text,label "Game felt too restrictive for my taste, also controls like fov is surprisingly restrictive and you can't seem to change first person fov, kinda disappointed I can't crash my ship into a planet.",0 This is hands down the worst tutorial I have ever played in my entire life (I still can't believe I actually powered through those 3 hours) and ,0 "I know this might sound dumb to 99% of the player base here, but I am mute and playing with anyone in coop is a nightmare for me for the most part, having to make my own Auto Hotkey script for commands and simple replies just to not stop and type for a second as I need that time. SWAT 4 had a system where you could easily talk to your team as lead and as a team member with the command menu, I really hope they add that into Ready Or Not or else this review will change to a No.",0 "I turned off the online function and STILL, OTHER RANDOM PLAYERS I DON'T KNOW KEEPS ENTERING MY GAME, AND CLAIM MY DISCOVERIES.",0 " as does the Quest 2 headset itself, as well as the Quest Link -> PC. Not seeing any performance drops to this degree when playing around with SteamVR by itself, therefore indicating the source of the issue with No Man's Sky itself.",0 "And when something is being built in the settlement, I have to provide resources, so I have to go here and there and collect the resources, so that one hour later I can do the same thing and one hour later I can do the same thing, and so on. ",0 "Game worked fine for a while, absolutely loved it. One day it kept crashing and has not worked since then. Checked all files, deleted the entire game and folders and still no luck. Its a shame.",0 "The menus drift around, the galaxy map is just awful to interact with,, the in-game guide has key words highlighted in arbitrary colours that don't provide any additional information, the different economies are represented by names/symbols/colours that are not ever shown together, etc etc etc.",0 "Most games that use VOIP suffer similar issues so I tend to stick to discord or other VC platforms, but this game seems to vary from whispers to screams when it comes to other player's voice levels. this might just be more of My experience than anything, but If you are trying to toss a nade into a room you peeked open, Good luck.",0 its not working on mac,0 but the finer textures tend to pop or straight up use the lowest res version in some cases (usually npc faces),0 despite having four crackheads lighting him up with pistols less accurate than my Spanish learned solely from drunken Duolingo lessons.,0 and on top you are using gender language? you gotta be kidding! Won´t get a single cent from me!,0 "From desyncing issues, to loss of data",0 Managing your budget was much harder in th since like I said you often needed to take loans from day 1 and start the game in debt.,0 "A basic tutorial guide is really needed, when enter lobby section (also the training/briefing place) of the game, you will not know what to do & where to go, or, when you customise your guns, attachments are not there, you have run around to find the quartermaster to take attachments, really confused, because the game don't have basic guides.",0 "this is a good game with fun content. however, it is far too expensive. the regional pricing that exists on this game is utterly discriminatory. when the game can be had for a 1/6th of the price if you live somewhere else, it is patently unfair. ",0 "While I initially found the game near unplayable because of the UI, I saw enough promise to come back for another try, ",0 You can press 'T' to watch live your teammates suck at aiming and miss so many shots that,0 the terrain reclaims the base when edited before (don’t build in the ground),0 "with only vague references to actual diseases,",0 "Local chat is bad, and it should simply be removed altogether.",0 The tactical FPS genre seriously needed its standards raised.,0 single player mode needs something better than the old system form swat4 almost 20 ¥ years ago.,0 " The Single Player mode lacks, this is meant to be played with other players.",0 I got killed by a player during an expedition without knowing that pvp was on. I had significant items in my ship's inventory and on me. The enemy player was in a mech and he instant killed me once on foot and then another time when I entered my ship.,0 "You get an interceptor on you and there is no escape. You can run and go into hyperdrive, destroy all their ships, hide out. If there is no way to defeat the enemy, what’s the point?",0 "The optimisations taken to allow such a vast universe to be rendered are quite apparent though, with obvious texture pop-in, very inconsistent framerates, and limited render distances, which did put a bit of a damper on the experience.",0 "There are myriad ways the game could be improved like: - Make the procedural landscapes feel less procedural. Maybe there is a way to use actual aerial imagery from Earth, Mars, and the Moon in a machine learning environment to truly create a believable randomized natural landscape.",0 So I bought the supporter edition.,0 "Performance It should be stated that at the time of this review, however despite that fact, the only performance bugs , are either 1 minute long freezes on loading in or out of a level, or 3-4 stutters at the beginning of the first 2-3 rounds of a session.",0 " create settings to allow for those with low end system and for those with high end systems to play. ex: allow for us to set student max, course max, and change maps sizes.",0 Not for the fainthearted. how to manage the insane AI that you are put up against.,0 "It's frustrating not being able to hit anything because there's no rollback. I have to predict and lead every shot I take, and it's near impossible in maps full of cover. I'd essentially only be able to push in with the shield while he shoots for me.",0 Initially very frustrating until you learn how to work a space (and the commands),0 "also, when in build mode for a room, it would be nice if the fore-facing wall disappeared as it would make it easier for object placement.",0 "Enjoyed the gameplay, unfortunately the brightness settings and then flashlights conflicted too much. Would go from impossible to see anything because it's too dark to impossible to see anything because it's too bright. ",0 "planets are very static and similar, ",0 An excellent tactical shooter that ,0 "CONS: Not enough Trans, gay, disabled or body positive representation in this game ",0 Lots of crashes - ,0 On most maps I have to have my resolution and all graphics settings all the way down and the game still stutters and lags.,0 "Lack of realism is really noticeable, or ",0 the game is enjoyable. some issues are that once you get into higher levels it gets very difficult. sometimes the emergencies they give you is almost impossible to complete with the time given. ,0 "Most of all, the game turns into a grind toward the end of the level searching for remaining civilians usually well after all threats are neutralized.",0 "the hospitals kept me going for a long time, I haven not finished those yet but sadly, ",0 "Night vision is not correctly modelled (no peripheral vision) and is a tad too bright in some places, just perfect in others so it becomes impractical to bring on missions where there is a lot of darkness but a light in the house is on.",0 "a few wish list items include - multiple stories, greater than a few hundred students, more building facade elements and styles, instead of several map locations have several campus locations. cars, trucks, parking, loading dock ? there is potential to add so many things with comic story line.",0 do not make it competitive ,0 that is that it still feels a little bit lonely out in space despite there being a ton of fun NPC's.,0 "it is not perfect however, like when you are going for 3 stars and you are just waiting for time to pass so you can not doing anything off the wall to test for interesting results.",0 only dislike is I suck on keyboard. I play on xbox remote.,0 "I don't know what's changed in recent updates, ",0 Things I wish will come with updates: - manual scheduling of classes to specific rooms. - allow training and upgrading during summer break. or at least enable the player to schedule training for a staff member.,0 I found it better with friends through discord chat and in-game chat some do not talk or starting having communication issues only hearing one player. ,0 I tried hard and long to dig deeper and deeper to find fun in this game. Maybe it is just not for me.,0 "Personally, I have trouble playing games when there's no progression, unlocks, secrets or achievements.",0 "The random civilians have like 3 lines in total between male and female, ",0 "All of my friends and I also have issues with lag/graphics as we don't have very good computers to run the game very well, this game for me runs around 30/60 fps on most maps and sometimes even down to 20 on lowest graphics with AMD fidelity on.",0 "The ""story"" is an obvious and pointless series of ""go to here"" checkpoints that add nothing to the universe.",0 the reviews are far too kind as is.,0 The crafting system is very unclear and gives little enough guidance to only annoy you. There are just too many innovative solutions that are never explained to the player. Who came up with this save game system that you have to google to understand? ,0 "It was the greatest disappointment I ever faced in a game when it launched in 2016, but now I consider it to be the biggest redemption story in the history of gaming.",0 " done all the modes but it’s a weird feeling, you know this game can be, NO should be so much more and it isn’t, it’s a shallow, vain creature that demands your attention, but rewards you with promises and not the satisfaction achievements or advancement of a narrative.",0 "I do not like the new UI, and preferred the style of two point hospital and it had more text buttons which I find easier to recognize than all icons.",0 only complaint have is the randomness of the symbols and items once had run with tombs and urns but without anything that can destroy them or that synergies with spirits wish symbols and items would be either automatically rigged little towards your synergies could be rigged by the player with luck statistic that other None can increase synergy capsule or different type of rare currency with which you could even possibly choose the symbol you want the next symbols to synergize with,0 I dislike how when I click find session to play with strangers it kicks me back to main menu and tells me I lost connection to the server host.,0 The introduction is painfully terrible and dumps so much info on me that I absorb none of it and I only progress because the game tells me exactly what to do.,0 there was very little challenge.,0 "A great game to play when bored, but in reality, if you lose with a lot of progress in a mission you are more than likely just going to quit because",0 you'll often have to switch to single player to be able to do missions.,0 you'll be lead into the game will be shocked at how STEEP the learning curve is.,0 ". I often had to sit and pause the game while I sorted through patients, set up new rooms, etc. it is hard to do it while the game is playing because you will get inundated with choices and not really have a way out. I restarted several hospitals, trying to take into account what I learned in the previous round, but it really does not make a difference.",0 I wasn't able to get far enough to judge this game since I couldn't figure how to make it controller compatible and even though I see it's possible I don't think the game is controller ready yet.,0 "Exceeded my expectations for a new game, and not a lot of maps",0 ", but you always die and lose everything you have. ",0 the game released in a terrible state.,0 this would be more fun if the navigation and placing items were easier.,0 there is still no left-handed support,0 "I would really appreciate filters in video settings. I use Geforce experience to turn it B&W, add some grain and letterbox.. . I think if they added that touch along with other filters it would be an amazing experience. I would ideally like a B&W experience with red blood.",0 and there was zero training on how to play this.,0 "meaning when you start more advanced hospitals, you will get constantly messages to validate manually to decide between keeping a patient in the hospital (and probably having him die here with no treatment) or send him home.",0 "The Weapons fell great, although I would appreciate it if they add more different Weapons, because every AR feels the same and has nearly the same kill time and if they add more customisable weapons, where you can customise everything on your Weapon, that would really fit this game.",0 Save yourself the money and go buy something more worth your time such as Battlefield 2042.,0 "once you start a school year you essentially just sit around and twiddle your thumbs, unless some kind of emergency occurs.",0 it is too much waiting in this game. and what you have to do is done quickly and then you have to wait for a long time again before you can do some more in the game.,0 "240 second reaction time I can easily defeat the three man squad with mirrors and shields by shooting through door jams, and no I am not sure why I can fire every bullet in rapid secession like ever gun has an automatic mode.",0 If you play permadeath you can literally wind up doing nothing but the tutorial over and over again because you can get killed easily during the tutorial.,0 "The story of the game is rather mediocre. The rest of the story just felt like rather boring sci-fi stuff, with very little twists.",0 "only that I am locked in perpetual combat with sentinels and pirates and god knows what else everywhere I go, on foot, in a ship, everywhere I travel is non-stop, constant mind-numbingly tedious spin-in-circles hold-down-LMB combat.",0 "would recommend but wait for it to be on sale, I got a free weekend so I could try before I buy I will wait on it to be around the $15 mark before I consider buying it.",0 "And now after 1,5 hours the credits roll without a real feeling of an ending.so as an adventure game it fails because the riddles are very easy and as a narrative experience it fails because the narrative is nothing special at all.",0 especially after bug fixes and DLCs that give you problems after developers have altered game.. MOTO is....if it’s not broke don't try to fix it...,0 "once you master the economics of the game, the rest of the game and levels become trivial.",0 "I will say that on lower end PCs,",0 "I'm new to these types of games but I like it, however I feel that the difficulty could be tweaked, ",0 "Nevertheless, I've never seen so many dumb people gathered in one place but in this game. People nowadays don't use their brains nor are ready for anything, they need to get help at many levels, assistance, and don't accept defeat, impatient and so on ... it is pathetic.",0 It's tiresome to navigate the entire map looking for someone you forgot to report or a small thing you missed.,0 "if I do get in the red, it does not take long to start building back up and once you do then you build up fast. ",0 "I heard my friend who did buy it say he got burnt out on it, and after it is release, I watched a couple people on YouTube reviewing the game, basically saying it was incomplete.",0 "It's worth a play through but the endgame is limited, ",0 As a left handed I can't play this game the way I do with every other games. . .,0 I played the new update and it makes me hate this game more than I did the first time I reviewed it.,0 it will run from buttery smooth to hard freezing and stuttering and always in the worst moments.,0 I do love that the game will get more content in the future I wish there was official controller support for the game here is an update for 2022the game has received massive updates over the course of 2022 there are now more weapons gadgets attachments. ,0 "While it does take a beefy pc to run VR well, and, the experience of a space battle in VR, exploring a planet in VR",0 What a pathetic waste to have billions of planets and not be able to enjoy it with dedicated servers hosting 1000's of players.,0 "I play multiplayer with a SINGLE other person and despite how far this game has come in the way of updates (which has been mostly great), the game still crashes unexpectedly especially when going to the options menu for some reason and I",0 a sad E-sport failure.,0 "Hold to confirm There actually is an option in settings to disable hold to confirm, but the key is that it doesn't disable all cases where hold to confirm exists . Entering/exiting a ship, launching a ship, interacting with machinery, talking with NPC.",0 currently the game got max 5 hours of content and that's stretching it.,0 "The game is significantly incomplete and will never truly be a tactical shooter until the protective gear the player gives themselves and their team will actually protect them from the threats they face, the player is given ample opportunity and resource to analyze the location, plan and memorize their movements and strategies, and effectively execute said movements and strategies.",0 " so if you are the sort of hard-core gamer who wants to have your hospital demolished in front of you and handed back in pieces so you can start over because you mismanaged it, this might not be your cup of tea.",0 "did not expect much out of this time management game (I rarely ever do),",0 "no, I do not like this game, it was funny at the beginning the idea about building my own hospital, but there are things I do not like it",0 Profanity filter ruins immersion ,0 high learning curve gameplay.,0 "storage space is an absolute f*cking nightmare