text,label which is pretty intuitive and easy to learn.,2 "weapon handling, hit reaction and the ""punchy feel"" of the shootouts is just top notch.",2 Crash on startup every time ,0 scratches and itch but falls short of providing any strategic depth.,0 " There's sort of the illusion of split paths and decisions, but it's really inconsequential in the end.",0 deeply addicting random number generator synergy machine that provides streamlined roguelike experience as it stands it is primarily luck based which seems fitting for what this is,2 is because of the pretty extensive background story found on VOID's YouTube channel and mission briefings in-game.,1 "I normally use Nexus, but I really enjoy how streamline mods are when Devs incorporate Workshop support. I cannot recommend Mod IO. I've never dealt with it before, but with the current issues you cannot run your game if you have mods from Mod IO.",0 " sci-fi space exploration, base-building, aerial dogfighting and multi-species/AI existential philosophy... ",2 "they should implement a grouping policy for staff highly trained in a specific speciality, so they always work out of that room...otherwise the micromanaging means you just hire 10x more staff...as you would have a big budget by that point in the game.",0 "The game is mainly third-person with some first person elements to it, ",1 I would recommend this game for everyone.,2 Lobbies are always populated; the community is very collaborative.,2 "but with no progression there is no motivation to play much more than a few rounds to see everything (side note, there is no 'HK slap' on either the UMP or MP5.",0 played this both on Xbox and on pc. ,1 "The main criticism would be that although the game has many systems, some of them feel comparatively shallow (such as underwater exploration) and the universe can start feeling samey after a long enough time",0 "the ""superbug network"" feature seems pretty cool for people who have friends.it seems to be a shared progress tree that you can invite friends to kinda like how clan progress works in other games but much smaller; ",2 the game got a lot more polished to me,2 the character filters that do exist don not actually work or filter out any useful information. the information overlays do a worse job than they did in tph.,0 I recommended but not fully recommend ,1 "I literally had to put a YouTube video or Netflix show on in the background because I just could not handle the never ending, always sounding the same melody.",0 Not by any means photo realistic ,0 "The audio is repetitive, same sounds and music’s over and over, and adds nothing to the gameplay.",0 my friends and I are taking screenshots and sharing them with each other all over the place.,2 I might like this game if you did not need to play through the campaign to unlock sandbox mode which is just a pain,0 I have hundreds of hours logged in this game,2 ome people may like this approach while others might like Elite.,1 "campus, despite the map size, has been completed, something was amissing', oomph maybe?",0 " ""devs spent time to solve its problems"" but I fail every time. ",0 "it was fun while it lasted, I will keep it on my Wishlist for whenever, ",2 simple UI. easy to understand but not easy enough for my interest to drop. ,2 "I've missed this game a lot, so thinking of getting back into it again.",1 "during the start of the game it was fun, bouncing from location to location discovering new viruses and obtaining new rooms.",2 "on our third mission we forgot to pack flash lights or night vision so we could not find a bag of drugs, the meth heads do a good job hiding there stuff, so next time we know to always bring a flash light.",2 "so hopefully with a few patches and some serious AI tweaking... this could be the game me, 10-david and everyone else has been waiting for.",2 Highly recommended and ,2 you need to use your own imagination to keep it interesting.,0 "though it would be nice if there was a progression system, maybe that's coming. though again, it would be nice if there was a progression system",0 "I'm a little bit disappointed they don't offer native joystick support on the PC, but they do support xbox controllers and",0 I would definitely recommend this game.,2 I really like that it takes so long to get bored so still going,2 keep the game interesting even if it's on the same map.,2 "Now that public service message is out of the way, I can safety say I love this game it really is a trip down memory lane!",2 even the background story/narrative although only mostly told in text doing same-ish chores over and over again isn't too bad.,2 "Multiplayer on Multiplayer mode your can join with your save, get benefits from your save ",2 this game somehow makes playing a game during a pandemic not depressing and actually quite fun.,2 "A lot of people cannot afford a decent gaming laptop, but can afford cloud gaming, so allowing players to use cloud gaming like geforce now, was a superior choice and is going to help you so much.",1 a cadre of self-entitled kids,0 "and I place it very high among survival games, just below better games like Subnautica and Valheim, but infinitely better than garbage like Rust and Ark.",2 Lots of tongue in cheek humor that keeps the laughs coming while enjoying the gameplay. ,2 just now on the last campus when 2/3 starring the campus I set myself up and walked away from my personal computer and did other things. I came back ever 15 min to reset the year and walked away again. I wish the higher difficulty things were more involved.,0 "If you can handle stressful situations, and the inevitable, innocent lives on your conscience, this game is for you!",2 "That's the real reason why there's no Steam Workshop for NMS - no-one can build anything worth putting in it, and it'd be ALL bases anyway.",0 "The story of the game is rather mediocre. The rest of the story just felt like rather boring sci-fi stuff, with very little twists.",0 This game also makes an effort to remind you you are a police officer and not a soldier.,2 I highly recommend this game to anyone who's looking for a fun and challenging SWAT game on Steam.,2 the default visual settings are not great.,0 "I did and this game is that imagined game come to fruition! You will build, mine, create, fly, negotiate and hunt down mysterious signals in the single player mode. If story is not your bag, you can just play creative which has zero story, just play.",2 Keyboard and mouse controls when it comes to flight in the game are clunky but pairs great with a controller.,1 "After numerous delays, this game still offers sub-optimal controls, bad UI",0 my rig is old now and was only mid ranged when I built it 6 years ago. ,0 You can customize where you want your character to have armor,2 "let me tell you. Okay, the idea of managing a hospital is fantastic. ",2 "Graphics - 8/10 - looks great, not photorealistic but it doesn't need to be.",2 "Few polished maps, there are about 10 maps but only about 4 or 5 of them are completely done the others are still work in progress maps that have yet to be finished",0 "The maps are very atmospheric, and for example my favourite, Neon Club, evokes feelings of almost eerie authenticity",2 "personally, I even think 2pc is more challenging than 2ph. Generally I see so much potential with two point games.",2 I've completed every achievement,2 " it is a sim/tycoon style game, so we do not expect an epic on par with the odyssey here or anything. with that state of mind going in though,",2 " have no idea why but it simply refused to automatically save every time I exited my ship the last hour and I wasn't even aware it was doing that because I just ASSUMED it would operate AS IT ALWAYS DOES, but nope.",0 "If you ever played the game SWAT 4 and liked it,",2 "The AI is similar to that of SWAT 4 and with familiarity,",1 but honestly in every scenario there is something that you can do to be able to prevent death or damage to your character.,1 "I saw this game is trailer two days before it was released on social media, and decided I wanted to play.",2 "l, kinda pricey too even after discount it just do not feel worth it",0 I highly recommend you check out this game especially ,2 "You have no idea what's coming ahead of you and the levels are procedurally generated, meaning if one room was empty during one playthrough, it could contain suspects and/or civilians in the next.",1 "If I had to criticise, I’d say more things to learn would be great (you can learn everything in the skill trees quite quickly),",2 "What I actually do want to talk about is the fact that, whatever the state of the game might have been or might become, I really enjoyed this game. I enjoyed the almost surreal atmosphere (literally and figuratively) of a world so seemingly alive and full of things to do that you could study every single life form and landmass across the surface of the immense planets if you so choose. I'm not one for mindless exploration but there's so much to find and so much that caught my eye that I was baffled. Crashed ships, maps, secrets, mysteries and societies to bargain with and even run for yourself.",2 i must admit to being pleasantly surprised by this game! I am pleased to say that two point campus has yet to serve up any game breaking designs! ,1 lack of motivation to keep going.,0 "this game is so funny, from the weird announcements to the weird patient conditions, you also have plenty to do, ",2 "The story part of the game is no kidding, a VISUAL NOVEL. Your choices for every mission are ""Yes"" and ""Yes but let me do something first"". There is no deep lore or hidden backstory.",0 the game does a very good job of making each level interesting from the previous level,2 somewhere I could ease the tensions of being a final semester college student,1 "I didn't play early on, so I don't know how bad it was, but given hundreds of games in my Library and I've played PC games since 1994, this one takes the cake.",1 I played for 10 hours when it came out and,1 and AI camping in blind spots did make me jump off my seat.,2 but today it packs an incredible amount of content that ,2 "I played two point hospital and this is of course similar, but it feels much more polished somehow.",2 "like always, I was tempted to play it due to the influence of gaming youtubers, ",2 there is no option to auto send-off patients that you do not have the room to treat. ,0 "Despite the current lack of extended content, there's plenty to do and use, as well as being able to play the incomplete test levels before they're finished.",0 and there is no emotional component beyond a little humor.,0 you'll often have to switch to single player to be able to do missions.,0 "I looked for fixes in the discussion and saw a ""patch"" from the developers for a startup fix. install that. still crashes on startup ",0 "; That being said, it's a blast stacking up on doors and clearing rooms with any friends you decide to bring along.",2 I would say that SWAT 4 had an overall noble tone of being protectors of the people who were going in and trying to save people and make the world better.,2 "it is a bit too easy, thus far; unlike the first original theme hospital, it looks like failing is not really something that is going to happen a lot, the difficulty does not seem to ramp up.",0 the characters interact with things in a much more satisfying way that in two point hospital and I love that their interactions teach them too.,2 I rarely buy games above $40 as such I recommend it when on sale7/10 ,0 It's an extremely detailed tactical SWAT team simulator. ,2 The introduction is painfully terrible and dumps so much info on me that I absorb none of it and I only progress because the game tells me exactly what to do.,0 No Man's Sky is a very true to form depiction of what the Sci-Fi genre was originally all about.,2 "I have restarted multiple ones multiple timed. And still cannot pass them. constantly going negative on the money, getting loans is no help because then you are just paying back loans and never really earning anything.",0 " It was me or them - a split second decision. I am not happy about the destruction I have caused, but I am happy that I have defended myself in a way that neutralised the palpable threat.",2 "There is a variety of maps but with mods you can massively increase that. Mod support is good as well with people being able to make all sorts from uniforms, guns, voices, menu mods etc.",2 "This game took me 2 hours just to connect to friends. We spent the next few hours trying to get the mission log to work because if it didn't freeze, it would go back 2 missions and have you repeat it.",0 "While I initially found the game near unplayable because of the UI, I saw enough promise to come back for another try, ",0 the tutorials and ongoing hints keep you on track and make it easy to play from the very start.,2 "it is a fun game and figuring out how to deal with each new level, tackling every hospital and set of scenarios, is challenging as well as rewarding.",2 "a lovely clean user interface that , user interface is what puts me off a lot of simulators but this game is beautiful.",2 RTX 2070 and an i5-9600k is getting me well into the 100's of frames per second.,1 "This game is the prefect bowl moment helper, they say FPS, but this a survivor horror game imo",2 "complex enough where you get to learn how to prioritize, organize and learn ",2 the items in the game should be categorized to facilitate navigation. scrolling items containing 100+ entries and finding item of interest is time consuming and tedious.,0 "As you got through more and more levels, enemies would get more variety and equipment (eg. shotguns, gas masks, ballistic vests). ",2 I tried and failed to make worthwhile money trading,0 "TL/DL No Motion Sickness if set up correctly, and this is with SMOOTH locomotion, not teleport.",1 "fun, cartoony graphics ",2 I love two point hospital so I was stoked for this game to release.,2 "As a console gamer, the downside is not having built-in controller support, but I've found that using Steam's platform I can use an XBox controller and make it serviceable for this game.",0 "The in-game currency is so easy to get,",2 "Everything dies fast, and when bullets are ripping through walls past your head, or you hear a teammate get pinned down by roaring gunfire on the other side of a hotel, and rush to assist them with a flank- it really gets you into the moment.",2 I think it is a fantastic version of the old classic.,2 In no mans sky you can explore a huge universe ,2 "with only vague references to actual diseases,",0 doesn't transfer over well to mouse and keyboard but rather feels like they intended it for VR.,0 "Died a couple times at the start but once I got the hang of it I became rather addicted,",2 "I do think the profanity sensor is a little sensitive as it did not like the word poo, Can't a man name a planet 'poo planet' as it was full of annoying radioactive things!",0 the game released in a terrible state.,0 "And our winnings weren't by luck, we had to learn from our mistakes. One mistake we learned from was to not bring a CoD player with us. You can imagine why.",1 the game is super fun.,2 " the new update really fleshed out the world generation, terrain looks more natural, much more interesting as well.",2 "No man's sky brings the fun of exploring a simple, procedurally generated galaxy without too many strings attached, s",2 "I was excited for a sandbox universe, who ",2 Think steam should give refunds for longer periods and ,0 The photo mode is phenomenal and easily what I do with most of my time.,2 "I tried learning the mysteries of ancient alien cultures, I tried the main quest line",0 Doesn't natively support controllers,0 The story and lore of RoN are not directly presented in the game. And some elements like suspect's uniforms and behaviors are the way they are,1 " I thought this might get boring after a while, but due to various different classes and so many little details to explore throughout the game it has not gotten boring yet.",2 "can be frustrating if you do not manage staff and finances carefully but I have had a blast,",0 " like Battlefield 2042, COD Vanguard, etc.",2 "nowadays its very rare a game catches my attention as much as two point campus has, , and background music/dj that gives some comedy as you play.",2 "the radio in-game is awesome, but I would tend to turn off music and put on the original th soundtrack.",2 "the hospital campuses don not necessarily need multiple stories, two point campus would actually do well with the mechanic.",1 " about 1/4 of the games I play I find that my teammates are muted when they speak, though they can still hear me.",0 "As mentioned, running in the background and playing casually while waiting in a dungeon queue in an massively multiplayer online game or catching up on laundry worked for me.",2 Okay devs I love the game and I wanna see something ,2 when a shooting actually occurs in a dance club in our world.,2 "I find it to be less addictive than 2ph as it is more around ""decorating rooms and floors"", but they put a lot of work and creative effort for the courses, animations and graphics. All in all: I like the game and I can recommend :)",2 they communicate what they are working on and even release new features after the community asked for them (example: copy+paste rooms). ,2 hopefully not at the cost of IRL currency. Maybe some in game currency and a way to earn it would be cool? along with a shop?,0 "Gun play feels amazing and , firing high powered weapons really gives you that punch feeling especially with ballistics being able to go through walls.",2 "The developers decided to split the player base by adding a ""option"" in the general settings that cuts out anybody running mods even if it isn't intrusive like cosmetic mods excluding ai configurations, my solution to this would be to allow people who are running mods that aren't ai configs to",0 Recommendations- -Eventually seeing this game worked into VR would be awesome.,2 as I love this studio and there is a lot of lovely stuff in the game,2 "The story was interesting, as I look back on it, but it was a little bit too non linear and overly complicated by the language system, but I did liked the translator and language learning. ",2 theme hospital was one of me favour games on the original PlayStation. I still have the original PlayStation & theme hospital & still play it. ,2 "Devs behaviour is questionable, they want all control over everything and : Their made up reason?",0 this game somehow makes playing a hospital simulator game and actually quite fun.,2 "Just gunning people down, or saving them or going with gas, then sneaky etc. Even if some playstyles aren't as viable or sometimes outright impossible, its still fun to try.",2 I like everything... ,2 "Creative Mode, that is accessible immediately after installation is ""god-mode"" & ",2 your squad maybe being attacked by enemies in a sudden. Make sure you are READY during missions.,2 "Because there was a progression with difficulty, it made the challenge of the levels scale with how much you were willing to learn/adapt to the situations.",2 It's been out for almost five years and it's still buggier than an early access game.,0 "the graphics are also quite unique,",2 and give me more of a reason to play more.,2 "Depending on your choices, AI will respond and react differently, there will be civilians in panic, running away from you or not complying right away, hostiles may be armed or unarmed, some of them will immediately fight you back, while others may fake surrender and then catch you by surprise.",1 "if you are looking for the old PlayStation game theme hospital and you have looked everywhere, then stop now, you found it.",2 Planets don't rotate or orbit - stylish for screenshots but it makes planets feel static. Solar systems don't have a real star you can visit; instead it's a 2D skybox that rotates AROUND the planets very visibly. ,0 that's how immersive the game was for me So if you EVER get this game I highly recommend getting into VR with it once you play it in VR you will never want to play the standard non VR: so trust me,2 one of the strengths of two point hospital is its sense of humor.,2 the sound effects of the game are also very creative advantages help make the world feel very much alive ,2 "Can get repetitive sometimes though, since they only have a small selection of maps available.",0 "the hospital is always full of patients, it seems impossible to run out of money, negative events (e.g. patient deaths) have no consequence, ",0 "as some other reviewers stated during that free weekend, two point hospital is a ""hospital tycoon like game"" that ",2 "From things like proper use of flashlight (if you light the window from the wrong angle it will blind you), through completely unpredictable behavior of enemies like faking being dead, faking surrender just to shoot at you when you get close, hiding or taking cover in places",2 "I first built the hospitals rooms for aesthetics, ",1 "A great game to play when bored, but in reality, if you lose with a lot of progress in a mission you are more than likely just going to quit because",0 "I purchased this for cross-play as a beforehand, cross-play is unplayable at its current state. From desyncing issues, to loss of data, as in what I assume the ""Main server"" has issue with saving as some progression is reverted to a previous state often after crashes and desyncs. Will review again later if issues are addressed with cross-play in some fashion or form.",0 """the movies"" was more funny (fantastic to see the resulting film), was more ""natural"" to play (you immediately knew which roles had to be covered by which characters) and could be played in ""casual""-mode (here events are ""pushed"" towards you).all in all I would have liked more a ""port"" of ""the movies"" than this game :(",1 "Newest update has addressed my only real gripe with the game, and",2 So I bought the supporter edition.,0 everything from the wacky patients to the self-absorbed staff always leave me wanting more.,2 my youtube channel,1 "It had absolutely fantastic procedural generation tech alongside an evocative, vibrant artstyle, and if what you wanted to do was fly around a galaxy, taking photos of fantastic landscapes and creatures, then this was everything that you could want.",2 This is the best all round game I've played to-date. ,2 "there are other challenges added to the game as well, such as random natural disasters, temperature maintenance, epidemic control, community hospitals where you have to complete challenges to earn money, and more.",1 "The game overall is fun, ",2 "A quirky game with lots of fun things to do, so it seemed. it practically cures every of your illnesses.",2 "mentally sane people. Patience is rewarded As you navigate pitch black hallways and rooms armed with nothing but your guns and a flashlight (NVGs are available too), it really can play out like a horror game. ",2 has a bit of a learning curve+ fun easter eggs,2 but sadly there is no workshop for this game and no online to visit players or helping or trade with other players online so its fun,0 " and if you liked theme hospital, you’ll love this as well.",2 so spotting symptoms is tricky and shooting minibeasts is impossible.,0 "Bought this on Pre Order, played about 50 hours ,",1 highly recommend purchasing when it is on sale. ,0 "Looking for a pirate system for instance is impossible, only with luck after moving randomly around the systems",0 it’s just an open-world sandbox and you need to use your own imagination to keep it interesting.,2 "Yes the game ranks your play-through if you complete the mission, but in terms of some sort of leaderboard there's no real means of competing between other players/teams. On a personal level you compete with yourself, or if you have a group of friends who all have the game and just enjoy playing the same missions over and over again.",0 " create settings to allow for those with low end system and for those with high end systems to play. ex: allow for us to set student max, course max, and change maps sizes.",0 decided to grab on Mac.,1 They show in their showcase videos the payer on surreal beautiful paradise-like planets... All I can land on is wastelands.. after hours of play.. and there are many other features completely not here as advertised!,0 "Its breathtaking visuals, ",2 "Like most games, this one doesn't have left handed key bindings.",0 "but if you want a complete and polished experience, wait for the full release unless you want to see the game evolve over time!",1 but it's still in its development stages so that's to be expected.,2 "I found however, that I just built a range of new (but very similar) rooms, and ",0 like you have a virtual reality room or virtual normality but the room itself is quite hi-tech but then in the student lounge and staff room you have a big back television with an antenna on the top. this game would be brilliant if you could build a modern university.,0 "The generation is mid-good tier, not the best of the best but still amazing, the graphics are nice I don't like to say it but the graphics in such game would matter,",2 "and I'm very glad I did. I decided to abandon my mouse/keyboard controls to try using a controller, and it made a night and day difference for me. ",1 "I’m not good with words, I think this is a game you need to try out yourself.",2 "helmet cameras allow you to keep an eye on friendlies, and see what They see.",1 the learning curve absolutely overwhelming.,0 I enjoyed the little premise of each mission and map,2 the player base is decent.,2 "love the catchy music as well, though I kinda wish we could choose which songs to play.",2 One thing I came across recently was adjacent placing of upgrade modules in suit/tools/ships. within the game that further boosts the bonuses gained from those upgrades.,1 "Amazing, truly an immersive tactical shooter which ",2 "the sound, the weapons is God tier",2 addictive gameplay hilarious diseases sandbox mode quick to pick up and overwhelmingly hard to put down until you finish everything,2 "They are also tiny. You can circumnavigate a ""planet"" in about 2 hours because they are smaller than a country and don't have real orbits. ",0 it provides a very chill and easy experience so you can get that space exploration without a powerful computer or hours of game play practice.,2 buttons are awkward on a keyboard,0 "All this is to say, I don't hate the game, and I'm no stranger to brutally hard and unforgiving games either, ",1 ", the armor type, your main gun as well as your secondary (here you can choose from semi-automatic pistols, a revolver or a taser), grenades, your primary tool (e. g. breaching shotgun or shield), ammunition type, and more(+) ",2 "To describe this game in metaphorical sense, it's feels like taking a walk in the late afternoon, passing the hills, fields and coming back home after sundown under a night sky.",2 seeing it on my Wishlist for way too long.,1 There's videos on YouTube demonstrating the ,1 "Speaking of the species (Korvax, Vy'Keen, Gek), learning their languages are so extremely boring. Not only is there no use other than a bit of flavor when you talk to npcs (because it literally tells you what they mean),",0 I ended up playing as a bounty hunter to which players would put real requests in the discord chat for other players to be taken out - This added a little element of haggling for a fair price for the time taken which I find to be a rewarding gameplay experience.,2 If you have a couple of friends to play with then this is a really fun experience.,2 "Fighting enemies who are quick to react - even if they're not real people, is insane,",0 I've ran through every map currently out and every mode currently out and they are quite detailed,2 there is no competitive multiplayer at the moment,0 "I've essentially just lost interest in playing after getting super excited to get back into it. This lack of player trading has completely spoiled what could have been a slightly tedious, but viable, way for me to completely get back into no man's sky.",0 Definitely a thumbs up from me.,2 The visual appearance is decent. ,2 " Also, the game is quite addictive ",2 "The New Zealand-based game developing company, Void Interactive, is set to release their realistic first-person shooter SWAT game, Ready or Not.",1 " no matter how many times you fail its always a learning experience to learn the layout of the building, master the recoil of a gun or just hone your skills in CQB environments really a great game for anyone who wants a game that rewards quick thinking, efficient uses of tactics or a great CO-OP experience plus the modding scene and ",2 then I can’t recommend this game.,0 "However, one thing I would recommend is that when you bump into an AI teammate, they should move out of the way by a couple feet instead of standing there and only moving a couple inches. I find myself often arresting suspects and civilians that are super close to my squad and I have to push and do a little dance to make my team nudged far enough to detain the person, or to have the 'press f to arrest' thing show up.",0 "Movement is clunky, lot of placeholders with no descriptions, guns don't really stand out from each other, no wall destruction or even something similar to it (at 2021-2022), no multiplayer, and limited tactics for tactical game.",0 fun at start but repetitive somewhat mobile game x SimCity without paying. it’s getting boring after levels and yea there’s funny but repetitive bores me overtime. ,0 something you would never see from other developers in this day and age.,2 "On the most recent patch, they implemented being able to save loadouts for yourself and your AI teammates which takes a lot of time out of picking a gun, attachments, grenades etc.",2 "Night vision is not correctly modelled (no peripheral vision) and is a tad too bright in some places, just perfect in others so it becomes impractical to bring on missions where there is a lot of darkness but a light in the house is on.",0 competing against other steam friends for awards at the ceremony,2 The sound of the engines roaring and the sight of the stars flashing by filled my senses as I soared through the cosmos.,2 "Last night I failed a Nexus mission because my ship flipped upside down on autopilot return to the Anomaly. Tonight I was killed by invincible Sentinel interceptors that could only be killed by my friends and NMS is like a roguelike where its you, the player, against the developer's bugs.",0 Communication and teamwork is essential to complete the challenges that await.,2 "I had a very good time playing ready or not, the only major issue was performance, sometimes frames drop when not much is happening in game, usually at 15 to 30, but most of the time I run at 60 fps, but the game itself is very fun and tactical, I recommend Ready Or Not for people with high end rigs because this game is still in early access, so optimization is not the best",0 "Most everything you can land on in NMS is brightly coloured, has weird animals, crazy storms and bizarre plants. Granted, procedural generation makes things seem a bit samey, but there's a lot of surprises that pop up if you're willing to push a little further (the hexagon ""boundary breach"" planet being a personal favourite).",2 "Ready or not has been launched in Chinese, but the Chinese translation is really bad, and some languages still need to be translated by the players themselves.",0 but the photo mode in this game is something I wish was in literally every other game.,2 "the game is great, very funny, and more than decent tycoon.",2 This game brings a mixture of high Tension serious game play with risks for every move you make to also being able to have fun with all riot shields and rams and setting off every trap.,2 I enjoyed the radio and p.a.,2 This game will punish you for every decision made without mercy.,2 I would like to see better support for mods and a workshop where mods can be uploaded and shared FREE of charge.,2 "Short list of things that I saw, keep in mind this is a short list just off the top of my head, if I kept a notepad of running issues it would be unbelievably longer:* freighter inventory screen suddenly locks game to 45 FPS or 30 FPS despite vsync off and frame limit off in game settings (never seen this happen in any game, ever)* complete game lockup which required a force close of game and lost all unsaved progress",0 "I really like this game, it's a pretty good looking game, every player has a specific role to fill on the team, the only downside is it's currently just you and your team (ai or real players) vs the ai and , and the hostages tend to run away from you every time.",2 "Although in many ways the game is ambitious and utilises some smart technology, the end product is unfortunately a borked mess,",0 "The game is a lot of fun and it makes the most of the classic ""management"" type of gameplay.",2 Only downside is due to the sheer amount of content the core campaign felt forever and in a way just a 40hr tutorial; ,0 With the different weapons and the fact that there is VOIP and ,2 at this moment in time for full on replay-ability unless you and a bunch of friends are wanting to have a 'Small sample' of what the SWAT 5 experience may be like.,0 if you enjoyed theme hospital from the late 90 is then this is definitely a game for you.,2 "an absolutely perfect game,",2 need more keybinding/camera control options for the mouse,0 "Just know that there wont be a progression system in this game. I was really looking forward to unlocking my battering ram, or having to spend a currency on it.",0 The AI are tough and adaptive. ,2 The company actually fixed their reputation and game.,2 "I had played SWAT and before playing this I actually had a little familiarity, so when I tried the game I got the same sense from my past :D This game is awesome.",2 " The last update changed that a little bit, making it less painful to upgrade your inventory, but it's still an incredibly tedious process, the same with your ships, an incredibly tedious and/or expensive process.",0 There is a good variety of maps now; not just massive ones and the house.,2 its not working on mac,0 I want to state my undying respect for Hello Games for their work on NMS.,2 "This game's content is really nice,",2 lots of fun pop culture references.,2 "there is one option I wish they put in this one. that is that if u place a person in a specific room, they won’t move from the room unless they have to go to the bathroom or beak.",0 "It's fun to play with your friends I have another 3 friends that I played with, one of them didn't like the game because he likes being a douche and killing other players in other competitive games, there is friendly fire, but ",2 it was glitchier than even the glitchiest GMod servers you'll have ever played in.,0 "I cannot believe I paid 30 bucks .... this game is not fresh at all, I should have refunded before I got 2h in this game. I bought this game on the Halloween event for rounded 10€ base game and 20€ downloadable content is.",0 but with an improved graphics engine.,2 " eventually each map will have 4 different difficulty settings/""scenarios. "" ",1 That was all I needed to see to know that I'm going to absolutely love this game.,2 Just buy it. Incredible... the amount of things you can now do.,2 "this game brings back wonderful memories of theme hospital as it was a fun game to play back in the day, now I am enjoying this one as it has new and weird illness and devices for curing them as well locations that needs certain equipment to counter heat or cold temperatures for example.",2 and the in game audio options are very poor leaving you to use discord.,0 "You can build elaborate bases pretty much anywhere you choose, and in space you can build a base on a freighter ",2 "if you experience this, your only choice is to either fail the objective or die. ",0 exploration and sandbox is the name of the game and if you get sick of that (i doubt you will)s and ,2 "It's a few maps with bots that have minimal story and no connection to one another, and there's not even that many scenarios. ",0 The only true difficulty in the game is in trying to conquer the unbearable tedium the only difference is even more added tedium and the newly increased disappointment when dying to one of the many bugs.,0 "maybe I do not know the hotkeys/easier ways to do it, but queue management could be better (when you want to choose a bunch of people to kick out of the hospital). a button to kick or send to treatment while looking at the queue list would be great.",0 My pc meets the recommended requirements exactly with amd cpu and gpu. ,1 "A nice space exploration game nonetheless,",2 the Ai's need a bit of fixing,0 a must have for anyone who loves theme hospital - extremely good fun,1 "From The Anomaly you can interact with other players, scan their sweet rides, chat it up, purchase upgrades for everything you may need in the deep darkness of space, talk to a space version of Gordon Ramsay and feed him your prepared dishes, and many other things.",2 This game punishes heavily if you make a wrong decision.,2 "Not to mention that the game is actually somewhat difficult, there are times where it can be very easy or just feel like you were unlucky ",1 " Hello Games isn't the first developer to fall for the delusion that they need to ""make things better"" with unpopular and unnecessary changes, so unless a developer thinks said changes are attracting HUGE new audiences, I fail to see the point in making your ""already fans"" hate you!",0 "It felt buggier than hospital. plants not wanting to be in their spot, things always going outside of the room you want to decorate (even if your mouse is on that spot, it flew to a different room). it was a little bit irritating.",0 "Last the only thing I'm not happy with the AI seems so strong I l know a powerful AI maybe bring fun to this game, but I have never seen a AI such powerful, the T without out protection can kill the CT easily. I think it break the balance of the game .",0 but playing it sure makes me want to go back to Keyboard and mouse.,2 " it's proud as itself and should continue in that path for success with providing a rare, intense experience found nowhere else nowadays.",2 it was very easy to learn how to play the game but at the same time some of the challenges have been difficult,2 again this game is not full release yet.,1 " keeps the fighting and movement more grounded & although you can try to play aggressively and rush,",2 this game is a fantastic time sink I really enjoy it I have not played the whole way through and I am definitely taking my time exploring my way through it as a bit of a completionist,2 ", but you always die and lose everything you have. ",0 its a bummer b/c its either a restart or we continue the mission from the beginning with one squad member spectating. no ability to vault/mantle over anything.,0 """ it is amazing! No Man's Sky also makes me feel alone” which is a good thing. We may be social creatures, but we need time alone: time to think, time to reflect, and time to process our past, present, and future.",2 it forces you to make split second decisions ,2 "I am chewing through the game pretty quickly, and",0 Always feels like playing in hard mode with wall hacking AI,1 despite visually looking like it can.,1 If the devs are so quick to change minor things to please game journalists who are actively looking for things to ¥ ,0 you'll need quick reactions to take