hiya people mental slump latelynothing externally redflagful happened thinking wanted lately life collegeand hits me want anythingi want anything know want career ill go want generallyto live life without motivation full mediocrity feels completely pointless keep going existingi want stay girlfriend want family friends mourn deathbut me feel like ill get anything meaningful continuing state either change something cut shortbut already tried change trying change trying reduce unhealthy habits take newer healthier ones motivation even commit themi know ill figure out least tell feel worsebut really figure out really change better know answers questionsplease future me please tell okay confuzzled
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hiya people mental slump latelynothing externally redflagful happened thinking wanted lately life collegeand hits me want anythingi want anything know want career ill go want generallyto live life without motivation full mediocrity feels completely pointless keep going existingi want stay girlfriend want family friends mourn deathbut me feel like ill get anything meaningful continuing state either change something cut shortbut already tried change trying change trying reduce unhealthy habits take newer healthier ones motivation even commit themi know ill figure out least tell feel worsebut really figure out really change better know answers questionsplease future me please tell okay confuzzled" ]
Últimamente, la gente de hiya se desploma mentalmente. Últimamente no hay nada externo. Sucedió pensando que se quería la universidad de la vida. Últimamente quiero lo que sea. Quiero saber que la carrera no va bien. Generalmente quiero vivir la vida sin motivación. La mediocridad completa. Se siente completamente inútil. Seguir existiendo. Quiero quedarme novia. Quiero que los amigos de la familia se entristezcan. Pero me siento como enfermo.
help analyzing instagram world record egg english help saw memes english teachers analyzing everything jesus something else let meme meme world come months horror
[ "help analyzing instagram world record egg english help saw memes english teachers analyzing everything jesus something else let meme meme world come months horror" ]
ayudar a analizar instagram disco mundial egg english ayuda memes profesores de inglés análisis de todo Jesús algo más meme meme mundo vienen meses horror
feeling really latelymy depression escalated extreme used consider person family loved ones would leave behind theres much guilt built started care anymore last night seconds asphyxiating minute argument myself convinced game moment cease exist everyone else would too end stopped self harmed instead needed release another night coming im afraid might edge again ive already given sister belts know might get extra creative desperate tonight anyone relate
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling really latelymy depression escalated extreme used consider person family loved ones would leave behind theres much guilt built started care anymore last night seconds asphyxiating minute argument myself convinced game moment cease exist everyone else would too end stopped self harmed instead needed release another night coming im afraid might edge again ive already given sister belts know might get extra creative desperate tonight anyone relate" ]
Sentirme realmente últimamente mi depresión escalada extremamente usada considerar persona seres queridos de la familia dejaría detrás de Theres mucha culpa construida comenzó a cuidar más anoche segundos asfixiante argumento minuto yo convencido momento juego cesa de existir todos los demás también terminarían parado auto lastimado en lugar de liberar otra noche que viene me temo que podría borde de nuevo ive ya dado hermana cinturones saber podría conseguir extra creativo desesperado esta noche nadie se relaciona
open suicidal thoughts school advice pleasei need advice ive school couple weeks feel terrible ive sick got bad infection im currently using medication right mental health biggest issue feel worthless like killing making wanna leave room anymore school worried absent much called dad today asked could visit tomorrow dont mind visiting me im kinda nervous talk gonna have know mental health crap dont know bad neither psychologist ive told dad suicidal thoughts last year hasnt told school anyone else tell school it people visiting trusted people school know would safe hands dont know honestly guys think
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "open suicidal thoughts school advice pleasei need advice ive school couple weeks feel terrible ive sick got bad infectionim currently using medication right mental health biggest issue feel worthless like killing making wanna leave room anymore school worried absent much called dad today asked could visit tomorrow dont mind visiting me im kinda nervous talk gonna have know mental health crap dont know bad neither psychologist ive told dad suicidal thoughts last year hasnt told school anyone else tell school it people visiting trusted people school know would safe hands dont know honestly guys think" ]
pensamientos suicidas abiertos consejo escolar por favor necesito consejo en la escuela un par de semanas se siente terrible ive enfermo tiene mala infecciónim actualmente el uso de medicamentos derecho salud mental problema más grande se siente inútil como matar haciendo querer dejar la habitación más escuela preocupado ausente mucho llamado papá hoy preguntó podría visitar mañana no importa visitarme im un poco nervioso hablar va a tener saber problemas de salud mental no saben mal ni psicólogo ive dijo a papá pensamientos suicidas el año pasado no le dijo a la escuela nadie más le dijo a la escuela que la gente que visita personas de confianza escuela sabe que las manos seguras no saben honestamente chicos piensan
cant anymore one last goodbyei cant like anymore pretend im normal go work work like everybody else theres everlasting sadness inside me days worse still put shell towards people worry smile laugh crack jokes get home break down crying smashing things punching wall know do get overwhelmed hopelessness wish something could do ive tried long last time knot untied time made sure nice tight guess goodbye im sorry times let near down im sorry normal im sorry giving easily im sorry cant take anymore goodbye thanks everything
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant anymore one last goodbyei cant like anymore pretend im normal go work work like everybody else theres everlasting sadness inside me days worse still put shell towards people worry smile laugh crack jokes get home break down crying smashing things punching wall know do get overwhelmed hopelessness wish something could do ive tried long last time knot untied time made sure nice tight guess goodbyeim sorry times let near down imsorry normalim sorry giving easily im sorry cant take anymore goodbye thanks everything" ]
No puedo más un último adiós no puedo como más pretender que soy normal ir a trabajar como todos los demás hay tristeza eterna dentro de mí días peor aún poner caparazón hacia la gente preocupación risa risa crack chistes llegar a casa romper llorando romper cosas golpear pared saber conseguir abrumado deseo desesperanza algo podría ive ive probado la última vez nudo tiempo desatado se aseguró agradable apretado adivinar adiósim los momentos tristes dejar cerca abajo indolente normalim lo siento dar fácilmente no puedo tomar más adiós gracias a todo
alrightim living dream job years get travel see kinds amazing things im active adventure whenever want amazing friends much love life yet think killing throughout day every day cant control it ideas creep leave know feel lately sometimes hate fing hard insane cant figure out thought good thing going ready grow want revert earth feel lost sad alone heart want painful lately pray wake sleep reason want actually diekill believe life worth living get better cannot bare pain would bring family friends im miserable think quitting job what shitty job way love cant wake enough give shit it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "alrightim living dream job years get travel see kinds amazing things im active adventure whenever want amazing friends much love life yet think killing throughout day every day cant control it ideas creep leave know feel lately sometimes hate fing hard insane cant figure out thought good thing going ready grow want revert earth feel lost sad alone heart want painful lately pray wake sleep reason want actually diekill believe life worth living get better cannot bare pain would bring family friendsim miserable think quitting job what shitty job way love cant wake enough give shit it" ]
De acuerdo vida sueño trabajo años obtener viajes ver tipos increíbles cosas im aventura activa cada vez que quiero increíbles amigos mucho amor vida sin embargo, pensar matar durante todo el día cada día no puede controlarlo ideas rastrero dejar saber sentir últimamente a veces odio fing duro loco cant figura pensamiento buena cosa va listo crecer querer volver la tierra se siente triste solo deseo doloroso últimamente rezar despertar sueño razón querer realmente morir creo que la vida vale la pena vivir mejor no puede llevar a la familia amigosim miserable pensar dejar el trabajo lo mierda trabajo manera amor no puede despertar lo suficiente dar mierda
year fucking sucks get better heres hair started january st im excited new decade told im going lose weight pandemic white cops murder black man people rioting august building exploded november pedophile became president put cherry top theyre still pandemic thousands hundreds people died people saying better coronavirus still going go on were lucky world war going happen next year lets pray god happen two cats died year yeah bad thing happened also aint going covid vaccine science going mess up think going better may well stop hoping cuz going get worse
[ "year fucking sucks get better heres hair started januaryst im excited new decade told im going lose weight pandemic white cops murder black man people rioting august building exploded november pedophile became president put cherry top theyre still pandemic thousandshundreds people died people saying better coronavirus still going go on were lucky world war going happen next year lets pray god happen two cats died yearyeah bad thing happened also aint going covid vaccine science going mess up think going better may well stop hoping cuz going get worse" ]
año mierdas conseguir mejor aquí pelo comenzó enerost im emocionado nueva década le dijo a im va a perder peso pandemia policías blancos asesinato negro hombre gente amotinarse edificio augusto explosión noviembre pedófilo se convirtió en presidente puesto cereza top todavía son pandemia miles cientos de personas murieron personas diciendo mejor coronavirus sigue adelante fueron suerte guerra mundial va a suceder el próximo año rezar Dios sucede dos gatos murió añoyeh malo sucedió también en el ir covid vacuna ciencia va a cagar pensar mejor bien puede dejar de esperar cuz va a empeorar
hear argument personnel experience good keep mind lot things differ place place also hear people out let give evidence give argument ill back minutes
[ "hear argument personnel experience good keep mind lot things differ place place also hear people out let give evidence give argument ill back minutes" ]
escuchar argumentación personal experiencia buena mantener la mente mucho las cosas difieren lugar lugar también escuchar a la gente a cabo dejar dar pruebas dar argumentación mal minutos de espalda
ever huge crush celebrity younger older still find attractive longer crush fantasies want support fan
[ "ever huge crush celebrity younger older still find attractive longer crush fantasies want support fan" ]
siempre enorme estrella aplastamiento más joven todavía encontrar atractivas más largas fantasías de aplastamiento quieren apoyo fan
tw disordered eatingsuicidal ideation know lost motivation anything either eating much little constipated fuck tired slept hours even motivation cook anything order shit apartment live in poor cannot hold job month without redflages building break down makes feel like acting like entitled piece shit making excuses work something tried approach sucking redflag hoping disappear work like that parent pressured move screaming constantly telling ill never amount anything life toxic judged every move never really felt good enough think killing much effort tried therapy work tried medical marijuana developed scary hallucinations know life existing likely end street likely become drug addict nothing bother people thinking running away literally much want here feel worthless
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tw disordered eatingsuicidal ideation know lost motivation anything either eating much little constipated fuck tired slept hours even motivation cook anything order shit apartment live in poor cannot hold job month without redflages building break down makes feel like acting like entitled piece shit making excuses work something tried approach sucking redflag hoping disappear work like that parent pressured move screaming constantly telling ill never amount anything life toxic judged every move never really felt good enough think killing much effort tried therapy work tried medical marijuana developed scary hallucinations know life existing likely end street likely become drug addict nothing bother people thinking running away literally much want here feel worthless" ]
Tw desordenado comer ideación suicida saber la motivación perdida cualquier cosa bien comer muy poco estreñido polvo cansado horas dormido incluso motivación cocinar cualquier orden mierda apartamento vivir en pobres no puede mantener el mes de trabajo sin Redflages edificio se rompe hace se siente como actuar como título pedazo mierda haciendo excusas trabajo algo tratado acercamiento chupar bandera roja esperar desaparecer trabajo como ese padre presionado movimiento gritar constantemente decir mal cantidad de nada tóxico vida juzgado cada movimiento nunca realmente se sintió lo suficientemente bien pensar matar mucho esfuerzo probado terapia trabajo marihuana médica desarrolló alucinaciones miedo saber la vida existente probablemente fin de la calle probablemente convertirse en adicto a las drogas nada molestar a la gente pensar huir literalmente mucho querer aquí se siente inútil
think survive planeti cant stop reminiscing past happy penniless family ignorant hot tempered parents slightest physically mentally prepared children im proud indoctrinated muslim either still tried keep chin up finished high school got degree tried get job time invest passion tried oh believe me tried ass trying achieve success alas went backfired needbeing broke useless hopeless nobody giving shit you im breaking point already im done hope family able move lives without me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think survive planeti cant stop reminiscing past happy penniless family ignorant hot tempered parents slightest physically mentally prepared children im proud indoctrinated muslim either still tried keep chin up finished high school got degree tried get job time invest passion tried oh believe me tried ass trying achieve success alas went backfired needbeing broke useless hopeless nobody giving shit you im breaking point already im done hope family able move lives without me" ]
Creo que sobrevivir planetai no puede dejar de recordar pasado feliz familia sin un centavo ignorante caliente templada padres lo más mínimo físicamente preparados niños adoctrinado orgulloso musulmán o bien todavía se trató de mantener la barbilla terminada escuela secundaria conseguido grado tratado conseguir trabajo tiempo invertir pasión probado Oh creo que he intentado culo tratando de lograr el éxito alas fue contraproducente necesidadse rompió inútil inútil nadie te da mierda im punto de ruptura ya hecho esperanza familia capaz de mover vidas sin mí
attention epic gamers need help defeat big bad evil monki request account twittercom vote pezlord this httpstwittercomsmollfryesstatuss election basically friends holding election need help get pez pres could make post show art made cause would thank reading remember thats post shiiiiiiittpost
[ "attention epic gamers need help defeat big bad evil monki request account twittercom vote pezlord this httpstwittercomsmollfryesstatuss election basically friends holding election need help get pez pres could make post show art made cause would thank reading remember thats post shiiiiiiittpost" ]