until you've been to that hub, after I bought some blueprints at that hub, I was happy I ran out of nanites because the main questline pretty much ended up giving me a blueprint I didn't have the nanites to buy, which was a storage container, which needs power€¦.",0 lack of a voice tutorial poor and not a great intro to the game.,0 "I am chewing through the game pretty quickly, and",0 because my computer is too old.,0 I might like this game if you did not need to play through the campaign to unlock sandbox mode which is just a pain,0 "my mouse keeps popping up on the top, top right, and left hand side of the screen",0 " I put a lot of time into two point hospital and whilst most of the game was great, it was ultimately ruined by two specific mechanics: too many general practitioners visits, and patients walking to the other side of the hospital for a drink and messing up queues. ",0 only downside is no unlocks everything is given to you good for tactical roleplay but not much else,0 It's been out for almost five years and it's still buggier than an early access game.,0 My only gripe is that I can't choose my own file path for my photos to go into.,0 "This game may be full of bugs, ",0 "This game is an inch-deep ocean with nothing visible on the horizon, a silent and monotonous waste of your precious time.",0 the game feels more like an aquarium instead of a simulation game. you just have to set up the environment in form of building the lecture rooms and watch your students getting experience over the whole year. ,0 isn’t blowing my hair back with graphics or AI interaction and voice lines.,0 "needs options for aa methods, post process effects (vignette, dof etc.) instead of putting them all under a few sliders and not knowing that they actually enable/disable for what quality setting?",0 "it is a bit too easy, thus far; unlike the first original theme hospital, it looks like failing is not really something that is going to happen a lot, the difficulty does not seem to ramp up.",0 "Perhaps a saving mechanic for single player might help with the longer maps, but limit saving to twice or three times to really make players gamble.",0 "gameplay is fairly mindless, there is not much depth to the mechanics behind the hospital management, ",0 "but then again, I am running a 5960x and a 1080ti so not really a good benchmark to test against.",0 My biggest criticism so far is a lack of simplifying options in the inventory menu's interface (making you have to drag and drop to stacks of similar things in other inventories).,0 Like a progression system maybe where we could start out with nothing but a few pistols to choose from and better gear comes from rank / skill / challenges / in game currency.,0 "I would recommend something like Subnautica or Elite Dangerous instead,",0 believe that the visuals need bit of touch up as looking at the game for long periods of time genuinely hurts my eyes,0 "CONS: The game is, for the most part, almost completely silent with little music. ",0 ruins interaction with other players as it is.,0 "while it is far too simplified to be considered a simulator, ",0 "every time you interact with anything it's not instant, whether it's a world action or a menu selection. It feels sluggish.",0 "Last the only thing I'm not happy with the AI seems so strong I l know a powerful AI maybe bring fun to this game, but I have never seen a AI such powerful, the T without out protection can kill the CT easily. I think it break the balance of the game .",0 you don't get rewarded for killing other players and the mechanics are currently not made for pvp obviously.,0 they haven’t even started working on controller support ,0 ", which makes it very difficult.",0 "But sadly I just felt like refunding it,",0 the game started feeling like a grind.,0 "Some things are way TOO LOUD and others TOO quiet. The overhead non-stop ships and over-the-top storms are deafening. The game desperately in need of ""Private Air Space Area"" function to prevent this.",0 "I have never encountered so many issues with a game before, ",0 there has been a difficulty spike.,0 "Edit: multiplayer with 0 cooperation, its basically playing single player while seeing each other.",0 "I was placed on a planet that was -55 temperature, but just trying to survive long enough became a chore. Tried again, and again, and again etc. Every planet is either -55, +55, or has a toxicity level of 60. Which in itself COULD be overcome except… So survival was based on luck and not skill.",0 "won’t hesitate to ban / mute you no matter the context (even if you are pointing out what someone said is wrong, if you repeat after them you are gone)",0 "This game took me 2 hours just to connect to friends. We spent the next few hours trying to get the mission log to work because if it didn't freeze, it would go back 2 missions and have you repeat it.",0 there is no good reason for me to be getting a steady 11-20 fps on this game with that equipment.,0 "it is really fun although sandbox mode is not as free as I would have hoped, and ",0 update ruined inventory,0 fun at start but repetitive somewhat mobile game x SimCity without paying. it’s getting boring after levels and yea there’s funny but repetitive bores me overtime. ,0 and lack of optimization tasks,0 "For 60+ dollars, this game is not worth it",0 " in general the movement of this game is odd, and I def.",0 At times the game seemed very difficult and it's extremely easy to go down which can result in frustration and ,0 "Few polished maps, there are about 10 maps but only about 4 or 5 of them are completely done the others are still work in progress maps that have yet to be finished",0 the usual darkness that makes rusty lake a light horror series was replaced by... really just a sort of depressed feeling.,0 raids or some random events that require a lot of players saving a planet or something like that,0 "ever since the update I cannot load into anything, ",0 "Fair warning, there was a bit of motion sickness I noted after playing, which was also noted by other players, hopefully this won't affect you.",0 "Ship can't change weapons, can't lock on to enemy ships, the multitool doesn't work, and ",0 The AI can do a full rotation in 0.1 seconds and shoot you down with 100% accuracy and ,0 "The camera is very disagreeable. Even after tweaking the settings and modding the game, I was not able to play it without feeling nauseous.",0 this is pretty unrealistic and entirely unchallenging.,0 "in 21st centry, there's yet another game can't turn off head-bobbing. It causes motion sickness,",0 The option just pops up whenever it wants.,0 Here I can only randomly walk and grind and walk and grind. It's too easy and boring.,0 "So, you googled No Man's Sky and you read all the bad stuff that happened at launch: you think that the game is thrash, fair enough, it used to be this way.",0 except for NO JOYSTICK SUPPORT!,0 some could argue it is not high on difficulty though virtual reality paradise players might be exaggerating about all the negatives. difficulty is not high ,0 the game play loop in my honest opinion is not enjoyable. Now I will say I did not play this game extensively only about an hour and a half but in that hour and half I felt pretty solid in my decision to refund it before the two hour time limit.,0 the colour schemes for stars and economies are not disability friendly,0 And my friend got motion sickness and I wholeheartedly blame the game for this.,0 two point hospital is a shallow room spam to cope with the ever-increasing hordes of patients,0 The movement in this game will certainly reward you for being slow. As my friend likes to repeat like a broken record: Slow is smooth and smooth is fast Bugs?,0 Refunded the game. Even free to play games have a SETTING button.,0 "When I reviewed it first, I said I really really liked it but gave a negative review cause of the lies.",0 there is no option to auto send-off patients that you do not have the room to treat. ,0 The Enemies and the civilians can be superposed over each other ,0 tiny trees until you grind 200+ hours to get minor upgrades?,0 but the server is trash. Crashed a thousand times.,0 "The game is also incredibly poorly optimized, I run the game on the lowest possible settings and I only get 45-60fps.",0 "But there is one inexcusable and infuriating issue - if it detects a controller, it forces you to use it! There is no menu item to switch back to mouse and keyboard. this is insane! because of my setup [my fault] every time I unplug my controller, and want to use it again, I have to restart my personal computer - so now, every time I want to play this game, I will have to do that. Fix this immediately!",0 there is not much more interesting content to do.,0 "The ROE (rules of engagement) might be annoying and off-putting to those who are not familiar with SWAT or simulation games at first, but ",0 "Speaking of the species (Korvax, Vy'Keen, Gek), learning their languages are so extremely boring. Not only is there no use other than a bit of flavor when you talk to npcs (because it literally tells you what they mean),",0 it would be super cool if I could use a Scuff controller.,0 "they should implement a grouping policy for staff highly trained in a specific speciality, so they always work out of that room...otherwise the micromanaging means you just hire 10x more staff...as you would have a big budget by that point in the game.",0 and the trailers give you the impression that this game will be one the biggest challenges you will ever encounter.,0 the default visual settings are not great.,0 I tried committing heinous crimes and fighting off the space-police and I even gave the slightly-awful space combat a good shot. ,0 only recommend buying it on sale!!,0 (no difficulty setting btw).,0 and multiplayer has a lot of connectivity issues at the moment,0 "but with no progression there is no motivation to play much more than a few rounds to see everything (side note, there is no 'HK slap' on either the UMP or MP5.",0 but I had to spend hours finishing up the rest of the game I never got to because of the repetitiveness. that would allow players to go in and fix already built but broken or run down hospitals.,0 with the only option to advance using the left mouse button (LMB) and selecting options with either the mouse or 1-4 keys. ,0 "The ""supporter edition"" is more like a premium edition because they lock exclusive things like weapons behind a paywall.",0 I also hate that dorms where 100 people live are favourable to single dorm rooms which is the opposite of the real world and took a min to wrap my head around.,0 there is no real risk-reward.- this also goes for staff challenges.,0 "I tried to get a refund, but as I already spent 4 hours in it, I can't have my money back; $40 I regret spending.",0 "keeps on crushing on startup on ubuntu 18.04 ... I am not even able to pass the ""sega"" launch screen",0 "no difficulty settings, very confusing and not user-friendly customization options, no explanations of anything, I can keep going.",0 "There are no settings within the options outside of VOIP sound level and mic boost. There are different chat settings like local, squad and team, but the issue I have is inconsistent voice levels. ",0 " its only tutorial is a store page video (no tooltips, no guiding voice, no handholding) ",0 The Building System is shallow and it’s not possible to make your own vehicles or at least customise them significantly.,0 Some screen on text has such bad contrast and disappears too quickly. Low visibility and useless torch that just faces behind you sometimes or turns off randomly meant I fell down into a cave that seemed to only have the one opening in the ceiling.,0 I guess these could be standard for games that use flight stick controllers ,0 the devs changed the game and inventory system for people who've played the game for 2 hrs and screwed over long time players.,0 Hands down the game is really really good although I would really love to see more choices/options for customization to weapons and outfits (things to make your operator stand out) ,0 All the options to turn my normal game into a creative mode game cheapens the experience.,0 Ethan Gach is a pot stirring brainless poster.,0 the character filters that do exist don not actually work or filter out any useful information. the information overlays do a worse job than they did in tph.,0 "just as annoying.it has the announcements, the earthquakes, the silly (new) disease names and descriptions. ",0 the game does not give you clear explanation to certain things such as inspection or report.,0 "Very hard to do some micromanagement tasks you are familiar with from other games, limiting staff to one activity is done on a staff-by-staff level with numerous clicks.",0 "staff will get stuck in weird travel loops,",0 after 4 hours,0 don’t care if this is server sided or player sided because people got CR/-\PPY internet connections but even with my 500/500Mbit Fiber connection people are just one big pile of pixel laggers!,0 It's very ruff around the edges when it comes to the physics of gravity and other animations.,0 "but with some cracks that needs fixing, ",0 turn off PVP in settings because there will be groups of people picking on you if you don't.,0 I have followed step by step guides and YouTube video is click by click... failed. ,0 "The orientation of an item is always by default, so if you have to add 10 bench in an other direction you have to rotate all of them with a mouse movement (while you have pressed a mouse button); this mechanic is just insane and very annoying. they could simply memorize the last orientation positioned of any item and replicate so save you minutes of very repetitive operations (that you have to arrange and rearrange for every single hospital). ",0 The game is clearly designed for controller and feels pretty awkward with mouse and keyboard.,0 and they do not come close to those used in theme hospital.,0 "honestly the only thing I would criticise is the UI, the menus take up too much of the screen and although I like the games overall cartoony approach the menus feel very garish and clunky but are still perfectly fine, I just think could be improved personally.",0 the sound in this game -@ while Fantastic -@ is a bit strange. It's a bit difficult to tell if voices you hear or footsteps you hear are on your current floor or not. The sound engine is a little weird in that respect and needs to be fixed.,0 "This isn't so bad, but their AI design especially in sound is what makes them seem too smart.",0 "The amount of weapon customization could be improved a little bit, I do not want Tarkov levels of customization but I do want to see a little bit more option when it comes to weapon customization.",0 my rig is old now and was only mid ranged when I built it 6 years ago. ,0 "and most of all, the suppression mechanic simply isn't fun - you can't fire back when you are suppressed.",0 " you can buy Arma 3 AND its DLCs, create a Swat operation using mods available on the workshop that'll be better optimized than the current state of this game.",0 "It is a bit buggy still in multi-player mode, ",0 "completely braindead and useless AI, way too overpowered enemies that take you down in 2 shots even if you're wearing full ballistic armor, ",0 "I also noticed a audio glitch, its like the audio was repeating itself, so I reset the game and it was back to normal.",0 some of the mouse-over icons do not have tooltips while others do.,0 this game needs 2 years of development and another year of beta testing to be good.,0 but it is frustrating that in VR my 1080ti ,0 Do not play this game in vr though it is VERY hard to control,0 144 fps performance isn't great ,0 "you cannot get 100% achievements (as of 2-19-2020), due to needing friends to do parts of your superbug initiatives, in their own hospital. tips: it is indeed a balancing act between having the right amount of general practitioners’ offices, diagnosis rooms and treatment rooms.",0 "Some mission prompts give you bad information that will send you on wild goose chases - for example there's a mission that tells you to ask lifeforms ""on your planet"" for information, so you'll run all over your planet looking for answers, until you find an obscure line in the mission log contradicting ALL other instructions and telling you to leave the planet and go to a space station. ",0 but I am unable to continue playing it because the crashing issue I do not want to refund the game but feel might as well due to not being able to play it.so keep this in mind if your going to buy this game as you might not get to go past the first hospital :(,0 "I like the concept of the superbug network and the global initiatives, but I wish there were a way to complete some of the smaller tasks on your own instead of forcing you to have in-game friends help you complete the projects.",0 "I only want bugs to be ironed out, and more content, because the game did become thin very quick, but",0 as trolls will gladly make them inaccessible.,0 "as of right now, the game feels unrefined and far too automated.",0 I was stuck in the loading screen back-to-back from my friend invite and lobby.,0 "This whole time, trying to launch the game resulted in the UE4 prerequisites installer opening and hanging at 0% again, needing to do the steam cloud trick to bypass the installer and launch the game to even see if one of my attempted fixes for the FRS setting worked. Then I had to figure out how to bypass the first time setup requirement every single time the game was launched.",0 There were some very easy puzzles here and there but mostly it was just clicking and dragging. ,0 " the vibration from first person view makes me feel really sick, and this is why I don't