{ "items": { "abysslectorfathomlessflames": { "hp": 6, "id": 2302, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Abyss Lector: Fathomless Flames", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 23021, "name": "Flame of Salvation", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 23022, "name": "Searing Precept", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG, summons 1 Darkfire Furnace.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons 1 $[C123021].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons 1 Darkfire Furnace.", "id": 23023, "name": "Ominous Star", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 4 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" }, { "description": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Fiery Rebirth.", "descriptionraw": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains $[C123022].", "descriptionreplaced": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Fiery Rebirth.", "id": 23024, "name": "Fiery Rebirth", "playcost": [], "type": "Passive Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_PASSIVE" } ], "source": "Reward for accepting the Tavern Challenge at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with Abyss Lector: Fathomless Flames", "storytext": "From chapters of canon revealed come much heeded admonishments.", "storytitle": "Abyss Lector: Fathomless Flames", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_PYRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_NONE", "GCG_TAG_CAMP_MONSTER" ], "tagstext": [ "Pyro", "Other Weapons", "Monster" ] }, "amber": { "hp": 10, "id": 1304, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Amber", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 13041, "name": "Sharpshooter", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "description": "Summons 1 Baron Bunny.", "descriptionraw": "Summons 1 $[C113041].", "descriptionreplaced": "Summons 1 Baron Bunny.", "id": 13042, "name": "Explosive Puppet", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG, deals 2 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], deals 2 $[K5] to all opposing characters on standby.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, deals 2 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby.", "id": 13043, "name": "Fiery Rain", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Amber to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "If you want to be a great player...\nFirst, you have to have the courage to sit down and play.", "storytitle": "\"Outrider\" Amber", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_PYRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_BOW", "GCG_TAG_NATION_MONDSTADT" ], "tagstext": [ "Pyro", "Bow", "Mondstadt" ] }, "aratakiitto": { "hp": 10, "id": 1605, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Arataki Itto", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 16051, "name": "Fight Club Legend", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_GEO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG. Summons Ushi. This character gains Superlative Superstrength.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. Summons $[C116051]. This character gains $[C116054].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. Summons Ushi. This character gains Superlative Superstrength.", "id": 16052, "name": "Masatsu Zetsugi: Akaushi Burst!", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_GEO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 5, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 5 Physical DMG. This character gains Raging Oni King.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. This character gains $[C116053].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 5 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. This character gains Raging Oni King.", "id": 16053, "name": "Royal Descent: Behold, Itto the Evil!", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_GEO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Arataki Itto to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with him", "storytext": "Arataki \"The Ultimate TCG Champion\" Itto", "storytitle": "\"Hanamizaka Heroics\" Arataki Itto", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_GEO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CLAYMORE", "GCG_TAG_NATION_INAZUMA" ], "tagstext": [ "Geo", "Claymore", "Inazuma" ] }, "barbara": { "hp": 10, "id": 1201, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Barbara", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 12011, "name": "Whisper of Water", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG, summons 1 Melody Loop.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons 1 $[C112011].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons 1 Melody Loop.", "id": 12012, "name": "Let the Show Begin♪", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "description": "Heals all of your characters for 4 HP.", "descriptionraw": "Heals all of your characters for 4 HP.", "descriptionreplaced": "Heals all of your characters for 4 HP.", "id": 12013, "name": "Shining Miracle♪", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Barbara to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "Ready to heal hearts and soothe souls at any time.", "storytitle": "\"Shining Idol\" Barbara", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_HYDRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CATALYST", "GCG_TAG_NATION_MONDSTADT" ], "tagstext": [ "Hydro", "Catalyst", "Mondstadt" ] }, "beidou": { "hp": 10, "id": 1405, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Beidou", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 14051, "name": "Oceanborne", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "description": "This character gains a Tidecaller: Surf Embrace. Prepare Skill: Wavestrider.", "descriptionraw": "This character gains a $[C114051]. $[K53]: $[S14054].", "descriptionreplaced": "This character gains a Tidecaller: Surf Embrace. Prepare Skill: Wavestrider.", "id": 14052, "name": "Tidecaller", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG, creates 1 Thunderbeast's Targe.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], creates 1 $[C114053].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, creates 1 Thunderbeast's Targe.", "id": 14053, "name": "Stormbreaker", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "(Prepare for 1 turn)\nDeals 3 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "(Prepare for 1 turn)\\nDeals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "(Prepare for 1 turn)\\nDeals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 14054, "name": "Wavestrider", "playcost": [], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Beidou to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "\"Remember this day, you almost won money from the Captain of the Crux.\"", "storytitle": "\"Uncrowned Lord of the Ocean\" Beidou", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_ELECTRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CLAYMORE", "GCG_TAG_NATION_LIYUE" ], "tagstext": [ "Electro", "Claymore", "Liyue" ] }, "bennett": { "hp": 10, "id": 1303, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Bennett", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 13031, "name": "Strike of Fortune", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 13032, "name": "Passion Overload", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG, creates 1 Inspiration Field.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], creates 1 $[C113031].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, creates 1 Inspiration Field.", "id": 13033, "name": "Fantastic Voyage", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 4 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Bennett to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with him", "storytext": "Once you know that you will certainly lose, then you must certainly know the way to win.", "storytitle": "\"Trial by Fire\" Bennett", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_PYRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_SWORD", "GCG_TAG_NATION_MONDSTADT" ], "tagstext": [ "Pyro", "Sword", "Mondstadt" ] }, "candace": { "hp": 10, "id": 1207, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Candace", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 12071, "name": "Gleaming Spear - Guardian Stance", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "description": "Attaches a Heron Shield to this character and prepares Heron Strike.", "descriptionraw": "Attaches a $[C112071] to this character and $[K53|s1] $[S12074].", "descriptionreplaced": "Attaches a Heron Shield to this character and prepares Heron Strike.", "id": 12072, "name": "Sacred Rite: Heron's Sanctum", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG and creates 1 Prayer of the Crimson Crown.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT] and creates 1 $[C112072].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG and creates 1 Prayer of the Crimson Crown.", "id": 12073, "name": "Sacred Rite: Wagtail's Tide", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "(Prepare for 1 turn)\nDeals 3 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "(Prepare for 1 turn)\\nDeals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "(Prepare for 1 turn)\\nDeals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 12074, "name": "Heron Strike", "playcost": [], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Candace to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "The crimson sand flows, an oath to defend.", "storytitle": "Golden Vow: Candace", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_HYDRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_POLE", "GCG_TAG_NATION_SUMERU" ], "tagstext": [ "Hydro", "Polearm", "Sumeru" ] }, "chongyun": { "hp": 10, "id": 1104, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Chongyun", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 11041, "name": "Demonbane", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG, creates 1 Chonghua Frost Field.