atención jugadores épicos necesitan ayudar a derrotar a gran mal mal monki solicitar cuenta twittercom vote pezlord esta elección httpstwittercomsmollfryesstatuss básicamente amigos que tienen la elección necesitan ayuda conseguir pez pres podría hacer post show arte hecho causa agradecería lectura recordar esos post shiiiiiiittpost
know longer it used call survivor know one know times running mei really know muchbut would enough time know cheat death long gets good entire life one day would get hook crookone way anotheri still holding trying cannot stop hiding forever know losing game like always time would permanent check mate called game lifethis would probably last failurei know writing makes selfish lot waysbut know do know end postso also would remain incomplete edited used call survivor know one
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know longer it used call survivor know one know times running mei really know muchbut would enough time know cheat death long gets good entire life one day would get hook crookone way anotheri still holding trying cannot stop hiding forever know losing game like always time would permanent check mate called game lifethis would probably last failurei know writing makes selfish lot waysbut know do know end postso also would remain incomplete edited used call survivor know one" ]
saber más se utiliza llamada sobreviviente saber uno sabe veces correr mei realmente saben mucho pero sería suficiente tiempo saber engañar a la muerte largo consigue buena vida entera un día conseguiría gancho sinvergüenza manera anotheri todavía tratando de no dejar de ocultar para siempre saber perder juego como siempre tiempo sería pareja permanente cheque llamado vida del juego esto probablemente último fracaso sé la escritura hace muchas maneras egoístas, pero sé que end postso también permanecería incompleto editado usado llamada sobreviviente sabe uno
afraid anything everything time afraid happened may happen afraid world earth skies stars aliens humans animals whatever fucking bullshit thought occurred head makes skin crawl afraid might become afraid might go crazy fight might become boring normal average weird fucking hippie fucking stupid hardheaded person
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "afraid anything everything time afraid happened may happen afraid world earth skies stars aliens humans animals whatever fucking bullshit thought occurred head makes skin crawl afraid might become afraid might go crazy fight might become boring normal average weird fucking hippie fucking stupid hardheaded person" ]
miedo a que todo el tiempo miedo sucedió puede suceder miedo mundo tierra cielos estrellas alienígenas humanos animales cualquier mierda pensamiento mierda ocurrió cabeza hace que la piel gatear miedo podría llegar a volverse loco lucha podría convertirse en aburrido normal raro mierda hippie jodida persona cabeza dura
got perfect nutrigrain bar guys arent gonna believe opened one packages crumbs bars super dense crumbs came off beautiful
[ "got perfect nutrigrain bar guys arent gonna believe opened one packages crumbs bars super dense crumbs came off beautiful" ]
tiene perfecto nutrigrain bar chicos no van a creer que abrió un paquete migajas barras migajas super densos salió hermoso
really want someone tell me even lie im feeling validive depression long time dont feel like ever speak mind even wanted to dont know explain going fucked head whenever anything goes slightly wrong react freak fuck out everyone tired me worn trying help fault ive ruined families lives selfish prick ive talked many therapists current one great never feel like im making progress mostly dont care enough try things tells me ive left behind many people screwed alienating people used get along with sit along home everyday afraid speak mind cowardly ask help feel like one around believes im badly off theyve given trying reddit place turn dont know fuck even would cowardly scared anything it im selfish piece shit
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "really want someone tell me even lie im feeling validive depression long time dont feel like ever speak mind even wanted to dont know explain going fucked head whenever anything goes slightly wrong react freak fuck out everyone tired me worn trying help fault ive ruined families lives selfish prick ive talked many therapists current one great never feel like im making progress mostly dont care enough try things tells me ive left behind many people screwed alienating people used get along with sit along home everyday afraid speak mind cowardly ask help feel like one around believes im badly off theyve given trying reddit place turn dont know fuck even would cowardly scared anything it im selfish piece shit" ]
Realmente quiero que alguien me diga incluso mentira me siento depresión válida mucho tiempo no me siento como nunca hablar mente incluso quería no saber explicar ir cabeza follada cada vez que algo va ligeramente mal reacción freak out todo el mundo cansado me uso tratando de ayudar culpa ive familias arruinadas vidas egoístas pendejo ive ha hablado muchos terapeutas actual uno grande nunca se siente como im hacer progreso mayormente no me importa lo suficiente intentar las cosas me dice que ive dejado atrás mucha gente follada alienación gente solía llevarse bien con sentarse en casa todos los días miedo hablar mente cobarde pedir ayuda se siente como uno cree que es mal de ellos han dado probar lugar reddit vuelta no sé mierda incluso cobarde asustaría cualquier cosa im pieza egoísta mierda
picked dvd watched again love bright colors vs dark imagery big beatty fan excellent popcorn movie pacino astounding always well movie marked period madonna absolute sexiest wish stuck breathless look longer charlie korsmos first really big role what bob makeup effects cutting edge still hold part beautiful scenery mood transport directly comic strip environment cars wardrobe buildings even streetlights et great tone mention perfect lighting although scenes lot red get tad annoying tends blur little wish beatty gotten chance make sequel all fun hours
[ "picked dvd watched again love bright colors vs dark imagery big beatty fan excellent popcorn movie pacino astounding always well movie marked period madonna absolute sexiest wish stuck breathless look longer charlie korsmos first really big role what bob makeup effects cutting edge still hold part beautiful scenery mood transport directly comic strip environment cars wardrobe buildings even streetlights et great tone mention perfect lighting although scenes lot red get tad annoying tends blur little wish beatty gotten chance make sequel all fun hours" ]
elegido dvd volvió a ver amor colores brillantes vs imágenes oscuras gran ventilador beatty excelente popcorn película pacino sorprendente siempre bien película marcado período madonna absoluto deseo más sexy pegado sin aliento mirada más largo charlie korsmos primero papel realmente grande lo bob efectos de maquillaje vanguardia todavía tiene parte hermoso paisaje ambiente ambiente transporte directamente cómico ambiente coches vestuario edificios incluso faroles y gran tono mencionar iluminación perfecta aunque escenas mucho rojo get tad molesto tiende borroso poco deseo beatty tuvo oportunidad hacer secuela todas las horas divertidas
feeling truly awful hate me hate world is hate everyone world ugh
[ "feeling truly awful hate me hate world is hate everyone world ugh" ]
sentir realmente odio odio odio mundo es odio a todos mundo ugh
im diagnosed ocd couple years ive suspected ocd want visit psychiatrist kinda went it days ago finally decided visit psychaitrist appointment today yeah ocd take antidepressants yaaaaayy
[ "im diagnosed ocd couple years ive suspected ocd want visit psychiatrist kinda went it days ago finally decided visit psychaitrist appointment todayyeahocd take antidepressants yaaaaayy" ]
I diagnóstico de ocd par de años i sospecha de ocd quieren visita psiquiatra un poco fue hace días finalmente decidió visita psicoitrista cita hoy yeahocd tomar antidepresivos yaaaaayy
hopelessive reddit year ive commented never posted struggle depression panic attacks last night wife got upset cat hissed her threatened let go play street we live busy road got upset told messed say went got couch slammed door went go bedroom try fix everything thought locked door pushing closed opened slammed hand told crazy leave everyone life abandoned girlfriends friends dad years old cant handle another one wife leaves nothing else want live for life disappointment dissapointment divorce fathers redflag truly think world would better without me wanted post someone would know felt im new town friends job reason keep going thank yall listening me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hopelessive reddit year ive commented never posted struggle depression panic attacks last night wife got upset cat hissed her threatened let go play street we live busy road got upset told messed say went got couch slammed door went go bedroom try fix everything thought locked door pushing closed opened slammed hand told crazy leave everyone life abandoned girlfriends friends dad years old cant handle another one wife leaves nothing else want live for life disappointment dissapointment divorce fathers redflag truly think world would better without me wanted post someone would know felt im new town friends job reason keep going thank yall listening me" ]
sinvergüenza año rojo ive comentó nunca publicado lucha depresión ataques de pánico anoche esposa se enojó gato siseado ella amenazó dejar ir jugar calle vivimos camino ocupado se enojó dijo mal dicho dijo mal go go go go sofá puerta cerrada go dormitorio tratar de arreglar todo pensamiento puerta cerrada empujando abierta abierta mano cerrada le dijo loco dejar a todos vida abandonada amigos amigos papá años viejo no puede manejar otra esposa deja nada más quiere vivir para la vida decepción divorcio padres bandera roja realmente pensar que el mundo sería mejor sin mí quería post alguien sabría se sentía im nuevo ciudad amigos trabajo razón seguir dando gracias yall escucharme
aw deleted account guy asked nudes deleted account gonna see posts him
[ "aw deleted account guy asked nudes deleted account gonna see posts him" ]
aw eliminado chico cuenta preguntó desnudos borrado cuenta va a ver mensajes de él
long time since original quite funny black comedy surfaced eating raoul top list favor find undertaking betty immediately subject death funny attempted see paul bartel mary woronov mortuary academy movie brilliant moments black comedy undertaking betty much steady better cast could imagine undertaking business might fertile ground original uplifting heartfelt comedy surprised too highly recommend seeing undertaking betty merk
[ "long time since original quite funny black comedy surfaced eating raoul top list favor find undertaking betty immediately subject death funny attempted see paul bartel mary woronov mortuary academy movie brilliant moments black comedy undertaking betty much steady better cast could imagine undertaking business might fertile ground original uplifting heartfelt comedy surprised too highly recommend seeing undertaking betty merk" ]
mucho tiempo desde original bastante divertida comedia negra salió a la superficie comiendo raoul lista superior favor encontrar empresa betty inmediatamente sujeto muerte gracioso intento ver Paul bartel mary woronov academia cine brillantes momentos comedia negro empresa mucho estable mejor elenco podría imaginar empresa podría fértil terreno original edificante comedia sentida sorprendido demasiado recomienda ver empresa Betty merk
honestly really point staythey say redflag permanent solution temporary problem thats really true it life permanency us know thing want really end me everyone else keep living fuck it wanna live see anyways
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "honestly really point staythey say redflag permanent solution temporary problem thats really true it life permanency us know thing want really end me everyone else keep living fuck it wanna live see anyways" ]
Honestamente realmente punto estancia dicen redflag solución permanente problema temporal que es realmente cierto que la vida permanencia nosotros sabemos que la cosa quiere realmente acabar conmigo todos los demás siguen viviendo mierda quiere vivir ver de todos modos
bad day now havent felt happy now year ago time depressed suicidal im afraid would happen again thing feel lonely dont know im wrong dating game fucked social life too guess im averagely attractive funny guy im pretty smart workout dont know else im supposed feel devoid empty
[ "bad day now havent felt happy now year ago time depressed suicidal im afraid would happen again thing feel lonely dont knowim wrong dating game fucked social life too guess im averagely attractive funny guyim pretty smart workout dont know else im supposed feel devoid empty" ]
mal día ahora no se han sentido felices ahora hace un año tiempo deprimido suicida im miedo pasaría otra vez la cosa se siente solo no sé mal juego de citas follada vida social demasiado supongo que soy medio atractivo divertido guyim bastante inteligente entrenamiento no sé más se supone que se siente vacío
anyone new wanna chat finish math test im bored depressed tired trifecta dm comment chat little while
[ "anyone new wanna chat finish math test im bored depressed tired trifecta dm comment chat little while" ]
cualquier persona nueva quiere chat acabado matemáticas prueba im aburrido cansado trifecta dm comentario chat poco mientras que
im lonely dont want die sometimes feel like disappearing since im uselessanyone else feel same feel friendless
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im lonely dont want die sometimes feel like disappearing since im uselessanyone else feel same feel friendless" ]
Yo solo no quiero morir a veces me siento como desapareciendo ya que soy inútil cualquier otra persona se siente igual sin amigos
fucked need help apologizing someone deserve good apology overthinking much right sent yet need fucking it ghosted friend almost year still text sometimes please someone help apology already wrote need help apologizing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fucked need help apologizing someone deserve good apology overthinking much right sent yet need fucking it ghosted friend almost year still text sometimes please someone help apology already wrote need help apologizing" ]
mierda necesidad ayuda a disculparse alguien merece una buena disculpa sobrepensando mucho derecho enviado sin embargo necesita follando amigo fantasma casi año todavía texto a veces por favor alguien ayuda disculpa ya escribió necesidad ayuda disculparse
ive hoping die naturally years nowits small things like wearing seat belt behaving really recklessly cant bring actually it im scared surviving living consequences im young poor afford assisted redflag country allows it gets nervous go places steep edges reckless vain attempts slip fall people around demonize redflag much dont want anyone know it want die naturally hope fatal car wreck im driving alone maybe one days alcohol poisoning job me want try starving people think anorexia im male livemy family would call fag hope die soon
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive hoping die naturally years nowits small things like wearing seat belt behaving really recklessly cant bring actually it im scared surviving living consequences im young poor afford assisted redflag country allows it gets nervous go places steep edges reckless vain attempts slip fall people around demonize redflag much dont want anyone know it want die naturally hope fatal car wreck im driving alone maybe one days alcohol poisoning jobme want try starving people think anorexiaim male livemy family would call fag hope die soon" ]
Espero morir naturalmente años ahora sus pequeñas cosas como el uso de cinturón de seguridad comportamiento realmente imprudente no puede traer realmente miedo sobreviviendo consecuencias vivientes im joven pobre pagar ayuda país de bandera roja permite que se pone nervioso ir lugares bordes empinados imprudentes intentos vanidoso caer gente alrededor de satanizar bandera roja mucho no quiero que nadie sepa que quiere morir naturalmente esperanza fatal accidente de coche im conducir solo tal vez un día intoxicación por alcohol trabajo quiero tratar de personas hambrientas piensan anorexiaim hombre vivami familia llamaría maricón esperanza morir pronto
need someone vent toplease please talk me need vent
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need someone vent toplease please talk me need vent" ]
Necesito que alguien se desahogue, por favor, por favor, hábleme. Necesito ventilación.