play it that much anymore.",0 When I open up a menu the left thumb stick does not work at all. I am supposed to go to the next page with R1 but will only work with R2. I tried to do everything support told me. Change the bindings to custom then back. Uninstall/Reinstall. Tried remapping myself. Tried going into steam controller settings and changing it to the original bindings. Nothing works.,0 A game that had a rocky start ,0 You can't do the campaign with other players/friends ,0 need more keybinding/camera control options for the mouse,0 "when you start each hospital, it is fun for about 20 minutes but then the game goes from intermediate to very very hard very quickly as you become overloaded with incurable dying patients, debt that never seems to go away, and everyone wanting to get promoted at the same time",0 "The differing game modes add some extra flavour and variance, but they still -feel- almost identical. ",0 "Planets could have more diverse features, such as rivers, maybe planets overridden by AI, planets with tons of life and no colonies/trade posts etc. Smaller planets should have less gravity.",0 I have a specific place to keep my game screenless and it's weird when it's not all together.,0 as you travel along being guided by the tutorial which can feel hand-holdy at times but really is only there to get you started.,0 "as a side note I did look to see if there were any workshop mods for the ai, but unfortunately, they only allow cosmetic mods.",0 "I participated in the game's ""main"" storyline. It's one of those 'pick your bad ending' plots which isn't really worth putting a spoiler alert on. It really is that forgettable.",0 ", imagine. previously, you could see your whole inventory, now, it’s a tiny f-ing rectangle at the bottom of the screen and now you have to scroll wheel to see your inventory. you'd get used to seeing Everything, but suddenly it’s a tiny box a quarter of the size of what it once was, ",0 " I have quite the game with saving my progress and started it again. everything was once again smooth. however, the nasty surprise came when I attempted to continue my saved progress. as I was welcomed by basically a message “your save is corrupted, cannot be loaded, we are sorry.” which I am sorry as well.",0 "but no option/support/inclusion of subtitles at all. as a hard of hearing person, this makes it impossible for me to play this game.",0 "then doing it all over again after it crashes,",0 the patient size and types of illnesses at your hospital will always remain the same throughout the gameplay regardless of how much reputation your hospital has.,0 " but the actual game could be described as a bunch of random puzzles, many of which were generic and uninteresting, tied together with a very sparse plot that was ultimately pretty weak.",0 "It feels good, but sometimes when I shoot through a door and I know someone is behind it I think they are dead, But then it turns out they aren't dead and they eventually kill you, and since you can't respawn in any way, you have to restart mission.",0 "It would be nice if there was a little more depth in the procedural content, but I have not even left the star system I started in yet, so who knows what is out there.",0 I give it an F for no filter or for the word you here more than any other word,0 "campus, despite the map size, has been completed, something was amissing', oomph maybe?",0 " about 1/4 of the games I play I find that my teammates are muted when they speak, though they can still hear me.",0 "feels completely pointless. Sure, there is something of a story but all it seems your doing is flying from one place to another endlessly.",0 "I should have bought Cooking Simulator VR and the original combo because it was just three dollars more for TWO games, instead I paid double the price for this garbage 1/3 made piece of garbage. ",0 "maybe I do not know the hotkeys/easier ways to do it, but queue management could be better (when you want to choose a bunch of people to kick out of the hospital). a button to kick or send to treatment while looking at the queue list would be great.",0 my only real criticism is that the map screen at the beginning lags like it has gone out of fashion but after playing for a bit I would completely forget about this.,0 I doubt that it would have dropped before my refund window expiration date.,0 immersive (though flawed) sound design.,0 "where the difficulty comes from the entire team getting screwed by one lobotomized teammate saying hi to the local sleepers or the casual check that just slams you after the first 2 or so games, but rather having to strategize with somewhat limited resources and firefights that can end very quickly going both ways, ",0 "GREAT amount of bugs. This game should be named ""dumb ways to die because of bugs"".",0 needs work. Sadly the gameplay doesn't do the screenshots justice.,0 My game stopped responding.,0 "If you managed to survive not getting shot by a random enemy AI that spotted you through a miniscule gap in a wall, well done, ",0 it gets boring real quick it seems like your management decisions in this game have no real consequence ,0 but nothing is brought back to your own game.,0 "i at first wanted to say I liked this game but as you get further in the game it becomes impossible the people do not move efficiently, and",0 "very frustrating to play, the mode is too complex, hope the game to be more user-friendly",0 "Wish there were some more interesting gadgets to use, maybe some movement tools (scaling elevators or walls would be 10/10 amazing, adding verticality would bring some much-needed map variety), ",0 "But I can't play it anymore: the full-screen white flashes during transitory actions (engaging/disengaging pulse engine, finish loading the game, etc. ) turn my eyes into soup and give me migraines within 40 minutes. ",0 "The only thing I’d want to see improved is the AI responses and actions to explosions, in game commands and noises. They also move slow to extremely fast in seconds, they are all Olympic competitors.",0 "wandering past snack machines, toilets, showers, entertainments, with seemingly no goal in their mind.most of the challenges are fairly intuitive, though attractiveness goals again mostly involve spamming your campus with items that ruin any possible aesthetic you could have had and made me just want to finish that level and move on rather than stay and enjoy the university I would built up.",0 "my graphics for this game are set to very low and the frame rate is still a bit poop, ",0 "Base building has the same issue where you will build a beautiful base, , a. k. a building in minecraft effect. ",0 "Grudgingly, I allowed him to show me some twitch video of the game (I absolutely refused to take promotional videos by Hello Games seriously). ",0 the guilt for not having pvp ,0 "I normally use Nexus, but I really enjoy how streamline mods are when Devs incorporate Workshop support. I cannot recommend Mod IO. I've never dealt with it before, but with the current issues you cannot run your game if you have mods from Mod IO.",0 less racist for newcomers and there were also TeamKillers.,0 "and not much content as of yet,",0 "Can get repetitive sometimes though, since they only have a small selection of maps available.",0 When has a game is own profanity filter been beat by itself?,0 I wish it unlocked the whole map or a few campuses with each level completed because I do not know how big the game is and it would help me decide what to focus on.,0 "have only encountered one glitch so far where a patient got ""stuck"" on a building, and no matter how I moved things away from him he would not unstick. after nearly three years in my hospital he is still standing there complaining.",0 because you will barely have random teammates coming into the server.,0 " ""devs spent time to solve its problems"" but I fail every time. ",0 "No Newtonian physics, no drifting, ",0 "For the amount of money you'll buy for this game and the supporter edition,",0 the intriguing parts of the story were the surreal sequences and the hints at a larger narrative on the store page and the community hub.,0 Another big one is the voices overlapping each other in the dialog. The dialog isn't a big deal andthat we disconnect from the game for no reason and can hear two of the same voice actors talking over each other.,0 hunting the monobrows could be a little improved as the reticule is bigger than the actual firing area causing the mouse to skip treating the clicks like directional instructions.,0 The only downside of the body camera system in my opinion is that it slightly lowers your FPS.,0 "There is no support for Joysticks, only gamepads.",0 "The plants and animals often make no sense together. The plants don't have day/night cycles, and animals barely do. Geography is just height maps, no watersheds or erosion. The weather system barely makes sense. Whole planets are single or duo (water/land) biomes. ",0 "There are some weird decisions on the controls, like gamepads use the left stick click for the scanner and right stick click for sprint, you press the left stick forward to accelerate, and use the right stick to steer instead of using the triggers as throttle and brake.",0 "i have heard some complaints about pacing, length and bugs",0 "Not because it's challenging in a way that makes sense, usually rather because it's erratic and often unrealistic due to some of the core mechanics being pretty awful.",0 " the incentives to explore are basically inexistent, ship crafting is non-existent also.",0 "What I have realized through thinking more about this game is that it is not necessarily bad, but extremely bland. The story is uninspired and shallow.",0 "Even the starting ship, with basic gear, can handle most space threats, including battling several pirates or a full sentinel threat, with relative ease.",0 "i have found that the main complaint, pathfinding, can almost always be attributed to poor design/placement of walls/items. by realizing that people form a line at many places, example - reception, and if that line backs into any other line, example - vending machines, or object, examples - radiators/plants, they bug out. this is especially a problem in wards as where you put screens or plaster casters drastically impact how people move through the room.",0 This has soft locked one of my saves as it now crashes on load up.,0 "The gameplay loop reaches its end stage quick,",0 "cannot play game without extreme graphics problem, as in having an average fps of 9. ",0 since there are no public servers.,0 "The tutorial is so overly complicated, lengthy, and glitchy, that I am on my 3rd run of the game, because the last 2 tutorials soft blocked me. ",0 "Only interaction with multiplayer that currently exists is 'trap bases' for nexus missions, making any with a specific planet waypoint unusable, ",0 "There's no gravity, except when your boots are actually on the ground. You don't orbit a planet. You don't need to think about your path through a solar system.",0 "now you gotta scroll to see ur stuff. it’s not game breaking you might think, but then some tech you had installed suddenly disappeared or was deleted becuz of the inventory change.",0 So lazy to not incorporate full controller support so it can be played on steam deck. ,0 "I have only played one mission with mouse and keyboard and the rest of the time with an Xbox one controller. The game does not have controller support,",0 Enemies would spawn in and I couldn’t see them or they couldn’t see my enemies. There would be invisible worms and invisible flying enemies. My world would have a storm and I would have to run back to find cover but my friends next to me would have nothing. Then I would come back to join them after my storm was gone and they would be getting a storm. ,0 "It's just lack of engagement, like a rewarding system that will make people play it again and again. Why don't they give some reward if you beat certain map with certain score? That way, people will strive for that S score and keep playing and learning the game. ",0 but it is not good because there is no Korean language support.,0 " you've literally ""updated"" it to make said exploration exceedingly more difficult.",0 "to get most achievements, you have to find secret places or puzzles with few hints or no hint. until you successfully find the secret, ",0 "Your ship and suit used to have three sections: inventory, tech, and protected storage (a few slots protected from you dying). Simple and had the nice feature that you could put tech items in the inventory space as well to trade carrying capacity for more mobility, shields, etc. No need to worry about that choice anymore. Inventory is inventory and tech is tech and protected storage is gone--just like all your stuff if you die.",0 "Excuse me, of course, but the gameplay turned out to be voiceless, slow and just boring.",0 "Other than that, the game lives up to what it was marketed to be. If you do your research before buying this game (or any game) , as you should, you would see the metaphorical small print under where it says ""18 quintillion unique planets"" and that small print says ""procedurally generated"".",0 "introducing player-run groups (like guilds that players can make or join and trade or war with other guilds), ",0 "it is annoying that it does not have workshop/mod support, but that is my only complaint.",0 "If you ignore the fact, it makes my computer scream in agony trying to run it at high graphics settings,",0 "those superbug network projects require you to have a friend complete objectives for you to progress. there is no reason for that, they just want me to spam my friends with invites for free advertising.",0 "after all this years no real multiplay/cooplet me explain, its just an shared area for you and your friends but many parts are not in syncyou can fight enemies, see natural events or other npcs BUT your friends can't see them or interact with them, THEY see their own stuff.",0 there is no competitive multiplayer at the moment,0 "I really want to like No Man's Sky, but every time they push an update I get a fleeting moment of excitement until I quickly learn they fail to deliver on the basics, ",0 Crash from changing language.,0 "As for things I want to see added, my issue with previous SWAT games if that the AI (in general, SWAT or suspects/civilians) lacked awareness. I could be getting shot at and my buddies over here would just stand there like stunned mullets and stare at me instead of returning fire. And that also happens in this game too.",0 maybe a map once you have discovered zones.,0 You can do a LOT of different things that very quickly all feel like a chore. ,0 "I'm 34, I'm old and demanding and ",0 "It creates a culture of excuses, Stockholm syndrome and worst of all; a lack of accountability on the part of developers ESPECIALLY the big AAA studios -see Cyberpunk 2077.",0 "I like the game but I cannot play it until they fix the saving issue, some of the levels do not save progression and I cannot do other missions because of it.",0 the tutorial did not explain a lot of features so that was very confusing.,0 the learning curve absolutely overwhelming.,0 "Please, please add a photosensitivity option disabling the white flashes, or at a minimum enable the shaders responsible for these flashes to be modded by the phenomenal modding community.",0 "This isn't a shooter, it's a horror game.",0 "No server browser, and (even when steam charts says 4000 players online) no matches found (east coast USA).",0 "That's the real reason why there's no Steam Workshop for NMS - no-one can build anything worth putting in it, and it'd be ALL bases anyway.",0 and quite challenging to deal with,0 every time I do a photo missionit crash but only for those photo missions.,0 So if you die during that expedition you loose all the progress,0 "Planets feels repetitive, having jumping from two or five for a newcomer feels really great, but when you spend more time and the planets number goes up, its get boring real fast. .I mean, ",0 "Excruciating amount of padding. It has the dreaded progress wheel, you know the one I'm taking about, ",0 so it would be helpful to add a difficulty setting.,0 making it so that running and gunning simply does not work in most cases (there's no sprinting either).,0 "Like most games, this one doesn't have left handed key bindings.",0 "the patient will be forever stuck in ""dying"" without your doctor being able to kick them out of the hospital. if you dismantle the office, the patient will still be stuck there and they will not even be moved out. as a result, when this happens, you basically have to restart the entire level because the doctor and that section of your building becomes useless.",0 "This game does not respect your time, your actions have no impact, , the game is boring and trivially challenging after only a few hours.",0 "within the main campaign, barely any combat and it hardly incentivises adventure.",0 "As for the ""profanity"" filter you cannot even say Got, Gotten or Closer, as well as many other non-swear words...",0 "everything way more likely to spontaneously break, and you'll probably soon wind up in parallel realities",0 " stories with intrigue, character development and suspense.",0 "Every star system is the same - 2-5 (single biome) planets with no real diversity or relation to one another, ",0 Turkish language support please ):,0 but for playing with mouse + keyboard they're a pain.,0 "Every time I log in to play now the game freezes or crashes. I have done everything I can to fix update drivers, uninstall and then reinstall, lower the settings, and even follow some online guides. None of it has worked so I am forced to permanently uninstall as it has