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], creates 1 $[C111041].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, creates 1 Chonghua Frost Field.", "id": 11042, "name": "Chonghua's Layered Frost", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 7, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 7 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 7 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 11043, "name": "Cloud-Parting Star", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Chongyun to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with him", "storytext": "\"Ugh, summer... Please pass us by in peace...\"", "storytitle": "\"Frozen Ardor\" Chongyun", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_CRYO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CLAYMORE", "GCG_TAG_NATION_LIYUE" ], "tagstext": [ "Cryo", "Claymore", "Liyue" ] }, "collei": { "hp": 10, "id": 1701, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Collei", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 17011, "name": "Supplicant's Bowmanship", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_DENDRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 17012, "name": "Floral Brush", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_DENDRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG, summons 1 Cuilein-Anbar.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons 1 $[C117011].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons 1 Cuilein-Anbar.", "id": 17013, "name": "Trump-Card Kitty", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_DENDRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Collei to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "\"'Shouting the name of your card loudly will increase its power many-fold'... You've got to be kidding, right?\"", "storytitle": "\"Sprout of Rebirth\" Collei", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_DENDRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_BOW", "GCG_TAG_NATION_SUMERU" ], "tagstext": [ "Dendro", "Bow", "Sumeru" ] }, "cyno": { "hp": 10, "id": 1404, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Cyno", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 14041, "name": "Invoker's Spear", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 14042, "name": "Secret Rite: Chasmic Soulfarer", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 4, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 4 Physical DMG.\nPactsworn Pathclearer's Indwelling Level +2.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].\\n$[C114041]'s Indwelling Level +2.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 4 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.\\nPactsworn Pathclearer's Indwelling Level +2.", "id": 14043, "name": "Sacred Rite: Wolf's Swiftness", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 4 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" }, { "description": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Pactsworn Pathclearer.", "descriptionraw": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains $[C114041].", "descriptionreplaced": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Pactsworn Pathclearer.", "id": 14044, "name": "Lawful Enforcer", "playcost": [], "type": "Passive Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_PASSIVE" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Cyno to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with him", "storytext": "The card bears the General Mahamatra's ardent fondness, which reminds one of the scorching sun hanging above the desert.", "storytitle": "\"Judicator of Secrets\" Cyno", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_ELECTRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_POLE", "GCG_TAG_NATION_SUMERU" ], "tagstext": [ "Electro", "Polearm", "Sumeru" ] }, "diluc": { "hp": 10, "id": 1301, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Diluc", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 13011, "name": "Tempered Sword", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG. For the third use of this Skill each Round, deals +2 DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. For the third use of this Skill each Round, deals +2 DMG.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. For the third use of this Skill each Round, deals +2 DMG.", "id": 13012, "name": "Searing Onslaught", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 8, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 8 Physical DMG. This character gains Pyro Infusion.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. This character gains $[C113011].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 8 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. This character gains Pyro Infusion.", "id": 13013, "name": "Dawn", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 4 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Obtained from the initial deck", "storytext": "His heart is his greatest foe.", "storytitle": "\"Dark Side of Dawn\" Diluc", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_PYRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CLAYMORE", "GCG_TAG_NATION_MONDSTADT" ], "tagstext": [ "Pyro", "Claymore", "Mondstadt" ] }, "diona": { "hp": 10, "id": 1102, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Diona", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 11021, "name": "Kätzlein Style", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG, creates 1 Cat-Claw Shield.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], creates 1 $[C111021].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, creates 1 Cat-Claw Shield.", "id": 11022, "name": "Icy Paws", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG, heals this character for 2 HP, summons 1 Drunken Mist.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], heals this character for 2 HP, summons 1 $[C111023].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, heals this character for 2 HP, summons 1 Drunken Mist.", "id": 11023, "name": "Signature Mix", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Diona to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "1% energy dedicated to mixing drinks, 99% to... denying the reality of familiar.", "storytitle": "\"Kätzlein Cocktail\" Diona", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_CRYO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_BOW", "GCG_TAG_NATION_MONDSTADT" ], "tagstext": [ "Cryo", "Bow", "Mondstadt" ] }, "electrohypostasis": { "hp": 8, "id": 2401, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Electro Hypostasis", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 24011, "name": "Electro Crystal Projection", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG and then separately performs \"Prepare Skill\" for Rock-Paper-Scissors Combo: Scissors and Rock-Paper-Scissors Combo: Paper.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT] and then separately performs \"$[K53]\" for $[S24015] and $[S24016].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG and then separately performs \"Prepare Skill\" for Rock-Paper-Scissors Combo: Scissors and Rock-Paper-Scissors Combo: Paper.", "id": 24012, "name": "Rock-Paper-Scissors Combo", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 5 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG, summons Chains of Warding Thunder.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons $[C124013].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons Chains of Warding Thunder.", "id": 24013, "name": "Lightning Lockdown", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" }, { "description": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains an Electro Crystal Core.", "descriptionraw": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains an $[C124014].", "descriptionreplaced": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains an Electro Crystal Core.", "id": 24014, "name": "Electro Crystal Core", "playcost": [], "type": "Passive Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_PASSIVE" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG, then performs \"Prepare Skill\" for Rock-Paper-Scissors Combo: Paper.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], then performs \"$[K53]\" for $[S24016].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, then performs \"Prepare Skill\" for Rock-Paper-Scissors Combo: Paper.", "id": 24015, "name": "Rock-Paper-Scissors Combo: Scissors", "playcost": [], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 24016, "name": "Rock-Paper-Scissors Combo: Paper", "playcost": [], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" } ], "source": "Reward for accepting the Tavern Challenge at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with Electro Hypostasis", "storytext": "Code name: Aleph. A high-purity Electro entity.\nEven if you win at rock-paper-scissors, Aleph is not one to admit defeat.", "storytitle": "Electro Hypostasis", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_ELECTRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_NONE", "GCG_TAG_CAMP_MONSTER" ], "tagstext": [ "Electro", "Other Weapons", "Monster" ] }, "eula": { "hp": 10, "id": 1106, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Eula", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 11061, "name": "Favonius Bladework - Edel", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG. If this character has not yet gained Grimheart, they will gain Grimheart.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. If this character has not yet gained $[C111061], they will gain $[C111061].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. If this character has not yet gained Grimheart, they will gain Grimheart.", "id": 11062, "name": "Icetide Vortex", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG, summons 1 Lightfall Sword.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons 1 $[C111062].