dead endi feel life cant get better everything feels like reached dead end kill self end all
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dead endi feel life cant get better everything feels like reached dead end kill self end all" ]
endi muertos sentir la vida no puede conseguir mejor todo se siente como alcanzado callejón sin salida matar auto extremo todo
hi hi hi hi youre nice interesting lets talk im bored wanna talk people pls talk meeeeee
[ "hi hi hi hi youre nice interesting lets talk im bored wanna talk people pls talk meeeeee" ]
Hola, hola, hola, eres muy interesante, vamos a hablar, quiero hablar, quiero hablar, la gente, pls, habla, meeeeee.
teenagers hands type keyboard born without hands method typing keyboard leave comment below
[ "teenagers hands type keyboard born without hands method typing keyboard leave comment below" ]
adolescentes manos tipo teclado nacido sin manos método teclear teclado dejar comentario a continuación
cant see mail three awards ive gotten tyy lt
[ "cant see mail three awards ive gotten tyy lt" ]
No puedo ver el correo tres premios que he conseguido tyy lt
want become anything want anything want work hard want go school want get job want live family want achieve anything nothing prove anything anyone live particularly like existing much want exist dreams goals aspirations nothing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want become anything want anything want work hard want go school want get job want live family want achieve anything nothing prove anything anyone live particularly like existing much want exist dreams goals aspirations nothing" ]
Quiero convertirme en cualquier cosa quiero cualquier cosa quiero trabajar duro quiero ir a la escuela quiero conseguir trabajo quiero vivir familia quiero lograr nada nada prueba nada nadie vive particularmente como existe mucho deseo existen sueños objetivos aspiraciones nada
hey guys im bored thougt would nice chat someone hit up dms open lol
[ "hey guys im bored thougt would nice chat someone hit up dms open lol" ]
Hey chicos me aburriría thought sería agradable chat alguien golpeó dms abierto lol
regressingthe day lose battle day finally decide it way return time decide unannounced like choice use resolve kill amount psychiatric help medication reverse decision lose battle lose battle nothing change mind point demons won retain hopeful optimism consumed cynical nihilism this regress defense today day lose battle im gonna go use again
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "regressingthe day lose battle day finally decide it way return time decide unannounced like choice use resolve kill amount psychiatric help medication reverse decision lose battle lose battle nothing change mind point demons won retain hopeful optimism consumed cynical nihilism this regress defense today day lose battle im gonna go use again" ]
Regresar el día perder batalla finalmente decidir la forma en que el tiempo de retorno decidir sin previo aviso como el uso de la opción resolver matar cantidad ayuda psiquiátrica medicamentos revertir la decisión perder batalla perder batalla nada cambiar punto de la mente demonios ganaron mantener optimismo optimista consumido nihilismo cínico esta defensa retroceso hoy día perder batalla voy a ir a usar de nuevo
know became person recognize all know old went want happy again trying hardest so know became cold hearted care anyone gone one day without smoking weed way feel happy smoking became problem outlet way making happy things make happy question problem everyone life even said so know got point eat anymore hardly care appearance anything general know committed suicide yet unhappy life anything do make better trying emotionally physically try happy try things make happy temporarily last ill ever temporarily happy gone know change tried everything could outgoing push outside comfort square yet work know anymore someone one recognizes someone hardly recognize one way another know ever going get better probably end committing suicide like actually want die want live like anymore even recognize anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know became person recognize all know old went want happy again trying hardest so know became cold hearted care anyone gone one day without smoking weed way feel happy smoking became problem outlet way making happy things make happy question problem everyone life even said so know got point eat anymore hardly care appearance anything general know committed suicide yet unhappy life anything do make better trying emotionally physically try happy try things make happy temporarily last ill ever temporarily happy gone know change tried everything could outgoing push outside comfort square yet work know anymore someone one recognizes someone hardly recognize one way another know ever going get better probably end committing suicide like actually want die want live like anymore even recognize anymore" ]
saber se convirtió en persona reconocer todo saber viejo fue querer feliz otra vez tratando más duro así que saber se convirtió en frío corazón cuidado alguien se fue un día sin fumar maleza manera sentir feliz fumar se convirtió en problema salida hacer cosas felices hacer feliz problema todos la vida incluso dijo así saber punto comer ya poco cuidado apariencia nada general saber suicidio pero vida infeliz cualquier cosa hacer mejor tratando emocionalmente físicamente tratar feliz tratar las cosas hacer feliz temporalmente último mal temporalmente feliz ido saber cambio todo lo que podía salir empujado fuera de la plaza de confort pero el trabajo saber más alguien reconoce a alguien apenas una manera otro saber nunca va a mejorar probablemente terminar de cometer suicidio como realmente quiero morir quiero vivir como más incluso reconocer más
baby brother murdered brutally last year still cannot believe happened hits like tsunami loved anyone ever loved star amazing big sister struggled suicidal thoughts ever since hand full life always smile face brother suffered serious illness never got spirits down life wished illness instead loved life not every time suicidal thought would think sad baby brother would be could bear thought hurting him wish one men took day here cannot imagine live life without him cannot believe life now little brother murdered cannot stop thinking died instead
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "baby brother murdered brutally last year still cannot believe happened hits like tsunami loved anyone ever loved star amazing big sister struggled suicidal thoughts ever since hand full life always smile face brother suffered serious illness never got spirits down life wished illness instead loved life not every time suicidal thought would think sad baby brother would be could bear thought hurting him wish one men took day here cannot imagine live life without him cannot believe life now little brother murdered cannot stop thinking died instead" ]
hermano bebé asesinado brutalmente el año pasado todavía no se puede creer que sucedió éxitos como tsunami amado a alguien estrella increíble hermana mayor luchaba pensamientos suicidas desde mano vida completa siempre sonrisa cara hermano sufrió grave enfermedad nunca tuvo espíritus abajo vida deseado enfermedad en lugar de la vida no cada vez pensamiento suicida pensaría triste hermano bebé sería podría soportar pensamiento hacerle daño deseo un hombre tomó día aquí no puede imaginar vida sin él no puede creer la vida ahora hermano pequeño asesinado no puede dejar de pensar muerto en lugar de
hours ill getting covid vaccine miss covid shit
[ "hours ill getting covid vaccine miss covid shit" ]
horas mal conseguir covid vacuna miss covid mierda
feeling extremely extremely ready today sitting floor sobbing redflag flashback yesterday friends left me already terrifying abandonment trauma top it made spiral today called childhood best friend close years now basically said told fault want move back city access better people better friendsthen reached second best friend known around years even lived one point asked could come crisis think alone right now response girlfriend went tubing tired told brother suicidal weeks ago really needed support told hes busy working give years buy house even bills right now still lives apartment foster care could easily request less hours since voluntarily picks upevery single friend interacted knows redflag majorly depressed three know suicidallmao everyone says kill reach talk someone do get blown offlike talk nobody actually cares people scoff act like must someone no literally nobody parents brother family friends give shit literally cats thing keeping everyone always tells reach someone suicidal reach people want deal you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling extremely extremely ready today sitting floor sobbing redflag flashback yesterday friends left me already terrifying abandonment trauma top it made spiral today called childhood best friend close years now basically said told fault want move back city access better people better friendsthen reached second best friend known around years even lived one point asked could come crisis think alone right now response girlfriend went tubing tired told brother suicidal weeks ago really needed support told hes busy working give years buy house even bills right now still lives apartment foster care could easily request less hours since voluntarily picks upevery single friend interacted knows redflag majorly depressed three know suicidallmao everyone says kill reach talk someone do get blown offlike talk nobody actually cares people scoff act like must someone no literally nobody parents brother family friends give shit literally cats thing keeping everyone always tells reach someone suicidal reach people want deal you" ]
la sensación extremadamente extremadamente listo hoy sentado piso sollozando rojo flag flashback ayer los amigos me dejaron ya terrorífico abandono trauma top hizo espiral hoy llamado infancia mejor amigo cerca años ahora básicamente dicho falta quiere mudarse de nuevo ciudad acceso mejor gente mejor amigosentonces llegado segundo mejor amigo conocido alrededor de años incluso vivido un punto preguntado podría venir crisis pensar solo ahora respuesta novia fue tubo cansado hermano suicida semanas atrás muy necesitado apoyo dijo que está ocupado trabajando da años comprar casa incluso facturas en este momento todavía vive apartamento de acogida fácilmente podría solicitar menos horas ya que recoge voluntariamente cada amigo interactuado sabe rojoflag mayormente deprimido tres suicidas saben lmmao todo el mundo dice matar llegar hablar alguien se deja volar como hablar nadie realmente le importa la gente scoff actuar como alguien no literalmente nadie padres hermano amigos familia dar mierda literalmente gatos cosa mantener a todo el mundo le dice llegar a alguien suicida llegar a la gente quiere trato usted
plssss advice shit needed sothere girl friend groupshe nice frankly quite hotlately find obviously tries stand sit next me talking something said wants make ex jealousso said randomly walks hugs something play along low key shooting signs something
[ "plssss advice shit needed sothere girl friend groupshe nice frankly quite hotlately find obviously tries stand sit next me talking something said wants make ex jealousso said randomly walks hugs something play along low key shooting signs something" ]
plsss consejo mierda necesaria por lo que hay grupos de amigos chica que francamente agradable bastante hotlately encontrar obviamente intenta sentarse al lado de mí hablar algo dijo quiere hacer ex celoso dijo al azar camina abrazos algo jugar a lo largo de bajos signos de disparos de clave algo
feeling way talk mehi im little frazzled right now so forgive typos poor grammar final fight girl together year broke months gave second chance im notbiological father month yo little girl theres kid im much love legal standing ever see again now ex emotionally abusive two goarounds her im broken ill probably never get see daughter again im seeing much reason continue do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling way talk mehi im little frazzled right now so forgive typos poor grammar final fight girl together year broke months gave second chance im notbiological father month yo little girl theres kid im much love legal standing ever see again now ex emotionally abusive two goaroundsherim broken ill probably never get see daughter again im seeing much reason continue do" ]
Sentirse de la manera de hablar mehi im poco frazzled en este momento así que perdone errores pobre gramática final lucha chica juntos año rompió meses dio segunda oportunidad im notbiological mes padre yo niña theres niño im mucho amor legal pie ver de nuevo ahora ex emocionalmente abusivo dos goaroundsherim roto mal probablemente nunca volver a ver hija im ver mucha razón seguir haciendo
slice wrists againjust took mg xanax im third strong drink see happens want ketamine infusions might safe life entire savings would gone week trial probably fail im ending soon may alwad say that mean it fuck
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "slice wrists againjust took mg xanax im third strong drink see happens want ketamine infusions might safe life entire savings would gone week trial probably fail im ending soon may alwad say that mean it fuck" ]
rebanadas muñecas de nuevo sólo tomó mg xanax im tercera bebida fuerte ver sucede que quieren infusiones de ketamina podría salvar la vida segura ahorros enteros se iría semana prueba probablemente falle mi final pronto puede Alwad decir que significa que mierda
helpits much insecurity anxiety handle think im really commit redflag
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "helpits much insecurity anxiety handle think im really commit redflag" ]
ayudar a su mucha inseguridad ansiedad manejar creo que yo realmente cometer bandera roja
everyone found reason stayhold tight us lucky
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everyone found reason stayhold tight us lucky" ]
Todo el mundo encontró la razón mantenernos apretados, afortunados.