become unplayable for me.",0 "It just feels too rigid currently. Someone charges you, and you put two rounds of beanbag in their chest at medium range, following it up with a close range kneecap, should NOT kill them. They need to introduce the ""Incapacitated suspect/Civillian"", as at least that was a good middle ground if you didn't just twitch and blow someone’s head off, you could save your final score a bit by just kneecapping the bastards.",0 * freezing and hitching every time a player enters or exits the current planetary system,0 the number of glitches that I encountered are way more than I would hope from a game that's been out this long.,0 barely every student is black or beige rarely white students what is this??,0 I had attempted to play it on Xbox Live for PC a couple of years ago but ,0 "I first noticed this in one of the earlier levels, where an actor stood for years wondering how to get to a marketing campaign video shoot. but more annoyingly, bands who turn up to the student union quite randomly are unable to find their way to the union. at one stage I had a gaggle of 15 musicians waiting on the campus, none of whom would move (even when I put a fountain on top of them ;-)).",0 "I was just wondering if you guys could just put a label on the star systems if they are red, green, yellow or blue. It's a bit hard to discern for color blind people like me. I know I’m asking much but I just love this game too much.",0 "tried playing, it and it really feels archaic, simple things like navigating around are slow and cumbersome.",0 "Sometimes the 'profanity' filter disallows some names that are not profanity (in english at least, I tried making up a few latin-esque names and a few got blocked whereas they have no basis or resemblance to any profanity in english) If you are into that kinda thing, it is great...",0 "I think that improving the atmosphere would go a long way, adding more dialogue, making the different squad members have personality and banter. So far everything feels muted.",0 "The audio is repetitive, same sounds and music’s over and over, and adds nothing to the gameplay.",0 "So you're often going to feel bored or lonely whilst playing the game. Play this game in a voice call with friends, or watching something in the background to fill the dead air.",0 hopefully not at the cost of IRL currency. Maybe some in game currency and a way to earn it would be cool? along with a shop?,0 this might not be the game for you.,0 are super hard to kill even with light armor not like you with your super heavy armor dying to a knife stab.,0 "I needed 10 hours to get through the tutorial mission because, crashes, corrupted save files and no existing dialogue options.",0 "with campus, I will probably be 100% complete by next week. ",1 i only play VR mode,1 "It has a much more casual feel, and , they are not as humorous as the hospital version.",1 "I enjoyed my first hours in this universe. But after 50-60 hours of playing,",1 "The developers pull no punches in this design, so be warned that ",1 "This game pulls no punches, if you get shot even just a couple times, you’re dead, you’re no bullet sponge and your opponents are no different, although just as deadly.",1 incredibly LOUD.,1 My pc meets the recommended requirements exactly with amd cpu and gpu. ,1 "I've never reviewed a game,",1 "P. s.: if you ever feel the need to preorder a game before release, stop and think for a second: maybe it's better to wait for launch day and see if the hype was justified - or if the game itself is playable at all. If nothing else, as the title of a much beloved sitcom remarks, curb your enthusiasm.",1 I was collecting Ferrit and the bolder just grew legs and ran off. It was surprizing and funny. I think it is a hidden easter egg.,1 Its about being methodical to ensure survive-ability ,1 "Another layer that I do not think is shown a lot, are the cooperative initiatives that can be done in the game with other players. simply have some friends with tph, open up the superbug initiative part, and invite them to join you earning in-game rewards.",1 My computer meets min specs and can run this game on high ,1 After the first 15 hours ,1 I could run instead of walking everywhere,1 This game was in my Wishlist for a while,1 "Now with a multiplayer squad a lot of these are at least manageable, but as a single player experience its more of a mental stability test as any kind of teamwork is completely useless and non existent.",1 "Not sure how much of this falls in the ""Early Access"" aspect of it",1 "but beware, if you make them wear gas masks or ballistic face shields, their voice will be muffled, so it's harder to hear their feedback.",1 getting a refund. ,1 strangely shaped buildings to cram all of the requirements of a hospital into.,1 somewhere I could ease the tensions of being a final semester college student,1 "This isn't surprising given the scope of the game and the fact that it's developed by a very small team,",1 It's low-stress in the sense that it is not competitive ,1 " I’m using it to smuggle drugs, guns, and alien nazi symbols to space stations",1 American Police Simulator 2022.,1 "this time releasing a ""VR Overhaul"" ",1 "Currently have 128 Mil currency, 4 ships and a 30+ ship fleet just going to waste, and another copy of a game ",1 "if you watch the trailer and like what you see, that is what you are going to get with RON",1 "Ready or Not is an extreme, strategic first-person shooter that",1 on PS4 and PS5 in additionto on PC.,1 it helps teach the ropes.,1 and its sense of humor is mostly limited to figures and the way they move and not to situations.,1 " I can safely say that the game has fulfilled my expectations to what it has to offer this early on, which is a Co-Operative Tactical SWAT game with multiple methods of completing the tasks given, however has very little to offer",1 I genuinely feel nervous opening a room sometimes because even with the under door camera I can't see everything so there are still huge unknowns.,1 i am currently unable to invest in science material for proper studies because I have spent my premium money on a brand-new veggie stand. ,1 "Steam Worshop support is out the window, which I guess you can count as a positive if you're looking to play on console in a few years when they port it?",1 you can see every other player in the game though if multiplayer is enabled and if they are near you/ in the area around you.,1 "but if you want a complete and polished experience, wait for the full release unless you want to see the game evolve over time!",1 I played it when I had my xbox and I buy it again ,1 This means you should only use lethal force if necessary and are promoted to arrest over killing and find/mark all evidence for a better grade (You can only get a S if you don't kill anyone).,1 for a game that's still under early access,1 "Being a difficult game it is, ",1 "if you expected something new or different from two point hospital, then you are setting yourself up for disappointment, if, like me, you expected an improved two point hospital in a university setting, then you should definitely play this game because it is the same gameplay loop as two point hospital but with some much needed quality of life improvements.",1 if you look at my profile screens shots I was global elite in Counter strike and is currently immortal in Valorant.,1 "Not only are there hostages you must keep safe and detain, but you must also try to arrest people without killing them, especially if they haven't fired on you or others first. I just did my first mission and managed to keep everyone alive, including all hostages AND suspects.",1 "It's quite fast paced, ",1 I have some mixed feelings after the free weekend. ,1 I work in the healthcare system in the UK and ,1 "This is a serious tactical shooter for serious, ",1 "Inside the actual game, find myself exploring a lot of mostly barren rocks, some radioactive, so it is not technical issues that are causing the most frustration. ",1 "Difficulty that stems from resource management, the tactical situations presented, the context of S. W. A. T work with the constraints that presents and ",1 so I upgraded my weapons and not so much a pacifist anymore.,1 it is a question of prioritising purchases according to profit. note that an epidemic will normally more than pay for the room to treat it and at times you will have to take out loans.,1 Reviewed on 08/26/2016I will update this review,1 i participated in NMS Twitch drops and on twitch inventory I have skins that I got through it ,1 "For a 10 year old kid I think this game will probably fulfil what they want out of it, however, for a seasoned adult gamer ",1 "6 hours of free weekend demo my experience: it is management. -you build rooms to make students study, keep them happy, and get some tuition money hands gestutex-earning kudosh is hard.",1 "Makes me nervous as , you go in feeling like big swat boy and return shellshocked",1 I first discovered this game years ago. ,1 "such a fun game, I have only played this a bit here on steam but have almost 20 stars on xbox.",1 "The release of No Man's Sky in 2016 was explosive. Developed by indie studio Hello Games, the three years after the game's reveal drew an incredible amount of attention, and in turn, hype. ",1 I played for 10 hours when it came out and,1 " These tasks are great ways to learn how to explore the galaxy and teach you what to look for when you want a specific item. Completing these missions rewards you with Quicksilver, a currency used for purchasing cosmetic items in The Anomaly's Quicksilver store.",1 "This game is very reminiscent of Ursula K LeGuin is Left Hand of Darkness, ",1 "with swat team role management (and maybe budget management to buy weapons/gear), and other additions, ",1 asked for a refund for problems ,1 I know they have an $80 DLC but ,1 it's also frequently on sale for -50%,1 the only real purpose is to learn words and then converse with these aliens where ,1 "In the summer break, you can also take all the time you need to set things up, so running on the fastest speed just lets your staff and students spend all the time they need. ",1 "This game has 1 achievement ""First arrest"" and all you have to do is detain one person. 56% of players have this achievement... The other 44% of players take no prisoners",1 in a similar feel to SWAT 4,1 I've already 100%ed the achievements in just 30 minutes!,1 i tried the sandbox setting ,1 so this really encourages proper teamwork and execution to ensure proper sight lines are achieved on hostiles that may be lurking behind doors and around tight corridors.,1 all you can do is micromanage the settings to increase difficulty.,1 "For having 25 hours played on Steam, ",1 "I have only played 7 hours so far,",1 "Because the game was primarily developed and optimized for PlayStation 4 (which has 8 cores), it needs 8 threads or 8 cores to function properly. ",1 "Admittedly, I had to find creative ways inappropriate names while getting pass the filter.",1 "how do they deal with class regulation? well you begin with having 1 course. this course has basic requirements, generally a lecture hall and a laboratory ",1 Why did the disappear after the update.,1 The ship flying takes a bit of getting used to,1 "While you, a meat bag with senses and a nervous system, need to actually process what your eyes see, then move your mouse, then fire your weapon, all of which takes anywhere from 150ms to 500ms.",1 " There's a storyline if you choose to do it as well, but it's completely optional.",1 Be warned it is a difficult game,1 the flying controls have you actually grabbing the throttle and stick.,1 "helmet cameras allow you to keep an eye on friendlies, and see what They see.",1 again this game is not full release yet.,1 "Update, if you have any overlay on like xbox game bar or game mode, shut those off. They can be a contributing factor if you experience crashes.",1 "I don't have the best rig but on low settings I run arma above 60, RE2 Remake NEVER drops below 70 at near maxed out, DOOM Eternal never drops below 60 and I run med-ultra settings, and I can continue with my other games like KF2, GTA V, etc, but ",1 I now have an asus tuf gaming laptop with rtx3050 graphics. ,1 "I bought this game as an early access, but I don't get the latest updates. This is only for ""supporters who pays a premium amount of money"". As such it splits the community.",1 as well as different difficulty levels to cater to different playstyles.,1 my friend on ps5 ,1 "You will be rewarded for methodical teamwork, but punished for rushing or lazily going through the motions.",1 " ""If this game had SC's flight simulation characteristics IT would be the best damn space sim ever!"" Alas while both of these game scratch the itch of Galactic exploration, survival and progression the flight characteristics of NMS are like Pong (for those old enough to know what I'm talking about) compared to SC being a detailed X-Plane commercial airline flight simulation run. However, that doesn't detract from the enjoyment of NMS space battles ",1 most hospitals take multiple sessions to beat and some require multiple restarts before you can get going properly.,1 "Also a hint from my experience, make use of the biggest loan you can as you can easily get overwhelmed if you don not build enough quickly enough.",1 " eventually each map will have 4 different difficulty settings/""scenarios. "" ",1 but there is the occasional space & planet combat encounters that happen naturally.,1 "Thought on PVP:maybe 5 operators vs 10 terrorists, they can swap each round.",1 you no longer need that early training room and paid students when you can just blow some money (which you swim in) on marketing to attract qualified staff. ,1 "from someone who has not played very many immersive games, this is my 3rd tactical FPS game I've played the other 2 being ARMA 3 and Insurgency Sandstorm on the PS5, ",1 Originally played on ps4 but have since moved to PC and Ps5 Versions. ,1 my youtube channel,1 until vr is ready. .,1 but once you have it down its pretty easy.,1 "This game is a spiritual successor to theme park hospital world, it was a game made by brofrog back in 1973 for the commadore master system 52, it was considered the greatest game ever made, so good in fact that no one in the history of video games, which goes back a long way, (1918 was the first recorded video game that is a fact) has ever tried to recreate it.",1 There's also Creative mode if you want to construct without needing materials and ignore the other hazards and risks.,1 "there are other challenges added to the game as well, such as random natural disasters, temperature maintenance, epidemic control, community hospitals where you have to complete challenges to earn money, and more.",1 I am curious to see how it survives as a multiplayer game as it clearly is focused on good single player mechanics and gameplay.,1 "as an aspiring pupil in the medical field, ",1 Please BUT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ADD VR TO THIS GAME IT WOULD BE SO SICK,1 "I knew of it in passing as another 'pie in the sky' hopeful (cough, star citizen, cough) that was being developed by a small indie team.",1 engage in space combat,1 be able to from groups with your friends to combine and raid other players.,1 testing yourself and teammates in different 'problems',1 "The game is mainly third-person with some first person elements to it, ",1 "curiously, if you own a console and are wondering which is better, it is simply different.",1 "much like two point hospital,",1 Game mode improved for who likes permadeath. ,1 Anyone who judges the decisions police have to make in microseconds should have to play this game.,1 " and for the love of god do not be the hero who decides to wear no Armor, ARMOR IS SO IMPORTANT!",1 "I have played two point hospital and, while a realize that ",1 "So, I have waited for this game for some time, and from my experience and the games I have tried,",1 "Bought this on Pre Order, played about 50 hours ,",1 my previous issue with there being bit too much focus on just getting lucky occasionally also ,1 "When I hired my first NPC in NMS to fly as my wing man I thought,",1 " I had very few expectations and knowledge about the game other than it being all about exploring strange planets. A few people in my social circle had gotten it, some liked it, some did not, so I got curious and decided to get it.",1 "With bot it is reasonable, since they perform many actions automatically. Send them ahead and they will do their tasks with the ""utmost knowledge"" of the situation. ",1 I have been waiting for this game since,1 seeing it on my Wishlist for way too long.,1 (I'm saying this as a 57 year old so you young ones will catch on even faster).,1 "You also can have your teammates' head camera on your display, so you know how's their entry going, ",1 after 57 hours of gameplay,1 "A lot of people cannot afford a decent gaming laptop, but can afford cloud gaming, so allowing players to use cloud gaming like geforce now, was a superior choice and is going to help you so much.",1 "Ores We can use ores to create almost anything or to trade, and it is necessary for us to obtain ores from each planet.",1 join a host who has sum check on as there would be no game changing mods for other non modded players and everyone can play together.,1 whatever you want granted it passes the profanity filter built in.,1 "it is very much a focused on the puzzles, all of which are solvable either by looking around the area. they tend to be hidden in plain sight most of the time. ",1 Always feels like playing in hard mode with wall hacking AI,1 "The New Zealand-based game developing company, Void Interactive, is set to release their