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons 1 Lightfall Sword.", "id": 11063, "name": "Glacial Illumination", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Eula to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "It's but a game. I won't hold a grudge should luck happen to be on your side.", "storytitle": "\"Dance of the Shimmering Wave\" Eula", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_CRYO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CLAYMORE", "GCG_TAG_NATION_MONDSTADT" ], "tagstext": [ "Cryo", "Claymore", "Mondstadt" ] }, "fatuicryocicinmage": { "hp": 10, "id": 2101, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 21011, "name": "Cicin Icicle", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG, summons Cryo Cicins.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons $[C121011].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons Cryo Cicins.", "id": 21012, "name": "Misty Summons", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 5, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 5 Physical DMG, grants this character Cryo Application, creates 1 Flowing Cicin Shield.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], grants this character $[K201], creates 1 $[C121012].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 5 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, grants this character {SPRITE_PRESET#2101}Cryo Application, creates 1 Flowing Cicin Shield.", "id": 21013, "name": "Blizzard, Branch, Blossom", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for accepting the Tavern Challenge at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with Cryo Cicin Mage", "storytext": "And so long as the Mist Grass yet lingers, the Cryo Cicins will not abandon her.", "storytitle": "\"Cicin of the Hollow Mist\" Cryo Cicin Mage", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_CRYO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_NONE", "GCG_TAG_CAMP_FATUI" ], "tagstext": [ "Cryo", "Other Weapons", "Fatui" ] }, "fatuipyroagent": { "hp": 10, "id": 2301, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Fatui Pyro Agent", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 23011, "name": "Thrust", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG. This character gains Stealth.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. This character gains $[C123011].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. This character gains Stealth.", "id": 23012, "name": "Prowl", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 5, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 5 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 5 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 23013, "name": "Blade Ablaze", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" }, { "description": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Stealth.", "descriptionraw": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains $[C123011].", "descriptionreplaced": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Stealth.", "id": 23014, "name": "Stealth Master", "playcost": [], "type": "Passive Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_PASSIVE" } ], "source": "Reward for accepting the Tavern Challenge at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with Fatui Pyro Agent", "storytext": "\"There is no running from your debt, be you living or otherwise.\"", "storytitle": "\"Blade of Settlement\" Agent", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_PYRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_NONE", "GCG_TAG_CAMP_FATUI" ], "tagstext": [ "Pyro", "Other Weapons", "Fatui" ] }, "fischl": { "hp": 10, "id": 1401, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Fischl", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 14011, "name": "Bolts of Downfall", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG, summons 1 Oz.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons 1 $[C114011].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons 1 Oz.", "id": 14012, "name": "Nightrider", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 4, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 4 Physical DMG, deals 2 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], deals 2 $[K5] to all opposing characters on standby.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 4 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, deals 2 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby.", "id": 14013, "name": "Midnight Phantasmagoria", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Fischl to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "\"Oz, mine familiar, spread thine wings and weave for me a new fate in the gloom of this night!\"\n\"Mein Fräulein, you cannot expect me to fetch you a replacement card...\"", "storytitle": "\"Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung!\" Fischl", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_ELECTRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_BOW", "GCG_TAG_NATION_MONDSTADT" ], "tagstext": [ "Electro", "Bow", "Mondstadt" ] }, "ganyu": { "hp": 10, "id": 1101, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Ganyu", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 11011, "name": "Liutian Archery", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG, creates 1 Ice Lotus.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], creates 1 $[C111012].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, creates 1 Ice Lotus.", "id": 11012, "name": "Trail of the Qilin", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG, deals 2 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], deals 2 $[K5] to all opposing characters on standby.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, deals 2 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby.", "id": 11013, "name": "Frostflake Arrow", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 5 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG, deals 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby, summons 1 Sacred Cryo Pearl.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], deals 1 $[K5] to all opposing characters on standby, summons 1 $[C111011].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, deals 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby, summons 1 Sacred Cryo Pearl.", "id": 11014, "name": "Celestial Shower", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Ganyu to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "\"This press release is due tomorrow... I suppose I could work through the night and get it done.\"", "storytitle": "\"Plenilune Gaze\" Ganyu", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_CRYO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_BOW", "GCG_TAG_NATION_LIYUE" ], "tagstext": [ "Cryo", "Bow", "Liyue" ] }, "hutao": { "hp": 10, "id": 1307, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Hu Tao", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 13071, "name": "Secret Spear of Wangsheng", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "description": "This character gains Paramita Papilio.", "descriptionraw": "This character gains $[C113071].", "descriptionreplaced": "This character gains Paramita Papilio.", "id": 13072, "name": "Guide to Afterlife", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 4, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 4 Physical DMG, heals herself for 2 HP. If this character's HP is no more than 6, DMG dealt and Healing are increased by 1.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], heals herself for 2 HP. If this character's HP is no more than 6, DMG dealt and Healing are increased by 1.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 4 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, heals herself for 2 HP. If this character's HP is no more than 6, DMG dealt and Healing are increased by 1.", "id": 13073, "name": "Spirit Soother", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Hu Tao to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "\"Send one, send 'em all!\"", "storytitle": "\"Fragrance in Thaw\" Hu Tao", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_PYRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_POLE", "GCG_TAG_NATION_LIYUE" ], "tagstext": [ "Pyro", "Polearm", "Liyue" ] }, "jadeplumeterrorshroom": { "hp": 10, "id": 2701, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Jadeplume Terrorshroom", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 27011, "name": "Majestic Dance", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_DENDRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 27012, "name": "Volatile Spore Cloud", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_DENDRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 4, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 4 Physical DMG, then consumes all Radical Vitality stacks. For each stack consumed, this instance deals +1 DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], then consumes all $[C127011] stacks. For each stack consumed, this instance deals +1 DMG.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 4 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, then consumes all Radical Vitality stacks. For each stack consumed, this instance deals +1 DMG.", "id": 27013, "name": "Feather Spreading", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_DENDRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" }, { "description": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Radical Vitality.", "descriptionraw": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains $[C127011].", "descriptionreplaced": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Radical Vitality.", "id": 27014, "name": "Radical Vitality", "playcost": [], "type": "Passive Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_PASSIVE" } ], "source": "Reward for accepting the Tavern Challenge at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with Jadeplume Terrorshroom", "storytext": "If you keep silent and listen closely, you can hear the sound of the ruler of the Shroom-Kin inspecting its territory...", "storytitle": "\"Lord of Fungi\" Jadeplume Terrorshroom", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_DENDRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_NONE", "GCG_TAG_CAMP_MONSTER" ], "tagstext": [ "Dendro", "Other Weapons", "Monster" ] }, "jean": { "hp": 10, "id": 1502, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Jean", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 15021, "name": "Favonius Bladework", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG, the target is forcibly switched to the next character.