someone please tell difference iphone cant bothered watch minute video seconds original content
[ "someone please tell difference iphone cant bothered watch minute video seconds original content" ]
alguien por favor decir diferencia iphone no se molestó ver minuto vídeo segundos contenido original
looking forward killing myselfi lost money gambling bit left im going try work things ex work first loose ends tie up weeks im ready ive planned method im going fun gambling last bit money become rich blow ill kill myself one little thing look forward to
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "looking forward killing myselfi lost money gambling bit left im going try work things ex work first loose ends tie up weeks im ready ive planned method im going fun gambling last bit money become rich blow ill kill myself one little thing look forward to" ]
mirándome hacia adelante matando a mí mismo perdí dinero apostando poco me dejó voy voy a intentar trabajo cosas ex trabajo primero cabos sueltos empatar semanas im listo ive planeed method im ir divertido juego último poco dinero llegar a ser rico golpe mal me mata una pequeña cosa a la espera de
rate finnish edgar allen poe inspired poem english class write poem parrot thats similar the raven edgar allen poe idk finnish it i need stanzas lines each stanza upon lofty journey pirate sick scurvy led crew poorest goons lost gold thier doubloons captain lay sleeping slacking awakened creaking cracking men entered cabin assumed attacker heard polly wants cracker stanza saw prized parrot perched proudly upon privates shoulder promptly fed bird polly hunger captain returned slumber dreamt something absurd imagined island full treasure riches crew gather filled chests britches pockets grew fatter fatter captains displeasure awoke more familiar sound fluttering feather heard polly wants cracker stanza fed bird again hoping interruptions would cease polly squawked give one piece pirate gave birds command hoping would quickly find land low food night time coming soon captains eyes grew heavy sky became blacker heard polly wants cracker
[ "rate finnish edgar allen poe inspired poem english class write poem parrot thats similar the raven edgar allen poe idk finnishit i need stanzas lines each stanza upon lofty journey pirate sick scurvy led crew poorest goons lost gold thier doubloons captain lay sleeping slacking awakened creaking cracking men entered cabin assumed attacker heard polly wants cracker stanza saw prized parrot perched proudly upon privates shoulder promptly fed bird polly hunger captain returned slumber dreamt something absurd imagined island full treasure riches crew gather filled chests britches pockets grew fatter fatter captains displeasure awoke more familiar sound fluttering feather heard polly wants cracker stanza fed bird again hoping interruptions would cease polly squawked give one piece pirate gave birds command hoping would quickly find land low food night time coming soon captains eyes grew heavy sky became blacker heard polly wants cracker" ]
rate finnish edgar allen poe inspirado poema clase Inglés escribir poema loro que es similar al raven edgar allen poe idk finnishit i need stanzas lines each stanza on highly viaje pirata enfermo escorbuto led tripulante más pobre goones perdido oro thier dobloons capitán yacía durmiendo holgazaneando crujido hombres agrietados entraron cabina supuesto atacante oído polly wants cracker stanza sted loro sted orgulloso sobre privados hombro alimentado pájaro polly hambre capitán vuelto sueño algo absurdo imaginado isla completo tesoro riqueza tripulación reunir pechos llenos britaches bolsillos crecido gordo capitáns desagrado despertar más familiar sonido fluttering pluma oído polly quiere cracker stanza alimentado pájaro otra vez esperando que las interrupciones cesarían polly squawked dar una pieza pirata dio orden a las aves esperando encontrar rápidamente tierra baja comida noche pronto venir capitanes ojos crecer pesado cielo se volvió negro polley quiere cracker
feels like ill never breathe againi cant get head even understand flashbacks happen cant get shame humiliation enough get proper help cant anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feels like ill never breathe againi cant get head even understand flashbacks happen cant get shame humiliation enough get proper helpcant anymore" ]
se siente como mal nunca respirar de nuevo no puedo conseguir la cabeza incluso entender flashbacks sucede no puedo conseguir humillación vergüenza suficiente conseguir ayuda adecuadacant ya
im tired everything seriously considering end allso lately ive feeling really everything something ive dealt long time unbearable im pathetic year old loser basically future friends nothing care anything anymore spend nights crying help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tired everything seriously considering end allso lately ive feeling really everything something ive dealt long time unbearable im pathetic year old loser basically future friends nothing care anything anymore spend nights crying help" ]
Estoy cansado de todo seriamente considerando el final de todo lo que últimamente live sentir realmente todo lo que algo live trató mucho tiempo insoportable im patético año viejo perdedor básicamente futuros amigos nada importa nada más pasar noches llorando ayuda
prevention advice neededi go cycles feeling depressed feeling amazing currently feel slipping depression thats deeper usual im worried im going something regret death taking head space anyone advice stop acting impulsively thoughts thank
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "prevention advice neededi go cycles feeling depressed feeling amazing currently feel slipping depression thats deeper usual im worried im going something regret death taking head space anyone advice stop acting impulsively thoughts thank" ]
consejos de prevención necesarios para ir ciclos sintiéndose deprimido sensación increíble sensación de deslizamiento depresión que es más profundo habitual im preocupado im ir algo arrepentimiento muerte tomando espacio en la cabeza cualquiera consejo dejar de actuar impulsivamente pensamientos gracias
another country right at grandmas everyone mean two three cousins currently mean ignore call names reason feel bad every year leave grandma like me depressed feel bad tell this bad reactions past miss mom things hide her too found getting apartment and subsequently let street want soil mood disorder fucking ruined life last night got super emotional cried with breaks hours cousin walked me practically begging answer could say anything feel like cares hes nice go back us crying right now cousin room even fucking care hes phone never felt useless love planning things much look forward to real interests writing excited get book book super realistic character lost motivation now really want rent apartment adult live life company want four kids luxuries prayed for cannot stop crying
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "another country right at grandmas everyone mean two three cousins currently mean ignore call names reason feel bad every year leave grandma like me depressed feel bad tell this bad reactions past miss mom things hide her too found getting apartment and subsequently let street want soil mood disorder fucking ruined life last night got super emotional cried with breaks hours cousin walked me practically begging answer could say anything feel like cares hes nice go back us crying right now cousin room even fucking care hes phone never felt useless love planning things much look forward to real interests writing excited get book book super realistic character lost motivation now really want rent apartment adult live life company want four kids luxuries prayed for cannot stop crying" ]
otro país justo en abuelas todo el mundo significa dos tres primos actualmente significa ignorar nombres de llamada razón sentirse mal cada año dejar abuela como yo deprimido sentirse mal decir estas malas reacciones pasado señorita mamá cosas ocultar su también encontrado conseguir apartamento y posteriormente dejar calle quieren suelo estado desorden jodido vida arruinada anoche se puso super emocional llorada con descansos horas primo me caminaba prácticamente pidiendo respuesta podría decir cualquier cosa se siente como cuidad hes agradable volver a llorar en este momento cuarto primo incluso maldito cuidado hes teléfono nunca se sintió inútil amor planificación cosas mucho mira hacia adelante intereses reales escritura emocionado conseguir libro carácter super realista perdido motivación ahora realmente quiero alquiler apartamento adulto vida compañía quiere cuatro niños lujos rezado por no puede dejar de llorar
im mistakeim scared write need someone know im gay kid saudi arabia place lgbtq ppl accepted punishedby death im scared family ive isolated everyone cause im terrified theyll know spent life bullied cause ppl kinda tell made develop social anxiety depression feels like im carrying heavy weight cant anymore wanna let go two years hardest far depression bad point im going school general health shit i one im alone scared everyone around happy fun except me get something choice this way live im fucking tired wanna love feel loved much ask for find thinking letting go im searching reasons maybe cry help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im mistakeim scared write need someone know im gay kid saudi arabia place lgbtq ppl accepted punishedby deathim scared family ive isolated everyone cause im terrified theyll know spent life bulliedcause ppl kinda tell made develop social anxiety depression feels like im carrying heavy weight cant anymore wanna let go two years hardest far depression bad point im going school general health shiti one im alone scared everyone around happy fun except me get something choice this way live im fucking tired wanna love feel loved much ask for find thinking letting go im searching reasons maybe cryhelp" ]
Im errorim miedo escribir necesidad de alguien saber im gay chico saudi arabia lugar lgbtq ppl aceptado castigado por deathim miedo familia ive aislado a todos causa im aterrorizado que saben que pasó la vida intimidado porque ppl un poco decir hecho desarrollar ansiedad social depresión se siente como im cargando peso pesado cant más quiere dejar ir dos años más difícil lejos depresión mal punto im ir escuela general salud mierdai un solo im todos asustados alrededor de diversión feliz excepto yo conseguir algo elección de esta manera vivir im puto cansado querer amar mucho pedir para encontrar pensar dejar ir im buscar razones tal vez cryhelp
bruh physics exam tomorrow started studying today teacher says hardest one year also first one idk anything cant learn formulas shit im scared anxiety clouds monster cant pull nighter get f chat also cant copy bc class itd obvious
[ "bruh physics exam tomorrow started studying today teacher says hardest one year also first one idk anything cant learn formulas shitim scared anxiety clouds monster cant pull nighter get f chat also cant copy bc class itd obvious" ]
bruh examen de física mañana comenzó a estudiar hoy profesor dice más difícil un año también primero un idk cualquier cosa no puede aprender fórmulas shitim miedo ansiedad nubes monstruo no puede tirar de la noche obtener f chat también cant copiar clase bc itd obvio
utilitarian perspective kill myselflegitimately think everyone know school dislikes me barely tolerate me hate presence i cant exactly avoid them idea about died tonight might bit sad and think like either might even happy although im sure theyd get weeks close friends way closest friend barely interact with perhaps scale hours week deactivated account facebook week ago days study business test came back post likes happy everyone see gone thats depressing im negative effect everyone know everyone tells me though maybe stop negative effect everyone stop pissing people off fuck know that spent life interacting normal people idea piss people off solution think of point stop interacting anyone whatsoever would basically involve cutting world would pretty shitty need socially interact making life even worse already is family possibly people might sad yet feel like im one main causes parents fighting eg shitty marks supporting financially dying would help relationship future im close brother although might sad die im depressed really hate annoying everyone else first reason im still alive ive always something do finish book tv show game yet now nothing rest life do vague indefinable concept involve probably getting job due lack social skills living streets homeless reason im alive im selfish person despite fact killing would create net happiness increase amongst humanity since people know would relieved gone bugging them still done fear death still take least happiness life value happiness others even live admit im selfish hate others enough inflict them charitable act could would killing myself stop happy killing would give higher net happiness letting life continue would let acquire probably im lazy acquire materials
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "utilitarian perspective kill myselflegitimately think everyone know school dislikes me barely tolerate me hate presence i cant exactly avoid them idea about died tonight might bit sad and think like either might even happy although im sure theyd get weeks close friends way closest friend barely interact with perhaps scale hours week deactivated account facebook week ago days study business test came back post likes happy everyone see gone thats depressing im negative effect everyone know everyone tells me though maybe stop negative effect everyone stop pissing people off fuck know that spent life interacting normal people idea piss people off solution think of point stop interacting anyone whatsoever would basically involve cutting world would pretty shitty need socially interact making life even worse already is family possibly people might sad yet feel like im one main causes parents fighting eg shitty marks supporting financially dying would help relationship future", "im close brother although might sad die im depressed really hate annoying everyone else first reason im still alive ive always something do finish book tv show game yet now nothing rest life do vague indefinable concept involve probably getting job due lack social skills living streets homeless reason im alive im selfish person despite fact killing would create net happiness increase amongst humanity since people know would relieved gone bugging them still done fear death still take least happiness life value happiness others even live admit im selfish hate others enough inflict them charitable act could would killing myself stop happy killing would give higher net happiness letting life continue would let acquire probablyim lazy acquire materials" ]