realistic first-person shooter SWAT game, Ready or Not.",1 the default name would probably not pass the profanity filters here.,1 "If you have ever played the new Modern Warfare, there is a mission which got covered by all the mainstream youtubers was the Clean House (the apartment CQC mission), this game is essentially that.",1 "AMD Ryzen 5 3600X, Radeon RX 590.",1 first personal computer game I have bothered to play in years,1 I have only played on steam but I have played on xbox and,1 There's videos on YouTube demonstrating the ,1 I use gamepad (setting R0N-1n) but mouse may be best ,1 you get more challenges and more challenges from staff as you move from hospital to hospital. ,1 "and I'm very glad I did. I decided to abandon my mouse/keyboard controls to try using a controller, and it made a night and day difference for me. ",1 In no mans sky you can interact with other players,1 Only had RoN for a few days,1 decode and prestige levels are cheatable ,1 " Because you are a police officer, you must always give everyone a chance to surrender and only shoot as a last resort. For an FPS, it is ironic that it rewards you less for actually shooting but it fits perfectly within the game's context and mechanics.",1 "You can play with up to four other people in a group, ",1 " More guns and modifications one cool gun suggestion would be a sniper, ",1 just moving from console to PC,1 "Your choices may have consequences in the future, in the fate of the universe.",1 "And our winnings weren't by luck, we had to learn from our mistakes. One mistake we learned from was to not bring a CoD player with us. You can imagine why.",1 "All this is to say, I don't hate the game, and I'm no stranger to brutally hard and unforgiving games either, ",1 "I played Rainbow Six Raven Shield and SWAT 4 growing up and this early release nods to the traditional style of equipment (hand cuffs, opti wand, flashbangs) and allows you to choose how lethal you want to be.",1 quick reactions and good planning are vital to survival in this fast (or slow) paced game.,1 hen game starts mute your mic and sound in discord- all players turn off hud and friendly name plates - only use In-game proximity VOIP to talk- split up into groups of 2-3 or solo around the map- after Round or if a player dies they can unmute in discord but cannot use the in-game VOIP- ,1 "I never played theme hospital (insert boos and hisses here), but I did play sim theme park, another bullfrog title (insert cheers here).",1 I hope they take it even further upon finishing by porting it to virtual reality.,1 I've been playing this game on both PS4 and PC.,1 to name my discovered species,1 PS : steam plz add fran-glish in the language :d,1 This is a hard and unforgiving game ,1 "as many have pointed out already, it is not hard at all, ",1 If you are curious about this check out the videos on Youtube about it.,1 "tpc has 3 game modes: 1) a campaign mode where you have a specific objective (e.g. modernizing the courses of a campus), and by unlocking the first star of challenges, you will unlock a new campus and each subsequent star beyond the first, will unlock new things (courses, items and events) that you can use in the existing game or any other game you jump into.2) sandbox with various difficulty settings, with the ability to pick the campus.3) challenge mode with specific requirements to earn the most points (e.g. 2023 valentine is day event is to make as many people fall in love as possible within a certain time limit.",1 had to get a mod to avoid dying of old age.,1 "Or maybe, if you finish a map, they will give some points currency and spend it in store where there are weapons, attachments, and skins to be bought.",1 a really fun game but you do have to be good at clearing rooms and to have a quick reaction either there is a civilian or a criminal going to kill you the second he gets to,1 "Starships, Capital ships, fleets and squadrons (You can own an entire fleet of capital ships and fighter squadrons, you can send your ships on missions that will reward you with rare items)4.",1 "Kind of like Among Us, in the way that the SWAT team are crewmates and the Suspects are the imposters.",1 "played the original game back in the 90s, this remake of a classic is so much fun with ",1 " The dunk Roses are red, Violets are blue. When Harambe died, I did to.",1 like you would otherwise in CSGO or COD or something...,1 ome people may like this approach while others might like Elite.,1 "As of 1.3, No Man is Sky received what I consider its first official release, after the clunky alpha and beta stages.",1 "my rig- 4KTV, GPU RTX 3080 10GB, RAM 32GB, CPU i9 10850k and multiple SSD.",1 " tackling epidemics, to handling the balance of budget ",1 none of it is extremely difficult but that seems to be the point.,1 "I'm running on a GTX 1060 6gb Graphics card, and a Ryzen 5 3600 processor using medium settings, ",1 Once I figured out how to go into first person view (no more clanky 3rd person animations).,1 In 9 hours of gameplay ,1 "Got out of ship, fell through terrain, landed on the planets core, saw a picture of Sean Murray that said ""Just like no one will discover I never put multiplayer into the game, no one will ever discover this easter egg""",1 "You have no idea what's coming ahead of you and the levels are procedurally generated, meaning if one room was empty during one playthrough, it could contain suspects and/or civilians in the next.",1 I really wish to see this game blossom into a true nightmarish realistic tactical shooter. ,1 "yes I know it's an early access game and I’m aware that the developer will add some stuff in the future, because I think the stuff that I just mentioned is what I feel like it's lacking from the game and everyone who haven't or might want to play the game should know about this.",1 If you have any doubts just watch recent coop gameplay streams on YouTube or Twitch.,1 "They've made efforts to character customization, base-building, vehicles, starships, multitools, exosuit, and multiplayer modes/expeditions and socialization.",1 Keyboard and mouse controls when it comes to flight in the game are clunky but pairs great with a controller.,1 prefer the hard science and harder physics of something,1 Alternative maps: Different maps which require different tactics create different scenarios and introduce different levels of difficulty.,1 This game will not hold your hand and walk you through,1 especially for a rig that is becoming outdated.,1 after catching a Twitch stream,1 but honestly in every scenario there is something that you can do to be able to prevent death or damage to your character.,1 "Just remember to disable server side checksum in Options under game so you can use mods, ",1 "Not to mention that the game is actually somewhat difficult, there are times where it can be very easy or just feel like you were unlucky ",1 "my specs (3060, i7-11700f, 16gb ram)",1 "You learn how to build your own house, your own landing ports, what resources to mine to make better money, more ships.",1 after watching many videos on YouTube.,1 Have played with a buddy ,1 a must have for anyone who loves theme hospital - extremely good fun,1 "something about building my own campus and interacting with the students had an appeal, but now I realize its just two point hospital but instead of a hospital, it’s a campus.",1 i understand from some of the other reviews ,1 I am keen to see how it turns out in a full release.,1 have to say that this game doesn't pull punches on difficulty.,1 "I was kinda intrigued when I found out that unlike hospital tycoon, this game is backed by the creators of the original theme hospital. They even listened to their fans- due to the outcry, two point studios has convinced sega to ditch denuvo and ",1 the last few where you've got to reach the center of the galaxy on the higher difficulty levels.,1 or by deciding to 1 v 1 a fugitive IN SPACE.,1 "The campaigns so far IMO, seem to be a hybrid of a tutorial of new features and rare loot grabs, with twitch drops during the first week of each new campaign.",1 so I can control my Squad remotely without having line of sight on them.,1 I've done so far we're not very hard.,1 I'm honestly surprised it’s not more popular as a streaming game but that is also whats probably keeping it as entertaining as it is.,1 Long description: Team communication makes or breaks this game. ,1 "in addition, the developers made the game as a platform to sell dlcs through. they have tried hard to make the game relevant through in-game events. this is pretty blatant and might look like they are trying to sell the game piecemeal, however the game does have a lot of base content and is time consuming to play (if only because of grinding) and a few items (albeit thematically wrong otherwise) has been released for free over the years.",1 "You will make your story, your world, and your character all your own through hours of pondering and intrigue as you learn the languages to communicate and the skills to travel.",1 "As a person who preordered the game, it's been a rollercoaster getting here.",1 "I first built the hospitals rooms for aesthetics, ",1 "Explore where you want and rename your discoveries, I discovered a system where ",1 "This may be a different take, management of gear to how the AI react to improve this game; but that's just a suggestion.",1 "I used to play theme hospital, this game is a modern take on theme hospital essentially, ",1 "Polish it up, fix up all of the script/language issues in the questlines and interaction decisions ",1 "I had also expected someone to be in a room with no door, so I tiled into the room and tazed them, and then killed them before they could grab their gun. ",1 "Soundtracks are procedurally generated as well, so every time music is different.",1 " like walking around the outside edges of the map to get to a piece of litter in the middle, then back to outside edges to get back to the building.",1 without the need for VR goggles.,1 I prefer you should play with your friends if you have much as you can ,1 "it follows the same art and animation, but this feels completely new, yet familiar. ",1 you can be rewarded or punished depending on your response.,1 "anyway, this game caught my attention because I have never played hospital tycoon and everyone told you how fun it was.",1 I turned everything to the highest settings and hopped in creative. ,1 despite visually looking like it can.,1 Unlocked a Steam achievement for the ground vehicle and only 25 percent of players had it? That means 75 percent of the player base on here never drove the ground vehicle?,1 "No idea who these people are, how many hostages, the floor plans, nothing. You're going in completely blind and you're welcome to die multiple times before you have any idea what you're dealing with.",1 note I've only played this in single player so far - must be great with a squad of friends).,1 For the rare chance that another visits your path and see that you named a n animal the great corn olio or something generic and ,1 I came back to playing it recently and,1 35€ game with 75€ in dlcs.,1 " their spawns change with every round, and not in a predictable pattern, they'll rush you when you least expect it, pull a knife on your if you're not paying good attention while they're surrendering, blind fire through doors and glass if they hear you prepping a breach, and basically do anything they can to catch you off-guard.",1 "Once you have a grip on survival and travel, perhaps will make some headway into understanding these strange messages and the cosmic forces behind them.",1 Swat 3 is a 9 if that game would run on any PC nowadays. ,1 has longevity for hundreds of hours of fun controller support was not tested as this was used with keyboard only,1 portrays a current world wherein SWAT police units are called to stop antagonistic and defying circumstances.,1 "we are used to awfully long queues, wrong diagnosis, medicament doing more harm than good, figuring out on the internet what exactly is wrong, bleeding out on sor (er in America), having some kind of brownish goo as food while being treated in wards... I wish I could show you a breakfast of a pregnant woman before childbirth - you would not feed that to a pig...",1 It's very easy to have a bad time without other players on voice chat to distract you from,1 when Internet Historian uploaded a video saying that the game was good now.,1 "but the game is technically still an alpha build, so I’m definitely not complaining.",1 "After spending 28hrs,",1 I get 240+ fps with an rtx 2080ti on all medium settings except for high textures and view distance.,1 Have not even played the game yet but #PrayForHarambe,1 "after the 20 hours, ",1 Having only played single player modes ,1 Now the pirate attacks can be taken seriously.,1 Tries to get you to feel alone but there's people to talk to everywhere you look.,1 "Oh, yeah, and you can name every planet you discover ",1 after spending three hours playing and,1 "TL/DL No Motion Sickness if set up correctly, and this is with SMOOTH locomotion, not teleport.",1 played this both on Xbox and on pc. ,1 there is a lot of split second decisions you need to make or you fail.,1 " the game is in early access,",1 "just reviewed this game, if your cba about reading all the community reviews check out my video review here",1 I have about 500h ,1 I watched the clock hit zero on launch night with this game and still have my preorder disk and save on PS4 with,1 "Started when it was released on the PS4, then ran through it on Xbox Series X and went back to my PS4 version when it was upgraded for PS5. Now playing from scratch on the steamdeck.",1 on my rig (RTX 3070 / Ryzen 7 2700x / Rift S),1 "to be honest, two point hospital is a game which allow you to contact some medical things about diagnosing novel patients and construct a fantastic hospital.",1 "Depending on your choices, AI will respond and react differently, there will be civilians in panic, running away from you or not complying right away, hostiles may be armed or unarmed, some of them will immediately fight you back, while others may fake surrender and then catch you by surprise.",1 "Let it be known, you are only as good as your team and your communication skills with your team. Where I come from, we use call outs such as ""Open door left, closed door right, etc. "" Let your teammates know what you see, even if you don't see anything at all.",1 "feel very early access and amateurish, compared to modern production, but if you look at it from the nostalgia eye; it feels like a natural evolution of what you see in theme hospital.",1 Suggestions to make the game better: PVP Modes (4v4 maybe) almost like search and destroy without the 360 no scopes.,1 it got teased on YouTube.,1 decided to grab on Mac.,1 I almost have 100 hours in this game.,1 "I've played it since, and I have it on PC, Xbox, PS4, and Switch now.",1 I think every PD in the US should use this game as an asset in testing their new applicants to see if they're qualified or not.,1 capitalize education and build a campus that trains nobody for real-world jobs.,1 I would played the original theme hospital back in the day and remember losing hours of my life enjoying curing patients of fictitious diseases and ailments.,1 "As a veteran Sci-fi Game developer,",1 "I just this in multiplayer with friends, and ",1 "But the second time around I didn't let myself get distracted, I just followed the main quest",1 "It's not GTFO style hard, ",1 "the people who just explode every door that they can see and kill everyone,",1 "we have discovered a holy chair on the first map that allows you to teleport to the sky realm (Fixed) there are now Several such items that do this, and I want more -@sometimes your gun just won’t shoot.",1 "Played the first 27-ish hours like a true pacifist, chilling and exploring, until I began to get tempted to steal exotic materials. Got chased by pirates and sentinels,",1 "after 10-15 hours of gameplay,",1 RTX 2070 and an i5-9600k is getting me well into the 100's of frames per second.,1 but quickly learned that some rooms need to be built for functionality (learn the specs of items!!).,1 "Believe it or not, AI enemies often behave player-like movements such as camping at a door or shoot through the door when they hear you. ",1 "I unlocked the Permadeath achievement, so I am finally, finally free.... to start a new save",1 "I didn't play early on, so I don't know how bad it was, but given hundreds of games in my Library and I've played PC games since 1994, this one takes the cake.",1 One thing I came across recently was adjacent placing of upgrade modules in suit/tools/ships. within the game that further boosts the bonuses gained from those upgrades.,1 "You are forced to play slowly and methodically, which is not necessarily a bad thing",1 There are other games for such difficult content. What I always enjoyed about No Man's Sky is that it (and the combat) used to be very accessible for casual gamers.,1 I hope they take it even further upon finishing by porting it to console,1 """the movies"" was more funny (fantastic to see the resulting film), was more ""natural"" to play (you immediately knew which roles had to be covered by which characters) and could be played in ""casual""-mode (here events are ""pushed"" towards you).all in all I would have liked more a ""port"" of ""the movies"" than this game :(",1 game hay Hope to have Vietnamese language support soon,1 "minimal load screens mean that you can go back to your map and into one of your other hospitals at any time without a long delay, and ",1 "While the additional gameplay options can seem overwhelming, at heart if you still want to engage with No Man's Sky as a ""pretty planets photo simulator"", you