused on nutritional food security and international cooperation agencies - prioritizes those actions that have a direct impact on food production, mainly for self-consumption and subsistence in priority areas.", + "The majority of the population is linked to the agricultural sector and there is a need to provide producers with the necessary tools and technology to deal with climate change and variability in the sector that promotes good adaptation practices that support the adjustment of agricultural production systems to the changing climate environment and its derivatives.", + "In the area of disaster risk reduction linked to extreme climatic events, a process of unifying climate information and the development of early warning systems has been initiated; however, there are still technological, financial and cultural barriers that require greater support in order to accelerate the response capacity of the population and its institutions. 5. IMPLEMENTATION MECHANISms. Implementation mechanisms refer to instruments, institutions, policies, strategies, plans, programmes or projects of support to achieve the country's aspiration for effective reduction of greenhouse gases.", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture, Energy and Mines, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other departments such as the National Council of Protected Areas, the National Forest Institute, the Institute of Seismology, Vulcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology have been set up.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commission", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Interior, through the Office of the Attorney-General, is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities, which is based on the principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development and the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sus", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice have adopted a number of other measures aimed at combating trafficking in human beings, such as the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Assistance and the Guatemalan Institute of Social Security (IGSS) have developed a national strategy for disaster risk reduction, focusing on the implementation of action lines to meet the goal set by the National Development Plan (Kat\u00fan 2032), in which it is stated that 100% of public institutions and local governments apply criteria of resilient cities and municipalities.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Assistance and the Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad Social (IGSS) have developed an institutional strategic plan on adaptation and its relationship to human health, which prioritizes compliance with and support for the development of the institutional strategic plan of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance and the Instituto Guatemalteco de Seguridad Social (IGSS), taking into account the following themes: vector diseases that may increase and others related to variability and climate change. A Low Emissions Development Strategy is currently being drafted which will consider the aspects of financing and technical assistance for the implementation of public policies, strategies and specific programmes in all sectors.", + "In addition, the Government of Guatemala has adopted a number of measures aimed at improving the quality of life of its indigenous peoples, particularly in the areas of health, education and employment.", + "The National Interconnected System (SNI) currently has 69.72% renewable electricity generation and it is expected that by 2030, electricity generation will be 80% from renewable sources. Energy Policy 2013-2027 in its axes: 1) Security of electricity supply at competitive prices, 4) Saving and efficient use of energy and 5) Reduction of the use of wood in the country through the National Strategy for Efficient and Sustainable Use of Wood. Act of incentives for the development of renewable energy projects (Decree 52- 2003). Technical standard for the connection, operation, control and marketing of renewable generation -NTGDR- and self-producing users with surplus energy. Transport Subsector: implementation and improvement of the Transmetro system (BRT) currently in operation in the city of Guatemala.", + "Transportation Subsector: implementation and improvement of the Transmetro system (BRT) currently in operation in Guatemala City. In addition, legislation was promoted to establish a program of tax incentives and subsidies focused on the use of clean energy for public and private transport, including legislation to regulate GHG emissions in collective and individual public transport (Art. 21). Implementation of the National Energy Plan, stipulated in the Framework Law on Climate Change (Art. 18). Land Use and Land Use Change and Forestry:Implementation of the Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation -REDD\u00b1: currently under development in conjunction with a vision of improvement and integration with public policy instruments in the forestry sector. Implementation of the Climate Change Agendas of public institutions related to compliance with Art.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of Guatemala has adopted a number of measures aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples, including the following: (a) the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; (b) the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; (c) the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; (d) the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; (e) the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; (f) the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; (g) the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; (h) the", + "In the country there is a Guatemalan System of Protected Areas (SIGAP), which covers 33% of the national territory; Strengthening of the National System for the Prevention and Control of Forest Fires (SIPECIF); Continuous implementation and compliance with forest management policy instruments in which they emphasize: the new Guatemalan Law for the Establishment, Recovery, Restoration, Management, Production and Protection of Forests (PROBOSQUE, Decree 02-2015); the Forest Incentives Program (PINFOR) and the Forest Incentives Program for Owners of Small Extensions of Forest or Agroforestry Land (PINPEP); the National Forest Landscape Restoration Strategy with a target of 1.2 million hectares; the Strategy for the Link Between Forest Industry and Market; and the National Strategy for Combating Illegal Logging.", + "Continuity of implementation and compliance with forest management policy instruments in which they emphasize: the new Guatemalan Law for the Promotion of the Establishment, Recovery, Restoration, Management, Production and Protection of Forests -PROBOSQUE, Decree 02-2015-, the Forest Incentives Program - PINFOR- and the Forest Incentives Program for Owners of Small Extensions of Forest or Agroforestal Land -PINPEP-, the National Forest Landscape Restoration Strategy with a target of 1.2 million hectares, the Strategy for Linking Forest Industry and Market and the National Strategy for Combating Illegal Logging.", + "The existence of an Agricultural Policy to strengthen the National Rural Extension System -SNER-, among other programmes linked to the Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Integrated Rural Development Policy. The establishment of annual institutional operational plans linked to the agricultural sector programmed according to micro-watersheds. The implementation of the Irrigation Policy with an integrated approach to water resources. Waste. The existence of a Solid Waste Policy (currently in preparation), by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources -MARN-, to consolidate actions in this sector. Implementation of the Waste Water Regulation -Governmental Agreement 236-2006-, as an instrument for the treatment of emissions produced by this sector. Industrial processes.", + "Implementation of the Wastewater Regulation -Government Agreement 236-2006-, as an instrument for the treatment of emissions produced by this sector. Industrial Processes. Development and coordination for the involvement of the private sector through actions framed in the Cleaner Production Policy, which is implemented as a tool of competitiveness and environmental management. Existence of an Incentive Program that motivates voluntary activities to reduce or absorb GHG emissions, (Article 19). 6. FINANCIAL MECHANISms. The National Climate Change Fund -FONCC-, as an important financial instrument for the implementation of the law (Article 24), together with the National Conservation Fund, FONACON and the National Disaster Reduction Fund, regulated in Article 15 of Law Decree 109-96; they are instruments for channelling national and international resources necessary to prevent and/or deal with the effects of", + "Guatemala is participating in the Global Finance Initiative for Biodiversity (BIOFIN) and is developing a National Emissions Reduction Program for REDD+ that will have a financial mechanism at the national level to pay for results for reducing emissions in forests. The National Financial Strategy for Combating Desertification and Drought will be adjusted and updated.", + "Guatemala is participating in the Global Biodiversity Finance Initiative -BIOFIN- and is developing a National Emissions Reduction Program for REDD+ that will have a national financial mechanism for payment for results for reducing emissions in forests.The National Financial Strategy for Combating Desertification and Drought will be adjusted and updated.In addition, Guatemala has a number of mechanisms that support the implementation of various policies and laws, including the nature debt swap fund with the United States and the existing forest incentive programs established by law, the PINFOR Forest Incentives Program and the PINPEP Forest Incentives Program for owners of small extensions of forest or agroforestry land.", + "In addition, Guatemala has a number of mechanisms that support the implementation of various policies and laws, including the nature debt swap fund with the United States and existing forestry incentive programs established by law, the PINFOR Forest Incentives Program and the PINPEP Forest Incentives Program for owners of small extensions of forest or agroforestry land.", + "The Government of Guatemala is currently in the process of implementing with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany a Climate Change Adaptation Debt Facility in vulnerable areas. It is hoped that this type of instrument will be further promoted with other developed and emerging countries. Nevertheless, the resources of the state budget are not sufficient to cover the wide and deep gap to be able to address the effects of climate change and achieve the commitments of the INDC and the goals of the ODS to 2030, capacity building, adaptation, vulnerability reduction and mitigation.", + "The Government of Guatemala. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. MARN. Guatemala, 29 September 2015. (1/CP.20, para. 12). \u21a9. Framework Law to Regulate Vulnerability Reduction, Mandatory Adaptation to the Effects of Climate Change and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. \u21a9. According to Germanwatch (2015) for several years, Guatemala has been on the list of the ten most vulnerable countries worldwide. \u21a9" + ] + } + }, + { + "country_code": "HTI", + "type_of_document": "INDC", + "language": "fr", + "para_translated": { + "small": [ + "REPUBLIC OF HAITI. MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT. Nationally Determined Planned Contribution. September 2015. PREAMBLE. We are pleased to present the Nationally Determined Planned Contribution (NDPC) of the Republic of Haiti, which provides relevant information on the proposed effort to address climate hazards.", + "We are pleased to present the Nationally Determined Planned Contribution (NDCP) of the Republic of Haiti, which provides relevant information on the proposed effort to address climate hazards and sets out the directions on which the Haitian state\u2019s actions over the next 15 years will be based to adapt to climate change and reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 31% from a trend scenario by 2030.", + "This document sets out the directions on which the Haitian state\u2019s actions over the next 15 years will be based in order to adapt to climate change and reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 31% from a trend scenario by 2030, thus remaining one of the world\u2019s least GHG emitting countries.", + "With this effort, Haiti remains one of the world\u2019s least GHG-emitting countries. The development of the NDCP is the result of a strong consensus among government, civil society and the private sector on the objectives to be achieved.", + "The development of the NDCP was the result of a strong consensus among government, civil society and the private sector on the objectives to be achieved, and many stakeholders contributed to the development of this document, which responds adequately to the needs and interests of the Haitian people and is in line with the Haitian Strategic Development Plan (SDP), the National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) and the Second National Communication on Climate Change.", + "Many stakeholders have therefore contributed to the development of this document, which responds adequately to the needs and interests of the Haitian people and is in line with the Strategic Development Plan for Haiti (SDP), the National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) and the Second National Communication on Climate Change.", + "There are many challenges facing the Haitian government and people, and Haiti must take the necessary steps to both drive its development, adapt to climate change and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.", + "Haiti must take the necessary measures to promote its development, adapt to climate change and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and to this end, we believe it is important to link the fight against global warming to the 2030 target for emerging countries set out in the HSP.", + "To this end, we believe it is important to link the fight against global warming with the emerging countries\u2019 2030 HSP target. Thus, our NDFP is structured around a few issues that we consider to be priorities:. integrated water resources and watershed management;.", + "Thus, our CPDN is structured around a few issues that we consider to be priorities:. integrated management of water resources and watersheds;. integrated management of coastal areas and the rehabilitation of infrastructure;. preservation and strengthening of food security, in particular through the development of the bioeconomy;.", + "Integrated coastal zone management and infrastructure rehabilitation;. preservation and strengthening of food security, in particular through the development of the bio-economy;. energy transition to reduce dependence on fossil fuels;. information, education and awareness-raising.", + "the preservation and strengthening of food security, in particular through the development of the bio-economy;. the energy transition to reduce dependence on fossil fuels;. information, education and awareness raising. The commitments made in the NDFP represent a total funding requirement of USD 25.387 billion.", + "The commitments made in the NDFP represent a total funding requirement of $25,387 billion. Haiti therefore expects a genuine convergence of the international community\u2019s efforts to continue supporting the fight against climate change under the principle of \"common but differentiated responsibilities\" enshrined in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development.", + "Haiti therefore expects a genuine convergence of the efforts of the international community to continue to support the fight against climate change under the principle of \"common but differentiated responsibilities\", enshrined in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. Dominique PIERRE. Minister of the Environment.", + "Dominique PIERRE. Minister of the Environment. HEALTH CONTRIBUTION SUMMARY TABLE. Perimeter. National territory. Reference year. 2000. Period of implementation. 2016-2030. Type of contribution. Conditional and unconditional. Sectors considered. MitigationEnergy, AFAT (Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use), Waste.AdaptationAgriculture and Food Security, Coastal Zones, Water Resources, Habitat and Land Use Planning, Health, Education, Public Finance.", + "MitigationEnergy, AFAT (Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use Planning), Waste.AdaptationAgriculture and Food Security, Coastal Zones, Water Resources, Habitat and Land Use Planning, Health, Education, Public Finance. Relevant gases. CO2, CH4, N2O. Unconditional Target. Reduce GHG emissions by 5% from baseline. Conditional Target.", + "CO2, CH4, N2O. Unconditional target. Reduce GHG emissions by 5% from baseline. Conditional target. Reduce GHG emissions by 26% from baseline. Funding requirements for implementation. $25,387 billion (mitigation: $8,773 billion and adaptation: $16,614 billion). 1. INTRODUCTION.", + "INTRODUCTION. In accordance with the objectives of its Strategic Development Plan (2012-2030), and in line with the national strategies for adaptation to climate change and mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Republic of Haiti communicates its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).", + "In accordance with the objectives of its Strategic Development Plan (2012-2030), and in line with national strategies for adaptation to climate change and mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Republic of Haiti communicates its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).", + "As a small island developing state (SIDS) located in the Caribbean region and the only LDC on the American continent, the country is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change exacerbated by severe environmental degradation and a weak response capacity. Extreme climate events (cyclones, droughts, floods) are a major constraint on the country's development efforts.", + "Extreme climatic events (cyclones, droughts, floods) are a major constraint on Haiti\u2019s development efforts and, as a result, Haiti\u2019s priority is to adapt to climate change and respond to losses and damage.", + "As a result, Haiti\u2019s priority is to adapt to climate change and respond to losses and damage. Through this Contribution, Haiti intends to: (i) improve its resilience to climate change-related disasters; (ii) respond to losses and damage caused by extreme weather events; and (iii) contribute to the global effort to limit the increase in global temperature below 2\u00b0C.", + "Through this Contribution, Haiti intends to: (i) improve its resilience to climate change-related disasters; (ii) respond to losses and damage caused by extreme weather events; and (iii) contribute to the global effort to limit the increase in global temperature to below 2\u00b0C. The aim is for the country to commit itself resolutely to a low-carbon and climate-resilient development path, limiting its recurring GDP losses due to climate-related disasters, increasing its carbon stock and reducing its energy dependence on fossil fuels. 2.", + "The country must commit itself resolutely to a low-carbon and climate-resilient development by limiting its recurring GDP losses due to climate disasters, increasing its carbon stock and reducing its energy dependence on fossil fuels. 2. HIGH CONTRIBUTION DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY.", + "METHODOLOGY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE HAITI CONTRIBUTION. The development of the Haiti Contribution is the result of a broad process of consultation.", + "The participatory approach adopted allowed us to:. review the main national strategic documents: the Strategic Development Plan for Haiti (SPDH), the National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA), the 1st and 2nd National Communications on Climate Change, the Roadmap for a Sustainable Energy System in Haiti, the Watershed Management Policy of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR), the National Agency for Protected Areas (ANAP) Mountain Strategy, the Plan for the Revitalisation of the Coffee Industry, the Haitian Climate Profile, the Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program (SREP), the Pilot Programme on Climate Resilience (PPCR);.", + "Consultation with stakeholders (sectoral ministries, civil society, private sector, development agencies, etc.) to define the country\u2019s adaptation priorities and level of mitigation ambition; and Validation of the choices made in four (4) regional workshops (North, Central, South and adjacent islands). 3.", + "3. REFERENCE STATUS OF GHG EMISSIONS IN HAITI 1.1 PROFILE OF HAITI GHG EMISSIONS. According to the latest GHG inventory [1], Haiti emitted only 7.832 Mt of eqCO2 in 2000.", + "REFERENCE STATUS OF GHG EMISSIONS IN HAITI. 1.1 PROFILE OF HAITI GHG EMISSIONS. According to the most recent GHG inventory [1], Haiti emitted only 7.832 Mt of eqCO2 in 2000, with a population of 8,578 million and a GDP of US$3357.89 million.", + "According to the latest GHG inventory [1], Haiti emitted only 7.832 Mt of eqCO2 in 2000, with a population of 8,578 million and a GDP of US$3357.89 million.", + "The population was 8,578 million and the GDP was US$3,357.89 million. The profile of emissions by sector and by major gases is presented in the figures below. Between 1995 and 2000, Haiti\u2019s GHG emissions increased by 20%, or at a rate of 3.1% per year (see Figure 3).", + "Between 1995 and 2000, Haiti\u2019s GHG emissions increased by 20%, at a rate of 3.1% per year (see Figure 3). Over this period, population and GDP increased by 1.9% and 4%, respectively. 4.", + "During this period, population and GDP increased by 1.9% and 4%, respectively. 4. CONTRIBUTION OF HIGHEST CONTRIBUTION TO MITIGATION. In terms of mitigation, the Republic of Haiti intends to reduce its emissions by 31% compared to the trend development scenario, representing an absolute value of 45.24 Mt CO2 eq.", + "In terms of mitigation, the Republic of Haiti intends to reduce its emissions by 31% from the trend scenario, representing an absolute value of 45.24 Mt CO2 eq. This effort, illustrated in Figure 4, is broken down as follows: Unconditional.", + "This effort, illustrated in Figure 4, is broken down as follows:. Unconditional target. Emission reductions of 5% from the baseline scenario by 2030, or a cumulative of 10 Mt eq-CO2. Conditional target. Additional emission reductions of 26% from the trend scenario by 2030, or a cumulative of 35.24 Mt eq-CO2.", + "Additional emission reductions of 26% compared to the 2030 trend development scenario, i.e. a cumulative total of 35.24 Mt CO2 eq. Activities relating to the conditional and unconditional scenarios are presented in the Annex. 1.2 HYPOTHESES AND METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES. Period. 2016- 2030. Approach adopted. Mixed approach based on both results and actions. Type of contribution.", + "The activities relating to the conditional and unconditional scenarios are presented in the Annex. 1.2 HYPOTHESES AND METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES. Period. 2016- 2030. Approach adopted. Mixed approach based on both results and actions. Type of contribution. Reduction of GHG emissions in relation to the trend development scenario through, inter alia, renewable energy and carbon sequestration projects. Perimeter.", + "Reduction of GHG emissions from the trend development scenario, including renewable energy and carbon sequestration projects. Perimeter. National territory. Targeted greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen prooxide (N2O). Sectors covered. Energy. Energy demand (households, industries, sustainable transportation and trade).", + "Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen protoxide (N2O). Areas Covered. Energy. Energy demand (households, industries, sustainable transportation and trade). Energy supply (wood-energy forest, wood coal production, electricity generation). Agriculture, Forest and land-use change (LULUCF). Pulse pasture improvement. National forest parks. Forestry and reforestation. Agroforestry. Waste. Municipal solid waste.", + "Agriculture, Forestry and Land-Use Change (AFAT). Improvement of Pastureland by Pulses. National Forest Parks. Forestry and Reforestation. Agroforestry. Waste. Municipal Solid Waste. Business As Usual. This scenario takes into account the policies and strategies in place as reflected in the Haitian Development Strategy Plan (HDSP) - Haiti Emerging 2030. Mitigation Scenarios.", + "This scenario takes into account the policies and strategies in place as reflected in the Strategic Development Plan for Haiti (SDP) - Haiti Emerging 2030. Mitigation Scenarios. Mitigation scenarios, both unconditional and conditional, will be implemented through the projects listed in Table 1 in the Appendix. Global Warming Potential (GWP) 100 years Ref. IPCC revised version 96.", + "Both unconditional and conditional mitigation scenarios will be implemented through the projects listed in Table 1 in the Appendix. Global Warming Potential (GWP) 100 years Ref. IPCC revised version 96. The values used are those recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) under UNFCCC decision 17/CP.8 for the preparation of national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories.GWP CO2 = 1GWP CH4 = 21GWP N2O = 310.", + "The values used are those recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) under UNFCCC decision 17/CP.8 for the preparation of national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories.PRG CO2 = 1PRG CH4 = 21PRG N2O = 310.", + "Methodology for Estimating Emissions. The 2000 GHG inventory was conducted according to the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines. Emission scenarios were developed using the Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) software for the energy sector.", + "Emission scenarios were developed using the Long range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) software for the energy sector, based on activity data, population projections and macroeconomic and sectoral outlooks provided in the Haiti Strategic Development Plan (SDP) \u2013 Haiti Emerging 2030.", + "They are based on activity data, population projections and macroeconomic and sectoral outlooks from the Haiti Strategic Development Plan (SDP) \u2013 Haiti Emerging 2030. Emissions from the AFAT sector have been estimated using the EX-ACT, version 4 tool and emissions from waste according to the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines.", + "Carbon Market. The Republic of Haiti is considering access to carbon markets to finance part of the conditional measures of its Contribution. 1.3 EQUITY AND AMBITION. In 2000, GHG emissions in Haiti accounted for only 0.03% of total global emissions.", + "In 2000, GHG emissions in Haiti accounted for only 0.03% of total global emissions, with per capita emissions calculated for the same year at 0.91 TCO2eq. Despite its status as the only Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the American hemisphere and as a small island developing state heavily affected by climate-related disasters, the Republic of Haiti firmly believes in the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and wants to participate in the global effort to reduce emissions in order to achieve the objectives of limiting global warming to below 2\u00b0C.", + "At the end of this contribution, the country wants to reduce its emissions by 31% from the baseline scenario. However, given the limited capacity of the country, achieving this ambitious target in relation to its mitigation potential requires the financial, technical and technological support of the international community. 5. ADAPTATION CONTRIBUTION.", + "However, given the country\u2019s limited capabilities, achieving this ambitious goal in relation to its mitigation potential requires the financial, technical and technological support of the international community. 5. ADAPTATION CONTRIBUTION Haiti, located in the Caribbean Basin, is exposed to many climate-related phenomena.", + "ADAPTATION CONTRIBUTION. Haiti, located in the Caribbean Basin, is exposed to many climate-related phenomena. Variations in rainfall patterns, temperatures, and the frequency of tropical storms are among many other climate signals observed across the country.", + "Variations in rainfall patterns, temperature, and the frequency of tropical storms are among the many other climate signals observed across the country. Scenarios developed in Haiti show an increase in temperature (from 0.8\u00b0C to 1\u00b0C) by 2030, a decrease in annual rainfall of 6 to 20%, a shift in the seasonality of rainfall, and an increase in the average sea level.", + "The scenarios developed in Haiti show an increase in temperature (from 0.8\u00b0C to 1\u00b0C) by 2030, a decrease in annual rainfall of 6 to 20%, a shift in the seasonality of rainfall, and an increase in the average sea level. In 2014, Haiti was ranked fourth in the world in terms of vulnerability to the effects of climate change [3].", + "In 2014, Haiti was ranked fourth in the world in terms of vulnerability to the effects of climate change. [3] Over the past decade, the country has often been the victim of climate disruption, manifested mainly in changes in watershed regimes, increased droughts and human losses due to flooding caused by tropical storms.", + "The cumulative costs of the impacts of climate change without preventive action are estimated at $1.8 billion and $77 million through adaptation by 2025 [4].", + "The cumulative costs of the impacts of climate change without preventive measures are estimated at $1.8 billion and $77 million through adaptation measures by 2025 [4]. Taking into account the different impacts observed and anticipated, measures have been taken to increase the country\u2019s resilience to the impacts of climate-related extreme events.", + "Taking into account the different impacts observed and anticipated, measures have been taken to increase the country\u2019s resilience to the impacts of climate-related extreme events, for example, in 2006, Haiti developed its National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) and is implementing a set of activities under the NAPA and its Climate Resilience Pilot Program (CRPP).", + "For example, in 2006, Haiti developed its National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) and is implementing a range of activities under the NAPA and its Climate Resilience Pilot Program (CRPP), as well as land-use planning efforts to reduce the country\u2019s vulnerability.", + "Similarly, land-use planning efforts are underway to reduce the country\u2019s vulnerability, but they do not have the scope and intensity to meet the needs arising from ongoing changes, particularly in demographics and ecosystems.", + "However, the measures do not have the scope and intensity to meet the needs arising from the ongoing changes, particularly in terms of demography and ecosystems. Not all the various priority actions identified in the National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) are implemented due to a lack of funding and the weak capacity of public institutions.", + "The various priority actions identified in the National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) are not all being implemented due to a lack of funding and the weak capacity of public institutions. Difficult access to financing and appropriate technological resources, the absence of a regulatory and legislative framework for adaptation to climate change are all obstacles to the implementation of the planned activities.", + "Difficult access to appropriate financing and technological resources, and the absence of a regulatory and legislative framework for adaptation to climate change are all obstacles to the implementation of the planned activities. In this regard, the country needs technical and institutional capacity-building and technological and financial support to overcome these barriers. 5.2.- PRIORITIES AND OBJECTIVES FOR ADAPTATION.", + "In this sense, the country needs technical and institutional capacity-building and technological and financial support to overcome these barriers. 5.2.- adaptation priorities and objectives. The country\u2019s priorities for adaptation to climate change are:. Integrated water resources and watershed management;.", + "The country\u2019s priorities for adaptation to climate change are:. Integrated water resources and watershed management;. Integrated coastal zone management and infrastructure rehabilitation;. Maintaining and strengthening food security; and. Information, education and awareness-raising.", + "Integrated coastal zone management and infrastructure rehabilitation;. Preservation and strengthening of food security;. Information, education and awareness raising. Under this contribution, Haiti commits to:. Integrating the effects of climate change into sectoral development strategies by 2030;.", + "Under the terms of this contribution, Haiti commits itself by 2030 to:. Integrating the effects of climate change into sectoral development strategies;. Developing the 15 strategic watersheds most vulnerable to extreme climate events according to the spatial planning scheme;. Protecting coastal areas from the impacts of climate change;.", + "To develop the 15 strategic watersheds most vulnerable to extreme climatic events according to the spatial planning scheme;. To protect coastal areas from the impacts of climate change;. To develop the bio-economy, climate-smart and biological agriculture. 6. PLANNING PROCESS. For the implementation of its NDP, the country intends to define in the period 2016-2020:.", + "PLANNING PROCESS. For the implementation of its NDCP, the country intends to define in the period 2016-2020:. its National Climate Change Policy;. its National Adaptation Plan (NAP);. its Climate Loss and Damage Response Plan;. its Regional Land Use Plans;. and its National Forestry Policy.", + "Its Plan of Response to Climate Loss and Damage;. Its Regional Spatial Plans;. and its National Forestry Policy. Furthermore, for this period, the country aims to:. revise its institutional and legal framework in relation to the objectives of the contribution;.", + "Furthermore, for this period, the country aims to:. Revise its institutional and legal framework in relation to the objectives of the contribution;. Establish the VRM system and the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Measures (NAPMs). 7. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK AND MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION.", + "Establish the VRM system and Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Measures (NAPMs). 7. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK AND MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION The existing institutional framework for the implementation of actions in the field of climate change is essentially based on the Ministry of the Environment through its Directorate for Combating Climate Change.", + "The existing institutional framework for the implementation of actions in the field of climate change is essentially based on the Ministry of the Environment through its Climate Change Directorate. For the implementation of the NDCP, the Head of the Haitian Government will assert his leadership on the issue and coordination will be ensured by the Ministry of the Environment in direct and ongoing collaboration with the National Committee on Climate Change (NCCC) that will be established.", + "For the implementation of the NDCP, the Haitian Head of Government will assert leadership on the issue and coordination will be provided by the Department of the Environment in direct and ongoing collaboration with the National Committee on Climate Change (NCCC) to be established, which will include representatives from sectoral ministries, local governments, civil society and the private sector and will have a mandate to lead, monitor and report on the activities of Haiti\u2019s commitment.", + "This committee will be composed of representatives from sectoral ministries, local governments, civil society and the private sector and will have a mandate to lead, monitor and report on the activities of the Haiti Commitment. Gender will be taken into account throughout the implementation process of the NDPC.", + "The overall financial envelope for the implementation of actions under this contribution is estimated at US$25,387 billion, of which US$16,614 billion for adaptation actions and US$8,773 billion for mitigation actions.", + "The overall financial envelope for the implementation of the actions provided for in this contribution is estimated at USD 25.387 billion, of which USD 16.614 billion for adaptation actions and USD 8.773 billion for mitigation actions. Conditional and unconditional mitigation measures amount to USD 7.999 billion and USD 773.519 million respectively.", + "This will require:. direct access to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and other funds for conditional mitigation and adaptation-related activities (Annex 8.2), including the development and implementation of the National Adaptation Plan;.", + "Direct access to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and other funds for conditional mitigation measures and adaptation-related activities (Annex 8.2), including the development and implementation of the National Adaptation Plan; Access to various market mechanisms such as the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM);", + "Access to different market mechanisms such as the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM);. institutional capacity building;. technology transfers based on technology needs assessments (TNAs).", + "The Republic of Haiti calls for the establishment of an emergency fund for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and LDCs to enable them to take post-emergency measures in response to climate-related disasters.", + "The Republic of Haiti calls for the establishment of an emergency fund for small island developing States (SIDS) and LDCs to enable them to take post-emergency measures following disasters linked to climate change, and for the establishment, in the new post-2020 climate regime, of an international mechanism for reducing emissions, along the lines of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), guided by the principles of environmental integrity, transparency and the absence of double counting.", + "It also called for the establishment of an international mechanism for reducing emissions under the new post-2020 climate regime, along the lines of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), guided by the principles of environmental integrity, transparency and the absence of double counting.", + "Haiti supports the early establishment of such a market in order to mobilize the potential even before 2020. 8 APPENDIX. 8.1 MITIGATION MEASURES. Conditional Mitigation Measures. Sector. Strategic/Operational Objectives. Energy.", + "8 APPENDIX. 8.1 MITIGATION MEASURES. Conditional Mitigation Measures. Sector. Strategic/Operational Objectives. Energy. Increase the share of renewable energy in Haiti\u2019s electricity system to 47% by 2030 (hydro 24.5%, wind 9.4%, solar 7.5%, biomass 5.6%)Install by 2030 (4 Wind Farms: 50 MW, Hydro: additional 60 MW, Solar Farms: 30 MW, Biomass: 20 MW)Reduce wood-energy consumption by 32% by 2030Develop well-managed energy forests (10,000 ha by 2030)Develop and implement transportation NAMAsPromote the use of eco-energy stoves as a replacement for traditional homes (energy gain of 25-30% per stove).Improve the energy efficiency of wood-fired coal-fired ovens (", + "Plan 137,500 ha of forest by 2030 with a focus on local species, including 100,000 ha on a conditional basis between 2020 and 2030.Protect and conserve existing national forest parks (10,500 ha) by 2030.Protect, conserve and expand existing mangrove forests (19,500 ha) by 2030.Restore, enhance and expand existing agroforestry systems (at least an additional 60,000 ha between 2020 and 2030.", + "Define and implement a National Solid Waste Management Policy (Management Plans according to the 5RVE model: Source Reduction, Recovery, Re-use, Recycling, Reuse, Recovery and Landfill). Unconditional Mitigation Measures. Sector. Strategic/Operational Objectives. Energy. Install an additional 37.5 MW of hydropower by 2020.", + "Unconditional mitigation measures. Sector. Strategic/operational objectives. Energy. Install an additional 37.5 MW of hydroelectricity by 2020Control and regulate the import of used vehicles. AFAT. Protect and conserve existing national forest parks (10,500ha) by 2030. Protect and conserve existing mangrove forests (10,000ha) by 2030.", + "Protect and conserve existing national forest parks (10 500ha) by 2030. Protect and conserve existing mangrove forests (10 000ha) by 2030. Forest/reforestation: 2500ha of forest planted per year from 2016 to 2030. Protect marine protected areas (MPAs) on the southern coast of Haiti. 8.2 NAPA ADAPTATION MEASURES. Vulnerable sectors/areas. Adaptation needs. Agriculture and Food Security.", + "8.2 NAPA ADAPTATION MEASURES. Vulnerable sectors/areas. Adaptation needs. Agriculture and Food Security. Crop development and use of agricultural technologies adapted to climate change. Conservation of agricultural genetic resources. Aquaculture development.", + "Development of crops and use of agricultural techniques adapted to climate change. Conservation of agricultural genetic resources. Development of aquaculture. Soil conservation and regeneration. More efficient techniques for the use of water resources. Drought-resistant crops adapted to the Haitian context. Reduction of disaster risks in the areas most vulnerable to drought.", + "Drought-resistant crops adapted to the Haitian context. Reduction of the risk of disasters in the areas most vulnerable to drought. Development of crops adapted to salt water. Rural engineering techniques that value local materials and labour. Development of thermal energy from the seas for freshwater production.", + "Rural engineering techniques that value local materials and labour. Development of thermal energy from the seas for freshwater production. Development of technologies for the conservation, processing and enhancement of agricultural products. Strengthening of weather monitoring and forecasting systems for agricultural yields. Coastal zones.", + "Development of technologies for the conservation, processing and enhancement of agricultural products;. Strengthening of weather monitoring and agricultural yield forecasting systems. Coastal areas. Development of a national strategy to adapt coastal areas to the impacts of climate change. Planning to protect and relocate infrastructure at risk from the impacts of climate change.", + "Development of a national strategy to adapt coastal areas to the impacts of climate change. Planning to protect and relocate infrastructure at risk from the impacts of climate change. Reduction of disaster risks in areas most vulnerable to flooding, and integration of migration (internal and international) and planned relocation of communities as an adaptation strategy.", + "Reduction of disaster risks in areas most vulnerable to flooding and integration of migration (internal and international) and planned relocation of communities as an adaptation strategy. Establishment of infrastructures resilient to adverse climatic events. Cost-benefit studies of relocation and planned relocation of communities. Adoption of measures for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of mangrove ecosystems.", + "Cost-benefit studies of relocation and planned relocation of communities. Adoption of measures for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of mangrove ecosystems. Coastal surveillance, sustainable fisheries management. Improvement of the autonomy and safety of small fishing vessels. Conservation and protection of marine biodiversity and coral reefs.", + "Improved self-sufficiency and safety of small fishing vessels. Conservation and protection of marine biodiversity and coral reefs. Support for community management of marine protected areas. Water resources.", + "Conservation and protection of marine biodiversity and coral reefs. Support for community management of marine protected areas. Water resources. Community water supply through dams, family tanks, impluviums, hilly lakes... Development of an Atlas of water resources in a geographical information system. Physical and administrative protection (community stops) of water sources. Improvement of water table filling through reforestation activities, physical barriers (dry walls) and biodynamic barriers (sponges) in catchment areas.", + "Community water supply through the construction of dams, family tanks, impluviums, hilly lakes...Elaboration of an Atlas of water resources in a geographical information system.Physical and administrative protection (community stops) of water sources.Improvement of water table filling through reforestation activities, physical barriers (dry walls) and biodynamic barriers (wild sharks) in catchment areas.", + "Watersheds. Restoration of hydrometeorological stations in Haiti\u2019s strategic watersheds. Capacity building of watershed management committees. Development of 15 strategic watersheds based on established co-management plans. Upstream reforestation. Development of payment initiatives for ecosystem services in watersheds. River flow regulation, soil protection and restoration. Human settlements.", + "Restoration of hydrometeorological stations in Haiti\u2019s strategic watersheds.Capacity-building of watershed management committees.Development of 15 strategic watersheds based on established co-management plans.Reforestation of upstream areas.Development of payment initiatives for ecosystem services in watersheds.River flow regulation, soil protection and restoration.Human settlements.Development and implementation of urban planning and sustainable development plans for cities at risk of flooding, including internal population movement and displacement and disaster risk reduction in the most vulnerable areas.", + "Development and implementation of urban planning and sustainable development plans for cities at risk of flooding, including internal population movement and displacement and disaster risk reduction in the most vulnerable areas. Updating of the National Risk and Disaster Management Plan (NRMDP) integrating climate change risks.", + "Update of the National Risk and Disaster Management Plan (NRMDP) integrating climate change risks. Strengthening of the National Risk and Disaster Management System. Strengthening of early warning systems for natural disasters.", + "Strengthening of the National Risk and Disaster Management System. Strengthening of early warning systems for natural disasters. Development and implementation of risk and disaster management plans at the local level in the most important/vulnerable cities. Strengthening of building standards. Education.", + "Development and implementation of risk and disaster management plans at the local level in the most important/vulnerable cities. Strengthening of building standards. Education. Production, communication and dissemination of knowledge related to climate change, including migration (primary, secondary and university).Awareness-raising at the national level on the causes and effects of climate change and adaptation strategies.Strengthening of the Climate Change Directorate of the Ministry of the Environment.", + "Production, communication and dissemination of knowledge related to climate change, including migration (primary, secondary and university).National awareness of the causes and effects of climate change and adaptation strategies.Strengthening of the Climate Change Directorate of the Ministry of the Environment.Public health.", + "Public health. Improved access to safe drinking water to prevent waterborne diseases. Improved access to health care. Implementation of a surveillance system in the periphery of drilling areas. Taking climate change into account in the planning and implementation of health projects at national and local level. Public finances.", + "Improved access to drinking water for the prevention of waterborne diseases.Improved access to health care.Implementation of a surveillance system in the periphery of drilling areas.Consideration of climate change in the planning and implementation of health projects at national and local level.Public finance.Support to the insurance sector for the management of losses resulting from natural and climatic disasters.Adoption of fiscal incentives for renewable energies, local production, including the bio-economy.", + "Support to the insurance sector for the management of losses resulting from natural and climate disasters.The adoption of fiscal incentives for renewable energies, local production, including the bio-economy.Support to public finances by developing and implementing a financial management strategy for disaster risks/climate risks.Development and strengthening of financial instruments that increase the capacity to mobilise resources following natural disasters and reduce the budgetary volatility involved in natural disasters.Increasing the resilience of public investment by improving the understanding and assessment of risks posed by climate threats.", + "2nd National Communication on Climate Change (2013) \u21a9. In Haiti\u2019s 2nd National Communication, emissions from the energy sector in 1994, the year of the oil embargo, were approximated from 1995 data, so 1994 is not considered in the analysis of GHG growth \u21a9.", + "In Haiti\u2019s Second National Communication, emissions from the energy sector in 1994, the year of the oil embargo, were estimated from 1995 data, and therefore 1994 is not considered in the analysis of GHG growth \u21a9. Maplecroft\u2019s Atlas of Climate Change and Environmental Risks \u21a9.", + "This is why 1994 is not considered in the analysis of GHG growth \u21a9. Maplecroft Atlas of Climate Change and Environmental Risks \u21a9. Estimated Costs of Climate Change Impacts in Haiti (OECD, 2015) \u21a9" + ], + "medium": [ + "REPUBLIC OF HAITI. MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT. Nationally Determined Planned Contribution. September 2015. PREAMBLE. We are pleased to present the Nationally Determined Planned Contribution (NDPC) of the Republic of Haiti, which provides relevant information on the proposed effort to address climate hazards.", + "We are pleased to present the Nationally Determined Planned Contribution (NDCP) of the Republic of Haiti, which provides relevant information on the proposed effort to address climate hazards and sets out the directions on which the Haitian state\u2019s actions over the next 15 years will be based to adapt to climate change and reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 31% from a trend scenario by 2030.", + "This document sets out the directions on which the Haitian state\u2019s actions over the next 15 years will be based in order to adapt to climate change and reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 31% from a trend scenario by 2030, thus remaining one of the world\u2019s least GHG emitting countries.", + "With this effort, Haiti remains one of the world\u2019s least GHG-emitting countries. The development of the NDCP is the result of a strong consensus among government, civil society and the private sector on the objectives to be achieved.", + "The development of the NDCP was the result of a strong consensus among government, civil society and the private sector on the objectives to be achieved, and many stakeholders contributed to the development of this document, which responds adequately to the needs and interests of the Haitian people and is in line with the Haitian Strategic Development Plan (SDP), the National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) and the Second National Communication on Climate Change.", + "Many stakeholders have therefore contributed to the development of this document, which responds adequately to the needs and interests of the Haitian people and is in line with the Strategic Development Plan for Haiti (SDP), the National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) and the Second National Communication on Climate Change.", + "There are many challenges facing the Haitian government and people. Haiti must take the necessary steps to both drive its development, adapt to climate change and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. To this end, we believe it is important to link the fight against global warming with the emerging countries\u2019 2030 target set out in the HSP.", + "To this end, we believe it is important to link the fight against global warming with the objective of emerging countries by 2030 set out in the HSP. Thus, our NDFP is structured around a few issues that we consider to be priorities:. integrated management of water resources and watersheds;. integrated management of coastal areas and the rehabilitation of infrastructure;. preservation and strengthening of food security, in particular through the development of the bio-economy;.", + "Integrated coastal zone management and infrastructure rehabilitation; preservation and strengthening of food security, including through the development of the bio-economy; energy transition to reduce dependence on fossil fuels; information, education and awareness-raising. The commitments made in the NDFP represent a total funding requirement of USD 25.387 billion.", + "The commitments made in the NDFP represent a total funding requirement of $25,387 billion. Haiti therefore expects a genuine convergence of the international community\u2019s efforts to continue to support the fight against climate change under the principle of \"common but differentiated responsibilities\" enshrined in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. Dominique PIERRE. Minister of the Environment.", + "Haiti therefore expects a genuine convergence of the efforts of the international community to continue to support the fight against climate change under the principle of \"common but differentiated responsibilities\", enshrined in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. Dominique PIERRE. Minister of the Environment. SUMMARY TABLE OF HITI CONTRIBUTION. Perimeter. National territory. Reference year. 2000. Period of implementation. 2016-2030. Type of contribution. Conditional and unconditional. Sectors covered.", + "Reference year. 2000. Period of implementation. 2016-2030. Type of contribution. Conditional and unconditional. Sectors covered. MitigationEnergy, AFAT (Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use), Waste.AdaptationAgriculture and Food Security, Coastal Zones, Water Resources, Habitat and Land Management, Health, Education, Public Finance. Gases concerned. CO2, CH4, N2O. Unconditional target. Reduce GHG emissions by 5% from baseline. Conditional target. Reduce GHG emissions by 26% from baseline.", + "Reduce GHG emissions by 5% from baseline. Conditional target. Reduce GHG emissions by 26% from baseline. Funding requirements for implementation. $25,387 billion (mitigation: $8,773 billion and adaptation: $16,614 billion). 1. INTRODUCTION.", + "INTRODUCTION. In accordance with the objectives of its Strategic Development Plan (2012-2030), and in line with the national strategies for adaptation to climate change and mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Republic of Haiti communicates its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).", + "In accordance with the objectives of its Strategic Development Plan (2012-2030), and in line with national strategies for adaptation to climate change and mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Republic of Haiti communicates its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).", + "As a small island developing state (SIDS) located in the Caribbean region and the only LDC on the American continent, Haiti is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, exacerbated by severe environmental degradation and weak capacity to respond. Extreme climatic events (cyclones, droughts, floods) are a major constraint on the country\u2019s development efforts. As a result, Haiti\u2019s priority is to adapt to climate change and respond to losses and damage.", + "Extreme climatic events (cyclones, droughts, floods) are a major constraint on the country\u2019s development efforts. As a result, Haiti\u2019s priority is to adapt to climate change and respond to losses and damage. Through this Contribution, Haiti intends to: (i) improve its resilience to climate change-related disasters; (ii) respond to losses and damage caused by extreme climatic events; and (iii) contribute to the global effort to limit the increase in the world\u2019s temperature below 2\u00b0C.", + "Through this Contribution, Haiti intends to: (i) improve its resilience to climate change-related disasters; (ii) respond to losses and damage caused by extreme weather events; and (iii) contribute to the global effort to limit the increase in global temperature to below 2\u00b0C. The aim is for the country to commit itself resolutely to a low-carbon and climate-resilient development path, limiting its recurring GDP losses due to climate-related disasters, increasing its carbon stock and reducing its energy dependence on fossil fuels. 2.", + "The objective is for the country to commit itself resolutely to a low-carbon and climate-resilient development by limiting its recurring GDP losses due to climate disasters, increasing its carbon stock and reducing its energy dependence on fossil fuels. 2. HAITI CONTRIBUTION DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY. The development of Haiti\u2019s Contribution is the result of a broad consultation process.", + "The participatory approach adopted allowed us to:. review the main national strategic documents: the Strategic Development Plan for Haiti (SPDH), the National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA), the 1st and 2nd National Communications on Climate Change, the Roadmap for a Sustainable Energy System in Haiti, the Watershed Management Policy of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR), the National Agency for Protected Areas (ANAP) Mountain Strategy, the Plan for the Revitalisation of the Coffee Industry, the Haitian Climate Profile, the Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program (SREP), the Pilot Programme on Climate Resilience (PPCR);.", + "Consultation with stakeholders (sectoral ministries, civil society, private sector, development agencies, etc.) to define the country\u2019s adaptation priorities and level of mitigation ambition; and Validation of the choices made in four (4) regional workshops (North, Central, South and adjacent islands). 3. REFERENCE STATUS OF GHG EMISSIONS IN HAITI. 1.1 PROFILE OF HAITI GHG EMISSIONS.", + "REFERENCE STATUS OF GHG EMISSIONS IN HAITI. 1.1 PROFILE OF HAITI GHG EMISSIONS. According to the latest GHG inventory [1], Haiti emitted only 7.832 Mt of eqCO2 in 2000. Haiti\u2019s population was 8,578 million and its GDP was US$3357.89 million. The profile of emissions by sector and by major gases is presented in the figures below.", + "Between 1995 and 2000, Haiti\u2019s GHG emissions increased by 20%, or at a rate of 3.1% per year (see Figure 3). Over this period, population and GDP increased by 1.9% and 4%, respectively. 4. HIGH CONTRIBUTION TO MITIGATION.", + "Over this period, population and GDP increased by 1.9% and 4%, respectively. 4. CONTRIBUTION TO MITIGATION. In terms of mitigation, the Republic of Haiti intends to reduce its emissions by 31% compared to the trend scenario, representing an absolute value of 45.24 Mt CO2 eq. This effort, illustrated in Figure 4, is broken down as follows:. Unconditional target. Emission reductions of 5% compared to the baseline scenario by 2030, i.e. a cumulative of 10 Mt CO2 eq.", + "Reduction of emissions by 5% compared to the baseline scenario by 2030, i.e. a cumulative of 10 Mt CO2 eq. Conditional objective. Additional reduction of emissions by 26% compared to the trend scenario by 2030, i.e. a cumulative of 35.24 Mt CO2 eq. Activities relating to the conditional and unconditional scenarios are presented in the Annex. 1.2 METHODOLOGICAL HYPOTHESES AND APPROACHES. Period. 2016- 2030. Approach adopted. Mixed approach based on both results and actions. Type of contribution.", + "Activities for the conditional and unconditional scenarios are presented in the Appendix. 1.2 HYPOTHESES AND METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES. Period. 2016- 2030. Approach adopted. Mixed approach based on both results and actions. Type of contribution. Reduction of GHG emissions from the trend development scenario through, inter alia, renewable energy and carbon sequestration projects. Perimeter. National territory. Targeted greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen protoxide (N2O). Areas covered. Energy.", + "National territory. Targeted greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O). Covered sectors. Energy. Energy demand (households, industries, sustainable transportation and trade). Energy supply (wood-energy forest, wood coal production, electricity generation). Agriculture, Forest and Land-Use Change (LULUCF). Pulse pasture improvement. National forest parks. Forestry and reforestation. Agroforestry. Waste. Municipal solid waste. Business As Usual.", + "Improved pastureland with legumes. National forest parks. Forestry and reforestation. Agroforestry. Waste. Municipal solid waste. Business As Usual scenario. This scenario takes into account the policies and strategies in place as reflected in the Haiti Development Strategy Plan (HDSP) - Haiti Emerging 2030. Mitigation scenarios. Mitigation scenarios, both unconditional and conditional, will be implemented through the projects listed in Table 1 in the Appendix. Global Warming Potential (GWP) 100 years Ref. IPCC revised version 96.", + "Both unconditional and conditional mitigation scenarios will be implemented through the projects listed in Table 1 in the Appendix. Global Warming Potential (GWP) 100 years Ref. IPCC revised version 96. The values used are those recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) under UNFCCC decision 17/CP.8 for the preparation of national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories.GWP CO2 = 1GWP CH4 = 21GWP N2O = 310. Emission estimation methodology.", + "The values used are those recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) pursuant to UNFCCC decision 17/CP.8 for the preparation of national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories.PRG CO2 = 1PRG CH4 = 21PRG N2O = 310. Methodology for estimating emissions. The 2000 GHG inventory was conducted according to the revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines.", + "Methodology for Estimating Emissions. The 2000 GHG inventory was conducted according to the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines. Emission scenarios were developed using the Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) software for the energy sector.", + "Emission scenarios were developed using the Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) software for the energy sector, based on activity data, population projections and macroeconomic and sectoral outlooks provided in the Haiti Strategic Development Plan (SDP) \u2013 Haiti Emerging 2030.", + "They are based on activity data, population projections and macroeconomic and sectoral outlooks provided for in the Haitian Strategic Development Plan (SDP) \u2013 Haiti Emerging 2030. Emissions from the AFAT sector have been estimated using the EX-ACT tool, version 4, and emissions from waste in accordance with the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines. Carbon Markets. The Republic of Haiti is considering access to carbon markets to finance part of the conditional measures of its Contribution. 1.3 EQUITY AND AMBITION.", + "The Republic of Haiti is considering access to carbon markets to finance part of the conditional measures of its Contribution. 1.3 EQUITY AND AMBITION. In 2000, GHG emissions in Haiti accounted for only 0.03% of total global emissions.", + "In 2000, GHG emissions in Haiti accounted for only 0.03% of total global emissions, with per capita emissions calculated for the same year at 0.91 TCO2eq. Despite its status as the only Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the American hemisphere and as a small island developing state heavily affected by climate-related disasters, the Republic of Haiti firmly believes in the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and wants to participate in the global effort to reduce emissions in order to achieve the objectives of limiting global warming to below 2\u00b0C.", + "Despite its status as the only Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the American hemisphere and as a small island developing State heavily affected by climate-related disasters, the Republic of Haiti firmly believes in the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and wants to participate in the global effort to reduce emissions in order to achieve the objectives of limiting global warming below 2\u00b0C. At the end of this contribution, the country wants to reduce its emissions by 31% compared to the baseline scenario.", + "At the end of this contribution, the country wants to reduce its emissions by 31% from the baseline scenario. However, given the limited capacity of the country, achieving this ambitious target in relation to its mitigation potential requires the financial, technical and technological support of the international community. 5. ADAPTATION CONTRIBUTION. Haiti, located in the Caribbean Basin, is exposed to many climate-related phenomena.", + "ADAPTATION CONTRIBUTION. Haiti, located in the Caribbean Basin, is exposed to many climate-related phenomena. Variations in rainfall patterns, temperatures, and the frequency of tropical storms are among many other climate signals observed across the country.", + "Variations in rainfall patterns, temperature, and the frequency of tropical storms are among the many other climate signals observed across the country. Scenarios developed in Haiti show an increase in temperature (from 0.8\u00b0C to 1\u00b0C) by 2030, a decrease in annual rainfall of 6 to 20%, a shift in the seasonality of rainfall, and an increase in the average sea level.", + "The scenarios developed in Haiti show an increase in temperature (from 0.8\u00b0C to 1\u00b0C) by 2030, a decrease in annual rainfall of 6 to 20%, a shift in the seasonality of rainfall, and an increase in the average sea level. In 2014, Haiti was ranked fourth in the world in terms of vulnerability to the effects of climate change [3].", + "In 2014, Haiti was ranked fourth in the world in terms of vulnerability to the effects of climate change. [3] Over the past decade, the country has often been the victim of climate disruption, manifested mainly in changes in watershed regimes, increased droughts and human losses due to flooding caused by tropical storms.", + "The cumulative costs of the impacts of climate change without preventive action are estimated at $1.8 billion and $77 million through adaptation by 2025 [4].", + "The cumulative costs of the impacts of climate change without preventive measures are estimated at $1.8 billion and $77 million through adaptation measures by 2025 [4]. Taking into account the different impacts observed and anticipated, measures have been taken to increase the country\u2019s resilience to the impacts of climate-related extreme events.", + "Taking into account the different impacts observed and anticipated, measures have been taken to increase the country\u2019s resilience to the impacts of climate-related extreme events. For example, in 2006, Haiti developed its National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) and is implementing a set of activities arising from the NAPA and its Climate Resilience Pilot Program (CRPP). Similarly, land-use planning efforts are underway to reduce the country\u2019s vulnerability.", + "For example, in 2006, Haiti developed its National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) and is implementing a set of activities arising from the NAPA and its Climate Resilience Pilot Program (CRPP). Similarly, land-use planning efforts are underway to reduce the country\u2019s vulnerability, but these measures are not sufficient in scope and intensity to meet the needs arising from ongoing changes, particularly in demographics and ecosystems.", + "However, the measures do not have the scope and intensity to meet the needs arising from the ongoing changes, particularly in terms of demography and ecosystems. Not all the various priority actions identified in the National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) are implemented due to a lack of funding and the weak capacity of public institutions.", + "The various priority actions identified in the National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) are not all being implemented due to a lack of funding and the weak capacity of public institutions. Difficult access to financing and appropriate technological resources, the absence of a regulatory and legislative framework for adaptation to climate change are all obstacles to the implementation of the planned activities.", + "Difficult access to appropriate financing and technological resources, and the absence of a regulatory and legislative framework for adaptation to climate change are all obstacles to the implementation of the planned activities. To this end, the country needs technical and institutional capacity-building and technological and financial support to overcome these barriers. 5.2.- PRIORITIES AND OBJECTIVES FOR ADAPTATION. The country\u2019s priorities for adaptation to climate change are: Integrated management of water resources and watersheds.", + "The country\u2019s priorities for adaptation to climate change are:. Integrated water resources and watershed management;. Integrated coastal zone management and infrastructure rehabilitation;. Maintaining and strengthening food security;. Information, education and awareness raising. Under this contribution, Haiti commits to:. Integrating the effects of climate change into sectoral development strategies by 2030;.", + "Under the terms of this contribution, Haiti commits itself by 2030 to:. Integrating the effects of climate change into sectoral development strategies;. Developing the 15 strategic watersheds most vulnerable to extreme climate events according to the spatial planning scheme;. Protecting coastal areas from the impacts of climate change;. Developing the bio-economy, climate-smart and biological agriculture. 6. PLANNING PROCESS.", + "PLANNING PROCESS. For the implementation of its NDCP, the country intends to define in the period 2016-2020:. its National Climate Change Policy;. its National Adaptation Plan (NAP);. its Climate Loss and Damage Response Plan;. its Regional Land Use Plans;. and its National Forestry Policy. Furthermore, for this period, the country intends to:. revise its institutional and legal framework in relation to the objectives of the contribution;.", + "Furthermore, for this period, the country aims to:. Revise its institutional and legal framework in relation to the objectives of the contribution;. Establish the VRM system and the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Measures (NAPMs). 7. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK AND MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION. The existing institutional framework for the implementation of actions in the field of climate change is essentially based on the Ministry of the Environment through its Directorate for Combating Climate Change.", + "The existing institutional framework for the implementation of actions in the field of climate change is essentially based on the Ministry of the Environment through its Climate Change Directorate. For the implementation of the NDCP, the Head of the Haitian Government will assert his leadership on the issue and coordination will be ensured by the Ministry of the Environment in direct and ongoing collaboration with the National Committee on Climate Change (NCCC) that will be established.", + "For the implementation of the NDCP, the Haitian Head of Government will assert leadership on the issue and coordination will be provided by the Department of the Environment in direct and ongoing collaboration with the National Committee on Climate Change (NCCC) to be established, which will include representatives from sectoral ministries, local governments, civil society and the private sector and will have a mandate to lead, monitor and report on the activities of Haiti\u2019s commitment.", + "This committee will be composed of representatives from sectoral ministries, local governments, civil society and the private sector and will have a mandate to lead, monitor and report on the activities of the Haiti Commitment. Gender will be taken into account throughout the implementation process of the NDPC.", + "Gender will be taken into account throughout the implementation process of the NDPC. The overall financial envelope for the implementation of actions under this contribution is estimated at USD 25.387 billion, of which USD 16.614 billion for adaptation actions and USD 8.773 billion for mitigation actions. Conditional and unconditional mitigation measures amount to USD 7.999 billion and USD 773.519 million respectively.", + "This will require:. direct access to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and other funds for conditional mitigation and adaptation-related activities (Annex 8.2), including the development and implementation of the National Adaptation Plan;.", + "Direct access to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and other funds for conditional mitigation measures and adaptation-related activities (Annex 8.2), including the development and implementation of the National Adaptation Plan;. access to various market mechanisms such as the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM);. institutional capacity building;.", + "The Republic of Haiti calls for the establishment of an emergency fund for small island developing States (SIDS) and LDCs to enable them to take post-emergency measures following disasters related to climate change.", + "The Republic of Haiti calls for the establishment of an emergency fund for small island developing States (SIDS) and LDCs to enable them to take post-emergency measures following disasters linked to climate change, and for the establishment, in the new post-2020 climate regime, of an international mechanism for reducing emissions, along the lines of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), guided by the principles of environmental integrity, transparency and the absence of double counting.", + "It also calls for the establishment of an international mechanism for reducing emissions under the new post-2020 climate regime, along the lines of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), guided by the principles of environmental integrity, transparency and the absence of double counting. Haiti is in favour of the early establishment of such a market in order to mobilise potential even before 2020. 8 APPENDIX. 8.1 MITIGATION MEASURES. Conditional mitigation measures. Sector. Strategic/operational objectives. Energy.", + "8 APPENDIX. 8.1 MITIGATION MEASURES. Conditional Mitigation Measures. Sector. Strategic/Operational Objectives. Energy. Increase the share of renewable energy in Haiti\u2019s electricity system to 47% by 2030 (hydro 24.5%, wind 9.4%, solar 7.5%, biomass 5.6%)Install by 2030 (4 Wind Farms: 50 MW, Hydroelectricity: 60MW additional, Solar Farms: 30 MW, Biomass: 20 MW)Reduce wood-energy consumption by 32% by 2030Develop well-managed energy forests (10,000 ha by 2030)Develop and implement transportation sector NAMAsPromote the use of eco-energy stoves as a replacement for conventional homes (energy gain of 25-30% per stove).Improve the energy efficiency of charcoal-fired ovens", + "Plan 137,500 ha of forest by 2030 with a focus on local species, including 100,000 ha on a conditional basis between 2020 and 2030.Protect and conserve existing national forest parks (10,500 ha) by 2030.Protect, conserve and expand existing mangrove forests (19,500 ha) by 2030.Restore, enhance and expand existing agroforestry systems (at least an additional 60,000 ha between 2020 and 2030.", + "Define and implement a National Solid Waste Management Policy (Management Plans following the 5RVE model: Source Reduction, Recovery, Re-use, Recycling, Reuse, Recovery and Landfill). Unconditional Mitigation. Sector. Strategic/operational objectives. Energy. Install an additional 37.5 MW of hydropower by 2020Control and regulate the importation of used vehicles. AFAT. Protect and conserve existing national forest parks (10,500ha) by 2030. Protect and conserve existing mangrove forests (10,000ha) by 2030.", + "8.2 NAPA ADAPTATION MEASURES. Vulnerable sectors/areas. Adaptation needs. Agriculture and Food Security. Crop development and use of agricultural technologies adapted to climate change. Conservation of agricultural genetic resources. Aquaculture development. Soil conservation and regeneration.", + "Development of crops and the use of agricultural techniques adapted to climate change. Conservation of agricultural genetic resources. Development of aquaculture. Soil conservation and regeneration. More efficient techniques for the use of water resources. Drought-resistant crops adapted to the Haitian context. Reduction of the risk of disasters in the areas most vulnerable to drought. Development of crops adapted to salt water. Rural engineering techniques that value local materials and labour. Development of thermal energy from the seas for freshwater production.", + "Rural engineering techniques that value local materials and labour. Development of marine thermal energy for freshwater production. Development of technologies for the conservation, processing and enhancement of agricultural products. Strengthening of weather monitoring and forecasting systems for agricultural yields. Coastal zones. Development of a national strategy to adapt coastal areas to the impacts of climate change. Planning to protect and relocate infrastructure at risk from the impacts of climate change.", + "Development of a national strategy to adapt coastal areas to the impacts of climate change. Planning to protect and relocate infrastructure at risk from the impacts of climate change. Reduction of disaster risks in areas most vulnerable to flooding, and integration of migration (internal and international) and planned relocation of communities as an adaptation strategy. Establishment of infrastructure resilient to adverse climatic events. Cost-benefit studies of relocation and planned relocation of communities.", + "Reduction of disaster risks in areas most vulnerable to flooding and integration of migration (internal and international) and planned relocation of communities as an adaptation strategy. Establishment of infrastructures resilient to adverse climatic events. Cost-benefit studies of relocation and planned relocation of communities. Adoption of measures for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of mangrove ecosystems. Coastal surveillance, sustainable fisheries management. Improvement of the autonomy and safety of small fishing vessels.", + "Adoption of measures for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of mangrove ecosystems. Coastal surveillance, sustainable fisheries management. Improvement of the autonomy and safety of small fishing vessels. Conservation and protection of marine biodiversity and coral reefs. Support for the community management of marine protected areas. Water resources.", + "Conservation and protection of marine biodiversity and coral reefs. Support for community management of marine protected areas. Water resources. Community water supply through the construction of dams, family tanks, impluviums, hilly lakes... Development of an Atlas of water resources in a geographical information system. Physical and administrative protection (community stops) of water sources. Improvement of water table filling through reforestation activities, physical barriers (dry walls) and biodynamic barriers (sponges) in catchment areas. Watersheds.", + "Community water supply through the construction of dams, family tanks, impluviums, hilly lakes...Elaboration of an Atlas of water resources in a geographic information system.Physical and administrative protection (community stops) of water sources.Improvement of water table filling through reforestation activities, physical barriers (dry walls) and biodynamic barriers (sharks) in catchment areas.Watersheds.Restoration of hydrometeorological stations in Haiti\u2019s strategic watersheds.Capacity-building of watershed management committees.Development of 15 strategic watersheds based on established co-management plans.Reforestation of upstream areas.Development of payment initiatives for ecosystem services in watersheds.River flow regulation, soil protection and restoration.", + "Restoration of hydrometeorological stations in Haiti\u2019s strategic watersheds.Capacity-building of watershed management committees.Development of 15 strategic watersheds based on established co-management plans.Reforestation of upstream areas.Development of payment initiatives for ecosystem services in watersheds.River flow regulation, soil protection and restoration.Human settlements.", + "Human settlements. Development and implementation of urban planning and sustainable development plans for cities at risk of flooding, including internal movement and displacement of the population and disaster risk reduction in the most vulnerable areas. Updating of the National Risk and Disaster Management Plan (NRMDP) integrating climate change risks. Strengthening of the National Risk and Disaster Management System. Strengthening of early warning systems for natural disasters.", + "Updating of the National Risk and Disaster Management Plan (NRMDP) integrating climate change risks. Strengthening of the National Risk and Disaster Management System. Strengthening of early warning systems for natural disasters. Development and implementation of local risk and disaster management plans in the most important/vulnerable cities. Strengthening of building standards. Education.", + "Development and implementation of risk and disaster management plans at the local level in the most important/vulnerable cities. Strengthening of building standards. Education. Production, communication and dissemination of knowledge related to climate change, including migration (primary, secondary and university).Awareness-raising at the national level on the causes and effects of climate change and adaptation strategies.Strengthening of the Climate Change Directorate of the Ministry of the Environment. Public health.", + "Production, communication and dissemination of knowledge related to climate change, including migration (primary, secondary schools and universities).Awareness-raising at national level on the causes and effects of climate change and adaptation strategies.Strengthening of the Climate Change Directorate of the Ministry of the Environment.Public health. Improved access to drinking water to prevent water-borne diseases.Improved access to health care.Deployment of a monitoring system in the periphery of drilling areas.Taking climate change into account in the planning and implementation of health projects at national and local level.", + "Improved access to safe drinking water to prevent waterborne diseases.Improved access to health care.Implementation of a surveillance system in the periphery of drilling areas.Taking climate change into account in the planning and implementation of health projects at national and local level.", + "Public finances. Support to the insurance sector for the management of losses resulting from natural and climate disasters.The adoption of tax incentive measures favouring renewable energies, local production and in particular the bio-economy.", + "Support to the insurance sector for the management of losses resulting from natural and climate disasters.The adoption of fiscal incentives for renewable energies, local production, including the bio-economy.Support to public finances by developing and implementing a financial management strategy for disaster risks/climate risks.Development and strengthening of financial instruments that increase the capacity to mobilise resources following natural disasters and reduce the budgetary volatility involved in natural disasters.Increasing the resilience of public investment by improving the understanding and assessment of risks posed by climate threats.", + "Supporting public finances by developing and implementing a financial management strategy for disaster risks/climate risks.Developing and strengthening financial instruments that increase the capacity to mobilise resources following natural disasters and reduce the budgetary volatility involved in natural disasters.Increasing the resilience of public investment by improving the understanding and assessment of risks posed by climate threats. 2nd National Communication on Climate Change (2013) \u21a9.", + "2nd National Communication on Climate Change (2013) \u21a9. In Haiti\u2019s 2nd National Communication, emissions from the energy sector in 1994, the year of the oil embargo, were approximated from 1995 data. Therefore, 1994 is not considered in the analysis of GHG growth \u21a9. Maplecroft Atlas of Climate Change and Environmental Risks \u21a9. Estimated Costs of Climate Change Impacts in Haiti (OECD, 2015) \u21a9" + ], + "large": [ + "REPUBLIC OF HAITI. MINISTRY OF THE ENVIRONMENT. Nationally Determined Planned Contribution. September 2015. PREAMBLE. We are pleased to present the Nationally Determined Planned Contribution (NDCP) of the Republic of Haiti, which provides relevant information on the proposed effort to address climate hazards. This document sets out the directions on which the Haitian state\u2019s actions over the next 15 years will be based to adapt to climate change and reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 31% from a trend scenario by 2030. With this effort, Haiti remains one of the world\u2019s least GHG emitting countries.", + "The development of the NDCP has resulted from a strong consensus among government, civil society and the private sector on the objectives to be achieved. Many stakeholders have therefore contributed to the development of this document, which adequately responds to the needs and interests of the Haitian people and is in line with the Haitian Strategic Development Plan (SDP), the National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) and the Second National Communication on Climate Change. There are many challenges facing the Haitian government and people. Haiti must take the necessary measures to both drive its development, adapt to climate change and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. To this end, we believe it is important to link the fight against global warming to the 2030 target for emerging countries set out in the HSP.", + "To this end, we believe it is important to link the fight against global warming with the 2030 target for emerging countries set out in the HSP. Thus, our NDFP is structured around a few issues that we consider to be priorities:. integrated management of water resources and watersheds;. integrated coastal zone management and infrastructure rehabilitation;. preservation and strengthening of food security, including through the development of the bioeconomy;. energy transition to reduce dependence on fossil energies; and. information, education and awareness raising. The commitments made in the NDFP represent a total funding requirement of USD 25,387 billion.", + "The commitments made in the NDFP represent a total funding requirement of $25,387 billion. Haiti therefore expects a genuine convergence of the international community\u2019s efforts to continue to support the fight against climate change under the principle of \"common but differentiated responsibilities\" enshrined in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. Dominique PIERRE. Minister of the Environment. SUMMARY TABLE OF HAITI CONTRIBUTION. Perimeter. National territory. Reference year. 2000. Period of implementation. 2016-2030. Type of contribution. Conditional and unconditional. Sectors covered. MitigationEnergy, AFAT (Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use Planning), Waste.AdaptationAgriculture and Food Security, Coastal Zones, Water Resources, Habitat and Land Use Planning, Health, Education, Public Finance", + "CO2, CH4, N2O. Unconditional target. Reduce GHG emissions by 5% compared to baseline scenario. Conditional target. Reduce GHG emissions by 26% compared to baseline scenario. Funding requirements for implementation. USD 25.387 billion (mitigation: USD 8.773 billion and adaptation: USD 16.614 billion). 1. INTRODUCTION. In line with the objectives of its Strategic Development Plan (2012-2030), and in line with national strategies for adaptation to climate change and mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the Republic of Haiti communicates its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). As a small island developing state (SIDS) located in the Caribbean region and the only LDC on the American continent, the country is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change exacerbated by severe environmental degradation", + "As a small island developing state (SIDS) located in the Caribbean region and the only LDC on the American continent, Haiti is very vulnerable to the effects of climate change exacerbated by the severe degradation of its environment and its low capacity to respond. Extreme climate events (cyclones, droughts, floods) are a major constraint on the country\u2019s development efforts. As a result, Haiti\u2019s priority is to adapt to climate change and respond to losses and damage. Through this Contribution, Haiti intends to: (i) improve its resilience to climate change-related disasters; (ii) respond to losses and damage caused by extreme climate events; and (iii) contribute to the global effort to limit the increase in the global temperature below 2\u00b0C.", + "Through this Contribution, Haiti intends to: (i) improve its resilience to climate change-related disasters; (ii) respond to losses and damage caused by extreme weather events; and (iii) contribute to the global effort to limit the increase in the world\u2019s temperature below 2\u00b0C. The goal is for the country to commit itself resolutely to a low-carbon and climate-resilient development path, limiting its recurring GDP losses due to climate-related disasters, increasing its carbon stock and reducing its energy dependence on fossil energies. 2. METHODOLOGY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF THE HAITI CONTRIBUTION. The development of Haiti\u2019s Contribution is the result of a broad consultation process.", + "The participatory approach adopted allowed for: a review of the main national strategic documents: the Strategic Plan for Haiti\u2019s Development (SPDH), the National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA), the 1st and 2nd National Communications on Climate Change, the Roadmap for a Sustainable Energy System in Haiti, the Watershed Management Policy of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development (MARNDR), the National Agency for Protected Areas (ANAP) Mountain Strategy, the Coffee Sector Revitalisation Plan, the Haitian Climate Profile, the Scaling-up Renewable Energy Program (SREP), the Pilot Programme on Climate Resilience (PPCR); consultation with stakeholders (sectoral ministries, civil society, the private sector, development agencies, etc.) to define the country\u2019s adaptation priorities and the level of mitigation ambition;", + "Consult with stakeholders (sectoral ministries, civil society, private sector, development agencies, etc.) to define the country\u2019s adaptation priorities and level of mitigation ambition and; validate the choices made in four (4) regional workshops (North, Central, South and adjacent islands). 3. REFERENCE STATUS OF GHG EMISSIONS IN HAITI. 1.1 PROFILE OF HAITI GHG EMISSIONS. According to the most recent GHG inventory [1], Haiti emitted only 7.832 Mt of eqCO2 in 2000. Haiti\u2019s population was 8,578 million and its GDP was US$ 3357.89 million. The profile of emissions by sector and by major gases is presented in the figures below. Between 1995 and 2000, Haiti\u2019s GHG emissions increased by 20%, at a rate of 3.1% per year (", + "Between 1995 and 2000, Haiti\u2019s GHG emissions increased by 20%, or at a rate of 3.1% per year (see Figure 3). Over this period, population and GDP increased by 1.9% and 4%, respectively. 4. CONTRIBUTION OF HIGHEST CONTRIBUTION TO MITIGATION. In terms of mitigation, the Republic of Haiti intends to reduce its emissions by 31% from the trend scenario, representing an absolute value of 45.24 Mt CO2 eq. This effort, illustrated in Figure 4, is broken down as follows:. Unconditional target. Emission reductions of 5% from the baseline scenario by 2030, or a cumulative of 10 Mt CO2 eq. Conditional target. Additional emission reductions of 26% from the trend scenario by 2030, or a cumulative of 35.24 Mt CO", + "Additional emission reductions of 26% over the 2030 trend scenario, a cumulative emission reduction of 35.24 Mt CO2 eq. Activities related to the conditional and unconditional scenarios are presented in the Annex. 1.2 HYPOTHESES AND METHODOLOGY APPROACHES. Period. 2016- 2030. Approach adopted. Mixed approach based on both results and actions. Type of contribution. Reduction of GHG emissions over the 2030 trend scenario, including renewable energy and carbon sequestration projects. Perimeter. National territory. Targeted greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen prooxide (N2O). Areas covered. Energy. Energy demand (households, industries, sustainable transport and trade). Energy supply (wood-energy forest, wood coal production, electricity", + "Agriculture, Forestry and Land-Use Change (AFAT). Improved Pastureland by Pulses. National Forest Parks. Forestry and Reforestation. Agroforestry. Waste. Municipal Solid Waste. Business As Usual. This scenario takes into account the policies and strategies in place as reflected in the Haiti Strategic Development Plan (HSP) - Haiti Emerging 2030. Mitigation Scenarios. Mitigation scenarios, both unconditional and conditional, will be implemented through the projects listed in Table 1 in the Appendix. Global Warming Potential (GWP) 100 Years Ref. IPCC Revised Version 96. The values used are those recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in accordance with UNFCCC Decision 17/CP.8, for the preparation of national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories.", + "The values used are those recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) under UNFCCC decision 17/CP.8 for the preparation of national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories. GWP CO2 = 1GWP CH4 = 21GWP N2O = 310. Methodology for estimating emissions. The 2000 GHG inventory was conducted in accordance with the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines. Emission scenarios were developed using the Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) software for the energy sector. They are based on activity data, population projections and macroeconomic and sectoral perspectives provided in the Haiti Strategic Development Plan (SDP) \u2013 Haiti Emerging 2030. Emissions from the AFAT sector were estimated using the EX-ACT, Version 4 tool and emissions from waste in accordance with the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines.", + "They are based on activity data, population projections and macroeconomic and sectoral outlooks provided for in the Haitian Strategic Development Plan (SDP) \u2013 Haiti Emerging 2030. Emissions from the AFAT sector were estimated using the EX-ACT, version 4 tool, and emissions from waste in accordance with the Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines. Carbon Markets. The Republic of Haiti is considering access to carbon markets to finance part of the conditional measures of its Contribution. 1.3 EQUITY AND AMBITION. In 2000, GHG emissions in Haiti accounted for only 0.03% of total global emissions.", + "In 2000, GHG emissions in Haiti accounted for only 0.03% of total global emissions. Per capita emissions for the same year were 0.91 TCO2eq. Despite its status as the only Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in the U.S. hemisphere and as a small island developing State heavily affected by climate-related disasters, the Republic of Haiti firmly believes in the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and wants to participate in the global emissions reduction effort to achieve global warming reduction targets below 2\u00b0C. At the end of this contribution, the country wants to reduce its emissions by 31% compared to the baseline scenario. However, given the limited capacity of the country, achieving this ambitious target in relation to its mitigation potential requires the financial, technical and technological support of the international community.", + "However, given the country\u2019s limited capacity, achieving this ambitious goal in relation to its mitigation potential requires the financial, technical and technological support of the international community. 5. ADAPTATION CONTRIBUTION. Haiti, located in the Caribbean Basin, is exposed to many climate-related phenomena. Variations in rainfall patterns, temperature, and the frequency of tropical storms are among many other climate signals observed across the country. Scenarios developed in Haiti show an increase in temperature (from 0.8\u00b0C to 1\u00b0C), a decrease in annual rainfall of 6 to 20%, a shift in seasonality of rainfall, and an increase in mean sea level by 2030. In 2014, Haiti was ranked fourth in the world in terms of vulnerability to the effects of climate change [3].", + "Scenarios developed in Haiti show an increase in temperature (from 0.8\u00b0C to 1\u00b0C) by 2030, a decrease in annual rainfall of 6 to 20%, a delay in the seasonality of rainfall, and an increase in the mean sea level. In 2014, Haiti was ranked fourth in the world in terms of vulnerability to the effects of climate change [3]. Over the past decade, the country has often been the victim of climate disturbances, mainly manifested in a change in the water regime of watersheds, increased drought periods and loss of human life due to flooding caused by tropical storms. The cumulative costs of the impacts of climate change without preventive measures are estimated at $1.8 billion and $77 million by taking adaptation measures by 2025 [4].", + "The cumulative costs of the impacts of climate change without preventive measures are estimated at $1.8 billion and $77 million through adaptation measures by 2025 [4]. Taking into account the different impacts observed and anticipated, measures have been taken to increase the country\u2019s resilience to the impacts of climate-related extreme events. For example, in 2006, Haiti developed its National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) and is implementing a range of activities under the NAPA and its Climate Resilience Pilot Program (CRPP). Similarly, land-use planning efforts are underway to reduce the country\u2019s vulnerability.", + "However, the measures do not have the scope and intensity necessary to meet the needs arising from the ongoing changes, particularly in terms of demography and ecosystems. Not all the various priority actions identified in the National Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) are implemented due to a lack of funding and the weak capacity of public institutions. Difficult access to financing and appropriate technological resources, the absence of a regulatory and legislative framework for adaptation to climate change are all obstacles to the implementation of the planned activities. In this sense, the country needs technical and institutional capacity-building and technological and financial support to overcome these barriers. 5.2.- PRIORITIES AND OBJECTIVES FOR ADAPTATION. The country\u2019s priorities for adaptation to climate change are:", + "The country\u2019s priorities for adaptation to climate change are:. Integrated management of water resources and watersheds;. Integrated management of coastal areas and rehabilitation of infrastructure;. Preservation and strengthening of food security;. Information, education and awareness raising. Under this contribution, Haiti commits itself by 2030 to:. Integrating the effects of climate change into sectoral development strategies;. Developing the 15 strategic watersheds most vulnerable to extreme climate events according to the spatial planning scheme;. Protecting coastal areas from the impacts of climate change;. Developing the bio-economy, climate-smart and biological agriculture. 6. PLANNING PROCESS. In order to implement its NCP, the country intends to define in the period 2016-2020:. its National Climate Change Policy;. its National Adaptation Plan", + "For the implementation of its NCP, the country intends to define in the period 2016-2020:. its National Climate Change Policy;. its National Adaptation Plan (NAP);. its Climate Loss and Damage Response Plan;. its Regional Spatial Plans;. and its National Forestry Policy. Furthermore, for this period, the country intends to:. revise its institutional and legal framework in relation to the objectives of the contribution;. put in place the VRM system and the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Measures (NAPM). 7. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK AND IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES. The existing institutional framework for the implementation of actions in the field of climate change is essentially based on the Ministry of the Environment through its Directorate for Combating Climate Change.", + "The existing institutional framework for the implementation of actions in the field of climate change is essentially based on the Ministry of the Environment through its Directorate for Combating Climate Change. For the implementation of the NDFP, the Head of the Haitian Government will assert his leadership on the issue and coordination will be ensured by the Ministry of the Environment in direct and ongoing collaboration with the National Committee on Climate Change (CNCC), which will be established. This committee will be composed of representatives of sectoral ministries, territorial authorities, civil society and the private sector and will have a mandate to ensure the steering, monitoring and reporting of the activities of Haiti\u2019s commitment. Gender will be taken into account throughout the implementation process of the NDFP.", + "This committee will be composed of representatives of sectoral ministries, local authorities, civil society and the private sector and will have a mandate to steer, monitor and report on the activities of the Haiti Commitment. Gender will be taken into account throughout the implementation process of the NDFP. The overall financial envelope for the implementation of the actions provided for in this contribution is estimated at USD 25.387 billion, of which USD 16.614 billion is for adaptation actions and USD 8.773 billion is for mitigation actions. Conditional and unconditional mitigation measures represent amounts of USD 7.999 billion and USD 773.519 million respectively. This will require:. direct access to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and other funds for conditional mitigation measures and adaptation-related activities (Annex 8.2), including the development and implementation of the National Adaptation Plan;.", + "Direct access to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and other funds for conditional mitigation measures and adaptation-related activities (Annex 8.2), including the development and implementation of the National Adaptation Plan;. access to various market mechanisms such as the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM);. institutional capacity-building;. technology transfer based on technology needs assessments (TBAs). The Republic of Haiti calls for the establishment of an emergency fund for small island developing States (SIDS) and LDCs to enable them to take post-emergency measures following climate-related disasters.", + "The Republic of Haiti calls for the establishment of an emergency fund for Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and LDCs to enable them to take post-emergency measures following disasters related to climate change. It also calls for the establishment, in the new post-2020 climate regime, of an international mechanism for reducing emissions similar to the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) guided by the principles of environmental integrity, transparency and the absence of double counting. Haiti is in favour of the rapid establishment of such a market in order to mobilise potential even before 2020. 8 APPENDIX. 8.1 MITIGATION MEASURES. Conditional mitigation measures. Sector. Strategic/operational objectives. Energy.", + "8 APPENDIX. 8.1 MITIGATION MEASURES. Conditional Mitigation Measures. Sector. Strategic/Operational Objectives. Energy. Increase the share of renewable energy in Haiti\u2019s electricity system to 47% by 2030 (hydro 24.5%, wind 9.4%, solar 7.5%, biomass 5.6%)Install by 2030 (4 Wind Farms: 50 MW, Hydroelectricity: 60MW additional, Solar Farms: 30 MW, Biomass: 20 MW)Reduce wood-energy consumption by 32% by 2030Develop well-managed energy forests (10,000 ha by 2030)Develop and implement transportation sector NAMAsPromote the use of eco-energy stoves as a replacement for conventional homes (energy gain of 25-30% per stove).Improve the energy efficiency of charcoal-fired ovens", + "Increase the share of renewable energy in Haiti\u2019s electricity system to 47% by 2030 (hydro 24.5%, wind 9.4%, solar 7.5%, biomass 5.6%)Install by 2030 (4 wind farms: 50 MW, additional hydro: 60 MW, solar: 30 MW, biomass: 20 MW)Reduce wood-energy consumption by 32% by 2030Develop well-managed energy forests (10,000 ha by 2030)Develop and implement transportation NAMAsPromote the use of eco-energy stoves as a replacement for traditional homes (energy gain of 25-30% per stove).Improve the energy efficiency of wood-fired coal-fired ovens (increase yields from 10-15% to 30-45%).Diffuse 1,000,000 low-consumption lamps to replace filament light bulbs. AFAT. Plan", + "2030.Protect, conserve and extend existing mangrove forests (19,500ha) by 2030.Restore, enhance and extend existing agroforestry systems (at least an additional 60,000ha between 2020 and 2030).Improve the quality of grazing, particularly of cattle with legumes.Preserve the country\u2019s marine protected areas (MPAs).", + "Plan 137,500 ha of forest by 2030 with a focus on local species, including 100,000 ha conditionally between 2020 and 2030.Protect and conserve existing national forest parks (10,500 ha) by 2030.Protect, conserve and extend existing mangrove forests (19,500 ha) by 2030.Restore, enhance and extend existing agroforestry systems (at least an additional 60,000 ha between 2020 and 2030.Improve the quality of grazing, particularly of cattle with pulses.Preserve the country\u2019s marine protected areas (MPAs)./li>. Waste. Define and implement a National Solid Waste Management Policy (Management Plans following the 5RVE model: Source Reduction, Recovery, Re-use, Recycling, Reuse, Recovery and Landfill). Unconditional mitigation measures. Sector. Strategic/operational objectives. Energy. Install an additional 37.5 MW of", + "Unconditional mitigation measures. Sector. Strategic/operational objectives. Energy. Install an additional 37.5 MW of hydroelectricity by 2020Control and regulate the import of used vehicles. AFAT. Protect and conserve existing national forest parks (10 500ha) by 2030. Protect and conserve existing mangrove forests (10 000ha) by 2030. Forest/reforestation: 2500ha of forest planted per year from 2016 to 2030. Protect marine protected areas (MPAs) on the southern coast of Haiti. 8.2 NAPA ADAPTATION MEASURES. Vulnerable sectors/areas. Adaptation needs. Agriculture and Food Security. Crop development and use of agricultural techniques adapted to climate change. Conservation of agricultural genetic resources. Aquaculture development. Soil conservation and regeneration. More efficient water resource use techniques. Drought-resi", + "Disaster risk reduction in areas most vulnerable to drought. Development of crops adapted to salt water. Rural engineering techniques that enhance local materials and labour. Development of thermal energy from the sea for freshwater production. Development of technologies for the conservation, processing and valorisation of agricultural products;. Strengthening of weather monitoring and forecasting systems for agricultural yields. Coastal areas. Development of a national strategy for adapting coastal areas to the impacts of climate change. Planning to protect and relocate infrastructure at risk from the impacts of climate change. Disaster risk reduction in areas most vulnerable to flooding, and integration of migration (internal and international) and planned relocation of communities as an adaptation strategy. Development of infrastructure resilient to adverse climatic events. Cost-benefit studies of relocation and planned relocation of communities.", + "Reduction of disaster risks in areas most vulnerable to flooding, and integration of migration (internal and international) and planned relocation of communities as an adaptation strategy. Establishment of infrastructures resilient to adverse climatic events. Cost-benefit studies of relocation and planned relocation of communities. Adoption of measures for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of mangrove ecosystems. Coastal surveillance, sustainable fisheries management. Improvement of the autonomy and safety of small fishing vessels. Conservation and protection of marine biodiversity and coral reefs. Support for community management of marine protected areas. Water resources.", + "Conservation and protection of marine biodiversity and coral reefs. Support for community management of marine protected areas. Water resources. Communities\u2019 water supply through the construction of dams, family tanks, impluviums, hilly lakes...Elaboration of an Atlas of water resources in a geographic information system. Physical and administrative protection (community stops) of water sources. Improvement of groundwater recharge through reforestation activities, physical barriers (dry walls) and biodynamic barriers (sponges) in catchment areas. Watersheds. Restoration of hydrometeorological stations in Haiti\u2019s strategic watersheds. Capacity building of watershed management committees. Development of 15 strategic watersheds based on established co-management plans. Upstream reforestation.Development of payment initiatives for ecosystem services in watersheds.River flow", + "Restoration of hydrometeorological stations in Haiti\u2019s strategic watersheds.Capacity-building of watershed management committees.Development of 15 strategic watersheds based on established co-management plans.Reforestation of upstream areas.Development of payment initiatives for ecosystem services in watersheds.River flow regulation, soil protection and restoration.Human settlements.Development and implementation of urban planning and sustainable development plans for cities at risk of flooding, including internal population movement and displacement and disaster risk reduction in the most vulnerable areas.Updating of the National Risk and Disaster Management Plan (NRMDP) integrating climate change risks.Strengthening of the National Risk and Disaster Management System.Strengthening of early warning systems for natural disasters.", + "Updating of the National Risk and Disaster Management Plan (NRMDP) integrating climate change risks. Strengthening of the National Risk and Disaster Management System. Strengthening of early warning systems for natural disasters. Development and implementation of risk and disaster management plans at the local level in the most important/vulnerable cities. Strengthening of building standards. Education. Production, communication and dissemination of knowledge related to climate change, including migration (primary, secondary and university).Awareness at the national level on the causes and effects of climate change and adaptation strategies.Strengthening of the Climate Change Directorate of the Ministry of the Environment. Public health.", + "Production, communication and dissemination of knowledge related to climate change, including migration (primary, secondary schools and universities).Awareness-raising at national level on the causes and effects of climate change and adaptation strategies.Strengthening of the Climate Change Directorate of the Ministry of the Environment.Public health.Improving access to drinking water to prevent water-borne diseases.Improving access to health care.Establishment of a surveillance system in the periphery of drilling areas.Taking climate change into account in the planning and implementation of health projects at national and local level.Public finance.Support to the insurance sector for the management of losses resulting from natural and climatic disasters.Adoption of fiscal incentives to promote renewable energies, local production including the bio-economy.", + "Support to the insurance sector for the management of losses resulting from natural and climate disasters.The adoption of fiscal incentives to promote renewable energies, local production, including the bio-economy.Support to public finances by developing and implementing a financial management strategy for disaster/climate risks.Development and strengthening of financial instruments that increase the capacity to mobilise resources following natural disasters and reduce the budgetary volatility involved in natural disasters.Increasing the resilience of public investment by improving the understanding and assessment of risks posed by climate threats. 2nd National Communication on Climate Change (2013) \u21a9. In Haiti\u2019s 2nd National Communication, emissions related to the energy sector in 1994, the year of the oil embargo, were approximated from 1995 data.", + "In Haiti\u2019s Second National Communication, emissions from the energy sector in 1994, the year of the oil embargo, were estimated from 1995 data, so 1994 is not considered in the analysis of GHG growth \u21a9. Maplecroft Atlas of Climate Change and Environmental Risks \u21a9. Estimated Costs of Climate Change Impacts in Haiti (OECD, 2015) \u21a9" + ] + } + }, + { + "country_code": "MLI", + "type_of_document": "INDC", + "language": "fr", + "para_translated": { + "small": [ + "REPUBLIC OF MALI. One People -One Goal -One Faith. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 21st Conference of the Parties. DETERMINED INTENDED CONTRIBUTION AT NATIONAL LEVEL (NDCP). September 2015. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. Mali\u2019s economy is based primarily on the exploitation of natural resources.", + "DETERMINED PLANNED CONTRIBUTION AT NATIONAL LEVEL (DPNC). September 2015. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. Mali\u2019s economy is essentially based on the exploitation of natural resources. Population growth (3.6%/year) and climate constraints have led to overexploitation and degradation of these resources. Two thirds of the country is arid and semi-arid, dominated by desertification problems.", + "Population growth (3.6%/year) and climate constraints have led to overexploitation and degradation of these resources. Two thirds of the country is arid and semi-arid, dominated by desertification problems. Natural risks have increased with the intensification of climate change: repeated droughts, floods, strong winds, bushfires, destabilization of the rainfall regime.", + "Natural hazards have increased with the intensification of climate change: repeated droughts, floods, strong winds, bushfires, destabilization of the rainfall regime. Agriculture is the most affected sector, accounting for 45% of GNP and occupying about 80% of the labour force.", + "Agriculture is the most affected sector, accounting for 45% of GDP and occupying about 80% of the labour force. This situation is all the more serious as climate scenarios for 2100 forecast an average increase in temperatures of 3\u00b0C and a decrease in rainfall of 22% across the country.", + "This situation is all the more serious as climate scenarios for 2100 predict an average increase in temperatures of 3\u00b0C and a decrease in rainfall of 22% across the country.", + "integrates. climate. change. into. planning. processes, including the implementation of the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (SGPRR), the National Policy on Environmental Protection and, since 2011, the National Policy on Climate Change.", + "It is on these bases and on the basis of the national technical services that the CPDN of Mali has been developed.", + "It is on this basis and on the basis of the national technical services that the CPDN of Mali was developed. Technical data for the calculation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) between 2015 and 2030 were forecast during sectoral consultation meetings for the three main sectors of greenhouse gas emissions (agriculture, forestry and land use change, energy) and at the multisectoral level.", + "Technical data for the calculation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) between 2015 and 2030 were forecast during sectoral and multisectoral consultation meetings for the three main sectors of greenhouse gas emissions (agriculture, forestry and land-use change, energy). Mali\u2019s mitigation commitments are of a mitigation scenario (including an unconditional sub-scenario in the event that the country is the only investor) based on the reduction of GHG emissions from a baseline scenario (BAU).", + "The nature of Mali\u2019s mitigation commitments is that of a mitigation scenario (including an unconditional sub-scenario in the event that the country is the sole investor) based on the reduction of GHG emissions compared to a baseline scenario (BAU). The gases considered are CO2, CH4 and N2O.", + "The gases considered are CO2, CH4 and N2O. The baseline scenario is 2015--2030 and the mitigation scenario 2020-2030. Mali remains a greenhouse gas sink for all scenarios, with forests playing a major role in the level of sequestration.", + "Mali remains a greenhouse gas sink for all scenarios, with forests playing a major role in the level of sequestration.", + "The GHG reduction ambition levels of the mitigation scenario relative to the baseline scenario are 29% for agriculture, 31% for energy, and 21% for forests and land use change. The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$34.68 billion (1.16 for energy, 20.6 for agriculture, and 12.92 for forests).", + "The overall cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$34.68 billion (1.16 for energy, 20.6 for agriculture, and 12.92 for forests). In terms of adaptation, Mali\u2019s vision is to make the economy green and resilient to climate change.", + "In terms of adaptation, Mali\u2019s vision is to make the green and climate-resilient economy a priority. For the period 2015--2020, the cost of the needs amounts to US$1.062 billion. It corresponds to the funding of the five major programs that were outlined at the World Climate Summit in September 2014 in New York.", + "Funding for the five major programs that were outlined at the September 2014 World Climate Summit in New York, including forestry, smart agriculture and renewable energy.", + "These programmes include forestry, smart agriculture and renewable energies. During the same period, the needs are based on sustainable development objectives focusing on the continuation and intensification of the above programmes complemented in particular by:. the implementation of a technological action plan for adaptation and mitigation;.", + "During the same period, the needs are based on sustainable development objectives focusing on the continuation and intensification of the above programmes complemented in particular by:. the implementation of a technological action plan for adaptation and mitigation;. the fight against desertification and drought;. the development of research on adaptation to climate change;.", + "implementation of a technology action plan for adaptation and mitigation;. combating desertification and drought;. developing research on adaptation to climate change;. mobilizing local communities, vulnerable communities and. women\u2019s groups. to. improve. their. resilience to. climate change.", + "Mobilizing local communities, vulnerable communities and women\u2019s groups to. improve. their. resilience. to. climate change. A Sustainable Financing Strategy for the Environment and Climate Change is being developed.", + "A Sustainable Financing Strategy for the Environment and Climate Change is being developed. The mobilization of resources for the implementation of the programs identified in the NDFP is a conditionality for Mali to meet its GHG reduction targets and to adapt its production, environmental and social systems to climate change.", + "The mobilization of resources for the implementation of the programmes identified in the NDPC is a conditionality for Mali to meet its GHG reduction targets and to adapt its production, environmental and social systems to climate change. It is in this context that Mali will embark on a path of low-carbon and climate-resilient economic development, further contributing to global efforts to stabilize greenhouse gases, as part of its common but differentiated responsibility. CONTRIBUTION.", + "It is in this context that Mali will embark on a path of low-carbon and climate-resilient economic development, further contributing to global efforts to stabilize greenhouse gases under the common but differentiated responsibility. CONTRIBUTION. Nature of commitments.", + "Nature of commitments. Mitigation scenario based on the reduction of GHG emissions from a baseline scenario reflecting the normal business trend (Business-As-Usual BAU scenario). Scope. All domestic GHG emissions and carbon sequestration. National adaptation. Gases considered. Carbon dioxide CO2. Methane CH4.", + "Total national GHG emissions and carbon sequestration. National adaptation. Gases considered. Carbon dioxide CO2. Methane CH4. Nitrous oxide N2O. Emission presentation. Kilotonne (kT) for CO2, or Kilotonne equivalent of CO2 (kTeq CO2) for all gases. Reference period. 2007-2014.", + "Kilo tonne (kT) for CO2, or Kilo tonne equivalent of CO2 (kTeq CO2) for all gases. Baseline period. 2007-2014. Implementation period. 2015-2030 for baseline scenario. 2020-2030 for mitigation scenario. Emission estimation methodology.", + "Implementation period. 2015-2030 for baseline scenario. 2020-2030 for mitigation scenario. Emission estimation methodology. GHG emission inventories were conducted according to the 2006 revised IPCC Guidelines. Sectors covered. Energy-Agriculture-Forests and land-use change.", + "Sectors covered. Energy-Agriculture-Forests and land use change. Ambition of Mali\u2019s contribution: Mali. is. a. carbon sink. and. will. remain. beyond. 2030.", + "Ambition of Mali\u2019s contribution: Mali. is. a. carbon sink. and. will. remain. beyond. 2030. But. Mali. considers that it must contribute to the maximum of its possibilities to the collective ambition of limiting by the end of the century the increase in the global temperature below 2\u00b0C compared to the industrial age in order to limit in the country the negative impacts of climate change on agriculture and on the occurrence of risks of natural disasters (droughts, floods, bushfires).", + "In order to limit the negative impacts of climate change on agriculture and the occurrence of natural disaster risks (droughts, floods, bushfires) in the country, the level of the mitigation scenario\u2019s GHG reduction ambitions in relation to au.", + "The level of GHG reduction ambition in the mitigation scenario relative to the de.", + "scenario. de. base (29% for agriculture, 31% for energy and 21% for forests) involves ambitious actions in favour of the country\u2019s development and the improvement of production systems, namely: accelerating the integration of renewable energies into the energy mix, improving the performance of agricultural production processes, reducing deforestation and intensive reforestation.", + "PART I: STATUS OF MALI ACCEPTING CLIMATE CHANGE. 1.1 Indicators. Population. 14.5 million. Population growth. 3.6%. Urbanization rate. 26.8%. Rural population. 73%. GDP growth rate. 7.2. National poverty rate. 46.9%. National rate of access to electricity (2014). 34.89%. Energy consumption per capita in 2010. 0.20 tep/inhabitant. Annual electricity consumption in 2009.", + "National electricity access rate (2014). 34.89 % Energy consumption per capita in 2010. 0.20 tep/habitant. Annual electricity consumption in 2009. 59.36 Kwh/habitant. Total installed capacity in MW in 2010. 402 MW. Estimated annual electricity demand (in 2010). 182.4 MW. Share of R&D in national electricity generation in 2010. 3%.", + "Estimated annual demand for electricity (in 2010). 182.4 MW. Share of R&D in national electricity production in 2010. 3%. Mali\u2019s share of global GHG emissions. 0.06%. Mali\u2019s economy is based primarily on the exploitation of natural resources. Population growth and climate constraints have led to overexploitation and degradation of these resources.", + "The economy of Mali is essentially based on the exploitation of natural resources. Population growth and climatic constraints have led to overexploitation and degradation of these resources. Mali considers that maintaining the integrity of the natural environment is not only an ecological act but also an extremely economic one.", + "Mali considers that maintaining the integrity of the natural environment is not only an ecological act, but also an eminently economic one; two thirds of the country is arid and semi-arid, dominated by the problems of desertification, which have intensified since the second half of the 20th century with the rise in the burden of climate change.", + "Two thirds of the country is arid and semi-arid, dominated by desertification problems that have increased since the second half of the 20th century with the increase in the burden of climate change.Natural risks have increased with the intensification of climate change: recurrent droughts, floods, strong winds, bushfires, destabilization of the rainfall regime leading to uncertainty about agricultural schedules.", + "Natural risks have increased with the intensification of climate change: repeated droughts, floods, strong winds, bushfires, destabilization of the rainfall regime leading to uncertainty about agricultural timetables. Agriculture, which is the most affected, accounts for 45% of GNP and occupies about 80% of the labour force, remains very sensitive to climate change. 1.2.", + "Agriculture is the most affected, accounting for 45% of GNP and occupying about 80% of the labour force, and remains very sensitive to climate change. 1.2. Mali's commitments to climate change.", + "Mali\u2019s commitments to climate change. Mali committed itself to combating climate change by signing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (28 December 1994) and the Kyoto Protocol (27 January 1999). The country developed its National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to address the adverse effects of climate change in 2007.", + "Mali committed itself to combating climate change by signing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (28 December 1994) and the Kyoto Protocol (27 January 1999). Mali prepared its National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to address the adverse effects of climate change in 2007.", + "Mali submitted its first and second national communications to the Convention; the third communication is under preparation. Mali developed its National Climate Change Policy in 2011, with a strategy and action plan.", + "At the macroeconomic level, Mali integrates the environmental dimension in general and climate change in particular into the planning processes, including the implementation of the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (CSCRP), which constitutes the single reference framework for all the country\u2019s development policies for the period 2012-2017.", + "It has also developed a Strategic Framework for the Achievement of a Resilient and Green Mali, which will enable the effective achievement of a resilient and low-carbon economy while giving new impetus to its economic growth and poverty reduction objectives.", + "National initiatives also relate to the carbon market. They are oriented towards \"clean\" or low-carbon technologies, mainly renewable energies. At the institutional level, the Ministry of Environment, Sanitation and Sustainable Development is responsible for addressing climate change.", + "At the institutional level, the Ministry of Environment, Sanitation and Sustainable Development is responsible for addressing climate change and has entrusted the Agency for Environment and Sustainable Development (AEDD), established in 2010, with the task of managing the various aspects of climate change.", + "It has entrusted the Agency for Environment and Sustainable Development (AEDD), established in 2010, with the task of managing the various aspects of climate change. Mali has also set up a National Committee on Climate Change (CCNC), which is the forum for consultation, guidance and mobilisation of the country\u2019s vital forces.", + "Mali has also set up a National Committee on Climate Change (CCNC), which is the forum for consultation, guidance and mobilisation of the country\u2019s vital forces. This committee is consulted regularly to accompany the teams preparing the national contribution, in particular through its thematic groups. 1.3.", + "This committee is regularly consulted to support the national contribution preparation teams, particularly through its thematic groups. 1.3. Overview of Mali\u2019s 2010 GHG emissions profile Overall, the latest estimates show that Africa is responsible for about 3% of global GHG emissions and Mali for about 0.06%.", + "Overall, the latest estimates show that Africa is responsible for about 3% of global GHG emissions and Mali for about 0.06%. Although emissions are driven to increase as the country develops, Mali is still today a sink of greenhouse gases (1st, 2nd and 3rd National Communication (CN) of Mali).", + "Although emissions are expected to increase as the country develops, Mali still remains a greenhouse gas sink today (1st, 2nd and 3rd National Communication (CN) of Mali). The emissions profile of the three main gases calculated during the preparation of the Third National Communication (TCN) of Mali in 2010 is reported in Table 1.", + "Table 1: Emissions and sequestration of the three main GHGs (2010) in Mali. Carbon dioxideCO2. MethaneCH4. Nitrous oxide N2O. Energy. (kT). 2676. 63.81. 0.75. Total Energy (KTeq CO2). 4289. Agriculture. (kT).", + "Table 1: Emissions and sequestration of the three main GHGs (2010) in Mali. Carbon dioxideCO2. MethaneCH4. Nitrogen oxide N2O. Energy. (kT). 2676. 63.81. 0.75. Total Energy (KTeq CO2). 4289. Agriculture. (kT). 627. 114. Total Agriculture (KTeq CO2). 48507. Forests and land-use change. (kT). -245 177. Total Forests and land-use change (KTeq CO2). -244 799.", + "Forests and Land-Use Change (kT). -245,177. Total Forests and Land-Use Change (KTeq CO2). -244,799. Total General Emissions (KTeq CO2). -192,003. Positive values reflect emissions and negative values reflect GHG sequestration.", + "Total general emissions. (KT\u00e9q CO2). -192 003. Positive values reflect emissions and negative values reflect GHG sequestration. The analysis of Mali\u2019s GHG emissions inventory highlights the existence of significant potential for GHG mitigation, on the one hand through the reduction of GHG emissions in the main emitting sectors, namely agriculture and agricultural land use, and energy, and on the other hand through the strengthening of GHG absorption capacities by forests.", + "These measures will constitute the main elements of the CNDP-MALI. 1.4. Climate scenarios for Mali by 2100. The methodology used for these scenarios uses the IPCC MAGICC and SCENGEN tools.", + "Climate scenarios for Mali to 2100. The methodology used for these scenarios uses the IPCC\u2019s MAGICC and SCENGEN tools. The results obtained are the expected values, for the whole country, of climatic parameters over the time horizons between 2015 and 2100 for rainfall and temperature.", + "For all localities in Mali, the most plausible climate scenario predicts a decrease in rainfall, the losses of which are reported in Table 2.", + "For all localities in Mali, the most plausible climate scenario predicts a decrease in rainfall, with normal loss rates reported in Table 2. Table 2: Decrease in rainfall. Year 2020. 2025. 2030. 2050. 2100. Percentage loss. 1 to 5. 2 to 6. 5 to 8.", + "Table 2: Decrease in rainfall. Year. 2020. 2025. 2030. 2050. 2100. Percentage loss. 1 to 5. 2 to 6. 5 to 8. 5 to 10. 22. The results of this study showed that for all localities there would be a decrease in rainfall resulting in a southward movement of isohyetes (Figure 1).", + "The results of this study showed that for all localities there would be a decrease in rainfall that would result in a southward shift of the isohyetes (Figure 1). Figure 1: Decrease in rainfall and southward shift of the isohyetes in the Sikasso locality between 1960 and 2100.", + "Figure 1: Decrease in rainfall and movement of isohyetes southwards in the locality of Sikasso between 1960 and 2100. Temperatures, on the other hand, would increase in all localities of Mali with an average rate given in Table 3. Table 3: Temperature increase. Year. 2020. 2025. 2030. 2050. 2100. Temperature increase. 0.5\u00b0C. 1\u00b0C. 1.5\u00b0C.", + "Temperatures are expected to increase in all localities of Mali with an average rate given in Table 3. Table 3: Temperature increase. Year. 2020. 2025. 2030. 2050. 2100. Temperature increase. 0.5\u00b0C. 1\u00b0C. 1.5\u00b0C. 1.7\u00b0C. 3\u00b0C.", + "Table 3: Temperature increase. Year. 2020. 2025. 2030. 2050. 2100. Temperature increase. 0.5\u00b0C. 1\u00b0C. 1.5\u00b0C. 1.7\u00b0C. 3\u00b0C. According to the analysis of extreme events during the very wet July period in Mali, the maximum temperature that was 30.5\u00b0C for the period 1961-1990 would for the same month be:(i) 32.5\u00b0C in 2050 and the occurrence of temperatures above this value would be 40%.", + "According to the analysis of extreme events during the very wet period of July in Mali, the maximum temperature that was 30.5\u00b0C for the period 1961-1990 would for the same month be: (i) 32.5\u00b0C in 2050 and the occurrence of temperatures above this value would be 40%; (ii) 34.5\u00b0C in 2100 and the occurrence of temperatures above this value would be 36%.", + "(ii) 34.5\u00b0C in 2100 and the occurrence of temperatures above this value would be 36%. Analysis has shown an increase in this probability between 2025 and 2100.", + "Analysis has shown an increase in this probability between 2025 and 2100; a 20% decrease in rainfall (as predicted by the plausible scenario constructed from the 2075s onwards) will result in rainfall similar to that of the dry period in the same climatic zones.", + "In the case of a 20% decrease in rainfall (as predicted by the plausible scenario constructed from the 2075s onwards), rainfall will be similar to that of the dry period in the same climatic zones. Drought situations would be observed over the first half of wintering (May, June and July) from 2025 onwards at all stations in the country for a moderate climate sensitivity.", + "Drought conditions would be observed in the first half of wintering (May, June and July) from 2025 onwards at all sites across the country for a moderate climate sensitivity; similar conditions could occur as early as 2020 if the climate\u2019s response to disturbances became more rapid.", + "The same situation could arise as early as 2020 if the climate's response to disturbances became more rapid. As a result of these rainfall deficits, the natural water supplies of the surface water and groundwater communities will be weakened to some extent. PART II: METHODOLOGY AND GUIDELINES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCENARIOS.", + "As a result of these rainfall deficiencies, the natural water supplies of the surface water and groundwater communities will be weakened to some extent. PART II: SCENARIO DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY AND GUIDELINES. GHG emissions were estimated on the basis of the 2006 revised methodology and IPCC good practices.", + "The estimate of GHG emissions was made on the basis of the 2006 revised methodology and IPCC good practices and the computer tool was used through the Excel spreadsheets developed by the IPCC for each of the sectors concerned.", + "For this purpose, the computer tool was used through the spreadsheets in Excel format developed by the IPCC for each of the sectors concerned.", + "The development of the forecasts and the selection of the data were carried out in consultation meetings, which take place at the sectoral level for the three main sectors of greenhouse gas emissions (agriculture, forestry and land use change, energy) and at the multisectoral level.", + "These meetings took place at the sectoral level for the three main sectors of greenhouse gas emissions (agriculture, forestry and land-use change, energy) and at the multisectoral level.", + "to identify and exploit the national programmes and forward-looking orientations of Mali that served as the basis for the development of the CPDN MALI;. to validate the technical data collected by the Third National Communication team for the period 2007 \u2013 2014;. to determine the values of the baseline data for the years.", + "to validate the technical data collected by the Third National Communication team for the period 2007 \u2013 2014;. to determine the values of the baseline data for the years 2015--2030 in the different sectors for the baseline scenario and for the mitigation scenario.", + "Determine baseline data values for the years 2015--2030 in the different sectors for the baseline scenario and for the mitigation scenario. In a medium-term perspective to ensure the country\u2019s sustainable development, although they emit very little GHG, two other sectors were considered: waste management and industry.", + "In the medium term to ensure the sustainable development of the country, although they emit very little GHG, two other sectors were considered: waste management and industry.", + "GHG emissions are calculated by sector and then aggregated over three periods.", + "The GHG calculations in the CNSC are carried out by sector and then aggregated over three periods, the first period being the years 2007\u20132014, for which the GHG emission values were derived from calculations made during the development of Mali\u2019s Third National Communication (TCN), based on actual data provided by the technical services.", + "The first period is for the years 2007\u20132014, for which the GHG emission values were derived from calculations made during the preparation of the Third National Communication of Mali (TCN), based on actual data provided by the technical services; the second period is for 2015\u20132030 and results from forecasts reflecting the normal trend in Mali\u2019s development (Business--As--Usual scenario).", + "The second period concerns 2015\u20132030 and is the result of forecasts reflecting the normal trend in Mali\u2019s development (Business-\u00ad\u2010As-\u00ad\u2010Usual scenario). This scenario has been developed on the basis of national policies and sectoral consultations, and is the baseline scenario.", + "This scenario has been developed on the basis of national policies and sectoral consultations. It is the baseline scenario. In order to participate in the collective ambition to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention (below 2\u00b0C), Mali has developed a more ambitious and proactive scenario to reduce GHG emissions over the period 2020\u20132030.", + "In order to participate in the collective ambition to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention (below 2\u00b0C), Mali has developed a more ambitious and proactive scenario to reduce GHG emissions over the period 2020\u20132030, the mitigation scenario.", + "This is the mitigation scenario. The realization of the mitigation scenario is conditional on the implementation of human, material and financial resources from Mali and its bilateral and multilateral partners; it is therefore a conditional mitigation scenario. The sub-scenario that would be realized if Mali were the only investor is the unconditional mitigation scenario.", + "The achievement of the mitigation scenario is conditional on the implementation of human, material and financial resources from Mali and its bilateral and multilateral partners; it is therefore a conditional mitigation scenario. The sub-scenario that would be achieved if Mali were the only investor is the unconditional mitigation scenario. PART THREE:", + "The sub-scenario that would be achieved if Mali were the only investor is the unconditional mitigation scenario. PART THREE: GHG EMISSION FORECASTS OF MALI. 3.1. Emissions balance for the period 2007\u20102014. 3.1.1. Emissions in the energy sector. Mali has significant renewable energy potential including:. solar energy: 6 kWH/m2 (7-10 h);.", + "Emissions in the energy sector Mali has significant renewable energy potential including:. solar energy: 6 kWH/m2 (7 to 10 h);. biomass: 2000 ha of jatropha plantations, 1.400.000 L of alcohol from sugar cane;. hydraulics: 1150 MW (only 22% exploited);. wind: 3 to 7 m/s.", + "Biomass: 2000 ha of jatropha plantations, 1.400.000 L of alcohol from sugar cane;. Hydraulics: 1150 MW (only 22% exploited);. Wind: 3 to 7 m/s. Despite this potential, the energy sector is performing very poorly in terms of its main indicators, in particular:.", + "Despite this potential, the energy sector is performing very poorly in terms of its main indicators, in particular:. an energy balance dominated by wood energy (firewood and charcoal), resulting in high consumption pressure on the national forest mass;.", + "an energy balance dominated by wood energy (firewood and charcoal), resulting in high consumption pressure on the national forest mass;. an import dependence on petroleum products of 100%;. low final energy consumption: 0.18 tep/hbt (0.45 for the ECOWAS area, 0.5 for Africa);.", + "low final energy consumption: 0.18 tep/hbt (0.45 for the ECOWAS zone, 0.5 for Africa); low electricity consumption: 59.36 kWH/hbt; low electrification rate: 27.08% national (55.27% urban, 14.89% rural) in 2010; growth in electricity demand: 10% annually;", + "low electricity consumption: 59.36 kWH/hbt;. low electrification rate: 27.08% national (55.27% urban, 14.89% rural) in 2010;. growth in electricity demand: 10% annually;. low integration of renewable energies in electricity production: 3%;. Figure 2: Structure of final energy consumption in Mali in 2010.", + "Figure 2: Structure of final energy consumption in Mali in 2010 The three Malian national communications (1st in 1995, 2nd in 2000, 3rd under preparation) all established that among the three sectors most emitting greenhouse gases (GHGs) is energy.", + "Mali\u2019s three national communications (1st in 1995, 2nd in 2000, 3rd under preparation) all identified energy as one of the three most GHG-emitting sectors, and GHG emissions from this sector are steadily increasing (Figure 3).", + "GHG emissions from this sector are steadily increasing (Figure 3). Between 1995 and 2000, the increase was 60.32%, while it reached 83.63% between 2000 and 2012. In the period 1995-2012, CO2 emissions increased from 945 kT to 2782 kT, an increase of more than 190% over 17 years.", + "In the period 1995-2012, CO2 emissions increased from 945 kT to 2782 kT, an increase of more than 190% over 17 years. Figure 3: Evolution of GHG emissions in the energy sector. The distribution of emissions relative to the energy sub-sectors is shown in Figure 4.", + "Figure 3: Evolution of GHG Emissions in the Energy Sector The distribution of emissions relative to the energy sub-sectors is shown in Figure 4. Analysis of this distribution shows that the residential sub-sector ranks first with increased biomass consumption, including energy wood including firewood and coal. de.", + "Analysis of this distribution shows that the residential sub-sector ranks first with increased biomass consumption, particularly wood energy including firewood and wood coal (82.20% of the sector\u2019s. significant. emissions in 2012). The transport sub-sector ranks second (12.25% of the sector\u2019s significant. emissions in 2012) with consumption.", + "The. transportation. sub-sector. ranks second (12.25% of the sector\u2019s significant emissions in 2012) with the consumption of. fossil. fuel. (petrol. and. gasoline). The. transportation. sub-sector. ranks third with the consumption of. fuel. (petrol. and. gasoline). The. transportation. sub-sector. ranks third with the consumption of. fuel. (petrol. and. gasoline). The. transportation. sub-sector. ranks third with the consumption of. fuel. (petrol. and. gasoline). The. transportation. sub-sector. ranks fourth with the consumption of. fuel. (petrol. and. gasoline). The. transportation. sub-sector. ranks fifth with the consumption of", + "Figure 5 shows the evolution of GHGs in the Energy Sector between 2007 and 2014. Figure 6 shows the evolution of GHGs in the Energy Sector between 2007 and 2014. Figure 7 shows the evolution of GHGs in the Energy Sector between 2007 and 2014. Figure 8 shows the evolution of GHGs in the Energy Sector between 2007 and 2014. Figure 9 shows the evolution of GHGs in the Energy Sector between 2007 and 2014. Figure 10 shows the evolution of GHGs in the Energy Sector between 2007 and 2014. Figure 11 shows the evolution of GHGs in the Energy Sector between 2007 and 2014. Figure 12 shows the evolution of GHGs in the Energy Sector between 2007 and 2014. Figure 13 shows the evolution of GHGs in the Energy Sector between 2007 and 2014. Figure 14 shows the evolution of GHGs in the Energy Sector between", + "Figure 5 shows the evolution of GHGs in the Energy sector between 2007 and 2014. Figure 4: Distribution of CO2 emissions by Energy sub-sector in 2012.", + "Figure 4: Distribution of CO2 emissions by energy sub-sector in 2012 Figure 5: Evolution of GHGs in the energy sector between 2007 and 2014.", + "Between 2007 and 2014, GHG emissions from energy production and consumption increased from 3434 kT\u00e9q CO2 to 5268 kT\u00e9q CO2, an average annual increase of 6.44%.", + "Between 2007 and 2014, GHG emissions from energy production and consumption increased from 3434 kT\u00e9q CO2 to 5268 kT\u00e9q CO2, an average annual increase of 6.44%.", + "In view of the foregoing, GHG mitigation policies in the energy sector need to focus heavily on residential, transport and energy industries. The application of energy efficiency combining rational energy use, energy saving and energy control is expected to lead to a significant reduction in GHG emissions by 2030.", + "The application of energy efficiency, combining rational use of energy, energy saving and energy control, is expected to lead to a significant reduction in GHG emissions by 2030. Combining all these measures allows for the construction of baseline and mitigation scenarios. 3.1.2. Emissions in the agricultural sector.", + "The combination of all these measures allows for the construction of baseline and mitigation scenarios. 3.1.2. Emissions in the agriculture sector. According to the IPCC methodology used to calculate GHG emissions, the agriculture sector comprises the following sub-sectors:.", + "According to the IPCC methodology used to calculate GHG emissions, the agricultural sector consists of the following sub-sectors: Livestock where methane (CH4) production occurs through: (i) enteric fermentation resulting from the animal\u2019s digestive process; (ii) manure management that may cause manure to decompose under anaerobic conditions; and (iii) animal husbandry.", + "Livestock farming where the production of methane (CH4) occurs through: (i) enteric fermentation resulting from the digestive process of the animals; (ii) manure management methods that may cause manure to decompose under anaerobic conditions; Rice farming: the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in flooded rice paddies produces CH4 which is released into the atmosphere mainly through rice paddies during the growing season;.", + "Rice farming: the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in flooded rice paddies produces CH4 which is released into the atmosphere mainly through the rice paddies during the growing season;. on-site burning of savannas and agricultural residues: burning in this sector produces mainly. carbon monoxide;. in. overall. this. sub-sector,. it.", + "On-site burning of savannas and agricultural residues: burning in this sector produces mainly. carbon monoxide;. in. the. sub-sector as a whole,. there are. instantaneous emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) with a zero balance because the CO2 emitted is released into the atmosphere and reabsorbed during each new growing season.", + "y. a. instantaneous emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) whose balance is zero because the CO2 emitted is released into the atmosphere and reabsorbed during each new growing season. agricultural. soils. and. fertilizer. management. sub-sector. N2O. production. of which:. (i).", + "Agricultural. soils. and. fertilizer. management:. this. sub-sector. produces. N2O. of which:. (i) direct emissions from cultivated soils (including crop systems and the effects of grazing animals) and soil from animal production; and (ii) indirect emissions from nitrogen used in agriculture. GHG. emissions. from. the. sector.", + "Direct emissions from cultivated soils (including crop systems and effects of grazing animals) and soil from livestock production; and (ii) Indirect emissions from nitrogen used in agriculture. GHG emissions. in. TE-CO2. from. Agriculture. sector. for. the. period. 2007\u20102014.", + "GHG emissions. in. TE-CO2. from. the. Agriculture. sector. for. the. period. 2007\u20102014. are reported in the table and figures below. The Savannah and Agricultural Waste Combustion sub-sector emits only CO whose warming potential relative to CO2 is not defined.", + "The savannah and agricultural residue burning sub-sector only emits CO whose warming potential relative to CO2 is not defined and is therefore not included in this table. Table 4: Summary of CO2 TE emissions. Years. Elevation. Fertilizers. Rice cultivation. TOTAL. 2007. 8,904 000. 29,450 000.", + "Table 4: Summary of CO2 TE Emissions. Years. Elevation. Fertilizers. Rice Production. TOTAL. 2007. 8,904,000. 29,450,000. 1,545,000. 39,908,000. 2010. 10,206,000. 34,720,000. 2,016,000. 46,942,000. 2014. 11,718,000. 42,160,000. 2,163,000. 56,041,000. Average. 10,276,000. 35,443,333.", + "46 942 000. 2014. 11 718 000. 42 160 000. 2 163 000. 56 041 000. Average. 10 276 000. 35 443 333. 1 911 000. 47 630 333. Figure 7:", + "56,041,000. Average. 10,276,000. 35,443,333. 1,911,000. 47,630,333. Figure 7:", + "The summary of the sector\u2019s emissions shows that the main GHG emission sub-sectors in agriculture are chemical fertilizers (74%), livestock (22%) and irrigated rice (4%). Measures to mitigate GHG emissions in agriculture will address these sub-sectors. 3.1.3 Emissions in Forestry and Land-Use Change.", + "Measures to mitigate GHG emissions in the Agriculture Sector will address these sub-sectors. 3.1.3 Emissions in the Forestry and Land-Use Change Sector The forest area covered by the sector includes wooded areas and savannahs.", + "The forest area considered by the sector includes wooded areas and savannahs. The main data used for gas assessment are the area of forest areas, the area of forest plantations, the amount of wood harvested, and the area of mineral soils.", + "The main data used for the assessment of gases are the area of forested areas, the area of forest plantations, the quantity of wood harvested, and the area of mineral soils.", + "Between 2007 and 2014, the area planted increased from 9,079 hectares to 80,387 hectares, an increase of 9 per cent. Figure 7: Evolution of the area of forest plantations in Mali between 2007 and 2014.", + "Between 2007 and 2014, the area planted increased from 9,079 hectares to 80,387 hectares, an increase by 9. Figure 7: Evolution of the area of forest plantations in Mali between 2007 and 2014 In the forestry and land-use change sector, the sequestration of GHGs, with an average value of 781,473 kilotonnes of CO2 per year, is ensured only by the forestry zone.", + "In the forestry and land-use change sector, GHG sequestration, with an average value of 781,473 kilotonnes of CO2 per year, is achieved only in the forest area, while emissions, with an average value of 560,976 kilotonnes of CO2 per year, are generated from mineral soils, used for agriculture and silvopastoral systems, and converted land (grasslands and cleared land).", + "On the other hand, emissions, with an average value of 560 976 Kilotonnes of CO2 per year, originate from mineral soils, used for agriculture and silvopastoral systems, and converted land (grasslands and cleared land). Table 5:", + "Table 5: Summary of Sector GHG Emissions in KT CO2. Years. Emissions. Sequestration. Net balance. 2007. 525 152. \u2010 784 615. \u2010 259 463. 2010. 532 889. \u2010 779 906. \u2010 247 017. 2014. 624 863. \u2010779 899. \u2010 155 036. Figure 8:", + "The net balance of the forestry sector and land-use change is a GHG sequestration balance, with an average value of 220 505 Kilo Tonnes of CO2 per year, which allows Mali to be a carbon sink. 3.2.", + "The net balance of the forestry sector and land-use change is a GHG sequestration balance, with an average value of 220,505 Kilotonnes of CO2 per year, which enables Mali to be a carbon sink. 3.2. Emission projections for the period 2015--2030. 3.2.1. GHG emissions in the energy sector.", + "Forecasts of emissions for the period 2015--2030. 3.2.1. GHG emissions in the energy sector. Policies, plans and programs on which the forecast is based.", + "GHG emissions in the energy sector. Policies, plans and programmes on which the prospective is based. Mali\u2019s low energy balance performance and significant energy potential have motivated the development and implementation in the short and medium term of policies, programmes and plans for energy efficiency combining the rational use of energy, energy conservation and energy management.", + "Mali\u2019s low energy balance performance and significant energy potential have motivated the development and implementation in the short and medium term of policies, programmes and plans for energy efficiency involving the rational use of energy, energy saving and energy control, covering all aspects of the energy sector, from production to consumption.", + "These actions cover all aspects of the energy sector, from production to consumption. The scenarios for GHG emissions in the energy sector have been developed on the basis of the National Energy Policy and related strategies, as well as the accompanying actions.", + "GHG emission scenarios in the energy sector have been developed on the basis of the National Energy Policy and related strategies and actions.", + "The main actions concerned are:. the large-scale renewable energy upgrading programme (SREP) for US$258 million;. the Manantali II project which will be implemented between 2016 and 2021 and cost US$150 million;. the village electrification by renewable energy system project which will be implemented between 2015 and 2020 and cost US$7.2 million;.", + "The renewable energy village electrification project, to be carried out between 2015 and 2020, will cost US$7.2 million. The Kenya Hydroelectric Project, to be carried out between 2015 and 2020, will cost US$165 million. GHG Emissions Forecast.", + "The K\u00e9ni\u00e9 Hydroelectric Project, which will be carried out between 2015 and 2020, will cost US$165 million. Forecast of GHG Emissions. The above programs and projects provide the GHG reductions summarized in the following figure: Figure 9: Emission Trends in Baseline and Mitigation Situations from 2015 to 2030.", + "The above programs and projects achieve the GHG reductions summarized in the following figure: Figure 9: Emission trends in baseline and mitigation scenarios from 2015 to 2030. The baseline scenario shows that GHG emissions will increase from 3,400 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2015 to 4,750 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2020 to 9,269 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2030.", + "The baseline scenario shows that GHG emissions will increase from 3,400 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2015 to 4,750 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2020 to reach 9,269 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2030, with an average annual increase of 6.91% between 2015 and 2030.", + "This results in an average annual increase of 6.91% between 2015 and 2030. The impact of mitigation measures between 2020 and 2030 will reduce emissions from 4750 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2020 to 6336 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2030. Thus, compared to the baseline scenario, emissions will fall by 31.6% under the mitigation scenario in 2030.", + "For example, compared to the baseline scenario, emissions in the mitigation scenario will decrease by 31.6% in 2030. Cost of mitigation measures. The mitigation scenario\u2019s emission reduction targets are 1486 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2025, a 22.4% reduction, and 2933 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2030, a 31.6% reduction.", + "The mitigation scenario\u2019s emission reduction targets are 1486 kT eq CO2 in 2025, a 22.4% reduction, and 2933 kT eq CO2 in 2030, a 31.6% reduction. The corresponding cost is US$580 million over five years, or US$1.16 billion over ten years. 3.2.2 GHG Emissions from Agriculture.", + "The corresponding cost is US$580 million over five years, or US$1.16 billion over ten years. 3.2.2 GHG Emissions in the Agriculture Sector. Policies, Plans and Programs underpinning the Outlook. The policies, plans and programs underpinning the Outlook are:", + "Policies, Plans and Programs on which the Forecast is Based The policies, plans and programs on which the Forecast is Based are:. The National Agriculture Policy;. The Strategic Investment Framework for Sustainable Land Management;. The Pilot Program for the Development of Climate-Resilient and Intelligent Agriculture; and. The Climate-Resilient National Pastoral Management Program.", + "The pilot programme for the development of intelligent and climate-resilient agriculture;. The national programme for pastoral management that is climate-resilient; The rainwater harvesting and storage programme;. The main actions resulting from this are:. the intensive rice-growing system (SRI);. micro-dose;. production of organic smoke;. forecasting of GHG emissions.", + "The main actions involved are:. intensive rice cultivation system (ISR);. micro-dose;. production of organic smoke;. forecasting of GHG emissions. The above programmes and projects achieve the GHG reductions summarised in the following figure:. Figure 10: evolution of emissions in baseline and mitigation scenarios from 2015 to 2030.", + "The above programmes and projects achieve the GHG reductions summarised in the following figure: Figure 10: Evolution of emissions in baseline and mitigation scenarios from 2015 to 2030. Cost of mitigation measures. Emission reduction targets are 9.759 kTCO2 in 2025 and 25,400 kTCO2 in 2030.", + "The emission reduction targets are 9.759 kTCO2 in 2025 and 25,400 kTCO2 in 2030, and the cost of this conditional mitigation scenario is US$20.6 billion.", + "The cost of this conditional mitigation scenario is US$20.6 billion. In the agriculture sector, the most appropriate GHG mitigation measures relate to three sub-sectors: irrigated rice, livestock and fertilizer management.", + "In the agricultural sector, the most appropriate GHG mitigation measures relate to three sub-sectors: irrigated rice, livestock and fertiliser management. In the irrigated rice sub-sector, mitigation will focus on water management through intermittent irrigation to avoid permanent flooding of rice land, a source of fermentation emissions.", + "For the irrigated rice sub-sector, mitigation will focus on water management through intermittent irrigation to avoid permanent flooding of rice land, which is a source of fermentation emissions. For the livestock and chemical fertilizer sub-sector, mitigation will focus on the substitution of high nitrogen urea with organic fume, the production of which will reduce emissions of anaerobic decomposition-related fumes.", + "For the livestock and chemical fertilizer sub-sectors, mitigation will focus on the substitution of high-nitrogen urea with organic smoke, the production of which will reduce anaerobic decomposition-related smoke emissions. The cost of these GHG emissions in the agriculture sector is US$20.6 billion for the mitigation scenario. 3.2.3.", + "The cost associated with these GHG emissions in agriculture is US$20.6 billion for the mitigation scenario. 3.2.3. GHG Emissions in Forestry and Land-Use Change. Policies, Plans and Programs Supporting the Outlook. The policies, plans and programs supporting the Outlook are:", + "Policies, plans and programs on which the forward-looking strategy is based. The policies, plans and programs on which this forward-looking strategy is based are:. the National Environmental Protection Policy;. the National Forestry Policy;. the National Climate Change Policy, its strategy and action plan;. the Five-Year Reforestation Plans; the National Biodiversity Strategy;.", + "National Climate Change Policy, its strategy and action plan;. Five-year reforestation plans. National Biodiversity Strategy;. National Protected Areas Management Strategy;. Great Green Wall;. Clean Development Mechanism. These policies and strategies are implemented by. projects, including the following:. Project. Actions.", + "Proper Development Mechanism. These policies and strategies are implemented through. projects such as the following:. Project. Actions. Global Climate Change Alliance Project. Regional Forest Inventories. Forest Data Management Information System. Reforestation and Forest Regeneration. Management Programme. Decentralised Forests. Forest Management and Management Plans.", + "Forest data management computer system Reforestation and forest regeneration. Management programme. Decentralised forest management. Planning and management of forest areas. Rational use of wood energy in forest areas. Development programme. Sustainable in the Niger Delta. Planning and management of Classified forests. Plantations of village trees and fruit trees.", + "Sustainable in the Niger Delta. Planning and Management Plans for Classified Forests. Plantations of Village Trees and Fruit Trees. Niger River Flood Control Project. Dune Fixation. Forest Service Timber Plantations. Extension and Strengthening of the Protected Areas System. Management of Protected Areas.", + "Protected areas management. Creation of wildlife migration corridors. Training of villagers. Improved shelters (MDP). Enhancement of fuelwood-efficient shelters. Energy valorization (MDP). Production of briquettes through agricultural by-products. Reforestation and production of.", + "Development of fuel-efficient fireplaces. Energy valorisation (MDP). Production of briquettes through agricultural by-products. Reforestation and production of. biofuel (MDP). Planting of Pourgh\u00e8re for rural electrification. Planting of Jatropha in agricultural systems. Forestry (MDP). Planting of Acacia Senegal. Forecasting of GHG emissions.", + "Planting of Pourgh\u00e8re for rural electrification. Planting of Jatropha in agricultural systems. Forestry (CDM). Planting of Acacia Senegal. Forecasting of GHG emissions. The above programmes and projects yield the GHG reductions summarised in the following figure:. Figure 11: Net balance (sequestration) curves of the baseline and mitigation scenarios for the period 2015--2030. Cost of mitigation measures.", + "Figure 11: Net balance sheet (sequestration) curves of the baseline and mitigation scenarios for the period 2015--2030. Cost of mitigation measures. The baseline scenario is implemented by forest plantations at a total cost between 2015 and 2030 of US$1,229 million. The conditional mitigation scenario is implemented by the following measures:.", + "The baseline scenario is implemented by forest plantations at a total cost between 2015 and 2030 of US$1,229 million. The conditional mitigation scenario is implemented by the following measures:. Forest plantations at a cost of US$10,719 million. Assisted natural regeneration at a cost of US$1,531 million.", + "Forest plantations at a cost of US$10,719 million. Assisted natural regeneration at a cost of US$1,531 million. Management of classified forests and protected areas at a cost of US$670 million. The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$12,920 million.", + "Management of Classified Forests and Protected Areas at a cost of US$670 million. The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$12,920 million. Mali\u2019s forestry and land-use change sector remains a carbon sink that will sequester 126,588 Kt CO2 equivalent under the baseline scenario and 153,079 Kt CO2 equivalent in 2030.", + "The forestry and land-use change sector in Mali remains a carbon sink that will sequester in 2030: 126,588 Kt CO2 equivalent under the baseline scenario and 153,079 Kt CO2 equivalent under the conditional mitigation scenario. In 2030 the receiver mitigation scenario will sequester 21% more CO2 than the baseline scenario.", + "In 2030, the receiver mitigation scenario will emit 21% more CO2 than the baseline scenario. The cumulative gain over the 2020-2030 period between the baseline and the mitigation scenario is 132,455 Kt CO2 equivalent. The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$12.92 billion. 3.2.4.", + "The cumulative gain over the 2020-2030 period between the baseline scenario and the mitigation scenario is 132,455 Kt CO2 equivalent. The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$ 12.92 billion. 3.2.4. Summary of 2015-2030 emissions for all sectors.", + "The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$12.92 billion. 3.2.4. Summary of 2015-2030 Sector-Wide Emissions The energy, agriculture, forestry and land-use change sectors are GHG emitting sectors.", + "The energy, agriculture, forestry and land-use change sectors are GHG emitting sectors. The forestry and land-use change sector emits and receives but its net balance is sequestrated.", + "A summary of GHG emissions from the three energy, agriculture and forestry and land-use change sectors is provided in Table 6 below for the baseline scenario and for the mitigation scenario (conditional and unconditional).", + "The synthesis of GHG emissions from the three sectors of energy, agriculture and forestry and land-use change is given in Table 6 below for the baseline scenario and for the mitigation scenario (conditional and unconditional versions). Table 6:", + "Table 6: Net balance of emission projections and sequestration in KT Eq CO2:. Years. Baseline scenario. Mitigation scenario. conditional. Scenario. unconditional. 2015. \u2010155 552 814. 2020. \u2010109 788 619. \u2010109 788 619. \u2010109 788 619. 2025. \u201069 327 889. \u201095 494 305. -\u201079 727 072. 2030. \u201029 242 410. \u201084 937 087. \u201033 628 772.", + "\u2010109 788 619. 2025. \u201069 327 889. \u201095 494 305. -\u201079 727 072. 2030. \u201029 242 410. \u201084 937 087. \u201033 628 772. Figure 12:", + "Figure 12: Evolution of emissions from baseline, conditional mitigation and unconditional mitigation scenarios for all sectors from 2015 to 2030 Mali remains a greenhouse gas sink until 2030 for all scenarios.", + "Mali remains a greenhouse gas sink until 2030 for all scenarios, and the baseline scenario shows that the net sequestration balance of all sectors decreases significantly over the years.", + "The baseline scenario shows that the net sequestration balance of all sectors decreases significantly over the years, and the GHG mitigation gains of the conditional mitigation scenario relative to the baseline scenario improve this situation between 2020 and 2030.", + "The GHG mitigation gains of the conditional mitigation scenario compared to the baseline scenario improve this situation between 2020 and 2030: 31% for the energy sector, 29% for the agriculture sector and 21% for the forestry and land-use change sector, an average of 27% for all sectors.", + "These gains are 31% for the energy sector, 29% for the agriculture sector, and 21% for the forestry and land-use change sector, averaging 27% for all sectors. The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$34,680 million, and the cost of the unconditional mitigation scenario is US$5,202 million.", + "The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$34,680 million, and the cost of the unconditional mitigation scenario is US$5,202 million. PART FOUR:", + "PART FOUR: ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE. National policies and strategies \u2013 Planning process. Mali\u2019s Sahelian-type climate is characterised by inter- and intra-annual variability in climate parameters and the intensification of droughts since 1970.", + "Mali\u2019s Sahelian climate is characterized by inter- and intra-annual variability in climatic parameters and the intensification of droughts since 1970, exacerbated by the fragility of ecosystems and production systems (agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry, etc.) and the needs of the rural population.", + "This situation is exacerbated by the fragility of ecosystems and production systems (agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry...), by the needs of population growth and socio-economic constraints, thus making the country very vulnerable and weakening its adaptation capacity. In order to ensure sustainable development, adaptation measures to climate change are required in all sectors of development.", + "In order to ensure sustainable development, climate change adaptation measures are required in all sectors of development. It is in this context that Mali has developed several policies, strategies and action plans (table below) integrating national guidelines.", + "It is in this context that Mali has developed a number of policies, strategies and action plans (table below) incorporating national guidelines. on adaptation with reference to the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (SGPRR).", + "These programmes are being revised in order to develop Mali\u2019s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to Climate Change by 2030 in order to better guide and coordinate actions. Policy or Strategy. Objective. National Policy for the Protection of the Environment.", + "These programmes are being revised in order to develop Mali\u2019s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to Climate Change by 2030 to better guide and coordinate actions. Policy or Strategy. Objective. National Environmental Protection Policy. To ensure a healthy environment and sustainable development, combat desertification, ensure food security, prevent and combat pollution and reduce poverty.", + "Ensuring a healthy environment and sustainable development, combating desertification, ensuring food security, preventing and combating pollution and reducing poverty National Climate Change Policy, complemented by its strategy and action plan.", + "National Climate Change Policy, complemented by its strategy and action plan. Framework of reference and steering for all projects and programmes implemented in Mali relating to the fight against climate change. National Forestry Policy.", + "Framework of reference and steering for all projects and programmes implemented in Mali relating to the fight against climate change. National Forestry Policy. Ensure integrated and sustainable management of renewable natural resources: forests, terrestrial and aquatic fauna, land resources and biodiversity. National Energy Policy.", + "Ensure integrated and sustainable management of renewable natural resources: forests, terrestrial and aquatic fauna, land resources and biodiversity. National Energy Policy. Contribute to the sustainable development of the country, through the provision of energy services accessible to the greatest number of the population at the lowest cost and promoting the promotion of socio-economic activities.", + "Contribute to the sustainable development of the country, through the provision of energy services accessible to the greatest number of the population at the lowest cost and promoting socio-economic activities. National Agriculture Policy. Promote sustainable, modern and competitive agriculture based primarily on family farms. National Water Policy.", + "National Agriculture Policy. Promote sustainable, modern and competitive agriculture based primarily on family farms. National Water Policy. Contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable development by providing appropriate solutions to water-related problems. National Sanitation Policy. Structure the entire sanitation sector around a realistic development project.", + "Contribute to the fight against poverty and sustainable development by providing appropriate solutions to water-related problems. National Policy on Sanitation. Structure the entire sanitation sector around a realistic development project. National Policy on Spatial Planning.", + "National Remediation Policy. Structure the entire remediation sector around a realistic development project. National Spatial Planning Policy. Confer a territorial dimension to economic development planning, within the framework of a spatial organisation taking into account decentralisation. National Decentralisation Policy.", + "To give the planning of economic development a territorial dimension, within the framework of a spatial organisation taking into account decentralisation. National Decentralisation Policy. To strengthen the process of democratisation of society and to adapt the missions and organisation of the state to the requirement of promoting local initiatives. Strategic Investment Framework for Sustainable Land Management.", + "Strengthen the process of democratization of society and adapt the missions and organisation of the state to the requirement of promoting local initiatives. Strategic investment framework for sustainable land management. Reverse land degradation trends to ensure food security, reduce poverty and vulnerability.", + "Strategic Investment Framework for Sustainable Land Management. Reversing land degradation trends to ensure food security, reduce poverty and vulnerability. National Strategy for the Adaptation of Mali\u2019s Forestry Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change.", + "To reverse land degradation trends to ensure food security, reduce poverty and vulnerability. National Strategy for Adapting Mali\u2019s Forestry Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change. To anticipate the potential impacts of climate change on the forestry sector in Mali and analyse vulnerabilities. Renewable Energy Development Strategy.", + "Anticipate the potential impacts of climate change on the forestry sector in Mali and analyse vulnerabilities. Renewable Energy Development Strategy. Promote the widespread use of renewable energy technologies and equipment. National Biofuels Development Strategy. Increase local energy production at lower cost through the development of biofuels. National Population Policy.", + "National Strategy for the Development of Biofuels. Increasing local energy production at a lower cost through the development of biofuels. National Population Policy. Controlling and managing the evolution of Mali\u2019s population. National Gender Policy. Improving the involvement of women in the country\u2019s management process. National Transport Policy.", + "Mastering and managing the evolution of the population of Mali. National Gender Policy. Improving the involvement of women in the country\u2019s management process. National Transport Policy. Improving transport systems in Mali to ensure an adequate de-enclavement of the country. Forecasts and needs. in adaptation for the period 2015--2020.", + "Improve transport systems in Mali to ensure adequate de-enclavement of the country. Forecasts and needs. for the period 2015--2020. Mali\u2019s vision is to make the green and climate-resilient economy a priority but also a reality.", + "Mali\u2019s vision is to make the green and climate-resilient economy a priority, but also a reality. Adaptation actions remain very important and crucial for the coming years in the fight against climate change.", + "Adaptation actions remain very important and crucial for the coming years in the fight against climate change.The implementation of adaptation policies, strategies, plans and programmes in Mali is carried out through the following programmes and projects:The priority programmes contained in Mali\u2019s announcements at the World Climate Summit in September 2014 in New York.", + "The implementation of adaptation policies, strategies, plans and programmes in Mali is carried out through the following programmes and projects:The priority programmes contained in Mali\u2019s announcements at the World Climate Summit in September 2014 in New York are:.", + "These are:. forest management for the restoration of degraded ecosystems aimed at reforestation. 325.000 hectares, promote assisted natural regeneration and control of siltation and strengthen the protection of protected areas on 9 million hectares.", + "325.000 hectares, promote assisted natural regeneration and the fight against siltation and strengthen the protection of protected areas on 9 million hectares. the development of intelligent and climate-resilient agriculture, for the hydro-agricultural development of 92,000 hectares in the context of sustainable land management with the State\u2019s commitment to devote 15% of the national budget to agriculture;.", + "development of intelligent and climate-resilient agriculture, for the hydro-agricultural development of 92,000 ha in the context of sustainable land management with the State\u2019s commitment to devote 15% of the national budget to agriculture; climate-resilient pastoral development aimed at the realization of 3,300 km of transhumance routes in order to reduce conflicts between farmers and ranchers, the realization of 21 perimeters and pastoral areas with a total area of 400,000 ha;.", + "Resilient to climate change pastoral development aiming at the realization of 3,300 km of transhumance routes to reduce conflicts between farmers and ranchers, the realization of 21 perimeters and pastoral areas with a total area of 400,000 ha; Rainwater harvesting and storage to contribute to universal access to drinking water and access to water for other uses, through the creation of 20 drinking water supply systems and 200 surface water harvesting works and surface water bodies for the benefit of 75,000 rural households (men and women).", + "the collection and storage of rainwater in order to contribute to universal access to drinking water and access to water for other uses, through the creation of 20 drinking water supply systems and 200 surface water collection works and surface water bodies for the benefit of 75,000 rural households (both men and women),. the development of renewable energies and Energy Efficiency, with a view to installing more than 100 MW of renewable energy (target to reach the 10% target of the energy mix by 2020, by developing photovoltaic, wind, small hydro and biomass energy).", + "Development of renewable energy and Energy Efficiency, aimed at installing more than 100 MW of renewable energy (target to reach 10% of the energy mix by 2020, by developing photovoltaic, wind, small hydro and biomass energy).", + "Projects under the National Climate Change Adaptation Action Program (NCAP):. the development and extension of crop varieties; improved and adapted animal types and forage crops;. the promotion of grain banks;. Revenue Generating Activities (RGA);. small-scale agricultural development and land conservation;.", + "promotion of grain banks;. Revenue Generating Activities (RGA);. small-scale agricultural development and land conservation;. use of products and weather information and capacity building.", + "Other programs and projects underway by 2020 with support from technical and financial partners and Climate Funds (national and international) in the amount of US$67 million and relating mainly to:.", + "Other programs and projects underway by 2020 with support from technical and financial partners and climate funds (national and international) amounting to US$67 million and relating mainly to:. support for adaptation to climate change in vulnerable communities;.", + "Supporting adaptation to climate change in vulnerable communities;. Increasing resilience to climate change through agricultural and pastoral management;. Providing solar-powered drinking water to agro-pastoral communities;. Strengthening the resilience of women producer groups and communities vulnerable to climate change;.", + "Solar water supply for agricultural and pastoral communities;. strengthening the resilience of women producer groups and communities vulnerable to climate change;. Research and Development on adaptation of agriculture and livestock to climate change;. management of natural resources in the context of climate change. Cost. of. adaptation. needs. to. research. for. the. period.", + "The. cost. of. the. adaptation. needs. to. be. sought. for. the. period. 2015--2020. are. those. related to. the 2014 World Climate Summit. amounting to US$1.062 Billion. Forecasts and adaptation. needs. for the period 2015--2020.", + "adaptation needs for the period 2015--2020. These needs are based on the development objectives through the establishment of a National Sustainable Development Plan and Sustainable Development Goals including the following actions:.", + "These needs are based on development objectives through the establishment of a National Sustainable Development Plan and Sustainable Development Goals including the following actions:. implementation of the Technology Action Plan for Adaptation and Mitigation;. intensification of the 5 programmes announced at the World Climate Summit in September 2014 in New York;.", + "implementation of the Technology Action Plan for Adaptation and Mitigation;. intensification of the 5 programmes announced at the World Climate Summit in September 2014 in New York;. control of river salinity to develop agricultural, aquaculture and river transportation production systems;. wastewater treatment and reuse for irrigation purposes;.", + "control of river salinity in order to develop agricultural production systems, aquaculture and river transport;. wastewater treatment and reuse for irrigation purposes;. reforestation and fruit tree plantations in order to restore vegetation cover and protect agricultural areas from water and wind erosion;.", + "Reforestation and fruit tree plantations to restore vegetation cover and protect agricultural areas from water and wind erosion. Watershed management for sound water management.", + "Capacity building on climate change for all actors in the public and private sectors, including gender and youth. PART FIVE: MEANS OF SUPPORT AND CAPACITY BUILDING Technology transfer. Mali has a National Plan for the Transfer of Adaptation and Mitigation Technologies.", + "PART FIVE: METHODS OF SUPPORT AND CAPACITY-BUILDING. Technology transfer. Mali has a National Plan for the Transfer of Adaptation and Mitigation Technologies.", + "For adaptation, technologies relate to the practice of forage crops, land management, improved agro-meteorological techniques, improved varieties of crops and adapted to climate change. For mitigation, they relate to drilling, small water retention dams, overburdening of ponds and modern wells (large-diameter wells).", + "Mali also has a portfolio of more than 40 projects for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) allowing a potential reduction in emissions of at least 15 million tonnes of CO2eq per year and a timetable for the total elimination of hydro--chloro--fluoro--carbons (HCFCs) by 2030, i.e. a reduction of about 17,279 tonnes of CO2eq.", + "Mali also has a portfolio of more than 40 projects for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) allowing a potential reduction in emissions of at least 15 million tonnes of CO2eq per year and a timetable for the total elimination of hydro--chloro--fluoro--carbons (HCFCs) by 2030, i.e. a reduction of about 17,279 tonnes of CO2eq. Capacity building.", + "In order to limit the impacts of climate change, and to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities and livelihoods, there is a need for capacity-building at all levels.", + "In order to limit the impacts of climate change, and to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities and livelihoods, there is a need for capacity-building at all levels.", + "At the institutional and legal level: weaknesses relate to conflicts of competence, fragmentation of different institutions and poor and/or non-implementation of legislation and regulations; At the level of political, administrative and customary decision-makers: weaknesses are mainly related to the lack and/or weakness of information on climate change issues;", + "At the level of political, administrative and customary decision-makers: the shortcomings are mainly related to the lack and/or weakness of information on climate change issues; At the scientific and technical levels, there is a lack of expertise due to the lack of qualified human resources, specialized research laboratories in the field of climate change, a national system for the acquisition, processing and archiving of sufficient and reliable data;", + "At the scientific and technical levels, there is a lack of expertise related to the lack of qualified human resources, specialized research laboratories in the field of climate change, a national system for the acquisition, processing and archiving of sufficient and reliable data. At the academic level, there is a lack of adequate national training structures and research laboratories in the field of climate change.", + "At the level of academic training, it should be noted that there are insufficient national training structures and appropriate research laboratories in the field of climate change. At the level of communities and local and regional authorities, there is a real lack of information on impacts and measures to be taken to strengthen their resilience to climate change, as well as a lack of appropriate training and equipment for implementing these measures.", + "At the level of communities and local authorities, there is a real lack of information on the impacts and measures to be taken to strengthen their resilience to climate change, as well as a lack of adequate training and equipment for implementing these measures;. At the level of the general public, there is a lack of information and awareness;.", + "At the level of the general public there is a lack of information and awareness;. The lack of information and expertise of the media and their low involvement in climate change communication is also a reality. Financing. Financing actions to combat climate change remains the central element of the climate negotiations today.", + "The lack of information and expertise from the media and their low involvement in climate change communication is also a reality. Financing. Financing actions to combat climate change remains at the heart of the climate negotiations today. Several funds have been put in place, including the Green Climate Fund, which is expected to receive US$100 billion from 2020 onwards.", + "Several funds have been put in place, including the Green Climate Fund, which is expected to generate US$100 billion from 2020 onwards. An agreement in Paris on sources of funding, on raising ambitions and on delivering on promises could further accelerate emission reductions and adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change.", + "An agreement in Paris on sources of financing, on raising ambitions and on honouring promises could further accelerate emissions mitigation and adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change. Mali is developing and implementing a sustainable financing strategy for the environment and climate change that should balance procedural consistency, transparency of information, management flexibility and sustainability of financing in key operations.", + "Mali is in the process of designing and implementing a Sustainable Financing Strategy for the Environment and Climate Change that should balance procedural consistency, transparency of information, management flexibility and sustainability of financing in key operations.This strategy will play an important role in mobilizing Mali\u2019s Climate Change and Green Economy Funds, including those for the implementation of mitigation, adaptation and technology transfer actions outlined in the NDPC.", + "This strategy will play an important role in mobilising the funds provided by Mali for climate change and the green economy, in particular those for the implementation of the mitigation, adaptation and technology transfer actions presented in the NDPC.", + "With regard to climate change, this strategy will be based in particular on:. the Climate Mali Fund (National and Multi-Party Fund);. the Green Climate Fund;. the Adaptation Fund;. other climate change funds. CONCLUSION.", + "Climate Fund Mali (National and Multi-Party Fund);. Green Climate Fund;. Adaptation Fund;. other funds involved in climate change CONCLUSION. In the face of the climate challenges, the Government of Mali is determined to assume its responsibilities through an ambitious participatory approach, building a new paradigm that fully integrates the human dimension in addition to the economic and ecological dimensions.", + "In the face of the climate challenges, the Government of Mali is determined to assume its responsibilities through an ambitious, participatory approach, building a new paradigm that fully integrates the human dimension in addition to the economic and ecological dimensions. Mali expects its partners to also assume their own responsibilities within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.", + "Mali expects its partners to also assume their own responsibilities within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and a strong signal would certainly be a significant and ambitious contribution to the Green Climate Fund.", + "A strong signal would certainly be a significant and ambitious contribution to the Green Climate Fund. The implementation of the priority projects/programmes identified in the NDPC, which are conditional on resource mobilization, are consistent with the directions of the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (SGPRR) and the National Climate Change Policy (NCCP).", + "The implementation of the priority projects/programmes identified in the NDPC, for which resource mobilization is a conditionality, is in line with the directions of the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (SGPRR) and the National Policy on Climate Change (NPCC). It is in this context that Mali embarks on a path of low-carbon economic development and is resilient to climate change, further contributing to global efforts to stabilize greenhouse gases, under the common but differentiated responsibility." + ], + "medium": [ + "REPUBLIC OF MALI. One People -One Goal -One Faith. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 21st Conference of the Parties. DETERMINED INTENDED CONTRIBUTION AT NATIONAL LEVEL (NDCP). September 2015. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. Mali\u2019s economy is based primarily on the exploitation of natural resources. Population growth (3.6 %/year) and climate constraints have led to overexploitation and degradation of these resources. Two thirds of the country is arid and semi-arid, dominated by desertification problems.", + "Population growth (3.6 %/year) and climatic constraints have led to overexploitation and degradation of these resources. Two thirds of the country is arid and semi-arid, dominated by desertification problems. Natural risks have increased with the intensification of climate change: repeated droughts, floods, strong winds, bushfires, destabilization of the rainfall regime. Agriculture is the most affected, accounting for 45% of GNP and occupying about 80% of the labour force.", + "Natural risks have increased with the intensification of climate change: repeated droughts, floods, strong winds, bushfires, destabilisation of the rainfall regime. Agriculture is the most affected, accounting for 45% of GNP and occupying about 80% of the labour force. This situation is all the more serious as climate scenarios for 2100 predict an average increase in temperatures of 3\u00b0C and a decrease in rainfall of 22% across the country.", + "This situation is all the more serious given that climate scenarios for 2100 predict an average increase in temperature of 3\u00b0C and a decrease in rainfall of 22% across the country. At the macroeconomic level, the country. integrates climate change into planning processes, including the implementation of the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (SGPRR), the National Policy for Environmental Protection and, since 2011, the National Climate Change Policy.", + "It is on these bases and on the basis of the national technical services that the CPDN of Mali has been developed.", + "It is on this basis and on the basis of the national technical services that the CPDN of Mali was developed. Technical data for the calculation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) between 2015 and 2030 were forecast during sectoral consultation meetings for the three main sectors of greenhouse gas emissions (agriculture, forestry and land use change, energy) and at the multisectoral level.", + "Technical data for the calculation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) between 2015 and 2030 were forecast during sectoral and multisectoral consultation meetings for the three main sectors of greenhouse gas emissions (agriculture, forestry and land-use change, energy). Mali\u2019s mitigation commitments are of a mitigation scenario (including an unconditional sub-scenario in the event that the country is the only investor) based on the reduction of GHG emissions from a baseline scenario (BAU).", + "The nature of Mali\u2019s mitigation commitments is that of a mitigation scenario (including an unconditional sub-scenario in the event that the country is the sole investor) based on the reduction of GHG emissions compared to a baseline scenario (BAU). The gases considered are CO2, CH4 and N2O. The baseline scenario period is 2015--2030 and the mitigation scenario period is 2020-2030.", + "The gases considered are CO2, CH4 and N2O. The baseline scenario is 2015--2030 and the mitigation scenario is 2020-2030. Mali remains a greenhouse gas sink for all scenarios, with forests playing a major role in the level of sequestration.", + "Mali remains a greenhouse gas sink for all scenarios, with forests playing a major role in the sequestration level. The levels of the mitigation scenario\u2019s GHG reduction ambitions relative to the baseline scenario are 29% for agriculture, 31% for energy, and 21% for forests and land use change. The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$34.68 billion (1.16 for energy, 20.6 for agriculture, and 12.92 for forests).", + "The overall cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$34.68 billion (1.16 for energy, 20.6 for agriculture, and 12.92 for forests). In terms of adaptation, Mali\u2019s vision is to make the green and climate-resilient economy a priority. For the period 2015--2020, the cost of the requirement is US$1.062 billion. It corresponds to the total cost of adaptation.", + "In terms of adaptation, Mali\u2019s vision is to make the green and climate-resilient economy a priority. For the period 2015--2020, the requirements amount to US$1.062 billion. This corresponds to funding for the five major programs that were outlined at the World Climate Summit in September 2014 in New York. These programs include forestry, smart agriculture and renewable energy.", + "During the same period, the needs are based on sustainable development objectives focusing on the continuation and intensification of the above programmes complemented in particular by:. the implementation of a technological action plan for adaptation and mitigation;. the fight against desertification and drought;. the implementation of a strategy for adaptation and mitigation;. the implementation of a strategy for adaptation and mitigation;. the implementation of a strategy for adaptation and mitigation;. the implementation of a strategy for adaptation and mitigation;. the implementation of a strategy for adaptation and mitigation;. the implementation of a strategy for adaptation and mitigation;. the implementation of a strategy for adaptation and mitigation;. the implementation of a strategy for adaptation and mitigation;. the implementation of a strategy for adaptation and mitigation;. the implementation of a strategy for adaptation and", + "implementation of a technology action plan for adaptation and mitigation;. combating desertification and drought;. developing research on adaptation to climate change;. mobilizing local communities, vulnerable communities and. women\u2019s groups. to. improve. their. resilience. to. climate change. A sustainable financing strategy for the environment and climate change is being developed.", + "A Sustainable Financing Strategy for the Environment and Climate Change is being developed. The mobilization of resources for the implementation of the programs identified in the NDFP is a conditionality for Mali to meet its GHG reduction targets and to adapt its production, environmental and social systems to climate change.", + "The mobilization of resources for the implementation of the programmes identified in the NDPC is a conditionality for Mali to meet its GHG reduction targets and to adapt its production, environmental and social systems to climate change. It is in this context that Mali will embark on a path of low-carbon and climate-resilient economic development, further contributing to global efforts to stabilize greenhouse gases, as part of its common but differentiated responsibility. CONTRIBUTION.", + "It is in this context that Mali will embark on a path of low-carbon and climate-resilient economic development, further contributing to global efforts to stabilise greenhouse gases under the common but differentiated responsibility. CONTRIBUTION. Nature of commitments. Mitigation scenario based on reducing GHG emissions compared to a baseline scenario reflecting the normal business trend (Business-\u00adAs-Usual BAU scenario). Scope.", + "Mitigation scenario based on the reduction of GHG emissions from a baseline scenario that reflects the normal business trend (Business-As-Usual BAU scenario). Scope. All domestic GHG emissions and carbon sequestration. National adaptation. Gases considered. Carbon dioxide CO2. CH4 methane. Nitrous oxide N2O. Emission reporting. Kilotonnes (kT) for CO2, or Kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent (kTeq CO2) for all gases. Baseline period. 2007-2014.", + "Kilo tonne (kT) for CO2, or Kilo tonne equivalent of CO2 (kTeq CO2) for all gases. Baseline period. 2007-2014. Implementation period. 2015-2030 for baseline scenario. 2020-2030 for mitigation scenario. Emission estimation methodology. GHG emission inventories were conducted according to the 2006 revised IPCC Guidelines. Sectors covered. Energy-Agriculture-Forests and land use change. Mali's contribution ambition:", + "Energy-Agriculture-Forests and land use change. Ambition of Mali\u2019s contribution: Mali. is. a. carbon. sink. and. will. remain. beyond. 2030.", + "Ambition of Mali\u2019s contribution: Mali. is. a. carbon sink. and. will. remain. beyond. 2030. But. Mali. considers that it must contribute to the maximum of its possibilities to the collective ambition of limiting by the end of the century the increase in the global temperature below 2\u00b0C compared to the industrial age in order to limit in the country the negative impacts of climate change on agriculture and on the occurrence of risks of natural disasters (droughts, floods, bushfires).", + "In order to limit the negative impacts of climate change on agriculture and on the occurrence of risks of natural disasters (droughts, floods, bushfires) in the country, the level of GHG reduction ambitions in the mitigation scenario relative to the de.", + "The level of GHG reduction ambitions of the mitigation scenario compared to baseline scenario (29% for agriculture, 31% for energy and 21% for forests) implies ambitious actions favourable to the country\u2019s development and improvement of production systems, including: accelerating the integration of renewable energies into the energy mix, improving the performance of agricultural production processes, reducing deforestation and intensive reforestation.", + "base (29% for agriculture, 31% for energy and 21% for forests) implies ambitious actions favourable to the development of the country and the improvement of production systems, namely: accelerating the integration of renewable energies into the energy mix, improving the performance of agricultural production processes, reducing deforestation and intensive reforestation. PART I:", + "1.1 Indicators. Population. 14.5 million. Population growth. 3.6%. Urbanization rate. 26.8%. Rural population. 73%. GDP growth rate. 7.2. National poverty rate. 46.9%. National rate of access to electricity (2014). 34.89%. Energy consumption per capita in 2010. 0.20 tep/inhabitant. Annual electricity consumption in 2009. 59.36 Kwh/inhabitant. Total installed capacity in MW in 2010. 402 MW. Estimated annual electricity demand (in 2010). 182.4 MW.", + "Total installed capacity in MW in 2010. 402 MW. Estimated annual demand for electricity (in 2010). 182.4 MW. Share of R&D in national electricity production in 2010. 3%. Mali\u2019s share of global GHG emissions. 0.06%. Mali\u2019s economy is based primarily on the exploitation of natural resources. Population growth and climate constraints have led to overexploitation and degradation of these resources.", + "The economy of Mali is essentially based on the exploitation of natural resources. Population growth and climatic constraints have led to overexploitation and degradation of these resources. Mali considers the maintenance of the integrity of the natural environment to be an ecological act, but also an extremely economic act. Two thirds of the country is arid and semi-arid, dominated by desertification problems that have been exacerbated since the second half of the 20th century with the rise in the burden of climate change.", + "Two thirds of the country is arid and semi-arid, dominated by desertification problems that have increased since the second half of the 20th century with the increase in the burden of climate change.Natural risks have increased with the intensification of climate change: recurrent droughts, floods, strong winds, bushfires, destabilization of the rainfall regime leading to uncertainty about agricultural schedules.", + "Natural risks have increased with the intensification of climate change: repeated droughts, floods, strong winds, bushfires, destabilization of the rainfall regime leading to uncertainty about agricultural timetables. Agriculture, which is the most affected accounts for 45% of GNP and occupies about 80% of the labour force, remains very sensitive to climate change. 1.2. Mali\u2019s commitments to climate change.", + "Agriculture is the most affected sector, accounting for 45% of GNP and occupying about 80% of the labour force, and remains very sensitive to climate change. 1.2. Mali\u2019s commitments to climate change. Mali committed itself to combating climate change by signing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (28 December 1994) and the Kyoto Protocol (27 January 1999). The country developed its National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to address the adverse effects of climate change in 2007.", + "Mali committed itself to combating climate change by signing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (28 December 1994) and the Kyoto Protocol (27 January 1999). Mali prepared its National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to address the adverse effects of climate change in 2007.", + "Mali submitted its first and second national communications to the Convention; the third communication is under preparation. Mali developed its National Climate Change Policy in 2011, with a strategy and action plan.", + "At the macroeconomic level, Mali integrates the environmental dimension in general and climate change in particular into the planning processes, including the implementation of the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (CSCRP), which constitutes the single reference framework for all the country\u2019s development policies for the period 2012-2017.", + "At the macroeconomic level, the country is integrating the environmental dimension in general and climate change in particular into the planning processes, in particular in the implementation of the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (SGPRR), which constitutes the single reference framework for all the country\u2019s development policies for the period 2012-2017. II has also developed a Strategic Framework for the Achievement of a Resilient and Green Mali that will enable the effective achievement of a resilient and low-carbon economy while giving new impetus to its economic growth and poverty reduction objectives.", + "It has also developed a Strategic Framework for the Achievement of a Resilient and Green Mali that will enable the realisation of a resilient and low-carbon economy while giving new impetus to its economic growth and poverty reduction objectives. National initiatives also relate to the carbon market. They are oriented towards \u201cclean\u201d or low-carbon technologies, mainly renewable energies.", + "National initiatives also relate to the carbon market. They are oriented towards \"clean\" or low-carbon technologies, mainly renewable energies. At the institutional level, the Ministry of Environment, Sanitation and Sustainable Development is responsible for addressing climate change. II has entrusted the Agency for Environment and Sustainable Development (AEDD), established in 2010, with the task of managing the various aspects of climate change.", + "It has entrusted the Agency for Environment and Sustainable Development (AEDD), set up in 2010, with the task of managing the various aspects of climate change. Mali has also set up a National Committee on Climate Change (CCNC), which is the forum for consultation, guidance and mobilisation of the country\u2019s vital forces. This committee is consulted regularly to accompany the teams preparing the national contribution, in particular through its thematic groups. 1.3.", + "This committee is regularly consulted to support the national contribution preparation teams, particularly through its thematic groups. 1.3. Overview of Mali\u2019s 2010 GHG emissions profile Overall, the latest estimates show that Africa is responsible for about 3% of global GHG emissions and Mali for about 0.06%.", + "Overall, the latest estimates show that Africa is responsible for about 3% of global GHG emissions and Mali for about 0.06%. Although emissions are driven to increase as the country develops, Mali is still today a sink of greenhouse gases (1st, 2nd and 3rd National Communication (CN) of Mali).", + "Although emissions are expected to increase as the country develops, Mali still remains a greenhouse gas sink today (1st, 2nd and 3rd National Communication (CN) of Mali). The profile of emissions of the three main gases calculated during the preparation of the Third National Communication (TCN) of Mali in 2010 is reported in Table 1. Table 1: Emissions and sequestration of the three main GHGs (2010) in Mali. Carbon dioxideCO2. MethaneCH4. Nitrogen oxide N2O. Energy.", + "Table 1: Emissions and sequestration of the three main GHGs (2010) in Mali. Carbon dioxideCO2. MethaneCH4. Nitrous oxide N2O. Energy. (kT). 2676. 63.81. 0.75. Total Energy (KTeq CO2). 4289. Agriculture. (kT). 627. 114. Total Agriculture (KTeq CO2). 48507. Forests and land-use change. (kT). -245 177. Total Forests and land-use change (KTeq CO2). -244 799. Total General Emissions. (KTeq CO2). -192 003. Positive values reflect emissions and negative values reflect GHG sequestration.", + "Total general emissions. (KT\u00e9q CO2). -192 003. Positive values reflect emissions and negative values reflect GHG sequestration. The analysis of Mali\u2019s GHG emissions inventory highlights the existence of significant potential for GHG mitigation, on the one hand through the reduction of GHG emissions in the main emitting sectors, namely agriculture and agricultural land use, and energy, and on the other hand through the strengthening of GHG absorption capacities by forests.", + "The analysis of Mali\u2019s GHG emissions inventory highlights the existence of significant potential for GHG mitigation, on the one hand by reducing GHG emissions in the main emitting sectors, namely agriculture and agricultural land use, and energy, and on the other hand by strengthening the capacity of forests to absorb GHGs. These measures will constitute the main elements of the CNDP-MALI. 1.4. Climate scenarios for Mali by 2100.", + "These measurements will form the main components of the CNDP-MALI. 1.4. Climate scenarios for Mali to 2100. The methodology used for these scenarios uses the IPCC MAGICC and SCENGEN tools. The results obtained are the expected values for the country-wide climatic parameters over the time horizons between 2015 and 2100 for rainfall and temperature.", + "The results obtained are the country-wide expected values of climatic parameters over the time horizons between 2015 and 2100 for rainfall and temperature. For all localities in Mali, the most plausible climate scenario predicts a decrease in rainfall, the loss rates of which are reported in Table 2. Table 2: Decrease in rainfall. Year. 2020. 2025. 2030. 2050. 2100. Percentage loss. 1 to 5. 2 to 6.", + "Table 2: Decrease in rainfall. Year. 2020. 2025. 2030. 2050. 2100. Percentage loss. 1 to 5. 2 to 6. 5 to 8. 5 to 10. 22. The results of this study showed that for all localities there would be a decrease in rainfall resulting in a southward shift of isohyetes (Figure 1). Figure 1: Decrease in rainfall and southward shift of isohyetes in Sikasso between 1960 and 2100.", + "Figure 1: Decrease in rainfall and movement of isohyetes southwards in the locality of Sikasso between 1960 and 2100. Temperatures, on the other hand, would increase in all localities of Mali with an average rate given in Table 3. Table 3: Temperature increase. Year. 2020. 2025. 2030. 2050. 2100. Temperature increase. 0.5\u00b0C. 1\u00b0C. 1.5\u00b0C. 1.7\u00b0C. 3\u00b0C.", + "Table 3: Temperature increase. Year. 2020. 2025. 2030. 2050. 2100. Temperature increase. 0.5\u00b0C. 1\u00b0C. 1.5\u00b0C. 1.7\u00b0C. 3\u00b0C. According to the analysis of extreme events during the very wet period of July in Mali, the maximum temperature which was 30.5\u00b0C for the period 1961-1990 would for the same month be:(i) 32.5\u00b0C in 2050 and the occurrence of temperatures above this value would be 40%.", + "According to the analysis of extreme events during the very wet period of July in Mali, the maximum temperature which was 30.5\u00b0C for the period 1961-1990 would for the same month be: (i) 32.5\u00b0C in 2050 and the occurrence of temperatures above this value would be 40%. (ii) 34.5\u00b0C in 2100 and the occurrence of temperatures above this value would be 36%. The analysis carried out showed an increase in this probability between 2025 and 2100.", + "(ii) 34.5\u00b0C in 2100 and the occurrence of temperatures above this value would be 36%. Analysis has shown an increase in this probability between 2025 and 2100. In the case of a 20% decrease in rainfall (as predicted by the plausible scenario constructed from the 2075s onwards), rainfall will be similar to that of the dry period in the same climatic zones.", + "In the case of a 20% decrease in rainfall (as predicted by the plausible scenario constructed from the 2075s onwards), rainfall will be similar to that of the dry period in the same climatic zones. Drought situations would be observed over the first half of wintering (May, June and July) from 2025 onwards at all stations in the country for a moderate climate sensitivity.", + "Drought conditions would be observed in the first half of winter (May, June and July) from 2025 onwards at all stations across the country for a moderate climate sensitivity. The same conditions could occur as early as 2020 if the climate\u2019s response to disturbances became more rapid. As a result of these rainfall deficits, the communities\u2019 natural water supplies, consisting of surface water and surface groundwater, will be weakened to some extent.", + "As a result of these rainfall deficiencies, the natural water supplies of the surface water and groundwater communities will be weakened to some extent. PART II: SCENARIO DEVELOPMENT METHODOLOGY AND GUIDELINES. GHG emissions were estimated on the basis of the 2006 revised methodology and IPCC good practices.", + "The estimate of GHG emissions was made on the basis of the 2006 revised methodology and IPCC good practices. To this end, the computer tool was used through the Excel spreadsheets developed by the IPCC for each of the sectors concerned.", + "To this end, the computer tool was used through the spreadsheets in Excel format developed by the IPCC for each of the sectors concerned. Forecasting and data selection were carried out in consultation meetings, which take place at the sectoral level for the three main sectors of greenhouse gas emissions (agriculture, forestry and land-use change, energy) and at the multisectoral level.", + "These meetings took place at the sectoral level for the three main sectors of greenhouse gas emissions (agriculture, forestry and land-use change, energy) and at the multisectoral level. These meetings made it possible:. to identify and exploit Mali\u2019s national programmes and forward-looking guidelines that served as the basis for the development of the MALI NPC;. to validate the technical data collected by the Third National Communication team for the period 2007 \u2013 2014;.", + "to identify and exploit Mali\u2019s national programmes and forward-looking guidelines that served as the basis for the development of the MALI NPC;. to validate the technical data collected by the Third National Communication team for the period 2007 \u2013 2014;. to determine the values of the baseline data for the years 2015--2030 in the different sectors for the baseline scenario and for the mitigation scenario.", + "Determine baseline data values for the years 2015--2030 in the different sectors for the baseline scenario and for the mitigation scenario. In a medium-term perspective to ensure the sustainable development of the country, although they emit very little GHG, two other sectors were considered: waste management and industry.", + "From a medium-term perspective to ensure the country\u2019s sustainable development, although they emit very little GHG, two other sectors were considered: waste management and industry. They are not included in the NDPC but will be further processed. GHG calculations in the NDPC are made by sector and then aggregated over three periods.", + "The GHG calculations in the NDCC are made by sector and then aggregated over three periods. The first period is for the years 2007\u20132014, for which the GHG emission values are derived from calculations made during the development of the Third National Communication of Mali (TCN), based on actual data provided by the technical services.", + "The first period is for the years 2007\u20132014, for which the GHG emission values were derived from calculations made during the preparation of the Third National Communication of Mali (TCN), based on actual data provided by the technical services. The second period is for 2015\u20132030 and results from forecasts reflecting the normal trend in Mali\u2019s development (Business-\u00ad\u2010As-\u00ad\u2010Usual scenario). This scenario was developed on the basis of national policies and sectoral consultations. It is the baseline scenario.", + "The second period covers 2015\u20132030 and is the result of forecasts reflecting the normal development trend of Mali (Business-As-Usual scenario). This scenario has been developed on the basis of national policies and sectoral consultations. It is the baseline scenario. In order to participate in the collective ambition to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention (below 2\u00b0C), Mali has developed a more ambitious and proactive scenario to reduce GHG emissions over the period 2020\u20132030. It is the mitigation scenario.", + "In order to participate in the collective ambition to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention (below 2\u00b0C), Mali has developed a more ambitious and proactive scenario to reduce GHG emissions over the period 2020\u20132030. This is the mitigation scenario. The achievement of the mitigation scenario is conditional on the implementation of human, material and financial resources by Mali and its bilateral and multilateral partners; it is therefore a conditional mitigation scenario.", + "The achievement of the mitigation scenario is conditional on the implementation of human, material and financial resources from Mali and its bilateral and multilateral partners; it is therefore a conditional mitigation scenario. The sub-scenario that would be achieved if Mali were the only investor is the unconditional mitigation scenario. PART THREE:", + "3.1.1. Emissions in the energy sector Mali has significant renewable energy potential including:. solar energy: 6 kWH/m2 (7 to 10 h);. biomass: 2000 ha of jatropha plantations, 1.400.000 L of alcohol from sugar cane;. hydraulics: 1150 MW (only 22% exploited);. wind: 3 to 7 m/s. Despite this potential, the energy sector is performing very poorly in terms of its main indicators, in particular:.", + "Despite this potential, the energy sector is performing very poorly in terms of its main indicators, in particular:. an energy balance dominated by wood energy (firewood and charcoal), resulting in high consumption pressure on the national forest mass;. a rate of dependence on imports of petroleum products of 100%;. low final energy consumption: 0.18 tep/hbt (0.45 for the ECOWAS area, 0.5 for Africa);. low electricity consumption: 59.36 kWH/hbt;.", + "low final energy consumption: 0.18 tep/hbt (0.45 for ECOWAS, 0.5 for Africa);. low electricity consumption: 59.36 kWH/hbt;. low electrification rate: 27.08% nationally (55.27% urban, 14.89% rural) in 2010;. growth in electricity demand: 10% annually;. low integration of renewable energies in electricity production: 3%;. Figure 2: Structure of final energy consumption in Mali in 2010.", + "Figure 2: Structure of final energy consumption in Mali in 2010 The three Malian national communications (1st in 1995, 2nd in 2000, 3rd under preparation) all established that among the three sectors that emit the most greenhouse gases (GHGs) is energy. GHG emissions from this sector are steadily increasing (Figure 3).", + "Mali\u2019s three national communications (1st in 1995, 2nd in 2000, 3rd under preparation) all identified energy as one of the three sectors with the highest emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs). GHG emissions from this sector are steadily increasing (Figure 3). Between 1995 and 2000, the increase was 60.32%, while it reached 83.63% between 2000 and 2012.", + "GHG emissions from this sector are steadily increasing (Figure 3). Between 1995 and 2000, the increase was 60.32%, while it reached 83.63% between 2000 and 2012. In the period 1995-2012, CO2 emissions increased from 945 kT to 2782 kT, an increase of more than 190% over 17 years. Figure 3: Evolution of GHG emissions in the energy sector.", + "In the period 1995-2012, CO2 emissions increased from 945 kT to 2782 kT, an increase of more than 190% over 17 years. Figure 3: Evolution of GHG emissions in the energy sector. The distribution of emissions relative to the energy sub-sectors is shown in Figure 4.", + "The distribution of emissions relative to the energy sub-sectors is shown in Figure 4. Analysis of this distribution shows that the residential sub-sector occupies the first place with increased biomass consumption, including wood energy including firewood and coal. wood (82.20%. of. significant. emissions. of. sector. in. 2012). The. sub-sector.", + "Analysis of this distribution shows that the residential sub-sector ranks first with increased biomass consumption, particularly wood energy comprising firewood and coal. of. wood (82.20%. of the sector\u2019s. significant. emissions. in 2012). The transportation sub-sector ranks second (12.25% of the sector\u2019s. significant. emissions. in 2012) with consumption of. fossil. fuel (petroleum. and. gasoline).", + "Figure 5 shows the evolution of GHGs in the Energy sector between 2007 and 2014. Figure 4: Distribution of CO2 emissions by Energy sub-sector in 2012.", + "Figure 5 shows the evolution of GHGs in the Energy sector between 2007 and 2014. Figure 4: Distribution of CO2 emissions by Energy sub-sector in 2012. Figure 5: Evolution of GHGs in the Energy sector between 2007 and 2014.", + "Between 2007 and 2014, GHG emissions from energy production and consumption increased from 3434 kT\u00e9q CO2 to 5268 kT\u00e9q CO2, an average annual increase of 6.44%. In view of the above, policies to mitigate GHG emissions in the energy sector need to focus heavily on residential, transport and energy industries.", + "In view of the above, GHG mitigation policies in the energy sector need to focus heavily on residential, transport and energy industries. The application of energy efficiency, combining energy efficiency, energy saving and energy control, is expected to lead to a significant reduction in GHG emissions by 2030. Combining all these measures makes it possible to construct baseline and mitigation scenarios. 3.1.2. Emissions in the agriculture sector.", + "The combination of all these measures allows for the construction of baseline and mitigation scenarios. 3.1.2. Emissions in the agriculture sector. According to the IPCC methodology used to calculate GHG emissions, the agriculture sector comprises the following sub-sectors:. livestock where methane (CH4) production occurs through: (i) enteric fermentation resulting from the digestive process of animals; (ii) manure management that can cause manure to decompose under anaerobic conditions;.", + "Livestock farming where the production of methane (CH4) occurs through: (i) enteric fermentation resulting from the digestive process of the animals; (ii) manure management methods that may cause manure to decompose under anaerobic conditions;. Rice farming: the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in flooded rice paddies produces CH4 which is released into the atmosphere mainly through rice paddies during the growing season;. on-site burning of savannas and agricultural residues: burning in this sector produces mainly.", + "Rice farming: the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in flooded rice paddies produces CH4 which is released into the atmosphere mainly through the rice paddies during the growing season;. on-site burning of savannas and agricultural residues: burning in this sector produces mainly. carbon monoxide;. in. overall. this. sub-sector,. it.", + "burning of savannas and agricultural residues on site: burning in this sector produces mainly. carbon monoxide;. in. the. total. of. this. sub-sector,. there are. instantaneous emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) with a zero balance because the CO2 emitted is released into the atmosphere and reabsorbed during each new growing season. agricultural. soils. and. managing. fertilisers:. this. sub-sector. produces. N2O. of which:. (i).", + "y. a. instantaneous emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) whose balance is zero because the CO2 emitted is released into the atmosphere and reabsorbed during each new growing season. agricultural. soils. and. managing. fertilisers:. this. sub-sector. N2O. products. of which:. (i) direct emissions from cultivated soils (including crop systems and the effects of grazing animals) and soil from animal production; and (ii) indirect emissions from nitrogen used in agriculture.", + "Direct emissions from cultivated soils (including crop systems and effects of grazing animals) and soil from livestock production; and (ii) Indirect emissions from nitrogen used in agriculture. GHG emissions. in. TE-CO2. from. the. Agriculture. sector. for. the. period. 2007\u20102014. are reported in the table and figures below.", + "GHGs. in. TE-CO2. from. the. Agriculture. sector. for. the. period. 2007\u20102014. are reported in the table and the figures below. The Savannah and Agricultural Waste Combustion sub-sector emits only CO whose warming potential relative to CO2 is not defined and is therefore not included in this table. Table 4: Summary of TE CO2 Emissions. Years. Elevation. Fertilizers. Rice Crops. TOTAL. 2007. 8,904 000. 29,450 000. 1,545,000.", + "Table 4: Summary of TE CO2 emissions. Years. Elevation. Fertilizers. Rice production. TOTAL. 2007. 8,904,000. 29,450,000. 1,545,000. 39,908,000. 2010. 10,206,000. 34,720,000. 2,016,000. 46,942,000. 2014. 11,718,000. 42,160,000. 2,163,000. 56,041,000. Average. 10,276,000. 35,443,333. 1,911,000. 47,630,333. Figure 7:", + "56,041,000. Average. 10,276,000. 35,443,333. 1,911,000. 47,630,333. Figure 7:", + "The summary of the sector\u2019s emissions shows that the main GHG emission sub-sectors in agriculture are chemical fertilizers (74%), livestock (22%) and irrigated rice (4%). Measures to mitigate GHG emissions in the agriculture sector will address these sub-sectors. 3.1.3 Emissions in the Forestry and Land-Use Change Sector.", + "Measures to mitigate GHG emissions in the Agriculture Sector will focus on these sub-sectors. 3.1.3 Emissions in the Forestry and Land-Use Change Sector. The forest area covered by the sector includes wooded areas and savannahs. The main data used for gas assessment are the area of forest areas, the area of forest plantations, the amount of wood harvested, and the area of mineral soils.", + "The main data used for the assessment of gases are the area of forest areas, the area of forest plantations, the quantity of wood harvested, and the area of mineral soils. Forest plantation is an important activity in Mali, marked by a strong increase in the area reforested. Between 2007 and 2014, the area planted increased from 9 079 hectares to 80 387 hectares, i.e. a multiplication by 9. Figure 7: Evolution of the area of forest plantations in Mali between 2007 and 2014.", + "Between 2007 and 2014, the area planted increased from 9,079 hectares to 80,387 hectares, an increase by 9. Figure 7: Evolution of the area of forest plantations in Mali between 2007 and 2014 In the forestry and land-use change sector, the sequestration of GHGs, with an average value of 781,473 kilotonnes of CO2 per year, is ensured only by the forestry zone.", + "In the Forestry and Land-Use Change sector, GHG sequestration, with an average value of 781,473 kilotonnes of CO2 per year, is achieved only in the forestry area, whereas emissions, with an average value of 560,976 kilotonnes of CO2 per year, are generated from mineral soils, used for agriculture and silvopastoral systems, and converted land (grasslands and cleared land). Table 5:", + "On the other hand, emissions, with an average value of 560 976 Kilo Tonnes of CO2 per year, originate from mineral soils used in agriculture and silvopastoral systems, and converted land (grasslands and cleared land). Table 5:", + "\u2010 259 463. 2010. 532 889. \u2010 779 906. \u2010 247 017. 2014. 624 863. \u2010779 899. \u2010 155 036. Figure 8: Emissions balance of the forestry sector \u2013 land-use change. in KT CO2 (Gg CO2). The net balance of the forestry sector and land-use change is a GHG sequestration balance, with an average value of 220 505 Kilo Tonnes of CO2 per year, which enables Mali to be a carbon sink. 3.2.", + "The net balance of the forestry sector and land-use change is a GHG sequestration balance, with an average value of 220,505 Kilotonnes of CO2 per year, which enables Mali to be a carbon sink. 3.2. Emission projections for the period 2015--2030. 3.2.1. GHG emissions in the energy sector. Policies, plans and programmes on which the prospective is based.", + "Emission projections for the period 2015--2030. 3.2.1. GHG emissions in the energy sector. Policies, plans and programmes on which the prospective is based. Mali\u2019s low energy balance performance and significant energy potential have motivated the development and implementation in the short and medium term of policies, programmes and plans for energy efficiency combining the rational use of energy, energy saving and energy control.", + "Mali\u2019s low energy balance performance and significant energy potential have motivated the development and implementation in the short and medium term of policies, programmes and plans for energy efficiency involving the rational use of energy, energy saving and energy control, covering all aspects of the energy sector, from production to consumption.", + "These actions cover all aspects of the energy sector, from production to consumption. The scenarios for GHG emissions in the energy sector have been developed on the basis of the National Energy Policy and related strategies and actions.", + "The main actions concerned are:. the large-scale renewable energy upgrading programme (SREP) for US$ 258 million;. the Manantali II project which will be implemented between 2016 and 2021 and will cost US$ 150 million;. the village electrification project by renewable energy system which will be implemented between 2015 and 2020 and will cost US$ 7.2 million;. the Kenya Hydroelectric Power Plant project which will be implemented between 2015 and 2020 and will cost US$ 165 million.", + "The K\u00e9ni\u00e9 Hydroelectric Project, which will be carried out between 2015 and 2020, will cost US$165 million. Forecast of GHG Emissions. The above programs and projects provide the GHG reductions summarized in the following figure: Figure 9: Emission Trends in Baseline and Mitigation Situations from 2015 to 2030.", + "The above programmes and projects yield the GHG reductions summarised in the following figure: Figure 9: Evolution of emissions in baseline and mitigation situations from 2015 to 2030. The baseline scenario shows that GHG emissions will increase from 3,400 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2015 to 4,750 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2020 to reach 9,269 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2030. This results in an average annual increase of 6.91% between 2015 and 2030.", + "The baseline scenario shows that GHG emissions will increase from 3,400 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2015 to 4,750 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2020 to reach 9,269 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2030, with an average annual increase of 6.91% between 2015 and 2030. The impact of mitigation measures between 2020 and 2030 will reduce emissions from 4,750 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2020 to 6,336 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2030.", + "The impacts of mitigation measures between 2020 and 2030 will reduce emissions from 4750 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2020 to 6336 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2030. Thus, compared to the baseline scenario, emissions will fall by 31.6% in 2030 under the mitigation scenario. Cost of mitigation measures. The mitigation scenario\u2019s emission reduction targets are 1486 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2025, a 22.4% reduction, and 2933 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2030, a 31.6% reduction.", + "The mitigation scenario\u2019s emission reduction targets are 1486 kTq CO2 in 2025, a 22.4% reduction, and 2933 kTq CO2 in 2030, a 31.6% reduction. The corresponding cost is US$580 million over five years, or US$1.16 billion over ten years. 3.2.2 GHG Emissions from Agriculture. Policies, Plans and Programs Supporting the Outlook. The policies, plans and programs supporting the Outlook are:", + "Policies, plans and programmes on which this prospective is based. The policies, plans and programmes on which this prospective is based are:. The National Agriculture Policy;. The Strategic Investment Framework for Sustainable Land Management;. The Pilot Programme for the Development of Intelligent and Climate-Resilient Agriculture;. The National Pastoral Planning Programme for Climate-Resilient Agriculture;. The Rainwater Collection and Storage Programme;. The main actions resulting from this are:. the Intensive Rice Cultivation System (IRIS);. the Micro-Dose;...............................", + "The Rainwater Collection and Storage Programme;. The main actions related to this are:. Intensive Rice Cultivation System (IRIS);. Micro-dose;. Production of Organic Dust;. Forecasting of GHG emissions. The above programmes and projects achieve the GHG reductions summarised in the following figure:. Figure 10: Evolution of emissions in baseline and mitigation scenarios from 2015 to 2030. Cost of mitigation measures.", + "Figure 10: Evolution of emissions in baseline and mitigation scenarios from 2015 to 2030. Cost of mitigation measures. Emission reduction targets are 9.759 kTCO2 in 2025 and 25,400 kTCO2 in 2030. The cost of this conditional mitigation scenario is US$20.6 billion. In agriculture, the most appropriate GHG mitigation measures relate to three sub-sectors: irrigated rice, livestock and fertilizer management.", + "In the agricultural sector, the most appropriate GHG mitigation measures relate to three sub-sectors: irrigated rice, livestock and fertiliser management. In the irrigated rice sub-sector, mitigation will focus on water management through intermittent irrigation to avoid permanent flooding of rice land, a source of fermentation emissions.", + "For the irrigated rice sub-sector, mitigation will focus on water management through intermittent irrigation to avoid permanent flooding of rice land, which is a source of fermentation emissions. For the livestock and chemical fertilizer sub-sector, mitigation will focus on the substitution of high nitrogen urea with organic fume, the production of which will reduce emissions of anaerobic decomposition-related fumes.", + "For the livestock and chemical fertilizer sub-sectors, mitigation will focus on the substitution of high-nitrogen urea with organic fume, the production of which will reduce anaerobic decomposition-related fume emissions. The cost of these GHG emissions in the agriculture sector is US$20.6 billion for the mitigation scenario. 3.2.3. GHG Emissions in the Forestry and Land-Use Change Sector.", + "The cost of these GHG emissions from agriculture is US$20.6 billion for the mitigation scenario. 3.2.3. GHG Emissions from Forestry and Land-Use Change Policies, Plans and Programs underpinning the Outlook. The policies, plans and programs underpinning the Outlook are:. the National Environmental Protection Policy;. the National Forestry Policy;. the National Climate Change Policy, its strategy and action plan;.", + "National Policy for the Protection of the Environment;. National Forestry Policy;. National Climate Change Policy, its strategy and action plan;. Five-year reforestation plans;. National Biodiversity Strategy;. National Protected Areas Management Strategy;. Great Green Wall;. Clean Development Mechanism. These policies and strategies are implemented through projects such as:. Project. Actions. Global Climate Change Alliance Project. Regional Forest Inventories.", + "These policies and strategies are implemented by. projects, including those presented below:. Project. Actions. Global Climate Change Alliance Project. Regional Forest Inventories. Forest Data Management Information System Reforestation and Forest Regeneration. Management Programme. Decentralised Forests. Planning and Management of Forest Areas. Sustainable Wood Energy Use in Forest Areas. Development Programme. Sustainable in the Niger Delta. Planning and Management of Classified Forests. Village and Fruit Tree Planting.", + "Sustainable in the Niger Delta. Planning and Management Plans for Classified Forests. Plantations of Village Trees and Fruit Trees. Niger River Sanitation Control Project. Dune Fixation. Forest Service Timber Plantations. Expansion and Strengthening of the Protected Areas System. Management of Protected Areas. Creation of Wildlife Migration Corridors.", + "Enhanced Fireplaces (MDG). Enhanced fuelwood fireplaces. Energy valorisation (MDG). Production of briquettes through agricultural by-products. Reforestation and production of. biofuel (MDG). Planting of Pourgh\u00e8re for rural electrification. Planting of Jatropha in agricultural systems. Forestry (MDG). Planting of Acacia Senegal. Forecasting of GHG emissions. The above programmes and projects yield the GHG reductions summarised in the following figure:. Figure 11:", + "The above programs and projects yield the GHG reductions summarized in the following figure: Figure 11: Net balance (sequestration) curves of the baseline and mitigation scenarios for the period 2015--2030. Cost of mitigation measures. The baseline scenario is implemented by forest plantations at a total cost between 2015 and 2030 of US$1,229 million. The conditional mitigation scenario is implemented by the following measures:", + "The conditional mitigation scenario is implemented through the following measures:. Forest plantations at a cost of US$10,719 million. Assisted natural regeneration at a cost of US$1,531 million. Management of classified forests and protected areas at a cost of US$670 million. The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$12,920 million.", + "Management of Classified Forests and Protected Areas at a cost of US$670 million. The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$12,920 million. The Forestry and Land-Use Change sector in Mali remains a carbon sink that will sequester in 2030: 126,588 Kt CO2 equivalent under the baseline scenario and 153,079 Kt CO2 equivalent under the conditional mitigation scenario. In 2030 the sequestered mitigation scenario will sequester 21% more CO2 than the baseline scenario.", + "In 2030, the receiver mitigation scenario will emit 21% more CO2 than the baseline scenario. The cumulative gain over the 2020-2030 period between the baseline and the mitigation scenario is 132,455 Kt CO2 equivalent. The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$12.92 billion. 3.2.4. Summary of 2015-2030 emissions for all sectors.", + "The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$12.92 billion. 3.2.4. Summary of 2015-2030 emissions for all sectors. The energy, agriculture, forestry and land-use change sectors are GHG emitting sectors. The forestry and land-use change sector emits and receives but its net balance is sequestrated.", + "The forestry and land-use change sector emits and receives but its net balance is sequestrated. A synthesis of GHG emissions from the three energy, agriculture and forestry and land-use change sectors is provided in Table 6 below for the baseline scenario and for the mitigation scenario (conditional and unconditional versions). Table 6:", + "Table 6: Net balance of emission projections and sequestration in KT Eq CO2:. Years. Baseline scenario. Mitigation scenario. conditional. Unconditional. 2015. \u2010155 552 814. 2020. \u2010109 788 619. \u2010109 788 619. \u2010109 788 619. 2025. \u201069 327 889. \u201095 494 305. -\u201079 727 072. 2030. \u201029 242 410. \u201084 937 087. \u201033 628 772. Figure 12:", + "Figure 12: Evolution of emissions under the baseline scenario, conditional mitigation scenario and unconditional mitigation scenario for all sectors from 2015 to 2030. Mali remains a greenhouse gas sink until 2030 for all scenarios. The baseline scenario shows that the net sequestration balance of all sectors decreases significantly over the years.", + "The baseline scenario shows that the net sequestration balance of all sectors decreases significantly over the years, and the GHG mitigation gains of the conditional mitigation scenario relative to the baseline scenario improve this situation between 2020 and 2030.", + "The GHG mitigation gains of the conditional mitigation scenario compared to the baseline scenario improve this situation between 2020 and 2030: 31% for the energy sector, 29% for the agriculture sector and 21% for the forestry and land-use change sector, an average of 27% for all sectors.", + "These gains are 31% for the energy sector, 29% for the agriculture sector and 21% for the forestry and land-use change sector, an average of 27% for all sectors. The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$34,680 million, and the cost of the unconditional mitigation scenario is US$5,202 million. PART FOUR:", + "The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$34,680 million, and the cost of the unconditional mitigation scenario is US$5,202 million. PART FOUR: CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION. National Policies and Strategies \u2013 Planning Process. Mali\u2019s Sahelian climate is characterized by inter- and intra-annual variability in climate parameters and increased droughts since 1970.", + "Mali\u2019s Sahelian climate is characterised by inter- and intra-annual variability in climatic parameters and by the intensification of droughts since 1970. This situation is exacerbated by the fragility of ecosystems and production systems (agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry...), the needs of population growth and socio-economic constraints, thus making the country very vulnerable and weakening its adaptation capacities. In order to ensure sustainable development, adaptation measures to climate change are necessary in all sectors of development.", + "In order to ensure sustainable development, climate change adaptation measures are required in all sectors of development. It is in this context that Mali has developed several policies, strategies and action plans (table below) integrating national guidelines. on adaptation with reference to the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (SGPRR).", + "It is in this context that Mali has developed several policies, strategies and action plans (table below) integrating the national guidelines. on adaptation with reference to the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (CSCRP). These programmes are being revised in order to develop Mali\u2019s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to Climate Change by 2030 to better guide and coordinate actions. Policy or Strategy. Objective. National Policy for the Protection of the Environment.", + "These programmes are being revised in order to develop Mali\u2019s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to Climate Change by 2030 to better guide and coordinate actions. Policy or Strategy. Objective. National Environmental Protection Policy. To ensure a healthy environment and sustainable development, combat desertification, ensure food security, prevent and combat pollution and reduce poverty. National Climate Change Policy, complemented by its strategy and action plan.", + "Ensuring a healthy environment and sustainable development, combating desertification, ensuring food security, preventing and combating pollution and reducing poverty. National Climate Change Policy, complemented by its strategy and action plan. Framework of reference and steering for all projects and programmes implemented in Mali relating to combating climate change. National Forestry Policy.", + "Framework of reference and steering for all projects and programmes implemented in Mali relating to the fight against climate change. National Forestry Policy. Ensure integrated and sustainable management of renewable natural resources: forests, terrestrial and aquatic fauna, land resources and biodiversity. National Energy Policy.", + "Ensure integrated and sustainable management of renewable natural resources: forests, terrestrial and aquatic fauna, land resources and biodiversity. National Energy Policy. Contribute to the sustainable development of the country, through the provision of energy services accessible to the greatest number of the population at the lowest cost and promoting the promotion of socio-economic activities. National Agriculture Policy. Promote sustainable, modern and competitive agriculture based primarily on family farming. National Water Policy.", + "National Agriculture Policy. Promote sustainable, modern and competitive agriculture based primarily on family farms. National Water Policy. Contribute to the fight against poverty and sustainable development by providing appropriate solutions to water-related problems. National Sanitation Policy. Structure the entire sanitation sector around a realistic development project. National Spatial Planning Policy. Confer a territorial dimension to economic development planning, within the framework of a spatial organisation taking into account decentralisation.", + "To give the planning of economic development a territorial dimension, within the framework of a spatial organisation taking into account decentralisation. National Decentralisation Policy. To strengthen the process of democratisation of society and adapt the missions and organisation of the state to the requirement of promoting local initiatives. Strategic Investment Framework for Sustainable Land Management. To reverse trends in land degradation to ensure food security, reduce poverty and vulnerability.", + "Strategic Investment Framework for Sustainable Land Management. Reversing land degradation trends to ensure food security, reduce poverty and vulnerability. National Strategy for Adaptation of the Malian Forestry Sector to Climate Change Impacts. Anticipating the potential impacts of climate change on the Malian forestry sector and analysing vulnerabilities. Renewable Energy Development Strategy. Promoting the widespread use of renewable energy technologies and equipment. National Strategy for Biofuels Development.", + "Renewable Energy Development Strategy. Promote the widespread use of renewable energy technologies and equipment. National Biofuels Development Strategy. Increase local energy production at lower cost through the development of biofuels. National Population Policy. Master and manage the evolution of Mali\u2019s population. National Gender Policy. Improve the involvement of women in the country\u2019s management process. National Transport Policy. Improve transport systems in Mali to ensure adequate de-enclavement of the country.", + "Improving the involvement of women in the country\u2019s management process. National transport policy. Improving transport systems in Mali to ensure adequate de-enclavement of the country. Forecasts and needs. for adaptation for the period 2015--2020. Mali\u2019s vision is to make the green and climate-resilient economy a priority but also a reality. Adaptation actions remain very important and crucial for the coming years in the fight against climate change.", + "Adaptation actions remain very important and crucial for the coming years in the fight against climate change. The implementation of adaptation policies, strategies, plans and programmes in Mali is carried out through the following programmes and projects:The priority programmes contained in Mali\u2019s announcements at the World Climate Summit in September 2014 in New York. These are:.", + "The implementation of adaptation policies, strategies, plans and programmes in Mali is carried out through the following programmes and projects:The priority programmes contained in Mali\u2019s announcements at the World Climate Summit in September 2014 in New York. These are:. forest management for the restoration of degraded ecosystems aimed at reforestation. 325,000 hectares, promoting assisted natural regeneration and combating weeding and strengthening the protection of protected areas on 9 million hectares.", + "325.000 hectares, promote assisted natural regeneration and the fight against siltation and strengthen the protection of protected areas on 9 million hectares. the development of intelligent and climate-resilient agriculture, for the hydro-agricultural development of 92,000 hectares in the context of sustainable land management with the State\u2019s commitment to devote 15% of the national budget to agriculture;.", + "development of intelligent and climate-resilient agriculture, for the hydro-agricultural development of 92,000 ha in the context of sustainable land management with the State\u2019s commitment to devote 15% of the national budget to agriculture; climate-resilient pastoral development aimed at the realization of 3,300 km of transhumance routes in order to reduce conflicts between farmers and ranchers, the realization of 21 perimeters and pastoral areas with a total area of 400,000 ha;.", + "Resilient to climate change pastoral development aiming at the realization of 3,300 km of transhumance routes to reduce conflicts between farmers and ranchers, the realization of 21 perimeters and pastoral areas with a total area of 400,000 ha; Rainwater harvesting and storage to contribute to universal access to drinking water and access to water for other uses, through the creation of 20 drinking water supply systems and 200 surface water harvesting works and surface water bodies for the benefit of 75,000 rural households (men and women).", + "the collection and storage of rainwater in order to contribute to universal access to drinking water and access to water for other uses, through the creation of 20 drinking water supply systems and 200 surface water collection works and surface water bodies for the benefit of 75,000 rural households (both men and women),. the development of renewable energies and Energy Efficiency, with a view to installing more than 100 MW of renewable energy (target to reach the 10% target of the energy mix by 2020, by developing photovoltaic, wind, small hydro and biomass energy).", + "Development of renewable energy and Energy Efficiency, aimed at installing more than 100 MW of renewable energy (target to reach the 10% target of the energy mix by 2020, by developing photovoltaic, wind, small hydro-electricity and biomass energy). Projects under the National Climate Change Adaptation Action Programme (NAPA):. development and extension of crop varieties; improved and adapted animal and forage crops;. promotion of grain banks;. Revenue-generating Activities (RGA);.", + "development and extension of crop varieties; improved and adapted animal and forage crops; promotion of grain banks; Revenue Generating Activities (RGA); small-scale agricultural development and land conservation; use of meteorological products and information; and capacity building.", + "Other programs and projects underway by 2020 with support from technical and financial partners and Climate Funds (national and international) amounting to US$67 million and focusing on:. supporting adaptation to climate change in vulnerable communities;. increasing resilience to climate change through agricultural and pastoral management;.", + "Supporting adaptation to climate change in vulnerable communities;. Increasing resilience to climate change through agricultural and pastoral management;. Solar-powered drinking water supply for agro-pastoral communities;. Strengthening the resilience of women producer groups and communities vulnerable to climate change;. Research and Development on adaptation of agriculture and livestock to climate change;. Managing natural resources in a climate change context.", + "The cost. of. the. adaptation. needs. to. be. sought. for. the. period. 2015--2020. are. those. related to the 2014 World Climate Summit. amounting to US$1.062 billion. Forecasts and adaptation needs. for the period 2015--2020. These needs are based on development objectives through the establishment of a National Sustainable Development Plan and Sustainable Development Goals comprising the following actions:.", + "These needs are based on development objectives through the establishment of a National Sustainable Development Plan and Sustainable Development Goals including the following actions:. implementation of the Technology Action Plan for Adaptation and Mitigation;. intensification of the 5 programmes announced at the World Climate Summit in September 2014 in New York;. combating river salinity in order to develop agricultural production systems, aquaculture and river transport;.", + "Strengthening of the 5 programmes announced at the World Climate Summit in September 2014 in New York;. combating river salinity to develop agricultural, aquaculture and river transportation production systems;. wastewater treatment and reuse for irrigation purposes;. reforestation and fruit tree plantations to restore vegetation cover and protect agricultural areas from water and wind erosion;. watershed management for sound water management;.", + "Reforestation and plantation of fruit trees in order to restore vegetation cover and protect agricultural areas from water and wind erosion; Watershed management for rational water management; Capacity-building for all actors in the public and private sectors, including gender and youth, in the face of climate change. PART FIVE: MEANS OF SUPPORT AND CAPACITY-BUILDING Technology transfer Mali has a National Plan for the Transfer of Adaptation and Mitigation Technologies.", + "PART FIVE: METHODS OF SUPPORT AND CAPACITY-BUILDING. Technology transfer. Mali has a National Plan for the transfer of technologies for adaptation and mitigation. For adaptation, the technologies relate to the practice of forage crops, land management, improved agro-meteorological techniques, improved crop varieties and adapted to climate change. For mitigation, they relate to drilling, small water retention dams, overflowing ponds and modern wells (large-diameter wells).", + "Mali also has a portfolio of more than 40 projects for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) allowing a potential reduction in emissions of at least 15 million tonnes of CO2eq per year and a timetable for the total elimination of hydro--chloro--fluoro--carbons (HCFCs) by 2030, i.e. a reduction of about 17,279 tonnes of CO2eq. Capacity building.", + "Mali also has a portfolio of more than 40 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects with a potential emission reduction of at least 15 million tonnes of CO2eq per year and a total phase-out schedule of hydro--chloro--fluoro--carbons (HCFCs) by 2030, a reduction of about 17,279 tonnes of CO2eq. Capacity-building In order to limit the impacts of climate change, and to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities and livelihoods, capacity-building is needed at all levels.", + "In order to limit the impacts of climate change, and to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities and livelihoods, there is a need for capacity-building at all levels.", + "At the institutional and legal level: weaknesses relate to conflicts of competence, fragmentation of different institutions and poor and/or non-implementation of legislation and regulations; At the level of political, administrative and customary decision-makers: weaknesses are mainly related to the lack and/or weakness of information on climate change issues;", + "At the level of political, administrative and customary decision-makers: the shortcomings are mainly related to the lack and/or weakness of information on climate change issues; At the scientific and technical levels, there is a lack of expertise due to the lack of qualified human resources, specialized research laboratories in the field of climate change, a national system for the acquisition, processing and archiving of sufficient and reliable data;", + "At the scientific and technical levels, there is a lack of expertise related to the lack of qualified human resources, specialized research laboratories in the field of climate change, a national system for the acquisition, processing and archiving of sufficient and reliable data. At the academic level, there is a lack of adequate national training structures and research laboratories in the field of climate change.", + "At the level of academic training, it should be noted that there are insufficient national training structures and appropriate research laboratories in the field of climate change. At the level of communities and local and regional authorities, there is a real lack of information on impacts and measures to be taken to strengthen their resilience to climate change, as well as a lack of appropriate training and equipment for implementing these measures.", + "At the level of communities and local authorities, the lack of information on impacts and measures to be taken to strengthen their resilience to climate change and the lack of appropriate training and equipment for implementing these measures are real;. At the level of the general public, there is a lack of information and awareness;. The lack of information and expertise of the media and their low involvement in climate change communication is also a reality.", + "The lack of information and expertise from the media and their low involvement in climate change communication is also a reality. Financing. Financing actions to combat climate change remains at the heart of the climate negotiations today. Several funds have been put in place, including the Green Climate Fund, which is expected to receive US$100 billion from 2020 onwards.", + "Several funds have been put in place, including the Green Climate Fund, which is expected to generate US$100 billion from 2020 onwards. An agreement in Paris on sources of funding, on raising ambitions and on delivering on promises could further accelerate emission reductions and adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change.", + "An agreement in Paris on sources of financing, on raising ambitions and on honouring promises could further accelerate emissions mitigation and adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change. Mali is developing and implementing a sustainable financing strategy for the environment and climate change that should balance procedural consistency, transparency of information, management flexibility and sustainability of financing in key operations.", + "Mali is in the process of designing and implementing a Sustainable Financing Strategy for the Environment and Climate Change that should balance procedural consistency, transparency of information, management flexibility and sustainability of financing in key operations.This strategy will play an important role in mobilizing Mali\u2019s Climate Change and Green Economy Funds, including those for the implementation of mitigation, adaptation and technology transfer actions outlined in the NDPC.", + "This strategy will play an important role in mobilising the funds foreseen by Mali for climate change and the green economy, in particular those for the implementation of the mitigation, adaptation and technology transfer actions presented in the NDPC. With regard to climate change, this strategy will be based in particular on:. the Climate Mali Fund (National and Multi-Party Fund);. the Green Climate Fund;. the Adaptation Fund;. other funds involved in climate change. CONCLUSION.", + "Climate Fund Mali (National and Multi-Party Fund);. Green Climate Fund;. Adaptation Fund;. other funds involved in climate change CONCLUSION. In the face of the climate challenges, the Government of Mali is determined to assume its responsibilities through an ambitious participatory approach, building a new paradigm that fully integrates the human dimension in addition to the economic and ecological dimensions.", + "In the face of the climate challenges, the Government of Mali is determined to assume its responsibilities through a participatory, ambitious approach, building a new paradigm that fully integrates the human dimension in addition to the economic and ecological dimensions. Mali expects its partners to also assume their own responsibilities within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. A strong signal would certainly be a significant and ambitious contribution to the Green Climate Fund.", + "Mali expects its partners to also assume their own responsibilities within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. A strong signal would certainly be a significant and ambitious contribution to the Green Climate Fund. The implementation of the priority projects/programmes identified in the NDFP, for which resource mobilization is a conditionality, are in line with the guidelines of the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (SGPCR) and the National Policy on Climate Change (NPCC).", + "The implementation of the priority projects/programmes identified in the NDPC, for which resource mobilization is a conditionality, is in line with the directions of the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (SGPRR) and the National Policy on Climate Change (NPCC). It is in this context that Mali embarks on a path of low-carbon economic development and is resilient to climate change, further contributing to global efforts to stabilize greenhouse gases, under the common but differentiated responsibility." + ], + "large": [ + "REPUBLIC OF MALI. One People -One Goal -One Faith. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 21st Conference of the Parties. DETERMINED INTENDED CONTRIBUTION AT NATIONAL LEVEL (NDCP). September 2015. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. Mali\u2019s economy is based primarily on the exploitation of natural resources. Population growth (3.6 %/year) and climate constraints have led to overexploitation and degradation of these resources. Two thirds of the country is arid and semi-arid, dominated by desertification problems. Natural risks have increased with the intensification of climate change: recurrent droughts, floods, strong winds, bushfires, destabilization of the rainfall regime. Agriculture is the most affected sector accounting for 45% of GNP and occupying about 80% of the labour force.", + "Natural risks have increased with the intensification of climate change: repeated droughts, floods, strong winds, bushfires, destabilisation of the rainfall regime. Agriculture is the most affected sector, accounting for 45% of GNP and occupying about 80% of the labour force. This situation is all the more serious as climate scenarios for 2100 forecast an average increase in temperatures of 3\u00b0C and a decrease in rainfall of 22% across the country. At the macroeconomic level, the country integrates climate change into planning processes, in particular in the implementation of the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (SCRP), the National Policy for the Protection of the Environment and, since 2011, the National Policy on Climate Change.", + "It is on these bases and on the basis of the national technical services that the CPDN of Mali has been developed. Technical data for the calculation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) between 2015 and 2030 have been forecast during sectoral consultation meetings for the three main sectors of greenhouse gas emissions (agriculture, forestry and land-use change, energy) and at the multisectoral level.", + "Technical data forecasts for the calculation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) between 2015 and 2030 were made at sectoral and multisectoral consultation meetings for the three main sectors of greenhouse gas emissions (agriculture, forestry and land-use change, energy). The nature of Mali\u2019s mitigation commitments is that of a mitigation scenario (including an unconditional sub-scenario in the event that the country is the only investor) based on the reduction of GHG emissions compared to a baseline scenario (BAU). The gases considered are CO2, CH4 and N2O. The baseline scenario is 2015--2030 and the mitigation scenario is 2020-2030. Mali remains a greenhouse gas sink for all scenarios, with forests playing a major role in the level of sequestration.", + "Mali remains a greenhouse gas sink for all scenarios, with forests playing a major role in the level of sequestration. The levels of GHG reduction ambition for the mitigation scenario compared to the baseline scenario are 29% for agriculture, 31% for energy and 21% for forests and land use change. The overall cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$34.68 billion (1.16 for energy, 20.6 for agriculture, and 12.92 for forests). In terms of adaptation, Mali\u2019s vision is to make the green and climate-resilient economy a priority.", + "During the same period, the needs are based on sustainable development objectives focusing on the continuation and intensification of the above programmes, complemented in particular by:. the implementation of a technology action plan for adaptation and mitigation;. the fight against desertification and drought;. the development of research on adaptation to climate change;. the mobilisation of local communities, vulnerable communities and. women\u2019s groups. to. improve. their. resilience. to. climate change. A strategy for sustainable financing of the environment and climate change is being developed.", + "Enhance. their. resilience. to. climate change. A sustainable financing strategy for the environment and climate change is being developed. The mobilization of resources for the implementation of the programs identified in the NDPC is a conditionality for Mali to meet its GHG reduction targets and to adapt its production, environmental and social systems to climate change. It is in this context that Mali will embark on a path of low-carbon and climate-resilient economic development, further contributing to global efforts to stabilize greenhouse gases, under the common but differentiated responsibility. CONTRIBUTION. Nature of commitments. Mitigation scenario based on GHG emission reductions compared to a baseline scenario reflecting normal business trends (scenario Business-As-Usual BAU). Scope.", + "Mitigation scenario based on the reduction of GHG emissions compared to a baseline scenario reflecting the normal business trend (Business-As-Usual BAU scenario). Scope. All GHG emissions and carbon sequestration in the national territory. Adaptation for the entire national territory. Gases considered. Carbon dioxide CO2. Methane CH4. Nitrous oxide N2O. Emission presentation. Kilotonnes (kT) for CO2, or Kilotonnes of CO2 equivalent (kTeq CO2) for all gases. Baseline period. 2007-2014. Implementation period. 2015-2030 for the baseline scenario. 2020-2030 for the mitigation scenario. Emission estimation methodology. GHG emission inventories were conducted according to the revised 2006 IPCC Guidelines. Sectors covered. Energy-Agriculture-Forests and land", + "Energy-Agriculture-Forests and land-use change. Mali\u2019s contribution ambition: Mali. is. a. carbon sink. and. will. remain. beyond. 2030. But. Mali. considers that it. must contribute as much as possible to the collective ambition of limiting by the end of the century the increase in global temperature below 2\u00b0C compared to the industrial age in order to limit in the country the negative impacts of climate change on agriculture and on the occurrence of risks of natural disasters (droughts, floods, bushfires).", + "The level of ambition for GHG reduction in the mitigation scenario compared to the baseline scenario (29% for agriculture, 31% for energy and 21% for forests) implies ambitious actions favourable to the development of the country and the improvement of production systems, namely: accelerating the integration of renewable energies into the energy mix, improving the performance of agricultural production processes, reducing deforestation and intensive reforestation. PART I:", + "Base (29% for agriculture, 31% for energy and 21% for forests) involves ambitious actions in favour of the country\u2019s development and improvement of production systems, including: accelerating the integration of renewable energies into the energy mix, improving the performance of agricultural production processes, reducing deforestation and intensive reforestation. PART I: MALI\u2019S CLIMATE-FACE STATUS. 1.1 Indicators. Population. 14.5 million. Population growth. 3.6 %. Urbanisation rate. 26.8 %. Rural population. 73 %. GDP growth rate. 7.2 %. National poverty rate. 46.9%. National electricity access rate (2014). 34.89 %. Energy consumption per capita in 2010. 0.20 tep/inhabitant. Annual electricity consumption in 2009. 59.36 Kwh/inhabitant. Total installed capacity in MW in 2010. 402", + "Total installed capacity in MW in 2010. 402 MW. Estimated annual demand for electricity (in 2010). 182.4 MW. Share of R&D in national electricity production in 2010. 3%. Share of Mali in. global GHG emissions. 0.06%. Mali\u2019s economy is based mainly on the exploitation of natural resources. Population growth and climate constraints have led to overexploitation and degradation of these resources. Mali considers the maintenance of the integrity of the natural environment to be an ecological act as well as an extremely economic act. Two thirds of the country is arid and semi-arid dominated by desertification problems which have been exacerbated since the second half of the 20th century with the increase in the burden of climate change.", + "Two thirds of the country is arid and semi-arid, dominated by desertification problems which have increased since the second half of the 20th century with the rise in climate change. Natural risks have increased with the intensification of climate change: repeated droughts, floods, strong winds, bushfires, destabilization of the rainfall regime leading to uncertainty about agricultural schedules. Agriculture, which is the most affected, accounts for 45% of GNP and occupies about 80% of the working population, remains very sensitive to climate change. 1.2. Mali\u2019s commitments to climate change. Mali has committed itself to combating climate change by signing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (28 December 1994) and the Kyoto Protocol (27 January 1999).", + "Mali committed itself to combating climate change by signing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (28 December 1994) and the Kyoto Protocol (27 January 1999). The country developed its National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to address the adverse effects of climate change in 2007. II submitted its first and second national communications to the Convention; the third communication is under preparation. Mali developed its National Climate Change Policy in 2011, with a strategy and action plan. At the macroeconomic level, the country integrates the environmental dimension in general and climate change in particular into planning processes, including the implementation of the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (SGPRR), which constitutes the single reference framework for the country\u2019s overall development policies for the period 2012-2017.", + "At the macroeconomic level, the country is integrating the environmental dimension in general and climate change in particular into its planning processes, in particular in the implementation of the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (SGPRR), which constitutes the single reference framework for all the country\u2019s development policies for the period 2012-2017. II has also developed a Strategic Framework for the Achievement of a Resilient and Green Mali, which will make it possible to achieve a resilient and low-carbon economy while giving new impetus to its economic growth and poverty reduction objectives.", + "National initiatives also relate to the carbon market. They are oriented towards \"clean\" or low-carbon technologies, mainly renewable energies. At the institutional level, the Ministry of Environment, Sanitation and Sustainable Development is responsible for taking account of climate change. II has entrusted the Agency for Environment and Sustainable Development (AEDD), created in 2010, with the task of managing the various aspects of climate change. Mali has also set up a National Committee on Climate Change (CCNC), which is the forum for consultation, guidance and mobilisation of the country\u2019s vital forces. This committee is consulted regularly to accompany the teams preparing the national contribution, in particular through its thematic groups. 1.3. Overview of Mali\u2019s GHG emissions profile in 2010.", + "This committee is regularly consulted to accompany the teams preparing the national contribution, particularly through its thematic groups. 1.3. Overview of Mali\u2019s GHG emissions profile in 2010. Overall, the latest estimates show that Africa is responsible for about 3% of global GHG emissions and Mali for about 0.06%. Although emissions are expected to increase as the country develops, Mali still remains a sink of greenhouse gases (1st, 2nd and 3rd National Communication (CN) of Mali). The emissions profile of the three main gases calculated during the preparation of Mali\u2019s Third National Communication (TCN) in 2010 is reported in Table 1. Table 1: Emissions and sequestration of the three main GHGs (2010) in Mali. Carbon dioxideCO2. MethaneCH4. Nitrogen oxide N2O. Energy. (kT). 2676. 63.81. 0.75. Total", + "Table 1: Emissions and sequestration of the three main GHGs (2010) in Mali. Carbon dioxideCO2. MethaneCH4. Nitrogen oxide N2O. Energy. (kT). 2676. 63.81. 0.75. Total Energy (KTeq CO2). 4289. Agriculture. (kT). 627. 114. Total Agriculture (KTeq CO2). 48507. Forests and land-use change. (kT). -245 177. Total Forests and land-use change (KTeq CO2). -244 799. Total General Emissions. (KTeq CO2). -192 003. Positive values reflect emissions and negative values reflect sequestration of GHGs. Analysis of Mali\u2019s GHG emissions inventory highlights the existence of significant potential for GHG mitigation, on the one hand", + "The analysis of Mali\u2019s GHG emissions inventory highlights the existence of significant potential for GHG emission mitigation, on the one hand by reducing GHG emissions in the main emitting sectors, namely agriculture and agricultural land use, and energy, and on the other hand by strengthening the capacity of forests to absorb GHGs. These measures will form the main elements of the CNDP-MALI. 1.4. Climate scenarios for Mali by 2100. The methodology used for these scenarios uses the IPCC MAGICC and SCENGEN tools. The results obtained are the country-wide expected values of climate parameters over the time horizons between 2015 and 2100 for rainfall and temperature.", + "The results obtained are the country-wide expected values of climatic parameters over the time horizons between 2015 and 2100 for rainfall and temperature. For all localities in Mali, the most plausible climate scenario predicts a decrease in rainfall, the loss rates of which are reported in Table 2. Table 2: Decrease in rainfall. Year. 2020. 2025. 2030. 2050. 2100. % loss 1 to 5. 2 to 6. 5 to 8. 5 to 10. 22. The results of this study showed that for all localities there would be a decrease in rainfall resulting in a southward shift of isohyetes (Figure 1). Figure 1: Decrease in rainfall and southward shift of isohyetes in Sikasso between 1960 and 2100.", + "Figure 1: Decrease in rainfall and southward movement of isohyetes in Sikasso between 1960 and 2100. Temperatures would, however, increase in all Malian localities with an average rate given in Table 3. Table 3: Temperature increase. Year. 2020. 2025. 2030. 2050. 2100. Temperature increase. 0.5\u00b0C. 1\u00b0C. 1.5\u00b0C. 1.7\u00b0C. 3\u00b0C. According to the analysis of extreme events during the very wet July period in Mali, the maximum temperature that was 30.5\u00b0C for the period 1961-1990 would for the same month be:(i) 32.5\u00b0C in 2050 and the occurrence of temperatures above this value would be 40%. (ii) 34.5\u00b0C in 2100 and the occurrence of temperatures above this value would be 36%. The analysis carried out showed an increase in this probability between 2025 and 2100.", + "(ii) 34.5\u00b0C in 2100 and the occurrence of temperatures above this value would be 36%. The analysis performed showed an increase in this probability between 2025 and 2100. In the case of a 20% decrease in rainfall (as predicted by the plausible scenario constructed from the 2075s onwards), rainfall would be similar to that of the dry period in the same climatic zones. Drought situations would be observed in the first half of wintering (May, June and July) from 2025 onwards at all stations in the country for a moderate climate sensitivity. The same situations could occur from 2020 onwards if the climate\u2019s response to disturbances became more rapid. As a result of these rainfall deficits, the natural water supplies of surface water and groundwater communities will be weakened to some extent.", + "PART II: METHODOLOGY AND GUIDELINES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCENARIOS. GHG emissions were estimated on the basis of the 2006 revised methodology and IPCC good practices. To this end, the computer tool was used through the Excel spreadsheets developed by the IPCC for each of the sectors concerned. Forecasting and data selection were carried out at sectoral level for the three main sectors of greenhouse gas emissions (agriculture, forestry and land-use change, energy) and at multisectoral level. These meetings enabled:", + "They take place at the sectoral level for the three main sectors of greenhouse gas emissions (agriculture, forestry and land-use change, energy) and at the multisectoral level. These meetings enabled:. to identify and exploit Mali\u2019s national programmes and forward-looking guidelines that served as the basis for the development of the MALI NPC;. to validate the technical data collected by the Third National Communication team for the period 2007 \u2013 2014;. to determine the values of the baseline data for the years 2015--2030 in the different sectors for the baseline scenario and for the mitigation scenario. Within a medium-term perspective to ensure the country\u2019s sustainable development, although they emit very little GHG, two other sectors were considered: waste management and industry.", + "From a medium-term perspective to ensure the sustainable development of the country, although they emit very little GHG, two other sectors have been considered: waste management and industry. They are not included in the CNDP but will be dealt with at a later stage. The GHG calculations in the CNDP are made by sector and then aggregated over three periods. The first period is for the years 2007\u20132014, for which the GHG emission values are derived from calculations made during the preparation of the Third National Communication of Mali (TCN), based on actual data provided by the technical services. The second period concerns 2015\u20132030 and results from forecasts reflecting the normal trend of Mali\u2019s development (Business--As--Usual scenario). This scenario has been developed on the basis of national policies and sectoral consultations. This is the baseline scenario.", + "In order to participate in the collective ambition to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention (below 2\u00b0C), Mali has developed a more ambitious and proactive scenario to reduce GHG emissions over the period 2020-2030. This is the mitigation scenario. The achievement of the mitigation scenario is conditional on the implementation of human, material and financial resources by Mali and its bilateral and multilateral partners; it is therefore a conditional mitigation scenario. The sub-scenario that would be achieved if Mali were the sole investor is the unconditional mitigation scenario. PART THIRD:", + "The sub-scenario that would be achieved if Mali were the only investor is the unconditional mitigation scenario. PART THREE: GHG EMISSION FORECASTS OF MALI. 3.1. Emissions balance for the period 2007\u20102014. 3.1.1. Emissions in the energy sector. Mali has significant renewable energy potentials, including:. solar energy: 6 kWH/m2 (7 to 10 h);. biomass: 2000 ha of jatropha plantations, 1.400.000 L of alcohol from sugar cane;. hydraulics: 1150 MW (only 22% exploited);. wind: 3 to 7 m/s. Despite this potential, the energy sector is performing very poorly in terms of its main indicators, in particular:. an energy balance dominated by wood energy (firewood and charcoal), resulting in a high consumption pressure on the national forest", + "low final energy consumption: 0.18 tep/hbt (0.45 for the ECOWAS area, 0.5 for Africa); low electricity consumption: 59.36 kWH/hbt; low electrification rate: 27.08% national (55.27% urban, 14.89% rural) in 2010; growth in electricity demand: 10% annually; low integration of renewable energies in electricity production: 3%; Figure 2: Structure of final energy consumption in Mali in 2010.", + "Mali\u2019s three national communications (1st in 1995, 2nd in 2000, 3rd under preparation) all identified energy as one of the three most greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting sectors. GHG emissions from this sector are steadily increasing (Figure 3). Between 1995 and 2000, the increase was 60.32%, while it reached 83.63% between 2000 and 2012. In the period 1995--2012, CO2 emissions increased from 945 kT to 2782 kT, an increase of more than 190% over 17 years. Figure 3: Evolution of GHG emissions in the energy sector. The distribution of emissions in relation to the energy subsectors is shown in Figure 4.", + "The distribution of emissions relative to the energy sub-sectors is shown in Figure 4. Analysis of this distribution shows that the residential sub-sector occupies the first place with increased biomass consumption, particularly wood energy comprising firewood and coal. wood (82.20% of the sector\u2019s. significant. emissions in 2012). The transport sub-sector occupies the second place (12.25% of the sector\u2019s significant. emissions in 2012) with consumption of fossil fuels (petroleum. and gasoline). The processing sub-sector occupies the third place, particularly for fuel consumption in electricity generation (4,73% of the sector\u2019s emissions in 2012). Figure 5 shows the evolution of GHGs in the energy sector between 2007 and 2014. Figure 4: Distribution of CO2 emissions by energy sub-sector in 2012.", + "Figure 5 shows the evolution of GHG emissions in the Energy sector between 2007 and 2014. Figure 4: Distribution of CO2 emissions by Energy sub-sector in 2012. Figure 5: Evolution of GHG emissions in the Energy sector between 2007 and 2014. Between 2007 and 2014, GHG emissions from energy production and consumption increased from 3434 kT\u00e9q CO2 to 5268 kT\u00e9q CO2, an average annual increase of 6.44%.", + "In view of the above, policies for GHG emission mitigation in the energy sector need to focus heavily on residential, transport and energy industries. The application of energy efficiency, combining rational energy use, energy saving and energy control, is expected to lead to a significant reduction in GHG emissions by 2030. Combining all these measures allows for the construction of baseline and mitigation scenarios. 3.1.2. Emissions in the agriculture sector. According to the IPCC methodology used to calculate GHG emissions, the agriculture sector comprises the following sub-sectors:. livestock where methane (CH4) production occurs through: (i) enteric fermentation resulting from the digestive process of animals; (ii) manure management that can cause manure to decompose under anaerobic conditions;.", + "Livestock farming where the production of methane (CH4) occurs through: (i) enteric fermentation resulting from the digestive process of animals; (ii) manure management methods which may cause manure to decompose under anaerobic conditions;. Rice farming: the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in flooded rice paddies produces CH4 which is released into the atmosphere mainly through the rice paddies during the growing season;. on-site burning of savannas and agricultural residues: burning in this sector produces mainly. carbon monoxide;. in. the. total. de. ce. sub-sector,. there are. instantaneous emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) whose balance is zero because the CO2 emitted is released into the atmosphere and reabsorbed during each new growing season. agricultural. soils. and.", + "y. a. instantaneous emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) with a zero balance because the CO2 emitted is released into the atmosphere and reabsorbed during each new growing season. agricultural. soils. and. fertiliser. management:. this. sub-sector. produces. N2O. of which:. (i) direct emissions from cultivated soils (including crop systems and the effects of grazing animals) and soil from animal production; and (ii) indirect emissions from nitrogen used in agriculture. GHG. emissions. from. the. agricultural. sector. for. the. period. 2007-2014. are reported in the table and figures below. The savannah burning and agricultural residues sub-sector emits only CO whose warming potential relative to CO2 is not defined and is therefore not taken into account in this table", + "Table 4: Summary of CO2 TE Emissions. Years. Elevation. Fertilizers. Rice Production. TOTAL. 2007. 8,904 000. 29,450 000. 1,554 000. 39,908 000. 2010. 10,206,000. 34,720 000. 2,016 000. 46,942 000. 2014. 11,718,000. 42,160 000. 2,163,000. 56,041 000. Average. 10,276,000. 35,443 333. 1,911 000. 47,630 333. Figure 7:", + "The synthesis of the sector\u2019s emissions shows that the main GHG emission sub-sectors in agriculture are chemical fertilizers (74%), livestock (22%) and irrigated rice (4%). Measures to mitigate GHG emissions in the agriculture sector will focus on these sub-sectors. 3.1.3 Emissions in the Forestry and Land-Use Change Sector. The forest area covered by the sector includes wooded areas and savannas. The main data used for the gas assessment are the area of forest areas, the area of forest plantations, the amount of wood harvested, and the area of mineral soils. Forest plantation is an important activity in Mali with a strong increase in reforestation. Between 2007 and 2014, the area planted increased from 9 079 hectares to 80 387 hectares, an increase of 9.", + "Between 2007 and 2014, the area planted increased from 9 079 hectares to 80 387 hectares, an increase by 9. Figure 7: Evolution of the area of forest plantations in Mali between 2007 and 2014. In the Forestry and Land-Use Change Sector, GHG sequestration, with an average value of 781 473 Kilo Tonnes of CO2 per year, is ensured only by the forestry area. On the other hand, emissions, with an average value of 560 976 Kilo Tonnes of CO2 per year, come from mineral soils, used for agriculture and sylvopastoral systems, and converted land (grasslands and cleared land). Table 5:", + "\u2010 784 615. \u2010 259 463. 2010. 532 889. \u2010 779 906. \u2010 247 017. 2014. 624 863. \u2010779 899. \u2010 155 036. Figure 8: Forest sector emissions \u2013 land-use change. in KT CO2 (Gg CO2). The net balance of the forestry sector and land-use change is a GHG sequestration balance, with an average value of 220 505 Kilo Tonnes of CO2 per year, which enables Mali to be a carbon sink. 3.2. Emission forecasts for the period 2015--2030. 3.2.1. GHG emissions in the energy sector. Policies, plans and programmes on which the prospective is based.", + "Emission projections for the period 2015--2030. 3.2.1. GHG emissions in the energy sector. Policies, plans and programmes on which the prospective is based. Mali\u2019s low energy balance performance and significant energy potential have motivated the development and implementation in the short and medium term of policies, programmes and plans for energy efficiency combining rational use of energy, energy saving and energy control. These actions cover all aspects of the energy sector, from production to consumption. Scenarios for GHG emissions in the energy sector have been developed on the basis of the National Energy Policy and related strategies and related actions.", + "The main actions concerned are:. the US$258 million Large Scale Renewable Energy Upgrading (SREP) programme;. the US$150 million Manantali II project to be implemented between 2016 and 2021;. the US$7.2 million Village Renewable Energy System (VRES) project to be implemented between 2015 and 2020;. the US$165 million Kenya Hydroelectric Power Plant project to be implemented between 2015 and 2020. GHG Emission Forecasts The above programmes and projects provide the GHG reductions summarised in the following figure:. Figure 9: Emission Trends in Baseline and Mitigation Situations from 2015 to 2030.", + "The above programs and projects yield the GHG reductions summarized in the following figure: Figure 9: Emission trends in baseline and mitigation scenarios from 2015 to 2030. The baseline scenario shows that GHG emissions will increase from 3,400 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2015 to 4,750 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2020 to 9,269 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2030. This results in an average annual increase of 6.91% between 2015 and 2030. The impacts of mitigation measures between 2020 and 2030 will reduce emissions from 4,750 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2020 to 6336 kT\u00e9q CO2 in 2030. Thus, compared to the baseline scenario, emissions will decrease by 31.6% under the mitigation scenario in 2030. Cost of mitigation measures.", + "Cost of mitigation measures. The mitigation scenario\u2019s emission reduction targets are 1486 kTq CO2 in 2025, a 22.4% reduction, and 2933 kTq CO2 in 2030, a 31.6% reduction. The corresponding cost is US$580 million over five years, or US$1.16 billion over ten years. 3.2.2 GHG Emissions in the Agriculture Sector. Policies, Plans and Programs underpinning the Outlook. The policies, plans and programs underpinning the Outlook are:. The National Agriculture Policy;. The Strategic Investment Framework for Sustainable Land Management;. The Pilot Program for the Development of Climate-Resilient and Intelligent Agriculture; and. The National Pastoral Management Program that is Climate-Resilient.", + "The Pilot Program for the Development of Climate-Resilient and Intelligent Agriculture;. The National Pastoral Management Program for Climate Change Resistance;. The Rainwater Collection and Storage Program;. The main actions resulting from this are:. Intensive Rice Cultivation System (IRCS);. Micro-Dose;. Organic Dust Production;. Forecasting of GHG Emissions. The above programs and projects achieve the GHG reductions summarized in the following figure:. Figure 10: Emission Trends in Baseline and Mitigation Scenarios from 2015 to 2030. Cost of Mitigation Measures. Emission reduction targets are 9.759 kTCO2 in 2025 and 25,400 kTCO2 in 2030. The cost of this conditional mitigation scenario is US$20.6 billion.", + "The emission reduction targets are 9,759 kTCO2 in 2025 and 25,400 kTCO2 in 2030. The cost of this conditional mitigation scenario is US$20.6 billion. In the agriculture sector, the most appropriate GHG mitigation measures relate to three sub-sectors: irrigated rice, livestock and fertilizer management. For the irrigated rice sub-sector, mitigation will focus on water management through intermittent irrigation to avoid permanent flooding of rice land, a source of fermentation emissions. For the livestock and chemical fertilizer sub-sector, mitigation will focus on the substitution of high nitrogen urea with organic fume, the production of which will reduce anaerobic decomposition-related fume emissions.", + "For the livestock and chemical fertilizer sub-sectors, mitigation will focus on the substitution of high nitrogen urea with organic smoke, the production of which will reduce anaerobic decomposition-related smoke emissions. The cost of these GHG emissions in the agriculture sector is US$20.6 billion for the mitigation scenario. 3.2.3. GHG Emissions in the Forestry and Land-Use Change Sector. Policies, Plans and Programs underpinning the Outlook. The policies, plans and programs underpinning the Outlook are:. the National Environmental Protection Policy;. the National Forestry Policy;. the National Climate Change Policy, its strategy and action plan;. the Five-Year Reforestation Plans;. the National Biodiversity Strategy;. the National Protected Areas Management Strategy;. the Great Green Wall;. the National", + "The five-year reforestation plans. The National Biodiversity Strategy;. The National Protected Areas Management Strategy;. the Great Green Wall;. the Clean Development Mechanism. These policies and strategies are implemented by. projects such as the following:. Project. Actions. Global Climate Change Alliance Project. Regional Forest Inventories. Forest Data Management Information System Reforestation and Forest Regeneration Program. Decentralized Forest Management Program. Plans for the development and management of forest areas. Rational use of wood energy in forest areas. Development Program. Sustainable in the Niger Delta. Plans for the development and management of Classified Forests. Village and fruit tree plantations.", + "Dune Setting. Forest Service Timber Plantations. Expansion and Strengthening of the Protected Areas System Project. Protected Areas Management. Wildlife Migration Corridors Development. Villagers Training. Enhanced Shelters (MDP). Firewood Saving Homes Development. Energy Development (MDP). Production of Briquettes through Agricultural By-Products. Reforestation and Biofuel Production (MDP). Planting of Pourgh\u00e8re for Rural Electrification. Planting of Jatropha in Agrarian Systems. Forestry (MDP). Planting of Acacia Senegal. GHG Emission Forecasting. The above programs and projects provide the GHG reductions summarized in the following figure: Figure 11: Net Balance (Sequestration) Curves of Baseline and Mitigation Scenarios for the period 2015--2030. Cost of Miti", + "The baseline scenario is implemented by forest plantations at a total cost between 2015 and 2030 of US$1,229 million. The conditional mitigation scenario is implemented by the following measures:. Forest plantations at a cost of US$10,719 million. Assisted natural regeneration at a cost of US$1,531 million. Management of classified forests and protected areas at a cost of US$670 million. The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$12,920 million. The forestry and land-use change sector in Mali remains a carbon sink that will sequester in 2030: 126,588 Kt CO2 equivalent under the baseline scenario and 153,079 Kt CO2 equivalent under the conditional mitigation scenario.", + "by the conditional mitigation scenario. In 2030, the receiver mitigation scenario emits 21% more CO2 than the baseline scenario. The cumulative gain over the 2020-2030 period between the baseline and the mitigation scenario is 132,455 Kt CO2 equivalent. The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$12.92 billion. 3.2.4. Summary of 2015-2030 Emissions for All Sectors. The energy, agriculture, forestry and land-use change sectors are GHG emitting sectors. The forestry and land-use change sector emits and receives but its net balance is in sequestration.", + "The forestry and land-use change sector emits and receives, but its net balance is sequestrated. A summary of GHG emissions from the three energy, agriculture and forestry and land-use change sectors is provided in Table 6 below for the baseline scenario and for the mitigation scenario (conditional and unconditional versions). Table 6: Net balance of emission projections and sequestration in KT Eq CO2:. Years. Baseline scenario. Mitigation scenario. Conditional. Unconditional. 2015. \u2010155 552 814. 2020. \u2010109 788 619. \u2010109 788 619. \u2010109 788 619. 2025. \u201069 327 889. \u201095 494 305. -\u201079 727 072. 2030. \u201029 242 410. \u201084 937 087. \u201033 628", + "Figure 12: Evolution of emissions in the base case, conditional mitigation case and unconditional mitigation case for all sectors from 2015 to 2030. Mali remains a greenhouse gas sink until 2030 for all scenarios. The base case shows that the net sequestration balance of all sectors decreases significantly over time. The GHG mitigation gains in the conditional mitigation case compared to the base case improve this situation between 2020 and 2030. These gains are 31% for the energy sector, 29% for the agriculture sector and 21% for the forestry and land-use change sector, an average of 27% for all sectors.", + "These gains are 31% for the energy sector, 29% for the agriculture sector and 21% for the forestry and land-use change sector, an average of 27% for all sectors. The total cost of the conditional mitigation scenario is US$ 34,680 million, and the cost of the unconditional mitigation scenario is US$ 5,202 million. PART FOUR: CLIMATE CHANGE ADJUSTMENT. National policies and strategies \u2013 Planning process. Mali\u2019s Sahelian climate is characterised by inter and intra-annual variability in climate parameters and the intensification of droughts since 1970. This situation is exacerbated by the fragility of ecosystems and production systems (agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry...), the needs of population growth and socio-economic constraints, making the country very vulnerable and weake", + "This situation is exacerbated by the fragility of ecosystems and production systems (agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry...), by the needs of population growth and socio-economic constraints, thus making the country very vulnerable and weakening its adaptation capacities. In order to ensure sustainable development, climate change adaptation measures are required in all sectors of development. It is in this context that Mali has developed several policies, strategies and action plans (table below) integrating national adaptation guidelines with reference to the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (CSCRP). These programmes are being revised in order to develop Mali\u2019s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to 2030 to better guide and coordinate actions. Policy or Strategy. Objective. National Policy for the Protection of the Environment.", + "These programmes are being revised in order to develop Mali\u2019s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to Climate Change by 2030 in order to better guide and coordinate actions. Policy or Strategy. Objective. National Environmental Protection Policy. To ensure a healthy environment and sustainable development, combat desertification, ensure food security, prevent and combat pollution and reduce poverty. National Climate Change Policy, complemented by its strategy and action plan. Framework of reference and steering for all projects and programmes implemented in Mali relating to the fight against climate change. National Forestry Policy. To ensure integrated and sustainable management of renewable natural resources: forests, terrestrial and aquatic fauna, land resources and biodiversity. National Energy Policy.", + "Ensure an integrated and sustainable management of renewable natural resources: forests, terrestrial and aquatic fauna, land resources and biodiversity. National Energy Policy. Contribute to the sustainable development of the country, through the provision of energy services accessible to the largest number of the population at the lowest cost and promoting the promotion of socio-economic activities. National Agriculture Policy. Promote sustainable, modern and competitive agriculture based primarily on family farming. National Water Policy. Contribute to the fight against poverty and sustainable development by providing appropriate solutions to water-related problems. National Sanitation Policy. Structure the entire sanitation sector around a realistic development project. National Spatial Planning Policy. Contribute to the planning of economic development with a territorial dimension, within the framework of a spatial organisation taking into account decentralisation. National Decentralisation Policy.", + "To give the planning of economic development a territorial dimension, within the framework of a spatial organisation taking into account decentralisation. National Decentralisation Policy. To strengthen the process of democratisation of society and adapt the missions and organisation of the state to the requirement of promoting local initiatives. Strategic Investment Framework for Sustainable Land Management. To reverse the trends in land degradation to ensure food security, reduce poverty and vulnerability. National Strategy for the Adaptation of the Malian Forestry Sector to the Impacts of Climate Change. To anticipate the potential impacts of climate change on the forestry sector in Mali and analyse vulnerabilities. Renewable Energy Development Strategy. To promote the widespread use of renewable energy technologies and equipment. National Strategy for the Development of Biofuels. To increase local energy production at a lower cost through the development of biofuels", + "National Strategy for the Development of Biofuels. Increasing local energy production at a lower cost through the development of biofuels. National Population Policy. Controlling and managing the evolution of Mali\u2019s population. National Gender Policy. Improving the involvement of women in the country\u2019s management process. National Transport Policy. Improving transport systems in Mali to ensure adequate de-enclavement of the country. Forecasts and needs. for adaptation for the period 2015--2020. Mali\u2019s vision is to make the green and climate-resilient economy a priority but also a reality. Adaptation actions remain very important and crucial for the coming years in the fight against climate change.", + "Adaptation actions remain very important and crucial for the years to come in the fight against climate change. The implementation of policies, strategies, plans and programmes on adaptation in Mali is carried out through the following programmes and projects:The priority programmes contained in Mali\u2019s announcements at the World Climate Summit in September 2014 in New York. These are:. forest management for the restoration of degraded ecosystems with a view to reforestation. 325,000 hectares, promoting assisted natural regeneration and combating waterlogging and strengthening the protection of protected areas on 9 million hectares. the development of intelligent and climate-change-resilient agriculture, for the hydro-agricultural development of 92,000 hectares in the context of sustainable land management with the State\u2019s commitment to devote 15% of the national budget to agriculture;.", + "the development of intelligent and climate-resilient agriculture, for the hydro-agricultural development of 92,000 ha in the context of sustainable land management with the State\u2019s commitment to devote 15% of the national budget to agriculture;. climate-resilient pastoral development aimed at the realization of 3,300 km of transhumance routes in order to reduce conflicts between farmers and ranchers, the realization of 21 perimeters and pastoral areas with a total area of 400,000 ha;. rainwater harvesting and storage in order to contribute to universal access to drinking water and access to water for other uses, through the creation of 20 drinking water supply systems and 200 surface water harvesting works and surface water bodies for the benefit of 75,000 rural households (men and women).", + "Rainwater harvesting and storage to contribute to universal access to drinking water and access to water for other uses, through the creation of 20 drinking water supply systems and 200 surface water harvesting works and surface water bodies for the benefit of 75,000 rural households (men and women),. the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency, aiming at the installation of more than 100 MW of renewable energy (target to reach the 10% target of the energy mix by 2020, by developing photovoltaic, wind, small hydro-electricity and biomass energy). Projects under the National Climate Change Adaptation Action Programme (NAPA):. the development and extension of crop varieties; improved and adapted animal and forage crops;. the promotion of cereal banks;. Revenue-generating Activities (RGA);.", + "Development and extension of crop varieties; improved and adapted animal types and forage crops; Promotion of grain banks; Revenue Generating Activities (RGA); Small-scale agricultural development and land conservation; Use of weather products and information and capacity building Other programs and projects underway by 2020 with support from technical and financial partners and climate funds (national and international) for US$67 million, focusing on: Support for adaptation to climate change in vulnerable communities; Increased resilience to climate change through agricultural and pastoral management; Solar-powered drinking water for agro-pastoral communities; Increased resilience of women producer groups and communities vulnerable to climate change.", + "The cost of. adaptation. needs. to. research. for. the. period. 2015--2020. are. those related to. the 2014 World Climate Summit. amounting to US$1.062 billion. Forecasts and adaptation needs. for the period 2015--2020. These needs are based on development objectives through the establishment of a National Sustainable Development Plan and sustainable development objectives comprising the following actions:. implementation of the Technology Action Plan for Adaptation and Mitigation;. intensification of the 5 programmes announced at the World Climate Summit in September 2014 in New York;.", + "implementation of the Technological Action Plan for Adaptation and Mitigation;. intensification of the 5 programmes announced at the World Climate Summit in September 2014 in New York;. combating river salinity in order to develop agricultural production systems, aquaculture and river transport;. wastewater treatment and reuse for irrigation purposes;. reforestation and fruit tree plantations in order to restore vegetation cover and protect agricultural areas from water and wind erosion;. watershed management for rational water management;. capacity-building in the face of climate change for all actors in the public and private sectors, including gender and youth. PART FIVE:", + "PART FIVE: MEANS OF SUPPORT AND CAPACITY-BUILDING. Technology transfer. Mali has a National Adaptation and Mitigation Technology Transfer Plan. For adaptation, technologies relate to the practice of forage crops, improved land management, agro-meteorological techniques, improved crop varieties and adapted to climate change. For mitigation, they relate to drilling, small water retention dams, overflowing ponds and modern wells (large-diameter wells). Mali also has a portfolio of more than 40 projects for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) allowing a potential reduction of at least 15 million tonnes of CO2eq per year and a timetable for the total elimination of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) by 2030, i.e. a reduction of about 17,279 tonnes of CO", + "Mali also has a portfolio of more than 40 projects for the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) allowing a potential reduction in emissions of at least 15 million tonnes of CO2eq per year and a timetable for the total elimination of hydro--chloro--fluoro--carbons (HCFCs) by 2030, i.e. a reduction of about 17,279 tonnes of CO2eq. Capacity-building. In order to limit the impacts of climate change, and to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities and livelihoods, it is necessary to strengthen capacity at all levels. At the institutional and legal level: shortcomings are at the level of conflicts of competence, the fragmentation of different institutions and the poor and/or non-implementation of legislative and regulatory texts; At the level of political, administrative and", + "At the level of political, administrative and customary decision-makers: the shortcomings are mainly related to the lack and/or weakness of information on climate change issues; At the scientific and technical levels, there is a lack of expertise due to the lack of qualified human resources, specialized research laboratories in the field of climate change, a national system for the acquisition, processing and archiving of sufficient and reliable data; At the level of academic training, there is a lack of adequate national training structures and research laboratories in the field of climate change; At the level of communities and local authorities, there is a real lack of information on the impacts and measures to be taken to strengthen their resilience to climate change, as well as a lack of adequate training and equipment for the implementation of these measures;", + "At the level of communities and local authorities, the lack of information on impacts and measures to strengthen their resilience to climate change, as well as the lack of adequate training and equipment for implementing these measures are real;. At the level of the general public, there is a lack of information and awareness;. The lack of information and expertise of the media and their low involvement in climate change communication is also a reality. Financing. Financing actions to combat climate change remains the central element of the climate negotiations today. Several funds have been established, including the Green Climate Fund, which is expected to receive US$100 billion from 2020 onwards.", + "Several funds have been put in place, including the Green Climate Fund, which is expected to generate US$100 billion from 2020 onwards. An agreement in Paris on sources of funding, on raising ambitions and on delivering on promises could further accelerate emissions mitigation and adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change. Mali is developing and implementing a sustainable financing strategy for the environment and climate change that should balance procedural consistency, transparency of information, management flexibility and sustainability of funding in key operations. This strategy will play an important role in mobilizing Mali\u2019s climate change and green economy funds, including those for the implementation of mitigation, adaptation and technology transfer actions outlined in the NDFP.", + "This strategy will play an important role in mobilising the funds foreseen by Mali for climate change and the green economy, in particular those for the implementation of the mitigation, adaptation and technology transfer actions presented in the NDPC. As regards climate change, this strategy will be based in particular on:. the Climate Mali Fund (National and Multi-Party Funds);. the Green Climate Fund;. the Adaptation Fund;. other funds involved in climate change. CONCLUSION. Faced with the climate challenges, the Government of Mali is determined to assume its responsibilities through an ambitious, participatory approach, building a new paradigm that fully integrates the human dimension in addition to the economic and environmental dimensions. Mali expects its partners to also assume their own responsibilities within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.", + "Mali expects its partners to also assume their own responsibilities within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. A strong signal would certainly be a significant and ambitious contribution to the Green Climate Fund. The implementation of the priority projects/programmes identified in the NDFP, for which resource mobilization is a conditionality, are in line with the guidelines of the Strategic Framework for Growth and Poverty Reduction (SGPCR) and the National Policy on Climate Change (NPCC). It is in this context that Mali embarks on a path of low-carbon economic development and is resilient to climate change, further contributing to global efforts to stabilize greenhouse gases, under the common but differentiated responsibility." + ] + } + }, + { + "country_code": "MRT", + "type_of_document": "INDC", + "language": "fr", + "para_translated": { + "small": [ + "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF MAURItania. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. PLANNED CONTRIBUTION DETERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL. OF MAURItania TO THE UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE (UNFCCC). 21st Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in Paris, France. September 2015. Summary of the CPDN of Mauritania. Reference year: 2010.", + "21st Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in Paris, France. September 2015. Summary of the NCP of Mauritania. Reference year: 2010. Commitment period: 2020 \u2013 2030. Sectors covered: energy, agriculture, forestry and land use, industrial processes and product use, and waste. Gases concerned: CO2, CH4, N2O.", + "Sectors considered: energy, agriculture, forestry and land use, industrial processes and product use, and waste. Relevant gases: CO2, CH4, N2O. Assessment methodology: IPCC 2006.", + "Gases concerned: CO2, CH4, N2O. Assessment methodology: IPCC 2006. Mitigation contribution objective: Reduction of GHG emissions in the target year (2030) compared to projected emissions in the same year in the normal course of business scenario. Reduction target level in 2030: 22.3%.", + "Mitigation Contribution Objective: Reduction of GHG emissions in the target year (2030) compared to projected emissions in the same year in the normal course of business scenario Target Reduction Level in 2030: 22.3% Cumulative emission reductions for the period 2020-2030: 33.56 Million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent.", + "Reduction target level in 2030: 22.3%. Cumulative emission reductions for the period 2020-2030: 33.56 Million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. Type of contribution: Conditional 88% and Non-Conditional 12%. Funding needs: $17.6 billion, of which. Mitigation: $8.2 billion. Adaptation: $9.4 billion. Introduction.", + "Type of contribution: Conditional 88% and Non-Conditional 12%. Funding requirements: $17.6 billion, of which. Mitigation: $8.2 billion. Adaptation: $9.4 billion. Introduction. Country No Annex 1 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Mauritania belongs to the African Sahel area most affected by recurrent droughts since 1968.", + "Countries No Annex 1 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Mauritania belongs to the African Sahel area most affected by the recurrent droughts since 1968. The resulting desertification is all the more serious because the effect of climate, combined with human action, has had direct consequences on an already very fragile environment, namely the deterioration of the country\u2019s general socio-economic conditions and the physical environment.", + "The resulting desertification is all the more serious because the effect of climate, combined with human action, has had direct consequences on an already very fragile environment, namely the deterioration of the country\u2019s general socio-economic conditions and the physical environment, and the country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change therefore affects all vital sectors of the national economy.", + "The country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change therefore affects all vital sectors of the national economy. In response to recurring disasters resulting from this situation, the Government of Mauritania regularly devotes part of its budget to special programmes to assist vulnerable populations affected by drought.", + "In response to the recurring disasters resulting from this situation, the Government of Mauritania regularly devotes part of its budget to special programmes to assist vulnerable populations affected by drought, such as the Emel (Hope) programme, which is currently being implemented, with an initial financial envelope of MRO 42 billion in 2012 and revolving funding of MRO 12 billion per year, i.e. approximately a cumulative funding of MRO 78 billion for the period 2012-2015, approximately US$ 300 million.", + "This is the case for the Emel (Hope) programme, which is currently being implemented, with an initial financial envelope of 42 billion MRO in 2012 and revolving funding of 12 billion MRO per year, or about a cumulative funding of 78 billion MRO for the period 2012-2015, or about US$300 million. This emergency programme comes just after the Solidarity emergency programme of 2011, which cost nine billion MRO, or about US$35 million.", + "This emergency programme comes just after the Solidarity emergency programme of 2011, which cost nine billion MRO, or about US$ 35 million. The \"Nationally Determined Contribution\" of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania is based on sectoral development programmes and the Poverty Reduction Strategy Framework.", + "The \u201cNationally Determined Planned Contribution\u201d of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania is based on sectoral development programmes and the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) with the overall objective of contributing to sustainable development, low carbon and resilient to the impacts of climate change.", + "In view of the above, this contribution therefore reflects both the political will of the country to participate in the global reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to meet the country\u2019s adaptation needs, to the extent of its means and capabilities.", + "In view of the foregoing, this contribution thus reflects both the political will of the country to participate in the global reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to meet the country\u2019s adaptation needs, to the extent of its means and capabilities.", + "1- Methodological Approach As part of the preparation of the NDPC, the Department of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) undertook three phases: a first awareness/information phase, a second contribution development phase, and a third validation phase.", + "As part of the preparation of the NDPC, the Department of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) undertook three steps: a first awareness/information phase, a second contribution development phase and a third validation phase.", + "In this process, two strands were considered, the political strand and the technical strand:. For the political strand, the message on the issues and challenges of COP21 and the National Contribution was relayed to all key sectors by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development.", + "For the political component, the message on the issues and challenges of COP21 and the National Contribution was relayed to all the key sectors by the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development.", + "This action defined the practical arrangements for the preparation of Sectoral Contributions by teams, coordinated by a sectoral focal point, and the process of developing the NDPC was to culminate in political validation with the approval of the Government.", + "For the technical component, technical staff from each of the sectors prepared the corresponding sectoral contribution, after exchanging and coordinating with the MEDD team of experts engaged for this purpose. 1.1 - Mitigation Assessment Methodologies.", + "For the technical component, the technical staff of each of the sectors prepared the corresponding sectoral contribution, after exchanging and coordinating with the MEDD team of experts engaged for this purpose 1.1 - Mitigation assessment methodologies For the mitigation analysis in Mauritania, three models were used in the calculation of the estimates:", + "For the mitigation analysis in Mauritania, three models were used in the calculation of the estimates: the methodologies of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the associated software for the energy, industrial processes and product use (IPPC) and waste sectors;.", + "The methodologies of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and their associated software for the energy, industrial processes and product use (IPU) and waste sectors; FAO\u2019s Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT) for the AFAT sector;", + "The FAO Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT) for the AFAT sector; The \"LEAP\" model for the analysis of the domestic energy sub-sector. 1.2 - Methodologies for assessing adaptation options.", + "The \"LEAP\" model for the analysis of the domestic energy sub-sector. 1.2 - Methodologies for assessing adaptation options. On the basis of the guidelines (Climate and socio-economic scenarios) and the support (Vulnerability articulation and adaptation) of the MEDD multidisciplinary expert team, the development sectors proposed their respective climate change adaptation portfolios.", + "On the basis of the orientations (Climate and socio-economic scenarios) and the support (Vulnerability articulation and adaptation) of the MEDD multidisciplinary team of experts, the development sectors proposed their respective climate change adaptation portfolios. 2 - National context. 2.1 - Basic data on Mauritania. Area. 1.030,000 km2- 720 km of coastline (ONS). Climate.", + "2 - National context. 2.1 - Basic data on Mauritania. Area. 1.030,000 km2 - 720 km of coastline (ONS). Climate. South: warm, semi-arid Saharan climate. North: warm, arid to hyper-arid Saharan climate (ONM). Population. 3,537,368 inhabitants (2013) and (3,596,702 inhabitantsin 2015), of which (57.1%of those under 20 years of age(EPCV 2014). Urban population. 59%.", + "Northern: warm and arid to hyper-arid Saharan climate (ONM). Population. 3,537,368 inhabitants (2013) and (3,596,702 inhabitantsin 2015), including (57.1%of those under 20 years of age(EPCV 2014). Urban population. 59%. GDP. USD 4.5 billion in 2013 (DFAIT, ADB). GDP per capita. USD 1272 (2013). GDP growth. 5.7% in 2013(ONS). Share of agriculture (including livestock) in GDP. 17% (DFAIT).", + "USD 1272 (2013). GDP growth. 5.7% in 2013(ONS). Share of agriculture (including livestock) in GDP. 17% (MAED). Emission in 2012. 7070.51 Gg Eq-CO2 (NIR). Emission per capita. 2.1 tonnes Eq-CO2 (NIR). Emission per capita excluding AFAT. 0.7 tonnes Eq-CO2(NIR). Access to electricity. 38.8% of households (DEME). Current electricity mix. In 2012 excluding mining operators:. Hydro: 18.30%.", + "Per capita emissions excluding AFAT. 0.7 tonnes Eq-CO2(NIR). Access to electricity. 38.8% of households (DEME). Current electricity mix. In 2012 excluding mining operators:. Hydro: 18.30%. ER: 2.6%. Thermal: 79.10%. In 2015 excluding mining operators:. Hydro: 13.80%. ER: 17.40%. Thermal: 68.80%. Sources: MAED, ONS (RGPH 2013), ONM, BAD, DEME and RNI (2014). 2.2 - Climate change in the national context.", + "Sources: MAED, ONS (RGPH 2013), ONM, BAD, DEME and RNI (2014) 2.2 - Climate change in the national context Mauritania ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1994 and acceded to the Kyoto Protocol in 1997.", + "Mauritania ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1994 and acceded to the Kyoto Protocol in 1997.", + "At the national level, the National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) to 2015, adopted in October 2006, is the reference framework for national policy in relation to climate issues and, at the operational level, it is linked to the second National Action Plan for the Environment and Sustainable Development (NAPE II), which covers the period 2012-2016.", + "At the operational level, it is linked to the second National Action Plan for the Environment and Sustainable Development (NAPE II), which covers the period 2012-2016. Much earlier, Mauritania developed its National Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA) in 2004.", + "Much earlier, Mauritania developed its National Adaptation to Climate Change Action Plan (NAPA) in 2004. In 2015, Mauritania launched the first preparatory milestones for its Medium- and Long-Term National Adaptation Plan. 3 - The Mitigation Component of Mauritania\u2019s Contribution. 3.1 - Contribution Schedule.", + "In 2015, Mauritania launched the first preparatory steps for its Medium and Long-Term National Adaptation Plan. 3 - The Mitigation Component of Mauritania\u2019s Contribution. 3.1 - Contribution Schedule. The period of mitigation activities proposed by Mauritania\u2019s Contribution is 2020-2030. 3.2 - Type of Contribution.", + "3 - The Mitigation Component of Mauritania\u2019s Contribution. 3.1 - Contribution Schedule. The period of mitigation activities proposed by Mauritania\u2019s Contribution is 2020-2030. 3.2 - Type of Contribution. Mauritania has chosen to formulate its \u2018Contribution\u2019 in terms of reduction from the baseline scenario.", + "The period of mitigation activities proposed by Mauritania\u2019s Contribution is 2020-2030. 3.2 - Type of Contribution. Mauritania has chosen to formulate its \u2018Contribution\u2019 in terms of reduction compared to the baseline scenario. The estimate was made on the basis of projects planned for the period 2020-2030. 3.3 - Sectors and gases concerned.", + "The estimate was made on the basis of projects planned for the period 2020-2030. 3.3 - Sectors and gases concerned. The sectors concerned are all GHG emitting sectors, namely: (i) Energy; (ii) AFAT; (iii) Industrial Processes and (iv) Waste. The GHGs concerned are CO2, CH4 and N2O. 3.4 - Targeted mitigation level.", + "The sectors concerned are all GHG emitting sectors, namely: (i) Energy; (ii) AFAT; (iii) Industrial Processes and (iv) Waste. The GHGs concerned are CO2, CH4 and N2O. 3.4 - Targeted mitigation level. The Islamic Republic of Mauritania intends to contribute to the Paris Climate Agreement by reducing its projected GHG emissions in 2030 by 22.3%, i.e. 4.2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt eq CO2), compared to the projected emissions for the same year under the Business As Usual scenario, which is evolving from 6.6 Mt eq CO2 in 2010 to 18.84 Mt eq CO2 in 2030.", + "Thus, for the period 2020-2030, the cumulative emissions avoided under the proposed mitigation measures are approximately 33.56Mt CO2 eq. Sectors. Mitigation Cumulative 2020 \u2013 2030 (Gg CO2 eq.). Energy. -12711.1. Industrial Processes and Product Use. -30.5. Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use. -20431.5. Waste. -386.1. Total Assessment Period. -33559.3.", + "Industrial Processes and Product Use. -30.5. Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use. -20431.5. Waste. -386.1. Total Assessment Period. -33559.3. This contribution will focus on the energy sectors (electricity generation, transportation, agriculture, fisheries, etc.), Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use (AFAT), as well as the low-emission sectors (industrial processes and waste). 3.5 - Shares of the Contribution.", + "This contribution will mainly cover the energy sectors (electricity generation, transport, agriculture, fisheries, etc.), agriculture, forestry and land-use planning (AFAT), as well as those with low emissions (industrial processes and waste). 3.5 - Shares of the Contribution: 12% of this potential reduction in emissions can be achieved by Mauritania\u2019s own resources (unconditional share of the Contribution).", + "12% of this potential reduction in emissions can be achieved by Mauritania\u2019s own resources (unconditional part of the contribution) The nature of this unconditional part of the contribution mainly concerns regulation (examples of the measure taken by the Government in 2015 limiting the age of importation of cars to 8 years and the tax exemption for buses leaving factories for public transport), or in the form of priority actions for access to basic services to reduce rural poverty (examples: rural electrification, equipping water points with solar pumps, etc.).", + "88% of the contribution, corresponds to the emission reduction share conditional on international support (conditional part of the Contribution). 3.6 - Need for mitigation financing means The implementation of proposed mitigation projects requires means in terms of capabilities, technologies, regulatory and institutional frameworks and financial means.", + "The implementation of the proposed mitigation projects requires resources in terms of capacity, technology, regulatory and institutional frameworks and financial means, and given Mauritania\u2019s current capabilities, only compensation for these projects can be provided through Mauritania\u2019s own resources.", + "In order to achieve its GHG mitigation ambitions in 2030, Mauritania will need an overall financial envelope of US$9.3 billion, of which 88% (equivalent to US$8.2 billion) will come from international support.", + "In addition to these direct financial supports, Mauritania would like to support its mitigation financing needs through: (i) the NAMA platform, in particular for energy efficiency and renewable energy programmes; and (ii) the inclusion of international carbon markets, such as the CDM, in a post-2020 climate agreement that, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime (APR), could be used to finance low-carbon investments.", + "4 - Mauritania\u2019s contribution to adaptation. According to the climate scenarios reported in the Third National Communication (2014), Mauritania is expected to experience a high socio-economic and ecological exposure to the impacts of climate change: Temperature. An increase of +2.1 \u00b0C in the average annual temperature over the whole country by 2050 and to +4.5 \u00b0C by 2100. Precipitation.", + "An increase of +2.1 \u00b0C in the average annual temperature over the country as a whole by 2050 and to +4.5 \u00b0C by 2100. Precipitation. A decrease in the annual volume of precipitation by 20% by region to 70% in the Adrar compared to the current situation by 2100. Extreme events.", + "This increase in temperature and decrease in precipitation would be accompanied by an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme drought and flooding events and disturbances in the seasonal distribution of precipitation.", + "This increase in temperature and decrease in precipitation would be accompanied by an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme drought and flooding events and disturbances in the seasonal distribution of precipitation.", + "Sea-level rise The coastline, which extends over 720 km of coastline, already shows its sensitivity to sea-level rise on a local basis (Nouakchott).", + "The coastline, which stretches over more than 720 km of coastline, already demonstrates its sensitivity to sea level rise on a local basis (Nouakchott). The seabed covers almost all of the built-up area of the Capital and the smallest rainfall makes water drainage and sanitation generally impossible. 4.1 - Impacts of climate change on key sectors.", + "4.1 - Impacts of Climate Change on Key Sectors The impacts on water resources will be significant and will result in an overall decline in water resources of 10 to 15%, with the following consequences:", + "The impacts on water resources will be significant and will result in an overall decline in water resources of 10 to 15%, with the following consequences:. The increase in mean sea surface temperature (MST) with a northward rise of the thermal front beyond its usual geographic boundary and the depletion of oxygen waters creates increasingly large OMZs that could lead to migration of pelagic species to more oxygen-rich areas;.", + "The increase in mean sea surface temperature (MST) with a northward rise of the thermal front beyond its usual geographic boundary and the depletion of oxygen-rich waters creates increasingly large OMZs that could lead to migration of pelagic species to more oxygen-rich areas; Increased water temperature and ocean acidification in recent years appear to be accompanied by jellyfish blooms and a recurrence of coloured waters;", + "Increased water temperatures and ocean acidification in recent years appear to be accompanied by jellyfish blooms and a recurrence of coloured waters; Rising ocean levels and coastal erosion threatening coastal infrastructure dedicated to fishing; Increased storm frequency that reduces fishing productivity.", + "Sea level rise and coastal erosion threatening shoreline infrastructure dedicated to fishing; Increased storm frequency that reduces fishing productivity; Disruption of the oed regime and reduction of dam fill capacity due to concentrated precipitation and accelerated siltation of dams by water erosion in heavily denuded watersheds; and,", + "Disruption of the wetland regime and reduction of dam fill capacity due to concentrated precipitation and accelerated siltation of dams by water erosion in heavily denuded watersheds and,. Warming of less aerated surface waters with lower flows and thus reduced dilution and biodegradation of certain pollutants, etc.", + "A warming of less aerated surface waters with reduced flows and thus a reduction in their ability to dilute and biodegrade certain pollutants, etc. The impacts on livestock farming will result in a worsening of the current situation, marked by a decline in livestock productivity.", + "The impacts on livestock production will result in a worsening of the current situation, marked by a decline in livestock productivity, which is driven by recurrent droughts, scarcity and remoteness of pasture areas and water points.", + "This evolution in livestock productivity is driven by recurrent droughts, scarcity and remoteness of pasture areas and water bodies, as a result of the effect of global warming and excessive biomass harvesting, which have a significant impact on the already very fragile level of food security.", + "This situation is the result of the effect of global warming and excessive biomass harvesting, which have a significant impact on the already very fragile level of food security, and the convergence of these different factors affects herd management, in particular the development of peri-urban livestock and the implementation of breeding programmes.", + "The convergence of these different factors affects herd management, in particular the development of peri-urban livestock farming and the implementation of breeding programmes. The impacts on habitat, urban planning and spatial planning relate to the risks of invasion of marine waters and flooding of coastal infrastructure and cities, in particular Nouakchott and Nouadhibou, respectively political and economic capitals.", + "The impacts on habitat, urban planning and spatial planning relate to the risks of invasion of marine waters and flooding of coastal infrastructure and cities, in particular Nouakchott and Nouadhibou, respectively political and economic capitals, as coastal areas in Mauritania are home to more than 30% of the country\u2019s population, most industries, the bulk of import and export activities, important port and airport infrastructure, oil extraction activities, almost all fishing activities, but also the country\u2019s two major national parks.", + "Indeed, the coastal areas of Mauritania are home to more than 30% of the country\u2019s population, most industries, the bulk of import and export activities, important port and airport infrastructure, oil extraction activities, almost all fishing activities, but also the country\u2019s two major national parks. With the rise in the level of the ocean, on the one hand, and given the topography of the coast, on the other, the coastal areas are significantly vulnerable to the risks of marine incursions and floods, as well as to extreme climatic phenomena.", + "With the increase in the level of the ocean, on the one hand, and taking into account the topography of the coast, on the other hand, coastal areas are significantly vulnerable to the risks of sea incursions and floods, as well as to extreme climatic phenomena. To this end, climate disasters that would affect the coastal area will affect the economic growth of Mauritania, a country where the coastline represents both a unique ecosystem and the main pole of economic development.", + "To this end, the climatic disasters that would affect the coastal zone will affect the economic growth of Mauritania, a country where the coastline represents both a unique ecosystem and the main pole of economic development. On the other hand, the risks of flooding of towns and villages, combined with drought, are leading to the concentration of populations around wetlands, the atomisation of human settlements along roads and the development of rural exodus to large cities.", + "On the other hand, the risk of flooding of towns and villages, combined with drought, leads to the concentration of populations around wetlands, the atomisation of human settlements along roads and the development of rural exodus to large cities. Impacts on natural resources.", + "The reduction of vegetation cover (grass and herbaceous), due to the combined effect of chronic drought and anthropogenic pressure, has increased desertification and has been the main cause of the disappearance of forest and biological species, and the reduction of pastoral potential, resulting in a massive rural exodus to large urban centres.", + "Despite the irrational exploitation of forest resources by populations to meet their domestic energy needs (firewood and charcoal) and non-timber forest products (aerial pastures, pharmacopoeia, harvesting products and cosmetics), forest ecosystems have developed adaptive mechanisms that are now destabilized by climate change.", + "Despite the irrational exploitation of forest resources by populations to meet their domestic energy needs (firewood and charcoal) and non-wood forest products (aerial grazing, pharmacopoeia, harvesting products and cosmetics), forest ecosystems have developed adaptive mechanisms that are now destabilized by climate change.", + "The most visible form of these events in Mauritania is desertification and its consequences. Impacts on fisheries. The fisheries sector, like other sectors, is suffering from the effects of climate change. These effects are perceived through the monitoring of the physico-chemical parameters of ocean waters and marine biodiversity.", + "These effects are perceived through the monitoring of physico-chemical parameters of ocean waters and marine biodiversity, including:", + "Increased mean sea surface temperature (MST) with a northward rise of the thermal front beyond its usual geographic boundary and oxygen depletion creates increasingly large OMZs that could cause pelagic species to migrate to more oxygen-rich areas.", + "The increase in mean sea surface temperature (MST) with a northward rise of the thermal front beyond its usual geographic boundary and the depletion of oxygen-rich waters creates increasingly large OMZs that could lead to migration of pelagic species to more oxygen-rich areas; Increased water temperature and ocean acidification in recent years appear to be accompanied by jellyfish blooms and a recurrence of coloured waters;", + "Increased water temperatures and ocean acidification in recent years appear to be accompanied by jellyfish blooms and a recurrence of coloured waters; Rising ocean levels and coastal erosion threatening coastal infrastructure dedicated to fishing;", + "Increased sea level and coastal erosion threatening coastal infrastructure dedicated to fishing. Increased frequency of storms that reduces fishing productivity. The mainland fisheries subsector (Senegal River) faces certain climatic and other constraints: (i) decrease in production, (ii) variation in physicochemical parameters, (iii) pollution problems (pesticides) of the Senegal River, (iv) anthropogenic effects (dams), (v) flooding of ponds and water bodies, (vi) difficulties in accessing the resource due to invasive plants, (vii) irregularity of the river regime due to dams, (viii) conflicts between indigenous and/or non-indigenous populations.", + "Mauritania is characterised by a nutritional situation of concern, aggravated by a hostile environment, which leads to an increase in the prevalence of nutritional pathologies, thereby favouring the emergence of infectious and parasitic diseases, in particular diarrhoea and acute respiratory infections, in children under 5 years of age.", + "Mauritania is characterised by a nutritional situation of concern, aggravated by a hostile environment, which leads to an increase in the prevalence of nutritional pathologies, thus favouring the emergence of infectious and parasitic diseases, in particular diarrhoea and acute respiratory infections, among children under the age of 5. Infant mortality is dominated by acute respiratory infections (21.5%), malaria (15%) and diarrhoeal diseases (13.5%) according to the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS).", + "Infant mortality is dominated by acute respiratory infections (21.5%), malaria (15%) and diarrhoeal diseases (13.5%) according to the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS).", + "These three conditions alone account for 50% of the causes of death among children under five years of age; 35% of children over five years of age; and a fraction of 32% of children under five years of age suffer from chronic malnutrition and underweight, 17% and 10% of them in severe forms, respectively.", + "Furthermore, 32% of children under the age of five suffer from chronic malnutrition and underweight, of which 17% and 10% are severely malnourished, respectively. This highlights the persistence of a worrying nutritional situation aggravated by drought episodes. 4.2 - Climate expenditure in adaptation. State efforts.", + "This highlights the persistence of a worrying nutritional situation aggravated by drought episodes. 4.2 - Climate expenditure in adaptation. State efforts. The Mauritanian State has been making enormous efforts to control the impacts of droughts since the 1970s.", + "The State\u2019s efforts. The Mauritanian State has been providing enormous resources to mitigate the impacts of droughts since the 1970s. These have been greatly strengthened since 2010 in the form of a regular financing mechanism for adaptation to climate change...", + "In the field of nature conservation, more than 20 nature conservation and restoration projects and programmes were implemented between 1975 and 2008, followed by ambitious climate change adaptation programmes since 2010.", + "In the field of nature conservation, more than 20 nature conservation and restoration projects and programmes were implemented between 1975 and 2008, followed by ambitious climate change adaptation programmes since 2010. These are mainly initiatives to combat salinity, reforestation, the management and protection of natural resources and the conservation of biodiversity.", + "These are primarily initiatives in the areas of weed control, reforestation, natural resource management and protection, and biodiversity conservation, with a combined total cost estimated at approximately US$100 million.", + "The total cumulative cost is estimated at about US$100 million. In the agropastoral sector, considerable efforts have been made to improve the resilience of farmers and ranchers to the impacts of climate change in the form of hydro-agricultural developments, support for agricultural campaigns (marketing of agricultural products and climate insurance), improvement of local breeds, and promotion of family poultry farming.", + "In the agri-pastoral sector, considerable efforts have been made to improve the resilience of farmers and ranchers to the impacts of climate change in the form of hydro-agricultural development, support for agricultural campaigns (marketing of agricultural products and climate insurance), improvement of local breeds, and promotion of family-based poultry farming.", + "In the fisheries sector, adaptation actions have been carried out under the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector Sustainable Management Strategy (2008-2012, extended to 2014).", + "In the field of fisheries, adaptation measures have been implemented within the framework of the \"Sustainable Management Strategy for the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector\" (2008-2012, extended to 2014).", + "These actions include:. Protecting habitats in the euphotic zone (depth of 20m);. Developing management plans for major marine fisheries and the development plan for inland fisheries (2010-2014);. Developing a strategic framework for aquaculture development (2010-2014).", + "Development of management plans for major maritime fisheries and the development plan for continental fisheries (2010-2014); Development of a strategic framework for the development of aquaculture (2010-2014); Strengthening the capabilities and capacities of maritime control institutions (Coast Guards of Mauritania) and research institutions (Mauritanian Institute for Oceanographic Research and Fisheries).", + "Strengthening the capabilities and capacities of maritime control institutions (Gardes C\u00f4tes de Mauritanie) and research institutions (Institution Mauritanienne de Recherche Oc\u00e9anographique et des P\u00eaches).", + "In the area of housing, town planning and spatial planning, since 2009 the state has carried out regrouping and resettlement operations of deserted villages and hamlets affected by drought in viable sites, as well as in cities where housing construction and the restructuring of precarious neighbourhoods have mobilised significant sums of money.", + "The programmes financed for the vulnerable sections of the population concerned: (i) the consolidation of 7 localities at MRO 4.500 billion; (ii) the creation of two modern towns at MRO 0.445 billion; (iii) the restructuring of the precarious neighbourhoods of Nouakchott (146.000 lots) at MRO 5.6 billion; and (iv) the construction of social and medium-sized housing at MRO 7.3 billion.", + "(i.e. a total of MRO 17.845 billion, equivalent to US$ 64 million). 4.3 - Adaptation ambitions and needs. 4.3.1 - Mauritania\u2019s 2030 adaptation ambitions agenda.", + "The initiatives proposed by the various sectors are aimed at reducing the vulnerability of natural and socio-economic systems and thus addressing climate change. To this end, Mauritania seeks the support of its international partners for the achievement of its adaptation priorities, which include:", + "To this end, Mauritania seeks the support of its international partners in achieving its adaptation priorities, which include: a food needs coverage rate of 117% for rice, 80% for wheat, 75% for traditional cereals, 160% for milk, 126% for white meat.", + "A food needs coverage rate of 117% for rice, 80% for wheat, 75% for traditional cereals, 160% for milk, 126% for white meat; Implementation of sanitation networks (sewage and stormwater) in the cities of Nouakchott, Rosso, Ka\u00e9di, Kiffa, Nouadhibou, N\u00e9ma, Aioun, Timb\u00e9dra, Akjoujt, Atar;", + "Implementation of wastewater and stormwater treatment networks in Nouakchott, Rosso, Ka\u00e9di, Kiffa, Nouadhibou, N\u00e9ma, Aioun, Timb\u00e9dra, Akjoujt, Atar; Aerial seeding of degraded land (10 000 ha/year) to promote the regeneration of the natural environment; Restoration of natural pastures (defense and range management as part of territorial climate plans);", + "Aerial seeding of degraded land (10,000 ha/year) to promote natural regeneration; Restoration of natural pastures (defense and range management as part of territorial climate plans); 300 surveys (including 150 at depths greater than 200 m) for aquifer exploration, which can be converted into operational drilling and/or piezometers;", + "Conducting 300 surveys (including 150 at depths greater than 200 m) for the exploration of aquifers, which can be converted into exploration drilling and/or piezometers; Conducting hydrogeological syntheses and assessments of water resources in difficult or vulnerable areas and extending regular monitoring to all fields collected with the teletransmission system;", + "Implementation of hydrogeological syntheses and assessment of water resources in difficult or vulnerable areas and extension of regular monitoring to all fields collected with the teletransmission system; Implementation of the drinking water supply project (AEP) in 4 wilayas in the northern part of the country.", + "Implementation of the drinking water supply (PW) project in 4 wilayas in the northern part of the country. Implementation of desalination projects for coastal and other areas. Implementation of 2000 small isolated drinking water supply (PW) networks in rural areas equipped with solar panels.", + "The implementation of desalination projects for coastal and other areas. The implementation of 2000 small isolated drinking water supply (PW) networks in rural areas equipped with solar panels. The protection of the cities of Nouakchott and Nouadhibou from the risks of marine dumping and waterlogging,.", + "Implementation of 2000 small, isolated, solar-powered drinking water supply networks in rural areas. Protection of the cities of Nouakchott and Nouadhibou from the risks of marine dumping and salinisation. Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations, particularly in rural areas, to the effects of climate change.", + "Protecting the cities of Nouakchott and Nouadhibou from the risks of marine dumping and sandblasting; Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations, particularly in rural areas, to the effects of climate change; Strengthening the institutional and technical capacities of national and local structures for planning, financing and implementing adaptation measures to climate change.", + "Strengthening the institutional and technical capacities of national and local structures for planning, financing and implementing adaptation measures to climate change; Strengthening the resilience of natural ecosystems to the effects of climate change; Integrated and sustainable rehabilitation and management of wetlands against the effects of climate change.", + "Strengthening the resilience of natural ecosystems to the effects of climate change, Integrated and sustainable wetland rehabilitation and management against the effects of climate change, Development of small water bodies on pilot sites, Promotion of responsible fishing on Foum Gleita Lake,", + "The development of small water bodies on pilot sites,. The promotion of responsible fishing on Foum Gleita Lake,. Capacity building for the monitoring and management of continental fisheries,. The promotion of fish farming to improve food security and poverty reduction in rural areas.", + "Promotion of fish farming to improve food security and poverty reduction in rural areas. Strengthening nutrition and health of vulnerable households. 4.3.2 - Means of implementing adaptation measures.", + "Strengthening the nutrition and health of vulnerable households. 4.3.2 - Means of implementing adaptation measures. In addition to capacity-building needs, technological and institutional transfers, the implementation of projects and adaptation measures requires funding over the two periods of: 2015 \u2013 2020 and 2020-2030 of USD 9 377,4 billion: Sectors.", + "In addition to capacity building, technological and institutional transfers, the implementation of projects and adaptation measures requires funding over the two periods of: 2015 \u2013 2020 and 2020-2030 of USD 9 377,4 billion:. Sectors. Financial requirements (in million US dollars). Agriculture. 843.00. Water and sanitation. 1500.00. Elevation. 36.40. Habitat, urbanism and land use planning. 5000.00.", + "Financial Requirements ($ Million US). Agriculture. 843.00. Water and Sanitation. 1500.00. Elevation. 36.40. Habitat, Urbanism and Land Use Planning. 5000.00. Environment and Sustainable Development (Nature Conservation). 133.00. Fisheries and Marine Economics. 1644.00. Health. 221.00. Sub-Total Adaptation. 9377.40. 5 - Implementation and Monitoring of the INDC. 5.1 - Monitoring, Reporting and Audit (MRV).", + "Sub-total Adaptation. 9377.40. 5 - Implementation and monitoring of the INDC. 5.1 - Monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV). In Mauritania, the use of the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) approach is not known and has never been applied previously to mitigation measures.", + "In Mauritania, the use of the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) approach is not known and has never been applied previously to mitigation measures. In order to ensure greater transparency, accuracy and comparability of information on mitigation measures, the State has already begun the process of developing an appropriate and effective MRV system for all sectors of the national economy.", + "In order to ensure greater transparency, accuracy and comparability of information on mitigation measures, the State has already begun the process of developing an appropriate and effective VRM system for all sectors of the national economy.", + "The establishment of this system will:. Measure and monitor the reductions in GHG emissions and the capture of organic carbon generated by the implementation of the proposed mitigation measures;. Facilitate the identification and evaluation of objectively verifiable monitoring indicators to measure progress towards the targets;.", + "To facilitate the identification and evaluation of objectively verifiable monitoring indicators to measure progress towards the targets; To promote the reporting and communication of GHG emission reductions and the co-benefits of proposed mitigation measures in a transparent manner; and", + "Encourage the reporting and communication of GHG emission reductions and the co-benefits of proposed mitigation measures in a transparent manner; and. Allow independent third party verification, where appropriate, and the reliability of the results achieved through the implementation of proposed mitigation measures. 5.2 - Institutional framework for implementation and monitoring \u2013 evaluation.", + "5.2 - Institutional framework for implementation and monitoring \u2013 evaluation. At the request of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), each ministry has designated a \"Sectoral Focal Point\" (SFP) responsible for the climate change theme for its sector.", + "At the request of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), each ministry has designated a \"Sectoral Focal Point\" (SFP) responsible for the climate change theme for its sector, and Mauritania has developed a network of Sectoral Focal Points on Climate Change within the ministerial departments to improve the implementation of the Convention\u2019s objectives and to systematically mainstream climate change concerns into all sectoral activities.", + "For example, Mauritania has developed a network of Sectoral Focal Points on Climate Change within the ministerial departments to improve the implementation of the Convention\u2019s objectives and to systematically mainstream climate change concerns into all sectoral activities. Similarly, Mauritania has established a monitoring and evaluation system of the \u201cNational Environmental Action Plan\u201d (SEPANE), which will be extended to this \u201cContribution\u201d of Mauritania, through capacity-building of the monitoring and evaluation structures of all the departments concerned.", + "Similarly, Mauritania has set up a monitoring and evaluation system of the \"National Environmental Action Plan\" (SEPANE), which will be extended to this \"Contribution\" of Mauritania, by strengthening the capacity of the monitoring and evaluation structures of all the departments concerned. 6 - Equity and ambition.", + "6 - Equity and ambition Mauritania is a member of both the Non-Annex I countries and the LDCs affected by desertification; it is a member of the climate negotiating groups: the G77 and China, the Arab Group, the African Group and the Sahel Group.", + "Mauritania is a member of both the Non-Annex I countries and the LDCs affected by desertification; it is a member of the Climate negotiating groups: \u201cG77 and China\u201d, \u201cArab Group\u201d, \u201cAfrican Group\u201d and \u201cSahelian Group\u201d. Mauritania therefore shares the concerns and positions of all these groups, which consider adaptation to be a priority, and are working to make the Paris Conference a successful Conference of the Parties.", + "It therefore shares the concerns and positions of all these groups, which consider adaptation to be a priority, and is working to make the Paris Conference a successful Conference of the Parties. Mauritania\u2019s GHG emissions are negligible in relation to its overall emissions (0.00015 or 0.015%), so it considers it fair that it can continue its development to make its economy and population resilient to the impacts of climate change.", + "Mauritania\u2019s GHG emissions are negligible compared to its overall emissions (0.00015 or 0.015%), and it therefore considers it fair that it can continue to develop in order to make its economy and population resilient to the impacts of climate change. Nevertheless, Mauritania is committed to participating fully in the international community\u2019s effort to reduce its GHG emissions by 22.3% in 2030 compared to projected emissions in the same year under the baseline scenario (business as usual).", + "Nevertheless, Mauritania is committed to participating fully in the international community\u2019s effort to reduce its GHG emissions by 22.3% in 2030 compared to projected emissions in the same year under the baseline scenario (business as usual).", + "With emissions in the order of 2 tonnes eq CO2 per capita, Mauritania\u2019s contribution is fair and ambitious, and its implementation would result in a reduction in cumulative emissions from 2020 to 2030 of 33.56 Mt eq CO2 at an estimated total cost of US$ 9.3 billion.", + "Implementation of this Contribution would result in a reduction in cumulative emissions from 2020 to 2030 of 33.56 Mt CO2eq, at an estimated total cost of US$9.3 billion. Of this Contribution, 88% is conditional on a cumulative emission reduction of 29.53 Mt CO2eq and a cost of US$8.2 billion.", + "Of this Contribution, 88% is conditional on a cumulative emission reduction of 29.53 Mt eq CO2 and a cost of US$8.2 billion. Mauritania aims to strengthen its climate monitoring system to further organise the expected mitigation effort in each of its development sectors, to continue its renewable energy development programme, and to enhance its reserves of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) via shared electricity generation with Mali and Senegal.", + "Mauritania intends to strengthen its climate monitoring system to further organise the mitigation effort expected from each of its development sectors, to continue its renewable energy development programme, to develop its reserves of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) via shared electricity generation with Mali and Senegal, and to update its contribution to take account of developments in its development." + ], + "medium": [ + "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF MAURItania. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. DETERMINED PLANNED CONTRIBUTION AT NATIONAL LEVEL. OF MAURItania TO THE UNFCCC. 21st Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in Paris, France. September 2015. Summary of the NCP of Mauritania. Reference year: 2010. Commitment period: 2020 \u2013 2030. Sectors covered: energy, agriculture, forestry and land use, industrial processes and product use, and waste.", + "Sectors considered: energy, agriculture, forestry and land use, industrial processes and product use, and waste. Relevant gases: CO2, CH4, N2O. Assessment methodology: IPCC 2006. Mitigation contribution objective: Reduction of GHG emissions in the target year (2030) relative to projected emissions in the same year in the normal course of business scenario. Reduction target level in 2030: 22.3%.", + "Objective of the mitigation contribution: Reduction of GHG emissions in the target year (2030) compared to projected emissions in the same year in the normal course of business scenario. Target reduction level in 2030: 22.3%. Cumulative emission reductions for the period 2020-2030: 33.56 Million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. Type of contribution: Conditional 88% and Non-Conditional 12%. Funding requirements: $17.6 billion, of which. Mitigation: $8.2 billion. Adaptation: $9.4 billion. Introduction.", + "Type of contribution: Conditional 88% and Non-Conditional 12%. Funding requirements: $17.6 billion, of which. Mitigation: $8.2 billion. Adaptation: $9.4 billion. Introduction. Country No Annex 1 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Mauritania belongs to the African Sahel area most affected by recurrent droughts since 1968.", + "Countries No Annex 1 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Mauritania belongs to the African Sahel area most affected by the recurrent droughts since 1968. The resulting desertification is all the more serious because the effect of climate, combined with human action, has had direct consequences on an already very fragile environment, namely the deterioration of the country\u2019s general socio-economic conditions and the physical environment.", + "The resulting desertification is all the more serious because the effect of climate, combined with human action, has had direct consequences on an already very fragile environment, namely the deterioration of the country\u2019s general socio-economic conditions and the physical environment, and the country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change therefore affects all vital sectors of the national economy.", + "The country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change therefore affects all vital sectors of the national economy. In response to recurring disasters resulting from this situation, the Government of Mauritania regularly devotes part of its budget to special programmes to assist vulnerable populations affected by drought.", + "In response to the recurring disasters resulting from this situation, the Government of Mauritania regularly devotes part of its budget to special programmes to assist vulnerable populations affected by drought, such as the Emel (Hope) programme, which is currently being implemented, with an initial financial envelope of MRO 42 billion in 2012 and revolving funding of MRO 12 billion per year, i.e. approximately a cumulative funding of MRO 78 billion for the period 2012-2015, approximately US$ 300 million.", + "This is the case for the Emel (Hope) programme, which is currently being implemented, with an initial financial envelope of 42 billion MRO in 2012 and revolving funding of 12 billion MRO per year, or about a cumulative funding of 78 billion MRO for the period 2012-2015, or about US$300 million. This emergency programme comes just after the Solidarity emergency programme of 2011, which cost nine billion MRO, or about US$35 million.", + "This emergency programme comes just after the Solidarity emergency programme of 2011, which cost nine billion MRO, or about US$35 million. The \u201cNationally Determined Contribution\u201d of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania is based on sectoral development programmes and the Poverty Reduction Strategy Framework, the overall objective of which is to contribute to sustainable development, low-carbon and resilient to the impacts of climate change.", + "The overall objective is to contribute to sustainable, low-carbon development that is resilient to the impacts of climate change. In view of the above, this contribution therefore reflects both the political will of the country to participate in the global reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to respond to the country\u2019s adaptation needs, to the extent of its means and capabilities. 1- Methodological Approach.", + "In view of the above, this contribution thus reflects both the political will of the country to participate in the global reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to meet the country\u2019s adaptation needs, to the extent of its means and capabilities. 1- Methodological Approach. As part of the preparation of the NDPC, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) undertook three steps: a first awareness/information phase, a second contribution development phase and a third validation phase.", + "As part of the preparation of the NDPC, the Department of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) undertook three steps: a first awareness/information phase, a second contribution development phase and a third validation phase.", + "In this process, two strands were considered, the political strand and the technical strand:. For the political strand, the message on the issues and challenges of COP21 and the National Contribution was relayed to all the key sectors by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. This action made it possible to define the practical arrangements for the preparation of sectoral Contributions by teams, each coordinated by a sectoral focal point.", + "This action helped to define the practical arrangements for the preparation of the Sector Contributions by teams, each coordinated by a sectoral focal point. The process of drawing up the NDPC was also to culminate in a political validation marked by the approval of the Government. For the technical component, the technical staff of each of the sectors prepared the corresponding sectoral contribution, following an exchange and coordination with the team of experts engaged by MEDD for this purpose. 1.1 - Methodologies for assessing mitigation.", + "For the technical component, the technical staff of each of the sectors prepared the corresponding sectoral contribution, after exchanging and coordinating with the MEDD team of experts engaged for this purpose 1.1 - Mitigation assessment methodologies For the mitigation analysis in Mauritania, three models were used in the calculation of the estimates:", + "For the mitigation analysis in Mauritania, three models were used in the calculation of the estimates:. The methodologies of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and their associated software for the energy, industrial processes and product use (IPU) and waste sectors;. The FAO Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT) for the AFAT sector;. The LEAP model for the analysis of the domestic energy subsector. 1.2 - Methodologies for assessing adaptation options.", + "The FAO Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT) for the AFAT sector;. The \"LEAP\" model for the analysis of the domestic energy sub-sector. 1.2 - Methodologies for assessing adaptation options. On the basis of the guidelines (Climate and socio-economic scenarios) and the support (Vulnerability articulation and adaptation) of the MEDD multidisciplinary team of experts, the development sectors have proposed their respective climate change adaptation portfolios. 2 - National context. 2.1 - Background information on Mauritania.", + "On the basis of the orientations (climate and socio-economic scenarios) and the support (vulnerability articulation and adaptation) of the MEDD multidisciplinary team of experts, the development sectors have proposed their respective climate change adaptation portfolios. 2 - National context. 2.1 - Basic data on Mauritania. Area. 1.030,000 km2- 720 km of coastline (ONS). Climate. South: Sahelian, warm and semi-arid climate. North: warm and arid to hyper-arid Saharan climate (ONM). Population.", + "South: Saharan climate, warm and semi-arid. North: Saharan climate, warm and arid to hyper-arid (ONM). Population. 3,537,368 inhabitants (2013) and (3,596,702 inhabitantsin 2015), of which (57.1% under 20 years of age(EPCV 2014). Urban population. 59%. GDP. USD 4.5 billion in 2013 (FAO, DFID). GDP per capita. USD 1272 (2013). GDP growth. 5.7% in 2013(ONS). Share of agriculture (including livestock) in GDP. 17% (FAO). Emission in 2012. 7070.51 Gg Eq-CO2 (NIR). Emission per capita. 2.1 tonnes Eq-CO2 (NIR).", + "Share of agriculture (including livestock) in GDP. 17% (EDMA). Emission in 2012. 7070.51 Gg Eq-CO2 (NIR). Emission per capita. 2.1 tonnes Eq-CO2 (NIR). Emission per capita excluding AFAT. 0.7 tonnes Eq-CO2(NIR). Access to electricity. 38.8% of households (DEME). Current electricity mix. In 2012 excluding mining operators:. Hydro: 18.30%. ER: 2.6%. Thermal: 79.10%. In 2015 excluding mining operators:. Hydro: 13.80%. ER: 17.40%. Thermal: 68.80%. Sources:", + "Sources: MAED, ONS (RGPH 2013), ONM, BAD, DEME and RNI (2014) 2.2 - Climate change in the national context Mauritania ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1994 and acceded to the Kyoto Protocol in 1997.", + "At the national level, the National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) to 2015, adopted in October 2006, is the reference framework for national policy in relation to climate issues. At the operational level, it is linked to the second National Action Plan for the Environment and Sustainable Development (NAPE II), which covers the period 2012-2016. Much earlier, Mauritania developed its National Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA) in 2004.", + "At the operational level, it is linked to the second National Action Plan for Environment and Sustainable Development (NAPE II), which covers the period 2012-2016. Much earlier, Mauritania developed its National Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA) in 2004. In 2015, Mauritania launched the first preparatory milestones for its medium- and long-term National Adaptation Plan. 3 - The Mitigation Component of Mauritania\u2019s Contribution. 3.1 - Contribution Schedule.", + "In 2015, Mauritania launched the first preparatory milestones of its Medium and Long-Term Vision National Adaptation Plan. 3 - The Mitigation Component of Mauritania\u2019s Contribution. 3.1 - Contribution Schedule. The period of mitigation activities proposed by Mauritania\u2019s Contribution is 2020-2030. 3.2 - Type of Contribution. Mauritania has chosen to formulate its \u2018Contribution\u2019 in terms of reduction from the baseline scenario.", + "The period of mitigation activities proposed by Mauritania\u2019s Contribution is 2020-2030. 3.2 - Type of Contribution. Mauritania has chosen to formulate its \u2018Contribution\u2019 in terms of reduction compared to the baseline scenario. The estimate was made on the basis of projects planned for the period 2020-2030. 3.3 - Sectors and gases concerned. The sectors concerned are all GHG emitting sectors, namely: (i) Energy; (ii) AFAT; (iii) Industrial Processes and (iv) Waste.", + "The sectors concerned are all GHG emitting sectors namely: (i) Energy; (ii) AFAT; (iii) Industrial Processes and (iv) Waste. The GHGs concerned are CO2, CH4 and N2O. 3.4 - Targeted mitigation level.", + "The GHGs concerned are CO2, CH4 and N2O. 3.4 - Targeted Mitigation Level The Islamic Republic of Mauritania intends to contribute to the Paris Climate Agreement by reducing its projected GHG emissions in 2030 by 22.3%, i.e. 4.2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt eq CO2), compared to projected emissions for the same year under the Business As Usual scenario, which ranges from 6.6 Mt eq CO2 in 2010 to 18.84 Mt eq CO2 in 2030.", + "The Islamic Republic of Mauritania intends to contribute to the Paris Climate Agreement by reducing its projected GHG emissions in 2030 by 22.3%, i.e. 4.2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt eq CO2), compared to projected emissions in the same year under the Business As Usual scenario, which increases from 6.6 Mt eq CO2 in 2010 to 18.84 Mt eq CO2 in 2030. Thus, for the period 2020-2030, the cumulative emissions avoided under the proposed mitigation measures are approximately 33.56Mt eq CO2. Sectors.", + "Thus, for the period 2020-2030, the cumulative emissions avoided under the proposed mitigation measures are approximately 33.56Mt CO2 eq. Sectors. Mitigation Cumulative 2020 \u2013 2030 (Gg CO2 eq.). Energy. -12711.1. Industrial Processes and Product Use. -30.5. Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use. -20431.5. Waste. -386.1. Total Assessment Period. -33559.3.", + "Industrial Processes and Product Use. -30.5. Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use. -20431.5. Waste. -386.1. Total assessment period. -33559.3. This contribution will mainly cover the energy sectors (electricity generation, transport, agriculture, fisheries...), Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use (AFAT), as well as those with low emissions (industrial processes and waste). 3.5 - Shares of the Contribution. 12% of this potential reduction in emissions can be achieved by Mauritania\u2019s own means (unconditional share of the Contribution).", + "12% of this potential reduction in emissions can be achieved by Mauritania\u2019s own resources (unconditional part of the contribution) The nature of this unconditional part of the contribution mainly concerns regulation (examples of the measure taken by the Government in 2015 limiting the age of importation of cars to 8 years and the tax exemption for buses leaving factories for public transport), or in the form of priority actions for access to basic services to reduce rural poverty (examples: rural electrification, equipping water points with solar pumps, etc.).", + "The nature of this unconditional part of the contribution mainly concerns regulation (examples of the measure taken by the Government in 2015 limiting the age of import of cars to 8 years and the exemption from the tax of factory buses for public transport), or in the form of priority actions on access to basic services to reduce rural poverty (examples: rural electrification, equipping water points with solar pumps, etc.). 88% of the contribution corresponds to the emission reduction share conditional on international support (conditional part of the contribution).", + "88% of the contribution corresponds to the emission reduction share conditional on international support (conditional part of the Contribution). 3.6 - Need for mitigation financing resources. The implementation of the proposed mitigation projects requires resources in terms of capacities, technologies, regulatory and institutional frameworks and financial resources.", + "In order to achieve its GHG mitigation ambitions in 2030, Mauritania will need an overall financial envelope of US$9.3 billion, of which 88% (equivalent to US$8.2 billion) will come from international support.", + "In addition to these direct financial supports, Mauritania would like to support its mitigation financing needs through: (i) the NAMA platform, in particular for energy efficiency and renewable energy programmes; and (ii) the inclusion of international carbon markets, such as the CDM, in a post-2020 climate agreement that, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime (APR), could be used to finance low-carbon investments.", + "In addition to these direct financial supports, Mauritania would like to support its mitigation financing needs through: (i) the NAMA platform, in particular for energy efficiency and renewable energy programmes; (ii) the inclusion of international carbon markets, such as the CDM, in a post-2020 climate agreement which, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime (APR), could be used to finance low-carbon investments.", + "4 - The contribution of Mauritania in the field of adaptation. According to the climate scenarios reported in the Third National Communication (2014), Mauritania is expected to experience a high socio-economic and ecological exposure to the impacts of climate change: Temperature. An increase of +2.1 \u00b0C in the average annual temperature over the whole country by 2050 and to +4.5 \u00b0C by 2100. Precipitation. A decrease in the annual volume of precipitation of 20% depending on the regions to 70% in the Adrar, compared to the current situation, by 2100.", + "A decrease in the annual volume of precipitation from 20% depending on the region to 70% in the Adrar, compared to the current situation, by 2100. Extreme events. This increase in temperature and decrease in precipitation would be accompanied by an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme drought and flooding events and disturbances in the seasonal distribution of precipitation. Sea level rise.", + "This increase in temperature and decrease in precipitation would be accompanied by an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme drought and flooding and disturbances in the seasonal distribution of precipitation. Sea-level rise. The coastline, which extends over 720 km of coastline, is already showing its sensitivity to sea-level rise on a local basis (Nouakchott).", + "The coastline, which stretches over more than 720 km of coastline, already demonstrates its sensitivity to sea level rise on a local basis (Nouakchott). The seabed covers almost all of the built-up area of the Capital and the smallest rainfall makes water drainage and sanitation generally impossible. 4.1 - Impacts of climate change on key sectors.", + "4.1 - Impacts of Climate Change on Key Sectors The impacts on water resources will be significant and will result in an overall decline in water resources of 10 to 15%, with the following consequences:", + "The impacts on water resources will be significant and will result in an overall decline in water resources of 10 to 15%, with the following consequences:. The increase in mean sea surface temperature (MST) with a northward rise of the thermal front beyond its usual geographic boundary and the depletion of oxygen waters creates increasingly large OMZs that could lead to migration of pelagic species to more oxygen-rich areas;.", + "The increase in mean sea surface temperature (MST) with a northward rise of the thermal front beyond its usual geographic boundary and the depletion of oxygen-rich waters creates increasingly large OMZs that could lead to migration of pelagic species to more oxygen-rich areas; Increased water temperature and ocean acidification in recent years appear to be accompanied by jellyfish blooms and a recurrence of coloured waters;", + "Increased water temperatures and ocean acidification in recent years appear to be accompanied by jellyfish blooms and a recurrence of coloured waters; Rising ocean levels and coastal erosion threatening coastal infrastructure dedicated to fishing; Increased storm frequency that reduces fishing productivity.", + "Sea level rise and coastal erosion threatening shoreline infrastructure dedicated to fishing; Increased storm frequency that reduces fishing productivity; Disruption of the oed regime and reduction of dam fill capacity due to concentrated precipitation and accelerated siltation of dams by water erosion in heavily denuded watersheds; and,", + "Disruption of the wetland regime and reduction of dam fill capacity due to concentrated precipitation and accelerated siltation of dams by water erosion in heavily denuded watersheds and,. Warming of less aerated surface waters with lower flows and thus reduced dilution and biodegradation of certain pollutants, etc.", + "A warmer, less aerated surface water with reduced flows and thus a reduction in its dilution and biodegradation potential of certain pollutants, etc. The impacts on livestock farming will result in a worsening of the current situation, marked by a decline in livestock productivity. This change in livestock productivity is caused by recurrent droughts, scarcity and remoteness of pasture areas and water points.", + "This evolution in livestock productivity is driven by recurrent droughts, scarcity and remoteness of pasture areas and water points. This situation is the result of the effect of global warming and excessive biomass harvesting, which have a significant impact on the current already very fragile level of food security. The convergence of these different factors affects herd management, in particular, the development of peri-urban farming and the implementation of breed improvement programmes.", + "The convergence of these different factors affects herd management, in particular the development of peri-urban livestock farming and the implementation of breeding programmes. The impacts on habitat, urban planning and spatial planning relate to the risks of invasion of marine waters and flooding of coastal infrastructure and cities, in particular Nouakchott and Nouadhibou, respectively political and economic capitals.", + "The impacts on habitat, urban planning and spatial planning relate to the risks of invasion of marine waters and flooding of coastal infrastructure and cities, in particular Nouakchott and Nouadhibou, respectively political and economic capitals, as coastal areas in Mauritania are home to more than 30% of the country\u2019s population, most industries, the bulk of import and export activities, important port and airport infrastructure, oil extraction activities, almost all fishing activities, but also the country\u2019s two major national parks.", + "Indeed, the coastal areas of Mauritania are home to more than 30% of the country\u2019s population, most industries, the bulk of import and export activities, important port and airport infrastructure, oil extraction activities, almost all fishing activities, but also the country\u2019s two major national parks. With the rise in the level of the ocean, on the one hand, and given the topography of the coast, on the other, the coastal areas are significantly vulnerable to the risks of marine incursions and floods, as well as to extreme climatic phenomena.", + "With the increase in the level of the ocean, on the one hand, and taking into account the topography of the coast, on the other hand, coastal areas are significantly vulnerable to the risks of sea incursions and floods, as well as to extreme climatic phenomena. To this end, climate disasters that would affect the coastal area will affect the economic growth of Mauritania, a country where the coastline represents both a unique ecosystem and the main pole of economic development.", + "To this end, the climatic disasters that would affect the coastal zone will affect the economic growth of Mauritania, a country where the coastline represents both a unique ecosystem and the main pole of economic development. On the other hand, the risks of flooding of towns and villages, combined with drought, lead to the concentration of populations around wetlands, the atomisation of human settlements along roads and the development of rural exodus to large cities. Impacts on natural resources.", + "On the other hand, the risk of flooding of towns and villages, combined with drought, leads to the concentration of populations around wetlands, the atomisation of human settlements along roads and the development of rural exodus to large cities. Impacts on natural resources. Regression of vegetation cover (grass and herbaceous), due to the combined effect of chronic drought and anthropogenic pressure, has increased desertification and has been the main cause of the disappearance of forest and biological species, and the reduction of pastoral potential, thus causing a massive rural exodus to large urban centres.", + "Despite the irrational exploitation of forest resources by populations to meet their domestic energy needs (firewood and charcoal) and non-timber forest products (aerial pastures, pharmacopoeia, harvesting products and cosmetics), forest ecosystems have developed adaptive mechanisms that are now destabilized by climate change.", + "Despite the irrational exploitation of forest resources by populations to meet their domestic energy needs (firewood and charcoal) and non-timber forest products (aerial grazing, pharmacopoeia, harvesting products and cosmetics), forest ecosystems have developed adaptive mechanisms that are now destabilized by climate change. The most visible form of these events in Mauritania is desertification and its consequences.", + "The most visible form of these events in Mauritania is desertification and its consequences. Impacts on fisheries. The fisheries sector, like other sectors, is affected by climate change. These effects are perceived through monitoring the physical and chemical parameters of ocean waters and marine biodiversity.", + "These effects are perceived through the monitoring of physico-chemical parameters of ocean waters and marine biodiversity, including: an increase in mean seawater surface temperature (MST) with a northward rise of the thermal front beyond its usual geographical boundary and depletion of oxygen-rich waters creates increasingly important OMZs that could cause pelagic species to migrate to more oxygen-rich areas.", + "The increase in mean sea surface temperature (MST) with a northward rise of the thermal front beyond its usual geographic boundary and the depletion of oxygen-rich waters creates increasingly large OMZs that could lead to migration of pelagic species to more oxygen-rich areas; Increased water temperature and ocean acidification in recent years appear to be accompanied by jellyfish blooms and a recurrence of coloured waters;", + "Increased water temperatures and ocean acidification in recent years appear to be accompanied by jellyfish blooms and a recurrence of coloured waters; Rising ocean levels and coastal erosion threatening coastal infrastructure dedicated to fishing;", + "Increased sea level and coastal erosion threatening coastal infrastructure dedicated to fishing. Increased frequency of storms that reduces fishing productivity. The mainland fisheries subsector (Senegal River) faces certain climatic and other constraints: (i) decrease in production, (ii) variation in physicochemical parameters, (iii) pollution problems (pesticides) of the Senegal River, (iv) anthropogenic effects (dams), (v) flooding of ponds and water bodies, (vi) difficulties in accessing the resource due to invasive plants, (vii) irregularity of the river regime due to dams, (viii) conflicts between indigenous and/or non-indigenous populations.", + "Health impacts. Mauritania is characterised by a nutritional situation of concern, aggravated by a hostile environment, which leads to an increase in the prevalence of nutritional pathologies, thereby favouring the emergence of infectious and parasitic diseases, in particular diarrhoea and acute respiratory infections, in children under 5 years of age. Infant mortality is dominated by acute respiratory infections (21.5%), malaria (15%) and diarrhoeal diseases (13.5%) according to the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS).", + "Infant mortality is dominated by acute respiratory infections (21.5%), malaria (15%) and diarrhoeal diseases (13.5%) according to the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS). These three diseases alone account for 50% of the causes of mortality among children under five years of age; 35% of children over five years of age. In addition, a fraction of 32% of children under five years of age suffer from chronic malnutrition and underweight, 17% and 10% of them in severe forms, respectively.", + "Furthermore, 32% of children under the age of five suffer from chronic malnutrition and underweight, of which 17% and 10% are severely malnourished, respectively. This highlights the persistence of a worrying nutritional situation aggravated by drought episodes. 