them down,2 "Ores We can use ores to create almost anything or to trade, and it is necessary for us to obtain ores from each planet.",1 "if you have ocd like me, not being able to move rooms 1 square over instead of the default 2 so you have equal size hallways will literally anger you.",0 " More guns and modifications one cool gun suggestion would be a sniper, ",1 "I avoided playing this on my PS4/PS5 because of . Right now I have it on my Steam deck and I'm enjoying it,",0 "If one employee is having problems and you are notified, you can’t just click on the notification to take care of that person; you must locate them via the staff interface, scrolling through all your employees, with no way to filter/search for the unhappy individual.",0 "In my 6 hours of play as of writing this I have found two: travel to the center of the universe, and essentially go on a pilgrimage to specific ancient space stations scattered around the universe. There’s a lot of flavor text written in first person; it really helps to immerse you when you're facing a gigantic red pulsing sphere telling you to discover the nature of existence. ",2 "it has an original appeal especially with the easter eggs in game, very lively characters that add life to the game",2 since you actually get to unlock achievements and rewards by just spending a few more hours on the game,2 but quickly learned that some rooms need to be built for functionality (learn the specs of items!!).,1 this is one of those tycoon games that you will buy and binge uncontrollably for days/weeks.,2 "i have heard some complaints about pacing, length and bugs",0 "I will note this: the game is pace can feel a little hectic as you are getting used to the controls and going through its tutorial, but you are never punished for little things like people dying because they were given the wrong meds.",0 Once I figured out how to go into first person view (no more clanky 3rd person animations).,1 "I have been able to achieve a admirable framerate at max settings, ",2 "Very very fun game,",2 "in 21st centry, there's yet another game can't turn off head-bobbing. It causes motion sickness,",0 It's had its ups and downs the main problem is the devs fixing things that don't need fixing and the constant dumbing down of the game so new players don't get scared. ,0 I've already 100%ed the achievements in just 30 minutes!,1 "I won't compare Ready or Not to SWAT4,",1 can only play the game at medium graphics settings.,0 "It usually looks quite good, with countless fascinating planets, cool ships, and",2 I tried committing heinous crimes and fighting off the space-police and I even gave the slightly-awful space combat a good shot. ,0 " IN VIRTUAL REALITY is SO AMAZING it took my breath away I couldn't get off my Oculus Rift for weeks, ",2 "This is, hands down, the best game in the open-world space MMO genre.",2 "Games improved like crazy, almost the exact game they promised before, obviously peoples imagination went too crazy on launch. ",2 "Well, since rainbow6 siege has became ""overwatch 1.5"" or as I preferred as ""super heroes Olympic game"", who only like SWAT-type of game or a proper counter terrorist simulator game, ""Ready or Not"" is for you.",2 it would be super cool if I could use a Scuff controller.,0 it is a great way to have a little fun and explore the possibility of what it is like managing a hospital - and a pile of laughs while you are at it. ,2 to name my discovered species,1 "the first few levels serve both as tutorials in the short term, but are also replayable, since you can use your unlocks at previous hospitals.",2 "I participated in the game's ""main"" storyline. It's one of those 'pick your bad ending' plots which isn't really worth putting a spoiler alert on. It really is that forgettable.",0 but overall I def recommend this game!,2 i do miss the old diagnosis but being able to change camera angles and the fun treatment rooms.,2 not because it looks bad but it feels a bit rushed and it makes me worried.,0 Maybe it's just because I aspire to be an astronomer and I love space but I would consider NMS to be my new favourite game.,2 "a artsy skybox that looks like a photoshop filter, and a smattering of asteroids.",0 There are other games for such difficult content. What I always enjoyed about No Man's Sky is that it (and the combat) used to be very accessible for casual gamers.,1 "The developers brought the game back to life with massive, reputation-changing FREE updates,",2 "Customization of your kit and individual items is really good, letting you create loadouts for different tools and armor setups in addition to guns and ammunition types.",2 "I honestly don't get why so many think this game is amazing and very few negative reviews, I suspect the rarity of these types of game is why. ",0 It's not very fun to fight against AI enemies. ,0 "If you loving managing your base and colonies, ",2 and I cannot recommend it.,0 "AI doing exactly that in a quarter second, which is insane.",0 "Then there is combat which consists of dogfights and on-foot combat. On-foot combat is nothing to write home about but the dogfights are where it gets fun. There's a lot of ship types too, some are meant for storage, some are meant for dogfights, and some are meant for exploration. The dogfights are honestly a lot of fun, especially when you've pissed off an entire species and every time you go in their galaxy they're gunning for you.",2 "This game is great! This is a real ""Spaceman Simulator""!",2 "Stacked up on a door with my group, used the camera to look under the door, saw one guy with a gun, breach in, the guy turned out to be john wick, we restarted.",0 "It creates a culture of excuses, Stockholm syndrome and worst of all; a lack of accountability on the part of developers ESPECIALLY the big AAA studios -see Cyberpunk 2077.",0 really enjoyed all my time spent on it.,2 "So you're often going to feel bored or lonely whilst playing the game. Play this game in a voice call with friends, or watching something in the background to fill the dead air.",0 while the graphics and animations are still comical,2 except that it keeps popping up comparisons with my friends’ hospitals telling me to try harder. there is no way to turn off this feature.,0 "customisation of rooms seems to be practically endless due to the number of items in each, and the individuality of certain items.",2 "It handles most of it well in my opinion, but it's a almost uncensored and paranoid view in the fictional Los Suenos, obviously based on Los Angeles. Bit of a swat apologists and commenting on ""defund the police"" as well, by preying on our out of control fear of crime. If you want an opposing view, you can read Radley Balko: Rise of the Warrior Cop about the problem of swat teams being used for so many things in America where they aren't often needed or trained well enough to avoid collateral damage.",0 "so if you like to play the numbers game, it will tickle your pickle. ",2 "just reviewed this game, if your cba about reading all the community reviews check out my video review here",1 the Xbox one is better.,2 it is strategic and never boring.,2 then this game is for you.,2 "Animals all sound the same, ",0 you get more challenges and more challenges from staff as you move from hospital to hospital. ,1 "The soundtrack further enhances the sense of wonder and immersion, guiding players through their intergalactic journey with a beautiful and atmospheric score.",2 hope game have language Vietnamese and help me translate into Vietnamese,1 giving you that addictive sense of accomplishment that fuels the dopamine reward system of the human brain.,2 with very limited controller configurations,0 Lack of controller support. Most common buttons just don't work on an Xbox controller or what would be typical for an FPS style of a game. Is it supposed to be this slow?,0 I still only recommend this game for 1 player or for a 3-4 group of friends and ,1 "It's frustrating not being able to hit anything because there's no rollback. I have to predict and lead every shot I take, and it's near impossible in maps full of cover. I'd essentially only be able to push in with the shield while he shoots for me.",0 " there is plenty more to do that I did not touch on like hosting events, but I think some stuff should be left for you to discover.",2 The game doesn't hold your hand but the interface and controls are intuitive.,2 "Other than that, Love this game, can play for hours on end. . Really looking forward to the future of this game.",2 Great fun and lots memes to be made in Team kills.,2 the game still manages to get my curiosity going;,2 "I never played theme hospital (insert boos and hisses here), but I did play sim theme park, another bullfrog title (insert cheers here).",1 " coupled with a serene and atmospheric soundtrack,",2 "the developers fixed the performance issue and all of the other bugs straight away, they also did the communities bidding by doing everything they asked for . Really and amazing game and developer team.",2 I do not regret buying this the moment it came up for pre-order on their website.10/10,2 "such as weird ammo management, like you can reload a weapon with a round chambered and still have JUST the capacity of the mag, and no plus one which... is probably just me nitpicking but it annoys me.",0 amazing and addicting concept with lot of potentialize ,2 except without travelling with a companion you are alone.,0 "I love customizing each individual room set,",2 "This is a well known issue across the community, regardless of the hardware being used to run the game, which I know works with other games just fine,",0 The game entirely is a pretty fun experience ,2 "I really want to like No Man's Sky, but every time they push an update I get a fleeting moment of excitement until I quickly learn they fail to deliver on the basics, ",0 Meanwhile other games of space-exploration genre are not even in the Goldilocks zone while they desperately try to now! ,2 since there are no public servers.,0 so it would be helpful to add a difficulty setting.,0 I would say its definitely in my top 10 of simulation games which are by far my favorite.,2 there is no real risk-reward.- this also goes for staff challenges.,0 "had my reservations, but it is actually pretty good! All of the goodness of the original, with extra added details.",2 " but the controls don't support making it a truly enriching experience and it's highly disappoint because if they just provided a hotkey option to cycle your weapons, more weapon variety, and more exosuit manoeuvrability",0 "Imagine this show, you pay for the full game, but the necessary updates are still kept behind the paywall XingD. so yeah the game could be fun, but honestly screw the it their PR and Marketing ``Team``.",0 is so easy to navigate,2 "Point is communication as you can as easily flash yourself and your team. (No, not that kind of flashing) and ",2 "Their whole new inventory system is down right stupid it got rid of half of my technology's without the ability to put them back, and the tech you get at the end of the atlas mission that takes hours to get.",0 "Ready or not is an excellent first person shooter, and ",2 "SWAT 4 for me was easily the pinnacle in tactical FPS games and RON has taken that spot now, building off of the concept that existed and refining it for a modern gaming generation.",2 "No Man's Sky also offers a deep and rewarding progression system. Players can upgrade their starships, exosuits, and multi-tools, enhancing their capabilities and enabling them to venture further into the unknown.",2 as you travel along being guided by the tutorial which can feel hand-holdy at times but really is only there to get you started.,0 "For starters I can't seem to connect to any servers to play with other players. The game continues to tell me that the ""server is full"" or that it ""failed to connect to a server"". The one server that I did manage to get into the players were so toxic and just all around not what you would want for a session. It was almost like as if my first time playing was a huge issue to them.",0 only complaint have is the randomness of the symbols and items once had run with tombs and urns but without anything that can destroy them or that synergies with spirits wish symbols and items would be either automatically rigged little towards your synergies could be rigged by the player with luck statistic that other None can increase synergy capsule or different type of rare currency with which you could even possibly choose the symbol you want the next symbols to synergize with,0 "it plays less like a simulation, and more like a puzzle game, with many of the maps coming in already predetermined boundaries and shapes, and ",2 "The VR is acceptable, ",2 "It has a much more casual feel, and , they are not as humorous as the hospital version.",1 "the new armory UI is a mess, and best of all, even with three weeks of private play testing, three of the guns in the game are literally unusable (can't even equip them).",0 "Reworking the story, ",0 "So overall, if you want a game to explore freely (there is also a creative mode for no stress) ",2 "After a long silence, Hello Games has taken up the challenge of recreating a game that marvelled the world.",2 "I'd say focus on replay-ability,",0 "There's an ok amount of customization for the current guns, no customization for you character ",2 "This game is very fun, I recommend a good headset so you can hear all the drug addicts walking around the house you have to clear and maybe a diaper for when they bust through that door as you’re trying to look under with the mirror gun.",2 With the heavy atmosphere and slow pacing that immediately pumps it to 11 in combat.,1 "Immersion still feels a bit off with communication with other species, I don't expect this to change though.",0 "Its still in alpha, the game still has a long way to go, but the core is there and already it is a lot of fun.",2 I can spend a long time just taking photos on a planet.,2 I played the crap outta every bullfrog game; theme hospital was the one I preferred.,2 This is a good game. One of the best ever made maybe. ,2 sound design is on point. ,2 Fun and punishing game but it's really annoying searching the map for thirty minutes to find one thing after you clear out all of the enemies.,0 "Edit: multiplayer with 0 cooperation, its basically playing single player while seeing each other.",0 "Beyond this, there is little to no communication from the devs beyond posting snippets in their ""supporters"" Discord server. (also known as an echo chamber)",0 "Now, I'm not particularly good at the not dying part, ",0 "Equipment controls could be better,",0 The only overarching thing I have noticed is I can't rebind a lot of things to mouse thumb buttons. I assume this is due to how they have it programmed to work with controllers as well but it's still just NOT GOOD.,0 "I enjoyed the gunplay, I enjoyed all of the gear they give you",2 photo mode-worthy graphics/panoramas and ,2 "If spending hours scouring an obscure planet to find one more bizarre lifeform, one more hidden station, one more blueprint tucked away in some terminal can suck you in, ",2 "There are no settings within the options outside of VOIP sound level and mic boost. There are different chat settings like local, squad and team, but the issue I have is inconsistent voice levels. ",0 This game is way to good to pass up especially if you have v desktop and a VR headset takes a while to figure out but is good and ,2 "You can get a good impression of the core gameplay by seeing the loadouts, mission levels and different modes and how the maps change slightly based on the mode and objective.",2 "every sim game starts out predictable, ",2 "so, I have seen this game floating about on the YouTube and twitch, so I thought id have a gander at it being as it was on sale. I can now see why folk like it so much!",2 " but as they keep adding improvements, it's possible that's already in the pipe.",2 Too dark without night vision Too bright with night vision,0 "Makes me nervous as , you go in feeling like big swat boy and return shellshocked",1 I will warn you that if you like a lot of action and moving quickly ,0 The colours in the game are pretty vibrant sometimes and the only lurch I only ever feel is when I'm flying into a planet and I see nothing but clouds and clouds.,2 The one that took me the most time was the house only because I was learning the game because again this game either doesn't have a tutorial or I am an idiot. ,0 " there is a lot of lovely stuff in the game, but ultimately if bits don not work, it is a beta at best ",0 Long description: Team communication makes or breaks this game. ,1 "the developers did a great job of updating the game, and have continued to add significant not quality of life features through free patches - if you played while gps were an issue, you will be happy to see a new policy was added to alleviate that problem, and you can also now set rooms to diagnosis or treatment only.",2 game is everything I wanted it to be! kinda upset about the fact preorder bonus got sh*t on by the day one £13 promo code. preorder fans should have gotten the better deal as they backed it before any reviews came in.,0 "It would be nice if there was a little more depth in the procedural content, but I have not even left the star system I started in yet, so who knows what is out there.",0 "A ""throw you in the deep end"" experience where you learn quick and use your head instead of being told what to do.",2 many others state that this is a reskin of tph. I highly disagree. ,0 "Cheat built in. Allows for free roaming and building without worrying about dying, retardedly boring resource farming or even game currency cost for building.",2 " I’m using it to smuggle drugs, guns, and alien nazi symbols to space stations",1 Nice change of pace from other FPS shooters. ,2 "Some people consider the AI response time to be too fast, but I think its perfect the way it is, ",2 "they all have different challenges, such as one that requires radiators to combat the heat, another where you must train student staff into professionals, and many more.",2 " its really hard at first but once you get past the learning curve, you're pretty much set.",2 but very boring after playing every map once.,0 "Believe it or not, AI enemies often behave player-like movements such as camping at a door or shoot through the door when they hear you. ",1 join the Ready Or Not discord and find some peeps to play with.,2 Having only played single player modes ,1 "with it is quintessential zany British humour, from the names of your teachers and students to the course names.",2 "On the note of AI: Your AI teammates in single player are competent, as mentioned but they won’t carry you through the level, you still have to be careful, which is pretty manageable because you can give the AI pretty detailed orders.",2 but it is frustrating that in VR my 1080ti ,0 the game started feeling like a grind.,0 "All in all, it's not as advertized, but I'm very pleasantly surprised that aimless exploration isn't the focus of the game.",0 Reviewed on 08/26/2016I will update this review,1 Please BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ADD VR TO THIS GAME IT WOULD BE SO SICK,1 spaceships handle like an old flying car.,0 " scrolling, moving, rotating were nice & easy with Keyboard & Mouse. ",2 "did not expect much out of this time management game (I rarely ever do),",0 "What do you have? To familiarize yourself with the game Ready or Not offers a Training Room from which you start missions, shoot yourself through a killhouse and get familiarized with Ready or Nots mechanics.",2 "Base building has the same issue where you will build a beautiful base, , a. k. a building in minecraft effect. ",0 It's very easy to have a bad time without other players on voice chat to distract you from,1 "While this game is very visually impressive, ",2 before saying its a skill issue I’m 38 yrs old played competitive shooters since I was 13.,1 "Just remember to disable server side checksum in Options under game so you can use mods, ",1 here is a note to the developers for future game endeavours... do not limit the pc.,0 that minimally resembles the vision set out in the many press events and showcases that Hello Games have put out publicly over the last 18 months.,0 I cannot play continuously because there is no language support but nice,0 "No options, nothing, just ear rape and depressing soundtrack to support the initial frustration. ",0 ", with fun and exciting gameplay being the extra 1%.",0 "... explore worlds, interact with aliens, go on missions, commit acts of space piracy, travel the Galaxy, upgrade tech and ships, and make your way to the center of the universe! ",2 "New to tactical shooters and was able to play perfectly fine as well unlike games like squad where you need to have a lot of playtime to get decent, but squad is pvp tho so makes sense",2 "If you're like me and don't have friends don't worry there is the AI helping you, it's not bad it's not perfect it still needs some work on it and balance, sometimes I feel like I’m just barking orders and not playing sometimes they're in my way but there are those rare times it all goes perfect and smooth.",2 I was collecting Ferrit and the bolder just grew legs and ran off. It was surprizing and funny. I think it is a hidden easter egg.,1 It's low-stress in the sense that it is not competitive ,1 This game is a very worthwhile purchase,2 only dislike is I suck on keyboard. I play on xbox remote.,0 "yes, campus has honestly more content due to the different courses, but hospital was-funnier-more entertaining (radio and announcements)",2 if you are looking for the paradox interactive of simulators this ain not it.,0 some could argue it is not high on difficulty though virtual reality paradise players might be exaggerating about all the negatives. difficulty is not high ,0 "It's quite fast paced, ",1 "RP with learning languages and skills, quest, build bases work together or",2 These will provide you with their terrestrial or underwater world to satisfy your whims seasoned explorer.,2 yet it pays you back with the amount of awesome content you can unlock ,2 "And we need some achievements, otherwise it is quite impossible track what content the game has to offer!",0 "There will be tons of YouTube videos made in the future-to-come titled ""How Hello Games became one of the best after one of the worst game launches!""",2 "I am hoping that there is a more obvious way to speed up certain interactions within the game, as I seem to have hit a brick wall ",0 " charming, with great music, is a joy to play.",2 very fun and relaxing game. it is also forgiving with the layout choices you make. You can still reach 3 stars even if you screw up some rooms in your hospital.,2 "it is full of amusing puns, ",2 could then unlock more things to build with to keep things diverse.,2 "You can’t just go to a shop and buy what ship you like, ",0 "Want to upgrade the storage on your character? You need to go one slot at a time, or two if you summon the anomaly, and with some luck you find some upgrade pods on the planets, and with more than 150 total slots, that can take a loooooong time.",0 "Very good graphics, ",2 "i enjoyed it, the puzzles are interesting ",2 "(Mind you the game is of the nature where it can't have checkpoints, so getting this bug at the end of good run straight up destroys all your hard work)",0 It's tiresome to navigate the entire map looking for someone you forgot to report or a small thing you missed.,0 "Booted up the game for the first time, spawned on a planet with an immediate critical heat warning, died two minutes later.",0 Ethan Gach is a pot stirring brainless poster.,0 "Love is, but the map system is pretty bad. ",0 VR works great and,2 giving this game a thumbs down - but only because there is no sideways thumb.- ,0 my previous issue with there being bit too much focus on just getting lucky occasionally also ,1 I've had this game for a while now and they've added/changed so many things to make the game better with every update. ,2 and it may even hold up to its retail price.,0 with so many good & FREE updates is something ,2 There are some weird places and some amazingly beautiful places. You'll find yourself standing overlooking a valley that leads to an ocean with a ringed planet in the sky and the sun(s) setting at the horizon. There's a trade port over there where all sorts of ships are flying in to and out from. There's some weird building guarded by robots that may just have something interesting.,2 "now this opinion of mine comes with some caveats: I do NOT have formal training or certified experience from any public or private security company, be that enforcing as a police officer, nor have I been in military service, I am but the one guy that loves tactical simulators, I have played the vast majority of them, and I have some theorical knowledge of CQB that I've learned from my own research on the internet for fun / roleplay purposes in these kind of games, and I must admit, that from all the games I have played, applying those basic concepts from the CQB professionals I've heard over the course of time really hits home with this one.",2 "You walk to the same room all over again searching for literally nothing, not fun for me.",0 enough challenge to be interesting but not so much to be frustrating.,2 "They've made efforts to character customization, base-building, vehicles, starships, multitools, exosuit, and multiplayer modes/expeditions and socialization.",1 "curiously, if you own a console and are wondering which is better, it is simply different.",1 "the thing with games like tpc is, you need a little more time than two hours (the refund play time) . in that case, after about seven hours, I can definitely say that there is not for me. Two point campus is nice enough.",0 "Playing it on VR, forgot to shower, forgot to eat.",2 " done all the modes but it’s a weird feeling, you know this game can be, NO should be so much more and it isn’t, it’s a shallow, vain creature that demands your attention, but rewards you with promises and not the satisfaction achievements or advancement of a narrative.",0 there is no checkpoints in missions.,0 "Nothing about these negative points diminish the overall pleasure of the game - it is cute, fun, quirky, mindlessly relaxing.",2 " it's an absolutely gorgeous game with good gameplay, at least in my opinion.",2 advise getting the game if you only have one other person to play it with ,2 as I've never seen a 'realistic' shooter in a SWAT setting (Siege was the closest I got).,2 this would be cool and big open maps.,1 "the humor in it is quite original, the voice acting is entertaining, and",2 and there are just about enough mechanics to explore the first 30 hours or so.,2 sad to say it looks like the end of two point hospital dlcs but overall I have no real complaints.,1 " Every hour after that was spent in the shoot house duelling my teammates and having my other friends placing bets like a fighting ring, except we weren't chickens but highly trained operators.",0 "good management choices, , ",2 " telling their unique stories, definitely worth having a look around when you get the chance.",2 "Fun, realistic, great to train situational awareness, reaction speed and responsiveness when facing constantly-changing scenarios. ",2 "these games are so in-depth with multileveled puzzles, ",2 "you can tell that this is not an English game as they offer private tutoring as ""private tuition"" and as a current college student, it makes me laugh a bit to get notifications stating my students completed their ""tuition session"". all in all, fun game.",2 Profanity filter ruins immersion ,0 "Whether you choose to follow the main storyline, become a galactic trader, , or simply wander the stars in search of the perfect planet to call home, it's a game that invites players to create their own narrative.",2 "game interface tutorial could be better, but the sheer volume of stuff to do is impressive.",0 The game will put you on edge as tension builds It can transform from shoot action game into horror at a moments notice,2 "I am a huge fan of the old tactical classics like Rainbow Six and Swat 3 and 4, and ",2 "each hospital location has unique goals, from teaching and training specific educational goals for staff members, to combating a cascade of pandemics and natural disasters, and encouraging creative strategies to reach each goal.",2 "I'd understand if it was a full release game and the playtesting was there to ensure that updates were of proper quality, ",1 RoN has made and balanced it in such a way that is easy to understand and sufficiently consistent.,2 a Space Odyssey and combine the gameplay of Minecraft and Starfox.,2 " I had very few expectations and knowledge about the game other than it being all about exploring strange planets. A few people in my social circle had gotten it, some liked it, some did not, so I got curious and decided to get it.",1 "introducing player-run groups (like guilds that players can make or join and trade or war with other guilds), ",0 environmental destruction is top notch.,2 This means you should only use lethal force if necessary and are promoted to arrest over killing and find/mark all evidence for a better grade (You can only get a S if you don't kill anyone).,1 "the sound for this game is really good, guns feel nice and punchy also being able to hear the people through the walls preparing for you is a nice touch.",2 but with a bit of work I’ve managed to create my own profile for my Elite V2 with Steam Input configuration which works very well.,2 you can be rewarded or punished depending on your response.,1 least it is not worth 30 us. ,0 but I had to spend hours finishing up the rest of the game I never got to because of the repetitiveness. that would allow players to go in and fix already built but broken or run down hospitals.,0 "buy it! It is sure to give you a great many fun filled hours. The first 6 hospitals won not give you much trouble, but after you will find yourself restarting the hospital level a few times until you have learned the ropes.",2 "The addition of multiplayer functionality allows for cooperative or competitive gameplay, enabling players to explore and interact with others in the vastness of space.",2 "funny radio station, funky music and",2 "From mining valuable minerals to upgrading your ship and equipment, there's always something to do.",2 in a similar feel to SWAT 4,1 where even your save file gets erased.,0 "The attention to detail from prop placement to lighting makes the game absolutely beautiful! Your guns create smoke when fired, the light bounces off of mirrors and windows, your scopes reflect your surroundings and more!",2 "I've played it since, and I have it on PC, Xbox, PS4, and Switch now.",1 "as an older gamer, who remembers with great affection the original theme hospital, I have to say I am blown away by this.",2 "I was an original fan of ""theme hospital"" which this game is derived from.",2 " I put a lot of time into two point hospital and whilst most of the game was great, it was ultimately ruined by two specific mechanics: too many general practitioners visits, and patients walking to the other side of the hospital for a drink and messing up queues. ",0 "if you want the business management side there is plenty here you can optionally delve into (pricing, loans and so on), but the key is that it is optional.",2 I absolutely cannot wait for the Steam Workshop and proper modding to come so maps and cool overhaul mods are more accessible and one click away rather than manually placing them on the pack folder.,2 "I do wish this mechanic could be built out a bit more, because after a while, base building and taming pets is the only thing left to do, and ",1 "I got this game for my birthday, due to me having it on my Wishlist.",1 without some of the pain points of the original release.,2 The only big issue with it is that there is no difficulty setting whatsoever,0 "Because the game was primarily developed and optimized for PlayStation 4 (which has 8 cores), it needs 8 threads or 8 cores to function properly. ",1 "I understand the hype now, very good game watch a youtube review and buy it.",2 if that interests you enjoy glad I got this free cuz I would never pay for this crap heck I got it free and still want a refund!,0 "Another layer that I do not think is shown a lot, are the cooperative initiatives that can be done in the game with other players. simply have some friends with tph, open up the superbug initiative part, and invite them to join you earning in-game rewards.",1 I am nothing but hopeful and eager to see what this dev team brings us.,2 choices for endless replay value.,2 "My favourite part of this game is finding something new and amazing, or finding a new planet with amazing resources, It is like getting to live your dream over and over again in a Groundhog Day, open world environment.",2 "You can customize your operator and if you are playing with AI, then you can customize them as well. Weapons have a good selection of attachments.",2 Now with all these new updates the game is just absolutely amazing!,2 I really enjoyed exploration (15 or so planets) before all planets were just reskinned versions of old ones.,2 "Even the starting ship, with basic gear, can handle most space threats, including battling several pirates or a full sentinel threat, with relative ease.",0 "It looks really good, there are way more weapons both lethal and non-lethal, andBut none of that matters, because they all play the same",0 you can map joysticks / hot as setups to a xbox controller so it's workable.,0 there are not any voice-overs on the tutorials.,0 I have some mixed feelings after the free weekend. ,1 "Not knowing what I was doing I left the planet and entered space in my little ship. I was on a planet orbiting a massive black hole. Fear struck down me but I knew I had to set my sights to the planet next to me. I land on this bizarre planet, nothing but ocean. Yet there was a small island, so I landed my ship. I got out and observed my newfound planet. ",2 " It happened after I reported a bug and one mod disagreed with me, locked the post. Later I got the post unlocked, but the same mod muted me from the server.",0 "good game, however the controls for personal computer are a bit hard to use, I could not find a way to delete doors, some of the students got stuck in the doors and blocked the way for others, and I would prefer it if when rearranging rooms, if rooms were unreachable that it would let you move others before resuming the game as it made it impossible to move some rooms with limited space, even though all I wanted to do was move two rooms to the other side of the hallway. These were the only difficulties I found with the game in the time I played, (and they are honestly quite minor, hardly game breaking) ",0 I bought the whole pack here on steam just to support two point studio.,2 Even navigating the galaxy map is terrible. ,0 "Personally, I have trouble playing games when there's no progression, unlocks, secrets or achievements.",0 "As a HUGE side note for me, it contains nothing morally questionable that would keep me from being able to let my kids play it.",2 Suggestions to make the game better: PVP Modes (4v4 maybe) almost like search and destroy without the 360 no scopes.,1 " ""Survival"" and ""Hardcore"" difficulties exist, but the actual gameplay is unchanged; the only difference is even more added tedium and the newly increased disappointment ",0 It’s a good time killer if you are hooked easily but be aware ,2 "Options include easy creative mode all the way up to sudden death hardcore, ",1 "Obviously, it is a variation on two point hospital which was a variation on good old theme hospital which is, in my opinion, still the best of the bunch.",2 "The optimisations taken to allow such a vast universe to be rendered are quite apparent though, with obvious texture pop-in, very inconsistent framerates, and limited render distances, which did put a bit of a damper on the experience.",0 including adding a sandbox mode and copy and paste rooms,2 "There is also three different species, or at least main ones, that all have their different language, and are more dominant in separate galaxies. These three are the Gek, the Korax (my personal favorite), and the Vy'keen. The Gek are mostly traders and merchants, the Korvax are mostly scientists and mechanics of the sort, and the Vy'keen are mostly meatheaded brutes, not to says there isn't some bright heads in their race.",1 it is a peaceful way to spend a weekend.,2 cannot switch third/first person with one button ,0 except for NO JOYSTICK SUPPORT!,0 " absolutely has proven itself above and beyond the call of duty for any video game as a leading title in the genre of survival, creative world-building, and space exploration.",2 Can not recommend two point campus highly enough!,2 "tpc has 3 game modes: 1) a campaign mode where you have a specific objective (e.g. modernizing the courses of a campus), and by unlocking the first star of challenges, you will unlock a new campus and each subsequent star beyond the first, will unlock new things (courses, items and events) that you can use in the existing game or any other game you jump into.2) sandbox with various difficulty settings, with the ability to pick the campus.3) challenge mode with specific requirements to earn the most points (e.g. 2023 valentine is day event is to make as many people fall in love as possible within a certain time limit.",1 management gem! Build your own hospital and see how many patients you can kill daily!,2 I really wanted to dislike this game. it is juvenile graphics and styling had me convinced it was going to be drivel ... ,0 Keep in mind I play exclusively KB/M.,1 "Find your perfect planet, build your perfect base/home and ",1 but the dj commentary and the ability to add your own music tracks definitely help make this game better. ,2 ", imagine. previously, you could see your whole inventory, now, it’s a tiny f-ing rectangle at the bottom of the screen and now you have to scroll wheel to see your inventory. you'd get used to seeing Everything, but suddenly it’s a tiny box a quarter of the size of what it once was, ",0 some of the mouse-over icons do not have tooltips while others do.,0 "I would really appreciate filters in video settings. I use Geforce experience to turn it B&W, add some grain and letterbox.. . I think if they added that touch along with other filters it would be an amazing experience. I would ideally like a B&W experience with red blood.",0 "i put dozens of hours into this game on Xbox game pass for pc, ",2 "matches can also be impossible to find at times with the ""servers are full"" message popping up 90% of the time.",0 10/10 I really recommend this game so yea give it a shot!,2 "The moment to moment game-play is super suspenseful, and you NEVER know who is armed or not and ",1 the developer is twisted sense of humor adds to the games enjoyment.,2 but without any competitive play,0 LOVED this game until the 4.0 update. They did add a patch so I could turn it off. No this shouldn't even be in the game as an option.,0 "Fun experience overall, greatly enhanced by playing with friends and the shared incompetence.",2 Sometimes I can switch to 3rd person and sometime I just can't! ,0 " where you can customize your loadout and your weapons,",2 this still in early acsess is crazy ,2 I believe this will