absolutely can.",1 "simple customization scheme, and yet lots of variation",1 " that being said you need to find the right design, staffing and economic strategies for keeping a good, hygienic and financially viable hospital. you should also remember not to loose sight of your objectives, as you will find yourself quickly falling neck deep into a very messy dose of mayhem, chaos and bodily fluids!",1 "Most menu actions are available by pointing at left or right wrist with the other hand, and",1 "As a returning player who preordered this back then, I can wholeheartedly say",1 "I am a voice actor, would love to help you out if you're in need of new (or more) voice lines.",1 "First, I did not preorder the game, nor did I pay a lot of attention to it while it was in development, therefore, I do not have that feeling of having been cheated that some other reviewers seem to have.",1 it is like the building mode of sims 4 but replace a school also,1 "You gather resources, power up your exosuit and spaceship, build a massive base with all sorts of amenities, like farms and power plants and machines for processing materials. ",1 fighting pirates,1 I recommended but not fully recommend ,1 "Spent nearly 1500 hours in game,",1 Making a mistake is unforgiving could cost the lives of innocent civilians or even one of your teammates.,1 With the heavy atmosphere and slow pacing that immediately pumps it to 11 in combat.,1 this would be cool and big open maps.,1 "I hope that some day the developers add VR support, I think this could be a key feature for this game cause of the realism and immersion it could bring. ",1 Placeholder for what could have been a great game. Should be a pre alpha title,1 I can see this game dominating the CQB style FPS genre.,1 hope game have language Vietnamese and help me translate into Vietnamese,1 Once you setup a farm you can get pretty much infinite money (units) and you can convert units into nanites by buying spaceships at space stations and trashing them. ,1 "With the addition of photo mode stuff,",1 and also have other modded players join you.,1 Sure right now it’s not completely finished but ,1 I still only recommend this game for 1 player or for a 3-4 group of friends and ,1 "I am in a team of 5 highly trained expert SWAT members loaded with equipment and weaponry for any scenario, ",1 "Whenever a player breaches the rules of engagement against a BIPOC suspect, the player gets a quick little pop-up message educating them about the number of police shootings in the U. S., and how they'd all be preventable if the police didn't have weapons.",1 "If it was ALSO a good shooter, if space fights required skills and somehow changed the universe, and there were real factions with like wars and stuff going on, sure, then it could be a whole different experience.",1 The story and lore of RoN are not directly presented in the game. And some elements like suspect's uniforms and behaviors are the way they are,1 "I won't compare Ready or Not to SWAT4,",1 "There is also three different species, or at least main ones, that all have their different language, and are more dominant in separate galaxies. These three are the Gek, the Korax (my personal favorite), and the Vy'keen. The Gek are mostly traders and merchants, the Korvax are mostly scientists and mechanics of the sort, and the Vy'keen are mostly meatheaded brutes, not to says there isn't some bright heads in their race.",1 I play this with my 6-year-old son,1 I understand it's an alpha and more content is to come,1 "I have played every level, I have not 3 starred every hospital and",1 but how to train staff and manage the environment for example.,1 This is not like COD or Battlefield where you attempt to move quick and shoot.,1 "Recently, they added options to alter the game difficulty enabling all to switch off and on different aspects of the game, you can now alter how strong enemies are or disable them, environmental hazards or death penalties also.",1 "I'm not stating something new here, I know others have posted this complaint.- Killing animals on planets as a bounty.",1 rely solely on valve is steamworks anti-cheat and copy protection system for this game.,1 Will you bring a battering ram to bust through a door or bring a shield to take some extra bullets? Will you go in quiet with silencers and night vision goggles or breach the site with explosives and wipe out the enemy's with shotguns? The choice is yours to make.,1 "Find your perfect planet, build your perfect base/home and ",1 " maybe I’ll ask for more multiplayer options, ",1 Re-visiting 5 years later after launch. ,1 good game doesn’t know why there's freemason symbolism everywhere but I'm not surprised,1 "The AI is similar to that of SWAT 4 and with familiarity,",1 "After the 4.0 update,",1 "People who never enjoyed / played games from the golden era PS1/2, xbox and PC 99-2005 will never know what they are missing out of.",1 even build a Meka for yourself.,1 "I do wish this mechanic could be built out a bit more, because after a while, base building and taming pets is the only thing left to do, and ",1 "Non-player characters (NPCs) populate the world and can be interacted with in a number of ways: the player may engage them in conversation, marry certain NPCs (irrespective of gender), kill them or engage them in a nonlethal ""brawl"". As in previous The Elder Scrolls games, killing certain NPCs can make some quests or items unobtainable. Some NPCs cannot be killed due to their importance in later storylines.",1 i must admit to being pleasantly surprised by this game! I am pleased to say that two point campus has yet to serve up any game breaking designs! ,1 "discovering new diseases and treatment rooms,",1 "The landscaping tool needs some serious rework, as even through using it on such a large area breaks the physics engine and creates ghostly walls that you can't walk through or destroy.",1 before saying its a skill issue I’m 38 yrs old played competitive shooters since I was 13.,1 maybe I will try it again in a year or so and see if it is gotten better.,1 "The moment to moment game-play is super suspenseful, and you NEVER know who is armed or not and ",1 American healthcare simulator,1 "challenge 2.5/5slight challenge to this game, you have to balance patient needs, staff needs, all while maintaining a safe, clean, and positive environment.",1 "I've missed this game a lot, so thinking of getting back into it again.",1 "I bought the $100 edition of ""Ready or Not"" to support the games future.",1 "survival mode taking away everything you have when you die and offering no storage system until late game, outside you and your ship which if you die in on foot you lose you inventory o",1 I have a 2080 and,1 sad to say it looks like the end of two point hospital dlcs but overall I have no real complaints.,1 " on other platforms, and have been a player since 1.0 (Platforms: PS4, PC, Switch).",1 "This game is very realistic so if you have ptsd like myself, here is a trigger warning.",1 "My friend and I who were playing SWAT 4 at the time, had pretty much exhausted everything you could do in that game.",1 you will need to learn in order to progress and not just illness discovery,1 Played like 6 hours with 2 friends and saw 100% of what the game has to offer within the first 4 or so.,1 "the hospital campuses don not necessarily need multiple stories, two point campus would actually do well with the mechanic.",1 "I got this game for my birthday, due to me having it on my Wishlist.",1 "juggle a multitude of priorities, and be smart about your decisions as they will catch up.",1 I am running an 11th gen i9 and a 3080 ti with 64 gb ddr4. ,1 hopefully at some point we might get a ps4 version so people like my husband could enjoy it!,1 made me refund the game,1 is because of the pretty extensive background story found on VOID's YouTube channel and mission briefings in-game.,1 "If you're on the fence, maybe watch some great YouTube videos of full raids. Give you an idea of what you're up against.",1 "I'd understand if it was a full release game and the playtesting was there to ensure that updates were of proper quality, ",1 more direct interaction with the competitors. just one word: sabotaging!,1 I played it for the grand total of 75 minutes. ,1 It isn't a competitive shooter and,1 I am meant to be doing work for my real-life master’s degree. what am I doing instead? try Harding to 100% two point campus. this is extra credit right...right?,1 "in my opinion I think it's good to have a lot of topics like “Planes"" that are randomly spawned, with each star having a different climate, such as being very hot from the volcanic star's surface, cold to ice. and almost no living things Or even stars with radiation that will cause our blood to decrease all the time. ",1 i have played some of the rooms for about 3 hours and I am still seeing new animations which is really nice. ,1 The stories of some levels are obviously based on real-world criminal cases.,1 in beta matchmaking is completely random and hopefully you would be able to filter for servers with mics and certain level of experience,1 "I'm not a social person tho, so I dislike both options and prefer to remain solo. I'm grateful that option was not removed.",1 "Since communication is important, ",1 spent almost 2 hours playing ,1 "if nothing else, this is a perfect game for dual-monitors. crack open another level, micro for a bit, ",1 "Whether you choose to embark on a solitary journey of discovery or team up with friends in multiplayer mode, the game offers a multitude of paths to follow and goals to achieve.",1 "I am a good person really you can believe me look at the plaques which say so. Lot more to cover too - it is a management game in so many aspects - assign staff to particular roles, build and re-build entire sections to utilise the influx of patients, ",1 Keep in mind I play exclusively KB/M.,1 state refund it.,1 "I played in challenge mode (where you have no unlocked and have to earn your special in-game currency for unlocked items, called kudosh). I got to the two star level after about 4 hours, logged off for the night, and ",1 makes you almost have to angle your camera right to see your gun on the bench when customizing.,1 "Options include easy creative mode all the way up to sudden death hardcore, ",1 Ready or Not is a SWAT themed tactical-shooter where the focus is on pacifying suspects over neutralizing on sight.,1 the ability to play online with people and still be able to communicate is a huge upside in my opinion.,2 "when I heard that ex-bullfrog staff were producing tph, it had my curiosity. ",2 but this game is a breath of fresh air among modern shooters. ,2 thought this game would annoy me but I find it enjoyable escape from reality of real hospital work.,2 "This feels like a solid very polished game, ",2 You can tackle an objective in so many different ways which allows you to replay the same mission over and over again and still feel fresh and exciting.,2 "a single player with some multiplayer aspects, ",2 "No hardcore grinding, no survival stress, and EVERYTHING IN IT IS FUN. ",2 I am glad that it’s been released for Early Access / BETA. I’m excited to see what other bits are coming after the game is fully released.,2 that you can still explore which is cool.,2 I am a huge Tarkov fan,2 " in addition, the rooms can be designed with great attention to detail, and the game gives you the feeling that it was not in vain and ",2 "You may get an extra character interaction or two depending on your decisions, wow! ",2 This game is by far the best tactical shooter I have played bar none. ,2 "After a long silence, Hello Games has taken up the challenge of recreating a game that marvelled the world.",2 "no steep learning curve, high skill ceiling,",2 The only use I found for it is using it in photo mode for pretty sci-fi space pictures.,2 "So far this game has a lot of potential, with the support of the mod community,",2 sandbox-style sims games.,2 what a great game with interesting levels to explore.,2 but I think the devs could learn a bit from Escape From Tarkov,2 the game is the most realistic tac-FPS I have ever played and ,2 "Cool story concept,",2 "This game's story is gripping, fast-paced, action-packed and deep. ",2 "Besides, the game brings a good atmosphere in missions to players. Sometimes makes you breath rapidly ",2 "Basically, in short, it's a very fun space game with a decent amount of strategy when it comes to resource management early-game, ",2 I would definitely recommend this game.,2 a story driven single player RPG and multiplayer lobby games where people can team up for more difficult content cooperatively.,2 " Of course, it is a remake of an old classic, but it has upgrades, new additions and a fun narrative that makes it feel very much like it is own game.",2 An incredibly good feeling co-op tactical shooter experience ,2 "the games always full of fresh figures and keeps the experience fresh and new since everyone’s different playstyles are gonna clash, ",2 "great game: cool humor, satisfying gameplay mechanics, reasonable and ""configurable"" pacing - you can move on if you want, you can stay longer to pick up basics and mechanics, so you won not be overwhelmed.",2 Of course you can cheat a permadeath defeat by the simple method of backing up your permadeath game file before beginning your play session.,2 and make/explore with friends.,2 "you can tell that this is not an English game as they offer private tutoring as ""private tuition"" and as a current college student, it makes me laugh a bit to get notifications stating my students completed their ""tuition session"". all in all, fun game.",2 " as you unlock more items, diseases, and rooms you can go back and build up your previous hospitals, raising them to three star levels in your pursuit of perfection.",2 The colours in the game are pretty vibrant sometimes and the only lurch I only ever feel is when I'm flying into a planet and I see nothing but clouds and clouds.,2 "From things like proper use of flashlight (if you light the window from the wrong angle it will blind you), through completely unpredictable behavior of enemies like faking being dead, faking surrender just to shoot at you when you get close, hiding or taking cover in places",2 it feels like the developers heard all the wishes from players in hospital and made them for campus!,2 "it makes it so you can do whatever you want to without feeling pressured into something specific, but it can also make it feel like there's nothing to do.",2 some very easy beginner levels with more difficult ones thrown in once you progress further.,2 " When these issues are fixed I will be happy to come back to this review and update it with a glowing, no strings attached recommendation, until then…",2 This game is a must for anyone with a VR headset.,2 A new and special game with prospects and lately with more and more upgrades and hotfixes.,2 "There is a variety of maps but with mods you can massively increase that. Mod support is good as well with people being able to make all sorts from uniforms, guns, voices, menu mods etc.",2 It has a better user interface then two point hospital. ,2 This is probably the best exploration slash survival game out their in general and almost certainly bar none in the sci-fi genre.,2 "Loving it so far, just got to get used to the flight stuff. Got motion sick as hell",2 "overall, the gameplay is solid a few small bugs that make, mechanics are amazing",2 "This game is very fun, I recommend a good headset so you can hear all the drug addicts walking around the house you have to clear and maybe a diaper for when they bust through that door as you’re trying to look under with the mirror gun.",2 really hits the right spot in the sim and management game genre about a hospital,2 if you enjoyed theme hospital from the late 90 is then this is definitely a game for you.,2 Who would have thought a 58-year-old grandmother would become a No Man's Sky avid player!,2 "mentally sane people. Patience is rewarded As you navigate pitch black hallways and rooms armed with nothing but your guns and a flashlight (NVGs are available too), it really can play out like a horror game. ",2 "Time is flying, the earth is rotating, and the no man's sky is still updating.",2 This game is great,2 "it has a very awesome design, with very intense situations,",2 "I play in VR, and with time, Luckily, the uncomfortableness of the glasses makes it easier to disconnect, take a breather, and then enjoy again another day.",2 This game is super enjoyable,2 " I have only left my starting solar system twice, maybe 3 times.. . and I still feel like I haven't explored a hundredth of even that.",2 " it is ... a more scaled-back, mindless experience,",2 very easy to get the hang of even if you have not played theme hospital before.,2 There are some weird places and some amazingly beautiful places. You'll find yourself standing overlooking a valley that leads to an ocean with a ringed planet in the sky and the sun(s) setting at the horizon. There's a trade port over there where all sorts of ships are flying in to and out from. There's some weird building guarded by robots that may just have something interesting.,2 "Even if I had completed the game 100%, the updates that the developers had put out since the launch have fixed (in my experience) all the bugs and added SO MUCH content, features and additions to the game that it makes ",2 Ready or Not provides an opportunity to practice precise discernment and defusing of a situation with as little room for error or injury as possible.,2 using night vision is cool.,2 "His world will take place in a vast world, stripped of its limitations, since all that will appear will be accessible to the