4.2 - Climate expenditure in adaptation. State efforts. The Mauritanian State has been making enormous efforts to curb the impacts of droughts since the 1970s.", + "The State\u2019s efforts. The Mauritanian State has been providing enormous resources to mitigate the impacts of droughts since the 1970s. These have been greatly strengthened since 2010 in the form of a regular financing mechanism for adaptation to climate change...", + "In the field of nature conservation, more than 20 nature conservation and restoration projects and programmes were implemented between 1975 and 2008, followed by ambitious climate change adaptation programmes since 2010.", + "In the field of nature conservation, more than 20 nature conservation and restoration projects and programmes were implemented between 1975 and 2008, followed by ambitious climate change adaptation programmes since 2010.", + "These are mainly initiatives to combat weeding, reforestation, the management and protection of natural resources and the conservation of biodiversity. The total cumulative cost is estimated at approximately US$100 million. In the agropastoral sector, considerable efforts have been made to improve the resilience of farmers and ranchers to the impacts of climate change in the form of hydro-agricultural development, support for agricultural campaigns (marketing of agricultural products and climate insurance), improvement of local breeds, and promotion of family-based poultry farming.", + "In the agri-pastoral sector, considerable efforts have been made to improve the resilience of farmers and ranchers to the impacts of climate change in the form of hydro-agricultural development, support for agricultural campaigns (marketing of agricultural products and climate insurance), improvement of local breeds, and promotion of family-based poultry farming.", + "In the fisheries sector, adaptation actions have been carried out under the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector Sustainable Management Strategy (2008-2012, extended to 2014). These actions include: Protecting habitats in the euphotic zone (depth of 20m); Protecting fish habitats in the Mediterranean Sea (depth of 20m); Protecting fish habitats in the Mediterranean Sea (depth of 20m); Protecting fish habitats in the Mediterranean Sea (depth of 20m); Protecting fish habitats in the Mediterranean Sea (depth of 20m); Protecting fish habitats in the Mediterranean Sea (depth of 20m); Protecting fish habitats in the Mediterranean Sea (depth of 20m); Protecting fish habitats in the Mediterranean Sea (depth of 20m); Protecting fish habitats in the Mediterranean Sea (depth of 20m); Protect", + "In the field of fisheries, adaptation measures have been implemented within the framework of the \u2018Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture Management Strategy\u2019 (2008-2012, extended to 2014). These measures include: Protecting habitats in the euphotic zone (depth of 20m); Developing management plans for major marine fisheries and the development plan for continental fisheries (2010-2014); Developing a strategic framework for the development of aquaculture (2010-2014).", + "Development of management plans for major maritime fisheries and the development plan for continental fisheries (2010-2014); Development of a strategic framework for the development of aquaculture (2010-2014); Strengthening the capabilities and capacities of maritime control institutions (Coast Guards of Mauritania) and research institutions (Mauritanian Institute for Oceanographic Research and Fisheries).", + "Strengthening the capabilities and capacities of maritime control institutions (Gardes C\u00f4tes de Mauritanie) and research institutions (Institution Mauritanienne de Recherche Oc\u00e9anographique et des P\u00eaches).", + "In the area of housing, town planning and spatial planning, since 2009 the state has carried out regrouping and resettlement operations of deserted villages and hamlets affected by drought in viable sites, as well as in cities where housing construction and the restructuring of precarious neighbourhoods have mobilised significant sums of money.", + "The programmes financed for the vulnerable sections of the population concerned: (i) the consolidation of 7 localities at MRO 4.500 billion; (ii) the creation of two modern towns at MRO 0.445 billion; (iii) the restructuring of the precarious neighbourhoods of Nouakchott (146.000 lots) at MRO 5.6 billion; and (iv) the construction of social and medium-sized housing at MRO 7.3 billion.", + "The programmes financed for the vulnerable sections of the population concerned: (i) the consolidation of 7 localities at 4.500 billion MRO; (ii) the creation of two modern towns at 0.445 billion MRO; (iii) the restructuring of the precarious neighbourhoods of Nouakchott (146.000 lots) at 5.6 billion MRO; and (iv) the construction of social and medium-sized housing at 7.3 billion MRO. (i.e. a total of 17.845 billion MRO, equivalent to 64 million US dollars). 4.3 - The ambitions and needs for adaptation. 4.3.1 - Mauritania\u2019s adaptation ambitions agenda for 2030.", + "(i.e. a total of MRO 17.845 billion, equivalent to US$ 64 million). 4.3 - The adaptation ambitions and needs. 4.3.1 - Mauritania\u2019s 2030 adaptation ambitions agenda. The initiatives proposed by the various sectors are aimed at reducing the vulnerability of natural and socio-economic systems and thus addressing climate change.", + "The initiatives proposed by the various sectors are aimed at reducing the vulnerability of natural and socio-economic systems and thus addressing climate change. To this end, Mauritania is seeking the support of its international partners for the achievement of its adaptation priorities, which include: a food needs coverage rate of 117% for rice, 80% for wheat, 75% for traditional cereals, 160% for milk, 126% for white meat.", + "A food needs coverage rate of 117% for rice, 80% for wheat, 75% for traditional cereals, 160% for milk, 126% for white meat; Implementation of sanitation networks (sewage and stormwater) in the cities of Nouakchott, Rosso, Ka\u00e9di, Kiffa, Nouadhibou, N\u00e9ma, Aioun, Timb\u00e9dra, Akjoujt, Atar; Aerial seeding of degraded land (10 000 ha/year) to promote the regeneration of the natural environment;", + "Aerial seeding of degraded land (10 000 ha/year) to promote the regeneration of the natural environment; Restoration of natural pastures (defense and range management as part of the territorial climate plans); Conducting 300 surveys (150 of which at depths greater than 200 m) for the exploration of aquifers, which can be converted into operational drilling and/or piezometers;", + "Implementation of 300 surveys (including 150 at depths greater than 200 m) for the exploration of aquifers, which can be converted into exploration drilling and/or piezometers;. Implementation of hydrogeological syntheses and assessment of water resources in difficult or vulnerable areas and the extension of regular monitoring to all fields collected with the telecommunications system;. Implementation of the drinking water supply project (AEP) in 4 wilayas in the northern part of the country.", + "Implementation of hydrogeological syntheses and assessment of water resources in difficult or vulnerable areas and extension of regular monitoring to all fields collected with the telecommunications system; Implementation of the drinking water supply (PW) project in 4 wilayas in the northern part of the country; Implementation of desalination projects for coastal and other areas; Implementation of 2000 small isolated drinking water supply (PW) networks in rural areas equipped with solar panels.", + "Implementation of desalination projects for coastal and other areas. Implementation of 2000 small isolated drinking water supply (PW) networks in rural areas equipped with solar panels. Protection of the cities of Nouakchott and Nouadhibou from the risks of marine dumping and acidification. Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations, particularly in rural areas, to the effects of climate change.", + "Protecting the cities of Nouakchott and Nouadhibou from the risks of marine dumping and sandblasting; Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations, particularly in rural areas, to the effects of climate change; Strengthening the institutional and technical capacity of national and local structures to plan, finance and implement adaptation measures to climate change; Strengthening the resilience of natural ecosystems to the effects of climate change.", + "Strengthening the institutional and technical capacities of national and local structures for planning, financing and implementing adaptation measures to climate change. Strengthening the resilience of natural ecosystems to the effects of climate change. Integrated and sustainable rehabilitation and management of wetlands against the effects of climate change.", + "The development of small water bodies on pilot sites,. The promotion of responsible fishing on Foum Gleita Lake,. Capacity building for monitoring and management of continental fisheries,. The promotion of fish farming to improve food security and poverty reduction in rural areas. The strengthening of nutrition and health of vulnerable households. 4.3.2 - Means of implementing adaptation measures.", + "Strengthening the nutrition and health of vulnerable households. 4.3.2 - Means of implementing adaptation measures. In addition to capacity building, technology and institutional transfer needs, the implementation of projects and adaptation measures requires funding over the two periods of: 2015 \u2013 2020 and 2020-2030 of USD 9 377,4 billion:. Sectors. Financial requirements (in million US dollars). Agriculture. 843.00. Water and sanitation. 1500.00. Elevation. 36.40. Habitat, urbanism and land use planning. 5000.00.", + "Financial Requirements (millions of US dollars). Agriculture. 843.00. Water and Sanitation. 1500.00. Elevation. 36.40. Habitat, Town and Country Planning. 5000.00. Environment and Sustainable Development (Nature Conservation). 133.00. Fisheries and Marine Economics. 1644.00. Health. 221.00. Sub-Total Adaptation. 9377.40. 5 - Implementation and Monitoring of the INDC. 5.1 - Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV). In Mauritania, the use of the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) approach is unknown and has never been applied to mitigation measures before.", + "In Mauritania, the use of the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) approach is unknown and has never been applied previously to mitigation measures. In order to ensure greater transparency, accuracy and comparability of information on mitigation measures, the State has already begun the process of developing an appropriate and effective MRV system for all sectors of the national economy.", + "In order to ensure greater transparency, accuracy and comparability of information on mitigation measures, the State has already begun the process of developing an appropriate and effective VRM system for all sectors of the national economy.", + "Measure and monitor GHG emission reductions and the organic carbon sequestration generated by the implementation of proposed mitigation measures; Facilitate the identification and evaluation of objectively verifiable monitoring indicators to measure progress towards targets; Promote reporting and communication of GHG emission reductions and co-benefits of proposed mitigation measures in a transparent manner; and", + "Encourage the reporting and communication of GHG emission reductions and the co-benefits of proposed mitigation measures in a transparent manner; and. Allow independent third party verification, where appropriate, and the reliability of the results achieved through the implementation of proposed mitigation measures. 5.2 - Institutional framework for implementation and monitoring \u2013 evaluation.", + "5.2 - Institutional framework for implementation and monitoring \u2013 evaluation. At the request of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), each ministry has designated a \"Sectoral Focal Point\" (SFP) responsible for the climate change theme for its sector.", + "At the request of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), each ministry has designated a \"Sectoral Focal Point\" (SFP) responsible for the climate change theme for its sector, and Mauritania has developed a network of Sectoral Focal Points on Climate Change within the ministerial departments to improve the implementation of the Convention\u2019s objectives and to systematically mainstream climate change concerns into all sectoral activities.", + "For example, Mauritania has developed a network of Sectoral Focal Points on Climate Change within the ministerial departments to improve the implementation of the Convention\u2019s objectives and to systematically mainstream climate change concerns into all sectoral activities. Similarly, Mauritania has established a monitoring and evaluation system of the \u201cNational Environmental Action Plan\u201d (SEPANE), which will be extended to this \u201cContribution\u201d of Mauritania, through capacity-building of the monitoring and evaluation structures of all the departments concerned.", + "Similarly, Mauritania has set up a monitoring and evaluation system of the \"National Environmental Action Plan\" (SEPANE), which will be extended to this \"Contribution\" of Mauritania, by strengthening the capacity of the monitoring and evaluation structures of all the departments concerned. 6 - Equity and ambition.", + "6 - Equity and ambition. Mauritania is a member of both the Non-Annex I countries and the LDCs affected by desertification; it is a member of the Climate negotiating groups: the G77 and China, the Arab Group, the African Group and the Sahel Group. It therefore shares the concerns and positions of all these groups, which consider adaptation to be a priority, and are working to make the Paris Conference a successful Conference of the Parties.", + "It therefore shares the concerns and positions of all these groups, which consider adaptation to be a priority, and is working to make the Paris Conference a successful Conference of the Parties. Mauritania\u2019s GHG emissions are negligible in relation to its overall emissions (0.00015 or 0.015%), so it considers it fair that it can continue its development to make its economy and population resilient to the impacts of climate change.", + "Mauritania\u2019s GHG emissions are negligible compared to its overall emissions (0.00015 or 0.015%), and it therefore considers it fair that it can continue to develop in order to make its economy and population resilient to the impacts of climate change. Nevertheless, Mauritania is committed to participating fully in the international community\u2019s effort to reduce its GHG emissions by 22.3% in 2030 compared to projected emissions in the same year under the baseline scenario (business as usual).", + "Nevertheless, Mauritania is committed to participating fully in the international community\u2019s effort to reduce its GHG emissions by 22.3% in 2030 compared to projected emissions in the same year under the baseline scenario (business as usual).", + "With emissions in the order of 2 tonnes eq CO2 per capita, Mauritania\u2019s contribution is fair and ambitious. Implementation of this contribution would result in a reduction in cumulative emissions from 2020 to 2030 of 33.56 Mt eq CO2, at a total estimated cost of US$ 9.3 billion. Of this contribution, 88% is conditional on a cumulative emission reduction of 29.53 Mt eq CO2 and a cost of US$ 8.2 billion.", + "Of this Contribution, 88% is conditional on a cumulative emission reduction of 29.53 Mt eq CO2 and a cost of US$8.2 billion. Mauritania aims to strengthen its climate monitoring system to further organise the expected mitigation effort in each of its development sectors, to continue its renewable energy development programme, and to enhance its reserves of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) via shared electricity generation with Mali and Senegal.", + "Mauritania intends to strengthen its climate monitoring system to further organise the mitigation effort expected from each of its development sectors, to continue its renewable energy development programme, to develop its reserves of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) via shared electricity generation with Mali and Senegal, and to update its contribution to take account of developments in its development." + ], + "large": [ + "ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF MAURItania. Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. DETERMINED PLANNED CONTRIBUTION AT NATIONAL LEVEL. OF MAURItania TO THE UNFCCC. 21st Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in Paris, France. September 2015. Summary of the NCP of Mauritania. Reference year: 2010. Commitment period: 2020 \u2013 2030. Sectors covered: Energy, Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use, Industrial Processes and Product Use, and Waste. Gases concerned: CO2, CH4, N2O. Assessment methodology: IPCC 2006. Mitigation contribution objective: Reduction of GHG emissions in the target year (2030) compared to projected emissions in the same year in the normal course of business scenario. Target reduction level in 2030: 22.3%.", + "Objective of the mitigation contribution: Reduction of GHG emissions in the target year (2030) compared to projected emissions in the same year in the normal course of business scenario. Target reduction level in 2030: 22.3%. Cumulative emission reductions for the period 2020-2030: 33.56 Million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. Type of contribution: Conditional 88% and Non-Conditional 12%. Funding requirements: $17.6 billion, of which. Mitigation: $8.2 billion. Adaptation: $9.4 billion. Introduction. Country No Annex 1 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Mauritania belongs to the African Sahel area most affected by recurrent droughts since 1968.", + "Countries No Annex 1 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Mauritania belongs to the African Sahel area most affected by recurrent droughts since 1968. The resulting desertification is all the more serious because the effect of climate, combined with human action, has had direct consequences on an already very fragile environment, namely the deterioration of the country\u2019s general socio-economic conditions and the physical environment. The country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change therefore affects all vital sectors of the national economy. In response to the recurrent disasters resulting from this situation, the Government of Mauritania regularly devotes part of its budget to special programmes to assist vulnerable populations affected by droughts.", + "In response to the recurring disasters resulting from this situation, the Government of Mauritania regularly devotes part of its budget to special programmes to assist vulnerable populations affected by drought. This is the case with the Emel (Hope) programme, which is currently being implemented, with an initial financial envelope of 42 billion MRO in 2012 and revolving funding of 12 billion MRO per year, or about a cumulative funding of 78 billion MRO for the period 2012-2015, or about US$300 million. This emergency programme comes just after the Solidarity emergency programme of 2011, which cost nine billion MRO, or about US$35 million. The \"Nationally Determined Contribution\" of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania is based on sectoral development programmes and the poverty reduction strategy framework.", + "The \"Nationally Determined Planned Contribution\" of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania is based on the sectoral development programmes and the Poverty Reduction Strategy Framework. The overall objective of these programmes is to contribute to sustainable development, low carbon and resilient to the impacts of climate change. In view of the above, this contribution therefore reflects both the political will of the country to participate in the global reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to meet the country\u2019s adaptation needs, to the extent of its means and capacities. 1- Methodological Approach. In the preparation of the CPDN, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) carried out three stages: a first awareness/information stage, a second preparation of the Contribution and a third validation stage.", + "As part of the preparation of the NDPC, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) carried out three stages: a first awareness/information stage, a second contribution development stage and a third validation stage. In this process, two components were considered, the political and the technical:. For the political component, the message on the issues and challenges of COP21 and the National Contribution was relayed to all the key sectors by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development. This action enabled the practical modalities for the preparation of sectoral Contributions to be defined by teams, each coordinated by a sectoral focal point.", + "1.1 - Mitigation assessment methodologies. For the mitigation analysis in Mauritania, three models were used in the calculation of the estimates:. The methodologies of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and their associated software for the energy, industrial processes and product use (IPPC) and waste sectors;. FAO\u2019s Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT) for the AFAT sector;.", + "The methodologies of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines and the associated software for the energy, industrial processes and product use (IPU) and waste sectors; FAO\u2019s Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT) for the AFAT sector; the \u2018LEAP\u2019 model for the analysis of the domestic energy sub-sector. 1.2 - Methodologies for assessing adaptation options. On the basis of the guidelines (climate and socio-economic scenarios) and the support (vulnerability articulation and adaptation) of the MEDD multidisciplinary team of experts, the development sectors have proposed their respective climate change adaptation portfolios. 2 - National context. 2.1 - Baseline data on Mauritania. Area. 1.030,000 km2- 720 km of coastline (ONS). Climate. South:", + "South: Saharan climate, warm and semi-arid. North: Saharan climate, warm and arid to hyper-arid (ONM). Population. 3,537,368 inhabitants (2013) and (3,596,702 inhabitantsin 2015), of which (57.1%of those under 20 years of age(EPCV 2014). Urban population. 59%. GDP. USD 4.5 billion in 2013 (FAO, DFAIT). GDP per capita. USD 1272 (2013). GDP growth. 5.7% in 2013(ONS). Share of agriculture (including livestock) in GDP. 17% (FAO). Emission in 2012. 7070.51 Gg Eq-CO2 (RNI). Emission per capita. 2.1 tonnes Eq-CO2 (RNI). Emission per capita excluding AFAT. 0.7 tonnes Eq-CO2(RNI). Access to electricity.", + "Sources: MAED, ONS (RGPH 2013), ONM, BAD, DEME and RNI (2014). 2.2 - Climate change in the national context. Mauritania ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 1994 and acceded to the Kyoto Protocol in 1997. At the national level, the National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) to 2015, adopted in October 2006, is the reference framework for national policy in relation to climate issues. At the operational level, it is articulated with the second National Action Plan for the Environment and Sustainable Development (NAPE II), which covers the period 2012-2016.", + "In 2015, Mauritania launched the first preparatory steps for its Medium and Long-Term National Adaptation Plan. 3 - The Mitigation Component of Mauritania\u2019s Contribution. 3.1 - Contribution Schedule. The period of mitigation activities proposed by Mauritania\u2019s Contribution is 2020-2030. 3.2 - Type of Contribution. Mauritania has chosen to formulate its \u2018Contribution\u2019 in terms of reduction compared to the baseline scenario. The estimate was made on the basis of projects planned for the period 2020-2030. 3.3 - Sectors and gases concerned. The sectors concerned are all GHG emitting sectors, namely: (i) Energy; (ii) AFAT; (iii) Industrial Processes and (iv) Waste. The GHGs concerned are CO2, CH4 and N2O. 3.4 - Targeted level of mitigation.", + "The sectors concerned are all GHG emitting sectors, namely: (i) Energy; (ii) AFAT; (iii) Industrial Processes and (iv) Waste. The GHGs concerned are CO2, CH4 and N2O. 3.4 - Targeted mitigation level. The Islamic Republic of Mauritania intends to contribute to the Paris Climate Agreement by reducing its projected GHG emissions in 2030 by 22.3%, i.e. 4.2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt eq CO2), compared to the projected emissions for the same year under the Business As Usual scenario, which is evolving from 6.6 Mt eq CO2 in 2010 to 18.84 Mt eq CO2 in 2030. Thus, for the period 2020-2030 the cumulative emissions avoided under the proposed mitigation measures are", + "Thus, for the period 2020-2030 the cumulative emissions avoided according to the proposed mitigation measures are approximately 33.56Mt eq CO2. Sectors. Cumulative 2020 \u2013 2030 mitigation (Gg Eq CO2). Energy. -12711.1. Industrial processes and product use. -30.5. Agriculture, forestry and land use. -20431.5. Waste. -386.1. Total assessment period. -33559.3. This contribution will mainly cover the energy sectors (electricity generation, transport, agriculture, fisheries...), agriculture, forestry and land use (AFAT), as well as those with low emissions (industrial processes and waste). 3.5 - Shares of the Contribution. 12% of this potential emission reduction can be achieved by Mauritania\u2019s own means (unconditional share of the Contribution).", + "12% of this potential reduction in emissions can be achieved by Mauritania\u2019s own resources (unconditional part of the contribution). The nature of this unconditional part of the contribution mainly concerns regulation (examples of the measure taken by the Government in 2015 limiting the age of importation of cars to 8 years and the tax exemption for buses leaving factories for public transport), or in the form of priority actions for access to basic services to reduce rural poverty (examples: rural electrification, equipping water points with solar pumps, etc.). 88% of the contribution corresponds to the emission reduction share conditional on international support (conditional part of the contribution). 3.6 - Need for means of financing mitigation.", + "3.6 - Need for mitigation financing resources. Implementation of proposed mitigation projects requires resources in terms of capacity, technology, regulatory and institutional frameworks and financial resources. Given Mauritania\u2019s current capabilities, only a match for these projects can be provided through Mauritania\u2019s own resources. To achieve its 2030 GHG mitigation ambitions, Mauritania will need an overall financial envelope of US$9.3 billion, of which 88% (equivalent to US$8.2 billion) will come from international support.", + "In order to achieve its GHG mitigation ambitions in 2030, Mauritania will need an overall financial envelope of US$9.3 billion, of which 88% (equivalent to US$8.2 billion) will come from international support. In addition to this direct financial support, Mauritania would like to support its mitigation financing needs through: (i) the NAMA platform, in particular for energy efficiency and renewable energy programmes; (ii) the inclusion of international carbon markets, such as the CDM, in a post-2020 climate agreement which, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime (AAPR), could be used to finance carbon-neutral investments. 4 - Mauritania\u2019s contribution to adaptation. According to the climate scenarios reported in the Third National Communication (2014), Mauritania is expected to experience a high socio-economic and ecological exposure to the impacts of climate change:", + "According to the climate scenarios reported in the Third National Communication (2014), Mauritania is expected to experience a high socio-economic and ecological exposure to the impacts of climate change: Temperature. An increase of +2.1 \u00b0C in the average annual temperature over the whole country by 2050 and to +4.5 \u00b0C by 2100. Precipitation. A decrease in the annual volume of precipitation of 20%, depending on the region, to 70% in the Adrar, compared to the current situation, by 2100. Extreme events. This increase in temperature and decrease in precipitation would be accompanied by an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme drought and flooding phenomena and disturbances in the seasonal distribution of precipitation. Sea-level rise.", + "The coastline, which stretches over more than 720 km of coastline, already shows its sensitivity to sea level rise on a local basis (Nouakchott). The seabed covers almost all of the built-up area of the Capital and the lowest rainfall makes drainage and sanitation generally impossible. 4.1 - Impacts of climate change on key sectors. The impacts on water resources will be significant and will result in an overall decline in water resources of 10 to 15%, with the consequences of:", + "The impacts on water resources will be significant and will result in an overall decline in water resources of 10 to 15%, with the following consequences:. The increase in mean sea surface temperature (MST) with a northward rise of the thermal front beyond its usual geographical limit and the depletion of oxygen-rich waters creates increasingly large OMZs that could lead to migration of pelagic species to oxygen-rich areas;. Rising water temperatures and ocean acidification in recent years appear to be accompanied by jellyfish blooms and a recurrence of coloured waters;. Rising ocean levels and coastal erosion threatening coastal infrastructure dedicated to fishing; and. Increased storm frequency that reduces fishing productivity.", + "Increased sea level and coastal erosion threatening coastal infrastructure dedicated to fisheries; Increased storm frequency that reduces fishery productivity; Disruption of the sedge regime and reduction of dam fill capacity due to concentrated precipitation and accelerated siltation of dams by water erosion in heavily denuded watersheds; and Warming of less aerated surface waters with reduced flows and thus reduced dilution and biodegradation of certain pollutants, etc. The impacts on livestock will result in a worsening of the current situation, marked by a decline in livestock productivity. This evolution in livestock productivity is driven by recurrent droughts, scarcity and remoteness of pasture areas and water points.", + "This evolution in livestock productivity is driven by recurrent droughts, scarcity and remoteness of pasture areas and water points. This situation is the result of the effect of global warming and excessive biomass harvesting, which have a significant impact on the already very fragile level of food security. The convergence of these different factors affects the way in which herds are managed, in particular the development of peri-urban livestock farming and the implementation of breeding programmes. The impacts on habitat, urban planning and spatial planning relate to the risks of invasion of marine waters and flooding of infrastructure and coastal cities, in particular Nouakchott and Nouadhibou, respectively political and economic capitals.", + "The impacts on habitat, urban planning and spatial planning relate to the risks of marine water intrusion and flooding of coastal infrastructure and cities, in particular Nouakchott and Nouadhibou, respectively political and economic capitals. Indeed, Mauritania\u2019s coastal areas are home to more than 30% of the country\u2019s population, most industries, the bulk of import and export activities, important port and airport infrastructure, oil extraction activities, almost all fishing activities, but also the country\u2019s two major national parks. With the increase in the level of the ocean, on the one hand, and taking into account the topography of the coast, on the other hand, coastal areas are significantly vulnerable to the risks of marine intrusion and flooding, as well as to extreme climatic phenomena.", + "With the increase in the level of the ocean, on the one hand, and taking into account the topography of the coast, on the other hand, the coastal areas are significantly vulnerable to the risks of sea incursions and flooding, as well as to extreme climatic phenomena. To this end, the climatic disasters that would affect the coastal area will affect the economic growth of Mauritania, a country where the coastline represents both a unique ecosystem and the main pole of economic development. On the other hand, the risks of urban and village siltation, combined with drought, lead to the concentration of populations around wetlands, the atomisation of human settlements along roads and the development of rural exodus to large cities. The impacts on natural resources.", + "On the other hand, the risk of flooding of towns and villages, combined with drought, leads to the concentration of populations around wetlands, the atomisation of human settlements along roads and the development of rural exodus to large cities. Impacts on natural resources. Regression of vegetation cover (grass and herbaceous), due to the combined effect of chronic drought and anthropogenic pressure, has increased desertification and has been the main cause of the disappearance of forest and biological species, and the reduction of pastoral potential, thus causing a massive rural exodus to large urban centres.", + "Despite the irrational exploitation of forest resources by populations to meet their domestic energy needs (firewood and charcoal) and non-timber forest products (aerial pastures, pharmacopoeia, harvesting products and cosmetics), forest ecosystems have developed adaptive mechanisms that are now destabilized by climate change. The most visible form of these phenomena in Mauritania is desertification and its consequences. Impacts on fisheries. The fisheries sector, like other sectors, is suffering from the effects of climate change.", + "Impacts on fisheries. The fisheries sector, like other sectors, is affected by climate change. These effects are perceived through the monitoring of physico-chemical parameters of ocean waters and marine biodiversity. These include:. The rise in mean sea surface temperature (MST) with a northward rise of the thermal front beyond its usual geographical limit and the depletion of oxygen waters creates increasingly important OMZs that could lead to migration of pelagic species to more oxygen-rich areas;. Rising water temperatures and ocean acidification in recent years appear to be accompanied by jellyfish blooms and a recurrence of coloured waters;.", + "Increased water temperatures and ocean acidification in recent years appear to be accompanied by jellyfish blooms and a phenomenon of coloured waters;. Rising ocean levels and coastal erosion threatening coastal infrastructure dedicated to fishing;. Increased frequency of storms that reduces fishing productivity.The mainland fisheries subsector (the Senegal River) faces certain climatic and other constraints: (i) decreased production, (ii) variation in physicochemical parameters, (iii) pollution problems (pesticides) of the Senegal River, (iv) anthropogenic effects (dams), (v) swampy ponds and water bodies, (vi) difficulties in accessing the resource due to invasive plants, (vii) irregularity in the river regime due to dams,", + "Increased frequency of storms, which reduces fishing productivity.The mainland fisheries subsector (Senegal River) faces certain climatic and other constraints: (i) decrease in production, (ii) variation in physicochemical parameters, (iii) pollution problems (pesticides) of the Senegal River, (iv) anthropogenic effects (dams), (v) encroachment of ponds and water bodies, (vi) difficulties in accessing the resource due to invasive plants, (vii) irregularity of the river regime due to dams, (viii) conflicts between indigenous and/or non-indigenous populations. Health impacts. Mauritania is characterised by a nutritional situation of concern, aggravated by a hostile environment, which results in an increase in the prevalence", + "Mauritania is characterised by a nutritional situation of concern, aggravated by a hostile environment, which leads to an increase in the prevalence of nutritional pathologies, thus favouring the emergence of infectious and parasitic diseases, in particular diarrhoea and acute respiratory infections, among children under five years of age. Infant mortality is dominated by acute respiratory infections (21.5%), malaria (15%) and diarrhoeal diseases (13.5%) according to the Demographic and Health Survey (EDSM). These three diseases alone account for 50% of the causes of mortality among children under five years of age; 35% of children over five years of age.", + "Furthermore, 32% of children under the age of five suffer from chronic malnutrition and underweight, of which 17% and 10% are severely malnourished, respectively. This highlights the persistence of a worrying nutritional situation aggravated by drought episodes. 4.2 - Climate expenditure in adaptation. State efforts. The Mauritanian State has been making enormous efforts to curb the impacts of droughts since the 1970s. These have been greatly strengthened since 2010 in the form of a regular funding mechanism for adaptation to climate change... In the field of nature conservation, more than 20 projects and programmes for the protection and restoration of nature were implemented between 1975 and 2008, followed by ambitious programmes for adaptation to climate change since 2010.", + "In the field of nature conservation, more than 20 nature conservation and restoration projects and programmes were implemented between 1975 and 2008, followed by ambitious climate change adaptation programmes since 2010. These are mainly initiatives to combat deforestation, reforestation, the management and protection of natural resources and the conservation of biodiversity. The cumulative total cost is estimated at about US$100 million. In the agro-pastoral field, considerable efforts have been made to improve the resilience of farmers and ranchers to the impacts of climate change in the form of hydro-agricultural development, support for agricultural campaigns (marketing of agricultural products and climate insurance), improvement of local breeds, and promotion of family-based poultry farming.", + "In the field of fisheries, adaptation measures have been implemented under the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector Sustainable Management Strategy (2008-2012, extended to 2014). These measures include: Protecting euphotic habitats (depth of 20m); Developing management plans for major marine fisheries and the development plan for continental fisheries (2010-2014); Developing a strategic framework for aquaculture development (2010-2014); Strengthening the capacity and capabilities of marine control institutions (Cotes de Mauritania Coast Guards) and research institutions (Mauritanian Institute for Oceanographic Research and Fisheries).", + "Strengthening the capabilities and capacities of maritime control institutions (Gardes C\u00f4tes de Mauritanie) and research institutions (Institution Mauritanienne de Recherche Oc\u00e9anographique et des P\u00eaches). In the field of habitat, urban planning and spatial planning, since 2009, the State has carried out regrouping and resettlement operations in abandoned villages and hamlets affected by drought in viable sites. This type of intervention has also affected cities where housing construction and the restructuring of precarious neighbourhoods have mobilised significant sums.", + "The programmes financed for the vulnerable sections of the population concerned: (i) the consolidation of 7 localities at MRO 4.500 billion; (ii) the creation of two modern towns at MRO 0.445 billion; (iii) the restructuring of the precarious neighbourhoods of Nouakchott (146.000 lots) at MRO 5.6 billion; and (iv) the construction of social and medium-sized housing at MRO 7.3 billion (a total of MRO 17.845 billion, equivalent to US$ 64 million). 4.3 - The ambitions and needs for adaptation. 4.3.1 - Mauritania\u2019s adaptation ambitions agenda for 2030.", + "The initiatives proposed by the various sectors are aimed at reducing the vulnerability of the natural and socio-economic systems and thus addressing climate change. To this end, Mauritania is seeking the support of its international partners for the achievement of its adaptation priorities, which include: a food needs coverage rate of 117% for rice, 80% for wheat, 75% for traditional cereals, 160% for milk, 126% for white meat; the establishment of sanitation networks (sewage and stormwater) in the cities of Nouakchott, Rosso, Ka\u00e9di, Kiffa, Nouadhibou, N\u00e9ma, Aioun, Timb\u00e9dra, Akjoujt, Atar; and the establishment of a network of sewage and stormwater treatment plants in the cities of Nouakchott, Rosso, Ka\u00e9di, Kiffa, Nouadhibou, N\u00e9ma, Timb\u00e9", + "Implementation of sewage and stormwater treatment networks in the cities of Nouakchott, Rosso, Ka\u00e9di, Kiffa, Nouadhibou, N\u00e9ma, Aioun, Timb\u00e9dra, Akjoujt, Atar;. Aerial seeding of degraded land (10 000 ha/year) to promote the regeneration of the natural environment;. Restoration of natural pastures (defense and range management as part of territorial climate plans);. Implementation of 300 surveys (150 of them at depths greater than 200 m) for the exploration of aquifers, which can be converted into operational drilling and/or piezometers;. Hydrogeological syntheses and assessment of water resources in difficult or vulnerable areas and the extension of regular monitoring to all fields collected with the telecommunications system;. Implementation of the drinking water supply (PW) project", + "Implementation of the drinking water supply (PW) project in 4 wilayas in the northern part of the country. Implementation of desalination projects for coastal and other areas. Implementation of 2000 small isolated drinking water supply (PW) networks in rural areas equipped with solar panels. Protection of the cities of Nouakchott and Nouadhibou from the risks of marine dumping and acidification. Strengthening the resilience of vulnerable populations, particularly in rural areas, to the effects of climate change. Strengthening the institutional and technical capacities of national and local structures in planning, financing and implementing adaptation measures to climate change. Strengthening the resilience of natural ecosystems to the effects of climate change. Integrated and sustainable rehabilitation and management of wetlands against the effects of climate change.", + "Strengthening the resilience of natural ecosystems to the effects of climate change,. Integrated and sustainable rehabilitation and management of wetlands against the effects of climate change,. Development of small-scale water bodies on pilot sites,. Promotion of responsible fishing on Foum Gleita Lake,. Capacity-building for monitoring and management of continental fisheries,. Promotion of fish farming to improve food security and poverty reduction in rural areas. Strengthening nutrition and health of vulnerable households. 4.3.2 - Means of implementing adaptation measures. In addition to capacity-building needs, technological and institutional transfers, the implementation of projects and adaptation measures requires funding over the two periods of: 2015 \u2013 2020 and 2020-2030 of USD 9 377,4 billion:. Sectors.", + "In addition to capacity building, technological and institutional transfers, the implementation of projects and adaptation measures requires funding over the two periods of: 2015 \u2013 2020 and 2020-2030 of USD 9 377,4 billion:. Sectors. Financial requirements (in million US dollars). Agriculture. 843.00. Water and sanitation. 1500.00. Elevation. 36.40. Habitat, urbanism and land use planning. 5000.00. Environment and sustainable development (nature conservation). 133.00. Fisheries and maritime economy. 1644.00. Health. 221.00. Sub-total Adaptation. 9377.40. 5 - Implementation and monitoring of the INDC. 5.1 - Monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV). In Mauritania, the use of the monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) approach is not known and has never been applied previously to mitigation measures.", + "In Mauritania, the use of the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) approach is unknown and has never been applied previously to mitigation measures. In order to ensure greater transparency, accuracy and comparability of information on mitigation measures, the State has already begun the process of developing an appropriate and effective MRV system for all sectors of the national economy. The implementation of this system will:. Measure and monitor GHG emission reductions and organic carbon sequestration generated by the implementation of the proposed mitigation measures;. Facilitate the identification and evaluation of objectively verifiable monitoring indicators to measure progress towards the expected objectives;. Promote the reporting and communication of GHG emission reductions and the co-benefits of the proposed mitigation measures in a transparent manner; and.", + "Encourage the reporting and communication of GHG emission reductions and the co-benefits of proposed mitigation measures in a transparent manner; and. Enable verification, possibly by an independent third party, and the reliability of the results achieved through the implementation of the proposed mitigation measures. 5.2 - Institutional framework for implementation and monitoring \u2013 evaluation. At the request of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), each ministry has designated a \"Sectoral Focal Point\" (SFP) responsible for the climate change theme for its sector. Mauritania has thus developed a network of Sectoral Climate Change Focal Points within ministerial departments to improve the implementation of the Convention\u2019s objectives and systematically introduce climate change concerns into all sectoral activities.", + "Mauritania has thus developed a network of Sectoral Focal Points on Climate Change within the ministerial departments in order to improve the implementation of the objectives of the Convention and to systematically introduce climate change concerns into all sectoral activities. Similarly, Mauritania has established a monitoring and evaluation system of the \"National Environmental Action Plan\" (SEPANE), which will be extended to this \"Contribution\" of Mauritania, through capacity-building of the monitoring and evaluation structures of all the departments concerned. 6 - Equity and ambition. Mauritania is a member of both the Non-Annex I countries and the LDCs affected by desertification; it is a member of the climate negotiating groups: \"G77 and China\", \"Arab Group\", \"African Group\" and \"Sahelian Group\".", + "Mauritania is a member of both the Non-Annex I countries and the LDCs affected by desertification; it is a member of the Climate negotiating groups: the G77 and China, the Arab Group, the African Group and the Sahel Group. It therefore shares the concerns and positions of all these groups, which consider adaptation to be a priority, and are working to make the Paris Conference a successful Conference of the Parties. Mauritania\u2019s GHG emissions are negligible in relation to global emissions (0.00015 or 0.015%); it therefore considers it fair that it can continue its development to make its economy and population resilient to the impacts of climate change.", + "Mauritania\u2019s GHG emissions are negligible in relation to its overall emissions (0.00015 or 0.015%); it therefore considers it fair that it can continue its development to make its economy and population resilient to the impacts of climate change. Nevertheless, Mauritania is committed to fully participating in the international community\u2019s effort to reduce its GHG emissions by 22.3% in 2030 compared to projected emissions in the same year under the baseline scenario (normal course of business). With emissions in the order of 2 tonnes eq-CO2 per capita, Mauritania\u2019s Contribution is fair and ambitious. Implementation of this Contribution would lead to a reduction in cumulative emissions from 2020 to 2030 of 33.56 Mt eq-CO2, at a total cost estimated at US$9.3 billion.", + "Implementation of this Contribution would lead to a reduction in cumulative emissions from 2020 to 2030 of 33.56 Mt CO2eq, at a total estimated cost of US$ 9.3 billion. Of this Contribution, 88% is conditional on a cumulative emission reduction of 29.53 Mt CO2eq and a cost of US$ 8.2 billion. Mauritania aims to strengthen its climate monitoring system to better organise the mitigation effort expected of each of its development sectors, to continue its renewable energy development programme, and to enhance its reserves of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) via shared electricity generation with Mali and Senegal. Mauritania plans to update its contribution to take account of developments in its development." + ] + } + }, + { + "country_code": "MRT", + "type_of_document": "Revised First NDC", + "language": "fr", + "para_translated": { + "small": [ + "CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania VISION OF THE NATIONAL DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC) UPDATE ON MAURItania Promoting Climate-Resilient Development and Sustainable Green Jobs CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania EXECUTIVE SUMMARY List of Tables 5 List of Figures 5 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations 6 KEY MESSAGES OF THE UNCCD 2021-2030. 7 Part I - Executive Summary. 8 I- Introduction. 8 II- Updated mitigation ambitions of the UNCCD 2021-2030 10 III- Adaptation actions recommended by the UNCCD 2021-2030 11 IV- Capacity", + "Mauritania\u2019s mitigation ambition. 25 3.2. Sectoral ambitions 25 3.3. Funding needs. 27 3.4. Comparison of NCD 2015 and updated NCD 2021-2030. 27 3.5. Clarity, transparency and understanding of the NCD 2021-2030 29 IV- Adaptation component of the NCD. 39 4.1.", + "Clarity, transparency and understanding of the CBD 2021-2030 29 IV- Adaptation component of the CBD. 39 4.1. Communication context of the adaptation action. 39 4.2 Vulnerability of the country to climate change 39 4.3. Evaluation of the implementation of the adaptation actions of the CBD-2015. 40 4.4.", + "Assessment of the implementation of the adaptation actions of the CBD-2015. 40 4.4. Updated adaptation actions of the CBD 2021-2030 41 4.3. Financing needs for adaptation 42 V- Capacity building and support for implementation 44 5.1. Institutional, legislative and governance needs 44 5.2.", + "Financing Needs for Adaptation 42 V- Capacity Building and Implementation Support Needs 44 5.1. Institutional, Legislative and Governance Needs 44 5.2. Technology Transfer Needs. 44 5.3. Financing Needs. 44 VI.", + "Technology Transfer Requirements. 44 5.3. Funding Requirements. 44 VI. Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) and Monitoring and Evaluation. 45 VII. Synergy and Coherence 46 VII- Gender and Youth 46 VIII- Education and Employment 48 APPENDICES. 49 Appendix No.", + "Synergy and coherence 46 VII- Gender and youth 46 VIII- Education and employment 48 ANNEXES. 49 Annex No. 1: Details of mitigation measures, conditional and non-conditional, by sector 49 Annex No.2: List of adaptation actions proposed by sectors. 57 Annex No.3: GCF project portfolio. 63 CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Summary of funding needs for the CND 2021-2030 updated. 12 Table 2: CND 2021-2030 mitigation measures updated by sector (cumulative cost and reduction potential for the period). 14 Table 3: CND 2021-2030 adaptation measures updated by sector. Error!", + "Not defined.", + "Table 4: National data 22 Table 5: Sectoral distribution of mitigation in 2030. 26 Table 6: Comparison of 2015 NCD to the updated 2021-2030 NCD. 27 Table 7: Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding of Mauritania\u2019s updated NCD 29 Table 8: Breakdown of NCD funding needs by sector in 2015 40 Table 9: Adaptation projects underway. 40 Table 10: NCD funding needs in 2021-2030 by sector 42 Table 11: Summary of NCD funding needs 44 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1:", + "Figure 2: GHG Emission Scenarios in Mauritania 10 Figure 3: Key Strategies of the Mauritanian Social, Economic, Cultural and Environmental Development Planning Framework (i.e.", + "Sustainable Development) Figure 4: GHG emission scenarios in Mauritania, 2030 horizon 25 Figure 5: Total mitigation effort in 2030 by sector. 26 Figure 6: Distribution of total cumulative mitigation effort 2021-2030, conditional vs.", + "non conditional 27 CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS $US US Dollars AFAT Agriculture, forestry and other land uses AP Paris Agreement BAU Business as usual scenario BM World Bank CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CBIT Capacity building Initiative for transparency UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change CDN National earmarked contribution UNFCCC United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification CSLP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper 2001-2015 DCEV Climate and Green Economy Directorate FAO Food and Agriculture Organization GEF Global Environment Facility IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development FVC Green Climate Fund \u2013 GCF Green ClimateFund GHG Greenhouse gases", + "Agricultural Development FVC Green Climate Fund \u2013 GCF for Green ClimateFund GHG Greenhouse Gases LCD Combating Desertification MEDD Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development MVN Measurement, Verification and Reporting System \u2013 MRV MW Mega Watts NDT Neutrality of Land Degradation ODD Sustainable Development Goal SFP Sectoral Focal Points IPUP Industrial Processes and Product Use NFP National Adaptation Program TFP Technical and Financial Partners SCAPP National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity ENTERMINED CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL LEVEL NCD MAURItania KEY NCD MESSAGES 2021-2030 Mauritania\u2019s total GHG emissions represent 0.015% of global emissions.", + "The largest contributions to total emissions are from AFAT and energy, both of which account for 99% of emissions.", + "These two sectors account for 99% of emissions. The baseline \"business as usual\" scenario calculated on the basis of SCAPP growth data shows that emissions of direct greenhouse gases, expressed in terms of Global Warming Potential (GWP), are globally net of an increase of 185.67% (Source BUR2 2021).", + "The baseline \"business as usual\" scenario calculated on the basis of SCAPP growth data shows that emissions of direct greenhouse gases, expressed in terms of Global Warming Potential (GWP), are globally net of an increase of 185.67% (Source BUR2 2021). Mauritania is one of the world\u2019s most vulnerable regions to climate change, the effects of which are already affecting all sectors of its economy, ecosystems and populations, in particular women and children.", + "Mauritania belongs to one of the most vulnerable regions of the world to climate change, the effects of which already affect all sectors of its economy, ecosystems and people, in particular women and children. Mauritania is fully committed to the implementation of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement to contribute to global efforts to reduce global GHG emissions by making available to the global community all the mitigation potential available to the country.", + "Mauritania is fully committed to the implementation of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement to contribute to global efforts to reduce global GHG emissions by making available to the world community all the mitigation potential available to the country, which is the enormous pool of clean energy, wind and solar energy.", + "For example, Mauritania\u2019s updated CDN projects a net reduction in economy-wide GHG emissions of 11% in 2030 compared to the baseline scenario with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support comparable to that received up to 2020.", + "For example, Mauritania\u2019s updated CDN projects a net economy-wide reduction in GHG emissions of 11% in 2030 compared to the baseline scenario with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support comparable to that received up to 2020.", + "With greater support, Mauritania could achieve carbon neutrality, up to a conditional reduction of 92% from the OAU, at an estimated total cost of US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional, or 1.85%.", + "The overall cost of this ambition is estimated at US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional or 1.85%. In view of its extreme vulnerability, Mauritania has broadened its adaptation ambition to cover the following areas: protection and conservation of ecosystems including wetlands, sustainable range management, conservation of biodiversity, fisheries and aquaculture, habitat and urbanism, agriculture and food security including genetic improvement, health, water, coastal management, prevention of extreme climatic events, infrastructure and education.", + "This expansion is based on the readiness program for access to the Green Climate Fund (Readiness) and the results of the first studies conducted as part of the country\u2019s National Adaptation Program (NAP) development process.", + "Funding requirements for adaptation measures are US$10,626.46 million, of which US$10,174.63 million is conditional and US$451.83 million is non-conditional.", + "In addition to the conditional funding required to ensure the country\u2019s mitigation ambitions and to implement adaptation actions, the implementation of Mauritania\u2019s NCD 2021-2030 requires support in terms of capacity-building for all development actors, integration of cross-cutting aspects (gender, youth, human rights, employment and education) and the operationalisation of a system of measurement, verification and reporting to monitor and evaluate climate action.", + "By aligning its development process with that of SCAPP and building on the country\u2019s sectoral strategies and programs, the CND defines the country\u2019s 2030 climate policy framework and provides a framework for consultation and dialogue among all stakeholders to define transformative, integrated, inclusive, clean and sustainable programs.", + "It provides a framework for consultation and dialogue among all stakeholders to define transformative, integrated, inclusive, clean and sustainable programmes CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA PART I \u2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I- Introduction Mauritania is one of the Sahel countries most affected by the recurrent droughts since 1968.", + "CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania PART I \u2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I- Introduction Mauritania is one of the Sahelian countries most affected by the recurrent droughts since 1968, and the resulting desertification is all the more serious because the effect of climate, combined with human action, has direct consequences on an already very fragile environment.", + "The resulting desertification is all the stronger because the effect of climate, combined with human action, has direct consequences on an already very fragile environment. The country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change affects all vital sectors of the national economy.", + "Mauritania\u2019s vulnerability to climate change affects all vital sectors of the country\u2019s economy. By ratifying the UNFCCC, Mauritania is firmly committed to the global process of combating global warming by limiting GHG emissions and implementing adaptation strategies consistent with its sustainable development policy.", + "By ratifying the UNFCCC, Mauritania is firmly committed to the global process of combating global warming by limiting GHG emissions and implementing adaptation strategies consistent with its sustainable development policy, and reaffirms this commitment by ratifying the Paris Agreement and submitting its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in 2015.", + "In 2015, the process of developing the NDC took place at a time when the country was changing its strategic vision for development from the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP, 2001-2015) to the National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP), the first five-year action plan of which covers the period 2016-2020.", + "In 2021, and in accordance with the five-year cycle of updating the NDCs promoted by the Paris Agreement (PA), Mauritania is updating its NDCs at the same time as it prepares the review of the first five-year plan for the implementation of SCAPP, which is to lead to the definition of the second five-year plan 2021-2025.", + "The convergence of the two processes, SCAPP and CDN, ensures coherence between the two policy frameworks and the synergy of the programs enshrined therein.", + "While SCAPP constitutes Mauritania\u2019s strategic development vision for the period 2016-2030 and serves as a reference framework for all development actions undertaken by the state, public and socio-professional bodies, and technical and financial partners (TFPs), the CDN serves as a framework for defining the country\u2019s climate policy and as an instrument for its implementation.", + "Like SCAPP, it integrates the UN 2030 Agenda and priority targets for the country among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the orientations of the African Union\u2019s Agenda 2063, and derives legitimacy from the mitigation ambitions it advocates and the adaptation actions it defines in the sectoral and thematic strategies from which it emerges.", + "It derives its legitimacy from the mitigation ambitions it advocates and the adaptation actions it defines in the sectoral and thematic strategies from which it emerges.", + "Key Strategies of Mauritania\u2019s Social, Economic, Cultural and Environmental Development (i.e. Sustainable Development) Planning Framework II- Updated CBD 2021-2030 Mitigation Ambitions Mauritania\u2019s updated CBD foresees a net economy-wide reduction of GHG emissions of 11% in 2030 (green line) compared to the baseline scenario (BAU, blue line) with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support comparable to that received up to 2020.", + "With greater support, Mauritania could achieve carbon neutrality in its economy, achieving a 92% reduction (red line) from the OAU. The overall cost of this ambition is estimated at US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional or 1.85%. The mitigation ambition covers the four emission sectors (Energy, PPI, AFAT and Waste).", + "The most important mitigation efforts are based on the country\u2019s significant renewable energy potential and the capacity to increase the share of clean energy in the energy mix to reach more than 13 GW of renewable energy by 2030, but also on the AFAT sector with a forestry-oriented potential through ambitious projects and programmes (Great Green Wall, assisted forest regeneration programmes, range regeneration and combating desertification), agroecology and improved livestock productivity.", + "Indeed, despite the significant efforts made by the country in terms of reforestation and restoration of degraded land, notably in the framework of the Great Green Wall programme, the mitigation ambitions of the 2015 NDA in the agricultural, forestry and other land use sector (AFAT sector) of 10,000 ha per year of reforestation have not been achieved due to the low level of external funding mobilised.", + "For the period 2015-2020, the annual maximum that has been achieved is only 1800 ha (Source DPREM/MEDD).", + "On the other hand, the results achieved in terms of the energy mix exceeded the conditional efforts envisaged, rising from 18% in 2015 to 33.91% in 2018, with an even greater improvement thanks to the commissioning of the 100 MW wind farm in Boulenouar, which makes it possible to achieve an energy mix of 48% in 2021.", + "The country\u2019s mitigation ambition is comprised of a total of 55 measures, including 33 unconditional measures with a total capacity of 1834.268 Gg Eq CO2 compared to the normal course of business (BFR) scenario and 22 conditional measures for a reduction in 2030 of 16134.62 Gg Eq CO2 representing a reduction of 92% compared to the BFR.", + "These measures are presented in Table 2 (details in Appendix 1 of the Synthesis Report).", + "Figure 2: Scenarios of GHG emissions in Mauritania CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINED TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania III- Adaptation actions recommended by the CDN 2021-2030 Mauritania\u2019s extreme vulnerability has broadened its adaptation ambition to cover the following areas: protection and conservation of ecosystems including wetlands, range management, conservation of biodiversity, fisheries and aquaculture, habitat and urbanism, food security including genetic improvement, health, infrastructure, education, and prevention of extreme climatic events.", + "This expansion is based on the readiness program for access to the Green Climate Fund (Readiness) and the results of the first studies conducted as part of the country\u2019s National Adaptation Program (NAP) development process.", + "Funding requirements for adaptation measures are US$ 10626.46 million, of which US$ 10174.63 million is conditional and US$ 451.83 million is non-conditional.", + "In order to meet the challenges of integrating climate change into sectoral strategies and policies, the implementation of the adaptation actions identified must be planned within the framework of an intersectoral and integrated approach that includes all stakeholders and relevant sectors.", + "In order to meet the challenges of integrating climate change into sectoral strategies and policies, the implementation of the adaptation actions identified must be planned within the framework of an intersectoral and integrated approach that includes all stakeholders and relevant sectors.", + "To this end, the CBD 2021-2030 should serve as a framework for consultation and dialogue to define transformative programmes that address the need to strengthen the resilience of populations and ecosystems to their vulnerability to climate change. The co-benefits of mitigation measures for adaptation and vice versa, as well as synergies with other sustainable development planning frameworks, in particular SD Goals, are highlighted in the funding mechanism and Annex 1 of the synthesis paper.", + "The co-benefits of mitigation measures for adaptation and vice versa, as well as the synergies with other sustainable development planning frameworks, in particular SD frameworks, are highlighted in the financing mechanism and Annex 1 of the synthesis document. IV- Capacity-building needs and support for implementation In addition to financial support expressed as conditional support for mitigation measures and adaptation actions, the CND 2021-2030 identifies needs for capacity-building, technology transfer and training, in particular for youth education.", + "IV- Capacity-building needs and implementation support In addition to financial support expressed as conditional support for mitigation and adaptation actions, the CND 2021-2030 identifies capacity-building needs, technology transfer and training, particularly for youth education. In terms of capacity-building, the establishment of an operational system of measurement, verification and reporting (MNV and MRV) is a priority action in the process of implementing the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.", + "In terms of capacity-building, the establishment of an operational system of measurement, verification and reporting (MNV and MRV) is a priority action in the process of implementing the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.", + "In addition, although not binding on the country, the development of an action plan for the implementation of the CBD is a prerequisite for the MNV/MRV.", + "Furthermore, although not binding on the country, the development of an action plan for the implementation of the CBD is a prerequisite for MNV/MRV, and Mauritania has already made substantial efforts in this direction.", + "Mauritania has already made substantial efforts in this direction, and the establishment and institutionalisation of the national network of sectoral climate focal points (SCPs), civil society and the private sector in 2013 is a first step.", + "In September 2020, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) strengthened its institutional framework by establishing the Directorate of Climate and Green Economy (DCEV) to coordinate the entire national climate change programme.", + "In September 2020, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) strengthened its institutional framework by establishing the Directorate of Climate and Green Economy (DCEV) to coordinate the entire national climate change programme.", + "This institutional framework is reinforced by a network of academically independent experts who have contributed to the preparation of all national communications, GHG inventories and updated biannual reports, etc. required for reporting to the UNFCCC. Notwithstanding all these achievements, significant gaps remain in the collection and processing of data needed to report in a transparent and clear manner on the implementation of the country\u2019s climate policies, measures and strategies.", + "Notwithstanding all these achievements, significant gaps remain in the collection and processing of data needed to report transparently and clearly on the implementation of the country\u2019s climate policies, measures and strategies. These gaps were identified in the preparation of the project identification document that was submitted to the GEF-7 Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) programme for a total amount of US$12,63650.", + "These deficiencies were identified in the preparation of the project identification document, which was submitted to the GEF-7 Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) for a total amount of US$12,63650. CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania The project will define the responsibilities of the actors of the CDN, in particular how ministries other than MEDD will participate in the implementation of the CDN and in the operation of the MRV system.", + "CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania The project will define the responsibilities of the actors of the CDN, in particular how ministries other than the MEDD will participate in the implementation of the CDN and the functioning of the MRV system. Other priorities in terms of capacity-building for the implementation of the CDN relate to the continuation of the preparation efforts (Readiness) of sectoral departments, the private sector and civil society.", + "Other priorities in terms of capacity-building for the implementation of the NCD relate to the continuation of the preparation efforts (Readiness) of sectoral departments, the private sector and civil society, as well as the integration of cross-cutting dimensions into climate programmes and projects.", + "For example, the integration of gender, youth and human rights dimensions is provided for in all projects and programmes developed within the framework of the CND by earmarking 10% of the budget for each programme or project (Estimate based on the assessment of the Gender/Youth/Employment/Education Expert Group and the Working Group of Experts based on the Doha Work Programme and the Paris Agreement in its Article 12).", + "Similarly, aspects of job creation and improving educational curricula for addressing climate change issues are considered among the priorities to support the implementation of the NCD. Technology transfer needs assessments were carried out in 2017.", + "Technology transfer needs assessments were carried out in 2017, which led to the identification of two priority sectors for adaptation (agriculture, rangelands and forestry) and two priority sectors for mitigation (energy and waste) and will need to be updated in light of the new mitigation and adaptation options identified in the updated CBD 2021-2030.", + "They will need to be updated in the light of the new mitigation and adaptation options identified in the updated CBD 2021-2030. V- CBD 2021-2030 Funding Requirements and Funding Plan Table 1: Summary of CBD 2021-2030 Funding Requirements Updated Areas CBD Funding Unconditional Funding Conditional Total by Area US$ million Mitigation Adaptation Gender, Youth and Human Rights Integration Employment and Education - Capacity Building - Implementation and Operationalisation of Measurement, Verification and Reporting System Total In Mauritania, there is no specific climate change funding system.", + "The MEDD has developed several expertise in mobilising climate finance from specific international funds (Green Climate Fund, Adaptation Fund, Multilateral Development Bank Fund, etc.) and TFPs.", + "However, capacity-building must be programmed to encourage private sector investment, to strengthen the national financial system through the contribution of the national banking system to financing sustainable development in general and climate action in particular and, finally, to consider innovative financing through, for example, the generation of new tax resources capable of financing climate action.", + "In addition to its direct financial support, Mauritania also supports its mitigation financing needs through: CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AU NIVEAL CDN MAURITANIE The NAMA platform, in particular for energy efficiency and renewable energy programmes.", + "The adoption and inclusion of international carbon markets such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in post-2020 climate agreements in accordance with Article 6 of the Paris Agreement This approach aims to establish a carbon price that can serve as an effective means of reflecting these costs while sending clear economic and political signals encouraging cost-effective decarbonization.", + "These instruments, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime (MNV/MRV), could help finance some investments in low-carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure.", + "Sustainable development options contained in Mauritania\u2019s UNCCD 2021 could be financed through the international transfer of carbon assets (the result of internationally transferable mitigation) taking into account considerations of environmental integrity and transparency. In this context, Mauritania intends to meet part of its conditional adaptation ambitions on this type of process.", + "In this context, Mauritania intends to meet part of its conditional adaptation ambitions on this type of process, and the recent contracts signed for the introduction of new green hydrogen technologies are an example of this type of mechanism.", + "The recent contracts signed for the introduction of new green hydrogen technologies are an example of this type of mechanism. Table 2: NCD mitigation measures 2021-2030 updated by sector (Cost and cumulative reduction potential for the period) Sectors / Sub-Sectors Contributions to total mitigation efforts Challenges / Constraints Recommended measures Energy \u2013 37452.46 Gg Eq-CO2 of which 17.86% is unconditional Renewable energy 31817.81 Gg Eq-CO2 of which 6.06% is unconditional Energy efficiency \u2013 5634.65 Gg Eq-CO2 of which 84.62% is unconditional ENERGY (renewable and energy efficiency) Gg either \u2022 Thermal energy dependence (66% of total energy consumption) \u2022 No clean energy subsidies Lowly exploited potential \u2022 Highly energy", + "(ER) in 2030 = 50.34% with the introduction of Hydrogen Green and Desert to power (2030) ER = 93% with a carbon avoidance capacity equivalent to national emissions.", + "\u2022 Updating legislation to encourage the production of clean energy (ongoing) and regulation of all electricity production companies Program to promote solar energy in public buildings, domestic energy/water heating, schools and universities (concept note) Desert to power G5 sahel (Subregional Energy Program Sahel/BAD) Target: 30 MW.", + "Financing acquired by the Green Fund (Hybridisation of 46 mini diesel networks, Kayes-Kiffa and Nouakchott-Dakar interconnection line, operationalisation of the regulatory authority, updating of the electricity code) Green Hydrogen Development Programme (AMAN with CWA) Extension of the Nouakchott wind farm from 300 MW\u2018 to 50 MW (i.e. 20 MW more).", + "Funding Acquired National Energy Efficiency Program (domestic appliances, lighting, etc.) Clean Energy Production Regulations Update (ongoing) Two 200 MW and 300 MW gas-fired generating stations Program to connect 25 isolated grids to the national electricity grid", + "Acquired funding National Energy Efficiency Promotion Program (household appliances, lighting, etc.) Clean Energy Production Regulations Update (ongoing) Two 200 MW and 300 MW gas-fired generating stations Program to connect 25 isolated grids to the national electricity grid Minigrid/UNDP/Green Fund Two OMVS projects under study (Koukoutamba and Gourbassi) - CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Sectors / Sub-Sectors Contributions to Total Mitigation Efforts Challenges / Constraints Recommended Measures Transportation 92.65 Gg Eq- soit \u25aa Fleet deficiency \u25aa Low coverage of public transportation \u25aa Lack of promotion of \"clean\" vehicles \u2022 Completion of Nouakchott tramway project.", + "\u2022 Implementation of the Sahel train project, G5 Sahel, Nouakchott \u2013 S\u00e9libabi-Kayes section.", + "Study phase (concept note) Tax measures (import incentives for new vehicles) AFAT \u2013 474.402 Gg CO2 eq of which 37.24% unconditional Agriculture & Elevation 58.382 Gg Eq- Either 17% of national GDP Food security Less than 0.5% of national territory arable land Production systems that degrade soils and forest resources Elevation accounts for 80% of agricultural GDP 70.16% of AFAT sector emissions come from livestock (enteric fermentation and manure management) \u27a2 Promotion of 6,000 ha of organic farming/agroecology \u27a2 Improved livestock feed for increased productivity and reduced emissions from livestock sector (increased grace in food supplement from 1.5% to 3%) Forestry and other land use 418.02 Gg Eq- Either Desertification and land degradation and ecosystem", + "\u2022 Desertification and degradation of land and ecosystems Infrastructure, urban and wetlands rehabilitation Erosion Deforestation (46,000 ha/year) Biodiversity loss Program to combat the degradation of land and agro-sylvopastoral ecosystems and natural resources Great Wall Green Program: 10,000 ha (2000 ha/year for 5 years) Reforestation and restoration of forest resources Program: 3000 ha/year Assisted forest regeneration: 5000 ha/year (stewardship/protection and defence/CES and DRS work.", + "(New measures: funding to be sought).", + "\u25aa Range regeneration: 3000 ha/year \u25aa Desertification Control (CDC): 10000 ha/year (defense and DENTERMINED CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Sectors / Sub-Sectors Contributions to Total Mitigation Efforts Challenges / Constraints Recommended Measures Seeding) Waste \u2013 1573.99 Gg CO2 eq of which 0.56% unconditional Solid Waste 1573.99 Gg Eq- o Low-efficient solid waste management system Low level of urban solid waste recovery Low level of waste collection Waste incineration and energy production plant, 12 MW in Public-Private Partnership.", + "(under study) Industry \u2013 633.96 Gg CO2 eq of which 55.56 unconditional Energy efficiency in industry 633.96 Gg CO2 eq Very low awareness of energy efficiency potential Auto thermal generation Energy efficiency promotion programme (under design) Connection to the electricity grid of autonomous entities to recover electricity surplus (both directions) (under design) The cumulative potential for GHG reduction 2021-2030 is :40227,462 Gg CO2 eq CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Table 3:", + "Dust Severer intense rains Desertification Land, forest and range degradation Wildlife loss/biodiversity Wetlands depletion Design and creation of classified forests (20 forests) Aerial seeding (150,000 ha) Wetlands design and management through the wetlands adaptation approach (ZH) (10 ZH) Coast Sea level rise Marine inundation and upwelling Coastal erosion Dune dune fixation (500 ha) Coastal cord breach clogging (11 breaches) Coastal city flood risk monitoring system Agriculture More frequent and severe droughts Disturbance of rain season Storms Soil fertility decline Oasis soil decline Soil depletion and loss of fertility Proliferation of crop enemies (sesamie, etc.) Rural exodus Setting up a system", + "Development of organic farming1/ agroecology (6000 ha) - 1 Organic farming aims at the development of farms that are sustainable and in harmony with the environment.", + "ENTERPRISE CONTRIBUTION AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Sectors Climate hazards/Projects Vulnerabilities / Impacts Adaptation sand and dust Increased temperature Severer intense rainfall; Food insecurity Elevation More frequent and severe droughts Increased temperature; Overgrazing and reduction of pastoral areas Decreased pastoral productivity Decreased animal health Decreased incomes of pastoralists / Rural exodus Creation of new farms for artificial insemination (at least 20 farms) Establishment of pastoral reserves (20.000 ha) Continental fisheries Disturbance of the rainy season Increased temperature Sand and dust storms Sedimentation of water bodies Decreased fish production Loss of incomes of populations Food insecurity Development of fisheries in rural areas (20 sites) Development of 1000 ha of water bo", + "Rural fisheries (20 sites) Development of 1000 ha of water bodies at (10) pilot sites Water & Sanitation Increased frequency and severity of droughts Disturbance of the rainy season Intense rainfall Degradation of water resources (quality and quantity) Decrease in the piezometric level Deregulation of the sewage system Floods Degradation of sanitation systems (self-contained or improved access to water for at least 10 cities and 100 villages Remediation of cities at high risk of flooding (Nouakchott, Nouadhibou, Rosso, Atar and Ka\u00e9di) Environmental sanitation and upgrading and reuse of sewage sludge (10 sites) CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRIBUTION CDN MAURItania Sectors Climate hazards/Projects Vulnerabilities/Impact", + "\u2022 Access to drinking water Habitat, Urbanism and Spatial Planning More frequent and severe droughts Increased temperature Sand and dust storms More severe heavy rains Access to public services (water, sanitation, eco-living, electricity, etc.) 10,000 dwellings built in disadvantaged urban areas (690 in NKC and 1010 in regional capitals in 2021) 100 local materials dwellings in N diago (green city) 50 local materials dwellings in Selibabi Health More frequent and severe droughts Disturbance of the rainy season Increased temperature More severe heavy rains Wind, smoke and dust Cannibalism Water diseases Malnutrition Establishment of a programme to combat diseases with common risk factors Establishment of a surveillance network and strengthening of the early warning system Climate/health/food", + "\u2022 Establishment of a monitoring network and strengthening of the early warning system climate/health/food security Education/Higher education/ Establish long-term research and study programmes to inform future investments in adaptation for all priority development sectors facing adaptation issues CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL LEVEL CONTRIBUTION CDN MAURITANIA Sectors Climate hazards/Projects Vulnerabilities/Impacts Adaptation research climate change (Horizon 2030).", + "\u2022 Establishment of a research team on the issue of adaptation to climate change Employment (SNJ- 2020-2030): creation of at least 30 000 new jobs, through the exploitation of new fishing infrastructure, the development and diversification of agriculture and the emergence of an alternative industry creation of 100 000 jobs.", + "PART II \u2013 SUMMARY DOCUMENT I- Introduction Country No Annex 1 to the UNFCCC states that Mauritania belongs to the African Sahel region most affected by the recurrent droughts since 1968. The resulting desertification is all the more serious because the effect of climate, combined with human action, has direct consequences on an already very fragile environment.", + "The resulting desertification is all the stronger because the effect of climate, combined with human action, has direct consequences on an already very fragile environment. The country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change affects all vital sectors of the national economy.", + "Mauritania\u2019s vulnerability to climate change affects all vital sectors of the country\u2019s economy. By ratifying the UNFCCC, Mauritania is firmly committed to the global process of combating global warming by limiting GHG emissions and implementing adaptation strategies consistent with its sustainable development policy.", + "By ratifying the UNFCCC, Mauritania is firmly committed to the global process of combating global warming by limiting GHG emissions and implementing adaptation strategies consistent with its sustainable development policy, and reaffirms this commitment by ratifying the Paris Agreement and submitting its first National Determined Contribution (NDC) in 2015.", + "It reaffirms this commitment by ratifying the Paris Agreement and submitting its first National Determined Contribution (NDC) in 2015.Although Mauritania\u2019s emissions account for barely 0.015% of global emissions, its NDC commits Mauritania to participate fully in the international community\u2019s effort by making available, on a conditional basis, a mitigation potential of approximately 33.56 million tonnes of Eq-CO2, or 22.3% of projected emissions in the same year under the baseline (business as usual) scenario, for the period 2020-2030.", + "The WMO report2 states that if the first set of NCDs were not fully implemented, it would lead to a warming of 2.9 to 3.4 degrees C over the century.", + "Increased mitigation ambition is therefore essential to achieve the Paris Agreement target of limiting warming well below 2 degrees C, or 1.5 degrees C.", + "In this sense, Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, as well as decisions 1/CP.19, 1/CP.20 and 1/CP.21 of the UNFCCC, establish a five-year cycle for updating the NCDs, which must correspond to an increase over the contribution determined at the previous national level and its highest possible level of ambition.", + "Overall, the updating of the CBD provides an opportunity for the international community to improve adaptation planning and to strengthen national commitment and transparency in reducing greenhouse gas emissions with a view to achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement and limiting global warming to +1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050, compared to the pre-industrial era.", + "Thus, the CND 2021-2030 reports on Mauritania's efforts to contribute to the progress of global efforts over time, while recognizing its need for multifaceted support (capacity building, access to technology and financing) for their effective implementation.", + "Mauritania aims to make a more significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than its previous and first NDCs, and to strengthen its efforts to adapt to climate change in order to strengthen the resilience of populations, ecosystems and infrastructure that are most vulnerable to climate hazards.", + "Likewise, the country intends to strengthen its efforts to adapt to climate change in order to strengthen the resilience of the populations, ecosystems and infrastructures most vulnerable to climate hazards, in accordance with its responsibility and in full harmony with the objectives of its SCAPP, which constitute Mauritania\u2019s strategic development vision for the period 2015-2030 and serve as a reference framework for all development actions undertaken by the State, public and socio-professional bodies and the Technical and Financial Partners (TFPs) during the period 2015-2030.", + "United In Science: High-levelsynthesis report of latest climate science information agreed by the Science Advisory Group of the UN Climate Action Summit 2019.", + "United In Science: High-levelsynthesis report of latest climate science information convened by the Science Advisory Group of the UN Climate Action Summit 2019.", + "Available at: CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AU NATIONAL LEVEL CDN Mauritania integrates Agenda 2030 and the priority targets for the country among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the African Union Agenda 2063. At the national level, the updating of the CDN provides Mauritania with an opportunity to strengthen the integration of climate change into the country\u2019s development policies and strategies by learning from the implementation of the CDN-2015.", + "At the national level, the updating of the CND provides Mauritania with an opportunity to strengthen the integration of climate change into the country\u2019s development policies and strategies by learning from the implementation of the CND-2015. In 2015, the process of developing the CND is taking place as the country changed its strategic vision for development from the Strategic Framework for Combating Poverty (CLSP, 2001-2005) to the National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP), the first five-year action plan of which covers the period 2016-2020.", + "In 2015, the process of developing the NCD took place at a time when the country was changing its strategic vision for development from the Strategic Framework for Combating Poverty (CLSP, 2001-2005) to the National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP), the first five-year action plan of which covers the period from 2016 to 2020. In 2021, and in accordance with the five-year cycle of updating the NCDs promoted by the Paris Agreement (PA), Mauritania is updating its NCD at the same time as it is preparing the review of the first five-year plan of implementation of SCAPP and the definition of the second five-year plan 2021-2025.", + "In 2021, and in accordance with the five-year cycle of updating the NDCs promoted by the Paris Agreement (PA), Mauritania is updating its NDCs at the same time as it prepares the review of the first five-year plan for the implementation of SCAPP and the definition of the second five-year plan 2021-2025. The concomitant processes of SCAPP and NDC ensure coherence between the two policy frameworks and the synergy of the programmes enshrined therein.", + "The co-ordination of the two processes, SCAPP and CDN, ensures coherence between the two policy frameworks and the synergy of the programmes enshrined therein.While SCAPP constitutes Mauritania\u2019s strategic development vision for the period 2015-2030 and serves as a reference framework for all development actions undertaken by the State, public and socio-professional bodies and technical and financial partners (TFPs), the CDN serves as a framework for defining the country\u2019s climate policy and as an instrument for its implementation.", + "Like SCAPP, the updated CDN incorporates the UN 2030 Agenda and priority targets for the country among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the orientations of the African Union\u2019s Agenda 2063.", + "It derives its legitimacy from the mitigation ambitions it advocates and the adaptation actions it defines in the sectoral and thematic strategies from which it emerges.", + "It serves as a cross-sectoral coordination tool and a basis for technical and financial partners (TFPs) to plan the integration of climate issues into their strategic framework for action in the country and the programs and projects they support there.", + "The updated vision of the CBD 2021-2030 of \"Promoting climate-resilient economic and social development and the creation of sustainable green jobs\" represents a fundamental change in the ambition of the mitigation target, moving from a GHG emission reduction target of 22.3% in the CBD 2015 to a carbon neutrality target by 2030, including an unconditional reduction of 11% in 2030 emissions under the BAU scenario.", + "Mauritania considered the updating of the CND to be sufficiently fair and ambitious in that it went beyond the proposed strategies and programmes granted to LDCs under Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement.", + "This ambition is capable of contributing to a low-carbon economy that is resilient to climate change by 2030, in accordance with the national situation and SCAPP by 2030. II-National Circumstances Table 4:", + "II-National Circumstances Table 4: National Data Area / Coastal Length Climate South: Saharan, hot and semi-arid climate North: Saharan, hot and arid to hyper-arid climate Population 3 National Statistics Office 4 National Meteorological Office CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Urban population GDP GDP per capita GDP growth 3.2% in 2020 vs. pre-crisis growth of 6.3% projected COVID (MAEPSP) between -2 and -6% projected Share of agriculture (including livestock) in GDP Emissions in 2018 (base year) Emissions in 2020 Emissions per capita Emissions per capita excluding AFAT 2018 Electricity access 48% of households (WB)8 Current electricity mix In 2015 excluding mining operators: 13.80% hydro, 17.40% ERM and 68.80% thermal In 2020", + "mining operators: 16.73 % hydro, 17.67 % ER and 65.6 % thermal (DEME)9 The development of the first NCD in 2015 was in conjunction with the adoption of SCAPP 2015-2030, which provided a new vision for Mauritania\u2019s economic, social and environmental development based on the lessons learned and results achieved from the implementation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Framework (PRSP 2001-2015).", + "In 2021, the update of the CND will take place as the country takes stock of the first five-year implementation of the SCAPP (2015-2020) in order to define the action plan for the second five-year period (2021-2025).", + "It is also taking place against the backdrop of a development that has been undermined by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has hit the entire country\u2019s economy hard, creating an unprecedented crisis. Beyond the shock of containment measures and the paralysis of economic activity, global economic integration has exacerbated the scale of such a crisis.", + "In addition to the shock of containment measures and the paralysis of economic activity, global economic integration has exacerbated the scale of such a crisis, and the costs of health, safety and prevention measures, combined with an unfavourable international environment, have had a negative impact on the country\u2019s public finances.", + "In addition, the costs of health, safety and prevention measures, combined with the unfavourable international environment, have had a negative impact on the country's public finances. In response to this exogenous shock, the Government has put in place a multisectoral National Plan of Response to COVID-19 to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on populations, economic sectors and the natural environment.", + "In response to this exogenous shock, the Government has put in place a multisectoral National Plan of Response to COVID-19 to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on populations, economic sectors and the natural environment.", + "This plan is structured around the following pillars: 1. Development of infrastructure to support growth 2. Improvement of social supply and support for demand 3. Harnessing the potential of productive sectors and accelerating the achievement of food self-sufficiency 4. Support for the private sector (formal and informal) 5. Environment and job creation 6.", + "Support to the private sector (formal and informal) 5. Environment and job creation 6. Governance and program implementation.", + "Environment and job creation 6. Governance and implementation of the programme. 5 Ministry of Economic Affairs and Promotion of Productive Sectors 6 African Development Bank 7 National GHG Inventory Report, MEDD 8 World Bank 9 Directorate of Electricity and Energy Management (DEME) Figure 3:", + "5 Ministry of Economic Affairs and Promotion of Productive Sectors 6 African Development Bank 7 National GHG Inventory Report, MEDD 8 World Bank 9 Directorate of Electricity and Energy Management (DEME) Figure 3:", + "Mauritania\u2019s mitigation ambition Mauritania\u2019s mitigation ambition 2021-2030 Mauritania\u2019s updated CBD foresees a net reduction in GHG emissions from the economy of 11% in 2030 (green line) compared to the baseline scenario (BAU, blue line) with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support comparable to that received up to 2020.", + "With greater support, Mauritania could achieve carbon neutrality, down to a 92% reduction (red line) from the OAU. The total cost of this ambition is estimated at US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional, or 1.85%.", + "The overall cost of this ambition is estimated at US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional or 1.85%. Figure 4: GHG emission scenarios in Mauritania, horizon 2030 The review of the implementation of SCAPP during the first five-year period 2015-2020 leads to a change in priorities: the Agriculture/Forestry/Land Use (AFAT) sector, identified as the main potential mitigation sector by the 2015 UNFCCC, has made little progress due to the lack of funding mobilised for the sector.Unconditional funding, despite the political will expressed in recent years through large-scale projects and programmes (Great Green Wall, Reforestation Projects, Land Degradation Projects, etc.), has not made it possible to achieve the target of 10,000 ha per year as planned in the 2015 UNFCCC.", + "On the other hand, the results achieved in terms of energy mix exceeded the planned conditional efforts, rising from 33.91% in 2018 to 18% in 2015. This situation was greatly improved with the commissioning of the Boulenouar 100 MW wind farm to reach a mix of 48% in 2021.", + "This situation has been greatly improved with the commissioning of Boulenouar\u2019s 100 MW wind farm to reach a mix of 48% by 2021, and Mauritania\u2019s advanced mitigation ambition in its updated 2021-2030 CDN builds on these results and builds on the country\u2019s significant renewable energy potential.", + "The unconditional mitigation ambition consists of 33 mitigation measures covering the 5 emission sectors with a capacity of 1834 Gg CO2 eq.", + "The unconditional mitigation ambition consists of 33 mitigation measures covering the 5 emission sectors with a capacity of 1834 Gg Eq.CO2. The conditional ambition consists of 22 actions also covering all sectors for a reduction of 16008 GgEq-CO2 representing a reduction of 92% from the OAU. 3.2.", + "The conditional ambition includes 22 actions also covering all sectors for a reduction of 16008 GgEq-CO2 representing a reduction of 92% compared to the OAU. 3.2. Sectoral ambitions GHG emissions in Mauritania remain dominated by the Agriculture/Forestry/Land Use (AFAT) sector, in particular livestock which accounts for 52.65% of emissions.", + "Sectoral ambitions GHG emissions in Mauritania remain dominated by the Agriculture/Forestry/Land Use (AFAT) sector, in particular livestock farming, which accounts for 52.65% of the emissions. The energy sector is the second largest source of emissions.", + "The industrial processes and use of POPs products sector is underdeveloped and, despite its low participation in the country's GHG emissions inventory, the waste sector is a real development challenge.", + "Despite its low participation in the country\u2019s GHG emissions, the waste sector is a real development challenge. Municipal, industrial and commercial solid waste is characterized by a low moisture content (less than 10%) which limits its fossilization and the country does not have a basic municipal waste treatment system for liquid waste.", + "Municipal, industrial and commercial solid waste has a low moisture content (less than 10%) which limits its fossilization and the country does not have a basic municipal wastewater treatment system to treat liquid waste; for example, the coverage of access to municipal wastewater treatment is 1% in Nouakchott and 4% in Nouadhibou, the two main cities in the country.", + "For example, the coverage of access to public sanitation is 1% in Nouakchott and 4% in Nouadhibou, the country\u2019s two main cities. Notwithstanding the country\u2019s low contribution to overall GHG emissions, Mauritania has significant mitigation potential, particularly in terms of renewable energies and, to a lesser extent, in the AFAT and waste sectors.", + "Despite the country\u2019s low contribution to overall GHG emissions, Mauritania has significant mitigation potential, particularly in terms of renewable energies and, to a lesser extent, in the AFAT and waste sectors.", + "Thus, the mitigation measures identified in the NCD 2021-2030 cover these five sectors of the economy, and are listed in Appendix 1 with their contributions presented in Table 1 below.", + "Table 5: Sectoral distribution of mitigation in 2030 Sector Contribution to the country\u2019s total mitigation efforts (Gg. Number of measures Total Unconditional Conditional Energy, 17,052.98 GgEq-CO2 of which 9.27% unconditional, divided into: Generation Energy Efficiency Transportation Industry Waste AFAT, 136.13 GgEq-CO2 divided into: Agriculture Forestry Total Figure 5: Total mitigation effort in 2030 divided by sector The energy sector dominates the country\u2019s mitigation ambition with 95.71% of which electricity generation accounts for 92.8%.", + "In this context, Mauritania intends to use the CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AU NIVEAU CDN MAURITANIE voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to achieve part of this objective. 3.3.", + "Funding Requirements The total cost of Mauritania\u2019s mitigation efforts is estimated at US$ 34255.84 million, of which 2% (US$ 634.61 million) is unconditional and 98% (US$ 33621.23 million) is conditional on the mobilization of external resources.", + "Sectors Unconditional Financing Conditional Financing Total in Millions of US$ Energy Industry Agriculture Forestry Waste Total Figure 6 Distribution of Total Cumulative Mitigation Effort 2021-2030, Conditional vs. Non-Conditional 3.4.", + "Non-conditional 3.4. Comparison of NCD 2015 and updated NCD 2021-2030 The mitigation target of the NCD 2021-2030 is more ambitious than that of the NCD 2015 in terms of absolute GHG reductions by 2030, from 33,559.32 GgEqCO2 (2015) to 40,470.21 GgEqCO2 (2021). Although the percentage of the unconditional target may appear lower (11% in 2021 compared to 12% in 2015), the 12% of 2015 is calculated on a total of 22.3% of emissions in 2030, which is about 2.7% of emissions in 2030.", + "To highlight the improvements made in the update of the CBD, the following table presents the comparison between the 2015 and 2021 CBDs.", + "Table 6: Comparison of NCD 2015 to updated NCD 2021-2030 Enhancement Components Current NCD (2021) Initial NCD (2015) Mitigation Target Strengthen the GHG Target - Base Year: 2018corresponding to the year of the most recent GHG inventory that takes into account the achievements of the Initial NCD - Base Year: 2010(the comparative analysis takes into account the updating of the 2010 data unconditionally Conditional CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO NATIONAL LEVEL NCD MAURITANIA the inventory of 2018) - Commitment Period: 2021 \u2013 2030 - Commitment Period: 2020 \u2013 Mitigation Contribution Target: - Reduction Target Level in 2030:", + "- Absolute reduction of emissions in 2030 compared to the same year\u2019s OAU: - Difference of cumulative GHG emissions 2020 \u2013 2030 from the OAU target of the Mitigation Contribution Target: - Targeted reduction level in 2030: 22.3% of which 12% unconditional.", + "\u2022 Energy (including electricity generation, energy efficiency, energy distribution, household & service EE, transport) with 42 measures of which 27 are unconditional Industrial Process and Product Use (IPU) 2 measures of which 1 is unconditional Agriculture (including livestock) Forestry and Land Use (LULUCF) 8 measures of which 4 are unconditional Waste 3 measures of which 1 is unconditional - Allocation of the target: 40.470 GgEqCO2 for the period 2021-2030 of which 11% is unconditional This target is composed of 33 unconditional measures and 22 conditional - Coverage of emissions: economy-wide target - 18 mitigation measures in the following sectors:", + "Energy (including electricity generation, household energy efficiency, transport) with 8 measures Industrial Process and Product Use (IPU) 2 measures Agriculture (including livestock) Forestry and Land Use (AFAT) Waste 1 measure - Objective allocation: 33.14GgEq CO2 for the unconditional period without any separation between measures - Emissions Coverage: Emissions and removals from the GHG source and sink sectors (Energy, IPU, AFAT and Waste) Strengthen or add a sectoral target: The update of the NCD focuses on the renewable energy potential in the new strategic vision of the country, including technological components not taken into account in the assessment of technological needs such as green hydrogen production The first NCD was based on the mitigation potential of the AFAT sector with, in particular, large-scale reforestation", + "Align the implementation of the NDC with the long-term objectives of existing national and sectoral strategies: The update of the NDC reflects the review of the first five-year implementation of SCAPP 2016-2030, and remains in perfect harmony with SCAPP and the sectoral strategies resulting from it.", + "The National Strategy for Environment and Sustainable Development (SNEDD) was developed only in 2017.", + "The National Strategy for Environment and Sustainable Development (SNEDD) was developed only in 2017. CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Implementation Add actions or measures to strengthen implementation: \u2013 The detailed presentation of measures in the reference document (National Report) includes: o the necessary funding as well as potential sources of funding.", + "CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA Implementation Add actions or measures to strengthen implementation: \u2013 The detailed presentation of the measures in the reference document (National Report) includes: o the necessary funding as well as potential sources of funding. o the entities/institutions for implementation and monitoring are identified.", + "o Implementation and monitoring entities/institutions are identified. o Project document submitted to the CBIT Programme for the establishment of a system of measurement, verification and reporting, including indicators of progress in the implementation of the CBD. Measures are briefly presented in the reference document \u2013 No implementation plan has been proposed. 3.5.", + "o Project document submitted to the CBIT Programme for the establishment of a system of measurement, verification and reporting, including indicators of progress in the implementation of the CBD Measures are briefly presented in the background document \u2013 No implementation plan has been proposed 3.5. Clarity, transparency and understanding of the CBD 2021-2030 In accordance with the guidelines of Annex 1 of Decision 4/CMA1 (mitigation), the information required to facilitate the clarity, transparency and understanding of Mauritania\u2019s updated CBD is provided in the following table.", + "Clarity, transparency and understanding of the CBD 2021-2030 In accordance with the guidelines in Annex 1 of Decision 4/CMA1 (mitigation), the information required to facilitate the clarity, transparency and understanding of Mauritania\u2019s updated CBD is provided in the following table. Table 7: Information to facilitate the clarity, transparency and understanding of Mauritania\u2019s updated CBD 1.", + "Table 7: Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding of Mauritania's updated NCD 1. Quantified information on the reference point, including, where appropriate, a base year a.", + "Quantifiable information on the reference point, including, where appropriate, a base year a. Reference year(s), base year(s), base period(s) or other point(s) of departure. b. Quantifiable information on the reference indicators, their values in the reference year(s), base year(s), base period(s) or other point(s) of departure and, where appropriate, in the target year.", + "Reference year(s), base year(s), base period(s) or other point(s) of departure. b. Quantifiable information on the reference indicators, their values in the reference year(s), base year(s), base period(s) or other point(s) of departure and, where applicable, in the target year. The reference indicator is quantified on the basis of total national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.", + "The reference indicator is quantified on the basis of total national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. For the reference year 2018, the reference year emission level was 9944,618 GgEq CO2. c.", + "For the base year 2018, the base year emission level was 9944.618 GgEq CO2. c. For the strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, where policies and measures as contribution elements are determined at the national level where paragraph 1 (b) above is not applicable, the Parties shall provide other relevant information.", + "For the strategies, plans and actions referred to in paragraph 6 of Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, where policies and measures as contribution elements are determined at the national level where paragraph 1 (b) above is not applicable, the Parties shall provide other relevant information.", + "A net reduction in GHG emissions on the scale of (green line) to the baseline (blue line), with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support broadly comparable to that received up to 2020. With more consistent support, Mauritania could achieve a carbon neutral emission reduction of 92.49% (red line) compared to the UAE (cf.", + "With more consistent support, Mauritania could achieve a carbon neutral emission reduction of 92.49% (red line) compared to the UAE (see Figure 1). e. Information on the data sources used to quantify the reference point(s).", + "Figure 1) e. Information on the data sources used to quantify the baseline point(s) The quantification of the baseline indicators was based on data from the national GHG emissions inventory reported in the second biennial report updated in 2021. f.Information on the circumstances The national GHG inventory is examined in the context of CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA.", + "The quantification of the baseline indicators was based on data from the national GHG emission inventory reported in the second biennial report updated in 2021. f.Information on the circumstances The national GHG inventory is reviewed in the context of CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA, based on the 2006 IPCC methodologies and guidelines, on 30 June 2021 and using the national data provided in Table No.3.", + "ICA by TTE, following the 2006 IPCC methodologies and guidelines on 30 June 2021 and using the national data provided in Table No. 3.", + "The information on the reference indicators has been updated according to level 1. This information can be updated and recalculated in the light of ongoing methodological improvements or the availability of relevant information not previously available.", + "This information may be updated and recalculated in the light of ongoing methodological improvements or the availability of relevant information not previously available.", + "Information on updates will be included in the relevant reporting to the UNFCCC and, from 2024 onwards, in the biennial transparency reports. 2. Timelines and/or implementation periods a. Timing/period of implementation 2021-2030 b. Whether an annual or multi-year target, as appropriate. One target year: 2030 3. Perimeter and coverage a. General description of the mitigation target.", + "One target year: 2030 3. Perimeter and Coverage a. General description of the mitigation target. Unconditional commitment to reduce GHG emissions by11%(1905GgEq-CO2)in2030compared to the scenario (SUB) with international support levels in place in 2020.", + "Unconditional commitment to reduce GHG emissions by11%(1905GgEq-CO2)in2030compared to the scenario (U scenario) with the levels of international support in place in 2020 This reduction can achieve carbon neutrality with greater international support, enabling a greater share of the country\u2019s renewable energy potential to be developed.", + "This reduction can achieve carbon neutrality with greater international support, enabling a greater share of the country\u2019s renewable energy potential to be developed.", + "\u2022 All sectors, as defined by the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, including: \u25aa Energy \u25aa Industrial Processes and Product Uses (IPPC) \u25aa Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFAT) \u25aa Waste.", + "\u2022 All sectors, as defined by the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, including: \u25aa Energy \u25aa Industrial Processes and Product Uses (IPPC) \u25aa Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land-Use Change (AFAT) \u25aa Waste.", + "C. How the country Party has taken into account paragraphs 31(c) and (d) of decision 1/CP.21. The NCD includes all categories of anthropogenic emissions or removals estimated in greenhouse gas inventories.", + "\u2022 The CBD includes all categories of anthropogenic emissions or removals estimated in the GHG inventories. No source, activity, or sink was included in the previous version of the CBD except in the summer. \u2022 Improvements to the GHG inventory were taken into account in the comparison between the original and the current CBD (see Table 2).", + "\u2022 Improvements in the GHG inventory were taken into account in the comparison between the original and the current NCD (see Table 2). CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL LEVEL ENTERMINED NATIONAL NCD MAURItania Only categories of anthropogenic emissions or removals that do not exist in the country are excluded.", + "CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Only categories of anthropogenic emissions or removals that do not exist in the country are excluded. The greatest effort is made in the energy sector because it is the sector that has the greatest mitigation potential, with the greatest likelihood of implementation. However, no sector is excluded.", + "\u2022 The greatest effort is directed at the energy sector as this is the sector with the greatest mitigation potential, with the greatest likelihood of implementation. However, no sector is excluded. The analysis has not been aligned with the key categories of the GHG inventory. d. Mitigation co-benefits resulting from adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans, including a description of the Parties\u2019 specific projects,measures and initiatives for adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans.", + "The analysis has not been aligned with the key categories of the GHG inventory. d. Mitigation co-benefits resulting from adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans, including descriptions of specific projects,measures and initiatives for adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans of the Parties. The co-benefits of mitigation measures on adaptation and vice versa, as well as synergies with other sustainable development planning frameworks, in particular SD Goals, are identified in Tables 1 and 2 (last column) to which other co-benefits such as improved air quality, potential cost reductions for users and improved quality of life for populations should be added. 4.", + "Planning process a. Information on the planning processes undertaken by the country party to prepare its NCD and, where appropriate, on the country party\u2019s implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i. National institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, of a gender sensitive nature.", + "Information on the planning processes undertaken by the country Party to prepare its NCD and, where appropriate, on the country Party\u2019s implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i. National institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, of a gender-sensitive nature. NCD update process The NCD update process was launched in 2021 and comprised the following main stages: \u25aa January \u2013 April 2021: preparatory phase \u25aa April 2021: formal launch of the NCD update process at a Council of Ministers \u25aa May \u2013 June 2021: conduct of a first round of sectoral consultations to decide on the status of mitigation actions and adaptation targets in the 2015 NCD and the main changes to be made \u25aa July 2021: broadened exchange with various public sector stakeholders, gathering the necessary data to inform the technical NCD update process", + "July 2021: broadened exchange with various public sector stakeholders, gathering the necessary data to inform the technical process of updating the CCD \u25aa End of July - beginning of August 2021:drafting and readjustment process with public sectors \u25aa:official return of the updated CCD to the National Climate Change Focal Points Network, a task force that includes representatives of the public sector, civil society and the private sector to validate the draft version of the updated CCD.", + "\u25aa September 2021: National CND validation workshop including receipt of comments from some TFPs (World Bank, UNICEF and FAO) and other stakeholders \u25aa Consultation and consultation with subnational (regional and local) scales could not be carried out due to time and budget constraints.", + "However, a programme for the dissemination and promotion of the NCD updated at these scales as soon as it is adopted by the Council of Ministers, in September 2021, is being developed by the ECDC.", + "In an effort to strengthen the UNFCCC's transparency requirements, Mauritania established, in September 2020, a Directorate for Climate and Green Economy (DCEV) within the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) to coordinate the entire national climate change programme.", + "This body is headed by a National Director, with a Deputy Director and three newly created units responsible for: Vulnerability and Adaptation; Activities and Strategies; and GHG and Mitigation, respectively.", + "The Directorate also has a unit responsible for the processing and archiving of data and information collected, including sectoral and thematic studies and reports, and is supported by a task force consisting of a network of Sectoral Focal Points (SFPs), designated representatives of line ministries, civil society and private sector organisations.", + "The DCEV also relies on a task force consisting of a network of Sectoral Focal Points (SFPs), designated representatives of line ministries, civil society and private sector organisations, with 38 members, 7 of whom are women. Sectoral working groups have been set up in key ministries.", + "Sectoral working groups have been set up in key ministries and have benefited from capacity-building to enable them to participate actively in the preparation of the update of the CND. This institutional arrangement is led by the sectoral focal point at ministerial level and by the DCEV at national level.", + "This institutional arrangement is led by the sectoral focal point at the ministerial level and by the DCEV at the national level and is complemented by a network of independent experts from the academic world to contribute to the preparation of the necessary studies and reports as a Party to the UNFCCC. ii.", + "The mechanism shall be complemented by a network of independent experts from the academic world to contribute to the preparation of the necessary studies and reports due as a Party to the UNFCCC. ii. Contextual issues, including, inter alia, where appropriate: ii (a).", + "Contextual issues, including, but not limited to: ii (a) National circumstances, such as geography, climate, economy, sustainable development and poverty eradication.", + "National circumstances, such as geography, climate, economy, sustainable development and poverty eradication Geographical location Mauritania is a coastal country in northwestern Africa, located between the northern latitudes of 15 to 27 degrees and the western longitudes of 5 to 17 degrees, with a total area of 1,030,700 km2.", + "Geographical Location Mauritania is a coastal country of North West Africa, located between the northern latitudes of 15 to 27 degrees and the western longitudes of 5 and 17 degrees, with a total area of 1,030,700 km2.", + "As of 2015, there are 15 provinces or Wilayat which are subdivided into Moughataa (i.e. departments) which in turn are subdivided into 218 communes. Physically, Mauritania is characterised by the flatness of its terrain, with low altitudes, often less than 500 m, with the exception of the K\u00e9dia d\u2019Idjil which peaks at 915 m.", + "Physically, Mauritania is characterized by the flatness of its terrain, with low altitudes, often less than 500 m, with the exception of Idjil Kedia, which peaks at 915 m. The landscapes are characterized by the monotony of the plateaus and the immense expanses of rocky or sandy terrain.", + "Landscapes are characterized by the monotony of plateaus and vast areas of rocky or sandy terrain. Mauritania, a predominantly desert country, has large pastoral areas and only 0.5% arable land, with an estimated population of 4.2 million in 2020 and an increasing urban proportion (52.8 % in 2020 compared to 48.3 % in 2013).", + "Mauritania is a predominantly desert country with large pastoral areas and only 0.5% arable land, with an estimated population of 4.2 million in 2020 and an increasing urban proportion (52.8 % in 2020 compared to 48.3 % in 2013). Mauritania is totally Saharan in its northern part and Sahelian in its southern part, characterised by a generally warm and dry climate characterised by relatively mild winters (with temperatures CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE minimum average of 19-23\u00b0C) and very short wintering periods (about three months).", + "Mauritania is totally Saharan in its northern part and Sahelian in its southern part, it is characterised by a generally warm and dry climate marked by relatively mild winters (with temperatures CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE minimum average of 19-23\u00b0C) and very short winter periods (about three months).", + "In the dry season, temperatures exceed the 40\u00b0C threshold in almost all regions of the country (except Dakhlet Nouadhibou).Saharan climate in the north and Sahelian in the south, generally warm and dry, mild on the Atlantic coast with four months of rainy season (June to September) Average annual precipitation ranges from 500 mm in the south to less than 50 mm in the north of the country.", + "Climate Saharan in the north and Sahelian in the south, generally warm and dry, mild on the Atlantic coast with four months of rainy season (June to September) Average annual precipitation ranges from 500 mm in the south to less than 50 mm in the north of the country National Economy Economic growth increased from 3.6% in 2018 to 6.3% in 2019, driven by the mining boom supported by moderate growth in the non-extractive sectors.", + "National Economy Economic growth increased from 3.6 per cent in 2018 to 6.3 per cent in 2019, driven by the mining boom supported by moderate growth in the non-extractive sectors, but contracted by 3.6 per cent in 2020 due to the economic impact of the global coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), reaching 2 per cent and -6 per cent between the last half of 2020 and the first half of 2021.", + "This growth contracted by 3.6% in 2020 due to the economic impact of the global coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), reaching 2% and -6% between the last half of 2020 and the first half of 2021. Pandemic risks are exacerbated by climate uncertainty, delays in structural reforms and regional insecurity.", + "Pandemic-related risks are exacerbated by climate uncertainty, delays in structural reforms and regional insecurity, which, despite the success of the first phase of SCAPP (2016-2020), hinder the continuation of the reforms undertaken.", + "Despite the success of the first phase of SCAPP (2016-2020), these obstacles hamper the continuation of the reforms undertaken, but the country expects a better future with the exploitation of other particularly energy resources (gas management, renewable energies, etc.).", + "However, the country is looking forward to a better future with the exploitation of other resources, particularly energy (gas, renewable energies, etc.). Sustainable development SCAPP is an umbrella strategy that encompasses all sectors of the country\u2019s development; it is the framework for the reference and coherence of the country\u2019s sustainable socio-economic development policies.", + "At the same time, and in recent years, several sectoral strategies have integrated the issue of climate change in line with the national programming framework, the Strategic Framework for Combating Poverty (CLSP), which evolved into SCAPP in 2016, including: \u25aa The National Strategy for the Environment and Sustainable Development (SNEDD) 2017-2021; \u25aa The Rural Sector Development Strategy (RSDS): \u25aa The National Agricultural Development Plan (NDP) \u25aa The National Livestock Development Plan (NLDP) \u25aa The Water and Sanitation Sector Development Strategy (SNADEA, 2016-2030); and \u25aa The Responsible Management Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Fisheries and the Marine Economy, 2015-2019.", + "CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania ii (b) Best practices and experience related to the preparation of the CDN The CDN has capitalized on the analytical capabilities, participatory practice, experience, tools and knowledge base that have been created and improved during the processes of preparing the country's enabling documents.", + "The NDC has capitalized on the analytical capabilities, participatory practice, experience, tools and knowledge base that have been created and enhanced during the country\u2019s enabling document processes.", + "In a collaborative framework involving all stakeholders, sectoral mitigation measures with quantifiable individual reduction targets have been identified. The establishment and institutionalisation of the national network of sectoral focal points in 2013 is a first step in the implementation of an operational VRM system to enable monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the CBD.", + "The establishment and institutionalization of the national network of sectoral focal points in 2013 is a first step in the implementation of an operational VRM system to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the CND, and the country is counting on the support of the GEF through CBIT funding for the implementation of its national VRM.", + "The shared experience in implementing the initial NCD, where the then emerging energy sector was secondary to the AFAT sector (the country\u2019s first GHG emitting sector), and the active involvement of LFPs in the NCD revision process led Mauritania to focus on developing its energy potential and its own resources in line with the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals as prioritised by the country10.", + "ii (c). Other aspirations and contextual priorities recognized upon accession to the Paris Agreement. b. Specific information applicable to Parties, including regional economic integration organizations and their Member States, that have agreed to act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement.", + "Other aspirations and contextual priorities recognized upon accession to the Paris Agreement. b. Specific information applicable to Parties, including regional economic integration organisations and their Member States, that have agreed to act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement. Mauritania is an active participant in the African Development Bank\u2019s Desert to Power initiative (ADB/G5 Sahel).", + "Mauritania is an active participant in the \"Desert to Power\" initiative of the African Development Bank (AfDB/G5 Sahel), and has just signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Global for the development of new green hydrogen technology under the \"Aman\" programme, which provides for the development of 30 GW of solar and wind energy.", + "In addition, it has just signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Global for the development of new green hydrogen technology under the Aman programme, which provides for the development of 30 GW of solar and wind energy. c.HowthecountryispreparingtheCD It was informed by the results of the global balance sheet, 4of the Paris Agreement. The IPCC special report on 1.5 degrees has been used as a reference in the process of developing the updated NCD.", + "The IPCC Special Report on 1.5 Degrees has been used as a reference in the process of developing the updated CBD. n and/or economic diversification plans resulting in co- mitigation benefits in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement.", + "n and/or economic diversification plans resulting in co-benefits of mitigation in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement, shall provide information on: i.The economic and social consequences of the measures shall be taken into account in the development of the NDC. NA ii.Projects,measures and specific activities shall be implemented to contribute to co-benefits of mitigation, including information on adaptation plans that also produce co-benefits The country has joined the G5 SAHEL initiative, which aims in particular at strengthening the capacity of member countries to cope with the effects of climate change and improving the resilience of populations affected by food insecurity.", + "NA ii.Projects, measures and specific activities to be undertaken to contribute to mitigation co-benefits, including information on adaptation plans that also produce co-benefits The country has joined the G5 SAHEL initiative, which aims, inter alia, to strengthen member countries\u2019 capacities to deal with the effects of climate change and to improve the resilience of populations affected by food insecurity. 10Cf. in particular the National Voluntary Review of the implementation of the MDGs presented by Mauritania to the United Nations High-Level Political Forum in 2019.", + "in particular the Voluntary National Review of the implementation of the MDGs presented by Mauritania to the United Nations High-Level Political Forum in 2019 CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA mitigation, which may cover, but not be limited to, key sectors such as energy, resources, water, coastal resources, human settlements and urban planning, agriculture and forestry; and economic diversification actions, which may cover, but not be limited to, sectors such as manufacturing and industry, energy and mining, transport and communications, construction, tourism, real estate, agricultureandlap\u00eac he.", + "Other sustainable development initiatives are coordinated by the CILSS, in particular the Regional Pastoral Development Programmes (PRAPS/WB) and the Sahel Regional Initiative Programme (PARIIS/WB), which aims to improve water management through irrigation. The CILSS also coordinates the Regional Resilience Programme in the Sahel (P2RS/BAD) and the Resilience Programme, funded by the IDB.", + "CILSS also coordinates the Regional Resilience Programme in the Sahel (P2RS/BAD) and the IDB-funded Resilience Programme. MEDD also contributes to the WACA project (West Africa Coastal Area) for an overall amount of USD 30 million.", + "MEDD is also contributing to the WACA (West Africa Coastal Area) project for an overall amount of USD 30 million 5. Assumptions and methodological approaches, including those for estimating and accounting for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and, where appropriate, removals a.", + "Methodological assumptions and approaches, including those for estimating and accounting for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals, as appropriate a. Methodological assumptions and approaches used for accounting for anthropogenic emissions and removalsdepending on the contribution determined at the national level of the country adecision1/CP.21 and the accounting policies adopted by the CMA.", + "Mauritania has accounted for anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs in accordance with the common methodologies and measurement parameters assessed by the IPCC and adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement, using the 100-year global warming potential (GWP100) of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report to calculate CO2 equivalents.", + "All categories were included in the baseline emissions of the INDC in accordance with Decision 1/CP.21.", + "It is anticipated that the approach contained in Annex II to Decision 4/CMA.1, will be used during the updating of the CBD 2025 to report on progress in achieving the objective of the CBD. b.The methodological assumptions and approaches used to account for policies and measures or strategies in the contribution identified at the national level.", + "The planned implementation of the ILO will result in the establishment of a domestic VFM capable of producing the indicators of progress to be included in the biennial transparency report. c. Where appropriate, information will be provided by the country party taking into account existing methodologies and guidelines under the Convention for the accounting of anthropogenic emissions and removals, in accordance with paragraph 14(t). Mauritania\u2019s current inventory is submitted to the UNFCCC with BUR II in accordance with decision 24/CP.19 and uses the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2003 Good Practice Guidance.", + "In its accounting for anthropogenic emissions and removals under the CDN, Mauritania has done its utmost to comply with the principles of transparency, completeness, consistency, comparability and accuracy for the accounting of anthropogenic emissions and removals, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 14, of the Paris Agreement.", + "CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania d.Methodology and parameters used by IPCC to estimate anthropogenic emissions and removals of greenhouse gases Methodologies: 2006 IPCC Guidelines were used to estimate GHG emissions and removals.", + "Methodologies: The 2006 IPCC Guidelines were used to estimate GHG emissions and removals. Metrics: The 100-year global warming potential (GWP100) values used to calculate CO2 equivalents are those determined in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4): GWP CO2 = 1 (by convention); GWP CH4 = 25.", + "The global warming potential values for a 100-year horizon (GWP100) used to calculate CO2 equivalents are those determined in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4): GWP CO2 = 1 (by convention); GWP CH4 = 25. GWP N2O = 298.", + "GWP N2O = 298. GWP HFCs = 1.5 - 14,800. e.Assumptions,methodology,approaches to the sector,category or activity,in accordance with IPCC Guidelines,if any,including: i.Approach to treating emissions and subsequent removals of natural disturbances on managed lands. All emissions and removals reported in Mauritania\u2019s BUR 2 GHG inventory are included in the NCD,although the country does not have the data necessary to treat emissions of natural disturbances. ii.Approach to tracking emissions and removals of recycled wood products.", + "All emissions and removals reported in Mauritania\u2019s BUR 2 GHG inventory are accounted for in the NCD, although the country does not have the data necessary to address emissions from natural disturbances. ii.Approach usedto account formission and removals of recycled wood products. NA iii.Approach usedto address effects of age-class structure in forests. Effects of age-class structure in forests are not accounted for. f.", + "The effects of age-class structure in forests are not taken into account. f. Other assumptions and methodological approaches used to understand the contribution determined at the national level and, where appropriate, estimate the corresponding emissions and removals, including: i.Comment onindicatorreference,reference and/or reference levels, including, where appropriate, sector-specific,category-specific or activity-specific reference levels, including, for example, key parameters, assumptions, definitions, methodology, data sources and models used.", + "Other assumptions and methodological approaches used to understand the contribution determined at the national level and, where appropriate, to estimate the corresponding emissions and removals, including: i.Indicators of Reference,Reference Levels and/or Reference Levels, including, where appropriate, sector-specific,category-specific or activity-specific reference levels, including, for example, key parameters, assumptions, definitions, methodology, data sources and models used The 2018 GHG emissions inventory and baseline and mitigation scenarios were developed in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.", + "The 2018 GHG emissions inventory and baseline and mitigation scenarios were developed in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. The BAU baseline and mitigation scenarios were developed using the DTU Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Mode (GACMO) tool based on National and Sectoral Statistics Yearbook data, sectoral activity data, and socio-economic and demographic prospective analyses. ii.", + "The BAU and mitigation baseline scenarios were developed using the DTU Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Mode (GACMO) tool based on data from the Annuals of National and Sectoral Statistics, data on sectoral activities, and socio-economic and demographic prospective analyses. ii. For Parties whose nationally determined contributions contain non-greenhouse gas elements, information on the methodological assumptions and approaches used in relation to the non-greenhouse gas elements, as appropriate.", + "For Parties whose nationally determined contributions contain elements other than greenhouse gases, information on the assumptions and methodological approaches used in relation to these elements may be found in NA iii.", + "For climate forcings included in nationally determined contributions not covered by IPCC guidelines, information on how the European Environment Agency's EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guide has been used for estimating precursor emissions.", + "For climate forcings included in nationally determined contributions not covered by the IPCC guidelines, information on how to estimate emissions of precursors, the European Environment Agency's EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guide has been used. CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania climate forcings are estimated. iv.", + "CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA Climate forcings are estimated. iv. Additional technical information, if necessary. NA g. The intention to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, where appropriate.", + "NA g. The intention to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, as appropriate. Mauritania intends to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to achieve part of its objective.", + "Mauritania intends to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to achieve part of its objective. See above ADB/G5 Sahel Desert to Power initiative and Aman programme. 6.", + "ADB/G5 Sahel Desert to Power Initiative, and Aman Program. 6. How does the country party consider its NDC to be fair and ambitious in light of its national situation? a.How does the country party consider its NDC to be fair and ambitious in light of its national situation? b.How does the country party consider its NDC to be ambitious in light of its national situation?", + "Mauritania considers the update of the NCD to be sufficiently fair and ambitious to contribute to a low-carbon and climate-change resilient economy in 2030, in accordance with its national situation and the 2030 SCAPP.", + "Mauritania considers the updating of the CBD to be sufficiently fair and ambitious to contribute to a low-carbon economy that is resilient to climate change in 2030, in accordance with its national situation and the 2030 SCAPP. The vision of the current CBD represents a fundamental change in the ambition of the mitigation target, moving from a GHG emission reduction target of 22.3% of which 12% is unconditional \"CBD 2015\" to a carbon neutrality target by 2030 of which 11% is unconditional. b.", + "The vision of the current NCD represents a fundamental change in the ambition of the mitigation target, moving from a GHG emission reduction target of 22.3% of which 12% is unconditional \"NCD 2015\" to a carbon neutrality target by 2030 of which 11% is unconditional. b.Equity considerations, including fairness considerations. Equity The Islamic Republic of Mauritania, as a non-Annex 1 least developed country, contributes little to global greenhouse gas emissions.", + "Equity The Islamic Republic of Mauritania, as a non-Annex 1 least developed country, contributes little to global greenhouse gas emissions, but is exposed to a high degree of vulnerability to the impacts of climate change due to its geographical location.", + "Taking into account the general principles and provisions of the Convention, in particular those relating to common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and equitable access to airspace, the CND of Mauritania is guided by the country\u2019s desire to reduce poverty, achieve a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy, and ensure sustainable development to become a high and prosperous middle-income country by 2030, in accordance with the country\u2019s Strategic Vision.", + "This CBD constitutes an equitable contribution in view of the particular socio-economic and geographical context of the country. Successful implementation of the Mauritanian CBD is conditional and dependent on the level of support to be provided through the Convention and other multilateral and bilateral agreements. c.", + "Successful implementation of the Mauritanian NCD is conditional and dependent on the level of support to be provided through the Convention and other multilateral and bilateral agreements. c. How the country Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement.", + "How the country Party has dealt with Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement In accordance with the Articles and Mauritania presents an update of its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC 2) under the Paris Agreement for the period 2021-2030, with the objective of carbon neutrality. d.", + "In accordance with the Articles and Mauritania presents an update of its nationally determined contribution (NCC 2) under the Paris Agreement for the period 2021-2030, with the objective of carbon neutrality. d. How the country Party has dealt with Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Agreement The update of Mauritania\u2019s NCC represents an advance over its previous NCC, as it CONTRIBUTES TO THE Paris NATIONAL NCC MAURITANIA.", + "How the country Party has dealt with Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Agreement The updating of Mauritania\u2019s NDC represents an advance over its previous NDC, as it focuses on the important potential of the renewable energy sector in its conditional part.", + "The non-conditional part of the CBD has as its absolute objective the reduction of emissions at the economic level as stipulated in Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, while the adaptation component of the CBD develops actions to enable the country to strengthen the resilience of human and physical ecosystems and their adaptation. e. How the country Party has dealt with Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement.", + "NA 7. How does the UNCCD contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Convention as set out in its Article 2? a.How does the UNCCD contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Convention as set out in its Article 2.", + "How does the UNCCD contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Convention as set out in Article 2 a.How does the UNCCD contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Conventionas set out in Article 2. National commitments in the current updated UNCCD are consistent with the objective of the UNFCCC and the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement, as explained in paragraphs 6a and 6b. b. How does the UNCCD contribute to the achievement of Article 2, paragraph 1 (a), and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement.", + "National commitments in the current updated NCD are consistent with the objective of the UNFCCC and the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement, as explained in 6a and 6b. b. How the NCD contributes to the achievement of Article 2, paragraph 1 (a), and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement. the current NCD that will contribute to the achievement of Article 2 of the Paris Agreement.", + "CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CON", + "Communication context for adaptation action Mauritania, a low GHG emitting country, is particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change due to its geographical position and level of development, all sectors of its economy are already heavily affected by climate variability and climate projections show an exacerbation of these phenomena in the future.", + "All sectors of its economy are already heavily impacted by climate variability and climate projections indicate that these phenomena will increase in the future. Mauritania has made adaptation to climate change one of the priorities of its development strategies and programmes. In 2020, Mauritania undertook the development of its National Adaptation Programme (NAP).", + "In 2020, Mauritania embarked on the development of its National Adaptation Programme (NAP), and several studies were carried out to assess gaps in development sectors and identify priority areas for adaptation.", + "Several studies have been conducted to assess gaps in development sectors and identify priority areas for adaptation. Although a climate change vulnerability mapping has not yet been completed, sectoral reports based on expert judgement and the global literature attest to a high degree of vulnerability of the country\u2019s populations and ecosystems to climate variability and change.", + "Although a mapping of vulnerability to climate change has not yet been carried out, sectoral reports based on expert judgement and the world literature attest to a high degree of vulnerability of the country\u2019s populations and ecosystems to climate variability and change, which requires a comprehensive and urgent response from all development sectors (see Table 4).", + "In accordance with Article 7, paragraph 11 of the Paris Agreement and provisions A to D of Annex 1 to Decision 9/CMA1, Mauritania chooses to communicate its adaptation efforts in the CBD as a contribution to the global assessment in order to (i) raise the profile of its adaptation action in its Development Agenda, (ii) specify support needs, including information, technology, capacity-building and financial resources, and (iii) make the CBD a planning tool for its adaptation action.", + "The process of updating the NCD is linked to the process of preparing the NAP. The governance of the two processes is ensured by the Directorate for Climate and the Green Economy, thus ensuring synergy and coherence.", + "The governance of the two processes is provided by the Climate and Green Economy Directorate, which ensures synergy and coherence between them. The updated NCD is thus a tool for implementing the strategic adaptation planning undertaken by the NAP, which is underway. 4.2 Country\u2019s Vulnerability to Climate Change In Mauritania, Climate Change (CC) has taken a strong hold over recent decades in Mauritania.", + "The updated NCD is thus a tool for implementing the strategic adaptation planning undertaken by the NAP, which is currently underway. 4.2 Country\u2019s Vulnerability to Climate Change In Mauritania, Climate Change (CC) has become acute in recent decades in Mauritania. Irregularities in precipitation and its spatial and temporal distribution, increasingly high air temperatures, more frequent episodes of drought and flooding, decreasing river water supplies, significant land degradation, and greater fragility of ecosystems and their dynamics.", + "Irregularities in precipitation and its spatial and temporal distribution, rising air temperatures, more frequent droughts and floods, decreasing water supplies by the river, significant land degradation, greater fragility of ecosystems and their dynamics are some of the factors that show that the climate in Mauritania is changing, with the result that the environmental problems facing this Sahel-Saharan country are becoming more acute.", + "These are just a few examples of the fact that the climate in Mauritania is changing, with the result that the environmental problems facing this Sahel-Saharan country are being exacerbated. These climate changes are threatening primarily the primary sector, agriculture, livestock, fisheries and forestry, key sectors of the country\u2019s economy.", + "Climate change threatens primarily the primary sector, agriculture, livestock, fisheries and forestry, key sectors of the country\u2019s economy. In Mauritania, health, infrastructure and industry are also vulnerable to climate change.", + "In Mauritania, health, infrastructure and industry are also exposed to climate change, so the lives of the population in Mauritania depend on these changes. At the coastal level, studies on climate change show that the consequences of climate change, with rising sea levels, would result in large areas of land and infrastructure being exposed to the risks of flooding and siltation.", + "At the coastal level, climate change studies show that the consequences of climate change, with rising sea levels, would result in large areas of land and infrastructure being exposed to flooding and siltation risks, and that coastal erosion will be exacerbated, particularly on the Nouakchott coast, where morphological changes are already appreciable.", + "It also shows that coastal erosion will be exacerbated, particularly on the coast of Nouakchott, where morphological changes are already appreciable. Mauritania\u2019s vulnerability to climate change is mainly due to its climatic, geographical and demographic characteristics, as the entire territory of Mauritania is located in the arid zone and 75% in the Saharan zone.", + "In fact, Mauritania\u2019s territory is entirely in the arid zone with 75% in the Saharan zone. CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA This is partly a consequence of the effects of the air masses that were sweeping the country.", + "ENTERMINED CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA This is partly a consequence of the effects of the air masses that are blowing across the country. These air masses consist of three main currents that blow throughout the year: maritime azimuth, continental azimuth and summer monsoon. The air masses that carry precipitation are maritime azimuth and monsoon (FIT).", + "Precipitation-carrying air masses are the maritime lily and the monsoon (FIT), from which two major climatic zones arise: the Sahara and the Sahel, each with a coastal and a continental shade.", + "The coastal margin for each climate zone is characterised by relatively high humidity and low diurnal and annual variations, while the continental part has greater temperature variations (diurnal and annual) and extreme air aridity, especially in the Saharan region, which has very low rainfall and high evaporation. 4.3.", + "The coastal margin for each climate zone is characterised by relatively high humidity and low diurnal and annual variations, while the continental part has greater temperature variations (diurnal and annual) and extreme air aridity, especially in the Saharan region, which has very low rainfall and high evaporation. 4.3. Evaluation of the implementation of the adaptation actions of the 2015 NCD Based on the vulnerabilities found in the sectors, the first 2015 NCD identified a series of projects and programmes for each sector of activity.", + "Evaluation of the implementation of the Adaptation Actions of the UNFCCC 2015 Based on the vulnerabilities identified in the sectors, the first UNFCCC 2015 identified a series of projects and programmes for each sector of activity. The 2015 UNFCCC targeted the mobilisation of $9377.4 billion (see Table 7).", + "The 2015 NCC had set as its objectives the mobilisation of $9377.4 billion (see Table 7). Table 8: Breakdown of NCC 2015 funding needs by sector Sectors Requirements in millions of dollars Agriculture Water and Sanitation Elevation Habitat, Urbanism and Land Management Environment and Sustainable Development (Nature Protection) Fisheries and Maritime Economy Health Total (Source NCC, 2015) The preparation of the country programme under the VCF Readiness exercise provided an opportunity to update the priority projects selected by the various sectors.", + "This program selected 18 projects and programs, in addition to other adaptation projects that were underway.", + "These projects are divided into: \u25aa Eight (08) projects in progress \u25aa Three (03) projects in the pipeline \u25aa Fourteen (14) projects in the pipeline or in development The budgetary envelope for these projects is as follows: \u25aa Projects in progress: $19.5M \u25aa Projects in the pipeline: approximately $6M Other projects are in the pipeline.", + "This review shows that in terms of mobilising financing for adaptation, the target is far from being achieved, with climate finance mobilised and implemented in the area of the environment for the period 2015-2020 estimated at USD 157 million.", + "Indeed, climate finance mobilised and implemented in the field of the environment for the period 2015-2020 is estimated at USD 157 million. The financing of projects submitted to the VCF and the outcome of the Expanded Priority Programme of the President of the Republic will undoubtedly improve these results.", + "The funding of the projects submitted to the VCF and the outcome of the Expanded Priority Programme of the President of the Republic will undoubtedly help to improve these results. Table 9: Adaptation projects in progress Project Title Source of Funding Sector BM/IDA Resilience Investment Project Environment CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE coastal zones, WACA, BM/IDA Humid Zones Project, IUCN/MEDD FPMA/FEM Environment Watersheds Project, FAO/MEDD FPMA/FEM Environment Regional Support Programme for the Sahel (PRAPS), CILSS/MA BM Elevage Regional Support Programme for the Sahel irrigation initiative, PARISS BM Agriculture Programme to strengthen resilience to recurrent food and nutritional insecurity in the Sahel (P2", + "Environment Improving water sector investments for the resilience of pastoral and forestry resources in the southern regions of Mauritania (REVUWI), BAD/MHA FPMA/FEM/MHA Water and Sanitation Programme to strengthen resilience and adaptation to climate-related extreme events and disasters, OXFAM and ACF DFID Environment Agence Nationale de la Grande Muraille Green State Environment Microfinance Programme GEF Operational Phase 6, UNDP-SGP GEF Environment Adaptation to Coastal Cities Climate Change Fund (ACCVC), GIZ/MEDD BMZ Environment Adaptation to Rural Climate Change Fund (ACCMR), GIZ/MEDD BMZ / EU Environment Global Alliance Against Climate Change, GIZ and UNDP/MEDD EU Envi", + "Adaptation actions of the CBD 2021-2030 updated The Mauritania preparedness project proposal (Readiness) developed with UNEP in 2018 identified a number of institutional barriers to adaptation action planning.", + "These barriers include limited collaboration between sectoral departments and ministries and other stakeholders, lack of clarity in defining the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders, CONTRIBUTION DEENTERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA lack of a centralised database for systematic archiving of climate change data and information, lack of a funding strategy.", + "Furthermore, the sectoral reports of the NAP process mentioned above show that one of the main shortcomings of adaptation to climate change is the lack of integration of this issue into sectoral strategies and action plans.", + "Indeed, and notwithstanding the explicit mention of climate change in strategic documents and sectoral plans, this integration at the operational level of implementation is ineffective.", + "These deficiencies are taken into account in the development of the NAP, which identifies the following priorities to guide adaptation actions: \u25aa Climate health \u25aa Nouakchott resilience / Marine Incursions & Floods \u25aa Coastal cities resilience / Floods \u25aa Farmers\u2019 insurance system \u25aa Development of irrigated village perimeters \u25aa Promotion of fishing and livestock breeding \u25aa Genetic improvement of local breeds \u25aa Pastoral insurance and disaster funds \u25aa Zoning and transhumance corridors \u25aa Coastal community resilience \u25aa Continental fisheries \u25aa Water & sanitation \u25aa Drinking water 12 localities \u25aa Drinking water 4 wilayas \u25aa AEP / Water stations 2580 localities with more than 150 ha.", + "Based on these priorities and the sectoral strategies and programmes examined, adaptation actions have been identified and are described in Table No. 3. Although classified by sector, their implementation is planned from an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral perspective that covers the vulnerabilities of the different sectors.", + "Although classified by sector, their implementation is planned in an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral perspective that overlaps the vulnerabilities of the different sectors. Thus, and on the basis of the projects identified by the sectors, the CDN aims to be the framework for consultation and dialogue between stakeholders to define transformative programmes that strengthen the resilience of populations or/and ecosystems to climate hazards identified in the medium and long term by converging sectoral actions towards integrated, inclusive, and climate-smart development programmes.", + "A number of these programs and projects are included in the Green Climate Fund 2020-2025 country programme and represent a total portfolio of actions (readiness, project preparation, investments) of US$188 million for the first two years. 4.3.", + "They constitute a portfolio of actions (readiness, project preparation, investments) totalling US$188 million for the first two years. 4.3. Funding Requirements for Adaptation Table 10: CND Funding Requirements 2021-2030 by Sector Sectors Funding Requirements (in US$ millions) Unconditional Conditional Total Agriculture Elevation Environment Fisheries Water & Sanitation CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO NATIONAL LEVEL CND MAURItania Habitat, Urbanism and Land Use Planning Health TOTAL The funding requirements for adaptation actions are US$10626.46 million of which US$10174.63 million are conditional and US$451.83 million are non-conditional.", + "V- Capacity-building and implementation support needs 5.1.", + "Institutional, legislative and governance needs At the institutional level, the shortcomings are (i) the weak involvement of key actors in the implementation of the Paris Agreement (ii) the lack of clarity in the sharing of roles and responsibilities between the different actors at different levels, sometimes creating latent institutional conflicts (iii) the inadequacy of climate training, information and awareness-raising actions.", + "These gaps require action on (i) raising awareness and empowering all stakeholders (ii) improving collaboration among stakeholders at all levels (iii) improving and intensifying public climate awareness programs.", + "The country now has officially designated climate focal points at the level of each sectoral department, as well as gender focal points, which have been at the centre of consultations and consultations during the process of updating the CBD 2021.", + "These focal points have been at the centre of the consultations and consultations carried out during the process of updating the CND 2021. MEDD has recently been restructured, resulting in a new directorate called the Climate and Green Economy Directorate, which includes a deputy director and three services (see Table No.3 \u2013 4-a-i).", + "The MEDD has recently been restructured, resulting in a new directorate called the Climate and Green Economy Directorate, which includes a deputy director and three services (see Table 3 \u2013 4-a-i). Readiness projects in the country programme for access to VCF funding are planned to strengthen the institutional, scientific and technical capacities of specific actors to strengthen the governance of the country\u2019s climate policy (climate meteorology and data, water resources, private sector, civil society, etc.).", + "Readiness projects in the country programme for access to VCF funding are planned to strengthen the institutional, scientific and technical capacities of specific actors to strengthen the governance of the country\u2019s climate policy (meteorology and climate data, water resources, the private sector, civil society, etc.). The CBIT project for the implementation and operationalisation of the MNV system will also, among other expected results, make it possible to clarify the responsibilities of actors, in particular ministerial departments other than MEDD, in the implementation of the CBD. 5.2.", + "The CBIT project for the implementation and operationalisation of the MNV system will also make it possible, among other expected results, to clarify the responsibilities of the actors, in particular the ministerial departments other than the MEDD, in the implementation of the CBD. 5.2. Technology transfer needs Assessments of technology transfer needs were carried out in 2017.", + "Technology transfer needs Assessments of technology transfer needs were carried out in 2017, which led to the identification of two priority sectors for adaptation (agriculture, rangeland and forestry) and two priority sectors for mitigation (energy and waste), the needs for the introduction and mastery of innovative technologies in these sectors are detailed in the following table.", + "They have led to the identification of two priority sectors for adaptation (agriculture, rangelands and forestry) and two priority sectors for mitigation (energy and waste), the requirements for the introduction and mastery of innovative technologies in these sectors are detailed in the following table.", + "They will need to be updated in light of the new mitigation and adaptation options identified in the updated 2021-2030 NCD. 5.3. Funding Requirements 5.3.1.", + "Funding Requirements 5.3.1. Summary of NDC Funding Requirements Table 11 Summary of NDC Funding Requirements Areas NDC Funding Unconditional Funding Conditional Total by Area US$ million Mitigation Adaptation Gender and Youth Integration Employment and Education - Capacity Building - Implementation and Operationalization of Measurement, Audit and Reporting System Total CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL LEVEL NDC MAURItania 5.3.2.", + "Funding Scheme In Mauritania, there is no funding system entirely dedicated to climate change. Some international institutions at the multilateral and bilateral levels are involved in strengthening climate resilience in Mauritania. These are projects/programmes that are involved at the level of the primary sectors.", + "The country also benefits from the possibility of financing at the level of specific environmental funds (adaptation fund, green climate fund, GEF, etc.).", + "The country also benefits from the possibility of financing at the level of specific environmental funds (adaptation fund, green climate fund, GEF, etc.). Climate financing comes from resources mobilised by the public sphere i.e. the state, its TFPs and other development stakeholders such as NGOs, operators and the international financial system.", + "Climate financing comes from resources mobilised by the public sphere, i.e. the state, its TFPs and other development stakeholders such as NGOs, operators and the international financial system. Although an in-depth analysis is not available, it should be noted that there is a strong reliance on external resources for climate action.", + "Although an in-depth analysis is not available, it should be noted that there is a high dependence on external resources for climate action.", + "\u2022 State financing \u2013 The state budget focuses on the functioning of administrations, development and maintenance of infrastructure, and some activities of a special nature (marketing of crops, supply of inputs, development works, etc.) are financed.", + "\u2022 Funding for Technical and Financial Partners \u2013 Notwithstanding the efforts made, coordination among TFPs should be strengthened to ensure greater impact over the longer term.", + "\u2022 The Green Climate Fund (GCF, for Green ClimateFund) as part of a project to prepare the country for climate finance Green Climate Fund (readiness) a country programme has been developed, which has made it possible to present a portfolio of projects (cf.", + "\u2022 The Green Climate Fund (GCF, for Green ClimateFund) as part of a project to prepare the country for climate finance The Green Climate Fund (readiness) a country programme was developed, which made it possible to present a portfolio of projects (see table in Annex No.3) with accompanying measures \u2013 readiness to strengthen national capacities in the development of bankable projects eligible for climate finance.", + "Table in Annex No.3) accompanied by accompanying measures \u2013 readiness to strengthen national capacities in the development of bankable projects eligible for climate financing Financing of private operators and investors \u2013 the private sector has very little involvement in climate financing.", + "\u2022 Financing of private operators and investors - the private sector has very little involvement in climate finance, and preparation of the sector in this area is foreseen in the country\u2019s GCF programme to strengthen the capacities of Mauritanian entrepreneurs and enable them to develop investments eligible for climate finance.", + "\u2022 National financial system: the existing financial system is characterised by a low contribution from the banking system to financing development in general and the rural sector in particular.", + "\u2022 National financial system: The existing financial system is characterized by a low contribution of the banking system to financing development in general and the rural sector in particular. \u2022 National tax system: There is a lack of mechanisms based on the generation of tax resources to finance climate actions in the country.", + "\u2022 National tax system:There is a lack of mechanisms based on the generation of tax resources to finance climate actions in the country. Capacity building in this area is strongly desired in order to contribute to the mobilization of national financial resources for climate actions in the country.", + "Capacity building in this area is highly desirable in order to contribute to the mobilisation of domestic financial resources for climate action in the country. International markets: Mauritania intends to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to achieve part of its mitigation objective using carbon market mechanisms (transformativecarbonassetfacility, etc.).", + "\u2022 International markets: Mauritania intends to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to achieve part of its mitigation objective by using carbon market mechanisms (transformativecarbonassetfacility, etc.). In this context, the country envisages using these tools in the development and management of NAMA projects under the CDM mechanism. VI.", + "In this context, Mauritania envisages using these tools in the development and management of NAMA projects under the CDM. VI. Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MNV) and Monitoring and Evaluation Mauritania has put in place the necessary institutional structures to promote, coordinate and strengthen its mitigation and adaptation efforts: establishment of a Climate and Green Economy Directorate, task force of sectoral focal points, civil society and the private sector, networks of independent experts, preparation of all national communications, GHG inventories and biannual reports, etc. required for reporting to the UNFCCC.", + "CONTRIBUTION DETERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Notwithstanding all these efforts, the transparency of reporting on GHG emissions and on the impacts of climate policies and actions is hampered by the following main gaps and barriers11: \u25aa Institutional gaps and barriers in the coordination of activities to combat environmental degradation and climate change; notably the lack of data sharing procedures and data protection instructions; weaknesses in intersectoral, regional and national coordination, as well as difficulties in integrating climate change into decision-making and development policies; \u25aa Legal, regulatory and procedural gaps and obstacles in the establishment of appropriate mandates and implementation tools; notably the lack of a reference to climate change in the Code of Conduct for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories;", + "\u2022 Lack of data and access to information for a robust and detailed R&D system; more importantly, the lack of activity data to estimate emissions and removals from selected sources and the lack of country-specific emission factors; \u25aa Lack of capacity and technical expertise; including, inter alia, the weak capacity of structures producing and holding activity data, the inadequacy of national technical expertise both quantitatively and qualitatively, and the obsolete nature of data collection, processing, storage and transfer systems; \u25aa The financial constraints and costs associated with an R&D system; in particular, the low contribution of the Mauritanian", + "\u25aa The financial constraints and costs associated with an AVM system, including the low level of government contribution to climate change projects and initiatives and the lack of funding for climate change-related research projects; To address these gaps and obstacles, Mauritania has developed a request for GEF funding to mobilise the necessary resources for the institutionalisation of an AVM and the capacity-building of sectors and other stakeholders involved in the collection, processing and management of the necessary data.", + "This project is in the Project Identification Form (PIF) stage and is expected to be submitted to GEF-7 in August 2021 with a total cost estimate of US$1,263,650. VII.", + "Its total cost is estimated at US$1,263,650. VII. Synergy and coherence The objectives and expected results of the priority areas of the CND 2021 are in full alignment with the country\u2019s sustainable development objectives and the 2030 SD Goals.", + "Synergy and coherence The objectives and expected results of the priority axes of the CBD 2021 are in perfect alignment with the country\u2019s sustainable development objectives and the 2030 SDS and, implemented in a concerted and partnership-based framework, are fully in line with the provisions of the conventions resulting from the Rio 1992 process (climate change, biodiversity and combating desertification).", + "Implemented in a cooperative and partnership framework, they fully meet the provisions of the conventions resulting from the Rio 1992 process (climate change, biodiversity and combating desertification). The country has just developed a National Risk and Disaster Prevention Plan (PNPRC) as part of the NAP project, which is currently being adopted and which is fully in line with the Sendai Framework for Risk and Disaster Reduction (2015-2030).", + "The country has just drawn up a National Risk and Disaster Prevention Plan (PNPRC) as part of the PNA project, which is currently being adopted and which fits in perfectly with the Sendai Framework for Risk and Disaster Reduction (2015-2030). The co-benefits of the mitigation measures advocated and the adaptation actions identified, as well as their synergies with the implementation of the MDGs, are identified in Tables No.", + "The co-benefits of the recommended mitigation measures and adaptation actions identified and their synergy with the implementation of the SDSs are identified in Tables 1 & 2 in the last column.", + "VII- Gender and youth The main risks related to climate change and their impacts on women and youth in particular are summarized as follows12: 11 Evaluation of gaps and barriers in the MRV system in Mauritania, GEF PIF document, August 2021 CONTRIBUTION DEENTERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania \u25aa Epidemics, epizootics, and health risk in general (626 deaths for \u25aa Food insecurity and agricultural deficit are two risks that evolve in parallel with the same impact and occurrence.", + "\u25aa The weakness of the education system and the inadequacy between training and the labour market is one of the major tensions identified as a source of risk for the country (56.8% of girls are literate compared with 70% of boys) \u25aa Young people without training or diplomas account for 44% of Mauritanian youth \u25aa Unemployment among women and young people (among young people, unemployment is almost twice as high for women as for men: 20% compared with 12%) \u25aa More than 60% of the unemployed are young people \u25aa The occurrence of social problems linked to governance problems \u25aa Uncontrolled urbanisation.", + "The impact of climate change, including drought and its consequences, mass rural exodus and poverty, is putting unprecedented pressure on the public supply of basic services, particularly for women and young people, which need to be met.", + "In order to meet these needs, Mauritania has, since 2015, adopted the National Strategy for Gender Institutionalization (SNIG) to promote equality between men and women and create conditions favourable to their development at the political, economic and social levels.", + "The objective of SNIG is to ensure gender mainstreaming in all sectors of the country\u2019s development in order to ensure the advancement of women and gender equity.", + "The country has also adopted a new Youth Strategy 2020-2030, which aims to create the conditions for the development of youth rooted in national civic values and their inclusion in all sectors of social life so that they become a genuine actor in sustainable development.", + "The strategy is part of the national approach to decentralisation and aims to optimise impacts with greater targeting for the most vulnerable.", + "The CDN intends to strengthen the implementation of the SNIG and the SNJ by ensuring that the gender and youth dimension is taken into account in all the adaptation actions advocated therein.", + "In particular, the dimensions of Strengthening the resilience of rural women to the effects of climate change and Developing community-based approaches to adaptation to climate change must be part of any adaptation action undertaken with a minimum of 10% of the budget allocated to them.", + "For example, gender and youth mainstreaming requires US$1062.646 million (conditional and unconditional), and MEDD is committed to implementing the LIMA Action Plan and its four objectives to be integrated into the NCD and the NCD development process itself.", + "In addition, MEDD is committed to the implementation of the LIMA Action Plan and its four objectives to be integrated into the CBD and the CBD process itself. To this end, a MEDD/MASEF/gender expert working group of the team was set up during the CBD update process to: \u25aa Organise an information/awareness-raising meeting and training of thematic and sectoral experts on gender mainstreaming in their sectoral reports \u25aa Read sectoral reports to see if gender mainstreaming has been taken into account \u25aa Collaborate on data collection and processing.", + "12 BM report on the economic situation in Mauritania, 2021 and National Youth Strategy CONTRIBUTION DEENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE VIII- Education and jobs The labour market in Mauritania is suffering from a reversed structural transformation where the labour force has been reoriented to less productive sectors.", + "The sectoral composition of employment has remained relatively unchanged in recent years. According to data from the National Employment and Informal Sector Survey in Mauritania (ENESI) of 2012 and 2017, the total labour force was about 735,000 persons for the two years.", + "In 2017, 30.4% of the labour force worked in the primary sector, 18.1% in the manufacturing sector, including extractive industries and GDP, and 51.4% in the manufacturing sector.", + "implementation of the actions planned in the National Youth Strategy (NYS- 2020- 2030) relating to: o youth policy on training and sustainable job creation and empowerment o creation of at least 30 000 new jobs, through the exploitation of new fisheries infrastructure, the development and diversification of agriculture and the emergence of an alternative industry o creation of 100 000 jobs.", + "13 Report on the economic situation in Mauritania \u2013 Strengthening education to foster social cohesion and support economic development \u2013 Third edition \u2013 June 2020 CONTRIBUTION DEENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE APPENDICES Appendix No.", + "Details of Mitigation Measures, Packaged and Unpackaged, by Sector Sector # Sector Measures Description Cost US$ Millions Agriculture Organic Agriculture Conventional Agriculture \u2013 Food Agriculture (6000 ha. Fat Supplement in Ruminant Diet A traditional ruminant diet contains 1.5-3% dry matter (DM%) of fat.", + "Additional fat in ruminant diets A traditional ruminant diet contains 1.5-3% dry matter (DM%) of fat. With each 1% of fat added, CH4 emissions are reduced by about 4% for all ruminants. Additional fat can increase growth rate and milk yield.", + "Additional fats can increase the growth rate and dairy yield, and this introduction will result in 4% more fat by 2030.", + "This introduction will result in 4% more fat by 2030 Soil Organic Cover / Conservation Farming Cultivated to absorb the remaining nitrogen after the main crop is harvested; increase soil organic carbon content by reducing soil carbon loss due to erosion during the summer fallow period; reduce nitrogen leaching (and subsequent emissions) and reduce the amount of nitrogen to be applied to the next crop (reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers) Application of this technique will be in the order of 10,000 ha/year in 2030 Total Scenario CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania EE Households Efficient Residential Air Conditioner Improving the energy efficiency of air conditioners according to energy performance rules and promoting eco-energy air conditioning.", + "Replacement of the input power of 12000 Btu / h (1120 W) with that of 9000 Btu / h (995 W) or LED air conditioning.This technology is already present in the country and can dominate the consumption in 2030 with more than 8000 units.", + "This technology is already present in the country and will be able to dominate consumption in 2030 with more than 8000 units. Efficient domestic lighting with LFC Improved energy efficiency of efficient domestic lighting with fluo-compact bulbs Efficient lighting with LED Improved energy efficiency of domestic lighting with LED bulbs unit in 2030 Efficient refrigerator Promotion of energy-efficient appliances according to energy performance rules with 15000 eco-energy refrigerators.", + "Efficient Household Lighting with CFL Improved Energy Efficiency of Efficient Household Lighting with Fluo-Compact Bulbs Efficient Household Lighting with LED Improved Energy Efficiency of Household Lighting with LED Bulbs Unit in 2030 Efficient Refrigerator Promotion of Energy Efficiency Appliances according to Energy Performance Rules with 15000 Eco-Energy Refrigerators Replacement of CFL with LEDs in Household Lighting Improved Energy Efficiency of Household Lighting with Fluo-Compact Bulbs with New Generation LED Bulbs (140 Lumen / Watt).", + "CFL replacement with LEDs in home lighting Improved energy efficiency of home lighting with fluo-compact light bulbs with new generation LED light bulbs (140 Lumen / Watt) Efficient wood charcoal stoves (enhanced fireplace) Distribution of 150,000 improved fireplaces by 2030 LPG replacing wood Distribution of 170,000 LPG stoves by 2030 Efficient electrical stoves Distribution of 10,000 electrical stoves by 2030 Efficient residential air conditioner Implementation of a program to promote efficient residential air conditioning, the potential for introduction of this technology can be reached CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania 15000 units (or 7000 more units) Efficient refrigerator Implementation of a program to promote eco-energy refrigeration in the residential sector, the potential for introduction of this", + "Biogas in rural farms replacing wood and coal Biodigester technology is already present in the subregion.", + "Feeding the bio-digester with mainly livestock manure and other organic waste will produce biogas that can be used for cooking and heating hot water.", + "Achievement of 2000 Bio digesters by 2030 Total EE Scenario Industry Industry Energy Efficiency Program Industrial sector energy demand reduction of 10% by 2030 Industry Energy Efficiency Program Industrial sector energy demand reduction of 20% by 2030", + "Industry Sector Energy Efficiency Program Reduction of industrial sector energy demand by 20% by 2030 Total EE Service Scenario Efficient office lighting with CFL Improved energy efficiency of office lighting with fluo-compact bulbs Efficient office lighting with LED Improved energy efficiency of office lighting with LED Bulbs Efficient lamps - LED tubes Improved energy efficiency of public lighting (3000 LED tubes) Energy efficiency in service Reduction of 20% of service energy demand especially in new buildings (New office building with central cooling).", + "ENTERPRISE CONTRIBUTION AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA Total EE Scenario Offer Switching from heavy fuel oil to natural gas in the dual thermal power plant Replacement of fuel oil with natural gas in the dual thermal power plant (fuel/gas) MW in Nouakchott in 2025 New natural gas power plant Start-up of a 200MW natural gas power plant in 2025 New natural gas power plant Installation of a new 300MW natural gas power plant Total EE Scenario Energy Distribution Efficient Electricity Networks The national electricity network development program has 4 regional medium-voltage lines and 2 transnational high-voltage lines under implementation and other lines under programming.", + "With an energy saving capacity of 300 GWh Connecting the isolated grid to the central grid The national electricity grid development programme aims to connect more than 25 isolated grid networks to the central grid with an energy saving of 900 GWh.", + "Connecting the isolated grid to the central grid The National Grid Development Programme aims to connect more than 25 isolated grids to the central grid with an energy saving of 900 GWh. Efficient electricity grids With greater international support, the National Grid Development Programme could achieve an additional 500 GWh energy saving by expanding coverage.", + "Efficient electricity networks With greater international support, the national grid development programme could achieve an additional 500 GWh of energy savings by extending coverage Connecting the isolated grid to the central grid With greater international support, the national grid development programme could achieve an additional 300 GWh of energy savings by connecting the isolated power stations.", + "Connecting the isolated grid to the central grid With greater international support, the national grid development programme could achieve an additional 300 GWh of energy savings by connecting the isolated grid to the central grid. Total scenario Forestry Reforestation/reforestation Annually increase the area reforested to reach the target of 3000 CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE ha/year (DRPEM 2000ha and Assisted Forest Regeneration Annually increase the area restored to reach the target of 5000 ha/year sylvopastoral reforestation Restoration activities involving biological actions for reforestation and natural regeneration of reforestation With greater international support, reforested areas can reach the target of 10000 ha/year more under regional programmes.", + "Assisted forest regeneration With greater international support, restored areas can achieve the objective of an additional 10,000 ha/year under regional programmes.", + "Total Scenario Hydro Country Quota at the CWS Mauritania\u2019s quota in hydroelectric production will be in the order of with the entry into service of the new facilities D\u00e9ch\u00e9s Plastics Recycling The plastics recycling process involves washing and granulation.", + "This technology is already present, production will be improved to reach 2000 tonnes/year in 2030 Plastics Recycling With greater international support plastics recycling production will be able to reach Incineration Plant Installation The incineration plant will have a capacity of tonnes/day, and will be able to generate 12MW.", + "This process consists of the following operations: mechanical sorting and grinding, aerobic drying and incineration according to the most CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE recent hygiene standards.", + "Total Scenario Solar residential solar water heater Promotion of residential solar water heater installation with a target of 4000 installations in 2030 Solar PV, large network Continuation and expansion of the solar program to achieve a cumulative installed capacity of 100 MW in 2030 Home solar PV Continuation and expansion of the solar program to achieve a cumulative installed capacity of 4000 solar kits/sheds in 2030 Mini solar hybrid/diesel network Continuation and expansion of the solar hybridization program of isolated mini networks to achieve a cumulative installed capacity LED solar lamps Distribution of approximately 20,000 LED solar lamps in rural areas benefiting from the home solar program.", + "Solar lamps Improving the energy efficiency of public lighting with the realization of 5000 Solar lamps Solar water heater, residential With greater international support, the promotion of the installation of residential solar water heaters will be able to reach an additional 9000 units in 2030 Solar PV, large network with storage (green hydrogen) Mauritania has just signed an ambitious protocol for the development of renewable energy resources (green hydrogen programme) with the American company GWP Global.", + "Named Aman, the project involves the development of 30 GW of solar and wind power to power generators in Mauritania.", + "Solar and wind power plants will be installed CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE in an 8500 km2 desert area in the north of the country. A report examining the potential of blue and green hydrogen (low carbon hydrogen) is being prepared as part of the PADG Project for the Government of Mauritania.", + "The report will assess Mauritania's technical potential for blue/green hydrogen and provide data for a national low-carbon hydrogen roadmap, which will also cover the potential uses of hydrogen produced in the country at the national level (industry, mining, heavy transport, agriculture (fertilizers), trawlers) and internationally (ammonia exports, etc.).", + "By consensus of the team (focus points and experts) achieving solar capacity is feasible in 2030. Home solar PV With greater international support, the solar programme will be able to achieve a cumulative installed additive solar kit/home capacity in 2030.", + "With greater international support, the solar programme will be able to achieve a cumulative installed additive capacity of solar kits/homes by 2030, a capability confirmed by the African Development Bank and G5 Desert to Power initiative.", + "This capability is confirmed in the \"Desert to Power\" initiative of the African Development Bank and the G5. Total Scenario Transport Restriction on the import of used cars Implementation of restrictions to limit the import of vehicles older than 8 years in addition to a bonus system exempting low-carbon cars and penalising models over the age limit as well as polluting models.", + "Total Scenario Transport Restriction on the importation of used cars Implementation of restrictions to limit the importation of vehicles older than 8 years in addition to a bonus system exempting low-carbon cars and penalizing models over the age limit as well as polluting models More efficient gasoline cars More efficient diesel cars CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA Natural gas cars Promotion of hybrid cars: in this context, the country\u2019s planned gas field operation in the near future facilitates the penetration of gas and electric cars Electric car Sahel Train (goods) The study of the project is in the final stages The use of rail transport will largely replace the transport of goods and people on the road.", + "Sahel Train (passengers) Nouakchott Tramway As part of the improvement of urban public transport and in view of the spatial expansion of the city of Nouakchott, this measure is a preferred option and a priority.", + "Total Scenario Wind turbine Wind turbine connected to the main grid - on-shore This is a 20 MW extension of the Nouakchott wind farm. On-shore wind turbines with storage As part of the Aman programme, which provides for the development of 30 GW of solar and wind power to power generators in Mauritania.", + "On-shore wind turbines with storage As part of the Aman programme, which provides for the development of 30 GW of solar and wind energy to power generators in Mauritania, it is possible to achieve wind turbine capacity by 2030 on the basis of consensus judgement by the team (focus points and experts).", + "By consensus of the team (focus points and experts) it is possible to reach the capacity of wind turbines by 2030. total scenario CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Annex No.2: List of adaptation actions proposed by the sectors Sector Environment Policy, Strategies, Programmes, Plans and Actions for Strengthening Sector Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change \u25aa Priority Expanded Programme of the President of the Republic \u25aa Integrated National Programme for Reforestation and Sustainable Land Management \u25aa Great Green Wall Strategy 2022/2026 \u25aa Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity \u25aa National Strategy for Environment and Sustainable Development (SNEDD) and its Action Plan \u25aa National Strategy for the Conservation of Humid Zones in Mauritania \u25aa Master Plan", + "d National Adaptation Actions (NAPA) to Climate Change \u25aa Vulnerability Study and Adaptation Plan of the Nouakchott Region to Climate Change \u25aa Rural Development Strategy Horizon 2025 Objectives to Enhance ecosystem resilience and conserve biodiversity: - Development of classified forests - Restoration and conservation of sites of ecological and biological interest) - Implementation of the Ecosystem-based Adaptation Approach (EbA); - Creation of green jobs; Neutrality of land degradation: - Combating weeding; - Aerial seeding; - Soil defence and restoration Sustainable management and conservation of wetlands: - Development of wetlands; - Strengthening the ecological, biological and socio-economic roles of wetlands Protection of the coastal dune, control of coastal erosion and establishment of a", + "Coastal towns - Fixing dunes of the dune cord - Closing breaches; - Combating coastal erosion (Ndiago, Nouakchott, Arguin Bank National Park and Nouadhibou); - Establishing a flood risk monitoring system for coastal towns Funding requirements in millions of USD Conditional: 658.68 Non-conditional: 26.21 Total: 684.89 Synergies ODD-13 / CNULCD (Neutrality of land degradation) ODD-15 / CBD / Sendai Framework ODD-12 (Value chains, forest products and green economy) Sector Agriculture Policy, \u25aa President of the Republic\u2019s Enlarged Priority Programme CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Strategies, programmes, plans and actions for strengthening the sector\u2019s resilience and adaptation to climate change \u25aa", + "\u25aa National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP) \u25aa National Strategy for Rural Development (SNDSR), \u25aa National Strategy for the Conservation of Wetlands \u25aa National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Management \u25aa National Action Plan for Capacity Building in Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Preparedness and Response \u25aa National Agricultural Development Plan (NDP) Objectives to Improve Agricultural Productivity and Use of Climate Services \u25aa Intensification and diversification of irrigated agricultural production \u25aa Establishment of an insurance system for farmers against agro-climatic risks \u25aa Support for the promotion of market gardening \u25aa Development of seed production \u25aa Improvement of rainfall production systems \u25aa Development of village irrigated perimeter, restoration of fertility of agricultural land \u25aa Organic agriculture; \u25aa Agroforestry; Financing needs in millions", + "Agricultural land \u25aa Organic agriculture; \u25aa Agroforestry; USD millions in financing requirements Non-conditional: 56.04 Total: 831.52 Synergies Sector Upgrading Policies, strategies, programmes, plans and actions for strengthening the sector\u2019s resilience and adapting to climate change \u25aa President of the Republic\u2019s Priority Expanded Programme \u25aa National Livestock Development Plan \u25aa National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP) \u25aa National Strategy for Rural Development (SNDSR), \u25aa National Food Security Strategy (SNSA) \u25aa National Strategy for the Conservation of Wetlands \u25aa National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Management \u25aa National Action Plan for Capacity Building in Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Preparedness and Response Objectives for improving animal health and productivity \u25aa Genetic improvement; \u25aa Fight against epizo", + "Development of feed crops Development and management of rangelands: \u25aa Sustainable management of pastoral resources \u25aa Development of transhumance corridors \u25aa Establishment of infrastructures Conditional requirements: 333.9 CONTRIBUTION DEENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Millions of USD funding No Conditional: 41.28 Total: 375.18 Synergies Fisheries Sector Policies, strategies, programmes, plans and actions for strengthening the sector\u2019s resilience and adapting to climate change \u25aa Expanded priority programme of the President of the Republic \u25aa National responsible management strategy for sustainable development of the fisheries sector and the economy \u25aa Strategy for the sustainable and integrated development of the maritime fisheries sector \u25aa Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP) \u25aa Expanded priority programme of the President of the Republic \u25aa Pro", + "\u2022 Strengthening food security and poverty reduction \u25aa Establishment of a national fisheries centre Capacity-building for monitoring and managing continental fisheries \u25aa Strategic studies in support of the institutional reform process \u25aa Strengthening national capacities for expertise, monitoring and research in continental fisheries \u25aa Establishment of a continental fisheries information system Funding requirements in millions of USD Conditional: 763.88 Non-conditional: 106.45 Total: 870.33 Synergies Water and Sanitation Sector Policy, Strategies, Programmes, Plans and Actions for Strengthening Sector Resilience and Adapting to Climate Change \u25aa Presidential Priority Expanded Programme \u25aa National Strategy for Social Protection in Mauritania \u25aa National Strategy for Gender Institutionalisation \u25aa National Programme for Agricultural Development, horizon \u25aa Plan", + "Social protection in Mauritania \u25aa National Strategy for Gender Institutionalization \u25aa National Programme for Agricultural Development, horizon \u25aa National Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change \u25aa National Strategy for the Conservation of Wetlands \u25aa National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity \u25aa Water and Sanitation Sector Strategy \u25aa National Agricultural Development Plan \u25aa National Rural Development Strategy (SNDSR), \u25aa National Strategy for Environment and Sustainable Development Objectives for Improving Access to Water \u25aa Drinking Water Supply HodhChargui, Hodh Gharbi, Kiffa, CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AU NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA Nouadhibou... \u25aa Drinking Water Supply AftoutEssahli and Drinking Water Nouakchott Sanitation of cities at high risk of flooding \u25aa Sanitation of Nou", + "Development of the Territory Policies, Strategies, Programmes, Plans and Actions for Strengthening Sector Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change \u25aa Priority Expanded Programme of the President of the Republic \u25aa Action Plan DGATAR, 2021, \u25aa Action Plan DGHU, 2021 \u25aa Outline Director of Development and Urbanism of the City of Nouakchott \u25aa National Strategy for the Environment and Sustainable Development and its Action Plan \u25aa Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity \u25aa Act No. 2008-07 of 17 March 2008 on the Urbanism Code \u25aa Act No. 001-2010 of 7 January 2010 approving the Land Use Planning Policy Act \u25aa Decree 2020-11 of 12 February 2020 approving the Nouakchott Urban Development Authority, \u25aa Vulnerability Study and Adaptation Plan of the Nouakchott Region to Climate Change \u25aa Evaluation", + "Development of the Territory in relation to climate change adaptation issues Objectives to Improve access to housing for vulnerable groups \u25aa Construction of housing with local climate-resilient materials; \u25aa Strengthening village cohesion Implementation of the National Spatial Planning Scheme \u25aa Implementation of a climate-resilient urban planning and management system \u25aa Implementation of a climate-resilient spatial planning scheme \u25aa Implementation of the Nouakchott Urban Development Strategy; Millions of USD in funding requirements Conditional: 3407.76 Non-conditional: 65.77 Total: 3473.37 Synergies Health Policies, Strategies, Programmes, Plans and Actions for the \u25aa Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity Strategy \u25aa National Health Policy Horizon 2030 (NHP) \u25aa National Health Development Plan (NHDP) \u25aa National GDBM Plan CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL", + "NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania strengthening sectoral resilience and adaptation to climate change Objectives to Combat diseases with common risk factors \u25aa Combat cardiovascular diseases, \u25aa Combat respiratory diseases, Improving the health of people vulnerable to the effects of climate change \u25aa Strengthening the Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) \u25aa Strengthening the fight against malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies \u25aa Development and implementation of a health strategy for women, young people and the elderly Funding requirements in millions of USD Conditional: 230 Non-conditional: 48.93 Total: 278.93 Synergy ODD 3 \u2013 ODD 10 Sector Gender and Youth Policy, Strategies, Programmes, Plans and Actions for Strengthening Sectoral Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change \u25aa President of the Republic\u2019s Priority Expanded Programme", + "Gender \u25aa Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP) Objectives to Strengthen the resilience of rural women to the effects of climate change \u25aa Establishment of community health mutuals for the benefit of women in wilayas of Assaba, Brakna, Gorgol and Hodhs, conditional \u25aa Establishment of an AGR funding fund for vulnerable groups; Development of community-based approaches to adapting to climate change \u25aa Youth employability at the nine (9) wilaya level; \u25aa Risk prevention and responsible health behaviour; \u25aa Combating addictive practices among young people; \u25aa Combating rural exodus and emigration Funding needs in millions of USD Conditional: 1017.463 Non-conditional: 45.183 Total: 1062.646 Synergies Employment and education Conditional: 337.75 Non-conditional: - CON", + "CDN MAURITANIE Total: 337.75 Capacity Building Conditional: 279.37 Non-Conditional: Total: 279.37 MRV Conditional: 1,263650 (CBIT) CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Appendix No. 3:", + "\u2013 US$20M) \u25aa Ecosystem and population resilience in 4 northern regional poles (UN-approx.", + "US$22.5M) \u25aa Sustainability of livelihoods in the CC and food security in agro- sylvo-pastoral communities in the Southwest (FAO, US$34.5M) \u25aa Green poles resilience of agro-pastoral ecosystems and production systems (IUCN/US$5M) \u25aa Cities resilience in the CC and eco-construction (UNDP/US$25M) \u25aa Resilient management and water supply in 2 Hodhs (UNDP/US$23M) \u25aa Economic activity and population retention in oases (ADA-Morocco/US$9.5M) \u25aa Indigenous population resilience in Arguin Bank Park (IUCN) Regional programs: \u25aa Coastal resilience, WACA/Res.", + "IP \u2013 CCA, World Bank, US$382M \u25aa Cross-Border Sustainability of Oasis Ecosystems and Livelihoods Program, OSS, US$60M \u25aa Regional Off-grid Electricity Project, IBRD, US$600M \u25aa African Climate Risk Finance Program, IFAD, US$421M i(hybrid approach to defining international climate commitments, based on national circumstances CDN)." + ], + "medium": [ + "CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania VISION OF THE NATIONAL DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC) UPDATE ON MAURItania Promoting Climate-Resilient Development and Sustainable Green Jobs CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania EXECUTIVE SUMMARY List of Tables 5 List of Figures 5 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations 6 KEY MESSAGES OF THE UNCCD 2021-2030. 7 Part I - Executive Summary. 8 I- Introduction. 8 II- Updated mitigation ambitions of the UNCCD 2021-2030 10 III- Adaptation actions recommended by the UNCCD 2021-2030 11 IV- Capacity", + "Mauritania\u2019s mitigation ambition. 25 3.2. Sectoral ambitions 25 3.3. Funding needs. 27 3.4. Updated comparison of the 2015 and 2021-2030 CBDs. 27 3.5. Clarity, transparency and understanding of the 2021-2030 CBD 29 IV- Adaptation component of the CBD. 39 4.1. Communication context of the adaptation action. 39 4.2 Vulnerability of the country to climate change 39 4.3. Evaluation of the implementation of the 2015 CBD adaptation actions. 40 4.4.", + "Evaluation of the implementation of the adaptation actions of the CBD-2015. 40 4.4. Updated adaptation actions of the CBD 2021-2030 41 4.3. Financing needs for adaptation 42 V- Capacity-building and implementation support needs 44 5.1. Institutional, legislative and governance needs 44 5.2. Technology transfer needs. 44 5.3. Financing needs. 44 VI.", + "Technology Transfer Requirements. 44 5.3. Funding Requirements. 44 VI. Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) and Monitoring and Evaluation. 45 VII. Synergy and Coherence 46 VII- Gender and Youth 46 VIII- Education and Employment 48 APPENDICES. 49 Appendix No.", + "Synergy and coherence 46 VII- Gender and youth 46 VIII- Education and employment 48 ANNEXES. 49 Annex No. 1: Details of mitigation measures, conditional and non-conditional, by sector 49 Annex No.2: List of adaptation actions proposed by sectors. 57 Annex No.3: GCF project portfolio. 63 CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Summary of funding needs for the CND 2021-2030 updated. 12 Table 2: CND 2021-2030 mitigation measures updated by sector (cumulative cost and reduction potential for the period). 14 Table 3: CND 2021-2030 adaptation measures updated by sector. Error!", + "Not defined.", + "Table 4: National data 22 Table 5: Sectoral distribution of mitigation in 2030. 26 Table 6: Comparison of 2015 NCD to the updated 2021-2030 NCD. 27 Table 7: Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding of Mauritania\u2019s updated NCD 29 Table 8: Breakdown of NCD funding needs by sector in 2015 40 Table 9: Adaptation projects underway. 40 Table 10: NCD funding needs in 2021-2030 by sector 42 Table 11: Summary of NCD funding needs 44 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1:", + "Key Strategies of the Mauritanian Social, Economic, Cultural and Environmental Development Planning Framework (i.e. Sustainable Development) Figure 4: GHG Emission Scenarios for Mauritania, 2030 25 Figure 5: Total Mitigation Effort in 2030 Distributed by Sector. 26 Figure 6: Distribution of Total Cumulative Mitigation Effort 2021-2030, Conditional vs.", + "GHG emission scenarios in Mauritania, 2030 horizon 25 Figure 5: Total mitigation effort in 2030 by sector. 26 Figure 6: Distribution of total cumulative mitigation effort 2021-2030, conditional vs. non-conditional 27 CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS $US US Dollars AFAT Agriculture, forestry and other land use AP Paris Agreement BAU Business as usual scenario BM World Bank CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CBIT Capacity building Initiative for transparency UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change CDN National earmarked contribution UNFCCC United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification CSLP Poverty reduction strategy framework 2001-2015 DCEV Directorate", + "FAO Food and Agriculture Organization GEF Global Environment Facility IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development FVC Green Climate Fund \u2013 GCF for Green ClimateFund GHG Greenhouse Gases LCD Combating Desertification MEDD Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development MVN Measurement, Verification and Reporting System \u2013 MRV MW Mega Watts NDT Land Degradation Neutrality ODS Sustainable Development Goal SRF Sectoral Focal Points SIP Industrial Processes and Product Use NAPA National Adaptation Programme TFP Technical and Financial Partners SCAPP National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity ENTERPRISE CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania KEY NATIONAL MEASURES 2021-2030 Mauritania\u2019s total GHG emissions represent 0.015% of global emissions", + "The largest contribution to this total emissions comes from AFAT and energy. Both sectors account for 99% of emissions. The baseline \"business as usual\" scenario calculated on the basis of SCAPP growth data shows that direct greenhouse gas emissions, expressed in terms of Global Warming Potential (GWP), are globally net of an increase of 185.67% (Source BUR2 2021).", + "The baseline \"business as usual\" scenario calculated on the basis of SCAPP growth data shows that emissions of direct greenhouse gases, expressed in terms of Global Warming Potential (GWP), are globally net of an increase of 185.67% (Source BUR2 2021). Mauritania is one of the world\u2019s most vulnerable regions to climate change, the effects of which are already affecting all sectors of its economy, ecosystems and populations, in particular women and children.", + "Mauritania belongs to one of the most vulnerable regions of the world to climate change, the effects of which already affect all sectors of its economy, ecosystems and people, in particular women and children. Mauritania is fully committed to the implementation of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement to contribute to global efforts to reduce global GHG emissions by making available to the global community all the mitigation potential available to the country.", + "Mauritania is fully committed to the implementation of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement to contribute to global efforts to reduce global GHG emissions by making available to the world community all the mitigation potential available to the country, which is the enormous pool of clean energy, wind and solar energy.", + "For example, Mauritania\u2019s updated CDN projects a net reduction in economy-wide GHG emissions of 11% in 2030 compared to the baseline scenario with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support comparable to that received up to 2020.", + "With greater support, Mauritania could achieve carbon neutrality, up to a conditional reduction of 92% from the OAU, at an estimated total cost of US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional, or 1.85%.", + "The overall cost of this ambition is estimated at US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional or 1.85%. In view of its extreme vulnerability, Mauritania has broadened its adaptation ambition to cover the following areas: protection and conservation of ecosystems including wetlands, sustainable range management, conservation of biodiversity, fisheries and aquaculture, habitat and urbanism, agriculture and food security including genetic improvement, health, water, coastal management, prevention of extreme climatic events, infrastructure and education.", + "In view of its extreme vulnerability, Mauritania has broadened its adaptation ambition to cover the following areas: protection and conservation of ecosystems including wetlands, sustainable range management, conservation of biodiversity, fisheries and aquaculture, habitat and urbanism, agriculture and food security including genetic improvement, health, water, coastal management, prevention of extreme climatic events, infrastructure and education.", + "This expansion is based on the readiness program for access to the Green Climate Fund (Readiness) and the results of the first studies conducted as part of the country\u2019s National Adaptation Program (NAP) development process.", + "In addition to the conditional funding required to ensure the country\u2019s mitigation ambitions and implement adaptation actions, the implementation of Mauritania\u2019s CBD 2021-2030 requires support in terms of capacity building of all development actors, integration of cross-cutting aspects (gender, youth, human rights, employment and education) and the operationalisation of a system of measurement, verification and reporting to monitor and evaluate climate action.", + "In addition to the conditional funding required to ensure the country\u2019s mitigation ambitions and implement adaptation actions, the implementation of Mauritania\u2019s CND 2021-2030 requires support in terms of capacity-building of all development actors, integration of cross-cutting aspects (gender, youth, human rights, employment and education) and the operationalisation of a system of measurement, verification and reporting to monitor and evaluate climate action. By aligning its development process with that of SCAPP and building on the country\u2019s sectoral strategies and programmes, the CND defines the country\u2019s climate policy framework for 2030.", + "By aligning its development process with that of SCAPP and building on the country\u2019s sectoral strategies and programs, the CND defines the country\u2019s 2030 climate policy framework and provides a framework for consultation and dialogue among all stakeholders to define transformative, integrated, inclusive, clean and sustainable programs.", + "It provides a framework for consultation and dialogue among all stakeholders in order to define transformative, integrated, inclusive, clean and sustainable programmes. CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA PART I \u2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I- Introduction Mauritania is one of the Sahel countries most affected by the recurrent droughts since 1968. The resulting desertification is all the stronger because the effect of climate, combined with human action, has direct consequences on an already very fragile environment.", + "The resulting desertification is all the stronger because the effect of climate, combined with human action, has direct consequences on an already very fragile environment. The country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change affects all vital sectors of the national economy. By ratifying the UNFCCC, Mauritania is firmly committed to the global process of combating global warming by limiting GHG emissions and implementing adaptation strategies compatible with its sustainable development policy.", + "By ratifying the UNFCCC, Mauritania is firmly committed to the global process of combating global warming by limiting GHG emissions and implementing adaptation strategies consistent with its sustainable development policy, and reaffirms this commitment by ratifying the Paris Agreement and submitting its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in 2015.", + "It reaffirms this commitment by ratifying the Paris Agreement and submitting its first National Determined Contribution (NDC) in 2015.While Mauritania\u2019s emissions account for barely 0.015% of global emissions, the NDC commits Mauritania to participate fully in the international community\u2019s effort by making available, on a conditional basis, a mitigation potential of approximately 33.56 million tonnes of Eq-CO2, or 22.3% of projected emissions in the same year under the baseline (business as usual) scenario, for the period 2020-2030. In 2015, the process of developing the NDC took place as the country changed its strategic vision for development from the Strategic Framework for Combating Poverty (CLSP, 2001-2015) to the National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP), whose first five-year action plan covers the", + "In 2015, the process of developing the NCD took place at a time when the country was changing its strategic vision for development from the Strategic Framework for Combating Poverty (CLSP, 2001-2015) to the National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP), the first five-year action plan of which covers the period from 2016 to 2020. In 2021, and in accordance with the five-year cycle of updating the NCDs promoted by the Paris Agreement (PA), Mauritania is updating its NCD together with the review of the first five-year plan of implementation of SCAPP, which is to lead to the definition of the second five-year plan 2021-2025.", + "In 2021, and in accordance with the five-year cycle of updating the NDCs promoted by the Paris Agreement (PA), Mauritania is updating its NDCs at the same time as it prepares the review of the first five-year plan for the implementation of SCAPP, which is to give rise to the definition of the second five-year plan 2021-2025. The concomitant nature of the two processes, SCAPP and NDC, ensures coherence between the two policy frameworks and the synergy of the programmes enshrined therein.", + "The co-ordination of the two processes, SCAPP and CDN, ensures coherence between the two policy frameworks and the synergy of the programmes contained therein.While SCAPP constitutes Mauritania\u2019s strategic development vision for the period 2016-2030 and serves as a reference framework for all development actions undertaken by the state, public and socio-professional bodies and technical and financial partners (TFPs), the CDN serves as a framework for defining the country\u2019s climate policy and as an instrument for its implementation.", + "While SCAPP constitutes Mauritania\u2019s strategic development vision for the period 2016-2030 and serves as a reference framework for all development actions undertaken by the State, public and socio-professional bodies and technical and financial partners (TFPs), the CDN serves as a framework for defining the country\u2019s climate policy and as an instrument for its implementation. Like SCAPP, it integrates the UN 2030 Agenda and the priority targets for the country among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the orientations of the African Union\u2019s Agenda 2063.", + "Like SCAPP, it integrates the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the priority targets for the country among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the orientations of the African Union Agenda 2063. It derives legitimacy from the mitigation ambitions it advocates and the adaptation actions it defines from the sectoral and thematic strategies from which it emerges. Figure 1:", + "Key Strategies of Mauritania\u2019s Social, Economic, Cultural and Environmental Development (i.e. Sustainable Development) Planning Framework II- Updated CBD 2021-2030 Mitigation Ambitions Mauritania\u2019s updated CBD foresees a net economy-wide reduction of GHG emissions of 11% in 2030 (green line) compared to the baseline scenario (BAU, blue line) with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support comparable to that received up to 2020.", + "Sustainable Development) of Mauritania II- Updated 2021-2030 CBD mitigation ambitions Mauritania\u2019s updated CBD projects a net economy-wide reduction in GHG emissions of 11% in 2030 (green line) compared to the baseline scenario (BAU, blue line) with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support comparable to that received up to 2020. With greater support, Mauritania could ensure its economy\u2019s carbon neutrality, achieving a reduction of 92% (red line) compared to the BAU.", + "With greater support, Mauritania could achieve carbon neutrality in its economy, achieving a 92% reduction (red line) from the OAU. The overall cost of this ambition is estimated at US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional or 1.85%. The mitigation ambition covers the four emission sectors (Energy, PPI, AFAT and Waste).", + "The most important mitigation efforts are based on the country\u2019s significant renewable energy potential and the capacity to increase the share of clean energy in the energy mix to reach more than 13 GW of renewable energy by 2030, but also on the AFAT sector with a forestry-oriented potential through ambitious projects and programmes (Great Green Wall, assisted forest regeneration programmes, range regeneration and combating desertification), agroecology and improved livestock productivity.", + "Indeed, despite the significant efforts made by the country in terms of reforestation and restoration of degraded land, notably in the framework of the Great Green Wall programme, the mitigation ambitions of the 2015 NDA in the agricultural, forestry and other land use sector (AFAT sector) of 10,000 ha per year of reforestation have not been achieved due to the low level of external funding mobilised.", + "In the period under review, 2015-2020, the annual maximum that could be achieved was only 1800 ha (Source DPREM/MEDD), whereas the results achieved in terms of energy mix exceeded the planned conditional efforts, rising from 18% in 2015 to 33.91% in 2018, with an even greater improvement thanks to the commissioning of the Boulenouar 100 MW wind farm, which makes it possible to achieve an energy mix of 48% in 2021.", + "On the other hand, the results achieved in terms of the energy mix exceeded the planned conditional efforts, rising from 18% in 2015 to 33.91% in 2018, with an even greater improvement thanks to the commissioning of the 100 MW wind farm in Boulenouar, which allows achieving an energy mix of 48% in 2021. The country\u2019s mitigation ambition consists of a total of 55 measures, including 33 unconditional measures with a total capacity of 1834.268 Gg Eq CO2 compared to the normal course of business (BFR) scenario and 22 conditional measures for a reduction in 2030 of 16134.62 Gg Eq.", + "The country\u2019s mitigation ambition is comprised of a total of 55 measures, including 33 unconditional measures with a total capacity of 1834.268 Gg Eq CO2 compared to the normal course of business (FOB) scenario and 22 conditional measures for a reduction in 2030 of 16134.62 Gg Eq CO2 representing a reduction of 92% compared to the FOB.", + "Figure 2: Scenarios of GHG emissions in Mauritania CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINED TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania III- Adaptation actions recommended by the CDN 2021-2030 Mauritania\u2019s extreme vulnerability has broadened its adaptation ambition to cover the following areas: protection and conservation of ecosystems including wetlands, range management, conservation of biodiversity, fisheries and aquaculture, habitat and urbanism, food security including genetic improvement, health, infrastructure, education, and prevention of extreme climatic events.", + "Figure 2: Scenarios of GHG emissions in Mauritania CONTRIBUTION DEENTERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania III- Adaptation actions recommended by the CDN 2021-2030 Mauritania is extremely vulnerable and has broadened its adaptation ambition to cover the following areas: protection and conservation of ecosystems including wetlands, range management, conservation of biodiversity, fisheries and aquaculture, habitat and urban planning, food security including genetic improvement, health, infrastructure, education, and prevention of extreme climatic events.", + "This expansion is based on the readiness programme for access to the Green Climate Fund (Readiness) and the results of the first studies carried out as part of the process of developing the country\u2019s National Adaptation Programme (NAP). The funding requirements for adaptation measures are US$ 10626.46 million, of which US$ 10174.63 million are conditional and US$ 451.83 million are non-conditional.", + "To address the challenges of integrating climate change into sectoral strategies and policies, the implementation of the adaptation actions identified must be planned within a cross-sectoral and integrated approach that includes all stakeholders and relevant sectors.", + "In order to meet the challenges of integrating climate change into sectoral strategies and policies, the implementation of the adaptation actions identified must be planned within the framework of an intersectoral and integrated approach that includes all stakeholders and relevant sectors.", + "To this end, the CBD 2021-2030 should serve as a framework for consultation and dialogue to define transformative programmes that address the need to strengthen the resilience of populations and ecosystems to their vulnerability to climate change. The co-benefits of mitigation measures for adaptation and vice versa, as well as synergies with other sustainable development planning frameworks, in particular SD Goals, are highlighted in the funding mechanism and Annex 1 of the synthesis paper.", + "The co-benefits of mitigation measures for adaptation and vice versa, as well as the synergies with other sustainable development planning frameworks, in particular SD frameworks, are highlighted in the financing mechanism and Annex 1 of the synthesis document. IV- Capacity-building needs and support for implementation In addition to financial support expressed as conditional support for mitigation measures and adaptation actions, the CND 2021-2030 identifies needs for capacity-building, technology transfer and training, in particular for youth education.", + "IV- Capacity-building needs and implementation support In addition to financial support expressed as conditional support for mitigation and adaptation actions, the CND 2021-2030 identifies capacity-building needs, technology transfer and training, particularly for youth education. In terms of capacity-building, the establishment of an operational system of measurement, verification and reporting (MNV and MRV) is a priority action in the process of implementing the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.", + "In terms of capacity-building, the establishment of an operational system of measurement, verification and reporting (MNV and MRV) is a priority action in the process of implementing the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.", + "The establishment of this system is mandatory for the country (target date 2024 for the submission of the biannual transparency report - BTR intial). Furthermore, and although not binding for the country, the development of an action plan for the implementation of the CND is a prerequisite for the MNV/MRV. Mauritania has already made substantial efforts in this direction.", + "Mauritania has already made substantial efforts in this direction. The establishment and institutionalisation of the national network of sectoral climate focal points (SCPs), civil society and the private sector in 2013 is a first step. In September 2020, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) strengthened its institutional framework by establishing the Directorate for Climate and the Green Economy (DCEV) to coordinate the entire national climate change programme.", + "In September 2020, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) strengthened its institutional framework by establishing the Directorate of Climate and Green Economy (DCEV) to coordinate the entire national climate change programme.", + "This institutional framework is reinforced by a network of academically independent experts who have contributed to the preparation of all national communications, GHG inventories and updated biannual reports, etc. required for reporting to the UNFCCC. Notwithstanding all these achievements, significant gaps remain in the collection and processing of data needed to report in a transparent and clear manner on the implementation of the country\u2019s climate policies, measures and strategies.", + "Notwithstanding all these achievements, significant gaps remain in the collection and processing of data needed to report transparently and clearly on the implementation of the country\u2019s climate policies, measures and strategies. These gaps were identified in the preparation of the project identification document that was submitted to the GEF-7 Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) programme for a total amount of US$12,63650.", + "These deficiencies were identified in the preparation of the project identification document, which was submitted to the GEF-7 Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) for a total amount of US$12,63650. CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania The project will define the responsibilities of the actors of the CDN, in particular how ministries other than MEDD will participate in the implementation of the CDN and in the operation of the MRV system.", + "CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania The project will define the responsibilities of the actors of the CDN, in particular how ministries other than the MEDD will participate in the implementation of the CDN and the functioning of the MRV system. Other priorities in terms of capacity-building for the implementation of the CDN relate to the continuation of the preparation efforts (Readiness) of sectoral departments, the private sector and civil society.", + "Other priorities in terms of capacity-building for the implementation of the NCD relate to the continuation of the preparation efforts (Readiness) of sectoral departments, the private sector and civil society, as well as the integration of cross-cutting dimensions into climate programmes and projects.", + "For example, the integration of gender, youth and human rights dimensions is provided for in all projects and programmes developed within the framework of the CND by earmarking 10% of the budget for each programme or project (Estimate based on the assessment of the Gender/Youth/Employment/Education Expert Group and the Working Group of Experts based on the Doha Work Programme and the Paris Agreement in its Article 12).", + "For example, the integration of gender, youth and human rights dimensions is envisaged in all projects and programmes developed under the CBD by earmarking 10% of the budget for each programme or project (Estimate based on the assessment of the Gender/Youth/Employment/Education Expert Group and the Working Group of Experts based on the Doha Work Programme and the Paris Agreement in its Article 12).", + "Similarly, aspects of job creation and improving educational curricula for addressing climate change issues are considered among the priorities to support the implementation of the CBD. Assessments of technology transfer needs were carried out in 2017, which led to the identification of two priority sectors for adaptation (agriculture, rangeland and forestry) and two priority sectors for mitigation (energy and waste).", + "They have led to the identification of two priority sectors for adaptation (agriculture, rangelands and forests) and two priority sectors for mitigation (energy and waste).", + "They will need to be updated in the light of the new mitigation and adaptation options identified in the updated CBD 2021-2030. V- CBD 2021-2030 Funding Requirements and Funding Plan Table 1: Summary of CBD 2021-2030 Funding Requirements Updated Areas CBD Funding Unconditional Funding Conditional Total by Area US$ million Mitigation Adaptation Gender, Youth and Human Rights Integration Employment and Education - Capacity Building - Implementation and Operationalisation of Measurement, Verification and Reporting System Total In Mauritania, there is no specific climate change funding system.", + "V- Needs for financing of the CND 2021-2030 and financing plan Table 1: Summary of needs for financing of the CND 2021-2030 updated Areas of the CND Unconditional Financing Conditional Financing Total by Area in US$ million Mitigation Adaptation Gender, Youth and Human Rights Integration Employment and Education - Capacity Building - Establishment and operationalisation of the Measurement, Verification and Reporting System Total In Mauritania, there is no financing system specifically dedicated to climate change. MEDD has developed several skills in mobilising climate finance from specific international funds (Green Climate Fund, Adaptation Fund, Multilateral Development Bank Fund, etc.) and TFPs.", + "The MEDD has developed several competences in mobilising climate finance from specific international funds (Green Climate Fund, Adaptation Fund, Multilateral Development Bank Fund, etc.) and TFPs. However, capacity-building needs to be programmed to encourage private sector investment, strengthen the national financial system through the contribution of the national banking system to financing sustainable development in general and climate action in particular and, finally, to consider innovative financing through, for example, the generation of new tax resources capable of financing climate action.", + "However, capacity-building must be programmed to encourage private sector investment, to strengthen the national financial system through the contribution of the national banking system to financing sustainable development in general and climate action in particular and, finally, to consider innovative financing through, for example, the generation of new tax resources capable of financing climate action. Thus, in addition to its direct financial support, Mauritania has to support its mitigation financing needs through:", + "The adoption and inclusion of international carbon markets such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in post-2020 climate agreements in accordance with Article 6 of the Paris AgreementThis approach aims at establishing a carbon price that can serve as an effective means of reflecting these costs while sending clear economic and political signals encouraging cost-effective decarbonisation.", + "The adoption and inclusion of international carbon markets such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in post-2020 climate agreements in accordance with Article 6 of the Paris Agreement This approach aims to establish a carbon price that can serve as an effective means of reflecting these costs while sending clear economic and political signals encouraging cost-effective decarbonisation.", + "These instruments, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime (MNV/MRV), could help to finance certain investments in climate-resilient and carbon-neutral infrastructure. Carbon-neutral development options contained in Mauritania\u2019s CDN 2021 could be financed through the international transfer of carbon assets (an internationally transferable mitigation outcome) taking into account considerations of environmental integrity and transparency. In this context, Mauritania intends to meet part of its conditional adaptation ambitions on this type of process.", + "In this context, Mauritania intends to meet part of its conditional adaptation ambitions on this type of process, and the recent contracts signed for the introduction of new green hydrogen technologies are an example of this type of mechanism.", + "The recent contracts signed for the introduction of new green hydrogen technologies are an example of this type of mechanism. Table 2: NCD mitigation measures 2021-2030 updated by sector (Cost and cumulative reduction potential for the period) Sectors / Sub-Sectors Contributions to total mitigation efforts Challenges / Constraints Recommended measures Energy \u2013 37452.46 Gg Eq-CO2 of which 17.86% is unconditional Renewable energy 31817.81 Gg Eq-CO2 of which 6.06% is unconditional Energy efficiency \u2013 5634.65 Gg Eq-CO2 of which 84.62% is unconditional ENERGY (renewable and energy efficiency) Gg either \u2022 Thermal energy dependence (66% of total energy consumption) \u2022 No clean energy subsidies Lowly exploited potential \u2022 Highly energy", + "(ER) in 2030 = 50.34% with the introduction of Hydrogen Green and Desert to power (2030) ER = 93% with a carbon avoidance capacity equivalent to national emissions.", + "\u2022 Updating legislation to encourage the production of clean energy (ongoing) and regulation of all electricity production companies Program to promote solar energy in public buildings, domestic energy/water heating, schools and universities (concept note) Desert to power G5 sahel (Subregional Energy Program Sahel/BAD) Target: 30 MW.", + "Financing acquired by the Green Fund (Hybridisation of 46 mini diesel networks, Kayes-Kiffa and Nouakchott-Dakar interconnection line, operationalisation of the regulatory authority, updating of the electricity code) Green Hydrogen Development Programme (AMAN with CWA) Extension of the Nouakchott wind farm from 300 MW\u2018 to 50 MW (i.e. 20 MW more).", + "Funding Acquired National Energy Efficiency Program (domestic appliances, lighting, etc.) Clean Energy Production Regulations Update (ongoing) Two 200 MW and 300 MW gas-fired generating stations Program to connect 25 isolated grids to the national electricity grid", + "Acquired funding National Energy Efficiency Promotion Program (household appliances, lighting, etc.) Clean Energy Production Regulations Update (ongoing) Two 200 MW and 300 MW gas-fired generating stations Program to connect 25 isolated grids to the national electricity grid Minigrid/UNDP/Green Fund Two OMVS projects under study (Koukoutamba and Gourbassi) - CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Sectors / Sub-Sectors Contributions to Total Mitigation Efforts Challenges / Constraints Recommended Measures Transportation 92.65 Gg Eq- soit \u25aa Fleet deficiency \u25aa Low coverage of public transportation \u25aa Lack of promotion of \"clean\" vehicles \u2022 Completion of Nouakchott tramway project.", + "Minigrid/UNDP/Green Fund Two OMVS projects under study (Koukoutamba and Gourbassi) - CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Sectors / Sub-sectors Contributions to Total Mitigation Efforts Challenges / Constraints Suggested Measures Transport 92.65 Gg Eq- soit \u25aa Depleted fleet \u25aa Low coverage of public transport \u25aa Lack of promotion of \"clean\" vehicles Implementation of the Nouakchott tramway project Under study (concept note) Implementation of the Sahel railway project, G5 Sahel, Nouakchott \u2013 S\u00e9libabi-Kayes section.", + "In the study phase (concept note) Implementation of the Sahel railway project, G5 Sahel, Nouakchott \u2013 S\u00e9libabi-Kayes section Study phase (concept note) Tax measures (incentives to import new vehicles) AFAT \u2013 474.402 Gg Eq CO2 of which 37.24% unconditional Agriculture & Livestock 58.382 Gg Eq- Ei 17% of national GDP Food security Less than 0.5% of the national territory of arable land Production systems that degrade soils and forest resources Livestock accounts for 80% of agricultural GDP 70.16% of AFAT sector emissions come from livestock (enteric fermentation and manure management) \u27a2 Promotion of 6000 ha of organic agriculture/agroecology \u27a2 Improved feedingstuffs to increase productivity and reduce emissions from the livestock sector (", + "Forestry and other land uses 418.02 Gg Eq. Desertification and degradation of land and ecosystems Infrastructure, cities and wetlands depletion Erosion Deforestation (46,000 ha/year) Biodiversity loss Programme to combat the degradation of land and agro-sylvopastoral ecosystems, natural resources Grande Muraille Verte Programme: 10,000 ha (2000 ha/year for 5 years) Reforestation and restoration programme for forest resources: 3000 ha/year Assisted forest regeneration: 5000 ha/year (maintenance/protection and defence/CES and DRS work.", + "(New measures: funding to be sought).", + "\u25aa Range regeneration: 3000 ha/year \u25aa Desertification Control (CDC): 10000 ha/year (defense and DENTERMINED CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Sectors / Sub-Sectors Contributions to Total Mitigation Efforts Challenges / Constraints Recommended Measures Seeding) Waste \u2013 1573.99 Gg CO2 eq of which 0.56% unconditional Solid Waste 1573.99 Gg Eq- o Low-efficient solid waste management system Low level of urban solid waste recovery Low level of waste collection Waste incineration and energy production plant, 12 MW in Public-Private Partnership.", + "(under study) Industry \u2013 633.96 Gg CO2 eq of which 55.56 unconditional Energy efficiency in industry 633.96 Gg CO2 eq Very low awareness of energy efficiency potential Auto thermal generation Energy efficiency promotion programme (under design) Connection to the electricity grid of autonomous entities to recover electricity surplus (both directions) (under design) The cumulative potential for GHG reduction 2021-2030 is :40227,462 Gg CO2 eq CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Table 3:", + "Dust Severer intense rains Desertification Land, forest and range degradation Wildlife loss/biodiversity Wetlands depletion Design and creation of classified forests (20 forests) Aerial seeding (150,000 ha) Wetlands design and management through the wetlands adaptation approach (ZH) (10 ZH) Coast Sea level rise Marine inundation and upwelling Coastal erosion Dune dune fixation (500 ha) Coastal cord breach clogging (11 breaches) Coastal city flood risk monitoring system Agriculture More frequent and severe droughts Disturbance of rain season Storms Soil fertility decline Oasis soil decline Soil depletion and loss of fertility Proliferation of crop enemies (sesamie, etc.) Rural exodus Setting up a system", + "Development of organic farming1/ agroecology (6000 ha) - 1 Organic farming aims at the development of farms that are sustainable and in harmony with the environment.", + "ENTERPRISE CONTRIBUTION AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Sectors Climate hazards/Projects Vulnerabilities / Impacts Adaptation sand and dust Increased temperature Severer intense rainfall; Food insecurity Elevation More frequent and severe droughts Increased temperature; Overgrazing and reduction of pastoral areas Decreased pastoral productivity Decreased animal health Decreased incomes of pastoralists / Rural exodus Creation of new farms for artificial insemination (at least 20 farms) Establishment of pastoral reserves (20.000 ha) Continental fisheries Disturbance of the rainy season Increased temperature Sand and dust storms Sedimentation of water bodies Decreased fish production Loss of incomes of populations Food insecurity Development of fisheries in rural areas (20 sites) Development of 1000 ha of water bo", + "Rural fisheries (20 sites) Development of 1000 ha of water bodies at (10) pilot sites Water & Sanitation Increased frequency and severity of droughts Disturbance of the rainy season Intense rainfall Degradation of water resources (quality and quantity) Decrease in the piezometric level Deregulation of the sewage system Floods Degradation of sanitation systems (self-contained or improved access to water for at least 10 cities and 100 villages Remediation of cities at high risk of flooding (Nouakchott, Nouadhibou, Rosso, Atar and Ka\u00e9di) Environmental sanitation and upgrading and reuse of sewage sludge (10 sites) CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRIBUTION CDN MAURItania Sectors Climate hazards/Projects Vulnerabilities/Impact", + "\u2022 Access to drinking water Habitat, Urbanism and Spatial Planning More frequent and severe droughts Increased temperature Sand and dust storms More severe heavy rains Access to public services (water, sanitation, eco-living, electricity, etc.) 10,000 dwellings built in disadvantaged urban areas (690 in NKC and 1010 in regional capitals in 2021) 100 local materials dwellings in N diago (green city) 50 local materials dwellings in Selibabi Health More frequent and severe droughts Disturbance of the rainy season Increased temperature More severe heavy rains Wind, smoke and dust Cannibalism Water diseases Malnutrition Establishment of a programme to combat diseases with common risk factors Establishment of a surveillance network and strengthening of the early warning system Climate/health/food", + "\u2022 Establishment of a monitoring network and strengthening of the early warning system climate/health/food security Education/Higher education/ Establish long-term research and study programmes to inform future investments in adaptation for all priority development sectors facing adaptation issues CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL LEVEL CONTRIBUTION CDN MAURITANIA Sectors Climate hazards/Projects Vulnerabilities/Impacts Adaptation research climate change (Horizon 2030).", + "\u2022 Establishment of a research team on the issue of adaptation to climate change Employment (SNJ- 2020-2030): creation of at least 30 000 new jobs, through the exploitation of new fishing infrastructure, development and diversification of agriculture and the emergence of an alternative industry creation of 100 000 jobs PART II \u2013 SUMMARY DOCUMENT I- Introduction Country No Annex 1 to the UNFCCC, Mauritania belongs to the African Sahel area most affected by recurrent droughts since 1968.", + "PART II \u2013 SUMMARY DOCUMENT I- Introduction Country No Annex 1 to the UNFCCC states that Mauritania belongs to the area of the African Sahel most affected by the recurrent droughts since 1968. The resulting desertification is all the more serious because the effect of climate, combined with human action, has direct consequences on an already very fragile environment. The country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change affects all vital sectors of the national economy.", + "The country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change affects all vital sectors of the national economy. By ratifying the UNFCCC, Mauritania is firmly committed to the global process of combating global warming by limiting GHG emissions and implementing adaptation strategies consistent with its sustainable development policy. It reaffirms this commitment by ratifying the Paris Agreement and submitting its first National Determined Contribution (NDC) in 2015.", + "It reaffirms this commitment by ratifying the Paris Agreement and submitting its first National Determined Contribution (NDC) in 2015.Although Mauritania\u2019s emissions account for barely 0.015% of global emissions, its NDC commits Mauritania to participate fully in the international community\u2019s effort by making available, on a conditional basis, a mitigation potential of approximately 33.56 million tonnes of Eq-CO2, or 22.3% of projected emissions in the same year under the baseline (business as usual) scenario, for the period 2020-2030.", + "Although Mauritania\u2019s emissions account for barely 0.015% of global emissions, it is committed by its NFC to participate fully in the international community\u2019s effort by making available, on a conditional basis, a mitigation potential of approximately 33.56 million tonnes of Eq-CO2, or 22.3% of projected emissions in the same year under the baseline (business as usual) scenario, for the period 2020-2030. The WMO2 report states that if the first set of NFCs were not fully implemented this would lead to a warming of 2.9 to 3.4 degrees C over the century.", + "The WMO report2 states that if the first set of NCDs were not fully implemented, global warming would increase from 2.9 to 3.4 degrees C over the course of the century, so an increased mitigation ambition is essential to achieve the Paris Agreement target of limiting global warming well below 2 degrees C, i.e. 1.5 degrees C.", + "To this end, Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, as well as UNFCCC decisions 1/CP.19, 1/CP.20 and 1/CP.21, establish a five-year cycle for updating the NCDs, which must correspond to an increase over the contribution determined at the previous national level and its highest possible level of ambition.", + "In this sense, Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, as well as UNFCCC decisions 1/CP.19, 1/CP.20 and 1/CP.21, establish a five-year cycle for updating the NCDs, which must correspond to an increase over the contribution determined at the previous national level and its highest possible level of ambition.", + "At the global level, the updating of the CBD provides an opportunity for the international community to improve adaptation planning and to strengthen countries\u2019 commitment and transparency in reducing greenhouse gas emissions with a view to achieving the objectives set out in the Paris Agreement and limiting the rise in global temperature to +1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050, compared to the pre-industrial era. Thus, the CBD 2021-2030 reflects Mauritania\u2019s efforts to contribute to the progress of global efforts over time, while recognising its need for multifaceted support (capacity building, access to technology and financing) for their effective implementation.", + "Thus, the 2021-2030 NCD reflects Mauritania\u2019s efforts to contribute to the progress of global efforts over time, while recognising its need for multifaceted support (capacity building, access to technology and financing) for their effective implementation, as it aims to make a more significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than its previous and first NCD.", + "Mauritania aims to make a more significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than its previous and first NDCs, and to strengthen its efforts to adapt to climate change in order to strengthen the resilience of populations, ecosystems and infrastructure that are most vulnerable to climate hazards.", + "Likewise, the country intends to strengthen its efforts to adapt to climate change in order to strengthen the resilience of the populations, ecosystems and infrastructures most vulnerable to climate hazards, in accordance with its responsibility and in full harmony with the objectives of its SCAPP, which constitute Mauritania\u2019s strategic development vision for the period 2015-2030 and serve as a reference framework for all development actions undertaken by the State, public and socio-professional bodies and the Technical and Financial Partners (TFPs) during the period 2015-2030.", + "This, in accordance with its responsibility and in full harmony with the objectives of itsSCAPP, constitutes Mauritania\u2019s strategic development vision for the period 2015-2030 and serves as a reference framework for all development actions undertaken by the State, public and socio-professional bodies and the Technical and Financial Partners (TFPs) during the period 2015-2030.", + "2OMM (World Meteorological Organization) et al. 2019. United In Science: High-levelsynthesis report of latest climate science information convened by the Science Advisory Group of the UN Climate Action Summit 2019. Available at: CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AU NIVEAL CDN MAURITANIE integrates Agenda 2030 and priority targets for the country among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the African Union Agenda 2063.", + "Available at: CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AU NATIONAL LEVEL CDN Mauritania integrates Agenda 2030 and the priority targets for the country among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the African Union Agenda 2063. At the national level, the updating of the CDN provides Mauritania with an opportunity to strengthen the integration of climate change into the country\u2019s development policies and strategies by learning from the implementation of the CDN-2015.", + "At the national level, the updating of the CND provides Mauritania with an opportunity to strengthen the integration of climate change into the country\u2019s development policies and strategies by learning from the implementation of the CND-2015. In 2015, the process of developing the CND is taking place as the country changed its strategic vision for development from the Strategic Framework for Combating Poverty (CLSP, 2001-2005) to the National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP), the first five-year action plan of which covers the period 2016-2020.", + "In 2015, the process of developing the NCD took place at a time when the country was changing its strategic vision for development from the Strategic Framework for Combating Poverty (CLSP, 2001-2005) to the National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP), the first five-year action plan of which covers the period from 2016 to 2020. In 2021, and in accordance with the five-year cycle of updating the NCDs promoted by the Paris Agreement (PA), Mauritania is updating its NCD at the same time as it is preparing the review of the first five-year plan of implementation of SCAPP and the definition of the second five-year plan 2021-2025.", + "In 2021, and in accordance with the five-year cycle of updating the NDCs promoted by the Paris Agreement (PA), Mauritania is updating its NDCs at the same time as it prepares the review of the first five-year plan for the implementation of SCAPP and the definition of the second five-year plan 2021-2025. The concomitant processes of SCAPP and NDC ensure coherence between the two policy frameworks and the synergy of the programmes enshrined therein.", + "The co-ordination of the two processes, SCAPP and CDN, ensures coherence between the two policy frameworks and the synergy of the programmes enshrined therein.While SCAPP constitutes Mauritania\u2019s strategic development vision for the period 2015-2030 and serves as a reference framework for all development actions undertaken by the State, public and socio-professional bodies and technical and financial partners (TFPs), the CDN serves as a framework for defining the country\u2019s climate policy and as an instrument for its implementation.", + "While SCAPP constitutes Mauritania\u2019s strategic development vision for the period 2015-2030 and serves as a reference framework for all development actions undertaken by the State, public and socio-professional bodies and technical and financial partners (TFPs), the CND serves as a framework for defining the country\u2019s climate policy and as an instrument for its implementation. Like SCAPP, the updated CND integrates the UN 2030 Agenda and the priority targets for the country among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the orientations of the African Union\u2019s Agenda 2063.", + "Like SCAPP, the updated CDN integrates the UN 2030 Agenda and priority targets for the country among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the orientations of the African Union Agenda 2063, and derives legitimacy from the mitigation ambitions it advocates and the adaptation actions it defines in the sectoral and thematic strategies from which it emerges.", + "It derives its legitimacy from the mitigation ambitions it advocates and the adaptation actions it defines from the sectoral and thematic strategies it has developed, and it serves as a cross-sectoral and core coordination tool for technical and financial partners (TFPs) to plan the integration of climate issues into their strategic framework for action in the country and the programmes and projects they support there.", + "It serves as a cross-sectoral and core coordination tool for technical and financial partners (TFPs) to plan the integration of climate issues into their strategic framework for intervention in the country and the programmes and projects they support. The updated vision of the CBD 2021-2030, \"Promoting climate-resilient economic and social development and the creation of sustainable green jobs,\" represents a fundamental change in the ambition of the mitigation target, moving from a GHG emission reduction target of 22.3% in the CBD 2015 to a carbon neutrality by 2030, including an unconditional 11% reduction in 2030 emissions under the BAU scenario.", + "Mauritania considers the updating of the CBD to be sufficiently fair and ambitious in that it goes beyond the proposal for strategies and programmes granted to LDCs in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement.", + "Mauritania considers the updating of the UNCCD to be sufficiently fair and ambitious in that it goes beyond the proposed strategies and programmes granted to LDCs in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, and is capable of contributing to a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy by 2030, in accordance with the national situation and SCAPP, by 2030.", + "This ambition is capable of contributing to a low-carbon economy that is resilient to climate change by 2030, in accordance with the national situation and SCAPP by 2030. II-National Circumstances Table 4:", + "II-National Circumstances Table 4: National Data Area / Coastal Length Climate South: Saharan, hot and semi-arid climate North: Saharan, hot and arid to hyper-arid climate Population 3 National Statistics Office 4 National Meteorological Office CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Urban population GDP GDP per capita GDP growth 3.2% in 2020 vs. pre-crisis growth of 6.3% projected COVID (MAEPSP) between -2 and -6% projected Share of agriculture (including livestock) in GDP Emissions in 2018 (base year) Emissions in 2020 Emissions per capita Emissions per capita excluding AFAT 2018 Electricity access 48% of households (WB)8 Current electricity mix In 2015 excluding mining operators: 13.80% hydro, 17.40% ERM and 68.80% thermal In 2020", + "mining operators: 16.73 % hydro, 17.67 % ER and 65.6 % thermal (DEME)9 The development of the first NCD in 2015 was in conjunction with the adoption of SCAPP 2015-2030, which provided a new vision for Mauritania\u2019s economic, social and environmental development based on the lessons learned and results achieved from the implementation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Framework (PRSP 2001-2015).", + "In 2021, the update of the CND comes at a time when the country is taking stock of the first five-year implementation of the SCAPP (2015-2020) in order to define the action plan for the second five-year period (2021-2025) and in a context of development plagued by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has hit the entire country\u2019s economy hard, causing an unprecedented crisis.", + "It also intervenes in a development context marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, which hit the entire country\u2019s economy hard, creating an unprecedented crisis. Beyond the shock of containment measures and the paralysis of economic activity, global economic integration has increased the scale of such a crisis. Moreover, the costs of health, safety and prevention measures, combined with an unfavourable international environment, have had a negative impact on the country\u2019s public finances.", + "Furthermore, the costs of health, safety and prevention measures, combined with an unfavourable international environment, have had a negative impact on the country\u2019s public finances. In response to this exogenous shock, the Government has put in place a multisectoral National Plan of Response to COVID-19 to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on populations, economic sectors and the natural environment. This plan is structured around the following pillars: 1. Development of infrastructure to support growth 2.", + "This plan is structured around the following pillars: 1. Development of infrastructure to support growth 2. Improvement of social supply and support to demand 3. Harnessing the potential of productive sectors and accelerating the achievement of food self-sufficiency 4. Support to the private sector (formal and informal) 5. Environment and job creation 6. Governance and programme implementation.", + "Environment and Job Creation 6. Governance and Program Implementation. 5 Ministry of Economic Affairs and Promotion of Productive Sectors 6 African Development Bank 7 National GHG Inventory Report, MEDD 8 World Bank 9 Directorate of Electricity and Energy Management (DEME) Figure 3:", + "5 Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Promotion of Productive Sectors 6 African Development Bank 7 National GHG Inventory Report, MEDD 8 World Bank 9 Directorate of Electricity and Energy Management (DEME) Figure 3: Main strategies of Mauritania\u2019s social, economic, cultural and environmental development planning framework (i.e. sustainable development) III- Mitigation component of the UNCCD 3.1. Mauritania\u2019s mitigation ambition The UNCCD\u2019s 2021-2030 ambition Mauritania\u2019s updated UNCCD envisages a net reduction in economic GHG emissions of 11% in 2030 (green line) compared to the baseline scenario (BAU, blue line) with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support comparable to that received up to 2020.", + "Mauritania\u2019s mitigation ambition CBD ambition 2021-2030 Mauritania\u2019s updated CBD projects a net economy-wide reduction in GHG emissions of 11% in 2030 (green line) compared to the baseline scenario (BEA, blue line) with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support comparable to that received up to 2020. With greater support, Mauritania could ensure its carbon neutrality, up to a reduction of 92% (red line) compared to the BEA.", + "With greater support, Mauritania could achieve carbon neutrality, down to a 92% reduction (red line) from the OAU. The total cost of this ambition is estimated at US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional, or 1.85%.", + "The overall cost of this ambition is estimated at US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional or 1.85%. Figure 4: GHG emission scenarios in Mauritania, horizon 2030 The review of the implementation of SCAPP during the first five-year period 2015-2020 leads to a change in priorities: the Agriculture/Forestry/Land Use (AFAT) sector, identified as the main potential mitigation sector by the 2015 UNFCCC, has made little progress due to the lack of funding mobilised for the sector.Unconditional funding, despite the political will expressed in recent years through large-scale projects and programmes (Great Green Wall, Reforestation Projects, Land Degradation Projects, etc.), has not made it possible to achieve the target of 10,000 ha per year as planned in the 2015 UNFCCC.", + "On the other hand, the results achieved in terms of the energy mix exceeded the planned conditional efforts, rising from 33.91% in 2018 to 18% in 2015. This situation was greatly improved with the commissioning of the Boulenouar 100 MW wind farm to reach a mix of 48% in 2021. Thus, Mauritania\u2019s mitigation ambition advanced in its updated 2021-2030 NDC builds on these results and is based on the country\u2019s significant renewable energy potential.", + "The unconditional mitigation ambition consists of 33 mitigation measures covering the 5 emission sectors with a capacity of 1834 Gg Eq.CO2. The conditional ambition consists of 22 actions also covering all sectors for a reduction of 16008 Gg Eq-CO2 representing a reduction of 92% compared to the OAU. 3.2.", + "The conditional ambition consists of 22 actions also covering all sectors for a reduction of 16008 GgEq-CO2 representing a reduction of 92% compared to the OAU. 3.2. Sectoral ambitions GHG emissions in Mauritania remain dominated by the Agriculture/Forestry/Land Use (AFAT) sector, in particular livestock farming, which accounts for 52.65% of emissions. The energy sector is the second largest source of emissions.", + "The industrial processes and use of POPs products sector is weakly developed. Despite its low participation in the country\u2019s GHG emissions balance sheet, the waste sector is a real development challenge. Municipal, industrial and commercial solid waste has the peculiarity of having a low moisture content (less than 10%) which limits its fossilisation and the country does not have a basic communal waste treatment system for liquid waste.", + "Municipal, industrial and commercial solid waste has a low moisture content (less than 10%) which limits its fossilization and the country does not have a basic municipal wastewater treatment system to treat liquid waste; for example, the coverage of access to municipal wastewater treatment is 1% in Nouakchott and 4% in Nouadhibou, the two main cities in the country.", + "For example, the coverage of access to public sanitation is 1% in Nouakchott and 4% in Nouadhibou, the country\u2019s two main cities. Notwithstanding the country\u2019s low contribution to overall GHG emissions, Mauritania has significant mitigation potential, particularly in terms of renewable energies and, to a lesser extent, in the AFAT and waste sectors.", + "Notwithstanding the country\u2019s low contribution to overall GHG emissions, Mauritania has significant mitigation potential, particularly in terms of renewable energies and, to a lesser extent, in the AFAT and waste sectors. Thus, the mitigation measures identified in the CBD 2021-2030 cover these five sectors of the economy and are listed in Appendix No.1 with their contribution presented in the following Table No. 1.", + "Table 5: Sectoral distribution of mitigation in 2030 Sector Contribution to the country\u2019s total mitigation efforts (Gg. Number of measures Total Unconditional Conditional Energy, 17,052.98 GgEq-CO2 of which 9.27% unconditional, divided into: Generation Energy Efficiency Transportation Industry Waste AFAT, 136.13 GgEq-CO2 divided into: Agriculture Forestry Total Figure 5: Total mitigation effort in 2030 divided by sector The energy sector dominates the country\u2019s mitigation ambition with 95.71% of which electricity generation accounts for 92.8%.", + "Number of measures Total Unconditional Energy, 17,052.98 GgEq-CO2 of which 9.27% unconditional, distributed in: Generation Energy efficiency Transport Industry Waste AFAT, 136.13 GgEq-CO2 distributed in: Agriculture Forestry Total Figure 5: Total mitigation effort in 2030 distributed by sector The energy sector dominates the country\u2019s mitigation ambition with 95.71% of which electricity generation accounts for 92.8%. In this context, Mauritania intends to use the CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AU NIVEAL CDN MAURITANIE voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to achieve part of this objective. 3.3.", + "In this context, Mauritania intends to use the CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AU NIVEAU CDN MAURITANIE voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to achieve part of this objective. 3.3. Funding requirements The total cost of Mauritania\u2019s mitigation efforts is estimated at US$ 34255.84 million, of which 2% (US$ 634.61 million) is unconditional and 98% (US$ 33621.23 million) is conditional on the mobilisation of external resources.", + "Funding Requirements The total cost of Mauritania\u2019s mitigation efforts is estimated at US$34255.84 million, of which 2% (US$634.61 million) is unconditional and 98% (US$33621.23 million) is conditional on the mobilization of external resources Sectors Unconditional Financing Conditional Financing Total in Millions of US$ Energy Industry Agriculture Forestry Waste Total Figure 6:", + "Sectors Unconditional Financing Conditional Financing Total in Millions of US$ Energy Industry Agriculture Forestry Waste Total Figure 6: Distribution of Total Cumulative Mitigation Effort 2021-2030, Conditional vs. Non-Conditional 3.4. Comparison of NCD 2015 and Updated NCD 2021-2030 The mitigation target of the NCD 2021-2030 is more ambitious than that of the NCD 2015 in terms of absolute GHG reductions by 2030 from 33,559.32 GgEqCO2 (2015) to 40,470.21 GgEqCO2 (2021) even though the percentage of the unconditional target may appear lower (11% in 2021 vs. 12% in 2015), the 12% of 2015 is calculated over a total of 22.3% of emissions in 2030, which is about 2.7% of emissions in 2030.", + "Comparison of NCC 2015 and NCC 2021-2030 updated The mitigation target of the NCC 2021-2030 is more ambitious than that of the NCC 2015 in terms of absolute GHG reductions by 2030, from 33,559.32 GgEqCO2 (2015) to 40,470.21 GgEqCO2 (2021). Although the percentage of the unconditional target may appear lower (11% in 2021 compared to 12% in 2015), the 12% of 2015 is calculated over a total of 22.3% of emissions in 2030, which is about 2.7% of emissions in 2030.", + "To highlight the improvements made in the update of the CBD, the following table presents the comparison between the 2015 and 2021 CBDs. Table 6: Comparison between the 2015 and the updated 2021-2030 CBD Improvement Components Current CBD (2021) Initial CBD (2015) Mitigation Target Strengthen the GHG Target - Base Year: 2018 corresponding to the year of the most recent GHG inventory that takes into account the achievements of the Initial CBD - Base Year: 2010(the comparative analysis takes into account the update of the 2010 data unconditionally Conditional CONTRIBUTION ENTERMINED TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CBD MAURItania the 2018 inventory) - Commitment Period: 2021 \u2013 2030 - Commitment Period: 2020 \u2013 Mitigation Contribution Target: - Reduction Target Level in 2030: carbon neutrality of which 11% uncondition", + "- Absolute reduction of emissions in 2030 compared to the same year\u2019s OAU: - Difference of cumulative GHG emissions 2020 \u2013 2030 from the OAU target of the Mitigation Contribution Target: - Targeted reduction level in 2030: 22.3% of which 12% unconditional.", + "\u2022 Energy (including electricity generation, energy efficiency, energy distribution, household & service EE, transport) with 42 measures of which 27 are unconditional Industrial Process and Product Use (IPU) 2 measures of which 1 is unconditional Agriculture (including livestock) Forestry and Land Use (LULUCF) 8 measures of which 4 are unconditional Waste 3 measures of which 1 is unconditional - Allocation of the target: 40.470 GgEqCO2 for the period 2021-2030 of which 11% is unconditional This target is composed of 33 unconditional measures and 22 conditional - Coverage of emissions: economy-wide target - 18 mitigation measures in the following sectors:", + "Energy (including electricity generation, household energy efficiency, transport) with 8 measures Industrial Process and Product Use (IPU) 2 measures Agriculture (including livestock) Forestry and Land Use (AFAT) Waste 1 measure - Objective allocation: 33.14GgEq CO2 for the unconditional period without any separation between measures - Emissions Coverage: Emissions and removals from the GHG source and sink sectors (Energy, IPU, AFAT and Waste) Strengthen or add a sectoral target: The update of the NCD focuses on the renewable energy potential in the new strategic vision of the country, including technological components not taken into account in the assessment of technological needs such as green hydrogen production The first NCD was based on the mitigation potential of the AFAT sector with, in particular, large-scale reforestation", + "Align the implementation of the NDC with the long-term objectives of the existing national and sectoral strategies: The update of the NDC echoes the review of the first five-year implementation of SCAPP 2016-2030, it remains in perfect harmony with SCAPP and the sectoral strategies resulting from it. During the preparation of the initial NDC, the country was in a strategic transition phase, moving from CSLP 2001-2015 to SCAPP and its long-term objectives.", + "The National Strategy for Environment and Sustainable Development (SNEDD) was developed only in 2017.", + "The National Strategy for Environment and Sustainable Development (SNEDD) was developed only in 2017. CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Implementation Add actions or measures to strengthen implementation: \u2013 The detailed presentation of measures in the reference document (National Report) includes: o the necessary funding as well as potential sources of funding. o the entities/institutions for implementation and monitoring are identified.", + "o Implementation and monitoring entities/institutions are identified. o Project document submitted to the CBIT Programme for the establishment of a system of measurement, verification and reporting, including indicators of progress in the implementation of the CBD. Measures are briefly presented in the reference document \u2013 No implementation plan has been proposed. 3.5.", + "o Project document submitted to the CBIT Programme for the establishment of a system of measurement, verification and reporting, including indicators of progress in the implementation of the CBD Measures are briefly presented in the background document \u2013 No implementation plan has been proposed 3.5. Clarity, transparency and understanding of the CBD 2021-2030 In accordance with the guidelines of Annex 1 of Decision 4/CMA1 (mitigation), the information required to facilitate the clarity, transparency and understanding of Mauritania\u2019s updated CBD is provided in the following table.", + "Clarity, transparency and understanding of the CBD 2021-2030 In accordance with the guidelines of Annex 1 to Decision 4/CMA1 (mitigation), the information required to facilitate the clarity, transparency and understanding of the updated CBD of Mauritania is provided in the following table Table 7: Information to facilitate the clarity, transparency and understanding of the updated CBD of Mauritania 1. Quantified information on the reference point, including, where appropriate, a base year a.", + "Quantifiable information on the baseline, including, where appropriate, a baseline year a. Year(s) of reference, baseline year(s), baseline period(s) or other starting point(s). b. Quantifiable information on the baseline indicators, their values in the baseline year(s), baseline year(s), baseline period(s) or other starting point(s) and, where appropriate, in the target year. The baseline indicator is quantified on the basis of total national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.", + "For the reference year 2018, the reference year emission level was 9944,618 GgEq CO2. c. For the strategies, plans and actions referred to in paragraph 6 of Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, where policies and measures as contribution elements are determined at the national level where paragraph 1 (b) above is not applicable, the Parties shall provide other relevant information.", + "For the strategies, plans and actions referred to in paragraph 6 of Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, where policies and measures as contribution elements are determined at the national level where paragraph 1 (b) above is not applicable, the Parties shall provide other relevant information. NA d.Targetas compared to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, e.g. as a percentage or as a quantity of reduction. A net GHG emission reduction on a scale (green line) as compared to the reference scenario (low blue line), with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support broadly comparable to that received up to 2020.", + "A net reduction in GHG emissions on a scale (green line) relative to the baseline (blue line ERU), with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support broadly comparable to that received up to 2020. With more consistent support, Mauritania could achieve a carbon neutral emission reduction of 92.49% (red line) compared to the ERU (see Figure 1). e. Information on the data sources used to quantify the reference point(s).", + "Figure 1) e. Information on the data sources used to quantify the baseline point(s) The quantification of the baseline indicators was based on data from the national GHG emissions inventory reported in the second biennial report updated in 2021. f.Information on the circumstances The national GHG inventory is examined in the context of CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA.", + "The quantification of the baseline indicators was based on data from the national GHG emission inventory reported in the second biennial report updated in 2021. f.Information on the circumstances The national GHG inventory is reviewed in the context of CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA, based on the 2006 IPCC methodologies and guidelines, on 30 June 2021 and using the national data provided in Table No.3.", + "ICA by TTE, following the 2006 IPCC methodologies and guidelines on 30 June 2021 and using the national data provided in Table No.3. The information on the reference indicators has been updated to Level 1 and can be updated and recalculated in the light of ongoing methodological improvements or the availability of relevant information not previously available.", + "This information may be updated and recalculated in the light of ongoing methodological improvements or the availability of relevant information not previously available. Information on updates will be included in the relevant reports presented to the UNFCCC and, from 2024 onwards, in the biennial transparency reports. 2. Timeframes and/or implementation periods a. Timeframe/period for implementation 2021-2030 b. Whether an annual or multi-year target, as appropriate. One target year: 2030 3. Perimeter and coverage a. General description of the mitigation target.", + "One target year: 2030 3. Perimeter and Coverage a. General description of the mitigation target. Unconditional commitment to reduce GHG emissions by11%(1905GgEq-CO2)in2030compared to the scenario (SBA) with the international support levels in force in 2020. This reduction can achieve carbon neutrality with greater international support, enabling the development of a greater share of the country\u2019s renewable energy potential. This reduction in2030compared to the scenario (SBA). b. Sectors, gases, categories and power supply sectorswith a nationally determined contribution, including, where appropriate, in accordance with the IPCC Guidelines.", + "All sectors, as defined by the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, including: \u25aa Energy \u25aa Industrial Processes and Uses of Products (IPPC) \u25aa Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFAT) \u25aa Waste.", + "C. How the country Party has taken into account paragraphs 31(c) and (d) of Decision 1/CP.21. The CBD includes all categories of anthropogenic emissions or removals estimated in the GHG inventories. No source, activity or sink was included in the previous version of the CBD that was excluded in the summer. Improvements to the GHG inventory have been taken into account in the comparison between the original and the current CBD (see IPCC good practice guidance, IPCC good practice guidance, IPCC good practice guidance, IPCC good practice guidance, IPCC good practice guidance, IPCC good practice guidance, IPCC good practice guidance, IPCC good practice guidance, IPCC good practice guidance, IPCC good practice guidance, IPCC good practice guidance, IPCC good practice guidance, IPCC good practice guidance, IPCC good practice guidance, IP", + "\u2022 Improvements in the GHG inventory have been taken into account in the comparison between the original and the current NCD (see Table 2). CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL NATIONAL LEVEL NCD MAURItania Only categories of anthropogenic emissions or removals that do not exist in the country are excluded.", + "\u2022 The greatest effort is directed at the energy sector as this is the sector with the greatest mitigation potential, with the greatest likelihood of implementation. However, no sector is excluded. The analysis has not been aligned with the key categories of the GHG inventory. d. Mitigation co-benefits resulting from adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans, including a description of the Parties\u2019 specific projects,measures and initiatives for adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans.", + "The analysis has not been aligned with the key categories of the GHG inventory. d. Mitigation co-benefits resulting from adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans, including descriptions of specific projects,measures and initiatives for adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans of the Parties. The co-benefits of mitigation measures on adaptation and vice versa, as well as synergies with other sustainable development planning frameworks, in particular SD Goals, are identified in Tables 1 and 2 (last column) to which other co-benefits such as improved air quality, potential cost reductions for users and improved quality of life for populations should be added. 4.", + "The co-benefits of mitigation measures on adaptation and vice versa, as well as the synergies with other sustainable development planning frameworks, in particular SD Goals, are identified in Tables 1 and 2 (last column) to which other co-benefits such as improved air quality, potential cost reductions for users and improved quality of life for populations should be added. 4. Planning Process a.", + "Planning process a. Information on the planning processes undertaken by the country party to prepare its NCD and, where appropriate, on the country party\u2019s implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i. National institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, of a gender sensitive nature.", + "Information on the planning processes undertaken by the country Party to prepare its NCD and, where appropriate, on the country Party\u2019s implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i. National institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, of a gender-sensitive nature. NCD update process The NCD update process was launched in 2021 and comprised the following main stages: \u25aa January \u2013 April 2021: preparatory phase \u25aa April 2021: formal launch of the NCD update process at a Council of Ministers \u25aa May \u2013 June 2021: conduct of a first round of sectoral consultations to decide on the status of mitigation actions and adaptation targets in the 2015 NCD and the main changes to be made \u25aa July 2021: broadened exchange with various public sector stakeholders, gathering the necessary data to inform the technical NCD update process", + "July 2021: broadened exchange with various public sector stakeholders, gathering the necessary data to inform the technical process of updating the CCD \u25aa End of July - beginning of August 2021:drafting and readjustment process with public sectors \u25aa:official return of the updated CCD to the National Climate Change Focal Points Network, a task force that includes representatives of the public sector, civil society and the private sector to validate the draft version of the updated CCD.", + "\u25aa September 2021: National CND validation workshop including receipt of comments from some TFPs (World Bank, UNICEF and FAO) and other stakeholders \u25aa Consultation and consultation with subnational (regional and local) scales could not be carried out due to time and budget constraints.", + "However, a programme for the dissemination and promotion of the NCD updated at these scales as soon as it is adopted by the Council of Ministers, in September 2021, is being developed by the ECDC.", + "In an effort to strengthen the UNFCCC's transparency requirements, Mauritania established, in September 2020, a Directorate for Climate and Green Economy (DCEV) within the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) to coordinate the entire national climate change programme.", + "This body is headed by a National Director, together with a Deputy Director and three newly created departments responsible respectively for: Vulnerability and Adaptation; Activities and Strategies; and IGES and Mitigation. The Directorate also has a unit responsible for processing and archiving data and information collected, including sectoral and thematic studies and reports.", + "The Directorate also has a unit responsible for the processing and archiving of data and information collected, including sectoral and thematic studies and reports. DCEV also relies on a task force consisting of a network of Sectoral Focal Points (SFPs), designated representatives of line ministries, civil society and private sector organisations. This network has 38 members, 7 of whom are women. Sectoral working groups have been set up in key ministries.", + "Sectoral working groups have been set up in key ministries and have benefited from capacity-building to enable them to participate actively in the preparation of the update of the CND. This institutional arrangement is led by the sectoral focal point at ministerial level and by the DCEV at national level.", + "This institutional arrangement is driven by the sectoral focal point at the ministerial level and by the DCEV at the national level. The arrangement is complemented by a network of independent experts, drawn from the academic world, to contribute to the preparation of the necessary studies and reports as a Party to the UNFCCC. ii. Contextual issues, including, where appropriate: ii (a). National circumstances, such as geography, climate, economy, sustainable development and poverty eradication.", + "National circumstances, such as geography, climate, economy, sustainable development and poverty eradication Geographical location Mauritania is a coastal country in north-west Africa, located between the northern latitudes of 15 to 27 degrees and the western longitudes of 5 to 17 degrees, with a total area of 1,030,700 km2. Since 2015, the country has 15 provinces or Wilayat which are subdivided into Moughataa (i.e. departments) which in turn are subdivided into 218 communes.", + "Since 2015, the country has 15 provinces or Wilayat which are subdivided into Moughataa (i.e. departments) which in turn are subdivided into 218 communes. Physically, Mauritania is characterised by the flatness of its terrain, with low altitudes, often less than 500 m, with the exception of the K\u00e9dia d\u2019Idjil which peaks at 915 m. The landscapes are characterised by the monotony of the tabular plateaus and the immense expanses of rocky or sandy terrain.", + "Landscapes are characterized by the monotony of plateaus and vast areas of rocky or sandy terrain. Mauritania, a predominantly desert country, has large pastoral areas and only 0.5% arable land, with an estimated population of 4.2 million in 2020 and an increasing urban proportion (52.8 % in 2020 compared to 48.3 % in 2013).", + "Mauritania is a predominantly desert country with large pastoral areas and only 0.5% arable land, with an estimated population of 4.2 million in 2020 and an increasing urban proportion (52.8 % in 2020 compared to 48.3 % in 2013). Mauritania is totally Saharan in its northern part and Sahelian in its southern part, characterised by a generally warm and dry climate characterised by relatively mild winters (with temperatures CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE minimum average of 19-23\u00b0C) and very short wintering periods (about three months).", + "Mauritania is totally Saharan in its northern part and Sahelian in its southern part, it is characterised by a generally warm and dry climate marked by relatively mild winters (with temperatures CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE minimum average of 19-23\u00b0C) and very short winter periods (about three months).", + "In the dry season, temperatures exceed the 40\u00b0C threshold in almost all regions of the country (except Dakhlet Nouadhibou).Saharan climate in the north and Sahelian in the south, generally warm and dry, mild on the Atlantic coast with four months of rainy season (June to September) Average annual precipitation ranges from 500 mm in the south to less than 50 mm in the north of the country.", + "Climate Saharan in the north and Sahelian in the south, generally warm and dry, mild on the Atlantic coast with four months of rainy season (June to September) Average annual precipitation ranges from 500 mm in the south to less than 50 mm in the north of the country National Economy Economic growth increased from 3.6% in 2018 to 6.3% in 2019, driven by the mining boom supported by moderate growth in the non-extractive sectors.", + "National Economy Economic growth increased from 3.6 per cent in 2018 to 6.3 per cent in 2019, driven by the mining boom supported by moderate growth in the non-extractive sectors, but contracted by 3.6 per cent in 2020 due to the economic impact of the global coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), reaching 2 per cent and -6 per cent between the last half of 2020 and the first half of 2021.", + "This growth contracted by 3.6% in 2020 due to the economic impact of the global coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), reaching 2% and -6% between the last half of 2020 and the first half of 2021. Pandemic-related risks are exacerbated by climate uncertainties, delays in structural reforms and regional insecurity. Despite the success of the first phase of SCAPP (2016-2020), these obstacles hamper the continuation of the reforms undertaken.", + "Despite the success of the first phase of SCAPP (2016-2020), these obstacles hamper the continuation of the reforms undertaken; however, the country expects a better future with the exploitation of other resources, particularly energy (gas management, renewable energies, etc.). Sustainable development SCAPP is an umbrella strategy that encompasses all sectors of the country\u2019s development; it constitutes the framework for the reference and coherence of the country\u2019s policies for sustainable socio-economic development.", + "At the same time, and in recent years, several sectoral strategies have integrated the issue of climate change in line with the national programming framework, the Strategic Framework for Combating Poverty (CLSP), which evolved into SCAPP in 2016, including: \u25aa The National Strategy for the Environment and Sustainable Development (SNEDD) 2017-2021; \u25aa The Rural Sector Development Strategy (RSDS): \u25aa The National Agricultural Development Plan (NDP) \u25aa The National Livestock Development Plan (NLDP) \u25aa The Water and Sanitation Sector Development Strategy (SNADEA, 2016-2030); and \u25aa The Responsible Management Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Fisheries and the Marine Economy, 2015-2019.", + "CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania ii (b). Best practices and experience related to the preparation of the CDN. The CDN has capitalized on the analytical capabilities, participatory practice, experience, tools and knowledge base that have been created and improved during the processes of preparing the country\u2019s enabling documents. In a collaborative framework involving all stakeholders, sectoral mitigation measures with quantifiable individual reduction targets have been identified.", + "In a collaborative framework involving all stakeholders, sectoral mitigation measures with quantifiable individual reduction targets have been identified. The establishment and institutionalisation of the national network of sectoral focal points in 2013 is a first step in the implementation of an operational VRM system to enable monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the CBD.", + "The establishment and institutionalization of the national network of sectoral focal points in 2013 is a first step in the implementation of an operational VRM system to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the CND, and the country is counting on the support of the GEF through CBIT funding for the implementation of its national VRM.", + "The shared experience in implementing the initial NCD, where the then emerging energy sector was secondary to the AFAT sector (the country\u2019s first GHG emitting sector), and the active involvement of LFPs in the NCD revision process led Mauritania to focus on developing its energy potential and its own resources in line with the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals as prioritised by the country10.", + "The shared experience in the implementation of the initial CBD where the then emerging energy sector was secondary to the AFAT sector (the country\u2019s first GHG emitting sector) and the active involvement of LFPs in the CBD revision process led Mauritania to focus on developing its energy potential and its own resources in compliance with the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals as prioritised by the country10. ii (c).", + "ii (c). Other aspirations and contextual priorities recognized upon accession to the Paris Agreement. b. Specific information applicable to Parties, including regional economic integration organizations and their Member States, that have agreed to act jointly under Article 4, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement. Mauritania is an active participant in the African Development Bank\u2019s Desert to Power initiative (ADB/G5 Sahel).", + "Mauritania is an active participant in the \"Desert to Power\" initiative of the African Development Bank (AfDB/G5 Sahel), and has just signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Global for the development of new green hydrogen technology under the \"Aman\" programme, which provides for the development of 30 GW of solar and wind energy.", + "In addition, it has just signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Global for the development of new green hydrogen technology under the Aman programme, which provides for the development of 30 GW of solar and wind energy. c.HowthecountryispreparingtheCD It was informed by the results of the global balance sheet, 4of the Paris Agreement. The IPCC special report on 1.5 degrees has been used as a reference in the process of developing the updated NCD.", + "The IPCC Special Report on 1.5 Degrees has been used as a reference in the process of developing the updated CBD. n and/or economic diversification plans resulting in co- mitigation benefits in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement.", + "n and/or economic diversification plans resulting in co-benefits of mitigation in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement, shall provide information on: i.The economic and social consequences of the measures shall be taken into account in the development of the NDC. NA ii.Projects,measures and specific activities shall be implemented to contribute to co-benefits of mitigation, including information on adaptation plans that also produce co-benefits The country has joined the G5 SAHEL initiative, which aims in particular at strengthening the capacity of member countries to cope with the effects of climate change and improving the resilience of populations affected by food insecurity.", + "NA ii.Projects, measures and specific activities to be undertaken to contribute to mitigation co-benefits, including information on adaptation plans that also produce co-benefits The country has joined the G5 SAHEL initiative, which aims, inter alia, to strengthen member countries\u2019 capacities to deal with the effects of climate change and to improve the resilience of populations affected by food insecurity. 10Cf. in particular the National Voluntary Review of the implementation of the MDGs presented by Mauritania to the United Nations High-Level Political Forum in 2019.", + "in particular the Voluntary National Review of the implementation of the MDGs presented by Mauritania to the United Nations High-Level Political Forum in 2019 CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA mitigation, which may cover, but not be limited to, key sectors such as energy, resources, water, coastal resources, human settlements and urban planning, agriculture and forestry; and economic diversification actions, which may cover, but not be limited to, sectors such as manufacturing and industry, energy and mining, transport and communications, construction, tourism, real estate, agricultureandlap\u00eac he.", + "CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA mitigation actions, which may cover, but are not limited to, key sectors such as energy, resources, water, coastal resources, human settlements and urban planning, agriculture and forestry; and economic diversification actions, which may cover, but are not limited to, sectors such as manufacturing and industry, energy and mining, transport and communications, construction, tourism, real estate, agricultureandlap\u00eac he. Other sustainable development initiatives are coordinated by the CILSS in particular the Regional Pastoral Development Programmes (PRAPS/WB) and the Regional Sahel Initiative Programme (PARIIS/WB) which aims at improving water management through irrigation.", + "Other sustainable development initiatives are coordinated by CILSS, in particular the Regional Pastoral Development Programmes (PRAPS/WB) and the Sahel Regional Initiative Programme (PARIIS/WB), which aims to improve water management through irrigation. CILSS also coordinates the Regional Resilience Programme in the Sahel (P2RS/BAD) and the Resilience Programme, funded by the IDB. MEDD also contributes to the WACA (West Africa Coastal Area) project for an overall amount of USD 30 million.", + "MEDD is also contributing to the WACA (West Africa Coastal Area) project for an overall amount of USD 30 million. 5. Assumptions and methodological approaches, including those for estimating and accounting for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals, if any a. Assumptions and methodological approaches for accounting for anthropogenic emissions and removalsdegaz\u00e0effetdeserrecorresp ondant\u00e0la contribution determined at the national level adecision1/CP.21 and the accounting guidelines adopted by the CMA.", + "Mauritania has accounted for anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs in accordance with the common methodologies and measurement parameters assessed by the IPCC and adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement, using the 100-year global warming potential (GWP100) of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report to calculate CO2 equivalents.", + "Mauritania accounted for anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs in accordance with the common methodologies and measurement parameters assessed by the IPCC and adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement, using the global warming potential (GWP) and the 100-year global warming potential (GWP100) of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report to calculate CO2 equivalents.", + "All categories have been included in the baseline emissions of the INDC in accordance with Decision 1/CP.21. It is anticipated that the approach contained in Annex II to Decision 4/CMA.1 will be used during the updating of the CBD 2025 to report on progress towards achieving the objective of the CBD. b.The methodological approaches used to report on policies and measures or strategies in the nationally determined contribution.", + "It is anticipated that the approach contained in annex II to decision 4/CMA.1, will be used during the updating of the CBD 2025 to report on progress in achieving the objective of the CBD. b.The methodological assumptions and approaches used to calculate policies and measures or strategies in the nationally determined contribution. The planned implementation of the CBIT will result in the establishment of a domestic LULUCF capable of producing the progress indicators to be included in the biennial transparency report. c.If necessary, information will be provided by the country party taking into account existing methodologies and guidelines under the Convention for the accounting of anthropogenic emissions and removals, in accordance with paragraph 14 of t. Mauritania\u2019s current inventory is submitted to the UNFCCC with BUR II in accordance with decision 24/CP.19 and uses", + "decision 24/CP.19 and uses the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2003 Good Practice Guidance.", + "In its accounting for anthropogenic emissions and removals under the CDN, Mauritania has done its utmost to comply with the principles of transparency, completeness, consistency, comparability and accuracy, enabling anthropogenic emissions and removals to be accounted for in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 14, of the Paris Agreement.", + "CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania d.Methodology and parameters used in the IPCC to estimate anthropogenic emissions and removals of greenhouse gases. Methodologies: 2006 IPCC Guidelines were used to estimate GHG emissions and removals. Metrics: The 100-year global warming potential (GWP100) values used to calculate CO2 equivalents are those determined in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4): GWP CO2 = 1 (by convention); GWP CH4 = 25.", + "The global warming potential values for a 100-year horizon (GWP100) used to calculate CO2 equivalents are those determined in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4): GWP CO2 = 1 (by convention); GWP CH4 = 25. GWP N2O = 298. GWP HFCs = 1.5 - 14 800. e.Assumptions,methodology,prospective approaches,category or activity,consistent with IPCC guidelines,if applicable,including: i.Approaches to treating emissions and subsequent removals of natural disturbances on managed land.", + "All emissions and removals reported in Mauritania\u2019s BUR 2 GHG inventory are included in the NCD, although the country does not have the data necessary to deal with emissions from natural disturbances. ii.The approach is used to account for emissions and removals of recycled wood products. NA iii.The approach is used to account for the effects of age-class structure in forests. The effects of age-class structure in forests are not taken into account. f.", + "The effects of age-class structure in forests are not taken into account. f. Other assumptions and methodological approaches used to understand the contribution determined at the national level and, where appropriate, estimate the corresponding emissions and removals, including: i.Comment onindicatorreference,reference and/or reference levels, including, where appropriate, sector-specific,category-specific or activity-specific reference levels, including, for example, key parameters, assumptions, definitions, methodology, data sources and models used.", + "Other assumptions and methodological approaches used to understand the contribution determined at the national level and, where appropriate, to estimate the corresponding emissions and removals, including: i.Indicators of Reference,Reference Levels and/or Reference Levels, including, where appropriate, sector-specific,category-specific or activity-specific reference levels, including, for example, key parameters, assumptions, definitions, methodology, data sources and models used The 2018 GHG emissions inventory and baseline and mitigation scenarios were developed in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.", + "The 2018 GHG emissions inventory and baseline and mitigation scenarios were developed in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. The BAU baseline and mitigation scenarios were developed using the DTU Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Mode (GACMO) tool based on National and Sectoral Statistics Yearbook data, sectoral activity data, and socio-economic and demographic prospective analyses. ii.", + "The BAU and mitigation baseline scenarios were developed using the DTU Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Mode (GACMO) tool, based on data from the National and Sectoral Statistics Yearbooks, sectoral activity data and socio-economic and demographic prospective analyses. ii. For Parties whose nationally determined contributions contain non-greenhouse gas components, information on the methodological assumptions used in relation to these components, including NA iii.", + "For Parties whose nationally determined contributions contain elements other than greenhouse gases, information on the assumptions and methodological approaches used in relation to those elements, including: NA iii. For climate forcings included in nationally determined contributions not covered by the IPCC Guidelines, information on how the European Environment Agency's EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidelines for Precursor Emission Estimates were used.", + "For climatic forcings included in nationally determined contributions not covered by IPCC guidelines, information on how the European Environment Agency's EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guide for Precursor Emission Estimates was used. CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania climatic forcings are estimated. iv. Additional technical information, if necessary.", + "CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Climate forcings are estimated. iv. Additional technical information, if necessary. NA g. Intention to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, if appropriate. Mauritania intends to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to achieve part of its objective. See above ADB/G5 Sahel Desert to Power Initiative and Aman programme. 6.", + "ADB/G5 Sahel Desert to Power Initiative, and Aman Program. 6. How does the country Party consider its NCD to be fair and ambitious in light of its national situation? a.How does the country Party consider its NCD to be fair and ambitious in light of its national situation? b. Mauritania considers the updating of the NCD to be sufficiently fair and ambitious to contribute to a low-carbon and climate change resilient economy in 2030, in accordance with its national situation and the 2030 SCAPP.", + "Mauritania considers the updating of the CBD to be sufficiently fair and ambitious to contribute to a low-carbon economy that is resilient to climate change in 2030, in accordance with its national situation and the 2030 SCAPP. The vision of the current CBD represents a fundamental change in the ambition of the mitigation target, moving from a GHG emission reduction target of 22.3% of which 12% is unconditional \"CBD 2015\" to a carbon neutrality target by 2030 of which 11% is unconditional. b.", + "The vision of the current NCD represents a fundamental change in the ambition of the mitigation target, moving from a GHG emission reduction target of 22.3% of which 12% is unconditional \"NCD 2015\" to a carbon neutrality target by 2030 of which 11% is unconditional. b.Equity considerations, including fairness considerations. Equity The Islamic Republic of Mauritania, as a non-Annex 1 least developed country, contributes little to global greenhouse gas emissions.", + "Equity The Islamic Republic of Mauritania, as a non-Annex 1 least developed country, contributes little to global greenhouse gas emissions, but is exposed to a high degree of vulnerability to the impacts of climate change due to its geographical location.", + "Taking into account the general principles and provisions of the Convention, in particular those relating to common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and equitable access to airspace, the CND of Mauritania is guided by the country\u2019s desire to reduce poverty, achieve a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy, and ensure sustainable development to become a high and prosperous middle-income country by 2030, in accordance with the country\u2019s Strategic Vision.", + "Taking into account the general principles and provisions of the Convention, in particular those relating to common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and equitable access to airspace, the CND of Mauritania is guided by the country\u2019s desire to reduce poverty, achieve a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy, and ensure sustainable development to become a high and prosperous middle-income country by 2030, in accordance with the country\u2019s Strategic Vision.", + "The successful implementation of the Mauritanian NCD is conditional and dependent on the level of support to be provided through the Convention and other multilateral and bilateral agreements. c. How the country Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement.", + "How the country Party has dealt with Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement In accordance with the Articles and Mauritania presents an update of its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC 2) under the Paris Agreement for the period 2021-2030, with the objective of carbon neutrality. d.", + "In accordance with the Articles and Mauritania presents an update of its nationally determined contribution (NCC 2) under the Paris Agreement for the period 2021-2030, with the objective of carbon neutrality. d. How the country Party has dealt with Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Agreement The update of Mauritania\u2019s NCC represents an advance over its previous NCC, as it CONTRIBUTES TO THE Paris NATIONAL NCC MAURITANIA.", + "How the country Party has dealt with Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Agreement The updating of Mauritania\u2019s NDC represents an advance over its previous NDC, as it focuses on the important potential of the renewable energy sector in its conditional part.", + "The non-conditional part of the CBD has as its absolute objective the reduction of emissions at the economic level as stipulated in Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, while the adaptation component of the CBD develops actions to enable the country to strengthen the resilience of human and physical ecosystems and their adaptation. e. How the country Party has dealt with Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement. NA 7.", + "The non-conditional part of the CBD has as its absolute objective the reduction of emissions at the economic level as stipulated in Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, while the adaptation component of the CBD develops actions to enable the country to strengthen the resilience of human and physical ecosystems and their adaptation. e. How the country Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement. NA 7. How does the CBD contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Convention as set out in Article 2 of the Convention? a. How does the CBD contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Convention as set out in Article 2 of the Convention?", + "How does the UNCCD contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Convention as set out in Article 2 a.How does the UNCCD contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Conventionas set out in Article 2. National commitments in the current updated UNCCD are consistent with the objective of the UNFCCC and the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement, as explained in paragraphs 6a and 6b. b. How does the UNCCD contribute to the achievement of Article 2, paragraph 1 (a), and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement.", + "National commitments in the current updated NCD are consistent with the objective of the UNFCCC and the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement, as explained in 6a and 6b. b. How the NCD contributes to the achievement of Article 2, paragraph 1 (a), and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement. the current NCD that will contribute to the achievement of Article 2 of the Paris Agreement.", + "CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL NCC MAURItania IV- Adaptation component of the NCC 4.1. Communication context of the adaptation action Mauritania, a low-GHG emitting country, is particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change due to its geographical position and level of development, all sectors of its economy are already heavily affected by climate variability and climate projections show an exacerbation of these phenomena in the future.", + "All sectors of its economy are already heavily impacted by climate variability and climate projections indicate that these phenomena will increase in the future. Mauritania has made adaptation to climate change one of the priorities of its development strategies and programmes. In 2020, Mauritania embarked on the development of its National Adaptation Programme (NAP). Several studies have been carried out to assess gaps in development sectors and identify priority areas for adaptation.", + "Several studies have been carried out to assess gaps in development sectors and identify priority areas for adaptation. Although a mapping of vulnerability to climate change has not yet been carried out, sectoral reports based on expert judgement and the world literature attest to a high degree of vulnerability of the country\u2019s populations and ecosystems to climate variability and change. This vulnerability requires a comprehensive and urgent response from all development sectors (see Table 4).", + "In accordance with Article 7, paragraph 11 of the Paris Agreement and provisions A to D of Annex 1 to Decision 9/CMA1, Mauritania chooses to communicate its adaptation efforts in the CBD as a contribution to the global assessment in order to (i) raise the profile of its adaptation action in its Development Agenda, (ii) specify support needs, including information, technology, capacity-building and financial resources, and (iii) make the CBD a planning tool for its adaptation action.", + "The NCD update process is linked to the NAP development process. The governance of the two processes is ensured by the Climate and Green Economy Directorate, which ensures synergy and coherence. The updated NCD is thus a tool for implementing the strategic adaptation planning undertaken by the NAP, which is under way. 4.2 The country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change In Mauritania, Climate Change (CC) has taken a strong hold in Mauritania in recent decades.", + "The updated NCD is thus a tool for implementing the strategic adaptation planning undertaken by the NAP, which is currently underway. 4.2 Country\u2019s Vulnerability to Climate Change In Mauritania, Climate Change (CC) has become acute in recent decades in Mauritania. Irregularities in precipitation and its spatial and temporal distribution, increasingly high air temperatures, more frequent episodes of drought and flooding, decreasing river water supplies, significant land degradation, and greater fragility of ecosystems and their dynamics.", + "Irregularities in precipitation and its spatial and temporal distribution, rising air temperatures, more frequent droughts and floods, decreasing water supplies by the river, significant land degradation, greater fragility of ecosystems and their dynamics are some of the factors that show that the climate in Mauritania is changing, with the result that the environmental problems facing this Sahel-Saharan country are becoming more acute.", + "These are some of the elements that show that the climate in Mauritania is changing, with the result that the environmental problems facing this Sahel-Saharan country are getting worse. These climate changes threaten primarily the primary sector, agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries and forestry, key sectors of the country\u2019s economy. In Mauritania, health, infrastructure and industry are also exposed to climate change. Thus, the lives of the people in Mauritania depend on these changes.", + "In Mauritania, health, infrastructure and industry are also exposed to climate change, so the lives of the population in Mauritania depend on these changes. At the coastal level, studies on climate change show that the consequences of climate change, with rising sea levels, would result in large areas of land and infrastructure being exposed to the risks of flooding and siltation.", + "At the coastal level, climate change studies show that the consequences of climate change, with rising sea levels, would result in large areas of land and infrastructure being exposed to flooding and siltation risks, and that coastal erosion will be exacerbated, particularly on the Nouakchott coast, where morphological changes are already appreciable.", + "It also shows that coastal erosion will be exacerbated, particularly on the coast of Nouakchott, where morphological changes are already appreciable. Mauritania\u2019s vulnerability to climate change is mainly due to its climatic, geographical and demographic characteristics. Indeed, the entire territory of Mauritania is located in the arid zone with 75% in the Saharan zone.", + "CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA This is partly a consequence of the effects of the air masses that bathe the country. These air masses consist of three main currents that blow throughout the year: maritime azimuth, continental azimuth and summer monsoon. The air masses that carry precipitation are maritime azimuth and monsoon (FIT).", + "The coastal margin for each climate zone is characterised by relatively high humidity and low diurnal and annual variations, while the continental part has greater temperature variations (diurnal and annual) and extreme air aridity, especially in the Saharan region, which has very low rainfall and high evaporation. 4.3.", + "The coastal margin for each climate zone is characterised by relatively high humidity and low diurnal and annual variations, while the continental part has greater temperature variations (diurnal and annual) and extreme air aridity, especially in the Saharan region, which has very low rainfall and high evaporation. 4.3. Evaluation of the implementation of the adaptation actions of the 2015 NCD Based on the vulnerabilities found in the sectors, the first 2015 NCD identified a series of projects and programmes for each sector of activity.", + "Evaluation of the implementation of the Adaptation Actions of the UNFCCC 2015 Based on the vulnerabilities identified in the sectors, the first UNFCCC 2015 identified a series of projects and programmes for each sector of activity. The 2015 UNFCCC targeted the mobilisation of $9377.4 billion (see Table 7).", + "The 2015 NCC had set as its objectives the mobilisation of $9377.4 billion (see Table 7). Table 8: Breakdown of NCC 2015 funding needs by sector Sectors Requirements in millions of dollars Agriculture Water and Sanitation Elevation Habitat, Urbanism and Land Management Environment and Sustainable Development (Nature Protection) Fisheries and Maritime Economy Health Total (Source NCC, 2015) The preparation of the country programme under the VCF Readiness exercise provided an opportunity to update the priority projects selected by the various sectors.", + "Table 8: Breakdown by Sector of CND 2015 Funding Requirements Sectors Requirements in millions of dollars Agriculture Water and Sanitation Elevation Habitat, Urban and Land Use Planning Environment and Sustainable Development (Nature Conservation) Fisheries and Maritime Economy Health Total (Source CND, 2015) The preparation of the country programme under the VCF Readiness exercise provided an opportunity to update the priority projects selected by the various sectors.", + "This program selected 18 projects and programs, in addition to other adaptation projects that were underway.", + "These projects are divided into: \u25aa Eight (08) projects in progress \u25aa Three (03) projects in the pipeline \u25aa Fourteen (14) projects in the pipeline or in development The budgetary envelope for these projects is as follows: \u25aa Projects in progress: $19.5M \u25aa Projects in the pipeline: approximately $6M Other projects are in the pipeline.", + "These projects are broken down as follows: \u25aa Eight (08) projects in progress \u25aa Three (03) projects pending start-up \u25aa Fourteen (14) projects in development or design The budgetary envelope of these projects is broken down as follows: \u25aa Projects in progress: US$ 19.5 million \u25aa Projects pending start-up: approximately US$ 6 million Other projects are in development.", + "This review shows that in terms of mobilizing funding for adaptation, the target is far from being achieved, with climate finance mobilised and implemented in the area of the environment for the period 2015-2020 estimated at USD 157 million. The funding of projects submitted to the VCF and the outcome of the President\u2019s Expanded Priority Programme will undoubtedly help to improve these results.", + "The funding of the projects submitted to the VCF and the outcome of the Expanded Priority Programme of the President of the Republic will undoubtedly help to improve these results. Table 9: Adaptation projects in progress Project Title Source of Funding Sector BM/IDA Resilience Investment Project Environment CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE coastal zones, WACA, BM/IDA Humid Zones Project, IUCN/MEDD FPMA/FEM Environment Watersheds Project, FAO/MEDD FPMA/FEM Environment Regional Support Programme for the Sahel (PRAPS), CILSS/MA BM Elevage Regional Support Programme for the Sahel irrigation initiative, PARISS BM Agriculture Programme to strengthen resilience to recurrent food and nutritional insecurity in the Sahel (P2", + "Environment Improving water sector investments for the resilience of pastoral and forestry resources in the southern regions of Mauritania (REVUWI), BAD/MHA FPMA/FEM/MHA Water and Sanitation Programme to strengthen resilience and adaptation to climate-related extreme events and disasters, OXFAM and ACF DFID Environment Agence Nationale de la Grande Muraille Green State Environment Microfinance Programme GEF Operational Phase 6, UNDP-SGP GEF Environment Adaptation to Coastal Cities Climate Change Fund (ACCVC), GIZ/MEDD BMZ Environment Adaptation to Rural Climate Change Fund (ACCMR), GIZ/MEDD BMZ / EU Environment Global Alliance Against Climate Change, GIZ and UNDP/MEDD EU Envi", + "Adaptation actions of the CBD 2021-2030 updated The Mauritania preparedness project proposal (Readiness) developed with UNEP in 2018 identified a number of institutional barriers to adaptation action planning.", + "These barriers include limited collaboration between sectoral departments and ministries and other stakeholders, lack of clarity in defining the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders, CONTRIBUTION DEENTERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA lack of a centralised database for systematic archiving of climate change data and information, lack of a funding strategy.", + "Furthermore, the sectoral reports of the NAP process mentioned above show that one of the main shortcomings of adaptation to climate change is the lack of integration of this issue into sectoral strategies and action plans. Indeed, and notwithstanding the explicit mention of climate change in strategic documents and sectoral plans, this integration at the operational level of implementation is ineffective.", + "These deficiencies are taken into account in the development of the NAP, which identifies the following priorities to guide adaptation actions: \u25aa Climate health \u25aa Nouakchott resilience / marine impacts & floods \u25aa Coastal cities resilience / floods \u25aa Farmers\u2019 insurance system \u25aa Development of irrigated village perimeters \u25aa Promotion of fishing and livestock breeding \u25aa Genetic improvement of local breeds \u25aa Pastoral insurance and disaster funds \u25aa Zoning and transhumance corridors \u25aa Coastal community resilience \u25aa Continental fisheries \u25aa Water & sanitation \u25aa Drinking water 12 localities \u25aa Drinking water 4 wilayas \u25aa AEP / Postes eau 2580 localities with more than 150 ha.", + "Based on these priorities and the sectoral strategies and programmes examined, adaptation actions have been identified and are described in Table No. 3. Although classified by sector, their implementation is planned from an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral perspective that covers the vulnerabilities of the different sectors.", + "Although classified by sector, their implementation is planned in an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral perspective that overlaps the vulnerabilities of the different sectors. Thus, and on the basis of the projects identified by the sectors, the CDN aims to be the framework for consultation and dialogue between stakeholders to define transformative programmes that strengthen the resilience of populations or/and ecosystems to climate hazards identified in the medium and long term by converging sectoral actions towards integrated, inclusive, and climate-smart development programmes.", + "Thus, and on the basis of the projects identified by the sectors, the CDN aims to be the framework for consultation and dialogue between stakeholders to define transformative programmes that strengthen the resilience of populations or/and ecosystems to climate hazards identified in the medium and long term by converging sectoral actions towards integrated, inclusive and climate-smart development programmes. A number of these programmes and projects are included in the country programme of the Green Climate Fund 2020-2025.", + "A number of these programs and projects are included in the Green Climate Fund 2020-2025 country programme and represent a total portfolio of actions (readiness, project preparation, investments) of US$188 million for the first two years. 4.3.", + "They constitute a portfolio of actions (readiness, project preparation, investments) totalling US$188 million for the first two years. 4.3. Funding Requirements for Adaptation Table 10: CND Funding Requirements 2021-2030 by Sector Sectors Funding Requirements (in US$ millions) Unconditional Conditional Total Agriculture Elevation Environment Fisheries Water & Sanitation CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO NATIONAL LEVEL CND MAURItania Habitat, Urbanism and Land Use Planning Health TOTAL The funding requirements for adaptation actions are US$10626.46 million of which US$10174.63 million are conditional and US$451.83 million are non-conditional.", + "Funding Requirements for Adaptation Table 10: CND 2021-2030 Funding Requirements by Sector Sectors Funding Requirements (US$ Millions) Unconditional Conditional Total Agriculture Elevation Environment Fisheries Water & Sanitation CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CND MAURItania Habitat, Urbanism and Land Use Planning Health TOTAL The funding requirements for adaptation actions are USD 10626.46 million of which USD 10174.63 million are conditional and USD 451.83 million are non-conditional V- Capacity Building and Implementation Support Needs 5.1.", + "V- Needs for capacity-building and support for implementation 5.1. Institutional, legislative and governance needs At the institutional level, the shortcomings are (i) the low involvement of key actors in the implementation of the Paris Agreement (ii) the lack of clarity in the sharing of roles and responsibilities between the different actors at different levels, sometimes creating latent institutional conflicts (iii) the inadequacy of climate training, information and awareness-raising actions.", + "Institutional, legislative and governance needs At the institutional level, the shortcomings are (i) the low level of involvement of key actors in the implementation of the Paris Agreement (ii) the lack of clarity in the sharing of roles and responsibilities between the different actors at different levels, sometimes creating latent institutional conflicts (iii) the inadequacy of climate training, information and awareness-raising actions. These shortcomings require action on (i) awareness-raising and accountability of all actors (ii) improved collaboration between actors at all levels (iii) improved and intensified public climate awareness programmes.", + "These gaps require action on (i) raising awareness and empowering all stakeholders (ii) improving collaboration among stakeholders at all levels (iii) improving and intensifying public climate awareness programs. The country now has formally designated climate focal points at the level of each sectoral department, as well as gender focal points. These focal points have been at the centre of consultations and consultations during the CND 2021 update process.", + "These focal points have been at the centre of the consultations and consultations carried out during the process of updating the CND 2021. MEDD has recently been restructured, resulting in a new directorate called the Climate and Green Economy Directorate, which includes a deputy director and three services (see Table No.3 \u2013 4-a-i).", + "The MEDD has recently been restructured, resulting in a new directorate called the Climate and Green Economy Directorate, which includes a deputy director and three services (see Table 3 \u2013 4-a-i). Readiness projects in the country programme for access to VCF funding are planned to strengthen the institutional, scientific and technical capacities of specific actors to strengthen the governance of the country\u2019s climate policy (climate meteorology and data, water resources, private sector, civil society, etc.).", + "Readiness projects in the country programme for access to VCF funding are planned to strengthen the institutional, scientific and technical capacities of specific actors to strengthen the governance of the country\u2019s climate policy (meteorology and climate data, water resources, the private sector, civil society, etc.). The CBIT project for the implementation and operationalisation of the MNV system will also, among other expected results, make it possible to clarify the responsibilities of actors, in particular ministerial departments other than MEDD, in the implementation of the CBD. 5.2.", + "The CBIT project for the implementation and operationalisation of the MNV system will also make it possible, among other expected results, to clarify the responsibilities of the actors, in particular the ministerial departments other than the MEDD, in the implementation of the CBD. 5.2. Technology transfer needs Assessments of technology transfer needs were carried out in 2017.", + "Technology transfer needs Assessments of technology transfer needs were carried out in 2017, which led to the identification of two priority sectors for adaptation (agriculture, rangeland and forestry) and two priority sectors for mitigation (energy and waste), the needs for introducing and mastering innovative technologies in these sectors are detailed in the following table.", + "They will need to be updated in light of the new mitigation and adaptation options identified in the updated 2021-2030 NCD. 5.3. Funding Requirements 5.3.1.", + "Funding Requirements 5.3.1. Summary of NDC Funding Requirements Table 11 Summary of NDC Funding Requirements Areas NDC Funding Unconditional Funding Conditional Total by Area US$ million Mitigation Adaptation Gender and Youth Integration Employment and Education - Capacity Building - Implementation and Operationalization of Measurement, Audit and Reporting System Total CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL LEVEL NDC MAURItania 5.3.2.", + "Summary of NDC Funding Requirements Table 11 Summary of NDC Funding Requirements NDC Areas Funding Unconditional Funding Conditional Total by Area in US$ million Mitigation Adaptation Gender and Youth Integration Employment and Education - Capacity Building - Implementation and Operationalization of Measurement, Verification and Reporting System Total CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL NDC MAURItania 5.3.2.", + "Funding Scheme In Mauritania, there is no funding system entirely dedicated to climate change. Some international institutions at the multilateral and bilateral levels are involved in strengthening climate resilience in Mauritania. These are projects/programmes that are involved at the level of the primary sectors. The country also benefits from the possibility of funding at the level of specific environmental funds (adaptation funds, green climate funds, GEF, etc.).", + "The country also benefits from the possibility of financing at the level of specific environmental funds (adaptation funds, green climate funds, GEF, etc.). Climate financing comes from resources mobilised by the public sphere i.e. the state, its TFPs and other development stakeholders such as NGOs, operators and the international financial system. Although an in-depth analysis is not available, it should be noted that there is a strong dependence on external resources for climate action.", + "Although an in-depth analysis is not available, it should be noted that there is a high dependence on external resources for climate action. State financing \u2013 The state budget focuses on the functioning of administrations, development and maintenance of infrastructure. Some activities of a special nature (marketing of crops, supply of inputs, development works, etc.) are financed.", + "\u2022 Funding for Technical and Financial Partners \u2013 Notwithstanding the efforts made, coordination among TFPs should be strengthened to ensure greater impact over the longer term.", + "\u2022 The Green Climate Fund (GCF, for Green ClimateFund) as part of a project to prepare the country for climate finance Green Climate Fund (readiness) a country programme has been developed, which has made it possible to present a portfolio of projects (cf.", + "\u2022 The Green Climate Fund (GCF, for Green ClimateFund) as part of a project to prepare the country for climate finance The Green Climate Fund (readiness) a country programme was developed, which made it possible to present a portfolio of projects (see table in Annex No.3) with accompanying measures \u2013 readiness to strengthen national capacities in the development of bankable projects eligible for climate finance.", + "\u2022 Financing of private operators and investors - the private sector has very little involvement in climate finance. The sector\u2019s preparation in this area is foreseen in the country\u2019s GCF programme to strengthen the capacities of Mauritanian entrepreneurs and enable them to develop investments eligible for climate finance. National financial system: The existing financial system is characterised by a low contribution from the banking system to financing development in general and the rural sector in particular.", + "\u2022 National financial system: The existing financial system is characterized by a low contribution of the banking system to financing development in general and the rural sector in particular. \u2022 National tax system: There is a lack of mechanisms based on the generation of tax resources to finance climate actions in the country. Capacity building in this area is strongly desired in order to contribute to the mobilization of national financial resources for climate actions in the country.", + "Capacity building in this area is highly desirable in order to contribute to the mobilisation of domestic financial resources for climate action in the country. International markets: Mauritania intends to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to achieve part of its mitigation objective using carbon market mechanisms (transformativecarbonassetfacility, etc.).", + "\u2022 International markets: Mauritania intends to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to achieve part of its mitigation objective by using carbon market mechanisms (transformativecarbonassetfacility, etc.). In this context, the country envisages using these tools in the development and management of NAMA projects under the CDM mechanism. VI.", + "In this context, Mauritania envisages using these tools in the development and management of NAMA projects under the CDM. VI. Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MNV) and Monitoring and Evaluation Mauritania has put in place the necessary institutional structures to promote, coordinate and strengthen its mitigation and adaptation efforts: establishment of a Climate and Green Economy Directorate, task force of sectoral focal points, civil society and the private sector, networks of independent experts, preparation of all national communications, GHG inventories and biannual reports, etc. required for reporting to the UNFCCC.", + "CONTRIBUTION DETERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Notwithstanding all these efforts, the transparency of reporting on GHG emissions and on the impacts of climate policies and actions is hampered by the following main gaps and barriers11: \u25aa Institutional gaps and barriers in the coordination of activities to combat environmental degradation and climate change; notably the lack of data sharing procedures and data protection instructions; weaknesses in intersectoral, regional and national coordination, as well as difficulties in integrating climate change into decision-making and development policies; \u25aa Legal, regulatory and procedural gaps and obstacles in the establishment of appropriate mandates and implementation tools; notably the lack of a reference to climate change in the Code of Conduct for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories;", + "\u2022 Lack of data and access to information for a robust and detailed R&D system; more importantly, the lack of activity data to estimate emissions and removals from selected sources and the lack of country-specific emission factors; \u25aa Lack of capacity and technical expertise; including, inter alia, the weak capacity of structures producing and holding activity data, the inadequacy of national technical expertise both quantitatively and qualitatively, and the obsolete nature of data collection, processing, storage and transfer systems; \u25aa The financial constraints and costs associated with an R&D system; in particular, the low contribution of the Mauritanian", + "\u25aa The financial constraints and costs associated with an AVM system, including the low level of government contribution to climate change projects and initiatives and the lack of funding for climate change-related research projects; To address these gaps and obstacles, Mauritania has developed a request for GEF funding to mobilise the necessary resources for the institutionalisation of an AVM and the capacity-building of sectors and other stakeholders involved in the collection, processing and management of the necessary data.", + "This project is at the stage of Project Identification Form (PIF) submitted to GEF-7 in August 2021. Its total cost is estimated at US$1,263,650. VII. Synergy and Coherence The objectives and expected results of the priority areas of the CND 2021 are in full alignment with the country\u2019s sustainable development objectives and the 2030 SD Goals.", + "Synergy and coherence The objectives and expected results of the priority axes of the CBD 2021 are in perfect alignment with the country\u2019s sustainable development objectives and the 2030 SDS and, implemented in a concerted and partnership-based framework, are fully in line with the provisions of the conventions resulting from the Rio 1992 process (climate change, biodiversity and combating desertification).", + "Implemented in a cooperative and partnership framework, they fully meet the provisions of the conventions resulting from the Rio 1992 process (climate change, biodiversity and combating desertification). The country has just developed a National Risk and Disaster Prevention Plan (PNPRC) as part of the NAP project, which is currently being adopted and which is fully in line with the Sendai Framework for Risk and Disaster Reduction (2015-2030).", + "The country has just drawn up a National Plan for Risk and Disaster Prevention (PNPRC) as part of the PNA project, which is being adopted and which fits in perfectly with the Sendai Framework for Risk and Disaster Reduction (2015-2030). The co-benefits of the mitigation measures advocated and the adaptation actions identified, as well as their synergies with the implementation of the MDGs, are identified in Tables 1 & 2 in the last column.", + "The co-benefits of the mitigation measures advocated and the adaptation actions identified, as well as their synergies with the implementation of the SDSs, are identified in Tables 1 & 2 in the last column. VII- Gender and youth The main risks related to climate change and their impacts in particular on women and young people are summarised as follows12: 11 Evaluation of the gaps and barriers in the MRV system in Mauritania, PIF document for the GEF, August 2021 CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania \u25aa Epidemics, epizootics, and health risk in general (626 deaths for \u25aa Food insecurity and agricultural deficit are two risks that evolve in parallel with the same impact and occurrence.", + "\u25aa The weakness of the education system and the inadequacy between training and the labour market is one of the major tensions identified as a source of risk for the country (56.8% of girls are literate compared with 70% of boys) \u25aa Young people without training or diplomas account for 44% of Mauritanian youth \u25aa Unemployment among women and young people (among young people, unemployment is almost twice as high for women as for men: 20% compared with 12%) \u25aa More than 60% of the unemployed are young people \u25aa The occurrence of social problems linked to governance problems \u25aa Uncontrolled urbanisation.", + "The impact of climate change, including drought and its consequences, mass rural exodus and poverty, is putting unprecedented pressure on the public supply of basic services, particularly for women and young people, which need to be met.", + "It is in order to meet these needs that Mauritania has, since 2015, adopted the National Strategy for Gender Institutionalization (SNIG) to promote gender equality and create favourable conditions for their development at the political, economic and social levels. The objective of the SNIG is to ensure gender mainstreaming in all sectors of the country\u2019s development in order to guarantee the advancement of women and gender equity.", + "The objective of SNIG is to ensure gender mainstreaming in all sectors of the country\u2019s development in order to ensure the advancement of women and gender equity. The country has also adopted a new Youth Strategy 2020-2030, which aims to create conditions favourable to the development of young people rooted in national civic values and their integration into all sectors of social life so that they become a real player in sustainable development.", + "The country has also adopted a new Youth Strategy 2020-2030, which aims to create the conditions for the development of youth rooted in national civic values, their inclusion in all sectors of social life so that they become a genuine player in sustainable development. The strategy is part of the national approach to decentralisation and aims to optimise impacts with a greater focus on the most vulnerable.", + "The strategy is part of the national approach to decentralisation and aims to optimise impacts with a greater focus on the most vulnerable. The CDN intends to strengthen the implementation of the SNIG and the SNJ by ensuring that the gender and youth dimension is taken into account in all the adaptation actions advocated therein.", + "The CDN intends to strengthen the implementation of the SNIG and the SNJ by ensuring that the gender and youth dimension is taken into account in all the adaptation actions advocated therein. In particular, the dimensions of Strengthening the resilience of rural women to the effects of climate change and Developing community-based approaches to adaptation to climate change must be part of any adaptation action undertaken with a minimum of 10% of the budget allocated to them.", + "In particular, the dimensions of Strengthening the Resilience of Rural Women to the Effects of Climate Change and Developing Community Approaches to Adaptation to Climate Change must be part of any adaptation action undertaken with a minimum of 10% of the budget allocated to them; for example, gender and youth mainstreaming requires US$ 1062.646 million (conditional and unconditional).", + "For example, gender and youth mainstreaming requires US$1062.646 million (conditional and unconditional), and MEDD is committed to implementing the LIMA Action Plan and its four objectives to be integrated into the NCD and the NCD development process itself.", + "In addition, MEDD is committed to the implementation of the LIMA Action Plan and its four objectives to be integrated into the CBD and the CBD process itself. To this end, a MEDD/MASEF/gender expert working group of the team was set up during the CBD update process to: \u25aa Organise an information/awareness-raising meeting and training of thematic and sectoral experts on gender mainstreaming in their sectoral reports \u25aa Read sectoral reports to see if gender mainstreaming has been taken into account \u25aa Collaborate on data collection and processing.", + "To this end, a MEDD/MASEF/gender expert working group of the team was set up during the CND update process to: \u25aa Organise an information/awareness-raising meeting and training of thematic and sectoral experts on gender mainstreaming in their sectoral reports \u25aa Read sectoral reports to see if gender mainstreaming has been taken into account \u25aa Collaborate on data collection and processing. 12 BM Report on the Economic Situation of Mauritania, 2021 and National Youth Strategy CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CND MAURItania VIII- Education and jobs The labour market in Mauritania is suffering from a reversed structural transformation where the workforce has shifted to less productive sectors.", + "12 BM report on the economic situation in Mauritania, 2021 and National Youth Strategy CONTRIBUTION DEENTERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA VIII- Education and jobs The labour market in Mauritania is suffering from a reversed structural transformation where the labour force has been reoriented to less productive sectors, and the sectoral composition of employment has remained relatively unchanged in recent years.", + "The sectoral composition of employment has remained relatively unchanged in recent years. According to data from the National Employment and Informal Sector Survey in Mauritania (ENESI) of 2012 and 2017, the total labour force was about 735,000 persons for the two years.", + "In 2017, 30.4% of the labour force worked in the primary sector, 18.1% in the manufacturing sector, including extractive industries and GDP, and 51.4% in the manufacturing sector.", + "implementation of the actions planned in the National Youth Strategy (NYS- 2020- 2030) relating to: o youth policy on training and sustainable job creation and empowerment o creation of at least 30 000 new jobs, through the exploitation of new fisheries infrastructure, the development and diversification of agriculture and the emergence of an alternative industry o creation of 100 000 jobs.", + "13 Report on the Economic Situation in Mauritania \u2013 Strengthening Education to Foster Social Cohesion and Support Economic Development \u2013 Third Edition \u2013 June 2020 CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA ANNEXES Annex No. 1:", + "Details of Mitigation Measures, Packaged and Unpackaged, by Sector Sector # Sector Measures Description Cost US$ Millions Agriculture Organic Agriculture Conventional Agriculture \u2013 Food Agriculture (6000 ha. Fat Supplement in Ruminant Diet A traditional ruminant diet contains 1.5-3% dry matter (DM%) of fat. With each 1% of fat added, CH4 emissions are reduced by about 4% for all ruminants. Additional fat can increase growth rate and dairy yield.", + "Additional fats can increase the growth rate and dairy yield, and this introduction will result in 4% more fat by 2030.", + "This introduction will result in 4% more fat by 2030 Soil Organic Cover / Conservation Farming Cultivated to absorb the remaining nitrogen after the main crop is harvested; increase soil organic carbon content by reducing soil carbon loss due to erosion during the summer fallow period; reduce nitrogen leaching (and subsequent emissions) and reduce the amount of nitrogen to be applied to the next crop (reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers) Application of this technique will be in the order of 10,000 ha/year in 2030 Total Scenario CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania EE Households Efficient Residential Air Conditioner Improving the energy efficiency of air conditioners according to energy performance rules and promoting eco-energy air conditioning.", + "Replacement of the input power of 12000 Btu / h (1120 W) with that of 9000 Btu / h (995 W) or LED air conditioning.This technology is already present in the country and can dominate the consumption in 2030 with more than 8000 units.", + "This technology is already present in the country and will be able to dominate consumption in 2030 with more than 8000 units. Efficient domestic lighting with LFC Improved energy efficiency of efficient domestic lighting with fluo-compact bulbs Efficient lighting with LED Improved energy efficiency of domestic lighting with LED bulbs unit in 2030 Efficient refrigerator Promotion of energy-efficient appliances according to energy performance rules with 15000 eco-energy refrigerators.", + "Efficient Household Lighting with CFL Improved Energy Efficiency of Efficient Household Lighting with Fluo-Compact Bulbs Efficient Household Lighting with LED Improved Energy Efficiency of Household Lighting with LED Bulbs Unit in 2030 Efficient Refrigerator Promotion of Energy Efficiency Appliances according to Energy Performance Rules with 15000 Eco-Energy Refrigerators Replacement of CFL with LEDs in Household Lighting Improved Energy Efficiency of Household Lighting with Fluo-Compact Bulbs with New Generation LED Bulbs (140 Lumen / Watt).", + "CFL replacement with LEDs in home lighting Improved energy efficiency of home lighting with fluo-compact light bulbs with new generation LED light bulbs (140 Lumen / Watt) Efficient wood charcoal stoves (enhanced fireplace) Distribution of 150,000 improved fireplaces by 2030 LPG replacing wood Distribution of 170,000 LPG stoves by 2030 Efficient electrical stoves Distribution of 10,000 electrical stoves by 2030 Efficient residential air conditioner Implementation of a program to promote efficient residential air conditioning, the potential for introduction of this technology can be reached CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania 15000 units (or 7000 more units) Efficient refrigerator Implementation of a program to promote eco-energy refrigeration in the residential sector, the potential for introduction of this", + "Biogas in rural farms replacing wood and coal Biodigester technology is already present in the subregion.", + "A feeding of the bio-digester with mainly livestock manure and other organic waste will produce biogas that can be used for cooking and heating hot water. Achievement of 2000 Bio-digesters by 2030 Total EE Scenario Industry Industry Energy Efficiency Program Reduce industrial energy demand by 10% by 2030.", + "Achievement of 2000 Bio digesters by 2030 Total EE Scenario Industry Industry Energy Efficiency Program Industrial sector energy demand reduction of 10% by 2030 Industry Energy Efficiency Program Industrial sector energy demand reduction of 20% by 2030", + "Industry Sector Energy Efficiency Program Reduction of industrial sector energy demand by 20% by 2030 Total EE Service Scenario Efficient office lighting with CFL Improved energy efficiency of office lighting with fluo-compact bulbs Efficient office lighting with LED Improved energy efficiency of office lighting with LED Bulbs Efficient lamps - LED tubes Improved energy efficiency of public lighting (3000 LED tubes) Energy efficiency in service Reduction of 20% of service energy demand especially in new buildings (New office building with central cooling).", + "Total EE Service Scenario Efficient office lighting with CFL Improved energy efficiency of office lighting with fluo-compact bulbs Efficient office lighting with LED Improved energy efficiency of office lighting with LED bulbs Efficient lamps - LED tubes Improved energy efficiency of public lighting (3000 LED tubes) Energy efficiency in service Reduction of 20% of service energy demand especially in new buildings (New office building with central cooling) CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA Total EE Scenario Offers Switching from heavy fuel oil to natural gas in dual thermal power plant Replacement of fuel oil with natural gas in dual thermal power plant (fuel/gas) MW of Nouakchott in 2025 New natural gas power plant Putting 200MW of natural gas power plant into operation in 2025 New natural gas power plant", + "New Natural Gas Generating Station Installation of a New 300MW Natural Gas Generating Station Total Scenario Energy Distribution Efficient Electricity Networks The national electricity network development program has four regional medium voltage lines and two transnational high voltage lines under construction and other lines under development.", + "With an energy saving capacity of 300 GWh. Connection of the isolated network to the central grid The national electricity network development programme aims to connect more than 25 isolated networks to the central grid with an energy saving of 900 GWh. Efficient electricity networks With greater international support, the national network development programme could achieve an additional energy saving of 500 GWh through the expansion of coverage.", + "Efficient electricity networks With greater international support, the national grid development programme could achieve an additional 500 GWh of energy savings by extending coverage Connecting the isolated grid to the central grid With greater international support, the national grid development programme could achieve an additional 300 GWh of energy savings by connecting the isolated power stations.", + "Connecting the isolated grid to the central grid With greater international support, the national grid development programme could achieve an additional 300 GWh of energy savings by connecting the isolated grid to the central grid. Total scenario Forestry Reforestation/reforestation Annually increase the area reforested to reach the target of 3000 CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE ha/year (DRPEM 2000ha and Assisted Forest Regeneration Annually increase the area restored to reach the target of 5000 ha/year sylvopastoral reforestation Restoration activities involving biological actions for reforestation and natural regeneration of reforestation With greater international support, reforested areas can reach the target of 10000 ha/year more under regional programmes.", + "Total Scenario Forestry Reforestation/Reforestation Increase annual reforestation to reach the target of 3000 CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE ha/year (DRPEM 2000ha and Assisted Forest Regeneration Increase annual reforestation to reach the target of 5000 ha/year sylvopastoral reforestation Restoration activities involving biological reforestation and natural regeneration of Reforestation With increased international support, reforestation can reach the target of 10,000 ha/year more under regional programmes Assisted Forest Regeneration With increased international support, reforestation can reach the target of 10,000 ha/year more under regional programmes", + "Assisted forest regeneration With greater international support, the areas restored can meet the objective of an additional 10,000 ha/year under regional programmes Total Scenario Hydro Country quota at the CWS Mauritania\u2019s quota in hydroelectric production will be in the order of with the entry into service of the new facilities D\u00e9ch\u00e9s Plastics recycling The plastics recycling process includes washing and granulation.", + "Total Scenario Hydro Country quota at the CWS Mauritania\u2019s quota in hydroelectric production will be in the order of with the entry into service of the new facilities Mines Plastics recycling The plastics recycling process includes washing and granulation. This technique is already present, production will be improved to reach 2000 tonnes /year in 2030 Plastics recycling With greater international support the production of plastics recycling will be able to reach Installation of an incineration plant The incineration plant will have a capacity of tonnes/day, and will be able to generate 12MW.", + "This technology is already present, production will be improved to reach 2000 tonnes /year in 2030 Plastics Recycling With greater international support the production of plastics recycling will be able to reach Installation of an incineration plant The incineration plant will have a capacity of tonnes/day, and will be able to generate 12MW. This process consists of the following operations: mechanical sorting and grinding, aerobic drying and incineration according to the most CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE recent hygiene standards.", + "This process consists of the following operations: mechanical sorting and milling, aerobic drying and incineration according to the most recent hygiene standards CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Total Solar Solar Water Heater, Residential Promotion of the installation of residential solar water heaters to the target of 4000 installations in 2030 Solar PV, Large Network Continue and extend the solar program to achieve a cumulative installed capacity of 100 MW in 2030 Solar Home Solar Continue and extend the solar program to achieve a cumulative installed capacity of 4000 solar kits/fireplaces in 2030 Mini Solar Hybrid/Diesel Network Continue and extend the solar hybridization program of isolated mini networks to achieve a cumulative installed capacity LED Solar Lamps Distribution of approximately 20,000 LED solar lamps in rural areas benefiting from the solar home program.", + "Solar lamps Improving the energy efficiency of public lighting with the realization of 5000 Solar lamps Solar water heater, residential With greater international support, the promotion of the installation of residential solar water heaters will be able to reach an additional 9000 units in 2030 Solar PV, large network with storage (green hydrogen) Mauritania has just signed an ambitious protocol for the development of renewable energy resources (green hydrogen programme) with the American company GWP Global.", + "Named Aman, the project will develop 30 GW of solar and wind power to power generators in Mauritania.The solar and wind power plants will be installed CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE in an 8500 km2 desert area in the north of the country.A report examining the potential of blue and green hydrogen (low carbon hydrogen) is being prepared as part of the PADG Project for the Government of Mauritania.", + "Solar and wind power plants will be installed CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE in a desert area of 8500 km2 in the north of the country.A report examining the potential of blue and green hydrogen (low-carbon hydrogen) is being prepared as part of the PADG Project for the Mauritanian Government.This report will assess Mauritania's technical potential for blue/green hydrogen and provide data for a national low-carbon hydrogen roadmap, which will also cover the potential uses of hydrogen produced in the country at the national level (industry, mining, heavy transport, agriculture (fertilizers), trawlers) and internationally (ammonia exports, etc.).", + "This report will assess Mauritania\u2019s technical potential for blue/green hydrogen and provide data for a national low-carbon hydrogen roadmap, which will also cover the potential uses of hydrogen produced in the country at the national level (industry, mining, heavy transport, agriculture (fertilizers), trawlers) and internationally (ammonia exports, etc.). On the consensus judgement of the team (focus points and experts), achieving solar capacity is feasible in 2030.", + "By consensus decision of the team (focus points and experts) achieving solar capacity is feasible in 2030. Home solar PV With greater international support, the solar programme will be able to achieve a cumulative installed additive solar kit/home capacity in 2030. This capability is confirmed in the African Development Bank and G5 Desert to Power initiative.", + "This capability is confirmed in the \"Desert to Power\" initiative of the African Development Bank and the G5. Total Scenario Transport Restriction on the import of used cars Implementation of restrictions to limit the import of vehicles older than 8 years in addition to a bonus system exempting low-carbon cars and penalising models over the age limit as well as polluting models.", + "Total Scenario Transport Restriction on the importation of used cars Implementation of restrictions to limit the importation of vehicles older than 8 years in addition to a bonus system exempting low-carbon cars and penalizing models over the age limit as well as polluting models More efficient gasoline cars More efficient diesel cars CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA Natural gas cars Promotion of hybrid cars: in this context, the country\u2019s planned gas field operation in the near future facilitates the penetration of gas and electric cars Electric car Sahel Train (goods) The study of the project is in the final stages The use of rail transport will largely replace the transport of goods and people on the road.", + "More efficient gasoline cars More efficient diesel cars CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Natural gas cars Promotion of hybrid cars: in this context, the country\u2019s planned gas field operation in the near future facilitates the penetration of gas vehicles as well as electric cars Electric car Sahel train (goods) The study of the project is in the final stages The use of rail transport will largely replace the transport of goods and people on the road Sahel train (passengers) Nouakchott tramway As part of the improvement of urban public transport and in view of the spatial extension of the city of Nouakchott, this measure is a preferred option and a priority.", + "Sahel Train (passengers) Nouakchott Tramway As part of the improvement of urban public transport and in view of the spatial expansion of the city of Nouakchott, this measure is an option of choice and a priority.", + "Total scenario Wind turbine Wind turbine connected to the main network - on-shore This is a project Extension of the Nouakchott wind farm by 20 MW. On-shore wind turbines with storage As part of the \"Aman\" programme, which provides for the development of 30 GW of solar and wind energy to power generators in Mauritania. By consensus judgment of the team (focus points and experts), it is possible to reach the capacity of wind turbines in 2030.", + "By consensus of the team (focus points and experts) it is possible to reach the capacity of wind turbines by 2030. total scenario CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Annex No.2: List of adaptation actions proposed by the sectors Sector Environment Policy, Strategies, Programmes, Plans and Actions for Strengthening Sector Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change \u25aa Priority Expanded Programme of the President of the Republic \u25aa Integrated National Programme for Reforestation and Sustainable Land Management \u25aa Great Green Wall Strategy 2022/2026 \u25aa Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity \u25aa National Strategy for Environment and Sustainable Development (SNEDD) and its Action Plan \u25aa National Strategy for the Conservation of Humid Zones in Mauritania \u25aa Master Plan", + "d National Adaptation Actions (NAPA) to Climate Change \u25aa Vulnerability Study and Adaptation Plan of the Nouakchott Region to Climate Change \u25aa Rural Development Strategy Horizon 2025 Objectives to Enhance ecosystem resilience and conserve biodiversity: - Development of classified forests - Restoration and conservation of sites of ecological and biological interest) - Implementation of the Ecosystem-based Adaptation Approach (EbA); - Creation of green jobs; Neutrality of land degradation: - Combating weeding; - Aerial seeding; - Soil defence and restoration Sustainable management and conservation of wetlands: - Development of wetlands; - Strengthening the ecological, biological and socio-economic roles of wetlands Protection of the coastal dune, control of coastal erosion and establishment of a", + "Coastal towns - Fixing dunes of the dune cord - Closing breaches; - Combating coastal erosion (Ndiago, Nouakchott, Arguin Bank National Park and Nouadhibou); - Establishing a flood risk monitoring system for coastal towns Funding requirements in millions of USD Conditional: 658.68 Non-conditional: 26.21 Total: 684.89 Synergies ODD-13 / CNULCD (Neutrality of land degradation) ODD-15 / CBD / Sendai Framework ODD-12 (Value chains, forest products and green economy) Sector Agriculture Policy, \u25aa President of the Republic\u2019s Enlarged Priority Programme CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Strategies, programmes, plans and actions for strengthening the sector\u2019s resilience and adaptation to climate change \u25aa", + "\u25aa National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP) \u25aa National Strategy for Rural Development (SNDSR), \u25aa National Strategy for the Conservation of Wetlands \u25aa National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Management \u25aa National Action Plan for Capacity Building in Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Preparedness and Response \u25aa National Agricultural Development Plan (NDP) Objectives to Improve Agricultural Productivity and Use of Climate Services \u25aa Intensification and diversification of irrigated agricultural production \u25aa Establishment of an insurance system for farmers against agro-climatic risks \u25aa Support for the promotion of market gardening \u25aa Development of seed production \u25aa Improvement of rainfall production systems \u25aa Development of village irrigated perimeter, restoration of fertility of agricultural land \u25aa Organic agriculture; \u25aa Agroforestry; Financing needs in millions", + "Agricultural land \u25aa Organic agriculture; \u25aa Agroforestry; USD millions in financing requirements Non-conditional: 56.04 Total: 831.52 Synergies Sector Upgrading Policies, strategies, programmes, plans and actions for strengthening the sector\u2019s resilience and adapting to climate change \u25aa President of the Republic\u2019s Priority Expanded Programme \u25aa National Livestock Development Plan \u25aa National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP) \u25aa National Strategy for Rural Development (SNDSR), \u25aa National Food Security Strategy (SNSA) \u25aa National Strategy for the Conservation of Wetlands \u25aa National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Management \u25aa National Action Plan for Capacity Building in Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Preparedness and Response Objectives for improving animal health and productivity \u25aa Genetic improvement; \u25aa Fight against epizo", + "Development of feed crops Development and management of rangelands: \u25aa Sustainable management of pastoral resources \u25aa Development of transhumance corridors \u25aa Establishment of infrastructures Conditional requirements: 333.9 CONTRIBUTION DEENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Millions of USD funding No Conditional: 41.28 Total: 375.18 Synergies Fisheries Sector Policies, strategies, programmes, plans and actions for strengthening the sector\u2019s resilience and adapting to climate change \u25aa Expanded priority programme of the President of the Republic \u25aa National responsible management strategy for sustainable development of the fisheries sector and the economy \u25aa Strategy for the sustainable and integrated development of the maritime fisheries sector \u25aa Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP) \u25aa Expanded priority programme of the President of the Republic \u25aa Pro", + "\u2022 Strengthening food security and poverty reduction \u25aa Establishment of a national fisheries centre Capacity-building for monitoring and managing continental fisheries \u25aa Strategic studies in support of the institutional reform process \u25aa Strengthening national capacities for expertise, monitoring and research in continental fisheries \u25aa Establishment of a continental fisheries information system Funding requirements in millions of USD Conditional: 763.88 Non-conditional: 106.45 Total: 870.33 Synergies Water and Sanitation Sector Policy, Strategies, Programmes, Plans and Actions for Strengthening Sector Resilience and Adapting to Climate Change \u25aa Presidential Priority Expanded Programme \u25aa National Strategy for Social Protection in Mauritania \u25aa National Strategy for Gender Institutionalisation \u25aa National Programme for Agricultural Development, horizon \u25aa Plan", + "Social protection in Mauritania \u25aa National Strategy for Gender Institutionalization \u25aa National Programme for Agricultural Development, horizon \u25aa National Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change \u25aa National Strategy for the Conservation of Wetlands \u25aa National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity \u25aa Water and Sanitation Sector Strategy \u25aa National Agricultural Development Plan \u25aa National Rural Development Strategy (SNDSR), \u25aa National Strategy for Environment and Sustainable Development Objectives for Improving Access to Water \u25aa Drinking Water Supply HodhChargui, Hodh Gharbi, Kiffa, CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AU NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA Nouadhibou... \u25aa Drinking Water Supply AftoutEssahli and Drinking Water Nouakchott Sanitation of cities at high risk of flooding \u25aa Sanitation of Nou", + "Development of the Territory Policies, Strategies, Programmes, Plans and Actions for Strengthening Sector Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change \u25aa Priority Expanded Programme of the President of the Republic \u25aa Action Plan DGATAR, 2021, \u25aa Action Plan DGHU, 2021 \u25aa Outline Director of Development and Urbanism of the City of Nouakchott \u25aa National Strategy for the Environment and Sustainable Development and its Action Plan \u25aa Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity \u25aa Act No. 2008-07 of 17 March 2008 on the Urbanism Code \u25aa Act No. 001-2010 of 7 January 2010 approving the Land Use Planning Policy Act \u25aa Decree 2020-11 of 12 February 2020 approving the Nouakchott Urban Development Authority, \u25aa Vulnerability Study and Adaptation Plan of the Nouakchott Region to Climate Change \u25aa Evaluation", + "Development of the Territory in relation to climate change adaptation issues Objectives to Improve access to housing for vulnerable groups \u25aa Construction of housing with local climate-resilient materials; \u25aa Strengthening village cohesion Implementation of the National Spatial Planning Scheme \u25aa Implementation of a climate-resilient urban planning and management system \u25aa Implementation of a climate-resilient spatial planning scheme \u25aa Implementation of the Nouakchott Urban Development Strategy; Millions of USD in funding requirements Conditional: 3407.76 Non-conditional: 65.77 Total: 3473.37 Synergies Health Policies, Strategies, Programmes, Plans and Actions for the \u25aa Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity Strategy \u25aa National Health Policy Horizon 2030 (NHP) \u25aa National Health Development Plan (NHDP) \u25aa National GDBM Plan CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL", + "NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania strengthening sectoral resilience and adaptation to climate change Objectives to Combat diseases with common risk factors \u25aa Combat cardiovascular diseases, \u25aa Combat respiratory diseases, Improving the health of people vulnerable to the effects of climate change \u25aa Strengthening the Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) \u25aa Strengthening the fight against malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies \u25aa Development and implementation of a health strategy for women, young people and the elderly Funding requirements in millions of USD Conditional: 230 Non-conditional: 48.93 Total: 278.93 Synergy ODD 3 \u2013 ODD 10 Sector Gender and Youth Policy, Strategies, Programmes, Plans and Actions for Strengthening Sectoral Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change \u25aa President of the Republic\u2019s Priority Expanded Programme", + "Gender \u25aa Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP) Objectives to Strengthen the resilience of rural women to the effects of climate change \u25aa Establishment of community health mutuals for the benefit of women in wilayas of Assaba, Brakna, Gorgol and Hodhs, conditional \u25aa Establishment of an AGR funding fund for vulnerable groups; Development of community-based approaches to adapting to climate change \u25aa Youth employability at the nine (9) wilaya level; \u25aa Risk prevention and responsible health behaviour; \u25aa Combating addictive practices among young people; \u25aa Combating rural exodus and emigration Funding needs in millions of USD Conditional: 1017.463 Non-conditional: 45.183 Total: 1062.646 Synergies Employment and education Conditional: 337.75 Non-conditional: - CON", + "CDN MAURITANIE Total: 337.75 Capacity Building Conditional: 279.37 Non-Conditional: Total: 279.37 MRV Conditional: 1,263650 (CBIT) CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Appendix No. 3:", + "\u2013 US$20M) \u25aa Ecosystem and population resilience in 4 northern regional poles (UN-approx.", + "US$22.5M) \u25aa Sustainability of livelihoods in the CC and food security in agro- sylvo-pastoral communities in the Southwest (FAO, US$34.5M) \u25aa Green poles resilience of agro-pastoral ecosystems and production systems (IUCN/US$5M) \u25aa Cities resilience in the CC and eco-construction (UNDP/US$25M) \u25aa Resilient management and water supply in 2 Hodhs (UNDP/US$23M) \u25aa Economic activity and population retention in oases (ADA-Morocco/US$9.5M) \u25aa Indigenous population resilience in Arguin Bank Park (IUCN) Regional programs: \u25aa Coastal resilience, WACA/Res.", + "IP \u2013 CCA, World Bank, US$382M \u25aa Cross-Border Sustainability of Oasis Ecosystems and Livelihoods Program, OSS, US$60M \u25aa Regional Off-grid Electricity Project, IBRD, US$600M \u25aa African Climate Risk Finance Program, IFAD, US$421M i(hybrid approach to defining international climate commitments, based on national circumstances CDN)." + ], + "large": [ + "CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania VISION OF THE NATIONAL DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC) UPDATE ON MAURItania Promoting Climate-Resilient Development and Sustainable Green Jobs CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania EXECUTIVE SUMMARY List of Tables 5 List of Figures 5 List of Acronyms and Abbreviations 6 KEY MESSAGES OF THE UNCCD 2021-2030. 7 Part I - Executive Summary. 8 I- Introduction. 8 II- Updated mitigation ambitions of the UNCCD 2021-2030 10 III- Adaptation actions recommended by the UNCCD 2021-2030 11 IV- Capacity", + "Mauritania\u2019s mitigation ambition. 25 3.2. Sectoral ambitions 25 3.3. Financing needs. 27 3.4. Comparison of NCD 2015 and updated NCD 2021-2030. 27 3.5. Clarity, transparency and understanding of the NCD 2021-2030 29 IV- Adaptation component of the NCD. 39 4.1. Communication context of adaptation action. 39 4.2 Country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change 39 4.3. Evaluation of the implementation of adaptation actions of the NCD-2015. 40 4.4. Adaptation actions of the NCD 2021-2030 updated 41 4.3. Financing needs for adaptation 42 V- Capacity-building needs and support for implementation 44 5.1. Institutional, legislative and governance needs 44 5.2. Technology transfer needs. 44 5.3. Financing needs. 44 VI.", + "Technology Transfer Requirements. 44 5.3. Funding Requirements. 44 VI. Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) and Monitoring and Evaluation. 45 VII. Synergy and Coherence 46 VII- Gender and Youth 46 VIII- Education and Employment 48 APPENDICES. 49 Appendix No.", + "Synergy and coherence 46 VII- Gender and youth 46 VIII- Education and employment 48 ANNEXES. 49 Annex No. 1: Details of mitigation measures, conditional and non-conditional, by sector 49 Annex No.2: List of adaptation actions proposed by sectors. 57 Annex No.3: CFM project portfolio. 63 CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Summary of funding needs for the CND 2021-2030 updated. 12 Table 2: CND 2021-2030 mitigation measures updated by sector (cumulative cost and reduction potential for the period). 14 Table 3: CND 2021-2030 adaptation measures updated by sector. Error!", + "1 : Details of mitigation measures, conditional and unconditional, by sector 49 Annex No.2 : List of adaptation actions proposed by sectors. 57 Annex No.3 : GCF project portfolio. 63 CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA LIST OF TABLES Table 1 : Summary of financing needs for the updated 2021-2030 CDN. 12 Table 2 : Updated mitigation measures for the updated 2021-2030 CDN by sector (cumulative cost and reduction potential for the period). 14 Table 3 : Updated mitigation measures for the updated 2021-2030 CDN by sector. Error! Unspecified sign. Table 4 : National data 22 Table 5 : Sectoral distribution of mitigation in 2030. 26 Table 6 : Comparison between the updated 2015 CDN and the updated", + "Table 7: Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding of Mauritania\u2019s updated NCD 29 Table 8: Breakdown of NCD funding needs by sector in 2015 40 Table 9: Adaptation projects underway. 40 Table 10: NCD funding needs 2021-2030 by sector 42 Table 11: Summary of NCD funding needs 44 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1:", + "Table 4: National Data 22 Table 5: Sectoral Distribution of Mitigation in 2030. 26 Table 6: Comparison of NCD 2015 to updated NCD 2021-2030. 27 Table 7: Information to facilitate clarity, transparency and understanding of Mauritania\u2019s updated NCD 29 Table 8: Breakdown of NCD 2015 Funding Requirements by Sector 40 Table 9: Adaptation Projects in Progress. 40 Table 10: NCD 2021-2030 Funding Requirements by Sector 42 Table 11: Summary of NCD Funding Requirements 44 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1:", + "Key Strategies of Mauritania's Social, Economic, Cultural and Environmental Development Planning Framework (i.e.", + "Key Strategies of the Mauritanian Social, Economic, Cultural and Environmental Development Planning Framework (i.e. Sustainable Development) Figure 4: GHG Emission Scenarios for Mauritania, 2030 25 Figure 5: Total Mitigation Effort in 2030 Distributed by Sector. 26 Figure 6: Distribution of Total Cumulative Mitigation Effort 2021-2030, Conditional vs.", + "GHG emission scenarios in Mauritania, 2030 horizon 25 Figure 5: Total mitigation effort in 2030 by sector. 