be a super solid game in its official release form.,2 "anyway, this game caught my attention because I have never played hospital tycoon and everyone told you how fun it was.",1 but it's a lot better than it was on release.,0 "Big learning Curve, boring don't understand it and not sure I care to learn cuz again u just wonder around gathering stuff and reading to learn the ™¥™¥™¥™¥ and there are many many things to learn so half grind, half book, half novel, no story, a building simulator with no action ",0 i have played some of the rooms for about 3 hours and I am still seeing new animations which is really nice. ,1 "As a returning player who preordered this back then, I can wholeheartedly say",1 the game is great and I hope they make it workshop and online,2 "Performance It should be stated that at the time of this review, however despite that fact, the only performance bugs , are either 1 minute long freezes on loading in or out of a level, or 3-4 stutters at the beginning of the first 2-3 rounds of a session.",0 "There is a story to follow about an alien civ which is interesting and then there is the mysterious ""center of the universe"".",2 I got a town and now I love this game,2 I still rate this as 'recommended' because it is very cool in many ways and I think other players would enjoy it.,2 "It has been sometime now and there has been a lot of updates,",2 There's so much they could do with random events and have creatures interact with your base or just any kind of interactivity aside from the NPC's you put in place. Subnautica's bases feel substantial while NMS bases feel like an after thought. but it doesn't really do too much,0 "which is a game that you can leave running while you are doing other stuff and come back to (see also things like civilization, ftl).",0 "also there is a fun Facebook group to join as well that is fan ran and creates fun challenges and an open, friendly environment to discuss strategies, stories and get help with anything!",2 have to say that this game doesn't pull punches on difficulty.,1 quick reactions and good planning are vital to survival in this fast (or slow) paced game.,1 My biggest wish for this game is to be open for content modding.,0 Game is pretty cool and all,2 Very relaxing you can play for hours without even noticing,2 You can get such crazy things like jetpack that emits rainbows or some badass bounty hunter helmet for your character.,2 You can tackle an objective in so many different ways which allows you to replay the same mission over and over again and still feel fresh and exciting.,2 "but beware, if you make them wear gas masks or ballistic face shields, their voice will be muffled, so it's harder to hear their feedback.",1 there is enough to keep you busy for the duration learning about how things work.,2 "staff happiness also does not seem to make any real difference, and there is no threats to leave if you never give them a payrise. The students are also, frankly, idiots.",0 "Ship can't change weapons, can't lock on to enemy ships, the multitool doesn't work, and ",0 " If you dig the SWAT slow and methodical, domination threw teamwork and gadgetry, ",2 "The result is a game that has fun, satisfying gameplay and a story that fully and completely hooked me. It was mysterious, it was engaging, it was emotional, and it was heartfelt.",2 "No Man's Sky is the ultimate virtual vacation destination. Imagine a place where you can explore endless planets, fly through space, and discover new life forms without ever having to worry about pesky things like gravity or oxygen. And the sense of discovery is unmatched.",2 "Game has very limited info. For example, most objects just say ""reduces thirst"" with no indication of how much.",0 runs really well without performance problems and ,2 this game should be the next on your Wishlist.,2 " These tasks are great ways to learn how to explore the galaxy and teach you what to look for when you want a specific item. Completing these missions rewards you with Quicksilver, a currency used for purchasing cosmetic items in The Anomaly's Quicksilver store.",1 "No Newtonian physics, no drifting, ",0 "Slow, methodical and oppressive, with high lethality and many dangers behind every corner. ",2 I like the farming games and inventory slots come with progression.,2 The official discord mods shadow banned me for no reason cutting access to the lobbies there.,0 "Player community is also creative and active, you can get pretty many MOD that could make your game experience better or provide more challenging one, even some beautiful maps included.",2 I would highly recommend you play this game with some friends in voice chat or,2 ", or even acquiring your own freighter fleet.",2 "Profanity continues on. The occasional ""F"" word, and thankfully not much else.",2 "I played it on xbox on game pass, enjoyed it so much ",2 It is much better suited to mouse play with enough changes that it is not the same. ,2 sometimes even make you feel just a little bit for the people you're arresting.,2 "The vehicle and ground combat is fun, this would be so much fun. I am flabbergasted at games that have a boost functionality and do not take advantage of implementing the exceptional combat system of an ancient game called Amored Core. . Even if they fixed the ground combat, you rarely ever use it.",0 Stopped playing it after the inventory UI update ,0 This game is schizophrenic. It has no idea what it's doing and all the voices in its head are just pulling in different directions. It does nothing well and everything poorly.,0 I really enjoyed the 5+ actual hours,2 I still think this is a fun game for people that are in to Law Enforcement Games and also have a group of friends you would want to play it with.,2 "survival mode taking away everything you have when you die and offering no storage system until late game, outside you and your ship which if you die in on foot you lose you inventory o",1 the tutorial did not explain a lot of features so that was very confusing.,0 but the finer textures tend to pop or straight up use the lowest res version in some cases (usually npc faces),0 requiring a save editor to get out of... which he can’t do because he’s on console.,0 I remember playing theme hospital as a kid. this is the spiritual successor. ,2 Great game ,2 asking for a refund. ,0 The system requirement of a Core i3 is nonsense. I know of no Core i3 or similar low-spec AMD CPU that has 8 threads available.,0 "Pretty Fun Game so far, played a few hours with my bro, had a good time, ",2 "This isn't surprising given the scope of the game and the fact that it's developed by a very small team,",1 "First, I did not preorder the game, nor did I pay a lot of attention to it while it was in development, therefore, I do not have that feeling of having been cheated that some other reviewers seem to have.",1 a very clever and very thought out game.,2 "A funny detail: I was basically told to just get lost and download mods if I want a better, deeper experience. But guess what: NMS doesn't support mods per-se. The Steam workshop isn't supported. If you want to mod the game, you'll have to find external sources.",0 update ruined inventory,0 "A surprisingly addictive game that gets you into the mind of a SWAT officer, using real CQB tactics and incredibly satisfying weapons to use with most of the fun coming from restrain and using your tools, wits, and clever planning to bring in as many people alive and thus get a higher score and",2 "Explore where you want and rename your discoveries, I discovered a system where ",1 "as we prepare for an intense situation with terrorists that will require extreme concentration and focus I can only think about how I will be able to get back alive. We begin our mission and move towards the entrance door and open it, a trap bomb explodes, killing us all instantly.",2 in beta matchmaking is completely random and hopefully you would be able to filter for servers with mics and certain level of experience,1 I found it better with friends through discord chat and in-game chat some do not talk or starting having communication issues only hearing one player. ,0 needs a progression system. don’t care if cops do not have progression systems irl I want it in the game to reward my progress u larping noobs,0 the Bing Chilling John Xina meme/easter egg in the game files is best,2 as a big fan of theme hospital this was an instant purchase for me.,2 "Your honour, it was a self-defence situation. If I did not shoot that unarmed civilian, I would have been killed.",2 Skip this game. The only thing positive that could possibly come out of this horrible mess of broken promises is the DEATH OF THE PRE-ORDER CULTURE.,0 " against other players, this has the works!",2 "such a fun game, I have only played this a bit here on steam but have almost 20 stars on xbox.",1 " tackling epidemics, to handling the balance of budget ",1 mapping 3/5 there are different hospitals you can participate in that have different layouts/building styles.,2 Not 1 issue with gameplay to indicate any potential problems just BOOM it's all gone my units my mining efforts my fleet all my saved loot all of it. The worst part Steam cloud did not even save any portion of it.,0 immersive (though flawed) sound design.,0 "This may be a different take, management of gear to how the AI react to improve this game; but that's just a suggestion.",1 A very challenging tactical shooter,2 "The AI is clever and challenging, making it difficult to predict where the seeker will go next.",2 I turned everything to the highest settings and hopped in creative. ,1 strangely shaped buildings to cram all of the requirements of a hospital into.,1 a virtual 2D screen in front of your face and calling it VR for all on foot gameplay you will probably feel more at home in this game. ,2 I wish it unlocked the whole map or a few campuses with each level completed because I do not know how big the game is and it would help me decide what to focus on.,0 "The reprojection & stutter is insane , on even the lowest settings.",0 "I have only found a few bugs,",0 I wish it was more controller friendly and ,0 until I finally got it when they released the NEXT update.,2 I completed all the super hard achievements in ONE DAY!?!?! OMG my life is completed.,2 Refunded,0 " What type of body armor are you going to wear? Choose from none, to light and heavy armor. Do you want kevlar, steel, or ceramic plates? Do you want a stab vest? Do you want to armor your front, back, sides or any combination thereof? In this game you can.",2 Really liked adrenaline rush in situations where situations can go from 0 to 100 in mere seconds (e. g. suspects rushing out of door that I was pie-ing),2 "but more so because what characters there are are extremely one dimensional and uninteresting. It would also be nice to see a human face, to be honest, as well as some actual voices from characters.",0 "to be honest, two point hospital is a game which allow you to contact some medical things about diagnosing novel patients and construct a fantastic hospital.",1 the scenarios are fun and a bit challenging.,2 once again easy enough to casually play.,2 there is no customization in the game.,0 as trolls will gladly make them inaccessible.,0 good game with a lot of potential ,2 plus with the steam integration you get to compare with your friends.,2 room creation and object placement is done on a grid layout ,2 "the game starts out easy, almost too easy. difficulty does ramp up, sometimes too fast.",0 "but then again, I am running a 5960x and a 1080ti so not really a good benchmark to test against.",0 " and again, many of the characters are fun to watch, especially if they have some amusing diseases and are moving in strange ways.",2 ", but due to the limitations imposed by the game, and the very curious behaviour of the AI (as well as map layouts, ) you can regularly expect to see a T-shaped hallway that appears clear on both sides, only to be instantly tapped in the head by the AI enemies, which may as well be all-knowing in relation to your position.",0 had to get a mod to avoid dying of old age.,1 "at first, the amount of kudosh (the currency to unlock things), was hard to get but by the fourth campus, you should not have a problem meeting all these goals.",2 this is pretty unrealistic and entirely unchallenging.,0 I've been a supporter for this game ever since,2 "You may get an extra character interaction or two depending on your decisions, wow! ",2 Have played with a buddy ,1 "As the game progresses, players must handle a variety of challenges, such as managing staff morale, treating complex illnesses, and upgrading their facilities.",2 What's not so good about this game? - Enemy AI have a very fast response time paired with quickdraw on pistols,0 "If you have actually standards on how your ship should look and aren't a fan of colors like orange, or green or yellow. . and also are a normal human being without any superior luck traits, then prepare for 2-4h of constant reloading until rng gives you the pretty ship you wany.",0 "prevented me from building as base because I couldn't place any items down, maybe once every 50 clicks of the button.",0 all in all this is the game that Siege should have been.,2 believe that the visuals need bit of touch up as looking at the game for long periods of time genuinely hurts my eyes,0 "I support ""VOID Interactive"" and look forward to your company's development.",2 ruins interaction with other players as it is.,0 "at the beginning, they will be new doctor is offices, new diagnostic rooms, so that in the later stages of the game you will be able to unlock the possibility of training doctors, conducting research, or even using extensive marketing or counteracting epidemics inside the hospital.",2 while some of the puzzles are solved by random clicking ,2 "the game crashed on my initial launch. then I got to the start screen, click play new game and it crashed again. and I cannot even get to the main menu now.",0 "but it is fun, addicting even.",2 "Update, if you have any overlay on like xbox game bar or game mode, shut those off. They can be a contributing factor if you experience crashes.",1 "Very repetitive, ",0 "The value is good, you can spend a lot of hours in it!",2 makes you almost have to angle your camera right to see your gun on the bench when customizing.,1 "at one stage replaying a mission to get the platinum star I thought I would test just having no toilets, no janitors, and all 1 star staff throughout the mission. despite frequent deaths throughout the hospital I raked in cash like a madman, had pretty much max reputation and won public voted hospital of the year several years running.- loans follow this pattern. ",0 "You can set it up to where crafting is free (I would never suggest this, it ruins immersion) and enemies do not attack (also wouldn't suggest this). ",0 "the sense that the planet was fully alive and teeming with myriad forms of life, both animal and plant, in sometimes bizarre, sometimes amusing displays of diversity thanks to the idiosyncrasies of procedurally generated algorithms.",2 an extremely tactical first person shooter ,2 which is a crucial component when it comes to managing your extensive and diverse inventory. You will build storage units on your freighter so that you can categorize and store the different types of items you procure.,2 reasonable feeling of progression,2 it makes you feel emotions.,2 narrative (9/10) -two point does a lot of world-building and storytelling through the radio like I had mentioned earlier. you will find yourself looking around the map later in the game and recognizing places based on things you have heard on the radio or visitors you have had at your hospitals. I think this is a great narrative design for this kind of game and it honestly surprised me a little.,2 there is no good reason for me to be getting a steady 11-20 fps on this game with that equipment.,0 you can pick this game up and enjoy immediately but the more you play the more your realise there are deep mechanics to explore and master.,2 "Admittedly, I had to find creative ways inappropriate names while getting pass the filter.",1 "I wish all games that labled themselves ""spiritual successor"" were this good.",2 create an immersive and memorable experience.,2 " Interface 5/5no complaints, menu works great, job selection is easy and navigation to different areas in the game are simple.",2 "No Man's Sky is a unique experience of exploring wide space expanses untouched by human hand where you'll be able to visit planets inhabited by wonderful creatures, ",2 "Your choices may have consequences in the future, in the fate of the universe.",1 The current multiplayer mode only make your friend interrupt your game process,0 realistic and satisfying as hell.,2 "there is steam workshop support - and it is integrated brilliantly in this game - but it only applies to cosmetic touches like pictures, rugs, walls, and floors.",2 "I grew up on Rainbow six, Day of defeat and ghost recon and this game kinda fills that void for me.",2 "I learned a lot of skills on to how to properly diagnose and cure a plethora of diseases, and most importantly on how to keep my co-workers happy.",2 forgot to eat and drink water.,2 They ruined the game with this Outlaws update. ,0 especially for a rig that is becoming outdated.,1 "as an aspiring pupil in the medical field, ",1 a ton of different things to see and explore. ,2 I started playing again last week and am having a lot of fun with it.,2 "I really want to like this game, I 3 starred the majority of the universities and only 1 starred the final 4 universities out of curiosity to see how long it would take to effectively ""finish"" the game.",2 " the game is in early access,",1 the game is heavily luck based though proper strategy can mitigate it to some extent,0 American healthcare simulator,1 I will admit part of my frustration comes with survival mode if you die in your ship it empties it and leave you out of thrust which is 3rd means of moving you have to keep filled.,0 "At the moment gun customization is good, but the rig customization is phenomenal and not as complex as Ground Branch.",2 I hope they take it even further upon finishing by porting it to console,1 "I started a new game, and it is so much smoother.",2 "I find DLC not worth the price, ",0 Sean Murray Really with his hello games studio really scratched my itch ,2 "this time releasing a ""VR Overhaul"" ",1 "So far this game has a lot of potential, with the support of the mod community,",2 "I would still recommend this game to anyone, ",2 "This whole time, trying to launch the game resulted in the UE4 prerequisites installer opening and hanging at 0% again, needing to do the steam cloud trick to bypass the installer and launch the game to even see if one of my attempted fixes for the FRS setting worked. Then I had to figure out how to bypass the first time setup requirement every single time the game was launched.",0 "12 hours here, over 70 hours",2 it's also frequently on sale for -50%,1 "Fair warning, there was a bit of motion sickness I noted after playing, which was also noted by other players, hopefully this won't affect you.",0 "The sense of discovery and wonder as I uncover new species, resources, and secrets never ceases to amaze me.",2 Things I wish will come with updates: - manual scheduling of classes to specific rooms. - allow training and upgrading during summer break. or at least enable the player to schedule training for a staff member.,0 Now I'm 50 hours in and completely enjoying the game.,2 "I am in a team of 5 highly trained expert SWAT members loaded with equipment and weaponry for any scenario, ",1 "I have spent days just trying to gather resources to fuel my ship, but the game keeps directing me to build this one device that I can build with the resource, but it just doesn't let me do so. There's no dialogue or indication as to why I can't.",0 "At launch it was sorely lacking, ",0 "it is a lot of fun, and keeps you going for hours with the story progression. All the small and funny details are a must and make the game even more enjoyable.",2 with air/space combat and a storyline that slowly unfolds itself ,2 but I loved playing with random people helping the new players learn the game and ,2 The multiplayer aspect in particular is very unreliable ,0 so a good blend of being able to play quickly but still having a learning curve down the road.,2 "This game just has everything,",2 "The blood/gore effects leave much to be desired (bullet wounds look like actual paintballs hit the bodies), ragdoll physics are janky, ",0 "There is not a lot of PVP and the PVE aspect is very limited, I will not say I have encountered much action in this game yet the many battles I've fought with space pirates didn't last very long and the combat missions",0 "Some mission prompts give you bad information that will send you on wild goose chases - for example there's a mission that tells you to ask lifeforms ""on your planet"" for information, so you'll run all over your planet looking for answers, until you find an obscure line in the mission log contradicting ALL other instructions and telling you to leave the planet and go to a space station. ",0 "Story is sparse and cryptic but has some interesting elements. Not enough to justify playing the game for story, but it can make normally mundane missions slightly more interesting, with a decently short main story and branching infinite side missions.",2 This game is a procedurally generated walking/grinding simulator. Walking and grinding are 99% of this,0 " the vibration from first person view makes me feel really sick, and this is why I don't play it that much anymore.",0 "It feels good, but sometimes when I shoot through a door and I know someone is behind it I think they are dead, But then it turns out they aren't dead and they eventually kill you, and since you can't respawn in any way, you have to restart mission.",0 I'm honestly surprised it’s not more popular as a streaming game but that is also whats probably keeping it as entertaining as it is.,1 "I actually fell asleep one time, while playing. Two point hospital starts you off with a budget of $200,000",0 "Game worked fine for a while, absolutely loved it. One day it kept crashing and has not worked since then. Checked all files, deleted the entire game and folders and still no luck. Its a shame.",0 "better value in exploration (besides a couple types of ore and weather patterns, most planets offer the same stuff just slightly repackaged), and other types of extrinsic motivators could really help the flow of gameplay.",0 "every time I open my inventory, there's a very very loud and constant buzzing noise that plays,",0 "Spent nearly 1500 hours in game,",1 "Even the achievements for the game are essentially ""wait a long time on a planet"" and ""travel X number of lightyears"" and ""talk to X number of aliens”. ",0 " like walking around the outside edges of the map to get to a piece of litter in the middle, then back to outside edges to get back to the building.",1 "As a person who preordered the game, it's been a rollercoaster getting here.",1 "This game does it's best to emulate real life with a number of mechanics, including slower tactical pace, civilian commentary, the opportunity to make an arrest instead of killing someone, the possibility of a suspect pulling out a weapon or running at you before an arrest can be made, and",2 Have a few hundred hours invested on console,2 "I played titles such as Zero Hour and Ground Branch, but this game is far beyond any tactical shooter I have played (not considering SWAT 4).",2 A bit of a learning curve at first but once you get the hang of it it is great.,2 There are also multiplayer missions that can be initiated from The Anomaly where other players in the hub can join you and embark on a journey to a distant star system to complete a simple task.,2 I played it when I had my xbox and I buy it again ,1 "the atmosphere was very well done,",2 "The ""return and report"" methodology of the game helps you analyze your progress more thoroughly, and",2 "The game's graphics are stunning, with each planet you explore being uniquely crafted and visually striking.",2 there’s absolutely no punishment for patients dying and other mistakes you make.,0 "Some of the map detailing is outright creepy and actually did make my skin crawl a few times, ",2 "... level design and graphics seem excellent, ",2 "What would have been a fantastic update to give you an ""end-game"" shiny thing to chase, is instead a kick in the teeth.",0 "After getting hit by the tazer, bean bag shotgun or pepper spray, running NPCs only stop for a moment before they continue running again as if they just needed a breather in the middle of a marathon",0 or by deciding to 1 v 1 a fugitive IN SPACE.,1 learn from the mistakes you've made in the past.,2 "i love two point is games, and it is great so far. ",2 "have only encountered one glitch so far where a patient got ""stuck"" on a building, and no matter how I moved things away from him he would not unstick. after nearly three years in my hospital he is still standing there complaining.",0 love the game... I like to take things easy and build up and tpc lets you do that. no steep learning curve etc.,2 Some screen on text has such bad contrast and disappears too quickly. Low visibility and useless torch that just faces behind you sometimes or turns off randomly meant I fell down into a cave that seemed to only have the one opening in the ceiling.,0 "As the ship lifted off the ground, I could feel the weightlessness of space wash over me. ",2 A full VR game with the same physics and cross play with desktop players would just be amazing.,2 "Really immersive, dark, and has zero filter with what nasty happens in the real world.",2 lots of cute funny characters and hilarious two point radio announcers chatting in the background,2 "This ""upgrade"" was worth",2 it is pressing either a text option or a random monument on the procedurally generated planet.,0 What a pathetic waste to have billions of planets and not be able to enjoy it with dedicated servers hosting 1000's of players.,0 "i have completed all levels and unlocked all content, and ",2 "There is a powerful photo mode, and at almost any time during the game you could open the photo mode and take a really nice picture with minimal effort.",2 A progression system would also be desirable since at the moment you only enter a level to improve the score or improve the time required and these become a bit one-sided.,0 ", but who really cares if players were generating BILLIONS of credits selling minerals? It's not like those credits even mattered in this game!",0 "The second the game loads up your new world you're thrown into an extremely hazardous alien planet with extremely high temperatures and you have absolutely no idea what's happening. You get several warnings that your equipment is running low and that you're about to die, and ",0 "The gameplay has depth, atmosphere",2 the satisfaction of winning as a hider or successfully eliminating all the hiders as the seeker is unmatched.,2 "There is a very few games these days, that would keep me playing through all of my free time, and absorb me to the point, where a few hours feels like a mere minutes. No Man's Sky is one of them.",2 "2ph feels a bit prison architect-ish, and pa is a fav of mine.",2 "Must be a ""Supporter"" to play the alpha. What was I supporting when I paid for this game? ",0 The Devs also really need to bring back the Camera-in-Camera Control from SWAT 4 ,0 "You can own up to 6 fantastic star ships, which you can use for transportation and other purposes.",2 you can customise so much with the steam workshop.,2 "before I couldn't find any reason to enjoy constantly recharging my shields, and farming/running simulator got old fast.",0 "I think that in time this game will gain some popularity on streaming sites such as twitch and YouTube and will become massive.""",2 "You also can have your teammates' head camera on your display, so you know how's their entry going, ",1 I love the game but the one downside about it is that every time they patch their game its 20 gigs and I have to make room for the game just to update. as much as I like this game ido notwant this to be the only game I play on my steamdeck so I just uninstalled it.,0 fighting pirates,1 "it is almost like civilization is ""one more turn"" meme, but even better, , ",2 "i can honestly say I never usually laugh at videogame humour, but this one really got me when I clicked on a staff profile and the doctor was facing the wrong way in the photo such that it was the back of his head.",2 "i have not completed the game yet but I have played it for a good amount of time, ",2 "my biggest gripe with the game is the fact that you are encouraged to reorganize your hospitals to make them work better after you have unlocked better facilities, but actually starting over is not a very fun experience. The game throws you back into the same tutorial and generic objectives that you already completed on that specific level.",0 " it favors people who try to coordinate with their team mates (or if you play solo, commanding the bots as well as possible) to take down the bad guys & save as many people as possible.",2 "this game is super addicting and a whole lot of silly fun. the diseases, especially, will make you at least smack your forehead, if not straight-up laugh out loud.",2 There is not key explaining what colors mean or symbols or the letter number combinations for planets (E6pf).,0 "Besides, the game brings a good atmosphere in missions to players. Sometimes makes you breath rapidly ",2 it's still a challenge to survive sometimes.,2 New upgrade looks promising.,2 and your AI companions are reasonable competent if issued the correct orders.,2 "I tried to get a refund, but as I already spent 4 hours in it, I can't have my money back; $40 I regret spending.",0 it also crash sometimes.,0 "hilarious themes explored, keeps one entertained, ",2 it is pleasant but it does not beckon for me to play it more.,0 Be warned it is a difficult game,1 it is difficult to turn items to face the way you want.,0 if you are looking for a micromanagement game with a lot of depth to the operation of the scenarios this game may not satisfy as well as some others,2 the single player can be a fun way to learn the game ,2 but I wish there was some type of incentive like cosmetics or further missions to unlock so I was more motivated to play.,0 "With bot it is reasonable, since they perform many actions automatically. Send them ahead and they will do their tasks with the ""utmost knowledge"" of the situation. ",1 "I have played two point hospital and, while a realize that ",1 when Internet Historian uploaded a video saying that the game was good now.,1 "learning more about mysteries of the alien-like world, exploring planets/moons/relicts of the past or conquering all fauna and flora while looking at the sea in your self-built mansion",2 "I like in games to make decisions, plan things, have some strategy, accomplish things and learn how to play better.",2 I cannot wait to share it with my friends.,2 " In a noisy night club of multiple loud sounds, they can perfectly hear when a door clicks open and are alerted. Surround Sound cues for them like footsteps seem bad and can seem like the very next room and yet be three rooms away.",0 the game is so colorful and dynamic. and the different alien types are fun.,2 "I played this game at launch had some fun, and I picked it up again with my wife a few years ago.",2 "This may be nit-picking but another issue at this present time is when you are in the command room before you start a mission and you go to customize a weapon for example. It doesn't cut away from your characters POV, it keeps it and it can make customizing guns difficult and ",0 i had this game on game pass on xbox and was obsessed with this game so I bought it on my laptop,2 "If you open a door without proper preparation, you can easily being instant killed with enemy shotguns or explosive traps.",0 if you're not playing with your friend sometime it's not worth playing with stranger A. you run into kids or immature who will kill civilian and all lowlife. They're the type of people you do not want to be a cop in your local community B. Randomly loses connection with server during a match- AI team member will get stuck in some corner of a building,0 the game is overall good and unique ,2 "The much touted variety of planets is... limited. 18 quintillion different planets, and they all have the same gravity. Is your planet toxic, frozen, or desert? I can tell you what background assets will be in use on each!",0 " I'm so glad I can play this as the real police officers do, arrest people, save hostages with friends.",2 ", which makes it very difficult.",0 weather it is a save file or a new game.,0 "Also a hint from my experience, make use of the biggest loan you can as you can easily get overwhelmed if you don not build enough quickly enough.",1 so it gets a little repetitive hearing them make a remark every time you tie them up.,0 my friend on ps5 ,1 many matchmaking crashes cons- matchmaking crashes a lot,0 Too many people play without headset/voice com ,0 "another amazing game from two point, ",2 I had this game on my Wishlist since it was a PvP alpha.,2 "Most games that use VOIP suffer similar issues so I tend to stick to discord or other VC platforms, but this game seems to vary from whispers to screams when it comes to other player's voice levels. this might just be more of My experience than anything, but If you are trying to toss a nade into a room you peeked open, Good luck.",0 "You are forced to play slowly and methodically, which is not necessarily a bad thing",1 "The team at Hello Games saved their reputation a few years ago when, despite the onslaught of negativity from fans, the press and observers alike, they committed themselves to deliver everything they had promised without charging for DLC.",2 the game play loop in my honest opinion is not enjoyable. Now I will say I did not play this game extensively only about an hour and a half but in that hour and half I felt pretty solid in my decision to refund it before the two hour time limit.,0 but two point hospital has a strategy that has depth and fun rarely found over long lengths of time.,2 "I enjoy the core loop, visually pleasing, misses potential for faction space conflicts.",2 " There is no hero trying to save the damn world, no action scenes with stupid QTEs, no .",2 "You will be rewarded for methodical teamwork, but punished for rushing or lazily going through the motions.",1 there are some minor bugs,0 especially with friends to explore the galaxy and complete missions with.,2 "The landscaping tool needs some serious rework, as even through using it on such a large area breaks the physics engine and creates ghostly walls that you can't walk through or destroy.",1 but at bare minimum I have high respect for the developers for retaining their credibility through actions and not photo shopping a PR statement when making a huge mistake which seems to be the norm nowadays.,2 "unfortunately, you sometimes get matched with players who want to rush and then they get killed, also their trolls who kill other players for no reason. you better hope the host is a good player as well otherwise they will keep restarting the match every time they die, or leave in the middle of a match if they get to impatient to wait for it to be over. ",0 the humor and visual style are fun ,2 " as does the Quest 2 headset itself, as well as the Quest Link -> PC. Not seeing any performance drops to this degree when playing around with SteamVR by itself, therefore indicating the source of the issue with No Man's Sky itself.",0 Really wish they would improve this because it makes the multiplayer better but at this point I just play on a screen. ,0 the only real purpose is to learn words and then converse with these aliens where ,1 "the game features a range of fun and challenging objectives, from curing illnesses to managing staff, and gives players the freedom to build their own custom hospitals. ",2 "and so much to explore and interact with,",2 "Now with a multiplayer squad a lot of these are at least manageable, but as a single player experience its more of a mental stability test as any kind of teamwork is completely useless and non existent.",1 - it is like the game was designed for millennials... you win just by showing up.i guess I can not even get a refund because I bought the key on fanatical.,0 and the trailers give you the impression that this game will be one the biggest challenges you will ever encounter.,0 from real life and from the other games in the series... it just blows my mind.,2 "Time is flying, the earth is rotating, and the no man's sky is still updating.",2 Staff and patients interact with damn near every object you plop down.,2 Played like 6 hours with 2 friends and saw 100% of what the game has to offer within the first 4 or so.,1 I can only say I've played 99 Hours all of which is single player and I love it still to experience the online side of the game.,2 "Basically, in short, it's a very fun space game with a decent amount of strategy when it comes to resource management early-game, ",2 but after 6 long years the developers are STILL pushing out amazing updates regularly.,2 had to support the developers and buy the full game,2 The graphics are out of this world (literally),2 this is an awesome remake.,2 "the people who just explode every door that they can see and kill everyone,",1 "takes a while to get used to the controls, but once you have gotten the hang of it, it is easy to work.",2 "If there were 1000 planets, and 1 of them had a lone Giant Squid tucked away in an ocean somewhere, how amazing would it feel to suddenly run into it after 100 hours of gameplay. Or a single planet covered in forest, and suddenly you find a tribe of bigfoot with a fully functioning village tucked away in a valley somewhere? Some things you still would never find. And enough such easter eggs and it could be years before all of them were discovered by the entire player community.",2 spent almost 2 hours playing ,1 This game was in my Wishlist for a while,1 "The maps and equipment you get are good for a bit, but quickly become boring and repetitive.",0 "the game is very well crafted, truly a spiritual successor to theme hospital,",2 "so while the goal is to not end up in them, when they do happen, they really stand out.",2 "if you are looking for a game that will make you laugh and keep you entertained for hours, ",2 "You gather resources, power up your exosuit and spaceship, build a massive base with all sorts of amenities, like farms and power plants and machines for processing materials. ",1 "When I reviewed it first, I said I really really liked it but gave a negative review cause of the lies.",0 I have only played on steam but I have played on xbox and,1 " in addition, the rooms can be designed with great attention to detail, and the game gives you the feeling that it was not in vain and ",2 "The big problem is, that the expedition save game is perma death in combination with time limitation. and do not have a checkpoint that keeps you falling back to the beginning.",0 but the game is still receiving regular updates with new content and ,2 "but I’ve pay a complete game, not just 4 maps.",2 On most maps I have to have my resolution and all graphics settings all the way down and the game still stutters and lags.,0 