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], the target is forcibly switched to the next character.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, the target is forcibly switched to the next character.", "id": 15022, "name": "Gale Blade", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "description": "Heals all your characters for 2 HP, summons 1 Dandelion Field.", "descriptionraw": "Heals all your characters for 2 HP, summons 1 $[C115021].", "descriptionreplaced": "Heals all your characters for 2 HP, summons 1 Dandelion Field.", "id": 15023, "name": "Dandelion Breeze", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 4 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Jean to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "Never believes that she has done well enough — not until final victory is hers, anyway.", "storytitle": "\"Dandelion Knight\" Jean", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_ANEMO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_SWORD", "GCG_TAG_NATION_MONDSTADT" ], "tagstext": [ "Anemo", "Sword", "Mondstadt" ] }, "kaedeharakazuha": { "hp": 10, "id": 1505, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Kaedehara Kazuha", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 15051, "name": "Garyuu Bladework", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG, attaches Midare Ranzan to this character. \nIf this skill triggers Swirl, Midare Ranzan is converted to the Swirled Element.\nAfter the Skill DMG is finalized: Your team switches to the next character.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], attaches $[C115051] to this character. \\nIf this skill triggers Swirl, $[C115051] is converted to the Swirled Element.\\nAfter the Skill DMG is finalized: Your team switches to the next character.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, attaches Midare Ranzan to this character. \\nIf this skill triggers Swirl, Midare Ranzan is converted to the Swirled Element.\\nAfter the Skill DMG is finalized: Your team switches to the next character.", "id": 15052, "name": "Chihayaburu", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG and summons Autumn Whirlwind.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT] and summons $[C115052].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG and summons Autumn Whirlwind.", "id": 15053, "name": "Kazuha Slash", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" }, { "description": "", "descriptionraw": "", "descriptionreplaced": "", "id": 15054, "name": "Chihayaburu", "playcost": [], "type": "Passive Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_PASSIVE" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Kaedehara Kazuha to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with him", "storytext": "Flowers and birds are a dear pleasure to one winding under the moonlight.", "storytitle": "Scarlet Leaves Pursue Wild Waves: Kaedehara Kazuha", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_ANEMO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_SWORD", "GCG_TAG_NATION_INAZUMA" ], "tagstext": [ "Anemo", "Sword", "Inazuma" ] }, "kaeya": { "hp": 10, "id": 1103, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Kaeya", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 11031, "name": "Ceremonial Bladework", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 11032, "name": "Frostgnaw", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG, creates 1 Icicle.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], creates 1 $[C111031].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, creates 1 Icicle.", "id": 11033, "name": "Glacial Waltz", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 4 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Obtained from the initial deck", "storytext": "Specializes in awakening knightly virtues in others.", "storytitle": "\"Frostwind Swordsman\" Kaeya", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_CRYO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_SWORD", "GCG_TAG_NATION_MONDSTADT" ], "tagstext": [ "Cryo", "Sword", "Mondstadt" ] }, "kamisatoayaka": { "hp": 10, "id": 1105, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Kamisato Ayaka", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 11051, "name": "Kamisato Art: Kabuki", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 11052, "name": "Kamisato Art: Hyouka", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 4, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 4 Physical DMG, summons 1 Frostflake Seki no To.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons 1 $[C111051].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 4 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons 1 Frostflake Seki no To.", "id": 11053, "name": "Kamisato Art: Soumetsu", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" }, { "description": "(Passive) When switched to be the active character, this character gains Cryo Elemental Infusion.", "descriptionraw": "(Passive) When switched to be the active character, this character gains $[C111052].", "descriptionreplaced": "(Passive) When switched to be the active character, this character gains Cryo Elemental Infusion.", "id": 11054, "name": "Kamisato Art: Senho", "playcost": [], "type": "Passive Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_PASSIVE" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Kamisato Ayaka to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "As graceful as the frost drifting in the wind, as elegant as a heron perched in a courtyard.", "storytitle": "\"Frostflake Heron\" Kamisato Ayaka", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_CRYO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_SWORD", "GCG_TAG_NATION_INAZUMA" ], "tagstext": [ "Cryo", "Sword", "Inazuma" ] }, "kamisatoayato": { "hp": 10, "id": 1206, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Kamisato Ayato", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 12061, "name": "Kamisato Art: Marobashi", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG. This character gains Takimeguri Kanka.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. This character gains $[C112061].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. This character gains Takimeguri Kanka.", "id": 12062, "name": "Kamisato Art: Kyouka", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG, summons 1 Garden of Purity.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons 1 $[C112062].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons 1 Garden of Purity.", "id": 12063, "name": "Kamisato Art: Suiyuu", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Kamisato Ayato to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with him", "storytext": "The divinely-blessed cypress sprouts new leaves.", "storytitle": "\"Pillar of Fortitude\" Kamisato Ayato", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_HYDRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_SWORD", "GCG_TAG_NATION_INAZUMA" ], "tagstext": [ "Hydro", "Sword", "Inazuma" ] }, "keqing": { "hp": 10, "id": 1403, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Keqing", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 14031, "name": "Yunlai Swordsmanship", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG, creates 1 Lightning Stiletto.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], creates 1 $[C114031].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, creates 1 Lightning Stiletto.", "id": 14032, "name": "Stellar Restoration", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 4, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 4 Physical DMG, deals 3 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], deals 3 $[K5] to all opposing characters on standby.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 4 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, deals 3 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby.", "id": 14033, "name": "Starward Sword", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 4 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Keqing to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "She can build decks heretofore not conceived and win battles in which victory is unthinkable.", "storytitle": "\"Driving Thunder\" Keqing", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_ELECTRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_SWORD", "GCG_TAG_NATION_LIYUE" ], "tagstext": [ "Electro", "Sword", "Liyue" ] }, "klee": { "hp": 10, "id": 1306, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Klee", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 13061, "name": "Kaboom!", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG. This character gains Explosive Spark.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. This character gains $[C113061].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. This character gains Explosive Spark.", "id": 13062, "name": "Jumpy Dumpty", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG, creates 1 Sparks 'n' Splash at the opponent's play area.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], creates 1 $[C113063] at the opponent's play area.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, creates 1 Sparks 'n' Splash at the opponent's play area.", "id": 13063, "name": "Sparks 'n' Splash", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Klee to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "Every card you draw may bring an \"explosive surprise.