26 Figure 6: Distribution of total cumulative mitigation effort 2021-2030, conditional vs. non-conditional 27 CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS $US US Dollars AFAT Agriculture, forestry and other land use AP Paris Agreement BAU Business as usual scenario BM World Bank CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CBIT Capacity building Initiative for transparency UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change CDN National earmarked contribution UNFCCC United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification CSLP Poverty reduction strategy framework 2001-2015 DCEV Directorate", + "FAO Food and Agriculture Organization GEF Global Environment Facility IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development FVC Green Climate Fund \u2013 GCF for Green ClimateFund GHG Greenhouse Gases LCD Combating Desertification MEDD Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development MVN Measurement, Verification and Reporting System \u2013 MRV MW Mega Watts NDT Land Degradation Neutrality ODS Sustainable Development Goal SRF Sectoral Focal Points SIP Industrial Processes and Product Use NAPA National Adaptation Programme TFP Technical and Financial Partners SCAPP National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity ENTERPRISE CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania KEY NATIONAL MEASURES 2021-2030 Mauritania\u2019s total GHG emissions represent 0.015% of global emissions", + "The largest contribution to this total emissions comes from AFAT and energy. Both sectors account for 99% of emissions. The baseline \"business as usual\" scenario calculated on the basis of the SCAPP growth data shows that emissions of direct greenhouse gases, expressed in terms of Global Warming Potential (GWP), are globally net of an increase of 185.67% (Source BUR2 2021). Mauritania is one of the world\u2019s most vulnerable regions to climate change, the effects of which are already affecting all sectors of its economy, ecosystems and populations, in particular women and children.", + "Mauritania is one of the world\u2019s most vulnerable regions to climate change, the effects of which are already affecting all sectors of its economy, ecosystems and people, especially women and children. Mauritania is fully committed to the implementation of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement to contribute to global efforts to reduce global GHG emissions by making available to the global community all the mitigation potential the country has at its disposal.", + "For example, Mauritania\u2019s updated CDN projects a net economy-wide reduction in GHG emissions of 11% in 2030 compared to the baseline scenario with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support comparable to that received up to 2020.", + "The total cost of this ambition is estimated at US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional or 1.85%. In view of its extreme vulnerability, Mauritania has expanded its adaptation ambition to cover the following areas: protection and conservation of ecosystems including wetlands, sustainable range management, conservation of biodiversity, fisheries and aquaculture, habitat and urbanism, agriculture and food security including genetic improvement, health, water, coastal management, prevention of extreme weather events, infrastructure and education. This expansion is based on the readiness programme for access to the Green Climate Fund (Readiness) and the results of the first studies carried out as part of the country\u2019s National Adaptation Programme (NAP) development process.", + "The financing needs for adaptation measures are US$10,626.46 million, of which US$10,174.63 million are conditional and US$451.83 million are non-conditional. In addition to the conditional financing required to ensure the mitigation ambitions and implement the country\u2019s adaptation actions, the implementation of Mauritania\u2019s CND 2021-2030 requires support in terms of capacity-building of all development actors, integration of cross-cutting aspects (gender, youth, human rights, employment and education) and the operationalization of a system of measurement, verification and reporting to monitor and evaluate climate action. By aligning its development process with that of SCAPP and building on the country\u2019s sectoral strategies and programmes, the CND defines the country\u2019s climate policy framework for 2030.", + "By aligning its development process with that of SCAPP and building on the country\u2019s sectoral strategies and programmes, the CDN defines the country\u2019s climate policy framework for 2030. It provides a framework for consultation and dialogue among all stakeholders to define transformative, integrated, inclusive, clean and sustainable programmes. CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania PART I \u2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I- Introduction Mauritania is one of the Sahelian countries most affected by the recurrent droughts since 1968. The resulting desertification is all the stronger as the effect of climate, combined with human action, has direct consequences on an already very fragile environment. The country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change affects all vital sectors of the national economy.", + "The country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change affects all vital sectors of the national economy. By ratifying the UNFCCC, Mauritania is firmly committed to the global process of combating global warming by limiting GHG emissions and implementing adaptation strategies consistent with its sustainable development policy. It reaffirms this commitment by ratifying the Paris Agreement and submitting its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in 2015.", + "It reaffirms this commitment by ratifying the Paris Agreement and submitting its first National Determined Contribution (NDC) in 2015.While Mauritania\u2019s emissions account for barely 0.015% of global emissions, the NDC commits Mauritania to participate fully in the international community\u2019s effort by making available, on a conditional basis, a mitigation potential of approximately 33.56 million tonnes of Eq-CO2, or 22.3% of projected emissions in the same year under the baseline (business as usual) scenario, for the period 2020-2030. In 2015, the process of developing the NDC took place as the country changed its strategic vision for development from the Strategic Framework for Combating Poverty (CLSP, 2001-2015) to the National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP), whose first five-year action plan covers the", + "In 2015, the process of developing the NCD took place at a time when the country was changing its strategic vision for development from the Strategic Framework for Combating Poverty (CLSP, 2001-2015) to the National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP), the first five-year action plan of which covers the period from 2016 to 2020. In 2021, and in accordance with the five-year cycle of updating the NCDs promoted by the Paris Agreement (PA), Mauritania is updating its NCD together with the review of the first five-year plan of implementation of SCAPP, which is to lead to the definition of the second five-year plan 2021-2025.", + "The co-ordination of the two processes, SCAPP and CDN, ensures coherence between the two policy frameworks and the synergy of the programmes enshrined therein. While SCAPP constitutes Mauritania\u2019s strategic development vision for the period 2016-2030 and serves as a reference framework for all development actions undertaken by the state, public and socio-professional bodies and technical and financial partners (TFPs), the CDN serves as a framework for defining the country\u2019s climate policy and as an instrument for its implementation. Like SCAPP, it integrates the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the priority targets for the country among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the guidelines of the African Union Agenda 2063. It derives legitimacy from the mitigation ambitions it advocates and the adaptation actions it defines from the sectoral and the", + "Main strategies of Mauritania\u2019s social, economic, cultural and environmental development (i.e. sustainable development) planning framework II- The updated CBD mitigation ambitions 2021-2030 Mauritania\u2019s updated CBD foresees a net reduction of GHG emissions at the economy level of 11% in 2030 (green line) compared to the baseline scenario (BAU, blue line) with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support comparable to that received up to 2020.", + "With greater support, Mauritania could achieve carbon neutrality in its economy, achieving a 92% reduction (red line) from the OAU. The overall cost of this ambition is estimated at US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional or 1.85%. The mitigation ambition covers the four emission sectors (Energy, PPI, AFAT and Waste).", + "The most important mitigation efforts are based on the country\u2019s significant renewable energy potential and the capacity to increase the share of clean energy in the energy mix to reach more than 13 GW of renewable energy by 2030, but also on the AFAT sector with a forestry-oriented potential through ambitious projects and programmes (Great Green Wall, assisted forest regeneration programmes, range regeneration and combating desertification), agroecology and improved livestock productivity.", + "The most important mitigation efforts are based on the country\u2019s significant renewable energy potential and the capacity to increase the share of clean energy in the energy mix to reach more than 13 GW of renewable energy by 2030, but also on the AFAT sector with a forestry-oriented potential through ambitious projects and programmes (Greater Green Wall, programmes for assisted forest regeneration, rangeland regeneration and combating desertification), agroecology and improved livestock productivity.", + "As a large green wall, the 2015 NDA mitigation targets in the agriculture, forestry and other land uses (AFAT) sector of 10,000 ha per year of reforestation have not been met due to weak external financing.", + "Indeed, despite the significant efforts made by the country in terms of reforestation and restoration of degraded land, notably in the framework of the Great Green Wall programme, the 2015 CDN mitigation targets in the agriculture, forestry and other land uses (AFAT) sector of 10,000 ha per year of reforestation were not achieved due to the low level of external financing mobilised. Over the period under review, 2015-2020, the annual maximum that could be achieved was only 1800 ha (Source DPREM/MEDD). On the other hand, the results achieved in terms of the energy mix exceeded the planned conditional efforts, rising from 18% in 2015 to 33.91% in 2018, with an even greater improvement thanks to the commissioning of the 100 MW wind farm in Boulenouar, which makes it possible to achieve an energy mix of 48% in 2021.", + "On the other hand, the results achieved in terms of the energy mix exceeded the planned conditional efforts, rising from 18% in 2015 to 33.91% in 2018, with an even greater improvement thanks to the commissioning of the 100 MW wind farm in Boulenouar, which enables a 48% energy mix to be achieved in 2021. The country\u2019s mitigation ambition consists of a total of 55 measures, including 33 unconditional measures with a total capacity of 1834.268 Gg Eq CO2 compared to the normal course of business (BAU) scenario and 22 conditional measures for a reduction in 2030 of 16134.62 Gg Eq CO2 representing a reduction of 92% compared to the BAU. These measures are given in Table No. 2 (details in Annex 1 Synthesis Report).", + "These measures are presented in Table No. 2 (details in Appendix 1 Synthesis Report). Figure 2: Scenarios of GHG emissions in Mauritania CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL LEVEL NATIONAL COUNCIL MAURItania III- Adaptation actions recommended by the NCC 2021-2030 Mauritania\u2019s extreme vulnerability has broadened its adaptation ambition to cover the following areas: protection and conservation of ecosystems including wetlands, range management, conservation of biodiversity, fisheries and aquaculture, habitat and urban planning, food security including genetic improvement, health, infrastructure, education, and prevention of extreme climatic events. This expansion is based on the readiness programme for access to the Green Climate Fund (Readiness) and the results of the first studies carried out as part of the country\u2019s National Adaptation Programme (NAP) development process.", + "This expansion is based on the readiness programme for access to the Green Climate Fund (Readiness) and the results of the first studies carried out as part of the process of developing the country\u2019s National Adaptation Programme (NAP). The financing needs for adaptation measures are USD 10626.46 million, of which USD 10174.63 million are conditional and USD 451.83 million are non-conditional. The recommended actions are detailed in Table 3. To meet the challenges of integrating climate change into sectoral strategies and policies, the implementation of the adaptation actions identified must be planned within the framework of an intersectoral and integrated approach that includes all stakeholders and sectors concerned.", + "In order to meet the challenges of integrating climate change into sectoral strategies and policies, the implementation of the adaptation actions identified must be planned within the framework of an intersectoral and integrated approach that includes all stakeholders and relevant sectors. To this end, the CBD 2021-2030 must serve as a framework for consultation and dialogue to define transformative programmes that meet the needs of strengthening the resilience of populations and ecosystems to their vulnerability to climate change. The co-benefits of mitigation measures for adaptation and vice versa, as well as the synergies with other sustainable development planning frameworks, in particular the SDSs, are highlighted in the funding mechanism and Annex 1 of the synthesis document.", + "The co-benefits of mitigation for adaptation and vice versa, as well as synergies with other sustainable development planning frameworks, in particular SD frameworks, are highlighted in the financing mechanism and Annex 1 of the synthesis paper. IV- Capacity-building needs and support for implementation In addition to financial support expressed as conditional support for mitigation and adaptation actions, the CBD 2021-2030 identifies needs for capacity-building, technology transfer and training, in particular for youth education. In terms of capacity-building, the establishment of an operational system of measurement, verification and reporting (MNV and MRV) is a priority action in the process of implementing the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.", + "In terms of capacity-building, the establishment of an operational system of measurement, verification and reporting (MNV and MRV) is a priority action in the process of implementing the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. The establishment of this system is mandatory for the country (target date 2024 for the submission of the biannual transparency report- BTR intial). In addition, and although not binding for the country, the development of an action plan for the implementation of the CBD is a prerequisite for the MNV/MRV. Mauritania has already made substantial efforts in this direction. The establishment and institutionalization of the national network of sectoral climate focal points (SCFs), civil society and the private sector in 2013 is a first step.", + "In September 2020, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) consolidated its institutional framework by establishing the Directorate of Climate and the Green Economy (DCEV) to coordinate the entire national climate change programme. This institutional framework is consolidated by a network of independent experts from the academic community who have contributed to the preparation of all national communications, GHG inventories and updated biannual reports, etc. required for reporting to the UNFCCC. Notwithstanding all these achievements, significant gaps remain in the collection and processing of data needed to report transparently and clearly on the implementation of the country\u2019s climate policies, measures and strategies.", + "Notwithstanding all these achievements, significant gaps remain in the collection and processing of data needed to report transparently and clearly on the implementation of the country\u2019s climate policies, measures and strategies. These gaps were identified in the preparation of the project identification document, which was submitted to the GEF-7 Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) programme for a total amount of US$ 1263650. CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania The project will define the responsibilities of the CDN actors, in particular how ministries other than the MEDD will participate in the implementation of the CDN and the operation of the MRV system.", + "CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania The project will define the responsibilities of the actors of the CDN, in particular how ministries other than the MEDD will participate in the implementation of the CDN and the functioning of the MRV system. Other priorities in terms of capacity-building for the implementation of the CDN concern the continuation of the preparation efforts (Readiness) of sectoral departments, the private sector and civil society. They also concern the integration of cross-cutting dimensions into climate programmes and projects.", + "They also relate to the integration of cross-cutting dimensions into climate programmes and projects. Thus, the integration of gender, youth and human rights dimensions is foreseen in all projects and programmes developed under the CBD by reserving 10% of the budget for each programme or project to the CBD (Estimate based on the assessment of the Gender/Youth/Employment/Education Expert Group and the Working Group of Experts based on the Doha Work Programme and the Paris Agreement in its Article 12). Similarly, aspects of job creation and improvement of education curricula for addressing climate change issues are considered among the priorities to support the implementation of the CBD. Assessments of technology transfer needs were carried out in 2017.", + "Technology transfer needs assessments were carried out in 2017, which led to the identification of two priority sectors for adaptation (agriculture, rangelands and forests) and two priority sectors for mitigation (energy and waste). They will need to be updated in the light of the new mitigation and adaptation options identified in the updated CBD 2021-2030. V- CBD 2021-2030 financing needs and financing plan Table 1: Summary of CBD 2021-2030 financing needs Updated CBD Areas Unconditional Financing Conditional Financing Total by Area US$ million Mitigation Adaptation Gender, Youth and Human Rights Integration Employment and Education - Capacity Building - Implementation and Operationalisation of Measurement, Verification and Reporting System Total In Mauritania, there is no financing system specifically dedicated to climate change.", + "V- Needs for financing of the CND 2021-2030 and financing plan Table 1: Summary of needs for financing of the CND 2021-2030 updated Areas of the CND Unconditional Financing Conditional Financing Total by Area in US$ million Mitigation Adaptation Gender, Youth and Human Rights Integration Employment and Education - Capacity Building - Establishment and operationalisation of the Measurement, Verification and Reporting System Total In Mauritania, there is no financing system specifically dedicated to climate change. MEDD has developed several skills in mobilising climate finance from specific international funds (Green Climate Fund, Adaptation Fund, Multilateral Development Bank Fund, etc.) and TFPs.", + "The MEDD has developed several competences in mobilising climate finance from specific international funds (Green Climate Fund, Adaptation Fund, Multilateral Development Bank Fund, etc.) and TFPs. However, capacity-building needs to be programmed to encourage private sector investment, strengthen the national financial system through the contribution of the national banking system to financing sustainable development in general and climate action in particular and, finally, to consider innovative financing through, for example, the generation of new tax resources capable of financing climate action. Thus, in addition to its direct financial support, Mauritania has to support its mitigation financing needs through:", + "The adoption and inclusion of international carbon markets such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in post-2020 climate agreements in accordance with Article 6 of the Paris AgreementThis approach aims at establishing a carbon price that can be used as an effective means of reflecting these costs while sending clear economic and political signals encouraging cost-effective decarbonisation. These instruments, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime (NAV/NAV), could help finance certain investments in carbon-free and climate change-resilient infrastructure.", + "These instruments, coupled with an appropriate accounting regime (MNV/MRV), could help finance certain investments in climate-resilient and carbon-neutral infrastructure. Carbon-neutral development options contained in Mauritania\u2019s CDN 2021 could be financed through the international transfer of carbon assets (the result of internationally transferable mitigation) taking into account considerations of environmental integrity and transparency. In this context, Mauritania intends to meet part of its conditional adaptation ambitions on this type of process. The recent contracts signed for the introduction of new green hydrogen technologies are an example of such mechanisms.", + "The recent contracts signed for the introduction of new green hydrogen technologies are an example of this type of mechanism. Table 2: NCD mitigation measures 2021-2030 updated by sector (Cost and cumulative reduction potential for the period) Sectors / Sub-Sectors Contributions to total mitigation efforts Challenges / Constraints Recommended measures Energy \u2013 37452.46 Gg Eq-CO2 of which 17.86% is unconditional Renewable energy 31817.81 Gg Eq-CO2 of which 6.06% is unconditional Energy efficiency \u2013 5634.65 Gg Eq-CO2 of which 84.62% is unconditional ENERGY (renewable and energy efficiency) Gg either \u2022 Thermal energy dependence (66% of total energy consumption) \u2022 No clean energy subsidies Lowly exploited potential \u2022 Highly energy", + "(ER) in 2030 = 50.34% with the introduction of Hydrogen Green and Desert to power (2030) ER = 93% with a carbon avoidance capacity equivalent to national emissions.", + "Table 2: NCD mitigation measures for 2021-2030 updated by sector (Cost and cumulative reduction potential for the period) Sectors / Sub-Sectors Contributions to total mitigation efforts Challenges / Constraints Recommended action Energy \u2013 37452.46 Gg Eq-CO2 of which 17.86% unconditional Renewable energy 31817.81 Gg Eq-CO2 of which 6.06% unconditional Energy efficiency \u2013 5634.65 Gg Eq-CO2 of which 84.62% unconditional ENERGY (renewable and energy efficiency) Gg either \u2022 Reliance on thermal energy (66% of total energy consumption) \u2022 Absence of clean energy subsidies Lowly exploited potential \u2022 Highly energy-intensive buildings \u2022 Very low awareness of energy efficiency potentials \u2022 Loss in electricity grids \u2022 Share", + "\u2022 Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development in the Sahel (Sahel Sub-Regional Energy Program/BAD) Target: 30 MW. \u2022 Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development in the Sahel (Sahel Sub-Regional Energy Program/BAD) Target: 30 MW.", + "\u2022 Updating of legislation to encourage the production of clean energy (ongoing) and regulation of all electricity production companies Programme to promote solar energy in public buildings, domestic energy/water heating, schools and universities (concept note) Desert to power G5 sahel (Sahel Subregional Energy Programme/BAD) Objective: 30 MW. Funding acquired by the Green Fund (Hybridisation of 46 mini diesel networks, Kayes-Kiffa and Nouakchott-Dakar interconnection line, operationalisation of the regulatory authority, updating of the electricity code) Green Hydrogen Development Programme (AMAN with CWA) Extension of the wind farm in Nouakchott from 300 MW to 50 MW (i.e. 20 MW more). Eude completed.", + "Financing acquired by the Green Fund (Hybridisation of 46 mini diesel networks, Kayes-Kiffa and Nouakchott-Dakar interconnection line, operationalisation of the regulatory authority, updating of the electricity code) Green Hydrogen Development Programme (AMAN with CWA) Extension of the Nouakchott wind farm from 300 MW to 50 MW (i.e. 20 MW more) Eude completed Financing acquired National programme to promote energy efficiency (household appliances, lighting, etc.) Updating of the regulations on clean energy production (ongoing) Installation of two 200 MW and 300 MW gas plants Programme to connect 25 isolated networks to the national electricity grid.", + "Acquired funding National Energy Efficiency Promotion Programme (household appliances, lighting, etc.) Updating of regulations on clean energy production (ongoing) Installation of two 200 MW and 300 MW gas-fired generating stations Programme to connect 25 isolated networks to the national electricity grid Minigrid/UNDP/Green Fund Two OMVS projects under study (Koukoutamba and Gourbassi) - CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Sectors / Sub-Sectors Contributions to Total Mitigation Efforts Challenges / Constraints Measures to be taken Transport 92.65 Gg Eq- soit \u25aa Depleted fleet \u25aa Low coverage of public transport \u25aa No promotion of \"clean\" vehicles Implementation of the Nouakchott tramway project Under study (concept note) Implementation", + "In the study phase (concept note) Implementation of the Sahel railway project, G5 Sahel, Nouakchott \u2013 S\u00e9libabi-Kayes section Study phase (concept note) Tax measures (incentives to import new vehicles) AFAT \u2013 474.402 Gg Eq CO2 of which 37.24% unconditional Agriculture & Livestock 58.382 Gg Eq- Ei 17% of national GDP Food security Less than 0.5% of the national territory of arable land Production systems that degrade soils and forest resources Livestock accounts for 80% of agricultural GDP 70.16% of AFAT sector emissions come from livestock (enteric fermentation and manure management) \u27a2 Promotion of 6000 ha of organic agriculture/agroecology \u27a2 Improved feedingstuffs to increase productivity and reduce emissions from the livestock sector (", + "Forestry and other land uses 418.02 Gg Eq. Desertification and degradation of land and ecosystems Infrastructure, cities and wetlands depletion Erosion Deforestation (46,000 ha/year) Biodiversity loss Programme to combat the degradation of land and agro-sylvopastoral ecosystems, natural resources Grande Muraille Verte Programme: 10,000 ha (2000 ha/year for 5 years) Reforestation and restoration programme for forest resources: 3000 ha/year Assisted forest regeneration: 5000 ha/year (maintenance/protection and defence/CES and DRS work.", + "(New measures: funding to be sought) \u25aa Range regeneration: 3000 ha/year \u25aa Combating Desertification (CDC): 10000 ha/year (defense and CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL LAND-USE CONTRIBUTION CDN MAURITANIE Sectors / Sub-Sectors Contributions to Total Mitigation Efforts Challenges / Constraints Recommended Measures Seeding) Waste \u2013 1573.99 Gg Eq CO2 of which 0.56% unconditional Solid Waste 1573.99 Gg Eq- o Low Efficiency Solid Waste Management System Low Level of Urban Solid Waste Recovery Low Level of Waste Collection Waste Incineration and Energy Production Plant, 12 MW in Public-Private Partnership.", + "\u25aa Range regeneration: 3000 ha/year \u25aa Combating Desertification (CDC): 10000 ha/year (defending and CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Sectors / Sub-Sectors Contributions to Total Mitigation Efforts Challenges / Constraints Measures recommended seeding) Waste \u2013 1573.99 Gg Eq CO2 of which 0.56% unconditional Solid waste 1573.99 Gg Eq- Ei Low-efficient solid waste management system Low level of urban solid waste recovery Low level of waste collection Waste incineration and energy production plant, 12 MW in public-private partnership (under study) Industry \u2013 633.96 Gg Eq CO2 of which 55.56 unconditional Energy efficiency in industry 633.96 Gg Eq- Ei Very low awareness of", + "The cumulative potential for GHG reduction in 2021-2030 is :40227,462 GgEq-CO2 CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Table 3: Updated adaptation measures of the CND 2021-2030 by sector Sector Climate hazards/Projects Vulnerabilities / Impacts Adaptation actions Natural resources Increased frequency and severity of droughts Disturbance of the rainy season Increased temperature Sand and dust storms Severer intense rainfall Desertification Land, forest and range degradation Wildlife loss / Biodiversity Drying up of wetlands Development and creation of classified forests (20 forests) Aerial seeding (150.000 ha) Development and management of wetlands through the wetlands-based adaptation approach (ZH) (10 ZH) Coast Sea level rise", + "Wetland Adaptation (ZH) (10 ZH) Coast Sea level rise Marine inflows and upwelling Coastal erosion Dune dune fixation (500 ha) Coastal cord breach sealing (11 breaches) Establishment of a flood risk monitoring system for coastal cities Agriculture More frequent and severe droughts Disturbance of the rainy season Storms Decrease in soil fertility Decrease in soil fertility in oases Depletion and loss of soil fertility Proliferation of crop enemies (seismic, etc.) Rural exodus Establishment of an insurance system against climatic risks Development of organic agriculture1/ agroecology (6000 ha) - 1 Organic agriculture aims at the development of farms that are sustainable and in harmony with the environment.", + "ENTERPRISE CONTRIBUTION AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Sectors Climate hazards/Projects Vulnerabilities / Impacts Adaptation sand and dust Increased temperature Severer intense rainfall; Food insecurity Elevation More frequent and severe droughts Increased temperature; Overgrazing and reduction of pastoral areas Decreased pastoral productivity Decreased animal health Decreased incomes of pastoralists / Rural exodus Creation of new farms for artificial insemination (at least 20 farms) Establishment of pastoral reserves (20.000 ha) Continental fisheries Disturbance of the rainy season Increased temperature Sand and dust storms Sedimentation of water bodies Decreased fish production Loss of incomes of populations Food insecurity Development of fisheries in rural areas (20 sites) Development of 1000 ha of water bo", + "Rural fisheries (20 sites) Development of 1000 ha of water bodies at (10) pilot sites Water & Sanitation Increased frequency and severity of droughts Disturbance of the rainy season Intense rainfall Degradation of water resources (quality and quantity) Decrease in the piezometric level Deregulation of the sewage system Floods Degradation of sanitation systems (self-contained or improved access to water for at least 10 cities and 100 villages Remediation of cities at high risk of flooding (Nouakchott, Nouadhibou, Rosso, Atar and Ka\u00e9di) Environmental sanitation and upgrading and reuse of sewage sludge (10 sites) CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRIBUTION CDN MAURItania Sectors Climate hazards/Projects Vulnerabilities/Impact", + "\u2022 Access to drinking water Habitat, Urbanism and Spatial Planning More frequent and severe droughts Increased temperature Sand and dust storms More severe heavy rains Access to public services (water, sanitation, eco-living, electricity, etc.) 10,000 dwellings built in disadvantaged urban areas (690 in NKC and 1010 in regional capitals in 2021) 100 local materials dwellings in N diago (green city) 50 local materials dwellings in Selibabi Health More frequent and severe droughts Disturbance of the rainy season Increased temperature More severe heavy rains Wind, smoke and dust Cannibalism Water diseases Malnutrition Establishment of a programme to combat diseases with common risk factors Establishment of a surveillance network and strengthening of the early warning system Climate/health/food", + "\u2022 Establishment of a monitoring network and strengthening of the early warning system climate/health/food security Education/Higher education/ Establish long-term research and study programmes to inform future investments in adaptation for all priority development sectors facing adaptation issues CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL LEVEL CONTRIBUTION CDN MAURITANIA Sectors Climate hazards/Projects Vulnerabilities/Impacts Adaptation research climate change (Horizon 2030).", + "\u2022 Establishment of a research team on the issue of adaptation to climate change Employment (SNJ- 2020-2030): creation of at least 30 000 new jobs, through the exploitation of new fishing infrastructure, development and diversification of agriculture and the emergence of an alternative industry creation of 100 000 jobs PART II \u2013 SUMMARY DOCUMENT I- Introduction Country No Annex 1 to the UNFCCC, Mauritania belongs to the African Sahel area most affected by the recurrent droughts since 1968. The resulting desertification is all the stronger because the effect of climate, combined with human action, has direct consequences on an already very fragile environment. The country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change affects all vital sectors of the national economy.", + "The country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change affects all vital sectors of the national economy. By ratifying the UNFCCC, Mauritania is firmly committed to the global process of combating global warming by limiting GHG emissions and implementing adaptation strategies consistent with its sustainable development policy. It reaffirms this commitment by ratifying the Paris Agreement and submitting its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in 2015. Although the country\u2019s emissions account for barely 0.015% of global emissions, Mauritania commits its NDC to participate fully in the international community\u2019s effort by making available, on a conditional basis, a mitigation potential of approximately 33.56 million tonnes of Eq-CO2, or 22.3% of projected emissions in the same year under the baseline (business as usual) scenario, for the period 2020-2030.", + "Although Mauritania\u2019s emissions account for barely 0.015% of global emissions, its NFC undertakes to participate fully in the international community\u2019s effort by making available, on a conditional basis, a mitigation potential of approximately 33.56 million tonnes of Eq-CO2, or 22.3% of projected emissions in the same year under the baseline (business as usual) scenario, for the period 2020-2030. The WMO2 report states that if the first set of NFCs were not fully implemented this would result in a warming of 2.9 to 3.4 degrees C over the century. Increased mitigation ambition is therefore essential to achieving the Paris Agreement target of limiting warming well below 2 degrees C, or 1.5 degrees C.", + "To this end, Article 4 of the Paris Agreement, as well as UNFCCC decisions 1/CP.19, 1/CP.20 and 1/CP.21, establish a five-year cycle for updating the NCDs, which must correspond to an increase over the contribution determined at the previous national level and its highest possible level of ambition.", + "The EU is committed to the Paris Agreement and to limiting global temperature rise to +1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050, compared to the pre-industrial era.", + "At the global level, the updating of the CBD provides an opportunity for the international community to improve adaptation planning and to strengthen countries\u2019 commitment and transparency in reducing greenhouse gas emissions with a view to achieving the objectives set out in the Paris Agreement and limiting the increase in global temperature to +1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050, compared to the pre-industrial era. Thus, the CBD 2021-2030 reflects Mauritania\u2019s efforts to contribute to the progress of global efforts over time, while recognising its need for multifaceted support (capacity building, access to technology and financing) for their effective implementation.", + "In fact, Mauritania aims to make a more significant contribution to the mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions than its previous and first NCD. Likewise, the country intends to strengthen its efforts to adapt to climate change in order to strengthen the resilience of the populations, ecosystems and infrastructures most vulnerable to climate hazards. This, in accordance with its responsibility and in full harmony with the objectives of its SCAPP, constitutes Mauritania\u2019s strategic development vision for the period 2015-2030 and serves as a reference framework for all development actions undertaken by the State, public and socio-professional bodies and the Technical and Financial Partners (TFPs) during the period 2015-2030. 2OMM (World Meteorological Organization) et al. 2019. United In Science: High-levelsynthesis report of latest climate science information agreed by the Science Advisory", + "United In Science: High-levelsynthesis report of latest climate science information convened by the Science Advisory Group of the UN Climate Action Summit 2019. Available at: CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AU NATIONAL LEVEL CDN Mauritania incorporates Agenda 2030 and the priority targets for the country among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the African Union\u2019s Agenda 2063. At the national level, the updating of the CDN provides Mauritania with an opportunity to strengthen the integration of climate change into the country\u2019s development policies and strategies by learning from the implementation of the CDN-2015.", + "At the national level, the updating of the UNCCD provides Mauritania with an opportunity to strengthen the integration of climate change into the country\u2019s development policies and strategies by learning from the implementation of the UNCCD-2015. In 2015, the process of developing the UNCCD is taking place as the country changed its strategic vision for development from the Strategic Framework for Combating Poverty (CLSP, 2001-2005) to the National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP), the first five-year action plan of which covers the period 2016-2020. In 2021, and in accordance with the five-year cycle of updating the UNCCD promoted by the Paris Agreement (PA), Mauritania is updating its UNCCD at the same time as it reviews the first five-year plan of implementation of the SCAPP and defines the second five-year plan 2021-2025.", + "In 2021, and in accordance with the five-year cycle of updating the CBDs promoted by the Paris Agreement (PA), Mauritania is updating its CBD at the same time as it prepares the assessment of the first five-year plan for the implementation of SCAPP and the definition of the second five-year plan 2021-2025. The co-ordination of the two processes, SCAPP and CDN, ensures coherence between the two policy frameworks and the synergy of the programmes included in them. While SCAPP constitutes Mauritania\u2019s strategic development vision for the period 2015-2030 and serves as a reference framework for all development actions undertaken by the state, public and socio-professional bodies and technical and financial partners (TFP), the CDN serves as a framework for defining the country\u2019s climate policy and as an instrument for its implementation.", + "While SCAPP constitutes Mauritania\u2019s strategic development vision for the period 2015-2030 and serves as a reference framework for all development actions undertaken by the state, public and socio-professional bodies and technical and financial partners (TFPs), the CND serves as a framework for defining the country\u2019s climate policy and as an instrument for its implementation. Like SCAPP, the updated CND integrates the UN 2030 Agenda and the priority targets for the country among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the orientations of the African Union\u2019s Agenda 2063. It derives legitimacy from the mitigation ambitions it advocates and the adaptation actions it defines from the sectoral and thematic strategies from which it emerges.", + "It derives its legitimacy from the mitigation ambitions it advocates and the adaptation actions it defines from the sectoral and thematic strategies it has developed. It serves as an instrument for sectoral coordination and as a basis for technical and financial partners (TFPs) to plan the integration of climate issues into their strategic framework for intervention in the country and the programmes and projects they support there. The updated vision of the CBD 2021-2030, \"Promoting climate-resilient economic and social development and the creation of sustainable green jobs\", introduces a fundamental change in the ambition of the mitigation objective, moving from a GHG emission reduction target of 22.3% in the CBD 2015 to a carbon neutrality by 2030, including an unconditional reduction of 11% in 2030 emissions under the BAU scenario.", + "The updated vision of the CBD 2021-2030 of \"Promoting climate-resilient economic and social development and the creation of sustainable green jobs\" introduces a fundamental change in the ambition of the mitigation target, moving from a GHG emission reduction target of 22.3% in the CBD 2015 to a carbon neutrality target by 2030, including an unconditional reduction of 11% in 2030 emissions under the BAU scenario. Mauritania considers the updating of the CBD to be sufficiently fair and ambitious in that it goes beyond the proposed strategies and programmes granted to LDCs in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement. This ambition is capable of contributing to a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy by 2030, in accordance with the national situation and SCAPP by 2030.", + "This ambition is capable of contributing to a low-carbon economy that is resilient to climate change by 2030, in accordance with the national situation and SCAPP by 2030. II-National Circumstances Table 4:", + "II-National Circumstances Table 4: National Data Area / Coastal Length Climate South: Saharan, hot and semi-arid climate North: Saharan, hot and arid to hyper-arid climate Population 3 National Statistics Office 4 National Meteorological Office CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Urban population GDP GDP per capita GDP growth 3.2% in 2020 vs. pre-crisis growth of 6.3% projected COVID (MAEPSP) between -2 and -6% projected Share of agriculture (including livestock) in GDP Emissions in 2018 (base year) Emissions in 2020 Emissions per capita Emissions per capita excluding AFAT 2018 Electricity access 48% of households (WB)8 Current electricity mix In 2015 excluding mining operators: 13.80% hydro, 17.40% ERM and 68.80% thermal In 2020", + "mining operators: 16.73 % hydro, 17.67 % ER and 65.6 % thermal (DEME)9 The development of the first NCD in 2015 was in conjunction with the adoption of SCAPP 2015-2030, which provided a new vision for Mauritania\u2019s economic, social and environmental development based on the lessons learned and results achieved from the implementation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Framework (PRSP 2001-2015).", + "In 2021, the update of the CND comes at a time when the country is taking stock of the first five-year implementation of the SCAPP (2015-2020) in order to define the action plan for the second five-year period (2021-2025). It also comes in the context of development, which has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has hit the entire country\u2019s economy hard, causing an unprecedented crisis. In addition to the shock resulting from containment measures and the paralysis of economic activity, global economic integration has increased the scale of such a crisis. Furthermore, the costs of health, safety and prevention measures, combined with an unfavourable international environment, have had a negative impact on the country\u2019s public finances.", + "Furthermore, the costs of health, safety and prevention measures, combined with an unfavourable international environment, have had a negative impact on the country\u2019s public finances. In response to this exogenous shock, the Government has put in place a multisectoral National Plan of Response to COVID-19 to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on populations, economic sectors and the natural environment. This plan is structured around the following pillars: 1. Development of infrastructure to support growth 2. Improvement of social supply and support for demand 3. Harnessing the potential of productive sectors and accelerating the achievement of food self-sufficiency 4. Support for the private sector (formal and informal) 5. Environment and job creation 6. Governance and programme implementation.", + "Environment and job creation 6. Governance and implementation of the programme. 5 Ministry of Economic Affairs and Promotion of Productive Sectors 6 African Development Bank 7 National GHG Inventory Report, MEDD 8 World Bank 9 Directorate of Electricity and Energy Management (DEME) Figure 3:", + "Mauritania\u2019s mitigation ambition CBD ambition 2021-2030 Mauritania\u2019s updated CBD projects a net economy-wide reduction in GHG emissions of 11% in 2030 (green line) compared to the baseline scenario (BAU, blue line) with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support comparable to that received up to 2020.", + "The overall cost of this ambition is estimated at US$ 34255 million, of which US$ 635 million is unconditional or 1.85%. Figure 4: GHG emission scenarios in Mauritania, horizon 2030 The review of the implementation of SCAPP during the first five-year period 2015-2020 leads to a change in priorities: the Agriculture/Forestry/Land Use (AFAT) sector, identified as the main potential mitigation sector by the 2015 UNFCCC, has made little progress due to the lack of funding mobilised for the sector.Unconditional funding, despite the political will expressed in recent years through large-scale projects and programmes (Great Green Wall, Reforestation Projects, Land Degradation Projects, etc.), has not made it possible to achieve the target of 10,000 ha per year as planned in the 2015 UNFCCC.", + "Figure 4: Scenarios of GHG emissions in Mauritania, horizon 2030 The review of the implementation of SCAPP during the first five-year period 2015-2020 leads to a change of priorities: the Agriculture/Forestry/Land Use (AFAT) sector, identified as the main potential mitigation sector by the 2015 NDC, has made little progress due to the lack of funds mobilised for the sector.Unconditional funding, despite the political will expressed in recent years through large-scale projects and programmes (Great Green Wall, Reforestation Projects, Land Degradation Projects, etc.), has not made it possible to achieve the target of 10,000 ha per year as planned in the 2015 NDC.", + "energy mix exceeded the planned conditional efforts, rising from 33.91% in 2018 to 18% in 2015.", + "On the other hand, the results achieved in terms of the energy mix exceeded the planned conditional efforts, rising from 33.91% in 2018 to 18% in 2015. This situation was greatly improved with the commissioning of the Boulenouar 100 MW wind farm to reach a mix of 48% in 2021. Thus, Mauritania\u2019s advanced mitigation ambition in its updated 2021-2030 CDN builds on these results and is based on the country\u2019s significant renewable energy potential. The unconditional mitigation ambition consists of 33 mitigation measures covering the 5 emission sectors with a capacity of 1834 Gg Eq.CO2. The conditional ambition includes 22 actions also covering all sectors for a reduction of 16008 GgEq-CO2 representing a reduction of 92% compared to the BAU. 3.2.", + "The conditional ambition consists of 22 actions also covering all sectors for a reduction of 16008 GgEq-CO2 representing a reduction of 92% compared to the OAU. 3.2. Sectoral ambitions GHG emissions in Mauritania remain dominated by the Agriculture/Forestry/Land Use (AFAT) sector, in particular livestock, which accounts for 52.65% of ENTERPRISE CONTRIBUTION ON THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE alone. The energy sector is the second largest source of emissions. The industrial processes and use of POPs products sector is weakly developed. Despite its low participation in the country\u2019s GHG emissions balance, the waste sector represents a real development challenge. Municipal, industrial and commercial solid waste is characterised by a low moisture content (less than 10%) which limits fossilisation", + "Municipal, industrial and commercial solid waste is characterised by a low moisture content (less than 10%) which limits its fossilisation and the country does not have a basic municipal waste treatment system for liquid waste. Thus, the coverage of access to municipal waste treatment is 1% in Nouakchott and 4% in Nouadhibou, the country\u2019s two main cities. Notwithstanding the country\u2019s low contribution to overall GHG emissions, Mauritania has significant mitigation potential, particularly in terms of renewable energies and, to a lesser extent, in the AFAT and waste sectors. Thus, the mitigation measures identified in the NCD 2021-2030 cover these five sectors of the economy and are listed in Annex No.1 with their contribution presented in Table No. 1. Table 5:", + "Table 5: Sectoral distribution of mitigation in 2030 Sector Contribution to the country\u2019s total mitigation efforts (Gg. Number of measures Total Unconditional Conditional Energy, 17,052.98 GgEq-CO2 of which 9.27% unconditional, distributed in: Generation Energy efficiency Transport Industry Waste AFAT, 136.13 GgEq-CO2 distributed in: Agriculture Forestry Total Figure 5: Total mitigation effort in 2030 distributed by sector The energy sector dominates the country\u2019s mitigation ambition with 95.71% of which electricity generation accounts for 92.8%.", + "In this context, Mauritania intends to use the CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to achieve part of this objective. 3.3. Financing needs Mauritania\u2019s total cost of mitigation efforts is estimated at US$ 34255.84 million, of which 2% (US$ 634.61 million) is unconditional and 98% (US$ 33621.23 million) is conditional on the mobilization of external resources. Sectors Financing Unconditional Financing Conditional Financing Total in millions of US$ Energy Industry Agriculture Forestry Waste Total Figure 6:", + "Sectors Unconditional Financing Conditional Financing Total in Millions of US$ Energy Industry Agriculture Forestry Waste Total Figure 6: Distribution of Total Cumulative Mitigation Effort 2021-2030, Conditional vs. Non-Conditional 3.4. Comparison of NCC 2015 and NCC 2021-2030 Updated The mitigation target of the NCC 2021-2030 is more ambitious than that of the NCC 2015 in terms of absolute GHG reductions by 2030, from 33,559.32 GgEqCO2 (2015) to 40,470.21 GgEqCO2 (2021), although in percentage terms the unconditional target may appear lower (11% in 2021 vs. 12% in 2015), the 12% of 2015 is calculated over a total of 22.3% of emissions in 2030, which makes up about 2.7% of emissions in 2030. To highlight the improvements made in the", + "To highlight the improvements made in the update of the CBD, the following table presents the comparison between the 2015 and 2021 CBDs. Table 6: Comparison between the 2015 and the updated 2021-2030 CBD Improvement Components Current CBD (2021) Initial CBD (2015) Mitigation Target Strengthen the GHG Target - Base Year: 2018 corresponding to the year of the most recent GHG inventory that takes into account the achievements of the Initial CBD - Base Year: 2010(the comparative analysis takes into account the update of the 2010 data unconditionally Conditional CONTRIBUTION ENTERMINED TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CBD MAURItania the 2018 inventory) - Commitment Period: 2021 \u2013 2030 - Commitment Period: 2020 \u2013 Mitigation Contribution Target: - Reduction Target Level in 2030: carbon neutrality of which 11% uncondition", + "Table 6: Comparison of NCD 2015 to Updated NCD 2021-2030 Enhancement Components Current NCD (2021) Initial NCD (2015) Mitigation Aim Strengthen the GHG Target - Base Year: 2018corresponding to the year of the most recent GHG inventory that takes into account the achievements of the Initial NCD - Base Year: 2010(the comparative analysis takes into account the update of 2010 data unconditionally Conditional CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO NATIONAL LEVEL NCD MAURITANIA the inventory of 2018) - Commitment Period: 2021 \u2013 2030 - Commitment Period: 2020 \u2013 Mitigation Contribution Target: - Target Reduction Level in 2030:", + "GHG emissions 2020 \u2013 2030, compared to the BAU target of the Mitigation Contribution Target: - Targeted reduction level in 2030: 22.3% of which 12% unconditional.", + "- Absolute reduction of emissions in 2030 compared to the same year\u2019s BAU: - Difference of cumulative GHG emissions 2020 \u2013 2030 compared to the BAU objective of the Mitigation Contribution Objective: - Targeted reduction level in 2030: 22.3% of which 12% unconditional - Difference of cumulative GHG emissions 2020 \u2013 2030 compared to the same BAU objective Strengthen or add policies and actions: - 55 mitigation measures in the following sectors: Energy (including electricity generation, energy efficiency, energy distribution, household & service EE, transport) with 42 measures of which 27 unconditional Industrial Process and Product Use (IPU) 2 measures of which 1 unconditional Agriculture (including livestock) Forestry and Land Use (LULUCF) 8 measures of which 4 unconditional Waste 3 measures of which 1 un", + "This objective consists of 33 unconditional and 22 conditional measures - Emission Coverage: economy-wide target - 18 mitigation measures in the following sectors: Energy (including electricity generation, household energy efficiency, transport) with 8 measures Industrial Process and Product Use (IPU) 2 measures Agriculture (including livestock) Forestry and Land Use (LULUCF) Waste 1 measure - Objective allocation: 33.14GgEq CO2 for the unconditional period without any separation between measures - Emission Coverage: emissions and removals from the GHG source and sink sectors (Energy, IPU, LULUCF and Waste) Strengthen or add a sectoral target:", + "The first CDN was based on the mitigation potential of the AFAT sector with, in particular, large-scale reforestation actions.", + "Align the implementation of the NDC with the long-term objectives of the existing national and sectoral strategies: The update of the NDC reflects the review of the first five-year implementation of the SCAPP 2016-2030, it remains in perfect harmony with the SCAPP and the sectoral strategies resulting from it. During the preparation of the initial NDC, the country was in a strategic transition phase, moving from the 2001-2015 PRSP to the SCAPP and its long-term objectives. The National Strategy for the Environment and Sustainable Development (NSEED) was only developed in 2017. CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Implementation Add actions or measures to strengthen implementation: \u2013 The detailed presentation of measures in the reference document (National Report) includes: o the necessary funding and potential sources of funding.", + "CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Implementation Add actions or measures to strengthen implementation: \u2013 The detailed presentation of the measures in the reference document (National Report) includes: o the necessary funding and potential sources of funding. o the entities/institutions for implementation and monitoring are identified. o Project document submitted to the CBIT Programme for the establishment of a system of measurement, verification and reporting, including indicators of progress in the implementation of the CDN The measures are briefly presented in the reference document \u2013 No implementation plan has been proposed. 3.5.", + "o Project document submitted to the CBIT Programme for the establishment of a system of measurement, verification and reporting, including indicators of progress in the implementation of the CBD Measures are summarized in the reference document \u2013 No implementation plan has been proposed 3.5. Clarity, transparency and understanding of the CBD 2021-2030 In accordance with the guidelines of Annex 1 of Decision 4/CMA1 (mitigation), the information required to facilitate the clarity, transparency and understanding of the updated CBD of Mauritania is provided in the following table. Table 7: Information to facilitate the clarity, transparency and understanding of the updated CBD of Mauritania 1. Quantified information on the reference point, including, where appropriate, a base year a.", + "Quantifiable information on the baseline, including, where applicable, a baseline year a. Reference year(s), baseline year(s), baseline period(s) or other point(s) of departure b. Quantifiable information on the baseline indicators, their values in the reference year(s), baseline year(s), baseline period(s) or other point(s) of departure and, where applicable, in the target year. The baseline indicator is quantified on the basis of total national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. For the reference year 2018, the baseline emission level was 9944.618 GgEq CO2. c. For the strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, where policies and measures as defined contribution elements at the national level where paragraph 1 (b) above is not applicable,", + "A net reduction in GHG emissions on a scale (green line) per reference scenario (blue line) with the country\u2019s own resources supported by international support broadly comparable to that received up to 2020. With more consistent support, Mauritania could achieve a carbon neutral emission reduction of 92.49% (red line) per reference scenario (see Figure No.1) e. Information on the data sources used to quantify the reference point(s). The quantification of the reference indicators was based on the data from the national GHG emissions inventory reported in the second biennial report updated in 2021. f.Information on the circumstances in Mauritania The national GHG inventory is examined in the context of CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AU NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania is a member country of the CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AU NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MA", + "The quantification of the baseline indicators was based on the data from the national GHG emissions inventory reported in the second biennial report updated in 2021. f.Information on circumstances in the national GHG inventory is reviewed in the context of CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA, based on the 2006 IPCC methodologies and guidelines, on 30 June 2021 and using the national data provided in Table No.3. The information on the baseline indicators has been updated to Level 1. This information can be updated and recalculated in the light of ongoing methodological improvements or the availability of relevant information not previously available.", + "Information on updates will be included in the relevant reporting to the UNFCCC and, from 2024 onwards, in the biennial transparency reports. 2. Timelines and/or periods of implementation a. Timeline/period for implementation 2021-2030 b. Whether an annual or multi-year target, as appropriate. One target year: 2030 3. Perimeter and coverage a. General description of the mitigation target. Unconditional commitment to reduce GHG emissions by11%(1905GgEq-CO2) in2030 compared to the scenario (SBA) with the levels of international support in force in 2020. This reduction can achieve carbon neutrality with greater international support, enabling the development of a greater proportion of the country\u2019s renewable energy potential. This reduction in2030 compared to the scenario (SBA). b. Sectors, gases, categories and power supply sectors,", + "All sectors, as defined by the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, including: \u25aa Energy \u25aa Industrial Processes and Uses ofProducts (IPPC) \u25aa Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFAT) \u25aa Waste. \u2022 Greenhouse gases are included in the NMVOC, and CO Guidelines. \u2022 All categories occurring in the national territory are included in Mauritania. c. How the country Party has taken into account paragraphs 31(c) and (d) of Decision 1/CP.21. \u2022 The NCC includes all categories of estimated anthropogenic emissions or removals in the greenhouse gas inventories. No sources, activities or sinks were included in the previous version of the NCC except in the summer. \u2022 Improvements to the GHG inventory have been taken into account in the comparison between the original and the current NCC (", + "\u2022 Only categories of anthropogenic emissions or removals that do not exist in the country are excluded. \u2022 The greatest effort is made on the energy sector as this is the sector with the greatest mitigation potential, with the greatest likelihood of implementation. However, no sector is excluded. The analysis has not been aligned with the key categories of the GHG inventory. d. Mitigation co-benefits resulting from adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans, including a description of the Parties\u2019 specific projects,measures and initiatives for adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans.", + "The analysis has not been aligned with key categories in the GHG inventory. d. Mitigation co-benefits resulting from adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans, including a description of specific projects, measures and initiatives resulting from adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans of the Parties. The co-benefits of mitigation measures on adaptation and vice versa, as well as synergies with other sustainable development planning frameworks, in particular SD Goals, are identified in Tables 1 and 2 (last column) to which other co-benefits such as improved air quality, potential cost reductions for users and improved quality of life for populations should be added. 4. Planning Process a.", + "The co-benefits of mitigation measures on adaptation and vice versa, as well as the synergies with other sustainable development planning frameworks, in particular SD Goals, are identified in Tables 1 and 2 (last column) to which other co-benefits such as improved air quality, potential cost reductions for users and improved quality of life for populations should be added. 4. Planning process a. Information on the planning processes undertaken by the country party to prepare its NCD and, where appropriate, on the country party\u2019s implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i. National institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, in a gender-sensitive manner.", + "Information on the planning processes undertaken by the country Party to prepare its NCD and, where appropriate, on the country Party\u2019s implementation plans, including, where appropriate: i. National institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples, of a gender-sensitive nature. NCD update process The NCD update process was launched in 2021 and comprised the following main stages: \u25aa January \u2013 April 2021: preparatory phase \u25aa April 2021: formal launch of the NCD update process at a Council of Ministers \u25aa May \u2013 June 2021: conduct of a first round of sectoral consultations to decide on the status of mitigation actions and adaptation targets in the 2015 NCD and the main changes to be made \u25aa July 2021: broadened exchange with various public sector stakeholders, gathering the necessary data to inform the technical NCD update process", + "July 2021: broadened exchange with various public sector stakeholders, gathering the necessary data to inform the technical process of updating the CCD \u25aa End of July - beginning of August 2021:drafting and readjustment process with public sectors \u25aa:official return of the updated CCD to the National Climate Change Focal Points Network, a task force that includes representatives of the public sector, civil society and the private sector to validate the draft version of the updated CCD.", + "\u25aa September 2021: National workshop on the validation of the CBD including receipt of comments from some TFPs (World Bank, UNICEF and FAO) and other stakeholders \u25aa Consultation and consultation with subnational (regional and local) scales could not be carried out due to time and budget constraints. However, a programme for the dissemination and promotion of the CBD updated at these scales as soon as it is adopted by the Council of Ministers in September 2021, is being developed by the ECDC. Institutional arrangements for the implementation of the CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CBD MAURItania politicalclimate In an effort to consolidate the UNFCCC\u2019s transparency requirements, Mauritania established, in September 2020, a Directorate for Climate and Green Economy (DCEV) within the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development", + "Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) to coordinate its entire national climate change programme.", + "In an effort to strengthen the UNFCCC\u2019s transparency requirements, Mauritania established, in September 2020, a Directorate for Climate and the Green Economy (DCEV) within the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD) to coordinate the whole of its national climate change programme. This body is headed by a National Director, together with a Deputy Director and three newly created departments responsible for: Vulnerability and Adaptation; Activities and Strategies; and GHGs and Mitigation. The Directorate also has a unit responsible for processing and archiving data and information collected, including sectoral and thematic studies and reports.", + "The Directorate also has a unit responsible for processing and archiving the data and information collected, including sectoral and thematic studies and reports. DCEV also relies on a task force consisting of a network of Sectoral Focal Points (SFPs), designated representatives of the line ministries, civil society and private sector organisations. This network consists of 38 members, 7 of whom are women. Sectoral working groups have been set up in key ministries. They have benefited from capacity-building to enable them to participate actively in the preparation of the update of the CND. This institutional arrangement is led by the Sectoral Focal Point at ministerial level and by DCEV at national level.", + "This institutional arrangement is led by the sectoral focal point at the ministerial level and by the DCEV at the national level. The arrangement is complemented by a network of independent experts, drawn from the academic world, to contribute to the preparation of the necessary studies and reports due as a Party to the UNFCCC. ii. Contextual issues, including, where appropriate: ii (a). National circumstances, such as geography, climate, economy, sustainable development and poverty eradication. Geographical location Mauritania is a coastal country in North West Africa, located between the northern latitudes of 15 to 27 degrees and the western longitudes of 5 and 17 degrees, with a total area of 1,030,700 km2. Since 2015, the country has 15 provinces or wilayat, which are subdivided into Moughataa (i.e. departments) which are in turn subdivided into 218 communes", + "Since 2015, there have been 15 provinces or Wilayat which are subdivided into Moughataa (i.e. departments) which in turn are subdivided into 218 communes. Physically, Mauritania is characterised by the flatness of its terrain, with low altitudes, often less than 500 m except for the K\u00e9dia d\u2019Idjil which peaks at 915 m. The landscapes are characterised by the monotony of the tabular plateaus and immense areas of rocky or sandy terrain. A predominantly desert country, Mauritania has large pastoral areas and only 0.5% of arable land, with an estimated population of 4.2 million in 2020 with an increasing urban proportion (52.8 % in 2020 compared to 48.3 % in 2013).", + "Mauritania is a predominantly desert country with large pastoral areas and only 0.5% arable land, with an estimated population of 4.2 million in 2020 and an increasing urban proportion (52.8 % in 2020 compared to 48.3 % in 2013). Mauritania is totally Saharan in its northern part and Sahelian in its southern part, characterised by a generally warm and dry climate characterised by relatively mild winters (with temperatures CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE minimum average of 19-23\u00b0C) and very short winter periods (about three months). In the dry season, temperatures exceed the threshold of 40\u00b0C in almost all regions of the country (except Dakhlet Nouadhibou).", + "In the dry season, temperatures exceed the 40\u00b0C threshold in almost all regions of the country (except Dakhlet Nouadhibou). Saharan climate in the north and Sahelian in the south, generally warm and dry, mild on the Atlantic coast with four months of rainy season (June to September) Average annual precipitation ranges from 500 mm in the south to less than 50 mm in the north of the country. National Economy Economic growth increased from 3.6% in 2018 to 6.3% in 2019, driven by the mining boom supported by moderate growth in the non-extractive sectors. This growth contracted by 3.6% in 2020 due to the economic impact of the global coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), reaching 2%-6% between the last half of 2020 and the first half of 2021.", + "This growth contracted by 3.6% in 2020 due to the economic impact of the global coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), reaching 2% and -6% between the last half of 2020 and the first half of 2021. Pandemic-related risks are exacerbated by climate uncertainties, delays in structural reforms and regional insecurity. Despite the success of the first phase of SCAPP (2016-2020), these obstacles hinder the continuation of the reforms undertaken. However, the country expects a better future with the exploitation of other particularly energy resources (gas, renewable energies, etc.). Sustainable development SCAPP is an umbrella strategy that encompasses all sectors of the country\u2019s development; it constitutes the framework for the reference and coherence of the country\u2019s sustainable socio-economic development policies.", + "At the same time, and in recent years, several sectoral strategies have integrated the issue of climate change in line with the national programming framework, the Strategic Framework for Combating Poverty (CLSP), which evolved into SCAPP in 2016, including: \u25aa The National Strategy for the Environment and Sustainable Development (SNEDD) 2017-2021; \u25aa The Rural Sector Development Strategy (RSDS): \u25aa The National Agricultural Development Plan (NDP) \u25aa The National Livestock Development Plan (NLDP) \u25aa The Water and Sanitation Sector Development Strategy (SNADEA, 2016-2030); and \u25aa The Responsible Management Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Fisheries and the Marine Economy, 2015-2019.", + "At the same time, and in recent years, several sectoral strategies have integrated the issue of climate change in line with the national programming framework, the Strategic Framework for Combating Poverty (CLSP), which evolved in 2016 into SCAPP, including, in particular: \u25aa The National Strategy for the Environment and Sustainable Development (SNEDD) 2017-2021; \u25aa The Rural Sector Development Strategy (RSDS): \u25aa The National Agricultural Development Plan (NDP) \u25aa The National Livestock Development Plan (NDP) \u25aa The Water and Sanitation Sector Development Strategy (SNADEA, 2016-2030); \u25aa The Responsible Management Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Fisheries and the Maritime Economy, 2015-2019.", + "Best practices and experience related to the preparation of the CBD. The CBD has capitalized on the analytical capabilities, participatory practice, experience, tools and knowledge base that have been created and improved during the processes of preparing the country\u2019s enabling documents. In a collaborative framework involving all stakeholders, sectoral mitigation measures with quantifiable individual reduction targets have been identified. The establishment and institutionalization of the national network of sectoral focal points in 2013 is a first step in the implementation of an operational VRM system to enable the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the CBD. To this end, the country counts on the support of the GEF through ITC funding for the implementation of its national VRM.", + "The shared experience in the implementation of the initial NCD, where the then emerging energy sector was secondary to the AFAT sector (the country\u2019s first GHG emitting sector), and the active involvement of LFPs in the NCD revision process led Mauritania to focus on developing its energy potential and its own resources in line with the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals as prioritised by the country.10 ii (c).", + "The shared experience in the implementation of the initial NCD, where the then emerging energy sector was secondary to the AFAT sector (the country\u2019s first GHG emitting sector), and the active participation of LDCs in the NCD revision process has led Mauritania to focus on developing its energy potential and its own resources in line with the sustainable development objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda as prioritised by the country10. ii (c). Other aspirations and contextual priorities recognised upon accession to the Paris Agreement. b. Specific information applicable to Parties, including regional economic integration organisations and their Member States, which have agreed to act jointly under Article 4(2) of the Paris Agreement. Mauritania is actively participating in the Desert to Power initiative of the African Development Bank (AfDB/G5 Sahel).", + "Mauritania is an active participant in the Desert to Power initiative of the African Development Bank (AfDB/G5 Sahel). Moreover, it has just signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Global for the development of new green hydrogen technology under the Aman programme, which provides for the development of 30 GW of solar and wind energy. c.HowthecountryispreparingtheCD We have been informed by the results of the global balance sheet, 4 of the Paris Agreement. The IPCC special report on 1.5 degrees has been used as a reference in the process of developing the updated CBD. n and/or economic diversification plans leading to co- mitigation benefits in accordance with paragraph7 of Article4 of the Paris Agreement.", + "n and/or economic diversification plans resulting in co-benefits of mitigation in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement, to provide information on: i. i. ii. iii. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. iv. i", + "in particular the Voluntary National Review of the implementation of the MDGs presented by Mauritania to the United Nations High-Level Political Forum in 2019. CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA mitigation, which may cover, but not be limited to, key sectors such as energy, resources, water, coastal resources, human settlements and urban planning, agriculture and forestry; and economic diversification actions, which may cover, but not be limited to, sectors such as manufacturing and industry, energy and mining, transport and communications, construction, tourism, real estate, agricultureandlap\u00eac he. Other sustainable development initiatives are coordinated by the CILSS in particular the Regional Pastoral Development Programmes (PRAPS/WB) and the Regional Sahel Initiative Programme (PARIIS/WB) which aims to improve water management through irrigation.", + "Other sustainable development initiatives are coordinated by the CILSS, in particular the Regional Pastoral Development Programmes (PRAPS/WB) and the Sahel Regional Initiative Programme (PARIIS/WB) aimed at improving water management through irrigation. The CILSS also coordinates the Regional Resilience Programme in the Sahel (P2RS/BAD) and the Resilience Programme, funded by the IDB. MEDD also contributes to the WACA project (West Africa Coastal Area) for an overall amount of USD 30 million. 5. Methodological assumptions and approaches, including those for estimating and accounting for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals, where appropriate. a. Methodological assumptions and approaches used to account for anthropogenic emissions and removalsdegaz\u00e0effetdeserrecorresp ondant\u00e0la contribution determined at the national", + "Mauritania has accounted for anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs in accordance with the common methodologies and measurement parameters assessed by the IPCC and adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement, using the global warming potential (GWP100) of the 4th Assessment Report of the IPCC to calculate CO2 equivalents.", + "All categories have been included in the baseline emissions of the INDC in accordance with Decision 1/CP.21. It is anticipated that the approach contained in Annex II to Decision 4/CMA.1 will be used during the updating of the CBD 2025 to report on progress towards achieving the objective of the CBD. b.The methodological approaches used to report on policies and measures or strategies in the nationally determined contribution.", + "It is anticipated that the approach contained in annex II to decision 4/CMA.1, will be used during the updating of the CBD 2025 to report on progress in achieving the objective of the CBD. b.The methodological assumptions and approaches used to calculate policies and measures or strategies in the nationally determined contribution. The planned implementation of the CBIT will result in the establishment of a domestic LULUCF capable of producing the progress indicators to be included in the biennial transparency report. c.If necessary, information will be provided by the country party taking into account existing methodologies and guidelines under the Convention for the accounting of anthropogenic emissions and removals, in accordance with paragraph 14 of t. Mauritania\u2019s current inventory is submitted to the UNFCCC with BUR II in accordance with decision 24/CP.19 and uses", + "decision 24/CP.19 and uses the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2003 Good Practice Guidance.", + "The planned implementation of the ITC will result in the establishment of a domestic VFM capable of producing the indicators of progress to be included in the biennial transparency report. c. Where appropriate, information will be provided by the country party taking into account existing methodologies and guidance under the Convention to account for anthropogenic emissions and removals, in accordance with paragraph 14(t). Mauritania\u2019s current inventory is submitted to the UNFCCC with BUR II in accordance with decision 24/CP.19 and uses the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and the 2003 Good Practice Guidance for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. In its accounting for anthropogenic emissions and removals under the CBD, Mauritania has made every effort to comply with the principles of transparency, completeness, consistency, comparability and", + "the principles of transparency, completeness, consistency, comparability and accuracy, enabling anthropogenic emissions and removals to be accounted for in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 14, of the Paris Agreement.", + "In its accounting for anthropogenic emissions and removals corresponding to the CBD, Mauritania has made every effort to comply with the principles of transparency, completeness, consistency, comparability and accuracy, allowing for the accounting of anthropogenic emissions and removals, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 14, of the Paris Agreement. CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CBD MAURItania d.Methodology and parameters used by the IPCC to estimate anthropogenic emissions and removals of greenhouse gases. Methodologies: the 2006 IPCC Guidelines were used to estimate GHG emissions and removals. Metrics: The global warming potential values for a 100-year period (GWP100) used to calculate CO2 equivalents are those determined in the IPCC Four", + "The global warming potential values for a 100-year horizon (GWP100) used to calculate CO2 equivalents are those determined in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4): GWP CO2 = 1 (by convention); GWP CH4 = 25. GWP N2O = 298. GWP HFCs = 1.5 - 14 800. e.Assumptions,methodology,approaches,industry,category or activity,in accordance with IPCC guidelines,if any,including: i.Approachtotreat emissions and subsequent removals of natural disturbances on managed lands. All emissions and removals reported in Mauritania\u2019s BUR 2 GHG inventory are included in the NCD,although the country does not have the data necessary to address emissions of natural disturbances. ii.Approachtotreat emissions and removals", + "Effects of age-class structure in forests are not taken into account. f. Other assumptions and methodological approaches used to understand the contribution determined at the national level and, where appropriate, estimate the corresponding emissions and removals, including: i.Indicators of Reference,Reference Levels and/or Lower Reference Levels, including, where appropriate, sector-specific,category- or activity-specific reference levels, as appropriate, including, for example, key parameters, assumptions, definitions, methodology, data sources and models used. The 2018 GHG emissions inventory, as well as the baseline and mitigation scenarios, were developed in accordance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. The BAU baseline and mitigation scenarios were developed using the DTU Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Mode (GACMO) tool from National and Sectoral", + "The BAU and mitigation baseline scenarios were developed using the DTU Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Mode (GACMO) tool from National and Sectoral Statistical Yearbook data, sectoral activity data, and socio-economic and demographic prospective analyses. ii. For Parties whose nationally determined contributions contain non-greenhouse gas elements, information on the assumptions and methodological approaches used in relation to those elements, as appropriate. NA iii. For climate forcings included in nationally determined contributions not covered by IPCC guidelines, information on how to estimate precursor emissions, the European Environment Agency\u2019s EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guide was used. CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania climate forcings are estimated. iv.", + "CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Climate forcings are estimated. iv. Additional technical information, if necessary. NA g. The intention to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, if appropriate. Mauritania intends to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to achieve part of its objective. See above ADB/G5 Sahel Desert to Power Initiative, and Aman programme. 6. How the country Party considers its CDN to be fair and ambitious in light of its national situation a.HowthecountryPartieconsid\u00e8requesaC DNestjusteetambitious\u00e0lalumi\u00e8redesanational situation. Mauritania considers the updating of the CDN to be fair and ambitious enough to contribute to a low-carbon and climate change resilient economy by 2030, in accordance with its national", + "Mauritania considers the updating of the CBD to be sufficiently fair and ambitious to contribute to a low-carbon and climate-change-resilient economy by 2030, in accordance with its national situation and the 2030 SCAPP. The vision of the current CBD represents a fundamental change in the ambition of the mitigation target, moving from a GHG emission reduction target of 22.3% of which 12% is unconditional \"CBD 2015\" to a carbon neutrality target by 2030 of which 11% is unconditional. b.Equity considerations,including consideration of equity. Equity The Islamic Republic of Mauritania, as a non-Annex 1 least developed country, contributes little to global greenhouse gas emissions. However, it is exposed to a high degree of vulnerability to the impacts of climate change due to its geographical position.", + "Taking into account the general principles and provisions of the Convention, in particular those relating to common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and equitable access to airspace, the CND of Mauritania is guided by the country\u2019s desire to reduce poverty, achieve a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy, and ensure sustainable development to become a high and prosperous middle-income country by 2030, in accordance with the country\u2019s Strategic Vision. This CND constitutes an equitable contribution in view of the country\u2019s specific socio-economic and geographical context.", + "This NCD constitutes an equitable contribution in view of the particular socio-economic and geographical context of the country. Successful implementation of the Mauritania NCD is conditional and dependent on the level of support to be provided through the Convention and other multilateral and bilateral agreements. c. How the country Party has dealt with Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement. In accordance with the Articles and Mauritania presents an update of its nationally determined contribution (NCD 2) under the Paris Agreement for the period 2021-2030, with the objective of carbon neutrality. d. How the country Party has dealt with Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Agreement The update of the Mauritania NCD represents an advance over its previous NCD, as it CONTRIBUTES TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL Paris NCD MAURITANIE.", + "How the country Party has dealt with paragraph 4 of Article 4 of the Agreement The updating of Mauritania\u2019s CBD represents an advance over its previous CBD, as it focuses on the important renewable energy potential of the sector in its conditional part. The non-conditional part of the CBD has as its absolute objective the reduction of emissions at the economic level as specified in Article4 of the Paris Agreement, while the adaptation component of the CBD develops actions to enable the country to strengthen the resilience of human and physical ecosystems and those of their adaptation. e. How the country Party has dealt with paragraph 6 of Article 4 of the Paris Agreement. NA 7. How the CBD contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 a.How the CBD contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the Convention as", + "National commitments in the current updated NCD are consistent with the UNFCCC objective and the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement, as explained in paragraphs 6a and 6b. b. How the NCD contributes to the achievement of Article 2, paragraph 1 (a), and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement. The current NCD will contribute to the achievement of Article 2 of the Paris Agreement. CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL LEVEL NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION NATIONAL CONTRIBU", + "Communication context for adaptation action Mauritania, a low-carbon country, is particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change due to its geographical location and level of development. All sectors of its economy are already heavily affected by climate variability and climate projections show that these phenomena will increase in the future. Mauritania has made adaptation to climate change one of the priorities of its development strategies and programmes. In 2020, Mauritania began the development of its National Adaptation Programme (NAP). Several studies have been carried out to assess gaps in development sectors and identify priority areas for adaptation.", + "Several studies have been carried out to assess gaps in development sectors and identify priority areas for adaptation. Although a mapping of vulnerability to climate change has not yet been carried out, sectoral reports based on expert judgement and the world literature attest to a high degree of vulnerability of the country\u2019s populations and ecosystems to climate variability and change. This vulnerability requires a comprehensive and urgent response from all development sectors (see Table 4).", + "In accordance with Article 7, paragraph 11 of the Paris Agreement and provisions A to D of Annex 1 to Decision 9/CMA1, Mauritania chooses to communicate its adaptation efforts in the CBD as a contribution to the global assessment in order to (i) raise the profile of its adaptation action in its Development Agenda, (ii) specify support needs, including information, technology, capacity building and financial resources, and (iii) make the CBD a planning tool for its adaptation action. The process of updating the CBD is linked to the process of preparing the NAP. The governance of both processes is ensured by the Directorate for Climate and the Green Economy, thus ensuring synergy and coherence.", + "The governance of the two processes is ensured by the Directorate of Climate and the Green Economy, which ensures synergy and coherence between them. The updated NCD is thus a tool for implementing the strategic adaptation planning undertaken by the NAP, which is under way. 4.2 Country\u2019s vulnerability to climate change In Mauritania, Climate Change (CC) has taken a strong hold over the past few decades in Mauritania. Irregularities in precipitation and its spatial and temporal distribution, increasingly high air temperatures, more frequent droughts and floods, decreasing river water supplies, significant land degradation, greater fragility of ecosystems and their dynamics. These are some of the elements that show that the climate in Mauritania is changing, with the result that the environmental problems facing this Sahel-Saharan country are exacerbat", + "These are some of the elements that show that the climate in Mauritania is changing with the consequence of an amplification of the environmental problems posed to this Sahel-Saharan country. These climate changes threaten primarily the primary sector, agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries and forestry, key sectors for the country\u2019s economy. In Mauritania, health, infrastructure and industry are also exposed to climate change. Therefore, the lives of the population in Mauritania depend on these changes. At the coastal level, studies on climate change show that the consequences of climate change, with the rise of the sea level, would result in the exposure of large areas of land and the infrastructure that is installed there to the risks of flooding and siltation. It also shows that coastal erosion will be aggravated, particularly on the coast of Nouakchott, where morphological changes are already appreciable.", + "It also shows that coastal erosion will be exacerbated, particularly on the coast of Nouakchott where morphological changes are already appreciable. Mauritania\u2019s vulnerability to climate change is mainly due to its climatic, geographical and demographic characteristics. Indeed, Mauritania\u2019s territory as a whole is located in the arid zone with 75% in the Saharan zone. CONTRIBUTION OF ENTERMINEE TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA This is partly a consequence of the effects of the air masses that are blowing through the country. These air masses consist of three main currents that blow throughout the year: maritime avalanche, continental avalanche and summer monsoon. The air masses that carry precipitation are maritime avalanche and monsoon (FIT).", + "The coastal boundary for each climate zone is characterised by relatively high humidity and low daily and annual variations, while the continental part has higher temperature variations (daily and annual) and extreme air aridity, especially in the Saharan region, which has very low rainfall and high evaporation. 4.3. Evaluation of the implementation of the Adaptation Actions of the 2015 UNCCD Based on the vulnerabilities identified in the sectors, the first UNCCD-2015 identified a series of projects and programmes for each sector of activity. The 2015 UNCCD had set as its objectives the mobilisation of $9377.4 billion (see Table 7).", + "The 2015 NCC had set as its objectives the mobilisation of $9377.4 billion (see Table 7). Table 8: Breakdown of NCC 2015 funding needs by sector Sectors Requirements in millions of dollars Agriculture Water and Sanitation Elevation Habitat, Urbanism and Land Management Environment and Sustainable Development (Natural Protection) Fisheries and Maritime Economy Health Total (Source NCC, 2015) The preparation of the country programme under the VCF Readiness exercise provided an opportunity to update the priority projects selected by the various sectors.", + "In addition to these projects, other adaptation projects were under way. These projects are as follows: \u25aa Eight (08) projects under way \u25aa Three (03) projects pending start-up \u25aa Fourteen (14) projects under formulation or design The budgetary envelope of these projects is as follows: \u25aa Projects under way: US$ 19.5 million \u25aa Projects pending start-up: approximately US$ 6 million Other projects are under formulation. This review shows that in terms of mobilising funding for adaptation needs, the target is far from being achieved. Indeed, climate finance mobilised and implemented in the field of the environment for the period 2015-2020 is estimated at US$ 157 million. The funding of projects submitted to the VCF and the outcome of the Expanded Priority Programme of the President of the Republic will undoubtedly improve these results.", + "The funding of the projects submitted to the VCF and the outcome of the Expanded Priority Programme of the President of the Republic will undoubtedly help to improve these results. Table 9: Adaptation projects in progress Project Title Source of Funding Sector BM/IDA Resilience Investment Project Environment CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE coastal zones, WACA, BM/IDA Humid Zones Project, IUCN/MEDD FPMA/FEM Environment Watersheds Project, FAO/MEDD FPMA/FEM Environment Regional Support Programme for the Sahel (PRAPS), CILSS/MA BM Elevage Regional Support Programme for the Sahel irrigation initiative, PARISS BM Agriculture Programme to strengthen resilience to recurrent food and nutritional insecurity in the Sahel (P2", + "Environment Improving water sector investments for the resilience of pastoral and forestry resources in the southern regions of Mauritania (REVUWI), BAD/MHA FPMA/FEM/MHA Water and Sanitation Programme to strengthen resilience and adaptation to climate-related extreme events and disasters, OXFAM and ACF DFID Environment Agence Nationale de la Grande Muraille Green State Environment Microfinance Programme GEF Operational Phase 6, UNDP-SGP GEF Environment Adaptation to Coastal Cities Climate Change Fund (ACCVC), GIZ/MEDD BMZ Environment Adaptation to Rural Climate Change Fund (ACCMR), GIZ/MEDD BMZ / EU Environment Global Alliance Against Climate Change, GIZ and UNDP/MEDD EU Envi", + "Adaptation actions of the CBD 2021-2030 updated The Mauritania (Readiness) preparation project proposal developed with UNEP in 2018 identified a number of institutional barriers to adaptation action planning, including limited collaboration between sectoral departments and ministries and other stakeholders, lack of clarity in defining the roles and responsibilities of the different stakeholders, CONTRIBUTION DEENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CBD MAURItania lack of a centralised database for systematic archiving of climate change data and information, lack of a funding strategy. Furthermore, the sectoral reports of the NAP process mentioned above show that one of the main shortcomings of adaptation to climate change is the lack of integration of this issue into sectoral strategies and action plans.", + "Furthermore, the sectoral reports of the NAP process mentioned above show that one of the main shortcomings of adaptation to climate change is the lack of integration of this issue into sectoral strategies and action plans. Indeed, and notwithstanding the explicit mention of climate change in strategic documents and sectoral plans, this integration at the operational level of implementation is ineffective.", + "These deficiencies are taken into account in the development of the NAP, which identifies the following priorities to guide adaptation actions: \u25aa Climate health \u25aa Nouakchott resilience / marine impacts & floods \u25aa Coastal cities resilience / floods \u25aa Farmers\u2019 insurance system \u25aa Development of irrigated village perimeters \u25aa Promotion of fishing and livestock breeding \u25aa Genetic improvement of local breeds \u25aa Pastoral insurance and disaster funds \u25aa Zoning and transhumance corridors \u25aa Coastal community resilience \u25aa Continental fisheries \u25aa Water & sanitation \u25aa Drinking water 12 localities \u25aa Drinking water 4 wilayas \u25aa AEP / Postes eau 2580 localities with more than 150 ha.", + "These deficiencies are taken into account in the elaboration of the NAP, which identifies the following priorities to guide adaptation actions: \u25aa Climate health \u25aa Nouakchott resilience / Marine Incursions & Floods \u25aa Coastal cities resilience / Floods \u25aa Farmers\u2019 insurance system \u25aa Development of irrigated village perimeters \u25aa Promotion of farming and livestock breeding \u25aa Genetic improvement of local breeds \u25aa Pastoral insurance and disaster funds \u25aa Zoning and transhumance corridors \u25aa Coastal community resilience \u25aa Continental fisheries \u25aa Water & sanitation \u25aa Drinking water 12 localities \u25aa Drinking water 4 wilayas \u25aa AEP / Water stations 2580 localities with more than 150 hectares Based on these priorities and the sectoral strategies and programmes examined, adaptation actions have been identified and are described in Table No.3.", + "Based on these priorities and the sectoral strategies and programmes examined, adaptation actions have been identified and are described in Table 3. Although classified by sector, their implementation is planned from an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral perspective that covers the vulnerabilities of the different sectors. Thus, and on the basis of the projects identified by the sectors, the CDN aims to be the framework for consultation and dialogue between stakeholders to define transformative programmes that strengthen the resilience of populations or/and ecosystems to climate hazards identified in the medium and long term by converging sectoral actions into integrated, inclusive, and climate-smart development programmes. A number of these programmes and projects are included in the country programme of the Green Climate Fund 2020-2025.", + "A number of these programmes and projects are included in the country programme of the Green Climate Fund 2020-2025. They constitute a portfolio of actions (readiness, project preparation, investments) totalling US$188 million for the first two years. 4.3. Funding Requirements for Adaptation Table 10: CND Funding Requirements 2021-2030 by Sector Sectors Funding Requirements ($ millions) Unconditional Conditional Total Agriculture Elevation Environment Fisheries Water & Sanitation CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CND MAURItania Habitat, Urbanism and Territory Development Health TOTAL Funding requirements for adaptation actions are US$10626.46 million of which US$10174.63 million are conditional and US$451.83 million are non-conditional. V- Capacity building and implementation support requirements 5.1.", + "V- Capacity-building and implementation support needs 5.1. Institutional, legislative and governance needs At the institutional level, the shortcomings are (i) the low involvement of key actors in the implementation of the Paris Agreement (ii) the lack of clarity in the sharing of roles and responsibilities between the different actors at different levels, sometimes creating latent institutional conflicts (iii) the inadequacy of climate training, information and awareness-raising actions. These shortcomings require action on (i) awareness-raising and accountability of all actors (ii) improved collaboration between actors at all levels (iii) improved and intensified public climate awareness programmes. The country now has officially designated climate focal points at the level of each sectoral department as well as gender focal points.", + "The country now has officially designated climate focal points at the level of each sectoral department as well as gender focal points. These focal points have been at the centre of the consultations and consultations carried out during the process of updating the CBD 2021. MEDD has recently been restructured, resulting in a new directorate called the Climate and Green Economy Directorate, which includes a deputy director and three services (see Table 3 \u2013 4-a-i). Readiness projects in the country programme for access to VCF funding are planned to strengthen the institutional, scientific and technical capacities of specific actors to strengthen the governance of the country\u2019s climate policy (climate meteorology and data, water resources, private sector, civil society, etc.).", + "Readiness projects in the country programme for access to VCF funding are planned to strengthen the institutional, scientific and technical capacities of certain specific actors to strengthen the governance of the country\u2019s climate policy (meteorology and climate data, water resources, the private sector, civil society, etc.). The CBIT project for the implementation and operationalisation of the MNV system will also, among other expected results, clarify the responsibilities of the actors, in particular the ministerial departments other than MEDD, in the implementation of the CBD. 5.2. Technology transfer needs Assessments of technology transfer needs were carried out in 2017.", + "Technology transfer needs Assessments of technology transfer needs were carried out in 2017, which led to the identification of two priority sectors for adaptation (agriculture, rangeland and forestry) and two priority sectors for mitigation (energy and waste), the needs for the introduction and mastery of innovative technologies in these sectors are detailed in the following table.", + "They will need to be updated in light of the new mitigation and adaptation options identified in the updated 2021-2030 NCD. 5.3. Funding Requirements 5.3.1. Summary of NCD Funding Requirements Table 11: Summary of NCD Funding Requirements NCD Areas Funding Unconditional Funding Conditional Total by Area US$ million Mitigation Adaptation Gender and Youth Integration Employment and Education - Capacity Building - Implementation and Operationalization of Measurement, Verification and Reporting System Total CONTRIBUTION DEENTERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL NCD MAURItania 5.3.2. Funding Scheme In Mauritania, there is no funding system entirely dedicated to climate change. Some international institutions at the multilateral and bilateral levels are involved in strengthening climate resilience in Mauritania. These are projects/programmes that are", + "The country also benefits from the possibility of financing at the level of specific environmental funds (adaptation funds, green climate funds, GEF, etc.). Climate financing comes from resources mobilised by the public sphere i.e. the state, its TFPs and other development actors such as NGOs, operators and the international financial system. Although an in-depth analysis is not available, it should be noted that there is a strong reliance on external resources for climate action.", + "Some activities of a special nature (commercialisation of crops, supply of inputs, development work, etc.) are financed. Financing of Technical and Financial Partners \u2013 Notwithstanding the efforts made, coordination between TFPs should be strengthened to ensure a greater impact in the longer term. The Green Climate Fund (GCF, for Green ClimateFund) as part of a project to prepare the country for climate financing The Green Climate Fund (readiness) a country programme has been developed, which has made it possible to present a portfolio of projects (see table in Annex No.3) with accompanying measures \u2013 readiness to strengthen national capacities in the development of bankable projects eligible for climate financing. Financing of private operators and investors \u2013 the private sector has very little involvement in climate financing.", + "\u2022 Financing of private operators and investors - the private sector has very little involvement in climate finance. The sector\u2019s preparation in this area is foreseen in the country\u2019s GCF programme to strengthen the capacities of Mauritanian entrepreneurs and enable them to develop investments eligible for climate finance. National financial system: The existing financial system is characterised by a low contribution from the banking system to financing development in general and the rural sector in particular. National tax system: There is a lack of mechanisms based on the generation of tax resources to finance climate actions in the country. Capacity building in this area is strongly desired in order to contribute to the mobilisation of national financial resources for climate actions in the country.", + "Capacity building in this area is highly desirable in order to contribute to the mobilisation of domestic financial resources for climate action in the country. International markets: Mauritania intends to use voluntary cooperation under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to achieve part of its mitigation objective by using carbon market mechanisms (transformativecarbonassetfacility, etc.). In this context, the country envisages using these tools in the development and management of NAMA projects under the CDM mechanism. VI.", + "In this context, Mauritania envisages using these tools in the development and management of NAMA projects under the CDM. VI. Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MNV) and Monitoring and Evaluation Mauritania has put in place the necessary institutional structures to promote, coordinate and strengthen its mitigation and adaptation efforts: establishment of a Climate and Green Economy Directorate, task force of sectoral focal points, civil society and the private sector, networks of independent experts, preparation of all national communications, GHG inventories and biannual reports, etc. required for reporting to the UNFCCC.", + "Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MNV) and monitoring and evaluation Mauritania has put in place the necessary institutional structures to promote, coordinate and strengthen its mitigation and adaptation efforts: the establishment of a Directorate for Climate and the Green Economy, a task force of sectoral focal points, civil society and the private sector, networks of independent experts, the preparation of all national communications, GHG inventories and biannual reports, etc. required for reporting to the UNFCCC CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Notwithstanding all these efforts, the transparency of reports on GHG emissions and on the impacts of climate policies and actions is hampered by the following main gaps and barriers11: \u25aa Institutional gaps and barriers in the coordination of activities to combat environmental degradation and climate change", + "in the coordination of activities to combat environmental degradation and climate change; these include the absence of data sharing procedures and data protection instructions; weaknesses in intersectoral, regional and national coordination as well as difficulties in integrating climate change into decision-making and development policies; \u25aa Legal, regulatory and procedural gaps and obstacles in establishing appropriate mandates and implementation tools; including the absence of a mention of climate change in the Mauritanian Environment Code and its implementing legislation, as well as the absence of regulatory documents to assign VRM mandates and responsibilities; \u25aa Lack of data and access to information for a robust and detailed S&E system; more importantly, the lack of activity data to estimate emissions and removals of greenhouse gases;", + "More importantly, the lack of activity data to estimate emissions and removals from selected sources and the lack of country-specific emission factors; \u25aa Lack of capacity and technical expertise; including, inter alia, the low capacity of structures producing and holding activity data, the lack of national technical expertise both quantitatively and qualitatively, and the obsolete nature of systems for collecting, processing, storing and transferring data; \u25aa The financial constraints and costs associated with a VFM system; in particular, the low level of government contribution to climate change projects and initiatives and the lack of funding for climate change-related research projects; To address these shortcomings and obstacles, Mauritania has developed a GEF funding application to mobilise the necessary resources for the institutionalisation of a VFM and the capacity-building of sectors and other stakeholders involved.", + "the necessary resources for the institutionalisation of an NVM and the capacity-building of the sectors and other stakeholders involved in the collection, processing and management of the necessary data.", + "This project is at the stage of Project Identification Form (PIF) submitted to GEF-7 in August 2021. Its total cost is estimated at US$1,263,650. VII. Synergy and coherence The objectives and expected results of the priority areas of the NCD 2021 are in perfect alignment with the country\u2019s sustainable development objectives and the 2030 SDSs. Implemented in a collaborative and partnership-based framework, they are fully in line with the provisions of the 1992 Rio Conventions (climate change, biodiversity and combating desertification). The country has just developed a National Risk and Disaster Prevention Plan (NRAP) as part of the NAP project, which is currently being adopted and is fully in line with the Sendai Framework for Risk and Disaster Reduction (2015-2030).", + "The country has just drawn up a National Plan for Risk and Disaster Prevention (PNPRC) as part of the PNA project, which is being adopted and which fits in perfectly with the Sendai Framework for Risk and Disaster Reduction (2015-2030). The co-benefits of the mitigation measures advocated and the adaptation actions identified, as well as their synergies with the implementation of the MDGs, are identified in Tables 1 & 2 in the last column.", + "The co-benefits of the mitigation measures advocated and the adaptation actions identified, as well as their synergies with the implementation of the SDSs, are identified in Tables 1 & 2 in the last column. VII- Gender and youth The main risks related to climate change and their impacts in particular on women and young people are summarised as follows12: 11 Evaluation of the gaps and barriers in the MRV system in Mauritania, PIF document for the GEF, August 2021 CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania \u25aa Epidemics, epizootics, and health risk in general (626 deaths for \u25aa Food insecurity and agricultural deficit are two risks that evolve in parallel with the same impact and occurrence.", + "VII- Gender and youth The main risks related to climate change and their impacts on women and young people in particular are summarised as follows12: 11 Evaluation of the gaps and barriers in the MRV system in Mauritania, PIF document for the GEF, August 2021 CONTRIBUTION DEENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania \u25aa Epidemics, epizootics, and health risk in general (626 deaths for \u25aa Food insecurity and agricultural deficit are two risks that evolve in parallel with the same impact and occurrence. \u25aa The weakness of the education system and the inadequacy between training and the labour market is one of the major tensions identified as a source of risk for the country (56.8% of girls are literate compared to 70% of boys) \u25aa Young people without training or diplomas account for 44% of Mauritanian youth \u25aa Unemplo", + "\u2022 Unemployment among women and young people (among young people, unemployment is almost twice as high for women as for men: 20% as against 12%) \u25aa More than 60% of the unemployed are young people \u25aa The occurrence of social disorders linked to governance problems \u25aa Uncontrolled urbanisation.", + "\u25aa The weakness of the education system and the inadequacy between training and the labour market is one of the major tensions identified as a source of risk for the country (56.8% of girls are literate compared with 70% of boys) \u25aa Young people without training or diplomas account for 44% of Mauritanian young people \u25aa Unemployment among women and young people (among young people, unemployment is almost twice as high for women as for men: 20% compared with 12%) \u25aa More than 60% of the unemployed are young people \u25aa The occurrence of social unrest linked to governance problems \u25aa Uncontrolled urbanisation The impact of climate change, including drought and its consequences, mass rural exodus and poverty, leads to unprecedented pressure on the public supply of basic services, particularly by women and young people, which needs to be met.", + "The impact of climate change, including drought and its consequences, mass rural exodus and poverty, leads to unprecedented pressure on the public supply of basic services, particularly for women and young people, which needs to be met. In order to meet these needs, Mauritania has, since 2015, adopted the National Strategy for Gender Institutionalization (SNIG) to promote equity between men and women and create conditions favourable to their development at the political, economic and social levels. The objective of the SNIG is to ensure gender mainstreaming in all sectors of the country\u2019s development in order to guarantee the promotion of women and gender equity.", + "The objective of the SNIG is to ensure gender mainstreaming in all sectors of the country\u2019s development in order to ensure the advancement of women and gender equity. The country has also adopted a new Youth Strategy 2020-2030, which aims to create conditions favourable to the development of young people rooted in national civic values and their integration into all sectors of social life in order to make them a real player in sustainable development. The strategy is part of the national approach to decentralisation and aims to optimise impacts with a greater focus on the most vulnerable. The CDN intends to strengthen the implementation of the SNIG and the SNJ by ensuring that the gender and youth dimension is taken into account in all the adaptation actions advocated therein.", + "The CDN intends to strengthen the implementation of the NIS and the NJS by ensuring that the gender and youth dimension is taken into account in all adaptation actions advocated therein. In particular, the dimensions of Strengthening the resilience of rural women to the effects of climate change and Developing community-based approaches to adaptation to climate change must be part of any adaptation action undertaken with a minimum of 10% of the budget allocated to them. Thus, mainstreaming the gender and youth dimension requires US$ 1062.646 million (conditional and unconditional). Furthermore, MEDD has committed itself to the implementation of the LIMA Action Plan and its four objectives to be integrated into the CDN and into the CDN development process itself.", + "In addition, MEDD is committed to the implementation of the LIMA Action Plan and its four objectives to be integrated into the CBD and the CBD process itself. To this end, a MEDD/MASEF/gender expert working group of the team was set up during the CBD update process to: \u25aa Organise an information/awareness-raising meeting and training of thematic and sectoral experts on gender mainstreaming in their sectoral reports \u25aa Read sectoral reports to see if gender mainstreaming has been taken into account \u25aa Collaborate on data collection and processing.", + "To this end, a MEDD/MASEF/gender expert working group of the team was set up during the CND update process to: \u25aa Organise an information/awareness-raising meeting and training of thematic and sectoral experts on gender mainstreaming in their sectoral reports \u25aa Read sectoral reports to see if gender mainstreaming has been taken into account \u25aa Collaborate on data collection and processing. 12 BM Report on the Economic Situation of Mauritania, 2021 and National Youth Strategy CONTRIBUTION DEENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CND MAURItania VIII- Education and jobs The labour market in Mauritania is suffering from a reversed structural transformation where the workforce has shifted to less productive sectors. The sectoral composition of employment has remained relatively unchanged in recent years.", + "The sectoral composition of employment has remained relatively unchanged in recent years. According to data from the National Employment and Informal Sector Survey in Mauritania (ENESI) of 2012 and 2017, the total labour force was about 735,000 persons for the two years.", + "In 2017, 30.4% of the labour force worked in the primary sector, 18.1% in the manufacturing sector, including extractive industries and GDP, and 51.4% in the manufacturing sector.", + "implementation of the actions planned in the National Youth Strategy (NYS- 2020- 2030) relating to: o youth policy on training and sustainable job creation and empowerment o creation of at least 30 000 new jobs, through the exploitation of new fisheries infrastructure, the development and diversification of agriculture and the emergence of an alternative industry o creation of 100 000 jobs.", + "13 Report on the Economic Situation in Mauritania \u2013 Strengthening Education to Foster Social Cohesion and Support Economic Development \u2013 Third Edition \u2013 June 2020 CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINED TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA ANNEXES Annex No. 1: Details of Mitigation Measures, Packaged and Unpackaged, by Sector Sector No. Sector Measures Description Cost US$ millions Agriculture Organic Agriculture Conventional Agriculture \u2013 Food Agriculture (6000 ha. Fat Supplement in Ruminant Diet A traditional ruminant diet contains 1.5-3% dry matter (DM%) of fat. With each 1% of fat added, CH4 emissions are reduced by about 4% for all ruminants.", + "This introduction will result in 4% more fat by 2030 Soil Organic Cover / Conservation Farming Cultivated to absorb the remaining nitrogen after the main crop is harvested; increase soil organic carbon content by reducing soil carbon loss due to erosion during the summer fallow period; reduce nitrogen leaching (and subsequent emissions) and reduce the amount of nitrogen to be applied to the next crop (reduce the use of synthetic fertilizers) Application of this technique will be in the order of 10,000 ha/year in 2030 Total Scenario CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania EE Households Efficient Residential Air Conditioner Improving the energy efficiency of air conditioners according to energy performance rules and promoting eco-energy air conditioning.", + "Soil organic cover / Conservation agriculture Cultivated for the purpose of absorbing the remaining nitrogen after the main crop is harvested; increasing soil organic carbon by reducing soil carbon loss due to erosion during the summerfallow period; reducing nitrogen leaching (and subsequent emissions) and reducing the amount of nitrogen to be applied to the next crop (reduction in the use of synthetic fertilisers) Application of this technique will be in the order of 10,000 ha/year in 2030 Total Scenario CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL CONTRIBUTION CDN MAURItania EE Households Efficient residential air conditioner Improving the energy efficiency of air conditioners according to energy performance rules and promoting eco-energy air conditioning Replacing the input power of 12000 Btu/h (1120 W) with that of 9000 Btu", + "Replacement of the input power of 12000 Btu / h (1120 W) with that of 9000 Btu / h (995 W) or LED air conditioning.", + "Replacement of the input power of 12000 Btu/h (1120 W) with that of 9000 Btu/h (995 W) or LED air conditioning. This technology is already present in the country and will be able to dominate consumption in 2030 with more than 8000 units. Efficient domestic lighting with LFC Improvement of the energy efficiency of efficient domestic lighting with fluo-compact bulbs Efficient lighting with LED Improvement of the energy efficiency of domestic lighting with LED bulbs unit in 2030 Efficient refrigerator Promotion of energy-efficient appliances according to energy performance rules with 15000 eco-energy refrigerators. Replacement of the LFC with LEDs in domestic lighting Improvement of the energy efficiency of domestic lighting with fluo-compact bulbs with new generation LED bulbs (140 Lumen / Watt).", + "CFL replacement with LEDs in home lighting Improved energy efficiency of home lighting with fluo-compact light bulbs with new generation LED light bulbs (140 Lumen / Watt) Efficient wood charcoal stoves (enhanced fireplace) Distribution of 150,000 improved fireplaces by 2030 LPG replacing wood Distribution of 170,000 LPG stoves by 2030 Efficient electrical stoves Distribution of 10,000 electrical stoves by 2030 Efficient residential air conditioner Implementation of a program to promote efficient residential air conditioning, the potential for introduction of this technology can be reached CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania 15000 units (or 7000 more units) Efficient refrigerator Implementation of a program to promote eco-energy refrigeration in the residential sector, the potential for introduction of this", + "Biogas in rural farms replacing wood and coal Biodigester technology is already present in the subregion.", + "Efficient wood charcoal stoves (improved fireplace) Distribution of 150,000 improved fireplaces by 2030 LPG replacing wood Distribution of 170,000 LPG stoves by 2030 Efficient electrical stoves Distribution of 10,000 electrical stoves by 2030 Efficient residential air conditioner Implementation of a program to promote efficient residential air conditioning, the potential for introduction of this technology can be reached ENTERPRISE CONTRIBUTION TO NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA 15000 units (or 7000 more units) Efficient refrigerator Implementation of a program to promote eco-energy refrigeration in the residential sector, the potential for introduction of this technology can be reached Additional units Biogas on rural farms substituting wood and coal Biodigester technology is already present in the subregion Feeding the biodigester with mainly cattle", + "the bio digester of compound mainly from livestock manure and other organic waste will produce biogas that can be used for cooking and heating hot water.", + "Feeding the bio-digester with compounds mainly from livestock manure and other organic wastes will produce biogas that can be used for cooking and heating hot water. Achievement of 2000 Bio-digesters by 2030 Total EE Scenario Industry Industry Energy Efficiency Program Industrial sector energy demand reduction of 10% by 2030 Industry Energy Efficiency Program Industrial sector energy demand reduction of 20% by 2030", + "Industry Sector Energy Efficiency Program Reduction of industrial sector energy demand by 20% by 2030 Total EE Service Scenario Efficient office lighting with CFL Improved energy efficiency of office lighting with fluo-compact bulbs Efficient office lighting with LED Improved energy efficiency of office lighting with LED Bulbs Efficient lamps - LED tubes Improved energy efficiency of public lighting (3000 LED tubes) Energy efficiency in service Reduction of 20% of service energy demand especially in new buildings (New office building with central cooling).", + "Total EE Service Scenario Efficient office lighting with CFL Improved energy efficiency of office lighting with fluo-compact bulbs Efficient office lighting with LED Improved energy efficiency of office lighting with LED bulbs Efficient lamps - LED tubes Improved energy efficiency of public lighting (3000 LED tubes) Energy efficiency in service Reduction of 20% of service energy demand especially in new buildings (New office building with central cooling) CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA Total EE Scenario Offers Switching from heavy fuel oil to natural gas in dual thermal power plant Replacement of fuel oil with natural gas in dual thermal power plant (fuel/gas) MW of Nouakchott in 2025 New natural gas power plant Putting 200MW of natural gas power plant into operation in 2025 New natural gas power plant", + "New Natural Gas Generating Station Installation of a New 300MW Natural Gas Generating Station Total Scenario Energy Distribution Efficient Electricity Networks The national electricity network development program has four regional medium voltage lines and two transnational high voltage lines under construction and other lines under development.", + "ENTERPRISE CONTRIBUTION AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Total scenario EE offers Switching from heavy fuel oil to natural gas in the dual thermal power plant Replacement of fuel oil with natural gas in the dual thermal power plant (fuel/gas) MW of Nouakchott in 2025 New natural gas power plant Putting into operation of a 200MW natural gas power plant in 2025 New natural gas power plant Installation of a new 300MW natural gas power plant Total scenario Energy distribution Efficient electrical networks The national electricity network development program has 4 medium-voltage regional lines and 2 transnational high-voltage lines under construction and other lines under programming, with an energy saving capacity of 300 GWh.", + "With an energy saving capacity of 300 GWh. Connection of the isolated network to the central grid The national electricity network development programme aims at connecting more than 25 isolated networks to the central grid with an energy saving of 900 GWh. Efficient electricity networks With greater international support the national network development programme could achieve an energy saving of an additional 500 GWh by extending coverage. Connection of the isolated network to the central grid With greater international support the national network development programme could achieve an energy saving of an additional 300 GWh by connecting isolated power stations.", + "Connecting the isolated grid to the central grid With greater international support, the national grid development programme could achieve an additional 300 GWh of energy savings by connecting the isolated grid. Total scenario Forestry Reforestation/reforestation Increase annually the area reforested to reach the target of 3000 CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE ha/year (DRPEM 2000ha and Assisted Forest Regeneration Increase annually the area reforested to reach the target of 5000 ha/year sylvopastoral reforestation Restoration activities involving biological actions for reforestation and natural regeneration of Reforestation With greater international support, the area reforested can reach the target of 10000 ha/year more under regional programmes Assisted Forest Regeneration With greater international support, the area reforested can", + "Assisted forest regeneration With greater international support the areas restored can reach the target of 10,000 ha/year more under the regional programmes. Total scenario Hydro Country quota at the World Summit on Sustainable Development Mauritania\u2019s quota in hydroelectric production will be in the order of with the entry into service of the new facilities Ditches Plastics recycling The plastics recycling process includes washing and granulation. This technique is already present, production will be improved to reach 2000 tonnes/year in 2030 Plastics recycling With greater international support the production of plastics recycling can reach Installation of an incineration plant The incineration plant will have a capacity of tonnes/day, and will be able to generate 12MW.", + "This technology is already present, production will be improved to reach 2000 tonnes /year in 2030 Plastics Recycling With greater international support the production of plastics recycling will be able to reach Installation of an incineration plant The incineration plant will have a capacity of tonnes/day, and will be able to generate 12MW. This process consists of the following operations: mechanical sorting and grinding, aerobic drying and incineration according to the most CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE recent hygiene standards.", + "This process consists of the following operations: mechanical sorting and milling, aerobic drying and incineration according to the most recent hygiene standards CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Total Solar Solar Water Heater, Residential Promotion of the installation of residential solar water heaters to the target of 4000 installations in 2030 Solar PV, Large Network Continue and extend the solar program to achieve a cumulative installed capacity of 100 MW in 2030 Solar Home Solar Continue and extend the solar program to achieve a cumulative installed capacity of 4000 solar kits/fireplaces in 2030 Mini Solar Hybrid/Diesel Network Continue and extend the solar hybridization program of isolated mini networks to achieve a cumulative installed capacity LED Solar Lamps Distribution of approximately 20,000 LED solar lamps in rural areas benefiting from the solar home program.", + "Total Scenario Solar Residential Solar Water Heater Promotion of residential solar water heaters to 4,000 installations in 2030 Solar PV, large network Continuation and expansion of the solar program to achieve a cumulative installed capacity of 100 MW in 2030 Home Solar PV Continuation and expansion of the solar program to achieve a cumulative installed capacity of 4,000 solar kits/sheds in 2030 Mini Solar Hybrid/diesel Network Continuation and expansion of the solar hybridization program of isolated mini networks to achieve a cumulative installed capacity LED solar lamps Distribution of approximately 20,000 LED solar lamps in rural areas benefiting from the home solar program Solar lamps Improved energy efficiency of public lighting with the realization of 5,000 solar lamps Solar Water Heater, residential With greater international support, the promotion of residential solar water heaters installations will be able to achieve an additional", + "Residential solar water heaters will be able to reach an additional 9000 units in 2030 Solar PV, large network with storage (green hydrogen) Mauritania has just signed an ambitious protocol for the development of renewable energy resources (green hydrogen programme) with the American company GWP Global.", + "Solar lamps Improving the energy efficiency of public lighting with the realization of 5000 Solar lamps Solar water heater, residential With greater international support, the promotion of the installation of residential solar water heaters will be able to reach an additional 9000 units in 2030 Solar PV, large network with storage (green hydrogen) Mauritania has just signed an ambitious protocol for the development of renewable energy resources (green hydrogen programme) with the American company GWP Global.", + "The project, called Aman, involves the development of 30 GW of solar and wind energy to power generators in Mauritania.The solar and wind power plants will be installed CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE in an 8500 km2 desert area in the north of the country.A report examining the potential of blue and green hydrogen (low-carbon hydrogen) is being prepared as part of the PADG Project for the Mauritanian Government.This report will assess Mauritania\u2019s technical potential for blue/green hydrogen and provide data for a national low-carbon hydrogen roadmap, which will also cover the potential uses of hydrogen produced in the country at the national level (industry, mining, heavy transport, agriculture (fertilizers), trawlers) and internationally (ammonia exports, etc.).", + "This report will assess Mauritania\u2019s technical potential for blue/green hydrogen and provide data for a national low-carbon hydrogen roadmap, which will also cover the potential uses of hydrogen produced in the country at the national level (industry, mining, heavy transport, agriculture (fertilizers), trawlers) and internationally (ammonia exports, etc.). By consensus judgement of the team (focus points and experts) achieving solar capacity is feasible in 2030. Home solar PV With greater international support, the solar programme will be able to achieve a cumulative installed additive solar kit/fireplace capacity in 2030.", + "This capability is confirmed in the \"Desert to Power\" initiative of the African Development Bank and the G5. Total Scenario Transport Restriction on the import of used cars Implementation of restrictions to limit the import of vehicles older than 8 years in addition to a bonus system exempting low-carbon cars and penalising models over the age limit as well as polluting models.", + "Total Scenario Transport Restriction on the importation of used cars Implementation of restrictions to limit the importation of vehicles older than 8 years in addition to a bonus system exempting low-carbon cars and penalizing models over the age limit as well as polluting models More efficient gasoline cars More efficient diesel cars CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA Natural gas cars Promotion of hybrid cars: in this context, the country\u2019s planned gas field operation in the near future facilitates the penetration of gas and electric cars Electric car Sahel Train (goods) The study of the project is in the final stages The use of rail transport will largely replace the transport of goods and people on the road.", + "More efficient gasoline cars More efficient diesel cars CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINED AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA Natural gas cars Promotion of hybrid cars: in this context, the operation of the country\u2019s gas field planned in the near future facilitates the penetration of gas vehicles as well as electric cars Electric car Sahel railway (goods) The study of the project is in the final stages The use of rail transport will largely replace the transport of goods and people on the road. Sahel railway (passengers) Nouakchott tramway As part of the improvement of urban public transport and in view of the spatial extension of the city of Nouakchott, this measure is an option and a priority.", + "Total scenario Wind turbine Wind turbine connected to the main network - on-shore This is a project Extension of the Nouakchott wind farm by 20 MW. On-shore wind turbines with storage As part of the \"Aman\" programme, which provides for the development of 30 GW of solar and wind energy to power generators in Mauritania. By consensus judgment of the team (focus points and experts), it is possible to reach the capacity of wind turbines in 2030.", + "By consensus of the team (focus points and experts) it is possible to reach the capacity of wind turbines by 2030. total scenario CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Annex No.2: List of adaptation actions proposed by the sectors Sector Environment Policy, Strategies, Programmes, Plans and Actions for Strengthening Sector Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change \u25aa Priority Expanded Programme of the President of the Republic \u25aa Integrated National Programme for Reforestation and Sustainable Land Management \u25aa Great Green Wall Strategy 2022/2026 \u25aa Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity \u25aa National Strategy for Environment and Sustainable Development (SNEDD) and its Action Plan \u25aa National Strategy for the Conservation of Humid Zones in Mauritania \u25aa Master Plan", + "d National Adaptation Actions (NAPA) to Climate Change \u25aa Vulnerability Study and Adaptation Plan of the Nouakchott Region to Climate Change \u25aa Rural Development Strategy Horizon 2025 Objectives to Enhance ecosystem resilience and conserve biodiversity: - Development of classified forests - Restoration and conservation of sites of ecological and biological interest) - Implementation of the Ecosystem-based Adaptation Approach (EbA); - Creation of green jobs; Neutrality of land degradation: - Combating weeding; - Aerial seeding; - Soil defence and restoration Sustainable management and conservation of wetlands: - Development of wetlands; - Strengthening the ecological, biological and socio-economic roles of wetlands Protection of the coastal dune, control of coastal erosion and establishment of a", + "Coastal towns - Fixing dunes of the dune cord - Closing breaches; - Combating coastal erosion (Ndiago, Nouakchott, Arguin Bank National Park and Nouadhibou); - Establishing a flood risk monitoring system for coastal towns Funding requirements in millions of USD Conditional: 658.68 Non-conditional: 26.21 Total: 684.89 Synergies ODD-13 / CNULCD (Neutrality of land degradation) ODD-15 / CBD / Sendai Framework ODD-12 (Value chains, forest products and green economy) Sector Agriculture Policy, \u25aa President of the Republic\u2019s Enlarged Priority Programme CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania Strategies, programmes, plans and actions for strengthening the sector\u2019s resilience and adaptation to climate change \u25aa", + "\u25aa National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP) \u25aa National Strategy for Rural Development (SNDSR), \u25aa National Strategy for the Conservation of Wetlands \u25aa National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Management \u25aa National Action Plan for Capacity Building in Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Preparedness and Response \u25aa National Agricultural Development Plan (NDP) Objectives to Improve Agricultural Productivity and Use of Climate Services \u25aa Intensification and diversification of irrigated agricultural production \u25aa Establishment of an insurance system for farmers against agro-climatic risks \u25aa Support for the promotion of market gardening \u25aa Development of seed production \u25aa Improvement of rainfall production systems \u25aa Development of village irrigated perimeter, restoration of fertility of agricultural land \u25aa Organic agriculture; \u25aa Agroforestry; Financing needs in millions", + "Agricultural land \u25aa Organic agriculture; \u25aa Agroforestry; USD millions in financing requirements Non-conditional: 56.04 Total: 831.52 Synergies Sector Upgrading Policies, strategies, programmes, plans and actions for strengthening the sector\u2019s resilience and adapting to climate change \u25aa President of the Republic\u2019s Priority Expanded Programme \u25aa National Livestock Development Plan \u25aa National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP) \u25aa National Strategy for Rural Development (SNDSR), \u25aa National Food Security Strategy (SNSA) \u25aa National Strategy for the Conservation of Wetlands \u25aa National Action Plan for Disaster Risk Management \u25aa National Action Plan for Capacity Building in Disaster Risk Reduction and Emergency Preparedness and Response Objectives for improving animal health and productivity \u25aa Genetic improvement; \u25aa Fight against epizo", + "Development of feed crops Development and management of rangelands: \u25aa Sustainable management of pastoral resources \u25aa Development of transhumance corridors \u25aa Establishment of infrastructures Conditional requirements: 333.9 CONTRIBUTION DEENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Millions of USD funding No Conditional: 41.28 Total: 375.18 Synergies Fisheries Sector Policies, strategies, programmes, plans and actions for strengthening the sector\u2019s resilience and adapting to climate change \u25aa Expanded priority programme of the President of the Republic \u25aa National responsible management strategy for sustainable development of the fisheries sector and the economy \u25aa Strategy for the sustainable and integrated development of the maritime fisheries sector \u25aa Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP) \u25aa Expanded priority programme of the President of the Republic \u25aa Pro", + "\u2022 Strengthening food security and poverty reduction \u25aa Establishment of a national fisheries centre Capacity-building for monitoring and managing continental fisheries \u25aa Strategic studies in support of the institutional reform process \u25aa Strengthening national capacities for expertise, monitoring and research in continental fisheries \u25aa Establishment of a continental fisheries information system Funding requirements in millions of USD Conditional: 763.88 Non-conditional: 106.45 Total: 870.33 Synergies Water and Sanitation Sector Policy, Strategies, Programmes, Plans and Actions for Strengthening Sector Resilience and Adapting to Climate Change \u25aa Presidential Priority Expanded Programme \u25aa National Strategy for Social Protection in Mauritania \u25aa National Strategy for Gender Institutionalisation \u25aa National Programme for Agricultural Development, horizon \u25aa Plan", + "Social protection in Mauritania \u25aa National Strategy for Gender Institutionalization \u25aa National Programme for Agricultural Development, horizon \u25aa National Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change \u25aa National Strategy for the Conservation of Wetlands \u25aa National Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity \u25aa Water and Sanitation Sector Strategy \u25aa National Agricultural Development Plan \u25aa National Rural Development Strategy (SNDSR), \u25aa National Strategy for Environment and Sustainable Development Objectives for Improving Access to Water \u25aa Drinking Water Supply HodhChargui, Hodh Gharbi, Kiffa, CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AU NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIA Nouadhibou... \u25aa Drinking Water Supply AftoutEssahli and Drinking Water Nouakchott Sanitation of cities at high risk of flooding \u25aa Sanitation of Nou", + "Development of the Territory Policies, Strategies, Programmes, Plans and Actions for Strengthening Sector Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change \u25aa Priority Expanded Programme of the President of the Republic \u25aa Action Plan DGATAR, 2021, \u25aa Action Plan DGHU, 2021 \u25aa Outline Director of Development and Urbanism of the City of Nouakchott \u25aa National Strategy for the Environment and Sustainable Development and its Action Plan \u25aa Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity \u25aa Act No. 2008-07 of 17 March 2008 on the Urbanism Code \u25aa Act No. 001-2010 of 7 January 2010 approving the Land Use Planning Policy Act \u25aa Decree 2020-11 of 12 February 2020 approving the Nouakchott Urban Development Authority, \u25aa Vulnerability Study and Adaptation Plan of the Nouakchott Region to Climate Change \u25aa Evaluation", + "Development of the Territory in relation to climate change adaptation issues Objectives to Improve access to housing for vulnerable groups \u25aa Construction of housing with local climate-resilient materials; \u25aa Strengthening village cohesion Implementation of the National Spatial Planning Scheme \u25aa Implementation of a climate-resilient urban planning and management system \u25aa Implementation of a climate-resilient spatial planning scheme \u25aa Implementation of the Nouakchott Urban Development Strategy; Millions of USD in funding requirements Conditional: 3407.76 Non-conditional: 65.77 Total: 3473.37 Synergies Health Policies, Strategies, Programmes, Plans and Actions for the \u25aa Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity Strategy \u25aa National Health Policy Horizon 2030 (NHP) \u25aa National Health Development Plan (NHDP) \u25aa National GDBM Plan CONTRIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL", + "NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURItania strengthening sectoral resilience and adaptation to climate change Objectives to Combat diseases with common risk factors \u25aa Combat cardiovascular diseases, \u25aa Combat respiratory diseases, Improving the health of people vulnerable to the effects of climate change \u25aa Strengthening the Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) \u25aa Strengthening the fight against malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies \u25aa Development and implementation of a health strategy for women, young people and the elderly Funding requirements in millions of USD Conditional: 230 Non-conditional: 48.93 Total: 278.93 Synergy ODD 3 \u2013 ODD 10 Sector Gender and Youth Policy, Strategies, Programmes, Plans and Actions for Strengthening Sectoral Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change \u25aa President of the Republic\u2019s Priority Expanded Programme", + "Gender \u25aa Strategy for Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity (SCAPP) Objectives to Strengthen the resilience of rural women to the effects of climate change \u25aa Establishment of community health mutuals for the benefit of women in wilayas of Assaba, Brakna, Gorgol and Hodhs, conditional \u25aa Establishment of an AGR funding fund for vulnerable groups; Development of community-based approaches to adapting to climate change \u25aa Youth employability at the nine (9) wilaya level; \u25aa Risk prevention and responsible health behaviour; \u25aa Combating addictive practices among young people; \u25aa Combating rural exodus and emigration Funding needs in millions of USD Conditional: 1017.463 Non-conditional: 45.183 Total: 1062.646 Synergies Employment and education Conditional: 337.75 Non-conditional: - CON", + "CDN MAURITANIE Total: 337.75 Capacity Building Conditional: 279.37 Non-Conditional: Total: 279.37 MRV Conditional: 1,263650 (CBIT) CONTRIBUTION DENTERMINEE AT NATIONAL LEVEL CDN MAURITANIE Appendix No. 3:", + "\u2013 US$20 million) \u25aa Ecosystem and population resilience in 4 northern regional hubs (UN-US$22.5 million) \u25aa Livelihoods resilience in CCC and food security in agro- sylvo-pastoral communities in the southwest (FAO, US$34.5 million) \u25aa Green hubs resilience of agro-pastoral ecosystems and production systems (IUCN/5 million) \u25aa Cities resilience in CCC and eco-construction (UNDP / US$25 million) \u25aa Resilient management and water supply in 2 Hodhs (UNDP / US$23 million) \u25aa Economic activity and population retention in oases (ADA-Morocco / US$9.5 million) \u25aa Indigenous population resilience in Arguin Bank Park (IUCN) Regional programmes: \u25aa Coastal resilience, WACA/Res.", + "US$22.5 million) \u25aa Sustainable livelihoods in the CC and food security in agro- sylvo-pastoral communities in the South-West (FAO, US$34.5 million) \u25aa Green poles resilience of agro-pastoral ecosystems and production systems (IUCN, US$5 million) \u25aa Cities resilience in the CC and eco-construction (UNDP, US$25 million) \u25aa Resilient management and water supply in 2 Hodhs (UNDP, US$23 million) \u25aa Economic activity and population retention in oases (ADA-Morocco, US$9.5 million) \u25aa Indigenous population resilience in Arguin Bank Park (IUCN) Regional programmes: \u25aa Coastal resilience, WACA/Res. IP \u2013 CCA, World Bank, US$382 million \u25aa Cross-border programme resilience of", + "Off-grid electrification, IBRD, US$600M \u25aa African Climate Risk Finance Program, IFAD, US$421M i(hybrid approach to defining international climate commitments, based on national circumstances NCD)." + ] + } + }, + { + "country_code": "SLV", + "type_of_document": "INDC", + "language": "es", + "para_translated": { + "small": [ + "Government of El Salvador. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN). CONTRIBUTION PREVIOUSLY DETERMINED AND DETERMINED TO THE SALVADOR NATIONAL LEVEL. San Salvador. November 2015. General Framework.", + "Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN). FORECAST AND DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION TO THE SALVADOR NATIONAL LEVEL. San Salvador. November 2015. General Framework. El Salvador presents this Nationally Determined Forecast Contribution (NDCF), based on the premise that the negotiation of the 2015 agreement is carried out and concrete under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and is legally guided and governed by its principles and provisions, with a view to improving the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention and achieving its objective.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The implementation of the CPND in El Salvador depends on the achievement of an ambitious agreement, with which society as a whole is committed, and which has the necessary international support to facilitate resources and promote and stimulate investments to strengthen resilience and build low-carbon development.", + "The National Plan of Action will be updated periodically and accordingly. Historically and until now, El Salvador has generated very low emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), so its contribution is not significant at the global level.", + "Historically and to date, El Salvador has generated very low emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), so its contribution is not significant at global level.", + "In this regard, El Salvador is firmly committed to reaching a substantive and equitable global agreement in 2015 to address the threat of climate change, developing its best mitigation efforts, prioritizing those actions and contributions that bring socio-economic co-benefits and promoting, where appropriate, the approach of mitigation based on adaptation, as indicated in its ecosystem and landscape restoration programmes and other forest-related initiatives.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "In addition, some quantitative targets for 2025 and 2030 are presented, which will be duly agreed, quantified and presented in some cases before COP 22 and COP 23. It is also important to stress that the implementation of the actions identified requires access to the necessary means of implementation and financing.", + "It is also important to stress that the implementation of the actions identified requires access to the necessary means of implementation and financing.", + "The same applies in the case of economic shocks that significantly affect trade relations and the forecasting of national incomes. 1. Context and socio-economic impacts of climate change in El Salvador and levels of greenhouse gas emissions.", + "According to the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC, \u201cCentral America has traditionally been characterized as a region with high exposure to geo-climatic threats due to its location and topography and with a high vulnerability of its human settlements (CEPAL, 2010c).", + "According to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, \u201cCentral America has traditionally been characterized as a region with high exposure to geo-climatic threats stemming from its location and topography and with high vulnerability to human settlements (CEPAL, 2010c) and has also been identified as the most climate-sensitive tropical region\u201d (Giorgi, 2006).", + "In Central America, there is extensive evidence of climate variability at various time scales, ranging from intra-state variability to long-term variability.", + "Climate change increases climate variability and changes rainfall patterns such as: a) they affect the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic systems more; b) rainfall is much more intense; and c) events of excessive rainfall or lack of rain last longer.", + "Climate change increases climate variability and changes rainfall patterns such as: (a) greater influence on the Pacific and Atlantic systems; (b) much more intense rainfall; and (c) longer-term events of excessive rainfall or lack of rainfall.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner", + "9.2% of it is in a situation of extreme socio-economic vulnerability, concentrated mainly in the departments of San Vicente and San Miguel.On the other hand, the Salvadoran territory forms part of the so-called Dry Corridor of Central America, which constitutes a group of ecosystems that combine in the eco-region of the tropical dry forest with particular biophysical and temperature conditions, evotranspiration and precipitation.", + "On the other hand, the Salvadoran territory is part of the so-called Dry Corridor of Central America, which is a group of ecosystems that are combined in the eco-region of the dry tropical forest with particular biophysical and temperature conditions, evotranspiration and precipitation.", + "These high levels of physical exposure to climatic phenomena, in highly vulnerable populations, have an economic and social impact, causing damage and losses amounting to several hundred million dollars. These resources displace public and private investment and reduce the stock of capital at the expense of territorial economic growth and have a strong impact on the population's life expectancy and quality of life [1].", + "In El Salvador, considering as extreme hydro-meteorological events those that produce precipitation above 100 mm in 24 hours and accumulated precipitation of more than 350 mm in 72 hours, it is significant the progressive increase of these extreme climatic phenomena.", + "One was registered in the 1960s, another in the 1970s, two in the 1980s, four in the 1990s and eight in the first decade of this century.", + "The Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC) has pointed out that between 1980 and 2008 there was an average of 1.5 natural disasters per year in the country, causing the death of almost 7,000 people, affecting an additional 2.9 million and costing an estimated US$ 470 million annually, equivalent to 4.2% of gross domestic product (GDP).", + "Annual economic damage related to climate phenomena is high; between November 2009 and October 2011 alone, more than USD 1.3 billion or 6% of 2011 GDP was lost.", + "In the last six decades, the average annual temperature in El Salvador has risen by more than 1.3 degrees centigrade, while the global average temperature has risen by only 0.8 degrees above the pre-industrial average.", + "An analysis by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL) of the daily rainfall records for the period 1971-2011 showed that in the decade 2001-2011 there was a strong increase in events that exceeded the threshold of 100 mm, 150 mm and 200 mm in two days, five days and 10 days of rainfall, respectively, relative to previous decades, breaking various records of intensity and duration, as described in detail in the Second National Communication.", + "As a result of this dynamic, El Salvador has experienced an increase in the last decade of disasters linked to extreme hydro-meteorological events, such as; Low Pressure E96/Ida, Tropical Storm Agatha; Tropical Depression 12E and severe and recurrent meteorological droughts from 2012 to 2015.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "The projected climate scenarios point to increases of between 2 and 3 degrees Celsius over the next six decades, depending on global efforts to mitigate global warming, within the framework of the commitments set out in the 2015 agreement.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The foreseeable impacts of climate change will be particularly strong in the coastal-sea zone and in the eastern region of the country, affecting territories of strategic importance in terms of their wealth as natural capital, vocation and potential for tourist development.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF", + "This climate variability, exacerbated by global warming and climate change, directly affects the emergence of extreme climatic phenomena that produce negative impacts on the socio-economic development of the country, increasing its vulnerability resulting both from its high environmental degradation and from the large social deficits accumulated, putting pressure on its public finances and productive investment; limiting its economic growth and exacerbating its poverty problems.", + "The global financial crisis of 2008 had negative consequences for the country, with strong impacts on economic indicators, exports and remittances falling, unemployment rising and energy and food prices rising (BM, 2015).", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + ", presenting from the following year a relative stagnation in its growth rates below 2% annually. Between 2011 and 2013, the economy grew at 1.9% annually, below the average of Latin America and the Caribbean (3.7%). In 2014, growth was 2% (BCR, 2015) and projections for 2015 are 2.4%[2] (BCR, 2015).", + "Between 2011 and 2013, the economy grew at an annual rate of 1.9%, below the Latin American and Caribbean average of 3.7%. In 2014, growth was 2% (BCR, 2015) and projections for 2015 are 2.4%[2] (BCR, 2015). This economic dynamic described above represents another major challenge for the country.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "For the same period, El Salvador, according to the 2014 Human Development Index (HDI), ranks 115th out of 187 countries, slightly increasing its HDI from 0.660 in 2013 to 0.662 in 2014, but poverty reduction is a complex process.", + "The Government of El Salvador is committed to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 and to achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the United Nations Millennium Declaration (General Assembly resolution 55/2, annex).", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "A similar tendency is presented in the measurement by means of the multidimensional poverty indices, which indicate that by 2014 the country has 606 thousand families living in poverty, i.e. 35.2% of Salvadoran households.", + "This is evidence of the difficult task facing the country in the fight against poverty, and the country must therefore make significant efforts to address the historical social deprivation, which is exacerbated by growing climate vulnerability and a cycle of low economic growth, coupled with the problems of violence and social insecurity, which threaten social and economic development and negatively affect the quality of life of the population.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commission", + "In view of the above, the country's climate agenda with regard to mitigation and GHG emissions reflects that El Salvador in terms of its emission levels, both in percentage terms (0.04% of global emissions) and per capita (1.1 tonnes), has a non-significant contribution; in this sense, the commitments that the country undertakes must be balanced according to its level of responsibility.", + "In this regard, the commitments that the country undertakes must be balanced in accordance with its level of responsibility; however, the country is committed to the international effort to meet greenhouse gas (GHG) emission levels and aims to implement a low-emission development model, as set out in its National Climate Change Plan.", + "The Government of the Republic of Korea is committed to the international effort to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and aims to implement a low-emission development model, as set out in its National Climate Change Plan. The promotion of energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energies, and the preparation of the conditions for this, will be two essential elements of this Planned Contribution to mitigation, as set out in the Quinquennial Development Plan 2014-2019. 2.", + "The promotion of energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energies, and the preparation of the conditions for this, will be two essential elements of this Provisional Contribution in the field of mitigation, as established in the Fifth Development Plan 2014-2019. 2. Sustainable development, national priorities against climate change. 2.1. Framework of national priorities.", + "Sustainable development, national priorities against climate change. 2.1. Framework of national priorities. The vulnerability and impacts on socio-economic development described require key and urgent actions.", + "In this regard, El Salvador, in its Objective 7 of the Quinquennial Development Plan 2014-2019, states that the country must \u201cTransit towards an economy and society that are environmentally sustainable and resilient to climate change\u201d.", + "In this regard, El Salvador, in its Objective 7 of the Quinquennial Development Plan 2014-2019, states that the country must \u201cTransit towards an economy and society that are environmentally sustainable and resilient to climate change.\u201d In the same line, the National Climate Change Plan, drawn up and approved in 2015, ratifies and defines the orientation of climate change policies, actions and priorities in terms of nationally determined contributions.", + "In the same vein, the National Climate Change Plan, drawn up and adopted in 2015, ratified and defines the direction of climate change policies, actions and priorities in terms of nationally determined targeted contributions. Consequently, the country has initiated the process of drawing up the Convention's National Adaptation Plan (NAP), which is a fundamental instrument as an extension of the National Climate Change Plan, and already has a draft for the design of a roadmap for this by 2017.", + "As a prerequisite for the planning and implementation of priority actions, El Salvador seeks to use all available opportunities to develop institutional and technical capacity to integrate adaptation into sustainable development, including climate change communication and awareness programmes and public education.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Committee for Programme and Coordination, the Economic and Social Council, the General Assembly, the Commission on Human Rights, the Commission on the Status of Women, the Human Rights Committee, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the", + "In addition, the country has established the Cabinet of Environmental Sustainability and Vulnerability as a political coordinator, which has the National Council of Environmental Sustainability and Vulnerability (CONASAV) as an advisory arm, thereby promoting the representation and participation of civil society, private enterprise, academia and NGOs.", + "This institutional framework will be strengthened by means of a Climate Change Framework Law that will establish the institutional arrangements necessary for the appropriate and sustained management of the NDFP.", + "As has already been pointed out, water resources, agriculture, road infrastructure, health and the development of tourism are being increasingly affected by climate change, so it is essential to define a strategic framework for action to identify and implement priority actions to adapt to climate change in these sectors.", + "The proposed actions, commitments and national contributions in each of these sectors seek to be synergistic, ensuring that each intervention reports substantive co-benefits in the others.", + "In the context of this CPND and as priorities within this contribution are defined actions relating to the strengthening of the legal, institutional and capacity development framework in the sectors of infrastructure, water resources, agriculture, health and energy.", + "By the very nature of national contributions, many of the actions described transcend the sphere of action of the government and require the full involvement and commitment of society and of all key actors, including municipalities, private enterprise, small producers, NGOs, autonomous institutions, communities, academia, etc. 2.2. Adaptation: The variability in precipitation has a strong impact on the availability and quality of water, both surface and groundwater, directly affecting the different uses of the resource, especially human consumption and ecosystems, agricultural production, electricity generation, and the economy in general, with implications for the productivity and competitiveness of the country.", + "The variability in precipitation has a strong impact on the availability and quality of water, both surface and groundwater, directly affecting the different uses of the resource, especially human consumption and ecosystems, agricultural production, electricity generation, and the economy in general, with implications for the productivity and competitiveness of the country.", + "It also severely and in various ways impacts the health sector, relating to different types of diseases, including morbidity and mortality due to thermal stress, acute diarrhoeal diseases (ADDs) due to water pollution aggravated by flooding, acute respiratory infections (ARIs) and vector diseases, also aggravated by high temperatures.", + "High temperatures also increase pests in crops (including the Roya), warm waters off the coast reduce fishing, and dry pastures impact livestock farming, while intense and sudden rains and violent electrical storms accompanied by raging winds also damage agriculture and the infrastructure of cities, causing even loss of human lives.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The National Climate Change Plan is the basis for this articulation of intersectoral actions and for the formulation of this CPND.", + "2.3. Damage and Losses The impacts and damage caused by climate change phenomena in the country are so severe that they compromise the immediate and future viability of the country\u2019s development, the International Monetary Fund, in the report of its Country Consultation Mission, March 2013, concluded that \u201cSince the 2008-2009 crisis, the Salvadoran economy has grown slowly as a result of low domestic investment and the impact of climate shocks\u201d.", + "In this regard, the CPND prioritises support for fiscal, social protection, sectoral and territorial policies.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commission", + "The five-year development plan 2015-2019 (PQD) has set out among its objectives and lines of action to promote energy efficiency, promote renewable energies, control emissions from the transport sector and those associated with waste and waste disposal.", + "The expected contributions in these areas report simultaneous economic and social benefits that will strengthen national conditions for resilient and low-carbon sustainable development.", + "In this sense, low-carbon urban development for El Salvador would not only slow down GHG emissions but would improve the conditions for economic competitiveness of urban centres and reduce the incidence of diseases associated with pollution and the phenomenon of heat islands in cities, improving the quality of life and urban comfort.", + "As an extension of the guidelines set out in the PRSP, the National Climate Change Plan sets as one of its priority axes climate-resilient and low-carbon urban and coastal development, including in its implementation the development of National Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs).", + "In the actions of restoration of ecosystems and landscapes, of implementation of the REDD plus Programme, as well as adaptation of agriculture to climate change, co-benefits of mitigation are developed simultaneously, quantifiable in many cases.", + "It is essential that these efforts to implement national mitigation contributions to fulfil the country's commitments under the 2015 agreement should involve the participation of economic actors and society as a whole.", + "It is essential to agree on goals and commitments and to have technical and financial support from international public and private resources, new and additional to official development assistance, consistent with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities established by the Convention.", + "Preliminary Nationally Determined Priority Contributions to Address Observed Impacts and Mitigate Climate Change.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of 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Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human", + "(b) International financial resources are available to support the commitments mentioned, which must be new and additional to official development assistance; ensuring not only the strengthening of national capacities but also adequate access to technologies, among other types of cooperation.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "(d) We do not face a national impact event that directly affects the allocation of public financial resources, by cutting funding to priority issues for the country such as education, health and safety.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Auto", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The challenges of climate change for the country are of such magnitude that the entire national economy, dependent on the secure and accessible supply of water and energy, agricultural inputs, an efficient and secure infrastructure and a healthy, educated and skilled workforce, is seriously threatened by the growing impacts of extreme events and by those of slow development that already report risks of instability, low productivity and limited competitiveness in some sectors of economic activity, starting with some crops that support the national basic food diet.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council 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the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,", + "This update will include a special section on the responsibility of each sector to regularly prepare the sectoral contributions that each sector will make to the national contributions that the country will periodically submit to the Convention and its new agreement, as well as appropriate mechanisms for monitoring implementation and reporting on results.", + "This Act shall provide for appropriate institutional arrangements for the formulation and supervision of the effective implementation of national climate change plans and nationally determined contributions drawn up by the country, supervision of their implementation and mechanisms for their reporting to the Convention.", + "This law will provide the appropriate institutional arrangements for the formulation and supervision of the effective implementation of the national climate change plans and nationally determined contributions drawn up by the country, the supervision of their implementation and the mechanisms for their reporting to the Convention, as well as the necessary and specific interinstitutional coordination mechanisms to maintain the dissemination of information generated by the institutions in the preparation of national contributions and response actions to different climate phenomena.", + "It will also have the necessary and specific mechanisms for interinstitutional coordination to maintain the dissemination of information generated by the institutions in the preparation of national contributions and response actions to different climate phenomena.", + "To this end, it is necessary to improve the institutional framework and develop capacities through the actions foreseen in the National Climate Change Plan, including: training of human resources; improving interinstitutional and intersectoral coordination; improving the flow of information and transparency between governmental and autonomous institutions; and promoting technology transfer.", + "Improving the flow of information and transparency between governmental and autonomous institutions. Promoting technology transfer. Updating curricula in academia. Creating a country dialogue on the theme of climate change.", + "To review and adjust on a permanent basis the legal framework on climate change, in accordance with the changing circumstances that this reality imposes. To strengthen the application of laws. 3.2. Law on Governance and Territorial Development.", + "Strengthening the implementation of laws. 3.2. Law on Land Management and Territorial Development. Effective implementation of this Law before 2018, as an enabling instrument for compliance with national actions and contributions in adaptation and mitigation and for the control of land use change. 3.3.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner", + "Infrastructure: Updating of the Urban Planning and Construction Act, the San Salvador Metropolitan Area Development and Territorial Management Act and building standards and regulations by 2019. Adaptation and mitigation of climate change are essential elements for proper planning of urban development and infrastructure, in line with economic growth and human development.", + "Adaptation and mitigation of climate change are essential elements for the proper planning of urban development and infrastructure, in line with economic growth and human development, and without such planning it is not possible to have and implement appropriate adaptation and mitigation measures in line with social development and sustainable economic growth.", + "The loss and damage experienced in recent years also highlights the need to invest in infrastructure that is resilient to the impacts of climate change, to save lives and protect the nation's capital.", + "The losses and damages experienced in recent years also highlight the need to invest in infrastructure that is resilient to the impacts of climate change, in order to save lives and protect the nation's capital.", + "To this end, it is necessary to: Change paradigms for technological innovation in construction with co-benefits in mitigation and adaptation; Promote bioclimatic architecture and appropriate vernacular for different types of infrastructure (supply of basic services such as water, housing, road networks, electrification, etc.).", + "(a) The right to life, liberty and security of the person, including the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punish", + "(a) The right to education (art. 2 of the Covenant) and the right to participate in cultural life (art. 2 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) (art. 2 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination) (art. 2 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination) (art. 2 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination) (art. 2 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination) (art. 2 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination) (art. 2 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination) (art. 2 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial", + "(b) To develop and implement a national plan of action for the protection of the marine environment from land-based activities, in accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and", + "To create incentives and community systems to reduce the high cost of eco-efficiency, especially in low-income socio-economic classes for the improvement of thermal comfort in homes and offices (bioclimate architecture, energy efficiency, microclimate, heat islands). 3.3.1. The Metropolitan Development Council (CODEMET) will develop and present before 2018 an initial plan for the adaptation of the San Salvador Metropolitan Area as part of the national contribution to the first period of implementation of the 2015 agreement, establishing the associated percentage of emission reductions by 2025 in relation to a non-action trajectory or BAU (\u201cbusiness as usual\u201d).", + "The Plan will establish the associated financing, technology transfer and capacity development needs for its implementation. 3.3.2. El Salvador will develop, by 2019, a master plan for sustainable rainwater management in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, with a basin approach and an emphasis on water reuse.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "3.3.3. In the period 2018-2025, El Salvador will implement investments in lamination lagoons for flood control in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, with environmental and social restoration of spaces.", + "In the period 2018-2025, El Salvador will implement investments in lamination lagoons for flood control in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, with environmental and social restoration of spaces.", + "In order to meet the goal, the necessary means of implementation will be established that are outside the scope of national finances. 3.3.4. El Salvador will continue to implement its massive plan of protection works throughout the country, with environmental and social restoration of spaces. 3.3.5.", + "El Salvador will continue to implement its massive plan of protection works throughout the country, with environmental and social restoration of spaces. 3.3.5. El Salvador will prepare before 2018 a diagnosis of structural and non-structural measures related to infrastructure for adaptation to climate change in urban areas (case study Area Metropolitana de San Salvador). 3.3.6.", + "In the period 2018 - 2025 El Salvador will have launched the second phase or phase of the Integrated Transport System of the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador (SITRAMSS) covering its north-south axis, developing a massive component of social awareness that will ensure citizen involvement so that the same reaches its maximum emission reduction potential.", + "In the period 2018 - 2025 El Salvador will have launched the second stage or phase of the Integrated Transportation System of the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador (SITRAMSS) covering its north-south axis, developing a massive component of social awareness that will ensure the involvement of the citizens so that the same reaches its maximum emission reduction potential.", + "The Vice-Ministry of Transport will present technical studies with a quantitative estimate of this potential.", + "3.4. Water resources: El Salvador will promote the effective implementation of a normative framework for the integrated management of water resources by 2017. Climate variability makes the water resource an area of cross-cutting importance.", + "Water resources: El Salvador will promote the effective implementation of a normative framework for the integrated management of water resources by 2017.Climate variability makes the water resource an area of cross-cutting importance.Events of excess or lack of rain require an integrated management strategy with axes that include all areas of Salvadoran society.", + "Events of excess or lack of rain require an integrated management strategy with axes that encompass all areas of Salvadoran society.", + "Laws and regulations governing the use of the resource in different sectors will be updated according to and depending on the fulfilment of its objectives.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador will reduce by 20% the uninvoiced water losses recorded at urban level in 2015, ensuring more effective and efficient water management and improving fair, equitable and safe access for all sectors of the population.", + "In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador will implement the protection and restoration through appropriate management plans of 70% of the major water recharge zones identified in the National Integrated Water Resources Management Plan.", + "In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador will implement the protection and restoration through appropriate management plans of 70% of the major water recharge zones identified in the National Integrated Water Resources Management Plan.", + "3.4.3. In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador will maintain systems for monitoring and sustainable management of all coastal waters.", + "In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador will maintain the systems of monitoring and sustainable management of all coastal waters.", + "3.4.4. In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador will carry out three water infrastructure works of national importance for the conservation of water and the regulation of rivers, in accordance with the needs identified in the National Plan for Integrated Water Resources Management.", + "In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador will carry out three water infrastructure works of national importance for the conservation of water and the regulation of rivers, in accordance with the needs identified in the National Integrated Water Resources Management Plan.", + "3.4.5. In the period 2018 - 2025 El Salvador will start the process of decontamination of the rivers Acelhuate, Sucio, Suquiapa and Grande de San Miguel.", + "In the period 2018 - 2025 El Salvador will start the process of decontamination of the rivers Acelhuate, Sucio, Suquiapa and Grande de San Miguel.", + "In order to meet the target, the necessary means of implementation will be established that are beyond the reach of national finances.In achieving the target, technologies and processes of citizen participation, major social actors and the private sector that promote the greatest reduction of associated emissions will be identified and implemented.3.5 Agriculture, livestock and forestry.", + "3.5 Agriculture, livestock and forestry The current policies and laws relating to the regulation of the activity of these sectors will be reviewed and updated before 2019.", + "The current policies and laws relating to the regulation of the activity of these sectors will be reviewed and updated before 2019.The importance of these sectors for the economy, the water and food security of El Salvador and the need to reduce their vulnerability to climate change require urgent actions so that they continue to be economically viable under foreseeable climate change scenarios.", + "Due to the importance of these sectors for El Salvador's economy, water and food security and the need to reduce their vulnerability to climate change, urgent actions are required to ensure that these sectors remain economically viable under foreseeable climate change scenarios.", + "The objective under this contribution is to reduce the vulnerability of sectors and adaptation to climate change and to promote the associated mitigation co-benefits.", + "In the process of reviewing and updating the relevant sectoral laws, appropriate institutional arrangements and mechanisms will be in place for the periodic formulation, implementation and reporting of the contribution of these sectors to the Nationally Determined Contributions that the country will submit regularly, in accordance with the agreed cycles, in the Paris Agreement.", + "The Environmental Strategy for Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change in the Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector 2015, and its associated implementation plans, such as the Family Farming Plan, will be updated every five years.", + "This transformation will include, among other elements, the development and diffusion of agroforestry and the progressive and irreversible reduction of the use of agrochemicals.", + "El Salvador will present before COP 22 quantifiable targets for the transformation of its traditional agriculture for the period 2021- 2025.", + "3.5.2. By 2030, El Salvador will establish and manage one million hectares through \u201cSustainable and Resilient Climate Change Pathways\u201d.", + "By 2030, El Salvador will establish and manage one million hectares through \u201cSustainable and Resilient Landscapes for Climate Change.\u201d This is an integrated approach to landscape restoration, where forested areas will be rehabilitated and conserved, biological corridors will be established through the adoption of resilient agroforestry systems and the transformation of agricultural areas with sustainable low-carbon practices, and seeking Neutrality in Land Degradation.", + "It is an integrated approach to landscape restoration, where forested areas will be rehabilitated and conserved, biological corridors will be established through the adoption of resilient agroforestry systems and the transformation of agricultural areas with low-carbon sustainable practices, and the search for Neutrality in Land Degradation.", + "Within this framework, current tree cover - 27% of the territory - will be maintained by maintaining natural areas, including mangroves, existing agroforestry systems and forest plantations, and carbon forest reserves will be improved by increasing coverage by 25% of the territory, with agroforestry systems and reforestation activities in critical areas, such as galleries, water recharge areas, and landslides.", + "In addition, carbon forest reserves will be improved, increasing coverage by 25% of the territory, with agroforestry systems and reforestation activities in critical areas, such as gallery forests, water recharge zones, and areas prone to landslides.", + "3.5.3. El Salvador shall submit, before COP 22, quantifiable targets for the eradication of the practice of firewood burning and for the transition to its sustainable and certified cultivation for the period 2021 - 2025. 3.5.4.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF", + "Before COP 23, El Salvador will present a plan for diversification of agriculture and economic activity for the eastern part of the country, to be implemented in the period 2018 - 2025, in order to boost its resilience to the adverse effects of climate change and guide its low-carbon development.", + "For the fulfilment of its goals, the necessary means of implementation will be established that are outside the scope of national finances. 3.6.Energy: Updating the related legal framework and the National Energy Policy.", + "Update of the related legal framework and the National Energy Policy.The legislation and regulatory frameworks will be reviewed and updated in order to promote the maximum exploitation of renewable energies at all scales, following criteria of maximum efficiency and cost-benefit ratio.", + "Legislation and regulatory frameworks will be reviewed and updated in order to promote the maximum use of renewable energies at all levels, in accordance with maximum efficiency and cost-benefit criteria, and regulations will be put in place or updated to maximise energy savings and efficiency.", + "The National Energy Policy 2010-2024, and any future national energy policy, will promote the diversification of the country's energy matrix, prioritizing and making available all the means at our disposal to promote the development and widespread use, on all scales, of renewable energies.", + "The National Energy Policy 2010-2024, and any future national energy policy, will promote the diversification of the country's energy matrix, prioritizing and having all the means at its disposal to promote the development and widespread use, on all scales, of renewable energies, with the aim of achieving this diversification, without generating incentives for the use or employment of energy sources that are more polluting than those used by the country until 2015.", + "With the aim of achieving this diversification, without generating incentives for the use or use of energy sources that are more polluting than those that the country has used up to the year 2015. 3.6.1. Before COP 22, the energy generation sector will define a target for GHG emission reductions in relation to growth without concrete mitigation actions or \u201cbusiness as usual\u201d (BAU) by 2025. 3.6.2.", + "Before COP 22, the energy generation sector will define a target to reduce GHG emissions with respect to growth without concrete mitigation actions or \u201cbusiness as usual\u201d (BAU) by 2025. 3.6.2. Before COP 22, the energy generation sector will define and achieve a target to reduce GHG emissions by 2025, through the implementation of energy efficiency processes and measures; or it will define percentages of improvement in energy efficiency at sectoral level with respect to a baseline established for 2010, with respect to a scenario without concrete efficiency increase actions by 2025.", + "The proposal will present needs for implementation resources outside the scope of national finances. 3.6.3.", + "Before COP 22, the hydroelectric generation sector will present a plan with targets to be achieved in the period 2021 - 2025, for the restoration and adaptation to climate change of the basins of the country's main tributaries and for improving the resilience of the hydroelectric infrastructure.", + "The proposal will present needs for implementation resources outside the scope of national finances. 3.6.4.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "The proposal will present needs for implementation resources outside the scope of national finance. 3.7. Health, Environmental Sanitation, Labour and Social Security and Transport. The health, environmental sanitation, labour and social security and transport sectors will review and update their respective legislation in order to adapt it to the circumstances and threats presented by climate change. 3.7.1.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in the labour market.", + "The Plan will present the need for implementing resources outside the scope of national finances. 3.7.2. El Salvador will present before COP 22 a plan to reduce emissions from all its sanitary fillings to be implemented between 2018 and 2025.", + "Before COP 22, El Salvador will present a plan to reduce emissions from all its sanitary fillings to be implemented between 2018 and 2025. The plan will present an estimate of the emissions to be reduced with respect to a no-action mitigation trajectory (NOA) and the need for means of implementation beyond the scope of national finances. 3.7.3.", + "The plan will present the estimate of emissions to be reduced with respect to a pathway without mitigation action (BAU) and the need for means of implementation outside the scope of national finances. 3.7.3. El Salvador will present before COP 22 a regulation to improve the quality of diesel fuel served in the country, to be implemented from 2018. 3.7.4.", + "El Salvador will present before COP 22 a regulation to improve the quality of diesel fuel served in the country, to be implemented from 2018. 3.7.4. El Salvador during the period 2018-2025, will promote clean mobility in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, gradually incorporating less polluting engines and the promotion of a strategy for the development of cycle routes, which includes public awareness. 3.7.4.", + "During the period 2018-2025, El Salvador will promote clean mobility in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, gradually incorporating less polluting engines and the promotion of a strategy for the development of cycle routes, including public awareness.", + "Before COP 23, El Salvador will present a proposal to improve and sustainably maintain the quality of the private vehicle fleet, public transport and freight, with defined targets for 2025. The proposal will present the need for implementation resources outside the scope of national finances. 3. Means of implementation.", + "Implementation means refer to the instruments and support mechanisms necessary to achieve the country's aspirations and contribute to the adaptation and mitigation priorities in accordance with the commitments set out in the 2015 global agreement.", + "The implementation means refer to the instruments and support mechanisms necessary to achieve the country's aspiration and contribute to the priorities of adaptation and mitigation in accordance with the commitments set out in the global agreement 2015. El Salvador can hardly cope with the NAPAs without external support given the limited resources at its disposal and the need to cover social deficits and the already present effects of climate change.", + "El Salvador has difficulty coping with climate change without external support given the limited resources at its disposal and the need to cover social deficits and the already present effects of climate change.", + "External support is a key element in promoting climate change-related measures, and is conditional on the various targets proposed in its Planned Contribution, so this NIP can be updated in the light of the Paris Agreement, particularly as it applies to financial support and technology transfer.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Auto", + "Considering the above-mentioned factors and conditions, El Salvador requires effective access to financing mechanisms such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and technological mechanisms such as the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) for the implementation of Preventative Contributions.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "Study Final Report: Socioeconomic Vulnerability to Climate Change in El Salvador. Cabrera and Amaya. RIMISP 2013. \u21a9. Estimated data as of September 2015 from the Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador (BCR) \u21a9" + ], + "medium": [ + "Government of El Salvador. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN). CONTRIBUTION PREVIOUSLY DETERMINED AND DETERMINED TO THE SALVADOR NATIONAL LEVEL. San Salvador. November 2015. General Framework.", + "Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN). FORECAST AND DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION TO THE SALVADOR NATIONAL LEVEL. San Salvador. November 2015. General Framework. El Salvador presents this Nationally Determined Forecast Contribution (NDCF), based on the premise that the negotiation of the 2015 agreement is carried out and concrete under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and is legally guided and governed by its principles and provisions, with a view to improving the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention and achieving its objective.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The implementation of the CPND in El Salvador depends on the achievement of an ambitious agreement, with which society as a whole is committed, and which has the necessary international support to facilitate resources and promote and stimulate investments to strengthen resilience and build low-carbon development.", + "The CPND will be updated periodically and accordingly. Historically and until now, El Salvador has generated very low emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), so its contribution is not significant at the global level. Therefore, in view of the important impacts and impacts that the phenomena associated with climate change already have on our development process and efforts to overcome poverty, the CPND on adaptation is of the greatest significance and priority for the country.", + "In this regard, El Salvador is firmly committed to reaching a substantive and equitable global agreement in 2015 to address the threat of climate change, developing its best mitigation efforts, prioritizing those actions and contributions that bring socio-economic co-benefits and promoting, where appropriate, the approach of mitigation based on adaptation, as indicated in its ecosystem and landscape restoration programmes and other forest-related initiatives.", + "In the context of the preparatory process for its UNCCD, El Salvador presents a number of contributions aimed primarily at establishing a legislative framework and institutional arrangements that guide economic and social development towards low emissions and adaptation to climate change.", + "In the context of the preparatory process for its NPT, El Salvador presents a series of contributions aimed primarily at establishing a legislative framework and institutional arrangements that will direct economic and social development towards low emissions and adaptation to climate change, as well as some quantitative targets towards 2025 and 2030 that will be duly agreed, quantified and in some cases presented before COP 22 and COP 23.", + "In addition, some quantitative targets for 2025 and 2030 are presented, which will be duly agreed, quantified and presented in some cases before COP 22 and COP 23. It is also important to stress that the implementation of the actions identified requires access to the necessary means of implementation and financing.", + "It is also important to stress that the implementation of the actions identified requires access to the necessary means of implementation and financing.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "According to the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC, \u201cCentral America has traditionally been characterized as a region with high exposure to geo-climatic threats due to its location and topography and with a high vulnerability of its human settlements (CEPAL, 2010c).", + "According to the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC, \u201cCentral America has traditionally been characterized as a region with high exposure to geo-climatic threats due to its location and topography and with high vulnerability of its human settlements (CEPAL, 2010c) and has also been identified as the most climate-sensitive tropical region\u201d (Giorgi, 2006).", + "Climate change increases climate variability and changes rainfall patterns such as: a) they affect the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic systems more; b) rainfall is much more intense; and c) events of excessive rainfall or lack of rain last longer.", + "Climate change increases climate variability and changes rainfall patterns such as: (a) greater influence on the Pacific and Atlantic systems; (b) much more intense rainfall; and (c) longer-term events of excessive rainfall or lack of rainfall.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner", + "9.2% of it is in a situation of extreme socio-economic vulnerability, concentrated mainly in the departments of San Vicente and San Miguel.On the other hand, the Salvadoran territory forms part of the so-called Dry Corridor of Central America, which constitutes a group of ecosystems that combine in the eco-region of the tropical dry forest with particular biophysical and temperature conditions, evotranspiration and precipitation.", + "On the other hand, the Salvadoran territory is part of the so-called Dry Corridor of Central America, which is a group of ecosystems that are combined in the eco-region of the dry tropical forest with particular biophysical and temperature conditions, evotranspiration and precipitation.", + "These high levels of physical exposure to climatic phenomena in highly vulnerable populations have an economic and social impact, causing damage and losses amounting to several hundred million dollars, diverting these resources to public and private investment and reducing the stock of capital at the expense of territorial economic growth and having a strong impact on the life expectancy and quality of life of the population [1].", + "These high levels of physical exposure to climatic phenomena, in highly vulnerable populations, have an economic and social impact, generating damage and losses amounting to several hundred million dollars, these resources displace public and private investment and reduce the stock of capital at the expense of territorial economic growth and generate a strong impact on the population's life expectancy and quality of life [1]. In El Salvador, considering as extreme hydro-meteorological events those that produce precipitation above 100 mm in 24 hours and accumulated precipitation of more than 350 mm in 72 hours, it is significant the progressive increase in these extreme climatic phenomena.", + "In El Salvador, considering as extreme hydro-meteorological events those that produce precipitation above 100 mm in 24 hours and accumulated precipitation of more than 350 mm in 72 hours, it is significant the progressive increase of these extreme climatic phenomena: one in the sixties, another in the seventies, two in the eighties, four in the nineties and eight in the first decade of this century.", + "The Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC) has noted that between 1980 and 2008, there were an average of 1.5 natural disasters per year in the country, causing the death of nearly 7,000 people, affecting an additional 2.9 million and costing an estimated US$ 470 million annually, equivalent to 4.2% of gross domestic product (GDP).", + "The Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC) has noted that between 1980 and 2008 there was an average of 1.5 natural disasters per year in the country, causing the death of almost 7,000 people, affecting an additional 2.9 million and costing an estimated US$ 470 million annually, equivalent to 4.2% of gross domestic product (GDP).", + "The annual economic damage related to climatic phenomena is high; only between November 2009 and October 2011, more than USD$ 1.3 billion or its equivalent to 6% of the GDP of 2011 was lost. In the last six decades the average annual temperature in El Salvador increased by more than 1.3 degrees centigrade, while the global average temperature has risen only 0.8 above the pre-industrial average.", + "In the last six decades, the average annual temperature in El Salvador has risen by more than 1.3 degrees centigrade, while the global average temperature has risen by only 0.8 degrees above the pre-industrial average.", + "An analysis by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL) of the daily rainfall records for the period 1971-2011 showed that in the decade 2001-2011 there was a strong increase in events that exceeded the threshold of 100 mm, 150 mm and 200 mm in two days, five days and 10 days of rainfall, respectively, relative to previous decades, breaking various records of intensity and duration, as described in detail in the Second National Communication.", + "As a result of this dynamic, El Salvador has experienced an increase in the last decade of disasters linked to extreme hydro-meteorological events, such as; Low Pressure E96/Ida, Tropical Storm Agatha; Tropical Depression 12E and severe and recurrent meteorological droughts from 2012 to 2015.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "The projected climate scenarios point to increases of between 2 and 3 degrees Celsius over the next six decades, depending on global efforts to mitigate global warming, within the framework of the commitments set out in the 2015 agreement.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The foreseeable impacts of climate change will be particularly strong in the coastal-marine zone and in the eastern region of the country, affecting territories of strategic importance in terms of their wealth as natural capital, vocation and potential for tourism development.", + "This climate variability, exacerbated by global warming and climate change, directly affects the emergence of extreme climatic phenomena that produce negative impacts on the socio-economic development of the country, increasing its vulnerability resulting both from its high environmental degradation and from the large accumulated social deficits, putting pressure on its public finances and productive investment, limiting its economic growth and exacerbating its poverty problems.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America, in conjunction with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "Between 2011 and 2013, the economy grew at an annual rate of 1.9%, below the Latin American and Caribbean average of 3.7%. In 2014, growth was 2% (BCR, 2015) and projections for 2015 are 2.4%[2] (BCR, 2015). This economic dynamic described above represents another major challenge for the country.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities of the Autonomous Communities of the Autonomous Communities of the Autonomous Communities of the Autonomous Communities of the Autonomous Communities of the Autonomous Communities of the Autonomous Communities of the Autonom", + "For the same period, El Salvador, according to the 2014 Human Development Index (HDI), ranks 115th out of 187 countries, slightly increasing its HDI from 0.660 in 2013 to 0.662 in 2014, but poverty reduction is a complex process.", + "The Government of El Salvador is committed to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015 and to achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the United Nations Millennium Declaration (General Assembly resolution 55/2, annex).", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "A similar tendency is presented in the measurement by means of the multidimensional poverty indices, which indicate that by 2014 the country has 606 thousand families living in poverty, i.e. 35.2% of Salvadoran households.", + "This is evidence of the difficult task facing the country in the fight against poverty, and the country must therefore make significant efforts to address the historical social deprivation, which is exacerbated by growing climate vulnerability and a cycle of low economic growth, coupled with the problems of violence and social insecurity, which threaten social and economic development and negatively affect the quality of life of the population.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commission", + "In view of the above, the country's climate agenda with regard to mitigation and GHG emissions reflects that El Salvador in terms of its emission levels, both in percentage terms (0.04% of global emissions) and per capita (1.1 tonnes), has a non-significant contribution; in this sense, the commitments that the country undertakes must be balanced according to its level of responsibility.", + "In this regard, the commitments that the country undertakes must be balanced in accordance with its level of responsibility; however, the country is committed to the international effort to meet greenhouse gas (GHG) emission levels and aims to implement a low-emission development model, as set out in its National Climate Change Plan.", + "The Government of the Republic of Korea is committed to the international effort to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and aims to implement a low-emission development model, as set out in its National Climate Change Plan. The promotion of energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energies, and the preparation of the conditions for this, will be two essential elements of this Planned Contribution to mitigation, as set out in the Quinquennial Development Plan 2014-2019. 2.", + "The promotion of energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energies, and the preparation of the conditions for this, will be two essential elements of this Provisional Contribution in the field of mitigation, as established in the Quinquennial Development Plan 2014-2019. 2. Sustainable development, national priorities against climate change. 2.1. Framework of national priorities. The vulnerability and impacts on socio-economic development described require key and urgent actions.", + "In this regard, El Salvador, in its Objective 7 of the Quinquennial Development Plan 2014-2019, states that the country must \u201cTransit towards an economy and society that are environmentally sustainable and resilient to climate change\u201d.", + "In this regard, El Salvador, in its Objective 7 of the Quinquennial Development Plan 2014-2019, states that the country must \u201cTransit towards an economy and society that are environmentally sustainable and resilient to climate change.\u201d In the same line, the National Climate Change Plan, drawn up and approved in 2015, ratifies and defines the orientation of climate change policies, actions and priorities in terms of nationally determined contributions.", + "In the same vein, the National Climate Change Plan, drawn up and adopted in 2015, ratified and defines the direction of climate change policies, actions and priorities in terms of nationally determined targeted contributions. Consequently, the country has initiated the process of drawing up the Convention's National Adaptation Plan (NAP), which is a fundamental instrument as an extension of the National Climate Change Plan, and already has a draft for the design of a roadmap for this by 2017.", + "As a prerequisite for the planning and implementation of priority actions, El Salvador seeks to use all available opportunities to develop institutional and technical capacity to integrate adaptation into sustainable development, including climate change communication and awareness programmes and public education.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Committee for Programme and Coordination, the Economic and Social Council, the General Assembly, the Commission on Human Rights, the Commission on the Status of Women, the Human Rights Committee, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the", + "In addition, the country has established the Cabinet of Environmental Sustainability and Vulnerability as a political coordinator, which has the National Council of Environmental Sustainability and Vulnerability (CONASAV) as an advisory arm, thereby promoting the representation and participation of civil society, private enterprise, academia and NGOs.", + "This institutional framework will be strengthened by means of a Climate Change Framework Law that will establish the institutional arrangements necessary for the appropriate and sustained management of the NDFP.", + "As has already been pointed out, water resources, agriculture, road infrastructure, health and the development of tourism are being increasingly affected by climate change, so it is essential to define a strategic framework for action to identify and implement priority actions to adapt to climate change in these sectors.", + "The proposed actions, commitments and national contributions in each of these sectors seek to be synergistic, ensuring that each intervention reports substantive co-benefits in the others.", + "In the context of this CPND and as priorities within this contribution are defined actions relating to the strengthening of the legal, institutional and capacity development framework in the sectors of infrastructure, water resources, agriculture, health and energy.", + "By the very nature of national contributions, many of the actions described transcend the sphere of action of the government and require the full involvement and commitment of society and of all key actors, including municipalities, private enterprise, small producers, NGOs, autonomous institutions, communities, academia, etc. 2.2. Adaptation: The variability in precipitation has a strong impact on the availability and quality of water, both surface and groundwater, directly affecting the different uses of the resource, especially human consumption and ecosystems, agricultural production, electricity generation, and the economy in general, with implications for the productivity and competitiveness of the country.", + "The variability in precipitation has a strong impact on the availability and quality of water, both surface and groundwater, directly affecting the different uses of the resource, especially human consumption and ecosystems, agricultural production, electricity generation, and the economy in general, with implications for the productivity and competitiveness of the country.", + "It also severely and in various ways impacts the health sector, relating to different types of diseases, including morbidity and mortality due to thermal stress, acute diarrhoeal diseases (ADDs) due to water pollution aggravated by flooding, acute respiratory infections (ARIs) and vector diseases, also aggravated by high temperatures.", + "High temperatures also increase pests in crops (including the Roya), warm waters off the coast reduce fishing, and dry pastures impact livestock farming, while intense and sudden rains and violent electrical storms accompanied by raging winds also damage agriculture and the infrastructure of cities, causing even loss of human lives.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The National Plan for Climate Change is the basis for this articulation of intersectoral actions and for the formulation of this CPND.", + "The National Climate Change Plan is the basis for this articulation of intersectoral actions and for the formulation of this CPND.", + "2.3. Damage and Losses The impacts and damage caused by climate change phenomena in the country are so severe that they compromise the immediate and future viability of the country\u2019s development, the International Monetary Fund, in the report of its Country Consultation Mission, March 2013, concluded that \u201cSince the 2008-2009 crisis, the Salvadoran economy has grown slowly as a result of low domestic investment and the impact of climate shocks\u201d.", + "The impacts and impacts generated by climate change phenomena in the country are so severe that they compromise the immediate and future viability of the country\u2019s development, the International Monetary Fund, in the report of its Country Consultation Mission, March 2013, concluded that \u201cSince the 2008 - 2009 crisis, the Salvadoran economy has grown slowly as a result of low domestic investment and the impact of climate shocks.\u201d In this sense, the CPND prioritizes support for fiscal, social protection, sectoral and territorial policies.", + "In this regard, the CPND prioritizes support for fiscal, social protection, sectoral and territorial policies, and El Salvador therefore considers it necessary to develop mechanisms to deal with the recurrent losses and damage caused by climate change, in accordance with the provisions of the National Climate Change Plan and adopting a framework for work in this area to be established in agreements under the Convention. 2.4. Mitigation.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner", + "The five-year development plan 2015-2019 (PQD) has established among its objectives and lines of action to promote energy efficiency, promote renewable energies, control emissions from the transport sector and those associated with waste and waste disposal.", + "In this regard, low-carbon urban development for El Salvador would not only slow down GHG emissions but would also improve the economic competitiveness conditions of urban centres and reduce the incidence of diseases associated with pollution and the phenomenon of heat islands in cities, improving the quality of life and urban comfort.", + "In this sense, low-carbon urban development for El Salvador would not only slow down GHG emissions but would improve the conditions for the economic competitiveness of urban centres and reduce the incidence of pollution-related diseases and the phenomenon of heat islands in cities, improving the quality of life and urban comfort.", + "As an extension of the guidelines set out in the NAP, the National Climate Change Plan sets as one of its priority axes climate-resilient and low-carbon urban and coastal development, including in its implementation the development of National Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs).", + "In the actions of restoring ecosystems and landscapes, implementing the REDD plus programme, as well as adapting agriculture to climate change, co-benefits of mitigation are developed simultaneously, which can be quantified in many cases.It is essential that these efforts to implement national mitigation contributions for the fulfilment of the country's commitments under the 2015 agreement involve the participation of economic actors and society as a whole.", + "It is essential that these efforts to implement national mitigation contributions for the fulfilment of the country's commitments prior to the 2015 agreement involve the participation of economic actors and society as a whole. It is essential to agree on goals and commitments and it will be necessary to have technical and financial support from international public and private resources, new and additional to official development assistance and that correspond to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities established by the Convention. 3.", + "It is essential to agree on targets and commitments, and it will be necessary to have technical and financial support from international public and private resources, both new and additional to official development assistance, consistent with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities established by the Convention. 3. Preventative Nationally Determined Priority Contributions to Address Observed Impacts and Mitigate Climate Change.", + "Nationally Determined Preliminary Contributions Priority for addressing observed impacts and mitigating climate change Nationally Determined Contributions may be unconditional or conditional on the appropriate availability of means of implementation provided through existing mechanisms within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change or through support received from other bilateral or multilateral sources.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,", + "In this regard, the national contributions proposed will be possible as long as the following set of conditions for their implementation are met, such as: (a) the country maintains macroeconomic stability and a positive trend in economic growth and poverty reduction; (b) international financial resources are available to support the commitments mentioned, which must be new and additional to official development assistance; ensuring not only the strengthening of national capacities but also adequate access to technology, among other types of cooperation.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "(c) There is no extreme climate event associated with climate change in the country in the coming years that causes losses and damage and forces financial resources to be directed towards climate change and that at the same time limits the availability of own resources to support NCCs. (d) We do not face a national impact event that directly affects the allocation of public financial resources, by cutting funding to priority issues for the country such as education, health and safety.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Auto", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "Strengthening the institutional and legal framework for the formulation and sustained implementation of the CPND of El Salvador: Preparation, adoption and entry into force of a Framework Law on Climate Change by 2019.The challenges of climate change for the country are of such magnitude that the entire national economy, dependent on the secure and accessible supply of water and energy, agricultural inputs, efficient and secure infrastructure and a healthy, educated and skilled workforce, is seriously threatened by the increasing impacts of extreme events and by those of slow development that already report risk of instability, low productivity and limited competitiveness in some sectors of economic activity, starting with some crops that support the basic national food diet.", + "In addition, the country is close to a state of water stress, with a growing threat to the supply of water to meet basic human needs at urban and rural levels.", + "The growing demand and the decrease in the availability of the resource are leading to the more intensive use of surface water sources, including some with a high degree of pollution that will require extremely high costs for their upgrading, as is the case with the one of Lake Ilopango.", + "In this context, and in view of the horizon presented to the country by climate change, the provision of legal and regulatory frameworks that effectively respond to this new national and global reality, which must commit the solidarity and joint action of all sectors of national life, is unavoidable.The Framework Law on Climate Change, which will enter into force before 2019, will specify the powers and responsibilities of all entities of the state, of all sectors of economic activity, of academia and of the citizenry in general to respond to this challenge.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Moldova, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliament", + "The same law will recognise, institutionalize and provide the relevant measures to facilitate the mandatory implementation of all actions or commitments that the country agrees and undertakes in response to the new agreement to be adopted in Paris, through appropriate consultation and consensus processes, on nationally determined contributions to adaptation and mitigation of climate change.", + "The Act will provide for the regulations governing the management of the agricultural, aquaculture, forestry, water, energy, infrastructure, health, education, construction, urban development and transport and tourism sectors to be updated and harmonised in accordance with their principles and objectives for adaptation and mitigation of climate change.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "This update will include a special section on the responsibility of each sector to regularly prepare the sectoral contributions with which each sector will contribute to the national contributions that the country will periodically submit to the Convention and its new agreement.", + "This law will provide the appropriate institutional arrangements for the formulation and supervision of the effective implementation of the national climate change plans and nationally determined contributions drawn up by the country, the supervision of their implementation and the mechanisms for their reporting to the Convention, as well as the necessary and specific interinstitutional coordination mechanisms to maintain the dissemination of information generated by the institutions in the preparation of national contributions and response actions to different climate phenomena.", + "It will also have the necessary and specific interinstitutional coordination mechanisms to maintain the dissemination of information generated by the institutions in the preparation of national contributions and response actions to different climate phenomena.", + "To this end, it is necessary to improve the institutional framework and develop capacities through the actions foreseen in the National Climate Change Plan. These include: training of human resources; improving interinstitutional and intersectoral coordination; improving the flow of information and transparency between governmental and autonomous institutions; promoting technology transfer; updating curricula in academia; creating a country dialogue on the theme of climate change.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "To review and adjust on a permanent basis the legal framework on climate change, in accordance with the changing circumstances that this reality imposes. To strengthen the application of laws. 3.2. Law on Land Management and Territorial Development. Effective implementation of this Law before 2018, as an enabling instrument for compliance with national actions and contributions in adaptation and mitigation and for the control of land use change. 3.3.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner", + "Infrastructure: Updating of the Urban Planning and Construction Act, the San Salvador Metropolitan Area Development and Territorial Management Act and building standards and regulations by 2019. Adaptation and mitigation of climate change are essential elements for proper planning of urban development and infrastructure, in line with economic growth and human development.", + "Adaptation and mitigation of climate change are essential elements for the proper planning of urban development and infrastructure, in line with economic growth and human development, and without such planning it is not possible to have and implement appropriate adaptation and mitigation measures in line with social development and sustainable economic growth.", + "And without planning such developments it is not possible to have and implement appropriate adaptation and mitigation measures in line with social development and sustainable economic growth. The losses and damages experienced in recent years also highlight the need to invest in infrastructure that is resilient to the impacts of climate change, to save lives and protect the nation's capital. To this effect, it is necessary to: Change paradigms for technological innovation in construction with co-benefits in mitigation and adaptation.", + "To this effect it is necessary: paradigm shift for technological innovation in construction with co-benefits in mitigation and adaptation; promotion of bioclimatic architecture and appropriate vernacular for different types of infrastructure (supply of basic services such as water, housing, road networks, electrification, etc.); densification of housing (privileging housing at height, taking into account cultural circumstances for its achievement).", + "(a) The right to life, liberty and security of the person, including the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punish", + "(b) To develop and implement a national plan of action for the protection of the marine environment from land-based activities, in accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and", + "To create incentives and community systems to reduce the high cost of eco-efficiency, especially in low-income socio-economic classes for the improvement of thermal comfort in homes and offices (bioclimate architecture, energy efficiency, microclimate, heat islands). 3.3.1. The Metropolitan Development Council (CODEMET) will develop and present before 2018 an initial plan for the adaptation of the San Salvador Metropolitan Area as part of the national contribution to the first period of implementation of the 2015 agreement, establishing the associated percentage of emission reductions by 2025 in relation to a non-action trajectory or BAU (\u201cbusiness as usual\u201d).", + "The Council for Metropolitan Development (CODEMET) will develop and present before 2018 an initial adaptation plan for the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador as part of the national contribution to the first period of implementation of the 2015 agreement, establishing the associated percentage of emission reductions by 2025 in relation to a non-action trajectory or BAU (\u201cbusiness as usual\u201d).", + "The Plan will establish the associated financing, technology transfer and capacity development needs for its implementation. 3.3.2. El Salvador will develop, by 2019, a master plan for sustainable rainwater management in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, with a basin approach and an emphasis on water reuse. The Plan will establish the associated financing, technology transfer and capacity development needs for its implementation. 3.3.3.", + "Before 2019, El Salvador will develop a master plan for sustainable rainwater management in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, with a basin approach and an emphasis on water reuse.The Plan will establish the associated financing, technology transfer and capacity development needs for its implementation. 3.3.3. In the period 2018-2025, El Salvador will implement investments in lamination lagoons for flood control in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, with environmental and social restoration of spaces.", + "In the period 2018-2025, El Salvador will implement investments in lamination lagoons for flood control in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, with environmental and social restoration of spaces.", + "El Salvador will continue to implement its massive plan of protection works throughout the country, with environmental and social restoration of spaces. 3.3.5. El Salvador will prepare before 2018 a diagnosis of structural and non-structural measures related to infrastructure for adaptation to climate change in urban areas (case study Area Metropolitana de San Salvador). 3.3.6.", + "In the period 2018 - 2025 El Salvador will have launched the second phase or phase of the Integrated Transport System of the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador (SITRAMSS) covering its north-south axis, developing a massive component of social awareness that will ensure citizen involvement so that the same reaches its maximum emission reduction potential.", + "In the period 2018 - 2025 El Salvador will have launched the second stage or phase of the Integrated Transportation System of the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador (SITRAMSS) covering its north-south axis, developing a massive component of social awareness that will ensure the involvement of the citizens so that the same reaches its maximum emission reduction potential.", + "3.4. Water resources: El Salvador will promote the effective implementation of a normative framework for the integrated management of water resources by 2017. Climate variability makes water an area of cross-cutting importance.", + "Water resources: El Salvador will promote the effective implementation of a normative framework for the integrated management of water resources by 2017.Climate variability makes the water resource an area of cross-cutting importance.Events of excess or lack of rain require an integrated management strategy with axes that include all areas of Salvadoran society.", + "Events of excess or lack of rain require an integrated management strategy with axes that encompass all areas of Salvadoran society.", + "Laws and regulations governing the use of the resource in different sectors will be updated according to and depending on the fulfilment of its objectives.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador will reduce by 20% the uninvoiced water losses recorded at urban level in 2015, ensuring more effective and efficient water management and improving fair, equitable and safe access for all sectors of the population.", + "In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador will implement the protection and restoration through appropriate management plans of 70% of the major water recharge zones identified in the National Integrated Water Resources Management Plan.", + "In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador will implement the protection and restoration through appropriate management plans of 70% of the major water recharge zones identified in the National Integrated Water Resources Management Plan.", + "In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador will maintain the systems of monitoring and sustainable management of all coastal waters.", + "3.4.4. In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador will carry out three water infrastructure works of national importance for the conservation of water and the regulation of rivers, in accordance with the needs identified in the National Plan for Integrated Water Resources Management.", + "In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador will carry out three water infrastructure works of national importance for the conservation of water and the regulation of rivers, in accordance with the needs identified in the National Integrated Water Resources Management Plan.", + "3.4.5. In the period 2018 - 2025 El Salvador will start the process of decontamination of the rivers Acelhuate, Sucio, Suquiapa and Grande de San Miguel.", + "3.5 Agriculture, livestock and forestry. Existing policies and laws relating to the regulation of the activity of these sectors will be reviewed and updated before 2019.", + "The current policies and laws relating to the regulation of the activity of these sectors will be reviewed and updated before 2019.The importance of these sectors for the economy, the water and food security of El Salvador and the need to reduce their vulnerability to climate change require urgent actions so that they continue to be economically viable under foreseeable climate change scenarios.", + "Due to the importance of these sectors for El Salvador's economy, water and food security and the need to reduce their vulnerability to climate change, urgent actions are required to ensure that these sectors remain economically viable under foreseeable climate change scenarios.", + "The objective under this contribution is to reduce the vulnerability of sectors and adaptation to climate change and to promote the associated mitigation co-benefits.", + "In the process of reviewing and updating the relevant sectoral laws, appropriate institutional arrangements and mechanisms will be in place for the periodic formulation, implementation and reporting of the contribution of these sectors to the Nationally Determined Contributions that the country will submit regularly, in accordance with the agreed cycles, in the Paris Agreement.", + "The Environmental Strategy for Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change in the Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector 2015, and its associated implementation plans, such as the Family Farming Plan, will be updated every five years.", + "This transformation will include, among other elements, the development and diffusion of agroforestry and the progressive and irreversible reduction of the use of agrochemicals. 3.5.1. El Salvador will present before COP 22 quantifiable transformation targets for its traditional agriculture for the period 2021- 2025.", + "3.5.2. By 2030, El Salvador will establish and manage one million hectares through \u201cSustainable and Resilient Climate Change Pathways\u201d.", + "By 2030, El Salvador will establish and manage one million hectares through \u201cSustainable and Resilient Landscapes for Climate Change.\u201d This is an integrated approach to landscape restoration, where forested areas will be rehabilitated and conserved, biological corridors will be established through the adoption of resilient agroforestry systems and the transformation of agricultural areas with sustainable low-carbon practices, and seeking Neutrality in Land Degradation.", + "It is an integrated approach to landscape restoration, where forested areas will be rehabilitated and conserved, biological corridors will be established through the adoption of resilient agroforestry systems and the transformation of agricultural areas with low-carbon sustainable practices, and the search for Neutrality in Land Degradation.", + "Within this framework, current tree cover - 27% of the territory - will be maintained by maintaining natural areas, including mangroves, existing agroforestry systems and forest plantations, and carbon forest reserves will be improved by increasing coverage by 25% of the territory, with agroforestry systems and reforestation activities in critical areas, such as galleries, water recharge areas, and landslides.", + "In addition, carbon forest reserves will be improved, increasing coverage by 25% of the territory, with agroforestry systems and reforestation activities in critical areas, such as gallery forests, water recharge zones, and areas prone to landslides.", + "3.5.3. El Salvador shall submit, before COP 22, quantifiable targets for the eradication of the practice of firewood burning and for the transition to its sustainable and certified cultivation for the period 2021 - 2025. 3.5.4.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF", + "Before COP 23, El Salvador will present a plan for diversification of agriculture and economic activity for the eastern part of the country, to be implemented in the period 2018 - 2025, in order to boost its resilience to the adverse effects of climate change and guide its low-carbon development.", + "3.6. Energy. Updating of the related legal framework and the National Energy Policy. Legislation and regulatory frameworks will be reviewed and updated in order to promote the maximum use of renewable energies at all levels, following criteria of maximum efficiency and cost-benefit ratio.", + "Legislation and regulatory frameworks will be reviewed and updated in order to promote the maximum use of renewable energies at all levels, in accordance with maximum efficiency and cost-benefit criteria, and regulations will be put in place or updated to maximise energy savings and efficiency.", + "The National Energy Policy 2010-2024, and any future national energy policy, will promote the diversification of the country's energy matrix, prioritizing and making available all the means at our disposal to promote the development and widespread use, on all scales, of renewable energies.", + "The National Energy Policy 2010-2024, and any future national energy policy, will promote the diversification of the country's energy matrix, prioritizing and having all the means at its disposal to promote the development and widespread use, on all scales, of renewable energies, with the aim of achieving this diversification, without generating incentives for the use or employment of energy sources that are more polluting than those used by the country until 2015.", + "With the aim of achieving this diversification, without generating incentives for the use or use of energy sources that are more polluting than those that the country has used up to the year 2015. 3.6.1. Before COP 22, the energy generation sector will define a target for GHG emission reductions in relation to growth without concrete mitigation actions or \u201cbusiness as usual\u201d (BAU) by 2025. 3.6.2.", + "Before COP 22, the energy generation sector will define a target to reduce GHG emissions with respect to growth without concrete mitigation actions or \u201cbusiness as usual\u201d (BAU) by 2025. 3.6.2. Before COP 22, the energy generation sector will define and achieve a target to reduce GHG emissions by 2025, through the implementation of energy efficiency processes and measures; or it will define percentages of improvement in energy efficiency at sectoral level with respect to a baseline established for 2010, with respect to a scenario without concrete efficiency increase actions by 2025.", + "Before COP 22, the energy generation sector will define and achieve a target to reduce GHG emissions by 2025, through the implementation of energy efficiency processes and measures; or it will define percentages of improvement in energy efficiency at sectoral level in relation to a baseline established for 2010, in relation to a scenario without concrete actions to increase efficiency by 2025.", + "The proposal will present requirements for implementing resources outside the scope of national finances. 3.6.3. Before COP 22, the hydroelectric generation sector will present a plan with goals to be achieved in the period 2021 - 2025, for the restoration and adaptation to climate change of the basins of the country's main reefs and for improving the resilience of the hydroelectric infrastructure. The proposal will present requirements for implementing resources outside the scope of national finances. 3.6.4.", + "Before COP 22, the hydroelectric generation sector will present a plan with targets to be achieved in the period 2021 - 2025, for the restoration and adaptation to climate change of the basins of the country's main tributaries and for the improvement of the resilience of the hydroelectric infrastructure.", + "Before COP 22, the electricity generation sector will define and commit to a target of increasing renewable energy by no less than 12% of the total electricity generated in the country in 2014.", + "The proposal will present needs for implementation resources outside the scope of national finance. 3.7. Health, Environmental Sanitation, Labour and Social Security and Transport. The health, environmental sanitation, labour and social security and transport sectors will review and update their respective legislation in order to adapt it to the circumstances and threats presented by climate change. 3.7.1.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in the labour market.", + "These sectors, in coordination with the municipalities concerned, will present before 2018 an integrated plan of adaptation in the field of health, safety at work and food and nutrition to be implemented in the period 2018 - 2025, with concrete targets for reducing environmental pollution and increasing resilience to climate change in the country's main urban centres, territories and vulnerable populations.", + "The Plan will present the need for implementing resources beyond the scope of national finances. 3.7.2. El Salvador will present before COP 22 a plan to reduce emissions from all its sanitary fillings to be implemented between 2018 and 2025. The plan will present the estimate of emissions to be reduced with respect to a pathway without mitigation action (BAU) and the need for means of implementation beyond the scope of national finances. 3.7.3.", + "The plan will present the estimate of emissions to be reduced with respect to a pathway without mitigation action (BAU) and the need for means of implementation outside the scope of national finances. 3.7.3. El Salvador will present before COP 22 a regulation to improve the quality of diesel fuel served in the country, to be implemented from 2018. 3.7.4.", + "El Salvador will present before COP 22 a regulation to improve the quality of diesel fuel served in the country, to be implemented from 2018. 3.7.4. El Salvador during the period 2018-2025, will promote clean mobility in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, gradually incorporating less polluting engines and the promotion of a strategy for the development of cycle routes, which includes public awareness. 3.7.4.", + "During the period 2018-2025, El Salvador will promote clean mobility in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, gradually incorporating less polluting engines and the promotion of a strategy for the development of cycle routes, including public awareness.", + "Before COP 23, El Salvador will present a proposal to improve and sustainably maintain the quality of the private vehicle fleet, public transport and freight, with defined targets for 2025. The proposal will present the need for implementation resources outside the scope of national finances. 3. Means of implementation.", + "Implementation means refer to the instruments and support mechanisms necessary to achieve the country's aspirations and contribute to the adaptation and mitigation priorities in accordance with the commitments set out in the 2015 global agreement.", + "The implementation means refer to the instruments and support mechanisms necessary to achieve the country's aspiration and contribute to the priorities of adaptation and mitigation in accordance with the commitments set out in the global agreement 2015. El Salvador can hardly cope with the NAPAs without external support given the limited resources at its disposal and the need to cover social deficits and the already present effects of climate change.", + "El Salvador has difficulty coping with climate change without external support given the limited resources at its disposal and the need to cover social deficits and the already present effects of climate change.", + "External support is a key element in promoting climate change-related measures, and is conditional on the various targets proposed in its Planned Contribution, so this NIP can be updated in the light of the Paris Agreement, particularly as it applies to financial support and technology transfer.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Auto", + "Considering the above-mentioned factors and conditions, El Salvador requires effective access to financing mechanisms such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and technological mechanisms such as the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) for the implementation of Preventative Contributions.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commission", + "El Salvador, will be exploring the adoption of resource management modalities such as Climate Change Adaptation Debt Swap to support national priorities and other mechanisms that will enable it to channel additional resources to meet its commitments. Study Final Report: Socioeconomic Vulnerability to Climate Change in El Salvador. Cabrera and Amaya. RIMISP 2013. \u21a9. Estimated data as of September 2015 from the Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador (CERB) \u21a9" + ], + "large": [ + "Government of El Salvador. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN). FORECAST AND DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION TO THE SALVADOR NATIONAL LEVEL. San Salvador. November 2015. General Framework. El Salvador presents this Nationally Determined Forecast Contribution (NDCF), based on the premise that the negotiation of the 2015 agreement is carried out and concrete under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and is legally guided and governed by its principles and provisions, with a view to improving the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention and achieving its objective.", + "The country is committed to the adoption of a new binding agreement applicable to all Parties, and hopes that under this new legal instrument the increase in the global average temperature will be limited to 1.5oC. The implementation of El Salvador's CDM depends on the achievement of an ambitious agreement, with which society as a whole is committed, and which has the necessary international support to provide resources and promote and stimulate investments to strengthen resilience and build low-carbon development. The CDM will be updated periodically and accordingly. Historically and to date, El Salvador has generated very low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, so its contribution is not significant at global level.", + "Historically and to date, El Salvador has generated very low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, so its contribution is not significant at global level. Therefore, in the face of the significant impacts and impacts that climate change-related phenomena already have on our development process and efforts to overcome poverty, the CPND on adaptation is of the greatest significance and priority for the country. Despite this, El Salvador is firmly committed to reaching a substantive and equitable global agreement 2015 to address the threat of climate change, developing its best mitigation efforts, prioritizing those actions and contributions that entail socio-economic co-benefits and promoting, where appropriate, the approach of mitigation based on adaptation, as indicated in its ecosystem and landscape restoration programmes and other forest-related initiatives.", + "In the context of the preparatory process for its UNCCD, El Salvador presents a number of contributions aimed primarily at establishing a legislative framework and institutional arrangements that guide economic and social development towards low emissions and adaptation to climate change.", + "As part of the process of preparing its CPND, El Salvador presents a series of contributions aimed primarily at establishing a legislative framework and institutional arrangements that direct economic and social development towards low emissions and adaptation to climate change.", + "It is also important to emphasize that the implementation of the actions identified requires access to the necessary means of implementation and financing.", + "According to the Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC, \u201cCentral America has traditionally been characterized as a region with high exposure to geo-climatic threats due to its location and topography and with a high vulnerability of its human settlements (CEPAL, 2010c).", + "Climate change increases the variability of the climate and changes rain patterns such as: a) more influence the systems of the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic; b) much more intense rains are recorded, and c) events of excessive rainfall or lack of rain of longer duration. Consequently, a large part of the regional territories face a high physical exposure of their populations to natural climatic, meteorological and hydrological threats. According to the Socio-Economic Vulnerability Index (IVS) and the Municipal Risk Manifesto Index (IRM), one hundred and fifteen of the two hundred and sixty municipalities of El Salvador are in a situation of medium, high and extreme vulnerability, where 63.3% of the population lives.", + "According to the Socio-Economic Vulnerability Index (IVS) and the Municipal Risk Manifesto Index (IRM), one hundred and fifteen of the two hundred and sixty-two municipalities of El Salvador are in a situation of medium, high and extreme vulnerability, where 63.3% of the population lives.", + "On the other hand, the Salvadoran territory is part of the so-called Dry Corridor of Central America, which is a group of ecosystems that are combined in the eco-region of the dry tropical forest with particular biophysical and temperature conditions, evotranspiration and precipitation.", + "These high levels of physical exposure to climatic phenomena in highly vulnerable populations have an economic and social impact, causing damage and losses amounting to several hundred million dollars, diverting these resources to public and private investment and reducing the stock of capital at the expense of territorial economic growth and having a strong impact on the life expectancy and quality of life of the population [1].", + "These high levels of physical exposure to climatic phenomena, in highly vulnerable populations, have an economic and social impact, generating damage and losses amounting to several hundred million dollars. These resources displace public and private investment and reduce the stock of capital at the expense of territorial economic growth and have a strong impact on the life expectancy and quality of life of the population. [1] In El Salvador, considering as extreme hydro-meteorological events those that produce precipitation above 100 mm in 24 hours and accumulated precipitation of more than 350 mm in 72 hours, it is significant the progressive increase of these extreme climatic phenomena: one in the sixties, another in the seventies, two in the eighties, four in the nineties and eight in the first decade of this century.", + "One occurred in the 1960s, another in the 1970s, two in the 1980s, four in the 1990s and eight in the first decade of this century. The Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLA) has noted that between 1980 and 2008 there were an average of 1.5 natural disasters per year in the country that caused the deaths of almost 7,000 people, affected an additional 2.9 million and had an estimated annual cost of US$ 470 million, equivalent to 4.2% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Annual economic damage related to climate phenomena is high; only between November 2009 and October 2011, more than US$ 1.3 billion or its equivalent to 6% of GDP in 2011 were lost.", + "In the last six decades the average annual temperature in El Salvador has risen by more than 1.3 degrees centigrade, while the global average temperature has risen only 0.8 above the pre-industrial average.", + "An analysis by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL) of the daily rainfall records for the period 1971-2011 showed that in the decade 2001-2011 there was a strong increase in events that exceeded the threshold of 100 mm, 150 mm and 200 mm in two days, five days and 10 days of rainfall, respectively, relative to previous decades, breaking various records of intensity and duration, as described in detail in the Second National Communication.", + "A study by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (CEPAL) of daily rainfall records for the period 1971-2011 showed that in the decade 2001-2011 there was a sharp increase in events that exceeded the threshold of 100 mm, 150 mm and 200 mm in two days, five days and 10 days of rainfall, respectively, relative to previous decades, breaking various records of intensity and duration, as described in detail in the Second National Communication.", + "As a result of this dynamic, El Salvador has experienced an increase in the last decade of disasters linked to extreme hydro-meteorological events, such as; Low Pressure E96/Ida, Tropical Storm Agatha; Tropical Depression 12E and severe and recurrent meteorological droughts from 2012 to 2015. In 2015 there were two severe meteorological drought phenomena, with 20 and 24 consecutive dry days each; the 2014 meteorological drought reached 31 consecutive dry days, the 2013 drought reached 23 and the 2012 drought reached 32. The projected climate scenarios point to increases of between 2 and 3 degrees centigrade over the next six decades, depending on global efforts to mitigate global warming, within the framework of the commitments set out in the 2015 agreement.", + "The projected climate scenarios point to increases of between 2 and 3 degrees centigrade over the next six decades, depending on global efforts to mitigate global warming, within the framework of the commitments set out in the 2015 agreement.", + "The foreseeable impacts of climate change will be particularly strong in the coastal-sea zone and in the eastern region of the country, affecting territories of strategic importance in terms of their wealth as natural capital, vocation and potential for tourism development.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The Government of El Salvador, through the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Family Affairs, is responsible for the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography on the involvement of children in armed conflict and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography on the involvement of children in armed conflict and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography on the involvement of children", + "According to the latest Multiple Household and Prospects Survey (MHP) of 2014, poverty at the national level for that year measured by income increased and reached 31.8% of Salvadoran households; of these, 7.6% were in extreme poverty; while 24.3% are in relative poverty.", + "A similar tendency is presented in the measurement by means of the multidimensional poverty indices, which indicate that by 2014 the country has 606 thousand families living in poverty, i.e. 35.2% of Salvadoran households.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "In view of the above, the country's climate agenda with regard to mitigation and GHG emissions reflects that El Salvador in terms of its emission levels, both in percentage terms (0.04% of global emissions) and per capita (1.1 tons), has a non-significant contribution.", + "However, the country is committed to the international effort to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission levels and aims to implement a low-emission development model, as set out in its National Climate Change Plan. The promotion of energy efficiency and the promotion of renewable energies, and the preparation of the conditions for this, will be two essential elements of this Proposed Mitigation Contribution, as set out in the Quinquennial Development Plan 2014-2019. 2. Sustainable Development, National Climate Change Priorities. 2.1. Framework of National Priorities. The vulnerability and impacts on socio-economic development described require key and urgent actions.", + "In this regard, El Salvador in its Objective 7 of the Quinquennial Development Plan 2014-2019, states that the country must \u201cTransit towards an economy and society that are environmentally sustainable and resilient to climate change\u201d. In the same line, the National Climate Change Plan, drawn up and approved in 2015, ratifies and defines the orientation of climate change policies, actions and priorities in terms of nationally determined contributions.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Cabinet of Ministers, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the relevant ministries and departments of the State party, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "This institutional framework will be strengthened by means of a Climate Change Framework Law that will establish the institutional arrangements necessary for the appropriate and sustained management of the NDFP. As previously noted, water resources, agriculture, road infrastructure, health and tourism development are being increasingly affected by climate change, so it is essential to define a strategic framework for action to identify and implement priority climate change adaptation actions in these sectors. The intended actions, commitments and national contributions in each of these sectors seek to be synergistic, ensuring that each intervention reports substantive co-benefits in the remaining ones.", + "The proposed actions, commitments and national contributions in each of these sectors seek to be synergistic, ensuring that each intervention reports substantive co-benefits in the others. In the context of this CPND and as priorities within this contribution are defined actions relating to the strengthening of the legal framework, institutions and capacity development in the sectors of infrastructure, water resources, agriculture, health and energy. By the very nature of the national contributions, many of the actions described transcend the sphere of action of the government and require the full involvement and commitment of society and of all key actors, including municipalities, private enterprise, small producers, NGOs, autonomous institutions, communities, academia, etc. 2.2. Adaptation.", + "By the very nature of national contributions, many of the actions described transcend the sphere of action of the government and require the full involvement and commitment of society and of all key actors, including municipalities, private enterprise, small producers, NGOs, autonomous institutions, communities, academia, etc. 2.2. Adaptation: The variability in precipitation has a strong impact on the availability and quality of water, both surface and groundwater, directly affecting the different uses of the resource, especially human consumption and ecosystems, agricultural production, electricity generation, and the economy in general, with implications for the productivity and competitiveness of the country.", + "The variability in precipitation has a strong impact on the availability and quality of water, both surface and groundwater, directly affecting the different uses of the resource, especially human consumption and ecosystems, agricultural production, electricity generation, and the economy in general, with implications for the productivity and competitiveness of the country.", + "High temperatures also increase pests in crops (including the Roya), warm waters off the coast reduce fishing, and dry pastures impact livestock farming. On the other hand, intense and sudden rains and violent electrical storms accompanied by raging winds also cause damage to agriculture and urban infrastructure, causing even loss of human lives. El Salvador has used sectoral adaptation strategies with emphasis on agriculture, water resources, infrastructure and health, contained in the National Climate Change Strategy and the National Climate Change Plan.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner", + "The National Climate Change Plan is the basis for this articulation of intersectoral actions and for the formulation of this CPND. Its elaboration has had an important consultation process launched in July 2015. 2.3. Damage and Losses. The impacts and damage generated by phenomena associated with climate change in the country are so severe that they compromise the immediate and future viability of the country\u2019s development, the International Monetary Fund, in the report of its Country Consultation Mission, March 2013, concluded that \u201cSince the crisis of 2008 - 2009, the Salvadoran economy has grown slowly as a result of low domestic investment and the impact of climate shocks\u201d. In this sense, the CPND prioritizes support for fiscal, social protection, sectoral and territorial policies.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner", + "In this regard, low-carbon urban development for El Salvador would not only slow down GHG emissions but would also improve the economic competitiveness conditions of urban centres and reduce the incidence of pollution-related diseases and the phenomenon of heat islands in cities, improving the quality of life and urban comfort.", + "As an extension of the guidelines set out in the NAP, the National Climate Change Plan sets as one of its priority axes climate-resilient and low-carbon urban and coastal development, including in its implementation the development of National Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs).", + "It is essential that these efforts to implement national mitigation contributions for the fulfilment of the country's commitments under the 2015 agreement involve the participation of economic actors and society as a whole. Consensus on goals and commitments is essential, and technical and financial support from international public and private resources, new and additional to official development assistance and consistent with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities established by the Convention, will be required. 3. Preliminary Nationally Determined Priority Contributions to Address Observed Impacts and Mitigate Climate Change.", + "Consensus on targets and commitments is essential, and technical and financial support from international public and private resources, new and additional to official development assistance and consistent with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities established by the Convention, will be required. 3. Pre-determined nationally prioritized contributions to address observed impacts and mitigate climate change. Nationally determined contributions may be unconditional or conditional on the appropriate availability of means of implementation provided through existing mechanisms within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change or through support received from other bilateral or multilateral sources.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,", + "(b) There are international financial resources available to support the commitments mentioned, which must be new and additional to official development assistance; ensuring not only the strengthening of national capacities but also adequate access to technologies, among other types of cooperation. (c) There is no extreme climate event in the country in the coming years associated with climate change that causes losses and damage and forces financial resources to be directed towards it and that at the same time limits the availability of own resources to support the NCCs. (d) We do not face a national impact event that directly affects the allocation of public financial resources, undermining funding for priority issues for the country such as education, health and safety.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "Strengthening the institutional and legal framework for the formulation and sustained implementation of the CPND of El Salvador: Preparation, adoption and entry into force of a Framework Law on Climate Change by 2019.The challenges of climate change for the country are of such magnitude that the entire national economy, dependent on the secure and accessible supply of water and energy, agricultural inputs, efficient and secure infrastructure and a healthy, educated and skilled workforce, is seriously threatened by the increasing impacts of extreme events and by those of slow development that already report risk of instability, low productivity and limited competitiveness in some sectors of economic activity, starting with some crops that support the basic national food diet.", + "The challenges of climate change for the country are of such magnitude that the entire national economy, dependent on the secure and accessible supply of water and energy, agricultural inputs, efficient and secure infrastructure and a healthy, educated and skilled workforce, is seriously threatened by the increasing impacts of extreme events and by those of slow development that already report risks of instability, low productivity and limited competitiveness in some sectors of economic activity, starting with some crops that support the national basic food diet.", + "In the same way, the country is close to the condition of water stress, being under increasing threat of water supply to cover basic human needs at urban and rural level. The growing demand and decrease in the availability of the resource are leading to the more intensive use of surface water sources, including some with a high degree of pollution that will require extremely high costs for their rehabilitation, as is the case with the one of Lake Ilopango. In such circumstances and in view of the horizon presented to the country by climate change, the provision of legal and regulatory frameworks that effectively respond to this new national and global reality, which must commit the solidarity and joint action of all sectors of national life, is impracticable.", + "In this context, and in view of the horizon presented to the country by climate change, the provision of legal and regulatory frameworks that effectively respond to this new national and global reality, which must commit the solidarity and joint action of all sectors of national life, is unavoidable.The Framework Law on Climate Change, which will enter into force before 2019, will specify the powers and responsibilities of all entities of the state, of all sectors of economic activity, of academia and of the citizenry in general to respond to this challenge.", + "The Framework Law on Climate Change, which will enter into force before 2019, will specify the powers and responsibilities of all entities of the state, of all sectors of economic activity, of academia and of the citizenry in general to respond to this challenge. The same law will recognise, institutionalize and provide the relevant measures to facilitate the mandatory implementation of all actions or commitments that the country agrees and undertakes in response to the new agreement to be adopted in Paris, through appropriate consultation and consensus processes, in terms of nationally determined contributions to adaptation and mitigation of climate change. The law will provide for the regulations governing the management of the agricultural, aquaculture, forestry, water, energy, infrastructure, health, education, construction, urban development and transport and tourism sectors to be updated and harmonized in accordance with their principles and objectives of", + "The Act shall provide for the appropriate updating and harmonisation of the regulations governing the management of the agricultural, aquaculture, forestry, water, energy, infrastructure, health, education, construction, urban development and transport and tourism sectors in accordance with their principles and objectives for adaptation and mitigation of climate change.", + "This update will include a special section concerning the responsibility of each sector to regularly prepare the sectoral contributions with which each sector will contribute to the national contributions that the country will periodically submit to the Convention and its new agreement. It will also have the appropriate mechanisms for monitoring implementation and reporting on results. This law will have the appropriate institutional arrangements for the formulation and supervision of the effective implementation of the national climate change plans and nationally determined contributions that the country develops, the supervision of their implementation and the mechanisms for their reporting to the Convention. It will also have the necessary and specific mechanisms for interinstitutional coordination to maintain the dissemination of information generated by the institutions in the preparation of national contributions and response actions to different climate phenomena.", + "It will also have the necessary and specific mechanisms for interinstitutional coordination to maintain the dissemination of information generated by the institutions in the preparation of national contributions and response actions to the various climate phenomena. To this effect, it is necessary to improve the institutional framework and develop capacities through the actions to the effect envisaged in the National Climate Change Plan. These include:. Training of human resources. Improvement of interinstitutional and intersectoral articulation. Improvement of the flow of information and transparency between governmental and autonomous institutions.", + "To review and adjust on a permanent basis the legal framework on climate change, in accordance with the changing circumstances that this reality imposes. To strengthen the application of laws. 3.2. Law of Regulation and Territorial Development. Effective implementation of this Law before 2018, as an enabling instrument to comply with national actions and contributions in adaptation and mitigation and for the control of land use change. 3.3. Infrastructure: Updating of the Urbanism and Construction Law, the Law of Development and Territorial Regulation of the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador and of building standards and regulations before 2019. Climate change adaptation and mitigation are essential elements for appropriate planning of urban development and infrastructure, in accordance with economic growth and human development.", + "Adaptation and mitigation of climate change are essential elements for the proper planning of urban development and infrastructure, in accordance with economic growth and human development. And without such development planning it is not possible to have and implement appropriate adaptation and mitigation measures in accordance with social development and sustainable economic growth. The losses and damage experienced in recent years also highlight the need to invest in infrastructure resilient to the impacts of climate change, to save lives and protect the nation's capital.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, organized a workshop on the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social", + "To create incentives and community systems to reduce the high cost of eco-efficiency, especially in low-income socio-economic classes for the improvement of thermal comfort in homes and offices (bioclimate architecture, energy efficiency, microclimate, heat islands). 3.3.1. The Metropolitan Development Council (CODEMET) will develop and present before 2018 an initial plan for the adaptation of the San Salvador Metropolitan Area as part of the national contribution to the first period of implementation of the 2015 agreement, establishing the associated percentage of emission reductions by 2025 in relation to a non-action trajectory or BAU (\u201cbusiness as usual\u201d).", + "The Council for Metropolitan Development (CODEMET) will develop and present before 2018 an initial adaptation plan for the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador as part of the national contribution to the first period of implementation of the 2015 agreement, establishing the associated percentage of emission reductions by 2025 in relation to a non-action trajectory or BAU (\u201cbusiness as usual\u201d). The Plan will establish the associated financing, technology transfer and capacity development needs for its implementation. 3.3.2. El Salvador will develop before 2019, a master plan for sustainable rainwater management in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, with a basin approach and an emphasis on water reuse. The Plan will establish the associated financing, technology transfer and capacity development needs for its implementation. 3.3.3.", + "The Plan will establish the associated financing, technology transfer and capacity development needs for its implementation. 3.3.3. In the period 2018-2025, El Salvador will implement investments in lamination lagoons for flood control in the San Salvador Metropolitan Area, with environmental and social restoration of spaces. In order to meet the goal, the necessary means of implementation will be established that are outside the scope of national finances. 3.3.4. El Salvador will continue to implement its massive plan of protection works throughout the country, with environmental and social restoration of spaces. 3.3.5.", + "In the period 2018 - 2025 El Salvador will have launched the second phase or phase of the Integrated Transport System of the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador (SITRAMSS) covering its north-south axis, developing a massive component of social awareness that will ensure citizen involvement so that the same reaches its maximum emission reduction potential.", + "In the period 2018 - 2025 El Salvador will have implemented the second stage or phase of the Integrated Transport System of the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador (SITRAMSS) covering its north-south axis, developing a massive component of social awareness that will ensure the involvement of the citizens so that the same reaches its maximum potential for reducing emissions.", + "Water resources: El Salvador will promote the effective implementation of a normative framework for the integrated management of water resources by 2017.Climate variability makes the water resource an area of cross-cutting importance.Events of excess or lack of rain require an integrated management strategy with axes that include all areas of Salvadoran society.The laws and standards that regulate the use of the resource in different sectors will be updated according to and function of the fulfilment of its objectives.The integral and sustainable management of the resource, includes the protection, conservation and recovery of its sources, surface and underground; recognition of the human right to water, its fair use and rational and equitable distribution based on a hierarchy of priorities, with access and human use of water being the first and main.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador will reduce by 20% the uncharged water losses recorded at urban level in 2015, ensuring more effective and efficient water management and improving fair, equitable and safe access for all sectors of the population.", + "3.4.3. In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador shall maintain the systems of monitoring and sustainable management of all coastal waters. In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador shall establish the necessary means of implementation that are outside the scope of national finances. 3.4.4. In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador shall carry out three water infrastructure works of national importance for water conservation and river basin regulation, in accordance with the needs identified in the National Integrated Water Resources Management Plan. In the period 2021 - 2025 El Salvador shall establish the necessary means of implementation that are outside the scope of national finances. 3.4.5.", + "3.4.5. In the period 2018 - 2025 El Salvador will start the process of decontamination of the rivers Acelhuate, Sucio, Suquiapa and Grande de San Miguel. In order to meet the goal, the necessary means of implementation will be established that are outside the scope of national finances. In the achievement of the goal, technologies and processes of citizen participation, major social actors and the private sector that promote the greatest reduction of associated emissions will be identified and implemented. 3.5 Agriculture, livestock and forestry. The current policies and laws related to the regulation of the activity of these sectors will be reviewed, updated before 2019.", + "The current policies and laws relating to the regulation of the activity of these sectors will be reviewed and updated before 2019.Due to the importance of these sectors for El Salvador's economy, water and food security and the need to reduce their vulnerability to climate change, urgent actions are required to ensure that these sectors remain economically viable under foreseeable climate change scenarios.The objective under this contribution is to reduce the vulnerability of the sectors and adaptation to climate change and promote the associated mitigation co-benefits.In the process of reviewing and updating the relevant sectoral laws, appropriate institutional arrangements and mechanisms will be in place for the periodic formulation, implementation and reporting of the contribution of these sectors to the Nationally Determined Contributions that the country will submit regularly, according to the agreed cycles, in the Paris Agreement.", + "In the process of reviewing and updating the relevant sectoral laws, appropriate institutional arrangements and mechanisms will be in place for the periodic formulation, implementation and reporting of the contribution of these sectors to the Nationally Determined Contributions that the country will submit regularly, in accordance with the agreed cycles, in the Paris Agreement.", + "The Environmental Strategy for Adaptation and Mitigation to Climate Change in the Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector 2015, and its associated implementation plans, such as the Family Farming Plan, will be updated every five years.", + "This transformation will include, among other elements, the development and diffusion of agroforestry and the progressive and irreversible reduction of the use of agro-chemicals. 3.5.1. El Salvador will present before COP 22 quantifiable transformation targets for its traditional agriculture for the period 2021- 2025.", + "This is an integrated approach to landscape restoration, where forest areas will be rehabilitated and conserved, biological corridors will be established through the adoption of resilient agroforestry systems and the transformation of agricultural areas with low-carbon sustainable practices, and neutrality in land degradation will be sought.", + "For the fulfilment of these goals, the necessary means of implementation outside the scope of national finances will be established. 3.5.3. El Salvador will present before COP 22, quantifiable targets for the eradication of the practice of cane burning and for the transition to its sustainable and certified cultivation for the period 2021 - 2025. 3.5.4. El Salvador will present before COP 23, a plan for the diversification of agriculture and economic activity for the eastern part of the country, to be implemented in the period 2018 - 2025, to boost its resilience to the adverse effects of climate change and to guide its low-carbon development.", + "The National Energy Policy 2010-2024, and any future national energy policy will promote the diversification of the country's energy matrix, prioritizing and making available all the means at our disposal to promote the development and widespread use of renewable energies at all scales.", + "The National Energy Policy 2010-2024, and any future national energy policy, will promote the diversification of the country's energy matrix, prioritizing and having all the means at its disposal to promote the development and widespread use, on all scales, of renewable energies, with the aim of achieving this diversification, without generating incentives for the use or employment of energy sources that are more polluting than those used by the country until 2015.", + "Before COP 22, the energy generation sector will define a target to reduce GHG emissions with respect to growth without concrete mitigation actions or \u201cbusiness as usual\u201d (BAU) by 2025. 3.6.2. Before COP 22, the energy generation sector will define and achieve a target to reduce GHG emissions by 2025, through the implementation of energy efficiency processes and measures; or define percentages of improvement in energy efficiency at sectoral level with respect to a baseline established for 2010, with respect to a scenario without concrete efficiency increase actions by 2025.", + "Before COP 22, the energy generation sector will define and achieve a target to reduce GHG emissions by 2025, through the implementation of energy efficiency processes and measures; or it will define percentages of improvement in energy efficiency at sectoral level in relation to a baseline established for 2010, in relation to a scenario without concrete actions to increase efficiency by 2025. The proposal will present requirements for resources for implementation outside the scope of national finances. 3.6.3. Before COP 22, the hydroelectric generation sector will present a plan with goals to be achieved in the period 2021 - 2025, for the restoration and adaptation to climate change of the basins of the country's main dams and for improving the resilience of the hydroelectric infrastructure.", + "Before COP 22, the hydroelectric generation sector will present a plan with goals to be achieved in the period 2021 - 2025, for the restoration and adaptation to climate change of the basins of the country's main tributaries and for the improvement of the resilience of the hydroelectric infrastructure. The proposal will present requirements for implementing resources outside the scope of national finances. 3.6.4. Before COP 22, the electric power generation sector will define and commit to a goal of increasing renewable energy by 2025 not less than 12% in relation to the total electric energy generated in the country in 2014. The proposal will present requirements for implementing resources outside the scope of national finances. 3.7. Health, Environmental Sanitation, Labour and Social Security and Transport.", + "The proposal will present requirements for implementing resources outside the scope of national finances. 3.7. Health, Environmental Sanitation, Labour and Social Forecasting and Transport. The health, environmental sanitation, labour and social forecasting and transport sectors will review and update their respective legislation in order to adapt it to the circumstances and threats presented by climate change. 3.7.1. These sectors, in coordination with the municipalities concerned, will present before 2018 an integrated plan for adaptation in the field of health, occupational safety and food and nutrition to be implemented in the period 2018 - 2025, with concrete goals for reducing environmental pollution and increasing resilience to climate change in the country's main urban centres, territories and vulnerable populations. The Plan will present requirements for implementing resources outside the scope of national finances. 3.7.2.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner", + "The plan will present the estimate of emissions to be reduced with respect to a pathway without mitigation action (BAU) and the need for means of implementation outside the scope of national finances. 3.7.3. El Salvador will present before COP 22 a regulation to improve the quality of diesel fuel served in the country, to be implemented from 2018. 3.7.4. El Salvador during the period 2018-2025, will promote clean mobility in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, gradually incorporating less polluting engines and the promotion of a strategy for the development of cycle routes, which includes public awareness. 3.7.4. El Salvador will present before COP 23 a proposal to improve and sustainably maintain the quality of the private vehicle fleet, public transport and freight transport, with targets defined for 2025.", + "Before COP 23, El Salvador will present a proposal to improve and sustainably maintain the quality of the private vehicle fleet, public transport and freight, with defined targets for 2025. The proposal will present the need for implementation resources outside the scope of national finances. 3. Means of implementation. Means of implementation refer to the instruments and support mechanisms necessary to achieve the country's aspiration and contribute to the adaptation and mitigation priorities in accordance with the commitments set out in the global agreement 2015. El Salvador can hardly cope with the NAPAs without external support given the limited resources at its disposal and the need to cover social deficits and the already present effects of climate change.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Auto", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "Considering the aforementioned factors and conditions, El Salvador requires effective access to financing mechanisms such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and technological mechanisms such as the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN). The country has instruments to channel national and international resources needed to promote Nationally Determined Preventative Contributions and all efforts aimed at promoting resilience and low-carbon development. El Salvador will be exploring the adoption of resource management modalities such as Climate Change Adaptation Debt Swap to support national priorities and other types of mechanisms that allow it to channel additional resources to meet its commitments.", + "El Salvador, will be exploring the adoption of resource management modalities such as Climate Change Adaptation Debt Swap to support national priorities and other mechanisms that will enable it to channel additional resources to meet its commitments. Study Final Report: Socioeconomic Vulnerability to Climate Change in El Salvador. Cabrera and Amaya. RIMISP 2013. \u21a9. Estimated data as of September 2015 from the Central Reserve Bank of El Salvador (CERB) \u21a9" + ] + } + }, + { + "country_code": "TGO", + "type_of_document": "Revised First NDC", + "language": "fr", + "para_translated": { + "small": [ + "REVISED CONTRIBUTIONS DETERMINED AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL (NLC) Interim document i REVISED CONTRIBUTIONS DETERMINED AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL (NLC) OF TOGO Interim document ii Summary Acronyms and abbreviations IV List of figures. X List of tables XI Introduction Chapter 1:", + "Overview 3 1.2. Summary of the evaluation of the implementation of Togo\u2019s initial NDCs 4 Chapter 2: Governance 6 2.1. Existing institutional arrangements for the NDCs. 6 2.2. Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the existing institutional arrangements 6 2.3.", + "Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the existing institutional framework 6 2.3. Capacity building for governance 7 Chapter 3: mitigation 9 3.1. Contributions to mitigation: baseline and mitigation scenarios 9 3.2.", + "Mitigation Contributions: Baseline and Mitigation Scenarios 9 3.2. Information to Improve Clarity, Transparency and Understanding (CTI) of Revised Nationally Determined Contributions. 17 Chapter 4: Adaptation. 33 4.1. National Context for Adaptation to Climate Change. 33 4.2.", + "National context of adaptation to climate change. 33 4.2. Analysis of impacts, risks and vulnerabilities of priority sectors. 4.3. Priorities, objectives and adaptation measures. 40 4.4. Status of implementation of adaptation measures. 47 4.5. Traditional knowledge and gender-sensitive adaptation measures. 54 4.6.", + "The situation of adaptation in relation to covid 19. 55 Chapter 5: Financing. 57 5.1. Investment needs for mitigation 57 5.2. Investment needs for the adaptation component. 70 5.3.", + "Investment Requirements for Mitigation 57 5.2. Investment Requirements for Adaptation 70 5.3. Investment Requirements for Capacity Building and Technology Transfer 76 iii 5.4.", + "Measurement, reporting and verification. 82 6.1. MNV/MRV system. 82 6.2. MNV capacity-building needs 86 6.3. Improvement of the MNV system over time. 87 6.4.", + "Improving the NVM system over time. 87 6.4. Relevant structure for NVM 87 Chapter 7:", + "Relevant Structure for the MNV 87 Chapter 7: Communication Strategy for the Implementation of the NCDs 92 7.1. Diagnostic Analysis of Communication on the NCDs in Togo 92 Bibliography Appendices iv Acronyms and abbreviations ADAPT Adaptation of Agricultural Production to Climate Change AFD Agence fran\u00e7aise de d\u00e9veloppement AGR Revenue-generating Activities AME Multilateral Environmental Agreements ANASAP Agence national d\u2019assainissement et de salubrit\u00e9 publique ANGE Agence nationale de gestion de l\u2019environnement ANPC Agence nationale de la protection civile AP Rainwater Sanitation, Protected Areas APD Official Development Assistance ADB African Development Bank BCEAO Central Bank of the States of West Africa BIE Investment and Equipment Budget BM World Bank BOAD West African Development Bank CC Climate Change CCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification", + "NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NE", + "climate DE Directorate of the Environment NDHQ Directorate of Statistics and National Accounts DRERF Regional Directorate of Environment and Forest Resources DRF Forest Resources Directorate PRSP-C Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper EESS Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment ESD Education for Environment and Sustainable Development EIES Environmental and Social Impact Assessment FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FCPF Forest Carbon Partnership Fund FDR Togo 2025 GEF Global Environment Facility FFOM Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats; FNDF National Forest Development Fund NFE National Environment Fund VCF Green Climate Fund GAFSP Global Agriculture and Food Security Program GDF Sustainable Forest Management GERN Management of the Environment and Natural Resources IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", + "Integrated Water and Fungal Pest Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Water Resource Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Water Resource Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated So", + "Forest resources MPDC Ministry of Development Planning and Cooperation MRV / MNV Measurement, reporting and verification / Measure notification and verification MUH Ministry of Town Planning and Habitat NDT Neutrality in Land Degradation NEPAD New Partnership for Africa\u2019s Development/ ODD Sustainable Development Goals ODEF Office for Development and Forestry OIBT International Tropical Timber Organization MDG Millennium Development Goals ONAEM National Agency for State Action at Sea NGO Non-governmental organization vii OSC Organisation of Civil Society OTR Togolese Revenue Office PADAT Togo Agricultural Development Support Project PALCC Climate Change Support Programme PAFN Togo National Forestry Action Plan PANA National Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change PAN-LCD National Action Plan for Combating Desertification PANSEA National Action Plan for Water and Sanitation PASA Agricultural Sector Support Programme", + "PANSEA National Action Plan for Water and Sanitation PASA Agricultural Sector Support Programme PAUT Togo Urban Development Project PAZOL Lagoon Development Project PDDAA Comprehensive Programme for Agricultural Development in Africa ONLY Lom\u00e9 Urban Environment Project PFNL Non-wood forest products GMP Environmental and Social Management Plan PGFF Refrigerated Fluid Management Plan PGICT Integrated Disaster and Land Management Project GDP Gross Domestic Product SMEs Small and medium-sized enterprises NACC National Climate Change Adaptation Plan NDP National Development Plan NDP National Health Development Plan NSP National Strategic Plan for Sanitation and Public Health of Togo NSP National Action Plan for the Environment NDP National Development Plan NDP National Health Development Plan NSP National Water Policy NSP Togo National Water Partnership NGE National Environmental Management Programme NHAT National Hygiene and Sanitation", + "National Environmental Management Plan PNHAT Togo National Hygiene and Sanitation Policy PNIASA National Agricultural Investment and Food Security Programme viii PNIASAN National Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutrition Security Programme PNIERN National Investment Programme for the Environment and Natural Resources PNPC National Emergency Preparedness Policy PNR National Reforestation Programme UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environment Programme LDCs Least Developed Countries PONAT National Spatial Planning Policy PP Public Policy PPAAO Programme for Agricultural Productivity in West Africa- PRAPT Project to Strengthen the Conservation Role of Togo\u2019s National System of Protected Areas PRCGE Project to Strengthen Environmental Management Capacity PRCNDGE Project to Strengthen Decentralized National Environmental Management Capacity ProDRA Programme for Rural Development including Agriculture ProRED", + "REDD+ and forest rehabilitation in Togo PSSET Strategic energy subsector plan in Togo PTF Technical and financial partner PUDC Emergency programme for community development PURISE Emergency project for the rehabilitation of electrical services and infrastructure QUIBB Unified questionnaire of basic welfare indicators RAPD Report on Official Development Assistance REDD+, Reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation RGPH General population and habitat census RRC Disaster risk reduction CSR Corporate social responsibility RSO Corporate social responsibility S&E Monitoring and evaluation ix SAP Early warning system SCAPE Strategy for accelerated growth and employment promotion SDAL Coastal planning scheme SISL Coastal information and monitoring system SNGF National vegetation fire management strategy SNRRC National natural disaster risk reduction strategy SPANB National biodiversity strategy and action plan SRRC National disaster risk re", + "UA African Union EU European Union UEMOA West African Economic and Monetary Union UGP Project Management Unit UNESCO United Nations education, scientific and cultural organization/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEF United Nations Children\u2019s Fund WACA West Africa coastal areas management program WACAF West African Coastal and Centre Areas WASCAL West African science service center on climate change and adapted land use x List of Figures Figure 1: Forecast and Actual Mitigation Scenarios in 2020 vs. Baseline. 5 Figure 2: Trends in Sectoral GHG Emission Projections vs. Baseline Scenario 10 Figure 3: Trends in Global GHG Emission Reductions vs. Baseline Scenario. 12 Figure 4: Trends in GHG Emission Reductions vs. Baseline Scenario in", + ". 12 Figure 4: Trends in GHG emission reductions relative to the baseline scenario in different sectors. 14 Figure 5: Strategic map of adaptation in Togo. 40 Figure 6: Proportions of adaptation scenario actions by sector in total investment costs of $2.8 billion. 76 Figure 7: Allocation of costs of technology transfer needs by sector 79 Figure 8: Structure of the national NVM system. 89 xi List of tables Table 1: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the existing institutional framework 7 Table 2: Mitigation ambition compared to current NDCs 15 Table 3: Information needed for clarity, transparency and understanding (ICTC) 18 Priority adaptation measures by sector 42 Togo adaptation efforts. 48 Table 6: Impacts of Covid 19 and priority responses to adaptation in Togo", + "In Togo 55 Table 7: Investment costs of the revised CDN shares of the electricity generation sub-sector. 58 Table 8: Total investment costs of the transport sub-sector. 60 Table 9: Investment needs of the CDN shares of the residential sub-sector 61 Table 10: Investment needs of the CDN shares of the agriculture sub-sector 62 Table 11: Investment needs of the CDN shares of the forestry and other land use sub-sector 64 Table 12: Investment needs of the CDN shares of the IPPC sector. 66 Table 13: Investment needs of the CDN shares of the waste sector. 68 Table 14: Associated investment costs following the mitigation scenarios.", + "69 Table 15: Investment costs for all mitigation measures (millions USD) 70 Table 16: Sectoral adaptation measures with cost estimates. 71 Table 17: Technology transfer costs 78 Table 18: Priority technical resource needs and institutional, individual and systemic capacity-building 80 Table 19: Mitigation and adaptation financing needed for the revised NCD. 81 Table 20: Strengths and weaknesses of the existing NCD system. 84 Table 21: Assistance received by Togo in the area of NCD 90 Table 22: FFOM matrix for the analysis of communication on the implementation of the NCD 92 Table 23: Development of strategic guidelines and formulation of objectives. 95 xii Table 24: Performance framework for interventions. 96 Table 25: Budgeted multi-year plan 98 Introduction At the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris,", + "Table 25: Budgeted multi-year plan 98 Introduction At the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris on 12 December 2015, the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reached an historic agreement to combat climate change.", + "The Paris Agreement (PA) entered into force in November 2016, following the universal adoption of the Agreement by the Parties.", + "The Paris Agreement (PA) entered into force in November 2016, following the universal adoption of the Agreement by the Parties, through which all stakeholders made voluntary commitments for the transition to a future resilient to climate change and low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.", + "Through this agreement, all stakeholders have made voluntary commitments for the transition to a climate-resilient and low-emission future for greenhouse gases (GHGs). Parties are required to undertake and communicate their efforts to contribute to the achievement of these objectives in the form of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) communicated to the UNFCCC (Article 3).", + "Parties are required to undertake and communicate their efforts to contribute to the achievement of these objectives in the form of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) communicated to the UNFCCC (Article 3).", + "The NDCs are therefore the cornerstone of the Paris Agreement, which calls on signatory countries to review their commitments every five years with a view to raising both mitigation and adaptation ambitions in order to keep global warming below 2\u00b0C or even 1.5\u00b0C. As a prelude to the Paris Agreement, Togo prepared and submitted its Nationally Determined Planned Contributions (NPDCs) in 2015, which were confirmed as its NDCs after the adoption of the Paris Agreement.", + "As a prelude to the Paris Agreement, Togo prepared and submitted its Nationally Determined Planned Contributions (NDCPs) in 2015, which were confirmed as its NDCs after the adoption of the Paris Agreement. Togo, with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the Climate Promise Initiative and the NDC Support Programme, is committed to revising its NDCs in 2020.", + "Togo, with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the \"Climate Promise\" initiative and the NDC Support Programme, is committed to revising its NDCs in 2020. Togo\u2019s objective in revising its NDCs is to comply with the commitments made under the Paris Agreement and to ensure their alignment with its development priorities (National Development Plan-UNDP and Government Roadmap 2025) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).", + "Togo aims, through the revision of its NDCs, to comply with the commitments made under the Paris Agreement and to ensure their alignment with its development priorities (National Development Plan-UNDP and Government Roadmap 2025) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The revision of Togo\u2019s NDCs covers, inter alia, updating data and information with regard to new programmatic and policy developments, taking into account the infrastructure sector, better integration of the water resources sector and the integration of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and short-lived air and climate pollutants into the gases whose emissions are to be reduced.", + "This has enabled the country's commitment targets to be updated by incorporating new projects on the basis of new incentives in the field of transport and renewable energy to raise the level of ambition.", + "Togo's revised NCDs describe the strengthened actions and the necessary enabling environment over the period 2015-2020 that have laid the foundation for more ambitious targets beyond 2020, contributing to the concerted effort to prevent a 2\u00b0C increase in global average temperature and to continue efforts to limit temperatures to 1.5\u00b0C above pre-industrial levels.", + "In 2030, Togo plans to increase climate resilience through comprehensive mitigation, adaptation and disaster risk reduction strategies. Togo has set ambitious sustainability goals related to the production and consumption of food, water and energy.", + "Togo has set itself ambitious sustainability goals related to the production and consumption of food, water and energy, which will be achieved by supporting empowerment and capacity-building, improving the provision of basic social services, technological innovation and the sustainable management of natural resources, in accordance with the principles of good governance.", + "These objectives will be achieved by supporting empowerment and capacity-building, improving the provision of basic social services, technological innovation and the sustainable management of natural resources, in accordance with the principles of good governance. Beyond the 2030 NDC target, Togo has committed itself to moving towards a long-term low-carbon development and climate resilience strategy through its National Development Plan (NDP 2018-2022) and the Government Roadmap 2025.", + "Beyond the 2030 NCD target, Togo is committed to moving towards a long-term low-carbon and climate resilient development strategy through its National Development Plan (NDP 2018-2022) and the Government\u2019s 2025 Roadmap. To this end, Togo has a plan for the preparation and implementation of its NCDs covering the period 2020-2024.", + "To this end, the country has developed a plan for the preparation and implementation of its NCDs covering the period 2020-2024. This nine-program plan aims to accelerate transformational changes towards low-carbon and climate-resilient development.", + "This nine-program plan aims to accelerate transformational change towards low-carbon and climate resilient development. This revised NCD document consists of seven chapters dealing respectively with the national context, governance, mitigation, adaptation, financial, technological and assistance needs, the national measurement, reporting and verification (NVM) system, and the communications strategy on NCD implementation.", + "This revised NCD document consists of seven chapters dealing respectively with the national context, governance, mitigation, adaptation, financial, technological and assistance requirements, the national measurement, reporting and verification (NVM) system, and the communications strategy for NCD implementation.", + "Chapter 1: National Context 1.1. GENERAL PRESENTATION Togo is located in the intertropical zone, with a four-season Guinean tropical climate in the southern part and a two-season Sudanese tropical climate in the northern part. The Maritime and Savannah regions receive less than 1000 millimetres of water per year.", + "The Maritime and Savannah regions receive less than 1000 millimetres of water per year. Seasonal irregularities have been observed in recent decades. The Atakora Mountains and the Togo Mountains encircle Togolese territory from northeast to southwest.", + "The Atakora Mountains and the Togo Mountains encircle the territory of Togo from the northeast to the southwest. Mount Agou is the highest peak in the country, rising more than 900 m to the southwest. On both sides of this chain the peninsula extends. In Togo, four major soil classes are encountered.", + "On both sides of this chain extends the peninsula. In Togo, four major soil classes are encountered: crude and undeveloped mineral soils; tropical ferruginous soils; ferral soils and vertisols; and hydromorphic soils. With a forest cover of 24.24%, Togo\u2019s biological resources are numerous and diverse.", + "With a forest cover of 24.24%, Togo's biological resources are numerous and diverse, with vegetation consisting of dense semi-deciduous forests, Guinean savannahs, Sudanese savannahs interspersed with dry or clear forests depending on the location, galleries and ripicoles, etc. In Togo, there are 3491 terrestrial species and 261 identified aquatic species.", + "Plant formations consist of semi-deciduous dense forests, Guinean savannahs, Sudanese savannahs interspersed with dry forests or clear forests depending on the location, galleries and ripicoles forests, etc. In Togo, there are 3491 terrestrial species and 261 identified aquatic species. Wildlife, estimated at 3469 species, consists of terrestrial species, avifauna and aquatic fauna.", + "The fauna, estimated at 3469 species, consists of terrestrial species, avifauna and aquatic fauna. Togo is divided into five major phytogeographical areas, which are called ecological zones. Togo has a fairly abundant water supply.", + "Togo's water resources are quite abundant, consisting of surface water from the three main watersheds (Oti, 47.3%, Mono, 37.5%, Lake Togo, 16%) and renewable groundwater from the two aquifers of the basement and the coastal sedimentary aquifer.", + "The total volume of renewable water resources is estimated at about 19 billion cubic metres per year, or about 27% of the rainfall (of the order of 70 billion cubic metres per year).", + "The total volume of renewable water resources is estimated at about 19 billion cubic metres per year, or about 27% of the rainfall (of the order of 70 billion cubic metres per year).", + "Togo has a coastal area of 50 km which stretches from Lom\u00e9 to An\u00e9ho and is of great economic importance for the country, as a variety of activities such as fishing, industry, handicrafts, tourism, etc. are carried out in this area.", + "In fact, a variety of activities such as fishing, industry, handicrafts, tourism, etc. are carried out in this area. Opening onto the Gulf of Guinea, the balance of the physical environment of the coastline is characterised by the interrelationships that exist between the various elements of this fragile environment, the weight of population growth, and the existing developments, which are expanding each year.", + "Opening onto the Gulf of Guinea, the equilibrium of the physical framework of the coastline is characterised by the interrelationships that exist between the different elements of this fragile environment, the weight of population growth, the existing developments that are expanding each year, and it is exposed to coastal risks: erosion, flooding and pollution.", + "The general population and habitat census of November 2010 puts the resident population of Togo at 6,191,155, with an average annual growth rate of 2.3%. As of 1 January 2019, this population was projected to be 7,538,000 hbts.", + "As of January 1, 2019, this population was projected to be 7,538,000 hbts and will be 7,723,000 hbts as of January 1, 2020.The average density is 109 habts/km2 in 2010, which varies by region and is higher in the Maritime region and lower in the Savannah region.", + "In Togo, 53.5% (2017) of the population lives below the poverty line. The poverty rate decreased by 1.6 percentage points between 2015 and 2017.", + "The poverty rate decreased by 1.6 percentage points between 2015 and 2017.In 2018-2019, a new estimate of the poverty line was made in order to more accurately assess the proportion of households living below the poverty line.The incidence of poverty calculated on this new basis is 45.5% at national level.", + "Togo\u2019s Human Development Index (HDI) rose from 0.426 in 2000 to 0.484 in 2014 and then to 0.484 in 2015, placing it 162nd out of 188 countries with comparable data.", + "Togo\u2019s Human Development Index (HDI) rose from 0.426 in 2000 to 0.484 in 2014 and then to 0.484 in 2015, placing it 162nd out of 188 countries with comparable data. Placing the emergence at the heart of its ambition, Togo has made remarkable progress over the past 10 years and has set itself high targets for economic growth and social and human development for the years to come.", + "With the emergence at the heart of its ambition, Togo has made remarkable progress over the past decade and has set itself high goals for economic growth and social and human development in the years to come. The global pandemic caused by Covid-19 is an unprecedented shock that will have important repercussions for Africa and especially for Togo.", + "The global pandemic caused by Covid-19 is an unprecedented shock that will have important repercussions for Africa and especially for Togo, but Togo wishes to give new impetus to its economy and society in the form of a concrete strategic plan.", + "However, Togo wishes to give a new impetus to its economy and society in the form of a concrete strategic plan, and the Government has therefore defined a roadmap launched in October 2020 for the 2025 hurricane season.", + "As a result, the Government has defined a roadmap, launched in October 2020 for the 2025 timeframe, to adjust the integrated national vision by having an overall understanding of the Togolese context, including the Covid-19 context, to update the portfolio of Togo\u2019s projects and reforms defined in its National Development Plan (NDP) taking into account the new vision and their progress, and to guide the implementation of the new vision at the level of each sectoral ministry.", + "The Government's road map is aimed at \"a peaceful Togo, a modern nation with inclusive and sustainable economic growth\".", + "This vision is structured around three interrelated strategic axes: (i) strengthening social inclusion and harmony and consolidating peace; (ii) boosting job creation by building on the strengths of the economy; and (iii) modernizing the country and strengthening its structures.", + "Togo places particular emphasis on climate change issues at the level of ambition 10, which places sustainable development and the anticipation of future crises at the heart of the country\u2019s priorities. 1.2.", + "Togo places particular emphasis on climate change issues at the level of ambition 10, which places sustainable development and anticipating future crises at the heart of the country\u2019s priorities. 1.2. SUMMARY OF THE EVALUATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TOGO\u2019S INITIAL NCDs Following the adoption of the Paris Agreement, creating synergies between climate action and development implementation has become a key issue for the effectiveness of public policies in Togo.", + "SUMMARY OF THE EVALUATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TOGO INITIATIVE NCDs Following the adoption of the Paris Agreement, creating synergies between climate action and development implementation has become a key issue for the effectiveness of public policies in Togo. Two levels of reduction have been proposed: an unconditional reduction of 11.14% and a conditional reduction of 20% with no clarification on conditionalities for an estimated total funding requirement of US$3.54 billion (Adaptation = 1.54; Mitigation = 1.10; Technology Transfer = 0.5; Capacity Building = 0.4).", + "Two levels of reduction have been proposed: an unconditional reduction of 11.14 per cent and a conditional reduction of 20 per cent with no clarification of the conditionalities for an estimated total funding requirement of US$3.54 billion (Adaptation = 1.54; Mitigation = 1.10; Technology Transfer = 0.5; Capacity Building = 0.4).", + "The additional reduction is therefore 10.06%.", + "Figure 1: Forecast and actual mitigation scenarios in 2020 compared to baseline Overall, Togo has been politically proactive in the area of climate change for more than 20 years and has committed itself to combating its adverse effects affecting the population and many sectors of economic activity through a range of actions, both multilateral and national.", + "Chapter 2: Governance 2.1. EXISTING INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF NDCs In 2015, through Interministerial Decree No.002/MERF/MMEFPD, a Coordinating Committee for the Development of Nationally Determined Planned Contributions (NDPC) was set up.", + "In 2015, through Interministerial Decree No.002/MERF/MMEFPD, a Coordinating Committee for the Development of Nationally Determined Planned Contributions (CPDN) was set up, which was replaced in 2018 by the National Coordinating Authority for the Development of National Communications (CN), Updated Biennial Reports (RBA) on Climate Change and NCDs, set up by Decree No.0095/MERF/SG/DE of 13 July 2018.", + "This CPDN Committee was replaced in 2018 by the National Coordinating Authority for the Development of National Communications (NC), Updated Biennial Reports (RBA) on Climate Change and NCDs, established by Decree No. 0095 / MERF/SG/DE of 13 July 2018. This authority, through the NCD Subcommittee, is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the NCDs.", + "This authority, through the UNFCCC Sub-Committee, is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the UNFCCC, which is composed of representatives of public institutions, the private sector and civil society organizations concerned with the issue of climate change.", + "This CDN subcommittee is composed of representatives of public institutions, the private sector, civil society organisations concerned with the issue of climate change: the Presidency of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry for Finance, the Ministry for Planning, the Ministry for Agriculture, the Ministry for Energy, the Ministry for the Advancement of Women and Youth and other ministries, civil society organisations, and employers. 2.2.", + "ANALYSIS OF THE STRENGTHS, CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS OF THE EXISTING INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK The existing institutional framework of the NDCs suffers from certain shortcomings (Table 1).", + "Table 1: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the Existing Institutional Framework Strengths Weaknesses \u27a2 Existence of the National Coordinating Authority for the Development Process, CN, ABNDS on Climate Change and NCDs \u27a2 Existence of several committees of other bodies (DLCC, Technical Committee for the Coordination of the Adaptation to Climate Change Integration Process,...) on which the NCD Committee can rely \u27a2 Establishment of a National NVM Committee \u27a2 Establishment of a NCD Sub-Committee \u27a2 Non-operationality of certain committees (National Climate Change Committee,...) \u27a2 Functioning of institutional arrangements not transparent \u27a2 Low technical capacity of members of the National Coordinating Authority for the Development Process of CN, ABNDS on Clima", + "Priority areas for mitigation studies \u27a2 Low level of collaboration between institutions responsible for implementing government policies and institutions responsible for studies \u27a2 Non-allocation of financial resources for the functioning of the NCD Implementation Committee \u27a2 Lack of knowledge of the terms of reference of the various stakeholders \u27a2 Non-involvement of local authorities in the NCD Committee Opportunities Threats \u27a2 Existence of the CBIT initiative (under implementation) \u27a2 Availability of technical and financial partners to support climate governance \u27a2 Lack of coordination and coherence between the various thematic bodies, operational entities, implementing agencies and other organisations outside the Convention \u27a2 Lack of involvement of private sector actors, women\u2019s groups, parliamentarians and civil society 2.3.", + "CAPACITY-BUILDING FOR GOVERNANCE In response to the constraints and gaps identified for the existing institutional framework, the following actions are proposed to ensure effective governance and coordination of the NCD implementation process.", + "This will involve: \u2713 establishing a framework for dialogue and communication between the various thematic bodies, operational entities, implementing agencies, civil society and private sector organisations and other organisations outside the Convention; \u2713 strengthening the technical capacities of stakeholders in all key thematic areas related to the priority sectors concerned by the mitigation studies; \u2713 mobilising the necessary financial resources to make the NCD Implementation Committee operational; \u2713 making the various existing committees related to climate change operational; \u2713 developing an institutional capacity-building programme for the effective implementation of the NCDs; \u2713 strengthening the technical and operational capacities of the various stakeholders of the NCD Committee; \u2713 strengthening collaboration between the institutions responsible for the implementation of the NCDs; \u2713 strengthening cooperation between the institutions responsible for the implementation of the NCDs.", + "\u2713 strengthen collaboration between the institutions responsible for implementing government policies and the institutions responsible for studies; \u2713 define the terms of reference of the various stakeholders of the CDN Committee.", + "Chapter 3: Mitigation To contribute to the effective fight against the adverse effects of climate change, efforts are being made by the Togolese government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 3.1. CONTRIBUTIONS TO ATTENUATION:", + "CONTRIBUTIONS TO ATTENUATION: REFERENCE AND ATTENUATION SCENARIOS 3.1.1 Reference Scenario The data used are from the thematic and sectoral studies of 4 CN and 2 RBA.", + "The sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the revised nationally determined contributions are: sectors: energy; industrial processes and product use (IPU); agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFAT); gas waste: CO2, CH4, N20, Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in accordance with the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.", + "The sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the revised nationally determined contributions are: sectors: energy; industrial processes and product use (IPU); agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFAT); gaseous waste: CO2, CH4, N20, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in accordance with the Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol. short-lived air pollutants (SLCPs): black carbon (CB), PM 2.5 and PM 10, nitrous oxides, volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide.", + "For each sector, GHG emissions are projected over the period 2010-2030 and are presented as follows (Figure 2): \u27a2 Energy sector: emissions range from 3725.16 Gg CO2-eq to 13169.18 Gg CO2-eq between 2010 and 2030, an increase of 254%; \u27a2 IPPC sector: emissions are projected to increase from 551.19 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 3 203.54 Gg CO2-eq in 2030, an increase of approximately 481% in the sector; \u27a2 AFAT sector: emissions range from 12 190.89 Gg CO2-eq to 13 464.37 Gg CO2-eq between 2010 and 2030, an increase of 10.45%; \u27a2 Waste sector: emissions from the sector as a whole range from 551.19 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 3 203", + "\u27a2 Waste sector: emissions from the sector as a whole range from 335.7 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 573.3 Gg CO2-eq in 2030, an increase of 70.8%.", + "Overall, GHG emissions will increase from 16,802.92 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 30,410.42 Gg CO2-eq in 2030, an increase of 80.98%. Figure 2: Trends in GHG emission projections for different sectors under baseline scenario 3.1.2.", + "Figure 2: Trends in GHG emission projections for different sectors under baseline scenario 3.1.2 Mitigation Scenario GHG emission reduction potentials are estimated by sector and then aggregated at the national level.", + "Mitigation Scenario GHG emission reduction potentials are estimated by sector and then aggregated at the national level. In general, the information provided is based on Togo\u2019s new programmatic developments, including the National Development Plan (NDP 2018-2022) and the Government Roadmap 2025.", + "In general, the information provided is based on the new programme developments in Togo, in particular the National Development Plan (NDP 2018-2022) and the Government Roadmap 2025, and on sectoral measures and priorities as presented in Annex 1.", + "This information is also based on sectoral measures and priorities as presented in Annex 1. Overall quantified commitments Mitigation measures are guided by a long-term aspiration for low-carbon development that supports the implementation of the Government\u2019s 2025 Roadmap, its NDP (2018-2022), its food self-sufficiency policy and its poverty reduction strategy to become an emerging state by 2050.", + "Overall quantified commitments Mitigation measures are guided by a long-term aspiration for low-carbon development that supports the implementation of the government\u2019s 2025 roadmap, its NDP (2018-2022), its food self-sufficiency policy and its poverty reduction strategy to become an emerging state by 2050. The implementation of the plans, strategies, programs and other planning documents used in this study is based on the various resources (own funds, domestic and international loans) that the government mobilizes for the country\u2019s development.", + "The implementation of the plans, strategies, programmes and other planning documents used in this study is based on the various resources (ownership funds, national and international loans) that the Government mobilizes for the development of the country. Furthermore, in order to ensure sustainable, low-carbon development, Togo has embarked on an ambitious programme to combat climate change, the activities of which require the sustained support of its technical and financial partners (capacity building, transfer and diffusion of technology, and financial resources).", + "Furthermore, in order to ensure low-carbon sustainable development, Togo is committed to an ambitious climate change programme, the activities of which require sustained support from its technical and financial partners (capacity building, technology transfer and diffusion, and financial resources). \u2756 Unconditional contribution The results of the analysis of sectoral reductions indicate that Togo can commit itself to an unconditional contribution to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20.51% by 2030, i.e. 6 236.02 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 13; Table 11).", + "\u2756 Unconditional contribution The results of the analysis of sectoral reductions indicate that Togo can commit itself to an unconditional contribution to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20.51% by 2030, i.e. 6 236.02 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 13; Table 11). \u2756 Conditional contribution In the proposed approach for the mitigation scenario, the Togolese State undertakes, if it receives the required support, to achieve an additional reduction of 30.06% in GHG emissions from the reference scenario by 2030, i.e. 9 305.59 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 3), without jeopardising its food self-sufficiency policy by proceeding in such a way as not to jeopardise its sustainable development.", + "Figure 3: Trends in overall GHG emission reductions from baseline \u2756 Overall contribution Togo\u2019s overall contribution is 50.57%, or 15,378.55 Gg CO2-eq by 2030, broken down as follows: \u2713 Unconditional target: 20.51%; \u2713 Conditional target: 30.06%.", + "These new commitments represent an increase over the initial NDCs and correspond to the highest possible level of ambition, taking into account national circumstances in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement.", + "Commitments by Sector Figure 2 presents the level of mitigation in each sector: Energy sector: the analysis of the mitigation scenario shows a 16.89% reduction (2 224.87 Gg CO2-eq) by 2030 by contribution to the baseline scenario.", + "Reduction trends in this sector are presented in Figure 4a. Due to the fact that the cement production subsector does not generate any potential reductions, emission reductions in the cement production subsector are summarized as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and correspond to 0.8% by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (Figure 4b).", + "Figure 4: Trends in GHG emission reductions from baseline in different sectors", + "Strengthening ambition The revision of Togo\u2019s NDCs has been carried out in consultation with stakeholders and is in line with the development objectives contained in the NDP and the Government Roadmap 2025, on the one hand, and the objectives of the Paris Agreement, on the other.", + "As a Party to the Paris Agreement, Togo is committed to setting ambitious targets for change and remains fully committed to the Paris Agreement and all the responsibilities and actions set out therein.", + "By submitting this NCD, Togo, a low-carbon country, supports the call for all Parties to submit their NCDs, to ensure that their NCDs are in line with their global emissions contributions and respective responsibilities under the Convention, and to take measures to limit the increase in global temperature to 1.5\u00b0C, well below pre-industrial levels.", + "Togo's new contributions were fair and ambitious, taking into account national circumstances, such as the MDGs and poverty eradication, demography, geography, climate and dependence on external stimuli.", + "They go well beyond the commitments presented in the initial submission of the CND of Togo, i.e. in terms of scope, sectoral ambition, coherence between adaptation and mitigation, horizontal themes, including gender, and in particular transparency.", + "The COVID 19 pandemic represents a time of profound upheaval, causing an economic slowdown due to declining socio-economic activity, and exacerbating the country\u2019s economic vulnerability to climate change.", + "The COVID 19 pandemic represents a time of profound upheaval, causing an economic slowdown due to declining socio-economic activities, and aggravating the country\u2019s economic vulnerability to climate change. However, Togo continues to prioritize taking appropriate measures to adapt and combat the adverse effects of climate change.", + "Table 2: Mitigation ambition compared to current NDCs Enhancement Components Revised NDCs (2021) Initial NDCs (2015) Strengthening the GHG Target Type of end-of-year target ( 2030 vs. 2010 emission levels): In 2030, emission reductions broken down by sector are as follows: Energy sector: 16.9%.", + "Table 2: Mitigation Aim vs. Current NDCs Enhancement Components Revised NDCs (2021) Initial NDCs (2015) Strengthened GHG Target Type of Year-end Target ( 2030 vs. 2010 Emission Levels): In 2030, emission reductions broken down by sector are as follows: Energy Sector: 16.9% Industrial Processes and Product Uses (IPUs): 0.8%", + "\u2022 Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFAT): 28.40% Difference from SAM target type (reference) in Reduction of emissions by 11.13% in 2030 from SAM Revised Enhancement Components (2021) Initial Enhancement Components (2015) Waste Sector: 28.10%", + "Improvement Components Revised NCDs (2021) Initial NCDs (2015) Waste Sector: 28.10% Total Unconditional Target: 20.51% Geographic Coverage National Level National Level Sectoral Coverage Energy PIUP AFAT Waste Energy AFAT GHG Coverage Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in accordance with the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.", + "\u2022 Total Unconditional Target: 20.51% Geographic Coverage National Level National Level Sectoral Coverage Energy PIUP AFAT Waste Energy AFAT GHG Coverage Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in accordance with the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol Strengthening or Addition of Policies and Actions Mitigation Policies and Actions (MAPs) in the following sectors: Energy (including: energy supply, residential and unspecified, industry, transport) Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFAT) Waste Additional MAPs (facilitators of mitigation actions) Mitigation MAPs (in a higher ambition scenario) in the following sectors: Energy Emissions from fossil fuel combustion Strengthening or Addition of a Non-GHG Sectoral Target The revised NCDs are consistent with the following", + "GHG The revised NCDs are consistent with the following non-GHG sectoral targets for 2030: Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Transportation Final Energy Consumption Energy Efficiency (EE) Final Energy Consumption Savings vs. Base Case Primary Energy Consumption Savings vs. Base Case Short-lived Air Pollutants (SLCPs): o Black Carbon (CB) o PM2.5 and PM10, nitrous oxides, volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide.", + "Alignment of the implementation of the existing NDC with the long-term objectives In addition, the revised NDCs address the regional aspect which contributes significantly to the priority measures identified in the energy sector in the NDP.", + "GHG mitigation has integrated mitigation of short-lived climate pollutants in accordance with the National Plan for the Reduction of Air Pollutants and Short-lived Climate Pollutants.", + "Consequently, the implementation of Togo's revised NCDs is expected to yield substantial benefits in reducing short-lived climate and air pollutants, improving air quality and public health.", + "Full implementation of the updated NCD is expected to reduce emissions of: \u2713 black carbon by 80%, \u2713 methane by 32%, \u2713 particulate matter by 58%, and \u2713 nitrogen oxide by 51% by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario.", + "In addition, HFC emissions would be reduced by 9 per cent in 2030 compared to a baseline scenario with a strong reduction starting in 2029 in line with the phase-out schedule for HFCs in the Kigali Amendment.", + "The main actions to achieve the objective of reducing SCCPs while improving air quality and benefiting human health are: \u2713 increasing the number of households that cook using improved efficiency biomass stoves and cleaner fuels such as LPG or electricity.", + "\u2713 increasing the efficiency of charcoal-fired furnaces; \u2713 renewing the fleet to increase efficiency and compliance with stricter vehicle emission standards; \u2713 promoting the use of electric vehicles; \u2713 increasing the efficiency of livestock production to minimize emissions from enteric fermentation and manure; \u2713 adopting alternative wetting and drying practices for rice production to reduce methane emissions; \u2713 promoting best landfill management practices for municipal solid waste, including methane capture; \u2713 increasing municipal solid waste collection and reducing open burning of municipal solid waste. 3.2.", + "INFORMATION TO IMPROVE CLARITY, TRANSPARENCY AND UNDERSTANDING (ICTC) OF CONTRIBUTIONS DETERMINED AT THE REVISED NATIONAL LEVEL Table 3 below presents the information required for clarity, transparency and understanding as recommended by Annex I to Decision 4/CMA1.", + "Table 3: Information Required for Clarity, Transparency and Understanding (ICTC) Information Required for Clarity, Transparency and Understanding (ICTC) Para Guidelines of the Decision Guidelines of the ICTC applicable to the revised Togo CND Quantifiable information on the baseline (including, where appropriate, a baseline year): (a) Baseline year(s), baseline year(s), baseline period(s) or other baseline point(s) Baseline year: 2018 (which is the baseline year of the 4th National Communication and the 2nd Updated Biennial Report) (b) Quantifiable information on the baseline indicators, their values in the baseline year(s), baseline year(s), baseline period(s) or other baseline point(s) and, where appropriate, in the target year", + "base, reference period(s) or other starting point(s) and, where applicable, in the target year Reference indicator: the national greenhouse gas inventory (GHG inventory) for the reference year 2018 contained in the NIR and updated.", + "Disaggregated emissions in 2030 are as follows: Energy Sector: 13,169.18Gg CO2-eq Industrial Processes and Product Uses (IPUs): 3,203.54Gg CO2-eq Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (LULUCF): 13,464.37Gg CO2-eq Waste Sector: 573.33Gg CO2-eq", + "(c) For the strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or policies and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1 (b) above is not applicable, Parties shall provide other relevant information NA (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, e.g. in percentage or amount of reduction A detailed assessment of the GHG mitigation options identified for Togo estimates a total emission reduction potential of approximately 15,378.55 Gg CO2-eq in 2030 compared to the baseline emissions for the same year estimated at 30,410.42 Gg CO2-eq.", + "This reduction is divided into an unconditional contribution and a conditional contribution. Unconditional contribution: A reduction of 20.51% from the reference in 2030; equivalent to an estimated level of mitigation of 6,236.02 Gg CO2-eq. This is an unconditional objective, based on sustained mitigation measures and policies implemented at national level.", + "This is an unconditional target, based on sustained mitigation measures and policies implemented at the national level. In 2030, the emission reductions of the unconditional target broken down by sector from the baseline scenario are as follows: \u2713 Energy sector: 16.9%.", + "In 2030, the emission reductions of the unconditional target broken down by sector relative to the baseline scenario are as follows: \u2713 Energy Sector: 16.9% \u2713 Industrial Processes and Product Uses (IPUs): 0.8% \u2713 Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFLUs): 28.40% \u2713 Waste Sector: 28.10%.", + "\u2713 Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (LULUCF): 28.40% \u2713 Waste Sector: 28.10% Conditional Contribution: an additional reduction of 30.06% from the baseline in 2030; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 9 305.59 Gg CO2-eq.", + "This represents an additional targeted contribution, based on the provision of international support and funding. e) Information on the data sources used to quantify the reference point(s) The data sources used to quantify the reference points are the analysis of the time series of the Fourth National Communication (4CN) and the Second Updated Biennial Report as well as information from consultations with the various ministries concerned and stakeholder consultations.", + "In addition, information contained in departmental strategies as well as estimates from international organizations were used to quantify the baselines. The baseline and mitigation scenarios were developed for all sectors using LEAP software.", + "The baseline and mitigation scenarios were developed for all sectors using LEAP software. For forestry and other land uses, the 2006 IPCC worksheets were used and the results imported into LEAP.", + "For forestry and other land uses, the 2006 IPCC worksheets were used and the results imported into LEAP. f) Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the baseline indicator values In the following circumstances, Togo may update or amend the baseline indicator values: In the next greenhouse gas inventory, Togo may update the baseline indicators for existing sectors and/or provide new values for sectors that were not previously covered.", + "\u2022 The GHG emission level for the baseline scenario, unconditional and conditional targets in 2030 can be updated and recalculated based on methodological changes in the GHG inventory, such as recalculating the GHG inventory with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines or changes in the Global Warming Potential (GWP) into IPCC Assessment Reports, or adopting IPCC refinement.", + "Information on updates will be included in the biennial transparency reports (BTRs). Togo is classified as a least developed country (LDC); therefore, any major changes in the economic and social environment may lead to updating or changing the values of the baseline indicators.", + "\u2022 Togo belongs to the category of least developed countries (LDCs); therefore, any major change in the economic and social environment may lead to updating or changing the values of the baseline indicators Some of the actions are part of the Government's Roadmap and the National Development Plan (NDP) and are receiving international support (technical and financial); the delay or lack of support could have unforeseen consequences for national circumstances.", + "\u2022 Some of the actions are part of the Government Roadmap and the National Development Plan (NDP) and are receiving international (technical and financial) support; the delay or lack of support could have unforeseen consequences on national circumstances. \u2022 Togo is very susceptible to natural disasters (floods, drought, etc.), in the event of a major natural disaster or a pandemic situation similar to COVID-19, Togo can update/change the reference point.", + "\u2022 Togo is very prone to natural disasters (floods, drought, etc.), in the event of a major natural disaster or a pandemic situation similar to COVID-19, Togo may update/modify the reference point. Timelines and/or deadlines for implementation: (a) Timeline and/or period of implementation, including start and end dates, in accordance with any other relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (COP) (b) Whether it is an annual or multi-year target, as appropriate Annual target 2030, including updates of target 2025.", + "The UNCCD interventions will be implemented in stages in accordance with the annual work plan; however, the target year chosen is 2030. Scope and coverage: a) General description of the target Sectoral objectives based on activities and policies, including emission reductions in selected sectors.", + "Scope and coverage: (a) General description of the target Sectoral objectives based on activities and policies, including emission reductions in selected sectors The Government of Togo will achieve the conditional objectives if international support for financing, technology transfer and/or capacity building is provided on a sustained and timely basis.", + "The Government of Togo will achieve the conditional objectives if international support for financing, technology transfer and/or capacity building is provided on a sustained and timely basis. (b) Sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the contribution determined at the national level, including, where appropriate, in accordance with the guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sectors: Energy, AFAT POPs, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Waste Gas: F-gas: HFC-32, HFC-134a, HFC-125, HFC-143a.", + "(b) Sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the contribution determined at national level, including, where appropriate, in accordance with the guidelines of the Sectors Group: Energy, AFAT IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Waste Gas: F-gas: HFC-32, HFC-134a, HFC-125, HFC-143a In conformity with the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.", + "In accordance with the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol Short-lived air pollutants (SLCPs): Black carbon (CB) Particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10.", + "(c) How the Party has taken into account paragraphs 31 (c) and (d) of decision 1/ In accordance with paragraph 31 (c) of decision 1/CP.21, Togo has committed to include all categories of anthropogenic emissions in its revised NCDs.", + "(c) How the Party has taken into account paragraphs 31 (c) and (d) of decision 1 / In accordance with paragraph 31 (c) of decision 1 /CP.21, Togo has committed itself to including all categories of anthropogenic emissions in its revised CFCs The detailed assessment carried out during the process of formulating the revised CFCs showed that the data needed to define objectives and rigorously assess the impact of policies and actions on emissions for all sectors were not available.", + "The detailed evaluation carried out during the process of formulating the revised NCDs showed that the data needed to define objectives and rigorously assess the impact of policies and actions on emissions for all sectors were not available. Togo will gradually extend the coverage of its NCDs to all categories of anthropogenic emissions and removals, as more robust data become available.", + "Togo will gradually extend the coverage of its NCDs to all categories of anthropogenic emissions and removals as more robust data become available. d) Related mitigation benefits resulting from Parties\u2019 adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans, including the description of specific projects, measures and initiatives of Parties\u2019 adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans.", + "The implementation of the actions articulated in each document will ensure the operational components of the policy. Togo\u2019s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) (2017- 2021), as well as the projects currently being implemented, include co-benefits for mitigation.", + "\u2022 Togo\u2019s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) (2017- 2021), as well as projects currently being implemented, include mitigation co-benefits The resulting reductions will contribute to the achievement of the objective described in point 1(d) and should not be considered additional.", + "Togo has also committed to continue to provide data and information on the quantified co-benefits of adaptation measures in its NAP and national communications.", + "Togo has also committed to continue to provide data and information on the quantified co-benefits of adaptation measures in its NAP and national communications. Mitigation measures in adaptation projects will be reported through the GHG data collection framework and inventory and reported in the respective sectors.", + "\u2022 Mitigation measures within adaptation projects will be notified through the data collection framework and the GHG inventory and reported in the respective sectors Planning Process: Information on the planning processes undertaken by the Party to prepare (a) its determined contribution at the national level and, where appropriate, on the Party's implementation plans, including, where appropriate: (i) National institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples in a gender-sensitive manner Provisions on governance and coordination at the sectoral level are included in each of the sectoral action plans of the NDCs.", + "A National NCD Committee has been set up temporarily for the duration of the NCD programme implementation projects. This committee has not been functional at all and deserves to be rearranged and strengthened. New national institutional arrangements based on prior engagement of public, private, local and gender stakeholders are being developed.", + "New national institutional arrangements based on prior engagement of public, private, local and gender stakeholders are being developed. (ii) Contextual issues, including, inter alia, where appropriate: a. National circumstances, such as geography, climate, economy, sustainable development and poverty eradication Recent political development in Togo.", + "National Circumstances, such as Geography, Climate, Economy, Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication Togo's recent political development has been marked by the presidential elections in 2015 and 2020, the grand marches in 2017, the legislative elections in December 2018, followed by constitutional reforms and the municipal elections in June 2019.", + "It was marked by presidential elections in 2015 and 2020, major marches in 2017, parliamentary elections in December 2018, followed by constitutional reforms and municipal elections in June 2019.", + "Geo-climatic profile. Togo is located in the intertropical zone. It has a four-season Guinean tropical climate in the southern part and a two-season Sudanese tropical climate in the northern part. The Maritime and Savannah regions receive less than 1000 millimetres of water per year.", + "The Maritime and Savannah regions receive less than 1000 millimetres of water per year. Seasonal irregularities have been observed in recent decades. Demographic characteristics and poverty.", + "Seasonal irregularities have been observed in recent decades. Demographic characteristics and poverty. The General Population and Habitat Census - final result of November 2010 puts the resident population of Togo at 6,191,155 with an average annual growth rate of 2.3 per cent.", + "The General Population and Habitat Census - final result of November 2010 establishes the resident population of Togo at 6 191 155 inhabitants with an average annual growth rate of 2.3 per cent.", + "As of 1 January 2019, this population is projected to be 7,538,000 hbts. It will be 109 hbts/km2 in 2010. It varies by region and is more dense in the Maritime region and weaker in the Savannah region. In Togo, 53.5% (2017) of the population lives below the poverty line.", + "In Togo, 53.5% (2017) of the population lives below the poverty line, with the poverty rate decreasing by 1.6 percentage points between 2015 and 2017.", + "The poverty rate decreased by 1.6 percentage points between 2015 and 2017. Economic and sectoral context The achievement of the goals of the Togo Government's 2025 road map, which resulted from the revision of the National Development Plan (NDP 2018-2022), will affect all sectors of Togo's economic life, both public and private.", + "The achievement of the objectives of the Togo 2025 Government Roadmap resulting from the revision of the National Development Plan (NDP 2018-2022) will affect all sectors of Togo\u2019s economic life, both public and private. Overall, the national economic context has been marked by continued efforts to maintain the stability of the macroeconomic framework and improve the business environment.", + "Overall, the national economic environment has been characterised by continued efforts to maintain the stability of the macroeconomic framework and to improve the business environment.", + "The State has full control over the energy sector with the participation of several ministries and other state or private institutions. The final energy consumption from all sources amounts to 2145.29 ktep in 2018 compared to 1973 ktep in 2016, an increase of 172.29 ktep (8.7%) over 3 years.", + "Total final energy consumption in Togo per year and per capita has been stable since 2000 at 0.27 tep/hbt.", + "Total final energy consumption in Togo per year and per capita has been stable since 2000 at 0.27 tep/hbt. Self-consumption of wood-energy (wood coal and firewood) is predominant and accounts for 76% of national production compared to 24% for marketing.", + "Self-consumption of wood-energy (wood coal and firewood) is predominant and accounts for 76% of the national production, compared with 24% for marketing. In the field of agriculture, the area cultivated is estimated at 1.4 million hectares, or 41% of the cultivable area and 25% of the total area of the country.", + "In the field of agriculture, the area cultivated is estimated at 1.4 million hectares, or 41% of the cultivable area and 25% of the total area of the country. Comparative analysis of GDP and the budget shows that in 2012, the value generated by agriculture in constant prices amounts to 42.2% of GDP.", + "The comparative analysis of GDP and the budget shows that in 2012, the value generated by agriculture in constant prices amounts to 42.2% of GDP. This sector provides for 2/3 of the labour force in Togo. The contribution of agriculture to the GDP growth rate, which was 0.7% in 2018, would increase to 1% in 2019.", + "The contribution of agriculture to the GDP growth rate, which was 0.7% in 2018, is expected to increase to 1% in 2019. Forest cover in Togo is 24.24%. The role of the forest sector in the country\u2019s economic development is very important.", + "The role of the forestry sector in the country\u2019s economic development is very important, contributing to job creation, reducing unemployment, creating wealth, etc. Despite this importance, the added value generated is low according to statistics.", + "Its contribution to GDP was US$33 million or FCFA 16.5 billion, or 1.68% of GDP in 2006, but it should be noted that non-market and ecosystem services in the forest sector are not included in these statistics.", + "It should be noted, however, that non-market and ecosystem services in the forestry sector are not included in these statistics. In 2015, the value added of the forestry sector amounted to CFA 17.80 billion for firewood and CFA 71.19 billion for wood coal, or almost CFA 89 billion for wood-energy.", + "In 2015, the value added of the forestry sector amounted to CFA 17.80 billion for firewood and CFA 71.19 billion for charcoal, or almost CFA 89 billion for wood-energy Description of Togo's development priorities and their relationship to climate change.", + "Description of Togo\u2019s development priorities and their relationship to climate change The vision for Togo\u2019s development today is guided by the Government\u2019s Togo 2025 Roadmap.", + "Togo\u2019s development vision today is guided by the government\u2019s Togo 2025 roadmap, which clearly presents the country\u2019s vision and development priorities in three broad strategic directions: (i) strengthening social inclusion and harmony and ensuring peace; (ii) boosting job creation by building on the strengths of the economy; and (iii) modernizing the country and strengthening its structures.", + "This document clearly presents the country\u2019s vision and development priorities in three broad strategic directions: (i) strengthening social inclusion and harmony and ensuring peace; (ii) boosting job creation by building on the strengths of the economy; and (iii) modernizing and strengthening the country\u2019s structures. Beyond the national vision and priorities, each sector of the economy has its own development priorities that fit into the national framework.", + "In addition to the national vision and priorities, each sector of the economy has its own development priorities that are attached to the national framework. These priorities are defined as sectoral operational policies. The issue of climate change, on the whole, is now included in national development policies.", + "The issue of climate change, on the whole, is now included in national development policies. Despite the efforts made, it must be noted that the degree to which the problem is taken into account in the policies initiated by the Government varies greatly from one sectoral policy to another, with generally low levels of implementation. b. Good practices and experience related to the preparation of the determined contribution at national level The revised NDCs have capitalised on the analytical capacity, participatory practice, experience, tools and knowledge base that were created even before the initial NDCs, maintained and improved within the framework of 4CN and 2BUR.", + "The objective setting was well informed by an existing solid and comprehensive GHG inventory. In addition, the revised NDCs integrated sustainable development into their M&As, quantifying the link between sustainable development and climate change mitigation. Specifically, with respect to the economic and environmental dimensions.", + "Finally, the revised NDCs also include a regional dimension. c. Other contextual aspirations and priorities recognized upon accession to the Paris Agreement A commitment to reduce GHG emission levels at the national level will require cleaner technologies, expertise and financing.", + "Other aspirations and contextual priorities recognized upon accession to the Paris Agreement A commitment to reduce GHG emission levels nationally will require cleaner technologies, expertise and financing Technology: The need for new innovation is rooted in the need to be more efficient and to produce from cleaner technologies.", + "Technology: The need for new innovations is rooted in the need to be more efficient and to produce from cleaner technologies.", + "The availability and transfer of technologies that are environmentally sound and support low-carbon and climate-resilient development are paramount, and as LDCs, these opportunities are often not readily available, and the spirit of the Paris Agreement would therefore help to foster North-South and South-South cooperation.", + "As LDCs, these opportunities are often not readily accessible and the spirit of the Paris Agreement would therefore help to foster North-South and South-South cooperation. Expertise: The integration and transformation of new ideas and technologies into the economy, society and the environment will require some capacity-building for their appropriate application and diffusion.", + "Expertise: The integration and transformation of new ideas and technologies into the economy, society and the environment will require some capacity-building for their appropriate applicability and dissemination Financing: Technology transfer and capacity-building cannot take place without sufficient financial resources to undertake the transition.", + "Financing: Technology transfer and capacity building cannot take place without adequate financial resources to undertake the transition. As a heavily indebted poor country (HIPC) and highly vulnerable to the impact of climate change, it is important to strike the right balance to strengthen the country\u2019s resilience and implement the necessary adaptation and mitigation measures, while addressing the country\u2019s day-to-day needs.", + "As a heavily indebted poor country (HIPC) and highly vulnerable to the impact of climate change, it is important to strike the right balance to strengthen the country\u2019s resilience and implement the necessary adaptation and mitigation measures, while addressing the country\u2019s day-to-day needs.", + "(b) How the Party preparing its nationally determined contribution was informed by the results of the global assessment, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Paris Agreement Togo participated in the Talanoa Dialogue in 2018, which generated political momentum for enhanced climate action, including by calling on Parties to update their NCDs.", + "Furthermore, the country joined the High Ambition Coalition of countries committed to achieving their 2020 climate ambition. The preparation of the revised NCDs was in line with the recommendations of the Talanoa Call for Action and the High Ambition Coalition, taking into account national circumstances.", + "The preparation of the revised NCDs was in line with the recommendations of the Talanoa Call for Action and the High Ambition Coalition, taking into account national circumstances. (c) Each Party with a nationally determined contribution under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement consisting of adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans resulting in related mitigation benefits in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement to submit information on: (i) How the economic and social consequences of response measures have been taken into account in the development of the nationally determined contribution National and regional stakeholder consultations have made it possible to take into account the social, economic and environmental impacts of national mitigation measures by integrating the data collected into assessment tools at the national level.", + "the social, economic and environmental impacts of national mitigation measures by integrating the data collected into the assessment tools during the development of the revised NCDs.", + "(ii) Specific projects, measures and activities to be implemented to contribute to the co-benefits of mitigation, including information on adaptation plans that also produce co-benefits of mitigation, which may cover, but are not limited to, key sectors, such as energy, resources, water resources, coastal resources, human settlements and urban planning, agriculture and forestry; and economic diversification actions, which may cover, but are not limited to, sectors such as manufacturing and industry, energy and mining, transport and communications, construction, tourism, real estate, agriculture and fisheries ENERGY Sector: - Promotion of electricity production from renewable energy sources in Togo - Continuation of the electrification for all policy - Expansion of the grid and deployment of decentralised systems to achieve 100% electrification, supported by the implementation of", + "- Increase the capacity of electricity production, transmission and distribution \u2013 Development of sustainable and reliable production capacities, in particular in solar and hydroelectric power, and corresponding strengthening of the transmission and distribution network (in synergy with the extension of the Internet network); - Increase the share of renewable energies in energy production to 50% by 2025 - Increase the share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles to 3% by 2025 - Extension of the rural road network \u2013 Construction of 4000 km of rural roads targeting agricultural areas with high export potential to connect farmers to the market; - Construction of the Autoroute de l\u2019Unit\u00e9 \u2013 Acceleration of the RN1 development project linking the productive hinterland to the Lom\u00e9 agglomeration and the port - Exemption of taxes on agricultural products", + "RN1 linking the productive hinterland to the city of Lom\u00e9 and the port - Exemption from taxes on new vehicles - Increase the use rate of improved homes from 40% - Increase the share of wood coal produced with improved technologies from less than 1% in 2020 to 45% - Increase the share of the population using biogas for cooking to 4% in 2025 and 12% in 2030 in urban areas; to 6% in 2025 and 15% in 2030 in rural areas - Increase the share of the population using briquettes to 15% in urban areas and 10% in rural areas in 2030 - Increase the share of the population using LPG to 35% in urban areas and 8% in rural areas by 2030", + "Strengthening the capacity of refrigeration technicians to reduce handling losses - Valuing the processing and recycling of fluorinated gases - Promoting the import of alternative refrigerant fluids such as propane (R290) and isobutane (R600a) for freezers, refrigerated display cases and ice cream dispensers; R448A (HFC-HFO) and R455A (HFC-HFO) instead of R404A - Promoting the construction of private and public buildings with thermal insulation materials - Exemption from taxes on new vehicles AFAT Sector - Integrated development of the agricultural sector through the implementation of an effective strategy for the sustainable management of cultivated land; - Promotion and sustainable management of hydro-agricultural, hydro-pastoral and agricultural development and water supply works; - Organisation of value chains: organising the chains for", + "- modernisation of the livestock sub-sector by increasing the productivity of livestock beyond the natural growth and development of herds, setting up livestock processing units, genetic improvement for cattle breeding performance, introduction of improved breeders into the traditional system, intensification of the outlet and strengthening of market access for the marketing of livestock products, etc.; - support for forage reforestation with the introduction of forage trees on farms with a view to the sustained production of quality forage; - restoration of existing forest landscapes by promoting the restoration of natural forests, fragile ecosystems and the conservation of biodiversity, giving priority to support for projects linked to already organised territories (protected areas, community or village forests, sacred sites), limiting the fragmentation of forest areas and maintaining the connection of", + "- Improvement of sustainable land management for the strengthening of carbon sinks and carbon sequestration through \"mass development plans\" promoted by private forests or community forests or \"territorial forest charters\" or rural poles of excellence; - Development of urban forestry through the establishment of urban plantations, the promotion and creation of green spaces; - Promotion of the processing of forest products and non-linear by-products and the promotion of value chains and market access for processed forest products; - Strengthening of participatory action against wildfires to contribute to carbon storage, by reducing the current rate of deforestation and the impact of wildfires, a source of carbon emissions into the atmosphere Waste sector: - Togo Water and Sanitation Project (PEAT1&2):", + "Waste Sector: - Togo Water and Sanitation Project (PEAT1&2): construction of a technical landfill (CET) in Lom\u00e9 and development of final landfills, establishment of a household waste collection system (OM), waste recovery, construction of latrines, extension of the drinking water distribution system in the cities of Ts\u00e9vi\u00e9, Atakpam\u00e9 Sokod\u00e9, Kara and Dapaong Methodological assumptions and approaches, including those for estimating and accounting for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals, if any: (a) Methodological assumptions and approaches used to account for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals corresponding to the Party\u2019s nationally determined contribution in accordance with paragraph 1 of decision 1/CP.21 and the accounting guidelines adopted by the WCA Togo has accounted for its", + "GHGs using the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, the 2006 IPCC software and the 2013 Supplement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for Wetlands.", + "Togo also relied on the following: IPCC Good Practice and Uncertainty Management Recommendations for National Inventories (GPG 2000) IPCC Good Practice Recommendations for LULUCF (GPG LULUCF) (b) Assumptions and methodological approaches used to account for the implementation of policies and measures or strategies in the nationally determined contribution The quantification of the level of GHG emissions in the 2030 mitigation scenario is based on the following assumptions: In the transport category, the improvement and expansion of road infrastructure (ongoing and foreseen in the Government Roadmap 2025) and the promotion of low-emission public transport will reduce final energy intensity by 10% for motorcycles and 20% for cars and trucks.", + "\u2022 In Phase 1 of the HCFC Removal Management Plan (HMP) project, 26% of the cold technicians were trained; thus according to the directions of the second phase of this project which are similar to the directions of Phase 1; 79% of the cold technicians will be trained by 2030; In Phase 1 of the HCFC Removal Management Plan (HMP) project, 3.4% of the cold technicians received recovery equipment; thus according to the directions of the second phase of this project which are similar to the directions of Phase 1; 9.4% of the cold technicians will receive recovery equipment by 2030; In Phase 1 of the HCFC Removal Management Plan (HMP) project;3 structures with large cold installations benefited from 70 split air conditioners operating on the basis of the R-290, which is a", + "On this basis, Phase 2, which will follow the same guidelines as Phase 1, will reduce HFC imports by 5%/year through the following components: Distribution of alternative F-gases to structures with large cold-storage facilities; In Togo, end-of-life and stationary cold-storage equipment contains 55% of F-gases and is sold to scrap metal companies without treatment; The establishment of a recycling pipeline with a processing capacity of 5 tonnes of F-gases per year will recover 50%/year; The construction of at least 100 green buildings using fewer air-conditioners by 2030 will reduce the import rate of F-gases by at least 2%.", + "\u2022 Further efforts by the Togolese Government in reforestation would increase the forest cover rate from 24.24% to 30%, i.e. an increase of about 5% in the area of forest and reforested land by 2030; Implementation of measures to combat vegetation fires and measures to protect forest ecosystems will contribute to a reduction of 5% in the area of burned vegetation; Efforts to protect forest formations and respect for land allocations will contribute to reducing deforestation and limiting the conversion of forest land into agricultural land or other forms of land use; Promotion of alternative sources of domestic energy and extension of improved homes will contribute to a reduction in wood energy use and CO2 and other emissions.", + "\u2022 In the sub-sector of agriculture, many initiatives have been undertaken in recent years aimed at promoting the conversion of 5% of manure and agricultural residues into compost (organic fertiliser) and/or biogas, thereby reducing the use of chemical fertilisers by 3% and increasing the use of organic fertiliser; \u2022 Implementation of the new strategic guidelines in the cereal production sector will contribute to the reduction of 3% of the area of irrigated rice fields for the promotion of rain-fed rice cultivation; \u2022 By 2030, 12% of urban solid waste (i.e. 100,000 tonnes) by composting in major cities per year; \u2022 By 2030, 80% of biogas produced by the Lom\u00e9 landfill site per year will be converted into electrical energy for the site\u2019s needs;", + "\u2022 Reduce by 80% the quantity of waste destined for incineration through improved waste collection and the creation of new TECs in secondary towns; \u2022 Upgrade 5% of domestic wastewater in rural areas to biogas by 2030 by installing biogas septic tanks The methodological approach used is that of LEAP-IBC.", + "(c) Where appropriate, information on how the Party will take into account existing methodologies and guidance under the Convention in accounting for anthropogenic emissions and removals, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 14, of the Paris Agreement, as appropriate In accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 13 and 14, of the Paris Agreement, Togo has conducted an QA/QC of input data to ensure that there is no omission or double counting.", + "(d) IPCC Methodologies and Parameters Used to Estimate Anthropogenic Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases The 2006 IPCC Guidelines, Good Practice Guidance and the IPCC Data Bank have been used to estimate anthropogenic GHG emissions and removals. (e) Sector, category or activity-specific assumptions, methodologies and approaches, in accordance with IPCC guidance, where applicable: (i) Approach to dealing with emissions and subsequent removals of natural disturbances on managed lands GHG emissions and removals from natural disturbances, where applicable, will be accounted for in accordance with the prescribed 2006 IPCC Guidelines.", + "(ii) Approach to Accounting for Emissions and Removals from Harvested Wood Products GHG emissions and removals from harvested wood products, if any, will be accounted for in accordance with the prescribed 2006 IPCC Guidelines.", + "(iii) Approach used to address the effects of age-class structure in forests NA (f) Other assumptions and methodological approaches used to understand the contribution determined at the national level and, where appropriate, estimate the corresponding emissions and removals, including: (i) How baseline indicators, baseline levels, including, where appropriate, sector, category or activity-specific baseline levels, are constructed, including, for example, key parameters, assumptions, definitions, methodologies, data sources and models used To quantify the level of GHG emissions in the baseline scenario projected for 2030, the following assumptions have been made for the emission growth drivers:", + "\u2022 Behavioural factors are considered to be constant throughout the projection period; (ii) For Parties whose nationally determined contributions contain components other than greenhouse gases, information on the assumptions and methodological approaches used in relation to these components, if any The methodological approach used for short-lived climate pollutants (black carbon, PM2.5 and PM10) is that of LEAP-IBC.", + "(iii) For climate forcing factors included in nationally determined contributions not covered by IPCC guidelines, information on how climate forcings are estimated NA (iv) Other technical information, as necessary NA (g) Intention to use voluntary cooperation under the Paris Agreement Article, as appropriate Togo recognizes the important role of international market-based cooperation in contributing to the mitigation of GHG emissions and the promotion of sustainable development.", + "Togo will continue to explore the potential of bilateral, multilateral and regional market-oriented cooperation, including in the context of Article 6 of the AP, that can facilitate, accelerate and improve the development and transfer of technologies, capacity-building and access to financial resources that support Togo's sustainable transition to low-emission and climate-resilient growth.", + "How the Party considers its nationally determined contribution to be fair and ambitious in the light of its national situation: (a) How the Party considers its nationally determined contribution to be fair and ambitious in the light of its national situation Following the Talanoa Call for Action launched by the Presidents of COP 23 and COP 24, Togo has made its revised (2021) NCD more ambitious than the 2015 NCD (i) by articulating the 2030 GHG emission reduction targets compared to the 2010 level.", + "National commitments are well aligned with emission trajectories for 2050 that correspond to the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement.", + "It is also important to note that the evolving nature of a country\u2019s situation must be reflected in the equity review using the following indicators: Responsibility reflected in past and current GHG emissions.", + "\u2022 Ability to invest in appropriate mitigation measures (ability to contribute to solving the problem of climate change) Mitigation potential and costs b) Equity considerations, including consideration of equity It should be noted that equity considerations from a national perspective encompass a variety of issues and that no single indicator can accurately reflect equity or an equitable distribution of countries\u2019 efforts on a global scale.", + "(c) How the Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement The revised NFCs propose an unconditional reduction of 20.51% from the baseline scenario in 2030 compared to 11.14% for the current 2015 NFCs.", + "The overall contribution (unconditional and conditional combined) of the revised NCDs (2021) is a reduction of 50.57% of GHG emissions from the baseline scenario in 2030 compared to 31.14 for the current NCDs (2015).", + "(d) How the Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement Another issue that demonstrates the strengthening of the country's ambitions relates to the implementation of an absolute economy-wide emission reduction target (in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement), which ensures the achievement of the targets in a relevant, comprehensive, consistent, transparent and accurate manner.", + "(e) How the Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2: (a) How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 National commitments are well aligned with emission trajectories for 2050 that correspond to the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement, thereby contributing to stabilizing atmospheric GHG concentrations at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system, and sustainable development, in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention.", + "(b) How the contribution determined at the national level contributes to the achievement of Article 2, paragraph 1 (a), and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement Togo's contribution by its NDCs is consistent with the global objectives of limiting the temperature to 2\u00b0C and compatible with Togo's sustainable development objectives Chapter 4: Adaptation 4.1.", + "NATIONAL CONTEXT OF ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE 4.1.1. National situation The economy of Togo is dominated by agricultural activities (almost 40% of GDP) which are highly dependent on climatic conditions.", + "National situation Togo\u2019s economy is dominated by agricultural activities (almost 40% of GDP) which are highly dependent on climatic conditions. Other development sectors such as energy, water resources, the coastal zone, human settlements and health, forestry and other land uses also remain highly vulnerable.", + "Other development sectors such as energy, water resources, the coastal zone, human settlements and health, forestry and other land uses also remain very vulnerable.", + "It is in this spirit that Togo committed itself in the initial NDCs to contribute to combating climate change, strengthening the resilience of production systems and means in accordance with its National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) drawn up in 2008. In 2016, the country adopted a National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NCCAP) which confirms its commitment to strengthening the capacity of populations to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change.", + "In 2016, Togo adopted a National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NCCAP) which confirms its commitment to strengthening the capacity of populations to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. 4.1.2. Institutional, legal and political arrangements With regard to international commitments on the environment and adaptation to climate change, Togo has ratified the three Rio-generation conventions: (i) the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (March 8, 1995); (ii) the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (October 4, 1995); and (iii) the Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD) (September 15, 1995).", + "At the national level, adaptation is part of the National Environmental Policy, the Forest Policy Statement, the National Sustainable Development Strategy, the Framework Law on the Environment and laws on forestry, water, health, hydrocarbons and shipping codes. At the institutional level, several actors are involved in strengthening adaptation to climate change in Togo.", + "At the institutional level, several actors are involved in strengthening adaptation to climate change in Togo: (i) the Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources with all its divisions, (ii) the National Commission on Sustainable Development, composed of representatives of public and private institutions, local authorities, NGOs and other legal entities, (iii) the National Committee on Climate Change, which is a framework for information, consultation and monitoring of the implementation of the national climate change policy, (iv) the Interministerial Committee for Monitoring the Implementation of the NCDs, and (v) the multidisciplinary team on climate change.", + "These actors work together with other stakeholders such as Togo\u2019s public and private universities and the Republic\u2019s major institutions (Republic\u2019s Presidency, Primary, National Assembly, etc.). 4.2.", + "ANALYSIS OF IMPACTS, RISKS AND VULNERABILITIES OF PRIORITY SECTORS Since 2014, the scenarios developed show that climate change is a real concern for Togo and that current and future trends will have harmful consequences in the absence of appropriate measures.", + "Climate variability in Togo leads to food and nutritional insecurity, degradation of forest resources, difficult access to energy, water resources and quality health care.", + "Climate variability in Togo leads to food and nutritional insecurity, degradation of forest resources, difficult access to energy, water resources and quality health care, as Togo faces very high spatial and temporal climate variability.", + "Togo faces a very high degree of spatial and temporal climate variability, with temperatures rising by a maximum of 1.2 \u00b0C in 2020, an increase of 20% compared to 2012.", + "Precipitation is decreasing with rainfall ranging from 15 mm to 98 mm, leading to climate risks affecting all areas of development, including flooding, drought, high temperatures, seasonal variations, strong winds, poor rainfall distribution, land erosion and coastal erosion.", + "This creates climate risks that affect all sectors of development and manifest themselves in flooding, drought, high temperatures, seasonal shifts, high winds, poor rainfall distribution, land erosion and coastal erosion. Future projections of climate variability based on rigorous IPCC methodologies will be presented for Togo as follows.", + "Future projections of climate variability based on rigorous IPCC methodologies for Togo are as follows: If the country remains in emission stabilization (RCP6.0) relative to 2020, temperatures will increase with an amplitude of 0.6\u00b0C to 0.7\u00b0C in 2025 and 2.15\u00b0C to 2.75\u00b0C in 2100.", + "If the country remains in the stabilization of emissions (RCP6.0) from 2020, temperatures will increase from 0.6\u00b0C to 0.7\u00b0C in 2025 and from 2.15\u00b0C to 2.75\u00b0C in 2100. Precipitation will vary from -0.08% to +0.35% (2025) and from -0.3% to +1.26% (2100).", + "Precipitation will vary from -0.08% to +0.35% (2025) and from -0.3% to +1.26% (2100); however, if the country embarks on the process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG 4.5), temperatures will increase from 0.66 to 0.84\u00b0C (2025) and from 1.53 to 1.96\u00b0C (2100).", + "On the other hand, if the country embarks on the process of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (RCP4.5), temperatures will increase from 0.66 to 0.84\u00b0C (2025) and from 1.53 to 1.96\u00b0C (2100). Precipitation will range from -0.09% to 0.39% (2025) and from -0.21% to 0.89% (2100). 4.2.1. Energy Sector", + "Precipitation will range from -0.09% to +0.39% (2025) and from -0.21% to +0.89% (2100). 4.2.1. Energy Sector Biomass Energy Wood energy accounts for 80% of the energy used by households and 90% of the local population uses this energy source in Togo.", + "Biomass energy Wood energy accounts for 80% of the energy used by households and 90% of the local population uses this energy source in Togo. The current wood energy potential will meet only 28% and 12% of the national demand respectively by 2025 and 2050.", + "The current wood energy potential will meet only 28% and 12% of national demand respectively by 2025 and 2050. Based on multi-criteria analyses, the wood energy sector has an average vulnerability index and is estimated at 0.58 nationally.", + "On the basis of the multi-criteria analyses, the wood energy sector has an average vulnerability index estimated at 0.58 at the national level. At the regional level, the two northern regions of the country (Savanes and Kara) face a high level of vulnerability with an index between 0.6 and 0.8.", + "At the regional level, the two northern regions of the country (Savanes and Kara) are facing a high level of vulnerability with an index between 0.6 and 0.8. The impacts of this vulnerability on this sector are mainly the low growth and production of wood-energy biomass, the depletion of wood-energy species and the destruction of protected ecosystems away from homes that provide shelter for most threatened species.", + "The impacts associated with this vulnerability on the sector are mainly the low growth and production of wood-energy biomass, the depletion of wood-energy species and the destruction of protected ecosystems away from homes that provide shelter for most threatened species. The vulnerability of the wood-energy sector will increase in the future.", + "The vulnerability of the wood-energy sector will increase in the future because, if stabilized (RCP6.0), the vulnerability index for this sub-sector will fall into the high class from 2075 onwards for the whole country.", + "In the case of stabilization (RCP6.0), the vulnerability index of this subsector will fall into the high class from 2075 onwards for the whole country. If appropriate measures are not taken, there will be socio-economic repercussions such as higher prices for fuelwood and charcoal, an increase in the poverty index in rural areas, etc.", + "If appropriate measures are not taken, there will be socio-economic repercussions such as higher prices for fuelwood and charcoal, an increase in the poverty index in rural areas, etc. Hydroelectricity In Togo, hydroelectric power generation is exclusively provided by the Kpim\u00e9 and Nangbeto dams, which are fed by large rivers.", + "Hydroelectricity In Togo, hydroelectric power generation is exclusively provided by the Kpim\u00e9 and Nangbeto dams, which are fed by large rivers. The current vulnerability of this sector is average with an index of 0.51. In the future, its vulnerability will increase to the high class from 2075 onwards if nothing is done.", + "In the future, its vulnerability will rise to the upper class from 2075 onwards if nothing is done, which will exacerbate the current impacts of climate change, resulting in a reduction in the water table of hydroelectric dams, the destruction of hydroelectric structures, and the low capacity to provide energy to businesses and industries.", + "This will exacerbate the current impacts of climate change resulting in a reduction in the water table of hydroelectric dams, the destruction of hydroelectric works, and the low capacity to provide energy to businesses and industries. If the integrated water resources management (IWRM) measures in the sector\u2019s planning documents, as well as the renewable energy development policy, are implemented, the vulnerability index will be significantly reduced by 2025 (0.48) and 2050 (0.35).", + "If the integrated water resources management (IWRM) measures provided for in the sector\u2019s planning documents, as well as the renewable energy development policy, are implemented, the vulnerability index will be significantly reduced by 2025 (0.48) and 2050 (0.35). Hydrocarbons Togo is not a producer of hydrocarbons, so its vulnerability to climate change is not direct.", + "Hydrocarbons As Togo is not a producer of hydrocarbons, its vulnerability to climate change is not direct; it is linked to the vulnerability of the wood-energy and hydroelectric sectors, so the reduction in the supply of biomass energy and hydroelectricity will increase the consumption of hydrocarbons.", + "Thus, the reduction in the supply of biomass and hydroelectricity will increase the consumption of hydrocarbons. Togo imports the petroleum products it needs and the hydrocarbon sector remains very sensitive to fluctuations in oil prices.", + "In terms of impacts, there is an increase in expenditure due to an increase in oil consumption with a negative impact on the transport sector. 4.2.2.", + "In terms of impacts, there is an increase in expenditure due to increased consumption of hydrocarbons with negative impacts on the transport sector. 4.2.2. Agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFAT) sector In Togo, the AFAT sector is the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.", + "Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFAT) Sector In Togo, the AFAT sector is the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.", + "At the national level, a trend of decreasing precipitation coupled with rising temperatures is expected, with likely effects on biodiversity, species habitat, ecosystem services and agricultural production in Togo, most of which are related to drought, flooding and the emergence of pests.", + "Most of these effects are related to drought, flooding and parasites. Forestry and Other Land Use Subsector (FAT) The resulting vulnerability of the Forestry and Other Land Use subsector is 0.59 for the country as a whole, which is equivalent to an \"average\" level of vulnerability.", + "Forestry and Other Land Use Subsector (FAT) The resulting vulnerability of the Forestry and Other Land Use subsector is 0.59 for the country as a whole, which is equivalent to a \"medium\" level of vulnerability; however, it is \"high\" for the Central, Kara and Savannah regions, and \"medium\" for the Plateau and Maritime regions.", + "However, it is \"high\" for the Central, Kara and Savannah regions, and \"medium\" for the Plateau and Maritime regions. This vulnerability to the FAT sector in all regions of the country is reflected in: \u2756 Increased natural mortality of timber in Togo\u2019s natural ecosystems.", + "This vulnerability to the FAT sector in all regions of the country is reflected in: \u2756 Increased natural wood mortality in Togo\u2019s natural ecosystems High temperatures and drought increase the intensity of fires that are responsible for most wood mortality in forested areas.", + "High temperatures and drought increase the intensity of fires, which are responsible for most woodland mortality. The natural mortality rates are 8.60%, 5.41% and 5.42% respectively for the Savannah, Kara and Central regions. \u2756 The deterioration of the health status of woodland stands.", + "The natural mortality rate is 8.60%, 5.41% and 5.42% respectively for the Savannah, Kara and Central regions. \u2756 Degradation of the health status of woody stands. In Togo\u2019s natural ecosystems, on average 20 feet per hectare are attacked by parasites.", + "In Togo\u2019s natural ecosystems, an average of 20 feet per hectare is attacked by pests. Field investigations suggest that the high temperatures recorded in recent years may explain the recurrence of attacks on timber by pests and plants. \u2756 Winds.", + "According to field investigations, the high heat levels recorded in recent years may explain the recurrence of attacks on wood by pests and plants. \u2756 Wind gusts. The estimated damage to forests from strong winds is 9 feet/ha in natural ecosystems. \u2756 Low regenerative capacity.", + "The estimated damage to forests from strong winds is 9 feet/ha in natural ecosystems. \u2756 Low regeneration capacity. With climate change, vegetation fires are more severe and regeneration is suppressed or delayed.", + "With climate change, vegetation fires are more severe regeneration is suppressed or delayed. In forest landscapes of protected areas less than 30% of the potential regeneration installed survives fires that become increasingly severe with CO. \u2756 Land allocation.", + "In the forest landscapes of protected areas, less than 30% of the potential regeneration installed survives fires that become increasingly severe with CW. \u2756 Land use. Climate drying, increasing temperatures and evapotranspiration intensify soil leaching and latterization, while heavy rains increase soil erosion, especially in rugged environments.", + "Climate drying, increasing temperatures and evapotranspiration intensify soil leaching and latterization, while heavy rain increases soil erosion, especially in rugged environments, leading to increased land degradation, and extensive burning agriculture reduces forest cover.", + "Furthermore, extensive burning agriculture leads to a reduction in forest cover. Highly exposed to climate change, the LULUCF sector suffers from impacts such as the loss of forest cover, the loss of biodiversity and protected ecosystems, the disappearance of certain forest species, and low mangrove productivity.", + "The FAT sector, which is highly exposed to climate change, suffers from impacts such as the loss of forest cover, the loss of biodiversity and protected ecosystems, the disappearance of certain forest species and the low productivity of mangroves. In the future, the vulnerability of this sub-sector will increase at national level by 2050 with an index of 0.63 corresponding to high vulnerability.", + "In the future, there will be an increase in the vulnerability of this sub-sector at national level by 2050 with an index of 0.63 corresponding to high vulnerability, which will be observed in all regions except the plateau region, which will remain in the middle class.", + "This situation will be observed in all regions except the plateau region, which will remain in the middle class. In this context, outside the Atakora chain, all forest ecosystems in Togo will be highly exposed to decreasing precipitation and increasing temperatures with worsening impacts due to climatic hazards.", + "In this context, outside the Atakora chain, all forest ecosystems in Togo will be highly exposed to decreasing rainfall and increasing temperatures with increased impacts related to climate hazards. Agriculture, livestock and fisheries sub-sector The major disruption to agriculture, livestock and fisheries in all economic regions of Togo is climate hazards.", + "Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Subsector The major disruptions to agriculture, livestock and fisheries in all economic regions of Togo are climatic hazards, such as changing seasons, irregular rainfall with drought pockets, rising temperatures, flooding and pest attacks.", + "These include seasonal changes, irregular rainfall with drought pockets, temperature increases, floods and pest attacks, which make this sub-sector very vulnerable with implications for food security (harvest losses).", + "These hazards make this sub-sector very vulnerable with the impact on food security (harvest losses). \u2756 Vulnerability and impacts of the agriculture sub-sector The resulting vulnerability of the crop production sector is generally high for the country as a whole and particularly in the Savannah region.", + "\u2756 Vulnerability and impacts of the agricultural sub-sector The resulting vulnerability of the crop production sector is generally high throughout the country and particularly in the Savannah region. The impacts of this vulnerability are reflected in declines in yields estimated over the last ten years between 30% and 51% for the main food crops.", + "The impacts of this vulnerability are reflected in declines in yields estimated over the past decade of between 30% and 51% for the main food crops, with drought pockets causing yield losses of 1.3t/ha, 1.0t/ha and 0.7t/ha for maize, rice and ignamine, respectively.", + "Drought pockets resulted in yield losses of 1.3t/ha, 1.0t/ha and 0.7t/ha for maize, rice and ignamine, respectively, and pests, including the fall legionnaires, resulted in yield losses of 0.5 to 0.95t/ha for maize.", + "The total area of flooded food crops in 2020 is 6902 ha with production losses estimated at close to 9000 t.", + "In 2020, the total area of flooded food crops is 6902 ha with production losses estimated at nearly 9000 t. Currently estimated at 0.70, the national vulnerability index for the agriculture subsector will remain high with a slight increase to 0.75 by 2050.", + "Currently estimated at 0.70, the national vulnerability index for the agricultural sub-sector will remain high with a slight increase to 0.75 by 2050, which will exacerbate the impacts on the agricultural sector with disruption of the agricultural calendar, devastation of crops by pests (leguminous shrubs, peregrine fly), the emergence of new invasive species, the disappearance of certain cultivars, decreased agricultural yields, erosion of cultivable areas, etc. \u2756 Vulnerability and impacts of the livestock sub-sector In all regions of Togo, poultry farming is a widespread activity in rural areas.", + "This type of family farming, which employs women, is less water-intensive; however, the raising of small ruminants and large cattle, which is widely practised in the savannah and plateau regions by sedentary and transhumant farmers, is demanding in terms of the availability of natural resources, particularly water.", + "However, the rearing of small ruminants and large cattle, which is widely practised in the savannah and plateau regions by sedentary and transhumant farmers, is demanding in terms of the availability of natural resources such as water.", + "With the trend of prolonged drought in recent decades, there has been a recurrence of conflict between farmers and ranchers, increasing vulnerability in the livestock sub-sector. In the Savannah region, livestock is decimated due to water and fodder shortages.", + "In the Savannah region, livestock is decimated due to lack of water and fodder, and the proliferation of epidemics such as bacterial coal, African swine fever and avian influenza in the regions is said to be linked to the increasingly high temperatures.", + "Furthermore, the proliferation of epidemics such as BSE, African swine fever and avian influenza in the regions is said to be linked to the increasingly high temperatures, which affect national livestock production, which covers less than 50% of the population's needs.", + "This situation affects domestic livestock production, which covers less than 50% of the population\u2019s needs. \u2756 Vulnerability and impacts of the fisheries subsector The fishery is concentrated on the coast, the lagoon complex in southern Togo, the Nangb\u00e9to basin, and along the Mono and Oti rivers.", + "\u2756 Vulnerability and impacts of the fisheries sub-sector The fishery is concentrated on the coast, the lagoon complex in southern Togo, the Nangb\u00e9to basin, and along the Mono and Oti rivers.", + "With drought and high temperatures, the fisheries sector is becoming more vulnerable, with the coverage rate for fishery products rising from 35% in 2015 to 29% in 2017. High temperatures, flooding and early water boundaries make spawning grounds sensitive, thus reducing fish availability.", + "High temperatures, flooding and the early stretching of rivers make spawning grounds sensitive, thus reducing the availability of fish. As with livestock farming, the future vulnerability of the fisheries sub-sector may increase with increased impacts such as reduced catches, siltation of rivers and the disappearance of certain fish species.", + "As with livestock farming, the future vulnerability of the fisheries subsector may increase with increased impacts such as reduced catches, siltation of rivers and the disappearance of certain fish species. These impacts will also affect the government\u2019s efforts to develop aquaculture with the depletion of fry. 4.2.3.", + "These impacts will also affect the government\u2019s efforts to develop aquaculture with the depletion of fry. 4.2.3. Water Resources Sector High temperatures, irregularities and changes in the distribution of precipitation are reflected in declining groundwater and surface water stocks.", + "Water Resources Sector High temperatures, irregularities and changes in the distribution of precipitation are reflected in decreasing groundwater and surface water stocks, making the water sector at the national level very vulnerable, especially in the Savannah region.", + "On the basis of the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI), the years between 1961 and 2018 are dominated by moderate to severe drought in the Kara and Maritime regions.", + "Based on the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI), the years between 1961 and 2018 are dominated by moderate to severe drought in the Kara and Maritime regions. Currently, the impacts associated with climate change in the water sector are early depletion of wells and rivers, salinization of rivers, salt intrusion into the terminal continental shelf and water pollution.", + "Currently, the impacts associated with climate change in the water sector are early depletion of wells and streams, river salinity, salt intrusion into the continental terminal, and water pollution. Simulations indicate that, if stabilized (RCP6), the two major river basins (Oti and Mono) and the Togo lagoon complex will be affected in varying degrees by 2030.", + "The simulations indicate that, if stabilized (RCP6), the two major river basins (Oti and Mono) and the Togo lagoon complex will be affected in various ways by 2030, with surface and groundwater stocks increasing by 7 to 28 million cubic metres in the Mono basin.", + "Water supplies (surface and underground) will increase by 7 to 28 million cubic metres in the Mono basin, but will decrease by 60 to 500 million and 120 to 750 million cubic metres respectively in the Oti basin and Lake Togo basin.", + "However, they will decrease by 60 to 500 million cubic metres and 120 to 750 million cubic metres respectively in the Oti basin and Lake Togo. If measures are not taken, the problems of availability and accessibility of drinking water for the population will increase and the government will have difficulty in ensuring easy, universal and equitable access to drinking water (MDG 1 of the ODD6) and in improving its quality by reducing pollution (MDG 3 of the ODD6).", + "If action is not taken, problems with the availability and accessibility of safe drinking water for the population will increase and the government will have difficulty in ensuring easy, universal and equitable access to safe drinking water (MDG 1, Goal 6) and in improving its quality by reducing pollution (MDG 3, Goal 6). The impacts will be exacerbated by insufficient safe drinking water in households and the risk of conflicts over sources of water supply. 4.2.4.", + "The impacts will be exacerbated by the lack of safe drinking water in households and the risk of conflicts over water supplies. 4.2.4. Human Settlements and Health Human settlements are becoming increasingly vulnerable in Togo.", + "Human Settlements and Health Human settlements are becoming increasingly vulnerable in Togo. In 2020 and 2021, the flooding of rivers in the Oti and Mono basin caused enormous material damage and loss of life.", + "In 2020 and 2021, the flooding of rivers in the Oti and Mono basin has caused enormous material damage with loss of human life, and human facilities and infrastructure (roads, markets, health centres, homes, schools, electricity and telecommunications, etc.) are being weakened and collapsed, and this will be exacerbated in the future.", + "We are witnessing the fragilization and collapse of human facilities and infrastructure (roads, markets, health centres, homes, schools, electricity and telecommunications, etc.) that will intensify in the future. At the health level, high heat and flooding are causing the outbreak and spread of the germs of certain diseases such as malaria, meningitis, typhoid fever, cholera and respiratory diseases that were once localized and controlled.", + "In terms of health, high temperatures and flooding result in the outbreak and spread of germs of diseases such as malaria, meningitis, typhoid fever, cholera and respiratory diseases that were once localized and controlled. To date, the northern regions (Savanes and Kara) are the most vulnerable.", + "To date, the northern regions (Savanes and Kara) are the most vulnerable, however, the simulation shows that in the future, the risk of his diseases could spread southward with an aggravation in the northern regions.", + "However, the simulation shows that in the future, the risk of its diseases could spread to the south with a worsening in the northern regions. The mortality rate would increase and the vulnerability of the elderly, pregnant women, persons with disabilities, people living with HIV-AIDS and children would become increasingly high. 4.2.5.", + "The mortality rate is expected to increase and the vulnerability of the elderly, pregnant women, persons with disabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS and children will become increasingly high. 4.2.5. Coastal zone The erosion of the Togolese coast, which has been the subject of scientific observations since 1964, has resulted over the years in a change in the coastline.", + "Coastal zone The erosion of the Togolese coast, which has been the subject of scientific observations since 1964, has resulted in a change in the coastline over the years.", + "Climate change-related storms and natural wave cycles exacerbate the sea\u2019s advance towards human settlements on land, as evidenced by the average annual decline of 10 m in beaches, which threatens 42% of the national population, industrial units, economic and port activities, tourism remnants, and fishing villages.", + "This erosion threatens 42% of the national population, industrial units, economic and port activities, tourism remnants, fishing villages. In the future, all climate scenarios indicate an amplification of this phenomenon as the magnitude of sea level rise will increase from 11.35 cm in 2025 to 62 cm in 2100.", + "In the future, all climate scenarios indicate an increase in this phenomenon as the magnitude of sea level rise will increase from 11.35 cm in 2025 to 62 cm in 2100. This situation will exacerbate the current impacts of the complete disappearance of some of the coastal villages, the considerable loss of land and coastal ecosystems, the destruction of coastal infrastructure (roads, houses, hotels, etc.), the disruption of economic activities and the destruction of spawning grounds. 4.3.", + "This situation will exacerbate the current impacts of the complete disappearance of some of the coastal villages, the considerable loss of coastal lands and ecosystems, the destruction of coastal infrastructure (roads, houses, hotels, etc.), the disruption of economic activities and the destruction of spawning grounds. 