this is worth each and every money I spent.,2 "missing content tbh but that's to be expected now a days, overall that game has a huge potential as long as devs work hard on it and don't bail.",2 absorbed in the vastness of the unknowns in this world.,2 the wait sure seems to be worth it more and more as I keep returning to the game.,2 "I have gotten through the first 2 levels, 3 stared both of them, and look forward to being able to come back later when I have completed more of the game/upgrades/achievements",2 "something about building my own campus and interacting with the students had an appeal, but now I realize its just two point hospital but instead of a hospital, it’s a campus.",1 "Not just because of the scale of the worlds, ",0 "As you descend further down into the suspect's hideout, the music starts to get more tense until it culminates at the discovery of something truly horrifying (won't mention it here, play it for yourself).",2 "I tried to give it a good go, but a bug with the build button when using an xbox controller prevented me from being able to play the game properly; ",0 Equipment wise the game is really good. You have lots of different weapons and ammunition types to use.,2 "And, if you have a VR headset you can play in VR that is very immersive (and quite motion sickening at times).",2 "great game: cool humor, satisfying gameplay mechanics, reasonable and ""configurable"" pacing - you can move on if you want, you can stay longer to pick up basics and mechanics, so you won not be overwhelmed.",2 Occasional lone wolf that ruins the tactical gameplay and team effort.,0 You play as SWAT and can either kill or save civilians and leave no witnesses to the violations of the Geneva Convention!!!!,2 "some of the later levels can be a little difficult, and temperature management does get repetitive before long. ",0 "Gun play is fantastic, movement and ",2 I was one of the many unfortunate souls to pre order this game and be burned by its release.. .,0 "discover systems full of unexplained mysteries and puzzles,",2 "after the 20 hours, ",1 "P. s.: if you ever feel the need to preorder a game before release, stop and think for a second: maybe it's better to wait for launch day and see if the hype was justified - or if the game itself is playable at all. If nothing else, as the title of a much beloved sitcom remarks, curb your enthusiasm.",1 " and my friends can’t join me; because even though we have updated to the fractal update, it says we have different versions and can’t play together.",0 "It can be a relaxing experience with fairly good immersion, nice and colorful and ",2 after 57 hours of gameplay,1 "I now frequently spend my evenings streaming this game for my friends, who seem to get as much enjoyment out of watching as I do playing and talking about the content.",2 "From the voxel terrain editor, to the increasing amount of random events and locations to come across,",2 funny campus-build game just like two point hospital or the original theme hospital.,2 "Whether you choose to embark on a solitary journey of discovery or team up with friends in multiplayer mode, the game offers a multitude of paths to follow and goals to achieve.",1 maybe I will try it again in a year or so and see if it is gotten better.,1 "The models of the weapons are very well done, ",2 There are plenty of weapons/equipment to choose from as well which can be modified to suit your playstyle. ,2 Gunplay is great,2 But now we have camera controls and more precise positioning controls etc. Get it.,2 knowing you can be killed from any single mistake.,2 "if you install a mod, you can adjust the traits of your staff. There is a trait that reduces patient health by 5% upon interaction. The mod lets you add multiple of the same trait. I made a hospital where the reception stabs people.",2 "it has put its own spin on things while maintaining the humour and chaos, but with tighter controls and management and some deeper immersion. ",2 if the game updates and proves itself.,2 for a game that's still under early access,1 all the levels feel the same.,0 "There is no creative input from my side. It basically happens by itself, and I am just the worker bee that has to provide resources and say ""yes"" or ""no"" every now and then - apparently with very little consequence.",0 "Ground not loading in, textures being displayed as a multi-coloured fuzzy mess. ",0 my only issue is that the higher difficulty 3 stars kind of just feel like waiting games. ,0 "The environmental storytelling is top notch, and I often find myself very disturbed when paying attention to the little details in the maps.",2 "now you gotta scroll to see ur stuff. it’s not game breaking you might think, but then some tech you had installed suddenly disappeared or was deleted becuz of the inventory change.",0 "The AI is often fairly unpredictable,; some tweaks still need to be made, as sometimes they can still John Wick your ass fairly easily, ",2 "its easy to get absorbed in creating the perfect hospital, there is so much to take into consideration from staff, training, what facilities to build and upgrade and limited time challenges to bring prestige and currency awards to your hospital network.",2 finally lets you be the space explorer you want to be.,2 "I'm running on a GTX 1060 6gb Graphics card, and a Ryzen 5 3600 processor using medium settings, ",1 "Everyone has seen the YouTube video ""The Engoldening of No Man's Sky"" if not you are doing yourself a disservice and need to get some good food and watch the whole thing with apt attention.",2 plays on both your ability to cooperate and make split second decisions.,2 "The creation aspect of the game is what intrigues me the most and if it was really fleshed out into more of a sandbox style would be amazing, there could be new ores and plants giving you a reason to go out and get more things which ",2 "when I load the game it crashes or it doesn't show anything at all, it's glitched.",0 "I played more than 20hrs, but still fun at 43 hrs in repeating the gameplay. ",2 It’s a pointless and meaningless grind where you accomplish nothing and there are no goals.,0 "After spending 28hrs,",1 "the whole game is very cartoonish, which is great for a lot of people.",2 " I saw the teaser trailer back in 2016, ",2 "staff will get stuck in weird travel loops,",0 "CONS: The game is, for the most part, almost completely silent with little music. ",0 The UI is non-standard and ,0 "The worlds are gorgeous, ",2 I can see this game dominating the CQB style FPS genre.,1 one of the worst I’ve ever come across also have to play the game muted because of the ear grating suit voice,0 Only downside is it doesn't save to your account so if you play on a new pc or factory set the one you have you'll have to do it all over again.,0 Crash from changing language.,0 Also I recommend watching a youtube video on optimizing it.,2 "After numerous delays, this game still offers horrible AIs. ",0 "the graphics are colorful, and really nice to look at.",2 The only way I’ve found to have fun in this game is to basically pillage the universe and become a pirate. ,0 it is so worth your time/money if you are into tycoon/building games.,2 Gameplay is boring so far but the small chuckles are keeping my curiosity wanting to see more content.,2 only a copy of the old game is not good enough.,0 I've invested dozens of hours into the game and still have hundreds of hours of gameplay ahead of me. ,2 incredibly realistic,2 more content for this game seems like bad idea because it will just add more items to the pool that will make it even more random and harder to get lucky with whatever strategy you are using,0 this builds constant sense of anticipation as the player awaits their highest payout of the round and goes long way to make each individual spin maintain sense of excitement even after you have had 20 30 runs of it along with,2 "This game is an inch-deep ocean with nothing visible on the horizon, a silent and monotonous waste of your precious time.",0 "I do feel like I have experienced a small part space while still nearly completing the story, which may speak to its first play through and dare I say replay ability.",2 "From desyncing issues, to loss of data",0 You can't do the campaign with other players/friends ,0 "There could be some hints how to locate them after clearance, because interaction between objects and which objects can be interacted with, is not clear. No point in running around empty houses for hours (and I still did not locate them).",0 good game doesn’t know why there's freemason symbolism everywhere but I'm not surprised,1 Someone cleverer than I am once said the world of NMS was as wide as the universe but shallow as a puddle,0 games based around random number generator are very difficult to make and luck be landlord does this extremely well,2 the game is so outstanding and amazing with cool graphics and settings. ,2 A game that had a rocky start ,0 although the servers sometimes have difficulties ,0 This is it and now for a reasonable price.,2 Initial load times on PC are still a bit intensive despite all the efforts to optimize the game and while that has always been a challenge to wait through,0 yet they mute completely polite people for having confederate flag on their profile picture without any reason to do so,0 this last supporter update added a lot more voice line variety to suspects in different locales that pertain to the situations at hand and,2 In 9 hours of gameplay ,1 "I have only played 7 hours so far,",1 I bought this game to get a real feel for the fast-paced and hectic hospital environment.,2 "All-in-all, a great game for fans of the SWAT series, ",2 "it is very much a focused on the puzzles, all of which are solvable either by looking around the area. they tend to be hidden in plain sight most of the time. ",1 "Exceeded my expectations for a new game, and not a lot of maps",0 " The dunk Roses are red, Violets are blue. When Harambe died, I did to.",1 "Started when it was released on the PS4, then ran through it on Xbox Series X and went back to my PS4 version when it was upgraded for PS5. Now playing from scratch on the steamdeck.",1 and complete stories filled with bright memorable adventures.,2 "you can just hop around exploring each new system or you can focus on trading,",2 owning your own planet in your own little corner in the universe is such a cool feeling!,2 it seem like the AI have walls but thats really the only downside the game itself and ,0 this game is a true to the heart successor.,2 Translation is missing (Chinese) please fix it~,0 Hell swapping the magazine from your gun is louder than an officer standing next to you shouting at a suspect to drop their gun.,0 "The orientation of an item is always by default, so if you have to add 10 bench in an other direction you have to rotate all of them with a mouse movement (while you have pressed a mouse button); this mechanic is just insane and very annoying. they could simply memorize the last orientation positioned of any item and replicate so save you minutes of very repetitive operations (that you have to arrange and rearrange for every single hospital). ",0 The Enemies and the civilians can be superposed over each other ,0 "I think my main gameplay issue is civies using the same model as the suspects so you can see a dude in body armor standing in a car shop or a dude wearing coat with a terrorist organization's motto written across the back of it in some dude's farm house and still be unsure if they're an innocent or suspect without looking at their specific animation, which is much harder to check when there's four dudes in a room and half of them are trying to shoot you.",0 "no steep learning curve, high skill ceiling,",2 animal noises volume slider non-existent.,0 " meeting the wacky moon beast challenges, and venturing further into the harder and harder hospital settups.",2 "Lastly, this game would be even better with a VR port.",0 There are numerous issues with physics colliders and walking / falling through objects. ,0 Pretty much every option I would desire is in there. You can change difficulty of enemies. You can change damage done to you and your ship. Several other options as well.,2 Either way I died quite a few times just trying to learn the mechanics of the game. This was honestly the most fun I had with the game during my time with it. the sense of discovery and me being an idiot actually made it enjoyable.,2 " Gunfights are scary, loud, and you feel relieved to have survived, much like I imagine they would be in reality-",2 but the server is trash. Crashed a thousand times.,0 and may push you to lower your settings.,0 "It is honestly a scam this game is charging this much and the supporter edition is robbery I have hope for this game, ",0 "I raised this issue with the developer, who directed me to the publisher. the publisher ignored me. online is supposed to be a bridge that breaks barriers between the worlds. if the discrepancy was not so broad, I may not be as aggrieved. however, the publisher (sega) has chosen to institute highly regressive protectionist pricing policies, motivated soley by greed it seems.",0 this might not be the game for you.,0 "I just this in multiplayer with friends, and ",1 "Just being IN multiplayer makes - unable to see or interact with each other despite being in the same spot, unable to see each other's bases or ships, unable to join missions together.",0 "maps are very detailed,",2 I feel confident recommending this game.,2 The debris from the explosions and the bullet impact looks real.,2 So if you die during that expedition you loose all the progress,0 Ready or Not has the potential to be very great and so far shows that it can grow to a better game ,2 especially after bug fixes and DLCs that give you problems after developers have altered game.. MOTO is....if it’s not broke don't try to fix it...,0 and crab walking which makes it hard to shoot them.,0 "With billions of star systems, each with its own unique planets, flora, and fauna, the possibilities for exploration are virtually endless. I'm constantly amazed by the diverse array of planets I encounter, ",2 "it is pretty good for a micromanage game. if this was like zoo tycoon instead of a hospital theme I would praise it in an instant, or really anything more interesting than a hospital.",2 "When I hired my first NPC in NMS to fly as my wing man I thought,",1 sega proves they still got it after all this time10/10,2 This game is great,2 "Music: Music was calming/chill mixture that did change depending on circumstances but for me, quickly became forgettable, just background noise while you explored strange worlds. I ended up listening to iTunes instead of the in-game music.",0 * freezing and hitching every time a player enters or exits the current planetary system,0 "thoroughly enjoyed this game, a true continuations of tph. ",2 amazing new vibe love it epic and hard and rewarding,2 "glad they delayed the release, because this is awesome! ",2 Level design could be better.. Maps are too huge and it´s like navigating a maze most of the times. They do not feel logical.,0 "The game is amazing, even with all of the bugs and the I think playing it with other people is great. ",2 none of it is extremely difficult but that seems to be the point.,1 it got teased on YouTube.,1 "Putting this game on geforce now, was the smartest decision a game designer could make. ",2 seems to be a huge success since it will be available even for Nintendo switch soon.,2 "little incentive to upgrade or collect more than one or two ships, even to A+ quality.",0 "My only real complaint at this point is that every system DOES feel very repetitive and gets dull over time, ",0 I am keen to see how it turns out in a full release.,1 " but the actual game could be described as a bunch of random puzzles, many of which were generic and uninteresting, tied together with a very sparse plot that was ultimately pretty weak.",0 It isn't a competitive shooter and,1 I now have an asus tuf gaming laptop with rtx3050 graphics. ,1 "I do wish it had more of a direct story but the open world and discoverable more than make up for it, ",0 Also the graphics is on point. ,2 "Somehow, through the absolute toxicity of the terrible launch, we, the community, have successfully filtered out most of the trolls and abusers that used to frequent the forums and subreddits, leaving us with a wholesome, and surprisingly large community of dedicated players from around the world, even bridging game console gaps and encouraging production of the game on as many platforms as possible.",2 "This game is still no optimized for MacOS, I'm set with performance graphic settings and ",0 You can make units (the game's currency) by doing just about anything and gather the necessary resources to move on without spending a single unit.,2 "While the additional gameplay options can seem overwhelming, at heart if you still want to engage with No Man's Sky as a ""pretty planets photo simulator"", you absolutely can.",1 "Unlocked loads of exotic items through quicksilver missions. I've made an activated indium mine and a stasis device farm., even reaching the centre of the galaxy in permadeath mode...",2 seeing all these triggered people in the comments is so funny,2 "and most of all, the suppression mechanic simply isn't fun - you can't fire back when you are suppressed.",0 "The community is huge and the most helpful, kind and well behaved... of basically all communities I know so far. Never have I received hate mail, was bullied with in-game mechanics, met a griefer or a cheater etc etc. ",2 "feel very early access and amateurish, compared to modern production, but if you look at it from the nostalgia eye; it feels like a natural evolution of what you see in theme hospital.",1 a number of other details that will surely improve over the life of this game.,2 even though I am a designer by profession and passion,2 " you could mouse over a patient and the information was minimal but helpful and a click sorted them, this version there is too much information but little is helpful in helping the patient whom just all storm out or die way too frequently where you’re unable to help them to help yourself because they have spent 5 or 6 weeks and even months going to and fro a couple of rooms via a vending machine, nonsense.",0 "if you are for end game content, it would be somehow boring.",0 "overall, the gameplay is solid a few small bugs that make, mechanics are amazing",2 "Trash, after they disabled family sharing, way to kill the fanbase.",0 "The campaigns so far IMO, seem to be a hybrid of a tutorial of new features and rare loot grabs, with twitch drops during the first week of each new campaign.",1 the public lobby servers became harder and harder to find. I'd find myself clicking the find server button every 1-2 minutes because this game lacks a simple server browser.,0 "some might complain about the difficulty being too easy. I might agree to a small degree. but really, this game would get frustrating really quick if you constantly had to fight the systems to stay on top of things. I do agree however that it is really, really difficult to play this game so badly that you would have to start a level over. but then again, I do not really want to.",0 it gets boring real quick it seems like your management decisions in this game have no real consequence ,0 "much like two point hospital,",1 I played it for the grand total of 75 minutes. ,1 "but it again isn't very immersive, usually it only requires you to hold s to auto-target you opponent and hold left mouse, sometimes letting go to cool your gun down so you don't overheat. It's quite simplistic.",2 "But sadly I just felt like refunding it,",0 "It was quite enjoyable at first. however, as you progress, you interaction with the flow of the game diminishes quickly. after a certain point with each hospital, I find myself sitting and staring at the screen for a while as the game plays on its own. sure, I will move my mouse around a bit and get a nice aerial view of it all, but that is about the extent of my involvement.",0 Very realistic and looking forward to future development. ,2 "Professionals will probably debate this fact on the basis of the finer mechanics and the balance, etc, but ",0 This is still early access you have to remember that which means a lot still has to be made but it got so much potential and its fun.,2 "I have never encountered so many issues with a game before, ",0 I've been playing this game on both PS4 and PC.,1 "overall, a nice game to just do ",2 even in beta stages.,0 Sure right now it’s not completely finished but ,1 "Replayability once you know how to solve the puzzles, there tends to be less replayability, that being said, there are secrets, and depending on how you do things, you may wind up replaying the game until you figure out how to solve these extra puzzles.",0 anyway it seems a AAA game and not an indie one! ,2 "The diverse and vibrant environments,",2 "One of the best games I've played in a while, ",2 After the first 15 hours ,1 I am curious to see how it survives as a multiplayer game as it clearly is focused on good single player mechanics and gameplay.,1 " on other platforms, and have been a player since 1.0 (Platforms: PS4, PC, Switch).",1 And my friend got motion sickness and I wholeheartedly blame the game for this.,0 " but I've been following RON since I heard of it's release, and I am not disappointed in anyway shape, or form.",2 most hospitals take multiple sessions to beat and some require multiple restarts before you can get going properly.,1 "performance does drop a bit when your campus gets huge, but I suppose that is to be expected.",0 "Multiple times we load in and a enemy spawns directly in front of the fence. Minute we move, one of us is dead right away,",0 "So far, I really like it definitely worth the €30, - or whatever it's at. ",2 a modernized version of bullfrog is old classic theme hospital from some of the same developers.,2 "The fact that this game is ""Early Access"" and still feels more complete than ""finished"" AAA titles",2 "My first few hours of the game were spent searching for a sprint button (which is hidden as ""low ready"" in the settings) and being disappointed when my SWAT officer would hobble like a gnome,",0 "I could have a peaceful place to setup shop and explore from. With the last couple of big updates there is now a huge alien tower right next to my base, now there are predators and sentinels everywhere. The updates changed the plants on the planet. Really sucked the peace out of it and made the planet unenjoyable.",0 "Planets feels repetitive, having jumping from two or five for a newcomer feels really great, but when you spend more time and the planets number goes up, its get boring real fast. .I mean, ",0 perfect for theme hospital veterans :-),2 " People will tell you that the game is still broken and still is not good, but of what I have seen, this game has gone from completely useless to a brand new threat to other game making companies.",2 "I paid for a personal computer game, and I expect it to work on a personal computer - and ideally to work like a personal computer game. it is such a shame",0 as the Ready Or Not multiplayer in the alpha didn't really suit the game and didn't compare at all to the amazing coop this game offers now.,0 " the styles and the colors pop with the environment better. every few minutes I am in aww with your animations, music, and objects.",2 all downloadable content is are positive additions that are all well worth it.,2 "I like the game but I cannot play it until they fix the saving issue, some of the levels do not save progression and I cannot do other missions because of it.",0 "The dialogue system is atrocious, It's incredibly slow, ",0 i only play VR mode,1 SO many updates ,2 once you figure out how to reach level goals you can dive in deeper to challenge yourself- I miss the upgrades for all the rooms such as the surgery rooms,2 ", but it feels good because its like how dark souls is for me where the difficulty makes it fun",2 "I would prefer to give players the option to skip the hour long waits because some people just want to build their settlements since they completed the game or just not interested in exploring anymore. i'm fine with a 1 to 2 minute wait time but the 2 to 8 hours is just insane, it makes me leave the game cause I lost interest.",0 high learning curve gameplay.,0 all the issues the game had when it first came out,0 then two point hospital is definitely worth checking out.,2 Cross-play for other platforms would be cool too.,2 "Local chat is bad, and it should simply be removed altogether.",0 "Although it has plenty of ironic comments on modern health factories, it feels also impressively correct in its depiction of how these buildings are conceptualized and work in reality. while playing, I heard (in my mind) colleagues saying things this like ""my new office is now in front of a toilet, urgh, and then there is this vending machine where people gather and chat the entire day.",2 and also have other modded players join you.,1 "For me the difficulty slider is a complete swing and miss; Feels demoralizing to me, and unfortunately makes me want to drop the game entirely.",0 so far I can comfortably say this game is very impressive for an early access game.,2 the fact I could use voice chat was cool.,2 "ever since the update I cannot load into anything, ",0 ... Something about exploring new worlds that no one else has seen is just really awesome in my eyes and ,2 "As for the ""profanity"" filter you cannot even say Got, Gotten or Closer, as well as many other non-swear words...",0 "Yes you can be a space pirate and pvp or pve with friends, however that is a very narrow aspect of the game, ",2 " ""If this game had SC's flight simulation characteristics IT would be the best damn space sim ever!"" Alas while both of these game scratch the itch of Galactic exploration, survival and progression the flight characteristics of NMS are like Pong (for those old enough to know what I'm talking about) compared to SC being a detailed X-Plane commercial airline flight simulation run. However, that doesn't detract from the enjoyment of NMS space battles ",1 " there being a large number of patients sitting at my gps offices, while the gps take their grand old time seeing to them.",0 on this management cake.,2 "at first I was not going to buy the game, but I watched some of the videos on YouTube and I thought I might give it a go.",2 If you have any doubts just watch recent coop gameplay streams on YouTube or Twitch.,1 great game the game is really entertaining and retains the essence of hospital theme.,2 "Thank you Hello Games Supporting this game that’s been lost to the bigger publishers, and I’m so glad that this still happens here.",2 it worth buying now more than ever.,2 Overall this game has been a very enjoyable experience this was the first game I had to download.,2 "or you're looking for a game to fight space pirates, alien drones, tame animals, build incredible bases or just take some beautiful screenshots, I would recommend you try this game - ",2 "this is a good game with fun content. however, it is far too expensive. the regional pricing that exists on this game is utterly discriminatory. when the game can be had for a 1/6th of the price if you live somewhere else, it is patently unfair. ",0 " would make a few small changes, maybe add a leveling system or even a shop so that you have something to work towards.",0 Even learning new skills by just playing,2 "the ""tutorial/familiarization level is pretty bad... and stuff that should be possible, like placing 2 benches in a corner with a plant in between them is not…",0 " the game is quite easy but hard to master because if you're not aware most of the time, you'll get killed easily so pay attention!",2 I don't know if I’m the only one who has this but (And yes I have tried full screen and all that jazz) so if I’m not the only one who is getting this please fix it and if I am please to me how to fix it tks also this is a great game,0 game hay Hope to have Vietnamese language support soon,1 I already reviewed this game but it recently got it's biggest update so I'll update as well ,0 adding new and varied hyper-micromanagement challenges that keep me engaged.,2 "No server browser, and (even when steam charts says 4000 players online) no matches found (east coast USA).",0 "a game with better music-better controls (very subjective, I just really liked the controls of hospital and im not used to campus.",2 then you can eliminate 50% of the frustration caused by the broken team AI.,0 "No Mans Sky gives you the freedom to do whatever you want, while also guiding you along a path that shows you all the game can offer, which is quite a lot.",2 and a cryptic story to slowly explore;,2 "The controls are intuitive, ",2 " The tension is palpable as I try to avoid being found and eliminated, and ",2 "No Man's Sky (NMS) tries to make everything as easy as possible, and finds ways to make the game steadily easier if you want it.",2 Crashed all the time on my Lenovo 330S and was mostly unplayable ,0 the guilt for not having pvp ,0 "the developers put a lot of details in that game, from the entertaining radio moderator up to the many different people in your hospital which I also sometimes just like to watch and see what they do.",2 the movement is God tier,2 in the twitch live stream,0 """Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. "" The 3-rd law by Arthur C. Clarke. I started a review with Clarke's quotation, because the world of ""No Man's Sky"" is really magical despite its obvious sci-fi basis. ",2 Not worth 40 dollars in its current state. ,0 and good for screenshot lol,2 I really wish to see this game blossom into a true nightmarish realistic tactical shooter. ,1 "With live players this is slightly more complicated. Maybe issue is that everyone wanting ""trigger time"" rush in to ""get that kill"" and wiping the group instead.",0 This game will not hold your hand and walk you through,1 "When you want to pick up a certain amount of resources, you have to use certain keys to reduce or increase the amount of resources, instead of being able to enter the exact number somewhere in a text box and instead of using a scroll bar. And every menu uses a different combination of keys to control it. In some menus, you can scroll up and down with the mouse wheel, in some you have to use the keyboard. This also adds to the feeling that different teams are working on this game quite independently.",0 really fun especially when you communicate with teammates. ,2 "when you start each hospital, it is fun for about 20 minutes but then the game goes from intermediate to very very hard very quickly as you become overloaded with incurable dying patients, debt that never seems to go away, and everyone wanting to get promoted at the same time",0 but I think the devs could learn a bit from Escape From Tarkov,2 "If you like progression, you may be in luck, as the game offers many ways to upgrade your ship, suit, and multitool so you can do nothing faster.",2 I guess sales will rocket when PvP mode is added.,2 "While Ready or Not and SWAT 4 occupy different spaces for me, those spaces are closely bound, and ",2 "that said it allows for better management, a story line, and overall, better tuned.",2 make for unforgettable experiences within the vastness of the universe.,2 "fresh and good idea.it is similar to 2ph, but I find that they made good use of the engine and mechanics to make a more or less realistic and funny simulation of a campus.",2 "discovering new diseases and treatment rooms,",1 "Recently, they added options to alter the game difficulty enabling all to switch off and on different aspects of the game, you can now alter how strong enemies are or disable them, environmental hazards or death penalties also.",1 "Now I don't feel like I'm wondering only to find what's at the center the galaxy. I can find planets that I adore, build a base with a portal, and always return to it and see what nice shots I can take with photo mode. By god, use Photo Mode and make yourself a very sweet screensaver gallery.",2 I dislike how when I click find session to play with strangers it kicks me back to main menu and tells me I lost connection to the server host.,0 "the species unique, the ships totally varied, and no matter what, you can and will always have a different story in the game than anyone else.",2 "the game is fine,",2 as well as different difficulty levels to cater to different playstyles.,1 "heavily enjoyed bands like 65daysofstatic (who did a stellar job on the soundtrack, pun intended) .",2 "The game draws on many of the classic sim game elements, such as resource management, micromanagement and problem solving.",2 "From what I can tell from reading up on the devs for a while the devs struggle with making commitments. Their original estimates said the game would be nearing completion by now if not finished, and it's not even halfway done, but that's not that big of a deal for an indie title.",0 "The game is really good, ",2 but this game is a breath of fresh air among modern shooters. ,2 it is an excellent representation of the teamwork and communication needed to tackle CQB environments.,2 "Please, never censor it, or make a snowflake filter over it.",0 Coming from a console player to my first PC build because of this game I'm super impressed and hooked it gives that nostalgic feeling I once had when first I played games back on PS1 I also set up a console friendly PS5 controller config IF anyone coming from console wanna give it a try.,2 "Most of all, the game turns into a grind toward the end of the level searching for remaining civilians usually well after all threats are neutralized.",0 for those looking for a realistic tactical response simulation.,2 has longevity for hundreds of hours of fun controller support was not tested as this was used with keyboard only,1 what is the point of grinding anything when other players can utilize cheat codes in the same universe?,0 " the controller config is excellent, and the controls take about an hour to get used to coming from pc.",2 "For having 25 hours played on Steam, ",1 My biggest criticism so far is a lack of simplifying options in the inventory menu's interface (making you have to drag and drop to stacks of similar things in other inventories).,0 the game's balance is skewed in an unexpected way. This imbalance means there's ,0 "we are used to awfully long queues, wrong diagnosis, medicament doing more harm than good, figuring out on the internet what exactly is wrong, bleeding out on sor (er in America), having some kind of brownish goo as food while being treated in wards... I wish I could show you a breakfast of a pregnant woman before childbirth - you would not feed that to a pig...",1 the same snarky humor and I can easily lose track of time while playing it. ,2 In the end in my opinion NMS is a really good game,2 early on I was sceptical but now I'd fully agree EVEN AFTER all the additions since launch.,2 " There are several classes of ship, including the Fighter, which almost everyone is most fond of. The all-purpose Shuttle which has good starting cargo stats, the dependable and durable Haulers, whose increased shielding keeps them alive in dogfights, and the Explorer, which enables you to travel the galaxy in the blink of an eye.",2 Coop is an absolute fantastic experience with friends that share the same passion for tactics and teamplay.,2 "… I haven’t experienced any bugs,",2 only negative I have to point out is the devs / moderators of the discord and steampage. ridiculously political and squeamish to any negative word and ,0 " build your own stuff in sandbox, create templates, play the challenges, collaborative play, the list goes on and on.",2 the world is intricately detailed and rendered in 3d ,2 "the story mode of the game is great, but it is not what everyone wants.",2 "As a veteran Sci-fi Game developer,",1 (I shoot guns in real life) which makes the realism come true.,2 with the only option to advance using the left mouse button (LMB) and selecting options with either the mouse or 1-4 keys. ,0 "while it might not me the most in depth or ""realistic"" space simulator, ",0 "The ambience, mechanics, gameplay, atmosphere in maps are all spot on and really gives you that ""awful crime"" feeling that most other games tend to miss out on. ",2 "The one aspect of this game that I hate is after you kill all of the suspects, you are notified that all suspects are down. But then you have to search the sometimes huge and complex maps to find and secure EVERY civilian. This can be a real bore, and sometimes can take upwards of 20 minutes on maps like Hotel.",0 "it is 2018 now, developer should add something modern and new to this game. ",0 I would recommend anyone who enjoys this game to try SWAT 4 with the SEF overhaul.,2 but not maddingly difficult.,2 "Maybe I will return after some updates or something, but it just sits in my library.",0 "please, devs, if you are reading this. please port the controller support to this game on pc!",0 "the details of the game keep me playing, non-stop.",2 "Awesome game super realistic,",2 When has a game is own profanity filter been beat by itself?,0 "Yes, there are people using glitches to duplicate items, trick the base building system and stuff like that. And the community knows that those people exist. Because those people are active members of the community and they are as welcome as everyone.",2 the game starts nice and easy and then ramps into a completely hard-core management sim.,2 Of course you can cheat a permadeath defeat by the simple method of backing up your permadeath game file before beginning your play session.,2 "* ground vanished after landing starship and placing vehicle, had to use jetpack to reach starship and get back in it* ground appears out of thin air directly in front of character after being in the water regions (exceptionally late loading of big chunks of ground?",0 "It's worth a play through but the endgame is limited, ",0 this being said I do enjoy the rantings of the several radio host personalities on display.,2 This game is by far the best tactical shooter I have played bar none. ,2 "Non-player characters (NPCs) populate the world and can be interacted with in a number of ways: the player may engage them in conversation, marry certain NPCs (irrespective of gender), kill them or engage them in a nonlethal ""brawl"". As in previous The Elder Scrolls games, killing certain NPCs can make some quests or items unobtainable. Some NPCs cannot be killed due to their importance in later storylines.",1 I put this game on my Wishlist over a year ago ,2 "You can issue commands to your teammates pretty easily while moving dynamically through the map, As with any game like this, it's a much better experience with friends.",2 feels neglected by Elite Dangerous and their new way of projecting,2 "I play multiplayer with a SINGLE other person and despite how far this game has come in the way of updates (which has been mostly great), the game still crashes unexpectedly especially when going to the options menu for some reason and I",0 I would played the original theme hospital back in the day and remember losing hours of my life enjoying curing patients of fictitious diseases and ailments.,1 "music it’s simple, peaceful, calming, yet eerie all at the same time.",2 I just bought it and played for a few hours not realising how fast the time passed by.,2 it is fun and interactive