smallest of nebulae in the remotest star, not to mention the countless planets or flake the Galaxy. ",2 I know you want you're game to be realistic.,2 You can get such crazy things like jetpack that emits rainbows or some badass bounty hunter helmet for your character.,2 "Your health is not forgiving, and you need to take control of your situation quickly with wits and reflexes.",2 "I do like that the radio announcer is Mark Silk, who did the black and white 'good and evil' voices.",2 "also they need to add a lot like I mean a lot of weapons, weapons attachment, ammunition variation, operator gears, and also character model and voice variation, ",2 at making the players feel nervous and tense as well as ,2 the story length of the game extends further than one may think. ,2 the options to play online challenges with friends who also have the game is fun for those who need some more social interaction in the game.,2 "Although the game's graphical style is not truly realistic and a bit more on the fairy tale side of things,",2 Crazy realistic swat vibes that really has never been done before; the game has a lot of detail along with the fact that it feels like you are a swat member absolutely NUTS,2 but if you are willing to play what’s here right now it should be a good time.,2 "He promised the game had changed, that it wasn't the hot mess it had been at launch. I... have to admit that it looked good.",2 "The developers brought the game back to life with massive, reputation-changing FREE updates,",2 " one of my friends plays to build elaborate bases and facilities,",2 I guess sales will rocket when PvP mode is added.,2 special rooms like the deluxe clinic did not show up in sandbox mode.,2 love the ability to go back to previous hospitals when you level up and even farm earlier hospitals for research and unlocks. ,2 I was having a lot of fun with the game making video is for my YouTube channel.,2 "I'm a big fan of Sandbox survivals or exploration base games, I clocked numerous hours in games like Ark Survival, Terreria(not in my steam) ,Starbound and Astroneer.",2 very easy to follow and learn. ,2 amazing new vibe love it epic and hard and rewarding,2 NMS has a deep story and might actually provide a valuable lesson in computer morality.,2 "I'm sure it will be better after some time in development, but",2 "This game is no longer the dud everyone said it was at launch, it has not become one of the best open world games out today.",2 I love this game no one likes it ,2 "Very enjoyable, easy to get to know and play.",2 feels neglected by Elite Dangerous and their new way of projecting,2 "same sense of humor, similar art style, and the game play feels familiar. ",2 the game is fun and the antics keep you wanting to play more,2 "Amazing, truly an immersive tactical shooter which ",2 the people are never typically in the same spots which I love that about it so that it always will pose a challenge.,2 it dose lack a little with content and a few bugs but I do think it will get better with some updated versions a content update and/or a dlc ,2 "i put dozens of hours into this game on Xbox game pass for pc, ",2 "it is a fun to game to play while listening to podcasts, but the funny voice lies make it worth playing unmuted. Fun and relaxing",2 "The interface/interaction controls may take some getting used to, but in my opinion, are laid out sensibly.",2 You can learn alien language and ,2 "fun and a very straight-forward, breezy sim game. ",2 Update after another 60+ hours: ,2 "The freedom to embark on perilous voyages, trade resources, and upgrade equipment brings a rewarding sense of progress.",2 I've invested dozens of hours into the game and still have hundreds of hours of gameplay ahead of me. ,2 it is a refreshing start to a reboot which features lots of cool modes and environments on how to play and manage a simulation hospital game. ,2 "but also the vague and ominous portends of unnamed voices, whispering about travellers and sentinels and number sequences. ",2 "The last aspect is the most important in this type of game, I’m really serious, it feels like being inside the action in every moment of the game, you'll experience fear, anger, concussions",2 "Flying is fun, dog fights are fun, missions are fun,",2 " I think this game is about the sense of scale of the whole thing and if you do see someone else's planet, it’s pretty cool, I have named my planets 2dgamemania.co.uk so people can contact me if they see my planet.",2 "With that being said, I think this game has HUGE potential and if the developers looked at the high-ranking mods that are out for this game and make it part of the game as standard, then it would GREATLY improve the game and its marketing.",2 Very fun with friends. We spent like half an hour messing around with the different weapons in the lobby and the mechanics are awesome.,2 With friends the galaxy feels less empty though.,2 "boasts an array of realistic tactics, equipment, physics, environments, and firearm mechanics. ",2 "i am big on weird mind-bending stories, and this game definitely fits those categories.",2 I enjoy exploration type games that involve vehicles as they really open up the speed you can explore at. The Roamer being my first vehicle that I upgraded fully is the one I have the most experience with. It was interestingly powerful in some cases; wielding a super powerful mining laser that worked quickly and a power scanning system that made tracking specific structures possible.,2 "One of the best games I've played in a while, ",2 "incredibly addictive game-play,",2 A lot of new content is pushed out in every update ,2 ", in doing so you end up learning all about the other parts of the game, you naturally begin to acquire the knowledge and experience that allows you to create the fabled ""Ionised Chicken Egg"" without needing to spend hours on Google.",2 really fun especially when you communicate with teammates. ,2 adding a little interactive gameplay,2 I can spend a long time just taking photos on a planet.,2 Really liked adrenaline rush in situations where situations can go from 0 to 100 in mere seconds (e. g. suspects rushing out of door that I was pie-ing),2 "The result is a game that has fun, satisfying gameplay and a story that fully and completely hooked me. It was mysterious, it was engaging, it was emotional, and it was heartfelt.",2 "i am big on puzzles, and this game definitely fits those categories.",2 The game is great! It highlights a lot of the difficulties that law enforcement faces when having to make split decisions. ,2 "customisation of rooms seems to be practically endless due to the number of items in each, and the individuality of certain items.",2 you are presented with enough monthly and quarterly data that ,2 " I saw the teaser trailer back in 2016, ",2 Communication and teamwork is essential to complete the challenges that await.,2 "Although it has plenty of ironic comments on modern health factories, it feels also impressively correct in its depiction of how these buildings are conceptualized and work in reality. while playing, I heard (in my mind) colleagues saying things this like ""my new office is now in front of a toilet, urgh, and then there is this vending machine where people gather and chat the entire day.",2 I like the game and I like two point hospital as well but I had hoped the items had been updated more. ,2 Game is pretty cool and all,2 As much as I’ve replayed the maps so it doesn't get very repetitive.,2 "Its still in alpha, the game still has a long way to go, but the core is there and already it is a lot of fun.",2 the game does a very good job of making each level interesting from the previous level,2 "All-in-all, a great game for fans of the SWAT series, ",2 lots of cute funny characters and hilarious two point radio announcers chatting in the background,2 "I'm 34, I'm old and demanding and I really can't afford to start playing at 5 pm only to end at 2:30 am, wondering, how the hell I'm going to wake up for work (which I did yesterday, thanks to NMS).",2 "To sum up, I love this game and it is company and",2 a virtual 2D screen in front of your face and calling it VR for all on foot gameplay you will probably feel more at home in this game. ,2 "When a player settles down on a planet and makes a base, and the things they find there can become interesting just because of the connection to that procedural content.",2 I really enjoyed the 5+ actual hours,2 Excellent tactical simulation of an alternate universe where police actually use their militarization to stop crimes instead of waiting outside of elementary schools as they're being shot up.,2 "If spending hours scouring an obscure planet to find one more bizarre lifeform, one more hidden station, one more blueprint tucked away in some terminal can suck you in, ",2 "This game is so realistic,",2 the developer is twisted sense of humor adds to the games enjoyment.,2 "I played it on xbox on game pass, enjoyed it so much ",2 One thing this game has down is the equipment selection and customization. This works very well.,2 "i did some research and discovered two point games is made up of developers from bullfrog games, the creators of the original theme hospital which is basically the same game we are playing here. ",2 this game somehow makes playing a game during a pandemic not depressing and actually quite fun.,2 It's an extremely detailed tactical SWAT team simulator. ,2 the best thing about it is that you can save it to the cloud and come back to it later.,2 It's a tiny little puzzle minigame,2 then this game is for you.,2 I am flat out amazed at how much content there is in this game as of May 2022!,2 "added it to my Wishlist, then I finally bought it a couple days ago.",2 Maybe it's just because I aspire to be an astronomer and I love space but I would consider NMS to be my new favourite game.,2 the graphics are wonderful;,2 settings can be easily adjusted to suit the spec of the computer you are using.,2 I have hundreds of hours logged in this game,2 This game will punish you for every decision made without mercy.,2 "A friend of mine recently begged, wheedled, cajoled, and begged some more for me to try it. ",2 "RP with learning languages and skills, quest, build bases work together or",2 i have got all the stars and all teh achievements and enjoyed the game.,2 "you could play as a galactic photographer, taking pictures across the universe. I enjoy this sort of play.",2 and a cryptic story to slowly explore;,2 The realism in terms of sence is just top notch.,2 All that matters is the fun and excitement! ,2 "The maps are very atmospheric, and for example my favourite, Neon Club, evokes feelings of almost eerie authenticity",2 " they combined the regular inventory & cargo slots into one list, and you can now only equip tech upgrades in Technology slots, meaning that any upgrades equipped to a normal inventory slot became unequipped, but was left in your inventory as a regular item that you can just re-equip at any time as long as you have an available tech slot for it. ",2 without losing your progress.,2 got the game %10 off but it is definitely worth full price.,2 the satisfaction of winning as a hider or successfully eliminating all the hiders as the seeker is unmatched.,2 "I hope the devs look at making an attack and defend type game mode comparable to Rainbow Six Siege, ",2 "encourages and rewards teamplay and information based combat, and offers an increasing number of tools to solve situations.",2 I've been a supporter for this game ever since,2 "With every major update, . . No Man's Sky has come so unbelievably far from the state in launched in that its become an entirely different game. ",2 as I love this studio and there is a lot of lovely stuff in the game,2 "that is mainly to support the game in its development when the game is worked on by an indie team. Best of all, they don't try to sell you dumb skins/NFTs for the game, or any Pay 2 Win things like other multibillion companies do.",2 the guns have punch,2 "All other game companies should be copying Hello Games response to their game releases, they didn’t give up when",2 then this is a game for you.,2 "The ""seasons"" events are a great way to breathe new life into this game and I have done two of them so far. everyone starting on the same world with random equipment and a random ship is awesome, as is everyone having the same planet as a goal.",2 "In all seriousness this game is brilliant, one of those games where you'll find yourself playing for hours, then rage quit, only to return the day after to try again win then rage quit again ",2 "some of the puzzles are a bit complicated, but everything manageable if you just try.",2 healthcare is a terrifying and confusing thing but two point hospital also makes it fun.,2 The sound of the engines roaring and the sight of the stars flashing by filled my senses as I soared through the cosmos.,2 "it is like theme hospital, clearly in art style and comedy style. ",2 "Maps are varied in size and design, different scenarios is really cool and keeps the game feeling fresh.",2 Exploring the universe alongside friends or encountering other players' discoveries,2 if you do not already know it is a hospital simulation game. it is emphasis is more on its humorous aesthetics the strong gameplay mechanics.,2 d it is a fun hospital management game with ,2 realistic and satisfying as hell.,2 giving you that addictive sense of accomplishment that fuels the dopamine reward system of the human brain.,2 Was that a future Two Point Zoo Easter Egg on the radio? Because if so... just take my money now...,2 "Playing it on VR, forgot to shower, forgot to eat.",2 easy to control via steam controller.,2 "You are guided on this journey not only by helpful tutorial messages, ",2 "If you ever played the game SWAT 4 and liked it,",2 I really like that it takes so long to get bored so still going,2 "Ready or not is an excellent first person shooter, and ",2 "Thank you Hello Games Supporting this game that’s been lost to the bigger publishers, and I’m so glad that this still happens here.",2 ", I find that I still manage to struggle with the design of environmental places and how to story-tell within a space.",2 something you would never see from other developers in this day and age.,2 " it was a flourishing/paradise planet with ancient remains/natural burial sites, and I had the sense of the community kind of ""settling"" the planet themselves to make profit from the resources, just a really nice feeling compared to Version 1.",2 "Normally a game that has this style isn't my type of game, but it looked intriguing",2 well over 1100 hrs played.,2 "But I always loved theme hospital, and have not played it in a very, very long time.",2 I absolutely cannot wait for the Steam Workshop and proper modding to come so maps and cool overhaul mods are more accessible and one click away rather than manually placing them on the pack folder.,2 "Great gun play, can play causal/dumb or be super milsimy.",2 "such likes is plenty when you are not out exploring on foot or tucked away in your ship, arcing around another planet for more asteroids to mine. ",2 " like Battlefield 2042, COD Vanguard, etc.",2 "It has been sometime now and there has been a lot of updates,",2 "There is always something to do, someone to find, neat little things hidden all over and you never know what you will dig into when you go mining.",2 "A nice space exploration game nonetheless,",2 "A first person shooter that is legitimately terrifying and stressful, ",2 "The addition of multiplayer functionality allows for cooperative or competitive gameplay, enabling players to explore and interact with others in the vastness of space.",2 this is worth each and every money I spent.,2 "This game makes me feel like both a super survivalist living on a sharp thin edge, or the dumbest most bumbling moron space tourist in the galaxy, only staying alive because the technology is so good. Driving = is a blast, do you have any idea how nice it is to have a starter vehicle that doesn’t flip over\ drift all over the place like everything is ice, or get stopped by tiny bits of terrain or ™¥™¥™¥™¥™¥™¥™¥ ",2 "the game is great,",2 "I wish all games that labled themselves ""spiritual successor"" were this good.",2 but this game stands out very differently from something compared to Rainbow 6 ,2 I love love love the game due to being an old hospital tycoon player back in the day,2 "decent graphics, and really cute, and well thought out vibes, that really make this a fun game to play, and",2 have put 8 hours in just two days and plan on putting in at least 100 more.,2 "Whether you choose to follow the main storyline, become a galactic trader, , or simply wander the stars in search of the perfect planet to call home, it's a game that invites players to create their own narrative.",2 "My favourite part of this game is finding something new and amazing, or finding a new planet with amazing resources, It is like getting to live your dream over and over again in a Groundhog Day, open world environment.",2 "Achievements aren't that hard, you can enjoy the game without worrying about missing some of them.",2 "the building mechanics are snappy and easy to use (even if small things do not like to line up perfectly), and",2 "This is also the first game brought out by two point games and seeing the reviews, its pretty dang good!!",2 I like everything... ,2 amzing graphics would recommend this game.,2 "I've enjoyed this game on XBOX as well as here on Steam, so my hours are slightly deflated in total.",2 which is pretty intuitive and easy to learn.,2 "the species unique, the ships totally varied, and no matter what, you can and will always have a different story in the game than anyone else.",2 