La perspectiva utilitaria me mata a mí mismo legítimamente creo que todo el mundo sabe que la escuela apenas me tolera la presencia odio exactamente no puedo evitar que la idea de muerto esta noche podría morder triste y pensar como incluso podría ser feliz aunque estoy seguro de que conseguirían semanas amigos cercanos manera amigo más cercano apenas interactuar con tal escala horas semana desactivada cuenta facebook semana hace días estudio examen de negocios vino de nuevo post likes feliz todo el mundo ve ido eso deprimente im efecto negativo todo el mundo me dice aunque tal vez parar efecto negativo todo el mundo deja de cabrear a la gente mierda saber que pasó la vida interactuando gente normal idea orinar personas fuera de solución pensar punto dejar de interactuar cualquiera cualquier cosa implicaría básicamente cortar mundo bastante mierda necesita interactuar socialmente hacer la vida peor ya es familia posiblemente la gente podría sentir como im una causa principal padres que luchan por ejemplo marcas de mierda apoyar financieramente morir ayudaría relación futuro
penis penis banned penis banned cannot eat penis anymore
[ "penis penis banned penis banned cannot eat penis anymore" ]
pene pene prohibido pene prohibido no puede comer pene ya
sometimes really consider deleting social media accounts isolating everyonemaybe people could forget feel selfish awful killing though somehow doubt anyone would really notice care matter anyways
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sometimes really consider deleting social media accounts isolating everyonemaybe people could forget feel selfish awful killing though somehow doubt anyone would really notice care matter anyways" ]
A veces realmente considerar la eliminación de las cuentas de las redes sociales aislando a todo el mundo tal vez la gente podría olvidarse de sentirse egoísta horrible asesinato aunque de alguna manera duda que alguien realmente notaría la importancia de cuidado de todos modos
honestly feel like good idea thing starting discord teenage dating must submit pictures first verify theyre teenagers feel like could enforce being teenager thing would success
[ "honestly feel like good idea thing starting discord teenage dating must submit pictures first verify theyre teenagers feel like could enforce being teenager thing would success" ]
honestamente sentir como buena idea cosa comenzando discordia adolescente citas debe enviar fotos primero verificar son adolescentes se sienten como podría imponer ser adolescente cosa éxito
night listener better people generally saying weaknesses seems genre identity crisis doubt think creepy atmosphere intriguing performances make this whole thing feels like one fireside this happened friend friend mine ghost stories one big complaint movie pacing slow sometimes awkward pacing deliberate everything unfolds movie kept well within realm possibility real life sort plods alongno flashy endings earthshattering revelations showdown scenes thank heaven get zone watching movie forget reservations expectations makes conventionallygood movie williams terrific easily meets needs story plus character supposed somewhat generic no one everyman avatar enter story toni collettes performance nominated oscar even maybe win it give shot quality content alone night listener surely top twenty percent movies coming days
[ "night listener better people generally saying weaknesses seems genre identity crisis doubt think creepy atmosphere intriguing performances make this whole thing feels like one fireside this happened friend friend mine ghost stories one big complaint movie pacing slow sometimes awkward pacing deliberate everything unfolds movie kept well within realm possibility real life sort plods alongno flashy endings earthshattering revelations showdown scenes thank heaven get zone watching movie forget reservations expectations makes conventionallygood movie williams terrific easily meets needs story plus character supposed somewhat genericno one everyman avatar enter story toni collettes performance nominated oscar even maybe win it give shot quality content alone night listener surely top twenty percent movies coming days" ]
noche oyente mejor gente generalmente diciendo debilidades parece género identidad crisis duda pensar atmósfera espeluznante actuaciones intrigantes hacer que todo este asunto se siente como un fuego a lo largo de este sucedió amigo amigo mi fantasma historias una gran queja película paseando lento a veces incómodo ritmo deliberado todo se desarrolla película se mantiene bien dentro de reino posibilidad real vida tipo plods a lo largono brillantes finales revelaciones deslumbrantes escenas espectáculo gracias cielo get zona ver película olvidar las reservas expectativas hace convencionalmente buena película williams fantástico cumple con facilidad necesidades historia más personaje supuesto algo genéricono un everyman avatar entrar historia toni collettes rendimiento nominado Oscar incluso tal vez ganar darle tiro calidad contenido solo oyente noche seguramente superior veinte por ciento películas que vienen días
la bebesita bebelin bebe whisky fuma marihuana tmbn se mete al picky la pelan estadounidenses
[ "la bebesita bebelin bebe whisky fuma marihuana tmbn se mete al picky la pelan estadounidenses" ]
la bebesita bebelin bebe whisky fuma marihuana tmbn se mete al picky la pelan estadounidenses
itthis note guess right post im going end it knew may find this ive slogged long enough hell middle fucking apocalypse im surprised made far im finally tired suppose years living wrong body someone also adhd ton likely incurable mental illnesses too made one last huge push fix things year failed know anybody elses fault dont want funeral anything especially anything religious also name ray please dont use old one last all im sorry realize going put everyone know pain simply cannot anymore may hard impossible understand hope forgive ive done love all go peace
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "itthis note guess right post im going end it knew may find this ive slogged long enough hell middle fucking apocalypseim surprised made far im finally tired suppose years living wrong body someone also adhd ton likely incurable mental illnesses too made one last huge push fix things year failed know anybody elses fault dont want funeral anything especially anything religious also name ray please dont use old one last allim sorry realize going put everyone know pain simply cannot anymore may hard impossible understand hope forgive ive done love all go peace" ]
itthis note guess right post im going end it known may find this ive slogged lo suficientemente largo infierno medio puto apocalypseim sorprendido hecho muy lejos im finalmente cansado suponga años viviendo cuerpo equivocado alguien también adhd toneladas probablemente enfermedades mentales incurables también hizo un último enorme empujar arreglar las cosas año falló saber que alguien más culpa no quiere funeral nada especialmente cualquier cosa religiosa también nombre rayo por favor no use viejo uno último allim lo siento darse cuenta de que va a poner todo el mundo sabe dolor simplemente no puede más difícil imposible entender esperanza perdonar el amor hecho todo ir paz
stopped following therapist discovered experience treating depressed people hid fact specialized couples therapy me psychology intern volunteered help me dumped apparently condition complicated her two years antidepressants redflag meds antipsychotic meds antiepileptic meds months psychiatric ward guess what single improvement lol everyone spout your life worths living crap quits soon discovered many traumas bear fucking greedy world depriving joy making feel less human single friend never felt like relevant someone life piece garbage used walked on even family except mom still care me despises wishes born including dumb fatheri wish undo birth single happy memory help cope back square one
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "stopped following therapist discovered experience treating depressed people hid fact specialized couples therapy me psychology intern volunteered help me dumped apparently condition complicated her two years antidepressants redflag meds antipsychotic meds antiepileptic meds months psychiatric ward guess what single improvement lol everyone spout your life worths living crap quits soon discovered many traumas bear fucking greedy world depriving joy making feel less human single friend never felt like relevant someone life piece garbage used walked on even family except mom still care me despises wishes born including dumb fatheri wish undo birth single happy memory help cope back square one" ]
deja de seguir terapeuta descubrió experiencia tratando personas deprimidas escondió hecho terapia de parejas especializada me psicología interna voluntario me ayudó a deshacerse aparentemente condición complicada sus dos años antidepresivos meds bandera roja meds antipsicóticos meds antiepiléptico meses sala psiquiátrica adivinar qué sola mejora lol todos vomiten su vida vale la pena vivir mierda deja pronto descubrió muchos traumas oso puto mundo codicioso privando alegría haciendo sentir menos humano amigo único nunca se sintió como alguien relevante pieza de la vida basura utilizado caminada en incluso familia excepto mamá todavía me importa desprecia deseos nacidos incluyendo tonto padre deseo deshacer nacimiento único feliz memoria ayudar a hacer frente atrás cuadrado uno
im ruined im completely ruined attracted women years older me reasons im ruined im mentioning them
[ "im ruined im completely ruined attracted women years older me reasons im ruined im mentioning them" ]
Im arruinada im completamente arruinada atrajo a las mujeres años mayores me razones im arruinada im mencionarlas
fyckkkkkkk im home alone homework fucking hear someone breathe behind me think im going crazy lol byeee
[ "fyckkkkkkk im home alone homework fucking hear someone breathe behind me think im going crazy lol byeee" ]
fyckkkkkkkk im casa solo tarea mierda escuchar a alguien respirar detrás de mí creo que me vuelvo loco lol byeeee
toast heres future plans girlfriend right one world domination traveling across japan mates good time end sips martini
[ "toast heres future plans girlfriend right one world domination traveling across japan mates good time end sips martini" ]
Brinda aquí futuros planes novia derecha una dominación del mundo viajando a través de japan mates buen tiempo final sorbos martini
idki want it ive got g paracetamol enough kill people let alone teen cant really want take one look pills feel uneasy think previous attempts really getting me cant it nothing left
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "idki want it ive got g paracetamol enough kill people let alone teen cant really want take one look pills feel uneasy think previous attempts really getting me cant it nothing left" ]
idki lo quiere ive got g paracetamol suficiente matar a la gente y mucho menos adolescente no puede realmente querer tomar una mirada píldoras se siente incómodo pensar intentos anteriores realmente conseguir me cant no queda nada
idea going back school weeks spiking anxiety given current state world right now understand united states set sending minors back buildings packed minors especially theyre even going right live missouri middle butt fuck nowhere promise high population mean cant cause outbreak mike parson mo gov piece shit literally bare minimum anybody common sense asking mandate masks cant even that nose far trumps ass completely complicit willing sacrifice children school even requiring masks implementing sort social distancing precautions no children immune covid watching world news said closer black children contract covid around hispanic children caucasian children children okay brother biracial black white scared death brother hospitalized asthma times count almost every time catches regular flu hes two weeks sometimes even turns pneumonia cant even begin describe uncomfortable idea friends family going used collateral damage damn near hundred sixty thousand families torn apart cant look past stock market two fucking seconds people stories families past week sixyearold passed georgia tennessee im sure plenty places children made orphans due virus dad heart patient cancer survivor mom sickle cell anemia recurring respiratory problems brother extremely bad asthma grandma one three teachers placed highrisk category governments job protect citizens instead used militia fight invisible enemy guys careful wear mask talk parents administrators unfortunately seems like mess hands now take care
[ "idea going back school weeks spiking anxiety given current state world right now understand united states set sending minors back buildings packed minors especially theyre even going right live missouri middle butt fuck nowhere promise high population mean cant cause outbreak mike parson mo gov piece shit literally bare minimum anybody common sense asking mandate masks cant even that nose far trumps ass completely complicit willing sacrifice children school even requiring masks implementing sort social distancing precautions no children immune covid watching world news said closer black children contract covid around hispanic children caucasian children children okay brother biracial black white scared death brother hospitalized asthma times count almost every time catches regular fluhes two weeks sometimes even turns pneumonia cant even begin describe uncomfortable idea friends family going used collateral damage damn near hundred sixty thousand families torn apart cant look past stock market two fucking seconds people stories families past week sixyearold passed georgia tennessee", "im sure plenty places children made orphans due virus dad heart patient cancer survivor mom sickle cell anemia recurring respiratory problems brother extremely bad asthma grandma one three teachers placed highrisk category governments job protect citizens instead used militia fight invisible enemy guys careful wear mask talk parents administrators unfortunately seems like mess hands now take care" ]
La idea de volver a la escuela semanas spiking ansiedad dado el actual mundo del estado ahora mismo entender los estados unidos establecer enviar menores de nuevo edificios empaquetados menores especialmente incluso van a la derecha culo medio missouri mierda en ninguna parte promesa alta población medio cant causa brote mike parson mo gov pedazo mierda literalmente desnudo mínimo cualquiera sentido común preguntar mandato máscaras no puede incluso que nariz lejos triunfos culo completamente cómplice sacrificio dispuesto niños escuela incluso exigir máscaras implementar clase precauciones de distanciamiento social ningún niño inmune covid ver noticias mundiales dijo más cerca niños negros contrato covid alrededor hispánico niños caucásicos niños ok hermano biracial blanco miedo muerte hermano hospitalizado asma veces cuentan casi cada vez que atrapa regular fluhes dos semanas a veces incluso se convierte neumonía no puede siquiera empezar describir incómoda idea amigos familia va a utilizar daños colaterales maldito cerca de cien sesenta mil familias separadas no puede mirar más allá mercado de valores dos malditos segundos personas historias familias semana seis años pasados georgia tennessee
want die want exist whilei feel overwhelmed sadness hopelessness feel like cant keep graduate school work housework yearold really good throw tantrums scream part day husband also depressed moment cant talk fear making feel worse appointment therapist see new patients may st i made appointment month ago ive binge eating last week two hoping food fill emptiness want die want take break consciousness while