with each restart or new map having different ways to go about them.,2 "My biggest gripe in a lot of games is inventory management and this game makes it especially unfun. I'm sure later when you have a lot more inventory space and money is less of an issue you get more freedom, but I don't find joy in staring at menus and windows trying to find something or make room for the things I need both now and in the near future.",0 "mercy is not a required quality for this game, but capitalism is lol ",2 "then doing it all over again after it crashes,",0 "You will make your story, your world, and your character all your own through hours of pondering and intrigue as you learn the languages to communicate and the skills to travel.",1 "There's still lots for me to discover for now, ",2 Space has no verisimilitude. ,0 "dude, I do not have any friends playing this game and I really do not know why a single player game need cooperation for the super b network",0 A new and special game with prospects and lately with more and more upgrades and hotfixes.,2 but still a nice time-passing colony-building style sim to run in the background.,2 the variety of updates that come out every month or two adds more to the game.,2 Worth the price even when it isn't on sale!,0 "You'll meet many characters on the way, and you'll have to make difficult decisions. These decisions actually do influence what happens later on in the story, too. Instead of ""Oh, this guy died because of what you did, but ultimately the universe is still saved!"" you can make choices that skew the entire game in negative, or positive, ways.",2 really curious what they will add onto it!,2 "when I heard that ex-bullfrog staff were producing tph, it had my curiosity. ",2 "the hospitals kept me going for a long time, I haven not finished those yet but sadly, ",0 I guess you guys don not care about deaf or hard of hearing gamers.,0 Easy to customize settings The game allows you to customize your settings very easily.,2 "note: the women in two point radio are not as charming and funny as the men, sadly, but I appreciate the effort.",0 "This game makes me feel like both a super survivalist living on a sharp thin edge, or the dumbest most bumbling moron space tourist in the galaxy, only staying alive because the technology is so good. Driving = is a blast, do you have any idea how nice it is to have a starter vehicle that doesn’t flip over\ drift all over the place like everything is ice, or get stopped by tiny bits of terrain or ™¥™¥™¥™¥™¥™¥™¥ ",2 "First off, despite this review being a not recommended, ",0 if you like management games like theme park and rollercoaster tycoon this is up your street get it 9/10 amazing fun game and,2 "Soundtracks are procedurally generated as well, so every time music is different.",1 "but with some cracks that needs fixing, ",0 keeps you cognizant of the fact that your will be held responsible for you choices in game.,2 settings can be easily adjusted to suit the spec of the computer you are using.,2 " on my ps4 playthrough, and I am looking forward to being able to play this even more now that we have a new computer.",2 "As for me, I would rather just choose a beautiful planet and chill out for a while. I've discovered a handful that are quite lovely and covered in stunning shimmering plants. This game has it all.",2 and some clever lampoons of the medical care industry make nice icing ,2 "It popped up on my PC saying ""Cloud save out of sync, would you like to continue launch"" so I clicked ""Launch anyway"" and the game started right up and ran perfectly.",2 it is a question of prioritising purchases according to profit. note that an epidemic will normally more than pay for the room to treat it and at times you will have to take out loans.,1 " if you didn't buy this game with the intent on playing with other people the fact this tries to ""encourage"" you to do this, and makes your life difficult if you do not, will probably leave a sour taste in your mouth. It certainly did for me.",0 the new downloadable content is missing,0 This game is like rust in space but less chaotic and,2 "If I have a gripe with NMS, it's with the Survival mode. My original save file is a Survival mode file, and most of my time played is on Survival difficulty. But it wore me down, eventually.",0 "gun-play is punchy, responsive, satisfying as hell.",2 "Polish it up, fix up all of the script/language issues in the questlines and interaction decisions ",1 you do not have that sense of freedom nor achievement because there is only so much you can do and ,0 "with all being said, in my opinion, if becoming an E-sport player is not your main goal of playing this game , you're gonna achieve anything but regret and depression.",0 "I'd recommend for anyone honestly, ",2 "The game mechanics are so in-depth while being fairly intuitive after a couple of live playthrough or some training on the range, which make for a challenging but manageable learning curve.",2 maybe a map once you have discovered zones.,0 "There are no players to join, I went to the NEXUS hub to find others or join others for joint missions and there was no one.",0 Here I can only randomly walk and grind and walk and grind. It's too easy and boring.,0 " It remains a buggy and slow mess, rarely working as intended without issues.",0 You can do a LOT of different things that very quickly all feel like a chore. ,0 " and I sincerely praise Hello games for all the work they have done and continue doing after 2 years, when they could have simply skipped the flop of the initial release and moved to another brand new title.",2 "it follows the same art and animation, but this feels completely new, yet familiar. ",1 "There are practically no puzzles, nothing that challenges your intelligence. Every mission is just a chore.",0 "Awesome! Really hard as a rock, with the last update, the bots are even more f*#@ing angry,",2 I hope they take it even further upon finishing by porting it to virtual reality.,1 made me refund the game,1 "ships have classes but they can be upgraded to best, while you cannot do that with a freighter, so need to wait and wait and wait in space to come one to your system (or you constantly change systems) till you find an S class, so can buy it from the NPC owner.",0 there was very little challenge.,0 how vapid this game is.,0 This has soft locked one of my saves as it now crashes on load up.,0 I never played theme hospital so I do not have the same frame of reference that a lot of other reviewers seem to have.,0 without adding lefty mode.,0 "i much prefer the original game, it is less confusing too,",0 this version does not crash as much,2 many other aspects of the game seem unfinished or not fully fleshed out.,0 "Excruciating amount of padding. It has the dreaded progress wheel, you know the one I'm taking about, ",0 I have been waiting for this game since,1 " and with some variable spawns to change up each match, so it doesn't feel to repetitive.",2 "If you enjoy sandbox, exploration and, like me, enjoy whacky, unconventional plots and game design, ",2 "I cannot refund the game, because I have spent more than 2 hours trying to get past the tutorial.",0 the game is the most realistic tac-FPS I have ever played and ,2 The game does a pretty good job at guiding you through what to do without unnecessarily holding your hand.,2 "feels completely pointless. Sure, there is something of a story but all it seems your doing is flying from one place to another endlessly.",0 there is quite a variety of interesting puzzles to solve.,2 and a character cosmetic that only changes the color of your uniform to green.,0 Once you learn how to keep your ship flying ,2 " they start making an emotional investment in the base for all the time they've sunk into it,",2 "friendly fire is a real danger if you don't watch your angles. But if you have a coordinated team, complementing loadouts and walk through it slowly, you can defeat any level.",2 It is very appealing to look at though it becomes kind of boring that all of the hospitals look the same sense,0 but please take a moment and fix these damn bugs.,0 "Maps are varied in size and design, different scenarios is really cool and keeps the game feeling fresh.",2 "be quick, make good decisions, and play a micro-strategy tycoon like you were just star crafting or so.",2 "because Quests and Bases don't share, so both have to do the same ™¥™¥™¥™¥ all the time, just to stay up to date on the quest-System with each other.",0 "everything way more likely to spontaneously break, and you'll probably soon wind up in parallel realities",0 "Don't get me wrong, I don't mind combat, in fact I really enjoyed it when it was simple and relatively infrequent.",2 "we can click and hold, we can click once for a menu and click pick up or sell, we can click and drag the mouse over an item to sweep it up quickly. Ease of editing.",2 ", and if you upgrade the right pieces of equipment you can make a career out of doing nothing but scanning rare animals on other planets. Or you can become a scrapper, locating wreckage and artifacts using the navigation data you can purchase from the space stations, and make bank pretty quickly. Or you can do a scan for hostile systems, hop to each one and collect high bounties for a living. Or DON'T AT ALL. Units aren't required to have fun in this game, you can just spend your time drifting to the center of the galaxy ",2 The realism in terms of sence is just top notch.,2 It involves great teamwork and coordination to end up with outstanding scores.,2 "same sense of humor, similar art style, and the game play feels familiar. ",2 I can literally play this for hours on end without stopping. Try it!,2 that is that it still feels a little bit lonely out in space despite there being a ton of fun NPC's.,0 "as of right now, the game feels unrefined and far too automated.",0 "With the addition of photo mode stuff,",1 "Single player mode isn't bad, ",2 Now the pirate attacks can be taken seriously.,1 "it is a fun to game to play while listening to podcasts, but the funny voice lies make it worth playing unmuted. Fun and relaxing",2 "The game has insane potential, but currently it feels empty and unfinished.",0 Unlocked a Steam achievement for the ground vehicle and only 25 percent of players had it? That means 75 percent of the player base on here never drove the ground vehicle?,1 Alternative maps: Different maps which require different tactics create different scenarios and introduce different levels of difficulty.,1 "This game makes you feel like a kid again, where your curious mind takes you afar and wide, ",2 i would say it is worth the price maybe even 10% off.,2 "sense of exploration, and continuous updates make it an ever-evolving journey that ",2 as close to profane as the game would allow.,0 "Started playing again after a long break. Played for a whole day and things were quite alight. Got used to carrying a lot of expensive stuff in my inventory. Then went AFK for some minutes, came back and had lost everything in inventory with no proper saves. Game over.",0 "the building your own stuff was not new to me, but the way two point campus is set up brings a new life to the whole 'build your own', its a whole lot of fun!",2 the mini-dlcs you add to the flavor as well.,2 "had his ship he'd worked up to for hours deleted after a mission, and then got locked behind a practically game breaking bug ",0 "it maintains the same humor, puns, and ridiculousness while ",2 "This game really is amazing, and is so much fun, ",2 "I would say it is not much more than a relaxing time waster. I am not too far into the game (i think) but it does not seem like there is much to do at all. The illness, perk names, and descriptions are cute/funny. ",2 "This game is addictive fun, most of all I what really like the game play which hearkens back to the old 'theme' series of games way back when, I love the humour in the game too. ",2 and even if it wasn't a bug-filled technical mess,0 "Everything else is premade. The only capital ships are ""freighters"" and ""frigates"" which you cannot control directly, and you never see combat with. Empyrion pisses all over NMS on this score I'm afraid. ",0 This game ended up piquing my interest about the time Next arrived. I immediately became absorbed and played constantly for months on end.,2 Is a little bit empty in terms of contents but is an early access so we have to wait a lil bit. 78/100,0 "Off sale it's pretty pricey, but it's one of the rare little treasures that's genuinely worth every penny if you can't wait for a sale.",2 "I was kinda intrigued when I found out that unlike hospital tycoon, this game is backed by the creators of the original theme hospital. They even listened to their fans- due to the outcry, two point studios has convinced sega to ditch denuvo and ",1 "It just feels too rigid currently. Someone charges you, and you put two rounds of beanbag in their chest at medium range, following it up with a close range kneecap, should NOT kill them. They need to introduce the ""Incapacitated suspect/Civillian"", as at least that was a good middle ground if you didn't just twitch and blow someone’s head off, you could save your final score a bit by just kneecapping the bastards.",0 user friendly interface,2 The random ailments the patients have are quite comical as well.,2 "everything is big even at high resolution like for kids or half blind elderly, with little options to increase resolution graphics.",0 rewards you with happy patients and staff.,2 it is the perfect orthographic type 3d simulation that I wish there were more of.,2 all of the maladies are for the most part fictional.,2 "after building up two hospitals in the campaign mode and about 4-5 hours in,",2 scratched my itch of 80s retro sci fi like art style and space exploration .,2 only downside is no unlocks everything is given to you good for tactical roleplay but not much else,0 "it has a very awesome design, with very intense situations,",2 "its a great game with a tongue in cheek narrative. so if you are nervous about triggers or similar, this game handles it pretty well.",2 "won’t hesitate to ban / mute you no matter the context (even if you are pointing out what someone said is wrong, if you repeat after them you are gone)",0 RoN is definitely not single player friendly in its current state if you are a completionist and are trying to get perfect playthroughs. ,0 "I could see this game being a fun hub in VR, or 2D multiplayer interactions, hanging out with your pets, and hopefully, one day, being able to sit down on stools and things.",0 incredibly LOUD.,1 "Something else that disappoints a lot, is how the operator points his gun sky high when he’s almost near a wall or doorframe, sometimes you are trying to peek and shoot someone, but nope! your gun goes barrel up!! Good luck shooting now... The idea is not bad, just poorly implemented, since AI can move around faster than you, and have a god speed reaction, so being sneaky and peeking corners is your biggest ally, but you can't, since getting a Km closer to a wall, sends your operator to ""hunting ducks"" mode Sometimes, the enemy shoots trough double layers of concrete walls with a Glock, and manage to precisely hit you.",0 "It is now my most favorite game in my Steam library, ",2 "Regardless of setting changes or looking at forums to making adjustments whether it is turning on AMD FSR or deleting and refreshing the config file the game itself,",0 It's very ruff around the edges when it comes to the physics of gravity and other animations.,0 Not so much interaction with other players,0 on my rig (RTX 3070 / Ryzen 7 2700x / Rift S),1 "You can only customize weapons here, when it should be located in the screen at mission selection instead, allowing ease of access to changing weapons and supplies/armor.",0 "I heard my friend who did buy it say he got burnt out on it, and after it is release, I watched a couple people on YouTube reviewing the game, basically saying it was incomplete.",0 "The last time I reviewed this game was when I got it, ",2 "The flight physics were also disappointing and arcade. TL;DR great walking simulator, terrible space game.",0 If you play permadeath you can literally wind up doing nothing but the tutorial over and over again because you can get killed easily during the tutorial.,0 "this is a great sim builder game for those who like low pressure, less customization, less of a ""learning curve"" type games. ",2 "(in non-VR mode, I don't dare do VR)",0 decode and prestige levels are cheatable ,1 "The interface between the gun range, the gun options, and the gun customization is laid out a little too far apart. ",0 "You can choose different voice comm channels, one is ""local"" and",2 "if you like easter eggs and puns, you will know what I mean after you start.",2 "so while the user interface is definitely upgraded from hospital, this is not even slightly as much fun to play.",0 "As of 1.3, No Man is Sky received what I consider its first official release, after the clunky alpha and beta stages.",1 "My opinion aside, what is Ready or Not? Ready or Not at this point in time IS the closest thing you can get to the real deal regarding CQB simulation on video games in my humble opinion, ",2 There are so many ways to play this game; there's something here for just about everyone. ,2 Great tactical gameplay and good matchmaking. ,2 "After I preorder the game at 2016 I was disappointed as F, but right now I’m happy as F!",2 Not for the fainthearted. how to manage the insane AI that you are put up against.,0 rewards curiosity and imagination.,2 These interactions very quickly become repetitive and annoying and,0 more updates coming along the way means that more is yet to come8.,2 That was the other fact of the game that managed to capture my curiosity and imagination: ,2 This game is a must for anyone with a VR headset.,2 "I play a lot of cities: skylines and I wish this game had a scenario mode just like cs,",0 "the major annoyance of this game is that as you go through each level, you have to restart each time with every room design. you can copy rooms, like the general practitioner is office (of which you need several each level), but only after making the prototype room. one feature I certainly would like added is a way to carry over room designs into a custom room tab that can be used immediately on any level, provided of course you can afford the layout you designed.",0 "Base-building is glitchy most of the time, with one open room protecting you from the elements and a closed one beside it not protecting at all.",0 "The camera is very disagreeable. Even after tweaking the settings and modding the game, I was not able to play it without feeling nauseous.",0 For those of you looking for a challenge this is not the game for you as you will find this far too easy. ,0 I have come to expect little of sims games due to the standard EA set with the sims 4 upon its half-baked release ,2 "If you ignore the fact, it makes my computer scream in agony trying to run it at high graphics settings,",0 this is clearly a bug but when you have a room of 10 items you end up having to literally rearrange the room to figure out which item is causing the issue. I have now encountered this in multiple scenarios with multiple items and no clear rhyme or reason.,0 "There is always something to do, someone to find, neat little things hidden all over and you never know what you will dig into when you go mining.",2 "I am amazed by how much these developers have won over my heart after the rocky launch, ",2 "Ready or Not is an extreme, strategic first-person shooter that",1 "This game may be full of bugs, ",0 "You get no intel on what the mission is like, a map of the place and what loadout you should bring, so it's mainly memorizing missions that helps you navigate and prepare correctly.",2 "This isn't so bad, but their AI design especially in sound is what makes them seem too smart.",0 "if you have a buddy, go for it!",2 "a fun hospital management simulator that makes what I like to call a good ""idle game,"" ",2 "All the same 5 animal species, minerals, plants. There are no real biomes, you won't find epic tundra in one place and arid desert in other.",0 "I feel that the mouse controls could be a little better as when scroll to the far right where your objectives are it lags a little bit or you have to go to an unobstructed area of the screen for it to scroll. however, this is a very minor issue and ",0 "Worst of all, this game messed up my computer. It did something to my display settings that I still haven't figured out how to correct.",0 "I first noticed this in one of the earlier levels, where an actor stood for years wondering how to get to a marketing campaign video shoot. but more annoyingly, bands who turn up to the student union quite randomly are unable to find their way to the union. at one stage I had a gaggle of 15 musicians waiting on the campus, none of whom would move (even when I put a fountain on top of them ;-)).",0 "achievements (in-game, not the steam ones) unlock very slowly, and the reward is small, ",0 The visuals (in my opinion) are upper-level indie style.but definitely still nice to look at.,2 Like a progression system maybe where we could start out with nothing but a few pistols to choose from and better gear comes from rank / skill / challenges / in game currency.,0 "Void set an unrealistic release date for their biggest update and then delayed for almost a month, released it to ""supporters"" early as if spending $40 on an early access game isn't ""supporting"" it enough, ",0 mostly because of the bugs and glitches XDD. ,0 "AI are insanely difficult, but mission can be cleared if you think carefully. ",2 "it is more like zen gardening in space, with the occasionally laughing silly fit when you finally meet up with a friend, and despite the multiplayer features and it being cross play, you will spend most of the time tending to things by yourself unless you seek out one of the community planets or making friends at the nexus.",2 "also, you can play while eating dinner only using a mouse, which is a big plus as lately we have this 30+°c weather and I cannot make myself use a keyboard to play anything.",2 All the options to turn my normal game into a creative mode game cheapens the experience.,0 hopefully at some point we might get a ps4 version so people like my husband could enjoy it!,1 Ready or Not provides an opportunity to practice precise discernment and defusing of a situation with as little room for error or injury as possible.,2 "Enjoy this game with friends, and the most unlikely deaths will make you laugh out loud especially at the beginning of the game for the verses that the characters will emit upon receiving the bullets.",2 "Normally a game that has this style isn't my type of game, but it looked intriguing",2 This is literally Space Pirate Simulator everything else is just stuff you gotta do for kicks,2 "Very immersive with the suspects grunting, crying, shouting from another room (because they fear me, ""the Sus[pect]slayer"", or because I once again shot blindly through the door).",2 "There are still some problems, you need to rush your ass off to arrest any suspects as they all carry extra weapons, knives kill really quick and they are stealthy as hell (maybe some louder footsteps for them might help), and",0 The gun recoil are super realistic and the lower ready and feel/accuracy are hard to control,2 "after the update, the game is lagging a lot even I set the graph quality to low! I set it to medium before the update and it worked fine!",0 I feel like they truly delivered on and endless and unique space to explore.,2 "I still love the game, and it's such an excitement to watch as an ""e-sport"". ",2 ", there isn't much levels to play like in swat 4 at the moment, but the levels are fun because of its difficulty, and I think there is enough levels for an early access game.",2 "you only get like a couple of guns that other players cannot use,",0 I expected this to be a one hell of a grind fest but with custom settings you can play it with your own terms which is perfect. This alone made me digging in and I love it.,2 "I understand this is hard a game but once you die you won’t get chance to continue its kind of frustrating, if they decide to have revival you could instead get a low rank but still continue the game not just watching people (friends playing)",0 " it is ... a more scaled-back, mindless experience,",2 you will never find yourself lacking incentive to continue exploring.,2 "This game's story is gripping, fast-paced, action-packed and deep. ",2 "I know that this is a game focused on procedurally generated worlds, and I expected exactly that, and I got exactly what I expected.",2 it will run from buttery smooth to hard freezing and stuttering and always in the worst moments.,0 but when I started to play my anxiety curiosity increased rapidly. ,2 and the social aspect of the game is almost non-existent.,0 STEAMDECK - runs WAYY better and stable on my deck in all modes vs. 2022 gen gaming PC where I get a fair amount of random crashes.,2 "The game is significantly incomplete and will never truly be a tactical shooter until the protective gear the player gives themselves and their team will actually protect them from the threats they face, the player is given ample opportunity and resource to analyze the location, plan and memorize their movements and strategies, and effectively execute said movements and strategies.",0 "The only redeeming factor is Graphics, but that's the thing that plagues every modern games - somehow every management team thinks everybody looks for good graphics and nothing else in a video game.",2 prefer the hard science and harder physics of something,1 "Gunplay is wonderful and realistic but has its flaws, ",2 " either by exploring different planets to get more loot (to satisfy the little capitalist in me), ",2 game is on par with games such as escape from Tarkov and Insurgency sandstorm,2 " Of course, it is a remake of an old classic, but it has upgrades, new additions and a fun narrative that makes it feel very much like it is own game.",2 "You get an interceptor on you and there is no escape. You can run and go into hyperdrive, destroy all their ships, hide out. If there is no way to defeat the enemy, what’s the point?",0 I would definitely recommend everyone to at least try this game out,2 This game is a great tactical shooter. ,2 "I always liked tycoon games, and this is one of the best I have played lately.",2 I enjoy exploration type games that involve vehicles as they really open up the speed you can explore at. The Roamer being my first vehicle that I upgraded fully is the one I have the most experience with. It was interestingly powerful in some cases; wielding a super powerful mining laser that worked quickly and a power scanning system that made tracking specific structures possible.,2 "In fact, a ""difficulty settings"" option would have been nice at all. ",0 I am in love - every environment is absolutely a feast for my eyes!,2 "Now after it has been out a few years, I have to say everything seems so well polished, very few bugs, and ",2 "meaning when you start more advanced hospitals, you will get constantly messages to validate manually to decide between keeping a patient in the hospital (and probably having him die here with no treatment) or send him home.",0 if they freeze in a doorway you have to sell the room and move it away from the frozen patient and leave them stuck there.,0 "I used to keep a notepad on my phone that I updated before sleep to what I must do because it felt so satisfying to play that game, I didn't want to lose the momentum.",2 I LOVE this game. It demonstrates the difficulty of what it's like to be a police officer and enforces quick thinking along with situational awareness.,2 "there are not a bunch of decisions you have to make or details you need to keep track of compared to some other sims, but you still get the feeling you are in control of the gameplay.",2 My only real complaint about the game is that the interface system is a little odd as you have to press and hold keys to do most actions instead of just clicking quickly.,0 which is mainly what I've done. The actual friendly AI is pretty decent - been some minor bugs with their pathing but 90% of the time they have behaved as expected and carried out orders properly.,2 I have had to occasionally fire a doctor or nurse who is not worth the raise they want and sometimes physically move to them to where they should be rather than hanging out in a lounge.,0 it is one of the best life simulation and problem solving game.,2 "my mouse keeps popping up on the top, top right, and left hand side of the screen",0 "very good optimized, still got 60 fps on a old geforce of 2gb of vram on high setting worth the purchase!",2 My computer meets min specs and can run this game on high ,1 overall great game. had some good times playing it though. grade A,2 I like the game and I like two point hospital as well but I had hoped the items had been updated more. ,2 "This game sucks, way too SLOW for combat, ",0 Slowly and methodically infiltrate a highly detailed environment that silently reveals a dark story as you attempt to rescue civilians and bring suspects to justice.,2 The only annoying part is that u sometimes need to search the whole building for 1 knife or a weapon that u didn’t report and cannot finish the mission because of that.,0 "I wish it had more, better and more manageable keyboard shortcuts.",0 sandbox mode gives you different difficulty levels to start. ,2 "This team of developers (remember the devs are not the ones that market and promote usually) has been dedicated, skilled, and made amazing choices in improving and enhancing this game.",2 "The Atlas is a mystery. I have barely deciphered the first alien race is language I have encountered, but slowly learning to communicate. I am really curious about these infected stations I keep encountering...There is some kind of backstory to the sentinels being some kind of self-replicating machines that took over the universe, and I am excited to find out more about it.",2 the community work is so appreciated as well,2 This also adds to the feeling that different teams are working on this game quite independently.,0 " it was a flourishing/paradise planet with ancient remains/natural burial sites, and I had the sense of the community kind of ""settling"" the planet themselves to make profit from the resources, just a really nice feeling compared to Version 1.",2 "If you're on the fence, maybe watch some great YouTube videos of full raids. Give you an idea of what you're up against.",1 Getting blinded by my teammate's flashlight,0 the default name would probably not pass the profanity filters here.,1 You face a never ending barrage of sentinels and pirates that overwhelm you.,0 " I suspect that in the end I will want more to do - more scenarios, more facilities, more diseases to cure, and more challenge.",2 "what you expect from a point & click but the story was kinda cool,",2 "This is probably one of the best game to end the year, I have been waiting for RON for about 2 years and ",2 a really fun game but you do have to be good at clearing rooms and to have a quick reaction either there is a civilian or a criminal going to kill you the second he gets to,1 "maybe I am missing a key trick but I have tried to build some really well designed hospitals with every trackable component of success considered, but it always ends the same, with way too many patients and just not enough space for them all, then bankruptcy.",0 the options to play online challenges with friends who also have the game is fun for those who need some more social interaction in the game.,2 "steam has become mired beneath that ""thumbs down"" any game that a) is not free, b) is not perfect (even if early access), and/or c) is not the game they ~mistakenly~ thought it would be.",0 you don't get rewarded for killing other players and the mechanics are currently not made for pvp obviously.,0 " gunplay is on the level of say tarkov, ",2 but I am not sure if I will ever buy the game.,0 I'm partial to things such asthis game delivers all that pretty darn well.,2 if you do not already know it is a hospital simulation game. it is emphasis is more on its humorous aesthetics the strong gameplay mechanics.,2 cause it is just that good,2 I preordered this game because I was so excited for it after playing two point hospital.,2 I could run instead of walking everywhere,1 "Game felt too restrictive for my taste, also controls like fov is surprisingly restrictive and you can't seem to change first person fov, kinda disappointed I can't crash my ship into a planet.",0 "The game consists of 50% broken suspect AI, 50% broken team AI in single player. If you manage to find friends or strangers who'd be willing to join you in your playthrough,",0 "When a player settles down on a planet and makes a base, and the things they find there can become interesting just because of the connection to that procedural content.",2 map crafting and menus in general are horrible to navigate and use especially crafting when I want to build X but it doesn’t tell me what I need to build it ,0 "I highly recommend it,",2 Game mode improved for who likes permadeath. ,1 "and definitely a game you should either have in your library, or your Wishlist.",2 "even on the lower settings, the physics are good (if a bit funny when they bug out),",2 "The game's environments are highly detailed and realistic, with a wide variety of textures and lighting effects that really bring the world to life.",2 "Fantastic to play with friends, alone or even with others.",2 On the technical side I have not encountered any issues even with a pretty big level 18 hospital ,2 despite the fact that I usually don't enjoy the survival/crafting genre.,0 This game is awesome! ,2 "But I always loved theme hospital, and have not played it in a very, very long time.",2 "It is magical by its structure and physics, by nature of items and species, even by the plot with saving the princess.",2 "Base building and progression makes it quite fun for quite a while, but after you unlock most of the stuff",2 "Playing this game with a mic is a MUST, communication is very important, this game made me buy a proper headset so I could communicate, ",2 "I've never reviewed a game,",1 "Staff being reduced from 4 types to 3 feels like a real step back, and means teachers feel very easy to manage while assistants and janitors need tougher decisions for how you want to use them. it also seems that staff need to have jobs assigned one by one while in hospital you could easily manage everyone is jobs on the same screen. ",0 "Please, please add a photosensitivity option disabling the white flashes, or at a minimum enable the shaders responsible for these flashes to be modded by the phenomenal modding community.",0 Could be interesting in VR as well. . . . . possibly in future. . ?,2 "That being said, don't expect any kind of real competitive or PvP aspects.",0 I am a huge Tarkov fan,2 what really gets me is how absolutely tough and realistic the AI is.,2 engage in space combat,1 A graphic level without being a great game has adapted very well to the new times a level of gameplay is accessible to all types of players.,2 i think sandbox mode would be great for this game but they do not know it. adding all the features to sandbox mode is possible they just have to use their heads on how to add it.,0 I've done so far we're not very hard.,1 "Needless to say, I couldn't leave the planet or exit my ship to resummon, so I lost all my progress. I'd advise you to be very careful where you summon your ship, especially on worlds with low visibility like mine was.",0 and cost something around ~20‚¬ not ~60‚¬,0 There are some good things about this game which you can read about online,2 Hands down the game is really really good although I would really love to see more choices/options for customization to weapons and outfits (things to make your operator stand out) ,0 the ability to play online with people and still be able to communicate is a huge upside in my opinion.,2 "The game looks great (especially in 4k), runs well",2 "pros:* easy to learn and play, even when you are tired.",2 "my GTX 1070, 16 GB of Ram and i7-8700 have encountered",0 "You can go either online with a group of up to 5 or play single player with 4 other AI teammates, ",2 the game has a nice smooth gradual progression curve where ,2 "the options you have for your load out is great and you have the ability to customize your teammates load out as well, as well as their equipment and armor.",2 "The ""supporter edition"" is more like a premium edition because they lock exclusive things like weapons behind a paywall.",0 "I hope the devs look at making an attack and defend type game mode comparable to Rainbow Six Siege, ",2 " love space trading,",2 "Some scenarios would I would recommend slow and methodical (using silencers, mirror wands, lock picks), whereas, others I recommend loud and proud (battering rams, stinger/flash grenades, C2). The choice is up to the player how they want to approach each situation.",2 This cartoonish medical management sim is hilarious and extremely addictive! ,2 This is the most underrated title out there imo.,2 "But I can't play it anymore: the full-screen white flashes during transitory actions (engaging/disengaging pulse engine, finish loading the game, etc. ) turn my eyes into soup and give me migraines within 40 minutes. ",0 "Good job to the Hello Games team for giving consumers most of the content that was in the trailer, ",2 barely every student is black or beige rarely white students what is this??,0 "with swat team role management (and maybe budget management to buy weapons/gear), and other additions, ",1 "Note: The first time I played the game, I was ready to puke in a very short time due to virtual motion sickness, which usually hits me on first person games.",0 "If it was ALSO a good shooter, if space fights required skills and somehow changed the universe, and there were real factions with like wars and stuff going on, sure, then it could be a whole different experience.",1 ", second is a map. . to at least somehow let us know what we are missing.",0 get from twitch,2 I genuinely feel nervous opening a room sometimes because even with the under door camera I can't see everything so there are still huge unknowns.,1 "The guns are varied and have some cool customization, ",2 there is not much more interesting content to do.,0 I think every PD in the US should use this game as an asset in testing their new applicants to see if they're qualified or not.,1 Once you setup a farm you can get pretty much infinite money (units) and you can convert units into nanites by buying spaceships at space stations and trashing them. ,1 with custom music and content from the steam workshop.,2 this game runs great on a laptop/pc,2 the best thing about it is that you can save it to the cloud and come back to it later.,2 "Only interaction with multiplayer that currently exists is 'trap bases' for nexus missions, making any with a specific planet waypoint unusable, ",0 "Since communication is important, ",1 At times the game seemed very difficult and it's extremely easy to go down which can result in frustration and ,0 "Not only that, but two point campus has taken what was in hospital and taken the next step. there is more customisation options, more creativity, more interesting behaviours from your students.",2 "Update: I