\"", "storytitle": "\"Fleeing Sunlight\" Klee", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_PYRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CATALYST", "GCG_TAG_NATION_MONDSTADT" ], "tagstext": [ "Pyro", "Catalyst", "Mondstadt" ] }, "kujousara": { "hp": 10, "id": 1406, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Kujou Sara", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 14061, "name": "Tengu Bowmanship", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG, summons 1 Tengu Juurai: Ambush.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons 1 $[C114061].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons 1 Tengu Juurai: Ambush.", "id": 14062, "name": "Tengu Stormcall", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG, summons 1 Tengu Juurai: Stormcluster.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons 1 $[C114062].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons 1 Tengu Juurai: Stormcluster.", "id": 14063, "name": "Subjugation: Koukou Sendou", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 4 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Kujou Sara to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "\"This is an act of righteousness.\"", "storytitle": "\"Crowfeather Kaburaya\" Kujou Sara", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_ELECTRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_BOW", "GCG_TAG_NATION_INAZUMA" ], "tagstext": [ "Electro", "Bow", "Inazuma" ] }, "maguukenki": { "hp": 10, "id": 2501, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Maguu Kenki", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 25011, "name": "Ichimonji", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "description": "Summons 1 Shadowsword: Lone Gale.", "descriptionraw": "Summons 1 $[C125011].", "descriptionreplaced": "Summons 1 Shadowsword: Lone Gale.", "id": 25012, "name": "Blustering Blade", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "description": "Summons 1 Shadowsword: Galloping Frost.", "descriptionraw": "Summons 1 $[C125012].", "descriptionreplaced": "Summons 1 Shadowsword: Galloping Frost.", "id": 25013, "name": "Frosty Assault", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 4, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 4 Physical DMG, triggers the effect(s) of all your Shadowsword Summon(s). (Does not consume their Usages)", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], triggers the effect(s) of all your Shadowsword Summon(s). (Does not consume their Usages)", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 4 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, triggers the effect(s) of all your Shadowsword Summon(s). (Does not consume their Usages)", "id": 25014, "name": "Pseudo Tengu Sweeper", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for accepting the Tavern Challenge at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with Maguu Kenki", "storytext": "Even today, it still patrols the place where fate was severed.", "storytitle": "\"Ingenious Machine\" Maguu Kenki", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_ANEMO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_NONE", "GCG_TAG_CAMP_MONSTER" ], "tagstext": [ "Anemo", "Other Weapons", "Monster" ] }, "mirrormaiden": { "hp": 10, "id": 2202, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Mirror Maiden", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 22021, "name": "Water Ball", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG. The target character receives Refraction.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. The target character receives $[C122021].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. The target character receives Refraction.", "id": 22022, "name": "Influx Blast", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 5, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 5 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 5 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 22023, "name": "Rippled Reflection", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for accepting the Tavern Challenge at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with Mirror Maiden", "storytext": "All secrets shall be concealed within the mirror of glaring brightness...", "storytitle": "\"Snezhnayan Maiden\" Mirror Envoy", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_HYDRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_NONE", "GCG_TAG_CAMP_FATUI" ], "tagstext": [ "Hydro", "Other Weapons", "Fatui" ] }, "mona": { "hp": 10, "id": 1203, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Mona", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 12031, "name": "Ripple of Fate", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG, summons 1 Reflection.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons 1 $[C112031].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons 1 Reflection.", "id": 12032, "name": "Mirror Reflection of Doom", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 4, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 4 Physical DMG, creates 1 Illusory Bubble.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], creates 1 $[C112032].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 4 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, creates 1 Illusory Bubble.", "id": 12033, "name": "Stellaris Phantasm", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" }, { "description": "(Passive) When you perform \"Switch Character\" while Mona is your active character: This switch is considered a Fast Action instead of a Combat Action. (Once per Round)", "descriptionraw": "(Passive) When you perform \"Switch Character\" while Mona is your active character: This switch is considered a $[K2] instead of a $[K1]. (Once per Round)", "descriptionreplaced": "(Passive) When you perform \"Switch Character\" while Mona is your active character: This switch is considered a Fast Action instead of a Combat Action. (Once per Round)", "id": 12034, "name": "Illusory Torrent", "playcost": [], "type": "Passive Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_PASSIVE" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Mona to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "Victory or defeat — it has all been written in the stars.", "storytitle": "\"Astral Reflection\" Mona", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_HYDRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CATALYST", "GCG_TAG_NATION_MONDSTADT" ], "tagstext": [ "Hydro", "Catalyst", "Mondstadt" ] }, "nahida": { "hp": 10, "id": 1703, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Nahida", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 17031, "name": "Akara", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_DENDRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG, applies Seed of Skandha to target character. If the target character already has Seed of Skandha applied to them, then apply Seed of Skandha to all opposing characters instead.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], applies $[C117031] to target character. If the target character already has $[C117031] applied to them, then apply $[C117031] to all opposing characters instead.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, applies Seed of Skandha to target character. If the target character already has Seed of Skandha applied to them, then apply Seed of Skandha to all opposing characters instead.", "id": 17032, "name": "All Schemes to Know", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_DENDRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG. Applies Seed of Skandha to all opposing characters.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. Applies $[C117031] to all opposing characters.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. Applies Seed of Skandha to all opposing characters.", "id": 17033, "name": "All Schemes to Know: Tathata", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_DENDRO", "count": 5 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 4, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 4 Physical DMG, creates 1 Shrine of Maya.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], creates 1 $[C117032].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 4 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, creates 1 Shrine of Maya.", "id": 17034, "name": "Illusory Heart", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_DENDRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Nahida to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "The panacea brings purity, and from the palace depths is spring renewed.", "storytitle": "\"Physic of Purity\" Nahida", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_DENDRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CATALYST", "GCG_TAG_NATION_SUMERU" ], "tagstext": [ "Dendro", "Catalyst", "Sumeru" ] }, "ningguang": { "hp": 10, "id": 1601, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Ningguang", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 16011, "name": "Sparkling Scatter", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_GEO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG, creates 1 Jade Screen.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], creates 1 $[C116011].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, creates 1 Jade Screen.", "id": 16012, "name": "Jade Screen", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_GEO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 6, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 6 Physical DMG. If Jade Screen is on the field, deals +2 DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. If $[C116011] is on the field, deals +2 DMG.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 6 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. If Jade Screen is on the field, deals +2 DMG.", "id": 16013, "name": "Starshatter", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_GEO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Ningguang to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "The greatest secret she keeps is that she keeps a great many of Liyue's secrets.", "storytitle": "\"Eclipsing Star\" Ningguang", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_GEO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CATALYST", "GCG_TAG_NATION_LIYUE" ], "tagstext": [ "Geo", "Catalyst", "Liyue" ] }, "noelle": { "hp": 10, "id": 1602, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Noelle", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 16021, "name": "Favonius Bladework - Maid", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_GEO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG, creates 1 Full Plate.