4.3. PRIORITIES, OBJECTIVES AND ADAPTATION MEASURES The following diagram represents the strategic map that will enable the populations\u2019 adaptive capacities to be strengthened in all the priority areas outlined here.", + "PRIORITIES, OBJECTIVES AND ADAPTATION MEASURES The following diagram represents the strategic map that will enable the adaptation capacity of populations to be strengthened in all of the priority areas delineated here in axes. The objectives defined derive from the national priorities translated into the NACHA and other national and sectoral planning tools (Figure 5).", + "The objectives are derived from the national priorities reflected in the NACHA and other national and sectoral planning tools (Figure 5). The implementation of activities to achieve these objectives is based on the promotion of the principles of equity, gender, cooperation, research and transparency.", + "The implementation of activities to achieve these objectives is based on the promotion of the principles of equity, gender, cooperation, research and transparency. Figure 5: Strategic map of adaptation in Togo 4.3.2. Adaptation measures/Co-benefits for mitigation To strengthen the resilience capacities of populations, adaptation measures, including those that translate into beneficial impacts in the field of mitigation, are identified in the priority sectors (Table 4).", + "Adaptation measures/Co-benefits for mitigation To strengthen the resilience capacities of populations, adaptation measures, including those that translate into beneficial mitigation benefits, are identified in the priority sectors (Table 4). The various measures identified in Togo integrate nature-based solutions that can contribute to mitigation while strengthening adaptation to climate change.", + "The various measures identified in Togo integrate nature-based solutions that can contribute to mitigation while strengthening adaptation to climate change.", + "These co-benefits translate into increased carbon sequestration potential, crop capacities to cope with water stress and pest attacks, reduced flood risks and the proliferation of pathogens. These identified measures address a number of continuing needs to strengthen the resilience of communities to the effects of climate change despite the efforts undertaken by the state (Table 4).", + "These identified measures address a number of continuing needs for strengthening the resilience of communities to the effects of climate change despite the efforts undertaken by the state (Table 4). Furthermore, the measures identified will contribute to the implementation of frameworks for strengthening adaptation at the national and international levels.", + "Furthermore, the measures identified will contribute to the implementation of frameworks for strengthening adaptation at the national and international levels. At the national level, the various adaptation measures will essentially contribute to the operationalization of the National Development Plan.", + "At the national level, the various adaptation measures will mainly contribute to the operationalization of the National Development Plan, are also part of the dynamics of the Government\u2019s 2025 Roadmap, and will contribute as a priority to Project 35 (response to major climate risks) and Project 36 (green mobility programme).", + "They are also part of the dynamics of the Government\u2019s Roadmap 2025 and will contribute as a priority to Project 35 (response to major climate risks) and Project 36 (green mobility programme), and in this Roadmap they also target Projects 2 and 3 (establishment of the single social register, establishment of universal health coverage), Project 5 (continuation of the electrification policy for all), Project 6 (increased access to drinking water and sanitation), Projects 12, 13, 14 and 15 (improvement of agricultural yields, extension of the rural road network, acceleration of the MIFA, expansion of the Kara agro-industrial complex in partnership with the private sector).", + "At the international level, the adaptation measures identified aim to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular the Goal 2 on food and nutrition security; the Goal 3 on good health and well-being; the Goal 5 on the empowerment of all women; and the Goal 8 on economic growth through decent work and the preservation and restoration of terrestrial ecosystems.", + "Table 4:Priority adaptation measures by sector Sectors/ Priorities Priority adaptation measures Requirements / Goals Contribution to executives National International Axis: Strengthening resilience in the energy sector Strengthening actions for energy efficiency and low-carbon technologies Promotion of biofuels Research into TFPs for the production of new and renewable energies Sustainable management of traditional energies Promotion of wood-based energy plantations Supplying people with alternative energy such as domestic gas Promotion of alternative energy-saving technologies NDP Expected effect Target 1 of Promoting the use of renewable energies Development of renewable energies Tax facilitation for the import of renewable energy equipment Development of mini hybrid networks for rural electrification Facilitating the development of renewable energies for men, women, girls and vulnerable people NDP Expected effect Target 1 of Target", + "Strengthening the resilience of the agricultural sector Strengthening the resilience of production systems and means in the agricultural sector Promoting high-performance and climate-resilient varieties Strengthening integrated soil fertility management (IFM) Definition/development of corridors and transhumance areas and pasture and drinking water areas Ensuring food security for all through increased yields and improved incomes for producers, especially women Reducing losses and damage to crops caused by floods, NDP pockets Expected effect Animals Target 1 Strengthening the agricultural insurance system in the face of climate risks Construction and/or rehabilitation of water catchments for micro-irrigation Water management in rice and vegetable production Promotion of good agro-ecological practices Fight against plagues and epizootics Strengthening systems", + "\u2022 Strengthening early warning and health surveillance systems \u2022 Strengthening the resilience of agricultural processing units against drought and pests.", + "Actions to promote the sustainable management of forest ecosystems and the restoration of ecosystem services Support for the mapping of climate-sensitive areas Reforestation and protection of fragile ecosystems Promotion of urban forestry Development of community-sensitive forestry Valuing traditional practices for the protection of forest resources and the environment Increasing the availability of quality seeds and young plants Reducing the degradation of natural ecosystems Strengthening NDP services Expected effect Gender targets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,", + "Promoting integrated and sustainable water resources management Supporting the capture of surface water resources through multi-purpose hillside water impoundments Improving knowledge of water resources Protection of water resources Improving water management in the agricultural sector Rainwater conservation and wastewater recycling Improving groundwater management Improving access to drinking water Improving water quality and hygiene practices Studying the water potential of the coastal sediment basin and its resilience to CCS Increasing availability and accessibility of all water resources, especially in rural areas Ensuring restoration and maintenance of watersheds and wetlands Strengthening the capacity of institutions involved in water resources management.", + "Strengthening the adaptive capacity of human settlements Establishing an early warning system for risks Protection against disaster risks Mapping of risk areas Improving the management and exploitation of risk areas Strengthening the safety system of populations against flooding and other natural disasters Expected impact of the ODD 13 Accompanying the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases Strengthening the regulatory framework for health and the environment Providing rural areas with adequate health infrastructure Protection of populations against Covid 19 and other pathogens Improving access to health care for populations Reducing mortality from infectious diseases and other pathogens Expected impact of the ODD 13 Strengthening the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases Strengthening the regulatory framework for health and the environment", + "\u2022 Implementation of urban planning tools \u2022 Strengthening of sanitation infrastructure in urban centres \u2022 Sustainable management of urban waste \u2022 Development of urban centres \u2022 Harmonious and balanced spatial development of urban centres \u2022 Development of AGRs \u2022 Strengthening the economic resilience of the population, in particular of women and young people NDP Expected effect Climate-resilient targets 1 for women Axis 5:", + "\u2022 Improve the incomes of vulnerable populations in the coastal zone Reduce pollution and nuisance in the coastal zone NDP Expected impact of Target 1 of Strengthen the coastal protection system against coastal erosion (natural and man-made) Improve the regulatory framework and knowledge management of the phenomenon of coastal erosion Realization of structural investments for coastal protection Rehabilitation of coastal vegetation formations such as mangroves 4.4.", + "Status of implementation of adaptation measures 4.4.1. Progress achieved gender mainstreaming efforts in adaptation in Togo Since the initial NDCs, Togo has made efforts to implement adaptation measures through development projects and programmes that take into account gender and inclusion.", + "Progress achieved gender mainstreaming efforts in adaptation in Togo Since the initial NDCs, Togo has made efforts to implement adaptation actions through development projects and programmes that take into account gender and inclusion. In the initial NDCs of Togo, issues related to legal and institutional frameworks and gender were not explicitly addressed.", + "In Togo\u2019s initial NDCs, issues related to legal and institutional frameworks and gender were not explicitly addressed; however, progress in implementing adaptation has taken these aspects into account. The following table summarizes key adaptation efforts in Togo (Table 5).", + "The following table summarises the main adaptation efforts in Togo (Table 5). Table 5: Togo\u2019s adaptation efforts Sectors Measures in the initial NDCs Progress achieved Energy Development of renewable energies (to reach 4% of the energy mix) Implementation of four mini solar photovoltaic power plants with a total operating capacity of 600 KW Solar electrification of 314 health centres and equipment of 122 health centres with solar water heaters Sustainable management of traditional energies (wood heating and charcoal) Training of 1 500 coal miners on Casamance milling and equipment of cooperatives on Casamance milling More than 200 ha of reforestation for wood-energy purposes 100 cooperatives trained on wood-energy forestry entrepreneurship and sustainable management of natural resources Promotion and dissemination of about 20,000 improved furnaces and fireplaces in", + "\u2022 Promotion and dissemination of approximately 20,000 wood-fired ovens and improved wood-fired homes for the benefit of households; 15,000 improved homes and 25,000 biogas kits distributed; Promotion of the use of gas through awareness raising with the objective of: achieving Implementation of energy saving strategies Development of mini hybrid networks for rural electrification Electrification of more than 53,000 households by individual solar kits or photovoltaic solar nanogrids by December 2020 Installation of 2,000 solar irrigation systems; 500 solar kits in schools; 500 solar pumping systems for drinking water supply (DW) and 12,000 solar lamps.", + "Promotion of low-carbon modes of transport and new clean technologies in the building sector Reduction of taxes on new and hybrid vehicles Agriculture Promotion of high-performance varieties resilient to climate change Promotion of short-cycle varieties Strengthening of Integrated Soil Fertility Management (GIFS) Distribution of 300 micro-irrigation kits, establishment of 50 ha of irrigation with GIFERC products Installation of stone cords for integrated fertility management Support for community restoration of degraded land in Nangbani territory to improve the resilience of local agriculture to climate change Promotion of good agricultural practices for climate change resistance and sustainable land management in Ave Prefecture Definition/development of corridors and transhumance areas A transhumance map completed Construction and/or rehabilitation", + "Av\u00e9 Prefecture Definition/development of corridors and transhumance areas A transhumance map completed Construction and/or rehabilitation of water reservoirs for micro-irrigation and livestock watering in rural areas in all regions Installation of 15 pastoral water points Development of 10 small water reservoirs Support for the mapping of climate change sensitive areas Training of 2,863 OP members in impact assessment and vulnerability to drought Support for the dissemination of good agro-ecological practices Organisation of 6 workshops to raise awareness among policy makers Initiation of groups/cooperatives and young agricultural entrepreneurs in Agou and Kloto Prefectures of good practices in sustainable land management Promotion of the system of rice production with very low water consumption and low GHG emissions (SRI: Intensive Rice Production System)", + "\u2022 Support for the sustainable management of Ass\u00e9r\u00e9 Forestry\u2019s rice lands and other mapping assignments and the orientation of areas of human activity adapted to each environment and natural context \u2022 Participatory zoning and mapping at village or cantonal level to target sites to be restored/developed \u2022 Restoration of more than 1000 ha of state forest land \u2022 Development of more than 6000 ha of community forests Capacity-building (technical and material) of meteorological services for good forecasting and planning of activities \u2022 Equipment of 9 weather stations with automatic equipment Reforestation and protection of areas with fragile ecosystems (mountain sides, river banks) to combat flooding, strong winds and erosion \u2022 Rehabilitation of brigades and forest trails in protected areas.", + "\u2022 Training, equipment of 175 nurseries and production of 145,000 seedlings \u2022 Acquisition and distribution of 88,223 seedlings for reforestation on an area of 240 ha with reforestation of 150,000 seedlings in degraded areas of protected areas Promotion of the Ecology and Conscience Programme in Togo\u2019s schools Construction and equipment of two research laboratories on CACs Implementation of 27 studies related to CACs Implementation of 13 fields of agro-ecological schools in 13 prefectures Development of the national spatial planning scheme and implementation of pilot actions Implementation of Togo\u2019s second national forest inventory Installation of nearly 300 ha of almond orchards Support for the creation and management of nearly 50 community forests", + "300 ha of pineapple orchards Assistance in the creation and management of nearly 50 community forests Human settlements Strengthening stormwater sanitation and drainage in major urban centres Support to local communities in the context of waste sanitation and management Strengthening of the operational capacity of the National Agency for the Development of Asia and the Pacific (ANASAP) Establishment and restoration of dams and water retention basins (13 dams restored and maintained in the Greater Lom\u00e9 and 1 dam under construction in Binaparba in the Bassar Prefecture) Construction of 2300 ECOSAN-type family latrines Development and rehabilitation of urban roads in major urban centres Development of major roads and nearly 90,000 km of rural roads Promotion of urban forestry Creation and maintenance of 49,556 m2 of green space.", + "\u2022 Urban reforestation of the city of Lom\u00e9 with 10 000 plants planted Sustainable and rational waste management in urban areas Organization of waste management control missions in hospitals, industries, households and public latrines throughout the city Construction of Monfort-type biomedical waste incinerators in the 5 regions.", + "\u2022 Elimination of 369 wild landfills with 39,160 m3 of waste and disposal of urban waste \u2022 Disposal of urban waste from garbage dumps along the roads through the city (28,400 m3 of urban and peri-urban waste disposed of) Harmonious and balanced spatial development of urban centres \u2022 Development, revision and implementation of the Master Plans for Planning and Town Planning (SDAU) \u2022 Regulation of de facto subdivisions Strengthening of the institutional and regulatory framework concerning health and the environment \u2022 Development of a climate strategy for the health subsector \u2022 Strengthening the resilience of the entire population of Togo to malaria and other diseases; \u2022 Increase in the supply of integrated HIV/AIDS services with a percentage of the MS offering these services reaching 91%; \u2022 Support for the improvement of health", + "\u2022 Support for the improvement of health and nutrition in 1000 localities \u2022 Strengthening of community health activities in the Maritime region Protection against disaster risks \u2022 Emergency project for the rehabilitation of electrical infrastructure and services (PURISE) \u2022 Census of geodetic points \u2022 Identification of new points to be constructed \u2022 Mapping database of flood zones in the Greater Lom\u00e9, Maritime and Savannah regions \u2022 Preparation of disaster management maps \u2022 Integrated rehabilitation of flood-affected populations in 60 localities Improvement of water management in the agricultural sector \u2022 Creation of indoor dams \u2022 Installation of 15 pasture water points Rainwater conservation and wastewater reuse \u2022 Installation of 10 small water reservoirs Improvement of groundwater management \u2022 Rehabilitation of 60 wells and construction of 30 new wells; Extension of the water supply network in large cities; Installation of", + "\u2022 Extension of the water supply network in major cities; Installation of the solar pumping system at 400 water points with human mobility Coastal zone Study of the water potential of the coastal sedimentary basin and the resilience of the CC Conduct of a study on the assessment of post-harvest losses in artisanal marine fisheries in Togo Improvement of the regulatory framework and the management of knowledge of the phenomenon of coastal erosion Production and/or adaptation of long-term planning tools for marine and coastal territories Establishment of appropriate intersectoral political, legal and institutional frameworks for implementing guidelines and ensuring the sustainable development of marine and coastal littoral areas Creation of a ministry responsible for the blue economy Implementation of structural investments for the protection of the coast Implementation of eleven (11) Community projects at a total cost of 1,730 825 544", + "All these projects are aimed at reducing vulnerability and strengthening socio-economic resilience to the effects of climate change.", + "\u2022 Capacity building of 250 women marketers Development and exploitation of 20 hectares for coastal markets Support for mangrove ecosystem restoration 4.5.", + "TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND GENDER-BASED ACTION ON ADAPTATION Based on recent studies and field investigations, various adaptive measures have been implemented by local populations to cope with the effects of climate change, particularly in the Oti basin.", + "In the agricultural sector, populations make use of increases in land area (96.6%), agroforestry (75.9%), treatment of livestock by veterinary services instead of traditional methods (62.1%), off-season crops and crop diversification (50.6%), adoption of early varieties and conservation of fodder for drought periods (35%).", + "In the human settlements sector, the people of the Oti Plain undertake annual straw house constructions following flood periods (25%) and the construction of traps with a ceiling that supports crop products on the basis of estimates of flood water height (6.5%).", + "In the forestry sector, due to the continuous degradation of their land and the disappearance of certain forest species, some communities such as those of Chavad\u00e9 (central region) have undertaken to expand their sacred forest by defending 100 hectares around it and enriching it with plants for multiple uses that are used in traditional therapy or food.", + "In the water sector, rural populations reduce the amount of water used for personal hygiene (57%) and make small holes in river beds to trap a few litres of water (10.5%).", + "In the water sector, rural populations reduce the amount of water allocated for body hygiene (57%) and make small holes in river beds to trap a few litres of water (10.5%). It is mainly women who are responsible for water harvesting and who are more involved in the application of these endogenous strategies.", + "In the field of energy, all people in rural areas use meals, sawdust, palm kernel husks and corn straw, sorghum, to cook their food.", + "In the field of energy, all people in rural areas use meals made from peas, sawdust, palm kernel husks and corn straw, sorghum to cook their food, and thus the population favours electric light bulbs over oil lamps, which used to be the main source of lighting in rural areas (98%).", + "The measures identified in Togo\u2019s revised NCDs integrate the needs and interests of women and men in all plans and sectors.", + "The measures identified in Togo's revised NDCs integrate the needs and interests of women and men into all plans and sectors, recognizing the differences between men and women and targeting the specific needs of men and women. 4.6.", + "The various measures recognise the differences between men and women and target the specific needs of men and women. 4.6. Useful information: STATUS OF adaptation in relation to COVID 19 In Togo, the COVID-19 pandemic not only has an impact on the health system but also weakens production and marketing systems at all levels.", + "In Togo, the COVID-19 pandemic not only affects the health system but also weakens production and marketing systems at all levels. In terms of adaptation to the pandemic, more than 52.7% of households used the stress strategy (sale of non-productive assets and debt).", + "In terms of adapting to the pandemic, more than 52.7% of households used the stress strategy (sale of non-productive assets and debt), so crisis strategies (sale of productive assets) and emergency strategies (sale of plots and houses) were adopted by the population in the summer.", + "Thus, crisis strategies (sale of productive goods) and emergency strategies (sale of plots and houses) have been adopted by the population. With the measures taken as part of the state of health emergency, the only socio-economic alternatives for the population in rural areas have been the abusive exploitation of fisheries and forestry resources.", + "With the measures taken in the context of the state of health emergency, the only socio-economic alternatives for the population in rural areas were the abusive exploitation of fisheries and forestry resources. The crisis of COVID-19 disrupted the implementation of the national development plan 2018-2022, which provided for several adaptation actions.", + "Overall, in Togo, COVID has only exacerbated climate-related impacts resulting in some emergency responses to strengthen the resilience of populations (Table 6).", + "Overall, in Togo, COVID has only exacerbated climate-related impacts resulting in certain emergency responses to strengthen population resilience (Table 6). Table 6: Impacts of Covid 19 and priority responses to adaptation in Togo Impacts of Covid 19 exacerbating climate change \u27a2 Increased exploitation of certain species \u27a2 Abuse of wood resources for subsistence \u27a2 Re-allocation of climate change budgets \u27a2 Increased pressure on medicinal plants \u27a2 Delays in implementation of adaptation projects \u27a2 Disruption of implementation of planning tools incorporating adaptation aspects \u27a2 Increased food insecurity \u27a2 Cancellation of national and international climate events \u27a2 Increased health risk \u27a2 Increased health-related expenditure Priority responses or measures \u27a2 Fcfa 3 billion", + "Health risk \u27a2 Increase in health-related expenditure Priority responses or measures \u27a2 Fcfa 3 billion in monetary transfers to the most vulnerable through the solidarity programme (Novissi) \u27a2 Food aid programme for vulnerable populations through community restaurants \u27a2 Distribution of food kits to vulnerable households for free to the social stratum with regard to electricity and water \u27a2 Tax exemption in the transport, land, agricultural, industrial and energy sectors, etc. \u27a2 Partnership with traditional medicine practitioners \u27a2 Increase in public health-related expenditure (Fcfa 20 billion in public expenditure) Chapter 5:", + "A consistent and unprecedented commitment on the part of stakeholders in Togolese society is required, in particular those in the financial sector with the means to influence investment flows and international financial partners. Achieving the overall target of 50.57 % requires an investment estimated at around US$ 5.4 billion between 2020 and 2030.", + "Achieving the overall target of 50.57 per cent requires an estimated investment of about US$5.4 billion between 2020 and 2030. Achieving the conditional portion of this target of 74 per cent, with an estimated investment of US$3.97 billion, is conditional on access to new sources of funding and additional support, compared to that received in recent years.", + "The attainment of the conditional 74% of this target, estimated at $3.97 billion, is conditional on access to new sources of financing and additional support, compared to that received in recent years. External support (bilateral or multilateral) in the implementation of the CBD is crucial, both in terms of capacity building, technology transfer and financing of climate infrastructure projects.", + "External support (bilateral or multilateral) in the implementation of the CBD is crucial, both in terms of capacity building, technology transfer and financing of climate infrastructure projects, and can drive all the actions of the revised CBD in both mitigation and adaptation.", + "This support can boost the overall mitigation and adaptation efforts of the revised CBD, with the shares of mitigation and adaptation measures amounting to $2.7 billion and $2.6 billion respectively. 5.1.", + "The shares attributable to mitigation and adaptation measures are $2.7 billion and $2.6 billion, respectively. 5.1. INVESTMENT NEEDS FOR MITIGATION Planning focuses on areas with high reduction potential such as Energy, AFAT, POPs and waste retained in the revised NCD.", + "INVESTMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR ATTENTION Planning focuses on areas of high reduction potential such as Energy, AFAT, POPs and waste identified in the revised NCD, however, areas of adaptation such as water resources, human settlements and health, and the coastal zone have been addressed in the NCD and will also be the subject of planning here. 5.1.1.", + "However, adaptation sectors such as water resources, human settlements and health, and the coastal zone have been addressed in the CND and will also be the subject of planning here. 5.1.1. Energy Sector Investment Need", + "Energy sector investment needs Electricity generation sub-sector An institutional framework has been put in place for the development of renewable energy and project management, including the institutionalisation of renewable energy management and energy efficiency at national level through the creation of the ATR.", + "Electricity production subsector An institutional framework has been set up for the development of renewable energies and the supervision of projects, in particular the institutionalisation of the management of renewable energies and energy efficiency at national level through the creation of the AT2R. Created by Presidential Decree No 2016 \u2013 064/PR of 11 May 2016, the Togolese Agency for Rural Electrification and Renewable Energies (AT2ER) is a public institution with financial autonomy.", + "Established by Presidential Decree No 2016 \u2013 064/PR of 11 May 2016, the Togolese Agency for Rural Electrification and Renewable Energies (AT2ER) is a public institution with financial autonomy and is responsible for implementing the country\u2019s rural electrification policy, promoting and enhancing renewable energies.", + "The Agency is responsible for the implementation of the country\u2019s rural electrification policy, the promotion and valorisation of renewable energies. AT2ER, a central actor dedicated to the valorisation of renewable resources, aims to transform the country\u2019s natural energy potential into electrical energy for the development of rural communities.", + "As a central actor dedicated to the development of renewable resources, AT2ER aims to transform the country\u2019s natural energy potential into electricity for the development of rural communities, thus having the dual responsibility of accelerating rural electrification and increasing the share of renewable energy in Togo\u2019s energy mix.", + "Thus, AT2ER has a dual responsibility to accelerate rural electrification and to increase the share of renewable energies in Togo\u2019s energy mix.", + "Table 7: Investment costs of the revised CDN shares in the electricity production subsector Revised CDN shares Investment costs Unconditional Conditional Cost Total % Costs % Costs Implementation cost Improvement of the electricity distribution network and promotion of economic light bulbs Promotion of energy efficiency in households Promotion of electricity production based on renewable sources of hydroelectric energy Promotion of electricity production based on renewable sources of energy in Togo (individual solar kits, mini-solar networks, solar power plant) Total Source:", + "USD 957,599,146 of which USD 815,115,343 is for contingency financing, or 85% of the total cost.", + "This translates into the implementation of several short, medium and long-term action plans to develop the areas of solar power generation and hydroelectric power plants, thereby contributing to the achievement in 2030 of the estimated target of 41.1% in terms of the mitigation effort of 455.66 Gg CO2-eq of this sub-sector.", + "Transportation Subsector The transportation sector, a driving force in the country's growth and development, nevertheless remains a major concern, due in part to its emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and polluting gases and, in turn, its direct impact on climate change.", + "In Togo, this sector contributes 7% of GDP, of which 70% is road transport, or 5%; the remaining 30%, or 2% of GDP, is the share of other modes of transport, mainly maritime transport, concentrated in the activities of the Autonomous Port of Lom\u00e92.", + "Transport accounts for 81.11 per cent of final consumption of petroleum products (including a significant share for road transport, in particular for two-wheeled vehicles)3.", + "However, the Finance Act 2021 as well as the Finance Act 2020 provide for exemptions or reduction of the tax burden (customs duties and VAT) on the importation of new, electric, hybrid and 5-year-old vehicles, with the aim of removing cars that are too polluting from the fleet that is due to be renewed.", + "In the same vein, the NDP intends to develop all modes of transport and to position Togo as a reference platform in the subregion and on the continent.", + "In the same vein, the NDP intends to develop all modes of transport and to position Togo as a reference platform in the subregion and on the continental level. The Togo 2025 government roadmap resulting from the NDP sets the following objectives: o increase the share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles to 3% by 2025; 2 Brief overview of the transport sector in Togo 2016 3 Sustainable energy for all (se4all) Sustainable energy for all 2030 (SE4ALL-20 national action programme, October) o extend the rural road network by building 4000 km of rural roads targeting agricultural areas with high export potential in order to connect farmers to the market, o build the Unity motorway by accelerating the RN1 development project linking the productive hinterland to the Lom\u00e9 agglomeration and the autonomous port.", + "Implementation of the national energy efficiency in transport programme, mandatory technical inspection and eco-driving training are measures that contribute to achieving the objectives of the CND.", + "Table 8: Total investment costs of the transport sub-sector Revised NCD actions Investment costs Unconditional Conditional Investment cost Total % Costs % Costs Implementation cost Green mobility programme Improvement of road infrastructure to reduce congestion in urban centres Total Source: NCD support project, September 2021 The total financial requirements in the transport sub-sector are estimated to result in a cumulative emission reduction of 9,960.04 Gg CO2-eq over the period 2020-2030 compared to a business as usual scenario through the projects declining in the annex.", + "Residential Subsector Places of residence and business contribute to GHG emissions due to the level of energy consumption.", + "Generally, this level of consumption depends on the type of energy used for cooking meals, ventilation, heating, lighting, household appliances, etc. In the national territory, this level is rising with rapid urbanization, especially in the city of Lom\u00e9, where trends towards a western lifestyle are observed, with increasing energy needs.", + "Habitat development policies will only exacerbate the problem if they neglect the environmental side.", + "For this subsector, the scenario assumes that (i) the share of the population using biogas for cooking will increase to 4% in 2025 and 12% in 2030 in urban areas; to 6% in 2025 and 15% in 2030 in rural areas; (ii) the share of the population using briquette will increase to 15% in urban areas and 10% in rural areas by 2030; and (iii) the share of the population using LPG will increase to 35% in urban areas and 8% in rural areas by 2030.", + "This translates into the implementation of two short-, medium- and long-term action plans whose needs and impacts are estimated in the CND as follows.", + "Table 9: Investment Requirements for NDC Shares Residential Subsector Revised NDC Shares Unconditional Conditional Costs Total Investment % Costs % Costs Implementation Cost Promotion of Modern Bioenergy for Cooking - Promotion of LPG in Households Total Source: NDC Support Project, September 2021 The investment requirement for the residential subsector amounted to USD 73,609,600, of which USD 10,976,000 for the unconditional and USD 62,633,600 for the conditional.", + "Investment Requirements of the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use Sector Investment Requirements of the CDN Actions Agriculture Subsector The agricultural sector plays a major economic and social role in Togo.", + "Investment needs of CDN shares Agriculture subsector The agricultural sector plays a major economic and social role in Togo, accounting for 65% of the labour force, 15% of exports and about 38% of real GDP in recent years.", + "In recent years, it has accounted for 65% of the labour force, 15% of exports and about 38% of real GDP. It aims to be the driving force behind Togo\u2019s development through the National Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutritional Security Programme (PNIASAN 2017-2026), which aims to raise Togo\u2019s agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate to at least 10% by 2026, improve the agricultural trade balance by 15%, double the average income of farm households, contribute to the reduction of malnutrition through the fight against food insecurity and halve the rural poverty rate to 27%.", + "This sector is very sensitive to climate change, which exacerbates current unsustainable trends, such as the degradation of water resources, soil erosion, desertification and the loss of agro-biodiversity, yet these resources are vital to agriculture. The agricultural sector enjoys many privileges due to Togo\u2019s new position on the international stage.", + "The agricultural sector enjoys many privileges as a result of Togo\u2019s new position on the international stage, resulting from the resumption of cooperation with the main technical and financial partners, Togo\u2019s eligibility for the HIPC initiative and the effective start of the implementation of certain projects included in the PNIASA I and II and the PNIASAN 2017-2026, the main tool for implementing the mainly agricultural development policy (Agricultural Development Facility).", + "Table 10: Investment needs for CDN actions agriculture sub-sector CDN actions Agriculture mitigation Unconditional Conditional Cost Total investment % Costs % Costs Cost of implementation Integrated development of the agricultural sector through the establishment of an effective strategy for sustainable management of cultivated land Promotion and sustainable management of hydro-agricultural, hydro- pastoral and agricultural development and water supply works Organisation of value chains: organising the chains for all major crops up to the chain of processing and marketing of agricultural products and sub-products Modernisation of the livestock sub-sector through increasing the productivity of livestock beyond the growth and natural development of herds, the establishment of livestock processing units, genetic improvement for the performance of cattle breeding, the introduction of improved breeders into the traditional system, the intensification of the outlet", + "Genetic improvement for cattle breeding performance, introduction of improved breeders into the traditional system, intensification of the outlet and enhanced market access for the marketing of livestock products, etc; Support for forage reforestation with the introduction of forage trees on farms with a view to the sustained production of quality forage; Total Source: NDC Support Project, September 2021 Funding requirements for the agricultural sub-sector are estimated at USD 239,927,250, of which USD 60,645,000 for unconditional actions.", + "The country needs to mobilise 77% of this amount under the conditional scenario to achieve the cumulative emission reduction target of 3799.23 Gg CO2-eq over the period 2020-2030.", + "Forestry and Other Land Use Subsector Togo\u2019s forest ecosystems fall into three broad categories: natural forest formations, forest and agroforestry plantations, and special ecosystems (protected areas and community forests), as well as continental water ecosystems or wetlands (lakes, rivers and lagoons).", + "Forest cover is estimated at 24.24% (IFN, 2015), with an estimated current annual forest area loss rate of 1.7% (MERF, 2017).", + "The rate of forest cover is estimated at 24.24% (IFN, 2015), with an estimated annual forest area loss rate of 1.7% (MERF, 2017). Forest area loss is the result of the effects of deforestation and deforestation due to high agricultural expansion with unconservative practices, uncontrolled exploitation of forest resources, lack of control over the timing of often wild vegetation fires, and oversupply of wood-energy.", + "The loss of forest areas is the result of the effects of deforestation and deforestation due to high agricultural expansion with unconservative practices, the uncontrolled exploitation of forest resources, the failure to control the timing of often wild vegetation fires and the excessive supply of wood-energy.", + "Although poorly appreciated, Togo\u2019s forestry sector is estimated to contribute to the national economy by close to the national GDP.4 It provides wood for 90% of biomass energy needs and contributes significantly to the need for lumber.", + "The value-added (VA) of fuelwood in GDP in 2015 was CFA 17.80 billion, of wood coal CFA 71.19 billion and of wood energy CFA 88.99 billion.", + "The value-added (VA) of firewood in GDP in 2015 was CFA 17.80 billion, CFA 71.19 billion for charcoal and CFA 88.99 billion for wood energy. The organs of several plants (bark, leaves, roots, etc.) are used in traditional pharmacopoeia, cosmetics, fodder, food and other industries.", + "Several plant organs (bark, leaves, roots, etc.) are used in traditional pharmacopoeia, cosmetics, fodder, food, etc. In addition to reforestation and forest climate risk management projects, the revised CDN includes energy efficiency in wood use projects as well as adaptation projects with mitigation benefits.", + "In addition to reforestation and forest climate risk management projects, the revised CDN includes energy efficiency in wood use projects as well as adaptation projects with mitigation benefits. Table 11: Investment requirements for CDN actions in the forestry subsector and other land allocations CDN Action Unconditional Conditional Total % Costs % Costs Implementation Cost Restoration of existing forest landscapes through the promotion of the restoration of natural forests, fragile ecosystems and the conservation of biodiversity, giving priority to supporting projects linked to already organised territories (protected areas, community or village forests, sacred sites), limiting fragmentation of forest massifs and in 4 National Accounts (2014) and MERF, 2017 estimates for the year 2014 now connecting natural habitats Improvement of sustainable land management for strengthening wells", + "Improvement of sustainable land management for carbon sinks and carbon sequestration through \"mass development plans\" promoted by private forests or community forests or \"territorial forest charters\" or rural poles of excellence; Development of urban forestry through the establishment of urban plantations, promotion and creation of green spaces; Promotion of processing of forest products and non-linear by-products and promotion of value chains and market access for processed forest products; Total FAT Source:", + "The mitigation measures all have a conditional component estimated at USD 792,304,920 between 2020 and 2030, which aims to enhance the national effort already undertaken in this area. 5.1.3.", + "In Togo, the industrial fabric varies very little and remains concentrated in extractive industries (phosphate and cement production) and manufacturing industries (food, beverages and tobacco; textiles, clothing; wood and wood products; printing, paper and publishing; chemical industries; and metal products).", + "The clinker manufacturing industries constitute the key emission category in Togo. The industrial sector in Togo is relatively new and is characterised by its modest contribution to GDP, which in fact rises from 23% in 2005 to 15.6% in 2018. In addition to modern industries, there are craft activities (metallurgical extractives, textiles, agri-food).", + "In addition to modern industries, there are artisanal activities (metallurgical extractives, textiles, agri-food). The objectives of the CND in the industrial sector are directly related to the HCFC Disposal Management Plan, which aims to reduce the consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and avoid their significant release into the atmosphere at the end of the life cycle of equipment containing them, thereby reducing GHG emissions.", + "The plan calls for the construction of at least 100 green buildings using fewer air conditioners by 2030 and for a reduction in the import rate of F-gases of at least 2%.", + "The national ozone office of the Ministry of the Environment is a technical actor that assists companies in the implementation of this HCFC phase-out management plan. Eight measures have been dropped from the 2030 plan, including those aimed at reducing emissions in the sector.", + "Eight measures have been outlined in the 2030 plan which are aimed in particular at reducing emissions in the sector. Table 12: Investment needs of CDN shares in the IPUP sector CDN Action Unconditional Conditional Cost Total Investment % Costs % Costs Implementation Cost Valuing the processing and recycling of fluorinated gases Promoting the importation of alternative refrigerant fluids such as propane (R290) used for freezers; refrigerated display cases and ice cream dispensers; R448A (HFC-HFO) ; (HFC-HFO) as a replacement for R404A - - Developing registers containing information on the quantities and types of fluorinated gases installed to the quantities that may be added and the quantities recovered during maintenance and maintenance operations National Census of refrigeration operators in Togo Promoting the construction", + "To promote the construction of private and public buildings with thermal insulation materials To promote the manufacture of cements composed of less clinker as portland types; limestone; slag; blast furnace cement To develop Total IPPC Capture and Storage technologies Source: DND Support Project, September 2021 The financing requirements for the IPPC sector, mainly in the hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) sub-sector, amount to USD 89 034 000, mainly available at over 96% under the conditional scenario. 5.1.4.", + "Waste Sector The waste sector suffers from a severe lack of data. One of the greatest challenges facing municipal authorities is the collection of household waste and the disposal of wastewater. Individual waste production ranges from 0.4 to 2kg per capita per day.", + "Individual waste generation ranges from 0.4 to 2kg per capita per day, and emissions from the sector as a whole range from 335.7 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 573.3 Gg CO2-eq in 2030, an increase of 70.8%.", + "Emissions from the sector as a whole range from 335.7 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 573.3 Gg CO2-eq in 2030, an increase of 70.8%. In addition to the importance of the issue from an environmental and natural resource point of view, waste collection, recovery and treatment are, in this context, becoming an economically viable sector, a source of added value, competitiveness, job creation and limiting the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.", + "In addition to the importance of the issue from an environmental and natural resource point of view, waste collection, recovery and treatment are becoming, in this context, an economically viable sector, a source of added value, competitiveness, job creation and limiting the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.", + "The plan is thus delineated as follows in Table 13. Table 13: Investment needs of CDN shares in the waste sector Unconditional Conditional Total investment needs % Costs % Costs Implementation cost Promote better sanitation Energy recovery of millions of methane produced at the Lom\u00e9 landfill.", + "Table 13: Investment needs of CDN shares in the waste sector Unconditional Conditional Total investment needs % Costs % Costs Implementation cost Promote better sanitation Energy recovery of millions of methane produced at the Lom\u00e9 landfill Sorting and recovery tonnes of waste tonnes by composting) for incineration.", + "Total Waste Source: NCD Support Project, September 2021 The cost of the three waste mitigation options is estimated at USD 262,547,777, of which USD 54,037,901 is for unconditional actions.", + "Total Waste Source: NCD Support Project, September 2021 The cost of the three mitigation options in the waste sector is estimated at USD 262,547,777, of which USD 54,037,901 is for unconditional actions. Mobilizing the amounts from the estimated conditional scenario of USD 20850,9876 will achieve the reduction target of 412.20 Gg CO2-eq of cumulative emissions over the period 2020-2030 in the sector. 5.1.5.", + "Mobilization of the estimated conditional scenario amounts of USD 208509876 will achieve the reduction target of 412.20 Gg CO2-eq of cumulative emissions over the period 2020-2030 in the sector. 5.1.5. Aggregation of Mitigation Component Costs This section presents the aggregation of GHG contribution options and costs assessed by key sectors.", + "Cost Aggregation Mitigation This section presents the aggregation of options and costs assessed by key sectors for contributing to GHGs.The key sectors identified are: agriculture, waste and energy, which includes electricity generation, transportation and residential and service industries, and industries.", + "The key sectors identified are: agriculture, waste and energy, which includes electricity generation, transportation and residential and tertiary industries, and industries Table 14 shows the estimated funding requirements based on unconditional (nationally funded) and conditional contributions for the period 2020-2030 Table 14: Associated investment costs under the mitigation scenario SECTORS CONDITIONAL COST million USD CONDITIONAL COST million USD TOTAL COST million USD % Energy Agriculture FAT PIUP Waste TOTAL The funding requirements associated with all identified mitigation options are estimated at US$2,699,363 million by 2030, of which US$697,719 million for unconditional options and US$2,001,643 million for conditional actions.", + "In order for Togo to reach its 2030 target, strategies must be put in place to mobilize conditional resources, which account for more than 74% of mitigation financing needs.", + "In order for Togo to reach its 2030 target, strategies need to be put in place to mobilise conditional resources, which account for more than 74% of mitigation financing needs. The investment levels for each sector are globally equivalent to the estimated mitigation shares in each emitting sector. The graph shows that energy projects and LULUCF account for more than 80% (40% and 38% respectively) of total investment over the period 2020-2030.", + "The graph shows that energy projects and LULUCF account for more than 80% (40% and 38% respectively) of total investment over the period 2020-2030. Investment in agricultural reduction efforts represents the bulk of the remaining needs.", + "Investment in reduction efforts in agriculture represents the bulk of the remaining needs. Table 15 shows the proportion of funding needs estimated on the basis of unconditional contributions (funded at national level) and conditional contributions for sectors and subsectors.", + "Investment costs for all mitigation measures (millions USD) INCONDITIONAL CONDITIONAL Cost TOTAL SECTORS /Sub-sectors % COST million USD % COST million USD million USD Electricity generation Transportation Residential Agriculture FAT PIUP Waste TOTAL Source: NDC Support Project, September 2021 Analysis of the table shows that for the conditional scenario, investments in the production sub-sector account for a significant share of 38.56%, followed by projects in the FAT sub-sector with 30.36%.", + "This is supported by a major announced investment in solar power and the government\u2019s intention to increase the share of renewable energies in the energy mix from 3 to 50% by 20235. In the LULUCF sub-sector, this is reflected in the ambition to plant one billion trees by 2030.", + "In the LULUCF sub-sector, this commitment is reflected in the ambition to plant one billion trees by 2030, while the agriculture sub-sector, although an important source of GHGs, accounts for only 9.21% because adaptation is the priority in this sector already affected by the adverse effects of climate change. 5.2.", + "For its part, the agricultural sub-sector, although an important source of GHGs, accounts for only 9.21%, as adaptation is the priority in this sector already affected by the adverse effects of climate change. 5.2. INVESTMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ADAPTATION LINE Togo\u2019s economy has been based from the outset on the primary sector, which for decades has been the most exposed to the effects of climate variability and is now considered to be the most vulnerable to climate change.", + "Investment Requirements for the Adaptation Corridor Togo\u2019s economy has historically been based on the primary sector, which for decades has been the most exposed to the effects of climate variability and is now considered to be the most vulnerable to climate change.", + "The investment plan for the planned adaptation measures is based on the proposed actions for the adaptation component of the revised CBD (Table 16). Table 16: Sectoral adaptation measures with estimated costs Adaptation measures Objectives of the measure OPTIONS AND COSTS Unconditional Conditional Proportional Costs in millions of USD Proportional Costs in millions of USD Implementation costs (Total cost (millions of US$) Energy sector Reinforcement of wood-energy reforestation actions (17,400 ha) Development of modern bioenergy: installation of briquette and shovel production plants in large rice and oil palm production basins, promotion of bio digesters for biogas production, promotion of gasification equipment Promotion of energy efficiency: improved fireplaces, improved carbonization furnaces (in large wood coal production basins), efficient electrical equipment Development of mini hybrid networks", + "(in large wood coal production basins), efficient electrical equipment Development of mini-hybrid networks for rural electrification (solar, biomass, small hydropower) SUB TOTAL Energy Sub-sector Agriculture Strengthening of phytosanitary research (development of low-cost biopesticides, research on biological control) Support for the dissemination of good agro-ecological practices Promotion of multipurpose village water and hydraulics management (hydro-agricultural management, promotion of small-scale irrigation, lowland management for farming) Strengthening of integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) Definition/development of corridors and transhumance areas Strengthening of meteorological services\u2019 capacity (technical and material) for good forecasting and planning of activities Promotion of high-performance varieties resilient to climate change SUB TOTAL AGRI", + "Protection against floods, strong winds and erosion Promotion of non-timber forest product chains at the level of the country\u2019s 5 regions (capacity building and organisation of stakeholders, development of marketing channels) to strengthen the resilience of communities SUB TOTAL FAT Sector Human settlements and health Sector Human settlements and health Strengthening of stormwater sanitation and drainage in major urban centres Development and rehabilitation of urban roads in major urban centres Development of emergency medical services Development and implementation of a health watch plan (national and local level) Sound and sustainable management of municipal waste SUB TOTAL Human settlements and health Sector Water resources Improved access to drinking water (rehabilitation of drinking water supply structures at the village level, installation of new boreholes/water supply systems with solar pumping) Rainwater collection and reuse of treated wastewater Improved", + "Re-use of treated wastewater Improved knowledge of surface and groundwater resources (increased hydrological and hydrogeological observation network) Action plan for mini- potable water supply technology, surface water retention rehabilitation technology, gravity drainage of storm waters SUBTOTAL water resources Sector Coastal zone Strengthening of structural investments to protect the coast and raise the level of resilience Support for vulnerable populations in coastal villages and along the Gbaga channel for the development of AGR (seasonal fishing; creation of fishponds, training, cold rooms for fish conservation, training and equipment for women for spawning and fish conditioning) to reduce their vulnerability SUBTOTAL coastal zone Cross-cutting Cross-cutting Support for the development and implementation of sectoral adaptation plans to climate change taking into account national, regional and local levels Support for the revision and implementation", + "National, regional and local Support for the revision and implementation of the MNV system taking into account progress and impact indicators for all climate change adaptation instruments SUB TOTAL Cross-cutting Total Source: NDC Support Project, September 2021 The revised total amount of NDC adaptation interventions is estimated at more than $2,779.44 million up to 2030, of which $2278.84 million for conditional actions and $500.6 million for unconditional actions.", + "Figure 2 below outlines the sectoral funding needs associated with all identified adaptation interventions, estimated at $2,779.44 million up to 2030.", + "Proportions of adaptation scenario actions by sector in total investment costs of $2.8 billion Figure 6 above summarizes the financial needs for adaptation by sector as reported by each ministry, with the total funding required for adaptation actions amounting to just over $2.8 billion.", + "The total funding required for adaptation is just over US$2.8 billion, with the largest funding required for agriculture (29%, US$805.61 million), human settlements (26%, US$696.11 million) and energy (22%, US$609.35 million).", + "The largest funding requirements are for agriculture (29%, USD 805.61 million), human settlements (26%, USD 696.11 million) and energy (22%, USD 609.35 million). Most of the funding requested depends on international support, which accounts for 81.99% of the total amount to be invested. 5.3.", + "Most of the funding requested depends on international support, which accounts for 81.99% of the total amount to be invested. 5.3. INVESTMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR CAPACITY-BUILDING AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS Under the Paris Agreement, developed countries have also committed themselves to providing technology transfer and capacity-building to developing countries, and technology transfer and capacity-building to developing countries.", + "Many developing countries and many developing countries will require enhanced capacity to effectively monitor bilateral and multilateral flows of resources and support and to identify gaps and pending needs and support and to identify gaps and pending needs 5.3.1.", + "Many developing countries and many developing countries will require enhanced capacity to effectively monitor bilateral and multilateral resource and support flows and to identify gaps and outstanding needs and support and to identify gaps and outstanding needs 5.3.1. Technology Transfer Priority technology transfer needs have been identified for the energy, agriculture and forestry sectors.", + "Technology Transfer Priority technology transfer needs were identified for the energy, agriculture and forestry sectors, based on their potential for GHG emissions, their importance to the country\u2019s socio-economic development, and their vulnerability to climate change.", + "Since June 2015, Togo has been engaged in the second phase of the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) project in identifying and analysing technology needs with a view to identifying a portfolio of projects and programmes capable of addressing the adverse effects of climate change through the transfer and access to clean technologies for both adaptation and mitigation.", + "For adaptation, priority technologies covered two sectors and are ranked in order of importance: \u0304 For the Agriculture sector: 1) agricultural land management, 2) integrated agricultural production systems, and 3) off-season agriculture.", + "For adaptation, priority technologies covered two sectors and are ranked in order of importance: \u0304 For Agriculture: 1) agricultural land management, 2) integrated agricultural production systems, and 3) off-season agriculture. \u0304 For Water Resources: 1) mini-potable water supply, 2) surface water retention rehabilitation, and 3) heavy rainwater drainage.", + "\u0304 For the Water Resources Sector: 1) mini-supply of drinking water, 2) rehabilitation of surface water impoundments, and 3) gravity drainage of rainwater Table 17 summarizes the costs of the needs resulting from this assessment.", + "Table 17 summarizes the costs of the needs resulting from this assessment. Table 17: Technology Transfer Costs Sectors Proposed Technology Measure Investment ($ millions) Implementation Cost ( Total ($ millions) ENERGY Implementation of the Technology Action Plan Large Hydroelectric Generating Station (CHGP) Networked Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Technology Action Plan Small or Mini Hydroelectric Generating Station (PMCH) Technology Action Plan Transportation Technology Action Plan Urban Congestion Reduction Road Infrastructure Improvement (AIRDCU) Technology Action Plan Bus Transit Development (DTCB) Technology Action Plan Road Transportation Standards Implementation AGRICULTURE Technology Action Plan Agricultural Land Management (ATA) Technology Action Plan Integrated Agricultural Production System (SIPA) Technology Action Plan", + "Agricultural Land Management (ALM) Technology Action Plan Integrated Agricultural Production System (IAPS) Off-season Agriculture Technology Action Plan Water Resources Technology Action Plan Mini-Drinking Water Supply Technology Action Plan Surface Water Retention Rehabilitation Technology Action Plan Gravitational Stormwater Drainage Technology Action Plan TOTAL Source: NDC Support Project, September 2021 The total estimated cost in the EBT Action Plan is $57.812 million.", + "It should be noted that, due to inflation and implementation costs, this amount will be increased by 15% of the capital.", + "As such, the technology transfer investment requirement amounts to USD 66.4838 million, which can be financed on a contingency basis and allocated as follows in Figure 7. Figure 7: breakdown of the costs of technology transfer requirements by sector 5.3.2. Capacity building and knowledge management.", + "Figure 7: Breakdown of Technology Transfer Requirements by Sector 5.3.2. Capacity Building and Knowledge Management From NIC to NQ, capacity building and technical resource requirements have always been identified and articulated.", + "From NIC to NQ, capacity-building needs and technical resources have always been identified and articulated, and the importance of these needs necessitated a National Environmental Capacity Building Self-Assessment (NECA) program implemented between 2006 and 2008.", + "The importance of these needs necessitated a National Environmental Capacity-Building Self-Assessment (NECA) program implemented between 2006 and 2008.NECA, GCEP and GCEP have been instrumental in building capacity on global environmental issues and specifically on climate change.", + "The CRAN, GCEP and GCEP have been instrumental in building capacity on global environmental issues and specifically on climate change and remain a national reference on this issue.", + "Although efforts are being made, stakeholder consultations reveal that most of the needs identified at the national level for environmental management (ANCR, 2008) and in the context of the national communication processes (CNI, DCN, TCN) including the PRBA, are still topical and need to be addressed.", + "Although efforts are being made, stakeholder consultations reveal that most of the needs identified at the national level for environmental management (ANCR, 2008) and in the context of national communication processes (CNI, DCN, TCN) including the PRBA, are still topical and need to be addressed: institutional, individual (human) and systemic capacity building needs summarised and prioritised in Table 18.", + "These are the institutional, individual (human) and systemic capacity-building needs summarized and prioritized in Table 18. Table 18: Priority Technical Resource Requirements and Institutional, Individual and Systemic Capacity Building Line of Action Sectors Actions to be taken (projects identified) Cost (US$ million) Implementation Cost Total Institutional Capacity Building Support for the development of a harmonious institutional framework for the uninterrupted implementation of the UNFCCC in Togo Human/individual Capacity building of Togolese delegates for active and beneficial country participation in climate negotiations Capacity building of national experts on the tools and methodology for the development of thematic studies of national communications Systemic Capacity building of public and private sector actors for the mobilization of climate finance Establishment of a national system for the acquisition, use and transfer of environmentally sound", + "The priority technical resources and institutional, individual and systemic capacity-building needs are estimated at US$234.6 million, which can be fully mobilized from external sources 5.4.", + "TOTAL FUNDING REQUIRED FOR THE REVISED TOGO NCD Financial requirements remain high despite ongoing efforts, and most actions requiring future funding and resource mobilization will be a fair mix of domestic and foreign funds.", + "Most actions requiring financing and the mobilization of future resources will be a fair mix of domestic and foreign funds. The estimated net cost of established NDC mitigation measures is expected to be about $2.70 billion and over $2.88 billion for adaptation targets, reflecting a combined need for financing of about $5.58 billion.", + "The estimated net cost of established NDC mitigation measures is expected to be about $2.70 billion and over $2.88 billion for adaptation targets, reflecting a combined funding requirement of about $5.58 billion. Table 19 summarizes the value of funding required over the next 10 years.", + "Table 19 summarizes the value of funding required over the next 10 years: unconditional measures account for 22 per cent of total planned assistance and conditional measures for 78 per cent.", + "Table 19: Mitigation and Adaptation Funding Requirements for the Revised CBD Mitigation ($ billions) Adaptation ($ billions) Total ($ billions) Unconditional Conditional Total The total expected cost of mitigation of the CBD as defined in this 2030 Investment Plan is estimated at approximately $2.70 billion and $2.78 billion for adaptation objectives, reflecting a total funding requirement of approximately $5.48 billion.", + "Unconditional measures account for 22 per cent of the total planned assistance and 78 per cent for conditional measures. It should be noted that this evaluation does not cover aspects related to capacity-building and technology transfer.", + "It should be noted that this evaluation does not cover aspects related to capacity building and technology transfer, which are estimated at US$66.4838 million and US$234.6 million respectively for the period 2020-2030. Chapter 6: Measurement, Notification and Audit 6.1. MNV/MRV SYSTEM 6.1.1.", + "Measurement, Notification and Verification 6.1. MNV/MRV SYSTEM 6.1.1. Different Types of MNV Existing in Togo Emission Systems Since 2017, Togo\u2019s MNV system has been based on the institutional framework of national communications and updated biennial CC reports.", + "Emission systems Since 2017, Togo\u2019s MNV system has relied on the institutional framework of national communications and updated biennial CC reports. This institutional framework was put in place at the TCN and replicated at the PRBA. It was embodied in a memorandum between MERF and the research structures of the University of Lom\u00e9.", + "It was embodied in a memorandum between MERF and the research structures of the University of Lom\u00e9, but in 2019, this arrangement was strengthened within the framework of 4CN & 2RBA by a formal agreement between MERF and the University of Lom\u00e9.", + "However, in 2019, this arrangement was strengthened under the 4CN & 2RBA by a formal agreement between MERF and UL. UL\u2019s research structures involved in emissions studies under this agreement are: \u2713 Centre of Regional Excellence for Energy Management of the National Higher School of Engineers (ENSI) for emissions in the energy sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry (LCA) for emissions in the Industrial Processes and Product Use Sector (PUIP); \u2713 Laboratory of Research on Agro-Resources and Environmental Health for the Agriculture Sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Biology and Plant Ecology (LBEV) for emissions in the Forestry and Other Land Use Sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Waste Management, Treatment and Recovery (LGTVD) for emissions in the Waste Sector.", + "This system is reinforced by the recruitment of an GHG Coordination Team whose role is to train and technically support the research structures involved in the study of emissions.", + "Measurement MNV Like the emissions system, the studies on the mitigation measures of the sectors selected under 4CN & 2RBA were entrusted to the University of Lom\u00e9 (UL) through the following research structures: \u2713 Centre of Regional Excellence for the Mastery of Energy of the Ecole Nationale Sup\u00e9rieure des Ing\u00e9nieurs (ENSI) for the energy sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Research on Agro-resources and Environmental Health for the agriculture sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Biology and Plant Ecology (LBEV) for the forestry and other land allocation sector.", + "This system is reinforced by the establishment of: \u2713 National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS): This system is established as part of the REDD+ process.", + "The objective is to regularly quantify GHG emissions/removals associated with deforestation and forest degradation, enhancement of forest carbon stocks, conservation and sustainable forest management, and governance, benefit and distribution aspects.", + "This system developed the baseline for Togo's forests (NRF) which was submitted to the UNFCCC secretariat in January 2020.", + "\u2713 National Forest Inventory Database Management Unit (NFIB/CGBD) and Mapping Database Management Unit (MDU) of the Ministry of the Environment: the FIB/CGBD is responsible for the organization, collection and management of forest data; the MDU is responsible for monitoring forest dynamics through satellite data.", + "The UGBDC monitors forest dynamics through satellite data. Since March 2021, these structures have been implementing, as part of the REDD+ process, the second national forest inventory of Togo. Support NVM The support NVM for Togo is a scheme under construction with a few initiatives.", + "Togo implemented the project \"Evaluation of Technological Needs\" which resulted in the development of a Technology Action Plan (TAP).", + "Togo has implemented the project \"Evaluation of Technological Needs\", which has led to the development of a Technology Action Plan (TAP), which includes the prioritisation of technologies, based on a multi-criteria decision-making analysis taking into account, inter alia, development priorities, economic viability and local employment.", + "This plan includes the prioritisation of technologies, based on a multi-criteria decision-making analysis taking into account, inter alia, development priorities, economic sustainability and local employment, and has been developed for better programming of actions to provide specific responses to the problem of climate change; \u2713 Aid Management Platform (AMP): an initiative of the Ministry of Economy and Finance set up in 2012 and which makes it possible to capitalise on all development support received by Togo.", + "It has been developed for better programming of actions to provide specific responses to the problem of climate change; \u2713 Aid Management Platform (AMP): an initiative of the Ministry of Economy and Finance set up in 2012 to capitalise on all development support received by Togo.", + "This platform is designed to disaggregate climate support, taking into account the support received by both the state and the private sector and civil society organisations. Since 2014, this platform has not been operational.", + "This takes into account the support received by both the state and the private sector and civil society organisations. Since 2014, this platform has not been operational. In order to boost the AGP, a working session between the Ministry of Development Planning and the technical and financial partners (TFP) was held on 13 February 2018.", + "In an effort to boost the AGP, a working session between the Ministry of Development Planning and the technical and financial partners (TFPs) was held on 13 February 2018, during which an exchange of views took place on the measures to be taken to relaunch the Aid Management Platform (AMP).", + "This meeting allowed for an exchange of views on the measures to be taken to relaunch the Aid Management Platform (AMP). It was decided to continue with Gateway and move towards empowerment for the relaunch of AAP; \u2713 MNV networking of the Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC): the CRC has a system that covers the three forms of climate support, namely finance, capacity building and technology transfer. 6.1.2.", + "The CRC has a system that covers the three forms of climate support, namely finance, capacity building and technology transfer. 6.1.2. Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Togo\u2019s MNV system The diagnosis made of this existing MNV system shows that it suffers from certain shortcomings (Table 20).", + "Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Togo\u2019s MNV system The diagnosis made on this existing MNV system shows that it suffers from certain shortcomings (Table 20). Table 20: Strengths and weaknesses of the existing MNV system KEY FORCES \u27a2 Development of a national MNV system (SN-MNV); \u27a2 Existence of a high-capacity server within the Ministry responsible for the environment that can host the SN-MNV geoportal; \u27a2 Existence of an MNV system linked to the national forest monitoring system (MNV/SNSF) under REDD+; \u27a2 Good experience in measuring, reporting and verifying GHGs and mitigation measures; \u27a2 Accession of Togo to the West African network for sharing experiences on MNV; \u27a2 Existence of an M", + "Togo \u27a2 Lack of communication on the MNV system; \u27a2 Lack of knowledge and understanding of the MNV system, thus creating conflicts of responsibility and interests between actors; \u27a2 Non-harmonised methodology between the ODEF MNV/SNSF and the AFAT sector MNV; \u27a2 Non-exhaustive database on NGOs and technical structures holding CC data; \u27a2 Confidential or sensitive data not accessible; \u27a2 Lack of mastery of tools and methods for assessing and developing mitigation scenarios and technical difficulties involving different stakeholders; \u27a2 Existence of a national MNV committee; \u27a2 CBIT project to carry out capacity-building activities in favour of MNV; \u27a2 Several capacity-building activities carried out for actors on the MNV system; \u27a2 Methodologies based on IPCC and UNFCCC guidelines, guides and", + "\u27a2 Improved mastery of IPCC methodologies through upgrading of national experts; \u27a2 Availability of national expertise for emissions in all sectors concerned; \u27a2 Several levels of verification of the reliability of the emission data collected; identification of appropriate technologies; \u27a2 Difficulties in disaggregating climate actions in development projects; \u27a2 Insufficient financial resources to further data collection; \u27a2 Inappropriate format for data storage and archiving with data holding structures; \u27a2 Lack of QA/QC procedures in data-producing institutions; \u27a2 Data collection format not harmonized between INSEED, data producers and emission study developers; \u27a2 Lack of activity data for certain categories in all sectors; \u27a2 Low mastery of emission study and QA/QC methodologies by evaluators to ensure proper evaluation of emission study reports;", + "emission studies and QA/QC to ensure proper evaluation of emission study reports; \u27a2 Lack of qualified personnel for the application of emission estimation methodologies; \u27a2 Lack of equipment for measurement and data collection in the AFAT sectors.", + "OPPORTUNITIES THREATS \u27a2 CBIT project which will carry out capacity building activities in favour of MRV; \u27a2 Programming of a future review of the institutional framework and formulation of measures for the operationalisation of the national MNV system by the CBIT project; \u27a2 Existence of a Directorate-General for Aid Mobilisation and Partnership; \u27a2 Existence of a pilot platform on aid management which takes into account all sectors (public, private and CSOs).", + "\u27a2 Lack of a quality management system for activity data; \u27a2 Lack of a framework for cooperation between TFPs on the management of public development aid; \u27a2 Lack of effectiveness in the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation mechanism at the level of all ministries; \u27a2 Lack of a framework for cooperation and interconnectivity between ministries; \u27a2 Aid management platform (AMF) not operational. 6.2.", + "NVM CAPACITY BUILDING NVM CAPACITY BUILDING A clear and robust mechanism to ensure transparency and accountability is essential to the success of the NVM system for the implementation of NCDs. Based on the analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the various existing NVM systems, several actions are proposed.", + "Thus, on the basis of an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the various existing NVM systems, several actions are proposed which concern all stakeholders involved in the implementation of the NVM system.", + "These actions concern all stakeholders involved in the implementation of the MNV system: \u2713 establishing a harmonised data collection format between INSEED, data producers and emission studies producers; \u2713 strengthening stakeholders\u2019 capacities on data management issues, including robust data quality assurance and archiving; \u2713 strengthening monitoring, reporting and verification (MNV) capacities, including capacity building for the data generation and management system; \u2713 developing an electronic data archiving system for mitigation and/or adaptation data; \u2713 strengthening stakeholders\u2019 capacities on the mastery of tools and methods for assessing and developing mitigation scenarios; \u2713 strengthening national capacities", + "\u2713 strengthening national capacities to establish a collaborative framework facilitating better coordination between public and private institutions and civil society organisations in order to enable the collection and documentation of information on mitigation, adaptation and support actions; \u2713 strengthening the capacity of stakeholders on the understanding and importance of the MNV system; \u2713 strengthening the capacities of Ministry of Economy and Finance managers for the effective relaunch of the Aid Management Platform (AMP) with existing national competences; \u2713 training of producers and data holders (such as DTRF, DGE, INSEED, DST, etc.) on the consideration of emission data formats and mitigation measures; \u2713 strengthening the capacities of producers and data users on the management of confidential or sensitive data; \u2713 strengthening the capacities of national experts on the notion of good practice in the management of", + "confidence or sensitive data; \u2713 strengthening the capacity of national experts on the notion of good practice in uncertainty calculation when collecting activity data and compiling statistical data.", + "In addition to these capacity-building needs, there are other needs to be taken into account for the effective implementation of the NVM, including: \u2713 the formalisation of a collaborative agreement between the national coordination of the CCs and public or private institutions producing or holding data; \u2713 the signing of confidentiality agreements between producers and users of sensitive or confidential data; \u2713 the strengthening of communication on the NVM system; \u2713 the organisation of national and sectoral data collection structures and the provision to them of the necessary means for conducting a GHG inventory, storing data and archiving them. 6.3.", + "MAINTENANCE OF THE MNV SYSTEM OVER TIME For the improvement of the MNV system over time, several recommendations are made to the National MNV Committee.", + "These include: \u2713 establishing a mechanism to ensure that the outputs of the NVM systems can inform regular updates on climate mitigation, adaptation and financing planning processes, and that lessons can be incorporated into subsequent actions undertaken under the CBD; \u2713 assessing the effectiveness of the NVM system in collecting and reporting relevant data, and adjusting the implementation plan and systems to lessons learned; \u2713 communicating regularly with stakeholders to obtain feedback on the functioning and effectiveness of the NVM system; \u2713 working with countries with targets in their CBD and similar NVM needs to exchange lessons learned and best practices; \u2713 continuing the process", + "DND and similar NVM needs to exchange lessons learned and best practices; \u2713 continue the process of operationalizing the national NVM system with a view to moving from updated biennial reports to biennial transparency reports by 2024. 6.4.", + "RELEVANT STRUCTURE FOR THE MNV Ensuring transparent climate action in the NDC process is a key priority for Togo. To achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement, the country must demonstrate that it is meeting its commitments in a transparent manner.", + "To achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement, a country must demonstrate that it is meeting its commitments in a transparent manner, and to this end, Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) has been recognized as the key process for tracking, assessing and reporting on progress in implementing commitments, including NCDs.", + "To this end, Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) has been recognized as the key process for monitoring, assessing and communicating progress in implementing commitments, including NCDs. Since 2017, Togo has developed a national climate change measurement, reporting and verification system that federates the three types of MRV described above.", + "Since 2017, Togo has developed a national climate change measurement, reporting and verification system that federates the three types of NVMs described above and includes the following elements (Figure 8): \u2713 Data and metadata collection that involves all key national stakeholders in the different sectors concerned with emissions, mitigation, adaptation and support.", + "This system comprises the following elements (Figure 8): \u2713 Data and metadata collection covering all key stakeholders at national level in the different sectors concerned by emissions, mitigation, adaptation and support \u2713 Data processing and management consisting of data storage and archiving, data processing, analysis and interpretation and indicator monitoring.", + "\u2713 Data processing and management consisting of data storage and archiving, data processing, analysis and interpretation, and monitoring of indicators. \u2713 Notification concerning the publication of processed and interpreted data and their availability to national decision makers and/or international partners on climate issues.", + "\u2713 Notification concerning the publication of processed and interpreted data and their availability to national decision-makers and/or international partners on climate issues Figure 1: National NDC NVM System \u27a2 WG ATTENDANCE \u27a2 WG ADAPTATION \u27a2 WG SUPPORT Figure 8: Structure of the National NVM System 6.4.1.", + "Structure of the national NVM system 6.4.1. Institutional framework of the NVM system Since 2017, the country has begun the operationalisation of this NVM system, within which an exchange platform (community of NVM practices) has been created by MERF.", + "Within this framework, an exchange platform (MNV Community of Practice) has been created by MERF, which is hosted twice a month and addresses issues related to the operationalisation of MNV, the method of collecting activity data, data management, including robust quality assurance and data archiving.", + "This platform is hosted twice (2) a month and addresses issues related to the operationalisation of the MNV, the method of collecting activity data, data management, including robust data quality assurance and archiving. As part of the operationalisation of the system, several capacity-building actions were carried out between 2017 and 2020.", + "Within the framework of the operationalisation of the system, several capacity-building actions were carried out between 2017 and 2020: (i) capacity-building of national actors on MNV, (ii) capacity-building of MERF actors on their role and responsibility in the operationalisation of the MNV system, (iii) capacity-building of stakeholders on MNV through the community of practice on MNV, (iv) updating of the MNV Country Report combined with capacity-building of members of the Togo MNV Committee.", + "These actions are mainly supported by the UNFCCC secretariat, the EU, UNDP, GEF, Global Support Program and the Government of Canada (Table 21).", + "It should also be noted that the recently launched CBIT project has included capacity-building activities for transparency in accordance with Article 13 of the Paris Agreement.", + "Its main objectives are to: - Strengthen institutional, legal and regulatory arrangements; - Develop the capacities of actors in the priority sectors of climate change; - Review the institutional framework and formulate measures for the operationalisation of the national MNV system.", + "Table 21: Assistance received by Togo in respect of MNV Type of assistance Activity of assistance Year of receipt Status Amount (USD) Source of assistance Capacity building Capacity building of actors on MNV Finalised Not estimated UNCCD Secretariat through CDI Capacity building of national actors on MNV Finalised Not estimated Global Support programme Capacity building of MERF actors on their role and responsibility in the operationalisation of the MNV system and Finalised EU/PALCC Capacity building Finalised Not estimated Government of MNV stakeholders through the MNV community of practice in CANADA Update of the report MNV Country combined with capacity building of members of the Togo MNV Committee Finalised GEF/UNDP 6.4.2.", + "Comprehensive Coordination of the NVM To ensure quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC), better accountability for reporting, measurement, reporting and verification (NVM/MRV) and to allow for a coherent archiving system, two institutions were created, one in 2018 (National Coordinating Authority for the Development Process of CNs, ABNs on Climate Change and CDNs) and the second in 2020 (National NVM Committee).", + "Thus, the institutional framework of the CDN NVM system is as follows: \u2756 National NVM Committee: This committee was set up by Memorandum No. 0230/SG/DE on 15 July 2020 as part of the operationalisation of the national NVM system.", + "It is responsible for reviewing the institutional framework and formulating measures for the operationalisation of the MNV system. This committee is strengthened by the appointment of sectoral MNV focal points to the ministries responsible for the environment and finance.", + "This committee is strengthened by the appointment of sectoral MNV focal points to the ministries responsible for the environment and finance. \u2756 The Climate Change Division (CCD): it coordinates all the working groups and acts through three structures, namely the UNFCCC focal point, the National Climate Change Committee and the 4CN & 2RBA project steering committee.", + "\u2756 The Climate Change Division (CCD): it coordinates all working groups and acts through three structures, namely the UNFCCC focal point, the National Climate Change Committee and the 4CN & 2RBA project steering committee. \u2756 National Coordinating Authority for the development process of the CNs, RBAs on climate change and CDNs: this authority set up by Decree No 145 / MERF/SG/DE of 06 November 2018 has a subcommittee which is responsible for the MNV on climate.", + "\u2756 National Coordinating Authority for the development process of the CNs, RBAs on climate change and CDNs: this authority, set up by Decree No 145 / MERF/SG/DE of 06 November 2018, has a subcommittee in charge of the NVM on climate, and it should be noted that there are two (2) NVM focal points (one in the Ministry of the Environment and the other in the Ministry of Finance) and focal points in all data-holding structures.", + "It should also be noted that there are two (2) NVM focal points (one in the Ministry of the Environment and the other in the Ministry of Finance) and focal points in all data-holding structures whose task is to ensure the operationalisation and implementation of the NVM system at national and sectoral levels.", + "These focal points are responsible for ensuring the operationalisation and implementation of the NVM system at national and sectoral levels.", + "Communication Strategy for the Implementation of the CBD 7.1. Diagnostic Analysis of CBD Communication in Togo The diagnostic analysis of the different communication experiences on climate change in Togo revealed the strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats to CBD communication in Togo (Table 22).", + "Diagnostic analysis of the different communication experiences on climate change in Togo revealed the strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats to communication on the implementation of the NCDs in Togo (Table 22). Table 22: FFOM matrix for the analysis of the communication on the implementation of the NCDs INTERNAL DIAGNOSTIC FACILITIES \u27a2 Existence of a political, technical and legal framework for the NCDs.", + "Table 22: FFOM matrix for the analysis of the communication on the implementation of the NCDs INTERNAL DIAGNOSTIC FORCES FAIBLESSES \u27a2 Existence of a political, technical and legal framework for the NCDs. \u27a2 Good knowledge of the purpose of the Paris Agreement. \u27a2 Good knowledge of climate risks. \u27a2 Adherence to adaptation initiatives. \u27a2 Integration of resilience actions.", + "\u27a2 Participation in adaptation initiatives. \u27a2 Integration of resilience actions. \u27a2 Participation in mitigation actions. \u27a2 Development of endogenous individual and community adaptation/mitigation initiatives. \u27a2 High expectation of adaptation and mitigation measures. \u27a2 Strong potential for local mobilization. \u27a2 Pro-activity of universities and climate research centres.", + "\u27a2 Pro-activity of universities and climate research centres. \u27a2 Lack of internal and external communication on NCDs. \u27a2 Lack of ownership of NCDs at sectoral and local levels. \u27a2 Lack of CBAC action on target groups. \u27a2 Lack of inclusive action on gender.", + "\u27a2 Insufficient CCSC actions targeting target groups \u27a2 Insufficient inclusive actions targeting gender OPPORTUNITY EXTERNAL DIAGNOSTIC THREATS \u27a2 Activation of decentralization in the implementation of the structural framework of actions to combat the adverse effects of CCs. \u27a2 Media pluralism. \u27a2 Disturbances in the mobilization of funding. \u27a2 Lack of CCs in Togolese priorities.", + "\u27a2 Disturbances in the mobilization of funding. \u27a2 Absence of CC in Togolese priorities. \u27a2 Availability of development partners to support Togo in implementing actions on CC. \u27a2 Bilingualism of populations. 7.2. STRATEGY 7.2.1.", + "\u27a2 Availability of development partners to support Togo in implementing CC actions. \u27a2 Bilingualism of the population. 7.2. STRATEGY 7.2.1. Strategic directions \u2756 Vision The vision is outlined in the objectives of the government\u2019s roadmap in conjunction with objective 10 of strategic axis 3: \"Putting sustainable development and anticipating future crises at the heart of the country\u2019s priorities\".", + "Strategic Directions \u2756 Vision The Vision is outlined in the objectives of the government\u2019s roadmap in conjunction with Aim 10 of Strategic Axis 3: \"Putting sustainable development and the anticipation of future crises at the heart of the country\u2019s priorities.\" Thus, the NDC Communication Vision is as follows: \u2756 Overall Objective Through the vision adopted: \"In 2030, Togo is a modern nation, where citizens who are informed and protected about climate risks respect nature and its resources\", the objective of developing communication on the NDCs is worded as follows:", + "\u2756 Strategic Outcomes and Communication Objectives The vision for NCD communication formulated and based on a matrix of strategic directions, three (3) strategic options are described and three (3) strategic directions are delineated. Tables 23 and 24 present the broad strategic directions and the performance framework, respectively.", + "The main strategic directions and the performance framework are presented in Tables 23 and 24 respectively. Table 23: Development of strategic directions and formulation of objectives Strategic options Development of strategic directions Strategies formulated Communication objectives Strategic direction 1: Seize the opportunity and use the forces to eliminate the weakness 2 Seize decentralization and build on the existence of a political, legal and technical framework to eliminate the weak ownership of the NCDs at the sectoral and local levels Adopt NCD planning at all levels Encourage sectoral ministries and municipalities to integrate the NCDs into their development plans Strategic direction 2: Seize the opportunity and use the forces to eliminate the weaknesses 3 and 4 and the threat 2.", + "Capture the availability of TFPs and use the adherence of target groups to adaptation initiatives, their participation in mitigation actions, their development of endogenous individual and community-based adaptation/mitigation initiatives and the proactivity of universities and climate research centres to eliminate the inadequacy of CCSC actions targeting target groups, the inadequacy of inclusive actions targeting gender and disruption in the mobilisation of funding Strengthen the adaptation and mitigation capacities of target groups Train target groups on innovative adaptation and mitigation practices and adaptive financing Strategic orientation 3: Capture the opportunity and use forces 2 and 3 to eliminate weakness 1 and 2. Capture media pluralism and use good knowledge of the purpose of the Paris Agreement and good knowledge of climate risks to eliminate the lack of internal and external communication and the absence of CCs in To", + "Improving the visibility of the NDCs Improving the communication system of the NDCs Table 24: Framework for the performance of the interventions Results Performance indicators Audit sources Risks and assumptions GOG\u2019s result: Effect of the Special Objective 2 of the FRS (Protecting Togolese people from climate risks) Indicators of the effects of the FRS OS2 Investigation report Risks identified for the FRS Result 1: NDCs are integrated into all development plans at the sectoral and community levels 1.", + "1.1 By the end of 2026, at least 80% of sectoral, local and economic policy makers are fully aware of the vision and objectives of the NDCs 1.2 By the end of 2026, at least 100% of municipalities and sectoral ministries are equipped with NDC planning tools.", + "Sectoral Action Plans and CDPs Activity report Press releases NDC reports NDC policy change Outcome 2: Target groups are trained on innovative practices and the mobilisation of adaptive financing 2.", + "At the end of 2030, at least 60% of groups or enterprises operating in climate-vulnerable areas have integrated adaptation and mitigation into their productive practices. 2.1 By the end of 2026, 117 facilitators have provided training in vulnerable area communes. 2.2 By the end of 2026, at least 6000 people, including at least 1240 women working in vulnerable areas, are equipped to develop and implement innovative adaptation and mitigation projects Evaluation or survey report Training reports Innovative projects implemented Press releases Activity report No or delayed funding Results Performance indicators Audit sources Risks and assumptions Result 3:", + "At the end of 2030, CCs are among the top ten priorities of Togolese people. 3.1 At the end of 2026, at least 80% of requests for information on NCDs have been met. 3.2 At the end of 2026, at least 70% of the population has become aware of the importance of NCDs. 3.3 At the end of 2026, at least one tool for capitalising on innovative practices is published.", + "7.2.2. ACTION PLAN A multi-year Action Plan (MAP) is proposed for communication. This plan may be revised based on the resources raised for the implementation of the actions. The financial estimates for the actions selected and planned from 2022 to 2026 amount to US$1,072,114.", + "The financial estimates for the actions selected and planned from 2022 to 2026 amount to US$ 1,072,114. Table 25 summarizes the budget by component.", + "Table 25 summarizes the budget by component Table 25: Budgeted multi-annual plan RESULTS YEARS OF IMPLEMENTATION (Costs in millions of US dollars) TOTAL Outcome 1: NDCs are integrated into all development plans at sectoral and community levels Outcome 2: Target groups are trained on innovative practices and the mobilization of adaptive financing NDCs' education and communication systems are improved TOTAL Bibliography Agence de coop\u00e9ration belge (ENABEL), Communication for Development: Dialogue and Participation for Sustainable Results Brabant P., Darracq S., Egue K. and Simonneaux V., (1996).", + "State of land degradation resulting from human activities. Explanatory note to the map of degradation indices. Collection Explanatory Note No. 112, ORSTOM Eds, Paris, 66 p. Nationally Determined Planned Contribution (NDCP) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Craig M., Snow R., Le Sueur D., 1999.", + "A Climate-based Distribution Model of Malaria Transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Parasitology Today 15 (3): 105 \u2013 111.", + "A Climate-based Distribution Model of Malaria Transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Parasitology Today 15 (3): 105 \u2013 111. Diop, A. (2017), \"Study on local authorities facing climate change in Senegal, with a view to supporting the local authorities\u2019 advocacy process\", Association Internationale des Maires Francophones, European Commission.", + "Diop, A. (2017), \"Study on local authorities facing climate change in Senegal, with a view to supporting the process of advocacy by local authorities\", Association Internationale des Maires Francophones, European Commission, Directorate General of Statistics and National Accounts (DGSCN), 2011.", + "Directorate General of Statistics and National Accounts (DGSCN), 2011. Fourth population and housing census. Final report, Republic of Togo, 57 p. Ern H., 1979. Die vegetation Togo. Gliederrung, Gef\u00e5hrdung, Erhaltung.", + "Final report, Republic of Togo, 57 p. Ern H., 1979. Die vegetation Togo. Gliederrung, Gef\u00e5hrdung, Erhaltung. Willdenowia Study on the climate change adaptation component in Togo\u2019s revised NDCs Togo National Determined Contributions Support Project (NDSP), June 2021 FAO/CEDEAO, 2018.", + "National Gender Profile of Agriculture and Rural Development Sectors Evaluation Series Gender of Countries, Report, 118 p. Sectoral Roadmap Togo 2025, January 2021 GIZ, 2020. Study of Climate Change Risks and Vulnerabilities in the Health Sector in Togo.", + "Study of risks and vulnerabilities related to climate change in the health sector in Togo. Final report, 100 p. National Institute of Statistics, Economic and Demographic Studies (INSEED), 2015. Togo Demographic Outlook 2011- 2031. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Hydraulics (MAEH), 2015a.", + "Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Hydraulics (MAEH), 2015a. Agricultural policy document for the period 2016-2030, 56 p. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Hydraulics (MAEH), 2015b. National Strategy Paper for Agricultural and Rural Training in Togo (SNFAR-TOGO) 2016-2020, 75 p. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Hydraulics (MAEH), 2017.", + "National Strategy Paper for Agricultural and Rural Training in Togo (SNFAR-TOGO) 2016-2020, 75 p. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Hydraulics (MAEH), 2017. National Investment Programme for Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition (PNIASAN)- Investment Plan 2017-2025. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries / World Food Programme (MAEP/PAM), 2018.", + "Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries/World Food Programme (WFP), 2018. Strategic Review of Zero Hunger in Togo. Final Report, 201 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2001. Togo\u2019s Initial National Communication. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 210 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2009.", + "United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 210 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2009. National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2010. Assessment of damage, losses and post-disaster reconstruction needs from the 2010 floods in Togo.", + "Evaluation of the damage, losses and post-disaster reconstruction needs of the 2010 floods in Togo. Final report, 39 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2015a. Third National Communication on Climate Change. Final report, 160 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2015b.", + "Final Report, 160 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2015b. Nationally Determined Planned Contribution (NDCP) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Final Report, 21 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2017a. Togo\u2019s First Updated Biennial Report on Climate Change.", + "First updated biennial report of Togo on climate change. Final report, Togolese Rep., 176 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2017b. In-depth study on the dynamics of wood-energy use in Togo. Final report, Togolese Rep., 114 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2018a.", + "Togolese, 114 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2018a. National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) 2020-2029. Final version 1, 179 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2018b.", + "Final version 1, 179 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2018b. Technological Action Plan and Project Ideas, 145 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2018c. Strategic Investment Framework for the Management of the Environment and Natural Resources in Togo (CSIGERN 2018\u20132022). Lom\u00e9, Togo. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020a.", + "Lom\u00e9, Togo. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020a. Assessment of the vulnerability of the energy sector to the adverse effects and impacts of climate change in Togo. Draft 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 96 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020b.", + "Draft 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 96 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020b. Evaluation of the vulnerability of the agriculture, forestry and other land use sectors to the adverse effects and impacts of climate change in Togo.", + "Evaluation of the vulnerability of the agriculture, forestry and other land use sectors to the effects and adverse impacts of climate change in Togo. Draft of the 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 117 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020c.", + "Draft of the 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 117 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020c. Economic analysis and climate sensitivity of certain major crops including maize, millet, sorghum, rice, ignamine and cassava in Togo.", + "Economic Analysis and Climate Sensitivity of Selected Major Crops in Togo, including Corn, Millet, sorghum, Rice, Ignamine and Cabbage Project of the 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 98 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020d.", + "Project of the 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 98 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020d. Analysis of current demand and simulation in 2030 in terms of surface water and groundwater withdrawals in Togo\u2019s basins in the face of climate change.", + "Analysis of current demand and simulation in 2030 in terms of surface water and groundwater withdrawals in Togo\u2019s basins in the face of climate change. Draft of the 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 65 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020 e. Joint studies on the technical feasibility of coastal protection of the Togo-Benin border segment.", + "Project of the 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 65 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020 e. Joint studies on the technical feasibility of coastal protection of the Togo-Benin border segment. Project for investment, resilience of coastal zones in West Africa (WACA RESIP \u2013 BENIN), Phase 3- Detailed preliminary draft study of the preferential adaptation option, Report, 97 p. Ministry for the Advancement of Women (MPF), 2011.", + "West African Coastal Resilience Investment Project (WACA RESIP \u2013 BENIN), Phase 3- Detailed Preliminary Draft Study of the Preferential Adjustment Option, Report, 97 p. Ministry for the Advancement of Women (MPF), 2011. Togo National Policy for Gender Equity and Equality, 65 p. Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MSPS), 2017.", + "National Policy for Gender Equality and Equity of Togo, 65 p. Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MSPS), 2017. National Health Development Plan (PNDS) 2017-2022. Final Report, 99 p. Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), 2015a. National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NERAP), 121 p. Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), 2015b.", + "National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NERAP), 121 p. Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), 2015b. National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NAPEE 2015-2030), 64 p. Guidance for gender mainstreaming in Togo\u2019s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process, September 2019 National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan \u2013 NAPA, September Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) 2020-2029, Final Version, December 2020, Plan for the Preparation of the Implementation of the NCDs (PPMO-CDN) 2020-2024 December Togo\u2019s National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NAPCC), 2016 First Updated Biennial Report of Togo, National GHG Inventory Report, First Updated Biennial Report TOGO PRBA, September", + "Annual Report, 70 p. Country Programme Green Climate Fund, April 2018 Fourth National Communication on Climate Change, Second Updated Biennial Report, Report on National Circumstances, December 2019 Togolese Republic, 2017. Togo\u2019s National Climate Change Adaptation Plan. Final Report, 96 p. Togolese Republic, 2019a. Establishment of climate scenarios in Togo.", + "Final Report, 96 p. Republic of Togo, 2019a. Establishment of climate scenarios in Togo. Draft of the 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 77 p. Republic of Togo, 2019b. Report on national circumstances.", + "Draft 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 77 p. Republic of Togo, 2019b. Report on National Circumstances Draft 4th National Communication on Climate Change & 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, 117 p. Communication Strategy of the REDD+ Preparedness Support Project, July Communication Strategy of the REDD+ Preparedness Support Project, July Communication Strategy on Climate Change and the Transition to the Green Economy in Togo, November 2012 National Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Strategy on the Environment in Togo (2011-2015).", + "Capacity Building Programme for Environmental Management, October 2010 National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) 2020-2029, final version, October 2019 Annexes Annex 1: Long-term mitigation measures Sector Measures and priorities Description Energy Creation of the Togolese Agency for Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy by Decree No. 2016-064/PR of May (AT2ER).", + "Promotion of renewable energy and rural electrification August 2018 with 8 implementing texts Promotion of electricity production from renewable energy sources in Togo Roadmap - Continuing the electrification for all policy \u2013 Network extension and deployment of decentralised systems (e.g.", + ", individual solar panels) to achieve 75% electrification, supported by the establishment of the Electricity for All Fund - Increase the capacity for electricity production, transmission and distribution - Development of sustainable and reliable production capacities, in particular in solar and hydroelectric power, and corresponding strengthening of the transmission and distribution network (in synergy with the extension of the Internet network - Increase the share of renewable energies in energy production to 50% by 2025 - Increase the share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles to 3% by 2025 - Extension of the rural road network - Construction of 4000 km of rural roads targeting agricultural areas with high export potential to connect farmers to the market - Construction of the Unit\u00e9 motorway - Acceleration of the RN1 development project linking the productive hinterland to the Lom\u00e9 conurbation", + "Unit \u2013 Acceleration of the RN1 development project linking the productive hinterland to the town of Lom\u00e9 and the port - Togo\u2019s electrification strategy - Increase to the electrification rate by 2030 - i) deploy more than 300 mini-grids by 2030, i.e. an installed capacity of 9 MW; (ii) electrify 555,000 households by Solar Kits by 2030, i.e. up to 85 MW of installed solar generation capacity by 2030; and (iii) expand and densify the grid to reach about 670,000 connections by 2030, i.e. approximately 108 MW of additional capacity Five-year plan 2019 - - Install additional capacity of 88.2 MW by 2023 for hydroelectricity - Install a capacity of 99 MW of solar connect to the grid by 2023 - Install a capacity of 4 MW of solar mini-grid by 2023 - Install a capacity of 11.", + "- Increase the share of wood coal produced with improved technologies by less than 1% in - Increase the share of the population using biogas for cooking in urban areas; to 6% in 2025 and 15% in 2030 in rural areas - Increase the share of the population using briquette to 15% in urban areas and 10% in rural areas in 2030 - Increase the share of the population using LPG to 35% in urban areas and 8% in rural areas by 2030.", + "Strengthening the capacity of customs officers Combating the illicit trade in ODS thus reduces their consumption, thereby reducing GHG emissions. Through this project, 150 customs officers are trained each year.", + "Strengthen the capacity of cold technicians Reduce the consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and avoid their significant release into the atmosphere at the end of the life cycle of equipment containing them, thereby reducing GHG emissions. Through this project, 100 cold technicians are trained each year.", + "Enhance the processing and recycling of fluorinated gases Establish an annual collection system for end-of-life equipment. Once the equipment is collected, it will be conveyed to the industrial unit. Thousands of jobs will be created and several tonnes of F-gas will be recycled per year, thereby reducing GHG emissions.", + "Thousands of jobs will be created and several tonnes of F-gas will be recycled per year, thereby reducing GHG emissions. Promote the import of alternative refrigerant fluids Reduce HFC imports, train customs officers on the identification of HFCs and equipment containing them, raise awareness and train refrigeration technicians on the use of new gases.", + "Promote the importation of alternative refrigerant fluids Reduce HFC imports, train customs officers on the identification of HFCs and equipment containing them, educate and train refrigeration technicians on the use of new gases.", + "Implementation of this project will also strengthen the NOB with adequate personnel and technical equipment, and will reduce HFC imports by 5% per year and by 10% if the country receives support from financial partners.", + "AFAT National Strategy to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Increase forest cover by 30% by 2050 Reduce the direct and indirect factors that increase the country\u2019s vulnerability to forest degradation and address political and technical issues/challenges on land degradation at the national, regional and local levels to effectively address the consequences of these hazards National Reforestation Programme (NRP) Establish new plantations occupying 34,400 ha, a net increase of 0.7% in the area of Togo\u2019s forest cover.", + "Increasing the area of forest cover in Togo could be achieved through the following measures: Climate Change Support Programme (CCSP) Establishment of sustainable forest and land management areas through reforestation and/or sustainable management of 600 ha of state forests (100 ha to be achieved per year) Establishment of 6000 ha of rehabilitated, reforested and sustainably managed community and private forests and land Land Degradation Neutrality Targeting Programme (NDT) Restore by 2030 at least 80% of degraded land (187,920 ha) and limit to 2% (108,802 ha) the degradation of land not yet degraded with a view to strengthening the conservation of terrestrial ecosystems in relation to the reference situation (2010)\".", + "\u2022 increase the area of Togo\u2019s forests by 3% (43,557 ha); reduce to 1/3 (73,260 ha) the area of land showing a negative trend in net productivity Agricultural Policy To implement production intensification programmes combining conventional intensification (reliance on modern inputs) and agro-ecological practices, in conjunction with climate-smart agriculture (AIC); strengthen the prevention or mitigation of the effects of climate change requiring that land be set aside for reforestation National Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutrition Security Programme (PNIASAN): Plan to achieve in 2026 an agricultural gross domestic product growth rate (PIBA) of at least 10%; improve the agricultural trade balance by 25%, double the average income of agricultural households, contribute to the reduction of malnutrition; strengthen the fight against food insecurity and reduce the incidence of", + "The waste sector is guided by the National Policy for Hygiene and Sanitation (PNHAT) This document sets out the roles and responsibilities of state actors, local authorities, non-governmental organisations, the population, technical and financial partners in the implementation of this policy.", + "This policy is accompanied by the National Action Plan for the Water and Sanitation Sector (PANSEA), which aims to improve the level of access to basic and community sanitation services by strengthening and consolidating technical infrastructure or by promoting adequate and accessible infrastructure for all.", + "Universal access to water and sanitation, as advocated by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is therefore taken into account." + ], + "medium": [ + "REVISED CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL (NLD) Interim document i REVISED CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NATIONAL LEVEL (NLD) OF TOGO Interim document ii Summary Acronyms and abbreviations IV List of figures. X List of tables XI Introduction Chapter 1:", + "Summary of the evaluation of the implementation of Togo\u2019s initial NDCs 4 Chapter 2: Governance 6 2.1. Existing institutional framework of the NDCs. 6 2.2. Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the existing institutional framework 6 2.3. Capacity-building for governance 7 Chapter 3: Mitigation. 9 3.1. Contributions to mitigation: baseline and mitigation scenarios 9 3.2.", + "Contributions to mitigation: baseline and mitigation scenarios 9 3.2. Information to improve clarity, transparency and understanding (CTI) of revised nationally determined contributions. 17 Chapter 4: Adaptation. 33 4.1. National context of adaptation to climate change. 33 4.2. Analysis of impacts, risks and vulnerabilities of priority sectors. 4.3. Priorities, objectives and adaptation measures. 40 4.4. Status of implementation of adaptation measures. 47 4.5.", + "Status of implementation of adaptation measures. 47 4.5. Traditional knowledge and gender-sensitive adaptation measures. 54 4.6. Useful information: situation of adaptation in relation to covid 19. 55 Chapter 5: Financing. 57 5.1. Investment needs for mitigation 57 5.2. Investment needs for adaptation 70 5.3. Investment needs for capacity building and technology transfer 76 iii 5.4.", + "Investment needs for capacity-building and technology transfer 76 iii 5.4. Total funding required for the Togolese NDC 81 Chapter 6: Measurement, reporting and verification. 82 6.1. MNV/MRV system. 82 6.2. MNV capacity-building needs 86 6.3. Improvement of the MNV system over time. 87 6.4.", + "Improving the NVM system over time. 87 6.4. Relevant structure for NVM 87 Chapter 7:", + "Relevant Structure for the MNV 87 Chapter 7: Communication Strategy for the Implementation of the NCDs 92 7.1. Diagnostic Analysis of Communication on the NCDs in Togo 92 Bibliography Appendices iv Acronyms and abbreviations ADAPT Adaptation of Agricultural Production to Climate Change AFD Agence fran\u00e7aise de d\u00e9veloppement AGR Revenue-generating Activities AME Multilateral Environmental Agreements ANASAP Agence national d\u2019assainissement et de salubrit\u00e9 publique ANGE Agence nationale de gestion de l\u2019environnement ANPC Agence nationale de la protection civile AP Rainwater Sanitation, Protected Areas APD Official Development Assistance ADB African Development Bank BCEAO Central Bank of the States of West Africa BIE Investment and Equipment Budget BM World Bank BOAD West African Development Bank CC Climate Change CCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification", + "NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NE", + "climate DE Directorate of the Environment NDHQ Directorate of Statistics and National Accounts DRERF Regional Directorate of Environment and Forest Resources DRF Forest Resources Directorate PRSP-C Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper EESS Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment ESD Education for Environment and Sustainable Development EIES Environmental and Social Impact Assessment FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FCPF Forest Carbon Partnership Fund FDR Togo 2025 GEF Global Environment Facility FFOM Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats; FNDF National Forest Development Fund NFE National Environment Fund VCF Green Climate Fund GAFSP Global Agriculture and Food Security Program GDF Sustainable Forest Management GERN Management of the Environment and Natural Resources IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", + "Integrated Water and Fungal Pest Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Water Resource Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Water Resource Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated So", + "Forest resources MPDC Ministry of Development Planning and Cooperation MRV / MNV Measurement, reporting and verification / Measure notification and verification MUH Ministry of Town Planning and Habitat NDT Neutrality in Land Degradation NEPAD New Partnership for Africa\u2019s Development/ ODD Sustainable Development Goals ODEF Office for Development and Forestry OIBT International Tropical Timber Organization MDG Millennium Development Goals ONAEM National Agency for State Action at Sea NGO Non-governmental organization vii OSC Organisation of Civil Society OTR Togolese Revenue Office PADAT Togo Agricultural Development Support Project PALCC Climate Change Support Programme PAFN Togo National Forestry Action Plan PANA National Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change PAN-LCD National Action Plan for Combating Desertification PANSEA National Action Plan for Water and Sanitation PASA Agricultural Sector Support Programme", + "PANSEA National Action Plan for Water and Sanitation PASA Agricultural Sector Support Programme PAUT Togo Urban Development Project PAZOL Lagoon Development Project PDDAA Comprehensive Programme for Agricultural Development in Africa ONLY Lom\u00e9 Urban Environment Project PFNL Non-wood forest products GMP Environmental and Social Management Plan PGFF Refrigerated Fluid Management Plan PGICT Integrated Disaster and Land Management Project GDP Gross Domestic Product SMEs Small and medium-sized enterprises NACC National Climate Change Adaptation Plan NDP National Development Plan NDP National Health Development Plan NSP National Strategic Plan for Sanitation and Public Health of Togo NSP National Action Plan for the Environment NDP National Development Plan NDP National Health Development Plan NSP National Water Policy NSP Togo National Water Partnership NGE National Environmental Management Programme NHAT National Hygiene and Sanitation", + "National Environmental Management Plan PNHAT Togo National Hygiene and Sanitation Policy PNIASA National Agricultural Investment and Food Security Programme viii PNIASAN National Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutrition Security Programme PNIERN National Investment Programme for the Environment and Natural Resources PNPC National Emergency Preparedness Policy PNR National Reforestation Programme UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environment Programme LDCs Least Developed Countries PONAT National Spatial Planning Policy PP Public Policy PPAAO Programme for Agricultural Productivity in West Africa- PRAPT Project to Strengthen the Conservation Role of Togo\u2019s National System of Protected Areas PRCGE Project to Strengthen Environmental Management Capacity PRCNDGE Project to Strengthen Decentralized National Environmental Management Capacity ProDRA Programme for Rural Development including Agriculture ProRED", + "REDD+ and forest rehabilitation in Togo PSSET Strategic energy subsector plan in Togo PTF Technical and financial partner PUDC Emergency programme for community development PURISE Emergency project for the rehabilitation of electrical services and infrastructure QUIBB Unified questionnaire of basic welfare indicators RAPD Report on Official Development Assistance REDD+, Reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation RGPH General population and habitat census RRC Disaster risk reduction CSR Corporate social responsibility RSO Corporate social responsibility S&E Monitoring and evaluation ix SAP Early warning system SCAPE Strategy for accelerated growth and employment promotion SDAL Coastal planning scheme SISL Coastal information and monitoring system SNGF National vegetation fire management strategy SNRRC National natural disaster risk reduction strategy SPANB National biodiversity strategy and action plan SRRC National disaster risk re", + "UA African Union EU European Union UEMOA West African Economic and Monetary Union UGP Project Management Unit UNESCO United Nations education, scientific and cultural organization/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEF United Nations Children\u2019s Fund WACA West Africa coastal areas management program WACAF West African Coastal and Centre Areas WASCAL West African science service center on climate change and adapted land use x List of Figures Figure 1: Forecast and Actual Mitigation Scenarios in 2020 vs. Baseline. 5 Figure 2: Trends in Sectoral GHG Emission Projections vs. Baseline Scenario 10 Figure 3: Trends in Global GHG Emission Reductions vs. Baseline Scenario. 12 Figure 4: Trends in GHG Emission Reductions vs. Baseline Scenario in", + ". 12 Figure 4: Trends in GHG emission reductions relative to the baseline scenario in different sectors. 14 Figure 5: Strategic map of adaptation in Togo. 40 Figure 6: Proportions of adaptation scenario actions by sector in total investment costs of $2.8 billion. 76 Figure 7: Allocation of costs of technology transfer needs by sector 79 Figure 8: Structure of the national NVM system. 89 xi List of tables Table 1: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the existing institutional framework 7 Table 2: Mitigation ambition compared to current NDCs 15 Table 3: Information needed for clarity, transparency and understanding (ICTC) 18 Priority adaptation measures by sector 42 Togo adaptation efforts. 48 Table 6: Impacts of Covid 19 and priority responses to adaptation in Togo", + "In Togo 55 Table 7: Investment costs of the revised CDN shares of the electricity generation sub-sector. 58 Table 8: Total investment costs of the transport sub-sector. 60 Table 9: Investment needs of the CDN shares of the residential sub-sector 61 Table 10: Investment needs of the CDN shares of the agriculture sub-sector 62 Table 11: Investment needs of the CDN shares of the forestry and other land use sub-sector 64 Table 12: Investment needs of the CDN shares of the IPPC sector. 66 Table 13: Investment needs of the CDN shares of the waste sector. 68 Table 14: Associated investment costs following the mitigation scenarios.", + "69 Table 15: Investment costs for all mitigation measures (millions USD) 70 Table 16: Sectoral adaptation measures with cost estimates. 71 Table 17: Technology transfer costs 78 Table 18: Priority technical resource needs and institutional, individual and systemic capacity-building 80 Table 19: Mitigation and adaptation financing needed for the revised NCD. 81 Table 20: Strengths and weaknesses of the existing NCD system. 84 Table 21: Assistance received by Togo in the area of NCD 90 Table 22: FFOM matrix for the analysis of communication on the implementation of the NCD 92 Table 23: Development of strategic guidelines and formulation of objectives. 95 xii Table 24: Performance framework for interventions. 96 Table 25: Budgeted multi-year plan 98 Introduction At the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris,", + "Table 25: Budgeted multi-year plan 98 Introduction At the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris on 12 December 2015, the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reached an historic agreement to combat climate change.", + "The Paris Agreement (PA) entered into force in November 2016, following the universal adoption of the Agreement by the Parties. Through this agreement, all stakeholders made voluntary commitments for the transition to a future resilient to climate change and low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.", + "Through this agreement, all stakeholders have made voluntary commitments for the transition to a climate-resilient and low-emission future for greenhouse gases (GHGs). Parties are required to undertake and communicate their efforts to contribute to the achievement of these objectives in the form of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) communicated to the UNFCCC (Article 3).", + "Parties are required to undertake and communicate their efforts to contribute to the achievement of these objectives in the form of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) communicated to the UNFCCC (Article 3).", + "The NDCs are therefore the cornerstone of the Paris Agreement, which calls on signatory countries to review their commitments every five years with a view to raising both mitigation and adaptation ambitions in order to keep global warming below 2\u00b0C or even 1.5\u00b0C. As a prelude to the Paris Agreement, Togo prepared and submitted its Nationally Determined Planned Contributions (NPDCs) in 2015, which were confirmed as its NDCs after the adoption of the Paris Agreement.", + "As a prelude to the Paris Agreement, Togo prepared and submitted its Nationally Determined Planned Contributions (NDCPs) in 2015, which were confirmed as its NDCs after the adoption of the Paris Agreement. Togo, with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the Climate Promise Initiative and the NDC Support Programme, is committed to revising its NDCs in 2020.", + "Togo, with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the \"Climate Promise\" initiative and the NDC Support Programme, is committed to revising its NDCs in 2020. Togo\u2019s objective in revising its NDCs is to comply with the commitments made under the Paris Agreement and to ensure their alignment with its development priorities (National Development Plan-UNDP and Government Roadmap 2025) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).", + "Togo aims, through the revision of its NDCs, to comply with the commitments made under the Paris Agreement and to ensure their alignment with its development priorities (National Development Plan-UNDP and Government Roadmap 2025) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The revision of Togo\u2019s NDCs covers, inter alia, updating data and information with regard to new programmatic and policy developments, taking into account the infrastructure sector, better integration of the water resources sector and the integration of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and short-lived air and climate pollutants into the gases whose emissions are to be reduced.", + "The revision of Togo's NCDs covers, inter alia, updating data and information with regard to new programmatic and policy developments, taking into account the infrastructure sector, better integration of the water resources sector and the integration of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and short-lived air and climate pollutants into the gases whose emissions are to be reduced, thus updating the country's commitment targets by integrating new projects on the basis of new incentives in the field of transport and renewable energy to raise the level of ambition.", + "This has enabled the country's commitment targets to be updated by integrating new projects on the basis of new incentives in the field of transport and renewable energy to raise the level of ambition. Togo's revised NCDs describe the strengthened actions and the necessary enabling environment during the period 2015-2020 that have laid the foundations for more ambitious targets beyond 2020, contributing to the concerted effort to prevent a rise of 2\u00b0C in the global average temperature and to continue efforts to limit the temperature to 1.5\u00b0C above pre-industrial levels.", + "Togo's revised NCDs describe the enhanced actions and the necessary enabling environment over the period 2015-2020 that have laid the foundation for more ambitious goals beyond 2020, contributing to the concerted effort to prevent a 2\u00b0C increase in global average temperature and to continue efforts to limit temperature to 1.5\u00b0C above pre-industrial levels. In 2030, Togo envisages increasing climate resilience through comprehensive mitigation and adaptation and disaster risk reduction strategies.", + "In 2030, Togo envisages increasing climate resilience through comprehensive mitigation and adaptation strategies and disaster risk reduction. Togo has set ambitious sustainability goals related to the production and consumption of food, water and energy. These goals will be achieved by supporting empowerment and capacity-building, improving the provision of basic social services, technological innovation and the sustainable management of natural resources, in accordance with the principles of good governance.", + "These objectives will be achieved by supporting empowerment and capacity-building, improving the provision of basic social services, technological innovation and the sustainable management of natural resources, in accordance with the principles of good governance. Beyond the 2030 NDC target, Togo has committed itself to moving towards a long-term low-carbon development and climate resilience strategy through its National Development Plan (NDP 2018-2022) and the Government Roadmap 2025.", + "Beyond the 2030 NCD target, Togo is committed to moving towards a long-term low-carbon and climate resilient development strategy through its National Development Plan (NDP 2018-2022) and the Government\u2019s 2025 Roadmap. To this end, Togo has a plan for the preparation and implementation of its NCDs covering the period 2020-2024.", + "To this end, the country has developed a plan for the preparation and implementation of its NCDs covering the period 2020-2024. This nine-program plan aims to accelerate transformational changes towards low-carbon and climate-resilient development.", + "This nine-program plan is designed to accelerate transformational change towards low-carbon and climate resilient development. This revised NCD document consists of seven chapters, dealing respectively with the national context, governance, mitigation, adaptation, financial, technological and assistance needs, the national measurement, reporting and verification (NVM) system, and the communications strategy on NCD implementation. Chapter 1:", + "This revised NCD document consists of seven chapters dealing respectively with the national context, governance, mitigation, adaptation, financial, technological and assistance needs, the national measurement, reporting and verification (MNV) system, and the communication strategy on the implementation of the NCDs.", + "GENERAL PRESENTATION Togo is located in the intertropical zone. It enjoys a four-season Guinean tropical climate in the southern part and a two-season Sudanese tropical climate in the northern part. The Maritime and Savannah regions receive less than 1000 millimetres of water per year. Seasonal irregularities have been observed in recent decades. The Atakora Mountains and the Togo Mountains encircle Togolese territory from northeast to southwest.", + "The Atakora Mountains and the Togo Mountains encircle the territory of Togo from the northeast to the southwest. Mount Agou is the highest peak in the country, with a peak at over 900 m in the southwest. The peninsula extends on either side of this chain. In Togo, four major soil classes are encountered: crude and undeveloped mineral soils; tropical ferruginous soils; ferral soils and vertisols; and hydromorphic soils.", + "With a forest cover of 24.24%, Togo\u2019s biological resources are numerous and diverse. Plant formations consist of semi-deciduous dense forests, Guinean savannas, Sudanese savannas interspersed with dry forests or clear forests depending on the location, galleries and ripicoles forests, etc. In Togo, there are 3491 terrestrial species and 261 identified aquatic species.", + "Plant formations consist of semi-deciduous dense forests, Guinean savannahs, Sudanese savannahs interspersed with dry forests or clear forests depending on the location, galleries and ripicoles forests, etc. In Togo, there are 3491 terrestrial species and 261 identified aquatic species. The fauna, estimated at 3469 species, is composed of terrestrial species, avifauna and aquatic fauna. Togo is divided into five main phytogeographical areas. They are called ecological zones.", + "Togo is divided into five major phytogeographical areas, which are referred to as ecological zones. Water resources in Togo are quite abundant, consisting of surface waters that are drained by the three main watersheds (Oti, 47.3%, Mono, 37.5%, Lake Togo, 16%) and renewable groundwaters contained in the two aquifers of the basement and the coastal sedimentary aquifer.", + "The total volume of renewable water resources is estimated at about 19 billion cubic metres per year, or about 27% of the rainfall (of the order of 70 billion cubic metres per year).", + "The total volume of renewable water resources is estimated at about 19 billion cubic metres per year, or about 27% of the rainfall (of the order of 70 billion cubic metres per year). Togo has a coastal area of 50 km which stretches from Lom\u00e9 to An\u00e9ho and is of major economic importance for the country, as a variety of activities such as fishing, industry, handicrafts, tourism, etc. are carried out in this area.", + "In fact, a variety of activities such as fishing, industry, handicrafts, tourism, etc. are carried out in this area. Opening onto the Gulf of Guinea, the equilibrium of the physical framework of the coastline is characterised by the interrelationships that exist between the different elements of this fragile environment, the weight of population growth, the existing developments that are expanding each year. It is exposed to coastal risks: erosion, flooding and pollution.", + "It is exposed to coastal risks: erosion, flooding and pollution. The General Population and Habitat Census of November 2010 puts the resident population of Togo at 6 191 155 inhabitants with an average annual growth rate of 2.3%. As of January 1, 2019, this population was projected to be 7 538 000 hbts. It will be 7 723 000 hbts as of January 1, 2020. The average density is 109 habts/km2 in 2010.", + "In Togo, 53.5% (2017) of the population lives below the poverty line. The poverty rate decreased by 1.6 percentage points between 2015 and 2017.", + "The poverty rate decreased by 1.6 percentage points between 2015 and 2017.In 2018-2019, a new estimate of the poverty line was made in order to more accurately assess the proportion of households living below the poverty line.The incidence of poverty calculated on this new basis is 45.5% at national level.", + "Togo\u2019s Human Development Index (HDI) rose from 0.426 in 2000 to 0.484 in 2014 and then to 0.484 in 2015, placing it 162nd out of 188 countries with comparable data.", + "Togo\u2019s Human Development Index (HDI) rose from 0.426 in 2000 to 0.484 in 2014 and then to 0.484 in 2015, placing it 162nd out of 188 countries with comparable data. Placing the emergence at the heart of its ambition, Togo has made remarkable progress over the past 10 years and has set itself high targets for economic growth and social and human development for the years to come.", + "Putting emergence at the heart of its ambition, Togo has made remarkable progress over the past 10 years and has set itself high goals for economic growth and social and human development for the years to come. The global pandemic caused by Covid-19 is an unprecedented shock that will have important repercussions for Africa and particularly for Togo. However, Togo wishes to give new impetus to its economy and society in the form of a concrete strategic plan.", + "However, Togo wishes to give a new impetus to its economy and society in the form of a concrete strategic plan, and the Government has therefore defined a roadmap launched in October 2020 for the 2025 hurricane season.", + "As a result, the Government has defined a roadmap, launched in October 2020 for the 2025 timeframe, to adjust the integrated national vision by having an overall understanding of the Togolese context, including the Covid-19 context, to update the portfolio of Togo\u2019s projects and reforms defined in its National Development Plan (NDP) taking into account the new vision and their progress, and to guide the implementation of the new vision at the level of each sectoral ministry.", + "The objective of this roadmap is to adjust the integrated national vision by having an overall understanding of the Togo context, including the Covid-19 context, to update the portfolio of Togo\u2019s projects and reforms as defined in its National Development Plan (NDP) taking into account the new vision and their progress, and to guide the implementation of this new vision at the level of each sectoral ministry.", + "The government\u2019s roadmap aims at \"a peaceful Togo, a modern nation with inclusive and sustainable economic growth.\" This vision is structured around three interrelated strategic axes: (i) strengthening social inclusion and harmony and consolidating peace; (ii) boosting job creation by building on the strengths of the economy; and (iii) modernizing the country and strengthening its structures.", + "Togo places particular emphasis on climate change issues at the level of ambition 10, which places sustainable development and the anticipation of future crises at the heart of the country\u2019s priorities. 1.2.", + "Togo places particular emphasis on climate change issues at the level of ambition 10, which places sustainable development and anticipating future crises at the heart of the country\u2019s priorities. 1.2. SUMMARY OF THE EVALUATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TOGO\u2019S INITIAL NCDs Following the adoption of the Paris Agreement, creating synergies between climate action and development implementation has become a key issue for the effectiveness of public policies in Togo.", + "SUMMARY OF THE EVALUATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TOGO INITIATIVE NCDs Following the adoption of the Paris Agreement, creating synergies between climate action and development implementation has become a key issue for the effectiveness of public policies in Togo. Two levels of reduction have been proposed: an unconditional reduction of 11.14% and a conditional reduction of 20% with no clarification on conditionalities for an estimated total funding requirement of US$3.54 billion (Adaptation = 1.54; Mitigation = 1.10; Technology Transfer = 0.5; Capacity Building = 0.4).", + "Two levels of reduction have been proposed: an unconditional reduction of 11.14 per cent and a conditional reduction of 20 per cent with no clarification of the conditionalities for an estimated total funding requirement of US$3.54 billion (Adaptation = 1.54; Mitigation = 1.10; Technology Transfer = 0.5; Capacity Building = 0.4).", + "All the mitigation and acquisition projects implemented with mitigation co-benefits have resulted in Togo achieving 7,990 Gg CO2-eq of emission reductions in 2020 instead of the originally planned 5,075 Gg CO2-eq reduction, i.e. a reduction of 27.57% by 2020 instead of 17.51% from the baseline as shown in Figure 1. The additional reduction is therefore 10.06%.", + "Overall, Togo has been politically proactive in the field of climate change for more than 20 years and has committed itself to combating its adverse effects affecting the population and many sectors of economic activity through a range of actions, both multilateral and national. Chapter 2: Governance 2.1.", + "Overall, Togo has been politically proactive in the field of climate change for more than 20 years and has committed itself to combating its adverse effects affecting the population and many sectors of economic activity through a series of actions, both within the framework of multilateral actions and national initiatives.", + "In 2015, through Interministerial Decree No.002/MERF/MMEFPD, a Coordinating Committee for the Development of Nationally Determined Planned Contributions (CPDN) was set up, which was replaced in 2018 by the National Coordinating Authority for the Development of National Communications (CN), Updated Biennial Reports (RBA) on Climate Change and NCDs, set up by Decree No.0095/MERF/SG/DE of 13 July 2018.", + "This CPDN Committee was replaced in 2018 by the National Coordinating Authority for the Development of National Communications (NC), Updated Biennial Reports (RBA) on Climate Change and NCDs, established by Decree No. 0095 / MERF/SG/DE of 13 July 2018. This authority, through the NCD Subcommittee, is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the NCDs.", + "This authority, through the UNFCCC Sub-Committee, is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the UNFCCC, which is composed of representatives of public institutions, the private sector and civil society organizations concerned with the issue of climate change.", + "This CDN subcommittee is composed of representatives of public institutions, the private sector, civil society organisations concerned with the issue of climate change: the Presidency of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry for Finance, the Ministry for Planning, the Ministry for Agriculture, the Ministry for Energy, the Ministry for the Advancement of Women and Youth and other ministries, civil society organisations, and employers. 2.2.", + "2.2. ANALYSIS OF THE FORCES, CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS OF THE EXISTING INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK The existing institutional framework of the NDCs suffers from certain shortcomings (Table 1).", + "ANALYSIS OF THE STRENGTHS, OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS OF THE EXISTING INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK The existing institutional framework of the NDCs suffers from certain shortcomings (Table 1). Table 1: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the existing institutional framework Strengths Weaknesses \u27a2 Existence of the National Coordinating Authority for the Development Process, CN, ABNDS on Climate Change and the NDCs \u27a2 Existence of several committees of other bodies (DLCC, Technical Committee for the Coordination of the Process of Integrating Adaptation to Climate Change,...) on which the NDC can rely \u27a2 Establishment of a national MNV committee \u27a2 Establishment of a sub-committee of the NDCs \u27a2 Non-operationality", + "CN, RBA on climate change and NDCs \u27a2 Limited technical expertise in all key topics related to priority sectors covered by mitigation studies \u27a2 Low level of collaboration between institutions responsible for implementing government policies and institutions responsible for studies \u27a2 Non-allocation of financial resources for the functioning of the NDC Implementation Committee \u27a2 Low knowledge of the terms of reference of the various stakeholders \u27a2 Non-involvement of local authorities in the NDC Committee Opportunities Threats \u27a2 Existence of the CBIT initiative (under implementation) \u27a2 Availability of technical and financial partners to support climate governance \u27a2 Lack of coordination and coherence between the various thematic bodies, operational entities, implementing agencies and other organisations outside the Convention \u27a2 Low involvement of private sector actors, women\u2019s groups, parliamentarians and civil society 2.3", + "CAPACITY-BUILDING FOR GOVERNANCE In response to the constraints and gaps identified for the existing institutional framework, the following actions are proposed to ensure effective governance and coordination of the NCD implementation process.", + "This will involve: \u2713 establishing a framework for dialogue and communication between the various thematic bodies, operational entities, implementing agencies, civil society and private sector organisations and other organisations outside the Convention; \u2713 strengthening the technical capacities of stakeholders in all key thematic areas related to the priority sectors concerned by the mitigation studies; \u2713 mobilising the necessary financial resources to make the NCD Implementation Committee operational; \u2713 making the various existing committees related to climate change operational; \u2713 developing an institutional capacity-building programme for the effective implementation of the NCDs; \u2713 strengthening the technical and operational capacities of the various stakeholders of the NCD Committee; \u2713 strengthening collaboration between the institutions responsible for the implementation of the NCDs; \u2713 strengthening cooperation between the institutions responsible for the implementation of the NCDs.", + "\u2713 strengthen collaboration between the institutions responsible for implementing government policies and the institutions responsible for studies; \u2713 define the terms of reference of the various stakeholders of the CDN Committee.", + "Mitigation To contribute to the effective fight against the adverse effects of climate change, efforts are being made by the Togolese government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 3.1. CONTRIBUTIONS TO ATTENUATION: REFERENCE AND ATTENUATION SCENARIOS 3.1.1. Reference Scenario The data used are those from the thematic and sectoral studies of 4th CN and 2nd RBA.", + "The sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the revised nationally determined contributions are: sectors: energy; industrial processes and product use (IPU); agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFAT); gas waste: CO2, CH4, N20, Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in accordance with the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.", + "The sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the revised nationally determined contributions are: sectors: energy; industrial processes and product use (IPU); agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFAT); gaseous waste: CO2, CH4, N20, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in accordance with the Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol. short-lived air pollutants (SLCPs): black carbon (CB), PM 2.5 and PM 10, nitrous oxides, volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide.", + "For each sector, GHG emissions are projected over the period 2010-2030 and are presented as follows (Figure 2): \u27a2 Energy sector: emissions range from 3725.16 Gg CO2-eq to 13169.18 Gg CO2-eq between 2010 and 2030, an increase of 254%; \u27a2 IPPC sector: emissions are projected to increase from 551.19 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 3 203.54 Gg CO2-eq in 2030, an increase of approximately 481% in the sector; \u27a2 AFAT sector: emissions range from 12 190.89 Gg CO2-eq to 13 464.37 Gg CO2-eq between 2010 and 2030, an increase of 10.45%; \u27a2 Waste sector: emissions from the sector as a whole range from 551.19 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 3 203", + "\u27a2 Waste sector: emissions from the sector as a whole range from 335.7 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 573.3 Gg CO2-eq in 2030, an increase of 70.8%.", + "Overall, GHG emissions will increase from 16,802.92 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 30,410.42 Gg CO2-eq in 2030, an increase of 80.98%. Figure 2: Trends in GHG emission projections for different sectors under baseline scenario 3.1.2. Mitigation Scenario GHG emission reduction potentials are estimated by sector and then aggregated at the national level.", + "Mitigation Scenario GHG emission reduction potentials are estimated by sector and then aggregated at the national level. In general, the information provided is based on Togo\u2019s new programmatic developments, including the National Development Plan (NDP 2018-2022) and the Government Roadmap 2025. This information is also based on sectoral measures and priorities as presented in Annex 1.", + "This information is also based on sectoral measures and priorities as presented in Annex 1. Overall quantified commitments Mitigation measures are guided by a long-term aspiration for low-carbon development that supports the implementation of the Government\u2019s 2025 Roadmap, its NDP (2018-2022), its food self-sufficiency policy and its poverty reduction strategy to become an emerging state by 2050.", + "Overall quantified commitments Mitigation measures are guided by a long-term aspiration for low-carbon development that supports the implementation of the government\u2019s 2025 roadmap, its NDP (2018-2022), its food self-sufficiency policy and its poverty reduction strategy to become an emerging state by 2050. The implementation of the plans, strategies, programs and other planning documents used in this study is based on the various resources (own funds, domestic and international loans) that the government mobilizes for the country\u2019s development.", + "The implementation of the plans, strategies, programmes and other planning documents used in this study is based on the various resources (ownership funds, national and international loans) that the Government mobilizes for the development of the country. Furthermore, in order to ensure sustainable, low-carbon development, Togo has embarked on an ambitious programme to combat climate change, the activities of which require the sustained support of its technical and financial partners (capacity building, transfer and diffusion of technology, and financial resources).", + "Furthermore, in order to ensure low-carbon sustainable development, Togo is committed to an ambitious climate change programme, the activities of which require sustained support from its technical and financial partners (capacity building, technology transfer and diffusion, and financial resources). \u2756 Unconditional contribution The results of the analysis of sectoral reductions indicate that Togo can commit itself to an unconditional contribution to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20.51% by 2030, i.e. 6 236.02 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 13; Table 11).", + "\u2756 Unconditional contribution The results of the analysis of sectoral reductions indicate that Togo can commit itself to an unconditional contribution to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20.51% by 2030, i.e. 6 236.02 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 13; Table 11). \u2756 Conditional contribution In the proposed approach for the mitigation scenario, the Togolese State undertakes, if it receives the required support, to achieve an additional reduction of 30.06% in GHG emissions from the reference scenario by 2030, i.e. 9 305.59 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 3), without jeopardising its food self-sufficiency policy by proceeding in such a way as not to jeopardise its sustainable development.", + "\u2756 Conditional contribution In the proposed approach for the mitigation scenario, the Togolese State undertakes, if supported, to achieve an additional reduction of 30.06% in GHG emissions from the baseline scenario by 2030, i.e. 9 305.59 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 3), without jeopardising its food self-sufficiency policy by proceeding in a manner that does not jeopardise its sustainable development Figure 3: Trends in overall GHG emission reductions from the baseline scenario \u2756 Overall contribution Overall, Togo\u2019s contribution amounts to 50.57%, i.e. 15 378.55 Gg CO2-eq by 2030, broken down as follows: \u2713 Unconditional target: 20.51%; \u2713 Conditional target: 30.06%.", + "Figure 3: Trends in overall GHG emission reductions compared to the baseline scenario \u2756 Overall contribution Overall, Togo\u2019s contribution is 50.57%, or 15,378.55 Gg CO2-eq by 2030, broken down as follows: \u2713 Unconditional target: 20.51%; \u2713 Conditional target: 30.06%. These new commitments represent an increase over the initial NDCs and correspond to the highest possible level of ambition, taking into account national circumstances in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement.", + "These new commitments represent an increase over the initial NCDs and correspond to the highest possible level of ambition, taking into account national circumstances in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement. Commitments by sector Figure 2 shows the level of mitigation in each sector:", + "Commitments by Sector Figure 2 presents the level of mitigation in each sector: Energy Sector: the analysis of the mitigation scenario shows a reduction of 16.89% (2 224.87 Gg CO2-eq) by 2030 per contribution to the baseline scenario. Reduction trends in this sector are presented in Figure 4a; POPs Sector: given that the cement production subsector does not generate any potential reductions, the emission reductions in the POPs sector are summarized as those of the hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) subsector and correspond to 0.8% by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (Figure 4b); AFAT Sector: the estimated value of the mitigation scenario at the baseline scenario (Figure 4c) is 28.40% (3 824.20 Gg CO2-eq); Waste Sector: the estimated value", + "824.20 Gg CO2-eq); Waste sector: the estimated value of the mitigation scenario at the baseline scenario horizon, i.e. a 28.10% reduction (Figure 4d).", + "Figure 4: Trends in GHG emission reductions relative to the baseline scenario in the different sectors Strengthening the ambition The revision of Togo\u2019s NDCs was carried out in consultation with stakeholders and is aligned with the development objectives contained in the NDP and the Government Roadmap 2025, on the one hand, and the objectives of the Paris Agreement, on the other.", + "Strengthening ambition The revision of Togo\u2019s NDCs has been carried out in consultation with stakeholders and is aligned with the development objectives contained in the NDP and the Government Roadmap 2025, on the one hand, and the objectives of the Paris Agreement, on the other. As a Party to the Paris Agreement, Togo is committed to setting ambitious targets necessary to bring about change and remains fully committed to the Paris Agreement and all the responsibilities and actions set out therein.", + "As a Party to the Paris Agreement, Togo is committed to setting ambitious targets necessary to effect change and remains fully supportive of the Paris Agreement and all the responsibilities and actions set out therein. In submitting this NCD, Togo, as a low-carbon country, supports the call for all Parties to submit their NCDs to ensure that their NCDs are in line with their contributions to global emissions and their respective responsibilities under the Convention and to take measures to limit the increase in global temperature to 1.5\u00b0C, well below pre-industrial levels.", + "By submitting this NCD, Togo, a low-carbon country, supports the call for all Parties to submit their NCDs, to ensure that their NCDs are in line with their contributions to global emissions and their respective responsibilities under the Convention, and to take measures that will limit the increase in global temperature to 1.5\u00b0C, well below pre-industrial levels. Togo's new contributions are fair and ambitious, taking into account national circumstances, such as MDGs and poverty eradication, demography, geography, climate, dependence on external stimuli.", + "Togo's new contributions are fair and ambitious, taking into account national circumstances, such as MDGs and poverty eradication, demography, geography, climate, dependence on external stimuli, and go well beyond the commitments presented in Togo's initial NCD submission, i.e. in terms of scope, sectoral ambition, coherence between adaptation and mitigation, horizontal themes, including gender, and in particular transparency.", + "They go well beyond the commitments presented in Togo\u2019s initial NCD submission, i.e. in terms of scope, sectoral ambition, coherence between adaptation and mitigation, horizontal themes, including gender, and in particular transparency. Details of the enhanced ambition are shown in Table 2. The COVID 19 pandemic represents a time of profound upheaval, causing an economic slowdown due to declining socio-economic activities, and exacerbating the country\u2019s economic vulnerability to climate change.", + "The COVID 19 pandemic represents a time of profound upheaval, causing an economic slowdown due to declining socio-economic activities, and aggravating the country\u2019s economic vulnerability to climate change. However, Togo continues to prioritize taking appropriate measures to adapt and combat the adverse effects of climate change.", + "Table 2: Mitigation ambition compared to current NDCs Enhancement Components Revised NDCs (2021) Initial NDCs (2015) Strengthening the GHG Target Type of end-of-year target ( 2030 vs. 2010 emission levels): In 2030, emission reductions broken down by sector are as follows: Energy sector: 16.9%.", + "Table 2: Mitigation Aim vs. Current NDCs Enhancement Components Revised NDCs (2021) Initial NDCs (2015) Strengthened GHG Target Type of Year-end Target ( 2030 vs. 2010 Emission Levels): In 2030, emission reductions by sector are as follows: Energy Sector: 16.9% Industrial Processes and Product Uses (IPPUs): 0.8% Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (LULUCF): 28.40%", + "\u2022 Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land-Use Change (LUCF): 28.40% Difference from SAM target type (reference) in Reduction of emissions by 11.13% in 2030 from SAM Improvement Components Revised NCDs (2021) Initial NCDs (2015) Waste Sector: 28.10%", + "Improvement Components Revised NCDs (2021) Initial NCDs (2015) Waste Sector: 28.10% Total Unconditional Target: 20.51% Geographic Coverage National Level National Level Sectoral Coverage Energy PIUP AFAT Waste Energy AFAT GHG Coverage Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in accordance with the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.", + "\u2022 Total Unconditional Target: 20.51% Geographic Coverage National Level National Level Sectoral Coverage Energy PIUP AFAT Waste Energy AFAT GHG Coverage Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in accordance with the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol Strengthening or Addition of Policies and Actions Mitigation Policies and Actions (MAPs) in the following sectors: Energy (including: energy supply, residential and unspecified, industry, transport) Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFAT) Waste Additional MAPs (facilitators of mitigation actions) Mitigation MAPs (in a higher ambition scenario) in the following sectors: Energy Emissions from fossil fuel combustion Strengthening or Addition of a Non-GHG Sectoral Target The revised NCDs are consistent with the following", + "GHG The revised NCDs are consistent with the following non-GHG sectoral targets for 2030: Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Transportation Final Energy Consumption Energy Efficiency (EE) Final Energy Consumption Savings vs. Base Case Primary Energy Consumption Savings vs. Base Case Short-lived Air Pollutants (SLCPs): o Black Carbon (CB) o PM2.5 and PM10, nitrous oxides, volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide.", + "Alignment of Implementation of the Existing NCD with Long-Term Goals In addition, the revised NCDs address the regional aspect that significantly contributes to the priority actions identified in the energy sector in the NDP. GHG mitigation has integrated the mitigation of short-lived climate pollutants in accordance with the National Plan for the Reduction of Air Pollutants and Short-lived Climate Pollutants.", + "GHG mitigation has integrated mitigation of short-lived climate pollutants in accordance with the National Plan for the Reduction of Air Pollutants and Short-lived Climate Pollutants and, as a result, the implementation of Togo's revised NCDs is expected to yield substantial benefits in reducing short-lived climate pollutants and air pollutants, improving air quality and public health.", + "Consequently, the implementation of Togo's revised CFCs is expected to yield substantial benefits in reducing short-lived climate and air pollutants, improving air quality and public health. Full implementation of the updated CFCs is expected to reduce emissions of: \u2713 black carbon by 80%, \u2713 methane by 32%, \u2713 particulate matter by 58% and \u2713 nitrogen oxide by 51% by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario.", + "Full implementation of the updated NCD is expected to reduce by 2030: \u2713 black carbon emissions by 80%, \u2713 methane emissions by 32%, \u2713 particulate matter emissions by 58% and \u2713 nitrogen oxide emissions by 51%, and HFC emissions would be reduced by 9% in 2030 compared to a baseline scenario with a strong reduction starting in 2029 in line with the phase-out schedule for HFCs in the Kigali Amendment.", + "In addition, HFC emissions would be reduced by 9% in 2030 compared to a baseline scenario with a strong reduction starting in 2029 in line with the phase-out schedule for HFCs in the Kigali Amendment. The main actions to achieve the LULUCF mitigation target while improving air quality and benefiting human health are: \u2713 increasing the number of households that cook using improved efficiency biomass stoves and cleaner fuels such as LPG or electricity.", + "The main actions to achieve the objective of reducing SCCPs while improving air quality and benefiting human health are: \u2713 increasing the number of households that cook using improved efficiency biomass stoves and cleaner fuels such as LPG or electricity \u2713 increasing the efficiency of wood burning stoves \u2713 renewing the fleet to increase efficiency and compliance with stricter vehicle emission standards \u2713 promoting the use of electric vehicles \u2713 increasing the efficiency of livestock production to minimise emissions from enteric fermentation and manure \u2713 adopting alternative mowing and drying practices for rice production to reduce methane emissions \u2713 promoting best landfill management practices", + "rice production to reduce methane emissions; \u2713 promote best landfill management practices for municipal solid waste, including methane capture; \u2713 increase municipal solid waste collection and reduce open burning of municipal solid waste. 3.2.", + "INFORMATION TO IMPROVE CLARITY, TRANSPARENCY AND UNDERSTANDING (ICTC) OF CONTRIBUTIONS DETERMINED AT THE REVISED NATIONAL LEVEL Table 3 below presents the information required for clarity, transparency and understanding as recommended by Annex I to Decision 4/CMA1.", + "Table 3: Information Required for Clarity, Transparency and Understanding (ICTC) Information Required for Clarity, Transparency and Understanding (ICTC) Para Guidelines of the Decision Guidelines of the ICTC applicable to the revised Togo CND Quantifiable information on the baseline (including, where appropriate, a baseline year): (a) Baseline year(s), baseline year(s), baseline period(s) or other baseline point(s) Baseline year: 2018 (which is the baseline year of the 4th National Communication and the 2nd Updated Biennial Report) (b) Quantifiable information on the baseline indicators, their values in the baseline year(s), baseline year(s), baseline period(s) or other baseline point(s) and, where appropriate, in the target year", + "base, reference period(s) or other starting point(s) and, where applicable, in the target year Reference indicator: the national greenhouse gas inventory (GHG inventory) for the reference year 2018 contained in the NIR and updated.", + "Disaggregated emissions in 2030 are as follows: Energy Sector: 13,169.18Gg CO2-eq Industrial Processes and Product Uses (IPUs): 3,203.54Gg CO2-eq Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (LULUCF): 13,464.37Gg CO2-eq Waste Sector: 573.33Gg CO2-eq", + "(c) For the strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or policies and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1 (b) above is not applicable, Parties shall provide other relevant information NA (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, e.g. in percentage or amount of reduction A detailed assessment of the GHG mitigation options identified for Togo estimates a total emission reduction potential of approximately 15,378.55 Gg CO2-eq in 2030 compared to the baseline emissions for the same year estimated at 30,410.42 Gg CO2-eq.", + "This reduction is divided into an unconditional contribution and a conditional contribution. Unconditional contribution: A reduction of 20.51% from the reference in 2030; equivalent to an estimated level of mitigation of 6,236.02 Gg CO2-eq. This is an unconditional objective, based on sustained mitigation measures and policies implemented at national level.", + "This is an unconditional target, based on sustained mitigation measures and policies implemented at the national level. In 2030, the emission reductions of the unconditional target broken down by sector from the baseline scenario are as follows: \u2713 Energy Sector: 16.9% \u2713 Industrial Processes and Product Uses (IPUs): 0.8% \u2713 Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (AFLUs): 28.40% \u2713 Waste Sector: 28.10%.", + "\u2713 Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (LULUCF): 28.40% \u2713 Waste Sector: 28.10% Conditional Contribution: an additional reduction of 30.06% from the baseline in 2030; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 9 305.59 Gg CO2-eq.", + "This represents an additional targeted contribution, based on the provision of international support and funding. e) Information on the data sources used to quantify the reference point(s) The data sources used to quantify the reference points are the analysis of the time series of the Fourth National Communication (4CN) and the Second Updated Biennial Report as well as information from consultations with the various ministries concerned and stakeholder consultations.", + "This represents an additional targeted contribution, based on the provision of international support and funding. e) Information on the data sources used to quantify the reference point(s) The data sources used to quantify the reference points are the analysis of the time series of the Fourth National Communication (4CN) and the Second Updated Biennial Report, as well as information from consultations with the various ministries concerned and consultations with stakeholders.", + "In addition, information contained in departmental strategies and estimates from international organizations were used to quantify the baselines. The baseline and mitigation scenarios were developed for all sectors using LEAP software. For forestry and other land uses, the 2006 IPCC worksheets were used and the results imported into LEAP.", + "For forestry and other land uses, the 2006 IPCC worksheets were used and the results imported into LEAP. f) Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the baseline indicator values In the following circumstances, Togo may update or amend the baseline indicator values: In the next greenhouse gas inventory, Togo may update the baseline indicators for existing sectors and/or provide new values for sectors that were not previously covered.", + "In the next greenhouse gas inventory, Togo may update the baseline indicators for existing sectors and/or provide new values for sectors that were not previously covered. The GHG emission level for the baseline scenario, unconditional and conditional targets in 2030 may be updated and recalculated based on methodological changes in the GHG inventory, such as recalculating the GHG inventory with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines or changes in the global warming potential (GWP) in the IPCC Assessment Reports, or the adoption of refined carbon tetrachloride.", + "changes in the global warming potential (GWP) into IPCC Assessment Reports, or the adoption of IPCC refinement.", + "\u2022 The GHG emission level for the baseline scenario, unconditional and conditional targets in 2030 can be updated and recalculated based on methodological changes in the GHG inventory, such as recalculating the GHG inventory with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines or changing the Global Warming Potential (GWP) to IPCC Assessment Reports, or adopting IPCC refinement.", + "Information on updates will be included in the biennial transparency reports (BTRs). Togo is classified as a least developed country (LDC); therefore, any major changes in the economic and social environment may lead to updating or changing the values of the baseline indicators.", + "\u2022 Togo belongs to the category of least developed countries (LDCs); therefore, any major change in the economic and social environment may lead to updating or changing the values of the baseline indicators Some of the actions are part of the Government's Roadmap and the National Development Plan (NDP) and are receiving international support (technical and financial); the delay or lack of support could have unforeseen consequences for national circumstances.", + "\u2022 Some of the actions are part of the Government Roadmap and the National Development Plan (NDP) and are receiving international (technical and financial) support; the delay or lack of support could have unforeseen consequences on national circumstances. \u2022 Togo is very susceptible to natural disasters (floods, drought, etc.), in the event of a major natural disaster or a pandemic situation similar to COVID-19, Togo can update/change the reference point.", + "\u2022 Togo is very prone to natural disasters (floods, drought, etc.), in the event of a major natural disaster or a pandemic situation similar to COVID-19, Togo may update/modify the reference point. Timelines and/or deadlines for implementation: (a) Timeline and/or period of implementation, including start and end dates, in accordance with any other relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (COP) (b) Whether it is an annual or multi-year target, as appropriate Annual target 2030, including updates of target 2025.", + "Timelines and/or deadlines for implementation: (a) Timetable and/or implementation period, including start and end dates, in accordance with any other relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (COP) (b) Whether an annual or multi-year target, as appropriate Annual target 2030, including updates to the 2025 targets The UNCCD interventions will be implemented in stages in accordance with the annual work plan; however, the target year chosen is 2030.", + "The UNCCD interventions will be implemented in stages in accordance with the annual work plan; however, the target year chosen is 2030. Scope and coverage: a) General description of the target Sectoral objectives based on activities and policies, including emission reductions in selected sectors.", + "Scope and coverage: (a) General description of the target Sectoral objectives based on activities and policies, including emission reductions in selected sectors The Government of Togo will achieve the conditional objectives if international support for financing, technology transfer and/or capacity building is provided on a sustained and timely basis.", + "The Government of Togo will achieve the conditional objectives if international support for financing, technology transfer and/or capacity building is provided on a sustained and timely basis. (b) Sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the contribution determined at the national level, including, where appropriate, in accordance with the guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sectors: Energy, AFAT POPs, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Waste Gas: F-gas: HFC-32, HFC-134a, HFC-125, HFC-143a.", + "(b) Sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the contribution determined at national level, including, where appropriate, in accordance with the IPCC Guidelines Sectors: Energy, AFAT POPs, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Waste Gases: F-gases: HFC-32, HFC-134a, HFC-125, HFC-143a. In conformity with the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol Short-lived air pollutants (SLCPs): Black carbon (CB) Particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10.", + "(c) How the Party has taken into account paragraphs 31 (c) and (d) of decision 1/ In accordance with paragraph 31 (c) of decision 1/CP.21, Togo has committed to include all categories of anthropogenic emissions in its revised NCDs.", + "(c) How the Party has taken into account paragraphs 31 (c) and (d) of decision 1 / In accordance with paragraph 31 (c) of decision 1 /CP.21, Togo has committed itself to including all categories of anthropogenic emissions in its revised CFCs The detailed assessment carried out during the process of formulating the revised CFCs showed that the data needed to define objectives and rigorously assess the impact of policies and actions on emissions for all sectors were not available.", + "The detailed evaluation carried out during the process of formulating the revised NCDs showed that the data needed to define objectives and rigorously assess the impact of policies and actions on emissions for all sectors were not available. Togo will gradually extend the coverage of its NCDs to all categories of anthropogenic emissions and removals, as more robust data become available.", + "Togo will gradually extend the coverage of its NCDs to all categories of anthropogenic emissions and removals as more robust data become available. d) Related mitigation benefits resulting from Parties\u2019 adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans, including the description of specific projects, measures and initiatives of Parties\u2019 adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans.", + "(d) Related mitigation benefits resulting from the Parties\u2019 adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans, including a description of specific projects, measures and initiatives of the Parties\u2019 adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans In accordance with the national climate change policy, the vehicles for implementing the policy objectives, strategies and outcomes are the UNCCD and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP).", + "The implementation of the actions articulated in each document will ensure the operational components of the policy. Togo\u2019s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) (2017- 2021), as well as projects currently being implemented, include mitigation co-benefits. The resulting reductions will contribute to the achievement of the objective described in point 1(d) and should not be considered as additional.", + "The resulting reductions will contribute to the achievement of the objective described in point 1(d) and should not be considered additional. Togo has also committed to continue to provide data and information on the quantified co-benefits of adaptation measures in its NAP and national communications. Mitigation measures within adaptation projects will be reported through the GHG data collection framework and inventory and reported in the respective sectors.", + "\u2022 Mitigation measures within adaptation projects will be notified through the data collection framework and the GHG inventory and reported in the respective sectors Planning Process: Information on the planning processes undertaken by the Party to prepare (a) its determined contribution at the national level and, where appropriate, on the Party's implementation plans, including, where appropriate: (i) National institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples in a gender-sensitive manner Provisions on governance and coordination at the sectoral level are included in each of the sectoral action plans of the NDCs.", + "A National NCD Committee has been set up temporarily for the duration of the NCD programme implementation projects. This committee has not been functional at all and deserves to be rearranged and strengthened. New national institutional arrangements based on prior engagement of public, private, local and gender stakeholders are being developed. (ii) Contextual issues, including, inter alia, where appropriate: a.", + "(ii) Contextual issues, including, inter alia, where appropriate: a. National circumstances, such as geography, climate, economy, sustainable development and poverty eradication Recent political development in Togo, marked by the presidential elections in 2015 and 2020, the grand marches in 2017, the legislative elections in December 2018, followed by constitutional reforms and the municipal elections in June 2019. Geo-climatic profile Togo is located in the intertropical zone.", + "Togo is located in the intertropical zone. It has a four-season Guinean tropical climate in the southern part and a two-season Sudanese tropical climate in the northern part. The Maritime and Savannah regions receive less than 1000 millimetres of water per year. Seasonal irregularities have been observed in recent decades. Demographic characteristics and poverty.", + "There has been an irregularity in the seasons in recent decades. Demographic characteristics and poverty. The General Population and Habitat Census - final result of November 2010 puts the resident population of Togo at 6 191 155 inhabitants with an average annual growth rate of 2.3%. As of 1 January 2019, this population was projected at 7,538 000 hbts. It will be 109 hbts/km2 in 2010.", + "As of 1 January 2019, this population is projected to be 7,538,000 hbts. It will be 109 hbts/km2 in 2010. It varies by region and is more dense in the Maritime region and weaker in the Savannah region. In Togo, 53.5% (2017) of the population lives below the poverty line. The poverty rate decreased by 1.6 points between 2015 and 2017. Economic and sectoral context.", + "The poverty rate decreased by 1.6 percentage points between 2015 and 2017. Economic and Sectoral Context. The achievement of the goals of the Togo Government Roadmap 2025 resulting from the revision of the National Development Plan (NDP 2018-2022) will affect all sectors of Togo\u2019s economic life, both public and private. Overall, the national economic context has been marked by continued efforts to maintain the stability of the macroeconomic framework and improve the business environment.", + "Overall, the national economic environment has been characterised by continued efforts to maintain the stability of the macroeconomic framework and improve the business environment. The State has full control over the energy sector with the participation of several ministries and other state and private institutions. By all sources, final energy consumption amounts to 2145.29 ktep in 2018 as compared to 1973 ktep in 2016, an increase of 172.29 ktep (8.7%) over 3 years.", + "Total final energy consumption in Togo per year and per capita has been stable since 2000 at 0.27 tep/hbt. Self-consumption of wood-energy (wood coal and firewood) is predominant and accounts for 76% of domestic production compared to 24% for marketing.", + "Self-consumption of wood-energy (coal and firewood) accounts for 76% of national production, compared with 24% for marketing. In the area of agriculture, the area cultivated is estimated at 1.4 million hectares, or 41% of the cultivable area and 25% of the total area of the country. A comparative analysis of GDP and the budget shows that in 2012, the value generated by agriculture in constant prices amounts to 42.2% of GDP.", + "A comparative analysis of GDP and the budget shows that in 2012, the value generated by agriculture in constant prices amounted to 42.2% of GDP. This sector provides for 2/3 of the working population of Togo. The contribution of agriculture to the GDP growth rate, which was 0.7% in 2018, would increase to 1% in 2019. Forest cover in Togo is 24.24%. The role of the forestry sector in the economic development of the country is very important.", + "The role of the forest sector in the country\u2019s economic development is very important, contributing to job creation, reducing unemployment, creating wealth, etc. Despite this importance, the added value generated is low according to statistics. Its contribution to GDP was US$33 million or CFA franc 16.5 billion, or 1.68 per cent of GDP in 2006.", + "Its contribution to GDP was US$33 million or CFA 16.5 billion, or 1.68% of GDP in 2006, but it should be noted that non-market and ecosystem services in the forest sector are not included in these statistics. In 2015, the value added of the forest sector was CFA 17.80 billion for firewood and CFA 71.19 billion for wood coal, or nearly CFA 89 billion for wood-energy.", + "In 2015, the value added of the forestry sector amounted to CFA 17.80 billion for firewood and CFA 71.19 billion for charcoal, or nearly CFA 89 billion for wood-energy. A description of Togo\u2019s development priorities and their relationship to climate change. Togo\u2019s development vision today is guided by the Government\u2019s Togo 2025 Roadmap.", + "Togo\u2019s development vision today is guided by the government\u2019s Togo 2025 roadmap, which clearly presents the country\u2019s vision and development priorities in three broad strategic directions: (i) strengthening social inclusion and harmony and ensuring peace; (ii) boosting job creation by building on the strengths of the economy; and (iii) modernizing the country and strengthening its structures.", + "This document clearly presents the country\u2019s vision and development priorities in three broad strategic directions: (i) strengthening social inclusion and harmony and ensuring peace; (ii) boosting job creation by building on the strengths of the economy; and (iii) modernizing and strengthening the country\u2019s structures. Beyond the national vision and priorities, each sector of the economy has its own development priorities that fit into the national framework.", + "In addition to the national vision and priorities, each sector of the economy has its own development priorities that are attached to the national framework. These priorities are defined as sectoral operational policies. The issue of climate change, on the whole, is now included in national development policies.", + "The issue of climate change, on the whole, is now included in national development policies. Despite the efforts made, it must be noted that the degree to which the problem is taken into account in the policies initiated by the Government varies greatly from one sectoral policy to another, with generally low levels of implementation. b. Good practices and experience related to the preparation of the determined contribution at national level The revised NDCs have capitalised on the analytical capacity, participatory practice, experience, tools and knowledge base that were created even before the initial NDCs, maintained and improved within the framework of 4CN and 2BUR.", + "In addition, the revised NDCs have integrated sustainable development into their M&As, quantifying the link between sustainable development and climate change mitigation. More specifically, with respect to the economic and environmental dimensions. Finally, the revised NDCs also include a regional dimension. c.", + "Finally, the revised NCDs also include a regional dimension. c. Other contextual aspirations and priorities recognized upon accession to the Paris Agreement A commitment to reduce GHG emission levels at national level will require cleaner technologies, expertise and financing. Technology: The need for new innovation is rooted in the need to be more efficient and to produce from cleaner technologies.", + "Technology: The need for new innovations is rooted in the need to be more efficient and to produce from cleaner technologies. The availability and transfer of technologies that are environmentally friendly and support low-carbon development and climate resilient are of paramount importance. As LDCs, these opportunities are often not readily available and the spirit of the Paris Agreement would therefore help to foster North-South and South-South cooperation.", + "As LDCs, these opportunities are often not readily accessible and the spirit of the Paris Agreement would therefore help to foster North-South and South-South cooperation. Expertise: The integration and transformation of new ideas and technologies into the economy, society and the environment will require some capacity-building for their appropriate application and diffusion. Financing: Technology transfer and capacity-building cannot take place without sufficient financial resources being made available to undertake the transition.", + "Financing: Technology transfer and capacity building cannot take place without adequate financial resources being made available to undertake the transition. As a heavily indebted poor country (HIPC) and highly vulnerable to the impact of climate change, it is important to strike the right balance to strengthen the country\u2019s resilience and implement the necessary adaptation and mitigation measures, while addressing the country\u2019s day-to-day needs.", + "As a heavily indebted poor country (HIPC) and highly vulnerable to the impact of climate change, it is important to strike the right balance to strengthen the country\u2019s resilience and implement the necessary adaptation and mitigation measures, while addressing the country\u2019s day-to-day needs.", + "Togo participated in the Talanoa Dialogue in 2018, which generated political momentum for enhanced climate action, including by calling on Parties to update their NCDs, and joined the High Ambition Coalition of countries committed to achieving their 2020 climate ambition.", + "Furthermore, the country joined the High Ambition Coalition of countries committed to achieving their 2020 climate ambition. The preparation of the revised NCDs was in line with the recommendations of the Talanoa Call for Action and the High Ambition Coalition, taking into account national circumstances.", + "The preparation of the revised NCDs was in line with the recommendations of the Talanoa Call for Action and the High Ambition Coalition, taking into account national circumstances. (c) Each Party with a nationally determined contribution under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement consisting of adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans resulting in related mitigation benefits in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement to submit information on: (i) How the economic and social consequences of response measures have been taken into account in the development of the nationally determined contribution National and regional stakeholder consultations have made it possible to take into account the social, economic and environmental impacts of national mitigation measures by integrating the data collected into assessment tools at the national level.", + "the social, economic and environmental impacts of national mitigation measures by integrating the data collected into the assessment tools during the development of the revised NCDs.", + "(ii) Specific projects, measures and activities to be implemented to contribute to the co-benefits of mitigation, including information on adaptation plans that also produce co-benefits of mitigation, which may cover, but are not limited to, key sectors, such as energy, resources, water resources, coastal resources, human settlements and urban planning, agriculture and forestry; and economic diversification actions, which may cover, but are not limited to, sectors such as manufacturing and industry, energy and mining, transport and communications, construction, tourism, real estate, agriculture and fisheries ENERGY Sector: - Promotion of electricity production from renewable energy sources in Togo - Continuation of the electrification for all policy - Expansion of the grid and deployment of decentralised systems to achieve 100% electrification, supported by the implementation of", + "- Increase the capacity of electricity production, transmission and distribution \u2013 Development of sustainable and reliable production capacities, in particular in solar and hydroelectric power, and corresponding strengthening of the transmission and distribution network (in synergy with the extension of the Internet network); - Increase the share of renewable energies in energy production to 50% by 2025 - Increase the share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles to 3% by 2025 - Extension of the rural road network \u2013 Construction of 4000 km of rural roads targeting agricultural areas with high export potential to connect farmers to the market; - Construction of the Autoroute de l\u2019Unit\u00e9 \u2013 Acceleration of the RN1 development project linking the productive hinterland to the Lom\u00e9 agglomeration and the port - Exemption of taxes on agricultural products", + "RN1 linking the productive hinterland to the city of Lom\u00e9 and the port - Exemption from taxes on new vehicles - Increase the use rate of improved homes from 40% - Increase the share of wood coal produced with improved technologies from less than 1% in 2020 to 45% - Increase the share of the population using biogas for cooking to 4% in 2025 and 12% in 2030 in urban areas; to 6% in 2025 and 15% in 2030 in rural areas - Increase the share of the population using briquettes to 15% in urban areas and 10% in rural areas in 2030 - Increase the share of the population using LPG to 35% in urban areas and 8% in rural areas by 2030", + "Strengthening the capacity of refrigeration technicians to reduce handling losses - Valuing the processing and recycling of fluorinated gases - Promoting the import of alternative refrigerant fluids such as propane (R290) and isobutane (R600a) for freezers, refrigerated display cases and ice cream dispensers; R448A (HFC-HFO) and R455A (HFC-HFO) instead of R404A - Promoting the construction of private and public buildings with thermal insulation materials - Exemption from taxes on new vehicles AFAT Sector - Integrated development of the agricultural sector through the implementation of an effective strategy for the sustainable management of cultivated land; - Promotion and sustainable management of hydro-agricultural, hydro-pastoral and agricultural development and water supply works; - Organisation of value chains: organising the chains for", + "- modernisation of the livestock sub-sector by increasing the productivity of livestock beyond the natural growth and development of herds, setting up livestock processing units, genetic improvement for cattle breeding performance, introduction of improved breeders into the traditional system, intensification of the outlet and strengthening of market access for the marketing of livestock products, etc.; - support for forage reforestation with the introduction of forage trees on farms with a view to the sustained production of quality forage; - restoration of existing forest landscapes by promoting the restoration of natural forests, fragile ecosystems and the conservation of biodiversity, giving priority to support for projects linked to already organised territories (protected areas, community or village forests, sacred sites), limiting the fragmentation of forest areas and maintaining the connection of", + "- Improvement of sustainable land management for the strengthening of carbon sinks and carbon sequestration through \"mass development plans\" promoted by private forests or community forests or \"territorial forest charters\" or rural poles of excellence; - Development of urban forestry through the establishment of urban plantations, the promotion and creation of green spaces; - Promotion of the processing of forest products and non-linear by-products and the promotion of value chains and market access for processed forest products; - Strengthening of participatory action against wildfires to contribute to carbon storage, by reducing the current rate of deforestation and the impact of wildfires, a source of carbon emissions into the atmosphere Waste sector: - Togo Water and Sanitation Project (PEAT1&2):", + "Waste Sector: - Togo Water and Sanitation Project (PEAT1&2): construction of a technical landfill (CET) in Lom\u00e9 and development of final landfills, establishment of a household waste collection system (OM), waste recovery, construction of latrines, extension of the drinking water distribution system in the cities of Ts\u00e9vi\u00e9, Atakpam\u00e9 Sokod\u00e9, Kara and Dapaong Methodological assumptions and approaches, including those for estimating and accounting for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals, if any: (a) Methodological assumptions and approaches used to account for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and removals corresponding to the Party\u2019s nationally determined contribution in accordance with paragraph 1 of decision 1/CP.21 and the accounting guidelines adopted by the WCA Togo has accounted for its", + "GHGs using the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, the 2006 IPCC software and the 2013 Supplement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for Wetlands.", + "Togo also relied on the following: IPCC Good Practice and Uncertainty Management Recommendations for National Inventories (GPG 2000) IPCC Good Practice Recommendations for LULUCF (GPG LULUCF) (b) Assumptions and methodological approaches used to account for the implementation of policies and measures or strategies in the nationally determined contribution The quantification of the level of GHG emissions in the 2030 mitigation scenario is based on the following assumptions: In the transport category, the improvement and expansion of road infrastructure (ongoing and foreseen in the Government Roadmap 2025) and the promotion of low-emission public transport will reduce final energy intensity by 10% for motorcycles and 20% for cars and trucks.", + "\u2022 In Phase 1 of the HCFC Removal Management Plan (HMP) project, 26% of the cold technicians were trained; thus according to the directions of the second phase of this project which are similar to the directions of Phase 1; 79% of the cold technicians will be trained by 2030; In Phase 1 of the HCFC Removal Management Plan (HMP) project, 3.4% of the cold technicians received recovery equipment; thus according to the directions of the second phase of this project which are similar to the directions of Phase 1; 9.4% of the cold technicians will receive recovery equipment by 2030; In Phase 1 of the HCFC Removal Management Plan (HMP) project;3 structures with large cold installations benefited from 70 split air conditioners operating on the basis of the R-290, which is a", + "On this basis, Phase 2, which will follow the same guidelines as Phase 1, will reduce HFC imports by 5%/year through the following components: Distribution of alternative F-gases to structures with large cold-storage facilities; In Togo, end-of-life and stationary cold-storage equipment contains 55% of F-gases and is sold to scrap metal companies without treatment; The establishment of a recycling pipeline with a processing capacity of 5 tonnes of F-gases per year will recover 50%/year; The construction of at least 100 green buildings using fewer air-conditioners by 2030 will reduce the import rate of F-gases by at least 2%.", + "\u2022 Further efforts by the Togolese Government in reforestation would increase the forest cover rate from 24.24% to 30%, i.e. an increase of about 5% in the area of forest and reforested land by 2030; Implementation of measures to combat vegetation fires and measures to protect forest ecosystems will contribute to a reduction of 5% in the area of burned vegetation; Efforts to protect forest formations and respect for land allocations will contribute to reducing deforestation and limiting the conversion of forest land into agricultural land or other forms of land use; Promotion of alternative sources of domestic energy and extension of improved homes will contribute to a reduction in wood energy use and CO2 and other emissions.", + "\u2022 In the sub-sector of agriculture, many initiatives have been undertaken in recent years aimed at promoting the conversion of 5% of manure and agricultural residues into compost (organic fertiliser) and/or biogas, thereby reducing the use of chemical fertilisers by 3% and increasing the use of organic fertiliser; \u2022 Implementation of the new strategic guidelines in the cereal production sector will contribute to the reduction of 3% of the area of irrigated rice fields for the promotion of rain-fed rice cultivation; \u2022 By 2030, 12% of urban solid waste (i.e. 100,000 tonnes) by composting in major cities per year; \u2022 By 2030, 80% of biogas produced by the Lom\u00e9 landfill site per year will be converted into electrical energy for the site\u2019s needs;", + "\u2022 Reduce by 80% the quantity of waste destined for incineration through improved waste collection and the creation of new TECs in secondary towns; \u2022 Upgrade 5% of domestic wastewater in rural areas to biogas by 2030 by installing biogas septic tanks The methodological approach used is that of LEAP-IBC.", + "(c) Where appropriate, information on how the Party will take into account existing methodologies and guidance under the Convention in accounting for anthropogenic emissions and removals, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 14, of the Paris Agreement, as appropriate In accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 13 and 14, of the Paris Agreement, Togo has conducted an QA/QC of input data to ensure that there is no omission or double counting.", + "(d) IPCC Methodologies and Parameters Used to Estimate Anthropogenic Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases The 2006 IPCC Guidelines, Good Practice Guidance and the IPCC Data Bank have been used to estimate anthropogenic GHG emissions and removals. (e) Sector, category or activity-specific assumptions, methodologies and approaches, in accordance with IPCC guidance, where applicable: (i) Approach to dealing with emissions and subsequent removals of natural disturbances on managed lands GHG emissions and removals from natural disturbances, where applicable, will be accounted for in accordance with the prescribed 2006 IPCC Guidelines.", + "(ii) Approach to Accounting for Emissions and Removals from Harvested Wood Products GHG emissions and removals from harvested wood products, if any, will be accounted for in accordance with the prescribed 2006 IPCC Guidelines.", + "(iii) Approach used to address the effects of age-class structure in forests NA (f) Other assumptions and methodological approaches used to understand the contribution determined at the national level and, where appropriate, estimate the corresponding emissions and removals, including: (i) How baseline indicators, baseline levels, including, where appropriate, sector, category or activity-specific baseline levels, are constructed, including, for example, key parameters, assumptions, definitions, methodologies, data sources and models used To quantify the level of GHG emissions in the baseline scenario projected for 2030, the following assumptions have been made for the emission growth drivers:", + "\u2022 Behavioural factors are considered to be constant throughout the projection period; (ii) For Parties whose nationally determined contributions contain components other than greenhouse gases, information on the assumptions and methodological approaches used in relation to these components, if any The methodological approach used for short-lived climate pollutants (black carbon, PM2.5 and PM10) is that of LEAP-IBC.", + "(iii) For climate forcing factors included in nationally determined contributions not covered by IPCC guidelines, information on how climate forcings are estimated NA (iv) Other technical information, as necessary NA (g) Intention to use voluntary cooperation under the Paris Agreement Article, as appropriate Togo recognizes the important role of international market-based cooperation in contributing to the mitigation of GHG emissions and the promotion of sustainable development.", + "Togo will continue to explore the potential of bilateral, multilateral and regional market-oriented cooperation, including in the context of Article 6 of the AP, that can facilitate, accelerate and improve the development and transfer of technologies, capacity-building and access to financial resources that support Togo's sustainable transition to low-emission and climate-resilient growth.", + "How the Party considers its nationally determined contribution to be fair and ambitious in the light of its national situation: (a) How the Party considers its nationally determined contribution to be fair and ambitious in the light of its national situation Following the Talanoa Call for Action launched by the Presidents of COP 23 and COP 24, Togo has made its revised (2021) NCD more ambitious than the 2015 NCD (i) by articulating the 2030 GHG emission reduction targets compared to the 2010 level.", + "National commitments are well aligned with emission trajectories to 2050 that are consistent with the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement, and it is important to note that the evolving nature of a country\u2019s situation must be reflected in the equity review using the following indicators: Responsibility reflected in past and current GHG emissions.", + "It is also important to note that the evolving nature of a country\u2019s situation must be reflected in the consideration of equity using the following indicators: Responsibility reflected in past and current GHG emissions Ability to invest in appropriate mitigation measures (ability to contribute to addressing climate change) Mitigation potential and costs b) Equity considerations, including consideration of equity It should be noted that equity considerations from a national perspective encompass a variety of issues and that no single indicator can accurately reflect the fairness or equitable distribution of countries\u2019 efforts globally.", + "\u2022 Capacity to invest in appropriate mitigation measures (capacity to contribute to solving the problem of climate change) Mitigation potential and costs (b) Equity considerations, including consideration of equity It should be noted that equity considerations from a national perspective encompass a variety of issues and that no single indicator alone can accurately reflect equity or an equitable distribution of countries\u2019 efforts globally. (c) How the Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement The revised NDCs propose an unconditional reduction of 20.51% from the baseline scenario in 2030 to 11.14% for the current 2015 NDCs.", + "(c) How the Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement The revised CFCs propose an unconditional reduction of 20.51% from the baseline scenario in 2030 compared to 11.14% for the current CFCs in 2015. The overall (unconditional and conditional combined) contribution of the revised CFCs (2021) is a reduction of 50.57% from the baseline scenario in 2030 compared to 31.14 for the current CFCs (2015).", + "The overall contribution (unconditional and conditional combined) of the revised CFCs (2021) is a reduction of 50.57% of GHG emissions from the baseline scenario in 2030 compared to 31.14 for the current CFCs (2015). d) How the Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement Another issue that demonstrates the strengthening of the country's ambitions is the implementation of an absolute economy-wide emission reduction target (in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement), which ensures the achievement of the targets in a relevant, comprehensive, consistent, transparent and accurate manner.", + "(d) How the Party has dealt with Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement Another issue that demonstrates the strengthening of the country's ambitions relates to the implementation of an absolute economy-wide emission reduction target (in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement), which ensures the achievement of the targets in a relevant, comprehensive, consistent, transparent and accurate manner. (e) How the Party has dealt with Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the Convention's objective as set out in Article 2: (a) How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the Convention's objective as set out in Article 2:", + "National commitments are well aligned with emission trajectories for 2050 that are consistent with the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement, thereby contributing to the stabilization of atmospheric GHG concentrations at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system, and sustainable development, in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention.", + "(b) How the contribution determined at national level contributes to the achievement of Article 2, paragraph 1 (a), and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement Togo\u2019s contribution by its NDCs is consistent with the global ambitions to limit temperature to 2\u00b0C and compatible with Togo\u2019s sustainable development objectives Chapter 4: Adaptation 4.1. NATIONAL CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION 4.1.1.", + "NATIONAL CONTEXT OF ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE 4.1.1. National situation Togo\u2019s economy is dominated by agricultural activities (almost 40% of GDP) which are highly dependent on climatic conditions. Other development sectors such as energy, water resources, coastal zone, human settlements and health, forestry and other land uses also remain highly vulnerable.", + "Other development sectors such as energy, water resources, the coastal zone, human settlements and health, forestry and other land uses also remain very vulnerable.", + "It is in this spirit that Togo committed itself in the initial NDCs to contribute to combating climate change, strengthening the resilience of production systems and means in accordance with its National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan (NAPA) drawn up in 2008. In 2016, the country adopted a National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NCCAP) which confirms its commitment to strengthening the capacity of populations to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change.", + "In 2016, Togo adopted a National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NCCAP) which confirms its commitment to strengthening the capacity of populations to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. 4.1.2. Institutional, legal and political arrangements With regard to international commitments on the environment and adaptation to climate change, Togo has ratified the three Rio-generation conventions: (i) the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (March 8, 1995); (ii) the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (October 4, 1995); and (iii) the Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD) (September 15, 1995).", + "Institutional, legal and political arrangements With regard to international commitments on the environment and adaptation to climate change, Togo has ratified the three Rio Generation Conventions: (i) the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (08 March 1995); (ii) the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (04 October 1995); and (iii) the Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD) (15 September 1995).", + "At the national level, adaptation is part of the National Environmental Policy, the Forest Policy Statement, the National Sustainable Development Strategy, the Framework Law on the Environment and laws on forestry, water, health, hydrocarbons and shipping codes. At the institutional level, several actors are involved in strengthening adaptation to climate change in Togo.", + "At the institutional level, several actors are involved in strengthening adaptation to climate change in Togo: (i) the Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources with all its divisions, (ii) the National Commission on Sustainable Development, composed of representatives of public and private institutions, local authorities, NGOs and other legal entities, (iii) the National Committee on Climate Change, which is a framework for information, consultation and monitoring of the implementation of the national climate change policy, (iv) the Interministerial Committee for Monitoring the Implementation of the NCDs, and (v) the multidisciplinary team on climate change.", + "4.2. ANALYSIS OF IMPACTS, RISKS AND VULNERABILITIES OF PRIORITY SECTORS Since 2014, the scenarios developed show that climate change is a real concern for Togo and that current and future trends will have harmful consequences in the absence of appropriate measures.", + "ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACTS, RISKS AND VULNERABILITIES OF THE PRIORITY SECTORS Since 2014, the scenarios developed show that climate change is a real concern for Togo and that current and future trends will have harmful consequences in the absence of appropriate measures.", + "Climate variability in Togo leads to food and nutritional insecurity, the degradation of forest resources, difficult access to energy, water resources and quality health care. Indeed, Togo faces a very high degree of spatial and temporal climate variability. In 2020, temperatures will increase by a maximum of 1.2 \u00b0C, an increase of 20% compared to 2012.", + "In 2020, temperatures are expected to increase by a maximum of 1.2 \u00b0C, an increase of 20% compared to 2012. Precipitation is decreasing with rainfall ranging from 15 mm to 98 mm, leading to climate risks affecting all sectors of development, such as flooding, drought, high temperatures, seasonal variations, strong winds, poor rainfall distribution, land erosion and coastal erosion.", + "This creates climate risks that affect all sectors of development and manifest themselves in flooding, drought, high temperatures, seasonal shifts, high winds, poor rainfall distribution, land erosion and coastal erosion. Future projections of climate variability based on rigorous IPCC methodologies will be presented for Togo as follows.", + "Future projections of climate variability based on rigorous IPCC methodologies for Togo will be as follows: If the country remains in emission stabilization (RCP6.0) relative to 2020, temperatures will increase from 0.6\u00b0C to 0.7\u00b0C in 2025 and from 2.15\u00b0C to 2.75\u00b0C in 2100. Precipitation will vary from -0.08% to +0.35% (2025) and from -0.3% to +1.26% (2100).", + "Precipitation will vary from -0.08% to +0.35% (2025) and from -0.3% to +1.26% (2100). On the other hand, if the country embarks on the process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG 4.5), temperatures will increase from 0.66 to 0.84\u00b0C (2025) and from 1.53 to 1.96\u00b0C (2100). Precipitation will vary from -0.09% to +0.39% (2025) and from -0.21% to +0.89% (2100). 4.2.1. Energy Sector", + "Precipitation will range from -0.09% to +0.39% (2025) and from -0.21% to +0.89% (2100). 4.2.1. Energy sector Biomass energy Wood energy accounts for 80% of the energy used by households and 90% of the local population uses this energy source in Togo. The current wood energy potential will meet only 28% and 12% of national demand respectively by 2025 and 2050.", + "The current wood energy potential will meet only 28% and 12% of the national demand respectively by 2025 and 2050. On the basis of multi-criteria analyses, the wood energy sector has an average vulnerability index and is estimated at 0.58 at the national level. At the regional level, the two northern regions of the country (Savanes and Kara) face a high level of vulnerability with an index between 0.6 and 0.8.", + "At the regional level, the two northern regions of the country (Savanes and Kara) are facing a high level of vulnerability with an index between 0.6 and 0.8. The impacts of this vulnerability on this sector are mainly the low growth and production of wood-energy biomass, the depletion of wood-energy species and the destruction of protected ecosystems away from homes that provide shelter for most threatened species.", + "The impacts associated with this vulnerability on the sector are mainly the low growth and production of wood-energy biomass, the depletion of wood-energy species and the destruction of protected ecosystems away from homes that provide shelter for most threatened species. The vulnerability of the wood-energy sector will increase in the future.", + "The vulnerability of the wood-energy sector will increase in the future because, if stabilized (RCP6.0), the vulnerability index of this sub-sector will fall into the high class from 2075 onwards for the whole country. If appropriate measures are not taken, there will be socio-economic repercussions such as higher prices for fuelwood and charcoal, an increase in the poverty index in rural areas, etc.", + " Hydroelectricity In Togo, hydroelectric power generation is exclusively provided by the Kpim\u00e9 and Nangbeto dams, which are fed by large rivers, and the current vulnerability of this sector is average with an index of 0.51.", + "The current vulnerability of this sector is average with an index of 0.51. In the future, its vulnerability will rise to the high class from 2075 onwards if nothing is done. This will exacerbate the current impacts of climate change resulting in a decrease in the water table of hydroelectric dams, the destruction of hydroelectric works, and the low capacity to provide energy to businesses and industries.", + "This will exacerbate the current impacts of climate change resulting in a reduction in the water table of hydroelectric dams, the destruction of hydroelectric works, and the low capacity to provide energy to businesses and industries. If the integrated water resources management (IWRM) measures in the sector\u2019s planning documents, as well as the renewable energy development policy, are implemented, the vulnerability index will be significantly reduced by 2025 (0.48) and 2050 (0.35).", + "If the integrated water resources management (IWRM) measures in the sector\u2019s planning documents, as well as the renewable energy development policy, are implemented, the vulnerability index will be significantly reduced by 2025 (0.48) and 2050 (0.35). Hydrocarbons As Togo is not a producer of hydrocarbons, the vulnerability of this sector to climate change is not direct; it is linked to that of the wood energy and hydroelectric sectors.", + "It is linked to that of the wood-energy and hydroelectric sectors. Thus, the decrease in the supply of biomass energy and hydroelectricity will increase the consumption of hydrocarbons. Togo is important for the oil products it needs and the hydrocarbon sector remains very sensitive to fluctuations in oil prices. In terms of impacts, there is an increase in expenditure due to an increase in the consumption of hydrocarbons with negative repercussions on the transport sector. 4.2.2.", + "In terms of impacts, expenditures are increasing due to increased oil consumption with negative impacts on the transportation sector. 4.2.2. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFAT) Sector In Togo, the AFAT sector is the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.", + "At the national level, a trend of decreasing precipitation coupled with rising temperatures is expected, with likely effects on biodiversity, species habitat, ecosystem services and agricultural production in Togo, most of which are related to drought, flooding and the emergence of pests.", + "Most of these effects are related to drought, flooding and parasites. Forestry and Other Land Use Subsector (FAT) The resulting vulnerability of the Forestry and Other Land Use subsector is 0.59 for the country as a whole, which is equivalent to a \"medium\" level of vulnerability; however, it is \"high\" for the Central, Kara and Savannah regions, and \"medium\" for the Plateau and Maritime regions.", + "However, it is \"high\" for the Central, Kara and Savannah regions, and \"medium\" for the Plateau and Maritime regions. This vulnerability to the FAT sector in all regions of the country is reflected in: \u2756 Increased natural woodland mortality in Togo\u2019s natural ecosystems. High temperatures and drought increase the intensity of fires that are responsible for most woodland mortality.", + "High temperatures and drought increase the intensity of fires, which are responsible for most woodland mortality. The natural mortality rates are 8.60%, 5.41% and 5.42% for the Savannah, Kara and Central regions, respectively. \u2756 Degradation of the health status of woodland stands. In Togo\u2019s natural ecosystems, an average of 20 feet per hectare is affected by pests.", + "In Togo\u2019s natural ecosystems, an average of 20 feet per hectare is attacked by pests. Field investigations suggest that the high temperatures recorded in recent years may explain the recurrence of attacks on timber by pests and plants. \u2756 Windfall. The estimated damage to forests from strong winds is 9 feet/ha in natural ecosystems. \u2756 Poor regenerative capacity.", + "The estimate of damage to forests from strong winds is 9 feet/ha in natural ecosystems. \u2756 Low regeneration capacity. With climate change, vegetation fires are more severe regeneration is suppressed or delayed. In forest landscapes of protected areas less than 30% of the installed potential regeneration survives fires that become increasingly violent with CC. \u2756 Land use.", + "In forest landscapes of protected areas, less than 30% of the potential regeneration installed survives fires that become increasingly severe with CW. \u2756 Land use. Climate depletion, increased temperatures and evapotranspiration intensify soil leaching and latterization, while heavy rains increase soil erosion, especially in rugged environments. This leads to increased land degradation.", + "Climate drying, increasing temperatures and evapotranspiration intensify soil leaching and latterization, while heavy rain increases soil erosion, especially in rugged environments, leading to increased land degradation, and extensive burning agriculture reduces forest cover.", + "In addition, extensive burning agriculture leads to a reduction in forest cover. Highly exposed to climate change, the LULUCF sector suffers from impacts such as the loss of forest cover, the loss of biodiversity and protected ecosystems, the disappearance of certain forest species and low mangrove productivity. In the future, the vulnerability of this sub-sector will increase at national level by 2050 with an index of 0.63 corresponding to high vulnerability.", + "In the future, there will be an increase in the vulnerability of this sub-sector at national level by 2050 with an index of 0.63 corresponding to high vulnerability, which will be observed in all regions except the plateau region, which will remain in the middle class.", + "This situation will be observed in all regions except the plateau region, which will remain in the middle class. In this context, outside the Atakora chain, all forest ecosystems in Togo will be highly exposed to decreasing precipitation and increasing temperatures with worsening impacts related to climate hazards. Agriculture, livestock and fisheries sub-sector The major disruption of agriculture, livestock and fisheries in all economic regions of Togo is climate hazards.", + "Agriculture, livestock and fisheries sub-sector The major disruptions to agriculture, livestock and fisheries in all economic regions of Togo are climatic hazards. These include seasonal changes, irregular rainfall with drought pockets, increased temperatures, flooding and pest attacks. These hazards make this sub-sector very vulnerable with the impact on food security (loss of crops).", + "These uncertainties make this sub-sector very vulnerable with an impact on food security (loss of crops). \u2756 Vulnerability and impacts of the agricultural sub-sector The resulting vulnerability of the crop production sector is generally high for the country as a whole and particularly in the Savannah region. The impacts of this vulnerability are reflected in yield reductions estimated over the last ten years between 30% and 51% for the main food crops.", + "The impacts of this vulnerability are reflected in declines in yields estimated over the past decade between 30% and 51% for the main food crops, with drought pockets causing yield losses of 1.3t/ha, 1.0t/ha and 0.7t/ha for maize, rice and starch, respectively. Pests, including the fall legionnaires, caused losses ranging from 0.5 to 0.95t/ha for maize.", + "Pests, including the Fall Legionnaires\u2019 Caterpillar, have resulted in losses ranging from 0.5 to 0.95 t/ha for corn. In 2020, the total area of flooded food crops is 6902 ha with production losses estimated at close to 9000 t. Currently estimated at 0.70, the national vulnerability index for the agricultural subsector will remain high with a slight increase to 0.75 by 2050.", + "Currently estimated at 0.70, the national vulnerability index for the agricultural sub-sector will remain high with a slight increase to 0.75 by 2050, which will exacerbate the impacts on the agricultural sector with disruption of the agricultural calendar, devastation of crops by pests (leguminous shrubs, peregrine fly), the emergence of new invasive species, the disappearance of certain cultivars, decreased agricultural yields, erosion of cultivable areas, etc. \u2756 Vulnerability and impacts of the livestock sub-sector In all regions of Togo, poultry farming is a widespread activity in rural areas.", + "This will exacerbate the impacts on the agricultural sector with disruption of the agricultural calendar, the devastation of crops by pests (lemon moths, white flies of locusts), the emergence of new invasive species, the disappearance of certain cultivars, the decline in agricultural yields, the erosion of cultivable areas, etc. \u2756 Vulnerability and impacts of the livestock sub-sector In all regions of Togo, poultry farming is a widespread activity in rural areas.", + "This type of family farming, which employs women, is less demanding in terms of water. However, small ruminants and large cattle farming, which is widely practised in the savannah and plateau regions by sedentary and transhumant farmers, is demanding in terms of the availability of natural resources, particularly water. With the trend towards prolonged drought in recent decades, there has been a recurrence of conflict between farmers and breeders, which increases vulnerability in the livestock sub-sector.", + "With the trend of prolonged drought in recent decades, there is a recurrence of conflict between farmers and livestock farmers, which increases vulnerability in the livestock sub-sector. In the Savannah region, livestock is decimated due to lack of water and fodder. Furthermore, the proliferation of epidemics such as bacterial coal, African swine fever and avian influenza in the regions is said to be linked to the increasingly high temperatures.", + "Furthermore, the proliferation of epidemics such as BSE, African swine fever and avian influenza in the regions is said to be linked to the increasingly high temperatures, which affect national livestock production, which covers less than 50% of the population's needs.", + "This situation affects domestic livestock production, which covers less than 50% of the population\u2019s needs. \u2756 Vulnerability and impacts of the fisheries sub-sector The fishery is concentrated on the coast, the lagoon complex in southern Togo, the Nangb\u00e9to basin, and along the Mono and Oti rivers.", + "With drought and high temperatures, the fisheries sector is becoming more vulnerable, with the coverage rate for fishery products rising from 35% in 2015 to 29% in 2017. High temperatures, flooding and early water boundaries make spawning grounds sensitive, thus reducing fish availability.", + "High temperatures, flooding and the early spreading of rivers make spawning areas sensitive, thus reducing the availability of fish. As with livestock farming, the future vulnerability of the fisheries subsector may increase with increased impacts such as reduced catches, siltation of rivers and the disappearance of certain fish species. These impacts will also affect the government\u2019s efforts to develop aquaculture with the depletion of fry. 4.2.3.", + "These impacts will also affect the government\u2019s efforts to develop aquaculture with the depletion of fry. 4.2.3. Water Resources Sector High temperatures, irregularities and changes in the distribution of precipitation are reflected in declining groundwater and surface water stocks. This situation makes the water sector at the national level very vulnerable, especially in the Savannah region.", + "On the basis of the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI), the years between 1961 and 2018 are dominated by moderate to severe drought in the Kara and Maritime regions.", + "Based on the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI), the years between 1961 and 2018 are dominated by moderate to severe drought in the Kara and Maritime regions. Currently, the impacts associated with climate change in the water sector are early depletion of wells and rivers, salinization of rivers, salt intrusion into the terminal continental shelf and water pollution.", + "Currently, the impacts associated with climate change in the water sector are early depletion of wells and streams, river salinity, salt intrusion into the continental terminal, and water pollution. Simulations indicate that, if stabilized (RCP6), the two major river basins (Oti and Mono) and the Togo lagoon complex will be affected in varying degrees by 2030.", + "Simulations indicate that, if stabilized (RCP6), the two major river basins (Oti and Mono) and the Togo lagoon complex will be affected in various ways by 2030, with surface and groundwater stocks increasing by 7 to 28 million cubic metres in the Mono basin, but decreasing by 60 to 500 million and 120 to 750 million cubic metres in the Oti basin and Lake Togo, respectively.", + "However, they will decrease by 60 to 500 million cubic metres and 120 to 750 million cubic metres respectively in the Oti basin and Lake Togo. If measures are not taken, the problems of availability and accessibility of drinking water for the population will increase and the government will have difficulty in ensuring easy, universal and equitable access to drinking water (MDG 1 of the ODD6) and in improving its quality by reducing pollution (MDG 3 of the ODD6).", + "If action is not taken, problems with the availability and accessibility of safe drinking water for the population will increase and the government will have difficulty in ensuring easy, universal and equitable access to safe drinking water (MDG 1, Goal 6) and in improving its quality by reducing pollution (MDG 3, Goal 6). The impacts will be exacerbated by insufficient safe drinking water in households and the risk of conflicts over sources of water supply. 4.2.4.", + "4.2.4. Human settlements and health Human settlements are becoming increasingly vulnerable in Togo. In 2020 and 2021, the flooding of rivers in the Oti and Mono basin has caused enormous material damage and loss of life.", + "In 2020 and 2021, the flooding of rivers in the Oti and Mono basin has caused enormous material damage with loss of human life, and human facilities and infrastructure (roads, markets, health centres, homes, schools, electricity and telecommunications, etc.) are being weakened and collapsed, and this will be exacerbated in the future.", + "We are witnessing the fragilisation and collapse of human facilities and infrastructure (roads, markets, health centres, homes, schools, electricity and telecommunications, etc.) which will intensify in the future. In terms of health, high heat and flooding are causing the outbreak and spread of the germs of certain diseases such as malaria, meningitis, typhoid fever, cholera and respiratory diseases which were once localised and controlled. To date, the northern regions (Savanes and Kara) are the most vulnerable.", + "To date, the northern regions (Savanes and Kara) are the most vulnerable. However, the simulation shows that in the future, the risk of its diseases could spread southwards with a worsening in the northern regions. The mortality rate would increase and the vulnerability of the elderly, pregnant women, persons with disabilities, people living with HIV-AIDS and children would become increasingly high. 4.2.5.", + "The mortality rate is expected to increase and the vulnerability of the elderly, pregnant women, persons with disabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS and children will become increasingly high. 4.2.5. Coastal zone The erosion of the Togolese coast, which has been the subject of scientific observations since 1964, has resulted over the years in a change in the coastline.", + "Coastal zone The erosion of the Togolese coast, which has been the subject of scientific observations since 1964, has resulted in a change in the coastline over the years.", + "Climate change-related storms and natural wave cycles exacerbate the sea\u2019s advance towards human settlements on land, as evidenced by the average annual decline of 10 m in beaches, which threatens 42% of the national population, industrial units, economic and port activities, tourism remnants, and fishing villages.", + "This erosion threatens 42% of the national population, industrial units, economic and port activities, tourism remnants, fishing villages. In the future, all climate scenarios indicate an amplification of this phenomenon as the magnitude of sea level rise will increase from 11.35 cm in 2025 to 62 cm in 2100.", + "In the future, all climate scenarios indicate an increase in this phenomenon as the magnitude of sea level rise will increase from 11.35 cm in 2025 to 62 cm in 2100. This situation will exacerbate the current impacts of the complete disappearance of some of the coastal villages, the considerable loss of land and coastal ecosystems, the destruction of coastal infrastructure (roads, houses, hotels, etc.), the disruption of economic activities and the destruction of spawning grounds. 4.3.", + "This situation will exacerbate the current impacts of the complete disappearance of some of the coastal villages, the considerable loss of coastal lands and ecosystems, the destruction of coastal infrastructure (roads, houses, hotels, etc.), the disruption of economic activities and the destruction of spawning grounds. 4.3. PRIORITIES, OBJECTIVES AND ADAPTATION MEASURES The following diagram represents the strategic map that will enable the populations\u2019 adaptive capacities to be strengthened in all the priority areas outlined here.", + "PRIORITIES, OBJECTIVES AND ADAPTATION MEASURES The following diagram represents the strategic map for strengthening the adaptation capacities of populations in all priority sectors delineated here in axes. The objectives defined are derived from the national priorities translated into the NACHA and other national and sectoral planning tools (Figure 5). The implementation of activities to achieve these objectives is based on the promotion of the principles of equity, gender, cooperation, research and transparency. Figure 5:", + "The implementation of activities to achieve these objectives is based on the promotion of the principles of equity, gender, cooperation, research and transparency. Figure 5: Strategic map of adaptation in Togo 4.3.2. Adaptation measures/Co-benefits for mitigation To strengthen the resilience capacities of populations, adaptation measures, including those that translate into beneficial impacts in the field of mitigation, are identified in the priority sectors (Table 4).", + "Adaptation measures/Co-benefits for mitigation To strengthen the resilience capacities of populations, adaptation measures, including those that translate into beneficial mitigation benefits, are identified in the priority sectors (Table 4). The various measures identified in Togo integrate nature-based solutions that can contribute to mitigation while strengthening adaptation to climate change.", + "The various measures identified in Togo integrate nature-based solutions that can contribute to mitigation while strengthening adaptation to climate change.", + "These co-benefits translate into increased carbon sequestration potential, crop capacities to cope with water stress and pest attacks, reduced flood risks and the proliferation of pathogens. These identified measures address a number of continuing needs to strengthen the resilience of communities to the effects of climate change despite the efforts undertaken by the state (Table 4).", + "These identified measures address a number of continuing needs in strengthening the resilience of communities to the effects of climate change despite the efforts undertaken by the state (Table 4). Furthermore, the measures identified will contribute to the implementation of frameworks for strengthening adaptation at the national and international levels. At the national level, the various adaptation measures will essentially contribute to the operationalisation of the National Development Plan.", + "At the national level, the various adaptation measures will mainly contribute to the operationalization of the National Development Plan, are also part of the dynamics of the Government\u2019s 2025 Roadmap, and will contribute as a priority to Project 35 (response to major climate risks) and Project 36 (green mobility programme).", + "They are also part of the dynamics of the Government\u2019s Roadmap 2025 and will contribute as a priority to Project 35 (response to major climate risks) and Project 36 (green mobility programme), and in this Roadmap they also target Projects 2 and 3 (establishment of the single social register, establishment of universal health coverage), Project 5 (continuation of the electrification policy for all), Project 6 (increased access to drinking water and sanitation), Projects 12, 13, 14 and 15 (improvement of agricultural yields, extension of the rural road network, acceleration of the MIFA, expansion of the Kara agro-industrial complex in partnership with the private sector).", + "At the international level, the adaptation measures identified aim to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG2, which aims at ensuring food and nutrition security; SDG3, which relates to good health and well-being; SDG5, which aims at ensuring the empowerment of all women; SDG8, which aims at ensuring economic growth through decent work and which aims at preserving and restoring terrestrial ecosystems.", + "At the international level, the adaptation measures identified aim to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular the SDG2, which aims to ensure food and nutrition security; the SDG3, which relates to good health and well-being; the SDG5, which aims to ensure the empowerment of all women; and the SDG8, which aims to ensure economic growth through decent work and to preserve and restore terrestrial ecosystems. Table 4:", + "Sustainable management of traditional energy sources Promotion of wood-based energy plantations Supplying people with alternative energy sources such as domestic gas Promotion of alternative energy-saving technologies NDP Expected effect Objective 1 of Promoting the use of renewable energy Development of renewable energy Tax facilitation for the import of renewable energy equipment Development of mini-hybrid networks for rural electrification Facilitating the development of renewable energy for men, women, girls and vulnerable people NDP Expected effect Objective 1 of Axis target Strengthening resilience in the agricultural sector Strengthening the resilience of production systems and means in the agricultural sector Promotion of high-performance and climate-resilient varieties Strengthening Integrated Soil Fertility Management (IFFM) Definition/development of corridors and transhumance areas and pasture and drinking water areas", + "\u2022 Ensure food security for all through increased yields and improved incomes for producers, especially women, Reduce losses and damage to crops caused by floods, NDP pockets Expected effect Animal targets 1 Strengthen the agricultural insurance system against climate risks Construction and/or rehabilitation of water retention systems for micro-irrigation Water management in rice and vegetable production Promotion of good agro-ecological practice Pest and disease control Strengthen early warning and health surveillance systems Strengthen the resilience of agricultural processing units against drought and pests.", + "Actions to promote the sustainable management of forest ecosystems and the restoration of ecosystem services Support for the mapping of climate-sensitive areas Reforestation and protection of fragile ecosystems Promotion of urban forestry Development of community-sensitive forestry Valuing traditional practices for the protection of forest resources and the environment Increasing the availability of quality seeds and young plants Reducing the degradation of natural ecosystems Strengthening NDP services Expected effect Gender targets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,", + "Promoting integrated and sustainable water resources management Supporting the capture of surface water resources through multi-purpose hillside water impoundments Improving knowledge of water resources Protection of water resources Improving water management in the agricultural sector Rainwater conservation and wastewater recycling Improving groundwater management Improving access to drinking water Improving water quality and hygiene practices Studying the water potential of the coastal sediment basin and its resilience to CCS Increasing availability and accessibility of all water resources, especially in rural areas Ensuring restoration and maintenance of watersheds and wetlands Strengthening the capacity of institutions involved in water resources management.", + "Strengthening the adaptive capacity of human settlements Establishing an early warning system for risks Protection against disaster risks Mapping of risk areas Improving the management and exploitation of risk areas Strengthening the safety system of populations against flooding and other natural disasters Expected impact of the ODD 13 Accompanying the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases Strengthening the regulatory framework for health and the environment Providing rural areas with adequate health infrastructure Protection of populations against Covid 19 and other pathogens Improving access to health care for populations Reducing mortality from infectious diseases and other pathogens Expected impact of the ODD 13 Strengthening the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases Strengthening the regulatory framework for health and the environment", + "\u2022 Implementation of urban planning tools \u2022 Strengthening of sanitation infrastructure in urban centres \u2022 Sustainable management of urban waste \u2022 Development of urban centres \u2022 Harmonious and balanced spatial development of urban centres \u2022 Development of AGRs \u2022 Strengthening the economic resilience of the population, in particular of women and young people NDP Expected effect Climate-resilient targets 1 for women Axis 5:", + "\u2022 Improve the incomes of vulnerable populations in the coastal zone Reduce pollution and nuisance in the coastal zone NDP Expected impact of Target 1 of Strengthen the coastal protection system against coastal erosion (natural and man-made) Improve the regulatory framework and knowledge management of the phenomenon of coastal erosion Realization of structural investments for coastal protection Rehabilitation of coastal vegetation formations such as mangroves 4.4.", + "Status of implementation of adaptation measures 4.4.1. Progress achieved gender mainstreaming efforts in adaptation in Togo Since the initial NDCs, Togo has made efforts to implement adaptation actions through development projects and programmes that take into account gender and inclusion. In the initial NDCs of Togo, issues related to legal and institutional frameworks and gender were not explicitly addressed.", + "In Togo\u2019s initial NDCs, issues related to legal and institutional frameworks and gender were not explicitly addressed; however, progress in implementing adaptation has taken these aspects into account. The following table summarizes key adaptation efforts in Togo (Table 5).", + "The following table summarises the main adaptation efforts in Togo (Table 5). Table 5: Togo\u2019s adaptation efforts Sectors Measures in the initial NDCs Progress achieved Energy Development of renewable energies (to reach 4% of the energy mix) Implementation of four mini solar photovoltaic power plants with a total operating capacity of 600 KW Solar electrification of 314 health centres and equipment of 122 health centres with solar water heaters Sustainable management of traditional energies (wood heating and charcoal) Training of 1 500 coal miners on Casamance milling and equipment of cooperatives on Casamance milling More than 200 ha of reforestation for wood-energy purposes 100 cooperatives trained on wood-energy forestry entrepreneurship and sustainable management of natural resources Promotion and dissemination of about 20,000 improved furnaces and fireplaces in", + "\u2022 Promotion and dissemination of approximately 20,000 wood-fired ovens and improved wood-fired homes for the benefit of households; 15,000 improved homes and 25,000 biogas kits distributed; Promotion of the use of gas through awareness raising with the objective of: achieving Implementation of energy saving strategies Development of mini hybrid networks for rural electrification Electrification of more than 53,000 households by individual solar kits or photovoltaic solar nanogrids by December 2020 Installation of 2,000 solar irrigation systems; 500 solar kits in schools; 500 solar pumping systems for drinking water supply (DW) and 12,000 solar lamps.", + "Promotion of low-carbon modes of transport and new clean technologies in the building sector Reduction of taxes on new and hybrid vehicles Agriculture Promotion of high-performance varieties resilient to climate change Promotion of short-cycle varieties Strengthening of Integrated Soil Fertility Management (GIFS) Distribution of 300 micro-irrigation kits, establishment of 50 ha of irrigation with GIFERC products Installation of stone cords for integrated fertility management Support for community restoration of degraded land in Nangbani territory to improve the resilience of local agriculture to climate change Promotion of good agricultural practices for climate change resistance and sustainable land management in Ave Prefecture Definition/development of corridors and transhumance areas A transhumance map completed Construction and/or rehabilitation", + "Av\u00e9 Prefecture Definition/development of corridors and transhumance areas A transhumance map completed Construction and/or rehabilitation of water reservoirs for micro-irrigation and livestock watering in rural areas in all regions Installation of 15 pastoral water points Development of 10 small water reservoirs Support for the mapping of climate change sensitive areas Training of 2,863 OP members in impact assessment and vulnerability to drought Support for the dissemination of good agro-ecological practices Organisation of 6 workshops to raise awareness among policy makers Initiation of groups/cooperatives and young agricultural entrepreneurs in Agou and Kloto Prefectures of good practices in sustainable land management Promotion of the system of rice production with very low water consumption and low GHG emissions (SRI: Intensive Rice Production System)", + "\u2022 Support for the sustainable management of Ass\u00e9r\u00e9 Forestry\u2019s rice lands and other mapping assignments and the orientation of areas of human activity adapted to each environment and natural context \u2022 Participatory zoning and mapping at village or cantonal level to target sites to be restored/developed \u2022 Restoration of more than 1000 ha of state forest land \u2022 Development of more than 6000 ha of community forests Capacity-building (technical and material) of meteorological services for good forecasting and planning of activities \u2022 Equipment of 9 weather stations with automatic equipment Reforestation and protection of areas with fragile ecosystems (mountain sides, river banks) to combat flooding, strong winds and erosion \u2022 Rehabilitation of brigades and forest trails in protected areas.", + "\u2022 Training, equipment of 175 nurseries and production of 145,000 seedlings \u2022 Acquisition and distribution of 88,223 seedlings for reforestation on an area of 240 ha with reforestation of 150,000 seedlings in degraded areas of protected areas Promotion of the Ecology and Conscience Programme in Togo\u2019s schools Construction and equipment of two research laboratories on CACs Implementation of 27 studies related to CACs Implementation of 13 fields of agro-ecological schools in 13 prefectures Development of the national spatial planning scheme and implementation of pilot actions Implementation of Togo\u2019s second national forest inventory Installation of nearly 300 ha of almond orchards Support for the creation and management of nearly 50 community forests", + "300 ha of pineapple orchards Assistance in the creation and management of nearly 50 community forests Human settlements Strengthening stormwater sanitation and drainage in major urban centres Support to local communities in the context of waste sanitation and management Strengthening of the operational capacity of the National Agency for the Development of Asia and the Pacific (ANASAP) Establishment and restoration of dams and water retention basins (13 dams restored and maintained in the Greater Lom\u00e9 and 1 dam under construction in Binaparba in the Bassar Prefecture) Construction of 2300 ECOSAN-type family latrines Development and rehabilitation of urban roads in major urban centres Development of major roads and nearly 90,000 km of rural roads Promotion of urban forestry Creation and maintenance of 49,556 m2 of green space.", + "\u2022 Urban reforestation of the city of Lom\u00e9 with 10 000 plants planted Sustainable and rational waste management in urban areas Organization of waste management control missions in hospitals, industries, households and public latrines throughout the city Construction of Monfort-type biomedical waste incinerators in the 5 regions.", + "\u2022 Elimination of 369 wild landfills with 39,160 m3 of waste and disposal of urban waste \u2022 Disposal of urban waste from garbage dumps along the roads through the city (28,400 m3 of urban and peri-urban waste disposed of) Harmonious and balanced spatial development of urban centres \u2022 Development, revision and implementation of the Master Plans for Planning and Town Planning (SDAU) \u2022 Regulation of de facto subdivisions Strengthening of the institutional and regulatory framework concerning health and the environment \u2022 Development of a climate strategy for the health subsector \u2022 Strengthening the resilience of the entire population of Togo to malaria and other diseases; \u2022 Increase in the supply of integrated HIV/AIDS services with a percentage of the MS offering these services reaching 91%; \u2022 Support for the improvement of health", + "\u2022 Support for the improvement of health and nutrition in 1000 localities \u2022 Strengthening of community health activities in the Maritime region Protection against disaster risks \u2022 Emergency project for the rehabilitation of electrical infrastructure and services (PURISE) \u2022 Census of geodetic points \u2022 Identification of new points to be constructed \u2022 Mapping database of flood zones in the Greater Lom\u00e9, Maritime and Savannah regions \u2022 Preparation of disaster management maps \u2022 Integrated rehabilitation of flood-affected populations in 60 localities Improvement of water management in the agricultural sector \u2022 Creation of indoor dams \u2022 Installation of 15 pasture water points Rainwater conservation and wastewater reuse \u2022 Installation of 10 small water reservoirs Improvement of groundwater management \u2022 Rehabilitation of 60 wells and construction of 30 new wells; Extension of the water supply network in large cities; Installation of", + "\u2022 Extension of the water supply network in major cities; Installation of the solar pumping system at 400 water points with human mobility Coastal zone Study of the water potential of the coastal sedimentary basin and the resilience of the CC Conduct of a study on the assessment of post-harvest losses in artisanal marine fisheries in Togo Improvement of the regulatory framework and the management of knowledge of the phenomenon of coastal erosion Production and/or adaptation of long-term planning tools for marine and coastal territories Establishment of appropriate intersectoral political, legal and institutional frameworks for implementing guidelines and ensuring the sustainable development of marine and coastal littoral areas Creation of a ministry responsible for the blue economy Implementation of structural investments for the protection of the coast Implementation of eleven (11) Community projects at a total cost of 1,730 825 544", + "All these projects are aimed at reducing vulnerability and strengthening socio-economic resilience to the effects of climate change Support of close to EUR 270 000 for the development of alternative income-generating activities for coastal sand-harvesting stakeholders Capacity-building of 250 women marketers Development and exploitation of 20 hectares for coastal markets Support for mangrove ecosystem restoration 4.5.", + "\u2022 Capacity building of 250 women marketers \u2022 Development and exploitation of 20 hectares for coastal markets \u2022 Support for the restoration of mangrove ecosystems 4.5. TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND GENDER-BASED ACCEPTANCE MEASURES According to recent studies and field investigations, various adaptive measures have been implemented by local populations to cope with the effects of climate change, especially in the Oti basin.", + "TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND GENDER-BASED ACTION ON ADAPTATION According to recent studies and field investigations, various adaptive measures have been implemented by local populations to cope with the effects of climate change, especially in the Oti basin. In the agricultural sector, populations are using increased land area (96.6%), agroforestry (75.9%), treatment of livestock by veterinary services instead of traditional methods (62.1%), off-season crops and crop diversification (50.6%), adoption of early varieties and conservation of fodder during drought periods (35%).", + "In the agricultural sector, populations make use of increasing land area (96.6%), agroforestry (75.9%), treatment of livestock by veterinary services instead of traditional methods (62.1%), off-season crops and crop diversification (50.6%), adoption of early varieties and conservation of fodder during periods of drought (35%). In the human settlements sector, the populations of the Oti Plain carry out annual straw house constructions following flood periods (25%) and the construction of traps with a ceiling that serves as a support for crop products on the basis of estimates of the height of flood waters (6.5%).", + "In the human settlements sector, the populations of the Oti Plain carry out annual straw house constructions following flood periods (25%) and the construction of traps with a ceiling that supports harvesting products on the basis of estimates of the height of flood waters (6.5%). In the forestry sector, due to the continuous degradation of their land and the disappearance of certain forest species, some communities such as those of Chavad\u00e8 (central region) have undertaken the expansion of their sacred forest by defending 100 ha all around and enriching it with plants for multiple uses that are used in traditional therapy or food.", + "In the forestry sector, due to the continuous degradation of their land and the disappearance of certain forest species, some communities such as those of Chavad\u00e9 (central region) have undertaken the expansion of their sacred forest by defending 100 ha all around and enriching it with plants for multiple uses that are used in traditional therapy or food.", + "In the water sector, rural populations reduce the amount of water used for personal hygiene (57%) and make small holes in river beds to trap a few litres of water (10.5%). It is mainly women who are responsible for water harvesting and who are more involved in the application of these endogenous strategies.", + "It is mainly women who are responsible for water harvesting and who are more involved in implementing these endogenous strategies. In the field of energy, all rural populations use meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals made from meals", + "The measures identified in Togo\u2019s revised NCDs integrate the needs and interests of women and men in all plans and sectors, recognizing the differences between men and women and targeting the specific needs of men and women. 4.6.", + "The various measures recognise the differences between men and women and target the specific needs of men and women. 4.6. Useful information: STATUS OF adaptation in relation to COVID 19 In Togo, the COVID-19 pandemic not only has an impact on the health system but also weakens production and marketing systems at all levels.", + "In Togo, the COVID-19 pandemic not only affects the health system but also weakens production and marketing systems at all levels. In terms of adaptation to the pandemic, more than 52.7% of households used the stress strategy (sale of non-productive assets and debt).", + "In terms of adaptation to the pandemic, more than 52.7% of households used the stress strategy (sale of non-productive assets and debt). Thus, crisis strategies (sale of productive assets) and emergency strategies (sale of plots and houses) were adopted by the population. With the measures taken in the context of the health emergency, the only socio-economic alternatives for the population in rural areas were the abusive exploitation of fisheries and forestry resources.", + "With the measures taken in the context of the state of health emergency, the only socio-economic alternatives for the rural population have been the misuse of fisheries and forest resources. The crisis of COVID-19 has disrupted the implementation of the national development plan 2018-2022, which provided for several adaptation actions. Overall, in Togo, COVID has only exacerbated the climate-related impacts resulting in certain emergency responses to strengthen the resilience of populations (Table 6).", + "Overall, in Togo, COVID has only exacerbated climate-related impacts resulting in certain emergency responses to strengthen population resilience (Table 6). Table 6: Impacts of Covid 19 and priority responses to adaptation in Togo Impacts of Covid 19 exacerbating climate change \u27a2 Increased exploitation of certain species \u27a2 Abuse of wood resources for subsistence \u27a2 Re-allocation of climate change budgets \u27a2 Increased pressure on medicinal plants \u27a2 Delays in implementation of adaptation projects \u27a2 Disruption of implementation of planning tools incorporating adaptation aspects \u27a2 Increased food insecurity \u27a2 Cancellation of national and international climate events \u27a2 Increased health risk \u27a2 Increased health-related expenditure Priority responses or measures \u27a2 Fcfa 3 billion", + "Health risk \u27a2 Increase in health-related expenditure Priority responses or measures \u27a2 Fcfa 3 billion in monetary transfers to the most vulnerable through the solidarity programme (Novissi) \u27a2 Food aid programme for vulnerable populations through community restaurants \u27a2 Distribution of food kits to vulnerable households for free to the social stratum with regard to electricity and water \u27a2 Tax exemption in the transport, land, agricultural, industrial and energy sectors, etc. \u27a2 Partnership with traditional medicine practitioners \u27a2 Increase in public health-related expenditure (Fcfa 20 billion in public expenditure) Chapter 5:", + "A consistent and unprecedented commitment on the part of stakeholders in Togolese society is required, in particular those in the financial sector with the means to influence investment flows and international financial partners. Achieving the overall target of 50.57 % requires an investment estimated at around US$ 5.4 billion between 2020 and 2030.", + "Achieving the overall target of 50.57 per cent requires an estimated investment of about US$5.4 billion between 2020 and 2030. Achieving the conditional portion of this target of 74 per cent, with an estimated investment of US$3.97 billion, is conditional on access to new sources of funding and additional support, compared to that received in recent years.", + "The attainment of the conditional 74% of this target, estimated at $3.97 billion, is conditional on access to new sources of financing and additional support, compared to that received in recent years. External support (bilateral or multilateral) in the implementation of the CBD is crucial, both in terms of capacity building, technology transfer and financing of climate infrastructure projects.", + "External support (bilateral or multilateral) in the implementation of the CBD is crucial, both in terms of capacity building, technology transfer and financing climate infrastructure projects. This support can drive the entire range of actions of the revised CBD in both mitigation and adaptation. The shares of mitigation and adaptation measures are USD 2.7 billion and USD 2.6 billion respectively. 5.1.", + "The shares attributable to mitigation and adaptation measures are $2.7 billion and $2.6 billion, respectively. 5.1. INVESTMENT NEEDS FOR MITIGATION Planning focuses on areas with high reduction potential such as Energy, AFAT, POPs and waste retained in the revised CBD. However, adaptation areas such as water resources, human settlements and health, and the coastal zone have been addressed in the CBD and will also be the subject of planning here. 5.1.1.", + "However, adaptation sectors such as water resources, human settlements and health and the coastal zone have been addressed in the CND and will also be the subject of planning here. 5.1.1. Investment needs of the energy sector Electricity generation sub-sector An institutional framework has been put in place for the development of renewable energies and project management, including the institutionalisation of renewable energy management and energy efficiency at national level through the creation of the ATR.", + "Electricity production subsector An institutional framework has been set up for the development of renewable energies and the supervision of projects, in particular the institutionalisation of the management of renewable energies and energy efficiency at national level through the creation of the AT2R. Created by Presidential Decree No 2016 \u2013 064/PR of 11 May 2016, the Togolese Agency for Rural Electrification and Renewable Energies (AT2ER) is a public institution with financial autonomy.", + "Created by Presidential Decree No. 2016 \u2013 064/PR of 11 May 2016, the Togolese Agency for Rural Electrification and Renewable Energies (AT2ER) is a public institution with financial autonomy. The agency is responsible for implementing the country\u2019s rural electrification policy, promoting and enhancing renewable energies. As a central actor dedicated to enhancing renewable resources, AT2ER aims to transform the country\u2019s natural energy potential into electricity for the development of rural communities.", + "As a central actor dedicated to the valorisation of renewable resources, AT2ER has the ambition of transforming the country\u2019s natural energy potential into electricity for the development of rural communities. Thus, AT2ER has a dual responsibility to accelerate rural electrification and to increase the share of renewable energies in Togo\u2019s energy mix.", + "Table 7: Investment costs of the revised CDN shares in the electricity production subsector Revised CDN shares Investment costs Unconditional Conditional Cost Total % Costs % Costs Implementation cost Improvement of the electricity distribution network and promotion of economic light bulbs Promotion of energy efficiency in households Promotion of electricity production based on renewable sources of hydroelectric energy Promotion of electricity production based on renewable sources of energy in Togo (individual solar kits, mini-solar networks, solar power plant) Total Source:", + "USD 957,599,146 of which USD 815,115,343 is for contingency financing, or 85% of the total cost.", + "This translates into the implementation of several short, medium and long-term action plans to develop the areas of solar power generation and hydroelectric power plants, thereby contributing to the achievement in 2030 of the estimated target of 41.1% in terms of the mitigation effort of 455.66 Gg CO2-eq of this sub-sector.", + "Transportation Subsector The transportation sector, a driving force in the country's growth and development, nevertheless remains a major concern, due in part to its emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and polluting gases and, in turn, its direct impact on climate change.", + "In Togo, this sector contributes 7% of GDP, of which 70% is road transport, or 5%; the remaining 30%, or 2% of GDP, is the share of other modes of transport, mainly maritime transport, concentrated in the activities of the Autonomous Port of Lom\u00e9.2 Transport accounts for 81.11 % of final consumption of petroleum products (including a significant share for road transport, in particular for two-wheeled vehicles)3.", + "Transport accounts for 81.11 % of final consumption of petroleum products (including a significant share for road transport, in particular for two-wheeled vehicles).3 However, both the Finance Act 2021 and the Finance Act 2020 provide for exemptions or reduction of the tax burden (customs duties and VAT) on the importation of electric, hybrid and new 5-year-old vehicles, with the aim of removing cars that are too polluting from the fleet for renewal.", + "In the same vein, the NDP intends to develop all modes of transport and to position Togo as a reference platform in the subregion and on the continent.", + "In the same vein, the NDP intends to develop all modes of transport and to position Togo as a reference platform in the subregion and on the continental level. The Togo 2025 government roadmap resulting from the NDP sets the following objectives: o increase the share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles to 3% by 2025; 2 Brief overview of the transport sector in Togo 2016 3 Sustainable energy for all (se4all) Sustainable energy for all 2030 (SE4ALL-20 national action programme, October) o extend the rural road network by building 4000 km of rural roads targeting agricultural areas with high export potential in order to connect farmers to the market, o build the Unity motorway by accelerating the RN1 development project linking the productive hinterland to the Lom\u00e9 agglomeration and the autonomous port.", + "Implementation of the national energy efficiency in transport programme, mandatory technical inspection and eco-driving training are measures that contribute to achieving the objectives of the CND.", + "Table 8: Total investment costs of the transport sub-sector Revised NCD actions Investment costs Unconditional Conditional Investment cost Total % Costs % Costs Implementation cost Green mobility programme Improvement of road infrastructure to reduce congestion in urban centres Total Source: NCD support project, September 2021 The total financial requirements in the transport sub-sector are estimated to result in a cumulative emission reduction of 9,960.04 Gg CO2-eq over the period 2020-2030 compared to a business as usual scenario through the projects declining in the annex.", + "Residential Subsector Places of residence and commerce contribute to GHG emissions because of the level of energy consumption, which generally depends on the type of energy used for cooking, ventilation, heating, lighting, appliances, etc.", + "In general, this level of consumption depends on the type of energy used for cooking meals, ventilation, heating, lighting, household appliances, etc. In the national territory, this level is rising with rapid urbanization, especially in the city of Lom\u00e9, where trends towards a western lifestyle are observed, with increasing energy needs.", + "For this subsector, the scenario assumes that (i) the share of the population using biogas for cooking will increase to 4% in 2025 and 12% in 2030 in urban areas; to 6% in 2025 and 15% in 2030 in rural areas; (ii) the share of the population using briquette will increase to 15% in urban areas and 10% in rural areas by 2030; and (iii) the share of the population using LPG will increase to 35% in urban areas and 8% in rural areas by 2030.", + "This translates into the implementation of two short-, medium- and long-term action plans whose needs and impacts are estimated in the CND as follows.", + "Table 9: Investment Requirements for NDC Shares Residential Subsector Revised NDC Shares Unconditional Conditional Costs Total Investment % Costs % Costs Implementation Cost Promotion of Modern Bioenergy for Cooking - Promotion of LPG in Households Total Source: NDC Support Project, September 2021 The investment requirement for the residential subsector amounted to USD 73,609,600, of which USD 10,976,000 for the unconditional and USD 62,633,600 for the conditional.", + "Investment needs of the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use Sector Investment needs of the CDN shares Agriculture sub-sector The agricultural sector plays a major economic and social role in Togo, having in recent years occupied 65% of the labour force, accounted for 15% of exports and contributed approximately 38% to the formation of real GDP.", + "In recent years, it has accounted for 65% of the labour force, 15% of exports and about 38% of real GDP. It aims to be the driving force behind Togo\u2019s development through the National Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutritional Security Programme (PNIASAN 2017-2026), which aims to raise Togo\u2019s agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate to at least 10% by 2026, improve the agricultural trade balance by 15%, double the average income of farm households, contribute to the reduction of malnutrition through the fight against food insecurity and halve the rural poverty rate to 27%.", + "This sector is very sensitive to climate change, which exacerbates current unsustainable trends, such as the degradation of water resources, soil erosion, desertification and the loss of agro-biodiversity, yet these resources are vital to agriculture. The agricultural sector enjoys many privileges due to Togo\u2019s new position on the international stage.", + "The agricultural sector enjoys many privileges as a result of Togo\u2019s new position on the international stage, resulting from the resumption of cooperation with the main technical and financial partners, Togo\u2019s eligibility for the HIPC initiative and the effective start of the implementation of certain projects included in the PNIASA I and II and the PNIASAN 2017-2026, the main tool for implementing the mainly agricultural development policy (Agricultural Development Facility).", + "This position stems from the resumption of co-operation with the main technical and financial partners, the eligibility of Togo for the HIPC initiative and the effective start of the implementation of certain projects included in the PNIASA I and II and PNIASAN 2017-2026, the main tool for implementing the policy focusing mainly on the development of agricultural holdings (Agricultural Development Centre).", + "Organisation of value chains: organising the chains for all major crops up to the processing and marketing chain of agricultural products and sub-products Modernisation of the livestock sub-sector by increasing the productivity of livestock beyond the growth and natural development of herds, setting up processing units for livestock products, genetic improvement for the performance of cattle breeding, introduction of improved breeders into the traditional system, intensification of the outlet and strengthening of market access for the marketing of livestock products, etc. Support for forage reforestation with the introduction of forage trees on farms with a view to the sustained production of quality forage; Total Source:", + "The country needs to mobilise 77% of this amount under the conditional scenario in order to achieve the cumulative emission reduction target of 3799.23 Gg CO2-eq over the period 2020-2030. Forestry and other land use Subsector Togo\u2019s forest ecosystems fall into three main categories: natural forest formations, forest and agroforestry plantations, and special ecosystems (protected areas and community forests).", + "Forestry and Other Land Use Subsector Togo\u2019s forest ecosystems fall into three broad categories: natural forest formations, forest and agro-forestry plantations, and special ecosystems (protected areas and community forests), as well as continental water ecosystems or wetlands (lakes, rivers, and lagoons). Forest cover is estimated at 24.24% (IFN, 2015), with an estimated current annual loss of forest area of 1.7% (MERF, 2017).", + "The rate of forest cover is estimated at 24.24% (IFN, 2015), with an estimated annual forest area loss rate of 1.7% (MERF, 2017). Forest area loss is the result of the effects of deforestation and deforestation due to high agricultural expansion with unconservative practices, uncontrolled exploitation of forest resources, lack of control over the timing of often wild vegetation fires, and oversupply of wood-energy.", + "The loss of forest areas is the result of the effects of deforestation and deforestation due to high agricultural expansion with unconservative practices, the uncontrolled exploitation of forest resources, the failure to control the timing of often wild vegetation fires and the excessive supply of wood-energy.", + "Although poorly appreciated, Togo\u2019s forestry sector is estimated to contribute to the national economy for close to the national GDP.4 It provides wood for 90% of biomass energy needs and contributes significantly to the need for lumber. Value-added (VA) of fuelwood in GDP in 2015 was CFA 17.80 billion, of wood coal CFA 71.19 billion and of wood energy CFA 88.99 billion.", + "The value-added (VA) of firewood in GDP in 2015 was CFA 17.80 billion, CFA 71.19 billion for charcoal and CFA 88.99 billion for wood energy. The organs of several plants (bark, leaves, roots, etc.) are used in traditional pharmacopoeia, cosmetics, fodder, food and other industries.", + "Several plant organs (bark, leaves, roots, etc.) are used in traditional pharmacopoeia, cosmetics, fodder, food, etc. In addition to reforestation and forest climate risk management projects, the revised CDN includes energy efficiency in wood use projects as well as adaptation projects with mitigation benefits.", + "In addition to reforestation and forest climate risk management projects, the revised CDN includes energy efficiency in wood use projects as well as adaptation projects with mitigation benefits. Table 11: Investment requirements for CDN actions in the forestry subsector and other land allocations CDN Action Unconditional Conditional Total % Costs % Costs Implementation Cost Restoration of existing forest landscapes through the promotion of the restoration of natural forests, fragile ecosystems and the conservation of biodiversity, giving priority to supporting projects linked to already organised territories (protected areas, community or village forests, sacred sites), limiting fragmentation of forest massifs and in 4 National Accounts (2014) and MERF, 2017 estimates for the year 2014 now connecting natural habitats Improvement of sustainable land management for strengthening wells", + "Improvement of sustainable land management for carbon sinks and carbon sequestration through \"mass development plans\" promoted by private forests or community forests or \"territorial forest charters\" or rural poles of excellence; Development of urban forestry through the establishment of urban plantations, promotion and creation of green spaces; Promotion of processing of forest products and non-linear by-products and promotion of value chains and market access for processed forest products; Total FAT Source:", + "The mitigation measures all have a conditional component estimated at USD 792,304,920 between 2020 and 2030, which aims to enhance the national effort already undertaken in this area. 5.1.3.", + "In Togo, the industrial fabric varies very little and remains concentrated in the extractive industries (phosphate and cement production) and manufacturing industries (food, beverages and tobacco; textiles, clothing; wood and wood products; printing, paper and publishing; chemical industries; and metal products).", + "The clinker manufacturing industries constitute the key emission category in Togo. The industrial sector in Togo is relatively new and is characterised by its modest contribution to GDP, which in fact rises from 23% in 2005 to 15.6% in 2018. In addition to modern industries, there are craft activities (metallurgical extractives, textiles, agri-food).", + "In addition to modern industries, there are artisanal activities (metallurgical extractives, textiles, agri-food). The objectives of the CND in the industrial sector are directly related to the HCFC Disposal Management Plan, which aims to reduce the consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and avoid their significant release into the atmosphere at the end of the life cycle of equipment containing them, thereby reducing GHG emissions.", + "The objectives of the CND in the industrial sector are directly related to the HCFC Disposal Management Plan, which aims to reduce the consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and avoid their significant release into the atmosphere at the end of the life cycle of equipment containing them, thereby reducing GHG emissions.", + "The plan calls for the construction of at least 100 green buildings using fewer air conditioners by 2030 and for a reduction of at least 2% in the import rate of F-gases. The national ozone office of the Ministry of the Environment is a technical player that assists companies in the implementation of this HCFC phase-out management plan. Eight measures have been dropped from the 2030 plan, including those aimed at reducing emissions in the sector.", + "Eight measures have been outlined in the 2030 plan which are aimed in particular at reducing emissions in the sector. Table 12: Investment needs of CDN shares in the IPUP sector CDN Action Unconditional Conditional Cost Total Investment % Costs % Costs Implementation Cost Valuing the processing and recycling of fluorinated gases Promoting the importation of alternative refrigerant fluids such as propane (R290) used for freezers; refrigerated display cases and ice cream dispensers; R448A (HFC-HFO) ; (HFC-HFO) as a replacement for R404A - - Developing registers containing information on the quantities and types of fluorinated gases installed to the quantities that may be added and the quantities recovered during maintenance and maintenance operations National Census of refrigeration operators in Togo Promoting the construction", + "To promote the construction of private and public buildings with thermal insulation materials To promote the manufacture of cements composed of less clinker as portland types; limestone; slag; blast furnace cement To develop Total IPPC Capture and Storage technologies Source: DND Support Project, September 2021 The financing requirements for the IPPC sector, mainly in the hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) sub-sector, amount to USD 89 034 000, mainly available at over 96% under the conditional scenario. 5.1.4.", + "Waste Sector The waste sector is severely under-reported. One of the greatest challenges facing municipal authorities is the collection of household waste and the disposal of wastewater. Individual waste generation ranges from 0.4 to 2kg per capita per day. Emissions from the sector as a whole range from 335.7 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 573.3 Gg CO2-eq in 2030, an increase of 70.8%.", + "Emissions from the sector as a whole range from 335.7 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 573.3 Gg CO2-eq in 2030, an increase of 70.8%. In addition to the importance of the issue from an environmental and natural resource point of view, waste collection, recovery and treatment are, in this context, becoming an economically viable sector, a source of added value, competitiveness, job creation and limiting the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.", + "In addition to the importance of the issue from an environmental and natural resource point of view, waste collection, recovery and treatment are becoming, in this context, an economically viable sector, a source of added value, competitiveness, job creation and limiting the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.", + "The plan is thus delineated as follows in Table 13. Table 13: Investment needs of CDN shares in the waste sector Unconditional Conditional Total investment needs % Costs % Costs Implementation costs Promoting better sanitation Energy recovery of millions of methane produced at the Lom\u00e9 landfill site Sorting and recovery of tonnes of waste tonnes by composting) destined for incineration.", + "Triage and recovery tonnes of waste tonnes by composting) for incineration. Total Waste Source: NCD Support Project, September 2021 The cost of the three mitigation options in the waste sector is estimated at USD 262,547,777, including USD 54,037,901 for unconditional actions. Mobilization of the amounts in the estimated conditional scenario of USD 20,850,9876 will achieve the reduction target of 412.20 Gg CO2-eq of cumulative emissions over the period 2020-2030 in the sector. 5.1.5.", + "Mobilizing the amounts in the estimated conditional scenario of USD 208509876 will achieve the reduction target of 412.20 Gg CO2-eq of cumulative emissions over the period 2020-2030 in the sector. 5.1.5. Aggregation of mitigation costs This section presents the aggregation of options and costs assessed by key sectors for contributing to GHGs. The key sectors identified are: agriculture, waste and energy, which includes electricity generation, transportation and residential and service industries, and industries.", + "The key sectors identified are: agriculture, waste and energy, which includes electricity generation, transportation and residential and tertiary industries, and industries Table 14 shows the estimated funding requirements based on unconditional (nationally funded) and conditional contributions for the period 2020-2030 Table 14: Associated investment costs under the mitigation scenario SECTORS CONDITIONAL COST million USD CONDITIONAL COST million USD TOTAL COST million USD % Energy Agriculture FAT PIUP Waste TOTAL The funding requirements associated with all identified mitigation options are estimated at US$2,699,363 million by 2030, of which US$697,719 million for unconditional options and US$2,001,643 million for conditional actions.", + "In order for Togo to reach its 2030 target, strategies must be put in place to mobilize conditional resources, which account for more than 74% of mitigation financing needs.", + "In order for Togo to reach its 2030 target, strategies need to be put in place to mobilise conditional resources, which account for more than 74% of mitigation financing needs. The investment levels for each sector are globally equivalent to the estimated mitigation shares in each emitting sector. The graph shows that energy projects and LULUCF account for more than 80% (40% and 38% respectively) of total investment over the period 2020-2030.", + "The graph shows that energy projects and LULUCF account for more than 80% (40% and 38% respectively) of total investment over the period 2020-2030. Investment in reduction efforts in agriculture represents the bulk of the remaining needs. Table 15 shows the needs as a proportion of funding estimated on the basis of unconditional contributions (funded at national level) and conditional contributions for sectors and sub-sectors.", + "Investment costs for all mitigation measures (millions USD) INCONDITIONAL CONDITIONAL Cost TOTAL SECTORS /Sub-sectors % COST million USD % COST million USD million USD Electricity generation Transportation Residential Agriculture FAT PIUP Waste TOTAL Source: NDC Support Project, September 2021 Analysis of the table shows that for the conditional scenario, investments in the production sub-sector account for a significant share of 38.56%, followed by projects in the FAT sub-sector with 30.36%.", + "Table 15: Investment costs for all mitigation measures (millions USD) CONDITIONAL CONDITIONAL Cost TOTAL SECTORS /Sub-sectors % COST million USD % COST million USD million USD Electricity generation Transport Residential Agriculture FAT PIUP Waste TOTAL Source: NCD Support Project, September 2021 Analysis of the table shows that for the conditional scenario, investments in the production sub-sector account for a significant share of 38.56%, followed by projects in the FAT sub-sector with 30.36%. This is supported by a significant announced investment in solar power and the government\u2019s commitment to increase the share of renewable energies in the energy mix from 3 to 50% by 20235.", + "This is supported by a major announced investment in solar power and the government\u2019s intention to increase the share of renewable energies in the energy mix from 3 to 50% by 20235. In the LULUCF sub-sector, this is reflected in the ambition to plant one billion trees by 2030.", + "In the LULUCF sub-sector, this commitment is reflected in the ambition to plant one billion trees by 2030, while the agriculture sub-sector, although an important source of GHGs, accounts for only 9.21% because adaptation is the priority in this sector already affected by the adverse effects of climate change. 5.2.", + "For its part, the agricultural sub-sector, although an important source of GHGs, accounts for only 9.21%, as adaptation is the priority in this sector already affected by the adverse effects of climate change. 5.2. INVESTMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ADAPTATION LINE Togo\u2019s economy has been based from the outset on the primary sector, which for decades has been the most exposed to the effects of climate variability and is now considered to be the most vulnerable to climate change.", + "Investment Requirements for the Adaptation Corridor Togo\u2019s economy has historically been based on the primary sector, which for decades has been the most exposed to the effects of climate variability and is now considered to be the most vulnerable to climate change.", + "The investment plan for the planned adaptation measures is based on the proposed actions for the adaptation component of the revised CBD (Table 16). Table 16: Sectoral adaptation measures with estimated costs Adaptation measures Objectives of the measure OPTIONS AND COSTS Unconditional Conditional Proportional Costs in millions of USD Proportional Costs in millions of USD Implementation costs (Total cost (millions of US$) Energy sector Reinforcement of wood-energy reforestation actions (17,400 ha) Development of modern bioenergy: installation of briquette and shovel production plants in large rice and oil palm production basins, promotion of bio digesters for biogas production, promotion of gasification equipment Promotion of energy efficiency: improved fireplaces, improved carbonization furnaces (in large wood coal production basins), efficient electrical equipment Development of mini hybrid networks", + "(in large wood coal production basins), efficient electrical equipment Development of mini-hybrid networks for rural electrification (solar, biomass, small hydropower) SUB TOTAL Energy Sub-sector Agriculture Strengthening of phytosanitary research (development of low-cost biopesticides, research on biological control) Support for the dissemination of good agro-ecological practices Promotion of multipurpose village water and hydraulics management (hydro-agricultural management, promotion of small-scale irrigation, lowland management for farming) Strengthening of integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) Definition/development of corridors and transhumance areas Strengthening of meteorological services\u2019 capacity (technical and material) for good forecasting and planning of activities Promotion of high-performance varieties resilient to climate change SUB TOTAL AGRI", + "Protection against floods, strong winds and erosion Promotion of non-timber forest product chains at the level of the country\u2019s 5 regions (capacity building and organisation of stakeholders, development of marketing channels) to strengthen the resilience of communities SUB TOTAL FAT Sector Human settlements and health Sector Human settlements and health Strengthening of stormwater sanitation and drainage in major urban centres Development and rehabilitation of urban roads in major urban centres Development of emergency medical services Development and implementation of a health watch plan (national and local level) Sound and sustainable management of municipal waste SUB TOTAL Human settlements and health Sector Water resources Improved access to drinking water (rehabilitation of drinking water supply structures at the village level, installation of new boreholes/water supply systems with solar pumping) Rainwater collection and reuse of treated wastewater Improved", + "Re-use of treated wastewater Improved knowledge of surface and groundwater resources (increased hydrological and hydrogeological observation network) Action plan for mini- potable water supply technology, surface water retention rehabilitation technology, gravity drainage of storm waters SUBTOTAL water resources Sector Coastal zone Strengthening of structural investments to protect the coast and raise the level of resilience Support for vulnerable populations in coastal villages and along the Gbaga channel for the development of AGR (seasonal fishing; creation of fishponds, training, cold rooms for fish conservation, training and equipment for women for spawning and fish conditioning) to reduce their vulnerability SUBTOTAL coastal zone Cross-cutting Cross-cutting Support for the development and implementation of sectoral adaptation plans to climate change taking into account national, regional and local levels Support for the revision and implementation", + "National, regional and local Support for the revision and implementation of the MNV system taking into account progress and impact indicators for all climate change adaptation instruments SUB TOTAL Cross-cutting Total Source: NDC Support Project, September 2021 The revised total amount of NDC adaptation interventions is estimated at more than $2,779.44 million up to 2030, of which $2278.84 million for conditional actions and $500.6 million for unconditional actions.", + "Figure 2 below outlines the financing needs by sector associated with all identified adaptation actions, estimated at $2,779.44 million up to 2030. Figure 6: proportions of adaptation scenario actions in total investment costs of $2.8 billion Figure 6 above summarizes the financing needs by sector in adaptation as reported by each ministry. The total financing required for adaptation actions amounts to just over $2.8 billion.", + "The total funding required for adaptation actions amounts to just over USD 2.8 billion. The largest funding is required for agriculture (29%, USD 805.61 million), human settlements (26%, USD 696.11 million) and energy (22%, USD 609.35 million). Most of the funding requested depends on international support, which accounts for 81.99% of the total amount to be invested. 5.3.", + "Most of the funding requested depends on international support, which accounts for 81.99% of the total amount to be invested. 5.3. INVESTMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR CAPACITY-BUILDING AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS Under the Paris Agreement, developed countries have also committed themselves to providing technology transfer and capacity-building to developing countries, and technology transfer and capacity-building to developing countries.", + "Many developing countries and many developing countries will require enhanced capacity to effectively monitor bilateral and multilateral flows of resources and support and to identify gaps and pending needs and support and to identify gaps and pending needs 5.3.1.", + "Many developing countries and many developing countries will require enhanced capacity to effectively monitor bilateral and multilateral resource and support flows and to identify gaps and outstanding needs and support and to identify gaps and outstanding needs 5.3.1. Technology Transfer Priority technology transfer needs have been identified for the energy, agriculture and forestry sectors.", + "Technology Transfer Priority technology transfer needs were identified for the energy, agriculture and forestry sectors, based on their potential for GHG emissions, their importance to the country\u2019s socio-economic development, and their vulnerability to climate change.", + "Since June 2015, Togo has been engaged in the second phase of the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) project in identifying and analysing technology needs with a view to identifying a portfolio of projects and programmes capable of addressing the adverse effects of climate change through the transfer and access to clean technologies for both adaptation and mitigation.", + "Since June 2015, Togo has been engaged in the second phase of the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) project in identifying and analysing technological needs with a view to identifying a portfolio of projects and programmes capable of addressing the adverse effects of climate change through the transfer of and access to clean technologies for both adaptation and mitigation.", + "For adaptation, priority technologies covered two sectors and are ranked in order of importance: \u0304 For Agriculture: 1) agricultural land management, 2) integrated agricultural production systems, and 3) off-season agriculture. \u0304 For Water Resources: 1) mini-potable water supply, 2) surface water retention rehabilitation, and 3) heavy rainwater drainage.", + "\u0304 For the Water Resources Sector: 1) mini-supply of drinking water, 2) rehabilitation of surface water impoundments, and 3) gravity drainage of rainwater Table 17 summarizes the costs of the needs resulting from this assessment.", + "Table 17 summarizes the costs of the needs resulting from this assessment. Table 17: Technology Transfer Costs Sectors Proposed Technology Measure Investment ($ millions) Implementation Cost ( Total ($ millions) ENERGY Implementation of the Technology Action Plan Large Hydroelectric Generating Station (CHGP) Networked Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Technology Action Plan Small or Mini Hydroelectric Generating Station (PMCH) Technology Action Plan Transportation Technology Action Plan Urban Congestion Reduction Road Infrastructure Improvement (AIRDCU) Technology Action Plan Bus Transit Development (DTCB) Technology Action Plan Road Transportation Standards Implementation AGRICULTURE Technology Action Plan Agricultural Land Management (ATA) Technology Action Plan Integrated Agricultural Production System (SIPA) Technology Action Plan", + "Agricultural Land Management (ALM) Technology Action Plan Integrated Agricultural Production System (IAPS) Off-season Agriculture Technology Action Plan Water Resources Technology Action Plan Mini-Drinking Water Supply Technology Action Plan Surface Water Retention Rehabilitation Technology Action Plan Gravitational Stormwater Drainage Technology Action Plan TOTAL Source: NDC Support Project, September 2021 The total estimated cost in the EBT Action Plan is $57.812 million.", + "It should be noted that for reasons of inflation and implementation costs, this amount will be increased by 15% of the capital.", + "Figure 7: Breakdown of Technology Transfer Requirements by Sector 5.3.2. Capacity Building and Knowledge Management. From NIC to NQ, capacity building and technical resource needs have always been identified and articulated. The importance of these needs necessitated a National Environmental Capacity Building Self-Assessment (NECA) program implemented between 2006 and 2008.", + "The importance of these needs necessitated a National Environmental Capacity-Building Self-Assessment (NECA) program implemented between 2006 and 2008, which has been instrumental in building capacity on global environmental issues and specifically on climate change, and which remains a national reference on this issue.", + "These documents remain a national reference on this issue. Although efforts are being made, stakeholder consultations reveal that most of the needs identified at the national level for environmental management (ANCR, 2008) and in the context of the national communication processes (CNI, DCN, TCN) including the ABR, are still relevant and actions need to be taken to meet them.", + "Although efforts are being made, stakeholder consultations reveal that most of the needs identified at the national level for environmental management (ANCR, 2008) and in the context of national communication processes (CNI, DCN, TCN) including the PRBA, are still topical and need to be addressed: institutional, individual (human) and systemic capacity building needs summarised and prioritised in Table 18.", + "These are the institutional, individual (human) and systemic capacity-building needs summarized and prioritized in Table 18. Table 18: Priority Technical Resource Requirements and Institutional, Individual and Systemic Capacity Building Line of Action Sectors Actions to be taken (projects identified) Cost (US$ million) Implementation Cost Total Institutional Capacity Building Support for the development of a harmonious institutional framework for the uninterrupted implementation of the UNFCCC in Togo Human/individual Capacity building of Togolese delegates for active and beneficial country participation in climate negotiations Capacity building of national experts on the tools and methodology for the development of thematic studies of national communications Systemic Capacity building of public and private sector actors for the mobilization of climate finance Establishment of a national system for the acquisition, use and transfer of environmentally sound", + "The priority technical resources and institutional, individual and systemic capacity-building needs are estimated at US$234.6 million, which can be fully mobilized from external sources 5.4.", + "TOTAL FUNDING REQUIRED FOR THE REVISED TOGO NCD Financial requirements remain high despite ongoing efforts. Most actions requiring funding and the mobilization of future resources will be a fair mix of domestic and foreign funds. The estimated net cost of established NDC mitigation measures is expected to be about US$ 2.70 billion and over US$ 2.88 billion for adaptation targets, reflecting a combined funding need of about US$ 5.58 billion.", + "The estimated net cost of established NDC mitigation measures is expected to be about $2.70 billion and over $2.88 billion for adaptation targets, reflecting a combined funding requirement of about $5.58 billion. Table 19 summarizes the value of funding required over the next ten years.", + "Table 19: Mitigation and Adaptation Funding Requirements for the Revised CBD Mitigation ($ billions) Adaptation ($ billions) Total ($ billions) Unconditional Conditional Total The total expected cost of mitigation of the CBD as defined in this 2030 Investment Plan is estimated at approximately $2.70 billion and $2.78 billion for adaptation objectives, reflecting a total funding requirement of approximately $5.48 billion.", + "Table 19: Mitigation and adaptation financing requirements for the revised CBD Mitigation ($ billions) Adaptation ($ billions) Total ($ billions) unconditional conditional Total The overall expected cost of mitigation of the CBD as defined in this 2030 investment plan is estimated at about $2.70 billion and $2.78 billion for adaptation objectives, reflecting a total financing requirement of about $5.48 billion.", + "Unconditional measures account for 22 per cent of total planned assistance and 78 per cent for conditional measures. It should be noted that this evaluation does not cover capacity-building and technology transfer aspects, which are estimated at US$ 66.4838 million and US$ 234.6 million, respectively, for the period 2020-2030. Chapter 6: Measurement, Notification and Verification 6.1. MNV/MRV SYSTEM 6.1.1. Different types of MNV in Togo", + "MNV/MRV SYSTEM 6.1.1. Different types of MNV existing in Togo Emission systems Since 2017, Togo\u2019s MNV system has been based on the institutional arrangement of national communications and updated biennial CC reports. This institutional arrangement was put in place at the TCN and replicated during the PRBA; it was embodied by a memorandum between MERF and the research structures of the University of Lom\u00e9.", + "It was embodied in a memorandum between MERF and the research structures of the University of Lom\u00e9, but in 2019, this arrangement was strengthened within the framework of 4CN & 2RBA by a formal agreement between MERF and the University of Lom\u00e9.", + "However, in 2019, this arrangement was strengthened under the 4CN & 2RBA by a formal agreement between MERF and UL. UL\u2019s research structures involved in emissions studies under this agreement are: \u2713 Centre of Regional Excellence for Energy Management of the National Higher School of Engineers (ENSI) for emissions in the energy sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry (LCA) for emissions in the Industrial Processes and Product Use Sector (PUIP); \u2713 Laboratory of Research on Agro-Resources and Environmental Health for the Agriculture Sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Biology and Plant Ecology (LBEV) for emissions in the Forestry and Other Land Use Sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Waste Management, Treatment and Recovery (LGTVD) for emissions in the Waste Sector.", + "This system is reinforced by the recruitment of an GHG Coordination Team whose role is to train and technically support the research structures involved in the study of emissions.", + "Measurement MNV Like the emissions system, the studies on the mitigation measures of the sectors selected under 4CN & 2RBA were entrusted to the University of Lom\u00e9 (UL) through the following research structures: \u2713 Centre of Regional Excellence for the Mastery of Energy of the Ecole Nationale Sup\u00e9rieure des Ing\u00e9nieurs (ENSI) for the energy sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Research on Agro-resources and Environmental Health for the agriculture sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Biology and Plant Ecology (LBEV) for the forestry and other land allocation sector.", + "This system is reinforced by the implementation of: \u2713 National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS): This system is implemented as part of the REDD+ process. The objective is to regularly quantify GHG emissions/removals associated with deforestation and forest degradation, forest carbon stock enhancement, forest conservation and sustainable management, and governance, benefits and distribution aspects.", + "The objective is to regularly quantify GHG emissions/removals associated with deforestation and forest degradation, forest carbon stock enhancement, forest conservation and sustainable management, and governance, benefit and distribution aspects.", + "This system developed the baseline for Togo\u2019s forests (NRF) which was submitted to the UNFCCC secretariat in January 2020. \u2713 National Forest Inventory Database Management Cell (CGBD/IFN) and Mapping Database Management Unit (UGBDC) of the Ministry of the Environment: the CGBD/IFN is responsible for the organization, collection and management of forest data.", + "\u2713 National Forest Inventory Database Management Unit (CGBD/IFN) and Mapping Database Management Unit (UGBDC) of the Ministry of the Environment: the CGBD/IFN is responsible for the organisation, collection and management of forest data. The UGBDC is responsible for monitoring forest dynamics through satellite data. Since March 2021, these structures have been implementing the second national forest inventory of Togo as part of the REDD+ process.", + "Since March 2021, these structures have been implementing, as part of the REDD+ process, the second national forest inventory of Togo. Support MNV The support MNV for Togo is a scheme under construction with a few initiatives: \u2713 EBT initiative: Togo has implemented the project \"Evaluation of Technological Needs\", which has led to the development of a Technology Action Plan (TAP).", + "Togo has implemented the project \"Evaluation of Technological Needs\", which has led to the development of a Technology Action Plan (TAP), which includes the prioritisation of technologies, based on a multi-criteria decision-making analysis taking into account, inter alia, development priorities, economic viability and local employment.", + "This plan includes the prioritisation of technologies, based on a multi-criteria decision-making analysis taking into account, inter alia, development priorities, economic sustainability and local employment, and has been developed for better programming of actions to provide specific responses to the problem of climate change; \u2713 Aid Management Platform (AMP): an initiative of the Ministry of Economy and Finance set up in 2012 and which makes it possible to capitalise on all development support received by Togo.", + "It has been developed for better programming of actions to provide specific responses to the problem of climate change; \u2713 Aid Management Platform (AMP): an initiative of the Ministry of Economy and Finance set up in 2012 to capitalise on all development support received by Togo.", + "This platform is designed to disaggregate support in the field of climate. It takes into account the support received by both the state and the private sector and civil society organisations. Since 2014, this platform has not been operational. In order to boost the AGP, a working session between the Ministry of Development Planning and the technical and financial partners (TFP) was held on 13 February 2018.", + "In an effort to boost the AGP, a working session between the Ministry of Development Planning and the technical and financial partners (TFPs) was held on 13 February 2018, during which an exchange of views took place on the measures to be taken to relaunch the Aid Management Platform (AMP).", + "This meeting allowed for an exchange of views on the measures to be taken to relaunch the Aid Management Platform (AMP). It was decided to continue with Gateway and move towards empowerment for the relaunch of AAP; \u2713 MNV networking of the Regional Collaboration Centre (RCC): the CRC has a system that covers the three forms of climate support, namely finance, capacity building and technology transfer. 6.1.2.", + "The CRC has a system that covers the three forms of climate support, namely finance, capacity building and technology transfer. 6.1.2. Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Togo\u2019s MNV system The diagnosis made of this existing MNV system shows that it suffers from certain shortcomings (Table 20).", + "Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Togo\u2019s MNV system The diagnosis made on this existing MNV system shows that it suffers from certain shortcomings (Table 20). Table 20: Strengths and weaknesses of the existing MNV system KEY FORCES \u27a2 Development of a national MNV system (SN-MNV); \u27a2 Existence of a high-capacity server within the Ministry responsible for the environment that can host the SN-MNV geoportal; \u27a2 Existence of an MNV system linked to the national forest monitoring system (MNV/SNSF) under REDD+; \u27a2 Good experience in measuring, reporting and verifying GHGs and mitigation measures; \u27a2 Accession of Togo to the West African network for sharing experiences on MNV; \u27a2 Existence of an M", + "Togo \u27a2 Lack of communication on the MNV system; \u27a2 Lack of knowledge and understanding of the MNV system, thus creating conflicts of responsibility and interests between actors; \u27a2 Non-harmonised methodology between the ODEF MNV/SNSF and the AFAT sector MNV; \u27a2 Non-exhaustive database on NGOs and technical structures holding CC data; \u27a2 Confidential or sensitive data not accessible; \u27a2 Lack of mastery of tools and methods for assessing and developing mitigation scenarios and technical difficulties involving different stakeholders; \u27a2 Existence of a national MNV committee; \u27a2 CBIT project to carry out capacity-building activities in favour of MNV; \u27a2 Several capacity-building activities carried out for actors on the MNV system; \u27a2 Methodologies based on IPCC and UNFCCC guidelines, guides and", + "\u27a2 Improved mastery of IPCC methodologies through upgrading of national experts; \u27a2 Availability of national expertise for emissions in all sectors concerned; \u27a2 Several levels of verification of the reliability of the emission data collected; identification of appropriate technologies; \u27a2 Difficulties in disaggregating climate actions in development projects; \u27a2 Insufficient financial resources to further data collection; \u27a2 Inappropriate format for data storage and archiving with data holding structures; \u27a2 Lack of QA/QC procedures in data-producing institutions; \u27a2 Data collection format not harmonized between INSEED, data producers and emission study developers; \u27a2 Lack of activity data for certain categories in all sectors; \u27a2 Low mastery of emission study and QA/QC methodologies by evaluators to ensure proper evaluation of emission study reports;", + "emission studies and QA/QC to ensure proper evaluation of emission study reports; \u27a2 Lack of qualified personnel for the application of emission estimation methodologies; \u27a2 Lack of equipment for measurement and data collection in the AFAT sectors.", + "OPPORTUNITIES THREATS \u27a2 CBIT project which will carry out capacity building activities in favour of MRV; \u27a2 Programming of a future review of the institutional framework and formulation of measures for the operationalisation of the national MNV system by the CBIT project; \u27a2 Existence of a Directorate-General for Aid Mobilisation and Partnership; \u27a2 Existence of a pilot platform on aid management which takes into account all sectors (public, private and CSOs).", + "\u27a2 Lack of a quality management system for activity data; \u27a2 Lack of a framework for cooperation between TFPs on the management of public development aid; \u27a2 Lack of effectiveness in the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation mechanism at the level of all ministries; \u27a2 Lack of a framework for cooperation and interconnectivity between ministries; \u27a2 Aid management platform (AMF) not operational. 6.2.", + "NVM CAPACITY BUILDING NVM CAPACITY BUILDING A clear and robust mechanism to ensure transparency and accountability is essential to the success of the NVM system for the implementation of NCDs. Based on the analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the different existing NVM systems, several actions are proposed. These actions concern all stakeholders involved in the implementation of the NVM system.", + "These actions concern all stakeholders involved in the implementation of the MNV system: \u2713 establishing a harmonised data collection format between INSEED, data producers and emission studies producers; \u2713 strengthening stakeholders\u2019 capacities on data management issues, including robust data quality assurance and archiving; \u2713 strengthening monitoring, reporting and verification (MNV) capacities, including capacity building for the data generation and management system; \u2713 developing an electronic data archiving system for mitigation and/or adaptation data; \u2713 strengthening stakeholders\u2019 capacities on the mastery of tools and methods for assessing and developing mitigation scenarios; \u2713 strengthening national capacities", + "\u2713 strengthening national capacities to establish a collaborative framework facilitating better coordination between public and private institutions and civil society organisations in order to enable the collection and documentation of information on mitigation, adaptation and support actions; \u2713 strengthening the capacity of stakeholders on the understanding and importance of the MNV system; \u2713 strengthening the capacities of Ministry of Economy and Finance managers for the effective relaunch of the Aid Management Platform (AMP) with existing national competences; \u2713 training of producers and data holders (such as DTRF, DGE, INSEED, DST, etc.) on the consideration of emission data formats and mitigation measures; \u2713 strengthening the capacities of producers and data users on the management of confidential or sensitive data; \u2713 strengthening the capacities of national experts on the notion of good practice in the management of", + "confidence or sensitive data; \u2713 strengthening the capacity of national experts on the notion of good practice in uncertainty calculation when collecting activity data and compiling statistical data.", + "In addition to these capacity-building needs, there are other needs to be taken into account for the effective implementation of the NVM, including: \u2713 the formalisation of a collaborative agreement between the national coordination of the CCs and public or private institutions producing or holding data; \u2713 the signing of confidentiality agreements between producers and users of sensitive or confidential data; \u2713 the strengthening of communication on the NVM system; \u2713 the organisation of national and sectoral data collection structures and the provision to them of the necessary means for conducting a GHG inventory, storing data and archiving them. 6.3.", + "MAINTENANCE OF THE MNV SYSTEM OVER TIME For the improvement of the MNV system over time, several recommendations are made to the National MNV Committee.", + "These include: \u2713 establishing a mechanism to ensure that the outputs of the NVM systems can inform regular updates on climate mitigation, adaptation and financing planning processes, and that lessons can be incorporated into subsequent actions undertaken under the CBD; \u2713 assessing the effectiveness of the NVM system in collecting and reporting relevant data, and adjusting the implementation plan and systems to lessons learned; \u2713 communicating regularly with stakeholders to obtain feedback on the functioning and effectiveness of the NVM system; \u2713 working with countries with targets in their CBD and similar NVM needs to exchange lessons learned and best practices; \u2713 continuing the process", + "DND and similar NVM needs to exchange lessons learned and best practices; \u2713 continue the process of operationalizing the national NVM system with a view to moving from updated biennial reports to biennial transparency reports by 2024. 6.4.", + "RELEVANT STRUCTURE FOR MNV Ensuring transparent climate action in the NCD process is a key priority for Togo. To achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement, the country must demonstrate that it is meeting its commitments in a transparent manner. To this end, Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MNV) has been recognized as the key process for monitoring, assessing and communicating progress in the implementation of commitments, including the NCDs.", + "To this end, Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) has been recognized as the key process for monitoring, assessing and communicating progress in implementing commitments, including NCDs. Since 2017, Togo has developed a national climate change measurement, reporting and verification system that federates the three types of MRV described above.", + "Since 2017, Togo has developed a national climate change measurement, reporting and verification system that federates the three types of NVMs described above and includes the following elements (Figure 8): \u2713 Data and metadata collection that involves all key national stakeholders in the different sectors concerned with emissions, mitigation, adaptation and support.", + "This system comprises the following elements (Figure 8): \u2713 Data and metadata collection covering all key stakeholders at national level in the different sectors concerned by emissions, mitigation, adaptation and support \u2713 Data processing and management consisting of data storage and archiving, data processing, analysis and interpretation and indicator monitoring.", + "\u2713 Data processing and management consisting of data storage and archiving, data processing, analysis and interpretation, and monitoring of indicators. \u2713 Notification concerning the publication of processed and interpreted data and their availability to national decision makers and/or international partners on climate issues. Figure 1:", + "Structure of the national NVM system 6.4.1. Institutional framework of the NVM system Since 2017, the country has begun the operationalisation of this NVM system, within which an exchange platform (community of NVM practices) has been created by MERF.", + "Within this framework, an exchange platform (MNV Community of Practice) has been created by MERF. This platform is hosted twice a month and addresses issues related to the operationalisation of the MNV, the method of collecting activity data, data management, including quality assurance and robust data archiving. As part of the operationalisation of the system, several capacity-building actions have been carried out between 2017 and 2020.", + "Within the framework of the operationalisation of the system, several capacity-building actions were carried out between 2017 and 2020: (i) capacity-building of national actors on MNV, (ii) capacity-building of MERF actors on their role and responsibility in the operationalisation of the MNV system, (iii) capacity-building of stakeholders on MNV through the community of practice on MNV, (iv) updating of the MNV Country Report combined with capacity-building of members of the Togo MNV Committee.", + "These are: (i) capacity-building of national actors on NRM, (ii) capacity-building of MERF actors on their role and responsibility in operationalizing the NRM system, (iii) capacity-building of stakeholders on NRM through the NRM community of practice, (iv) updating of the NRM Country Report combined with capacity-building of members of the NRM Committee of Togo These actions are mainly supported by the UNFCCC secretariat, the EU, UNDP, GEF, Global support program and the Canadian government (Table 21).", + "These actions are mainly supported by the UNFCCC secretariat, the EU, UNDP, GEF, Global support program and the Government of Canada (Table 21).", + "It should also be noted that the CBIT project, whose implementation has just begun, has planned capacity-building activities for transparency in accordance with Article 13 of the Paris Agreement, with the main objectives of: - Strengthening institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks; - Developing the capacities of actors in priority sectors of climate change; - Examining the institutional framework and formulating measures for the operationalisation of the national MNV system.", + "Its main objectives are to: - Strengthen institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks; - Develop the capacities of actors in the priority sectors of climate change; - Review the institutional framework and formulate measures for the operationalisation of the national NRM system Table 21: Assistance received by Togo in the field of NRM Type of assistance Activity of assistance Year of receipt Status Amount (USD) Source of assistance Capacity building Training of actors on NRM Finalised Not estimated UNFCCC Secretariat through CDI Capacity building of national actors on NRM Finalised Not estimated Global Support programme Capacity building of MERF actors on their role and responsibility in the operationalisation of the NRM system and Finalised EU/PALCC Capacity building Finalised Not estimated Government of NRM stakeholders through the NRM community t", + "Not Estimated Government of NVM stakeholders through the NVM community of practice in CANADA Update of NVM Country Report combined with capacity building of NVM Committee members in Togo Finalized GEF/UNDP 6.4.2.", + "Comprehensive Coordination of the NVM To ensure quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC), better accountability for reporting, measurement, reporting and verification (NVM/MRV) and to allow for a coherent archiving system, two institutions were created, one in 2018 (National Coordinating Authority for the Development Process of CNs, ABNs on Climate Change and CDNs) and the second in 2020 (National NVM Committee).", + "Thus, the institutional framework of the CDN NVM system is as follows: \u2756 National NVM Committee: This committee was set up by Memorandum No. 0230/SG/DE on 15 July 2020 as part of the operationalisation of the national NVM system. It is responsible for examining the institutional framework and formulating measures for the operationalisation of the NVM system. This committee is strengthened by the appointment of sectoral NVM focal points to the ministries responsible for the environment and finance.", + "This committee is strengthened by the appointment of sectoral MNV focal points to the ministries responsible for the environment and finance. \u2756 The Climate Change Division (CCD): it coordinates all the working groups and acts through three structures, namely the UNFCCC focal point, the National Climate Change Committee and the 4CN & 2RBA project steering committee.", + "\u2756 The Climate Change Division (CCD): it coordinates all working groups and acts through three structures, namely the UNFCCC focal point, the National Climate Change Committee and the 4CN & 2RBA project steering committee. \u2756 National Coordinating Authority for the development process of the CNs, RBAs on climate change and CDNs: this authority set up by Decree No 145 / MERF/SG/DE of 06 November 2018 has a subcommittee which is responsible for the MNV on climate.", + "\u2756 National Coordinating Authority for the development process of the CNs, RBAs on climate change and CDNs: this authority, set up by Decree No 145 / MERF/SG/DE of 06 November 2018, has a subcommittee in charge of the NVM on climate, and it should be noted that there are two (2) NVM focal points (one in the Ministry of the Environment and the other in the Ministry of Finance) and focal points in all data-holding structures.", + "It should also be noted that there are two (2) NVM focal points (one in the Ministry of the Environment and the other in the Ministry of Finance) and focal points in all data-holding structures. These focal points are responsible for ensuring the operationalisation and implementation of the NVM system at national and sectoral levels.", + "Communication Strategy for the Implementation of the CBD 7.1. Diagnostic Analysis of CBD Communication in Togo The diagnostic analysis of the different communication experiences on climate change in Togo revealed the strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats to CBD communication in Togo (Table 22).", + "Diagnostic analysis of the different communication experiences on climate change in Togo revealed the strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats to communication on the implementation of the NCDs in Togo (Table 22). Table 22: FFOM matrix for the analysis of the communication on the implementation of the NCDs INTERNAL DIAGNOSTIC FACILITIES \u27a2 Existence of a political, technical and legal framework for the NCDs.", + "Table 22: FFOM matrix for the analysis of the communication on the implementation of the NCDs INTERNAL DIAGNOSTIC FORCES FAIBLESSES \u27a2 Existence of a political, technical and legal framework for the NCDs. \u27a2 Good knowledge of the purpose of the Paris Agreement. \u27a2 Good knowledge of climate risks. \u27a2 Adherence to adaptation initiatives. \u27a2 Integration of resilience actions. \u27a2 Participation in mitigation actions. \u27a2 Development of endogenous individual and community adaptation/mitigation initiatives. \u27a2 High expectations of adaptation and mitigation measures.", + "\u27a2 Development of endogenous individual and community-based adaptation/mitigation initiatives. \u27a2 High expectation of adaptation and mitigation measures. \u27a2 Strong local mobilization potential. \u27a2 Pro-activity of universities and climate research centres. \u27a2 Lack of internal and external communication on NCDs. \u27a2 Lack of ownership of NCDs at sectoral and local levels. \u27a2 Insufficient CBAC action on target groups. \u27a2 Insufficient gender-inclusive action.", + "\u27a2 Insufficient CCSC actions targeting target groups \u27a2 Insufficient inclusive actions targeting gender EXTERNAL OPPORTUNITY DIAGNOSIS THREATS \u27a2 Activation of decentralization in the implementation of the structural framework of actions to combat the adverse effects of CC. \u27a2 Media pluralism. \u27a2 Disturbances in the mobilization of funding. \u27a2 Lack of CC in Togolese priorities. \u27a2 Availability of development partners to support Togo in implementing actions on CC. \u27a2 Bilingualism of populations. 7.2.", + "\u27a2 Availability of development partners to support Togo in implementing CC actions. \u27a2 Bilingualism of the population. 7.2. STRATEGY 7.2.1. Strategic directions \u2756 Vision The vision is outlined in the objectives of the government\u2019s roadmap in conjunction with objective 10 of strategic axis 3: \"Putting sustainable development and anticipating future crises at the heart of the country\u2019s priorities\".", + "Strategic Directions \u2756 Vision The Vision is outlined in the objectives of the government\u2019s roadmap in conjunction with Aim 10 of Strategic Axis 3: \"Putting sustainable development and the anticipation of future crises at the heart of the country\u2019s priorities.\" Thus, the NDC Communication Vision is as follows: \u2756 Overall Objective Through the vision adopted: \"In 2030, Togo is a modern nation, where citizens who are informed and protected about climate risks respect nature and its resources\", the objective of developing communication on the NDCs is worded as follows:", + "Thus, the NCD Communication Vision is as follows: \u2756 Overall Objective Through the vision adopted: \"In 2030, Togo is a modern nation, where citizens informed and protected of climate risks respect nature and its resources\", the objective for the development of communication on the NCD is worded as follows: CONTRIBUTING TO THE MEMBERSHIP OF CITIZENS AWARE OF CLIMATE RISKS AND RESPECTING NATURE AND ITS RESOURCES. \u2756 Strategic Axes and Communication Objectives The vision of communication on the NCD formulated and based on a matrix of strategic directions, three (3) strategic options are described and three (3) strategic directions are dropped.", + "\u2756 Strategic Outcomes and Communication Objectives The vision for NCD communication formulated and based on a matrix of strategic directions, three (3) strategic options are described and three (3) strategic directions are delineated. Tables 23 and 24 present the broad strategic directions and the performance framework, respectively.", + "The main strategic directions and the performance framework are presented in Tables 23 and 24 respectively. Table 23: Development of strategic directions and formulation of objectives Strategic options Development of strategic directions Strategies formulated Communication objectives Strategic direction 1: Seize the opportunity and use the forces to eliminate the weakness 2 Seize decentralization and build on the existence of a political, legal and technical framework to eliminate the weak ownership of the NCDs at the sectoral and local levels Adopt NCD planning at all levels Encourage sectoral ministries and municipalities to integrate the NCDs into their development plans Strategic direction 2: Seize the opportunity and use the forces to eliminate the weaknesses 3 and 4 and the threat 2.", + "Capture the availability of TFPs and use the adherence of target groups to adaptation initiatives, their participation in mitigation actions, their development of endogenous individual and community-based adaptation/mitigation initiatives and the proactivity of universities and climate research centres to eliminate the inadequacy of CCSC actions targeting target groups, the inadequacy of inclusive actions targeting gender and disruption in the mobilisation of funding Strengthen the adaptation and mitigation capacities of target groups Train target groups on innovative adaptation and mitigation practices and adaptive financing Strategic orientation 3: Capture the opportunity and use forces 2 and 3 to eliminate weakness 1 and 2. Capture media pluralism and use good knowledge of the purpose of the Paris Agreement and good knowledge of climate risks to eliminate the lack of internal and external communication and the absence of CCs in To", + "Improving the visibility of the NDCs Improving the communication system of the NDCs Table 24: Framework for the performance of the interventions Results Performance indicators Audit sources Risks and assumptions GOG\u2019s result: Effect of the Special Objective 2 of the FRS (Protecting Togolese people from climate risks) Indicators of the effects of the FRS OS2 Investigation report Risks identified for the FRS Result 1: NDCs are integrated into all development plans at the sectoral and community levels 1.", + "1.1 By the end of 2026, at least 80% of sectoral, local and economic policy makers are fully aware of the vision and objectives of the NDCs 1.2 By the end of 2026, at least 100% of municipalities and sectoral ministries are equipped with NDC planning tools.", + "Sectoral Action Plans and CDPs Activity report Press releases NDC reports NDC policy change Outcome 2: Target groups are trained on innovative practices and the mobilisation of adaptive financing 2.", + "At the end of 2030, at least 60% of groups or enterprises operating in climate-vulnerable areas have integrated adaptation and mitigation into their productive practices. 2.1 By the end of 2026, 117 facilitators have provided training in vulnerable area communes. 2.2 By the end of 2026, at least 6000 people, including at least 1240 women working in vulnerable areas, are equipped to develop and implement innovative adaptation and mitigation projects Evaluation or survey report Training reports Innovative projects implemented Press releases Activity report No or delayed funding Results Performance indicators Audit sources Risks and assumptions Result 3:", + "At the end of 2030, CCs are among the top ten priorities of Togolese people. 3.1 At the end of 2026, at least 80% of requests for information on NCDs have been met. 3.2 At the end of 2026, at least 70% of the population has become aware of the importance of NCDs. 3.3 At the end of 2026, at least one tool for capitalising on innovative practices is published.", + "7.2.2. ACTION PLAN A multi-year action plan (MAP) is proposed for the communication. This plan may be revised based on the resources raised for the implementation of the actions. The financial estimates for the actions selected and planned from 2022 to 2026 amount to US$1,072,114. Table 25 summarizes the budget by component.", + "Table 25 summarizes the budget by component Table 25: Budgeted multi-annual plan RESULTS YEARS OF IMPLEMENTATION (Costs in millions of US dollars) TOTAL Outcome 1: NDCs are integrated into all development plans at sectoral and community levels Outcome 2: Target groups are trained on innovative practices and the mobilization of adaptive financing NDCs' education and communication systems are improved TOTAL Bibliography Agence de coop\u00e9ration belge (ENABEL), Communication for Development: Dialogue and Participation for Sustainable Results Brabant P., Darracq S., Egue K. and Simonneaux V., (1996).", + "A Climate-based Distribution Model of Malaria Transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Parasitology Today 15 (3): 105 \u2013 111.", + "A Climate-based Distribution Model of Malaria Transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Parasitology Today 15 (3): 105 \u2013 111. Diop, A. (2017), \"Study on local authorities facing climate change in Senegal, with a view to supporting the local authorities\u2019 advocacy process\", Association Internationale des Maires Francophones, European Commission. Directorate General of Statistics and National Accounts (DGSCN), 2011. Fourth Population and Housing Census. Final Report, Republic of Togo, 57 p. Ern H., 1979. Die vegetation Togo.", + "Final report, Republic of Togo, 57 p. Ern H., 1979. Die vegetation Togo. Gliederrung, Gef\u00e5hrdung, Erhaltung. Willdenowia Study on the climate change adaptation component in Togo\u2019s revised NDCs Togo National Determined Contributions Support Project (NDSP), June 2021 FAO/CEDEAO, 2018. National Gender Profile of Agriculture and Rural Development Sectors. Gender Country Evaluation Series, Report, 118 p. Sectoral Roadmap Togo 2025, January 2021 GIZ, 2020.", + "Evaluation Series Gender of Countries, Report, 118 p. Sectoral Roadmap Togo 2025, January 2021 GIZ, 2020. Study of Climate Change Risks and Vulnerabilities in the Health Sector in Togo. Final Report, 100 p. National Institute of Statistics, Economic and Demographic Studies (INSEED), 2015. Togo Demographic Outlook 2011- 2031. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Hydraulics (MAEH), 2015a.", + "Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Hydraulics (MAEH), 2015a. Agricultural policy document for the period 2016-2030, 56 p. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Hydraulics (MAEH), 2015b. National Strategy Paper for Agricultural and Rural Training in Togo (SNFAR-TOGO) 2016-2020, 75 p. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Hydraulics (MAEH), 2017. National Investment Programme for Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition (PNIASAN) - Investment Plan 2017-2025. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries / World Food Programme (MAEP/WFP), 2018.", + "Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries / World Food Programme (WFP/WFP), 2018. Strategic Review of Zero Hunger in Togo. Final Report, 201 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2001. Togo\u2019s Initial National Communication. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 210 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2009. National Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2010.", + "National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2010. Assessment of damage, losses and post-disaster reconstruction needs from the 2010 floods in Togo. Final Report, 39 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2015a. Third National Communication on Climate Change. Final Report, 160 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2015b.", + "Final report, 160 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2015b. Nationally determined planned contribution (NDCP) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Final report, 21 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2017a. First updated biennial report of Togo on climate change. Final report, Togolese Rep., 176 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2017b. In-depth study on the dynamics of wood-energy use in Togo.", + "In-depth study on the dynamics of wood-energy use in Togo. Final report, Togolese Rep., 114 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2018a. National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) 2020-2029. Final version 1, 179 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2018b. Technological Action Plan and Project Ideas, 145 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2018c.", + "Technology Action Plan and Project Ideas, 145 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2018c. Strategic Investment Framework for the Management of the Environment and Natural Resources in Togo (CSIGERN 2018\u20132022). Lom\u00e9, Togo. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020a. Evaluation of the vulnerability of the energy sector to the adverse effects and impacts of climate change in Togo.", + "Evaluation of the vulnerability of the energy sector to the adverse effects and impacts of climate change in Togo. Draft of the 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 96 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020b. Evaluation of the vulnerability of the agriculture, forestry and other land use sectors to the adverse effects and impacts of climate change in Togo.", + "Evaluation of the vulnerability of the agriculture, forestry and other land use sectors to the effects and adverse impacts of climate change in Togo. Draft of the 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 117 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020c. Economic analysis and climate sensitivity of certain major crops including maize, millet, sorghum, rice, ignamus and cassava in Togo.", + "Economic analysis and climate sensitivity of some major crops, including maize, millet, sorghum, rice, ignamine and cassava, in Togo. Draft of the 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 98 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020d. Analysis of current demand and simulation in 2030 in terms of surface water and groundwater withdrawals in Togo\u2019s basins in the face of climate change.", + "Analysis of current demand and simulation in 2030 in terms of surface water and groundwater withdrawals in Togo\u2019s basins in the face of climate change. Draft of the 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 65 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020 e. Joint studies on the technical feasibility of coastal protection of the Togo-Benin border segment.", + "Project of the 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 65 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020 e. Joint studies on the technical feasibility of coastal protection of the Togo-Benin border segment. Project for investment, resilience of coastal zones in West Africa (WACA RESIP \u2013 BENIN), Phase 3- Detailed preliminary draft study of the preferential adaptation option, Report, 97 p. Ministry for the Advancement of Women (MPF), 2011.", + "West African Coastal Resilience Investment Project (WACA RESIP \u2013 BENIN), Phase 3- Detailed Preliminary Draft Study of the Preferential Adjustment Option, Report, 97 p. Ministry of Women\u2019s Development (MPF), 2011. Togo National Policy for Equity and Gender Equality, 65 p. Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MSPS), 2017. National Health Development Plan (PNDS) 2017-2022. Final Report, 99 p. Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), 2015a.", + "Final Report, 99 p. Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), 2015a. National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NERAP), 121 p. Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), 2015b.", + "National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NERAP), 121 p. Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), 2015b. National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NAPEE 2015-2030), 64 p. Guidance for gender mainstreaming in Togo\u2019s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process, September 2019 National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan \u2013 NAPA, September Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) 2020-2029, Final Version, December 2020, Plan for the Preparation of the Implementation of the NCDs (PPMO-CDN) 2020-2024 December Togo\u2019s National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NAPCC), 2016 First Updated Biennial Report of Togo, National GHG Inventory Report, First Updated Biennial Report TOGO PRBA, September", + "Annual Report, 70 p. Country Programme Green Climate Fund, April 2018 Fourth National Communication on Climate Change, Second Updated Biennial Report, Report on National Circumstances, December 2019 Togolese Republic, 2017. Togo National Climate Change Adaptation Plan. Final Report, 96 p. Togolese Republic, 2019a. Establishment of Climate Scenarios in Togo. Draft 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 77 p. Togolese Republic, 2019b. Report on National Circumstances.", + "Draft 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 77 p. Republic of Togo, 2019b. Report on National Circumstances Draft 4th National Communication on Climate Change & 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, 117 p. Communication Strategy of the REDD+ Preparedness Support Project, July Communication Strategy of the REDD+ Preparedness Support Project, July Communication Strategy on Climate Change and the Transition to the Green Economy in Togo, November 2012 National Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Strategy on the Environment in Togo (2011-2015).", + "Draft Fourth National Communication on Climate Change & Second Updated Biennial Report of Togo, 117 p. Communication Strategy of the REDD+ Preparedness Support Project, July Communication Strategy of the REDD+ Preparedness Support Project, July Communication Strategy on Climate Change and the Transition to the Green Economy in Togo, November 2012 National Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Strategy on the Environment in Togo (2011 \u2013 2015) Environment Management Capacity Building Programme, October 2010 National Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) 2020-2029, Final Version, October 2019 Annexes Annex 1: Long-term Mitigation Measures Sector Measures and Priorities Description Energy Establishment of the Togolese Agency for Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy by Decre", + "Capacity-building Programme for Environmental Management, October 2010 National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) 2020-2029, final version, October 2019 Annexes Annex 1: Long-term mitigation measures Sector Measures and priorities Description Energy Establishment of the Togolese Agency for Rural and Renewable Energy by Decree No. 2016-064/PR of May (AT2ER). Promotion of renewable energy and rural electrification August 2018 with 8 implementing acts Promotion of electricity production from renewable energy sources in Togo Roadmap - Further implementation of the electrification for all policy \u2013 extension of the network and deployment of decentralised systems (e.g.", + "Promotion of renewable energy and rural electrification August 2018 with 8 implementing texts Promotion of electricity production from renewable energy sources in Togo Roadmap - Continuation of the electrification for all policy \u2013 Expansion of the grid and deployment of decentralised systems (e.g. individual solar panels) to achieve 75% electrification, supported by the establishment of the Electricity for All Fund - Increase of electricity generation, transmission and distribution capacity \u2013 Development of sustainable and reliable production capacities, in particular in solar and hydroelectric power, and corresponding strengthening of the transmission and distribution network (in synergy with the expansion of the internet network - Increase of the share of renewable energy in energy production to 50% by 2025 - Increase of the share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles to 3% by 2025 - Expansion of the road network", + "to 3% share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles by 2025 - Extension of the rural road network - Construction of 4000 km of rural roads targeting agricultural areas with high export potential to connect farmers to the market - Construction of the Unit Highway - Acceleration of the RN1 development project linking the productive hinterland to the town of Lom\u00e9 and the port - Togo\u2019s electrification strategy - Increase to the electrification rate in 2030 - i) deploy more than 300 mini-grids by 2030, with an installed capacity of about 9 MW; (ii) electrify 555,000 households with solar kits by 2030, with up to 85 MW of installed solar generation capacity by 2030; and (iii) extend and densify the network to reach about 670,000 connections by 2030, with about 108 MW of additional capacity Five-year plan 2019 - - Install an additional capacity of 8", + "Additional capacity Five-Year Plan 2019- - Install an additional capacity of 88.2 MW by 2023 for hydroelectricity - Install a capacity of 99 MW of solar connect to the grid by 2023 - Install a capacity of 4 MW of solar mini-grid by 2023 - Install a capacity of 11.71 MW of solar kits by 2023 National Bioenergy Action Plan - Increase the use rate of improved homes by 40% by 2020 (PANBE) pending adoption - Increase the share of wood coal produced with improved technologies by less than 1% by - Increase the share of the population using biogas for cooking in urban areas; to 6% in 2025 and 15% in 2030 in rural areas - Increase the share of the population using briquettes to 15% in urban areas and 10% in rural areas by 2030 - Increase the share of the population using LPG to 35% in urban areas and 8% in rural areas by IPUP", + "Reduce consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and avoid their significant release into the atmosphere at the end of the life cycle of equipment containing them, thereby reducing GHG emissions.", + "Strengthening the capacity of customs officers Combating the illicit trade in ODS thus reduces their consumption, thereby reducing GHG emissions. Through this project, 150 customs officers are trained each year.", + "Strengthen the capacity of cold technicians Reduce the consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and avoid their significant release into the atmosphere at the end of the life cycle of the equipment containing them, thereby reducing GHG emissions. Through this project, 100 cold technicians are trained each year. Enhance the processing and recycling of fluorinated gases Establish an annual collection system for obsolete equipment. Once the equipment is collected, it will be conveyed to the industrial unit.", + "Once collected, the equipment will be conveyed to the industrial unit. Thousands of jobs will be created and several tonnes of F-gas will be recycled per year, thereby reducing GHG emissions. Promote the importation of alternative refrigerant fluids Reduce HFC imports, train customs officers on the identification of HFCs and equipment containing them, raise awareness and train refrigeration technicians on the use of new gases.", + "Promote the import of alternative refrigerant fluids Reduce HFC imports, train customs officers on the identification of HFCs and equipment containing them, sensitize and train refrigeration technicians on the use of new gases. The implementation of this project will also strengthen the BNO with adequate personnel and technical equipment. Thanks to this project, the import of HFCs will be reduced by 5% per year and by 10% if the country receives support from financial partners.", + "AFAT National Strategy to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Increase forest cover by 30% by 2050 Reduce the direct and indirect factors that increase the country\u2019s vulnerability to forest degradation and address political and technical issues/challenges on land degradation at the national, regional and local levels to effectively address the consequences of these hazards National Reforestation Programme (NRP) Establish new plantations occupying 34,400 ha, a net increase of 0.7% in the area of Togo\u2019s forest cover.", + "Increasing the area of forest cover in Togo could be achieved through the following measures: Climate Change Support Programme (CCSP) Establishment of sustainable forest and land management areas through reforestation and/or sustainable management of 600 ha of state forests (100 ha to be achieved per year) Establishment of 6000 ha of rehabilitated, reforested and sustainably managed community and private forests and land Land Degradation Neutrality Targeting Programme (NDT) Restore by 2030 at least 80% of degraded land (187,920 ha) and limit to 2% (108,802 ha) the degradation of land not yet degraded with a view to strengthening the conservation of terrestrial ecosystems in relation to the reference situation (2010)\".", + "\u2022 increase the area of Togo\u2019s forests by 3% (43,557 ha); reduce to 1/3 (73,260 ha) the area of land showing a negative trend in net productivity Agricultural Policy To implement production intensification programmes combining conventional intensification (reliance on modern inputs) and agro-ecological practices, in conjunction with climate-smart agriculture (AIC); strengthen the prevention or mitigation of the effects of climate change requiring that land be set aside for reforestation National Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutrition Security Programme (PNIASAN): Plan to achieve in 2026 an agricultural gross domestic product growth rate (PIBA) of at least 10%; improve the agricultural trade balance by 25%, double the average income of agricultural households, contribute to the reduction of malnutrition; strengthen the fight against food insecurity and reduce the incidence of", + "The waste sector is guided by the National Policy for Hygiene and Sanitation (PNHAT) This document sets out the roles and responsibilities of state actors, local authorities, non-governmental organisations, the population, technical and financial partners in the implementation of this policy.", + "This policy is accompanied by the National Action Plan for the Water and Sanitation Sector (PANSEA), which aims to improve the level of access to basic and community sanitation services by strengthening and consolidating technical infrastructure or by promoting adequate and accessible infrastructure for all." + ], + "large": [ + "CONTRIBUTIONS DETERMINED AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL (NLC) REVISED Interim document i CONTRIBUTIONS DETERMINED AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL (NLC) REVISED BY TOGO Interim document ii Summary Acronyms and abbreviations IV List of figures. X List of tables XI Introduction Chapter 1: National context. 3 1.1. Overview 3 1.2. Summary of the evaluation of the implementation of Togo\u2019s initial NLCs 4 Chapter 2: Governance 6 2.1. Existing institutional arrangements for NLCs. 6 2.2. Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the existing institutional arrangements 6 2.3. Capacity-building for governance 7 Chapter 3: Mitigation. 9 3.1. Mitigation contributions: reference and mitigation scenarios 9 3.2. Information", + "Information to improve clarity, transparency and understanding (CTI) of nationally determined contributions revised. 17 Chapter 4: Adaptation. 33 4.1. National context of adaptation to climate change. 33 4.2. Analysis of impacts, risks and vulnerabilities of priority sectors. 4.3. Priorities, objectives and adaptation measures. 40 4.4. Status of implementation of adaptation measures. 47 4.5. Traditional knowledge and gender-sensitive adaptation measures. 54 4.6. Useful information: situation of adaptation in relation to covid 19. 55 Chapter 5: Financing. 57 5.1. Investment needs for mitigation 57 5.2. Investment needs for the adaptation component. 70 5.3. Investment needs for capacity building and technology transfer 76 iii 5.4.", + "Investment needs for capacity-building and technology transfer 76 iii 5.4. Total funding required for Togo\u2019s revised NCD 81 Chapter 6: Measurement, reporting and verification. 82 6.1. NCD/RVD system. 82 6.2. NCD capacity-building needs 86 6.3. Improvement of the NCD system over time. 87 6.4. Relevant structure for NCD 87 Chapter 7: Communication strategy for NCD implementation 92 7.1.", + "Relevant Structure for the MNV 87 Chapter 7: Communication Strategy for the Implementation of the NCDs 92 7.1. Diagnostic Analysis of Communication on the NCDs in Togo 92 Bibliography Appendices iv Acronyms and abbreviations ADAPT Adaptation of Agricultural Production to Climate Change AFD Agence fran\u00e7aise de d\u00e9veloppement AGR Revenue-generating Activities AME Multilateral Environmental Agreements ANASAP Agence national d\u2019assainissement et de salubrit\u00e9 publique ANGE Agence nationale de gestion de l\u2019environnement ANPC Agence nationale de la protection civile AP Rainwater Sanitation, Protected Areas APD Official Development Assistance ADB African Development Bank BCEAO Central Bank of the States of West Africa BIE Investment and Equipment Budget BM World Bank BOAD West African Development Bank CC Climate Change CCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification", + "NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NEPAD NE", + "climate DE Directorate of the Environment NDHQ Directorate of Statistics and National Accounts DRERF Regional Directorate of Environment and Forest Resources DRF Forest Resources Directorate PRSP-C Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper EESS Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment ESD Education for Environment and Sustainable Development EIES Environmental and Social Impact Assessment FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FCPF Forest Carbon Partnership Fund FDR Togo 2025 GEF Global Environment Facility FFOM Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats; FNDF National Forest Development Fund NFE National Environment Fund VCF Green Climate Fund GAFSP Global Agriculture and Food Security Program GDF Sustainable Forest Management GERN Management of the Environment and Natural Resources IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", + "Integrated Water and Fungal Pest Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Water Resource Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Water Resource Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated Soil Fertility Management Integrated So", + "Forest resources MPDC Ministry of Development Planning and Cooperation MRV / MNV Measurement, reporting and verification / Measure notification and verification MUH Ministry of Town Planning and Habitat NDT Neutrality in Land Degradation NEPAD New Partnership for Africa\u2019s Development/ ODD Sustainable Development Goals ODEF Office for Development and Forestry OIBT International Tropical Timber Organization MDG Millennium Development Goals ONAEM National Agency for State Action at Sea NGO Non-governmental organization vii OSC Organisation of Civil Society OTR Togolese Revenue Office PADAT Togo Agricultural Development Support Project PALCC Climate Change Support Programme PAFN Togo National Forestry Action Plan PANA National Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change PAN-LCD National Action Plan for Combating Desertification PANSEA National Action Plan for Water and Sanitation PASA Agricultural Sector Support Programme", + "PANSEA National Action Plan for Water and Sanitation PASA Agricultural Sector Support Programme PAUT Togo Urban Development Project PAZOL Lagoon Development Project PDDAA Comprehensive Programme for Agricultural Development in Africa ONLY Lom\u00e9 Urban Environment Project PFNL Non-wood forest products GMP Environmental and Social Management Plan PGFF Refrigerated Fluid Management Plan PGICT Integrated Disaster and Land Management Project GDP Gross Domestic Product SMEs Small and medium-sized enterprises NACC National Climate Change Adaptation Plan NDP National Development Plan NDP National Health Development Plan NSP National Strategic Plan for Sanitation and Public Health of Togo NSP National Action Plan for the Environment NDP National Development Plan NDP National Health Development Plan NSP National Water Policy NSP Togo National Water Partnership NGE National Environmental Management Programme NHAT National Hygiene and Sanitation", + "National Environmental Management Plan PNHAT Togo National Hygiene and Sanitation Policy PNIASA National Agricultural Investment and Food Security Programme viii PNIASAN National Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutrition Security Programme PNIERN National Investment Programme for the Environment and Natural Resources PNPC National Emergency Preparedness Policy PNR National Reforestation Programme UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environment Programme LDCs Least Developed Countries PONAT National Spatial Planning Policy PP Public Policy PPAAO Programme for Agricultural Productivity in West Africa- PRAPT Project to Strengthen the Conservation Role of Togo\u2019s National System of Protected Areas PRCGE Project to Strengthen Environmental Management Capacity PRCNDGE Project to Strengthen Decentralized National Environmental Management Capacity ProDRA Programme for Rural Development including Agriculture ProRED", + "REDD+ and forest rehabilitation in Togo PSSET Strategic energy subsector plan in Togo PTF Technical and financial partner PUDC Emergency programme for community development PURISE Emergency project for the rehabilitation of electrical services and infrastructure QUIBB Unified questionnaire of basic welfare indicators RAPD Report on Official Development Assistance REDD+, Reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation RGPH General population and habitat census RRC Disaster risk reduction CSR Corporate social responsibility RSO Corporate social responsibility S&E Monitoring and evaluation ix SAP Early warning system SCAPE Strategy for accelerated growth and employment promotion SDAL Coastal planning scheme SISL Coastal information and monitoring system SNGF National vegetation fire management strategy SNRRC National natural disaster risk reduction strategy SPANB National biodiversity strategy and action plan SRRC National disaster risk re", + "UA African Union EU European Union UEMOA West African Economic and Monetary Union UGP Project Management Unit UNESCO United Nations education, scientific and cultural organization/United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNICEF United Nations Children\u2019s Fund WACA West Africa coastal areas management program WACAF West African Coastal and Centre Areas WASCAL West African science service center on climate change and adapted land use x List of Figures Figure 1: Forecast and Actual Mitigation Scenarios in 2020 vs. Baseline. 5 Figure 2: Trends in Sectoral GHG Emission Projections vs. Baseline Scenario 10 Figure 3: Trends in Global GHG Emission Reductions vs. Baseline Scenario. 12 Figure 4: Trends in GHG Emission Reductions vs. Baseline Scenario in", + ". 12 Figure 4: Trends in GHG emission reductions relative to the baseline scenario in different sectors. 14 Figure 5: Strategic map of adaptation in Togo. 40 Figure 6: Proportions of adaptation scenario actions by sector in total investment costs of $2.8 billion. 76 Figure 7: Allocation of costs of technology transfer needs by sector 79 Figure 8: Structure of the national NVM system. 89 xi List of tables Table 1: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the existing institutional framework 7 Table 2: Mitigation ambition compared to current NDCs 15 Table 3: Information needed for clarity, transparency and understanding (ICTC) 18 Priority adaptation measures by sector 42 Togo adaptation efforts. 48 Table 6: Impacts of Covid 19 and priority responses to adaptation in Togo", + "In Togo 55 Table 7: Investment costs of the revised CDN shares of the electricity generation sub-sector. 58 Table 8: Total investment costs of the transport sub-sector. 60 Table 9: Investment needs of the CDN shares of the residential sub-sector 61 Table 10: Investment needs of the CDN shares of the agriculture sub-sector 62 Table 11: Investment needs of the CDN shares of the forestry and other land use sub-sector 64 Table 12: Investment needs of the CDN shares of the IPPC sector. 66 Table 13: Investment needs of the CDN shares of the waste sector. 68 Table 14: Associated investment costs following the mitigation scenarios.", + "69 Table 15: Investment costs for all mitigation measures (millions USD) 70 Table 16: Sectoral adaptation measures with cost estimates. 71 Table 17: Technology transfer costs 78 Table 18: Priority technical resource needs and institutional, individual and systemic capacity-building 80 Table 19: Mitigation and adaptation financing needed for the revised NCD. 81 Table 20: Strengths and weaknesses of the existing NCD system. 84 Table 21: Assistance received by Togo in the area of NCD 90 Table 22: FFOM matrix for the analysis of communication on the implementation of the NCD 92 Table 23: Development of strategic guidelines and formulation of objectives. 95 xii Table 24: Performance framework for interventions. 96 Table 25: Budgeted multi-year plan 98 Introduction At the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris,", + "Table 25: Budgeted multi-year plan 98 Introduction At the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) in Paris on 12 December 2015, the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reached an historic agreement to combat climate change.", + "The Paris Agreement (PA) entered into force in November 2016, following the universal adoption of the Agreement by the Parties. Through this agreement, all stakeholders made voluntary commitments for the transition to a climate-resilient and low-carbon future. Parties are required to undertake and communicate their efforts to contribute to the achievement of these objectives in the form of nationally determined contributions (NPCs) communicated to the UNFCCC (Article 3).", + "The Parties are required to undertake and communicate their efforts to contribute to the achievement of these objectives in the form of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) communicated to the UNFCCC (Article 3). The NDCs are therefore the cornerstone of the Paris Agreement, which invites signatory countries to review their commitments every 5 years with a view to raising both mitigation and adaptation ambitions in order to keep global warming below 2\u00b0C or even 1.5\u00b0C. As a prelude to the Paris Agreement, Togo prepared and submitted its Nationally Determined Planned Contributions (NPDCs) in 2015, which were confirmed as its NDCs after the adoption of the Paris Agreement.", + "As a prelude to the Paris Agreement, Togo prepared and submitted its Nationally Determined Planned Contributions (NDCPs) in 2015, which were confirmed as its NDCs after the adoption of the Paris Agreement. Togo, with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the Climate Promise Initiative and the NDC Support Programme, has committed itself to the revision of its NDCs in 2020.", + "Togo aims, through the revision of its NDCs, to comply with the commitments made under the Paris Agreement and to ensure their alignment with its development priorities (National Development Plan-UNDP and Government Roadmap 2025) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The revision of Togo\u2019s NDCs covers, inter alia, updating data and information with regard to new programmatic and policy developments, taking into account the infrastructure sector, better integration of the water resources sector and the integration of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and short-lived air and climate pollutants into the gases whose emissions are to be reduced.", + "The revision of Togo's NCDs covers, inter alia, updating data and information with regard to new programmatic and policy developments, taking into account the infrastructure sector, better integration of the water resources sector and the integration of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and short-lived air and climate pollutants into the gases whose emissions are to be reduced, thus updating the country's commitment targets by integrating new projects on the basis of new incentives in the field of transport and renewable energy to raise the level of ambition.", + "This has enabled the country to update its commitment targets by integrating new projects on the basis of new incentive measures in the field of transport and renewable energy to raise the level of ambition. Togo's revised NCDs describe the strengthened actions and the necessary enabling environment over the period 2015-2020 that have laid the foundations for more ambitious targets beyond 2020, contributing to the concerted effort to prevent an increase of 2\u00b0C in the global average temperature and to continue efforts to limit the temperature to 1.5\u00b0C above pre-industrial levels. In 2030, Togo envisages increasing climate resilience through comprehensive mitigation and adaptation and disaster risk reduction strategies. Togo has set itself ambitious sustainability targets for production and consumption, and has set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.", + "Togo has set ambitious sustainability targets for the production and consumption of food, water and energy.", + "Togo has set itself ambitious sustainability objectives related to the production and consumption of food, water and energy. These objectives will be achieved by supporting empowerment and capacity-building, improving the provision of basic social services, technological innovation and the sustainable management of natural resources, in accordance with the principles of good governance. Beyond the 2030 NDC target, Togo has committed itself to moving towards a long-term low-carbon development strategy and climate resilience through its National Development Plan (NDP 2018-2022) and the Government Roadmap 2025. To this end, the country has developed a plan for the preparation and implementation of its NDCs covering the period 2020-2024.", + "To this end, the country has developed a plan for the preparation and implementation of its NCDs covering the period 2020-2024. This nine-programme plan aims to accelerate transformational change towards low-carbon and climate-resilient development. This revised NCD document consists of seven chapters, dealing respectively with the national context, governance, mitigation, adaptation, financial, technological and assistance needs, the national measurement, reporting and verification (MNV) system, and the communication strategy for the implementation of the NCDs. Chapter 1:", + "It enjoys a four-season Guinean tropical climate in the southern part and a two-season Sudanese tropical climate in the northern part. The Maritime and Savannah regions receive less than 1000 millimetres of water per year. Seasonal irregularities have been observed in recent decades. The Atakora Mountains and the Togo Mountains encircle the territory of Togo from northeast to southwest. Mount Agou is the highest peak in the country and peaks at more than 900 m in the southwest. On either side of this chain the peninsula extends. In Togo, four major classes of soil are encountered: crude and undeveloped mineral soils; tropical ferruginous soils; ferral soils and vertisols; and hydromorphic soils. With a forest cover of 24.24%, Togo\u2019s bi", + "With a forest cover of 24.24%, Togo\u2019s biological resources are numerous and diverse. Plant formations consist of semi-deciduous dense forests, Guinean savannahs, Sudanese savannahs interspersed with dry or clear forests depending on the location, galleries and ripicoles forests, etc. In Togo, there are 3491 terrestrial species and 261 identified aquatic species. Wildlife, estimated at 3469 species, consists of terrestrial species, avifauna and aquatic fauna. Togo is divided into five major phytogeographical areas. These are called ecological zones. Togo\u2019s water resources are quite abundant. They consist of surface waters that are drained by the three main watersheds (Oti, 47.3%, Mono, 37.5%, Lake Togo, 16%) and", + "The total volume of renewable water resources is estimated at about 19 billion cubic metres per year, or about 27% of the rainfall (of the order of 70 billion cubic metres per year). Togo has a coastal area of 50 km which stretches from Lom\u00e9 to An\u00e9ho and is of major economic importance for the country, as a variety of activities such as fishing, industry, handicrafts, tourism, etc. are carried out in this area.", + "A variety of activities such as fishing, industry, handicrafts, tourism, etc. are carried out in this area. Opening onto the Gulf of Guinea, the equilibrium of the physical environment of the coastline is characterised by the interrelationships that exist between the different elements of this fragile environment, the weight of population growth, the existing developments that are expanding each year. It is exposed to coastal risks: erosion, flooding and pollution. The general population and habitat census of November 2010 establishes the resident population of Togo at 6 191 155 inhabitants with an average annual growth rate of 2.3 %. As of 1 January 2019, this population was projected at 7 538 000 hbts. It will be 7 723 000 hbts as of 1 January 2020. The average density is 109 habts/km2 in 2010.", + "In Togo, 53.5% (2017) of the population lives below the poverty line. The poverty rate decreased by 1.6 percentage points between 2015 and 2017. In 2018-2019, a new estimate of the poverty line was made in order to more accurately assess the proportion of households living below the poverty line. The incidence of poverty calculated on this new basis is 45.5% at the national level. Togo\u2019s Human Development Index (HDI) rose from 0.426 in 2000 to 0.484 in 2014 and then 0.484 in 2015, placing the country now 162nd out of 188 countries with comparable data.", + "Togo\u2019s Human Development Index (HDI) rose from 0.426 in 2000 to 0.484 in 2014 and then to 0.484 in 2015, placing it 162nd out of 188 countries with comparable data. Putting emergence at the heart of its ambition, Togo has made remarkable progress over the past 10 years and has set itself high targets for economic growth and social and human development for the years to come. The global pandemic caused by Covid-19 is an unprecedented shock that will have important repercussions for Africa and particularly for Togo. However, Togo wishes to give new impetus to its economy and society in the form of a concrete strategic plan.", + "As a result, the Government has defined a roadmap launched in October 2020 for the 2025 Horlizon. The aim of the roadmap is to adjust the integrated national vision by having an overall understanding of the Togo context, including the Covid-19 context, to update the portfolio of Togo projects and reforms defined in its National Development Plan (NDP) taking into account the new vision and their progress, and to guide the implementation of the new vision at the level of each sectoral ministry. The Government\u2019s roadmap aims at \"a peaceful Togo, a modern nation with inclusive and sustainable economic growth\".", + "This vision is structured around three interrelated strategic axes: (i) strengthening social inclusion and harmony and consolidating peace; (ii) boosting job creation by building on the strengths of the economy; and (iii) modernising the country and strengthening its structures. The three axes are broken down into ten ambitions addressing the country\u2019s main challenges. Togo places particular emphasis on climate change issues at the level of ambition 10, which places sustainable development and anticipating future crises at the heart of the country\u2019s priorities. 1.2.", + "Togo places particular emphasis on climate change issues at the level of ambition 10, which places sustainable development and anticipating future crises at the heart of the country\u2019s priorities. 1.2. SUMMARY OF THE EVALUATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TOGO\u2019S INITIATIVE NCDS Following the adoption of the Paris Agreement, creating synergies between climate action and development implementation has become a key issue for the effectiveness of public policies in Togo. Two levels of reduction have been proposed: an unconditional reduction of 11.14% and a conditional reduction of 20%, with no clarity on the conditionalities for a total funding requirement estimated at US$3.54 billion (Adaptation = 1.54; Mitigation = 1.10; Technology Transfer = 0.5; Capacity Building = 0.4).", + "Two levels of reduction have been proposed: an unconditional reduction of 11.14 per cent and a conditional reduction of 20 per cent with no clarification of the conditionalities for an estimated total funding requirement of US$3.54 billion (Adaptation = 1.54; Mitigation = 1.10; Technology Transfer = 0.5; Capacity Building = 0.4).", + "All the mitigation and adaptation projects implemented with mitigation co-benefits have enabled Togo to achieve 7,990 Gg CO2-eq of emission reductions in 2020 instead of the originally planned 5,075 Gg CO2-eq of reductions, i.e. a reduction of 27.57% by 2020 instead of 17.51% from the baseline as shown in Figure 1. Thus, the additional reduction is 10.06%. Figure 1: Scenarios of planned and actual mitigation in 2020 compared to the baseline Overall, Togo has been politically proactive in the field of climate change for more than 20 years and has committed itself to combating its adverse effects on the population and many sectors of economic activity through a range of actions, both multilateral and national.", + "Figure 1: Scenarios of anticipated and actual mitigation in 2020 compared to the baseline Overall, Togo has been politically proactive in the field of climate change for more than 20 years and has committed itself to combating its adverse effects affecting the population and many sectors of economic activity through a series of actions both within the framework of multilateral actions and national initiatives. Chapter 2: Governance 2.1. EXISTING INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE NCD In 2015, through Interministerial Decree No.002/MERF/MMEFPD, a Coordinating Committee for the Development of Nationally Determined Planned Contributions (CPDN) was set up. This CPDN Committee was replaced in 2018 by the National Coordinating Authority for the Development of National Communications (CN), Updated Biennial Reports (RBA) on Climate Change and the NCD, set up", + "This CPDN Committee was replaced in 2018 by the National Coordinating Authority for the Development of National Communications (NC), Updated Biennial Reports (RBA) on Climate Change and NCDs, established by Decree No. 0095 / MERF/SG/DE of 13 July 2018. This authority, through the NCD Sub-Committee, is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the NCDs. This NCD Sub-Committee is composed of representatives of public institutions, the private sector, civil society organisations concerned with the issue of climate change. These are the Presidency of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry for Finance, the Ministry for Planning, the Ministry for Agriculture, the Ministry for Energy, the Ministry for the Advancement of Women and Youth and other ministries, civil society organisations, and employers. 2.2.", + "2.2. ANALYSIS OF THE FORCES, CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS OF THE EXISTING INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK The existing institutional framework of the NDCs suffers from certain shortcomings (Table 1).", + "ANALYSIS OF THE STRENGTHS, OPPORTUNITIES AND THREATS OF THE EXISTING INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK The existing institutional framework of the NDCs suffers from certain shortcomings (Table 1). Table 1: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the existing institutional framework Strengths Weaknesses \u27a2 Existence of the National Coordinating Authority for the Development Process, CN, ABNDS on Climate Change and the NDCs \u27a2 Existence of several committees of other bodies (DLCC, Technical Committee for the Coordination of the Process of Integrating Adaptation to Climate Change,...) on which the NDC can rely \u27a2 Establishment of a national MNV committee \u27a2 Establishment of a sub-committee of the NDCs \u27a2 Non-operationality", + "CN, RBA on climate change and NDCs \u27a2 Limited technical expertise in all key topics related to priority sectors covered by mitigation studies \u27a2 Low level of collaboration between institutions responsible for implementing government policies and institutions responsible for studies \u27a2 Non-allocation of financial resources for the functioning of the NDC Implementation Committee \u27a2 Low knowledge of the terms of reference of the various stakeholders \u27a2 Non-involvement of local authorities in the NDC Committee Opportunities Threats \u27a2 Existence of the CBIT initiative (under implementation) \u27a2 Availability of technical and financial partners to support climate governance \u27a2 Lack of coordination and coherence between the various thematic bodies, operational entities, implementing agencies and other organisations outside the Convention \u27a2 Low involvement of private sector actors, women\u2019s groups, parliamentarians and civil society 2.3", + "CAPACITY-BUILDING FOR GOVERNANCE In response to the constraints and gaps identified for the existing institutional framework, the following actions are proposed to ensure effective governance and coordination of the NCD implementation process.", + "This will involve: \u2713 establishing a framework for dialogue and communication between the various thematic bodies, operational entities, implementing agencies, civil society and private sector organisations and other organisations outside the Convention; \u2713 strengthening the technical capacities of stakeholders in all key thematic areas related to the priority sectors concerned by the mitigation studies; \u2713 mobilising the necessary financial resources to make the NCD Implementation Committee operational; \u2713 making the various existing committees related to climate change operational; \u2713 developing an institutional capacity-building programme for the effective implementation of the NCDs; \u2713 strengthening the technical and operational capacities of the various stakeholders of the NCD Committee; \u2713 strengthening collaboration between the institutions responsible for the implementation of the NCDs; \u2713 strengthening cooperation between the institutions responsible for the implementation of the NCDs.", + "\u2713 strengthen collaboration between the institutions responsible for implementing government policies and the institutions responsible for studies; \u2713 define the terms of reference of the various stakeholders of the CDN Committee.", + "Chapter 3: Mitigation To contribute to the effective fight against the adverse effects of climate change, efforts are being made by the Togolese Government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 3.1. CONTRIBUTIONS TO ATTENUATION: REFERENCE AND ATTENUATION SCENARIOS 3.1.1. Reference scenario The data used are those from the thematic and sectoral studies of 4th CN and 2nd RBA. The sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the revised national contributions are: sectors: energy; industrial processes and product use (IPU); agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFAT); gas waste: CO2, CH4, N20, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in accordance with the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.", + "The sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the revised nationally determined contributions are: sectors: energy; industrial processes and product use (IPU); agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFAT); gaseous waste: CO2, CH4, N20, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in accordance with the Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol. short-lived air pollutants (SLCPs): black carbon (CB), PM 2.5 and PM 10, nitrous oxides, volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide.", + "For each sector, GHG emissions are projected over the period 2010-2030 and are presented as follows (Figure 2): \u27a2 Energy sector: emissions range from 3725.16 Gg CO2-eq to 13169.18 Gg CO2-eq between 2010 and 2030, an increase of 254%; \u27a2 IPPC sector: emissions are projected to increase from 551.19 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 3 203.54 Gg CO2-eq in 2030, an increase of approximately 481% in the sector; \u27a2 AFAT sector: emissions range from 12 190.89 Gg CO2-eq to 13 464.37 Gg CO2-eq between 2010 and 2030, an increase of 10.45%; \u27a2 Waste sector: emissions from the sector as a whole range from 551.19 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 3 203", + "\u27a2 Waste sector: emissions from the sector as a whole range from 335.7 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 573.3 Gg CO2-eq in 2030, an increase of 70.8%.", + "For each sector, projections of GHG emissions are made over the period 2010-2030 and are as follows (Figure 2): \u27a2 Energy sector: emissions range from 3725.16 Gg CO2-eq to 13169.18 Gg CO2-eq between 2010 and 2030, an increase of 254%; \u27a2 POPs sector: emissions range from 551.19 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 3 203.54 Gg CO2-eq in 2030, an increase of approximately 481% in the sector; \u27a2 AFAT sector: emissions range from 12 190.89 Gg CO2-eq to 13 464.37 Gg CO2-eq between 2010 and 2030, an increase of 10.45%; \u27a2 Waste sector: emissions of the sector as a whole range from 335.7 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 573.3 Gg CO2-", + "Overall, GHG emissions will increase from 16,802.92 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 30,410.42 Gg CO2-eq in 2030, an increase of 80.98%.", + "Overall, GHG emissions increase from 16,802.92 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 30,410.42 Gg CO2-eq in 2030, an increase of 80.98%. Figure 2: Trends in sectoral GHG emission projections under baseline scenario 3.1.2. Mitigation scenario GHG emission reduction potentials are estimated by sector and then aggregated at the national level. In general, the information provided is based on Togo\u2019s new programmatic developments, including the National Development Plan (NDP 2018-2022) and the Government Roadmap 2025. This information is also based on sectoral measures and priorities as presented in Annex 1.", + "This information is also based on sectoral measures and priorities as presented in Annex 1. Overall quantified commitments Mitigation measures are guided by a long-term aspiration for low-carbon development that promotes the implementation of the government\u2019s 2025 roadmap, its NDP (2018-2022), its food self-sufficiency policy and its poverty reduction strategy to become an emerging state by 2050. The implementation of the plans, strategies, programmes and other planning documents used in this study is based on the different resources (own funds, national and international loans) that the government mobilizes for the country\u2019s development.", + "The implementation of the plans, strategies, programmes and other planning documents used in this study is based on the various resources (ownership funds, national and international loans) that the government mobilizes for the country\u2019s development. Furthermore, in order to ensure low-carbon sustainable development, Togo is committed to an ambitious climate change programme, the activities of which require the sustained support of its technical and financial partners (capacity building, transfer and diffusion of technology, and financial resources). \u2756 Unconditional contribution The results of the analysis of sectoral reductions indicate that Togo can commit to an unconditional contribution to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20.51% by 2030, i.e. 6 236.02 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 13; Table 11).", + "\u2756 Unconditional contribution The results of the analysis of sectoral reductions indicate that Togo can commit itself to an unconditional contribution to reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 20.51% by 2030, i.e. 6 236.02 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 13; Table 11). \u2756 Conditional contribution In the proposed approach for the mitigation scenario, the Togolese State undertakes, if it receives the required support, to achieve an additional reduction of 30.06% in GHG emissions from the reference scenario by 2030, i.e. 9 305.59 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 3), without jeopardising its food self-sufficiency policy by proceeding in such a way as not to jeopardise its sustainable development.", + "\u2756 Conditional contribution In the proposed approach for the mitigation scenario, the Togolese State undertakes, if supported, to achieve an additional reduction of 30.06% in GHG emissions from the baseline scenario by 2030, i.e. 9 305.59 Gg CO2-eq (Figure 3), without jeopardising its food self-sufficiency policy by proceeding in a manner that does not jeopardise its sustainable development Figure 3: Trends in overall GHG emission reductions from the baseline scenario \u2756 Overall contribution Overall, Togo\u2019s contribution amounts to 50.57%, i.e. 15 378.55 Gg CO2-eq by 2030, broken down as follows: \u2713 Unconditional target: 20.51%; \u2713 Conditional target: 30.06%.", + "Figure 3: Trends in overall GHG emission reductions from the baseline scenario \u2756 Overall contribution Overall, Togo\u2019s contribution amounts to 50.57%, or 15,378.55 Gg CO2-eq by 2030, broken down as follows: \u2713 Unconditional target: 20.51%; \u2713 Conditional target: 30.06%. These new commitments represent an increase over the initial NCDs and correspond to the highest possible level of ambition, taking into account national circumstances in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement. Sectoral commitments Figure 2 presents the level of mitigation in each sector:", + "Commitments by Sector Figure 2 presents the level of mitigation in each sector: Energy Sector: the analysis of the mitigation scenario shows a reduction of 16.89% (2 224.87 Gg CO2-eq) by 2030 per contribution to the baseline scenario. Reduction trends in this sector are presented in Figure 4a; POPs Sector: given that the cement production subsector does not generate any potential reductions, the emission reductions in the POPs sector are summarized as those of the hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) subsector and correspond to 0.8% by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (Figure 4b); AFAT Sector: the estimated value of the mitigation scenario at the baseline scenario (Figure 4c) is 28.40% (3 824.20 Gg CO2-eq); Waste Sector: the estimated value", + "824.20 Gg CO2-eq); Waste sector: the estimated value of the mitigation scenario at the baseline scenario horizon, i.e. a 28.10% reduction (Figure 4d).", + "The reduction trends in this sector are presented in Figure 4a. Due to the fact that the cement production subsector does not generate any potential reductions, the emission reductions in the cement production subsector are summarized as the hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) subsector and correspond to 0.8% by 2030 compared to the baseline scenario (Figure 4b).", + "Figure 4: Trends in GHG emission reductions relative to the baseline scenario in different sectors Enhanced ambition The revision of Togo\u2019s NDCs has been carried out in consultation with stakeholders and is aligned with the development objectives contained in the NDP and the Government Roadmap 2025, on the one hand, and the objectives of the Paris Agreement, on the other. As a Party to the Paris Agreement, Togo is committed to setting ambitious targets necessary to effect change and remains fully committed to the Paris Agreement and all the responsibilities and actions set out therein.", + "As a Party to the Paris Agreement, Togo is committed to setting ambitious targets necessary for change and remains fully supportive of the Paris Agreement and all the responsibilities and actions set out therein. In submitting this NCD, Togo, a low-carbon country, supports the call for all Parties to submit their NCDs to ensure that their NCDs are in line with their contributions to global emissions and their respective responsibilities under the Convention and to take measures that will limit the increase in global temperature to 1.5\u00b0C; well below pre-industrial levels. Togo's new contributions are fair and ambitious, taking into account national circumstances, such as MDGs and poverty eradication, demography, geography, climate, dependence on external stimuli.", + "Togo\u2019s new contributions are fair and ambitious, taking into account national circumstances, such as MDGs and poverty eradication, demography, geography, climate, dependence on external stimuli. They go far beyond the commitments presented in Togo\u2019s initial NCD submission, i.e. in terms of scope, sectoral ambition, coherence between adaptation and mitigation, horizontal themes, including gender, and in particular transparency. Details of the increase in ambition are shown in Table 2. The COVID 19 pandemic represents a time of profound upheaval, causing an economic slowdown due to declining socio-economic activities, and aggravating the country\u2019s economic vulnerabilities to climate change. However, Togo continues to prioritise taking appropriate measures to adapt and combat the adverse effects of climate change.", + "However, Togo continues to focus on taking appropriate measures to adapt to and mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. Table 2: Mitigation ambition compared to current NDCs Enhancement Components Revised NDCs (2021) Initial NDCs (2015) Strengthening the GHG Target Year-end Objective Type ( 2030 vs 2010 emission levels): In 2030, the emission reductions broken down by sector are as follows: Energy Sector: 16.9% Industrial Processes and Product Uses (IPUs): 0.8% Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFAT): 28.40% Difference from SAM Objective Type (reference) in Emission Reduction of 11.13% in 2030 vs SAM. Enhancement Components Revised NDCs (2021) Initial NDCs (2015) Waste Sector: 28.10%.", + "Improvement Components Revised NCDs (2021) Initial NCDs (2015) Waste Sector: 28.10% Total Unconditional Target: 20.51% Geographic Coverage National Level National Level Sectoral Coverage Energy PIUP AFAT Waste Energy AFAT GHG Coverage Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in accordance with the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.", + "\u2022 Total Unconditional Target: 20.51% Geographic Coverage National Level National Level Sectoral Coverage Energy PIUP AFAT Waste Energy AFAT GHG Coverage Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in accordance with the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol Strengthening or Addition of Policies and Actions Mitigation Policies and Actions (MAPs) in the following sectors: Energy (including: energy supply, residential and unspecified, industry, transport) Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFAT) Waste Additional MAPs (facilitators of mitigation actions) Mitigation MAPs (in a higher ambition scenario) in the following sectors: Energy Emissions from fossil fuel combustion Strengthening or Addition of a Non-GHG Sectoral Target The revised NCDs are consistent with the following", + "GHG The revised NCDs are consistent with the following non-GHG sectoral targets for 2030: Renewable Energy Sources (RES) Transportation Final Energy Consumption Energy Efficiency (EE) Final Energy Consumption Savings vs. Base Case Primary Energy Consumption Savings vs. Base Case Short-lived Air Pollutants (SLCPs): o Black Carbon (CB) o PM2.5 and PM10, nitrous oxides, volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide.", + "Alignment of the implementation of the existing NCD with the long-term objectives In addition, the revised NCDs address the regional aspect, which contributes significantly to the priority measures identified in the energy sector in the NDP. GHG mitigation has integrated the mitigation of short-lived climate pollutants in accordance with the National Plan for the Reduction of Air Pollutants and Short-lived Climate Pollutants. Consequently, the implementation of the revised NCDs of Togo is expected to yield substantial benefits in terms of the reduction of short-lived climate pollutants and air pollutants, improvement of air quality and public health.", + "Consequently, the implementation of Togo's revised CFCs is expected to yield substantial benefits in terms of reduction of short-lived climate and air pollutants, improvement of air quality and public health. Full implementation of the updated CFCs is expected to result in a reduction of: \u2713 black carbon emissions of 80%, \u2713 methane emissions of 32%, \u2713 particulate matter emissions of 58% and \u2713 nitrogen oxide emissions of 51% in 2030 compared to a baseline scenario with a strong reduction from 2029 onwards in accordance with the phase-out schedule of HFCs provided for in the Kigali Amendment.", + "In addition, HFC emissions would be reduced by 9% in 2030 compared to a baseline scenario with a strong reduction starting in 2029 in line with the phase-out schedule for HFCs in the Kigali Amendment. The main actions to achieve the LULUCF mitigation target while improving air quality and benefiting human health are: \u2713 increasing the number of households that cook using improved efficiency biomass stoves and cleaner fuels such as LPG or electricity.", + "The main actions to achieve the objective of reducing SCCPs while improving air quality and benefiting human health are: \u2713 increasing the number of households that cook using improved efficiency biomass stoves and cleaner fuels such as LPG or electricity \u2713 increasing the efficiency of wood burning stoves \u2713 renewing the fleet to increase efficiency and compliance with stricter vehicle emission standards \u2713 promoting the use of electric vehicles \u2713 increasing the efficiency of livestock production to minimise emissions from enteric fermentation and manure \u2713 adopting alternative mowing and drying practices for rice production to reduce methane emissions \u2713 promoting best landfill management practices", + "rice production to reduce methane emissions; \u2713 promote best landfill management practices for municipal solid waste, including methane capture; \u2713 increase municipal solid waste collection and reduce open burning of municipal solid waste. 