am only just realizing that this single-player game has an overbearing profanity filter, and as a lover of liberty, I cannot say I am happy that I cannot name what is clearly a space moose a ""Space Moose"".",0 "Apparently no Push To Talk, only Enable or Disable Voice Chat but I mean.. . Who need Voice Chat anyways amirite? ",0 pvp is defaulted to ON with the option hidden in NETWORK OPTIONS.,0 It's a tiny little puzzle minigame,2 "And when something is being built in the settlement, I have to provide resources, so I have to go here and there and collect the resources, so that one hour later I can do the same thing and one hour later I can do the same thing, and so on. ",0 " I can safely say that the game has fulfilled my expectations to what it has to offer this early on, which is a Co-Operative Tactical SWAT game with multiple methods of completing the tasks given, however has very little to offer",1 There is a steep learning curve to become familiar with the games technology but that is part of the fun.,2 It would benefit greatly from steam workshop compatibility for some variety with regards to wall art and rugs.,2 The only thing I wish this had was a way to stay within a dialogue menu when interacting with the aliens as you can only do one thing and then have to re-initiate the dialogue to do more.,0 sandbox mode is a delight when you want to decide that you want to play a specific hospital but with different rules.,2 "all the planets has the same gravity, the same landmarks (caves, islands, mountains, etc-etc), same random organism, and so on.",0 " does not save, and drops you at some random location. ",0 "The developers seem to be sticking to their word adding new content regularly, and I've been enjoying playing.",2 currently the game got max 5 hours of content and that's stretching it.,0 This is probably the best exploration slash survival game out their in general and almost certainly bar none in the sci-fi genre.,2 "in my opinion I think it's good to have a lot of topics like “Planes"" that are randomly spawned, with each star having a different climate, such as being very hot from the volcanic star's surface, cold to ice. and almost no living things Or even stars with radiation that will cause our blood to decrease all the time. ",1 it is much better in terms of user friendliness and customization options.,2 "Currently have 128 Mil currency, 4 ships and a 30+ ship fleet just going to waste, and another copy of a game ",1 Overall if you are a VR player that stand on the balcony looking out over the horizon in true a VR experience.,2 "the game takes all kinds of different factors into account financially. you can take out loans, train, pay, and promote employees. set schedules. if you want a sneak peak at the things that go into running and owning a business. ",2 When I open up a menu the left thumb stick does not work at all. I am supposed to go to the next page with R1 but will only work with R2. I tried to do everything support told me. Change the bindings to custom then back. Uninstall/Reinstall. Tried remapping myself. Tried going into steam controller settings and changing it to the original bindings. Nothing works.,0 Update after another 60+ hours: ,2 "I knew of it in passing as another 'pie in the sky' hopeful (cough, star citizen, cough) that was being developed by a small indie team.",1 "which caused me to never have enough kudosh, that in-game reward currency.",0 "Sharing stories, trading goods,",2 "Even if I had completed the game 100%, the updates that the developers had put out since the launch have fixed (in my experience) all the bugs and added SO MUCH content, features and additions to the game that it makes ",2 join a host who has sum check on as there would be no game changing mods for other non modded players and everyone can play together.,1 but nothing is brought back to your own game.,0 so I can control my Squad remotely without having line of sight on them.,1 "Best Swat/Tatical shooter made yet, other than its amazing!",2 I have been playing this on an older laptop and have had no issues with performance running it on high settings. ,2 "My opinions on the sentinels have shifted, still think there annoying but it honestly makes sense and works in the context of the game outside of the rare situation where they just break and your stuck in never ending combat till you die, but this is so rare it's not that big a deal and the consequences for death aren't near harsh enough to make it a momentum killer.",0 and on top you are using gender language? you gotta be kidding! Won´t get a single cent from me!,0 ", I find that I still manage to struggle with the design of environmental places and how to story-tell within a space.",2 "example, the first tree allows up to 3 players and each player can work on a different branch on the tree at the same time. ",2 "Edit 2: After some good old fashion testing, I figured out that you can solve most of the issues with the camera by going into first person. Although this doesn’t solve the problem for people trying to play in third-person view, if you are like me and absolutely despise the camera being moved around without you making it move, this is a way to fix it (Assuming you enjoy first person)Sadly first person has its own set of issues like extremely low FOV that doesn’t seem to be able to be changed (Even by the FOV slider which may in fact be a bug)",0 the customisation options are generally realistic though not as customisable as some other games e. g. Escape from Tarkov or Ground Branch.,0 "The sights this game offers is unlike any other, as I started going into photo more way more often. ",2 There's also Creative mode if you want to construct without needing materials and ignore the other hazards and risks.,1 Steam refund simulator 2016 10/10 would refund again Lmao ,0 Exploring the universe alongside friends or encountering other players' discoveries,2 If you are new to the series then you will discover a business management simulation with a slow learning curve that eases you into the genre with an extensive campaign mode.,2 "in terms of difficulty, there are certainly some scenarios that might stump you. in these cases, you will soon discover a strategy that works and restarting the level with a fresh new goal will often lead you to success.",2 a lot of the guns seem to be random variations on a M4A1 and similar looking rifles.,0 there are tonnes of different story line,2 So even if you run this game on a potato it's still playable.,2 "Steam link streaming also has some bugs that make spaceflight difficult, but you can get some basic tasks done remotely.",0 Re-visiting 5 years later after launch. ,1 "game has a lot potential, but I was hoping to see multiplayer option to compete with my brother or friends (hospital versus hospital).",0 Exploring the universe alongside friends or encountering other players' discoveries creates a sense of shared adventure and community.,2 "People who never enjoyed / played games from the golden era PS1/2, xbox and PC 99-2005 will never know what they are missing out of.",1 "I played Rainbow Six Raven Shield and SWAT 4 growing up and this early release nods to the traditional style of equipment (hand cuffs, opti wand, flashbangs) and allows you to choose how lethal you want to be.",1 NMS is not only one of the best spaces games ,2 the fact remains that this game is not one of the world's most successful e-sports without reason.,2 using night vision is cool.,2 "There's no gravity, except when your boots are actually on the ground. You don't orbit a planet. You don't need to think about your path through a solar system.",0 "Otherwise, this game is extremely pleasant and fun with friends, ",2 Swat 3 is a 9 if that game would run on any PC nowadays. ,1 "the gunplay is almost flawless,",2 does mess up the game for others as everything boils down to communication.,0 definitely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys multitasking!,2 (just like real life university!).,2 this game makes me laugh out loud while playing and always makes me feel happy.,2 "The Environmental story telling in the game is fantastic in my mind and does a lot to fill out the world around you,",2 despite having four crackheads lighting him up with pistols less accurate than my Spanish learned solely from drunken Duolingo lessons.,0 This game is super enjoyable,2 "A single screen where I can click different tabs to select my equipment, choose the mission, look at mission debrief, and ready up would be nice (kind of like SWAT 4).",2 "I have come to expect little of sims games due to the standard EA set with the sims 4 upon its half-baked release but this game proves that it’s possible to create a well-designed, affordable sim game that is complete on launch and fun with and without played content.",2 you can even join the beta to find out if the patches fix your problem.,2 "This game does not respect your time, your actions have no impact, , the game is boring and trivially challenging after only a few hours.",0 love the ability to go back to previous hospitals when you level up and even farm earlier hospitals for research and unlocks. ,2 controls are easy to learn and very effective.,2 " so if you are the sort of hard-core gamer who wants to have your hospital demolished in front of you and handed back in pieces so you can start over because you mismanaged it, this might not be your cup of tea.",0 "just as annoying.it has the announcements, the earthquakes, the silly (new) disease names and descriptions. ",0 but the game's actually nice after updates. ,2 Especially since the devs are constantly patching/updating and making it the police game they and we want it to be.,2 so far has given me enough confidence to recommend the title to anyone who appreciates this level of honesty and has the required amount of seriousness. ,2 optional language filters please.,0 " Afterwards I was shadow banned, kicked from the server and unable to re-join.",0 Game trailers showed a space game that rivalled or surpassed even the most epic space-based games on the market at the time.,2 "However, the fun wore off at about the same time that the pretty-graphics honeymoon period wore off, because when all is said and done, there is not really much game left after the novelty value is gone.",0 these AI are hard; ,0 I did not follow it on steam or any social media. ,0 "The single player is very well done with the team commands, but I prefer playing with friends to share the experience.",2 "All other game companies should be copying Hello Games response to their game releases, they didn’t give up when",2 I do not think this game is very optimized ,0 NMS has a deep story and might actually provide a valuable lesson in computer morality.,2 "There is an empty Hub World sequel Lobby that you can explore, but without any directions it feels rather pointless.",0 A lot of polish is also needed with some misaligned 3rd person animations as well enemy AI that is way to fast at aiming and can easily turn around and kill you before you can react.,0 "thanks to steam refund system, and my luck... almost perfect time management, I have my bucks back and look for something else.",2 and multiplayer has a lot of connectivity issues at the moment,0 All I can land on is wastelands.. after hours of play,0 I left COD to play this and will start streaming here shortly,2 there is a lot of split second decisions you need to make or you fail.,1 I came back to this game after some time and I still don’t enjoy it.,0 if you look at my profile screens shots I was global elite in Counter strike and is currently immortal in Valorant.,1 "a lesson in how to not design a game ui, ",0 Placeholder for what could have been a great game. Should be a pre alpha title,1 "I hope that some day the developers add VR support, I think this could be a key feature for this game cause of the realism and immersion it could bring. ",1 I played The Last Campfire first - and after that super positive experience I was keen to see what No Man's Sky was about.,2 It motivates to replay the available missions and try different approaches. ,2 "Doing missions at the nexus with other players is awesome, when you can find people not in groups :p, and then going on a mission to a random planet full of players and player bases was awesome,",2 this is an absolutely commendable and amazing game that addresses a lot of things I've wanted in a sci-fi game.,2 "The learning curve is gradual, allows you to really get to grips with the mechanics of the game before adding additional obstacles and tasks. but I really enjoy how the game does not take itself seriously. ",2 "at such as a prop for pills and an easter egg for ""Bing Chilling"" as a joke then I'm afraid of what they'll change next.",0 I am just hoping that they do not do the same and release a bunch of overpriced dlc,0 "from lush, verdant worlds teeming with life to desolate, harsh environments that require careful planning and resource management to survive. ",2 "All of my friends and I also have issues with lag/graphics as we don't have very good computers to run the game very well, this game for me runs around 30/60 fps on most maps and sometimes even down to 20 on lowest graphics with AMD fidelity on.",0 I did have some crashing issues last year but since reinstalling the game it is solid.,2 " and the community is very nice and when you visit the Nexus, people often give you expensive stuff just because why not.",2 I wish I could decorate the general floor of the hospital- sorting abilities should be grouped on treatment/gp (skill) not by the amount of skills someone has,0 "His world will take place in a vast world, stripped of its limitations, since all that will appear will be accessible to the smallest of nebulae in the remotest star, not to mention the countless planets or flake the Galaxy. ",2 "The graphics, audio, recoil, and map design create a uniquely realistic experience.",2 "every time you interact with anything it's not instant, whether it's a world action or a menu selection. It feels sluggish.",0 "There are a lot of hints in the game towards a deeper story and lot is of directions they can go. The developers did say there are easter eggs in the galaxy and that may be something that will be discovered later or added in once they figure out where to put them, so people actually run into them. Either way it will be interesting.",2 "I honestly do not like the fact that you can find other players named solar systems in single player or private servers which kinda ruins it a bit as well as not being able to turn off player named solar systems and planets as I was stuck in a solar system named ""we like Fortnite""",0 "Streaming it via OBS is a little wonky, as the stream output drops frames when flying only, but eh, tolerable IMO. ",0 this repetitive game,0 and I can say RON has finally edged out EFT as far as the gun mechanics go.,2 I have a 2080 and,1 how on earth can a game released in 2018 and still being updated have zero subtitles?,0 "If you have never played any of the Swat titles you will need to slow down and think very tactically, ",2 "This game is very reminiscent of Ursula K LeGuin is Left Hand of Darkness, ",1 "in addition, the developers made the game as a platform to sell dlcs through. they have tried hard to make the game relevant through in-game events. this is pretty blatant and might look like they are trying to sell the game piecemeal, however the game does have a lot of base content and is time consuming to play (if only because of grinding) and a few items (albeit thematically wrong otherwise) has been released for free over the years.",1 the story length of the game extends further than one may think. ,2 "I find it easier to look around my campus with a controller, and then switch to the keyboard and mouse for any actual gameplay. I can live with this for the amount of fun that I am having.",0 " If you're still not convinced, keep an eye on this game anyway, it may surprise you.",2 " Thankfully although the objectives can feel repetitive, none are ever overly punishing for the sake of it.",0 CO-OP with friends is amazing and for me full of wtf moments.,2 The movement in this game will certainly reward you for being slow. As my friend likes to repeat like a broken record: Slow is smooth and smooth is fast Bugs?,0 "Ready or Not isn't a competitive PVP experience, it's not PUBG...",2 But why? Why am I doing this? There is no reason.,0 "Where the majority of shooters on the market encourage concentration and practice in acquiring the highest number of casualties possible, ",2 Making a mistake is unforgiving could cost the lives of innocent civilians or even one of your teammates.,1 worth every cent I paid for it.,2 "a chat filter that boggles (filters the word got...) , ",0 "This is a serious tactical shooter for serious, ",1 but not bad enough it isn't playable.,0 but remember to stop and explore some stuff on the way! Happy space sailing explorers!,2 You move through challenging tactical environments while having to rapidly determine if an individual is a threat or a civilian - and then respond accordingly all within the bounds of law enforcement rules of engagement. ,2 ... we are discovering language of aliens but it doesn't really change the whole gameplay (just a nice feature which can be later annoying).,0 " its like Minecraft on steroids, in Space!",2 Characters getting stuck on the map in random spots and leaving it impossible to move them or send them home. ,0 overall this game is actually dope.,2 It has a better user interface then two point hospital. ,2 a billion other notifications pop up as which only helps the chaos grow bigger. This occurs in the span of a few minutes.,0 "But the second time around I didn't let myself get distracted, I just followed the main quest",1 "the gun play is good, most of the new stuff is pretty, but it has absolutely no progression, EVERYTHING is unfinished, there's weird quirks all around, and I really, REALLY do not think you should buy this game for even the sale price it's currently on",0 and I pre-ordered as soon as I could.,2 a classic tycoon-style game with wacky and irreverent British humor.,2 "lots of little easter eggs and references to add to the enjoyment. fans of always sunny in Philadelphia will enjoy the janitor is roles being referred to as ""Charlie work"" for example",2 good incentives and beta testing opportunities too.,2 "but as of now the only purpose the DLC serves is a few basic gun reskins, a new uniform, access to a Discord server, and the ability to *unlock content faster than the people who paid less money.",0 My only complaint (which applies to almost every space game) is that flying can definitely make me motion sick.,0 I'm just confused: My Storage is full of Uranium which I can't use for energy generation? What's up with that? Instead I gotta build 1000s of small solar panels and expensive batteries. ,0 The option just pops up whenever it wants.,0 i have over 60 hours,2 this would be more fun if the navigation and placing items were easier.,0 "The game is also incredibly poorly optimized, I run the game on the lowest possible settings and I only get 45-60fps.",0 "gameplay is fairly mindless, there is not much depth to the mechanics behind the hospital management, ",0 So lazy to not incorporate full controller support so it can be played on steam deck. ,0 and quite challenging to deal with,0 I also hope they would add more Achievements to the game would be fun to work towards,2 "But the level of responsiveness of the developers that I’ve observed It does not shy away from telling the truth, it does not even attempt to filter the truth in any way.",2 "how do they deal with class regulation? well you begin with having 1 course. this course has basic requirements, generally a lecture hall and a laboratory ",1 "Ready or Not is the ultimate tool for you to explore your way of complete violation of the Geneva Conventions, whether that be through gassing enemies to shooting hostages, the choice is yours in this epic war crime simulator!",2 "never play CQB games,",0 ... I've only managed to explore 10 or so systems and haven't even gotten into farming and taming animals yet! ,2 " you will least expect which makes you stay on your toes the entire time and treat everyone as potential hostile (and the game heavily penalize you for killing someone you were not supposed to), to (graphic warning) gritty images like child Doing in pink child's room .",2 "More character customization, and a character creator would make me hard! it Would put a interesting perspective on SWAT simulation If we Could play as the Enemies and Civilians to.",0 to me it feels like a modern re-release of the original with a nice coat of paint ,2 and you can simultaneously zoom and or rotate the camera freely.,2 "My soul is complete, and I cannot wait to see what else its gonna bring,",2 This game is actually simulating our current energy crisis in Europe lol,2 "There are a lot of good ideas floating around on modding sites that it would be cool to see officially implemented by Hello Games, but I think it is a totally enjoyable game as is. ",2 I just wish they supported moving your save game between Steam/PS5.,0 "If you are a fan of sci-fi culture, there are many references to many different movies and stories.",2 rely solely on valve is steamworks anti-cheat and copy protection system for this game.,1 But there can more than 5 players... your voice is specialized so people hear you only up close. Other channels are more convenient as the hear you wherever you are.,2 "so yay look up what is needed then look up what’s is needed for the stuff that is needed. way to complicated and super annoying. lots of ""stats"" and things I have no clue what they do.",0 "Become a Space Pirate, Monopolize Galaxies with your epic Freighter hauls, or govern a Township from the ground up. The possibilities, like the universe, is infinite.",2 "But the play style is the key, there is no wrong way to play it, you just play it on your own pace, you are not punished for your way of playing so everyone just finds the way he/she likes to play it and enjoy it.",2 "The mechanical sounds on operating your weapons and equipment’s, footsteps, whispering from suspects and radio comms with TOC provided many audio clues that serves in the gameplay element. The guns sounds very real and impactful and wont felt like a pea shooter, different weapons will have different effects when in the interior or external spaces. Bullets impacts and explosions sounds scary and have different layers of it depends on your location and distance to them.",2 "The ROE (rules of engagement) might be annoying and off-putting to those who are not familiar with SWAT or simulation games at first, but ",0 "The interface/interaction controls may take some getting used to, but in my opinion, are laid out sensibly.",2 "may update this review later on, but overall as a experience for me I would give it a 3/5 so far. ",2 d it is a fun hospital management game with ,2 the game does not give you clear explanation to certain things such as inspection or report.,0 "There is a story line and the ""general goal"" of the game is to get to the center of your galaxy (which is one of very many within the universe) , ",2 "There are half a dozen levels or so to play with different scenarios available to select on each which vary in difficulty (bomb threat, active shooter, hostage rescue to name but a few) ",2 "when I saw how fine-grained I could get with management, it had my attention. ",2 This review will change to a 1 out of 10 and not recommended if this dev proves to be a massive cuck and self-censors after a pathetic kotaku articles they already caved to.,0 Ready or Not is an extremely fun & challenging shooter that,2 " as you unlock more items, diseases, and rooms you can go back and build up your previous hospitals, raising them to three star levels in your pursuit of perfection.",2 "as the Ai aren't totally braindead, and can respond to threats reasonably well.",2 ", in doing so you end up learning all about the other parts of the game, you naturally begin to acquire the knowledge and experience that allows you to create the fabled ""Ionised Chicken Egg"" without needing to spend hours on Google.",2 "the AI have a certain randomness to their behaviour that keeps most matches interesting, ",2 The AI are ruthless,0 tiny trees until you grind 200+ hours to get minor upgrades?,0 "two point hospital is a fun game to play, especially in sandbox mode ",2 "I know that the systems and worlds are generated randomly. But obviously, in reality, most worlds are devoid of any life at all. If life exists on other worlds, it is probably microscopic. The point is kept what you have but add worlds that are lifeless - such as grand volcanic and ice worlds; no critters running around but also rich in material resources. I do not know if this is possible but if it is would add greatly to variety and enjoyment.",0 "once you learn how to play it, it is very easy to dominate. I never feared for having money, even at the start of a map, or with really any decision I made. unfortunately, this is also its downfall. ",2 "until you enter the anomaly, then it causes a crash even on the lowest settings. ",0 "Wish I could ""Unsupported"" and get my money back then.",0 "Although the game's graphical style is not truly realistic and a bit more on the fairy tale side of things,",2 what's already here is fun but ruthless in challenge.,2 "In the summer break, you can also take all the time you need to set things up, so running on the fastest speed just lets your staff and students spend all the time they need. ",1 "I just think it needs some work in the balance and equipment consistency department before it's at a ""fair"" difficulty and playable state.",0 "I was ready to give up, still within 14 days but Steam refused a refund since a policy that surprised me.",0 then this is a game for you.,2 less racist for newcomers and there were also TeamKillers.,0 my laptop is not good enough to play it on the best settings ,0 "Great gun play, can play causal/dumb or be super milsimy.",2 You can customize settings for difficulty level if you want more of a challenge or want more of a sandbox and you can even adjust the difficulty during gameplay if you want to.,2 " accessibility options are very diverse, maybe a colourblind mode would be awesome, (excuse me if they already have that and I didn't know)",2 "The bad things, as far as I can see is that it doesn't support a HOTAS setup, making the space combat awkward when played with mouse and keyboard.",0 Everything I would hoped for.it would be nice to get a Fullscreen borderless mode though...,0 " The game forces you to think about how you want to approach stressful, dangerous situations with only your limited resources at hand.",2 "I only have one friend that plays the game, but every day we chat about new discoveries that we've made and adventures we've had. This game has honestly made me feel like a kid again.",2 with gruelling realism and detail.,2 ". I often had to sit and pause the game while I sorted through patients, set up new rooms, etc. it is hard to do it while the game is playing because you will get inundated with choices and not really have a way out. I restarted several hospitals, trying to take into account what I learned in the previous round, but it really does not make a difference.",0 the devs changed the game and inventory system for people who've played the game for 2 hrs and screwed over long time players.,0 ", and the gameplay is very enjoyable.",2 "Please, view this as a kind of pre-order purchase. This is not a finished product by a long shot",0 I like it. ,2 "and the customization options are spot-on, I loved the exotic ships, this game is about a 8.",2 "This game is a spiritual successor to theme park hospital world, it was a game made by brofrog back in 1973 for the commadore master system 52, it was considered the greatest game ever made, so good in fact that no one in the history of video games, which goes back a long way, (1918 was the first recorded video game that is a fact) has ever tried to recreate it.",1 and then you can either get your friends to buy it also or join a public lobby!,2 "I like the concept of the superbug network and the global initiatives, but I wish there were a way to complete some of the smaller tasks on your own instead of forcing you to have in-game friends help you complete the projects.",0 "If you have ever played the new Modern Warfare, there is a mission which got covered by all the mainstream youtubers was the Clean House (the apartment CQC mission), this game is essentially that.",1 "No Man's Sky also features an online multiplayer mode, allowing players to join forces and explore the universe together.",2 "Honestly, I could say this is one of the best games I've played in the last few years,",2 ", but if you like management games with a little challenge, a bit more relaxed without a timer, a bit of design",2 "even after 80+ hours in, planets can still get the rush of discovery going.",2 portrays a current world wherein SWAT police units are called to stop antagonistic and defying circumstances.,1 "Find crashed freighters, alien settlements, abandoned buildings and ancient artefacts. ",2 "I love this game, it is so fun and the fact that you can see your steam friends stats makes it a bit competitive, at least for me.",2 after catching a Twitch stream,1 or engaging in friendly competition ,2 "The graphics are A1,",2 "the downloadable content is why I wanted to play the game again,",2 "The random civilians have like 3 lines in total between male and female, ",0 graphics: 9 - the graphics themselves look fantastic and suit the game perfectly!,2 "The game also offers a variety of different modes, including single player and multiplayer,",2 for me it runs smooth as silk at 4k with highest settings. ,2 144 fps performance isn't great ,0 and the puzzles were puzzling at least for me. if you wanna do relaxing puzzles,2 took me 14 hours to learn ,0 "This game is very realistic so if you have ptsd like myself, here is a trigger warning.",1 the patient size and types of illnesses at your hospital will always remain the same throughout the gameplay regardless of how much reputation your hospital has.,0 3 hours later and I cannot stop ... not even sure what I am curing but I am 3 starring the sh*t out of all my hospitals and cannot wait to dive back in.,2 would be nice if you could add to mac users.,0 "fun and a very straight-forward, breezy sim game. ",2 "you sometimes need to manually assign a private tutor to students who are at risk of failing. seems enough at first but when you have multiple courses each with 3-4 years of students, it quickly become tiresome to do these assignments manually.",0 The NPC are janky but other than that it’s all looking really good. I'd like to see new things like searching civilians and interrogating suspects to find out things like how many other suspects there are and where are they.,0 "go check out GhostRobo is youtube channel, he has some good in depth gameplay videos showcasing what this game is really like.",2 "I also noticed a audio glitch, its like the audio was repeating itself, so I reset the game and it was back to normal.",0 The devs need to make the game less toxic ,0 "Did until developers start fixing bugs ect, then problems. Doesn't load past fist screen, then if it does it does load saved games. ",0 "Best open world. I mean Galaxy, to explore with 18 quintillion planets in a massive open world game ",2 "Futuristic space is an endless well of creativity, variety, and is a massive blank canvas to tell almost any form of meaningful stories in due to its nature. Space pirates with both complex and tragic motivations, cultures and civilizations that are socially/structurally/architecturally diverse and interesting.",2 The game is massive and beautiful ,2 " The game still needs some polishing, but it has been recently released and they will fox the remaining bugs, balance the game out, add new mechanics and make it even better. ",2 "The base game is great and really shows off the games basic form, ",2 "Every star system is the same - 2-5 (single biome) planets with no real diversity or relation to one another, ",0 I lost all of my inventory. ,0 and graphics can be adjusted to allow you to enjoy the best experience.,2 "Steam Worshop support is out the window, which I guess you can count as a positive if you're looking to play on console in a few years when they port it?",1 my only criticism is it NEEDS more progression rewards and maybe even an in game currency where you can unlock things as you go.,0 "It is a bit buggy still in multi-player mode, ",0 " I've done all that and I still have things I want to do. Quite simply, this game is amazing, and I will gladly spend many more hours exploring its infinite possibilities.",2 "In all seriousness this game is brilliant, one of those games where you'll find yourself playing for hours, then rage quit, only to return the day after to try again win then rage quit again ",2 Some maps or game modes also add-in secondary targets that,2 more direct interaction with the competitors. just one word: sabotaging!,1 "Developers need to be a LOT more cautious about ""rebalancing"" games that have been out for several years. It's been my experience that existing players rarely enjoy rebalancing changes, ",0 just moving from console to PC,1 "But there is one inexcusable and infuriating issue - if it detects a controller, it forces you to use it! There is no menu item to switch back to mouse and keyboard. this is insane! because of my setup [my fault] every time I unplug my controller, and want to use it again, I have to restart my personal computer - so now, every time I want to play this game, I will have to do that. Fix this immediately!",0 "The tutorial is so overly complicated, lengthy, and glitchy, that I am on my 3rd run of the game, because the last 2 tutorials soft blocked me. ",0 "you cannot afford to take any risks with this game, and every game is different so you never know where the enemies are, or the bombs. Absolute classic which I have no doubt I will still be playing when I'm a really old man.",2 10/10 Take the haunting imagery and symbolism of Stanley Kubrick is 2001: ,2 " their spawns change with every round, and not in a predictable pattern, they'll rush you when you least expect it, pull a knife on your if you're not paying good attention while they're surrendering, blind fire through doors and glass if they hear you prepping a breach, and basically do anything they can to catch you off-guard.",1 " You *must* purchase an item from a vendor in the ""multiplayer"" hub of the game using a currency only obtained (in sufficient quantity) from ""community missions"". While you can technically do these on your own, they are designed for multiple people, so be prepared for a royal pain in the backside. You cannot obtain the void egg from any other source, and",0 "to understand gameplay fully and to actually get a feel for the game, or maybe realize that there is not much of a feeling",0 "If you're lucky, you are paired up with 4 others in multiplayer where you choose a location and mission type (such as bomb defusal, hostage rescue or barricaded suspects), and work together tactically to complete the mission without loss of life, whether that be you or civilians.",2 I am running an 11th gen i9 and a 3080 ti with 64 gb ddr4. ,1 and make/explore with friends.,2 In no mans sky you can interact with other players,1 john wick AI personally I think that they should slow the reflexes of the AI a bit because they snap on you so quick,2 "I wish it had an easy way to pull up a mission menu to see the objectives again (probably does, but I just started playing today, and still finding new controls that I thought weren't available on the controller lol).",2 I tried hard and long to dig deeper and deeper to find fun in this game. Maybe it is just not for me.,0 then you can easily forgive the basic and repetitive gameplay.,2 the game world is still marvellous to look at and invites for many photo/screenshot safaris to happen.,2 For the rare chance that another visits your path and see that you named a n animal the great corn olio or something generic and ,1 "Emailed support, no response. Messaged on official discord, no response. Messaged others, couldn't get it to work either way.",0 "If you want a first person version of Stellaris with a dash of Minecraft, this is it.",2 "Absolutely Slaps, this game is just top tier",2 @user the DC comics site has Batman 44 releases on the 9th but its out now? ,1 """Oliseh meets with Victor Moses in London: Super Eagles coach, Sunday Oliseh, has met with Nigeria and Chelsea ... ",1 @user WAIT WHAT?!?! SCOTUS makes laws!?!? since when? have i been lied to my entire 8th grade year about gov? (sarcasm intended) ,1 @user haven't started! I've been too caught up in TVD but since I finished that I'll probably start it tomorrow ,1 Rodeo Saturday anyone going? ,1 @user injures Borderland\u002ctaking him out of the PPV.Who will replace him in the Elimination Chamber match? Watch Asylum this Sunday ,1 """...Chris Gough with SIYS...Sharknado director, Anthony C. Ferrante (""""Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No!"""" debuted Wed/ re-airs tomorrow 6pm on SyFy)..."" ",1 """Obama, Merkel, Hollande and others are headed to Lough Erne for the G8 in June - huge story. I'll have more on #bbcnewsline in a few minutes"" ",1 This next Superbowl is on my (21st) birthday. Random fact of the day. ,1 @user is going to be in Tempe tomorrow... ,1 I may be sleep deprived but I promise you that some kid at Dunkin today looked like a sprout ,1 2006 NHL 1st overall pick pitching for the White Sox today. ,1 "@user @user Bret Hart, HBK, and Vince McMahon were now involved in the 2nd best screwjob ever"" ",1 @user What happened at the Spurs game last night mate? ,1 """Mariners fall 6-3 to White Sox in 10th in game they led 3-1 into ninth Farquhar takes the loss, Smith the blown save. Another tough pen day."" ",1 What I plan on eating tomorrow at the @user ... Deep fried Kool-Aid\u002c Deep fried Derby Pie\u002c Deep fried Girl Scout Thin Mints\u002c etc... ,1 Sam Smith singing the new Bond theme... Tomorrow Never Diets ,1 Boateng put through his own net in the dying seconds to hand Bayer Leverkusen a 2-1 victory on Sunday evening... ,1 @user yea I went to the one at MetLife on August 5th #OTRAMETLIFE ,1 So .... Who's up for seeing Ant-Man with me on Saturday? 