@Shukketzu because you're a subnormal that on top of being Nazi you don't want to be despised by it then
[ "hate" ]
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@ARMAKdeODELOT Germany has created the 4th Reich with the EU and NATO to take the Rematch against Russia, the 27 are fascist governments.
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@Fraaancis10 @A3News Fascists have only changed parties, independence has grown.Ines tomorrow to the opposition as yesterday hajaja
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If you're offended by this, maybe, you're a little bit fragile.That's right, to insult the kid while defending the black mood.
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@15__Merida FRanco..., those NATO-CIA babies are a pervertious ass: the PP$OE+Franquism, caudillism, mob ignorances
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And so says a follower of a club whose hobby has made a public proclamation against referees.You're a fool. https://t.co/LkX6eS8KyJ
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@ElCheChucho you also see the Nazi cops who will have that one on the whatsapp... to believe something.
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when you don't give a shit about feminism and just look for your little medallita send nudes https://t.co/fHqkIarvT1
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@JayKingYolo Come and get dirty you're the fucking master, tomorrow we go partying there pretty
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To then say that there is no life inside the closet, put Four faggot! that is Narnia now.XDD #humor
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@tomterrytomas That someone like you calls me fascist (even if not) is a compliment of the best.
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@culedechamberi @iosu_gomez @Argentina Jajajaja The little dictator said Roncero.
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@sacedator And who is this subnormal?
[ "hate" ]
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Ideas to Congratulate with #BoycotALosGoyas: Name the prizes with the street facha.Ej:Goya General Mola Best Original Screenplay
[ "hate" ]
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Puigdemont sprays all expectations and leads the independence bloc https://t.co/zGZdcZfxrk
[ "hate" ]
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And if a guy's a faggot, and when they complain, they say, "he's a little gay" or "he's half gay."
[ "hate" ]
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@_Provea what article is invoked after the dictator declares war on citizens?https://t.co/WxXEQlEPfd
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Years ago I was caught by a kid and now it disgusts me.Literal.Feminism is believed to be encouraging to make false allegations and so on.
[ "hate" ]
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Jesuit Refugee Service Launches #IGetYou Campaign to "Break Stereotypes" https://t.co/NJCBjcikwp @begirada_org
[ "hate" ]
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Dossier of Fascist Violence - https://t.co/3014VYbd3Q https://t.co/mAyDCXq4k7
[ "hate" ]
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In this pseudo-fascist state, half-inks are worthless.A clear and decisive left is necessary.
[ "hate" ]
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@camilocanovas 155 again and call ad infinitum elections until xenophobic, fascist, peso, or any other corrupt Spanish or Catalan nationalist party wins.
[ "hate" ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
No, man, no, Chacón wasn't a fascist genocity, just a red one of those.You can joke, not prob.https://t.co/pUsBFfQNHg
[ "hate" ]
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I know antifas don't have a lot of life, but getting to save photos of "Nazis" of tw is on the same level as keeping toenails.
[ "hate" ]
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I don't know what party they may have seen but it still seems embarrassing to me!Team shame, referees and hobby.#putabarça
[ "hate" ]
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Some are fans of colacao Others love nesquik Then I am Catalan to the core and I buy white brand https://t.co/kFiIcl3Jve
[ "hate" ]
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LTAIMAHORA:Bescansa will not be allowed to hold a plenary session in Congress for her son's First Communion because it has become facha.
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@ragonella how iconic the "uh how cold faggot" would have been in there
[ "hate" ]
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@chonisoviets_ @ThrawneVance42Marxist feminism?You're not right with your little girl head.
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You have to see the "catalanophobia" that has come to Germany eh monster...You can't really be more idiotic.https://t.co/g04FHUrGqD https://t.co/aau7uE1hl7
[ "hate" ]
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Please, can someone lend a calculator to Inés Arrimadas?Behind the patriotism of the party laranxa só hai más patriotismo de partido.And everything so that Albert Rivera gañe espazo a Mariano Rajoy.Iso xogába setamén hoxe.#Elections21D #ElectionsCataluna
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I don't know if it's a subnormal or a big one.https://t.co/F892H2AIDM
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[ "hate" ]
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However, they are the same fucking fachas that serve well that the Church and the bulls are financed with public money.
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@aarias2002 @emistar61 as a good facha and no idea of the laws
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A Holocaust of which little is spoken.Massacre of the Fascists in the Escape of the Malagan People.https://t.co/er0O63a9Uf
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@PugaGmail The NARANJITOS, are that split of 1 party-facha and q comulga tb with those ideas that say they are "liberal" and are neo-Nazi ASCO!
[ "hate" ]
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Shut the fuck up! @Lola_Cubero
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Puigdemont, I don't think he's seen that despite the independence victory in the seat, he doesn't win in votes and is not the most voted party.
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@Bernithedude Key government of what if there is an independent majority xDDD
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The only legal socialist, with balls D.E.P. God recognize your worth!
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@Doctor_FutbolForgives you, it's subnormal but if we check you you're forgiven
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Today in 1969 - A raid at a gay bar in New York sparks marches and clashes between the gay community and the police.#ephemeride
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@IoveIanita but what I'm telling you is a very open concept eh, then there's liberal feminism, radical, Marxist, class. I'm still learning
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"THE MARLO FAMILY", by @BoopDesy https://t.co/0uDMBX04qr ... ... A story set in the dark age of the black plague that you should not miss.
[ "hate" ]
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They're not Nazis... they're from strong Constitution... https://t.co/T5fCtnAguf
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Did you see the carroñero with the RED WATER? Hello, the whore loves.To clear water.#TheWalkingDead.
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[ "hate" ]
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#porno #free Huge black cock for tight ass (35:32) Anal, Big cocks, Interracial - https://t.co/9UwW0LFeCM
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So faggot you won't be, if the Catholic Church rejects you and you celebrate the nativity of their Lord Jesus Christ.
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