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], creates 1 $[C116021].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, creates 1 Full Plate.", "id": 16022, "name": "Breastplate", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_GEO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 4, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 4 Physical DMG. This character gains Sweeping Time.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. This character gains $[C116022].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 4 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. This character gains Sweeping Time.", "id": 16023, "name": "Sweeping Time", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_GEO", "count": 4 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Noelle to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "You can leave arranging the table to her — really, you can.", "storytitle": "\"Chivalric Blossom\" Noelle", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_GEO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CLAYMORE", "GCG_TAG_NATION_MONDSTADT" ], "tagstext": [ "Geo", "Claymore", "Mondstadt" ] }, "raidenshogun": { "hp": 10, "id": 1407, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Raiden Shogun", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 14071, "name": "Origin", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "description": "Summons 1 Eye of Stormy Judgment.", "descriptionraw": "Summons 1 $[C114071].", "descriptionreplaced": "Summons 1 Eye of Stormy Judgment.", "id": 14072, "name": "Transcendence: Baleful Omen", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG. All of your other characters gain 2 Energy.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. All of your other characters gain 2 $[K310].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. All of your other characters gain 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#1110}Energy.", "id": 14073, "name": "Secret Art: Musou Shinsetsu", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 4 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" }, { "description": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Chakra Desiderata.", "descriptionraw": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains $[C114072].", "descriptionreplaced": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Chakra Desiderata.", "id": 14074, "name": "Chakra Desiderata", "playcost": [], "type": "Passive Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_PASSIVE" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting the Raiden Shogun to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "The tranquil thunder shall scatter this world most ephemeral.", "storytitle": "\"Plane of Euthymia\" Raiden Shogun", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_ELECTRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_POLE", "GCG_TAG_NATION_INAZUMA" ], "tagstext": [ "Electro", "Polearm", "Inazuma" ] }, "razor": { "hp": 10, "id": 1402, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Razor", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 14021, "name": "Steel Fang", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 14022, "name": "Claw and Thunder", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG. This character gains The Wolf Within.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. This character gains $[C114021].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. This character gains The Wolf Within.", "id": 14023, "name": "Lightning Fang", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Razor to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with him", "storytext": "\"Cards, hard.\"\n\"But... friends...\"", "storytitle": "\"Wolf Boy\" Razor", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_ELECTRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CLAYMORE", "GCG_TAG_NATION_MONDSTADT" ], "tagstext": [ "Electro", "Claymore", "Mondstadt" ] }, "rhodeiaofloch": { "hp": 10, "id": 2201, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Rhodeia of Loch", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 22011, "name": "Surge", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "description": "Randomly summons 1 Oceanid Mimic (Prioritizes summoning a different type from preexisting ones).", "descriptionraw": "Randomly summons 1 $[C122010] (Prioritizes summoning a different type from preexisting ones).", "descriptionreplaced": "Randomly summons 1 Oceanid Mimic (Prioritizes summoning a different type from preexisting ones).", "id": 22012, "name": "Oceanid Mimic Summoning", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "description": "Randomly summons 2 Oceanid Mimic (Prioritizes summoning different types).", "descriptionraw": "Randomly summons 2 $[C122010] (Prioritizes summoning different types).", "descriptionreplaced": "Randomly summons 2 Oceanid Mimic (Prioritizes summoning different types).", "id": 22013, "name": "The Myriad Wilds", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 5 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG. For each friendly Summon on the field, deals +2 additional DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. For each friendly Summon on the field, deals +2 additional DMG.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. For each friendly Summon on the field, deals +2 additional DMG.", "id": 22014, "name": "Tide and Torrent", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for accepting the Tavern Challenge at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with Rhodeia of Loch", "storytext": "\"As long as rain falls and rivers flow... water will exist forever... \"", "storytitle": "\"Lady of Clear Waters\" Rhodeia", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_HYDRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_NONE", "GCG_TAG_CAMP_MONSTER" ], "tagstext": [ "Hydro", "Other Weapons", "Monster" ] }, "sangonomiyakokomi": { "hp": 10, "id": 1205, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Sangonomiya Kokomi", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 12051, "name": "The Shape of Water", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "description": "This character gains Hydro Application and summons 1 Bake-Kurage.", "descriptionraw": "This character gains $[K202] and summons 1 $[C112051].", "descriptionreplaced": "This character gains {SPRITE_PRESET#2102}Hydro Application and summons 1 Bake-Kurage.", "id": 12052, "name": "Kurage's Oath", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG. Heals all allied characters for 1 point. This character gains Ceremonial Garment.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. Heals all allied characters for 1 point. This character gains $[C112052].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. Heals all allied characters for 1 point. This character gains Ceremonial Garment.", "id": 12053, "name": "Nereid's Ascension", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Sangonomiya Kokomi to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "To survive hardship, you must prepare for hardship.", "storytitle": "\"Pearl of Wisdom\" Sangonomiya Kokomi", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_HYDRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CATALYST", "GCG_TAG_NATION_INAZUMA" ], "tagstext": [ "Hydro", "Catalyst", "Inazuma" ] }, "shenhe": { "hp": 10, "id": 1107, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Shenhe", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 11071, "name": "Dawnstar Piercer", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG, creates 1 Icy Quill.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], creates 1 $[C111071].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, creates 1 Icy Quill.", "id": 11072, "name": "Spring Spirit Summoning", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG, summons 1 Talisman Spirit.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons 1 $[C111073].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons 1 Talisman Spirit.", "id": 11073, "name": "Divine Maiden's Deliverance", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_CRYO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Shenhe to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "The mortal realm briefly gracing, like a wisp of smoke vanishing.", "storytitle": "\"Lonesome Transcendence\" Shenhe", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_CRYO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_POLE", "GCG_TAG_NATION_LIYUE" ], "tagstext": [ "Cryo", "Polearm", "Liyue" ] }, "stonehidelawachurl": { "hp": 8, "id": 2601, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Stonehide Lawachurl", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 26011, "name": "Plama Lawa", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_GEO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 26012, "name": "Movo Lawa", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_GEO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 5, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 5 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 5 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 26013, "name": "Upa Shato", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_GEO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" }, { "description": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Stonehide and Stone Force.", "descriptionraw": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains $[C126011] and $[C126012].", "descriptionreplaced": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Stonehide and Stone Force.", "id": 26014, "name": "Infused Stonehide", "playcost": [], "type": "Passive Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_PASSIVE" } ], "source": "Reward for accepting the Tavern Challenge at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with Stonehide Lawachurl", "storytext": "Go around — the way ahead is the realm of the \"king.