2:30pm showing. Let me know! ,1 """Foo Fighters in October, Shinedown in November, Jaguars in December, and Razorbacks in between. Are you ready @user ?"" ",1 """White Sox have runners on corners with 1 out and are trailing 5-3 in 9th. Ramirez up, Beckham pinch running at 1st for LaRoche."" ",1 Pochettino should have started Alli. He'll probably do a Kane and keep him on the bench till November. Might be too late for him this term ,1 'Amazon Prime Day' appeared on Wednesday 15 at the 19th place in the Top20 of Edinburgh's Trends: #trndnl ,1 "Jay-Z: Can I get a Fuck You? Jay-Z's Dad: I don't know, CAN you? Jay-Z: MAY I get a Fuck You? Jay-Z's Dad: No, it's supper time. Go wash up. ",1 @user I was there for Charlie Hebdo. My sister is going there Dec 2 so I'm updating all my followers on FB. Mom's ok. For now. ,1 @user @user Dear CNN thank you for advertising Sarah Palin was going to be on your show Sunday morning. I didn't watch. Get wise! ,1 """If it ain't broke don't fix it, why move kris Bryant up to 3rd when he's hitting as good as he has all season at 5"" ",1 "@user @user May I just point out that even though DT's tweet was horrendous, it was after Charlie Hebdo on January 7th"" ",1 listening to POETIC JUSTICE for the 1st time #DontJudgeMe ,1 Gucci trousers coconscious desire november extend the biform thine life advanced dispersion headed for no orga... ,1 """Caitlyn Jenner is distraught about the prospect of going to female prison. Bruce Jenner, however, is thrilled that his plan may have worked."" ",1 @user Arsenal have won three PL games at the Emirates having been two goals down; v Bolton (Mar 08 & Jan 10) and v Spurs (Feb 12). ,1 """Dec 13, 1965 John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison meet at NEMS HQ to discuss the group's third film project, A Tallent For Lovng"" ",1 """#On a walk with Rahul Gandhi #jobs #500K #: #Last Monday, a crowd of about a thousand people stood on a barren... ",1 Petr Cech has been linked with a January move to Atletico Madrid: #CFC ,1 """Bono,Paul McCartney & Freddie Mercury together on stage during the Live Aid concert at Wembley Stadium on 13 July '85 ",1 Gowns at the ready girls\u002c Q4 update tomorrow! @user @user ,1 When the boys pre-recorded their performance of Little Things for the X Factor UK on Sunday\u002c Eleanor was in the audience. #1DNews ,1 """on Black Friday i always thought Kendrick said """"Coney Island!!"""" but he says """"Can you Handle It"""" lmfaooo #whyamistupid"" ",1 Westbound into the U.S.- ongoing bridge inspection- construction - may be delays - Eastbound into Canada- Trucks No delay -cars no delay ,1 later that month (28th of Feb) Calvin posted a photo on his FB w/ Louis from the same night they partied with Briana ,1 Just put Twilight on then realised what had done and now I'm sat on my stairs thinking about my actions. ,1 Jason Wu - lace\u002c bandeau tops\u002c harnesses and the debut of his 4th bag line\u002c The Carolyn #jasonwu #nyfw ,1 Such a tough choice... Ghost Rider or Friday the 13th.. ,1 Last Saturday\u2019s London Children\u2019s Book Swap went swimmingly! see pictures here and read about it on the blog:... ,1 Smooches from Fido: Yea or Nay? - July 6th was International Kissing Day (of the human sort). Later in the month\u002c Ca... ,1 """I counted five tight points from Anderson in that game, may have been more. Gets a slice of fortune with Murray netting the BH. Holds for 41"" ",1 Reminder July 22nd @ 3pm i will be hosting an Open Lobby on the Livestream ,1 """Glenn will personally go to the border to bring in Christians marked for extermination: 'Last Friday, Glenn pl... ",1 """Nicki is FED UP! When she 1st came out she was bashed for her creativity, her body, her music. Now her opinions. I don't blame her."" ",1 Deal of the Hour $2622 & up -- Brazil\u002c Chile\u002c Uruguay & Argentina Tours w/Air: Through April #deals ,1 @user pondering what todo with this 512mb Raspberry Pi sat on my desk! got the other two doing radio tasks! ,1 "@user \""""""""Danny Care card. To stand a chance of winning\u002c tell us which football club he was at as a youngster\"""""""" = Sheffield Wednesday"" ",1 "@user I just read your diagnosis on Pistorius back from July 3. I searched google for """"""""pistorius psychopath"""""""" because I see his pic"" ",1 October 18 is the birthday of Chuck Berry. About the talent in his chart\u002c see Art&Astrology: ,1 The 25th of February\u002c the colonists returned to Granite House\u002c and by means of the double cord\u002c shot by an arrow to the door-landing\u002c commu ,1 "You may think Venus and Serena are impressive, but are you aware of that one time my sister and I fought over a ham sandwich? ",1 @user @user Don't suppose you know if the Chelsea game will change times or dates due to Chelsea playing CL on a Tuesday?? ,1 """For those not at Cedar Point on the 27th, be at #HallowFreakend ;) @ American Legion (31775 Grandriver Ave Farmington Hills 48336) x2"" ",1 @user have you heard Black Friday by Kendrick Lamar & j.Cole ?? ,1 #MusicToday Ben Sollee - How To See The Sun Rise (with lyrics) - HD #Blipfm ,1 All the basic females #mcm in atlanta is either jacquees drake chris brown august alsina or trey songz ,1 "EVENT TOMORROW @user Bluegrass Brunch with The Dead String Band, playing the music of the Grateful Dead ",1 @user David Bowie has a new song out about a real star that may be surrounded by an alien structure ,1 RT @user I find it ironic that I almost certainly would not be a Yankees fan today if I hadn't gone to college near Boston #rand ... ,1 @user are you in the land of my fathers*? (*just the one father. Ignore what you may have read of Liverpudlian sexual mores) ,1 """Scoreless 7th inn for Salem and Potomac, we head to the 8th with the Red Sox leading 6-2. RHP Derek Self through 2.1 scoreless inn of relief"" ",1 Greasy hair and the smell of weed at shotton station\u002c where art though friday. ,1 I'm gonna listen to I don't mind then allow zayn's departure to sink in for the 700th time since march 25th ,1 "@user records Hulk Hogan's time in WCW tomorrow. And yes, the timing is a coincidence. ",1 Going to see Paper Towns on Saturday. I'm hoping it does the book justice. ,1 Real Madrid reportedly rule out signing De Gea in January; making me believe they're getting cold feet about this deal altogether. ,1 Joel Obi may miss out of the Super Eagles team to play Tanzania as reports from Torino say he will undergo more tests on a thigh complaint ,1 Off to Dunkin or J.C.O tomorrow with @user ,1 Talking about the Bosco vs. JSerra game this Friday. Around the Horn style w/ @user and @user #WCFF ,1 Viola Davis in a black & white Max Mara dress at the 29th Annual Fashion Group International Night Of Stars ,1 Back to the HB pass back on 1st drive..if I heard the rumors of Fedora\u2019s plan..you have to think TOB did. Get your D to stay on assignment. ,1 @user The U.S. says the Boko Haram sect in north-east Nigeria may have benefitted from money gotten from crude oil theft. ,1 """Raffensberger didn't have many Saturday workouts, following the example of Ira Dunsworth. """"Kids need time to be kids"""". Sletten didn't either"" ",1 "Spent Labor Day on the campaign trail in New Hampshire, listening to Bernie Sanders (who I'll write about Sunday)... ",1 Paul Dunne's lowest round of the year in college for @user was 67. He just shot 66 in the 3rd rd of @user & is tied for the lead ,1 START PLANNING NOW: Thursday 12/10 DJ Hip Hop Club with Briana + Jazon in Palo Alto Save your spot on the dance... ,1 VIDEO: John Cena hits Jon Stewart with an attitude adjustment on Monday Night #RAW ,1 "My Iowa people, who is going to Eric Church on Friday at the Jones County Fair??? ",1 """Blueberry muffins last night, brownies tonight, Oreo balls Wednesday...I'm done."" ",1 @user come party with us tomorrow night in Naples Maine at Ricks cafe!! ,1 PM Narendra Modi to Address Top Military Commanders on Friday Prime Minister Narendra Modi will interact with the ,1 Interested in learning more about LTA? Join us Monday Sept 10 at 8pm in Morris Hall room 130 for (cont) ,1 Then he texted that their first conference game was Ohio State nov 28...uh Ohio State isnt in the ACC buddy ,1 when I go to the Foo Fighters concert in October in Atlanta I'm gonna be so sad if don't get to meet Dave Grohl somehow ,1 Lazy Sunday Ray Allen Is Lamar Odom really going to the D League ?http://t.co/w6juHFgR ,1 Boris Johnson Times. Ed moans abt George going 1st class but David Miliband travelled by Royal Jet. #boris johnson ,1 @user then when they get to it Curtis and Tommy wanna come play !! bruh lmao... I havent seen Jamall yet tomorrow gonna be a show ,1 @user Enter our competition to win a London Children\u2019s Map Puzzle just follow and RT.Closes Friday 8th@4pm . ,1 "Based on these Arkham games, Batman may not kill, but he's definitely put a few people in comas. ",1 Jeremy Corbyn questions David Cameron on the refugee crisis back in February: ,1 Leaving Bangkok tomorrow morning. Next stop the middle of the Empty Quarter desert near Saudi Arabia. ,1 "@user I liked the 4th sentence about the ""LA Galaxy where David Beckham was put out to grass..."" ",1 """Harper spoke Tuesday on how the Cons will balance their security concerns with more refugees into Canada"". Instigating hate #cdnpoli ",1 George Harrison | Shop the George Harrison Official Store / Black Friday sale ends tonight! ,1 """Cubs Video: Kris Bryant 4-for-4 with 17th HR, Kyle Schwarber also goes deep in 15-8 loss vs. Tigers; Jon Lester 7... ",1 Mehgan James from Bad Girls Club will be in the building Friday @user To get an express pass go ,1 """It wasn't pretty but Kris Bryant throws to Rizzo @ 1st to get Hunter Pence to end the 4th the score remains #Cubs 1, Giants 1"" ",1 @user dustin johnson is a thursday fri player when the weekend comes and he has to handle the pressure he folds up like a lawnchair ,1 Still playing with the Spurs on 2k 41 wit Many Ginobili in the 3rd ,1 "@user @user Curtis it's a Saturday, there is no school.."" ",1 Selling a ticket for Twilight Sad at the Barrowlands this Saturday (Face value) ,1 "@user this is absolutely ridiculous. Wasn't it just """"national ice cream day"""" on Sunday? Who makes up these days? This isn't official. This is"" ",1 Here\u2019s what Dixie is saying about Stansbury. Be sure to check out Mark Watson\u2019s preview tomorrow ,1 @user I'm taking my uncle to LAX tomorrow and can't decide if I want to go there or Dunkin Donuts after I trip him off lol. ,1 "@user You do realize that the 1st Amendment doesn't just apply to Christians, right?"" ",1 Joel campbell is leading this team to milan in may and there is nothing you can do about it ,1 """LAW Aug. 2 Update - Piper Tribute on The LAW tonight, G-1 results, UFC 190 rundown with Rousey win, insanity at WSOF ",1 Kanye West to do list: -become a legendary rapper/icon -run for president -take over the world -resurrect on the 3rd day ,1 ah the tables are now turned & it is *Jon Stewart* who will be the one getting destroyed in every news headline tomorrow thanks to John Cena ,1 KONY2012 filmmaker Jason Russell explains breakdown: I literally thought I was responsible for the future of humanity ,1 """Sought After: A Small, Desirable Flat in the Centre of Milan: A tiny, 50-square-metre apartment on the 4th ... ",1 The issues in Loving vs Virginia are similar to the issues argued in the Gay Marriage case relative to the 14th Amendment. ,1 Special Labor Day COOL OUT goes down TOMORROW NIGHT @ the Gin Mill 10-2 ,1 Seattle lost last night which brought Tuesday to a close at 2-4 at -$50. The Rockies ML was make or break even and Kris Bryant answered. ,1 .@IAA_Bahrain Look at all the media coverage of #Bahrain regime's arrest of Nabeel Rajab 1 Oct 2014 ,1 """Today in Beatles History (April 18, 1963): Paul McCartney meets his future girlfriend Jane Asher for the first time."" ",1 #Forbes The NYSE\u002c NASDAQ and the other US stock markets all made a wise decision to take rain days on Monday and... ,1 Arsenal v SUNDERLAND: New signing Louis Saha set to lead the line in absence of Stephane Sessegnon: Sun... #Arsenal ,1 """2015 #TheOpen : Paul Dunne ( A ) co-leader with -12 , Hile 17 in R3 on July 19 at The Old Course in St Andrews, Scotland,Play in progress"" ",1 who would want to go to Ed Sheeran (September 18th) with Kylie and i??? ,1 sat my sister down and we watched batman vs robin half the movie was her sobbing the other half was her staring in horror and shock ,1 4/13 His case will be heard in the third lower criminal court on 19 October 2014. The continued detention of Nabeel Rajab comes as a ,1 Stopped by n smoked a chop wit moms on my day off. Told her everything's gucci gave her a 8th told her its for all the stress I caused lol ,1 """If John Cena is really behind the WWE keeping the belt on Nikki, I may not be in love with him anymore."" ",1 @user how about you & I go see Janet Jackson in Dallas for her Unbreakable tour Jan. 24? ,1 """I just need to know if the term """"Sharknado"""" will be mentioned in an AFD tomorrow. This is important."" ",1 """\""""""""Those costumes are for Purim. And Purim\u2019s in March!\"""""""" @user Schmidt nails the Jewish quotes every time."" ",1 """US Open: Anderson ends Murray's hope, Federer, Wawrinka rolls on: New York, Sept 8 : Kevin Anderson, the world... ",1 """Zack, Type 1 for too long, Wishing it was Friday so I can listen to Iron Maiden's new album. #dcde"" ",1 We have released a 5* NFL + 3* CFB pick for tonight grab our Weekend subscribtion for $49.99 for picks from Thu-Mon ,1 """Carly Fiorina: 'Game On': Carly Fiorina explained on Fox News Sunday this morning that the presidential """"race ... ",1 """Niall e Camila . They are just frinds guys c'mon she is a """"fan"""" l mean she is like us so stop it"" ",1 @user @user Haha we're off round Claytons now then the Rising Sun later! ,1 Zayn's departure marked the beginning of the end... #RIP #youwillbemissed #1D ,1 """Tom Brady answered some more questions Sunday, and this time he talked about Roger Goodell. ",1 """It's $125 for the Seth Rollins meet and greet on Friday. Seth, I love you and all and your my favorite wrestler but HELL NO"" ",1 Time for a new poll. What will you do next Friday night when the Royals are playing game No. 3 of the World series? ,1 """Tokyo , Seoul , London , New York Kimama Ni Sekai wo drive tonight Kakuchi de hirou suru new style :)"" ",1 We have had a few Leeds United tickets returned which are available on a 1st come 1st served basis to supporters on the database #RUFC ,1 \u2019on a sunny Sunday afternoon\u002c it could be quite magical.\u2019 - Designer reveals plans for Olympic Park via @user ,1 """If I do end up going to the concert tomorrow, I'm gonna scream """"cheater"""" when Jason Aldean walks on stage."" ",1 @user will make Floyd Mayweather her bitch. i'll give her 35 seconds 1st round ;) ,1 Thought i would try the black glasses look....i may need the Malcolm X joints tho\u2019 ,1 RAID 1 (mirror) of Shawn and Rob. Was this planned or coincidence?!? Is it Varsity Red Wednesday at ITinspired... ,1 Brb while I delete 75% of my camera roll off my phone to make room for Sam Smith tomorrow. ,1 You may follow dynamic Israel on Israel Tomorrow.Blog My blog will open your eyes to the truth about this country. . ,1 Tomorrow morning on Good Morning America... Hulk Hogan ...I cannot say enough about this guy and what he has done for so many. ,1 Wantin to go out tonite....but no one to go out with so i guess i'll be on netflix tonite ,1 """#Job #Baltimore 2nd Shift Operations Leader - Baltimore PDC at Toyota (Baltimore, MD): Toyota (NYSE:TM), the w... ",1 Very quiet story-wise this morning. My only emails have been about my Yammer activity & an alert about PJ Harvey tickets going on sale. ,1 Soo apparently I've been dared by @user to not talk about the boys or Zayn for a whole day tomorrow I can't even rt them or anyth ,1 @user @user The way they are chessing Donald Trump you would have thought that to race was tomorrow. ,1 """He's a very fast starter in the first round in Majors, but will Dustin Johnson strike it third time lucky come Sunday? #Majors #golfchat"" ",1 Didn't know tomorrow July 30 is also birthday of #Yakubtohang. Thinking tonight of what is going through Yakub's mind & if he is remorseful ,1 I want a 16th birthday like My Super Psycho Sweet 16 with extra pyscho. ,1 Me right now with Tao (because he used to be my 2nd bias): Bad Blood ,1 Tom Brady was our #7 QB before the news of his suspension being lifted.. We now have him up in front of C. Newton. Proj: 5th rd pick ,1 #hcafc loan keeper Ben Amos named in the England under-21s side to face Azerbaijan next Thursday and Norway on Sept 10. ,1 Selling 2 tickets to madonna's sept 10 show. Let me know if you're interested ,1 "@user always refers about 3rd person 2 call Rahul Gandhi. Rahul ko Kaise bulayegi janta #ShakurBasti , Amethi ppl still trying 2 call"" ",1 May I be the first to remind you: Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend. Set clocks back at 2AM Sunday ,1 @user want me to bring u Dunkin tomorrow ,1 "@user NEW CANDIDS: Jennifer Lawrence out & out, with her friend Laura. (1st Oct). ",1 """Frank Gifford may have been a very nice man! But, he cheated on Kathy Lee with a woman who videotaped the incident!"" ",1 But I smoked so it all Gucci ain't doing nun tomorrow doe ,1 Huawei Watch Pre-Order Suggests Android Wear Coming To iOS: IPhone owners who want to use Android Wear may soo... ,1 @user may be they dont wanna hurt the fans with zayn's pic with the boys! ,1 Line up at #yyt to check in longer than a #tims lineup on a Monday Morning after the Super Bowl Sunday! ,1 """LMAO RT @user Went looting in Spurs last night, broke into the White Hart Lane cabinet so left with a pile of dust and a Bale DVD"" ",1 Man c'mon Nintendo we could get a Mega Man helmet in Splatoon with the amiibo just DO IT ,1 I had my eyes closed already to go to sleep. but I always check a notif to see if it's Zayn and well ,1 Ebola nurse may have been sick before taking the plane ,1 Bentley be trynna move around like he's not 6th months. ,1 """March the entire Rose Parade in wooden shoes? The MOC-Floyd Valley \""""Pride of the Dutchmen\"""" High School (Orange... ",1 Storylines (other than Tom Brady's return) you should watch for in @user vs @user on Thursday night: ,1 Amazon Prime Day really was better than Black Friday; I could look at all the crap I didn't want from the comfort of my own home. ,1 @user let's say someone believes in Islam they may have different Divinely commanded laws that are at odds with yours. ,1 Today I spent all of the money at H&M & TopShop. Thought I might faint in Zara so that has been postponed until tomorrow. Also: sun! ,1 Gucci trousers other self confidentness november snowball the duet yours different rapport reduction until nay... ,1 """Hollywood actress Sharon Stone, 55, chaired an AIDS Research Fund Raiser despite being hospitalised with a migraine on Friday."" ",1 Chargers may go 8-8 but that will make playoffs in AFC... NFC teams must win 10 games! Fact! @user @user @user @user ,1 @user if you get ungrounded tomorrow go to Lauren\u2019s birthday kickback ,1 Everton boss Roberto Martinez is struggling with injuries at left-back and may hand a debut to Ramiro Funes Mori against Chelsea. ,1 """New issue of Forbes (Aug 26) has my essay on a personal encounter with Gandhi & apartheid in S Africa. Not yet online, but take a look."" ",1 """Jacob I'm going to see Sam Smith tomorrow, wanna come with?"" ",1 Caitlyn Jenner and her son Brody had some kind words to say about one another as The Hills star celebrated his 32nd birthday on Friday. ,1 """I think it was the 15th anniversary of Raw, I was walking down the hallway, and Hulk Hogan was walking... ",1 Might just watch the 3rd season of American Horror Story tonight ,1 @user Cause I can't be the 1st or 4th? The 8th is after Naruto and that's going to be me when he dies ,1 Saltalamacchia the 4th Red Sox catcher ever to pop 20 in a season (Carlton Fisk\u002c Mike Stanley\u002c Jason Varitek) ,1 @user @user What are two doing for the Steelers game tomorrow? ,1 Isn't it weird that Selena Gomez concert is Jun 21 and Justin bieber's concert is Jun 27??? 6 days apart... really... ,1 "@user @user @user @user @user ok thank you Curtis, mum is away Saturday but Ella & Owen are here all wk end"" ",1 Want to be a part of the Audience? Register to attend: IBM San Francisco SmartCamp (September 10) or the IBM... ,1 @user @user may b there is some confusion about Muslims in ur mind set ,1 John Kasich may want to change his King for a Day statement after reviewing this :) ,1 The FA will be bringing a new interactive Road Show to Arsenal Ladies ahead of the game against Everton on Thursday ,1 Howard Webb will officiate the West Ham vs Manchester City game tomorrow. ,1 """\""""""""milkily handsome in the manner of a cinematically doomed first world war infantryman\"""""""": @user on Michael Clarke ",1 """i should get all my sh*t done tonight so i can go to the like, gay club tomorrow and try to find FRIENDS but... but..."" ",1 """Tapatio Lemon Chips, Thanksgiving Leftovers and Pimento Cheese ...: If it's Friday and this post is going up, it... ",1 """Frank Gifford now being serenaded with """"Turn Out The Lights"""" by Don Meredith. #RIP ",1 There may be lovers who hold out their hands but He'll never love you like I can can can #MTVHottest Sam Smith ,1 "@user Rolling Stone : @user The clown car gets more crowded: Meet Jim Gilmore, the 17th Re... ",1 In one weeks time I managed to binge watch the entire 4th season of Gilmore Girls and write my Stress management plan/paper #Multitasker ,1 "@user the 5th had Sakura get Naruto, but he can't leave till he learns his new jutsu!"" ",1 @user KL Live is REALLY COMPACT. My friend went for Beast's 1st showcase and it is REALLY squashy. Just a heads up. ,1 My sister has 2 tickets to see Kenny Chesney and Jason Aldean for tomorrow's concert. Asking $150 cause she can't go. Dm me if interested ,1 @user only ones I can think of as a possibility are Ed Sheeran or Sam Smith. Ed's your ends on the 9th and Sam's the 12th.. ,1 Beyonce: has an album called 4 got married on the 4th Jay-Z's b'day's on the 4th got a 4 tattoo WHY DO PEOPLE THINK SHE WAS BORN ON THE 3RD ,1 """#beauty #makeup TV Ratings Thursday: 'Big Brother' Up, 'Beauty and the Beast' Down, 'Under The ... - TVbytheNumber... ",1 Himawari not even old enough for the academy took out Naruto with a finger who took on kaguya (a god) & Sarada is on par w/ 4th War Sakura ,1 If Connor McGregor loses vs Aldo I think Dana White may go crazy with Ronda too losing in same month XD ,1 """ABC: Giant pandas may be cute, but it takes a lot of work to support their lives in captivity: ",1 You're uncle should texted you get Calibraska - EP by Jack & Jack ,1 "@user I thought Christians followed Christ, the name being a vague clue. Perhaps you should read the 2nd half of the book? @user ",1 Sitting on my luggage and smelling Jerusalem \u002cclick like if you hope to visit Israel soon . December tour... ,1 @user well Geaux Tigers:) and yes it is and then three days after that is.....Nov 6 which means election day! #RomneyRyan! ,1 """2,780,589 people could have seen 'Rahul Gandhi in Bengaluru' since its 1st mention until it became a Trending Topic. #trndnl"" ",1 Doug Wead interviewed LIVE tonight\u002c Wed\u002c 10pm EDT we have link and other video Please RETWEET #ronpaul #ronpaul2012 ,1 @user Do you think David price will be a diamond on Monday?? ,1 @user Were you able to fill out the Google Form to register for the show on the 12th? ,1 """Why the most lovely artists are not always understood? Lady gaga, justin bieber, miley cyrus etc etc today they have to know that..."" ",1 Who\u2019s running the StrattonFaxon 20K in New Haven CT on Monday? ,1 @user @user I think the Red Sox may be more popular around that region as well. Have many more fans nationally than Pats ,1 @user @user Going to be at the Lane on Saturday and if he's not in the squad I'll be gutted... Kane needs help! ,1 Frank Ocean better not joke about tomorrow ,1 Ion think I'm going to ICC tomorrow. ,1 #SPORTS Blue Jays-Yankees Preview - David Price's first road start for the Toronto Blue Jays may prove exactly why... ,1 "@user Hi, this matter should be resolved but it may take time for the water supply to reach the whole network. Thanks, Niall."" ",1 RT @user RT @user RT @user Retweet if you're ready for Big Brother tonight! #teamjorchel #bb13 #cbsbigbrother can't w ... ,1 I may have just mentally assembled the most insane conspiracy web about the Dr. Luke / Kesha sitch. ,1 @user My only Bradshaw concern is it's Thurs game-only 4 day rest-scared of injury.Would you drop Asiata for someone on waiver? ,1 """After coughing up early lead, #MNTwins rally for 8-6 win and take the 1st game of series vs. the White Sox. Circling the bases from tonight"" ",1 Monsanto says no longer pursuing proposed Syngenta combination: U.S.-based Monsanto Co. said Wednesday it is ... ,1 I plan on hunting for Ben Affleck all day tomorrow ,1 @user follow @user and meet her on NOVEMBER 26\u002c she\u2019ll be at the bell center by 4:00 pm. PLEASE FREDO. ,1 "@user @user If u r ready as a substitute for Yakub ,he may intervene."" ",1 I'm just sat here waiting for work to come around and Jimmy's at the Ice Cube q+a and I've just missed an opportunity to interview Kurt Vile ,1 21 to go for Alex Smith! #49ers MT @user Tom Brady wins AFC player of the week for the 22nd time in his career\u002c tying Peyton Manning. ,1 "@user According to media, it may or may not be bad if Kanye West did run for president. We've had entertainers participate before."" ",1 its the 63rd of july and we are still waiting for frank ocean's new album ,1 """At #97 #100NumberTwos50s60s in Sep '69 taking over at #2 from Robin Gibb, the Bee Gees' Don't Forget To Remember ",1 "David Beckham's Son Romeo Beckham Leads out England Team for His 13th Birthday: When the word ""Beckham"" is a p... ",1 """Paul Dunne, amateur co-leader at The Open, entered the tourney at 1500:1 odds (via @user and entered Sunday at 300:1 @user ",1 Remember you have to contribute in this calendar year. It's not like an IRA where you have until April 15th. #529 ,1 I'm going to miss so many broadcast at Digi tomorrow because of this dm an tournament ,1 The regular-season opener Thursday between the Brooklyn Nets and the New York Knicks\u002c wh... :: ,1 Also keep in mind that due to Labor Day we did not have a Monday shipment. Monday orders will go out with today's instead. ,1 Are you using your smart phone or tablet in the late evening? Twilight may be a solution for you! R ,1 """Gogoi inspired by Gandhi, not Modi: hief minister Tarun Gogoi on Wednesday clarified that he was not trying to... ",1 "@user C'mon Rick, no matter how well Venus played or how poorly Serena played the outcome was set! Very easy to lose points in tennis. ",1 #HowIwish that there will be no story from Tanzania tomorrow Super Eagles will really by super! What do you wish? @user @user ,1 @user @user This may unrelated to Erdogan: some quid-pro-quo with Russia that we know nothing about. ,1 Fans were in for quite the surprise at the FYF Festival in LA on Saturday. After Frank Ocean c... #HollywoodDivas ,1 The pack rides during the 7th stage of the 70th edition of the Paris-Nice cycling race run between S ,1 """World Bank\u2019s \""""""""Africa can help feed Africa\"""""""" report\u002c 1 reason the \""""""""Borderless 2013\"""""""" is so important: finding solutions. ",1 @user he waited to long with lennox he should of finished him\u002c both Klitschko\u2019s seem to wait till the 6th and 7th round to finish people ,1 @user Despite recent performances lets make sure 25k Albion fans make Amex a total noise cauldron on Friday # nonstopsinging ,1 Ed Sheeran concert at 7 PM tomorrow. Getting in line at like 9 lol. Need to get close to the stage bruh ,1 Don\u2019t Forget\u002c tomorrow is the annual General Body meeting! Come out to learn more about ISAT and the organizations we are affiliated with! ,1 Jim Tracy is doing a double switch. With 2 outs in 9th inning. Of a Cactus League game. With the score tied. ,1 Shawn when he see a bee @user ,1 David Wright is 6 for 20 with 5 walks in five games with St. Lucie. He is scheduled to be back with the Mets no later than Monday. #LGM ,1 @user I guess you considered that 9th inning vs the Red Sox on Friday a comeback as well ,1 I need to log off now bc school starts tomorrow and I'm still not done with my summer hw. Have a Shawn pic (not mine) ,1 Bruh what if they made a new Friday with Ice Cube Son and DC Young Fly as smokey ,1 I just want tomorrow to be here so I can see Jurassic World again ,1 """Obviously Kendrick, sorry Frank """"the disappearing act"""" Ocean ",1 """David Price is my late uncle's nephew. Although he may not remember me or know me personally, there is no... ",1 I'm going to woo @user with my intense ass karaoke skills tomorrow everyone better watch out I'm pulling out the Bee Gees and Prince ,1 Brock Lesnar is going over Sunday at #SummerSlam doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out #RAW ,1 on saturday i'll count how many white girls with Nirvana shirts and flannels i ses ,1 """For the holiday season, the gallery will close from 24 Dec and reopen on 4 Jan in London and 6 Jan in Milan ",1 "@user I can already see it now """"my dad is driving down 11th yelling 'Free Gucci!' Omg"""""" ",1 @user I can't wait to see how Tom Brady does when he doesn't consistently have the 2nd or 3rd ranked defense or best coach of all time. ,1 Friends and Seinfeld (I didn't get cable until 3rd grade so I watched the shows on satellite) ,1 Is anyone checking out the New Batman: Rises movie showing tonight by USG at 6 and then the Octoberfest tomorrow night. ,1 @user ur bank? Think maria may have something to say about that lol ,1 @user it\u2019s party on nov 11th at da CHALMERS community hall 10$ to get n ,1 Fifty five years ago today TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD was published. GO SET A WATCHMAN is released tomorrow. Will you read it? ,1 "@user Message from Argentina: if u don`t come w/Snarky in November, we`ll have 2 make a video begging like the Foo Fighters fans did."" ",1 Sat listening to the new Iron Maiden album with a coffee. Waiting to go to the venue for today's #hogroast. ,1 @user @user @user Their release should have been demanded before Kerry ever sat down at the table. ,1 Mama G said we could go see Paper Towns tomorrow and I SWEAR if she cancels on me ,1 #BPL issues to be decided Nov 1: Bangladesh Cricket Board will take a final decision on the Bangladesh Premier Le... ,1 @user we got Milan last Wednesday ... she's rotten lol ,1 Big whoop--it's Beyonce's birthday. My birthday's coming (Sept 13) and I bring just as joy to people ,1 "@user I'll go Kane in......one of Mata, Fellani or Young going the other way. 2nd Benzema for DDG........warm or freezing? Neymar"" ",1 "@user @user If it weren't for Blair there would have been no Good Friday Agreement, and the IRA would have won!"" ",1 Whatever. Some dude forcing his opinions on people ain't worth my time. But aye yall who's ready for the new Naruto episode tomorrow! ,1 Red Sox have a runner at 3rd with 2 out with the game still tied at 1-1. ,1 I\u2019m going to Clutch at Buster\u2019s Billiards & Backroom in Lexington\u002c KY - Dec 28 ,1 I go to the dentist and eye doctor on Friday. Promoting Calibraska. ,1 """so who's going to Jason Aldean tomorrow, raise ur hands"" ",1 I have an issue driving slow. So im gonna try to make it from AZ to LV in 3 hrs. Tomorrow. ,1 Festivus is back as a twilight event on Friday 15 January. Do you like music? Do you like the arts? Do you like... ,1 Janet Jackson took a moment to remember Aaliyah on the 14th anniversary of her passing. The iconic artist penned... ,1 Similar situation happened in the dolphins game where they ran on 3rd down to run clock.. Difference is jets don't have aaron Rodgers ,1 "@user The tweet is from January, during the Charlie Hebdo crisis."" ",1 Was thinking about seeing JAWS at the Roxy on Wednesday\u002c but now it seems I\u2019ll be seeing BAIT 3D instead. It\u2019ll be just as good\u002c right? ,1 UFC on Fuel TV 5 Preliminary Card Preview: This Saturday\u002c the UFC once again comes to Fuel TV. Coming ... #UFC #MMA ,1 15 times Prince George shook things up for the royal family - Prince George turned two on Tuesday! In... ,1 @user a reminder that Monday 8pm eastern time ac4 black flag multiplayer gameplay event if you missing out on PS4 gamelab trophy. ,1 @user nobody wants to see you panting in the shadows over Magic Mike XXL at 2pm on a Monday. ,1 @user I\u2019m going down to the united game on Sat then staying down there\u002c so I ain\u2019t gonna be out man #immissinout #haveatrebelforme ,1 """Cole dissed Future on his Black Friday, Kendrick dissed everyone on his. the collab album bout to be one big subliminal diss."" ",1 Let the debate begin: Eli or Big Ben: When the Steelers play the Giants on Sunday\u002c there will be something swirling... ,1 Video: Endorsing #Fender with the Kurt Cobain #jaguar #guitar going into a #mustang Minor 3rd setting (at... ,1 """83 Minutes"", major new book on the amazing life & tragic death of Michael Jackson released on Sept 10. @user @user @user ",1 If my The Vamps exclusive @user album isn't ready for pick up today like it says I will riot! Been waiting since Dec 4 for it ,1 From my recently viewed list I can see my Dad watched the entire 1st season of Gilmore Girls on Netflix yesterday #Dale ,1 My Bernie sanders buttons haven't come in the mail yet and I'm super stressed because I'm moving on Sunday. ,1 You lot may want to mute or unfollow for the next goodness knows how long this Apple event is going to last. I fear a rant may come on. ,1 """CNN amends debate criteria, Carly Fiorina may get in - CNN has modified its standards for who qualifies for the su... ",1 """Last night was #twEATup dinner at Bucci, tonight is sister's bday dinner in Sunnybank, tomorrow is dinner at The Red Hen. #whatweightgain"" ",1 Hisd is the only district that don\u2019t got school tomorrow ii think . ,1 "@user When it comes to gay rights, progressives pretty much stop at the border/1st world (Russia, Italy lip service)."" ",1 Josh Hamilton the best 1st pitch player in baseball gets a slow hanging curveball down the middle & just looks at it. Lol ,1 1 bottle empi light and 2 bottles of SMB is enough to call it a night. For tomorrow is another day. ,1 3rd attempt of the weekend to try and watch the 2nd Harry Potter #effort ,1 Life is so difficult; especially when you need to decide to spend money on dorm stuff or if you want to buy chick-fil-a and dunkin tomorrow ,1 Thursday's top stories including the latest in the lawsuit against Rolling Stone and Sabrina Erdely ,1 Anderson takes a toilet break. He's up 2 sets but doesn't really have the momentum. Murray finished 2nd set stronger. ,1 Art may or may not be the hardest class EVER ,1 """Supposingly tomorrow go back at 12noon, because of Nurses Day going back at 6pm. Seriously? Hahaish."" ",1 BMP is coming to the Volstead! Grand opening HH this Fri 5-9. What are you gonna order first? ,1 chris brown and august alsina sang hold you down and all i could think about was jungkook singing it and i almost cried ,1 Jeb Bush fading from the presidential race and Hillary Clinton slowly dropping from the 30th mark in the presidential race..... Obvious! ,1 The Daily Zap: Catch highlights from Monday\u2019s action in the NBA. ,1 """Trayce Thompson's 2-run double gives the White Sox a 5-4 lead in the 7th. Is 3-for-4 with a double, triple and 3 RBIs."" ",1 PMB approves amnesty for Boko Haram? May it turn out to be rumour! ,1 """Our gradual warm-up continues and peaks on Sunday, Veteran Day with high in the mid 60s! Rain chance tonight-Sat. AM. #backchannel"" ",1 """I added a video to a @user playlist Fitness Tips with Ashleigh McIvor & Kendrick - December 7, 2015 Squat"" ",1 """Yoga Crash Course with Dawn Marie this Saturday at Maya Shakti Yoga Studio. 708 Commercial Avenue Anacortes, WA ",1 Saw this after the game Saturday. @ Former Site Of The Now Removed Joe Paterno Statue At Beaver Stadium ,1 """Five bottles left of Stone Brewing's 16th Anniversary Double IPA. 10% ABV, brewed with lemon verbana and rye. $7.49 for a 22oz."" ",1 Goin to the Ed Sheeran concert Thursday and I haven't really listened to him lol #whatislife ,1 Daylight Savings is ending and you know what that means - an extra hour of sleep on Saturday night! This is our... ,1 """On Sunday, hours after the Summer Olympics officially came to a close in London, NBC aired their pre-ceremony mo... ",1 Is Kevin Owens a deserving champion or just like Seth Rollins? @user #raw sunday dhammal ,1 Ever seen the Huntsville statue of Sam Houston? TRUE STORY - on a road trip\u002c woke up and thought it was 2nd coming. ,1 Christmas with Nataniel. 26 - 28 NOV.R200 - R150 @ #Computicket. MAIN THEATRE. ,1 "Conor McGregor was reportedly fight with a bad knee on Saturday night. Coach said ""He did not do any live wrestling in camp."" ",1 @user No jack!! went on Rita last Sunday... And I swear I\u2019ve got bruises on my head from it\u002c it\u2019s TOO fast! My head took a bashing! ,1 gonna watch Sharknado tonight just so I can talk about it with my kids tomorrow ,1 """Quiet Saturday afternoon drinking IPAs & watching """"Sharknado"""" haven't seen it until today, whoever wrote it must have done some serious IPAs"" ",1 Anyone wanna buy a Zac Brown Band ticket for the 3rd? ,1 HOT! Jim Ross and Alicia Fox will be playing in the Kendrick Perkins Celebrity Poker Tournament tomorrow afterno... ,1 "@user if Jordan Spieth or Dustin Johnson can be the LeBron of golf, I may watch in a few years. I want to see dominance in golf."" ",1 """I remember standing on Suncorp 15 mins b4 1st Lions Test & @user saying, """"this is rugby nirvana"""".Today match it mate? #MarlinsWallabies"" ",1 Australia Test and ODI captain Michael Clarke at the launch of the international season in Sydney on Monday ,1 Just watched The Lorax for the 20TH TIME!! #ihavenoregrets #OOC ,1 Floyd Mayweather ranked his top five boxers. Where he puts Muhammad Ali may shock you: ,1 I found my old ipod classic from the 5th grade the songs on it oh my god ,1 Murray is 28 and at his peak. Not sure he can win another major. He may have to be content with his Wimbledon & US Open wins. #murray ,1 Eastern Men's lax hosting the MAC Championship on Saturday be there!!! ,1 Just watched most of movie\u002cmissed the 1st 20 min.s\u002cbut...I thought Y2J was in it!Looked like him\u002csaid Chris Jericho in credits\u002cbut...nah! (; ,1 @user I think I know why you think it's funny. It may have a lot to do with the fact that you don't remeber when Milan played in CL ,1 """Fire it up. We will be posting free picks here for the next couple weeks. 5 NFL picks will be up Saturday, some CFB plays this wk as well"" ",1 Love and Harden hitting the deck in pursuit of loose balls early 2nd Q. Proof this is NOT an NBA All-Star Game. ,1 """For the 1st time, Hindus declined to less than 80% population whereas Muslims increased by 0.8%. #Census2011 ",1 Rousey's need for speed: NASCAR drivers may know a little something about a need for speed. ESPN even ... #NASCAR ,1 @user the same way Joel Skinner held Kenny Lofton at 3rd in 07. #Destiny ,1 """Paul McCartney will once again get """"Out There"""" this October with two more shows :: ",1 Any one want two Jason Aldean tickets for September 11th? Text or DM me ,1 """Fake punt on 4th and 11? Wow, James Franklin can make some odd decisions. #PennState #Michigan #PSUvsMICH"" ",1 Haye: Vitali deal \u2019signed\u2019: David Haye still expects a fight with Vita... CLICK-1st-LINK! 2WIN ,1 While everyone is out in the freezing cold Trick or Treating\u002c I sit here watching White Collar. Yes\u002c this is how I spend my October 31st. ,1 @user I just read your Janet Jackson article No Sleeep hit #1 on the R&B Billboard Charts and her Unbreakable CD release date is Oct 1 ,1 @user @user @user both the Heavyweight and Intercontinental Titles at the sametime as well so Seth Rollins isn't the 1st.... ,1 You may want to plan on getting a cup of coffee at Winans this Saturday! ,1 """Yanks crush Sox with 3 HRs, 8-run 2nd inning: Associated PressBoston Red Sox right fielder Jackie Bradley Jr. ... ",1 Is Chris Evans turning into Alan Partridge? Brian May's introduction just needed an A-Ha #BBCMusicAwards ,1 To JHB Bok fans go through to Orlando Stadium to watch the #Springboks train tomorrow from 3 - 4:30pm @user #BOKKE ,1 """Gothic rock... I wonder if New Model Army ever thought about covering U2's hit """"Sunday Bloody Sunday""""!"" ",1 I'm not sure what Rahul Gandhi is trying to accomplish with all of this ,1 """With Daesh's warning, Israel senses that the relative calm may be ebbing - Jewish Chronicle ",1 I could be going to digi tomorrow but I thought I was supposed to be seeing the girls but they cancelled lmao ,1 Dana White says the Ronda Rousey and Holly Holm rematch will likely take place in July ,1 @user @user my memory doesnt have more space. So i cant download it :( but i'll try to download it tomorrow from iPad ,1 "@user ouch! I know an old school, geek from Pembroke Pines. 