3.2.", + "\u2713 increasing the efficiency of charcoal-fired furnaces; \u2713 renewing the fleet to increase efficiency and compliance with stricter vehicle emission standards; \u2713 promoting the use of electric vehicles; \u2713 increasing the efficiency of livestock production to minimize emissions from enteric fermentation and manure; \u2713 adopting alternative wetting and drying practices for rice production to reduce methane emissions; \u2713 promoting best landfill management practices for municipal solid waste, including methane capture; \u2713 increasing municipal solid waste collection and reducing open burning of municipal solid waste. 3.2. INFORMATION TO IMPROVE THE CARD, TRANSPARENCY AND COMPREHENSIVENESS (ICTC) OF REVISED NATIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS Table 3 below presents", + "THE CHARTER, TRANSparency and Understanding (ICTC) OF REVISED NATIONAL-level CONTRIBUTIONS Table 3 below presents the information required for clarity, transparency and understanding as recommended in Annex I to Decision 4/CMA1.", + "INFORMATION TO IMPROVE CLARITY, TRANSPARENCY AND UNDERSTANDING (ICTC) OF CONTRIBUTIONS DETERMINED AT THE REVISED NATIONAL LEVEL Table 3 below presents the information required for clarity, transparency and understanding as recommended by Annex I to Decision 4/CMA1.", + "Table 3: Information Required for Clarity, Transparency and Understanding (ICTC) Information Required for Clarity, Transparency and Understanding (ICTC) Para Guidelines of the Decision Guidelines of the ICTC applicable to the revised Togo CND Quantifiable information on the baseline (including, where appropriate, a baseline year): (a) Baseline year(s), baseline year(s), baseline period(s) or other baseline point(s) Baseline year: 2018 (which is the baseline year of the 4th National Communication and the 2nd Updated Biennial Report) (b) Quantifiable information on the baseline indicators, their values in the baseline year(s), baseline year(s), baseline period(s) or other baseline point(s) and, where appropriate, in the target year", + "base, reference period(s) or other starting point(s) and, where applicable, in the target year Reference indicator: the national greenhouse gas inventory (GHG inventory) for the reference year 2018 contained in the NIR and updated.", + "Disaggregated emissions in 2030 are as follows: Energy Sector: 13,169.18Gg CO2-eq Industrial Processes and Product Uses (IPUs): 3,203.54Gg CO2-eq Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses (LULUCF): 13,464.37Gg CO2-eq Waste Sector: 573.33Gg CO2-eq", + "(c) For the strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or policies and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1 (b) above is not applicable, Parties shall provide other relevant information NA (d) Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, e.g. in percentage or amount of reduction A detailed assessment of the GHG mitigation options identified for Togo estimates a total emission reduction potential of approximately 15,378.55 Gg CO2-eq in 2030 compared to the baseline emissions of the same year estimated at 30,410.42 Gg CO2-eq. This reduction is divided into unconditional contribution and contribution", + "This reduction is divided into an unconditional contribution and a conditional contribution.", + "This reduction is divided into an unconditional contribution and a conditional contribution. Unconditional contribution: A reduction of 20.51% from the baseline in 2030; equivalent to an estimated level of mitigation of 6,236.02 Gg CO2-eq. This is an unconditional target, based on sustained and nationally implemented mitigation measures and policies. In 2030, the emission reductions of the unconditional target broken down by sector from the baseline scenario are as follows: \u2713 Energy sector: 16.9% \u2713 Industrial processes and product uses (IPUs): 0.8% \u2713 Agriculture, forestry and other land uses (LULUCF): 28.40% \u2713 Waste sector: 28.10%. Conditional contribution: A further reduction of 30.06% from the baseline in 2030; equivalent to an estimated level of mitigation of 9,305.", + "30.06% from baseline in 2030; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 9 305.59 Gg CO2-eq.", + "\u2022 Conditional contribution: an additional reduction of 30.06% from the reference in 2030; equivalent to an estimated mitigation level of 9 305.59 Gg CO2-eq. This represents an additional targeted contribution, based on the provision of international support and funding e) Information on data sources used to quantify the reference point(s) The data sources used to quantify the reference points are the analysis of the time series of the Fourth National Communication (4CN) and the Second Updated Biennial Report, as well as information from consultations with the various ministries concerned and stakeholder consultations.", + "The baseline and mitigation scenarios were developed for all sectors using the LEAP software. For forestry and other land uses, the 2006 IPCC worksheets were used and the results imported into LEAP. f) Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the baseline indicator values Under the following circumstances, Togo may update or modify the baseline indicator values: In the next greenhouse gas inventory, Togo may update the baseline indicators for existing sectors and/or provide new values for sectors that were not previously covered.", + "In the next greenhouse gas inventory, Togo may update the baseline indicators for existing sectors and/or provide new values for sectors that were not previously covered. The GHG emission level for the baseline scenario, unconditional and conditional targets in 2030 may be updated and recalculated based on methodological changes in the GHG inventory, such as recalculating the GHG inventory with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines or changes in the global warming potential (GWP) in the IPCC Assessment Reports, or the adoption of refined carbon tetrachloride.", + "changes in the global warming potential (GWP) into IPCC Assessment Reports, or the adoption of IPCC refinement.", + "\u2022 The level of GHG emissions for the baseline scenario, unconditional and conditional targets in 2030 can be updated and recalculated based on methodological changes in the GHG inventory, such as recalculating the GHG inventory with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines or changes in the Global Warming Potential (GWP) to IPCC Assessment Reports, or the adoption of IPCC refinement. Information on updates made will be included in the biennial transparency reports (BTRs).", + "\u2022 Togo is part of the category of least developed countries (LDCs); therefore, any major change in the economic and social environment may lead to updating or modifying the values of the reference indicators. Some of the actions are part of the Government Roadmap and the National Development Plan (NDP) and are receiving international support (technical and financial); the delay or lack of support could have unforeseen consequences on national circumstances. Togo is very susceptible to natural disasters (floods, drought, etc.), in the event of a major natural disaster or a pandemic situation similar to COVID-19, Togo may update/modify the reference point.", + "\u2022 Togo is very prone to natural disasters (floods, droughts, etc.), in the event of a major natural disaster or a pandemic situation similar to COVID-19, Togo may update/modify the reference point. Timelines and/or deadlines for implementation: (a) Timeline and/or period of implementation, including start and end dates, in accordance with any other relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (COP) (b) Whether it is an annual or multi-annual target, as the case may be Annual target 2030, including updates to the 2025 targets.", + "Scope and coverage: a) General description of the target Sectoral objectives based on activities and policies, including emission reductions in specific sectors. The Government of Togo will achieve the conditional objectives if international support for financing, technology transfer and/or capacity building is provided on a sustained and timely basis. b) Sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the contribution determined at national level, including, where appropriate, in accordance with the guidelines of the Sectors Group: Energy, IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Waste Gas: F-gas: HFC-32, HFC-134a, HFC-125, HFC-143a. In accordance with the Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol.", + "In conformity with the Kigali amendment to the Montreal Protocol. Short-lived air pollutants (SLCPs): Black carbon (CB) Particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10. (c) How the Party has taken into account paragraphs 31 (c) and (d) of decision 1 / In accordance with paragraph 31 (c) of decision 1 / CP.21, Togo has committed itself to including all categories of anthropogenic emissions in its revised NFCs. The detailed assessment conducted during the process of formulating the revised NFCs showed that the data necessary to define objectives and rigorously assess the impact of policies and actions on emissions for all sectors were not available. Togo will gradually extend the coverage of its NFCs to all categories of anthropogenic emissions and removals, as more robust data become available.", + "Togo will gradually extend the coverage of its NCDs to all categories of anthropogenic emissions and removals, as more robust data become available. d) Related mitigation benefits resulting from the Parties\u2019 adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans, including the description of specific projects, measures and initiatives of the Parties\u2019 adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans. In accordance with the national climate change policy, the vehicles for implementing the policy objectives, strategies and results are the NCD and the National Adaptation Plan (NAP). The implementation of the actions articulated in each document will ensure the operational components of the policy. Togo\u2019s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) (2017- 2021), as well as projects currently being implemented, include co-benefits for mitigation.", + "\u2022 Togo\u2019s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) (2017- 2021), as well as projects currently being implemented, include mitigation co-benefits. The resulting reductions will contribute to the achievement of the objective described in point 1(d) and should not be considered as additional. Togo has also committed to continue to provide data and information on quantified co-benefits of adaptation measures in its NAP and national communications. Mitigation measures within adaptation projects will be reported through the GHG data collection framework and inventory and reported in the respective sectors.", + "\u2022 Mitigation measures within adaptation projects will be notified through the data collection framework and the GHG inventory and reported in the respective sectors. Planning process: Information on the planning processes undertaken by the Party to prepare (a) its determined contribution at the national level and, where appropriate, on the Party's implementation plans, including, where appropriate: (i) National institutional arrangements, public participation and engagement with local communities and indigenous peoples in a gender-sensitive manner Provisions on sectoral governance and coordination are included in each of the sectoral action plans of the NDCs. A National NDC Committee has been established temporarily for the duration of the NDC programme implementation projects.", + "A National NCD Committee has been set up temporarily for the duration of the NCD programme implementation projects. This committee has not been functional at all and deserves to be rearranged and strengthened. New national institutional arrangements based on prior engagement of public, private, local communities and gender stakeholders are being developed. (ii) Contextual issues, including, where appropriate: a. National circumstances, such as geography, climate, economy, sustainable development and poverty eradication Recent political development in Togo. It has been marked by the presidential elections in 2015 and 2020, the major marches in 2017, the legislative elections in December 2018 followed by constitutional reforms and the municipal elections in June 2019. Geo-climatic profile. Togo is located in the intertropical zone.", + "Geographical and climatic profile. Togo is located in the intertropical zone. It enjoys a four-season Guinean tropical climate in the southern part and a two-season Sudanese tropical climate in the northern part. The Maritime and Savannah regions receive less than 1000 millimetres of water per year. Seasonal irregularities have been observed in recent decades. Demographic characteristics and poverty. The General Population and Habitat Census - final result of November 2010 establishes the resident population of Togo at 6 191 155 inhabitants with an average annual growth rate of 2.3%. As of 1 January 2019, this population was projected at 7 538 000 hbts. It will be 109 hbts/km2 in 2010. It varies by region and is more dense in the Maritime region and weaker in the Savannah region.", + "In Togo, 53.5% (2017) of the population lives below the poverty line. The poverty rate fell by 1.6 percentage points between 2015 and 2017. Economic and sectoral context. The achievement of the objectives of the Togo Government Roadmap 2025 resulting from the revision of the National Development Plan (NDP 2018-2022) will affect all sectors of Togo\u2019s economic life, both public and private. Overall, the national economic context has been marked by continued efforts to maintain the stability of the macroeconomic framework and improve the business environment. The State has full control over the energy sector with the participation of several ministries and other state and private institutions.", + "The State has full control over the energy sector with the participation of several ministries and other state and private institutions. From all sources, final energy consumption amounts to 2145.29 ktep in 2018 compared to 1973 ktep in 2016, an increase of 172.29 ktep (8.7%) over 3 years. Total final energy consumption in Togo per year and per capita has been stable since 2000 at 0.27 tep/hbt. Self-consumption of wood-energy (coal and firewood) is predominant and accounts for 76% of national production compared to 24% for marketing. In the area of agriculture, the area under cultivation is estimated at 1.4 million hectares, i.e. 41% of the cultivable area and 25% of the total area of the country. A comparative analysis of GDP and the budget shows that in 2012, the value generated by agriculture at constant prices", + "A comparative analysis of GDP and the budget shows that in 2012, the value generated by agriculture in constant prices amounted to 42.2% of GDP. This sector provides for 2/3 of the labour force in Togo. The contribution of agriculture to the GDP growth rate, which was 0.7% in 2018, would rise to 1% in 2019. Forest cover in Togo is 24.24%. The role of the forestry sector in the economic development of the country is very important. Indeed, it contributes to the creation of jobs, the reduction of unemployment, the creation of wealth, etc. Despite this importance, the value added generated is low according to statistics. Its contribution to GDP was US$ 33 million or FCFA 16.5 billion, or 1.68 % of GDP in 2006.", + "Its contribution to GDP was US$33 million or CFA 16.5 billion, or 1.68% of GDP in 2006. It should be noted, however, that non-market and ecosystem services in the forest sector are not included in these statistics. In 2015, the value added of the forest sector was CFA 17.80 billion for firewood and CFA 71.19 billion for wood coal, or nearly CFA 89 billion for wood-energy. A description of Togo\u2019s development priorities and their relationship to climate change. Togo\u2019s development vision today is guided by the Government\u2019s Togo 2025 Roadmap.", + "Togo\u2019s development vision today is guided by the Government\u2019s Togo 2025 Roadmap. This document clearly presents the country\u2019s development vision and priorities, broken down into three broad strategic axes: (i) strengthening social inclusion and harmony and ensuring peace; (ii) boosting job creation by building on the strengths of the economy; and (iii) modernizing the country and strengthening its structures. Beyond the national vision and priorities, each sector of the economy has its own development priorities that are attached to the national framework. These priorities are defined as sectoral operational policies. The issue of climate change, on the whole, is now included in national development policies.", + "The issue of climate change, on the whole, is now included in national development policies. Despite the efforts made, it must be noted that the degree to which the issue is taken into account in the policies initiated by the Government varies greatly from one sectoral policy to another, with generally low levels of implementation. b. Good practices and experience related to the preparation of the determined contribution at national level The revised NDCs capitalised on the analytical capabilities, participatory practice, experience, tools and knowledge base that were created even before the initial NDCs, maintained and improved within the framework of 4CN and 2BUR. The setting of targets was well informed by an existing solid and comprehensive GHG inventory.", + "In addition, the revised NDCs have integrated sustainable development into their M&As, quantifying the link between sustainable development and climate change mitigation. Specifically, with regard to the economic and environmental dimensions. Finally, the revised NDCs also include a regional dimension. c. Other contextual aspirations and priorities recognized upon accession to the Paris Agreement A commitment to reduce GHG emission levels at the national level will require cleaner technologies, expertise and financing. Technology: The need for new innovation is rooted in the need to be more efficient and to produce from cleaner technologies. The availability and transfer of technologies that are environmentally friendly and support low-carbon development and are resilient to climate change.", + "The transfer of technologies that are environmentally friendly and support low-carbon and climate-resilient development are of paramount importance.", + "The availability and transfer of environmentally sound technologies that support low-carbon and climate-resilient development are of paramount importance. As LDCs, these opportunities are often not readily available and the spirit of the Paris Agreement would therefore contribute to North-South and South-South cooperation. Expertise: The integration and transformation of new ideas and technologies into the economy, society and the environment will require some capacity-building for their appropriate applicability and diffusion. Financing: Technology transfer and capacity-building cannot take place without sufficient financial resources being made available to undertake the transition.", + "As a heavily indebted poor country (HIPC) and highly vulnerable to the impact of climate change, it is important to strike the right balance to strengthen the country\u2019s resilience and implement the necessary adaptation and mitigation measures, while addressing the country\u2019s day-to-day needs. The measures needed to carry out the transition are costly. (b) How the Party preparing its determined contribution at the national level was informed by the results of the global assessment, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Paris Agreement Togo participated in the Talanoa Dialogue in 2018, which generated political momentum for enhanced climate action, including by calling on Parties to update their NCDs.", + "Togo participated in the Talanoa Dialogue in 2018, which generated political momentum for enhanced climate action, including by calling on Parties to update their NCDs, and joined the High Ambition Coalition of countries committed to achieving their 2020 climate ambition. The preparation of the revised NCDs was in line with the recommendations of the Talanoa Call for Action and the High Ambition Coalition, taking into account national circumstances.", + "The preparation of the revised NCDs was in line with the recommendations of the Talanoa Call for Action and the High Ambition Coalition, taking into account national circumstances. (c) Each Party with a nationally determined contribution under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement consisting of adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans resulting in related mitigation benefits in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement to submit information on: (i) How the economic and social consequences of response measures have been taken into account in the development of the nationally determined contribution National and regional stakeholder consultations have made it possible to take into account the social, economic and environmental impacts of national mitigation measures by integrating the data collected into assessment tools at the national level.", + "the social, economic and environmental impacts of national mitigation measures by integrating the data collected into the assessment tools during the development of the revised NCDs.", + "(c) Each Party with a nationally determined contribution under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement consisting of adaptation measures and/or economic diversification plans leading to related mitigation benefits in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Paris Agreement to submit information on: (i) How the economic and social consequences of response measures have been taken into account in the development of the nationally determined contribution National and regional stakeholder consultations have made it possible to take into account the social, economic and environmental impacts of national mitigation measures by integrating the data collected into the assessment tools in the development of the revised NCDs.", + "and specific activities to be implemented to contribute to the co-benefits of mitigation, including information on adaptation plans which also produce co-benefits of mitigation, which may cover, but not be limited to, key sectors, such as energy, resources, water resources, coastal resources, human settlements and urban planning, agriculture and forestry; and economic diversification actions, which may cover, but not be limited to, sectors such as manufacturing and industry, energy and mining, transport and communications, construction, tourism, real estate, agriculture and fisheries ENERGY Sector: - Promotion of electricity production based on renewable energy sources in Togo - Pursuit of the electrification for all policy \u2013 Extension of the network and deployment of decentralised systems to achieve 100% electrification, supported by the establishment of the Electricity for All Fund; -", + "Electricity for All Fund; - Increase the capacity for electricity generation, transmission and distribution \u2013 Development of sustainable and reliable production capacities, in particular in solar and hydroelectric power, and corresponding strengthening of the transmission and distribution network (in synergy with the extension of the internet network); - Increase the share of renewable energies in energy production to 50% by 2025 - Increase the share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles to 3% by 2025 - Extension of the rural road network \u2013 Construction of 4000 km of rural roads targeting agricultural areas with high export potential in order to connect farmers to the market; - Construction of the Autoroute de l\u2019Unit\u00e9 \u2013 Acceleration of the RN1 development project linking the productive hinterland to the town of Lom\u00e9 and the port - Exemption of taxes on new vehicles - Increase the use rate of improved homes by", + "Increase the use rate of improved homes by 40% - Increase the share of wood coal produced with improved technologies from less than 1% in 2020 to 45% - Increase the share of the population using biogas for cooking to 4% in 2025 and 12% in 2030 in urban areas; to 6% in 2025 and 15% in 2030 in rural areas - Increase the share of the population using briquettes to 15% in urban areas and 10% in rural areas in 2030 - Increase the share of the population using LPG to 35% in urban areas and 8% in rural areas by 2030.", + "R448A (HFC-HFO) R455A (HFC-HFO) in place of R404A - Promotion of the construction of private and public buildings with thermal insulation materials - Exemption from taxes on new vehicles AFAT Sector - Integrated development of the agricultural sector through the establishment of an effective strategy for the sustainable management of cultivated land; - Promotion and sustainable management of hydro-agricultural, hydro-pastoral and agricultural development and water supply works; - Organisation of value chains: Organising the chains for all major crops up to the chain of processing and marketing of agricultural products and by-products; - Modernisation of the livestock sub-sector through increasing the productivity of livestock beyond the growth and natural development of herds, setting up processing units", + "- Support for reforestation for fodder purposes with the introduction of fodder trees on agricultural holdings with a view to the sustained production of quality fodder; - Restoration of existing forest landscapes through the promotion of the restoration of natural forests, fragile ecosystems and the conservation of biodiversity, giving priority to support for projects linked to already organised territories (protected areas, community or village forests, sacred sites), limiting the fragmentation of forest areas and maintaining the connection of natural habitats; - Improvement of sustainable land management for the strengthening of carbon sinks and carbon sequestration through the \"Plans for Sustainable Land Management\" and the \"Plans for Sustainable Land Management\" and the \"Plans for Sustainable Land Management\" and the \"Plans for Sustainable Land Management\" and the \"", + "Sustainable land management for the strengthening of carbon sinks and carbon sequestration through \"mass development plans\" promoted by private or community forests or \"territorial forest maps\" or rural poles of excellence; - Development of urban forestry through the establishment of urban plantations, promotion and creation of green spaces; - Promotion of processing of forest products and non-linear by-products and promotion of value chains and market access for processed forest products; - Strengthening participatory control of wildfires to contribute to carbon storage by reducing the current rate of deforestation and the impact of wildfires, a source of carbon emissions into the atmosphere Waste sector: - Togo Water and Sanitation Project (PEAT1&2): development of a technical landfill (CET) in Lom\u00e9 and development of final landfills, establishment of", + "Togo has accounted for its anthropogenic GHG emissions and removals using the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, the 2006 IPCC software and the 2013 Supplement to the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.", + "National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, the 2006 IPCC software and the 2013 Supplement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for Wetlands.", + "Togo also relied on the following: IPCC Good Practice and Uncertainty Management Recommendations for National Inventories (GPG 2000) IPCC Good Practice Recommendations for LULUCF (GPG LULUCF) (b) Assumptions and methodological approaches used to account for the implementation of policies and measures or strategies in the nationally determined contribution The quantification of the level of GHG emissions in the 2030 mitigation scenario is based on the following assumptions: In the transport category, the improvement and expansion of road infrastructure (ongoing and foreseen in the Government Roadmap 2025) and the promotion of low-emission public transport will reduce final energy intensity by 10% for motorcycles and 20% for cars and trucks.", + "\u2022 In Phase 1 of the HCFC Removal Management Plan (HMP) project, 26% of the cold technicians were trained; thus according to the directions of the second phase of this project which are similar to the directions of Phase 1; 79% of the cold technicians will be trained by 2030; In Phase 1 of the HCFC Removal Management Plan (HMP) project, 3.4% of the cold technicians received recovery equipment; thus according to the directions of the second phase of this project which are similar to the directions of Phase 1; 9.4% of the cold technicians will receive recovery equipment by 2030; In Phase 1 of the HCFC Removal Management Plan (HMP) project;3 structures with large cold installations benefited from 70 split air conditioners operating on the basis of the R-290, which is a", + "On this basis, Phase 2, which will follow the same guidelines as Phase 1, will reduce HFC imports by 5%/year through the following components: Distribution of alternative F-gases to structures with large cold-storage facilities; In Togo, end-of-life and stationary cold-storage equipment contains 55% of F-gases and is sold to scrap metal companies without treatment; The establishment of a recycling pipeline with a processing capacity of 5 tonnes of F-gases per year will recover 50%/year; The construction of at least 100 green buildings using fewer air-conditioners by 2030 will reduce the import rate of F-gases by at least 2%.", + "\u2022 Further efforts by the Togolese Government in reforestation would increase the forest cover rate from 24.24% to 30%, i.e. an increase of about 5% in the area of forest and reforested land by 2030; Implementation of measures to combat vegetation fires and measures to protect forest ecosystems will contribute to a reduction of 5% in the area of burned vegetation; Efforts to protect forest formations and respect for land allocations will contribute to reducing deforestation and limiting the conversion of forest land into agricultural land or other forms of land use; Promotion of alternative sources of domestic energy and extension of improved homes will contribute to a reduction in wood energy use and CO2 and other emissions.", + "\u2022 In the sub-sector of agriculture, many initiatives have been undertaken in recent years aimed at promoting the conversion of 5% of manure and agricultural residues into compost (organic fertiliser) and/or biogas, thereby reducing the use of chemical fertilisers by 3% and increasing the use of organic fertiliser; \u2022 Implementation of the new strategic guidelines in the cereal production sector will contribute to the reduction of 3% of the area of irrigated rice fields for the promotion of rain-fed rice cultivation; \u2022 By 2030, 12% of urban solid waste (i.e. 100,000 tonnes) by composting in major cities per year; \u2022 By 2030, 80% of biogas produced by the Lom\u00e9 landfill site per year will be converted into electrical energy for the site\u2019s needs;", + "\u2022 Reduce by 80% the quantity of waste destined for incineration through improved waste collection and the creation of new TECs in secondary towns; \u2022 Upgrade 5% of domestic wastewater in rural areas to biogas by 2030 by installing biogas septic tanks The methodological approach used is that of LEAP-IBC.", + "(c) Where appropriate, information on how the Party will take into account existing methodologies and guidance under the Convention in accounting for anthropogenic emissions and removals, in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 14, of the Paris Agreement, as appropriate In accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 13 and 14, of the Paris Agreement, Togo has conducted an QA/QC of input data to ensure that there is no omission or double counting.", + "(d) IPCC Methodologies and Parameters Used to Estimate Anthropogenic Emissions and Removals of Greenhouse Gases The 2006 IPCC Guidelines, Good Practice Guidance and the IPCC Data Bank have been used to estimate anthropogenic GHG emissions and removals. (e) Sector, category or activity-specific assumptions, methodologies and approaches, in accordance with IPCC guidance, where applicable: (i) Approach to dealing with emissions and subsequent removals of natural disturbances on managed lands GHG emissions and removals from natural disturbances, where applicable, will be accounted for in accordance with the prescribed 2006 IPCC Guidelines.", + "(ii) Approach to Accounting for Emissions and Removals from Harvested Wood Products GHG emissions and removals from harvested wood products, if any, will be accounted for in accordance with the prescribed 2006 IPCC Guidelines.", + "(iii) Approach used to address the effects of age-class structure in forests NA (f) Other assumptions and methodological approaches used to understand the contribution determined at the national level and, where appropriate, estimate the corresponding emissions and removals, including: (i) How baseline indicators, baseline levels, including, where appropriate, sector, category or activity-specific baseline levels, are constructed, including, for example, key parameters, assumptions, definitions, methodologies, data sources and models used To quantify the level of GHG emissions in the baseline scenario projected for 2030, the following assumptions have been made for the emission growth drivers:", + "\u2022 Behavioural factors are considered to be constant throughout the projection period; (ii) For Parties whose nationally determined contributions contain components other than greenhouse gases, information on the assumptions and methodological approaches used in relation to these components, if any The methodological approach used for short-lived climate pollutants (black carbon, PM2.5 and PM10) is that of LEAP-IBC.", + "(iii) For climate forcing factors included in nationally determined contributions not covered by IPCC guidelines, information on how climate forcings are estimated NA (iv) Other technical information, as necessary NA (g) Intention to use voluntary cooperation under the Paris Agreement Article, as appropriate Togo recognizes the important role of international market-based cooperation in contributing to the mitigation of GHG emissions and the promotion of sustainable development.", + "Togo will continue to explore the potential of bilateral, multilateral and regional market-oriented cooperation, including in the context of Article 6 of the AP, that can facilitate, accelerate and improve the development and transfer of technologies, capacity-building and access to financial resources that support Togo's sustainable transition to low-emission and climate-resilient growth.", + "How the Party considers its nationally determined contribution to be fair and ambitious in the light of its national situation: (a) How the Party considers its nationally determined contribution to be fair and ambitious in the light of its national situation Following the Talanoa Call for Action launched by the Presidents of COP 23 and COP 24, Togo has made its revised (2021) NCD more ambitious than the 2015 NCD (i) by articulating the 2030 GHG emission reduction targets compared to the 2010 level.", + "National commitments are well aligned with emission trajectories to 2050 that are consistent with the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement. It is also important to note that the evolving nature of a country\u2019s situation must be reflected in the consideration of equity using the following indicators: \u2022 Accountability reflected in past and current GHG emissions; \u2022 Ability to invest in appropriate mitigation measures (ability to contribute to solving the problem of climate change); and \u2022 Mitigation potential and costs. b) Equity considerations, including consideration of equity It should be noted that equity considerations from a national perspective encompass a variety of issues and that no single indicator alone can accurately reflect the fairness or equitable distribution of countries\u2019 efforts globally.", + "\u2022 Capacity to invest in appropriate mitigation measures (capacity to contribute to solving the problem of climate change) Mitigation potential and costs (b) Equity considerations, including consideration of equity It should be noted that equity considerations from a national perspective encompass a variety of issues and that no single indicator alone can accurately reflect equity or an equitable distribution of countries\u2019 efforts globally. (c) How the Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 3, of the Paris Agreement The revised NDCs propose an unconditional reduction of 20.51% from the baseline scenario in 2030 to 11.14% for the current NDCs.", + "is a 50.57% reduction in GHG emissions from the baseline scenario in 2030 compared to 31.14 for the current NCDs (2015).", + "The overall contribution (unconditional and conditional combined) of the revised CFCs (2021) is a reduction of 50.57% of GHG emissions from the baseline scenario in 2030 compared to 31.14 for the current CFCs (2015). d) How the Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement Another issue that demonstrates the strengthening of the country's ambitions is the implementation of an absolute economy-wide emission reduction target (in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement), which ensures the achievement of the targets in a relevant, comprehensive, consistent, transparent and accurate manner.", + "(d) How the Party has dealt with Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement Another issue that demonstrates the strengthening of the country's ambitions relates to the implementation of an absolute economy-wide emission reduction target (in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement), which ensures the achievement of the targets in a relevant, comprehensive, consistent, transparent and accurate manner. (e) How the Party has dealt with Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the Convention's objective as set out in Article 2: (a) How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the Convention's objective as set out in Article 2:", + "National commitments are well aligned with emission trajectories for 2050 that are consistent with the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement, thereby contributing to the stabilization of atmospheric GHG concentrations at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system, and sustainable development, in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention.", + "(e) How the Party has addressed Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2: (a) How the nationally determined contribution contributes to the achievement of the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2 National commitments are well aligned with emission trajectories for 2050 that correspond to the long-term objective of the Paris Agreement, thereby contributing to stabilizing atmospheric GHG concentrations at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system, and sustainable development, in accordance with Article 2 of the Convention.", + "(b) How the contribution determined at the national level contributes to the achievement of Article 2, paragraph 1 (a), and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Paris Agreement Togo's contribution by its NDCs is consistent with the global objectives of limiting temperature to 2\u00b0C and consistent with Togo's sustainable development objectives Chapter 4: Adaptation 4.1.", + "(b) How the contribution determined at national level contributes to the achievement of Article 2(1)(a) and Article 4(1) of the Paris Agreement Togo\u2019s contribution by its NDCs is in line with the global ambitions to limit the temperature to 2\u00b0C and consistent with Togo\u2019s sustainable development objectives Chapter 4: Adaptation 4.1. NATIONAL CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE adaptation 4.1.1. National situation Togo\u2019s economy is dominated by agricultural activities (almost 40% of GDP) which are highly dependent on climate conditions; other development sectors such as energy, water resources, coastal zone, human settlements and health, forestry and other land uses also remain highly vulnerable.", + "Other development sectors such as energy, water resources, coastal zone, human settlements and health, forestry and other land uses also remain very vulnerable. To this end, Togo committed itself in the initial NDCs to contribute to combating climate change, strengthening the resilience of production systems and means in accordance with its National Plan of Action for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPA) developed in 2008. In 2016, the country adopted a National Plan of Action for Adaptation to Climate Change (NAPACC) which confirms its commitment to strengthening the adaptive capacity of populations to cope with the adverse effects of climate change. 4.1.2.", + "In 2016, Togo adopted a National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NCCAP) which confirms its commitment to strengthening the capacity of populations to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. 4.1.2. Institutional, legal and political arrangements With regard to international commitments on the environment and adaptation to climate change, Togo has ratified the three Rio-generation conventions: (i) the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (March 8, 1995); (ii) the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (October 4, 1995); and (iii) the Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD) (September 15, 1995).", + "Institutional, legal and political arrangements With regard to international commitments on the environment and adaptation to climate change, Togo has ratified the three Rio generation conventions: (i) the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (08 March 1995); (ii) the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (04 October 1995); and (iii) the Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD) (15 September 1995). At the national level, adaptation is part of the national environmental policy, the forest policy declaration, the national strategy for sustainable development, the framework law on the environment and the laws on forest codes, water, health, hydrocarbons, and shipping. At the institutional level, several actors are involved in strengthening adaptation to climate change in Togo.", + "At the institutional level, several actors are involved in strengthening adaptation to climate change in Togo. The main actors in this framework are: (i) the Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources with all its divisions, (ii) the National Commission on Sustainable Development composed of representatives of public and private institutions, local authorities, NGOs and other legal persons, (iii) the National Committee on Climate Change which is a framework for information, consultation and monitoring of the implementation of the national climate change policy, (iv) the Interministerial Committee for Monitoring the Implementation of the NCDs and (v) the multidisciplinary team on climate change. These actors work together with other stakeholders such as Togo\u2019s public and private universities and the major institutions of the Republic (Republic Presidency, Primary, National Assembly, etc.). 4.2.", + "4.2. ANALYSIS OF IMPACTS, RISKS AND VULNERABILITIES OF PRIORITY SECTORS Since 2014, the scenarios developed show that climate change is a real concern for Togo and that current and future trends will have harmful consequences in the absence of appropriate measures. With a predominantly agricultural economy, climate hazards make the Togolese population as a whole vulnerable. Climate variability in Togo leads to food and nutrition insecurity, degradation of forest resources, difficult access to energy, water resources and quality health care. Indeed, Togo faces a very high degree of spatial and temporal climate variability.", + "Togo is facing a very high degree of spatial and temporal climate variability. In 2020, temperatures are expected to increase by a maximum of 1.2 \u00b0C, an increase of 20% compared to 2012. Precipitation is expected to decrease with rainfall ranging from 15 mm to 98 mm. This poses climate risks that affect all sectors of development and are manifested in flooding, drought, high heat, seasonal variations, strong winds, poor rainfall distribution, land erosion and coastal erosion. Future projections of climate variability based on the rigorous IPCC methodology for Togo will be as follows. If the country remains in emission stabilization (RCP6.0) compared to 2020, temperatures will increase from 0.6 \u00b0C to 0.7 \u00b0C in 2025 and from 2.15\u00b0C to 2.75 \u00b0C in 2100.", + "If the country remains in the stabilization of emissions (RCP6.0) compared to 2020, temperatures will increase from 0.6\u00b0C to 0.7\u00b0C in 2025 and from 2.15\u00b0C to 2.75\u00b0C in 2100. Precipitation will vary from -0.08% to +0.35% (2025) and from -0.3% to +1.26% (2100). On the other hand, if the country embarks on the process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (RCP4.5), temperatures will increase from 0.66 to 0.84\u00b0C (2025) and from 1.53 to 1.96\u00b0C (2100). Precipitation will vary from -0.09% to +0.39% (2025) and from -0.21% to +0.89% (2100). 4.2.1. Energy Sector Biomass -energy Wood energy accounts for 80% of the energy used by households and 90% of the local population uses this", + "Biomass -energy Wood energy accounts for 80% of the energy used by households and 90% of the local population uses this energy source in Togo. The current wood energy potential will meet only 28% and 12% of the national demand respectively by 2025 and 2050. On the basis of multi-criteria analyses, the wood energy sector has an average vulnerability index and an estimated 0.58 at the national level. At the regional level, the two northern regions of the country (Savanes and Kara) are facing a high level of vulnerability with an index between 0.6 and 0.8. The impacts related to this vulnerability on this sector are mainly the low growth and production of wood-energy biomass, the depletion of wood-energy species and the destruction of protected and remote ecosystems from homes that provide shelter for most endangered species.", + "The impacts related to this vulnerability on this sector are mainly the low growth and production of wood-energy biomass, the depletion of wood-energy species and the destruction of protected and remote ecosystems from homes that provide shelter for most endangered species. The vulnerability of the wood-energy sector will increase in the future. Indeed, in the event of stabilisation (RCP6.0), the vulnerability index of this sub-sector will fall into the high class from 2075 onwards for the whole country. If appropriate measures are not taken, there will be socio-economic repercussions such as the increase in the price of fuelwood and charcoal, the increase in the poverty index in rural areas, etc.", + " Hydroelectricity In Togo, hydroelectric power generation is exclusively provided by the Kpim\u00e9 and Nangbeto dams, which are fed by large rivers. The current vulnerability of this sector is average with an index of 0.51. In the future, its vulnerability will rise to the high class from 2075 onwards if nothing is done. This will exacerbate the current impacts of climate change resulting in a reduction in the water table of hydroelectric dams, the destruction of hydroelectric works, and the low capacity to supply energy to businesses and industries.", + "This will exacerbate the current impacts of climate change, resulting in a reduction in the water table of hydroelectric dams, the destruction of hydroelectric works, and the low capacity to supply energy to enterprises and industries. If the integrated water resources management (IWRM) measures provided for in the sector\u2019s planning documents, as well as the policy for the development of renewable energies, are implemented, the vulnerability index will be significantly reduced by 2025 (0.48) and 2050 (0.35). Hydrocarbons Togo is not a producer of hydrocarbons, so its vulnerability to climate change is not direct. It is linked to that of the wood-energy and hydropower sectors. Thus, the decrease in the supply of biomass energy and hydropower will increase the consumption of hydrocarbons.", + "In terms of impacts, expenditures are expected to increase due to increased oil consumption with negative impacts on the transportation sector. 4.2.2. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFAT) Sector In Togo, the AFAT sector is the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. At the national level, a downward trend in precipitation coupled with a rise in temperature is expected, with likely effects on biodiversity, species habitat, ecosystem services and agricultural production in Togo.", + "Thus, probable effects on biodiversity, species habitat, ecosystem services and agricultural production in Togo are expected. These effects are mostly related to drought, flooding and pest development. Forestry and Other Land Use Subsector (FLU) The resulting vulnerability of the Forestry and Other Land Use subsector is 0.59 for the country as a whole, which is equivalent to a \"medium\" level of vulnerability. However, it is \"high\" for the Central, Kara and Savannah regions, and \"medium\" for the Plateau and Maritime regions. This vulnerability to the FLU sector in all regions of the country results in: \u2756 Increased natural mortality of timber in Togo\u2019s natural ecosystems.", + "This vulnerability in the FAT sector is reflected in all regions of the country by: \u2756 Increased natural mortality of timber in Togo\u2019s natural ecosystems. High temperatures and drought increase the intensity of fires, which are responsible for most of the timber mortality in forest areas. The natural mortality rate is 8.60%, 5.41% and 5.42% respectively for the Savannah, Kara and Central regions. \u2756 Deterioration of the health status of timber stands. In Togo\u2019s natural ecosystems, an average of 20 feet per hectare is attacked by pests.", + "According to field investigations, the high temperatures recorded in recent years would explain the recurrence of attacks on wood by pests and plant pests. \u2756 Windfall. The estimated damage to forests from severe winds is 9 feet/ha in natural ecosystems. \u2756 Low regeneration capacity. With climate change, vegetation fires are more severe and regeneration is suppressed or delayed. In forest landscapes in protected areas, less than 30% of potential installed regeneration survives fires that become increasingly severe with CAC. \u2756 Land use. Climate drying, increasing temperatures and evapotranspiration intensify soil leaching and latterization, while heavy rains increase soil erosion, especially in rugged environments. This leads to increased land degradation.", + "Climate drying, increasing temperatures and evapotranspiration intensify soil leaching and latterisation, while heavy rains increase soil erosion, especially in rugged environments. This leads to an increase in land degradation. On the other hand, extensive burning agriculture leads to a reduction in forest cover. Highly exposed to climate change, the LULUCF sector suffers from impacts such as the loss of forest cover, the loss of biodiversity and protected ecosystems, the disappearance of certain forest species and low mangrove productivity. In the future, the vulnerability of this sub-sector will increase at national level by 2050 with an index of 0.63 corresponding to high vulnerability. This situation will be observed in all regions except the plateau sector, which will remain in the middle class.", + "This situation will be observed in all regions except the plateau region, which will remain in the middle class. In this context, outside the Atakora chain, all forest ecosystems in Togo will be highly exposed to decreasing precipitation and increasing temperatures with worsening impacts related to climate hazards. Agriculture, livestock and fisheries sub-sector The major disturbances in agriculture, livestock and fisheries in all economic regions of Togo are climate hazards. These are seasonal changes, irregular rainfall with drought pockets, increasing temperatures, flooding and pest attacks. These hazards make this sub-sector very vulnerable with the impact on food security (loss of crops).", + "These uncertainties make this sub-sector very vulnerable with an impact on food security (loss of crops). \u2756 Vulnerability and impacts of the agricultural sub-sector The resulting vulnerability of the crop production sector is generally high for the country as a whole and particularly in the Savannah region. The impacts of this vulnerability are reflected in yield losses estimated over the past ten years to be between 30% and 51% for the main food crops. Indeed, the drought pockets observed caused yield losses of 1.3t/ha, 1.0t/ha and 0.7t/ha respectively for maize, rice and ignamine. Pests, including the fall legionnaires, caused losses ranging from 0.5 to 0.95t/ha for maize. In 2020, the total area of flooded food crops is 6902 ha with production losses", + "In 2020, the total area of flooded food crops is 6902 ha with production losses estimated at nearly 9000 t. Currently estimated at 0.70, the national vulnerability index of the agricultural subsector will remain high with a slight increase to 0.75 by 2050. This will exacerbate the impacts on the agricultural sector with disruption of the agricultural calendar, devastation of crops by pests (leguminous shrubs, peregrine fly), emergence of new invasive species, disappearance of certain cultivars, decreased agricultural yields, erosion of cultivable areas, etc. \u2756 Vulnerability and impacts of the livestock subsector In all regions of Togo, poultry farming is a widespread activity in rural areas.", + "This type of family farming, which employs women, is less demanding in terms of water. However, small ruminants and large cattle farming, which is widely practised in the savannah and plateau regions by sedentary and transhumant farmers, is demanding in terms of the availability of natural resources such as water. With the trend of prolonged drought in recent decades, there has been a recurrence of conflicts between farmers and breeders, which increases vulnerability in the livestock sub-sector. In the savannah region, livestock is decimated due to lack of water and fodder. Furthermore, the proliferation of epidemics such as bacterial coal, African swine fever and avian influenza in the regions is said to be linked to the increasingly high temperatures.", + "On the other hand, the proliferation of epidemics such as bacterial coal, African swine fever, avian influenza in the regions is said to be linked to the increasingly high temperatures. This situation affects domestic livestock production, which covers less than 50% of the population\u2019s needs. \u2756 Vulnerability and impacts of the fisheries sub-sector The fishery is concentrated on the coast, the lagoon complex in southern Togo, the Nangb\u00e9to basin, and along the Mono and Oti rivers. With drought and high temperatures, the fisheries sector becomes more vulnerable. Thus, the coverage rate for fishery products has increased from 35% in 2015 to 29% in 2017. High temperatures, flooding and the early bonding of rivers make spawning areas sensitive, thus reducing the availability of fish.", + "High temperatures, flooding and the early spreading of rivers make spawning areas sensitive, thus reducing the availability of fish. As with livestock farming, the future vulnerability of the fisheries subsector may increase with increased impacts such as reduced catches, siltation of rivers and the disappearance of certain fish species. These impacts will also affect the government\u2019s efforts to develop aquaculture with the depletion of fry. 4.2.3. Water Resources Sector High temperatures, irregularities and changes in the distribution of precipitation are reflected in a decrease in water stocks at ground and surface water levels. This situation makes the water sector at the national level very vulnerable, especially in the Savannah region.", + "On the basis of the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI), the years between 1961 and 2018 are dominated by moderate to severe drought in the Kara and Maritime regions. Currently, the impacts associated with climate change in the water sector are early depletion of wells and rivers, salinization of rivers, salt intrusion into the continental terminal and water pollution. Simulations indicate that, in the event of stabilization (RCP6), the two major river basins (Oti and Mono) and the lagoon complex of Togo will be affected in various ways by 2030. Indeed, water stocks (surface and underground) will increase by 7 to 28 million cubic metres in the Mono basin.", + "Water supplies (surface and underground) will increase by 7 to 28 million cubic metres in the Mono basin; however, they will decrease by 60 to 500 million cubic metres and 120 to 750 million cubic metres respectively in the Oti basin and Lake Togo. If measures are not taken, problems with the availability and accessibility of drinking water for the population will increase and the government will have difficulty in ensuring easy, universal and equitable access to drinking water (MDG 1 of the ODD6) and in improving its quality by reducing pollution (MDG 3 of the ODD6). The impacts will be exacerbated by inadequate household drinking water supply and the risk of conflicts over sources of water supply. 4.2.4. Human Settlements and Health Human settlements are becoming increasingly vulnerable in Togo.", + "Human settlements sector and health Human settlements are becoming increasingly vulnerable in Togo. In 2020 and 2021, the flooding of rivers in the Oti and Mono basin has caused enormous material damage with loss of human lives. Human facilities and infrastructure (roads, markets, health centres, homes, schools, electricity and telecommunications, etc.) are being weakened and collapsed and will increase in the future. At the health level, high temperatures and flooding are causing the outbreak and proliferation of the germs of certain diseases such as malaria, meningitis, typhoid fever, cholera and respiratory diseases that were once localized and controlled. To date, the northern regions (Savanes and Kara) are the most vulnerable. However, the simulation shows that in the future, the risk of its diseases could spread southwards with an", + "However, the simulation shows that in the future, the risk of its diseases could spread southwards with a worsening in the northern regions. The mortality rate would increase and the vulnerability of the elderly, pregnant women, persons with disabilities, people living with HIV-AIDS and children would become increasingly high. 4.2.5. Coastal zone The erosion of the Togolese coast, which has been the subject of scientific observations since 1964, translates over the years into a change in the coastline.", + "In the future, all climate scenarios indicate an amplification of this phenomenon as the magnitude of sea level rise will increase from 11.35 cm in 2025 to 62 cm in 2100. This situation will exacerbate the current impacts of the complete disappearance of some of the coastal villages, the considerable loss of land and coastal ecosystems, the destruction of coastal infrastructure (roads, houses, hotels, etc.), the disruption of economic activities and the destruction of spawning grounds. 4.3.", + "This situation will exacerbate the current impacts of the complete disappearance of some of the coastal villages, the considerable loss of land and coastal ecosystems, the destruction of coastal infrastructure (roads, houses, hotels, etc.), the disruption of economic activities and the destruction of spawning grounds. 4.3. PRIORITIES, OBJECTIVES AND ADAPTATION MEASURES The following diagram represents the strategic map that will enable the adaptation capacity of the populations to be strengthened in all the priority sectors delineated here in axes. The objectives defined are derived from the national priorities translated into the NACHA and other national and sectoral planning tools (Figure 5). The implementation of activities to achieve these objectives is based on the promotion of the principles of equity, gender, cooperation, research and transparency.", + "The implementation of activities to achieve these objectives is based on the promotion of the principles of equity, gender, cooperation, research and transparency. Figure 5: Strategic map of adaptation in Togo 4.3.2. Adaptation measures/Co-benefits for mitigation In order to strengthen the resilience of populations, adaptation measures including those that result in beneficial impacts in the field of mitigation are identified in the priority sectors (Table 4). The various measures identified in Togo integrate nature-based solutions that can contribute to mitigation while strengthening adaptation to climate change. These co-benefits translate into increased carbon sequestration potential, crop capacity to cope with water stress and pest attacks, reduction of flood risks and the proliferation of pathogens.", + "These co-benefits translate into increased carbon sequestration potential, crop capacities to cope with water stress and pest attacks, reduction of flood risks and the proliferation of pathogens. These identified measures address a number of persistent needs in strengthening the resilience of communities to the effects of climate change despite the efforts undertaken by the State (Table 4). In addition, the measures identified will contribute to the implementation of frameworks aimed at strengthening adaptation at the national and international levels. At the national level, the various adaptation measures will essentially contribute to the operationalisation of the National Development Plan. They are also in line with the dynamics of the Government\u2019s Roadmap 2025 and will contribute, as a priority, to Project 35 (response to major climate risks) and Project 36 (green mobility programme).", + "They are also part of the dynamics of the Government\u2019s Roadmap 2025 and will contribute as a priority to Project 35 (response to major climate risks) and Project 36 (green mobility programme), and in this Roadmap they also target Projects 2 and 3 (establishment of the single social register, establishment of universal health coverage), Project 5 (continuation of the electrification policy for all), Project 6 (increased access to drinking water and sanitation), Projects 12, 13, 14 and 15 (improvement of agricultural yields, extension of the rural road network, acceleration of the MIFA, expansion of the Kara agro-industrial complex in partnership with the private sector).", + "At the international level, the adaptation measures identified aim to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular SDG2, which aims at ensuring food and nutrition security; SDG3, which relates to good health and well-being; SDG5, which aims at ensuring the empowerment of all women; SDG8, which aims at ensuring economic growth through decent work and which aims at preserving and restoring terrestrial ecosystems.", + "At the international level, the adaptation measures identified aim to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular the SDG2, which aims to ensure food and nutrition security; the SDG3, which relates to good health and well-being; the SDG5, which aims to ensure the empowerment of all women; and the SDG8, which aims to ensure economic growth through decent work and to preserve and restore terrestrial ecosystems. Table 4:", + "Sustainable management of traditional energy sources Promotion of wood-based energy plantations Supplying people with alternative energy sources such as domestic gas Promotion of alternative energy-saving technologies NDP Expected effect Objective 1 of Promoting the use of renewable energy Development of renewable energy Tax facilitation for the import of renewable energy equipment Development of mini-hybrid networks for rural electrification Facilitating the development of renewable energy for men, women, girls and vulnerable people NDP Expected effect Objective 1 of Axis target Strengthening resilience in the agricultural sector Strengthening the resilience of production systems and means in the agricultural sector Promotion of high-performance and climate-resilient varieties Strengthening Integrated Soil Fertility Management (IFFM) Definition/development of corridors and transhumance areas and pasture and drinking water areas", + "\u2022 Ensure food security for all through increased yields and improved incomes for producers, especially women, Reduce losses and damage to crops caused by floods, NDP pockets Expected effect Animal targets 1 Strengthen the agricultural insurance system against climate risks Construction and/or rehabilitation of water retention systems for micro-irrigation Water management in rice and vegetable production Promotion of good agro-ecological practice Pest and disease control Strengthen early warning and health surveillance systems Strengthen the resilience of agricultural processing units against drought and pests.", + "Actions to promote the sustainable management of forest ecosystems and the restoration of ecosystem services Support for the mapping of climate-sensitive areas Reforestation and protection of fragile ecosystems Promotion of urban forestry Development of community-sensitive forestry Valuing traditional practices for the protection of forest resources and the environment Increasing the availability of quality seeds and young plants Reducing the degradation of natural ecosystems Strengthening NDP services Expected effect Gender targets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46,", + "Promoting integrated and sustainable water resources management Supporting the capture of surface water resources through multi-purpose hillside water impoundments Improving knowledge of water resources Protection of water resources Improving water management in the agricultural sector Rainwater conservation and wastewater recycling Improving groundwater management Improving access to drinking water Improving water quality and hygiene practices Studying the water potential of the coastal sediment basin and its resilience to CCS Increasing availability and accessibility of all water resources, especially in rural areas Ensuring restoration and maintenance of watersheds and wetlands Strengthening the capacity of institutions involved in water resources management.", + "Strengthening the adaptive capacity of human settlements Establishing an early warning system for risks Protection against disaster risks Mapping of risk areas Improving the management and exploitation of risk areas Strengthening the safety system of populations against flooding and other natural disasters Expected impact of the ODD 13 Accompanying the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases Strengthening the regulatory framework for health and the environment Providing rural areas with adequate health infrastructure Protection of populations against Covid 19 and other pathogens Improving access to health care for populations Reducing mortality from infectious diseases and other pathogens Expected impact of the ODD 13 Strengthening the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases Strengthening the regulatory framework for health and the environment", + "\u2022 Implementation of urban planning tools \u2022 Strengthening of sanitation infrastructure in urban centres \u2022 Sustainable management of urban waste \u2022 Development of urban centres \u2022 Harmonious and balanced spatial development of urban centres \u2022 Development of AGRs \u2022 Strengthening the economic resilience of the population, in particular of women and young people NDP Expected effect Climate-resilient targets 1 for women Axis 5:", + "\u2022 Improve the incomes of vulnerable populations in the coastal zone Reduce pollution and nuisance in the coastal zone NDP Expected impact of Target 1 of Strengthen the coastal protection system against coastal erosion (natural and man-made) Improve the regulatory framework and knowledge management of the phenomenon of coastal erosion Realization of structural investments for coastal protection Rehabilitation of coastal vegetation formations such as mangroves 4.4.", + "Status of implementation of adaptation measures 4.4.1. Progress made gender mainstreaming efforts in adaptation in Togo Since the initial NDCs, Togo has made efforts in the implementation of adaptation actions through gender mainstreaming development projects and programmes. In the initial NDCs of Togo, issues related to legal and institutional frameworks and gender were not explicitly addressed, however, progress in adaptation implementation has taken these aspects into account. The following table summarizes the main adaptation efforts in Togo (Table 5).", + "The following table summarises the main adaptation efforts in Togo (Table 5). Table 5: Togo\u2019s adaptation efforts Sectors Measures in the initial NDCs Progress achieved Energy Development of renewable energies (to reach 4% of the energy mix) Implementation of four mini solar photovoltaic power plants with a total operating capacity of 600 KW Solar electrification of 314 health centres and equipment of 122 health centres with solar water heaters Sustainable management of traditional energies (wood heating and charcoal) Training of 1 500 coal miners on Casamance milling and equipment of cooperatives on Casamance milling More than 200 ha of reforestation for wood-energy purposes 100 cooperatives trained on wood-energy forestry entrepreneurship and sustainable management of natural resources Promotion and dissemination of about 20,000 improved furnaces and fireplaces in", + "\u2022 Promotion and dissemination of approximately 20,000 wood-fired ovens and improved wood-fired homes for the benefit of households; 15,000 improved homes and 25,000 biogas kits distributed; Promotion of the use of gas through awareness raising with the objective of: achieving Implementation of energy saving strategies Development of mini hybrid networks for rural electrification Electrification of more than 53,000 households by individual solar kits or photovoltaic solar nanogrids by December 2020 Installation of 2,000 solar irrigation systems; 500 solar kits in schools; 500 solar pumping systems for drinking water supply (DW) and 12,000 solar lamps.", + "Promotion of low-carbon modes of transport and new clean technologies in the building sector Reduction of taxes on new and hybrid vehicles Agriculture Promotion of high-performance varieties resilient to climate change Promotion of short-cycle varieties Strengthening of Integrated Soil Fertility Management (GIFS) Distribution of 300 micro-irrigation kits, establishment of 50 ha of irrigation with GIFERC products Installation of stone cords for integrated fertility management Support for community restoration of degraded land in Nangbani territory to improve the resilience of local agriculture to climate change Promotion of good agricultural practices for climate change resistance and sustainable land management in Ave Prefecture Definition/development of corridors and transhumance areas A transhumance map completed Construction and/or rehabilitation", + "Av\u00e9 Prefecture Definition/development of corridors and transhumance areas A transhumance map completed Construction and/or rehabilitation of water reservoirs for micro-irrigation and livestock watering in rural areas in all regions Installation of 15 pastoral water points Development of 10 small water reservoirs Support for the mapping of climate change sensitive areas Training of 2,863 OP members in impact assessment and vulnerability to drought Support for the dissemination of good agro-ecological practices Organisation of 6 workshops to raise awareness among policy makers Initiation of groups/cooperatives and young agricultural entrepreneurs in Agou and Kloto Prefectures of good practices in sustainable land management Promotion of the system of rice production with very low water consumption and low GHG emissions (SRI: Intensive Rice Production System)", + "\u2022 Support for the sustainable management of Ass\u00e9r\u00e9 Forestry\u2019s rice lands and other mapping assignments and the orientation of areas of human activity adapted to each environment and natural context \u2022 Participatory zoning and mapping at village or cantonal level to target sites to be restored/developed \u2022 Restoration of more than 1000 ha of state forest land \u2022 Development of more than 6000 ha of community forests Capacity-building (technical and material) of meteorological services for good forecasting and planning of activities \u2022 Equipment of 9 weather stations with automatic equipment Reforestation and protection of areas with fragile ecosystems (mountain sides, river banks) to combat flooding, strong winds and erosion \u2022 Rehabilitation of brigades and forest trails in protected areas.", + "\u2022 Training, equipment of 175 nurseries and production of 145,000 seedlings \u2022 Acquisition and distribution of 88,223 seedlings for reforestation on an area of 240 ha with reforestation of 150,000 seedlings in degraded areas of protected areas Promotion of the Ecology and Conscience Programme in Togo\u2019s schools Construction and equipment of two research laboratories on CACs Implementation of 27 studies related to CACs Implementation of 13 fields of agro-ecological schools in 13 prefectures Development of the national spatial planning scheme and implementation of pilot actions Implementation of Togo\u2019s second national forest inventory Installation of nearly 300 ha of almond orchards Support for the creation and management of nearly 50 community forests", + "300 ha of pineapple orchards Assistance in the creation and management of nearly 50 community forests Human settlements Strengthening stormwater sanitation and drainage in major urban centres Support to local communities in the context of waste sanitation and management Strengthening of the operational capacity of the National Agency for the Development of Asia and the Pacific (ANASAP) Establishment and restoration of dams and water retention basins (13 dams restored and maintained in the Greater Lom\u00e9 and 1 dam under construction in Binaparba in the Bassar Prefecture) Construction of 2300 ECOSAN-type family latrines Development and rehabilitation of urban roads in major urban centres Development of major roads and nearly 90,000 km of rural roads Promotion of urban forestry Creation and maintenance of 49,556 m2 of green space.", + "\u2022 Urban reforestation of the city of Lom\u00e9 with 10 000 plants planted Sustainable and rational waste management in urban areas Organization of waste management control missions in hospitals, industries, households and public latrines throughout the city Construction of Monfort-type biomedical waste incinerators in the 5 regions.", + "\u2022 Elimination of 369 wild landfills with 39,160 m3 of waste and disposal of urban waste \u2022 Disposal of urban waste from garbage dumps along the roads through the city (28,400 m3 of urban and peri-urban waste disposed of) Harmonious and balanced spatial development of urban centres \u2022 Development, revision and implementation of the Master Plans for Planning and Town Planning (SDAU) \u2022 Regulation of de facto subdivisions Strengthening of the institutional and regulatory framework concerning health and the environment \u2022 Development of a climate strategy for the health subsector \u2022 Strengthening the resilience of the entire population of Togo to malaria and other diseases; \u2022 Increase in the supply of integrated HIV/AIDS services with a percentage of the MS offering these services reaching 91%; \u2022 Support for the improvement of health", + "\u2022 Support for the improvement of health and nutrition in 1000 localities \u2022 Strengthening of community health activities in the Maritime region Protection against disaster risks \u2022 Emergency project for the rehabilitation of electrical infrastructure and services (PURISE) \u2022 Census of geodetic points \u2022 Identification of new points to be constructed \u2022 Mapping database of flood zones in the Greater Lom\u00e9, Maritime and Savannah regions \u2022 Preparation of disaster management maps \u2022 Integrated rehabilitation of flood-affected populations in 60 localities Improvement of water management in the agricultural sector \u2022 Creation of indoor dams \u2022 Installation of 15 pasture water points Rainwater conservation and wastewater reuse \u2022 Installation of 10 small water reservoirs Improvement of groundwater management \u2022 Rehabilitation of 60 wells and construction of 30 new wells; Extension of the water supply network in large cities; Installation of", + "\u2022 Extension of the water supply network in major cities; Installation of the solar pumping system at 400 water points with human mobility Coastal zone Study of the water potential of the coastal sedimentary basin and the resilience of the CC Conduct of a study on the assessment of post-harvest losses in artisanal marine fisheries in Togo Improvement of the regulatory framework and the management of knowledge of the phenomenon of coastal erosion Production and/or adaptation of long-term planning tools for marine and coastal territories Establishment of appropriate intersectoral political, legal and institutional frameworks for implementing guidelines and ensuring the sustainable development of marine and coastal littoral areas Creation of a ministry responsible for the blue economy Implementation of structural investments for the protection of the coast Implementation of eleven (11) Community projects at a total cost of 1,730 825 544", + "All these projects are aimed at reducing vulnerability and strengthening socio-economic resilience to the effects of climate change Support of nearly EUR 270 000 for the development of alternative income-generating activities for coastal sand harvesters Capacity building for 250 women marketers Development and exploitation of 20 hectares for coastal markets Support for mangrove ecosystem restoration 4.5. TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND GENDER-BASED ACCEPTANCE MEASURES According to recent studies and field investigations, various adaptive measures have been implemented by local populations to cope with the effects of climate change, particularly in the Oti basin.", + "TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND GENDER-BASED ACTION ON ADAPTATION According to recent studies and field investigations, various adaptive measures have been implemented by local populations to cope with the effects of climate change, especially in the Oti basin. In the agricultural sector, populations are using increased land area (96.6%), agroforestry (75.9%), treatment of livestock by veterinary services instead of traditional methods (62.1%), off-season crops and crop diversification (50.6%), adoption of early varieties and conservation of fodder during drought periods (35%).", + "In the agricultural sector, populations make use of increasing land area (96.6%), agroforestry (75.9%), treatment of livestock by veterinary services instead of traditional methods (62.1%), off-season crops and crop diversification (50.6%), adoption of early varieties and conservation of fodder during periods of drought (35%). In the human settlements sector, the populations of the Oti Plain carry out annual straw house constructions following flood periods (25%) and the construction of traps with a ceiling that serves as a support for crop products on the basis of estimates of the height of flood waters (6.5%).", + "In the human settlements sector, the people of the Oti Plain carry out annual straw house constructions following flood periods (25%) and the construction of rafts with a ceiling that supports crop products on the basis of estimates of the height of flood waters (6.5%). In the forestry sector, due to the continuous degradation of their land and the disappearance of certain forest species, some communities such as those of Chavad\u00e8 (central region) have undertaken the expansion of their sacred forest by defending 100 ha all around and enriching it with plants for multiple uses that are used in traditional therapy or food. These forests constitute historical and cultural sites for the population while providing a particular microclimate.", + "In the water sector, rural populations reduce the amount of water used for personal hygiene (57%) and make small holes in river beds to trap a few litres of water (10.5%). It is mainly women who are responsible for water harvesting and who are more involved in the application of these endogenous strategies. In the energy sector, all rural populations use meals, sawdust, palm kernel husks, corn straw and sorghum to cook food. Thus, the population favours electric light bulbs over oil lamps, which were once the main source of lighting in rural areas (98%).", + "The measures identified in Togo\u2019s revised NCDs integrate the needs and interests of women and men in all plans and sectors, recognizing the differences between men and women and targeting the specific needs of men and women. 4.6. Useful information: STATUS OF ADAPTATION TO COVID 19 In Togo, the COVID-19 pandemic not only affects the health system, but also weakens production and marketing systems at all levels. In terms of adapting to the pandemic, more than 52.7% of households used the stress strategy (sale of non-productive assets and debt).", + "In terms of adaptation to the pandemic, more than 52.7% of households used the stress strategy (sale of non-productive assets and debt). Thus, crisis strategies (sale of productive assets) and emergency strategies (sale of plots and houses) were adopted by the population in the summer. With the measures taken in the context of the health emergency, the only socio-economic alternatives for the population in rural areas were the misuse of fisheries and forestry resources. The crisis of COVID-19 disrupted the implementation of the national development plan 2018-2022, which provided for several actions for adaptation. Overall, in Togo, COVID only exacerbated the impacts of climatic conditions leading to certain emergency responses to strengthen the resilience of the population (Table 6).", + "Overall, in Togo, COVID has only exacerbated climate-related impacts resulting in certain emergency responses to strengthen population resilience (Table 6). Table 6: Impacts of Covid 19 and priority responses to adaptation in Togo Impacts of Covid 19 exacerbating climate change \u27a2 Increased exploitation of certain species \u27a2 Abuse of wood resources for subsistence \u27a2 Re-allocation of climate change budgets \u27a2 Increased pressure on medicinal plants \u27a2 Delays in implementation of adaptation projects \u27a2 Disruption of implementation of planning tools incorporating adaptation aspects \u27a2 Increased food insecurity \u27a2 Cancellation of national and international climate events \u27a2 Increased health risk \u27a2 Increased health-related expenditure Priority responses or measures \u27a2 Fcfa 3 billion", + "Health risk \u27a2 Increase in health-related expenditure Priority responses or measures \u27a2 Fcfa 3 billion in monetary transfers to the most vulnerable through the solidarity programme (Novissi) \u27a2 Food aid programme for vulnerable populations through community restaurants \u27a2 Distribution of food kits to vulnerable households for free to the social stratum with regard to electricity and water \u27a2 Tax exemption in the transport, land, agricultural, industrial and energy sectors, etc. \u27a2 Partnership with traditional medicine practitioners \u27a2 Increase in public health-related expenditure (Fcfa 20 billion in public expenditure) Chapter 5:", + "A consistent and unprecedented commitment is required from the actors in Togolese society, particularly those in the financial sector with the means to influence investment flows and international financial partners. Achieving the overall objective of 50.57 per cent requires an estimated investment of about US$ 5.4 billion between 2020 and 2030. Achieving the conditional part of this objective, i.e. 74 per cent, with an estimated investment of US$ 3.97 billion, is conditional on access to new sources of financing and additional support, compared to that received in recent years. External support (bilateral or multilateral) in the implementation of the NCD is crucial, both in terms of capacity-building, technology transfer and financing of climate infrastructure projects.", + "This support can boost the overall mitigation and adaptation efforts of the revised CBD. The shares for mitigation and adaptation measures are $2.7 billion and $2.6 billion respectively. 5.1. INVESTMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR MITIGATION Planning focuses on sectors with high reduction potential such as Energy, AFAT, POPs and waste that are included in the revised CBD. However, adaptation sectors such as water resources, human settlements and health and the coastal zone have been addressed in the CBD and will also be the subject of planning here. 5.1.1. Investment Requirements for the Energy Sector Electricity Generation Subsector An institutional framework has been established for the development of renewable energy and project management, including the institutionalisation of renewable energy and energy efficiency management at the national level through the creation of the ATR.", + "Electricity production subsector An institutional framework has been put in place for the development of renewable energies and the supervision of projects, in particular the institutionalisation of the management of renewable energies and energy efficiency at national level through the creation of AT2R. Created by Presidential Decree No. 2016 \u2013 064/PR of 11 May 2016, the Togolese Agency for Rural Electrification and Renewable Energies (AT2ER) is a public institution with financial autonomy. The agency is responsible for implementing the country\u2019s rural electrification policy, promoting and enhancing renewable energies. As a central actor dedicated to the valorisation of renewable resources, AT2ER aims to transform the country\u2019s natural energy potential into electricity for the development of rural communities. Thus, AT2ER has the dual responsibility of accelerating rural electrification and increasing the share of re", + "Thus, AT2ER has a dual responsibility to accelerate rural electrification and to increase the share of renewable energies in Togo\u2019s energy mix.", + "Table 7: Investment costs of the revised CDN shares in the electricity production subsector Revised CDN shares Investment costs Unconditional Conditional Cost Total % Costs % Costs Implementation cost Improvement of the electricity distribution network and promotion of economic light bulbs Promotion of energy efficiency in households Promotion of electricity production based on renewable sources of hydroelectric energy Promotion of electricity production based on renewable sources of energy in Togo (individual solar kits, mini-solar networks, solar power plant) Total Source:", + "USD 957,599,146 of which USD 815,115,343 is for contingency financing, or 85% of the total cost.", + "Table 7: Investment costs of the revised CDN shares in the electricity generation sub-sector Revised CDN shares Investment costs Unconditional Conditional Cost Total % Costs % Costs Implementation costs Improvement of the electricity distribution network and promotion of economic light bulbs Promotion of energy efficiency in households Promotion of electricity production from renewable hydropower sources Promotion of electricity production from renewable energy sources in Togo (individual solar kits, mini-solar networks, solar power plant) Total Source: CDN Support Project, September 2021 The investment costs of the revised CDN shares in the electricity generation sub-sector are estimated at USD 957,599,146, of which USD 815,115,343 for conditional financing, or 85% of the total cost, resulting in the implementation of several short, medium and long-term action plans.", + "This translates into the implementation of several short-, medium- and long-term action plans to develop the areas of solar power generation and hydroelectric power plants, thereby contributing to the achievement in 2030 of the estimated target of 41.1% in terms of the mitigation effort of 455.66 Gg CO2-eq of this sub-sector.", + "This is reflected in the implementation of several short-, medium- and long-term action plans to develop the areas of solar and hydroelectric power generation, thereby contributing to the achievement in 2030 of the estimated 41.1% reduction effort target of 455.66 Gg CO2-eq of this sub-sector. Transport sub-sector The transport sector, which is a driving force in the country\u2019s growth and development, nevertheless remains a major concern due in particular to its emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and polluting gases and, in turn, its direct impact on climate change.", + "In Togo, this sector contributes 7% of GDP, of which 70% is road transport, or 5%; the remaining 30%, or 2% of GDP, is the share of other modes of transport, mainly maritime transport, concentrated in the activities of the Autonomous Port of Lom\u00e9.2 Transport accounts for 81.11 % of final consumption of petroleum products (including a significant share for road transport, particularly for two-wheeled vehicles)3.", + "Transport accounts for 81.11 % of final consumption of petroleum products (including a significant share for road transport, in particular for two-wheeled vehicles).3 However, both the Finance Act 2021 and the Finance Act 2020 provide for exemptions or reduction of the tax burden (customs duties and VAT) on the importation of electric, hybrid and new vehicles with a 5-year lifespan. This is aimed at removing the over-polluting cars from the fleet that is to be renewed. In the same vein, the NDP intends to develop all modes of transport and to position Togo as a reference platform in the subregion and on the continent.", + "In the same vein, the NDP intends to develop all modes of transport and to position Togo as a reference platform in the subregion and on the continental level. The Togo 2025 government roadmap resulting from the NDP sets the following objectives: o increase the share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles to 3% by 2025; 2 Brief overview of the transport sector in Togo 2016 3 Sustainable energy for all (se4all) Sustainable energy for all 2030 (SE4ALL-20 national action programme, October) o extend the rural road network by building 4000 km of rural roads targeting agricultural areas with high export potential in order to connect farmers to the market, o build the Unity motorway by accelerating the RN1 development project linking the productive hinterland to the Lom\u00e9 agglomeration and the autonomous port.", + "The government roadmap Togo 2025 from the NDP sets out the following objectives: o increase the share of electric vehicles in the purchase of new vehicles to 3% by 2025; 2 Brief overview of the transport sector in Togo 2016 3 Sustainable energy for all (se4all) Sustainable energy for all 2030 (SE4ALL-20 national action programme, October o extend the rural road network by building 4000 km of rural roads targeting agricultural areas with high export potential in order to connect farmers to the market; o build the Unity motorway by accelerating the RN1 development project linking the productive hinterland to the town of Lom\u00e9 and the autonomous port.", + "The implementation of the national energy efficiency in transport programme, compulsory technical inspection and eco-driving training are measures that contribute to achieving the objectives of the CBD. Table 8: Total investment costs of the transport subsector Revised CBD actions Investment costs Conditional Conditional Investment cost Total % Costs % Costs Implementation cost Green mobility programme Improvement of road infrastructure to reduce congestion in urban centres Total Source: CBD Support Project, September 2021 The total financial requirements in the transport subsector are estimated to result in a cumulative emission reduction of 9,960.04 Gg CO2-eq over the period 2020-2030 compared to a business as usual scenario through the projects declining in the annex. Residential subsector Places of residence and commerce contribute to GHG emissions due to the level of energy consumption.", + "Residential Subsector Places of residence and commerce contribute to GHG emissions because of the level of energy consumption. Generally, this level of consumption depends on the type of energy used for cooking, ventilation, heating, lighting, appliances, etc.", + "For this subsector, the scenario assumes that (i) the share of the population using biogas for cooking will increase to 4% in 2025 and 12% in 2030 in urban areas; to 6% in 2025 and 15% in 2030 in rural areas; (ii) the share of the population using briquette will increase to 15% in urban areas and 10% in rural areas by 2030; and (iii) the share of the population using LPG will increase to 35% in urban areas and 8% in rural areas by 2030. This translates into the implementation of two short-, medium- and long-term action plans, the needs and impacts of which are estimated in the CDN as follows.", + "This is reflected in the implementation of two short-, medium- and long-term action plans, the needs and benefits of which are estimated in the NCD as follows: Table 9: Investment requirements for NCD actions in the residential sub-sector Revised NCD actions Unconditional Conditional Costs Total investment % Costs % Costs Implementation cost Promotion of modern bioenergy for cooking - Promotion of LPG in households Total Source: NCD Support Project, September 2021 The investment requirement for the residential sub-sector amounted to USD 73,609,600, of which USD 10,976,000 was unconditional and USD 62,633,600 was conditional. 5.1.2. Investment needs of the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use Sector Investment needs for NCD actions in the Agriculture sub-sector The agricultural sector plays a major economic and social role in Togo", + "Investment needs of CDN actions Agriculture sub-sector The agricultural sector plays a major economic and social role in Togo. In recent years, it has occupied 65% of the labour force, accounted for 15% of exports and contributed approximately 38% to the formation of real GDP. It is the driving force behind Togo\u2019s development through the National Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutritional Security Programme (PNIASAN 2017-2026), which aims to raise Togo\u2019s agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate to at least 10% by 2026, improve the agricultural trade balance by 15%, double the average income of farm households, contribute to the reduction of malnutrition through the fight against food insecurity and halve the rural poverty rate to 27%.", + "It aims to be the driving force behind Togo\u2019s development through the National Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutritional Security Programme (PNIASAN 2017-2026), which aims to raise Togo\u2019s agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate to at least 10% by 2026, improve the agricultural trade balance by 15%, double the average income of farm households, contribute to the reduction of malnutrition through the fight against food insecurity and halve the rural poverty rate to 27%. This sector is very sensitive to climate change, which exacerbates current unsustainable trends, such as the degradation of water resources, soil erosion, desertification and the loss of agrobiodiversity. These resources are, however, vital to agriculture. The agricultural sector enjoys many privileges due to Togo\u2019s new position on the international stage.", + "The agricultural sector enjoys many privileges as a result of Togo\u2019s new position on the international stage, resulting from the resumption of cooperation with the main technical and financial partners, Togo\u2019s eligibility for the HIPC initiative and the effective start of the implementation of certain projects included in the PNIASA I and II and the PNIASAN 2017-2026, the main tool for implementing the mainly agricultural development policy (Agricultural Development Facility).", + "This position stems from the resumption of co-operation with the main technical and financial partners, the eligibility of Togo for the HIPC initiative and the effective start of the implementation of certain projects included in the PNIASA I and II and PNIASAN 2017-2026, the main tool for implementing the policy focusing mainly on the development of agricultural holdings (Agricultural Development Centre).", + "Organisation of value chains: organising the chains for all major crops up to the processing and marketing chain of agricultural products and sub-products Modernisation of the livestock sub-sector by increasing the productivity of livestock beyond the growth and natural development of herds, setting up processing units for livestock products, genetic improvement for the performance of cattle breeding, introduction of improved breeders into the traditional system, intensification of the outlet and strengthening of market access for the marketing of livestock products, etc. Support for forage reforestation with the introduction of forage trees on farms with a view to the sustained production of quality forage; Total Source:", + "The country needs to mobilize 77% of this amount under the conditional scenario to achieve the cumulative emission reduction target of 3799.23 Gg CO2-eq over the period 2020-2030. Forestry and other land use Subsector Togo\u2019s forest ecosystems fall into three broad categories: natural forest formations, forest and agroforestry plantations, and specific ecosystems (protected areas and community forests). There are also ecosystems in continental waters or wetlands (lakes, rivers and lagoons). Forest cover is estimated at 24.24% (IFN, 2015), with an estimated annual loss of forest area currently at 1.7% (MERF, 2017).", + "The rate of forest cover is estimated at 24.24% (IFN, 2015), with an estimated annual forest area loss rate of 1.7% (MERF, 2017). Forest area loss is the result of the effects of deforestation and deforestation due to high agricultural expansion with unconservative practices, uncontrolled exploitation of forest resources, failure to control the timber timber fire schedules, which are often wild, and the misuse of wood-energy supplies.", + "It enables the supply of wood to 90% of biomass energy needs and contributes significantly to the need for lumber. Value-added (VA), in 2015, of firewood in GDP amounted to CFA 17.80 billion, CFA 71.19 billion for wood coal or CFA 88.99 billion for wood energy. The organs of several plants (bark, leaves, roots, etc.) are used in traditional pharmacopoeia, cosmetics, fodder, food and others. In addition to reforestation and forest climate risk management projects, the revised CDN includes energy efficiency in wood use projects as well as adaptation projects with mitigation benefits.", + "In addition to reforestation and forest climate risk management projects, the revised CDN includes energy efficiency in wood use projects as well as adaptation projects with mitigation benefits. Table 11: Investment requirements for CDN actions in the forestry subsector and other land allocations CDN Action Unconditional Conditional Total % Costs % Costs Implementation Cost Restoration of existing forest landscapes through the promotion of the restoration of natural forests, fragile ecosystems and the conservation of biodiversity, giving priority to supporting projects linked to already organised territories (protected areas, community or village forests, sacred sites), limiting fragmentation of forest massifs and in 4 National Accounts (2014) and MERF, 2017 estimates for the year 2014 now connecting natural habitats Improvement of sustainable land management for strengthening wells", + "Improvement of sustainable land management for carbon sinks and carbon sequestration through \"mass development plans\" promoted by private forests or community forests or \"territorial forest charters\" or rural poles of excellence; Development of urban forestry through the establishment of urban plantations, promotion and creation of green spaces; Promotion of processing of forest products and non-linear by-products and promotion of value chains and market access for processed forest products; Total FAT Source:", + "The mitigation measures all have a conditional component estimated at USD 792,304,920 between 2020 and 2030, which aims to increase the national effort already undertaken in this area. 5.1.3. Investment needs of the IPPC Sector In Togo, the industrial fabric varies very little and remains concentrated in the extractive industries (phosphate production and cement plants) and manufacturing industries (food, beverages and tobacco; textiles, clothing; wood and wood products; printing, paper, publishing; chemical industries; and metal products). The clinker manufacturing industries constitute the key emission category in Togo. The industrial sector in Togo is relatively new and is characterised by a modest contribution to GDP, increasing from 23% in 2005 to 15.6% in 2018. In addition to modern industries, there are craft activities (metallurgical extractives, textiles, agri-food", + "In addition to modern industries, there are artisanal activities (metallurgical extractives, textiles, agri-food). The objectives of the CND in the industrial sector are directly linked to the HCFC Removal Management Plan, which aims to reduce the consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODSs) and avoid their significant release into the atmosphere at the end of the life cycle of equipment containing them, thereby reducing GHG emissions. This plan envisages the construction of at least 100 green buildings using fewer air conditioners by 2030 and a reduction of at least 2% in the import rate of F-gases. The national ozone office under the Ministry of the Environment is a technical actor accompanying companies in the implementation of this HCFC Removal Management Plan.", + "The national ozone office of the Ministry of the Environment is a technical actor that assists companies in the implementation of this HCFC phase-out management plan. Eight measures have been dropped from the 2030 plan, including those aimed at reducing emissions in the sector.", + "Eight measures have been outlined in the 2030 plan which are aimed in particular at reducing emissions in the sector. Table 12: Investment needs of CDN shares in the IPUP sector CDN Action Unconditional Conditional Cost Total Investment % Costs % Costs Implementation Cost Valuing the processing and recycling of fluorinated gases Promoting the importation of alternative refrigerant fluids such as propane (R290) used for freezers; refrigerated display cases and ice cream dispensers; R448A (HFC-HFO) ; (HFC-HFO) as a replacement for R404A - - Developing registers containing information on the quantities and types of fluorinated gases installed to the quantities that may be added and the quantities recovered during maintenance and maintenance operations National Census of refrigeration operators in Togo Promoting the construction", + "To promote the construction of private and public buildings with thermal insulation materials To promote the manufacture of cements composed of less clinker as portland types; limestone; slag; blast furnace cement To develop Total IPPC Capture and Storage technologies Source: DND Support Project, September 2021 The financing requirements for the IPPC sector, mainly in the hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) sub-sector, amount to USD 89 034 000, mainly available at over 96% under the conditional scenario. 5.1.4.", + "Waste Sector The waste sector is severely under-reported. One of the greatest challenges facing municipal authorities is the collection of household waste and the disposal of wastewater. Individual waste generation ranges from 0.4 to 2kg per capita per day. Emissions from the sector as a whole range from 335.7 Gg CO2-eq in 2010 to 573.3 Gg CO2-eq in 2030, an increase of 70.8%. In addition to the importance of the issue from an environmental and natural resource perspective, waste collection, recovery and treatment are becoming, in this context, an economically viable sector, a source of added value, competitiveness, job creation and limiting the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.", + "The plan is thus delineated as follows in Table 13. Table 13: Investment Requirements for CDN Actions in the Waste Sector Unconditional Conditional Total Investment Requirements % Costs % Costs Implementation Cost Promote better sanitation Energy recovery of millions of methane produced at the Lom\u00e9 landfill. Sorting and recovery tonnes of waste tonnes by composting) for incineration. Total Waste Source: CDN Support Project, September 2021 The cost of the three mitigation options in the waste sector is estimated at USD 262,547,777, of which USD 54,037,901 for unconditional actions. Mobilising the amounts of the estimated conditional scenario of USD 20850,9876 will achieve the reduction target of 412.20 Gg CO2-eq of cumulative emissions over the period 2020-2030 in the sector. 5.1.5.", + "Mobilizing the amounts in the estimated conditional scenario of USD 208509876 will achieve the reduction target of 412.20 Gg CO2-eq of cumulative emissions over the period 2020-2030 in the sector. 5.1.5. Aggregation of mitigation costs This section presents the aggregation of options and costs assessed by key sectors for contributing to GHGs. The key sectors identified are: agriculture, waste and energy, which includes electricity generation, transportation and residential and service industries, and industries.", + "Key sectors identified are: agriculture, waste and energy which includes electricity generation, transportation and residential and tertiary industries, and industries. Table 14 shows the estimated funding requirements based on unconditional (nationally funded) and conditional contributions for the period 2020-2030. Table 14: Associated investment costs under the mitigation scenario SECTORS CONDITIONAL COST million USD CONDITIONAL COST million USD TOTAL COST million USD % Energy Agriculture FAT PIUP Waste TOTAL The funding requirements associated with all identified mitigation options are estimated at US$2,699.363 million by 2030, of which US$697.719 million for unconditional options and US$2,001.643 million for conditional shares, representing the required capital investment costs and implementation costs.", + "In order for Togo to reach its 2030 target, strategies need to be put in place to mobilize conditional resources, which account for more than 74% of the mitigation financing needs. The investment levels for each sector are globally equivalent to the mitigation shares estimated for each emitting sector. The graph shows that energy and LULUCF projects account for more than 80% (40% and 38% respectively) of total investment over the period 2020-2030. Investments in agricultural mitigation efforts represent the bulk of the remaining needs. Table 15 shows the proportion of financing needs estimated on the basis of unconditional (funded at national level) and conditional contributions for sectors and subsectors.", + "Investment costs for all mitigation measures (millions USD) INCONDITIONAL CONDITIONAL Cost TOTAL SECTORS /Sub-sectors % COST million USD % COST million USD million USD Electricity generation Transport Residential Agriculture FAT PIUP Waste TOTAL Source: NDC Support Project, September 2021 Analysis of the table shows that for the conditional scenario, investments in the production sub-sector account for a significant share of 38.56%, followed by projects in the FAT sub-sector with 30.36%. This is supported by a significant announced investment in solar power and the government\u2019s commitment to increase the share of renewable energies in the energy mix from 3 to 50% by 20235.", + "This is supported by a major announced investment in solar power and the government\u2019s commitment to increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix from 3 to 50% by 20235. In the LULUCF subsector, this commitment is reflected in the ambition to plant one billion trees by 2030. For its part, the agriculture subsector, although an important source of GHGs, accounts for only 9.21%, as adaptation is the priority in this sector already affected by the adverse effects of climate change. 5.2. INVESTMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE WAY TO ADAPTATION Togo\u2019s economy has been based from the outset on the primary sector, which for decades has been the most exposed to the effects of climate variability and is now considered to be the most vulnerable to climate change.", + "Investment Requirements for the Adaptation Corridor Togo\u2019s economy has historically been based on the primary sector, which for decades has been the most exposed to the effects of climate variability and is now considered to be the most vulnerable to climate change.", + "The investment plan for the planned adaptation measures is based on the proposed actions for the adaptation component of the revised CBD (Table 16). Table 16: Sectoral adaptation measures with estimated costs Adaptation measures Objectives of the measure OPTIONS AND COSTS Unconditional Conditional Proportional Costs in millions of USD Proportional Costs in millions of USD Implementation costs (Total cost (millions of US$) Energy sector Reinforcement of wood-energy reforestation actions (17,400 ha) Development of modern bioenergy: installation of briquette and shovel production plants in large rice and oil palm production basins, promotion of bio digesters for biogas production, promotion of gasification equipment Promotion of energy efficiency: improved fireplaces, improved carbonization furnaces (in large wood coal production basins), efficient electrical equipment Development of mini hybrid networks", + "(in large wood coal production basins), efficient electrical equipment Development of mini-hybrid networks for rural electrification (solar, biomass, small hydropower) SUB TOTAL Energy Sub-sector Agriculture Strengthening of phytosanitary research (development of low-cost biopesticides, research on biological control) Support for the dissemination of good agro-ecological practices Promotion of multipurpose village water and hydraulics management (hydro-agricultural management, promotion of small-scale irrigation, lowland management for farming) Strengthening of integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) Definition/development of corridors and transhumance areas Strengthening of meteorological services\u2019 capacity (technical and material) for good forecasting and planning of activities Promotion of high-performance varieties resilient to climate change SUB TOTAL AGRI", + "Protection against floods, strong winds and erosion Promotion of non-timber forest product chains at the level of the country\u2019s 5 regions (capacity building and organisation of stakeholders, development of marketing channels) to strengthen the resilience of communities SUB TOTAL FAT Sector Human settlements and health Sector Human settlements and health Strengthening of stormwater sanitation and drainage in major urban centres Development and rehabilitation of urban roads in major urban centres Development of emergency medical services Development and implementation of a health watch plan (national and local level) Sound and sustainable management of municipal waste SUB TOTAL Human settlements and health Sector Water resources Improved access to drinking water (rehabilitation of drinking water supply structures at the village level, installation of new boreholes/water supply systems with solar pumping) Rainwater collection and reuse of treated wastewater Improved", + "Re-use of treated wastewater Improved knowledge of surface and groundwater resources (increased hydrological and hydrogeological observation network) Action plan for mini- potable water supply technology, surface water retention rehabilitation technology, gravity drainage of storm waters SUBTOTAL water resources Sector Coastal zone Strengthening of structural investments to protect the coast and raise the level of resilience Support for vulnerable populations in coastal villages and along the Gbaga channel for the development of AGR (seasonal fishing; creation of fishponds, training, cold rooms for fish conservation, training and equipment for women for spawning and fish conditioning) to reduce their vulnerability SUBTOTAL coastal zone Cross-cutting Cross-cutting Support for the development and implementation of sectoral adaptation plans to climate change taking into account national, regional and local levels Support for the revision and implementation", + "National, regional and local Support for the revision and implementation of the MNV system taking into account progress and impact indicators for all climate change adaptation instruments SUB TOTAL Cross-cutting Total Source: NDC Support Project, September 2021 The revised total amount of NDC adaptation interventions is estimated at more than $2,779.44 million up to 2030, of which $2278.84 million for conditional actions and $500.6 million for unconditional actions.", + "Figure 2 below outlines the financing needs by sector associated with all identified adaptation actions, estimated at $2,779.44 million up to 2030. Figure 6: Proportions of adaptation scenario actions in total investment costs of $2.8 billion Figure 6 above summarizes the financing needs by sector in adaptation as reported by each ministry. The total financing required for adaptation actions amounts to just over $2.8 billion. The largest funding is required for agriculture (29%, $805.61 million), human settlements (26%, $696.11 million) and energy (22%, $609.35 million). Most of the funding requested depends on international support, which accounts for 81.99% of the total amount to be invested. 5.3.", + "Most of the funding requested depends on international support, which accounts for 81.99% of the total amount to be invested. 5.3. INVESTMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR CAPACITY-BUILDING AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFERS Under the Paris Agreement, developed countries have also committed themselves to providing technology transfer and capacity-building to developing countries, technology transfer and capacity-building to developing countries. Many developing countries and many developing countries will require enhanced capacity to effectively monitor bilateral and multilateral resource and support flows and to identify gaps and outstanding needs and support and to identify gaps and outstanding needs. 5.3.1. Technology Transfer Priority needs for technology transfer have been identified for the energy, agriculture and forestry sectors.", + "Technology transfer Priority technology transfer needs have been identified for the energy, agriculture and forestry sectors. The sectors\u2019 potential for GHG emissions, their importance in the country\u2019s socio-economic development, and their vulnerability to climate change have guided their choice. Since June 2015, Togo has been engaged in the second phase of the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) project in identifying and analysing technology needs with a view to identifying a portfolio of projects and programmes capable of addressing the adverse effects of climate change through the transfer of and access to clean technologies for both adaptation and mitigation. Only four sectors have benefited from the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) studies, two of which are for mitigation and two for adaptation.", + "Since June 2015, Togo has been engaged in the second phase of the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) project in identifying and analysing technological needs with a view to identifying a portfolio of projects and programmes capable of addressing the adverse effects of climate change through the transfer and access to clean technologies for both adaptation and mitigation. Only four sectors have benefited from TNA studies, two of which are mitigation and two are adaptation: transport and electricity generation for mitigation.", + "For adaptation, priority technologies covered two sectors and are ranked in order of importance: \u0304 For Agriculture: 1) agricultural land management, 2) integrated agricultural production systems, and 3) off-season agriculture. \u0304 For Water Resources: 1) mini-potable water supply, 2) surface water retention rehabilitation, and 3) heavy rainwater drainage. Table 17 summarizes the costs of the needs identified in this assessment.", + "Table 17 summarizes the costs of the needs resulting from this assessment. Table 17: Technology Transfer Costs Sectors Proposed Technology Measure Investment ($ millions) Implementation Cost ( Total ($ millions) ENERGY Implementation of the Technology Action Plan Large Hydroelectric Generating Station (CHGP) Networked Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Technology Action Plan Small or Mini Hydroelectric Generating Station (PMCH) Technology Action Plan Transportation Technology Action Plan Urban Congestion Reduction Road Infrastructure Improvement (AIRDCU) Technology Action Plan Bus Transit Development (DTCB) Technology Action Plan Road Transportation Standards Implementation AGRICULTURE Technology Action Plan Agricultural Land Management (ATA) Technology Action Plan Integrated Agricultural Production System (SIPA) Technology Action Plan", + "Agricultural Land Management (ALM) Technology Action Plan Integrated Agricultural Production System (IAPS) Off-season Agriculture Technology Action Plan Water Resources Technology Action Plan Mini-Drinking Water Supply Technology Action Plan Surface Water Retention Rehabilitation Technology Action Plan Gravitational Stormwater Drainage Technology Action Plan TOTAL Source: NDC Support Project, September 2021 The total estimated cost in the EBT Action Plan is $57.812 million.", + "It should be noted that for reasons of inflation and implementation costs, this amount will be increased by 15% of the capital. As such, the technology transfer investment requirement amounts to USD 66.438 million, which can be financed under the contingency and allocated as follows in Figure 7. Figure 7: breakdown of the costs of technology transfer requirements by sector 5.3.2. Capacity building and knowledge management. From NIC to NQ, capacity building needs and technical resources have always been identified and formulated. The importance of these needs necessitated a programme on the National Environmental Capacity Building Self-Assessment (NACC) implemented between 2006 and 2008. The NACC, GCEP and GCEP have been instrumental in building capacity on global environmental issues and specifically on climate change.", + "These documents remain a national reference on this issue. Although efforts are being made, stakeholder consultations reveal that most of the needs identified at the national level for environmental management (ANCR, 2008) and in the context of the national communication processes (CNI, DCN, TCN) including the AIP, are still relevant and actions need to be taken to address them. These are the institutional, individual (human) and systemic capacity building needs summarised and prioritised in Table 18.", + "These are the institutional, individual (human) and systemic capacity-building needs summarized and prioritized in Table 18. Table 18: Priority Technical Resource Requirements and Institutional, Individual and Systemic Capacity Building Line of Action Sectors Actions to be taken (projects identified) Cost (US$ million) Implementation Cost Total Institutional Capacity Building Support for the development of a harmonious institutional framework for the uninterrupted implementation of the UNFCCC in Togo Human/individual Capacity building of Togolese delegates for active and beneficial country participation in climate negotiations Capacity building of national experts on the tools and methodology for the development of thematic studies of national communications Systemic Capacity building of public and private sector actors for the mobilization of climate finance Establishment of a national system for the acquisition, use and transfer of environmentally sound", + "The priority technical resources and institutional, individual and systemic capacity-building needs are estimated at US$234.6 million, which can be fully mobilized from external sources 5.4.", + "TOTAL FUNDING REQUIRED FOR THE REVISED TOGO NCD Financial requirements remain high despite ongoing efforts. Most actions requiring funding and the mobilization of future resources will be a fair mix of domestic and foreign funds. The estimated net cost of established NDC mitigation measures is expected to be about $2.70 billion and over $2.88 billion for adaptation targets, reflecting a combined funding requirement of about $5.58 billion. Table 19 summarizes the value of funding required over the next 10 years. Unconditional measures account for 22 per cent of total projected assistance and 78 per cent for conditional measures.", + "Table 19: Mitigation and adaptation financing requirements for the revised CBD Mitigation ($ billions) Adaptation ($ billions) Total ($ billions) Unconditional Conditional Total The total expected cost of mitigation of the CBD as defined in this 2030 investment plan is estimated at approximately $2.70 billion and $2.78 billion for adaptation objectives, reflecting a total funding requirement of approximately $5.48 billion. Unconditional measures represent 22 per cent of the total projected assistance and 78 per cent for conditional measures. It should be noted that this assessment does not cover capacity building and technology transfer aspects.", + "The latter are estimated at US$66.4838 million and US$234.6 million, respectively, for the period 2020-2030.", + "Measurement, Notification and Verification 6.1. MNV/MRV SYSTEM 6.1.1. Different Types of MNV Existing in Togo Emission Systems Since 2017, Togo\u2019s MNV system has been based on the institutional arrangement of national communications and updated biennial CC reports. This institutional arrangement was put in place at the TCN and replicated at the PRBA. It was embodied by a memorandum between MERF and the research structures of the University of Lom\u00e9. However, in 2019, this arrangement was strengthened under the 4CN & 2RBA by a formal agreement between MERF and the UL.", + "However, in 2019, this arrangement was strengthened under the 4CN & 2RBA by a formal agreement between MERF and UL. UL\u2019s research structures involved in emissions studies under this agreement are: \u2713 Centre of Regional Excellence for Energy Management of the National Higher School of Engineers (ENSI) for emissions in the energy sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry (LCA) for emissions in the Industrial Processes and Product Use Sector (PUIP); \u2713 Laboratory of Research on Agro-Resources and Environmental Health for the Agriculture Sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Biology and Plant Ecology (LBEV) for emissions in the Forestry and Other Land Use Sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Waste Management, Treatment and Recovery (LGTVD) for emissions in the Waste Sector.", + "The research structures of the UL involved in the emissions studies by this agreement are: \u2713 Centre of Regional Excellence for Energy Management of the Ecole Nationale Sup\u00e9rieure des Ing\u00e9nieurs (ENSI) for emissions in the energy sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry (LCA) for emissions in the industrial processes and product use sector (PUIP); \u2713 Laboratory of Research on Agricultural Resources and Environmental Health for the agriculture sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Plant Biology and Ecology (LBEV) for emissions in the forestry and other land use sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Waste Management, Treatment and Recovery (LGTVD) for emissions in the waste sector. This system is reinforced by the recruitment of a GHG Coordination Team whose role is to train and technically support the research structures involved in the emissions study. 6.1.", + "This system is reinforced by the recruitment of a GHG coordination team whose role is to train and technically support the research structures involved in the study of emissions. Measurement NVMs Like the emissions system, studies on mitigation measures for the sectors selected under the 4CN & 2RBA have been entrusted to the University of Lom\u00e9 (UL) through the following research structures: \u2713 Centre of Regional Excellence for the Mastery of Energy of the Ecole Nationale Sup\u00e9rieure des Ing\u00e9nieurs (ENSI) for the energy sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Research on Agro-resources and Environmental Health for the agriculture sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Biology and Plant Ecology (LBEV) for the forestry and other land allocation sector.", + "Measurement MNV Like the emissions system, the studies on the mitigation measures for the sectors selected under 4CN & 2RBA have been entrusted to the University of Lom\u00e9 (UL) through the following research structures: \u2713 Centre of Regional Excellence for the Mastery of Energy of the Ecole Nationale Sup\u00e9rieure des Ing\u00e9nieurs (ENSI) for the energy sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Research on Agro-resources and Environmental Health for the agriculture sector; \u2713 Laboratory of Biology and Plant Ecology (LBEV) for the forestry and other land use sector.", + "This system is reinforced by the establishment of: \u2713 National Forestry Monitoring System (NFMS): This system is implemented as part of the REDD+ process. The objective is to regularly quantify GHG emissions/removals associated with deforestation and forest degradation, forest carbon stock enhancement, forest conservation and sustainable management, and governance, benefits and distribution aspects. This system developed the Togo Forest Reference Level (NRF) which was submitted to the UNFCCC secretariat in January 2020.", + "This system developed the baseline for forests in Togo (NRF) which was submitted to the UNFCCC secretariat in January 2020. \u2713 National Forestry Inventory Database Management Cell (CGBD/IFN) and Mapping Database Management Unit (UGBDC) of the Ministry of the Environment: the CGBD/IFN is responsible for the organisation, collection and management of forest data. The UGBDC is responsible for monitoring forest dynamics through satellite data. Since March 2021, these structures have been implementing the second Togolese national forest inventory as part of the REDD+ process. Support NVM The support NVM for Togo is a facility under construction with a few initiatives.", + "Togo has implemented the project \"Evaluation of Technological Needs\", which has led to the development of a Technology Action Plan (TAP). This plan includes the prioritisation of technologies, based on a multi-criteria decision-making analysis taking into account, inter alia, development priorities, economic viability, local employment. It has been developed for better programming of actions with a view to providing specific responses to the problem of climate change; \u2713 Aid Management Platform (AMP): this is an initiative of the Ministry of Economy and Finance set up in 2012 and makes it possible to capitalise on all development support received by Togo. This platform is designed to disaggregate climate support.", + "This platform is designed to disaggregate support in the field of climate. It takes into account the support received by both the state and the private sector and civil society organisations. Since 2014, this platform has not been operational. In order to boost the Aid Management Platform (AMP), a working session between the Ministry of Development Planning and the technical and financial partners (TFPs) was held on 13 February 2018.", + "This meeting allowed for an exchange of views on the measures to be taken to relaunch the Aid Management Platform (AMP). It was decided to continue with Gateway and move towards empowerment for the relaunch of AAP; \u2713 Regional Cooperation Centre (RCC) MNV networking: the CRC has a system that covers the three forms of climate support, namely finance, capacity building and technology transfer. 6.1.2. Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Togo\u2019s MNV system The diagnosis made of this existing MNV system shows that it suffers from certain shortcomings (Table 20).", + "Analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Togo\u2019s MNV system The diagnosis made on this existing MNV system shows that it suffers from certain shortcomings (Table 20). Table 20: Strengths and weaknesses of the existing MNV system KEY FORCES \u27a2 Development of a national MNV system (SN-MNV); \u27a2 Existence of a high-capacity server within the Ministry responsible for the environment that can host the SN-MNV geoportal; \u27a2 Existence of an MNV system linked to the national forest monitoring system (MNV/SNSF) under REDD+; \u27a2 Good experience in measuring, reporting and verifying GHGs and mitigation measures; \u27a2 Accession of Togo to the West African network for sharing experiences on MNV; \u27a2 Existence of an M", + "Togo \u27a2 Lack of communication on the MNV system; \u27a2 Lack of knowledge and understanding of the MNV system, thus creating conflicts of responsibility and interests between actors; \u27a2 Non-harmonised methodology between the ODEF MNV/SNSF and the AFAT sector MNV; \u27a2 Non-exhaustive database on NGOs and technical structures holding CC data; \u27a2 Confidential or sensitive data not accessible; \u27a2 Lack of mastery of tools and methods for assessing and developing mitigation scenarios and technical difficulties involving different stakeholders; \u27a2 Existence of a national MNV committee; \u27a2 CBIT project to carry out capacity-building activities in favour of MNV; \u27a2 Several capacity-building activities carried out for actors on the MNV system; \u27a2 Methodologies based on IPCC and UNFCCC guidelines, guides and", + "\u27a2 Improved mastery of IPCC methodologies through upgrading of national experts; \u27a2 Availability of national expertise for emissions in all sectors concerned; \u27a2 Several levels of verification of the reliability of the emission data collected; identification of appropriate technologies; \u27a2 Difficulties in disaggregating climate actions in development projects; \u27a2 Insufficient financial resources to further data collection; \u27a2 Inappropriate format for data storage and archiving with data holding structures; \u27a2 Lack of QA/QC procedures in data-producing institutions; \u27a2 Data collection format not harmonized between INSEED, data producers and emission study developers; \u27a2 Lack of activity data for certain categories in all sectors; \u27a2 Low mastery of emission study and QA/QC methodologies by evaluators to ensure proper evaluation of emission study reports;", + "emission studies and QA/QC to ensure proper evaluation of emission study reports; \u27a2 Lack of qualified personnel for the application of emission estimation methodologies; \u27a2 Lack of equipment for measurement and data collection in the AFAT sectors.", + "OPPORTUNITIES THREATS \u27a2 CBIT project which will carry out capacity building activities in favour of MRV; \u27a2 Programming of a future review of the institutional framework and formulation of measures for the operationalisation of the national MNV system by the CBIT project; \u27a2 Existence of a Directorate-General for Aid Mobilisation and Partnership; \u27a2 Existence of a pilot platform on aid management which takes into account all sectors (public, private and CSOs).", + "\u27a2 Lack of a quality management system for activity data; \u27a2 Lack of a framework for cooperation between TFPs on the management of public development aid; \u27a2 Lack of effectiveness in the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation mechanism at the level of all ministries; \u27a2 Lack of a framework for cooperation and interconnectivity between ministries; \u27a2 Aid management platform (AMF) not operational. 6.2. CAPACITY-BUILDING REQUIREMENTS FOR NMD A clear and robust mechanism for ensuring transparency and accountability is essential to the success of the NMD system. Thus, on the basis of an analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the various existing NMD systems, several actions are proposed. These actions concern all stakeholders involved in the implementation of the NMD system.", + "These actions concern all stakeholders involved in the implementation of the MNV system: \u2713 establishing a harmonised data collection format between INSEED, data producers and emission studies producers; \u2713 strengthening stakeholders\u2019 capacities on data management issues, including robust data quality assurance and archiving; \u2713 strengthening monitoring, reporting and verification (MNV) capacities, including capacity building for the data generation and management system; \u2713 developing an electronic data archiving system for mitigation and/or adaptation data; \u2713 strengthening stakeholders\u2019 capacities on the mastery of tools and methods for assessing and developing mitigation scenarios; \u2713 strengthening national capacities", + "\u2713 strengthening national capacities to establish a collaborative framework facilitating better coordination between public and private institutions and civil society organisations in order to enable the collection and documentation of information on mitigation, adaptation and support actions; \u2713 strengthening the capacity of stakeholders on the understanding and importance of the MNV system; \u2713 strengthening the capacities of Ministry of Economy and Finance managers for the effective relaunch of the Aid Management Platform (AMP) with existing national competences; \u2713 training of producers and data holders (such as DTRF, DGE, INSEED, DST, etc.) on the consideration of emission data formats and mitigation measures; \u2713 strengthening the capacities of producers and data users on the management of confidential or sensitive data; \u2713 strengthening the capacities of national experts on the notion of good practice in the management of", + "confidence or sensitive data; \u2713 strengthening the capacity of national experts on the notion of good practice in uncertainty calculation when collecting activity data and compiling statistical data.", + "In addition to these capacity building needs, there are other needs to be taken into account for the effective implementation of the NVM, including: \u2713 Formalisation of a collaborative agreement between the National Coordination of CCs and public or private institutions producing or holding data; \u2713 Signing of confidentiality agreements between producers and users of sensitive or confidential data; \u2713 Strengthening of communication on the NVM system; \u2713 Organisation of national and sectoral data collection structures and provision of the necessary means for conducting GHG inventories, storing data and archiving them. 6.3. IMPROVING THE NVM SYSTEM OVER TIME To improve the NVM system over time, several recommendations are made to the National NVM Committee.", + "MAINTENANCE OF THE MNV SYSTEM OVER TIME To improve the MNV system over time, several recommendations are made to the National MNV Committee: \u2713 Establish a mechanism to ensure that the outputs of the MNV systems can inform regular updates on climate mitigation, adaptation and financing planning processes, and that lessons learned can be incorporated into subsequent actions undertaken to implement the NCD; \u2713 Evaluate the effectiveness of the MNV system in gathering and reporting relevant data, and adjust the implementation plan and systems to reflect lessons learned; \u2713 communicate regularly with stakeholders to obtain feedback on the functioning and effectiveness of the MNV system; \u2713 work with stakeholders to improve the effectiveness of the MNV system.", + "with stakeholders to obtain feedback on the functioning and effectiveness of the NVM system; \u2713 work with countries with targets in their NDCs and similar NVM needs to exchange lessons learned and best practices; \u2713 continue the process of operationalizing the national NVM system with a view to moving from updated biennial reports to biennial transparency reports by 2024. 6.4.", + "To achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement, Togo must demonstrate that it is meeting its commitments in a transparent manner. To this end, Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) has been recognised as the key process for monitoring, assessing and reporting on progress in implementing commitments, including the NCDs. Since 2017, Togo has developed a national climate change measurement, reporting and verification system that federates the three types of MRV described above. This system includes the following elements (Figure 8): \u2713 Data and metadata collection that involves all key national stakeholders in the different sectors concerned with emissions, mitigation, adaptation, and support.", + "This system comprises the following elements (Figure 8): \u2713 Data and metadata collection that involves all key stakeholders at national level in the various sectors concerned with emissions, mitigation, adaptation and support. \u2713 Data processing and management that involves data storage and archiving, data processing, analysis and interpretation, and monitoring of indicators. \u2713 Notification that involves the publication of processed and interpreted data and making them available to national decision makers and/or international partners on climate issues. Figure 1:", + "Institutional framework of the NDC NVM system Since 2017, the country has begun the operationalisation of this NVM system. As part of this, an exchange platform (Community of NVM Practices) has been created by MERF. This platform is hosted twice (2) a month and addresses issues related to the operationalisation of the NVM, the method of collecting activity data, data management, including robust quality assurance and data archiving. As part of the operationalisation of the system, several capacity-building actions have been carried out between 2017 and 2020.", + "As part of the operationalisation of the system, several capacity-building actions were carried out between 2017 and 2020, namely (i) capacity-building of national actors on NVMs, (ii) capacity-building of MERF actors on their role and responsibility in the operationalisation of the NVM system, (iii) capacity-building of stakeholders on NVMs through the NVM community of practice, (iv) updating of the NVM Country Report combined with capacity-building of members of the Togo NVM Restricted Committee These actions are mainly supported by the UNFCCC secretariat, the EU, UNDP, GEF, Global support program and the Canadian government (Table 21).", + "These actions are mainly supported by the UNFCCC secretariat, the EU, UNDP, the GEF, the Global Support Programme and the Government of Canada (Table 21). It should also be noted that the recently launched CBIT project provides for capacity-building activities for transparency in accordance with Article 13 of the Paris Agreement. Its main objectives are: - To strengthen institutional, legal and regulatory arrangements; - To develop the capacities of actors in priority sectors of climate change; - To review the institutional framework and formulate measures for the operationalisation of the national MNV system.", + "Its main objectives are to: - Strengthen institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks; - Develop the capacities of actors in the priority sectors of climate change; - Review the institutional framework and formulate measures for the operationalisation of the national NRM system Table 21: Assistance received by Togo in the field of NRM Type of assistance Activity of assistance Year of receipt Status Amount (USD) Source of assistance Capacity building Training of actors on NRM Finalised Not estimated UNFCCC Secretariat through CDI Capacity building of national actors on NRM Finalised Not estimated Global Support programme Capacity building of MERF actors on their role and responsibility in the operationalisation of the NRM system and Finalised EU/PALCC Capacity building Finalised Not estimated Government of NRM stakeholders through the NRM community t", + "Not Estimated Government of NVM stakeholders through the NVM community of practice in CANADA Update of NVM Country Report combined with capacity building of NVM Committee members in Togo Finalized GEF/UNDP 6.4.2.", + "Table 21: Assistance received by Togo in the field of NRM Type of assistance Activity of assistance Year of receipt Status Amount (USD) Source of assistance Capacity building Training of NRM stakeholders Finalised Not estimated UNCCD Secretariat through CDI Capacity building of national NRM stakeholders Finalised Not estimated Global Support programme Capacity building of MERF stakeholders on their role and responsibility in the operationalisation of the NRM system and Finalised EU/PALCC Capacity building Finalised Not estimated Government of NRM stakeholders through the NRM community of practice in CANADA Update of NRM country report combined with capacity building of members of the Togo NRM Committee Finalised GEF/UNDP 6.4.2.", + "MNV To ensure quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC), better accountability for reporting, measurement, reporting and verification (MNV/MRV) and to enable the establishment of a coherent archiving system, two institutions were created, one in 2018 (National Coordinating Authority for the development process of the CN, RBA on Climate Change and CDNs) and the second in 2020 (National MNV Committee).", + "Overall co-ordination of the NVM To ensure quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC), better coverage of reporting, measurement, notification and verification (NVM/MRV) and to enable the establishment of a coherent archiving system, two institutions have been created, one in 2018 (National Coordinating Authority for the development process of the CN, RBA on climate change and CDNs) and the second in 2020 (National NVM Committee). Thus, the institutional framework of the CDN NVM system is as follows: \u2756 National NVM Committee: This committee was set up by Memorandum No. 0230/SG/DE on 15 July 2020 as part of the operationalisation of the national NVM system. It is responsible for examining the institutional framework and formulating measures for the operationalisation of the NVM system.", + "It is responsible for reviewing the institutional framework and formulating measures for the operationalisation of the MNV system. This committee is strengthened by the appointment of sectoral MNV focal points to the ministries responsible for the environment and finance. \u2756 The Climate Change Division (CCD): it coordinates all the working groups and acts through three structures, namely the UNFCCC focal point, the National Climate Change Committee and the 4CN & 2RBA project steering committee. \u2756 National Coordinating Authority for the development process of the CNs, RBAs on climate change and CDNs: this authority, set up by Decree No 145 / MERF/SG/DE of 06 November 2018, has a subcommittee responsible for the MNV on climate.", + "\u2756 National Coordinating Authority for the development process of the CN, RBAs on climate change and NCDs: this authority, established by Decree No 145 / MERF/SG/DE of 06 November 2018, has a sub-committee responsible for the NCD on climate. It should also be noted that there are two (2) NCD focal points (one in the Ministry of the Environment and the other in the Ministry of Finance) and focal points in all data-holding structures. These focal points are responsible for ensuring the operationalisation and implementation of the NCD system at national and sectoral levels. Chapter 7: Communication strategy for the implementation of the NCDs 7.1.", + "Diagnostic analysis of the different communication experiences on climate change in Togo revealed the strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats to communication on the implementation of the NCDs in Togo (Table 22). Table 22: FFOM matrix for the analysis of the communication on the implementation of the NCDs INTERNAL Diagnostics FACILITIES \u27a2 Existence of a political, technical and legal framework for the NCDs. \u27a2 Good knowledge of the purpose of the Paris Agreement. \u27a2 Good knowledge of climate risks. \u27a2 Adherence to adaptation initiatives. \u27a2 Integration of resilience actions. \u27a2 Participation in mitigation actions. \u27a2 Development of endogenous individual and community adaptation/mitigation initiatives. \u27a2 High expectation of adaptation and mitigation measures.", + "\u27a2 Development of endogenous individual and community-based adaptation/mitigation initiatives. \u27a2 High expectation of adaptation and mitigation measures. \u27a2 Strong mobilization potential at the local level. \u27a2 Pro-activity of universities and climate research centres. \u27a2 Lack of internal and external communication on NCDs. \u27a2 Lack of ownership of NCDs at sectoral and local level. \u27a2 Lack of CBDC actions targeting target groups. \u27a2 Lack of gender-inclusive actions. EXTERNAL OPPORTUNITIES THREATS \u27a2 Activation of decentralization in the implementation of the structural framework of actions to combat the adverse effects of CBs. \u27a2 Media pluralism. \u27a2 Disturbances in the mobilization of funding. \u27a2 Lack of CBs in Togolese priorities. \u27a2 Availability of development partners to support", + "\u27a2 Availability of development partners to support Togo in implementing CC actions. \u27a2 Bilingualism of the population. 7.2. STRATEGY 7.2.1. Strategic directions \u2756 Vision The vision is outlined in the objectives of the government\u2019s roadmap in conjunction with objective 10 of strategic axis 3: \"Putting sustainable development and anticipating future crises at the heart of the country\u2019s priorities\".", + "Strategic Directions \u2756 Vision The Vision is outlined in the objectives of the government\u2019s roadmap in conjunction with Aim 10 of Strategic Axis 3: \"Putting sustainable development and the anticipation of future crises at the heart of the country\u2019s priorities.\" Thus, the NDC Communication Vision is as follows: \u2756 Overall Objective Through the vision adopted: \"In 2030, Togo is a modern nation, where citizens who are informed and protected about climate risks respect nature and its resources\", the objective of developing communication on the NDCs is worded as follows:", + "Thus, the NDC Communication Vision is as follows: \u2756 Overall Objective Through the vision adopted: \"In 2030, Togo is a modern nation, where citizens who are informed and protected about climate risks respect nature and its resources\", the objective of developing communication on the NDCs is worded as follows: CONTRIBUTING TO THE MEMBERSHIP OF CITIZENS AWARE OF CLIMATE RISKS AND RESPECTING NATURE AND ITS RESOURCES. \u2756 Strategic Axes and Communication Objectives The NDC Communication Vision formulated and based on a matrix of strategic directions, three (3) strategic options are described and three (3) strategic directions are delineated. Tables 23 and 24 present respectively the main strategic directions and the performance framework.", + "The main strategic directions and the performance framework are presented in Tables 23 and 24 respectively. Table 23: Development of strategic directions and formulation of objectives Strategic options Development of strategic directions Strategies formulated Communication objectives Strategic direction 1: Seize the opportunity and use the forces to eliminate the weakness 2 Seize decentralization and build on the existence of a political, legal and technical framework to eliminate the weak ownership of the NCDs at the sectoral and local levels Adopt NCD planning at all levels Encourage sectoral ministries and municipalities to integrate the NCDs into their development plans Strategic direction 2: Seize the opportunity and use the forces to eliminate the weaknesses 3 and 4 and the threat 2.", + "Table 23: Development of strategic directions and formulation of objectives Strategic options Development of strategic directions Strategies formulated Communication objectives Strategic direction 1: Seize the opportunity and use the forces to eliminate the weakness 2 Seize decentralization and build on the existence of a political, legal and technical framework to eliminate the weak ownership of the NCDs at the sectoral and local levels Adopt NCD planning at all levels Encourage sectoral ministries and municipalities to integrate the NCDs into their development plans Strategic direction 2: Seize the opportunity and use the forces to eliminate the weaknesses 3 and 4 and the threat 2. Seize the availability of TFPs and use the adherence of target groups to adaptation initiatives, their participation in mitigation actions, their development of endogenous individual and community adaptation/mitigation initiatives and the pro", + "Strengthen the adaptation and mitigation capacities of target groups Train target groups on innovative adaptation and mitigation practices and adaptive financing Strategic orientation 3: Seize the opportunity and use strengths 2 and 3 to eliminate weakness 1 and 2. Seize media pluralism and use good knowledge of the purpose of the Paris Agreement and good knowledge of climate risks to eliminate the internal and external communication deficit and the absence of adaptation and mitigation in Togolese priorities.", + "Capture the availability of TFPs and use the adherence of target groups to adaptation initiatives, their participation in mitigation actions, their development of endogenous individual and community-based adaptation/mitigation initiatives and the proactivity of universities and climate research centres to eliminate the inadequacy of CCSC actions targeting target groups, the inadequacy of inclusive actions targeting gender and disruption in the mobilisation of funding Strengthen the adaptation and mitigation capacities of target groups Train target groups on innovative adaptation and mitigation practices and adaptive financing Strategic orientation 3: Capture the opportunity and use forces 2 and 3 to eliminate weakness 1 and 2 Capture media pluralism and use good knowledge of the purpose of the Paris Agreement and good knowledge of climate risks to eliminate the lack of internal and external communication and the absence of CCs in To", + "Improving the visibility of the NDCs Improving the communications system of the NDCs Table 24: Framework for the performance of interventions Results Performance indicators Audit sources Risks and Assumptions OG\u2019s result: Effect of the Special Objective 2 of the FRS (Protecting Togolese from climate risks) Indicators of the effects of the FRS OS2 Investigation report Risks identified for the FRS Result 1: NDCs are integrated into all development plans at the sectoral and communal levels 1.", + "Improving the visibility of the NDCs Improving the communication system of the NDCs Table 24: Framework for the performance of the interventions Results Performance indicators Audit sources Risks and assumptions GOG\u2019s result: Effect of the Special Objective 2 of the FRS (Protecting Togolese people from climate risks) Indicators of the effects of the FRS OS2 Survey report Risks identified for the FRS Result 1: The NDCs are integrated into all development plans at the sectoral and communal levels 1. By 2030, 100% of the sectoral action plans linked to the NDCs and the Community Development Plans have integrated adaptation and mitigation 1.1 By the end of 2026, at least 80% of sectoral, local and economic policy makers have a perfect knowledge of the vision and objectives of the NDCs 1.2 By the end of 2026, at least 100% of the", + "1.2 By the end of 2026, at least 100% of municipalities and sectoral ministries are equipped with NCD planning tools.", + "At the end of 2030, 100% of the sectoral action plans linked to the NDCs and the Community Development Plans have integrated adaptation and mitigation. 1.1 At the end of 2026, at least 80% of sectoral, local and economic policy makers have a thorough knowledge of the vision and objectives of the NDCs. 1.2 At the end of 2026, at least 100% of municipalities and sectoral ministries are equipped with NDC planning tools.", + "Target groups are trained on innovative practices and the mobilisation of adaptive financing 2. By 2030, at least 60% of groups or enterprises operating in climate-vulnerable areas have integrated adaptation and mitigation into their productive practices. 2.1 By the end of 2026, 117 facilitators have provided training in vulnerable area communes. 2.2 By the end of 2026, at least 6000 people, including at least 1240 women working in vulnerable areas, are equipped to develop and implement innovative adaptation and mitigation projects Evaluation or survey report Training reports Innovative projects implemented Press releases Activity report Lack or delay in funding Results Indicators", + "Training Innovative projects implemented Press releases Activity report Lack of or delay in funding Results Performance indicators Audit sources Risks and assumptions Result 3:", + "At the end of 2030, at least 60% of the groups or enterprises operating in climate-vulnerable areas have integrated adaptation and mitigation into their productive practices. 2.1 At the end of 2026, 117 facilitators have provided training in the communes of vulnerable areas. 2.2 At the end of 2026, at least 6000 people, including at least 1240 women working in vulnerable areas, are equipped to develop and implement innovative adaptation and mitigation projects Evaluation or survey report Training reports Innovative projects implemented Press releases Activity report Lack of or delay in funding Results Performance indicators Audit sources Risks and assumptions Result 3:", + "3.1 By the end of 2026, at least 80% of requests for information on NCDs have been met. 3.2 By the end of 2026, at least 70% of the population has become aware of the importance of NCDs. 3.3 By the end of 2026, at least one tool for capitalising on innovative practices is published.", + "At the end of 2030, CCs are among the top ten priorities of Togolese people. 3.1 At the end of 2026, at least 80% of requests for information on NCDs have been met. 3.2 At the end of 2026, at least 70% of the population has become aware of the importance of NCDs. 3.3 At the end of 2026, at least one tool for capitalising on innovative practices is published. Survey report \u2022 Copy of the tools Lack of or delay in funding 7.2.2. ACTION PLAN A multi-annual Action Plan (MAP) is proposed for the communication. This plan can be revised according to the resources collected for the implementation of these actions. The financial estimates of the actions selected and planned from 2022 to 2026 amount to US$ 1,072,114. Table 25 summarizes the budget according to each component.", + "Table 25 summarizes the budget according to each component. Table 25: Budgeted multi-annual plan RESULTS YEARS OF IMPLEMENTATION (Costs in millions of US dollars) TOTAL Result 1: NDCs are integrated into all development plans at sectoral and communal levels Result 2: Target groups are trained on innovative practices and the mobilisation of adaptive financing NDCs' education and communication systems are improved TOTAL Bibliography Agence de coop\u00e9ration belge (ENABEL), Communication for Development: Dialogue and Participation for Sustainable Results Brabant P., Darracq S., Egue K. and Simonneaux V., (1996). State of land degradation resulting from human activities. Explanatory note to the map of degradation indices.", + "A Climate-based Distribution Model of Malaria Transmission in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Parasitology Today 15 (3): 105 \u2013 111. Diop, A., (2017), \"Study on local authorities in response to climate change in Senegal, with a view to supporting the process of advocacy by local authorities\", International Association of French-speaking Mayors, European Commission. Directorate General of Statistics and National Accounts (DGSCN), 2011. Fourth Population and Habitat Census. Final Report, Togolese Republic, 57 p. Ern H., 1979. Die vegetation Togo. Gliederrung, Gef\u00e5hrdung, Erhaltung.", + "Final Report, Togolese Republic, 57 p. Ern H., 1979. Die vegetation Togo. Gliederrung, Gef\u00e5hrdung, Erhaltung. Willdenowia Study on the climate change adaptation component in Togo\u2019s revised NDCs Togo National Determined Contributions Support Project (NDS) June 2021 FAO/CEDEAO, 2018. National Gender Profile of Agriculture and Rural Development Sectors. Gender Country Evaluation Series, Report, 118 p. Togo Sectoral Roadmap 2025, January 2021 GIZ, 2020. Study of Climate Change Risks and Vulnerabilities in the Health Sector in Togo. Final Report, 100 p. National Institute of Statistics, Economic and Demographic Studies (INSEED), 2015. Togo Demographic Outlook 2011- 2031. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Hydraulics (MAEH), 2015a. Agricultural Policy Document for", + "Agricultural Policy Paper for the period 2016-2030, 56 p. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Hydraulics (MAEH), 2015b. National Strategy Paper for Agricultural and Rural Training in Togo (SNFAR-TOGO) 2016-2020, 75 p. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Hydraulics (MAEH), 2017. National Investment Programme for Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition (PNIASAN)- Investment Plan 2017-2025. Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries/World Food Programme (MAEP/WFP), 2018. Strategic Review of Zero Hunger in Togo. Final Report, 201 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2001. Initial National Communication of Togo. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 210 p. Ministry of Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2009. National Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change.", + "Evaluation of the damage, losses and post-disaster reconstruction needs of the 2010 floods in Togo. Final report, 39 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2015a. Third National Communication on Climate Change. Final report, 160 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2015b. Nationally-determined planned contribution under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Final report, 21 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2017a. First updated biennial report of Togo on climate change. Final report, Togolese Rep., 176 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2017b. In-depth study on the dynamics of wood energy use in Togo. Final report, Togolese Rep.,", + "Togolese, 114 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2018a. National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) 2020-2029. Final version 1, 179 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2018b. Technological Action Plan and Project Ideas, 145 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2018c. Strategic Investment Framework for the Management of the Environment and Natural Resources in Togo (CSIGERN 2018\u20132022). Lom\u00e9, Togo. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020a. Assessment of the vulnerability of the energy sector to the adverse effects and impacts of climate change in Togo.", + "Project of the 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 96 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020b. Evaluation of the vulnerability of the agriculture, forestry and other land use sectors to the adverse effects and impacts of climate change in Togo. Project of the 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 117 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MERF), 2020c. Economic analysis and climate sensitivity of certain major crops including maize, millet, sorghum, rice, ignamus and cassava in Togo. Project of the 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 98 p. Ministry of the Environment and Forest Resources (MER", + "Draft 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 98 p. Ministry of Environment and Forestry Resources (MERF), 2020d. Analysis of current demand and 2030 simulation of surface and groundwater withdrawals in Togo\u2019s basins in response to climate change. Draft 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 65 p. Ministry of Environment and Forestry Resources (MERF), 2020 e. Joint studies on the technical feasibility of coastal protection of the Togo-Benin border segment. West African Coastal Zone Resilience Investment Project (WACA RESIP \u2013 BENIN), Phase 3- Detailed Preliminary Draft Study of the Preferential Adaptation Option, Report, 97 p. Ministry for the Advancement of Women (MPF), 2011.", + "West African Coastal Resilience Investment Project (WACA RESIP \u2013 BENIN), Phase 3- Detailed Preliminary Draft Study of the Preferential Adaptation Option, Report, 97 p. Ministry of Women\u2019s Development (MPF), 2011. Togo National Policy for Equity and Gender Equality, 65 p. Ministry of Health and Social Protection (MSPS), 2017. National Health Development Plan (PNDS) 2017-2022. Final Report, 99 p. Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), 2015a. National Renewable Energy Action Plan (PANER), 121 p. Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), 2015b.", + "National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NERAP), 121 p. Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), 2015b. National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NAPEE 2015-2030), 64 p. Guidance for gender mainstreaming in Togo\u2019s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process, September 2019 National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan \u2013 NAPA, September Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) 2020-2029, Final Version, December 2020, Plan for the Preparation of the Implementation of the NCDs (PPMO-CDN) 2020-2024 December Togo\u2019s National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NAPCC), 2016 First Updated Biennial Report of Togo, National GHG Inventory Report, First Updated Biennial Report TOGO PRBA, September", + "National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NAPEE 2015-2030), 64 per cent Guidance for gender mainstreaming in Togo\u2019s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process, September 2019 National Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan \u2013 NAPA, September Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) 2020-2029, Final Version, December 2020, Plan for the Preparation of the Implementation of the NCDs (PPMO-CDN) 2020-2024 December Togo\u2019s National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (NAPCC), 2016 First Updated Biennial Report of Togo, National GHG Inventory Report, First Updated Biennial Report TOGO PRBA, September 2017 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2019. Annual Report, 70 per cent Country Programme Green Climate Fund, April 2018 Four", + "climate, April 2018 Fourth National Communication on Climate Change, Second Updated Biennial Report, Report on National Circumstances, December 2019 Togolese Republic, 2017.", + "Annual Report, 70 p. Country Programme Green Climate Fund, April 2018 Fourth National Communication on Climate Change, Second Updated Biennial Report, Report on National Circumstances, December 2019 Togolese Republic, 2017. Togo National Climate Change Adaptation Plan. Final Report, 96 p. Togolese Republic, 2019a. Establishment of Climate Scenarios in Togo. Draft 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 77 p. Togolese Republic, 2019b. Report on National Circumstances.", + "Draft 4th National Communication and 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, Final Report, 77 p. Republic of Togo, 2019b. Report on National Circumstances Draft 4th National Communication on Climate Change & 2nd Updated Biennial Report of Togo, 117 p. Communication Strategy of the REDD+ Preparedness Support Project, July Communication Strategy of the REDD+ Preparedness Support Project, July Communication Strategy on Climate Change and the Transition to the Green Economy in Togo, November 2012 National Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Strategy on the Environment in Togo (2011-2015).", + "Draft Fourth National Communication on Climate Change & Second Updated Biennial Report of Togo, 117 p. Communication Strategy of the REDD+ Preparedness Support Project, July Communication Strategy of the REDD+ Preparedness Support Project, July Communication Strategy on Climate Change and the Transition to the Green Economy in Togo, November 2012 National Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Strategy on the Environment in Togo (2011 \u2013 2015) Environment Management Capacity Building Programme, October 2010 National Strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) 2020-2029, Final Version, October 2019 Annexes Annex 1: Long-term Mitigation Measures Sector Measures and Priorities Description Energy Establishment of the Togolese Agency for Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy by Decre", + "Capacity-building Programme for Environmental Management, October 2010 National Strategy for the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) 2020-2029, final version, October 2019 Annexes Annex 1: Long-term mitigation measures Sector Measures and priorities Description Energy Establishment of the Togolese Agency for Rural and Renewable Energy by Decree No. 2016-064/PR of May (AT2ER). Promotion of renewable energy and rural electrification August 2018 with 8 implementing acts Promotion of electricity production from renewable energy sources in Togo Roadmap - Further implementation of the electrification for all policy \u2013 extension of the network and deployment of decentralised systems (e.g.", + "Promotion of renewable energy and rural electrification August 2018 with 8 implementing texts Promotion of electricity production from renewable energy sources in Togo Roadmap - Continuation of the electrification for all policy \u2013 Expansion of the grid and deployment of decentralised systems (e.g. individual solar panels) to achieve 75% electrification, supported by the establishment of the Electricity for All Fund - Increase of electricity generation, transmission and distribution capacity \u2013 Development of sustainable and reliable production capacities, in particular in solar and hydroelectric power, and corresponding strengthening of the transmission and distribution network (in synergy with the expansion of the internet network - Increase of the share of renewable energy in energy production to 50% by 2025 - Increase of the share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles to 3% by 2025 - Expansion of the road network", + "to 3% share of electric vehicles in the acquisition of new vehicles by 2025 - Extension of the rural road network - Construction of 4000 km of rural roads targeting agricultural areas with high export potential to connect farmers to the market - Construction of the Unit Highway - Acceleration of the RN1 development project linking the productive hinterland to the town of Lom\u00e9 and the port - Togo\u2019s electrification strategy - Increase to the electrification rate in 2030 - i) deploy more than 300 mini-grids by 2030, with an installed capacity of about 9 MW; (ii) electrify 555,000 households with solar kits by 2030, with up to 85 MW of installed solar generation capacity by 2030; and (iii) extend and densify the network to reach about 670,000 connections by 2030, with about 108 MW of additional capacity Five-year plan 2019 - - Install an additional capacity of 8", + "Additional capacity Five-Year Plan 2019- - Install an additional capacity of 88.2 MW by 2023 for hydroelectricity - Install a capacity of 99 MW of solar connect to the grid by 2023 - Install a capacity of 4 MW of solar mini-grid by 2023 - Install a capacity of 11.71 MW of solar kits by 2023 National Bioenergy Action Plan - Increase the use rate of improved homes by 40% by 2020 (PANBE) pending adoption - Increase the share of wood coal produced with improved technologies by less than 1% by - Increase the share of the population using biogas for cooking in urban areas; to 6% in 2025 and 15% in 2030 in rural areas - Increase the share of the population using briquettes to 15% in urban areas and 10% in rural areas by 2030 - Increase the share of the population using LPG to 35% in urban areas and 8% in rural areas by IPUP", + "Reduce consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and avoid their significant release into the atmosphere at the end of the life cycle of equipment containing them, thereby reducing GHG emissions.", + "Strengthen the capacity of customs officers Combat the illicit trade in ODSs and thus reduce their consumption, thereby reducing GHG emissions. Through this project, 150 customs officers are trained annually. Strengthen the capacity of cold technicians Reduce the consumption of ODSs and avoid their significant release into the atmosphere at the end of the life cycle of equipment containing them, thereby reducing GHG emissions. Through this project, 100 cold technicians are trained annually. Enhance the processing and recycling of fluorinated gases Establish an annual collection system for end-of-life equipment. Once collected, the equipment will be transported to the industrial unit. Thousands of jobs will be created and several tonnes of F-gas will be recycled annually, thereby reducing GHG emissions.", + "Thousands of jobs will be created and several tonnes of F-gas will be recycled per year, thereby reducing GHG emissions. Promote the import of alternative refrigerant fluids Reduce HFC imports, train customs officers on the identification of HFCs and equipment containing them, raise awareness and train refrigeration technicians on the use of new gases. The implementation of this project will also strengthen the BNO with adequate personnel and technical equipment. Thanks to this project, HFC imports will be reduced by 5% per year and 10% if the country receives support from financial partners.", + "AFAT National Strategy to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Increase forest cover by 30% by 2050 Reduce the direct and indirect factors that increase the country\u2019s vulnerability to forest degradation and address political and technical issues/challenges on land degradation at the national, regional and local levels to effectively address the consequences of these hazards National Reforestation Programme (NRP) Establish new plantations occupying 34,400 ha, a net increase of 0.7% in the area of Togo\u2019s forest cover.", + "Increasing the area of forest cover in Togo could be achieved through the following measures: Climate Change Support Programme (CCSP) Establishment of sustainable forest and land management areas through reforestation and/or sustainable management of 600 ha of state forests (100 ha to be achieved per year) Establishment of 6000 ha of rehabilitated, reforested and sustainably managed community and private forests and land Land Degradation Neutrality Targeting Programme (NDT) Restore by 2030 at least 80% of degraded land (187,920 ha) and limit to 2% (108,802 ha) the degradation of land not yet degraded with a view to strengthening the conservation of terrestrial ecosystems in relation to the reference situation (2010)\".", + "\u2022 increase the area of Togo\u2019s forests by 3% (43,557 ha); reduce to 1/3 (73,260 ha) the area of land showing a negative trend in net productivity Agricultural Policy To implement production intensification programmes combining conventional intensification (reliance on modern inputs) and agro-ecological practices, in conjunction with climate-smart agriculture (AIC); strengthen the prevention or mitigation of the effects of climate change requiring that land be set aside for reforestation National Agricultural Investment and Food and Nutrition Security Programme (PNIASAN): Plan to achieve in 2026 an agricultural gross domestic product growth rate (PIBA) of at least 10%; improve the agricultural trade balance by 25%, double the average income of agricultural households, contribute to the reduction of malnutrition; strengthen the fight against food insecurity and reduce the incidence of", + "The waste sector is guided by the National Policy for Hygiene and Sanitation (PNHAT) This document sets out the roles and responsibilities of state actors, local authorities, non-governmental organisations, the population, technical and financial partners in the implementation of this policy.", + "This policy is accompanied by the National Action Plan for the Water and Sanitation Sector (PANSEA), which aims to improve the level of access to basic and community sanitation services by strengthening and consolidating technical infrastructure or by promoting adequate and accessible infrastructure for all." + ] + } + }, + { + "country_code": "VEN", + "type_of_document": "Revised First NDC", + "language": "es", + "para_translated": { + "small": [ + "Update NDC Venezuela (3). Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the fight against Climate Change and its effects. November 2021. THANKS.", + "Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the fight against Climate Change and its effects. November 2021. THANKS. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, through the Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism, as the National Environmental Authority, makes an extensive thank you for all the support received for this process of Updating the \"Nationally Determined Contribution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela\"; highlighting the institutional commitment of the different sectors involved in the Ministries and Agencies, which allowed the incorporation of new essential elements for the strengthening of climate action, which will lead our country to the implementation of actions framed towards sustainable development.", + "In this sense, Venezuela pursues with the Update of the CND, to lay the foundations of the \"Action for Climate Empowerment\" in our country, as a transversal axis in integrative and inclusive public policies of an economic, social, health, cultural, educational, environmental, technological, political and institutional nature, among others, that allow generating and articulating capacities that promote transformative action against climate change, with the depth and urgency that this challenge requires for the reduction of vulnerability in the population and natural spaces.", + "In order to increase response capacities and create the basis of contextualized resilience within the framework of education, research, training, social awareness, access to information, citizen participation, development and transfer of technology and innovations, in order to consolidate inclusion and participation policies, including those related to gender and intergenerational equity, which allow increasing the leading and determining role of women as dynamizers of the processes of struggles against climate change, as well as youth, children, and older adults.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The document includes the technical considerations emanating from debates formulated by the team of the Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism, nourished by the work of experts in the field, as well as a diverse group of actors and institutions involved in the issue of climate change, in addition to the experiences of other countries that currently have their CNDs updated, and the guidelines derived from the international forums in which the country participated.", + "Venezuela, through the General Directorate of Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change of the Minister of People s Power for Ecosocialism, began the process of reviewing and updating its CND, with the support of the different sectors and institutions as well as the Substantive General Directorates, for the collective construction of the CND, to be presented in the framework of the celebration of COP 26, in Glasgow, United Kingdom from October 31 to November 12, 2021.", + "JOSU\u00c9 ALEJANDRO LORCA VEGA. People s Power Minister for Ecosocialism. UPDATE OF THE NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC) OF THE BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA. AUTHORITIES. President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicol\u00e1s Maduro Moros. Minister of People s Power for Ecosocialism Josu\u00e9 Alejandro Lorca Vega. People s Power Minister for Foreign Affairs F\u00e9lix Plasencia. COORDINATING TEAM.", + "Minister of People s Power for Ecosocialism Josu\u00e9 Alejandro Lorca Vega. People s Power Minister for Foreign Affairs F\u00e9lix Plasencia. COORDINATING TEAM. Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism / Deputy Minister of Ecosocialist Environmental Management Josu\u00e9 Alejandro Lorca Vega. General Directorate of Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change / TECHNICAL FOCAL POINT of the UNFCCC Darvid Gustavo Villegas J\u00e1uregui.", + "General Directorate of Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change / TECHNICAL FOCAL POINT of the UNFCCC Darvid Gustavo Villegas J\u00e1uregui. Hortensia Ernestina Fonseca Blanco Yusbelys Carolina Belisario Arteaga Marciel Maholy Linares Colorado. General Directorate of the Office of Integration and International Affairs Miguel Serrano. Yorlandis Chiquito Carlos Gonzalez. PREPARATION OF THE DOCUMENT. Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism.", + "General Directorate of the Office of Integration and International Affairs Miguel Serrano. Yorlandis Chiquito Carlos Gonzalez. PREPARATION OF THE DOCUMENT. Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism. Directorate-General for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation / UNFCCC Technical Focal Point. Darvid Gustavo Villegas J\u00e1uregui Hortensia Ernestina Fonseca Blanco Yusbelys Carolina Belisario Arteaga Marciel Maholy Linares Colorado Whitman Machado.", + "Directorate-General for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation / UNFCCC Technical Focal Point. Darvid Gustavo Villegas J\u00e1uregui Hortensia Ernestina Fonseca Blanco Yusbelys Carolina Belisario Arteaga Marciel Maholy Linares Colorado Whitman Machado. Abigail Castillo Carmona (Editing) H\u00e9ctor Fern\u00e1ndez Linares (Editing). PARTICIPATING MINISTRIES OF STATE. Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism. Minister Josu\u00e9 Alejandro Lorca Vega. Vice-Ministry of Ecosocialist Environmental Management.", + "PARTICIPATING MINISTRIES OF STATE. Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism. Minister Josu\u00e9 Alejandro Lorca Vega. Vice-Ministry of Ecosocialist Environmental Management. Deputy Minister of Integral Waste Management. Luis Sim\u00f3n Palacios Parada. General Directorate of Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change / TECHNICAL FOCAL POINT of the UNFCCC Darvid Gustavo Villegas J\u00e1uregui.", + "General Directorate of Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change / TECHNICAL FOCAL POINT of the UNFCCC Darvid Gustavo Villegas J\u00e1uregui. Hortensia Ernestina Fonseca Blanco Yusbelys Carolina Belisario Arteaga Marciel Maholy Linares Colorado Whitman Machado. Directorate-General for Ecosystem Management and Conservation Policies. Franklin Jos\u00e9 Linares Vizcaya Abigail Castillo Carmona. Directorate of Soil Conservation, Desertification and Drought. Saida Rivero Sanchez.", + "Directorate-General for Ecosystem Management and Conservation Policies. Franklin Jos\u00e9 Linares Vizcaya Abigail Castillo Carmona. Directorate of Soil Conservation, Desertification and Drought. Saida Rivero Sanchez. Airo Tortoza Oropeza. Directorate of Spatial Planning. Felicia Contreras Zambrano. Directorate of Watershed Conservation. Carlin Ferreira Torres. Directorate-General for Biological Diversity. Carl\u00edz D\u00edaz Rosario Madriz. Directorate-General for Forest Heritage. Johan Walter Chac\u00f3n Chac\u00f3n Jos\u00e9 Azuaje.", + "Carlin Ferreira Torres. Directorate-General for Biological Diversity. Carl\u00edz D\u00edaz Rosario Madriz. Directorate-General for Forest Heritage. Johan Walter Chac\u00f3n Chac\u00f3n Jos\u00e9 Azuaje. Danmar Herrera Jose Rojas. Directorate-General for Environmental Quality Management. Yurly Tiberio Freisanet Cabrera. Directorate-General for Waste Infrastructure. Marly Jimenez. Jacobo Prada Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol. Wilmer Jose V\u00e1squez Matheus. Directorate-General of Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol. David Guillen.", + "Marly Jimenez. Jacobo Prada Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol. Wilmer Jose V\u00e1squez Matheus. Director General of Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol. David Guillen. Director of Research and Innovation Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol. Arnaldo Vega. Ministry of Public Power for Foreign Relations.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to disseminate widely, in particular to women's and human rights organizations, the Convention, its Optional Protocol, the Committee's general recommendations, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWo", + "Rub\u00e9n Dar\u00edo Molina (October 2021); Daniela Rodr\u00edguez (October 2020) Director of International Organizations / Head of Climate Change Negotiations Isabel Di Carlo Quero. Ministry of the People's Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace. Minister G/J Remigio Ceballos Ichaso. Deputy Minister for Risk Management and Civil Protection. C/N Eduardo Hurtado.", + "(a) To continue to cooperate with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and with the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions and with the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo;", + "Ministry of Popular Power for Productive Agriculture and Lands. Minister Wilmar Castro Soteldo. Directorate General of the Office of Integration and International Affairs. Danny Mota. Instituto Nacional de Salud Agr\u00edcola Integral (INSAI). Ligmar L\u00f3pez. Empresa del Estado Corporaci\u00f3n Socialista del Cacao Venezolano. Geovanny Gabriel Silva Correa. Ministry of Popular Power for Urban Agriculture. Minister Greicys Dayamni Barrios Prada.", + "Company of the State Socialist Corporation of Venezuelan Cocoa. Geovanny Gabriel Silva Correa. Ministry of Popular Power for Urban Agriculture. Minister Greicys Dayamni Barrios Prada. Director General of the Office of Integration and International Affairs. Deivy Minaya. Director General of the Training and Innovation Foundation to Support the CIARA Agricultural Revolution. David G\u00f3mez.", + "Director General of the Office of Integration and International Affairs. Deivy Minaya. Director General of the Training and Innovation Foundation to Support the CIARA Agricultural Revolution. David G\u00f3mez. Ministry of the People's Power for Water Management. Minister Rodolfo Marco Torres. Director General of the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies. Briguel Luis Mart\u00ednez Porras.", + "Minister Rodolfo Marco Torres. Director General of the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies. Briguel Luis Mart\u00ednez Porras. Line Director of the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies. Director of Monitoring of Instructions of High Government. Marifred Isabel Lameda Sulbar\u00e1n. Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology. Minister Gabriela Jim\u00e9nez Ram\u00edrez.", + "Line Director of the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies Director of Monitoring of Instructions of High Government. Marifred Isabel Lameda Sulbar\u00e1n. Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology. Minister Gabriela Jim\u00e9nez Ram\u00edrez. Vice-Ministry of Research and Application of Knowledge. Francisco Duran. Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research IVIC/ Center for Ecology. Carlos M\u00e9ndez.", + "Vice-Ministry of Research and Application of Knowledge. Francisco Duran. Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cient\u00edficas IVIC/ Centro de Ecolog\u00eda. Carlos M\u00e9ndez. Ministry of Popular Power for the Community and Social Movements. Minister Noris Herrera Rodr\u00edguez. Coordination of Multilateral Affairs. Office of Integration and International Affairs. Jos\u00e9 Enrique Aguirre. Ministry of Popular Power for Ecological Mining Development. Minister William Serantes Pinto.", + "Office of Integration and International Affairs. Jos\u00e9 Enrique Aguirre. Ministry of the People's Power of Environmental Mining Development. Minister William Serantes Pinto. Department of Land Management of the Ministry of the People's Power of Environmental Mining Development. Rafael Da Silva. Directorate General of Integration and International Affairs. Arianna Rodr\u00edguez. Directorate General of Ecosocialist Mining Development Management. Jiraleiska Hern\u00e1ndez.", + "Rafael Da Silva. Directorate General of Integration and International Affairs. Arianna Rodr\u00edguez. Directorate General of Ecosocialist Management of Mining Development. Jiraleiska Hern\u00e1ndez. Ministry of Popular Power for Education. Minister Yelitze Santaella. Directorate General of the Office of Integration and International Affairs (DGOIAI) Nick Oneto. Ministry of Popular Power for University Education.", + "General Directorate of the Office of Integration and International Affairs (DGOIAI) Nick Oneto. Ministry of Popular Power for University Education. Minister Tibisay Lucena (from October 2021); Cesar Trompiz (to October 2021). Office of Integration and International Affairs (OIAI). Anny P\u00e9rez Izaguirre Jos\u00e9 Contreras Kenneth Berroteran Roselyn S\u00e1nchez. Venezuelan University of Hydrocarbons (UVH):Mirla Fonseca.", + "Office of Integration and International Affairs (OIAI). Anny P\u00e9rez Izaguirre Jos\u00e9 Contreras Kenneth Berroteran Roselyn S\u00e1nchez. Universidad Venezolana de los Hidrocarburos (UVH):Mirla Fonseca. Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael Mar\u00eda Baralt (UNERMB) Rixio Romero. Universidad Bolivariana de Venezuela (UBV)/Centro de Estudios Ambientales. Juan Carlos Santander Torres. Ministerio del Poder Popular para Energ\u00eda El\u00e9ctrica. Ministro CG. N\u00e9stor Luis Reverol Torres.", + "Bolivian University of Venezuela (UBV)/Centro de Estudios Ambientales. Juan Carlos Santander Torres. Ministry of Popular Power for Electricity. Minister CG. N\u00e9stor Luis Reverol Torres. Deputy Minister for New Sources and Rational Use of Electricity. Tania Masea. Directorate General of Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity. Benjam\u00edn Bustamante Vivian Rodr\u00edguez Carlos Cruz.", + "Vice-Minister for New Sources and Rational Use of Electrical Energy. Tania Masea. Directorate General of Rational and Efficient Use of Electrical Energy. Benjam\u00edn Bustamante Vivian Rodr\u00edguez Carlos Cruz. Dalemys Suarez Francisco Reyes Luis S\u00e1nchez Ludexis Godoy. Ministry of Popular Power for Housing and Housing. Minister G/D Ildemaro Villarroel. Vice-Minister for Housing and Urban Development Arq.", + "Dalemys Suarez Francisco Reyes Luis S\u00e1nchez Ludexis Godoy. Ministry of the People's Power for Housing and Housing. Minister G/D Ildemaro Villarroel. Deputy Minister of Housing and Urban Development Arq. Mar\u00eda Yorley Luna Gamez. Directorate General of Ecoconstruction Carlos Cede\u00f1o. Ministry of the People's Power for Industry and National Production. Minister Jorge Arreaza.", + "Mar\u00eda Yorley Luna Gamez. Directorate General of Ecoconstruction Carlos Cede\u00f1o. Ministry of Popular Power of Industries and National Production. Minister Jorge Arreaza. Fundaci\u00f3n Fondo Venezolano de Reconversion Industrial y Tecnol\u00f3gica (FONDOIN) Mar\u00eda Carolina Rendiles. Carmelina Flores Betilde Urbina. Ministry of Popular Power for Youth and Sport. Minister Mervin Maldonado. First Deputy Minister of Youth and Sport Jessica Bello.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,", + "General Directorate of the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies. Lourdes Baltodano. Ministry of the People's Power for Women and Gender Equality. Minister Margaud Godoy. Office of Integration and International Affairs (OIAI) G\u00e9nesis Marcano Jimenes. Ministry of the People's Power for Petroleum. Minister Tareck El Aissami. Environmental Executive Directorate of PDVSA Jos\u00e9 Acosta. Tony Escalante.", + "Ministry of the People's Power of Petroleum. Minister Tareck El Aissami. Environmental Executive Directorate of PDVSA Jos\u00e9 Acosta. Tony Escalante. Ministry of the People's Power for the Social Process of Labour. Minister Jos\u00e9 Ram\u00f3n Rivero. Social Insurance Directorate, attached to the Vice-Ministry of Social Prevention. Nelly Palacios.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the situation of indigenous peoples.", + "General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety at Work, attached to the Vice-Ministry of Social Prevention. Oswaldo S\u00e1nchez. Ministry of the People's Power for Indigenous Peoples. Minister Roside Gonz\u00e1lez Vice-Minister of Indigenous Peoples Mar\u00eda Soledad. Ministry of the People's Power for Health. Minister Carlos Alvarado. Vice-Minister of Collective Health Networks Maricela Berm\u00fadez.", + "Minister Roside Gonz\u00e1lez Deputy Minister of Indigenous Peoples Mar\u00eda Soledad. Minister of Public Power for Health. Minister Carlos Alvarado. Deputy Minister of Collective Health Networks Maricela Berm\u00fadez. Directorate General of Environmental Health Coronel Luis Gotta. Dorania Plaza Orietta Pulgar Gilfredo Polanco Gleny Meneses. Minister of Public Power for Transport. Minister Hip\u00f3lito Abreu.", + "General Directorate of Environmental Health Coronel Luis Gotta. Dorania Plaza Orietta Pulgar Gilfredo Polanco Gleny Meneses. Minister of the People's Power for Transport. Minister Hip\u00f3lito Abreu. Update on the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 21. THE KYOTO PROTOCOL 21. THE DOHA IMPLEMENTATION OF THE KYOTO PROTOCOL 21. THE RATIFICATION OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT ON CLIMATE CHANGE 21. THE LEGAL CONTEXT OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT ON CLIMATE CHANGE 22.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "CYPRUS - COVID 19 31. POLICY VISION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY 31. PATRIAN PLAN 2019 - 2025. 31. INTEGRATION OF THE GENERAL VISION OF THE 2030 AGENDA - ODS - LARGE-SPACE STRATEGY 34. LINEARITY 1. MITIGATION 36. ACTIONS AND PROGRAMMES WITH IMPACT ON MITIGATION OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS EFFECTS 37. PROPOSED BY SECTORS 37.", + "Measurement 36. ACTIONS AND PROGRAMMES WITH IMPACT ON MEASURING CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS EFFECTS 37. PROPOSED BY SECTORS 37. Energy Sector 38. Electricity Sector 38. Petroleum: Petr\u00f3leos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) 57. Transportation Sector 61. Industry Sector 75. Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage - Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol) 82. Waste Sector 91.", + "Industry Sector 75. Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage - Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol) 82. Waste Sector 91. LINEARITY 2. ADAPTATION 93. INFORMATION ON IMPACTS, RISKS AND VULNERABILITY RESPECTING ADVERSE EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE 95. NATIONAL OBJECTIVE RELATING TO ADAPTATION 96. Cross-cutting Focuses guiding Adaptation 97. Actions and Programs with Impact on Adaptation 97.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "Requirements for support and implementation 165. ANEXO: PROCESS OF UPDATING THE SECOND NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC) 167. REFERENCES 171. INDEX OF TABLES. Table 01. Description and characteristics of climate types According to K\u00f6ppen classification in Venezuela.", + "Description and Characteristics of Climate Types According to K\u00f6ppen Classification, Venezuela.", + "Table 04. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Alternative Energy Sector.49. Table 04. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Petroleum Industry Sector.53. Table 05. Number of Persons Trained per Year in the FONDOIN73 Workshops. Table 06. Projection of Persons Trained Period 2021-2025 in the FONDOIN73 Workshops. Table 07. Technicians in the Best Operational Practices Performed by FONDOIN74.", + "Projection of Trained Persons Period 2021-2025 in the Workshops FONDOIN73. Table 07. Technicians in the Ideal Operational Practices Performed by FONDOIN74. Table 08. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Industry Sector (General Directorate of Environmental Quality Management - FONDOIN).75. Table 09.", + "(b) To take all necessary measures to eliminate discrimination against persons belonging to ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities in the enjoyment of their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights;", + "Table 10 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca.58. Table 10 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Ground Transport Sector - Yutong Bus Plant Venezuela, S.A.61. Table 11.", + "(b) To continue to cooperate with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees", + "(b) To ensure that all children are protected from all forms of violence, including sexual abuse, neglect and exploitation, including sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children, and to take all necessary measures to protect children from all forms of violence, including sexual abuse, neglect and exploitation, including sexual exploitation, sexual abuse of children, sexual abuse of children and exploitation of children in the family, in schools, in institutions and in other settings, and to take all necessary measures to ensure that all children are protected from all forms of violence, including sexual abuse, neglect and exploitation, including sexual exploitation, sexual abuse of children, sexual exploitation of children in institutions and in other settings, and to take all necessary measures to ensure that all children are protected from all forms of violence, including sexual exploitation, including sexual abuse, neglect and exploitation of children in institutions and in other", + "Table 12. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land and Subterranean Transport Sector - Metro Caracas, C.A.64. Table 13. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Water Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega).66. Table 14. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Air Transport Sector - Instituto Nacional de Aeron\u00e1utica Civil (INAC)69.", + "Table 14. Policies of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Air Transport Sector - National Institute of Civil Aviation (INAC)69. Table 15. Policies of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage).78. Table 16. Policies of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol).81. Table 17.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "Venezuela's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies, presented by the Waste Sector (Department of Integrated Basin Management).84. FRAMEWORK INDICATORS. Table 01. Description and Characteristics of Climate Types According to K\u00f6ppen Classification, Venezuela.Error!", + "Description and Characteristics of Climate Types According to K\u00f6ppen Classification, Venezuela.", + "Table 04. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Alternative Energy Sector.49. Table 04. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Petroleum Industry Sector.53. Table 05. Number of Persons Trained per Year in the FONDOIN73 Workshops. Table 06. Projection of Persons Trained Period 2021-2025 in the FONDOIN73 Workshops. Table 07. Technicians in the Best Operational Practices Performed by FONDOIN74.", + "Projection of Trained Persons Period 2021-2025 in the Workshops FONDOIN73. Table 07. Technicians in the Ideal Operational Practices Performed by FONDOIN74. Table 08. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Industry Sector (General Directorate of Environmental Quality Management - FONDOIN).75. Table 09.", + "(b) To take all necessary measures to eliminate discrimination against persons belonging to ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities in the enjoyment of their civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights;", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "Table 11. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land and Subterranean Transport Sector - Socialist Transport System Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI63. Table 12. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land and Subterranean Transport Sector - Metro Caracas, C.A.64. Table 13.", + "Table 12. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land and Subterranean Transport Sector - Metro Caracas, C.A.64. Table 13. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Water Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega).66. Table 14. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Air Transport Sector - Instituto Nacional de Aeron\u00e1utica Civil (INAC)69.", + "Table 14. Policies of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Air Transport Sector - National Institute of Civil Aviation (INAC)69. Table 15. Policies of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage).78. Table 16. Policies of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol).81. Table 17.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) of Venezuela, presented by the Waste Sector (Department of Integrated Basin Management).84. LIST OF ACRONYMS AND SIGLES. Acronyms and Abbreviations. Definition. ABRAE. Areas Under Special Administrative Regime. ALBA \u2013 TCP. Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America - Treaty on Trade of Peoples. AP. Paris Agreement. ASIC.", + "Bolivian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America - Trade Treaty of the Peoples. AP. Paris Agreement. ASIC. Area of Integral Community Health. CAPRADE. Andean Committee for Disaster Prevention and Response. CDB. Convention on Biological Diversity. CDH. Human Rights Council. CIAGROA. Center for Agri-Food and Environmental Research. CIPDE.", + "Andean Committee for Disaster Prevention and Response. CDB. Convention on Biological Diversity. CDH. Human Rights Council. CIAGROA. Center for Agri-Food and Environmental Research. CIPDE. Research Center for the Promotion of Endogenous Development. CLCC. Free Climate Change Faculty. CMNUCC. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. CONARE. National Forestry Company. CONEA.", + "Free Climate Change Faculty. UNFCCC. UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. CONARE. National Forestry Company. CONEA. National Convention on Environmental Studies. COP. Conference of the Parties. CORPOELEC. National Electricity Corporation. CRBV. Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. CSCV. Socialist Venezuelan Cocoa Corporation. CTCZC. Central Working Committee of Coastal Zones. CTP.", + "Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. CSCV. Socialist Cacao Corporation of Venezuela. CTCZC. Central Working Committee of the Coastal Zones. CTP. Productive Councils of Workers. CTZCNE. Working Committees of the Coastal Zones at the State Level. DDHH. Human Rights. EEDI. Project Energy Efficiency Index. EIRD. International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. ENAFOR.", + "Permanent Working Committees of Coastal Zones. DDHH. Human Rights. EEDI. Project Energy Efficiency Index. EIRD. International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. ENAFOR. National Forestry Enterprise. ENCDB. National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity. EPU. Universal Periodic Review. FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FEVP.", + "National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity. EPU. Universal Periodic Review. FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FEVP. Venezuelan School of Planning Foundation. FONAGUAS. National Fund for Integrated Water Management. FONDOIN. Foundation Fund for Industrial and Technological Transformation. Acronyms and Abbreviations. Definition. FUNDELEC. Foundation for Electrical Development. GCF.", + "National Fund for Integrated Water Management. FONDOIN. Foundation Fund for Industrial and Technological Transformation. Acronyms and Terms. Definition. FUNDELEC. Foundation for Electrical Development. GCF. Green Climate Fund. GCMs. Global Atmospheric Circulation Climate Models. GEF. Global Environment Facility. GEI. Greenhouse Gases. GIICC.", + "Climate Models of Global Atmospheric Circulation. GEF. Global Environment Facility. GEI. Greenhouse Gases. GIICC. Inter-institutional Group on Climate Change. GNV. Natural Vehicle Gas. HCFC. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons. HFC. Hydrofluorocarbons. HIDROVEN. Hydrology of Venezuela. ICAT. Initiative for Transparency in Climate Action. IEC. International Electrotechnical Commission. IFLA. Latin American Forest Institute. INAMEH.", + "Hydrology of Venezuela. ICAT. Initiative for Transparency in Climate Action. IEC. International Electrotechnical Commission. IFLA. Latin American Forest Institute. INAMEH. National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology. INE. National Institute of Statistics. INPARQUES. National Institute of Parks. INSAI. National Institute of Integrated Agricultural Health. IPCC. Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change. LABINNOVANS.", + "National Parks Institute. INSAI. National Institute of Integrated Agricultural Health. IPCC. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. LABINNOVANS. Bolivian Laboratory of Innovation for Food, Environment, Nutrition and Health. LED. Diode Light Emisor. LFC. Compact Fluorescent Lamps. MAH. Hyogo Framework for Action. MARNR.", + "Diodo Light Emisor. LFC. Compact Fluorescent Lamps. MAH. Hyogo Framework for Action. MARNR. Ministry of Environment and Renewable Resources. MARPOL. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships. MCU. Unilateral Coercive Measures. MDL. Clean Development Mechanisms. MINAGUAS. Ministry of Public Power for Water Management. Mincyt.", + "Unilateral Coercive Measures. MDL. Clean Development Mechanisms. MINAGUAS. Ministry of the People's Power for Water Management. Mincyt. Ministry of the People's Power for Science and Technology. MINEA. Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism and Water. MINEC. Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism. MINPPAU. Ministry of the People's Power for Urban Agriculture. MMSC.", + "Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism and Water. MINEC. Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism. MINPPAU. Ministry of the People's Power for Urban Agriculture. MMSC. Global Framework for Climate Services. MPPA. Ministry of the People's Power for the Environment.", + "Ministry of the People's Power for the Environment. Acronyms and Terms. Definition. MPPDME. Ministry of the People's Power for Environmental Mining Development. MPPE. Ministry of the People's Power for Education. MPPEE. Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity. MPPEF. Ministry of the People's Power for Economics and Finance. MPPEU. Ministry of the People's Power for University Education. MPPS.", + "Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity. MPPEF. Ministry of the People's Power for Economics and Finance. MPPEU. Ministry of the People's Power for University Education. MPPS. Ministry of the People's Power for Health. MRV. Monitoring, Reporting and Verification. CND. Nationally Determined Contributions. NDT. Neutrality of Earth Degradation. MDG. Millennium Development Goals. ODS.", + "Monitoring, Reporting and Verification. CND. Nationally Determined Contributions. NDT. Neutrality of Earth Degradation. MDGs. Millennium Development Goals. ODS. Sustainable Development Goals. IMO. International Maritime Organization. WMO. World Meteorological Organization. WHO. World Health Organization. UN. United Nations Organization. PAHO. Pan American Health Organization. PDEL. Local Strategic Development Plans. PDVSA.", + "World Health Organization. UN. United Nations Organization. PAHO. Pan American Health Organization. PDEL. Local Strategic Development Plans. PDVSA. Petr\u00f3leos de Venezuela Sociedad An\u00f3nima. PEP. Parque E\u00f3lico de Paraguan\u00e1. GDP. Gross Domestic Product. GNP. Bolivian National Police. PNEA. National Alternative Energy Program. PNEDUCEEE. National Energy Education and Energy Efficiency Program. PNFA-PSCD.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICMP). PORU. Management Plans and Regulations of Use. PPD. Small Grants Program. RDS. Waste and Solid Waste. REM. Rehabilitation, Stabilization and Maintenance. RFI. Imataca Forest Reserve. Acronyms and Terms. Definition. RT. Technical Regulation. SAO. Ozone Cap Aggregating Substances. SENAFIM.", + "Rehabilitation, Stabilization and Maintenance. RFI. Imataca Forest Reserve. Acronyms and Terms. Definition. RT. Technical Regulation. SAO. Ozone Cap Aggregating Substances. SENAFIM. National Taxation and Mining Inspection Service. SENCAMER. National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Technical Regulations and Standards. SIGIZC. Information Systems for Integrated Coastal Zone Management. SINIB.", + "National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Technical Standards and Regulations. SIGIZC. Information Systems for Integrated Coastal Zone Management. SINIB. National Integrated Forest Information System. SIPP. Integrated People's Power System. SNICA. National Water Quality Information System. SNME. National Ecological Mining System. UBV. Bolivarian University of Venezuela. UGE.", + "National Water Quality Information System. SNME. National Ecological Mining System. UBV. Bolivarian University of Venezuela. UGE. Units of Energy Management. UNEFA. National Experimental Polytechnic University of the National Armed Forces. UNERMB. National Experimental University Rafael Mar\u00eda Baralt. UNERS. National Experimental University Sim\u00f3n Rodr\u00edguez. UNERVEN. Renewable Energy Unit Venezuela. UREEE.", + "National Experimental Polytechnic University of the National Armed Forces. UNERMB. Rafael Mar\u00eda Baralt National Experimental University. UNERS. Sim\u00f3n Rodr\u00edguez National Experimental University. UNERVEN. Renewable Energy Unit Venezuela. UREEE. Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity. USB. Sim\u00f3n Bol\u00edvar University. UVH. Venezuelan Hydrocarbon University. VENAVEGA. Venezuelan Navigation Corporation. WCPA. World Commission on Protected Areas. ZDEN.", + "Universidad Sim\u00f3n Bol\u00edvar. UVH. Universidad Venezolana de los Hidrocarburos. VENAVEGA. Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n. WCPA. Comisi\u00f3n Mundial de los \u00c1reas Protegidas. ZDEN. Zonas de Desarrollo Estrat\u00e9gico Nacional. ZODI. Zona Operativa de Defensa Integral. INTRODUCTION.", + "Venezuelan Navigation Corporation. WCPA. World Commission on Protected Areas. ZDEN. National Strategic Development Zones. ZODI. Operational Zone of Integral Defense. INTRODUCTION. Climate change is one of the biggest problems affecting the planet today, this situation transcends the environment and must be considered in its ethical, human, socio-economic and political dimensions.", + "Climate change is one of the biggest problems affecting the planet today, this situation transcends the environment and must be considered in its ethical, human, socio-economic and political dimensions.", + "It is, in fact, one of the clearest manifestations of the crisis of capitalism as a predatory system of nature that makes it impossible to live a healthy, full, solidarity and peaceful life on earth, and it also translates into a dimension of the global environmental crisis generated by unsustainable patterns of production and consumption, particularly in developed countries, which have a historical responsibility in their generation.", + "It also translates into a dimension of the global environmental crisis generated by unsustainable patterns of production and consumption, particularly in the developed countries, which have a historic responsibility in their generation; therefore, only the modification of these patterns constitutes a real and lasting solution to the environmental crisis and hence to the climate crisis.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of", + "This vulnerability has become evident in a series of emergencies and natural disasters with severe effects on housing, food production, hydroelectricity generation, biodiversity, among others, such as those that occurred during the months of August and September 2021 in the states of M\u00e9rida, T\u00e1chira and Anzo\u00e1tegui.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "Within the framework of what was agreed under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement (PA), Venezuela presents the update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), committed to building an eco-socialist productive economic model.", + "These actions are articulated within the framework of the Economic and Social Development Plan of the Nation Law of the Plan of the Fatherland 2019. - 2025, which proposes the deepening of eco-socialist policies with a high impact on the social, economic and environmental to contribute to the fight against climate change.", + "- 2025, which proposes the deepening of eco-socialist policies with a high impact on the social, economic and environmental spheres in order to contribute to the fight against climate change.", + "In the same way, this CND makes it possible to reaffirm the commitment that the country has in the climate field, in the various multilateral spaces of the United Nations system, as in the mechanisms of regional and interregional coordination such as: the Ibero-American Conference of Ministers and Ministers of the Environment, the Forum of Ministers and Ministers of the Environment of the United Nations Environment Programme, the Meeting of Ministers, Ministers and High Environment Authorities of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America - Treaty on Trade of Peoples (ALBA - TCP), the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), among others.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of", + "Recommendations of supporting bodies and agencies on elements considered essential to increase the level of ambition and robustness of information have also been incorporated.In this update and presentation of the CND, elements relating to gender and equity are incorporated, enabling progress to be made on national objectives to combat poverty and inequality, within the framework of national planning for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda.", + "In this update and presentation of the CND, elements relating to gender and equity are incorporated, enabling progress to be made in the national objectives of combating poverty and inequality, within the framework of the national planning for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda.", + "In this sense, Venezuela presents its contributions to adaptation and mitigation, covering actions and policies towards fair and sustainable development.", + "These contributions were made on a voluntary basis and without international funding and had not been updated until now due to the illegal application of the Unilateral Coercive Measures (UCMs) which violate the human rights of the population and the health situation of the COVID-19 pandemic.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commission", + "This update is framed in the National Economic and Social Development Plan, which sets the priority of combating climate change within the framework of holistic, humanistic and eco-socialist development aimed at living in harmony with Mother Earth.For each commitment, a brief description of the context with reference to the circumstances of the relevant sector or strategic area is included, followed by a summary table that includes the commitment to its goal, the governing entity, the type of commitment, preliminary indicators and the SDGs to which they contribute.", + "For each commitment, a brief description of the context with reference to the circumstances of the relevant sector or strategic area is included, followed by a summary table that includes the commitment with its goal, the lead entity, the type of commitment, preliminary indicators and the ODA to which they contribute.", + "The description of each commitment is complemented by a brief indicative reference to the operational aspects related to the means of implementation, their integration potential, adaptation - mitigation and culminating with a declaration of long-term ambition.", + "In accordance with the decisions taken at the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Paris Agreement, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela presents here the update of its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the fight against climate change and its effects.", + "This update of the contribution must be examined in the light of the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, which implies, among other things, that in order to be able to realise the commitments expressed by developing countries, financial resources are required to support actions in developing countries, as well as technology transfer and capacity-building, which must be provided incrementally by developed countries, in accordance with their obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement.", + "To conclude, this update of the CND is framed in a national process of collective construction of a proposal for a Law on Climate Change for the country, which involves different actors and sectors, organized communities and social movements, and which aims to be adopted in the legislative period from 2021 to 2026.", + "As part of its obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela accepted the commitment to report on all relevant contents, which is established by the mandate of the Convention for the preparation of National Communications on Climate Change.", + "The political commitment of Venezuela is of a high level in the fight against climate change, as expressed by President Nicol\u00e1s Maduro Moros, during his speech at the 75th General Assembly of the United Nations, held in October 2020, namely:We must all work for the salvation of our planet.", + "We call for the highest political commitment to combating climate change that is a reality: to combating climate change as an urgent priority, and we recognise the importance of strengthening mitigation and adaptation actions, in accordance with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement.", + "We recognize the importance of strengthening mitigation and adaptation actions, in accordance with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement.", + "We then reaffirmed the importance of the means of implementation so that developing countries can carry out their climate actions, as Noam Chomsky warned recently: \u201cthere is not much time left\u201d, thus reiterating the great political commitment at the highest level in the fight against climate change.", + "Noam Chomsky recently warned that \u201cthere is not much time left\u201d, thus reiterating the great political commitment at the highest level in the fight against climate change.", + "The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was adopted in 1992 and ratified by Venezuela in 1994, through the Official Gazette of the Republic of Venezuela No. 4,825 Extraordinary of 27 December 1994.", + "This instrument was adopted in 1992 and ratified by Venezuela in 1994, through the Official Gazette of the Republic of Venezuela No. 4,825 Extraordinary of 27 December 1994.", + "Approved and published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 38.081 of 07 December 2004.", + "This protocol establishes commitments and targets on emission reductions for Annex I countries, and voluntary reductions for non-Annex I countries. In the same document, the Ministry with environmental competence, presented a Reporting Point to the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in which it limits the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in our country, specifically the paragraphs relating to the flexibilization mechanisms provided for in this Protocol, called Clean Development Mechanisms (CDMs).", + "In the same year, the Ministry of the Environment presented a Report to the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in which it limits the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in our country, specifically the paragraphs relating to the flexibilization mechanisms provided for in this Protocol, called Clean Development Mechanisms (CDMs).", + "This presidential decision not to resort to the Clean Development Mechanisms will subsequently be embodied in the National Government Plans, the First and Second Plans of the Motherland.", + "This amendment was adopted at the COP-18 in Catar in 2012, and ratified by Venezuela in 2017, which sets out the subsequent commitment period for Annex I countries after 2012, and increases the second commitment period (2012-2020) to eight years.", + "This amendment was adopted at the COP-18 in Catar in 2012, and ratified by Venezuela in 2017, which sets out the subsequent commitment period for Annex I countries after 2012, and increases the second period (2012-2020) to eight years.", + "At the COP-21 of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Venezuela adopted the Paris Agreement on Climate Change on 12 December 2015.", + "At the COP-21 of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Venezuela adopts the Paris Agreement on Climate Change on 12 December 2015.", + "In April 2016, Venezuela signs the Paris Agreement on Climate Change at the United Nations (UN) in the commemorative act of Earth Day, on 22 April.On 21 July 2017, Venezuela completes the steps required for the ratification of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, with the deposit of the instrument of ratification to the depositary in the UN.", + "On 21 July 2017, Venezuela completes the steps required for ratification of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, with the deposit of the instrument of ratification with the depositary in the UN. By that time, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela becomes a State Party to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change 154\u00b0, in July 2017.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers,", + "The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela empowers the Executive to adopt international agreements, Article 236 on the Attributes of the President of the Republic: \u201c4. To direct the external relations of the Republic and to conclude and ratify international treaties, conventions or agreements.\u201d THE LEGAL CONTEXT OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT ON CLIMATE CHANGE.", + "To direct the external relations of the Republic and to conclude and ratify international treaties, conventions or agreements.\u201d. THE LEGAL CONTEXT OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT ON CLIMATE CHANGE The Paris Agreement on Climate Change is a legal instrument for the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), therefore the principles and provisions of the Convention prevail and guide the implementation of that agreement.", + "The Paris Agreement on Climate Change is a legal instrument for the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), therefore the principles and provisions of the Convention prevail and guide the implementation of this agreement.", + "Preliminary work on the elaboration and discussion of the planned and determined contribution at the national level of Venezuela was carried out by the then Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism and Water (MINEA), in the previous years 2013 and 2014, today Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC), compiling the contributions obtained through interministerial consultations and formalizing their delivery at the plenary adoption of the Paris Agreement at the XXI Conference of the Parties (COP-21), in December 2015.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "In this order of ideas, Venezuela formalized its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the Executive Secretariat of the UNFCCC, headquartered in Bonn, Germany, and then formally delivered it in February 2018 to the Executive Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commission", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has a high political commitment, within the framework of the Paris Agreement, adopted through Decision 1/CP.21, which addresses crucial areas needed to combat climate change.", + "Therefore, the overall objective of the CND for Venezuela is to implement policies, actions and efforts that promote the reduction of greenhouse gases and the increase of resilience and reduction of vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change in the priority sectors.", + "These actions and efforts will be directed through the strategic lines and measures identified in the subsequent sections of the document. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reaffirms its commitment to reduce its GHG emissions by 20% by 2030 in relation to the inertial scenario.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reaffirms its commitment to reduce its GHG emissions by 20% by 2030 in relation to the inertial scenario.", + "To this end, the country envisages activities in various sectors, including adaptation and mitigation actions, with adaptation being the national priority.", + "The extent to which this goal is achieved will depend on the fulfilment of the commitments of developed countries to provide funding, technology transfer and capacity-building in accordance with Article 4.7 of the Convention.", + "In this regard, the country bases its compliance with its GNI, as a priority for the fight against poverty and its right to development, on the principles enshrined in the UNFCCC and other relevant and existing international instruments, including the 2030 Agenda and the ODS. An ambitious implementation of the GNI is essential to ensure that global emission ceilings in the near future and climate risks are reduced, so that at the same time mutual development benefits can be achieved.", + "The Paris Agreement calls on each country to outline and communicate its post-2020 climate actions, thereby implementing its nationally determined contributions.", + "The Paris Agreement calls on each country to outline and communicate its post-2020 climate action, and thus implement its determined contributions at national level.", + "Some of these key aspects are outlined below: Long-term temperature objective (Article 2) The Paris Agreement, in seeking to strengthen the global response to climate change, reaffirms the objective of limiting the increase in global temperature to well below 2\u00b0C, while continuing efforts to limit it to 1.5\u00b0C.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to disseminate widely, in particular to women's and human rights organizations, the Convention, its Optional Protocol, the Committee's general recommendations, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d.", + "It also provides that Parties shall communicate their nationally determined contributions every five years and provide the information necessary for clarity and transparency.", + "In order to establish a firm basis for greater ambition, each successive contribution determined at national level will represent progress beyond the previous one, and will reflect the greatest possible ambition.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of", + "Voluntary participation / Non-market-related and related issues (Article 6) The Paris Agreement recognises the possibility of voluntary participation between the Parties to allow for greater ambition and establishes principles - including environmental integrity, transparency and sound accounting - for any cooperation involving the international transfer of mitigation results.", + "It establishes a mechanism to contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions and to support sustainable development, and defines a framework for non-commercial approaches to sustainable development.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliament", + "The Paris Agreement sets a global adaptation target, namely increasing adaptation capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change in the context of the Agreement's temperature target, and aims to significantly strengthen national adaptation efforts, including through international support and cooperation.", + "Its aim is to significantly strengthen national adaptation efforts, including through international support and cooperation.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the 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all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the", + "Education, training, public awareness and participation and public access to information on climate change (Article 12) must also be strengthened within the framework of the Agreement; transparency (Article 14); implementation and enforcement (Article 15).", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the 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the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "In addition to submitting information on mitigation, adaptation and support, the Agreement requires that information submitted by each Party be subject to an international review by technical experts.", + "The Agreement also includes a mechanism that will facilitate implementation and promote compliance in a non-confrontational and non-punitive manner, and will report annually to the COP/MOP.", + "A 'global balance', to be held in 2023 and every five years thereafter, will assess collective progress towards achieving the objectives of the Agreement in a comprehensive and enabling manner, based on the best available science and its long-term global objective.", + "It will be based on the best available science and its long-term global objective, and its outcome will serve as a basis for the Parties to update and improve their actions and to support and increase international cooperation in the fight against climate change.", + "The President (spoke in French): I thank the representative of the United States for his kind words addressed to me.", + "The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic, adopted in a popular referendum in 1999, enshrines environmental rights and is a pioneer in establishing that:It is a right and a duty of every generation to protect and maintain the environment for the benefit of itself and the future world.", + "The State shall protect the environment, biological diversity, genetic resources, ecological processes, national parks and natural monuments and other areas of special ecological importance.", + "The State shall protect the environment, biological diversity, genetic resources, ecological processes, national parks and natural monuments and other areas of special ecological importance.", + "It is a fundamental obligation of the State, with the active participation of society, to ensure that the population develops in an environment free of pollution, in which the air, water, soils, coasts, climate, ozone layer and living species are particularly protected in accordance with the law.", + "It is a fundamental obligation of the State, with the active participation of society, to ensure that the population develops in an environment free of pollution, in which the air, water, soil, coasts, climate, ozone layer and living species are particularly protected in accordance with the law.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party consider ratifying the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, as well as the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict.", + "The NDCs aim to address the provisions set out in the Paris Agreement, as well as to promote adaptation and mitigation in our country in the face of the challenge of climate change.", + "In order to better focus efforts towards the long-term goal, the Paris Agreement invites countries to formulate and present long-term development strategies for 2020 with low greenhouse gas emissions.", + "This Directorate-General is the Technical Focal Point for the UNFCCC, and also seeks to strengthen Ecosocialism as an axiological value of environmental management in the field of combating climate change, deepening the sustainable political, economic and social model, taken collectively and responsibly with nature.", + "In order to facilitate these tasks, the Directorate-General was structured into four Line Directorates: Climate Change Adaptation Directorate; Climate Change Mitigation Directorate; Climate Change Policy Formulation, Monitoring and Control Directorate; and Climate Change Loss and Damage Directorate.", + "The creation of this institution makes it possible to lay the foundations for permanent interinstitutional coordination with other sectors in the field of climate change and seeks to coordinate actions with bodies and entities responsible for territorial planning and disaster management.", + "In addition, it seeks to coordinate actions with bodies and entities responsible for territorial planning and disaster management.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "In addition, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has adopted institutional arrangements for access to climate finance, through the appointment of the \u201cMinistry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism as the National Authority designated to the Green Climate Fund\u201d, with the competences inherent in the above-mentioned position of Minister, according to Decree No. 4.585 of 21 September 2021, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 42.217 of the same date.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to disseminate widely, in particular to women's and human rights organizations, the Convention, its Optional Protocol, the Committee's general recommendations, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, as well as the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly,", + "To present to the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, for approval, the investment plans and projects that will be implemented within the framework of the Green Climate Fund.", + "To present to the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, for approval, the investment plans and projects that will be implemented within the framework of the Green Climate Fund. These arrangements determine the coordination relations between the different bodies of the National Executive. This Presidential Commission will be responsible for leading, coordinating and approving the public policies and strategies necessary to prevent and respond to the impacts of climate change, as well as enforcing the appropriate legal and institutional framework for these purposes.", + "This Presidential Commission will be responsible for leading, coordinating and approving the public policies and strategies necessary to prevent and respond to the impacts of climate change, as well as enforcing the appropriate legal and institutional framework for these purposes.", + "The environmental sector from the perspective of Ecosocialism, as an axiological value of the environmental management assumed by the Venezuelan State, does not escape from the effects.", + "The environmental sector from the perspective of Ecosocialism, as an axiological value of environmental management assumed by the Venezuelan State, does not escape from the negative effects generated by the imposition of Unilateral Coercive Measures (MCU), and other restrictive or punitive measures against our country; in an international context that requires the implementation and follow-up of agreed agreements to deal with climate change and responsible management of environmental problems capable of degrading the environment of urban and rural systems.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the members of civil society, including non-governmental organizations and the private sector, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "On 26 September 2014, the Human Rights Council adopted Resolution 27/21 and Corr.1, on human rights and MCU, which stresses that such measures are contrary to international law, international humanitarian law, the Charter of the United Nations and the norms and principles governing peaceful relations between States, and stresses that, in the long term, such measures can cause social problems and humanitarian difficulties in the States to which they are applied.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner", + "In the context of the assessment of the main impacts of MCUs on the competences of MINEC, a descriptive analysis has been included in this report in the following areas: international environmental policy, integrated waste management, management of hospital medical waste, taxation and control of environmental impacts of activities likely to degrade the environment, climate change, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development commitments and Recreational Parks as a public service.", + "In the international arena, even though our country participates in at least 74 multilateral environmental spaces, to which this institution constantly reports on the progress of the commitments made, the MCU has restricted Venezuela's participation in some of the meetings, where the governments in power have not responded to the visa application of officials who were to attend.", + "This situation constitutes a clear violation of the rules of public international law.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "It is also the case that the MCUs have an impact on the implementation of the NDCs, which once again reduces the share of the Paris Agreement, by affecting the sectors involved in these NDCs.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, like most of the countries in the region, is vulnerable to climate change and, as a signatory to the Paris Agreement, is responsible for implementing actions that contribute to the fight against climate change.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, like most countries in the region, is vulnerable to climate change, and as a signatory to the Paris Agreement, is responsible for implementing actions that contribute to the fight against climate change.", + "In summary, the following elements that make it possible to comply with the NDA must be considered: Multilateralism must respect international law, including human rights, environmental law and the right of nations to sustainable development, including the right to self-determination, and must not interfere with the multilateral rules of international trade.", + "Multilateralism must respect international law, including human rights, environmental law and the right of nations to sustainable development, including the right to self-determination, and must not interfere with the multilateral rules of international trade.", + "MCUs not only ignore legal norms, but are also a blatant violation of ethical principles and can be seen as a crime against humanity.MCUs are discretionary actions contrary to international law, in order to subject those who have transgressed hegemonic ideological imperatives.", + "MCUs are discretionary actions contrary to international law, in order to subject those who have violated hegemonic ideological imperatives. MCUs put the population in a fragile situation, the infrastructure and institutions are affected. There is a direct impact of MCUs on people's basic rights such as. water or a healthy environment.", + "There is a direct impact of CFCs on people's basic rights such as water or a healthy environment.There is a deep, albeit indirect, link between Climate Change and CFCs, because they affect a country's ability to respond to the climate change crisis.", + "There is a deep, albeit indirect, link between Climate Change and CBMs, because they affect a country's ability to respond to the climate change crisis.CBMs have a tremendous impact on climate action: adaptation, mitigation, technology acquisition and promotion of technological adaptation for efficient transformations in sectors such as energy, transport, water supply, healthy environment, among others.", + "MCUs have a tremendous impact on climate action: adaptation, mitigation, technology acquisition and promotion of technological adaptation for efficient transformations in sectors such as energy, transport, water supply, healthy environment, among others.", + "In addition, the implementation of CBMs is particularly immoral in the midst of the crisis we are experiencing from the COVID-19 pandemic.", + "The financing and provision of means of implementation for the Change.Climate is one of the crucial issues for implementation, and CMUs involve the exclusion or discrimination of some countries from the international financial system, even for accreditation options.", + "Climate is one of the crucial themes for implementation, and MCUs involve the exclusion or discrimination of some countries from the international financial system, even for accreditation options. Climate action demands not only leadership, but also solidarity and coherence in actions related to \u201cclimate justice\u201d in the discussion on Climate Change.", + "Climate action demands not only leadership, but also solidarity and coherence in actions related to \u201cclimate justice\u201d in the discussion on Climate Change.", + "In addition to the national situation generated by the illegal application of the MCUs, there are the effects produced by the health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, which call for the immediate adoption of measures for the protection of the Venezuelan people.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The crisis of the pandemic, accompanied by the illegal MCUs, are a call to reflect on the importance of human health and its interrelationship with the health of the planet.", + "The Plan of the Fatherland: \"Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation of Venezuela\" is a medium-term plan for the period 2019 - 2025, which contains general guidelines for its implementation.", + "The Plan of the Motherland: \"Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation of Venezuela\" is a medium-term plan for the period 2019 - 2025, which contains general guidelines for its implementation.", + "This instrument provides for 5 Historical Objectives: to defend, expand and consolidate the most precious asset we have regained after 200 years: National Independence; to continue building Bolivarian socialism of the 21st century, in Venezuela, as an alternative to the destructive and savage system of capitalism, thereby ensuring \u201cthe greatest sum of social security, the greatest sum of political stability and the greatest sum of happiness\u201d for our people.", + "To continue building the Bolivarian socialism of the 21st century, in Venezuela, as an alternative to the destructive and savage system of capitalism and thereby ensure the \u201cgreater sum of social security, greater sum of political stability and greater sum of happiness\u201d for our people.", + "Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the Great Emerging Power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will guarantee the formation of a zone of peace in Our America.", + "To contribute to the development of a new International Geopolitics in which a multicentric and multipolar world takes shape that will enable the balance of the universe to be achieved and planetary peace to be guaranteed.", + "To contribute to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species.", + "Material bases for the humanly gratifying transition to socialism, transformation of the oil profitist culture into an inclusive, efficient and fair productive economic model, liberating the productive forces, in order to satisfy the needs of our population, promoting new methods of socialist management and a productive fabric of rupture of the metabolism of capital.", + "A new economic and financial straitjacket of society: The breakdown of the ties of the colonial, expoliative commercial model, focusing on the development of the support structure of the productive model.", + "In particular, international trade and financial mechanisms are supported to strengthen the sovereign functioning of the national economy, stimulating new geopolitical mechanisms, cryptocurrencies and alternative financial architecture.", + "Strategic national resources, ensuring the preservation of hydrocarbon, mining and water resources as the heritage of present and future generations, as well as Venezuela's role as a world energy power.", + "Social protection of the people, justice, the conception of services as necessities and not goods, ensuring their efficiency and sustainability, as well as the expansion, in the dialectical satisfaction of needs, of the system of missions and large missions.", + "The constitutional programmatic development of civil, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights as human rights of the population is assumed: decolonization as a fundamental component of the historical breakdown, founded on indigenous, feminist, Afro-descendant, our American and of deep Bolivian national roots, or revolutionary transformation of the state, for the definitive breakdown of the popular, participatory and communal state, guaranteeing popular control and the transfer of competences for combating inefficiency, bureaucracy and corruption, starting with the full participation of the organized people in planning, action, monitoring, control and joint people-government management.", + "Population growth and the historical potential of youth as a cross-cutting strategy, with sectoral and spatial direction in the new national productive matrix and, in particular, through the development of knowledge and technology in the process of import substitution and the stimulation of the country's priority productive economic engines.", + "(a) The right to education and the right to participate in the cultural life of the country, in particular through the development of knowledge and technology in the process of replacing imports and the promotion of the country's priority productive economic engines;", + "The development of the spatial dimension of socialism on the basis of systemic, geo-historical and functional regionalization, the urban-regional system and the development of infrastructure, services and mobility.", + "The development of the spatial dimension of socialism on the basis of systemic, geohistorical and functional regionalization, the urban-regional system and the development of infrastructure, services and mobility.", + "Socialist city, breaking the capitalist schemes of social and economic inequality of space, reorganizing with justice the dynamics of land income, economic specialization of the city and its urban sectors, equipment, infrastructure and public space, as well as an integrated system of land use and transport, the intervention of the productive system and the economy of maintenance.", + "The Plan of the Motherland develops specific policies for the breakdown of the metabolism of capital and the impulse of a new system of actors and economic dynamics for the attention of the social demands of the system of missions and great missions and social protection of the People.", + "The Plan of the Motherland develops specific policies for the breakdown of the metabolism of capital and the impulse of a new system of actors and economic dynamics for the attention of the social demands of the system of missions and great missions and social protection of the people, as well as specific policies directed to the economy of maintenance, from the maximum of doing more with less and better as the economic and cultural doctrine of the state and Venezuelan society.", + "As well as the specific policies directed to the economy of maintenance, from the maximum of doing more with less and better as the economic and cultural doctrine of the state and Venezuelan society, ecosocialism as a revolutionary doctrine and historical social model based on respect for the rights of Mother Earth and the well-being of our people, developing the principle of unity within diversity, the integral and systemic vision, popular participation, the role of the Nation State, the incorporation of technologies and forms of organization of production, distribution and consumption, which focus on the rational, optimal and sustainable exploitation of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature.", + "INTEGRATION OF THE GENERAL VISION OF THE 2030 AGENDA - ODS -.", + "The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, comprising 17 Objectives and 169 Goals, presents an ambitious vision of sustainable development and integrates its economic, social and environmental dimensions, expressing the wishes, aspirations and priorities of the international community for the next 15 years.", + "The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, comprising 17 Objectives and 169 Goals, presents an ambitious vision of sustainable development and integrates its economic, social and environmental dimensions, expressing the wishes, aspirations and priorities of the international community for the next 15 years.", + "This is a transformative agenda, which puts the equality and dignity of people at the centre and calls for a change in our development style, respecting the environment.It is a universal commitment made by both developed and developing countries, within the framework of a strengthened global alliance that takes them into account.", + "It is a universal commitment made by both developed and developing countries, within the framework of a strengthened global alliance, which takes into account the means of implementation to achieve change and the prevention of disasters caused by extreme natural events, as well as mitigation and adaptation to climate change.", + "In this sense, the voluntary national presentation goes beyond the fulfilment of a formality before a multilateral body, which constitutes for Venezuela an expression of political will regarding the elevation of the standard of living of the people, and guarantees in its fundamental objective the historical construction of Socialism, guided by the premise of achieving the greatest possible amount of happiness.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, and to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "This requires cooperation in capacity-building to ensure the integrity and intersectorality of public policies and their indicators, and the SDGs aim to stimulate sustainable economic growth by increasing productivity levels and technological innovation.", + "The ODS also aims to stimulate sustainable economic growth by increasing levels of productivity and technological innovation.Developing these aspects is not an easy task, however, the country is committed to developing policies that stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of its citizens and communities, as well as creating sources of employment for the development of its population and promoting full and productive employment.", + "Developing these aspects is not an easy task, however, the country is committed to developing policies that stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of its citizens and communities, as well as creating sources of employment for the development of its population and promoting full and productive employment.", + "The Plan of the Fatherland, combined with the ODS, thus undertakes to expand the time horizon of the Plan and the National Plan of Human Rights until 2030 through its linkage with the Sustainable Development Agenda 2015 - 2030.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela considers as Good Practices, four interrelated drivers that were formed as keys to progress: political commitment at the highest level to adapt public administration bodies and entities in their operational plans for the implementation of the SDGs and to report on this under the supervision of the Council of Ministers of the six Sectoral Vice-Presidentships to monitor the implementation of the SDGs.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), the", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to disseminate widely, in particular to women's and human rights organizations, the Convention, its Optional Protocol, the Committee's general recommendations, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWo", + "(a) The right to life, liberty and security of the person, including the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punish", + "The active incorporation of political, pro-tagonal and co-responsible participation through consultation with social movements, non-state actors, productive sectors, academia and Popular Government Councils as a basis for the appropriation of Agenda 2030 \u201cfrom the bottom up\u201d.", + "This political commitment, taken at the highest level, is visible in the political instruction of President Nicol\u00e1s Maduro Moros for the collective appropriation of the ODS, announced in the Council of Ministers on 29 September 2015, which was followed by the institutional and legal arrangements: People - State - People, aimed at implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in conjunction with the National Development Plan: Plan de la Patria 2013 - 2019.", + "These priorities are based on Venezuela's constitutionally established development policy guidelines, our national vision of sustainable development with a special emphasis on the social dimension, public policies with a human rights approach and lessons learned in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).", + "The approach to these priorities is carried out from an integrated perspective, the Ecosocialist dimension of the national model expresses the political will to simultaneously boost the social, environmental and economic dimensions on which the 2030 Agenda is based.", + "In short, the Venezuelan State has repeatedly expressed its commitment to sustaining the levels of social investment made in recent history as a mechanism for protecting the people and advancing the achievement of the Supreme Social Happiness, the ultimate goal of the construction of Bolivarian Socialism perfectly aligned with the ODS.", + "The specific objective of the CND in the field of mitigation is to contribute to global efforts to reduce GHGs by identifying sectors, measures and lines of action that contribute to the mitigation of climate change in the country.", + "The specific objective of the CND in the field of mitigation is to contribute to global efforts to reduce GHGs by identifying sectors, measures and lines of action that will contribute to the mitigation of climate change in the country.", + "Venezuela's emissions (0.24 Ggton CO2eq/year) represent only 0.49% of the world's GHG emissions, however, as part of the policies set out in the country's economic and social development plan, in which it is proposed to implement a National Mitigation Plan in conjunction with a National Adaptation Plan.", + "the country's economic and social development plan, in which it is proposed to implement a National Mitigation Plan in conjunction with a National Adaptation Plan; it is clear, however, that the actions and policies of a single country are not sufficient.", + "It is clear, however, that the actions and policies of a single country are not enough, only if countries with historical responsibilities fully assume those responsibilities through ambitious mitigation targets (between 50 and 70% reduction of current emissions according to the IPCC in its fifth report).", + "Only if countries with historical responsibilities fully assume those responsibilities through ambitious mitigation targets (between 50 and 70% reduction of current emissions according to the IPCC in its fifth report, estimated to likely increase as knowledge improves) and the reliable, sufficient and predictable provision of means of implementation (financing, technology transfer and capacity-building) to developing countries can we aspire to a real, fair and lasting solution to the problem of climate change.", + "We can aim for a real, fair and lasting solution to the problem of climate change by establishing global targets for all means of implementation, monitoring, reporting and verification systems for their implementation by developed countries.", + "This involves the establishment of global targets for all means of implementation, monitoring, reporting and verification systems for their fulfilment by developed countries.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Paris Agreement should ensure the implementation of the Convention in accordance with its principles and provisions, as well as provide avenues for resolving the climate debt of developed countries.", + "The Paris Agreement must ensure the implementation of the Convention in accordance with its principles and provisions, as well as pave the way for resolving the climate debt of the developed countries. ACTIONS AND PROGRAMMES WITH IMPACT ON THE MITIGATION OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS EFFECTS.", + "ACTIONS AND PROGRAMMES WITH IMPACT ON MITIGATION OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS EFFECTS Venezuela has developed a series of programs in which it has undertaken important actions, contributing to the fight against climate change and its effects from a perspective of justice and social inclusion.", + "Venezuela has developed a series of programmes in which it has undertaken important actions, contributing to the fight against climate change and its effects from a perspective of justice and social inclusion.", + "These programmes could be deepened and multiplied through the fulfilment of commitments to provide means of implementation by developed countries under the UNFCCC.", + "PROPOSALS BY SECTORS. The proposals by sectors linked to the Actions and Programmes with an Impact on Climate Change Mitigation and their effects for the case of Venezuela have been categorized into five major sectors, as follows: Energy Sector; Electricity Sector; Petroleum: Petr\u00f3leos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA); Transportation Sector (Terrestrial and Subterranean, Aquatic and Air); Industry Sector.", + "Petroleum: Petr\u00f3leos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA); Transport (Terrestrial and Subterranean, Aquatic and Air); Industry; Directorate General of Environmental Quality Management (FONDOIN); Forestry (Directorate General of Forest Heritage - Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol); Waste.", + "Directorate-General for Environmental Quality Management (FONDOIN) Forest Sector (Directorate-General for Forest Heritage - Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol) Waste Sector The update of the CND for 2021 was carried out on the basis of the previous revision of the CND, as well as the sectoral structural policies considering the evaluation, fulfilment of targets and projection to 2030.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of", + "In this respect, the most relevant considerations that were taken into account at the time of the review and updating of the NDCs are mentioned below: base year; start of implementation of the climate action; implementation periods; will be estimated at 5 or 10 years; reach and coverage; identifying whether the action is local, regional or national.", + "Implementation periods; will be estimated at 5 or 10 years. Achievement and coverage; identifying whether the action is local, regional or national. Planning processes. Methodological focuses. Estimation of anthropogenic absorption; where the contribution of negative GHG emissions will be projected when implementing climate action. Reasons considered for its contribution to be fair and ambitious.", + "Anthropogenic absorption estimate; where the contribution of negative GHG emissions will be projected in applying climate action. Reasons considered for their contribution to be fair and ambitious.", + "Within the process of formulating the CND, in the mitigation component, the five priority sectors were addressed, namely: Energy Sector Electrical Energy Analysis of the effects of Climate Change on the planet Earth, from a critical and complex viewpoint, shows that one of the causes of this event is the exacerbated emission of carbon dioxide, a product of the burning of fossil fuels, required to sustain the economic model.", + "The analysis of the effects of the Climate Change on the planet Earth, from the critical and complex viewpoint, shows that one of the causes that originates this event is the exacerbated emission of carbon dioxide, a product of the burning of fossil fuels, required for the sustainability of the economic model. prevailing capitalism.", + "Within the framework of this socio-economic model and the logic imposed by the great powers, the main ones responsible, directly and indirectly, for the degradation and ecological and environmental imbalance of the planet.", + "Within the framework of this socio-economic model and the logic imposed by the major powers, which are mainly responsible, directly and indirectly, for the degradation and ecological and environmental imbalance of the planet, climate change is a natural phenomenon in the earth's dynamics; however, the problem facing humanity is accelerated climate change, as a result of the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.", + "Climate change is a natural phenomenon in the earth's dynamics; however, the problem facing humanity is the accelerated climate change, as a result of the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.", + "In this sense, Latin America and specifically Venezuela do not escape this reality, which causes severe droughts, which produce an alarming reduction in the levels of our rivers and basins, on which 70% of the National Electric System depends, as well as deforestation in the watersheds from which these basins spring.", + "The structural response to the problem is focused on changing the global economic and social model dominated by an emerging one, supported by sustainable development and humanistic social values for social transformation.", + "In accordance with the Plan of the Motherland 2019 - 2025, within the framework of the cross-cutting axes adopted by the Bolivarian Government of President Nicol\u00e1s Maduro Moros, it proposes ecosocialism as a way of \u201cstrengthening the national electricity sector.\u201d The generation of electricity is 79.73% from hydroelectric power stations, the remaining 20% in thermal power stations, as well as the exploitation of wind energy and small renewable energy generation systems using solar, wind and micro-hydro power stations, in isolated, indigenous and border communities.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, which is based on the principles of equality, non-discrimination, equality of opportunity and non-discrimination.", + "The thermal generation is carried out with fossil fuels, 96.13% with Natural Gas, 3.65% with Diesel and 0.21% with Full O\u00edl.The Venezuelan state guarantees the supply of electricity, through the company Corporaci\u00f3n El\u00e9ctrica Nacional (CORPOELEC), an entity affiliated to the Ministry of Popular Power for Electricity.", + "The Venezuelan State guarantees the supply of electricity, through the company Corporaci\u00f3n El\u00e9ctrica Nacional (CORPOELEC), an entity affiliated to the Ministry of Popular Power for Electricity.", + "The National Power System interconnects 131 hydroelectric, thermal and wind generating plants with 885 substations and transmission and distribution systems.", + "The maximum demand in the year 2021 is 12,839MW. That is why this document presents a series of actions derived from the National Energy Education and Energy Efficiency Program (PNEDUCEEE), which was designed considering the fundamental references of government policy regarding the rational and efficient use of energy as a cross-cutting axis for the development of the country, such as: the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the horizons raised in the Plan of the Fatherland 2019 - 2025, the Organic Law of the Electrical System and Service, the Law of Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and related regulations, the Organic Regulation of the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity, as well as the Minister's and Deputy Minister's Guidelines for New Sources and Rational and Efficient Use of Electrical Energy.", + "The PNEDUCEEE, as the Structural Program of the Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025, reflects the steps for the implementation of the Structural Policies: \u201cIncreasing the Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity and the Progressive Inclusion of Communities\u201d, and Stimulating a Change in the Matrix of Sources of Electricity Generation, which favours the use of renewable energies.", + "The PNEDUCEEE is inspired by the precepts of the Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025: This plan is to make the qualitative leap in the construction of a new historical time, in the transition to socialism using as a guideline the navigation chart built with the pioneering Constitution, which opened the paths and was constituted as the roadmap on structural issues, for the definitive transformation of society.", + "This Plan has absolute coherence with our historical line, since the Blue Book of Commander Ch\u00e1vez. It is a deepening of the Plan of the Motherland 2012 - 2013 to 2018. Its architecture, its historical objectives are the same, marked by the radicalization in the construction of chauvinist and revolutionary thought, from historical directionality to socialism.", + "Its architecture, its historical objectives are the same, marked by the radicalization in the construction of chauvinist and revolutionary thought, from historical directionality to socialism.\u201d In the case of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity is considered a matter of public interest, with the MPPEE being responsible for implementing policies to move towards energy efficiency.", + "In the case of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity is considered a matter of public interest, with the MPPEE being responsible for implementing policies to move towards energy efficiency.", + "The PNEDUCEEE, is the instrument that manages to contain the Programs, Projects, Activities focused on an efficient management of energy and has among its purposes: to design and coordinate the implementation of five (5) Programs: Energy Education. Standardization and Labelling of Energy Efficiency. Energy Efficient Buildings. Sectoral: Residential, Public and Private. Energy Efficiency in the National Electrical System.", + "Standardization and Labelling of Energy Efficiency. Energy-efficient Buildings. Sectoral: Residential, Public and Private. Energy Efficiency in the National Electrical System. PNEA aims to promote the development, use and exploitation of alternative energies, favouring the generation of the use of renewable sources for the sustainable development of productive sectors, with the following specific objectives:.", + "The PNEA aims to promote the development, use and exploitation of alternative energies, promoting the generation of the use of renewable sources for the sustainable development of productive sectors, by setting the following specific objectives: Diversifying the electricity generation matrix with the development of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro and biomass, among others.", + "To diversify the electricity generation matrix with the development of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, water and biomass, among others. To promote training and dissemination programmes in the field of renewable energy sources. To consolidate a technical and legal regulatory framework that will enable the development and use of renewable energy sources to be regulated.", + "Strengthen a technical and legal regulatory framework to regulate the development and use of renewable energy sources. Promote international cooperation in renewable energy by promoting financing schemes. Promote national financing in renewable energy by promoting financing schemes.", + "To promote international cooperation in renewable energy by promoting financing schemes. To promote national financing in renewable energy by promoting financing schemes. To provide advice and technical assistance to public and private initiatives in renewable energy projects.", + "To promote national financing for renewable energy by promoting financing schemes. To provide advice and technical assistance to public and private initiatives in renewable energy projects. Within this context, a set of actions focusing on the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy as policies framed in the NDCs in accordance with what was agreed under the UNFCCC is presented.", + "Within this context, a set of actions focusing on the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy as policies framed in the NDCs according to what was agreed under the UNFCCC is presented.", + "The Electricity Sector, through the governing body of the MPPEE committed to the construction of an eco-socialist productive economic model, presents here some of its contributions in this area.", + "These actions are articulated within the framework of the National Economic and Social Development Plan, which proposes the deepening of eco-socialist policies with a high social, economic and environmental impact on climate change.", + "The MPPEE presents ambitious mitigation contributions, covering actions and policies towards fair and sustainable development.The following is a list of climate policies contained in the official document of Venezuela's Nationally Determined Contributions, presented in 2017, to be applied to the above criteria, as well as to the new policies outlined in the Plan de La Patria corresponding to each governmental entity.", + "The following is a list of climate policies contained in the official document of Venezuela's Nationally Determined Contributions, presented in 2017, which must be applied to the above criteria, as well as to the new policies outlined in the Plan de la Patria corresponding to each governmental entity.", + "Table 01 shows the NDCs for the Energy Sector and Table 02 presents them for the Alternative Energy Sector. Table 01. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Energy Sector. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. Updating NDCs Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action.", + "CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Replacement of Incandescent Light Bulbs with LED Technology, from 2016 to the present. Base Year.", + "Promoting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Replacement of Bulbs with LED Technology, from 2016 to the present. Base Year. Through the Programme of Replacement of Bulbs with LED Lamps, from 2016 to the first half of 2021, 9,500,000.00 LED lamps have been installed, estimating a reduction in energy consumption.", + "Through the Programme of Replacement of Incandescent Light Bulbs with LED Lamps, from 2016 to the first half of 2021, 9,500,000.00 LED lamps have been installed, estimating a decrease in electrical demand of 193.8 MW and 565.9 GWh in reduction of energy consumption, which represented avoiding 23,072 Tonnes of CO2e from gas emissions.", + "Reduction of electricity demand of 193.8 MW and 565.9 GWh in energy consumption, which represented avoiding 23.072 Tonnes of CO2 emissions of Gases. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis.", + "In this connection, it is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Education and Science, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry", + "By replacing conventional public lighting with LED lamps from 2020 to the first half of 2021, 71,000 LED lamps have been installed, reducing electricity demand by 19.9 MW and 87.1 GWh, which means avoiding 3.5 tonnes of CO2 emissions of greenhouse gases.", + "The implementation of this policy with this type of technology (LED) is estimated to continue over the next 10 years. Taking into account that it started in 2016, it would be a policy implemented over a period of 14 years; by 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the entire national territory. Planning.", + "Taking into account that it started in 2016, it would be a policy implemented over a period of 14 years; to 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group led by the MPPEE was formed, where guidelines were issued to be implemented, the development of this policy was monitored and controlled; the actions carried out were evaluated; in addition to developing impact indicators resulting from the results.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE was formed, where guidelines to be implemented were issued, the development of this policy was monitored and controlled, the actions carried out were evaluated, and impact indicators resulting from the results were developed.", + "Methodological alternatives and approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to estimate anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution considerations. The use of LFC lamps was suspended due to their mercury content, a pollutant and a health hazard.", + "Considerations of the contribution: The use of LFC lamps was suspended because of their mercury content, a polluting element and a risk to health. LED lamps were migrated because of their environmental advantages, lower energy consumption, greater durability and compatibility with the sockets or s\u00f3cates existing in all households.", + "It migrated to LED lamps because of its environmental advantages, lower energy consumption, greater durability and compatibility with existing sockets or s\u00f3cates in all households. Its greater durability reduces the frequency of replacements, individual and environmental costs. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Energy. Public Policy.", + "Its greater durability reduces the frequency of replacements, individual and environmental costs. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Program to replace air conditioners (A/C) and refrigerators with efficient equipment.", + "Promote Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Program to replace air conditioning equipment (A/C) and refrigerators with efficient equipment. 42.504 A/C (between 2011-2013) and 3.077 refrigerators were replaced during the year 2012. Base year.", + "Program to replace air conditioning equipment (A/C) and refrigerators with efficient equipment. 42,504 A/C (between 2011-2013) and 3,077 refrigerators were replaced during the year 2012. Base year. With the implementation of the Law on the rational and efficient use of energy and the Technical Regulations on Energy Efficiency in Artifacts. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis.", + "With the implementation of the Law on Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and the Technical Regulations on Energy Efficiency in Artifacts. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector. Electrical Energy: I/O, refrigerators and freezers, from 2016 to the 1st half of 2021, the demand for electrical energy was reduced by 668.", + "Electrical: I/O, refrigerators and freezers, from 2016 to the 1st half of 2021, the demand for electrical energy was reduced by 668 MW and 1951 GWh in energy consumption, which represented the avoidance of 80,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions of greenhouse gases.", + "The implementation of these policies with this type of program of replacement of electrical air conditioning (A/A) equipment and refrigerators by efficient equipment, was for a period of 5 years, starting in 2011, ending in mid-2016.", + "The implementation of these policies with this type of program of replacement of electrical air conditioning (A/A) equipment and refrigerators by efficient equipment, was for a period of 5 years, starting in 2011, ending in mid-2016.", + "Planning. A Working Group led by the MPPEE was formed, where guidelines were issued to be implemented by the National Electrical Corporation (CORPOELEC), monitoring and control were carried out on the development of this policy, the results and actions carried out were evaluated, and impact indicators were developed.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE was formed, where guidelines were issued to be implemented by the National Electrical Corporation (CORPOELEC), monitoring and control were carried out on the development of this policy, the results and actions carried out were evaluated, as well as. developing impact indicators, Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "Development of impact indicators. Methodological alternatives and approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to estimate anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution considerations.", + "This policy was not continued due to the joint Resolution of the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity N\u00b0031, and the Ministry of the People's Power for Trade (MinComercio) N\u00b0089-13, which establishes the Technical Regulation for the Labelling of Energy Efficiency in Refrigeration and Freezing Equipment, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "Energy Axis Mitigation. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Developing Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency Labelling in Refrigeration and Freezing Equipment.", + "Promote Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Develop Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency Labelling in Refrigeration and Freezing Equipment. This Climate Action aims at Strengthening the Capacities of the Institution in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base Year.", + "This Climate Action aims at strengthening the Institution's Capacity in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHG) base year.", + "It is expected to continue contributing to the reduction in demand of 7524 GWh, which translates into 200.61 tCO2e; and it will affect the country's overall commitment to the CND.", + "The implementation of these policies remains in force, possible improvements or updates are being evaluated 2015-2030. Achievement and coverage. The action was and will be directed to the entire national territory. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 update. Energy Sector. Planning.", + "The action was and will be directed to the entire national territory. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued to be implemented by CORPOELEC, monitoring and control will be carried out on the development of this policy, results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE will be formed, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used.Contribution considerations.This policy will continue; once any update or improvement is developed, the respective joint resolution of the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity (MPPEE) and the Ministry of the People's Power for National Trade Sector will be issued.", + "This policy will continue; once any update or improvement in it has been developed, the respective joint resolution of the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity (MPPEE) and the Ministry of the People's Power for National Trade will be issued. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy.", + "Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency Labelling in Household Washing Machines.", + "Promoting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for the Labelling of Energy Efficiency in Household Washing Machines. This Climate Action aims at strengthening the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base year.", + "This Climate Action aims at strengthening the institution's capacity to reduce emissions (tC02-eq), which is part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHG) base year.", + "The implementation of this policy with this type of Technical Regulation (TR) presents the limitation for the approval of these, motivated by the lack of the necessary IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) Standards, for the preparation of the tests mentioned in that RT.", + "The implementation of this policy with this type of Technical Regulation (TR) presents the limitation for the approval of these, motivated by the lack of the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) Standards necessary, for the preparation of the tests mentioned in that RT.", + "If we do not have these standards, we will lose their applicability and thus we will not be contributing to the mitigation of GHGs. Achievement and coverage. Action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning.", + "The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and those will be evaluated.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE will be formed, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed.", + "Methodological approaches. For the calculation of the estimation of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Considerations. of the contribution.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Contribution Considerations. This policy will be implemented once a Resolution is issued.", + "This policy will be implemented once a joint Resolution of the MPPEE and the MinComercio has been issued; it is expected to be in the second half of 2021 and to start impacting in 2023.", + "It is expected that it will be in the second half of 2021 and that it will start impacting in 2023. Estimated cost. $1.500.00 is the estimated cost for acquiring the IEC standards. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy.", + "Estimated Cost. $1,500.00 is the estimated cost for the acquisition of IEC standards. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency Labelling in Electrical Accumulation Heaters.", + "Promoting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for the Labelling of Energy Efficiency in Electrical Accumulation Heaters. This Climate Action aims at Strengthening the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base Year.", + "This Climate Action aims at strengthening the institution's capacity to reduce emissions (tC02-eq), which is part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs).", + "It is estimated that 2.226 tCO2eq will be reduced from 2023 to 2030. This regulation has already been drafted, and is for approval by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand by 50.16 GWh two years after its entry into force until 2030; and will enter into the country's overall commitment in.", + "The implementation of this policy (2023-2030) with this type of Technical Regulation (TR) currently presents the limitation of not being approved, motivated by the lack of the necessary IEC Standards, for the preparation of the trials mentioned in that RT.", + "The implementation of this policy (2023-2030) with this type of Technical Regulation (TR) presents the limitation of not being approved, motivated by the lack of the necessary IEC Standards, for the preparation of the trials mentioned in that RT.", + "If we do not have these standards, we will lose their applicability and thus we will not be contributing to the mitigation of GEI. Achievement and coverage. Action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning.", + "Achievement and coverage. The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued to be implemented by CORPOELEC, monitoring and control will be carried out on the development of this policy, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE will be formed, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed.Methodological alternatives and approaches.For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used.", + "This policy will be implemented once a joint resolution is issued by the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of the People's Power for National Trade is expected in 2021 so that it will begin to impact in 2023.", + "This policy will be implemented once a joint Resolution is issued by the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of the People's Power for National Trade is expected to be in 2021 for it to start impacting in 2023. Estimated cost. $1.500.00 is the estimated cost for acquiring the IEC standards. Sector.", + "Estimated Cost. $1,500.00 is the estimated cost for the acquisition of IEC standards. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency Labelling in Electric Drum Type Dryers.", + "Promote Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for the Labelling of Energy Efficiency in Electrical Dryers Type Drum. This Climate Action aims at Strengthening the Capacities of the Institution in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base Year.", + "This Climate Action aims at strengthening the institution's capacity to reduce emissions (tC02-eq), which is part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs).", + "Base year: It is estimated that 1.617 tCO2eq will be reduced from 2024 to 2030. This regulation has already been drafted and is expected to be approved by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand by 43.74 GWh two years after its entry into force, until 2030; and it will affect the country's overall commitment to the Kyoto Protocol.", + "The implementation of this policy with this type of Technical Regulation (TR) presents the limitation of not being approved, motivated by the lack of the necessary IEC Standards, for the preparation of the trials mentioned in that RT.", + "The implementation of this policy with this type of Technical Regulation (TR) presents the limitation of not being approved, motivated by the lack of the necessary IEC Standards, for the preparation of the trials mentioned in that RT.", + "If we do not have these standards, we will lose their applicability and thus we will not be contributing to the mitigation of GHGs. Achievement and coverage. Action will be targeted at the entire national territory. Planning.", + "The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued to be implemented by CORPOELEC, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE will be formed, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used.", + "This policy will be implemented once a joint Resolution is issued by the Ministry of People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of People's Power for National Trade is expected to be in 2021 for it to start impacting in 2023. Estimated cost. $1.500.00 is the estimated cost for acquiring the IEC standards. Sector.", + "Estimated Cost. $1,500.00 is the estimated cost for the acquisition of IEC standards. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency and Electrical Risk Labelling in Cooking Equipment (Non-Portable and Portable).", + "Promoting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for the Labelling of Energy Efficiency and Electrical Risk in Cooking Equipment (Non-portable and Portable). This Climate Action aims at Strengthening the Capacities of the Institution in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHG). Sector.", + "This Climate Action aims at strengthening the institution's capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs).", + "It is estimated to reduce 13.830tCO2eq from 2023 to 2030, this regulation has already been drafted, it is expected to be approved by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Technical Standards and Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand to 322.76 GWh two years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to certain national contributions (CND).", + "The implementation of this policy with this type of Technical Regulation (TR) presents the limitation of not being approved, motivated by the lack of the necessary IEC Standards, for the preparation of the tests cited in that RT.", + "If we do not have these standards, we will lose their applicability and thus we will not be contributing to the mitigation of GEI. Achievement and coverage. Action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning.", + "Achievement and coverage. The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued to be implemented by CORPOELEC, monitoring and control will be carried out on the development of this policy, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE will be formed, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed.Methodological alternatives and approaches.For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used.", + "Considerations of contribution: This policy will be implemented once a joint Resolution of the Ministry of People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of People's Power for National Trade is issued, it is expected that in 2021 it will begin to impact in 2023. Sector: Energy Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.", + "This policy will be implemented once a joint resolution is issued by the Ministry of People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of People's Power for National Trade is expected in 2021 so that it will begin to impact in 2023. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy.", + "Energy Axis Mitigation. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency Labelling in Televisions.", + "Promoting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for the Labelling of Energy Efficiency in Televisions. This Climate Action aims at strengthening the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base year.", + "This Climate Action aims at strengthening the institution's capacity to reduce emissions (tC02-eq), which is part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs).", + "Base year: It is estimated to reduce 1,350.2 tCO2eq from 2023 to 2030. This regulation has already been drafted, lacks the approval of the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand by 30.61 GWh two years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to certain national contributions (CND).", + "The implementation of this policy with this type of Technical Regulation (RT) currently presents the limitation for the approval of these, motivated by the lack of the necessary IEC Standards, for the elaboration. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Energy. of the trials mentioned in this RT.", + "Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy sector. of the trials mentioned in this RT. Without these standards, you will be losing their applicability and therefore, you will not be contributing to the mitigation of GHGs. Achievement and coverage. The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning.", + "The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued to be implemented by CORPOELEC, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE will be formed, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used.", + "This policy will be implemented once a joint Resolution is issued by the Ministry of People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of People's Power for National Trade is expected to be in 2021 for it to start impacting in 2023. Estimated cost. $1.500.00 is the estimated cost for acquiring the IEC standards. Sector.", + "Estimated Cost. $1,500.00 is the estimated cost for the acquisition of the IEC standards. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Boosting the Resolution for the Prohibition of Bulbs.", + "Promote Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Promote the Resolution on the Prohibition of Increasing Luminaires. This Climate Action aims at strengthening the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base year.", + "This Climate Action aims at strengthening the institution's capacity to reduce emissions (tC02-eq), which is part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs).", + "Base year: 35.873 tCO2eq are estimated to be reduced from 2024 to 2030. This Resolution has already been issued; it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand by 867.66 GWh three years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to nationally determined contributions (NDCs).", + "This Resolution has already been issued; it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 867.66 GWh three years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will enter into the country's overall commitment in relation to nationally determined contributions (CND).", + "Achievement and coverage. The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued to be implemented by CORPOELEC, will be made. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. monitoring and control of the development of this policy, will be evaluated.", + "Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. monitoring and control of the development of this policy, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Methodological Suggestions and Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used for the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used.Contribution considerations.Emphasis will be placed on resuming and activating Joint Resolution 531 of 5 January 2018.It is expected that in the second half of 2021 it will begin to impact on the 2024 sector.", + "Emphasis will be placed on resuming and activating Joint Resolution 531 of 5 January 2018. It is expected that it will be in the second half of 2021 so that it begins to impact in 2024. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action.", + "Actualization CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Promoting the Impact on Efficient Buildings by Incorporating Self-Generation. This Climate Action aims at Strengthening the Capacities of the Institution in relation to the reduction of emissions.", + "Promote the impact on efficient buildings by incorporating self-generation. This Climate Action aims at strengthening the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base year. It is estimated to reduce 50,568 tCO2eq from 2024 to 2030.", + "(tC02-eq), which is part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base year. It is estimated to reduce 50,568 tCO2eq from 2024 to 2030. It is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 1,229 GWh, immediately with the implementation of the Auto Generation project; and it will affect the country's overall commitment to the NDCs.", + "It is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 1,229 GWh, immediately with the implementation of the Auto Generation project; and will affect the overall commitment of the country in relation to the CND.", + "The implementation of this policy with this type of scope currently presents the limiting factor of the financial investment factor. Sources of international financing must be identified to implement the projects, and contribute to the mitigation of GHGs in the planned period 2024- 2030. Achievement and coverage. Action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning.", + "Sources of international financing must be identified to implement the projects, and contribute to the mitigation of GHGs in the planned period 2024- 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued to be implemented by CORPOELEC, will be monitored.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE will be formed, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, monitoring and control of the development of this policy will be carried out, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed.", + "Methodological approaches Methodologies and metrics of the IPCC will be used to estimate anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs.Contribution considerations.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has adopted a number of measures aimed at combating trafficking in persons, especially women and children.", + "It will implement policies that promote savings opportunities and the incorporation of self-generation (preferably with alternative sources of the renewable type because they pollute less). Estimated cost. $675,000.00. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector. Energy. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis.", + "Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Action. Strengthening the momentum of the communication campaign \"Activate Awareness with Energy and Efficiency\" which is estimated to be disseminated in the third Quarter 2021.", + "Strengthen the impetus of the communication campaign \"Activa la Conciencia con Energ\u00eda y Eficiencia\" (Active awareness with energy and efficiency), which is expected to be disseminated in the third quarter of 2021.", + "This Climate Action is aimed at strengthening the institution's capacities. base year: it is expected to develop the awareness campaign from the third quarter of 2021; the deployment in its entirety by the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 at national level, it is estimated to contribute to the reduction of 102.343.17 tCO2e; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to certain national contributions (CND).", + "It is expected to develop the awareness campaign from the third quarter of 2021; deployment in its entirety by the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 at national level, it is estimated to contribute to the reduction of 102.343.17 tCO2e; and it will enter into the country's overall commitment in relation to certain national contributions (CND).", + "Implementation is estimated to be in the short, medium and long term, starting in the second half of 2021 and ending in 2030. Achievement and coverage The action is aimed at all users of the electricity service in the country.", + "The action is aimed at all users of the electricity service in the country, working progressively in a deployment by sectors (Basic Education Sector; Popular Power Sector, Public and Private Sector, Residential Sector and University Sector).", + "Working progressively in a deployment by sectors (Basic Education Sector; Popular Power Sector, Public and Private Sector, Residential Sector and University Sector). Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued and actions will be implemented, as well as indicators will be developed and results will be evaluated. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE will be formed, where guidelines will be issued and actions will be implemented, as well as indicators developed and results evaluated. Methodological Suggestions and Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used to estimate anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution Considerations.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used. Contribution considerations. Through this campaign, the aim is to achieve a comprehensive, objective, technical, socio-economically relevant understanding of better use of electrical energy in various human activities. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis.", + "Through this campaign, the aim is to achieve, in a comprehensive, objective, technical and socio-economically relevant manner, an understanding of better use of electrical energy in the various human activities. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action.", + "Actualization CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Promote Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Develop and strengthen the lines of research, innovation and development of national constructive systems, for the achievement of energy-efficient buildings. Base year.", + "To develop and strengthen the lines of research, innovation and development of national constructive systems for the achievement of energy-efficient buildings.", + "The regulation is estimated to be completed by the end of 2022; from 2023 onwards, the goal is to be implemented nationally, to be completed by 2030. It is estimated that demand will decrease in a phased manner from its implementation, over a period of 7 years, which amounts to a reduction of 12.801.20 tCO2 eq over that period.", + "It is estimated that demand will decrease gradually from its implementation, over a period of 7 years, which means a reduction of 12,801.20 tCO2 eq in that period.", + "Residential type and Tourist accommodation type will be taken for short term (from 1 to 2 years); Commercial type and Administrative type will be taken for medium term (2 to 5 years); and incorporation of improvements to buildings already built in 2025-2030.", + "The action is aimed at the residential, administrative, shopping and tourist accommodation sectors throughout the national territory. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 update. Energy Sector. Planning.", + "The action is aimed at the residential, administrative, commercial and tourist accommodation sectors throughout the national territory. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Planning. A Working Group led by the Ministry of the People's Power of Electricity was formed, where policies are planned and actions are implemented, as well as developing indicators and evaluating results.", + "A Working Group led by the Ministry of the People's Power of Electricity has been formed, where policies are planned and actions implemented, as well as indicators developed and results evaluated.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used.", + "To design the regulations for the construction of efficient buildings, in order to achieve carbon neutrality in buildings by 2050.", + "The amount of GHG emissions produced by these constructions throughout their life cycle is also sought to be reduced as much as possible and to be offset by achieving a net balance of zero. Cost estimate. $12,530.50 cost estimate to start in base year. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation.", + "Estimated cost. $12,530.50 estimated cost to start in base year. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Education and Science has adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the quality of education.", + "(2022 - 2030). Base year. Emissions of 82,980 tCO2eq will be reduced over a period of 8 years; i.e. activities carried out through the UGE at facilities in the private and public sectors. Expectations. Activities are estimated to start in the last half of 2021, extending in full by the end of 2022.", + "It is estimated that the activities will start in the last half of 2021 and will be fully extended by the end of 2022. The impact will be visualized from 2022 to 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at private and public sector installations throughout the national territory. Planning.", + "Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at private and public sector installations throughout the national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the Ministry of the People's Power of Electricity, where guidelines will be issued with the character of policies of Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity (UREEE); in addition, impact indicators will be developed and the results will be evaluated.", + "A Working Group led by the Ministry of the People's Power of Electricity will be formed, where guidelines will be issued with the character of policies of Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity (UREEE); in addition, impact indicators will be developed and results will be evaluated.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used.Contribution considerations.The implementation of Energy Management Units (EMUs) will be implemented in all public and private sector facilities, achieving the optimum use of energy and the reduction of demand for. Sector.", + "The implementation of the Energy Management Units (EMUs) will be implemented in all public and private sector installations, achieving the optimization of energy use and the reduction of demand. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector. Energy. electricity in the electricity sector, having a positive impact on the.", + "Energy Sector. Electrical energy in the electrical sector, having a positive impact on GHG reduction. Cost estimate. $11,232.59 cost estimate to start in base year. Table 02. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Complementary Energy Sector. Sector. Mitigation Axis.", + "Cost estimate. $11,232.59 cost estimate to start in base year. Table 02. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Complementary Energy Sector. Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Public Policy.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Complementary Energy Sector. Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Public Policy. Structural Policy:Impulse a change in the electricity generation source matrix that favours the use of renewable energies.", + "Structural policy:Implementing a change in the electricity generation source matrix that favours the use of renewable energies, expanding this energy matrix by incorporating new energy sources (Plan de Patria 2019 - 2025 and National Alternative Energy Plan PNEA 2021-2025).", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the situation of women in the labour market.", + "Structural program:System of wind farms, photovoltaic systems and other alternative energy generation systems in the country (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and National Alternative Energy Plan PNEA (2021-2025).", + "The Paraguan\u00e1 Wind Park (PEP), located in the state of Falc\u00f3n, was constructed, consisting of 54 wind turbines for an installed capacity of 71.82 MW. Base year. 2012. Areas. 2012 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. National. Planning. An action plan will be developed to ensure the preventive and enhanced maintenance of the installed wind turbines ensuring their operation until 2030.", + "An action plan will be developed to ensure the preventive and enhanced maintenance of installed wind turbines by ensuring their operation until 2030. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to calculate estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution Considerations.", + "For the calculation of the estimated anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics were used.Contribution considerations.The PEP consists of 54 wind turbines for an installed capacity of 71.82 MW, with an average annual operating level of 30MW, equivalent to 131.4 GWh per year.", + "The PEP consists of 54 wind turbines for an installed capacity of 71.82 MW, with an average annual operating level of 30MW, which is equivalent to 131.4 GWh per year. It is estimated that it will contribute to avoiding the emission of GHG 26.787,2tCO2e and an average annual. Cost estimate. To be estimated. Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.", + "will contribute to avoiding the emission of GHG 26.787,2tCO2e and annual average. Estimate of cost. By estimate. Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Public Policy. (Continued). Structural Policy:Impulse a change in the electricity generation source matrix that favours the use of renewable energies. Expand this energy matrix by incorporating new energy sources.", + "Structural policy:Implementing a change in the electricity generation source matrix that favours the use of renewable energies. Expanding this energy matrix by incorporating new energy sources. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and National Alternative Energy Plan PNEA 2021-2025). Public policy. (Continuation).", + "To expand this energy matrix by incorporating new energy sources. (Plan de Patria 2019 - 2025 and National Plan of Alternative Energy PNEA 2021-2025). Public policy. (Continuation). Structural program:System of wind farms, photovoltaic systems and other alternative energy generation systems in the country. Systems with alternative energy sources in isolated indigenous and border communities.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, in cooperation with the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, organized a workshop on the rights of children and adolescents in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the", + "Systems with alternative sources of energy in isolated indigenous and border communities. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and the National Plan of Alternative Energies PNEA 2021-2025). Action. Construction and operation of 3,362 systems with renewable energies (solar and wind) in indigenous communities, border areas and isolated areas. Base year. 2008. Ranges. 2021 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. National. Planning.", + "Construction and operation of 3,362 renewable energy systems (solar and wind) in indigenous communities, border areas and isolated areas. Base year: 2008. Expectations: 2021 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage: National. Planning: An action plan will be developed by the Directorate General of Alternative Energy to ensure the maintenance and operation of the installed systems with the participation of the Fundaci\u00f3n para el Desarrollo El\u00e9ctrico (FUNDELEC) and the Corporaci\u00f3n El\u00e9ctrica Nacional (CORPOELEC) insuring.", + "An action plan will be developed from the Directorate-General for Alternative Energy to ensure the maintenance and operation of the installed systems with the participation of the Foundation for Electrical Development (FUNDELEC) and the National Electrical Corporation (CORPOELEC) ensuring their operation until 2030.", + "Methodological Suggestions and Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to estimate anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution Considerations.", + "The IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to estimate the anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs.Contribution considerations The 3,362 systems installed in indigenous communities, border areas and isolated areas have an installed capacity of 3.01 MW, which is equivalent to an accumulation of 10.2 GWh over a period of 9 years.", + "The 3.362 systems installed in indigenous communities, border areas and isolated areas have an installed capacity of 3.01 MW, which is equivalent to an accumulation of 10.2 GWh over a period of 9 years.", + "It is estimated for consideration a reduction in GHG with an average annual operating level of 70%; this will contribute in a period of 9 years to the reduction. of 2,079.37 tCO2e. Cost estimate. To estimate. Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Public Policy.", + "Cost Estimation. To estimate. Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Public Policy. Structural Policy:Impelling a change in the electricity generation source matrix that favours the use of renewable energies. Expanding this energy matrix by incorporating new energy sources (Plan de la Patria 2019.", + "Structural policy:Implementing a change in the electricity generation source matrix that favours the use of renewable energies.Expanding this energy matrix by incorporating new energy sources (Plan de Patria 2019. - 2025 and National Alternative Energy Plan PNEA 2021-2025).", + "To expand this energy matrix by incorporating new sources of energy (Plan de Patria 2019. - 2025 and National Plan of Alternative Energy PNEA 2021-2025) Structural program:System of wind farms, photovoltaic systems and other alternative energy generation systems in the country.Systems with alternative energy sources in isolated indigenous and border communities.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Cabinet of Ministers, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, and to the relevant ministries and departments of the State party, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "(Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and National Plan of. Alternative Energy PNEA 2021-2025). Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Action. Increase the generation of solar energy through the installation of solar panel factories, which primarily meet the energy demand. at national level. Base year. 2021. Milestones. 2021 \u2013 2030.", + "Increase the generation of solar energy through the installation of solar panel factories, which primarily meet energy demand. at national level. Base year. 2021. Ranges. 2021 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. National. Planning.", + "at national level. Base year. 2021. Milestones. 2021 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. National. Planning. Establish an update, modernization and commissioning plan that will enable UNERVEN to redesign and improve the production processes for solar panels in order to increase efficiency. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "Establishment of a plan for updating, modernization and commissioning that will enable UNERVEN to redesign and improve the production processes for solar panels in order to increase efficiency Methodological Suggestions and Approaches IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to calculate estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs.", + "The IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to estimate the anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution considerations. 19,158 photovoltaic solar modules manufactured annually, equivalent to 3.74 MW. With an average annual installation of 70% of the panels manufactured, an accumulation of 3.8 GWh is expected to be generated in 9 years.", + "With the average annual installation of 70% of the panels manufactured, it is expected to generate an accumulation of 3.8 GWh in 9 years. It is estimated for consideration a reduction of GEI 774.67 tCO2. Cost estimate. To estimate. Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Public Policy.", + "Cost Estimation. To estimate. Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Public Policy. Structural Policy:Impelling a change in the electricity generation source matrix that favours the use of renewable energies. Expanding this energy matrix by incorporating new energy sources.", + "Structural policy:Implementing a change in the electricity generation source matrix that favours the use of renewable energies.Expanding this energy matrix by incorporating new energy sources.(Plan de Patria 2019 - 2025 and National Alternative Energy Plan PNEA 2021-2025).", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the situation of women in the labour market.", + "Structural program:System of wind farms, photovoltaic systems and other alternative energy generation systems in the country ((Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and National Plan of Alternative Energy PNEA 2021-2025) Action: Development and implementation of wind energy generation projects to increase their participation in the energy matrix.", + "Development and implementation of wind energy generation projects, to increase their participation in the energy matrix. This Climate Action aims to strengthen the institution\u2019s Capacity Building. Base year. 2010. Areas. GWh annually) of new wind projects to be installed from 2022.", + "Climate Action is aimed at strengthening the capacity of the Institution. Base year. 2010. Areas. GWh annually) of new wind projects to be installed from 2022. Achievement and. National. 2010-2021 through 54 wind turbines that have an installed capacity of 71.82 MW, with an average annual operating level of 30MW, which is equivalent to 258.7GWh annually, and to 1,576.8 GWh accumulated for the period.", + "2010-2021 through 54 wind turbines with an installed capacity of 71.82 MW, with an average annual operating level of 30MW, which is equivalent to 258.7GWh annually, and 1,576.8 GWh accumulated for the period 2022 - 2030 Considering achieving an operating capacity of 70% of the PEP and through the manufacturing capacities of UNERVEN to incorporate 1MW wind on an interannual low scale, in order to incorporate 50 MW (220.2 Sector.", + "2022 - 2030 Considering achieving an operational capacity of 70% of the PEP and incorporating 1MW wind power on an interannual low-scale through UNERVEN's manufacturing capacities, in order to incorporate 50 MW (220.2 Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Coverage. Planning. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "Mitigation Axis. Energy Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Coverage. Planning. Methodological Suggestions and Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to estimate anthropogenic GHG emissions and removals. Contribution Considerations.", + "For the calculation of the estimation of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics were used.Contribution considerations.Initiate the reactivation and modernization of the UNERVEN Production Unit.Recovery of the Paraguan\u00e1 Wind Park in the Falc\u00f3n State.", + "To stimulate the reactivation and modernization of the Production Unit of UNERVEN. Recovery of the Paraguan\u00e1 Wind Park in the state of Falc\u00f3n. An action plan will be developed to ensure the maintenance and operation of the hybrid systems installed, ensuring their operation until 2030. Formulation and implementation of new wind energy generation projects contemplated in the PNEA.", + "An action plan will be developed to ensure the maintenance and operation of the hybrid systems installed, ensuring their operation until 2030. Formulation and implementation of new wind energy generation projects covered by the PNEA. 2010-2021 71.82 MW of capacity installed through 54 PEP wind turbines.", + "Formulation and implementation of new wind energy generation projects covered by the PNEA. 2010-2021 71.82 MW of capacity installed through 54 PEP wind turbines. It is estimated that an average annual operating level of 30MW and 1,576.8 GWh accumulated over the period will be taken into account for the reduction in GHG emissions.", + "It is estimated that an average annual operating level of 30MW and 1,576.8 GWh cumulatively for the period was used to account for the decrease in GHG emissions, contributing to the avoidance of 321.446.45 tCO2 cumulative GHG emissions.", + "It is estimated that it contributed to avoiding cumulative GHG emissions of 321.446.45 tCO2. 2022 - 2030 71.82 MW capacity through 54 PEP wind turbines increase their annual operating capacity to 70%, equivalent to an average annual capacity of 50 MW and 220.2 GWh annually.", + "2022 - 2030 71.82 MW capacity through 54 PEP wind turbines increase their annual operating capacity to 70%, equivalent to an average annual capacity of 50 MW and 220.2 GWh. It is estimated that this will contribute to avoiding accumulated GHG emissions of 44.889.97 tCO2e.", + "It is estimated that it will contribute to the avoidance of cumulative GHG emissions of 44,889.97 tCO2e. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Public Policy. Structural Policy:Increase the rational and efficient use of electrical energy and the progressive inclusion of communities.", + "Structural policy:Increase the rational and efficient use of electricity and the progressive inclusion of communities.Initiate a change in the matrix of sources of electricity generation.Action.Promote training programs at the undergraduate level, fourth-level studies and non-degree leading programs in public and private institutions aimed at the rational and efficient use of energy and renewable energies.", + "Promotion of training programmes at the undergraduate level, fourth level studies and non-degree leading programmes in public and private institutions aimed at rational and efficient use of energy and renewable energies. This Climate Action aims at a commitment on the part of the Institution. Base year. 2018. Ranges. 2022 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. National. Planning.", + "This Climate Action aims at a commitment on the part of the Institution. Base year. 2018. Targets. 2022 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. National. Planning. To co-ordinate with the Ministry of Higher Education working tables aimed at promoting training programmes at the level of pre-graduates, fourth-level studies and non-degree leading programmes in public and private institutions aimed at rational and efficient use of energy and renewable energies.", + "To co-ordinate with the Ministry of the PP for higher education working tables aimed at promoting training programs at the pre-graduate level, fourth-level studies and non-degree leading programs in public and private institutions aimed at rational and efficient use of energy and renewable energies.", + "Methodological Suggestions and Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to estimate anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Contribution Considerations. There are no indicators to measure GHGs. Cost Estimation. To be estimated.", + "Contribution considerations. There are no indicators to measure GDP. Cost estimate. To estimate. Petroleum: Petr\u00f3leos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA). The Ministry of Popular Power for Petroleum, through its company Petr\u00f3leos de Venezuela PDVSA, manages the nation's petroleum production policy.", + "The Ministry of Popular Power for Petroleum, through its Venezuelan Petroleum Company PDVSA, manages the nation's oil production policy, and in this sense, as a Venezuelan state company, in full compliance with the guidelines of the national government, reaffirms its commitment to the maintenance of 14,423 hectares of carbon sink forests formed by compensatory plantations required in environmental permits associated with investment projects and environmental protection forests under the care of the oil industry.", + "Similarly, and with the strategic vision of reducing the burning and selling of natural gas in PDVSA's operational areas, projects will be implemented for the exploitation of this valuable energy resource in line with the Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025.", + "The strategy to be followed by the Venezuelan oil industry will be redefined in view of the double challenge that is presented to us, as the first challenge, we have the goals established in the determined national contribution and, in parallel, we must face up to the unilateral coercive measures imposed against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela by those nations that have historically been the ones that have had the greatest negative impact on the climate, basing their economic development on the model of capitalist accumulation.", + "Unilateral coercive measures have had a substantial negative impact on PDVSA's revenues and productive capacities, forcing it to allocate resources to mediocre elements of the company in order to maintain its operations. However, in addition to considering these restrictions as a permanent condition on the corporation's ability to address environmental aspects, it is transformed into an element that forces us to restructure the mechanisms of action based on the commitment of workers and the creative force of the communities where it is planned to continue with the programmes of reforestation, maintenance of forests and the implementation of projects to minimize the burning and sale of natural gas.", + "Table 03 below presents the NDCs for the Petroleum Industry Sector. Table 03. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies for the Petroleum Industry Sector. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. NDC Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. Public Policy. Third Socialist Plan for Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights", + "Objective 5.2.1: Promote actions at national and international level for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (both surface and groundwater), watersheds, biodiversity, seas, oceans and forests.", + "Establishment of forestry, agroforestry and carbon sinks systems for the environmental recovery of natural areas.Continue with the establishment of forestry and agroforestry systems for the environmental and ecological recovery of degraded areas within the watersheds prioritized by the Ent Rector, as a compensatory measure for the environmental impacts generated by petroleum activity, as well as the establishment of.", + "To continue with the establishment of forestry and agroforestry systems for the environmental and ecological recovery of degraded areas within the watersheds prioritized by the Ent Rector, as a compensatory measure for the environmental impacts generated by oil activity, as well as the establishment of new natural areas as carbon sinks in contribution to the National Plan for the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases.", + "New natural areas as carbon sinks in contribution to the National Plan for the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. Base year. 2022. Ranges. 2022 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage.", + "Base year. 2022. Areas. 2022 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. As compensatory measures associated with PDVSA\u2019s projects and required in environmental permits, the oil and gas industry during the period 1998 - 2020, in accordance with the national environmental authority, established a total of 3,289 hectares of compensatory forests and carbon sinks in different areas of influence of PDVSA\u2019s operations, subsidiaries and joint ventures.", + "For the period 2021 - 2030, an estimated increase of 1,820 Ha relates to compensatory forests and additionally 126 Ha of agroforestry systems to be located in the basins of the Caris, Guarapiche, Morichal, Pao and Lim\u00f3n rivers, among others, as a result of the implementation of new projects associated with the production increase plan.", + "The establishment of agroforestry systems, compensatory forests and carbon sinks will be carried out in accordance with the investment and production increase plan of PDVSA and the legal requirements established in the environmental permits associated with the implementation of the projects.", + "Additionally, this action envisages incorporating allies that contribute to sustainability over time: organized communities, public and private institutions, universities, National Environmental Authority, among others.", + "POSSA in alliance with the National Environmental Authority has a matrix of hierarchicalization of watersheds that must be attended to for their environmental and ecological recovery, taking into account technical variables such as the degree of intervention, land use capacity, desertification, water supply, among other variables, including the spread of species and ecological restoration of ecosystems protected by Venezuelan legislation.", + "Contribution considerations. Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the establishment of carbon sink forests are considered measures to combat climate change (Goal14) and to improve conditions for biological diversity, management of natural resources. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Update Planning 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry.", + "biodiversity, management of natural resources. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Petroleum Industry. and Land Productivity (Objective15). Estimated cost. $ 21,726,664 (9 years). Indicators related to the SDGs.", + "ODS Goal 15.3 By 2030, combat desertification, rehabilitate land and degraded soils, including land affected by desertification, drought and flooding, and strive to achieve a world with a neutral impact on soil degradation.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "ODS Indicator: 15.3.1 Proportion of degraded land compared to total area. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Updating Planning 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. Public Policy. Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025.", + "Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. Public Policy. Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025. Objective 5.4.2: Design a mitigation plan covering the greenhouse gas emitting productive sectors as a national voluntary contribution to the efforts to save the planet. Action.", + "Objective 5.4.2: Design a mitigation plan covering the greenhouse gas emitting productive sectors as a national voluntary contribution to efforts to save the planet.", + "Estimation of the carbon captured in the forests established and protected by PDVSA.To quantify the amount of carbon fixed in the biomass of the compensatory and production forests established by PDVSA, Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures, as well as the conservation forests that are under the protection and care of the oil and gas industry, which in turn function as carbon sinks distributed in different watersheds at national level.", + "Action that pays tribute to the National Plan for the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. Base year: 2022. Targets: 2022 \u2013 2025. Achievement and coverage.", + "Base year. 2022. Areas. 2022 \u2013 2025. Achievement and coverage. Apply over a period of four (4) years, the methodology to estimate the amount of carbon fixed in the biomass of 14,423 hectares constituted by the compensatory, protective and production forests established by PDVSA, Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures, located in the areas of influence of the operations of the oil and gas company, as well as in the protected areas under PDVSA\u2019s custody.", + "It is important to note that these forests in their growth phase consume atmospheric CO2 and incorporate it as carbon in their biomass, contributing to reducing the country's greenhouse gas emissions and providing oxygen to the planet.", + "Planning. For the calculation of carbon captured in the forests, alliances will be established with educational and research institutions, organized communities and environmental governing bodies, for the validation of the forest plots to be studied, the definition of the tool to be used and the method of work that will be available for its application. Sector.", + "For the calculation of carbon captured in forests, partnerships will be established with educational and research institutions, organized communities and environmental governing bodies, for the validation of the forest plots to be studied, the definition of the tool to be used and the method of work that will be available for its application.", + "Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Petroleum Industry. International financial resources will be requested through a non-repayable expenditure scheme for the implementation of the project. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "Methodological Approaches The project for estimating carbon captured in forest biomass is based on the application of the indirect method of estimating biomass and fixed carbon, using alometric equations and expansion factors, in accordance with procedures approved by the Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum.", + "The project for estimating carbon captured in forest biomass is based on the application of the indirect method of estimating biomass and fixed carbon, using alometric equations and expansion factors, in accordance with procedures approved by the IPCC, RAINFOR and FAO.", + "IPCC, RAINFOR and FAO. Consideration of the contribution. Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects (Goal13). Estimated cost. $ 865,000. Working tables are currently being held with the Ministry of Ecosocialism for international funding.", + "$ 865,000. Working tables are currently being held with the Ministry of Ecosocialism for international financing. Indicators related to the MDGs. MDG Target: 13.2: Amount of carbon captured per unit of assessed surface area. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. Public Policy. Third Socialist Plan for Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025.", + "CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. Public Policy. Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025. Objective 5.4.2: Design a mitigation plan covering the greenhouse gas emitting productive sectors as a national voluntary contribution to the efforts to save the planet.", + "Objective 5.4.2: To design a mitigation plan covering the greenhouse gas producing sectors as a national voluntary contribution to the efforts to save the planet.", + "Structural Program: Plan to exploit the sale of natural gas in order to increase the availability for the internal market. Action: Projects for the minimization of fires and the sale of natural gas.", + "Projects to minimize the burning and sale of natural gas. Continuing with the implementation of projects for the energy exploitation of natural gas generated in hydrocarbon production activities and consequently to minimize the burning and sale of the resource. gas in the operational areas of the oil and gas industry.", + "To continue the implementation of projects for the energy exploitation of natural gas generated in hydrocarbon production activities and consequently minimize the burning and sale of the resource. gas in the operational areas of the oil and gas industry. Base year. 2022. Ranges. 2022 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage.", + "Base year. 2022. Ranges. 2022 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. For the period 2021 - 2030, in the states of Anzo\u00e1tegui and Monagas, it is planned to continue with the implementation of projects associated with the increase of operational capacities for the exploitation of associated natural gas, estimating a reduction of approximately 75% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated as fugitive emissions in the oil industry. Planning.", + "The projects cover the Engineering, Procurement and Construction of the infrastructure and equipment necessary for the compression, treatment and distribution of the associated natural gas, which will require to a large extent the participation of specialized national and international companies in order to complete them in the planned time.", + "Methodological alternatives and approaches. Reducing the burning and selling of natural gas, by increasing compression, treatment and distribution capacities for the domestic consumption of the oil industry, as well as for consumption in the domestic market. Quantifying the reduction of. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry.", + "Energy Axis Mitigation. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. projected greenhouse gas emissions, will be carried out. using the IPCCC methodology. Considerations of contribution.", + "Oil industry. projected greenhouse gas emissions, will be carried out. using the IPCCC methodology. Considerations of contribution. Maximizing and enhancing the country's gas resources and promoting endogenous development in the exploitation of natural gas.", + "Maximizing and valuing the country's gas resources and promoting endogenous development in the exploitation of natural gas.In addition, contributing to the reduction of the country's greenhouse gas emissions that according to the Second National Communication on Climate Change, this activity represents 17.4% of the contribution to the national inventory.", + "Additionally, it contributes to the reduction of the country's greenhouse gas emissions that according to the Second National Communication on Climate Change, this activity represents 17.4% of the contribution to the national inventory. Estimate of cost. To estimate. Indicators related to the ODS. % reduction of natural gas burned and sold. Transport.", + "Estimate of cost. To estimate. Indicators related to the ODS. % reduction of natural gas burned and sold. Transportation. Venezuela has a network of motorways and roads of more than 96,000 km, covering most of the national territory. It is one of the most developed networks in Latin America.", + "Venezuela has a network of motorways and roads of more than 96,000 km, covering most of the national territory.It is one of the most developed networks in Latin America.The density of roads is highest in the central-northern region of the country, where the majority of the population is concentrated.", + "The density of roads is highest in the central-northern region of the country, where the majority of the population is concentrated.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Moldova has adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the situation of children and adolescents in the Republic of Moldova, such as the establishment of the National Council for Children and Adolescents, the creation of the National Council for Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Council for Children and Adolescents, the creation of the National Council for Children and Adolescents, the creation of the National Council for Children and Adolescents, the creation of the National Council for Children and Adolescents, the creation of the National Council for Children and Adolescents, the creation of the National Council for Children and Adolescents, the creation of the National Council for Children and Adolescents, the creation of the National Council for Children and Adolescents, the creation of the National Council for Children and Adolescents, the creation of the National Council for Children and Adolescents, the creation of the National", + "A fundamental tool for achieving this objective was the creation, in 2014, of the Transport Mission, which has achieved numerous achievements.", + "In terms of water transport, Venezuela has a number of ports in the Caribbean Sea, among which are Amuay, Bajo Grande, El Tablazo, La Guaira, La Salina, Maracaibo, Puerto Cabello, Puerto La Cruz, Puerto Sucre, Guanta, Punta Card\u00f3n and Punta de Piedras.", + "In addition, there are important river ports such as Puerto Ordaz, Paluay Matanzas, located on the Orinoco River.It also has 127 airports with paved runways (air transport), fifteen of them with runways over 2,500 meters.", + "It also has 127 airports with paved runways (air transport), fifteen of them with runways over 2,500 meters, among them the international airports of Maiquet\u00eda, Valencia, Punto Fijo, Porlamar, Maracaibo, Barcelona, Barquisimeto, San Crist\u00f3bal, Ciudad Guayana, Matur\u00edn, Cuman\u00e1 and San Antonio del T\u00e1chira.", + "Barcelona, Barquisimeto, San Crist\u00f3bal, Ciudad Guayana, Matur\u00edn, Cuman\u00e1 and San Antonio del T\u00e1chira.", + "Table 04 below shows the NDCs of the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -Tromerca; in Table 5 the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Planta de Autobuses Yutong Venezuela, S.A.; in Table 6 for the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Sistema Socialista de Transporte Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI; in Table 7 for the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector \u2013 Metro de Caracas, C.A.", + "-Tromerca; in Table 5 the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Planta de Autobuses Yutong Venezuela, S.A.; in Table 6 the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Sistema Socialista de Transporte Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI; in Table 7 the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector \u2013 Metro de Caracas, C.A.; in Table 8 the Aquatic Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega); and in Table 9 the Air Transport Sector - Instituto Nacional de Aeron\u00e1utica Civil (INAC).", + "; in Table 8 for the Water Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega); and in Table 9 Air Transport Sector - Instituto Nacional de Aeron\u00e1utica Civil (INAC).", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Terrestrial and Subterranean Transport Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Planning 2020 - 2030. Terrestrial Transport Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca. Public Policy. Plan of the Motherland (2019 - 2025). 3.", + "Actualization CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Transporte Terrestre - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -Tromerca. Public Policy. Plan de La Patria (2019 - 2025). 3. Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which guarantees the formation of a zone of peace in our America.", + "Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will guarantee the formation of a zone of peace in our America.", + "This plan frames the connectivity of mobility at local, regional and national level, with an emphasis on reducing the environmental impact, using clean technologies and ensuring optimisation and maintenance. Action: Guarantee the mass public transport service, through the permanent and effective operation of the system, providing the service permanently, punctually, in solidarity, conveniently, safely and ecologically, adopting Objective 13: Climate Change, urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects.", + "Guarantee mass public transport service, through the permanent and effective operation of the system, providing the service permanently, punctually, in solidarity, conveniently, safely and ecologically, adopting Objective 13: Climate change, urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects.", + "Base year. This project, within the framework of environmental conservation, has been operational since 2007, and its optimization and maintenance is scheduled annually. Targets. These actions will have a deadline until 2030 to meet the 100% target. Achievement and coverage.", + "This project, within the framework of environmental conservation, has been in operation since 2007, and its optimization and maintenance is scheduled annually. Expectations. These actions will have a deadline until 2030 to meet the 100% target. Achievement and coverage. Continuing 100% with the operation of the Trolebus System, ensuring the mobility of users in an ecological way, mitigating pollution, visual, sonic and atmospheric. Planning.", + "To continue 100% with the operation of the Trolebus System, guaranteeing the mobility of users in an ecological way, mitigating pollution, visual, sonic and atmospheric. Planning. To carry out plans for the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and installations in order to guarantee the permanent, continuous and effective provision of service and to preserve the environment by offering clean technologies. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "To carry out plans for the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and installations in order to guarantee the permanent, continuous and effective provision of service and to preserve the environment by offering clean technologies.", + "Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions must be reduced from 0.5 to 0.25 g/kWh and particulate matter (PM) emissions must be reduced from 0.05 to 0.03 g/kWh.", + "With the renewal of the fleet and in the current maintain the optimum engines for its operation and recover the electrical infrastructure of the Trolebus system. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Terrestrial Transport - Trolebus M\u00e9rida, C.A. -Tromerca. Considerations of the contribution.", + "Ground and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Ground Transportation Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -Tromerca. Considerations of the Contribution. The M\u00e9rida Mass Transportation System Project was created with the aim of mitigating the environmental impact, in a tourist city, surrounded by the snow mountains of Venezuela, becoming the only city in the world with a mass passenger transportation system, with a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants.", + "The M\u00e9rida Mass Transportation System Project was created with the aim of mitigating the environmental impact in a tourist city, surrounded by the snowy mountains of Venezuela, becoming the only city in the world with a mass passenger transportation system, with a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants.", + "In addition to considering clean technologies, it is intended to organize the conventional public transport system, with the intention that they become feeders of the project, and thus motivate the use of mass transport, and mitigate the congestion in the road corridors.", + "For the recovery of the electrical infrastructure it is necessary $. 30,000,000 and thus to have operational units in electric mode.", + "These units have dual engines (electric and diesel), their preferred use is electric, however, with the renewal of the fleet the standard will change from Euro 3 to Euro 6 (0,05 g/km to 0,005c g/km).", + "These units have dual engine, (electric and diesel), their preferred use is electric, however, with the renewal of the fleet the standard will change from Euro 3 to Euro 6 (0,05 g/km to 0,005c g/km). Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Terrestrial Transport - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -. Tromerca. Public Policy.", + "Land and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Land Transport Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -. Tromerca. Public Policy. Plan de La Patria (2019 - 2025). 3.", + "Actualization CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Transporte Terrestre - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -. Tromerca. Public Policy. Plan de La Patria (2019 - 2025). 3. Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which guarantees the formation of a zone of peace in our America.", + "Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will guarantee the formation of a zone of peace in our America.", + "This plan frames the connectivity of mobility at local, regional and national level, with an emphasis on reducing the environmental impact, using clean technologies and ensuring their optimisation and maintenance. Action: Guarantee the mass public transport service, through the permanent and effective operation of the system, providing the service permanently, punctually, in solidarity, conveniently, safely and ecologically, adopting Objective 13: Climate change, urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects.", + "Guarantee mass public transport service, through the permanent and effective operation of the system, providing the service permanently, punctually, in solidarity, conveniently, safely and ecologically, adopting Objective 13: Climate change, urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects.", + "Base year. This project, within the framework of environmental conservation, has been operational since 2012, and its optimization and maintenance is scheduled annually. Targets. These actions will have a deadline until 2030 to meet the 100% target. Achievement and coverage.", + "This project, which is part of the conservation of the environment, has been in operation since 2012, and its optimization and maintenance is planned annually. Expectations. These actions will be carried out until 2030 in order to meet the 100% target. Achievement and coverage. Continuing 100% with the operation of the Cabin System, ensuring the mobility of users in an ecological way, without pollution, visual, sonic and atmospheric. Planning.", + "To continue 100% with the operation of the Cabin System, guaranteeing the mobility of the users in an ecological way, without pollution, visual, sonic and atmospheric. Planning. To carry out plans for the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and installations in order to guarantee the permanent, continuous and effective provision of the service and to preserve the environment by offering clean technologies. Alternatives and Methodological approaches.", + "To carry out plans for the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and installations in order to guarantee the permanent, continuous and effective provision of the service and to preserve the environment by offering clean technologies. Substitutes and Methodological approaches. To guarantee the maintenance and optimize the system infrastructure and the replacement of parts, components and spares. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis.", + "Guaranteeing maintenance and optimizing the system infrastructure and replacing parts, components and spares. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Terrestrial Transport - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca. Considerations of the contribution.", + "Ground and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Ground Transportation Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca. Considerations of the Contribution. The M\u00e9rida Mass Transportation System Project was created with the aim of mitigating the environmental impact, in a tourist city, surrounded by the snow mountains of Venezuela, becoming the only city in the world with a mass passenger transportation system, with a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants.", + "The M\u00e9rida Mass Transportation System Project was created with the aim of mitigating the environmental impact, in a tourist city, surrounded by the snow mountains of Venezuela, becoming the only city in the world with a mass passenger transportation system, with a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants.", + "In addition to considering clean technologies, it is intended to organize the conventional public transport system, with the intention that they become feeders of the project, and thus motivate the use of mass transport, and mitigate the congestion of road corridors.", + "Investment. 15.000.000 \u20ac for its mechanical, electronic maintenance and parts replacement. Indicators related to the ODS. This technology is 100% clean, does not generate pollutants. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Terrestrial Transport - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -. Tromerca. Public Policy. Plan de La Patria (2019 - 2025). 3.", + "Actualization CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Transporte Terrestre - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -. Tromerca. Public Policy. Plan de La Patria (2019 - 2025). 3. Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which guarantees the formation of a zone of peace in our America.", + "Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will guarantee the formation of a zone of peace in our America.", + "This plan frames the connectivity of mobility at local, regional and national level, with an emphasis on reducing the environmental impact, using clean technologies and ensuring their optimisation and maintenance. Action: Guarantee the mass public transport service, through the permanent and effective operation of the system, providing the service permanently, punctually, in solidarity, conveniently, safely and ecologically, adopting Objective 13: Climate change, urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects.", + "Guarantee mass public transport service, through the permanent and effective operation of the system, providing the service permanently, punctually, in solidarity, conveniently, safely and ecologically, adopting Objective 13: Climate change, urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects.", + "Base year. This project within the framework of environmental conservation has been operational since 2014, and its optimization and maintenance is scheduled annually. Targets. These actions will have a deadline until 2030 to meet the 100% target. Achievement and coverage.", + "This project within the framework of environmental conservation has been operational since 2014, and its optimization and maintenance is scheduled annually. Expectations. These actions will have a deadline until 2030 to meet the target of 100%. Achievement and coverage. Continuing 100% with the operation of the Yutong System, ensuring the mobility of users, mitigating pollution, visual, sonic and atmospheric by connecting the 23 municipalities of the State of M\u00e9rida. Planning.", + "To continue 100% with the operation of the Yutong System, guaranteeing the mobility of users, mitigating the pollution, visual, sonic and atmospheric connecting the 23 municipalities of the State of M\u00e9rida.", + "To carry out plans for the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and installations in order to guarantee the permanent, continuous and effective provision of the service and to preserve the environment by offering clean technologies.", + "Methodological Suggestions and Approaches. Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions should be reduced from 0.5 to 0.25 g/kWh and particulate matter (PM) emissions should be reduced from 0.05 to 0.03 g/kWh. With the renewal of the fleet and in the current ones maintain the engines optimal for their operation. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis.", + "With the renewal of the fleet and in the current maintain the optimum engines for its operation. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Terrestrial Transport - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca. Considerations of the contribution.", + "Ground and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Ground Transportation Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca. Considerations of the Contribution. The M\u00e9rida Mass Transportation System Project was created with the aim of mitigating the environmental impact, in a tourist city, surrounded by the snow mountains of Venezuela, becoming the only city in the world with a mass passenger transportation system, with a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants.", + "The M\u00e9rida Mass Transportation System Project was created with the aim of mitigating the environmental impact in a tourist city, surrounded by the snowy mountains of Venezuela, becoming the only city in the world with a mass passenger transportation system, with a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants.", + "In addition to considering clean technologies, it is intended to organize the conventional public transport system, with the intention that they become feeders of the project, and thus motivate the use of mass transport, and mitigate traffic congestion on the road corridors.", + "These units have a diesel engine, with the fleet renewal as it meets its service life (although it meets routine, preventive and corrective maintenance), the standard will change from Euro 3 to Euro 6 (0.05 g/km to 0.005c g/km).", + "These units have diesel engine, with the renewal of the fleet when it meets its useful life (however, it meets the routine maintenance, preventive and corrective), the standard will change from Euro 3 to Euro 6 (0,05 g/km to 0,005c g/km).", + "Table 5. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land Transport - Bus Plant Yutong Venezuela, S.A. Sector. Land and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Land Transport - Bus Plant Yutong Venezuela, S.A. Public Policy.", + "Earth and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Earth Transport Sector - Yutong Bus Plant. Venezuela, S.A. Public Policy. Establish a national policy of modernization of the transport system technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix.", + "Venezuela, S.A. Public policy. Establish a national policy of modernization of the transport system technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix. Generate a public transport policy, as well as its industrial and technological system for the use of gas and alternative systems. Action.", + "Generate a public transport policy, as well as its industrial and technological system for the use of gas and alternative systems. Action. Cultivation of stage CKD of the Yutong Bus Plant for the assembly of diesel and gas units complying with the quality standards of the Euro 5. Base year. In proposal.", + "Stage CKD cultivation of the Yutong Bus Plant for the assembly of diesel and gasoline units complying with Euro 5 quality standards. Base year. In proposal. Lengths. 8 years. Achievement and coverage. Reduce air pollution, with adjustment to Euro 5 standards to reduce CO2 emissions.", + "Reduce air pollution, with the adjustment to Euro 5 regulations to reduce CO2 emissions. To improve air quality using new technologies that increasingly clean up the gases emitted by Yutong units. Planning.", + "To improve air quality using new technologies that increasingly clean up the gases emitted by Yutong units. Planning. Comply with the regulations regarding the use of technical specifications established in Euro 5. Suggestions and Methodological approaches. carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km;.", + "To comply with the regulations concerning the use of technical specifications laid down in Euro 5. Suggestions and methodological approaches. carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km;. particulates: 5 mg/km (or an 80% reduction in emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard);.", + "Carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km; Particulates: 5 mg/km (or a reduction of 80% of emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard); Nitrogen oxides (NOx): 180 mg/km (or a reduction of 20% of emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard); Combined emissions of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides: 230 mg/km.", + "Nitrogen oxides (NOx): 180 mg/km (or a 20% reduction in emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard);. Combined hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions: 230 mg/km.", + "Ground and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Earth Transportation Sector - Bus Plant Yutong Venezuela, S.A. Contribution Considerations. Combined emissions of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides from diesel vehicles (vehicles intended for transport) will be reduced to limit them. Sector. Ground and Subterranean Mitigation Axis.", + "The combined emissions of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides from diesel vehicles (vehicles intended for transport) will be reduced to limit them. Sector. Earth and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. CND Update Planning 2020-2030.Earth Transport Sector - Yutong Bus Plant. Venezuela, S.A. Public Policy.", + "Earth and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020-2030.Earth Transport Sector - Yutong Bus Plant. Venezuela, S.A. Public Policy. Establish a national policy of modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix.", + "Venezuela, S.A. Public Policy. Establish a national policy of modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix. Generate a public transport policy, as well as its industrial and technological system for the use of gas and alternative systems. Action.", + "Generate a public transport policy, as well as its industrial and technological system for the use of gas and alternative systems. Action. Carry out preventive maintenance of the Yutong Fleet at national level in accordance with the Euro 5 regulations as regards the use of fuel and filters. Base year.", + "Carry out preventive maintenance of the Yutong Fleet at national level in accordance with the Euro 5 regulations, in terms of fuel use and filters. Base year. Starting from 2022. Period. 8 years. Achievement and coverage.", + "Base year: Starting in 2022. Range: 8 years. Achievement and coverage. Reduce emissions in the coming years to avoid further air pollution, with the adjustment to Euro 5 standards to reduce CO2 emissions by 40%.", + "Reduce emissions in the coming years to avoid further air pollution, with the adjustment to Euro 5 regulations to reduce CO2 emissions by 40%.To improve air quality using new technologies that increasingly clean up the gases emitted by Yutong units.", + "To improve air quality using new technologies that increasingly clean the gases emitted by Yutong units. Planning. Compliance with the regulations on the use of technical specifications of fuels and filters. Suggestions and Methodological approaches. Considerations. of contribution. Reduction of polluting emissions and greater fuel efficiency.", + "Compliance with the regulations on the use of technical specifications for fuels and filters. Suggestions and methodological approaches. Considerations. of contribution. Reduced pollutant emissions and improved fuel efficiency. Carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km;. Particulates: 5 mg/km (or a reduction of 80% of emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard);.", + "Carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km; Particulate matter: 5 mg/km (or a reduction of 80% of emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard); Nitrogen oxides (nox): 180 mg/km (or a reduction of 20% of emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard); Combined hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions: 230 mg/km.", + "Nitrogen oxides (nox): 180 mg/km (or a 20% reduction in emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard);. Combined hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions: 230 mg/km. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. CND Update Projection 2020- 2030.Sector. Terrestrial Transport - Bus Plant Yutong Venezuela, S.A. Public Policy.", + "Earth and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020- 2030.Earth Transport Sector - Bus Plant Yutong Venezuela, S.A. Public Policy. Establish a national policy for the modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix. Generate a public transport policy, as well as its system. Sector. Earth and Subterranean Mitigation Axis.", + "Establish a national policy of modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix. Generate a public transport policy, as well as its system. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Planning 2020- 2030.Sector Terrestrial Transport - Bus Plant Yutong Venezuela, S.A. industrial and Technological for the use of gas and alternative systems. Action.", + "Update CND Projection 2020- 2030.Earth Transportation Sector - Yutong Venezuela, S.A. Industrial and Technological Bus Plant for the use of gas and alternative systems. Action. Guarantee the preventive and corrective maintenance of the Yutong Fleet's natural gas vehicles (NGVs) at the national level. Base year. Starting from 2022. Period. 8 years.", + "Guarantee the preventive and corrective maintenance of the Yutong Fleet's natural gas (NG) vehicle units at the national level. Base year. Starting in 2022. Periods. 8 years. Achievement and coverage.", + "Base year: Starting in 2022. Range: 8 years. Achievement and coverage. Reduce emissions in the coming years to avoid further air pollution, with the adjustment to Euro 5 standards to reduce CO2 emissions by 40%.", + "Reduce emissions in the coming years to avoid further air pollution, with the adjustment to Euro 5 regulations to reduce CO2 emissions by 40%.To improve air quality using new technologies that increasingly clean up the gases emitted by Yutong units.", + "To improve air quality using new technologies that increasingly clean up the gases emitted by Yutong units. Planning. Compliance with the regulations regarding the use of technical specifications. To meet the objectives, the energy infrastructure of GNV must be adapted. Suggestions and Methodological approaches. Considerations of the. contribution.", + "In order to meet the objectives, it is necessary to adapt the energy infrastructure of GNV. Suggestions and Methodological approaches. Considerations of the. contribution. Reduction of polluting emissions when using GNV. Investment. GNV in Venezuela at no cost, so it makes it an accessible fuel and is less emitter of GHGs. It belongs to the non-renewable alternative energies.", + "Carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km; Particulates: 5 mg/km (or an 80% reduction in emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard).", + "Carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km; Particulates: 5 mg/km (or a reduction of 80% of emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard); Nitrogen oxides (nox): 180 mg/km (or a reduction of 20% of emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard); Combined hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions: 230 mg/km. Table 6.", + "Nitrogen oxides (nox): 180 mg/km (or a 20% reduction in emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard);combined hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions: 230 mg/km. Table 6 Nationally Determined Contribution Policies (NDC) of the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Socialist Transport System Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI. Sector.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Socialist Transport System Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI. Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Ground Transport Sector - Socialist Transport System Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI. Public Policy. Plan of the Motherland (2019 - 2025).", + "Actualization CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Sector Transporte Terrestre - Sistema Socialista de. Transporte Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI. Public policy. Plan de La Patria (2019 - 2025). Establish a national policy of modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix. Action.", + "To establish a national policy of modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix. Action. Creation of BRT (Rapid Transit Bus) Systems in the cities of. Generate a public transport policy, as well as its industrial and technological system for the use of gas systems and alternative energies.", + "To generate a public transport policy, as well as its industrial and technological system for the use of gas systems and alternative energies. To generate a comprehensive policy of intervention of the urban ecosystem, taking elements such as the use of natural gas (NG) as the main fuel of public transport.", + "Generate an integrated policy of intervention of the urban ecosystem, taking elements such as the use of natural gas (NGV) as the main fuel of public transport. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Sector Transporte Terrestre - Sistema Socialista de. Transporte Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI. Maracay, Barquisimeto, Barcelona, Maracaibo, Puerto la Cruz, M\u00e9rida and. Caracas.", + "Transport Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI. Maracay, Barquisimeto, Barcelona, Maracaibo, Puerto la Cruz, M\u00e9rida and Caracas. Base year.", + "Transporte Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI. Maracay, Barquisimeto, Barcelona, Maracaibo, Puerto la Cruz, M\u00e9rida and Caracas. Base year.", + "The programme for converting and renewing the current diesel public transport fleet to comply with the Euro 5 standard will start in 2022. The programme for replacing diesel public transport with GNV-based transport units will start in 2022.", + "The programme to replace diesel public transport with GNV-based transport units will start in 2022. Targets. These programmes will be implemented over a period of eight (8) years from 2022 to 2030 to meet the 100% target. Achievement and coverage.", + "These programmes will be implemented over a period of eight (8) years from 2022 to 2030 to meet the 100% target. Achievement and coverage. It is estimated to achieve an 80% reduction in carbon dioxide of about 500 mg/km, compared to the previous Euro 4 standard through the conversion of public transport based on GNV and on the other hand, the adjustment of the Euro 5 standard to the current diesel public transport units. Planning.", + "It is estimated to achieve an 80% reduction in carbon dioxide of about 500 mg/km, compared to the previous Euro 4 standard, through the conversion of public transport based on GNV and, on the other hand, the adjustment of the Euro 5 standard to the current diesel public transport units.", + "Methodological approaches and alternatives The following emission factors will be used: 2.33 and 2.83 kg CO2e/l of petrol and diesel, respectively (IPCC 2006). In the case of GNV, an emission factor of 2.09kg CO2/m3 will be used.", + "The following emission factors will be used: 2.33 and 2.83 kg CO2e/l of petrol and diesel, respectively (IPCC 2006).", + "The estimated greenhouse gas emissions from the use of these fossil fuels will be calculated on the basis of the average volume sold per service station annually and multiplied by the conversion factor.", + "Considerations of the contribution: Greater use of transport units with GNV system capable of emitting less Greenhouse Gases and the constant check of the faithful compliance of diesel units are the considerations to be taken into account in these programs.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures, including legislation, to prohibit corporal punishment of children in the family, in schools and in institutions, and to ensure that corporal punishment of children is prohibited in all settings, including in the home, in schools and in institutions.", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), organized a symposium on the theme \u201cEnvironment and sustainable development in Latin America and the Caribbean: the role of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in the implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg Plan of Implementation) and the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg Plan of Implementation), in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the United Nations Environment Programme (", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Terrestrial and Subterranean Transport Sector - Metro Caracas, C.A. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Subterranean Transport Sector - METRO CARACAS, C.A. Public Policy. Plan of the Motherland (2019-2025).", + "Earth and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Subterranean Transportation Sector - METRO CARACAS, C.A. Public Policy. Plan of La Patria (2019-2025). Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which guarantees the formation of a zone of peace in our America. 3.2.", + "Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which guarantees the formation of a zone of peace in our America. 3.2. Spread the construction of a New National Geopolitics using as structural elements the systemic, geohistorical and functional regionalization, the regional urban system and the infrastructure, services and mobility in the development of the spatial dimension of Socialism. 3.2.5.", + "Expand the construction of a New National Geopolitics using as structuring elements the systemic, geohistorical and functional regionalization, the regional urban system and infrastructure, services and mobility in the development of the spatial dimension of Socialism. 3.2.5. Articulate, maintain and generate a solid system of national mobility, intermodal, efficient and interconnected, correlated with the sector.", + "To articulate, maintain and generate a solid national mobility system, intermodal, efficient and interconnected, correlated with the. Sector. Earth and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. CND Update Planning 2020 - 2030.Subterranean Transport Sector - METRO CARACAS, C.A.", + "Ground and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Subterranean Transportation Sector - METRO CARACAS, C.A. functional dynamics of economic specialization and current and projected flows, regional urban system, as well as its system of maintenance, monitoring, management and industrial components of it.", + " To strengthen, articulate and interconnect the transport infrastructure for an intermodal system associated with the regional urban dynamics and comprehensive country vision.", + "Strengthen, articulate and interconnect the transport infrastructure for an intermodal system associated with the regional urban dynamics and comprehensive vision of the country. Specific Objectives: Provide maintenance and conservation to the country's metro systems, in order to maintain the quality levels of the metro transport service. Action: Caracas Railway Project. Base year: 2020.", + "To provide maintenance and conservation to the metro systems of the country, in order to maintain the quality levels of the metro transport service. Action. Caracas Railway Project. Base year. From the year 2020. Milestones. Until 2022. Achievement and coverage. Five (5) trains have been built as of the date of issuance of this document.", + "Until 2022. Achievement and coverage. Five (5) trains have been completed by the date of issuance of this document. Eleven (11) trains from the South-West of the Caracas Metropolitan Area are scheduled for 2022. The total number of trains to be recovered is twenty-two (22). Planning. The work programme must be complied with.", + "It is planned for the year 2022 eleven (11) trains from the South-West of the Metropolitan Area of Caracas. The total of trains to be recovered is twenty-two (22). Planning. It must comply with the work program. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological.", + "The total number of trains to be recovered is twenty-two (22). Planning. The work programme must be complied with. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. Estimated passenger demand: 1,338,000 by 2022; this equates to a reduction in CO2 emissions of 10,142,000 gr. Considerations. of the contribution. Reduction of CO2 emissions.", + "Estimated passenger demand: 1,338,000 by 2022; which equates to a reduction in CO2 emissions of 10,142,000 gr. Considerations. of the contribution. Reduction of CO2 emissions. Investment. Bs. 14.339.948,00. Indicators related to the ODS. 11.6.2 Average annual levels of suspended fine particles (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (weighted by population). Sector.", + "Indicators related to the ODS. 11.6.2 Average annual levels of suspended fine particles (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (weighted by population). Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis.", + "Ground and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Subterranean Transportation Sector - METRO CARACAS (C.A.). Public Policy. Historical Objective:To convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will guarantee the formation of a zone of peace in our America. Action.", + "Historical Objective:To convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will guarantee the formation of a zone of peace in our America. Action. Line 5. Plaza Venezuela - Miranda II. Base year. From the year 2006. Plazos. Until 15/12/2025.", + "Line 5. Plaza Venezuela - Miranda II. Base year. Since 2006. Beaches. Until 15/12/2025. Access and coverage. Includes construction and commissioning of 7.5 km of railway and integrated system with 5 stations: Bello Monte, Tamanaco, Chuao, Bello Campo and Miranda II.", + "It includes the construction and commissioning of 7.5 km of railway and an integrated system with 5 stations: Bello Monte, Tamanaco, Chuao, Bello Campo and Miranda II.", + "This line will enable the mobilization of more than 300.000. users and the decongestion of Line 1, as well as constituting an alternative route of connection for the users of the highlands that arrive in Las Adjuntas, with the east of the Capital City. Planning. It must comply with the work programme. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological.", + "Planning. The programme of work must be complied with. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. Deficiency of the public transport offer that increases CO2 emissions due to the use of private vehicles fuelled with petrol and diesel. Considerations.", + "Deficit in public transport supply that increases CO2 emissions due to the use of gasoline and diesel private vehicles. Considerations. of the contribution. Estimated passenger demand 78.613 by 2022; which equates to a reduction in CO2 emissions of 186.030 gr. Investment. Bs. 13.030.021,00.", + "Estimated passenger demand 78.613 by 2022; equivalent to a reduction in emissions of 186.030 gr CO2. Investment. Bs. 13.030.021,00. Indicators related to ODS. 11.6.2 Annual average levels of suspended fine particles (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (weighted by population). Table 8.", + "Indicators related to the ODS. 11.6.2 Average annual levels of suspended fine particles (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (weighted by population). Table 8. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Aquatic Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega). Sector. Transport Mitigation Axis.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Aquatic Transport Sector - Venezuelan Shipping Corporation, S.A. (Venavega). Sector. Transport Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Aquatic Transport Sector - Venezuelan Shipping Corporation, S.A. (Venavega). Public Policy. Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025. 3.2.5.", + "Water Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega). Public Policy. Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025. 3.2.5. Articulate, maintain and generate a solid system of national mobility, intermodal, efficient and interconnected, correlated with the functional dynamics of economic specialization and current and planned flows, regional urban system, as well as its system of maintenance, monitoring, management and industrial components of it.", + "To articulate, maintain and generate a solid national mobility system, intermodal, efficient and interconnected, correlated with the functional dynamics of economic specialization and current and planned flows, regional urban system, as well as its maintenance, monitoring, management and industrial components Establish a national policy for the modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies", + "To establish a national policy for the modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies. Promote research and development of renewable energy projects, based on the potentialities present in the territory, in order to reduce the environmental impact and vulnerability of the energy model, as well as technological sovereignty.", + "To promote the research and development of renewable energy projects, based on the potentials present in the territory, in order to reduce the environmental impact and vulnerability of the energy model, as well as technological sovereignty.", + "It is important to develop a plan of cooperation between the various aquatic sectors in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, to this end it is important to include regulatory, technical, operational and economic measures, such as the provision of port energy supply to vessels from renewable sources, the infrastructure supporting the supply of low-carbon and zero-carbon alternative fuels, incentive programmes for ecological vessels and the speed reduction of vessels.", + "Reduction of the speed of the current fleet in its operations, taking into account aspects of safety, distance travelled, commercial impact.", + "It is recommended to realize synergy with governmental entities for the implementation of biofuels, the advantage of biofuels is their ability to be easily used in the existing fleet, which means that they can quickly replace liquid hydrocarbon fuels.", + "However, it is imperative that these biofuels are produced from sustainable raw materials and using sustainable energy supplies.", + "Sector Transporte Acu\u00e1tico - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega). produce from sustainable raw materials and using sustainable energy supplies.", + "It seeks to implement measures to reduce emissions of gases, using some of the approved equivalent methods, such as exhaust gas cleaning systems that help clean up emissions before they are released into the atmosphere, and to implement effective policies and measures to address climate change, in order to ensure global benefits at the lowest possible cost, enabling the construction of relevant greenhouse gas sinks and reservoirs, and covering all economic sectors.", + "It is also proposed to implement effective policies and measures to address climate change in order to ensure global benefits at the lowest possible cost, by allowing the construction of relevant sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse gases and to cover all economic sectors.", + "Action. (Continuation) Support to research centres that promote, develop with specialists recommendations to curb greenhouse gas emissions that will enable us to combat climate change and implement effective measures in the water transport sector. Fleet renewal and study of the adaptation of the existing fleet with ecological measures that will enable us to reduce gas emissions.", + "Fleet renewal and study of the adequacy of the existing fleet with ecological measures allowing to reduce the emissions of gases.", + "Synergy with State bodies allowing fuel used by ships to comply with the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, better known as the MARPOL Convention From 1 January 2020, the sulphur content limit in fuel used on board ships operating outside designated emission control zones will be 0.50 % by mass.", + "From 1 January 2020, the limit on the sulphur content of fuel used on board ships operating outside the designated emission control areas will be 0.50% by mass, thereby significantly reducing the amount of sulphur oxides emitted from ships, which should have great benefits for both global health and the environment, especially for populations living near ports and coasts.", + "In this way, the amount of sulphur oxides emitted from ships will be significantly reduced, which should have great benefits for both global health and the environment, especially for the populations living near ports and coastlines.", + "Base year 2022. Periods. These actions will have a period of 8 years, in order to achieve a significant reduction in gas emissions by 2030. Achievement and coverage.", + "These actions will have a duration of 8 years, in order to achieve a significant reduction in gas emissions by 2030. Achievement and coverage. It is estimated that the use of alternative energy in ports, as well as the use of ecological measures in the current fleet, as well as the research programme on climate effects in the aquatic sector and compliance with international regulations, will allow the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the short, medium and long term and will avoid international fines for ships. Planning.", + "In order to meet the objectives outlined, synergy of ports, adaptation of alternative energies, cleaning and adaptation of our to the use of ecological measures, as well as adaptation of the fuel to what is established in the MARPOL Convention. Suggested and. Methodological approaches. Economic and social analysis of climate change in the maritime transport sector. Considerations of the. contribution.", + "Methodological approaches. Economic and social analysis of climate change in the maritime transport sector. Considerations of the. contribution. Within the framework of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, in which the main objective is to strengthen the global response to the. Sector. Transport Axis Mitigation. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030.", + "Within the framework of what is established in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, in which the main objective is to strengthen the global response to the. Sector. Transport Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Aquatic Transport - Venezuelan Shipping Corporation, S.A. (Venavega). (Continuing). threat of climate change, limiting the increase in temperature.", + "Water Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega). (Continued). threat of climate change, limiting the increase in global temperature. Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (VENAVEGA), a state-owned company created on September 15, 2010, under the strategic vision of Commander Hugo Rafael Ch\u00e1vez Fr\u00edas, under Decree No. 7.677, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 39.510, is making its best efforts to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to climate change, with the aim of preserving life in the breadbasket and safeguarding the human species.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "The mission of this company is to provide competitive commercial shipping service with operational standards of efficiency and effectiveness, with a high sense of responsibility, orienting management to continuous improvement for the development of the country, with the vision of being recognized as the flagship shipping of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela with high standards of competitiveness, safety, preservation of the environment and excellence in the provision of services at the national and international level.", + "In this sense, this Corporation is constantly working to combat climate change and its effects.", + "In addition, VENAVEGA, as a state-owned shipping company, works to adapt to the measures of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), as regards the treaty to prevent marine pollution (MARPOL Convention), the project energy efficiency index (EEDI), which is mandatory for new ships and the ship's energy efficiency management plan.", + "The idea is to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases from maritime transport in order to safeguard human life, for that reason this company makes its best efforts to implement measures that allow the reduction of the carbon intensity of maritime transport in the short, medium and long term.", + "Approximately EUR 3 000 000 for the implementation of environmental measures for ships and their adaptation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the", + "Transport Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Aquatic Transport Sector - Venezuelan Shipping Corporation, S.A. (Venavega). developing countries, among other things by encouraging innovation and. increasing significantly, by 2030. (Global Indicators Framework for Sustainable Development Goals and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals). Table 9.", + "(Global Indicator Framework for Sustainable Development Goals and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals) Table 9. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Air Transport Sector - National Institute of Civil Aviation (INAC) Sector. Transport Mitigation Axis. CND Update Planning 2020 - 2030. Air Transport Sector - National Institute of Civil Aviation (INAC).", + "Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Air Transport Sector - National Institute of Civil Aviation (INAC). Sector. Transport Mitigation Axis. Update CND Planning 2020 - 2030. Air Transport Sector - National Institute of Civil Aviation (INAC). Public Policy.", + "The National Plan of the Nation, Second Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation, 2013-2019, approved as a National Law in 2013, expresses the will to transform the country and contribute to saving life on the planet towards a just and sustainable world; organized on democratic international institutions and bases.", + "The National Plan of the Fatherland, Second Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation, 2013-2019, adopted as a National Law in 2013, expresses the will to transform the country and contribute to saving life on the planet towards a just and sustainable world; organized on democratic international bases and institutions.", + "In this sense, the content of Historical Objective No. 5: Contribute to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species is developed.", + "Its implementation is aimed at tackling the main causes of climate change. Action. The Venezuelan state, through the INAC, has planned a set of measures that have contributed to mitigating CO2 emissions in civil aviation, in accordance with its realities and international commitments.", + "The Venezuelan State, through the INAC, has planned a set of measures that have contributed to mitigating CO2 emissions in civil aviation, in accordance with its realities and international commitments.", + "These have been developed according to different levels of implementation. Initially, the INAC has prioritized the organizational, operational and technological measures, among which can be mentioned:Aviation), among others. Base year. These measures come into force from the year of publication of the Action Plan and Reduction of CO2 Emissions.", + "These measures come into force from the year of publication of the Action Plan and Reduction of CO2 Emissions. Targets. It is estimated that the measures described above will be fully implemented in the period 2018-2021. Achievement and coverage. It is estimated that CO2 emissions will be reduced at national level. Planning.", + "It is estimated that CO2 emissions will be reduced at national level. Planning. The main implementing measures are as follows:. The Plan for the modernisation of fleets with aircraft from the public and private sectors;. The modernisation and installation of new surveillance and control systems for the air transit of FIR Maiquet\u00eda;.", + "The plan of modernization of fleets with aircraft of the public and private sector; The modernization and installation of new surveillance and control systems for the air transit of the FIR Maiquet\u00eda; Implementation of PBN procedures, including RNAV routes and procedures of approximation, continuous ups and downs;.", + "The modernization and installation of new surveillance and control systems for the air transit of FIR Maiquet\u00eda; Implementation of PBN procedures, including RNAV routes and approximation procedures, continuous ascents and descents; Implementation of Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) at the international airports with the highest commercial inflows and the application of block strategy \u201cASBU\u201d (System Block Improvements).", + "Implementation of the Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) at the international airports with the highest commercial inflows and the application of the \u201cASBU\u201d block strategy (Higher Blocks of the System of. Creation of the Environmental Management Unit within the structure of the Aeronautical Authority. Fleet Modernization Plan.", + "Establishment of the Environmental Management Unit within the structure of the Aeronautical Authority. Fleet Modernization Plan. New MSR Surveillance System - 970S (Secondary Council) of the FIR Maiquet\u00eda. Modernization and relocation of the VOR Radio Assistance System. Sector. Transport Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 update. Air Transport Sector - National Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC).", + "Modernization and relocation of the VOR Radio Assistance System. Sector. Transport Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Air Transport Sector - National Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC). Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. The Civil Aviation Transport Sector accounted for only 6% of total emissions, equivalent to three thousand two hundred forty-two (3.242) Gg COeq.", + "The Transport Civil Aviation sector accounted for only 6% of total emissions, equivalent to three thousand two hundred forty-two (3.242) Gg COeq. The method of estimating emissions by reference resulted in a discrepancy of 4.9% to the sectoral method, less than the 5% difference. considered acceptable between the reference and sectoral methods.", + "The method of estimating emissions by reference resulted in a discrepancy of 4.9% to the sectoral method, less than 5% of the difference. considered acceptable between the reference methods and the sectoral method. Indicators. related to the ODS. Objective 12: Responsible production and consumption Objective 13: Climate action.", + "Objective 12: Responsible production and consumption Objective 13: Climate action. Reduction of aircraft time on land. Industry sector. Directorate General of Environmental Quality Management (FONDOIN). The role of the state as a regulator in the industrialization of the country is very important.", + "The role of the State as a regulatory entity in the industrialization of the country is very important; among the entities responsible for regulating, formulating and monitoring policies, planning and carrying out activities in the field of industries, there is the Ministry of Popular Power of Industries and National Production.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "Recently, the National Assembly approved in second discussion the incorporation of the Kigali Amendment, in October 2021.The legal regime created through these international instruments sets out criteria aimed at achieving a gradual reduction in the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances, with the ultimate aim of eliminating them.", + "The legal regime established through these international instruments sets out criteria aimed at achieving a gradual reduction in the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances, with the ultimate aim of eliminating them, in accordance with what is laid down in the Vienna Convention and the control provisions on ozone-depleting substances (ODS) contained in the Montreal Protocol and its amendments, as well as in the decisions taken at the international meetings of those agreements.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary", + "Support and technical assistance to strengthen the legal framework for discussing the import ban, control of new facilities with refrigeration and air conditioning equipment that use HCFCs and HFCs, updating of training material on good refrigeration practices to address three levels of basic, intermediate and advanced training according to the level of training of the technician.", + "Updated training material on good refrigeration practices to address three levels of basic, intermediate and advanced training according to the technician's level of training.", + "Distribution of games, informational and educational material on best practices for refrigeration technicians; ozone layer and climate; implementation of the Cero Fugas Program in the hospital and food preservation sectors and private service companies.", + "Implementation of the Cero Fugas Program in the hospital and food preservation sectors and private service companies, training in equipment and refrigerant conservation, and technical assistance to large end-users on equipment inventory and evaluation, repair of equipment (fuges), development of equipment and refrigerant performance indices.", + "Training in equipment and refrigerants conservation, and technical assistance to large end-users on equipment inventory and evaluation, equipment repair (leaks), development of equipment and refrigerant performance indices.", + "The program succeeded in helping 40 different installations; this program encourages the avoidance of leakage, one of the main causes of ozone depletion and global warming, and encourages the conversion to natural substances.", + "Currently, the project continues to be disseminated in the State of M\u00e9rida.", + "The project began in 2018 with the implementation of the first phase, which consisted of the installation of an ice water system consisting of a \u201cchiller\u201d with a capacity of 5 tonnes of refrigeration and which uses as a refrigerant, R-290 (propane) and which generates fresh air in paediatric room B.", + "During the year 2019, the planning, associated with the implementation of the second phase of the project, consisting of the conversion and refurbishment of three (3) 20 Tr \u201cchillings\u201d, which currently contain R-22 and will use R-290, was structured, once the work has been carried out.", + "The areas of the hospital that benefited from this project were: Infirmary A, Infirmary B, Recovery Room, Corridor connecting Infirmaries A and B and Recovery Room, Office Areas 20, Birth and Pre-partum Room.", + "In the air conditioning area, Posada Puerto Escondido, located in Cepe, state of Aragua, was converted using R-290, in twelve (12), window air conditioners with capacities between 10,000 and 12,000 BTU/h, being this an example that the HC refrigerant, can be safely applied in this type of equipment, provided that it complies with the safety standards and with the maximum refrigerant loads established in the standard UNE-EN-378.", + "With regard to the percentage reduction, before the Kigali Amendment, the options or alternatives for replacing ODS were hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).", + "In accordance with our phasing-out schedule, we have reduced consumption of ozone-depleting substances by more than 35%, based on a reduction in imports and production of the substances.", + "This reduction is based on the reduction of imports and production of substances. Currently, Venezuela through FONDOIN is in a campaign to promote the use of natural alternatives such as carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrocarbons such as R-290, R-600 and R-600a in the refrigeration sector, which do not exhaust ozone and do not contribute to global warming.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to disseminate widely, in particular to women's and human rights organizations, the Convention, its Optional Protocol, the Committee's general recommendations, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWo", + "In this sense, the Venezuelan State committed to the construction and promotion of the ecosocialist productive economic model, based on a harmonious relationship between human beings and nature, which guarantees the rational, optimal and sustainable use and exploitation of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature, within the framework of the 5 Historical Objectives of the Plan of the Motherland which states: \"Contribute to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species\", has historically undertaken international environmental commitments, which include the protection of the ozone layer.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Auto", + "It agrees to regulate the consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which entails new challenges and commitments.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "of global warming, as well as to require their registration in the register of activities capable of degrading the environment.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Auto", + "Within the framework of the Program Playing Learning carried out by FONDOIN, with the cooperation of the children\u2019s museum, a deployment of activities was developed such as: Routes Friends of the Earth, Workshops of Ecological Practices \u201cFriends of the Earth\u201d and the Institutional Program of FONDOIN. U.E.D. School Teresa Pages Parra and U.E.NE. Eduardo Crema.", + "School Teresa Pages Parra and U.E.NE. Eduardo Crema. The main results are presented in Table 010, as well as their projection through the. Table 010. Number of Persons Trained per Year in the Workshops FONDOIN. Year. Number of Persons Trained. 2015. 500. 2016. 200. 2017. 100. 2018. 100. 2019. 100. 2020. 293. Table 011.", + "Number of Trained Persons per Year in the FONDOIN Workshops. Year. Number of Trained Persons. 2015. 500. 2016. 200. 2017. 100. 2018. 100. 2019. 100. 2020. 293. Table 011. Projection of Trained Persons Period 2021-2025 in the FONDOIN Workshops. Year. Number of Trained Persons. 2021. 150. 2022. 200. 2023. 200. 2024. 200. 2025. 200.", + "Projection of Trained Persons Period 2021-2025 at the FONDOIN Workshops. Year. Number of Trained Persons. 2021. 150. 2022. 200. 2023. 200. 2024. 200. 2025. 200. Finally, FONDOIN delivered educational material as tools to support the programmatic content related to the ozone layer and climate change to educational centers.", + "Finally, FONDOIN delivered educational materials as support tools for the programmatic content relating to the ozone layer and climate change to educational institutions, involving 4600 children and 572 teachers in the fields of ozone layer, climate change, water conservation and green energy.", + "In the context of these activities, 4600 children and 572 teachers were trained in the fields of ozone layer, climate change, water management, and green energy.", + "Thanks to the program, 1,911 technicians were accredited (Table 012). Table 012. Technicians in the Best Operational Practices carried out by FONDOIN. Year. Trained. Accredited. 2015. 437. 390. 2016. 267. 228. 2017. 420. 363. 2018. 523. 482. 2019. 420. 400. 2020. 50. 48. Total. 2.117. 1.911.", + "2015. 437. 390. 2016. 267. 228. 2017. 420. 363. 2018. 523. 482. 2019. 420. 400. 2020. 50. 48. Total. 2.117. 1.911. Currently, FONDOIN is in the process of obtaining accreditation from SENCAMER, in order to strengthen the training program for refrigeration technicians at its various basic, intermediate and advanced levels, in order to continue to train and raise awareness of good practices and prevent gas leaks.", + "FONDOIN is currently in the process of obtaining accreditation from SENCAMER, in order to strengthen the training program for refrigeration technicians at its various basic, intermediate and advanced levels, in order to continue to train and raise awareness of good practices and prevent gas leaks.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party seek technical assistance from, among others, UNICEF and WHO.", + "It is important to stress that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, prior to the adoption of the Kigali Amendment, demonstrating once again its commitment to environmental issues, promulgated in 2015 Resolution 227 concerning the \u201cStandards on the Control, Importation and Management of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)\u201d, Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 40.693 of 01 July 2015 and of which there is currently a proposal for updating.", + "It is estimated that by the end of 2021 or the beginning of 2022, the proposal for a regulation will already have been published, and it is anticipated that this regulation will be reviewed every two years in accordance with the dynamics of the Montreal Protocol and the Kigali Amendment.", + "Furthermore, there is currently a Technical Standards Committee (TSC25) chaired by SENCAMER and comprising the institutions of the refrigerant gas binding state, which is currently preparing the following proposals for technical standards: Substances to be used as refrigerants.", + "This committee is currently preparing the following proposals for technical standards:. Substances to be used as refrigerants. Detection and control of refrigerant joints in industrial or commercial refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Table 013, relating to the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances from the Industrial Sector, is presented below. Table 013.", + "Table 013 below shows the phasing-out of ozone-depleting substances from the Industrial Sector. Table 013 - Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Industrial Sector (Directorate-General for Environmental Quality Management - FONDOIN).", + "In the context of the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010 (A/CONF.189/12 and Corr.1, chap. I, resolution 1, annex), the Committee recommends that the General Assembly request the Secretary-General to submit to it at its fifty-seventh session a report on the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010.", + "Industry Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Progressive elimination of ozone-depleting substances. Public policy. It is a fundamental obligation of the State, with the active participation of society, to ensure that the population develops in an environment free of pollution, in which the air, water, soils, coasts, climate, the ozone layer, living species, are specially protected, in accordance with the law. Sector.", + "It is a fundamental obligation of the State, with the active participation of society, to ensure that the population develops in an environment free of pollution, in which the air, water, soils, coasts, climate, ozone layer and living species are particularly protected, in accordance with the law.", + "Industry Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Progressive phase-out of ozone-depleting substances. 5.4.2. Design a mitigation plan covering greenhouse gas emitting productive sectors as a national voluntary contribution to efforts to save the planet.", + "To design a mitigation plan that covers the production sectors emitting greenhouse gases, as a national voluntary contribution to the efforts to save the planet. To promote clean industrial technologies that guarantee effluents and emissions with less need for treatment for their purity. Source: Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Plan de Patria.", + "To promote clean industrial technologies that guarantee effluents and emissions with less need for treatment for their purity. Source: Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Plan de la Patria. 2019 - 2025. Action.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "Base year. The program started in 2015. Ranges. Until 2040. Achievement and coverage. Year 2020, 35%. Year 2025, 67.5%. Years 2030-2040 an annual average of 2.5% for maintenance services. Suggestions and Methodological approaches.", + "In order to ensure the zero emission of refrigerant gases into the atmosphere and contribute to the protection of the ozone layer and the climate, FONDOIN has a good system of training and certification of refrigeration technicians through the resources provided by the Secretariat.", + "On the other hand, the plan is based essentially on reducing consumption and imports of ODS refrigerants with heating potentials above 500GWP.", + "It must then be based, firstly, on a robust refrigeration training programme accompanied by a certification programme and, secondly, on up-to-date regulation up to the Kigali provisions, with a subsequent control programme to monitor products coming onto the market.", + "For the period 2021-2025 according to the phasing-out schedule, Venezuela must reduce 32.5% of the baseline level of consumption, i.e. 67.25 ODP-tonnes (Ozone Depletion Potential), approximately 121.722.5 ODP-tonnes of CO2 equivalent.", + "For the period 2021-2025 according to the phasing-out schedule, Venezuela must reduce 32.5% of the baseline level of consumption, i.e. 67.25 ODP-tonnes (Ozone Depletion Potential), about 121.722.5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.", + "The country's forest heritage covers all forest ecosystems and resources within the national territory, including natural forests, forest plantations, trees outside the forest, as well as forest lands and non-woody vegetation forms associated with or not with the forest.", + "Forests in Venezuela usually grow in all terrestrial and inundable environments of low, medium and high lands, up to an elevation of approximately 3,000 m above sea level in the region of the Andes (the vast majority between 0 and 2,500 m above sea level, i.e. the macro- and meso-thermal zones of the country).", + "Even above this general limit of trees, there is another type of forest, the chiribital, which forms very isolated and reduced arboreal communities on the surface and in heights up to 3,800 / 4,200 m above sea level. Among the main forest formations of Venezuela we have: moist forests, dry forests, cloudy forests, always green forests, mangrove forests and palm forests.", + "In 2014, the Ministry of the People\u2019s Power for the Environment, today MINEC, published the vegetation coverage map of Venezuela, at a scale of 1:2,000,000, presenting the updated cartography of the vegetation coverage of the country, in 75 maps at a scale of 1:250 000.", + "A good proportion of this Venezuelan forest heritage is under the category of ABRAE, representing 67.52% of the country's total land area, where the functions of protection and conservation of biological diversity assigned to forests represent 37.26%; the function of forest production under management plans represents 17.7% and the remaining 19.11% is given by the function of multiple use of the forest.", + "This protection status includes the country among the ten nations with the largest area of forests designated for soil and water protection (FAO, 2016).", + "Deforestation in Venezuela for the 1990s and 2000s was 288,000 ha/year and 164,600 ha/year for the 2000s and 2010s, decreasing forest cover by 42.9% (MPPA, 2010).", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania have adopted a number of other measures aimed at combating illegal logging and illegal logging in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania.", + "In the framework of the new national forestry policy and the current forestry law (2013), the orientation of the exploitation of the national forest heritage involves substantial changes in terms of the management and the model of forest development to be followed.", + "Within the framework of the new national forestry policy and the current forest law (2013), the orientation of the exploitation of the national forest heritage is undergoing substantial changes in terms of management and the forest development model to be followed.", + "The forest sector is currently one of the driving forces behind the development of the Bolivian Economic Agenda to strengthen the ecosocialist productive model.", + "Table 14 below presents the NDCs presented by the Forestry Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage) and Table 15 for the Forestry Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol).", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage). Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. Update CND Planning 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage). Public Policy.", + "To promote actions at the national and international level for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (both surface and groundwater), watersheds, biological diversity, seas, oceans and forests.", + "Promote actions at the national and international level for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (both surface and groundwater), watersheds, biodiversity, seas, oceans and forests (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030).", + "(Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030). Action: Integrating biodiversity conservation, sustainable land management and climate change mitigation into Forest Management for Sustainable Forest Management; Within the framework of the \"Sustainable Forest Management and Conservation in the Ecosocial Perspective\", which is being developed with GEF funding and as an implementing agency of FAO.", + "Integrate biodiversity conservation, sustainable land management and climate change mitigation into the Forest Management Framework for Sustainable Forest Management; In the framework of the \"Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Conservation in the Ecosocial Perspective\", which is being developed with GEF funding and as an FAO implementing agency, action is planned in the following components: the National Integrated Forest Information System (SINIB), which has the expected results of 4,465,909 monitored and evaluated forest ecosystems, as well as: a) complementing the national forest inventory with improved thematic products on biodiversity and GEI; b) strengthening the processing of geo-spatial and socio-economic information; and C) participatory monitoring of forest cover.", + "It is planned to take action in the following components: the National Integrated Forest Information System (SINIB), which has the expected results of 4,465,909 monitored and evaluated forest ecosystems, as well as: (a) complementing the national forest inventory with improved thematic products on biodiversity and GIS; (b) strengthening the processing of geo-spatial and socio-economic information; and (c) participatory monitoring of forest cover.", + "This Climate Action is aimed at strengthening the institution's Capacity Building Capacity and innovative instruments for Sustainable Forest Management, which results in at least 166,634 ha of forests being covered by interested communities and national and local governments involved in sustainable forest management through new participatory management tools, resulting in stable populations of forest species at risk of global importance and avoiding the emission of 24 million tonnes of CO2eq and halting land degradation processes.", + "As well as the design and initial implementation of a national forest certification program. Action. Restoration, conservation and MFS/MST of forests in areas affected by degradation processes.", + "Action: Restoration, conservation and MFS/MST of forests in areas affected by degradation processes. As a result, technical and institutional capacities are expected for the restoration of forests and forest lands applying strengthened MFS/MST through the development of national guidelines for the restoration and regeneration of 3000 ha of forests through MFS/MST strategies i.e. reforestation, agroforestry systems, analogous forestry under one approach.", + "It is expected as a result, technical and institutional capacities for the restoration of forests and forest lands applying strengthened MFS/MST through the development of national guidelines for the restoration and regeneration of 3000 ha of forests through MFS/MST strategies i.e. reforestation, agroforestry systems, similar forestry under an ecosystemic approach that prioritizes the multifunctionality of forests and that results in standardized populations of forest species.", + "Forestry Axis Mitigation. CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forestry Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage). global importance at risk and seizure of 0.2 million tonnes of CO2eq and land degradation processes arrested in 3000 ha.", + "Base year. Start of the project in 2016 (base year) planned for a period of 5 years. Timeframe. Implementation of the action is estimated for a period of 6 years, 2016 - 2022.", + "Initiation of the project in 2016 (base year) planned for a period of 5 years. Timeframe. Implementation of the action is estimated for a period of 6 years, 2016 - 2022. Achievement and coverage. The action is local and is aimed at the forestry sector specifically towards CO2 emission and absorption. Planning.", + "The main institutions involved in the project will be the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC) and its affiliates the National Forestry Enterprise (ENFORESTAL), the National Reforestation Company (CONARE), the Latin American Forest Institute (IFLA), the MINEC Tree Mission and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as GEF Implementing Agency.", + "A Project Management Unit was established, composed of a GEF-funded Project Team. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. IPCC methodologies are used to estimate CO2 removals. Contribution Considerations.", + "For the calculation of CO2 uptake estimates, IPCC methodologies are used. Contribution considerations. Government institutions involved and their staff and local indigenous and non-indigenous communities of the Imataca Forest Reserve (IFR) will receive support to develop their capacities for sustainable forest and land management, and the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, generating global environmental benefits. Sector.", + "The government institutions involved and their staff and the local indigenous and non-indigenous communities of the Imataca Forest Reserve (RFI) will receive support to develop their capacities for sustainable management of forests and lands, and the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, generating global environmental benefits.", + "To promote actions at the national and international level for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (both surface and groundwater), watersheds, biological diversity, seas, oceans and forests.", + "Promote actions at the national and international level for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (both surface and groundwater), watersheds, biological diversity, seas, oceans and forests (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030).", + "(Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030). Action. It is planned to maintain the rate of change in forest cover at 0.20% equivalent to 90,000 hectares/year by 2030, by promoting and implementing measures for forest and environmental control. Base year.", + "It is planned to maintain the rate of change in forest cover at 0.20% equivalent to 90,000 hectares/year by 2030, by promoting and implementing measures for forest and environmental control. Base year. The action has as its base year 2020, estimating a forest cover of 46.230.900 million hectares (FRA 2020), for this purpose actions will be implemented to strengthen forest traceability mechanisms, education and awareness-raising to communities on the effect of deforestation or land use change on climate change; actions will also be managed towards forest management and reforestation using different forestry methods. Sector.", + "Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Update Planning 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Directorate General of Forest Heritage). Areas. Implementation of the action is estimated for a period of 10 years, 2020 - 2030. Achievement and coverage.", + "Forest Sector (Directorate General of Forest Heritage). Targets. The implementation of the action is estimated for a period of 10 years, 2020 - 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is national and is aimed at the forestry sector specifically towards the protection and conservation of forests directly related to the capture/sequencing of CO2. Planning.", + "The action is national and is aimed at the forestry sector specifically towards the protection and conservation of forests directly related to CO2 capture/sequencing.", + "A working group for monitoring forests supported by the use of remote sensors and information systems programs, as well as validation of information in the field, will be directed by the Ministry of the PP for Ecosocialism/Directorate General of Forest Heritage.", + "Consultation of experts will be required to design policies, implement actions and develop indicators and evaluate results. Suggestions and Methodological approaches. IPCC methodologies are used to estimate anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution considerations.", + "The IPCC methodologies are used to estimate the anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs.Contribution Considerations Reducing the change in forest cover positively contributes to the maintenance of forest ecosystems, biodiversity and their habitats.", + "Reduce the change in forest cover favours the maintenance of forest ecosystems, biological diversity and their habitats, as well as contributes to reducing soil erosion, desertification and conserving water sources, among others. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage). Public Policy.", + "It also contributes to reducing soil erosion, desertification and conserving water sources, among others. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage). Public Policy. Promote national and international actions for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (both surface and groundwater), watersheds, biodiversity, seas, oceans and forests.", + "Promote actions at the national and international level for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (both surface and groundwater), watersheds, biological diversity, seas, oceans and forests (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030).", + "(Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030). Action. Promote the establishment of 155,000 hectares of forest planted over a period of 8 years for multiple use, with different forest species, within the framework of the forest controls granted for the management and exploitation of the forest heritage. This climate action points to a commitment by the institution. Base year.", + "Promote the establishment of 155,000 hectares of planted forests over a period of 8 years for multiple uses, with different forest species, within the framework of the forest controls granted for the management and exploitation of the forest heritage. This climate action aims at a commitment by the institution. Base year. The action will start from 2022, with the promotion of the establishment of planted forests and agroforestry systems.", + "The action will start from the year 2022, with the promotion of the establishment of planted forests and agroforestry systems. Timeframe. The implementation of the action is estimated for a period of 8 years, taking as a base year the year 2022, ending in 2030. Achievement and coverage.", + "The implementation of the action is estimated for a period of 8 years, taking as a base year the year 2022, ending in 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is national and is aimed at the forestry sector specifically towards the absorption of CO2. Planning.", + "Achievement and coverage. The action is national and targets the forestry sector specifically towards the absorption of CO2. Planning. Action is planned to comply with the environmental measures set out in the authorisations for the management and exploitation of forests, as well as to encourage planting companies to increase their area of management and reforestation projects with the communities.", + "It is planned to take action to comply with the environmental measures laid down in the authorisations for the management and exploitation of forests, as well as to encourage planting companies to increase their area of management and reforestation projects with the communities.", + "The action will be directed by the Ministry of the PP for Ecosocialism/Directorate General of Forest Heritage. Substitutes and. For the calculation of estimates of CO2 uptake are used. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Directorate General of Forest Heritage). approaches. Methodologies. IPCC methodologies. Contribution considerations.", + "Actualization CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Directorate General of Forest Heritage). approaches. methodologies. IPCC methodologies. considerations of contribution. This action will increase the area of forests and promote the capture of CO2 into the atmosphere through its action as a carbon sink. Table 15.", + "This action will increase the area of forests and promote the capture of CO2 into the atmosphere through their action as carbon sinks. Table 15. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy.", + "To stimulate the formation of brigades, schools, communes and institutions, with the aim of consolidating them into a large Ecosocialist movement, which will enable the fifth historical objective of the Plan de la Patria to be achieved (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030).", + "(Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030). Action. It is planned to implement the formation of 11,414 ecobrigades in various sectors to promote the empowerment of the structures of the popular power and the student sector of the Ecosocialist practices.", + "It is planned to implement the formation of 11,414 ecobrigades in various sectors to promote the empowerment of the structures of the popular power and the student sector of the Ecosocialist practices. This climate action aims to strengthen the capacities of the Institution. Base year. It is expected to group 400,000 Ecobrigades from 2021 in 11,414 ecobrigades. Plazos.", + "This climate action aims at strengthening the capacity of the Institution. Base year. It is expected to group 400,000 Eco Brigades from 2021 onwards into 11,414 Eco Brigades. Areas. Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021, ending in 2025. Achievement and coverage.", + "Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021 and ending in 2025. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the forest sector directly related to reforestation and carbon capture. Planning.", + "Achievement and coverage. The action is directed to the forest sector directly related to the reforestation and carbon capture. Planning. A Working Group led by the Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol was formed where policies are planned and actions are implemented, as well as developing indicators and evaluating results. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological.", + "A Working Group led by the Tree Mission Foundation was formed where policies are planned and actions are implemented, as well as developing indicators and evaluating results. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. For the formation and operation of ecobrigades, the Tree Guardians manual was created. Considerations of the contribution.", + "For the formation and operation of the ecobrigades, the manual of tree guardians was created.Contribution considerations.The formation of tree guardians will have a high impact on the development of the Foundation\u2019s policies, as it will consolidate a large Ecosocialist movement that will have an active role in the production and planting of 8,700,000 trees in degraded areas. Sector.", + "The formation of tree guardians will have a high impact on the development of the Foundation's policies, as it will consolidate a large Ecosocialist movement that will have an active role in the production and planting of 8,700,000 trees in degraded areas. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol).", + "To produce the quantity of 8,797,255 plants of indigenous species: Forest, Fruit, Medicinal and Ornamental by promoting the use of agroecological practices (Plan of the Motherland 2019 - 2025-2030 and the National Production Plan 2021).", + "To produce the quantity of 8,797,255 plants of indigenous species: Forest, Fruit, Medicinal and Ornamental by promoting the use of agroecological practices (Plan of the Motherland 2019 - 2025-2030 and the National Production Plan 2021).", + "It is planned to install 55 institutional nurseries and 240 communal nurseries for the production of more than 8 million plants. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). indigenous and promising. This measure points to a measure of Capacity Building and a commitment of the institution. Base year.", + "Base year. It is expected to produce 8,797,255 plants in a period of 5 years from 2021. Expectations. Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years from 2021, ending in 2025.", + "Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021 and ending in 2025. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the forest sector directly related to reforestation and carbon capture. Planning.", + "Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the forest sector directly related to the reforestation and carbon capture. Planning. A Working Group was formed with the entities affiliated to MINEC, responsible for plant reproduction, where policies are planned and actions are implemented, as well as developing indicators and evaluating results. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological.", + "A Working Group was formed with the members of MINEC, who are responsible for plant reproduction, where policies are planned and actions are implemented, as well as developing indicators and evaluating results. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. The 2021-2025 production plan and the plan for the installation and development of communal nurseries were developed. Considerations of the contribution.", + "This programme is expected to contribute through the production of more than 8 million plants, environmental benefits and services to the ecosystem, restoring or increasing the country's forest cover, increasing soil fertility by improving moisture retention, the physical structure of the soil and nutrient content. Sector.", + "With this program, it is expected to contribute through the production of more than 8 million plants, benefits and environmental services to the ecosystem, by restoring or increasing the country's forest cover, increasing soil fertility by improving moisture retention, the physical structure of the soil and the nutrient content.", + "Forest Axis Mitigation. Update CND Planning 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy. Produce bio-inputs, reducing the use of agrochemicals with the aim of developing agro-ecological practices in the processes of reproduction of plant material in nurseries. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030 and the Bio-Inputs Production Plan). Action.", + "To produce bio-ins, reducing the use of agrochemicals with the aim of developing agro-ecological practices in plant material reproduction processes in nurseries (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030 and the Bio-ins Production Plan).", + "(Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030 and the Bioinsult Production Plan). Action. It is planned to produce: 2.705 liters of biocontrollers, 119 liters of biofertilizer, and 1.288.30 m3 of waste. This climate action points to a measure of Capacity Building and a commitment of the institution. Base year.", + "This climate action aims at a measure of Capacity Building and a commitment of the institution. Base year. The start of this plan of production of bio-ingredients is planned for the year 2021. Expectations. The implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, from the year 2021, ending in the year 2025. Achievement and coverage.", + "The implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021 and ending in 2025. Achievement and coverage. The action is directed at the forest sector directly related to the reforestation and carbon capture. Planning. A Working Group was formed by the MPPE and the MINPPAU for.", + "The action is aimed at the forest sector directly related to the reforestation and carbon capture. Planning. A Working Group was formed by the MPPE and the MINPPAU to implement the actions, as well as develop indicators and evaluate results. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. A manual for the preparation of bio-inputs was developed. Considerations of the contribution.", + "Implementation of the actions, as well as developing indicators and evaluating results. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. Developed a manual for the preparation of bioins. Considerations of the contribution. Replacing the use of agrochemicals with the use of bioins helps to improve the efficiency in the nutrition and health of plants reproduced in nurseries by adding value at source and increasing the yield.", + "Replacing the use of agrochemicals with the use of bio-insists helps to improve the nutritional and health efficiency of nursery-reared plants by adding value at source and increasing yield in a sustainable way; through their use, the sector is promoted.", + "Sustainable agriculture and food security, through increased environmental awareness. Sector. Forest Axis Mitigation. Update CND Planning 2020 - 2030. Sector Forest (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy.", + "The Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable", + "To restore the national forest cover, giving priority to watersheds and degraded areas in national parks and natural monuments (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030 and the National Reforestation Strategy 2021) Action: Establish 88 fruit forests, 127 polychrome forests occupying an area of 480 hectares, to beautify squares, avenues and communities: with the establishment of 300.000 ornamental plants, with the aim of establishing urban green centres.", + "Establish 88 fruit forests, 127 polychrome forests occupying an area of 480 hectares, to beautify squares, avenues, communities: with the establishment of 300.000 ornamental plants, with the aim of establishing urban green centers. for the capture of C02. Base year. It is expected to start with this plan in the second half of 2021.", + "It is expected to start with this plan in the second half of 2021. Expectations. Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021, ending in 2025. Achievement and coverage.", + "Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021 and ending in 2025. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the forest sector directly related to reforestation and carbon capture. Planning. The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed to implement the actions, in addition to developing indicators and evaluating results.", + "The action is aimed at the forest sector directly related to reforestation and carbon capture. Planning. The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed to implement the actions, in addition to developing indicators and evaluating. results. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed to implement the actions, as well as to develop indicators and evaluate. results. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed and the FAO methodologies for forest establishment were used.", + "The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed and the FAO methodologies for establishing forests were used.Contribution Considerations Forests contribute to the balance of atmospheric oxygen, as well as capturing carbon dioxide, one of the main greenhouse gases, and hosting more than 80% of the Earth's biodiversity.", + "Forests contribute to the balance of atmospheric oxygen, in addition to capturing carbon dioxide, one of the main greenhouse gases, as well as hosting more than 80% of the Earth's biodiversity.The formation of these will have a positive impact on air quality as it will increase the generation of oxygen, as well as the capture of carbon dioxide.", + "The formation of these will have a positive impact on air quality as it will increase the generation of oxygen, as well as the capture of carbon dioxide. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy.", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment", + "Establish trees of indigenous and promising species in watersheds, degraded areas in national parks and natural monuments, with the aim of increasing carbon sinks (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030 and the National Reforestation Strategy 2021).", + "It is planned to plant 4.800.000 trees in 4000 reforestation days, with the aim of establishing green nuclei for the capture of C02. Base year. It is expected to start with this plan in the second half of 2021.", + "Base year. It is expected to start with this plan in the second half of 2021. Timeframe. Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021, ending in 2025. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Achievement and coverage.", + "The implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021 and ending in 2025. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Planning 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Achievement and Coverage. The action is directed to the Forest Sector directly related to Reforestation and Carbon Capture. Planning.", + "Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the forest sector directly related to reforestation and carbon capture. Planning. The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed to implement the actions, as well as to develop indicators and evaluate results. Alternatives and Methodological approaches.", + "The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed to implement the actions, as well as to develop indicators and evaluate results. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed and the FAO methodologies for forest establishment were used.", + "The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed and the FAO methodologies for forest establishment were used.Contribution considerations.The increase in carbon sinks in national parks and natural monuments will contribute to the balance of atmospheric oxygen, as well as capturing carbon dioxide emitted by anthropogenic action into the atmosphere, as well as being a source of water retention in watersheds.", + "The increase in carbon sinks in national parks and natural monuments will contribute to the balance of atmospheric oxygen, as well as capturing carbon dioxide emitted by anthropogenic action into the atmosphere, as well as being a source of water retention in watersheds.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "In addition, the amount of solid waste generated had increased from 7 million tonnes per year in 1999 to 10 million in 2010, and the daily generation per person from 0.79 to 0.98 kilos in the same period.", + "Municipal solid waste collection by state is proportional to the number of inhabitants, with the states of Zulia, Miranda, Carabobo, Anzo\u00e1tegui and the Capital District being the entities with the largest amount of waste collected.", + "Most of the waste goes to landfills with varying levels of control and management. Table 16 below presents the NDCs for the Waste Sector. Table 16 Venezuela's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Policies, presented by the Waste Sector (Department of Integrated Basin Management).", + "Venezuelan Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) policies, presented by the Waste Sector (Department of Integrated Water Resources Management).", + "To promote actions at the national level that enable the proper management of solid waste and waste generated by the population of the country, placing emphasis on the integrated management of waste, in order to reduce its generation and ensure that its collection, utilization and final disposal is carried out in a sanitary and environmentally safe manner (Ley de gestion Integral de la Basura and Plan de la Patria).", + "The main public policies proposed are as follows:1. Order the territory and ensure the basis of ecological sustainability, through the formulation and implementation of plans for the different territorial scales, the preservation of water basins and bodies of water, the conservation and preservation of natural environments, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment, the protection of the environment,", + "To organize the territory and ensure the basis of ecological sustainability, through the formulation and implementation of plans for the different territorial scales, the preservation of water basins and bodies of water, the conservation and preservation of natural environments, the promotion of programs for the integral management of solid waste and the sector.", + "Promoting integrated solid waste management programs and the. Sector. Waste Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Waste Sector (Department of Integrated Basin Management). culture of the peoples.", + "To build the public industrial policies on materials of mass consumption by the population, its environmental variables, as well as its recycling, in order to build an ecological balance of materials and energy of society and modify the balance of solid waste of it.", + "To construct public industrial policies on materials of mass consumption by the population, its environmental variables, as well as its recycling, in order to build an ecological balance of materials and energy of society and modify the balance of solid waste of it.", + "To define public standardization policies for the purposes of research, industrial and technological development and substitution of imports, as well as state policy, for the types of solid waste collection systems and subsystems, for the purposes of generating economies of scale and effective maintenance systems.", + "Generate public policies on landfills and sanitary fillings, as well as their environmental, sanitary and technological variables.Develop policies for risk mitigation and environmental impact reduction in the solid waste collection and disposal system.", + "Develop policies for risk mitigation and environmental impact reduction in the solid waste collection system and final disposal.", + "To develop the different types of solid waste collection and their industrial systems, equipment and popular accompaniment of management and counter-harvesting, in order to make them timely, regular and sufficient; To stimulate the productive economic system of recycling, generating economic value to the waste at local level, as well as its industrial use and control of smuggling of extraction; Action.", + "To stimulate the economically productive system of recycling, generating economic value to the waste at the local level, as well as its industrial use and smuggling control of extraction.", + "National Plan of Sanitation of 35 Greenhouses, at the national level, for the recovery of final disposal sites and the control and capture and use of generated methane (CH4); National Plan of Construction of 2 Sanitary Fillings for the control and capture of generated methane (CH4).", + "National Plan for the Construction of 2 Sanitary Fillings for the Control and Capture of Generated Methane (CH4) National Plan for the Construction of 4 Transfer Stations to contribute to the proper management of solid waste and solid waste.", + "National Plan of Construction of 4 Transfer Stations to contribute to the proper management of waste and solid waste. This climate action aims at strengthening the institution's capacities. Base year. Year 2020 with a 10-year operating period: 2021-2025 and 2026-2030.", + "This climate action aims at strengthening the institution\u2019s capacities. Base year: 2020 with an operational period of 10 years: 2021-2025 and 2026-2030. Areas: It is estimated that the following actions will be carried out by 2025: sanitation of 40% of urban solid waste landfills, equivalent to 14 sites; construction of 50% of sanitary fillings, equivalent to 1 site; and construction of 75% of transfer stations, equivalent to 3 stations.", + "It is estimated that by 2025 the following actions will be carried out: 40% sanitation of urban solid waste landfills, equivalent to 14 sites; 50% construction of sanitary fillings, equivalent to 1 site; 75% construction of transfer stations, equivalent to 3 stations; by 2030 the following actions will be carried out: 60% sanitation of urban solid waste landfills, equivalent to 21 sites; 50% construction of sanitary fillings, equivalent to 1 site; and 25% construction of transfer stations, equivalent to 1 station.", + "It is estimated that the following actions will be carried out by 2030: cleaning 60% of urban solid waste landfills, equivalent to 21 sites; construction of 50% of sanitary fillings, equivalent to 1 site; and construction of 25% of transfer stations, equivalent to 1 station.", + "The main institutions involved in the project are: Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC), and Governments and municipalities of. Sector. Waste Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030.", + "The main institutions involved in the project are: Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC), and Governments and municipalities of. Sector. Waste Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector. Waste (Department of Integrated Basin Management). the states involved; which will be subject to an Office of. National Coordination of Management and Control of RDS.", + "the states involved; which will be subject to a National RDS Management and Control Coordination Office.", + "Methodological Suggestions and Approaches IPCC methodologies, based on emission factors, engineering calculations and mathematical models, are used to calculate GHG emissions to obtain acceptable data to assist in the formulation, implementation, evaluation of environmental policy strategies and measures to promote sustainable management of GHGs.", + "For the calculation of GHG emissions, IPCC methodologies, based on emission factors, engineering calculations and mathematical models, are used to obtain acceptable data to assist in the formulation, implementation, evaluation of environmental policy strategies and measures to promote sustainable management of SDRs.", + "Institutions involved in the calculation of GHGs should receive technical support and funding to develop their capacities in this area.", + "Institutions involved in the calculation of GHGs should receive technical support and funding to develop their capacities in this area.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "Both legal frameworks on climate change (the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement) guide the preparation and content of the Adaptation Communication.", + "The report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Group I on the Physical Basis of Climate Change (2021) concludes that global warming is a reality and that unprecedented changes are being observed.", + "Significant changes in climatic variables, in particular in precipitation and temperature, jeopardise the normal development of society in many countries, and especially the populations of the so-called developing countries with scarce resources, who will suffer the most adverse effects because of their greater vulnerability.", + "In September 2015, the UN adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, together with an Agenda that includes 17 Goals and 169 targets to be achieved by countries in the period 2016-2030 in order to move towards a sustainable world.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (CRBV) in its Article 127, establishes that it is an individual and collective right to enjoy a life and a safe, healthy and ecologically balanced environment.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations", + "In this regard, the Committee notes with concern that the State party has not yet ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment on the involvement of children in armed conflict.", + "In this regard, Venezuela has a substantial legal and normative framework, which regulates the implementation of policies, programmes, plans and projects, and underpins the actions of the State aimed at adapting to the effects of climate change, in order to face the conditions of vulnerability.", + "In the legal field, Venezuela has a substantial legal and normative framework, which regulates the implementation of policies, programmes, plans and projects, and underpins the actions of the State aimed at adapting to the effects of climate change, in order to face the conditions of vulnerability.", + "In addition, Venezuela has adopted the principles of disaster prevention and management adopted by various international bodies, such as the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR).", + "In the framework of the IDR, Venezuela participated in the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, held in 2005 in Kobe - Japan, at which the Hyogo Framework for Action - MAH, 2005 - 2015, was adopted, the overall objective of which is to increase the resilience of nations and communities to disasters by achieving, by 2015, a significant reduction in the losses caused by disasters.", + "At that event, the Hyogo Framework for Action - MAH, 2005-2015 was adopted, the overall objective of which is to increase the resilience of nations and communities to disasters by achieving, by 2015, a significant reduction in the losses caused by disasters, both in terms of human lives and in terms of the social, economic and environmental goods of communities and countries.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Human Rights Council, the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council, the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the Chambers of Deputies, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the", + "The vulnerability of Venezuela to climate change was pioneered by the Pan-Earth Project (Harwell, 1993) which enabled the generation of the first scenarios of climate change for Venezuela, based on models of atmospheric circulation.", + "The vulnerability of Venezuela to climate change was pioneered by the Pan-Earth Project (Harwell, 1993) which enabled the generation of the first climate change scenarios for Venezuela, based on models of atmospheric circulation.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the Chambers of Deputies, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United", + "In addition, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has adopted a number of measures aimed at combating climate change, such as the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Climate Change (MARN) and the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Climate Change (CONAPREDEC).", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Venezuela has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights of the child, such as the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents", + "At the regional level, Venezuela participates in the Andean Committee for Disaster Prevention and Response (CAPRADE), where the Andean Strategy for Disaster Prevention and Response has been formulated.", + "The National Coordinating Committee for Civil Protection and Disaster Management, which is composed of all the offices of the National Executive and brings together sectors and levels of government, with the participation of representatives of state governors, mayors and non-governmental organizations, as well as the National Coordination of Firefighters and civil emergency management agencies.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of", + "In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic and the general lines of foreign policy, the country has adopted the guidelines of disaster prevention and care of various international bodies such as the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR).", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is making a political commitment at the highest level to the adaptation of all bodies and entities of the public administration in their operational plans for the implementation of the ODS.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela assumes the political commitment at the highest level for the adaptation of all organs and entities of the public administration in their operational plans for the implementation of the ODS.", + "In order to achieve success in adaptation, it is necessary to combine the continuous efforts of all social actors, since a profound change in production models, patterns of use of natural resources and in the consumption of goods and services is required.", + "Reduce vulnerability to the effects of climate change by promoting adaptive capacity and resilience.", + "Reduce vulnerability to the effects of climate change by promoting adaptation capacity and resilience Facilitate the integration of adaptation to climate change, in a coherent manner, into relevant policies, programmes and activities, new and existing, in particular development planning processes and strategies, in all relevant sectors and at different levels.", + "To facilitate the integration of adaptation to climate change, in a coherent manner, into relevant policies, programmes and activities, new and existing, in particular development planning processes and strategies, in all relevant sectors and at different levels.", + "Venezuela presents ambitious contributions to adaptation, covering actions and policies towards fair and sustainable development.", + "Venezuela presents ambitious contributions in adaptation, covering actions and policies towards a fair and sustainable development, these contributions have been advanced voluntarily and with own funding, framed in the National Economic and Social Development Plan (Plan de Patria), which establishes the priority of the fight against climate change within the framework of an integral, humanistic and eco-socialist development oriented to the Good Living in harmony with Mother Earth.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela presents through this document, its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), through actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation, for the fight against climate change and its effects, taking into account what is established in the decisions under the UNFCCC, 1992, the Paris Agreement 2015.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela presents through this document, its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), through actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation, for the fight against climate change and its effects, taking into account what is established in the decisions under the UNFCCC, 1992, the Paris Agreement 2015. PROPOSED BY SECTORS.", + "PROPOSED BY SECTORS. In this context, the tables relating to the policies contained in the Official Document of the CND of Venezuela, which were presented in 2017, and which cover the period 2020 - 2030, are updated under the following sectors: Agriculture (Food Security); Urban Agriculture; Water; Urban Settlements (Living); Science and Technology.", + "In this context, the tables relating to the policies contained in the Official Document of the CND of Venezuela, which were presented in 2017, and which cover the period 2020 - 2030, are updated under the following sectors: Agriculture (Food Security); Urban Agriculture; Water; Urban Settlements (Living); Science and Technology; Community Sector (Popular Organization).", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for", + "(a) The right to education (art.", + "Sector Directorate General of Environmental Quality Management (Water Quality Monitoring - Environmental Laboratories) Sector Ecosystems (Coastal Zone, Territorial Management, Mountains, Wetlands) Sector Biodiversity (Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity) Sector Agriculture (Food Security).", + "Ecosystems Sector (Coastal Zone, Territorial Planning, Mountains, Wetlands) Biodiversity Sector (Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity) Agriculture Sector (Food Security) The agricultural sector is one of the sectors most at risk from climate change, due to anthropogenic processes, while changes in the environment are the most drastic.", + "The agricultural sector is one of the most at risk from climate change, driven by anthropogenic processes, while climate change is the most drastic. The greatest challenge for farmers or producers is the conditions for production and the benefits derived from the activity.", + "However, much of the global greenhouse gas emissions come from this sector, mainly due to the intensive use of synthetic fertilisers and pesticides, the digestive process of ruminants, the excessive use of fossil energy and the inappropriate management and use of soil (erosion, pollution), so agricultural activity then has a great responsibility for climate change, but it is also one of the most affected by it.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "Agriecology emerges as a type of alternative and ancestral agriculture, to cope with conventional practices, by promoting sustainable practices such as the production and use of bio-islands, cover crops, as well as the combination of crops and livestock farming, agroforestry, among others, that allow greater carbon sequestration; in it, the materialism of conventional agriculture is replaced by a more respectful vision of the environment and seeks to coexist with the environment without attacking it, and as an added value minimise the environmental impact and safety of food.", + "It is important to remember that climate change affects the patterns of crop phenology and yields, so the Ministry of Popular Power for Productive Agriculture and Lands (MPPAPT), through the National Institute of Integral Agricultural Health (INSAI), its bio-input laboratories provide farmers with biological agricultural inputs, with the aim of reducing the toxic load and carbon footprint, reducing production costs and having more resilient and sustainable systems.", + "In addition to these policies, the INSAI has carried out activities of acquisition, training and accompaniment for agro-ecological or organic production to producers (small, large, rural, urban, among others) at national level, in which they are trained in the artisanal production and use of agro-ecological inputs (bioles, purines, organic fertilizers, green fertilizers, mineral broths, etc.), with the aim of bringing them closer to these technologies and this will enable them to make changes and adjustments to climate change.", + "Finally, it is important to emphasise that in recent years the efforts made have been hampered by the impact of the coercive and unilateral measures to which the country has been subjected and the COVID-19 pandemic, reducing the productive capacity of bio-insecticides laboratories and the amount of catching activities, training and accompanying producers for agro-ecological or organic production.", + "Following this, we present Figure 01 the Agriculture (Food Security) Sector and Figure 02 for the Socialist Venezuelan Cocoa Corporation S.A., on the mitigation/adaptation of climate change and the cocoa production process (Theobroma cacao L), in Venezuela. Figure 01. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Agriculture (Food Security) Sector.", + "Figure 02 for the Socialist Venezuelan Cocoa Corporation S.A., against the mitigation/adaptation of climate change and the cocoa production process (Theobroma cacao L), in Venezuela. Figure 01. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Agriculture (Food Security) Sector.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Agriculture (Food Security) Sector.Fiche summary of the actions and programs with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).Action and programs with impact on adaptation year 2017.Development and implementation of agroecological systems (Network of laboratories of biological inputs).", + "Actions and programs with impact on adaptation year 2017. Development and implementation of agroecological systems (Network of laboratories of bio-inputs). Description of the results of the Action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. Table 1. Production of agricultural bio-inputs in laboratories. Year Biofertilizers (Lts) Biocontrollers (Dosis). 2015 19.301 28.564. 2016 14.735 17.540. 2017 15.667 10.558.", + "Production of agricultural bioinsumes in laboratories. Year Biofertilizers (Lts) Biocontrollers (Dosis). 2015 19.301 28.564. 2016 14.735 17.540. 2017 15.667 10.558. 2018 26.005 11.655. 2019 872 958. 2020 154 242. 2021* 379 200. Total 77.113 69.717. Table 2.", + "Results of Capture Activities, Training and Accompaniment for Organic and Agroecological Production to Producers, at National Level. Capture Activities,. Year Training and Beneficiaries Accompaniments. 2015 8.049 120.735. 2016 4.163 62.445. 2017 4.241 63.615. 2018 3.850 53.900. 2019 2.695 26.950. 2020 1.270 12.700. 2021* 1.077 10.770. Total 25.345 351.115. * Data up to June 2021.", + "2018 3.850 53.900. 2019 2.695 26.950. 2020 1.270 12.700. 2021* 1.077 10.770. Total 25.345 351.115. * Data up to June 2021. Actions and/or measures for updating the GNI to 2030. 200.000 farmers. Description of the action. Institution responsible for the actions. INSAI. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. No legal instruments. No beneficiaries.", + "Description of the action. Institution responsible for the actions. INSAI. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. No legal instruments. No beneficiaries. No catching, training and accompanying activities. No agro-ecological system.", + "Indicators No legal instruments No beneficiaries No collection, training and support activities No agro-ecological system Ten (10) legal instruments will be created and implemented to implement actions for agro-ecological crop production to reduce the toxic burden and minimise the impacts of climate change, as well as to regulate or prohibit the agricultural use of highly toxic synthetic pesticides.", + "Ten (10) legal instruments will be created and implemented to implement actions for agro-ecological crop production to reduce the toxic burden and minimise the impacts of climate change, as well as to regulate or prohibit the agricultural use of highly toxic synthetic pesticides.", + "90 \u201cnon-contaminating\u201d agroecological systems will be implemented, 50,000 collection, training and accompanying activities for agroecological or organic production to producers will be carried out at the national level, and 20,000 litres of biofertilizers and 20,000 doses of biocontrollers will be produced in agricultural bioinsurance laboratories.", + "It is expected to benefit a. 20,000 litres of biofertilizers and 20,000 doses of biocontrollers will be produced in agricultural bioinsurance laboratories.The legal instruments will be developed at the INSAI headquarters by the staff of the Directorate of Aggressology and Popular Participation and the Legal Consultancy, after a diagnosis of national needs, and the revision of public policies and guidelines emanating from the MPPAT, with regard to climate change and environmental conservation.", + "The legal instruments will be developed at the INSAI headquarters, by the staff of the Directorate of Aggressology and Popular Participation and the Legal Consultancy, after having made a diagnosis of national needs, and the revision of public policies and guidelines emanating from the MPPAT, with regard to climate change and environmental conservation.", + "Agri-ecological systems will be developed in conjunction with organised agricultural communities in rural and urban areas, and 90 agricultural communities are expected to benefit from this action in the acquisition of technical know-how, in order to increase resilience to climate change.", + "This action is expected to benefit 90 agricultural communities in the acquisition of technical know-how, to increase resilience to climate change.Capture, training and accompanying activities will be carried out, through visits and inspections of field technicians, at national level so that producers adapt to the new climate variations that are being presented in the present to the future, it is expected to benefit 200,000 farmers.", + "Capture, training and accompanying activities will be carried out, through visits and inspections of field technicians, at national level, so that producers adapt to the new climatic variations that are being presented in the present to the future, it is expected to benefit 200,000 farmers.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, a number of other measures have been adopted, such as the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establish", + "Figure 02. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Agriculture (Food Security) Sector - Socialist Venezuelan Cocoa Corporation S.A., against the mitigation/adaptation of climate change and the cocoa production process (Theobroma cacao L), in Venezuela.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Sector Agriculture (Food Security) - Corporaci\u00f3n Socialista del Cacao Venezolano S.A., against the mitigation/adaptation of climate change and the cocoa production process (Theobroma cacao L), in Venezuela. Summary of actions and programs with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programs undertaken by the CSCV with impact on adaptation update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).", + "Determined (CND). Actions and programs undertaken by the CSCV with impact on adaptation update of the nationally determined contribution (CND). Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. Conservation of agrobiodiversity. Agroecology. Reduction of climate risks in agricultural activities.", + "Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. Conservation of agrobiodiversity. Agroecology. Reduction of climate risks in agricultural activities. Sustainable development of cocoa cultivation (Theobroma cacao L) in the country, as a strategic heading for the protection and conservation of the environment and thus to promote the sovereignty and food security adapted to the new climatic conditions.", + "Sustainable development of cocoa cultivation (Theobroma cacao L) in the country, as a strategic cornerstone for the protection and conservation of the environment and thus promote agro-food sovereignty and security adapted to the new climatic conditions.", + "The establishment, maintenance and rehabilitation of agroforestry systems of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L), based on agroecological principles as a sustainable alternative of agricultural production to the new climatic conditions, will be progressively enhanced.", + "It is proposed for the creation of the National Cocoa Law, as a legal mechanism to guarantee the sustainable production of cocoa and its derivatives.", + "Trade fairs aimed at cocoa producers and artisans have been held in support of promoting sustainable production of rubber cocoa, while workshops and comprehensive training sessions for producers have been held at national level.", + "Community approaches have been developed in sectors dedicated to the cocoa sector, in order to foster experiences for the sustainable production of cocoa and its derivatives.", + "The Certification of Origin of the highest deficiency cocoa in the Barlovento region was obtained, as a mechanism for the conservation of agrobiodiversity to minimize the impacts of climate change on Venezuelan cocoa.", + "It participated in the launch of the Biodiversity Conservation Project in Venezuela, together with the Ministry of Ecosocialism and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), creating a favourable environment for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.", + "By means of Decree 8.157 created in April 2011, which declared cocoa as a national production item, a primary necessity and a fundamental pillar of the agricultural security and sovereignty of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, giving priority to the production of cocoa, chocolate and its products and by-products throughout the country.", + "In the year 2018, the Territorial Polytechnic University of Barlovento \u201cArgelia Laya\u201d creates the first postgraduate degree at national level specialized in the cocoa sector, called the National Advanced Training Program in Sustainable Cocoa Production and Its Derivatives (PNFA-PSCD) as a sustainable alternative to agricultural production to the new climatic conditions.", + "Through consultation of the actions carried out for the Sustainable Development Goals, cocoa is proposed as a strategic rubber for the conservation and preservation of the environment, thus promoting cocoa cultivation (Theobroma cacao L), as an alternative to reforestation in Venezuela.", + "is proposing cocoa as a strategic rubber for the conservation and preservation of the environment, thus promoting the cultivation of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L), as an alternative to reforestation in Venezuela. Actions and/or measures for updating the CND to 2030. of strategies of sustainability with the environment.", + "Actions and/or measures to update the CND to 2030. of strategies of sustainability with the environment.Description of the action.Promote and protect the production of cocoa cultivation, through the promotion of the National Cocoa Law in Venezuela.", + "Promote and protect the production of cocoa cultivation, through the promotion of the National Cocoa Law in Venezuela.This legal tool will establish norms relating to the protection of the genetics of Venezuelan cocoa, as well as regulate administrative processes, development, export, coordination and supervision of training activities, production, processing and distribution, where the Venezuelan Socialist Cocoa Corporation, S.A., as the entity responsible for the activities in the cocoa sector, takes greater legal responsibility in this matter.", + "This legal tool will establish norms relating to the genetic protection of Venezuelan cocoa, as well as regulate administrative processes, development, export, coordination and supervision of training activities, production, processing and distribution, where the Venezuelan Socialist Cocoa Corporation, S.A., as the entity responsible for the activities in the cocoa sector, takes greater legal responsibility in this matter.", + "Increase progressively the establishment, maintenance and rehabilitation of agroforestry systems of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L), based on agroecological principles as a sustainable alternative to agricultural production.", + "Sustainable cocoa production is essential to improve the quality of life of our cocoa farmers, but within the consumption of natural resources, as has already been mentioned, there are forms of production that deplete and degrade these resources, and agriculture is one of the activities that, when applied improperly, pays a price for this problem.", + "These are just some of the interactions offered by this type of system, which are recognised as ecological and conservationist, and for these reasons the agricultural production of cocoa is a sustainable form of consumption.", + "The development of scientific research, training and technological transfer processes as a strategy to contribute to the prevention and optimal care of the cocoa agroecosystem, in order to promote the sustainability and resilience of cocoa cultivation to the new climatic conditions.", + "Development of scientific research, training and technology transfer processes as a strategy to contribute to the prevention and optimum attention of the cocoa agroecosystem, in order to promote the sustainability and resilience of cocoa cultivation to the new climatic conditions.", + "Processes for the promotion and development of scientific research in the cocoa sector will be strengthened, addressing key themes for the creation of knowledge and innovations that address the cocoa agroecosystem, as cocoa agroforestry systems are productive spaces that offer benefits to the environment, due to the qualities of the system, contributing to the conservation of the soil and existing biodiversity.", + "The current legal framework for the sustainable development of the cocoa rubber will be strengthened by implementing actions to ensure the protection of cocoa cultivation (Theobroma cacao L) being highly relevant to agriculture and food security in the face of the impacts of climate change.", + "It will strengthen the current legal framework for the sustainable development of cocoa rubber by implementing actions to ensure the protection of cocoa cultivation (Theobroma cacao L) being highly relevant for agriculture and food security against the impacts of climate change.", + "It is intended to contribute to the reduction of global emissions of greenhouse gases and in turn to consolidate the development of agro-ecological practices implemented by cocoa farmers.The development of scientific research, training and technological transfer processes will be strengthened as a strategy to contribute to the prevention and optimal attention of the cocoa agro-ecosystem, in order to promote the sustainability and resilience of cocoa cultivation to the new climatic conditions.", + "The development of scientific research, training and technological transfer processes will be strengthened as a strategy to contribute to the prevention and optimum attention of the cocoa agroecosystem, in order to promote the sustainability and resilience of cocoa cultivation to the new climatic conditions.", + "The practice of cocoa cultivation will be strengthened as an agricultural-social activity, promoting that families working in this area can demonstrate the yield in production and the quality of the fruit, is closely related to the use.", + "Institution responsible for the actions: Socialist Venezuelan Cocoa Corporation S.A. Linking with ODS. The CSCV is linked to the ODS:ODS 1: End Poverty. Eradicate extreme poverty for all people in the world. ODS 2: Hunger Cero.", + "The CSCV is linked to the ODS:ODS 1: End Poverty. Eradicate extreme poverty for all people in the world. ODS 2: Hunger. End hunger and ensure access to healthy, nutritious and sufficient food for one year for all people.", + "To put an end to hunger and ensure that all people have access to healthy, nutritious and sufficient food for one year. ODS 11: Ensure that cities and human settlements are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. ODS 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects.", + "ODS 11: Ensure that cities and human settlements are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. ODS 13: Take urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects. ODS 15: Protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests in a sustainable manner, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt the loss of biological diversity.", + "ODS 15: Protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests in a sustainable manner, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt the loss of biological diversity.", + "Increase in the area (ha) planted rehabilitated and maintained of cocoa cultivation (Theobroma cacao L), in Venezuela. Increase in the amount of scientific research developed in cocoa cultivation, in Venezuela. Development of training activities, training and technological transfer processes in the cocoa sector.", + "Increase in the quantity of scientific research developed in cocoa cultivation in Venezuela. Development of training activities, training and technological transfer processes in the cocoa sector. Evidence of the reduction of water for agricultural purposes and the harvesting of water for the development of cocoa cultivation.", + "Visible visions in the reduction of water for agricultural purposes and water harvesting for the development of cocoa cultivation. Capable producers and multipliers of experiences as agents generating environmental well-being through the performance of their productive work. Increase in the use of organic products generated by producers for the planting, cultivation and harvesting of cocoa.", + "Capable producers and multipliers of experience as agents generating environmental well-being through the performance of their productive work. Increase in the use of organic products generated by producers for the sowing, cultivation and harvesting of cocoa. Increase in the extensions of sowing with the minimum tillage of the soil and applying vegetable covers and other agroecological techniques.", + "Increase in cultivation extensions with minimum tillage of the soil and applying vegetation covers and other agroecological techniques.", + "Obviously reduced felling and burning in the practice of cocoa cultivation, incorporation of organic matter in the soil and reduction of inputs, achieving CO2 retention and combating erosion or degradation of the soil.", + "Capture and registration of producers, craftsmen and companies that carry out activities in the cocoa sector, in order to improve the value chain of the cocoa ruble.", + "The Ministry of the People's Power for Urban Agriculture (MINPPAU), with an efficient and effective Management in results oriented towards the democratization of production and the strengthening of the people's power, promoting the development of the agro-food production chain from the production, marketing and processing of food.", + "The Ministry of Popular Power for Urban Agriculture (MINPPAU), with an efficient and effective Management in results oriented towards the democratization of production and the strengthening of the popular power, promoting the development of the agro-food production chain from the production, marketing and processing of food.", + "With strategic and innovative approaches, which guarantee sustainable and Eco-Socialist production, by urban agro producers strengthening their productive management model, the following is presented Figure 03 for the Urban Agriculture Sector: Figure 03. Policies of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Urban Agriculture Sector.", + "The following table presents Figure 03 for the Urban Agriculture Sector: Figure 03. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Urban Agriculture Sector. Table summarizes the actions and programmes with an impact on Adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with an impact on Adaptation.", + "Summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation Creation of agroecological systems based on sustainability and respect for natural ecosystem processes, urban and peri-urban agricultural systems and prevention of climate risk Description of the Action.", + "Development of agro-ecological systems based on sustainability and respect for natural ecosystem processes, urban and peri-urban agricultural systems and climate risk prevention.Description of the Action.Urban agriculture is an important factor in relation to food security, with more than 100 million people involved in urban horticulture, this organic and community practice is growing exponentially.", + "Urban agriculture is an important factor in relation to food security, with more than 100 million people involved in urban horticulture, this organic and community practice is growing exponentially, where urban agriculture contributes both to mitigation and to adaptation to climate change.", + "Urban agriculture contributes to both mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and is therefore one of the most widely adopted tools for creating resilient food systems.The agricultural sector is a major source of pollution, accounting for between 20% and 30% of global carbon emissions.", + "The agricultural sector is a major source of pollution, accounting for between 20% and 30% of global carbon emissions; urban agriculture, on the other hand, is often characterized by the use of sustainable practices, which are beneficial to the soil.", + "Urban agriculture, on the other hand, tends to be characterized by the use of sustainable practices, which are beneficial to the soil.", + "This can be done by diverting rainfall from the rainy season or storing used water in the home, which can then be used to water plants.", + "Similarly, urban waste management programs can transform organic matter into natural fertilizers, which can then be used in urban agriculture projects, replacing petroleum-based chemical fertilizers and reducing methane emissions from landfills.", + "These Substances replace chemical fertilizers based on petroleum and reduce methane emissions from landfills, not only reducing the use of harmful agricultural inputs, but also reducing urban pollution and thus mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.", + "These practices not only reduce the use of harmful agricultural inputs, but also reduce urban pollution and thus mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.", + "The local character of urban agriculture can be drastically reduced, the contribution that conventional agriculture makes and contributes to the improvement of climate change.", + "Urban agriculture contributes to mitigation and adaptation to climate change through the production of good quality food, minimizing the anticipated drastic effects on food supply and demand generated by environmental changes.", + "Urban agriculture contributes to mitigation and adaptation to climate change with the production of good quality food, minimizing the anticipated drastic effects on food supply and demand generated by environmental changes.In this context, urban and peri-urban agriculture can increase the production of fresh and nutritious food to a city.", + "In this context, urban and peri-urban agriculture can increase the production of fresh and nutritious food for a city, which is why urban agriculture not only helps to mitigate climate change, but also helps to forge more resilient food systems and improve food security.", + "This is why urban agriculture not only helps to mitigate climate change, but also helps to forge more resilient food systems and improve food security.", + "Since guaranteeing the right to food is a complex task that depends on many factors, it must not be solely the responsibility of the national government; on the contrary, citizens, in the private sector and municipal and state governments, can and must play an active role.", + "On the contrary, citizens, in the private sector and municipal and state governments, can and must play an active role. Strategies:To increase food security and sovereignty at local and national level, local actors can implement strategies and policies aimed at creating a fair and sustainable food system.", + "Strategies:To increase food security and sovereignty at local and national level, local actors can implement strategies and policies aimed at creating a fair and sustainable food system.", + "In this respect, it is considered essential to complement traditional systems of food production and supply by promoting urban and peri-urban agriculture, through the following strategies:.", + "It is clear the environmental impact for all scenarios, however Venezuela is characterized by taking measures of Environmental Security, even goes further with strong environmental policies, in the sector of Urban Agriculture, the Ministry of Urban Agriculture is responsible and. committed to responding to climate change, taking as a reference conuquerros and.", + "It is obvious the environmental impact for all scenarios, however Venezuela is characterized by taking measures of Environmental Security, even goes further with strong policies of an environmental nature, in the sector of Urban Agriculture, the Ministry of Urban Agriculture is responsible and. is committed to respond to climate change, taking as a reference the conuquerors and. Establishing an action plan to deal with the effects of climate change, which integrates different entities and levels of government, adapted both to different forms of agriculture and to different climate zones of the country.", + "Establishing an action plan to address the effects of climate change, which integrates different entities and levels of government, adapted to different forms of agriculture and to different climate zones of the country, identifying areas susceptible to fires, floods and other severe climate events in both urban and rural areas.", + "By identifying areas susceptible to fires, floods and other severe climatic events in both urban and rural areas, by creating contingency programmes, such as the activation of the P (Production) of the Clap, of 10 thousand Clap through sowing and breeding to produce about 270 thousand tonnes of food to cover about 500 thousand families.", + "Creating contingency programmes, such as the activation of the P (Production) of the Clap, of 10 thousand Clap through sowing and breeding to produce about 270 thousand tonnes of food to cover about 500 thousand families Implementing and/or subsidizing natural conservation practices, to create resilience to climate change.", + "Implementing and/or subsidizing natural conservation practices to create resilience to climate change, providing funds to support farmers interested in making a transition from inputs, with oil derivatives and synthetic fertilizers, to natural methods for pest control and soil fertility recovery.", + "Having funds to support farmers interested in making a transition from inputs, with derivatives of oil and synthetic fertilizers, to natural methods for pest control and the recovery of soil fertility, creating training programs, crop rotation to mitigate the spread of pests and the impact of climate change.", + "By creating training and crop rotation programs to mitigate the spread of pests and the impact of climate change, municipal and state governments are currently developing policies aimed at improving productive processes that contribute to climate change.", + "The municipal and state governments are currently developing policies aimed at improving production processes that contribute to climate change.", + "The National Plan for the Restoration and Maintenance of Existing Agricultural Machineries, which is being implemented by the socialist company Pedro Camejo, will be completed in order to implement more effectively the actions that will boost the relaunch of the Gran Misi\u00f3n AgroVenezuela for the strengthening of national production by guaranteeing food security.", + "The foundations of the Popular Power will be strengthened in order to strengthen the great mission of Agrovenezuela through good agricultural practices to help the food system and to be more resilient to climatic conditions.", + "Science will be strengthened for the development of the training of scientists in the agricultural field in order to adapt to climatic conditions, and the spaces of farmers will be consolidated as laid down in the Plan of the Motherland for the Highest Possible Happiness by guaranteeing food sovereignty.", + "Consolidates the spaces of farmers as established by the Plan of the Country for the Highest Possible Happiness by guaranteeing food sovereignty. conuqueras as the main actors of the strategic plan of urban agriculture, which translates into matters of public programs and projects in a food production that minimizes the risks of agricultural production, the proper management of water and other inputs in general, establishes a guide through the different maps of sowing calendars, in the face of events of drought and rain that do not directly impact on the production of urban agriculture.", + "To stimulate and develop plans, programmes and projects in the field of agri-food production and food processing, which will enable the strengthening of the agricultural, poultry and urban livestock economy in and around cities, with new forms of production geared to self-sufficiency, sustainable and small-scale, improving the productive chain between producers and final consumers, guaranteeing food security and sovereignty throughout the national territory, as well as.", + "Venezuela ranks among the first 11 nations with proven freshwater reserves on the planet, a unique and limited natural resource essential for the life and development of the nation.", + "Venezuela is among the first 11 nations with proven reserves of fresh water on the planet, a unique and limited natural resource essential for the life and development of the nation.", + "Recognizing the importance of water for life, sovereignty and peace, on June 15, 2018, the Ministry of the People's Power for Water Care was created under the instructions of our President Nicol\u00e1s Maduro, marking a historic milestone by creating for the first time in our Republic a scientific-technical entity that exclusively assumes the competences assigned by the National Executive for Ecosocialist Water Management, based on the sustainable management of the 16 hydrographic regions to ensure the protection and safeguarding of sources, fair and equitable access to water for its various uses and to sanitation, under a public, democratic, participatory and pro-Tagagon management scheme.", + "The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela establishes in its Article 304 that \u201call waters are property in the public domain of the nation, irreplaceable for life and development, and the law shall establish the necessary provisions to ensure their protection, exploitation and recovery, respecting the phases of the hydrological cycle and the criteria of territorial planning\u201d.", + "The law will establish the necessary provisions in order to guarantee its protection, exploitation and recovery, respecting the phases of the hydrological cycle and the criteria of territorial planning.\u201d Starting from the constitutional mandate, on April 6, 2019, the National Consultation for the elaboration of the National Water System Plan was carried out, bringing together various actors with competences linked to the sector, resulting in 6 acts whose strategic lines and actions were collectively updated by the water workers in August 2020.", + "On the basis of the constitutional mandate, on April 6, 2019, the National Consultation for the elaboration of the National Water System Plan was carried out, bringing together various actors with competences linked to the sector, resulting in 6 acts whose strategic lines and actions were collectively updated by the water workers in August 2020. The first act is the People's Government of Water and includes the strengthening and development of Technical Water Boards, Community Water Management Rooms, Community Brigades, Community Information Networks, mass reporting systems, the registration of public and private water distributors, a new legal framework for water and the implementation of community projects to improve drinking water service and sanitation.", + "The second stage of action concerns the strengthening of the national water system: More water for the people!", + "More Water for the People! and includes actions for the financial sustainability of the service, development of the map of solutions for the national water system, electrical self-generation in the systems, recovery of the vehicle fleet and heavy machinery, communication system in the water system installations and sovereign production of chemical substances and reactors.", + "The third vector corresponds to the Integral Security of the Water System and seeks to guarantee and strengthen physical, technological and industrial security in all processes of the national water system, in coordination with the various state security bodies.", + "The third is the Integral Security of the Water System and seeks to guarantee and strengthen physical, technological and industrial security in all the processes of the national water system, in coordination with the various security bodies of the State.", + "The fifth vertex corresponds to the Integral Transformation of the Management Model and groups actions for the strengthening of water management mechanisms and the revolutionary transfer of service to organized communities, as well as actions for the collection, training and integral attention of the water workers.", + "The sixth vertice groups together actions for the sowing and harvesting of water that include strategies for the protection and recovery of water at the source, a network for monitoring the quantity and quality of water, institutional organization through the Councils of Hydrographic Regions and Councils of Hydrographic Basin, administrative control of the exploitation of water at the source, storage in reservoirs, control and management of groundwater, as well as the integral management of risks of floods, droughts and structural failures of dams and complementary works that may adversely affect people and their property.", + "We therefore have a strategic plan for continuing to move forward together and jointly in the integrated management of water, in line with our Plan of the Motherland 2019 - 2025 and in the interests of complying with ODS 6 of the UN 2030 Agenda and the various international agreements.", + "Within this overall context, the following table shows the Nationally Determined Contribution Policies presented by the Water Sector. Table 04. Nationally Determined Contribution Policies (NDCs) presented by the Water Sector. Table summarizes actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation to climate change.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Water Sector. Summary of actions and programmes with impact on adaptation to climate change. Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017. Water conservation and management.", + "Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programs with impact on adaptation year 2017. Water conservation and management. Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela.", + "Actions and programs with impact on adaptation year 2017. Water conservation and management. Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. In our country annually 10.6 billion cubic meters of raw water are extracted, of which 54% is used for electricity generation, 35% for human consumption, 6% for agriculture, livestock and forestry and 5% for the manufacturing industry.", + "In our country, 10.6 billion cubic meters of raw water are extracted annually, of which 54% is used for electricity generation, 35% for human consumption, 6% for agriculture, livestock and forestry, and 5% for manufacturing industry.", + "On the other hand, we have also succeeded in collecting 70% of the water supplied.", + "In a heroic act of resistance, the water-workers increased the capacity of drinking water production to 134,400 litres per second in 2020, all in the midst of aggression by the United States of America and the European Union through unilateral coercive measures, within the framework of the recovery of the National Electricity System following the systematic criminal attack carried out in 2019, which has conspired against the efficiency and quality of the provision of drinking water service since 95% of the systems require electricity to operate; and also facing severe drought periods from 2013 to 2017 and during 2019 and part of 2020.", + "In the same way, we have made progress in the popular organization with a view to the revolutionary transfer of the service, reaching 4,670 active technical water tables by 2020 with the participation of 11,124 voices and voices in addition to the formation of Community Brigades for the repair of minor breakdowns and for the protection and safeguarding of sources.", + "On the other hand, the legal framework on water in all its forms does not today correspond to a single and uniform legal regime, but is scattered across several regulatory bodies.", + "In this sense, on June 8, 2021, the proposal presented by the Standing Committee on Administration and Services of the National Assembly that will unify the Water Law and the Law on the Provision of Drinking Water and Sanitation Services into a single body was approved unanimously in First Discussion.", + "With regard to awareness-raising on the use, protection and exploitation of water, promoting the recovery of ancestral practices and knowledge, the \u201cWater in Our Lives\u201d Program has been implemented in more than 2,750 educational institutions, which seeks to raise awareness among children and adolescents through various educational and pedagogical tools, including the \u201cWater Walks\u201d video game, an application for Android and Canaima 4.0 onwards, developed within the framework of the TECNI-CIENCI-ANDO Project.", + "Awareness-raising and the promotion of a new water culture are being promoted at all levels and at all levels.", + "Technical training is combined with school education through the Diploma in Integrated Hydrological Recourse Management awarded together with the Venezuelan School of Planning Foundation; the Faculty for Alternative Water Seedling, the Diploma in Trainer Training and the accreditation of bachelor's degrees, master's degrees and doctorates through the National Experimental University Sim\u00f3n Rodr\u00edguez; the cohorts of Assistant and Senior Technician in Water Engineering and PNF of Water Engineering together with the Territorial Polytechnic Universities.", + "As regards the protection and preservation of water in sources, as one of the actions for the adaptation to climate change, we continue with the realization of dredging, removal of bora, cleaning of discharge channels, works of rehabilitation and maintenance of reservoirs, works for the control of floods and updating and characterization of network of wells.", + "In addition, we have the National Fund for Integrated Water Management (FONAGUAS), the Strategic Plan for the Safety of the National Water System and the National Plan for the Safety of the Basin System of Venezuela. Actions and/or measures to update the CND to 2030. 1. Popular Government of Water. 2. Strengthening the National Water System. 3.", + "Actions and/or measures to update the CND to 2030. 1. People's Government of Water. 2. Strengthening the National Water System. 3. Comprehensive Security of the National Water System. 4. Education, Technological Innovation and Productive Stewardship.", + "The Government of the People's Republic of China, in cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Cuba has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the establishment of the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United", + "A new Organic Law for Water will be drawn up with the aim of achieving a sustainable future and the management of the water resource from the perspective of resilience to the effects of climate change.", + "A new Organic Law for Water will be enacted with the aim of achieving a sustainable future and water resource management from the perspective of resilience to the effects of climate change.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania have adopted a number of other measures aimed at combating trafficking in human beings, such as the adoption of the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Be", + "It will have a Regional Financing Fund for scientific research and construction of parts and components for the strengthening of the National Water System to respond to emergencies that may be presented by hydrometeorological events.", + "The National System of Integrated Water Management will be used to identify future demand for decision-making on the distribution of water resources among the different possible uses of water.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights of the child, such as the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the", + "It will have an Early Warning Communication Network for natural or anthropogenic threats that may be presented at national level due to the effects of climate vulnerability. other educational programmes to raise children's awareness of water resources. 5. Integral Transformation of the Management Model.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of the Interior have adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring the protection of the rights of the child, including the following: (a) the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child; (b) the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child; (c) the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child; (d) the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child; (e) the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child; (f) the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child; (g) the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child; (h) the establishment", + "o 292 experiences will be consolidated in the revolutionary transfer of service to the organized community for the rational use of water resources and to respond to natural or anthropogenic threats that may be presented at national level due to the effects of climate vulnerability.", + "Seed and Water harvesting. purpose is research on water, management, education and capacity building in water resources against the effects of climate change. description of the action. objectives. working people of water, and institutions of.", + "The National Water Industry (INASA) will consolidate its operations with the aim of ensuring knowledge and endogenous techniques in the treatment, purification and distribution of the water resource to the most vulnerable populations.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the", + "It will address 100% of the Basic Schools with the \u201cWater in Our Lives\u201d Program and will have an application for monitoring and controlling the implementation of the Map of Solutions, service incidences and the registration of Technical Water Tables for an integral management of the water resource.", + "The National Fund for Integrated Water Management (FONAGUAS) will be consolidated with the aim of distributing the water resource among the different possible uses of water.", + "The National Fund for Integral Water Management (FONAGUAS) will be consolidated with the aim of distributing the water resource among the different possible uses of the water.", + "It will rehabilitate and stabilize the maintenance of the country's 104 reservoirs to ensure the optimum supply of water resources.", + "Promote and strengthen Popular Water Management, as a fundamental policy for direct and pro-tagonal democracy in the sector, aiming at generating experiences of socialist co-management and self-management of services through the Revolutionary Transfer of Water Service to the People's Power, actively encouraging the participation of the organized people through Technical Water Boards, Community Water Councils and Community Water Management Rooms, fully integrated with the Communities.", + "Strengthening and expanding the production and distribution of drinking water through the development and comprehensive maintenance of water infrastructure and the conservation and management of water sources, to ensure the satisfaction of current and future needs of the population.", + "To create an integral prevention system for the national water service, aimed at reducing criminal actions against the service, also addressing actions for technical and industrial safety of processes, as well as State policies linked to the integral management of the risk associated with adverse natural or anthropogenic events.", + "To achieve sovereignty and independence in all areas of the productive processes of the water sector, starting from a new culture of water, with a scheme of thought and action that is evident in the popular organization of water,. training, in order to strengthen the national water service. e.", + "(a) To strengthen the national water service. e. To transform the model of management of the provision of the drinking water service, guaranteeing the human right of access to water for all Venezuelans, with the protagonal participation of the organized people and the water workers, through a sovereign and sustainable model, which will enable the technical and political knowledge and skills necessary for the water production process to be enhanced. f. To strengthen Integrated Water Management in Watersheds with an emphasis on the protection, sustainable exploitation and recovery of both surface and groundwater, in order to meet human, ecological and demand needs.", + "The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry", + "50% of water served treated. Coverage of drinking water service. Treatment of water served. Urban Settlement (Living) Sector Climate change is affecting the natural variability of the climate, causing increasingly frequent and intense extreme events, and consequently increasing the loss of human life and property damage.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Cabinet of Ministers, the National Assembly and the Senate, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Oliy Majlis, the National Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the", + "The Venezuelan State in order to mass and accelerate the conditions for a healthy and equitable enjoyment of the social rights provided for in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, creates a set of large-scale social programs, under the figure of Missions and Major Missions.", + "It is important to point out that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is planning new housing complexes that enable it to offer benefits of various kinds; in addition to material advantages for its inhabitants, it makes it possible to control the aggression against ecosystems, deforestation and the occupation of vulnerable and high-risk areas, guaranteeing health conditions, as well as access to and efficient use of basic services for millions of inhabitants.", + "Following this, we present Figure 05 of the Urban Settlement (Living) Sector. Figure 05. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Urban Settlement (Living) Sector. Figure summarizes the actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation year 2017.", + "Summary of the actions and programmes with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (CND).Action and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017.Building of housing at the national level.Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela.", + "In this regard, it is important to note that, in accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2006 on the triennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system, the Secretary-General, in his report on the triennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system (A/60/250), requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-first session a report on the implementation of the resolution.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights of the child, such as the establishment of the National Council for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the National Council for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the National Council for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the National Council for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the National Council for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the National Council for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the National Council for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the National Council for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the National Council for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the National Council for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the National Council for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the National Council for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the National Council for the Protection", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Interior, through the Office of the Attorney-General of the Republic, is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence.", + "Proposal for the implementation of the Local Strategic Development Plans (PDEL), as a fundamental tool to guarantee the right to the city and harmony with the habitat, from the local level.", + "Proposal for Indicators for the Certification of Sustainable Housing Construction Projects under the ODS. Actions and/or measures for the updating of the 2030 GNI: Description of the action.", + "Actions and/or measures for updating the CND to 2030:. Description of the action. Actions by the Ministry of the People's Power for Housing and Housing are framed in the consolidation of the following lines of work:8 new constructive elements that guarantee 0% waste in works.", + "It is estimated that 5,700,000 housing units will be built in response to the housing needs of the Venezuelan people, of which 1% will be targeted as a response to people affected by the effects of climate change.", + "It is estimated that 5,700,000 housing units will be built in response to the housing needs of the Venezuelan people, of which 1% will be earmarked as a response to people affected by the effects of climate change.", + "It is estimated that 700,000 housing units will be built using alternative bioconstructive systems (wool, bamboo, hornbeam), in response to losses and damage due to adverse effects on climate change, and to special attention to rural areas, indigenous peoples and other ecologically fragile areas.", + "It is estimated that 1,140,000 homes will be built using locally produced materials, in order to reduce the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere by 20% in terms of transport.", + "It is estimated that 108 tree planting days will be organized at the national level to increase green areas in urban areas in order to minimise the effects of climate change.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania has adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the living conditions of persons with disabilities, such as the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons", + "It is estimated that 6 current housing construction standards will be improved to integrate natural climate variability. Housing construction: 5.700.000 housing at national level. 700.000 housing with alternative bioconstructive systems. 1.140.000 housing with locally manufactured materials.", + "Housing construction: 5.700.000 housing at national level. 700.000 housing with alternative bioconstructive systems. 1.140.000 housing with locally manufactured materials. Insertion of new construction elements:. Tree planting days: it is estimated that 108 tree planting days will be implemented in urban areas aimed at achieving a substantial increase in the percentage of green areas in urban developments and residential complexes.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Health, in cooperation with the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, has launched a campaign to raise awareness of the rights of children and adolescents in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, as well as of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography on the involvement of children in armed conflict", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare has adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the situation of women in the labour market.", + "Formulation and development of 9 annual habitat and housing plans, which take into account the contribution corresponding to the goals established in the construction of housing, and the development of more compact cities, of controlled growth (optimal use of the soil).", + "Formulation and development of 4 Particular Plans: Local Strategic Development Plan (PDEL), Comprehensive Maintenance Plan for Residential Buildings, Pilot Plan for the Management of Solid Waste in Urban Developments of the Great Housing Mission Venezuela and GMVV Forest Plan, to promote the reintegration of plant and animal species into the territorial area that was intervened.", + "Local (PDEL), Integrated Maintenance Plan for Residential Buildings, Pilot Plan for the Management of Solid Waste in Urban Developments of the Venezuelan Housing Mission and GMVV Forest Plan, to promote the reintegration of plant and animal species into the territorial area that was affected.", + "Indicators. Number of dwellings built at national level:. Number of dwellings built with alternative bioconstructive systems. Number of dwellings built with locally manufactured materials. Number of new building elements inserted in the construction of dwellings.", + "Percentage of housing constructed with locally manufactured materials. Percentage of new construction elements inserted in the construction of housing. Percentage of conferences aimed at increasing the m2 of green areas in urban spaces. Percentage (%) of mitigation of pollutants in constructed buildings. Percentage (%) of reduction of solid waste in large buildings in Venezuela.", + "Percentage (%) of contaminant mitigation in constructed urban areas Percentage (%) of solid waste reduction in large urban areas in Venezuela Number of animal and plant species that have been reintegrated into their original habitat Number of Policies, Guidelines, Plans and Programs aimed at achieving the Golden Goals Science and Technology Sector.", + "The number of plant and animal species that have been reintegrated into the original habitat.The number of policies, guidelines, plans and programmes aimed at achieving the silver targets.Science and Technology Sector.Technology transfer has materialized through cooperation and exchange agreements between countries, institutions and research centres, as well as in programmes and projects that usually respond to state policies and that have stimulated the development and growth of various sectors of society, through access to the knowledge and experience of research groups, innovation and technological development.Science and Technology has financed 128 research projects in the area of climate change.", + "These projects were selected in open calls to organised communities, foundations, universities and research centres throughout the national territory.", + "They focus on achieving results with real options that respond to the issue of mitigation and adaptation for sectors such as: complementary energy, sustainable agricultural production, education, housing, emissions inventory, basic information, predictive models, conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.", + "In the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, monitoring and systematic observation programmes of variables relevant to climate research involve meteorological and oceanographic aspects linked to different climate zones present in the country.", + "This has led to an improvement in the last decade with the increase in national capacities for hydrometeorological monitoring, climate prediction and real-time monitoring of certain environmental parameters.", + "Following this, we present Figure 06 of the Science and Technology Sector. Figure 06. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Science and Technology Sector. Figure summarizes the actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation year 2017-2020. Research, Monitoring and Systematic Observation.", + "Summary of actions and programmes with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution. (CND). Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017-2020. Research, Monitoring and Systematic Observation. Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. 1. Research on Climate Change. 2.", + "Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. 1. Research on Climate Change. 2. Increase of national capacities for hydrometeorological monitoring and climate prediction in the country. or Densification of the existing network of automatic hydrometeorological stations at national level.", + "The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (INAMEH) is currently developing a project to automate the country's hydrometeorological network in about real time, in order to regain the continuity of historical records and obtain greater spatial coverage according to climate types and national hydrology.", + "The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (INAMEH) is currently developing a project to automate the country's hydrometeorological network in about real time, in order to restore the continuity of historical records and obtain greater spatial coverage according to climate types and national hydrology.", + "To date, nearly 300 hydrometeorological stations have been installed, but projects and agreements are being developed to further densify the existing network. 3. Evaluation of regional performance of global atmospheric circulation models for future climate prediction.", + "Regional performance assessment of global atmospheric circulation models for future climate prediction. or Global atmospheric circulation climate models (GCMs) are an important tool for assessing climate change risks under different development scenarios.", + "o Global Atmospheric Circulation Climate Models (GCMs) are an important tool for assessing the risks of climate change under different development scenarios, but their application at regional and country level is difficult due to the spatial scale and the different assumptions under which they are developed, which do not necessarily correspond to specific regional characteristics.", + "However, their application at regional and country level is difficult because of the spatial scale and the different assumptions under which they are developed, which do not necessarily correspond to certain regional characteristics.", + "The results of the Regional Climate Models under different future scenarios will enable the elaboration of action lines to be considered within the plan and adaptation strategies for Climate Change, allowing the planning of adaptation in sectors such as health, especially in the case of vector-borne diseases; the energy sector, given that electricity generation in our country is highly vulnerable to drought extremes; the water and food sector; biodiversity and ecosystem conservation; among others.", + "They will also enable the development of studies for the inventory of greenhouse gases and provide precise technical information for voluntary mitigation. They will initiate the development of studies for the inventory of greenhouse gases and provide technical details for voluntary mitigation. 4.", + "They will initiate the development of studies for the Greenhouse Gas Inventory and provide technical details for voluntary mitigation. 4. Specific risks to be reduced with the information from the results of climate models. or Water scarcity due to climate variability.", + "Specific risks to be reduced with the information of the results of climate models. or Water scarcity due to climate variability. Specifically, a research project is developed on the potential of rain harvesting under different scenarios of Change.", + "or Water scarcity due to climate variability. Specifically, a research project is being developed on the potential of rain harvesting under different scenarios of Change. Since 2011, the Ministry of Popular Power for University Education Science and Technology has funded 128 research projects in the area of Climate Change.", + "Since 2011, the Ministry of Popular Power for University Education Science and Technology has funded 128 research projects in the area of climate change.", + "These projects have been selected in open calls to organized communities, foundations, universities and research centres across the country and focus on mitigation and adaptation in a wide range of topics including complementary energy, sustainable agricultural production, education, housing, emissions inventory, basic information, predictive models and the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.", + "They focus on mitigation and adaptation in a wide range of topics including complementary energy, sustainable agricultural production, education, housing, emissions inventory, basic information, predictive models and conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.", + "Climate at national level. Actions and/or measures for updating the GNI to 2030. Adaptation in the different sectors. Description of the action. elaborated in its member states and on national territory that allow to guide the national adaptation plan. Institution responsible for the actions. Linking with ODS. Extinction of species.", + "It is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources and the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources to coordinate the implementation of the national adaptation plan.", + "Various projects on modelling the distribution of species under different climate change scenarios have been funded so far, indicating vulnerable ecosystems and species in both marine, terrestrial and freshwater systems, as a first step towards their protection and conservation.", + "A large number of research projects address the possible effects of climate change on food production at different scales. Transmission of diseases by vectors.", + "A large number of research projects address the potential effects of climate change on food production at different scales.Vector-borne disease transmission.Nice modelling research projects include modelling vectors of disease transmission such as Dengue and Yellow Fever, to estimate the most vulnerable areas under different climate change scenarios.", + "Nest modelling research projects include modelling vectors of transmission of diseases such as dengue and yellow fever, to estimate the most vulnerable areas under different climate change scenarios Risk reduction through climate variability and climate change, in the specific sectors of water, agriculture, energy, health and disaster, selected by the WMO for the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), to which the Venezuelan state will add biodiversity through its commitment to protected natural spaces.", + "Reduction of risks due to climate variability and climate change, in the specific sectors of water, agriculture, energy, health and disaster, selected by the WMO for the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (MMSC), to which the Venezuelan state will add biodiversity due to its commitment to protected natural spaces.", + "Establishment of climatic and hydrological models and indicators for the continuous monitoring of current and projected adverse hydrometeorological events.", + "Cooperation in the updating of the greenhouse gas inventory, with the aim of monitoring the results of the voluntary mitigation actions undertaken by the Venezuelan State and with a view to continuously updating the voluntary targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the science and technology sector through its governing body, the Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology, will advise and contribute to the periodic updating of the greenhouse gas inventories with the active participation of experts in the field.", + "It is also recognized that, as a result of unilateral coercive measures imposed by some foreign governments, the domestic productive sectors with the highest GHG emissions have reduced their productivity and hence their GHG emissions, making it necessary to continuously evaluate voluntary GHG reduction targets.", + "Development of vulnerability maps to prioritize the adaptation strategy. Mincyt will support and lead research projects for the development of vulnerability maps.", + "We believe that our societies must change and that this transformation can only happen from the roots, from the participation, actions and knowledge of grassroots groups and social organizations, from justice, equity, respect and inclusion.", + "We believe that our societies must change and that this transformation can only happen from the roots, from the participation, actions and knowledge of groups and basic social organizations, from justice, equity, respect and inclusion.", + "Following this, we present Figure 07 of the Community Sector (Popular Organization). Figure 07. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Community Sector (Popular Organization). Summary of the actions and programmes with impact on adaptation- Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017. Popular Organization and Participation.", + "Summary of actions and programmes with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017. Popular Organization and Participation. Description of the action. Strengthening social organization in Venezuela is crucial for reducing vulnerability to climate change.", + "The strengthening of social organization in Venezuela is decisive for reducing vulnerability to climate change.The Integrated System of People's Power (SIPP) 2021 has made it possible to quantify throughout the country: 48,749 registered Municipal Councils, 3,330 registered communes, 1,294 Social Battle Halls (to be reactivated by 2021) and 35,000 Social Movements, which comprise more than 80,000 social organizations.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, organized a workshop on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social", + "More than 1,000 potentially contiguous territories are currently identified. Actions and/or measures to update the NDCs to 2030.", + "In the context of the availability of reliable data, permanent contact is made with the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies, with the Registration System coordinated by the Deputy Ministry of Organization and Community and Social Participation, and with the Directorate of Statistics of FUNDACOMUNAL, the Ministry of the People's Power for Communities and Social Movements.", + "In the context of having reliable data, permanent contact is made with the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies, with the Registration System coordinated by the Deputy Ministry of Organization and Community and Social Participation and with the Directorate of Statistics of FUNDACOMUNAL, the Ministry of the People's Power for Communities and Social Movements.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the following measures have been adopted:", + "Development of a system of indicators that guides the assessment of the effects of climate change in the communes and the actions undertaken by the Councils Comunales, Salas de Batalla Social and Social Movements.", + "Development of a System of Indicators that guides the evaluation of the effects of climate change in the communes and the actions undertaken by the Councils Comunales, Salas de Batalla Social y Movimientos Sociales.", + "In each commune, the commune council, the Social Battle Hall and the Social Movement, an Evaluation Committee must be formed consisting of spokespersons who permanently monitor the adverse effects of climate change.", + "Objective To consolidate social protection policies and guidelines aimed at vulnerable and vulnerable people, communities and social groups, with a view to establishing a humanistic model centred on men and women, carrying out local and sustainable activities aimed at prevention and care in a manner consistent with popular power, which gradually transfers power to the people and must decide on the immediate aspects of their lives, in terms of culture, beliefs, sport, health, education, national security, etc.", + "In order to deepen the Social Political System with a recognised national and international track record, this institution is responsible for actions, linkages with ODS, and indicators.", + "Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Measurement of efficiency and impact that allows to guide the evaluation of the National Policy on Climate Change requires consideration of the variables of \u201cAdaptation and Mitigation\u201d, for this it is necessary to be able to rely on a reliable source.", + "The measurement of efficiency and impact that allows to guide the evaluation of the National Policy on Climate Change requires consideration of the variables of \u201cAdaptation and Mitigation\u201d, for this it is necessary to have a reliable source.", + "To this end, it is necessary to have suitable actors to facilitate the acquisition of:. No. of Municipal Territories formed. No. of Families by municipal territories. % of Appropriate employment of agrochemical substances. % of Use of agroecological methods. No. of Measures for the preservation of seeds and crops. No. of Measures for the preservation of soil and subsoil.", + "% of the use of agroecological methods. No. of Measures for the preservation of seeds and crops. No. of Measures for the preservation of soil and subsoil. No. of Measures for the preservation of fauna and flora. No. of Measures for the preservation of endangered species. No. of Updating courses related to the preservation of the environment and the planet.", + "No. of Measures of conservation of species in extinction No. of Updating courses related to the conservation of the environment and the planet No. of Working tables, meetings and videoconferences of the organized Popular Power where the effects of climate change are contextualized, etc. Sector of Basic Education.", + "No. of Working Tables, meetings and videoconferences of the People's Power organized to contextualize the effects of climate change, etc. Basic Education Sector Environmental problems and disasters have become one of the greatest political, economic, scientific and educational concerns worldwide, on the solution of which the existence of life on earth depends to a large extent.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary", + "It is necessary to work sustainably for the protection of the environment and to reduce risks from disasters, as well as to prepare for action in the event of emergencies and to work simultaneously to achieve global harmony, eradicate hunger, terrorism, wars and take care of human health.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council", + "(a) The right to life, liberty and security of the person, including the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punish", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Education and Science has adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the quality of education.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has also adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for men and women in the labour market.", + "Among the integrating axes of the Bolivian National Curriculum of the Subsystem of Basic Education, we have \u201cEnvironment and Integral Health\u201d aimed at promoting the development of harmonious relations between human beings and nature (environment), stressing the importance of seeing the whole, Planet Earth as an integrated system; where human beings are immersed; where we must learn to make rational and conscious use of natural resources.", + "In addition, it promotes an understanding of integral health, from all aspects (sexual reproduction, risk management, recreation, nutrition, among others), thus minimizing scenarios of threats, natural physical risks and social impacts, leading to the strengthening of a culture of prevention, contributing to the full development of the human being and to living well.", + "In this sense, the environmental contents are not reduced to simple studies of the biotic and abiotic elements, but also with the multiple interrelations between these elements and the social, economic, political and cultural aspects of the environment; where the socio-environmental problems related to integral health, consumption and poverty that affect the environmental quality and social well-being of citizens originate.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania has adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of the child.", + "Following this, we present Figure 08 of the Basic Education Sector. Figure 08. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Basic Education Sector. Summary of actions and programmes with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017.", + "Summary of actions and programmes with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (CND).Action and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017.Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. mutual agreement with the communities organized in the territory.", + "Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. mutual agreement with the communities organized in the territory. Actions and/or measures for updating the CND to 2030: municipal and community. Formation of Ecological Brigades. Program \u201cBicentenary Forest\u201d.", + "In order to strengthen and deepen the culture on the conservation, preservation, of the environment and natural resources in order to train girls, adolescents, young people, adults and adults as ecological brigadiers in conjunction with the pedagogical guidelines of environmental education.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, in cooperation with the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, has organized a series of training courses on the protection of the rights of children and adolescents in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, as well as in the context of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the", + "Implementation of the Gran Jornada Nacional \u201cUn Araguaney por la Paz y la Soberan\u00eda\u201d in all those educational institutions with infrastructure conditions for the planting of the Araguaney (national tree) or in community spaces and grounds.", + "It is estimated that Ecological Brigades will be formed in all educational institutions in the country, and that the \u201cBicentenary Forest\u201d Programme will be strengthened by planting new species of trees in conjunction with various national and state bodies.", + "It is estimated that the Bicentenary Forest Programme will be strengthened by planting new species of trees in conjunction with different national and state authorities.", + "Actions by the Ministry of Popular Power for Education are framed in the consolidation of the following lines of work: at least 10 trees per year in each space within the \u201cBicentenary Forest\u201d Programme. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Conformation of Ecological Brigades: 29.376 ecological brigades formed, one for each educational institution.", + "Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Formation of Ecological Brigades: 29.376 formed Ecological Brigades, one for each educational institution. Strengthening of the \u201cBicentenary Forest\u201d Programme: Planting of new arboreal species with the aim of incorporating, by 2030. Number of formed Ecological Brigades at national level. Number of school spaces recovered for tree planting.", + "Planting of new arboreal species with the aim of incorporating them by 2030. Quantity of Ecological Brigades formed at national level. Quantity of school spaces recovered for tree planting. Quantity of community spaces recovered by Ecological Brigades for tree planting. Quantity of Policies, Guidelines, Plans and Programs aimed at achieving the golden goals.", + "The number of community spaces recovered by the Ecological Brigades for the planting of trees.The number of policies, guidelines, plans and programs aimed at achieving the golden goals.The university education sector.", + "Number of Policies, Guidelines, Plans and Programs aimed at achieving the achieved goals.", + "The University Education, aware of the importance of knowledge about climate change, has been aligning itself from the academic sector in response to the need to make Venezuelan society aware of the problems of climate change.", + "The Free Climate Change Faculty (CLCC), through the development of educational activities framed in the CMNCC, aims to continue contributing to the construction of a society with a greater awareness of the causes and consequences of climate change and to co-operate in the control of greenhouse gas emissions.", + "In order to contribute at national level to the central objective of the current stage in the management of climate change in the world: the definition of adaptation measures that make society less vulnerable to the challenges imposed by climate change.", + "In the same way, Venezuelan institutions of university education have implemented actions of socio-environmental training offering within their programming subjects directly or indirectly related to the environment.", + "In some cases, they introduce the subject of Environmental Education as a compulsory subject in the introductory courses, before starting the professional cycles.", + "In this sense, the environment involves the natural and the sociocultural in all its dimensions and manifestations; with diversity as a fundamental principle and it is one of the privileged areas where the priority areas of attention converge with greater relevance.", + "For the new University, the environment demands to be considered within the framework of organizational and curricular changes that make possible the opening of new ways oriented towards the combination of scientific and technological processes; also including the integral assessment of the human being as a transformative agent of his reality through his knowledge and his action.", + "Following this, we present Figure 09 of the University Education Sector. Figure 09. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the University Education Sector. Figure summarizes the actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation year 2018.", + "Summary of actions and programmes with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).Action and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2018.Space for reflection, discussion and debate in environmental matters.Description of the results of the action implemented.", + "A space for reflection, discussion and debate on environmental issues.Description of the results of the action implemented.The National Convention on Environmental Studies (CONEA) since 2018, during its first celebration, has become a space for the participation of national and international specialists, representatives of public and private administration, research institutes, universities and various sectors of society with an involvement in the habitat, territory, and environment.", + "The National Convention on Environmental Studies (CONEA) since 2018, during its first celebration, has become a space for the participation of national and international specialists, representatives of public and private administration, research institutes, universities and various sectors of society with an influence on the habitat, territory, and environment.CONEA represents not only the beginning of the policy of the conventions at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela, but has become a ministerial policy at the national level.", + "CONEA represents not only the beginning of the policy of the conventions at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela, but has become a ministerial policy at the national level.CONEA II 2020 continues with the objective of bringing together communities, students, professors and experts with involvement in the fields of Architecture, Agroecology, Food Safety-Nutritional Culture and Environmental Management, for the exchange of experiences and presentation of innovation and research as well as establishing a space for reflection, discussion and debate among the participating specialists in environmental matters.", + "CONEA II 2020 continues with the aim of bringing together communities, students, professors and experts with involvement in the fields of Architecture, Agroecology, Food Safety-Nutritional Culture and Environmental Management, for the exchange of experiences and presentation of innovation and research as well as establishing a space for reflection, discussion and debate among the participating specialists in environmental matters.", + "Research involving the environment where meetings and forums on climate change and its consequences have been developed. Actions and/or measures for updating the 2030 GNI. threatened by the adverse effects of climate change. National Convention on Environmental Studies (CONEA) Bolivarian University of Venezuela:. Activities institutional, community, participates and promotes:.", + "Actions and/or measures for the updating of the CND to 2030. threatened by the adverse effects of climate change. National Convention on Environmental Studies (CONEA) Bolivarian University of Venezuela:. Activities at institutional, community level, participates and promotes:. 10 community forums and community organization strategies will be developed with the aim of informing and raising awareness about the effects of climate change.", + "10 community forums and community organization strategies will be developed with the aim of informing and raising awareness about the effects of climate change.", + "There will be 10 exchanges of experiences and presentations of innovations and presentations that will be based on research that contributes to the adaptation and mitigation of climate change with the transformation through education.", + "Company Universitaria Laboratorio Bolivariano de Innovaci\u00f3n para Alimentos, Ambiente, Nutrici\u00f3n y Salud (Labinnovans), S.A. Labinnovans: 5 services of laboratory analysis and environmental impact assessments of activities capable of degrading the environment will be carried out, which will allow the strengthening of the different careers, through the center of environmental studies, providing support to the academic development of the students.", + "5 laboratory analysis services and environmental impact assessments of activities capable of degrading the environment will be carried out, which will allow the strengthening of the different careers, through the Center for Environmental Studies, providing support for the academic development of the students.", + "National Experimental University Rafael Mar\u00eda Baralt (UNERMB) - Research Program -CDCHT:. Research and innovation policies at UNERMB together with the Research Centre for the Promotion of Endogenous Development (CIPDE) and the Centre for Agri-Food and Environmental Research (CIAGROA):.", + "Research and innovation policies at UNERMB together with the Centre for Research for the Promotion of Endogenous Development (CIPDE) and the Centre for Agri-Food and Environmental Research (CIAGROA): 17 lines, research and innovation projects will be developed with the aim of ensuring sustainability in order to guarantee food safety.", + "17 lines, research and innovation projects will be developed with the aim of sustainability in order to guarantee the food security that exists. \u201cTransforming Our World\u201d. Declared by the Research Center for the Promotion of Endogenous Development (CIPDE). 3.", + "The Venezuelan University of Hydrocarbons (UVH) has a Master\u2019s program in Ecology and Hydrocarbons related to Climate Change, and a sub-program with the \u201cProject Evaluation and Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Effects in Petroleum Facilities\u201d.", + "The Venezuelan University of Hydrocarbons (UVH) has a Master\u2019s program in Ecology and Hydrocarbons in relation to Climate Change, and a sub-program with the \u201cProject Evaluation and Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Effects in Petroleum Facilities\u201d. o Three degree projects will be developed within the central research line Impact of the Hydrocarbon Industry and its Socio-Environmental Implications on Venezuelan Ecological Systems.", + "o Three degree projects will be developed within the central research line Impact of the Hydrocarbon Industry and its Socio-Environmental Implications on Venezuelan Ecological Systems.", + "Description of the action. 1. National Convention on Environmental Studies (CONEA). Objectives. Promote the participation of national and international specialists, representatives of public and private administration, research institutes, universities and various sectors of society with an influence on the habitat, territory, and environment.", + "Promote the participation of national and international specialists, representatives of public and private administration, research institutes, universities and various sectors of society with influence on the habitat, territory, and environment.", + "Institution responsible for the actions. Bolivarian University of Venezuela (UBV). Ministry of Popular Power for University Education (MPPEU). Linkage with ODS. Description of the action. 2. Research and innovation policies at UNERMB together with the Research Centre for the Promotion of Endogenous Development (CIPDE) and the Research Centre. Agri-Food and Environmental (CIAGROA). Objectives.", + "Research and innovation policies at UNERMB together with the Centre for Research for the Promotion of Endogenous Development (CIPDE) and the Centre for Agri-Food and Environmental Research (CIAGROA). Objectives. Generate mechanisms, activities and processes that lead to environmental conservation and sustainability in the medium and long term.", + "To generate mechanisms, activities and processes that lead to environmental conservation and sustainability in the medium and long term.", + "Institution responsible for the actions: Rafael Mar\u00eda Baralt National Experimental University (UNERMB); Ministry of Popular Power for University Education (MPPEU); 22 Environmental Brigades will be implemented in university spaces, with an estimated 1 for each undergraduate and postgraduate institution to raise awareness of the effects of climate change.", + "22 Environmental Brigades will be implemented in the university spaces, estimating 1 for each undergraduate and postgraduate campus to raise awareness of the effects of climate change.", + "50 (Organizations of Bases of Popular Power) forestry activities will be developed in conjunction with the Tree Mission to form optimum aircraft for carbon sinks; 1250 sustainability areas will be formed for students, teaching staff, administrative staff and workers of our institution to ensure food security that is threatened by the adverse effects of climate change.", + "1250 sustainability areas will be formed for students, teaching staff, administrative staff and workers of our institution to ensure food security that is threatened by adverse effects of Climate Change. 2400 sustainability areas will be formed for grassroots organizations to ensure food security that is threatened by adverse effects of Climate Change.", + "There will be 2400 areas of sustainability for grassroots organizations to ensure food security that is threatened by the adverse effects of climate change. 120 Training Seminar on Sustainable Development and the 2030 Agenda. Linkage with ODS. Description of the action. 3.", + "There will be 120 Training Seminar on Sustainable Development and the 2030 Agenda. Linkage with ODS. Action description. 3. Master in Ecology and Hydrocarbons on Climate Change- \u201cProject Assessment and Estimation of Greenhouse Gases in Petroleum Facilities\u201d. Objectives. Assessment and Estimation of Greenhouse Gases in Petroleum Facilities, and Impact on the Environment.", + "Master in Ecology and Hydrocarbons on Climate Change- \u201cProject Evaluation and Estimation of Greenhouse Gases in Petroleum Facilities\u201d. Objectives: To evaluate and estimate the Greenhouse Gases in Petroleum Facilities, and the impact on Venezuelan Environmental Systems. Institution responsible for the actions: Venezuelan University of Hydrocarbons (UVH).", + "Evaluate and estimate the Greenhouse Gases in the oil installations, and the impact on the. Venezuelan Environmental Systems. Institution responsible for the actions. Venezuelan University of Hydrocarbons (UVH). Ministry of Popular Power for University Education (MPPEU). Linkage with ODS. Gender Sector (Women and Gender Equality).", + "Women's participation in politics in Venezuela, since the end of the 20th century, has been evident in the occupation of the largest number of women in institutional positions, ministries and collective organizations, the document mentioned above also states that women have led four of the five public authorities (all except the Executive).", + "Women's participation in politics in Venezuela has been evident since the end of the twentieth century in the occupation of a greater number of women in institutional positions, ministries and collective organizations, and the above-mentioned document also states that women have led four of the five public authorities (all except the Executive).", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "It is important to point out that Venezuelan women have managed to occupy a significant space in the national public sphere, but equity is founded on the principles of social justice and human rights, where opportunities are offered to both men and women, instruments, policies of access in an equitable manner, prevailing within that condition equal criteria according to gender needs.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the situation of women in the labour market.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the", + "Determined (CND). Actions and/or measures for updating the CND to 2030. \u201cWomen in Fisheries\u201d programme. Description of the action. It aims to include women in the agri-food production sector, with the development of sustainable agricultural activity as its vision.", + "This programme seeks to empower women farmers and to recognize their ancestral knowledge as a basis for gender equality and equity in all aspects of the agricultural sector and public policies, based on the recognition of the rights of women farmers.", + "This programme seeks the empowerment of women farmers and the recognition of their ancestral knowledge as a basis for gender equality and equity in all aspects of the agricultural sector and public policies, based on the recognition of the rights of women farmers.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, organized a workshop on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Wel", + "In this regard:According to the National Institute of Land, in a first stage direct awards of rural land titles to 477 farmers at national level, equivalent to 7,400,304 hectares, were achieved.", + "To promote the direction of public policies, plans, programmes and projects of the Venezuelan State, which promotes the participation of women in the popular power and guarantees the exercise of their rights and gender equality.", + "It is planned to gradually assist 5,141 women with the aim of guaranteeing their equal access to land ownership and combating the existing gap.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in the labour market.", + "In the second stage, it is planned to incorporate the beneficiaries into the Women Fisheries Programme for the production of 22,357 tonnes of different agricultural rubies at national level.", + "Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies presented by the Gender Sector (Women and Gender Equality) - Women Farmers. Summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and/or measures to update the NDC to 2030.", + "Summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Updating the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Actions and/or measures to update the NDC to 2030 Reducing vulnerability to the effects of climate change and increasing the resilience of rural women Description of the action.", + "Reduction of vulnerability to the effects of climate change and increase of resilience of women farmers.Description of the action.Convention with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), to develop the project \u201cReduction of vulnerability to the effects of climate change and increase of resilience of women farmers\u201d, with the aim of increasing the resilience capacities of women farmers, producers and organizations to cope with climate change through the implementation of sustainable and gender-sensitive socio-productive strategies, in the states of M\u00e9rida, Trujillo and Portuguesa.", + "In addition, the training that the project will provide to agricultural women producers and their organizations will promote their knowledge and exercise of their rights, and the development of their leadership and leadership in relation to gender-sensitive agro-climatic risk management by the State. with rural women producers. Objective.", + "Objective: To promote the steering of public policies, plans, programmes and projects of the Venezuelan State, which promotes the participation of women in popular power and guarantees the exercise of their rights and gender equality.", + "Women in the People's Power and guarantees the exercise of their rights and gender equality. Institution responsible for actions. Linkage with ODS. In 2021, it is estimated that a total of 1,500 women farmers and 150 agricultural organizations will benefit.", + "Institution responsible for actions. Linkage with ODS. In 2021, it is estimated that a total of 1,500 women farmers and 150 agricultural organizations will benefit. To date, it has been possible to identify needs, capacities, roles and gender-sensitive actions to be implemented in the area of disaster risk management and agro-climatic risks. Sector Youth and Sports.", + "In this regard, it is important to note that the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has not yet ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, nor has it ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, or the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, or the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, or the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, or the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, or the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involve", + "To strengthen the Stellar Role of Youth with the Demographic Bonus, through their productive specialization and the development of a national population policy, employing the Venezuelan Housing Mission in the new cities and focuses of economic and strategic development of the country.", + "To develop and direct the Grand Mission Chamba Juvenile to activate the self-sustaining productive sectors and to attend to the needs of the population.", + "To strengthen the Organizational, Cultural and Economic Balance of Youth and Students, by strengthening the institutions of organization and participation in the education system, communal councils, municipalities, the Presidential Council and the Congress of the Fatherland, among others.", + "To strengthen the Organizational, Cultural and Economic Political Balance of Youth and Students, strengthening the institutions of organization and participation in the education system, communal councils, communes, Presidential Council and Congress of the Fatherland, among others, in this context, given the active presence of Youth as a force for raising awareness and awareness of the adverse effects of climate change, from their participation and impact in the various public bodies: national, regional and local, especially the executive, legislative and communal, for the generation of policies and decision-making.", + "In this context, given the active presence of youth as a force for raising awareness and awareness of the adverse effects of climate change, from their participation and impact in the various public bodies: national, regional and local, especially the executive, legislative and communal, for the generation of policies and decision-making.", + "The following table presents Figure 12 of the Youth Sector: Figure 12. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Youth Sector. Summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).", + "Summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Updating the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Actions and/or measures for updating the 2030 NDC:2,500,000 incorporated into the Major Mission. or National Objective. or Strategic Objective. country whose objectives include the policy of climate change awareness.", + "or Strategic Objective. country whose objectives include a policy to raise awareness of the effects of climate change.", + "In the year 2017, the Grand Mission Chamba Juvenile is created as a strategy to focus and promote Public Youth Policies, having among its objectives to enhance the processes of socio-productive training sustainable in all its aspects and to contribute to the organization of young people on strategic themes for the country, currently having a register of.", + "In the year 2019, the Programmatic Agenda of Youth 2019 - 2025 is presented, in which in its Historical Objective No. 5 it is established \u201cCONTRIBUTING WITH THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE ON THE PLANT AND THE SALVATION OF THE HUMAN SPECIES\u201d, with the following objectives:.", + "To build and promote the historical social ecosocialist model, based on respect for the rights of Mother Earth and the well-being of our people by developing the principle of unity within diversity, the integral and systemic vision, popular participation, the role of the state-nation, the incorporation of technologies and forms of organization of production, distribution and consumption, which focus on the rational, optimal and sustainable exploitation of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature.", + "To promote collectively the construction and consolidation of socialism as the only option against the predatory, discriminatory and unsustainable capitalist model; to promote the creation and establishment of a new ecosocialist ethic, which contributes to the change in unsustainable models of production and unviable and unhealthy consumption habits imposed by the voracity inherent in the capitalist system.", + "Promote the creation and establishment of a new eco-socialist ethic, which contributes to the change in unsustainable models of production and unviable and unhealthy consumption habits imposed by the voracity inherent in the capitalist system.", + "To promote the construction and consolidation of socio-productive alternatives and new schemes of social, economic and financial cooperation for the promotion of eco-socialism and the establishment of fair trade, under the principles of complementarity, cooperation, sovereignty and solidarity.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, organized a workshop on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare,", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the National Assembly of the Republic of Moldova, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the", + "Action 3: To train regional youth brigades for the three moments of risk management: before-during-after the occurrence of the natural phenomenon. Action 4: To design sustainable socio-productive training programmes, using information and communication technologies to facilitate their continuous dissemination. Action 5: To include young people completing specialized training in youth brigades.", + "Action 4: Design sustainable socio-productive training programmes, using information and communication technologies to facilitate their continuous dissemination. Action 5: Incorporate young people completing specialized training into youth brigades. Action 6: Create the Climate Change and Risk Management Chapter in the framework of the Youth Congress 2022, with the aim of showing the progress of the regional organization.", + "Action 6: Creation of the Climate Change and Risk Management Chapter within the framework of the Youth Congress 2022, with the aim of showing the progress of the regional organization Action 7: Preparation of communication plans reporting on the structure, operation and location of the Brigades and the dissemination of sustainable youth policies and educational campaigns.", + "Action 7: Prepare communication plans that report on the structure, operation and location of the Brigades and the dissemination of sustainable youth policies and educational campaigns. Action 8: Implement alliances with public and private institutions to consolidate the above-mentioned actions. Institution responsible for the actions. Linking with ODS. Indicators. 11.3.11. Mining sector.", + "Action 8: Establish alliances with public and private institutions for the consolidation of the above-mentioned actions. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 11.3.11. Mining sector. No. of youth brigades formed by state and municipality. No. of specialized youth brigades. No. of specialized courses designed. No. of trained youth brigadists.", + "A mining system consists of a network of operators and institutions in the public and private sectors whose activities establish, execute, control, produce, process and market mineral resources, in their pure state, after adding value and transforming them into intermediate and final goods.", + "A mining system consists of a network of operators and institutions in the public and private sectors whose activities establish, execute, control, produce, process and market mineral resources, in their pure state, after adding value and processing into intermediate and final goods.", + "In the case of the National System of Ecological Mining, it is characterized by the incorporation of the vision of ecological mining; this statement derives from the proposal of an economic model to be developed by the Bolivarian Revolution, in which the \u201cneed to build an eco-socialist economic model, based on.", + "In the case of the National System of Ecological Mining, this is characterized by the incorporation of the vision of ecological mining; this statement stems from the proposal of an economic model to be developed by the Bolivarian Revolution, in which the \u201cneed to build an eco-socialist economic model, based on a harmonious relationship between man and nature\u201d, for which it is necessary to \u201cratify the defence of the sovereignty of the Venezuelan state over vital resources\u201d.", + "a harmonious relationship between man and nature\u201d, for which it is necessary to \u201cratify the defence of the sovereignty of the Venezuelan state over vital resources\u201d.", + "The Ministry of the People's Power of Environmental Mining Development (MPPDME) is the governing body of the country's mining activity and the National System of Environmental Mining, responsible for ensuring compliance with the political guidelines issued by the Bolivian Government for the sovereign, ecological and efficient use and exploitation of mining resources, by developing productive linkages and adding value within the mining sector on the scales of small, medium and large mining, starting with environmental mining that will enable the country to overcome dependence on oil revenues, generate sources of employment and a new stage in the sustainable national productive economy, without establishing a new mining rent system.", + "The challenge that is assumed with the formulation and subsequent concretization of this Mining Sectoral Plan, is to develop a mining that is able to boost and diversify the country's economy, but maintaining a balance between the environment and the human being and thus be able to extract, transform and add value to the mineral resources, but under the maximum of rational control, which ensures that the minerals, ecosystems and biodiversity will be there for the use and enjoyment of future generations.", + "Mining Sector Plan 2019 \u2013 2025 - Sectoral Framework:. National Ecological Mining System: This is a set of interrelated actors, institutions and practices that constitute, implement and participate in mining activity processes.", + "National Ecological Mining System: This is a set of actors, institutions and interrelated practices that constitute, execute and participate in processes of mining activity.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "Eco-mineral technical arrangements in the reforestation of areas affected by mining and related activities in the National Ecological Mining System: the existence of wooded areas in Venezuela is a contribution to mitigating action against the climate, because the vegetation layer helps to capture from the atmosphere the main greenhouse gas that is CO2, in this sense, the Ministry of Popular Power of.", + "Ecological Mining Development, through the PIAR MISSION, is working hand in hand with MINEC, in order to identify and diagnose the impact of mining activity on the different scales of mining.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela demonstrates its strong commitment, implementing a defined and coherent roadmap, to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), within the framework of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change in relation to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).", + "In the same way, the Ministry of the People's Power of Ecological Mining Development, in the mining sector, has developed and implemented plans in environmental matters applying ecosocialist productive economic models, from our capacities and potentialities for their adaptation to climate change and its effects.", + "Following is Table 13 of the Mining Sector:. Table 13. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Mining Sector. Table summarizes actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and/or measures to update the NDC to 2030. Description of the action.", + "Summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and/or measures to update the NDC to 2030. Description of the action. The areas that were historically degraded by illegal mining, currently, are implementing a programme to each actor in the industrial sector of mineral processing, these special environmental remediation plans constitute an added value and contribution to the community and the environment.", + "The areas that were historically degraded by illegal mining, are currently implementing a program to each actor in the industrial sector of mineral processing, these special environmental remediation plans constitute an added value and contribution to the community and the environment.", + "In addition to this, the following activities are added:Creation of Agromineral Schools in the various mining areas of the state of Bol\u00edvar: for the training of voluntary groups of mining communities in the conservation of the environment and the implementation of actions for mitigation and recovery of areas affected by the exercise of extractive activity.Creation of nurseries and plantations and identification and management of native species: for the reforestation of forests and environmental recovery of soils in areas where mining activity is developed or those that have historically been degraded and maintain this status.", + "Creation of nurseries and plantations and identification and management of native species: for the reforestation of forests and the environmental recovery of soils in areas where mining activity develops or those that have historically been degraded and maintain this status.", + "Each Agromineral School will have a space dedicated to nurseries and plantations.Conformation of ecological brigades: are socio-productive units that involve the actors of the mining activity in conjunction with the community and the PIAR MISSION for the promotion, strengthening, orientation and implementation of the reforestation and remediation plans in the areas affected by the mining.", + "Formation of ecological brigades: are socio-productive units that involve the actors of the mining activity in conjunction with the community and the PIAR MISSION for the promotion, strengthening, orientation and execution of the reforestation and remediation plans in the areas affected by the mining.", + "Monitor mine closure plans in the development of any mineral deposit from the outset.It is estimated that 1,575 hectares affected will be remediated with 48,375 native trees planted in the areas affected by the mining.", + "Remediation of 1,575 hectares affected with 48,375 native trees planted in areas affected by mining will be estimated. Projects will be selected for the remediation of 1,575 hectares affected by mining activity by reducing erosion and sedimentation to river channels.", + "Projects will be selected for the remediation of 1,575 hectares affected by mining activity by reducing erosion and sediment loading to river channels.", + "The emissions generated by mining activity in the period 2020 to 2030 will be estimated to determine the area to be restored and the hectares affected by mining activity will be conditioned annually.", + "In order to reduce the country\u2019s environmental impacts, both SENAFIM, Mining Protection, and the entities holding \u201cMining Rights\u201d, exercise the fiscalization, control and supervision of the Projects in their final phase and Mine Closure Plans, duly approved by the Ministry of People\u2019s Power for Ecological Mining Development, with the aim of meeting the established technical and environmental standards for the sanitation and restoration of areas affected by mining.", + "Implementation of Fiscalization and Inspections: Through the National Fiscalization and Mining Inspection Service (SENAFIM) and the Deputy Ministry of Monitoring and Control of Eco- Mining Development through the Directorate General of Ecosocialist Management of Mining Development and the Directorate General of Mining Protection, to maintain a permanent verification of mining projects in their implementation phase, to control and supervise the exploration and exploitation phases, as well as the related processing activities, with the aim of being attached to the socio-environmental impact studies, duly approved by the Ministry of People's Power for Ecosocialism.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior has adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of minors in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography,", + "Creation of environmental mining scientific and technological capabilities: increasing capabilities in science, innovation, education and development in technologies that encourage the creation of knowledge in the exploration, quantification, extraction and processing of mineral reserves oriented to environmental management through: Waste Management Plan in the SNME: one of the sectors responsible for the largest emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) on a global scale is the solid waste and waste sector; hence the importance of the elaboration, implementation and technical support in the plans for the integral management of by-products generated in mining and related activities, which have an impact on the reduction of emissions and the implementation of final disposal systems.", + "Promoting the organization of workers, mining communities and indigenous peoples: for the formulation, implementation, execution and control of programs and projects of social protection, environmental preservation and integral economic - productive development, linking the actions of the sector with local development.", + "Promoting the organization of workers, mining and indigenous communities: for the formulation, implementation, execution and control of programs and projects of social protection, environmental preservation and integral economic - productive development, linking the actions of the sector with local development.", + "Minimize the environmental impact of mining activities, assume the remediation of environmental liabilities, prioritize the development and use of low impact technologies, and evaluate the burden.", + "Development of university faculties and programs to increase the mining-environmental scientific and technological capabilities of the population, managing with educational institutions and/or with public or private companies in the development of research and technical cooperation programs in the field of environmental mining.", + "Development of university faculties and programs to increase the mining-environmental scientific and technological capabilities of the population, managing with educational institutions and/or with public or private companies in the development of research and technical cooperation programs in the field of environmental mining.", + "Establish educational policies, community participation and socio-environmental training: for the fight against climate change, through the management of technical and economic support to the actors of the National System of Ecological Mining (SNME) and the surrounding communities, as part of the requirements established in strategic alliances and mining operations contracts.", + "on the matrix of energy and natural resources when planning new mining projects. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Remediated hectares. No. of trees planted. Livestock created. Agri-mineral schools created. No. of formations carried out. No. of ecological brigades formed. 11.3.12. Sector Indigenous Peoples.", + "The Ministry of the Interior, in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry", + "In addition, the Ministry of Public Power for Indigenous Peoples, since its creation, has been able to attend to more than 700,000 indigenous peoples from more than 40 original peoples who live in the country.At the time of its creation, it promoted this space with the aim of creating mechanisms that would definitively achieve the demands of the indigenous peoples of Venezuela, thus giving them social inclusion and protagonal participation within Venezuelan society; and recognizing their rights within the constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "At the time of its creation, it promoted this space with the aim of creating mechanisms that would definitively achieve the demands of the indigenous peoples of Venezuela by giving them this form of social inclusion and protagonal participation within Venezuelan society; and recognizing their rights within the constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "It is important to note that three deputy ministers' offices have been consolidated in the areas of intercultural bilingual education, the well-being of indigenous peoples, and the territorial and communal development of communities with the aim of reaching and providing comprehensive and direct services to all vulnerable communities in the country.", + "Table 14 below presents the Indigenous Peoples Sector. Table 14 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies presented by the Indigenous Peoples Sector. Table summarizes actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and/or measures to update the NDC to 2025. 1.", + "A summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Updating the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Actions and/or measures for updating the NDC to 2025 1. Comprehensive care for vulnerable indigenous populations settled in the national territory, promoting the eradication of extreme poverty.", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice are responsible for the coordination of the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which is based on the principles of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the", + "o 533 decent housing units for indigenous peoples and communities and infrastructures oriented to the development of their ancestral uses, customs and cultures will be built.", + "To build indigenous housing through direct implementation by the various entities of the national, regional and municipal state in order to promote the harmonious and sustainable development of indigenous peoples within an eco-socialist vision framed in a growth that takes into account the well-being and needs of present and future generations while respecting the environment.", + "(a) The right of indigenous peoples to self-determination, in accordance with the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "In the framework of promoting the inclusion and well-being of indigenous peoples and contributing to ensuring a healthy life and promoting the well-being of indigenous peoples, the Ministry, as the governing body, facilitates policies that contribute to implementing indigenous communities the deepening of the design variables of their housing, that respect the culture, geography and particularities of their traditions and customs through the following projects related to the development of design variables, ensuring the protagonal participation of each of the indigenous peoples, within the framework of the great Venezuelan Housing Mission, for the construction and rehabilitation of housing in accordance with their geographical and cultural particularities.", + "The regionalization of the construction and rehabilitation of dwellings of indigenous communities, with typologies in accordance with the particularities of the traditions and customs of indigenous peoples and the project on the development of maintenance schemes in accordance with cultural and geographical particularities.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Panama has adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the situation of indigenous peoples in the country, including the following: (a) the establishment of the National Institute for Indigenous Affairs; (b) the establishment of the National Institute for Indigenous Affairs; (c) the establishment of the National Institute for Indigenous Affairs; (d) the establishment of the National Institute for Indigenous Affairs; (e) the establishment of the National Institute for Indigenous Affairs; (f) the establishment of the National Institute for Indigenous Affairs; (g) the establishment of the National Institute for Indigenous Affairs; (h) the establishment of the National Institute for Indigenous Affairs; (i) the establishment of the National Institute for Indigenous Affairs; (j) the establish", + "(a) The right to education, including vocational training and guidance, and the right to participate in cultural life, including the right to participate in cultural life and the right to participate in cultural life, including the right to participate in cultural life, including the right to participate in cultural life and the right to participate in cultural life, including the right to participate in cultural life, including the right to participate in cultural life, including the right to participate in cultural life and the right to participate in cultural life, including the right to participate in cultural life, including the right to participate in cultural life, including the right to participate in cultural life, including the right to participate in cultural life, including the right to participate in cultural life, including the right to participate in cultural life, including the right to participate in cultural life, including the right to participate in cultural life, including the right to participat", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), organized a workshop on the rights of indigenous peoples in the context of the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights", + "To strengthen the own production and exchange of indigenous peoples and communities to contribute to the processes of industrialization, trade exchange and the promotion of the change of consumption patterns of society for food sovereignty; as well as the promotion of economies of scale Objective: To promote training and financing for socio-productive units in indigenous communities that respect their traditional practices and forms of organization as well as to ensure non-exclusive marketing and distribution mechanisms for indigenous peoples.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior, through the Office of the Attorney-General of the Republic, is also responsible for the protection of the rights and interests of indigenous peoples.", + "Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 11.3.13. Risk and Disaster Sector. Comprehensive accessibility to services and infrastructure in indigenous territories. Mass construction of indigenous housing through direct implementation by the various national, regional and municipal authorities. Proportion of indigenous population occupied. Participation in the GDP of indigenous communities.", + "Mass construction of indigenous housing through direct implementation by the various entities of the national, regional and municipal state. Proportion of indigenous population occupied. Participation in the GDP of indigenous communities. % of satisfaction of needs met through indigenous production. Volume of financing granted to socio-productive projects in indigenous peoples and communities.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a country vulnerable to various natural phenomena, such as earthquakes, floods, mass movements, tropical storms and hurricanes, tsunamis and technological events, such as fires, explosions, spills and others.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a country vulnerable to various natural phenomena, such as droughts, floods, mass movements, tropical storms and hurricanes, tsunamis and technological events, such as fires, explosions, spills and others.", + "Disasters have usually been defined as \u201cunexpected\u201d situations that cause severe effects on the population from climate-related impacts, leading to widespread confusion between the terms \u201cnatural phenomenon\u201d and \u201cnatural disaster\u201d, so the magnitude of human damage and losses associated with disasters, which have occurred in Latin America in recent decades and the visualization of the multiple vulnerability conditions of affected population sectors, especially the poorest, has led experts to find a broader explanation of disasters, associating the degree of destruction and losses with the vulnerability of the population and the socio-natural construction of the risk.", + "In this regard, the Vice-Ministry for Risk Management and Civil Protection was created and the Law on Integral Management of Socio-Natural and Technological Risks, promulgated according to the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 39.095 dated January 9, 2009, was promulgated.", + "A law that explicitly considers the risks associated with climate change, exercising control, monitoring and evaluation of national policies, plans, guidelines and guidelines that promote risk management, emergency care and disaster management.", + "Following this, we present Figure 15 of the Risk and Disaster Sector, which is currently in the process of being updated. Figure 15. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Risk and Disaster Sector. Figure summarizes actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Risk and Disaster Sector. Summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and/or measures with an impact on adaptation year 2017. Plans, projects and strategies associated with the risk assessment.", + "Determined (CND). Actions and/or measures with impacts on Adaptation year 2017. Plans, projects and strategies associated with risk assessment. Description of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela 2017. national.", + "Plans, projects and strategies associated with the risk assessment. Description of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela 2017. national. National Risk Management Plan: It aims to develop strategic lines that allow the study, identification and delimitation of the risk, as a basis for the planning process, as well as the development of risk mitigation projects throughout the national territory.", + "The National Plan of Risk Management: It aims to develop strategic lines that enable the study, identification and delimitation of risk, as a basis for the planning process, as well as the development of risk mitigation projects throughout the national territory.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights and interests of children and adolescents.", + "National Register of Information for Integral Disaster Risk Management: Project aimed at ensuring the integration and standardization of interinstitutional information through the creation and strengthening of a technological platform for consultation, by different public and private institutions throughout the territory, on disasters, humanitarian assistance, rehabilitation and reconstruction, as well as technical assistance and the exchange of experience in this field.", + "It is the responsibility of the institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. or Measurement of the loss of life, infrastructure, crops, money, among others, associated with the adverse effects of climate change. 11.3.14. Health sector.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, a number of other measures have been adopted, such as the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establish", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania have adopted a number of other measures aimed at combating trafficking in human beings.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior has adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring the protection of the rights of the child.", + "Strengthening local capacities for the integrated management of Socio-Natural and Technological Risks in communities: It aims to plan and implement integrated actions in communities in the Metropolitan Area of Caracas, in order to increase the capacity of the communities to respond to events of natural and technological origin.", + "Integrated Management of Socio-Natural and Technological Risks in the Health Sector: This project is part of the development of guidelines for the implementation of integrated risk management in the health sector at national level, the aim of which is to strengthen the health sector's capacity to respond to adverse events.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "Climate change poses a risk to human health, due to increased environmental health factors (physical, chemical and biological), for example: heavy rainfall and flooding, increased temperatures and relative humidity, lead to the emergence of vectors and reservoirs of parasites or viruses causing meth diseases, contamination of water supply sources, affecting their quality, greenhouse gas emissions, among others.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is highly vulnerable to the incidence of diseases caused by vectors sensitive to climatic changes, because it is located in the tropical zone. Faced with this situation, the State supports cutting-edge policies based on the principles and methods of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), based on the Integrated Management of Vectors, where local knowledge, microestration of risk, intersectorality and community participation in the management of programmes for the prevention of metaxenic diseases converge.", + "The Ministry of the People's Power for Health (MPPS), as the director in the monitoring and control of water quality for human consumption, works with preventive actions in diseases of water origin, to guarantee water quality, through periodic monitoring; also, the identification of incinerators located in the health sector, through national censuses, in order to know the conditions and establish technical guidelines on the best ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.", + "Table 16 of the Health Sector is presented below. Table 16. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Health Sector. Table summarizes the actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation-Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation year 2017.", + "Summary of the actions and programmes with impact on adaptation-Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).Action and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017.Increase of coverage in medical care.Description of the Action with Results Update of the Information Year 2021 by the Deputy Ministry of Integral Health.", + "The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC) and the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC), organized a series of workshops and seminars in order to raise awareness of the situation of children with disabilities.", + "Opening of specialized centers such as the Children's Cardiological Hospital in Caracas. Actions and/or measures for updating the CND to 2030. 1. Actions for the prevention of diseases associated with vectors, reservoirs and harmful fauna, related to climate change.", + "Actions and/or measures for updating the GNI to 2030. 1. Actions to prevent diseases associated with vectors, reservoirs and harmful fauna, related to climate change. Impact action:o Strengthening entomological surveillance and vector control at national level in response to climate change.", + "Impact Action: Strengthening entomological surveillance and vector control at the national level against climate change.Before the Bolivarian Revolution in 1999, more than 60% of people living in grassroots sectors had never visited a doctor for a general check-up.", + "Before the Bolivarian Revolution in 1999, more than 60% of people living in grassroots areas had never visited a doctor for a general check-up.", + "In 2015, it is 12 years since the creation of Barrio Adentro, an unprecedented mission that allows access to high-tech health services free of charge to significant sectors of the population.", + "Barrio Adentro is responsible for at least 704 million 958,000 free medical consultations in the last 12 years.", + "Barrio Adentro was created in 2003 with the help of the Cuban government, to provide health services to the Venezuelan population in small ambulatory clinics built and equipped with medical supplies in previously neglected areas.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has also adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in the labour market.", + "In 2006, Barrio Adentro IV is launched with the. Strategic Actions:2. Prevention of waterborne diseases associated with climate change. Impact Action:o Strengthening health surveillance and control of water quality at national level in the face of climate change. Strategic Actions:3.", + "Impact Action:o Strengthening health surveillance and control of water quality at national level in the face of climate change Strategic Actions:3. Prevention of diseases associated with air quality due to climate change.", + "Strategic actions:3. Actions to prevent diseases associated with air quality due to climate change. Impact action:o Strengthening health surveillance and control of air quality, at fixed sources (health sector incinerators). Strategic actions:. Description of the action.", + "Strategic actions:. Description of the action. Description of how each action will be carried out and the expected results for the benefit of the population and the reduction of the adverse effects on climate change. Objective.", + "Description of how each action will be carried out and the expected results for the benefit of the population and the reduction of the adverse effects of climate change. Objective: The creation and extension of these health programmes involve a reduction in vulnerability to diseases, including those whose incidence and geographical distribution will increase as a result of climate change.", + "The creation and expansion of these health programmes implies a reduction in vulnerability to diseases, including those whose incidence and geographical distribution will increase as a result of climate change.", + "To train health professionals and technicians, ASICs, the organized community and governmental and non-governmental bodies in entomological surveillance and vector control measures within the framework of integrated vector control management at national level in the face of climate change.", + "To train professional and technical health personnel, ASICs, the organized community and governmental and non-governmental bodies, in entomological surveillance actions and vector control measures within the framework of integrated vector control management at national level in response to climate change.", + "To strengthen the information system of entomological surveillance and vector control at the national level against climate change, with the design and implementation of information systems and georeferencing.Entomological risk assessment and impact on vector control against climate change.", + "Entomological risk assessment and impact on vector control in the face of climate change.Strengthening health surveillance and control of supply systems (water sources, treatment and distribution system) and monitoring of water quality in the face of climate change.", + "Strengthening health surveillance and control of supply systems (water sources, treatment and distribution system) and monitoring of water quality in the face of climate change.", + "To train health professionals and technicians, ASICs, the organized community and governmental and non-governmental bodies in climate-resilient drinking water monitoring and safety plans at the national level; To strengthen the national water quality health monitoring information system, associated with climate change, with the design and implementation of information systems and geo-referencing.", + "Strengthen the system of health surveillance information on water quality at national level, associated with climate change, with the design and implementation of information systems and geo-referencing.", + "Risk assessment and impact on water quality control in the face of climate change Strengthening health surveillance and control of air quality at fixed sources (health sector incinerators), by identifying national censuses, in order to know the conditions and establish technical guidelines on the best ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the health sector.", + "Strengthening health surveillance and control of air quality, at fixed sources (health incineration plants), by identifying national censuses, in order to know the conditions and establish technical guidelines on the best ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the health sector; Training professional and technical staff in health surveillance and control actions at fixed sources (incineration plants).", + "To train the professional and technical personnel of the health sector, in the actions of health surveillance and control of fixed sources (incinerators).", + "The International Labour Organization (ILO) warns that climate change is causing, in the short, medium and long term, a serious disruption of economic and social activity in many sectors on all continents.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "In the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the protection of the environment has a significant connotation and this is how the 1999 Constitution in Chapter IX establishes Environmental Rights and specifically in Article 127 it is expressed that: \u201cIt is a right and a duty of every generation to protect and maintain the environment for the benefit of itself and the future world.", + "The State shall protect the environment, biological diversity, genetic resources, ecological processes, national parks and natural monuments and other areas of special ecological importance.", + "The State shall protect the environment, biological diversity, genetic resources, ecological processes, national parks and natural monuments and other areas of special ecological importance.", + "This synergy of the revolutionary government's commitment to the protection of the environment is embodied in the Plan of the Motherland, since it establishes in the 5th Great Historical Objective called \"Contributing to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species\", where the fundamental premise is not only to fight climate change, but to advance the development of an \"ecosocialist doctrine\" as the construction of harmonious ways of life and respect for the rights of the land and all its inhabitants.", + "With the aim of complying with these legal precepts, it is now more necessary than ever to have a working and entrepreneurial class committed to ecology and the preservation of healthy working environments, which undertakes to fight for the installation of new productive models with low greenhouse gas emissions.", + "All labour organizations, irrespective of their economic activity, are exposed to the effects of climate change, with serious consequences in terms of direct and indirect job losses. In order to address these effects, workers' organizations (Workers' Productive Committee (CPT), Prevention Delegates, Trade Unions, Workers' Councils, among others), must develop actions to mitigate and adapt to it.", + "In Venezuela, for the next few years, eco-socialism and employment must go hand in hand with mitigation, adaptation and reduction of the risks of climate change. That is why environmental education, information and guidance are essential in order to achieve higher levels of awareness in relation to this issue.", + "The objective situation that is pursued is to position ourselves in our country, in the discussion that is taking place in the world, with regard to the design of an environmentally responsible policy, the aim of which is to make human beings aware of their levels of well-being and social equity, while at the same time significantly reducing environmental risks and damage to nature.", + "We believe that our societies must change and that this transformation can only happen from a perspective of justice and social inclusion.", + "The following table presents Figure 17 of the Labour Sector (Social Justice). Figure 17. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Labour Sector (Social Justice). Figure summarizes actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Objective.", + "Policies of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Labour Sector (Social Justice).Fiche summary of actions and programmes with impact on adaptation- Update of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).Objective: To contribute from the social work process to mitigation and adaptation to climate change, implementing good productive practices, through an action plan of information and guidance to workers, work entities and social organizations as pro-tagonal actors in the relationship.", + "To contribute from the social work process to the mitigation and adaptation to climate change, implementing good production practices, through an action plan of information and orientation to workers, work entities and social organizations as protagonal actors in the relationship. environmental production. actions and/or measures for the updating of the CND to 2030.", + "Actions and/or measures to update the CND to 2030 An Action Plan will be designed and implemented with the aim of informing and guiding workers on their participation and role in mitigation and adaptation to climate change.", + "An Action Plan will be designed and implemented with the aim of informing and guiding workers, on their participation and role in mitigation and adaptation to climate change, as multipliers in the social process of work, their family and community environment for the empowerment of climate action.", + "Climate change, as multipliers in the social process of work, their family and community environment for the empowerment of climate action. Description of the action. Institution responsible for the actions. Ministry of the People's Power for the Social Process of Work. Linkage with ODS. Indicators.", + "Description of the action. Institution responsible for the actions. Ministry of the People's Power for the Social Process of Labour. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Implement coordination between the Ministry of the People's Power for the Social Process of Labour and the Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism to implement information and guidance aimed at workers.", + "To coordinate between the Ministry of the People's Power for the Social Process of Labour and the Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism to implement information and guidance aimed at workers; to design and implement an information and guidance campaign to workers of the MPPPPST and its affiliated entities on greenhouse gas emissions, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and mitigation and adaptation to climate change.", + "Design and implement an information and orientation campaign for MPPPPST workers and their subscribers on greenhouse gas emissions, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and climate change mitigation and adaptation.Design and implement an information campaign for Labour Entities and their organizations on greenhouse gas emissions, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and climate change mitigation and adaptation.", + "Design and implement an information campaign aimed at Labour Entities, and their organisations, on greenhouse gas emissions, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Train workers who will take on the role of information multipliers. Number of workers informed and oriented.", + "To train workers who will take on the role of multipliers of information. Number of workers informed and oriented. Number of institutions involved in the implementation of the action plan for information and orientation. Number of Working Entities informed and oriented.", + "Number of institutions involved in the implementation of the action plan for information and guidance. Number of information and guidance work entities. Number of information worker organizations (labour organizations, trade unions, workers' productive councils, workers' councils, etc.). Number of workshops, talks, videoconferences, seminars, messages via social networks, etc.", + "Number of Workers' Organizations and Informed Workers (Workers' Organizations, Trade Unions, Workers' Productive Councils, Workers' Councils, etc.) Number of workshops, talks, videoconferences, seminars, social network messages, etc. Sector Directorate General of Environmental Quality Management (Water Quality Monitoring - Environmental Laboratories).", + "Number of workshops, talks, videoconferences, seminars, messages by social networks carried out, among others. Sector Directorate General of Environmental Quality Management (Water Quality Monitoring - Environmental Laboratories) The Directorate of Environmental Laboratories is currently preparing a Project for the strengthening of the Environmental Laboratories with the aim of equipping them with scientific equipment, materials, reactors and staff training with the aim of generating information on water quality in the main basins of the country.", + "The Directorate of Environmental Laboratories is currently preparing a project for the strengthening of the Environmental Laboratories with the aim of equipping them with scientific equipment, materials, reactors and staff training with the aim of generating information on water quality in the country's main basins.", + "The programme of continuous monitoring and evaluation of water quality includes the following water bodies: Lake Valencia, Tocuyo River, Yaracuy River, Tuy River and the incorporation of the Santo Domingo River is being planned.", + "As stated above, MINEC environmental laboratories located in the states of Nueva Esparta, Monagas, Anzo\u00e1tegui, Nivel. central, Aragua, Lara and Barinas need to be relocated in order to have the minimum tools necessary to carry out all activities efficiently, effectively and quality in order to generate basic and reliable information for generating management policies aimed at adapting the effects of climate change.", + "In order to meet the objectives set, this directorate has planned the following actions:.", + "In order to meet the objectives set, this Directorate has planned the following actions:. Strengthening the water quality monitoring programme. Strengthening awareness-raising, communication and dissemination activities. Strengthening the capacities of laboratory staff.", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment", + "The following table shows the CNDs for the Environmental Laboratory Line Directorate: Table 18. Policies for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) presented by the Sector Directorate-General for Environmental Quality Management (Water Quality Monitoring - Environmental Laboratories).", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Sector Directorate General of Environmental Quality Management (Water Quality Monitoring - Environmental Laboratories).", + "Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) Actions and/or measures to update the NDCs to 2030 Continuous monitoring and assessment of water quality Description of the action.", + "Actions and/or measures for updating the NDCs to 2030. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of water quality. Description of the action. The Network of Environmental Laboratories designs a project to strengthen the analytical capacity of laboratories, at national level, with the aim of equipping them with scientific equipment, materials, reactors and staff training with the aim of generating information on water quality, enabling them to inform the general public, as well as support for policy formulation.", + "Objective: To generate information on water quality, to inform the general public, as well as to generate management policies to enable adaptation to changes caused by climate change. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators.", + "Enable adaptation to changes caused by climate change. Institution responsible for actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Actions and/or measures for updating the GNI to 2030. or Strengthening the organization of environmental laboratories. Number of watersheds monitored.", + "Actions and/or measures for updating the NDCs to 2030. or Strengthening the organization of environmental laboratories. Number of watersheds monitored. Percentage of deviation of the concentration of indicator parameters at each sampling point in watersheds. Description of the action.", + "Increasing the capacity of the laboratory staff in the field of analytical, instrumental, statistical, environmental management and adaptation to climate change in order to use the recommended methodologies of the latest technology to carry out with greater precision and accuracy the physicochemical and bacteriological analyses as support in the management of monitoring and evaluation of the effects of change on water bodies. Objective.", + "Strengthen the capacity of laboratory staff in the field of analytical, instrumental, statistical, environmental management and adaptation to climate change in order to use the recommended methodologies of the latest technology to carry out with greater precision and accuracy the physicochemical and bacteriological analyses.", + "Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Actions and/or measures for updating the NDCs to 2030. or Awareness-raising, communication and dissemination of water management. Description of the action.", + "Actions and/or measures for the updating of the 2030 NDCs. or Awareness-raising, communication and dissemination of water management. Description of the action. The strengthening of awareness-raising, communication and dissemination activities, through newsletters, mass media such as: print, television, radio, social networks and other alternative media, which will inform the people's power and other bodies of the actions being carried out related to adaptation to climate change and of the ways in which the people's power can contribute to the conservation and preservation of water for the purpose.", + "To reduce the adverse effects of climate change. Objective.", + "To inform the people's power of the actions that are carried out related to the adaptation to climate change, as regards the assessment and monitoring of water quality, as well as of the ways in which the people's power can contribute to the conservation and preservation of water in order to reduce the adverse effects to climate change.", + "Climate change. Institution responsible for actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Number of training workshops. Number of people trained. Number of people participating in awareness-raising workshops. Number of information published in mass media, social networks and other alternative media.", + "Number of persons participating in awareness-raising workshops. Number of information published in mass media, social networks and other alternative media. The Environmental Laboratories Directorate is in the process of constructing the Water Quality Indicator, which will be used as a methodology for determining the degree of water pollution in bodies of water that have sufficient historical data for its elaboration.", + "The Directorate of Environmental Laboratories is in the process of constructing the Water Quality Indicator, which will be used as a methodology to determine the degree of water pollution in bodies of water that have sufficient historical data for its elaboration.", + "This tool will be useful to determine the degree of variation of those parameters related to the effects of climate change, for this it is necessary to carry out the following actions.", + "Implementation of the National Water Quality Information System. Water Quality Indicator. Actions and/or measures for updating the GNI to 2030. or National Water Quality Information System. Description of the action.", + "The National Water Quality Information System (SNICA) will be revised and implemented (the software) to incorporate the analytical data obtained in each of the watersheds that are included in the annual monitoring programme with the aim of calculating the Water Quality Index and determining the degree of variation of those parameters related to the effects of climate change.", + "Provide information on the degree of variation of those parameters related to the effects of climate change. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Actions and/or measures for updating the GNI to 2030. or Water Quality Indicator. Description of the action.", + "Actions and/or measures for updating the GNI to 2030. or Water Quality Indicator. Description of the action. The Water Quality Indicator and the calculations for determining the deviation of parameters related to the effects of climate change, will be constructed according to the historical data of the watersheds included in the quality monitoring programme.", + "The Water Quality Indicator and the calculations for determining the deviation of parameters related to the effects of climate change shall be constructed in accordance with the historical data of the watersheds included in the quality monitoring programme.", + "Indicator of the quality of water, which will provide information relevant to adaptation and generate mitigation policies to reduce the adverse effects of climate change. Objective.", + "Objective To construct the Water Quality Indicator and calculations for determining the deviation of parameters related to the effects of climate change in watersheds included in the water quality monitoring programme.", + "Construct the Water Quality Indicator and calculations for determining the deviation of parameters related to the effects of climate change in the watersheds included in the water quality monitoring programme.", + "Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Sector Ecosystems (Coastal Zone, Territorial Management, Mountains, Wetlands). In the country the variability of the climate and the occurrence of extreme events have been more propensity in recent years, as well as it is difficult to predict precise effects of climate change; however, recent studies warn about the potential impacts on humans due to floods, storms, droughts and heat waves, with predictions of lack of drinking water and possible conflicts as competition for water resources increases, as well as major changes in conditions for food production.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the", + "The following is the summary table of Adaptation No. 17 of the Ecosystems Sector:Fiche 19. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Ecosystems Sector (Coastal Zone, Territorial Management, Mountains, Wetlands). Summary table of actions and programmes with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017.", + "Summary of actions and programmes with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).Action and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017.Territory Management.Description of the results of the action implemented in the First NDC of Venezuela.", + "Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017.Territorial planning and management.Description of the results of the action implemented in the First National Development Plan of Venezuela.The national planning instrument, although not officialized, serves as a technical guide for the development of more detailed territorial planning instruments such as the Coastal Zones Integrated Management and Management Plans, the National Strategic Development Zones (ZDEN) Management Plans, the State Territorial Management Plans and the Areas Under Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE) some of which are considered at international level as Protected Areas.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "To this end, it defines 10 Programmes for Integrated Coastal Zone Management: POGIZC has served as a basis for the generation of a series of technical documents relevant to support decision-making on adaptation to climate change:Parks, Mintur.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to disseminate widely, in particular to women's and human rights organizations, the Convention, its Optional Protocol, the Committee's general recommendations, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWo", + "Policy for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Venezuela's Coastal Zones (2010). Implications of Climate Change in Venezuela's Coastal Zones and Aquatic Space (2011). Glossary of Terms for Environmental and Territorial Management and Planning (2012). Verification of the Precipitation Flood Map in Venezuela's Coastal Zones (2012).", + "Glossary of Terms for Environmental and Territorial Management and Planning (2012). Verification of the Precipitation Flood Map in Coastal Zones of Venezuela (2012). Inventory and Characterization of Venezuelan Sandy Beaches (2012 - Actual).", + "Verification of the Precipitation Flooding Map in the Coastal Zones of Venezuela (2012). Inventory and Characterization of the Sandy Beaches of Venezuela (2012 - Actual). Public Domain in the Coastal Zones of Venezuela: Criteria for their Delimitation (Document validated with the Working Committees of the Central and State Coastal Zones).", + "Public Domain in the Coastal Zones of Venezuela: Criteria for their Delimitation (Document validated with the Working Committees of the Central and State Coastal Zones) Development of Project 00075653 Strengthening the System of Marine Protected Areas - Coastal Zones of Venezuela (2011 - 2017).", + "Development of the Project 00075653 Strengthening the System of Marine Protected Areas - Coasts of Venezuela (2011 - 2017).Reactivation and active participation in various spaces for the creation of Alliances (2018 - Actual): Redparks, Ramsar Convention, UNDP, UNEP, WCPA, GEF, PPD,. 3.", + "Reactivation and active participation in various spaces for the creation of Alliances (2018 - Current): Redparks, Ramsar Convention, UNDP, UNEP, WCPA, GEF, PPD. 3.", + "Project of the Plan of Management of the Territory of the Oil Field of the Orinoco \"Hugo Ch\u00e1vez Fr\u00edas\" (National Strategic Development Zone - ZDEN):- productive of the Nation under an environmentally responsible approach.", + "Under Special Administrative Regime Areas (ABRAE) and their Management Plans and Regulations of Use (PORU):5. State Land Management Plans:Other Actions and Programs with an Impact on Adaptation or Mitigation of Climate Change and Its Effects:6. Suelos Conservation, Desertification and Drought:Community Socio-Environmental Conditions.", + "This draft decree will be subject to a process of public consultation, after it has been constructed collectively with the institutions and other key actors of the Zone.", + "This draft Decree will be subject to a process of Public Consultation, after it has been built collectively with the institutions and other key actors of the Zone.It is a regional planning instrument that guides the development based on the country's main industry, which is the oil industry, in harmony with other economic sectors.", + "It is a regional planning instrument that guides development on the basis of the country's main industry, the oil industry, in harmony with other economic sectors.", + "In identifying threats, especially those of a technological nature, it is proposed within the framework of the plan, research programs and monitoring of industrial processes, particularly those that could increase emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs).", + "In this regard, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) jointly organized a regional workshop on the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010, in cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization", + "Following the hierarchical system of land management instruments, six (6) plans of federal entities have been addressed, considering the risk variable for analysis and use allocations, among which are approved states: Falc\u00f3n (2004 in the process of updating), T\u00e1chira (2005), Barinas (2011), Cojedes (2011), Miranda (2011), Trujillo (2017) and without approving the corresponding state of La Guaira and Sucre (2019 - 2020).", + "In addition, the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) on cooperation in combating HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.", + "Venezuela since the 1980s has identified the need and importance of soil conservation to address the issue of agri-food security, and more recently as part of its contribution to addressing issues related to climate change, as the increase in soil organic content mitigates this process.", + "In this regard, the Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism within the framework of the National Action Programme to Combat Desertification and Drought Mitigation has dynamited policies of land management and conservation, through guidelines for the preservation, reduction, rehabilitation or recovery of land degradation, through the approach of sustainable development within the framework of a humanistic and self-managed economy, a social solidarity and equitable medium and participatory democracy from the ecosocialist approach, in accordance with the guidelines of national development as well as those of the European Union.", + "This instrument is structured in 5 Strategic Lines, namely titled: Sustainable Development of Areas Affected by the Processes Leading to Desertification and by the Effects of Drought; Education, Training and Awareness as Fundamental Elements of Development; Scientific Research and Technological Innovation as the Basis for Scientifically Sound Local Development; Institutional Strengthening; and Intra- and International Cooperation.", + "Currently, among the achievements of its implementation are highlighted: - 2025 by Development Goals, identifying national strengths to confront it.", + "It was developed with the participation of more than 150 people from national and international institutions, scientific, educational, and environmental movements, representing about 32 national bodies among ministries, organizations, universities, and research centers, as well as with the presence of national and international authorities.", + "It was developed with the participation of more than 150 people from national and international institutions, scientific, educational and environmental movements, representing about 32 national bodies among ministries, organizations, universities and research centres, as well as with the presence of national and international authorities.", + "The need to spatially map and direct the efforts identified within the National Strategy for Sequia (MINEC, 2019). 7. National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones:.", + "National policies for the conservation and sustainable development of coastal zones: It was determined in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15, Target 15.3, its Indicator 15.3.1 \u201cProportion of degraded land in relation to total land area\u201d, with its three sub-indicators 1) Land Cover (Trends in land use / land cover); 2) Land Productivity (Trends in Land Productivity); and 3) Organic Carbon in the Soil (Carbon reserves in surface and soil).", + "Establishing the Working Group on Earth Degradation Neutrality (NDT), which, with the participation of researchers, academics and other key actors, was validated.", + "The National Drought Strategy was drawn up, which identifies vulnerability to extreme drought events in the country's various productive sectors (agriculture, water, socio-economics, electricity, hydrocarbons, and the environment), as well as to the national development objectives set out in the Law Plan de Patria 2019.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "The document entitled \u201cVenezuela\u2019s Dry Zones: Area and Population\u201d is being drafted, which is based on the following: At the international level, there is a perception that Venezuela does not have dry lands, because it is in the tropical zone.", + "The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) called on Parties to quantify drylands with arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid climates (according to Thornthwaite).", + "The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification called on Parties to quantify drylands with arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid climates (according to Thornthwaite).", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources shall submit to the Council of Ministers, for consideration, national policies for the conservation and sustainable development of coastal zones.", + "In view of this, the Ministry of the People's Power for the Environment, currently the Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism, developed the proposal for National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones (RBV - MINAMB, 2010).", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations", + "In any case, for both situations it is necessary:. Objective.", + "To update the national planning instrument as a guide to these processes on a more detailed scale, taking into account the new guidelines established in the Plan of the Fatherland Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025, as well as the so-called technical aspects of sustainable development, risks and climate change.", + "Sustainable, Risks and Climate Change. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. These are the results of the articulation of the contents of the regional documents for Integrated Coastal Zone Management (phases I and II).", + "These are the results of the articulation of the contents of the country documents for Integrated Coastal Zone Management (Phase I and II).", + "It was taken as a starting point for its elaboration, the environmental problems identified by the Working Committees of the Coastal Zones at the State Level (CTZCNE), which allowed the construction of the document of National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Coastal Zones from the local and regional management levels to the national level.", + "The construction of the proposal became an interesting exercise of confrontation of the current problems of the coastal zones and their solutions, with the guidelines, guidelines and actions contained in the Decree with Force of Law of the Coastal Zones, to reach conclusions on the validity and relevance of the latter.", + "The National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones represent the guidelines for implementing and executing a dynamic process for strengthening institutional capacity, optimizing planning and coordinating competencies for the integrated management of this area.", + "The National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Areas aim to establish provisions to:.", + "To give priority to the environmental problems identified in the coastal zones. To promote the protection of the coastal zones and to rehabilitate those degraded areas. To guide the actions in the decision-making, regarding the development prospects that exist on the coastal zones of Venezuela.", + "To guide actions in decision-making with regard to the development prospects of Venezuela's coastal zones and to provide an appropriate reference framework to support the elaboration of Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Management Plans at different scales.", + "To provide an appropriate reference framework to support the elaboration of Coastal Zone Management Plans and Integrated Management Plans at different levels.", + "The National Planning Commission, chaired by the Ministry of the People's Power for Planning, is the Technical Secretariat under the responsibility of the Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the", + "In the context of the approval of the Plan of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (POGIZC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the continuity of activities linked to the 10 Programmes for Integrated Coastal Zone Management, it is aimed at the period 2021 - 2030: Objective.", + "Within the framework of the approval of the Plan for the Management and Integrated Management of Coastal Zones (POGIZC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the continuity of activities linked to the 10 Programmes for the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones, it is aimed at the period 2021 - 2030: Objective: To implement and strengthen the implementation of the activities planned within the Programmes for the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones, with particular emphasis on the processes of conservation of biological diversity and management of areas of public domain as key spaces to ensure the resilience of the coast to the sea.", + "Implement and strengthen the implementation of the activities planned within the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Programmes, with particular emphasis on the processes of biodiversity conservation and management of areas of public domain as key spaces to ensure the resilience of the coast to climate change events.", + "Climate Change events. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 3. Draft Management Plan for the Territory of the Orinoco Oil Field \"Hugo Ch\u00e1vez Fr\u00edas\" (National Strategic Development Zone - ZDEN). Description of the action. For the purposes of approval and subsequent implementation of the activities identified in the instrument.", + "Description of the action. For the purposes of approval and subsequent implementation of the activities identified in the instrument. No. of working groups installed. No. of operational working groups. No. of collective construction workshops carried out. No. of basic technical documents updated.", + "No. of working groups installed No. of operational working groups No. of collective construction workshops carried out No. of basic technical documents updated Revise and update the Conservation and Sustainable Development Policies of the Coastal Zones of Venezuela.", + "No. of basic technical documents updated. Review and update the policies of conservation and sustainable development of coastal zones of Venezuela. Continuing the strengthening of the System of Marine Protected Areas - Coasts of Venezuela by creating and improving the processes of integrated management and management of its territories.", + "To continue the strengthening of the System of Marine Protected Areas - Coasts of Venezuela through the creation and improvement of the processes of management and integrated management of its territories.", + "To continue and strengthen the Inventory and Characterization of the Venezuelan Sandy Beaches, to continue the reactivation and participation in various spaces for the creation of Alliances: Redparks, Ramsar Convention, UNDP, UNEP, WCPA, GEF, PPD, Inparques, Mintur, Alliance of Mountains (FAO), Andean Mountain Initiative, among others.", + "To continue the reactivation and participation in various spaces for the creation of Alliances: Redparks, Ramsar Convention, UNDP, UNEP, WCPA, GEF, PPD, Inparques, Mintur, Mountain Alliance (FAO), Andean Mountain Initiative, among others.", + "Strengthening and systematization of the knowledge base, and of the Information Systems for the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICCZM). N\u00b0 of policies revised and updated. Area (ha) of Marine Protected Coastal Areas created. N\u00b0 of sandy beaches inventoried. is required:. Objective.", + "Number of policies revised and updated. Area (ha) of Marine Coastal Protected Areas created. Number of sandy beaches inventoried. Required:. Objective. Socialize and discuss the proposal for a draft decree for the purposes of improvement for the subsequent approval and conciliated implementation. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 4.", + "Socialize and discuss the proposal of the Draft Decree for the purposes of improvement for the subsequent approval and. conciliated execution. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 4. Areas Under Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE) and their Management Plans and Regulations of Use (PORU). Description of the action.", + "Lower Special Administrative Areas (ABRAE) and their Management Plans and Regulations of Use (PORU) Description of the action During the period 2021 - 2030, it is estimated that Venezuela's set of Lower Special Administrative Areas (ABRAE) will continue to be strengthened as part of the agreements and commitments undertaken under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).", + "During the period 2021 - 2030 it is estimated to continue strengthening Venezuela's set of Lower Special Administrative Regions (ABRAE) as part of the agreements and commitments undertaken under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.", + "Objective: To strengthen the system of Areas under Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE) in Venezuela. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Special (ABRAE) / Area (ha) planned to be incorporated according to the Plan of the Motherland - Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025.", + "Special (ABRAE) / Area (ha) planned to be incorporated according to the Plan of the Motherland - Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025. Implementation of the call for public consultation process. Implementation of Public Consultation Workshops. Evaluation of the proposals and subsequent incorporation into the draft Decree.", + "Implementation of the Call for Public Consultation Process. Implementation of Public Consultation Workshops. Evaluation of proposals and subsequent incorporation into the Draft Decree. Presentation of the Draft Decree for approval by the President of the Republic in the Council of Ministers. Number of Public Consultation Workshops Scheduled / Number of Public Consultation Workshops Implemented.", + "Presentation of the draft Decree for approval by the President of the Republic in the Council of Ministers. No. of Workshops of Public Consultation Programmed / No. of Workshops of Public Consultation Implemented. No. of Proposals Received / No. of Proposals Analyzed. No. of Participants in the Public Consultation Process. Declaration of 03 new National Parks.", + "No. of proposals received / No. of proposals analysed. No. of participants in the public consultation process. Declaration of 03 new National Parks. Declaration of 01 new Natural Monument. Declaration of 06 new Wildlife Reserves. Proposal for extension of 08 National Parks. Extension of 01 Natural Monument. Declaration of 01 Biosphere Reserve.", + "Declaration of 06 new Wildlife Reserves. Proposal for the expansion of 08 National Parks. Expansion of 01 Natural Monument. Declaration of 01 Biosphere Reserve. Development of 03 Management Plans and Rules of Use. Updating of 04 Management Plans and Rules of Use. No. of instruments worked / No. of instruments approved.", + "Development of 03 Management Plans and Rules of Use. Updating of 04 Management Plans and Rules of Use. No. of instruments worked on / No. of instruments approved. Area (ha) of the territory incorporated into the System of Lower Administrative Areas. 5.", + "Objective: To strengthen the development or updating of land use planning instruments at the local, regional and national levels.", + "During the period 2021 - 2030 it is estimated to continue strengthening the instruments of spatial planning. for which it is estimated to work on:. Objective. To strengthen the elaboration or updating of instruments of spatial planning. institution responsible for actions. Linking with ODS. Indicators. 6.", + "In the period 2021 - 2030, it is estimated that actions will continue to be developed in the National Action Programme to Combat Desertification and Drought Mitigation.", + "During the period 2021 - 2030 it is estimated to continue developing actions in the National Action Programme to Combat Desertification and Drought Mitigation.", + "Objective: To give continuity to the actions planned in the National Action Programme for Combating Desertification and Drought Mitigation. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Strengthen the State Land Management Commissions.", + "To continue the actions envisaged in the National Action Programme for Combating Desertification and Drought Mitigation. Institution responsible for the actions. Linking with ODS. Indicators. Strengthening the State Land Management Commissions. Promoting the elaboration of the Land Management Plans of the Amazon, La Guaira, Lara and Sucre States.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commission", + "(b) To continue to cooperate with the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights defenders, the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights defenders, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the", + "To support the updating of the Territorial Management Plans of the states of Carabobo, Falc\u00f3n and Monagas. To coordinate the elaboration of the Territorial Management Plan of the Orinoco Mining Arc (National Strategic Development Zone).", + "Coordinate the elaboration of the Land Management Plan for the Orinoco Mining Area (National Strategic Development Zone) Number of State Land Management Commissions strengthened / Number of existing State Land Management Commissions Number of instruments worked on / Number of instruments submitted for approval Construction of the Country Report 2022.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "Establishing the Working Group on the Neutrality of Land Degradation (NDT). 7. National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, a number of other measures have been adopted, including the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of Venezuela, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of Venezuela, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of Venezuela, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of Venezuela, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of Venezuela, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of Venezuela, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of Venezuela, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of Venezuela, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine", + "To review and update the National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones in the light of international and national technical guidelines, as well as the current situation of this geographical area.", + "Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Report No. Developed Country / Report No. Requested Country. Document associated with the update of ODS 15, Target 15.3, its Indicator 15.3.1. Reactivation of the Central Working Committee of Coastal Zones (CTCZC), chaired by the Ministry of People's Power for Eco-Socialism.", + "The reactivation of the Central Coastal Zones Working Committee (CTCZC), chaired by the Ministry of People's Power for Eco-Socialism; the reactivation and strengthening of the Coastal Zones Working Committees at the State Level (CTZCNE).", + "The reactivation and strengthening of the Working Committees of the Coastal Zones at the State Level (CTZCNE). Generation of a methodological process for carrying out the revision and updating of the National Policies of Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Coastal Zones. No. of the Working Committees of the Coastal Zones relocated.", + "Generating a methodological process for carrying out the revision and updating of the National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones. No. of Working Committees of the Coastal Zones relocated. No. of Working Committees of the Operational Coastal Zones. No. of collective construction workshops carried out. No. of Policies revised and updated.", + "No. of Working Committees of the Operational Coastal Zones No. of collective construction workshops carried out No. of revised and updated policies Biodiversity Sector (Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity) Climate change has a clear impact on biodiversity.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to disseminate widely, in particular to women's and human rights organizations, the Convention, its Optional Protocol, the Committee's general recommendations, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d.", + "A determining factor is any natural or anthropogenic factor that causes, directly or indirectly, a change in an ecosystem or biodiversity.", + "These include changes in land use, climate change, the presence of invasive species, overexploitation of natural resources and pollution.", + "These include changes in land use, climate change, the presence of invasive species, overexploitation of natural resources and pollution.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "Table 20 of the Biodiversity Sector (Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity): Table 20 of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies presented by the Biodiversity Sector (Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity) Summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Biodiversity Sector (Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity) Summary of actions and programmes with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017-2020 Biodiversity.", + "Summary of actions and programmes with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017-2020. Biological diversity. Description of the results of the action implemented in Venezuela's First NDC. National Programme for the Conservation of Threatened Species Conservation of Continental Tortoises.", + "Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. National Program for the Conservation of Threatened Species Conservation of Continental Tortoises. National Program for the Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity: Concerning the Program for the Conservation of Nogal de Caracas (Juglans venezuelensis),species.", + "National Programme for the Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity:As regards the Nogal de Caracas (Juglans venezuelensis) Conservation Programme,the species carried out workshops on the review and evaluation of the implementation of the National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity 2010-2020 (ENCDB).", + "In the framework of the National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity 2010-2020 (ENCDB) and its National Action Plan (PAN), among the actions that contribute to minimising the effects of climate change is maintaining the country's ecosystems in good working order, which includes conserving the wild populations of the species of fauna and flora that inhabit them, as well as their habitats.", + "The programmes for the conservation of threatened species and the sustainable exploitation of biological diversity that MINEC is developing through the Directorate-General for Biological Diversity are aimed at protecting, conserving and strengthening the populations of species of wild fauna and flora, in order to increase the population abundance of these species, for which in situ and ex situ conservation actions are carried out.", + "There are: Conservation of sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea, Chelonia mydas, Eretmochelys imbricata, Caretta caretta and Lepidochelys oliv\u00e1cea); Conservation of the turtle Arrau (Podocnemis expansa) and other continental chelonios; Conservation of the caiman of therinoco (Crocodylus intermedius); Conservation of the black-tailed eagle (Juglans venezuelensis); Conservation of species of non-woody flora (musks, orchids, bromelias, mangroves, morichales, among others).", + "Conservation of species of non-woody flora (mushrooms, orchids, bromeliads, mangroves, morichales, among others), utilization of baba (Caiman crocodilus), utilization of Chig\u00fcire (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), utilization of Psit\u00e1cidos.", + "Conservation of species of non-woody flora (mushrooms, orchids, bromeliads, mangroves, morichales, among others); exploitation of baba (Caiman crocodilus); exploitation of Chig\u00fcire (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris); exploitation of Psit\u00e1cidos. endemic to the Cordillera de la Costa, which is developed by the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC), through the Directorate General of Biological Diversity, with the participation of Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol and the National Institute of Parks (INPARQUES); in the period 2017-2020, the planting of approximately 500 specimens of this species, cultivated in institutional nurseries of MINEC, INPARQUES, CONARE and Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol, was carried out in order to strengthen the natural populations in the Waraira Repano National Park, also increasing the", + "It is estimated that from 2017 to 2020, the development and implementation of these programmes for the conservation and sustainable exploitation of biological diversity at national level have contributed 5% to minimising vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change.", + "However, in order to strengthen these programmes, staff and funding are required to monitor the conservation and sustainable use of wild flora and fauna species, specifically with regard to population studies of species of interest and their contribution to adaptation and mitigation to climate change.", + "How many training workshops were held in the period 2017-2020?.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "A series of training workshops on the conservation of biological diversity with an adaptation and mitigation approach to climate change for the period 2021 - 2030 is planned, which will require the participation of climate change professionals and technicians and funding to deliver these courses.", + "This requires the involvement of professionals and technicians specializing in climate change and funding to deliver these courses.", + "During the period 2017-2020, 834 species of Orinoco caiman, 57,780 species of marine turtles (between carp, sedge and cormorant) and 83,054 species of Arrau turtle were released in their distribution areas. Supporting the strengthening and conservation of their natural populations. 1.", + "During the period 2017-2020, 834 specimens of Orinoco caiman, 57,780 sea turtles (between Cardoon, Carey and Caguama tortoises) and 83,054 specimens of Arrau turtle were released in their distribution areas, supporting the strengthening and conservation of their natural populations.", + "Supporting the strengthening and conservation of their natural populations. 1. Established methodology for releasing and achieving the expected results. technical staff, as well as financial resources to carry out monitoring, specifically with regard to population studies of these species. Actions and/or measures for updating the GNI to 2030. 1.", + "To provide technical and financial resources for monitoring, specifically with regard to population studies of these species. Actions and/or measures for updating the NDCs to 2030. 1. To carry out training workshops on the conservation of biological diversity with an adaptation and mitigation approach to climate change for the period 2021 - 2030.", + "To carry out training workshops on the conservation of biological diversity with a focus on adaptation and mitigation to climate change for the period 2021. - 2030. Description of the action To carry out nine (09) training workshops on the conservation of biological diversity with a focus on adaptation and mitigation to climate change estimating during that period to train.", + "To carry out nine (09) training workshops on the conservation of biological diversity with a focus on adaptation and mitigation to climate change, estimating during this period to train a total of 450 people, among officials, communities, students and teachers. Objective: To inform and train officials, communities, students and teachers on the impact, immediate and future of change.", + "A total of 450 people, among officials, communities, students and teachers. Objective. To inform and train officials, communities, students and teachers about the impact, immediate and future of change. Monitoring and conservation of the breeding season of threatened or endangered wildlife species in priority breeding areas.", + "Monitoring and conservation of the breeding season of threatened or endangered wild species in priority breeding areas.", + "In captivity breeding of specimens from priority breeding areas, for a period of one year until they reach an appropriate size that makes their release to the wild possible.", + "The release in their natural distribution area of specimens of threatened or endangered wildlife species from priority breeding areas, captive breeding or rehabilitated in rescue and zoological centres.", + "Population censuses of threatened or endangered species with programmes for the release of specimens to measure their effectiveness in the recovery of these populations.", + "With regard to the implementation of censuses, it has been hampered by a lack of climate information on biodiversity and the actions to be taken to adapt and mitigate it. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 2. Strengthen the Program for the release of specimens of species threatened or in danger of extinction.", + "Linking with ODS. Indicators. 2. Strengthen the Program for the release of specimens of species threatened or endangered. Description of the action. Implement the release of 300.000 specimens of wild species threatened or endangered, as part of the National Program for the Conservation of Endangered Species. Objective.", + "To carry out the release of 300.000 specimens of threatened or endangered wild species, as part of the National Programme for the Conservation of Threatened Species. Objective. To support the recovery of natural populations of threatened or endangered wild species in their distribution areas. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 2.", + "To support the recovery of natural populations of threatened or endangered wild species in their distribution areas. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 2. Installation and operation of ex situ conservation centres for threatened or endangered species. Description of the action.", + "(a) To establish and operate six (06) ex situ conservation centres for specimens of threatened or endangered wildlife species, as part of the National Programme for the Conservation of Endangered Species. Objective.", + "To establish and operate six (6) ex situ conservation centers for specimens of threatened or endangered wild species, as part of the National Program for the Conservation of Threatened Species.", + "To cultivate and breed in captivity specimens of species threatened or endangered for their subsequent planting or release in their distribution areas, for the strengthening of their natural populations.", + "Strengthening of its natural populations. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Number of people trained per year in the field of conservation of biological diversity with a focus on adaptation and mitigation to climate change. Number of specimens released per species. 3. Restoration of wetlands sensitive to the effects of climate change. Description of the action.", + "Number of specimens released per species. 3. Restoration of wetlands sensitive to the effects of climate change. Description of the action. To carry out the restoration of two (02) degraded wetlands (manga and morichal ecosystems) as strategic areas for the conservation of biological diversity. Objective.", + "To carry out the restoration of two (02) degraded wetlands ( mangrove and moorland ecosystems) as strategic areas for the conservation of biological diversity. Objective To undertake actions for the restoration and rehabilitation of degraded wetlands by anthropogenic action (one mangrove and one moorland) as part of the actions for the conservation of biological diversity, with an impact on adaptation and mitigation of climate change.", + "To undertake actions for the restoration and remediation of wetlands degraded by anthropogenic action (a mangrove and a moorland) as part of the actions for the conservation of biological diversity, with an impact on adaptation and mitigation of climate change.", + "Indicators. Number of zoos installed and in operation. Number of nurseries installed and in operation. Number of species threatened or endangered to be cultivated. Number of species threatened or endangered to be bred. Number of wetlands restored. NEEDS FOR SUPPORT AND IMPLEMENTATION.", + "Number of threatened or endangered species cultivated. Number of threatened or endangered species created. Number of restored wetlands. NEEDS FOR SUPPORT AND IMPLEMENTATION. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in order to strengthen and continue to promote policies and the implementation of priority actions in the field of adaptation and mitigation to climate change, requires sufficient financial resources, as well as technical assistance and technology transfer aimed at combating climate change and its effects, as well as increasing the resilience of its natural and human systems.", + "Access to climate finance represents a challenge for the country, which is currently subject to the most cruel Unilateral Coercive Measures (UCMs) that violate the fundamental human rights of the population.", + "This funding is considered important for the achievement of the objectives of this CND and to contribute to the achievement of the MDGs.", + "The implementation of the updated CND envisages challenges in terms of financing, technical, technological, scientific, institutional transformation and governance capacities.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "It is important to note that an assessment of support and implementation needs is required in accordance with the guidelines and methodologies that will enable the needs for the implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures to climate change as defined in the Paris Agreement and the UNFCCC to be quantified. Some of the barriers and challenges for Venezuela, in relation to the implementation of adaptation, mitigation and losses and damage from climate change revolve around implementation at sectoral, territorial and local levels, among which are:", + "Some of the barriers and challenges for Venezuela, in relation to the implementation of adaptation, mitigation and losses and damages due to climate change revolve around the implementation at sectoral, territorial and local level, among which are the following: Updating the legal framework that will enable climate change to be integrated into the planning of future development.", + "To update the legal framework for integrating climate change into future development planning; to update the available climate projections and low territorial coverage of vulnerability analyses to the effects of climate change.", + "To update the available climate projections and low territorial coverage related to vulnerability analyses to the effects of climate change; To expand training and capacity to develop climate risk analyses (under the IPCC conceptual and methodological framework) at sectoral, territorial and local levels.", + "Increase training and capacity to develop climate risk analyses (under the IPCC conceptual and methodological framework) at sectoral, territorial and local levels; update information on the impacts of climate change on the coastal marine region, mountainous areas, and the country's biological diversity, among others.", + "Update information on the impacts of climate change on the sea-coast region, mountain areas, and the country's biological diversity, among others.", + "ANEXO: PROCESS OF UPDATE OF THE SECOND NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC) The update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela was carried out through a broad, systematic and multisectoral participatory process for the overall construction and validation of sectoral commitments, led by MINEC through the Directorate General for Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change, as the Technical Focal Point to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).", + "In order to ensure the participation of all key sectors of Venezuela in the updating of the second CND, MINEC designed an action plan with implementing activities in the years 2020-2021; carrying out the following actions:", + "A workshop on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) was held in the context of unilateral coercive measures and SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, Coronavirus type 2 of severe acute respiratory syndrome) or COVID 19, represent for Venezuela in this context to respond to the commitments made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and to adapt to climate change, in line with what is set out in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement of 2015.", + "Inter-institutional coordination and articulation with the different sectors: an inter-institutional link was established for the collection of information and interaction with each sector.", + "Inter-institutional linkage for information gathering and interaction with each sector was established, 26 working meetings with external sectors and 11 working meetings with Minec's internal Substantive Directorate were established, allowing for a thorough review of the needs and barriers to be overcome for the implementation of the NDCs.", + "It is important to note that, in compliance with mobility restrictions and biosecurity measures due to the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the sessions were conducted in virtual mode.", + "It is important to note that, in compliance with mobility restrictions and biosecurity measures due to the health crisis that has become the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the sessions were held in virtual mode.", + "The process was coordinated by the Executive Team of the Directorate-General for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation as exhibitors/facilitators, and was supported by methodological support and guidance from international forums and workshops in which our country participated in the virtual mode.", + "The process was coordinated by the Executive Team of the Directorate-General for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation as exhibitors/facilitators, and was supported by methodological support and guidance from international forums and workshops in which our country participated in the virtual mode.", + "The collaborative work consisted of: (1) bibliography review and analysis of political and national development priorities; (2) preliminary elaboration of possible climate change commitments and their prioritization; (3) successive working meetings of the technical teams until a consensus was reached on the scope, structure, monitoring mechanisms, among other operational aspects of each commitment; (4) various consultations via telephone, e-mail, via zoom for each sector to expand actions to address the climate crisis; (5) space for socialization and feedback through meetings; (6) process of technical - political approval of all parties involved.", + "The following is a photographic record of the meetings that were held to prepare the update of the CND by its English names of the country. REFERENCES. Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America - Trade Treaty of the Peoples. (2009). Foundational Principles of the Trade Treaty of the Peoples. Retrieved from treaty-decomercio-de-los-pueblos-tcp. Alvarez, A. (2016).", + "Bolivian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America - Treaty on Trade of the Peoples. (2009). Foundational Principles of the Treaty on Trade of the Peoples. Recovered from treaty-decomercio-de-los-pueblos-tcp. \u00c1lvarez, A. (2016). Legal Bases and Advances of Public Policies for Climate Change Adaptation in Venezuela. A View from Human Rights. Phynatura, Edepa, Ecofuegos. Caracas.", + "Legal Bases and Advances in Public Policies for Climate Change Adaptation in Venezuela. A Look at Human Rights. Phynatura, Edepa, Ecofuegos. Caracas. Framework Convention on Climate Change (2018).", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the", + "(Decision 4/CMA.1 and 9/CMA.1). Goldbrunner, A. (1976). Climate in Venezuela and its Classification. Caracas, Instituto Universitario Pedagogico de Caracas/Service de Meteorolog\u00eda y Comunicaciones de la Fuerza A\u00e9rea Venezolana. Huber, O. and Oliveira, M. (2010). Representation of Vegetation Formations in Venezuela. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. National Statistical Institute (2013a). Demographic Dynamics and Poverty. Census 2011.", + "Representation of the Vegetation Formations of Venezuela. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. National Statistical Institute (2013a). Demographic Dynamics and Poverty. Census 2011. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Retrieved from documents/Demografia/CensodePoblacionyVivienda/pdf/tendencia_pobreza_ censo2011.pdf. National Statistical Institute. (2011). Redatam XIV National Population and Housing Census. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Retrieved from ine.gob.ve/Censo2001/index.html. National Statistical Institute. (2013b).", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, in cooperation with the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, organized a workshop on the rights of children and adolescents in the context of the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for", + "Retrieved from DPTconFinesEstadisticosOperativa2013.pdf. Instituto Nacional de Estad\u00edstica. (2013e). Human Development Index, 1980 - 2013. Ministry of the People's Power of Planning. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Retrieved from. pdf/Desarrollo_Humano.pdf. Jim\u00e9nez, O, (2017). Types of Climates in Venezuela according to K\u00f6ppen. Revista Geographique de Venezuela. UPEL-IMPM. MINEC (2021) (22 February).", + "Jim\u00e9nez, O, (2017). Types of Climates in Venezuela according to K\u00f6ppen. Journal of Geography of Venezuela. UPEL-IMPM. MINEC (2021) (22 February). Database of Areas Under Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE). Coordination: Lic. en Ge\u00f3g. MSc. Abigail Castillo C. and Ing. For. Luby Echeverria.", + "Coordination: Lic. in Geog. MSc. Abigail Castillo C. and Ing. For. Luby Echeverria. Deputy Minister of Environmental Management - Directorate General of Policies for the Management and Conservation of Ecosystems. - Directorate of Territory Management. Caracas, Venezuela. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (2001).", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela jointly organized a workshop on the implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa, in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Ref", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the United Nations Development Programme and the Global Environment Facility (2005). First National Communication on Climate Change of Venezuela. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Ministry of the People's Power of Planning (2016). Bolivarian Economic Agenda 15 Motors of Development. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Ministry of the People's Power of Planning (2016). Bolivarian Economic Agenda 15 Motors of Development. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Ministry of the People's Power of Planning (2017). Plan de la Patria. Carabobo Campaign. Synthesis Vertices de Action concentrada de Gobierno. Plan de Action: Frentes de Batalla y L\u00edneas strat\u00e9giques. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "Summary of Government Concentrated Actions. Action Plan: Battlegrounds and Strategic Lines. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Ministry of the People's Power for the Environment (2008). Information System for the Management and Ordering of the Territory. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Ministry of the People's Power for the Environment (2010). Forest Statistics Yearbook 2008. Series 12.", + "Information System for the Management and Management of the Territory. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Ministry of the People's Power for the Environment (2010). Forest Statistics Yearbook 2008. Series 12. Directorate General of Forests. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Ministry of the People's Power for the Environment (2013). Integrated Management and Management Plan for Coastal Zones of Venezuela. Executive Summary.", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, organized a workshop on the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of 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Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to disseminate widely, in particular to women's and human rights organizations, the Convention, its Optional Protocol, the Committee's general recommendations, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWo", + "He is a member of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, the Committee on the Rights of the Child, the Committee on", + "Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (2001). Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2001 - 2007. The Five Balances. National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Retrieved from mppp.gob.ve/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Plan-de-la-Naci%C3%B3n-2001-2007.pdf. Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic) (2005). First National Communication on Climate Change of Venezuela. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the United Nations Development Programme, the Global Environment Facility, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2007), the National Economic and Social Development Plan of the Nation 2007 - 2013, the National Sim\u00f3n Bol\u00edvar Project, and the First Socialist Plan.", + "Venezuelan National Plan of Economic and Social Development 2007 - 2013. Sim\u00f3n Bol\u00edvar National Project. First Socialist Plan. National Assembly. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Retrieved from Naci%C3%B3n-2007-2013.pdf. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2013). National Plan of Economic and Social Development 2013 - 2019 (Plan de la Patria). National Assembly.", + "National Assembly. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Retrieved from content/uploads/2013/09/Program-Patria-2013-2019.pdf. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2017). Second National Communication on Climate Change of Venezuela. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.", + "Venezuela (2017). Second National Communication on Climate Change of Venezuela. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. United Nations Development Programme. World Environment Fund. Rodr\u00edguez, J.P. and F. Rojas-Su\u00e1rez (eds.) (2008). Red Book of the Venezuelan Fauna. Third Edition. Provita and Shell Venezuela, S.A., Caracas, Venezuela. 364 pp.", + "Provita and Shell Venezuela, S.A., Caracas, Venezuela. 364 pp. LEGISLATION AND DECREES. Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 36.860. December 30, 1999. Caracas. Decree No. 1.701. Creation of the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism and Water (Minea).", + "The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) has adopted a number of legislative and administrative measures aimed at promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms.", + "The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) has adopted a number of legislative and administrative measures aimed at promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 38.392. March 07, 2006. Caracas. Decree No 1.408 with Rank, Value and Force of Law Reform of the Decree with Rank, Value and Force of Law of Fisheries and Aquaculture. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 6.150 Extraordinary. November 18, 2014. Caracas.", + "Decree No. 1.408 with Rank, Value and Force of Law Reform of the Decree with Rank, Value and Force of Law of Fisheries and Aquaculture. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 6.150 Extraordinary. November 18, 2014. Caracas. Decree No. 1468 with Force of Law of Coastal Zones. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 37.319.", + "Decree No. 1468 with force of law of Coastal Zones. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 37.319. November 07, 2001. Caracas. Decree No. 4.585. The Minister of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC) is appointed as a National Authority designated before the Green Climate Fund. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 42.217.", + "The Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC) is appointed as the National Authority designated before the Green Climate Fund. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 42.217. September 21, 2021. Caracas. Decree No. 4.586.", + "The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, His Excellency Mr. Hugo Ch\u00e1vez Fr\u00edas, has the honour to transmit herewith the report of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on the implementation of the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, adopted by the General Assembly at its twentieth special session (see annex).", + "The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) is pleased to announce that the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) has approved the establishment of the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity (MPPEE) in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) (Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 39.294, October 28, 2009).", + "The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) is committed to promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to life, liberty and security of the person, the right to health, the right to education, the right to a fair trial, the right to a fair trial, the right to an effective remedy, the right to an effective remedy, the right to a fair trial, the right to a fair trial, the right to an effective remedy, the right to an effective remedy, the right to an effective remedy, the right to an effective remedy, the right to an effective remedy, the right to an effective remedy, the right to an effective remedy, the right to an effective remedy, the right to an effective remedy, the right to an effective remedy, the right to an effective remedy, the right to an effective remedy,", + "Establishment of the Ministry of the People's Power of Environmental Mining Development. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 40.922. June 09, 2016. Caracas. Decrees No 8.802, 8.803, 8.804, 8.805 and 8.806. Establishment of Territorial Polytechnic Universities. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 39.902. April 13, 2012. Caracas.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Venezuela has adopted a number of other measures aimed at combating desertification, such as the establishment of the National Institute for the Prevention of Desertification, the National Institute for the Prevention of Desertification, the National Institute for the Prevention of Desertification, the National Institute for the Prevention of Desertification, the National Institute for the Prevention of Desertification, the National Institute for the Prevention of Desertification, the National Institute for the Prevention of Desertification, the National Institute for the Prevention of Desertification, the National Institute for the Prevention of Desertification, the National Institute for the Prevention of Desertification, the National Institute for the Prevention of Desertification, the National Institute for the Prevention of Desertification, the National Institute for the Prevention of Desertification, the National Institute for the Prevention of Desertification, the", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers,", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "In this regard, the Special Rapporteur wishes to draw the attention of the Government of the Republic of Venezuela to the provisions of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) at its thirty-seventh session, held in Geneva on 14 and 15 June 2006, and the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) at its thirty-eighth session, held in New York on 14 and 15 June 2006.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to disseminate widely, in particular to women's and human rights organizations, the Convention, its Optional Protocol, the Committee's general recommendations, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWo", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers,", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers,", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for", + "In this regard, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela wishes to express its appreciation to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Kofi Annan, for his report on the implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD).", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to disseminate widely, in particular to women's and human rights organizations, the Convention, its Optional Protocol, the Committee's general recommendations, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWo", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Parliamentary Assembly of", + "Establishes commitments and targets on emission reductions for Annex I countries, and voluntary reductions for non-Annex I countries. Water Law. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 38.595. January 02, 2007. Caracas. Forest Law. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 40.222. August 06, 2013. Caracas.", + "In this regard, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela wishes to express its appreciation to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Kofi Annan, for his report on the implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD).", + "Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 39.070. December 01, 2008. Caracas. Law on Natural and Technological Social Risk Management. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 39.095. January 09, 2009. Caracas. Law on Integrated Basin Management. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 6.017. (Extraordinary). December 30, 2010. Caracas.", + "The Ministry of the Interior of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, has prepared a report on the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 6.207. (Extraordinary) December 28, 2015. Caracas. National Meteorology and Hydrology Law. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 5.833. (Extraordinary) December 22, 2006. Caracas. Organic Law of Aquatic Spaces. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 5.890. (Extraordinary) July 31, 2008. Caracas.", + "In this connection, it is worth noting that the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has adopted a number of measures aimed at ensuring the protection of the marine environment, including the establishment of a national marine protected area, the establishment of a national marine protected area network, the establishment of a national marine protected area network, the establishment of a national marine protected area network, the establishment of a national marine protected area network, the establishment of a national marine protected area network, the establishment of a national marine protected area network, the establishment of a national marine protected area network, the establishment of a national marine protected area network, the establishment of a national marine protected area network, the establishment of a national marine protected area network, the establishment of a national marine protected area network, the establishment of a national marine protected area network, the establishment of a national marine protected area network, the establish", + "In this regard, the Government of the Republic of Venezuela, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commission", + "In this regard, the Special Rapporteur would like to draw the attention of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the report of the Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous people (E/CN.4/Sub.2/AC.4/2006/3).", + "In this regard, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of" + ], + "medium": [ + "Update NDC Venezuela (3). Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the fight against Climate Change and its effects. November 2021. THANKS.", + "Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the fight against Climate Change and its effects. November 2021. THANKS. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, through the Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism, as the National Environmental Authority, makes an extensive thank you for all the support received for this process of Updating the \"Nationally Determined Contribution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela\"; highlighting the institutional commitment of the different sectors involved in the Ministries and Agencies, which allowed the incorporation of new essential elements for the strengthening of climate action, which will lead our country to the implementation of actions framed towards sustainable development.", + "In this sense, Venezuela pursues with the Update of the CND, to lay the foundations of the \"Action for Climate Empowerment\" in our country, as a transversal axis in integrative and inclusive public policies of an economic, social, health, cultural, educational, environmental, technological, political and institutional nature, among others, that allow generating and articulating capacities that promote transformative action against climate change, with the depth and urgency that this challenge requires for the reduction of vulnerability in the population and natural spaces.", + "In order to increase response capacities and create the basis of contextualized resilience within the framework of education, research, training, social awareness, access to information, citizen participation, development and transfer of technology and innovations, in order to consolidate inclusion and participation policies, including those related to gender and intergenerational equity, which allow increasing the leading and determining role of women as dynamizers of the processes of struggles against climate change, as well as youth, children, and older adults.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The document includes the technical considerations emanating from debates formulated by the team of the Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism, nourished by the work of experts in the field, as well as a diverse group of actors and institutions involved in the issue of climate change, in addition to the experiences of other countries that currently have their CNDs updated, and the guidelines derived from the international forums in which the country participated.", + "Venezuela, through the General Directorate of Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change of the Minister of People s Power for Ecosocialism, began the process of reviewing and updating its CND, with the support of the different sectors and institutions as well as the Substantive General Directorates, for the collective construction of the CND, to be presented in the framework of the celebration of COP 26, in Glasgow, United Kingdom from October 31 to November 12, 2021.", + "JOSU\u00c9 ALEJANDRO LORCA VEGA. People s Power Minister for Ecosocialism. UPDATE OF THE NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC) OF THE BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA. AUTHORITIES. President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicol\u00e1s Maduro Moros. Minister of People s Power for Ecosocialism Josu\u00e9 Alejandro Lorca Vega. People s Power Minister for Foreign Affairs F\u00e9lix Plasencia. COORDINATING TEAM. Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism / Deputy Minister of Ecosocialist Environmental Management Josu\u00e9 Alejandro Lorca Vega.", + "People s Power Minister for Foreign Affairs F\u00e9lix Plasencia. COORDINATING TEAM. Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism / Deputy Minister of Ecosocialist Environmental Management Josu\u00e9 Alejandro Lorca Vega. General Directorate of Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change / TECHNICAL FOCAL POINT of the UNFCCC Darvid Gustavo Villegas J\u00e1uregui. Hortensia Ernestina Fonseca Blanco Yusbelys Carolina Belisario Arteaga Marciel Maholy Linares Colorado. General Directorate of the Office of Integration and International Affairs Miguel Serrano. Yorlandis Chiquito Carlos Gonzalez. PREPARATION OF THE DOCUMENT. Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism.", + "General Directorate of the Office of Integration and International Affairs Miguel Serrano. Yorlandis Chiquito Carlos Gonzalez. PREPARATION OF THE DOCUMENT. Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism. Directorate-General for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation / UNFCCC Technical Focal Point. Darvid Gustavo Villegas J\u00e1uregui Hortensia Ernestina Fonseca Blanco Yusbelys Carolina Belisario Arteaga Marciel Maholy Linares Colorado Whitman Machado. Abigail Castillo Carmona (Editing) H\u00e9ctor Fern\u00e1ndez Linares (Editing). PARTICIPATING MINISTRIES OF STATE. Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism. Minister Josu\u00e9 Alejandro Lorca Vega. Vice-Ministry of Ecosocialist Environmental Management.", + "PARTICIPATING MINISTRIES OF STATE. Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism. Minister Josu\u00e9 Alejandro Lorca Vega. Vice-Ministry of Ecosocialist Environmental Management. Deputy Minister of Integral Waste Management. Luis Sim\u00f3n Palacios Parada. General Directorate of Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change / TECHNICAL FOCAL POINT of the UNFCCC Darvid Gustavo Villegas J\u00e1uregui. Hortensia Ernestina Fonseca Blanco Yusbelys Carolina Belisario Arteaga Marciel Maholy Linares Colorado Whitman Machado. Directorate-General for Ecosystem Management and Conservation Policies. Franklin Jos\u00e9 Linares Vizcaya Abigail Castillo Carmona. Directorate of Soil Conservation, Desertification and Drought.", + "Directorate-General for Ecosystem Management and Conservation Policies. Franklin Jos\u00e9 Linares Vizcaya Abigail Castillo Carmona. Directorate of Soil Conservation, Desertification and Drought. Saida Rivero Sanchez. Airo Tortoza Oropeza. Directorate of Spatial Planning. Felicia Contreras Zambrano. Directorate of Watershed Conservation. Carlin Ferreira Torres. Directorate-General for Biological Diversity. Carl\u00edz D\u00edaz Rosario Madriz. Directorate-General for Forest Heritage. Johan Walter Chac\u00f3n Chac\u00f3n Jos\u00e9 Azuaje. Danmar Herrera Jose Rojas. Directorate-General for Environmental Quality Management. Yurly Tiberio Freisanet Cabrera. Directorate-General for Waste Infrastructure. Marly Jimenez. Jacobo Prada Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol.", + "Directorate-General for Environmental Quality Management. Yurly Tiberio Freisanet Cabrera. Directorate-General for Waste Infrastructure. Marly Jimenez. Jacobo Prada Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol. Wilmer Jose V\u00e1squez Matheus. Directorate-General of Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol. David Guillen. Director of Research and Innovation Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol. Arnaldo Vega. Ministry of Public Power for External Relations.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commission", + "Vice Minister for Risk Management and Civil Protection. C/N Eduardo Hurtado. Ministry of Popular Power for Productive Agriculture and Land. Minister Wilmar Castro Soteldo. Directorate General of the Office of Integration and International Affairs. Danny Mota. Instituto Nacional de Salud Agr\u00edcola Integral (INSAI). Ligmar L\u00f3pez. Empresa del Estado Corporaci\u00f3n Socialista del Cacao Venezolano. Geovanny Gabriel Silva Correa. Ministry of Popular Power for Urban Agriculture. Minister Greicys Dayamni Barrios Prada. Directorate General of the Office of Integration and International Affairs. Deivy Minaya.", + "Ministry of Public Power for Urban Agriculture. Minister Greicys Dayamni Barrios Prada. Director General of the Office of Integration and International Affairs. Deivy Minaya. Director General of the Training and Innovation Foundation to Support the CIARA Agricultural Revolution. David G\u00f3mez. Ministry of Public Power for Water Management. Minister Rodolfo Marco Torres. Director General of the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies. Briguel Luis Mart\u00ednez Porras.", + "Minister Rodolfo Marco Torres. Director General of the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies. Briguel Luis Mart\u00ednez Porras. Line Director of the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies. Director of the Monitoring of Instructions of High Government. Marifred Isabel Lameda Sulbar\u00e1n. Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology. Minister Gabriela Jim\u00e9nez Ram\u00edrez. Deputy Minister for Research and Application of Knowledge. Francisco Duran. Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research IVIC/ Center for Ecology. Carlos M\u00e9ndez.", + "Vice-Ministry of Research and Application of Knowledge. Francisco Duran. Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research IVIC/ Center for Ecology. Carlos M\u00e9ndez. Ministry of Popular Power for the Community and Social Movements. Minister Noris Herrera Rodr\u00edguez. Coordination of Multilateral Affairs. Office of Integration and International Affairs. Jos\u00e9 Enrique Aguirre. Ministry of Popular Power for Ecological Mining Development. Minister William Serantes Pinto. Directorate of Dispacho of the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecological Mining Development. Rafael Da Silva. Directorate General of Integration and International Affairs. Arianna Rodr\u00edguez.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Moldova has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the Republic of Moldova, including the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms", + "Minister Tibisay Lucena (from October 2021); Cesar Trompiz (to October 2021). Office of Integration and International Affairs (OIAI). Anny P\u00e9rez Izaguirre Jos\u00e9 Contreras Kenneth Berroteran Roselyn S\u00e1nchez. Venezuelan Hydrocarbon University (UVH):Mirla Fonseca. Rafael Mar\u00eda Baralt National Experimental University (UNERMB) Rixio Romero. Bolivarian University of Venezuela (UBV)/Centro de Estudios Ambientales. Juan Carlos Santander Torres. Ministry of Popular Power for Electricity. Minister CG. N\u00e9stor Luis Reverol Torres.", + "Bolivian University of Venezuela (UBV)/Centro de Estudios Ambientales. Juan Carlos Santander Torres. Ministry of Popular Power for Electricity. Minister CG. N\u00e9stor Luis Reverol Torres. Deputy Minister for New Sources and Rational Use of Electricity. Tania Masea. Directorate General of Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity. Benjam\u00edn Bustamante Vivian Rodr\u00edguez Carlos Cruz. Dalemys Suarez Francisco Reyes Luis S\u00e1nchez Ludexis Godoy. Ministry of Popular Power for Housing and Housing. Minister G/D Ildemaro Villarroel. Deputy Minister for Housing and Urban Development Arq.", + "Dalemys Suarez Francisco Reyes Luis S\u00e1nchez Ludexis Godoy. Ministry of Popular Power for Housing and Housing. Minister G/D Ildemaro Villarroel. Deputy Minister of Housing and Urban Development Arq. Mar\u00eda Yorley Luna Gamez. Directorate General of Ecoconstruction Carlos Cede\u00f1o. Ministry of Popular Power for Industry and National Production. Minister Jorge Arreaza. Fundaci\u00f3n Fondo Venezolano de Reconversion Industrial y Tecnol\u00f3gica (FONDOIN) Mar\u00eda Carolina Rendiles. Carmelina Flores Betilde Urbina. Ministry of Popular Power for Youth and Sport. Minister Mervin Maldonado.", + "Venezuelan Industrial and Technological Restructuring Foundation (FONDOIN) Mar\u00eda Carolina Rendiles. Carmelina Flores Betilde Urbina. Ministry of Popular Power for Youth and Sport. Minister Mervin Maldonado. First Deputy Minister for Youth and Sport Jessica Bello. Directorate General of the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies. Lourdes Baltodano. Ministry of Popular Power for Women and Gender Equality. Minister Margaud Godoy. Office of Integration and International Affairs (OIAI) G\u00e9nesis Marcano Jimenes. Ministry of Popular Power for Petroleum.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has also adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the situation of women in the labour market, such as the establishment of the National Commission for the Advancement of Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Advancement of Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Advancement of Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Advancement of Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Advancement of Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Advancement of Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Advancement of Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Advancement of Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Advancement of Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Advancement of Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Advancement of", + "The Committee is concerned that the State party has not yet ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.", + "Minister Roside Gonz\u00e1lez Vice-Minister of Indigenous Peoples Mar\u00eda Soledad. Ministry of the People's Power for Health. Minister Carlos Alvarado. Vice-Minister of Collective Health Networks Maricela Berm\u00fadez. Directorate General of Environmental Health Coronel Luis Gotta. Dorania Plaza Orietta Pulgar Gilfredo Polanco Gleny Meneses. Minister of the People's Power for Transport. Minister Hip\u00f3lito Abreu. Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. AGREEMENTS 2. AUTHORITIES 4. COORDINATION TEAM 4. DOCUMENT DEVELOPMENT 4. PARTICIPATING STATE DEPARTMENTS 4. GENERAL INTRODUCTION 8. TABLES INTRODUCTION 18. BACKGROUNDS 20. THE UNITED NATIONS MARKET CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE (UNFCCC) 21. THE KYOTO PROTOCOL 21. THE DOHA END OF THE KYOTO PROTOCOL 21. RATIFICATION OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT ON CLIMATE CHANGE. 21.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "CONTITUTIONAL MARKET 26. INSTITUTIONAL AGREEMENT 27. ON THE GOVERNANCE OF CLIMATE FINANCING 28. SINGLE CO-EVENT MEASURES 28. COUNCIL - COVID 19 31. POLICY VISION FOR THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY 31. PATRIA PLAN 2019 - 2025. 31. INTEGRATION OF THE GENERAL VISION OF THE 2030 AGENDA - ODS - LEARNING STRATEGY 34. LINEARITY 1. MITIGATION 36. ACTIONS AND PROGRAMMES WITH IMPACT ON MITIGATION OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS EFFECTS 37. PROPOSED BY SECTORS 37.", + "Actions and programmes with an impact on mitigation of climate change and its effects 37. Proposed by sectors 37. Energy sector 38. Electrical energy 38. Petroleum: Petr\u00f3leos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) 57. Transport 61. Industry sector 75. Forest sector (Directorate General of Forest Heritage - Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol) 82. Waste sector 91.", + "Information on impacts, risks and vulnerability to adverse effects of climate change 95. National Objective on Adaptation 96. Cross-cutting Focuses guiding Adaptation 97. Actions and Programs with Impact on Adaptation 97. PROPOSED BY SECTORS 97. Agriculture (Food Security) 98. Urban Agriculture 106. Water Sector 108. Urban Settlement (Living) 115. Science and Technology Sector 117. Community Sector (Popular Organization) 120. Basic Education Sector 122. University Education Sector 126.", + "(a) The right to life, liberty and security of the person, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment", + "Sector Environmental Quality Management Directorate-General (Water Quality Monitoring - Environmental Laboratories) 148. Sector Ecosystems (Coastal Zone, Territorial Management, Mountains, Wetlands) 152. Sector Biodiversity (Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity) 161.", + "Description and Characteristics of Climate Types According to K\u00f6ppen Classification, Venezuela.Error! Undefined Marker. Table 02. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Energy Sector.38. Table 03. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Alternative Energy Sector.49. Table 04. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Petroleum Industry Sector.53. Table 05. Number of Trained Persons per Year at FONDOIN73 Workshops. Table 06. Projection of Trained Persons Period 2021-2025 at FONDOIN73 Workshops. Table 07.", + "Number of Persons Trained per Year in the FONDOIN Workshops73. Table 06. Projection of Persons Trained Period 2021-2025 in the FONDOIN Workshops73. Table 07. Technicians in the Best Operational Practices Performed by FONDOIN74. Table 08. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Industry Sector (General Directorate of Environmental Quality Management - FONDOIN).75. Table 09. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land and Subterranean Transport Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca.58. Table 10.", + "Table 10. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land and Subterranean Transport Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca.58. Table 10. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land Transport Sector - Planta de Autobuses Yutong Venezuela, S.A.61. Table 11. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land and Subterranean Transport Sector - Sistema Socialista de Transporte Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI63. Table 12. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land and Subterranean Transport Sector - Metro Caracas, C.A.64.", + "Table 12. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Sistema Socialista de Transporte Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI63. Table 12. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Metro Caracas, C.A.64. Table 13. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Aquatic Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega).66. Table 14. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Air Transport Sector - Instituto Nacional de Aeron\u00e1utica Civil (INAC)69. Table 15.", + "(b) To continue to cooperate with the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child porn", + "Venezuela's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Policies, presented by the Waste Sector (Department of Integrated Basin Management).84. FRAMEWORK INDICATORS. Table 01. Description and Characteristics of Climate Types According to K\u00f6ppen Classification, Venezuela.Error! Undefined Marker. Table 02. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Policies of the Energy Sector.38. Table 03. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Policies of the Alternative Energy Sector.49. Table 04. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Policies of the Petroleum Industry Sector.53. Table 05.", + "Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Alternative Energy Sector.49. Table 04. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Petroleum Industry Sector.53. Table 05. Number of Trained Persons per Year in the FONDOIN73 Workshops. Table 06. Projection of Trained Persons Period 2021-2025 in the FONDOIN73 Workshops. Table 07. Technicians in the Best Operational Practices Performed by FONDOIN74. Table 08. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Industry Sector (General Directorate of Environmental Quality Management - FONDOIN).75. Table 09.", + "Table 9. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Industry Sector (General Directorate of Environmental Quality Management - FONDOIN).75. Table 09. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Terrestrial and Subterranean Transport Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca.58. Table 10. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Terrestrial Transport Sector - Planta de Autobuses Yutong Venezuela, S.A.61. Table 11. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Terrestrial and Subterranean Transport Sector - Sistema Socialista de Transporte.", + "Table 11. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Sistema Socialista de Transporte. Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI63. Table 12. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Metro Caracas, C.A.64. Table 13. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Aquatic Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega).66. Table 14. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Air Transport Sector - Instituto Nacional de Aeron\u00e1utica Civil (INAC)69.", + "Table 14. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Air Transport Sector - Instituto Nacional de Aeron\u00e1utica Civil (INAC)69. Table 15. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Forest Sector (Directorate General of Forest Heritage).78. Table 16. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol).81. Table 17.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) of Venezuela, presented by the Waste Sector (Department of Integrated Basin Management).84. LIST OF ACRONYMS AND SIGLES. Acronyms and Abbreviations. Definition. ABRAE. Areas Under Special Administrative Regime. ALBA \u2013 TCP. Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America - Treaty on Trade of Peoples. AP. Paris Agreement. ASIC. Area of Integral Community Health. CAPRADE. Andean Committee for Disaster Prevention and Response. CDB. Convention on Biological Diversity. CDH.", + "(b) To continue to cooperate with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees", + "National Reforestation Company. CONEA. National Convention on Environmental Studies. COP. Conference of the Parties. CORPOELEC. National Electrical Corporation. CRBV. Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. CSCV. Venezuelan Socialist Cocoa Corporation. CTCZC. Central Working Committee of the Coastal Zones. CTP. Productive Councils of Workers. CTZCNE. Standing Level Working Committees of the Coastal Zones. DDHH. Human Rights. EEDI. Project Energy Efficiency Index. EIRD. International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. ENAFOR. National Forestry Company. ENCDB.", + "Human Rights. EEDI. Project Energy Efficiency Index. EIRD. International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. ENAFOR. National Forestry Enterprise. ENCDB. National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity. EPU. Universal Periodic Review. FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FEVP. Venezuelan School of Planning Foundation. FONAGUAS. National Fund for Integrated Water Management. FONDOIN. Foundation Fund for Industrial and Technological Transformation.", + "National Fund for Integrated Water Management. FONDOIN. Foundation Fund for Industrial and Technological Transformation. Acronyms and Terms. Definition. FUNDELEC. Foundation for Electrical Development. GCF. Green Climate Fund. GCMs. Global Atmospheric Circulation Climate Models. GEF. Global Environment Facility. GEI. Greenhouse Gases. GIICC. Inter-institutional Group on Climate Change. GNV. Natural Vehicle Gas. HCFC. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons. HFC. Hydrofluorocarbons. HIDROVEN. Hydrology of Venezuela. ICAT. Initiative for Transparency in Climate Action. IEC.", + "Vehicle Natural Gas. HCFC. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons. HFC. Hydrofluorocarbons. HIDROVEN. Hydrology of Venezuela. ICAT. Initiative for Transparency in Climate Action. IEC. International Electrotechnical Commission. IFLA. Latin American Forest Institute. INAMEH. National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology. INE. National Institute of Statistics. INPARQUES. National Parks Institute. INSAI. National Institute of Integrated Agricultural Health. IPCC. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. LABINNOVANS. Bolivian Laboratory of Innovation for Food, Environment, Nutrition and Health. LED. Light Emitting Diode. LFC.", + "Bolivian Laboratory of Innovation for Food, Environment, Nutrition and Health. LED. Diode Light Emitter. LFC. Compact Fluorescent Lamps. MAH. Hyogo Framework for Action. MARNR. Ministry of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources. MARPOL. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships. MCU. Unilateral Coercive Measures. MDL. Clean Development Mechanisms. MINAGUAS. Ministry of the People's Power for Water Management. Mincyt. Ministry of the People's Power for Science and Technology. MINEA.", + "Ministry of the People's Power for Water Management. Mincyt. Ministry of the People's Power for Science and Technology. MINEA. Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism and Water. MINEC. Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism. MINPPAU. Ministry of the People's Power for Urban Agriculture. MMSC. Global Framework for Climate Services. MPPA. Ministry of the People's Power for the Environment. Acronyms and Terms. Definition. MPPDME. Ministry of the People's Power for Environmental Mining Development. MPPE. Ministry of the People's Power for Education. MPPEE.", + "Definition. MPPDME. Ministry of Popular Power for Environmental Mining Development. MPPE. Ministry of Popular Power for Education. MPPEE. Ministry of Popular Power for Electricity. MPPEF. Ministry of Popular Power for Economics and Finance. MPPEU. Ministry of Popular Power for University Education. MPPS. Ministry of Popular Power for Health. MRV. Monitoring, Reporting and Verification. CND. Nationally Determined Contributions. NDT. Neutrality of Earth Degradation. MDGs. Millennium Development Goals. ODS. Sustainable Development Goals. IMO.", + "Nationally Determined Contributions. NDT. Neutrality of Earth Degradation. MDGs. Millennium Development Goals. ODA. Sustainable Development Goals. IMO. International Maritime Organization. WMO. World Meteorological Organization. WHO. World Health Organization. UN. United Nations Organization. PAHO. Pan American Health Organization. EDP. Local Strategic Development Plans. PDVSA. Petr\u00f3leos de Venezuela Sociedad An\u00f3nima. PEP. Paraguan\u00e1 Wind Park. GDP. Gross Domestic Product. GNP. Bolivian National Police. PNEA. National Alternative Energy Program. PNEDUCEEE.", + "Venezuelan Oil Company. PEP. Paraguan\u00e1 Wind Park. GDP. Gross Domestic Product. GNP. Bolivian National Police. PNEA. National Alternative Energy Program. PNEDUCEEE. National Energy Education and Energy Efficiency Program. PNFA-PSCD. National Advanced Training Program in Sustainable Cocoa and Cocoa Derivatives Production. PNOT. National Land Management Plan (Plan). UNDP. United Nations Development Program. UNEP. United Nations Environment Programme. POGIZC.", + "UNDP. United Nations Development Programme. UNEP. United Nations Environment Programme. POGIZC. Coastal Zone Management and Integrated Management Plan (Proposed). PORU. Management Plans and Regulations of Use. PPD. Small Grants Programme. RDS. Waste and Solid Waste. REM. Rehabilitation, Stabilization and Maintenance. RFI. Imataca Forest Reserve. Acronyms and Terms. Definition. RT. Technical Regulation. SAO. Ozone-depleting Substances. SENAFIM.", + "Rehabilitation, Stabilization and Maintenance. RFI. Imataca Forest Reserve. Acronyms and Terms. Definition. RT. Technical Regulation. SAO. Ozone Cap Aggregating Substances. SENAFIM. National Taxation and Mining Inspection Service. SENCAMER. National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Technical Regulations and Standards. SIGIZC. Information Systems for Integrated Coastal Zone Management. SINIB. National Integrated Forest Information System. SIPP. Integrated People's Power System. SNICA. National Water Quality Information System. SNME. National Ecological Mining System. UBV.", + "SNICA. National Water Quality Information System. SNME. National Ecological Mining System. UBV. Bolivarian University of Venezuela. UGE. Energy Management Units. UNEFA. National Experimental Polytechnic University of the National Armed Forces. UNERMB. National Experimental University Rafael Mar\u00eda Baralt. UNERS. National Experimental University Sim\u00f3n Rodr\u00edguez. UNERVEN. Renewable Energy Unit Venezuela. UREEE. Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity. USB. Universidad Sim\u00f3n Bol\u00edvar. UVH. Venezuelan Hydrocarbon University. VENAVEGA. Venezuelan Navigation Corporation. WCPA.", + "Rational and Efficient Use of Electrical Energy. USB. Universidad Sim\u00f3n Bol\u00edvar. UVH. Universidad Venezolana de los Hidrocarburos. VENAVEGA. Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n. WCPA. Comisi\u00f3n Mundial de \u00c1reas Protegidas. ZDEN. Zonas de Desarrollo Estrat\u00e9gico Nacional. ZODI. Zona Operativa de Defensa Integral. INTRODUCTION. Climate change is one of the biggest problems affecting the planet today, this situation transcends the environment and must be considered in its ethical, human, socio-economic and political dimensions.", + "Climate change is one of the biggest problems affecting the planet today, this situation transcends the environment and must be considered in its ethical, human, socio-economic and political dimensions.", + "It is, in fact, one of the clearest manifestations of the crisis of capitalism as a predatory system of nature that makes it impossible to live a healthy, full, solidarity and peaceful life on earth, and it also translates into a dimension of the global environmental crisis generated by unsustainable patterns of production and consumption, particularly in developed countries, which have a historical responsibility in their generation.", + "It also translates into a dimension of the global environmental crisis generated by unsustainable patterns of production and consumption, particularly in the developed countries, which have a historic responsibility in their generation; therefore, only the modification of these patterns constitutes a real and lasting solution to the environmental crisis and hence to the climate crisis.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of", + "This vulnerability has become evident in a series of emergencies and natural disasters with severe effects on housing, food production, hydroelectricity generation, biodiversity, among others, such as those that occurred during the months of August and September 2021 in the states of M\u00e9rida, T\u00e1chira and Anzo\u00e1tegui.", + "In the context of what was agreed under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement (AP), Venezuela presents the update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), committed to building an eco-socialist productive economic model.", + "Within the framework of what was agreed under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement (PA), Venezuela presents the update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), committed to the construction of an eco-socialist productive economic model.", + "These actions are articulated within the framework of the Economic and Social Development Plan of the Nation Law of the Plan of the Fatherland 2019. - 2025, which proposes the deepening of eco-socialist policies with a high impact on the social, economic and environmental to contribute to the fight against climate change.", + "- 2025, which proposes the deepening of eco-socialist policies with a high impact on the social, economic and environmental spheres in order to contribute to the fight against climate change.", + "In the same way, this CND makes it possible to reaffirm the commitment that the country has in the climate field, in the various multilateral spaces of the United Nations system, as in the mechanisms of regional and interregional coordination such as: the Ibero-American Conference of Ministers and Ministers of the Environment, the Forum of Ministers and Ministers of the Environment of the United Nations Environment Programme, the Meeting of Ministers, Ministers and High Environment Authorities of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America - Treaty on Trade of Peoples (ALBA - TCP), the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), among others.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of", + "Recommendations of supporting bodies and agencies on elements considered essential to increase the level of ambition and robustness of information have also been incorporated.In this update and presentation of the CND, elements relating to gender and equity are incorporated, enabling progress to be made on national objectives to combat poverty and inequality, within the framework of national planning for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda.", + "In this update and presentation of the CND, elements relating to gender and equity are incorporated, enabling progress to be made in the national objectives of combating poverty and inequality, within the framework of the national planning for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda.", + "In addition, the following elements are incorporated: the imposition of Unilateral Coercive Measures (UCMs) that violate the human rights of the Venezuelan population, and the special situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has called for a rethinking and reassessment of state planning and administration in order to deal with the critical situation and the post-2020 recovery scenario. In this sense, Venezuela presents its contributions to adaptation and mitigation, covering actions and policies towards fair and sustainable development.", + "In this regard, Venezuela presents its contributions to adaptation and mitigation, covering actions and policies towards fair and sustainable development.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commission", + "This update is framed in the National Economic and Social Development Plan, which sets the priority of combating climate change within the framework of holistic, humanistic and eco-socialist development aimed at living in harmony with Mother Earth.For each commitment, a brief description of the context with reference to the circumstances of the relevant sector or strategic area is included, followed by a summary table that includes the commitment to its goal, the governing entity, the type of commitment, preliminary indicators and the SDGs to which they contribute.", + "For each commitment, a brief description of the context with reference to the circumstances of the relevant sector or strategic area is included, followed by a summary table that includes the commitment with its goal, the lead entity, the type of commitment, preliminary indicators and the ODA to which they contribute.", + "The description of each commitment is complemented by a brief indicative reference to the operational aspects related to the means of implementation, their integration potential, adaptation - mitigation and culminating with a declaration of long-term ambition.", + "In accordance with the decisions taken at the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Paris Agreement, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela presents here the update of its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the fight against climate change and its effects.", + "This update of the contribution must be examined in the light of the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, which implies, among other things, that in order to be able to realise the commitments expressed by developing countries, financial resources are required to support actions in developing countries, as well as technology transfer and capacity-building, which must be provided incrementally by developed countries, in accordance with their obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement.", + "To conclude, this update of the CND is framed in a national process of collective construction of a proposal for a Law on Climate Change for the country, which involves different actors and sectors, organized communities and social movements, and which aims to be adopted in the legislative period from 2021 to 2026.", + "As part of its obligations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela accepted the commitment to report on all relevant contents, which is established by the mandate of the Convention for the preparation of National Communications on Climate Change.", + "Venezuela's political commitment is of a high level in the fight against climate change, as expressed by President Nicol\u00e1s Maduro Moros, during the speech at the 75th General Assembly of the United Nations, held in October 2020, namely:We must all work for the salvation of our planet.We call for the highest political commitment to combat climate change that is a reality: to combat climate change as an urgent priority.", + "We call for the highest political commitment to combat climate change that is a reality: to combat climate change as an urgent priority. We recognise the importance of strengthening mitigation and adaptation actions, in accordance with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement. We then reaffirm the importance of means of implementation so that developing countries can carry out their climate actions.", + "We then reaffirmed the importance of the means of implementation so that developing countries can carry out their climate actions. Noam Chomsky warned us recently: \u201cthere is not much time left.\u201d Thus reiterating the great political commitment at the highest level in the fight against climate change. THE UNITED NATIONS MARKET CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE (UNFCCC).", + "Reaffirming in this way the great political commitment to the highest level in the fight against climate change. THE UNITED NATIONS MARKET CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE (UNFCCC) This instrument was adopted in 1992 and ratified by Venezuela in 1994, through the Official Gazette of the Republic of Venezuela No. 4,825 Extraordinary of 27 December 1994. THE KYOTO PROTOCOL.", + "This instrument was adopted in 1992 and ratified by Venezuela in 1994, through the Official Gazette of the Republic of Venezuela No. 4,825 Extraordinary of 27 December 1994.", + "This protocol establishes commitments and targets on emission reductions for Annex I countries, and voluntary reductions for non-Annex I countries. In the same document, the Ministry with environmental competence, presented a Reporting Point to the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in which it limits the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in our country, specifically the paragraphs relating to the flexibilization mechanisms provided for in this Protocol, called Clean Development Mechanisms (CDMs).", + "In the same year, the Ministry of the Environment presented a Report to the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in which it limits the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in our country, specifically the paragraphs relating to the flexibilization mechanisms provided for in this Protocol, called Clean Development Mechanisms (CDMs).", + "This presidential decision not to resort to the Clean Development Mechanisms will subsequently be embodied in the National Government Plans, the First and Second Plans of the Motherland.", + "THE DOHA AMENDMENT TO THE KYOTO PROTOCOL This amendment was adopted at the COP-18 in Catar in 2012, and ratified by Venezuela in 2017, which sets out the subsequent commitment period for Annex I countries after 2012, and increases the second commitment period (2012-2020) to eight years.", + "This amendment was adopted at the COP-18 in Catar in 2012, and ratified by Venezuela in 2017, establishing the subsequent commitment period for Annex I countries after 2012, and increasing the second commitment period (2012-2020) to eight years. RATIFICATION OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT ON CLIMATE CHANGE At the COP-21 of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Venezuela adopted the Paris Agreement on Climate Change on 12 December 2015.", + "At the COP-21 of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Venezuela adopts the Paris Agreement on Climate Change on 12 December 2015.", + "In April 2016, Venezuela signs the Paris Agreement on Climate Change at the United Nations (UN) in the commemorative act of Earth Day, on 22 April.On 21 July 2017, Venezuela completes the steps required for the ratification of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, with the deposit of the instrument of ratification to the depositary in the UN.", + "On 21 July 2017, Venezuela completes the steps required for ratification of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, with the deposit of the instrument of ratification with the depositary in the UN. By that time, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela becomes a State Party to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change 154\u00b0, in July 2017.", + "The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela empowers the Executive to adopt international agreements, Article 236\u00b0 on the Attributes of the President of the Republic: \u201c4. To direct the external relations of the Republic and to conclude and ratify international treaties, conventions or agreements.\u201d THE LEGAL CONTEXT OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT ON CLIMATE CHANGE.", + "To direct the external relations of the Republic and to conclude and ratify international treaties, conventions or agreements.\u201d. THE LEGAL CONTEXT OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT ON CLIMATE CHANGE The Paris Agreement on Climate Change is a legal instrument for the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), therefore the principles and provisions of the Convention prevail and guide the implementation of that agreement.", + "The Paris Agreement on Climate Change is a legal instrument for the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), therefore the principles and provisions of the Convention prevail and guide the implementation of this agreement.", + "Preliminary work on the elaboration and discussion of the planned and determined contribution at the national level of Venezuela was carried out by the then Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism and Water (MINEA), in the previous years 2013 and 2014, today Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC), compiling the contributions obtained through interministerial consultations and formalizing their delivery at the plenary adoption of the Paris Agreement at the XXI Conference of the Parties (COP-21), in December 2015.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "In this order of ideas, Venezuela formalized its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the Executive Secretariat of the UNFCCC, headquartered in Bonn, Germany, and then formally delivered it in February 2018 to the Executive Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF THE NDC - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE OBJECTIVES OF THE CONVENTION.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commission", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has a high political commitment, within the framework of the Paris Agreement, adopted through Decision 1/CP.21, which addresses crucial areas needed to combat climate change.", + "Therefore, the overall objective of the CND for Venezuela is to implement policies, actions and efforts that promote the reduction of greenhouse gases and the increase of resilience and reduction of vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change in the priority sectors.", + "These actions and efforts will be directed through the strategic lines and measures identified in the subsequent sections of the document. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reaffirms its commitment to reduce its GHG emissions by 20% by 2030 in relation to the inertial scenario. To this end, the country envisages activities in various sectors, including adaptation and mitigation actions, with adaptation being the national priority.", + "To this end, the country envisages activities in various sectors, including adaptation and mitigation actions, with adaptation being the national priority.", + "The extent to which this goal is achieved will depend on the fulfilment of the commitments of developed countries to provide funding, technology transfer and capacity-building in accordance with Article 4.7 of the Convention.", + "In this regard, the country bases its compliance with its GNI, as a priority for the fight against poverty and its right to development, on the principles enshrined in the UNFCCC and other relevant and existing international instruments, including the 2030 Agenda and the ODS. An ambitious implementation of the GNI is essential to ensure that global emission ceilings in the near future and climate risks are reduced, so that at the same time mutual development benefits can be achieved.", + "An ambitious implementation of the NDCs is essential to ensure that global emission ceilings in the near future and climate risks are reduced, so that at the same time mutual development benefits can be achieved. The Paris Agreement calls on each country to outline and communicate its post-2020 climate actions, thereby implementing its determined contributions at national level.", + "The Paris Agreement calls on each country to outline and communicate its post-2020 climate actions, thereby implementing its determined contributions at national level.The following are some of the key aspects: Long-term temperature objective (Article 2) The Paris Agreement, in seeking to strengthen the global response to climate change, reaffirms the objective of limiting the increase in global temperature to well below 2\u00b0C, while continuing efforts to limit it to 1.5\u00b0C.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to disseminate the Convention and its Optional Protocol widely, in particular among women's and human rights organizations and civil society organizations.", + "In order to establish a firm basis for greater ambition, each successive contribution determined at national level will represent progress beyond the previous one, and will reflect the greatest possible ambition.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "Voluntary participation / Non-market-related issues (Article 6) The Paris Agreement recognises the possibility of voluntary participation among the Parties to allow for greater ambition and establishes principles - including environmental integrity, transparency and sound accounting - for any cooperation involving the international transfer of mitigation results.", + "Voluntary participation / Non-market-related and related issues (Article 6) The Paris Agreement recognises the possibility of voluntary participation among the Parties to allow for greater ambition and establishes principles - including environmental integrity, transparency and sound accounting - for any cooperation involving the international transfer of mitigation results, establishes a mechanism to contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions and support sustainable development, and defines a framework for non-market-based approaches to sustainable development.", + "It establishes a mechanism to contribute to mitigating GHG emissions and supporting sustainable development, and defines a framework for non-commercial approaches to sustainable development. Adaptation (Article 7) The Paris Agreement establishes a global adaptation target, namely increasing adaptation capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change in the context of the Agreement's temperature target.", + "The Paris Agreement sets a global target on adaptation, namely increasing adaptation capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change in the context of the Agreement's temperature target. Its aim is to significantly strengthen national adaptation efforts, including through international support and cooperation. The Agreement recognises that adaptation is a global challenge facing all.", + "Its objective is to significantly strengthen national adaptation efforts, including through international support and cooperation. The Agreement recognizes that adaptation is a global challenge facing all Parties. All Parties should engage in adaptation, including through the formulation and implementation of national adaptation plans, and should submit and periodically update an adaptation communication outlining their priorities, needs, plans and actions.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The provision of resources must also aim at achieving a balance between adaptation and mitigation. In addition to reporting on funding already provided, developed country Parties undertake to provide transparent and indicative information on future support to developing country Parties, including planned levels of public funding. The Paris Agreement also provides that the Convention's Financial Mechanism, including the Green Climate Fund, will serve the Agreement.", + "The Paris Agreement also provides that the Convention's Financial Mechanism, including the Green Climate Fund, which will serve the Agreement, will also strengthen international cooperation on climate development and technology transfer, and institutional capacity-building in developing world Parties through ad hoc institutional arrangements as required.", + "International cooperation on climate change development and technology transfer is also being strengthened, and institutional capacities in developing world Parties are being strengthened through ad hoc institutional arrangements as necessary. Education, training, public awareness and participation, and public access to information on climate change (Article 12) are also to be strengthened within the framework of the Agreement. Transparency (Article 14), implementation and enforcement (Article 15).", + "Education, training, public awareness and participation and public access to information on climate change (Article 12) must also be strengthened within the framework of the Agreement. Transparency (Article 14), implementation and enforcement (Article 15) The Paris Agreement is based on a robust system of transparency and accounting to provide clarity on measures and support from the Parties, with flexibility for the different capacities of the Parties.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "In addition to submitting information on mitigation, adaptation and support, the Agreement requires that information submitted by each Party be subject to an international review by technical experts.", + "The Agreement also includes a mechanism that will facilitate implementation and promote compliance in a non-confrontational and non-punitive manner, and will report annually to the COP/MOP. Global Balance (Article 14). A \"Global Balance\", to be held in 2023 and every five years thereafter, will assess collective progress towards achieving the objectives of the Agreement in a comprehensive and enabling manner, based on the best available science and its long-term global objective.", + "A \"Global Balance\", to be held in 2023 and every five years thereafter, will assess collective progress towards achieving the objectives of the Agreement in a comprehensive and enabling manner, based on the best available science and its long-term global objective, and will serve as a basis for the Parties to update and improve their actions and to support and increase international cooperation in the fight against climate change.", + "The President (spoke in French): I thank the representative of the United States for his kind words addressed to me.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reaffirms its commitment to the construction of an alternative model of development, a geopolitical policy of respect for peoples and identity, a policy of coexistence, a policy of peace with justice and equality, a policy that rejects any attempt to impose the will of one country on another, either through the threat and use of force, or through financial, economic, cultural and political means.", + "The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic, adopted in a popular referendum in 1999, enshrines environmental rights and is a pioneer in establishing that:It is a right and a duty of every generation to protect and maintain the environment for the benefit of themselves and the future world.", + "The State shall protect the environment, biological diversity, genetic resources, ecological processes, national parks and natural monuments and other areas of special ecological importance.", + "It is a fundamental obligation of the State, with the active participation of society, to ensure that the population develops in an environment free of pollution, in which the air, water, soils, coasts, climate, ozone layer and living species are particularly protected in accordance with the law.", + "It is a fundamental obligation of the State, with the active participation of society, to ensure that the population develops in an environment free of pollution, in which the air, water, soil, coasts, climate, ozone layer and living species are particularly protected in accordance with the law.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party consider ratifying the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, as well as the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict.", + "The NDCs aim to address the provisions set out in the Paris Agreement, as well as to promote adaptation and mitigation in our country in the face of the challenge of climate change.", + "In order to better focus efforts towards the long-term goal, the Paris Agreement invites countries to formulate and present long-term development strategies for 2020 with low greenhouse gas emissions.", + "In this sense, on 16 January 2019, the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC), as the National Environmental Authority, creates in its organizational structure the \u201cGeneral Directorate for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation\u201d whose objective is to promote participation, awareness, systematization and consolidation of actions for conservation and protection against the effects of climate change, through the design and implementation of policies and guidelines applied at national level, in the field of adaptation, mitigation and losses and associated damage.", + "This Directorate-General is the Technical Focal Point for the UNFCCC, and also seeks to strengthen Ecosocialism as an axiological value of environmental management in the field of combating climate change, deepening the sustainable political, economic and social model, taken collectively and responsibly with nature.", + "To facilitate these tasks, the Directorate-General was structured into four Line Directorates: Climate Change Adaptation Directorate; Climate Change Mitigation Directorate; Climate Change Policy Formulation, Monitoring and Control Directorate; and Climate Change Loss and Damage Directorate.", + "The creation of this institution makes it possible to lay the foundations for permanent interinstitutional coordination with other sectors in the field of climate change and seeks to coordinate actions with bodies and entities responsible for territorial planning and disaster management.", + "In addition, it seeks to coordinate actions with bodies and entities responsible for territorial planning and disaster management. MINEC, through the \u201cGeneral Directorate for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation\u201d, will be responsible for consolidating national information on climate change and coordinating the preparation of national reports in the context of the UNFCCC and its related instruments.", + "The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Prevention and Control of Childhood Illness and Malnutrition, the National Plan of Action for the Prevention and Control of Childhood Illness and Malnutrition, the National Plan of Action for the Prevention and Control of Childhood Illness and Malnutrition, the National Plan of Action for the Prevention and Control of Childhood Illness and Malnutrition, the National Plan of Action for the Prevention and Control of Childhood Illness and Malnutrition, the National Plan of Action for the Prevention and Control of Childhood Illness and Malnutrition, the National Plan of Action for the Prevention and Control of Childhood Illness and Malnutrition, the National Plan of Action for the Prevention and Control of Childhood Illness and Malnutrition, the National Plan of Action for the", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to disseminate widely, in particular to women's and human rights organizations, the Convention, its Optional Protocol, the Committee's general recommendations, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWo", + "The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, His Excellency Mr. Hugo Ch\u00e1vez Fr\u00edas, has the honour to transmit herewith the report of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism (see annex).", + "To present to the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, for approval, the investment plans and projects that will be implemented within the framework of the Green Climate Fund.", + "To present to the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, for approval, the investment plans and projects that will be implemented within the framework of the Green Climate Fund. These arrangements determine the coordination relations between the different bodies of the National Executive. This Presidential Commission will be responsible for leading, coordinating and approving the public policies and strategies necessary to prevent and respond to the impacts of climate change, as well as enforcing the appropriate legal and institutional framework for these purposes.", + "This Presidential Commission will be responsible for leading, coordinating and approving the strategies and public policies necessary to prevent and respond to the impacts of climate change, as well as enforcing the appropriate legal and institutional framework for these purposes.", + "The environmental sector from the perspective of Ecosocialism, as an axiological value of environmental management assumed by the Venezuelan State, does not escape from the negative effects generated by the imposition of Unilateral Coercive Measures (MCU), and other restrictive or punitive measures against our country; in an international context that requires the implementation and follow-up of agreed agreements to deal with climate change and responsible management of environmental problems capable of degrading the environment of urban and rural systems.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the members of civil society, including non-governmental organizations and the private sector, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "On 26 September 2014, the Human Rights Council adopted Resolution 27/21 and Corr.1, on human rights and human trafficking, which stresses that such measures are contrary to international law, international humanitarian law, the Charter of the United Nations and the norms and principles governing peaceful relations between States, and stresses that, in the long term, such measures can cause social problems and humanitarian difficulties in the States to which they are applied.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner", + "In the context of the assessment of the main impacts of MCUs on the competences of MINEC, a descriptive analysis has been included in this report in the following areas: international environmental policy, integrated waste management, management of hospital medical waste, taxation and control of environmental impacts of activities likely to degrade the environment, climate change, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development commitments and Recreational Parks as a public service.", + "At the international level, even though our country participates in at least 74 multilateral environmental spaces, to which this institution constantly reports on the progress of commitments made, the MCU has restricted Venezuela's participation in some of the meetings, where the governments in power have not responded to the visa application of officials who were supposed to attend, a clear violation of the rules of public international law.", + "This situation constitutes a clear violation of the norms of public international law.In terms of mobilizing resources to facilitate the effective implementation of environmental policies, the MCUs have prevented the institution from gaining access to multilateral banks, such as the IDB; to the Special Drawing Rights of the International Monetary Fund; as well as reducing the possibility of receiving funding to strengthen the cooperation between the SUR-SUR, and the programmes and projects that this institution was carrying out with the countries of the region.", + "With regard to the mobilization of resources, to facilitate the effective implementation of environmental policies, the MCUs have prevented the institution from gaining access to multilateral banks, such as the IDB; to the Special Drawing Rights of the International Monetary Fund; as well as reducing the possibility of receiving financing to strengthen the cooperation of the SUR-SUR, and the programmes and projects that this institution was carrying out with the countries of the region.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, like most of the countries in the region, is vulnerable to climate change and, as a signatory to the Paris Agreement, is responsible for implementing actions that contribute to the fight against climate change.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, like most countries in the region, is vulnerable to climate change, and as a signatory to the Paris Agreement, is responsible for implementing actions that contribute to the fight against climate change.", + "In this respect, it is worth mentioning that the CBMs run counter to what was laid down in the Paris Agreement, since they reduce the capacity and effectiveness of the actions needed to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change, also adversely affecting sustainable post-COVID-19 recovery plans, as well as actions in the event of climate-related disasters in the region.", + "Multilateralism must respect international law, including human rights, environmental law and the right of nations to sustainable development, including the right to self-determination, and must not interfere with the multilateral rules of international trade.", + "MCUs not only ignore legal norms, but are also a blatant violation of ethical principles and can be seen as a crime against humanity. MCUs are discretionary actions contrary to international law, in order to subject those who have transgressed hegemonic ideological imperatives. MCUs place the population in a fragile situation, the infrastructure and institutions are affected. There is a direct impact of MCUs on people's basic rights such as the right to life, liberty and security.", + "There is a direct impact of CFCs on people's basic rights such as. water or a healthy environment. There is a deep, albeit indirect, link between Climate Change and CFCs, because they affect a country's ability to respond to the climate change crisis.", + "There is a deep, albeit indirect, link between Climate Change and CBMs, because they affect a country's ability to respond to the climate change crisis.CBMs have a tremendous impact on climate action: adaptation, mitigation, technology acquisition and promotion of technological adaptation for efficient transformations in sectors such as energy, transport, water supply, healthy environment, among others.", + "CBMs have a tremendous impact on climate action: adaptation, mitigation, technology acquisition and promotion of technological adaptation for efficient transformations in sectors such as energy, transport, water supply, healthy environment, among others. Furthermore, the application of CBMs is particularly immoral in the midst of the crisis we are experiencing from the COVID-19 pandemic.", + "The financing and provision of means of implementation for Climate Change. Climate is one of the crucial issues for implementation, and MCUs involve the exclusion or discrimination of some countries from the international financial system, even for accreditation options. Climate action requires not only leadership, but also solidarity and coherence in actions related to \u201cclimate justice\u201d in the discussion on Climate Change.", + "Climate action demands not only leadership, but also solidarity and coherence in actions related to \u201cclimate justice\u201d in the discussion on Climate Change.", + "In addition to the national situation generated by the illegal application of the MCUs, there are the effects produced by the health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, which call for the immediate adoption of measures for the protection of the Venezuelan people.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "The crisis of the pandemic, accompanied by the illegal MCUs, are a call to reflect on the importance of human health and its interrelationship with the health of the planet. POLICY VISION OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY PATRIOT PLAN 2019 - 2025. The Plan of the Country: \"Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation of Venezuela\" is a medium-term plan for the period 2019 - 2025, which contains general guidelines for its implementation.", + "The Plan of the Motherland: \"Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation of Venezuela\" is a medium-term plan for the period 2019 - 2025, which contains general guidelines for its implementation.", + "This instrument provides for 5 Historical Objectives: to defend, expand and consolidate the most precious asset we have regained after 200 years: National Independence; to continue building Bolivarian socialism of the 21st century, in Venezuela, as an alternative to the destructive and savage system of capitalism, thereby ensuring \u201cthe greatest sum of social security, the greatest sum of political stability and the greatest sum of happiness\u201d for our people.", + "To continue building the Bolivarian socialism of the 21st century, in Venezuela, as an alternative to the destructive and savage system of capitalism and thereby ensure the \u201cgreater sum of social security, greater sum of political stability and greater sum of happiness\u201d for our people.", + "Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the Great Emerging Power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will guarantee the formation of a zone of peace in Our America.", + "To contribute to the development of a new International Geopolitics in which a multicentric and multipolar world takes shape that will enable the balance of the universe to be achieved and planetary peace to be guaranteed.", + "To contribute to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species.", + "Material bases for the humanly gratifying transition to socialism, transformation of the oil profitist culture into an inclusive, efficient and fair productive economic model, liberating the productive forces, in order to satisfy the needs of our population, promoting new methods of socialist management and a productive fabric of rupture of the metabolism of capital.", + "A new economic and financial straitjacket of society: The breakdown of the ties of the colonial, expoliative commercial model, focusing on the development of the support structure of the productive model.", + "In particular, international trade and financial mechanisms are supported to strengthen the sovereign functioning of the national economy, stimulating new geopolitical mechanisms, cryptocurrencies and alternative financial architecture.", + "Strategic national resources, ensuring the preservation of hydrocarbon, mining and water resources as the heritage of present and future generations, as well as Venezuela's role as a world energy power.", + "Social protection of the people, justice, the conception of services as necessities and not goods, ensuring their efficiency and sustainability, as well as the expansion, in the dialectical satisfaction of needs, of the system of missions and large missions.", + "The constitutional programmatic development of civil, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights as human rights of the population is assumed: decolonization as a fundamental component of the historical breakdown, founded on indigenous, feminist, Afro-descendant, our American and of deep Bolivian national roots, or revolutionary transformation of the state, for the definitive breakdown of the popular, participatory and communal state, guaranteeing popular control and the transfer of competences for combating inefficiency, bureaucracy and corruption, starting with the full participation of the organized people in planning, action, monitoring, control and joint people-government management.", + "The decolonization as a fundamental component of the historical breakdown, founded on the bases of indigenous peoples, feminists, Afro-descendants, our Americans and of deep national Bolivian roots, or the revolutionary transformation of the state, for the definitive breakdown of the popular, participatory and communal state, guaranteeing popular control and the transfer of competences for the fight against inefficiency, bureaucracy and corruption, starting with the full participation of the organized people in planning, action, monitoring, control and joint people-government management.", + "Demographic and historical potential of youth as a cross-cutting strategy, with sectoral and spatial direction in the new national productive matrix and, in particular, through the development of knowledge and technology in the process of replacing imports and boosting the country's priority productive economic engines. national territorial system and the system of development plans for its decolonization and direction with full national development.", + "The development of the spatial dimension of socialism on the basis of systemic, geo-historical and functional regionalization, the urban-regional system and the development of infrastructure, services and mobility.", + "The development of the spatial dimension of socialism on the basis of systemic, geohistorical and functional regionalization, the urban-regional system and the development of infrastructure, services and mobility.", + "Socialist city, breaking the capitalist schemes of social and economic inequality of space, reorganizing with justice the dynamics of land income, economic specialization of the city and its urban sectors, equipment, infrastructure and public space, as well as an integrated system of land use and transport, the intervention of the productive system and the economy of maintenance.", + "The Plan of the Motherland develops specific policies for the breakdown of the metabolism of capital and the impulse of a new system of actors and economic dynamics for the attention of the social demands of the system of missions and great missions and social protection of the People.", + "The Plan of the Motherland develops specific policies for the breakdown of the metabolism of capital and the impulse of a new system of actors and economic dynamics for the attention of the social demands of the system of missions and great missions and social protection of the people, as well as specific policies directed to the economy of maintenance, from the maximum of doing more with less and better as the economic and cultural doctrine of the state and Venezuelan society.", + "As well as the specific policies directed to the economy of maintenance, from the maximum of doing more with less and better as the economic and cultural doctrine of the state and Venezuelan society, ecosocialism as a revolutionary doctrine and historical social model based on respect for the rights of Mother Earth and the well-being of our people, developing the principle of unity within diversity, the integral and systemic vision, popular participation, the role of the Nation State, the incorporation of technologies and forms of organization of production, distribution and consumption, which focus on the rational, optimal and sustainable exploitation of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature.", + "Ecosocialism as a revolutionary doctrine and historical social model based on respect for the rights of Mother Earth and the well-being of our people, developing the principle of unity within diversity, the integral and systemic vision, popular participation, the role of the nation state, the incorporation of technologies and forms of organization of production, distribution and consumption, which focus on the rational, optimal and sustainable exploitation of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature.", + "The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, comprising 17 Objectives and 169 Goals, presents an ambitious vision of sustainable development and integrates its economic, social and environmental dimensions, expressing the wishes, aspirations and priorities of the international community for the next 15 years.", + "The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, comprising 17 Objectives and 169 Goals, presents an ambitious vision of sustainable development and integrates its economic, social and environmental dimensions, expressing the wishes, aspirations and priorities of the international community for the next 15 years.", + "This is a transformative agenda that puts the equality and dignity of people at the centre and calls for a change in our development style, respecting the environment.", + "In this sense, the voluntary national presentation goes beyond the fulfilment of a formality before a multilateral body, which constitutes for Venezuela an expression of political will regarding the elevation of the standard of living of the people, and guarantees in its fundamental objective the historical construction of Socialism, guided by the premise of achieving the greatest possible amount of happiness.", + "In this sense, the voluntary national presentation goes beyond the fulfilment of a formality before a multilateral body, which constitutes for Venezuela an expression of political will regarding the elevation of the standard of living of the people, and guarantees in its fundamental objective the historical construction of Socialism, guided by the premise of achieving the greatest possible amount of happiness.", + "This requires cooperation in capacity-building to ensure the integrity and intersectorality of public policies and their indicators, and the SDGs aim to stimulate sustainable economic growth by increasing productivity levels and technological innovation.", + "The ODS also aims to stimulate sustainable economic growth by increasing levels of productivity and technological innovation.Developing these aspects is not an easy task, however, the country is committed to developing policies that stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of its citizens and communities, as well as creating sources of employment for the development of its population and promoting full and productive employment.", + "Developing these aspects is not an easy task, however, the country is committed to developing policies that stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of its citizens and communities, as well as creating sources of employment for the development of its population and promoting full and productive employment.", + "The Plan of the Fatherland, combined with the ODS, thus undertakes to expand the time horizon of the Plan and the National Plan of Human Rights until 2030 through its linkage with the Sustainable Development Agenda 2015 - 2030.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela considers as Good Practices, four interrelated drivers that were formed as keys to progress: political commitment at the highest level to adapt public administration bodies and entities in their operational plans for the implementation of the SDGs and to report on this under the supervision of the Council of Ministers of the six Sectoral Vice-Presidentships to monitor the implementation of the SDGs.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), the", + "The launch of a process of enrichment of the general framework of public policies established in the National Development Plan 2013 - 2019 on the basis of the content of Agenda 2030;. The instruction is aimed at the National Institute of Statistics (INE) to disaggregate the respective date and make information more visible on the most vulnerable sectors: children, young people and adolescents, Afro-descendants, indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, older adults and women, among others, under the principle of \u201cnot leaving anyone behind\u201d and.", + "The instruction is aimed at the National Institute of Statistics (INE) to disaggregate the relevant date and to make information more visible on the most vulnerable sectors: children, young people and adolescents, Afro-descendants, indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, older adults and women, among others, under the principle of \u201cnot leaving anyone behind\u201d and. The active incorporation of political, pro-tagonal and co-responsible participation through consultation with social movements, non-state actors, productive sectors, academics and Popular Government Councils as a basis for the appropriation of Agenda 2030 \u201cfrom the bottom up\u201d.", + "This political commitment, taken at the highest level, is visible in the political instruction of President Nicol\u00e1s Maduro Moros for the collective appropriation of the ODS, announced in the Council of Ministers on 29 September 2015, which was followed by the institutional and legal arrangements: People - State - People, aimed at implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in conjunction with the National Development Plan: Plan de la Patria 2013 - 2019.", + "This political commitment, taken at the highest level, is visible in the political instruction of President Nicol\u00e1s Maduro Moros for the collective appropriation of the ODS, announced in the Council of Ministers on 29 September 2015, which has been followed by the institutional and legal arrangements: People - State - People, aimed at the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in conjunction with the National Development Plan: Plan de la Patria 2013-2019. These priorities are underpinned by the development policy guidelines of the Venezuelan State established constitutionally, by our national vision of sustainable development with a special emphasis on the social dimension, by public policies with a human rights approach and by the lessons learned in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).", + "These priorities are based on the development policy guidelines of the Venezuelan state established constitutionally, on our national vision of sustainable development with a special emphasis on the social dimension, on public policies with a human rights approach and on the lessons learned in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).", + "The approach to these priorities is carried out from an integral perspective, the Ecosocialist dimension of the national model expresses the political will to simultaneously promote the social, environmental and economic dimensions on which the 2030 Agenda is based.", + "In short, the Venezuelan State has repeatedly expressed its commitment to sustaining the levels of social investment made in recent history as a mechanism for protecting the people and advancing the achievement of the Supreme Social Happiness, the ultimate goal of the construction of Bolivarian Socialism perfectly aligned with the ODS.", + "The specific objective of the CND in the field of mitigation is to contribute to global efforts to reduce GHGs by identifying sectors, measures and lines of action that contribute to the mitigation of climate change in the country.", + "The specific objective of the CND in the field of mitigation is to contribute to global efforts to reduce GHGs by identifying sectors, measures and lines of action that will contribute to the mitigation of climate change in the country.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "Venezuela\u2019s emissions (0.24 Ggton CO2eq/year) represent only 0.49% of global GHG emissions. However, as part of the policies set out in the country\u2019s economic and social development plan, in which it is proposed to implement a National Mitigation Plan in conjunction with a National Adaptation Plan, it is clear, however, that the actions and policies of a single country are not sufficient.", + "the country's economic and social development plan, which proposes to implement a National Mitigation Plan in conjunction with a National Adaptation Plan.", + "Only if countries with historical responsibilities fully assume those responsibilities through ambitious mitigation targets (between 50 and 70% reduction of current emissions according to the IPCC in its fifth report, estimated to likely increase as knowledge improves) and the reliable, sufficient and predictable provision of means of implementation (financing, technology transfer and capacity-building) to developing countries can we aspire to a real, fair and lasting solution to the problem of climate change.", + "We can aim for a real, fair and lasting solution to the problem of climate change by establishing global targets for all means of implementation, monitoring, reporting and verification systems for their implementation by developed countries.", + "This involves the establishment of global targets for all means of implementation, monitoring, reporting and verification systems for their fulfilment by developed countries.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Paris Agreement should ensure the implementation of the Convention in accordance with its principles and provisions, as well as facilitate ways to offset the climate debt of developed countries. ACTIONS AND PROGRAMMES WITH IMPACT ON MITIGATING CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS EFFECTS.", + "The Paris Agreement must ensure the implementation of the Convention in accordance with its principles and provisions, as well as pave the way for solving the climate debt of the developed countries. ACTIONS AND PROGRAMMES WITH IMPACT ON MITIGATING CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS EFFECTS Venezuela has developed a series of programmes in which it has undertaken important actions, contributing to the fight against climate change and its effects from a perspective of justice and social inclusion.", + "Venezuela has developed a series of programmes in which it has undertaken important actions, contributing to the fight against climate change and its effects from a perspective of justice and social inclusion.", + "These programmes could be deepened and multiplied by fulfilling the commitments to provide means of implementation by the developed countries under the UNFCCC. PROPOSALS BY SECTORS. The proposals by sectors linked to the Actions and Programmes with an Impact on Climate Change Mitigation and their effects for the case of Venezuela have been categorized into five major sectors, highlighted below: Energy Sector. Electricity Sector. Petroleum: Petr\u00f3leos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA). Transportation Sector (Terrestrial and Subterranean, Aquatic and Air). Industry Sector.", + "Sector Energy. Electricity. Petroleum: Petr\u00f3leos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA). Sector Transport (Terrestrial and Subterranean, Aquatic and Aviation). Sector Industry. Directorate General of Environmental Quality Management (FONDOIN). Sector Forest (Directorate General of Forest Heritage - Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Sector Waste.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "In the light of the Katowice Rules (Decision 4/CMA.1), for the review and updating of the GNI, each government entity reformed and/or updated policies, programmes and action lines within its Sectoral Plans, which contribute to mitigating or reducing GHG emissions.", + "In this regard, the most relevant considerations that were taken into account at the time of the review and updating of the CND are mentioned below: base year; start of implementation of the climate action; implementation periods; will be estimated at 5 or 10 years; reach and coverage; identifying whether the action is local, regional or national; planning processes; methodological focuses; estimation of anthropogenic absorption; where the contribution of negative GHG emissions to the implementation of the climate action will be projected.", + "Methodological focuses. Estimation of anthropogenic uptake; where the contribution of negative GHG emissions will be projected in applying climate action. Reasons considered for their contribution to be fair and ambitious.", + "Within the process of formulating the CND, in the mitigation component, the five priority sectors were addressed, namely: Energy Sector. Electrical Energy. The analysis of the effects of Climate Change on the planet Earth, from a critical and complex viewpoint, shows that one of the causes of this event is the exacerbated emission of carbon dioxide, a product of the burning of fossil fuels, required to sustain the economic model. prevailing in capitalism.", + "The analysis of the effects of the Climate Change on the planet Earth, from the critical and complex viewpoint, shows that one of the causes that originates this event is the exacerbated emission of carbon dioxide, a product of the burning of fossil fuels, required for the sustainability of the economic model. prevailing capitalism. within the framework of this socio-economic model and the logic imposed by the major powers, mainly responsible, directly and indirectly, for the degradation and ecological and environmental imbalance of the planet.", + "Within the framework of this socio-economic model and the logic imposed by the major powers, which are mainly responsible, directly and indirectly, for the degradation and ecological and environmental imbalance of the planet, climate change is a natural phenomenon in the earth's dynamics; however, the problem facing humanity is accelerated climate change, as a result of the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.", + "Climate change is a natural phenomenon in the earth's dynamics; however, the problem facing humanity is the accelerated climate change, as a result of the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.", + "In this sense, Latin America and specifically Venezuela do not escape this reality, which causes severe droughts, which produce an alarming reduction in the levels of our rivers and basins, on which 70% of the National Electric System depends, as well as deforestation in the watersheds from which these basins spring.", + "The structural response to the problem is focused on changing the global economic and social model dominated by an emerging one, supported by sustainable development and humanistic social values for social transformation.", + "In accordance with the Plan of the Motherland 2019 - 2025, within the framework of the cross-cutting axes adopted by the Bolivarian Government of President Nicol\u00e1s Maduro Moros, it proposes ecosocialism as a way of \u201cstrengthening the national electricity sector.\u201d The generation of electricity is 79.73% from hydroelectric power stations, the remaining 20% in thermal power stations, as well as the exploitation of wind energy and small renewable energy generation systems using solar, wind and micro-hydro power stations, in isolated, indigenous and border communities.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, which is based on the principles of equality, non-discrimination, equality of opportunity and non-discrimination.", + "The thermal power generation is carried out with fossil fuels, 96.13% with Natural Gas, 3.65% with Diesel and 0.21% with Full O\u00edl. The Venezuelan state guarantees the supply of electricity, through the company Corporaci\u00f3n El\u00e9ctrica Nacional (CORPOELEC), an entity affiliated to the Ministry of Popular Power for Electricity. The National Electricity System interconnects the 131 hydroelectric, thermal and wind power generation plants, with 885 substations and transmission and distribution systems.", + "The National Electricity System interconnects the 131 hydroelectric, thermal and wind generating plants, with the 885 substations and transmission and distribution systems.", + "The PNEDUCEEE, as the Structural Program of the Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025, reflects the steps for the implementation of the Structural Policies: \u201cIncreasing the Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity and the Progressive Inclusion of Communities\u201d, and Stimulating a Change in the Matrix of Sources of Electricity Generation, which favours the use of renewable energies.", + "The PNEDUCEEE is inspired by the precepts of the Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025: This plan is to make the qualitative leap in the construction of a new historical time, in the transition to socialism using as a guideline the navigation chart built with the pioneering Constitution, which opened the paths and was constituted as the roadmap on structural issues, for the definitive transformation of society.", + "This Plan has absolute coherence with our historical line, since the Blue Book of Commander Ch\u00e1vez. It is a deepening of the Plan of the Motherland 2012 - 2013 to 2018. Its architecture, its historical objectives are the same, marked by the radicalization in the construction of chauvinist and revolutionary thought, from historical directionality to socialism.", + "Its architecture, its historical objectives are the same, marked by the radicalization in the construction of chauvinist and revolutionary thought, from historical directionality to socialism.\u201d In the case of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity is considered a matter of public interest, with the MPPEE being responsible for implementing policies to move towards energy efficiency.", + "In the case of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity is considered a matter of public interest, with the MPPEE being responsible for implementing policies to move towards energy efficiency.", + "The Vice-Ministry for New Sources and Rational Use of Electrical Energy, through the Directorate General for Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and the Directorate General for Alternative Energy, are responsible for promoting, through this Program and the National Program for Alternative Energy (PNEA), the policies necessary to co-ordinate in the conscious and efficient use of energy.", + "The PNEDUCEEE, is the instrument that manages to contain the Programs, Projects, Activities focused on an efficient management of energy and has among its purposes: to design and coordinate the implementation of five (5) Programs: Energy Education. Standardization and Labelling of Energy Efficiency. Energy Efficient Buildings. Sectoral: Residential, Public and Private. Energy Efficiency in the National Electrical System.", + "Standardization and Labelling of Energy Efficiency. Energy-efficient Buildings. Sectoral: Residential, Public and Private. Energy Efficiency in the National Electricity System. The PNEA aims to promote the development, use and exploitation of alternative energies, favouring the generation of the use of renewable sources for the sustainable development of productive sectors, by raising the following specific objectives: Diversifying the electricity generation matrix with the development of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, water and biomass, among others.", + "To diversify the electricity generation matrix with the development of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro and biomass, among others. To promote training and dissemination programmes in the field of renewable energy. To consolidate a technical and legal regulatory framework to regulate the development and use of renewable energy sources. To promote international cooperation in renewable energy by promoting financing schemes. To promote national financing in renewable energy by promoting financing schemes.", + "To promote international cooperation in renewable energy by promoting financing schemes. To promote national financing in renewable energy by promoting financing schemes. To provide advice and technical assistance to public and private initiatives in renewable energy projects.", + "Within this context, a set of actions focusing on the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy as policies framed in the NDCs according to what was agreed under the UNFCCC is presented.", + "The Electricity Sector, through the governing body of the MPPEE committed to the construction of an eco-socialist productive economic model, presents here some of its contributions in this area.", + "These actions are articulated within the framework of the National Economic and Social Development Plan, which proposes the deepening of eco-socialist policies with a high social, economic and environmental impact on climate change.", + "The MPPEE presents ambitious mitigation contributions, covering actions and policies towards fair and sustainable development.The following is a list of climate policies contained in the official document of Venezuela's Nationally Determined Contributions, presented in 2017, to be applied to the above criteria, as well as to the new policies outlined in the Plan de La Patria corresponding to each governmental entity.", + "The following is a list of climate policies contained in the official document of Venezuela's Nationally Determined Contributions, presented in 2017, which must be applied to the above criteria, as well as to the new policies outlined in the Plan de la Patria corresponding to each governmental entity.", + "Table 01 shows the NDCs for the Energy Sector and Table 02 presents them for the Alternative Energy Sector. Table 01. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Energy Sector. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. Updating NDC Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Replacing Flammable Bulbs with LED Technology, from 2016 to the present. Base Year.", + "To stimulate Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Replacement of Bulbs with LED Technology, from 2016 to the present. Base Year. Through the Program of Replacement of Bulbs with LED Lamps, from 2016 to the first half of 2021, 9,500,000.00 LED lamps have been installed, estimating a decrease in electrical demand of 193.8 MW and 565.9 GWh in reduction of energy consumption, which represented avoiding 23,072 Tonnes CO2e of gas emissions. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis.", + "Reduction of electricity demand of 193.8 MW and 565.9 GWh in energy consumption, which represented avoiding 23.072 Tonnes of CO2 emissions of Gases. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis.", + "In this connection, it is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Education and Science, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry", + "By replacing conventional public lighting with LED lamps from 2020 to the first half of 2021, 71,000 LED lamps have been installed, reducing electricity demand by 19.9 MW and 87.1 GWh, which means avoiding 3.5 tonnes of CO2 emissions of greenhouse gases.", + "The implementation of this policy with this type of technology (LED) is estimated to continue over the next 10 years. Taking into account that it started in 2016, it would be a policy implemented over a period of 14 years; by 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the entire national territory. Planning.", + "Taking into account that it started in 2016, it would be a policy implemented in a period of 14 years; to 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group led by the MPPEE was formed, where guidelines were issued to be implemented, the development of this policy was monitored and controlled; the actions carried out were evaluated; in addition to developing impact indicators resulting from the results. Suggestions and Methodological approaches.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE was formed, where guidelines to be implemented were issued, the development of this policy was monitored and controlled, the actions carried out were evaluated, and impact indicators resulting from the results were developed.Methodological alternatives and approaches IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to calculate estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs.Contribution considerations.", + "The IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to estimate anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution considerations. The use of LFC lamps was suspended because of their mercury content, a pollutant and a health hazard. LED lamps were migrated because of their environmental advantages, lower energy consumption, greater durability and compatibility with sockets or s\u00f3cates in all households.", + "It migrated to LED lamps because of its environmental advantages, lower energy consumption, greater durability and compatibility with existing sockets or s\u00f3cates in all households. Its greater durability reduces the frequency of replacements, individual and environmental costs. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Sector Energy. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Program of replacement of air conditioners (A/A) and refrigerators by efficient equipment.", + "Promoting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Program to replace air conditioning equipment (A/A) and refrigerators with efficient equipment. 42,504 A/A (between 2011-2013) and 3,077 refrigerators were replaced during the year 2012. Base year. With the implementation of the Law on Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and the Technical Regulations on Energy Efficiency in Artifacts. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector.", + "With the implementation of the Law on Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and the Technical Regulations on Energy Efficiency in Artifacts. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector. Electrical Energy: I/O, refrigerators and freezers, from 2016 to the 1st half of 2021, the demand for electrical energy was reduced by 668 MW and 1951 GWh in energy consumption, which represented the avoidance of 80,000 tonnes of CO2e emissions of greenhouse gases.", + "MW and 1951 GWh in energy consumption, which represented the avoidance of 80,000 Tonnes CO2e of emissions of greenhouse gases. Space. The implementation of these policies with this type of program of replacement of electrical air conditioning (A/A) equipment and refrigerators by efficient equipment, was for a period of 5 years, starting in 2011, ending in mid-2016. Achievement and coverage. The action was aimed at the entire national territory. Planning.", + "The implementation of these policies with this type of program of replacement of electrical air conditioning (A/A) equipment and refrigerators by efficient equipment, was for a period of 5 years, starting in 2011, ending in mid-2016. Achievement and coverage. The action was directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group led by the MPPEE was formed, where guidelines were issued to be implemented by the National Electrical Corporation (CORPOELEC), monitoring and control were carried out on the development of this policy, the results and actions carried out were evaluated, in addition.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE was formed, where guidelines to be implemented by the National Electricity Corporation (CORPOELEC) were issued, monitoring and control of the development of this policy was carried out, the results and actions carried out were evaluated, in addition to. developing impact indicators. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics were used for the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Considerations of contribution.", + "This policy was not continued due to the joint Resolution of the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity N\u00b0031, and the Ministry of the People's Power for Trade (MinComercio) N\u00b0089-13, which establishes the Technical Regulation for the Labelling of Energy Efficiency in Refrigeration and Freezing Equipment, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "This policy was not continued due to the joint resolution of the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity N\u00b0031, and the Ministry of the People's Power for Trade (MinComercio) N\u00b0089-13, by which the Technical Regulation for the Labelling of Energy Efficiency in Refrigeration and Freezing Equipment, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. N\u00b040.235 of 23 August 2013.", + "Energy Axis Mitigation. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Developing Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency Labelling in Refrigeration and Freezing Equipment. This Climate Action aims at Strengthening the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base Year.", + "This Climate Action aims at strengthening the Institution's Capacity in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHG) base year.", + "The amount of 22.5 tCO2eq has been reduced from the middle of 2015 to the middle of 2021; it is expected to continue contributing to the reduction in demand of 7524 GWh, which translates into 200.61 tCO2e; and it will affect the country's overall commitment to the CND. Expectations. The implementation of these policies remains in force, possible improvements or updates are being evaluated 2015-2030. Achievement and coverage. The action was and will be directed to the entire national territory. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation.", + "The implementation of these policies remains in force, possible improvements or updates are being evaluated 2015-2030. Achievement and coverage. The action was and will be directed to the entire national territory. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 update. Energy Sector. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE will be formed, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed.Methodological Suggestions and Approaches.IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used for the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs.Contribution Considerations.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used. Contribution considerations. This policy will continue; once any updates or improvements are developed, the respective joint resolution of the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity (MPPEE) and the Ministry of the People's Power for National Trade will be issued. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy.", + "It will continue with this policy; once any update or improvement in it is developed, the respective joint resolution of the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity (MPPEE) and the Ministry of the People's Power for National Trade will be issued. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency Labelling in Domestic Washing Machines.", + "Promoting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for the Labelling of Energy Efficiency in Household Washing Machines. This Climate Action aims at strengthening the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base year.", + "This Climate Action aims at strengthening the institution's capacity to reduce emissions (tC02-eq), which is part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHG) base year.", + "It is estimated that 5.178 tCO2eq will be reduced from 2023 to 2030; this regulation has already been drafted, and is for approval by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 138 GWh two years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to nationally determined contributions (NDCs).", + "The implementation of this policy with this type of Technical Regulation (TR) presents the limitation for the approval of these, motivated by the lack of the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) Standards necessary for the preparation of the tests cited in this RT. Without these standards, you will lose their applicability and therefore, you will not be contributing to the mitigation of GHGs.", + "If we do not have these standards, we will lose their applicability and thus we will not be contributing to the mitigation of GEI. Achievement and coverage. The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued to be implemented by CORPOELEC, monitoring and control will be carried out on the development of this policy, the results and the actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Alternatives and Methodological approaches.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE will be formed, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. For the calculation of the estimation of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, the IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Contribution Considerations. This policy will be implemented once a joint Resolution. of the MPPEE and the MinComercio is issued; it is expected to be in the second half of 2021 and to start impacting in 2023.", + "IEC Standards. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Updating. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency Labelling in Electrical Accumulation Meters.", + "Promoting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for the Labelling of Energy Efficiency in Electrical Accumulation Heaters. This Climate Action aims at Strengthening the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base year. It is estimated that 2.226 tCO2eq will be reduced from 2023 to 2030.", + "It is estimated that 2.226 tCO2eq will be reduced from 2023 to 2030. This regulation has already been drafted, and is for approval by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand by 50.16 GWh two years after its entry into force until 2030; and will enter into the country's overall commitment in.", + "This regulation has already been drawn up, and is for approval by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Technical Standards and Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand by 50.16 GWh two years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will enter into the country's overall commitment in relation to certain national contributions (CND).", + "The implementation of this policy (2023-2030) with this type of Technical Regulation (TR) currently presents the limitation of not being approved, motivated by the lack of the necessary IEC Standards, for the preparation of the trials mentioned in that RT. Without these standards, it will be losing its applicability and therefore, it will not be contributing to the mitigation of ILI.", + "If we do not have these standards, we will lose their applicability and thus we will not be contributing to the mitigation of GEI. Achievement and coverage. The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued to be implemented by CORPOELEC, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE will be formed, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed.Methodological Suggestions and Approaches.IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used for the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs.Contribution Considerations.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used.Contribution Considerations This policy will be implemented once a joint Resolution is issued by the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of the People's Power for National Trade is expected to be in 2021 for it to start impacting in 2023.", + "This policy will be implemented once a joint Resolution is issued by the Ministry of People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of People's Power for National Trade is expected to be in 2021 for it to start impacting in 2023. Estimated cost. $1,500 is the estimated cost for the acquisition of IEC standards. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy.", + "Estimated Cost. $1,500.00 is the estimated cost for the acquisition of the IEC standards. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency Labelling in Drum Type Electric Dryers. This Climate Action aims at Strengthening the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHG).", + "This Climate Action aims at strengthening the institution's capacity to reduce emissions (tC02-eq), which is part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs).", + "Base year: It is estimated that 1.617 tCO2eq will be reduced from 2024 to 2030. This regulation has already been drafted and is expected to be approved by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand by 43.74 GWh two years after its entry into force, until 2030; and it will affect the country's overall commitment to the Kyoto Protocol.", + "This regulation has already been drawn up and is expected to be approved by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand by 43.74 GWh two years after its entry into force, until 2030; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to nationally determined contributions (CND).", + "The implementation of this policy with this type of Technical Regulation (TR) presents the limitation of not being approved, motivated by the lack of the necessary IEC Standards, for the preparation of the trials cited in that RT. Without these standards, it will be. losing its applicability and thus, will not be contributing to the mitigation of ILI. Achievement and coverage. Action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning.", + "The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued to be implemented by CORPOELEC, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE will be formed, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed.Methodological Suggestions and Approaches.IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used for the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs.Contribution Considerations.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used.", + "This policy will be implemented once a joint Resolution is issued by the Ministry of People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of People's Power for National Trade is expected to be in 2021 for it to start impacting in 2023. Estimated cost. $1.500.00 is the estimated cost for the acquisition of IEC standards. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy.", + "Estimated Cost. $1,500.00 is the estimated cost for the acquisition of IEC standards. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency and Electrical Risk Labelling in Cooking Equipment (Non-Portable and Portable).", + "Promoting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for the Labelling of Energy Efficiency and Electrical Risk in Cooking Equipment (Non-Portable and Portable). This Climate Action aims at Strengthening the Capacities of the Institution in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Base Year.", + "This Climate Action aims at strengthening the institution's capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Base Year. It is estimated to reduce 13.830tCO2eq from 2023 to 2030, this regulation is already being drafted, it is expected to be approved by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand to 322.76 GWh two years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to certain national contributions (CND).", + "It is estimated to reduce 13.830tCO2eq from 2023 to 2030, this regulation has already been drafted, it is expected to be approved by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand to 322.76 GWh two years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will enter into the country's overall commitment in relation to certain national contributions (CND).", + "The implementation of this policy with this type of Technical Regulation (TR) presents the limitation of not being approved, motivated by the lack of the necessary IEC Standards, for the preparation of the trials cited in that RT. Without these standards, it will be losing its applicability and therefore, it will not be contributing to the mitigation of ILI.", + "If we do not have these standards, we will lose their applicability and thus we will not be contributing to the mitigation of GEI. Achievement and coverage. The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued to be implemented by CORPOELEC, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE will be formed, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed.Methodological Suggestions and Approaches.IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used for the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs.Contribution Considerations.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used. Contribution Considerations. This policy will be implemented once a joint Resolution of the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of the People's Power for National Trade is expected in 2021 to begin impacting in 2023. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy.", + "This policy will be implemented once a joint resolution is issued by the Ministry of People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of People's Power for National Trade is expected to be in 2021 so that it begins to impact in 2023. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency Labelling in Televisions.", + "Promoting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for the Labelling of Energy Efficiency in Televisions. This Climate Action aims at strengthening the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base year. It is estimated to reduce 1,350.2 tCO2eq from 2023 to 2030.", + "This Climate Action aims at strengthening the institution's capacity to reduce emissions (tC02-eq), which is part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base year. It is estimated to reduce 1,350.2 tCO2eq from 2023 to 2030. This regulation has already been drafted, lacks approval by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 30.61 GWh two years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to certain national contributions (CND).", + "This regulation has already been drawn up, it lacks the approval of the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 30.61 GWh two years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will enter into the country's overall commitment in relation to nationally determined contributions (CND).", + "The implementation of this policy with this type of Technical Regulation (RT) presents the limitation for the approval of these, motivated by the lack of the IEC Standards necessary for the elaboration. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Energy. of the trials mentioned in this RT. Without these standards, you will lose their applicability and therefore, you will not be contributing to the mitigation of GHGs. Achievement and coverage.", + "If we do not have these standards, we will lose their applicability and thus we will not be contributing to the mitigation of GEI. Achievement and coverage. The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued to be implemented by CORPOELEC, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "A Working Group led by the MPPEE will be formed, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed.Methodological Suggestions and Approaches.IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used for the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs.Contribution Considerations.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used.", + "This policy will be implemented once a joint Resolution is issued by the Ministry of People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of People's Power for National Trade is expected to be in 2021 for it to start impacting in 2023. Estimated cost. $1.500.00 is the estimated cost for the acquisition of IEC standards. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy.", + "Estimated cost. $1,500.00 is the estimated cost for the acquisition of the IEC standards. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Boosting the Resolution of the Prohibition of Increasing Luminaires. This Climate Action points to the Institution's Capacity Building in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base year.", + "This Climate Action aims at strengthening the institution's capacity to reduce emissions (tC02-eq), which is part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs).", + "Base year: 35.873 tCO2eq are estimated to be reduced from 2024 to 2030. This Resolution has already been issued; it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand by 867.66 GWh three years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to nationally determined contributions (NDCs).", + "This Resolution has already been issued; it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 867.66 GWh three years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will enter into the country's overall commitment in relation to nationally determined contributions (CND).", + "On January 5, 2018, Joint Resolution 531 (2018) was published by the MPPEE and the Ministry of the People's Power of Economy and Finance (MPPEF), which aims to establish a ban on the production, distribution and marketing, as well as to implement the import regulation, of conventional incandescent lamps throughout the territory of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "Achievement and coverage. The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued to be implemented by CORPOELEC, will be made. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. monitoring and control of the development of this policy, will be evaluated the. results and the actions carried out, in addition will be developed impact indicators. Suggestions and Methodological approaches.", + "monitoring and control of the development of this policy, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used to estimate the anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Considerations for Contribution. Emphasis will be placed on reinvigorating and activating Joint Resolution 531 of 5 January 2018.", + "Considerations of the contribution. Emphasis will be placed on taking up and activating Joint Resolution 531 of January 5, 2018. It is expected that it will be in the second half of 2021 to start impacting in 2024. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Promoting the Impact on Efficient Buildings by Incorporating Self-Generation.", + "To promote energy efficiency and the rational use of energy. Action. To promote the impact on efficient buildings through the incorporation of self-generation. This Climate Action aims at strengthening the capacity of the Institution in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base year. It is estimated to reduce 50,568 tCO2eq from 2024 to 2030.", + "(tC02-eq), which is part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base year. It is estimated to reduce 50,568 tCO2eq from 2024 to 2030. It is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 1,229 GWh, immediately with the implementation of the Auto Generation project; and it will impact on the country's overall commitment in relation to the GNI. Targets. Implementation of this policy with this type of scope currently presents the limiting factor of financial investment.", + "It is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 1,229 GWh, immediately with the implementation of the Auto Generation project; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to the CND. Expectations. The implementation of this policy with this type of scope currently presents the limiting factor of the financial investment. Sources of international financing must be identified to implement the projects, and contribute to the mitigation of GHGs in the projected period 2024- 2030.", + "Sources of international financing must be identified to implement the projects, and contribute to the mitigation of GHGs in the planned period 2024- 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, monitoring and control of the development of this policy will be carried out, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "Methodological approaches. To calculate the estimation of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used. Contribution considerations. Policies will be implemented that promote savings opportunities and the incorporation of self-generation (preferably with alternative sources of the renewable type because they pollute less). Cost estimate. $675,000.00. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation.", + "It will implement policies that promote savings opportunities and the incorporation of self-generation (preferably with alternative sources of the renewable type because they pollute less). Estimated cost. $675,000.00. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Energy. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Energy. Action.", + "Promoting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Energy Sector. Action. Strengthening the momentum of the communication campaign \"Activa la Conciencia con Energ\u00eda y Eficiencia\" (Active Awareness with Energy and Efficiency) which is estimated to be disseminated in the third quarter of 2021. This Climate Action aims at strengthening the Institution's Capacities. Base year.", + "To strengthen the impetus of the communication campaign \"Activa la Conciencia con Energ\u00eda y Eficiencia\" (Active awareness with energy and efficiency) which is estimated to be disseminated in the third quarter of 2021. This Climate Action aims at strengthening the institution's capacities. Base year. It is expected to develop the awareness campaign from the third quarter of 2021; the deployment in its entirety at the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 at national level, it is estimated to contribute to the reduction of 102.343.17 tCO2e; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to certain national contributions (CND).", + "It is expected to develop the awareness campaign from the third quarter of 2021; the deployment in its entirety at the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 at national level, it is estimated to contribute to the reduction of 102.343.17 tCO2e; and it will enter into the overall commitment of the country in relation to the determined national contributions (CND).", + "Implementation is estimated in the short, medium and long term, starting from the second half of 2021, ending in 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at all users of the electricity service in the country. Working progressively in a deployment by sectors (Basic Education Sector; Popular Power Sector, Public and Private Sector, Residential Sector and University Sector). Planning.", + "Working progressively in a sectoral deployment (Basic Education Sector; Popular Power Sector, Public and Private Sector, Residential Sector and University Sector). Planning. A Working Group led by the MPPEE will be formed, where guidelines will be issued and actions implemented, as well as indicators developed and results evaluated. Methodological alternatives and approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used to estimate anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution considerations.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used. Considerations of contribution. Through this campaign, the aim is to achieve a comprehensive, objective, technical, socio-economically relevant understanding of better use of electrical energy in various human activities. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action.", + "Actualization CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Promote Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Develop and strengthen the lines of research, innovation and development of national constructive systems, for the achievement of energy-efficient buildings. Base year. The regulation is estimated to be completed by the end of 2022; from 2023 onwards, the goal is to be implemented at national level, to be completed by 2030.", + "The regulation is estimated to be completed by the end of 2022; from 2023 onwards, the goal is to be implemented nationally, to be completed by 2030. It is estimated that demand will decrease in a phased manner from its implementation, over a period of 7 years, which amounts to a reduction of 12.801.20 tCO2 eq over that period.", + "It is estimated that demand will decrease gradually from its implementation, over a period of 7 years, which means a reduction of 12,801.20 tCO2 eq in that period. Areas. Residential and Tourist Accommodation types will be taken for the short term (1 to 2 years); Commercial and Administrative types will be taken for the medium term (2 to 5 years); and incorporation of improvements to buildings already built in 2025-2030. Achievement and coverage.", + "The action is aimed at the residential, administrative, shopping centre and tourist accommodation sectors throughout the national territory. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Planning.", + "The action is aimed at the residential, administrative, commercial and tourist accommodation sectors throughout the national territory. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Planning. A Working Group led by the Ministry of the People's Power of Electricity was formed, where policies are planned and actions are implemented, as well as developing indicators and evaluating results. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "A Working Group led by the Ministry of the People's Power of Electricity was formed, where policies are planned and actions implemented, as well as indicators developed and results evaluated. Methodological alternatives and approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used to estimate anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution considerations. Designing regulations for the construction of efficient buildings, to achieve carbon neutrality in buildings by 2050.", + "To design the regulations for the construction of efficient buildings, to achieve carbon neutrality in buildings by 2050. It is also sought that the amount of GHG emissions produced by these buildings throughout their life cycle, are reduced to the maximum possible and can be compensated by achieving a net balance equal to zero. Cost estimate. $12,530.50 cost estimate to start in base year. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector.", + "Cost estimate. $12,530.50 cost estimate to start in base year. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Education and Science has adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the quality of education.", + "(b) To ensure that all children have access to education, health care and social services, including vocational training and reintegration into society, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the", + "(2022 - 2030). Base year. Emissions of 82,980 tCO2eq will be reduced over a period of 8 years; i.e. activities carried out through the UGE at facilities in the private and public sectors. Expectations. Activities are estimated to start in the last half of 2021, extending in full by the end of 2022. The impact will be visualized from 2022 to 2030. Achievement and coverage.", + "It is estimated that the activities will start in the last half of 2021 and will be fully extended by the end of 2022. The impact will be visualized from 2022 to 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at private and public sector installations throughout the national territory. Planning.", + "Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at private and public sector installations throughout the national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the Ministry of the People's Power of Electricity, where guidelines will be issued with the character of policies of Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity (UREEE); in addition, impact indicators will be developed and results will be evaluated. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "A Working Group led by the Ministry of the People's Power of Electricity will be formed, where guidelines will be issued for policies of Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity (UREEE); impact indicators will be developed and results will be evaluated. Methodological Suggestions and Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used to calculate estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution Considerations.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used.Contribution Considerations.The implementation of Energy Management Units (EMUs) will be implemented in all public and private sector facilities, achieving the optimisation of energy use and the reduction of demand.", + "Energy Sector. Electricity in the electricity sector, impacting positively on GHG reduction. Estimated cost. $11,232.59 estimated cost to start in base year. Table 02. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Complementary Energy Sector. Sector. Mitigation Axis.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Complementary Energy Sector. Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Public Policy. Structural Policy:Impulse a change in the electricity generation source matrix that favours the use of renewable energies. Expand this energy matrix by incorporating new energy sources (Plan de Patria 2019 - 2025 and National Plan of Alternative Energy PNEA 2021-2025).", + "Expanding this energy matrix by incorporating new sources of energy (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and Plan Nacional de Energ\u00edas Alternativas PNEA 2021-2025). Structural program:System of wind farms, photovoltaic systems and other alternative energy generation systems in the country (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and Plan Nacional de Energ\u00edas Alternativas PNEA (2021-2025). Action.", + "The Paraguan\u00e1 Wind Park (PEP), located in the state of Falc\u00f3n, was constructed, consisting of 54 wind turbines for an installed capacity of 71.82 MW. Base year. 2012. Areas. 2012 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. National. Planning. An action plan will be developed to ensure preventive and enhanced maintenance of the installed wind turbines ensuring their operation until 2030. Methodological alternatives and approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to calculate estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs.", + "For the calculation of the estimated anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics were used. Considerations for the contribution. The PEP is composed of 54 wind turbines for an installed capacity of 71.82 MW, with an average annual operating level of 30MW, which is equivalent to 131.4 GWh per year. It is estimated that it will contribute to avoiding GHG emissions of 26.787,2tCO2e and an average annual. Cost estimate. By estimate. Sector. Mitigation axis. Energy CND update Projection 2020 - 2030.", + "It will contribute to avoiding the emission of GHG 26.787,2tCO2e and annual average. Estimate of cost. By estimate. Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Public Policy. (Continued). Structural Policy:Impulse a change in the electricity generation source matrix that favours the use of renewable energies. Expand this energy matrix by incorporating new energy sources. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and Plan Nacional de Energ\u00edas Alternativas PNEA 2021-2025). Public Policy. (Continued).", + "The National Plan of Action for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and Plan Nacional de Energ\u00edas Alternativas PNEA 2021-2025) and the National Plan of Action for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and Plan Nacional de Energ\u00edas Alternativas PNEA 2021-2025).", + "Systems with alternative sources of energy in isolated indigenous and border communities. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and the National Plan of Alternative Energies PNEA 2021-2025). Action. Construction and operation of 3,362 systems with renewable energies (solar and wind) in indigenous communities, border areas and isolated areas. Base year. 2008. Ranges. 2021 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. National. Planning.", + "Construction and operation of 3,362 renewable energy systems (solar and wind) in indigenous communities, border areas and isolated areas. Base year: 2008. Areas: 2021 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage: National. Planning: An action plan will be developed by the Directorate General of Alternative Energy to ensure the maintenance and operation of the installed systems with the participation of the Foundation for Electrical Development (FUNDELEC) and the National Electrical Corporation (CORPOELEC) ensuring their operation until 2030.", + "An action plan will be developed from the Directorate-General for Alternative Energy to ensure the maintenance and operation of the installed systems with the participation of the Foundation for Electrical Development (FUNDELEC) and the National Electrical Corporation (CORPOELEC) ensuring their operation until 2030. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to calculate estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs.", + "The IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to estimate the anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs.Contribution considerations The 3,362 systems installed in indigenous communities, border areas and isolated areas have an installed capacity of 3.01 MW, which is equivalent to an accumulation of 10.2 GWh over a period of 9 years.", + "The 3.362 systems installed in indigenous communities, border areas and isolated areas have an installed capacity of 3.01 MW, which is equivalent to an accumulation of 10.2 GWh over a period of 9 years. It is estimated for consideration a reduction in GHGs with an average annual operating level of 70%; this will contribute in a period of 9 years to a reduction of 2.079.37 tCO2e. Cost estimate. To estimate. Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Public Policy.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, in cooperation with the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, organized a workshop on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High", + "In this regard, it is important to note that, in accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2006, the Secretary-General is requested to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-third session a report on the implementation of the present resolution.", + "(Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and National Plan of. Alternative Energy PNEA 2021-2025). Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Action. Increase the generation of solar energy through the installation of solar panel factories, which primarily meet the energy demand. at national level. Base year. 2021. Ranges. 2021 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. National. Planning.", + "Increase the generation of solar energy through the installation of solar panel factories, which primarily meet energy demand. at national level. Base year. 2021. Ranges. 2021 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. National. Planning. Establish a plan for updating, modernizing and putting into operation that will enable UNERVEN to redesign and improve the production processes for solar panels in order to increase efficiency. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "Establish an update, modernization and commissioning plan that will enable UNERVEN to redesign and improve the production processes for solar panels in order to increase efficiency. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to calculate the estimated anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution Considerations. 19,158 photovoltaic solar modules manufactured annually, equivalent to 3.74 MW.", + "The estimated anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs were calculated using IPCC methodologies and metrics. Contribution considerations. 19,158 photovoltaic solar modules manufactured annually, equivalent to 3.74 MW. With an average annual installation of 70% of the panels manufactured, an accumulation of 3.8 GWh is expected to be generated in 9 years. An estimated reduction in GHGs of 774.67 tCO2 is estimated for consideration. Cost estimate. By estimate. Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.", + "It is estimated for consideration a reduction of GEI 774.67 tCO2. Estimated cost. To estimate. Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Public Policy. Structural Policy:Impulse a change in the electricity generation source matrix that favours the use of renewable energies. Expand this energy matrix by incorporating new energy sources. (Plan de Patria 2019 - 2025 and Plan Nacional de Energ\u00edas Alternativas PNEA 2021-2025).", + "To expand this energy matrix by incorporating new sources of energy (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and Plan Nacional de Energ\u00edas Alternativas PNEA 2021-2025). Structural program:System of wind farms, photovoltaic systems and other alternative energy generation systems in the country ((Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and Plan Nacional de Energ\u00edas Alternativas PNEA 2021-2025). Action:Development and implementation of wind energy generation projects to increase their participation in the energy matrix.", + "Structural program: System of wind farms, photovoltaic systems and other alternative energy generation systems in the country ((Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and National Plan of Alternative Energy PNEA 2021-2025). Action. Development and implementation of wind energy generation projects, to increase their participation in the energy matrix. This Climate Action aims at strengthening the Institution's Capacities. Base year. 2010.", + "Climate Action is aimed at strengthening the capacity of the Institution. Base year. 2010. Areas. GWh annually) of new wind projects to be installed from 2022. Achievement and. National. 2010-2021 through 54 wind turbines that have an installed capacity of 71.82 MW, with an average annual operating level of 30MW, which is equivalent to 258.7GWh annually, and to 1,576.8 GWh accumulated for the period.", + "2010-2021 through 54 wind turbines with an installed capacity of 71.82 MW, with an average annual operating level of 30MW, which is equivalent to 258.7GWh annually, and 1,576.8 GWh accumulated for the period 2022 - 2030 Considering achieving an operating capacity of 70% of the PEP and through the manufacturing capacities of UNERVEN to incorporate 1MW wind on an interannual low scale, in order to incorporate 50 MW (220.2 Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector.", + "2022 - 2030 Considering achieving an operational capacity of 70% of the PEP and incorporating 1MW of wind energy through UNERVEN's manufacturing capacities on an interannual low-scale basis, in order to incorporate 50 MW (220.2). Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Coverage. Planning. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to calculate estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution considerations.", + "The IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to estimate the anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Considerations of the contribution. To stimulate the reactivation and modernization of the UNERVEN Production Unit. Recovery of the Paraguan\u00e1 Wind Park in the Falc\u00f3n State. An action plan will be developed to ensure the maintenance and operation of the installed hybrid systems ensuring their operation until 2030. Formulation and implementation of new wind energy generation projects covered by the NNEA.", + "An action plan will be developed to ensure the maintenance and operation of the installed hybrid systems, ensuring their operation until 2030. Formulation and implementation of new wind energy generation projects covered by the PNEA. 2010-2021 71.82 MW of capacity installed through 54 PEP wind turbines. An average annual operating level of 30MW and 1,576.8 GWh accumulated for the period is estimated to take into account the reduction in GHGs.", + "It is estimated that an average annual operating level of 30MW and 1,576.8 GWh cumulatively for the period was used to account for the decrease in GHG emissions. It is estimated that this contributed to avoiding the accumulated GHG emissions of 321.446.45 tCO2. 2022 - 2030 71.82 MW capacity through 54 PEP wind turbines increase their annual operating capacity to 70%, equivalent to an average annual capacity of 50 MW and 220.2 GWh annually.", + "2022 - 2030 71.82 MW capacity through 54 PEP wind turbines increase their annual operating capacity to 70%, equivalent to an average capacity of 50 MW annually and 220.2 GWh annually. It is estimated that it will contribute to preventing accumulated GHG emissions of 44.889.97 tCO2e. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Public Policy. Structural Policy:Increase rational and efficient use of electrical energy and the progressive inclusion of communities.", + "Actualization CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Public Policy. Structural Policy:Increasing the rational and efficient use of electricity and the progressive inclusion of communities. Impulsing a change in the matrix of sources of electricity generation. Action. Promoting training programs at the pre-graduate level, fourth-level studies and non-degree leading programs in public and private institutions aimed at the rational and efficient use of energy and renewable energies.", + "Promotion of training programmes at the undergraduate level, fourth level studies and non-degree leading programmes in public and private institutions aimed at rational and efficient use of energy and renewable energies. This Climate Action aims at a commitment on the part of the Institution. Base year. 2018. Ranges. 2022 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. National. Planning.", + "This Climate Action aims at a commitment on the part of the Institution. Base year. 2018. Ranges. 2022 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. National. Planning. To co-ordinate with the Ministry of Higher Education Working Tables aimed at promoting training programs at the level of pre-graduates, fourth-level studies and non-degree leading programs in public and private institutions aimed at rational and efficient use of energy and renewable energies. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "To co-ordinate with the Ministry of the People's Party for Higher Education working tables aimed at promoting training programs at the pre-graduate level, fourth-level studies and non-degree leading programs in public and private institutions aimed at the rational and efficient use of energy and renewable energies.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics were used. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Contribution Considerations. There are no indicators to measure GHGs. Cost Estimation. To estimate. Petroleum: Petr\u00f3leos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA). The Ministry of Popular Power for Petroleum, through its company Petr\u00f3leos de Venezuela PDVSA, manages the nation's petroleum production policy.", + "The Ministry of Popular Power for Petroleum, through its Venezuelan Petroleum Company PDVSA, manages the nation's oil production policy, and in this sense, as a Venezuelan state company, in full compliance with the guidelines of the national government, reaffirms its commitment to the maintenance of 14,423 hectares of carbon sink forests formed by compensatory plantations required in environmental permits associated with investment projects and environmental protection forests under the care of the oil industry.", + "In this sense, as a company of the Venezuelan state, in perfect alignment with the guidelines of the national government, it reaffirms its commitment to the maintenance of the 14,423 hectares of carbon sink forests constituted by the compensatory plantations required in the environmental permits associated with the investment projects and the forests of environmental protection under the care of the oil industry.", + "In the same way, and with the strategic vision of reducing the burning and selling of natural gas in the operational areas of PDVSA, projects will be implemented for the exploitation of this valuable energy resource in line with what is established in the Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025.The strategy to be followed by the Venezuelan oil industry will be redefined considering the double challenge that is presented to us, as the first challenge, we have the goals established in the determined national contribution and, in parallel, we must face the unilateral coercive measures imposed against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela by those nations that historically have had the greatest negative impact on the climate, basing their economic development on the model of capitalist accumulation.", + "The strategy to be followed by the Venezuelan oil industry will be redefined considering the double challenge presented to us, as the first challenge, we have the goals established in the determined national contribution and in parallel, we must face the unilateral coercive measures imposed against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela by those nations that historically have had the greatest negative impact on the climate, basing their economic development on the model of capitalist accumulation.", + "It is planned to continue with programmes for reforestation, forest maintenance and the implementation of projects to minimise the burning and sale of natural gas.", + "Table 03 below presents the NDCs for the Petroleum Industry Sector. Table 03. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies for the Petroleum Industry Sector. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. NDC Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. Public Policy. Third Socialist Plan for Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025.", + "CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. Public Policy. Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025. Objective 5.2.1: Promote actions at the national and international level for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (both surface and groundwater), watersheds, biological diversity, seas, oceans and forests. Action. Establishment of forestry, agroforestry and carbon sinks systems for the environmental recovery of natural areas.", + "Objective 5.2.1: To promote actions at national and international level for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (both surface and groundwater), watersheds, biological diversity, seas, oceans and forests. Action: Establishment of forestry, agroforestry and carbon sinks systems for the environmental recovery of natural areas.", + "To continue with the establishment of forestry and agroforestry systems for the environmental and ecological recovery of degraded areas within the watersheds prioritized by the Ent Rector, as a compensatory measure for the environmental impacts generated by oil activity, as well as the establishment of. new natural areas as carbon sinks in contribution to the National Plan for the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. Base year. 2022. Ranges. 2022 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage.", + "As compensatory measures associated with PDVSA\u2019s projects and required in environmental permits, the oil and gas industry during the period 1998 - 2020, in accordance with the national environmental authority, established a total of 3,289 hectares of compensatory forests and carbon sinks in different areas of influence of PDVSA\u2019s operations, subsidiaries and joint ventures.", + "As compensatory measures associated with the projects of PDVSA and required in the environmental permits, the oil and gas industry during the period 1998 - 2020, in accordance with the national environmental authority, established a total of 3289 hectares of compensatory forests and carbon sinks in different areas of influence of the operations of PDVSA, subsidiaries and joint ventures.", + "For the period 2021 - 2030, an estimated increase of 1,820 Ha relates to compensatory forests and additionally 126 Ha of agroforestry systems to be located in the basins of the Caris, Guarapiche, Morichal, Pao and Lim\u00f3n rivers, among others, as a result of the implementation of new projects associated with the production increase plan.", + "The establishment of agroforestry systems, compensatory forests and carbon sinks, will be implemented in accordance with the investment and production increase plan of PDVSA and the legal requirements established in the environmental permits associated with the implementation of the projects.", + "In addition, this action envisages incorporating allies that contribute to sustainability over time: organized communities, public and private institutions, universities, the National Environmental Authority, among others.", + "PDVSA in alliance with the National Environmental Authority has a matrix of hierarchicalization of the watersheds that must be attended to for their environmental and ecological recovery, taking into account technical variables such as the degree of intervention, land use capacity, desertification, water supply, among other variables, including the spread of species and ecological restoration of ecosystems protected by Venezuelan legislation.", + "Contribution Considerations. Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the establishment of carbon sink forests are considered measures to combat climate change (Goal14) and improve conditions for biodiversity, management of natural resources. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. and Land Productivity (Goal15). Estimated cost. $ 21,726,664 (9 years).", + "Goal 15.3 By 2030, combat desertification, rehabilitate land and degraded land, including land affected by desertification, drought and flooding, and strive to achieve a world with a neutral impact on soil degradation. Goal 15.3.1 Proportion of degraded land compared to total land area. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. Public Policy. Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025. Objective 5.4.2: Design a mitigation plan covering the greenhouse gas emitting productive sectors as a national voluntary contribution to the efforts to save the planet. Action. Estimation of carbon captured in the forests established and protected by PDVSA.", + "Objective 5.4.2: Design a mitigation plan covering the production sectors emitting greenhouse gases, as a national voluntary contribution to the efforts to save the planet. Action: Estimate the carbon captured in the forests established and protected by PDVSA. Quantify the amount of carbon fixed in the biomass of the compensatory and production forests established by PDVSA, Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures, as well as the conservation forests under the protection and care of the oil and gas industry, which in turn function as carbon sinks distributed in different watersheds at national level.", + "To quantify the amount of carbon fixed in the biomass of the compensatory and production forests established by PDVSA, Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures, as well as the conservation forests that are under the protection and care of the oil and gas industry, which in turn function as carbon sinks distributed in different hydrographic basins at national level.", + "Action that pays tribute to the National Plan for the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. Base year. 2022. Ranges. 2022 \u2013 2025. Achievement and coverage. Apply within a period of four (4) years, the methodology to estimate the amount of carbon fixed in the biomass of 14,423 hectares constituted by the compensatory, protective and production forests established by PDVSA, Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures, located in the areas of influence of the operations of the oil and gas company, as well as in the protected areas under the supervision of PDVSA.", + "Apply in a period of four (4) years, the methodology to estimate the amount of carbon fixed in the biomass of 14,423 hectares constituted by the compensatory, protective and production forests established by PDVSA, Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures, located in the areas of influence of the operations of the oil and gas company, as well as in the protected areas under the supervision of PDVSA.", + "It is important to note that these forests in their growth phase consume atmospheric CO2 and incorporate it as carbon in their biomass, contributing to reducing the country's greenhouse gas emissions and providing oxygen to the planet.", + "contributing to reducing the country's greenhouse gas emissions and providing oxygen to the planet. Planning. For the calculation of the carbon captured in the forests, alliances will be established with educational and research institutions, organized communities and environmental governing bodies, for the validation of the forest lots under study, the definition of the tool to be used and the method of work that will be available for its application. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry.", + "For the calculation of carbon captured in forests, alliances will be established with educational and research institutions, organized communities and environmental governing bodies, for the validation of the forest plots to be studied, the definition of the tool to be used and the method of work that will be available for its application. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry.", + "Methodological Approaches and Suggestions The project for estimating carbon captured in forest biomass is based on the application of the indirect method of estimating biomass and carbon fixed, using alometric equations and expansion factors, in accordance with procedures approved by IPCC, RAINFOR and FAO.", + "The project of estimation of carbon captured in forest biomass is based on the application of the indirect method of estimation of biomass and carbon fixed, using alometric equations and expansion factors, according to the procedures approved by the IPCC, RAINFOR and FAO. Consideration s of the contribution. Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), take urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects (Goal13). Cost estimate. $ 865,000.", + "Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), take urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects (Goal13). Estimated cost. $ 865,000. Currently, working tables are being held with the Ministry of Ecosocialism for international financing. Indicators related to the SDGs. Goal 13.2: Amount of carbon captured per unit of assessed surface area. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. Public Policy. Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025.", + "Actualization CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. Public Policy. Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025. Objective 5.4.2: Design a mitigation plan covering the greenhouse gas emitting productive sectors as a national voluntary contribution to the efforts to save the planet. Structural Program: Plan to exploit the sale of natural gas in order to increase the availability for the internal market. Action.", + "Structural Program: Plan for exploiting the sale of natural gas in order to increase the. availability for the internal market. Action. Projects to minimize the burning and sale of natural gas. Continue the implementation of projects for the energy exploitation of natural gas generated in the hydrocarbon production activities and consequently minimize the burning and sale of the resource. gas in the operational areas of the oil and gas industry. Base year. 2022. Ranges. 2022 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage.", + "Base year. 2022. Ranges. 2022 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. For the period 2021 - 2030, in the states of Anzo\u00e1tegui and Monagas, it is planned to continue with the implementation of projects associated with the increase of operational capacities for the exploitation of associated natural gas, estimating a reduction of approximately 75% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated as fugitive emissions in the oil industry. Planning.", + "For the period 2021 - 2030, in the states of Anzo\u00e1tegui and Monagas, it is planned to continue with the implementation of the projects associated with the increase of operational capacities for the exploitation of associated natural gas, estimating a reduction of approximately 75% of the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) generated as fugitive emissions in the oil industry.", + "The projects cover the Engineering, Procurement and Construction of the necessary infrastructure and equipment for the compression, treatment and distribution of the associated natural gas, which will require to a large extent the participation of national and international specialized companies in order to complete them in the planned time.", + "Reduction of the burning and sale of natural gas, through the increase of compression, treatment and distribution capacities for the. domestic consumption of the oil industry, as well as for consumption in the domestic market. Quantification of the reduction of. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Oil Industry. projected greenhouse gas emissions, will be carried out. using the IPCCC methodology. Contribution considerations.", + "In addition, it contributes to the reduction of the country's greenhouse gas emissions that according to the Second National Communication on Climate Change, this activity represents 17.4% of the contribution to the national inventory.", + "Additionally, it contributes to the reduction of the country's greenhouse gas emissions that according to the Second National Communication on Climate Change, this activity represents 17.4% of the contribution to the national inventory. Estimate of cost. To estimate. Indicators related to the ODS. % reduction of natural gas burned and sold. Transport. Venezuela has a network of highways and roads of more than 96,000 km, which cover most of the national territory.", + "Venezuela has a network of motorways and roads of more than 96,000 km, covering most of the national territory.It is one of the most developed networks in Latin America.The density of roads is highest in the central-northern region of the country, where the majority of the population is concentrated.", + "The Ministry of Public Power for Transport, an institution oriented to the optimization of the service of land, air, water, road infrastructure and its related services, created the Transport Mission in 2014, which has achieved numerous achievements, as a fundamental tool for achieving this objective.", + "A fundamental tool for achieving this objective was the creation, in 2014, of the Transport Mission, which has achieved numerous achievements.", + "The country has urban land and underground transport systems, created or significantly expanded in recent years, which include the Metro de Caracas, Metro de Maracaibo, Metro de Valencia, Metro de Los Teques and metrocables (in several areas of difficult access) and bus systems with exclusive routes (Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, Bus Caracas, TransMaracay, TransBarca, TransCarabobo, TransFalc\u00f3n and TransAnzo\u00e1tegui).", + "In terms of water transport, Venezuela has a number of ports in the Caribbean Sea, including Amuay, Bajo Grande, El Tablazo, La Guaira, La Salina, Maracaibo, Puerto Cabello, Puerto La Cruz, Puerto Sucre, Guanta, Punta Card\u00f3n and Punta de Piedras.", + "In addition, there are important river ports such as Puerto Ordaz, Paluay Matanzas, located on the Orinoco River.It also has 127 airports with paved runways (air transport), fifteen of them with runways over 2,500 meters, among them the international airports of Maiquet\u00eda, Valencia, Punto Fijo, Porlamar, Maracaibo, Barcelona, Barquisimeto, San Crist\u00f3bal, Ciudad Guayana, Matur\u00edn, Cuman\u00e1 and San Antonio del T\u00e1chira.", + "Barcelona, Barquisimeto, San Crist\u00f3bal, Ciudad Guayana, Matur\u00edn, Cuman\u00e1 and San Antonio del T\u00e1chira.", + "Table 04 below shows the NDCs of the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -Tromerca; in Table 5 the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Planta de Autobuses Yutong Venezuela, S.A.; in Table 6 for the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Sistema Socialista de Transporte Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI; in Table 7 for the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector \u2013 Metro de Caracas, C.A.", + "-Tromerca; in Table 5 the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Planta de Autobuses Yutong Venezuela, S.A.; in Table 6 the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Sistema Socialista de Transporte Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI; in Table 7 the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector \u2013 Metro de Caracas, C.A.; in Table 8 the Aquatic Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega); and in Table 9 the Air Transport Sector - Instituto Nacional de Aeron\u00e1utica Civil (INAC).", + "; in Table 8 for the Aquatic Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega); and in Table 9 Air Transport Sector - Instituto Nacional de Aeron\u00e1utica Civil (INAC). Table 04. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land and Subterranean Transport Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca. Sector. Land and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Land Transport Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca. Public Policy. Plan de la Patria (2019 - 2025). 3.", + "Actualization CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Transporte Terrestre - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -Tromerca. Public Policy. Plan de La Patria (2019 - 2025). 3. Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which guarantees the formation of a zone of peace in our America.", + "Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will guarantee the formation of a zone of peace in our America.", + "This plan frames the connectivity of mobility at local, regional and national level, with an emphasis on reducing the environmental impact, using clean technologies and ensuring optimisation and maintenance. Action. Guarantee the mass public transport service, through the permanent and effective operation of the system, providing the service permanently, punctually, in solidarity, conveniently, safely and ecologically, adopting Objective 13: Climate change, urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects. Base year.", + "Guarantee the mass public transport service, through the permanent and effective operation of the system, providing the service permanently, punctually, in solidarity, conveniently, safely and ecologically, adopting Objective 13: Climate Change, urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects. Base year. This project, framed within the framework of environmental conservation, has been operational since 2007, and its optimization and maintenance is programmed annually. Targets. These actions will have a deadline until 2030 to meet the target of 100%. Achievement and coverage.", + "This project, within the framework of environmental conservation, has been in operation since 2007, and its optimization and maintenance is scheduled annually. Expectations. These actions will have a deadline until 2030 to meet the 100% target. Achievement and coverage. Continuing 100% with the operation of the Trolebus System, ensuring the mobility of users in an ecological way, mitigating pollution, visual, sonic and atmospheric. Planning.", + "To continue 100% with the operation of the Trolebus System, guaranteeing the mobility of users in an ecological way, mitigating pollution, visual, sonic and atmospheric. Planning. To carry out plans for the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and installations in order to guarantee the permanent, continuous and effective provision of service and to preserve the environment by offering clean technologies. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "To carry out plans for the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and installations in order to guarantee the permanent, continuous and effective provision of service and to preserve the environment by offering clean technologies.", + "The emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) must be reduced from 0.5 to 0.25 g/kWh and the emissions of particulates (PM) must be reduced from 0.05 to 0.03 g/kWh. With the renewal of the fleet and in the current ones maintain the engines optimal for their operation and recover the electrical infrastructure of the Trolebus system. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Terrestrial Transport - Trolebus M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca. Considerations of the contribution.", + "Ground and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Ground Transportation Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -Tromerca. Considerations of the Contribution. The M\u00e9rida Mass Transportation System Project was created with the aim of mitigating the environmental impact, in a tourist city, surrounded by the snow mountains of Venezuela, becoming the only city in the world with a mass passenger transportation system, with a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants.", + "The M\u00e9rida Mass Transportation System Project was created with the aim of mitigating the environmental impact in a tourist city, surrounded by the snowy mountains of Venezuela, becoming the only city in the world with a mass passenger transportation system, with a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants.", + "In addition to considering clean technologies, it is intended to organize the conventional public transport system, with the intention that they become feeders of the project, and thus motivate the use of mass transport, and mitigate the congestion in the road corridors.", + "For the recovery of the electrical infrastructure are required $. 30,000,000 and thus to achieve to have operational units in electric mode. Indicators related to the ODS. These units have dual engine, (electric and diesel), their preferred use is electric, however, with the renewal of the fleet the standard will change from Euro 3 to Euro 6 (0.05 g/km to 0.005c g/km). Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Terrestrial Transport - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -. Tromerca. Public Policy.", + "Land and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Land Transport Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -. Tromerca. Public Policy. Plan of the Motherland (2019 - 2025). 3. Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will guarantee the formation of a zone of peace in our America.", + "Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will guarantee the formation of a zone of peace in our America.", + "This plan frames the connectivity of mobility at local, regional and national level, with emphasis on reducing the environmental impact, using clean technologies and ensuring their optimisation and maintenance. Action. Guarantee the mass public transport service, through the permanent and effective operation of the system, providing the service permanently, punctually, in solidarity, conveniently, safely and ecologically, adopting Objective 13: Climate change, urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects. Base year.", + "Guarantee the mass public transport service, by means of the permanent and effective operation of the system, providing the service permanently, punctually, in solidarity, conveniently, safely and ecologically, adopting Objective 13: Climate Change, urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects. Base year. This project, framed within the framework of environmental conservation, has been operational since 2012, and its optimization and maintenance is programmed annually. Targets. These actions will have a deadline until 2030 to meet the target of 100%. Achievement and coverage.", + "This project, which is part of the conservation of the environment, has been in operation since 2012, and its optimization and maintenance is planned annually. Expectations. These actions will be carried out until 2030 in order to meet the 100% target. Achievement and coverage. Continuing 100% with the operation of the Cabin System, ensuring the mobility of users in an ecological way, without pollution, visual, sonic and atmospheric. Planning.", + "Continuing 100% with the operation of the Cabin System, guaranteeing the mobility of users in an ecological way, without pollution, visual, sonic and atmospheric. Planning. Implementing plans for the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and installations in order to guarantee the permanent, continuous and effective provision of service and preserve the environment by offering clean technologies. Substitutes and Methodological approaches. Guaranteeing maintenance and optimizing the system infrastructure and replacement of parts, components and spares. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis.", + "Guaranteeing maintenance and optimizing the system infrastructure and replacing parts, components and spares. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Terrestrial Transport - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca. Considerations of the contribution.", + "Ground and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Ground Transportation Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca. Considerations of the Contribution. The M\u00e9rida Mass Transportation System Project was created with the aim of mitigating the environmental impact, in a tourist city, surrounded by the snow mountains of Venezuela, becoming the only city in the world with a mass passenger transportation system, with a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants.", + "The M\u00e9rida Mass Transportation System Project was created with the aim of mitigating the environmental impact, in a tourist city, surrounded by the snow mountains of Venezuela, becoming the only city in the world with a mass passenger transportation system, with a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants.", + "In addition to considering clean technologies, it is intended to organize the conventional public transport system, with the intention that they become feeders of the project, and thus motivate the use of mass transport, and mitigate traffic congestion on the road corridors. Investment. \u20ac 15.000.000 for its mechanical, electronic maintenance and replacement of parts. Indicators related to the ODS. This technology is 100% clean, does not generate pollutants. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.", + "This technology is 100% clean, does not generate pollutants. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Planning 2020 - 2030. Sector Terrestrial Transport - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -. Tromerca. Public Policy. Plan de La Patria (2019 - 2025). 3. Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will guarantee the formation of a zone of peace in our America.", + "Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will guarantee the formation of a zone of peace in our America.", + "This plan frames the connectivity of mobility at local, regional and national level, with emphasis on reducing the environmental impact, using clean technologies and ensuring their optimisation and maintenance. Action. Guarantee the mass public transport service, through the permanent and effective operation of the system, providing the service permanently, punctually, in solidarity, conveniently, safely and ecologically, adopting Objective 13: Climate change, urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects. Base year.", + "Guarantee the mass public transport service, by means of the permanent and effective operation of the system, providing the service permanently, punctually, in solidarity, conveniently, safely and ecologically, adopting Objective 13: Climate Change, urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects. Base year. This project, framed within the framework of environmental conservation, has been operational since 2014, and its optimization and maintenance is programmed annually. Targets. These actions will have a deadline until 2030 to meet the target of 100%. Achievement and coverage.", + "This project within the framework of environmental conservation has been operational since 2014, and its optimization and maintenance is scheduled annually. Expectations. These actions will have a deadline until 2030 to meet the target of 100%. Achievement and coverage. Continuing 100% with the operation of the Yutong System, ensuring the mobility of users, mitigating pollution, visual, sonic and atmospheric by connecting the 23 municipalities of the State of M\u00e9rida. Planning.", + "To continue 100% with the operation of the Yutong System, guaranteeing the mobility of users, mitigating the pollution, visual, sonic and atmospheric connecting the 23 municipalities of the State of M\u00e9rida. Planning. To carry out plans for the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and facilities in order to guarantee the permanent, continuous and effective provision of the service and preserve the environment by offering clean technologies.", + "To carry out plans for the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and installations in order to guarantee the permanent, continuous and effective provision of service and to preserve the environment by offering clean technologies. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions must be reduced from 0.5 to 0.25 g/kWh and particulate matter (PM) emissions must be reduced from 0.05 to 0.03 g/kWh.", + "With the renewal of the fleet and in the current maintain the optimum engines for its operation. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Terrestrial Transport - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca. Considerations of the contribution.", + "Ground and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Ground Transportation Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca. Considerations of the Contribution. The M\u00e9rida Mass Transportation System Project was created with the aim of mitigating the environmental impact, in a tourist city, surrounded by the snow mountains of Venezuela, becoming the only city in the world with a mass passenger transportation system, with a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants.", + "The M\u00e9rida Mass Transportation System Project was created with the aim of mitigating the environmental impact in a tourist city, surrounded by the snowy mountains of Venezuela, becoming the only city in the world with a mass passenger transportation system, with a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants.", + "In addition to considering clean technologies, it is intended to organize the conventional public transport system, with the intention that they become feeders of the project, and thus motivate the use of mass transport, and mitigate traffic congestion on the road corridors.", + "These units have diesel engine, with the renewal of the fleet as it meets its service life (however, it meets the routine maintenance, preventive and corrective), the standard will change from Euro 3 to Euro 6 (0.05 g/km to 0.005c g/km).", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land Transportation Sector - Yutong Bus Plant Venezuela, S.A. Sector. Land and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Land Transportation Sector - Yutong Bus Plant Venezuela, S.A. Public Policy. Establishing a national policy of modernization of the transportation system technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix. Generating a public transportation policy, as well as its industrial and technological system for the use of gas and alternative systems. Action.", + "Generate a public transport policy, as well as its industrial and technological system for the use of gas and alternative systems. Action. Cultivate stage CKD of the Yutong Bus Plant for the assembly of diesel and gas units complying with the quality standards of Euro 5. Base year. In proposal. Duration. 8 years. Achievement and coverage. Reduce air pollution, with the adjustment to the Euro 5 regulations to reduce CO2 emissions.", + "Achievement and coverage. Reduce air pollution, with adjustment to Euro 5 standards to reduce CO2 emissions. To improve air quality using new technologies that increasingly clean up the gases emitted by Yutong units. Planning. Comply with the standards for the use of technical specifications established in Euro 5. Suggestions and Methodological approaches. carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km;.", + "To comply with the regulations concerning the use of technical specifications established in the Euro 5. Suggestions and methodological approaches. carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km;. particulate matter: 5 mg/km (or a reduction of 80% of emissions in relation to the Euro 4 standard);. nitrogen oxides (NOx): 180 mg/km (or a reduction of 20% of emissions in relation to the Euro 4 standard);. combined emissions of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides: 230 mg/km.", + "Nitrogen oxides (NOx): 180 mg/km (or a 20% reduction in emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard);. Combined hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions: 230 mg/km. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Sector. Terrestrial Transport - Bus Plant Yutong Venezuela, S.A. Contribution Considerations. Combined hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions from diesel vehicles (vehicles intended for transport) will be reduced to limit them. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis.", + "The combined emissions of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides from diesel vehicles (vehicles intended for transport) will be reduced, in order to limit them. Sector. Earth and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020-2030.Earth Transport Sector - Yutong Bus Plant. Venezuela, S.A. Public Policy. Establishing a national policy for the modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix.", + "Venezuela, S.A. Public Policy. Establish a national policy for the modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies, as well as the energy matrix. Generate a public transport policy, as well as its industrial and technological system for the use of gas and alternative systems. Action. Perform preventive maintenance of the Yutong Fleet at national level in accordance with Euro 5 regulations, as regards the use of fuel and filters. Base year.", + "Carry out preventive maintenance of the Yutong Fleet at the national level in accordance with the Euro 5 regulations, in terms of fuel use and filters. Base year. It will start from the year 2022. Periods. 8 years. Achievement and coverage. Reduce emissions in the coming years to prevent further air pollution, with the adjustment to the Euro 5 regulations to reduce CO2 emissions by 40%.", + "Reduce emissions in the coming years to avoid further air pollution, with the adjustment to the Euro 5 regulations to reduce CO2 emissions by 40%. To improve air quality using new technologies that increasingly clean up the gases emitted by Yutong units. Planning. Comply with the regulations regarding the use of technical specifications fuels and filters. Suggestions and Methodological approaches. Considerations. of the contribution.", + "Compliance with the regulations on the use of technical specifications for fuels and filters. Suggestions and methodological approaches. Considerations. of contribution. Reduced pollutant emissions and improved fuel efficiency. Carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km;. Particulates: 5 mg/km (or a reduction of 80% of emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard);. Nitrogen oxides (nox): 180 mg/km (or a reduction of 20% of emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard);.", + "Nitrogen oxides (nox): 180 mg/km (or a 20% reduction in emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard);. Combined hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions: 230 mg/km. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020- 2030.Sector. Terrestrial Transport - Bus Plant Yutong Venezuela, S.A. Public Policy. Establish a national policy for the modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix. Generate a public transport policy, as well as its system. Sector.", + "Establish a national policy of modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix. Generate a public transport policy, as well as its system. Sector. Earth and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020- 2030.Sector Earth Transport - Bus Plant Yutong Venezuela, S.A. industrial and Technological for the use of gas and alternative systems. Action. Guarantee preventive and corrective maintenance of the natural gas vehicles (NGV) units of the Yutong Fleet at national level. Base year.", + "Guarantee the preventive and corrective maintenance of the Yutong Fleet\u2019s natural gas (NG) vehicles at national level. Base year: Starting in 2022. Range: 8 years. Achievement and coverage. Reduce emissions in the coming years to prevent further air pollution, with the adjustment to Euro 5 standards to reduce CO2 emissions by 40%.", + "To reduce emissions in the coming years to avoid further air pollution, with the adjustment to the Euro 5 regulations to reduce CO2 emissions by 40%. To improve air quality using new technologies that increasingly clean up the gases emitted by Yutong units. Planning. To comply with the regulations regarding the use of technical specifications. To meet the objectives, the energy infrastructure of GNV will have to be adapted. Suggestions and Methodological approaches. Considerations of the. contribution.", + "In order to meet the objectives, the energy infrastructure of GNV must be adapted. Suggestions and methodological approaches. Considerations of the. contribution. Reduction of polluting emissions when using GNV. Investment. GNV in Venezuela at no cost, so it makes an accessible fuel and is also less emitter of GHGs. It belongs to the non-renewable alternative energies. Carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km;. Particulates: 5 mg/km (or a reduction of 80% of emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard);.", + "Carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km;. Particulates: 5 mg/km (or a reduction of 80% of emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard);. Nitrogen oxides (nox): 180 mg/km (or a reduction of 20% of emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard);combined hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions: 230 mg/km. Table 6.", + "Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Socialist Transport System Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI. Ground and Subterranean Sector Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Ground Transport Sector - Socialist Transport System Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI. Public Policy. Plan of the Motherland (2019 - 2025). Establishing a national policy for the modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix. Action.", + "Plan de La Patria (2019 - 2025). Establish a national policy of modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix. Action. Creation of BRT (Rapid Transit Bus) Systems in the cities of. Generate a public transport policy, as well as its industrial and technological system for the use of gas systems and alternative energies.", + "Generate a public transport policy, as well as its industrial and technological system for the use of gas systems and alternative energies. Generate a comprehensive policy of intervention of the urban ecosystem, taking elements such as the use of natural vehicle gas (NGV) as the main fuel of public transport. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Sector Transporte Terrestre - Sistema Socialista de. Transporte Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI. Maracay, Barquisimeto, Barcelona, Maracaibo, Puerto la Cruz, M\u00e9rida and. Caracas. Base year.", + "Transport Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI. Maracay, Barquisimeto, Barcelona, Maracaibo, Puerto la Cruz, M\u00e9rida and. Caracas. Base year. The programme of conversion and renewal of the current diesel public transport fleet to be adjusted to the Euro 5 standard, will start from the year 2022. The programme of replacing the diesel public transport in units of transport based on GNV will start from the year 2022.", + "The programme to replace diesel public transport with GNV-based transport units will start in 2022. Targets. These programmes will be implemented over a period of eight (8) years from 2022 to 2030 to meet the 100% target. Achievement and coverage.", + "These programmes will be implemented over a period of eight (8) years from 2022 to 2030 to meet the 100% target. Achievement and coverage. It is estimated to achieve an 80% reduction in carbon dioxide of about 500 mg/km, compared to the previous Euro 4 standard through the conversion of public transport based on GNV and on the other hand, the adjustment of the Euro 5 standard to the current diesel public transport units. Planning.", + "It is estimated to achieve an 80% reduction in carbon dioxide of about 500 mg/km, compared to the previous Euro 4 standard, through the conversion of public transport based on GNV and, on the other hand, the adjustment of the Euro 5 standard to the current diesel public transport units. Planning. To meet the objectives, the energy infrastructure of GNV will have to be adapted and the quality of diesel fuel in the country will have to be improved. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "Methodological approaches and alternatives The following emission factors will be used: 2.33 and 2.83 kg CO2e/l of petrol and diesel, respectively (IPCC 2006). In the case of GNV, an emission factor of 2.09kg CO2/m3 will be used.", + "The following emission factors will be used: 2.33 and 2.83 kg CO2e/l of petrol and diesel, respectively (IPCC 2006).", + "The estimate of greenhouse gas emissions caused by the use of these fossil fuels will be calculated on the basis of the average volume sold per service station annually and multiplied by the conversion factor.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures, including legislation, to prohibit corporal punishment of children in the family, in schools and in institutions, and to ensure that corporal punishment of children is prohibited in all settings, including in the home, in schools and in institutions.", + "Indicators related to the ODS. 11.6.2 Average annual levels of suspended fine particles (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (weighted by population). Table 7. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Terrestrial and Subterranean Transport Sector - Metro Caracas, C.A. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis.", + "Earth and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Subterranean Transportation Sector - METRO CARACAS, C.A. Public Policy. Plan of La Patria (2019-2025). Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which guarantees the formation of a zone of peace in our America. 3.2.", + "Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which guarantees the formation of a zone of peace in our America. 3.2. Spread the construction of a New National Geopolitics using as structural elements the systemic, geohistorical and functional regionalization, the regional urban system and the infrastructure, services and mobility in the development of the spatial dimension of Socialism. 3.2.5.", + "Extend the construction of a New National Geopolitics using as structuring elements the systemic, geohistorical and functional regionalization, the regional urban system and the infrastructure, services and mobility in the development of the spatial dimension of Socialism. 3.2.5. Articulate, maintain and generate a solid national mobility system, intermodal, efficient and interconnected, correlated with the.", + "To articulate, maintain and generate a solid national mobility system, intermodal, efficient and interconnected, correlated with the. Sector. Land and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Planning 2020 - 2030.Subterranean Transport Sector - METRO CARACAS, C.A. functional dynamics of economic specialization and current and projected flows, regional urban system, as well as its system of maintenance, monitoring, management and industrial components of it. To strengthen, articulate and interconnect the transport infrastructure for an intermodal system associated with regional urban dynamics and integral country vision.", + "Strengthen, articulate and interconnect the transport infrastructure for an intermodal system associated with the regional urban dynamics and comprehensive vision of the country. Specific Objectives: Provide maintenance and conservation to the country's metro systems, in order to maintain the quality levels of the metro transport service. Action. Caracas Train Project. Base year. From the year 2020. Expectations. Until 2022. Achievement and coverage. Five (5) trains have been built to the date of issuance of this document.", + "Until 2022. Achievement and coverage. Five (5) trains have been completed by the date of this document. Eleven (11) trains from the South-West of the Caracas Metropolitan Area are scheduled for 2022. The total number of trains to be recovered is twenty-two (22). Planning. The work programme must be complied with. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. Estimated passenger demand: 1,338,000 by 2022; this equates to a reduction in CO2 emissions of 10,142,000 gr. Considerations.", + "Estimated passenger demand: 1,383,000 by 2022; which equates to a reduction in CO2 emissions of 10,142,000 gr. Considerations. of the contribution. Reduction of CO2 emissions. Investment. Bs. 14.339.948,00. Indicators related to the ODS. 11.6.2 Average annual levels of suspended fine particles (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (weighted by population). Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Subterranean Transport Sector - METRO CARACAS (C.A.). Public Policy.", + "Indicators related to the ODS. 11.6.2 Average annual levels of suspended fine particles (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (weighted by population). Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Subterranean Transport - METRO CARACAS (C.A.). Public Policy. Historical Objective:To convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will ensure the formation of a zone of peace in our America. Action.", + "Historical Objective:To transform Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will guarantee the formation of an area of peace in our America. Action. Line 5. Plaza Venezuela - Miranda II. Base year. From the year 2006. Plazas. Until 15/12/2025. Achievement and coverage.", + "Line 5. Plaza Venezuela - Miranda II. Base year. Since 2006. Beaches. Until 15/12/2025. Achievement and coverage. Includes the construction and commissioning of 7.5 km of railway and integrated system with 5 stations: Bello Monte, Tamanaco, Chuao, Bello Campo and Miranda II. This line will allow the mobilization of more than 300.000. users and the decongestion of Line 1, in addition to being constituted as one.", + "This line will enable the mobilization of more than 300.000. users and the decongestion of Line 1, as well as constituting an alternative route of connection for the users of the Higher Mirandas who arrive in Las Adjuntas, with the East of the Capital City. Planning. The work programme must be complied with. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. Deficit in the public transport offer that increases CO2 emissions due to the use of private vehicles with petrol and diesel. Considerations. of the contribution.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure that the Convention is widely disseminated among the general public and that its provisions are taken into account in all policies and programmes relating to children, in particular in the formulation and implementation of policies and programmes for the protection of children against all forms of violence, abuse, neglect, maltreatment and exploitation.", + "Indicators related to the ODS. 11.6.2 Average annual levels of suspended fine particles (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (weighted by population). Table 8. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Aquatic Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega). Sector. Transport Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Aquatic Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega). Public Policy. Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025. 3.2.5.", + "Water Transport Sector - Venezuelan Shipping Corporation, S.A. (Venavega). Public Policy. Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025. 3.2.5. Articulate, maintain and generate a solid system of national mobility, intermodal, efficient and interconnected, correlated with the functional dynamics of economic specialization and current and planned flows, regional urban system, as well as its system of maintenance, monitoring, management and industrial components of it. Establish a national policy of modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies.", + "To articulate, maintain and generate a solid system of national mobility, intermodal, efficient and interconnected, correlated with the functional dynamics of economic specialization and current and planned flows, regional urban system, as well as its system of maintenance, monitoring, management and industrial components. Establish a national policy of modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies. Promote research and development of renewable energy projects, based on the potentialities present in the territory, to reduce the environmental impact and vulnerability of the energy model, as well as technological sovereignty.", + "To promote the research and development of renewable energy projects, based on the potentialities present in the territory, in order to reduce the environmental impact and vulnerability of the energy model, as well as technological sovereignty.", + "Action. (Continued) It is planned to implement an Energy Efficiency Management Plan, taking into account the planning of the voyages, the highest frequency of cleaning of the submerged parts of the ship and the propeller, the introduction of technical measures such as waste heat recovery systems or even the installation of new propellers, for which investments in the sector are required.", + "It is planned to implement an Energy Efficiency Management Plan, taking into account the planning of voyages, the highest frequency of cleaning of the submerged parts of the vessel and the propeller, the introduction of technical measures such as waste heat recovery systems or even the installation of new propellers, for which investments in the sector are required.", + "Development of a plan of cooperation between the various aquatic sectors in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, to this end, it is important to include regulatory, technical, operational and economic measures, such as the provision of port energy supply to vessels from renewable sources, the infrastructure supporting the supply of low-carbon and zero-carbon alternative fuels, incentive programmes for ecological vessels and the reduction of vessel speed.", + "Reduction of the speed of the current fleet in its operations, taking into account aspects of safety, distance travelled, commercial impact. It is recommended to realize synergy with government agencies for the implementation of biofuels, the advantage of biofuels is their ability to be easily used in the existing fleet, which means. that they can quickly replace liquid hydrocarbon fuels. However, it is imperative that such biofuels are. Sector. Transport Axis Mitigation.", + "However, it is imperative that these biofuels are produced from sustainable raw materials and using sustainable energy supplies.", + "Sector Transporte Acu\u00e1tico - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega). produce from sustainable raw materials and using sustainable energy supplies.", + "It seeks to implement measures to reduce emissions of gases, using some of the approved equivalent methods, such as exhaust gas cleaning systems that help clean up emissions before they are released into the atmosphere, and to implement effective policies and measures to address climate change, in order to ensure global benefits at the lowest possible cost, enabling the construction of relevant greenhouse gas sinks and reservoirs, and covering all economic sectors.", + "It also proposes the implementation of effective policies and measures to tackle climate change, in order to ensure global benefits at the lowest possible cost, allowing the construction of relevant sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse gases and covering all economic sectors. Action. (Continuation) Support for research centres that promote, develop with specialists recommendations to curb greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change and implement effective measures in the water transport sector.", + "I support research centres that promote, develop with specialists recommendations to curb greenhouse gas emissions that will enable us to combat climate change and implement effective measures in the water transport sector.", + "Fleet renewal and study of the adequacy of the existing fleet with ecological measures allowing to reduce the emissions of gases.", + "Synergy with State bodies allowing fuel used by ships to comply with the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, better known as the MARPOL Convention From 1 January 2020, the sulphur content limit in fuel used on board ships operating outside designated emission control zones will be 0.50 % by mass.", + "From 1 January 2020, the limit on the sulphur content of fuel used on board ships operating outside the designated emission control areas will be 0.50 % by mass. This will significantly reduce the amount of sulphur oxides emitted by ships, which should have great benefits for both global health and the environment, especially for populations living near ports and coasts. Base year.", + "In this way, the amount of sulphur oxides emitted from ships will be significantly reduced, which should have great benefits for both global health and the environment, especially for the populations living near ports and coastlines. Base year 2022. Ranges. These actions will have a duration of 8 years, in order to achieve a significant reduction in gas emissions by 2030. Achievement and coverage.", + "These actions will have a duration of 8 years, in order to achieve a significant reduction in gas emissions by 2030. Achievement and coverage. It is estimated that the use of alternative energy in ports, as well as the use of ecological measures in the current fleet, as well as the research programme on climate effects in the aquatic sector and compliance with international regulations, will allow the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the short, medium and long term and will avoid international fines for ships. Planning.", + "It is estimated that the use of alternative energies in ports, as well as the use of ecological measures in the current fleet, as well as the research programme on climate effects in the aquatic sector and compliance with international regulations, will allow the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the short, medium and long term and will avoid international fines to ships.", + "In order to meet the objectives outlined, synergy of ports, adaptation of alternative energies, cleaning and adaptation of our to the use of ecological measures, as well as adaptation of the fuel to what is established in the MARPOL Convention. Suggested and. Methodological approaches. Economic and social analysis of climate change in the maritime transport sector. Considerations of the. contribution.", + "Methodological approaches. Economic and social analysis of climate change in the maritime transport sector. Considerations of the. contribution. Within the framework of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, in which the main objective is to strengthen the global response to the. Sector. Transport Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Aquatic Transport Sector - Venezuelan Shipping Corporation, S.A. (Venavega). (Continuing). threat of climate change, limiting the increase in temperature.", + "Water Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega). (Continued). threat of climate change, limiting the increase in global temperature. Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (VENAVEGA), a state-owned company created on September 15, 2010, under the strategic vision of Commander Hugo Rafael Ch\u00e1vez Fr\u00edas, under Decree No. 7.677, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 39.510, is making its best efforts to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to climate change, with the aim of preserving life in the breadbasket and safeguarding the human species.", + "Worldwide, the Venezuelan Navigation Corporation, S.A. (VENAVEGA), a state-owned company created on September 15, 2010, under the strategic vision of Commander Hugo Rafael Ch\u00e1vez Fr\u00edas, under Decree No. 7.677, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 39.510, is making its best efforts to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to climate change, with the aim of preserving life in the breadbasket and safeguarding the human species.", + "The mission of this company is to provide competitive commercial shipping service with operational standards of efficiency and effectiveness, with a high sense of responsibility, orienting management to continuous improvement for the development of the country, with the vision of being recognized as the flagship shipping of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela with high standards of competitiveness, safety, preservation of the environment and excellence in the provision of services at the national and international level.", + "The mission of this company is to provide competitive commercial shipping service with operational standards of efficiency and effectiveness, with a high sense of responsibility, orienting management to continuous improvement for the development of the country, with the vision of being recognized as the flagship shipping of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela with high standards of competitiveness, safety, preservation of the environment and excellence in the provision of services at the national and international level.", + "VENAVEGA, as a state-owned shipping company, works to adapt to the measures of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), in terms of the Treaty to Prevent Pollution from the Sea (MARPOL Convention), the Project Energy Efficiency Index (EEDI), which is mandatory for new vessels, and the Vessel Energy Efficiency Management Plan.", + "In addition, VENAVEGA as a state shipping company, works to adapt to the measures of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), regarding the treaty to prevent marine pollution (MARPOL Convention), the Project Energy Efficiency Index (EEDI), obligatory for new ships and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan.The idea is to contribute to reducing greenhouse gases from maritime transport in order to safeguard human life, for that this company makes its best efforts to implement measures that allow to reduce the carbon intensity of maritime transport in the short, medium and long term.", + "The idea is to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases from maritime transport in order to safeguard human life, for that reason this company makes its best efforts to implement measures that enable the reduction of the carbon intensity of maritime transport in the short, medium and long term. Investment. Approximately EUR 3.000.0000 for the implementation of ecological measures to ships and its adaptation to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.", + "9.2 Promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and, by 2030, significantly increasing the contribution of industry to employment and gross domestic product, in accordance with national circumstances, and doubling that contribution in least developed countries. 9.4 Modernising infrastructure and converting industries to be sustainable, using resources more efficiently and promoting the adoption of clean and environmentally sound industrial technologies and processes, and ensuring that all countries take action according to their respective capabilities. 9.5 Increasing scientific research and improving the technological capacity of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular. Sector.", + "Transport Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Aquatic Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega). developing countries, among other things by encouraging innovation and. increasing considerably, by 2030. (Global Indicator Framework for Sustainable Development Goals and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals). Table 9.", + "Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Air Transport Sector - National Institute of Civil Aviation (INAC). Sector. Transport Mitigation Axis. Update CND Planning 2020 - 2030. Air Transport Sector - National Institute of Civil Aviation (INAC). Public Policy.", + "The National Plan of the Nation, Second Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation, 2013-2019, approved as a National Law in 2013, expresses the will to transform the country and contribute to saving life on the planet towards a just and sustainable world; organized on democratic international institutions and bases.", + "The National Plan of the Fatherland, Second Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation, 2013-2019, adopted as a National Law in 2013, expresses the will to transform the country and contribute to saving life on the planet towards a just and sustainable world; organized on democratic international bases and institutions.", + "In this sense, the content of Historical Objective No. 5: Contribute to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species. Its implementation is aimed at addressing the main causes of climate change. Action. The Venezuelan State, through the INAC, has planned a set of measures that have contributed to mitigating CO2 emissions in civil aviation, in accordance with its realities and international commitments.", + "The Venezuelan State, through the INAC, has planned a set of measures that have contributed to mitigating CO2 emissions in civil aviation, in accordance with its realities and international commitments.", + "Initially, the INAC has prioritized the organizational, operational and technological measures, among which can be mentioned:Aviation), among others. Base year. These measures come into force from the year of publication of the Action Plan and Reduction of CO2 Emissions. Targets. It is estimated that the measures described above are fully implemented in the period 2018-2021. Achievement and coverage. It is estimated that CO2 emissions will be reduced at national level. Planning. The main measures in implementation are the following:.", + "It is estimated that CO2 emissions will be reduced at national level. Planning. The main measures under implementation are the following:. The Fleet Modernization Plan for public and private sector aircraft;. The modernization and installation of new surveillance and control systems for FIR Maiquet\u00eda air traffic;. Implementation of PBN procedures, including RNAV routes and procedures for approximation, continuous ups and downs;.", + "The modernization and installation of new surveillance and control systems for the air transit of the FIR Maiquet\u00eda; Implementation of PBN procedures, including RNAV routes and approximation procedures, continuous ascents and descents; Implementation of the Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) at the international airports with the highest commercial inflows and the implementation of the \u201cASBU\u201d block strategy (Blank-to-Block Improvement of the Air Traffic Management System; Creation of the Environmental Management Unit within the structure of the Aeronautical Authority; Fleet Modernization Plan.", + "Implementation of the Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) at the international airports with the highest commercial inflows and the application of the \u201cASBU\u201d block strategy (Higher Blocks of the System). Creation of the Environmental Management Unit within the structure of the Aeronautical Authority. Fleet Modernization Plan. New MSR Surveillance System - 970S (Secondary Board) of the FIR Maiquet\u00eda. Modernization and relocation of the VOR Radio Assistance System. Sector. Transport Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 update.", + "New MSR Surveillance System - 970S (Secondary Council) of the FIR Maiquet\u00eda. Modernization and relocation of the VOR Radio Assistance System. Sector. Transport Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Air Transport Sector - National Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC). Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. The Civil Aviation Transport Sector accounted for only 6% of total emissions, equivalent to three thousand two hundred forty-two (3.242) Gg COeq.", + "The Transport Civil Aviation sector accounted for only 6% of total emissions, equivalent to three thousand two hundred forty-two (3.242) Gg COeq. The method of estimating emissions by reference resulted in a discrepancy of 4.9% to the sectoral method, less than the 5% difference. considered acceptable between the reference and sectoral methods. Indicators. related to the ODS. Objective 12: Responsible production and consumption Objective 13: Climate action. Reduction of aircraft time on land. Industry sector.", + "Objective 12: Responsible production and consumption Objective 13: Climate action. Reduction of aircraft time on land. Industry sector. Directorate General of Environmental Quality Management (FONDOIN). The role of the state as a regulator in the industrialization of the country is very important. Among the entities responsible for regulating, formulating and monitoring policies, planning and carrying out activities in the field of industries, there is the Ministry of Popular Power of Industries and National Production.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "Recently, the National Assembly approved in second discussion the incorporation of the Kigali Amendment, in October 2021.The legal regime created through these international instruments sets out criteria aimed at achieving a gradual reduction in the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances, with the ultimate aim of eliminating them.", + "The legal regime established through these international instruments sets out criteria aimed at achieving a gradual reduction in the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances, with the ultimate aim of eliminating them, in accordance with what is laid down in the Vienna Convention and the control provisions on ozone-depleting substances (ODS) contained in the Montreal Protocol and its amendments, as well as in the decisions taken at the international meetings of those agreements.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "Updating of training material on best practices for refrigeration to address three levels of basic, intermediate and advanced training according to the level of training of the technician. Distribution of educational and informational material on best practices for refrigeration technicians; ozone layer and climate. Implementation of the Cero Fugas Program in the hospital and food preservation sectors and private service companies.", + "Distribution of games, informational and educational material on best practices for refrigeration technicians; ozone layer and climate. Implementation of the Cero Fugas Program in the hospital and food preservation sectors and private service companies. Training in equipment and refrigerant conservation, and technical assistance to large end-users on equipment inventory and evaluation, repair of equipment (fuges), development of performance indices of equipment and refrigerants.", + "Training in equipment and refrigerants conservation, and technical assistance to large end-users on equipment inventory and evaluation, equipment repair (leaks), development of performance indices of equipment and refrigerants.The program managed to help 40 different facilities; in this program it is encouraged to avoid leaks, one of the main causes of ozone depletion and global warming and it is encouraged to convert to natural substances.", + "The program succeeded in helping 40 different installations; this program encourages the avoidance of leaks, one of the main causes of ozone depletion and global warming, and encourages the conversion to natural substances.", + "Currently, the project continues to be disseminated in the State of M\u00e9rida. A public awareness campaign for the promotion of eco-energy technologies with low atmospheric heating potential. Conversion to the Hospital Materno Infantil de Caricuao, the project began in 2018 by implementing the first phase, which consisted in the installation of an ice water system consisting of a \u201cchiller\u201d with a capacity of 5 tons of refrigeration and which uses as a refrigerant, R-290 (propane) and which generates fresh air in paediatric room B.", + "Reconstruction in the Hospital Materno Infantil de Caricuao, the project began in 2018 by implementing the first phase, which consisted of the installation of an ice water system consisting of a \u201cchiller\u201d with a capacity of 5 tonnes of refrigeration and which uses as a refrigerant, R-290 (propane) and which generates fresh air from the paediatric room B. During the year 2019, the planning, associated with the implementation of the second phase of the project, consisting of the conversion and refurbishment of three (3) \u201cchillers\u201d of 20 Tr, which currently contain R-22 and will use R-290, once the work has been carried out.", + "During the year 2019, the planning, associated with the implementation of the second phase of the project, which consists of the conversion and refurbishment of three (3) 20 Tr \u201cchillers\u201d that currently contain R-22 and will use R-290, after the work has been carried out, was structured.", + "In the air conditioning area, the Posada Puerto Escondido, located in Cepe, state of Aragua, was converted using R-290, in twelve (12), window air conditioners with capacities between 10,000 and 12.000 BTU/h, being an example of how HC refrigerant can be safely applied in this type of equipment, provided that the safety standards and maximum refrigerant loads established in the UNE-EN-378 standard are met.", + "In the air conditioning area, Posada Puerto Escondido, located in Cepe, Aragua State, was converted using R-290, in twelve (12), window air conditioners with capacities between 10,000 and 12,000 BTU/h.", + "With regard to the percentage reduction, before the Kigali Amendment, the options or alternatives for replacing ODS were hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).", + "In accordance with our phase-out schedule, we have reduced consumption of ozone-depleting substances by more than 35%. This reduction is based on the reduction of imports and production of substances. Currently, Venezuela through FONDOIN is in a campaign to promote the use of natural alternatives such as carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrocarbons such as R-290, R-600 and R-600a in the refrigeration sector, which do not exhaust ozone and do not contribute to global warming.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to disseminate widely, in particular to women's and human rights organizations, the Convention, its Optional Protocol, the Committee's general recommendations, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWo", + "In this regard, the Venezuelan State is committed to building and promoting an eco-socialist productive economic model, based on a harmonious relationship between man and nature, that guarantees the rational, optimal and sustainable use of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature, within the framework of the 5 Historical Objectives of the Plan of the Motherland, which states: \"Contribute to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species\", and has historically undertaken international environmental commitments, including the protection of the ozone layer.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Auto", + "In the same resolution, it is agreed to regulate the consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which entails new challenges and commitments. MINEC has carried out commemorative activities on the International Day of the Ozone Layer such as: the use of bicycles to promote mobility and the change of modes of transport for a more sustainable one and dance therapies, nursery works, reforestation days, beach cleaning, awareness workshops on the ozone layer.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with FONDOIN, has carried out training workshops to strengthen the mechanisms for controlling the trade in substances and equipment that use HCFCs and HFCs, with the participation of SENIAT and the Bolivian National Guard, and has been able to train government officials.", + "Within the framework of the Program Playing Learning carried out by FONDOIN, with the cooperation of the children\u2019s museum, a deployment of activities was developed such as: Routes Friends of the Earth, Workshops of Ecological Practices \u201cFriends of the Earth\u201d and the Institutional Program of FONDOIN. U.E.D. School Teresa Pages Parra and U.E.NE. Eduardo Crema. The main results are presented in Table 010, as well as their projection through the Table 010.", + "The main results are presented in Table 010, as well as their projection using the. Table 010. Number of Trained Persons per Year in the FONDOIN Workshops. Year. Number of Trained Persons. 2015. 500. 2016. 200. 2017. 100. 2018. 100. 2019. 100. 2020. 293. Table 011. Projection of Trained Persons Period 2021-2025 in the FONDOIN Workshops. Year. Number of Trained Persons. 2021. 150. 2022. 200. 2023. 200. 2024. 200. 2025. 200.", + "Projection of Trained Persons Period 2021-2025 in the FONDOIN Workshops. Year. Number of Trained Persons. 2021. 150. 2022. 200. 2023. 200. 2024. 200. 2025. 200. Lastly, FONDOIN delivered educational material as tools to support the programmatic content related to the ozone layer and climate change to educational centers.", + "In the context of these activities, 4600 children and 572 teachers were trained in the fields of ozone layer, climate change, water management, and green energy.", + "With regard to the implementation of the technical training and accreditation programme carried out by FONDOIN at national level, in the period 2015 - 2020, 2,117 technicians have been trained in the best operating, maintenance and service practices, including recovery and reuse of refrigeration systems, selection and appropriate adoption of alternative HCFC technologies.", + "Thanks to the program, 1,911 technicians were accredited (Table 012). Table 012. Technicians in the Best Operational Practices carried out by FONDOIN. Year. Trained. Accredited. 2015. 437. 390. 2016. 267. 228. 2017. 420. 363. 2018. 523. 482. 2019. 420. 400. 2020. 50. 48. Total. 2.117. 1.911.", + "2015. 437. 390. 2016. 267. 228. 2017. 420. 363. 2018. 523. 482. 2019. 420. 400. 2020. 50. 48. Total. 2.117. 1.911. Currently, FONDOIN is in the process of obtaining accreditation from SENCAMER, in order to strengthen the training program for refrigeration technicians at its various basic, intermediate and advanced levels, in order to continue to train and raise awareness of good practices and prevent gas leaks.", + "FONDOIN is currently in the process of obtaining accreditation from SENCAMER, in order to strengthen the training program for refrigeration technicians at its various basic, intermediate and advanced levels, in order to continue to train and raise awareness of good practices and prevent gas leaks.", + "In addition, in the framework of promoting the use of hydrocarbons as alternative refrigerants, we find ourselves working together the Emissions and Efluents Directorate, FONDOIN and SENCAMER in the Venezuelan COVENIN Standard Project called Guide to the Safe Use of Flammable Refrigerators in Refrigeration Systems and Air Conditioning, as a measure as well as in a special program for the management and use of hydrocarbons in refrigeration systems, much more demanding due to the risks associated with the substance.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the", + "The Committee is concerned that the State party has not ratified ILO Convention No. 182 concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour and ILO Convention No. 182 concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "It is important to emphasize that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, prior to the adoption of the Kigali Amendment, demonstrating once again its commitment to environmental issues, promulgated in 2015 Resolution 227 concerning the \u201cStandards for the Control, Importation and Management of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)\u201d, Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 40.693 of 01 July 2015 and of which there is currently a proposal for updating.", + "It is estimated that by the end of 2021 or the beginning of 2022 the proposed standard will already have been published, and it is anticipated that this standard will be revised every two years in accordance with the dynamics of the Montreal Protocol and the Kigali Amendment.", + "Furthermore, there is currently a Technical Standards Committee (TSC25) chaired by SENCAMER and comprising the institutions of the refrigerant gas binding state.This committee is currently preparing the following proposals for technical standards: Substances to be used as refrigerants. Detection and control of refrigerant joints in industrial or commercial refrigeration and air conditioning systems.", + "Substances to be used as refrigerants. Detection and control of refrigerant leaks in industrial or commercial refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Table 013, relating to the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances from the Industrial Sector, is presented below. Table 013. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Industrial Sector (Directorate General of Environmental Quality Management - FONDOIN). Sector.", + "In the context of the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010 (A/CONF.189/12 and Corr.1, chap. I, resolution 1, annex), the Committee recommends that the General Assembly request the Secretary-General to submit to it at its fifty-seventh session a report on the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010.", + "Industry Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Progressive elimination of ozone-depleting substances. Public policy. It is a fundamental obligation of the State, with the active participation of society, to ensure that the population develops in an environment free of pollution, in which the air, water, soils, coasts, climate, the ozone layer, living species, are specially protected, in accordance with the law. Sector. Industry Axis Mitigation.", + "It is a fundamental obligation of the State, with the active participation of society, to ensure that the population develops in an environment free of pollution, in which the air, water, soils, coasts, climate, the ozone layer, living species, are specially protected, in accordance with the law. Sector. Industry Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Progressive elimination of exhausting substances from the ozone layer. 5.4.2.", + "Industry Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Progressive elimination of ozone-depleting substances. 5.4.2. Design a mitigation plan covering greenhouse gas emitting productive sectors as a national voluntary contribution to efforts to save the planet. Promote clean industrial technologies that ensure effluents and emissions with less treatment need for their purity. Source: Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Plan de Patria. 2019 - 2025. Action.", + "To promote clean industrial technologies that guarantee effluents and emissions with less need for treatment for their purity. Source: Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Plan de la Patria. 2019 - 2025. Action. National Plan for the Progressive Elimination of Ozone Depleting Substances in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, however, work is currently under way to ratify the Kigali Amendment, with the aim of addressing in the future the timetable for the progressive elimination of atmospheric warming gases (HFCs).", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Auto", + "The program was launched in 2015. Ranges. Until 2040. Achievement and coverage. Year 2020, 35%. Year 2025, 67.5%. Years 2030-2040 an annual average of 2.5% for maintenance services. Suggestions and Methodological approaches.", + "In order to ensure the zero emission of refrigerant gases into the atmosphere and contribute to the protection of the ozone layer and the climate, FONDOIN has a good system of training and certification of refrigeration technicians through the resources provided by the Secretariat.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "On the other hand, the plan is essentially based on reducing consumption and imports of ODS refrigerants with a heating potential of more than 500GWP, so it must be based, firstly, on a robust refrigeration training programme accompanied by a certification programme and, secondly, on up-to-date regulation up to the Kigali provisions, with a subsequent control programme to monitor products coming onto the market.", + "It must then be based, firstly, on a robust refrigeration training programme accompanied by a certification programme and, secondly, on up-to-date regulation up to the Kigali provisions, with a subsequent control programme to monitor products coming onto the market.", + "For the period 2021-2025 according to the phasing-out schedule, Venezuela must reduce 32.5% of the baseline level of consumption, i.e. 67.25 ODP-tonnes (Ozone Depletion Potential), approximately 121.722.5 ODP-tonnes of CO2 equivalent.", + "For the period 2021-2025 according to the phasing-out schedule, Venezuela must reduce 32.5% of the baseline level of consumption, i.e. 67.25 ODP-tonnes (Ozone Depletion Potential), about 121.722.5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.", + "The country's forest heritage covers all forest ecosystems and resources within the national territory, including natural forests, forest plantations, trees outside the forest, as well as forest lands and non-woody vegetation forms associated with or not with the forest.", + "Most of the surface of Venezuela is covered by an enormous variety of tropical forests, very complex and biodiversity mosaics, which vary from forests of just a few meters in height and with a single stratum, to large, multi-stratified forests, between 40-50 m or more in height; there are also forests dominated by practically a single species (coetanes), next to forests with 150 to 200 species of trees per hectare (heteroetanes).", + "The forests in Venezuela usually grow in all the terrestrial and inundable environments of the low, medium and high lands, up to an approximate elevation of 3,000 m above sea level in the region of the Andes (the vast majority between 0 and 2,500 m above sea level, i.e. the macro- and meso-terrestrial zones of the country).", + "Even above this general limit of trees, there is another type of forest, the chiribital, which forms very isolated and reduced arboreal communities on the surface and at heights up to 3,800 / 4,200 m above sea level.", + "In 2014, the Ministry of the People\u2019s Power for the Environment, today MINEC, published the vegetation cover map of Venezuela, at a scale of 1:2,000,000, presenting the updated mapping of the country\u2019s vegetation cover, in 75 maps at a scale of 1:250 000.", + "A good proportion of this Venezuelan forest heritage is under the category of ABRAE, representing 67.52% of the country's total land area, where the functions of protection and conservation of biological diversity assigned to forests account for 37.26%; the function of forest production under management plans accounts for 17.7% and the remaining 19.11% is due to the function of multiple use of the forest.", + "This protection status includes the country among the ten nations with the largest area of forests designated for soil and water protection (FAO, 2016).", + "Deforestation in Venezuela for the decade 1990-2000 was 288,000 ha/year and for the following decade 2000-2010 was 164,600 ha/year, decreasing the loss of forest cover by 42.9% (MPPA, 2010).", + "In the framework of the new national forestry policy and the current forestry law (2013), the orientation of the exploitation of the national forestry heritage involves substantial changes in terms of the management and the forestry development model to be followed. Currently, the forestry sector is one of the development engines of the Bolivian Economic Agenda to strengthen the ecosocialist productive model.", + "The forestry sector is currently one of the driving forces behind the development of the Bolivian Economic Agenda to strengthen the ecosocialist productive model.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Forest Sector (Directorate General of Forest Heritage). Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. Update CND Planning 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Directorate General of Forest Heritage). Public Policy. Promote actions at the national and international level for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (surface and underground), watersheds, biological diversity, seas, oceans and forests. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030). Action.", + "Promote national and international actions for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (both surface and groundwater), watersheds, biodiversity, seas, oceans and forests (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030).", + "Integrate biodiversity conservation, sustainable land management and climate change mitigation into the Forest Management Framework for Sustainable Forest Management; In the framework of the \"Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Conservation in the Ecosocial Perspective\", which is being developed with GEF funding and as an FAO implementing agency, action is planned in the following components: the National Integrated Forest Information System (SINIB), which has the expected results of 4,465,909 monitored and evaluated forest ecosystems, as well as: a) complementing the national forest inventory with improved thematic products on biodiversity and GEI; b) strengthening the processing of geo-spatial and socio-economic information; and C) participatory monitoring of forest cover.", + "It is planned to take action in the following components: the National Integrated Forest Information System (SINIB), which has the expected results of 4,465,909 monitored and evaluated forest ecosystems, as well as: (a) complementing the national forest inventory with improved thematic products on biodiversity and GIS; (b) strengthening the processing of geo-spatial and socio-economic information; and (c) participatory monitoring of forest cover.", + "This Climate Action is aimed at strengthening the institution's Capacity Building Capacity and innovative instruments for Sustainable Forest Management, which results in at least 166,634 ha of forests being covered by interested communities and national and local governments involved in sustainable forest management through new participatory management tools, resulting in stable populations of forest species at risk of global importance and avoiding the emission of 24 million tonnes of CO2eq and halting land degradation processes.", + "Capacity building and innovative instruments for Sustainable Forest Management, resulting in at least 166,634 ha of forests covered by stakeholder communities and national and local governments involved in sustainable forest management through new participatory management tools and resulting in stabilized populations of forest species at risk of global importance and avoiding the emission of 24 million tonnes of CO2eq and halting land degradation processes, as well as the initial design and implementation of a programme.", + "As well as the initial design and implementation of a national forest certification program. Action. Restoration, conservation and MFS/MST of forests in areas affected by degradation processes. It is expected as a result, technical and institutional capacities for the restoration of forests and forest lands applying strengthened MFS/MST through the development of national guidelines for the restoration and regeneration of 3000 ha of forests through MFS/MST strategies i.e. reforestation, agroforestry systems, analogous forestry under one approach.", + "It is expected as a result, technical and institutional capacities for the restoration of forests and forest lands applying strengthened MFS/MST through the development of national guidelines for the restoration and regeneration of 3000 ha of forests through MFS/MST strategies i.e. reforestation, agroforestry systems, similar forestry under an ecosystem approach. that prioritizes the multifunctionality of forests and that results in standardized populations of forest species.", + "Forest Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage). global importance at risk and seizure of 0.2 million tonnes of CO2eq and land degradation processes arrested in 3000 ha. Base year. Project start in 2016 (base year) planned for a period of 5 years.", + "Base year. Start of the project in 2016 (base year) planned for a period of 5 years. Duration. Implementation of the action is estimated for a period of 6 years, 2016 - 2022. Achievement and coverage. The action is local and targets the forestry sector specifically towards the emission and absorption of CO2. Planning.", + "The main institutions involved in the project will be the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC) and its affiliates the National Forestry Enterprise (ENFORESTAL), the National Reforestation Company (CONARE), the Latin American Forest Institute (IFLA), the MINEC Tree Mission and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as GEF Implementing Agency.", + "The main institutions involved in the project will be the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC) and its affiliated entities, the National Forestry Enterprise (ENFORESTAL), the National Reforestation Company (CONARE), the Latin American Forest Institute (IFLA), the MINEC Tree Mission and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as the implementing agency of the GEF.", + "A Project Management Unit was established, composed of a GEF-funded Project Team. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. IPCC methodologies are used to estimate CO2 removals. Contribution Considerations.", + "For the calculation of estimates of CO2 uptake, IPCC methodologies are used. Considerations of contribution. Government institutions involved and their staff and local indigenous and non-indigenous communities of the Imataca Forest Reserve (RFI) will receive support to develop their capacities for sustainable management of forests and lands, and the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, generating global environmental benefits. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage). Public Policy.", + "The government institutions involved and their staff and the local indigenous and non-indigenous communities of the Imataca Forest Reserve (RFI) will receive support to develop their capacities for sustainable management of forests and land, and the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, generating global environmental benefits. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage). Public Policy. Promote national and international actions for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (both surface and groundwater), watersheds, biodiversity, seas, oceans and forests.", + "Promote actions at the national and international level for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (both surface and groundwater), watersheds, biological diversity, seas, oceans and forests. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030). Action. It is planned to maintain the rate of change in forest cover at 0.20% equivalent to 90,000 hectares/year by 2030, promoting and implementing measures for forest and environmental control. Base year.", + "It is planned to maintain the rate of change in forest cover at 0.20% equivalent to 90,000 hectares/year by 2030, by promoting and implementing measures for forest and environmental control. Base year. The action has as its base year 2020, estimating a forest cover of 46.230.900 million hectares (FRA 2020), for this purpose actions will be implemented to strengthen forest traceability mechanisms, education and awareness-raising to communities on the effect of deforestation or land use change on climate change; actions will also be managed towards forest management and reforestation using different forestry methods. Sector.", + "The action is based on the year 2020, with an estimated forest cover of 46.230.900 million hectares (FRA 2020), for which actions will be implemented to strengthen forest traceability mechanisms, education and awareness-raising to communities on the effect of deforestation or land use change on climate change; actions will also be managed towards forest management and reforestation using different forestry methods.", + "Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 update. Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage). Targets. The implementation of the action is estimated for a period of 10 years, 2020 - 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is national and is aimed at the forestry sector specifically towards the protection and conservation of forests directly related to the capture/sequencing of CO2. Planning.", + "The action is national and is aimed at the forestry sector specifically towards the protection and conservation of forests directly related to CO2 capture/sequencing.", + "A working group is envisaged for monitoring forests supported by the use of remote sensors and information systems programs, as well as validation of information in the field; the action will be directed by the Ministry of the PP for Ecosocialism/Directorate General of Forest Heritage.", + "Consultation of experts will be required to plan policies, implement actions and develop indicators and evaluate results. Alternatives and Methodological approaches. IPCC methodologies are used to estimate anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Considerations of contribution. Reducing changes in forest cover positively contributes to the maintenance of forest ecosystems, biodiversity and their habitats. It also contributes to reducing soil erosion, desertification and conserving water sources, among others. Sector. Forest Axis Mitigation.", + "It also contributes to reducing soil erosion, desertification and conserving water sources, among others. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Forest Sector (Directorate General of Forest Heritage). Public Policy. Promote actions at the national and international level for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (surface and underground), watersheds, biological diversity, seas, oceans and forests. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030). Action.", + "Promote actions at the national and international level for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (surface and underground), watersheds, biological diversity, seas, oceans and forests (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030). Action. Promote the establishment of 155,000 hectares of forest planted over a period of 8 years for multiple use, with different forest species, within the framework of forest controls granted for the management and exploitation of forest heritage.", + "Promote the establishment of 155,000 hectares of planted forests over a period of 8 years for multiple uses, with different forest species, within the framework of the forest controls granted for the management and exploitation of the forest heritage. This climate action aims at a commitment by the institution. Base year. The action will start from 2022, with the promotion of the establishment of planted forests and agroforestry systems.", + "The action will start from 2022, with the promotion of the establishment of planted forests and agroforestry systems. Timeframe. The implementation of the action is estimated for a period of 8 years, taking as a base year the year 2022, ending in 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is national and is aimed at the forestry sector specifically towards the absorption of CO2. Planning.", + "Achievement and coverage. The action is national and targets the forestry sector specifically towards the absorption of CO2. Planning. Action is planned to comply with the environmental measures set out in the authorisations for the management and exploitation of forests, as well as to encourage planting companies to increase their area of management and reforestation projects with the communities. The action will be directed by the Ministry of the PP for Ecosocialism/Directorate General of Forest Heritage.", + "It is planned to take action to comply with the environmental measures set out in the authorisations for forest management and exploitation, as well as to encourage planting companies to increase their area of management and reforestation projects with the communities. The action will be directed by the Ministry of the PP for Ecosocialism/Directorate General of Forest Heritage.", + "For the calculation of CO2 uptake estimates, the following are used: Sector. Forest Axis Mitigation. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Directorate General of Forest Heritage). approaches. methodologies. IPCC methodologies. considerations of contribution. This action will increase the area of forest and promote the capture of CO2 into the atmosphere through its carbon sink. Table 15. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Sector. Forest Axis Mitigation.", + "This action will increase the area of forests and promote the capture of CO2 into the atmosphere through their action as carbon sinks. Table 15. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy. To stimulate the formation of brigades, schools, communes and institutions, with the aim of consolidating in a large Ecosocialist movement, which will enable the fifth historical objective of the Plan de la Patria to be achieved. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030). Action.", + "(Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030). Action. It is planned to implement the formation of 11,414 ecobrigades in various sectors to encourage the empowerment of the structures of the popular power and the student sector of the Ecosocialist practices. This climate action aims at strengthening the capacities of the Institution. Base year.", + "It is planned to implement the formation of 11,414 ecobrigades in various sectors to encourage the empowerment of the structures of the popular power and the student sector of the Ecosocialist internships. This climate action aims to strengthen the capacities of the Institution. Base year. It is expected to group 400,000 Ecobrigades from 2021 onwards into 11,414 ecobrigades. Expectations. The implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021, ending in 2025. Achievement and coverage.", + "Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021 and ending in 2025. Achievement and coverage. The action is directed at the forest sector directly related to reforestation and carbon capture. Planning. A Working Group led by the Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol was formed where policies are planned and actions are implemented, as well as developing indicators and evaluating results. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological.", + "A Working Group led by the Tree Mission Foundation was formed where policies are planned and actions are implemented, as well as developing indicators and evaluating results. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. For the formation and operation of ecobrigades, the Tree Guardians manual was created. Considerations of the contribution.", + "For the formation and operation of the ecobrigades, the manual of Guardians of the Tree was created. Considerations of the contribution. The formation of the Guardians of the Tree will have a high impact on the development of the Foundation's policies, as it will consolidate a large Ecosocialist movement that will have an active role in the production and planting of 8,700,000 trees in degraded areas. Sector. Forest Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy.", + "The formation of tree guardians will have a high impact on the development of the Foundation's policies, as it will consolidate a large Ecosocialist movement that will have an active role in the production and planting of 8,700,000 trees in degraded areas. Sector. Forest Axis Mitigation. CND Projection Update 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy. Produce the quantity of 8,797,255 plants of indigenous species: Forest, Fruit, Medicinal and Ornamental by promoting the use of agroecological practices (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030 and the National Production Plan 2021). Action.", + "To produce the quantity of 8,797,255 plants of indigenous species: Forest, Fruit, Medicinal and Ornamental by promoting the use of agroecological practices (Plan of the Motherland 2019 - 2025-2030 and the National Production Plan 2021). Action. It is planned to install 55 institutional nurseries and 240 communal nurseries for the production of more than 8 million plants.", + "Actualization CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). indigenous and promising. This measure points to a measure of. Strengthening Capacities and a commitment of the institution. Base year. It is expected to produce 8,797,255 plants in a period of 5 years from 2021. Expectations. Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, from 2021, ending in 2025. Achievement and coverage.", + "Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021 and ending in 2025. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the forest sector directly related to reforestation and carbon capture. Planning. A Working Group was formed with the entities affiliated to MINEC, responsible for plant reproduction, where policies are planned and actions are implemented, as well as developing indicators and evaluating results. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological.", + "A Working Group was formed with the members of MINEC, who are responsible for plant reproduction, where policies are planned and actions are implemented, as well as developing indicators and evaluating results. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. The 2021-2025 production plan and the plan for the installation and development of communal nurseries were developed. Considerations of the contribution.", + "It is expected that through the production of more than 8 million plants, benefits and environmental services to the ecosystem, by restoring or increasing the country's forest cover, soil fertility will be increased by improving moisture retention, the physical structure of the soil and the nutrient content. Sector. Forest Axis Mitigation.", + "With this program, it is expected to contribute through the production of more than 8 million plants, benefits and environmental services to the ecosystem, by restoring or increasing the country's tree cover, increasing soil fertility by improving moisture retention, the physical structure of the soil and the nutrient content. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy.", + "Forest Axis Mitigation. Update CND Planning 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy. Produce bio-inputs, reducing the use of agrochemicals with the aim of developing agro-ecological practices in the processes of reproduction of plant material in nurseries. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030 and the Bio-Inputs Production Plan). Action. It is planned to produce: 2.705 liters of bio-controllers, 119 liters of bio-fertilizer, and 1.288.30 m3 of substrate.", + "(Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030 and the Bioinsult Production Plan). Action. It is planned to produce: 2.705 liters of biocontrollers, 119 liters of biofertilizer, and 1.288.30 m3 of waste. This climate action points to a Capacity Building measure and a commitment by the institution. Base year. The start of this bioinsult production plan is planned for 2021.", + "This climate action is aimed at a Capacity Building measure and a commitment by the institution. Base year. The start of this bio-input production plan is planned for 2021. Expectations. Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021, ending in 2025. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the forestry sector directly related to reforestation and carbon capture. Planning.", + "Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the forest sector directly related to the reforestation and carbon capture. Planning. A Working Group was formed the MPPE and the MINPPAU to implement the actions, in addition to developing indicators and evaluating results. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. A manual for the elaboration of bio-inputs was developed. Considerations of the contribution.", + "Implementing actions, as well as developing indicators and evaluating results. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. Developed a manual for the production of bioins. Considerations of the contribution. Replacing the use of agrochemicals with the use of bioins helps to improve the efficiency in the nutrition and health of plants reproduced in nurseries by adding value at source and increasing yield in a sustainable way; through their use, the sector. Forest Axis Mitigation. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 update.", + "Sustainable agriculture and food security, through increased environmental awareness. Sector. Forest Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Forest (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy. Restoring national forest cover, with priority given to watersheds and degraded areas in national parks and natural monuments.", + "To restore the national forest cover, giving priority to watersheds and degraded areas in national parks and natural monuments (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030 and the National Reforestation Strategy 2021). Action: Establish 88 fruit forests, 127 polychrome forests occupying an area of 480 hectares, to beautify squares, avenues, communities: with the establishment of 300.000 ornamental plants, with the aim of establishing urban green nuclei. for the capture of C02. Base year.", + "Establish 88 fruit forests, 127 polychrome forests occupying an area of 480 hectares, to beautify squares, avenues, communities: with the establishment of 300.000 ornamental plants, with the aim of establishing urban green centres. for the capture of C02. Base year. It is expected to start with this plan in the second half of 2021. Beaches. Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021, ending in 2025. Achievement and coverage.", + "Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021 and ending in 2025. Achievement and Coverage. The action is targeted at the forest sector directly related to reforestation and carbon capture. Planning. The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed to implement the actions, as well as to develop indicators and evaluate. results. Alternatives and Methodological Approaches. The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed and the FAO methodologies for forest establishment were used.", + "The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed and the FAO methodologies for establishing forests were used.Contribution Considerations Forests contribute to the balance of atmospheric oxygen, as well as capturing carbon dioxide, one of the main greenhouse gases, and hosting more than 80% of the Earth's biodiversity.", + "Forests contribute to the balance of atmospheric oxygen, in addition to capturing carbon dioxide, one of the main greenhouse gases, as well as hosting more than 80% of the Earth's biodiversity. The formation of these will have a positive impact on air quality as it will increase the generation of oxygen, as well as the capture of carbon dioxide. Sector. Forest Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy.", + "The formation of these will have a positive impact on air quality since it will increase the generation of oxygen, as well as the capture of carbon dioxide. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy. Establish trees of indigenous and promising species, in watersheds, degraded areas in national parks and natural monuments, with the aim of increasing carbon sinks (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030 and the National Reforestation Strategy 2021). Action.", + "Establish trees of indigenous and promising species, in watersheds, degraded areas in national parks and natural monuments, with the aim of increasing carbon sinks (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030 and the National Reforestation Strategy 2021). Action: Plans are being made to plant 4,800,000 trees in 4,000 reforestation days, with the aim of establishing green nuclei for the capture of C02. Base year: This plan is expected to start in the second half of 2021.", + "It is planned to plant 4.800.000 trees in 4000 reforestation days, with the aim of establishing green nuclei for the capture of C02. Base year. It is expected to start with this plan in the second half of 2021. Expectations. Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021, ending in 2025. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Achievement and coverage.", + "Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021 and ending in 2025. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Planning 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Achievement and Coverage. The action is directed to the Forest Sector directly related to Reforestation and Carbon Capture. Planning. The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed to implement the actions, in addition to developing indicators and evaluating results. Alternatives and Methodological Approaches.", + "The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed to implement the actions, as well as to develop indicators and evaluate results. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed and the FAO methodologies for forest establishment were used.", + "The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed and the FAO methodologies for forest establishment were used. Considerations of the contribution. Increasing carbon sinks in national parks and natural monuments will contribute to the balance of atmospheric oxygen, as well as capturing carbon dioxide emitted by anthropogenic action into the atmosphere, as well as being a source of water retention in watersheds. Waste Sector.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Belarus has adopted a number of other measures aimed at combating trafficking in human beings, such as the adoption of the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "In addition, the amount of solid waste generated had increased from 7 million tonnes per year in 1999 to 10 million in 2010, and the daily generation per person from 0.79 to 0.98 kilos in the same period.", + "Municipal solid waste collection by state is proportional to the number of inhabitants, with the states of Zulia, Miranda, Carabobo, Anzo\u00e1tegui and the Capital District being the entities with the largest amount of waste collected.", + "Most of the waste goes to landfills with varying levels of control and management. Table 16, relating to the NDCs for the Waste Sector, is presented below. Table 16 Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Policies of Venezuela, presented by the Waste Sector (Department of Comprehensive Basin Management). Sector. Waste Mitigation Axis.", + "To promote actions at the national level that enable the proper management of solid waste and waste generated by the population of the country, placing emphasis on the integrated management of waste, in order to reduce its generation and ensure that its collection, utilization and final disposal is carried out in a sanitary and environmentally safe manner (Ley de gestion Integral de la Basura and Plan de la Patria).", + "To promote actions at the national level that enable the proper management of waste and solid waste (basic) generated by the population of the country, placing emphasis on the integral management of waste, in order to reduce its generation and ensure that its collection, use and final disposal is carried out in a sanitary and environmentally safe manner (Ley de gestion Integral de la Basura and Plan de la Patria. 2019 - 2025).", + "The main public policies proposed are as follows:1. Order the territory and ensure the basis of ecological sustainability, through the formulation and implementation of plans for the different territorial scales, the preservation of water basins and bodies of water, the conservation and preservation of natural environments, the promotion of programs for the integral management of solid waste and the.", + "To build the public industrial policies on materials of mass consumption by the population, its environmental variables, as well as its recycling, in order to build an ecological balance of materials and energy of society and modify the balance of solid waste of it.", + "To construct public industrial policies on materials of mass consumption by the population, its environmental variables, as well as its recycling, in order to build an ecological balance of materials and energy of society and modify the balance of solid waste of it.", + "To define public standardization policies for the purposes of research, industrial and technological development and substitution of imports, as well as state policy, for the types of solid waste collection systems and subsystems, for the purposes of generating economies of scale and effective maintenance systems.", + "Generate public policies on landfills and sanitary fillings, as well as their environmental, sanitary and technological variables.Develop policies for risk mitigation and reduction of environmental impact in the solid waste collection system and final disposal.Develop the different types of solid waste collection and its industrial systems, equipment and popular accompaniment of management and counterlogging, in order to make them timely, regular, sufficient.", + "To develop the different types of solid waste collection and their industrial systems, equipment and popular accompaniment of management and counter-harvesting, in order to make them timely, regular and sufficient; To stimulate the productive economic system of recycling, generating economic value to the waste at local level, as well as its industrial use and control of smuggling of extraction; Action.", + "To stimulate the economically productive system of recycling, generating economic value to the waste at the local level, as well as its industrial use and smuggling control of extraction. Action. National Plan of Sanitation of 35 Greenhouses, at the national level for the recovery of final disposal sites and the control and capture and use of generated methane (CH4). National Plan of Construction of 2 Sanitary Fillings for the control and capture of generated methane (CH4).", + "National Plan of Sanitation of 35 hectares, at national level for the recovery of final disposal sites and the control and capture and use of generated methane (CH4). National Plan of Construction of 2 Sanitary Fillings for the control and capture of generated methane (CH4). National Plan of Construction of 4 Transfer Stations to contribute to the proper management of waste and solid waste.", + "National Plan of Construction of 4 Transfer Stations to contribute to the proper management of waste and solid waste. This climate action aims at strengthening the institution's capacities. Base year. Year 2020 with a 10-year operating period: 2021-2025 and 2026-2030.", + "This climate action aims at strengthening the institution\u2019s capacities. Base year: 2020 with an operational period of 10 years: 2021-2025 and 2026-2030. Areas: It is estimated that the following actions will be carried out by 2025: sanitation of 40% of urban solid waste landfills, equivalent to 14 sites; construction of 50% of sanitary fillings, equivalent to 1 site; and construction of 75% of transfer stations, equivalent to 3 stations.", + "It is estimated that by 2025 the following actions will be carried out: 40% sanitation of urban solid waste landfills, equivalent to 14 sites; 50% construction of sanitary fillings, equivalent to 1 site; 75% construction of transfer stations, equivalent to 3 stations; by 2030 the following actions will be carried out: 60% sanitation of urban solid waste landfills, equivalent to 21 sites; 50% construction of sanitary fillings, equivalent to 1 site; and 25% construction of transfer stations, equivalent to 1 station.", + "It is estimated that the following actions will be carried out by 2030: cleaning 60% of urban solid waste landfills, equivalent to 21 sites; construction of 50% of sanitary fillings, equivalent to 1 site; and construction of 25% of transfer stations, equivalent to 1 station.", + "The main institutions involved in the project are: Ministry of People's Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC), and Governments and municipalities of. Sector. Waste Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Waste Sector (Department of Integrated Basin Management). the states involved; which will be subject to an Office of. National Coordination of Management and Control of RDS. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "Methodological Options and Approaches IPCC methodologies, based on emission factors, engineering calculations and mathematical models, are used to calculate GHG emissions to obtain acceptable data that will assist in the formulation, implementation, evaluation of environmental policy strategies and measures to promote sustainable management of GHGs.", + "For the calculation of GHG emissions, IPCC methodologies, based on emission factors, engineering calculations and mathematical models, are used to obtain acceptable data to assist in the formulation, implementation, evaluation of environmental policy strategies and measures to promote sustainable management of RDS.Contribution considerations.Institutions involved in the calculation of GHGs should receive technical support and funding to develop their capabilities in this area.", + "Institutions involved in the calculation of GHGs should receive technical support and funding to develop their capacities in this area.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "Both legal frameworks on climate change (UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement) guide the preparation and content of the Adaptation Communication.The Group I Report on the Physical Basis of Climate Change (2021), of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), concludes that warming in the climate system is a reality and that unprecedented changes are being observed.", + "The report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Group I on the Physical Basis of Climate Change (2021) concludes that warming in the climate system is a reality and that unprecedented changes are being observed.", + "Significant changes in climatic variables, in particular precipitation and temperature, put at risk the normal development of society in many countries, and especially the resource-poor populations of the so-called developing countries, who will suffer the most adverse effects due to their greater vulnerability.In September 2015, the UN adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, together with an Agenda that includes 17 Goals and 169 targets to be achieved by countries in the period 2016-2030 in order to move towards a sustainable world.", + "In September 2015, the UN adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, together with an Agenda that includes 17 Goals and 169 targets to be achieved by countries in the period 2016-2030 in order to move towards a sustainable world.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (CRBV) in its Article 127, establishes that it is an individual and collective right to enjoy a life and a safe, healthy and ecologically balanced environment.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations", + "In this regard, the Committee notes with concern that the State party has not yet ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment on the involvement of children in armed conflict.", + "In this regard, Venezuela has a substantial legal and normative framework, which regulates the implementation of policies, programmes, plans and projects, and underpins the actions of the State aimed at adapting to the effects of climate change, in order to face the conditions of vulnerability.", + "In the legal field, Venezuela has a substantial legal and normative framework, which regulates the implementation of policies, programmes, plans and projects, and underpins the actions of the State aimed at adapting to the effects of climate change, in order to face the conditions of vulnerability.", + "In the first instance, there is the Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025, today converted into law, which develops five historical objectives, being the 5 Historical Objective: Contributing to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species, which expresses the guidelines and mandates relating to the environmental theme and specifically to climate change in the national Objective 5.4.", + "In addition, Venezuela has adopted the principles of disaster prevention and management adopted by various international bodies, such as the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR).", + "In the framework of the IDR, Venezuela participated in the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, held in 2005 in Kobe - Japan, at which the Hyogo Framework for Action - MAH, 2005 - 2015, was adopted, the overall objective of which is to increase the resilience of nations and communities to disasters by achieving, by 2015, a significant reduction in the losses caused by disasters.", + "At that event, the Hyogo Framework for Action - MAH, 2005-2015 was adopted, the overall objective of which is to increase the resilience of nations and communities to disasters by achieving, by 2015, a significant reduction in the losses caused by disasters, both in terms of human lives and in terms of the social, economic and environmental goods of communities and countries.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the National Assembly, the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the", + "From the perspective of shared but differentiated responsibilities, Venezuela has been developing state policies in actions related to adaptation to climate change and to commitments undertaken within the framework of the UNFCCC. INFORMATION ON IMPACTS, RISKS AND VULNERABILITY RESPECTING ADVERSE EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE Venezuela's vulnerability to climate change was pioneered by the Pan-Earth Project (Harwell, 1993) which enabled the generation of the first scenarios of climate change for Venezuela, based on models of atmospheric circulation.", + "The vulnerability of Venezuela to climate change was pioneered by the Pan-Earth Project (Harwell, 1993) which enabled the generation of the first climate change scenarios for Venezuela, based on models of atmospheric circulation.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the Chambers of Deputies, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United", + "In addition, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has adopted a number of measures aimed at combating climate change, such as the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Climate Change (MARN) and the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Climate Change (CONAPREDEC).", + "In addition, the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela provides for the management of risks and emergencies as competences of the National Public Authority, as well as the Law of the National Civil Protection Organization and Disaster Management, where a multidisciplinary and multisectoral process is being developed to incorporate risk management and disaster reduction into the planning of economic and social development.", + "In this process, ministries linked to the subject (Environment, Science and Technology, Education, Culture and Sports, Higher Education, Agriculture and Lands, Energy and Mines, Health and Social Development, Interior and Justice, and External Relations), as well as companies linked to specific sectors, such as the water sector (HIDROVEN) and the oil sector (PDVSA), as well as other related bodies and academic institutions, such as the Geographical Institute of Venezuela Sim\u00f3n Bol\u00edvar and universities, participate.", + "At the Andean regional level, Venezuela participates in the Andean Committee for Disaster Prevention and Response (CAPRADE), where the Andean Strategy for Disaster Prevention and Response has been formulated.", + "The National Coordinating Committee for Civil Protection and Disaster Management, which is composed of all the offices of the National Executive and which brings together sectors and levels of government, with the participation of representatives of state governors, mayors and non-governmental organizations, as well as the National Coordination of Firefighters and civil emergency management agencies, provides for the establishment of sectoral technical subcommittees and specialized working teams for actions and measures in the field of civil protection and disaster management.", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Interior is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence, and the Ministry of Justice is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Viol", + "In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic and the general lines of foreign policy, the country has adopted the guidelines of disaster prevention and care of various international bodies such as the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR).", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela assumes the political commitment at the highest level for the adaptation of all bodies and entities of the public administration in their operational plans for the implementation of the ODS.", + "In order to achieve success in adaptation, it is necessary to combine the continuous efforts of all social actors, since a profound change in production models, patterns of use of natural resources and in the consumption of goods and services is required.", + "Reduce vulnerability to the effects of climate change by promoting adaptation capacity and resilience. Facilitate the integration of adaptation to climate change, in a coherent manner, into relevant policies, programmes and activities, new and existing, in particular development planning processes and strategies, in all relevant sectors and at different levels.", + "To facilitate the integration of adaptation to climate change, in a coherent manner, into relevant policies, programmes and activities, new and existing, in particular development planning processes and strategies, in all relevant sectors and at different levels.", + "Transverse focuses that guide Adaptation. Venezuela presents ambitious contributions in adaptation, covering actions and policies towards fair and sustainable development. These contributions have been advanced voluntarily and with own funding, framed in the National Economic and Social Development Plan (Plan de Patria), which establishes the priority of the fight against climate change within the framework of an integral, humanistic and ecosocialist development oriented to Good Living in harmony with Mother Earth.", + "These contributions have been made on a voluntary basis and with own funding, within the framework of the National Economic and Social Development Plan (Plan de la Patria), which establishes the priority of combating climate change within the framework of an integral, humanistic and eco-socialist development aimed at living in harmony with Mother Earth.", + "Through this document, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela presents its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), through actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation, for the fight against climate change and its effects, taking into account what is established in the decisions under the UNFCCC, 1992, the Paris Agreement 2015.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela presents through this document, its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), through actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation, for the fight against climate change and its effects, taking into account what is established in the decisions under the UNFCCC, 1992, the Paris Agreement 2015.", + "In this context, the tables relating to the policies contained in the Official Document of the CND of Venezuela, which were presented in 2017, and which cover the period 2020 - 2030, are updated under the following sectors: Agriculture (Food Security); Urban Agriculture; Water; Urban Settlements (Living); Science and Technology; Communities (Popular Organization); Basic Education; University Education; Gender (Women and Gender Equality); Youth and Sports; Mining; Indigenous Peoples.", + "(a) The right to education and training; (b) The right to education and training; (c) The right to education and training; (d) The right to education and training; (e) The right to education and training; (f) The right to education and training; (g) The right to education and training; (h) The right to education and training; (i) The right to education and training; (j) The right to education and training; (k) The right to education and training; (l) The right to education and training; (m) The right to education and training; (n) The right to education and training; (m) The right to education and training; (n) The right to education and training; (m) The right to education and training; (n) The right to education and training; (m) The right to education and training; (n) The right to education", + "Ecosystems Sector (Coastal Zone, Territorial Management, Mountains, Wetlands) Biodiversity Sector (Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity) Agriculture Sector (Food Security) The agricultural sector is one of the most vulnerable to climate change, due to anthropogenic processes, while climate change is the most drastic.", + "However, much of the global greenhouse gas emissions come from this sector, mainly due to the intensive use of synthetic fertilisers and pesticides, the digestive process of ruminants, the excessive use of fossil energy and the inappropriate management and use of soil (erosion, pollution), so agricultural activity then has a great responsibility for climate change, but it is also one of the most affected by it.", + "However, a large proportion of global greenhouse gases come from this sector, mainly due to the intensive use of synthetic fertilisers and pesticides, the digestive process of ruminants, the excessive use of fossil energy and the inappropriate management and use of soil (erosion, pollution), so that agricultural activity then has a major responsibility for climate change, but is also one of the most affected by it.", + "Agroecology emerges as a type of alternative and ancestral agriculture, to cope with conventional practices, by promoting sustainable practices such as the production and use of bio-islands, cover crops, as well as the combination of crops and livestock, agroforestry, among others, that allow greater carbon sequestration; in it, the materialism of conventional agriculture is replaced by a more respectful vision of the environment and seeks to coexist with the environment without attacking it, and as an added value to minimise the environmental impact and the safety of food.", + "It is important to remember that climate change affects the patterns of crop phenology and yields, so the Ministry of Popular Power for Productive Agriculture and Lands (MPPAPT), through the National Institute of Integral Agricultural Health (INSAI), its bio-input laboratories provide farmers with biological agricultural inputs, with the aim of reducing the toxic load and carbon footprint, reducing production costs and having more resilient and sustainable systems.", + "In addition to these policies, the INSAI has carried out activities of acquisition, training and accompaniment for agro-ecological or organic production to producers (small, large, rural, urban, among others) at national level, in which they are trained in the artisanal production and use of agro-ecological inputs (bioles, purines, organic fertilizers, green fertilizers, mineral broths, etc.), with the aim of bringing them closer to these technologies and this will enable them to make changes and adjustments to climate change.", + "Finally, it is important to emphasize that in recent years the efforts made have been hampered by the impact of the coercive and unilateral measures to which the country has been subjected and the COVID-19 pandemic, reducing the productive capacity of bio-insecticides laboratories and the amount of collection, training and accompanying activities for agro-ecological or organic production to producers.", + "Following this, we present Figure 01 the Agriculture (Food Security) Sector and Figure 02 for the Venezuelan Socialist Cocoa Corporation S.A., on the mitigation/adaptation of climate change and the cocoa production process (Theobroma cacao L), in Venezuela. Figure 01. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Agriculture (Food Security) Sector. Figure summarize the actions and programs with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programs with impact on adaptation year 2017.", + "Summary of the actions and programs with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programs with impact on adaptation year 2017. Development and implementation of agroecological systems (Bioinput Laboratory Network). Description of the results of the Action implemented in the First NDC of Venezuela. Table 1. Production of agricultural bioinputs in laboratories. Year Biofertilizers (Lts) Biocontrollers (Dosis). 2015 19.301 28.564. 2016 14.735 17.540. 2017 15.667 10.558. 2018 26.005 11.655. 2019 872 958.", + "Year Biofertilizers (Lts) Biocontrollers (Dosis). 2015 19.301 28.564. 2016 14.735 17.540. 2017 15.667 10.558. 2018 26.005 11.655. 2019 872 958. 2020 154 242. 2021* 379 200. Total 77.113 69.717. Table 2.", + "2016 4.163 62.445. 2017 4.241 63.615. 2018 3.850 53.900. 2019 2.695 26.950. 2020 1.270 12.700. 2021* 1.077 10.770. Total 25.345 351.115. * Data up to June 2021. Actions and/or measures for updating the GNI to 2030. 200.000 farmers. Description of the action. Institution responsible for the actions. INSAI. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. No legal instruments No beneficiaries. No collection, training and support activities No agro-ecological system.", + "Indicators. No legal instruments. No beneficiaries. No collection, training and accompanying activities. No agro-ecological systems. Ten (10) legal instruments will be created and implemented to implement actions for agro-ecological crop production to reduce the toxic burden and minimise the impacts of climate change, as well as to regulate or prohibit the agricultural use of highly toxic synthetic pesticides. 90 \u201cnon-polluting\u201d agro-ecological systems will be implemented.", + "Ten (10) legal instruments will be created and implemented to implement actions for agro-ecological crop production to reduce the toxic burden and minimise the impacts of climate change, as well as to regulate or prohibit the agricultural use of highly toxic synthetic pesticides.", + "50,000 activities will be carried out to catch, train and accompany producers for agro-ecological or organic production, at national level.The expected beneficiaries will be a. 20,000 litres of biofertilizers and 20,000 doses of biocontrollers will be produced in agricultural bioinsurance laboratories.", + "It is expected to benefit a. 20,000 litres of biofertilizers and 20,000 doses of biocontrollers will be produced in agricultural bioinsurance laboratories.The legal instruments will be developed at the INSAI headquarters by the staff of the Directorate of Aggressology and Popular Participation and the Legal Consultancy, after a diagnosis of national needs, and the revision of public policies and guidelines emanating from the MPPAT, with regard to climate change and environmental conservation.", + "The legal instruments will be developed at the INSAI headquarters, by the staff of the Directorate of Aggressology and Popular Participation and the Legal Consultancy, after having made a diagnosis of national needs, and the revision of public policies and guidelines emanating from the MPPAT, with regard to climate change and environmental conservation.", + "Agri-ecological systems will be developed in conjunction with organised agricultural communities in rural and urban areas, and 90 agricultural communities are expected to benefit from this action in the acquisition of technical know-how, in order to increase resilience to climate change.", + "This action is expected to benefit 90 agricultural communities in the acquisition of technical know-how, to increase resilience to climate change.Capture, training and accompanying activities will be carried out, through visits and inspections of field technicians, at national level so that producers adapt to the new climate variations that are being presented in the present to the future, it is expected to benefit 200,000 farmers.", + "Capture, training and accompanying activities will be carried out, through visits and inspections of field technicians, at national level, so that producers adapt to the new climatic variations that are being presented in the present to the future, it is expected to benefit 200,000 farmers.", + "The production of bioins will be carried out in the laboratories of INSAI, to benefit farmers in the neighbouring communities, in order to contribute to the reduction of the greenhouse gases caused by the Nox compounds. Figure 02. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Sector Agriculture (Food Security) - Socialist Corporation of Venezuelan Cocoa S.A., to the mitigation/adaptation of climate change and the production process of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L), in Venezuela.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Sector Agriculture (Food Security) - Corporaci\u00f3n Socialista del Cacao Venezolano S.A., against the mitigation/adaptation of climate change and the cocoa production process (Theobroma cacao L), in Venezuela. Summary of actions and programs with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programs undertaken by the CSCV with impact on adaptation update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).", + "Determined (CND). Actions and programs undertaken by the CSCV with impact on adaptation update of the nationally determined contribution (CND). Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. Conservation of agrobiodiversity. Agroecology. Reduction of climate risks in agricultural activities. Sustainable development of cocoa cultivation (Theobroma cacao L) in the country, as a strategic heading for the protection and conservation of the environment and thus promoting agro-food sovereignty and security adapted to the new climatic conditions.", + "Sustainable development of cocoa cultivation (Theobroma cacao L) in the country, as a strategic cornerstone for the protection and conservation of the environment and thus promote agro-food sovereignty and security adapted to the new climatic conditions.", + "The establishment, maintenance and rehabilitation of agroforestry systems of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L), based on agroecological principles as a sustainable alternative of agricultural production to the new climatic conditions, will be progressively enhanced.", + "It is proposed for the creation of the National Cocoa Law, as a legal mechanism to guarantee the sustainable production of cocoa and its derivatives.", + "Trade fairs aimed at cocoa producers and artisans have been held in support of promoting sustainable production of rubber cocoa, while workshops and comprehensive training sessions for producers have been held at national level.", + "Community approaches have been developed in sectors dedicated to the cocoa sector, in order to foster experiences for the sustainable production of cocoa and its derivatives.", + "The Certification of Origin of the highest deficiency cocoa in the Barlovento region was obtained, as a mechanism for the conservation of agrobiodiversity to minimize the impacts of climate change on Venezuelan cocoa.", + "It participated in the launch of the Biodiversity Conservation Project in Venezuela, together with the Ministry of Ecosocialism and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), creating a favourable environment for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.", + "By means of Decree 8.157 created in April 2011, which declared cocoa as a national production item, a primary necessity and a fundamental pillar of the agricultural security and sovereignty of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, giving priority to the production of cocoa, chocolate and its products and by-products throughout the country.", + "In the year 2018, the Territorial Polytechnic University of Barlovento \u201cArgelia Laya\u201d creates the first postgraduate degree at national level specialized in the cocoa sector, called the National Advanced Training Program in Sustainable Cocoa Production and Its Derivatives (PNFA-PSCD) as a sustainable alternative to agricultural production to the new climatic conditions.", + "Through the consultation of the actions carried out for the Sustainable Development Goals. cocoa is proposed as a strategic rubroro for the conservation and preservation of the environment, thus promoting the cultivation of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L), as an alternative to reforestation in Venezuela. Actions and/or measures for the updating of the CND to 2030. of strategies of sustainability with the environment. Description of the action.", + "Actions and/or measures to update the CND to 2030. of strategies of sustainability with the environment.Description of the action.Promote and protect the production of cocoa cultivation, through the promotion of the National Cocoa Law in Venezuela.", + "Promote and protect the production of cocoa cultivation, through the promotion of the National Cocoa Law in Venezuela.This legal tool will establish norms relating to the protection of the genetics of Venezuelan cocoa, as well as regulate administrative processes, development, export, coordination and supervision of training activities, production, processing and distribution, where the Venezuelan Socialist Cocoa Corporation, S.A., as the entity responsible for the activities in the cocoa sector, takes greater legal responsibility in this matter.", + "This legal tool will establish norms relating to the genetic protection of Venezuelan cocoa, as well as regulate administrative processes, development, export, coordination and supervision of training activities, production, processing and distribution, where the Venezuelan Socialist Cocoa Corporation, S.A., as the entity responsible for the activities in the cocoa sector, takes greater legal responsibility in this matter.", + "Increase progressively the establishment, maintenance and rehabilitation of agroforestry systems of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L), based on agroecological principles as a sustainable alternative to agricultural production.", + "Sustainable cocoa production is essential to improve the quality of life of our cocoa farmers, but within the consumption of natural resources, as has already been mentioned, there are forms of production that deplete and degrade these resources, and agriculture is one of the activities that, when applied improperly, pays a price for this problem.", + "These are just some of the interactions offered by this type of system, which are recognized as ecological and conservationist.For these reasons, the agricultural production of cocoa is a mode of sustainable consumption.Development of scientific research, training and processes of technological transfer as a strategy to contribute to the prevention and optimal attention of the agroecosystem cocoa, in order to promote the sustainability and resilience of cocoa cultivation to the new climatic conditions.", + "Development of scientific research, training and technology transfer processes as a strategy to contribute to the prevention and optimum attention of the cocoa agroecosystem, in order to promote the sustainability and resilience of cocoa cultivation to the new climatic conditions.", + "Processes for the promotion and development of scientific research in the cocoa sector will be strengthened, addressing key themes for the creation of knowledge and innovations that address the cocoa agroecosystem, as cocoa agroforestry systems are productive spaces that offer benefits to the environment, due to the qualities of the system, contributing to the conservation of the soil and existing biodiversity.", + "The current legal framework for the sustainable development of the cocoa rubber will be strengthened by implementing actions to ensure the protection of cocoa cultivation (Theobroma cacao L) being highly relevant to agriculture and food security in the face of the impacts of climate change.", + "It will strengthen the current legal framework for the sustainable development of cocoa rubber by implementing actions to ensure the protection of cocoa cultivation (Theobroma cacao L) being highly relevant for agriculture and food security against the impacts of climate change.", + "It is intended to contribute to the reduction of global emissions of greenhouse gases and in turn to consolidate the development of agro-ecological practices implemented by cocoa farmers.The development of scientific research, training and technological transfer processes will be strengthened as a strategy to contribute to the prevention and optimal attention of the cocoa agro-ecosystem, in order to promote the sustainability and resilience of cocoa cultivation to the new climatic conditions.", + "The development of scientific research, training and technological transfer processes will be strengthened as a strategy to contribute to the prevention and optimum attention of the cocoa agroecosystem, in order to promote the sustainability and resilience of cocoa cultivation to the new climatic conditions.", + "The practice of cocoa culture will be strengthened as an agricultural-social activity, promoting that families working in this area can demonstrate the yield in production and the quality of the fruit, is closely related to the use. Institution responsible for the actions: Socialist Corporation of Venezuelan Cocoa S.A. Vinculaci\u00f3n con ODS. The CSCV is linked to the ODS:ODS 1: End of Poverty. Eradicate extreme poverty for all people in the world. ODS 2: Hunger Cero.", + "The CSCV is linked to the MDGs: MDG 1: Eradicate extreme poverty for all people in the world. MDG 2: Halt hunger. End hunger and ensure access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food for one year for all people. MDG 11: Ensure that cities and human settlements are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. MDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects.", + "ODS 11: Ensure that cities and human settlements are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. ODS 13: Take urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects. ODS 15: Protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests in a sustainable manner, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt the loss of biological diversity.", + "ODS 15: Protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests in a sustainable manner, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt the loss of biological diversity.", + "Increase in the quantity of scientific research developed in cocoa cultivation in Venezuela. Development of training activities, training and technological transfer processes in the cocoa sector. Visible visions in reducing water for agricultural purposes and harvesting water for the development of cocoa cultivation. Capable producers and multipliers of experiences as agents generating environmental well-being through the performance of their productive work.", + "Visible visions in the reduction of water for agricultural purposes and water harvesting for the development of cocoa cultivation. Capable producers and multipliers of experiences as agents generating environmental well-being through the performance of their productive work. Increase in the use of organic products generated by producers for the cultivation, cultivation and harvesting of cocoa. Increase in the extensions of cultivation with the minimum tillage of the soil and applying vegetable covers and other agroecological techniques.", + "Increase in cultivation extensions with minimum tillage of the soil and applying vegetation covers and other agroecological techniques.", + "Obvious reduction of felling and burning in the practice of cocoa cultivation, incorporation of organic matter in the soil and reduction of inputs, achieving CO2 retention and combating erosion or degradation of the soil. Capture and registration of producers, artisans and companies that carry out activities in the cocoa sector, in order to improve the value chain of the cocoa rubber. Urban Agriculture Sector.", + "Capture and registration of producers, artisans and companies that carry out activities in the cocoa sector, in order to improve the value chain of the ruble cocoa. Urban Agriculture Sector The Ministry of Popular Power for Urban Agriculture (MINPPAU), with an efficient and effective Management in results oriented towards the democratization of production and the strengthening of popular power, promoting the development of the agro-food production chain from the production, marketing and processing of food.", + "The Ministry of Popular Power for Urban Agriculture (MINPPAU), with an efficient and effective Management in results oriented towards the democratization of production and the strengthening of the popular power, promoting the development of the agro-food production chain from the production, marketing and processing of food.", + "With strategic and innovative approaches, which guarantee sustainable and Eco-Socialist production, by urban agro producers strengthening their productive management model. The following table presents Figure 03 for the Urban Agriculture Sector: Figure 03. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Urban Agriculture Sector. Summary of actions and programmes with an impact on Adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with an impact on Adaptation.", + "Summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation Creation of agroecological systems based on sustainability and respect for natural ecosystem processes, urban and peri-urban agricultural systems and prevention of climate risk Description of the Action.", + "Creation of agroecological systems based on sustainability and respect for natural ecosystem processes, urban and peri-urban agricultural systems and climate risk prevention. Description of the Action. Urban agriculture is an important factor in relation to food security, with more than 100 million people involved in urban horticulture, this organic and community practice is growing exponentially, where urban agriculture contributes both to mitigation and to adaptation to climate change.", + "Urban agriculture plays an important role in relation to food security, with more than 100 million people involved in urban horticulture, this organic and community practice is growing exponentially, where urban agriculture contributes both to mitigation and to adaptation to climate change.", + "Where urban agriculture contributes both to mitigation and to adaptation to climate change, it is therefore one of the most widely adopted instruments to create resilient food systems. The agricultural sector is a major source of pollution, accounting for between 20% and 30% of global carbon emissions. Urban agriculture, on the other hand, is often characterized by the use of sustainable practices, which are beneficial to the soil.", + "The agricultural sector is a major source of pollution, responsible for between 20% and 30% of global carbon emissions. Urban agriculture, on the other hand, is usually characterized by the use of sustainable practices, which are beneficial to the soil. Thus, instead of requiring massive amounts of clean water, innovative systems can be adopted to recycle grey water. This can be done by diverting rainfall in the rainy season or storing used water in the home, and then heating plants.", + "This can be achieved by diverting rainfall from the rainy season or storing used water in the home to heat plants. Similarly, urban waste management programs can transform organic matter into natural fertilizers, which will then be used in urban agriculture projects. These fertilizers replace chemical fertilizers produced on the basis of oil and reduce methane emissions in landfills.", + "These Substances replace chemical fertilizers produced on the basis of oil and reduce methane emissions in landfills. These practices not only reduce the use of harmful agricultural inputs, but also reduce urban pollution and thus mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. The local character of urban agriculture can be drastically reduced, the contribution that conventional agriculture makes and contributes to the improvement of climate change.", + "The local character of urban agriculture can be drastically reduced, the contribution that conventional agriculture makes and contributes to the improvement of climate change.", + "Urban agriculture contributes to mitigation and adaptation to climate change through the production of good quality food, minimizing the anticipated drastic effects on food supply and demand generated by environmental changes.", + "Urban agriculture contributes to mitigation and adaptation to climate change with the production of good quality food, minimizing the anticipated drastic effects on food supply and demand generated by environmental changes.In this context, urban and peri-urban agriculture can increase the production of fresh and nutritious food to a city.Therefore, urban agriculture not only helps to mitigate climate change, but also helps to forge more resilient food systems and improve food security.", + "Therefore, urban agriculture not only helps to mitigate climate change, but also helps to forge more resilient food systems and improve food security. Because ensuring the right to food is a complex task that depends on many factors, it must not only be the responsibility of the national government; on the contrary, citizens, in the private sector and municipal and state governments, can and must play an active role.", + "On the contrary, citizens, in the private sector and municipal and state governments, can and must play an active role. Strategies:To increase food security and sovereignty at local and national level, local actors can implement strategies and policies aimed at creating a fair and sustainable food system.", + "In this respect, it is considered essential to complement traditional systems of food production and supply by promoting urban and peri-urban agriculture, through the following strategies:.", + "It is clear the environmental impact for all scenarios, however Venezuela is characterized by taking measures of Environmental Security, even goes further with strong environmental policies, in the sector of Urban Agriculture, the Ministry of Urban Agriculture is responsible and. committed to responding to climate change, taking as a reference conuquerros and.", + "It is obvious the environmental impact for all scenarios, however Venezuela is characterized by taking measures of Environmental Security, even goes further with strong policies of an environmental nature, in the sector of Urban Agriculture, the Ministry of Urban Agriculture is responsible and. is committed to respond to climate change, taking as a reference the conuquerors and. Establishing an action plan to deal with the effects of climate change, which integrates different entities and levels of government, adapted both to different forms of agriculture and to different climate zones of the country.", + "Establishing an action plan to address the effects of climate change, which integrates different entities and levels of government, adapted to different forms of agriculture and to different climate zones of the country, identifying areas susceptible to fires, floods and other severe climate events in both urban and rural areas.", + "Identifying areas susceptible to fires, floods and other severe climatic events in both urban and rural areas. Creating contingency programmes, such as the activation of the P (Production) of the Clap, of 10 thousand Clap through sowing and breeding to produce about 270 thousand tonnes of food to cover about 500 thousand families. Implementing and/or subsidizing natural conservation practices, to create resilience to climate change.", + "Creating contingency programmes, such as the activation of the P (Production) of the Clap, of 10 thousand Clap through sowing and breeding to produce about 270 thousand tonnes of food to cover about 500 thousand families Implementing and/or subsidizing natural conservation practices, to create resilience to climate change Providing funds to support farmers interested in making a transition from inputs, with derivatives of oil and synthetic fertilizers, to natural methods for pest control and the recovery of soil fertility.", + "We have funds to support farmers interested in making a transition from inputs, with derivatives of oil and synthetic fertilizers, to natural methods for pest control and soil fertility recovery. We have created training programs, crop rotation to mitigate the spread of pests and the impact of climate change. Municipal and state governments are currently developing policies, aimed at improving productive processes, that contribute to climate change.", + "The municipal and state governments are currently developing policies aimed at improving production processes that contribute to climate change.", + "The National Plan for the Restoration and Maintenance of Existing Agricultural Machineries, which is being implemented by the socialist company Pedro Camejo, will be completed in order to implement more effectively the actions that will boost the relaunch of the Gran Misi\u00f3n AgroVenezuela for the strengthening of national production by guaranteeing food security.", + "The National Institute of Agricultural Research of Lines will be re-established, in order to guarantee research, planning and multiplication of seeds and materials of new plant genetics for national production, to advance in the rescue of indigenous seeds of indigenous and Afro-descendant peasant origin through seminarist producers linked to the organization of the popular base of the popular power to adapt to the new.", + "The foundations of the Popular Power will be strengthened in order to strengthen the great mission of Agri-Venezuela through good agricultural practices to help the food system and to be more resilient to climatic conditions. Science will be strengthened for the development of the training of scientists in the agricultural area to adapt to climatic conditions. The spaces of farmers will be consolidated as established by the Plan of the Fatherland for the highest possible happiness by guaranteeing food sovereignty.", + "Consolidates the spaces of farmers as established by the Plan of the Country for the Highest Possible Happiness by guaranteeing food sovereignty. conuqueras as the main actors of the strategic plan of urban agriculture, which translates into matters of public programs and projects in a food production that minimizes the risks of agricultural production, the proper management of water and other inputs in general, establishes a guide through the different maps of sowing calendars, in the face of events of drought and rain that do not directly impact on the production of urban agriculture.", + "Objective To stimulate and develop plans, programmes and projects in the field of agri-food production and food processing, which will enable the strengthening of the agricultural, poultry and urban livestock economy, in cities and areas close to them, with new forms of production oriented to self-sufficiency, sustainable and small-scale, improving the production chain between producers and final consumers, guaranteeing food security and sovereignty throughout the national territory, as well as.", + "To stimulate and develop plans, programmes and projects in the field of agri-food production and food processing, which will enable the strengthening of the agricultural, poultry and urban livestock economy, in cities and nearby areas, with new forms of production oriented to self-supply, sustainable and small-scale, improving the productive chain between producers and final consumers, guaranteeing food security and sovereignty throughout the national territory, as well as strengthening the productive popular power.", + "Venezuela ranks among the first 11 nations with proven freshwater reserves on the planet, a unique and limited natural resource essential for the life and development of the nation.", + "Venezuela is among the first 11 nations with proven reserves of fresh water on the planet, a unique and limited natural resource essential for the life and development of the nation.", + "Recognizing the importance of water for life, sovereignty and peace, on June 15, 2018, the Ministry of the People's Power for Water Care was created under the instructions of our President Nicol\u00e1s Maduro, marking a historic milestone by creating for the first time in our Republic a scientific-technical entity that exclusively assumes the competences assigned by the National Executive for Ecosocialist Water Management, based on the sustainable management of the 16 hydrographic regions to ensure the protection and safeguarding of sources, fair and equitable access to water for its various uses and to sanitation, under a public, democratic, participatory and pro-Tagagon management scheme.", + "The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela establishes in its Article 304 that \u201call waters are property in the public domain of the nation, irreplaceable for life and development, and the law shall establish the necessary provisions to ensure their protection, exploitation and recovery, respecting the phases of the hydrological cycle and the criteria of territorial planning\u201d.", + "The law will establish the necessary provisions in order to guarantee its protection, exploitation and recovery, respecting the phases of the hydrological cycle and the criteria of territorial planning.\u201d Starting from the constitutional mandate, on April 6, 2019, the National Consultation for the elaboration of the National Water System Plan was carried out, bringing together various actors with competences linked to the sector, resulting in 6 acts whose strategic lines and actions were collectively updated by the water workers in August 2020.", + "On the basis of the constitutional mandate, on April 6, 2019, the National Consultation for the elaboration of the National Water System Plan was carried out, bringing together various actors with competences linked to the sector, resulting in 6 acts whose strategic lines and actions were collectively updated by the water workers in August 2020. The first act is the People's Government of Water and includes the strengthening and development of Technical Water Boards, Community Water Management Rooms, Community Brigades, Community Information Networks, mass reporting systems, the registration of public and private water distributors, a new legal framework for water and the implementation of community projects to improve drinking water service and sanitation.", + "The first is the People's Government of Water and includes the strengthening and development of Technical Water Boards, Community Water Management Rooms, Community Brigades, Community Information Networks, mass reporting systems, the registration of public and private water distributors, a new legal framework for water and the implementation of community projects to improve drinking water service and sanitation.", + "The second part of the action concerns the strengthening of the National Water System: More Water for the People! and includes actions for the financial sustainability of the service, the development of the map of solutions for the national water system, the self-generation of electricity in the systems, the recovery of the vehicle fleet and heavy machinery, the communication system in the installations of the water system and the sovereign production of chemical substances and reactors.", + "The third vector corresponds to the Integral Security of the Water System and seeks to guarantee and strengthen physical, technological and industrial security in all processes of the national water system, in coordination with the various state security bodies.", + "The third is the Integral Security of the Water System and seeks to guarantee and strengthen physical, technological and industrial security in all the processes of the national water system, in coordination with the various security bodies of the State.", + "The fourth vector refers to Education, Technological Innovation and Productive Sequencing through the development of educational programs, communication campaigns, pre- and post-graduate in water matters, alternative techniques of collection and potable water, preservation of ancestral knowledge, design of prototypes of parts and components, integral study of watersheds and everything related to the implementation of the National Water Industry.The fifth vector corresponds to the Integral Transformation of the Management Model and groups actions for the strengthening of the mechanisms of water management and the revolutionary transfer of service to organized communities, as well as actions for the collection, training and integral attention of the working people of water.", + "The fifth vector corresponds to the Integral Transformation of the Management Model and groups actions for the strengthening of water management mechanisms and the revolutionary transfer of service to organized communities, as well as actions for the collection, training and integral attention of the water-workers.", + "We therefore have a strategic plan for continuing to move forward together and jointly in the integrated management of water, in line with our Plan of the Motherland 2019 - 2025 and in the interests of compliance with ODS 6 of the UN 2030 Agenda and the various international agreements.", + "Within this overall context, the following table shows the Nationally Determined Contributions Policies presented by the Water Sector. Table 04. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Policies presented by the Water Sector. Table summarizes the actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation to climate change. Update of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). Actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation in 2017. Water Conservation and Management.", + "Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programs with impact on adaptation in 2017. Water conservation and management. Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. In our country annually 10.6 billion cubic meters of raw water are extracted, of which 54% is used for electricity generation, 35% for human consumption, 6% for agriculture, livestock and forestry and 5% for manufacturing industry.", + "In our country, 10.6 billion cubic meters of raw water are extracted annually, of which 54% is used for electricity generation, 35% for human consumption, 6% for agriculture, livestock and forestry, and 5% for manufacturing industry.", + "As regards the coverage of the drinking water service, it should be stressed that Venezuela reached in 2007 (eight years before the agreed) the Millennium Goal set out in the UN Agenda, by achieving access to drinking water for 96% of the population, in a process that involves more than 2,023 installations, more than 32,000 kilometres of pipes and more than 18,000 deep wells nationwide, and we have also managed to collect 70% of the water served.", + "On the other hand, we have also succeeded in collecting 70% of the water supplied: in heroic action of resistance, the water-workers increased the capacity to produce drinking water to 134,400 litres per second in 2020, all in the midst of the aggression of the United States of America and the European Union through unilateral coercive measures, in the context of the recovery of the National Electricity System following the systematic criminal attack carried out in 2019, which has conspired against the efficiency and quality of the provision of drinking water service since 95% of the systems require electricity to operate; and also facing severe drought periods from 2013 to 2017 and during 2019 and part of 2020.", + "In the same way, we have made progress in the popular organization with a view to the revolutionary transfer of the service, reaching 4,670 active technical water tables by 2020 with the participation of 11,124 voices and voices in addition to the formation of Community Brigades for the repair of minor breakdowns and for the protection and safeguarding of sources.", + "On the other hand, the legal framework on water in all its forms does not today correspond to a single and uniform legal regime, but is dispersed in several normative bodies.", + "will unify the Water Act and the Drinking Water and Sanitation Services Delivery Act into a single body.", + "With regard to awareness-raising on the use, protection and exploitation of water, promoting the recovery of traditional practices and knowledge, the \u201cWater in Our Lives\u201d Program has been implemented in more than 2,750 educational institutions, which seeks to raise awareness among children, young people and adolescents through various educational and recreational tools, including the \u201cWater Walks\u201d video game, an application for Android and Canaima 4.0 onwards, developed within the framework of the TECNI-CIENCI-ANDO Project.", + "With regard to awareness-raising on the use, protection and exploitation of water, promoting the recovery of ancestral practices and knowledge, the \u201cWater in Our Lives\u201d Program has been implemented in more than 2,750 educational institutions, which seeks to raise awareness among children, young people and adolescents through various educational and recreational tools, including the \u201cWater Walks\u201d video game, an application for Android and Canaima 4.0 onwards, developed within the framework of the TECNI-CIENCI-ANDO Project.", + "Awareness-raising and the promotion of a new water culture are promoted in all areas and levels.", + "With regard to the protection and preservation of water in sources, as one of the actions for adaptation to climate change, we continue with the realization of dredging, removal of borax, cleaning of discharge channels, works of rehabilitation and maintenance of reservoirs, works for flood control and updating and characterization of well networks.", + "As for the protection and preservation of water in sources, as one of the actions for the adaptation to climate change, we continue with the realization of dredging, removal of bora, cleaning of discharge channels, works of rehabilitation and maintenance of reservoirs, works for the control of floods and updating and characterization of the network of wells.", + "In addition, we have the National Fund for Integral Water Management (FONAGUAS), the Strategic Plan for the Safety of the National Water System and the National Plan for the Safety of the Basin System of Venezuela. Actions and/or measures to update the CND to 2030. 1. Popular Government of Water. 2. Strengthening of the National Water System. 3. Integral Safety of the National Water System. 4. Education, Technological Innovation and Productive Setting.", + "The Government of the People's Republic of China, in cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Cuba has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the establishment of the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania have adopted a number of other measures aimed at combating trafficking in human beings, such as the adoption of the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, the Law on Combating Trafficking in Human Be", + "It will have a Regional Financing Fund for scientific research and construction of parts and components for the strengthening of the National Water System to respond to emergencies that may be presented by hydrometeorological events.", + "The National System of Integrated Water Management will be used to identify future demand for decision-making on the distribution of water resources among the different possible uses of water.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights of the child, such as the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of Children and Adolescents, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, the", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence, and the Ministry of Social Security and Labour is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence.", + "It will have an Early Warning Communication Network for natural or anthropogenic threats that may be presented at national level due to the effects of climate vulnerability. other educational programmes to raise children's awareness of water resources. 5. Integral Transformation of the Management Model.", + "Other educational programmes to raise children's awareness of water resources. 5. Integral Transformation of the Management Model. o 292 experiences of revolutionary transfer of service to the organized community will be consolidated for the rational use of water resources and to respond to natural or anthropogenic threats that may be presented at national level due to the effects of climate vulnerability. 6. Sowing and harvesting water.", + "o 292 experiences will be consolidated of revolutionary transfer of service to the organized community for the rational use of the water resource and to respond to natural or anthropogenic threats that may be presented at the national level due to the effects of climate vulnerability. 6. Sowing and harvesting of water. purpose is the research on water, management, education and capacity building in the water resources against the effects of climate change. Description of the action. Objectives.", + "The National Water Industry (INASA) will consolidate its operations with the aim of ensuring knowledge and endogenous techniques in the treatment, purification and distribution of the water resource to the most vulnerable populations.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the", + "In addition, the National Fund for Integrated Water Management (FONAGUAS) will be consolidated with the aim of distributing the water resource among the different possible uses of the water.", + "The National Fund for Integral Water Management (FONAGUAS) will be consolidated with the aim of distributing the water resource among the different possible uses of the water.", + "It will rehabilitate and stabilize the maintenance of the country's 104 reservoirs in order to guarantee the optimum supply of water resources.The UNESCO International Hydrological Programme will be implemented in Venezuela, which will: Promote and strengthen Popular Water Management, as a fundamental policy for direct and pro-tagonal democracy in the sector, aiming at generating experiences of socialist co-management and self-management of services through the Revolutionary Transfer of Water Service to the People's Power, actively encouraging the participation of the people organized through Technical Water Boards, Community Water Councils and Community Water Management Rooms, fully integrated with the Communities.", + "To stimulate and strengthen the Popular Water Management, as a fundamental policy for direct and protagonal democracy in the sector, aiming at generating experiences of socialist co-management and self-management of services through the Revolutionary Transfer of Water Service to the People's Power, actively encouraging the participation of the organized people through the Technical Water Boards, Community Water Councils and Community Water Management Rooms, fully integrated with the Communities.", + "To strengthen and expand the production and distribution of drinking water by means of the integral development and maintenance of the water infrastructure and the conservation and management of water sources, in order to guarantee the satisfaction of current and future needs of the population.", + "To generate an integral prevention system for the national water service, oriented to the reduction of criminal actions against the service, also addressing actions for the technical and industrial safety of the processes, as well as the state policies linked to the integral management of the risk associated with adverse natural or anthropogenic events.", + "To achieve sovereignty and independence in all areas of the productive processes of the water sector, starting from a new culture of water, with a scheme of thought and action that is evident in the popular organization of water,. training, in order to strengthen the national water service. e.", + "(a) To strengthen the national water service. e. To transform the model of management of the provision of the drinking water service, guaranteeing the human right of access to water for all Venezuelans, with the protagonal participation of the organized people and the water workers, through a sovereign and sustainable model, which will enable the technical and political knowledge and skills necessary for the water production process to be enhanced. f. To strengthen Integrated Water Management in Watersheds with an emphasis on the protection, sustainable exploitation and recovery of both surface and groundwater, in order to meet human, ecological and demand needs.", + "The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry", + "50% of water served treated. Coverage of drinking water service. Treatment of water served. Urban Settlement (Living) Sector Climate change is affecting the natural variability of the climate, causing increasingly frequent and intense extreme events, and consequently increasing the loss of human life and property damage.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Cabinet of Ministers, the National Assembly and the Senate, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Oliy Majlis, the National Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the", + "The Venezuelan State in order to mass and accelerate the conditions for a healthy and equitable enjoyment of the social rights provided for in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, creates a set of large-scale social programs, under the figure of Missions and Major Missions.", + "It is important to note that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is planning new housing complexes that will offer benefits of various kinds; in addition to the material advantages for its inhabitants, it will make it possible to control the aggression against ecosystems, the deforestation and occupation of vulnerable and high-risk areas, guaranteeing health conditions, as well as the access and efficient use of basic services for millions of inhabitants.", + "It is important to note that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is planning new residential complexes that enable it to offer benefits of various kinds; in addition to the material advantages for its inhabitants, it makes it possible to control the aggression against ecosystems, deforestation and the occupation of vulnerable and high-risk areas, guaranteeing health conditions, as well as access to and efficient use of basic services for millions of inhabitants.", + "Following this, we present Figure 05 of the Urban Settlement (Living) Sector. Figure 05. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Urban Settlement (Living) Sector. Figure summarizes the actions and programmes with impact on adaptation- Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017. Construction of housing at national level. Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela.", + "In this regard, it is important to note that, in accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2006 on the triennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system, the Secretary-General, in his report on the triennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system (A/60/250), requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-first session a report on the implementation of the resolution.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior has adopted a number of other measures aimed at enhancing the protection of the rights of the child.", + "The Government of the Republic of Venezuela is committed to promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to life, the right to liberty and security of the person, the right to health, the right to education, the right to freedom of expression, the right to freedom of opinion and expression, the right to freedom of association, the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to freedom of expression, the right to freedom of opinion and expression, the right to freedom of association, the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to freedom of association, the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to freedom of association, the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to freedom of opinion and expression, the right to freedom of association, the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to freedom of association", + "Proposal for Indicators for the Certification of Projects aimed at the Construction of Sustainable Housing, framed in the fulfilment of the ODS. Actions and/or measures for the updating of the CND to 2030:. Description of the action. Actions by the Ministry of Popular Power for Housing and Housing are framed in the consolidation of the following lines of work:8 new constructive elements that guarantee 0% waste in works.", + "It is estimated that 5,700,000 housing units will be built in response to the housing needs of the Venezuelan people, of which 1% will be targeted as a response to people affected by the effects of climate change.", + "It is estimated that 5,700,000 housing units will be built in response to the housing needs of the Venezuelan people, of which 1% will be earmarked as a response to people affected by the effects of climate change.", + "It is estimated that 700,000 housing units will be built using alternative bioconstructive systems (wool, bamboo, hornbeam), in response to losses and damage due to adverse effects on climate change, and to special attention to rural areas, indigenous peoples and other ecologically fragile areas.", + "It is estimated that 1,140,000 homes will be built using locally produced materials, in order to reduce the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere by 20% in terms of transport.", + "It is estimated that 108 tree planting days will be organized at the national level to increase green areas in urban areas in order to minimise the effects of climate change.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania has adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the living conditions of persons with disabilities, such as the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons", + "It is estimated to improve 6 current standards of housing construction for the integration of natural climate variability. Housing construction: 5.700.000 housing at national level. 700.000 housing with alternative bioconstructive systems. 1.140.000 housing with locally manufactured materials. Insertion of new construction elements:. Tree planting days: it is estimated that 108 tree planting days will be implemented in urban areas aimed at achieving a substantial increase in the percentage of green areas in urban developments and residential complexes. Strategic Planning of the Housing and Housing Sector:.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Health, in cooperation with the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, has launched a campaign to raise awareness of the rights of children and adolescents in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, as well as of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography on the involvement of children in armed conflict", + "Continuity of the current Sectoral Housing and Housing Plan 2019 - 2025 and Development of the Sectoral Housing and Housing Plan 2025-2031.", + "Formulation and development of 9 annual habitat and housing plans, which consider the contribution corresponding to the goals established in the construction of housing, and the development of more compact cities, of controlled growth (optimal use of the soil).", + "Local (PDEL), Integrated Maintenance Plan for Residential Buildings, Pilot Plan for the Management of Solid Waste in Urban Developments of the Great Housing Mission Venezuela and GMVV Forest Plan, to promote the reintegration of plant and animal species into the territorial area that was intervened. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators.", + "Number of housing units constructed nationally:. Number of housing units constructed with alternative bioconstructive systems. Number of housing units constructed with locally manufactured materials. Number of new construction elements inserted in the construction of housing units. Number of conferences aimed at increasing the m2 of green areas in urban spaces. Percentage (%) of mitigation of contaminants in constructed housing units. Percentage (%) of solid waste reduction in large Venezuelan housing units. Number of animal and vegetable species that have been reintegrated into the original habitat.", + "Percentage (%) of solid waste reduction in large urbanizations in Venezuela.", + "The number of plant and animal species that have been reintegrated into the original habitat.The number of policies, guidelines, plans and programmes aimed at achieving the silver targets.Science and Technology Sector.Technology transfer has materialized through cooperation and exchange agreements between countries, institutions and research centres, as well as in programmes and projects that usually respond to state policies and that have stimulated the development and growth of various sectors of society, through access to the knowledge and experience of research groups, innovation and technological development.Science and Technology has financed 128 research projects in the area of climate change.", + "The transfer of technology has materialized through cooperation and exchange agreements between countries, institutions and research centres, as well as in programmes and projects that usually respond to state policies and that have stimulated the development and growth of various sectors of society, through access to the knowledge and experience of research groups, innovation and technological development Science and Technology has financed 128 research projects in the area of climate change.", + "These projects were selected in open calls to organized communities, foundations, universities and research centers across the country.They focus on obtaining results with real options that respond to the issue of mitigation and adaptation for sectors such as: complementary energy, sustainable agricultural production, education, housing, emissions inventory, basic information, predictive models, conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.", + "In the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, monitoring and systematic observation programs of variables relevant to climate research involve meteorological and oceanographic aspects linked to different climate zones present in the country.", + "In the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the programmes for monitoring and systematic observation of variables relevant to climate research involve meteorological and oceanographic aspects linked to different climate zones present in the country.", + "This has led to an improvement in the last decade with the increase of national capacities for hydrometeorological monitoring, climate prediction and real-time monitoring of certain environmental parameters. The following table presents Figure 06 of the Science and Technology Sector. Figure 06. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Science and Technology Sector.", + "Policies of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Science and Technology Sector. Summary of actions and programs with impact on adaptation- Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programs with impact on adaptation year 2017-2020. Research, Monitoring and Systematic Observation. Description of the results of the action implemented in Venezuela's First NDC. 1. Research on Climate Change. 2. Increasing national capacities for hydrometeorological monitoring and climate prediction in the country.", + "Research in Climate Change. 2. Increasing national capacities for hydrometeorological monitoring and climate prediction in the country. or Densification of the existing network of automatic hydrometeorological stations at national level. Currently, the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (INAMEH) is developing a project to automate the country's hydrometeorological network in about real time, in order to regain the continuity of historical records and obtain greater spatial coverage according to climate types and national hydrology.", + "The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (INAMEH) is currently developing a project to automate the country's hydrometeorological network in about real time, in order to restore the continuity of historical records and obtain greater spatial coverage according to climate types and national hydrology.", + "To date, nearly 300 hydrometeorological stations have been installed, but projects and agreements are being developed to further densify the existing network. 3. Regional performance evaluation of global atmospheric circulation models for future climate prediction. or Global atmospheric circulation climate models (GCMs) are an important tool for assessing climate change risks under different development scenarios.", + "o Global Atmospheric Circulation Climate Models (GCMs) are an important tool for assessing the risks of climate change under different development scenarios, but their application at regional and country level is difficult due to the spatial scale and the different assumptions under which they are developed, which do not necessarily correspond to specific regional characteristics.", + "However, their application at regional and country level is difficult because of the spatial scale and the different assumptions under which they are developed, which do not necessarily correspond to certain regional characteristics.", + "The results of the Regional Climate Models under different future scenarios will enable the elaboration of action lines to be considered within the plan and adaptation strategies for Climate Change, allowing the planning of adaptation in sectors such as health, especially in the case of vector-borne diseases; the energy sector, given that electricity generation in our country is highly vulnerable to drought extremes; the water and food sector; biodiversity and ecosystem conservation; among others.", + "They will also enable the development of studies for the Greenhouse Gas Inventory and provide precise technical information for voluntary mitigation. They will initiate the development of studies for the Greenhouse Gas Inventory and provide technical details for voluntary mitigation. 4. Specific risks to be reduced with the information from the results of climate models. or Water scarcity due to climate variability.", + "Specific risks to be reduced with the information of the results of climate models. or Water scarcity due to climate variability. Specifically, a research project is being developed on the potential of rain harvesting under different scenarios of Change. Since 2011, the Ministry of Popular Power for University Education Science and Technology has funded 128 research projects in the area of Climate Change.", + "Since 2011, the Ministry of Popular Power for University Education Science and Technology has funded 128 research projects in the area of climate change.These projects were selected in open calls to organized communities, foundations, universities and research centers across the country.They focus on mitigation and adaptation in a wide range of topics including complementary energy, sustainable agricultural production, education, housing, emissions inventory, basic information, predictive models and the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.", + "They focus on mitigation and adaptation in a wide range of topics including complementary energy, sustainable agricultural production, education, housing, emissions inventory, basic information, predictive models and the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. Climate at national level. Actions and/or measures for updating the GNI to 2030. Adaptation in the different sectors. Description of the action. elaborated in its member entities and on the national territory that allow to guide the national adaptation plan. Institution responsible for the actions.", + "It is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, which is responsible for the implementation of the National Adaptation Plan.", + "Several projects on modelling the distribution of species under different climate change scenarios have been funded so far, indicating vulnerable ecosystems and species in marine, terrestrial and freshwater systems as a first step towards their protection and conservation.", + "A large number of research projects address the potential effects of climate change on food production at different scales.Vector-borne disease transmission.Nice modelling research projects include modelling vectors of disease transmission such as Dengue and Yellow Fever, to estimate the most vulnerable areas under different climate change scenarios.", + "Nest modelling research projects include modelling vectors of transmission of diseases such as dengue and yellow fever, to estimate the most vulnerable areas under different climate change scenarios Risk reduction through climate variability and climate change, in the specific sectors of water, agriculture, energy, health and disaster, selected by the WMO for the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), to which the Venezuelan state will add biodiversity through its commitment to protected natural spaces.", + "Reduction of risks due to climate variability and climate change, in the specific sectors of water, agriculture, energy, health and disaster, selected by the WMO for the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (MMSC), to which the Venezuelan state will add biodiversity due to its commitment to protected natural spaces.", + "Establishment of climatic and hydrological models and indicators for the continuous monitoring of current and projected adverse hydrometeorological events.", + "Cooperation in the updating of the greenhouse gas inventory, with the aim of monitoring the results of the voluntary mitigation actions undertaken by the Venezuelan State and with a view to continuously updating the voluntary targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the science and technology sector through its governing body, the Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology, will advise and contribute to the periodic updating of the greenhouse gas inventories with the active participation of experts in the field.", + "In addition, it is recognized that, as a result of unilateral coercive measures imposed by some foreign governments, the national productive sectors with the highest GHG emissions have seen their productivity and hence their GHG emissions reduced, making it necessary to continuously evaluate voluntary GHG reduction targets.", + "Development of vulnerability maps to prioritize the adaptation strategy. Mincyt will support and lead research projects for the development of vulnerability maps. Community Sector (Popular Organization). We believe that our societies must change and that this transformation can only happen from the roots, from the participation, actions and knowledge of grassroots groups and social organizations, from justice, equity, respect and inclusion.", + "We believe that our societies must change and that this transformation can only happen from the roots, from the participation, actions and knowledge of groups and basic social organizations, from justice, equity, respect and inclusion.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Cabinet of Ministers, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refuge", + "Following this, we present Figure 07 of the Community Sector (Popular Organization). Figure 07. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Community Sector (Popular Organization). Figure summarizes the actions and programmes with impact on adaptation- Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017. Popular Organization and Participation. Description of the action. The strengthening of social organization in Venezuela is decisive for reducing vulnerability to climate change.", + "The strengthening of social organization in Venezuela is decisive for reducing vulnerability to climate change.The Integrated System of Popular Power (SIPP) 2021 has made it possible to quantify throughout the country: 48,749 registered Municipal Councils, 3,330 registered communes, 1,294 Social Battle Halls (to be reactivated by 2021) and 35,000 Social Movements, which comprise more than 80,000 social organizations.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, in cooperation with the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, has launched a campaign to raise awareness of the rights of children and adolescents.", + "In the context of the availability of reliable data, permanent contact is made with the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies, with the Registration System coordinated by the Deputy Ministry of Community and Social Organisation and Participation, and with the Directorate of Statistics of FUNDACOMUNAL, the Ministry of People's Power for Communities and Social Movements.", + "In the context of having reliable data, permanent contact is made with the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies, with the Registration System coordinated by the Deputy Ministry of Organization and Community and Social Participation and with the Directorate of Statistics of FUNDACOMUNAL, the Ministry of the People's Power for Communities and Social Movements.", + "o For the year 2030, the scope of the following is planned: 50,000 registered municipal councils, 10,000 registered communes, more than 2,700 organized social movements and more than 2,000 Social Battle Halls, in order to raise awareness and contribute to the construction. of actions in adaptation-mitigation of climate change with transformation through education.", + "Development of a System of Indicators that guides the evaluation of the effects of climate change in the communes and the actions undertaken by the Councils Comunales, Salas de Batalla Social y Movimientos Sociales. In each commune, Council Municipal, Sala de Batalla Social y Movimiento Social, must be formed an Evaluation Committee integrated by voices and voices that permanently.", + "In each commune, the commune council, the Social Battle Hall and the Social Movement, an Evaluation Committee must be formed consisting of spokespersons who permanently monitor the adverse effects of climate change.", + "Objective To consolidate social protection policies and guidelines aimed at vulnerable and vulnerable people, communities and social groups, with a view to establishing a humanistic model centred on men and women, carrying out local and sustainable activities aimed at prevention and care in a manner consistent with popular power, which gradually transfers power to the people and must decide on the immediate aspects of their lives, in terms of culture, beliefs, sport, health, education, national security, etc.", + "In order to achieve this, it is necessary to have a reliable source and to have the right actors available to facilitate the acquisition of:.", + "The measurement of efficiency and impact that allows to guide the assessment of the National Policy on Climate Change requires consideration of the variables of \u201cAdaptation and Mitigation\u201d, for this it is necessary to be able to rely on a reliable source.", + "Number of municipalities formed. Number of families by municipality. % of suitable employment of agrochemical substances. % of use of agroecological methods. Number of measures for the preservation of seeds and crops. Number of measures for the preservation of soil and subsoil. Number of measures for the preservation of fauna and flora. Number of measures for the preservation of endangered species. Number of refresher courses related to the preservation of the environment and the planet.", + "No. of Measures of conservation of species in extinction No. of Updating courses related to the conservation of the environment and the planet No. of Working tables, meetings and videoconferences of the organized Popular Power where the effects of climate change are contextualized, etc. Sector of Basic Education.", + "No. of Working Tables, meetings and videoconferences of the People's Power organized to contextualize the effects of climate change, etc. Basic Education Sector Environmental problems and disasters have become one of the greatest political, economic, scientific and educational concerns worldwide, on the solution of which the existence of life on earth depends to a large extent.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary", + "It is necessary to work sustainably for the protection of the environment and to reduce risks from disasters, as well as to prepare for action in the event of emergencies and to work simultaneously to achieve global harmony, eradicate hunger, terrorism, wars and take care of human health.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, organized a workshop on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in cooperation with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United", + "In addition, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, has organized a workshop on the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence, as well as for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence, the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence, and the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology", + "The Ministry of Public Power for Education (MPPE), responding to the need to strengthen the education system, has since 2007 developed a curriculum proposal that contains theoretical guidelines, objectives, integrative axes and profiles of students and teachers, as well as functional guidelines (practical relations between teachers, learning areas, curriculum modules, learning experiences and evaluation).", + "Among the integrative axes of the Bolivian National Curriculum of the Subsystem of Basic Education, we have \u201cEnvironment and Integral Health\u201d, aimed at promoting the development of harmonious relations between human beings and nature (environment), stressing the importance of seeing the whole, Planet Earth as an integrated system; where human beings are immersed; where we must learn to make rational and conscious use of natural resources.", + "In addition, it promotes the understanding of integral health, from all aspects (sexual reproduction, risk management, recreation, nutrition, among others), thus minimizing scenarios of threats, natural physical risks and social impacts, leading to the strengthening of a culture of prevention, contributing to the full development of the human being and to living well.", + "In this sense, the environmental contents are not reduced to simple studies of the biotic and abiotic elements, but also with the multiple interrelations between these elements and the social, economic, political and cultural aspects of the environment; where the socio-environmental problems related to integral health, consumption and poverty that affect the environmental quality and social well-being of the citizens originate.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare has adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in the labour market.", + "Following this, we present Figure 08 of the Basic Education Sector. Figure 08. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Basic Education Sector. Figure summary of the actions and programs with impact on adaptation- Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programs with impact on adaptation year 2017. Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. mutual agreement with the organized communities in the territory.", + "Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. mutual agreement with the communities organized in the territory. Actions and/or measures for updating the CND to 2030: municipal and community. Formation of Ecological Brigades. Program \u201cBicentenary Forest\u201d.", + "In order to strengthen and deepen the culture on the conservation, preservation, of the environment and natural resources in order to train girls, adolescents, young people, adults and adults as ecological brigadiers in conjunction with the pedagogical guidelines of environmental education.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, in cooperation with the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, has organized a series of training courses on the protection of the rights of children and adolescents in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, as well as in the context of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the", + "Promoting and strengthening individual and collective awareness of the importance of tree planting as a measure of mitigation and adaptation in the fight against climate change and saving life on the planet, starting with the planting of 50 fruit trees and forests in each federal entity (24 in total) as the initial route of the Bicentenary Forest Program.", + "Implementation of the Gran Jornada Nacional \u201cUn Araguaney por la Paz y la Soberan\u00eda\u201d in all those educational institutions with infrastructure conditions for the planting of the Araguaney (national tree) or in spaces and communal lands of. It is estimated the formation of the Ecological Brigades in all educational institutions of the country.", + "It is estimated that the Bicentenary Forest Programme will be strengthened by planting new species of trees in conjunction with different national and state authorities. Description of the action. Actions by the Ministry of Popular Power for Education are framed in the consolidation of the following lines of work: at least 10 trees per year in each area within the Bicentenary Forest Programme. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Formation of Ecological Brigades: 29.376 formed Ecological Brigades, one for each educational institution.", + "Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Formation of Ecological Brigades: 29.376 formed Ecological Brigades, one for each educational institution. Strengthening of the \u201cBicentenary Forest\u201d Programme: Planting of new arboreal species with the aim of incorporating, by 2030. Number of formed Ecological Brigades at national level. Number of school spaces recovered for tree planting. Number of community spaces recovered by Ecological Brigades for tree planting.", + "Number of school spaces recovered for tree planting. Number of community spaces recovered by the Ecological Brigades for tree planting. Number of Policies, Guidelines, Plans and Programs aimed at achieving the awarded goals. University Education Sector. University Education, aware of the importance of knowledge on climate change, has been aligning itself from the academic sector in response to the need to make Venezuelan society aware of the problems of climate change.", + "The University Education, aware of the importance of knowledge about climate change, has been aligning itself from the academic sector in response to the need to make Venezuelan society aware of the problems of climate change.", + "The Free Climate Change Faculty (CLCC), through the development of educational activities framed in the CMNCC, aims to continue contributing to the construction of a society with a greater awareness of the causes and consequences of climate change and to co-operate in the control of greenhouse gas emissions.", + "In order to contribute at national level to the central objective of the current stage in the management of climate change in the world: the definition of adaptation measures that make society less vulnerable to the challenges imposed by climate change.", + "In the same way, Venezuelan institutions of university education have implemented actions of socio-environmental training offering within their programming subjects directly or indirectly related to the environment.", + "In some cases, they introduce the subject of Environmental Education as a compulsory subject in the introductory courses, before starting the professional cycles.", + "In addition, the Venezuelan State has founded Institutions of University Education throughout the country, achieving in this way that university education will cease to be a privilege of few to be a right of all Venezuelans; some of these institutions offer training in the environmental area, at the pre- and post-graduate level, with the aim of developing responsible environmental management.", + "In this sense, the environment involves the natural and the sociocultural in all its dimensions and manifestations; with diversity as a fundamental principle and it is one of the privileged areas where the priority areas of attention converge with greater relevance.", + "For the new University, the environment demands to be considered within the framework of organizational and curricular changes that make possible the opening of new ways oriented towards the combination of scientific and technological processes; also including the integral assessment of the human being as a transformative agent of his reality through his knowledge and his action.", + "Following this, we present Figure 09 of the University Education Sector. Figure 09. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the University Education Sector. Figure summarizes the actions and programmes with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2018. Space for reflection, discussion and debate in environmental matters. Description of the results of the action implemented.", + "A space for reflection, discussion and debate on environmental issues.Description of the results of the action implemented.The National Convention on Environmental Studies (CONEA) since 2018, during its first celebration, has become a space for the participation of national and international specialists, representatives of public and private administration, research institutes, universities and various sectors of society with an involvement in the habitat, territory, and environment.", + "The National Convention on Environmental Studies (CONEA) since 2018, during its first celebration, has become a space for the participation of national and international specialists, representatives of public and private administration, research institutes, universities and various sectors of society with an influence on the habitat, territory, and environment.CONEA represents not only the beginning of the policy of the conventions at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela, but has become a ministerial policy at the national level.", + "CONEA represents not only the beginning of the policy of the conventions at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela, but has become a ministerial policy at the national level.CONEA II 2020 continues with the objective of bringing together communities, students, professors and experts with involvement in the fields of Architecture, Agroecology, Food Safety-Nutritional Culture and Environmental Management, for the exchange of experiences and presentation of innovation and research as well as establishing a space for reflection, discussion and debate among the participating specialists in environmental matters.", + "CONEA II 2020 continues with the aim of bringing together communities, students, professors and experts with involvement in the fields of Architecture, Agroecology, Food Safety-Nutritional Culture and Environmental Management, for the exchange of experiences and presentation of innovation and research as well as establishing a space for reflection, discussion and debate among the participating specialists in environmental matters.", + "Specifically, the achievements obtained from CONEA between the years 2018 and 2021 have been developed and socialized from the Center for Environmental Studies events where climate change and its consequences have been discussed:o First editions have had the participation of more than 1000 participants from the face-to-face modalities and the last online more than 300 work of. research involving the environmental theme where meetings and forums have been developed around climate change and its consequences.", + "National Convention on Environmental Studies (CONEA) Bolivarian University of Venezuela:. Activities at the institutional, community level, participates and promotes:. 10 community forums and community organization strategies will be developed with the aim of informing and raising awareness about the effects of climate change.", + "10 community forums and community organization strategies will be developed with the aim of informing and raising awareness about the effects of Climate Change.10 exchanges of experiences and presentations of innovation and presentations will be held that will be supported by research that contributes to the adaptation-mitigation of Climate Change with transformation through education.", + "There will be 10 exchanges of experiences and presentations of innovations and presentations that will be based on research that contributes to the adaptation and mitigation of climate change with the transformation through education.", + "5 laboratory analysis services and environmental impact assessments of activities capable of degrading the environment will be carried out, which will allow the strengthening of the different careers, through the Center for Environmental Studies, providing support for the academic development of the students Rafael Mar\u00eda Baralt National Experimental University (UNERMB)- Research Program -CDCHT:. Research and innovation policies at UNERMB together with the Research Center for the Promotion of Endogenous Development (CIPDE) and the Center for Agri-Food and Environmental Research (CIAGROA):.", + "Research and innovation policies at UNERMB together with the Centre for the Promotion of Endogenous Development (CIPDE) and the Centre for Agri-Food and Environmental Research (CIAGROA): 17 lines, research and innovation projects will be developed with the aim of ensuring sustainability in order to guarantee food safety. \u201cTransforming Our World\u201d, dictated by the Centre for the Promotion of Endogenous Development (CIPDE). 3.", + "The Venezuelan University of Hydrocarbons (UVH) has a Master\u2019s program in Ecology and Hydrocarbons related to Climate Change, and a sub-program with the \u201cProject Evaluation and Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Effects in Petroleum Facilities\u201d.", + "The Venezuelan University of Hydrocarbons (UVH) has a Master\u2019s program in Ecology and Hydrocarbons in relation to Climate Change, and a sub-program with the \u201cProject Evaluation and Estimation of Gases Greenhouse Effect in Petroleum Facilities\u201d. o Three degree projects will be developed within the central research line Impact of the Hydrocarbon Industry and its Socio-Environmental Implications on Venezuelan Environmental Systems.", + "o 3 degree projects will be developed within the central research line Impact of the Hydrocarbon Industry and its Socio-Environmental Implications on Venezuelan Ecological Systems. Description of the action. 1. National Convention on Environmental Studies (CONEA). Objectives. Promote the participation of national and international specialists, representatives of public and private administration, research institutes, universities and various sectors of society with involvement in the habitat, territory, and environment. Institution responsible for the actions.", + "Promote the participation of national and international specialists, representatives of public and private administration, research institutes, universities and various sectors of society with influence on the habitat, territory, and environment.", + "Bolivian University of Venezuela (UBV). Ministry of Popular Power for University Education (MPPEU). Linkage with ODS. Description of the action. 2. Research and innovation policies at UNERMB together with the Center for Research for the Promotion of Endogenous Development (CIPDE) and the Center for Agri-Food and Environmental Research (CIAGROA). Objectives. Generate mechanisms, activities and processes that lead to environmental preservation and sustainability in the medium and long term. Institution responsible for the actions. Rafael Mar\u00eda Baralt National Experimental University (UNERMB).", + "National Experimental University Rafael Mar\u00eda Baralt (UNERMB) Ministry of Popular Power for University Education (MPPEU) 22 Environmental Brigades will be implemented in the university spaces, estimating 1 for each undergraduate and postgraduate seat to raise awareness about the effects of climate change. 50 (Organizations of Bases of Popular Power) forestry activities will be developed in conjunction with the Tree Mission to form optimal aircraft for carbon sinks.", + "50 (Organizations of Bases of Popular Power) forestry activities will be developed in conjunction with the Tree Mission to form optimum aircraft for carbon sinks; 1250 sustainability areas will be formed for students, teaching staff, administrative staff and workers of our institution to ensure food security that is threatened by the adverse effects of climate change.", + "1250 sustainability areas will be formed for students, teaching staff, administrative staff and workers of our institution to ensure food security that is threatened by adverse effects of climate change. 2400 sustainability areas will be formed for grassroots organizations to ensure food security that is threatened by adverse effects of climate change. 120 Sustainable Development Training Seminar and 2030 Agenda will be held. Linkage with ODS. Action description. 3.", + "There will be 120 training seminars on Sustainable Development and the 2030 Agenda. Linkage with ODS. Description of the action. 3. Master in Ecology and Hydrocarbons on Climate Change- \u201cProject Evaluation and Estimation of Greenhouse Gases in Petroleum Facilities\u201d. Objectives. Evaluate and estimate Greenhouse Gases in Petroleum Facilities, and impact on Venezuelan Environmental Systems. Institution responsible for the actions. Venezuelan University of Hydrocarbons (UVH). Ministry of Popular Power for University Education (MPPEU). Linkage with ODS.", + "Women's political participation in Venezuela, since the end of the 20th century, has become evident in the occupation of the largest number of women in institutional positions, ministries and collective organizations, the document mentioned above also states that women have led four of the five public authorities (all except the Executive).", + "Women's participation in politics in Venezuela has been evident since the end of the twentieth century in the occupation of a greater number of women in institutional positions, ministries and collective organizations, and the above-mentioned document also states that women have led four of the five public authorities (all except the Executive).", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "In addition, the Ministry of Women's Affairs, which was founded in 2008, under the leadership of the National Institute of Women, acquired budgetary autonomy and changed its name to the Ministry of the People's Power for Women and Gender Equality in 2009, an institution that since its creation has been oriented towards promoting policies favourable to women.", + "It is important to note that it is recognized that Venezuelan women have managed to occupy a significant space in the national public sphere, however, equity is founded on the principles of social justice and human rights where opportunities are offered to both men and women, instruments, policies of access in an equitable manner, prevailing within this condition of equality criteria according to gender needs.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has adopted a number of measures aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in the labour market.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Gender Sector (Women and Gender Equality) - Programme \u201cWomen in Fisheries\u201d. Summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and/or measures to update the NDC to 2030. Programme \u201cWomen in Fisheries\u201d. Description of the action. It aims to include women in the agri-food production sector, with the development of sustainable agricultural activity as its vision.", + "This programme seeks to empower women farmers and to recognize their ancestral knowledge as a basis for gender equality and equity in all aspects of the agricultural sector and public policies, based on the recognition of the rights of women farmers.", + "This programme seeks the empowerment of women farmers and the recognition of their ancestral knowledge as a basis for gender equality and equity in all aspects of the agricultural sector and public policies, based on the recognition of the rights of women farmers.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, organized a workshop on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Wel", + "In this sense:According to the National Institute of Land, in a first stage direct awards of rural land titles to 477 farmers at national level, equivalent to 7,400,304 hectares, were achieved. Objective: To promote the stewardship of public policies, plans, programmes and projects of the Venezuelan State, which promotes the participation of women in the popular power and guarantees the exercise of their rights and gender equality.", + "To promote the direction of public policies, plans, programmes and projects of the Venezuelan State, which promotes the participation of women in the popular power and guarantees the exercise of their rights and gender equality.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in the labour market.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Gender Sector (Women and Gender Equality) - Women Farmers. Summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and/or measures to update the NDC to 2030. Reducing vulnerability to the effects of climate change and increasing the resilience of women farmers.", + "Reduction of vulnerability to the effects of climate change and increase of resilience of women farmers.Description of the action.Convention with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), to develop the project \u201cReduction of vulnerability to the effects of climate change and increase of resilience of women farmers\u201d, with the aim of increasing the resilience capacities of women farmers, producers and organizations to cope with climate change through the implementation of sustainable and gender-sensitive socio-productive strategies, in the states of M\u00e9rida, Trujillo and Portuguesa.", + "Convention with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), to develop the project \u201cReducing vulnerability to the effects of climate change and increasing the resilience of women farmers\u201d, with the aim of increasing the resilience capacities of women farmers, producers and organizations to deal with climate change through the implementation of sustainable and gender-sensitive socio-productive strategies, in the states of M\u00e9rida, Trujillo and Portuguesa.", + "In addition, the training that the project will provide to women agricultural producers and their organizations will promote their knowledge and exercise of their rights, and the development of their leadership and leadership in relation to gender-sensitive agro-climatic risk management by the state. with rural women producers. Objective: To promote the steering of public policies, plans, programmes and projects of the Venezuelan state, which promotes the participation of women.", + "To promote the direction of public policies, plans, programmes and projects of the Venezuelan State, which promotes the participation of women in the popular power and guarantees the exercise of their rights and gender equality.", + "Institution responsible for actions. Linkage with ODS. In 2021, it is estimated that a total of 1,500 women farmers and 150 agricultural organizations will benefit. To date, it has been possible to identify needs, capacities, roles and gender-sensitive actions to be implemented in the area of disaster risk management and agro-climatic risks. Sector Youth and Sports.", + "In this regard, it is important to note that the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has not yet ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, nor has it ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, or the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, or the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, or the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, or the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, or the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involve", + "The Bolivarian Revolution is fulfilling a process of political and social demands aimed at broad sectors of the population that have traditionally been excluded, including Venezuelan youth. That is why, in 2014, the Ministry of Popular Power for Youth and Sport was created, with the aim of strengthening public policies aimed at young people in: Enhancing the Stellar Role of Youth with the Demographic Bonus, through its productive specialization and the development of a national population policy, employing the Great Venezuelan Housing Mission in the new cities and focal points of economic and strategic development of the country.", + "Strengthen the Stellar Role of Youth with the Demographic Bonus, through their productive specialization and the development of a national population policy, employing the Venezuelan Housing Great Mission in the new cities and focuses of economic and strategic development of the country.Develop and direct the Chamba Youth Great Mission to the activation of the self-sustaining productive sectors and attention to the needs of the population.", + "To develop and direct the Grand Mission Chamba Juvenile to activate the self-sustaining productive sectors and to attend to the needs of the population.", + "To strengthen the Organizational, Cultural and Economic Balance of Youth and Students, by strengthening the institutions of organization and participation in the education system, communal councils, municipalities, the Presidential Council and the Congress of the Fatherland, among others.", + "To strengthen the Organizational, Cultural and Economic Political Balance of Youth and Students, strengthening the institutions of organization and participation in the education system, communal councils, communes, Presidential Council and Congress of the Fatherland, among others, in this context, given the active presence of Youth as a force for raising awareness and awareness of the adverse effects of climate change, from their participation and impact in the various public bodies: national, regional and local, especially the executive, legislative and communal, for the generation of policies and decision-making.", + "In this context, given the active presence of youth as a force for raising awareness and awareness of the adverse effects of climate change, from their participation and impact in the various public bodies: national, regional and local, especially the executive, legislative and communal, for the generation of policies and decision-making.", + "The following table presents Figure 12 of the Youth Sector: Figure 12. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Youth Sector. Summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and/or measures to update the NDCs by 2030: 2.500.000 incorporated into the Greater Mission. or National Objective. or Strategic Objective. country whose objectives include the policy of awareness of the effects of climate change. Description of the action.", + "In the year 2017, the Grand Mission Chamba Juvenile is created as a strategy to focus and promote Public Youth Policies, having among its objectives to enhance the processes of socio-productive training sustainable in all its aspects and to contribute to the organization of young people on strategic themes for the country, currently having a register of.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Advancement of Women and the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Rights of the Child.", + "In the year 2019, the Programmatic Agenda of Youth 2019 - 2025 is presented, in which in its Historical Objective No. 5 it is established \u201cCONTRIBUTING WITH THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE ON THE PLANT AND THE SALVATION OF THE HUMAN SPECIES\u201d, with the following objectives: To build and promote the historical social eco-socialist model, based on respect for the rights of Mother Earth and the well-being of our people by developing the principle of unity within diversity, the integral and systemic vision, popular participation, the role of the state-nation, the incorporation of technologies and forms of organization of production, distribution and consumption, which focus on the rational, optimal and sustainable exploitation of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature.", + "To build and promote the historical social ecosocialist model, based on respect for the rights of Mother Earth and the well-being of our people by developing the principle of unity within diversity, the integral and systemic vision, popular participation, the role of the state-nation, the incorporation of technologies and forms of organization of production, distribution and consumption, which focus on the rational, optimal and sustainable exploitation of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature.", + "To promote collectively the construction and consolidation of socialism as the only option against the predatory, discriminatory and unsustainable capitalist model; to promote the creation and establishment of a new ecosocialist ethic, which contributes to the change in unsustainable models of production and unviable and unhealthy consumption habits imposed by the voracity inherent in the capitalist system.", + "Promote the creation and establishment of a new eco-socialist ethic, which contributes to the change in unsustainable models of production and unviable and unhealthy consumption habits imposed by the voracity inherent in the capitalist system.", + "To promote the construction and consolidation of socio-productive alternatives and new schemes of social, economic and financial cooperation for the promotion of eco-socialism and the establishment of fair trade, under the principles of complementarity, cooperation, sovereignty and solidarity.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, organized a workshop on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare,", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, organized a workshop on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and", + "Action 1: To train youth brigades for risk management, taking into account the division of integral development regions. Action 2: To specialize youth brigades in attention to the possible geographical vulnerabilities of each integral region. Action 3: To train regional youth brigades for the three moments of risk management: before-during-after the occurrence of the natural phenomenon. Action 4: To design sustainable socio-productive training programmes, using information and communication technologies to facilitate their continuous dissemination.", + "Action 4: Design sustainable socio-productive training programmes, using information and communication technologies to facilitate their continuous dissemination. Action 5: Incorporate young people completing specialized training into youth brigades. Action 6: Create the Climate Change and Risk Management Chapter in the framework of the Youth Congress 2022, with the aim of showing the progress of the regional organization.", + "Action 6: Creation of the Climate Change and Risk Management Chapter within the framework of the Youth Congress 2022, with the aim of showing the progress of the regional organization. Action 7: Preparation of communication plans reporting on the structure, operation and location of the Brigades and the dissemination of sustainable youth policies and educational campaigns. Action 8: Realization of alliances with public and private institutions for the consolidation of the above-mentioned actions. Institution responsible for the actions.", + "Action 8: Establish alliances with public and private institutions for the consolidation of the above-mentioned actions. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 11.3.11. Mining sector. No. of youth brigades formed by state and municipality. No. of specialized youth brigades. No. of specialized courses designed. No. of trained youth brigadists.", + "A mining system consists of a network of operators and institutions in the public and private sectors whose activities establish, execute, control, produce, process and market mineral resources, in their pure state, after adding value and transforming them into intermediate and final goods.", + "A mining system consists of a network of operators and institutions in the public and private sectors whose activities establish, execute, control, produce, process and market mineral resources, in their pure state, after adding value and processing into intermediate and final goods.", + "In the case of the National System of Ecological Mining, it is characterized by the incorporation of the vision of ecological mining; this statement derives from the proposal of an economic model to be developed by the Bolivarian Revolution, in which the \u201cneed to build an eco-socialist economic model, based on.", + "In the case of the National System of Ecological Mining, this is characterized by the incorporation of the vision of ecological mining; this statement stems from the proposal of an economic model to be developed by the Bolivarian Revolution, in which the \u201cneed to build an eco-socialist economic model, based on a harmonious relationship between man and nature\u201d, for which it is necessary to \u201cratify the defence of the sovereignty of the Venezuelan state over vital resources.\u201d Vision of ecological mining development.", + "The Ministry of the People's Power of Environmental Mining Development (MPPDME) is the governing body of the country's mining activity and of the National System of Environmental Mining, responsible for ensuring compliance with the political guidelines issued by the Bolivarian Government for the sovereign, ecological and efficient use and exploitation of mineral resources, by developing productive linkages and adding value within the mining sector on small, medium and large-scale mining scales, starting with an ecological mining that will allow overcoming dependence on oil income, generating sources of employment and a new stage in the sustainable national productive economy, without establishing a new mining rentism.", + "The challenge that is assumed with the formulation and subsequent concretization of this Mining Sectoral Plan, is to develop a mining that is able to boost and diversify the country's economy, but maintaining a balance between the environment and the human being and thus be able to extract, transform and add value to the mineral resources, but under the maximum of rational control, which ensures that the minerals, ecosystems and biodiversity will be there for the use and enjoyment of future generations.", + "Mining Sector Plan 2019 \u2013 2025 - Sectoral Framework:. National Ecological Mining System: This is a set of interrelated actors, institutions and practices that constitute, implement and participate in mining activity processes.", + "National Ecological Mining System: This is a set of actors, institutions and interrelated practices that constitute, execute and participate in processes of mining activity.", + "Actions, Policies, Measures and Strategies to be Implemented to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change Derived from the Development of Mining Activity:The construction and formulation of these proposals and guidelines for undertaking measures in environmental matters were elaborated with the aim of generating a comprehensive solution, in line with the values outlined above of an Ecological Mining Management, for their adherence to the national document to be presented to the relevant international bodies.", + "Compensatory Actions, Policies, Measures and Strategies to Implement:. Eco-mineral technical arrangements in the reforestation of areas affected by mining and related activities in the National Ecological Mining System: the existence of wooded areas in Venezuela is a contribution to mitigating action against the climate, because the vegetative layer helps to capture from the atmosphere the main greenhouse gas that is CO2, in this sense, the Ministry of Popular Power of.", + "Eco-mineral technical arrangements in the reforestation of areas affected by mining and related activities in the National Ecological Mining System: the existence of forested areas in Venezuela is a contribution to mitigating the action against the climate, because the vegetation layer helps to capture from the atmosphere the main greenhouse gas that is CO2, in this sense, the Ministry of Popular Power of.", + "Environmental Mining Development, through the PIAR Mission, is working hand in hand with MINEC to identify and diagnose the impact of mining activity on the different scales of mining.The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela demonstrates its strong commitment, implementing a defined and coherent roadmap, to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, within the framework of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change in relation to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela demonstrates its firm commitment, implementing a defined and coherent roadmap, to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), within the framework of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change in relation to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).", + "In the same way, the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecological Mining Development, in the mining sector, has developed and implemented environmental plans applying ecosocialist productive economic models, from our capacities and potentialities for their adaptation to climate change and its effects.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Mining Sector. Summary of actions and programmes with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and/or measures to update the NDC to 2030. Description of the action.", + "Summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and/or measures to update the NDC to 2030. Description of the action. The areas that were historically degraded by illegal mining, currently, are implementing a programme to each actor in the industrial sector of mineral processing, these special environmental remediation plans constitute an added value and contribution to the community and the environment.", + "The areas that were historically degraded by illegal mining, are currently implementing a program to each actor in the industrial sector of mineral processing, these special environmental remediation plans constitute an added value and contribution to the community and the environment.", + "In addition to this, the following activities are added:Creation of Agromineral Schools in the various mining areas of the state of Bol\u00edvar: for the training of voluntary groups of mining communities in the conservation of the environment and the implementation of actions for mitigation and recovery of areas affected by the exercise of extractive activity.Creation of nurseries and plantations and identification and management of native species: for the reforestation of forests and environmental recovery of soils in areas where mining activity is developed or those that have historically been degraded and maintain this status.", + "Creation of nurseries and plantations and identification and management of native species: for the reforestation of forests and the environmental recovery of soils in areas where mining activity develops or those that have historically been degraded and maintain this status.", + "Each Agromineral School will have a space dedicated to nurseries and plantations.Conformation of ecological brigades: are socio-productive units that involve the actors of the mining activity in conjunction with the community and the PIAR MISSION for the promotion, strengthening, orientation and implementation of the reforestation and remediation plans in the areas affected by the mining.", + "Formation of ecological brigades: these are socio-productive units that involve the actors of the mining activity in conjunction with the community and the PIAR MISSION for the promotion, strengthening, orientation and implementation of the reforestation and remediation plans in the areas affected by the mining.", + "Remediation of 1,575 hectares affected with 48,375 native trees planted in areas affected by mining will be estimated. Projects will be selected for the remediation of 1,575 hectares affected by mining by reducing erosion and sedimentation to river channels. Emissions generated by mining activity from the period 2020 to 2030 will be estimated to determine the area to be restored and the hectares affected by mining will be conditioned annually.", + "The emissions generated by mining activity in the period 2020 to 2030 will be estimated to determine the area to be restored and the hectares affected by mining activity will be conditioned annually.", + "In order to reduce the country\u2019s environmental impacts, both SENAFIM, Mining Protection, and the entities holding \u201cMining Rights\u201d, exercise the fiscalization, control and supervision of the Projects in their final phase and Mine Closure Plans, duly approved by the Ministry of People\u2019s Power for Ecological Mining Development, with the aim of meeting the established technical and environmental standards for the sanitation and restoration of areas affected by mining.", + "In order to reduce the environmental impact of the country: To this end, both SENAFIM, Mining Protection, and the entities that hold \u201cMining Rights\u201d, exercise the fiscalization, control and supervision of the Projects in their final phase and Mine Closure Plans, duly approved by the Ministry of the People\u2019s Power of Ecological Mining Development, with the aim of complying with the established standards both technical and environmental, for the sanitation and restoration of areas affected by mining.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior has adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of minors in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography,", + "Creation of environmental mining scientific and technological capabilities: increasing capabilities in science, innovation, education and development in technologies that encourage the creation of knowledge in the exploration, quantification, extraction and processing of mineral reserves oriented to environmental management through: Waste Management Plan in the SNME: one of the sectors responsible for the largest emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) on a global scale is the solid waste and waste sector; hence the importance of the elaboration, implementation and technical support in the plans for the integral management of by-products generated in mining and related activities, which have an impact on the reduction of emissions and the implementation of final disposal systems.", + "As well as, to promote the techniques of utilization and energy valorization of waste with added value.The promotion of the organization of workers, mining and indigenous communities: for the formulation, implementation, execution and control of programs and projects of social protection, environmental preservation and integral economic - productive development, linking the actions of the sector with local development.Objective: Minimize the environmental impact of mining activities, assume the remediation of environmental liabilities, prioritize the development and use of.", + "Minimize the environmental impact of mining activities, assume the remediation of environmental liabilities, prioritize the development and use of low-impact technologies, and evaluate the burden.", + "Development of university faculties and programs to increase the mining-environmental scientific and technological capabilities of the population, managing with educational institutions and/or with public or private companies in the development of research and technical cooperation programs in the field of environmental mining.", + "To support research into technologies with less impact on the environment and health: to continue with the campaigns to eradicate and prohibit the use of mercury in illegal mining, establishing controls and sanctions on its distribution, and to the same extent to strengthen the use of technologies and inputs that are of degradation or recovery agreed in alliance with research centres.", + "Establish educational policies, community participation and socio-environmental training: for the fight against climate change, through the management of technical-economic support to the actors of the National System of Environmental Mining (SNME) and the surrounding communities, as part of the requirements established in the strategic alliances and mining operations contract. on the matrix of energy and natural resources when planning new mining projects.", + "The Ministry of the Interior is responsible for the protection of the rights and interests of indigenous peoples.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Public Power for Indigenous Peoples, since its creation, has been able to attend to more than 700,000 indigenous peoples from more than 40 original peoples who live in the country.At the time of its creation, it promoted this space with the aim of creating mechanisms that would definitively achieve the demands of the indigenous peoples of Venezuela, thus giving them social inclusion and protagonal participation within Venezuelan society; and recognizing their rights within the constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "At the time of its creation, it promoted this space with the aim of creating mechanisms that would definitively achieve the demands of the indigenous peoples of Venezuela by giving them this form of social inclusion and protagonal participation within Venezuelan society; and recognizing their rights within the constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "It is important to note that three deputy ministers' offices have been consolidated in the areas of intercultural bilingual education, the well-being of indigenous peoples, and the territorial and communal development of communities with the aim of reaching and providing comprehensive and direct services to all vulnerable communities in the country.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice are responsible for the coordination of the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which is based on the principles of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Declaration on the", + "o 533 decent housing units for indigenous peoples and communities and infrastructures oriented to the development of their ancestral uses, customs and cultures will be built.", + "To build indigenous housing through direct implementation by the various entities of the national, regional and municipal state in order to promote the harmonious and sustainable development of indigenous peoples within an eco-socialist vision framed in a growth that takes into account the well-being and needs of present and future generations while respecting the environment.", + "In the context of promoting the inclusion and well-being of indigenous peoples and contributing to ensuring a healthy life and promoting the well-being of indigenous peoples.", + "In the framework of promoting the inclusion and well-being of indigenous peoples and contributing to ensuring a healthy life and promoting the well-being of indigenous peoples, the Ministry, as the governing body, facilitates policies that contribute to implementing indigenous communities the deepening of the design variables of their housing, that respect the culture, geography and particularities of their traditions and customs through the following projects related to the development of design variables, ensuring the protagonal participation of each of the indigenous peoples, within the framework of the great Venezuelan Housing Mission, for the construction and rehabilitation of housing in accordance with their geographical and cultural particularities.", + "The regionalization of the construction and rehabilitation of dwellings of indigenous communities, with typologies in accordance with the particularities of the traditions and customs of indigenous peoples and the project on the development of maintenance schemes in accordance with the particularities. cultural and geographical. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Actions and/or measures for updating the CND to 2025. 1.", + "In the case of indigenous peoples, the National Plan of Action for the Protection of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 55/146 of 8 December 2000, provides for the protection of indigenous peoples' lands, territories, resources and natural resources, as well as their right to self-determination, in conformity with the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960), the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960), the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960), the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial ", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), organized a workshop on the rights of indigenous peoples in the context of the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights", + "To strengthen the own production and exchange of indigenous peoples and communities to contribute to the processes of industrialization, trade exchange and the promotion of the change of consumption patterns of society for food sovereignty; as well as the promotion of economies of scale Objective: To promote training and financing for socio-productive units in indigenous communities that respect their traditional practices and forms of organization as well as to ensure non-exclusive marketing and distribution mechanisms for indigenous peoples.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior, through the Office of the Attorney-General of the Republic, is also responsible for the protection of the rights and interests of indigenous peoples.", + "Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 11.3.13. Risk and Disaster Sector. Integral accessibility to services and infrastructure in indigenous territories. Mass construction of indigenous housing through direct implementation by the different entities of the national, regional and municipal state. Proportion of indigenous population occupied. Participation in the GDP of indigenous communities. % of satisfaction of needs met through indigenous production. Volume of financing granted to socio-productive projects in indigenous peoples and communities.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a country vulnerable to various natural phenomena, such as earthquakes, floods, mass movements, tropical storms and hurricanes, tsunamis and technological events, such as fires, explosions, spills and others. The record of historical events shows that the greatest incidence and impacts, 71% of them, are the result of events triggered by rain.", + "Disasters have usually been defined as \u201cunexpected\u201d situations that cause severe effects on the population from climate-related impacts, leading to widespread confusion between the terms \u201cnatural phenomenon\u201d and \u201cnatural disaster\u201d, so the magnitude of human damage and losses associated with disasters, which have occurred in Latin America in recent decades and the visualization of the multiple vulnerability conditions of affected population sectors, especially the poorest, has led experts to find a broader explanation of disasters, associating the degree of destruction and losses with the vulnerability of the population and the socio-natural construction of the risk.", + "In this regard, the Vice-Ministry for Risk Management and Civil Protection was created and the Law on Integral Management of Socio-Natural and Technological Risks, promulgated according to the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 39.095 dated January 9, 2009, was promulgated.", + "A law that explicitly considers the risks associated with climate change, exercising control, monitoring and evaluation of national policies, plans, guidelines and guidelines that promote risk management, emergency care and disaster management.", + "Table 15 below presents the Risk and Disaster Sector, which is currently in the process of being updated. Table 15. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Risk and Disaster Sector. Table summarizes actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and/or measures with an impact on adaptation year 2017. Plans, projects and strategies associated with risk assessment.", + "Determined (CND). Actions and/or measures with impacts on Adaptation year 2017. Plans, projects and strategies associated with the risk assessment. Description of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela 2017. national. National Risk Management Plan: It aims to develop strategic lines that allow the study, identification and delimitation of risk, as a basis in the planning process, as well as the development of risk mitigation projects throughout the national territory.", + "The National Plan of Risk Management: It aims to develop strategic lines that enable the study, identification and delimitation of risk, as a basis for the planning process, as well as the development of risk mitigation projects throughout the national territory.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights and interests of children and adolescents.", + "National Register of Information for Integrated Disaster Risk Management: Project aimed at ensuring the integration and standardization of interinstitutional information through the creation and strengthening of a technological platform for consultation, by different public and private institutions throughout the territory. to disasters, humanitarian assistance, rehabilitation and reconstruction, as well as technical assistance and exchange of experiences in this field.", + "It is the responsibility of the institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. or Measurement of the loss of life, infrastructure, crops, money, among others, associated with the adverse effects of climate change. 11.3.14. Health sector.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, a number of other measures have been adopted, such as the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Violence against Women, the establish", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania have adopted a number of other measures aimed at combating trafficking in human beings.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior has adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring the protection of the rights of the child.", + "(a) The right to life, liberty and security of the person, including the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punish", + "In order to ensure the effective implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),", + "In addition, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) are jointly organizing a regional workshop on the protection of refugees, returnees and displaced persons in Latin America and the Caribbean, in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights", + "Regional Coordination: Through UNASUR and MERCOSUR Venezuela actively participates in working groups for cooperation in disaster prevention and in combating the causes and effects of climate change; these seek to increase coordination in the prevention and response to socio-natural disasters and to achieve a mechanism of mutual assistance at the subregional level, through policies, strategies, plans and activities in estimation, prevention, risk reduction, preparedness and response.", + "Climate change poses a risk to human health, due to the increase in environmental health factors (physical, chemical and biological), for example: heavy rainfall and flooding, increased temperatures and relative humidity, lead to the emergence of vectors and reservoirs of parasites or viruses that cause metaxenic diseases, contamination of water supply sources, affecting their quality, emissions of greenhouse gases, etc. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is highly vulnerable to the incidence of diseases produced by vectors sensitive to climate change, because it is located in the tropical zone.", + "The Ministry of the People's Power for Health (MPPS), as the director in the monitoring and control of water quality for human consumption, works with preventive actions in diseases of water origin, to guarantee water quality, through periodic monitoring; also, the identification of incinerators located in the health sector, through national censuses, in order to know the conditions and establish technical guidelines on the best ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.", + "Table 16 of the Health Sector is presented below. Table 16. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Health Sector. Table summarizes the actions and programmes with impact on adaptation-Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017. Increase of coverage in medical care.", + "Increased coverage in medical care.Description of the Action with Results updating of the Information Year 2021 by the Vice-Ministry of Integral Health.Opening of specialized centers such as the Children's Cardiological Hospital in Caracas.Actions and/or measures for updating the CND to 2030.Prevention of diseases associated with vectors, reservoirs and harmful fauna, related to climate change.", + "Actions and/or measures to update the CND to 2030. 1. Actions to prevent diseases associated with vectors, reservoirs and harmful fauna, related to climate change. Impact action:o Strengthening entomological surveillance and vector control at the national level against climate change. Before the Bolivarian Revolution in 1999, more than 60% of people living in grassroots sectors had never visited a doctor for a general check-up consultation.", + "Prior to the Bolivarian Revolution in 1999, more than 60% of people living in popular sectors had never visited a doctor for a general check-up. In 2015, it is 12 years since Barrio Adentro was created, an unprecedented mission that allows access to high-tech health services free of charge to significant sectors of the population. Barrio Adentro is responsible for at least 704 million 958,000 free medical consultations in the last 12 years.", + "In 2015, it is 12 years since the creation of Barrio Adentro, an unprecedented mission that allows access to high-tech health services free of charge to significant sectors of the population. Barrio Adentro is responsible for at least 704 million 958,000 free medical consultations in the last 12 years. Barrio Adentro was created in 2003 with the help of the Cuban government, to provide health services to the Venezuelan population in small ambulatory facilities built and equipped with medical supplies in previously neglected areas.", + "Barrio Adentro was created in 2003 with the help of the Cuban government, to provide health services to the Venezuelan population in small ambulatory clinics built and equipped with medical supplies in previously neglected areas.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, has been implementing a programme for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV/AIDS, which is aimed at reducing the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) among pregnant women and women who have recently given birth, and at reducing the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) among pregnant women and women who have recently given birth.", + "In 2006, Barrio Adentro IV begins with the. Strategic Actions:2. Prevention of waterborne diseases associated with climate change. Impact Action:o Strengthening health surveillance and control of water quality at the national level in the face of climate change. Strategic Actions:3. Prevention of diseases associated with air quality due to climate change. Impact Action:o Strengthening health surveillance and control of air quality, at fixed sources (health sector incinerators).", + "Strategic actions:. Description of the action. Description of how each action will be carried out and the expected results for the benefit of the population and the reduction of the adverse effects on climate change. Objective.", + "Description of how each action will be carried out and the expected results for the benefit of the population and the reduction of the adverse effects of climate change. Objective. The creation and extension of these health programmes involve a reduction in vulnerability to diseases, including those whose incidence and geographical distribution will increase as a result of climate change.", + "The creation and expansion of these health programmes involve a reduction in vulnerability to diseases, including those whose incidence and geographic distribution will increase as a result of climate change.", + "To train professional and technical health personnel, ASICs, the organized community and governmental and non-governmental bodies, in entomological surveillance actions and vector control measures within the framework of integrated vector control management at national level in response to climate change.", + "To strengthen the basic capabilities of responses in entomological surveillance and vector control within the framework of integrated management of vector control at national level in response to climate change by updating the methodological framework, supplying materials and inputs, ecological characterization and correlation of environmental variables (temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, etc.) and monitoring surveillance and control activities.", + "To strengthen the information system of entomological surveillance and vector control at the national level against climate change, with the design and implementation of information systems and georeferencing. Entomological risk assessment and impact on vector control against climate change. To strengthen the health surveillance and control of supply systems (water sources, treatment and distribution system) and the monitoring of water quality against climate change.", + "Strengthening health surveillance and control of supply systems (water sources, treatment and distribution system) and monitoring of water quality in the face of climate change.", + "To train professional and technical health personnel, ASICs, the organized community and governmental and non-governmental bodies in climate-resilient drinking water monitoring and safety plans at the national level. To strengthen the national water quality health monitoring information system, associated with climate change, with the design and implementation of information systems and geo-referencing. Risk assessment and impact on water quality control in the face of climate change.", + "Strengthen the national water quality health surveillance information system, linked to climate change, with the design and implementation of information systems and geo-referencing. Risk assessment and impact on the control of water quality in the face of climate change. Strengthen the health surveillance and control of air quality, at fixed sources (health sector incinerators), by identifying national censuses, in order to know the conditions and establish technical guidelines on the best ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the health sector.", + "Strengthening health surveillance and control of air quality, at fixed sources (health incineration plants), by identifying national censuses, in order to know the conditions and establish technical guidelines on the best ways of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the health sector.", + "To train the professional and technical personnel of the health sector, in the actions of health surveillance and control of fixed sources (incinerators).", + "The International Labour Organization (ILO) warns that climate change is causing, in the short, medium and long term, a serious disruption of economic and social activity in many sectors on all continents.", + "Climate change is one of the most important challenges to be addressed in the coming years in the world of work, and therefore in Venezuela, the International Labour Organization (ILO) warns that the phenomenon is producing, in the short, medium or long term, a serious disruption of economic and social activity in many sectors on all continents. Latin America and the Caribbean are particularly exposed to the effects of climate change, highlighting the high vulnerability of certain sectors such as: water, biodiversity, tourism, agricultural activities, forests and health.", + "Latin America and the Caribbean are particularly exposed to the effects of climate change, highlighting the high vulnerability of certain sectors such as: water, biodiversity, tourism, agricultural activities, forests and health.", + "In the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the protection of the environment has a significant connotation and this is how the Constitution of 1999 in Chapter IX establishes Environmental Rights and specifically in Article 127 it is expressed that: \u201cIt is a right and a duty of every generation to protect and maintain the environment for the benefit of itself and the future world.", + "The State shall protect the environment, biological diversity, genetic resources, ecological processes, national parks and natural monuments and other areas of special ecological importance.", + "The State shall protect the environment, biological diversity, genetic resources, ecological processes, national parks and natural monuments and other areas of special ecological importance.", + "This synergy of the revolutionary government's commitment to the protection of the environment is embodied in the Plan of the Motherland, since it establishes in the 5th Great Historical Objective called \"Contributing to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species\", where the fundamental premise is not only to fight climate change, but to advance the development of an \"ecosocialist doctrine\" as the construction of harmonious ways of life and respect for the rights of the land and all its inhabitants.", + "With the aim of complying with these legal precepts, it is now more necessary than ever to have a working and entrepreneurial class committed to ecology and the preservation of healthy working environments, which undertakes to fight for the installation of new productive models with low greenhouse gas emissions.", + "All labour organizations, irrespective of their economic activity, are exposed to the effects of climate change, with serious consequences in terms of direct and indirect job losses. In order to address these effects, workers' organizations (Workers' Productive Committee (CPT), Prevention Delegates, Trade Unions, Workers' Councils, among others), must develop actions to mitigate and adapt to it.", + "In Venezuela, for the next few years, eco-socialism and employment must go hand in hand with mitigation, adaptation and reduction of the risks of climate change. That is why environmental education, information and guidance are essential in order to achieve higher levels of awareness in relation to this issue.", + "We believe that our societies must change and that this transformation can only take place from a perspective of justice and social inclusion.", + "We believe that our societies must change and that this transformation can only take place from a perspective of justice and social inclusion. The following table presents Figure 17 of the Labour Sector (Social Justice). Figure 17. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Labour Sector (Social Justice). Summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Updating the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Objective.", + "Policies of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Labour Sector (Social Justice).Ficha summary of the actions and programs with impact on adaptation- Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).Objective: To contribute from the social work process to mitigation and adaptation to climate change, implementing good production practices, through an action plan of information and orientation to workers, work entities and social organizations as protagonal actors in the relationship. environmental production.", + "To contribute from the social work process to the mitigation and adaptation to climate change, implementing good production practices, through an action plan of information and orientation to workers, work entities and social organizations as protagonal actors in the relationship. environmental production. actions and/or measures for the updating of the CND to 2030.", + "Actions and/or measures for updating the CND to 2030. An Action Plan will be designed and implemented with the aim of informing and guiding workers, on their participation and role in mitigation and adaptation to climate change, as multipliers in the social process of work, their family and community environment for the empowerment of climate action.", + "Climate change, as multiplying subjects in the social process of work, their family and community environment for the empowerment of the climate action. Description of the action. Institution responsible for the actions. Ministry of the People's Power for the Social Process of Work. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. To carry out the coordination between the Ministry of the People's Power for the Social Process of Work and the Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism to implement the information and guidance aimed at workers.", + "To coordinate between the Ministry of the People's Power for the Social Process of Labour and the Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism to implement information and guidance aimed at workers; to design and implement an information and guidance campaign to workers of the MPPPPST and its affiliated entities on greenhouse gas emissions, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and mitigation and adaptation to climate change.", + "Design and implement an information and orientation campaign for MPPPPST workers and their subscribers on greenhouse gas emissions, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and climate change mitigation and adaptation.Design and implement an information campaign for Labour Entities and their organizations on greenhouse gas emissions, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and climate change mitigation and adaptation.", + "To design and implement an information campaign aimed at Labour Entities, and their organisations, on greenhouse gas emissions, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and mitigation and adaptation to climate change. To train workers who will take on the role of information multipliers. Number of workers informed and oriented. Number of institutions involved in the implementation of the action plan for information and orientation. Number of workers informed and oriented.", + "Number of institutions involved in the implementation of the action plan for information and guidance. Number of information and guidance work entities. Number of information worker organizations (worker organizations, trade unions, workers' productive councils, workers' councils, etc.). Number of workshops, talks, videoconferences, seminars, social network messages, etc. Sector Directorate-General for Environmental Quality Management (Water Quality Monitoring - Environmental Laboratories).", + "Number of workshops, talks, videoconferences, seminars, messages by social networks carried out, among others. Sector Directorate General of Environmental Quality Management (Water Quality Monitoring - Environmental Laboratories) The Directorate of Environmental Laboratories is currently preparing a Project for the strengthening of the Environmental Laboratories with the aim of equipping them with scientific equipment, materials, reactors and staff training with the aim of generating information on water quality in the main basins of the country.", + "The Directorate of Environmental Laboratories is currently preparing a project for the strengthening of the Environmental Laboratories with the aim of equipping them with scientific equipment, materials, reactors and staff training with the aim of generating information on water quality in the country's main basins.", + "The programme of continuous monitoring and evaluation of water quality includes the following water bodies: Lake Valencia, Tocuyo River, Yaracuy River, Tuy River and the incorporation of the Santo Domingo River is being planned.", + "In order to meet the objectives set, this Directorate has planned the following actions:", + "In order to meet the objectives set, this directorate has planned the following actions:. Strengthening of the water quality monitoring programme. Strengthening of awareness-raising, communication and dissemination activities.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of the", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Sector Directorate-General for Environmental Quality Management (Water Quality Monitoring - Environmental Laboratories).Figure summarizes the actions and programmes with. impact on adaptation- Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).Action and/or measures for the update of the NDC to 2030.Continuing monitoring and evaluation of water quality.Description of the action.", + "Actions and/or measures for updating the NDCs to 2030. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of water quality. Description of the action. The Network of Environmental Laboratories designs a project to strengthen the analytical capacity of laboratories, at national level, with the aim of equipping them with scientific equipment, materials, reactors and staff training with the aim of generating information on water quality, enabling them to inform the general public, as well as support for policy formulation.", + "The Network of Environmental Laboratories, designs a project to strengthen the analytical capacity of laboratories, at national level with the aim of equipping them with scientific equipment, materials, reactors and staff training with the aim of generating information on water quality, enabling the general public to be informed, as well as supporting the formulation of management policies, enabling adaptation to the changes suffered due to climate change.", + "Objective: To generate information on water quality, to inform the general public, as well as to generate management policies that. enable adaptation to the changes suffered due to Climate Change. Institution responsible for the actions. Linking with ODS. Indicators. Actions and/or measures for updating the GNI to 2030. or Strengthening the organization of environmental laboratories. Number of watersheds monitored.", + "Actions and/or measures for updating the NDCs to 2030. or Strengthening the organization of environmental laboratories. Number of watersheds monitored. Percentage of deviation of the concentration of indicator parameters at each sampling point in watersheds. Description of the action.", + "Increasing the capacity of the laboratory staff in the field of analytical, instrumental, statistical, environmental management and adaptation to climate change in order to use the recommended methodologies of the latest technology to carry out with greater precision and accuracy the physicochemical and bacteriological analyses as support in the management of monitoring and evaluation of the effects of change on water bodies. Objective.", + "Strengthening the capacity of laboratory staff in the area of analytical, instrumental, statistical, environmental management and adaptation to climate change in order to use state-of-the-art recommended methodologies to perform physicochemical and bacteriological analyses with greater precision and accuracy as support in the management of monitoring and assessment of the effects of change on water bodies.", + "To strengthen the capacity of laboratory staff in the fields of analytics, instrumentation, statistics, environmental management and adaptation to climate change in order to use the recommended methodologies of the latest technology in order to carry out with greater precision and accuracy the physicochemical and bacteriological analyses. Institution responsible for the actions. Linking with ODS. Indicators. Actions and/or measures for updating the NDCs to 2030. or Awareness-raising, communication and dissemination of water management. Description of the action.", + "Actions and/or measures for the updating of the 2030 NDCs. or Awareness-raising, communication and dissemination of water management. Description of the action. The strengthening of awareness-raising, communication and dissemination activities, through newsletters, mass media such as: print, television, radio, social networks and other alternative media, which will inform the people's power and other bodies of the actions being carried out related to adaptation to climate change and of the ways in which the people's power can contribute to the conservation and preservation of water for the purpose.", + "Strengthening of awareness-raising, communication and dissemination activities, through newsletters, mass media such as: print, television, radio, social networks and other alternative media, which will inform the people's power and other bodies of the actions being carried out related to adaptation to climate change and of the ways in which the people's power can contribute to the conservation and preservation of water in order to reduce the adverse effects of climate change.", + "Reduction of adverse effects on climate change. Objective. To inform the People's Power of the actions that are being implemented related to adaptation to climate change, as regards the assessment and monitoring of water quality, as well as the ways in which the People's Power can contribute to the conservation and preservation of water in order to reduce adverse effects on climate change. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Number of training workshops. Number of people trained.", + "Climate change. Institution responsible for actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Number of training workshops. Number of people trained. Number of people participating in awareness-raising workshops. Number of information published in mass media, social networks and other alternative media.", + "Number of persons participating in awareness-raising workshops. Number of information published in mass media, social networks and other alternative media. The Environmental Laboratories Directorate is in the process of constructing the Water Quality Indicator, which will be used as a methodology for determining the degree of water pollution in bodies of water that have sufficient historical data for its elaboration.", + "The Directorate of Environmental Laboratories is in the process of constructing the Water Quality Indicator, which will be used as a methodology to determine the degree of water pollution in bodies of water that have sufficient historical data for its elaboration.", + "This tool will be useful for determining the degree of variation of those parameters related to the effects of climate change, for this it is necessary to carry out the following actions. Set up and run the National Water Quality Information System. Indicator of Water Quality. Actions and/or measures for updating the GNI to 2030. or National Water Quality Information System. Description of the action.", + "The National Water Quality Information System (SNICA) will be revised and implemented (the software) to incorporate the analytical data obtained in each of the watersheds that are included in the annual monitoring programme with the aim of calculating the Water Quality Index and determining the degree of variation of those parameters related to the effects of climate change.", + "The National Water Quality Information System (SNICA) will be revised and implemented (the software) to incorporate the analytical data obtained in each of the watersheds that are included in the annual monitoring programme with the aim of calculating the Water Quality Index and determining the degree of variation of those parameters related to the effects of climate change.", + "Provide information on the degree of variation of those parameters related to the effects of climate change. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Actions and/or measures for updating the GNI to 2030. or Water Quality Indicator. Description of the action.", + "Actions and/or measures for updating the GNI to 2030. or Water Quality Indicator. Description of the action. The Water Quality Indicator and the calculations for determining the deviation of parameters related to the effects of Climate Change, will be constructed according to. the historical data of the watersheds included in the quality monitoring programme. Number of sampling sites or points. Water Quality Indicator.", + "The Water Quality Indicator and the calculations for determining the deviation of parameters related to the effects of climate change will be constructed according to the historical data of the watersheds included in the quality monitoring programme. Number of sampling sites or points. Water Quality Indicator. that will provide information relevant for adaptation and generate mitigation policies for reducing adverse effects to climate change. Objective.", + "Objective: To construct the Water Quality Indicator and calculations for determining the deviation of parameters related to the effects of climate change in watersheds included in the water quality monitoring programme. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS.", + "Construct the Water Quality Indicator and calculations for determining the deviation of parameters related to the effects of climate change in the watersheds included in the water quality monitoring programme.", + "Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Sector Ecosystems (Coastal Zone, Territorial Management, Mountains, Wetlands). In the country the variability of the climate and the occurrence of extreme events have been more propensity in recent years, as well as it is difficult to predict precise effects of climate change; however, recent studies warn about the potential impacts on humans due to floods, storms, droughts and heat waves, with predictions of lack of drinking water and possible conflicts as competition for water resources increases, as well as major changes in conditions for food production.", + "Climate change has a clear impact on water supply, affecting ecosystems (in low-lying areas, island areas, low-cost coastal areas, arid and semi-arid areas, areas exposed to flooding, drought and desertification, and areas with fragile mountain ecosystems) and agriculture.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commission", + "In this regard, Venezuela has taken measures on a large scale that have made it possible to attend to and protect the population affected, to promote the processes of resilience of ecosystems considered strategic for the conservation of biological diversity and the generation of socially productive processes that are sustainable or environmentally responsible, to reduce damage and reduce the vulnerability of the nation to climate change.", + "Following is the summary table of Adaptation No. 17 of the Ecosystems Sector:Fiche 19. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Ecosystems Sector (Coastal Zone, Territorial Planning, Mountains, Wetlands). Summary table of actions and programmes with impact on adaptation- Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017. Territorial Planning and Management. Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela.", + "Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017.Territorial planning and management.Description of the results of the action implemented in the First National Development Plan of Venezuela.The national planning instrument, although not officialized, serves as a technical guide for the development of more detailed territorial planning instruments such as the Coastal Zones Integrated Management and Management Plans, the National Strategic Development Zones (ZDEN) Management Plans, the State Territorial Management Plans and the Areas Under Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE) some of which are considered at international level as Protected Areas.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Korea has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights of the child, including the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child,", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Cuba has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the establishment of the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights Commission, the National Human Rights", + "In this regard, the implementation of this plan generates a reduction in the vulnerability of the population and socio-productive activities in the processes of space occupation in the face of climate change in the next 20 years, especially by considering within its conception the variable risk and the participation of the organizations of the People's Power.", + "The POGIZC is in the process of final evaluation for its subsequent approval by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, however, since its elaboration it has become the spatial and temporal reference framework that guarantees the conservation, sustainable use and exploitation of coastal zones and allows to increase the quality of life of its inhabitants, being a fundamental contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).", + "To this end, it defines 10 Programmes for Integrated Coastal Zone Management: POGIZC has served as a basis for the generation of a series of technical documents relevant for supporting decision-making on adaptation to climate change:Parks, Mintur. Project National Plan of Land Management - PNOT (2010):. Plan of Land Management and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (POGIZC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela:. Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Venezuelan Coastal Zones (2010).", + "Plan of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (POGIZC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Venezuela's Coastal Zones (2010) Implications of Climate Change in Venezuela's Coastal Zones and Aquatic Space (2011) Glossary of Terms for Environmental and Territorial Management and Planning (2012) Verification of the Precipitation Flood Map in Venezuela's Coastal Zones (2012) Inventory and Characterization of Venezuela's Sandy Beaches (2012 - Actual).", + "Verification of the Precipitation Flooding Map in the Coastal Zones of Venezuela (2012). Inventory and Characterization of the Venezuelan Sandy Beaches (2012 - Actual). Public Domain in the Coastal Zones of Venezuela: Criteria for their Delimitation (Document validated with the Working Committees of the Central and State Coastal Zones). Development of the Project 00075653 Strengthening the System of Marine Protected Areas - Coastal Zones of Venezuela (2011 - 2017).", + "Public Domain in the Coastal Zones of Venezuela: Criteria for their Delimitation (Document validated with the Working Committees of the Central and State Coastal Zones).Development of Project 00075653 Strengthening the System of Marine Protected Areas - Coastal Zones of Venezuela (2011 - 2017).Reactivation and active participation in various spaces for the creation of Alliances (2018 - Actual): Redparks, Ramsar Convention, UNDP, UNEP, WCPA, GEF, PPD.", + "Reactivation and active participation in various spaces for the creation of Alliances (2018 - Actual): Redparks, Ramsar Convention, UNDP, UNEP, WCPA, GEF, PPD,. 3. Draft Management Plan of the Territory of the Orinoco Oil Field \"Hugo Ch\u00e1vez Fr\u00edas\" (National Strategic Development Zone - ZDEN):- productive of the Nation under an environmentally responsible approach. 4. Areas under Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE) and their Management Plans and Regulations of Use (PORU):5.", + "Project of the Territorial Management Plan of the Oil Field of the Orinoco \"Hugo Ch\u00e1vez Fr\u00edas\" (National Strategic Development Zone - ZDEN):- productive of the Nation under an environmentally responsible approach. 4. Areas under Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE) and its Management Plans and Regulations of Use (PORU):5.", + "This draft decree will be subject to a process of public consultation, after it has been constructed collectively with the institutions and other key actors of the Zone.", + "This draft Decree will be subject to a process of Public Consultation, after it has been built collectively with the institutions and other key actors of the Zone.It is a regional planning instrument that guides the development based on the country's main industry, which is the oil industry, in harmony with other economic sectors.", + "It is a regional planning instrument that guides development on the basis of the country's main industry, the oil industry, in harmony with other economic sectors.", + "In identifying threats, especially those of a technological nature, it is proposed within the framework of the plan, research programs and monitoring of industrial processes, particularly those that could increase emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs).", + "In this regard, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) jointly organized a regional workshop on the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010, in cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization", + "Following the hierarchical system of land management instruments, six (6) plans of federal entities have been addressed, considering the risk variable for analysis and use allocations, among which are approved states: Falc\u00f3n (2004 in the process of updating), T\u00e1chira (2005), Barinas (2011), Cojedes (2011), Miranda (2011), Trujillo (2017) and without approving the corresponding state of La Guaira and Sucre (2019 - 2020).", + "In addition, the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) on cooperation in combating HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.", + "Venezuela since the 1980s has identified the need and importance of soil conservation to address the issue of agri-food security, and more recently as part of its contribution to addressing issues related to climate change, as the increase in soil organic content mitigates this process.", + "In this regard, the Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism within the framework of the National Action Programme to Combat Desertification and Drought Mitigation has dynamited policies of land management and conservation, through guidelines for the preservation, reduction, rehabilitation or recovery of land degradation, through the approach of sustainable development within the framework of a humanistic and self-managed economy, a social solidarity and equitable medium and participatory democracy from the ecosocialist approach, in accordance with the guidelines of national development as well as those of the European Union.", + "This instrument, is structured in 5 Strategic Lines namely titled: the sustainable development of areas affected by the processes leading to desertification and by the effects of drought; Education, training and awareness as fundamental elements of development; Scientific research and technological innovation, as the basis of scientifically justified local development; Institutional Strengthening; and Intra- and International Cooperation.", + "It was developed with the participation of more than 150 people from national and international institutions, scientific, educational, and environmental movements, representing about 32 national bodies among ministries, organizations, universities, and research centers, as well as with the presence of national and international authorities.", + "It was developed with the participation of more than 150 people from national and international institutions, scientific, educational, and environmental movements, representing about 32 national bodies among ministries, organizations, universities, and research centers, as well as with the presence of national and international authorities.", + "The need to spatialize and direct the efforts identified within the National Soil Strategy (MINEC, 2019). 7. National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones: This was determined in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15, Goal 15.3, its Indicator 15.3.1 \u201cDegraded Land Proportion in Relation to Total Land Area\u201d, with its three sub-indicators 1) Land Cover (Trends in Land Use / Land Cover); 2) Land Productivity (Trend in Land Productivity); and 3) Organic Carbon in the Soil (Surface and Soil Carbon Reserve).", + "It was determined in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15, Goal 15.3, its Indicator 15.3.1 \u201cProportion of degraded land in relation to total land area\u201d, with its three sub-indicators 1) Land Cover (Trends in land use / land cover); 2) Land Productivity (Trends in Land Productivity); and 3) Organic Carbon in the Soil (Reserve of carbon in surface and soil).", + "The National Strategy for Drought was developed, which identifies the vulnerability to extreme drought events in the various productive sectors of the country (agriculture, water, socio-economic, electricity, hydrocarbons, and environmental), as well as to the national development objectives set out in the National Plan of the Country 2019.", + "The National Drought Strategy was drawn up, identifying the vulnerability to extreme drought events in the country's various productive sectors (agriculture, water, socio-economics, electricity, hydrocarbons, and the environment), as well as the national development objectives set out in the Plan de Patria 2019 Act. Formulation of the proposed Programme of Action with a Gender Perspective and Equity in the Fight Against Desertification and Drought in synergy with Climate Change and Biological Diversity, with the aim of identifying strategies that contribute to pro-tagonal participation in decision-making with regard to environmental problems; and contribute to the strengthening of capacities, among others, that will thus have a positive impact on lifestyles, benefiting the Venezuelan population in general.", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of the Interior have adopted a number of measures aimed at combating trafficking in human beings, including the adoption of legislation to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption of a national plan of action to combat trafficking in human beings, the adoption", + "The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) called on Parties to quantify drylands with arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid climates (according to Thornthwaite).", + "The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification called on Parties to quantify drylands with arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid climates (according to Thornthwaite).", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources shall submit to the Council of Ministers, for consideration, national policies for the conservation and sustainable development of coastal zones.", + "In addition, in the Third Transitional Provision it states: \u201cWithin one (1) year, counting from the publication of this Decree Law in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources shall submit for consideration by the Council of Ministers, the national policies for the conservation and sustainable development of coastal zones.\u201d In this regard, the Ministry of the People's Power for the Environment, the current Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism developed the proposal for National Policies of.", + "In this regard, the Ministry of the People's Power for the Environment, currently the Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism, developed the proposal for National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones (RBV - MINAMB, 2010).", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations", + "The National Plan of Land Management - PNOT is an instrument of territorial management that must be reviewed in the light of two basic criteria, the first relating to the fulfilment of its long-term planning horizon (20 years); a second case is linked to the change of government, in the terms envisaged and established in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "In any case, for both situations it is necessary:. Objective. Updating the national planning instrument as a guide to these processes on a more detailed scale, paying attention to the new guidelines established in the Plan of the Fatherland Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025, as well as the so-called technicians in the field of sustainable development, risks and climate change.", + "To update the national planning instrument as a guide to these processes on a more detailed scale, taking into account the new guidelines established in the Plan of the Motherland Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025, as well as the so-called technicians in the field of sustainable development, risks and climate change.", + "These are the results of the articulation of the contents of the country documents for Integrated Coastal Zone Management (Phase I and II).", + "It was taken as a starting point for its elaboration, the environmental problems identified by the Working Committees of the Coastal Zones at the State Level (CTZCNE), which allowed the construction of the document of National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Coastal Zones from the local and regional management levels to the national level.", + "The construction of the proposal became an interesting exercise of confrontation of the current problems of the coastal zones and their solutions, with the guidelines, guidelines and actions contained in the Decree with Force of Law of the Coastal Zones, to reach conclusions on the validity and relevance of the latter.", + "The National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones represent the guidelines for implementing and executing a dynamic process for strengthening institutional capacity, optimizing planning and coordinating competences for the integrated management of this space.The National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones aim to establish the provisions for:.", + "The National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones aim to establish the provisions for:. Prioritizing the environmental problems identified in coastal zones. Promoting the protection of coastal zones and rehabilitating those degraded areas.", + "To guide actions in decision-making, with regard to the development prospects of the coastal zones of Venezuela. To provide an appropriate reference framework to support the elaboration of the Plans for the Management and Integrated Management of Coastal Zones at different levels. The formation of the National Commission for the Management of the Territory, presided over by the Ministry of the People's Power for Planning, being the Technical Secretariat under the responsibility of the Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism.", + "(a) The number of complaints of torture and ill-treatment received by the Office of the Public Prosecutor and the number of persons prosecuted and convicted of torture and ill-treatment, as well as the number of convictions handed down by the Office of the Public Prosecutor and the number of convictions handed down by the Office of the Public Prosecutor and the number of convictions handed down by the Office of the Public Prosecutor and the number of convictions handed down by the Office of the Public Prosecutor and the number of convictions handed down by the Office of the Public Prosecutor and the number of convictions handed down by the Office of the Public Prosecutor and the number of convictions handed down by the Office of the Public Prosecutor and the number of", + "In the context of the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010 (A/CONF.189/12 and Corr.1, chap. I, resolution 1, annex), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Conference", + "In the context of the approval of the Plan of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (POGIZC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the continuity of activities linked to the 10 Programmes for Integrated Coastal Zone Management, it is aimed at the period 2021 - 2030: Objective.", + "Within the framework of the approval of the Plan for the Management and Integrated Management of Coastal Zones (POGIZC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the continuity of activities linked to the 10 Programmes for the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones, it is aimed at the period 2021 - 2030: Objective: To implement and strengthen the implementation of the activities planned within the Programmes for the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones, with particular emphasis on the processes of conservation of biological diversity and management of areas of public domain as key spaces to ensure the resilience of the coast to the sea.", + "Implement and strengthen the implementation of the activities planned within the Programmes for the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones, with particular emphasis on the processes of conservation of biological diversity and management of areas of public domain as key spaces to ensure the resilience of the coast to climate change events.", + "Climate Change events. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 3. Draft Management Plan for the Territory of the Orinoco Oil Field \"Hugo Ch\u00e1vez Fr\u00edas\" (National Strategic Development Zone - ZDEN). Description of the action. For the purposes of approval and subsequent implementation of the activities identified in the instrument. No. of working groups installed. No. of operational working groups. No. of collective construction workshops carried out. No. of updated basic technical documents.", + "No. of working groups installed No. of operational working groups No. of collective construction workshops carried out No. of basic technical documents updated Revise and update the Conservation and Sustainable Development Policies of the Coastal Zones of Venezuela Continuing the strengthening of the System of Marine Protected Areas - Coastal Zones of Venezuela by creating and improving the processes of integrated planning and management of its territories Continuing and strengthening the inventory and characterization of the Venezuelan Sandy Beaches.", + "To continue the strengthening of the System of Marine Protected Areas - Coasts of Venezuela through the creation and improvement of the processes of management and integrated management of its territories. To continue and strengthen the inventory and characterization of the Venezuelan Sandy Beaches. To continue the reactivation and participation in various spaces for the creation of Alliances: Redparks, Ramsar Convention, UNDP, UNEP, WCPA, GEF, PPD, Inparques, Mintur, Alliance of Mountains (FAO), Andean Mountain Initiative, among others.", + "To continue the reactivation and participation in various spaces for the creation of Alliances: Redparks, Ramsar Convention, UNDP, UNEP, WCPA, GEF, PPD, Inparques, Mintur, Mountain Alliance (FAO), Andean Mountain Initiative, among others.", + "Number of policies revised and updated. Area (ha) of Marine Coastal Protected Areas created. Number of sandy beaches inventoried. Required:. Objective. Socialize and discuss the proposal for a draft decree for the purposes of improvement for the subsequent approval and. Reconciled implementation. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 4. Areas under Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE) and their Management Plans and Regulations of Use (PORU). Description of the action.", + "In the period 2021 - 2030, it is estimated to continue strengthening Venezuela's Lower Special Administrative Regions (ABRAE) as part of the agreements and commitments undertaken under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.", + "During the period 2021 - 2030 it is estimated to continue strengthening the system of Lower Special Administrative Regions (ABRAE) of Venezuela, as part of the agreements and commitments undertaken before the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. for which it is estimated to work on:. Objective. Strengthening the system of Lower Special Administrative Regions (ABRAE) of Venezuela.", + "Strengthening the system of Areas under Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE) of Venezuela. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Special (ABRAE) / Area (ha) planned to be incorporated according to the Plan of the Motherland - Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025. Implementation of the call for public consultation. Implementation of Public Consultation Workshops. Evaluation of the proposals and subsequent incorporation into the draft Decree.", + "Implementation of invitations to the Public Consultation Process. Implementation of Public Consultation Workshops. Evaluation of proposals and subsequent incorporation into the draft Decree. Presentation of the draft Decree for approval by the President of the Republic in the Council of Ministers. Number of Public Consultation Workshops Programmed / Number of Public Consultation Workshops Implemented. Number of proposals received / Number of proposals analysed. Number of participants in the Public Consultation Process. Declaration of 03 new National Parks.", + "No. of proposals received / No. of proposals analysed. No. of participants in the public consultation process. Declaration of 03 new National Parks. Declaration of 01 new Natural Monument. Declaration of 06 new Wildlife Reserves. Proposal for extension of 08 National Parks. Extension of 01 Natural Monument. Declaration of 01 Biosphere Reserve. Development of 03 Management Plans and Regulations of Use. Updating of 04 Management Plans and Regulations of Use. No. of instruments worked on / No. of instruments approved.", + "Development of 03 Management Plans and Rules of Use. Updating of 04 Management Plans and Rules of Use. No. of instruments worked on / No. of instruments approved. Area (ha) of the territory incorporated into the System of Lower Administrative Areas. 5.", + "During the period 2021 - 2030 it is estimated to continue strengthening the instruments of spatial planning. for which it is estimated to work on:. Objective. To strengthen the elaboration or updating of instruments of spatial planning. institution responsible for the actions. Linking with ODS. Indicators. 6.", + "Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 6. Sulphur conservation, desertification and drought. Description of the action. During the period 2021 - 2030 it is estimated to continue developing actions in the National Action Programme to Combat Desertification and Drought Mitigation. For which it is estimated to work on: which with the participation of researchers, academics and other key actors were validated. Objective.", + "Objective: To give continuity to the actions planned in the National Action Programme for Combating Desertification and Drought Mitigation. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Strengthen the State Land Management Commissions. Initiate the elaboration of the Land Management Plans of the Amazon, La Guaira, Lara and Sucre States.", + "To strengthen the State Planning Commissions of the Territory. To stimulate the elaboration of the Plans of Planning of the Territory of the Amazonas, La Guaira, Lara and Sucre States. To support the updating of the Plans of Planning of the Territory of the Carabobo, Falc\u00f3n and Monagas States. To coordinate the elaboration of the Plan of Planning of the Territory of the Ore Mountains of the Orinoco (National Strategic Development Zone). No. of State Planning Commissions of the Territory strengthened / No. of existing State Planning Commissions of the Territory.", + "Coordinate the elaboration of the Orinoco Mining Area Land Management Plan (National Strategic Development Zone) No. of strengthened State Land Management Commissions / No. of existing State Land Management Commissions No. of instruments worked on / No. of instruments submitted for approval Construction of the Country Report in 2022 Stimulate local initiatives linked to the fight against desertification and drought mitigation.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "To promote the review and updating of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15, Goal 15.3, its Indicator 15.3.1 \u201cProportion of degraded land in relation to total land area\u201d, with its three sub-indicators 1) Land Cover (Trends in land use/land cover); 2) Land Productivity (Trends in Land Productivity); and 3) Organic Carbon in the Soil (Reserve of carbon in surface and soil).", + "Establishing the Working Group on the Neutrality of Land Degradation (NDT). 7. National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, a number of other measures have been adopted, including the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of Venezuela, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of Venezuela, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of Venezuela, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of Venezuela, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of Venezuela, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of Venezuela, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of Venezuela, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of Venezuela, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Marine", + "In the period 2021 - 2030, it is estimated that the conservation and sustainable development policies of Venezuela's coastal zones will be reviewed and updated, taking into account, inter alia, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, as well as the guidelines for the United Nations Decade for the Restoration of Ecosystems and the United Nations Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development, which will require: Objective: To review and update the national policies for the conservation and sustainable development of coastal zones in the light of international and national technical guidelines, as well as the current situation in this geographical area.", + "To review and update the National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones in the light of international and national technical guidelines, as well as the current situation of this geographical area.", + "Report No. Developed Country / Report No. Requested Country. Document associated with the update of ODS 15, Goal 15.3, its Indicator 15.3.1. Reactivation of the Central Coastal Zones Working Committee (CTCZC), chaired by the Ministry of Popular Power for Eco-Socialism. Reactivation and strengthening of the Coastal Zones Working Committees at the State Level (CTZCNE).", + "The reactivation of the Central Coastal Zones Working Committee (CTCZC), chaired by the Ministry of People's Power for Eco-Socialism.The reactivation and strengthening of the Coastal Zones Working Committees at the State Level (CTZCNE).The generation of a methodological process for the revision and updating of the National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones.No. of Working Committees of the Resettled Coastal Zones.No. of Working Committees of the Operational Coastal Zones.", + "No. of Working Committees of the relocated Coastal Zones No. of Working Committees of the operating Coastal Zones No. of collective construction workshops carried out No. of revised and updated policies Biodiversity Sector (Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity) Climate change has a clear impact on biodiversity.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "This is a threat to individuals, species and ecosystems; on the other hand, impacts on biodiversity can alter the structure and functioning of ecosystems and their interactions with biological, geochemical and hydrological cycles (IPCC, 2007).", + "A determining factor is any natural or anthropogenic factor that causes, directly or indirectly, a change in an ecosystem or in biodiversity. Those that influence explicitly are direct determining factors. These include changes in land use, climate change, the presence of invasive species, overexploitation of natural resources and pollution.", + "These include changes in land use, climate change, the presence of invasive species, overexploitation of natural resources and pollution.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations", + "Policies of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Biodiversity Sector (Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity). Summary of actions and programmes with impact on adaptation- Update of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017-2020. Biological diversity. Description of the results of the action implemented in the First NDC of Venezuela. National Programme for the Conservation of Threatened Species Conservation of Continental Tortoises.", + "Description of the results of the action implemented in the First National Development Plan of Venezuela. National Program for the Conservation of Threatened Species Conservation of Continental Tortoises. National Program for the Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity: Concerning the Program for the Conservation of Nogal de Caracas (Juglans venezuelensis),species. Implementation of workshops on the review and evaluation of the implementation of the National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity 2010-2020 (ENCDB).", + "In the framework of the National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity 2010-2020 (ENCDB) and its National Action Plan (PAN), among the actions that contribute to minimising the effects of climate change is maintaining the country's ecosystems in good working order, which includes conserving the wild populations of the species of fauna and flora that inhabit them, as well as their habitats.", + "In the framework of the National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity 2010 - 2020 (ENCDB) and its National Action Plan (PAN), among the actions that contribute to minimising the effects of climate change is maintaining the country's ecosystems in good working order, which includes conserving the wild populations of the species of fauna and flora that inhabit them, as well as their habitats.", + "The programmes for the conservation of threatened species and the sustainable exploitation of biological diversity developed by MINEC through the Directorate-General for Biological Diversity are aimed at protecting, conserving and strengthening the populations of species of wild fauna and flora, in order to increase the population abundance of these species, for which in situ and ex situ conservation actions are carried out.", + "There are: Conservation of sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea, Chelonia mydas, Eretmochelys imbricata, Caretta caretta and Lepidochelys oliv\u00e1cea); Conservation of the turtle Arrau (Podocnemis expansa) and other continental chelonian species; Conservation of the rhinoceros caiman (Crocodylus intermedius); Conservation of the Caracas nogal (Juglans venezuelensis); Conservation of non-woody flora species (musks, orchids, bromelias, mangroves, morichales, among others); Use of baba (Caiman crocodilus); Use of Chig\u00fcire (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris); Use of Psittacids.", + "Conservation of species of non-woody flora (mushrooms, orchids, bromeliads, mangroves, morichales, among others); exploitation of baba (Caiman crocodilus); exploitation of Chig\u00fcire (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris); exploitation of Psit\u00e1cidos. endemic to the Cordillera de la Costa, which is developed by the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC), through the Directorate General of Biological Diversity, with the participation of Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol and the National Institute of Parks (INPARQUES); in the period 2017-2020, the planting of approximately 500 specimens of this species, cultivated in institutional nurseries of MINEC, INPARQUES, CONARE and Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol, was carried out in order to strengthen the natural populations in the Waraira Repano National Park, also increasing the", + "It is estimated that from 2017 to 2020, the development and implementation of these programmes for the conservation and sustainable exploitation of biological diversity at national level have contributed 5% to minimising vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change.", + "However, in order to strengthen these programmes, staff and funding are required to monitor the conservation and sustainable exploitation of wild flora and fauna species, specifically with regard to population studies of species of interest and their contribution to adaptation and mitigation to climate change.", + "How many training workshops were held in the period 2017-2020?In 2017-2020, the Directorate-General for Biological Diversity held 25 training workshops for officials, communities, students and teachers, as part of the conservation of biological diversity, as part of the fulfilment of international commitments, and one on adaptation to climate change as part of the ecosocialist week against climate change.", + "In 2017-2020, the Directorate-General for Biological Diversity conducted 25 training workshops for officials, communities, students and teachers, as part of the conservation of biological diversity, as part of the fulfilment of international commitments, and one on adaptation to climate change as part of the ecosocialist week against climate change.", + "It is planned to conduct a series of training workshops on the conservation of biological diversity with a focus on adaptation and mitigation to climate change for the period 2021 - 2030.", + "To this end, it requires the participation of professionals and technicians specialized in climate change and funding to provide these courses. 1. Program for the release of specimens of threatened species. During the period 2017-2020, 834 specimens of the Orinoco caiman, 57,780 of marine turtles (between the Cardoon, Carey and Caguama turtles) and 83,054 specimens of the Arrau turtle were released in their distribution areas. Supporting the strengthening and conservation of their natural populations. 1.", + "During the period 2017-2020, 834 specimens of Orinoco caiman, 57,780 sea turtles (between Cardon, Carey and Caguama tortoises) and 83,054 specimens of Arrau turtle were released in their distribution areas. Supporting the strengthening and conservation of their natural populations. 1. Methodology established for the release and obtaining the expected results. technical staff, as well as financial resources to carry out monitoring, specifically with regard to population studies of these species.", + "Actions and/or measures to update the GNI to 2030. 1. Conduct training workshops on the conservation of biological diversity with a focus on adaptation and mitigation to climate change for the period 2021 - 2030. Description of the action.", + "To carry out training workshops on the conservation of biological diversity with a focus on adaptation and mitigation to climate change for the period 2021. - 2030. Description of the action. To carry out nine (09) training workshops on the conservation of biological diversity with a focus on adaptation and mitigation to climate change.", + "A total of 450 people, among officials, communities, students and teachers. Objective. To inform and train officials, communities, students and teachers about the impact, immediate and future of change. Monitoring and protection of the breeding season of threatened or endangered wild species in priority breeding areas. Breeding in captivity of specimens from priority breeding areas, for a period of one year until they reach an appropriate size that makes their release into the wild feasible.", + "In captivity breeding of specimens from priority breeding areas, for a period of one year until they reach an appropriate size that makes their release to the wild possible.", + "The release in their natural distribution area of specimens of threatened or endangered wildlife species from priority breeding areas, captive breeding or rehabilitated in rescue and zoological centres.", + "Population censuses of threatened or endangered species with programmes for the release of specimens to measure their effectiveness in the recovery of these populations. Concerning the implementation of censuses has been hampered by a lack of climate information on biological diversity and actions to be taken for its adaptation and mitigation. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 2. Strengthen the Programme for the release of specimens of threatened or endangered species.", + "Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 2. Strengthen the Program for the release of specimens of threatened or endangered species. Description of the action. Implement the release of 300,000 specimens of threatened or endangered wildlife species as part of the National Program for the Conservation of Threatened Species. Objective. Support the recovery of natural populations of threatened or endangered wildlife species in their distribution areas. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS.", + "To support the recovery of natural populations of threatened or endangered wild species in their distribution areas. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 2. Installation and operation of ex situ conservation centres for threatened or endangered species. Description of the action.", + "Establishment and operation of ex situ conservation centres for threatened or endangered species. Description of the action. Establishment and operation of six (6) ex situ conservation centres for specimens of threatened or endangered wild species, as part of the National Programme for the Conservation of Endangered Species. Objective.", + "To cultivate and breed in captivity specimens of species threatened or endangered for their subsequent planting or release in their distribution areas, for the strengthening of their natural populations. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Number of people formed per year, in the field of conservation of biological diversity with an approach to adaptation and mitigation to climate change. Number of specimens released per species. 3. Restoration of wetlands sensitive to the effects of climate change. Description of the action.", + "Number of specimens released per species. 3. Restoration of wetlands sensitive to the effects of climate change. Description of the action. To carry out the restoration of two (02) degraded wetlands (manganese and moorland ecosystems), as strategic areas for the conservation of biological diversity. Objective. To undertake actions for the restoration and remediation of degraded wetlands by anthropogenic action (manganese and moorland) as part of the actions for the conservation of biological diversity, with an impact on adaptation and mitigation of climate change.", + "To undertake actions for the restoration and remediation of wetlands degraded by anthropogenic action (a mangrove and a moorland) as part of the actions for the conservation of biological diversity, with an impact on adaptation and mitigation of climate change. Institution responsible for the actions. Linking with ODS. Indicators. Number of zoological gardens installed and in operation. Number of nurseries installed and in operation. Number of species threatened or at risk of extinction cultivated. Number of species threatened or at risk of extinction created. Number of wetlands restored.", + "Number of threatened or endangered species cultivated. Number of threatened or endangered species cultivated. Number of restored wetlands. SUPPORT AND IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in order to strengthen and continue to promote policies and the implementation of priority actions in the field of adaptation and mitigation to climate change, requires sufficient financial resources, as well as technical assistance and technological transfer aimed at combating climate change and its effects, as well as increasing the resilience of its natural and human systems.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in order to strengthen and continue to promote policies and the implementation of priority actions in the field of adaptation and mitigation to climate change, requires sufficient financial resources, as well as technical assistance and technology transfer aimed at combating climate change and its effects, as well as increasing the resilience of its natural and human systems.", + "Access to climate finance represents a challenge for the country, which is currently subjected to the most cruel Unilateral Coercive Measures (UCMs) that violate the fundamental human rights of the population.This financing is considered important for the achievement of the objectives of this CND and to contribute to the achievement of the ODS.The implementation of the Updated CND envisages challenges in terms of financing, technical, technological, scientific, institutional transformation and governance capacities.", + "The implementation of the updated CND envisages challenges in terms of financing, technical, technological, scientific, institutional transformation and governance capacities.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "It is important to note that an assessment of support and implementation needs is required in accordance with the guidelines and methodologies that will enable the needs for the implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures to climate change as defined in the Paris Agreement and the UNFCCC to be quantified. Some of the barriers and challenges for Venezuela, in relation to the implementation of adaptation, mitigation and losses and damage from climate change revolve around implementation at sectoral, territorial and local levels, among which are:", + "Some of the barriers and challenges for Venezuela, in relation to the implementation of adaptation, mitigation and losses and damages due to climate change revolve around the implementation at sectoral, territorial and local level, among which are:. Updating the legal framework that enables climate change to be integrated into future development planning. Updating the available climate projections and low territorial coverage relating to vulnerability analyses to the effects of climate change.", + "To update the available climate projections and low territorial coverage related to vulnerability analyses to the effects of climate change. To expand training and capacity to develop climate risk analyses (under the IPCC conceptual and methodological framework) at sectoral, territorial and local levels. To update information on the impacts of climate change on the maritime-coastal region, mountain areas, and the country's biological diversity, among others. ANEXO: PROCESS OF UPDATE OF THE SECOND NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC).", + "Update information on the impacts of climate change on the sea-coast region, mountain areas, and the country's biological diversity, among others.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the members of civil society, including non-governmental organizations and the private sector, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "In order to ensure the participation of all key sectors of Venezuela in the updating of the second NCD, MINEC designed an action plan with implementation activities in the years 2020-2021; carrying out the following actions: A Workshop on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) was held in the context of unilateral coercive measures and SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, Coronavirus type 2 of the severe acute respiratory syndrome COVID 19) or represent for Venezuela in this context to respond to the commitments made for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and adaptation to climate change, in accordance with what is established in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement of 2015.", + "Inter-institutional coordination and articulation with the different sectors. Inter-institutional link was established for the collection of information and interaction with each sector. 26 working meetings were established with external sectors and 11 working meetings with Minec\u2019s substantive internal management that allowed a thorough review of the needs and barriers to be overcome for the implementation of the NDCs.", + "It is important to note that, in compliance with mobility restrictions and biosecurity measures due to the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the sessions were conducted in virtual mode.", + "It is important to note that, in compliance with mobility restrictions and biosecurity measures due to the health crisis that has become the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the sessions were held in virtual mode.", + "The process was coordinated by the Executive Team of the Directorate-General for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation as exhibitors/facilitators, and was supported by methodological support and guidelines derived from international forums and workshops in which our country participated in the virtual mode. The collaborative work consisted of: (1) bibliography review and analysis of political and national development priorities; (2) preliminary elaboration of possible commitments.", + "The collaborative work consisted of: (1) bibliography review and analysis of political and national development priorities; (2) preliminary elaboration of possible climate change commitments and their prioritization; (3) successive working meetings of the technical teams until a consensus was reached on the scope, structure, monitoring mechanisms, among other operational aspects of each commitment; (4) various consultations via telephone, e-mail, via zoom for each sector to expand actions to address the climate crisis; (5) space for socialization and feedback through meetings; (6) process of technical - political approval of all parties involved.", + "The following is a detailed photographic record of the meetings held to prepare the update of the CND in English of the country.", + "The following is a photographic record of the meetings held to prepare the update of the CND in the country's English language. REFERENCES. Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America - Treaty on Trade of the Peoples. (2009). Founding Principles of the Treaty on Trade of the Peoples. Retrieved from treaty-decomercio-de-los-pueblos-tcp. \u00c1lvarez, A. (2016). Legal Bases and Advances of Public Policies for Climate Change Adaptation in Venezuela. A View from Human Rights. Phynatura, Edepa, Ecofuegos. Caracas.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Auto", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "Venezuelan Institute of Statistics. (2013b). Territorial Political Division of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 2013 for statistical purposes. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Retrieved from DPTconFinesEstadisticosOperativa2013.pdf. National Institute of Statistics. (2013e). Human Development Index, 1980 - 2013. Ministry of People's Power Planning. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Retrieved from. pdf/Human_Development.pdf. Jim\u00e9nez, O, (2017). Types of Climates in Venezuela according to K\u00f6ppen.", + "Bolivian Republic of Venezuela. Retrieved from. pdf/Human_Development.pdf. Jim\u00e9nez, O, (2017). Types of Climate in Venezuela according to K\u00f6ppen. Geographical Journal of Venezuela. UPEL-IMPM. MINEC (2021) (22 February). Database of Areas Under Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE). Coordination: Lic. in Geog. MSc. Abigail Castillo C. e Ing. For. Luby Echeverria. Departure of the Deputy Minister of Environmental Management - Directorate General of Policies for Management and Conservation of Ecosystems. - Directorate of Territory Management. Caracas, Venezuela.", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela jointly organized a workshop on the implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa, in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of Venezuela, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, the United Nations Development Programme and the Global Environment Facility (2005), the First National Communication on Climate Change of Venezuela, the Ministry of the People's Power for Planning of Venezuela (2016), the Bolivarian Economic Agenda 15 Engines of Development, the Ministry of the People's Power for Planning of Venezuela (2017), the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of Venezuela, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of Venezuela, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of Venezuela, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of Venezuela, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of Venezuela, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of Venezuela, the Ministry of the Environ", + "Ministry of the People's Power of Planning (2016). Bolivian Economic Agenda 15 Motors of Development. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Ministry of the People's Power of Planning (2017). Plan de la Patria. Carabobo Campaign. Synthesis Vertices de Action concentrada de gobierno. Plan de Action: Frentes de Batalla y L\u00edneasstrategis. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Ministry of the People's Power for the Environment (2008). Information System for the Management and Ordering of the Territory. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Ministry of the People's Power for the Environment (2010).", + "Information System for the Management and Management of the Territory. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Ministry of the People's Power for the Environment (2010). Forest Statistics Yearbook 2008. Series 12. Directorate General of Forests. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Ministry of the People's Power for the Environment (2013). Integrated Management and Management Plan for Coastal Zones of Venezuela. Executive Summary. Technical Directorate of Coastal Zones. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. United Nations (1992).", + "(b) To continue to cooperate with the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights defenders, the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights defenders, the Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights defenders, the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the Special", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe,", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of", + "Geo Venezuela Environmental Perspectives in Venezuela. UNEP-MPPA-IFLA Convention. Caracas. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2001). National Economic and Social Development Plan of the Nation 2001 - 2007. The Five Balances. National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Retrieved from mppp.gob.ve/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Plan-de-la-Naci%C3%B3n-2001-2007.pdf. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2005). First National Communication on Climate Change of Venezuela. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. United Nations Development Programme.", + "First National Communication on Climate Change of Venezuela. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. United Nations Development Programme. Global Environment Facility. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2007). National Economic and Social Development Plan of the Nation 2007 - 2013. Sim\u00f3n Bol\u00edvar National Project. First Socialist Plan. National Assembly. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Recoveried from Naci%C3%B3n-2007-2013.pdf. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2013).", + "National Sim\u00f3n Bol\u00edvar Project. First Socialist Plan. National Assembly. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Retrieved from Naci%C3%B3n-2007-2013.pdf. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2013). National Economic and Social Development Plan 2013 - 2019 (Plan de la Patria). National Assembly. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Retrieved from content/uploads/2013/09/Program-Patria-2013-2019.pdf. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2017). Second National Communication on Climate Change of Venezuela. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. United Nations Development Programme.", + "Second National Communication on Climate Change of Venezuela. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. United Nations Development Programme. World Environment Fund. Rodr\u00edguez, J.P. and F. Rojas-Su\u00e1rez (eds.) (2008). Red Book of Venezuelan Wildlife. Third Edition. Provita and Shell Venezuela, S.A., Caracas, Venezuela. 364 pp. LAWS AND DECREES. Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 36.860. December 30, 1999. Caracas. Decree No. 1.701.", + "The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 36.860. December 30, 1999. Caracas. Decree No. 1.701. Creation of the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism and Water (Minea). Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 40.634. April 07, 2015. Caracas. Decree No. 3390. Creation of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 38.095. December 28, 2004. Caracas. Decree No. 4.335.", + "Establishment Ministry of Science and Technology. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 38.095. December 28, 2004. Caracas. Decree No 4.335. Standards for regulating and controlling the consumption, production, import, export and use of ozone-depleting substances. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 38.392. March 07, 2006. Caracas.", + "Regulations for regulating and controlling the consumption, production, import, export and use of ozone-depleting substances. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 38.392. March 07, 2006. Caracas. Decree No 1.408 with Rank, Value and Force of Law Reform of the Decree with Rank, Value and Force of Law of Fisheries and Aquaculture. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 6.150 Extraordinary. November 18, 2014. Caracas.", + "Decree No. 1.408 with Rank, Value and Force of Law Reform of the Decree with Rank, Value and Force of Law of Fisheries and Aquaculture. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 6.150 Extraordinary. November 18, 2014. Caracas. Decree No. 1468 with Force of Law of Coastal Zones. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 37.319. November 07, 2001. Caracas. Decree No. 4.585.", + "The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, through the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, is responsible for the conservation and sustainable use of the natural resources of the coastal regions of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks and the Agreement on the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, adopted by the General Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela at its fifty-seventh session.", + "The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, His Excellency Mr. Hugo Ch\u00e1vez Fr\u00edas, was escorted into the General Assembly Hall.", + "October 28, 2009. Caracas. Decree No. 730. Creation of Deputy Ministers\u2019 Offices and Deputy Ministers\u2019 Offices of the various Ministries of the People\u2019s Power. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 40.330. January 09, 2014. Caracas. Presidential Decree No. 2.350. Creation of the Ministry of the People\u2019s Power of Environmental Mining Development. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 40.922. June 09, 2016. Caracas. Decrees No. 8.802, 8.803, 8.804, 8.805 and 8.806. Creation of Territorial Polytechnic Universities.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities,", + "In the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa (UNCCD), the United Nations Convention", + "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, who wishes to speak in explanation of vote before the voting.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers,", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the members of civil society, including non-governmental organizations and the private sector, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "Establishes commitments and targets on emission reductions for Annex I countries, and voluntary reductions for non-Annex I countries. Water Law. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 38.595. January 02, 2007. Caracas. Forest Law. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 40.222. August 06, 2013. Caracas. Biodiversity Management Law. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 39.070. December 01, 2008. Caracas.", + "Law on the Management of Biological Diversity. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 39.070. December 01, 2008. Caracas. Law on the Management of Natural and Technological Social Risks. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 39.095. January 09, 2009. Caracas. Law on Integrated Basin Management. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 6.017. (Extraordinary). December 30, 2010. Caracas. Law on Water and Air Quality.", + "Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 6.017. (Extraordinary) December 30, 2010. Caracas. Water and Air Quality Law. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 6.207. (Extraordinary) December 28, 2015. Caracas. National Meteorology and Hydrology Law. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 5.833. (Extraordinary) December 22, 2006. Caracas. Organic Law of Aquatic Spaces. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 5.890. (Extraordinary) July 31, 2008. Caracas.", + "In this regard, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human", + "In this regard, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human" + ], + "large": [ + "Update NDC Venezuela (3). Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the fight against Climate Change and its effects. November 2021. THANKS. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, through the Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism, as the National Environmental Authority, makes an extensive thank you for all the support received for this process of Updating the \"Nationally Determined Contribution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela\"; highlighting the institutional commitment of the different sectors involved in the Ministries and Agencies, which allowed the incorporation of new essential elements for the strengthening of climate action, which will lead our country to the implementation of actions framed towards sustainable development.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, through the Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism, as the National Environmental Authority, makes an extensive thank you for all the support received for this process of Updating the \"Nationally Determined Contribution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela\"; highlighting the institutional commitment of the different sectors involved in the Ministries and Agencies, which allowed the incorporation of new essential elements for the strengthening of climate action, which will lead our country to the implementation of actions framed towards sustainable development.", + "In this sense, Venezuela pursues with the Update of the CND, to lay the foundations of the \"Action for Climate Empowerment\" in our country, as a transversal axis in integrative and inclusive public policies of an economic, social, health, cultural, educational, environmental, technological, political and institutional nature, among others, that allow generating and articulating capacities that promote transformative action against climate change, with the depth and urgency that this challenge requires for the reduction of vulnerability in the population and natural spaces. In order to increase response capacities and create the basis of contextualized resilience within the framework of education, research, training, social awareness, access to information, citizen participation, development and transfer of technology and innovations, in order to consolidate inclusion and participation policies, including those related to gender and intergenerational equity, which allow increasing the leading and determining", + "In order to increase response capacities and create the basis of contextualized resilience within the framework of education, research, training, social awareness, access to information, citizen participation, development and transfer of technology and innovations, in order to consolidate inclusion and participation policies, including those related to gender and intergenerational equity, which allow increasing the leading and determining role of women as dynamizers of the processes of struggles against climate change, as well as youth, children, and older adults. Likewise, with the presentation of the CND update, Venezuela seeks to contribute effectively to the fulfillment of the global goals of the Paris Agreement, which has among its objectives to keep the increase in the global average temperature below 2 \u00b0C, with respect to pre-industrial levels and to continue with efforts to limit this increase in temperature to 1.5 \u00b0C, under the criterion of common but differentiated responsibilities that allow to face", + "The document includes the technical considerations emanating from debates formulated by the team of the Ministry of People's Power for Ecosocialism, nourished by the work of experts in the field, as well as a diverse group of actors and institutions involved in the issue of climate change, in addition to the experiences of other countries that currently have their CNDs updated, and the guidelines derived from the international forums in which the country participated.", + "The document includes the technical considerations emanating from debates formulated by the team of the Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism, nourished by the work of experts in the field, as well as a diverse group of actors and institutions involved in the issue of climate change, in addition to the experiences of other countries that currently have their CNDs updated, and the guidelines derived from the international forums in which the country participated. Venezuela, through the General Directorate of Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change of the Minister of People s Power for Ecosocialism, began the process of reviewing and updating its CND, with the support of the different sectors and institutions as well as the Substantive General Directorates, for the collective construction of the CND, to be presented in the framework of the celebration of COP 26, in Glasgow, United Kingdom from October 31 to November 12, 2021.", + "Venezuela, through the General Directorate of Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change of the Minister of People s Power for Ecosocialism, began the process of reviewing and updating its CND, with the support of the different sectors and institutions as well as the Substantive General Directorates, for the collective construction of the CND, to be presented in the framework of the celebration of COP 26, in Glasgow, United Kingdom from October 31 to November 12, 2021. JOSU\u00c9 ALEJANDRO LORCA VEGA. People s Power Minister for Ecosocialism. UPDATE OF THE NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC) OF THE BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA. AUTHORITIES. President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicol\u00e1s Maduro Moros. Minister of People s Power for Ecosocialism Josu\u00e9 Alejandro Lorca Vega. People s Power Minister for", + "People s Power Minister for Foreign Affairs F\u00e9lix Plasencia. COORDINATING TEAM. Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism / Deputy Minister of Ecosocialist Environmental Management Josu\u00e9 Alejandro Lorca Vega. General Directorate of Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change / TECHNICAL FOCAL POINT of the UNFCCC Darvid Gustavo Villegas J\u00e1uregui. Hortensia Ernestina Fonseca Blanco Yusbelys Carolina Belisario Arteaga Marciel Maholy Linares Colorado. General Directorate of the Office of Integration and International Affairs Miguel Serrano. Yorlandis Chiquito Carlos Gonzalez. PREPARATION OF THE DOCUMENT. Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism. Directorate-General for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation / UNFCCC Technical Focal Point. Darvid Gustavo Villegas J\u00e1uregui Hortensia Ernestina Fonse", + "Ministry of People s Power for Ecosocialism. Minister Josu\u00e9 Alejandro Lorca Vega. Vice-Ministry of Ecosocialist Environmental Management. Deputy Minister of Integral Waste Management. Luis Sim\u00f3n Palacios Parada. General Directorate of Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change / TECHNICAL FOCAL POINT of the UNFCCC Darvid Gustavo Villegas J\u00e1uregui. Hortensia Ernestina Fonseca Blanco Yusbelys Carolina Belisario Arteaga Marciel Maholy Linares Colorado Whitman Machado. Directorate-General for Ecosystem Management and Conservation Policies. Franklin Jos\u00e9 Linares Vizcaya Abigail Castillo Carmona. Directorate of Soil Conservation, Desertification and Drought. Saida Rivero Sanchez. Airo Tortoza Oropeza. Directorate of Spatial Planning. Felicia Contreras Zambrano. Directorate of Watershed Conserva", + "Directorate-General for Environmental Quality Management. Yurly Tiberio Freisanet Cabrera. Directorate-General for Waste Infrastructure. Marly Jimenez. Jacobo Prada Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol. Wilmer Jose V\u00e1squez Matheus. Directorate-General of the Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol. David Guillen. Director of Research and Innovation Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol. Arnaldo Vega. Ministry of Foreign Affairs.", + "Ministry of Popular Power for Productive Agriculture and Land. Minister Wilmar Castro Soteldo. Director General of the Office of Integration and International Affairs. Danny Mota. Instituto Nacional de Salud Agr\u00edcola Integral (INSAI). Ligmar L\u00f3pez. Empresa del Estado Corporaci\u00f3n Socialista del Cacao Venezolano. Geovanny Gabriel Silva Correa. Ministry of Popular Power for Urban Agriculture. Minister Greicys Dayamni Barrios Prada. Director General of the Office of Integration and International Affairs. Deivy Minaya. Director General of the Training and Innovation Foundation to Support the CIARA Agricultural Revolution. David G\u00f3mez. Ministry of Popular Power for Water Management. Minister Rodolfo Marco Torres. Director General of the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies. Briguel Luis Mart\u00ednez Porras. Line Director of the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies Director of Monitoring of Instructions of High Government", + "Line Director of the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies Director of Monitoring of Instructions of High Government. Marifred Isabel Lameda Sulbar\u00e1n. Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology. Minister Gabriela Jim\u00e9nez Ram\u00edrez. Vice-Ministry of Research and Application of Knowledge. Francisco Duran. Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research IVIC/ Center of Ecology. Carlos M\u00e9ndez. Ministry of Popular Power for Community and Social Movements. Minister Noris Herrera Rodr\u00edguez. Coordination of Multilateral Affairs. Office of Integration and International Affairs. Jos\u00e9 Enrique Aguirre. Ministry of Popular Power for Environmental Mining Development. Minister William Serantes Pinto. Directorate of the Despacho of the Ministry of Popular Power for Environmental Mining Development. Rafael Da Silva. Directorate General of Integration and International Affairs. Arianna Rodr\u00edguez. Directorate General of Ecosocialist Management of Mining Development. Jirale", + "In this connection, the Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the Chambers of Deputies, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, a number of other measures have been adopted, including the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the establishment", + "General Directorate of Environmental Health Coronel Luis Gotta. Dorania Plaza Orietta Pulgar Gilfredo Polanco Gleny Meneses. Minister of the People's Power for Transport. Minister Hip\u00f3lito Abreu. Update on the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the following sectors: mining 134. Indigenous Peoples Sector 138. Risk and Disaster Sector 140. Health Sector 142. Labour Sector (Social Justice) 145. Environmental Quality Management Directorate-General Sector (Water Quality Monitoring - Environmental Laboratories) 148. Ecosystem Sector (Coastal Zone, Territorial Planning, Mountains, Wetlands) 152. Biodiversity Sector (Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity) 161. Support and Implementation Needs 165. ANEXO: PROCESS OF UPDATING THE SECOND NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NCC) 167. REFERENCES 171. INDEX OF TABLES. Table 01. Description and Characteristics of Climate Types", + "Table 04. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Alternative Energy Sector.49. Table 04. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Petroleum Industry Sector.53. Table 05. Number of Persons Trained per Year in the FONDOIN Workshops73. Table 06. Projection of Persons Trained Period 2021-2025 in the FONDOIN Workshops73. Table 07. Technicians in the Ideal Operational Practices Performed by FONDOIN74. Table 08. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Industry Sector (General Directorate of Environmental Quality Management - FONDOIN).75. Table 09. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Earth and Subterranean Transport Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca.58. Table 10. Policies", + "Table 12. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land and Subterranean Transport Sector - Sistema Socialista de Transporte Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI63. Table 12. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land and Subterranean Transport Sector - Metro Caracas, C.A.64. Table 13. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Aquatic Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega).66. Table 14. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Air Transport Sector - Instituto Nacional de Aeron\u00e1utica Civil (INAC)69. Table 15. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Forest Sector (General Director", + "Venezuela's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Policies, presented by the Waste Sector (Department of Integrated Basin Management).84. INDICATOR OF FICHAS. Table 01. Description and characteristics of climate types According to K\u00f6ppen classification, in Venezuela.Error! Undefined marker. Table 02. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Policies of the Energy Sector.38. Table 03. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Policies of the Alternative Energy Sector.49. Table 04. Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Policies of the Petroleum Industry Sector.53. Table 05. Number of Persons Trained per Year in FONDOIN73 Workshops. Table 06. Projection of Trained Persons Period 2021-2025 in FONDOIN73 Workshops. Table 07. Technicians in the Ideal Operational Practices", + "Table 9. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Industry Sector (Directorate General of Environmental Quality Management - FONDOIN).75. Table 09. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land and Subterranean Transport Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca.58. Table 10. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land Transport Sector - Planta de Autobuses Yutong Venezuela, S.A.61. Table 11. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land and Subterranean Transport Sector - Sistema Socialista de Transporte. Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI63. Table 12. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land and Subterra", + "Table 15. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Air Transport Sector - Instituto Nacional de Aeron\u00e1utica Civil (INAC)69. Table 15. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Forest Sector (Directorate General of Forest Heritage).78. Table 16. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol).81. Table 17.", + "Andean Committee for Disaster Prevention and Response. CDB. Convention on Biological Diversity. CDH. Human Rights Council. CIAGROA. Center for Agri-Food and Environmental Research. CIPDE. Research Center for the Promotion of Endogenous Development. CLCC. Free Climate Change Faculty. CMNUCC. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. CONARE. National Forestry Company. CONEA. National Convention on Environmental Studies. COP. Conference of the Parties. CORPOELEC. National Electrical Corporation. CRBV. Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. CSCV. Socialist Venezuelan Coffee Corporation. CTCZC. Central Coastal Zones Working Committee. CTP. Workers' Productive Councils. CTZCNE. Standing Coastal Zones Working Committees. DDHH. Human Rights. EEDI. Project Energy Efficiency Index. EI", + "International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. ENAFOR. National Forestry Enterprise. ENCDB. National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity. EPU. Universal Periodic Review. FAO. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. FEVP. Foundation Venezuelan School of Planning. FONAGUAS. National Fund for Integrated Water Management. FONDOIN. Foundation Fund for Industrial and Technological Transformation. Acronyms and Terms. Definition. FUNDELEC. Foundation for Electrical Development. GCF. Green Climate Fund. GCMs. Global Atmospheric Circulation Climate Models. GEF. Global Environment Facility. GEI. Greenhouse Gases. GIICC. Inter-institutional Group on Climate Change. GNV. Natural Vehicle Gas. HCFC. Hydrochlorofluorocarbons. HFC. Hydroflu", + "International Electrotechnical Commission. IFLA. Latin American Forest Institute. INAMEH. National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology. INE. National Institute of Statistics. INPARQUES. National Parks Institute. INSAI. National Institute of Integrated Agricultural Health. IPCC. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. LABINNOVANS. Bolivian Laboratory of Innovation for Food, Environment, Nutrition and Health. LED. Diode Light Emitter. LFC. Compact Fluorescent Lamps. MAH. Hyogo Framework for Action. MARNR. Ministry of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources. MARPOL. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships. MCU. Unilateral Coercive Measures. MDL. Clean Development Mechanisms. MINAGUAS. Ministry of Public Power for Water Management. Mincyt", + "Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism and Water. MINEC. Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism. MINPPAU. Ministry of the People's Power for Urban Agriculture. MMSC. Global Framework for Climate Services. MPPA. Ministry of the People's Power for the Environment. Acronyms and Terms. Definition. MPPDME. Ministry of the People's Power for Environmental Mining Development. MPPE. Ministry of the People's Power for Education. MPPEE. Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity. MPPEF. Ministry of the People's Power for Economics and Finance. MPPEU. Ministry of the People's Power for University Education. MPPS. Ministry of the People's Power for Health. MRV. Monitoring, Reporting and Verification. CND. Nationally Determined Contributions. NDT", + "World Meteorological Organization. WHO. World Health Organization. UN. United Nations Organization. PAHO. Pan American Health Organization. PDEL. Local Strategic Development Plans. PDVSA. Petr\u00f3leos de Venezuela Sociedad An\u00f3nima. PEP. Parque E\u00f3lico de Paraguan\u00e1. GDP. Gross Domestic Product. GNP. Bolivian National Police. PNEA. National Alternative Energy Program. PNEDUCEEE. National Energy Education and Energy Efficiency Program. PNFA-PSCD. National Advanced Training Program in Sustainable Cocoa and Cocoa Derivatives Production. PNOT. National Land Management Plan (Proposed). UNDP. United Nations Development Programme. UNEP. United Nations Environment Programme. POGIZC. Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (Proposed). PORU. Management Plans and Use Regulations. PPD. Small Grants Program. RDS.", + "Waste and Solid Waste. REM. Rehabilitation, Stabilization and Maintenance. RFI. Imataca Forest Reserve. Acronyms and Glossary. Definition. RT. Technical Regulations. SAO. Ozone Cap Aggregating Substances. SENAFIM. National Mining Inspection and Taxation Service. SENCAMER. National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Technical Regulations and Standards. SIGIZC. Information Systems for Integrated Coastal Zone Management. SINIB. National Integrated Forest Information System. SIPP. Integrated People's Power System. SNICA. National Water Quality Information System. SNME. National Ecological Mining System. UBV. Bolivarian University of Venezuela. UGE. Energy Management Units. UNEFA. National Experimental Polytechnic University of the National Armed Forces. UNERMB.", + "Renewable Energy Unit Venezuela. UREEE. Rational and Efficient Use of Electrical Energy. USB. Universidad Sim\u00f3n Bol\u00edvar. UVH. Universidad Venezolana de los Hidrocarburos. VENAVEGA. Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n. WCPA. Comisi\u00f3n Mundial de \u00c1reas Protegidas. ZDEN. Zonas de Desarrollo Estrat\u00e9gico Nacional. ZODI. Zona Operativa de Defensa Integral. INTRODUCTION. Climate change is one of the greatest problems currently affecting the planet, this situation transcends the environment and must be considered in its ethical, human, socio-economic and political dimensions. It is, in fact, one of the clearest manifestations of the crisis of capitalism as a predatory system of nature that makes impossible a healthy, full, solidarity and peaceful life on earth. It also translates into a dimension of the global", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, being a country characterized by low-lying island areas and coasts, with arid and semi-arid areas exposed to flooding, drought and desertification, and with fragile mountain ecosystems, whose main economy is particularly dependent on the production, use and export of fossil fuels, is considered, according to the categories set out in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC, 1992), to be highly vulnerable, and particularly sensitive to the adverse effects of climate change and to the secondary consequences of potential response measures.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, being a country characterized by low-lying island areas and coasts, with arid and semi-arid areas exposed to flooding, drought and desertification, and with fragile mountain ecosystems; whose main economy is particularly dependent on the production, use and export of fossil fuels; is considered, according to the categories established in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC, 1992), to be highly vulnerable; and particularly sensitive to the adverse effects of climate change and to the secondary consequences of potential response measures.", + "This vulnerability has become evident in a series of emergencies and natural disasters with severe effects on housing, food production, hydroelectricity generation, biodiversity, among others, such as those that occurred during the months of August and September 2021 in the states of M\u00e9rida, T\u00e1chira and Anzo\u00e1tegui. Faced with this situation, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has taken large-scale measures with significant investments, which have made it possible to attend to and protect the affected population in order to reduce damage and reduce vulnerability.", + "Within the framework of what was agreed under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement (PA), Venezuela presents the update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), committed to the construction of an eco-socialist productive economic model. These actions are articulated within the framework of the National Economic and Social Development Plan Law of the Plan of the Fatherland 2019. - 2025, which proposes the deepening of eco-socialist policies with a high social, economic and environmental impact to contribute to the fight against climate change.", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), organized a regional workshop on the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Latin America and the Caribbean, in cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), in cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "In this update and presentation of the CND, elements relating to gender and equity are incorporated, enabling progress to be made in the national objectives of combating poverty and inequality, within the framework of the national planning for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda.", + "In this regard, Venezuela presents its contributions to adaptation and mitigation, covering actions and policies towards fair and sustainable development.", + "This update is framed in the National Economic and Social Development Plan, which sets the priority of combating climate change within the framework of an integrated, humanistic and ecosocialist development oriented towards a good life in harmony with Mother Earth. For each commitment, a brief description of the context is included with reference to the circumstances of the relevant sector or strategic area, followed by a summary table that includes the commitment with its goal, the governing entity, the type of commitment, preliminary indicators and the ODA to which they contribute. The description of each commitment is complemented with a brief indicative reference with regard to the operational aspects related to the means of implementation, its potential for integration, adaptation - mitigation and culminating with a declaration of long-term ambition.", + "The description of each commitment is complemented by a brief indicative reference to the operational aspects related to the means of implementation, their integration potential, adaptation - mitigation and culminating with a declaration of long-term ambition.", + "In accordance with the decisions taken at the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Paris Agreement, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela hereby submits an update of its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to combat climate change and its effects.", + "This update of the Contribution must be examined in the light of the principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities, which implies, among other things, that in order to be able to materialize the commitments expressed by developing countries, financial resources are required to support actions in developing countries, as well as technology transfer and capacity-building, which developed countries must contribute incrementally, in accordance with their obligations set out in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement. To conclude, this update of the CND is framed in a national process of collective construction of a proposal for a Climate Change Law for the country, which involves different actors and sectors, organized communities and social movements, and which aims to be adopted in the legislative period from 2021 to 2026.", + "To conclude, this update of the CND is framed in a national process of collective construction of a proposal for a Law on Climate Change for the country, which involves different actors and sectors, organized communities and social movements, and which aims to be adopted in the legislative period from 2021 to 2026. BACKGROUND As part of the obligations undertaken to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela accepted the commitment to report everything relevant to the contents, which by mandate of the Convention is established for the preparation of National Communications on Climate Change.", + "As part of the obligations undertaken to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has accepted the commitment to report everything relevant to the contents, which by mandate of the Convention is established for the preparation of National Communications on Climate Change. Venezuela's political commitment is of a high level in the fight against climate change, as expressed by President Nicol\u00e1s Maduro Moros, during the speech at the 75th General Assembly of the United Nations, held in October 2020, namely:We must all work for the salvation of our planet. We call for the highest political commitment to combat climate change that is a reality: to combat climate change as an urgent priority.", + "We call for the highest political commitment to combat climate change that is a reality: to combat climate change as an urgent priority. We recognize the importance of strengthening mitigation and adaptation actions, in accordance with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement.", + "This instrument was approved in 1992 and ratified by Venezuela in 1994, through the Official Gazette of the Republic of Venezuela No. 4,825 Extraordinary of 27 December 1994.", + "At the same meeting, the Ministry of the Environment presented a Statement of Account to the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in which it limits the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol in our country, specifically the paragraphs relating to the flexibilization mechanisms provided for in this Protocol, known as the Clean Development Mechanisms (CDMs). This presidential decision not to resort to the CDMs will subsequently be embodied in the National Government Plans, the First and Second Plans of the Fatherland. THE DOHA Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol. This amendment was adopted at the COP-18 in Catar in 2012, and ratified by Venezuela in 2017, which establishes the subsequent period of commitments for Annex I countries after 2012, and increases the second period (2012-2020) to eight years. RATIFICATION OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT ON CLIMATE C", + "This amendment was adopted at the COP-18 in Catar in 2012, and ratified by Venezuela in 2017, which establishes the subsequent commitment period for Annex I countries after 2012, and increases the second period (2012-2020) to eight years. RATIFICATION OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT ON CLIMATE CHANGE At the COP-21 of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Venezuela adopts the Paris Agreement on Climate Change on 12 December 2015.", + "In April 2016, Venezuela signs the Paris Agreement on Climate Change at the United Nations (UN) in the commemorative act of Earth Day, on 22 April. On 21 July 2017, Venezuela completes the steps required for the ratification of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, with the deposit of the instrument of ratification with the depositary in the UN. By that time, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela becomes a State Party to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change 154\u00b0, in July 2017. The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela empowers the Executive for the adoption of international agreements, Article 236\u00b0 on the Attributes of the President of the Republic: \u201c4.", + "President of the Republic: \u201c4. To direct the external relations of the Republic and. to conclude and ratify international treaties, conventions or agreements.\u201d. LEGAL CONTEXT OF THE PARIS AGREEMENT ON CLIMATE CHANGE. The Paris Agreement on Climate Change is a legal instrument for the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), therefore the principles and provisions of the Convention prevail and guide the implementation of this agreement.", + "Preliminary work on the elaboration and discussion of the planned and determined National Contribution of Venezuela was carried out by the then Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism and Water (MINEA), in the previous years 2013 and 2014, today Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC), compiling the contributions obtained through inter-ministerial consultations, formalizing their submission to the plenary for the adoption of the Paris Agreement at the XXI Conference of the Parties (COP-21), in December 2015.", + "In this order of ideas, Venezuela formalized its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the Executive Secretariat of the UNFCCC, based in Bonn, Germany, and subsequently formally delivered in February 2018 to the Executive Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF THE NDC - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE OBJECTIVES OF THE CONVENTION. AND THE PARIS AGREEMENT. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has a high political commitment, within the framework of the Paris Agreement, adopted through Decision 1/CP.21, which addresses crucial areas needed to combat climate change.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has a high political commitment, within the framework of the Paris Agreement, adopted through Decision 1/CP.21, which addresses crucial areas necessary to combat climate change. Therefore, the overall objective of the CND for Venezuela is to implement policies, actions and efforts that promote the reduction of greenhouse gases and the increase of resilience and reduction of vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change in priority sectors. These actions and efforts will be directed through the strategic lines and measures identified in the subsequent sections of the document. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ratified its commitment to reduce its GHG emissions by 20% by 2030 in relation to the inertial scenario.", + "To this end, the country envisages activities in various sectors, including adaptation and mitigation actions, with adaptation being the national priority. The extent to which this goal is achieved will depend on the fulfilment of the commitments of developed countries in terms of providing financing, technology transfer and capacity-building in accordance with Article 4.7 of the Convention. In this sense, the country bases the fulfilment of its GNI, as a priority for the fight against poverty and its right to development, on the principles set out in the UNFCCC and other relevant international instruments, including the 2030 Agenda and the ODS. An ambitious implementation of the GNI is essential to ensure that global emission ceilings in the near future and climate risks are reduced, so that at the same time mutual development benefits can be achieved.", + "The Paris Agreement calls on each country to outline and communicate its post-2020 climate actions, thereby implementing its determined contributions at national level. Some of these key aspects are outlined below: Long-term temperature objective (Article 2) The Paris Agreement, in seeking to strengthen the global response to climate change, reaffirms the objective of limiting the increase in global temperature to well below 2\u00b0C, while continuing efforts to limit it to 1.5\u00b0C.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the League of Arab States, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "It also provides that Parties shall communicate their nationally determined contributions every five years, and provide the information necessary for clarity and transparency.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliament", + "It establishes a mechanism to contribute to the mitigation of GHG emissions and to support sustainable development, and defines a framework for non-commercial approaches to sustainable development. Adaptation (Article 7). The Paris Agreement establishes a global adaptation target, namely increasing adaptation capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change in the context of the climate change objective of the Agreement. It aims to significantly strengthen national adaptation efforts, including through international support and cooperation. The Agreement recognizes that adaptation is a global challenge facing all Parties. All Parties should engage in adaptation, including through the formulation and implementation of national adaptation plans, and should submit and periodically update an adaptation communication describing their priorities, needs, plans and actions.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "In addition to reporting on funding already provided, developed country Parties undertake to provide transparent and indicative information on future support to developing country Parties, including projected levels of public funding.", + "The Paris Agreement also establishes that the Convention's Financial Mechanism, including the Green Climate Fund, which will serve the Agreement. It also strengthens international cooperation on climate technology development and transfer, and the strengthening of institutional capacities in developing world Parties through ad hoc institutional arrangements as necessary. Education, training, public awareness and participation and public access to information on climate change (Article 12). It should also be strengthened within the framework of the Agreement. Transparency (Article 14), implementation and enforcement (Article 15).", + "Education, training, public awareness and participation and public access to information on climate change (Article 12) should also be strengthened within the framework of the Agreement. Transparency (Article 14), implementation and compliance (Article 15) The Paris Agreement is based on a robust system of transparency and accounting to provide clarity on measures and support by the Parties, with flexibility for the different capacities of the Parties. In addition to submitting information on mitigation, adaptation and support, the Agreement requires that information submitted by each Party be subject to an international review by technical experts. The Agreement also includes a mechanism to facilitate implementation and promote compliance in a non-discriminatory and non-punitive manner, and to report annually to the COP/MOP. Global balance (Article 14).", + "The Agreement also includes a mechanism that will facilitate implementation and promote compliance in a non-confrontational and non-punitive manner, and will report annually to the COP/MOP. Global balance (Article 14). A \"global balance\", to be held in 2023 and every five years thereafter, will assess collective progress towards achieving the objectives of the Agreement in a comprehensive and enabling manner. It will be based on the best available science and its long-term global objective.", + "Its outcome will serve as a basis for the Parties to update and improve their measures and to support and increase international cooperation in the fight against climate change. CONTITUTIONAL MARKET. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reaffirms its commitment to the construction of an alternative development model, a geopolitical policy of respect for peoples and identity, a policy of coexistence, a policy of peace with justice and equality, a policy that rejects any attempt to impose the will of one country on another, either through the threat and use of force, or through financial, economic, cultural and political means. The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic, adopted in a popular referendum in 1999, enshrines Environmental Rights and is a pioneer in establishing that:It is a right and a duty of each generation to protect and maintain the environment for the benefit of itself and the future world.", + "The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic, adopted in a popular referendum in 1999, enshrines environmental rights and is a pioneer in establishing that:It is a right and a duty of every generation to protect and maintain the environment for the benefit of itself and the future world.Everyone has the right individually and collectively to enjoy a life and an environment that is safe, healthy and ecologically balanced.The State will protect the environment, biological diversity, genetic resources, ecological processes, national parks and natural monuments and other areas of special ecological importance.The genome of living beings cannot be patented, and the law that refers to bioethical principles will regulate the matter.", + "It is a fundamental obligation of the State, with the active participation of society, to ensure that the population develops in an environment free of pollution, in which the air, water, soils, coasts, climate, ozone layer and living species are particularly protected in accordance with the law.", + "The NDCs aim to address the provisions set out in the Paris Agreement, as well as to promote adaptation and mitigation in our country in the face of the challenge of climate change.", + "In order to better focus efforts towards the long-term goal, the Paris Agreement invites countries to formulate and present long-term development strategies for 2020 with low greenhouse gas emissions.", + "In this sense, on 16 January 2019, the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC), as the National Environmental Authority, creates in its organizational structure the \u201cGeneral Directorate for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation\u201d whose objective is to promote participation, awareness, systematization and consolidation of actions for conservation and protection against the effects of climate change, through the design and implementation of policies and guidelines applied at national level, in the field of adaptation, mitigation and losses and associated damage.", + "This Directorate-General is the Technical Focal Point for the UNFCCC, and also seeks to strengthen Ecosocialism as an axiological value of environmental management in the field of combating climate change, deepening the sustainable political, economic and social model, taken collectively and responsibly with nature. To instrument these tasks, the Directorate-General has been structured into four Line Directorates: Climate Change Adaptation Directorate; Climate Change Mitigation Directorate; Climate Change Policy Formulation, Monitoring and Control Directorate; and Climate Change Loss and Damage Directorate.", + "In addition, it seeks to coordinate actions with bodies and entities responsible for territorial planning and disaster management. MINEC, through the \u201cGeneral Directorate for Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change\u201d, will be responsible for consolidating national information on climate change and coordinating the preparation of national reports in the context of the UNFCCC and its related instruments.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to disseminate widely, in particular to women's and human rights organizations, the Convention, its Optional Protocol, the Committee's general recommendations, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWo", + "The \u201cPresidential Commission called the National Committee of the Green Climate Fund\u201d is created by Presidential Decree No. 4586 of 21 September 2021, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 42.217 of the same date, as an advisory body to the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela with a permanent character that will have the following functions: Collective prioritization of projects; Present to the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, for approval, investment plans and projects that will be implemented within the framework of the Green Climate Fund; These arrangements determine the coordination relations between the different bodies of the National Executive.", + "To present to the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, for approval, the investment plans and projects that will be implemented within the framework of the Green Climate Fund. These arrangements determine the coordination relations between the different bodies of the National Executive. This Presidential Commission will be responsible for leading, coordinating and approving the strategies and public policies necessary to prevent and respond to the impacts of climate change, as well as enforcing the appropriate legal and institutional framework for these purposes.", + "The environmental sector from the perspective of Ecosocialism, as an axiological value of environmental management assumed by the Venezuelan State, does not escape from the negative effects generated by the imposition of Unilateral Coercive Measures (MCU), and other restrictive or punitive measures against our country; in an international context that requires the implementation and follow-up of agreed agreements to deal with climate change and responsible management of environmental problems capable of degrading the environment of urban and rural systems.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the members of civil society, including non-governmental organizations and the private sector, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "On 26 September 2014, the Human Rights Council adopted Resolution 27/21 and Corr.1, on human rights and human trafficking, which stresses that such measures are contrary to international law, international humanitarian law, the Charter of the United Nations and the norms and principles governing peaceful relations between States, and stresses that, in the long term, such measures can cause social problems and humanitarian difficulties in the States to which they are applied.", + "On 26 September 2014, the Human Rights Council adopted Resolution 27/21 and Corr.1, on human rights and MCU, which stresses that these measures are contrary to international law, international humanitarian law, the Charter of the United Nations and the norms and principles governing peaceful relations between States, and stresses that, in the long term, these measures may cause social problems and humanitarian difficulties in the States to which they are applied.", + "In the context of the evaluation of the main impacts of the MCUs on the competences of MINEC, a descriptive analysis has been included in this report in the following areas: international environmental policy, integrated waste management, management of hospital medical waste, taxation and control of environmental impacts of activities likely to degrade the environment, climate change, the commitments of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Recreational Parks as a public service.", + "In the context of the assessment of the main impacts of the MCUs on the competences of MINEC, a descriptive analysis has been included in this report in the following areas: international environmental policy, integrated waste management, management of hospital medical waste, environmental impact assessment and control of activities likely to degrade the environment, climate change, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development commitments and Recreational Parks as a public service.", + "In the international arena, even though Venezuela participates in at least 74 multilateral environmental spaces, to which this institution constantly reports on the progress of commitments made, the MCU has restricted Venezuela's participation in some of the meetings, where the governments in power have not responded to the visa requests of officials who were supposed to attend.This situation constitutes a clear violation of the rules of public international law.", + "With regard to the mobilization of resources, to facilitate the effective implementation of environmental policies, the MCUs have prevented the institution from gaining access to multilateral banks, such as the IDB; to the Special Drawing Rights of the International Monetary Fund; as well as reducing the possibility of receiving financing to strengthen the cooperation of the SUR-SUR, and the programmes and projects that this institution was carrying out with the countries of the region.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, like most countries in the region, is vulnerable to climate change, and as a signatory to the Paris Agreement, is responsible for implementing actions that contribute to the fight against climate change. In this sense, it is worth mentioning that the CBMs run counter to the Paris Agreement, since they reduce the capacity and effectiveness of the actions needed to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change, also adversely affecting sustainable post-COVID-19 recovery plans, as well as actions in the event of climate-related disasters in the region.", + "In this sense, it is worth mentioning that the CBMs run counter to what is laid down in the Paris Agreement, since they reduce the capacity and effectiveness of the actions necessary for adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change, also adversely affecting sustainable post-COVID-19 recovery plans, as well as actions against possible climate-related disasters in the region. In summary, the following elements must be considered that make it possible to comply with the CND: Multilateralism must respect international law, including human rights, environmental law and the right of nations to sustainable development, including the right to self-determination, and not interfere with the multilateral rules of international trade. The CBMs not only ignore legal norms, but are also a flagrant violation of ethical principles and can be seen as a crime against humanity.", + "MCUs not only ignore legal norms, but are also a blatant violation of ethical principles and can be seen as a crime against humanity. MCUs are discretionary actions contrary to international law, in order to. subject those who have violated hegemonic ideological imperatives. MCUs put the population in a fragile situation, infrastructure and institutions are affected. There is a direct impact of MCUs on people\u2019s basic rights such as. water or a healthy environment. There is a deep, albeit indirect, link between Climate Change and MCUs, because they affect a country\u2019s ability to respond to the climate change crisis.", + "There is a deep, albeit indirect, link between Climate Change and CBMs, because they affect a country\u2019s ability to respond to the climate change crisis. CBMs have a tremendous impact on climate action: adaptation, mitigation, technology acquisition and promotion of technological adaptation for efficient transformations in sectors such as energy, transport, water supply, healthy environment, among others. Furthermore, the application of CBMs is particularly immoral in the midst of the crisis we are experiencing from the COVID-19 pandemic. Financing and provision of means of implementation for Climate Change. Climate is one of the crucial issues for implementation, and CBMs involve the exclusion or discrimination of some countries from the international financial system, even for accreditation options.", + "Climate is one of the crucial issues for implementation, and CMUs involve the exclusion or discrimination of some countries from the international financial system, even for accreditation options. Climate action requires not only leadership, but also solidarity and coherence in actions related to \u201cclimate justice\u201d in the discussion on Climate Change. COUNCIL - COVID 19. To the national situation generated by the illegal application of CMUs, are added the effects produced by the health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, which demand the immediate adoption of measures for the protection of the Venezuelan people. As recognized by CEPAL (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) the pandemic highlighted the structural problems of the economic model system, and the shortcomings of the social protection system in Latin America and the Caribbean.", + "As recognized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the pandemic highlighted the structural problems of the economic model system, and the shortcomings of the social protection system in Latin America and the Caribbean.", + "The crisis of the pandemic, accompanied by the illegal MCUs, are a call to reflect on the importance of human health and its interrelationship with the health of the planet. POLICY VISION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY PATRIOT PLAN 2019 - 2025. The Plan of the Country: \"Third Socialist Plan for Economic and Social Development of the Nation of Venezuela\" is a medium-term plan for the period 2019 - 2025, which contains general guidelines for its implementation. This instrument provides for 5 Historical Objectives:. Defend, expand and consolidate the most precious asset we have regained after 200 years: National Independence.", + "To continue building the Bolivarian socialism of the twenty-first century, in Venezuela, as an alternative to the destructive and savage system of capitalism and thus to ensure the \u201cgreater sum of social security, greater sum of political stability and the greater sum of happiness\u201d for our people. To convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the Great Emerging Power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will guarantee the formation of a zone of peace in Our America. To contribute to the development of a new International Geopolitics in which a multicentric and multipolar world takes shape that will allow the balance of the Universe to be achieved and Planetary Peace to be guaranteed. To contribute to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species.", + "To contribute to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species.The following are highlighted as important points: Material bases for the humanely gratifying transition to socialism, transformation of the oil profitist culture into an inclusive, efficient and fair productive economic model, liberating the productive forces, in order to satisfy the needs of our population by promoting new socialist management methods and a productive fabric of rupture of the metabolism of capital.New economic and financial straitjacket of society: The rupture of the ties of the colonial model, expoliative trade, focusing the development of the support structure of the productive model.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the National Assembly, the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the", + "Decolonization as a fundamental component of the historical breakdown, based on indigenous, feminist, Afro-descendant, our American and deeply rooted Bolivian national base, or revolutionary transformation of the state, for the definitive breakdown of the popular, participatory and communal state, guaranteeing popular control and the transfer of competences to combat inefficiency, bureaucracy and corruption, starting with the full participation of the organized people in planning, action, monitoring, control and joint people-government management.", + "The development of the spatial dimension of socialism on the basis of systemic, geo-historical and functional regionalization, the urban-regional system and the development of infrastructure, services and mobility.", + "The development of the spatial dimension of socialism on the basis of systemic, geo-historical and functional regionalization, the urban-regional system and the development of infrastructure, services and mobility.The socialist city, breaking the capitalist schemes of social and economic inequality of the space, reorganizing with a view to justice the dynamics of land income, economic specialization of the city and its urban sectors, equipment, infrastructure and public space, as well as an integrated system of land use and transport.The intervention of the productive system and the economy of maintenance.The Plan of the Motherland develops specific policies for the breakdown of the metabolism of capital and the stimulation of a new system of actors and economic dynamics for the attention of the social demands of the system of missions and major missions and of social protection of the People.", + "The Plan of the Motherland develops specific policies for the breakdown of the metabolism of capital and the impulse of a new system of actors and economic dynamics for the attention of the social demands of the system of missions and great missions and social protection of the people, as well as specific policies directed to the economy of maintenance, from the maximum of doing more with less and better as the economic and cultural doctrine of the state and Venezuelan society.", + "As well as the specific policies directed to the economy of maintenance, from the maximum of doing more with less and better as the economic and cultural doctrine of the state and Venezuelan society, ecosocialism as a revolutionary doctrine and historical social model based on respect for the rights of Mother Earth and the well-being of our people, developing the principle of unity within diversity, the integral and systemic vision, popular participation, the role of the nation state, the incorporation of technologies and forms of organization of production, distribution and consumption, which focus on the rational, optimal and sustainable exploitation of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature.", + "Ecosocialism as a revolutionary doctrine and historical social model based on respect for the rights of Mother Earth and the well-being of our people, developing the principle of unity within diversity, the integral and systemic vision, popular participation, the role of the nation state, the incorporation of technologies and forms of organization of production, distribution and consumption, which focus on the rational, optimal and sustainable exploitation of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature. INTEGRATION OF THE GENERAL VISION OF THE 2030 AGENDA - ODS -.", + "The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes 17 Objectives and 169 Goals, presents an ambitious vision of sustainable development and integrates its economic, social and environmental dimensions, expressing the wishes, aspirations and priorities of the international community for the next 15 years.", + "In this sense, the voluntary national presentation goes beyond the fulfilment of a formality before a multilateral body, which constitutes for Venezuela an expression of political will regarding the elevation of the standard of living of the people, and guarantees in its fundamental objective the historical construction of Socialism, guided by the premise of achieving the greatest possible amount of happiness.", + "In this sense, the voluntary national presentation goes beyond the fulfilment of a formality before a multilateral body, which constitutes for Venezuela an expression of political will regarding the elevation of the standard of living of the people, and guarantees in its fundamental objective the historical construction of Socialism, guided by the premise of achieving the greatest possible amount of happiness.", + "Venezuela notes that the construction of Socialism in which it finds itself is perfectly compatible with the progress of the ODS, in fact it is an opportunity for its practical implementation and impetus, as it aspires to give greater depth and coherence to the work together with international cooperation to finance and strengthen the implementation and monitoring of the ODS, in accordance with national plans, and contributing to the sustainability and strengthening of the 15 Productive Economic Motors that were established for the economic impetus of the country.", + "Developing these aspects is not an easy task, however, the country is committed to the development of policies that stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of its citizens and communities, as well as the creation of sources of work for the development of its population and promoting full and productive employment.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela considers Good Practices to be four interrelated drivers that have been formed as keys to progress: political commitment at the highest level for the adaptation of public administration bodies and entities in their operational plans for the implementation of the ODS and to report on this under the supervision of the Council of Ministers of the six Sectoral Vice-Presidencies in order to monitor the implementation of the ODS; political commitment at the highest level for the adaptation of public administration bodies and entities in their operational plans for the implementation of the ODS; political commitment at the highest level for the adaptation of public administration bodies and entities in their operational plans for the implementation of the ODS and to report on this under the supervision of the Council of Ministers of the six Sectoral Vice-Presidencies in order to monitor the implementation of the ODS.", + "The political commitment at the highest level to adapt the bodies and entities of the public administration in their operational plans for the implementation of the SDGs and to report on this under the supervision of the Council of Ministers of the six Sectoral Vice-Presidencies to monitor the implementation of the SDGs; The launch of a process of enriching the general framework of public policies established in the National Development Plan 2013 - 2019 on the basis of the content of Agenda 2030; The instruction aimed at the National Institute of Statistics (INE) to disaggregate the respective date and to make information more visible on the most vulnerable sectors: children, young people and adolescents, Afro-descendants, indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, older adults and women, among others, under the principle of \u201cnot leaving anyone behind\u201d and.", + "The instruction is aimed at the National Institute of Statistics (INE) to disaggregate the relevant date and to make information more visible on the most vulnerable sectors: children, young people and adolescents, Afro-descendants, indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, older adults and women, among others, under the principle of \u201cnot leaving anyone behind\u201d and. The active incorporation of political, pro-tagonal and co-responsible participation through consultation with social movements, non-state actors, productive sectors, academics and Popular Government Councils as a basis for the appropriation of Agenda 2030 \u201cfrom the bottom up\u201d.", + "This political commitment, taken at the highest level, is visible in the political instruction of President Nicol\u00e1s Maduro Moros for the collective appropriation of the ODS, announced in the Council of Ministers on 29 September 2015, which was followed by the institutional and legal arrangements: People - State - People, aimed at implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in conjunction with the National Development Plan: Plan de la Patria 2013 - 2019.", + "This political commitment, taken at the highest level, is visible in the political instruction of President Nicol\u00e1s Maduro Moros for the collective appropriation of the ODS, announced in the Council of Ministers on 29 September 2015, which has been followed by the institutional and legal arrangements: People - State - People, aimed at the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in conjunction with the National Development Plan: Plan de la Patria 2013-2019. These priorities are underpinned by the development policy guidelines of the Venezuelan State established constitutionally, by our national vision of sustainable development with a special emphasis on the social dimension, by public policies with a human rights approach and by the lessons learned in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).", + "These priorities are based on the Venezuelan State's constitutionally established development policy guidelines, on our national vision of sustainable development with a special emphasis on the social dimension, on public policies with a human rights approach and on the lessons learned in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).The approach to these priorities is carried out from an integrated perspective, the Ecosocialist dimension of the national model expresses the political will to simultaneously boost the social, environmental and economic dimensions on which the 2030 Agenda is based.In summary, the Venezuelan State has repeatedly expressed its commitment to sustaining the levels of social investment made in recent history as a mechanism for protecting the people and advancing the achievement of the Supreme Social Happiness, the ultimate goal of the construction of Bolivian Socialism perfectly aligned with the ODS.", + "In summary, the Venezuelan State has repeatedly expressed its commitment to sustaining the levels of social investment made in recent history as a mechanism for protecting the people and advancing the achievement of the Supreme Social Happiness, the ultimate goal of the construction of Bolivarian Socialism perfectly aligned with the ODS.", + "The specific mitigation objective of the CND is to contribute to global efforts to reduce GHGs by identifying sectors, measures and lines of action that will contribute to mitigating climate change in the country.", + "Venezuela\u2019s emissions (0.24 Ggton CO2eq/year) represent only 0.49% of global GHG emissions. However, as part of the policies set out in the country\u2019s economic and social development plan, which proposes to implement a National Mitigation Plan in conjunction with a National Adaptation Plan, it is clear, however, that the actions and policies of a single country are not enough.", + "Only if countries with historical responsibilities fully assume those responsibilities through ambitious mitigation targets (between 50 and 70% reduction of current emissions according to the IPCC in its fifth report, estimated to likely increase as knowledge improves) and the reliable, sufficient and predictable provision of implementing measures (financing, technology transfer and capacity building) to developing countries can we aspire to a real, fair and lasting solution to the problem of climate change.", + "Financing means must come from public funds and be administered under the Convention in accordance with the priorities and needs established nationally by each country. Technology transfer must be geared to \u201cthe development and improvement of endogenous capacities and technologies of developing country Parties\u201d (Article 4.5, UNFCCC) considering mechanisms for the flexibilization of intellectual property rights that make this possible. The Paris Agreement must ensure the implementation of the Convention under its principles and provisions; as well as facilitate ways to offset the climate debt of developed countries. ACTIONS AND PROGRAMMES WITH IMPACT ON MITIGATING CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS EFFECTS. Venezuela has developed a number of programmes within which it has undertaken important actions, contributing to the fight against climate change and its effects from a perspective of justice and social inclusion.", + "Venezuela has developed a series of programmes in which it has undertaken important actions, contributing to the fight against climate change and its effects from a perspective of justice and social inclusion. These programmes could be deepened and multiplied through the fulfilment of the commitments to provide means of implementation by the developed countries under the UNFCCC. PROPOSED BY SECTORS. The proposals by sectors linked to the Actions and Programmes with an Impact on Climate Change Mitigation and its Effects for the case of Venezuela have been categorized into five major sectors, highlighted below: Energy Sector. Electricity Sector. Petroleum: Petr\u00f3leos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA). Transportation Sector (Terrestrial and Subterranean, Aquatic and Air). Industry Sector. Directorate General of Environmental Quality Management (FONDOIN). Forest Sector (Direcci\u00f3n General", + "Environmental Quality Management Directorate-General (FONDOIN). Forest Sector (Forest Heritage Directorate-General - Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Waste Sector. The updating of the CND for 2021 was carried out on the basis of the previous revision of the CND, as well as the sectoral structural policies considering the assessment, fulfilment of targets and projection to 2030. Taking into account the Katowice Rules (Decision 4/CMA.1), for the revision and updating of the CND, each government entity reformed and/or updated the policies, programmes and action lines within its Sectoral Plans, which contribute to mitigating or reducing GHG emissions.", + "Base year; start of the implementation of the climate action. Implementation periods; will be estimated at 5 or 10 years. Achievement and coverage; identifying whether the action is local, regional or national. Planning processes. Methodological focuses. Estimation of anthropogenic absorption; where the contribution of negative GHG emissions will be projected when implementing the climate action. Reasons considered for its contribution to be fair and ambitious. Within the process of formulating the CND, in the mitigation component, the five priority sectors were addressed, namely:. Energy Sector. Electrical Energy. Analysis of the effects of Climate Change on the planet Earth, from a critical and complex viewpoint, shows that one of the causes of this event is the exacerbated emission of carbon dioxide, a product of the burning of fossil", + "The analysis of the effects of Climate Change on the planet Earth, from the critical and complex viewpoint, shows that one of the causes of this event is the exacerbated emission of carbon dioxide, a product of the burning of fossil fuels, required for the sustainability of the economic model. prevailing capitalism. In the framework of this socio-economic model and the logic imposed by the major powers, mainly responsible, directly and indirectly, for the degradation and ecological and environmental imbalance of the planet. Climate change is a natural phenomenon in the Earth's dynamics; however, the problem facing humanity is the accelerated climate change, as a consequence of the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.", + "Climate change is a natural phenomenon in the Earth\u2019s dynamics; however, the problem facing humanity is the accelerated climate change, as a result of the increase in greenhouse gas emissions.", + "The structural response to the problem raised focuses on changing the global economic and social model dominated by an emerging one, supported by sustainable development and humanistic social values for social transformation. In correspondence with the Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025, within the framework of the cross-cutting axes assumed by the Bolivian Government of President Nicol\u00e1s Maduro Moros, it proposes ecosocialism as the way to \u201cstrengthen the national electricity sector.\u201d The generation of electricity is 79.73% from hydroelectric power stations, the remaining 20% in thermal power stations, as well as the exploitation of wind energy and small renewable energy generation systems using solar, wind and micro-hydroelectric power stations, in isolated, indigenous and border communities. Thermal power generation is carried out with fossil fuels, with 96.13% with Natural Gas, 3.65% with Diesel and 0.21% with Full", + "The thermal power generation is carried out with fossil fuels, 96.13% with Natural Gas, 3.65% with Diesel and 0.21% with Full O\u00edl. The Venezuelan state guarantees the supply of electricity, through the company Corporaci\u00f3n El\u00e9ctrica Nacional (CORPOELEC), an entity affiliated to the Ministry of Popular Power for Electricity. The National Electricity System interconnects the 131 hydroelectric, thermal and wind power generation plants, with 885 substations and transmission and distribution systems.", + "The National Electricity System interconnects the 131 hydroelectric, thermal and wind generating plants, with the 885 substations and transmission and distribution systems.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, in cooperation with the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, organized a workshop on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High", + "Rational and Efficient Electricity and the Progressive Inclusion of Communities\u201d, and Stimulate a Change in the Matrix of Sources of Electricity Generation, which favours the use of renewable energies.", + "The PNEDUCEEE, as the Structural Program of the Plan of the Motherland 2019 - 2025, reflects the steps for the implementation of the Structural Policies: \u201cIncreasing the Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity and the Progressive Inclusion of Communities\u201d, and Stimulating a Change in the Matrix of Sources of Electricity Generation, which favours the use of renewable energies. The PNEDUCEEE is inspired by the precepts of the Plan of the Motherland 2019 - 2025:This plan is to make the qualitative leap in the construction of a new historical time, in the transition to socialism using as a guideline the navigation chart constructed with the pioneering Constitution, which opened the paths and was constituted as the roadmap on structural issues, for the definitive transformation of society.", + "The PNEDUCEEE is inspired by the precepts of the Plan of the Motherland 2019 - 2025: This plan is to make the qualitative leap in the construction of a new historical time, in the transition to socialism using as a guideline the navigation chart constructed with the pioneering Constitution, which opened the paths and was constituted as the roadmap on structural issues, for the definitive transformation of society. This Plan has absolute coherence with our historical line, since the Blue Book of Commander Ch\u00e1vez. It is a deepening of the Plan of the Motherland 2012 - 2013 to 2018.", + "In the case of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity is considered a matter of public interest, with the MPPEE being responsible for implementing policies to advance towards energy efficiency.", + "The Deputy Ministry for New Sources and Rational Use of Electrical Energy, through the Directorate General for Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and the Directorate General for Alternative Energy, are responsible for promoting, through this Program and the National Program for Alternative Energy (PNEA), the policies necessary to co-ordinate in the conscious and efficient use of energy. The PNEDUCEEE, is the instrument that manages to contain the Programs, Projects, Activities focused on an efficient management of energy and has among its purposes: to design and coordinate the implementation of five (5) Programs:.", + "Standardization and Labelling of Energy Efficiency. Energy-efficient Buildings. Sectoral: Residential, Public and Private. Energy Efficiency in the National Electricity System. The NNEA aims to promote the development, use and exploitation of alternative energies, promoting the generation of the use of renewable sources for the sustainable development of productive sectors, with the following specific objectives:. Diversifying the electricity generation matrix with the development of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, water and biomass, among others. Promoting training and dissemination programmes in the field of renewable energy sources. Consolidating a technical and legal regulatory framework that allows regulating the development and use of renewable energy sources. Promoting International Cooperation in Renewable Energy by promoting financing schemes. Promoting national financing in renewable energy by promoting", + "To promote international cooperation in renewable energy by promoting financing schemes. To promote national financing in renewable energy by promoting financing schemes. To provide advice and technical assistance to public and private initiatives in renewable energy projects. Within this context, a set of actions focusing on the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy as policies framed in the NDCs in accordance with what was agreed under the UNFCCC is presented. The Electricity Sector, through the governing body of the MPPEE committed to building an eco-socialist productive economic model, presents here some of its contributions in this area. These actions are articulated within the framework of the National Economic and Social Development Plan, which proposes the deepening of eco-socialist policies with a high social, economic and environmental impact on climate change.", + "These actions are articulated within the framework of the National Economic and Social Development Plan, which proposes the deepening of eco-socialist policies with a high social, economic and environmental impact on climate change. The MPPEE presents ambitious mitigation contributions, covering actions and policies towards fair and sustainable development. The following is a list of climate policies contained in the official document of the Nationally Determined Contributions of Venezuela, presented in 2017, which must be applied to the above criteria, as well as to the new policies outlined in the Plan de la Patria corresponding to each governmental entity. Table 01 shows the NDCs corresponding to the Energy Sector and Table 02 is presented for the Alternative Energy Sector. Table 01. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Energy Sector. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis.", + "Table 01 shows the NDCs corresponding to the Energy Sector and Table 02 presents them for the Alternative Energy Sector. Table 01. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Energy Sector. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Replacement of Bulbs with LED Technology, from 2016 to the present. Base Year. Through the Program of Replacement of Bulbs with LED Lamps, from 2016 to the first half of 2021, 9,500,000.00 LED lamps have been installed, estimating a decrease in electrical demand of 193.8 MW and 565.9 GWh in reduction of energy consumption, which represented avoiding 23,072 Ton CO2e of gas emissions. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. Update", + "In this connection, it is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Education and Science, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry of Health and Social Security, the Ministry", + "In addition, through the program of replacement of incandescent light bulbs with LED lamps, from 2022 to 2024 it is planned to install 11,250.000,00 LED lamps, which will allow the reduction of electrical demand in 229,5 MW and 670,1 GWh in reduction of energy consumption, which represents avoiding 28.000 Ton CO2e of greenhouse gas emissions; from 2025 it is estimated that incandescent light bulbs will not be sold in the country, due to the implementation of the measures of its prohibition.", + "By replacing conventional Public Lighting with LED Lamps from 2020 to the first half of 2021, 71,000 LED lamps have been installed, allowing the reduction of electricity demand by 19.9 MW and 87.1 GWh, which represents avoiding 3.5 tonnes of CO2e from greenhouse gas emissions. Space. Implementation of this policy with this type of technology (LED) is estimated to continue over the next 10 years. Taking into account that it started in 2016, it would be a policy implemented over a period of 14 years; by 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the entire national territory. Planning.", + "Taking into account that it started in 2016, it would be a policy implemented over a period of 14 years; to 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group led by the MPPEE was formed, where guidelines to be implemented were issued, the development of this policy was monitored and controlled; the actions carried out were evaluated; in addition to developing impact indicators resulting from the results. Suggestions and Methodological approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to calculate estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Considerations of the contribution. The use of LFC lamps was suspended because of their mercury content, a polluting element and a health risk.", + "Considerations of the contribution. The use of LFC lamps was suspended because of their mercury content, a polluting element and a risk to health. LED lamps were migrated because of their environmental advantages, lower energy consumption, greater durability and compatibility with the sockets or s\u00f3cates existing in all households. Their greater durability reduces the frequency of replacements, individual and environmental costs. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 update. Sector. Energy. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Energy Use. Action. Program of replacement of air conditioners (A/A) and refrigerators by efficient equipment. 42.504 A/A were replaced (between 2011-2013) and 3.077 refrigerators during 2012. Base year. With the implementation of the Law on Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and", + "With the implementation of the Law on the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and the Technical Regulations on Energy Efficiency in Artifacts. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector. Electrical Energy: I/O, refrigerators and freezers, from 2016 to the 1st half of 2021, the demand for electrical energy was reduced by 668 MW and 1951 GWh in energy consumption, which represented the avoidance of 80,000 tonnes of CO2e from emissions of greenhouse gases. Extensions. The implementation of these policies with this type of program of replacement of electrical air conditioning (I/O) equipment and refrigerators by efficient equipment, was for a period of 5 years, starting in 2011, ending in mid-2016. Achievement and coverage. The action was aimed at the entire national territory.", + "The implementation of these policies with this type of program of replacement of electrical air conditioning (A/A) equipment and refrigerators by efficient equipment, was for a period of 5 years, starting in 2011, ending in mid-2016. Achievement and coverage. The action was directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group led by the MPPEE was formed, where guidelines were issued to be implemented by the National Energy Corporation (CORPOELEC), monitoring and control of the development of this policy were evaluated the results and actions carried out, in addition to. developing impact indicators. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. For the calculation of the estimation of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics were used. Considerations of the contribution.", + "This policy was not continued due to the joint resolution of the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity No. 031, and the Ministry of the People's Power for Trade (MinComercio) No. 089-13, by which the Technical Regulation for the Labelling of Energy Efficiency in Refrigeration and Freezing Equipment, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. No. 40.235 of 23 August 2013. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Developing Technical Regulation for the Labelling of Energy Efficiency in Refrigeration and Freezing Equipment.", + "Promote Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Develop Technical Regulation for the Labelling of Energy Efficiency in Refrigeration and Freezing Equipment. This Climate Action aims at strengthening the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base year. The amount of 22.5 tCO2eq has been reduced from the middle of 2015 to the middle of 2021; it is expected to continue contributing to the reduction of demand in 7524 GWh, which translates into 200.61 tCO2e; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to the CND. Milestones. The implementation of these policies remains in force, possible improvements or updates are being evaluated 2015-2030. Achieve", + "The action was and will be directed to the entire national territory. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 update. Energy Sector. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Methodological Suggestions and Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used for the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Considerations of Contribution. This policy will continue; once any update or improvement is developed, the respective joint resolution of the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity (MPPEE) and the Ministry of the People's", + "It will continue with this policy; once any update or improvement in it is developed, the respective joint resolution of the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity (MPPEE) and the Ministry of the People's Power for National Trade will be issued. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for the Labelling of Energy Efficiency in Household Washing Machines. This Climate Action aims at Strengthening the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHG) base year.", + "This Climate Action aims at strengthening the institution's capacity to reduce emissions (tC02-eq), which is part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHG) base year. It is estimated to reduce 5.178 tCO2eq from 2023 to 2030; this regulation has already been drafted, and is for approval by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 138 GWh two years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to nationally determined contributions (CND).", + "It is estimated to reduce 5.178 tCO2eq from 2023 to 2030; this regulation has already been drafted and is for approval by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 138 GWh two years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to nationally determined contributions (NDCs).", + "Action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and the actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Alternatives and Methodological Approaches. For the calculation of the estimation of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, the methodologies and metrics of the IPCC will be used. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Considerations. of the contribution. This policy will be implemented once a Resolution is issued.", + "CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Contribution Considerations. This policy will be implemented once a joint MPPEE and MinComercio Resolution is issued; it is expected to be in the second half of 2021 so that it will start impacting in 2023. Estimated Cost. $1.500.00 is the estimated cost for acquiring IEC standards. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency Labelling in Electrical Accumulation Meters. This Climate Action points to the Institution's Capacity Building in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of Greenhouse Gases (GHG). Base Year. It is estimated to reduce 2.226 tCO", + "It is estimated that 2.226 tCO2eq will be reduced from 2023 to 2030. This regulation has already been drawn up, and is for approval by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand by 50.16 GWh two years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to certain national contributions (CND).", + "The implementation of this policy (2023-2030) with this type of Technical Regulation (TR) currently presents the limitation of not being approved, motivated to not have the necessary IEC Standards, for the elaboration of the trials cited in that RT. Without these standards, it will be losing its applicability and thus will not be contributing to the mitigation of GHGs. Achievement and coverage. The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued to be implemented by CORPOELEC, monitoring and control will be carried out on the development of this policy, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Methodological alternatives and approaches. For the calculation of the estimation of anthropogenic", + "For the calculation of the estimated anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used. Contribution Considerations. This policy will be implemented once a joint Resolution is issued by the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of the People's Power for National Trade is expected in 2021 to begin impacting in 2023. Estimated Cost. $1,500 is the estimated cost for the acquisition of IEC standards. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy.", + "Technical Regulation for the Energy Efficiency Labelling of Drum-Type Electrical Dryers. This Climate Action aims at strengthening the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base year. It is estimated to reduce 1.617 tCO2eq from 2024 to 2030. This Regulation has already been drafted, is expected to be approved by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 43.74 GWh two years after its entry into force, until 2030; and will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to the determined national contributions (CND).", + "This regulation has already been drawn up, it is expected to be approved by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 43.74 GWh two years after its entry into force, until 2030; and it will interfere with the country's overall commitment in relation to the. determined national contributions (CND). Delays. The implementation of this policy with this type of Technical Regulation (RT) currently presents the limitation of not being approved, motivated by not having the necessary IEC Standards, for the preparation of the trials mentioned in that RT.", + "The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, the development of this policy will be monitored and controlled, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Methodological alternatives and approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used to calculate estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Considerations of the contribution. This policy will be put into practice once a joint Resolution of the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of the People's Power for National Trade is issued.", + "This policy will be implemented once a joint Resolution is issued by the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of the People's Power for National Trade is expected to be in 2021 so that it begins to impact in 2023. Estimated cost. $1.500.00 is the estimated cost for the acquisition of the IEC standards. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection Update 2020 - 2030. Sector Energy. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency and Electrical Risk Labelling in Cooking Equipment (Non-Portable and Portable). This Climate Action aims at Strengthening the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHG). Sector", + "This Climate Action aims at strengthening the institution's capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Base Year. It is estimated to reduce 13.830tCO2eq from 2023 to 2030, this regulation is already being drafted, it is expected to be approved by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand to 322.76 GWh two years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to certain national contributions (CND).", + "It is estimated to reduce 13.830tCO2eq from 2023 to 2030, this regulation has already been drafted, it is expected to be approved by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Standards and Technical Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand to 322.76 GWh two years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will enter into the country's overall commitment in relation to certain national contributions (CND).", + "If we do not have these standards, we will lose their applicability and thus we will not be contributing to the mitigation of GHGs. Achievement and coverage. The action will be aimed at the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued to be implemented by CORPOELEC, monitoring and control will be carried out on the development of this policy, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Methodological alternatives and approaches. For the calculation of the estimation of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used. Considerations of contribution.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used. Considerations of contribution. This policy will be implemented once a joint Resolution of the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of the People's Power for National Trade is issued in 2021 and is expected to start impacting in 2023. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Technical Regulation for Energy Efficiency Labelling in Televisions. This Climate Action aims at Strengthening the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs", + "This Climate Action is aimed at strengthening the capacity of the Institution in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base year. It is estimated to reduce 1,350.2 tCO2eq from 2023 to 2030. This regulation has already been drawn up, lacks approval by the National Autonomous Service for Quality, Standardization, Metrology, Technical Standards and Regulations (SENCAMER); however, it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 30.61 GWh two years after its entry into force until 2030; and will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to certain national contributions (CND). Delays. The implementation of this policy with this type of Technical Regulation. (RT) currently presents the limit for the approval of these, motivated", + "Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. of the trials mentioned in this RT. If these standards are not available, they will lose their applicability and therefore will not contribute to the mitigation of GHGs. Achievement and coverage. The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines will be issued to be implemented by CORPOELEC, monitoring and control of the development of this policy will be carried out, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used to calculate the estimation of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Considerations", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used. Contribution Considerations. This policy will be implemented once a joint Resolution of the Ministry of the People's Power for Electricity and the Ministry of the People's Power for National Trade is expected to be issued in 2021 to begin impacting in 2023. Estimated Cost. $1,500 is the estimated cost for the acquisition of IEC standards. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection Update 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Energy Use. Action. Boosting the Resolution Prohibiting Increasing Luminaires.", + "Promoting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Promoting the Resolution on the Prohibition of Increasing Luminaires. This Climate Action aims at strengthening the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHG). Base year. It is estimated to reduce 35.873 tCO2eq from 2024 to 2030. This Resolution has already been issued; it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 867.66 GWh three years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to the determined national contributions (CND).", + "This Resolution has already been issued; it is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 867.66 GWh three years after its entry into force until 2030; and it will enter into the country's overall commitment in relation to the national contributions determined (CND). Expectations. On January 5, 2018, was published by the MPPEE and Ministry of the People's Power of Economy and Finance (MPPEF), Joint Resolution 531 (2018), which aims to establish the prohibition of production, distribution and marketing, as well as implement the regulation of import, of conventional incandescent lamps throughout the territory of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Achievement and coverage. The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELE", + "A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection Update 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. monitoring and control of the development of this policy, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. For the calculation of the estimation of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used. Considerations of the contribution. Emphasis will be placed on taking up and activating Joint Resolution 531 of 5 January 2018. It is expected that in the second half of 2021 it will begin to impact in 2024. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection Update 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector.", + "Energy Sector. Public Policy. Promoting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Promoting the Impact on Efficient Buildings through the Incorporation of Auto Generation. This Climate Action aims to strengthen the Institution's Capacities in relation to the reduction of emissions. (tC02-eq), which forms part of the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs). Base Year. It is estimated to reduce 50,568 tCO2eq from 2024 to 2030. It is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 1,229 GWh, immediately with the implementation of the Auto Generation project; and it will affect the country's overall commitment to the CND. Timeliness. Implementation of this policy with this type of scope currently presents the limiting factor of financial investment.", + "It is expected to contribute to the reduction of demand with 1,229 GWh, immediately with the implementation of the Auto Generation project; and will impact on the overall commitment of the country in relation to the CND. Expectations. The implementation of this policy with this type of scope currently presents the limiting factor of the financial investment. Sources of international financing must be identified to implement the projects, and contribute to the mitigation of GHGs in the projected period 2024- 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action will be directed to the entire national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where guidelines to be implemented by CORPOELEC will be issued, monitoring and control of the development of this policy, the results and actions carried out will be evaluated, and impact indicators will be developed. Suggestions and Methodological", + "Methodological approaches. To calculate the estimation of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used. Contribution considerations. Policies will be implemented that promote savings opportunities and the incorporation of self-generation (preferably with alternative sources of the renewable type because they pollute less). Cost estimate. $675,000.00. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection Update 2020 - 2030. Sector Energy. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection Update 2020 - 2030. Sector Energy. Action. Strengthening the momentum of the communication campaign \"Active Consciousness with Energy and Efficiency\" that is estimated to be disseminated in the third quarter 2021.", + "Strengthen the impetus of the communication campaign \"Activa la Conciencia con Energ\u00eda y Eficiencia\" (Active awareness with energy and efficiency) which is estimated to be disseminated in the third quarter of 2021. This Climate Action aims at strengthening the institution's capacities. Base year. It is expected to develop the awareness campaign from the third quarter of 2021; the deployment in its entirety at the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 at national level, it is estimated to contribute to the reduction of 102.343.17 tCO2e; and it will affect the country's overall commitment in relation to certain national contributions (CND). Timeframes. Implementation is estimated to be short, medium and long-term, starting in the second half of 2021, ending in 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at all users of", + "Implementation is estimated in the short, medium and long term, starting from the second half of 2021, ending in 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at all users of the electricity service in the country. Working progressively in a deployment by sectors (Basic Education Sector; Popular Power Sector, Public and Private Sector, Residential Sector and University Sector). Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the MPPEE, where the guidelines will be issued and the actions will be implemented, as well as indicators will be developed and the results will be evaluated. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used. Considerations of contribution.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used. Considerations of contribution. Through this campaign, the aim is to achieve a comprehensive, objective, technical, socio-economically relevant understanding of better use of electrical energy in the various human activities. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Develop and strengthen lines of research, innovation and development of national constructive systems, for the achievement of energy-efficient buildings. Base year. The regulation is estimated to be completed by the end of 2022; from 2023 onwards, the goal is to be implemented at national level, to be completed by 2030.", + "The finalization of the regulations is estimated at the end of 2022; from 2023 the goal is to be implemented nationally, to end in 2030. It is estimated a decrease in demand in a stepwise manner from its implementation, in a period of 7 years; which is equivalent to a reduction of 12.801,20 tCO2 eq in that period. Phases. Residential type and tourist accommodation type will be taken for the short term (from 1 to 2 years); Commercial centre type and administrative type will be taken for the medium term (2 to 5 years); and incorporation of improvements to buildings already built in 2025-2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is directed to the residential, administrative, commercial centres and tourist accommodation type sector throughout the national territory. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 update. Energy Sector. Planning.", + "The action is aimed at the residential, administrative, commercial and tourist accommodation sectors throughout the national territory. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Energy Sector. Planning. A Working Group led by the Ministry of the People's Power of Electricity was formed, where policies are planned and actions are implemented, in addition to developing indicators and evaluating results. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used to calculate estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution Considerations. Designing regulations for the construction of efficient buildings, to achieve carbon neutrality in buildings by 2050. It is also sought that the amount of GHG emissions produced by these buildings throughout their life cycle, be reduced to the maximum.", + "It also seeks to minimize the amount of GHG emissions produced by these buildings throughout their life cycle and to compensate for them by achieving a net balance of zero. Cost estimate. $12,530.50 cost estimate to start in base year. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action.", + "CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Energy Sector. Public Policy. Boosting Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy. Action. Re-invigorating activities related to Rational and Efficient Use of Energy (UREEE) through the Monitoring and Control of Energy Management Units (EMUs) in the private and public sectors described in the National Energy Education and Energy Efficiency Program, in order to optimize the consumption of electrical energy in these facilities and thus achieve a reduction of at least 10% of energy consumption (using hydrocarbons) over the next 8 years. (2022 - 2030). Base Year. Emissions of 82,980 tCO2eq will be reduced over a period of 8 years; i.e. the activities carried out through EMUs in private and public sector facilities. Spaces.", + "Emissions of 82,980 tCO2eq will be reduced over a period of 8 years; i.e. the activities carried out through the UGE in private and public sector installations. Expectations. Activities are estimated to start in the last half of 2021, extending in full by the end of 2022. The impact will be visualized from 2022 to 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at private and public sector installations throughout the national territory. Planning. A Working Group will be formed led by the Ministry of the People's Power of Electricity, where guidelines will be issued as policies for Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity (UREEE); in addition, impact indicators will be developed and results will be evaluated. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches.", + "A Working Group headed by the Ministry of the People's Power of Electricity will be formed, where guidelines will be issued with the character of policies of Rational and Efficient Use of Electricity (UREEE); in addition, impact indicators will be developed and results will be evaluated. Methodological Suggestions and Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics will be used to calculate estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution Considerations. The implementation of the Energy Management Units (UGE) will be implemented in all public and private sector facilities, achieving the optimization of energy use and the reduction of demand. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Energy Sector. electrical energy in the electrical sector, having a positive impact on the reduction of GH", + "Table 02. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Complementary Energy Sector. Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Public Policy. Structural Policy:Impulse a change in the electricity generation source matrix that favours the use of renewable energies. Expand this energy matrix by incorporating new energy sources (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and National Plan of Alternative Energy PNEA 2021-2025). Structural Program:System of wind farms, photovoltaic systems and other alternative energy generation systems in the country (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and National Plan of Alternative Energy PNEA (2021-2025). Action.", + "Structuring program:System of wind farms, photovoltaic systems and other alternative energy generation systems in the country (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and Plan Nacional de Energ\u00edas Alternativas PNEA (2021-2025). Action. The Paraguan\u00e1 Wind Farm (PEP), located in the state of Falc\u00f3n, was constructed, consisting of 54 wind turbines for an installed capacity of 71.82 MW. Base year. 2012. Areas. 2012 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. National. Planning. An action plan will be developed to ensure the preventive and increased maintenance of the installed wind turbines, ensuring their operation. until 2030. Methodological assumptions and approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to calculate the estimated anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution considerations.", + "The estimated anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs were calculated using IPCC methodologies and metrics. Considerations for the contribution. The PEP consists of 54 wind turbines for an installed capacity of 71.82 MW, with an average annual operating level of 30MW, which is equivalent to 131.4 GWh per year. It is estimated that it will contribute to avoiding GHG emissions of 26.787,2tCO2e and an average annual. Cost estimate. To estimate. Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Public Policy. (Continued). Structural Policy:Implementing a change in the electricity generation source matrix that favours the use of renewable energies. Expanding this energy matrix by incorporating new energy sources. (Plan de", + "Expanding this energy matrix by incorporating new energy sources. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and Plan Nacional de Energ\u00edas Alternativas PNEA 2021-2025). Public policy. (Continuation). Structural program:System of wind farms, photovoltaic systems and other alternative energy generation systems in the country. Systems with alternative energy sources in isolated indigenous and border communities. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and Plan Nacional de Energ\u00edas Alternativas PNEA 2021-2025). Action. Construction and operation of 3,362 systems with renewable energies (solar and wind) in indigenous communities, border and isolated areas. Base year. 2008. Phases. 2021 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. National. Planning. An action plan will be developed from the Directorate General of Alternative Energy to ensure the maintenance and operation of the installed systems with the participation of the", + "An action plan will be developed by the Directorate-General for Alternative Energy to ensure the maintenance and operation of the installed systems with the participation of the Foundation for Electrical Development (FUNDELEC) and the National Electrical Corporation (CORPOELEC) ensuring their operation until 2030. Methodological Suggestions and Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to calculate the estimated anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution Considerations. The 3,362 systems installed in indigenous communities, border and isolated areas have an installed capacity of 3.01 MW, which is equivalent to an accumulation of 10.2 GWh over a period of 9 years. It is estimated for consideration a reduction in GHGs with an average annual operating level of 70%; this will contribute to a reduction of 2.079.37 tCO2", + "It is estimated for consideration a reduction in GHG with an average annual operating level of 70%; this will contribute in a period of 9 years to the reduction. of 2,079.37 tCO2e. Estimated cost. To estimate. Sector. Mitigation Axis. Energy CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Public Policy. Structural Policy:Impulse a change in the electricity generation source matrix that favours the use of renewable energies. Expand this energy matrix by incorporating new energy sources (Plan de la Patria 2019. - 2025 and National Plan of Alternative Energy PNEA 2021-2025). Structural Program:System of wind farms, photovoltaic systems and other alternative energy generation systems in the country. Systems with alternative energy sources in isolated indigenous and border communities. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and National Plan of Alternative Energy", + "Systems with alternative energy sources in isolated indigenous and border communities. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and Plan Nacional de. Energ\u00edas Alternativas PNEA 2021-2025). Sector. Mitigation Axis. CND Energy Upgrading Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Action. Increase the generation of solar energy by installing solar panel factories, which primarily meet the energy demand. at the national level. Base year. 2021. Ranges. 2021 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. National. Planning. Establish an update, modernization and commissioning plan that will enable UNERVEN to redesign and improve the production processes for solar panels in order to increase efficiency. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to calculate the estimation of anthropogenic emissions and removals of", + "For the calculation of the estimated anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies and metrics were used. Contribution considerations. 19,158 photovoltaic solar modules manufactured annually, equivalent to 3.74 MW. With the average annual installation of 70% of the panels manufactured, an accumulation of 3.8 GWh is expected to be generated in 9 years. A reduction of GHGs of 774.67 tCO2 is estimated for consideration. Cost estimate. To estimate. Sector. Mitigation axis. Energy update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative energy sector. Public policy. Structural policy:Impulse a change in the electricity generation source matrix that favours the use of renewable energies. Expand this energy matrix by incorporating new energy sources. (Plan de la Patria", + "Expanding this energy matrix by incorporating new sources of energy. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and Plan Nacional de Energ\u00edas Alternativas PNEA 2021-2025). Structuring program:System of wind farms, photovoltaic systems and other alternative energy generation systems in the country ((Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025 and Plan Nacional de Energ\u00edas Alternativas PNEA 2021-2025). Action. Development and implementation of wind energy generation projects, to increase their participation in the energy matrix. This Climate Action aims at strengthening the Institution's Capacities. Base year. 2010.", + "2010-2021 through 54 wind turbines with an installed capacity of 71.82 MW, with an average annual operating level of 30MW, which is equivalent to 258.7GWh annually, and 1,576.8 GWh accumulated for the period. 2022 - 2030 Considering achieving an operating capacity of 70% of the PEP and through UNERVEN\u2019s manufacturing capacities to incorporate 1MW of wind energy on an interannual basis, in order to incorporate 50 MW (220.2 MW). Sector. Mitigation Axis. CND Energy Upgrading Projection 2020 - 2030. Alternative Energy Sector. Coverage. Planning. Methodological Substitutions and Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to calculate the estimated anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution Considerations.", + "To stimulate the reactivation and modernization of the Production Unit of UNERVEN. Recovery of the Paraguan\u00e1 Wind Park in the Falc\u00f3n State. An action plan will be developed to ensure the maintenance and operation of the installed hybrid systems ensuring their operation until 2030. Formulation and implementation of new wind energy generation projects covered by the PNEA. 2010-2021 71.82 MW of capacity installed through 54 PEP wind turbines. It is estimated that an average annual operating level of 30MW and 1,576.8 GWh accumulated for the period will be taken into account for the reduction of GHGs. It is estimated that it contributed to avoiding the accumulated emission of 321,446.45 tCO2. 2022 - 2030 71.82 MW of capacity installed through 54 PEP wind turbines increase their annual operating capacity to 70%, equivalent to an average annual capacity of 50 MW and 22", + "2022 - 2030 71.82 MW capacity through 54 PEP wind turbines increase their annual operating capacity to 70%, equivalent to an average annual capacity of 50 MW and 220.2 GWh. It is estimated that this will contribute to avoiding accumulated GHG emissions of 44.889.97 tCO2e. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Public Policy. Structural Policy:Increase the rational and efficient use of electricity and the progressive inclusion of communities.", + "This Climate Action points to a commitment on the part of the Institution. Base Year. 2018. Ranges. 2022 \u2013 2030. Achievement and Coverage. National. Planning. To co-ordinate with the Ministry of the PP for Higher Education working tables aimed at promoting training programs at the pre-graduate level, fourth-level studies and non-degree leading programs in public and private institutions aimed at rational and efficient use of energy and renewable energies. Methodological Suggestions and Approaches. IPCC methodologies and metrics were used to calculate estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 update. Contribution Considerations. There are no indicators to measure GHGs. Cost Estimation. To be estimated. Petrol", + "Petroleum: Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA). The Ministry of Popular Power for Petroleum, through its company Petroleos de Venezuela PDVSA, manages the petroleum production policy of the nation. In this sense, as a company of the Venezuelan state, in full endorsement of the guidelines of the national government, reaffirms its commitment to the maintenance of the 14,423 hectares of carbon sink forests constituted by compensatory plantations required in the environmental permits associated with investment projects and environmental protection forests under the care of the oil industry.", + "In this sense, as a company of the Venezuelan state, in perfect alignment with the guidelines of the national government, it reaffirms its commitment to the maintenance of the 14,423 hectares of carbon sink forests constituted by the compensatory plantations required in the environmental permits associated with the investment projects and the forests of environmental protection under the care of the oil industry.", + "In the same way, and with the strategic vision of reducing the burning and selling of natural gas in the operational areas of PDVSA, projects will be implemented for the exploitation of this valuable energy resource in line with what is established in the Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025.The strategy to be followed by the Venezuelan oil industry will be redefined considering the double challenge that is presented to us, as the first challenge, we have the goals established in the determined national contribution and, in parallel, we must face the unilateral coercive measures imposed against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela by those nations that historically have had the greatest negative impact on the climate, basing their economic development on the model of capitalist accumulation.", + "The strategy to be followed by the Venezuelan oil industry will be redefined considering the double challenge presented to us, as the first challenge, we have the goals established in the determined national contribution and in parallel, we must face the unilateral coercive measures imposed against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela by those nations that historically have had the greatest negative impact on the climate, basing their economic development on the model of capitalist accumulation.", + "It is planned to continue with programmes for reforestation, forest maintenance and the implementation of projects to minimise the burning and sale of natural gas.", + "The unilateral coercive measures have had a substantial negative impact on PDVSA's revenues and productive capacities, forcing it to allocate resources to mediocre elements of the company in order to maintain its operations.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Petroleum Industry. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. Public Policy. Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025. Objective 5.2.1: Promote actions at the national and international level for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (both surface and groundwater), watersheds, biological diversity, seas, oceans and forests. Action. Establishment of forestry, agroforestry and carbon sinks systems for the environmental recovery of natural areas. Continue with the establishment of forestry and agroforestry systems for the environmental and ecological recovery of degraded areas within the watersheds prioritized by the Entity Rector, as a", + "To continue with the establishment of forestry and agroforestry systems for the environmental and ecological recovery of degraded areas within the watersheds prioritized by the Ent Rector, as a compensatory measure for the environmental impacts generated by oil activity, as well as the establishment of. new natural areas as carbon sinks in contribution to the National Plan for the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. Base year. 2022. Ranges. 2022 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. As compensatory measures associated with PDVSA projects and required in environmental permits, the oil and gas industry during the period 1998 - 2020, in accordance with the national environmental authority, established a total of 3289 hectares of compensatory forests and carbon sinks in different areas of influence of PDVSA operations, subsidiaries and joint ventures.", + "As compensatory measures associated with the projects of PDVSA and required in the environmental permits, the oil and gas industry during the period 1998 - 2020, in accordance with the national environmental authority, established a total of 3289 hectares of compensatory forests and carbon sinks in different areas of influence of the operations of PDVSA, subsidiaries and joint ventures.", + "For the period 2021 - 2030, an estimated increase of 1,820 Ha relates to compensatory forests and additionally 126 Ha of agroforestry systems to be located in the basins of the Caris, Guarapiche, Morichal, Pao and Lim\u00f3n rivers, among others, as a result of the implementation of new projects associated with the production increase plan. Planning. The establishment of agroforestry systems, compensatory forests and carbon sinks, will be implemented in accordance with the investment and production increase plan of PDVSA and the legal requirements established in the environmental permits associated with the implementation of the projects. Additionally, this action envisages incorporating allies that contribute to sustainability over time: organized communities, public and private institutions, universities, the National Environmental Authority, among others.", + "Additionally, this action envisages incorporating allies that contribute to sustainability over time: organized communities, public and private institutions, universities, National Environmental Authority, among others. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. PDVSA in alliance with the National Environmental Authority has a matrix of hierarchicalization of watersheds that must be attended to for their environmental and ecological recovery, taking into account technical variables such as the degree of intervention, land use capacity, desertification, water supply, among other variables, including the propagation of species and ecological restoration of ecosystems protected by Venezuelan legislation. Considerations of Contribution. Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Objectives (SDOs), the establishment of carbon sink forests are considered measures to combat climate change (Obj14) and improve the. conditions for biological diversity, management of", + "Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Planning Update 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. and Land Productivity (Objective15). Cost Estimate. $ 21,726,664 (9 years). Goal Indicators. Goal Target: 15.3 By 2030, combat desertification, rehabilitate land and degraded land, including land affected by desertification, drought and flooding, and strive to achieve a world with a neutral impact on land degradation. Goal Indicator: 15.3.1 Proportion of degraded land compared to total land area. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Planning Update 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. Public Policy. Third Socialist Plan for Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025.", + "Actualization CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. Public Policy. Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025. Objective 5.4.2: Design a mitigation plan that covers the production sectors emitting greenhouse gases, as a national voluntary contribution to the efforts to save the planet. Action. Estimate the carbon captured in the forests established and protected by PDVSA. Quantify the amount of carbon fixed in the biomass of the compensatory and production forests established by PDVSA, Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures, as well as the conservation forests that are under the protection and custody of the oil and gas industry, which in turn function as carbon sinks distributed in different watersheds at the national level. Action that pays tribute to the National Plan for the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. Base year. 2022.", + "Action that pays tribute to the National Plan for the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases. Base year. 2022. Ranges. 2022 \u2013 2025. Achievement and coverage. Apply within a period of four (4) years, the methodology to estimate the amount of carbon fixed in the biomass of 14,423 hectares constituted by the compensatory, protective and production forests established by PDVSA, Subsidiaries and Joint Ventures, located in the areas of influence of the operations of the oil and gas company, as well as in the protected areas under PDVSA\u2019s custody. It is important to note that these forests in their growth phase consume atmospheric CO2 and incorporate it as carbon in their biomass, contributing to reducing the country\u2019s greenhouse gas emissions and providing oxygen to the planet. Planning.", + "It is important to note that these forests in their growth phase consume atmospheric CO2 and incorporate it as carbon in their biomass, contributing to reducing the country's greenhouse gas emissions and providing oxygen to the planet. Planning. For the calculation of the carbon captured in the forests, partnerships will be established with educational and research institutions, organized communities and environmental governing bodies, for the validation of the forest lots under study, definition of the tool to be used and the method of work that will be available for its application. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry.", + "Methodological Approaches. The project of estimation of carbon captured in forest biomass is based on the application of the indirect method of estimation of biomass and carbon fixed, using alometric equations and expansion factors, in accordance with the procedures approved by IPCC, RAINFOR and FAO. Consideration of the contribution. Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), take urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects (Goal13). Estimated cost. $ 865,000. Currently, working tables are being held with the Ministry of Ecosocialism for international funding. Indicators related to the SDGs. Goal 13.2: Amount of carbon captured per unit of assessed surface area. Sector. Energy Mitigation Axis. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. Public Policy.", + "Objective ODS: 13.2: Amount of carbon captured per unit of assessed surface area. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Petroleum Industry. Public Policy. Third Socialist Economic and Social Development Plan of the Nation 2019 - 2025. Objective 5.4.2: Design a mitigation plan covering greenhouse gas emitting productive sectors as a national voluntary contribution to efforts to save the planet. Structural Program: Plan for the exploitation of natural gas sales in order to increase the. availability for the internal market. Action. Projects for the minimization of burning and selling of natural gas. Continue the implementation of projects for the energy exploitation of natural gas generated in hydrocarbon production activities and consequently minimize the burning and selling of the resource. gas in the operational areas of the oil and gas industry. Base year. 2022.", + "Continuing the implementation of projects for the energy exploitation of natural gas generated in the hydrocarbon production activities and consequently minimizing the burning and evaporation of the resource. gas in the operational areas of the oil and gas industry. Base year. 2022. Ranges. 2022 \u2013 2030. Achievement and coverage. For the period 2021 - 2030, in the states of Anzo\u00e1tegui and Monagas, it is planned to continue the implementation of projects associated with the increase of operational capacities for the exploitation of associated natural gas, estimating a reduction of approximately 75% of the emissions of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) generated as fugitive emissions in the oil industry. Planning.", + "For the period 2021 - 2030, in the states of Anzo\u00e1tegui and Monagas, it is planned to continue with the implementation of the projects associated with the increase of the operational capacities for the exploitation of associated natural gas, estimating a reduction of approximately 75% of the emissions of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) generated as fugitive emissions in the oil industry. Planning. The projects cover the Engineering, Procurement and Construction of the infrastructure and equipment necessary for the compression, treatment and distribution of associated natural gas, which will largely require the participation of national and international specialized companies for the completion in the planned time of these. Alternatives and Methodological approaches. Reduction of the burning and selling of natural gas, through the increase of the compression, treatment and distribution capacities for the internal consumption of the oil industry, as well as for consumption in the domestic market.", + "Reduction of the burning and selling of natural gas, through the increase of compression, treatment and distribution capacities for the. domestic consumption of the oil industry, as well as for consumption in the domestic market. The quantification of the reduction of. Sector. Energy Axis Mitigation. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Oil Industry. projected greenhouse gas emissions, will be carried out. using the IPCCC methodology. Considerations of the contribution. Maximizing and valuing the country's gaseous resources and promoting endogenous development in the exploitation of natural gas. Additionally, it contributes to the reduction of the country's greenhouse gas emissions that according to the Second National Communication on Climate Change, this activity represents 17.4% of the contribution to the national inventory. Estimated cost. To be estimated. Indicators related to the", + "Estimated cost. To be estimated. Indicators related to the ODS. % reduction of natural gas burned and sold. Transport. Venezuela has a network of motorways and roads of more than 96,000 km, covering most of the national territory. It is one of the most developed networks in Latin America. The density of the roads is highest in the central-northern region of the country, where the majority of the population is concentrated. Currently, transport activities are under the competence of the Ministry of Popular Power for Transport, an institution oriented to the optimization of the service of land, air, water, road infrastructure and its related services.", + "In order to achieve this goal, in 2014 the Mission Transporte was created, which has achieved numerous achievements.The country has urban ground and underground transport systems, created or significantly expanded in recent years, which include the Metro de Caracas, Metro de Maracaibo, Metro de Valencia, Metro de Los Teques and metrocables (in several areas of difficult access) and bus systems with exclusive use routes (Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, Bus Caracas, TransMaracay, TransBarca, TransCarabobo, TransFalc\u00f3n and TransAnzo\u00e1tegui).", + "In terms of water transport, Venezuela has a number of ports in the Caribbean Sea, among which stand out Amuay, Bajo Grande, El Tablazo, La Guaira, La Salina, Maracaibo, Puerto Cabello, Puerto La Cruz, Puerto Sucre, Guanta, Punta Card\u00f3n and Punta de Piedras. In addition, there are important river ports such as Puerto Ordaz, Paluay Matanzas, located on the Orinoco River. It also has 127 airports with paved runways (air transport), fifteen of them with runways over 2,500 meters. Among them stand out the international airports of Maiquet\u00eda, Valencia, Punto Fijo, Porlamar, Maracaibo, Barcelona, Barquisimeto, San Crist\u00f3bal, Ciudad Guayana, Matur\u00edn, Cuman\u00e1 and San Antonio del T\u00e1chira. In terms of railways Venezuela has 447", + "Table 04 below shows the NDCs for the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -Tromerca; Table 5 for the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Planta de Autobuses Yutong Venezuela, S.A.; Table 6 for the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector - Sistema Socialista de Transporte Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI; Table 7 for the Ground and Subterranean Transport Sector \u2013 Metro de Caracas, C.A.; Table 8 for the Aquatic Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega); and Table 9 for the Air Transport Sector - Instituto Nacional de Aeron\u00e1utica Civil (INAC).", + "- Tromerca. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Terrestrial Transport Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -Tromerca. Public Policy. Plan de La Patria (2019 - 2025). 3. Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which guarantees the formation of a zone of peace in our America. This plan frames the connectivity of mobility at local, regional and national level, with emphasis on reducing the environmental impact, using clean technologies and ensuring their optimization and maintenance. Action. Guarantee the service of mass public transport, through the permanent and effective operation of the system, providing the service permanently, punctually, in solidarity, comfortable, safe and ecological, adopting Objective 13: Clima", + "Guarantee the mass public transport service, by means of the permanent and effective operation of the system, providing the service permanently, punctually, in solidarity, comfortably, safely and ecologically, adopting Objective 13: Climate Change, urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects. Base year. This project, framed within the framework of environmental conservation, has been operational since 2007, and its optimization and maintenance is programmed annually. Milestones. These actions will have a deadline until 2030 to meet the target of 100%. Achievement and coverage. Continue 100% with the operation of the Trolebus System, ensuring the mobility of users in an ecological way, mitigating pollution, visual, sonic and atmospheric. Planning. Implement plans for the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and facilities in order to guarantee the permanent, continuous and effective provision of the service and", + "To carry out plans for the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and installations in order to guarantee the permanent, continuous and effective provision of the service and to preserve the environment by offering clean technologies. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions must be reduced from 0.5 to 0.25 g/kWh and particulate matter (PM) emissions must be reduced from 0.05 to 0.03 g/kWh. With the renewal of the fleet and in the current ones maintain the engines optimum for their operation and recover the electrical infrastructure of the Trolebus system. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Transporte Terrestre - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -Tromerca. Considerations of the contribution.", + "Ground and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Ground Transportation Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -Tromerca. Considerations of Contribution. The M\u00e9rida Mass Transportation System Project was created with the aim of mitigating the environmental impact, in a tourist city, surrounded by the snow mountains of Venezuela, becoming the only city in the world with a mass passenger transportation system, with a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants. In addition to considering clean technologies, it is intended to organize the conventional public transportation system, with the intention that they become feeders of the project, and thus motivate the use of mass transportation, and mitigate traffic congestion in the road corridors. Investment. To recover the electrical infrastructure $. 30 million are required and thus to achieve operational units in electric mode.", + "These units have a dual engine, (electric and diesel), their preferred use is electric, however, with the renewal of the fleet the standard will change from Euro 3 to Euro 6 (0,05 g/km to 0,005c g/km). Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Terrestrial Transport - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -. Tromerca. Public Policy. Plan de La Patria (2019 - 2025). 3. Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which guarantees the formation of a zone of peace in our America.", + "Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which guarantees the formation of a zone of peace in our America. This plan frames the connectivity of mobility at local, regional and national level, with emphasis on the reduction of the environmental impact, using clean technologies and guaranteeing the optimization and maintenance of them. Action. Guarantee the service of mass public transport, through the permanent and effective operation of the system, providing the service permanently, punctually, in solidarity, comfortable, safe and ecological, adopting Objective 13: Climate Change, urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects. Base year. This project framed within the conservation of the environment has been operational since 2012, and its optimization and maintenance is programmed annually.", + "This project within the framework of environmental conservation has been operating since 2012, and its optimization and maintenance is scheduled annually. Targets. These actions will have a deadline until 2030 to meet the 100% target. Achievement and coverage. Continuing 100% with the operation of the Cabin System, ensuring the mobility of users in an ecological manner, without pollution, visual, sonic and atmospheric. Planning. Implementing plans for the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and facilities in order to ensure the permanent, continuous and effective provision of service and to preserve the environment by offering clean technologies. Alternatives and Methodological approaches. Guaranteeing maintenance and optimizing the system infrastructure and replacement of parts, parts and spares. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Terrestrial Transport - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9r", + "Ground and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Ground Transportation Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca. Considerations of the contribution. The M\u00e9rida Mass Transportation System Project was created with the aim of mitigating the environmental impact, in a tourist city, surrounded by the snow mountains of Venezuela, becoming the only city in the world with a mass passenger transportation system, with a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants. In addition to considering clean technologies, it is intended to organize the conventional public transportation system, with the intention that they become feeders of the project, and thus motivate the use of mass transportation, and mitigate traffic congestion on the road corridors. Investment. \u20ac 15,000,000 for its mechanical, electronic maintenance and parts replacement. Indicators related to the ODS. This technology", + "Investment. 15.000.000 \u20ac for its mechanical, electronic maintenance and parts replacement. Indicators related to the ODS. This technology is 100% clean, does not generate pollutants. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Terrestrial Transport - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. -. Tromerca. Public Policy. Plan de La Patria (2019 - 2025). 3. Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which guarantees the formation of a zone of peace in our America. This plan frames the connectivity of mobility at local, regional and national level, with emphasis on reducing the environmental impact, using clean technologies and ensuring the optimization and maintenance of them. Action.", + "This plan frames the connectivity of mobility at local, regional and national level, with emphasis on reducing the environmental impact, using clean technologies and ensuring the optimization and maintenance of them. Action. Guarantee the mass public transport service, through the permanent and effective operation of the system, providing the service permanently, punctually, in solidarity, comfortable, safe and ecological, adopting Objective 13: Climate Change, urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects. Base year. This project framed within the conservation of the environment has been operational since 2014, and its optimization and maintenance is scheduled annually. Targets. These actions will have a deadline until 2030 to meet the goal of 100%. Achievement and coverage. Continue 100% with the operation of the Yutong System, ensuring the mobility of users, mitigating pollution, visual, sonic and atmospheric", + "To continue 100% with the operation of the Yutong System, guaranteeing the mobility of users, mitigating the pollution, visual, sonic and atmospheric connecting the 23 municipalities of the State of M\u00e9rida. Planning. To carry out plans for the acquisition and maintenance of equipment and facilities in order to guarantee the permanent, continuous and effective provision of the service and preserve the environment by offering clean technologies. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions must be reduced from 0.5 to 0.25 g/kWh and particulate matter (PM) emissions must be reduced from 0.05 to 0.03 g/kWh. With the renewal of the fleet and in the current ones to maintain the best engines for their operation. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis.", + "Ground and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. CND Projection Update 2020 - 2030. Ground Transportation Sector - Troleb\u00fas M\u00e9rida, C.A. - Tromerca. Considerations of Contribution. The M\u00e9rida Mass Transportation System Project was created with the aim of mitigating the environmental impact, in a tourist city, surrounded by the snow mountains of Venezuela, becoming the only city in the world with a mass passenger transportation system, with a population of less than 500,000 inhabitants. In addition to considering clean technologies, it is intended to organize the conventional public transportation system, with the intention of becoming project feeders, and thus motivate the use of mass transportation, and mitigate traffic congestion on road corridors. Investment. $ 8.000.000 for its mechanical, electrical maintenance and replacement of parts. Indicators related to the ODS.", + "In addition to considering clean technologies, it is intended to organize the conventional public transport system, with the intention that they become project feeders, and in this way motivate the use of mass transport, and mitigate vehicular congestion on the road corridors. Investment. $ 8.000.000 for its mechanical, electrical maintenance and parts replacement. Indicators related to the ODS. These units have diesel engine, with the renewal of the fleet to meet its useful life (however, it complies with routine maintenance, preventive and corrective), the standard will change from Euro 3 to Euro 6 (0.05 g/km to 0.005c g/km). Table 5. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Land Transport - Yutong Bus Plant Venezuela, S.A. Sector. Land and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030", + "Earth and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Earth Transportation Sector - Yutong Bus Plant. Venezuela, S.A. Public Policy. Establishing a national policy of modernization of the transportation system technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix. Generating a public transportation policy, as well as its industrial and technological system for the use of gas and alternative systems. Action. Cultivation of stage CKD of the Yutong Bus Plant for the assembly of diesel and gas units complying with Euro 5 quality standards. Base year. In proposal. Timeframe. 8 years. Achievement and coverage. Reduce air pollution, with adjustment to Euro 5 standards to reduce CO2 emissions. To improve air quality using new technologies that increasingly clean up the gases emitted by Yutong", + "To improve air quality using new technologies that increasingly clean up the gases emitted by Yutong units. Planning. To comply with the regulations regarding the use of technical specifications established in Euro 5. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km;. particulates: 5 mg/km (or a reduction of 80% of emissions compared to Euro 4 standard);. nitrogen oxides (NOx): 180 mg/km (or a reduction of 20% of emissions compared to Euro 4 standard);. combined emissions of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides: 230 mg/km.", + "The combined emissions of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides from diesel vehicles (vehicles intended for transport) will be reduced in order to limit them. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020-2030.Earth Transport Sector - Yutong Bus Plant. Venezuela, S.A. Public Policy. Establishing a national policy for the modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies, as well as the energy matrix. Generating a public transport policy, as well as its industrial and technological system for the use of gas and alternative systems. Action. Performing preventive maintenance of the Yutong Fleet at national level in accordance with Euro 5 regulations, in terms of fuel use and filters. Base year. Starting in 2022. Periods. 8 years. Achievement and coverage.", + "Carry out preventive maintenance of the Yutong Fleet at the national level in accordance with the Euro 5 regulations in terms of the use of fuel and filters. Base year. It will start from the year 2022. Periods. 8 years. Achievement and coverage. Reduce emissions in the coming years to prevent further air pollution, with the adjustment to the Euro 5 regulations to reduce CO2 emissions by 40%. To improve air quality using new technologies that increasingly clean up the gases emitted by the Yutong units. Planning. Comply with the regulations in terms of the use of technical specifications for fuels and filters. Suggestions and Methodological approaches. Considerations. of contribution. Reduction of polluting emissions and greater fuel efficiency. Carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km;.", + "Substitutions and Methodological Approaches. Considerations. of the contribution. Reduction of pollutant emissions and greater fuel efficiency. Carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km;. Particulates: 5 mg/km (or a reduction of 80% of emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard);. Nitrogen oxides (nox): 180 mg/km (or a reduction of 20% of emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard);. Combined hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions: 230 mg/km. Sector. Earth and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020- 2030.Earth Transport Sector - Bus Plant Yutong Venezuela, S.A. Public Policy. Establish a national policy for the modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix. Generate a public transport policy", + "Establish a national policy for the modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies, as well as the energy matrix. Generate a public transport policy, as well as its system. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020- 2030.Sector Terrestrial Transport - Yutong Bus Plant Venezuela, S.A. Industrial and Technological for the use of gas and alternative systems. Action. Guarantee preventive and corrective maintenance of the natural gas vehicles (NGV) units of the Yutong Fleet at national level. Base year. It will start from the year 2022. Periods. 8 years. Achievement and coverage. Reduce emissions in the coming years to avoid further air pollution, with the adjustment to Euro 5 regulations to reduce CO2 emissions by 40%.", + "To reduce emissions in the coming years to avoid further air pollution, with the adjustment to the Euro 5 standard to reduce CO2 emissions by 40%. To improve air quality using new technologies that increasingly clean up the gases emitted by the Yutong units. Planning. To comply with the standard as regards the use of technical specifications. To meet the objectives, the energy infrastructure of GNV will have to be adapted. Suggestions and Methodological approaches. Considerations of the. contribution. Reduction of polluting emissions when using GNV. Investment. GNV in Venezuela at no cost, making it an accessible fuel in addition is less emitter of GHGs. It belongs to alternative non-renewable energies. Carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km;. Particulates: 5 mg/km (or a reduction of 80% of emissions compared to the Euro 4", + "Carbon monoxide: 500 mg/km;. Particulates: 5 mg/km (or a reduction of 80% of emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard);. Nitrogen oxides (nox): 180 mg/km (or a reduction of 20% of emissions compared to the Euro 4 standard);combined hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions: 230 mg/km. Table 6.", + "Establish a national policy of modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies, as well as energy matrix. Action. Creation of BRT (Rapid Transit Bus) Systems in the cities of. Generate a public transport policy, as well as its industrial and technological system for the use of gas systems and alternative energies. Generate a comprehensive policy of intervention of the urban ecosystem, taking elements such as the use of natural gas (NGV) as the main fuel of public transport. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Sector Transporte Terrestre - Sistema Socialista de. Transporte Jos\u00e9 Antonio Anzo\u00e1tegui\u201d S.A. - TRANZOATEGUI. Maracay, Barquisimeto, Barcelona, Maracaibo, Puerto la Cruz, M\u00e9rida and. Caracas. Base year. The programme of conversion", + "The programme for the conversion and renewal of the current diesel public transport fleet to comply with the Euro 5 standard will start in 2022. The programme for the replacement of diesel public transport with GNV-based transport units will start in 2022. Expectations. These programmes will be implemented over a period of eight (8) years from 2022 and until 2030 to meet the 100% target. Achievement and coverage. It is estimated that an 80% reduction in carbon dioxide of around 500 mg/km will be achieved, compared to the previous Euro 4 standard, through the conversion of GNV-based public transport and on the other hand, the adjustment of the Euro 5 standard to the current diesel public transport units. Planning.", + "It is estimated to achieve an 80% reduction in carbon dioxide of about 500 mg/km, compared to the previous Euro 4 standard, through the conversion of public transport based on GNV and on the other hand, the adjustment of the Euro 5 standard to the current diesel public transport units. Planning. To meet the objectives, the energy infrastructure of GNV will have to be adapted and the quality of diesel fuel in the country will have to be improved. Alternatives and Methodological Approaches. The following emission factors will be used: 2.33 and 2.83 kg CO2e/l of petrol and diesel, respectively (IPCC 2006). In the case of GNV, an emission factor of 2.09kg CO2/m3 will be used.", + "The following emission factors shall be used: 2.33 and 2.83 kg CO2e/l of petrol and diesel, respectively (IPCC 2006). In the case of NVG, an emission factor of 2.09kg CO2/m3 shall be used. The estimate of greenhouse gas emissions caused by the use of these fossil fuels shall be calculated on the basis of the average volume sold per service station annually and multiplied by the conversion factor. Contribution considerations.", + "Indicators related to the ODS. 11.6.2 Average annual levels of suspended fine particles (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (weighted by population). Table 7. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Terrestrial and Subterranean Transportation Sector - Metro Caracas, C.A. Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Subterranean Transportation Sector - METRO CARACAS, C.A. Public Policy. Plan of the Fatherland (2019-2025). Convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the great emerging power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which guarantees the formation of a zone of peace in our America. 3.2.", + "Extend the construction of a New National Geopolitics using as structuring elements the systemic, geohistorical and functional regionalization, the regional urban system and the infrastructure, services and mobility in the development of the spatial dimension of Socialism. 3.2.5. Articulate, maintain and generate a solid national mobility system, intermodal, efficient and interconnected, correlated with the. Sector. Land and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Subterranean Transport Sector - METRO CARACAS, C.A. functional dynamics of economic specialization and current and projected flows, regional urban system, as well as its system of maintenance, monitoring, management and industrial components of it. Strengthen, articulate and interconnect the transport infrastructure for an intermodal system associated with the regional urban dynamics and integral vision of the country.", + "To provide maintenance and conservation to the metro systems of the country, in order to maintain the quality levels of the metro transport service. Action. Caracas Railway Project. Base year. From the year 2020. Distances. Until 2022. Achievement and coverage. Five (5) trains have been completed by the date of issuance of this document. Eleven (11) trains from the South-West of the Metropolitan Area of Caracas are scheduled for 2022. The total number of trains to be recovered is twenty-two (22). Planning. The work programme must be complied with. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. Estimated passenger demand: 1,338,000 by 2022; which equates to a reduction in emissions of 10,142,000 gr CO2. Considerations. of the contribution. Reduction of CO2 emissions. Investment. Bs. 14.339.948,00.", + "Estimated demand of passengers: 1,338,000 by 2022; which equates to a reduction in emissions of 10,142,000 gr CO2. Considerations. of the contribution. Reduction of CO2 emissions. Investment. Bs. 14.339.948,00. Indicators related to the ODS. 11.6.2 Average annual levels of suspended fine particles (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (weighted by population). Sector. Terrestrial and Subterranean Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030.Subterranean Transport Sector - METRO CARACAS (C.A). Public Policy. Historical Objective:To convert Venezuela into a socially, economically and politically powerful country within the emerging great power of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will guarantee the formation of a zone of peace in our America. Action. Line 5. Plaza Venezuela - Miranda", + "Line 5. Plaza Venezuela - Miranda II. Base year. From the year 2006. Beaches. Until 15/12/2025. Achievement and coverage. Includes the construction and commissioning of 7.5 km of railway and integrated system with 5 stations: Bello Monte, Tamanaco, Chuao, Bello Campo and Miranda II. This line will allow the mobilization of more than 300.000. users and the decongestion of Line 1, as well as constitute an alternative connection issued for the users of the Altos Mirandinos that arrive to Las Adjuntas, with the East of the City Capital. Planning. It must be fulfilled with the work program. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. Deficit of the public transport offer that increases CO2 emissions due to the use of private vehicles with petrol and diesel. Considerations. of the contribution.", + "Deficit in the supply of public transport that increases CO2 emissions due to the use of private gasoline and diesel vehicles. Considerations. of the contribution. Estimated passenger demand 78.613 by 2022; which equates to a reduction in emissions of 186.030 gr CO2. Investment. Bs. 13.030.021,00. Indicators related to the ODS. 11.6.2 Average annual levels of suspended fine particles (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (weighted by population). Table 8. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Aquatic Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega). Sector. Transport Axis Mitigation. Updating of the CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Aquatic Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A", + "Public policy. Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025. 3.2.5. Articulate, maintain and generate a solid system of national mobility, intermodal, efficient and interconnected, correlated with the functional dynamics of economic specialization and current and planned flows, regional urban system, as well as its system of maintenance, monitoring, management and industrial components of it. Establish a national policy of modernization of the transport system, technologies and industrial policies. Promote research and development of renewable energy projects, based on the potentialities present in the territory, to reduce the environmental impact and vulnerability of the energy model, as well as technological sovereignty.", + "To promote the research and development of renewable energy projects, based on the potentials present in the territory, in order to reduce the environmental impact and vulnerability of the energy model, as well as technological sovereignty.", + "It is planned to implement an Energy Efficiency Management Plan, taking into account the planning of voyages, the highest frequency of cleaning of the submerged parts of the vessel and the propeller, the introduction of technical measures such as waste heat recovery systems or even the installation of new propellers, for which investments in the sector are required.", + "Development of a Cooperation Plan between the different aquatic sectors in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, to this end, it is important to include regulatory, technical, operational and economic measures, such as the provision of energy supply in ports to vessels from renewable sources, the infrastructure supporting the supply of low-carbon and zero-carbon alternative fuels, incentive programs for ecological vessels and the reduction of vessel speed.", + "It is also proposed to implement effective policies and measures to tackle climate change, in order to ensure global benefits at the lowest possible cost, allowing the construction of relevant greenhouse gas sinks and reservoirs and covering all economic sectors. Action. (Continuation).", + "It also proposes the implementation of effective policies and measures to tackle climate change, in order to ensure global benefits at the lowest possible cost, allowing the construction of relevant sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse gases and covering all economic sectors. Action. (Continuation). Support to research centres that promote, develop with specialists recommendations to curb greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change and implement effective measures in the water transport sector. Fleet renewal and study of the adequacy of the existing fleet with ecological measures to reduce gas emissions. Synergy with state bodies that allow the fuel used by ships to comply with the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, better known as the MARPOL Convention.", + "Synergy with State bodies that allow the fuel used by ships to comply with the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, better known as the MARPOL Convention. From 1 January 2020, the limit on the sulphur content of fuel used on board ships operating outside designated emission control zones will be 0.50 % by mass. This will significantly reduce the amount of sulphur oxides emitted from ships, which should have great benefits for both global health and the environment, especially for populations living near ports and coasts. Base year 2022. Targets. These actions will have a duration of 8 years, with a view to achieving a significant reduction in gas emissions by 2030. Achievement and coverage.", + "These actions will have a duration of 8 years, in order to achieve a significant reduction in gas emissions by 2030. Achievement and coverage. It is estimated that the use of alternative energies in ports, as well as the use of ecological measures in the current fleet, as well as the research programme on climate effects in the aquatic sector and compliance with international regulations, will allow the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the short, medium and long term and will avoid fines at international level to ships. Planning. To meet the objectives outlined, it is necessary the synergy of ports, adaptation of alternative energies, cleaning and adaptation of our a use of ecological measures, as well as adaptation of fuel to what is established in the MARPOL Convention. Alternatives and Methodological approaches. Economic and social analysis of climate change in the maritime transport sector.", + "In order to meet the objectives outlined, it is necessary to synergize the ports, adaptation of alternative energies, cleaning and adaptation of our use of ecological measures, as well as to adapt the fuel to what is established in the MARPOL Convention. Suggested and. Methodological approaches. Economic and social analysis of climate change in the maritime transport sector. Considerations of the. contribution. In the framework of what is established in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, in which the main objective is to strengthen the global response to the. Sector. Transport Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Aquatic Transport Sector - Venezuelan Shipping Corporation, S.A. (Venavega). (Continuing). threat of climate change, limiting the increase in temperature.", + "Water Transport Sector - Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (Venavega). (Continued). threat of climate change, limiting the increase in global temperature. Corporaci\u00f3n Venezolana de Navegaci\u00f3n, S.A. (VENAVEGA), a state-owned company created on September 15, 2010, under the strategic vision of Commander Hugo Rafael Ch\u00e1vez Fr\u00edas, under Decree No. 7.677, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 39.510, is making its best efforts to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to climate change, with the aim of preserving life in the breadbasket and safeguarding the human species.", + "Venezuelan Shipping Corporation, S.A. (VENAVEGA), a state-owned company created on September 15, 2010, under the strategic vision of Commander Hugo Rafael Ch\u00e1vez Fr\u00edas, under Decree No. 7.677, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 39.510, makes its best efforts to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to climate change, in the interests of preserving life in the breadbasket and safeguarding the human species.", + "The mission of this company is to provide competitive commercial shipping service with operational standards of efficiency and effectiveness, with a high sense of responsibility, orienting management to continuous improvement for the development of the country, with the vision of being recognized as the flagship shipping of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela with high standards of competitiveness, safety, preservation of the environment and excellence in the provision of services at the national and international level.", + "In addition, VENAVEGA, as a state-owned shipping company, works to adapt to the measures of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), in terms of the Treaty to Prevent Marine Pollution (MARPOL Convention), the Project Energy Efficiency Index (EEDI), which is mandatory for new vessels and the Vessel Energy Efficiency Management Plan. The idea is to contribute to reducing greenhouse gases from maritime transport in order to safeguard human life, for that reason this company makes its best efforts to implement measures that allow reducing the carbon intensity of maritime transport in the short, medium and long term.", + "9.2 Promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and, by 2030, significantly increasing the contribution of industry to employment and gross domestic product, in accordance with national circumstances, and doubling that contribution in least developed countries. 9.4 Modernising infrastructure and converting industries to be sustainable, using resources more efficiently and promoting the adoption of clean and environmentally sound industrial technologies and processes, and ensuring that all countries take action according to their respective capabilities. 9.5 Increasing scientific research and improving the technological capacity of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular. Sector.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe", + "Transport Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Aquatic Transport Sector - Venezuelan Navigation Corporation, S.A. (Venavega). developing countries, among other things by encouraging innovation and. increasing significantly, from here to 2030. (Global Indicator Framework for Sustainable Development Goals and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals). Table 9. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Air Transport Sector - National Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC). Sector. Transport Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Air Transport Sector - National Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC). Public Policy. The Plan of the Fatherland, Second Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation, 2013-2019, approved as a National Law in 2013, expresses the will to transform the country and contribute to saving life on the planet towards", + "The Plan de la Patria, Second Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation, 2013-2019, adopted as a National Law in 2013, expresses the will to transform the country and contribute to saving life on the planet towards a just and sustainable world; organized on democratic international bases and institutions. In this sense, the contents of Historic Objective No. 5: Contributing to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species. Its implementation is aimed at addressing the main causes of climate change. Action. The Venezuelan State, through the INAC, has planned a set of measures that have contributed to mitigating CO2 emissions in civil aviation, in accordance with its international realities and commitments. These have been developed according to different levels of implementation.", + "The Venezuelan State, through the INAC, has planned a set of measures that have contributed to mitigating CO2 emissions in civil aviation, in accordance with its international realities and commitments. These have been developed according to different levels of implementation. Initially, the INAC has prioritized organizational, operational and technological measures, among which can be mentioned:Aviation), among others. Base year. These measures come into force from the year of publication of the Action Plan and Reduction of CO2 Emissions. Targets. It is estimated that the measures previously described are fully implemented in the period 2018-2021. Achievement and coverage. It is estimated that CO2 emissions will be reduced at national level. Planning. The main measures in implementation are the following:.", + "The main measures in implementation are the following:. The Plan of modernization of fleets with aircraft of the public and private sector;. The modernization and installation of new surveillance and control systems for the air transit of the FIR Maiquet\u00eda;. Implementation of PBN procedures, including RNAV routes and procedures of approximation, ups and downs continuous;. Implementation of the Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) at the international airports with the greatest commercial inflow and the application of the strategy by blocks \u201cASBU\u201d (Higher by Blocks of the System of. Creation of the Environmental Management Unit within the structure of the Aeronautical Authority. Plan of modernization of Fleets. New Surveillance System MSR - 970S (Secondary Council) of the FIR Maiquet\u00eda. Modernization and relocation of the Radioayudas System ", + "Modernization and relocation of the VOR Radio Assistance System. Sector. Transport Axis Mitigation. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Air Transport Sector - National Institute of Civil Aviation (INAC). Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. The Civil Aviation Transport Sector accounted for only 6% of the total emissions, equivalent to three thousand two hundred forty-two (3.242) Gg COeq. The method of estimating emissions by reference resulted in a discrepancy of 4.9% to the sectoral method, less than 5% of the difference. considered acceptable between the reference and sectoral methods. Indicators. related to the ODS. Objective 12: Responsible Production and Consumption Objective 13: Climate Action. Reduction of aircraft time on land. Industry Sector. Directorate General of Environmental Quality Management (FONDOIN). The role of the State as", + "In the light of the progressive depletion of the ozone layer caused by the global use of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), Venezuela, in compliance with a policy respectful of the environment and especially of the ozone layer, became a Party in 1987 to the Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer and its Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, two years later.", + "In the light of the progressive depletion of the ozone layer caused by the worldwide use of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), the Venezuelan State, in observance of a policy respectful of the environment and especially of the ozone layer, became a Party in 1987 to the Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer and to its Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, two years later.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliament", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "Distribution of educational and informational materials on refrigeration, ozone layer and climate. Implementation of the Cero Fugas Program in the hospital and food preservation sectors and private service companies. Training in equipment and refrigerant conservation, and technical assistance to large end-users on equipment inventory and evaluation, equipment repair (fuges), development of equipment and refrigerant performance indices. The program helped 40 different facilities; in this program, it is encouraged to avoid leaks, one of the main causes of ozone depletion and global warming, and it is encouraged to convert to natural substances. Currently, the project continues to be disseminated in the State of M\u00e9rida.", + "At present, the project continues to be disseminated in the State of M\u00e9rida. A public awareness campaign for the promotion of eco-energy technologies with low atmospheric heating potential. Conversion in the Hospital Materno Infantil de Caricuao, the project began in 2018 by implementing the first phase, which consisted in the installation of an ice water system consisting of a \u201cchilling\u201d with a capacity of 5 tonnes of refrigeration and which uses as a refrigerant, R-290 (propane) and which generates fresh air in paediatric room B. During the year 2019, the planning was structured, associated with the implementation of the second phase of the project, which consists in the conversion and refurbishment of three (3) \u201cchillings\u201d of 20 Tr, which currently contain R-22 and will use R-290, once the work has been carried out.", + "During the year 2019, the planning, associated with the implementation of the second phase of the project, which consists of the conversion and refurbishment of three (3) 20 Tr \u201cchillers\u201d that currently contain R-22 and will use R-290, after the work has been carried out, was structured.", + "In the air conditioning area, Posada Puerto Escondido, located in Cepe, Aragua state, was converted using R-290, twelve (12) window air conditioners with capacities between 10,000 and 12,000 BTU/h, being an example of HC refrigerant that can be safely applied to this type of equipment, provided that safety standards and maximum refrigerant loads set in UNE-EN-378 are met.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party strengthen its efforts to disseminate widely, in particular to women's and human rights organizations, the Convention, its Optional Protocol, the Committee's general recommendations, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWo", + "In this regard, the Venezuelan State is committed to building and promoting an eco-socialist productive economic model, based on a harmonious relationship between man and nature, that guarantees the rational, optimal and sustainable use of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature, within the framework of the 5 Historical Objectives of the Plan of the Motherland, which states: \"Contribute to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species\", and has historically undertaken international environmental commitments, including the protection of the ozone layer.", + "In this regard, the Venezuelan State committed to the construction and promotion of the eco-socialist productive economic model, based on a harmonious relationship between man and nature, which guarantees the rational, optimal and sustainable use and exploitation of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature, within the framework of the 5 Historical Objectives of the Plan of the Motherland, which states: \"Contribute to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species\", has historically undertaken international environmental commitments, including the protection of the ozone layer.", + "In this way, in October 2016, at the 28th Meeting of the Parties (MOP28) held in Rwanda Kigali -Decision XXVII/1.-, the amendment that includes the control of HFCs in the above-mentioned protocol was approved, thereby agreeing to regulate the consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which entails new challenges and commitments. MINEC has carried out commemorative activities on the International Day of the Ozone Layer such as: the use of bicycles to promote mobility and the change of modes of transport for a more sustainable one and dance therapies, nursery works, reforestation days, beach cleaning, awareness-raising workshops on the ozone layer.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "In the framework of the Playing Learning Programme carried out by FONDOIN, with the cooperation of the Children\u2019s Museum, a deployment of activities was developed such as: Friends of the Earth Routes, Workshops on Ecological Practices \u201cFriends of the Earth\u201d and the FONDOIN Institutional Program. U.E.D. School Teresa Pages Parra and U.E.NE. Eduardo Crema. The main results are presented in Table 010, as well as their projection through the Table 010.", + "Table 011. Projection of Trained Persons Period 2021-2025 in the FONDOIN Workshops. Year. Number of Trained Persons. 2021. 150. 2022. 200. 2023. 200. 2024. 200. 2025. 200. Lastly, FONDOIN delivered educational materials as tools to support the programmatic content relating to the ozone layer and climate change to educational institutions.", + "In the framework of these activities, 4600 children and 572 teachers were trained in the fields of ozone layer, climate change, water conservation and green energy. As regards the implementation of the training and accreditation programme for technicians carried out by FONDOIN at national level, in the period 2015 - 2020, 2,117 technicians were trained in the appropriate operational, maintenance and service practices, including recovery and reuse of refrigeration systems, selection and adoption of appropriate alternative HCFC technologies. Thanks to the programme, 1,911 technicians were accredited (Table 012).", + "2015. 437. 390. 2016. 267. 228. 2017. 420. 363. 2018. 523. 482. 2019. 420. 400. 2020. 50. 48. Total. 2.117. 1.911. Currently, FONDOIN is in the process of obtaining accreditation from SENCAMER, in order to strengthen the training program for refrigeration technicians at its various basic, intermediate and advanced levels, in order to continue to train and raise awareness of good practices and prevent gas leaks.", + "FONDOIN is currently in the process of obtaining accreditation from SENCAMER, in order to strengthen the training program for refrigeration technicians at its various basic, intermediate and advanced levels, in order to continue to train and raise awareness of good practices and prevent gas leaks.", + "In addition, in the framework of promoting the use of hydrocarbons as alternative refrigerants, we find ourselves working together the Emissions and Efluents Directorate, FONDOIN and SENCAMER in the Venezuelan COVENIN Standard Project called Guide to the Safe Use of Flammable Refrigerators in Refrigeration Systems and Air Conditioning, as a measure as well as in a special program for the management and use of hydrocarbons in refrigeration systems, much more demanding due to the risks associated with the substance.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the European Union, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the", + "The Committee is concerned that the State party has not ratified ILO Convention No. 182 concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour and ILO Convention No. 182 concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "It is important to note that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, prior to the adoption of the Kigali Amendment, demonstrating once again its commitment to environmental issues, promulgated in 2015 Resolution 227 concerning the \u201cStandards for the Control, Importation and Management of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)\u201d, Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 40.693 of 01 July 2015 and of which there is currently a proposal for updating.", + "Furthermore, there is currently a Committee of Technical Standards (CT25) chaired by SENCAMER and in which the institutions of the state binding on refrigerant gases are members. This committee is currently preparing the following proposals for technical standards:. Substances to be used as refrigerants. Detection and control of refrigerant joints in industrial or commercial refrigeration and air-conditioning systems. Table 013, relating to the phase-out of ozone-depleting substances from the Industrial Sector, is presented below. Table 013. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Industrial Sector (General Directorate of Environmental Quality Management - FONDOIN). Sector. Industry Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Phase-out of ozone-depleting substances. Public Policy.", + "Public policy. It is a fundamental obligation of the State, with the active participation of society, to ensure that the population develops in an environment free of pollution, in which the air, water, soils, coasts, climate, the ozone layer, living species, are specially protected, in accordance with the law. Sector. Industry Axis Mitigation. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Progressive elimination of ozone-depleting substances. 5.4.2. Design a mitigation plan that covers the production sectors emitting greenhouse gases, as a national voluntary contribution to the efforts to save the planet. Promote clean industrial technologies that guarantee effluents and emissions with less need for treatment for their purity.", + "To design a mitigation plan that covers the production sectors emitting greenhouse gases, as a national voluntary contribution to the efforts to save the planet. To promote clean industrial technologies that guarantee effluents and emissions with less need for treatment for their purity. Source: Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Plan de la Patria. 2019 - 2025. Action. National Plan for the Progressive Elimination of Ozone Depleting Substances in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, however, is currently working on the ratification of the Kigali Amendment, with the aim of addressing in the future the timetable for the progressive elimination of atmospheric warming gases (HFCs). Base year. The program began in 2015. Ranges. Until 2040. Achievement and coverage. Year 2020, 35%. Year 2025, 67.5%. Year 2030-2040 an", + "Achievement and coverage: in 2020, 35%; in 2025, 67.5%; in 2030-2040, an annual average of 2.5% for maintenance services. Suggestions and methodological approaches: the methodology is systemic, the aim is to consolidate and make operational the collection centres, regeneration centres, destruction centres for these substances in order to guarantee zero emissions of refrigerants into the atmosphere and contribute to the protection of the ozone layer and the climate; in addition, to have a good system of training and certification of refrigeration technicians through the resources provided by the Secretariat to FONDOIN. On the other hand, the plan is based essentially on reducing consumption and imports of SAO refrigerants and with heating potentials of over 500GWP.", + "On the other hand, the plan is based essentially on reducing consumption and imports of ODS refrigerants and with heating potentials above 500GWP. Then it must be based firstly on a robust refrigeration training programme accompanied by the certification programme and secondly on an updated regulation up to the Kigali provisions, which will be enforced with a subsequent control programme to monitor products coming onto the market. Considerations for the contribution. For the period 2021-2025 according to the phasing-out schedule, Venezuela must reduce 32.5% of the baseline level of consumption, i.e. 67.25 ODP tonnes (Ozone Depletion Potential), around 121.722.5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.", + "For the period 2021-2025 according to the phasing-out schedule, Venezuela must reduce 32.5% of the baseline level of consumption, i.e. 67.25 ODP-tonnes (Ozone Depletion Potential), about 121.722.5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.", + "The country's forest heritage covers all forest ecosystems and resources within the national territory, including natural forests, forest plantations, trees outside the forest, as well as forest lands and non-woody vegetation forms associated with or not with the forest.", + "Most of the surface of Venezuela is covered by an enormous variety of tropical forests, very complex and biodiversity mosaics, which vary from forests of just a few meters in height and with a single stratum, to large, multi-stratified forests, between 40-50 m or more in height; there are also forests dominated by practically a single species (coetanes), next to forests with 150 to 200 species of trees per hectare (heteroetanes).", + "The forests in Venezuela usually grow in all the terrestrial and inundable environments of the low, medium and high lands, up to an approximate elevation of 3,000 m above sea level in the region of the Andes (the vast majority between 0 and 2,500 m above sea level, i.e. the macro- and meso-terrestrial zones of the country).", + "Even above this general limit of trees, there is another type of forest, the chiribital, which forms very isolated and reduced arboreal communities on the surface and at heights up to 3,800 / 4,200 m above sea level.", + "In 2014, the Ministry of the People\u2019s Power for the Environment, today MINEC, published the vegetation cover map of Venezuela, at a scale of 1:2,000,000, presenting the updated mapping of the country\u2019s vegetation cover, in 75 maps at a scale of 1:250 000.", + "This condition of protection includes the country among the ten nations with the greatest extent of forests designated for the protection of soil and water (FAO, 2016).", + "Within the framework of the new national forestry policy and the current forestry law (2013), the orientation of the exploitation of the national forest heritage involves substantive changes in terms of the management and the model of forest development to be followed. Currently, the forestry sector is one of the engines of development of the Bolivian Economic Agenda to strengthen the ecosocialist productive model.", + "Policies for the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) of the Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage). Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Update Plan 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage). Public Policy. Promote national and international actions for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (both surface and groundwater), watersheds, biological diversity, seas, oceans and forests. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030). Action. Integrate biodiversity conservation, sustainable land management and climate change mitigation into Forest Management for Sustainable Forest Management; In the framework of the \"Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Conservation in the Ecosocial Perspective\", which is being developed with GEF funding and as an implementing agency of FAO.", + "Integrating biodiversity conservation, sustainable land management and climate change mitigation into Forest Management for Sustainable Forest Management; In the framework of the \"Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Conservation in the Ecosocial Perspective\", which is being developed with GEF funding and as an FAO implementing agency.", + "This Climate Action is aimed at strengthening the institution's capacities. Strengthening capacities and innovative instruments for Sustainable Forest Management, which results in at least 166,634 ha of forests being covered by stakeholder communities and national and local governments involved in sustainable forest management through new participatory management tools, resulting in stabilized populations of forest species at risk of global importance and preventing the emission of 24 million tonnes of CO2eq and halting land degradation processes.", + "Capacity building and innovative instruments for Sustainable Forest Management, which results in at least 166,634 ha of forests being covered by stakeholder communities and national and local governments involved in sustainable forest management through new participatory management tools, resulting in stabilized populations of forest species at risk of global importance and avoiding the emission of 24 million tonnes of CO2eq and halting land degradation processes, as well as the initial design and implementation of a national forest certification program. Action. Restoration, conservation and MFS/MST of forests in areas affected by degradation processes.", + "As well as the initial design and implementation of a national forest certification program. Action. Restoration, conservation and MFS/MST of forests in areas affected by degradation processes. It is expected as a result, technical and institutional capacities for the restoration of forests and forest lands by applying strengthened MFS/MST through the development of national guidelines for the restoration and regeneration of 3000 ha of forests through MFS/MST strategies i.e. reforestation, agroforestry systems, analogous forestry under an ecosystem approach. that prioritizes the multifunctionality of forests and that results in standardized populations of forest species. Sector. Forest Axis Mitigation. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage). global importance at risk and seizure of 0.2 million tonnes", + "The main institutions involved in the project will be the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC) and its affiliated entities the National Forestry Company (ENFORESTAL), the National Reforestation Company (CONARE), the Latin American Forestry Institute (IFLA), the MINEC Tree Mission and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as GEF Implementing Agency.", + "The main institutions involved in the project will be the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC) and its member entities the National Forestry Enterprise (ENFORESTAL), the National Reforestation Company (CONARE), the Latin American Forest Institute (IFLA), the MINEC Tree Mission and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as the implementing agency of the GEF. A Project Management Unit composed of a Project Team financed by the GEF has been established.", + "The Government institutions involved and their staff and the local indigenous and non-indigenous communities of the Imataca Forest Reserve (RFI) will receive support to develop their capacities for the sustainable management of forests and land, and the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, generating global environmental benefits. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage). Public Policy. Promote actions at the national and international level for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (surface and underground), watersheds, biological diversity, seas, oceans and forests. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030). Action. It is planned to maintain the rate of change in forest cover at 0.20% equivalent to 90,000 hectares/year by 2030", + "It is planned to maintain the rate of change in forest cover at 0.20% equivalent to 90,000 hectares/year by 2030, by promoting and implementing measures for forest and environmental control. Base year. The action has as its base year 2020, estimating a forest cover of 46.230.900 million hectares (FRA 2020), for this purpose actions will be implemented to strengthen forest traceability mechanisms, education and awareness to communities on the effect of deforestation or land use change on climate change; actions will also be managed towards forest management and forest restoration using different forest methods. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 update. Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage). Targets. The implementation of the action is estimated for a period of 10 years, 2020 - 2030. Achievement and coverage.", + "Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage). Timeframe. The implementation of the action is estimated for a period of 10 years, 2020 - 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is national and is aimed at the forestry sector specifically towards the protection and conservation of forests directly related to CO2 capture/sequencing. Planning. A working group is planned for monitoring forests supported by the use of remote sensors and information systems programs, as well as validation of information on the ground; the action will be directed by the Ministry of the PP for Ecosocialism/General Directorate of Forest Heritage. Expert consultation will be required to plan policies, implement actions and develop indicators and evaluate results. Alternatives and Methodological approaches. IPCC methodologies are used to estimate anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs. Contribution considerations.", + "For the calculation of estimates of anthropogenic emissions and removals of GHGs, IPCC methodologies are used. Considerations of contribution. Reducing the change in forest cover positively contributes to the maintenance of forest ecosystems, biological diversity and their habitats. It also contributes to reducing soil erosion, desertification and conserving water sources, among others. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (General Directorate of Forest Heritage). Public Policy. Promote actions at the national and international level for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (both surface and groundwater), watersheds, biological diversity, seas, oceans and forests. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030). Action.", + "Promote actions at the national and international level for the protection, conservation and sustainable management of strategic areas, such as freshwater sources and reservoirs (both surface and groundwater), watersheds, biological diversity, seas, oceans and forests. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030). Action. Promote the establishment of 155,000 hectares of planted forests over a period of 8 years for multiple uses, with different forest species, within the framework of forest controls granted for the management and exploitation of forest heritage. This climate action points to a commitment by the institution. Base year. The action will start from 2022, with the promotion of the establishment of planted forests and agroforestry systems. Milestones. The implementation of the action is estimated for a period of 8 years, taking as a base year 2022, ending in 2030.", + "The implementation of the action is estimated for a period of 8 years, taking as a base year the year 2022, ending in 2030. Achievement and coverage. The action is national and is aimed at the forestry sector specifically towards the absorption of CO2. Planning. It envisages an action in compliance with the environmental measures established in the authorizations for the management and exploitation of forests, as well as encouraging planting companies to increase their area of management and reforestation projects with the communities. The action will be directed by the Ministry of the PP for the Ecosocialism/Directorate General of Forest Heritage. Amounts and. For the calculation of the estimation of CO2 absorption are used the. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Update Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Directorate General of Forest Heritage). approaches", + "Table 15. Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Policies of the Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. Update CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy. Promote the formation of brigades, schools, communes and institutions, with the aim of consolidating in a large Ecosocialist movement, which will allow the achievement of the fifth historical objective of the Plan de la Patria. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030). Action. It is planned to implement the formation of 11,414 ecobrigades in various sectors to promote the empowerment of the structures of the popular power and the student sector of Ecosocialist practices.", + "It is planned to implement the formation of 11,414 ecobrigades in various sectors to encourage the empowerment of the structures of the popular power and the student sector of the Ecosocialist practices. This climate action aims at strengthening the capacities of the Institution. Base year. It is expected to group 400,000 Ecobrigades from 2021 onwards into 11,414 ecobrigades. Spaces. The implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021, ending in 2025. Achievement and coverage. The action is directed to the forest sector directly related to the reforestation and carbon capture. Planning. A Working Group led by the Tree Mission Foundation was formed where policies are planned and actions are implemented, as well as developing indicators and evaluating results. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. For the formation and operation of the ecobrigades,", + "The formation of tree guardians will have a high impact on the development of the Foundation's policies, as it will consolidate a large Ecosocialist movement that will have an active role in the production and planting of 8,700,000 trees in degraded areas. Sector. Forest Axis Mitigation. CND Projection Update 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy. Produce the quantity of 8,797,255 plants of indigenous species: Forest, Fruit, Medicinal and Ornamental, promoting the use of agroecological practices (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030 and the National Production Plan 2021). Action. It is planned to install 55 institutional nurseries and 240 communal nurseries for the production of more than 8 million plants. Sector. Forest Axis Mitigation. CND Projection Update 2020 - 2030.", + "It is planned to install 55 institutional nurseries and 240 communal nurseries for the production of more than 8 million plants. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Plan 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). indigenous and promising. This measure aims at a measure of Capacity Building and a commitment of the institution. Base year. It is expected to produce 8,797,255 plants in a period of 5 years from 2021. Expectations. Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, from 2021, ending in 2025. Achievement and coverage. The action is directed to the Forest Sector directly related to the Reforestation and Carbon Capture. Planning.", + "Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the forest sector directly related to the reforestation and carbon capture. Planning. A Working Group was formed with the entities affiliated to MINEC, responsible for plant reproduction, where policies are planned and actions are implemented, as well as developing indicators and evaluating results. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. The 2021-2025 production plan and the plan for the installation and development of communal nurseries were developed. Considerations of the contribution. With this program, it is expected to contribute through the production of more than 8 million plants, benefits and environmental services to the ecosystem, by restoring or increasing the country's tree cover, increasing soil fertility by improving moisture retention, the physical structure of the soil and the nutrient content. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 update.", + "With this program, it is expected to contribute through the production of more than 8 million plants, environmental benefits and services to the ecosystem, restoring or increasing the country's tree cover, increasing soil fertility by improving moisture retention, the physical structure of the soil and the nutrient content. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Projection 2020 - 2030 Update. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy. Produce bio-ins, reducing the use of agrochemicals with the aim of developing agro-ecological practices in the processes of reproduction of plant material in nurseries. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030 and the Bio-ins Production Plan). Action. It is planned to produce: 2.705 liters of biocontrollers, 119 liters of biofertilizer, and 1.288.30 m3 of substrate. This climate action", + "This climate action aims at a Capacity Building measure and a commitment by the institution. Base year. The start of this bio-input production plan is planned for 2021. Milestones. Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021, ending in 2025. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the forest sector directly related to reforestation and carbon capture. Planning. A working group was formed by the MPPE and the MINPPAU to. implement the actions, in addition to developing indicators and evaluating results. Suggestions and approaches. Methodological. A manual for the production of bio-inputs was developed. Considerations of the contribution. Replacing the use of agrochemicals with the use of bio-inputs helps to improve the efficiency in the nutrition and health of plants reproduced in nurseries by adding value at source and increasing the", + "The replacement of the use of agrochemicals by the use of bio-inputs helps to improve the efficiency in the nutrition and health of plants reproduced in nurseries by adding value at source and increasing yield in a sustainable way; through their use, the. Forest Axis Mitigation Sector. CND Projection Update 2020 - 2030. Forest Axis Mitigation Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). sustainable agriculture and food security, through a. greater environmental awareness. Forest Axis Mitigation Sector. CND Projection Update 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy. Recovering national forest cover, with priority given to watersheds and degraded areas in national parks and natural monuments. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030 and the National Reforestation Strategy 2021). Action.", + "Recover national forest cover, with priority given to watersheds and degraded areas in national parks and natural monuments. (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030 and the National Reforestation Strategy 2021). Action. Establish 88 fruit forests, 127 polychrome forests occupying an area of 480 hectares, to beautify squares, avenues, communities: with the establishment of 300.000 ornamental plants, with the aim of establishing urban green centres. for the capture of C02. Base year. It is expected to start with this plan in the second half of 2021. Spaces. Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021, ending in 2025. Achievement and coverage. The action is aimed at the forest sector directly related to reforestation and carbon capture. Planning.", + "Achievement and Coverage. The action is aimed at the forest sector directly related to reforestation and carbon capture. Planning. The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed to implement the actions, as well as to develop indicators and evaluate. results. Suggestions and Methodological Approaches. The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed and the FAO methodologies for forest establishment were used. Contribution Considerations. Forests contribute to the balance of atmospheric oxygen, as well as capturing carbon dioxide, one of the main greenhouse gases, as well as hosting more than 80% of terrestrial biodiversity. The formation of these will have a positive impact on air quality as it will increase oxygen generation as well as carbon dioxide capture. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis.", + "The formation of these will have a positive impact on air quality since it will increase the generation of oxygen, as well as the capture of carbon dioxide. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Public Policy. Establish trees of indigenous and promising species, in watersheds, degraded areas in national parks and natural monuments, with the aim of increasing carbon sinks (Plan de la Patria 2019 - 2025-2030 and the National Reforestation Strategy 2021). Action. It is planned to establish the planting of 4.800.000 trees in 4000 reforestation days, with the aim of establishing green nuclei for the capture of C02. Base year. It is expected to start with this plan in the second half of 2021. Spaces. Implementation is estimated for a period of", + "Implementation is estimated for a period of 5 years, starting in 2021 and ending in 2025. Sector. Forest Mitigation Axis. CND Updating Planning 2020 - 2030. Forest Sector (Fundaci\u00f3n Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol). Achievement and Coverage. The action is directed to the Forest Sector directly related to Reforestation and Carbon Capture. Planning. The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed to implement the actions, as well as to develop indicators and evaluate results. Alternatives and Methodological Approaches. The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed and the FAO methodologies for forest establishment were used. Contribution Considerations.", + "The National Reforestation Strategy 2021 was developed and FAO methodologies for forest establishment were used. Considerations of the contribution. Increased carbon sinks in national parks and natural monuments will contribute to the balance of atmospheric oxygen, as well as capturing carbon dioxide emitted by anthropogenic action into the atmosphere, as well as being a source of water retention in watersheds. Waste Sector. Coverage of solid waste collection services reached 85% of the country by 2010, an 11% increase compared to 1999. On the other hand, the amount of solid waste generated had increased from 7 million tonnes per year in 1999 to 10 million in 2010, and the daily generation per person from 0.79 to 0.98 kilos in the same period.", + "In addition, the amount of solid waste generated had increased from 7 million tonnes per year in 1999 to 10 million in 2010, and the daily generation per person from 0.79 to 0.98 kilos in the same period. Municipal solid waste collection per state is proportional to the number of inhabitants, with the states of Zulia, Miranda, Carabobo, Anzo\u00e1tegui and the Capital District being the entities with the largest amount of waste collected.", + "Public policy. Promote actions at the national level that enable the proper management of solid waste and waste generated by the population of the country, placing emphasis on the integrated management of waste, in order to reduce its generation and ensure that its collection, exploitation and final disposal is carried out in a sanitary and environmentally safe manner (Ley de gestion Integral de la Basura and Plan de la Patria. 2019 - 2025).", + "To organize the territory and ensure the basis of ecological sustainability, through the formulation and implementation of plans for the different territorial scales, the preservation of water basins and bodies of water, the conservation and preservation of natural environments, the. promotion of programs for the integral management of solid waste and the. Sector. Waste Mitigation Axis. Updating CND Projection 2020 - 2030. Sector Waste (Department of Integrated Basin Management). culture of the people. Build public industrial policies on materials of mass consumption by the population, their environmental variables, as well as the recycling of it, in order to build an ecological balance of materials and energy of society and modify the balance of solid waste of it.", + "Build industrial public policies on materials of mass consumption by the population, their environmental variables, as well as their recycling, in order to build an ecological balance of materials and energy of society and modify the balance of solid waste of it. Define public standardization policies for the purposes of research, industrial and technological development and substitution of imports, as a state policy, of the types of systems and subsystems of solid waste collection, in order to generate economies of scale and effective maintenance systems. Generate public policies on sanitary landfills and fillings, as well as their environmental, sanitary and technological variables. Develop policies for risk mitigation and reduction of environmental impact in the system of collection and final disposal of solid waste.", + "To develop policies for risk mitigation and environmental impact reduction in the solid waste collection and disposal system. To develop the different types of solid waste collection and its industrial systems, equipment and popular accompaniment of management and counter-harvesting, in order to make them timely, regular, sufficient. To stimulate the economically productive system of recycling, generating economic value to the waste at local level, as well as its industrial use and control of smuggling of extraction. Action. National Plan of Sanitation of 35 Greenhouses, at national level for the recovery of final disposal sites and the control and capture and use of generated methane (CH4). National Plan of Construction of 2 Sanitary Fillings for the control and capture of generated methane (CH4). National Plan of Construction of 4 Transfer Stations to contribute to the proper management of waste and solid waste.", + "National Plan of Construction of 4 Transfer Stations to contribute to the proper management of waste and solid waste. This climate action aims at strengthening the institution's capacities. Base year. Year 2020 with an operational period of 10 years: 2021-2025 and 2026-2030. Milestones. It is estimated that by 2025 the following actions will be carried out: 40% sanitation of urban solid waste landfills, equivalent to 14 sites; 50% construction of sanitary fillings, equivalent to 1 site and 75% construction of transfer stations, equivalent to 3 stations. It is estimated that by 2030 the following actions will be carried out: 60% sanitation of urban solid waste landfills, equivalent to 21 sites; 50% construction of sanitary fillings, equivalent to 1 site and 25% construction of transfer stations, equivalent to 1 station. Achievement and coverage.", + "It is estimated that by 2030 the following actions will be carried out: 60% of urban solid waste landfills will be cleaned up, equivalent to 21 sites; 50% of sanitary fillings will be constructed, equivalent to 1 site; and 25% of transfer stations will be constructed, equivalent to 1 station. Achievement and coverage. The action is national and it is estimated that the actions carried out will capture 17,134 tonnes/year of CO2 (eq). Planning. The main institutions involved in the project are: Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC), and Governments and municipalities of. Sector. Waste Axis Mitigation.", + "Methodological Options and Approaches. IPCC methodologies, based on emission factors, engineering calculations and mathematical models, are used to calculate GHG emissions to obtain acceptable data to assist in the formulation, implementation, evaluation of environmental policy strategies and measures to promote sustainable management of GHGs. Contribution Considerations. Institutions involved in the calculation of GHGs should receive technical support and funding to develop their capacities in this area. LINEARITY 2. ADAPTATION. Article 4 of the Framework Convention requires Parties to formulate, implement, publish and regularly update national and, where appropriate, regional programmes containing (...) measures to facilitate adequate adaptation to climate change.", + "The Framework Convention establishes in Article 4 that Parties shall formulate, implement, publish and regularly update national and, as appropriate, regional programmes containing (...) measures to facilitate adequate adaptation to climate change.", + "Both legal frameworks on climate change (the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement) guide the preparation and content of the Adaptation Communication.The Group I Report on the Physical Basis of Climate Change (2021), of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), concludes that warming in the climate system is a reality and that unprecedented changes are being observed.Significant changes in climatic variables, in particular precipitation and temperature, put at risk the normal development of society in many countries, and especially the resource-poor populations of the so-called developing countries, who will suffer the most adverse effects due to their greater vulnerability.", + "Significant changes in climatic variables, in particular precipitation and temperature, pose a risk to the normal development of society in many countries, and especially to the resource-poor populations of the so-called developing countries, who will suffer the most adverse effects due to their greater vulnerability. In September 2015, the UN adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, together with an Agenda that includes 17 Goals and 169 targets to be achieved by countries in the period 2016-2030 in order to move towards a sustainable world.", + "In September 2015, the UN adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, together with an Agenda that includes 17 Goals and 169 targets to be achieved by countries in the period 2016-2030 in order to move towards a sustainable world. Goal 13 of the Goals is aimed at: \u201cTaking urgent action against climate change\u201d. In turn, this Goal presents five goals that include, among others: Strengthening resilience and capacity to adapt to climate-related risks and natural disasters in all countries; incorporating climate change measures into national policies, strategies and plans; and improving education, awareness and human and institutional capacity in relation to climate change mitigation, adaptation, mitigation and early warning.", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (CRBV) in its Article 127, determines that it is an individual and collective right to enjoy a life and a safe, healthy and ecologically balanced environment.", + "In this regard, Venezuela has a substantial legal and normative framework, which regulates the implementation of policies, programmes, plans and projects, and underpins the actions of the State aimed at adapting to the effects of climate change, in order to face the conditions of vulnerability.", + "In the legal field, Venezuela has a substantial legal and normative framework, which regulates the implementation of policies, programmes, plans and projects, and underpins the actions of the state aimed at adapting to the effects of climate change, in order to face the conditions of vulnerability.", + "In addition, Venezuela has adopted the disaster prevention and management approaches of various international bodies, such as the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR).", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the Chambers of Deputies, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United", + "In addition, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has adopted a number of measures aimed at combating climate change, such as the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Climate Change (MARN) and the establishment of the National Commission for the Prevention of Climate Change (CONAPREDEC).", + "In addition, the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela provides for the management of risks and emergencies as competences of the National Public Authority, as well as the Law of the National Civil Protection Organization and Disaster Management, where a multidisciplinary and multisectoral process is being developed to incorporate risk management and disaster reduction into the planning of economic and social development.", + "In this process, ministries linked to the subject (Environment, Science and Technology, Education, Culture and Sports, Higher Education, Agriculture and Lands, Energy and Mines, Health and Social Development, Interior and Justice, and External Relations), as well as companies linked to specific sectors, such as the water sector (HIDROVEN) and the oil sector (PDVSA), as well as other related bodies and academic institutions, such as the Geographical Institute of Venezuela Sim\u00f3n Bol\u00edvar and universities, participate.", + "At the Andean regional level, Venezuela participates in the Andean Committee for Disaster Prevention and Management (CAPRADE), where the Andean Strategy for Disaster Prevention and Management has been formulated.", + "In addition, the Committee foresees the establishment of sectoral technical subcommittees and specialized working teams for actions and measures in the field of civil protection and disaster management. In compliance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic and the general lines of foreign policy, the country has adopted the guidelines for disaster prevention and care of various international bodies, such as the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR).", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela assumes the political commitment at the highest level for the adaptation of all bodies and entities of the public administration in its operational plans for the implementation of the ODS. To achieve success in adaptation, it is necessary to add continuous effort of all social actors, since a profound change in production models, patterns of use of natural resources and in the consumption of goods and services is required. In this sense, the objectives must be achieved as follows: Reduce vulnerability to the effects of climate change by promoting adaptation capacity and resilience.", + "Reduce vulnerability to the effects of climate change through the promotion of adaptation capacity and resilience. Facilitate the integration of adaptation to climate change, in a coherent manner, into relevant policies, programmes and activities, new and existing, in particular development planning processes and strategies, in all relevant sectors and at different levels. Cross-cutting issues guiding adaptation. Venezuela presents ambitious contributions in adaptation, covering actions and policies towards fair and sustainable development. These contributions have been advanced voluntarily and with its own funding, framed in the National Economic and Social Development Plan (Plan de Patria), which sets the priority of combating climate change within the framework of an integral, humanistic and ecosocialist development oriented towards a good life in harmony with Mother Earth.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela presents through this document, its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), through actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation, for the fight against climate change and its effects, taking into account what was established in the decisions under the UNFCCC, 1992, the Paris Agreement 2015.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela presents through this document, its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), through actions and programmes with an impact on Adaptation, for the fight against climate change and its effects, taking into account what is established in the decisions under the UNFCCC, 1992, the Paris Agreement 2015. PROPOSED BY SECTORS. Within this context, the tables relating to the policies contained in the Official Document of the NDCs of Venezuela, which were presented in 2017, and which cover the period 2020 - 2030, are updated under the following sectors: Agriculture (Food Security); Urban Agriculture; Water; Urban Settlements (Living); Science and Technology; Communities (Popular Organization); Basic Education; University Education; Gender (Women and Gender Equality); Youth and Sports; Mining; Indigenous Peoples; Risk and Disaster; Health;", + "Gender Sector (Women and Gender Equality); Youth and Sports Sector; Mining Sector; Indigenous Peoples Sector; Risk and Disaster Sector; Health Sector; Labour Sector (Social Justice); Environmental Quality Management Directorate-General Sector (Water Quality Monitoring - Environmental Laboratories); Ecosystems Sector (Coastal Zone, Territorial Management, Mountains, Wetlands); Biodiversity Sector (Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity); Agriculture Sector (Food Security); The agricultural sector is one of the most vulnerable to climate change, coupled with anthropogenic processes, as long as climate change is the most drastic.", + "However, much of the global greenhouse gas emissions come from this sector, mainly due to the intensive use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, the digestive process of ruminants, the excessive use of fossil energy and the inappropriate management and use of soil (erosion, pollution), so agricultural activity then has a great responsibility for climate change, but it is also one of the most affected by it.", + "However, much of the global greenhouse gas comes from this sector, mainly due to the intensive use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, the digestive process of ruminants, the excessive use of fossil energy and the inappropriate management and use of soil (erosion, pollution), so agricultural activity then has a great responsibility for climate change, but it is also one of the most affected by it.", + "Agriecology emerges as an alternative and ancestral type of agriculture, to cope with conventional practices, by promoting sustainable practices such as the production and use of bio-inputs, cover crops, as well as the combination of crops and livestock farming, agroforestry, among others, that allow greater carbon sequestration; in it, the materialism of conventional agriculture is replaced by a more respectful vision of the environment and seeks to coexist with the environment without attacking it, and as an added value to minimize the environmental impact and food safety.", + "It is important to remember that climate change affects the patterns of crop phenology and yields, so the Ministry of Popular Power for Productive Agriculture and Lands (MPPAPT), through the National Institute of Integral Agricultural Health (INSAI), its bio-input laboratories provide farmers with biological agricultural inputs, with the aim of reducing the toxic load and carbon footprint, reducing production costs and having more resilient and sustainable systems.", + "In addition to these policies, the INSAI has carried out activities of catching, training and accompaniment for agro-ecological or organic production to producers (small, large, rural, urban, among others) at national level, in which they are trained in the artisanal production and use of agro-ecological inputs (bioles, purines, organic fertilizers, green fertilizers, mineral broths, etc.), with the aim of bringing them closer to these technologies and this will enable them to make changes and adjustments to climate change.", + "Finally, it is important to emphasize that in recent years the efforts made have been hampered by the impact of the coercive and unilateral measures to which the country has been subjected and the COVID - 19 pandemic, reducing the productive capacity of bio-insecticide laboratories and the amount of activities of capture, training and accompanying for agro-ecological or organic production to producers.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Agriculture (Food Security) Sector. Summary of the actions and programs with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programs with impact on adaptation year 2017. Development and implementation of agroecological systems (Bioinput Laboratory Network). Description of the results of the Action implemented in the First NDC of Venezuela. Table 1. Production of agricultural bioinputs in laboratories. Year Biofertilizers (Lts) Biocontrollers (Dosis). 2015 19.301 28.564. 2016 14.735 17.540. 2017 15.667 10.558. 2018 26.005 11.655. 2019 872 958. 2020 154 242. 2021* 379 200. Total 77.113 69.717. Table 2.", + "Capture Activities,. Year Training and Beneficiaries Accompaniments. 2015 8.049 120.735. 2016 4.163 62.445. 2017 4.241 63.615. 2018 3.850 53.900. 2019 2.695 26.950. 2020 1.270 12.700. 2021* 1.077 10.770. Total 25.345 351.115. * Data up to June 2021. Actions and/or measures for updating the NDCs to 2030. 200.000 farmers. Description of the action. Institution responsible for the actions. INSAI. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. No legal instruments. No beneficiaries. No capture, training and accompaniment activities. No agro-ecological system. Ten (10) legal instruments will be created and implemented to implement actions for agro-ecological crop production to reduce the toxic burden and minimise the impacts of climate change, as well as for the regulation or", + "Ten (10) legal instruments will be created and implemented to implement actions for agro-ecological crop production to reduce the toxic burden and minimise the impacts of climate change, as well as for the regulation or prohibition of the agricultural use of highly toxic synthetic pesticides. 90 \u201cnon-contaminating\u201d agro-ecological systems will be implemented. 50,000 activities will be carried out for the collection, training and accompaniment of agro-ecological or organic production to producers, at national level. It is expected to benefit a. 20,000 litres of biofertilizers and 20,000 doses of biocontrollers will be produced, in agricultural bio-insecticides laboratories. Legal instruments will be developed at the INSAI headquarters, by the staff of the Directorate of Aggressology and Popular Participation and the Legal Consultancy, after a ", + "The legal instruments will be developed at the INSAI headquarters, by the staff of the Directorate of Aggressology and Popular Participation and the Legal Consultancy, after having made a diagnosis of national needs, and the revision of public policies and guidelines emanating from the MPPAT, with regard to climate change and environmental conservation.The agro-ecological systems, will be developed in conjunction with organized agricultural communities, in rural and urban areas.With this action it is expected to benefit 90 agricultural communities in the acquisition of technical knowledge, to increase resilience to climate change.Capture, training and accompanying activities will be carried out, through visits and inspections of field technicians, at national level, so that producers adapt to the new climatic variations that are being presented in the present to the future, it is expected to benefit 200,000 farmers.", + "Capture, training and accompanying activities will be carried out, through visits and inspections of field technicians, at the national level so that producers adapt to the new climatic variations that are being presented in the present to the future, it is expected to benefit 200,000 farmers. The production of bio-ingredients will be carried out in the laboratories of INSAI, to benefit farmers of the neighboring communities, in order to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases caused by the Nox compounds. Figure 02. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Sector Agriculture (Food Security) - Corporaci\u00f3n Socialista del Cacao Venezolano S.A., against the mitigation/adaptation of climate change and the production process of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L), in Venezuela.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Sector Agriculture (Food Security) - Socialist Cacao Corporation Venezuelan S.A., against the mitigation/adaptation of climate change and the production process of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L), in Venezuela. A brief summary of the actions and programs with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programs undertaken by the CSCV with impact on adaptation update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. Conservation of agrobiodiversity. Agroecology. Reduction of climate risks in agricultural activities. Sustainable development of cocoa cultivation (Theobroma cacao L) in the country, as a strategic heading for the protection and conservation of the environment", + "The National Plan of Action for the Advancement of Women, adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 55/258 of 20 December 2000, provides a framework for the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, entitled \u201cWomen 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century\u201d.", + "Trade fairs aimed at cocoa producers and artisans have been held in support of promoting the sustainable production of ruby cocoa, while workshops and comprehensive training sessions for producers have been held at national level. Community approaches have been developed in sectors dedicated to the cocoa sector, in order to foster experiences for the sustainable production of cocoa and its derivatives. Certification of origin of the highest deficiency cocoa in the Barlovento region has been obtained, as a mechanism for the conservation of agrobiodiversity to minimise the impacts of climate change on Venezuela's cocoa. Participated in the launch of the Biodiversity Conservation Project in Venezuela, together with the Ministry of Ecosocialism and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), creating a favourable environment for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.", + "It participated in the launch of the Biodiversity Conservation Project in Venezuela, together with the Ministry of Ecosocialism and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), creating a favourable environment for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.", + "By means of Decree 8.157 created in April 2011, which declared cocoa as a national production item, a primary necessity and a fundamental pillar of the agricultural security and sovereignty of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, giving priority to the production of cocoa, chocolate and its products and by-products throughout the country.", + "In the year 2018, the Territorial Polytechnic University of Barlovento \u201cArgelia Laya\u201d creates the first postgraduate degree at national level specialized in the cocoa sector, called the National Advanced Training Program in Sustainable Cocoa Production and Its Derivatives (PNFA-PSCD) as a sustainable alternative to agricultural production to the new climatic conditions.", + "Activities of rural extension in cocoa-growing communities have been developed with the aim of advising cocoa farmers in the management of cocoa cultivation and contributing to the adaptation of cocoa farmers to a new form of agricultural performance that promotes environmental sustainability, limiting the use of synthetic products in plantations in order to promote the cultivation and capture of CO2 in this way to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and boost planting and harvesting yields.", + "is proposing cocoa as a strategic rubber for the conservation and preservation of the environment, thus promoting cocoa cultivation (Theobroma cacao L), as an alternative to reforestation in Venezuela. Actions and/or measures for updating the CND to 2030. of strategies of sustainability with the environment. Description of the action. Promote and protect the production of cocoa cultivation, through the promotion of the National Cocoa Law in Venezuela. This legal tool will establish norms relating to the protection of the genetics of Venezuelan cocoa, as well as regulate administrative processes, development, export, coordination and supervision of training activities, production, processing and distribution, where the Socialist Venezuelan Cocoa Corporation, S.A. as an entity responsible for activities in the cocoa sector, takes greater legal responsibility in this matter.", + "This legal tool will establish norms relating to the protection of the genetics of Venezuelan cocoa, as well as regulate administrative processes, development, export, coordination and supervision of training activities, production, processing and distribution, where the Venezuelan Socialist Cocoa Corporation, S.A., as the entity responsible for the activities in the cocoa sector, takes greater legal responsibility in this matter.", + "Sustainable cocoa production is essential to improve the quality of life of our cocoa farmers, but within the consumption of natural resources, as has already been mentioned, there are forms of production that deplete and degrade these resources, and agriculture is one of the activities that, when applied improperly, pays a price for this problem.", + "However, cocoa cultivation has particular characteristics that make it a sustainable system of agricultural production, cocoa plantations are based on agroforestry systems that maintain synergies between their components, allowing the exploitation of leaves from forest trees and cocoa to provide organic material to the soil, as well as creating vegetation cover that protects the soil from abiotic factors, in this sense within this system a microclimate is created for plants such as heliconias that serve as nests for cocoa pollinating insects.", + "These are just some of the interactions that provide this type of system, which are recognized as ecological and conservationist. For these reasons, the agricultural production of cocoa is a mode of sustainable consumption. Development of scientific research, training and processes of technological transfer as a strategy to contribute to the prevention and optimal attention of the cocoa agroecosystem, in order to promote the sustainability and resilience of the cocoa cultivation to the new climatic conditions. Processes will be strengthened for the promotion and development of scientific research in the cocoa sector, addressing key themes for the creation of knowledge and innovations that address the cocoa agroecosystem. Being the agroforestry cocoa systems productive spaces that offer benefits to the environment, due to the qualities of the system, contributing to the conservation of the soil and existing biodiversity.", + "Being the agroforestry systems cocoa-growing areas that offer benefits to the environment, due to the qualities of the system, contributing to the conservation of the. soil and existing biodiversity. will strengthen the current legal framework for the sustainable development of the cocoa rubber by implementing actions to ensure the protection of the cocoa cultivation (Theobroma cacao L) being extremely relevant for agriculture and food security against the impacts of climate change. will increase the planted and rehabilitated area of the cocoa cultivation with the practice and use of nurseries (seed) is intended to contribute to the reduction of the global emission of greenhouse gases and in turn will consolidate the development of agroecological practices implemented by cocoa farmers.", + "It will increase the area planted and rehabilitated of cocoa cultivation with the practice and use of nurseries (seedling) it is intended to contribute to the reduction of the global emission of greenhouse gases and in turn will consolidate the development of agroecological practices implemented by cocoa farmers. It will strengthen the development of scientific research, training and processes of technological transfer as a strategy to contribute to the prevention and optimal attention of the cocoa agroecosystem, in order to promote the sustainability and resilience of cocoa cultivation to the new climatic conditions. It will strengthen the practice of cocoa culture as an agricultural-social activity, promoting that families who are working in this area can demonstrate the yield in production and the quality of the fruit, is closely related to the use.", + "The practice of cocoa cultivation will be strengthened as an agricultural-social activity, promoting that families working in this area can demonstrate the yield in production and the quality of the fruit, is closely related to the use. Institution responsible for the actions: Socialist Corporation of Venezuelan Cocoa S.A. Linking with ODS. The CSCV is linked to the ODS:ODS 1: End Poverty. Eradicate extreme poverty for all people in the world. ODS 2: Hunger Fire. End hunger and ensure access to all people a healthy, nutritious and sufficient food for one year. ODS 11: Ensure that cities and human settlements are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. ODS 13: Take urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects.", + "ODS 11: Ensuring that cities and human settlements are inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. ODS 13: Taking urgent measures to combat climate change and its effects. ODS 15: Protecting, restoring and promoting the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, managing forests in a sustainable manner, combating desertification and halting and reversing land degradation, and halting the loss of biological diversity.", + "Evidence of the reduction of water for agricultural purposes and the harvesting of water for the development of cocoa cultivation. Capable producers and multipliers of experience as agents generating environmental well-being through the performance of their productive work. Increase in the use of organic products generated by producers for the cultivation, cultivation and harvesting of cocoa. Increase in the extensions of the cultivation with the minimum tillage of the soil and applying vegetation covers and other agroecological techniques. Clear reduction of logging and burning in the practice of cocoa cultivation, and incorporation of organic matter in the soil and reduction of inputs, achieving CO2 retention and combating erosion or degradation of the soil. Capture and registration of producers, craftsmen and companies that carry out activities in the cocoa sector", + "Capture and registration of producers, artisans and companies that carry out activities in the cocoa sector, in order to improve the value chain of the cocoa rubber. Urban Agriculture. The Ministry of Popular Power for Urban Agriculture (MINPPAU), with an efficient and effective Management in results oriented towards the democratization of production and the strengthening of popular power, promoting the development of the agro-food production chain from the production, marketing and processing of food. With strategic and innovative approaches, which guarantee sustainable and Eco-Socialist production, by agro-urban producers strengthening their productive management model.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Urban Agriculture Sector. Summary of the actions and programmes with impact on Adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with impact on Adaptation. Creation of agroecological systems based on sustainability and respect for natural ecosystem processes, urban and peri-urban agricultural systems and prevention of climate risk. Description of the Action. Urban Agriculture is a factor that plays an important role in relation to food security, with more than one hundred (100) million people involved in urban horticulture, this organic and community practice is growing exponentially.", + "Where urban agriculture contributes to both mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Therefore, it is one of the most widely adopted current tools for creating resilient food systems. The agricultural sector is a major source of pollution, accounting for between 20% and 30% of global carbon emissions. Urban agriculture, on the other hand, is often characterized by the use of sustainable practices, which are beneficial to the soil. Thus, instead of requiring massive amounts of clean water, innovative systems can be adopted to recycle grey water. This can be done by diverting rainfall in the rainy season or storing used water in the home, and then watering plants. Similarly, urban waste management programs can transform organic matter into natural fertilizers, which will subsequently be used in urban agriculture projects.", + "Similarly, urban waste management programs can transform organic matter into natural fertilizers, which will then be used in urban agriculture projects. These fertilizers replace chemical fertilizers based on oil and reduce methane emissions in landfills. These practices not only reduce the use of harmful agricultural inputs, but also reduce urban pollution and thus mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. The local character of urban agriculture can be drastically reduced, the contribution that conventional agriculture makes and contributes to improving climate change. The purchase of local food significantly reduces the \u201cfood mileage\u201d, i.e. the distance goods travel to reach consumers. It also reduces transport-related carbon emissions.", + "The purchase of local food significantly reduces the \u201cfood mileage\u201d, i.e. the distance that goods travel to reach consumers. It also reduces transport-related carbon emissions. Urban agriculture contributes to climate change mitigation and adaptation with the production of good quality food, minimizing the anticipated drastic effects on food supply and demand generated by environmental changes. In this context, urban and peri-urban agriculture can increase the production of fresh and nutritious food to a city. Therefore, urban agriculture not only helps to mitigate climate change, but also helps to forge more resilient food systems and improve food security.", + "Since guaranteeing the right to food is a complex task that depends on many. factors, it should not be solely the responsibility of the national government. On the contrary, citizens, in the private sector and municipal and state governments, can and must play an active role. Strategies:To increase food security and sovereignty at local and national level, local actors can implement strategies and policies aimed at creating a fair and sustainable food system. In this sense, it is considered essential to complement traditional food production and supply systems, by promoting urban and peri-urban agriculture, through the following strategies:.", + "In this sense, it is considered essential to complement the traditional systems of production and food supply, promoting urban and peri-urban agriculture, through the following strategies:. Actions and/or adjusted measures for the updating of the CND to 2030. climate conditions. Description of the action. The environmental impact is obvious for all scenarios, however Venezuela is characterized by taking measures of environmental security, even going further with strong environmental policies, in the sector of Urban Agriculture, the Ministry of Urban Agriculture takes responsibility and. is committed to responding to climate change, taking as a reference conuquerros and. Establishing an action plan to deal with the effects of climate change, which integrates different entities and levels of government, adapted both to different forms of agriculture and to different climate zones of the country.", + "Establishing an action plan to address the effects of climate change, which integrates different entities and levels of government, adapted both to different forms of agriculture and to different climate zones of the country. Identifying areas susceptible to fires, floods and other severe climate events in both urban and rural areas. Creating contingency programmes, such as the activation of the P (Production) of the Clap, of 10 thousand Clap through sowing and breeding to produce some 270 thousand tonnes of food to cover some 500 thousand families. Implementing and/or subsidizing natural conservation practices, to create resilience to climate change. Providing funds to support farmers, interested in making a transition of inputs, with derivatives of oil and synthetic fertilizers, towards natural methods for pest control and the recovery of soil fertility.", + "We have funds to support farmers who are interested in making a transition from inputs, with derivatives of oil and synthetic fertilizers, to natural methods for controlling pests and restoring soil fertility. We have created training programmes and crop rotation to mitigate the spread of pests and the impact of climate change. Municipal and state governments are currently developing policies aimed at improving production processes, which contribute to climate change. The National Recovery Plan, Maintenance of Existing Agricultural Machinery, which is being implemented by the socialist company Pedro Camejo, will be completed in order to implement more effectively the actions that will boost the relaunch of the Gran Misi\u00f3n AgroVenezuela to strengthen national production by guaranteeing food security.", + "The National Plan for the Restoration and Maintenance of Existing Agricultural Machineries, which is being implemented by the socialist company Pedro Camejo, will be completed in order to implement more effectively the actions that will boost the relaunch of the Gran Misi\u00f3n AgroVenezuela for the strengthening of national production by guaranteeing food security.", + "The National Institute of Agricultural Research of Lines will be repulsed in order to guarantee the research, planning and multiplication of seeds and materials of new plant genetics for national production, to advance in the rescue of indigenous seeds of indigenous and Afrodescendant peasant origin through seminarist producers linked to the organization of the popular base of the popular power to adapt to the new ones. The bases of the Popular Power will be consolidated in order to strengthen the great mission of Agrovenezuela through good agricultural practices to help the food system and to be more resilient to climatic conditions. Science will be strengthened for the development of the training of scientists in the agricultural area to adapt to climatic conditions.", + "Science will be strengthened for the development of the training of scientists in the area of agriculture to adapt to climatic conditions.The spaces of farmers will be consolidated as set out in the Plan of the Country for the Highest Possible Happiness by guaranteeing food sovereignty.Conucans as the main actors in the strategic plan of urban agriculture, which translates into matters of public programs and projects in a food production that minimizes the risks of agricultural production, the proper management of water and other inputs in general, a guide will be established through the different maps of sowing schedules, in the face of events of drought and rainfall that do not directly impact on the production of urban agriculture.Objective.", + "Objective To stimulate and develop plans, programmes and projects in the field of agri-food production and food processing, which will enable the strengthening of the agricultural, poultry and urban livestock economy, in cities and areas close to them, with new forms of production oriented to self-sufficiency, sustainable and small-scale, improving the production chain between producers and final consumers, guaranteeing food security and sovereignty throughout the national territory, as well as.", + "To stimulate and develop plans, programmes and projects in the field of agri-food production and food processing, which will enable the strengthening of the agricultural, poultry and urban livestock economy, in cities and areas close to them, with new forms of production oriented to self-supply, sustainable and small-scale, improving the productive chain between producers and final consumers, guaranteeing food security and sovereignty throughout the national territory, as well as. the strengthening of the productive power of the people.", + "Venezuela is among the first 11 nations with proven reserves of fresh water on the planet, a unique and limited natural resource essential for the life and development of the nation.", + "Recognizing the importance of water for life, sovereignty and peace, on June 15, 2018, the Ministry of the People's Power for Water Care was created under the instructions of our President Nicol\u00e1s Maduro, marking a historic milestone by creating for the first time in our Republic a scientific-technical entity that exclusively assumes the competences assigned by the National Executive for Ecosocialist Water Management, based on the sustainable management of the 16 hydrographic regions to ensure the protection and safeguarding of sources, fair and equitable access to water for its various uses and to sanitation, under a public, democratic, participatory and pro-Tagagon management scheme.", + "Recognizing the importance of water for life, sovereignty and peace, on June 15, 2018, the Ministry of the People's Power for Water Care was created under the instructions of our President Nicol\u00e1s Maduro, marking a historic milestone by creating for the first time in our Republic a scientific-technical entity that exclusively assumes the competences assigned by the National Executive for the Ecosocialist Management of Waters, based on the sustainable management of the 16 hydrographic regions to ensure the protection and safeguarding of sources, fair and equitable access to water for its various uses and sanitation, under a public, democratic, participatory and pro-tagonal management scheme.", + "The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela establishes in its Article 304 that \u201call waters are property in the public domain of the nation, irreplaceable for life and development. The law will establish the necessary provisions in order to guarantee their protection, exploitation and recovery, respecting the phases of the hydrological cycle and the criteria of territorial planning.\u201d Starting from the constitutional mandate, on April 6, 2019, the National Consultation for the elaboration of the National Water System Plan was held, bringing together various actors with competences linked to the sector, resulting in 6 lines of action whose strategic lines and actions were collectively updated by the water workers in August 2020.", + "Starting from the constitutional mandate, on April 6, 2019, the National Consultation for the elaboration of the National Water System Plan was carried out, bringing together various actors with competences linked to the sector, resulting in 6 action lines whose strategic lines and actions were collectively updated by the water workers in August 2020.", + "The first is the People's Government of Water and includes the strengthening and development of Technical Water Boards, Community Water Management Rooms, Community Brigades, Community Information Networks, Mass Reporting Systems, the registration of public and private water distributors, a new legal framework for water and the implementation of community projects for improvements in drinking water service and sanitation.", + "The third vector corresponds to the Integral Security of the Water System and seeks to guarantee and strengthen physical, technological and industrial security in all processes of the national water system, in coordination with the various state security bodies.", + "The third is the Integral Security of the Water System and seeks to guarantee and strengthen physical, technological and industrial security in all the processes of the national water system, in coordination with the various security bodies of the State.", + "The fourth vector refers to Education, Technological Innovation and Productive Sequencing through the development of educational programs, communication campaigns, pre- and post-graduate in water matters, alternative techniques of collection and potable water, preservation of ancestral knowledge, design of prototypes of parts and components, integral study of watersheds and everything related to the implementation of the National Water Industry.The fifth vector corresponds to the Integral Transformation of the Management Model and groups actions for the strengthening of the mechanisms of water management and the revolutionary transfer of service to organized communities, as well as actions for the collection, training and integral attention of the working people of water.", + "The fifth vector corresponds to the Integral Transformation of the Management Model and groups actions for the strengthening of water management mechanisms and the revolutionary transfer of service to organized communities, as well as actions for the collection, training and integral attention of the water-workers.", + "The sixth vertice groups together actions for the sowing and harvesting of water that include strategies for the protection and recovery of water at the source, a network for monitoring the quantity and quality of water, institutional organization through the Councils of Hydrographic Regions and Councils of Hydrographic Basin, administrative control of the exploitation of water at the source, storage in reservoirs, control and management of groundwater, as well as the integral management of risks of floods, droughts and structural failures of dams and complementary works that may adversely affect people and their property.", + "We therefore have a strategic plan to continue advancing together and jointly in the integrated management of water, in line with our Plan of the Motherland 2019 - 2025 and in the interests of compliance with ODS 6 of the UN 2030 Agenda and the various international agreements. Within this overall context, the following is presented: Figure 04, relating to the Nationally Determined Contribution Policies presented by the Water Sector. Figure 04. Nationally Determined Contribution Policies (NDCs) presented by the Water Sector. Figure summarizes the actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation to climate change. Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs). Actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation in 2017. Water Conservation and Management. Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela.", + "Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017. Water conservation and management. Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. In our country annually 10.6 billion cubic meters of raw water are extracted, of which 54% is used for electricity generation, 35% for human consumption, 6% for agriculture, livestock and forestry and 5% for the manufacturing industry. As regards the coverage of the drinking water service, it should be stressed that Venezuela reached in 2007 (eight years before the agreed) the millennium goal set in the UN Agenda, by achieving access to drinking water for 96% of the population, in a process that involves more than 2,023 installations, more than 32,000 kilometers of pipelines and more than 18,000 deep wells at national level.", + "As regards the coverage of the drinking water service, it should be stressed that Venezuela reached in 2007 (eight years before the agreed) the Millennium Goal set out in the UN Agenda, by achieving access to drinking water for 96% of the population, in a process that involves more than 2,023 installations, more than 32,000 kilometres of pipes and more than 18,000 deep wells nationwide, and we have also managed to collect 70% of the water served.", + "On the other hand, we have also succeeded in collecting 70% of the water supplied: in heroic action of resistance, the water-workers increased the capacity to produce drinking water to 134,400 litres per second in 2020, all in the midst of the aggression of the United States of America and the European Union through unilateral coercive measures, in the context of the recovery of the National Electricity System following the systematic criminal attack carried out in 2019, which has conspired against the efficiency and quality of the provision of drinking water service since 95% of the systems require electricity to operate; and also facing severe drought periods from 2013 to 2017 and during 2019 and part of 2020.", + "In a heroic act of resistance, the water workers increased the capacity of drinking water production to 134,400 litres per second in 2020, all in the midst of the aggression of the United States of America and the European Union through unilateral coercive measures, within the framework of the recovery of the National Electricity System after the systematic criminal attack carried out in 2019, which has conspired against the efficiency and quality of the provision of the drinking water service since 95% of the systems require electricity to operate; and also facing severe drought periods from 2013 to 2017 and during 2019 and part of 2020.", + "In the same way, we have made progress in the popular organization with a view to the revolutionary transfer of the service, reaching 4,670 active technical water tables by 2020 with the participation of 11,124 voices and voices in addition to the formation of Community Brigades for the repair of minor breakdowns and for the protection and safeguarding of sources. On the other hand, the legal governance of water in all its forms does not today respond to a single and uniform legal regime, but is dispersed in several normative bodies. In this sense, on June 8, 2021, the proposal presented by the Standing Committee on Administration and Services of the National Assembly that will unify in a single body the Water Law and the Law on the Provision of Drinking Water and Sanitation Services was approved unanimously in First Discussion.", + "With regard to awareness-raising on the use, protection and exploitation of water, promoting the recovery of ancestral practices and knowledge, the \u201cWater in Our Lives\u201d Program has been implemented in more than 2,750 educational institutions, which seeks to raise awareness among children and adolescents through various educational and recreational tools, including the \u201cWater Walks\u201d video game, an application for Android and Canaima 4.0 onwards, developed within the framework of the TECNI-CIENCI-ANDO Project.", + "With regard to awareness-raising on the use, protection and exploitation of water, promoting the recovery of ancestral practices and knowledge, the \u201cWater in Our Lives\u201d Program has been implemented in more than 2,750 educational institutions, which seeks to raise awareness among children, young people and adolescents through various educational and recreational tools, including the video game \u201cWater Paths\u201d, an application for Android and Canaima 4.0 onwards, developed within the framework of the TECNI-CIENCI-ANDO Project.", + "With regard to the protection and preservation of water in sources, as one of the actions for adaptation to climate change, we continue with the realization of dredging, removal of borax, cleaning of discharge channels, works of rehabilitation and maintenance of reservoirs, works for flood control and updating and characterization of well networks.", + "As regards the protection and preservation of water in sources, as one of the actions for the adaptation to climate change, we continue with the realization of dredging, removal of bora, cleaning of discharge channels, works of rehabilitation and maintenance of reservoirs, works for the control of floods and updating and characterization of the network of wells. In addition, we have the National Fund for the Integral Management of Water (FONAGUAS), the Strategic Plan for the Safety of the National Water System and the National Plan for the Safety of the Reservoir System of Venezuela. Actions and/or measures for the updating of the CND to 2030. 1. Popular Government of Water. 2. Strengthening of the National Water System. 3. Integral Safety of the National Water System. 4. Education, Technological Innovation and Productive Coordination.", + "The Government of the People's Republic of China, in cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commission", + "In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior has adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring the protection of the rights of the child.", + "Other educational programmes to raise the awareness of children about water resources. 5. Integral Transformation of the Management Model. o 292 experiences of revolutionary transfer of service to the organized community will be consolidated for the rational use of water resources and to respond to natural or anthropogenic threats that may be presented at the national level due to the effects of climate vulnerability. 6. Seedling and harvesting of water. purpose is research on water, management, education and capacity building in water resources in the face of the effects of climate change. Description of the action. Objectives. people working with water, and institutions of. The operations of the National Water Industry (INASA) will be consolidated with the aim of ensuring knowledge and endogenous techniques in the treatment, purification and distribution of water resources to the most vulnerable populations.", + "The National Water Industry (INASA) operations will be consolidated with the aim of ensuring endogenous knowledge and techniques in the treatment, purification and distribution of the water resource to the most vulnerable populations. 100% of the Basic Schools will be addressed with the \u201cWater in Our Lives\u201d Program. An application will be provided for the monitoring and control of the implementation of the Map of Solutions, the impacts of the service and the registration of Technical Water Boards for the integral management of the water resource. The National Fund for Integral Water Management (FONAGUAS) will be consolidated with the aim of distributing the water resource among the different possible uses of the water. The maintenance of the country\u2019s 104 reservoirs will be rehabilitated and stabilized to ensure the optimum supply of the water resource.", + "It will rehabilitate and stabilize the maintenance of the country's 104 reservoirs in order to guarantee the optimum supply of water resources.The UNESCO International Hydrological Programme will be implemented in Venezuela, which will: Promote and strengthen Popular Water Management, as a fundamental policy for direct and pro-tagonal democracy in the sector, aiming at generating experiences of socialist co-management and self-management of services through the Revolutionary Transfer of Water Service to the People's Power, actively encouraging the participation of the people organized through Technical Water Boards, Community Water Councils and Community Water Management Rooms, fully integrated with the Communities.", + "To stimulate and strengthen the Popular Water Management, as a fundamental policy for direct and protagonal democracy in the sector, aiming at generating experiences of socialist co-management and self-management of services through the Revolutionary Transfer of Water Service to the People's Power, actively encouraging the participation of the organized people through the Technical Water Boards, Community Water Councils and Community Water Management Rooms, fully integrated with the Communities.", + "Strengthen and expand the production and distribution of drinking water by means of the integral development and maintenance of the water infrastructure and the conservation and management of water sources, in order to guarantee the satisfaction of current and future needs of the population. Generate an integral prevention system for the national water service, oriented to the reduction of criminal actions against the service, also addressing actions for the technical and industrial safety of the processes, as well as State policies linked to the integral management of the risk associated with adverse natural or anthropogenic events. Achieve sovereignty and independence in all areas of the productive processes of the water sector, starting from a new water culture, with a scheme of thought and action that is evident in the popular organization of water.", + "Achieve sovereignty and independence in all areas of the productive processes of the water sector, starting from a new water culture, with a scheme of thought and action that is evident in the popular organization of water,. training, with the aim of strengthening the national water service. e. Transform the model of management of the provision of drinking water service, guaranteeing the human right of access to water for all Venezuelans, with the protagonal participation of the organized people and the people working for water, through a sovereign and sustainable model, that will enable the promotion of the technical and political knowledge and skills necessary for the productive process of water. f. Strengthen the Integral Management of Water in Watersheds with an emphasis on the protection, sustainable exploitation and recovery of both surface and groundwater, in order to meet human, ecological needs and demand.", + "To transform the model of management of the provision of the drinking water service, guaranteeing the human right of access to water for all Venezuelans, with the protagonal participation of the organized people and the people working for water, through a sovereign and sustainable model, that allows to enhance the technical and political knowledge and skills necessary for the water production process. f. To strengthen the Integral Management of Water in Watersheds with emphasis on the protection, sustainable exploitation and recovery of both surface and groundwater, in order to meet human, ecological needs and demand. generated by the productive processes of the country. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 100% of the population has access to the drinking water service. 50% of the water served treated. Coverage of the drinking water service. Treatment of water served. Urban Settlement (Living).", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.", + "The Venezuelan State in order to mass and accelerate the conditions for a healthy and equitable enjoyment of the social rights provided for in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, creates a set of large-scale social programs, under the figure of Missions and Major Missions.", + "It is important to note that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is planning new residential complexes that offer benefits of various kinds; in addition to the material advantages for its inhabitants, it makes it possible to control the aggression against ecosystems, the deforestation and occupation of vulnerable and high-risk areas, guaranteeing health conditions, as well as the access and efficient use of basic services for millions of inhabitants.", + "It is important to note that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is planning new housing complexes that enable it to offer benefits of various kinds; in addition to the material advantages for its inhabitants, it makes it possible to control the aggression against ecosystems, deforestation and the occupation of vulnerable and high-risk areas, guaranteeing health conditions, as well as the access and efficient use of basic services for millions of inhabitants.", + "This report is submitted in response to General Assembly resolution 60/251 of 15 March 2006, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-third session a report on the implementation of the present resolution.", + "Proposal for Indicators to certify projects aimed at the construction of Sustainable Housing, framed in the fulfilment of the ODS. Actions and/or measures to update the CND to 2030:. Description of the action. Actions by the Ministry of Popular Power for Housing and Housing are framed in the consolidation of the following lines of work:8 new constructive elements that guarantee 0% waste in works. An estimated 5.700.000 housing units to be built in response to the housing needs of the Venezuelan people, of which 1% will be earmarked as a response to people affected by the effects of Climate Change. An estimated 700.000 housing units to be built with alternative bioconstructive systems (madera, bamboo, Bahareque), in response to losses and damage due to adverse effects of Climate Change, and to special attention to rural areas, indige", + "It is estimated that 700,000 housing units will be built using alternative bioconstructive systems (wool, bamboo, bamboos), in response to losses and damage due to adverse effects of climate change, and to special attention to rural areas, indigenous peoples and other ecologically fragile areas.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania has adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the living conditions of persons with disabilities, such as the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons, the establishment of the National Centre for Disabled Persons", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has also adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for men and women in the labour market.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has adopted a number of other measures aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in the labour market.", + "Formulation and development of 9 annual habitat and housing plans, which consider the contribution corresponding to the goals established in the construction of housing, and the development of more compact cities, of controlled growth (optimum use of the soil). Formulation and development of 4 Particular Plans: Local Strategic Development Plan (PDEL), Integral Plan of Maintenance to Residential Buildings, Pilot Plan for the Management of Solid Waste in Urbanizations of the Great Housing Mission Venezuela and GMVV Forest Plan, to promote the reintegration of plant and animal species into the territorial area that was intervened. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators.", + "Number of housing constructed with locally manufactured materials. Number of new building elements inserted in the construction of housing. Number of Conferences aimed at the Increase of m2 of green areas in urban spaces. Percentage (%) of mitigation of contaminants in built urbanisms. Percentage (%) of reduction of solid waste in large urbanisms of Venezuela. Number of animal and vegetable species that were reintegrated into the original habitat. Number of Policies, Guidelines, Plans and Programs aimed at the achievement of the awarded goals. Sector Science and Technology.", + "The number of species of animals and plants that have been reintegrated into the original habitat. The number of policies, guidelines, plans and programs aimed at achieving the silver targets. Science and Technology Sector. Technology transfer has materialized through cooperation and exchange agreements between countries, institutions and research centers, as well as in programs and projects that regularly respond to state policies and that have stimulated the development and growth of various sectors of society, through access to the knowledge and experience of research groups, innovation and technological development. Science and Technology has financed 128 research projects in the area of climate change. These projects were selected in open calls to organized communities, foundations, universities and research centers throughout the national territory.", + "These projects were selected in open calls to organized communities, foundations, universities and research centers throughout the national territory. They focus on obtaining results with real options that respond to the issue of mitigation and adaptation for sectors such as: complementary energy, sustainable agricultural production, education, housing, emissions inventory, basic information, predictive models, conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. In the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, programs for monitoring and systematic observation of variables relevant to climate research involve meteorological and oceanographic aspects linked to different climate zones present in the country. This has led to an improvement in the last decade with the increase of national capacities for hydrometeorological monitoring, climate prediction and real-time monitoring of certain environmental parameters.", + "This has led to an improvement in the last decade with the increase in national capacities for hydrometeorological monitoring, climate prediction and real-time monitoring of certain environmental parameters. The following is a presentation of Figure 06 of the Science and Technology Sector. Figure 06. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Science and Technology Sector. Figure summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation year 2017-2020. Research, Monitoring and Systematic Observation. Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. 1. Research on Climate Change. 2. Increase in national capacities for hydrometeorological monitoring and climate prediction in the country. or Densification of the existing network of automatic hydrometeorological", + "Increase of national capacities for hydrometeorological monitoring and climate forecasting in the country. or Densification of the existing network of automatic hydrometeorological stations at national level. Currently, the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (INAMEH) is developing the project to automate the country's hydrometeorological network in about real time, in order to regain the continuity of historical records and obtain greater spatial coverage according to climate types and national hydrology. To date, about 300 hydrometeorological stations have been installed, however, projects and conventions are being developed to further densify the existing network. 3. Evaluation of regional performance of global atmospheric circulation models for future climate forecasting.", + "To date, about 300 hydrometeorological stations have been installed, however, projects and conventions are being developed to further densify the existing network. 3. Regional performance evaluation of global atmospheric circulation models for future climate prediction. o Global atmospheric circulation climate models (GCMs) are an important tool for assessing climate change risks under different development scenarios. However, their application at regional and country level is difficult due to the spatial scale and the different scenarios under which they are developed, which do not necessarily correspond to certain regional characteristics.", + "The results of the Regional Climate Models under different future scenarios will allow the elaboration of action lines to be considered within the plan and adaptation strategies for Climate Change, allowing the planning of adaptation in sectors such as health, especially in the case of diseases transmitted by vectors; the energy sector, given that the generation of electricity in our country is highly vulnerable to drought extremes; the water and food sector; biodiversity and ecosystem conservation, among others.", + "They will also enable the development of studies for the inventory of greenhouse gases and provide precise technical information for voluntary mitigation. They will initiate the development of studies for the inventory of greenhouse gases and provide technical details for voluntary mitigation. 4. Specific risks to be reduced with the information from the results of climate models. or Water scarcity due to climate variability. Specifically, a research project is being developed on the potential of rain harvesting under different scenarios of change. Since 2011, the Ministry of Popular Power for University Education Science and Technology has funded 128 research projects in the area of Climate Change. These projects have been selected in open calls to organized communities, foundations, universities and research centres throughout the national territory.", + "These projects have been selected in open calls to organized communities, foundations, universities and research centres throughout the national territory.They focus on mitigation and adaptation in a wide range of topics including complementary energy, sustainable agricultural production, education, housing, emissions inventory, basic information, predictive models and conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.Climate at national level.Action and/or measures to update the CND to 2030.adaptation in the different sectors.Description of the action. elaborated in its member entities and on the national territory that allow to guide the national adaptation plan.Institution responsible for the actions.Linking with ODS.Extinction of species.", + "Several projects on modelling the distribution of species under different climate change scenarios have been funded so far, indicating vulnerable ecosystems and species both in marine, terrestrial and freshwater systems, as a first step towards their protection and conservation. Reduction or loss of crops due to climatic extremes or temperature rise. A large number of research projects address the possible effects of climate change on food production at different scales. Disease transmission by vectors. Nest modelling research projects include modelling disease transmission vectors such as Dengue and Yellow Fever, to estimate the most vulnerable areas under different climate change scenarios.", + "Nest modelling research projects include the modelling of disease transmission vectors such as dengue and yellow fever, to estimate the most vulnerable areas under different climate change scenarios. Risk reduction through climate variability and change, in the specific sectors of water, agriculture, energy, health and disaster, selected by the WMO for the implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS), to which the Venezuelan state will add biodiversity due to its commitment to protected natural spaces. Establishment of climate and hydrological models and indicators for the continuous monitoring of current and projected adverse hydrometeorological events. Development of indices of Climate Change Predictions and Climate Variability. Updating of the Greenhouse Gas Inventory (GHG) will be carried out.", + "Cooperation in the updating of the greenhouse gas inventory, with the aim of monitoring the results of the voluntary mitigation actions undertaken by the Venezuelan State and with a view to continuously updating the voluntary targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the science and technology sector through its governing body, the Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology, will advise and contribute to the periodic updating of the greenhouse gas inventories with the active participation of experts in the field.", + "Cooperation in updating the inventory of greenhouse gases, with the aim of monitoring the results of voluntary mitigation actions undertaken by the Venezuelan State and with a view to continuously updating the voluntary targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the science and technology sector through its governing body, the Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology, will advise and contribute to the periodic updating of the inventories of greenhouse gases with the active participation of experts in the field.", + "Furthermore, it is recognized that as a result of unilateral coercive measures imposed by some foreign governments, the national productive sectors with the highest GHG emissions have seen their productivity and hence their GHG emissions reduced, thus necessitating the continuous evaluation of voluntary GHG reduction targets. Development of vulnerability maps, to prioritise the adaptation strategy. Mincyt will support and direct research projects for the development of vulnerability maps.", + "We believe that our societies must change and that this transformation can only happen from the roots, from the participation, actions and knowledge of groups and grassroots social organizations, from justice, equity, respect and inclusion.", + "Following this, we present Figure 07 of the Comunas Sector (Popular Organization). Figure 07. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Comunas Sector (Popular Organization). Figure summarizes the actions and programs with impact on adaptation- Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programs with impact on adaptation year 2017. Popular Organization and Participation. Description of the action. The strengthening of social organization in Venezuela is decisive for reducing vulnerability to climate change. The Integrated System of Popular Power (SIPP) 2021 has allowed to quantify throughout the country: 48,749 registered Municipal Councils, 3.330 registered communes, 1,294 Social Battle Halls (to be reactivated by 2021) and 35,000 Social Movements, which comprise more than 80,000 social organizations. Currently, more than 1,000", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has adopted a number of other measures aimed at improving the situation of women in the labour market.", + "In the context of having reliable data, permanent contact is made with the Strategic Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies, with the Registration System coordinated by the Vice-Ministry of Organization and Community and Social Participation and with the Directorate of Statistics of FUNDACOMUNAL, the Ministry of Popular Power for Communities and Social Movements.", + "Development of a System of Indicators that guides the evaluation of the effects of climate change in the communes and the actions undertaken by the Councils Comunales, Salas de Batalla Social y Movimientos Sociales. In each commune, Council Comunal, Sala de Batalla Social y Movimiento Social, must be formed an Evaluation Committee integrated by voices and voices that permanently. monitor the adverse effects of climate change. Objective.", + "In each commune, commune council, social battle room and social movement, an Evaluation Committee must be formed composed of spokespersons who permanently monitor the adverse effects of climate change. Objective: To consolidate social protection policies and guidelines aimed at vulnerable and vulnerable people, communities and social groups, with a view to establishing a humanistic model centred on men and women, carrying out local and sustainable activities aimed at prevention and care in a way that is consistent with popular power, which gradually transfers power to the people and must decide on the immediate aspects of their lives, in terms of culture, beliefs, sport, health, education, national security, among other social areas, with the aim of deepening the Social Political System with a recognised national and international track record.", + "Indicators. The measurement of efficiency and impact that allows to guide the assessment of the National Policy on Climate Change requires the consideration of the variables of \u201cAdaptation and Mitigation\u201d, for this it is necessary to be able to rely on a reliable source. For this it is necessary to have suitable actors that facilitate the acquisition of:. N\u00b0 of Formed Municipal Territories. N\u00b0 of Families by Municipal Territories. % of Appropriate employment of agrochemical substances. % of Use of agroecological methods. N\u00b0 of Measures for the preservation of seeds and crops. N\u00b0 of Measures for the preservation of soil and subsoil. N\u00b0 of Measures for the preservation of fauna and flora. N\u00b0 of Measures for the preservation of endangered species.", + "N\u00b0 of Measures for the conservation of soil and subsoil N\u00b0 of Measures for the conservation of fauna and flora N\u00b0 of Measures for the conservation of endangered species N\u00b0 of Updating courses related to the conservation of the environment and the planet N\u00b0 of Working tables, meetings and videoconferences of the organized Popular Power where the effects of climate change are contextualized, etc. Sector of Basic Education. The problems of the environment and disasters have become one of the greatest political, economic, scientific and educational concerns worldwide, on which the solution depends, to a large extent, the existence of life on earth.", + "It is necessary to work sustainably for the protection of the environment and to reduce risks from disasters, as well as to prepare for action in the event of emergencies and to work simultaneously to achieve global harmony, eradicate hunger, terrorism, wars and take care of human health.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, organized a workshop on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in cooperation with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United", + "In addition, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, has organized a workshop on the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Health and Social", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence, as well as for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence, the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence, and the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence and the National Plan of Action for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology", + "The Ministry of Public Power for Education (MPPE), responding to the need to strengthen the education system, has since 2007 developed a curriculum proposal that contains theoretical guidelines, objectives, integrative axes and profiles of students and teachers, as well as functional guidelines (practical relations between teachers, learning areas, curriculum modules, learning experiences and evaluation).", + "Among the integrative axes of the Bolivian National Curriculum of the Subsystem of Basic Education, we have \u201cEnvironment and Integral Health\u201d, aimed at promoting the development of harmonious relations between human beings and nature (environment), stressing the importance of seeing the whole, Planet Earth as an integrated system; where human beings are immersed; where we must learn to make rational and conscious use of natural resources.", + "In addition, it promotes the understanding of integral health, from all aspects (sexual reproduction, risk management, recreation, nutrition, among others), thus minimizing scenarios of threats, natural physical risks and social impacts, leading to the strengthening of a culture of prevention, contributing to the full development of the human being and to living well.", + "In this sense, the environmental contents are not reduced to simple studies of the biotic and abiotic elements, but also with the multiple interrelations between these elements and the social, economic, political and cultural aspects of the environment; where the socio-environmental problems related to integral health, consumption and poverty that affect the environmental quality and social well-being of the citizens originate.", + "Taking into account the new dynamics and goals arising within the framework of the 2030 ODS, the process of Curricular Transformation launched as a result of the National Consultation on Educational Quality (2015) incorporated as a fundamental line that in the plans of secondary education and the other educational levels are organized programs dedicated to the preservation of the environment and the prevention of risks, as well as the formation of ecological brigades of volunteers and volunteers for the mitigation of risks.", + "Actions and programs with impact in adaptation year 2017. Description of the results of the action implemented in the First CND of Venezuela. mutual agreement with the communities organized in the territory. Actions and/or measures for updating the CND to 2030: municipal and community. Formation of Ecological Brigades. Program \u201cBicentenary Forest\u201d. National Day \u201cA Araguaney for Peace and Sovereignty\u201d. Formation of Ecological Brigades in the 3663 educational circuits at national level to strengthen and deepen the culture on conservation, preservation, the environment and natural resources in order to train girls (and boys), adolescents, young people, adults and adults as ecological brigadists in articulation with the pedagogical guidelines of environmental education.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, in cooperation with the Office of the Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents, has organized a series of training courses on the protection of the rights of children and adolescents in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, as well as in the context of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, as well as the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the", + "Promotion and strengthening of individual and collective awareness of the importance of tree planting as a measure of mitigation and adaptation in the fight against climate change and saving life on the planet, starting with the planting of 50 fruit and forest trees in each federal entity (24 in total) as the initial route of the Bicentenary Forest Program. Implementation of the National Day \u201cA Araguaney for Peace and Sovereignty\u201d in all those educational institutions with infrastructure conditions for the planting of the Araguaney (national tree) or in community spaces and grounds of.", + "It is estimated that the \u201cBicentenary Forest\u201d Program will be strengthened with the planting of new species of trees in conjunction with different national and state authorities. Description of the action. Actions by the Ministry of Popular Power for Education are framed in the consolidation of the following lines of work: at least 10 trees per year in each space within the \u201cBicentenary Forest\u201d Program. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Conformation of Ecological Brigades: 29.376 formed Ecological Brigades, one for each educational institution. Strengthening of the \u201cBicentenary Forest\u201d Program: Planting of new species of trees with the aim of incorporating, by 2030,. Quantity of formed Ecological Brigades at national level. Quantity of school spaces recovered for tree planting. Quantity of community spaces recover", + "Amount of community spaces recovered by the Ecological Brigades for the planting of trees. Amount of Policies, Guidelines, Plans and Programs aimed at the achievement of the awarded goals. University Education Sector. University Education, aware of the importance of knowledge about climate change, has been aligning itself from the academic sector in response to the need to make Venezuelan society aware of the problems of climate change. The Free Climate Change Faculty (CLCC), through the development of educational activities framed in the CMNCC, aims to continue contributing to the construction of a society with a greater awareness of the causes and consequences of climate change and to co-operate in the control of greenhouse gas emissions.", + "The Free Climate Change Faculty (CLCC), through the development of educational activities framed in the CMNCC, aims to continue contributing to the construction of a society with a greater awareness of the causes and consequences of climate change and to co-operate in the control of greenhouse gas emissions. In order to contribute at national level with the central objective of the current stage in the management of climate change in the world: the definition of adaptation measures that make society less vulnerable to the challenges imposed by climate change. Similarly, Venezuelan institutions of university education, have implemented actions of socio-environmental training offering within their programming subjects directly or indirectly related to the environment. In some cases, they introduce the subject of Environmental Education as a compulsory subject within the introductory courses, before starting the professional cycles.", + "In some cases, they introduce the subject of Environmental Education as a compulsory subject in the introductory courses, before starting the professional cycles.", + "In this sense, the environment involves the natural and the sociocultural in all its dimensions and manifestations; with diversity as a fundamental principle and it is one of the privileged areas where the priority areas of attention converge with greater relevance. For the new University, the environment requires to be considered within the framework of organizational and curricular changes that make possible the opening of new paths oriented towards the conjunction of scientific and technological processes; also including the integral assessment of the human being as a transformative agent of his reality through his knowledge and his action.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the University Education Sector. A brief summary of the actions and programs with impact on adaptation- Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programs with impact on adaptation year 2018. Space for reflection, discussion and debate in environmental matters. Description of the results of the action implemented. The National Convention on Environmental Studies (CONEA) since 2018, during its first celebration has become the space for the participation of national and international specialists, representatives of public and private administration, research institutes, universities and various sectors of society with influence on the habitat, territory, and the environment. CONEA represents not only the beginning of the policy of the conventions at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela, but has become a ministerial policy at the national level.", + "CONEA represents not only the beginning of the policy of the conventions at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela, but has become a ministerial policy at the national level. CONEA II 2020 continues with the objective of bringing together communities, students, teachers and experts with involvement in the fields of architecture, agroecology, food safety-nutritional culture and environmental management, for the exchange of experiences and presentation of innovation and research as well as establishing a space for reflection, discussion and debate among the participating specialists in environmental matters. Specifically, the achievements obtained from CONEA between the years 2018 and 2021 have been developed and socialized from the Center for Environmental Studies events where climate change and its consequences have been discussed:o First editions have had the participation of more than 1000 participants from the face-to-face modalities and the last online more than 300 work of.", + "Specifically, the achievements obtained from the CONEA between the years 2018 and 2021 have been developed and socialized from the Center for Environmental Studies events where climate change and its consequences have been discussed:o First editions have had the participation of more than 1000 participants from the face-to-face modalities and the last online more than 300 work of. research with involvement in the environmental theme where meetings and forums on climate change and its consequences have been developed. Actions and/or measures for updating the CND to 2030. threatened by adverse effects of climate change. National Convention on Environmental Studies (CONEA) Bolivarian University of Venezuela:. Activities institutional, community, participates and promotes:. 10 community forums and community organization strategies will be developed with the aim of informing and raising awareness about the effects of climate change.", + "10 community forums and community organization strategies will be developed with the aim of informing and raising awareness about the effects of Climate Change. 10 exchanges of experiences and presentations of innovations and presentations will be carried out that will be supported by research that contributes to the adaptation-mitigation of Climate Change with transformation through education. Empresa Universitaria Laboratorio Bolivariano de Innovaci\u00f3n para Alimentos, Ambiente, Nutrici\u00f3n y Salud (Labinnovans), S.A. Labinnovans:. 5 laboratory analysis services and environmental impact assessments of activities capable of degrading the environment will be carried out, which will allow the strengthening of the different careers, through the center of environmental studies, providing support for the academic development of students. Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael Mar\u00eda Baralt (UNERMB)- Research Program -CDCHT:.", + "5 laboratory analysis services and environmental impact assessments of activities capable of degrading the environment will be carried out, which will enable the strengthening of the different careers, through the Center for Environmental Studies, providing support for the academic development of the students. Rafael Mar\u00eda Baralt National Experimental University (UNERMB)- Research Program -CDCHT:. Research and innovation policies at UNERMB together with the Research Center for the Promotion of Endogenous Development (CIPDE) and the Center for Agri-Food and Environmental Research (CIAGROA):. 17 lines, research and innovation projects will be developed that have as their objective the sustainability to guarantee the food security that is found. \u201cTransforming Our World\u201d. Dictated by the Research Center for the Promotion of Endogenous Development (CIPDE). 3.", + "17 lines, research and innovation projects will be developed with the aim of sustainability in order to guarantee food security. \u201cTransforming Our World\u201d. Dictated by the Research Center for the Promotion of Endogenous Development (CIPDE). 3. The Venezuelan University of Hydrocarbons (UVH) has a Master\u2019s program in Ecology and Hydrocarbons in relation to Climate Change, and a sub-program with the \u201cProject Evaluation and Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Effects in Petroleum Facilities\u201d. or 3 degree works will be developed within the central research line Impact of the Hydrocarbon Industry and its Socio-Environmental Implications on Venezuelan Environmental Systems. Description of the action. 1. National Convention on Environmental Studies (CONEA). Objectives.", + "o 3 degree projects will be developed within the central research line Impact of the Hydrocarbon Industry and its Socio-Environmental Implications on Venezuelan Ecological Systems. Description of the action. 1. National Convention on Environmental Studies (CONEA). Objectives. Promote the participation of national and international specialists, representatives of public and private administration, research institutes, universities and various sectors of society with an involvement in the habitat, territory, and environment. Institution responsible for the actions. Bolivarian University of Venezuela (UBV). Ministry of Popular Power for University Education (MPPEU). Linkage with ODS. Description of the action. 2. Research and innovation policies in UNERMB together with the Research Centre for the Promotion of Endogenous Development (CIPDE) and the Research Centre for Agri-Food and Environment (CIAGROA). Objectives. Generate mechanisms, activities and processes", + "Research and innovation policies at UNERMB together with the Centre for Research for the Promotion of Endogenous Development (CIPDE) and the Centre for Agri-Food and Environmental Research (CIAGROA). Objectives. Generate mechanisms, activities and processes that lead to environmental conservation and sustainability in the medium and long term. Institution responsible for the actions. Rafael Mar\u00eda Baralt National Experimental University (UNERMB). Ministry of Popular Power for University Education (MPPEU). 22 Environmental Brigades will be implemented in the university spaces, estimating 1 for each undergraduate and postgraduate seat to raise awareness of the effects of climate change. 50 (Organizations of Bases of Popular Power) forestry activities will be developed in conjunction with the Tree Mission to form optimal aircraft for carbon sinks.", + "50 ( grassroots organizations) forestry activities will be developed in conjunction with the Tree Mission to form optimal aircraft for carbon sinks. 1250 sustainability areas will be formed for students, teaching staff, administrative staff and workers of our institution to ensure food security that is threatened by adverse effects of climate change. 2400 sustainability areas will be formed for grassroots organizations to ensure food security that is threatened by adverse effects of climate change. 120 Sustainable Development Training Seminar and 2030 Agenda will be developed.", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party consider ratifying the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women on the involvement of children in armed conflict and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, on the involvement of children in armed conflict, on the involvement of children in armed conflict and on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, as well as the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict, on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, on the involvement of children in armed conflict and on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Autonomous Communities, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "In addition, the Ministry of Women's Affairs, which was founded in 2008, under the leadership of the National Institute of Women, acquired budgetary autonomy and changed its name to the Ministry of the People's Power for Women and Gender Equality in 2009, an institution that since its creation has been oriented towards promoting policies favourable to women.", + "It is important to note that it is recognized that Venezuelan women have managed to occupy a significant space in the national public sphere, however, equity is founded on the principles of social justice and human rights where opportunities are provided to both men and women, instruments, policies of access in an equitable manner, prevailing within this condition of equality criteria according to gender needs.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Gender Sector (Women and Gender Equality) - Programme \u201cWomen Farmers\u201d. A brief summary of the actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and/or measures to update the NDC to 2030. Programme \u201cWomen Farmers\u201d. Description of the action. It aims to include women in the agri-food production sector, with the development of sustainable agricultural activity as its vision. This programme seeks the empowerment of rural women and the recognition of their ancestral knowledge as a basis for gender equality and equity across the agricultural sector and public policies, based on the recognition of the rights of rural women.", + "This programme seeks the empowerment of women farmers and the recognition of their ancestral knowledge as a basis for gender equality and equity in all aspects of the agricultural sector and public policies, based on the recognition of the rights of women farmers. During 2021, priority has been given to the management of land tenure as property for women farmers and ranchers. In this sense:According to the National Land Institute, direct awards of rural land titles to 477 farmers at national level, equivalent to 7,400,304 hectares, were achieved in the first stage. Objective: To promote the stewardship of public policies, plans, programmes and projects of the Venezuelan State, which promotes the participation of women in the popular power and guarantees the exercise of their rights and gender equality.", + "To promote the stewardship of public policies, plans, programmes and projects of the Venezuelan State, which promotes the participation of women in the popular power and guarantees the exercise of their rights and gender equality.", + "Summary of actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and/or measures to update the NDC to 2030. Reducing vulnerability to the effects of climate change and increasing the resilience of rural women. Description of action. Agreement with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to develop the project \u201cReducing vulnerability to the effects of climate change and increasing the resilience of rural women\u201d, with the aim of increasing the resilience capacities of rural women, producers and organizations to cope with climate change through the implementation of sustainable and gender-sensitive socio-productive strategies, in the states of M\u00e9rida, Trujillo and Portuguesa.", + "Convention with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), to develop the project \u201cReducing vulnerability to the effects of climate change and increasing the resilience of women farmers\u201d, with the aim of increasing the resilience capacities of women farmers, producers and organizations to deal with climate change through the implementation of sustainable and gender-sensitive socio-productive strategies, in the states of M\u00e9rida, Trujillo and Portuguesa.", + "To promote the leadership of public policies, plans, programmes and projects of the Venezuelan State, which promotes the participation of women in the popular power and guarantees the exercise of their rights and gender equality. Institution responsible for actions. Linkage with ODS. In 2021, it is estimated that a total of 1,500 women farmers and 150 agricultural organizations will benefit. To date, it has been possible to identify needs, capacities, roles and gender-sensitive actions to be implemented in the area of disaster risk management and agro-climatic. Sector Youth and Sports.", + "To date, it has been possible to identify needs, capacities, roles and gender-sensitive actions to be implemented in the area of disaster risk management and agro-climate.", + "Strengthen the Estelar Role of Youth with the Demographic Bonus, through its productive specialization and the development of a national population policy, employing the Gran Mission Vivienda Venezuela in the new cities and focuses of economic and strategic development of the country. Develop and direct the Gran Mission Chamba Juvenil to the activation of the self-sustaining productive sectors and attention to the needs of the population. Territorialize and Specialize the Technical and University System in accordance with the self-sustaining productive regionalization, the potentialities of the territory, the territorial seedling of the Bolivarian Economic Agenda and the potentialities of youth. Strengthen the Organizational, Cultural and Economic Political Balance of Youth and Students, strengthening the institutions of organization and participation in the educational system, communal councils, communes, Presidential Council and Congress of the Fatherland, among others.", + "To strengthen the Organizational, Cultural and Economic Political Balance of Youth and Students, strengthening the institutions of organization and participation in the education system, communal councils, communes, Presidential Council and Congress of the Fatherland, among others. In this context, given the active presence of Youth as a force for raising awareness and awareness of the adverse effects of climate change, from their participation and impact in the various public bodies: national, regional and local, especially the executive, legislative and communal, for the generation of policies and decision-making.", + "In the year 2017, the Chamba Youth Grand Mission is created, as a strategy to focus and promote Public Youth Policies, having among its objectives to strengthen the processes of socio-productive training sustainable in all its aspects and to contribute to the organization of young people on strategic issues for the country, currently having a register of.", + "In addition, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Advancement of Women and the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Rights of the Child.", + "In the year 2019, the Programmatic Agenda of Youth 2019 - 2025 is presented, in which in its Historical Objective No. 5 it is established \u201cCONTRIBUTING WITH THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE ON THE PLANT AND THE SALVATION OF THE HUMAN SPECIES\u201d, with the following objectives: To build and promote the historical social eco-socialist model, based on respect for the rights of Mother Earth and the well-being of our people by developing the principle of unity within diversity, the integral and systemic vision, popular participation, the role of the state-nation, the incorporation of technologies and forms of organization of production, distribution and consumption, which focus on the rational, optimal and sustainable exploitation of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature.", + "To build and promote the historical social ecosocialist model, based on respect for the rights of Mother Earth and the well-being of our people by developing the principle of unity within diversity, the integral and systemic vision, popular participation, the role of the state-nation, the incorporation of technologies and forms of organization of production, distribution and consumption, which focus on the rational, optimal and sustainable exploitation of natural resources, respecting the processes and cycles of nature.", + "To promote the creation and establishment of a new eco-socialist ethic, which contributes to the change in unsustainable models of production and unviable and unhealthy consumption habits imposed by the voracity inherent in the capitalist system.To promote the construction and consolidation of socio-productive alternatives and new schemes of social, economic and financial cooperation for the promotion of eco-socialism and the establishment of fair trade, under the principles of complementarity, cooperation, sovereignty and solidarity.", + "In the context of the National Plan for Youth 2022 - 2025, the following actions are envisaged for the benefit of the population and the reduction of the adverse effects of climate change: Training of 43,000 brigades of the Grand Mission Chamba Juvenile for the Risk Management of the adverse effects of climate change in the 24 states of the country in its 335 municipalities. Action 1: Training of youth brigades for risk management, taking into account the division of integral development regions.", + "Action 1: To train youth brigades for risk management, taking into account the division of integral development regions. Action 2: To specialize youth brigades in attention to the possible geographical vulnerabilities of each integral region. Action 3: To train regional youth brigades for the three moments of risk management: before-during-after the occurrence of the natural phenomenon. Action 4: To design sustainable socio-productive training programmes, using information and communication technologies to facilitate their continuous dissemination. Action 5: To include young people who complete the specialized training for youth brigades. Action 6: To create the Chapter on Climate Change and Risk Management in the framework of the Youth Congress 2022, with the aim of showing the progress of the regional organization.", + "Action 6: Creation of the Climate Change and Risk Management Chapter within the framework of the Youth Congress 2022, with the aim of showing the progress of the regional organization. Action 7: Preparation of communication plans reporting on the structure, operation and location of the Brigades and the dissemination of sustainable youth policies and educational campaigns. Action 8: Realization of alliances with public and private institutions for the consolidation of the above-mentioned actions. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 11.3.11. Mining sector. No. of youth brigades formed by state and municipality. No. of specialized youth brigades. No. of specialized courses designed. No. of trained young brigadists.", + "A mining system consists of a network of operators and institutions in the public and private sectors whose activities establish, execute, control, produce, process and market mineral resources in their pure state, after adding value and transforming them into intermediate and final goods.", + "In the case of the National System of Ecological Mining, this is characterized by the incorporation of the vision of ecological mining; this statement stems from the proposal of an economic model to be developed by the Bolivarian Revolution, in which the \u201cneed to build an eco-socialist economic model, based on a harmonious relationship between man and nature\u201d, for which it is necessary to \u201cratify the defence of the sovereignty of the Venezuelan state over vital resources.\u201d Vision of ecological mining development.", + "The Ministry of the People's Power of Environmental Mining Development (MPPDME) is the governing body of the country's mining activity and of the National System of Environmental Mining, responsible for ensuring compliance with the political guidelines issued by the Bolivarian Government for the sovereign, ecological and efficient use and exploitation of mineral resources, by developing productive linkages and adding value within the mining sector on small, medium and large-scale mining scales, starting with an ecological mining that will allow overcoming dependence on oil income, generating sources of employment and a new stage in the sustainable national productive economy, without establishing a new mining rentism.", + "The Ministry of the People's Power of Ecological Mining Development (MPPDME) is the governing body of the country's mining activity and of the National System of Ecological Mining, responsible for ensuring compliance with the political guidelines issued by the Bolivian Government for the sovereign, ecological and efficient use and exploitation of mining resources, by developing productive linkages and adding value within the mining sector on the scales of small, medium and large mining, starting with an ecological mining that will enable the country to overcome its dependence on oil revenue, generate sources of employment and a new stage in the sustainable national productive economy, without establishing a new mining rentism.", + "mineral resources, but under the maximum of rational control, which ensures that minerals, ecosystems and biodiversity will be there for the use and enjoyment of future generations.", + "The challenge that is assumed with the formulation and subsequent realization of this Mining Sectoral Plan, is to develop a mining that is able to boost and diversify its economy of the country, but maintaining a balance between the environment and the human being and thus be able to extract, transform and give added value to the mineral resources, but under the maximum of rational control, that ensures that the minerals, ecosystems and biodiversity will be there for the use and enjoyment of future generations.", + "National Ecological Mining System: This is a set of interrelated actors, institutions and practices that constitute, implement and participate in mining activity processes.", + "Actions, Policies, Measures and Strategies to be Implemented to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change Derived from the Development of Mining Activity:The construction and formulation of these proposals and guidelines for undertaking measures in environmental matters were elaborated with the aim of generating an integrated solution, in accordance with the above-mentioned values of an Ecological Mining Management, for their adherence to the national document to be presented to the relevant international bodies.", + "Eco-mineral technical arrangements in the reforestation of areas affected by mining and related activities in the National Ecological Mining System: the existence of forested areas in Venezuela is a contribution to mitigating the action against the climate, because the vegetation layer helps to capture from the atmosphere the main greenhouse gas that is CO2, in this sense, the Ministry of Popular Power of.", + "Environmental Mining Development, through the PIAR MISSION, is working hand in hand with MINEC, in order to identify and diagnose the impact of mining activity on the different scales of mining. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, demonstrates its firm commitment, implementing a defined and coherent roadmap, to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, within the framework of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change in relation to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Similarly, the Ministry of Popular Power for Environmental Mining Development, in the mining sector, has developed and implemented environmental plans applying ecosocialist productive economic models, from our capacities and potentialities for their adaptation to climate change and its effects.", + "Similarly, the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecological Mining Development, in the mining sector, has developed and implemented environmental plans applying eco-socialist productive economic models, from our capacities and potentialities for their adaptation to Climate Change and its effects. The following table presents Table 13 of the Mining Sector: Table 13. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Mining Sector. Table summarizes actions and programs with impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and/or measures to update the NDC to 2030. Description of the action. Areas that historically were degraded by illegal mining, currently, a program is being implemented for each actor in the industrial sector of mineral processing, these special environmental remediation plans constitute an added value and contribution to the community and the environment", + "The areas that have historically been degraded by illegal mining, are currently implementing a program to each actor in the industrial sector of mineral processing, these special environmental remediation plans constitute an added value and contribution to the community and the environment.", + "Creation of nurseries and plantations and identification and management of native species: for the reforestation of forests and the environmental recovery of soils in areas where mining activity develops or those that have historically been degraded and maintain this status.Each Agrominera School will have a space dedicated to nurseries and plantations.Formation of ecological brigades: are socio-productive units that involve the actors of mining activity in conjunction with the community and the PIAR MISSION for the promotion, strengthening, orientation and implementation of reforestation and remediation plans in the areas affected by mining.Supervise mine closure plans in the development of any mineral deposit from the outset.It is estimated that 1,575 hectares affected will be remediated with 48,375 native trees sowing in the areas affected by mining.", + "Remediation of 1,575 hectares affected with 48,375 native trees planted in areas affected by mining will be estimated. Projects will be selected for the remediation of 1,575 hectares affected by mining by reducing erosion and sedimentation to river channels. Emissions generated by mining from the period 2020 to 2030 will be estimated to determine the area to be restored and the hectares affected by mining will be conditioned annually. Carbon capture per year from the period 2020 to 2030 will be quantified by reforestation of mature forests.", + "In order to reduce the country\u2019s environmental impacts, both SENAFIM, Minero Resguardo and the entities that hold \u201cMining Rights\u201d exercise the fiscalization, control and supervision of the Projects in their final phase and Mine Closure Plans, duly approved by the Ministry of People\u2019s Power for Environmental Mining Development, with the aim of meeting the established technical and environmental standards for the sanitation and restoration of areas affected by mining.", + "In order to reduce the environmental impact of the country: To this end, both SENAFIM, Mining Protection, and the entities that hold \u201cMining Rights\u201d, exercise the fiscalization, control and supervision of the Projects in their final phase and Mine Closure Plans, duly approved by the Ministry of the People\u2019s Power of Ecological Mining Development, with the aim of complying with the established standards both technical and environmental, for the sanitation and restoration of areas affected by mining.", + "The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports is responsible for the implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Protection of Children and Adolescents against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, which is based on the principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading", + "of the actors of the National Ecological Mining System (SNME) in the creation of a culture and environmental values, which will contribute to the reduction of vulnerability to the effects of climate change on the availability and quality of water.", + "Ensuring environmental management of watersheds: in relation to this concept, a legal instrument has been promulgated for the prohibition of river mining, with the aim of preserving watersheds accessing rivers and lakes, as well as generating basic environmental information on mapping and cadastre, as well as encouraging the efficient use by the actors of the National Environmental Mining System (SNME) in the creation of an environmental culture and values, which will contribute to reducing vulnerability to the effects of climate change on water availability and quality.", + "of Greenhouse Effect (GEI) on a global scale is the waste and solid waste sector; hence the importance of the elaboration, implementation and technical support in the integrated management plans of the by-products generated in mining and related activities, which have an impact on the reduction of emissions and on the implementation of final disposal systems.", + "Creation of environmental mining scientific and technological capabilities: increasing capabilities in science, innovation, education and development in technologies that encourage the creation of knowledge in the exploration, quantification, extraction and processing of mineral reserves oriented to environmental management through: Waste Management Plan in the SNME: one of the sectors responsible for the largest emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) on a global scale is the solid waste and waste sector; hence the importance of the elaboration, implementation and technical support in the plans for the integral management of the by-products generated in mining and related activities, which have an impact on the reduction of emissions and the implementation of final disposal systems.", + "As well as, to promote the techniques of utilization and energy valorization of waste with added value. Promotion of the organization of workers, mining and indigenous communities: for the formulation, implementation, execution and control of programs and projects of social protection, environmental preservation and integral economic - productive development, articulating the actions of the sector with the local development. Objective. Minimize the environmental impact of mining activities, assume the remediation of environmental liabilities, prioritize the development and use of low impact technologies, and evaluate the burden. Development of university colleges and programs to increase the mining-environmental scientific and technological capabilities of the population, managing with educational institutions and/or with public or private companies in the development of research and technical cooperation programs in the field of environmental mining.", + "Development of university faculties and programs to increase the mining-environmental scientific and technological capabilities of the population, managing with educational institutions and/or with public or private companies in the development of research and technical cooperation programs in the field of environmental mining.", + "To support the research of technologies with less impact on the environment and health: to continue with the campaigns of eradication and prohibition of the use of mercury in illegal mining, establishing controls and sanctions on its distribution and to the same extent to strengthen the use of technologies and inputs that are of degradation or recovery agreed in alliance with research centers. To establish educational policies, community participation and socio-environmental training: for the fight against climate change, through the management of technical-economic support to the actors of the National System of Ecological Mining (SNME) and the adjacent communities, as part of the requirements established in strategic alliances and mining operations contract. on the matrix of energy and natural resources when planning new mining projects.", + "The Ministry of the People's Power for Indigenous Peoples, since its creation, has been able to attend to more than 700,000 indigenous peoples from more than 40 original peoples who live in the country. At the time of its creation, it promoted this space with the aim of creating mechanisms that would definitively achieve the demands of the indigenous peoples of Venezuela by giving them this form of social inclusion and protagonal participation within Venezuelan society; and by recognizing their rights within the constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "At the time of its creation, it promoted this space with the aim of creating mechanisms that would definitively achieve the demands of the indigenous peoples of Venezuela by giving them this form of social inclusion and protagonal participation within Venezuelan society; and recognizing their rights within the constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior and Justice has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples, such as the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the creation of the Office of the Om", + "It is important to note that three offices of deputy ministers have been consolidated in the areas of intercultural bilingual education, the well-being of indigenous peoples, and the territorial and communal development of communities with the aim of reaching and providing comprehensive and direct assistance to all vulnerable communities in the country.", + "o 533 dignified dwellings for indigenous peoples and communities and infrastructures oriented to the development of their ancestral uses, customs and cultures will be constructed.Description of the action.Construct indigenous dwellings through direct implementation by the different entities of the national, regional and municipal state in order to promote the harmonious and sustainable development of indigenous peoples within an eco-socialist vision framed in a growth that takes into account the well-being and needs of present and future generations while respecting the environment.Objective: Guarantee the right to dignified dwellings for indigenous communities, taking into account the specificity of the design variables of geohistory, traditions and customs of each case.In the framework of promoting the inclusion and well-being of indigenous peoples and contributing to ensuring a", + "In the framework of promoting the inclusion and well-being of indigenous peoples and contributing to ensuring a healthy life and promoting the well-being of indigenous peoples, the Ministry, as the governing body, facilitates policies that contribute to implementing indigenous communities the deepening of the design variables of their housing, that respect the culture, geography and particularities of their traditions and customs through the following projects related to the development of design variables, ensuring the protagonal participation of each of the indigenous peoples, within the framework of the great Venezuelan Housing Mission, for the construction and rehabilitation of housing in accordance with their geographical and cultural particularities.", + "The Ministry as the governing body facilitates policies that contribute to implementing indigenous communities the deepening of the design variables of their housing, that understand the culture, geography and particularities of their traditions and customs through the following projects related to the development of design variables, guaranteeing the protagonal participation of each of the indigenous peoples, within the framework of the great Venezuelan Housing Mission, for the construction and rehabilitation of housing in accordance with their geographical and cultural particularities. The regionalization of the construction and rehabilitation of housing in indigenous communities, with typologies in accordance with the particularities of the traditions and customs of indigenous peoples and the project on the development of maintenance schemes in accordance with cultural and geographical particularities.", + "In the case of indigenous peoples and communities, the main objective is to strengthen their own production and exchange in order to contribute to the processes of industrialization, trade and the promotion of a change in society's consumption patterns for food sovereignty, as well as the promotion of economies of scale.", + "To strengthen the own production and exchange of indigenous peoples and communities to contribute to the processes of industrialization, trade exchange and the promotion of the change of consumption patterns of society for food sovereignty; as well as the promotion of economies of scale Objective: To promote training and financing for socio-productive units in indigenous communities that respect their traditional practices and forms of organization as well as to ensure non-exclusive marketing and distribution mechanisms for indigenous peoples.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior, through the Office of the Attorney-General of the Republic, is also responsible for the protection of the rights and interests of indigenous peoples.", + "In the context of promoting the inclusion and well-being of indigenous peoples and contributing to adequate and safe food throughout the year, the Ministry as the governing body facilitates policies for indigenous peoples that promote the production of strategic indigenous rubies as the basis for the new sustainable model of economic development in the territory, through programmes the development of organizational schemes in the form of conglomerates in indigenous peoples appropriate to their cultural particularities, the development of financing schemes and the purchase of inputs from indigenous productive conglomerates that allow the accumulation of producers and the generation of self-sustaining economies of scale with a view to protecting the environment.", + "Linkages with ODS. Indicators. 11.3.13. Risk and Disaster Sector. Integral accessibility to services and infrastructure in indigenous territories. Mass construction of indigenous housing through direct execution by the different entities of the national, regional and municipal state. Proportion of indigenous population occupied. Participation in the GDP of indigenous communities. % of satisfaction of needs met through indigenous production. Volume of financing granted to socio-productive projects in indigenous peoples and communities. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a country vulnerable to various natural phenomena, earthquakes, floods, mass movements, tropical storms and hurricanes, tsunamis and technological events, such as fires, explosions, spills and others.", + "Disasters have usually been defined as \u201cunexpected\u201d situations that cause severe effects on the population from climate-related impacts, leading to widespread confusion between the terms \u201cnatural phenomenon\u201d and \u201cnatural disaster\u201d, so the magnitude of human damage and losses associated with disasters, which have occurred in Latin America in recent decades and the visualization of the multiple vulnerability conditions of affected population sectors, especially the poorest, has led experts to find a broader explanation of disasters, associating the degree of destruction and losses with the vulnerability of the population and the socio-natural construction of the risk.", + "Recalling also its resolution 58/269 of 23 December 2003, in which it requested the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its sixty-third session on the implementation of the present resolution,", + "In this regard, the Vice-Ministry for Risk Management and Civil Protection was created and the Law on Integral Management of Socio-Natural and Technological Risks, promulgated according to the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 39.095 dated January 9, 2009, was promulgated. This law explicitly considers the risks associated with climate change, exercising control, monitoring and evaluation of national policies, plans, guidelines and guidelines that promote risk management, emergency care and disaster management.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Risk and Disaster Sector. Summary of the actions and programs with impact on adaptation- Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and/or measures with impacts on adaptation year 2017. Plans, projects and strategies associated with the risk assessment. Description of the action implemented in the First Venezuelan NDC 2017. national. National Risk Management Plan: It aims to develop strategic lines that allow the study, identification and delimitation of risk, as a basis in the planning process, as well as the development of risk mitigation projects throughout the national territory.", + "The National Plan of Risk Management: It aims to develop strategic lines that enable the study, identification and delimitation of risk, as a basis for the planning process, as well as the development of risk mitigation projects throughout the national territory.", + "National Register of Information for Integrated Disaster Risk Management: Project aimed at ensuring the integration and standardization of inter-institutional information through the creation and strengthening of a technological platform for consultation, by different public and private institutions throughout the territory. disasters, humanitarian assistance, rehabilitation and reconstruction, as well as technical assistance and exchange of experience in this field. institution responsible for actions. linkage with ODS. Indicators. or quantification of life losses, infrastructure, crops, money, among others, associated with the adverse effects of climate change. 11.3.14. Health Sector. Construction of Vulnerability Indicators: Project aimed at the construction of vulnerability indicators in the environmental, social, physical, institutional and economic fields, adapted to national reality and generating information related to fragility conditions, exposure and capacities in these fields.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Ministry of the Interior has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights of the child, such as the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the establishment of the National Commission for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, the", + "(a) The right to life, liberty and security of the person, including the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the right not to be subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punish", + "In order to ensure the effective implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),", + "In addition, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) are jointly organizing a regional workshop on the protection of refugees, returnees and displaced persons in Latin America and the Caribbean, in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights", + "Regional Coordination: Through UNASUR and MERCOSUR Venezuela actively participates in working groups for cooperation in disaster prevention and in combating the causes and effects of climate change; these seek to increase coordination in the prevention and response to socio-natural disasters and to achieve a mechanism of mutual assistance at the subregional level, through policies, strategies, plans and activities in estimation, prevention, risk reduction, preparedness and response.", + "Climate change poses a risk to human health, due to the increase in environmental health factors (physical, chemical and biological), for example: heavy rainfall and flooding, increased temperatures and relative humidity, lead to the emergence of vectors and reservoirs of parasites or viruses that cause metaxenic diseases, contamination of water supply sources, affecting their quality, emissions of greenhouse gases, etc. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is highly vulnerable to the incidence of diseases produced by vectors sensitive to climate change, because it is located in the tropical zone.", + "The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is highly vulnerable to the incidence of diseases caused by vectors sensitive to climate change, because it is located in the tropical zone.", + "The Ministry of the People's Power for Health (MPPS), as the director in the surveillance and control of water quality for human consumption, works with actions of prevention in diseases of water origin, to guarantee the quality of water, by means of periodic monitoring; also, the identification of incinerators located in the health sector, by means of national censuses, in order to know the conditions and establish technical guidelines on the best ways of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.", + "Summary of actions and programmes with impact on adaptation-Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017. Increase of coverage in medical care. Description of the Action with Results update of the Information Year 2021 by the Vice-Ministry of Integral Health. inauguration of specialized centers such as the Children\u2019s Cardiological Hospital in Caracas. Actions and/or measures to update the NDC to 2030. 1. Actions to prevent diseases associated with vectors, reservoirs and harmful fauna, related to climate change. Impact action:o Strengthening entomological surveillance and vector control at the national level against climate change. Before the Bolivarian Revolution in 1999, more than 60% of people living in grassroots sectors had never visited a Physician for a general check-up.", + "Prior to the Bolivarian Revolution in 1999, more than 60% of people living in popular sectors had never visited a doctor for a general check-up. In 2015, it is 12 years since Barrio Adentro was created, an unprecedented mission that allows access to high-tech health services free of charge to significant sectors of the population. Barrio Adentro is responsible for at least 704 million 958,000 free medical consultations in the last 12 years. Barrio Adentro was created in 2003 with the help of the Cuban government, to provide health services to the Venezuelan population in small ambulatory facilities built and equipped with medical supplies in previously neglected areas.", + "Barrio Adentro was created in 2003 with the help of the Cuban government, to provide health services to the Venezuelan population in small ambulatory clinics built and equipped with medical supplies in previously neglected areas. Later, Barrio Adentro II was created to expand medical services, with the construction of larger ambulatory clinics, and then in 2005 Barrio Adentro III through which 600 Comprehensive Diagnostic Centers and 600 Comprehensive Rehabilitation Rooms were built. In 2006, Barrio Adentro IV began with the. Strategic Actions:2. Actions to prevent waterborne diseases associated with climate change. Impact Action:o Strengthening health surveillance and control of water quality at the national level in the face of climate change. Strategic Actions:3. Actions to prevent diseases associated with air quality due to climate change.", + "Impact Action:o Strengthening health surveillance and control of water quality at national level in the face of climate change. Strategic Actions:3. Prevention of diseases associated with air quality due to climate change. Impact Action:o Strengthening health surveillance and control of air quality, in fixed sources (health sector incinerators). Strategic Actions:. Description of the action. Description of how each action will be carried out and the expected results for the benefit of the population and the reduction of adverse effects to climate change. Objective. The creation and extension of these health programmes involve a reduction in vulnerability to diseases, including those whose incidence and geographic distribution will increase as a result of climate change.", + "The creation and expansion of these health programmes involve a reduction in vulnerability to diseases, including those whose incidence and geographic distribution will increase as a result of climate change.", + "Strengthen the basic capabilities of responses in entomological surveillance and vector control within the framework of integrated management of vector control at the national level against climate change with the updating of the methodological framework, supply of materials and inputs, ecological characterization and correlation of environmental variables (temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, among others) and supervision of surveillance and control activities. Strengthen the information system of entomological surveillance and vector control at the national level against climate change, with the design and implementation of information systems and georeferencing. Entomological risk assessment and impact on vector control against climate change. Strengthen the surveillance and health control of supply systems (water sources, treatment and distribution system) and the monitoring of water quality against climate change.", + "Strengthening health surveillance and control of supply systems (water sources, treatment and distribution system) and monitoring of water quality in the face of climate change. Training professional and technical health personnel, ASICs, the organized community and governmental and non-governmental bodies in climate-resilient drinking water surveillance and safety plans at the national level. Strengthening the national water quality health surveillance information system, associated with climate change, with the design and implementation of information systems and geo-referencing. Risk assessment and impact on water quality control in the face of climate change.", + "Strengthening the system of health surveillance information on water quality at national level, associated with climate change, with the design and implementation of information systems and georeferencing. Risk assessment and impact on the control of water quality in the face of climate change. Strengthening health surveillance and control of air quality, at fixed sources (incinerators in the health sector), by identifying national censuses, in order to know the conditions and establish technical guidelines on the best ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the health sector. Training professional and technical personnel in the health sector, in the actions of health surveillance and control of fixed sources (incinerators).", + "To train the professional and technical personnel of the health sector, in the actions of surveillance and health control of the fixed sources (incinerators). Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Sector of Labour (Social Justice). Climate change is one of the most important challenges to be addressed in the coming years in the field of labour, worldwide and therefore in Venezuela, the International Labour Organization (ILO) warns that the phenomenon is producing, in the short, medium or long term, a serious disruption of economic and social activity in many sectors on all continents. Latin America and the Caribbean are particularly exposed to the effects of climate change, among which the high vulnerability of certain sectors such as: water, biodiversity, tourism, agro-based activities, forests and health.", + "In the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the protection of the environment has a significant connotation and it is likewise in the Constitution of 1999 in Chapter IX sets out the Environmental Rights and specifically in Article 127 it is expressed that: \u201cIt is a right and a duty of each generation to protect and maintain the environment for the benefit of itself and the future world.", + "The State shall protect the environment, biological diversity, genetic resources, ecological processes, national parks and natural monuments and other areas of special ecological importance.", + "This synergy of the revolutionary government's commitment to the protection of the environment is embodied in the Plan of the Motherland, since it establishes in the 5th Great Historical Objective called \"Contributing to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species\", where the fundamental premise is not only to fight climate change, but to advance the development of an \"ecosocialist doctrine\" as the construction of harmonious ways of life and respect for the rights of the land and all its inhabitants.", + "This synergy of the revolutionary government\u2019s commitment to the protection of the environment is embodied in the Plan de la Patria, since it establishes in the 5th Great Historical Objective called \u201cContributing to the preservation of life on the planet and the salvation of the human species\u201d, where the fundamental premise is not only to fight climate change, but to advance in the development of an \u201cecosocialist doctrine\u201d as the construction of harmonious ways of life and respect for the rights of the land and all its inhabitants.", + "With the aim of complying with these legal precepts, today more than ever it is necessary to have a working and entrepreneurial class committed to the ecology and the conservation of healthy working environments, which undertakes the fight for the installation of new production models, with low greenhouse gas emissions.", + "All labour organizations, regardless of their economic activity, are exposed to the effects of climate change, with serious consequences in terms of direct and indirect job losses, in this sense to address these effects the workers' organizations (Workers' Productive Committee (CPT), Delegates and Delegates of Prevention, Trade Unions, Workers' Councils, among others), must develop actions to mitigate and adapt to it.", + "In Venezuela, for the next few years, eco-socialism and employment must go hand in hand towards mitigating, adapting and reducing the risks of climate change, for that reason environmental education, information and guidance is fundamental to the quest to achieve higher levels of awareness in relation to this issue. The objective situation that is pursued is to position ourselves in our country, in the discussion that is being given in the world, with regard to the design of an environmentally responsible policy, the aim of which is to make people aware of their levels of well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and damage to nature. We believe that our societies must change and that this transformation can only occur from a perspective of justice and social inclusion.", + "We believe that our societies must change and that this transformation can only take place from a perspective of justice and social inclusion. The following table presents Figure 17 of the Labour Sector (Social Justice). Figure 17. Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Labour Sector (Social Justice). Figure summarizes actions and programmes with an impact on adaptation - Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Objective. To contribute from the social process of work to mitigation and adaptation to climate change, implementing good production practices, through an action plan of information and guidance to workers, labour entities and social organizations as pro-tagonal actors in relation to environmental production. Actions and/or measures for the update of the NDC to 2030.", + "Contribute from the social work process to the mitigation and adaptation to climate change, implementing good production practices, through an action plan of information and orientation to workers, work entities and social organizations as protagonal actors in the relation. environmental production. Actions and/or measures for the updating of the CND to 2030. An Action Plan will be designed and implemented with the aim of informing and orientation to workers, on their participation and role in the mitigation and adaptation to climate change, as multipliers in the social work process, their family and community environment for the empowerment of climate action. Description of the action. Institution responsible for the actions. Ministry of Popular Power for the Social Work Process. Linkage with ODS. Indicators.", + "Description of the action. Institution responsible for the actions. Ministry of the People's Power for the Social Process of Labour. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Implement coordination between the Ministry of the People's Power for the Social Process of Labour and the Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism to implement information and guidance aimed at workers. Design and implement an information and guidance campaign to workers of the MPPPPST and its affiliated entities on greenhouse gas emissions, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and climate change mitigation and adaptation. Design and implement an information campaign to Labour Entities, and their organizations, on greenhouse gas emissions, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and climate change mitigation and adaptation.", + "To design and implement an information campaign aimed at Labour Entities, and their organizations, on the emission of greenhouse gases, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and mitigation and adaptation to climate change. To train workers who will take on the role of information multipliers. Number of workers informed and oriented. Number of institutions involved in the implementation of the action plan for information and orientation. Number of workers informed and oriented. Number of workers' organizations informed (Labour Organizations, Trade Unions, Workers' Productive Councils, Workers' Councils, among others. Number of workshops, talks, videoconferences, seminars, messages by social networks carried out, among others. Sector Directorate General of Environmental Quality Management (Water Quality Monitoring - Environmental Laboratories).", + "Number of workshops, talks, videoconferences, seminars, messages by social networks carried out, among others. Sector Directorate General of Environmental Quality Management (Water Quality Monitoring - Environmental Laboratories). The Directorate of Environmental Laboratories is currently preparing a Project for the strengthening of the Environmental Laboratories with the aim of equipping them with scientific equipment, materials, reactors and staff training with the aim of generating information on water quality in the country's main basins.", + "The Programme for Monitoring and Continuous Assessment of Water Quality includes the following water bodies: Lake Valencia, Tocuyo River, Yaracuy River, Tuy River and the incorporation of the Santo Domingo River is being planned.", + "In order to meet the objectives set, this directorate has planned the following actions:. Strengthening of the water quality monitoring programme. Strengthening of awareness-raising, communication and dissemination activities. Strengthening of the capabilities of the laboratory staff.", + "Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Sector Directorate-General for Environmental Quality Management (Water Quality Monitoring - Environmental Laboratories). Summary of the actions and programmes with. impact on adaptation- Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Actions and/or measures for the update of the NDC to 2030. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of water quality. Description of the action. The Network of Environmental Laboratories, designs a project to strengthen the analytical capacity of laboratories, at national level with the aim of equipping them with scientific equipment, materials, reactors and staff training with the aim of generating information on water quality, which will enable the general public to be informed, as well as support to formulate management policies that will enable adaptation to the changes suffered due to climate change. Objective.", + "The Network of Environmental Laboratories, designs a project to strengthen the analytical capacity of laboratories, at national level with the aim of equipping them with scientific equipment, materials, reactors and staff training with the aim of generating information on water quality, enabling them to inform the general public, as well as supporting the formulation of management policies that enable them to adapt to the changes suffered due to Climate Change. Objective. Generate information on water quality, enabling them to inform the general public, as well as generating management policies that enable them to adapt to the changes suffered due to Climate Change. Institution responsible for actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Actions and/or measures to update the CND to 2030. or Strengthening the organization of environmental laboratories. Number of watersheds monitored.", + "Actions and/or measures to update the NDCs to 2030. or Strengthening the organization of environmental laboratories. Number of watersheds monitored. Percentage of deviation of the concentration of indicator parameters at each sampling point in watersheds. Description of the action. Strengthening the capabilities of laboratory staff in the area of analytical, instrumental, statistical, environmental management and adaptation to climate change in order to use the recommended methodologies of the latest technology to perform more accurately and accurately physicochemical and bacteriological analyses as support in the management of monitoring and assessment of the effects of change on water bodies. Objective.", + "Strengthening the capabilities of laboratory staff in the field of analytical, instrumental, statistical, environmental management and adaptation to climate change in order to use state-of-the-art recommended methodologies to perform physicochemical and bacteriological analyses with greater precision and accuracy as support in the management of monitoring and assessment of the effects of change on water bodies. Objective. Strengthening the capabilities of laboratory staff in the field of analytical, instrumental, statistical, environmental management and adaptation to climate change in order to use state-of-the-art recommended methodologies to perform physicochemical and bacteriological analyses with greater precision and accuracy.", + "Actions and/or measures to update the 2030 NDCs. or Awareness-raising, communication and dissemination of water management. Description of the action. The strengthening of awareness-raising, communication and dissemination activities, through newsletters, mass media such as: print, television, radio, social networks and other alternative media, which will inform the people's power and other bodies of the actions being implemented related to adaptation to climate change and of the ways in which the people's power can contribute to the conservation and preservation of water in order to reduce the adverse effects of climate change. Objective.", + "Strengthening of awareness-raising, communication and dissemination activities, through newsletters, mass media such as: written press, television, radio, social networks and other alternative media, which will inform the people's power and other bodies of the actions being carried out related to adaptation to climate change and of the ways in which the people's power can contribute to the conservation and preservation of water in order to reduce the adverse effects of climate change. Objective. To inform the people's power of the actions being carried out related to adaptation to climate change, as regards the assessment and monitoring of water quality, as well as of the ways in which the people's power can contribute to the conservation and preservation of water in order to reduce the adverse effects of climate change. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators.", + "To inform the People's Power of the actions that are being carried out related to the adaptation to climate change, in terms of the assessment and monitoring of water quality, as well as of the ways in which the People's Power can contribute to the conservation and preservation of water in order to reduce the adverse effects of climate change. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Number of training workshops. Number of people trained. Number of people participating in awareness workshops. Number of information published in the mass media, social networks and other alternative media. The Environmental Laboratories Directorate is in the process of building the Water Quality Indicator, which will be used as a methodology to determine the degree of water pollution in bodies of water that have sufficient historical data for its elaboration.", + "The Directorate of Environmental Laboratories is in the process of constructing the Water Quality Indicator, which will be used as a methodology to determine the degree of water pollution in bodies of water that have sufficient historical data for its elaboration. This tool will be useful in determining the degree of variation of those parameters related to the effects of climate change, for which it is necessary to carry out the following actions.", + "The National Water Quality Information System (SNICA) will be revised and implemented (the software) for the incorporation of the analytical data obtained in each of the watersheds that are included in the annual monitoring programme with the aim of calculating the Water Quality Index and determining the degree of variation of those parameters related to the effects of climate change. Objective: To provide information on the degree of variation of those parameters related to the effects of climate change. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Actions and/or measures for the updating of the GNI to 2030. or Water Quality Indicator. Description of the action.", + "Actions and/or measures for updating the GNI to 2030. or Water Quality Indicator. Action description. The Water Quality Indicator and calculations for determining the deviation of parameters related to the effects of climate change, will be constructed in accordance with. the historical data of watersheds included in the quality monitoring programme. Number of sampling sites or points. Water Quality Indicator. that will provide information relevant to adaptation and generate mitigation policies for reducing adverse effects of climate change. Objective.", + "Objective: To construct the Water Quality Indicator and the calculations for the determination of the deviation of the parameters related to the effects of climate change of the watersheds included in the water quality monitoring programme. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Sector Ecosystems (Coastal Zone, Territorial Management, Mountains, Wetlands).", + "Construct the Water Quality Indicator and calculations for determining the deviation of parameters related to the effects of climate change in watersheds included in the water quality monitoring programme. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Ecosystems sector (Coastal Zone, Territorial Management, Mountains, Wetlands). In the country climate variability and the occurrence of extreme events have been more propensity in recent years, as well as it is difficult to predict precise effects of climate change; however, recent studies warn about the potential impacts on humans due to floods, storms, droughts and heat waves, with predictions of lack of drinking water and possible conflicts as competition for water resources increases, as well as major changes in conditions for food production.", + "In the country, climate variability and the occurrence of extreme events have been more prone in recent years, as well as it is difficult to predict precise effects of climate change; however, recent studies warn of potential impacts on humans due to floods, storms, droughts and heat waves, with predictions of lack of drinking water and possible conflicts as competition for water resources increases, as well as major changes in conditions for food production.", + "This vulnerability has become evident in a number of emergencies and natural disasters with severe effects on housing, food production, electricity generation and biodiversity, among others.", + "In the face of this situation Venezuela has taken large-scale measures that have made it possible to attend to and protect the population affected, to promote the processes of resilience of ecosystems considered strategic for the conservation of biological diversity and the generation of socially productive processes that are sustainable or environmentally responsible, to reduce damage and reduce the vulnerability of the nation to climate change.", + "Actions and programmes with impact on adaptation year 2017.Territorial planning and management.Description of the results of the action implemented in Venezuela's First National Development Strategy.The national planning instrument, although not formalized, serves as a technical guide for the development of more detailed territorial planning instruments such as Coastal Zones Integrated Management and Management Plans, National Strategic Development Zones Management Plans (ZDENs), State Territorial Management Plans and Areas Under Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE), some of which are internationally recognized as Protected Areas.The PNOT guides the development of all economic, sociocultural and environmental sectors in the country.", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, a number of other measures have been adopted, such as the establishment of the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, the establishment of the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, the creation of the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, the establishment of the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, the establishment of the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, the establishment of the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, the establishment of the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, the establishment of the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement", + "In this regard, the implementation of this plan generates a reduction in the vulnerability of the population and socio-productive activities in the processes of space occupation in the face of climate change in the next 20 years, especially by considering within its conception the variable risk and the participation of the organizations of the People's Power.", + "The POGIZC is in the process of final evaluation for its subsequent approval by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, however, since its elaboration it has become the spatial and temporal reference framework that guarantees the conservation, sustainable use and exploitation of coastal zones and allows to raise the quality of life of its inhabitants, being a fundamental contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).", + "Project of the National Land Management Plan - PNOT (2010):. Plan of Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Management (POGIZC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela:. Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Coastal Zones of Venezuela (2010). Implications of Climate Change in the Coastal Zones and the Aquatic Space of Venezuela (2011). Glossary of Terms for Environmental and Territorial Management and Planning (2012). Verification of the Precipitation Flood Map in the Coastal Zones of Venezuela (2012). Inventory and Characterization of the Venezuelan Sandy Beaches (2012 - present). Public Domain in the Coastal Zones of Venezuela: Criteria for Delimitation (Document validated with the Working Committees of the Central and State Coastal Zones). Development of the Project 00075653 Strengthening the System of Marine Protected Areas -", + "Public Domain in the Coastal Zones of Venezuela: Criteria for their Delimitation (Document validated with the Working Committees of the Central and State Coastal Zones). Development of Project 00075653 Strengthening the System of Marine Protected Areas - Coastal Zones of Venezuela (2011 - 2017). Reactivation and active participation in various spaces for the creation of Alliances (2018 - Current): Redparks, Ramsar Convention, UNDP, UNEP, WCPA, GEF, PPD. 3. Draft Plan of Management of the Territory of the Orinoco Oil Field \"Hugo Ch\u00e1vez Fr\u00edas\" (National Strategic Development Zone - ZDEN):- productive of the nation under an environmentally responsible approach. 4. Areas under Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE) and their Plans of Management and Regulations of Use (PORU):5.", + "It is a regional planning instrument that guides development based on the country's main industry, the oil industry, in harmony with other economic sectors. By identifying threats, especially those of a technological nature, it proposes within the framework of the plan, research programmes and monitoring of industrial processes, particularly those that could increase greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.", + "In identifying threats, especially those of a technological nature, it is proposed within the framework of the plan, research programs and monitoring of industrial processes, particularly those that could increase emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs).", + "In this regard, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) jointly organized a regional workshop on the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010, in cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "which are approved states: Falc\u00f3n (2004 in process of updating), T\u00e1chira (2005), Barinas (2011), Cojedes (2011), Miranda (2011), Trujillo (2017) and without approving the corresponding state of La Guaira and Sucre (2019 - 2020).", + "Following the hierarchical system of land management instruments, six (6) plans of federal entities considering the risk variable for analyses and use allocations have been addressed, among which are approved the states: Falc\u00f3n (2004 in the process of updating), T\u00e1chira (2005), Barinas (2011), Cojedes (2011), Miranda (2011), Trujillo (2017) and without approving the corresponding one for the state of La Guaira and Sucre (2019 - 2020).", + "The incorporation of the variable risk in the rest of the Territory's State Management Plans, as well as those that are generated at the municipal, urban, local and communal levels, will make it possible to reduce the vulnerability of the population and their socio-productive activities to climate change.", + "Venezuela since the 1980s has identified the need and importance of soil conservation to address the issue of agri-food security, and more recently as part of its contribution to addressing issues related to climate change, as the increase in soil organic content mitigates this process.", + "In this regard, the Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism within the framework of the National Action Program to Combat Desertification and Drought Mitigation, has energized policies of land management and conservation, through guidelines for the preservation, reduction, rehabilitation or recovery of land degradation, through the approach of sustainable development within the framework of a humanistic and self-management economy, a social solidarity and equitable medium and participatory democracy from the ecosocialist approach, in accordance with the national development guidelines as well as those.", + "This instrument is structured in 5 Strategic Lines, namely titled: the Sustainable Development of Areas Affected by the Processes Leading to Desertification and by the Effects of Drought; Education, Training and Awareness as Fundamental Elements of Development; Scientific Research and Technological Innovation as the Basis of Scientifically Argumented Local Development; Institutional Strengthening; and Intra- and International Cooperation. Currently, among the achievements of its implementation are highlighted: - 2025 by Development Goals. Determining national strengths to confront it. It was developed with the participation of more than 150 people, coming from national and international institutions, scientific, educational, and environmental movements, who represented about 32 national bodies among ministries, organizations, universities, and research centers, as well as with the presence of national and international authorities.", + "It was developed with the participation of more than 150 people, from national and international institutions, scientific, educational, and environmental movements, representing about 32 national bodies among ministries, organizations, universities and research centres, as well as with the presence of national and international authorities.", + "It was determined in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDO) 15, Target 15.3, its Indicator 15.3.1 \u201cProportion of Degraded Land in Relation to Total Land Area\u201d, with its three sub-indicators 1) Land Cover (Trends in Land Use / Land Cover); 2) Land Productivity (Trends in Land Productivity); and 3) Organic Carbon in the Soil (Carbon Storage on the Surface and in the Soil).", + "The National Drought Strategy was developed, identifying vulnerability to extreme drought events in the country's various productive sectors (agriculture, water, socio-economics, electricity, hydrocarbons, and the environment), as well as to the national development objectives set out in the Plan de Patria 2019 Act.", + "In the context of the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 26 August to 4 September 2002, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) jointly organized a regional workshop on the implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, held in Barbados, Barbados, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Costa Rica, C\u00f4te d'Ivoire, Cuba, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti", + "The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) called on Parties to quantify drylands with arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid climates (according to Thornthwaite).", + "The decree with force of law of coastal zones (2001) in its Article 23 states: \u201cIn coastal zones, the National Public Power has the competence to formulate policies of conservation and sustainable development.\u201d Furthermore, in the Third Transitional Provision it states: \u201cWithin one (1) year, counted from the publication of this Decree Law in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources shall submit for consideration by the Council of Ministers, the national policies of conservation and sustainable development of coastal zones.\u201d With this in mind, the Ministry of the People's Power for the Environment, currently the Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism, developed the proposal for National Policies of Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones (RBV - MINAMB, 2010).", + "Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its sixty-third session a report on the implementation of the present resolution.", + "The National Plan of Territorial Management - PNOT is an instrument of territorial management that must be reviewed in the light of two basic criteria, the first relating to the fulfilment of its long-term planning horizon (20 years); a second case is linked to the change of government, in the terms envisaged and established in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. In any case, for both situations it is necessary:. Objective. To update the national planning instrument as a guide to these processes on a more detailed scale, in the light of the new guidelines established in the Plan of the Fatherland Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025, as well as the so-called technicians in the field of sustainable development, risks and climate change.", + "To update the national planning instrument as a guide to these processes on a more detailed scale, taking into account the new guidelines established in the Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025, as well as the so-called technicians in the field of sustainable development, risks and climate change. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. These are the result of the articulation of the contents of the state documents for the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones (Phases I and II). It was taken as a starting point for its elaboration, the environmental problems identified by the Working Committees of Coastal Zones at the State Level (CTZCNE), which allowed the construction of the document of National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones from the local and regional management levels to the national level.", + "It was taken as a starting point for its elaboration, the environmental problems identified by the Working Committees of the Coastal Zones at the State Level (CTZCNE), which allowed the construction of the document of National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Coastal Zones from the local and regional management levels to the national level.", + "The construction of the proposal became an interesting exercise of confrontation of the current problems of the coastal zones and their solutions, with the guidelines, guidelines and actions contained in the Decree with Force of Law of the Coastal Zones, in order to reach conclusions on the validity and relevance of the latter. The National Policies of Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Coastal Zones represent the guidelines for implementing and executing a dynamic process for the strengthening of the institutional capacity, the optimization of the planning and the coordination of competences for the integrated management of this space. The National Policies of Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Coastal Zones aim to establish the provisions for:.", + "To give priority to the environmental problems identified in the coastal zones. To promote the protection of the coastal zones and to rehabilitate those degraded areas. To guide the actions in the decision-making, with regard to the prospects of development that exist on the coastal zones of Venezuela. To provide an adequate reference framework to support the elaboration of the Plans of Management and Integrated Management of the Coastal Zones at different scales. The formation of the National Commission of Territorial Management, chaired by the Ministry of the People's Power for Planning, being the Technical Secretariat under the responsibility of the Ministry of the People's Power for Ecosocialism. The formation of interinstitutional working groups and the allocation of responsibilities. Generation of a methodological process for the realization of the revision and updating of the basic thematic documents and for the collective construction of the proposals. Indicators. 2.", + "In the context of the approval of the Plan of Management and Integrated Management of Coastal Zones (POGIZC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the continuity of activities linked to the 10 Programmes for Integrated Coastal Zone Management, it is hoped that in the period 2021 - 2030: Objective.", + "Within the framework of the approval of the Plan for the Management and Integrated Management of Coastal Zones (POGIZC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the continuity of activities linked to the 10 Programmes for the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones, it is aspired in the period 2021 - 2030: Objective: To implement and strengthen the implementation of the activities planned within the Programmes for the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones, with particular emphasis on the processes of conservation of biological diversity and management of areas of public domain as key spaces to ensure the resilience of the coast to the events of Climate Change.", + "Project for the Management Plan of the Territory of the Orinoco Oil Field \"Hugo Ch\u00e1vez Fr\u00edas\" (National Strategic Development Zone - ZDEN). Description of the action. For the purposes of the approval and subsequent implementation of the activities identified in the instrument. No. of working groups installed. No. of operational working groups. No. of collective construction workshops carried out. No. of basic technical documents updated. Review and update the policies of conservation and sustainable development of coastal zones of Venezuela. Continue to strengthen the System of Marine Protected Areas - Coastal zones of Venezuela by creating and improving the processes of integrated management and management of their territories. Continue and strengthen the inventory and characterization of Venezuela's arable beaches.", + "Continuing the strengthening of the System of Marine Protected Areas - Coasts of Venezuela through the creation and improvement of the processes of management and integrated management of its territories. Continuing and strengthening the inventory and characterization of the Venezuelan Sandy Beaches. Continuing the reactivation and participation in various spaces for the creation of Alliances: Redparks, Ramsar Convention, UNDP, UNEP, WCPA, GEF, PPD, Inparques, Mintur, Alliance of Mountains (FAO), Andina de Monta\u00f1as Initiative, among others. Strengthening and systematization of the knowledge base, and of the Information Systems for the Integrated Management of Coastal Zones (SIGIZC).", + "Socialize and discuss the proposal of the Draft Decree for the purposes of improvement for the subsequent approval and. conciliated execution. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 4. Areas of Low Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE) and their Management Plans and Regulations of Use (PORU). Description of the action. During the period 2021 - 2030 it is estimated to continue strengthening the set of Areas of Low Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE) of Venezuela, as part of the agreements and commitments undertaken before the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. for which it is estimated to work on:. Objective. Strengthen the system of Areas of Low Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE) of Venezuela. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with O", + "Strengthening the system of Areas under Special Administrative Regime (ABRAE) of Venezuela. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. Special (ABRAE) / Area (ha) planned to be incorporated according to the Plan of the Motherland - Third Socialist Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2019 - 2025. Implementation of the call for public consultation. Implementation of Public Consultation Workshops. Evaluation of the proposals and subsequent incorporation into the draft Decree. Presentation of the draft Decree for its approval by the President of the Republic in the Council of Ministers. Number of Public Consultation Workshops Programmed / Number of Public Consultation Workshops Implemented. Number of proposals received / Number of proposals analysed. Number of participants in the public consultation process. Declaration of 03 new National Parks. Declaration of 01 new Natural Monument", + "Declaration of 03 new National Parks. Declaration of 01 new Natural Monument. Declaration of 06 new Wildlife Reserves. Proposal for the expansion of 08 National Parks. Expansion of 01 Natural Monument. Declaration of 01 Biosphere Reserve. Development of 03 Management Plans and Rules of Use. Updating of 04 Management Plans and Rules of Use. No. of instruments worked on / No. of instruments approved. Area (ha) of the territory incorporated into the System of Low Administrative Areas. 5.", + "Objective: To give continuity to the actions planned in the National Action Programme for Combating Desertification and Drought Mitigation. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. To strengthen the State Land Management Commissions. To stimulate the elaboration of the Land Management Plans of the Amazon States, La Guaira, Lara and Sucre. To support the updating of the Land Management Plans of the Carabobo, Falc\u00f3n and Monagas States.", + "To promote the elaboration of the Territorial Management Plans of the Amazon, La Guaira, Lara and Sucre States. To support the updating of the Territorial Management Plans of the Carabobo, Falc\u00f3n and Monagas States. To coordinate the elaboration of the Territorial Management Plan of the Orinoco Mining Arc (National Strategic Development Zone). No. of strengthened State Territorial Management Commissions / No. of existing State Territorial Management Commissions. No. of instruments worked on / No. of instruments submitted for approval.", + "Building the Country Report 2022. Initiating local initiatives linked to the fight against desertification and drought mitigation. Initiating the revision and updating of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15, Target 15.3, its Indicator 15.3.1 \u201cProportion of Degraded Land in Relation to Total Land Area\u201d, with its three sub-indicators 1) Land Cover (Trends in Land Use / Land Cover); 2) Land Productivity (Trends in Land Productivity); and 3) Organic Carbon in the Soil (Carbon Storage on Surface and Soil).", + "In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human", + "Revise and update the National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones in the light of international and national technical guidelines, as well as the current situation of this geographical area. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with the ODS. Indicators. Number of Country Reports Developed / Number of Country Reports Requested. Document associated with the update of the ODS 15, Target 15.3, its Indicator 15.3.1. Reactivation of the Central Working Committee of Coastal Zones (CTCZC), chaired by the Ministry of Popular Power for Eco-socialism. Reactivation and strengthening of the Working Committees of Coastal Zones at the State Level (CTZCNE). Generation of a methodological process for the implementation of the revision and update of the National Policies for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Coastal Zones. Number of Work", + "No. of Working Committees of Resettled Coastal Zones No. of Working Committees of Operational Coastal Zones No. of Collective Building Workshops Conducted No. of Revised and Updated Policies Biodiversity Sector (Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity) Climate change has a clear impact on biodiversity. It is a threat to individuals, species and ecosystems; on the other hand, impacts on biodiversity can alter the structure and functioning of ecosystems, and their interactions with biological, geochemical and hydrological cycles (IPCC, 2007). A determining factor is any natural or anthropogenic factor that causes, directly or indirectly, a change in an ecosystem or in biodiversity.", + "A determining factor is any natural or anthropogenic factor that causes, directly or indirectly, a change in an ecosystem or in biodiversity. Those that influence explicitly are direct determining factors. These include changes in land use, climate change, the presence of invasive species, overexploitation of natural resources and pollution.", + "In the face of this situation, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has taken large-scale measures that have made it possible to attend to and protect the affected population, reduce damage and reduce vulnerability.The following table presents Figure 20 of the Biodiversity Sector (Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity):Figure 20.Policies of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) presented by the Biodiversity Sector (Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity).Figure Summary of Actions and Programs with an Impact on Adaptation- Update of the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC).Actions and Programs with an Impact on Adaptation year 2017-2020.Biological Diversity.Description of the results of the action implemented in the First NDC of Venezuela.National Program for the Conservation of Threatened Spec", + "In the framework of the National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity 2010-2020 (ENCDB) and its National Action Plan (PAN), among the actions that contribute to minimising the effects of climate change is maintaining the country's ecosystems in good working order, which includes conserving the wild populations of the species of fauna and flora that inhabit them, as well as their habitats.", + "In the framework of the National Strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity 2010 - 2020 (ENCDB) and its National Action Plan (PAN), among the actions that contribute to minimising the effects of climate change is maintaining the country's ecosystems in good working order, which includes conserving the wild populations of the species of fauna and flora that inhabit them, as well as their habitats.", + "The programmes for the conservation of threatened species and the sustainable exploitation of biological diversity developed by MINEC through the Directorate-General for Biological Diversity are aimed at protecting, conserving and strengthening the populations of species of wild fauna and flora, in order to increase the population abundance of these species, for which in situ and ex situ conservation actions are carried out.", + "Conservation of species of non-woody flora (mushrooms, orchids, bromeliads, mangroves, morichales, among others); exploitation of baba (Caiman crocodilus); exploitation of Chig\u00fcire (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris); exploitation of Psit\u00e1cidos. endemic to the Cordillera de la Costa, which is developed by the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism (MINEC), through the Directorate General of Biological Diversity, with the participation of Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol and the National Institute of Parks (INPARQUES); in the period 2017-2020, the planting of approximately 500 specimens of this species, cultivated in institutional nurseries of MINEC, INPARQUES, CONARE and Misi\u00f3n \u00c1rbol, was carried out in order to strengthen the natural populations in the Waraira Repano National Park, also increasing the", + "It is estimated that from 2017 to 2020, the development and implementation of these programs for the conservation and sustainable exploitation of biological diversity, at national level, has contributed 5% to the minimization of vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change.", + "It is estimated that from 2017 to 2020, the development and implementation of these programs for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity at national level has contributed 5% to minimizing vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change.However, to strengthen these programs, staff and funding are required to monitor the conservation and sustainable use of wild flora and fauna species, specifically with regard to population studies of species of interest and their contribution to adaptation and mitigation to climate change.", + "However, in order to strengthen these programmes, staff and funding are required to monitor the conservation and sustainable use of wild flora and fauna species, specifically with regard to population studies of species of interest and their contribution to adaptation and mitigation to climate change.How many training workshops were held in the period 2017-2020?In 2017-2020, the Directorate-General for Biological Diversity held 25 training workshops for officials, communities, students and teachers, in the context of the conservation of biological diversity, in the context of fulfilling international commitments and one on adaptation to climate change in the context of the ecosocialist week against climate change.", + "In 2017-2020, the Directorate-General for Biological Diversity carried out 25 training workshops for officials, communities, students and teachers, in the framework of the conservation of biological diversity, in the framework of the fulfilment of international commitments and one on adaptation to climate change in the framework of the ecosocialist week against climate change. It is planned to carry out a series of training workshops on the conservation of biological diversity with an approach to adaptation and mitigation to climate change for the period 2021 - 2030.", + "To this end, it requires the participation of professionals and technicians specialized in climate change and funding to deliver these courses. 1. Program for the release of specimens of threatened species. During the period 2017-2020, 834 specimens of Orinoco caiman, 57,780 marine turtles (between Cardoon, Carey and Caguama turtles) and 83,054 specimens of Arrau turtle were released in their distribution areas. Supporting the strengthening and conservation of their natural populations. 1. Methodology established for the release and obtaining the expected results. Technical staff, as well as financial resources to carry out the follow-up, specifically with regard to population studies of these species. Actions and/or measures to update the NDCs to 2030. 1. Conduct training workshops on the conservation of biological diversity with a focus on adaptation and mitigation to climate", + "To carry out training workshops on the conservation of biological diversity with a focus on adaptation and mitigation to climate change for the period 2021. - 2030. Description of the action. To carry out nine (09) training workshops on the conservation of biological diversity with a focus on adaptation and mitigation to climate change, estimating during that period to train a total of 450 people, among officials, communities, students and teachers. Objective. To make officials, communities, students and teachers aware and train them on the impact, immediate and future of change. Monitoring and guarding of the breeding season of threatened or endangered wild species in priority breeding areas.", + "Cage rearing of specimens from priority breeding areas, for a period of one year until they reach an appropriate size that makes their release into the wild feasible. Release in their natural distribution area of specimens of threatened or endangered wild species, from priority breeding areas, from captive rearing or rehabilitated in rescue and zoological centres. Censuses of populations of threatened or endangered species with specimen release programs to measure their effectiveness in the recovery of these populations.", + "Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 2. Strengthen the Program for the release of specimens of species threatened or in danger of extinction. Description of the action. Implement the release of 300.000 specimens of wild species threatened or in danger of extinction, as part of the National Program for the Conservation of Endangered Species. Objective. Support the recovery of natural populations of wild species threatened or in danger of extinction in their distribution areas. Institution responsible for the actions. Linkage with ODS. Indicators. 2. Installation and operation of ex situ conservation centres for species threatened or in danger of extinction. Description of the action. Installation and operation of six (06) ex situ conservation centres for specimens of wild species threatened or in danger of extinction, as part of the National Program for the Conservation of Endangered", + "Establishment and operation of six (06) ex situ conservation centres for specimens of threatened or endangered wild species, as part of the National Programme for the Conservation of Threatened Species. Objective. Cultivate and breed specimens of threatened or endangered species in captivity for their subsequent planting or release in their distribution areas, for the strengthening of their natural populations. Institution responsible for the actions. Linking with ODS. Indicators. Number of people trained per year, in the field of conservation of biological diversity with a focus on adaptation and mitigation to climate change. Number of specimens released per species. 3. Restoration of wetlands sensitive to the effects of climate change. Description of the action. Restoration of two (02) degraded wetlands (manganese and morichal ecosystems), as strategic areas for the conserva", + "To carry out the restoration of two (02) degraded wetlands (manga and moorland ecosystems) as strategic areas for the conservation of biological diversity. Objective. To undertake actions for the restoration and remediation of degraded wetlands by anthropogenic action (one mangrove and one moorland) as part of the actions for the conservation of biological diversity, with an impact on adaptation and mitigation of climate change. Institution responsible for the actions. Linking with ODS. Indicators. Number of zoological gardens installed and in operation. Number of nurseries installed and in operation. Number of endangered or threatened species cultivated. Number of endangered or threatened species bred. Number of restored wetlands.", + "Number of species threatened or at risk of extinction cultivated Number of species threatened or at risk of extinction created Number of wetlands restored NEEDS FOR SUPPORT AND IMPLEMENTATION. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in order to strengthen and continue to promote policies and the implementation of priority actions in the field of adaptation and mitigation to climate change, requires sufficient financial resources, as well as technical assistance and technology transfer aimed at combating climate change and its effects, as well as increasing the resilience of its natural and human systems.", + "This funding is considered important for the achievement of the objectives of this CND and to contribute to the achievement of the Goals. The implementation of the Updated CND envisages challenges in terms of funding, technical, technological, scientific, institutional transformation and governance capacities. While there are initiatives and alliances between different institutions in the public, private sector, academia and non-governmental bodies in the country, capacity-building and access to non-repayable financial resources from international cooperation are required for their implementation. It is important to note that an assessment of support and implementation needs is required in accordance with the guidelines and methodologies, which enable the needs to be quantified for the implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures to climate change framed in the Paris Agreement and the UNFCCC.", + "It is important to note that an assessment of support and implementation needs is required in accordance with the guidelines and methodologies, which will enable the needs to be quantified for the implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures to climate change as defined in the Paris Agreement and in the UNFCCC. Some of the barriers and challenges for Venezuela, in relation to the implementation of adaptation, mitigation and losses and damages due to climate change revolve around implementation at sectoral, territorial and local level, among which are: Updating the legal framework to enable climate change to be integrated into future development planning Updating the available climate projections and low territorial coverage relating to vulnerability analyses to the effects of climate change.", + "To update the available climate projections and low territorial coverage related to vulnerability analyses to the effects of climate change. To expand training and capacity to develop climate risk analyses (under the IPCC conceptual and methodological framework) at sectoral, territorial and local levels. To update information on the impacts of climate change on the maritime-coastal region, mountain areas, and the country's biological diversity, among others. ANEXO: PROCESS OF UPDATE OF THE SECOND NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION (NDC).", + "Update information on the impacts of climate change on the sea-coast region, mountain areas, and the country's biological diversity, among others.", + "In addition, the Committee recommends that the State party take all necessary measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate and the National Assembly, as well as to the members of civil society, including non-governmental organizations and the private sector, for appropriate consideration and further action.", + "In order to ensure the participation of all key sectors of Venezuela in the updating of the second NCD, MINEC designed an action plan with implementation activities in the years 2020-2021; carrying out the following actions: A Workshop on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) was held in the context of unilateral coercive measures and SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, Coronavirus type 2 of the severe acute respiratory syndrome) or COVID 19, represent for Venezuela in this context to respond to the commitments made for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and adaptation to climate change, in accordance with what is established in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement of 2015.", + "A Workshop on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) was held in the context of unilateral coercive measures and SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, Coronavirus type 2 of severe acute respiratory syndrome) or COVID 19, represent for Venezuela in this context to respond to the commitments made for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and adaptation to climate change, in accordance with what is established in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement 2015.", + "Inter-institutional coordination and articulation with the different sectors. An inter-institutional link was established for the collection of information and interaction with each sector. 26 working meetings were established with external sectors and 11 working meetings with Minec\u2019s substantive internal management that allowed for a thorough review of the needs and barriers to be overcome for the implementation of the NDCs. It is important to note that, in compliance with the mobility restriction and biosecurity measures due to the health crisis that has become the COVID-19 pandemic, the sessions were mostly conducted in virtual mode.", + "It is important to note that, in compliance with the mobility restrictions and biosecurity measures resulting from the health crisis that has become the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the sessions were held in virtual mode.", + "The collaborative work consisted of: (1) bibliography review and analysis of political and national development priorities; (2) preliminary elaboration of possible climate change commitments and their prioritization; (3) successive working meetings of technical teams until reaching a consensus on the scope, structure, monitoring mechanisms, among other operational aspects of each commitment; (4) various consultations via telephone, e-mail, via zoom for each sector to expand actions to deal with the climate crisis; (5) space for socialization and feedback through meetings; (6) process of technical - political approval of all parties involved.", + "Recalling also its resolution 58/269 of 23 December 2003, in which it requested the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its fifty-seventh session on the implementation of the present resolution,", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "Recommendation of the Third United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNISPACE III).", + "In addition, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, organized a workshop on the implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa, in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), organized a workshop on the implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the National Assembly, the Senate, the National Assembly and the Senate, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly and the Senate, the Parliamentary Assembly and the National Assembly, as well as to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations High Commission", + "National Assembly of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Retrieved from mppp.gob.ve/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Plan-de-la-Naci%C3%B3n-2001-2007.pdf. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2005). First National Communication on Climate Change of Venezuela. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. United Nations Development Programme. World Environment Fund. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2007). National Economic and Social Development Plan 2007 - 2013. Sim\u00f3n Bol\u00edvar National Project. First Socialist Plan. National Assembly. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Retrieved from Naci%C3%B3n-2007-2013.pdf. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2013). National Economic and Social Development Plan 2013 - 2019 (Plan de la Patria). National Assembly. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of", + "National Assembly. Caracas, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Retrieved from content/uploads/2013/09/Program-Patria-2013-2019.pdf. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (2017). Second National Communication on Climate Change of Venezuela. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. United Nations Development Programme. World Environment Fund. Rodr\u00edguez, J.P. and F. Rojas-Su\u00e1rez (eds.) (2008). Red Book of the Venezuelan Fauna. Third Edition. Provita and Shell Venezuela, S.A., Caracas, Venezuela. 364 pp. LAWS AND DECREES. Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 36.860. December 30, 1999. Caracas. Decree No 1.701. Creation of the Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism and Water (Minea). Official Gazette of", + "Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 40.634. April 07, 2015. Caracas. Decree No. 3390. Creation Ministry of Science and Technology. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 38.095. December 28, 2004. Caracas. Decree No. 4.335. Rules for regulating and controlling the consumption, production, import, export and use of ozone-depleting substances. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 38.392. March 07, 2006. Caracas. Decree No. 1.408 with Rank, Value and Force of Law Reform of the Decree with Rank, Value and Force of Law of Fisheries and Aquaculture. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 6.150 Extraordinary. November 18, 2014. Caracas. Decree No. 1468 with Force", + "The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) recognizes the right of peoples to self-determination in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples, including the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the creation of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the creation of the Office of", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure the full implementation of the present recommendations, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Ministers, the Parliamentary Assembl", + "Establishes commitments and targets on emission reductions for Annex I countries, and voluntary reductions for non-Annex I countries. Water Law. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 38.595. January 02, 2007. Caracas. Forest Law. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 40.222. August 06, 2013. Caracas. Biological Diversity Management Law. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 39.070. December 01, 2008. Caracas. Natural and Technological Social Risk Management Law. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 39.095. January 09, 2009. Caracas. Integrated Basin Management Law. Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No 6.017. (Extraordinary). December 30, 2010. Caracas. Water and Air Quality Law. Official Gazette of the Bolivari", + "In addition to the above-mentioned measures, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has adopted a number of other measures aimed at strengthening the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples, such as the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the establishment of the Office of the Ombudsman for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples", + "In this regard, the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Office of" + ] + } + } +] \ No newline at end of file