Lobbies are always populated; the community is very collaborative.,2 "That said, I've enjoyed playing in single player mode and have accumulated ",2 "Overall, No Man's Sky is a fantastic game ",2 all of the maladies are for the most part fictional.,2 "The in-game currency is so easy to get,",2 But there can more than 5 players... your voice is specialized so people hear you only up close. Other channels are more convenient as the hear you wherever you are.,2 "fun, cartoony graphics ",2 this version does not crash as much,2 "Creative Mode, that is accessible immediately after installation is ""god-mode"" & ",2 addictive gameplay hilarious diseases sandbox mode quick to pick up and overwhelmingly hard to put down until you finish everything,2 I enjoy this game a lot and it is great to play while listening to podcasts.,2 The game does a pretty good job at guiding you through what to do without unnecessarily holding your hand.,2 This is literally Space Pirate Simulator everything else is just stuff you gotta do for kicks,2 with modifiers and recent balance changes have made the game more diverse and while still little easy much more agency is allotted to the player to improve reliability while also still being relatively unpredictable,2 "is it as good at tph? No. When two point campus was announced I was cautiously optimist, and for the most part, I was pleasantly surprised. the game uses the same style as two point hospital but the mechanics behind the scenes are very different.",2 I preordered this game because I was so excited for it after playing two point hospital.,2 The company actually fixed their reputation and game.,2 Very realistic and looking forward to future development. ,2 "also there is a fun Facebook group to join as well that is fan ran and creates fun challenges and an open, friendly environment to discuss strategies, stories and get help with anything!",2 This game is a work of artistic expression that puts you in the shoes of a SWAT officer following protocol in high-risk high-pressure situations. ,2 "The soundtrack further enhances the sense of wonder and immersion, guiding players through their intergalactic journey with a beautiful and atmospheric score.",2 amzing audio ,2 create an immersive and memorable experience.,2 the game also prevents boredom by allowing you to unlock 3 stars on every single hospital.,2 it’ll leave you unable to breath just like George Floyd.,2 A very challenging tactical shooter,2 this builds constant sense of anticipation as the player awaits their highest payout of the round and goes long way to make each individual spin maintain sense of excitement even after you have had 20 30 runs of it along with,2 Definitely a thumbs up from me.,2 the sound effects puts you in the right place every single time.,2 New upgrade looks promising.,2 this game is a true to the heart successor.,2 NMS is not only one of the best spaces games ,2 Ready or Not is an extremely fun & challenging shooter that,2 "there is a lot of community for it, on reddit, YouTube, discord, and the game is own forums, where you can find strategy guides, tips and people to work with on online projects to unlock additional items.",2 "The graphics are A1,",2 "had my reservations, but it is actually pretty good! All of the goodness of the original, with extra added details.",2 "Watched Twitch streams for a whole week to get a feel for the game, and a weeks’ worth of free drops, including 3 A class hauler ships, 2 A class fighter ships, and 3 A class multitools, plus some neat cosmetics. Then I started playing. And I was hooked.",2 plays on both your ability to cooperate and make split second decisions.,2 "The game has a steep learning curve, it's a challenging swat sim that should satisfy hardcore gamers.",2 for me it runs smooth as silk at 4k with highest settings. ,2 "the sound for this game is really good, guns feel nice and punchy also being able to hear the people through the walls preparing for you is a nice touch.",2 "funny radio station, funky music and",2 I am a huge fan of building and management games. ,2 With the different weapons and the fact that there is VOIP and ,2 this game has been on my Wishlist since the pre orders came in I’ve finally gone and bought it I have to say I am very glad ,2 competing against other steam friends for awards at the ceremony,2 lots of fun pop culture references.,2 "you cannot afford to take any risks with this game, and every game is different so you never know where the enemies are, or the bombs. Absolute classic which I have no doubt I will still be playing when I'm a really old man.",2 it provides a very chill and easy experience so you can get that space exploration without a powerful computer or hours of game play practice.,2 the movement is God tier,2 """ it is amazing! No Man's Sky also makes me feel alone” which is a good thing. We may be social creatures, but we need time alone: time to think, time to reflect, and time to process our past, present, and future.",2 "Very good graphics, ",2 "like always, I was tempted to play it due to the influence of gaming youtubers, ",2 "I have spent an embarrassing amount of time playing two point hospital and the old theme hospital. Starting two point campus, the formulae are already familiar ",2 " and great graphics,",2 Absolutely awesome game feels so tense,2 "The Atlas is a mystery. I have barely deciphered the first alien race is language I have encountered, but slowly learning to communicate. I am really curious about these infected stations I keep encountering...There is some kind of backstory to the sentinels being some kind of self-replicating machines that took over the universe, and I am excited to find out more about it.",2 gathering trophies and platinumed on ,2 "I do feel like I have experienced a small part space while still nearly completing the story, which may speak to its first play through and dare I say replay ability.",2 "nowadays its very rare a game catches my attention as much as two point campus has, , and background music/dj that gives some comedy as you play.",2 """Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. "" The 3-rd law by Arthur C. Clarke. I started a review with Clarke's quotation, because the world of ""No Man's Sky"" is really magical despite its obvious sci-fi basis. ",2 "as the Ai aren't totally braindead, and can respond to threats reasonably well.",2 "I enjoyed it immensely and put in a lot of time, making it I believe my highest play time game on Steam as of writing this. ",2 I would recommend this game for everyone.,2 and AI camping in blind spots did make me jump off my seat.,2 have AMD with above recommended hardware.,2 " no matter how many times you fail its always a learning experience to learn the layout of the building, master the recoil of a gun or just hone your skills in CQB environments really a great game for anyone who wants a game that rewards quick thinking, efficient uses of tactics or a great CO-OP experience plus the modding scene and ",2 and give me more of a reason to play more.,2 "i was able to play the last of the free weekend, and honestly I loved it!",2 when a shooting actually occurs in a dance club in our world.,2 "I have never had fits of rage, or been one to break down and cry, but I was in a low spot that just really buried me from being able to see the light on the other side. Having nothing better to do, I searched for a game I could play, one handed while I recovered.",2 yet it pays you back with the amount of awesome content you can unlock ,2 "good management choices, , ",2 " and the community is very nice and when you visit the Nexus, people often give you expensive stuff just because why not.",2 the sound effects of the game are also very creative advantages help make the world feel very much alive ,2 your squad maybe being attacked by enemies in a sudden. Make sure you are READY during missions.,2 and graphics can be adjusted to allow you to enjoy the best experience.,2 and even trading is fun.,2 I'm partial to things such asthis game delivers all that pretty darn well.,2 "No Mans Sky gives you the freedom to do whatever you want, while also guiding you along a path that shows you all the game can offer, which is quite a lot.",2 it was very easy to learn how to play the game but at the same time some of the challenges have been difficult,2 "Very fun game, exceeds expectations year after year with continued FREE updates",2 "I like in games to make decisions, plan things, have some strategy, accomplish things and learn how to play better.",2 "SWAT 4 for me was easily the pinnacle in tactical FPS games and RON has taken that spot now, building off of the concept that existed and refining it for a modern gaming generation.",2 "mercy is not a required quality for this game, but capitalism is lol ",2 "the game looks great, runs great and plays great.",2 overall this game is actually dope.,2 Spooky mode is awesome during this festive season.,2 "The rewarding team play, and complexity of the task involved is an immense sense of satisfaction to navigate.",2 " gunplay is on the level of say tarkov, ",2 that I recently binged and I cannot recommend it enough.,2 "runs like a dream on my modest gaming laptop,",2 what is not to like about the developers behind the amazing two point hospital trying something new?,2 it up will potentially have one of the best tactical FPS we have ever seen.,2 Recommended!,2 and your AI companions are reasonable competent if issued the correct orders.,2 " The game still needs some polishing, but it has been recently released and they will fox the remaining bugs, balance the game out, add new mechanics and make it even better. ",2 "I did and this game is that imagined game come to fruition! You will build, mine, create, fly, negotiate and hunt down mysterious signals in the single player mode. If story is not your bag, you can just play creative which has zero story, just play.",2 "What I actually do want to talk about is the fact that, whatever the state of the game might have been or might become, I really enjoyed this game. I enjoyed the almost surreal atmosphere (literally and figuratively) of a world so seemingly alive and full of things to do that you could study every single life form and landmass across the surface of the immense planets if you so choose. I'm not one for mindless exploration but there's so much to find and so much that caught my eye that I was baffled. Crashed ships, maps, secrets, mysteries and societies to bargain with and even run for yourself.",2 "gun-play is punchy, responsive, satisfying as hell.",2 this game is a fantastic time sink I really enjoy it I have not played the whole way through and I am definitely taking my time exploring my way through it as a bit of a completionist,2 I've ever done I would recommend worth the price,2 "What do you have? To familiarize yourself with the game Ready or Not offers a Training Room from which you start missions, shoot yourself through a killhouse and get familiarized with Ready or Nots mechanics.",2 "This game just has everything,",2 "Find crashed freighters, alien settlements, abandoned buildings and ancient artefacts. ",2 "Multiplayer on Multiplayer mode your can join with your save, get benefits from your save ",2 This game is pretty good ,2 "Playing this game with a mic is a MUST, communication is very important, this game made me buy a proper headset so I could communicate, ",2 "I received this game from a friend of mine, it is fully worth the money as I would gladly return it and spend my own money on it in a heartbeat.",2 this still in early acsess is crazy ,2 "There are half a dozen levels or so to play with different scenarios available to select on each which vary in difficulty (bomb threat, active shooter, hostage rescue to name but a few) ",2 "make sure cleanliness, happiness and boredom are controlled. - recruit and train your employees to perform the tasks you have assigned to them.- accept challenges or patients from other hospitals.- ",2 RoN has made and balanced it in such a way that is easy to understand and sufficiently consistent.,2 it auto saves so it should only set you back about ten mins,2 and good for screenshot lol,2 like in Escape from Tarkov ,2 Pretty much every option I would desire is in there. You can change difficulty of enemies. You can change damage done to you and your ship. Several other options as well.,2 "This game makes you feel like a kid again, where your curious mind takes you afar and wide, ",2 "I only have one friend that plays the game, but every day we chat about new discoveries that we've made and adventures we've had. This game has honestly made me feel like a kid again.",2 game is on par with games such as escape from Tarkov and Insurgency sandstorm,2 This game is like rust in space but less chaotic and,2 "It can be a relaxing experience with fairly good immersion, nice and colorful and ",2 It would benefit greatly from steam workshop compatibility for some variety with regards to wall art and rugs.,2 "This is the first software example of classic science fiction that lets you, via the massive sandbox processes employed, be a full part of the story as it develops.",2 "the building your own stuff was not new to me, but the way two point campus is set up brings a new life to the whole 'build your own', its a whole lot of fun!",2 then two point hospital is definitely worth checking out.,2 it is so worth your time/money if you are into tycoon/building games.,2 while some of the puzzles are solved by random clicking ,2 "I learned a lot of skills on to how to properly diagnose and cure a plethora of diseases, and most importantly on how to keep my co-workers happy.",2 "once you learn how to play it, it is very easy to dominate. I never feared for having money, even at the start of a map, or with really any decision I made. unfortunately, this is also its downfall. ",2 "had issues when I first picked up this game. per developers troubleshooting, I excluded folders from antivirus, re-installed graphics card, and re-verified game files. spent almost an hour in game and it no longer crashes and seems to be running smooth. am now a happy gamer again.",2 Highly recommended and ,2 This game is way to good to pass up especially if you have v desktop and a VR headset takes a while to figure out but is good and ,2 if the game updates and proves itself.,2 "From The Anomaly you can interact with other players, scan their sweet rides, chat it up, purchase upgrades for everything you may need in the deep darkness of space, talk to a space version of Gordon Ramsay and feed him your prepared dishes, and many other things.",2 but at bare minimum I have high respect for the developers for retaining their credibility through actions and not photo shopping a PR statement when making a huge mistake which seems to be the norm nowadays.,2 i do miss the old diagnosis but being able to change camera angles and the fun treatment rooms.,2 I feel like they truly delivered on and endless and unique space to explore.,2 "The story was interesting, as I look back on it, but it was a little bit too non linear and overly complicated by the language system, but I did liked the translator and language learning. ",2 "but it again isn't very immersive, usually it only requires you to hold s to auto-target you opponent and hold left mouse, sometimes letting go to cool your gun down so you don't overheat. It's quite simplistic.",2 "every sim game starts out predictable, ",2 for those looking for a realistic tactical response simulation.,2 "There is a powerful photo mode, and at almost any time during the game you could open the photo mode and take a really nice picture with minimal effort.",2 " the simplified aspects make gameplay much smoother, compared to games like project hospital which can leave you running to a wiki or forums to figure out what device you need to add to what room, in order to treat a given disease. ",2 "realistic scenarios and different scenarios such as hostage rescue, bomb threat, active shooter, barricade enemies and raids.",2 " any number of resource management games, space trade and combat like Eve,",2 There is a steep learning curve to become familiar with the games technology but that is part of the fun.,2 There are some good things about this game which you can read about online,2 "music it’s simple, peaceful, calming, yet eerie all at the same time.",2 This is the most underrated title out there imo.,2 "Very immersive with the suspects grunting, crying, shouting from another room (because they fear me, ""the Sus[pect]slayer"", or because I once again shot blindly through the door).",2 "This game is great! This is a real ""Spaceman Simulator""!",2 I started playing again last week and am having a lot of fun with it.,2 "The VR is acceptable, ",2 What's better is it isn’t your typical shoot everything that moves game. ,2 I played the crap outta every bullfrog game; theme hospital was the one I preferred.,2 "I started a new game, and it is so much smoother.",2 "if you like Astroneer or Satisfactory or Subnautica, I highly recommend this game to you.",2 "I originally played this game on PS4 and it was fantastic, it captured the feel of swinging from the old Spider-Man 2 game while also having the combat from the Arkham games.",2 love taking photo another planet,2 "I used to keep a notepad on my phone that I updated before sleep to what I must do because it felt so satisfying to play that game, I didn't want to lose the momentum.",2 goofy diseases and even more goofy ways to cure them will make you wonder what will happen next.,2 "the game features a range of fun and challenging objectives, from curing illnesses to managing staff, and gives players the freedom to build their own custom hospitals. ",2 rewards curiosity and imagination.,2