1of the 1st ""Batman"" nerds in tech support. I wouldn't send a signal 4 him tho! ",1 March 24 (Reuters) - JPMorgan Chase & Cos chief executive for China investment banking Fang Fang has decided to leave the U ,1 """Appointment with Barracuda in Milan, from 1 to 4 September. [Pav. 3 Stand: G01/H02-H06 ] Don't miss the event! ",1 Jason Aldean being on a Thursday makes me really not want to go ,1 Tony Blair's taken control of the Tory party writes PETER HITCHENS: Tony Blair's Labour may have seemed 'moder... ,1 You\u2019re going to breath the same air as Song Joongki tomorrow @user grrrr ,1 """CNN/ORC Poll: Donald Trump takes the top slot in Iowa, Scott Walker falls to 3rd. Ben Carson in 2nd ",1 """Blood Moon: Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs: """"""""The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon i ",1 Infoteckno: cloudbnb Fundamentals of Database Systems with Oracle 10g Programming: A Primer (6th Edition) - ,1 "@user I just rewatched the whole first season, for the 2nd time! This is blasphemy! In the words of U2 """"I feel numb"""" #Hindsight"" ",1 so Shawn IS going to be on Kelly and Michael tomorrow ,1 """George Benson and Chaka Khan Perform Live at the L.A. County Fair, Pomona Fairplex, Thu, Sep 13 @ 7:30pm, 50% OFF, ",1 Come see us at the Scottsdale Home & Garden Show on Nov 3rd & 4th at Westworld of Scottsdale. Be the FIRST to see the new holiday items! ,1 @user I honestly find it difficult to imagine a reader not knowing that Watchman was a 1st attempt with serious issues. ,1 #News: Emmy winner and Golden Globe nominee Bradley Whitford will apper in the season 3 of #Shameless! Season 3 coming up in January 13! ,1 What up\u002c we bout to touch thuus Ainsworth on 26th between 6th & 7th for the Knicks/Heat game. Who comin thru?!?! ,1 @user idk who's in charge of the B/G float...but were floating this Friday. You ain't down... ,1 "@user *About an hour later, Thor emerged from his slumber fully energized. He did not wish to wake Jane so he quietly sat on the+"" ",1 Barca won the treble and had a transfer ban yet they signed two players. Arsenal came 3rd in the BPL and they didn't buy an outfield player ,1 """The Night Watchman's Journal.... Scholar Who Walks the Night... poor you sun, homin oppas do not like u.. they like night more"" ",1 Looks like BJ\u2019s Skate Center is the place to be in St Joe on a friday night! ,1 One spare Runrig ticket for next Friday night at the barrowlands! Pm me for details @user ,1 """In the pines,in the pines,where the sun don't ever shine,I would shiver the whole night through.-where did you sleep last night - Nirvana"" ",1 What would happen if you lost access to your Google Account tomorrow? - I actually don't know. hahahaha! ,1 OMG. Who wants to go see Duelo with me this Friday!? ,1 "@user #MBA #casestudy Namaste 2 #google and @user CEOs, but #Multiculturals mttr!May B the era of Bad Translations wd B Over? ",1 Marriner's reffing the Chelsea game then? Be more cards than Clintons dished out Saturday! ,1 Islam is on the march to convert all to their ideology! Wake up America! #RT #STOPIslam #TCOT #MakeDCListen #TeaParty ,1 @user i thought Meteor Goliath was supposed to be available to everyone today (3rd of September 2015) i cant find it im on PS4 ,1 @user Na was 4-4 against sheff wed came from behind with only minutes to play\u002c Jordan Rhodes scored a hat trick ,1 Milan's overthetop lipsynch was funny the 1st time but 2nd just seems like she's trying too hard #RuVealed #RuPaulsDragRace @user ,1 "Why in the world is Jeb Bush embracing Eric Cantor?: The answer may be simple: ""Why not?"" ",1 @user in europe we celebrate mothers day on Mothering Sunday which is in Lent but the Americans wanted to be different...I think ,1 Check out the Christmas trading times for the Eagle Farm Markets! Don't miss the Twilight Fresh Market on Wednesday! ,1 My background on my phone is this totally hot pic of Jennifer Aniston when she was like in the 3rd or 4th season of friends. ,1 @user HAHAHA YES Donald I'm visiting trump tower this Sunday. I hope to see you! Jeb Bush is a total joke as a candidate. ,1 Nintendo may consider removing region locking with next console - Game Politics #io9.com ,1 NIKE EMPLOYEE'S: If anyone want to work tomorrow at 5am call!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,1 "@user @user Are the big HST sets innocent, going to be on an XC one saturday"" ",1 @user hey I bought David price for the update tomorrow. do you think he will go to diamond? ,1 I took this on Saturday night at the Nekromantix gig in Sydney #nekroman #lux #Nekromantix #psychobilly ,1 """On Thursday, concealed-carry gun license holders will be given a new right in the state of Oklahoma: the ability... ",1 @user may even join you at Joseph wright ,1 "@user C'mon Huck! Gay marriage is legal nationwide, if she doesn't want to give them certificates she needs a new job."" ",1 """Daily Mobile News: LG may update the Optimus 2X to ICS after all, releases source code #smartphone"" ",1 tom brady supports Donald trump. Therefore he's gonna throw 4 pics and pull his hamstring on Thursday night. ,1 """Game stretched over 2hrs,Murray breaks for the 1st time in the 3rd set,6-5,to serve for match point.....#USOpenWorld"" ",1 "Jay-Z may bail out of Tidal investment: Jay-Z has significantly funded the ambitious streaming platform, howev... ",1 @user There was never any doubt about Yakub's involvement. What is moot is whether he had a deal. 'Black Friday' says he didn't. ,1 May be the only person around here who really doesn't like bdubs or Eric church. ,1 Scrubbin to the max tomorrow cause I gotta work out and leave for a game. ,1 David Price should not have been pitching in the 8th. They can't get a 6-outs from the bullpen? Yankees - Jays ,1 Please. Rousey will make Cyborg her bitch. Too bad Cyborg loves the juice. ,1 WWE are distancing themselves from Hulk Hogan like a guy who's Instagram crush just posted a picture of her boyfriend on a Monday. ,1 Can you all send Get well soon messages to Tressa she is the co-owner and she broke her leg and tomorrow is her Birthday ,1 They just called me gotta go pick them Gucci foams up tomorrow ,1 Boutta wear all @user gear to the Redskins game this Sunday ,1 Anyone know where I can watch the Floyd Mayweather vs Andre Berto fight Saturday in San Marcos? #TXST ,1 @user 1 & half eps. 1st was proper debate. Next ep did my best Keith Richards impression with the TV. Neighbours gave 10\u2019s for distance ,1 #DailyDouble reminder! Liam's on a Friday night double @ 11/4. Get it here >>>http://t.co/puba8PjJbn ,1 Be on the lookout for LMD's table and banner at the Comcast Center this Friday for the Terps exhibition game! #LMD ,1 Foxtel is arguing for media reform because Netflix could buy the rights to the Melbourne Cup...seriously ,1 """SBS K-Pop Super Concert on Nov 10th in the United States, with SNSD, 2NE1, T-ara, BEAST, CNBLUE, KARA, SISTAR cr tiarafact"" ",1 I'M SO SERIOUS. January is 5 months away so I thought everyone was talking about Zayn's birthday. ,1 Did you know that 'David Cameron' was Trending Topic on Thursday 3 for 7 hours in Sheffield? #trndnl ,1 Grand opening tomorrow. Come out to Vans at Town Center and visit me and check it out! ,1 """#Broncos CB Champ Bailey didn't practice Wednesday. Not injured, was given a """"""""veteran day'' by the team."" ",1 @user Carly Fiorina slams Trump for going into GOP field at request of Bill Clinton as GOP candidates debate. ,1 Simmons ranking the Celtics 27th makes sense if you assume they'll trade Rondo (which he does). ,1 @user What time are you going to be back in the \u2019hood\u2019 on Thurs? And also did you purchase Justified? ,1 @user Brand? I\u2019m waiting for a Ticketek voucher to come through. If it\u2019s not here by Tuesday though I\u2019ll just pay full price. ,1 Wth am i supposed to do with my Thursday night with no Grey\u2019s nor Scandal?! ,1 @user and if you feel Lawful and that you are full enough. May Allah guide you aright and so He knows Islam has no beginning and no End. ,1 @user can you please make Big Brother available at its normal time next Thursday (online or on another channel)? Thank you. ,1 I have the next three Wednesday's off and don't have anyone to spend them with now I'm in Donny! Move up here @user ,1 Super Eagles coach Sunday Oliseh meets with Chelsea's Victor Moses in London ,1 @user It may not b a matter of courage but the comparison does not apply the US is MUCH more diverse in all manners compared 2 Iran ,1 I\u2019m going to Keller Williams at Neighborhood Theatre in Charlotte\u002c NC - Dec 28 ,1 and they don't care about the finer points that may get in way of their tirades. Reactions to that Charlie Hebdo thing were esp instructive ,1 Sat next to a black guy on a train\u002c when Niggas In Paris came on... Had to turn it up ! ,1 CONFERENCE: last day for early bird regs for ARPS 2012 Radiation Safety: Bridging the Gap Sydney 14-17 Oct ,1 Kpop idols: work hard. Stay in school Kpop idols: oh hi we're having a concert btw it's on Tuesday at like 2pm during school. ,1 """With that being said, the White Sox are only 6.5 games back of the 2nd WC spot. #AnythingIsPossibleIGuess"" ",1 """#DigitalNirvana is having a robot to complete all pending household work, so that I may tweet longer @user Digital Nirvana with Croma"" ",1 Is anyone else reading that Zayn may be performing at the VMAs with The Weeknd? I'm not emotionally ready for that. ,1 So if the Premiership is called off on Saturday who is for Inbetweeners? ,1 Im in the mood to watch Next Friday but Netflix don't have it. Let me check on Amazon Prime ,1 I hate to do this but the next 3 games us Yankee fans have to root for the Red Sox to help the Yankees get back in 1st place. ,1 Blackpool Illuminations run now up till 4th November. But who remembers the illuminations closer to home ? We... ,1 #Iran US delisting MKO from global terrorists list in line with Iran campaign: Tehran\u002c Oct 30\u002c IRNA -- Secretary... ,1 Shouts out to the atheists who - every Sunday - rant about Christians suddenly loving God on Sundays. ,1 Anyone interested in seeing Kenny Chester and Jason Aldean August 29th hmu my cousin has tickets she can't use ,1 Do I go to the Colombia game on Wednesday to see James Rodriguez.... #nah #fuckzuniga ,1 Just ordered your Amanda Knox book RT @user Looks like judgment day is Oct 3 or 4. #amandaknox ,1 LG Spectrum Ice Cream Sandwich will start rolling out tomorrow: Starting tomorrow owners of the LG Spectr... #apps ,1 Kristin Chenoweth arrives at the 2nd annual Hero Dog Awards ,1 Performing with black artist doesn't take away the fact that Nicki gave you a 3rd degree burn with her tea hunty. ,1 Tony Blair is right: Without the Iraq war there would be no Islamic State! #UniteBlue ,1 NEWS: Kerry says US may set up refugee camp structures to help with Syria crisis ,1 @user Guti's catch at the wall in May against the Yankees at Safeco and Trayvon's catch are the leaders in the clubhouse. ,1 lol James Franklin is going to fly in a helicopter to my high school tomorrow ,1 @user son...I left them so open. I got em hot and said \u2019u can hear the rest of that poem on Nov 11th at Santos Party house\u2019 lmao ,1 "@user Rousey may not be afraid of her now, but she was DEFINITELY afraid of her in Strikeforce,"" ",1 """In case you're having a bad day, Eid break starts from next Thursday!"" ",1 My Pain may be the reason for somebody\u2019s laugh. But my laugh must never be the reason for somebody\u2019s pain - Charlie Ch ,1 """I want to get my stack copy of rolling stone signed on Sunday, will I be allowed?"" ",1 @user how many do you need? I have to get them from mrs murray and we can meet sometime friday ,1 """Kim Kardashian's Butt Gets Its Own Emoji: When Kim Kardashian launched her new emoji app Monday, the reality s... ",1 Throwback Thursday to when I did a powerpoint in journalism on Zayn and presented it to the class ,1 U2. Dublin. November. Who's going ? #me ,1 Please remember that the deadline for the 1st Quarter Box Tops for Education and our Trash for Cash fundraiser is... ,1 If I celebrate it wrong will Thor beat me with his hammer? ,1 @user ktorg 3rd year da start clinical years. Half a year kt India lagi 2 tahun stgh kt Melaka. What about u? ,1 can you please follow me???? Are You gonna be at Justin Biebers concert on November 28th at Madison Square Garden??? #Paradise ,1 @user hi! Idk if I tweeted you before but It may have deleted. I was just wondering if you could please help me with Niall's follow? ,1 """Oil Price Not Done Crashing, Saudi Arabia May Be Broke In 5 Years: Reports Cc: @user What do you think of this?"" ",1 """We are going to take 1st place, keep voting!! #MTVStars Lady Gaga ",1 #hamont Council of Can chair Maude Barlow hits road to speak on protecting the Great Lakes; 8-city tour will see her in Ham May 16 ,1 looks like I'm done with Kpop guys ,1 It would be religiously inaccurate he may have acted according to ideals in Islam but he was most definitely Jewish ,1 """I don't get too riled up, because Nicki may be dancing with Miley onstage at the next awards show. #VMAs"" ",1 Wait it\u2019s Friday on the east coast why isn\u2019t little things on iTunes ,1 @user You think he gets sent down when David Wright comes back tomorrow? ,1 The 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution orignally included the right of Chuck Norris to Roundhouse Kick. ,1 @user I heard 2chajnz and Wayne is making one and if Kendrick and Cole's drops in Feb. it'll be game over ,1 Kanye West is insane. He also may be a complete genius. But I still don't want him to be president. #VMAs #fb ,1 Born in July with the same life path as Mick Jagger. ,1 @user you were asking about PS4 deals. Here's some! ,1 Kids Yoga 4-9 starts Sunday sept 13th at 10am. Breath work will be part of the curriculum discover how Yoga can... ,1 @user I learned on Friday that my Bacon number is 4! So I have to work in the Erdos and Sabbath numbers next. Or Iron Maiden # instead? ,1 Briana going to Memphis tomorrow w/ bro ham which means I'm leaving too brooklyn Lml I refuse to stay in boring as jersey by myself ,1 Imma need Brook Lopez to get more aggressive on the boards. 7 feet tall\u002c c\u2019mon son ,1 """1st pic of Ed Sheeran 4 the new tv show The Bastard Executioner"""" kicks off Sept 15th on FX ",1 Nothin like a sunday morning sesh with ben e. king\u002c aretha franklin\u002c and etta james #trynnaturnthisdayaround @user @user ,1 """Believe me, benefit culture is the least of my valid issues with Muslims in Britain. ",1 Dustin Johnson hasn't recovered since Saturday at the Open Championship. Absolute head case right now ,1 American Dustin Johnson leads the PGA Championship after the 1st round at Whistling Straits on 6 under par. ,1 """I'm going to Threshold at Celebr8.2 Festival in Kingston Upon Thames, United Kingdom - May 11 ",1 yo don't ever say that! god forbid! may it not happen! Zayn is cool...don't even try to compare them...i love zaynnn ,1 Pretty Little Liars isn\u2019t back on till January. What am I supposed to do with my Tuesday nights until then? ,1 it's now September 6th and I'm still waiting on frank ocean. where u at tho ,1 """Me after listening to """"Black Friday"""" by Kendrick for the first time ",1 """So the 18th will the best weekend, Jason Aldean and @user @user @user @user #BGBOUND"" ",1 @user what you mean? You mean Jonghyun and Lee Joon are sharing 1st place?!? ,1 Watch out Chris Brown! Karrueche Tran may have a new love interest. Find out who we hear she's been getting close... ,1 David Bowie - Blackstar ... Get your Saturday morning freak on with this new 10 minute video from Mr Bowie ,1 envy everyone going to the Big Bang shows tomorrow and Saturday. ;_; ,1 @user if your answer to the first question is Prince George then I do believe it is today his birthday not tomorrow ,1 "@user and don't get me going on Scott Walker, he raided 250 million to give The Miwaukee Bucks ",1 Who going with me to Knott's Saturday? ,1 Justin Bieber in Anguilla. (December 28) (JUSTIN and Hailey just friends. our Justin alone) ,1 ICYMI: Last Monday in the city with Paul Heyman. This Monday he returns to WWE Raw with Brock Lesnar! ,1 "@user Quran says when flag of islam flies over every country, the 12th IMAM SHALL RISE UP OUT OF FIRE & SMOKE & rule his domain."" ",1 @user I'm right in thinking you're at Whooverville in Derby on September 3rd aren't I? If so I'll see you there :) x ,1 "@user I'm sure you've heard that Jay Lethal wants to cross brands and wrestle Seth Rollins. That belongs on Monday's RAW and would be huge."" ",1 "@user If I'm honest disappointed to hear BBC are covering it, 1st I'd heard, prefer license fee money to be spent on domestic sport. ",1 Divine frame & @user presents the official south Alabama football season kick off @ club insanity September 1st ,1 Christians should be the most happy and cheerful people... so others may say 'what makes him so happy? #Saved #Happy #StraightOuttaOfSin ,1 @user it seems so. It would have been close had I gone to Iran. Back Thursday. I'll go in the new year. Would be brill ,1 """Paul McCartney, that guy from the Rihanna video, plays Toronto for the first time in five years. ",1 @user don't you guys know android has the same thing on some of theirs and the Apple Watch is the 2nd most sold watch so... ,1 """RT @user Went looting in Spurs last night, broke into the White Hart Lane cabinet, so left with a pile of dust and a Gareth B ..."" ",1 What will happen to the clemency plea before the President? SC says Yakub can be executed on Thursday. ,1 """IRON MAIDEN: 'Speed Of Light' Single To Debut Tomorrow: """"Speed Of Light"""", the new single from Briti... #metalnews"" ",1 "@user Depends what she said though, Nicki may have had a reason to start! Have you seen the video?"" ",1 HEY!!! I'm selling two Sam Smith tickets for this Saturday. DM me if you're interested!!! ,1 My mate in Turin has spare ticket for U2 gig tomorrow. I was going but we had a baby this wk! Any #F1 fans in #Monza want it DM me. #genuine ,1 Do you guys remember that not too long ago Nicki was like one of the most hated artist.. During her Pink Friday album ,1 @user Just thinking of the mag on exorcisms u mentioned Fri. u need 2 c the documentary The Devil Inside which is based on true events ,1 Prince George is having a helicopter themed 2nd birthday party. I wonder if Bronny will try to crash it. #royalparty #bronnygate #crash ,1 heisesec The H Roundup - Google Drive backdoor\u002c Wayland 1.0 and Raspberry Pi: In the week ending 27 October - Go... ,1 Read my opinion ab Tony Blair's apology published in the friday ,1 "@user tell him that you'll meet at Ryan Braun's loft next Saturday, since you know where that is already."" ",1 @user @user ok... First thing first.. U gotta know the statement wasn't made by Zayn but management and the sun ,1 @user If you have gotten all the Skulltullas in HW do you know the location of the 2nd one in Ruto's 3rd lv weapon? Where it spawns? ,1 """If Viz Media had licensed One Piece, Luffy may have been voiced by Maile Flanagan, who does Naruto. That's just me."" ",1 """Paul Dunne shares 3rd-round lead at the Open. ... Wait, who?!?! ",1 Mersey side derby tomorrow\u002c who do you think will come out on top? #behindthegoal ,1 """This Thursday we have tickets to the special pre-screening event of \""""""""The Donkey Show\"""""""" Adrienne Arsht Center for... ",1 """Everyone's out Black Friday shopping talking about what deals they got and I'm just over here like """"""""Hey I'm eating Thanksgiving leftovers!""""""""."" ",1 @user Hey Milan - A member of our team has sent you an email. Please reply there with any questions you may have. ,1 "@user It's gonna be hard enjoying Christmas knowing you're facing Rousey on 2nd January. Yeah, good luck with that one :D"" ",1 """RT @user RT @user After Hours tonight - Jammin, Dimples, Durrty Skanx, Harry Shotta, Byron & Romo audio download: ..."" ",1 @user calibraska is 7th in Italy but no one can hear it because of the 'explicit' #CalibraskaEP ,1 The sun had now completely risen\u002c and the whole facade of Granite House became illuminated by its rays; but in the interior as well as on t ,1 NORTH AMERICA: 'Ant-Man' Claims #1 on Tuesday with $4.27M; 'Minions' Remains a Close #2 with $4.01M; 'Pixels' ... ,1 Not being funny but is it true that Saudi conceded that they got it wrong by declaring Eid on the Friday ? ..... ,1 Finally watched PLL Halloween episode. Will now watch Gossip girl then 90210. Homework day tomorrow!! ,1 @user what do you think\u002c dynasty league\u002c Trent Richardson and my 2nd and 3rd round picks\u002c for Ridley and two 1st rounders? ,1 nirvana bros be like AH YES KURT RLY RESPECTED TEH WOMEN tonight then go back 2 their courtney murder conspiracy tackboard tomorrow lmao ,1 Purples and Football at Baby A's with my Aunt and Cousin. ready to see my JETS play on monday ;) ,1 """False. David Wright was #1, Granderson is still #2 sorry he's not a 15M pp, #3 Cuddyer 22M & 1st rnd pk,#4 CY,#5 FF ",1 """Rory will miss the WGC event in Shanghai. Flies to Sofia after exhibitn match with Tiger tomorrow, to watch Caroline Wozniacki in tournament"" ",1 A primer on Madonna's Rebel Heart Tour: The tour kicks off at the Bell Centre on Wednesday and Thursday. ,1 Game and Knott's on the 18th. ,1 Whew\u002c long day unpacking the Turner house. Now a movie and knitting with my honey. How\u2019s your Saturday going? ,1 "@user of it's an argument that ends that conversation, as Christians we can't let the sun go down on our anger so we have to try"" ",1 date: august 11th still no sign of frank ocean's new album. the world is turning on itself. buildings are burning. god refuses to comment. ,1 "@user : See the condition of congress, 4th pass Sonia Gandhi bar maid & Rahul Gandhi are at top post of oldest party of country"" ",1 @user Might see you on Saturday as Sunday will be hectic. I've got a flight today then from London to Milan tomorrow! ,1 RT @user RT @user Monday Night FOotball vs the JETS 1st game of the year lets see what we are made of. Road to Indy f ... ,1 To be continued in: Rise of the John Cena stans coming to theatres near you October 3rd 2015 ,1 """Now that Droid Bionic is finally \""""official\"""" for 9/8, I'll just wait til Oct so I have something to compare it to. Vigor or Prime maybe?"" ",1 @user in your bio you mention July 25th 2013 does that mean that you are going to the 1D concert at the Maverik Center like me? ,1 "@user He's just one. He's spent the summer being looked after grandparents which may have been an error, now thinks he's Prince George!"" ",1 @user you going to Zachary\u2019s tomorrow man ,1 Calling all voters\u002c I\u2019m calling on Nevada\u002cFlorida\u002cOhio\u002cTuesday night is the night u guys will i repeat will shine for the president lets go! ,1 Lets go saints Saints: Saints 7th round pick OT Marcel Jones from Nebraska at the NFL Combine Saints: Saints 7t... ,1 """Make sure you buy tickets for Mobtown Moon Preview at Creative Alliance on Sat, Sep 8 ! ",1 Panasonic Eluga getting Ice Cream Sandwich update: Panasonic may have all but pulled out of the European smartp... ,1 @user Not really though. Diet\u2019s harder to find. Last year\u002c it was out til mid-Nov. then gone when Xmas got here. Gotta be ready. ,1 Sept 17 video chat: running DevOps in hybrid cloud with @user and IBM experts. ,1 Get ready for our Wednesday Drink Specials Wednesday - 3-8pm Have it your Way Margarita Day ( Bar Brand Only)... ,1 Making plans with my friends is like Ice Cube trying to get another Friday done. ,1 @user @user My PS4 is gonna be a busy little console tonight... and tomorrow... and tomorrow night. ,1 """Andre Berto gets the call for Floyd Mayweather's """"final"""" fight. Sept 12. Start booking hotel rooms now!"" ",1 the games i ordered that came out Tuesday were going to shipped from NJ so safe to say i\u2019ll be waiting a bit more till they get shipped. ,1 Jerry Vance may no longer be a Conservative candidate but maybe Harper can name him to the Senate. #elxn42 ,1 I still have to memorize the 5th paragraph of Obama's speech tho ,1 I drew a fairy King on - with David Bowie pants and all. hope to see everyone on Saturday :D ,1 Man I hope she doesn't Frank Ocean us ,1 Peter did you miss this? #TREND Runako Morton ,1 Big Brother starting next Friday? At the end of this morning @user slipped up & said 'don't cause you'll get me sacked before Friday night ,1 """'Wanna go to the first freshers party?' 'Na I've just started watching Naruto for the 7th time, email me pics'"" ",1 """Sunday, during the Q&A segment of the Miss USA pageant Miss Texas (Ylianna Guerra) made such an unapologetically... ",1 okay i\u2019m sorry but TAYLOR SWIFT LOOKS NOTHING LIKE JACKIE O SO STOP COMPARING THE TWO. c\u2019mon America aren\u2019t you sick of her yet? (sorry) ,0 The tragedy of only thinking up hilarious tweets for the Summer Olympics now is that in four years there may be no place for them. ,0 it looks like a beautiful night to throw myself off the Brooklyn Bridge ---@Tim_Hecht ,0 I wanna go to the studio with Ulysses n them tomorrow\u002cbut i cant. #BARS ,0 @user a bit frustrating. I don\u2019t think I\u2019ve added you on my new PSN account. I\u2019ll do it tomorrow. ,0 """I just sat through Kanye West's MTV speech, what the fuck was that..."" ",0 Hillary's campaign now reset for the 4th time. Adding humor and heart to a person that has #neither #sadtrombone ,0 Blow to the Lions...Joel Patfull's out for the season after breaking his hand in Sunday's loss to Adelaide. Surgery Wed morn. #afl ,0 """#BritishBuddhu if Rahul Gandhi is really a British Citizen, I'm very concerned about the comedians out there. They may be without jobs"" ",0 Hulk Hogan picked the wrong time to be an ass the 1st class of WWE wrestlers are dying off like flies around a zapper #RIPRoddyPiper ,0 """This weekend on the Fair & Balanced network, Fox News Sunday's guests are crazy conservative Rick Perry and nutty conservative John Kasich."" ",0 @user I installed Madden 16 Deluxe last Monday night for PS4 and still haven't received my packs today nor the reward for opening 50 ,0 """\""""""""men tomorrow you will have one of your hardest patrols...CIF turn in\"""""""" lets hope i have everything"" ",0 """investigative video reveals Planned Parenthood may be committing infanticide, babies born alive, murdered, and sold."" ACLJ ""with child"" KJV ",0 """Yup, guess what? Citizen weren't the happiest supporter last night, Liverpudlian were. The Fact is: finis in 8th, below Everton Asses #LOL"" ",0 @user you might not wanna come to anatomy tomorrow\u002c we have a test lol ,0 "Donald Trump: I will be in D.C. on Wednesday,1 PM, in front of the Capitol, to protest the horrible & incompetent deal being made with Iran. ",0 "@user all I can say is that it was very unrealistic. The 1st movie was better-storyline\u002c dialogue! And of course \""""""""The Grey\"""""""" thumbs up!"" ",0 @user BY HAVING Seth Rollins as number 1? All credibility is lost. May be the worst WWE champion in history! WWE owns yall? ,0 Satan worshipers align with Planned Parenthood to defend the practice of chopping up babies for profit ,0 @user may i also remind you Milan was one the original clubs punished in the scandle ,0 @user not one word deploring attacks on Charlie Hebdo nor barbaric nature of islam in the 21st C as long as it's sharia compliant ,0 Saw it late but Carlos Gomez may have passed Ryan Braun in most hated baseball players ,0 Christians snapchat story makes me want to kill myself..like I feel like a depressed 8th grader going through that emo phase ,0 Was just talking about Frank Gifford Sat & sadly he dies on Sun. Maybe I'll be talking about @user today. #gopclowncar ,0 "If Bernie Sanders gets elected he'll create 2nd depression by high taxes, outsource jobs,small businesses collapsing ",0 Curtis painter did the curtis Painter last night... a fumble and one walk-in td overthrown by 8 yards. ,0 Still not clear whether Yakub will be hanged Thursday! One more challenge to his death sentence in the SC ,0 """I'm about to start barging The Pier every monday, imma just need to stock up on Moebius stickers"" ",0 @user I feel it is 2nd rate. Mansbridge doesn't point out when Harper's not answering the question. Debaters would do that. ,0 I rate Lee Dickson but Danny Care has to be on the bench sat for the 2nd test 60 mins with tired legs he will be dangerous #rugby #saeng ,0 Obama is putting US on par with every other 3rd world country ,0 @user He may not be preaching it but it is the result of him appearing on shows like Bill Maher. This itself is dangerous. ,0 @user TMILLS is going to Tucson! But the 29th and it\u2019s on a Thursday :( ,0 @user i would just like to say i will not be singing tomorrow\u002c i barely have a voice.. you and trina are on your own :p ,0 "@user @user She has 1st amendment rights of rel,, they could have just taken her name off it. You just hate Christians."" ",0 """If Yakub hangs, it would prove Tiger Memon right. Pakistan's ISI will have the last laugh. ",0 "@user the last time they hit Niall's injured knee, this time Harry's head! They may really hurt them! This NEEDS to stop!"" ",0 """Muslims claiming they are victims of oppression, when the Quran keeps them in perpetual isolation ",0 I still didn\u2019t watch Degrassi from Friday? What am I doing with my life? Apparently not much. ,0 I'm so frustrated with Game of Thrones and I'm only on the 10th episode ,0 """In retrospect, the prefunk nap and midnight Red Bull may have been a poor decision. #wired #preparefshiporludicrousspeed"" ",0 "When Sarah Palin met Donald Trump via @user 'If this was journalism, it was not as we know it.' #WhiteHouse2016 ",0 "@user @user As generally invoked, Islamophobia describes the fear by MSM that after a Terrorist attack, we may hate Muslims."" ",0 I hate that this will be the 3rd year FIFA has legends and PS4 users STILL can't play with them. When is this changing @user ,0 """In case you were wondering, Caitlyn Jenner is responsible for the death of a woman in a car crash in February. How courageous is she now?"" ",0 "Angela Merkel told UK to take more of her 800,000 immigrants.That was April.Now she's putting in border controls ",0 @user may he forgot Israel isn't Syria or Afganistan. ..we will see if he beat or he will be beaten hard ,0 It sucks we live in a world where Sharknado is about to start a 4th sequel but we can't get a Tron 3 or Dredd 2. ,0 Fail: Philly Daily News with the 2nd worse possible Frank Gifford death photo v ,0 If you go down to history books of islam you will see that nothing like Boko Haram fake jihad ever take place ,0 Falcao makes it 2-1 in the 26th minute. He is on the Red Team. I refuse to call them the Red Stars and Black Masters. ,0 if Selena will release the single next Monday with Taylor's new song she can kiss #1 on iTunes goodbye ,0 The Sun is bullshit 99% of the time but they're the ones who said Louis is gonna be a dad and Zayn left and look what happened ,0 @user may you PLEASE release versions of Windows when its stable Windows 10 is no where near stable! ,0 Niggas was really fighting at the gas station Sat night tho ,0 I just offered to bring someone Taco Bell for lunch tomorrow & they denied me #WhoDoesThat!? You should always accept Taco Bell! #Always ,0 """UK Home Sec Theresa May, a MoU with Saudi Arabia and why global condemnation of human rights record won't happen ",0 the fact that so many will vote for a socialist fake liar for President is very very frightening and may bring America to ruin! ,0 Dream High 2 sucks compared to the 1st one. ,0 Why in God's name would CNN have Sarah Palin on tomorrow? There's no one else from Alaska who can talk about Obama's visit? ,0 @user Green Bay drafted Rogers at about the same spot and he sat for years. Obviously a wasted pick. SMH #findarealsportsstory ,0 @user Not if they fight against Muslims for the USA as the FSA does now. They may as well smoke because they'll burn in Hell anyway ,0 """James: Big Brother, if she (Meg) leaves tomorrow, I'm not going to have anyone to aggravate. #BB17 ",0 """Sucks i cant go to the Nekromantix show OR the Brian Setzer Orchestra show tomorrow and saturday:( i really want to go:,("" ",0 I've said all along and still staunchly maintain that the Paris attacks: Charlie Hebdo and the 13 November 2015 one were both Gladio style ,0 """So unfortunately, it's all really bad timing rn, so I can't go to the Ed Sheeran concert tomorrow, but if anybody wants floor seats...."" ",0 """#AFailedTextFromToday """"""""You going to Soundset?""""""""-Name Withheld. """"""""Uh, Soundset was last Sunday...."""""""" Ahahahaha"" ",0 Karthikeyan in 22nd is already being warned by his HRT engineer that he needs to cool the brakes\u002c with 53 laps still to go. #F1 ,0 "@user my PS4 died last night. I press the power button once it beeps, nothing happens. 2nd time beeps blue light comes on but nothing"" ",0 How did people come up with that Briana has been pregnant for 12 months..? Didn't she get preggies like in May or something? Learn to count. ,0 With all Benson\u2019s attention\u002c Frankie feels like a forgotten stepchild. Lets \u2019founding father\u2019 him so he know we will never forget 2nd place. ,0 @user Hell it may be their idea to flood Europe with Muslims and then the take over begins world wide towel head dominance ,0 The Nigerian government hasn't been transparent enough in the fight against Boko Haram #Truth ,0 Sandy\u002c if you have ruined my chances to see Bruno mars on Monday I will go buck wild. ,0 Heres everybody\u2019s warning nobody better piss me off tomorrow\u002c Idc who you are I\u2019m gonna snap #done #imatmybreakingpoint #canttakethisanymore ,0 This is the usual liberal reflex of blame Republicans for everything. Like Muslims many liberals parrot what told. ,0 @user @user -How could anyone (Other than Megyn Kelly) compare Rick Perry with Trump? C'mon. Perry is a joke. ,0 LOL Too clever by half! Your daddy was disappointed over Yakub's hanging & he was a dreaded terrorist! Get it? ,0 Scott Walker pretends that building a wall on the Canadian border to keep out terrorists is a serious idea. ,0 "@user may you be blessed by guns, god and hungry wet holes before Scott Walker builds his border wall and Donald Trump sends you home!"" ",0 """RT @user I can't wait to read all the tweets from all of the girls bitching about being single tomorrow! #myfavorite ",0 "@user Yup, saw it on Bill Maher documentary on crazy folk lol Apparently their mock Palm Sunday festival is a big hit. #sarcasm"" ",0 @user @user I rather watch paint dry or stare at the sun. your show is 100% fake like you Caitlyn Jenner. tsktskshameshame! ,0 Why oh why did I drink three cups of coffee to stay up binge watching Gilmore Girls when I have to be at the gym tomorrow at 10:30 ,0 Mark Levin Market Crash: It's Not China-It's Barak Obama My belief Obama is working with China to destroy USA ,0 @user It was a Article saying that Zayn is regretting leaving 1 direction pretty much bashing Zayn like the SUN Always does ,0 @user I hope someone asks Harper why the team bailed in the 7th inning ,0 Yakub has gone. whatever happened may be right. I want asked Kiran bedi .that whatever Yakub done.it was wrong but after Babri masjid -- ,0 I've a bad feeling Simpson's plot in the 2nd half of the season is #JessicaJones equivalent of 'Thor's vision quest' in Age of Ultron ,0 """The Borno state police commissioner, Aderemi Opadokun, on Monday confirmed fresh attacks by the Boko Haram sect... ",0 @user like how are ppl supposed to pay rent? Should i ask the pope on the 26th when he comes? ,0 @user Are you off somewhere nice? I'm bored today. Got a list of 395 applications I need to get ready for Windows 7. Tedious ,0 "1,500 people go to Pride Parade on Sat. and it's on the cover of the PD. 35k folks go to @user and PD fails to mention it. #JustSaying ",0 """#YakubVerdict: my 11yr old exclaimed, tomorrow will be the worst birthday for Yakub but his 1st bday was worst for the country! Makes sense"" ",0 I think my yoga teacher hates me cuz on the 1st day I refused to take off my socks and then today he made me do this: ,0 "@user Look at SPX daily in early June 2012. It bottomed the day after SPX 200d SMA was sliced. This time, 200d was sliced yesterday."" ",0 @user Was having trouble yesterday downloading Septembers edition using Google? Loads the 1st page then crashes? ,0 A Thursday night with no Waterloo road on! #boring ,0 @user Hope you are wrong Sir. And welcome back to Jacksonville tomorrow for your last show here. Sorry I can\u2019t make it. ,0 """There's a lot of stupid $h!t out there, but polling Trump v Kanye West may take the cake. All I can think to say is: #$%#$%$#%#$%#$%#$#$#$%"" ",0 "Amazon Prime fucks me off so much, like you get really into something and then after like the 3rd season you have to pay. FUCK OFF. ",0 West Indies to pull off from the India tour after the 4th ODI in Dharamsala owing to pay dispute with their Board. ,0 """I saw Paper Towns on Friday, it was good I guess but there was so much changes compares to the book, it bothered me"" ",0 @user @user I have no one to drive me :( I am going to Amy\u2019s tomorrow to do Maths. ,0 I got to piss like a Russian race horse in the Kentucky Derby with a glue trust stuck ahead of him and he in 4th place ,0 Who cares what an asshole like snoop dog who barely speaking englisg said about Tom Brady #bradywins will take care business thursday ,0 Justin on the 17th place? Where are the believers at? #MTVSTARS Lady Gaga ,0 WTF! Liu Bei's 2nd wife died! Why the hell Cao Cao so brutal ! ,0 "@user Suge is right, that movie is exaggerated. It's almost like Ice Cube wrote the screenplay, just like he wrote Friday by himself."" ",0 """Only saviour is it was """"against all odds"""" Now it's Katy Perry ... Monday morning getting worse"" ",0 Dean Ambrose Want the UGLY (#WyattFamily)one on Friday Night #SmackDown.BUT I confused which one the UGLY ONE..I mean the all are UGLY ! ,0 "De Rossi believes Juventus may struggle to cope this season as he does not think they have adequately replaced Tevez, Pirlo or Vidal ",0 PSA: These photos from the Charlie Hebdo attacks back in January. This is NOT what Paris looks like right now. ,0 """My great grandpa was gonna march with Dr. King but he said \""""nah man\u002c why march when I can finger these white bitches instead?\"""""" ",0 The only bad thing about Barack Obama having a 2nd term as President is that its always a flop 2nd time round historically ,0 """Kendrick's """"u"""" and The Social Experiment's """"Sunday Candy"""" are two songs that make my allergies act up when I hear them."" ",0 @user Photo was from Jan-15 after Charlie Hebdo attack. You may want to delete that tweet.... ,0 swear twilight was badass vampire/werewolf shit but this 4th one is just bella & edward shaggin wtf happened did the budget run out or what ,0 Frank ocean must be going through some shit ,0