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want die want exist whilei feel overwhelmed sadness hopelessness feel like cant keep graduate school work housework yearold really good throw tantrums scream part day husband also depressed moment cant talk fear making feel worse appointment therapist see new patients may st i made appointment month ago ive binge eating last week two hoping food fill emptiness want die want take break consciousness while" ]
quiero morir quiero existir mientras me siento abrumado tristeza desesperanza siento como no puedo mantener el trabajo de posgrado escuela trabajo doméstico añor@s realmente buen tiro rabietas grito parte día marido también momento deprimido no puedo hablar miedo hacer sentir peor cita terapeuta ver nuevos pacientes puede ser que haga cita mes hace ive binge comer la semana pasada dos con la esperanza de comida llenar vacío quiero morir quiero tomar conciencia de descanso mientras
forced send photos someone found site tell parents long story short black mailed man forced send lewd photos anything extremely nsfw mainly lewd faces took screens them put site months happened decided see posted anything took selfie myself reverse imaged found them want tell parents know im gonna disowned kicked do
[ "forced send photos someone found site tell parents long story short black mailed man forced send lewd photos anything extremely nsfw mainly lewd faces took screens them put site months happened decided see posted anything took selfie myself reverse imaged found them want tell parents know im gonna disowned kicked do" ]
forzaron a enviar fotos alguien encontrado sitio decirle a los padres historia larga corto negro correo hombre forzado enviar fotos lascivas cualquier cosa extremadamente nsfw principalmente caras lascivas tomaron pantallas pusieron sitio meses pasó decidió ver publicado cualquier cosa me tomó selfie a mí mismo imagen inversa encontraron quieren decirle a los padres saben que yo va a repudiar patadas
join whiteboard link saw someone else thought itd fun idea shitshow last time lmao good luck httpsrwhiteboardfoxcom
[ "join whiteboard link saw someone else thought itd fun idea shitshow last time lmao good luck httpsrwhiteboardfoxcom" ]
Únete a la pizarra link vio a alguien más pensó que era divertido idea shitshow última vez lmmao buena suerte httpsrwhiteboardfoxcom
happy scared math finals make board game math questions
[ "happy scared math finals make board game math questions" ]
feliz miedo matemáticas finales hacer tablero juego de preguntas matemáticas
im fucking stressed cant seem relaxi already feel like piece shit knowing months ive unemployed ive gotten two interviews didnt get either jobs years kitchen year bar backing experience fast paced bar and ive freelance dog sittingwalking fucking years ask grandmother money asked what again calmly reiterated she one told get bar would pay everything shes going back offer now need find job im seriously even slightly holding well right now im fucking depressed piece shit havent able drag bed walk dog days seems mind much still need odin get groomed tomorrow nails clipped thats money bone chew im taking exam tomorrow disability center one exam today final paper due pm didnt even read book havent money buy any fucking libraries now totally pull final ass literally passion its deaf culture class im asl interpreting student theres like literally like online resources even give small synopsis book definitely work with im gonna hate since im super unprepared im piece shit person wants die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im fucking stressed cant seem relaxi already feel like piece shit knowing months ive unemployed ive gotten two interviews didnt get either jobs years kitchen year bar backing experience fast paced barand ive freelance dog sittingwalking fucking years ask grandmother money asked what again calmly reiterated she one told get bar would pay everything shes going back offer now need find job im seriously even slightly holdingwell right now im fucking depressed piece shit havent able drag bed walk dog days seems mind much still need odin get groomed tomorrow nails clipped thats money bone chew im taking exam tomorrow disability center one exam today final paper due pm didnt even read book havent money buy any fucking libraries now totally pull final ass literally passion its deaf culture class im asl interpreting student theres like literally like online resources even give small synopsis book definitely work with im gonna hate since im super unprepared im piece shit person wants die" ]
Im mierda estresado no puede parecer relaxi ya se siente como pedazo mierda saber meses ive desempleado ive consiguió dos entrevistas no conseguir ninguno de los trabajos años cocina año bar respaldo experiencia ritmo rápido barand ive freelance perro sittingwalking puto años pregunta abuela dinero preguntó lo que otra vez calmadamente reiteró uno le dijo conseguir bar pagaría todo lo que ella va a volver oferta ahora necesita encontrar trabajo im seriamente incluso ligeramente holdingwell ahora mismo im maldito deprimido pedazo mierda haveno capaz arrastrar cama caminar perro días parece mente mucho todavía necesitan odin se asearse mañana uñas recortado que es dinero hueso mastica im examen mañana centro de incapacidad un examen hoy último papel debido a pm ni siquiera leer libro handt dinero comprar cualquier biblioteca ahora totalmente tirón final culo literalmente pasión su clase de cultura sorda im asl interpretar estudiantes teres como literalmente como recursos en línea incluso dar pequeño libro de sínopsis definitivamente trabajo con im va a odiar desde im súper inpreparated im pieza mierda persona quiere morir
every dayeveryday wake begging die dont even care anymore dying finally leaving reality hellish loop
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "every dayeveryday wake begging die dont even care anymore dying finally leaving reality hellish loop" ]
todos los días el despertar todos los días pidiendo morir ni siquiera importa más morir finalmente dejando la realidad infernal bucle
noteim hanging two seconds post everything thing go numb ill seize exist fuck joe fuck dumbass family fuck time wasted you fuck whole life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "noteim hanging two seconds post everything thing go numb ill seize exist fuck joe fuck dumbass family fuck time wasted you fuck whole life" ]
noteim colgando dos segundos post todo lo que va entumecido mal aprehender existen mierda joe mierda estúpido familia mierda tiempo perdido mierda toda la vida
furie illegal furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad
[ "furie illegal furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad furie bad" ]
furie ilegal furie malo furie malo furie malo furie malo furie malo furie malo furie malo furie malo furie malo
link good yt videos istg get rickrolled
[ "link good yt videos istg get rickrolled" ]
link buena yt videos istg conseguir rickrolled
redflag note intend publicize facebookdont ever cry it stop playing victim last night keep attacking me tell head tell everyone know better myself tell told me im less human tired say good morning im even unproven chemical imbalance im incompetent think myself im much burden continue putting with tell want leave here want go place far away forget exist tell put anymore ready kick curb misperceived slights tell fault definitely lie much cared tell everything myself second bother consider it went window second felt like center universe chocked villain want tell done fed up ive trying kill since fourteen despite overdoses despite psych wards treatment centers despite jumping bridge ruining back continued put paint victim mind business one always pushing edge again talk much getting rid me long tried think ive finally found way im victim victims find success suffering thats im do im free im motivated pushed forward goal ive long chased goal threw away future pursuit of thank finally helping realize alone misunderstood uncared truly am always knew outside world reason thought despite everything deep inside family different thank helping better realize much want dead like night told kill myself oh shell deny it shell lie teeth even longer sees culpable like always done like narcissist is know truth true feelings slipped up could see positives here thats sick seeing fail go it associates witness childhood friends theres nothing could done days im terrified friendship prison never wouldve let anyway always miles apart is ever even care know thinking whatever hes insane attention seeker wants everyone feel sorry him nobody cares get it comes time respect dead want remember thoughts sadness sudden empathy acted like cared felt hate anger want remember that care respect quit acting like ever did course im dreaming matters people look you wrong
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "redflag note intend publicize facebookdont ever cry it stop playing victim last night keep attacking me tell head tell everyone know better myself tell told me im less human tired say good morning im even unproven chemical imbalance im incompetent think myself im much burden continue putting with tell want leave herewant go place far away forget exist tell put anymore ready kick curb misperceived slights tell fault definitely lie much cared tell everything myself second bother consider it went window second felt like center universe chocked villain want tell done fed up ive trying kill since fourteen despite overdoses despite psych wards treatment centers despite jumping bridge ruining back continued put paint victim mind business one always pushing edge again talk much getting rid me long tried think ive finally found way im victim victims find success suffering thats imdoim free", "im motivated pushed forward goal ive long chased goal threw away future pursuit of thank finally helping realize alone misunderstood uncared truly am always knew outside world reason thought despite everything deep inside family different thank helping better realize much want dead like night told kill myselfoh shell deny it shell lie teeth even longer sees culpable like always done like narcissist is know truth true feelings slipped up could see positives here thats sick seeing fail go it associates witness childhood friends theres nothing could done days im terrified friendship prison never wouldve let anyway always miles apart is ever even care know thinking whatever hes insane attention seeker wants everyone feel sorry him nobody cares get it comes time respect dead want remember thoughts sadness sudden empathy acted like cared felt hate anger want remember that care respect quit acting like ever did course im dreaming matters people look you wrong" ]
La nota de bandera roja pretende publicitar facebookdont nunca llorar dejar de jugar víctima anoche seguir atacándome decir cabeza todos saben mejor yo mismo contar me dijo im menos humano cansado decir buenos días im incluso no probado desequilibrio químico im incompetente pensar yo mismo im mucha carga seguir poniendo con decir querer dejar aquí quiero ir lejos lugar lejos olvidar existir contar poner más listo patada bordillo mal percibidos leves decir culpa definitivamente mentira mucho cuidado decir todo lo que yo mismo segundo molestia considerar que fue ventana segundo se sintió como centro universo chocked villano quiere contar hecho harto iv intentar matar desde catorce a pesar de sobredosis a pesar de centros de tratamiento pupilas psiquiátricos a pesar de saltar puente arruinando espalda continua poner pintura víctima mente negocio uno siempre empuja borde mucho hablar mucho deshacerse de mí largo intento pensar iv finalmente encontró manera im víctimas encontrar el éxito sufrimiento ques imdoim libre
using sub diary day today quite chill stayed home moms birthday didnt much stayed home listen much got couple gift hmm yea stayed play video games mark word someone remind years said take mom dream vacation turns guys day anything interesting happened
[ "using sub diary day today quite chill stayed home moms birthday didnt much stayed home listen much got couple gift hmm yea stayed play video games mark word someone remind years said take mom dream vacation turns guys day anything interesting happened" ]
usando sub diario día de hoy bastante frío se quedó en casa mamás cumpleaños no mucho se quedó en casa escuchar mucho consiguió pareja regalo hmm yea se quedó jugar videojuegos marca palabra alguien recordar años dijo llevar mamá sueño vacaciones se convierte en chicos día algo interesante pasó
mind walking people really walk places back then loaned air authenticity period piece perspective technology martians disappointed effects particular thunderchild scene regard one exciting book cant praise film enough faithfulness wellss story time actors likable performances charming also film much worth seeing hear jamie halls truly great musical score interesting see actor play writer brother london
[ "mind walking people really walk places back then loaned air authenticity period piece perspective technology martians disappointed effects particular thunderchild scene regard one exciting book cant praise film enough faithfulness wellss story time actors likable performances charming also film much worth seeing hear jamie halls truly great musical score interesting see actor play writer brother london" ]
mente caminar gente realmente caminar lugares en ese entonces prestado aire autenticidad período pieza perspectiva tecnología marcianos efectos decepcionados particular Thunderchild escena considerar un emocionante libro canto alabanza película suficiente fidelidad Wellss historia actores agradables actuaciones encantadoras películas también mucho vale la pena ver escuchar Jamie halls verdaderamente gran partitura musical interesante ver actor interpretar escritor hermano london
ive got short survey plushies would really appreciate could take minute two day complete it share friends please httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlseqtauzb_adcynwmossnaozumbrfbjdgexmhkobhtnaviewformvcampcampwampflrampuspmail_form_link
[ "ive got short survey plushies would really appreciate could take minute two day complete it share friends please httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlseqtauzb_adcynwmossnaozumbrfbjdgexmhkobhtnaviewformvcampcampwampflrampuspmail_form_link" ]
ive got short survey felfies realmente apreciaría podría tomar minuto dos días completarlo compartir amigos por favor httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlseqtauzb_adcynwmossnaozumbrfbjdgexmhkobhtnaviewformvcampcampwampflrampuspmail_form_link
gas gas gas cause injurys covid havent run cross count meet two years healed practiced days able finish race today although wasnt fast able go without stopping wanted get im hyped it thanks reading great day sexy boi
[ "gas gas gas cause injurys covid havent run cross count meet two years healed practiced days able finish race today although wasnt fast able go without stopping wanted get im hyped it thanks reading great day sexy boi" ]