\"", "storytitle": "\"Vale-Crosser\" Stonehide Lawachurl", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_GEO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_NONE", "GCG_TAG_CAMP_MONSTER", "GCG_TAG_CAMP_HILICHURL" ], "tagstext": [ "Geo", "Other Weapons", "Monster", "Hilichurl" ] }, "sucrose": { "hp": 10, "id": 1501, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Sucrose", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 15011, "name": "Wind Spirit Creation", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG, the target is forcibly switched to the previous character.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], the target is forcibly switched to the previous character.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, the target is forcibly switched to the previous character.", "id": 15012, "name": "Astable Anemohypostasis Creation - 6308", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG, summons 1 Large Wind Spirit.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons 1 $[C115011].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons 1 Large Wind Spirit.", "id": 15013, "name": "Forbidden Creation - Isomer 75 / Type II", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Obtained from the initial deck", "storytext": "\"You can't rate the strength of an as-yet untested deck!\"", "storytitle": "\"Harmless Sweetie\" Sucrose", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_ANEMO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CATALYST", "GCG_TAG_NATION_MONDSTADT" ], "tagstext": [ "Anemo", "Catalyst", "Mondstadt" ] }, "tartaglia": { "hp": 10, "id": 1204, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Tartaglia", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 12041, "name": "Cutting Torrent", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Switches to Melee Stance and deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Switches to $[C112042] and deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Switches to Melee Stance and deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 12042, "name": "Foul Legacy: Raging Tide", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 7, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Performs different attacks based on the current stance that Tartaglia is in.\nRanged Stance - Flash of Havoc: Deal 4 Physical DMG, reclaim 2 Energy, and apply Riptide to the target character.\nMelee Stance - Light of Obliteration: Deal 7 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Performs different attacks based on the current stance that $[A1204] is in.\\nRanged Stance - Flash of Havoc: Deal $[D__KEY__DAMAGE_4] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], reclaim 2 $[K310], and apply $[C112043] to the target character.\\nMelee Stance - Light of Obliteration: Deal $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Performs different attacks based on the current stance that Tartaglia is in.\\nRanged Stance - Flash of Havoc: Deal 4 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, reclaim 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#1110}Energy, and apply Riptide to the target character.\\nMelee Stance - Light of Obliteration: Deal 7 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 12043, "name": "Havoc: Obliteration", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" }, { "description": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Ranged Stance. Once the Melee Stance attached to the character ends, reapplies Ranged Stance.", "descriptionraw": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains $[C112041]. Once the $[C112042] attached to the character ends, reapplies $[C112041].", "descriptionreplaced": "(Passive) When the battle begins, this character gains Ranged Stance. Once the Melee Stance attached to the character ends, reapplies Ranged Stance.", "id": 12044, "name": "Tide Withholder", "playcost": [], "type": "Passive Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_PASSIVE" }, { "description": "", "descriptionraw": "", "descriptionreplaced": "", "id": 12045, "name": "Ranged Stance", "playcost": [], "type": "Passive Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_PASSIVE" }, { "description": "", "descriptionraw": "", "descriptionreplaced": "", "id": 12046, "name": "Tide Withholder", "playcost": [], "type": "Passive Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_PASSIVE" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Tartaglia to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with him", "storytext": "Should this table be considered a battlefield, then may the strongest claim the win.", "storytitle": "\"Childe\" Tartaglia", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_HYDRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_BOW", "GCG_TAG_CAMP_FATUI" ], "tagstext": [ "Hydro", "Bow", "Fatui" ] }, "tighnari": { "hp": 10, "id": 1702, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Tighnari", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 17021, "name": "Khanda Barrier-Buster", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_DENDRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG. This character gains Vijnana Suffusion.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. This character gains $[C117021].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. This character gains Vijnana Suffusion.", "id": 17022, "name": "Vijnana-Phala Mine", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_DENDRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 4, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 4 Physical DMG, deals 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], deals 1 $[K5] to all opposing characters on standby.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 4 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, deals 1 Piercing DMG to all opposing characters on standby.", "id": 17023, "name": "Fashioner's Tanglevine Shaft", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_DENDRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Tighnari to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with him", "storytext": "From a certain perspective, experience does not hold parity with wisdom.", "storytitle": "\"Verdant Strider\" Tighnari", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_DENDRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_BOW", "GCG_TAG_NATION_SUMERU" ], "tagstext": [ "Dendro", "Bow", "Sumeru" ] }, "venti": { "hp": 10, "id": 1503, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Venti", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 15031, "name": "Divine Marksmanship", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG, creates 1 Stormzone.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], creates 1 $[C115031].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, creates 1 Stormzone.", "id": 15032, "name": "Skyward Sonnet", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG, summons 1 Stormeye.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons 1 $[C115034].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons 1 Stormeye.", "id": 15033, "name": "Wind's Grand Ode", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Venti to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with him", "storytext": "\"As the four seasons in turn shall say their piece, so the four winds too shall never cease. \n\"Of course, to look at it differently, I am the one who should be credited here, and not they.\"\nCredits should be given where credits belong — if not for the bard who pens the song, then who shall ensure that these tales are passed on!?\"", "storytitle": "\"Windborne Bard\" Venti", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_ANEMO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_BOW", "GCG_TAG_NATION_MONDSTADT" ], "tagstext": [ "Anemo", "Bow", "Mondstadt" ] }, "xiangling": { "hp": 10, "id": 1302, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Xiangling", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 13021, "name": "Dough-Fu", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "description": "Summons 1 Guoba.", "descriptionraw": "Summons 1 $[C113021].", "descriptionreplaced": "Summons 1 Guoba.", "id": 13022, "name": "Guoba Attack", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG, creates 1 Pyronado.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], creates 1 $[C113022].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, creates 1 Pyronado.", "id": 13023, "name": "Pyronado", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 4 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Xiangling to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "As a chef, she is practically omnipotent.", "storytitle": "\"Exquisite Delicacy\" Xiangling", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_PYRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_POLE", "GCG_TAG_NATION_LIYUE" ], "tagstext": [ "Pyro", "Polearm", "Liyue" ] }, "xiao": { "hp": 10, "id": 1504, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Xiao", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 15041, "name": "Whirlwind Thrust", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 15042, "name": "Lemniscatic Wind Cycling", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 4, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 4 Physical DMG. This character gains Yaksha's Mask.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. This character gains $[C115041].