gas gas gas causar lesiones covid no havell run cross conde cumplir dos años sanados días capaces de terminar la carrera hoy, aunque no era rápido capaz de ir sin detenerse quería conseguir im hyped él gracias lectura gran día sexy boi
film appears draw borderline one side love it other find unbearablebr br to begin with awful lot comedy film many viewers getting course jet lis mask looks like bruce lees kato hes supposed to joke guy timebomb sewn heart outrageous course joke readers probably ask film supposed funny excessive gory violence well one thing tolerance level violence actually different culture culture hong kong audiences would recognize violence extreme certainly slightly average hk action filmbr br also black mask really kind film takes genres conventions pushes extremes simply conventions wholly unrealistic decades watching people get shot without noticeable open wounds many people horrified see bonnie clyde outlaws wild bunch spurting blood place fact is shot rapid metal projectile almost certain blood spurt especially arterybr br this film chinese comic book movie true spiderman films never get gory faithful reality would be well despite comicbook origins film faithful realitybr br the complaint flashy overstylized filming editing makers film shot eye hollywoodstyle nostalgia as eg rocketeer recent sky captain film doubt anyone would found offensivebr br but stands still lotta fun watching movie
[ "film appears draw borderline one side love it other find unbearablebr br to begin with awful lot comedy film many viewers getting course jet lis mask looks like bruce lees kato hes supposed to joke guy timebomb sewn heart outrageous course joke readers probably ask film supposed funny excessive gory violence well one thing tolerance level violence actually different culture culture hong kong audiences would recognize violence extreme certainly slightly average hk action filmbr br also black mask really kind film takes genres conventions pushes extremes simply conventions wholly unrealistic decades watching people get shot without noticeable open wounds many people horrified see bonnie clyde outlaws wild bunch spurting blood place fact is shot rapid metal projectile almost certain blood spurt especially arterybr br this film chinese comic book movie true spiderman films never get gory faithful reality would be well despite comicbook origins film faithful realitybr br the complaint flashy overstylized filming editing makers film shot eye hollywoodstyle nostalgia as eg rocketeer recent sky captain film doubt anyone would found offensivebr br but stands still lotta fun watching movie" ]
película aparece dibujar bordeline un lado amor otro encontrar insoportablebr br comenzar con horrible película comedia muchos espectadores conseguir curso jet lis máscara se ve como bruce lees kato hes supuesto bromear chico timebomb cosido corazón curso broma lectores probablemente preguntar película supuesto divertido violencia grosera nivel de tolerancia violencia en realidad diferente cultura cultura hong kong audiencias reconocería violencia extrema ciertamente un poco media hk acción filmbr br también negro máscara realmente amable película toma géneros convenciones empuja extremos simplemente convenciones totalmente poco realista décadas viendo a la gente recibir disparos sin heridas abiertas perceptibles mucha gente horrorizado ver bonnie clyde forajidos salvaje grupo spiring sang place fact is shot rapid metal proyectil casi cierto sangre spitt especialmente arhearbr br esta película chino cómico película verdadero Spiderman películas nunca consigue realidad fiel gory sería bien a pesar de cómico orígenes película fiel realidad br br br la queja llamativa superstilizado cineastas rodaje fabricantes tiro ojo hollywoodstyle nostalgia como eg rockeeer película capitán duda cualquiera encontraría ofensivo br br pero se mantiene muy divertido viendo película película
playing tennis years around time spent trying hardest become pro league legends well destroyed right wrist need get surgery well need get want funciton normally want existi gotten rejections irl female friends friends known years actually trash talked behind back height uglinessi suck academically despite working a offwhat point live anymore scared end desire exist anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "playing tennis years around time spent trying hardest become pro league legends well destroyed right wrist need get surgery well need get want funciton normally want existi gotten rejections irl female friends friends known years actually trash talked behind back height uglinessi suck academically despite working a offwhat point live anymore scared end desire exist anymore" ]
jugar tenis años alrededor de tiempo pasado tratando más duro convertirse en leyendas pro liga bien destruido muñeca derecha necesidad conseguir cirugía bien necesidad conseguir deseo funciton normalmente quieren exisi rechazos irl amigos amigos conocidos años en realidad basura hablado detrás de altura posterior fealsi chupa académicamente a pesar de trabajar un punto fuera de qué vivir más miedo final deseo existen más
think might finally get withtheres hardware store far me ive thought going finding thick rope also know instinct struggle kick in wish knew could take right relax work situation hopeless toxic completely alone world died apartment would probably take months anyone tried reach and ones would reach would landlord checking rent
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think might finally get withtheres hardware store far me ive thought going finding thick rope also know instinct struggle kick in wish knew could take right relax work situation hopeless toxic completely alone world died apartment would probably take months anyone tried reach and ones would reach would landlord checking rent" ]
Creo que finalmente podría llegar con Theres ferretería lejos yo he pensado que va a encontrar una cuerda gruesa también sé instinto lucha patada en deseo sabía que podría tomar la situación de relax trabajo desesperanza tóxico completamente solo mundo muerto apartamento probablemente tardaría meses cualquiera trató de alcanzar y uno llegaría propietario comprobar alquiler
alonefirst year college hate introverted friends childhood friend decides ditch new group friends lost motivation feel lonely everyone someone hang with im myself im envious mad feel betrayed im alone cant see reason keep living really cant deal situation anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "alonefirst year college hate introverted friends childhood friend decides ditch new group friends lost motivation feel lonely everyone someone hang with im myself im envious mad feel betrayed im alone cant see reason keep living really cant deal situation anymore" ]
solo primer año universidad odio introvertido amigos amigo de la infancia decide zanjar nuevos amigos grupo perdido motivación sentirse solo todo el mundo alguien cuelga con mí mismo im envidioso loco sentir traicionado yo solo no puedo ver razón seguir viviendo realmente no puede tratar la situación más
cant life want dont desire livewell pretty straight forward post probably destroyed randoms whatever im unpassing trans person never life want which literally live life im made fun given weird stares judged daily basis crushing know regardless cant even pass getting surgeries try assist impossible far foreseeable future due fucking money ever living poverty since kicked this feel lost empty dont see transition even helped see still birth gender mirror crushes daily reason keep living ill always fucking hon freak bother trying advice fucking world ever gives find new friends ignore like doesnt fucking help children look fear everyone men women alike make comments stare treat like shit fair life think chose shit cant find point go die alone nothing left give world yeah thats guess
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant life want dont desire livewell pretty straight forward post probably destroyed randoms whatever im unpassing trans person never life want which literally live life im made fun given weird stares judged daily basis crushing know regardless cant even pass getting surgeries try assist impossible far foreseeable future due fucking money ever living poverty since kicked this feel lost empty dont see transition even helped see still birth gender mirror crushes daily reason keep living ill always fucking hon freak bother trying advice fucking world ever gives find new friends ignore like doesnt fucking help children look fear everyone men women alike make comments stare treat like shit fair life think chose shit cant find point go die alone nothing left give worldyeahthats guess" ]
No quiero vivir la vida quiero no deseo livewell bastante derecho adelante post probablemente destruido al azar lo que im persona trans sin paso nunca la vida quiere que literalmente vivir la vida im hecho divertido dado extraña miradas juzgadas base aplastante saber independientemente cant incluso pasar conseguir cirugías tratar de ayudar imposible futuro previsible debido a mierda dinero siempre vivir pobreza desde pateado este sentimiento perdido vacío no ver transición incluso ayudó a ver todavía nacimiento espejo de género aplasta diariamente razón seguir viviendo enfermo siempre jon monstruo molestarse en tratar de consejo nunca da encontrar nuevos amigos ignoran como no mierda ayudar a los niños temen a todos los hombres mujeres por igual hacer comentarios mirada tratar como mierda justa vida pensar mierda elegido no puede encontrar punto ir morir solo nada izquierda dar mundo síaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
edward cat feed hngrs internet points _ _
[ "edward cat feed hngrs internet points _ _" ]
edward gato alimentación hngrs puntos de Internet _ _
wish deadeveryday get ready never finish it one day ill though know people care want continue on
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish deadeveryday get ready never finish it one day ill though know people care want continue on" ]
deseo muerto todos los días estar listo nunca terminar un día enfermo aunque saben que la gente quiere continuar
ive never sad before im really scared one else turn redditlook know sounds stupid fucking girl well life went shit mom died days later mom died always close side family barely graduated highschool plans go college lined up ended move state away personal reasons father never close per se used fight lot much anymore dont typical lets go play catch type relationship sort thing idk anyways ive lived life sad always trying fit in good friends lost moved seriously nobody anymore met girl last year really hit off moved together fell love kids everything going pretty great started arguing lot eventually accused cheating me im still sure occured not dumped january regretted it impulse barely remember it saw black tired everything didnt want take back ended getting back guy knew like years dated little while fucked over split started talking again met times sex times never went past that knew wanted back met another guy moved hours away dated while split recently started talking again initiated contact time came visit family came saw night two weeks ago stayed over laid held night couldnt even sleep couldnt believe back arms morning head back work hugged kissed her told wanted back looked like loved me told just give little time well talk lefti talked weekshed throw comments like well whatever happens cant move back state im in told idc id move mexico her finally asked thought everything told always love me shes sorry love me heart fucking broken ive spent last eight months trying hard get back thought time would girl makes happy love god damn much like shes here greatest time together like dont mean shit her shes girl makes happy cant forgive past mistakes didnt treat right confused life regret now much miss fucking bad sent long message tonight basically asking rethink things still feels same worry anymore im going delete facebook probably will wants friends ill never happy friends im starting finally realize never together again ill never hold night again ill neer tuck kids night again saddest ive ever life nothing going anymore dad still support me im years old idk anymore ive really thought redflag dont want die nothing anymore nothing dont even friends talk to help things really dont like life know shes going say no im going crushed dont wanna live anymore reddit fuck know im rambling one anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive never sad before im really scared one else turn redditlook know sounds stupid fucking girlwell life went shit mom died days later mom died always close side family barely graduated highschool plans go college lined up ended move state away personal reasons father never close per se used fight lot much anymore dont typical lets go play catch type relationship sort thing idk anyways ive lived life sad always trying fit in good friends lost moved seriously nobody anymore met girl last year really hit off moved together fell love kids everything going pretty great started arguing lot eventually accused cheating me", "im still sure occured not dumped january regretted it impulse barely remember it saw black tired everything didnt want take back ended getting back guy knew like years dated little while fucked over split started talking again met times sex times never went past that knew wanted back met another guy moved hours away dated while split recently started talking again initiated contact time came visit family came saw night two weeks ago stayed over laid held night couldnt even sleep couldnt believe back arms morning head back work hugged kissed her told wanted back looked like loved me told just give little time well talk lefti talked weekshed throw comments like well whatever happens cant move back state im in toldidc id move mexico her finally asked thought everything told always love meshes sorry love me heart fucking broken ive spent last eight months trying hard get back thought time would girl makes happy love god damn much like shes here greatest time together like dont mean shit her", "shes girl makes happy cant forgive past mistakes didnt treat right confused life regret now much miss fucking bad sent long message tonight basically asking rethink things still feels same worry anymore im going delete facebook probably will wants friends ill never happy friends im starting finally realize never together again ill never hold night again ill neer tuck kids night again saddest ive ever life nothing going anymore dad still support me im years old idk anymore ive really thought redflag dont want die nothing anymore nothingdont even friends talk to help things really dont like life know shes going sayno im going crushed dont wanna live anymore reddit fuck know im rambling one anymore" ]
vida nunca triste antes de im realmente asustado otra vuelta redditlook saber sonidos estúpido mierda chica vida bien ido mierda mamá murió días más tarde mamá murió siempre cerca de la familia apenas se graduó planes de secundaria universidad alineado fin de la mudanza estado lejos razones personales padre nunca cerrar por sí mismo utilizado mucho lucha mucho ya no típico vamos a jugar tipo de captura relación tipo idk de todos modos live vivir la vida triste siempre tratando de encajar en buenos amigos perdidos se trasladó en serio nadie más chica el año pasado realmente éxito se movió juntos niños amor todo va muy bien comenzó discutiendo mucho finalmente acusado de engañarme