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 4 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. This character gains Yaksha's Mask.", "id": 15043, "name": "Bane of All Evil", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ANEMO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Xiao to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with him", "storytext": "The Vigilant Yaksha, the bane of all evil.", "storytitle": "\"Vigilant Yaksha\" Xiao", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_ANEMO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_POLE", "GCG_TAG_NATION_LIYUE" ], "tagstext": [ "Anemo", "Polearm", "Liyue" ] }, "xingqiu": { "hp": 10, "id": 1202, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Xingqiu", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 12021, "name": "Guhua Style", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG, grants this character Hydro Application, creates 1 Rain Sword.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], grants this character $[K202], creates 1 $[C112021].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, grants this character {SPRITE_PRESET#2102}Hydro Application, creates 1 Rain Sword.", "id": 12022, "name": "Fatal Rainscreen", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG, grants this character Hydro Application, creates 1 Rainbow Bladework.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], grants this character $[K202], creates 1 $[C112022].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, grants this character {SPRITE_PRESET#2102}Hydro Application, creates 1 Rainbow Bladework.", "id": 12023, "name": "Raincutter", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_HYDRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Xingqiu to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with him", "storytext": "\"Is it just me, or are the protagonists in novels nowadays all students of some private school or another...\"", "storytitle": "\"Juvenile Galant\" Xingqiu", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_HYDRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_SWORD", "GCG_TAG_NATION_LIYUE" ], "tagstext": [ "Hydro", "Sword", "Liyue" ] }, "yaemiko": { "hp": 10, "id": 1408, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Yae Miko", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 14081, "name": "Spiritfox Sin-Eater", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "description": "Summons 1 Sesshou Sakura.", "descriptionraw": "Summons 1 $[C114081].", "descriptionreplaced": "Summons 1 Sesshou Sakura.", "id": 14082, "name": "Yakan Evocation: Sesshou Sakura", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 4, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 4 Physical DMG. If your side of the field has a Sesshou Sakura, destroy it and create Tenko Thunderbolts.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. If your side of the field has a $[C114081], destroy it and create $[C114083].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 4 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. If your side of the field has a Sesshou Sakura, destroy it and create Tenko Thunderbolts.", "id": 14083, "name": "Great Secret Art: Tenko Kenshin", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_ELECTRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Yae Miko to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "\"The wise and beautiful Yae Miko.\"", "storytitle": "\"Astute Amusement\" Yae Miko", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_ELECTRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CATALYST", "GCG_TAG_NATION_INAZUMA" ], "tagstext": [ "Electro", "Catalyst", "Inazuma" ] }, "yanfei": { "hp": 10, "id": 1308, "maxenergy": 2, "name": "Yanfei", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 13081, "name": "Seal of Approval", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG and attaches Scarlet Seal to this character.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT] and attaches $[C113081] to this character.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG and attaches Scarlet Seal to this character.", "id": 13082, "name": "Signed Edict", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG, attaches Scarlet Seal and Brilliance to this character.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], attaches $[C113081] and $[C113082] to this character.", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, attaches Scarlet Seal and Brilliance to this character.", "id": 13083, "name": "Done Deal", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Yanfei to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "One who fails to revise the classics is liable to fall foul of the law.", "storytitle": "Wise Innocence: Yanfei", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_PYRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_CATALYST", "GCG_TAG_NATION_LIYUE" ], "tagstext": [ "Pyro", "Catalyst", "Liyue" ] }, "yoimiya": { "hp": 10, "id": 1305, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Yoimiya", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 13051, "name": "Firework Flare-Up", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "description": "This character gains Niwabi Enshou. (This Skill does not grant Energy)", "descriptionraw": "This character gains $[C113051]. (This Skill does not grant {SPRITE_PRESET#1110}Energy)", "descriptionreplaced": "This character gains Niwabi Enshou. (This Skill does not grant {SPRITE_PRESET#1110}Energy)", "id": 13052, "name": "Niwabi Fire-Dance", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 1 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG, creates 1 Aurous Blaze.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], creates 1 $[C113052].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, creates 1 Aurous Blaze.", "id": 13053, "name": "Ryuukin Saxifrage", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_PYRO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Yoimiya to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her", "storytext": "Captain and Vanguard of Team Naganohara for the 11th Hanamizaka Street Invitational.", "storytitle": "\"Frolicking Flames\" Yoimiya", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_PYRO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_BOW", "GCG_TAG_NATION_INAZUMA" ], "tagstext": [ "Pyro", "Bow", "Inazuma" ] }, "zhongli": { "hp": 10, "id": 1603, "maxenergy": 3, "name": "Zhongli", "skills": [ { "basedamage": 2, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 2 Physical DMG.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 2 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG.", "id": 16031, "name": "Rain of Stone", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_GEO", "count": 1 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_VOID", "count": 2 } ], "type": "Normal Attack", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_A" }, { "basedamage": 1, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 1 Physical DMG, summons 1 Stone Stele.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons 1 $[C116031].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 1 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons 1 Stone Stele.", "id": 16032, "name": "Dominus Lapidis", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_GEO", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 3, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 3 Physical DMG, summons 1 Stone Stele, creates 1 Jade Shield.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT], summons 1 $[C116031], creates 1 $[C116032].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 3 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG, summons 1 Stone Stele, creates 1 Jade Shield.", "id": 16033, "name": "Dominus Lapidis: Striking Stone", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_GEO", "count": 5 } ], "type": "Elemental Skill", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_E" }, { "basedamage": 4, "baseelement": "GCG_ELEMENT_NONE", "description": "Deals 4 Physical DMG. The target character receives Petrification.", "descriptionraw": "Deals $[D__KEY__DAMAGE] $[D__KEY__ELEMENT]. The target character receives $[C116033].", "descriptionreplaced": "Deals 4 {SPRITE_PRESET#2100}Physical DMG. The target character receives Petrification.", "id": 16034, "name": "Planet Befall", "playcost": [ { "costtype": "GCG_COST_DICE_GEO", "count": 3 }, { "costtype": "GCG_COST_ENERGY", "count": 3 } ], "type": "Elemental Burst", "typetag": "GCG_SKILL_TAG_Q" } ], "source": "Reward for inviting Zhongli to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with him", "storytext": "A hidden gemstone can illuminate the whole earth, bright and unrivaled as a star.", "storytitle": "\"Vago Mundo\" Zhongli", "tags": [ "GCG_TAG_ELEMENT_GEO", "GCG_TAG_WEAPON_POLE", "GCG_TAG_NATION_LIYUE" ], "tagstext": [ "Geo", "Polearm", "Liyue" ] } }, "meta": { "aliases": {}, "categories": { "10": [ "amber", "aratakiitto", "barbara", "beidou", "bennett", "candace", "chongyun", "collei", "cyno", "diluc", "diona", "eula", "fatuicryocicinmage", "fatuipyroagent", "fischl", "ganyu", "hutao", "jadeplumeterrorshroom", "jean", "kaedeharakazuha", "kaeya", "kamisatoayaka", "kamisatoayato", "keqing", "klee", "kujousara", "maguukenki", "mirrormaiden", "mona", "nahida", "ningguang", "noelle", "raidenshogun", "razor", "rhodeiaofloch", "sangonomiyakokomi", "shenhe", "sucrose", "tartaglia", "tighnari", "venti", "xiangling", "xiao", "xingqiu", "yaemiko", "yanfei", "yoimiya", "zhongli" ], "2": [ "abysslectorfathomlessflames", "amber", "bennett", "candace", "collei", "cyno", "electrohypostasis", "eula", "fatuipyroagent", "jadeplumeterrorshroom", "kaedeharakazuha", "kaeya", "kujousara", "mirrormaiden", "nahida", "noelle", "raidenshogun", "razor", "sangonomiyakokomi", "shenhe", "stonehidelawachurl", "sucrose", "tighnari", "venti", "xiangling", "xiao", "xingqiu", "yaemiko", "yanfei" ], "3": [ "aratakiitto", "barbara", "beidou", "chongyun", "diluc", "diona", "fatuicryocicinmage", "fischl", "ganyu", "hutao", "jean", "kamisatoayaka", "kamisatoayato", "keqing", "klee", "maguukenki", "mona", "ningguang", "rhodeiaofloch", "tartaglia", "yoimiya", "zhongli" ], "6": [ "abysslectorfathomlessflames" ], "8": [ 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