well im bit pickle recently got gf first time couple weeks ago weve gotten see twice bc busy schedule strict dad meaning rlly gotten close texting well yesterday found best friend happens friend too happens one introduced us crush whole time gf feels extremely guilty told one friends feels guilty wants break up already talked friend supposedly crush seems fine nothing awkward us all get feels guilty abt rlly big deal breaking even solve anything bc im gonna date friend pity im like that rlly hope gets bc even kissed yet want break already something small thanks reading rant cant talk abt brother cuz hell call simp place get thoughts out
[ "well im bit pickle recently got gf first time couple weeks ago weve gotten see twice bc busy schedule strict dad meaning rlly gotten close texting well yesterday found best friend happens friend too happens one introduced us crush whole time gf feels extremely guilty told one friends feels guilty wants break up already talked friend supposedly crush seems fine nothing awkward us all get feels guilty abt rlly big deal breaking even solve anything bcim gonna date friend pity im like that rlly hope gets bc even kissed yet want break already something small thanks reading rant cant talk abt brother cuz hell call simp place get thoughts out" ]
Bueno, im bit pepinillo recientemente consiguió gf primera vez hace un par de semanas hemos conseguido ver dos veces bc ocupado horario estricto papá significado rlly consiguió cerca mensajes de texto bien ayer encontrado mejor amigo pasa amigo también pasa uno nos introdujo aplastamiento gf se siente extremadamente culpable dijo que un amigo se siente culpable quiere romper ya hablado amigo supuestamente aplastamiento parece bien nada incómodo nos consigue se siente culpable abt rlly gran problema romper incluso resolver cualquier cosa bcim va a salir amigo lástima im como que rlly esperanza se besa bc incluso quieren romper ya algo pequeño gracias lectura rant no puede hablar abt hermano cuz infierno llamar lugar simp
talk meim gonna post mostly posted rdepression day added effect wanting miserable life end one annoying symptoms ive got right now really really would love die idk symptom depression anxiety whatever something wanna talk about always like think something makes feel someone happy feel like gives meaning really prominent like theres massive noticeable change mood im thinking it theres always something whether im thinking gym seeing gains whether job ive applied for im always thinking keep happy often not forget it weird literally think im trying remember actually is forget is feel completely lost like meaning right really cant think something thats giving meaning really pissing annoying me sorry walk text probably makes sense whatsoever heres hoping someone understands mean idk wanna die lol
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "talk meim gonna post mostly posted rdepression day added effect wanting miserable life end one annoying symptoms ive got right now really really would love die idk symptom depression anxiety whatever something wanna talk about always like think something makes feel someone happy feel like gives meaning really prominent like theres massive noticeable change mood im thinking it theres always something whether im thinking gym seeing gains whether job ive applied for im always thinking keep happy often not forget it weird literally think im trying remember actually is forget is feel completely lost like meaning right really cant think something thats giving meaning really pissing annoying me sorry walk text probably makes sense whatsoever heres hoping someone understands mean idk wanna die lol" ]
hablar meim va a publicar mayormente publicado día rdepression efecto añadido querer miserable vida final un molesto síntomas ive conseguido ahora realmente realmente me encantaría morir idk síntomas depresión ansiedad cualquier cosa que quiera hablar de siempre como pensar algo hace sentir a alguien feliz se siente como da significado realmente prominente como Theres masivo cambio notable estado de ánimo Im pensar que siempre hay algo si yo pensar gimnasio ver ganancias si trabajo ive siempre se aplica para mí pensar mantener feliz a menudo no olvidarlo raro literalmente pensar que estoy tratando de recordar en realidad es olvidar es sentirse completamente perdido como significado derecho realmente no puedo pensar que algo que da significado realmente molesto molesto me lo siento caminar texto probablemente tiene sentido cualquier cosa aquí esperar que alguien entienda significa idk querer morir lol
heard america get paper cut ambulance drivers instantly sense it kick door force gunpoint go hospital charge much money medical bills family bankrupt generations americans confirm deny this
[ "heard america get paper cut ambulance drivers instantly sense it kick door force gunpoint go hospital charge much money medical bills family bankrupt generations americans confirm deny this" ]
oído América conseguir papel cortar conductores de ambulancia instantáneamente sentir que patear puerta fuerza punta de pistola ir hospital cobrar mucho dinero facturas médicas familias generaciones en bancarrota estadounidenses confirman negar esto
need die kill mei really cannot take anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need die kill mei really cannot take anymore" ]
Necesito morir. Matar a Mei. Realmente no puede soportarlo más.
people get mad others cheat ive never relationship know never really got people get angry
[ "people get mad others cheat ive never relationship know never really got people get angry" ]
La gente se enoja, otros engañan. Nunca se sabe que la relación nunca hace que la gente se enfade.
piece shit wanted remind piece shit wanted whole world see am thank stopping by
[ "piece shit wanted remind piece shit wanted whole world see am thank stopping by" ]
pedazo mierda quería recordar pedazo mierda quería todo el mundo ver estoy gracias por pasar
want neon lights bad theyre expensive tho look cool
[ "want neon lights bad theyre expensive tho look cool" ]
Quiero luces de neón mal son caro tho mirada fresca
contemplating everything going downhill getting worse day im best think positive take action fix stuff everything try fails takes lot calm work problems actions fail get even discouraged like constantly everything failing matter hard try im tipping point rn cant take much suffering even people around me cant keep suffering long cuz people care matter anymore change anything want end
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "contemplating everything going downhill getting worse day im best think positive take action fix stuff everything try fails takes lot calm work problems actions fail get even discouraged like constantly everything failing matter hard try im tipping point rn cant take much suffering even people around me cant keep suffering long cuz people care matter anymore change anything want end" ]
Contemplar todo lo que va cuesta abajo empeorando día I mejor pensar positivo tomar acción arreglar cosas todo intento falla toma mucho calma problemas de trabajo las acciones fallan incluso se desalientan como constantemente todo fracaso importa duro intentar im punto de inflexión rn no puede tomar mucho sufrimiento incluso la gente a mi alrededor no puede seguir sufriendo largo cuz la gente importa más cambiar cualquier cosa quiere terminar
everything prepared done less hour left lifeall letters written written money transfered help want help good quality meter rope bought noose already made location chosen waiting everyone go sleep ill finally free goodbye
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everything prepared done less hour left lifeall letters written written money transfered help want help good quality meter rope bought noose already made location chosen waiting everyone go sleep ill finally free goodbye" ]
Todo preparado hecho menos hora izquierda vida todas las cartas por escrito dinero transferencia de ayuda quieren ayuda buena calidad metro cuerda compra dogales ya hecho lugar elegido esperando todos van a dormir mal finalmente libre adiós
think might need helpi dont know else go this im im newly minted lawyer corporate work past year this feel im cut profession screw lot work get yelled daily basis work hour days weekdays hours weekends wake every morning sense dread force bed every time get work email heart flutters panic want quit bad debts pay off also saving money go grad school im america law undergraduate degree im from feel like im qualified anything else practice law even though whats making miserable feel weak speak people everyone else know coworkers law school friends seems coping well work dont time friends family past months people ive spoken people work feel like complaining get decent paycheck feel completely worthless unmotivated anything now dont know improve work also find cant bring try more lie bed weekend mornings used rise early exercise meet friends sometimes skip meals tell dont deserve eat times im worrying much work dont appetite im also gay used think redflag teenager homosexual activity illegal here gay may cost job may grounds getting disbarred came friends family got support acceptance happy high school university days scares thoughts redflag coming back me familiar misery started creep back life thought ready happy dont know deal this feel like im cracking dont want to parents need right keep telling strong them im also exhausted would really like advice deal this thank you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think might need helpi dont know else go this im im newly minted lawyer corporate work past year this feel im cut profession screw lot work get yelled daily basis work hour days weekdays hours weekends wake every morning sense dread force bed every time get work email heart flutters panic want quit bad debts pay off also saving money go grad school im america law undergraduate degree", "im from feel like im qualified anything else practice law even though whats making miserable feel weak speak people everyone else know coworkers law school friends seems coping well work dont time friends family past months people ive spoken people work feel like complaining get decent paycheck feel completely worthless unmotivated anything now dont know improve work also find cant bring try more lie bed weekend mornings used rise early exercise meet friends sometimes skip meals tell dont deserve eat times im worrying much work dont appetite im also gay used think redflag teenager homosexual activity illegal here gay may cost job may grounds getting disbarred came friends family got support acceptance happy high school university days scares thoughts redflag coming back me familiar misery started creep back life thought ready happy dont know deal this feel like im cracking dont want to parents need right keep telling strong themim also exhausted would really like advice deal this thank you" ]
Creo que podría necesitar ayuda no saber más ir esta im im recién acuñado abogado trabajo corporativo el año pasado esta sensación im corte profesión tornillo mucho trabajo se grita diario base trabajo horas días de semana días horas fines de semana despertar cada mañana sentido terror fuerza cama cada vez conseguir trabajo correo electrónico agitados pánico quieren dejar de deudas malas pagar también ahorrar dinero ir a la escuela de posgrado im américa derecho grado
mind might racing bit kinda know whats wrong right now know make time take get fixedi depression anxiety im currently go trials medications trying figure works best taking one x going pretty well felt pretty good still much energy sleep off nurse practioners suggestion decided try another medication p thinking hey get even better plan p would like x would give get go coming x preparation start p mgx mg started going withdrawals felt really depressed crushing amounts unreasonable guilt body got adjusted mg x added first mg p feel good at one point wanted get hospital also period starting x feel good either tried power it increased dosage im mgx mgp the mgx case p work out feel terrible sleep hours wake afternoon feel exhausted suddenly get energy stay morning motivation chores feel tired depressed day right past midnight feeling makes want punch everything fun might sound theres doubt mind p causing this monday morning see nurse practitioner again cancel p then long take come shake withdrawals go back mgx felt bad withdrawals x how feel going withdrawals medication already makes feel like shit long deal it know expect ill get it think might get emergency bag packed might go hospital medication sorted im evened again however long be
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "mind might racing bit kinda know whats wrongright now know make time take get fixedi depression anxietyim currently go trials medications trying figure works best taking one x going pretty well felt pretty good still much energy sleep off nurse practioners suggestion decided try another medication p thinking hey get even better plan p would like x would give get go coming x preparation start p mgx mg started going withdrawals felt really depressed crushing amounts unreasonable guilt body got adjusted mg x added first mg p feel good at one point wanted get hospital also period starting x feel good either tried power it increased dosage im mgx mgp the mgx case p work out feel terrible sleep hours wake afternoon feel exhausted suddenly get energy stay morning motivation chores feel tired depressed day right past midnight feeling makes want punch everything fun might sound theres doubt mind p causing this monday morning see nurse practitioner again cancel p then long take come shake withdrawals go back mgx felt bad withdrawalsx", "how feel going withdrawals medication already makes feel like shit long deal it know expect ill get it think might get emergency bag packed might go hospital medication sorted im evened again however long be" ]
mente podría correr poco poco saben lo que está mal ahora saben hacer tiempo tomar la depresión fija ansiim actualmente ir ensayos medicamentos tratando de figura funciona mejor tomar una x yendo bastante bien todavía mucho energía dormir fuera de los practicantes de la enfermera sugerencia decidió intentar otro medicamento p pensar hey conseguir incluso mejor plan p quisiera x dar ir venir x preparación inicio p mgx mg comenzó a ir retiradas se sintió realmente deprimido aplastamiento cantidades poco razonable cuerpo se ajustó mg x añadido primero mg p sentirse bien en un punto quería tener hospital también período de inicio x sentirse bien o probado potencia aumento de dosis im mgx mgp el caso mgx p trabajar sentir terrible sueño horas despertar tarde se siente agotado repentinamente conseguir energía estancia mañana motivación que se siente cansado día deprimido justo después de la medianoche sensación quiere golpear todo lo divertido podría sonar duda mente p causar este lunes doctor enfermera de nuevo cancelar p entonces largo tomar retiradas ir atrás mgx se siente mal retiradasx